#shield role play
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applejuiceyjuice-art · 4 months ago
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Twitch as Iono! But steel type!
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dayurno · 11 months ago
what do u like about allison? not attacking u or anything she's just always fell flat to me and im open to enlightenment
shes funny to me :) i like that she's catty and entitled and insufferable, but that there are moments where it slips (namely grieving seth, but also offering herself up to be a confidante to neil, crumpling into renee after andrew hurts her) and we get to see that she's terrified of herself And others and that money could not buy her a sense of self nor a reasonable emotional framework. there are also small things about her that i just find endearing, like the few times where her and matt act like siblings (when the foxes get rained on and matt takes a picture of her looking soaked, much to her horror, and when jeremy shows the foxes his game plan for the semi finals and allison tugs incessantly at matts sleeve to let her see it) and her horrible betting problem, the way she knew neil caused seth's death but also knew she couldn't live her whole life with that grudge, her gossip habits, the way she desperately wants to fix everything with money (taking the foxes out to the cabins after neil got kidnapped always seemed like such an obvious attempt to soothe the team to me, but allison was not raised on affection and the only way she can conceive it is through what she can offer them in monetary terms + i'm reminded of the bit in the ec that allison keeps a trustfund for the foxes' children and that she pays for renee's child's medical bills) etc!
i do mean it when i say that allison and kevin are not all that different, and they have a very similar understanding (or lack thereof) of the way relationships work, but allison can be such a steorotype sometimes it's hard to allow ourselves to see her as anything but a tall hot glass of skank, whereas we naturally give kevin more nuance and space for humanity because we are taught to believe men are more capable of complexity than women. one of my favorite allison is kevin in a wig moments is the fact that allison's goal with seth ('to make a real man out of him', to give him something to live for, to make him want to achieve it) is exactly the same as kevin's goal with andrew
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chaoortu · 1 month ago
see sometimes im like yeah role reversal where nick is the one bullied in his year ten is kinda hard to pull of because like a) nick is bigger than shit he could, in theory, punch the fuck out of his bullies and that would be that. but he wouldn't because he's nick. but i think the webcomic is actually setting up something interesting bc it feels like nick has been the butt of these smaller jokes that are starting to slowly stack up that i could definitely see nick in the situation (as I'm want to do...) where if he's neurodivergent, he fully wouldn't realize he's being bullied in the first place and oh that would sting so much worse, wouldn't it?
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mus1g4 · 1 year ago
can you spend your entire time in a straight jacket besides going to the bathroom and eating? Also could you where is spit heard for entire day
One of the things that is difficult with our role play is keeping it focused on the jail theme. It certainly has strong overtones of bondage (spit hoods and straight jackets), and we do use them as a part of roleplay.
The biggest problem is that you are playing with others who will likely have a different jail fantasy. Unless you are paying for the whole jail ($400 a day x 3 (our standard number of inmates)) and are there alone, there are other players. Having an inmate wear a spit hood and straight jacket for days would not happen in a jail.
The other issue is staffing. We have 2 or 3 guards working 24 / 7 to interact with you and others. If you are wearing a spit hood and straight jacket, you have to be monitored, at least audibly, at all times. You also have to be released to use the bathroom, to eat and to regain circulation. That would mean assigning one guard to your care.
Most of the inmates who end up in straight jackets or spit hoods only tolerate it for a few hours. Then they are wanting to do something else!
Finally, I think you would get very bored after a few hours. There is so much to experience at the jail, you would be cheating yourself!
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Question about Role Play and Spit Hood Use
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musicalgifs · 8 months ago
i think amy adams could play jenna in a waitress movie musical
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princessaurasdiary · 1 month ago
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{ Please stop getting me all flustered with that "it's MY job to take care of her not yours" energy Leon I can and will die on the spot (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄) }
{ And I'm a sucker for size difference, so when he calls me little Aura and even babies me a little, it just gives my heart all the butterflies ((*´艸`*)) }
{ I hope he doesn't think his flirting will throw me off because I'm still gonna kick his ass and make him my househusband °.♡ }
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trickarrows-bishop · 6 months ago
i love hearing my friends talk abt games i dont have any idea how they work
you: [talking abt heals, tanks, damage, columns n shit]
me: i like your funny words magic man!
a normal team at the moment consists of five members and you separate them as: 1 tank (loads of health, meant to be dealing and taking the most damage and getting the most kills), 2 supports (the healers of the team who's main goal is to keep everyone alive. can also do damage and kill but their whole point is healing) and 2 damages (have the same health as supports aka much less than a tank, whole point of them is mainly to target enemy supports so that the tank players can then kill the enemy tank without them being healed repeatedly).
supports obviously can do more than a tank or damage as they also will have abilities to heal. when you look at the leader board of a game (what that picture is a screenshot of) there two sections to it; one thats a ratio labelled E:A:D which stands for Eliminations : Assists : Deaths aka how many kills you have to assists to how many times you've died. The other half is pure stats. It tells you how much damage you've done to the enemies, how much damage you've healed and then how much damage you've mitigated aka how much you've blocked with a shield (some heroes have shields they can either hold or place down).
