#shes very nice to my face so 🤷
beansnpeets · 1 year
Just found out the new receptionist is a freedom convoy supporter 🤦
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Hi if it's okay can I please ask for a Hades X Yuutsu reader
Where he falls in love with her
And spoils her with gifts but she declines them because she feels that she doesn't deserve them but in the end except them
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She is an OC of mine you can find a lot of information about her at my posts here on Tumblr and
Sorry if this sounds weird and if you don't do these types of requests feel free to ignore this one and have a nice day or night
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I specifically wrote on my bio that I sucked at writing fanfics.
But for the fun of it, why not 🤷🤷
It's been so long since I write anyway-
Hades X Kind Reader
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Warnings?: None.
Content?: Fluff
He doesn't understand. You are the beloved of the Underworld King. One who are privileged with his attention and affection. It's only natural for you to accept his gifts as a sign of his undying love for you. Yet, why wouldn't you accept it? You deserve it.
"You don't have to, my Lord."
Yes he has to. You are the owner of his heart.
"Your company is enough for me."
No, it's not. He insists on giving you more. You deserve more.
"I don't deserve such presents, my Lord."
You do. Why wouldn't you see it?
"No thank you, my Lord."
No. Thank you for being his.
"My Lord."
Stop calling him 'my Lord'.
Excuses after excuses, you keep declining his presents. Your overwhelming modesty and kindness are what drove him insane. A drug that not many beings have, not many gods dare to take. However, he took it with no hesitation, which made him the lovestruck fool he is.
Maybe you prefer physical touches? He could see that during the first time his skin touches yours. Your hands immediately travelled to your face to hide that flush from him. Oh so adorable, he swore that he wanted to protect you from that moment on. If only you accepted it..
You deserve more than touches. If he could just ask Zeus to bring the stars to him, if he could just ask Poseidon for the prettiest of pearls, if he could just ask Adamas to bring the head of your enemies in a split second, he would have lay them all down just in front of your very feet. It's not enough to show it. It's not enough to show his adoration for you with just some little touches or small gifts. You deserve more.
Damn whoever made you this humble and kind. Most would've boost their trumpets when they receive gifts from him. But not you, his very own beloved. You decline his gifts, with that thought of you not deserving them drilled into your head. Drilled into your brain that you're just enough with little skin contact. No, you deserved a lot more.
His wish is for you to become selfish for once. He wishes you step whoever dare to breathe in front of you. He wishes for you to stop being kind for a moment. He wishes for you to take what you wish and throw what you hate. You can take his power and he wouldn't even object. You can destroy me and he wouldn't even flinch. You can rule Valhalla and Helheim, and he would be your personal stepping stone.
His wish is for you to realize that you deserve his everything.
Maybe his gifts weren't to your liking?
Alright then. He just have to give you something that you can't refuse.
It's a perfect evening in Eden. With you in his hold, gladly following him to wherever he takes you without any complaints. Such a good girl/boy you are.
There sat under the apple trees, a large blanket with a basket full of your favorite sweets and sandwiches. Oh how his heart could burst by the sparkle in your eyes.
"My Lord... This is too much.."
This is only the gist of what he has in store.
"You shouldn't have to, my Lord.."
Yes, he has to. He loves you with every being in him.
"This is too grand for someone like me."
You are someone who deserves the grandest.
"My Lord.."
Call him Hades.
Hades. The God of Underworld who's heart is overwhelmed when he slides the golden ring into your finger. Your eyes were widen and you were about to protest, when he buries his lips into the comfort of yours.
Hades. The eldest of the Olympian brothers who couldn't be more glad as you finally accept his gift. With the smile and tears on your face, how he wished he was your tears. Born from your eyes, run down your cheek, and die on your lips.
Hades. For once, he didn't feel like a god. He feels like a happy man.
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wol-fica · 2 years
《𝓟𝓾𝓻𝓰𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂》 - Chapter I
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summary - a new semester has dawned on wednesday, bringing new people and new feelings with it warnings - lil bit of xavier hate 🤷 an - welcome to chapter I, let’s get this shit —————————
Wonder is a very useful word, it can be wound into almost anything. You can call someone or something wonderful, alluding to them being nice. You can also say something is wonderous, which would mean you would see something as interesting or complex. Now as normal, you can also just wonder; to think and imagine.
Currently right now, Wednesday is wondering how she is in the predicament of her younger brother Pugsley squeezing the life out of her. He always was the hugging type, just not this extreme.
As of the moment, her family was stationed outside the large burgundy doors of Nevermore school as they sent Wednesday off for a new semester of learning useless information to “guide her in life”. Her father, doting as always, stood by her mother while giving her the ever-so-usual heart eyes. That was one thing Wednesday vowed to never do; fall in love.
“Pugsley, let go of your sister before you flush her face with color.” Morticia mused, waving him back.
“My little viper, we will miss you so much.” Gomez sighed, giving Wednesday a gentle hug after cupping her face.
“Likewise.” Wednesday droned out, keeping a close eye on the doors in case someone stumbles outside to witness her sappy family.
“We shall see her in due time, four months correct?” Morticia asked Wednesday as she clasped her hands together.
“Well then, have a wonderful time darling.” She said before heading to the car, Gomez and Pugsley on her tail. 
“Wonderful is an interesting word for sending me into purgatory…” Wednesday muttered before turning around sharply to head inside.
Once she pushed the large doors open and made it inside, she started on her direct path to her dormitory. Footsteps echoed harshly against the cool-tiled floor as Wednesday walked, giving harsh glares to anyone who spared her a glance. 
The semester wouldn’t be starting for another two weeks, but she decided she wanted to be early as to settle in and have time with her group before classes overwhelmed them all. If she had chosen to wait, she would sure be bombarded with people in her face and questions all around about the events of the past school year. 
Even though Crackstone had been defeated, Wednesday still had a feeling of uncertainty in the back of her brain. His demise was too easy, to say the least, and it was perplexing to her that the so-called “battle” didn’t last that long. Tyler has been missing recently; he had broken out of his imprisonment and whisked Thornhill away with him, so who knows of their whereabouts. 
Her thoughts had overcome her senses so much that she didn’t even realize she made it to her dorm. The familiar dark oak wood door welcomed her with open arms as she made her entrance into Ophelia Hall’s glorious expanse. The scent of taxidermy remnants and aggressive vanilla perfume practically slapped her in the face, causing her to stop abruptly in disgust. 
Wednesday turned her head to the left to see a colorful mass running straight towards her. Enid engulfed her in a hug, jumping up and down in excitement of seeing her roommate.
“I didn’t know you would be here early!” Enid squealed, squeezing the life out of Wednesday’s midsection.
“Enid, let go.” Wednesday growled, trying ever so hard to keep her composure.
Enid pulled back, keeping her hands on Wednesday’s shoulders, and seemed to look her up and down in surprise, “You grew! What are you, 5,6?”
“5,3.” Wednesday corrected, wiggling away to head to her side of the room for unpacking, “Still shorter than you.”
“Don’t be such a grump about your height; people like small…er…people!” 
Wednesday suppressed an insult, knowing that Enid wouldn’t take it seriously, and instead opted for an eye roll. Living with her again will be a wild ride, to say the least.
The quad was alive with noise when Wednesday arrived to meet up with her friends for a nice trip to Jericho. Students wandered about, smiling at old friends and greeting new ones with the same forwardness. There were only about twenty or so people in the area, as school wouldn’t be starting for a while and some believed that they should arrive at the very last second. 
