#shhh don’t be shy everyone can ship ship
idv-thespians · 1 year
What do you think of Rosalyn, Quinn? You seem to care a bit about her...
“A-ah, well, she’s a lovely lady! Truly. I do hope she is doing well, wherever she is.”
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thetragicallynerdy · 2 years
ao3 first lines tag game
I got tagged by @yerbamansa for this ao3 game! Thanks for the tag, friend!!
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
Okay so I only went with the last ten that have been posted on Ao3. There ARE other more recent WIPs, but it felt like that was cheating XD (u can send me an ask if you wanna see those most recent ones sjskssk)
Anyway the last ten (including recently updated ones) on ao3 are:
1) Ask Me Anything: A TealOranges SMAU - OFMD, Olu/Jim, Rated E (for explicit, not everyone XD)
It’s a slow morning between student groups and everyone’s taking time away from cramped ship quarters. Jim’s been here a few months now, focused on the work, which turns out to be physically demanding in a way that leaves them exhausted. No energy to grieve.
2) if you still want me, please forgive me - OFMD, Jim/Ed, rated E
It starts simply. They’re on a case – and when aren’t they, these days? - they’re on a case, and things go badly. When Jim slips into the room opposite the one Edward is casing, scanning for something, anything – a rope slips over their head, tightens around their throat.
3) and we will build a home from the wreckage - OFMD, Jim/Olu, rated T
It starts, as so many stories do, with revenge. Or perhaps it starts before then, with the grief that the revenge is born from, with the blood and bone and crushed dreams. With the family that died, so very long ago. But this isn’t just any story, is it? No, this is a love story.
4) i've got sunshine on a cloudy day - OFMD, Ed/Stede, Ed/Jim, Jim/Olu (Poly AU), rated T
Edward knelt and peered under the dumpster, ignoring the instant bite of cold snow through his jeans. He was on his way home anyway, and he could change when he got there. But he’d heard a noise, and had to check to make sure it wasn’t what he thought it was. But sure enough, when he shined his phone flashlight beneath the dumpster, two glowing eyes beamed back at him. The high pitched mew of what could only be a kitten followed after. Its body was barely visible, a fuzzy void of pitch black in the greyness of the under-dumpster.  
5) fool's gold - UnDeadwood, multi ship, collection of ficlets, rated T
He hadn't expected it, how beautiful souls were. How they shone and glittered like diamonds, like gold, like light through a glass-stained window. The first time he'd run into someone after it happened (the thing he doesn't think about, the hole in his gut and the sticky hot blood on his hands and the - no. he doesn't think about it) he'd stared and stared, barely managing to wrench his gaze away before someone noticed.
6) put your records on - OFMD, Jim/Olu, Jim/Ed, Ed/Stede (poly au), rated T
Jim toed their boots off and trudged towards the stairs, too tired to even consider looking for anyone until they'd had a chance to change into more comfortable clothing and maybe lie on the floor for a solid half-hour. It had been a long fucking day.
7) falling for you - OFMD, Jim/Olu, Jim/Ed, Olu/Frenchie (poly au), rated T
"JIM!" They faintly hear Oluwande holler their name at the same time they leap into the air to head the ball. They realize why a split-second later, as they feel a body collide with their legs. Someone tall, and big enough to knock them clean over.
8) you are in love - OFMD, Jim/Ed (poly au), rated M
Ed was giggling before they even made it into the booth. "Shhh," Jim said, far too loud, trying to slap a hand over his face. "You're gonna get us kicked out!" "Who's gonna kick us out," he laughed, batting their hand away then reeling them in close. Not that there was really any other choice, in the tiny mall photo booth. "Paul Blart Mall Cop?"
9) on this winter's night with you - UnDeadwood, Clayton/Matthew, rated E.
Today, Clayton thought furiously, is not my fucking day.
10) and if the pomegranates are in bloom - OFMD, Jim/Jackie, rated E
It’s not the first time they’ve ended up here, and they know it won’t be the last. Oluwande always gives them his blessing, with a kiss on the cheek and a ‘good luck, be careful.’ They know he’s still afraid of her. They know that they should have reason to be afraid as well, but they aren’t. They haven’t been for a long, long time. Jackie looks softer in the lamplight of her bedroom than she does in the bar. Stripped down to a simple shirt, trousers gone. Bare, but not vulnerable. They’ll get there, but not yet. Still – already she’s warmer, gentler. Soft around the edges, face open. Relaxed. It makes them wonder if this is what her husbands are allowed to see in her, or if it’s just for them.
Okay so some got more than a few lines because I felt like it XD
As for tags - I swear every time I come to a tag game I immediately forget which of my mutuals writes fanfic, so if you see this and want to do it consider yourself tagged. As for those I remember - if you feel like it, I'm tagging @yourlocal-charlatan, @redxluna, @swallowtailed, @lovewithagirl, @nevershootamockingbird, @thewollfgang, uhhhh i can't remember other writers so that's it!!
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judediangelo75 · 3 years
Hair Raising Situations
Hello everyone!
So this one is gonna be a bit different. 
1) I’m featuring my best friend in this one, because the whole “Judith Harris” development started between us two (She has her own MC of course and a Bill fan, Billiam being on her ship names).
2) It’s not connected to anything I’ve previously written, just a funny little story.
3) It’s not just TalbottxJudith. Shocker I know. Judith isn’t dating anyone but it would go in the order of who she interested in (from most to least). So it could be looked at as multiple ships and you’ll see her attitude to each person she interacts with. 
4) Judith’s hair is straightened here, but when... what happened happens, it would be the same hair cut as Orion’s.
5) We did give Skye a twin brother, his name is Hermes. Get it lol?
Anyways, I hope you like this silly little story. Enjoy!
(Brooke Brown) (Age: 16)
I was currently hiding out in the Courtyard in my Animagus form. Why, you may ask?
Because my best friend/sister is out to kill me.
Let's rewind, shall we?
-A little while earlier-
"I can't wait to prank someone with this Fanged Frisbee. Thanks for buying it for me, Brooke," Tonks cheered gleefully as we walked on the Training Grounds. I smiled at the pink haired Hufflepuff.
"Of course. You plan on scaring Filch and Miss Norris with it like last time," I asked. Tonks frowned.
"As much as I love to prank those two, I think I need a change of victims..." The girl trailed off as someone caught her eye. I looked up to find Judith practicing her broom surfing. I glanced back at Tonks and saw the impish smile spread on her face. 
Oh no...
"Tonks, I know that look. Don't even think about," I quickly reprimanded the infamous prankster.
"Oh don't be such a spoil sport, Brooke. Her reaction is going to absolutely priceless," Tonks waved off, preparing to throw the Fanged Frisbee.
"Tonks, no-" I watched in horror as the prank item whirled at my best friend.
"JUDITH, LOOK OUT!" Luckily that caught her attention as she was able to evade the frisbee. But she didn't get a chance to rest as the Fanged Frisbee came whistling back round, giving chase. 
Judith looked semi-scared as she did her best to shake off the frisbee as she flew around on her broom. 
Tonks and I readied our wands to put a stop to the fanged prank item before our friend could get seriously hurt, expect we were have a hard time actually hitting the frisbee.
Tonks and I could only watch as the Fanged Frisbee closed in on her from behind.
"Judith, dive," I shouted. Judith didn't waste a second as she dove down. Judith was able to evade the fanged terror... somewhat.
The sound of fanged teeth cutting through hair felt impossibly loud. I couldn't help but to gape in horror as my best friend's hip-length hair was cut semi-choppily and fell to the ground. Tonks managed to cast Immobulous on the Fanged Frisbee but Judith didn't seem to notice. She stared at the ground where her hair fell while raising a shaking hand to her head.
Uh oh. 
I immediately transformed into my red-tailed hawk and flew off. Not before hearing the scream that damn near shook the entire castle.
So now I've resorted to hiding until, hopefully, Judith cooled off. 
I've been watching the doors that lead to the Courtyard just in case she comes here looking to rip my tail feathers off...
I was so caught up in my inner turmoil, I nearly fell out of the tree I was in when a giant Golden Eagle landed right next to me. Talbott and I transformed back into our human forms for a moment.
"What did you do this time," Talbott asked bluntly. I gave my fellow Ravenclaw an innocent look.
"What are you talking about? I didn't do anything," I said, doing my best to hide my nervous laughter. Talbott raised a sharp brow at me.
"And I'm sure Judith was yelling that she was gonna kill you and Tonks for kicks," he said. I shuddered in fear. Talbott sighed.
"Brooke-" I clapped my hand over his mouth, looking around in fear.
"SHHH! She'll be listening for my name for all I know," I hissed at the eagle Animagus. He stared at me, completely unamused.
"Whatever you did can't be-"
"BROOKE KELLY BROWN! YOU BETTER BE READY FOR AN ASS WHOOPING YOU’LL NEVER FORGET!" I let out a shriek, transforming back in my bird form and hiding behind a startled Talbott. 
Judith stormed out in the Courtyard, a fire dancing in her pale gold eyes.
Oh Talbott if you love me as a friend, please for all that good and holy, do not tell her where I am...
(Talbott Winger)
After meeting the "Cursed Children of Hogwarts", I knew my life will never be normal.
I was just thankful for meeting Judith first. Even though she and Brooke were just as persistent on being my friend, she was the much calmer one. Brooke tended to be more mischievous and can easily talk my ear off if I let her.
When I heard Judith's cry of pure fury earlier, all the way from the Library mind you, I knew Brooke and Tonks must've been up to no good. Judith isn't the type to explode or get mad easily, so whatever they did must've been a prank.
When the normally calm Hufflepuff stormed into the Courtyard with a glare sharp enough to kill a man, I instantly had an idea what they did. And couldn't help but blush at the difference.
Judith has been growing her hair out over the years. Her thick long curly mane would reach her mid-back in its natural state. But when it was straighten, it would reach her shapely hips. 
I secretly thought she looked beautiful with long hair, silently wishing to play with her long locks. But now, said mane was now cut short. It was a bit choppy, but not in a bad way. She looked cute with short hair...
Her gold eyes scanned the Courtyard for her fearful best friend who was now taking refuge in my hood. Her eyes landed on me and her angry expression melted into something akin to shy embarrassment. She walked up to me slowly.
"H-hey Tal-Talbott," she quietly greeted me. I rose a brow. 
The fact that she can switch from rage to shyness nearly gave me whiplash.
"Hello Judith," I replied. The girl crossed her arms staring at her feet. I couldn't help but find her adorable right now. 
She was wearing her semi-casual class outfit. A black sweater over her white button-down collar and yellow and black tie, a black skirt that reached her knees, dark gray long socks, and her shiny ballet flats. With her short hair, it made seem so much sweeter...
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I jumped down, feeling Brooke squirm before quickly settling in my hood. I took a few steps forward until I was standing in front of the cute Hufflepuff.
"Have you seen Brooke around," she quietly asked. 
I felt a nervous twitch on my back. 
Deciding to cover for my fellow Ravenclaw, I shook my head. Silence ensued between the two of us, as Judith still has yet to meet my gaze.
"New haircut," I inquired in an attempt to break the silence. The girl flinched.
"Not by choice. It looks bad, I know," she grumbled. As much as I love her with long hair, I love seeing her like this as well. It brought out her face more, and she looks cuter with the fact it wasn't completely even.
"Who said anything about it looking bad. I think you look rather cute with it," I whispered, twirling a strand between my fingers. Judith looked at me surprised, a hint of color appearing on her face.
"I- um... uh..." I felt a small smile grow on my face.
"Thank you," she squeaked, coming out more like a question rather than a statement. 
Too cute. 
I dropped my hand, silently chuckling.
"D-do me a favor and tell Brooke that we have Quidditch practice l-later, please," she stumbled over her words. I gave her a small smile.
"Sure, anything for you, little bird," I said softly. The girl's blush grew worse as she tucked a couple of loose strands behind her ear.
"Th-Thanks, Talbott. I'll see you later," she mumbled before quickly leaving the Courtyard. A few moments later, Brooke came out of hiding and transformed back into her human form. She pulled me into a tight hug.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I felt her squeeze me tighter with each thank you and quickly patted her back, wheezing that she'll break me in half if she hugged me any tighter. 
The Ravenclaw girl released me, giving me a sheepish smile.
"Oh, how I wish I could have you around all the time, Talbott. You managed to disarm her without even trying," she sighed in relief. I rolled my eyes at that. Not that I was looking to in the first place, but I did manage to calm the angry Hufflepuff down quite a bit.
"I don't feel like being your human shield every time you get her mad, Brooke. Remember, you have Quidditch practice with her soon so eventually, you'll be on your own," I pointed out. Brooke paled at that and whimpered. I would love to see how she wriggles her way out of that one...
(Orion Amari)
McNully, the Parkin twins, and I awaited our two teammates so we can start practice. Though I sense there might be some minor conflict that could cause a shift of imbalance during today's practice.
If Judith's yell from earlier was an indication...
Judith and I connect very well. 
She may have the strength that Skype prefers and the tactic that appeals to McNully but I noticed she gravitated more on my lessons on balance above everything else. She didn't bat an eye at my methods, whether it be for us to talk as equals by balancing on our broomsticks or even when I taught her how to Inspired Broom Surfing. 
She seems to enjoy not only the challenge but the peace it seems to bring her.
I don't know much about the Curse Vaults but I know it brings her much stress. Helping her clear her mind is definitely something I would gladly do for her whenever she wants.
"OY! Where the hell is Harris and Brown?! They should've been here by now," Skye grumbled, tapping her foot impatiently. Her twin, Hermes, smirked.
"What's the matter, Sky? Eager to get your pasty ass handed to you so soon? Especially after being the Hospital Wing for so long?" The Hufflepuff snarled at her Ravenclaw brother.
"Put a sock in it, will ya?! Now that I'm recovered, I'm gonna mop the floor with you," Skye hissed. McNully simply shook his head at the Parkin Chasers.
"I give it a 98.9% chance this has to do with Judith's death threat earlier," he told me.
"And what could you think to be the reason," I asked the Quidditch commentator. He shrugged his broad shoulders.
"Beats me."
"S-sorry we-we're late, everyone..." came a slightly timid apology. We all turned to find the Ravenclaw Chaser and Hufflepuff Beater in their respected practice uniforms. Brooke, who voiced this apology, was looking away and Judith silently glared daggers at her best friend. 
I blinked in surprise as I took in my Beater.
Judith's hair has been cut drastically short, very similar to my own in fact. I'd always found the Hufflepuff to be alluring with her long, thick mane. Especially when the wind would blow, toying with her locks as she meditated with me or when we simply practicing flying on our brooms together.
Her short hair didn't dampen her beauty but simply changed it in a different light. Her facial features were brought out more due to the cut. Her big gold eyes, her soft cheeks, her slightly sharp jawline...
"Tch, nice haircut Harris," Hermes snorted. The girl shifted her glare over to him, making him slightly flinched.
"We don't have time for a bloody makeover, Judith, we had a Quidditch title to defend," Skye chided.
"Oh, can it both of you! It's not like I asked for a bad hair day," Judith snapped, sending a side-eye to a timid Brooke.
"May I asked what happened exactly," McNully asked politely. Judith sighed, refusing to say anything. Brooke tried not to twitch under her hard stare.
"Let's just say a Fanged Frisbee gone wrong," Brooke vaguely summarized. I let out a hum of understanding as I studied the Hufflepuff Beater. A few strands landed in front of her face. Before Judith could do anything, I carefully brushed her hair behind her ear, allowing my fingertips to lightly caress her cheek. 
The girl blinked at me in surprise, a blush coloring her face.
"I see nothing wrong with it. I think short hair suits you," I said with a smile. The girl couldn't find any words to say after I complimented her.
"S-so, le-let's get to practicing, ye-yeah," the Hufflepuff Beater offered. I silently chuckled at her attempt to change the subject but appeased her nonetheless.
It didn't escape my attention however when Brooke shot me a grateful look.
"Oh boy, definitely need a Wiggenweld Potion," Brooke winced as practice concluded. 
Judith showed no mercy, hitting Bludgers with deadly accuracy. She managed to nail Hermes and Brooke quite a number of times, much to Skye's delight, but I can still sense some level of unbalance coming from her.
"Judith, may I speak with you. Alone," I called out to her. Murphy and Skye shrugged, Brooke looked relieved (more or less running out of the stadium, despite her injuries) and Hermes smirked making kissing noises in our direction. Judith looked very peeved, as well as a bit flustered, at that and looked ready to jump the male but I held her back with a steady hand on her shoulder.
"Come now, it wouldn't be long. I promise," I whispered gently to her. Her face did a funny little spasm as her blush grew worse, but she relented. When the others cleared out, I turned Judith so she could face me. The girl stubbornly looked at my chest. I let out a sigh and tilted her chin up so she could look at me.
"Something troubles you. What's wrong," I softly asked.
"It's stupid. One of the few days I actually could relax, I get chased by a rogue Fanged Frisbee thanks to Tonks and Brooke and now I have a haircut that makes me look more like a boy. I'm already insecure about myself as is, this just put me in a foul mood," the girl admitted. 
My gaze softened at the Hufflepuff witch. 
Tentatively, I cupped her cheek, brushing my thumb under her eye.
"Long or short, your hair doesn't define your beauty, Judith. I'm not speaking to you out of concern a captain has for his teammate, but simply as a wizard expressing himself to a witch. I truly mean when I say you're an alluring girl," I whispered to her. I leaned in pressed a small kiss on her hairline. I heard her let out a shaky breath. Pulling away, her eyes were closed and the blush darkened.
Her gold eyes fluttered open to meet my dark brown ones. She gave me a shy smile.
"Th-Thank you, Orion," she said quietly. I hummed softly and stepped back to give her some space. She asked if she could leave now and I gave her a smile and nodded, saying I'll see her around. She gifted me with one last small smile before walking out of the stadium. I heard the grass being crunched under a set of wheels.
"You seriously could've made the poor girl faint you know," I heard McNully say. I turned to him with a guileless smile.
"You know that I have no shame expressing how I feel. I feel a connection towards the girl, simple as that," I said. The commentator rolled his eyes and chuckled.
(Andre Egwu)
I was in the Ravenclaw Common Room studying one of Murphy's playbooks. I really want to be a better Seeker so I can actually play on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. I want to make my grandmother proud... and Judith as well.
The witch never had to reach out to help me, especially since she's on the Hufflepuff team. But she helped introduced me to Murphy so I can learn and strategy wizard himself. I was actually surprised how friendly those two were with each other, which means they've been working closely for quite a while. I remember the kind smile she sent my way when she promised that this is will help me become a better Seeker.
She had such a beautiful smile. Among a lot of features.
Her smooth chocolate skin.
Her delicately sculpted face.
Her athletically fit (and slightly curvy) body.
Her bright gold eyes.
Her long dark hair.
I sighed dreamily.
"Whatcha sighing about, Andre?" A very familiar voice spoke. I jumped to find Judith standing close to the couch I resided on. I blinked in surprise.
Judith blew a strand of her now short hair from her face as she looked at me curiously. Suddenly her battle cry from earlier today makes so much more sense...
Along with Brooke's frantic running in and out (with a bunch of snacks and candy in hand) of the Common Room, yelling if anyone needed her she'll be in the Gryffindor Common Room...
I can understand Judith's anger, but...
It's not as bad as she thinks it is...
"Andre?" I snapped back to reality as the Hufflepuff rose a brow at me. I blushed.
"Sorry, sorry... I was caught up in studying these playbooks," I partially lied through the skin of my teeth. I felt my entire face grow hot. She let out a soft hum.
"Alright," she finally said. I let out a soft sigh of relief. I stood to take a closer look at the girl.
"Cute haircut, whose your stylist," I commented, ruffling her hair playfully. The girl stared at me, surprise overtaking her features.
"I was half expecting you to find this bad," she said, running through her fingers through the choppy cut to fix it. I shook my head.
"You looked good with how your hair was before, but you look very cute with this cut," I said honestly. The Hufflepuff Prefect chuckled and hugged me around the waist. I blushed and wrapped my arms around her. The sweet smell of her shampoo wafted up my nose. Mmm... cocoa butter and coconuts...
I felt a dopey grin spread on my face.
Dear Gods if this is a dream, don't wake me up...
Unfortunately, the girl pulled away.
"I wanted to ask you something," she said. The warmth of her hug and the sweet smell still left me in a slight delirious euphoria. So I didn't hesitate to answer.
"Sure, anything..."
