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ella-felicityqueen · 1 year ago
A country is made with a story.
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wolha · 2 years ago
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IM SI-WAN & SHIN SE-KYUNG as KI SEON-GYEOM & OH MI-JOO RUN ON 런 온 (2020—2021) dir. Lee Jae-Hoon
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movienized-com · 10 months ago
Sejak (Serie 2024) #JoJungSuk #ShinSeKyung #LeeSinYoung #ChoiDaeHoon #JungSukYong #JoSungHa Mehr auf:
Serie / 魅惑之人 / Captivating the King Jahr: 2024- (Januar) Genre: History / Romantik Hauptrollen: Jo Jung-Suk, Shin Se-Kyung, Lee Sin-young, Choi Dae-hoon, Jung Suk-yong, Jo Sung-ha, Lee Kyu-hoi, Park Ye-young … Serienbeschreibung: Die Geschichte handelt von der Liebesgeschichte des Königs Yi In, der sich inmitten einer politischen Krise befindet und um den Thron kämpft, und Kang Hee-soo, einer…
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crazyinc · 2 years ago
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themanthemyththeverite · 4 years ago
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A/N 1: For those of you that don’t know, this is Shin Sekyung. Even though she’s gorgeous, there is no smut. As a result, this piece is fluffy/angsty as hell. Also, trigger warnings for light mentions of depression, anxiety, etc.
“How are you doing today?”
The question was a formality, a simple icebreaker. Typically, it was a way to loosen up the jaw, but you never needed to do that with Sekyung. She talked when she wanted to. She told you only what she wanted you to know.
She sat across from you, arms folded primly, lips set in a quiet line, eyes calm and steady. She betrayed no emotion or weakness, but you already knew why she was here.
From the moment you had met her, there had always been a part of you that simply wanted to make her feel better, to fix her ailments, to cure her of the insatiable pain that was buried so deep inside of her she might have never noticed it was eating her inside out.
“Maybe I should rephrase that,” you smiled, leaning forwards onto your knees, staring her dead in her eyes from across the room in your favorite armchair, the comforting crackle of the fire fading out into the background. “How’re you holding up?”
There was a moment’s pause, a silence as still as the night beyond the walls of your home, your living room dimly lit with the lights low.
You always did find that darker places helped people feel more comfortable sharing their secrets.
“Fuck him.”
It almost made you laugh with the way her words were as blunt as her body language, her back pointed straight up on the cushioned seat of your couch, fingers interlaced together over her crossed legs. She raised a hand, her eyes glancing over the delicate golden band adorning her ring finger, before she smirked.
It was a familiar look on her face, though this time, it carried an oddly resigned and melancholic undertone.
“I need a drink,” she said, not too loudly, not too softly. It was in her nature, of course, to make demands. It was also in her nature that others would typically obey.
But that’s not what you were here for. It wasn’t what she was here for.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
She rolled her eyes, finally leaning backwards against the soft fabric, eyeing you with a cheshire grin.
“That’s what the drink’s for.”
Still, you didn’t move. It wouldn’t have been hard, of course, to listen to her and grab the bottle of wine she knew you kept in an expensive cabinet in the next room. She’d been here enough to know that.
“You do realize I’m your doctor, right?”
She laughed then, a weak but genuine laugh. You loved to hear it, the brilliant softness of it ringing in your ears.
“You haven’t made me pay for my visits for over a year,” she remarked, still chuckling softly. “I like to think that we’re friends.”
You tapped your chin, pretending to think it over.
“I don’t believe the matter has ever been suggested before.”
She laughed again, smiling. It almost seemed as though she was at ease, then. Comfortable. Free.
You were glad there was somewhere she could feel that way.
“A shame,” she replied. “We would make great friends.”
You nodded your assent, chuckling softly, waiting expectantly at her, waiting, waiting, waiting as the smile slipped off of both of your faces, the laughter dying in the air. There was a long silence then, silence that was punctuated only by the smoldering embers of the fire, and the blustering wind outside, blowing harshly against the window panes and through the darkness of the moonless night.
It was late.
But she was here.
Then she finally spoke.
“It was always the money, wasn’t it?”
Sekyung’s eyes had averted to the ceiling, studying the intricate designs in the lines of cement, tracing every ridge and crevice. It was merely something she did when she did not want to meet your gaze, and you accepted it. Everyone needed a shield from scrutiny sometimes.
You remembered the first day she had arrived, your first patient out of grad school, tucked away in her own shell, distrustful of you and your motivations. It was written in her eyes, in the way she regarded you at arm’s length, making sure to stay as distant as possible.
Typical symptoms of underlying trauma or guilt, pent up anxiety and mild depression.
She was older than you were then, as she was now, yet she still seemed so small, tucked away inside that same black turtleneck, her red coat hung along with her bag on the rack by your front door.
Even then, she’d been beautiful.
