#shipping forecasts
starshapedjello · 6 months
🥵Scorpio Mars🥵
💥Knew about s3x from an early age
💥Secret s3xal encounters
💥everyone is attracted to them secretly
💥Naturally a bad a$$
💥Don’t fck with them, bc THEY WILL go off with out pause (natural fighter)
💥Ooze s3xuality with out even trying
💥Knows how to make you O (just knows)
💥Obsessed with their object of affection and WILL obtain them no matter how long it takes (seriously willing to obsess for over two decades)
💥Oh you broke up with them? You’re dead to them now. You never existed.
💥NATURAL RESEARCHER will find out EVERYTHING on their crushes
💥Knows everything about your crushes, too.
💥Knows everything about everyone
💥Naturally psychic
💥Acts on instincts
💥Not afraid to act
💥Has no fear
💪One of the most powerful mars signs, so watch out 💋
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kissingfictionalwomen · 7 months
Imagine it's raining and you didn't bring an umbrella, and when your f/o notices, they offer to share theirs with you.
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The Shipping Forecast and The Case of the Two Undead Twinks
With the three of us once again united, the forecasters return to our foots to talk about an issue close to our hearts: British Twinks that solve mysteries.
oin us in our Dead Boy Detectives episode, as Grace gets so invested in a ship that she forgets we're recording. James comes to terms with the fact he is 'The Charles' (but only in that he is posh and bossy), and Nick embarks on a quest to find a Dead Boys/Columbo fic (and learns to serve cunt along the way).
If that sounds your thing, the full episode is here:
And here
And all the other podcast places too!
And as a reminder, if you've got anything you'd like us to talk about feel free to send it in, either through our DMs or to our email ([email protected]), and if you've got any fics you'd like us to read or do a dramatic reading of, we'd love to see them too!
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toxictoxicities · 11 months
*Tap tap* Hey, can we please have some more silly APL and/or APL x Repurposed CW crackship stuff? 👉👈
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of course~
RCW: @revolvius / @rw-repurposed
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victusinveritas · 10 months
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It's oddly soothing to follow the shipping forecast (map above) from SE Iceland to Trafalgar.
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nostalgia-tblr · 11 months
"but why do people ship -"
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elapsed-spiral · 1 year
Title: Very Poor, Becoming Good (Ch 1/4) Rating: Explicit Pairing: Ed/Stede Summary:
Aspiring Gentleman Backpacker Stede Bonnet is adventure bound when he meets fellow traveller Ed Teach at an empty hostel. Now if they could just find the owner... Modern AU about heartbreak, loneliness and starting over. Unbetaed.
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dyingrockpoems · 3 months
Time lurches forward,
Swift, Wilde, school five years ago
And mindlessness five years from now,
Warmth, or death? Sink or swim? 
Don’t get distracted by that.
Take your sertraline, keep your head high,
(Don’t slouch; it makes you look old)
March to the beat of the drum;
Rockall. Malin. Cromarty. Dogger.
Those chants, the ever louder chants,
Keep me moving forward, 
Forward, forward, stop. Back?
I forgot something. I can change the world - 
scratch the box - 
That’ll do it. Why would you think otherwise?
Space burns. Time burns.
Building a universe out of the embers 
Blown with a strong solar gale.
North-westerly 5 to 7,
Wintry showers, rain and snow for a time,
Good, becoming moderate or poor.
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Sailing by (Ronald Binge) live BBC Concert Orchestra. Shipping Forecast theme BBC Radio 4
This is "Sailing By" composed by Ronald Binge in 1963, and performed live by the BBC Concert Orchestra conducted by John Wilson. This theme is used by the BBC for its late night shipping forecast on Radio 4
The Shipping Forecast is a BBC Radio broadcast of weather reports and forecasts for the seas around the British Isles. It is produced by the Met Office and broadcast by BBC Radio 4 on behalf of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. The forecast dates back over 150 years. There are currently four broadcasts per day at the following (UK local) times: 00:48, 05:20, 12:01, and 17:54.
In the forecast, the waters around the British Isles are divided into 31 sea areas, also known as weather areas. The forecast begins by listing areas with gale warnings, followed by a general synopsis of pressure areas, then a forecast for each individual sea area covering wind speed and direction, precipitation, and visibility. Extended forecasts at 00:48 and 05:20 include information from coastal weather stations and inshore waters.
The unique and distinctive presentation style of these broadcasts has led to their attracting an audience much wider than that directly interested in maritime weather conditions. It is frequently referred to and parodied in British popular culture.
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federer7 · 2 years
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The Shipping Forecast: Sunday 25 July 1993. West or southwest 3 or 4, increasing 5 or 6. Showers. Good, Tyne, England.
