#ship: john/sholto
tour-de-pants · 11 months
Guys, I did a thing...
Just a quick alt meet RPF of Watson and Holmes... You know I ship it, don't @ me! Let me know if I should do more :) -Pants
If he’d been paying any attention, Watson would’ve noticed the aggravated stare from the woman one table over. He’d been tapping a slim wooden stir stick against his mug for five minutes that must’ve felt to her like fifty. He wasn’t the sort to annoy strangers, or anyone, intentionally. Usually he didn’t even mind someone else running late to a meeting. But if Lestrade didn’t turn up soon he might just lose his mind.
Training diets were a hell he put himself through willingly, and after fifteen years, the strain was fairly easy to take. Without much of a sweet tooth to speak of, he had it better than many—especially poor Anderson, who harbored a desire for pain au chocolat to rival his want for a mountain win. Not a lot got to Watson anymore, but the smell of freshly roasted coffee beans in this place… damn if he wasn’t about to crack and down a massive hazelnut concoction worth half a day’s calories. 
“‘Ugh, honestly,”’ the woman one table over grunted, drawing Watson’s attention away from the door. He frowned as she met his eyes with a look of disgust. A lifetime in London wouldn’t be enough to understand these people. 
“‘Hey John, sorry ‘bout that. Perils of mass transport, you know how it goes.” ’Lestrade slid into the seat across the table, the bizarrely small size of which Watson was noticing for the first time. They really didn’t want folks to hang about, he guessed. 
“‘It’s alright, Coach,”’ Watson answered, gulping his unexpectedly still hot tea. 
“‘Aw, don’t you do that, mate. Makes me feel like an old man in charge of a bunch of teenagers.”’
“‘I know.” ’Watson smiled. Lestrade was a good guy—and a good coach. Maybe he was jumping the gun with this whole retirement thing. “‘So what are we doing here? Besides testing my resolve against the Kenyan roast of the day?”’
“‘Need to let you in on something before the Prologue, being team captain and all. I wish I could tell the whole group, but it’s a bit sensitive.”’ The clasping and unclasping of Lestrade’s fingers told Watson this wouldn’t be a time for jokes, regardless of what he was about to hear. Something distinctly non-chamomile turned in his stomach.
“‘What’s up? Is someone injured?”’ He leaned forward the few inches it took to bring their heads close. “‘Worse?”’ 
“‘Oh, no, no. Nothing like that, thank God. No, it’s…you’re getting…it’s a new teammate.”’
Watson leaned back in his chair. Of course it was a new teammate; it’d have to be, what with Sholto out. After that crash last year, the doctors said he would never mount a bike again. He’d managed to stay out of the media once he’d stabilized and been transferred to a rehabilitation facility. It’d been a big hit for the team in terms of the Tour and fears for their own safety out there. Few teams in recent years had been as cohesive as Speedy’s; the idea of bringing in someone new was hard enough, but—
“‘This close to the Prologue, though? Why can’t the other guys know? And why didn’t you just ring me about it?”’
“‘John, it’s…”’
Watson waited, stir stick tapping against his saucer now. He heard the woman next to him mutter a curse as she scooped up her laptop and walked off. Some people were just grumpy, he supposed. 
“‘John, it’s Sherlock Holmes.”’
It was Watson’s turn to curse under his breath. Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes who rode the Tour ten years ago? Sherlock Holmes who left the race and the cycling world in a cloud of cocaine use allegations and rumors about a tryst gone bad with his own teammate? Sherlock Holmes whom no one had heard from since?
“‘Sorry Greg.”’ Watson blinked hard in an attempt to make sense of the news. “‘I thought you said Sherlock Holmes.”’
“‘You can’t tell anyone, mate. And sorry for laying it on you like this. There are more things beyond my control than I’d like, but I can assure you he’ll be riding clean and is physically fit for the job. Listen, I hate surprises as much as the next guy, but my hands are really tied with this one. I’m letting you know now because I anticipate I’ll need your help.”’
Watson ran a hand through his hair, short and light despite it only being late June. He still couldn’t figure out why he’d had to come out all this way to hear about this, but Lestrade always had reasons for what he did and he was usually right.
“‘Ok. Yeah, alright. Thanks for the heads up. Whatever you need, I’ll back you.”’
“‘Great.”’ A relieved smile flashed across Lestrade’s face as he rapped his knuckles on the tabletop and stood to leave. “‘Now get yourself out of here before temptation wins the day.”’
“‘As if it ever could.”’ Watson nodded and returned the smile, waiting for the door to close behind Lestrade before moving to add his cup and saucer to the mounting pile of dirty china above the trash bin behind him.
“‘Ceramic,”’ intoned a deep voice behind him.
“‘Pardon?”’ Watson asked, furrowing his brow but not turning.
“‘The dining ware isn’t china. It’s ceramic.”’
Watson stepped toward the bin, tossing in his stir stick and paper napkin before precariously balancing his ceramic cup and saucer on the returns shelf. 
“‘Are you my conscience?” ’he asked, laughing lightly as his own joke and holding up pleading hands in front of his mug until he was fairly certain he wouldn’t be the one to send the whole lot tumbling to the floor.
“‘Unlikely. Though I suppose we’ll see how the early stages go.”’
Early stages? Watson turned slowly, eyebrows rising and jaw dropping as recognition dawned. Holy hell, you’re—
“‘Sherlock Holmes, yes. Kind of you to remember me, though perhaps the memory you’re recalling is not in itself so kind.”’
“‘What are you doing here?”’ Watson looked around suspiciously, feeling as though he ought to be paranoid though he didn’t know what he might be trying to spot. 
“‘Seeing as how it is a coffee shop, one might suppose I stopped in to purchase coffee. And as much as I do hate to be predictable, in this particular case, that supposition would be the correct one.”’
“‘Well yeah, ok, but I mean why are you here, in this coffee shop? Now?”’
“‘I take it an odd experience has befallen you in the past hour—no, half hour—and you haven’t yet processed whatever it is. News of some kind, I should imagine. However, blocking the bins with your jaw wagging like a goldfish, while apparently a natural choice for you, is in fact not typically the most productive one.”’
“‘Oh, sh—sorry, I’m very sorry,”’ Watson said to the miniature queue of patrons waiting to deposit their china.
“‘Ceramic,”’ Holmes noted impatiently. “‘Sit down at that set of chairs there. The place is emptying, I should return with my order in three minutes.”’ He cast a glance at the register. “‘Four, it’s the cashier’s first day.”’
Watson didn’t see him walk away, nor did he feel himself cross back to the small dining area and settle into a surprisingly uncomfortable armchair. It was impossible. Sherlock Holmes had been missing from the public eye, from the entire world as far as he knew, for nearly a decade. Now within minutes of being told the man had spontaneously resurrected to join Team Speedy’s/Sussex Honey, here he was in the flesh. Watson looked around the cafe. He didn’t believe in magic or kismet or any of those mystical type things. After forty years of life, he was sure he’d know by now if there were weird crystal-swinging forces at play. But what were the odds?
“Three thousand seven hundred and eighteen.” The tap of a paper cup on the low table by his elbow punctuated Holmes’s statement. “‘Of course that’s not the actual percentage chance of us encountering each other here and now, simply the approximate number of coffee shops available assuming we were both entering one at the same time.”’
“‘That’s one massive coincidence.”’ Watson eyed Holmes in the chair beside him, sipping slowly at his own paper cup’s contents. 
“‘The universe is rarely so lazy, or so Big Brother says.”’
“‘Big Brother?”’ Watson was now only ninety percent certain he wasn’t in a movie. Or a simulation. Or whatever the thing was you were supposedly inside of. 
“‘My big brother, Mycroft. Though if he had it his way, the capital letters would be spot on. The chances of us meeting here are slim indeed, but there’s something more…why is it you—oh. I see.”’
“‘You see?”’
“‘You’ve only just found out that we’re more than distant former colleagues of a sort. Quite the coincidence after all, then.”’ Holmes took another long sip of his drink. “‘Do make a start on that before it goes cold,”’ he instructed, pointing at Watson’s cup. “‘Wasting it would be a crime.”’
Heat radiated through Watson’s palm as he wrapped his hand around the cup. The scent of fresh coffee reached him halfway to his mouth, allowing him a moment to brace himself. He never was able to drink it black, but this was hardly the time to cause offense. He could almost hear Holmes smirking from a foot away. He can’t really read minds, I must have some rude look on my face. Wouldn’t have to if he’d only asked before he went ahead and ordered for me. Haven’t even properly introduced ourselves yet.
“‘You’ll have to trust me sometime. Might as well start with my impeccable taste in coffee.”’
“‘Right, yeah. Thanks. Cheers.”’ Watson took a careful sip. Then another. Whatever this was dancing across his tongue was like no coffee he’d ever tasted. He tipped his head back a moment, unsure whether he wanted to consume it all instantly or draw it out as long as it would last.
“‘You’re not being shipped to a desert island, it’s only the Tour de France. You can have another one of these in hand in a matter of weeks.”’
“‘This is the best coffee I’ve ever had in my life. This…what even is this?”’ He strained to see the board over his shoulder. “‘That Tanzania blend thing?”’
Holmes scoffed. “‘As if a blend of the day could produce such a depth of flavor. No, John—may I call you John?”’
Watson nodded. Day was already weird, why not. 
“‘No, John, this is not a blend. Look at the wall behind the baristas, over to the left.”’
“‘I didn’t even see that before,” ’Watson said, squinting at a large apparatus. 
“‘You do see, but you do not observe. That,”’ Holmes gestured with the cup in his hand, “‘produces this. Kyoto Slow, by name.”’
“‘How does all that even work?”’
“‘Perhaps if we both make it home from Paris,”’ Holmes said, sighing into another sip, “‘I’ll walk you through it.”’
------------- //irl author's note: Kyoto Slow is an awesome Mystrade fic, highly recommend. read on AO3.
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onthecrosslook · 3 years
A Comprehensive Guide to Sherlockian Abbreviations
It has come to my attention that some of you poor lads have no idea what us Sherlockians are referring to.
So, I’m going to do my best to explain! I’ll start simple, so don’t worry.
Johnlock: A fictional ship between John Watson and Sherlock Holmes. If you don’t know what this is, I don’t know if I can help you.
Mystrade: A fictional ship between Mycroft Holmes and Greg Lestrade. Even though, well, they’ve barely shared a single scene together.
Adlock: A fictional ship between Irene Adler and Sherlock Holmes. Irene is canonically a lesbian, but you do you, I suppose.
Sheriarty: A fictional ship between Sherlock Holmes and Jim Moriarty. Referenced in TEH as a possible canon solution to Sherlock’s faked death. Also known as ‘Jimlock’.
Sherlolly: A fictional ship between Sherlock Holmes and Molly Hooper. She’s honestly way too good for him.
Warstan: A (sadly) canonical ship between John Watson and Mary Morstan. It’s…okay at the best of times. Dunno what Moftiss was thinking. Also, the ship name is quite awful.
Moftiss: An amalgamation of the names Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat. Used to refer to the writers of BBC Sherlock in unison.
Sherlock Meta: A theory based on careful analysis of an episode/scene of BBC Sherlock. Fan-made.
TJLC: The Johnlock Conspiracy. It’s a giant conspiracy theory involving thousands of metas and such about people who are convinced that Johnlock is the endgame of the show.
TRMoJaS: This reminds me of John and Sherlock. Used by fans when stumbling upon a piece of media that triggers a recollection of the titular characters.
The Secret Episode: A supposedly filmed but unreleased episode of Series Four (?). Highly unreliable, likely a figment of hopeful imaginations.
The Purple Shirt of Sex: A purple button-up that is sinfully tight and parodied, as a result of the buttons always looking like they’re about to pop off. Seriously, go look up Ben in a purple shirt. You won’t regret it.
Tarmac Hell: A scene from His Last Vow in which Sherlock aborts a supposed love confession to John to instead tell him that ‘Sherlock is actually a girl’s name’. Hell for everyone involved.