"Do you by any chance know where Brooke is?"
"She went to the Gryffindor Common Room," I said, unknowingly ratting Brooke out to her possibly vengeful best friend. Said best friend gave me a giant smile and another hug.
"Thank you, Andre," she said, and was there a slight purr in her voice? She turned on her heel and walked out of the room, leaving me alone once again.
Sighs... so worth it...
(Brooke Brown)
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!
Once I get my hands on Egwu, I'm gonna clobber him!
...Assuming I survive my best friend's wrath...
I glanced at Bill, who was basically yeeted across the room to keep Judith from entering the room. He ended up hitting an armchair, which toppled backward. I forgot how strong my best friend was...
I silently whimpered at the sight of Judith smirking down at me.
"L-l-let's not do-do anything drastic n-now...! I-I'm sure we can t-talk about this, haha haha haha pleasedon'thurtme," I said as I shrunk into the couch. Judith remained quiet for a moment before chuckling. I shut my eyes.
Oh no...
Goodbye world, it was nice knowing you...
"Relax, will ya? I'm not gonna hurt you..." I cracked open one eye.
"Really," I asked quietly.
"Well not really..." Not helping!
"You can say that the short hair kinda grew on me, so I'm gonna spare you from anything drastic," she said.
"Wha-But-How-" The short Hufflepuff gave me a small smile with a slight blush on her face.
"You can say I received some votes of confidence today," she said softly, brushing a few strands behind her ear. I thought back. Talbott. Orion. Andre.
I smirked and snickered.
Apparently, that was the wrong move as Judith's eyes sharpened into a glare. I 'eeped' as she leaned in close to my face.
"Even so, I'm not spending x amount of years just to regrow my hair. You gonna find a way to help me grow it back or else. Got it," she whispered. I nodded frantically. She gave me a lazy smirk.
"Good. See ya at dinner, bestie," she said, pulling away and walking out of the room. Once she was gone, I went over to check to make sure that Bill was okay while mentally wondering how can I convince Penny to brew me some kind of hair potion...
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catracorner962 · 3 years
Beautiful Children Ch. 2
Warning this chapter contains a flashback with both Adora and Catra being abused physically, emotionally and mentally! If you do not want to read this feel free to skip the all italicized flashbacks. Sections are broken up by "---" marks at the center. Skip these sections if that abuse is not something you want to read. Adora's flashback starts with "E...everyone accounted for?" and Catra's starts with "Catra bit her tail, stifling a sob."
Like my writing? Consider buying me a Ko-fi! No amount is too small and it really helps! If that isn’t an option, no worries! Reblogs, sharing, comments, spreading the word is equally appreciated! 
“Let me get this straight,” Glimmer rubbed her temples. “Catra found a baby? And no one on this ship has claimed it as there’s?”
Adora nodded, holding the little infant to her. It has ceased crying and finally slept in the poorly made swaddle Bow had fashioned for it.
“Not one person?” The queen demanded.
“Honey,” Bow consoled from his place in the captain’s chair. He put the ship on auto-pilot and put an arm on his wife’s shoulder. Glimmer relaxed a little under this touch but eyed Adora sharply.
“And where is she now?”
“Catra!” Glimmer suppressed a hiss of irritation.
“Oh, she’s….she’s helping Perfuma and Frosta make people comfortable.” Adora couldn’t help a swell of pride in her chest.
“She is?!” Bow visibly gushed, “that’s sooo...cute!”
“Bow! Can we get back to the matter at hand?”
Bow nodded, regaining his composure though he glanced at Adora, beaming.
“You found a baby, and it doesn't belong to anyone here?”
Adora glanced down at the sleeping thing, baby, kitten, kit? What were baby magicats called? It’s little mouth puckered, sucking on nothing but hope for some milk. Her chest warmed, watching it sleep and gurgle. She held the kitten closer to her.
“No, I went around and asked twice. So did Catra, it doesn’t have any parents.”
“It’s parent’s mustive….” Bow’s look of joy diminished for a moment, “must’ve died in the bombs or…” he didn’t finish the sentence but Adora knew, her stomach churning with disgust.
They could’ve been chipped by the Brotherhood, we could’ve killed them….
Her fingers tightened around the blanket that held the baby.
“...and Catra said it’s a magicat? Like her?”
Glimmer asked more quietly, coming around to peer at the sleeping infant. Her face turned up in the slightest of smiles.
“She didn’t but it must be. It’s got ears and tail just like her.”
Glimmer reached out, touching one hand to its smooth cheek. A little too hollow for what should be a pudgy baby, but still adorable.
“How old do you think it is?” Bow asked, leaning over Glimmer to get a better look. Adora shrugged, adjusting the baby in her arms. It stirred, all three of them holding a collective breath. They watched in suspense, as it’s face scrunched up,  brows furrowing. A short little mewl escaped it’s mouth before it settled back down, snorting a little and finally falling to silence.
It’s so cute, so precious. Poor thing.
She leaned down and placed a kiss upon its forehead, inhaling the smell of the battlefield and still somehow fresh life. Destruction and birth. Adora shuttered. Looking down at that new face, so oblivious to everything around it, content in sleep. Thick blonde eyelashes, pink little lips, perfect small brows, each finger curled into a little fist, it’s...
“Catra! There you are, get in here!”
Adora looked up, sucked from a daydream.
“We got any more food in this joint?” Catra glanced at Adora and made a beeline for one of the storage units in the cockpit.
“Catra,” Glimmer raced after her, grabbing her by the shoulders all but dragging her over. “This baby is it? Is it like you? A magicat? What do they eat, how old is it?”
Catra blinked, face drawn. Her eyes flicked from Adora, to the baby and back to Glimmer. She glared, folding her arms across her chest.
“There weren’t exactly any other magicats in the Horde!”
Adora watched her visibly flinch and moved to stand beside her wife. Holding the baby with one arm and putting a hand to the small of Catra’s back with the other. She stiffened but didn’t shy away.
“I just thought, since you are one….” Glimmer pressed, leaning closer to an ever flustered Catra,
“You would know! What they drink, how much sleep they need, how long they stay with their parents after birth?”
“Fuck should I know Sparkles?!” Catra’s tail bristled, “my parents abandoned me when I was a baby! Dumped me outside the Fright Zone in a fucking box.  They didn’t want me and I don’t want anything to do with them!  I don’t know shit about magicats and I honestly don’t fucking care alright?! Now where do you keep the extra food, we have people out there who need it!”
This baby needs someone to take care of it… . Adora thought
Glimmer stumbled backward, Catra’s ears pinned to the side of her head as she strode forward rummaging.
“It’s, it’s okay,” Adora began slowly, swaying from side to side as the baby slept. “We just...we’re trying to get more information so we can take care of it,” she reasoned, smiling looking at the little thing sleeping in her arms.
Catra stood stick straight, ears pricking up.
“Take care of it?”
Bow looked between them,
“What...what else are we supposed to do?” Glimmer asked quietly.
“Take it back to Etheria!” Adora announced.
“Leave it there!” Catra huffed.
Bow, Glimmer, and Adora snapped around, eyes wide. Adora swallowed her shocked gasp, adjusting the baby to lay against her chest, instinctively closer. Bow’s eyes nearly bulged from his head. Glimmer’s lips only tightened. Though the ship moved gracefully through the sky, everything else seemed to go still.
“.....L...leave it there?” Adora recovered lamley.
“But we already took off,” Bow offered, nervous, “we can’t turn around and leave it there on an abandoned planet.”
“Are you crazy?” Glimmer demanded deadpan. Catra snorted, pulling out tins of perishable food from the storage cabinet. They could be put into the re-hydrater in the kitchen and served in no time.
“We’ll find the nearest habitable planet and leave it there.”
Before Adora could retort the magicat turned on her nimble heel, arms full of food and punched the door lock with her elbow, all without sparing a glance at the little baby in her wife’s arms.
They exchanged a look after the door slid shut.
“Well….whatever we do with it, we better figure out fast. We’ll be back in Brightmoon by this time tomorrow,” Bow answered reviewing the flight map.
Adora mustered a nod, her heart sinking with pity at the little baby smooshed against her. It’s warmth radiated, the feel of it’s small form against her’s. Fluffy and light, so….trusting and pure somehow. Innocent.
She kissed the top of its golden head again, relishing in the touch. She closed her eyes,
“Adora?...Adora! Earth to Adora!”
“AAAhh!” Adora screamed, Glimmer manifested before her surrounded by pink bubbly magic. She instantly bit her tongue, looking down at the peaceful baby. It’s face scrunched up once more, it’s little mouth turning to a frown.
“Shhh, shhh, it’s okay! It’s…”
“Ehhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!”
“Oh no, no, no it’s okay, shhhh,” she attempted to soothe, rubbing circles on its back and swaying to and fro.
“I was going to ask what you think we should do,” Glimmer began, even as Adora started to pace the small cockpit.
“I don’t know,” she mumbled, walking rhythmically, feeling the baby’s tiny body expand each time it let out a pitiful wail. She should feel it’s lungs working overtime, it’s stubby tail twitched.
“Shhh you’re alright. You were having such a good sleep!” She cooed, patting its back.
“I need to get out there and help the others,” Adora could sense the lack of patience ebbing at the queen’s voice. She may have larger duties to attend to, other priorities but Adora could only think of one thing at the moment. The thing that cried into her ear, the thing with little fingers grasping at her skin.
“I know, it’s...it’s okay, I can take care of the baby. You go see how everyone else is doing.”
Glimmer bit the inside of her cheek before she could verbalize any rebuke.
Probably something about SheRa and babysitting duty, Adora guessed.
“I need to go assist the others. Once it’s asleep come find me. We have lots of people we have to figure out where they are going once we get to Brightmoon and make sure they have all necessities. And we will want to question some of them about the brotherhood. Just...just come find me as soon as it’s asleep okay?”
Adora nodded,
Hope it takes a while, that way  I can spend more time with them,  she thought fondly, continuing to rub circles over it’s back. Her hands knew the repetitive motion well. Catra continued to get nightmares at least three times a week.
Glimmer stared at her a few more seconds before shrugging and going over to give Bow a quick kiss. The door opened, then slid shut again, and Adora was left with the small kitten.
“E...everyone accounted for?” Adora wheezed, rubbing the bruise on her left cheek. Rogelio growled, nodding from where crouched, rubbings his tail.
“I...I think so,” Kyle panted, he moved mechanically on his hands and knees, wincing as he picked up his staff and collapsed it into his holster.
Adora looked around the area, scanning the large circular room for any splattering of blood or broken equipment. A large black screen loomed down over them from the right side wall. Even without Hordak’s impossing image, Adora’s stomach tied in knots. He didn’t need to be on the screen in order to see them.
We failed, she sniffed, fighting tears. She rubbed them away with the back of her hand, the skin red and hot.
Probably burnt.
She fought another round of tears.
No.  Don’t cry. Shut up. Who else is left, who else is hurt? You are not what’s important right now.
Adora swallowed the tight lump in her throat.
“Catra? You okay?”
“Hmmmph fine,” the younger girl answered, she licked at her right forearm. Face stuck in a scowl.
Adora crouched down to see under the metal beams.
“Lonnie you okay? I saw you really took that last hit hard!”
She held her breath, anxiety hinging on the other girl’s answer.
“I’m okay.”
Adora deflated with relief, watching Lonnie limp out from behind one of the metal beams.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Must’ve banged my ankle.”
Adora glanced down at the cadet’s red boot. It wasn’t falling off, her limp wasn’t that bad.
“Okay. Just take it easy I guess.”
Lonnie eyed her with quiet resolve but nodded and slunk over to Rogelio.
“Adora! Get up!”
Adora sprang from her bed that evening, heart hammering in her chest, body suddenly drenched in a cold sweat.
Two vacant white eyes, soulless and blank stood over her.
“Sh...Shadow Weaver!”
“Shh! Do not wake the other cadet’s. Come with me now.”
Adora nodded, still shaking. Rising from her bed. She spared a look over her shoulder. The top bunk still appeared to be occupied.
Good Catra’s still asleep.
It wouldn’t be the first time Shadow Weaver had woken her at some immeasurable hour only for her to find Catra restrained in the Black Garnet chamber to teach the two of them “a lesson.” Adora put a hand to her chest, trying to calm her heart as Shadow Weaver led her down the empty echoing halls of the Fright Zone.
“Umm...Shadow Weaver... where are we going?”
“Shhh! Did I permit you to speak?”
The sorceress demanded without turning towards her. Adora sunk her head low. Allowing her golden hair to hide her face.
“No ma’am.”
The sorceress nodded, motioning for Adora to come with her as they rode down one of the many elevator shafts. Adora stood silent, straight.
Don’t ask questions.
Only speak when spoken to.
Follow orders, don’t disobey.
You’ll be punished.
Or more accurately, Catra would be punished.
The elevator stopped, Shadow Weaver exited, gesturing for her to follow. With dragging feet Adora continued down the lengthy hall. The red emergency lights cast an eerie glow. Illuminating the walls.
“Infirmary,” with an arrow pointing further down the corridor.
Who’s in the…?
They stopped, Adora craned her neck to see through the glass window, into the sick bays.
“Who is that?” Shadow Weaver pointed one grey finger at one of the beds.
Adora jumped up, trying to see, then gasped.
“Who is that cadet speak quickly!
Shadow Weaver demanded, leaning forward. Shadows rippled from her robes.
“Lonnie! It’s Lonnie! Is...is she okay?”
“I don’t know cadet, you tell me! She was in your training exercise this morning.”
“I ...I know!” Adora spluttered, ringing her hands through a lock of hair. “She...she was! She took the last hit from one of the bots! I asked her if she was okay but….”
A shadow leapt from the sorceresses robes, Adora shrieked, flinching as it zipped toward her, through her fingers and into the strand of hair she fiddled with. It sizzled and smoked, a fowl stench filling Adora’s nose.
‘Don’t play with your hair!” Shadow Weaver thundered, “look at me! Lonnie is in your squad! You were in charge of the drill. She is hurt.”
“I...I know!” Adora’s voice cracked, tears pressing at her eyes. She wrung her fingers together watching nervously as the shadow drifted through the piece of hair, pulling it back, against her head. She pinched her eyes shut in discomfort at the tense yank of her scalp.
Shadow Weaver crouched over her.
“I...I asked her if she was okay! I asked her if it hurt! She said it would be fine!”
“And you took her word for it?”
“Y...yes!” Adora broke down in sobs.
“Why didn’t you bring her straight here?”
“I….” she looked up, over at where Lonnie lay asleep on a cot. “I didn’t know,” she whined, tears streaming down her face.
“She had to be bright here on stretcher, after waking some other cadets earlier. Crying in pain Adora and now she’s out of commission for a week while the leg heals. A week!”
Adora’s chest cracked with guilt.
Poor Lonnie. She was in so much pain! She should’ve told me! I should’ve helped her! I should’ve made her get it looked at!
“Lonnie is in your squad. You protect people in your squad Adora. That is the job of a leader. Protecting people and making sure they are not harmed. You must always look after those in your care. Who’s fault is this?”
“M...mine,” Adora whimpered. A hot runny line of snot snaking from her nose.  “Louder cadet!” Shadow Weaver snarled. Her shadows rising around her.
“Mine!” Adora shrank back against the wall. “It’s my fault Shadow Weaver! I should’ve kept a better watch on her, I should’ve made her show me the wound. I...I should’ve protected her more!”
“Very good Adora,” the shadows dissipated.
“While Lonnie’s out you will take over her latrine duty for the next week.”
Adora knew better than to show objection on her face. She only sniffled, pulling up her shirt to wipe her nose, wishing she could bury her face inside it forever.
“Y...es Shadow Weaver.”
“And?” The sorceress asked.
Adora drew a shaky breath, finally managing to meet those gaping eyes.
“Th...thank you Shadow Weaver. For teaching me. For this lesson. I’ll...I’ll be better.”
“Indeed you will.”
The sorceress took off down the hall once more. Leaving Adora in the black cold hall. She watched Lonnie sleep until she too dozed off, curling up on the metal floor.
I’ll be better.
I’ll be better at protecting.
Protecting Lonnie….
Protecting Catra
“Thank you Shera, thank the stars!” Adora grinned awkwardly at the woman, helping her sister to wrap the elder in a blanket.
“We’ll be on Etheria soon.”
The woman nodded eagerly, but the exhaustion was not lost on Adora.
She parted ways with the family giving a nice pat on the shoulder and moving along down the rows of people now displaced from their town. The baby had finally gone back to sleep, after walking herself dizzy.
“Adora!” Glimmer’s sharp voice found her through the throngs of people.
“Glimmer hey! Sorry the baby took longer to get down than I thought.”
The queen smirked,
“They usually do. But you should go rest for the night you look beat. We can...we can talk infant stuff tomorrow before we land.”
“That’s okay!’ She waved Shera’s glowing, gauntlet hand. “I can do more! I haven’t finished passing out the blankets! And… and people are wanting to know where they can make a new home once on Etheria! That family over there…” she gestured to a family of five, “they lost their house and their shlooping business! We’ll need to help them get back on their feet! I need to find out what shlooping is!”
“Adora,” Glimmer  “it can wait. We have plenty of volunteers to help with supplies and there is a whole team already in Brightmoon working on helping people once they arrive. Please rest. You need to rest.”
She’s right. Once I transform back I’ll be exhausted, her mind whispered to her. She learned the hard way that while Shera could heal herself no problem, the Adora of afterward still felt fatigued and sore.
“You sure?”
“Yes,” Glimmer gave her a grateful sigh. “Please go rest. I’ll see you in the morning.” Adora nodded, leaning down to give her friend a tight hug. One large hand rubbing her back.
“It’s been a hard day for you too! You should also rest! If you need me to be on flying duty so you an Bow can get some time together…”
“That’s what autopilot is for,” Glimmer gave her a knowing wink, slowly withdrawing from the embrace.
“Goodnight, Adora.”
“Goodnight Glimmer.”
Adora slipped into the room with practiced stealth, holding her breath at the sliding door as it closed. She turned, taking in her and Catra’s tiny room on the ship. A storage compartment, galley bathroom off the side one plain table where Adora placed her sword and one large cot. If by large you meant barely enough for two women. She sighed, breathing out the day, her body rippling with the transformation from glorious warrior woman to…
Just Adora.
She straightened, closing her eyes and rolled her neck through the dulling ache in her joints. It was inevitable now everything she changed back to herself. But it was worth it of course.
Adora changed, quiet as could be. Tip toeing around the confined space to pull off her jacket and into her simple nightwear, a white little gown that Bow got for her last New Moon Day. She let her hair fall down, cascading around her shoulders in straight blonde locks and edged towards the bed, smiling. Cramped as it was, the little room did offer a perfect view of the stars before them. The entire ceiling and one of the walls made of pure glass. The eternal stream of stars glistened against the purple black of the universe, bathing their room in a cool tranquil shade of deep indigo shadows.
Catra rustled from her place on the bed, eyes slits of glowing gold and blue in the night.
“Sorry! Did I wake you? I tried…”
Adora crouched over her, the woman only smiled sleepily shifting beneath her. Adora shivered feeling Catra’s tail wrap around her leg.
“Mmmm no love,” Catra rasped through half conscious daze. Adora couldn’t help but feel her heart skip a beat. Of course she treasured every moment with Catra but this….these sleepy half-awake moments might be her favorite.
She’s so soft when she’s sleepy.
Most people only knew Catra as prickly at best and outright aggressive at worst. Even towards Bow and Glimmer Catra retained her aloof pessimism but here, cloaked in darkness, she was always able to reveal the truer deeper parts of herself. A part of her only Adora was privy to. The Catra that purred, the Catra who sang to her, the Catra who could be so vulnerable and soft and even sometimes romantic. Only in the darkness, only in secret, only with her.
Been that way since we were kids. Just the two of us huddled up in my bunk terrified of being caught. Risking it all the same.
Of course except the night we did get caught….
Adora’s stomach tightened at the memory, her hands clutched at the sheets, she bit her lip.
You should’ve thrown the blanket over her, lay down on top of her the second you heard footsteps! You should’ve pushed her off like every other close call! If you’d been more alert Shadow Weaver wouldn’t have caught you. She would’ve dragged Catra by her hair to the Black Garnet Chamber and…
“You gonna kiss me or what?”
