#shithead teacher
marimeeko · 4 days
What if Katsuki and Izuku ran into their teacher from Aldera one day, and he was over the moon with how he "raised up not one but two great heroes, let alone ones who defeated the greatest evils of their era"
And he's like vigorously shaking Izuku's hand, and izuku is being his nervous self but taking the praise politely,
Katsuki can't help but feel sick about those days. Hindsight of growing up tells him that the adult in the room, this teacher, shouldn't have encouraged and ignored blatant bullying that he and others had put Izuku through for being Quirkless.
Katsuki takes every ounce of responsibility for his own past actions, of course, and is not about to export blame, but he can't help but feel a twinge of disdain for the man now shaking Izukus hand and going on about how he guided him on the path to greatness when he did less than nothing to help Izuku.
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felikatze · 5 months
that poll reminding me. not so secret feli lore i'm sure i've talked about this before. but one time in school a guy confessed his love to me as a joke (i knew it was a joke because he was part of a clique that Could Not Stand my autism swag) and he did it in front of my friends, with his friends watching from a distance, and the scenario was so absurd i started laughing at him.
Like full on fucking ojou-sama hand to my face laugh. For several minutes. It was the funniest shit to ever happen to me I just did not know how to react.
Obviously this embarrassed him and he went back to his friends. Idk how they reacted to this but over the next few weeks he would try to confess several more times. I would still laugh at him but then it got annoying. So I'd just start kicking him. Every single time he got near me and opened his mouth I would kick him in the shins. Guy was a football player but I still did it. If it came to a fight he could've kicked my ass easy i am a twig but my sheer ferocious moxie scared him.
One math teacher fucking hated this guy for being the "class clown" (read: calling everything gay and autistic as the height of comedy) so she sat us next to each other on purpose and actually gave me permission to kick him if he was being annoying.
This all came to a head on the day my best friend whom I'd had a secret crush on got rejected by HER crush, and she was crying. So to stop people from badgering her I made a distraction. I challenged my nemesis to a duel in the hallway in front of the chemistry rooms. The entire class could hear. Everybody focused on me over my crush trying to wipe her eyes around the corner.
I kept calling him a coward as he ran away from me (presumably out of fear, or because he knew that if he did fight me, he would win, but i would 100% kick him in the balls first). When the chemistry teacher arrived she made us apologize to each other and I no longer had permission to kick him publicly but the damage was done. I had a Reputation. I was Feared. I was the quiet nerd teacher's pet until anybody fucking looked at me wrong.
At the end of that school year, that entire clique decided to graduate early (which you can do, since minimum school attendance is 10yrs, and we were in 10th grade). So many students left and/or changed schools that the principal personally asked the rest of us if everything was okay. This was probably because they all had shit grades and wanted to go to an easier school, but I hated them and choose to believe my warfare efforts were also a cause for this.
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thedisablednaturalist · 5 months
Banning LGBTQ+ content and people from the public view kills children
Refusing to teach comprehensive sex education kills children
Refusing to put limits on firearms/assault weapons kills children
Defunding social safety nets kills children
Homeschooling with no oversight kills children
Punishing staying home when sick kills children
Not masking in public kills children
Sweatshops and exploitative farming kills children
Lack of universal healthcare kills children
Banning the use of puberty blockers kills children
Forced birth kills children
Crumbling infrastructure especially in underfunded schools due to income tax cuts for the wealthy kills children
Environmental racism, climate change, and pollution kill children
Antivaxxers kill children
War kills children
Displacement kills children
Homelessness kills children
Genital mutilation of intersex babies kills children
Nuclear weapons kill children
Genocide kills children
Industrial deregulation kills children
Naturalization/assimilation kills children
Denial of amnesty kills children
Separation from family kills children
Antisemitism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia and racism kills children
Why do you only care about kids when they aren't born yet?
I know, it's because you'd rather your kid be dead than possibly go against your personal beliefs.
I know, because only certain groups of kids are dying
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heliianth · 5 months
what is the bullshit psychology behind me loving to do something on my own but the second i have an obligation to do it, its the worst most soul sucking experience on earth. its like i was just built to be unhappy <- i guess thats the point of capitalism in general but still
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snailfishingg · 4 months
It’s 2 am, I’m thinking about how much I hate phrase “use your words”
Mostly because it was always said to me when I was:
1. Having a panic attack
2. Overwhelmed and overstimulated
3. Struggling with my selective mutism
It’s worse when an adult says it to you when you’re a small child who was clearly struggling and WANTED to speak but COULDNT
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shallanspren · 5 months
getting out my masters graduation robes bc i gotta wear them for the graduation at the uni i work for. i need to iron them. i am also gleefully anticipating the uni president getting heckled the shit out of when he gets up to talk for calling full riot police to a peaceful protest three days straight.