Wednesday grimaced at a couple making out as she walked by, mentally noting to never fall in love while she is alive. She glanced around, searching for some familiar faces, and spotted Enid with Ajax, Bianca, Yoko, and Xavier. 
Xavier. The names rolled off her tongue with distaste. As much as she did care for him and found his brave act of archery very noble, she did not care for his flirtatious antics, at all. As most men go, he was as stubborn as a blunt stick and as persistent as a sea otter in heat. The way his arm would casually drape over her shoulder, or how his hand wound up always brushing Wednesday’s; at that point she was mildly uncomfortable. And not in a good way.
“Wednesday! It’s nice to see you again.” Bianca sneered playfully, clearly faking a rivalry.
“You finally decided to show.” Xavier smiled, pulling Wednesday in for a quick hug, in which his hands went an inch too low for Wednesday’s comfort, “It’s good to see you.” 
“Likewise.” She droned, stepping back and giving the group an exceptionally dry stare, “Can we go now?”
Everyone nodded, grabbing their things before heading out of the quad and down to the gate where their shuttle was waiting. The ride was quick and quiet, most everyone just enjoying the calmness. Once they stepped off of the bus though, they were bombarded with sound and an exceptionally aggressive mob surrounding outside of the Weathervane.
“Go back to the forest!”
“You’re a curse!”
Wednesday wrinkled her nose as she listened to the insults being spat about. She craned her neck, trying to see who was being poked around, but before she could get a glimpse, Enid stormed forward in a fiery rage. 
“Get away, all of you! Screw off!” She yelled, causing the crowd to disperse immediately. 
Who knew she was so well respected, Wednesday thought, but her quips were cut off when she finally saw who was the center of attention just moments ago.
A taller girl, about five foot seven, stood shakily in front of Enid. Her hair was a stunning ferrari-red pulled back into a ponytail while two snow-white streaks rounding her beach-tanned face. Freckles danced across her nose while a handful of old scars littered her skin. Her eyes glowed a sunny yellow, matching with the pale daisy-colored sweatshirt she wore with her dull brown cargo jeans. The most eye-catching part of her, and probably why she was being targeted, were her large black wings protruding from her back. Their bold exterior had a slight iridescent shimmer to them as she spoke her thanks to Enid. 
Wednesday was speechless, but not just because of the girl. Her heart was hammering in her chest at an alarming speed while her breathing seemed to be cutting short. A feeling, one that Wednesday cannot describe, was rising in her throat. Her stomach seemed to flutter uncontrollably as her lips parted in shock. 
“Beautiful.” Wednesday whispered almost inaudibly before slapping a hand to her mouth in utter shock. 
I did not just say that. Why did I say that?!
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The title makes me very worried!
Lmao not me being confused that parents come to pick up their kids at night when Lex says there are vans outside the school. 😂😂 I'm so stupid.
This underworld storm sounds very bad and really gross.
Something that is dormant, but does not sleep. One of those Zantosa house gross antedeluvians?
I forgot about the raven feathers.
Lmao Wynn keeps forgetting she is an archon now and people respect her.😂
Red death?? 😂 I'm sorry, it's judt so funny that they get to pick their own names and they pick them like they're edgy 13 year old gamer boys.
Why the fuck would they go to hell house?!?
Wynn just casually throwing out weird ass occult names.
Wow. Justicar Lucinde being well not kind but practical, giving guidance and not being unnecessarily cruel. I didn't think she had it in her.
Wynn is a necromancer??? I feel so stupid, how did I not know this? Or is this Wynn's ghost stuff?
NO!!! Noooooooooo!!!! Lex, don't do it!!! Not the bloodbond 3 please! 🙏😭
Fucking lady lucinde farquad.
Fuck the camarilla.
What??? It's still the same fucking night???? These nights are endless!!!! But I'm relieved! There still is a chance. 😭
The masquerade is failing in new York where they are fighting and diablerising in the streets? Oh no. Who could have for seen this unlikely turn of events...
Lol pendragon being scared of getting diablerised.😂
I know Wynn hates this, but it sounds like she's doing a good job at being an archon. Fighting ghost stuff and being a badass is kind of her thing.
The sabbat doing their weird fire ritual stuff? Yuk.
Serpentine? Is he a settite??
A nun? FLAYED OFF FACE???? what the fuck. 😭 (the painted bone with flowers and stuff is kind of cool, but very gross)
Well I guess this explains the desecration of graves cw.
Archon Cabot. Sounds kind of hot, sorry not sorry. 🤷 Wynn having someone reach out to keep the coterie updated is much appreciated.
I totally forgot they hadn't talked about the ritual yet. 😂
Zofiel is being channeled by Pendragon??? This sounds like the worst idea I've ever heard.😂
So either Zofiel has taken over Pendragon, or Pendragon is fleeing diablerie?? Either way he is facing some deserved consequences of his own actions. 😂😂
Britta tiny voice: I stepped into the circle and kissed him. Lmao
Johnny is cracking me up this episode. First with the phone and now with the mirror and Britta. He doesn't give a shit.
Johnny 😂😂 gping full dad! 😂😂😂 So angry, yelling he's turning this combat suv around.
Miles just so tired and annoyed, and no one is listening to him.
Lil baby Neil needs Wynn with him. 🥺 I grt yiu baby Neil, I also need powerful Wynn with me to protect me with her claws of doom!
13 levels of damage? That seems like a lot???
So if corpses are running around eating people, I'm assuming the masquerade is also breached in new haven?
No not Rufio and his dogs 😂😂 I know this is all super serious but I cannot take anything seriously when they are around.
Wait why do they need to heal? Am I forgetting something?
Not me thinking my phone broke but it is just sound editing week of nightmares effect. 😂😂
Also yaaay Wynn!!!! Is this part of Neil's new power he got for ascending?? Dope af.
Oh no. Lex saying Miles, Miles Miles Miles in that specific tone cannot be good.
Zofiel? He sounds kind of scared or smth? Wheres your fucking power when we need it?
He's hitting Rufio with his sword and it's like killing a child, he's just a teenager pretending to be a badass but he's actually just got 3 down hairs on his lip and doesn't know how to properly smoke.
Tim rolling a lot of dice! Yay!
Wow sword bisected and torpored though, nice job Miles. That sword is badass.
Whoooo baby, Johnny omg. You're so badass. I need to fan myself like Al middle aged Southern woman on a hot day.
We can say all we want about Neil, he might not be the raw damage dealer that the others are, but he got Wynn here, and his hiding stuff is clutch!! Also I know it's been a while but remember when he made it easier for Johnny to resist frenzying for like 3 months. That was clutch! (I know there's no point in me defending Neil here, we all love him, I'm preaching to the choir)
Oh no. Lex is letting them have freebies, I don't trust it. Bad stuff is coming. If not this fight then the next one.
Weeping bear???? Wtf. I'm almost there on my relisten too. 😂
Beserker merit? Reduce by 3??!!!?? Holy freaking fuck. That is so good!!!
Ohhh we're basically getting canary mode? Damn. So cool.
The blood is so bad it hurts the special armour? That's not Good.
The bullets are consumed by an en tropic field??? They're just freaking dusted like in endgame? Damn that is not great.
He feels sick??? No! Not my baby sweating!!! Hell have to throw away that suit!!!! 😔
They fight so well together now! Like it's almost instinctual. Love that for them, hopefully it will keep them alive.
I feel like I don't know enough about combat and vtm lore to know how bad this fight is. Because honestly it doesn't seem that bad, they keep killing folks, they're all laughing and it doesn't sound like the panicked hysterical laughter yet (I could be wrong though) but then we have them running and throwing dead bodies at a nun with an entropy shield, and that sounds very bad??
