#cant wait to be homeschooled tbh
heirofnepeta · 2 years
My teacher knows I've been gone for 2 days and still let me go up to the office, where I have to wait till 12 to see my counselor bc I'm being ✨bullied✨
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juneberrie · 1 year
np! u deserve it sm 💗💗 n no way u're on summer break? i'm so jealous - i'm homeschooled now but when i was at school our summer holiday started in july? do u have any summer plans or anything xx
i've just gotten back from italy which was great + my mum runs this group for unschooled kids that my brother goes to so we're having a camp out + going to the beach together in july <3
braces r so cute istg but i bet ur glad to have them off! + that sounds so fun what are the options for the songs?
no i totally get that, i'm technically part of a pretty big friend group but since i've left school i'm the one that has to reach out to them. like i've tried a few times to meet up the last few weeks but they don't seem to want to. growing apart from someone is really difficult at first, but sometimes it's just time <33 - 💜
theres no way i would ever be able to wait until july 😭 im already so done w school in like april. uhh aside from camp / my bday im moving to another state right at the beginning of july!!
omg thats so cool!! i havent been to italy since i was a kid and we went to visit my cousins but i wanna go so bad omg (im half italian 🤭)
omg i am glad but now whenever i eat something i subconsciously try to get the food out of my braces and i CANT because i dont have them anymore its so trippy 😭
omg the songs r
lifeboat (heathers)
what's wrong with me? (mean girls)
watch what happens (newsies)
right finger (mean girls)
sugar cloud (ride the cyclone)
seventeen (heathers)
santa fe (newsies)
dead mom (beetlejuice)
yeah, but tbh i got over it a while ago 😭 i feel like that makes me a bad friend but tbh i get over things super quickly lmao
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lovvegood-a · 5 years
                       she had this weird habit of being herself all the time ;                                        that’s why not everyone liked her
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hunter schafer : transwoman : she/her : student : the wind by pj harvey ϟ did you see luna lovegood ? you know, 21 year old halfblood who is in ravenclaw . some say she can be quite innovative but are known to be blunt. they have publicly declared they are aligned with the order . maybe that’s why they remind me of green grass tickling bare feet, spring flowers, locking hands with the ones you love, a watery moon against a morning sky. ϟ penned by mar : 22 : gmt+2 : she/her
LINKS – pinboard, stats. CHARACTER PARALLELS – orla mccool ( derry girls ), allison dufresnes ( the little friend ), phoebe buffay ( friends ), misty day ( ahs: coven ), dale cooper ( twin peaks ), murray bauman ( stranger things ) HEYO – just a little heads up that there’s some triggers in here ( mainly death, trauma and dissociation ) but i will trigger warn them at every bulletpoint they come up in. also hi!!! i’m mar and this is my daughter luna eeek.
the first nine years of luna’s life were nothing short of happy. growing up with free minded parents --- a mother who invented spells and who dared to expand possibility and a father who wrote about things others thought untrue and silly without ever doubting them --- was a carefree ordeal. if luna wanted to paint on the walls, she was given supplies. if she had a question, she got all the answers she needed. her home twisted and curled and twirled and luna danced herself dizzy while skipping stairs, ran through the grass around her home until all the colours started to bleed. she grew radishes and plums and potatoes in her backyard, listened to her father’s teachings and her mother’s advice, wrote stories and read more. life was good, carefree, an ideal world to grow up in.
DEATH TW, TRAUMA TW / and then, at nine years old, her mother died. luna watched a spell backfire, saw a flash, heard a bang, and then she was hammering on her mother’s chest, screaming for her father to come help, screaming at her mother to wake up. death happened both incredibly quickly and slowly, and luna didn’t understand what was happening, except for one thing: her mother was gone, one way or another.
luna didn’t know what to do with this sudden loss, with this gap, with the memories of a flash and a bang. she grew quiet and good at being on her own, and started painting more and more. she combated flashbacks during the day, only to have them at night as she slept. she clung to the idea that her mother would return one day ( which she still believes ), but it was taking so long --- every day she would wake up and her mother would still be gone.
