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storieswrittcnarch · 5 years ago
@nvmbcrtwo​ gets a s1 starter!
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Bruises are still fresh, formed from an earlier....encounter. There’s a hand print around his neck that Klaus really should have thought about putting make-up on. Finger nail indents on his wrists from his client holding on a little too tight. His clients aren’t always gentle, they’re rough, and as much as Klaus likes it rough - this one had gone overboard. There are bruises underneath clothing, bite marks on thighs, it makes him feel....disgusting.
But, oh, how the drugs numb that. At least he’s got pills to make him forget about all the dirty things he has to do to survive. Pills and needles and oh the high he’s on right now is fantastic. Good enough to make him forget the bruises are there and he probably should not be laid up on Diego’s couch looking like this. But Diego’s place is the safest place for him to be right now, and a source of comfort.
Speaking of Diego, the door opens and Klaus moves to sit up, though his movements are a little sluggish, thanks to the toxins running through his veins. “Diego! I was wondering when you’d get here. Where have you been, pal?” 
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singlethreads-a · 4 years ago
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@nvmbcrtwo​  ||  DAVE  &  DIEGO  ||   starter call. 
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❛    I’LL  DRINK  TO  THAT  --------    ❜           amused  smirk  plays  on  the  soldiers  lips  as  he  picks  up  his  glass  of  bourbon  to  take  a  sip.         these  days  when  they  could  relax  were  few  &  far  between  ---------  diego’s  one  of  the  only  men  in  their  troop  that  he  considered  a  friend.         it  helped  that  he  wasn’t  averse  to  dave’s  more  flirtatious  side.        (  the  side  he  was  petrified  of  showing  anyone  else  in  their  troop.     mainly  because  it  never  came  out  around  women.  )            he  only  shows  it  when  he’s  tipsy  ;  when  they’re  safe  in  a  bar  without  watchful  eyes  of  anyone  that  matters.             he’s  able  to  laugh  &  lean  against  diego’s  side  without  fear  of  someone  calling  him  out.           
diego’s  said  something  or  other  worth  agreeing  with  ----  so  he’s  downed  half  his  drink.         honestly  ,  he  didn’t  need  much  reason  to  drink  in  a  place  like  this.            when  he  sets  his  glass  down   ,  baby  blues  glance  over  at  the  other  ,  gaze  flickering  to  his  lips  before  refocuses  on  his  darker  eyes.          ❛  ----------------  though  ,   admittedly  ,  i  have  no  idea  what  you  just  said  ,   ❜         he  muses  ,  a  little  giggle  slipping  his  lips  afterward.   
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nofive · 4 years ago
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I present the real way this scene went.
Featuring: Random Quotes Generator, and my poor editing skills
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caterva · 4 years ago
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“Diego! Fancy meeting you here. Still doing the vigilante thing, huh?”
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conduitandconjurer · 4 years ago
✧ *bats eyelashes @ u*
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Send ✧ for my muse to talk about their relationship with your muse, in detail (accepting!) 
Klaus’s features tighten with an unusually transparent dose of guilt.
    “Diego’s easier and harder to talk about. I’ve been close to Diego since we were preteens. When we were kids he kinda.....he and Grace, er, mom, were close.  I never trusted her....I’m, I mean, I’m sorry to say it but mom was sorta more of an extension of a need dad had than her own person. I wanted her to be her own person, but he wouldn’t allow it in her programming, so the more Deegs clung to her, the more I kinda wafted over to Allie, or Five, an’ hung out with them instead.  I dunno what he thought of me then and now I’m too scared to ask, because it might. Yanno. Really hurt. Maybe he thought because I was always squirming and running around and lighting shit on fire and talking non-fucking-stop, I would be a mean person and make fun of his speech impediment.  I hate that.  I hate that my...ADD or what the fuck ever is wrong with my brain made him think I’d ever do somethin’ that. Like. Cruel. He shoulda known better, to my credit, I mean, the only kid in the family who cried more than I did was Vanya. I cried every fuckin’ day because of how scrumdiddly-fun my ‘gifts’ were.   
   “Man, fuck that euphemism. ‘Gifts’ my ass.  Anywho.  Sorry, see, I’m wandering off topic right now. And that’s why I think I annoy my brother. Diego’s a laser. He’s very much like the knives he throws. Precise, staying the course. But it’s different than it is with Luther. Diego stays the course because he tunes in to his siblings and really worries about us.  Coupla times after dad locked me in crypts, Diego came and sat with me.  So did Five, a lot of the time, and they...really don’t get along, and never did.  When we were....twelve-ish, we just sorta started hanging out.  And it stuck. Especially after Five disappeared, and Allie started tryinna distance herself from her ‘weird’ addict brother.  I had nobody for a while.  So Deegs became my somebody.