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scribhneoir-sidhe · 8 months ago
About to head to bed, but I see what you did Nick, naming him Ayden aka Aiden aka Aodhán. Well played.
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favorskill · 8 months ago
aLSO before i forget ... i think i've made a similar post before about how charles' position as 'the brawn' is a bit of a misnomer and he's more of the protector more than anything, but i think the best way of explaining it is that he's more of the tank. he puts himself in the direction of blows because he knows he can take them, and he can deal damage in return if he needs to
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devotedlystrangewizard · 10 months ago
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life before aventurine - life with aventurine
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neixins · 1 year ago
the sword and shield part of the prophecy is soooo vague that i’ll rotate every possible theory inside my silly little head and then go “or it could be smth else”. absolute net zero conclusions reached but i had fun.
#like. i think hak being the sword is one of if not the most popular theories and i can see it bc well. look at the guy#but it’s the specifics of the wording that give me pause#‘WHEN the four dragons are gathered the sword and shield which will protect the king SHALL AWAKEN’#when hak’s been there from the beginning + there’s also ik-su’s warning that hak will die if yona doesn’t find the dragons#which. there’s definitely ways to interpret him still being the sword (or shield!! that’d also be a neat twist) even with that in mind#but ngl i’m also a sucker for the idea that he’s just. there bc he loves yona. no connection to the prophecy whatsoever.#like both options make sense to me and i can see either one happening#anyway my personal favorite theory rn is that riri is the either the sword or the shield#not saying it’s the most probable option. just the most fun to meeee <3#and ngl it only occurred to me during the latest chapter bc she’s clearly gonna play some kind of role#so it’s not like i have like a mountain of compelling evidence but i do have more than just. a feeling#like she has the sociopolitical standing and the ability (or at least pluckiness) to fill either role right?#and she was introduced and grew as a character only after all four dragons were gathered#which fits with some of the only things we know about the sword and the shield#do u see what i’m getting at?? am i making any sense at all??#it could also ofc be a literal sword and shield which. tbh i think is the most likely but also less fun to speculate about#anyway i also think tae-jun will have a bigger role to play. either as a part of the prophecy or not#but also how might zeno’s recent actions impact the prophecy……. much to think about as always#but that’s enough theorizing for one day! time to grab my iced coffee from the fridge and work on my silly little fic <3#akayona
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youronlybean · 2 years ago
Rewarding myself for being productive by reading The Great Space Opera for like the 20th time. This is self care <333
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hejustcancelledit · 1 year ago
I'm fucking quitting League what the fuck man why are Riot so fucking bad at everything
They're forcing Seraphine into support
I'm gonna murder somebody
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musashi · 3 months ago
i want more nuance to be entered into the discussion of the green girl sorority and how differently cynthia plays elphaba in comparison to those who came before her because while a lot of people are rightfully like "why was elphaba not black from the beginning" and celebrating that she is now being played by a black woman, i think we need to be careful in just writing off all the elphabas of the past as Random White Girls when the role was championed (and often followed/succeeded) by a jewish woman
the pop culture archetype of the Wicked Witch has deep roots in antisemitism stretching faaaar far back. there is a level of reclamation happening in casting idina menzel, a jewish woman, to play the Misunderstood and Maligned young girl who is branded as exactly that. and stage!Elphaba is also written and acted with jewish stereotypes in mind--she is loud, aggressive, no-nonsense, blunt. she is quick to advocate for herself and shut down the discrimination she faces. all of this is very intentional! her personality is abrasive from years of abuse, and that makes propagandizing her easy. this is literally the thesis statement of the musical--it's not about aptitude, it's the way you're viewed.
cynthia's performance of elphaba is fucking INSPIRED despite going in a completely different direction. she's much more reserved, analytical, one of her key character traits is how well she can read people (see her calling out Galinda as insecure/putting on airs in their first scene together, clocking that Fiyero is using his party guy persona as a shield for his own depression) elphaba's attempts to blend in and make herself smaller all fail simply because of her existence, if not that then because she feels empathy so strongly she often struggles to hold back from acting, protecting.