Catra’s low voice purred, carrying Adora from that terrible night. She obliged, leaning down to kiss her on the lips. Warm and smooth, her breath full and humming. Adora almost fell on top of her, though by the way she purred, it’s not like Catra would probably mind. Adora kissed her again, this time longer, running her fingers through the brunette’s hair.
“Mmm you smell nice, like Shera,” Catra murmured, planting more sweet delicate kisses on her lips.
“That’s why you married me isn’t it?” Adora whispered, returning her kisses. She let her hips drop lazily against Catra’s. Her wife let out a hitching gasp, one hand coming up to caress Adora’s cheek. She drew back only slightly, breath whispering across Adora’s lips.
“I married you for power. Being Shera’s wife? You can’t get any higher up then that.”
Adora giggled, her fingers carding through the messy brown hair towards Catra’s ears.
“Are you sure?” She teased, allowing her hips to roll over the other woman’s. The scratchy gray blanket easily gave with the weight and Adora raised her brow as Catra let out a loud satisfied humm, her heavy lidded eyes closing.
Adora’s smile widened,
I could watch her like this forever.
She kissed Catra once more, this time deeper, breathing her in. Tasting her.
Close your eyes, relax, un-tense your shoulders. Let this calm you. Let her make you happy just the way she is.
Adora sighed into another kiss, undulating her hips again. This pulling a husky moan from Catra who tightened her grip on Adora’s shoulders. Her claws retracted, thankfully.
“Don’t start something you don’t intend to finish,” Catra breathed, planting kisses all along Adora’s jaw.
“Oh I fully intend to. Finish that is. Get it?”
Catra rolled her eyes, but her back arched upward hips thrusting into Adora’s. She kissed her fervently, lips tracing over the mark of the Heart of Etheria. Adora groaned, inpatient. She carelessly tossed the flimsy blanket to the ground and leaned over Catra, her hair creating a golden curtain around  their faces. She thrust again, their hips bumping through thin nightclothes. The arm that wound through Catra’s hair now reached downward, running over the contours of her wife’s lithe sides, over her jut of her hip bones to the slight  bulge of her stomach and lower.
“A...Adora,” Catra whimpered, kissing at her neck her fingers clutching to Adora’s back.
“I….I...should go check on the baby,”
“What?” She felt Catra stiffen against her.
“I think I heard it crying,” Adora protested, withdrawing her hand from it’s position right above the line of her wife’s pajama pants.
“I have better hearing than you,” Catra grumbled, ears pinned backward to her skull. “I would know if it was crying. It’s not crying. Even if it is, who cares?”
“Who cares?” Adora cried, gaze turning fierce. “Catra it’s alone and abandoned on this ship with no family. No parents! What if it needs something? What if it’s in danger?”
“Who cares? I care! We’re all alone on this ship, finally! What if I need fucking, what if my labito is in danger?!”
“I….I just need to check real quick I promise!”
Catra changed tactics, sitting up and kissing at Adora’s chest, at her breasts through her slim nightgown. Hands coming up to rub circles over her sides.
“There are plenty of people on this ship,” Catra’s voice fell back to it’s lazy slow rasp. “Let Bow or Sparkles or any of the other princesses or volunteers take care of it.” She kissed Adora’s sternum, nibbling a little at the silk gown.
Glimmer and Bow probably moved it from the cockpit where I laid it down to sleep. Who knows where they put it? Bow wouldn’t endanger the baby. He’d put them somewhere safe. But where? It could be crying right now. From all the way across the ship tucked into some compartment? Even Catra’s hearing isn’t that good!
“We’ve been fighting and going for days. You’ve been taking care of all these people. Let me take care of you now okay?” Catra asked softly, she held Adora’s face with her hands, fingers carefully rubbing into her wife’s temples.
“I  just need to see the baby and make sure they are okay!”
Adora tossed her head from Catra’s grip.  
Her pupils narrowed to tiny slits in the dark.
“No Catra. We found it, it’s our responsibility.”
“No it’s not! What are you….”
Adora jumped from the bed, getting her jacket.
“Adora it can wait! Please! There are other people who can…’
“No it can’t! I have to do this. Just...stay here!  I”ll be back soon. Then we can do whatever you want.”
Adora punched the door key, dashing down the dark corridor.
Catra bit her tail, stifling a sob.
Can’t wake Adora. Not again.
In a fog of half-consciousness the little magicat’s tears ran down her face. Her little bum ached against the shabby cot. Long worn from years of use and reuse. She shivered, her thin coat of fur doing little against the dank bone chill of the Fright Zone barracks.
She heaved for breath,
It was just a dream. A...a nightmare...it...it’s okay.
She let go of her tail, laying down carefully and stuffing her face into the fraying pillow. Her body trembled with chill, her head stuffy from sleepiness combined with her snotty cries. Her eyes burning.
Don’t wake Adora.
Shadow Weaver will get mad.
Go back to sleep.
Go back to sleep.
Her belly squirmed with hunger. That relentless pain, combined with her nightmare of Beast Island had awoken her.
Catra heaved for more air, choking through the wracking sobs. She kneaded at her own tummy.
Don’t cry. Hold your breath. Don’t cry! Don’t…
The magicat’s alarmed scream cut short as a tendril of shadow magic sealed her lips shut.
“Do not wake the other cadets. Come with me.”
Catra let out a whimper, scaling down her bed. Adora slept soundly beneath her.
Good, she won’t wake up and try to be the hero.
The magicat followed Shadow Weaver from the sleeping quarters down the halls to the Black Garnet Chamber. Despite the spell, silent tears streamed from Catra’s eyes. Her fur bristling.
She’s going to hurt me, she’s going to hurt me. She heard me crying and she’s going to hurt me or say I can’t eat for another day.
No, no, no no, no no.
They stepped into the harrowed chamber, the door slamming shut.
“If I take that binding spell off of you will you continue your yapping?”
She shook her head furiously, gasping as the shadow removed itself from her mouth. She heaved for air, tears trickling.
“I said quiet!” Shadow Weaver snarled, seizing Catra’s skinny arm in a vice grip, forcing her to her knees.
“Why were you causing such a fuss?!”
Catra opened her mouth and let out a wail.
“Answer me!” Red electric magic pulsed in the sorceresses palm.
“I….I had a bad d...dream!” Catra managed through her tears. “I was on Beas...beast...beast...beast island and...the...there were phookas...and and and…”
The fingers around her wrist tightened, sharp nails digging in.
“Ow! I had a nightmare! And...and ...and I woke up...it was cold and dark! AndI was hungry and ...th...thirsty! I ...was thirst…”
The smack cracked, worse than magic across her face. The back of Shadow Weaver’s hand burning through her cheeks and over her nose in a swift sharp pain.
“Ahhhhhhh!!” Catra shrieked, hands flying to her face, covering her throbbing nose.
No blood...n...not this time…
“You were thirsty so you began to cry waking the others?”
“I didn’t!” Catra tried, little fists balling. How quickly hurt hardened to rage.
“You could have! Hear me now you little brat you are to keep silent. Especially at night. Some of the cadets among you have potential and they cannot achieve that if they do not get their rest. If you are restless and awake at night keep it to yourself.”
“I was thirsty and hungry!”
Shadow Weaver’s magic crackled close to Catra’s aching  face. Sending a fresh round of tears flooding her eyes. She pinched them shut, trying to keep them from leaking out into the sorceress’s view.
“Then starve! Do you think I care what happens to you at night or otherwise? You lost your meal privileges for keeping Adora from her chores. You will keep your needs and wants to yourself because they do not matter. This is an army not a nursery. Your malcontent is selfish and no one’s problem but your own. Be silent. Do you understand me?”
“Mhm,” Catra sniffled refusing to meet her gaze.
“Speak up you little wretch. Or I will make you speak.”
Panic fluttered through Catra’s heaving chest.
“N...no! I...I won’t I promise! I won’t cry at night. I’ll….I’ll be quiet...I’ll be good.”
The sorceress turned, casting a cold glare over her shoulder.
“We’ll see about that. Now get back to the barracks. And don’t even think about scratching the walls on your way. Or I’ll have you de-clawed again.”
Ice formed in Catra’s gut. She clutched her right hand to her chest, tucking it in so Shadow Weaver couldn’t see the still healing claws protruding at her fingertips. Her chest pricked with the agony of that particular ordeal.
“I...I won’t! I won’t!”
“Good. Then get out of my sight.”
Catra sprang forward, dashing on all fours out of the chamber. She hurried back to the barracks. Creeping quietly past the rows of bunk beds.
Good, Adora’s still asleep.
Catra noted the little blonde girl. She’d kicked her blankets off  in her slumber. The magicat climbed up to her bed, pushing her sore face into the scratchy pillow. Trying to calm herself.
“Pst, Catra. You awake?”
Oh no.
“I’m fine, Adora go back to bed!”
As usual her friend would not be deterred.
“Are you sure you’re okay? I thought I saw Shadow Weaver leave with you.”
“I’m fine idiot just go to sleep!”
Please, please go back to bed, she’ll hurt me again if you don’t keep quiet. please . Please just sleep.
“Catra are you really, really sure?”
The magicat didn’t answer again. Nor did she ever answer from then on whenever Adora climbed up to her bunk to ask if she was okay after another midnight beating. She learned how to lick her wounds in silence. Rub her tummy without scratching through her shirt, swallow her parched throat without coughing. Stealth was one of her more animalistic qualities by nature. From that night forward Catra learned to cry so no one, not even Adora could hear her.
The baby was safe.
Adora found them sleeping soundly where Glimmer had tucked them against one of the corners of the main sleeping areas. Swaddled in a lilac purple blanket. Adora crept among the sleeping refugees only to nearly sob in relief upon seeing the little thing. It’s lips sucked soundlessly for milk that wasn’t there. It’s tiny tail curled as much as it could around its stomach. Adora had undone the swaddle blanket, to redo it herself.
Glimmer might have tied it too tightly. Not that she can’t take care of babies, of course she can. But I better check, just to make sure they are comfortable.
Sure enough the little kitten did not make a peep.
Adora reached forward, holding them in her arms, tucking them against her chest. Unable to resist the urge.
They look like Catra when she was a kitten.
Adora recalled fondly. That day, in hindsight was one of the happiest days of her life. When a little box was brought to the nursery and inside huddled a very emaciated little kitten. Angry and hissing. So adorable.
But from day one Shadow Weaver hated her. I...I couldn’t stop that hurt. I couldn’t protect her.
“But I can protect you,” she whispered into one silken ear. “I’m going to take care of you.” She rocked the baby back and forth. Their small fresh breath tickling her chest. Their weight just right in her arms. Adora hummed gently, swaying and bobbing to soothe them.
“When we get back to Etheria I’m going to keep you..”
The magikit gurgled in response. It’s eyes opening a sliver of pale blue in the moonlight. Adora felt her heart melt. She gazed, smitten down at the perfect bundle. She kissed their cheek, infant fir still a fuzzy coating over their skin. Adora breathed it in, sighing.  There was nothing else in the universe at this moment. Nothing so absolutely perfect. Nothing so treasured as the kitten she held. Overwhelming, terrifying and all consuming with devotion.
I can do this. I can protect them. I can care for them. I can be there for them. Be what they need. And Catra, she’ll make a great mother too. She just needs to get used to it. This...this is something I can do. Not a battle for Shera to win. Something for me, Adora to do. Something I have to do and this time, I  finally want to do. 
Something glowed, Adora glanced down, mouth parting in astonishment. The Heart of Etheria still etched into her chest glowed with blue light.
She shivered, spine threatening to melt, the sensation of Finn’s  little fingers carefully grabbed at the mark as if to pull it from her skin. She watched their eyes widen in fascination, gleaming brilliant blue with the light. They flexed tiny fingers, pressing into her chest at the mark of the Heart.
Adora laughed, giddy, lifting them up over her face.   “I’m going take care of you Finn,” the name bubbling to the front of her mind as she kissed them all over.
“I promise.”
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alice-angel12x · 4 years
Azul X mermaid reader
A long time ago under the sea, the mermaid was wandering the great shipwreck zones. The sunken ship was littered all over the ground, all with some sort of hidden treasure. A young h/c haired mermaid about the age of 6, she had many frilly fins and a jellyfish cap that floated over her head. 
She wondered the grounds as she picked any interesting looking items and plants. As she wondered the dark are of the ocean she felt something stalking her. She turned to see a large scared up shark eyeing her down as it swam circles around the mermaid. 
Y/n's body tensed as she readied herself, and quickly dashed away. The shark quickly gave chase to its prey. Y/n swam with all her might as she made her way back to the kingdom. As she ran she saw a small opening in the side of a rock, just big enough for her to fit into. 
Without hesitation, she dove into the hole. She got inside up instead of hitting a solid was, she felt something squishy.
"OUCH!" Groaned a voice. "Who ARE YO-"
"SHHH!" Y/n said as she covers the person's mouth.
They sat in the dark for a while till they noticed a dark shadow covered the hole, as an eye started in the hole. Suddenly Y/n felt a pair of arms wrap around her as someone started to tremble. It felt like an eternity, but eventually, the preditor left. The two sat in the darkness for a good while till Y/n finally decided to poke her head out of the hole to check to see if it was safe. The coast was clear as Y/n wiggled her way out of the hole.
"Sorry for startling you like I did," Y/n apologized.
"It's...Fine," Said a shy voice.
"I'm y/n by the way. Thank you for letting me hide with you," Y/n smiled.
"Kay. I'm Azul," The voice said shyly.
"Are you gonna come out?" Y/n asked.
"N-no!" The voice stuttered.
"Eh, why not?" Y/n asked again.
"Cause you make fun of me," The voice said, almost in a sob.
"Why would I do that?" Y/n asked as she tilted her head.
"Cause everyone else does," The voice said with a small shout.
"Well... I'm not everyone else, no one likes me either. We can be outcasts together," Y/n said with a smile.
the voice sighed as an 8 legged figure crawled out of the hole, It was an Octopus boy. He looked sad as he came into the light and seemed to wait for some awful reaction. Y/n stared with an unreadable expression, when suddenly.
"AWWWW! You're SO CUTE!♥" Y/N gasped as she hugged the cubby Octopus boy.
(Azul.exe has stopped working)
Azul chubby cheeks were lobster red as he felt this girl drown him in affection. He's never experienced this much affection before, or ever. He just didn't know how to react.
"P-please let go?" Azul stuttered as his heart fluttered in his chest.
"Oh, sorry. Your just the cutest thing," Y/n gushed, with heart sin her eyes.
"Y-you think I'm cute?"Azul asked surprised.
"Yep, so cute and squishy," She sighed as she pinched his cheeks.
But he didn't care for the first time someone was smiling at him. Not a smile of malice, a real pure smile. Know that she was close he could see strange patterns on her cheeks and the Jellyfish cap over her head really would make her stand out. His eyes slowly trailed down to her F/c tail. She had long frilly fins, that must make it difficult to swim fast.
"So what are you doing al the way out here, you also out here to escape the meanies," Y/n asked as she finally let go of Azul's face.
"For the most part, I just hang out here to study and to perfect my magic! I'll show them just how impressive I can be!" Azul shouted determinedly.
"wow, you must be pretty smart and awesome with magic then. I wish I could say the same for myself," Y/n sighed.
"With magic or the studies?" Azul asked as he slowly slides back into his hiding hole.
"Magic, I have a hard time controlling my magic. I can't cast magic like everyone else. Just today my teacher said to never return after I made her age 40 years. It was just an accident, my magic just went wild," Y/n frowned as she laid down on the squishy sand.
Azul simply stared at Y/n, not knowing what to say to her. His heart went out to her. With a shaky breath, Azul poked his head out of his hiding hole.
"I-If you want help I-I can help," Azul offered as he quickly pulled his head back into the hole.
"You will, Thank you!" Y/n smiled.
Azul's cheeks turned a light red as he watched her swim off into the distance. She won't come, he thought to himself. But to his surprise, she did return the next day, just like the day after that, and after that.
(Middle school years)
 Azul for the first time had a friend. She too was outcasted, to the other merpeople, she was just odd. She looked more like a jellyfish more than a mer, she was no good with magic and had the strangest markings on her face. So she would spend most of her time with Azul, watching him perfect his magic, and gathering Info on those who wronged him.
"I did it!" Azul said with pride.
"You finished it?" Y/n smiled as Azul showed off his golden scroll.
"Beautiful isn't it, If someone signs this than I can have anything I want from them," Azul smirked.
"Let's test it out!" Y/n said with excitement.
"Wait, what?!" Azul asked nervesly.
"I know the best practice subject," Y/n smiled as she grabbed Azul's hand.
"This is amazing, with this I could rule the world," Azul laughed.
"So I bet you going to start with Night Raven Academy," Y/n said.
The two were hanging out in Y/n's treasure cave, or junk cavern if you ask Azul.  Y/n was placing all her found treasures on the shelves when she felt a firm hand on her shoulder.
"What happened?" Azul demanded as he inspected Y/n's back wounds.
"Oh some girls pushed me into a sea urchin, It's fine Azul. I'm used to it," Y/n smiled sadly as she continued to sort her treasure.
"This is not fine, tell me who they are. I can make them pay," Azul growled.
"What, Someone is hurting our jellyfish," Said a familiar voice.
"So who is it we need to hunt down?" asked jade as he and his brother slithered into the cavern.
"Don't know. I don't know their names," Y/n said simply as she slowly sank to the sand ground.
"Y/n just describe them to me, I can use my magic on them," Azul said as he held her scarred arms.
"It's the... three girls... The new leading singers in the school music club," Y/n sighed as she looked away from Azul.
"Why would the get physical with you?" Jade asked.
"I wanted to be apart of the singing group, they didn't want me competing so they... Did what they did," Y/n said as she slowly started to tear up.
"I never heard you sing before, When did this interest come about?" Jade asked with a smile.
"I always like to sing, but I had to be careful because that is the only I can activate my magic. But thanks to Azul, I have better control and now I can sing more freely," Y/n smiled as she tried to wipe away her tears.
"Oh. Why don't you sing for us, Jellyfish?" Floyd asked as Y/n's cheeks turned a light red.
With a sigh, Y/n cleared her throat and sang.
Azul could feel his heart flutter in his chest as he listened to Y/n's simple song. His fists tightened as he felt his anger towards those awful started to grow. When he rules the world, he'll rule with Y/n and the twins by his side, Azul promised himself.
(5 years later)
I've noticed that Y/n has been spending more and more at the surface, which I find more and more concerning. What if she gets caught by humans or worse. She may be slightly faster than me, but that's still not enough to getaway. She should just day down here where it's safer.
"Y/n is late again," Jade sighed.
"I'm here! I'm Here!" Called out a voice.
In the distance Y/n quickly as she could, swam over to us.
"Your late again. You know I could not help you with the finals," I sighed in annoyance as Iset down the study material.
"And that's why your the best Senpai," Y/n smiled as she wraps her arms around my neck in a hug.
I can feel my cheeks heat up as I looked away bashfully.
"Okay, that's enough," I said as I tried to compose myself.
"What got you distracted this time, Jellyfish?" Floyd asked.
"I saw another strange-looking ship today, and it was playing the most beautiful music," Y/n sighed as she started to hum the melody.
Why does she go the surface so much, It's so dangerous up there. I could feel my heart squeeze and twist.
"Anyways we need to get studying," I said trying to get her mind out of the clouds.
"Okay," all three of them said.
They lasted only one hour until they demanded to take a 30-minute break. I simply sat on the side as I watched them play catch with a small clam they found. They simply tossed it to each other Floyd flung it to high it nearly went to the surface, but Y/n managed to catch it. 
"I caught it," Y/n said proudly.
They slowly started to play higher and higher to the surface. I think it was about rime fir them to stop. I tried to call out to them, but they were too far away. So with a sigh, I had to swim up to them and tell them to get back to studying, but suddenly a school of Fish started dash past us. It became too hard to see what was happening, but I managed to get out of the school with Jade and Floyd. 
"What was's Y/n-!" 
"AAHH!" a scream cut Azul off.
They looked above to see Y/n was caught up in the net that was about to be pulled up out of the water. 
"Y/n!" Azul cried out as he swam up.
The gapes between the ropes were too small for even Y/n's small hands to fit through.  Y/n tugged and pulled at the ropes, trying with all of her strength to maybe rip them. She didn't care that the ropes were cutting her hands. The ropes wouldn't break, and she slowly began to give up, when suddenly three pairs of hands grabbed at the ropes.
"Y/n! Just hold on!" Azul said as he tried his luck at the ropes.
