#shes growing into a really cool adult
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abirddogmoment · 5 months ago
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She's looking really good at a year old! I really like her shoulder assembly and rear angulation. Her tailset is her weakest quality imo but this tailset comes from her sire's lines. All in all super happy with how she's maturing!
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girlivealwaysbean · 2 months ago
#bro why is everyone growing up and away and trying to figure out their lives and careers and loves#and im just sitting here missing them?#like sure im trying to figure out mine too we're all that age so I don't resent them for it#but why don't they miss me? why don't they feel empty when they haven't talked to me in a long time?#like. didn't they feel very light and happy after talking to me like i did with them don't they have a bad day and think that oh ill#talk to me and it will all feel okay even if it isn't just for a minute?#oh ny god i feel so pathetic asking this but like why am i suddenly crying now???#like my bestf. she's so busy in her new internship in mumbai that she can't be bothered to text me back#a simple yes no question for days. like i understand you have cool new office and work and friends and your stupid fucking ex#that you couldn't stop crying about to me living in that city with you but what about me? what about us?? what about you saying#that you're my first bestfriend i haven't told this to anyone else this is forever everyone else judges me but you're the best#like i just feel like if you're going to leave me then don't fucking say shit like that to me??#okay oh my god this is so irrational but i literally can't stop crying and it's definitely pms like i checked#she's not even leaving she's just suddenly busy and adjusting it's only been like a month#but i hate this stupid fucking knife like fear that as soon as someone is a little busy or seems like they're pulling away a little my#brain is like okay they hate me they're going to leave me so pack your bags we're leaving first#like i know a better solution would be to just tell her that hey dude i fucking miss you and i saw this show and remember how you used to#love peter kavinsky because he was adorable and i want to sit and watch it with you and just why aren't we back in school#where we are basically forced to hang out for like 7 hours because im so sick of only seeing you like once in 2 months for a few hours#like i know it's not your fault and we're just growing up and in different directions but just please like five more minutes can you stay#i don't even have the confidence to say anything to her lol she's my only friend like if even she gets mad and leaves#but i know that's not how healthy relationships work. and ugh my sister is so fucking far away i can feel it everyday#in the 5 and a half hour time difference. i hate this i hate everyone everyone has to go so far away#i hate living in this empty fucking house and being responsible for my own emotions fuck this isse accha toh living with dad hi hai#atleast when im there there are only 2 emotions anxiety and boredom. now i have a whole house to myself to cry whenever I need#for however long i need in a locked room. really looking forward to adulting haha i can see just see myself succeeding so well🙄#man this is crazy im gonna go do jumping jacks or something so this comes and goes faster#umm#dni
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killaura · 1 year ago
I bought a new couch today and this is like. a monumental adult thing I’ve done
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strawbebyjam · 1 year ago
so cool to see loved ones change and grow…
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rimouskis · 2 years ago
got dinner with the sisters tonight and I had the oh fuck, you're an adult realization about the youngest one.
#it's so wild how being around them brings up so many of my old wounds from childhood (self-inflicted)#that are so clearly just baked into my being at this point#—how I feel really lame in comparison to them#how I find them so keenly social and blossoming in ways I never really felt I could achieve—#but the middle one is adjusting so so well to living alone and coming into her own as an adult in a huge city. it's really awesome to see.#she suffered from middle child syndrome a bit but it made her strong in ways me and the youngest aren't#I think my very desperate need for my sisters to find me cool is SO transparent and close to the surface when I'm with them#and that I fundamentally think they are much cooler and more worldly and experienced than me also feels very close to the surface lol#(those are The Old Wounds ahahaa)#idk I'm not sure I'll ever NOT feel this way. even if I'm the only child who moved out of our state;#even if I've been living alone for many years and they're just freshly out of home#I think it's one of those things that will always be with me because of [mumbles] several influential factors in growing up#and the sort of ... awe and jealousy I've always felt towards them because of how the birth order worked out#with the gap between me and them larger than the gap between the two of them and how our schooling choices broke down#anyways this is maybe the primal wound that has made me so fucking weird/intense about every friendship I've ever had since#I love them more than anyone in the world; I want them to be as impressed by me as I am impressed by them;#I find myself ultimately unimpressive in comparison and that childhood thought will stay with me for -- perhaps -- life#anyways I love them so much and it was awesome spending most of the day with the middle one and getting to make conversation with her.#she is so cool
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i watched My Neighbor Totoro for the first time, here's my chronological viewing experience:
woo-hoo! dusty old japanese house with japanese architectural details aplenty
these kids got some ENERGY my goodness
family dynamic's adorable. peak quality dad humor
kids: our house is haunted. parents: that's so cool!
