Third Eye Threads is an eco-friendly, enlightened apparel company located in Encinitas, CA
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Peru Ashtangi’s spreading the Third Eye Threads Love! New rainbow 🌈 angel 😇 Ganesh v-neck for spring is perfecto! Jai Savasana we made for Asthanga Yoga USA grandfather Tim Miller. Don’t we all love Savasana?? Pictured is Ashtanga Yoga Peru co-owner Pedro Rubio and the bhavalicious Patty Echevarria. #thirdeyethreads #ganesha #ganesh #hanuman #ecofriendly #yogapants #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogacommunity #ashtangayoga @ashtanga_yoga_center #timmiller #ashtangi #savasana (at Lima, Peru)
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New Years Flash Sale! Save $25 on any order of +$50 or more. Code: Iamfab25 good till January 2. When it’s your birthday 🎂 on Christmas 🎄 Eve your best friend will probably by u some leggings you love 💕 from the Thirdeyethreads pop up Store. Availabile now! #peacockbass #chakrastones #chakras #fullchakra #sacredgeometry #floweroflife #bestfriends #givecosmichugs #yogapants #yogaeverydamnday #yoga #christmas #birthday @lifetimeplano @lifetimefitness.sugarland @rachealmatheson1 @yoganastix
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New Years Flash Sale! Save $25 on any order of +$50 or more. Code: Iamfab25 good till January 2. Photo from Linebaugh farm in Brazil, IN Dec. 30 Temp 0 Degrees. #farmlife #flashsale #thirdeyethreads #vanlife #vanlifers #ecofriendlyfashion #handstand #chainsaw #yogapants @teekigram @teekiuk #camoflauge
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Advanced led Eye of the Tiger 🐯 practice at Shri Yoga 🧘♀️ Highland Park 10-12 pm. Open those presents 🎁 early and come over. $20 drop in. Give yourself the gift of yoga with Chad (at Highland Park, Illinois)
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What are you Grateful for? Grateful Ganesh boyfriend tee. #gratefuldead #gratitude #grateful #ganesha #ganesh #thirdeythreads @hourglassyogini @johnmayer @gratefuldead #dancing #dancingbears
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Think 🤔 about this. Recycled water bottle and organic cotton flash dance sweatshirt is perfect 👌🏻 and in stock now. #recycle #recyclekindness #thirdeyethreads #heartchakra #valentinesdaygift #ecofashion #ganesh #ganesha
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Ganesh our logo is the destroyer of life’s obstacles. Destroy Your Obstacles today and everyday. Our kids tops are fabulous and different. Bringing on the Sassy is optional #sassy #destroyyourobstacles #ganesha #ganesh #thirdeyethreads #kidsyoga
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Double Trouble! New 3/4 sleeve raglans with accentuated heart ❤️ chakra. Teresa bought her workout bestie a matching top on the spot for xmas. #fullchakra #chakras #besties #loveit❤️ #heartchakra these are so awesome. Sassy customers are my favorite 🤗#thirdeyethreads Thank you to Lifetime fitness Vernon Hills letting us sell to their fabulous customers. #thirdeyethreads #thirdeye #heartchakra #sacralchakra #rootchakra #chakra #chakrahealing #chakraart (at Life Time Athletic - Vernon Hills)
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Surf The Cosmic Waves with me tomorrow at Pulsation Yoga in Lake Zurich, IL for a yoga, pranayama, and meditation workshop 1-3:30 pm. Pictured Men’s indigo side Buddha tee. #buddha #thirdeyethreads #pranayama #asana #mensyoga #natarajasana #siva (at Pulsation Yoga)
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Bring the ocean 🌊 to you with our shark 🦈 bite racerback tunics for the holidays. Ocean blue with throat chakra for improved communication. Mint shark bite tunic with Art Deco peacock to remind you to live life full spectrum just like the colors of the peacock feather. Love these sassy Houston goddesses!! #staysassy #racerback #racerbacktank #tunic #fabulous #yogapants #ecofashion #ecofriendlyproducts #ecobeauty #ecolife #eco #yogaeverydamnday #thirdeyethreads #feathers #feathertattoo
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In 2018, this could be you! Thirdeyethreads surf/yoga retreats in Encinitas, CA are coming! Details to follow. #sunset #surf #surfgirl #thirdeyethreads #surfretreats #yogaretreats #sunsetsurf #seahorse @encinitas_surfboards #encinitas (at Grandview Beach)
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Till January 15 all Thirdeyethreads orders are printed 90 seconds from this epic surf spot and point of reflection. No charge for the beach 🏖 vibes in every order. Get your holiday orders in now. #Grandview #sunset #epic #thirdeyethreads #ecofashion #ecofriendlyfashion (at Grandview Beach)
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Stay Sassy!! At Thirdeyethreads, we will help you “Align With The Stars”. New holographic flower of life wrap made of organic cotton and modal. Recycled water bottle bell 🛎 bottoms with Garden of Love #madeinusa #modal #sacredgeometry #wraps #yogapants #yogafashion #athleisure #thirdeyethreads #sparkles #unicorns #floweroflife #ganesha
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At Thirdeyethreads, we will help you “Align With The Stars”. New holographic flower of life wrap made of organic cotton and modal. #madeinusa #modal #sacredgeometry #wraps #yogapants #yogafashion #athleisure #thirdeyethreads #sparkles #unicorns #floweroflife #ganesha
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New Chakra leggings on line now! Ashtanga practice tee w invocation on back. #ashtangayoga #ashtanga #oceanbeach @yoganastix @yoganastix #chakras #chakra #leggings #yogapants #ocean #oceanbeach #trikonasana #utittatrikonasana #trianglepose #sacredgeometry #yogaeverydamnday (at Ocean Beach, San Diego)
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Say What??? We're Grateful sale till Nov. 28 Save 25%? Our best sale of the year!! Coupon code: IG25 Pictured is our Krishnamacharya Sacred Geometry on Cinch Back Gray Tee. #sacredgeometry @bostonashtangashala @ashtanga_yoga_center @miamilifecenter #ashtangayoga #ashtanga @americanviniyogainstitute @erich_schiffmann #viniyoga #iyengaryoga @faceforward @hourglassyogini #thirdeyethreads @thirdeyekids
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"Discipline is Remembering What You Want"- unknown but I heard from Betsey Downing, one of my favorite people. From the Miami Yoga Journal Conference 2009. Practicing with my sales helper. Lol this how we do it. Jason Jason Pablo Lawner may have some insight as well. This gorgeous mermaid was his girlfriend at the time. #thirdeyethreads #scorpionpose #yogapants #yoga #miamilifecenter @miamilifecenter @jasonlawner @yogajournal @yogajournalevents yoga (at Ft Lauderdale)
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