The net started to breach the surface and the friends started to panic as they pulled at the rope with even more vigor. Floyd managed to bit through one, but that only made enough space to fit her arm through. Azul quickly held her wrist tightly as the continued to pull at the tough rope. Y/n looked up to see that 90% of the net was already above the water, Hope quickly left her eyes as she gave one last sad smile at her friends.
"I guess this is it," Y/n laughed sadly as she surrendered to her fate.
"Y/n Don't say things like that?!" Azul cried out.
"Jade, Floyd, don't get into too much trouble okay. And Azul, thank you for being my friend," Y/n smiled.
"Y/N!" The called out.
Y/n released Azul's arm as she slipped from his grasp as she was pulled above the surface. Befor they could follow a palace guard quickly grabbed the young teens and pulled them back to the safety of Atlantice.
"hey Azul, are you kay?" Jade asked.
"Gone... She's...Y/n is gone," Azul repeated over and over
And just like that she was gone, the twins looked down at the octo-mer, who was just sitting and staring at his hands with misty eyes. Atlatics was in lock down till the boats left, and by then The humans that took Y/n were long gone.
(3 years later)
What is this? Why is it so dark? What happened to my clothes? I'm wearing robes. W-why Is it so Hot in here!? Suddenly blue light filled my vision as a plain looking boy came into my line of sight as he offered me a hand. I quickly grabbed his hand, and he pulled me up to see I was in a room full of mirrors, coffins, and blue fire.
"Let's get out of here," He said as he dragged me out of the room.
Where am I and How did I get here.
"Umm, Who are you?" I asked the boy.
"My name is Yuu, what about you?" Yuu asked.
"I-I am Y/n," I said with a nerves smile.
Part 2??
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mandobedu · 4 years
Memories part2
Thanks for the love guys ! 
Summary: Does the mission will go according to plan? Will Boba has the chance to tell you how he feels about you? 
Pairing: Boba Fett X Reader
Warnings: no 
Words: 545
Part 2
When Boba saw all the blood covering you, his heart jumps a beat. The droid turns around to look at him. “She will survive. I stop the bleeding and most of her wound will heal. But she’s still unconscious. Her head hit a rock hard.” Boba approaches you, bends a knee, and takes your hand. He’s taking off your gloves to discover that you still have the bandage he makes you the night before.
That morning.
Everyone is getting on the ship. Fennec, Din and you as well. Boba grab your arm as you get in the slave 1. “I think it’s better you stay in the Hutt.”
“Boba stop. That’s why you have me around, isn’t it?. To help you with your mission. Nothing else, you’ll make that clear yesterday.”
The hands that gram your arm slide down to your glove’s hand. “How’s your cut?” He asks.
“Don’t find a reason for me to stay Boba. Not less to say, something else last night hurt me more than that cut in my hand.” You finish that sentence almost in a murmur.
Boba still holding your hand. “Understand, it’s self-protection. Not just for me. What we do is not a life for…” You can feel the look at Boba behind his visor of the helmet. He’s looking for words. Or he just doesn’t want to say it.
“You scare for me or for you, Boba?” You dare to ask. “I know losing someone hurt. I lost my family too. But in that shitty time, having someone you care for or who cares for you feels good. Someone who makes you forget a lot of all the terrible things we see or do. Don’t you ever wish that for you once in a while? You’re human like me, Boba. Human has those needs.” You close your eyes. A tear running to your cheek. When you open your eyes, you realize Boba is now closer to you. He still holding your hand, but now with both of his.
“Y/N. His modulate voice whispers. I wish for…”
“Boba, y/n, are you ready? We’ve got the signal. The stormtroopers land the stolen ship in the area Din mentions. It’s time to get back those arms,” Fennec shouts at you.
“Let’s do this,” You say, taking back your hand, whipping your tears and walking in the ship. Boba closes the door and goes to sit in the driving seat. You decide to stay in the back, using this time to cleaning and preparing your gun.
“Here, Fett. That’s the one.” Say the Mandalorian.
“Am I the only one thinking that is odd that nobody Gard the ship?” Ask Fennec.
“Were here now.” said, Din.
“Din could take the ship while I take cover from behind those rocks.” You propose. “I will assure that nobody approach will you get in.”
“Fennec will go with Din” Say Boba
Fennec looks surprised. “It’s better than y/n take cover behind to snipe the trooper around the ship. She’s the most efficient.”
Boba doesn’t answer. He knows that the best plan. But like he was afraid of nows, he worried for you.
“I’ll go first and take a position” you affirm.
Slave 1 landing far from the base. Fennec Din jumps off the ship. And waiting for you to take the position. Boba’s looking at you and says: “Be careful.”
“I will be. But if something bad occurs Boba…”
“Nothing will happen to you y/n. I won’t let that happen.” The helmet is close to your face, you hear his breath. You lean, put a kiss on his helmet. You look in his visor and say “My hero” you jump out of the ship.
While the door of the slave is closing, Boba takes a last look at you. He’s walking back to the front of the Slave, wishing the mission end rapidly. He takes a moment. How could you find him somehow interesting? He’s afraid not to be up to your expectation. Suddenly, The Slave shakes and moves violently, taking Boba out of his thinking. An explosion outside. He’s looking at the windshield and saw the capsule you were about to steel are in flame. It was a trap.
Back to Tatooine
In your room, at Boba’s palace, you were still unconscious. It’s been a day. Boba never left your room. Fennec gets in the room. “You should get something to eat. Did you even sleep? She won’t go anywhere and her status is stable.” She told him as she is looking at you.
“I want you to go with Din, see his contact. I’d like to know why they were waiting for us. Someone tries to kill us all. I want to know who.” Boba order.
Fennec leaves the room.
Boba walks to you and sits on the edge of the bed. He’s thinking about what you told him on the ship. You were right. He wishes to have someone to be with. He wishes to be with you. It’s a feeling he long forgets, but you make that all come back. You make those repressed feelings going up to his mind. The sexual feeling was something he let go of after being almost dead in the Sarlacc. He was only focusing on survival and getting back his armour, his revenge. He wants his name back. Now he wants you.
For longtime Boba thought he would not find that special one. In fact, he never believes in a loving relationship. It’s not for a Bounty. Sometimes he had feelingless sex when he was younger, when the sexual feeling was hard to repress. He still a man but he never felt deeply in love. But once, on Tatooine, at the end of the sea desert, he met a young woman. She worked in an area stop and makes the best soup. Boba often goes over there to look for a contract. He enjoys seeing her. Eresy was her name. After a couple of months, he went there only to see her. Eating her soup and talking to her. Boba loves her smile and how shy she was. He was for the first time attracted to someone. He did not know how to manage this new feeling. Yet, he never how to go further in this relation. One day, he learns that half of this area has been destroyed. Eresy was among the victims. It was the proof that those feeling was not meant for him.
But you were still right. Human needs love and companies. Even with terrible memories and experiences, some feelings are there and you can’t control them. The day he lay his eyes on you, deep down, he felt it. And make sure that that feeling grows everyday spending with you. Every time you look at him with your special smile. Every time you pass close to him and he could smell you. He believes that every minute spending with you will worth it. He will do everything to protect you. You will be his mission now. You told him; he is your hero. Boba smiles softly at this thought.
You move and mumble, Boba out of his mind. He approaches you and with caresses your cheeks. “Shhh. Cyar’ika. Take it slow.”
You open your eyes. Trying to figure out what was happening and why your all body is hurting so bad. When you realize that someone is next to you, you sit up straight but way too fast. You bring your two hands at your head and scream, “My head hurts? Why my heads hurt so much?”
“Y/N, I’ll explain, but you have to take it slow. I’ll take care of you. You are home now.”
“Home?” You look around, trying to breathe. Staring at him and you tried to understand. You were afraid. “Why Am I here? I don’t know you. I don’t know this place.” You shooting now “What have you done to me? Who are you?”
To be continued
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letsmellowjello · 4 years
Wars and Weddings
Pairings: Poe Dameron x Reader
Warnings: maybe two slightly suggestive jokes, but other than that it’s all fluff
Summary: Weddings and proposals. There isn’t much else to say
Notes: The idea for this fic came to me while listening to the Locura De Marzo 2019 playlist (specifically Cásate Conmigo by Silvestre Dangond and Nicky Jam). Keep in mind that everything with the clothes is highly unrealistic, but I just happen to like dressing people up a little too much. ALSO I can’t say I’m a fan of all the Rey-Finn stuff, it’s really just to take up space honestly. I apologize for the bad gif quality.
Masterlist ~ Prompt/Request
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Where the Resistance found so many dresses and suits you had no idea. Maybe from a hijacked merchandise transport or really fashion conscious First Order ship. Whatever it was, you were grateful for the occasion to be wearing anything other than a flight suit or some other Resistance provided clothing. The strapless tulle dress you wore reached your ankles and was a pale periwinkle. Serious relationships rarely worked out in the Resistance, never mind weddings. Yet here you were, getting ready to go to the wedding of one of your close friends.
There really wasn’t supposed to be an actual celebration or anything, but the timing had worked out perfectly with a major win happening two days before. So the event was kind of a combined wedding and success party. 
You glanced in the mirror once more before hearing a knock on the door. You opened it to reveal a very dressed up Poe. His hair was slicked back but still retained the majority of its curl which you loved oh so much. He wore a black dress shirt and pants with a matching leather jacket. As soon as he saw you he was taken aback.
“Y/n- woah you’re gorgeous.” His eyes swept over you, taking you all in. This was the first time he had ever seen you all dolled up, something which he wouldn’t mind seeing again.
“Oh please,” You brushed off the compliment but your ears still turned red with embarrassment. “How am I supposed to keep my cool around you all night with you lookin’ like that?”
“I don’t know, maybe you shouldn’t try to.” Poe grinned and wiggled his eyebrows at you suggestively, to which you just laughed and hit his chest lightly.
“Alright, lets get going. We don’t want to be too late.” Your door slid shut behind you and you set off down the hallway.
“Lead the way, captain.” You linked arms and walked through base towards where the wedding was to be held like one of those gorgeous power couples that everybody wants to be like.
The door opened and you were greeted by such a lovely sight. It was a gorgeous night on D’Quar. The air was warm but not too humid and there was a light breeze passing through base. Everybody had gotten together to set up a fabulous space. The regular generic folding chairs were decorated with various flora and arranged in two columns with a space down the center. There were fairy lights ringing the area and everybody there looked amazing.
You and Poe took your seats towards the front next to your other friends. As the bride made her way down the aisle in a makeshift wedding dress as everybody ‘oohed’ and ‘ahed’. You gripped Poe’s arm tightly all throughout the ceremony. Everything was so beautiful and heartwarming. The Resistance rarely ever saw pure happiness and joy like this, so by the end of the ceremony many people were crying.
Soon it ended and people began filling out of their seats to help clear the area and flip in into the reception area. You lugged chairs around and helped people carry in tables. You often times got a glimpse at Poe who was also helping out with the setup, he would catch your eye and send you a wink which would then cause your ears to be consumed in a blush.
“Oh you are so whipped, y/n” Rey teased from beside you. “You two have been dating for ages, where’s the ring?”
“The ring?” You were confused by her question but then you understood. “Oh no no, we’re not getting married. At least not now. We both agreed a little while ago that marriage wouldn’t be the best thing right now, at least for us. For Vurn and Jane it’s great, but they both work on base so they’re not putting their lives in danger everyday by flying into battle. Don’t get me wrong,” you added quickly, “I love Poe very much and I’d love to marry him, it’s just that the timing is a bit off.”
“No yeah, I get it.” Rey nodded with understanding but her attention was soon drawn over your shoulder. “Speak of the devil, you’ve got incoming.”
“Wha- oh!” A pair of arms circled your waist suddenly.
“Hello ladies!” Poe grinned as he rested his chin on your shoulder. He had brought Finn over as well who was making shy glances at Rey. “What are we talking about?”
“Oh nothing, don’t worry about it.” You stumbled over your words a little bit, suddenly not ready for the question.
“Come on,” he whined. “Secret secrets are no fun unless you share with everyone!”
“Oh be quiet you baby, we were talking about your fat ass” Rey chided teasingly.
“Don’t you know it!” Poe turned around and wiggled his hips a little bit before turning back laughing. He was always great at playing those sorts of things off. You could be good at it too sometimes, but with Poe it was a reflex.
“We don’t, but I bet y/n does,” Finn grinned. If your face wasn’t red before then it was scarlet now. Your friends laughed and Poe did a couple more suggestive dance moves.
“Ugh stop stop! We’re at a wedding, not a strip club!” You couldn’t keep a smile from making its way onto your face. It had been a long time since you were all able to just hang out and have fun without worrying about some looming attack, it was nice.
Once the setup for the reception was finished and someone had taken over the role of dj, people started to file out in pairs to the dance floor. You danced and ate with your friends and generally just had a really good time.
“So y/n...” Rey started as the two of you danced together on the dance floor, “you know how we; you- me, Poe, and Finn- have all been friends for a long time and how you and Poe have been dating for ages?”
“Yes? What’s on your mind Rey?” 
“Well I wasn’t really thinking about it until recently, but I think I might kind of like Finn.”
“You WHAT??” You practically screamed in excitement at the news.
“Shhh shhh, not so loud.”
“Sorry sorry. You like Finn?” You asked in a much quieter voice. “That’s amazing Rey!”
“Yeah well I’m not so sure he feels the same way-”
“Are you serious?” You cut her off with a somewhat dumbfounded expression. “He’s enamored with you. Every spare second he has he’s looking at you.”
“Are you sure? He’s seems to be really close with Rose.”
“Trust me, you should shoot your shot. Oh! We should all go on a double date sometime!”
“Who are we going on a double date with?” Poe and Finn had come up behind the two of you.
Rey’s face began to redden so you decided to cover for her, “Oh I don’t know, I was just talking with Rey about how that might be fun thing to do sometime with another couple.”
“I see, yeah I’d be down.” He grinned and then slid a hand around your waist. “Rey, do you mind if I steal my girlfriend away for a minute?”
“Not at all.” Just before you let Poe lead you away, you gave Rey a little nudge towards Finn and an encouraging smile. You walked with Poe to the edge of the area and through a little garden archway thing that gave way to a much smaller space. It had no lights of its own so it was only illuminated by the moon and by the lights of the main reception space.
“Poe this is gorgeous.” 
“Dance with me?” He put his hands on your waist as you rested yours on his shoulders and swayed back and forth to the dulled music and laughter that floated over from the party. “I have to tell you something.” He said after a moment of comfortable silence.
“Oh?” You perked up in curiosity.
“But you can’t tell Rey, ok?” 
“What is it?” You were slightly suspicious now. He never asked you to keep things from Rey, you told each other everything and he knew it.
“Finn likes Rey. A lot.”
“AHA I knew it!”
“Wha- you did?”
“Of course you idiot! It was so obvious! But now I have something to tell you.” Poe leaned closely in curiosity. “Rey likes Finn.”
“She does? Thank the stars! Now we won’t have to watch them struggle to flirt with each other anymore. You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve had to listen to Finn go on and on about her!” You both laughed as you drifted around in circles together in the little area. After your laughter died down, neither of you spoke and instead you rested together in a comfortable silence just listening to the far away sounds of the ongoing party. You rested your head on his chest and could feel his steady heartbeat through his shirt.
“Hey y/n?” He spoke after a moment.
“Hmm?” You hummed.
“Will you marry me?” His voice was barely a whisper but you heard it well enough to cause the world to stop spinning.
“I know we said that we would wait until after the war and everything, but if Vurn and Jane can do it then why can’t we? It wouldn’t even need to be a big thing. We could have Leia officiate and-”
“Yes.” You cut him off.
“But- wait really?” He was caught off guard by your response.
“Poe Dameron, nothing would make me happier than marrying you.”
“Oh good, because I really didn’t want to break up just because you might not have been ready.” He breathed a sigh of relief and then smiled. He reached around to the back of his neck and unclasped the chain that his mother’s ring hung from and clasped it around your neck. “I love you, y/n. More than you’ll ever know.” 
You looked down at the ring now resting against your sternum. “I love you, Poe Dameron to each and every star in the galaxy and back.” 
The moment was electric. But not the dangerous kind that splits trees in half, or the lustful kind that is present for every one night stand. It was the kind of electric magnetism that draws two people in close to one another and connects them together. Poe pulled you in at the waist and kissed you softly with his entire mind, body, and soul.
“So, when do you want to get married?”
“Oh I don’t know, how about next week? It doesn’t even need to be big or anything. Just you, me, Leia, and our friends.”
“That sounds lovely.”
Taglist: @umpoedameron
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leossmoonn · 3 years
hii congrats on 1.4k!! can i request 🔮 for male marauders and golden trio era? my pronouns are she/her, i’m gryffindor, i laugh in situations i shouldn’t be laughing at, i’m very friendly and i act the same around a person i know for 5 minutes and a person i know for years, i’m loud when talking, i’m too kind for my own sake, i get annoyed easily but everyone says i’m funny then, i get nervous easily especially around a person i like and i get especially loud then, i love nature and swimming and i love dancing but i’m really bad at it,, thank you!!
thank you so much! yes yes of course!
male marauders ship - james potter
when james first heard your laugh, he immediately fell in love. he was in detention and had heard your laugh from outside the classroom. you were walking through the halls w marlene and dorcas as you all had a free period. james turned his head and fell even more as he saw your face. he then realised it was you, gryffindor prefect and top of all your classes. sirius had always thought you were a know-it-all, but james thought you were funny and pretty and he was determined to get to know you better.
so after detention, he went to his house to find you. luckily, you were studying w remus and lily. he walked up to you all suave and gave you a little smirk, to which you reacted by just staring at him while sweating profusely. little did he know, you also liked him. but ofc he didnt know that, not yet, so his smile faltered and he gave you a warm, polite smile instead and said “hi, y/n. i’m james potter. we have potions and DADA together.” he held his hand out for you to shake and you stared at it for a good few seconds before laughing. youre like “y-you, you know my name? ohmygod, haha- WOW. s-sorry, i-i’m not usually this um, giggly. HAHA” and james just grins and says “no worries love. do you mind accompanying to hogsmeade this weekend” and youre like “… alright…” and james is sooo happy hehe. “it’s a date!” he exclaimed before running up to his dorm to find sirius to tell him the good news. the wait for the weekend was painful for both of you, but def worth it.
you met him at the gates, looking beautiful as usual. james complimented you like 100 timed in the first 5 minutes, you were grinning like a child who just got their christmas wish. you two strolled around the town, james ending up buying everything for you 💀. you open up to him pretty quickly and you two bounce from topic to topic seamlessly. at the end of the night, you two were at hog’s head and (ik this sounds like a muggle thing but shhh) they had karaoke night and lily and remus sung a duet, to which james pulled you up from your seat in surprise. at first you're confused and are like "wth???" and james is like "dance with me, darling!" and you're like "HAHA NO" and james frowns and asks why and you pull him close and say "i'm horrible at dancing, james. althought i will admit, i love it," you chuckle. and james is like "perfect! here, i'll teach you, m'kay?" and you're not so sure but yk james won't let up so you follow him to the dance floor.
he puts your arms around his neck and he puts his hands on the middle of your back, not too high, not too low, and you two start dancing. james at first is impressed and is like "you're not half bad, l/n." but he's spoken too soon bc you then begin to step on his feet as you two sway faster. and he's like "OW OW OW!" and you pull away from him and is like "ah im so sorry. i didn't mean to :((" and he just shrugs, "it's alright. no worries. here, lemme teach you". and he takes you in his arms again. "just follow my lead, okay. relax and just feel the music. if you panic, just stop, look at my feet, and regroup, m'kay?" and you nod tentatively and he smiles and you two start swaying. for the first 3 minutes, your eyes are at his feet, watching his and making sure you don't trip again and hurt his toes. and a few minutes later, you are dancing like a pro! (you step on his feet still... but only a few times so its not that bad hehe).
male golden trio ship - fred weasley
fred made smth blow up in hagrid's face (bless his soul) and the whole class went silent except for you. fred and george were laughing, but they were keeping it quiet while you were literally honking. your whole face gets hot with embarrassment as you realise you're the only one laughing and everyone is staring at you. you look down in shame at your desk as you feel everyone's judging eyes on you. well, not everyone is judging hehe. hargrid ends up taking 15 points from your house, 10 for the prank, 5 for you laughing (oops...). hagrid continues class and everyone goes back to paying attention to him except for fred. he's staring at you the whollleeee time.