   “He wanted me to...be my best self.  Because he’d worked so hard with his stutter, to be his best self. He believed I could be strong like that, too. I wasn’t.  But he kept thinking I could be.  He was the one that showed up to lift me out of my own...puke...and take me to rehab, that first time.  He was the one who picked me up when I was sober. Over and over. I couldn’t fuck up enough for him to stop believing in me.  I really knew I was at rock bottom the time he finally stopped.  I was high. I wanted a ride...fuck, somewhere. I don’t even remember where now. And he said ‘I won’t watch you almost die one more time,’ and just. Slammed the door in my face.” 
Klaus pauses here, to rub his eyes, and draw a shaky breath. He smiles disarmingly and shrugs.  
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    “I kept tryinna go to rehab, after that. I just did it alone. And kept failing.  And every time I saw him, we pretended it was fine. He was fine, I was fine. We were all just....fine.  And we weren’t. We aren’t. I’m clean now, goin’ on seven months.  My second longest winning streak, longest one was three years.  I dunno if he’s noticed that my life’s together, or at least getting there.  I want to apologize and tell him he made more of a difference than he thinks. He’s mom. he’s just like mom. He’s like, more mom to me than mom is. I know I annoy the shit out of him on the regular. I know.”  
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apocalypsejumped · 4 years ago
12, 15, 21 for the handwriting meme
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12.   do   you   have   a   favorite   au   for   your   muse  ? 15.   write   if   you   think   you’d   get   along   with   your   muse   if   they   were   real 21.  write   what   you   like   about   your   muse’s   relationship   with   the   asker’s   muse
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glassmenagerieofmusesarc · 5 years ago
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“I want these words to make things right. But it's the wrongs that make the words come to life”
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mstinteresting · 4 years ago
starter for @nvmbcrtwo​​
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———————— ❝You’ve got about  thirty  seconds  to  show  yourself.....26 now....❞  
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rumorsabound · 4 years ago
@nvmbcrtwo​ liked for a birthday starter! 
“Well, now I’m kind of glad I decided gift bag over gift box,” Allison said with a raised brow, surveying the mess of wrapping paper that surrounded her brother which was cut into varying sizes of ribbon. After watching him cut, with what she would call no shortage of knife related theatrics, she’d been reconsidering the fragility of her gift. Her only solace was that she’d had the wisdom to go with tissue paper stuffed bag over something with colorful gift wrapping. 
“Happy birthday, Diego.” 
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deathhumored · 4 years ago
@nvmbcrtwo​  /  DAVE  &  DIEGO  
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❛     SO  ,  did  you  just  ship  out  here  . . . ?            i  haven’t  seen  you  around.     ❜           he’s  95%  sure  he’d  have  noticed  this  guy  if  he  had  seen  him  before.            diego  was  -----------   WELL.          he  was  easy  on  the  eyes.          ❛    you  seem  t’  be  fittin’  in  pretty  well.         this  y’er  first  tour  ,  or  . . .  ?     ❜
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storieswrittcnarch · 4 years ago
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@nvmbcrtwo​ sent "i come from a place where evil seems easier to pinpoint because you can see it in the flesh." @ katherine pierce
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How interesting it is. Does he see her as evil? She likes to think she’s not - not entirely. She’s just doing what she has to do to survive, is that so wrong? She’s got to admit - he’s got her interest piqued. “And me, Diego? When you look at me, what do you see?”
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immortalled · 4 years ago
for shits and giggles: Nathan and Diego for the ship meme 👌💥💯
send 2 names for the ult. ship meme! || x || accepting
Shore! Crack or no, I love the idea of them meeting in one of my mainverse branches, maybe while he’s still in the circus? I don’t get to use that verse much and it’d be a good excuse not only to get him to the US but the City as well.
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs | (I’m a sucker for “the broody serious one loves the goofy loud one” trope. I could be convinced! But it’d probably have to be a universe where Klaus isn’t played by Sheehan since that’d be too weird for Nathan if he ever found out lol)
How long will they last? - HM. That depends on Diego’s patience and willingness to stick things out. Nathan is frustrating and immature and even though he’d be almost in his mid-twenties while he’s in the circus, he’s still going to behave just about as wildly and childish as he always has. If Nathan is shown genuine care and affection, he falls hard, fast, and stays loyal... but he still screws up. Can Diego handle him?
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - By the time Nathan has joined the circus, he’s a little more comfortable with the idea of dating guys. It’s the serious relationship stuff that scares him. So, I think if Diego is charming and treats him well, he’d fall pretty fast, likely before Diego does. I haven’t actually seen TUA too many times and I still haven’t seen S2 so I don’t know how quickly Diego falls for people, but I can see him coming around a little more gradually.