hell yeah, wrinkled old lady rep. we need more friendly old women with potato faces and warts like storybook witches. the backbone of society, these ladies
Plot Summary: Small Child Bothers Local Wildlife
sacred tree sacred tree sacred tree
Introducing Totoro! nobody said this fucker's got TEETH???
Uh-Oh! Inadequate Parental Supervision Detected
(you misplaced your four year old! you're not supposed to do that)
4-year-old: i met a magic forest spirit. dad: oh shit fr?
4-year-old: *angrily hugs sister* missed u bitch
this small child has a smile like a toad. like a really really cute toad. like the cutest toad in all existence. i love her she's perfection please just let this child be happy
rice paddies are so pretty....so back breaking....rice is such a prissy crop
*my crush is stranded in a rainstorm* takethisumbrellait'syoursnowBYE *runs away in panic im so good at flirting*
Giant Chinchilla Learns To Hold Umbrella, Is Fucking Delighted By Experience
take this, it will help you on your quest! *hands u trail mix wrapped in a leaf*
crouching down to peer at dirt--A++ top notch foundational childhood experience
mom has a big ass forehead
honey! the chinchillas are performing Rituals in the backyard again
help yeah let's jack and the bean stalk this shit
huh so we're all just climbing aboard the giant chinchilla's tiddies now ok
class trip!
the pure adrenaline of Vegetable Gardening
no! the small child is crying! she is bawling her eyes out. no no no. i can't cope with this. emotionally i cannot cope 🥺🥺🥺
i've only had Mei one hour but if anything happens to her i will raze this earth and everyone on it
please someone make this small child smile again
oh no the tall child is crying too
i can't take this. my heart can't take this.
i need a drink
small child running determined to deliver magic veggies to the hospital. this kid is my hero
she is also unsupervised. so, so unsupervised
babe you are FOUR
godDAMMIT ghibli, you cannot give me watercolor sunsets while a small child is missing. u are killing me. my heart is giving out. this is me, experiencing heart failure.
Totoro to the rescue!
no wait CATBUS to the rescue!
i admit i initially thought the cat was a creep. alice in wonderland prejudiced me. i have revised my notions of smiling cats
i've decided the cat is a metaphor for the magic of a robust public transport system
MEI'S OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and so is mom. she's a lovely lady im sorry for what i said about her forehead. it's a noble forehead.
happy ending YES bitch!!!!!!
ok. ok ok ok. that was magical.
(as a first-time adult viewer i was worried i wouldn't be able to Access the Magic. but i could and i did and it was incredible. that was culture. that was ART. joy distilled into animated form. holy rites of childhood. i understand now. how glorious, this world we grow out of. how full of marvels. i'm going outside to smell grass and sun and get dirt under my fingernails. miraculous.)
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corkinavoid · 6 months ago
DPxDC "Pick Me Up"
The stream goes live on the first day of the school year. It's the usual song and dance - mad laughing, threats, poor jokes, terror, and about thirty kids huddled together in a classroom behind Joker's back. Tim recognizes it as one of the Gotham Academy classrooms. Dick can't imagine the horror those kids' parents must be feeling right now. Jason jokes about middle school traumatic experiences. Damian is feeling very justified for skipping classes today.
Bruce, all suited up in his Batman garb, is making his way to the Academy as fast as he possibly can. Those are kids.
Gotham is once again anxiously kept on the edge of their seats, watching as Joker decides to interview the kids on their learning experience so far. Something about leaving a good first impression on the new generation or some other bullshit. Most kids stutter over their words - it's true that Gothamites are way more composed when facing life-threatening events, but those kids are only fourteen or fifteen for the most part. They are not old enough to keep their cool in the face of a murder clown.