Okay that is a lie, I know it has to be bad, but the vibe isn't that bad!!
That no did sound very panicked. And bone rafting has to be bad right??? Isn't that what Vito did??
Fuck yeah Wynn!!!!
They were all so good!!! 😍😍😍 (Neil did his best, you guys!)
Lmaooo I clearly didn't understand how bad this fight was until the after credit scene. 😂😂😂 Holy hell!!! "Are you touching your weapon to her?!?" it would just be gone??? That's crazy! He hardly got to swing it at all!!!
I know he's going into torpor within 24 hours but it feels like a fair trade.
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tadpolesonalgae · 8 months
"Breath after breath, one foot in front of the other. No footsteps to follow after.
Pushing forward on your own. Seeking what you want.
Gold and pearl hanging heavy from your lobes.
Too heavy."
YAYYY. But how is girlie going to pay for whatever she gets from that stall? 😭
(Oh also one point i wanted to bring up was, shouldn't the reader be getting a sum of money from rhys? Like idk but it was mentioned how they would give money to the archeon sisters monthly for their expenses or something like that)
So happy she's having self realizations 👯👯
Nah but eris, so secretive 🥴 the book that he gave reader and now this box..hmmm the reader really needs to just sit down one day and search what was hidden in the book.
Ughh this chapterr has to be my new favorite!! So good, so many new speculations ugh., honestly in that corridor I thought we'd see azriel because the fortnight ended right? Ooo also yknow what would be fun is when readers one week of staying at baz's house we see an az pov of like going to his house or something!
HEHEH I'm giggle throughout this chapter I lovee <33
Also i don't think id be changing my emoji, I like this happy accident 😋
Thank you for your yummy writing (girl dinner? on monday though, the rhys fic is going to be my girl FEAST💀)
Take care! Drink kots of waterrr<33🧍
‘YAYYY. But how is girlie going to pay for whatever she gets from that stall? 😭’
I think some people might be split on how she chooses to pay 😶
‘(Oh also one point i wanted to bring up was, shouldn't the reader be getting a sum of money from rhys? Like idk but it was mentioned how they would give money to the archeon sisters monthly for their expenses or something like that)’
So I don’t actually remember this but I’m pretty sure you’re right? I feel like now you’ve mentioned it, that it did happen but I’d completely forgotten it was actually stated in the books that they are set up to be taken care of in those initial weeks after going into the cauldron?
Either way, after having been living in pretty severe poverty for so long, reader I think quite simply forgets you can get things because you want them? If she doesn’t need it she won’t get it, hence almost all of her books being from the library where they’re just borrowed :)
‘So happy she's having self realizations 👯👯’
Kind of sad it took her being faced with death for her to realise she does want to live, but hey, baby steps right? Hopefully she’ll keep it up and won’t fall flat, right? 👀
‘Nah but eris, so secretive 🥴 the book that he gave reader and now this box..hmmm the reader really needs to just sit down one day and search what was hidden in the book.’
He’s such an asshole 🤦 but yes, very strange 🤔
The box is going to come up in the next chapter, scarily 😕 (my shivers are timbered at the thought of progression)
‘Ughh this chapterr has to be my new favorite!! So good, so many new speculations ugh.,’
I’m so happy you liked it!! I thought it would be nice to give her a moment to breathe (ignoring all the pain her magic causes) and get away from Velaris for a little to see some more of the world she’s now part of :)
‘Ooo also yknow what would be fun is when readers one week of staying at baz's house we see an az pov of like going to his house or something!’
I hope it’ll be interesting to see what Bas does, whether he will actually lie to keep her secret, or whether he’ll feel it’s his duty to at least show his respect for the people who’ve kept Velaris safe by not lying to their faces 🤷
Also what Az’ll do once he inevitably figures she’s not there 😬
‘Thank you for your yummy writing (girl dinner? on monday though, the rhys fic is going to be my girl FEAST💀)’
You’re welcome! I’m really so happy you enjoyed reading it even though it’s been a while since the last chapter!! 🧡💛
I’m still scared for the Rhys thing because now I feel like I’ve talked about it too much, and I don’t want to give anyone high expectations and then disappoint 😭
Pls go into it expecting it to be absolutely awful so it’ll be okay 🫣😭 ‘Expect the worst and you’ll never be disappointed’ and all that 🫡😶‍🌫️🧡💛
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He's a biter, you know.
details and un-shaded version (and also lineart version) under the cut:
I meant to draw this for peterfel week and made the sketch in like, literally February but didn't get around to finally finishing it until now… lol… well it's done now!!!
i dunno if i love how the dark shaded version turned out...
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These are my base colors, but I guess I just felt like spending a couple hours with color overlays and fucking around to make the final moody blue version lol
as an aside the bokeh is a brush by Bunabi/Eriart which you can find as a freebie on her patreon - i saw it and was like omg wait i could use that
...the buildings are also brushes (well the windows are)
anyway here's the lineart
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I also used a chain brush of course cause I ain't fuckin drawin all of that lmao —I used a brush from this set, they're pretty nice
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😻 there she is oh i also used a diamond stamp 😂 the lesson to learn about me is if i can use a brush for something that would otherwise be tedious and it looks decent i will because i am lazy. unless i only have like a Single instance then I'll usually just draw it but when I have more than one it's either brushes or copy pasting lol
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Felicia's outfit is a mix of sources, inspired by both her original costume, with the furry chest (in this case unzippable) as well as obviously more modern sexy latex outfits and so on... but i did NOT give her cleavage to her bellybutton cause I think that's dumb. though. to be fair in this case it would be more justifiable 😂
i love drawing her long long hair (angel medina's fault tbh) (sensational spider-man my beloved...)
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rawr 😼
he's trying very hard not to laugh 😂 but he's into it, he's having fun
the muzzle ended up being like multiple designs from photo refs mashed into one so idk... how realistic it is other than the nose-forehead piece which was the same on both my refs. admittedly it looks a little loose but 🤷 still looks nice 😏
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claws 😏
I also drew Peter in the classic suit, which I don't normally do, but I was doing more of the comic book look here instead of my own AUs and so on lol
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he broke the cuffs so he could touch her butt 🙄 god peter don't you know how much real leather BDSM gear costs (don't tell him)
this new pen tablet is a lot of fun, it's way more comfortable to draw on and the increased pressure sensitivity makes it a lot easier to draw my favorite thing to draw: peter's arm hair 😂😂
the only weird thing is if I press down medium or harder while I'm drawing it... creaks? which is very funny, my old pen did not do that. it really is weirdly like using a felt tip pen or a very fine point marker. except it's plastic.