you're two grades below him (u two are 5th and 7th year but ill age u up to 16 instead of 15 since he’s 17:)) so honestly he's never really noticed you outside of the common room before. you are friends w ron tho so ofc he knows of you and has seen you around the school, but he's never really paid attention to you before until now. and he glad he finally did because you are gorgeousss. after class, he ends up approaching you and ofc you're starstruck bc your best friend's cool, funny, hot older brother is talking to you.
he's like "i noticed you were laughing at my prank. you think that was funny?" and his tone kinda makes you scared bc he's really serious, but you end up nodding really slowly. his serious face breaks into a happy one as he says "great! at least someone was amused. say, you're friends with my baby brother, right?" he asks. and you're like "um... yeah..." and he says "great! well, why don't you take a break from hanging out w my loser brother and hang out w me tonight? george and i are planning a few more pranks." your jaw drops to the mf floor and youre like “uh. um yeah… s-sure” and fred’s like “😁😁😁 GREAT. see u then, l/n!” and your heart goes 🦋🦋🦋 and youre like “alright.. see you then”
so like you tell your friends, harry ron and hermione, abt your plans and harry is like “cool cool. tell us how it goes!” and hermione and you are giggling abt you hanging out w a boy two years up from you. and ron’s like “yeah whateva. have fun ig🙄” and hes just jealous bc his cool olders brothers are stealing his best friend but you reassure him you’re still his bff and youll hang out w him after/the next day. A
NYWAYS so it comes time and you step into the common room, confused as there was no one there. so you go and sit on the couch to wait but as you sit down, fred’s face immediately emerges from nowhere and you literally trip over and fall into him (which youre freaked out bc you cant see his body) but the invisibility cloak drops and he puts his arms around you quickly and holds you up just as your abt to fall. and your faces are literally like millimeters apart. and you think youre abt to kiss but fred pulls away and helps stabilize you before grabbing his cloak. youre like all shy again and he just smiles and says hello and sits down in the couch. you follow him in suit and he explains what the invisibility cloak is. then he gets out all his toys and prank stuff and you’re honestly really interested and you even give him ideas for new pranks and yk he likes you like 1000 times more hehe.
you two end up talking for a few hours and you emerge out of your shell and fred is very happy bc he now sees like the real you. a few hours later and your curled up on the couch, head on his shoulder and youre about to fall asleep (super romantic). fred then mentions george and youre like “oh wait. how come he isnt here?” and fred’s like “hes w angelina. his gf” and youre like “oooh” and then you boldly ask “do you have a gf” and you lift your head up from his shoulder and your face is so close to his, not as close as before, but you can feel his breath on your lips. and he looks you in the eyes and is like “no” and youre like “do you like anyone?” and as he speaks he looks down at your lips, “yeah. i think i do” and you think you know its you bc well like, how can you not in this moment. and youre like “who?” and hes like “you” AND THEN (im sorry this shit is so long but im living the dream) he leans in and your lips touch and you kiss and its all 😍🦋😏😁😋😩🥰🤩😽👻. lol anyways you pull away and are like 😳 and fred is like 😏 “ill see u tmrw right?” and youre like “y-yeah…” and you watch as he stood up and collects his stuff and leaves you. once you know hes gone, you stand up and start squealing and jumping around hehe and you run upstairs to tell hermione.
next morning, fred finds you at lunch and asks you point blank if you wanna be his gf and youre like “yes duh.” and you two then become official! so even tho fred is a prankster and is always carefree and stuff, he does have a compassionate side that comes out when he feels need be. hes so supportive too and he treats you like a mf queen. he’ll literally buy you anything and will do anything for you. he also plays jokes on u which you get him back and hes very impressed w your creativity and boldness.
so during breaks and summers, you visit the burrow and you two often hang out outside near the willow tree in their yard. you two also go swimming in the lake (let’s pretend its a big lake not a pond lol). its super nice and relaxing especially on like 90 degree days where you two are melting. you two always are splashing each other and laughing loudly. sometimes you two just cuddle and drink pumpkin juice and talk about what fred is gonna do now that he’s outta school. tbh youre afraid that once you go back to school and youre apart, youll grow apart, but fred always assure you two that you wont bc you two are soulmates <3
hope you enjoyed this!
join my celebration!
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Zukka Soulmate AU part 10
"Okay... so what are we doing here... exactly? I thought you guys needed to.. uh train and stuff?" Lily said as she walked behind Sokka
"Thats what I've been trying to tell them! But does anyone listen to Sokka? No!" Sokka was fuming
"I... uh.. I listen to you" Zuko offeres
"Oh yeah! You think that just because we happen to maybe possibly be soulmates that I'll forgive you for everything! Just like that! I mean come on you-"
"Shhh! You have to be quiet or you'll scare them off!" Aang interrupted the pair
Sokka turned to glare at Zuko "this discussion isn't over"
Lily walked to Aang "hey, thats a flute isn't it? I play the pan flute"
"Really? Did you bring it with you? Here sit sit!!"
"What I- woah!" She was pulled down and just reserved to sit cross legged "I didnt bring it but I'm sure Tarren can bend me up one, he made me my other ones and fixed them up all the time"
"Huh? Oh pan flute right" Tarren gave a small sigh before breaking off a piece of rock from the small Boulder he was leaning on and shapped it into a flute "have at it buzzy" Tarren said while handing it to Lily and placing a small kiss on her head.
Kurt gave a pout from the boulder Tarren came from only to be met by a forehead kiss of his own which made him turn beet red and fluster.
"Thanks hun, uh... okay, so I know how to play but what are we doing?" Lily gave a shy grin
Aang smirked "juuuust watch" he played a quick not and an animal popped up singing the note.
Lily's eyes lit up with joy "oh! Oh my gods! There used to be a small group of these behind my family's house! Oh! Watch this" She then played three notes at one time which made three jump and sing the notes before going back in "oh! Oh! This is fun! You chose the best spot Aang!"
"Heh... thanks"
"Okay! Thats enough playing flute practice! We have a mission you guys!" Sokka opened a map "we need to keep. Moving."
"Hey, Sokka, loosen up okay? We have all of Aangs bending teachers with us right here, whats wrong with a little relaxation?" Katara reasoned
Sokka fumed and glared at Zuko "fine, so long as I have a moment to talk to mister blue band over here!"
"I thought you... liked it.." Zuko reached up to the necklace and undid it "you... you tied it there..."
"I know I tied it there but now the more I look at it the angrier I get so just!" Sokka paused and let out a breath "wear it where you had it before please?"
Zuko stiffened and then choked out a "yeah... uh, yeah. Of course"
"My turn for a vacation!" Katara called out before running to the map. "Hey! This place looks nice!"
"Oh yeah! The springs! Its a really nice place, you'll love it!"
And cut to a sign falling. "Must have... changed ownership in the last hundred years?" He gave a nervous laugh.
Walking into the bar Aang managed to run into the guy who's smoothie they just watch get made. Turned out to be a researcher. However Lily seemed on edge "I swear to you Tarren! I. Saw. Him. I dont know if it was actually him or just someone who looked like him but it..."
"Who? Who did you see?" Kurt pipd up while standing beside his mates
"One of the men who attacked my parents, but it couldn't have been him, Tarren and Fin killed all three of them that night." Lily gave a small sigh "im probably just stressed is all, Im sure it was just the desert getting to me"
"At the Library!!" The trio turned to find that they were now about to travel the desert to find the lost library of... wan shi who now? Jee and Iroh decided to stay behind and sit this one out, these drinks aren't going to drink themselves you know.
Flying on the bison was still a little frightening but with Kurt and Tarren clinging to her for dear life Lily felt like a mother hen, they were both such powerful benders and yet they clung to her for safety.
Sokka on the otherhand steered as clear of Zuko as he could. Katare took note of that and turned to him "why are you being such an ass?"
"What? What do you mean? I'm not being an ass to Zuko?"
"I never said you were being an ass to Zuko I just said you were being an ass"
Sokka sighed "okay, fine, Im just... I still don't want to believe its true okay? I mean... it can't be right? Me? A souther watertribesman and him a fire prince? Its crazy talk right?"
"Souls don't care about titles or nations Sokka"
"I know I know-"
"And thats not all that's making you act this way is it?"
Sokka gave her a hard stare "look, I just want to spend my vacation time peacefully... okay?"
Katara gave upon convincing him to talk and just sighed "whatever, it'll come out eventually"
"There it is!" Toph called out and everyone but Lily turned to look at it.
Lily face palmed as Toph Sasser everyone "seriously... how do you keep forgetting that about her?"
"Beats me, theyre all pretty dense, even your two are dense" Lily and Toph laughed and Lily gave both of her boys noogies
"Yeah, but thats how I like them. Cute, powerful, and dumb as a bag of rocks" she teased
"Hey!" The pair said in unison
"Whats that over there!" Sokka shouted.
They soon landed right by a pillar and found it to be part of the library. "Wow, its underground huh? And its in perfect condition?"
"Youre brilliant Toph"
"I know"
"No really.. youre amazing" Lily looked at Toph with a grin "and Im certain you'll get the hang of sand in no time"
"Come on Lily! Are you coming or not?" Sokka called out.
Lily went with Katara Sokka Aang and Kurt to find some clues about the firenation. While Zuko and Tarren stayed with Toph to guard the library and Appa.
Landing in the library Lily was at a loss for words, perhaps she could find some in the many pages of these books. No time for that though wan shi tong has found them and the researcher has some massive guts to just jump out and talk to the owl.
"Something worth your time?" Lily asked
"Yes, anything to add to my collection"
"Would a book in Braille be of use to you?" She offered one of the braille learning books she brought
"Braille? What is that?"
"Oh! Its a recent invention... a good friend of mine made it so that his blind friend could read, it can be done by anyone with paper and this tool" she pulled out the braille press "I have two of these with me so this is yours if you'd like it."
"I haven't heard of this yet, perhaps my little helpers aren't as attentive as they claim to be"
"No! No, I'm sure they're very attentive... this hasn't taken off quite yet, its been in the process for about a decade now but... well... most people don't care for it, say its too difficult to teach a blind kid to read bumps"
"Many people are nit very wise... regardless, you are free to browse the library... for now"
And with that they split up to find something. Anything. Kurt and Lily went one way while the others went another.
"So.. uh, Lily, since you guys know I'm your soulmate now. Do you think that uh.. I could..."
"You could what?" Lily gave a raised brow and a tilt in her hips.
"Uh... nothing! It was stupid anyways" kurt rubbed his neck anxiously
"Kurt just spit it out! Whatever you wanted to say just say it." Lily demanded
"Okay okay! I was just wondering if maybe I could get... some.. affection? Like uh, hugs and kisses and stuff..." kurt shifted awkwardly on his feet.
Lily softened her expression and giggled "oh Kurt, of course you can, we figured you didn't want any affection, you just need to ask is all"
"How about.. uh... now?"
"Now? Like.. right now?" Lily flushed "bold... I like it" she laughed "come here cub"
"Cub!? I what is it with you guys and short play nicknam- mm!" And just like that he shut up. Lily had him pinned with her leaning down to give him a kiss
"You talk too much, now lets keep looking arou-"
Kurt and Lily's eyes both went wide at the sound of that voice. That voice that they both apparently knew. It was him. He was here and he was alive.
But how?
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turquoise-stones · 4 years
Edge of Insanity Ch. 6: Where From Now?
yandere!Todoroki x fem!reader
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previous chapter, masterlist for older chapters
. . .
"...and yesterday I didn't really say what I wanted clearly so to reiterate... I promise that I would never do anything like that. I want to be a hero and I swear I will become one, on my own terms, with my own hard work." You stated firmly, slightly breathless from the long rambling speech you just gave to your classmates.
"And I would never let you guys down like that..." you said, suddenly growing shy as you became more aware of everyone's unblinking gaze. "So please believe me."
You glanced at Uraraka, and she gave you a discrete thumbs up.
"We believe you, (y/n)," Yaoyorozu called out. "Or at least I believe you. If it's your word over a stranger's, I'll definitely trust you."
Murmurs of agreement sounded throughout the classroom and you let out the breath you had been holding.
"Yeah! They don't know that you're the best (y/n)! Whoever said you paid your way here should go to hell!" Kirishima said, clapping his fist into his hand. Louder murmurs started, and you almost started crying from relief. You let out a string of thank yous, before taking your seat. You beamed at your classmates, happy beyond measure that the crisis was finally over.
"Okay, so now that that's done, homeroom is just about over," Aizawa grumbled, not even bothering to sit up from his sleeping bag on the floor. "Just go early. And exit quietly."
. . .
"That was very eloquent, (y/n)!" Iida said enthusiastically, giving you a (mildly painful) congratulatory clap on the back. "Very well worded. I particularly enjoyed the 'jealousy breeds spite' part."
"T-thank you. I'm glad it's done. And I'm sorry for doubting you guys. I was just so out of it..."
"You should be sorry!" Uraraka admonished. "When you ran away yesterday we were so worried!"
"Sorry sorry..." you muttered, embarrassed but still so thankful that you had a group of supportive friends at your side.
"And if anything like that happens again in the future, please let us know immediately!" Midoriya quipped, looking at you with big eyes. You nodded, promising you would and giving him a big smile. It was almost dreamlike, how lucky and loved you suddenly felt.
Midoriya's eyes suddenly widened and he turned away. "Ah! By the way, Iida..."
The conversation diverged from there, and you took the opportunity to take a few bites of lunch. Yesterday was so hectic, it felt good to just hang out with your friends again. Maybe today would go by without a hitch.
"I'm glad to see you're feeling better." Todoroki said quietly into your ear. You jumped from the feeling of his breath and your head snapped up to him before you quickly glanced away with a flush. You hadn't spoken a word to him since that incident in the storage room. You were grateful that he sought you out and comforted you of course, but it was just... awkward now. And despite your best efforts to avoid him earlier today, he managed to slip next to you during lunch.
"I am. Thank you for... being there, Todoroki." you turned redder as you tried to find the words, cursing yourself for getting so flustered.
It wasn't like you meant to pull away from him like that either. It was just staggering to wake up in the lap of someone you admired and respected so much, tangled up in such an embarrassingly intimate way. And because of your reaction, he probably thought you weren't interested in him when that couldn't be further from the truth.
He looked down at his lunch, suddenly deep in thought. You chewed at your lip as an awkward silence fell between you two.
"Are you... do you still want to study together after school today?" He asked, uncertainty obvious in the crease of his eyebrows.
You recalled how he would often study with you after you finished work, but obviously, he had given you space and left you alone yesterday. Peeking up at him, you nodded. It would be awkward and you knew it, but it was probably better to just get over this bump in your relationship with him sooner rather than later.
He nodded in return, feeling satisfied. It warmed him to know that you wanted to continue your relationship with him, despite his advances yesterday. Perhaps, he thought, later that day in the library where it was private and quiet, he could apologize for being so forward with his actions.
You barely noticed how your friends had stopped their chattering to not so discreetly watch the exchange between you and Todoroki. Lost in thought, you didn't notice the way he was looking at you until he bumped his knee against yours.
"You should eat, (y/n)."
"Y-yes." You stuttered out, hastily picking up your chopsticks.
. . .
"So... you're gonna tell me what's wrong?"
"Hm? What?" You asked, snapping you out of your distracted haze.
Uraraka closed her locker before leaning against it, casting you a knowing look.
"Between you and Todoroki? I don't think I've seen the two of you so awkward around each other since... like never."
"Oh... really? I didn't know it was so apparent."
She let out a teasing laugh. "Of course it's apparent! You two are practically glued onto each other all the time! So duh it's weird to see you guys avoid each other!"
You flushed indignantly. "We aren't glued!"
"You two so are! It's cute though!"
She let out another peal of laughter at the pout on your face, suppressing her teasing because there were more pressing matters at hand.
"So... something happened right? You two didn't get into a fight did you?"
"No no of course not! Actually kind of the opposite."
"Come on let's start walking to class. I'll tell you on the way."
The two of you strode along, and you leaned in to avoid being overheard. There were already enough rumors of you floating around, you couldn't bear any more false scandals (especially one involving the son of a pro hero).
"I... I think Todoroki likes me."
"Yeah." She said, completely deadpan.
At that point, Midoriya caught up to you and Uraraka, falling in pace. The way he was jamming books into his backpack as he walked told you he had just come from his locker as well.
"Hi guys. Sorry for interrupting."
"Izuku! Do you think Todoroki likes (y/n)?"
"Shhh! Ochako please talk quieter!" You said frantically.
"Huh? Oh. Yeah. Why?" Midoriya asked, looking between the two of you in confusion.
"Yeah!?!?" You cried out, shocked at how unsurprised and aloof they were.
"See! I told you (y/n)! Of course he likes you!"
"No, like—romantically." You explained, coming to the realization that perhaps Uraraka and Midoriya had interpreted your question wrong, and that was why their answers were so unconcerned.
"No, we know." Midoriya said, much to your embarrassment. He turned a bit pink himself before continuing. "...I don't think I've seen Todoroki look at anyone the way he looks at you."
"Except maybe his cold soba." Uraraka chimed in. The two of them let out a few chuckles but you were much too caught off guard to join them.
"He... he... does?"
"Yes, it's so obvious (y/n)! Everyone can tell!"
"Really? Do you think that too Izuku?"
"It's really true." Midoriya said earnestly. "Todoroki may be bad at expressing his emotions, but when they come, he's bad at hiding them too."
"Are you guys sure? I can't believe-"
"If you want like... evidence," Uraraka offered, "just think about your library 'study sessions'. Do you think that if it were me, Todoroki would stay and talk to me like that?"
"Um. Yes?"
"No!" She laughed. "It's kinda cute how dense you are~!"
You fell silent, processing her words and their implications. Todoroki liked you. It was bizarre. And you liked him as well, as a friend and perhaps as more. Did that mean that the two of you...? The three of you made it to your next class, and huddled together to continue speaking.
"But (y/n), that doesn't explain why you guys are so awkward today?" Urakaka asked, remembering the catalyst of this whole conversation.
"Ah, now that I think about it, you two are rather cold with each other today." Midoriya said thoughtfully. "Does this have to do with the post yesterday?"
"Well kind of? It's a bit... embarrassing to tell you guys."
"Tell us!" Uraraka chimed.
"Yeah, you just promised to tell us your problems." Midoriya gently urged you.
"...well you know how I didn't go to our last class yesterday?"
"Oh yeah..."
"I'm sorry I didn't notice..."
"It's okay." You said hastily upon seeing the guilty expressions that adorned their face. "Todoroki came to look for me."
"He said-"
Uraraka and Midoriya looked at each other in confusion before unanimously landing on the answer. "Bathroom."
"Ah, was that how he got out of class?" You questioned, feeling a bit guilty that he lied and skipped class just to talk to you. "Anyways, we talked and I fell asleep. And when I woke up, I... I... I think he almost kissed me." You rushed out. You strategically decided to omit the part where you were practically on top of him.
Two jaws collectively hit the ground.
"Are you serio-"
"Oh my God (y-)"
"I can't believe Todoroki would do... like it's Todoroki."
"He must really like y-"
"I said almost! Almost! We didn't..." You said frantically, waving your hands around to hush them.
"Well what happened?"
"Yeah what did he say?"
"I think I pulled away." You said nervously.
"What? Why? Don't you like him too?" Midoriya questioned bluntly, causing a hot blush to saturate your face.
"(Y/nnnn) can't you just let this ship sail?" Uraraka whined loudly, worsening your flustered state as your classmates around you cast confused looks her way.
"I do like him! I do... I don't know why I pulled away, it's all my fault that it's awkward now!" You cried, hiding your face in your hands from a mixture of frustration and embarrassment. "Or maybe I just hallucinated it and he didn't even lean in!"
"Just tell him how you feel?" Midoriya suggested.
"That's easier said than done." Uraraka took the words right to your mouth.
"Oh my god Todoroki and (y/n) together... you two are honestly such good fits for each other..." Midoriya mumbled offhandedly.
"What should I do?" You looked to the two of them for advice, deliberately avoiding Midoriya's comment lest you become more red-faced. "We're going to be alone in the library today and I don't want things to get even more awkward..."
"Do you want to be with him?" Uraraka asked softly.
"...yes." You said, equally softly, before turning all shades of pink. "Well... I don't know. I feel like we haven't known each other long enough. I don't want things to fall apart."
"Then tell him, like that." She smiled. "I believe in you!"