That is, until Joker points his camera at one of the girls. Black hair in a high ponytail, blue eyes without a trace of fear, a slightly displeased, even bored expression on her face. She looks straight into the camera, not even waiting for the laughing madman to finish his question, and deadpans:
"I don't think I like school. Pick me up, please."
Joker sputters.
"Not so scared, I see," he sneers, and, in the next moment, a comically large gun painted in purples and greens is pointed to the girl's forehead, "How about now?"
The girl scrunches her nose and makes a so-so gesture.
"It's kinda meh," she admits, "Like, yeah, points for style, but you know, size doesn't matter. It's all in the technique."
Dick snorts over the comms. It's a bad time for laughing, sure, but the phrase caught him off-guard. This is not what you'd expect to hear from a teen, and definitely not something you'd expect anyone to say to the Joker. Jason's comms are muted, but Barbara knows he also laughed a little.
"Technique, you say?" Joker hisses, pressing the gun closer to the girl's head, and she winces, leaning away from it, almost as if she is disgusted by the touch.
"Yeah, I mean, guns are not that scary anyway. What are you gonna do with them, blast my brains all over the floor? Been there, done that," the girl shrugs, "Kinda nasty, but overall, it's just like slime, only sticky." She pauses and looks to the side, seemingly lost in thought, "Huh, maybe we should have added Borax to it. Or was it baking soda?.."
"Listen here, you little brat," Joker's fingers catch the girl's chin, and his voice becomes sickeningly menacing. Bruce is almost there, just two more minutes. Tim is already grappling onto the wall.
But none of them get to finish.
"Put your dirty fingers away from my sister," a low, cold, and even in a way that speaks of barely contained fury, voice comes from out of the screen.
The camera spins, like whoever is holding it turned really fast, and everyone watching the stream sees a fairly normal guy standing by the window - a turtleneck and ripped jeans, same black hair as the girl, same blue eyes... Wait, they are not blue.
And that's not a guy.
The camera falls down to the floor, and there are a lot of panicked screams coming from the broadcast now, but none of them sound like children's voices. It's the screams of adults, of grown-ass men, and later, someone even claimed they heard Joker's scream among them, too. The picture on camera glitches a few times, and the angle is awkward, but everyone still gets to see how shadows in the room morph into eyes, wide open and green, and how the darkness grows sharp teeth, countless grinning mouths that don't belong to any faces.
Screams turn into gargling and then to quiet whispers, filling the ears of all those listening with countless words in languages they don't know.
Red Robin turns off the recording and looks to that same guy from the levestream, sitting across him on the couch. The guy - Daniel, or Danny, as he introduced himself - looks him in the eyes and raises an eyebrow.
"Okay, and?"
"How did you do it?" Tim asks for the third time this evening. Danny blinks.
"Did what?" He asks, completely incomprehending. Tim groans. He's been trying to get his answers, any answers at this point, from the guy for thirty fucking minutes already. So far, he's got nothing. Danny, whoever the fuck he is, proves to be the most annoying human being on Earth.
"Seven people in a coma, including Joker himself, with no physical injuries and none of the children remember a thing! How?!" He demands, and a girl's face peeks from around the corner:
"I remember!"
Tim snaps his head at her, "What do you remember?"
The girl pauses, blinks, and looks to Danny. Then shrugs, "My brother picked me up from school."
Tim drops his head down and breathes out in frustration. He can't force the information out of civilians, he is a vigilante, not a mafia.
"Would it make you feel better if I promise not to do it again?" Danny asks, and his voice is way too innocent for Tim to believe him. He raises his head to look the guy in his shameless, amused eyes.
"I hate you."
"Thanks," Danny grins.
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Continuation to This Post :]
It was always so strange to hear adults argue.
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Grown up fights never seemed quite the same as the trivial spats her and Dipper sometimes had. They were similar in some aspects, yes; Adults and children weren't as different as people liked to think. Mabel had seen adults verbally lash at one another with vicious words just as low hanging and petty as the ones she'd sometimes see kids the same age as her use. Adults arguing was essentially just a louder, angrier version of children fights.
And yet, there was somehow... more to it. Grown up arguments always seemed to weigh so much heavier in the air, and for so much longer than she'd ever thought possible.
