#shes one of my fav characters
chalkrub · 3 months
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attack for @plaiesancier !
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bixels · 4 months
Watched Rear Window last week. Went a little overboard on what was supposed to be a simple expression/design study.
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Maybe one of the most bone-chilling scenes in film.
Individual shots:
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raepliica · 1 year
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tristamp post-S1 mashwood sillies and tri98(?) merylwood :]
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araremonaka · 19 days
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anpilled · 2 months
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happy anniversary fnaf ruin! :3
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lucreziagiovane · 4 months
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"I thought, What’s the opposite of Lucy? What’s the opposite of the woman we’ve grown to learn and love? She’s relentlessly optimistic, right. Even in the face of arse jerky, and an irradiated Gulper, she still puts one foot in front of the other; she still has fight left in her. So the opposite of that is seeing the light drain out of this beacon of hope; seeing the light drain out of her eyes. And seeing her catatonic. Seeing her numb. And there’s no more fight left in her." — ELLA PURNELL
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chocostrwberry · 4 months
I felt like the last few didn’t really work for her but I really like this one,,
She has two outfits: her season 1 outfit and season 2, after Emelie wakes up again! I just really liked her box braids too much to not include it somehow-
Choco Alya is a serial blogger and an artist!! She loves to paint and is basically super creative. She wants to be an interior designer!
All past alya designs my blog not apply this one is superior
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ghostdoctor · 9 months
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robin and chopper have my entire heart and soul
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officialcowboylover · 8 months
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Alice is so hard to draw… she needs to be the most transgender possible its very hard to put all my trans superpowers into one character but i’m managing!!!!!! Shes so fun honestly I love her accent and semi cynical humor shes so great and plz dont kill her first ty ^^
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waterghostype · 10 months
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not so tall now are you
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strawglicks · 5 months
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friends :)
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lovelyllamasblog · 2 months
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Thank you @rakiah for taking my commission for Joy Hill!! She's so beautiful!!
Some background for those who don't know;
Joy Hill is the bastard of the Lannisters, the natural born daughter of Tywin's youngest brother, Gerion, who went missing before the start of the series. Her mother is named Briony and that's all we know about her.
She only gets mentioned in A Storm of Swords and A Feast for Crows. Jaime calls her sweet, but also lonely. Some of the headcanons I've seen is that she lives on Casterly Rock and is being raised by her paternal aunt, Genna Lannister-Frey.
I also ship her with Jon Snow. Why? High born bastards who are easily overlooked by others, who understand both the highborns and the lowborns. Depending on the circumstances, they would definitely have a common ground that could become something more.
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carlisle-cullen · 8 months
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favorite characters ♡ brooke davis ↳ insp.
She was fiercely independent, Brooke Davis. Brilliant, and beautiful, and brave. In two years, she had grown more than anyone I had ever known. Brooke Davis was going to change the world someday, and I’m not sure she even knows it.
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bietrofastimoff23 · 4 months
i have the impression that tb is convinced that the ability to love is the prerogative of their favs, and the greens, apparently, are deprived of this. like, they really looked at this and said, "yes, he definitely didn't love his children, he only cared about a wounded narcissistic ego."
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hate him all you want, but why deny the sincerity of his grief for his child? morally dubious characters can also experience love and affection, in case you didn't know.
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xryptiid · 3 months
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messy doodle :-) RUBY COME HOME I MISS YOU
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demodraws0606 · 12 days
An character analysis POV as to how Hu could be the culprit (and a little bit of Nico stuff as well)
tw/ mentions of suicide
So I've seen certain Eden!Culprit truthers just not really believing that Hu could be the culprit because of her behavior during the class trial. However her committing murder against Arei and Ace makes a lot more sense than Eden does by a longshot (especially with Eden having no accomplices atp).
But I also understand why people are confused by Hu's behavior if she could possibly be the culprit. There's a lot of things that don't seem to make sense on the surface that I also accepted however digging further, you can find a version of Hu that honestly fits really well as the culprit of this chapter.
I will also throw in analysis of Nico's behavior because a lot of their behavior during this class trial is strange if Hu really is the culprit but again I think I can explain why this happened.