luna was traumatised, but it would take years for her to figure it out. the years before she left for hogwarts were hard. she was lonely, in a different way that she would be once she arrived at school. her dynamic with her father shifted. luna learned how to look after herself. she made herself cups of warm milk when she couldn’t sleep and cooked her father dinner and tried to understand what death was, exactly. no books answered her questions. her father couldn’t, either. death was inexplicable, and that was frustrating, because there seemed to be an answer to everything, especially in her world. END OF TWS
luna came out as trans when she was ten to her father, and he took her hands and didn’t let go all the way through. he didn’t question her. he accepted her, because that was what he had always done, and he found options and steps to take and listened, listened, listened.
luna loves her father. so much. she always has, always will.
she was homeschooled in her teen years, spending time on her father’s side, helping him with the quibbler, and spending more time on her own, reading books and exploring her tiny world step by step. luna lived quite an isolated life, in all honesty, but she didn’t mind? she didn’t really feel lonely, or even knew what that would feel like. there was her dad, and the stray animals that were always around, and sometimes friends of her dad, and no, maybe not a lot of people her age --- but she didn’t mind. i want to link this quote from it because it just! rly reminds me of this.
luna left for hogwarts, both scared and worried for her father ( now all alone in their tall home ) and excited for all the opportunity that was waiting for her there. luna was sorted into ravenclaw very quickly, the hat barely taking any time, and a new chapter began. she noticed that she was odd — or, actually, other people noticed that she was and told it to her, and she shrugged her shoulders and kept moving on. luna was somewhat reclusive, or at least used to being on her own. she did learn what loneliness was, then, but she still didnt see a reason to befriend people who looked down on her beliefs. she didn’t mind being called loony, but when her belongings started to disappear, she grew angry, deep down. she let most comments and acts of cruelty slide off her back, but when a bad word was muttered about her father ( who she already worried so so much about ), she was prone to explosion.
so luna stuck to herself, her guns and her beliefs. she devoured books and walked the hogwarts grounds and connected to a few people here and there. luna’s skin grew thicker. she grew prouder.
regarding the triwizard tournament & currently
after harry returned from the maze with cedric, luna spent no time doubting his words. she saw what she saw, and the prophet and ministry are doing what they’ve always done: they lie. that’s something she’s known all her life ( thanks xeno! ) and something that’s just being reaffirmed.
DISSOCIATION TW  / it’s scary, though, this reality --- but luna feels an urgency for what seems like the first time in years. ever since her mother’s death, luna has felt a disconnection. to herself. to the world. everything feels like a hazy dream much too often, and it’s something that she’s never really been aware of, but it’s kept her from engaging. from being more present. it’s protected her from the trauma that’s still haunting her head. this war, it both triggers her dissociation and seems to dissolve it. whereas before, she seemed to be stuck in a constant haze, she now goes in and out of it. it’s making her aware of what’s going on in her head, but it’s mostly making her aware of the world around her. 
this is what pushes her to join the order. to join the fight. luna feels an urgency, and she’s angry, because injustice is something that enrages her. she’s scared and angry and feels so fucking alive, and it’s strange, that it takes this for her to feel less lonely and more alive. END OF TW
personality & details
luna is such a fashion icon, i cannot press this enough. holy. shit.
i just ... realised it’s the 00s. luna def wears dresses over jeans.... sighs. IMAGINE LUNA IN A JUICY TRACKSUIT JUST. IMAGINE! 
and like it’s not like luna ... adheres to fashion trends at all, but still. i think ‘03 fashion rly suits luna bc it’s so   bad  sdjkfhskdjf
luna loves the stars and the moon and the skies and she’s endlessly intrigued by it because —— there are so many unanswered questions! same goes for deep sea, tbh. she wants to go scuba diving so badly as well! the muggle way!