ACD Canon: Events that happened in the Original Sir Arthur Conan Doyle publications of ‘The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’. Often referenced in metas.
The Elephant in the Room: A supposed euphemism for Johnlock. Also a popular meta in which elephants are referenced throughout the series of BBC Sherlock.
Character Mirror: A minor or major character meant to simulate another character in actions to recall a certain scene for the audience. (Ex. Sholto/Sherlock, Irene/Sherlock, etc.)
[Sebastian] Moran: A sniper (originally from ACD Canon) referenced often in Sherlock metas, and Moriarty’s right hand man. John mirror. Not included in BBC Sherlock, but a popular part of fandom culture. Often depicted as in an unhealthy relationship with his boss, Jim Moriarty.
The Gay Bar Scene: A deleted scene from BBC Sherlock. John and Sherlock go to a gay bar for entirely heterosexual reasons.
Harriet ‘Harry’ [Watson]: An alcoholic, and also John’s elder sister. Referenced in BBC Sherlock. Often portrayed as being either divorced or married to her wife, Clara.
Victor [Trevor]: Sherlock’s childhood best friend who was murdered by his sister, Eurus. Revealed in TFP. Alternative name is ‘Redbeard’.
TPLoSH: Short for ‘The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes’. It’s a movie in which Sherlock Holmes is canonically gay. It’s often talked about by Moftiss.
Granada Holmes: A seven season Sherlock Holmes TV show starring Jeremy Brett. Many find that Holmes and Watson are essentially married in this series, so a few fans have made the fandom switch to this show.
Richie Verse: The unfinished Holmes and Watson movie trilogy starring Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law. The titular pair in these films are undeniably in love, and (according to a popular source) may have the first Johnlock canon in cinematic history.
Bisexual Lighting: In which John Watson is bathed in purple, pink, and blue lighting while in a bar. Questionable music plays.
The Gay Pilot: The original unaired pilot of BBC Sherlock. Called the ‘Gay Pilot’ for being incredibly homoerotic, and also for the set looking like a 70s p*rn shoot. Runtime was only an hour, and there were a few notable cast changes, including Angelo and Sally Donovan.
ASiP: A Study in Pink. Episode one, series one of BBC Sherlock. Villains are Jeff Hope and Moriarty.
TBB: The Blind Banker. Episode two, series one of BBC Sherlock. Villains are Shan and M.
TGG: The Great Game. Episode three, series one of BBC Sherlock. Villain is Jim Moriarty.
ASiB: A Scandal in Belgravia. Episode one, series two of BBC Sherlock. Villain is Irene Adler.
THoB: The Hounds of Baskerville. Episode two, series two of BBC Sherlock. Villain is Dr. Bob Frankland.
TRF: The Reichenbach Fall. Episode three, series two of BBC Sherlock. Villain is Jim Moriarty.
TEH: The Empty Hearse. Episode one, series three of BBC Sherlock. Villains are Lord Moran and C.A.M.
TSoT: The Sign of Three. Episode two, series three of BBC Sherlock. Villains are C.A.M., Mayfly Man, and (in my opinion) Mary.
The Stag Night: A sub-class of TSoT. In which Sherlock and John do unspeakably homoerotic things that reek of unresolved sexual tension. The tension is not relieved. They get arrested. Villains are the writers, for queerbaiting their fans.
HLV: His Last Vow. Episode three, series three of BBC Sherlock. Villains are Charles Augustus Magnussen and Mary Watson (Morstan? Rosamund Mary?).
TAB: The Abominable Bride. Episode four, series three of BBC Sherlock. (Originally aired as a TV movie that won a Primetime Emmy.) Also known as the ‘Gay Victorian Fever Dream’ to avid fans. Villains are Emelia Ricoletti, Sir Eustace Carmichael, Jim Moriarty, Mary Watson (Morstan? Rosamund Mary?).
TST: The Six Thatchers. Episode one, series four of BBC Sherlock. Villains are Vivian Norbury, Ajay, and Mary Watson (Morstan? Rosamund Mary?).
TLD: The Lying Detective. Episode two, series four of BBC Sherlock. Villains are Culverton Smith and John Watson.
TFP: The Final Problem. Episode three, series four of BBC Sherlock. Villains are Eurus Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Jim Moriarty, and Moftiss.
[Will add more if necessary or requested.]
Hope this helped any confused fans/users!
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my-johnlockficrecs · 3 years
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The Pieces That Fall to Earth by Itsallfine (49k, M)
"It seems like after our conversation on your birthday we should really be better at this. That talk was more than we’ve ever had, but even still, we mostly talked around things rather than about them. There’s so much… so much I need to say, so much I’ve never said. And even now, just writing this out is so difficult. I feel like if I were to try to say this to your face I’d just end up having another wobbly, and while that has a certain amount of appeal, I’d rather not ruin all your nice shirts."
This is the fic that made me want to start a fic rec blog, so naturally, I don't have the first idea how to start this rec 😂 I'll do my best to do justice to the fic, a rather intimidating task if you ask me. If this rec is slightly less structured and more rambly than the others thus far, I do apologise — this fic just invokes a lot of feelings in me and it's difficult to categorise them well. I hope this rec is helpful nonetheless!
The Pieces That Fall to Earth, for me personally, is my go-to post season 4 fix-it fic. It is an incredibly comprehensive, touching, hot, and comforting read. It picks up after season 4 and basically fixes...everything. The boys go to therapy! And actually talk and communicate with each other! John's anger issues are taken seriously and addressed incredibly well and in such a compassionate manner. I absolutely love the dedication John has in this fic towards genuinely working on a lot of the repressed issues we see (subtextually, at the very least, and some more obvious ones) in the show. Likewise, Sherlock too gradually begins to open up and address his own mental health issues.
Told in an epistolary style (which is pulled off brilliantly, might I add) there are some truly lovely moments in this fic that I just have to mention, without giving too much away of course. An ongoing theme of this fic with regards to John, is him coming to terms with his sexuality, whatever it may be. The chapter where he finally figures it out and accepts — and rejoices in! — who he is, is truly moving. The way it's written, it feels like you're right there with him, feeling his exhileration and relief. My eyes genuinely misted over while I read that part.
The side friendships in this fic are also really lovely. We see a really nice Molly-John friendship, which I always love to see, because it makes so much sense! Molly helped out John so much with Rosie, it only makes sense that they become close to each other. Molly and Sherlock too share a beautiful friendship in this fic — even in canon, Molly's always been incredibly perceptive of Sherlock and she sees him startlingly clearly. So it is here as well. The understanding and affection she affords Sherlock is heart-warming. Canon really didn't treat Molly and Sherlock's dynamic very well, so it's lovely to see this story do it justice. Molly in general is treated like the queen she is 👑 Her sharper, more assertive side, comes out well in this fic, which I love to see. We also get Greg/Molly on the side, for anyone who ships them 😉.
Another friendship I live for in this fic is Sherlock and Lestrade's. There's a specific chapter where Sherlock goes out for drinks with Lestrade (a testament to all the growth Sherlock achieves in this story), and it's equal parts funny and touching. I think the author gets to the heart of their friendship really well, with Lestrade as a sort-of father figure who genuinely cares for Sherlock, and how Sherlock returns that regard in his own way. Lestrade also has a really fun rapport with John! Very much “mates who rib each other good-naturedly but can also manage emotional honesty occasionally.”
There are so many other things I love about this fic! Harry and John's relationship, for one. Yes Harry is in this fic, yes the siblings actually talk and bond, yes it's awesome. James Sholto makes an appearance and I love how he's integrated into the narrative. And Rosie!! Ugh, I love Sherlock's relationship with Rosie and how much he loves her and wants to be in her life. There are some incredibly adorable moments between the two of them 🥺 (the Nap Scene™️ lives in my head rent free). Mycroft also has a presence in this fic, because of course he does, except he actually behaves like a good older brother. Still protective but not overly so.
One last thing I wanted to mention separately, is the absolute genius and authenticity of Ella's (John and Sherlock's therapist) case notes. Since this is an epistolary style fic, it's told through texts, emails, letters, video transcripts and so on. The whole concept, and the way the author makes it work so incredibly well, is masterful. Ella's case notes though — every time I read the fic, I'm impressed anew by how professional they sound and how they tell us the progress of John and Sherlock's respective mental health issues so comprehensively. I can only imagine the effort that must have gone into that, and honestly, kudos to the author 👏🏼👏🏼
I’m going to wrap this rec up here, because while I could ramble on for ages, I’ve been anxiously scanning this for well over a week and it’s not about to get any less disorganised 😂 To sum up: brilliant fic, adeptly told in an epistolary fashion, very cathartic and moving; read it!
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cheuwing · 4 years
James Sholto & Flowers
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At long last, it is finally time to publish this meta! I adore TSOT and its intricate flower subtext (I already wrote two pieces about it: x, x). As we’ll explore in this analysis, it is fascinating to see how much the flowers associated with James Sholto can tell us about him and his link with John.
First of all, I find it quite striking to note that James Sholto is always presented surrounded by flowers and nature. Admittedly, TSOT is a very flowery episode, but:
John and Sholto warmly greet each other in the flowery reception hall and its nature-inspired wallpaper,
Sholto’s room is covered by the most flowery wallpaper (and I will point out what a fascinating choice of pattern it is),
Sherlock and John discuss James “former commander/ex” Sholto in a park (surrounded by grass with sparse daisies),
there are paintings of flowers hanging in the hall while John, Sherlock and Mary try to save Sholto.
This character is constantly associated with nature and flowers, which serves to convey an intricate subtext.
So let us embark on an exploration of this flowery subtext!
The wallpaper in Sholto’s room
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On the wallpaper in Sholto’s room, we can observe a pattern including:
pink forget-me-nots (5 round petals, distinctive shape),
oak leaves,
I will start to focus on each symbol, before trying to combine their meanings.
A) Pink forget-me-not:
The flower symbolises the reminder of an old flame, as well as moments spent with a loved one you don’t want to forget. The flower represents a strong connection lasting through time. It conveys the remembrance of a true and undying love during partings or after death and highlights fidelity and loyalty in a relationship despite separation or challenges.
(personal hypothesis => typically, forget-me-nots would be blue, so using pink ones as a pattern for Sholto’s room reinforces the romantic/sentimental symbolism)
So: reminder of an old flame, remembrance of true, albeit forsaken, love.
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I will not try to hide my belief that John and Sholto shared an intense relationship. To me, the entire episode establishes James Sholto as John’s former lover, and creates multiple parallels between Sherlock and Sholto. Sherlock’s words “we would never do that to John Watson”, which confirms Sholto’s assertion that they “are similar”, combined with Sholto’s pained expression reflected in a mirror is pretty damning in itself.
Having Sholto surrounded with walls of pink forget-me-nots (as he’s about to die... and will be saved by John) strengthens this implication. Actually, the very first image we see of Sholto is surrounded by this wallpaper (combined with a parallel between Sherlock and Sholto putting their uniform on, going “into battle”). Therefore, it seems both men are assimilated to “old flames”, men who face separation from their loved one as they witness John marring someone else. They both stay loyal to John through this difficult parting (And as the story unfurls, John ends up saving the lives of both men, aka their hearts, in series 3).
Incidentally, Sholto is not the only person associated with pink forget-me-nots in series three. Mary wears a pink forget-me-not necklace during the confrontation scene. I already explored the connection between Sholto and Mary via the flower. To sum it up, my belief is that Sholto and John shared an intense relationship, but it left John heart-broken with even more trust issues. To me, through the forget-me-not, Sholto and Mary are linked as two lovers who have betrayed John, his love and his trust, disappointed him and/or left him heart-broken.
Of course, now that TAB came out, we have another association with the forget-me-not: The Bride. “Do not forget me...”. The Bride is strongly linked to Mary (... the bride) and Moriarty. I personally think that we can discard Sholto for this connection (although imagining Sholto in a wedding dress seeking revenge for John’s potential past misbehaviours is quite tempting). Interestingly, it won’t be the only link with Moriarty & Mary in this room.