personality wise, though, cynthia's elphaba is very quiet and closed-off, not at all the bullet-to-the-face that she is in the stage show, and... she still gets propagandized and maligned. though this seems to contradict the other interpretation, it tells of the other end of the spectrum of propaganda, one that black women watching (and many, MANY other marginalized folks) are sure to identify with--it does not matter how "nice," how reserved, how small a black woman makes herself. a racist society will still scrutinize her every action for a way to parse ill intent from it, brand her as an angry black woman who is dangerous and wicked, and write off any humanity she has in the process.
these two very different interpretations tell of the lie of assimilation. the fact of the matter is, when you are marginalized, there is no way to sand down your edges enough to make the people oppressing you "accept" you. that is why wicked is a tragedy at its core. whether loud and aggressive or quiet and unimposing, there is nothing elphaba could have done to make the people of Oz see her as anything other than a scapegoat to blame all their problems on.
so while i definitely appreciate that people are excited for black girl era elphaba, i would encourage us all to still show appreciation for what came before--that was not white girl era elphaba. that was jewish girl era elphaba. two houses, both alike in dignity, two stories both worth being told.
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britney-j-christ · 4 months ago
I'm coming back to this, because I *am* too soft on Curly. What happens to him is so brutal that it far outweighs anything he did, but I think I am ignoring the narrative in favour of the story's circumstances.
If Anya was able to talk about what happened openly, I have no doubt both Swansea and Daisuke would have stepped up. We literally get to see both characters do so. Daisuke dies trying to save Anya, is easily pushed by Jimmy of all people to do something incredibly dangerous for her. Swansea can be seen supporting her, able to be confided in, even in the middle of a bender.
A sober Swansea and Daisuke not under pressure would both support Anya.
Looking at the overall narrative, I think Captain Curly and the Pony Express act as the individual and societal shame surrounding sexual assault? Because I think that Curly really does support Anya... but his way of dealing with it does still shove it under the rug as much as possible. The Pony Express, while factually being a nasty piece of shit corporation who is the cause of all these problems, is also acting as all of wider society. All of the problems The Company has caused, benefited from, disregarded, or will punish the crew for, are all mirrors of circumstances and what the wider society often do to victims of sexual assault.
The space ship, and the story events, are a microcosm. They are functionally isolated, but this exact scenario (minus being trapped in space) will and is playing out all over Earth, or whatever planet the Tulpar was headed to. Captain Curly and all the factors that weigh on his decision making, do on the other enablers out in the world(s).
This doesn't change much, to be clear. Because unless they replaced Jimmy somehow, they still needed him to pilot the ship and I think then, with his impending doom upon arrival, Jimmy would have crashed the ship in a way that really DID kill everyone. This was always a tragedy, even before it was a horror game. The scenarios rotten. Man, Curly really had no good options. But he choose the quietest one, and everyone dies not knowing what Jimmy really is because of it. Anya doesn't tell Swansea until it's so, so late. Daisuke dies on the word of Good Captain Jimmy, never knowing the truth about him. Curly takes the fall for the Tulpars crash. The silence Cpt. Curly's decision imposed hurt people. I don't think the ship not crashing would have made it not hurt people either.
Oh man, Curly really had no good options, huh?
I see a lot of people jumping to "Curly should have shot Jimmy", which is fine to say because he still should get to shoot Jimmy, but not a compelling argument.
Unless this is even more dystopian of a universe than it seems (Ala the villain being capitalism, not The State Shooting You Without Trial In Space style) there's no legal grounds to do that. That's vigilante justice and while it would solve a part of the Safety Concern Jimmy causes, it leads to too many problems on earth.
Also, you cannot just casually shoot a coworker or 1/5th of the locals. Daisuke and Swansea would have *very reasonable concerns* if their captain just shot someone, even if it was explained. And I don't think either would be down to do a cover up about it. And if they did...
Daisuke would Crack in seconds under interrogation or scrutiny.
We're also talking about Captain Curly pre, uh... "character developement" as it were, being able to see Jimmy's abusive nature first hand now that he's under his control. There's a pattern for trying very, very hard to see the good in Jimmy and enabling him. He'd never be in this position as copilot if Curly hadn't been there, trying to pull Jimmy out of whatever trouble he was at back on Earth. Curly is a big picture guy who doesn't see the dead pixel; he sees Jimmy climbing up and out of the muck with him and he ignores the red flags or, possibly, even prior offenses?
