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musculargirlsflex · 3 years ago
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Wanna oil her back?❤️ @musculargirlsflex follow for more Like and save @fitnique Checkout our YouTube channel for more such amazing videos _ _ _ _ _ _ _ #femalefitnessmodel #fbblogger #girlbodybuilder #shestrong #herbiceps #hermuscles #girlmuscles #girlmuscle #musclegirllove #fıtnessmotivation #bodybuild ingstyle #fbbmuscle #fbblover #fbbfan #fbbtops #fbb_fan #musclegirl #musclegirls #femalebodybuilders #beautifulfbb #asianmuscle #strongladies #musculargirlsflex #powerfulladiestogether #girlpower #girlmuscles #muscularwomen #muscularwomenroxxx #hotfbb #femalebodybuilder #femalefitnessmotivation https://www.instagram.com/p/CWi3WxsvUfa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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youngtallblackmale1997 · 4 years ago
👀👀👀 Bend Over Curl Bar 10x100 #fitness #client #workout #exercise #practicemakesperfect #womanspersonaltrainer #shestrong #ilovewhatido #passionfortraining #imatrainer #hustleneverstops #everydaywithit #ilovewoman # https://www.instagram.com/p/CRh9c0HB4JN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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freaksbloom · 4 years ago
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“i personally have started to build somewhat of a reputation of being so strange that people fear me.” he gestures to the lack of people around him, “you see? they FLEE at the mere thought of me.”     or, just perhaps, it’s quiet because it’s one in the afternoon on a monday and billy is skipping gym class again. dressed as a pirate. with a sanitary towel stuck to his back.    @shestrong​ liked.
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caramizie-vrajitoare · 4 years ago
“Monica...” Wanda’s voice trailed off. After leaving Westview, she’d been hiding away in the Canadian Rockies. She thought it was best to keep a low profile. However, something had something had come up-- something she needed help with. 
“I-- I know I might be the last person you want to see, right now, but... its the twins....”  @shestrong
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tempportal · 4 years ago
“I hate to say ‘I told you so’,” Five says, which is a lie, because he does not hate to say I told you so--in fact, I told you so is one of  his very favorite things to say, particularly when it comes to his siblings, “but I would just like to remind you that I did tell you so.” He glances over at Vanya as another blast of icy wind blows through, tugging insistently at the hem of his jacket and playing with his hair on its way past. “I did tell you to dress warmer. Just something to think about.”
But even as he revels in the feeling of being right (as he usually is) he pulls off his blazer and drapes it gently around her small shoulders instead--she’s even shorter and skinnier than he is, so the jacket more than fits her, and he endured far colder weather, in far less layers, back in the apocalypse, so it’s safe to say he’ll survive the damp chill of the rain all around him. 
(And Five doesn’t really mind the rain, anyway--the only kinds that ever fell in the apocalypse were ashes and acid, so it’s nice to feel the sharp sting of cold water on his skin, running down his face and neck, a physical, palpable reminder that he is not there anymore.)
“Come on,” he adds, because poor Vanya really does look thoroughly miserable right now, and he doesn’t have the heart to tease her any longer, fun as it was, “we’re not that far from the Academy. You can warm up there.”
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@shestrong​ ; liked
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nofive · 4 years ago
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I present the real way this scene went.
Featuring: Random Quotes Generator, and my poor editing skills
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soleiltm · 4 years ago
@shestrong​​ liked this post!
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❛ You eva' hear a song for the first time and the lyrics hit way too close t' home? 'Cause, I totally had that happen recently and I can't stop thinkin' 'bout it. ❜
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musculargirlsflex · 3 years ago
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Hot muscle girl with glasses 🤓😍😍 @musculargirlsflex follow for more Like and save Checkout our YouTube channel for more such amazing videos _ _ _ _ _ _ _ #femalefitnessmodel #fbblogger #girlbodybuilder #shestrong #herbiceps #hermuscles #girlmuscles #girlmuscle #musclegirllove #fıtnessmotivation #bodybuild ingstyle #fbbmuscle #fbblover #fbbfan #fbbtops #fbb_fan #musclegirl #musclegirls #femalebodybuilders #beautifulfbb #asianmuscle #strongladies #musculargirlsflex #powerfulladiestogether #girlpower #girlmuscles #muscularwomen #muscularwomenroxxx #hotfbb #femalebodybuilder #femalefitnessmotivation https://www.instagram.com/p/CWyDkPSP10Q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chokethelight · 4 years ago
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“I’m over a hundred years old.” He may have looked good for his age, but the reality of it was that he was still an old man. One who really showed it at times. “And trust me. It doesn’t get better with age.”