She always had been.
Yes, she had been broken then, a mere husk of a human constantly put under the pressure of a responsibility she had never wanted to be a part of.
Yes, it had taken a long, long time for you to even remotely change her life for the better, to do your job as a therapist.
But with her, as it was with all of your patients, the road was one of wonder, of healing. It didn’t matter the traps and deadly obstacles on that journey; the spikes of debilitating depression, the gnarled roots and vines of childhood abuse, the sudden pitfalls of unfathomable, erratic phobias.
Every little step, no matter how painful or difficult, no matter how slow or labored; that was what mattered.
“I know it’s not my fault,” she continued, her voice reduced to a whisper. “I know it’s because of them, not me. I didn’t make them do the things they did.”
Her voice cracked, stopped, then her eyes turned back to you, shining bright, dancing in the firelight.
“You’re absolutely correct, Sekyung. As always.”
“Then...then why do I feel bad? Why do they just walk away? Why did he just walk away?”
You smiled wistfully.
“I’m sorry.”
She smiled too, one filled with sadness, with bitterness.
“It’s not your fault either,” she chuckled mirthlessly, her eyes shimmering ever so barely. “I just...I should have known he didn’t really love me. I just wanted to think that he did.”
There was a pause, a lull in the conversation before you spoke again.
“There are many people in this world that love you.”
It was a pointed statement, one that you could only hope she would notice. The truth of the matter was that she really was quite lonely, without much in the way of friends or family: parents that hardly cared enough to call once in a lifetime, much less her birthday, vicious pit vipers for friends that searched and scrabbled for any opportunity to belittle her.
And that didn’t even cover the built-in misogyny of the workplace, the harassment she faced from particularly asshole-ish employers, or worse, manipulation from false beacons of kindness.
Being born into a chaebol family could do that to you.
“Do you remember what we talked about?”
She nodded.
“Count backwards from one hundred by sevens, use mental safeguards in cases of panic, don’t internalize negativity, and you’re always one call away if I need help.”
“Always, Sekyung. I mean it.”
She nodded again, smiling, before she took a deep breath, centering herself, closing her eyes and regaining her rock-solid composure.
“Enough of this shit, I need a drink.”
You laughed, shaking your head as you stood up, snatching up a pair of wine glasses and a bottle from the aforementioned next room before returning to sit by her side, setting it all down on the coffee table.
“You know I don’t think this is a good idea, right?”
She laughed quietly as you poured the dark liquid into her cup, the faintest scent of alcohol wafting out.
“Just be glad I’m drinking here and not in some bar alone.”
The mere thought made you shiver, and you resorted to taking a sip of your own glass to quell the secondhand unease you felt from such a situation.
You let the intoxicating flavor of the wine wash over your tastebuds, the first little kick of alcohol swirling down your throat before you replied.
“You’re going to be the death of me someday, you know that?”
She winked at you, a cheeky smile crossing her lips. “It sounds like you’re the one who needs therapy now, you drama queen.”
There was a moment of pause while she regarded her ring again, gazing at it with just a hint of sadness before she slipped it off, setting it down on the table in front of her. Then she raised her glass in the air, clearing her throat almost nervously, eyeing you with a mild sense of expectation. “To friends and self-love?”
You couldn’t help but grin at her, feeling a sense of fulfillment wash over you as she stood in front of you, meeting your gaze confidently, a far cry from the way she had come.
Life wouldn’t be easy, it never was.
But maybe, just maybe, there was reason to believe it could be better.
“To friends and self-love.”
A/N 2: Hello! Sorry for the wait, it’s been a rough few weeks for me so writing has been a bit slow, but I’m glad I finally got this out. I got really inspired with this picture of Sekyung after @nsfwflint​ basically pointed me in this direction with her, so big shoutout to him first and foremost. But yes, mental health is something I have always and can always sympathize with; it’s not easy dealing with internal toxicity and it’s important to find outlets to do good things with bad mojo, if you will. Taking care of personal demons has only seemed harder (and at times impossible), for me at least, with this whole pandemic thing and the world and such ever since it all started last year, so this is my way of bidding all of that farewell. Anyways, this story was very fluffy and angsty as promised at the beginning, I just didn’t really feel the urge to write something super filthy, especially not with an angel like Sekyung. Hope you enjoyed it nonetheless, and thank you again for reading!