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shoes. it may be classic style but I can never resist giving Peter sporty soles lol I know some people hate that but I just think it looks nice and I can handwave the sticking away as electrostatic forces or something. negative charge. electron transfer. blah blah blah. (in my AU i decided Peter has both electrostatic sticking that encompasses his whole body and ALSO adhesive secretions so if he gets his hands and feet bare i guess he has double the sticking power lol)
shaded versions just cause
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i really like drawing latex lol
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also if you're wondering why i didn't give peter a boner to match his red face well i have an out and it's that long ago i decided he wears a dance belt under the costume so as not to inflict the outline of his dick and balls on the people of NYC on a daily basis, and dance belts are first of all designed as mentioned to smooth out and hide that outline but also you wear them with everything pointing north and the waistband is like 5 inches wide so i don't think he has to worry about his little buddy escaping LOL (though I'm sure it's possible it would be more visible... i didn't bother trying to google it lol)
really i just didn't feel like trying to draw a boner 😂
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 2 years
After getting sick with a stomach ache on Saturday, getting distracted / lost track of time on Sunday night, and finally getting to play Pokémon Scarlet with my brother (who got Violet) on Monday, which me and my brother have been playing non stop in our free time for past few days... 😵
I have FINALLY watched Spy X Family episode 20...!! 😤 And here's my thoughts:
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I really enjoyed it...!! 😁
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Saturday's episode covered Mission 29 and did some more anime only stuff, which I very much appreciate...! 😄 In fact, one of my favorite parts of the episode was when Yor imagines taking Anya to her assassin job! 😁
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Now I a ready enjoyed this part in manga, but I think that the anime made it EVEN BETTER!! 😆 And though they censored the blood and gore...:
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It was still so fun to watch!! 😁
There was one thing that I preferred in the manga over the anime, though... And that was THIS FACE that Anya made:
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I mean, they're pretty much the same face... But, I just prefer how the one in the manga looks...! 😌
But, I have to say... THIS FACE was definitely captured PERFECTLY in the anime: 👌
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And though this isn't a change in the anime, I wanted to share a change from the manga!
You see, when Mission 29 first released digitally, the woman in the pictures below (whose name I won't reveal) looked completely different...
As you can see, in the first version: Both of her eyes are shown, her top button was undone, she had no earings, and her head looked a lot more narrow... While in the official volume release, she looks the way she does now...!:
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Apparently, Tatsuya Endo (the creator of Spy X Family) had a really hard time designing her, but knew that he wanted her to have short, light-colored hair...! 😄 Pretty neat, right...? 👌
Anyway, on to the anime part of the episode:
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I loved seeing Anya give everyone a secret code, especially to Damian and Franky (their parts were my favorite...!!) 😂 Everything about this half of the episode was such a nice addition to the series as whole... 😊
And those were my thoughts on episode 20! Sorry it took so long...! 😅 I will say that I am quite intrigued by the next up in coming episode of the anime... Mainly because it looks as though they're adding another anime only part (which I'm usually fine with), but honestly... I don't know how to feel about that just yet... 🤷
Anyway, I'll see you all in a few days for the anime, and then the manga...! 😊 PEACE! ✌
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allforafro · 1 year
I decided to post my opinion on season 1-2 and my opinions on characters in order to best understand my future opinions (mainly because my thought process is a little weird sometimes)
I apologize in advance for my English but for some reason I was very tired of writing this text 😅
For @heroes-trash who is interested in my opinions
Actually, it was my second time watching heroes, but I didn't remember much of it, so it felt like I was watching it for the first time
Without further ado, let's get to the point
First of all, number of episodes was perfect, plot was well thought out and I didn't have the impression that the episode duration was misused. The pace of story was balanced, it kept you in suspense until you wanted to watch it over and over again, characters were nicely presented and interesting. humor was funny. In short, it was pleasant to watch
Knowing that the second season only has 11 episodes, while watching the series I couldn't help but feel that this season was too short. The pace was similar to the first season, which meant that all the storylines ended too quickly, often resulting in poor execution of their endings. But I can confidently say that I also liked season 2. The newly introduced characters were fine, and the old ones had interesting stories (well, maybe apart from Niki and DL, I didn't like their storyline and I had the impression that the scriptwriters had no idea for Niki). It would be nice to see the original idea for the 2nd season of Heroes, but I fully understand the circumstances that existed then and the decision that was made.
Now let's move on to saying what I think about characters
Peter Petrelli - I love Peter. His empathy, positive attitude but also sarcasm created an interesting character. How he grew into the role of a hero was well written, and Milo was sweet and sexy. I liked how Peter interacted with others and his relationships with those closest to him were always enjoyable to watch.
Claire Bennet - I like that Claire is not your typical blonde cheerleader, she is smart. She doesn't step out of line and tries to be an ordinary teenager despite her abilities. It didn't irritate me, I was afraid of it because it often happens to teenagers on TV, they are just irritating and that's all. I liked her friendship with zach and her romance with west in season 2 was ok
Mohinder Suresh - (I know it has nothing to do with my opinion about mo, but in the suggested words after suresh word montana appears 🤷)
Mohinder is quite an attractive, I mean nice person (until he's not). It's quite nice that one of the main characters has no abilities, he's a bit like us (who sometimes didn't want to wake up in a world where super powers exist). It was a bit unexpected for me that Mohinder shot Bennet, but I wouldn't say it was out of character
Nathan Petrelli - I have a very complicated relationship with Nathan, sometimes I like him and sometimes I want to punch him in the face. However, his love for Peter makes me unable to cross him out off completely. I really liked his storyline in season 2. However, despite all this development, I have a feeling that Nathan may make a decision that will make me really punch him in the face
Noah Bennet - my favorite character so far. I liked that his love for his daughter made him decide to stop looking away from the immoral activities of the company he worked for. To such an extent that in season 2 he decided to break it from the inside, even if his reason is selfish, it's good that he decided to destroy it
Matt Parkman - whenever Matt appeared in season 1 I felt sorry for him, man he really tries. When at the end of the 1st season it seemed that everything would be fine, in the 2nd season everything went wrong (well, not everything, his relationship with Molly is sweet, I like his friendship with Mohinder) I felt like I was watching some fanfiction adaptation of the type x years after the end of the series, everything it's bad
Hiro Nakamura - I love hiro, his and ando's adventures from season 1 were one of my favorite threads in the series. His relationship with Charlie was bittersweet 😭. The plot of season 2 was interesting, I liked that it was Hiro who influenced Takezo Kensei to become a great hero from the legend his father read to him
Ando Masahashi - I liked that despite his lack of power and initial skepticism, ando ended up being a good balance to hiro. He controlled Hiro and made sure that his desire to save the world did not end with Hiro's death. He encouraged him and motivated him. His crush on hiro sister is cute
Niki Sanders - it's an interesting idea that an abused girl gains a second, strong personality after her ability manifests (I hope I didn't offend anyone with the way I wrote this sentence) when it turned out that Jessica was the one who framed dl, I thought it was crazy but Interesting. The part about Niki wanting to get rid of her powers was the most interesting part of her plot in season 2, I didn't like the rest
DL Hawkins - at the beginning when it seemed that his story would be; he is black, turned out to be a criminal and is in prison - boring. Fortunately, this was not the case. DL gained even more in my eyes when he tried not only to complain but to be a good father and husband
Micah Sanders - I like that Micah was well written as a genius - I have to be strong to help my mom - I'm just a kid. Genius kids on TV are often annoying, but luckily Micah is not like that
Isaac Mendez - I really liked Isaac, it's a pity they had to kill him. His development from a junkie who paints the future to a hero was good
Simone Deveaux - the isaac - simone - peter triangle is one of the few triangles that didn't piss me off, it was so well written that I didn't know who I wanted Simone to end up with. And then they killed her why. Okay, her death was important in development of Isaac and Peter's characters, so I forgive them
Angela Petrelli - I don't know what to say but I like her. I liked that Angela started in the pilot as an inconspicuous woman and then it turned out that she was more important, and what's more, she still leads intrigues.