B) Oak leaves:
In the Victorian language of flowers, oak leaves mean bravery.
The oak is a symbol of strength and endurance. A tree highly revered for its size and longevity. It is also associated with honour, stability and wisdom.
Oak leaves are strongly linked to military traditions. In Antiquity, victorious officers were offered oak-leaf crowns to honour a successful campaign. The tradition extends today, for example with the US army using the oak leaf as a symbol for some of their decoration.
(Also, oaks tend to be very good shelters, such as Major Oak, a large English oak tree, very popular, which is said to have sheltered Robin Hood and his merry men, or Royal Oak, the saviour of King Charles II)
Other interesting associations with oak leaves:
The Royal Float Auxiliary counted two ships named Oakleaf, one of which served as a “dummy battleship” to imitate HSM Iron Duke. This strongly reminded me of John playing the “dummy” for Sherlock in HLV, as well as Sholto’s role in TSOT, mirroring Sherlock’s feelings in a more intense manner.
The oakleaf is a type of butterfly, an insect favoured by Mary (once again). Its wings are shaped like leaves, so there is an implication of hiding, camouflage.
C) Shamrock:
The shamrock is the symbol of Ireland. To me, the obvious association with Ireland found in BBC Sherlock is Moriarty (especially if you consider the waterfall painting). It has been debated whether Moriarty actually planned for Sholto to be killed at John’s wedding, acting as a consulting criminal for Jonathan Small.
The shamrock could represent the fact that Moriarty is looming over the wedding, maybe through his allies: Mary, Tom or Janine?
Additionally, the shamrock is a symbol of the trinity. And I find it incredibly interesting, as it is a concept which is repeatedly associated with the wedding => the engagement ring is a three-stone ring (symbol of the trinity), "my husband is three people", the whole episode is entitled “the sign of three”, which features multiple love triangles (TSOT introduces Sherlock/John/Sholto, John/Sherlock/Janine, Greg/Molly/Tom, and confirms Sherlock/John/Mary). Plus, TSOT presents three love interests of John Watson’s life.
(Personal hypothesis linked with the concept of trinity => in John’s heart, Sholto = faith; Mary = hope; Sherlock = love?)
D)  The wallpaper symbolism
On the wallpaper, we have a pattern of a pink forger-me-not surrounded by oak leaves and crowned with a shamrock.
The pink forger-me-not strongly implies that James Sholto is a former romantic interest of John. Even if the two men are now estranged, John and Sholto still share a connection to this past (the flower is a symbol of remembrance).
Oak leaves surround the flower, which might suggest that the notion of strength/resilience applies to this “remembrance of an old flame” as much as Sholto himself. Obviously the character is strong, resilient, focused on honour and has ties with the military. But it would make sense that the “reminder of an old flame” is very strong for Sholto (and probably John) on this particular day. He’s seeing his former love interest marry another person, is about to die at the wedding if not for the terrible thought of causing John pain. From John’s perspective, the audience witnesses how much of an eager admirer he still is of James Sholto - he speaks of him with similar expressions and fondness as he does for Sherlock, and he seems very enthusiastic, touched even, to see him again.
A shamrock is crowning the pattern (“and honey, you should see me in a crown”). Combined with the waterfall painting and the forget-me-not’s association with the Bride, it hints at Moriarty’s presence around Sholto. However, the shamrock is tiny in comparison to the other elements of the pattern. It may be a sign that Moriarty is involved in Sholto’s attempted murder, but, as we know, he failed. (Since Sholto is Sherlock’s mirror, it might also represent Sherlock’s fear of Moriarty, his other deep anxiety we know of, on this distressing day).
Furthermore, it is striking to observe that this pattern is composed by three elements, one of which is related to the concept of trinity. Once again, the wedding is connected to the number three. It is even more remarkable when you note that in the “saving Sholto” scene, John is surrounded by three persons - or, three love interests -: Sholto, Mary and Sherlock.
The wallpaper pattern could apply to all three of them =>
Sherlock -> Sholto’s mirror. He could be considered an old flame at the wedding, and we see both he and John celebrate (/pre-emptively mourn) their relationship in this episode. Sherlock is strong and resilient, as is his remembrance of the apparently lost romantic bond with John as they have to part. Moriarty and The Bride are looming over him (do not forget them), in connection to this precarious love situation with John.
Mary -> linked with the forget-me-not in HLV. She is strong and resilient. The shamrock might be a sign that Moriarty is looming over her, threatening her wedding and her stability with John; or it could imply that Mary (the bride) is tied to Moriarty (The Bride), maybe working together. I have theorised before that Moriarty and Mary might have been romantically involved, which pairs nicely with the pattern: reminder of an old flame, tied to Ireland, while someone dies at her wedding...
Sholto’s armchair 
Sholto’s armchair is adorned with colourful lotus.
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In the Victorian language of flowers, the lotus is a symbol of estranged love. It is rather interesting to note the correlation with the meaning of the forget-me-not. Sholto is already associated with two symbols of old flames, of forsaken/estranged love.
The lotus is also linked with the symbolism of the cycle, as it closes each night and blooms with the daylight. It is tied to the cycle of life/death/rebirth.
I find this idea engaging, as Sholto is between life and death when he sits down in the armchair. He has decided to accept his fate, until Sherlock, his mirror, reminds him the importance of John's feelings. It is then that Sholto chooses life, effectively going through the whole cycle.
Additionally, I believe that the idea of cycle is quite relevant in an episode which introduces John's successive love interests (Sholto, Sherlock, Mary) and presents multiple love triangles. Sholto is the oldest intense relation we know from John's life. But his position in John's heart belongs to the past: after a traumatic event (John being shot in Afghanistan, or perhaps a traumatic break up), Sholto left room to another man in an armchair (Sherlock), followed by Mary after another traumatic event (Sherlock's "death"). We know Mary's position in John's heart will change due to a traumatic event (Mary shooting Sherlock - or, depending on how you see things, Mary's death) (I had written this before s4 xD). The triumphant relationship presented in the episode is doomed to fail. The cycle will continue.
The lotus is also a symbol of purity and spirituality.
In a spirit of comprehensiveness: the lotus also makes me think of the Black Lotus in TBB. I probably wouldn’t have mentioned it if not for the other ties to Moriarty in the room.
Saving Sholto - flowers in the corridor
A) The yellow flowers in the staircase
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We only see this flower when our heroes are striving to save Sholto, a scene when the connections between Sherlock and Sholto are more explicit than ever.
I believe the yellow flowers in the staircase to be yellow acacia (also known as mimosa). In the Victorian language of flowers, the yellow acacia is a symbol of “secret love”;  the acacia in general being associated with concealed love.
Once again, we observe that Sholto is linked with the concept of love. It becomes a pattern that this love is concealed, secret, forsaken, estranged. I think it’s rather telling about John and Sholto’s relationship. These flowers hint at a secret love shared in the past, now estranged (as we know from their exchanges; John hasn’t seen where Sholto lives and so on).
Also interesting: in this scene, Sherlock and Sholto are linked more explicitly than ever. Thus to me, this idea of concealed, secret love, now forsaken, extends to John and Sherlock’s relationship. As a matter of fact, it is the heart of the episode that Sherlock has to let John go and witness as he marries another person. The concept of a secret love he has to give up makes sense.
On a more positive note, I’ve learned that acacia blossoms can mean “beauty in retirement”, which I find quite satisfying as regards to Sholto’s future (as well as Sherlock and John’s? Growing old in Sussex, producing acacia honey...).
(I am pretty sure the yellow flowers are acacia, but in a spirit of fairness: they might be goldenrods? Goldenrods mean “be cautious” -> which would also tie well with the spirit of the scene.. and, I would argue, the wedding. It also delivers a message of encouragement -> and we indeed see John and Sherlock encouraging Sholto to choose life)
B) The flower painting
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Looming behind our trio, we see a painting with flowers. These flowers are, I believe, sunflowers. This is the second time sunflowers are seen in TSOT: Molly's dress has a pattern with this flower.
The sunflower is a symbol of admiration, appreciation and loyalty. Look at them radiating behind John as he’s about to save Sholto :)
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Of course, sunflowers are a representation of the sun; as we know, John is strongly associated with the sun in the show.
Just like the lotus, the sunflower is linked to the notion of cycles. It reinforces the idea of the life/death/rebirth cycle which Sholto is going through in this scene.
I would also argue that, as Sholto chooses life, we can see the renewal of these two’s past affection and relationship. John’s words, "I believe I am your doctor", remind me of the first assertion of his position in Sherlock’s life from the pilot "I'm his doctor/Only a fool argues with his doctor". New beginnings. It is, I think, a strong assertion of affection for John and Sholto (and Sherlock recognises it). Sholto states he is “in need of medical attention”, of John’s attention, and John provides it, highlighting that he is his doctor. He ends up saving Sholto’s heart.
(Side note: it is extremely gratifying to see John fully embraced and celebrated as a doctor, both by Sholto and Sherlock in his speech; especially considering that he previously had to fight for recognition as a doctor in front of Major Reed. John’s identity as a doctor is paramount to him, and you can see how painful it is for him when this part of him is attacked). ((Now consider the “are you really a doctor????” scene from TLD))
Other side note: the sunflower was Oscar Wilde’s favourite flower. I don’t think it’s particularly relevant to the scene, but it’s always nice to point out.
Maybe more relevant to this scene => in Greek mythology, after losing her beloved Apollo (= the Sun God), who abandoned her for another woman, the water nymph Clytie mourned his departure, refusing food or water. After 9 days, she transformed into a sunflower, keeping her face longingly turned towards the sun to see her beloved’s course. Again, the myth is a painful reminder to Sherlock’s situation. The man has to see his beloved (the Sun, aka John) abandon him for another woman (Mary). When John finds Sherlock again, he is in a drug den, longingly hoping for John’s return.
Conclusion: Sholto and flowers
When one analyses the flowers associated with Sholto, a pattern seems to emerge:
Sholto as a character is connected to positive notions => bravery, strength, resilience, fondness, adoration...
A number of flowers are associated with the concept of love. This love is secret, concealed, forsaken, estranged. I find it extremely telling about John’s relationship with James Sholto. To me, it is a sign that the two were involved romantically, most probably in a secret affair. At the very least, they both had romantic feelings for each other and kept it silent. The flowery subtext makes it clear to me that James Sholto is a lost love from John’s past.
There are a few ties with the notion of cycle. It makes sense to Sholto’s journey as he faces death, then revival. Additionally, it is also linked with the idea of John and Sholto reaffirming their bond and connecting once more (“I am your doctor”), especially in a room full of forget-me-nots -> remembrance, reconnection to the past. To me, the notion of cycle also implies the cycle of John’s loves -> Sholto from the past, Mary in the present, but the cycle will continue.
Sholto and Sherlock are mirrors, which means that the flowery subtext which applies to Sholto also applies to Sherlock. Remembrance of a past flame, staying loyal through hardships, secret love, eventual reconnection...
There are hints that Moriarty looms over Sholto at the wedding.
Pink forget-me-nots link Sholto and Mary in the confrontation scene -> remembrance of past loves. Potentially hinting at a betrayal of John’s trust on James’ part? Or maybe his sense of emotional safety broken by James?
Feel free to share your thoughts/remarks on the subject with me! And never hesitate to correct me on the identification of flowers: it is not my speciality, so even if I do my research, I might get things wrong.
And as always: take care. Sending you warm, flowery thoughts!
tagging a few lovely people who might be interested in this piece => @sarahthecoat, @fivefeetfangirl, @tremendousdetectivetheorist, @isitandwonder​
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amyreadsandstresses · 2 years
Or, the best fics I read yesterday and the day before. Today ft. Star Wars and BBC Sherlock
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*Die With You - unwithered
1k, 1/1, Rex & Ahsoka Tano, Implied Character Death, Minor Character Death, Angst
Trapped behind enemy lines and gravely wounded, Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex have little hope of surviving and making it back to their base. Rex is ready to die for his Jedi, but she refuses to go on without him.