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agata-nata · 4 years ago
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fckissme · 5 years ago
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⠀ #신세경 #안다르 #레깅스 #배경화면 ⠀ ⠀ 18.5:9 비율 해상도 ⠀ https://kissme2145.tistory.com/1639 ⠀ ⠀ #ShinSeKyung #andar #ShinSeKyung_andar #ShinSeKyung_wallpaper #LockScreen #잠금화면 #wallpaper ⠀ https://www.instagram.com/p/B0OU-Z8nFlx/?igshid=1x39ffbo8zoo2
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hinxlinx · 6 years ago
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Daily #Art - Day 05-03-19 (2019 Shin Se-Kyung This is the digital painting version of my daily art South Korean actress Shin Se-Kyung (신세경 Jul 29, 1990 - ) on July 29th 2018. Looked at Picasso's Le Rêve (1932) and @qinniart 's art for color inspirations. It is daunting to look at what other artists can accomplish, but gotta do my best to improve. (#15,590 / #180 / #82)
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raroses · 2 years ago
Pukul 23.50 (akhir tahun 2020) ketika beberapa orang memilih untuk terlelap atau menuju terpejam, tangan ini memilih untuk membuka laptop mencurahkan bagaimana perasaan saat ini.
Malam ini... tontonanku begitu menyiratkan banyak makna seolah memberi jawaban pada beberapa pertanyaan dikepala. Mungkin sedikit aneh jika harus menangis tersedu - sedu setelah menonton drama Run On, tapi begitu adanya: menangis yang membuat hati lega. Sepertinya saat ini belum banyak yang mengetahui drama tersebut dan harapannya banyak yang tertarik dengan jalan ceritanya setelah membaca tulisan ini.
Ada satu makna yang begitu melekat saat ini,
Bahwa ketika dilahirkan ke bumi, kita tidak bisa memilih untuk dilahirkan seperti apa, bagaimana, di mana, dan dengan siapa saja. Kita tidak bisa memilih ingin menjadi si kaya, si miskin, si kesepian, atau bahkan si bahagia selalu. Kita terkungkung dengan bagaimana kita akan hidup setelah tersadar bahwa kita hidup, kita akan memilih jalan cerita kita sendiri setelah kita yakin bahwa kita bisa memilih. Fase itu alami akan terjadi pada siapa pun dengan benar – benar memilih ataupun secara gegabah.
Dari hal – hal yang telah dipelajari dari cuplikan Drama Run On, kita perlu berani meluruskan apa yang sudah dijalani lalu bertanya mau ke mana kah selanjutnya akan berlari, untuk apa kita berlari, dengan cara bagaimana kah kita akan berlari, dan kenapa kita berlari.
Setiap pilihan akan selalu memiliki perannya.. selain Tuhan yang menggariskan takdir, kita memiliki kesempatan untuk menentukan mau di bawa kemana alur semua pilihan hidup kita sendiri. Se-sederhana bagaimana kepalan tangan saat ini bisa saja tak berarti di sepersekian detik hari ini, tapi mungkin hari esok kepalan itu akan terus memiliki arti, atau mungkin beberapa jam yang lalu kita menyia-nyiakan banyak hal lalu menandai bahwa detik itu sungguh sangat tidak berarti, tapi bisa saja kita akan memilih untuk detik berikutnya agar selalu memiliki arti.
Meski dilahirkan untuk tak bisa memilih, kita masih diberi kesempatan untuk mengubah semuanya dan mulai untuk memilih. Berterimakasih lah pada diri yang tak lupa tetap sadar diri dengan segala pilihan yang dipilih.
Berhenti menyesali hidup mu saat ini, berhenti untuk terus menangisi setiap detik hidup mu di masa lalu, kita berhak melanjutkan hidup untuk memilih sesuai dengan apa yang kita kehendaki. Aku yakin, meski kamu atau kalian yang diluar sana masih terkungkung dengan pilihan orang lain, selagi ada kesempatan di detik kehidupan mu yang lain kamu bisa terlepas dari itu semua. Kita masih akan terus mempelajari diri kita sendiri, maka dari itu lindungi diri, peluk diri sehangat mungkin, dan jangan sampai terluka terlalu dalam.
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Berlari lah sekuat tenaga, berikan yang terbaik untuk sampai ke tempat pulang mu, ya tempat pulang mu yaitu dirimu sendiri.
*seorang teman mengingatkan ku pada drama healing terbaik pada masanya, lalu teringat pada arsip tulisan di tahun 2020 ini. Senangnya, karena drama ini cukup membantu orang yang mirip seperti ku di tahun 2020 lalu.