Sometimes, the weight would leave quick and early, practically gone by the next morning. However, occasionally, the weight would stay; and grow heavier, and heavier over the years. Until it came to a point when the weight was nothing but a choking, stifling presence that seemed to fill every room in the house and buzz deafeningly in your ears like an unpleasant static that made your head pound.
Then, one day, the pressure would burst with a loud yell, a slam, and a bang, and start building up all over again. It was a cycle Mabel was much familiar with.
Her Grunkle Ford's "Mystery Shack" didn't have that air.
The shack's air smelled like burnt out candles and cheap discount Halloween fake blood, with a hint of real blood underneath the stinging scent of old wood and aged parchment. It wasn't necessarily a very nice air, certainly not in any way the fresh, crisp, clean air of the streets of Piedmont, but it smelled more like home than she'd ever felt back in California. It just smelled like... Grunkle Ford.
She liked her Grunkle Ford. He was super weird; with an even weirder Uncle as his roommate. He checked her and Dipper's arms and legs every morning "just in case someone broke in at night to steal a sample of their bloods"; he despised overly sweet foods (baffling, truly); and he had exactly 27 locks installed on the front and back door respectively that he could unlock all in under a minute with his really fast extra fingers. He reminded her a little of Dipper on some occasions, no matter how much the latter liked to deny the similarities (although, bar the demonic obssession).
However, last night, the air suddenly grew heavy.
Grunkle Ford had a fight.
Mabel hadn't heard it, and she hadn't seen it, but she knew there had been one. She was an expert recognizing the signs; she could always tell.
When she had awoken that late morning, the stuffy summer air had taken an even more sour note than usual, and had become a touch heavier than it should have been. Either that meant Grunkle Ford had just recently finished up a ritual, or a particularly rowdy argument had taken place; and Mabel knew that Grunkle Ford only performed his rituals between 2 to 4 AM, when he thought the twins were well asleep.
It was strange, to feel that same heavy air push down upon her temples and pound that same painful rhythm of a mounting headache as it used to do so often back when Mabel was in California. It had already happened a few times at the shack, but this one felt... heavier, than usual. She didn't think she would have to encounter the discomforting weight again this summer, away from her parents. Yet here she was. Aching.
She knew Gunkle Ford and Uncle Bill fought and bantered. With Bill being a permanent resident trapped within her Grunkle's mind, she couldn't imagine how they wouldn't. She didn't think even she could keep her cool if she had Uncle Bill as her brain roommate 24/7.
In any case, their interactions in front of the twins were mostly a mixture of exasperated resignation, or irritated tolerance, mostly from Grunkle Ford. Their occasional volleying exchanges of vitriol doused insults and words were short lived, and brief most of the time, especially when in front of the kids. They were nothing like the long, loud ones that could go on for hours back at her house in Piedmont.
Even so, there were some times when Mabel would see Grunkle Ford late in the evening, red faced and tight fisted, stomping down to the basement and disappearing into his lab there with a deafening slam of the rickety wooden door. She recognized that slam. He didn't want the twins to hear the argument.
Even if they could hear anything, what little they could glean always seemed to be only side of the argument, with Grunkle Ford yelling curses at Uncle Bill inside his head. She always did wonder what happened inside Grunkle Ford's head. Although, she wasn't sure if she wanted to know the answer. She couldn't imagine the state of the mind of someone who sometimes forgot to eat or sleep for almost a full week until someone reminded him.
The entire day passed with that same, tense air choking the atmosphere. Dipper had dragged Mabel and himself to some adventure in the forest, but it seemed to her that he was just trying to find excuses to stay out of the shack for the time being. Even he seemed to feel the unnerving heaviness of the air.
That night, underneath her sheets, Mabel pulled out the worn and well used wooden art mannequins Dipper and Grunkle Ford seemed to keen on using to summon Bill rather than their own shadows. With her trusty golden glitter pen (that she knew Uncle Bill loved despite what he claimed), she gently drew a closed eye upon the blank wooden face of the little model.