*Teachers - Selena
4k, 1/1, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Obi Wan Kenobi, Character Study
"Remember, Anakin, the master learns as much from the padawan as the padawan learns from the master." Eight lessons Anakin Skywalker learns through Ahsoka Tano, and one Darth Vader does.
*Ridiculi Sunt (oh, quam eos amat) - RealmOfTenderness
3k, 1/1, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Obi Wan Kenobi, Post Zyggeria, Family Fluff
Anakin and Ahsoka are both lost in the music, elbows locked, jumping in rhythm, arms and legs going everywhere. His brown curls appear golden under the ship’s artificial lights, bouncing on his shoulders like tiny little dancers of their own. Her lekku follow the same pattern, sliding on her back, probably overwhelmed by sound and vibration. He sings. She laughs.
They are ridiculous. Obi-Wan loves them.
*Little Sherlock - Peppykitty
4k, 1/1, John Watson, Sherlock Holmes, De-Ageing
When Sherlock is turned into a toddler, John has to always be on his toes.
*He Gets That From Me - CrayolaDinosaurs
1k, 1/1, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Sad, Hamish Watson-Holmes
Sherlock discusses the traits that Hamish gained from John and himself.
*Erosion - saintscully
53k, 12/12, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, James Sholto, Rosamund "Rosie" Mary Watson, Slow Burn, Holmes Family, Grief, PTSD, Hurt/Comfort
Sherlock’s father falls ill, leaving the surviving family members broken and rudderless. James Sholto shows up in London unexpectedly, his intentions unclear. John has to navigate the consequences of crime, illness and death and their impact on his frayed relationship with Sherlock.
*Puh for Picasso - nauticus
5k, 1/1, Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, Autistic Sherlock, Dysfucntional Family, Ableism, Non verbal Sherlock
Their parents oftentimes think that Sherlock can't understand them, but Mycroft knows differently. Sometimes words aren't necessary.
*Proxy - CherryBlossomTide
13k, 2/2, Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Mummy Holmes, Angst, Abuse
No good deed goes unpunished.
*My Will's Not My Own - SailorChibi
50k, 45/45, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Jim Moriarty, Mycroft Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Molly Hooper, Recovery, TRIGGER WARNING: R/NC
The bomb exploded, and Sherlock was kidnapped in the immediate aftermath of the Great Game. Moriarty has come up with a plan to discredit him, and it works perfectly: everyone believes that Sherlock wanted to have sex with Moriarty, and it's turned his life upside down. He doesn't fully understand what happened, and Moriarty is still out there - and he's making promises to come back.
But now that John, Lestrade and Mycroft have found out the truth, they're going to do everything they can to protect Sherlock and give Moriarty what he deserves. The real question is whether or not they can ever make it up to Sherlock.
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Are there any fics where John begins to date men and Sherlock gets jealous because of it and there actually is a plot-not necessarily though?
Hi Nonny!
AHHH I’ve actually started a list similar, and I CAN’T remember if it was because of your ask or because of someone else’s, but yours is the one I found first, so HERE WE GO! Yes, I do have some fics related to this topic! Check them out! :D
As always, feel free to add your own fics, my friends. I know there’s a lot and I need them all!!!! I LOVE a jealous Sherlock fic, ESPECIALLY if it’s because John’s flirting with another man. 
Ex by Itsallfine (T, 1,248 w., 1 Ch. || Love Confessions, Coming Out, Exes, First Kiss, Fake Relationship, Getting Outed) – One night, in the midst of their post-case high and on the cusp of something more, John and Sherlock run into John’s ex. His ex-boyfriend.
An Interpretation of Viewing Habits by akitsuko (E, 6,653 w., 1 Ch. || Porn Watching, Masturbation, Anal, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss / Time, Declarations of Love, Jealous Sherlock, Fantasizing, John in Denial / Internalized Homophobia, Bottomlock, Pining Idiots, Sherlock Has No Boundaries, Cockblocking Sherlock) – John watches porn. It's a perfectly normal thing to do.If every video he watches happens to feature actors with remarkable physical similarities to his flatmate, well, that's no one's business but his own. Or: John is in denial, until his infatuation with Sherlock is impossible to deny anymore.
Matters of National Security by mistyzeo (E, 8,465 w., 1 Ch. || BAMF John, Doctor John, Jealous Sherlock, Dating, Bisexuality, Arguing, Stupidity, Teasing, First Kiss/Time, Hand Jobs, Frottage, RST, Idiots in Love) – John starts dating a male client of Sherlock's, and Sherlock can't figure out why he's so incensed about it.
High Tide by stardust_made (T, 8,540 w., 1 Ch. || Jealousy, Angst, First Kiss) – A little favour Sherlock stupidly agrees to do for Mycroft leads to John meeting a handsome, afluent man, who is going out of his way to woo him. Sherlock struggles with the situation and with his own reactions to it. Part 1 of The High Tide Series
Down with this Ship by FrostedFlame (PinkOrchid) (M, 10,862 w., 10 Ch. || For a Case, Gay Bar, Pining, Coming Out, Slow Burn) – Sherlock drags John undercover to a gay bar - for a case, of course - looking forward to seeing John flustered by their surroundings (since you know, he's NOT GAY). John decides that he has hidden both his orientation and his feelings for his daft flatmate for far too long. He is done hiding, time to be honest with his bloody best friend in the world. He just hopes it won't change anything between them. And then it does.
The Burning of the Leaves by blueink3 (M, 15,915 w., 3 Ch. || Post S4, Angst, Reichenbach, Parentlock, Past Jolto, Idiot John, Sherlock’s a Mess, Puppies, Fluff, Possessive / Jealous Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Sherlock POV, Matchmaker Sholto, Melancholic Feelings, Emotional Sherlock, Domesticity, Love Confessions in the Rain, Kissing in the Rain, Pet Names, Panic Attack) – After the events of series 4, Major Sholto invites John and Sherlock to lunch one day. It nearly proves to be too much for their tenuous relationship as the past haunts the present, putting the future that Sherlock so desperately wants at risk.
Let's Make a Bed Out in the Rain by theimprobable1 (M, 17,664 w., 11 Ch. || Pining Sherlock, Angst & Fluff, First Kiss, Unrequited, Jealous Sherlock, Protective Sherlock) – John is devastated after his long-term girlfriend leaves him. Sherlock helps him through it.
A Life Well-Lived by Kate_Lear (E, 20,121 w., 1 Ch. || Original Male Character, Sherlock Woos John, Jealous Sherlock, Reluctant Bi-John, Past Abuse, Insecure John, Reassuring / Caring Sherlock, Protective Sherlock, Understanding Sherlock) – John got scared off men by an abusive past relationship. Sherlock has to try and woo him while not scaring him off with protective possessive rage.
Dear John by wendymarlowe (E, 23,031 w., 64 Ch. || Post-TRF, Online Dating, Pining, Epistolary, Cybersex, Long Distance Romance) – With Sherlock dead, John eventually (under duress) makes a profile on an online dating site. And falls into a long-distance relationship with an enigmatic partner who reminds him of Sherlock in all the right ways. (Hint: it turns out to be Sherlock.) Part 1 of Dear John
The Kissing Disease by cottonballz_of_death (E, 30,856 w., 15 Ch. || Sickfic, Angst with Happy Ending, Case Fic, Self-Harm, Slow Burn, Jealous Sherlock, Body Image Issues, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional H/C, POV Sherlock, Oral / Anal, Thong, Frottage) – John brings home a boyfriend, shocking Sherlock, who long ago gave up hope that his straight flatmate would ever take a romantic interest in him. In a bid to reconnect with John, he tries to infect himself with a "harmless" virus. Neither of them is prepared for the emotional fallout that results.
Being John Watson-ish by elwinglyre (E, 69,902 w., 17 Ch. || Bodysnatcher AU || Author John, Cranky Sherlock, Angst, Sexual Tension, First Kiss / Time, Falling in Love, BAMF John, Past Soldier John, Feelings, Inside Someone’s Brain, Shy Sherlock, Sherlock Loves John, POV Sherlock, Switchlock, Slow Burn, Internal Dialogue, Mental Turmoil) – When consulting detective Sherlock Holmes steps on one toe too many at a crime scene, he's consigned to a desk job in an archaic office on the seventh-and-a-half floor of the New Scotland Yard. It’s in this bleak office that Sherlock discovers a portal into the mind of renowned author John Watson. Grander than his mind palace, this new wonderland affords Sherlock new vistas of experimentation. To learn more about the mystery behind the portal, Sherlock seeks out and befriends Watson. But then it all goes wrong when others find the secret portal door—including the man whose brain he visits.
The Wedding Garments by cwb (E, 105,390 w., 36 Ch. || Alternate Future AU || Alternate First Meeting, Dating / Arranged Marriages, Romance, First Kiss/Time, Heavy Petting, Cuddles, POV Sherlock, Virgin Sherlock, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn / Falling in Love / Dev. Rel., Nervous/Anxious Sherlock, Jealous/Cranky, Hiking, Vacation Homes / Honeymoon, Sherlock’s Family, Horny John/Sherlock, Patient John, Massages, Hand Jobs, Assassination Plots, Hand Jobs / Oral Sex) – This is the story of a young consulting detective who wants nothing to do with marriage and an army doctor who wants to find true love. It's 2020 post-Brexit England and the British government is encouraging arranged marriages. Candidates meet through state-run agencies and date in hopes of finding love (and tax benefits). Sherlock doesn't need or want a spouse, at least not until John Watson shows up. Hesitant to give in to his more carnal urges because of the way they derail his mind, how will Sherlock progress toward the more intimate aspects of a relationship? The answer lies in a very special wedding gift.
The Burning Heart by May_Shepard (M, 119,150 w., 21 Ch. || Canon Divergence, Post-TRF, John’s Sexuality, S3 Rewrite, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV John Watson, John’s Gay) – When Sherlock dies, John Watson feels like his life is over too. He’s completely shut down, until Mark Morstan, a new nurse at John’s medical clinic, catches his attention, and helps him uncover the long buried truth of his attraction to men. Although he’s certain he’ll never get over Sherlock, John plans to move on, and build a new life with Mark, unaware that Sherlock is not quite as dead as he appears, and that Mark is hiding secrets of his own.
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x-ladydisdain-x · 4 years
For the character ask: John Watson (also I accidentally sent this to your dms first sorry)
Hehe it’s okay :)
How I feel about this character: Love John. Don’t love s4 John as much, especially in TLD, but I don’t think anyone does. John is my bisexual comfort character who needs a hug, but more urgently, needs a nap.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Sherlock, James Sholto (but like, only in the past)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, anyone else cool John needs more friends
My unpopular opinion about this character: Hmm that’s tough, I think my opinions are fairly common. I’ve seen Harry be portrayed as a little sister in a lot of fics, but personally I think she would be an older sister.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: 1) He kissed Sherlock and they got together and were happy boyfriends and dammit I just want them to be happy. 2) He apologized to Sherlock for what he did in TLD, a real apology, and I know an apology doesn’t erase what he did, but it’s better than what we actually got. 3) Or, better yet, that whole thing didn’t happen at all! 4) He divorced Mary after she shot Sherlock
Thanks for the ask!! :D
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shylockgnomes · 4 years
Fan fic tag game
Thanks so much for the tag, @totallysilvergirl
AO3 Name: Littleweedwrites
Fandoms: BBC Sherlock
Number of fics: 9 apparently… though many are unfinished
1. Fic you spent the most time on: Oh gosh… everything in The Families of Sherlock Holmes. So far you’ll have seen How He Came to Be which I’m writing with @loveismyrevolution. I went to her as a beta when the whole concept was a 5+1 I wanted to write about Molly/Mary with the prompt Midnight from @sherlockchallenge which I think was from Feb 2017... Tens of thousands of words later we’re still at the start of a multi-part epic that has been spawned which will see us through, not only the childhood and adolescence of Sherlock, but the rest of our fab four too… That’s John (obviously), and a little on Molly and Mary, and through the Post-Reichenbach period and beyond! Y’all even will get some Mystrade in there too...