Captain Curly can be seen *trying* to be a good Captain, not unlike the way Jimmy as Captain is also "trying" to be a good Captain(for selfish ego driven and guilt-avoidant reasons). It really is a goal they share. Both of them fail at it, but it is both their motivations in those roles. Even stressed and overworked, jumping to killing his best friend three months into a year long voyage isn't rational.
So how about we downgrade to more reasonable option; jailing. Except the places where one can be locked in are the hold full of valuable unknown cargo, so a non option if they want to get paid (they desperately do), and the medical bay, which is much more viable if they could a) get that set up in a way that didn't jeprodise the health of everyone and b) didn't have a huge human sized vent that might kill you if you go through it. I understand why neither were chosen.
So, how about the cryopods? Seems pretty viable. Much like murdering Jimmy, you'd have to get everyone on board for this. So, confronting Anya's rapist in front of Daisuke and Swansea and hope they can sway them both in favor of Lawful Detainment.
It's not impossible. I think, if they tried, it would have worked in terms of grouping up together- if they could do it without Jimmy getting wind of it and doing something drastic beforehand.
But then there's no copilot. This is such a major issue for an eight month voyage where we see that the ship will see a problem approximately like 2-3 minutes before it happens and requires corrections. Curly cannot do this job for that long. No one else is appropriately trained. Swansea is busy, Daisuke is not reliable enough to handle this, and Anya... could probably do it tbh I have complete faith in her but that's a lot to put on her shoulders to not get paid appropriately for, just for her to be *safe* from Jimmy.
I struggle to blame Curly for the choice he did go with. I don't see any good options, especially without knowing what's going to happen. It's already a huge jump to go from Best Friend to Rapist; expecting Jimmy to go down to Murderer is a big leap. It seems like he thought he had eight months to work with Anya, to figure out what to do. "Talking with Jimmy" could have been anything from Boys Club protection racketing to clinical setting of boundaries for likely the first time in their relationship to a full on confrontation. We don't know. We only get to see the death spiral that came out of it after.
It's pretty clear that Curly failed as a captain to protect everyone, but the scenario was hopeless to begin with. The choices he made before they got on the ship doomed them: trusting and supporting Jimmy was the mistake and it happened well before they got on the freighter.
And in every single scenario, I find it leads back to Pony Express being the ones at fault. Every bit of the ship they are trapped in exists to funnel more money into a dying beast of a company at the crews expense. I think Curly and maybe Anya both thought they had 8 months to figure out what would happen off the boat. A looming unavoidable threat of consequences. Everything to do with getting the company involved would likely drive Anya and or Curly broke; they say straight up they fine the crew for problems arising. That it's flat out the captains duty to handle it and then get charged by the company $$$ about it. They will double the amount of responsibility back onto the Captain and crew. Imagine working a year in isolated space and getting NOTHING for it? Imagine slashing thenrest of the crews wages.
Curly wasn't able to predict what Jimmy would have done. I think his plan was to handle things Off Board. Too late in multiple ways, but I do think he would have genuinely back up Anya in however they go forwards once they've landed.
The option he chose didn't deal with the real problem though. It feels like he tried to problem solve to deal with the consequences and not the issue at hand; the safety of Anya, his crewmember. It's how he failed as a captain.
I'm proud of him rushing headlong unto danger to try and save them all. God. What a vicious cruelty to deny Curly the one thing he does deserve credit for.
Anyways I'm redressing him like a mummy so he's nice and cozy for his 20 year sleep. Poor guy tried to intervene, badly, into something that needed to be prevented instead by the company and by foresight he didn't have about a dangerous, narcissistic best friend. Doomed from the beginning because of your character flaws and unwinnable scenarios. You're such a good little horror character; if feel like he's a good parable about putting safety first. Thanks for your follies bro I hope it has impacted my personal decision making for the better so I don't become you if I'm in your position.
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handbookaddenda · 1 year ago
AoS Game Quotes of the Night:
Catherine, admiring a burning tree: "That's craftsmanship, that is. Five sparkles out of five."
Terse stand-off with Frost Giants comes to an end, and the party is grudgingly allowed to pass by. Tanaka: [Cheerfully waves]
The A7 traditional wittering whilst walking subject of the night - the differences between magic cows of Norse tradition and magic cows of Celtic tradition.
Emily chose magic over knifing! No one was more surprised than Emily.
Catherine's new kenning: Melter of Thorns.
Monster gets hit with mind magic. It sits back, looking confused. Catherine's Player: "An honest response to meeting this group, to be fair."
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