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kdramalover020 · 6 years ago
This scene was so intense!I totally felt it!! Anyone else?! But he's definitely better than that mannequin! . (I HAD TO DELETE LAST POST BECAUSE OF AUDIO ISSUES , I EDITED IT AND ADDED ORIGINAL VIDEO'S AUDIO *DO NOT REPOST*) . 🎬Drama:-The Bride of Habaek (Hangul: #하백의신부 2017; RR: Habaekui Shinbu 2017; lit. Bride of Habaek 2017)🎬 CREDIT GOES TO TVN . The drama stars #ShinSekyung in titular role alongside #NamJoohyuk , #LimJuhwan , #KrystalJung and #GongMyung . . #thebrideofhabaek #brideofhabaek#koreandrama #kdramas #kdrama #drama #dramalover #asiandrama #kdramaaddict #kdramakiss #애교 #일상 #이민호 #나나 #셀기꾼#인스타그램중독 #얼굴 #먹스타그램 #한국드라마 #드라마 #팝 https://www.instagram.com/p/BuYO7W6Blm0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1v7p7e2mngo9h
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wolha · 2 years ago
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IM SI-WAN & SHIN SE-KYUNG as KI SEON-GYEOM & OH MI-JOO RUN ON 런 온 (2020—2021) dir. Lee Jae-Hoon
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anachavez1397 · 6 years ago
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#ChaEun /Woo de #ASTRO y #ShinSeKyung en #conversaciones para #unirse a #nuevo #drama #histórico ¡Cha Eun Woo de ASTRO está considerando un drama histórico como su siguiente proyecto! El 7 de febrero, una fuente de la industria del drama declaró: “Cha Eun Woo ha elegido el nuevo drama de miércoles-jueves de MBC, ‘Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryun’ (título literal) como su siguiente proyecto luego del drama de JTBC del año pasado, ‘My ID Is Gangnam Beauty’. Él tomará su primer papel protagónico en una serie de canal principal”. En respuesta, Fantagio Entertainment dijo: “Cha Eun Woo recibió una oferta para ‘Rookie Historian Goo Gae Ryung’ y está revisando positivamente la oferta por el momento”. “Rookie Historia Goo Hae Ryun” contará la historia de mujeres en el siglo 19 quienes eran mal vistas por escribir registros históricos a pesar de ser mujeres. El drama luchará contra el prejuicio del género y estatus social y mostrará el valor del cambio. Además de contar historias de las mujeres del palacio, también mostrará el romance que florece entre el Príncipe Yi Rim y la historiadora Goo Hae Ryung. De acuerdo al reporte, Cha Eun Woo interpretará el papel del príncipe Yi Rim. El príncipe vive una vida doble como un príncipe solitario que nunca ha salido con alguien y la vida del novelista romántico que tiene a la ciudad de Hayang en la palma de su mano. Mientras juega en sus dos mundos, él conoce a Goo Hae Ryung y empieza a desarrollar sentimientos por ella. Shin Se Kyung está actualmente en conversaciones para el papel de Goo Hae Ryung. El 28 de enero, una fuente de su agencia confirmó que la actriz recibió una oferta para el drama y está revisándola. ¿Emocionado por ver potencialmente a Cha Eun Woo y Shin Se Kyung en un drama histórico juntos? https://www.instagram.com/p/BtliJlRFS6T/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xb3hxmkowu3f
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namson11 · 6 years ago
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🏆The Most Beautiful KDRAMA Stars 📅 4 GROUPS ROUND1 [Nov.1~Nov.30] 🎯Like/Share/Vote plz https://namesns.com/m/entertainer/star_room.html?star_num=172 🎬[The last Poll of 2018] #SongHyeKyo #LeeSungKyung #KimJiWon #ShinSeKyung #ChaeSooBin #SeoHyun #MoonChaeWon #ParkShinHye #SongJiHyo #EunJung #HaJiWon #KimTaeri #KimYooJung #ParkBoYoung #NamJiHyun #YoonEunHye #JungEunJi #SeoYeJi #KimSoHyun #KimHyunJoo #OhYeonSeo #YooInNa #ParkMinYoung #SeoHyunJin #NameSNS #KDRAMA #MostBeautifulKDRAMAStars https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpq4ceUHaV9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8bj2gj7zfiqx
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naturalcolor · 4 years ago
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👥🚦⚓ . This drama is such an underrated fav ❣️ . #runon #shinsekyung #imsiwan #kdrama https://www.instagram.com/p/CK5im8rjybm/?igshid=l3wovbsf6bgi
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ayshataz · 4 years ago
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Movie 🎦 . . . . . . . Drama Name: Run On ___________________ Follow me on @ta_z_in ___________________ ___________________ Follow me on @ta_z_in ___________________ ___________________ Follow me on @ta_z_in ___________________ #illusration #illustrator #illustrationartists #illustratorsoninstagram #kdrama #koreandrama #ayshatazin #adobeillustrator #vectorwork #vectorart #kdramafanart #kdramafans #kdramalover #kdramaaddict #runon #런온 #imsiwan #임시완 #shinsekyung #신세경 #lovestory #jtbc #jtbcdrama #romance #drama #netflix #mrqueen #penthouse #truebeauty #netflixoriginal (at Bangladesh) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ-tLNnJAUJ/?igshid=1cro6iokns1op
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wolha · 2 years ago
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IM SI-WAN & SHIN SE-KYUNG as KI SEON-GYEOM & OH MI-JOO RUN ON 런 온 (2020—2021) dir. Lee Jae-Hoon
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