Molly Walker - she's sweet. I'm glad that she's trying to be strong despite adversities, too many bad things have happened to her, leave her alone, she's just a child. And Molly, Mohinder and Matt make a lovely family together
Sylar - I've always had a soft spot for people with power to steal/copy other people's abilities, so Sylar is high on my list of favorite. When I saw Gabriel Gray for the first time in the episode Six Months Before, I had deja vu, I was wondering who he reminded me of, until it suddenly dawned on me that he reminded me of Jeremiah Valeska from Gotham. They dress quite similarly, they both have glasses, hair combed to one side and wear a suit and a sweater (or whatever it is, sorry but I don't know anything about men's clothes), they are insecure and end up as villains (I hope I didn't ruin the viewing experience for anyone with this spoiler) This is another reason why I like sylar
Maya/Alejandro Herrera - of the two, I liked Alejandro more. Maya is nice and I actually like her too, but her naivety irritated me
Monica Dawson - nice and positive character. The duo monica and micha was great
Elle Bishop - I absolutely love her, my favorite female character. A crazy but tragic character. I can't wait to see what the next season will show
Adam Monroe - great idea that Takezo Kensei started as a drunk and a cheater, with Hiro's help he became a hero and ended up as a villain. I really liked him (crosses fingers hoping he'll show up again) his alliance with peter, or rather how he framed him, was great. He wanted to release a deadly virus so that humanity would be reborn again through extermination - crazy, but I appreciate the creativity
I guess that's everyone, let me know if I missed anyone and you would like to know my opinion about this character
Ps: it's a pity that there was no lizard!mohinder this season, lizards are cute
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pstelwitchcraft · 2 years
Critical Role - C3EP52 (After the break)
We're back with more Sending fails!
F.r.i.d.a looks so cool i love themmm
Also the kids are starting to get strong i love it
Feels like yesterday when imogen had like, 10 hit points
Also this is absolutely the leylines being fucked
Something happened and magic everywhere is going heywire
I'm now convinced the exaltants are being "awakened" to be Predathos' army and it's all gonna go balls to the wall
Imogen has to be this campaign's double agent right? They're absolutely gonna have to fight her at some point and it's gonna wreck me
Now that I think about it does it mean they'll have to fight fearne too??? 😳
i'm getting vibes from imogen and f.r.i.d.a and i don't hate it? 👀
Exandria's Greatest Bake-Off: Pike Trickfoot vs. FCG and their easy-bake oven
Ooooo fearne has pass without a trace now? Thank God
Once again i got sad we won't see marisha, liam and tal tonight 😔 hope we have robbie with them tho, maybe even more people from EXU?? I hope we get to see Opal!
Chetney still struggling 😅
I don't know Dustel but I f*cking hate him 🤬
Chetney backstory finally!
Don't get me wrong I'm very excited but I knew it was gonna be some bullshit 🤣
Travis is NOT here for anything serious this campaign AT ALL
He "kneecaped" someone?????
Aabria somehow has great chemistry with everybody she ever roleplays with it's the Iyengar effect istg
That little talk with chet was so cute
And then... fearne tells deanna he has horrible diarrhea
They keep making it worse 😅
This IS indeed a wild group to meet out of nowhere
"Be nice to us, we're trying our best" 🤣 they're so stupid but I love them sm 💖
This is probably the most vulnerable and reasonable FCG has been all campaign for real
I don't think the real problem here is whether or not the gods are good, it's whether or not the Godeater is good, and even before we worry about that, it's about whether or not its gonna wreck everything and everyone in it's path to the Gods
Imogen herself is most likely gonna die for whatever this whole thing is if they let it happen
Like are we really willing to do all this shit and possibly extinguish all life on Exandria when you could like... not worship the Gods? It's not like they're forced to or smtg
Wait. WAIT. So if Ruidus is wherever (whenever?) the other half of the group is and it's NOT in Exandria anymore there are really only two possibilities for where the others are: back in time or in another realm and both are big problems for us
Matt please let my babies see each other I'm getting sad rn
Oh shiiiiiit this is a big big mess yall 😳
So ruidus is in exandria it just doesn't move?? So the others are actually still in Marquet then
It's the Reilora 😱 this is baaad
Yup, they're already trying to pull her to the dark side. This is gonna be a mess. I'm preemptively so upset for how much this is going to hurt.
I have a feeling this is how they really got to Liliana and all those people. Whatever Predathos is, it has some sort of pull on people that makes them want to give into it, specially the ruidusborn and even more specially the exaltants.
Do not listen to the robot right now
Laudna would be slapping yall in the face for even SUGGESTING IT
Do NOT let Imogen go into the freaking alien godeater hivemind or so help me GOD
See? This is why I get worried when they're separated they're like each other's emotional support pet, two days and Imogen is already considering going into the damn light
This scene with f.r.i.d.a is giving that scene from twilight without the homoerotic undressing
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Why, why would he go to chetney alone like that?? He has almost taken half the party once this is BAD!
Tho we know robot boy is a heavy hitter so I guess it could go either way🤷
This is the only place where we can get heartfelt, beautiful monologues about the meaning of death and life and morning toot in the same episode and that's why I love this show
This fight is giving one of those old chihuahuas that keep snapping at your ankles but that has for some reason taken a burning passion rage against your robot vacuum
Also you can't convince me a dog wouldn't absolutely hate this thing
It would just feel like a threat, this weird human that isn't human and it can mimick stuff but also it sounds weird? My dogs would go NUTS
Listen. I'll be a chetney apologist for this one. I'm a wildlife veterinarian and animal behaviorist and idk where dude thought he was gonna get off approaching a wolf like that, or honestly approaching him alone at all
Surprising he survived all this time in wildemont tbh but I'll give him a pass bc it's is D&D
Love that Deanna is so horrified by them when this is not even the full party 😅 like, ma'am we're missing- *checks notes* one tree/cadaver/goo person, a magic rock rainbow sparkle barbarian and a 4ft tall widowed ballerina that is prob covered in monster blood as we speak 😀
Final thoughts:
Overall I loved this one, it was light and fun and everything I needed after all the stress from the last few weeks
I also enjoyed the split party dynamic more than I thought it would and I am hopeful it's gonna lead to some good things in the long run
It's a bold move ngl. One of the quintessential, funnest things about D&D parties is the found family, the unity of it all, it's seeing them spend time with each other and develop different dynamics, games, inside jokes
In any other situation it might alienate party members from each other and make it not feel as cohesive, maybe even jeopardize the forming of a tight bond.
But with Bell's Hells we have such close pairings that this almost feels like it has to be done
Fearne and Orym, FCG and Ashton, Laudna and Imogen are all pairings that came together and rely deeply on each other, to the point where it felt a little stiffening to the other members of the group bc these people very rarely sought deeper companionship and support from anyone other than their initial pairing
Also we can get a closer look at Chetney's backstory and hopefully Ashton's next episode when I'm hoping we'll see how the others are doing
I also was hoping there would be some time fuckery or realm travel and still kind of am, but it's sounding like the other half of the Hells were still in Marquet by the end of 52
If they are still in close proximity to the beam it's going to be a mess and I have no idea what to expect but chaos, specially since they can't call the others and I'm guessing shit is going DOWN over there
If they are indeed in the shadowfell, close to the key that Beau and Caleb tried to take down, I wonder if they could go after that connection and weaken whatever they are doing to Ruidus, hopefully even sever that connection completely.
