danet-express · 1 year
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I forget to draw it sometimes, but Dan has wonky eyes (like mine) so depth perception is not his friend. Thankfully he's at least not alone on that :>
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ship-o-rama · 10 years
I like ships. Who doesn't? So I figured I'd do one focusing (for now) on Star Trek ships seen in comic books. Named ships will usually take precedence over unnamed ones but there will be exceptions (read: when I feel like it).
For reasons of simplicity I will be avoiding ships named Enterprise, *unless* it's one from an alternate universe...
This is a sub-blog that will be running off of a queue, posting maybe...every day? every other day? This is a sub-blog but feel free to message me with comments, questions.
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danet-express · 1 year
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He doesn't mean it like that, Dan just blushes easily
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danet-express · 1 year
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I keep drawing at night and forgetting to post it in the morning oops
Anyway this was originally sketched out by the wonderful @proxy-pages :>
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danet-express · 1 year
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It's already hard enough to find a retro diner nowadays (at least where I live) so I imagine finding one in the future must be an event worth celebrating <3
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danet-express · 1 year
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First art post on the new blog and it's already a little saucy 😳👉👈
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danet-express · 1 year
Trying out my nsft tag for the first time, do not perceive please and thank you (joking but I am a little shy)
Also reminder I use "nightorama" as my nsft tag so block that if you dont wanna see it ^^d
(NSFT under the cut)
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