Photo: Mark Power
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starshapedjello · 5 months
Can you PLEASE help try and understand why I find it so hard to tell if my collegue likes me? He's told me he isn't the one to chase a women and that he would wait for someone who meets his standards to go for him. There's this flirtiness between us and have deep conversations, but I just dont wanna make the first move without more signs..He's a Scorpio Sun, Capricorn Venus, Libra Mars. Help me understand some signs if I should go for it. Im personally a Aries sun, Taurus Venus and Scorpio Mars
You know, that’s really tough.
It’s the ol’ Aries in love with the Scorpio.
I’m an Aries and I was once in love with a Scorpio. We slept around a bunch, but he never relationshipped me, which is what I wanted!
In the end, it was very traumatic.
In synastry, Aries make a Quincunx aspect with Scorpio. It’s when 2 planets are 150degrees apart.
Here is a quote from online:
//“Here’s what makes Quincunxs challenging aspects: “Quincunx have nothing in common, like two irreconcilable notions,” says DeFranco. //
I do think Quincunx is a very hot 🥵 aspect, but it seems like the signs can barely understand each other.
Aries is DIRECT energy. Scorpio is INDIRECT energy. What they have in common is that they’re both ruled by MARS. 🔥 (but Scorpio is also ruled by Pluto in modern astrology)
The only advice I can give you is to tell you about the mistakes I made in my situationship with a Scorpio, since I have never successfully dated one:
1. Don’t insult them. Aries can get this way sometimes. We are hot headed and impatient and we want what we want. And sometimes we do it just to flirt or seem funny. Insults roll off us, so why not them? It will not roll off them. They will hold onto it for eternity. That’s the Pluto in them.
2. Don’t sleep with them. Scorpios are s3xy individuals and they know this. But s3x isn’t what they’re after — they’re looking for a deeper connection. They want soul mate energy. S3x is nothing to them compared to MAKING LOVE! They want to bare their all to someone. They want to feel HELD and CHERISHED. They understand the difference of “just s3x” and they think it’s cheap, even though they indulge in it constantly (double standards). They want to be with someone that they can see themselves starting a family with, so they’re not looking for a loose woman. They test people.
3. Above all else: Be their friend first. You can’t force someone to love you, tragically. But you do have the control to be someone’s friend. Scorpios are terribly misunderstood and more than anything they want that friend they can talk to anything about. Be patient. Give them their space. Go on a nature walk with them. (Pretty sure they enjoy quiet areas with nature). Invite them to hang out and do peaceful things together (since they’re a water sign, they are very sensitive to energies and can’t be around too many ppl for too long). They like to pretend they’re tough, but they’re soft. Way more soft than an Aries can even admit to be.
4. Be vulnerable with them. This is a very challenging thing for an Aries to do — being vulnerable. We spend our whole lives pretending we are TOUGH AS NAILS AND NO ONE CAN HURT US. But we are the babies of the zodiac (the first sign) and we aren’t as tough as we like to think we are. If you have known this guy a long time and are dying to tell him how you feel — just do it! But be completely honest. No jokes to lighten the mood. No insults to seem more macho. Just be vulnerable. Put yourself out there, even if he might break and shatter your heart. Do it anyway. This is the only way to a Scorpios heart. They need to know if you’re just as soft as they are. That makes them feel safe.
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hellkitepriest · 9 months
alex robertshaw please start doing the shipping forecast on the radio
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The Shortest King
On this weeks Shipping Forecast, we set out to find wholesome Marcille/Fallin content, and while we do indeed find that we also find so much more. Join us as we learn just how thirsty the community is for Chilchuk Tims, the most popular Halfling of all.
If that sounds your thing, have a listen here
And any other podcast platform!
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nmpositive · 2 years
These Shipping Forecast tees are very tumblr.
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the141ghost · 1 year
anon said : 💤 - What do they absolutely need to have to fall asleep?
On nights when his mind won't stop playing tricks on him, or after a particularly stressful operation, Ghost will get his phone set up beside his bed to play a long run of the BBC Shipping Forecast. He'll usually be able to get eight or nine straight hours with this method.
He always remembers it to be his mother's solution to him having nightmares. She'd set up a little camping radio next to his bed and leave it playing for him to fall asleep to. Usually, just past midnight, he'd wake from a bad dream, and the soothing monotonous tone of the reporter's voice would fill his ears, lulling him back to sleep.
A few years ago, he found out what the radio presentation was called, and, ever since, he's made sure to utilise it whenever he has to.
He'd never admit to anyone that sometimes he needed an aid to get him to sleep. He had an appearance to maintain, after all.
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nostalgia-tblr · 10 months
when someone says they only ship canon pairings i'm like "oh wow, i'm so sorry :( is there anything i can do to help?"
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