2. Fic you spent the least time on: Ah my ADHD!Sherlock short An Accidental Victory. I love this fic though. It was a prompt someone sent me and it’s absolutely based on me in RL as a teen… Go read the fic to find out what I did even though I’m a scatterbrain! Also it’s my 4. Shortest Fic. Clocking in at exactly 900 apparently!
3. Longest Fic: The unfinished Tin and Gems (I will come back to it!) 16k+ so far; just pips the HHCTB as published (15k+)… the next chapters of that already push it over but as you haven’t seen them let’s stick to the published word counts! Holds the title for 7. Most comments but only just.
5. Most hits My oldest fic… when I had not long joined fandom. Of Cream Horns and Crosswords It’s a cute bit of smutty fluff with some hilarious deductions and the usual awful thing where Sherlock is referred to as “the brunette��� Again it’s also 6. Most kudos…
8. Fave Fic. Oh gosh why make me pick between my kids. I think it’s a tie! One is Darkness and Release which has some of the most heartbreaking grieving sex between James Sholto and John Watson I have ever seen or written. They’re just so raw but they are also tender with each other. I know it doesn’t get that much love because it’s a more minor ship and it does have reference to Major Character Death as Sherlock has passed away in it and they were a “throuple” but it’s one of those things I sometimes can’t even conscience that I wrote it! It’s too good! And the other is Gargalesis, giggles, and gadgets which is absolutely the fluffiest femlock. Again femlock isn’t as popular in Johnlock circles but these two are too damned cute!
9. Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: I desperately want to write some more of all my unfinished bits and pieces. There’s some great Advent bits from @missdaviswrites which I haven’t completed because I find keeping up with stuff like that hard. Happy Molly-days which features Autistic!Molly is so cute!
She does appear in Families though so. Maybe those bits will be reworked as part of that!
10. Share a bit of your WIP: 
This is from my Driver!John and Mechanic!Sherlock AU The Chequered Flag
Sherlock is sitting hunched over a magazine on the ratty picnic bench on the back field, a sugary black coffee in the chipped spotty mug he likes most beside him, and a sneaky cigarette casually dangling between his fingertips. He really is trying to give up, but today is one of those days… He can hear the phone begin to ring inside, and hopes someone else will get it. He’s in luck as he hears Mrs Hudson shout through to him as if he’s still in the garage, and then when she realises he isn’t she answers it herself. He can’t hear the conversation properly from here but he’s sure if it’s important she’ll soon be yelling out to him.
And lo! There she is…
“Sherlock? It’s Mike Stamford. Some poor dear has broken down on the Lenway Road, car’s smoking like anything, you can fit her in can’t you?”
“No, I’m absolutely snowed under… can’t you see?! This magazine won’t read itself...”
“No need for the cheek! I’ll tell him yes then...”
“Please do! I look forward to it...” He shouts, not even bothering to turn around.
“Well you have to tell Molly about the pick up, I can’t do everything. I’m not your secretary and I have a load of sandwiches and cakes to do for the Turner party.”
What he really wanted from today was to be left alone. Instead he’s obviously going to have to endure interaction with some stranger, which is frustrating. Most of his regulars come to him because he’s the best and they know not to make general conversation. But any car which is smoking generally has serious engine trouble and it won’t be a short job for him to remedy. Maybe he can get them to take the courtesy car and get out of his hair…
To tag I’m gonna do... @loveismyrevolution and anyone else who fancies it!
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myhearts-sherlocked · 4 years
The sign of three was basically a declaration of Sherlock's Love for John
Okay so, the title says it all.
This is my first blog post I'm writing I'm really excited, I hope not to get lost in my train of thought.
Okay so... Let's start easy.
The morning of the wedding Sherlock's up early, mrs. H brings him tea, and she starts talking about the Marriage ( calling it: THE BIG DAY) and how it changes people. Sherlock doesn't understand why this is a Big deal, and starts to avoid talking about it.
When the photographer is taking pictures after the ceremony; Sherlock doesn't budge at first when the photographer said "just the bride and groom, please" which I found really cute and sad at the same time. As at that point Sherlock helped both of them organize a lot of things, so they've been a team in the whole process, and when it was time for the actual thing, he had to step aside.
When Sholto arrives at the reception, John obv greets him, while Sherlock and Mary talk about him, and Sherlock shows obvious signs of jealousy knowing that John "never shuts up about Sholto and not him".
Also, it turns out that apparently he's not "the most unsociable man that John has ever met" anymore, which was one of the many things that made him different from everyone else around them, and now there's suddenly someone else taking that place from him?
*MARY: "neither of us were the first, you know? "
At this point Sherlock is done, and tells Mary to stop smiling, luckily Mary doesn't take it to heart as she 'knows' Sherlock and just shakes it off.
But Sherlock never told John to stop smiling cuz he basically did everything so that John's presumably "Most important day of his life" would go smoothly, and he knows how much John has hurt for the past years (he takes responsibility for it, and is trying to redeem himself by helping him find 'happiness') and probably understands that for John , the wedding day is actually a big deal, he might not understand why, as  he tells Mrs. H earlier:
* SHERLOCK: Two people who currently live together are about to attend church, have a party, go on a short holiday and then carry on living together. What's big about that?
One thing I really liked about Sherlock's Best man's speech is that even though he's the Cleverest person in the room , (and he knows it) and the whole mind palace thing ;
He prepares flashcards to remember, just in case something goes wrong and forgets, which would be unlikely, cuz yeah, hes Sherlock Holmes but he's still a human, and he does it so that he doesn't ruin the most important day in his Best Friend's life. Although he doesn't understand why, Sherlock does it anyways, for John. That's why he gets a bit agitated when he sees everyone crying, and wonders if he did something wrong.
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Plus, Sherlock doesn't show-off as much during his speech, he made sure that the spotlight for his speech would always fall on John Watson.
Let's quote some of the nice things Sherlock said about John, during his speech:
*SHERLOCK: today you sit between the woman you have made your wife and the man you have saved - in short,  the two people who love you most in all this world. And I know I speak for Mary as well when I say we will never let you down, and we have a lifetime ahead to prove that.
* SHERLOCK: I never expected to be anybody's best friend. Certainly not the best friend of the bravest and kindest and wisest human being I have ever had the good fortune of knowing.
* SHERLOCK: The best and bravest man I know and on top of that he actually knows how to do stuff.
[Flashback to John asking Sherlock to be his best man]
*John: I want to be up there with the two people i love and care about most in the world
So, we already know that John's talking about his wife to-be and Sherlock. Now if you'll excuse me let's just go back a bit, when John hasn't met Mary yet. I think the statement would still stand; but with only one subject/individual (In this case Sherlock). Idk where I'm going with this. But basically what I'm saying is that before John met Mary, Sherlock was the only person he loved and cared about the most in the world. Let that sink in.
Now. Let's talk about the flashbacks of the stag night.
Before actually going to the Pubs, Sherlock asks Molly to help him 'calculate' their ideal alcohol intake.
And he says :
* SHERLOCK: Don't want to get ill. That would ruin it - spoil the mood.
Let's remember what John told Sherlock when he  was appointed as Best man:
*JOHN: Look, Sherlock, this is the biggest and most important day of my life.
And we see that Sherlock's a bit skeptical about it at first but we've seen that already.
[back to the stag night]
Sherlock really wants it to go well for John, but it doesn't really go as planned and they go home early. NOW, my favorite part of the stag night: The Rizla game.
When Sherlock's trying to guess who he's supposed to be... These are the answers that John has already given him:
He is human; not as tall as people think; nice-ish; clever, important to some people, ppl don't like him and he tends to rub them up the wrong way.
SO! With these informations on hand, Sherlock's first guess is: KING OF ENGLAND, ofc John tells him that they don't have a king, So Sherlock had to guess again. His second guess was 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁. JAWN. Yep, so I found this interesting somehow, basically what I came up with is : for Sherlock, Jawn has the same qualities a king would have. Think about it. I'll let you work it out by yourself, cuz I'm tired sksk. Just comment below any thoughts about this.
Ok so at this point Hudders interrupts the game, bringing in a client. Nothing in this part particularly interests this blog.
But a few honorable mentions :
> John touching Sherlock's knee
> Sherlock's arm around John while sitting on the couch
> Sherlock's butt up while "clueing for looks"
After this, there's the whole case-solving part. We'll skip it, and go to the last bit.
Sherlock's playing his newly composed waltz for the Watsons and then they talk about Mary being pregnant, everyone's happy, and there's the really long, awkward eye contact between the two men, while the bride is the one supposed to have all the attention, out of the 3 of them... Okay afterwards, the newlyweds dance together, and then Sherlock leaves early. As he sees that everything's going smoothly again, ( Sherlock saw, being the best man, a responsibility) at that point he probably thought that his job was done, and his presence was not needed anymore. That's heartbreaking.
So basically Sherlock also composed a Waltz for them (as I already mentioned earlier), and taught John how to dance along with it. So practically Sherlock did hell of a LOT for the Watsons, and John specifically. Cuz yeah it's the topic of this Blog post. But I enjoyed Sherlock and Mary's friendship during this.
But here's the thing, everything Sherlock has done throughout the whole episode; he did it exclusively for John's happiness. Because that's true love. Now count me as cheesy, but even if you don't ship Johnlock, and only see them as friends, you have to admit that what Sherlock did, showed his love for John. Because even if he knows that after this wedding John wouldn't spend as much time with him as he did in the past. He prefers to see John happy than being Petty about it. ( for me, that's love, as long as the other half is happy, I'm good)
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Now let's remember what Sherlock did for the Watson's during this episode:
> greatest best man speech
> compose a Waltz
> teach John how to dance
> organize an intricate stag night with a personal touch
> prevent a murder at his Best friend's wedding
> got in good terms with Archie
> scared off Mary's ex, so he'd stay put.
> Made sure they still had beautiful wedding pics before arresting the photographer
Helps organizing :
> the sitting setting at the reception
> the time Schedule
> the tissues
* = quoted from https://arianedevere.livejournal.com/66078.html
That was all I had for you guys~ ✨I really hope you liked it, I enjoyed writing this, comment your thoughts, I'd appreciate feedback :')
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johnlockelephant · 4 years
Hey there, In Tsot why does Mary say "Oh, Sherlock, neither of us were the first, you know." ?? Some of us think it was bcoz Moftiss were trying to give us a Johnlock hint (and I love that answer, coz Johnlock is my OTP) But Mary is marrying John n if she's putting herself and Sherlock into the same category, it must be bcoz she knows how Sherlock feels about John and vice versa. Then why the hell is she marrying him in the first place.🤔 This just confused the shit out of me.
‘Neither of us was the first’ meaning, I wasn’t his first girlfriend. That leads on to be, you weren’t his first boyfriend, Sholto was. 
Mary believes that John at least used to have feelings for Sherlock, for all Mary knows, they could have been openly dating, but John never admitted it to her because it would make him too upset. But when Sherlock comes back, John is trying to get over him. He has ‘moved on’. (more proof for their ship, because literally everyone around them, believed that they were a couple) But since Sherlock has come back he's been less attached to Mary.
But if John was still in love with Sherlock, why would he be asking to marry a woman?
Well, I think this is partly out of internalised homophobia, and partly because John thought it was the right thing to do. After 2 years he's still going to Sherlock’s grave. He asked to marry Mary so that he wouldn’t miss Sherlock. So that he could move on. He’s marrying Mary to forget about Sherlock.
So Mary marries John because she knows that he's in love with Sherlock, but he needed her to distract from it after Sherlock died. And since Sherlock saw John about to propose, they couldn’t just end it, they had to follow through. And I think Mary does this because she knows its what John needed before Sherlock came back. And she knows that her past will come back to bite her, so she's taking a chance while she still can. She knows she may die (proof - pre-recorded messages) but she knows she can use this to get John and Sherlock back together. To make him realise that Johnlock is the only constant thing.