i just want to let u all in on my headcanon that luna and binns ... have had a lot of discussions because luna just thinks that a lot of the things they’re taught in history are WRONG. this conspiracy theory filled kid just goes in and says “that didn’t happen” and i swear binns probably wants to die a second time every time she denies factual information (but then ... the history being taught in school being wrong? or at least very much biased? not unheard of. she has a POINT. well. sometimes.) the founders, for example? a hoax. a fable! 
she constantly gets rly bad grades on her essays tho LMAO it’s an Issue. i bet that flitwick is so TIRED. 
idk i probs have more to say but i cant remember and i need to go out and do groceries fjsdkjfhdsf 
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im2tired4usernames · 7 years
was tagged by @golurkkoopa
Last Drink:
Last Phone Call:
endocrinologist still getting used to my pump
Last Text Message: (I’m counting IM)
my friend olive
Last Song You Listened:
god damn it to hell Thomas the tank engine has been own all day and they keep playing some song about being " down by the dockside"
Last Time I Cried:
last night or early this morning
Dated Someone Twice:
that is databatable 
Been Cheated On:
Kissed Someone and Regretted It:
I didnt kiss him I said no and stop but he didnt care or liestion 
Lost Someone Special:
yes very important people in my life
Been Depressed:
Who hasn’t in this economy
Been Drunk and Thrown Up:
nah I don’t and cant dink
Made a New Friend:
YES, the Vagaband and Birb bros <3<3<3
Fallen Out of Love:
Laughed Until You Cried:
Met Someone Who Changed You:
yes but not for the best tbh
Found Out Who Your True Friends Were:
Found Out Someone Was Talking About You:
I mean??? I had a couple people on here post call out posts on why I'm problematic but other than that nah????
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life?:
Do you have any pets?:
1 cat named Kitca a Dog named Indiana Jones  (indy) and a lone chicken survivor named Queen Fluffbutt nuggets 
Do you want to change your name?:most likely no im slowly learning to grow into it
What time did you wake up this morning? :
1 am
What were you doing last night?:
babysitting :p
Name something you cannot wait for:
actually getting to hang out with my friends someday
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom:
Yes four and every one of them were kinda a dick
What’s getting on your nerves rn?:
currently just stupid drama going on right now
Blood type:
129 going down
pip???? I normally just go by linds
Zodiac sign: 
leo cusp virgo rising
she/they currently trying to figure that out 
Favourite tv show:
dr who though I haven't kept up with it  literally haven't watched a star trek series I've disliked yet though
High school:
hair color:
Long or short:
it changes
Do you have a crush on someone:
What do you like about yourself:
im one hell of a baker and that's about it
I’m about to:
do more laundary
Listening to:
my siblings fight over mario kart and the mariokart music
Waiting for:
the laundry to finish drying
Want kids:
Maybe I flip back and forth kinda been raising other people's kids since I was a little kid but having a lil family dose sound real nice
Get married:
yes very much so
animation I have stories I want to share with the world also voice acting and baking would be cool but mostly animation
First surgery:
golly I've had so many maybr my arm or guts dose oral surgery count?
First piercing:
First best friend:
ree or julia
First sport you joined:
I was never put into sports
First vacation:
it was at a local lake I was maybe seven
First pair of sneakers:
who keeps track of that
Lips or eyes:  eyes Hugs or kisses: Hugs are always welcome from friends but I wouldn't mind kisses from someone... Shorter or taller: Don’t care Older or younger: Don’t care Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic Sensitive or loud: I don't know what this means? Hook up or relationship: Relationship Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant
Kissed a stranger: Nope Drank hard liquor: maybe like a curious sip to see what it taste like but it was gross so never again Lost glasses/contacts: Don’t need em Sex on first date: never im ace Broken someones heart: mmmm yes a couple times and I hate hate hate myself for it even if two of them kinda were scum suckers Been arrested: no but I've gotten kicked out of stores before  Turned someone down: Yes, a lot actually I really hate it very much Fallen for a friend: Yes, a lot.