I also want to preface this by saying that I do think Hu is going to be a heavily flawed character but I don't think she's malicious in any way shape or form. If I find any Hu hate after she's revealed to be the culprit, I will actually fight your ass and that's a promise.
Her outburst against David :
I honestly was also in the camp of not really understanding Hu being the culprit, doesn't this go against her outburst against David ?
Well, here's the thing, I think her outburst was 100 pourcent genuine, I just think Hu is both being a hypocrite in a way but mostly she's hiding her true feelings behind her wording.
Let's take what she says in her outburst :
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There's a funny thing about her wording, especially at the beginning :
"You have no right to decide wether I, whether any of us..."
I think what Hu is trying to say is being hidden by her saying "we" and "us". In my opinion, she's probably mad at David for wanting to toy with her life, not even to escape himself but simply to commit mass suicide. Which we know Hu has a very complicated history with suicide due to her secret.
I do think her anger is both a mix of projecting onto David her present (and past self) and also her genuine desire to want to continue living.
She would be mad, she's trying so hard to live and here is David who both planned to let her die not even to survive himself but simply because he gave up. Interesting to note how she interprets David's desire to stop the killing game as "Because this killing game requires us to live, you think you should just reject that notion and kill us all". She doesn't mention him wanting to end the killing game, she mentions David rejecting the notion of living itself.
If Hu was a past suicidal person who now has committed herself to continue living, of course she would be insulted by David's action, it spits in her face and reminds her of a past self that simply rejected the idea of living.
A desire to live that's shown through this outburst and also in her secret quote.
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Again switching the pronouns Hu is using here with "I" really gives a new perspective that I think makes a lot of sense with her being the culprit.
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"It is not and never will be your desicion as to what happens with MY life"
Because Hu wants to live now, she's no longer her past self, she won't try and throw her life away anymore.
The murder of Arei and attempted murder of Ace :
I want to discuss both the victims and method of murder here because I think it works very well with Hu. It's not really a character analysis thing as much but I didn't want to make a seperate post for it.
Hu clearly does/did not have high opinions of either Ace or Arei, like at all. They were both people that Hu reprimended heavily.
Especially with the secret motive happening, it's very possible that Hu's possible choice of culprit was done with the notion of "who deserves to be killed". Her first pick being Ace makes a lot of sense
I'm making her sound villainous when I say this but I do think it was her mindset at the time, Ace's horrible behavior towards Nico possibly being what led to her to feel allowed to take his life. However when Ace survived, she decided she was simply to deep into it and decided to go with the second best choice in her mind, Arei.
I want to also point out the method of murder...hanging
Clearly the culprit had a lot of knowledge about hanging, with it being their main method of murder. Which would make sense with Hu's past, using her past attempts as knowledge for her to take someone else's life which I find very ironic and in a way morbidly narratively compelling.
What was the motive ? :
I think Hu simply just wanted to live, it had nothing to do with the motives (and I honestly think the motives will actually not ever be involved in the murders bc it seems like they're setting it up to be a recurring trend).
I think Hu was thinking about murdering to get out ever since she was put in this killing game. However the only reason why she has never done so is because she was way too attached to her classmates.
From her secret quote, to her outburst against David, to her secret motive. All of it hints at this strong desire to want to live.
However she couldn't bear to kill anyone in this cast until chapter 2 happened.
Ace and Arei both are probably the least likable characters in chapter 2's daily life, I don't mean that in the fandom sense but I mean that in the eyes of the cast itself. Especially Ace who truly ends up falling to horrible harmful patterns out of self preservation.
We know how toxic the cast became in chapter 2 and I think that's what led to Hu feeling more comfortable killing someone. She no longer felt as guilty when she saw Ace (and Arei but mostly Ace) acting this way. This allowed her to commit murder. When it failed, she simply ended up chosing the second person on her list that she saw as nothing more than a horrible bully.
After all who would miss Ace and Arei, they're both horrible horrible people right ? Who would cry for someone who isn't a good person.
It was a murder both driven by Hu's strong desire of survival and also her view of her fellow classmates.
Nico's behavior :
Before I get more into Hu's mindset, I want to take a little detour to why is Nico being so difficult ?
I know I've made theories about Nico being an accomplice, but looking back I don't think they actually knew Hu did it. Even if they're not telling the truth about Ace's attempted murder and Hu's false allibi.