Either this, or Mary is trying to get in the way of John and Sherlock, and there are really big theories about how Mary may be working for Moriarty, but I think the theory I have stated makes more sense. 
Thanks for giving me this line to work on, I really enjoyed coming up with a theory even tho it was kinda difficult. If u have any questions ask and I can clarify stuff for u.
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ao3feed-johnlock · 4 years
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2DWLHu0
by Lady_Baelish
Based on the novels "La vie compliqué de Léa Olivier"
After their parent's death the Holmes family moves to their Grandma's house lost in the Oregon.
In his new school Sherlock falls deeply in love with the popular football team golden boy, John Watson.
Thanks god his bestfriend, Irene Adler, is here to help him.
Words: 219, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mycroft Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Mary Morstan, Sebastian Moran, Jim Moriarty, Janine (Sherlock), Mike Stamford, Irene Adler (Sherlock Holmes), Victor Trevor, Eurus Holmes, Kate (Sherlock), James Sholto (Sherlock), John Watson's Father, Jeanette (Sherlock), Mrs. Hudson (Sherlock Holmes), Mummy (Sherlock)
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade, Molly Hooper/Jim Moriarty, Molly Hooper/Tom, Irene Adler/Kate (Sherlock), Mycroft Holmes & Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes & Molly Hooper, Mary Morstan/John Watson, Mycroft Holmes & John Watson, Greg Lestrade & John Watson, Molly Hooper & John Watson, Mike Stamford & John Watson, Sherlock Holmes & Mike Stamford, Greg Lestrade & Mike Stamford, Molly Hooper & Mike Stamford, Sherlock Holmes & Mrs. Hudson
Additional Tags: First Time, First Kiss, E-mail, Alternate Universe - High School, High School, Love Confessions, Falling In Love, I'm Bad At Tagging, I Will Go Down With This Ship, How Do I Tag, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Why Did I Write This?, I'm Bad At Summaries, Possessive Sherlock, Jealous Sherlock, Jealousy, Sherlock Holmes Loves John Watson, Developing Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, POV Sherlock Holmes, POV Irene Adler, Lesbian Irene, Irene Adler Ships Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Dom Irene Adler, Awesome Irene Adler, Sherlock Being Sherlock, Top Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes Has Feelings, Sherlock's Violin, BAMF John, Bottom John, Top John, Bottom Sherlock Holmes, Protective Greg, Greg is Sweet, Greg Lestrade & John Watson Friendship, Greg Lestrade & Sherlock Holmes Friendship, BAMF Greg Lestrade, Awesome Molly Hooper, Sherlock Holmes & Molly Hooper Friendship, BAMF Molly, Awesome Molly, Mycroft Being a Good Brother, Protective Mycroft, Mycroft Feels, Teen Mycroft, Mycroft Holmes Has Feelings, Mrs. Hudson Ships It, Awesome Mrs. Hudson, Parental Mrs. Hudson, Past Mary Morstan/John Watson, Minor Mary Morstan/John Watson, Mary Morstan is Not Nice, Minor Sebastian Moran/Jim Moriarty
August 16, 2020 at 11:23PM
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ao3feed-sterek · 5 years
Calypso's Never Ending Adventures
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3a13KKM
by MadamKhaos
Calypso Potter-Black is now Unspeakable Phoenix. She was working on the rash amount of fires killing shifters when she unknowingly finds herself in the middle of trouble with a capital T. Even as one episode closes, another begins. Will she ever be surprised by the meddling of fates? The journey called life has merely just begun and with how very long her life is going to be... well, it calls for adventures! Grand, impossible, and dangerous adventures! But mostly the adventure called love and having a family is what throws her off-kilter the most in the grand scheme of things.
Words: 6275, Chapters: 4/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter - Laurell K. Hamilton, Merry Gentry - Laurell K Hamilton, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, True Blood (TV), The Vampire Diaries (TV), The Vampire Diaries - L. J. Smith, Teen Wolf (TV), Southern Vampire Mysteries - Charlaine Harris
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Anita Blake, Jean-Claude (Anita Blake), Richard Zeeman, Harry Potter, Andromeda Black Tonks, Teddy Lupin, Luna Lovegood, Pam Swynford De Beaufort, Eric Northman, Godric Gryffindor, Godric (True Blood), Sookie Stackhouse, Bill Compton, Lafayette Reynolds, Jason Stackhouse, Crystal Norris, Tara Thornton, Alcide Herveaux, Stiles Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Allison Argent, Chris Argent, Kate Argent, Gerard Argent, Victoria Argent, The Argents, John Newland, Olivia Newland, The Originals (Vampire Diaries), Klaus Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson, Bonnie Bennett, Caroline Forbes, Elena Gilbert, Margaret Gilbert, Sholto (Merry Gentry), Merry Gentry, Frost (Merry Gentry), Doyle (Merry Gentry), Rhys (Merry Gentry), Galen (Merry Gentry), Kitto (Merry Gentry), Barinthus (Merry Gentry)
Relationships: Peter Hale/Harry Potter, Eric Northman/Harry Potter, Klaus Mikaelson/Harry Potter, Anita Blake/Nathaniel Graison, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Allison Argent/Scott McCall, Luna Lovegood/Pam Swynford De Beaufort, Crystal Norris/Jason Stackhouse, Godric/Sookie Stackhouse, Lafayette Reynolds/Jesús Velasquez, Elijah Mikaelson/Andromeda Black Tonks, Harry Potter/Other(s), Teddy Lupin/Other(s), Anita Blake/Jean-Claude (Anita Blake)/Richard Zeeman, Alcide Herveaux/Tara Thornton
Additional Tags: Werewolf Teddy Lupin, Witch Bonnie Bennett, Klaus Mikaelson Has A Heart, Protective Klaus Mikaelson, Alpha Peter Hale, Sane Peter Hale, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf) Bashing, Bottom Stiles Stilinski, Spark Stiles Stilinski, Mates Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Female Harry Potter, Master of Death Harry Potter, BAMF Harry Potter, Creature Harry Potter, Werewolves, Vampires, Hybrids, Sidhe, Goblins, Seer Luna Lovegood, BAMF Luna Lovegood, Lesbian Luna Lovegood, Protective Elijah Mikaelson, BAMF Kol Mikaelson, Protective Rebekah Mikaelson, Alpha Klaus Mikaelson, Godric (True Blood) Lives, Fairy Sookie Stackhouse, Bill Compton Bashing, Werepanthers, Were-Creatures, Don't Like Don't Read, Not Beta Read, Sorry Not Sorry, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Cannibalism, Bestiality, Tags Are Fun, How Do I Tag, Overpowered Harry Potter, Adventure & Romance, Action/Adventure, Timeline What Timeline, Be Careful What You Wish For, Magical Tattoos, Magical Pregnancy, Magical Bond, MACUSA | Magical Congress of the United States of America, Unspeakable Harry Potter, I'm Not Ashamed, I'm Going to Hell
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3a13KKM
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anoldwound · 7 years
Preserve Your Memories, Chapter Two - John/Sholto [BBC Sherlock]
Chapter 2
November 2nd.
He studied the calendar on his desk pad, each of the old days marked off with a large, red X.
Exactly one year and eleven months since that bomb had burned the left side of his body and killed those men.
One year, eleven months, and hundreds of death threats later, here he was. Still.
If nothing else, it was a testament to how well he was able to keep going, even when he didn't really want to.
He studied the schedule for the day, and saw that it was, coincidentally, also the day for the new staff cycle. He'd nearly forgotten, after yesterday's debacle with the chef. It was going to take ages for the new maid to clean the pudding off of the chandelier.
James went to go prepare, grabbing an apple from the kitchen.
* * *  
The new staff members stood in a line in the foyer, backs straight and feet planted firmly on the ground. The new chef, the new driver, the new maid, and the new nurse.
James was far enough along in his recovery that he no longer needed assistance dressing, showering, or going about his daily activities, and he'd also completed physical therapy some time ago. His scars had mostly healed by this point, though it was still necessary to apply lotion in order to prevent dryness and blisters. James was perfectly capable of functioning on his own, but he'd been advised to still have a private nurse visit a few times a week to monitor his progress and administer his medication. He didn't much see the point, but did so anyway.
This particular nurse was named Maxwell Bertrand, and his resume had been singularly impressive. He was American, and had trained at Johns Hopkins, before inexplicably coming to England and spending a year in the burn unit at Chelsea & Westminster. He then, also inexplicably, gave that up to become a private nurse, which he had (according to his references) been doing an excellent job at for the past six months.
James came up to him in the line-up. He was of an average height, with dark skin, broad shoulders, and slim hips. James could not help but note his striking good looks, though he quickly moved on to other things in his head.
“Nurse Bertrand,” he said. “Welcome.”
“You can just call me Maxwell. And hi.” He smiled. It was a nice smile, warm and friendly. A finely groomed goatee surrounded his mouth.
As James greeted everyone else, and as the rest of the day proceeded, it was notable that none of the others addressed him so informally, which was what he preferred. There was nothing wrong with this Maxwell fellow, per se – he was nothing but respectful and courteous – but it would not do if he attempted to form some sort of personal relationship. And he seemed like the sort who might try. It had happened a few times before, his nurses attempting to become his friend. It never ended well. James had never been the type to make friends very easily. People gave up after a while. So many found him off-putting, and he could hardly blame them.
Still, though, the man's expertise couldn't be denied, and James had always had respect for those who were extremely competent in the field of medicine (an image of John stitching up a wound flashed across his mind). There was no sense in letting go of someone that dedicated for hypothetical and largely unfounded reasons.
When the afternoon drew to a close and night began creeping across the landscape, James sat in his office going over some documents when there was a knock on the door.
“Come in,” he said.
Maxwell Bertrand creaked the door open, looking apologetic. He inched his way into the room.
“Listen,” he started, “I'm really sorry about this, but I don't think I can keep working for you.”
Well, this was a surprise. James put his pen down. “Oh? Why not?”
“It's just... well, it's a really long commute. Like, insanely long. Much longer than I thought it was gonna be.”
“You'll only be here a few times a week.”
“I know, but...” He worried at his lower lip. “Money's kind of tight for me right now, even with how much you're paying me, and because it takes me so long to get here and back that means there's less jobs I can take. So, I really appreciate the opportunity, and I can give you some recommendations for other nurses if you want, but – ”
While Maxwell had been speaking, James had picked his pen up again and written something on a slip of paper, which he now wordlessly slid across the desk.
After giving him a curious look, Maxwell picked up the paper and read it. His eyes went wide and he inhaled sharply.
“I trust that'll be sufficient for your needs,” James said.
“Yeah, that's – wow. Wow. That's incredibly generous. Thank you.” He continued to stare at the paper for another few moments before tucking it into the waistband of his scrubs, showing a brief flash of his abdomen. “I'll see you Thursday!”
The door clicked shut behind him.
* * *
He was a very outgoing sort.
It only took a short while for Maxwell to establish a rapport with the rest of the household staff. He was cheerful smiles and boundless energy, the sort of man who'd bring you a cup of your favorite tea for no reason, who was able to strike up a conversation with anyone about anything at any given time. Normally such people irritated James immensely, but Maxwell had such a good nature that it was impossible to dislike him.
As winter settled in, wrapping its cold and snowy arms around the backwoods of his home, the house paradoxically became warmer and more inviting. Because of Maxwell's long commute, after his work was over he would frequently stay a few hours more (“Otherwise the drive there and back is longer than the time I was actually here”, he said). He stayed out of the way, for the most part, until one day James found him sitting in the library, cozying up next to the fireplace.
“Oh,” James said, and Maxwell looked up.
“Oh, hey – hope this is alright,” he said, shifting in his seat. “I wanted to check out your collection.”
“It's fine.” James stood there awkwardly.
“You've got a lot of war books.” He waved the book he was currently reading – The Monuments Men.
“I couldn't even find any dirty romance novels or anything,” he said jokingly.
James said nothing, just continued to stand there.
Maxwell cleared his throat. “Did you, uh – come in here for something, or...?”