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luxsmall · 2 years
Being in a class about autism while being autistic is like peeping onto people talking shit about you :)
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pa-pa-plasma · 1 year
does anyone know if introducing AI into middle school classrooms as a teacher in Canada is a fireable offence or is my cousin extra super lying
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areyoudoingthis · 1 year
I understand 100% of nothing
#my plans for today were coming home straight from work and taking a nap before my doctor's appointment#instead they involved staying an extra hour at work because there was chaos with my first years#some of them were being absolute shitheads to one of their classmates who's adopted and has two dads#and a coworker made me reconsider my entire understanding of the universe by informing me that the former principal that i thought the#world of and who made me fall in love with teaching again is apparently being an asshole to everyone now because she quit (on purpose.#because she wanted to. because she became a school inspector) and the school has a new principal#which like?????? what did you think was going to happen???????#what did you expect us to do??????#what do you mean you care more about your own ego than about the children you taught me should be the center of everything we do#i don't even know how to begin processing anything that happened today#and my coworker was a shithead too on top of everything else cause she was like what school are you working at???? how come you don't know#any of this????#WELL WAS IT ON THE NEWSPAPER CAROL#how the hell was i supposed to know no one fucking told me#and I'm upset that no one bothered to inform me the school and therefore us as teachers are apparently under attack#i don't need the stupid gossip but someone should have told me I'm apparently working under hostile circumstances and parents may randomly#decide to pick on me#I'm just so mad at everyone grown ups are the fucking worst kids are absolutely right#anyway i didn't need to see my therapist about my parents being assholes but i need to talk to her after this#alex txt
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hacknet · 1 year
genuinely family youtube channels and tv shows are unethical and any parents or studios who have one need to be killed zero fucking exceptions
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oneknightlight · 2 years
You know how do teachers get away with so much like. Blatant bullying? I was just thinking about my middle school experience and realizing that if another student would’ve behaved towards me as the teachers did, they would’ve been called to the principals office and punished.
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heirofnepeta · 2 years
My teacher knows I've been gone for 2 days and still let me go up to the office, where I have to wait till 12 to see my counselor bc I'm being ✨bullied✨
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hislittleraincloud · 4 months
why would i miss an old pedophile? i'm talking about you, dumbass who does nothing to protect these girls but write long ass tumblr posts
What the fuck is it exactly that you want me to do? I came down on dickn0t the second his mask slipped to me (I am not a tween/teen who spends all day girlblogging, I only see what I see when I log in and check my fyp/fp).
I'm fucking busy as fuck with my writings and my life hasn't exactly been fucking easy these past few months (I can tell you're not even a follower...if you were, you'd know all of this shit). It's never fucking easy. So what in fuck's name do you want from me? Just say what you want from me already so I can tell you to fuck off again.
What's your real beef with me, since you're creating this weird expectation that I should be doing more than I can? You calling him a pedophile doesn't buffer the Nick Fan vibe you've given off since you started shitting into my inbox.
Never mind. Don't bother answering. The next Ask you send me will be ignored/deleted. Fuck right off.
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ghostighostly · 7 months
Going to send my it teacher to super hell
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ddurandals · 1 year
i will attempt byzantian punishments on the next person who makes fun of body hair, do not fucking test me bitch.
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firedancewithme · 5 months
i honestly think that Gorgug bullying Mary Ann is a good thing for the fandom bc i see so many of you guys being like "oh he's so sweet he would never hurt a fly", still treating him like he had no evolution since the first day of freshman year and the tinfoil flower... wrong. Gorgug is as capable of being a shithead as any of the others. he's a tall strong teenager who could very well turn into a bully if he wanted to, just like any of us, and who keeps getting pushed into it by his teacher and even his friends. Gorgug's road to self-affirmation cannot be brought forward without casualties, otherwise his narrative arc wouldn't have any weight ; this is a character who grew up being taught that you have to make yourself smaller, to always be kind and nice and arranging to others, while the general public kept seeing him as this big threatening monster !! of course he's going to take up some bad behaviors on the way of breaking free out of that. i hope he keeps having outbursts until the bad kids are forced to realize that it's not so fun anymore and to actually intervene.
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