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running-in-the-dark · 2 years
😬 my mother had a bunch of old video cassettes with home videos from the 90s in her basement, so we asked my father-in-law to digitise them for us (he does that type of thing all the time anyway)
I've had the hard drive he gave me with all of the files for months but I've been too scared to look at them
I just watched a couple of them annnnd oh fuck it's all so weird
I'm 6 and a half in the ones I'm watching right now and I have no memory at all of my life ever being like that. I don't remember the way our house looked, any of the furniture, what my parents or brothers looked like back then, just none of it.
the weirdest part is seeing my grandma 😭 she died when I was 12, I haven't heard her voice since then and I've only seen maybe a handful of photos. I have no visual imagination/memory and can barely imagine sound so it's honestly like hearing and seeing her for the first time 😭 I didn't recognise her voice at all, and her face is so different too 😭 she even had an accent that I didn't remember at all
it's also pretty weird because I've gone through one and a half hours of footage already, and I only just showed up for the first time, and haven't said a word so far (and no one has said anything to me either). I just look terrified?? I don't look comfortable at all. my brothers are running around and playing and being loud. I'm just sitting there quietly.
and of course there's birth videos just in the middle of all the other normal ones. thank you for that, mother. I had already seen those (she made me watch them when I was little), so, but I'd still rather not see that.
oh wow I just said something for the first time, my voice was super weird (and incredibly quiet). and I still just look really scared. every time I say something someone interrupts me and I stop talking 😭
damn I really shouldn't watch these (but now I kinda need to). though.. it's pretty interesting that I've always been told I was very bossy and rough and all of that when I was little (at least at home. I wouldn't talk anywhere else). but I don't know... from what I've seen so far, it's just that I eventually got angry when no one paid any attention to me. my brother got to do everything he wanted and when I asked to do something no one listened, so then I got a bit loud and upset. apparently that's what they meant. when my brother acted the exact same way they reacted like it was adorable... he's loud the entire time and they laugh about it, then I try to say something and they tell me to stop being so loud. nice.
also it's pretty weird that I spent a lot of time worrying about things (and my baby brother) being or getting dirty. it's really weird that no one ever thought that was maybe not great (like, I was really upset about it. soo I could have gotten help with that like 25 years ago but nope it's totally fine I guess 🙃).
oh wow apparently they recorded over footage of me and my brother. I was wondering why there was nothing before my youngest brother was born. cool, that's nice, who cares about those boring old kids when there's a new one 🤷 (I'm partly joking, but it does kind of suck that apparently there's only two minutes of footage of me before I was 6... and literal hours of my baby brother 🙃)
(also babies are gross, I'm sorry, I do not like them)
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kovajean · 1 year
thots on omegaverse? 👀 also: when and how did you get into CK/KK? whose your favourite character? ships?
I used to be really big into Omegaverse when I was younger and then I kind of just lost interest. Funnily enough the most recent omegaverse fic I’ve read (as well as the only one I’ve read in years) was a LaKreese one. Which I have reread quite a bit.
How did I get into Karate Kid? So…Funny story…I watched KK1 when I was maybe 10? I liked it a normal amount at the time, but the only character I cared about was Johnny, somehow.
Then for my 12th (13th?) birthday I made my whole family sit down and watch KK1 with me. The second rewatch made me like Daniel along with Johnny instead of just Johnny. But I still cared more about Johnny.
Then skip to my Senior year’s spring break. I saw stuff about Cobra Kai in my feed and was like “Yo, this show’s about Johnny! That’s definitely for me!” But my mother, who has seen it, told me that it references all three movies. And I’m like shit, there are sequels? Anyways so I’m like well I have to watch the sequels in order to watch Cobra Kai. So I sit down and force my mom to watch the sequels with me because she hadn’t seen them either.
KK2 is fine. Admittedly I skipped a bit of it because I thought it was boring lol. Err…even though at this era I didn’t like Kreese (yet), the most notable thing about KK2 for me was that Kreese looked hot in the only scene he was in and I think about it a lot. The practically cropped jacket is nice. I don’t want to talk about it anymore
KK3 is weird. Who is this guy and why does he look like the main guy from Kickin’ It with a ponytail. (Which I decided before seeing Silver’s face. My mistake. He looks absolutely nothing like him in the long run.) This movie is OK, this movie is OK, Yo…Daniel is kind of (literally me). This is the moment I realized how much I related to Daniel. Then he became my favorite. By this point I didn’t care about Johnny anymore. It kind of dissipated.
As embarrassing as it is, I didn’t actually like KK3 until a very specific scene. And this scene is also what spurred my Silverusso interest. It’s the scene where he’s stretching Daniel’s leg on the floor. Sometimes I wonder how it ever passed censorship 🤷
After that I rewatched KK3 on loop for like a week and then I listened to Silver’s theme on loop and made my ex-boyfriend watch the movie with me and yada yada yada here I am.
Favorite characters? Easy. Daniel, Silver, Kreese, Chozen, Mike, Kumiko, Jessica. Daniel’s my ride or die forever.
CK favorite characters include all of the above along with Miguel, Tory, Hawk, Devon, Kenny, Kyler, Louie, Vanessa, Anoush, and Sensei Kim. Big Sensei Kim fan.
Favorite ships is easy because I ship Daniel with everyone. Like, everyone. If you ask me about Daniel/A character that exists in canon I’ll probably tell you that I ship it. Other than Daniel ships I’m a big fan of Sam/Tory, Hawk/Demetri, Hawk/Robby, and a low-key fan of Kreese/Silver. Carmen/Amanda and Anoush/Amanda also make me happy for some reason.
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halfbakedideas · 3 months
eden watches ‘the empire of death’
spoilers ahead for s1/s14/s40e8…
“do you believe in the power of prayer?” wot.
something’s wrong with the tardis — uh. its interior is odd.
“memory is a time machine” ooooo.
how can this tardis be made because ruby remembering it. its interior looks like an almagation of so many doctors’ tardises but ruby’s only seen 15’s??
sutekh’s been here for how long??
“i damn you in the name of life itself.” 15
15, babes, you aren’t the last of the time lords. 14 is still somewhere around here, aren’t they?
not gonna lie, i like the way this tardis looks. might be an unpopular opinion.
oh it’s so janky lol.
“is this thing safe?”
“absolute death trap.” fucking love that.
73 yards.?!?!?
“funny things happen at 73 yards.” HELLO.
australia???!?!? noooo leave my country outta this.
i’m kinda hoping that this mixed tardis interior sticks around, even though it probably won’t.
“it’s been a very very long time.” 🤨🤔
“i think this was the city of, it began with a ‘b’” BRISBANE MENTION???? :D …maybe?…
“i supposed you do have a very nice face.” girl wtf.
oooo a spoon.
“i swear to you with a spoon.”
ooh it’s the crystals from 13’s tardis, in mini form.
the prime minister from 73 yards. oh.
this is the most complicated trail/process ever to get to the answer of who’s ruby’s mum.
why did ruby and the doctor change their clothes???
“don’t worry about me.” bullshit. absolutely worry about mel.
it’s snowing.
oh no 15!! D:
ha! take that. intelligent rope to the rescue.
tardis go yeet.
sutekh’s being dragged about like a rag doll.
“what happens if you bring death to death?” it’s ‘negative plus negative equal positive’ all over again.
oooh planet holograms. ood sphere!!!
nvm i was wrong about the whole city that started with a ‘b’ thing.
kate stewart, god of recruiting people into unit. (/j)
oh ruby’s mum really is just a regular, ordinary lady. wasn’t expecting that. i was clowning for ruby being 13’s daughter but 🤷
“she’s important, because we think she’s important. that’s how everything happens.” damn.
oh this is so lovely, but so awkward for me to watch. happy for runy tho.
15’s back in his clothes from the start of the season, hmmm.
“i’m sorry.”
“don’t be sorry.” ruby’s not gonna keep travelling with him, is she?