“Er, yes –” He jerked his arm over towards the third shelf on the right. “I need some... cookbooks.”
“Cookbooks? Don't you have a chef?”
“...Right.” Maxwell chortled with confusion before tucking his legs underneath him and resuming his reading.
James immediately left the library without getting what he had come there for.
* * *
The night terrors hadn't subsided over time. If anything, they'd gotten worse.
He'd always been a light sleeper, and any noise in the night was liable to send him jolting upright in bed, sweat pouring down his brow and his heart racing so hard that he could feel it in every part of his body, that rapid thumpthumpthumpthump. Sometimes he would wake up already screaming.
It was something of a consolation that he could never remember what he had been dreaming about.
It was also nothing he couldn't manage. He never felt tired during the day and he never became violent in his sleep, like he had heard could sometimes happen. It was more of an annoyance than anything else.
He never bothered explaining to the maids why his sheets tended to be soaked in sweat most mornings. And they never asked.
Occasionally, to calm himself upon waking, John's face would swim before him, and his soothing voice would whisper reassurances in his ear.
“You're fine,” the phantom John would say. “You're alright. You're safe.”
He wasn't safe. But it was still nice to hear.
* * *
James had always prided himself on his self-control, so when he awoke one day to find that the lamp on his bedside table had been flung across the room, his carefully constructed artifice of everything being fine began to show some cracks.
Just an accident, he told himself, picking up the broken pieces with his right hand. I'm hardly the first person to act out their dreams in their sleep.
Still. He would have to monitor the situation closely. If it escalated... well. It wouldn't do to think about that just now.
He didn't tell Maxwell about this during his visit, though a part of him knew that he should. He also hadn't told him about the night terrors – had not, in fact, told anyone at all. He presumed his security team must know, due to the cameras, but they were honoring their contracts and not saying a word.
He could keep it under control. He had always been able to.
“Do you mind if I skip out early today?” Maxwell asked him as they were wrapping up their appointment.
“Do you mean, do I mind if you leave at your scheduled time instead of staying late? Because no, I don't.” It came out sounding colder than he had meant it to.
He blinked, but bounced back fairly quickly. “Yeah. Thanks.”
James, against his better judgment, made an attempt to be somewhat friendly. “Any particular reason why?”
“I've got a date.” Maxwell smirked, and something about that smirk reminded James of John, and he could almost smell the streets of Paris in his nostrils.
“Ah.” He rearranged some items on his desk. “Who's the lucky lady?”
“Man. Lucky man.”
He stared at him, before realizing his mouth was slightly agape. He snapped it shut. “Oh.”
“Is that a problem?” Maxwell stared at him defiantly.
“N-no – no, of course not, not at all. It's good... good for you.” He coughed, thumping his fist against his chest.
He relaxed. “It's a blind date. I don't normally do those, but my friends are making me, so.”
“I see.”  His stomach was fluttering, which was ridiculous.
 No, no. Mustn't think it. No.
* * *
It was one of the worst snow storms James had seen in a long time – though of course, he'd spent much of the last decade in the desert.
It didn't start until most of the staff had gone home – the night security team had their own private quarters on the grounds – but as James was on his way to the kitchen to get some water, he passed by the library and, when he glanced inside, did a double take and stopped in his tracks.
“Bertrand?” Maxwell was draped across one of the chairs, book held loosely in hand, his arm dangling off the armrest. He was snoring quite loudly.
James sighed with irritation and shoved Maxwell's arm. “Bertrand.”
The book fell out of his hand as he woke with a start, doing some sort of karate pose. “Wha – ?” He looked up at James, confused. “Where am I...?”
“You're in my library. What are you still doing here?”
“Oh... oh. Oh, shit.” Maxwell ran his hands over his face and sat up. “How long was I out for?”
“It must have been a while, considering it's 9 pm.” The snow pounded against the windows. “There's a blizzard outside. It won't be safe for you to drive home.”
“Fuck.” He slid down in his seat, looking up at the ceiling as though that were the cause for his current predicament. “I'm so sorry about this. I don't know what happened. One minute I was reading about the Nazi occupation in France, then – ”
“There's a guest wing,” he interrupted. “You can sleep there, if you like. I'll show you to it.”
“Nah, you can just tell me. I'm not going to sleep yet – well, I'm not going back to sleep.” Maxwell stood up and stretched, the muscles in his arms straining. His shirt lifted slightly. “It alright if I hang out in the living room for a while?”
“It's fine. Just please be quiet. The guest wing is on the third floor, the hallway to the left.”
“Thanks. Really sorry about this. It won't happen again.”
“See that it doesn't.” James turn-heeled and left the library.
* * *
He was sitting up in his bed, unable to sleep, when there was a soft knock at the door.
The door opened, and Maxwell's face peered through. “Am I bothering you?”
Yes. “Do you need something?”
Maxwell took this as an invitation to open the door all the way and step inside, which it hadn't been. James felt a tiny ball of aggravation in his belly. “Man, how can you stand living in this house alone? This place is creepy as hell at night.”
James gave a small shrug. “You get used to it.”
“Well, I don't know about you, but I need some company.” He brandished a DVD. “Please come down and watch this with me. I was in the living room and my voice actually echoed. And I swear I saw a ghost.”
He couldn't help chuckling.  His annoyance faded.“I suppose I can humor you.”
Maxwell beamed. “Awesome.”
“What's the movie?” he asked, standing up and feeling self-conscious in his pajamas.
“Seven Samurai. It's one of the only ones I could find that wasn't directly related to the army.”
“Have something against the military? Are you one of those pacifist types?” They set off towards the large spiral staircase at the end of the hall. James walked slightly ahead of him.
“Nah. War's unnecessary most of the time, but I don't have anything against the army itself. But you have so many war movies. Isn't it, like... not good to watch those? Doesn't it trigger you?”
“No, not really.” James coughed. “Have you seen Seven Samurai before?”
“Nope. Is it good?”
“It is. It's also over three hours long.”
“Damn. Looks like we're in for the long haul, huh?” Maxwell clapped him on the shoulder and glided his way gracefully down the stairs.
* * *
There had been a six-pack of beer in the fridge (the chef's, probably), which Maxwell had gladly taken as his own. James stuck to his tap water, and was grateful when Maxwell didn't try to push him into drinking.
Three empty bottles sat on the coffee table while the movie played. As Maxwell opened his fourth, he noticed James' slightly disapproving glance.
“It's been a long week,” he said, in way of explanation.
“Oh?” James fiddled with his glass, which was almost empty.
“Yeah. That blind date was a total bust. And he keeps calling.” He took a long swig. “Trust my friends to set me up with a stage five clinger.”
James made a non-committal noise in the back of his throat. As the film continued to play, and Maxwell depleted his beer supply, strangely enough, it was James who found himself becoming more talkative. Perhaps it was the late hour and how tired he was.
“So, your blind date,” he asked before his brain had agreed to say it. “What happened?”
Maxwell looked surprised at the question, and gulped. “Oh, uh – well, for one thing, he started in immediately on how he wanted to have kids and settle down. Kinda intense for a first date. Then he wouldn't shut up about model trains... it was weird.”
“Your friends picked a winner.”
Maxwell laughed. “That they did, that they did.” He grew thoughtful. “I dunno. Maybe it's for the best.”
“What makes you say that?”
He was silent for several moments, before saying, “I basically have, like, a pathological need to try to 'fix' people. It's not really a fun trait to have. I mean, it's one thing to love and care for and help someone, but it's another to just give and give and give and all the other person does is take, y'know? It takes its toll, man. I'm trying to stop doing that. But I always feel like I need some kind of project. And it's fucked up, because I shouldn't be thinking of people as projects, right? I dunno, maybe I just shouldn't be dating at all.”
“I see.”
“What about you?”
“Do you do that whole... dating thing?”
James let out a puff of laughter and shook his head. “No.”
“Have you ever dated anybody? Sorry. That's not to say I think you're undateable or anything... I don't know what I'm saying. I don't have a filter right now.”
“I've... dated. In the past.”
“Didn't work out?”
“Why not?”
James didn't answer, and focused his attention back to the movie, where the samurai were sharing their rice with one of the old villagers. Maxwell accepted his silence on the matter and did not further pursue the subject.
“Anyway,” Maxwell said, “I've been in England for a while but I still feel like I need to get used to how you guys operate. Things are different here.”
“What made you decide to move to England?” James looked back over at him.
“You wanna know the truth?”
He nodded.
Maxwell took a long sip of his beer. “Running away from an ex.”
“Yeah. Not something I'm proud of, but...” He bit his lower lip in thought. “I mean, it wasn't because he was crazy, or anything. It's just that, everywhere I went, I was reminded of him in some way. I just wanted to escape it, you know? I'd turn the corner, see the sandwich shop we had our second date at... the park where we kissed the first time... it was rough. I couldn't deal with it. So when I got offered a job at the burn unit at Chelsea & Westminster... hard to resist. I always liked London, anyway.”
“Hmm, London. Never much liked the place myself.”
“Yeah, you don't really seem like a city kind of guy.” He chortled, then became serious again. “And... well, another reason was because my mom died. Leukemia.”
“Oh. I'm sorry.”
His eyes stared vacantly ahead for a few moments before snapping back. “It was a few years ago. But that didn't make the break up easier. I thought leaving would solve my problems... but it didn't. You can run from stuff all you want, but it'll still find you in the end.”
“Wherever you go, there you are,” James said.
Maxwell smiled slowly. “Yeah, exactly.” He took another sip of beer. “The change of scenery was nice, though.”
“You lived in Maryland originally, yes?”
“Yeah. It was a lot warmer than here, that's for sure. What about you? Where are you from?”
James made a vague waving gesture. “Here. I inherited this house.”
“Ah. So your parents are dead, too?”
“Yes. Everyone in my family.” James looked away from Maxwell's sympathetic gaze.
“I'm very sorry to hear that,” he said.
“Yes, well.” It wasn't something he thought about very often, truth be told. Or perhaps it was something he preferred not to dwell on. He drank the last of his water. “I should probably go to bed.”
“Aw, no! The movie's not over yet!”
“You may stay and finish it, if you like. But I have an early start tomorrow and should rest.” He stood up, pulling down at the bottom of his shirt.
Maxwell looked as though he was about to follow him with protest, but seemed to think better of it and stayed where he was. “Alright. But if a ghost comes to get me, it'll be your fault.”
James felt his insides turn to ice as he made a vague nodding gesture and headed back upstairs.
* * *
That night, he dreamt of soldiers lying dead in an open, bare field, and flames licking the side of his face.
The sky was orange, and streaked with purple. Ashes danced in the air. There were no screams, no sound at all. The fire didn't even hurt. It simply was.
Then, suddenly, he could hear the sound of running footsteps in the distance, coming closer. He couldn't move, but he could see. The dirt kicked up, swirled into the sky, and the footsteps drew closer and closer, and James knew it was a dream and knew who was coming and willed himself not to wake, just this once, not to wake before it was over...
“James,” the person said, “James.”
It wasn't John. It was always John, but this time it wasn't. He didn't know who it was. His eyes filled with blood and flame.
His alarm woke him with a piercing beep.
* * *
Because of the cameras, the only place James could have a wank was in the shower. It was an indulgence he tried not to give into too often, but of course it all had to come out at some point.
He was doing so now, leaning against the shower wall, his right hand stroking rhythmically. He normally did not fantasize, preferring instead to focus on sensation, the jolts of pleasure running through his nerves and the blood rushing through his veins. This morning was proving to be an exception, as the previous night's conversation had forced him to recall long-ago memories, ones he tried to keep buried deep inside, locked in a dusty iron box. Thinking about the past could only bring him pain, unnecessary pain.
But still, not all of the memories were bad, particularly the ones where John was fucking him, or he was fucking John, all the different times combined together in his head, almost as though a sort of dreamy montage, and all of the images flashed in his head like a particularly pornographic slideshow, and as he came closer and closer to climax, his back slipping against the wet wall, at the last moment a different picture danced across his eyes, one of Maxwell taking off his clothes and standing before him stark naked –
The thought made him come hard, his limbs shaking.