In yourself:
I really really really want to
Love at first sight:
not really
Santa Claus:
not anymore stopped when I was twelve or thirteen my parents sat me down and told me it was all a lie and I've never been happy since
mmmm ima tag @bittersweet-mojo @chemical-hysteria @mindfulwrath 
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gtforubie · 4 years
im so stressed
i cant handle being under pressure and given so much to do by a certain time.
my fucking internal which was given to me only a few days ago is due tomorrow and i have the attention span of a gold fish making this so hard to do and so long to do. im onto task 2 and i already know im going to be here all fucking day doing it because my brain just cant process any bloody thing. here i am wasting my time writing my thoughts, watching a movie series and sleeping all the time. counting my calories and trying to lose weight to be smaller. fuck. 
i just want this to be over and done with, soon enough ill be back in a normal school again. no more homeschool which will be so nice because im honestly so behind in school. i have no idea what im doing in any of my subjects, i miss being in class and actually learning. im a visual learner so this is really difficult for me, i can only pay some what attention in class. i already know this is gonna take a long time for me to get back to normal. i wanna have the lunch times, a routine, the fun classes, the shit classes, the passing time to get to my next class. ugh i miss highschool.
i really do hope i get into that new school. first all girls catholic school! itll be interesting, considering my parents cant afford the private school i wanna go to, this is the best next bet. ill be with 3 of my close friends and it should be really chill and fun. i dont need to worry about fucking disgusting boys who are cunt bags all the fucking time. plus i dont think ill need to impress much too which will be so refreshing but i still want to look nice and presentable. itll take awhile for me to get to school but thats okay, i get a blazer which ive never had before so im really looking forward to that honestly. 
i need to start working out again. but my motivation is literally nothing. i cant even get out of bed to clean my room or put dishes away that have been building up. i just lay in bed waiting for the days to pass. i def survive off other peoples energy like being around my friends thats what keeps me sane tbh. i dont even think sports will be back on for quite awhile. lockdown is lifted in 9 days but then we go to level 3 which is when shops are open, no gatherings, social distancing and everything else. i just dont get it honestly. i wanna go back to level 2 or 1 but who knows how long itll take for us to finally get back to those levels. it could take days? weeks? months?  dont even know. i do feel as though things will go back to normal around may. which is next month and 17 days away. i feel as though thatll be a good time for us to go back down to level 2 or who knows we may go back to level 2 like 2 weeks after. so we are talking around another month of this isolation suff.
i miss my friends. i miss going out. i miss making plans. this all used to be a joke because we didnt think it would happen to us. our cases went from 10-1000 in less than 3 weeks. which is insane. i wanna be able to dress up and go see my friends, having pizza and drinking coffee. my diet has changed alot since being in iso well of course because i want to lose weight and get down a size. but i would literally have like 3-5 iced mochas which is around 300-400 calories on the weekend and then i will just eat junk, along with drinking alcohol which is just more and more calories. one thing i made a rule for myself - dont drink my calories. my wallet is pretty happy with this too! saving money but tbh i need more. i just dont know how to make money right now. i can apply for a job. ill apply for one when we are around a month out of lockdown and everything is more safe. i think i need to start getting the low calorie alcohol, because its 79 calories per bottle for this certain drink which is pretty good for alcohol honestly. 
gosh i cant wait for all of this to calm down. here are some things im looking forward to. 
the first party out of isolation , the first hug from my friends , the first pres , the first boba , tame impala concert , sound splash , new years , summer , tanning , surgery , long car rides. 
it sounds like a fucking master piece for what is planned. i already have my plans for when i get out of isolation and everything. im not sure who is throwing the first party back but i really do hope its good. i cant wait to just be able to go out again. itll be so much fun hoenstly. like going to the wharf and watching the sunset with all of my favourtie people seems like a dream right now. im just over being on my phone all the time and locked up in here, it sucks balls! 
im going to avoid public transport for quite a bit since that will be very risky since that is like number one community transmission. ive got to be careful when going out. no sharing food, drinks, wiping down everything, hand sanitiser, washing hands and everything.
okay now i actually need to go do my internal but im sure youll see me back soon enough talking about some other shit lol 
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