"O-okay. I can do that... I will. Thank you for the advice, Ochako, Izuku."
They smiled and rattled off a few more encouraging words, before the teacher opened the door and beckoned everyone in.
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bethagain · 4 years
Re-sharing some of my fics under the new Mandalorian genfic tag. Calling all other genfic writers to come share yours, too, under “#noromo mando.” We can love our reader inserts and OC romances and slash fics, but let’s show some love for non-shippy stuff too!
Probably all of my followers who wanted to read this one have done so, but here it is one more time, in case it makes someone else smile: The post-Chapter 16 Christmas Special. It's Life Day at Luke's Jedi school, and Din Djarin's come to spend the holiday with Grogu. Featuring laughter, cookies, family. Plus Luke and Din having a pretend lightsaber battle with cardboard wrapping paper tubes.
Can You Beat My Uncle in a Fight? (read it on AO3)
He still has to work. That makes his schedule unpredictable. 
Sometimes the work is for the New Republic. He’s not sure how he feels about that, yet. The rules haven’t changed: find them, bring them in. Alive if possible. Otherwise not. Din looks at the row of carbonite slabs in his new ship’s hold and thinks, Miggs Mayfeld. He kind of had a point.
The new ship isn’t bad. It’s good, actually. It’s got sleeping quarters that were built for sleeping. Amazing to wake up each morning without every muscle aching. Years back, he’d chalked that up to getting older. Accepted it as normal. 
He’d accepted a lot of things as normal. 
The ship’s on course now for Miriyan, where the jetii’s school sits in a clearing, surrounded by tall trees. He’s a day late, but it can’t be helped. Job ran long. He’d rather have let the quarry live, but sometimes things don’t go the way you want them to. 
The school is a nice place. Peaceful, if you don’t count kids sparring with pretend lightsabers in the open courtyard. That part makes it feel homey though, if you’re a Mandalorian. In fact, he’s been meaning to talk to Luke about that. Those kids could be much further along. Maybe he should offer to help.
He finds himself shaking his head, thinking about it. A jetii sorcerer trusting a Mandalorian? And vice versa? Ancient enemies, the Armorer said. But it turned out, when he brought it up, Luke barely knew anything about it either. 
“Yeah,” he said, “apparently that was a thing. Do you mind?”
And Din said, “No.” And that was that. 
In fact, the main reason he takes these New Republic jobs is because Luke recommends him. The young jetii’s heart seems to be in the right place, even if the work is sometimes iffy. Din can’t exactly explain why he trusts him. 
But if he weren’t running on instinct right now, he’d probably grind to a stop altogether.
Miriyan’s sky is golden with sunset as his ship touches down next to an X-wing, a couple of A-wings, and a freighter that looks like it’s seen better days. It’s a hike from the airfield to the school, but he knows the way. The forest rustles around him. Now and then a twig snaps or something scampers. Luke said Miriyan didn’t have any large predators, but Din still keeps a hand near his blaster. 
By the time he gets to the courtyard, the day has settled into evening. Light from the main building’s windows stands out, looking welcoming and warm against the blue of late twilight. 
Din knows by now that he doesn’t have to knock. He presses the catch on the simple wooden door and steps into the common room. He barely has the chance to take in the cheerful chaos--groups of people gathered in comfortable chairs and seated on the floor, colored lights strung about the rafters and a bright blaze in the large fireplace--before he’s surrounded by children clamoring, “He’s here, he’s here! Grogu he’s here!”
Grogu’s still only halfway across the floor, toddling on his little legs, so one of children runs back to get him. Din can’t follow without running down another child, so he waits for the boy to bring Grogu to him. The boy’s got a bright smile that looks a lot like Luke’s. The smile turns shy when he’s actually facing a tall, beskar-clad Mandalorian. 
Din kneels down to his level. He’s careful to say, “Thank you,” before lifting Grogu from the boy’s hold. The little arms immediately reach out for him, settling around his neck as the child snuggles his head into the space between his breastplate and chin. 
“I missed you too, kid.”
When he looks up again, the children are still gathered around, watching with rapt attention. “That’s the cutest thing ever,” one of the little girls breathes. Din’s grateful to see Luke on his way over. A jetii rescuing a Mandalorian might not exactly go with the Creed, but he’ll take it. 
“All right, all of you. There’s hot chocolate over by the fire. Get going! Scram!” Luke’s voice is kind, underlaid with a sense of laughter. The children giggle as they scatter.
“Job go ok?” Luke asks as Din straightens up, shifting Grogu to the crook of his arm. The child coos happily, looking from Luke to Din with big eyes and a bigger smile. 
“Well enough,” Din says. “I’m afraid you won’t need to have a trial.”
“Ah,” Luke says. “You ok about that?”
No one’s ever asked him that before. 
Finally Din shrugs one shoulder, and Luke nods. “Come sit with us. You’re a lot more interesting than that hot chocolate, the kids are going to be all over you again any minute. They’re a little more shy with my sister. Maybe we can buy you a bit of a reprieve.”
Din follows him across the large hall, weaving their way through groups of adults and children. Everyone’s got mugs of warm drinks and plates of snacks. Every now and then, as he passes, he hears an adult scolding a child: Shhh, don’t stare! 
The lights aren’t just decorating the rafters, they’re strung around the large windows, too. Boughs of some kind of fir tree decorate the walls. Must have been brought in from the forest. 
He has a vague idea that this is how people decorate their homes for Life Day. He’s never celebrated it. He’s never been invited to the home of someone who does. 
Grogu babbles happily on the way. Din has no idea what he’s saying. “Did you?” he asks when the child pauses for breath. “Yes? Really? That sounds fun.”
Luke leads him to a group of squishy chairs arranged in a corner. “My sister Leia,” he says, and a lovely young woman with intricately braided hair nods hello. 
“It’s so nice to meet you,” she says. “Luke says Grogu goes on about you non-stop.”
The boy who’d brought the child to him is sitting at Leia’s feet. Din looks over at Luke. “Your son?” he asks.
“My nephew. Ben. He belongs to Leia and Han.” 
Han is apparently the man slouched comfortably in the chair across from Leia, a tumbler of what looks like whisky in his hand. “Welcome,” he says. “Can I get you something? For a mystical sorcerer, Luke stocks a pretty good bar.”
“No, thank you.”
Han’s unfazed. “Luke wasn’t sure if you’d--” He waves in the direction of Din’s helmet. “Let me know if you change your mind, yeah?”
“I will.”
Luke’s pulling another chair over. He slides it into place next to Leia, then collapses into the empty chair on her other side, kicking his feet up onto the low table in front of them. Din settles into the chair, Grogu on his lap. The baby reaches for a plate of colorful cookies that Luke’s boots narrowly missed. “Those aren’t yours,” Din starts to say, but Ben immediately lifts the plate so the child can reach.
“Which one do you want?” Ben asks, as Grogu stares at the plate in delight. “You can have two if you want.”
The chair is comfortable. The room is warm. The chatter all around feels friendly. Grogu’s weight against him settles something in his mind, a part of his brain he hadn’t even realized had been on high alert for weeks. 
Luke seems to sense that he needs a minute. He’s chatting quietly with Leia and Han, something about Outer Rim settlements, until Ben finally throws up his hands and announces, “You’re all so boring!”
“Ben,” Leia starts to scold, although Din notices she’s hiding a smile. 
Han just grins outright at his son. “I guess we are. Too much talking. You have a better idea?”
Ben looks like he wants to say something, but he’s suddenly shy again. He sidles over to his father and whispers. 
“You better ask him,” Han says. “Go on, I’m pretty sure he’s not going to bite.”
Ben whispers again. Din, curious, taps the mic control on his helmet to turn up the sound. He catches the end of Ben’s question. “....beat Uncle Luke in a fight?”
It’s not polite to listen in like that, so Din waits until Ben, still standing close to his Dad, repeats the question. 
“I read about Mandalorians. You’re the best warriors in the galaxy. Could you beat my Uncle Luke in a fight?”
Luke bursts out laughing. “I don’t know,” he says to Din. “Could you?”
Ben’s waiting for an answer. Grogu’s bouncing on Din’s lap now, waving his hands and babbling again. It sounds pretty insistent. 
Luke answers Grogu seriously. “We could find out. I don’t know if your dad wants to, though.”
Something in Din’s brain short-circuits for a second at the phrase “your dad.” While he’s recovering, Luke and Ben are discussing options. 
“I don’t think a lightsaber fight would be a good idea, Ben. Do you?”
Ben looks around the busy room, at children chasing each other, at families laughing. “No. Someone might get hurt.”
“That reminds me,” Luke says. “You still have that Darksaber?”
“It’s back on the ship. More trouble than it’s worth to carry.”
“Have you learned how to use it?” Bo Katan asked that once, and the scorn in her voice was nearly as sharp as the laser blade. Luke sounds genuinely curious. 
“I’ve trained with swords,” Din says. “I can’t really practice with it on board. The ship’s not made of beskar.”
“Good point,” Luke says. “I destroyed more than a few pieces of furniture when I was learning.”
Ben’s not letting this go. “He knows how to use a sword,” he says to Luke. “I bet you’re really good at it,” he adds to Din. 
Din finds himself smiling behind his helmet. “I’m not too bad.”
Just then, tumult and shouts from across the room have Luke getting to his feet. Din slides his left arm protectively across Grogu’s middle as his other hand hovers by his blaster. But it’s just a bunch of kids play-fighting, and most of the noise turns out to be laughter. 
Somewhere the kids have found a bunch of cardboard tubes, and they’re cheerfully batting each other with them in a boisterous approximation of a lightsaber battle. It’s nothing like the carefully orchestrated sparring Din has seen on other visits here. This is a free-for-all. Kids are getting bonked on the head and whacked on the back, and they’re all laughing like mad the whole time. 
Luke’s family have abandoned their comfy chairs and come along to watch. 
Din’s with them, mystified by the whole thing until Leia explains. “They’re from the paper we use to decorate gifts. If you’d been here last night, you’d have gotten to see. We made a party out of getting everyone’s presents wrapped.”
Her tone is kind. Luke must have told her he’s not familiar with this whole Life Day thing. But Din’s having another moment: Gifts. He didn’t even think of gifts. 
“Don’t worry,” Leia says, apparently realizing. “We made sure there’s something for Grogu. The children wanted to wait until you got here to open presents, so we’re doing that later tonight. You’ll get to see.”
Why are these people being so nice to him? It must all be for Grogu. He’s grateful. “Thank you.”
While they’re talking, Ben grabs up a spare cardboard tube and dashes into the fray. He immediately gets bopped in the shoulder and spins around to hit the other kid on her backside. Leia smiles, Han starts cheering Ben on, and Luke--Luke’s got a maniacal sparkle in his eyes. 
Din watches, impressed, as Luke shifts into Jedi Master mode. His face goes solemn, his back is straighter, every movement suddenly more measured. He strides into the fray, the children’s own movements slowing as they watch him. They don’t seem afraid. It seems more like respect. 
Luke gently takes a cardboard tube from one of the older boys, who hands it over and steps back. The Jedi Master moves into a fighting stance, cardboard tube balanced in his hands and looking for all the world like a lightsaber--if it weren’t so completely absurd.
“All right, Mandalorian,” he says, and his tone’s filled with laughter and that solemn expression’s turned back to a grin. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”
There’s no saying no. The kids are all cheering now. Even the parents are getting in on it. “Two credits on the Jedi Master,” one of the men calls out, and someone replies with, “My bet’s on the Mandalorian,” and Leia’s got her head in her hands but she’s laughing through her fingers. 
“Looks like you don’t get a choice,” Han says, offering to take the child. “Go on, wipe the floor with him.”
Ben holds out another cardboard tube. Din, half amused and half horrified by this whole thing, reaches out and takes it. 
It’s close. Din’s not sure if Luke’s holding back, but he sure isn’t. It’s only sparring, of course. He knows how to do that without hurting his opponent. Not that getting bopped with cardboard would do much harm anyway, but the goal is not to get hit. He’s breathing hard but he can still hear everyone cheering as he forces Luke back toward a corner, then has to duck and roll, narrowly avoiding the Jedi’s sudden counterattack. 
He should probably be embarrassed. This is about the furthest thing from dignified that he can imagine. Mandalorians train with real weapons, not these… they’re not even toys. They’re pretend things. 
This really should not be so much fun. 
The battle ends when Luke finally manages to land a blow. Din’s on his back on the floor, Luke leaning over him. He’s already got one boot against the jetii’s stomach, ready to throw him back across the room, when that cardboard tube sneaks in low and connects with a pauldron. In a real fight a hit against his armor would barely have registered. But this isn’t a real fight. 
Din concedes with grace, accepting Luke’s hand to pull him to his feet. 
All around them, credits are changing hands as the kids run up to surround them both. Din expects them to congratulate Luke, but mostly they want to talk to him. 
“How’d you do it?” 
“You almost beat him!”
“Can you teach us?”
“Master Luke, can he teach us?”
Luke’s brushing dust from his shirt and trousers, still grinning. “I don’t know, maybe. Let’s let him catch his breath, ok? We can ask him later.”
By the time they get to opening presents, Din’s exhausted. Watching the kids open their gifts is nice, but he’s content to sit back away from it all, Grogu snuggled on his lap again as the two of them let the party go on around them. Ben brings Grogu’s gift over. The child tears happily at the colorful paper, adding it to the cheerful litter of wrapping that’s now covering the floor. Inside the box is a plush toy in the shape of a bantha. Even the curled horns are made to be soft. 
“He told us about your adventure on Tatooine,” Ben explains, as Grogu examines the toy with delight. The child cuddles it to his chest for a moment, then holds it out to Din. 
“You want me to tell him?” Ben asks the child. Din realizes, startled, that Luke’s nephew must be jetii, too. Of course he is, though, why wouldn’t he be. Maybe Han and Leia are, too. 
“He says it needs a hug from you.”
Din accepts the little plush and speaks to Grogu as though he’ll understand. “How about if you both get a hug?”
Grogu chirps happily. 
Ben translates, “He says yes.”
Din gathers the child and the toy up together, gently wrapping his arms around them. Ben nods, and then there’s that smile that looks so much like Luke’s. 
“I’m glad your dad’s here, Grogu.” He pats the child’s head, flashes Din one more grin, and leaves them to have some time together. As a family? Din thinks, looking over Grogu’s head at parents and children looking at gifts, sharing cookies, and laughing together. 
As a family.
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nightowlfandom · 5 years
 So this is the THIRD installment of my “x reader” prompt list. HOORAY! In light of leaving for so long it’s made me realize that I feel dead inside without writing so, I’m gonna do it again and hopefully this time stay. Also since I don’t eat, breathe, sleep, and shit kpop and actually like some other things too, I feel it’s a good opportunity to share how I’d like various anime characters to fuck me up in more ways what one (wink wonk). I will also say I might only do “character x reader” because I am absolute shit at doing ships. It’s just not my thing and plus I love making peoples personal fantasies come true, it is a big hobby of mine. 
Also if you request a character (assuming you’re asking for an anime request)  that is portrayed as a young teenager, then most likely (scratch that, the word I’m thinking of is “absolutely”) he/she will be written in a universe as a young adult/older than 18 because I’m all about legal consent to doing the fun shit either that...or not at all. (I have to make this big because I cannot stress enough how important this rule is and if you can’t comply, then I have every right to reject your request) Don’t argue with me please.
Rules- You may choose up to 5 prompt numbers if you can’t choose, talk to me and we’ll go through it together because I’m here to capture your horny ass vision. (Example- You wanted to request 3, 4, 12, 45, and 23). Please start with telling me which character you’d like me to write for and give me some insight. (Example- You want a J-hope office AU, then explain the preface like hate to love, secret affair, cute office shit. Or let’s say for example you want something Levi Ackerman related and you talked back to him and he don’t like dat so he “punishes you” ;) ). Get it? Also I take kinder asks more often so keep that in mind, I won’t take your request if you seem rude or whatever.  
Before you ask, yes I do AUs. A lot of my entries are in fact AUs and they are actually my preferred method because who doesn’t love a good AU!!?!! But yeah do not be afraid to ask about AUs
So I usually write for k-pop groups, mostly BTS but I’m broadening my horizon sooo ayye so you can request for Got7, Winner, The Rose, Day6, EXO, if you aren’t sure what other groups I write for you can always ask! 
Anime- Attack on Titan, Black Butler, Fairy Tail, Naruto, BNHA, Kageguri, Tokyo Ghoul, Assassination Classroom, Diabolik Lovers, (ESPECIALLY THIS ONE, I freaking love Diabolik Lovers) once again if you aren’t sure, then please ask. These are just examples but I try to reach every aspect.
ANYTHING BY VOLTAGE- Kissed By The Baddest Bidder, Our Two Bedroom Story, Enchanted In The Moonlight, Butler Until Midnight, Scandal In The Spotlight,   PLEASE REQUEST IT BECAUSE AAAAHHHH I LOVE IT. I do not care which game, just tell me which guy from which game and I will make it happen because Voltage Games are a huge part of me. Just tell me which guy from which game.
Now onto the good stuff! (Also please note that some prompts won’t make sense with some characters and the only reason that is is so everyone can find something to attach to who they want) 
So this first part, is going to be what was on the previous prompt, after number 55 will be the new added on stuff just in case any one of my followers recognizes these. 
1- “How miserable must I be before you’re satisfied?”
2- “Guess I’m not cut out for this dating thing, huh?”
3-“Damnit! Do you have any idea how amazing you are?! Stop being so damn insecure”
4- “Don’t argue with me on this!!”
5- “I can’t just be friends with you…I can’t.”
6- “Do you have to be so annoying all the time?”
7- “No, you can not stay here…I don’t care that it’s raining!”
8- “Why can’t you see that I-….that I-”
9- “Stop pretending to be asleep..”
10- “ Could we go four seconds without you being annoying?”
11-“do you not know what the word ‘mine’ means?”
12- “Shhh, wouldn’t want anyone to hear us now would we?”
13- “I dare you to finish that sentence…”
14- “Someone’s a little irritable today…”
15- “We can’t all be a perfect prettyboy popstar!”
16- “You just…you just kissed me!! *Insert freaked out face here*”
17- “We’re only sharing a bed, it isn’t the end of the world.”
18- “Only make that face in front of me.”
19- “If you wanted my attention…all you had to do was ask.”
20- “I’m bored, wanna fuck?”
21- “Can’t you see that I…I…forget it”
22- “…I can’t kiss you the way I want…”
23- “It was foolish of me to think you could ever want a relationship with me…forget it.”
24- “I aim to please…”
25- “When did this topic even come up!”
26- “You’re so boring, haven’t you ever been wild?”
27- “Hm…I like when you do that.”
28- “I’m more than capable of being rough with you babe. You just watch.”
29- “Where the hell did you learn that?!?!”
30-“Well, the boys accidentally…saw that picture you sent…Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
31-“You need to be taught a lesson…”
32- “Shh, wouldn’t want the boys to hear us, now would you?”
33-I don’t understand you sometimes…but I like it.“
34- ” Don’t pretend that wasn’t on purpose…come here.“
35- ” I’m not so happy about doing a duet with you of all people…but could you at least try and not be a..” ( obviously used for kpop requests but this can be modified so don’t worry :) )
36- “Don’t pretend to care when you obviously don’t.”
37- “Am I making you nervous, Y/N?“
38-“I never thought I would see the day you actually take my advice ”
39- "Just admit you want fuck me…if you behave, I might just let you.”
40- “I…I think you’re wonderful…those horrible people you’ve dated…they didn’t deserve you.”
41- “It’s you and me, not us and them. Fuck what they think.”
42- “Oh my gosh, we didn’t…HOLY SHIT WE DID. You tell anyone and there will be one less idol in the world!” 
43- “You’re so quiet…is something wrong?”
44- “Maybe, if you beg, I might….”
45- “Go to sleep, I promise I’ll wake you up.”
46- “This could be more than just another one night stand…”
47- “It’s amazing what the internet will teach you” *casually holding handcuffs*
48- “…you deserve better, someone who cares about you.”
49- “Can’t I do something nice without being suspicious??”
50- “Finally alone…”
51- “Maybe, we could…be boyfriend and girlfriend.?”
52- “You can’t call me cute!”
53- “Have a nice sleep?”
54- “How stupid do you think I am?”
55- “ Are you shy? Around little ol me?”
 56- “Is this how it’s gonna be between us, just fighting all the time?”
57- “You know after all that, you can still look at me and see something worth loving?”