( @shestrong​ - sarah )
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lokadottr · 4 years ago
@shestrong​ → ( t.s. lyrics sc )
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‘ there’s nothing like a mad woman. no one likes a mad woman and they made her like that. ’
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arxchnoverturea · 4 years ago
+ @shestrong​ liked for a starter ! 
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+ “ I don’t use my POWERS that way. I don’t think I even COULD. “ Jean is POWERFUL. Most of her team-mates on the X-MEN knew that. But even she is capable of things well beyond her greatest dreams. Or NIGHTMARES. 
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tempportal · 4 years ago
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@shestrong​​ said: ‘ shouldn’t you be in a hospital or something? ’ vanya
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Five rolls his eyes, which isn’t typically a thing he does with Vanya, but to be fair, Vanya typically has a lot more sense than this. “A  hospital?” Hard as he tries, he can’t hold back a little scoff--not that he tries very hard at all. “What, so they can stick me in the pediatrics unit with that goddamn cartoon animal wallpaper and condescend to me for days on end? Wow, that is tempting. How could I refuse?”
But this is Vanya, and God knows she worries like crazy over every little thing--God knows she worries like crazy over him, which is about ten thousand different kinds of completely bizarre, because he’s the last person in this family she needs to worry over--so he adds, “It’s not bad enough to need a hospital, anyway, trust me--I had much worse in the apocalypse, and seeing as I handled that on my own, I can definitely handle this on my own. Don’t worry about it.”    
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manchvrian-candidate · 4 years ago
[✉: to Monica] hello Monica, you gave me your number in your intoxicated state last night. I have a feeling you won't remember me.
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nofive · 4 years ago
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@shestrong​ said: ‘ alright, you have my attention. ’ / patch!
[ x - accepting ]
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The Blinks tended to get attention, if they were truly noticed so it might not have been the Blink that did it. Being in a child’s body was infuriating. He figured that his physical appearance and age had more to do with getting her attention than the supernatural ability that he possessed. He was also bleeding, but he wasn’t about to reveal that to her. He wasn’t an idiot he knew what cops did at the first sign of a child being hurt. Well he wasn’t a child. “Great, how do I get rid of it?”
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musculargirlsflex · 3 years ago
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Wowww😍😍😍 @musculargirlsflex follow for more Like and save @mamathabodybuilder Checkout our YouTube channel for more such amazing videos _ _ _ _ _ _ _ #femalefitnessmodel #fbblogger #girlbodybuilder #shestrong #herbiceps #hermuscles #girlmuscles #girlmuscle #musclegirllove #fıtnessmotivation #bodybuild ingstyle #fbbmuscle #fbblover #fbbfan #fbbtops #fbb_fan #musclegirl #musclegirls #femalebodybuilders #beautifulfbb #asianmuscle #strongladies #musculargirlsflex #powerfulladiestogether #girlpower #girlmuscles #muscularwomen #muscularwomenroxxx #hotfbb #femalebodybuilder #femalefitnessmotivation https://www.instagram.com/p/CWyGPLEvgKu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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conduitandconjurer · 4 years ago
“ maybe swearing will help ? ” / kate
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Klaus sighs despondently at the girl, and offers a hapless shrug. 
      “I dunno, I just screamed ‘motherfucker’ as loud as I could into a pillow and I still feel pretty heckin’ lousy.”
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     “....heeeeey. Hey, lightbulb moment, d’you think...you could teach me how to shoot an arrow? Like, safely, since I broke more bones as a kid than all of my sibs combined? I was the hellion that scaled walls and...burned shit and tried to do stupidass stunts when I was bored, and I still have shit eye-hand coordination, but...if anyone can turn me into Robin Hood, it’s you.” 
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