How was their first kiss? - Nathan probably instigated it when he was tipsy or high, just enough to soothe whatever nerves he might be feeling. It would have been bold and a little too forward, but Nathan doesn’t really understand how to take anything slow. It’s all or nothing. And probably one of Diego’s worse kisses received.
Who proposed? - I can’t really see them getting married? Nathan doesn’t have a good relationship with marriage. But if it happened... I think Nathan would be the one who proposed. Casually. He always sets these things up as jokes so that if he gets rejected he can laugh, pretend it wasn’t serious, and save face.
Who is the best man/men? - Well, since all of Nathan’s friends except for Kelly would be dead by this point... and he’s probably not going to convince a ghost to come... I think all the guests would have to be people Diego knows. So... Klaus and Five? Assuming Five can be wrangled into attending a wedding LOL.
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Allison and Vanya.
Who did the most planning? - Allison. Nathan and Diego would be lost when it comes to planning. She volunteered out of pity lmao
Who stressed the most? - Diego?
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 (Thanks to Allison.) | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - No one. Nathan doesn’t want to invite Mike, but, emboldened by being in a whole country away, he sends Mike an invitation anyway as a sort of middle finger to him and all his expectations. I think, also, if Nathan spent any time around Klaus, he’d start feeling a lot more comfortable in his more feminine interests and stop caring so much whether or not Mike would get angry with him or not. But I digress.
Who is on top? - Nathan wants to be, but he’s a disaster in bed in a cringey “this guy clearly gets all of his tips from bad porn” way. Diego would be better off realizing he needs to take the lead, whatever that means for them, so it’s more fun for both of them.
Who is the one to instigate things? - Nathan. His sex drive is through the roof. 
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 (Primarily because of Nathan, I think. It’d be almost daily, though, if he could swing it.) | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 (??? IDK if you agree, but Diego’s always seemed kind of kinky to me, if his conversations with Patch mean anything. Nathan claims he’s kinky, but he’s not actually tried that much [that he can remember]. He’s very open minded, though, and happy to try almost anything.) | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - Nathan has issues with premature ejaculation and it’s pretty embarrassing for him. It’s hard for him to last long so... I don’t know how Diego would take that, or if he’d be irritated that Nathan comes undone so quickly. Fortunately, though, Nathan is a decent marathoner and can go a few rounds which... might make up for it?
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Nathan would try.
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 (??? I think it’d vary and depend largely on Diego. Nathan would encourage more roughness, but IDK if Diego would be into that. Diego strikes me as unexpectedly soft. Giving it an 8 max only for Nathan’s filthy mouth.) | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 (Nathan would be stuck to him constantly.) | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - None.
How many children will they adopt? - None. I just can’t see them getting kids. But I’ll humor the other questions.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Diego.
Who is the stricter parent? - Diego. Definitely.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Somehow I can’t see either of them really being too strict about stunts. Nathan might, just a little bit, out of concern that he’s being a bad father if their kid gets even a little hurt.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Diego. He makes little smiley faces and hearts out of their food when he can, like Grace used to do for him.
Who is the more loved parent? - Loved equally, but Nathan is probably considered the more “fun” parent because he lets them get away with far more.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - They both used to go until Nathan did something to get kicked out. Now only Diego goes. I like to imagine he goes in full hero gear and everyone uneasily side-eyes his knives.
Who cried the most at graduation? - ...Diego.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Diego. He’s also probably bailing out Nathan.
Who does the most cooking? - Diego. (Thank you, Grace.)
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Diego, but only because he tries to eat healthily and Nathan eats like a garbage disposal: anything goes.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Both, but Diego makes the lists because he’s marginally more organized than Nathan.
How often do they bake desserts? - Once every few weeks as a treat. Diego bakes. Nathan attempts to help.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Balanced.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Nathan. But I think they’d both be pretty bad about remembering anniversaries.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Diego. Anniversary dinners by Nathan are full of mishaps. The atmosphere might be nice (music, candles, etc.) but the food is probably burnt, soggy, or microwaved.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - NATHAN.
Who cleans the room? - Both, but Diego is neater overall.
Who is really against chores? - Neither. Nathan complains more, but he complains as he’s doing them.
Who cleans up after the pets? - Both.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - ...Both.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Neither. I don’t think they’d have guests over unless it was Diego’s family.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Nathan. 
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Nathan, but not by much.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Both.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Not really, but sometimes they put up a small Christmas tree and Nathan breaks out the Santa suit.
What are their goals for the relationship? - Don’t kill each other. LOL kidding. Sort of. Staying patient with each other would be their biggest and most difficult goal, I think.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Nathan.
Who plays the most pranks? - Nathan. He’s relentless.
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nofive · 4 years ago
[ @nvmbcrtwo​ - ♡ ]
The apocalypse was over, actually over this time. No false alarms. They handled the random commission agent that came and tried to set it off again. Nothing was getting in the way of his family’s happiness as long as he was alive, which was going to be an unfortunate length because he got to grow up again. Just his luck. At least this time he could sort of do it with his siblings despite their bodies being about fifteen years older than his.