58- “Avoiding me won’t fix your undying love for me, many have tried but all have failed Y/N.”
59- “Me? Self-centered? No no never!”
60- “You are the complete opposite of subtle and it’s amusing.”
61- “No! What are you afraid of?!? Why is is so hard to believe than someone like me could have feelings for you!”
62- “What did they do to you, I won’t ask again....”
63- “I want...to stay with you for as long as possible. Please...let me?”
64- “Even if I have to rip (your enemy’s name) heart out with me bear hands, I will always protect you.”
65- “What? (innocent face) I’m just massaging your shoulders.”
66- “You’re pretty cute for such a clumsy buffoon. Hmm Maybe I’ll keep you!”
67- “Hm, When you put it that way, it makes me sound like a monster.”
68- “ Oh honey, I treat you like a maid because that’s basically all you are.”
69- “Hmmm...turn your body around. Just like that, I wanna try something.” (You all saw this coming and shame on you if you didn’t)
70- “You want me to name all the reasons I love you?....We’d be here forever.”
71- “Oh baby, you’re terrible at hide and seek....but I’ll play along.”
72- “ Oh look, she finally stands up for herself...hmm. I like this side of you.”
73- “The guy you saw....isn’t me...give me a chance to change your mind.”
74-” What? Why are you crying??!! Oh for fu-”
75- “I bully you because it’s fun....no other reason really.”
76- “Why are you so breathtaking god-damnit!”
77- “I know you’ve never....done anything with anyone before...so I’m gonna make damn sure your first time is special!”
78- “ Call me cliche, but you really do look great in the moonlight.”
79- “ What’s this? A sketchbook? You won’t mind if I take a peek, right?”
80- “Shut up! I’m not blushing!”
81- “You look so...inviting all tied up.”
82- “You’re so good at taking orders. I wonder what else you’re good at.”
83- “Okay since when did getting into a fight for your honor become a bad thing?!!?”
84- “What’s the word I’m looking for?....Pet!”
85- “I’ll be the best boyfriend you’ve ever had, I promise!”
86- “ Me? Y-you like me? Y/N, If you’re joking you aren’t really funny y’know.”
87- “That’s pretty bold for something whose only wearing a towel.”
88- “So you didn’t think I’d catch you looking at some other guy right in front of me?!?!’
89- “ Me? A jerk? Hm...I didn’t know you felt that way....I’m-”
90- “Okay stop it already! People are gonna think I’m bullying you if you keep sobbing like that.”
91- “Hm, do you even have friends or is hanging out alone in an empty classroom/room all you do all day?”
92- “How do you expect me to focus when you’re practically begging for me to come over there and show you who you belong to??”
93- “Let’s say...for example...I was the one who left the love letter by your door...what would you say?”
94- “Do you enjoy being bullied by me? Are you a masochist or something?”
95- “ It’s not everyday I let you be in control...enjoy it babe.”
96- “Someone’s been messing with you? Are you gonna tell me who or not?”
97- “Is my heart just some sort of game to you!?!!?”
98- “You’ve got a lot of nerve showing your face around here after our last....interaction.”
99- “Oh don’t stop because of me, you looked so cute dancing around.”
100- “ I didn’t know...you were so talented. You’re amazing.”
101- “ Please never give up, for me, for us...”
102- “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m hugging you.”
103- “If I can eat your cooking every day, I’ll be happy.”
104- “ What can we say....sharing is caring.” (...best paired with threesome requests but haaaayy can be used for anything else.)
105- “ You need to learn some respect...bend over.”
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jay-wells-writes · 5 years
Trying New Things (Ray Palmer x reader) smut
Holy crap two on one night someone call the doctor I must be sick or something.
Ok my dears this one started out as a combined request but I feel I may have pulled away from one of them. IF so Anon tell me and maybe we can work out another story 😏
Sooooo lets have some fun with Ray an face sitting with a shy reader.
Rated: Smut
"I am sorry you want me to do what?"
"I want you to sit on my face."
If it hadn't been for the fact that Ray was laying on top of you and you had been naked you would have jumped up from the bed. 
"Shhh y/n just listen to me ok?"
Nodding your head Ray lifted his body off of yours. Sliding his knees under your thighs he then pulled you up into a sitting position with your legs resting over his. 
"We have been dating for five months and I can tell you I am head over heels for you. I have never met someone who can get along with everyone they meet as well as you can. Heck you won over Mick faster than anyone else and that's saying a lot. But I can't help but feel like you are holding back when it comes to the more intimate parts of the relationship. DON'T get me wrong, the sex is great. I just feel like you are holding back almost like you are shy. So I want you to take charge, and what better way than to ride my face."
Placing your beat red face into Ray's chest you couldn't help but shake your head.
"Ray I can't do that!"
"Why not?"
"Cause I just can't."
Pulling your face from his chest Ray ran his thumb over your lips before giving you a quick kiss.
"Please y/n. I need you to explain it to me."
Shaking your head you placed it back on Ray's chest and took a long breath in. You wanted to explain to Ray that he had only been you second partner ever, but you weren't sure how to even put it into words. 
"I don't know how to tell you." 
Pulling your face from his chest Ray ran his thumbs over your cheeks.
"Just tell me. I bet you it's not as bad as the thoughts running through my head. And whatever it is I promise to not laugh or be angry."
Knowing that it was eventually going to come out you knew the sooner the better. And although Ray continued to hold your face you looked downwards.
"It's nothing bad I promise, it is just more embarrassing to me. See, you are only the second person I have ever slept with. My first, was my high school boyfriend and everything we did was just plain vanilla. We never did anything like you are asking. So I am scared to mess it up." 
"Trust me y/n you can't mess this up. The worst thing you could do is smother me, but being smothered between your legs is a hell of a way to go." 
Yelling "Ray" you laughed as you tried to pull away, but Ray had wrapped his arms tightly around you and you couldn't move. 
Suddenly you were once again on your back with Ray on top of you kissing your neck. Letting out a moan you tilted your head to the side as Ray continued to kiss and nibble on your neck. Slowly he started to kiss his way down your body. You were beginning to think he had changed his mind when he began to kiss your hips, but he stopped his kisses at the top of your mound. Giving you a small smile Ray rested his hands on your lower stomach, then rested his chin on them.
"There may be some out there who like plain vanilla sex, that wouldnt even think to do what I am asking. Heck you may be one of them and that's ok, but how are you going to know if that's you our not unless you give something new a try. Now, that being said if you truly don't want to we don't have to. But I really think you should try it, I think you will like to be in control."
"What if I can't get off like that?"
"If you find you are not even close to cumming we can stop at any time and go back to what you like."
You knew deep down you would be doing what Ray asked because not only are you tempted to try something new but more the fact you were trying something new with someone you trust. Looking down at Ray you gave him a smile as you ran your hands through his hair. 
"How do we do this?" 
Seeing the look on Rays face was already doing things to your body and you hadn't even started anything. Placing another kiss to your lower stomach Ray rolled from on top of you and onto his back next to you. Tapping your leg Ray began to speak.
"Just roll onto me. Start with your weight on your knees and we will go from there. If for some reason I need you to move I will tap your leg."
Taking a deep breath you rolled over to Ray. Once over his face Ray wasted no time reaching between the both of you and spread your outer lips. You began to moan as Ray ran his tongue over your entrance and up to your clit. He continued to lap your clit for a bit before moving his tongue back down to lick your wetness. Unsure what to do with your hands you brought yourself forward to rest some of your weight on them. At the same time you moved, Ray slipped his tongue into you which caused you to roll your hips and for Ray's nose to rub against your clit. The pleasure that shot through your body, had you bringing a hand to Ray's hair as you dropped to your elbow. Without even realizing it you place a bit more weight down on Rays face as you began to roll your hips faster. Instead of fighting you Ray brought his hands to your ass and helped you roll your hips, while his tongue moved in and out of you. As the pleasure continued to build you found yourself moaning loudly into the bed. Your own warm breath bouncing back into your face. Soon you were grinding down on Ray's face as you worked yourself over the edge. Screaming into the bed you couldn't help but drop all your weight onto Ray. After a few seconds you tried to move off of Ray, but he held you down while he began to lick at your, still pulsating, entrance once again. Given how sensitive you still were Ray's menstrations had you on your way to cumming again. Digging your hand into his hair even tighter you couldn't help but cry into the bed as you started to roll your hips against his tongue. As you picked up speed once again, you felt Ray remove one of his hands from your ass. Feeling the vibrations from his moan, against you, told you that Ray was currently jerking himself off. Slowing down your hips you began to roll them just enough to keep you on the edge as Ray continue to bring himself closer. You had been on the edge for so long though, that the minute Ray latched onto your clit and forced you down onto his face you found yourself cumming once again. With your face still in the bed you let out a cry as you started to cum, with the vibrations from Ray's moans causing you to twitch and shake. Soon Ray was pulling his mouth away from you as you felt something warm hit your backside and he moaned out in pleasure. 
Bringing yourself forward, and off of his face, you dropped to your stomach and groan out. Feeling Ray slipping down the bed some, you turned to watch as he stood up and grabbed a towel. Making his way back to you Ray used the towel to wipe up his mess on your back, before dropping it to the ground and slipping back into bed with you. Once he was situated he pulled you to rest on his chest. You couldn't help but giggle when he started to hum as you traced patterns on his chest. Before either of you could say anything though Mick's voice came over the ships systems. 
"HAIRCUT! I don't know what you did to get her to scream like that, but you bet your ass I am going to find out. That right there is- oh hey boss"
As much as you wanted to be embarrassed you couldn't help but laugh out loud as you heard the system cut off and Sara yelling at Mick.
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damnitstartrek-blog · 6 years
Having to keep your relationship a secret from the crew | Spock x Reader
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Prompt: I’m a sucker for secret relationships and private Vulcans so I was wondering if you would do something where the reader and Spock are dating/married and absolutely no one on the ship knows until something dramatic happens and one of them lets it slip
Pairings: Spock x Reader
Words: 2,063
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anon who sent me my first request! Hope you like this :) Requests are open so please don’t be shy x
“Just be careful.”
“I plan on doing that, Ensign.”
You had to fight the urge to hold his hand as you walked towards the transporter room. The Captain had asked Spock to join the away mission and of course he eagerly agreed. This was probably one of the most difficult parts of being in a secret relationship as you wouldn’t be able to ask the bridge for updates on how the mission was going as it would be too personal. The last thing you both needed was the crew being suspicious. When you first became official Spock had requested that the relationship be kept a secret from the crew as he didn’t want people acting differently since he was in a higher position on the ship than you and you didn’t want the crew thinking you slept your way to get here. But it meant some form of emotional control since you weren’t able to touch or speak to him freely.  
You couldn’t help but feel sick at the thought of him in an away mission. It was part of his job and you respected that, but that didn’t stop the knowledge that he was going to be in danger. But what could you do? Babysit him while he was working? That wouldn’t be fun for either of you and besides Starfleet didn’t pay you for enough for that. The thought made you smile slightly as the doors swished open to reveal Kirk chatting enthusiastically whereas McCoy looked like a child being dragged to school. You went over to the transporter panel, putting in the coordinates with Spock conveniently staying close besides you.
“I want you to know,” his voice extremely quiet as Kirk was too occupied teasing McCoy. “that I love you.” You felt your body tingle as his soft words washed over you, if only you could both say such a phrase openly in front of others. Spock had his back against the away party giving you the chance to quickly grab his hand, whispering “I love you too.” He smiled warmly at you as Kirks voice broke your interaction.
“Spock if you’re too busy flirting with the young Ensign, we can always leave you onboard. We wouldn’t want you mentally distracted.” His hand slipped out of yours as he went towards the transport pads. Kirk made you worry the most that he would find out about your secret relationship as he was tough to deceive.
“That won’t be necessary, Captain. I am more than mentally able to be going on this mission.”
“You don’t deny the flirting part though.”
You could feel your face going red, keeping your eyes locked to the control panel trying not to give him anymore cause of suspicion. Though you could sense how uncomfortable Spock was which only made you want to hug him.
“I didn’t see the logic in addressing something so absurd.” His voice almost made you chuckle at how sassy he sounded. You could hear McCoy nagging at Kirk to hurry up which made you raise your head.
“Ready, Captain?” Your voice didn’t give anything way as you tried to bury the worry inside your stomach.
Kirk nodded, “Energize.” As you activated the transport your eyes met Spocks for a brief second before their figures completely disappeared. You let out a deep sigh that you hadn’t been aware of holding in.
 It was almost impossible to focus on your work as all you could do was glance at the time. It had been several hours since they had left. Thankfully you were alone, unconsciously fiddling with the necklace that Spock had gifted you which offered some comfort. Not being able to hold back you asked “Computer, where is the location of Lieutenant Spock?”
“Mr Spock is currently located in sickbay.” What?! You froze in your seat as the words sunk in. Why is he in sickbay? Maybe it was just a routine check-up that McCoy wanted after they had got back. You glanced at the time again, you still had 2 hours until the end of your shift and it would be too difficult to convince Scotty that you had to leave. Your colleague suddenly sat down beside you, making you quickly hide the necklace under your uniform. There was no way you could wait until the end of the shift. Your heart was racing with the possibilities, what if he was seriously injured?! Without wanting to waste another second you rushed up from your seat and made your way to sickbay.
You could be accountable to Scotty later but your mind was so foggy that you couldn’t keep the act of playing cool anymore. Normally Spock and yourself would only meet in the evenings, taking it in turns to stay in each other quarters and wake up early to avoid being seen. You confidently walked into sickbay looking around rapidly to try to find your boyfriend. The intense feeling of worry increased as you couldn’t help but think that Spock would be angry at your suddenly burst into sickbay but he would have done the same if the roles were reversed.
“What are you doing here?” A familiar southern accent knocked you out of your rapid thinking, turning around you saw McCoy looking at you with questioning gaze.
“I-I-I well,” you couldn’t form a single sentence, your brain was officially going into overload.
“Well I need you to get out.” Smug git. He tugged on your shoulder leading you towards the door.
“Doctor, I need to see Spock.” His eyebrow raised when he heard your request as he had never heard you address Spock so informally.
“The Lieutenant is currently being seen to by Nurse Chapel.  I can’t allow you to see him”
“No please I need to see him,” raising your voice as your distress increased. You couldn’t stand it anymore.
McCoy’s patience was now growing extremely thin, “I don’t see why that would be necessary,” even though you knew he wasn’t aware of your relationship his words still cut deep. “Besides, I believe Scotty is expecting you in engineering. Leave now.” But you refused to budge, suddenly playing a staring contest with the Doctor as he tried to calculate the real purpose of your visit.
“Well if I need to remind you, only family and those close to the patient are free to see him.”
“I am close to him.”
“He’s your superior.”
“He’s my boyfriend!” Both his eyes and your mouth went wide as you finally said what you had wanted to for months. He is mine.  
“He’s…he’s your what?” McCoy’s eyebrows were almost touching as his face was filled of confusion, “Ensign I don’t think you’re well right now. I’m telling Mr Scott you are no longer fit for duty, I’m booking you in for an appointment-“
“I don’t need a bloody appointment.” It was all or nothing at this point. You weren’t going to let the doctor prevent you from seeing your boyfriend. Without thinking you pulled the necklace from your uniform and showed him it.
“Spock gave this to me. It’s a gift.”
“Ensign, I’m worried-“
“You can scan it. It’s a rare Vulcan mineral called Vokaya and he gave this to me on our anniversary. I couldn’t just make this up. Besides have I ever showed a medical history of walking into sickbay and demanding to see random patients?!” McCoy glanced at the necklace, he couldn’t identify the origin of it but he started to think it through. Everyone knew Spock was an extremely private person and he rarely gave any personal information.
“Doctor, I would appreciate it if you would permit my girlfriend to see me.” The two of you turned around to see Spock looking frail and tired in bed. Forgetting about McCoy you rushed over to him, wrapping your hands in his. He had a large cut on his forehead and judging by his eyes you could tell he was in a lot of pain. He was probably trying to suppress it as he was surrounded by the crew right now.
“Are you okay? Didn’t I tell you to be careful?” your hand now stroked his face while your eyes starting to tear up. You noticed he was wearing a white gown and caught sight of his uniform on a chair besides the bed, it was ripped up and stained with his green blood.
“I was careful.”
“Yeah, it looks like it.”
“Is this the best time for sarcasm, my love?” He offered you a small smile even though he was struggling, it warmed your heart. Realisation rushed over you as the situation began to sink in, you began to think of a way to apologise to him.
“I’m so sorry, Spock! I had to see you. I know you’ve been on away missions before but this is the first time I’ve seen you in sickbay.” Tears were now flowing freely from your eyes, you couldn’t help but think that you might have lost him. His hand cupped your cheek as his thumb wiped away your tears, “Shhh don’t cry. I’m not angry with you.”
“I had no idea you two were an item.” You turned around, poor McCoy looked like he needed to see Nurse Chapel himself.
“Does personal relationships need to be made official to you, Doctor?”
“No. Though how did you two manage to-”
“Then I believe we can avoid any unnecessary debate on the matter.” Spock interrupted him, though his comment made you chuckle. McCoy rolled his eyes as Kirk entered sickbay which instantly made you nervous. You were about to stand up but Spock had a firm grip on your hand which kept you besides him.
“Well, I’d never thought I’d see the day.” Kirk commented with a grin, clearly enjoying the new discovery.
“That he got hurt on a mission or that he has a girlfriend?” McCoy teased making Kirk playfully hit him on the back. It made you feel better seeing them laughing since maybe it meant Kirk wasn’t going to be angry with you.  
“Even if something had happened to me,” his fingers went around the pendant of your necklace which made you turn your focus back onto him, “I would always be with you.” You raised an eyebrow at how emotional he was being in front of his friends. Maybe he did need rest right now to recover as it did look like he had suffered a nasty bump to the head.
“I wouldn’t have taken you for an old romantic, Spock.”
“Doctor, I think rest would be most beneficial right now.” Spock narrowed his eyes at the two and it was the first time you had seen some annoyance on his face. You raised his hand to your lips and gently kissed it, which made him smile again.
McCoy nodded, “for once I’m going to agree. Jim, he’s going to be fine after a day’s rest. For now, it would be best if we limit the visitors for our favourite Vulcan to recieve.” Kirk quickly told Spock that he hoped he got better soon and smiled towards you. McCoy came forward and gave Spock a hypospray on his upper arm which you took as a cue to leave. You were about to stand up when the doctor stopped you, “however I think it would be best if you stayed with him. It would benefit Spock having you close by.”
“That would be wise, Thank you.” Spock almost smiled at McCoy which almost put you into shock yourself. The Doctor left the two of you alone and it almost felt alien being so open with Spock without being in your quarters.
“How are you feeling?”
“I am feeling an increase in stability since you have arrived.” You smirked at his usual logical phrase and straightened out his bangs.
“I think the care of Dr McCoy has helped the most.” Spocks eyes slowly started to flutter shut and his grip on your hand weakened significantly. You wrapped your arm around him so he could rest his head on your chest. That’s when you knew the medication was taking affect as his worries of others staring at your affection were gone.
“No, I can confirm you can take all of the credit instead of the Doctors rather terrible bedside manner.” He mumbled before drifting off to sleep in your arms.
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spooky-bear15 · 4 years
Smeet School Troubles
It was one of the many days of smeet school for Benjamin. Bendy dropped him off right in the front of the massive pink building.
“Have a good sweetheart. I’ll pick you up today.” Bendy smiled as Benjamin hugged him tightly. Benjamin didn’t want to let go, but he could also see his friends waiting for him inside.
Benjamin let go and ran inside as Mrs. Tia gathered all her students up for the day.
Bendy gave a smile as he got up to watch his son learn millions of new plans and more. The demon started to walk back to the massive ship he lived in until Benjamin came darting out.
Bendy fell over as Benjamin engulfed him with a huge hug. Bendy giggled his heart out as he kissed Benjamin’s forehead and got himself up.
“(Giggles) Alright, Alright! One more,” Bendy gave one last kiss on Benjamin’s cheeks. “Now, get in there ya silly goose!”
Benjamin dropped down and headed in. Bendy walked back to the ship and off he went until he needed to pick his son up again.
Mrs. Tia started her class, she made sure everyone was there by doing a short check in, then she started her lesson.
“Alrighty everyone, today where going to learn about our huge elite team that protects our home and our amazing leaders. Does anyone know what it takes to become an elite? Anyone?”