“and now ruby sunday, goodbye.” 😭 😭 😭
good stars, this is the most cinematic sounding music i’ve ever heard.
uhhh. creepy-sounding voiceover?? who the fuck is this. oh.
wdym i have to wait till christmas/next year 😔
overall, i rather enjoyed this episode. although the pacing felt a little odd, but it has all season so that’s not anything new. really, really liked the almagation tardis thing. but i’m very sad ruby’s season is over already. and this episode really cemented for me how good ncuti gatwa is as the doctor.
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goodwomanbadlady · 7 months
I just had a coffee fueled dream. I call them coffee dreams because when you're so exhausted that you fall asleep after a coffee, you have weird dreams. But this one, despite being benign and somewhat comforting takes a turn for disturbing just a bit before I got a phone call that woke me up. Okay so,
I'm in this fancy gorgeous house with huge windows and beautiful staircases, but it's been remodeled from a house that maybe wasn't so nice. Something more akin to a house I might have actually lived in. I go to take a shower (idk why, do I??) and I can't find it, so this little girl shows me where the bathroom is. She's a great kid, but a little too wise for her apparent age, ya know? I can't find the correct light switch and I don't want her to leave me there in the dark so I flip all the old looking ones and no, So I flip all the new ones I see and nope and finally she shows me the new flat ones on the wall behind me that I'd somehow missed. But they don't work either and now I start really looking around this huge bathroom for a light. There's a weird little kitchen-like cabinet over behind the giant shower on the wall and for some reason I checked in there and when I'm closing the cabinet door, I look up and light switch is a cord hanging from the fixture as though the light had a ceiling fan, but it doesn't.
So I turn it on and suddenly I see the exquisite antiques they're using (in the bathroom?? Idk it was a dream.🤷)
and start recommending things like "use those drawers for your clothing so you don't end up stuck after your shower without clean clothes."
The scene changes and I'm standing in a parking lot with Aziraphale and Crowley as they're arguing about something I'm uninvolved in. They both tell me to drive the car. I'm nervous but is Anyone really going to tell them no? So I get in the driver's seat and look over and Aziraphale is making himself comfortable and Crowley is in the back. (ikr, wtaf? But it felt completely normal right then.) There are now kids in the back but it's as though Crowley is taking care of them and someone told me not to worry and so I didn't. I put the car in reverse to back out of the space and turn my shoulder to make sure it's clear. The car had somehow gotten attached to the bumper of the car in the facing parking space (likely when someone slid into the space at speed, but that's purely speculation) so when I backed up, it dragged that car, a motorcycle, and the car beside it all together and I immediately stopped.
I looked over at Aziraphale and realized he had no miracles. I also realized from the look on his face that the vehicle damage at any rate wasn't as uncommon as Crowley liked to pretend. So I looked back at Crowley and asked if he was going to do anything. I could hear sirens approaching. The cops were coming. (I'm American. This is a scary thing regardless of any wrong doing.) He didn't want to attract attention so he got on his phone to handle it the human way. I panicked because what?!
Scene changes. Crowley and Aziraphale now need to escape something bigger than a simple car situation. The kids are gone. There is no car. We are all standing on the side of a sparsely dotted country highway. I have seen many like it IRL and dream of them as a scene setting regularly so not that awkward, but I digress. There are a few houses and down the road, just visible, is a very small rural community. Think a small shopping center and across the way a lawyers and a bank or something. They excuse themselves and head over to the small shopping center. One assumes to appropriate a vehicle, but either way they're leaving. Okay, so I started walking just a foot or two off the side of the road. A group of kids that appear to be tweens to early 20s are off in the background. As I set off with my determined stride, they approach in a staggered group. The tweens ask me where I'm going. I'm leaving I reply. They don't want me to and warn me of the danger for people our age to be seen in public. (Apparently I still dream as though I was a younger person. Ah, but to dream.) It comes to me that there is a draft and our government is collecting people. Anyone who appears young and isn't enlisted could be picked up and horrible things would happen to them. They're right to warn me to stay out of sight, but I don't listen. I pick up a cat that has just walked past my feet and cuddle it close to me as I trudge away. The kids are angry but allow me to leave. As I approach the businesses on that side of the road, there is a company of soldiers doing community service. They are filling in trenches with soil. One of the girls makes glancing eye contact with me and looks away as I step directly on the dirt area they are filling. It's not malicious. It was just the next step in my stride.
My phone rings and it is over.
Now, just a coffee dream, right? Nbd. They're always weird. But the three things that stuck with me heavily after I woke up were that I was in a room in my Father's house, Crowley and Aziraphale were in the dream as a bit of humor, and then there was a draft. The shiver of fear that runs through me at the thought of the draft is not natural. It feels almost dystopian. I'm kinda glad my phone rang.
I suppose I could have actually written this up as a story, but the dream element would have been lost and it's harder to explain the erratic behavior/ scene changes/ knowing that comes in dreams.
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drunkjaked · 3 years
i was constructing a very well needed thought process 💭 while reading wide awake so this will be long T^T imsosorry bare with me !!!!!
"Sunghoon ordering for her in restaurants, constantly touching her when they’re out together, and standing over her if there’s only room for one of them to sit." ohmygod sunghoon and non sexual dominance i want 2 cry >__<
"Her sudden confession makes him join her in her fit of giggles, foreheads meeting again." stop this is so sweet n fluffy n i think i Cant do this rn :(
"he thinks he might pass out when she grazes his wet tip with her index finger. Thinks he might die when she brings it to her lips for a taste." im so sorry omg this made me think too deeply abt giving sunghoon head :( definitely is the prettiest boy in the world and throws his head back when it feels too good :(( whimpers too!!! i am in pain 💔 )PLEASE RIGHT AFTER THIS I GO ON AND SUNGHOON AND FINGER SUCKING???!! the look that would paint his face from just watching you sucking and slobbering on his fingers( pain pain 💔💔
“Keep your eyes open if you want to finish.” crying ... id Cry . why is he so mean my mind is running wild !!!!! i cant function rn i cant believe you made yn give sunghoon head right after i said what id picture it to be and oh my god it is perfect i am so astonished rn oh em gee :O ... the slightly face fucking.. ^^ i. i
the unexpected pushing in and the "Am I the only one who gets to see you like this?” this is my last straw omg this is the type of shit i like goodness gracious TT
sunghoon and leaving marks head empty. completely unresponsive ... head in hands u__u
sax darling 🤍__🤍 i just finished reading wide awake !!!!!! you did not disappoint! please it was so nice & the way you wrote it with the breaking off words for dialogue omg ,,, sax genius writer?!?!! )confirmed btw!!( please i enjoyed it so much nd i bet other people did too!!! you did so well love </333333
🐰 <33
no need to apologise!!! long asks like this make my heart full so thank u for the taking the time!! my response is a little lengthy too so i’ll put it under the cut <33
🐰???? WAAAAAAH U QUOTING MY WORK??? wow im so grateful to hear that u enjoyed it ☹️☹️sunghoon and non sexual dominance is just .. yeah! him and his little possessive streak ☺️
i am absolutely nothing without some form of fluff i need it constantly i adore it so im glad u liked it too !! also giggly hoon >>>
he is literally so beautiful and he would just be somehow even more pretty and handsome and all flustered .. heartbreak emoji indeed ☹️☹️ and his fingers are too beautiful not to suck at least once!
mean hoon >>>! esp in the bedroom, not a want but a need - IM SO GLAD U LIKED THAT PART BC IT WAS THE PART I STRUGGLED WITH THE MSOT 😭😭
sunghoon making sure to fuck yn up with his words as well as his dick he is so so so kind and sweet 🧎
biter hoon 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 it just made sm sense in my head i couldn’t NOT make him a biter 🤷
WOW 🐰 i really appreciate that ☹️ im also glad u enjoyed the dialogue, tbh having it break up like that was more bc i was struggling a little but i thought it might be representative of the thought process they might both be having, kinda staggered and not too many full sentences 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 but im so glad u thought it was a good move thank u sm!! happy to hear u enjoyed it, 🐰 thank u for ur kind words as always! ilysm 💌🫀
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lu-dao-writes · 2 years
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❝ [𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓲𝓰𝓱 𝓛𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓼 𝓜𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 (𝐖𝐈𝐏)] ❞
【𝒜/𝒩】: This is a work in progress that I started months back and just came back and looked at. I’m bored and wanna post something 🤷 lmao. In this one of my ocs is introduced and you get to see a bit of her personality. I’m hoping I’ll do more with this but I won’t push. Writing is hard and my job works my ass 🙂🥲. Also sorry about my grammar that shits hard too🤧🍷.