He had been able to relax, do what he wanted. Which was an odd sensation, and at the first snap of a picture of him, he instantly was on edge. Why were their pictures being taken of him. His eyes narrowed, and as he blinked away he heard another shutter click. He landed on the kitchen table in front of Diego, not really caring why he was there, though Grace was making something, so that could be part of it. “People were taking pictures of me, The Umbrella Academy of our childhood is obsolete to most of the world, so why am apparently newsworthy?” he asked, hopping down off the table, showing no signs of patience, he wanted an answer. He’d get it if he was Allison, but he wasn’t with her, and they didn’t look like siblings because they were adopted. It wouldn’t be the uniform either as he had been wearing that with no issue for weeks.
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dirtylimericka · 4 years ago
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send me “that’s dirty” & i’ll generate a number for what my muse will say to yours. || x || accepting
“that’s dirty” (tbh feel free to ignore this if you don't want our first interaction to be possibly nsfw-y, i just thought this meme was fun) - @nvmbcrtwo​
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          Sometimes before Sean would break into a house, a crazy little voice in the back of his head would laugh: How fucking nuts would it be if you ran into another burglar while robbing someone? 
          Portland had a high crime rate, but he always shrugged off the possibility. The odds were just too low. Or so he’d thought.
          Sean was halfway down the stairs, pockets full of things from the second floor bedrooms that no one would miss (rings shoved in the backs of drawers, pins, cufflinks and the like), when he thought he heard something. A creak of floorboards, maybe the scrape of a heavy boot. He froze. He was always so careful about making sure no one was home... could this be the night he finally slipped up?
          “...Sean? Bro, you there?” 
          Shit. He’d forgotten about Derek. Sean shushed him and slid his phone into his breast pocket. He could explain once he got out of this. If he got out of this. 
          Just as Sean was about to take another step down, a dark figure appeared at the landing. The shape—the man, Sean was certain it was a man—pounded up the stairs, startling him into half running-half tripping back the way he came. Sean’s sneaker slipped on the carpeting. He struck his hand out against the wall to catch himself and accidentally caught the light switch instead. Light flooded the staircase. Pain bolted up Sean’s tailbone as he hit the steps. 
          “Wait, I can explain!” He couldn’t explain, actually. He couldn’t explain anything. It was admit to the homeowner he was burgling, or look like a liar, and he— Sean’s eyes adjusted. The man, who had frozen as the lights turned on, wasn’t dressed at all normally. A tight black sweater, tighter leather pants, and a... domino mask? 
          The sight was so absurd that Sean, exhaling a stressed laugh, blurted: “Are you a stripper?”
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conduitandconjurer · 4 years ago
please give unwanted fashion advice to your favourite stabby brother.
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    “My time has come.”
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      “Deegs. I adore you, bro,  but the BDSM fetish is a little glaring when you wear full black leather body armor 24/7.  Not that I’m kinkshaming, okay, just....you don’t get it by begging, y’know?”
Klaus pantomimes a brief humping or two, cringes and shrugs.
     “Look, you’re drop-dead gorgeous, man. You got this body builder verging on teddy bear physique. Fitted golf shirt, black leather jacket that hangs real nice off your shoulders over it, well tailored pants. Ankle boots. Real nice wide leather strap watch.   Dare I venture to say a small scarf, with a modest yet lively pattern?” 
He clicks his tongue and makes a perfect  O gesture. 
     “You got it in you to pull off ‘suave,’ you sexy Latino god.” 
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geminus-disparibus · 4 years ago
@nvmbcrtwo​ asked for a starter!
Caitriona Mackenna was used to her fair share of characters. She happened to be one herself. And with the company that filtered in through the white walled gallery she called her day job, it was no different.
The rich hardly ever realized just how funny they could be. How much of a caricature of a person they could become. She spent her days studying them, keeping their mannerisms and way of speaking tucked safely into the back of her mind for when she could use them. Mostly for her own sort of fun. 
But whoever this was was certainly no type of rich folk.  
She heard her visitor before she saw him. The inside of his mind made an odd sort of sound. It had her pulling down the glasses she didn’t really need down her nose as she watched him come into view in the glass doorway. She took in his clothes, the way he carried himself. She really wanted to laugh. 
What man wears a harness, just out there like that? she asked, waiting for her brother to reply. His words didn’t disappoint. 
Someone who’s really advocating for mainstream BDSM. 
She couldn’t help the amused wrinkle of her nose as the door was opened, making her way around the front desk as she straightened out her skirt. “Can I help you?” she asked. 
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It was the sweetest voice she could have mustered. Hopefully it was enough to cover up the mirth that so wanted to bubble out of her.
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