But then why ? Why would Nico ever do this, don't they know they're potentially putting everyone's lives at risk
Well it wouldn't be the first time a character in DRDT's cast is difficult to the point of risking people's lives (i'm fucking look at you WHIT.). However I think there are both actually decent reasons as to why Nico wouldn't tell the truth alongside his issues with being non-confrontational.
First, I don't think Nico ever expected the murder of Ace to be important to the case. I think they lied because everyone else made it extremely obvious what their thoughts truly were and Nico probably thought that trying to argue against them simply would just make them look more guilty or not do anything at all.
Again I would like to pull Nico's secret quote for evidence here. Because again I think it just fits with everything here.
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For the alibi thing, I think Nico genuinely didn't contest it because they probably believe Hu only did that to protect them from getting blamed. Again anything that would make Nico not get yelled at or suspected probably is something they would hold onto. They still have no reason to think Hu really did it, so again with their issues with being non-confrontational I think it would make sense for them not to contest it.
I think Nico's arc is heavily tied with Hu, and vice verca. There's an empahsis on how Nico is struggling to make their true feelings truly known because everyone talks about them and the one person who thinks they are there to protect them actually are just as bad if not worse in ignoring them.
Nico wasn't ready to come out, they were instantly labelled an attempted murderer and the one person who is here to defend them is someone who constantly interrupts them. The entirety of chapter 2 has just been them being objectified and not really giving them a voice.
Which I think comes back to a part of Hu that I think is related to the murder.
Hu's relationship with Nico and Eden :
Isn't that interesting how Hu has established relationships with both Nico and Eden, meanwhile Ace and Arei both have bullied Eden/Nico.
I don't think this is a coincidence and I think it matches Hu's misguided attempts at protecting people.
Hu wants to be useful, she desperately wants to be the strong protector of the group. However there are very clear signs here intentions aren't very glamorous.
In a fucked up way, it's very possible that she sees the murder of Ace and Arei as her helping Eden and Nico. Two people she clearly wants to protect (at least for Nico it's obvious).
However Hu's actions clearly did not help them, in fact, what she did ended up backfiring on the both of them.
Nico ends up being framed as a murderer
Eden lost a potential friend
Not only that but she had to have manipulated both Nico and Eden, to accomplish her murder. It's a flimsey self excuse for Hu to keep up her belief that she's a protector.
Obviously I don't think this was her main motivation, I've talked about it before but it's yet again something that would make it more easy for Hu to swallow the idea of being a murderer.
Is Hu evil ? :
No ! What the fuck did you think this post was for !
See I don't think Hu being the culprit suddenly makes her this horrible manipulative person. Despite the dread I feel with the likelyhood of Hu getting dragged to the ground if she's the culprit, I don't think she's remotely close to characters like...Celeste for exemple.
She's a person who was desperate to live who let herself murder by making up excuses, that she was doing this for the greater good somehow that it wasn't just a selfish desire of survival.
It makes sense for a chapter all about morality right ? Justifying a horrible action by justifying that well...these people she murdered weren't really good people were they ? Plus she ended up killing Eden and Nico's bullies right ? And I mean the killing game will only really end when two people are still alive right ? So maybe she's not a bad person. Maybe she deserves to live.
But people don't to be deserve murdered (99 pourcent of the time, i'm talking about DRDT's moral here) , not even horrible people. You don't know these people, if they could change, and you don't know what consequences you bring upon others by enacting justice like this.
And in a chapter about morality wouldn't it be interesting to tackle the morality of someone who would want to live no matter what. Is it fair to call Hu a bad person because she simply didn't want to die ? Somehow her attempts at killing herself in the past is wrong but letting herself be killed in a place like this is the moral thing to do ?
Is the fact that she killed people who she perceived as bad make this whole thing better. Did these people's lives matter less than her, someone who has been trying to actually be nice to others and help them ?
Or is her attempt of being a good respectable motherly figure only just a facade to feed her ego, a person who once didn't think they deserved now hanging to every possible reason to continue fighting to stay alive ? No matter what, no matter what happens, she needs to continue living.
"A pig never hopes to grow up into a human, because it knows that a metamorphisis like that is impossible"
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