Silents was all around the classroom until Zabit gave a guess, “Th-they um, hmmm. OH! They conquer planets with just a tap of a button!”
Stellar interrupted him and corrected,
“Actually Mrs. Tia. They have to take a test by visiting planet Devastis to take their final test. Then they work for the tallest, or become an invader! Well unless the planet isn't still blacked out half way. Thanks to Zim….”
Mrs. Tia gave a nervous smile, “Now remember Stellar we don’t mention that name here. But yes, it was his fault but our tallest got rid of him years ago. So we have nothing to worry about.” She smiles as she continues the lecture, making it easy for the smeets in the classroom to understand. Next thing the bell rings and all the smeets run to play.
Benjamin, Kit, Stellar, Zabit and Yitch all hung around to find something to do as Chu started to play with the older smeets in the same level of grade. Two of them were named, Slag and Gink. As the older smeets started to gather to play, Kit wanted to go and play along but was too shy to ask.
“Ummmm, g-guys, can we play?” He asked quietly. The two older smeets of the small group came up.
Finishing picked Benjamin’s friends to play pretend Invader of the planet.
Gink finishes his pick,
“Annnnd for our last Invader, I piiiick...Yitch!”
Benjamin and Kit were left on the other side of the blacktop. Kit tried speaking up but couldn’t. Benjamin stood up and shouted,
“HEY! What about us?”
Slag gave a pouty lip and yelled back,
“Oh! We don’t want the tiny ones playing! You're too slow! You’ll get your planet destroyed instead! Stay away from us freaks!” Slag then violently pushed Kit in the mud.
Benjamin cried out, “Kit!” He then grew angry, Benjamin stepped up and protected his friend.
He gave a grimace look as the floor began to shake. Four small but long pak legs broke out of his pak. They sprinted out and glowed a bright green.
An echo was heard from Benjamin’s angry shout.
“THAT'S IT! If we can’t play then I’ll just have to change the rules of playing pretend Invader!”
Benjamin then brought out a laser cannon from his pak. The two bullies grew a scared face of shock, but before they could do anything Benjamin grabbed them but the antennae’s and twirled them around the playground.
Benjamin gave out an evil laughter as the two smeets were in tears.
Kit, started to back away, as well as the other smeets.
“Benjamin, STOP! You're crazy!” Kit shouted. Benjamin looked over and shouted back.
“Crazy?! No! I’m not crazy! I’m a true Invader! Hahaha!”
Just as Benjamin was about to spin Slag and Gink even quicker and bounce them around Mrs Tia came out, arms crossed.
“Benjamin Almighty!” She yelled. Benjamin stopped immediately, he dropped the two smeets as they ran. So did the other smeets playing around.
Benjamin grew a nervous smile, “Uh, Mrs. Tia! Ehh, ummm. Did you like the picture I drew this morning? I left it on your desk since I made it for you and umm- …….I’m in trouble aren’t I?”
The afternoon came and Benjamin was hiding behind his mother's leg, as Kit had an ice pack on his head with his mother. The two bullies were also bandaged up with their angry parents.
Gink’s father shouted,
“That smeet nearly killed mine! You should have him expelled!”
Then Slag’s mother yelled on top of him in the same tone of anger.
“More to know, that monster could have also killed my smeet! He deserves to be not only expelled but punished by the control brains!”
Benjamin couldn’t take it, he slowly walked out and sat on the two stairs of the bubbly building.
Gink’s father added to Slag’s mother's argument, “And why not his father too, I believe our Tallest should get the same treatment! As if he does great anyways-“
Bendy suddenly snaps, he gives a violent slap across the older Irkens face, causing him to shut his mouth intently.
Bendy gave an angry reply to the agreement.
“HOW DARE YOU DISGRACE MY HUSBAND AND MY SON LIKE THAT! You should be ashamed of yourself!
Mrs. Tia tried breaking the argument, she slammed her hands on her desk with a bang.
And as Mrs. Tia finished her sentence, Benjamin could hear all the mumbling outside. The smeet covered his antennas as he could hear freak and monster echo in his mind.
“Please! Stop! Stop it! No! I’m not a freak! I said stop!”
Benjamin opened his eyes to hear quietness, no more voices, only the calming cold afternoon of Irk. He started to tear up and cry.
Just as he was about to bury his small face in his knees, the angry parents of Gink and Slag and themselves came walking out, tongue sticking out and all.
“See you later donut freak!””
Both the smeets walked away with their angry parents. Kit and his mother walked out afterwards, he sat next to Benjamin as his mother stood behind him.
“Come on Kit, let’s go.”
Kit nodded but hugged Benjamin tightly. Before he could say a thing, Bendy came out, having an upset look to his face.
“Your lucky young man, she only suspended you for seven days-“
Benjamin’s voice broke, he started to cry harder then before.
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, they were just being so mean t-to-“
Bendy grabbed Benjamin and cuddled him to soothe his tears.
“Sweetheart this is the tenth time you've hurt those smeets, it’s not okay to hurt others in such a way-”
Bendy was softened by Benjamin's cries, he sighed as he cuddled Benjamin close on the stairs of the school, “Aw- I know sweetheart, I know you were trying to protect your friend but you also hurt those other smeets too.”
“M-mommy, I’m sorry……(hick) I just wanted to protect my friend. Please mommy, I don’t want to get erased by the control brains please!”
“Shhh, it’s okay. Let just not use your pak anymore.”
“B-but what about the air?”
“You're okay, I promise.” Bendy kisses Benjamin forehead and hugged his son tightly. Kit came over and hugged him tight too.
Benjamin wiped his tears away and took in Kits embrace.
Kit gives a smile,
“Thank you for saving me today, you sure showed them who’s boss.”
Benjamin gave a giggle. Bendy looked over at Kit's mother.
“We should get back, take care.”
Bendy gets up and tells Benjamin to tell Kit goodbye, then the two of them headed back to the massive.
The three of them were sitting at the dinner table, quite. Benjamin messed with his food as Bendy fiddled with his. Purple finally broke the silence looking at Bendy and giving off and on glances at his son next to him.
“Alright, this is getting weird. Normally Benjamin starts joking about what the polits have done wrong or at least asks how my day was. Or you ask how Benjamins day was, what's going on? “
Bendy glanced over at Benjamin,
“Benjy, you wanna tell your father what happened at school today?”
Benjamin looked nervously at his mom then to his dad.
“Well um, we learned about elites today.”
Purple grew a smile to his face as he was delighted to know more,
“Oooo, tell me more!”
Benjamin gave a small sad pout and continued.
“Umm, ehhh.”
Bendy glanced over, “Want to tell your father about recess today then? I’m sure he’d like to know.” Bendy crossed his hands together on the table.
Purple grew even more excited. Having a huge smile on his face, but that soon faded as he knew something was really wrong.
Purple went to Benjamin's level, he knelt down from the table, “What’s wrong bud?”
Benjamin broke down into tears, he looked at his dad and spilled it all out in one huge mess.
“I was trying to protect my friend but these two bullies came and pushed us around. S-so I (hicks) I-I….I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, please don’t erase me daddy! I don’t want to be erased by the brains!”
Benjamin cried out as he buried his face in his hands. Purple scooted closer and cradled Benjamin in his arms and lap.
“Hey, no no no no no. You're not going anywhere Benjamin, I would never do such a thing to you. Why would you say that?”
Benjamin hicked as he dried his tears,
“I heard one of the other mommy’s say it at school today when my mommy had to come over. (Hicks).”
Purple gave a sigh as he hugged Benjamin tight, “You're not going anywhere Benjamin.” The tallest smiled.
Bendy gave a hazy smile and glanced towards the two. But that look was broken when the demon asked for Purple to follow him into the hallway.
“Pur, can I talk for a minute….in private.”
Purple glanced up and gave a smile with loving eyes, thinking that he was in for a one on one moment alone with Bendy.
“Alright, will do darlin.”
The two for them both stood in the hall as Benjamin sat at the kitchen table.
Just before Bendy could say a word, Purple locked him in towards the wall. Bendy gave a stressed out sigh and slipped underneath Purples arms.
“Pur this is serious, not only was our son in a fight today but those bullies called are son the most horrible names.”
“Really? Who cares, he defend himself.”
“Purple, they called him a freak! Doesn’t that bother you?!”
The tallest broke out of his not so serious stage. He gave Bendy a worried look and just about broke in a worry.
Bendy held his arms together and sighed again, “Yes, I got all the news once I went to pick him up today. They even brought you into the whole mixture. Staying that you weren’t doing you job right and you to needed to be erased-
…..just made me sick to my stomach.”
Purple twirled around Bendy and cuddled the demon close. The tallest popped his eyes open and smiled.
“Sounds like that soldier wasn’t doing his job right…….I’m going to deal with him.”
“Purple, NO! Doesn’t risk your whole job on him. We need you.” Bendy spoke softly as he rested agents Purple's chest. Purple suddenly stopped joking and giggled as he huddled Bendy close.
“I’m kidding, I'm kidding. Although I wish for that ONE guy to be put in his place for calling me and our son out like that. I mean I do my whole job greatly and Benjamin’s just trying get along with other smeets his age along with learning and all that monkey lecture.”
Bendy gave a giggle and the two of them had a small moment until they heard Benjamin call out that Cheerio was eating their dinner off the table. Triggered, they both quickly run to see Benjamin laughing hysterically as Cheerio gobbled up noodles that were all over the floor.
Both parents took action as they cleaned up the mess and cleaned Benjamin up and got him ready for bed.
Once Benjamin was asleep, Purple was already asleep cold on the couch. Bendy got finished with dishes in the kitchen then the tired demon joined in. Bendy curled up and covered himself and Purple up in whatever blankets were on the couch, and the two of them were fast asleep for the long night ahead.
The next few days passed as Benjamin was being taught at home. Finally those days ended and he was back in school again. Worried that the bullies would bug him again, Purple brought him to school instead for a few days just to show him that there nothing to be scared of and if he were in any trouble with those smeet again, Purple would be there to stop whatever they had planned.
Mrs. Tia invited her Tallest in as she let the small class of smeets go play. She started to talk about Benjamin until the both of them heard a scream.
The two of them quickly took action to see the incident, to their surprise it was the bullies picking on Kit again. They pushed him around, knocking the small smeet in the mud. That was until Benjamin took charge and stood up for his friend again. Benjamin gave a pout and started to unleash his laser blasters out, but just as Benjamin was about to drop some dirt work, the smeet could hear his dad screaming for him to stop.
Purple blocked Benjamin’s aim and stopped both his son and the two smeet to split up the fights.
“You three need to cool it! It isn’t cool nor right to have you youngsters fighting like this!,” Purple looked over at Benjamin. “Benjamin, I thought I taught you better than this! You're not supposed to fight other smeets your age, that's the invader's jobs!” Then the ruler looked at the two smeets, getting at both their levels. “And you two aren’t even supposed to fight either, you're young and curious and not supposed to harm anyone. But no, here you are. Trying to over do my son and his friends here isn’t right! So if you continue any of this, your butts are toast. So play nice.”
Purple gave a grimming look towards the two of them. Both Gink and Slag went running, they cleaned themselves up and were nicer to Benjamin’s friends less than a week.
Benjamin peaked behind his dad's leg after Purple finished his little talk with the bullies.
“Umm, daddy. Are they going to be nice?”
Purple turned his head over his shoulder and gave a smirk. He picked Benjamin up in his arms and hugged him tight.
“They aren’t gonna bug you no more. Had to teach them a lesson or two about being nice-“
Just as Purple was about to finish, the other smeets in Mrs. Tia’s class started jumping around, they wanted a lesson too. Purple frequently looked down and giggled, “Well that’s not what I meant….but okay! What do ya wanna learn? I got all day!”
Mrs. Tia let out a laugh as she rested against the door frame of the classroom. Purples asked her if he could teach the smeets, she shook her head and gave a grin. She gave a salute and watched as Purple taught the small smeets all around him, Benjamin in his arms also engaged to what his father was telling.
The day was bright and calming as the smeets all learned something just a little different that morning.
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saelwen · 5 years
Hold me close before i’m gone
--Bucky Barnes x Jessica Drew
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Request By: @keep-yo-judgments-away
Summary: After Jessica managed to escape Hydra, she been hidden from the world, exiling herself but that change when one day, Natasha Romanoff find her and convince her to join the Avengers, living with them on the compound. Little did she know that she caught the attention of an assassin. (Sorry I'm bad at summarys)
Warnings: angst, smut, fluff
Most of my life, all I've known was pain and death. Being one of the most perfect weapons that Hydra made, I was used to make the world ‘better’ has they told me. I don’t remember much of my childhood, but I remember when I was a teen, waking up on a small cottage in England, not knowing my own name or who I was, that was when Hydra took me, making me believe that they were going to help, give me a home...telling me that I was the key for a better world.
There they trained me, helping me with my powers. They send me on a small missions with a team, killing and torture innocent people. When I was an adult, I could use my power correctly without a fail and that’s when they send me on my first mission alone, and my target was Nick Fury. Let’s say that didn't go well, S.H.I.E.L.D most have known that I was going here because as I was about to shoot Nick Fury, an arrow was throw at me, making me fall from the wall, that I was on, to the floor. As I look up, I saw a guy dressing in all black, aiming another arrow at me, I turn back to run away but a hand grabs my right arm and throw me to the nearest wall, I do a backflip and kick the person who was attacking me. Landing on the floor graciously, I take a good look on my threat and was the one and only Black Widow, we start fighting, i succeeded knock her up so I could run away from there, but I didn’t return to Hydra base, instead I took my ship from my neck so Hydra couldn’t know where I was and run away and hide in Europe, that’s was where I realized who I work for were the bad guys. After that day, I've been running away from Hydra, living in one place for a week and move for another country, leaving no trail behind.
After few months, news appeared everywhere talking about the fight in Washington DC, saying that Hydra was infiltrated on S.H.I.E.L.D and Captain America succeeded to end it up.
And now here I am, being taken by Natasha Romanoff to the Avengers Compound to join the team, as Natasha told me that she saw potential in me. As we arrive to the main living room of the place, I noticed that the whole team was there, Tony was beside the bar with a drink on his hand, Sam, Clint and Scott were talking about something, Bruce was sitting on the sofa looking to some papers, Wanda and Vision were also sitting on the sofa and Peter was in the corner of the room texting somebody. As everyone eyes turn to set on me, I start feeling nervous, thinking how could a monster like me join a team that was full of super heroes and good people, I try to push those thoughts a side and put a smile on my face, trying to look nice. The first one talking was Tony “So this is the famous Hydra assassin?” with those words, I take a deep breath and look down but Natasha grab my shaking hand “Yes, Tony! This is the EX assassin from Hydra.” she told him with a threatened voice, she looks around and turn to Tony “Where is Steve?” he rolls his eyes “He texts me saying that he was get his little friend. So, he will be late.” has he ends his phrase, the elevator door open and Steve come out with someone behind him, “Sorry for being late guys.” Steve says looking to everyone in the room, “Yeah, yeah we know Cap, let’s get this over with so I can go to get ready for my date.” Tony said taking a sit on the high chair beside the bar. Steve looks at me with a smile “Hello ma’am.” I smile and wave, feeling a bit shy with all this attention, he walks towards the sofa to sit and then I realize who was behind him. My breath got caught and my eyes widened, in front of me was the winter soldier, looking at me with the same face “You...How..?” was all he said , everyone looks at us with a confused face. Natasha took a step, so she was standing in the middle of us “Do you know each other?” I nod and say “We were in the same Hydra base...He was one of my teachers who trained me.” she nods and look to Steve, who was with a worried face.
With all the stuff they did to me, he was the only one who was more gentle. The only one that I bonded the most, my only friend, even if we didn’t speak to each other.  
Bucky suddenly took a step towards me, pushing Natasha away, and hug me with such strength that it could crush my small frame, “I thought I've lost you...They told me that you kill in combat.” he whispers at my ear. We stay like this for a while until Tony ruins the moment “Well that’s a lovely moment but can anyone tell me what's going on?” I chuckle a bit at his words and start tell them everything about my past and my powers.
When I finish my story, everyone was quiet, panic start rising inside me, thinking that they will send me to some kind of jail or kill me but my thoughts were interrupted with Sam saying “Sooo...you are a badass version of the spider kid over here?” Peter looks to him with offended face and everyone start laughing, making more relaxed. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea.
Days passed and I start bounding with the team, everyone is really nice to me and help me with everything, Natasha is like a big sister to me, always protecting me even if I don’t need it, Tony can be an asshole but most of the time he nice, Sam and Clint were always cranking jokes, making me laugh, Scott sometimes is in the compound but he’s mostly in his house with his daughter, Bruce is always in the lab, getting out when it’s time to eat, Wanda and Vision were always together but they were nice, Wanda was the one who help me when my nightmares get the best of me, Steve is always a gentlemen and looking out for us. But the one who I am mostly the time is Bucky, we are always make stuff together, going on a run in the morning, training together, going on a walk on the park, laughing about the stupid stuff that Sam and Peter do. Everybody knows that if I'm in the room, Bucky was near.
I was sitting on the sofa in the living room, reading a book, “Jessica!” Bucky voice grab my attention, I look up to him with a smile “The team is going out, to a Bar that Tony said was good. Do you want to go?” I shake my head “No thanks, I'm good here.” just thinking about a small place full of people with loud music gives me a small shiver, I'm not ready to be surrounded by people.
Bucky nods and send a text to Steve, then sits beside me and turn on the Tv, I look to him with a confused face “Aren't you going with them?” “Nah, I'm good here with you.” he gives me a smile that could bring any girl to her knees.
We stay chatting and watching old movies until late. My eyes start to feel heavy and Bucky notice “Well, let’s get some sleep. It’s late.” “Yeah. Maybe it's better.” I say with a small smile. We said good night to each other and I go to my room. I change into my pajamas and lie down on my bed, letting sleep take over me.
Feeling like I'm falling into an abyss, everything is black around me, I could hear the scream of agony and cries for help, suddenly the voices were all around me calling me murder, monster, freak but one voice was calm, calling my name over and over, I start focus on the voice.
Suddenly I open my eyes, seeing Bucky worried face above me, rubbing his hand on my cheeks, putting one piece of black hair behind my ear “Wh..What?..” I try to talk, only to start crying “Shhh it’s ok Jess, it’s ok...you’re safe.” Bucky voice was gentle making me calm down, he lies down beside me, pull me to his chest, hearing is heart beat.
After a while, my breath was normal and my tears have stopped, feeling Bucky’s hand rubbing my back gently, I lift my head, gazing at his ocean blue eyes, feeling a pull, like magnet. His lips touch mine gently, like I was going to break, I bite his lower lip making a growl escape from his mouth, he pushes my back into the mattress, caging me in his large frame, deeping the kiss, pushing his tongue into my mouth, making me moan at the attention that he was giving my mouth.
He kisses my jaw down to my neck, sucking on the skin.  His hands move inside my shirt, massaging my breasts, a loud moan escape from me as the cold from his metal hand touch my nipple, he smirks at this and pinch my nipple with his metal hand making me scream from pleasure.
All the sudden we were both naked on my bed, kissing each other with passion and lust, moans and screams was all I can hear in the room. Bucky move ones of his hands to my wet cunt, rubbing my clit, my hips roll to feel more friction “Please Buck....Take me!” he bites my neck making me scream more “I know baby... I know. I will take care of you.” I feel the head of his cock in my entrance, I move my hips to try making move faster but he chuckles “Easy Doll” I groan try to be patient, he rubs his cock on my folds, making it wet for him to enter easily. Suddenly, in one movement he was inside me, feeling full as he was huge, he starts moving making the bed rock against the wall, I meet his movement with hips making more pleasure rise in me “Harder! Bucky!!” he starts pounding me into the mattress, screaming as the pleasure was too much, “Jesus,doll...so tight...God!” I feel my orgasm start forming “FASTER!!BUCKY!....I’M CUMMING!!” I shout “Cum doll....cum NOW!” with that I feel my juices running down his cock, kissing him hard.
He moans into my mouth, shooting his seed inside my womb. He falls down, laying his head on my neck, staying like this until I caught my breath. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him to me so we could cuddle. He kisses my head whispering “I love you” I smile and kiss his neck “I love you too” letting again the sleep take over me with a smile on my lips.
Hey!! Here a Fanfic of Bucky and Jessica!! It’s not my better work cause I'm sick but I tried. 😊 Hope you like it!!
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