Oh, this is not good, he thought to himself, his cheeks flushed and his chest heaving up and down. The drops of water hit his face like soft marbles. This is not at all good.
* * *
There was only a few more weeks until the new nurse would be brought in. He could make it until then. All he had to do was have as minimal contact with Maxwell as he possibly could.  
He wanted him to leave, but the thought of him actually leaving also made him incredibly melancholy. The house just would not feel the same in his absence.
The whole thing was utterly ridiculous, in any case. It wouldn't, and couldn't, happen. But that didn't stop James from behaving as though he were some sort of teenager and Googling him very thoroughly, trying to find all of his social media sites, which was difficult, considering James did not have any of those himself.
One day, feeling like a fool as he did so, he managed to find a blog that was definitely Maxwell's, though it was not linked to him directly and did not state his full name anywhere on the page. It felt slightly unethical, reading this, as though he had found Maxwell's private diary and had cracked the lock, but he was unable to resist.
   Hey guys! Just had my 30th birthday yesterday! Damn, I feel old, lol. 30 is when you're officially an adult, right? No more excuses? Gotta start settling down and getting your life together?  
   If anyone figures out the magical spell to make all of that happen instantly let me know because I still don't have my shit figured out.  
   Party's this weekend, so hit me up if you want in!!!  
He read a few more entries before closing the page. He had to stop before he got in too deep. Sentiment was not a virtue. At least not for someone like him.
* * *
Whenever he would come, his fingers trembling as they stayed wrapped around his cock, there was the initial afterglow, but then shortly after, an unbearable emptiness and desire for something more.
James didn't know how to fill it. He didn't know where to begin. He didn't even know what it was that was missing.
* * *
During another one of Maxwell's visits, he had noted that the scars were healing nicely but James had to take care to apply lotion to them more often, and had attempted to do so himself, his lotion-tipped fingers lightly touching the side of his burned cheek, before James had twitched away and grabbed the bottle back.
Later that night, James booted up his computer and typed in the address for Maxwell's blog. His newest entry read –
   A list of things that are Not Good:  
   falling for your patient ...that's it, that's the list  
    Haha. Oops.  
James stared at the screen for a very, very long time, attempting, and failing, to process or make sense of this.
He must be talking about someone else, he decided, and clicked out of the window.
* * *
He moved the fingers on his right hand, watching the bones and muscles contract and flex. He looked at his left hand, lying uselessly on the table. He willed the fingers to move. Nothing happened.
It was an old exercise he had tried when he was still in the hospital and in denial about what had happened to him. It's easy, he told his hand. You've done it millions of times before. It's old hat. Move. Move. Move.
It never did. It never would.
* * *
It was the last day for much of the staff, Maxwell included. They had not spoken much over the past week or so, which was especially odd for Maxwell. He had even taken to leaving the house on time, instead of reading in the library after their appointments. James was simultaneously anticipating and dreading Maxwell's disappearance from his life and that library.
But he would be fine. Of course he would. He always was. Alone was the best thing for him to be.
Right now he was sitting at his desk in his office. A cough came from the door, and James looked up.
It was Maxwell.
“Well, I'm done for the day,” he said, shifting his feet back and forth. “So I guess this is it.”
“I suppose so.” James was careful not to make eye contact. “You've done a fine job, Bertrand. We're all sorry to see you go.”
“Thanks.” He lingered in the doorway.“Listen, um... I know this is none of my business, but...”
James looked warily at him. “What?”
He seemed to be struggling to find the right words to say. After a moment or two, he did. “Look, I can't even begin to imagine the stuff you've been through. I'm not gonna pretend to really understand that. But... what I can understand is feeling like you're alone. And I can understand feeling like you can get through everything by yourself. But you shouldn't have to. In fact, you can't. No one can get through this life without help. And – don't take this the wrong way – I think you do need some. Help.”
James' muscles tensed as he fell back in his seat.
“I mean, with everything that's happened to you... most people would have fallen apart. And you've been holding it together, but I'm...” He nearly swallowed his words. “I'm worried about you, man. You cut yourself off from everyone and everything. That's no way to live.” Maxwell took a deep breath and reached into his pocket. “So, I asked around, and I think I found someone who you can talk to about everything. I know it's not easy for you to talk to people, but this psychiatrist specializes in veterans with PTSD. She's, like, the top of her field. And she even does house calls, if you need her to, so you won't have to go to the city.”
He gingerly stepped back into the office and placed the business card for the therapist on James' desk. James looked at it, but didn't pick it up.
“I really hope you give it a shot,” Maxwell said. “It doesn't hurt, to have someone to talk to.”
James slid his gaze back up to Maxwell's hopeful face.
“You're right,” he said. “It's none of your business.”
Maxwell pulled back a bit, as though James had just made to punch him. Then, an expression came over his face, one of disappointment and resignation, but not as though he was entirely surprised.
“Okay.” He tapped the card with his index finger before heading back towards the door. “But hold onto it.” He paused at the threshold once again. He took one last look back at him. “Take care of yourself, alright?”
He closed the door quietly.
James waited until he was sure Maxwell was long gone, before picking up the business card. It read, in simple font with a simple design:
   DR. AURELIA HASAN VA Psychiatrist  
Contact info was typed in a smaller font below. James flipped the card between his fingers. He considered crumpling it, throwing it in the trash, ripping it, throwing it out the window, stomping on it, hiding it somewhere no one would ever be able to find it.
He slipped the card inside his Rolodex instead.
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raggedyblue · 6 years
the adventure of secon stain
I have always loved the Canon and Holmes, since I was child and I thought I knew the stories quite well. But the more time passes, the more I realize how faulty my conviction was considering how many references in BBC Sherlock I continue to lose. And I am more and more amazed at how they have taken such a monumental work, even in terms of size, they have taken it apart bit by bit, to reassemble it in a way that is deceptive and perfectly consistent at the same time. After commenting on this meta, which basically talks about  two stains, I took up "the adventure of the second stain". It is one of those stories rich in subtext and in which, if you are in this game, you can notice a remarkable game of mirrors.
The story is about two very famous politicians asking for help from Holmes and Watson to resolve the case of  a missing letter, potentially compromising.
Let's start by looking closely at the two men because apart from the fact that Watson / Doyle describes them in a blatantly flattering and quite unusual way for a strictly heterosexual pen, their peculiar characteristics are decidedly unique. One is "austere, high-nosed, eagle-eayed and dominant". He has "thin" and nervous hands, "a gaunt, ascetic face". The other, named Hope, "elegant and clear-cut, endowed with every beauty of body and of mind" (oh Doyle as you are vain) and with two beautiful mustaches. Under the normal behavior of a man of his extraction, he hides an "impulsive, ardent and keenly sensitive man". Now it does not seem to me that a great interpretative effort is needed to see the similarities. The dynamic between the two men is also particular. One of the two, in a working position submitted (yes the one with the mustache) has lost the letter (let's say that Watson / Doyle has sometimes let  transpire something , otherwise we wouldn't be here), but the other man never seems  altered with him for this, despite the terrible implication of the fact, indeed we see him "placed his hand kindly upon his shoulder". The two are worried because  has disappeared the letter (a document), the disclosure of which would have devastating consequences, so much so that the police cannot possibly be involved in the investigation. The umpteenth version of "one day the true story can be told". Involved in the affair is also the wife of one of the two men. Obviously the one with the mustache, even here our author / narrator made it very easy. Holmes is wary of women since the first visit, and he take advantage of it for say that women cannot be trusted (let's not forget that we are in the time just before of Watson's wedding). At the end, when Holmes corners Lady Hilda ("the curtain rings up for the last act"), It will turn out that the woman took the letter from her husband:
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A letter written by a man on the spur of the moment, a letter of which we know nothing, but of which, probably the author has already very much regretted. The woman first tries to extort confidential information from Holmes, then, once discovered, she begs him not to reveal anything to her husband. "For heaven's sake, don't tell him!"
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It turns out that she had stolen the letter as payment for a blackmail by a certain Eduardo Lucas. He too is described in an interesting way in terms of mirrors. Amateur tenor of known fame (consulting tenor?), A bachelor, he lives in the company of a housekeeper and a valet to whom he is particularly attached, so much to have given him many personal items. He has many female friends, but no one whom he loved. His house is furnished with numerous objects and luxurious, in a way that borders on the feminine. (this is reminiscent of Taddehus Sholto, another obvious Holme's mirror X, along with his twin). A man who leads a double life, it will be discovered that he has a wife in France who once discovered the deception will kill him. "A comparison of photographs has prouved conclusively that M.Henri Fournaye and Eduardo Lucas were really the same person"
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Not yet three people, but two are aleredy  interesting. Holmes starts unraveling the case just when he learns of his death, since he was one of three people whose abnormal behavior would have signaled that something was happening.
" SHERLOCK (voiceover): There are certain people – they are markers. If they start to move, I’ll know something’s up – like rats deserting a sinking ship “
Lucas blackmailed Lady Hilda with a letter she had written at a young age, a compromising letter, which she absolutely didn't want to make known to her husband.
"If he knew how I have acted-how I have been compelled to act- he would never forgive me....it was a letter of mine-Mr.Holmes, an iniscreet letter written before my marriage- a foolish letter, a letter of an impulsive, loving girl... Had he read that letter his confidence would have been forever destroyed”
“ MARY: Because John can’t ever know that I lied to him. It would break him and I would lose him forever – and, Sherlock, I will never let that happen “
MARY: Everything about who I was is on there. (Directly to John) If you love me, don’t read it in front of me. JOHN (lifting the hand nearest to the table in a shrug): Why? MARY (apparently trying to hold back tears): Because you won’t love me when you’ve finished ... (John holds her gaze.) MARY: ... and I don’t want to see that happen.
This is one of those cases in which Holmes lets the culprit go, although he never seems to have a great liking for that woman.
It's a whole story about writings that must remain secret, with unspoken stories and reputations that must appear without a stain ... let alone two.
-the italics are by Doyle, the bold of Ariane Devere-
@ebaeschnbliah @gosherlocked @sagestreet @sarahthecoat@possiblyimbiassed @loveismyrevolution @sherlockshadow@devoursjohnlock @fellshish
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johnlockfanficrec · 6 years
Description: Reeling after a tragic loss, John Watson is surprised when he finds love again. After a lifetime of illness, Sherlock Holmes finally feels his heart truly beat for another.
But as they move toward something more serious, an unbelievable truth is revealed that threatens to break both their hearts for good.
Review: Oh gosh, I don’t know what it was about this fic but I cried at every chapter basically. Jolto in the beginning that hurts so bad that even fan who are neautral about that ship will be emotional about (like I was). Sholto dies and donates his organs, giving Sherlock a heart he desperately needs. It isn’t until after John and Sherlock meet and strike up a relationship that they find out their connection. Sherlock is extremely sensitive in this fic and insecure, John is so loving, and the resolution is straight out of a romantic drama. Cry all day.
Rating: General
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What’s your opinion on Jolto? I, personally, don’t really understand why it’s a thing. Can you explain? Please?
Hi Nonny!
Actually, I like Jolto, simply because it proves that, in canon at least, John is bi and has “a type with his men”: tall, soft, selfless, commanding men who also feed John’s danger addiction and his natural urge to take care of people. It’s a lovely ship, and for some reason, I’m okay with THAT but not Viclock. It’s so weird... *shrugs* But yeah, I just think it’s a really sweet past relationship, and explains why John hides his heart so much... Shows that he gets RIDICULOUSLY attached to men he admires (so I feel like he’s more homoromantic than biromantic), but this one broke his heart, and since then he’s probably kept himself locked tight until Sherlock. I feel like Sholto was his last male crush before Sherlock. 
Jolto is important, I think, but as a past relationship, for me. :p
I know there’s some Joltoites out there; let us know why you love the ship!
(as an aside, talk to Bree @coloringthegreyscale about Joltolock XD)
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