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“Well, well if it isn’t the infamous shadowsinger of the Night Court~.”
The shadowsinger wasn’t expecting a voice to startle him the moment he landed on Dawn Court soil, his large body swinging to look behind himself and there stands a short faerie woman with dark ebony, plum tinted skin with light patches all over her body. The two things that catch Azriel’s attention is her pretty, fuchsia colored hair, and then his hazel eyes are drawn to her feet.
They’re large and deadly and match the color of her hair with large ivory claws idly tapping and lightly scraping the warm, smooth stone ground. The woman is a bit plump and curvy and dressed in a rose petal red shawl-like garment with gold threading that hangs off her left shoulder and gold colored cloth plants. The Illyrian warrior caught a glimpse of a tail swaying eagerly behind her and tried to find her eyes but found that he couldn’t with her butterfly locs in the way.
The woman has a mischievous smile on her face, full lips shiny with gloss. “I would ask why you’re the only one here, but I already know why, and I assure you that nothing is going to happen to you or your family.”
Azriel remains quiet, body still stiff as a board while his shadows swarm around him, nearly shielding his face from the short fae woman as he contacts his family.
She only continues to smile, it’s all too knowing and it slightly aggravates him.
“Are you the Emissary…?” he finally says, his voice quiet and smooth like velvet.
“Indeed, I am,” she replies with a small grin splitting her face, showing off her pearly white teeth, her canines being almost like fangs. “Also, it’s quite rude to spy in my home when Dawn hasn’t done a thing to you, you know?”
“My apologies… It's just precaution is all.”
“Right, of course~!,” she replies, hands resting on her wide hips.
The brown skinned man knew she didn’t believe him and that’s fine. “They should be coming shortly.”
The moment the words escape him the rest of the inner circle appear behind him, and he steps out of his High Lord brother and High Lady’s way, moving to stand beside Morrigan.
The grin that’s on the woman’s face grew, it looking a bit unsettling. “If it isn’t the High Lord and…,” she catches a glimpse at the crown that rested on Feyre’s head and a giddy giggle leaves her, “and I’m assuming High Lady? Welcome to the land of Dawn,” she says with a playful bow. “To all of you.”
Rhysand gives the ebony woman a charming smile and so does Feyre, but the fuchsia fae woman can see the twinge of nervousness.
“Ah, yes, you’re Noo, correct? It’s nice to meet you.” Rhysand offers her his hand, and they shake and Feyre and Noo do the same thing.
“Feyre, very nice to meet you as well.”
“Yes, charmed to meet you all, but let me take you to where everyone is. Day and Winter are already here, and there’s plenty of snacks and refreshments in there for you,” Noo informs them, turning her back towards them and guiding them into the mountain palace.
The sight of it all never gets old to Noo. Dawn palace is magnificent and graceful, truly a neutral force. Feeling the warm ground on her feet had her relaxed and feeling toasty, and smelling the many roses and peonies they passed by made her smile. This is home.
“Hope you all don’t mind the workout!” she calls over her shoulder with amusement as they climb up the spiraling stairwell.
“It’s no trouble!” Rhysand replies before going back to his silent conversation with his lady.
Soon they’re inside passing many rooms that were filled with tons of silk pillows of various sizes and plush carpeting, the smell of incense filling the long hallway.
“It’s just up ahead,” she explained, gazing at the pretty wisteria that decorated the archway in the meeting area.
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Been out of commission this week as a result of certain aspects of my biology that I'd rather not possess. So I've mostly been watching YouTube and Vampire movies. So I guess I'll chronicle my thoughts here:
Interview With The Vampire (1994): what started this whole venture. Really decent movie, loved the costumes. Your average melodramatic gothic horror (loved it). Two things I noticed immediately with this movie that remained pretty consistent throughout: INCONSOLABLY HORNY. Seriously I've never seen a movie where every character except a literal child should go to horny jail (also, the horny is very concentrated between a trio of male characters so... Pretty gay, bro). Holy shit. The second is that Louis will always set something on fire. Usually a building. With varying numbers of people inside. It literally happens three times. So....🔥🔥🔥
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[Gif Description: Antonio Banderas as Armand being unnecessarily horny with a lit candle. He runs his hand over the flame and then whinces with pain, pretty much. End ID.]
I think this gif sums up that movie.
The Hunger (1983): didn't even get around to watching this one actually. Only really considered it because of David Bowie and Susan Sarandon (and also some sapphic themes, always nice). Then I just saw that it was too poorly rated by too many people. Maybe I'll watch it at some point for sheer shits and giggles.
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[Gif Description: Catherine Deneuve as Miriam, is smoking a cigarette. She has on red lipstick, a pair of dangling earrings, some black leather gloves, and a pair of statement silver sunglasses. End ID.]
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992): somehow even hornier than Interview With The Vampire in some parts. Always a fan of blasphemy against Western Christianity, so that was nice to see. Winona Ryder is always a win in my book, love her. And it was nice to see a younger pre-Matrix Keanu Reeves. Anthony Hopkins did a great job as Dr Van Helsing too. I liked it, very dramatic, tragic, horny (duh), and lots of blood👌
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[Gif Description: Sadie Frost as Lucy Westenra after she has been turned into a vampire. Her face is painted white, she is wearing a gaudy wedding dress with a massive round collar, and a wooden cross is seen being held in front of her. She bears her bloodied teeth. End ID.]
Cronos (1993): haven't been able to find this anywhere, but I really wanna watch it, because I like Guillermo Del Toro and I know he has a particular affinity for monsters. So I'm excited to watch this one. As such, there is no gif, I don't wanna spoil it for myself🤐.
What We Do In The Shadows (2014): different from the others because it's a comedy, but I loved it, it was awesome 😊. Jermaine Clement and Taika Waititi did so well in making the whole thing awkwardly hilarious. Very quotable and great for if you want a change of pace with vamp movies. Will always bring a smile to my face I think😁
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[Gif Description: Taika Waititi as Viago, dressed in old 18th Century European clothing, is using a toothbrush to clean the "teeth" (fangs) of the character Peter. Peter's look is clearly influenced by the 1922 film Nosferatu. He is bald with long pointed ears, pale mottled skin, grey irises, and several long yellowed fangs. He's wearing a simple black cloak. End ID.]
Sidenote: seems like the early 90s was for some reason a really good time for vampire movies. Also I've already seen Lost Boys, a while ago. Maybe I'll watch it again soon, who knows. 🤷 I also wanna watch Nosferatu.
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