The eye opened, and she spoke:
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years ago
Your brain is massive and your opinions are correct. I fucking LOVE SA2 and Shadow bro 😭 Last time I revisited my Sonic era I was trying to unlock training mode in Shadow by A-ranking all the missions and bosses. SA2/Shadow/Sonic Heroes/Sonic Riders were the ones I replayed (and still do every couple of years) the most :)
my god PLEAAASSE THE TRAINING/EXPERT MODE IN SHADOW i love how the hints just fuck off and are replaced by the cast chattin with shadow.... like black doom the fuck are you doin talkin to me you are dead.... leave me alone.....
as a part of my All-326-Routes playthrough of shadow im SO stoked to unlock that mode again for the first time in like. A Decade... i've just been clearing out all the routes from the very top all the way down but i might just A-rank all the levels and routes first just to get the mode..
the adventure games + shadow are my faves to play honestly like as much as i still do like sonic games nowadays i just really enjoyed that 3d free-roaming aspect of the gamecube era games (and even 06: just wish it wasnt such a glitchy mess and i was more of a fan of the models/art style)
#snap chats#you cant escape Sonic Kid era like every couple years ill be like#'oh my god i have a gamecube that still works' and ill just replay all them games#Hot Take i did enjoy big's campaign.... idk..... maybe its cause his vibes are immaculate .. im glad he's in frontiers <3<3<3#im actually really stoked for the coming months because my fam and i've had sonic heroes for years right#but we only have it for the original xbox and we lost THAT a long while ago so i can't play it and it's just been taunting me all this time#BUT THEN I REMEMBER i am an adult with adult money. Sometimes. i can just buy my own gamecube copy#i have to start shilling my commissions more on twitter since i wanna get it before i go back to school#yk. so i can be a responsible student and play it when i have down time LMAO BUT EEEE IM SO EXCITED#yk whats a game i miss sooooo much tho.... i lost my copy of sonic chronicles....#I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW LIKE I STILL HAVE THE CASE i might just buy a new game card then....#that does mean ill have to start all over but.. thats ok.. sonic chronicles was SOO fun to me growing up.. i miss shade so much..#gen one of my fave sonic characters she was so cool and i loved her design and helmet so much#SPEAAAAKING OF ONE OFF CHARACTERS I MISS YK WHO I MISS THE MOST THO gamma.....#gamma was what introduced me to sad character stories i SWEAR LIKE THAT SHIT MADE ME SO SAD#i miss him eveyr day like i know he can never come back and that's a good thing cause Birdie's Parents Are OK BUT STILLLLL#my baby..... at least omega's here.... and he can threaten eggman every five minutes......#but when youre playing SA2 and you have to fight the robots modeled after gamma THATS SO EVIL STOP#UGH i love gamma sorry... but im not.. gamma was like. sega dippin their te into existentialism in sonic...#and then shadow was born LMAO tho i guess you can count metal sonic too if we wanna look at the sonic movie from the like. 90's#GOD I HOPE I STILL HAVE THAT DVD SOMEWHERE I LOVED THAT MOVIE SO MUCH GROWING UP it has the CUTEST artstyle#and knuckles' lil hat... ALSO METAL SONIC DYING AT THE END STOP when he bats sonic's hand away... metal bb come back...#and i mean at least he does but yk..... be nice to him..... he's going through a lot... he won't express it but i know he is...#OK SONIC RAMBLE DONE I SWEAR THANK YOU FOR WRITING IN ANON AND LETTING ME BE A DWEEB I JUST LOVE SONIC RAAAH#i have to end my ramble fr im running out of tags... now we'll never know of my chao gardens.......#OK BYE BYEEEE
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abirddogmoment · 1 month ago
insulting and offensive how regularly mindfully training your dog actually leads to visible progress towards good dog manners
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anothermonikan · 2 years ago
I should not be letting some random teenage girls going to make fun of me get to me this much man, but like. That's just it. They were random teenage girls? I didn't know who they were and they probably didn't know who I was? What is so funny and make-fun-of - worth about me just. Eating my Mcflurry. Like huh :sob: I'm used to weird high-school bullying that makes no sense but I litro don't know who you are and you don't know who am I. Please grow the fuck up <3
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jaewritesfic · 6 months ago
Everlasting Trio DPxDC Nobody Knows Au Pt 3
Parts 1 and 2
They both fall silent and stare. 
That's an answer to one of many questions they've been asking themselves for years, isn't it?
Their best friend disappeared, and it wasn't abduction or murder. It was an escape.
“You guys don't have contact with Jack and Maddie, do you?”
Tucker swears there's a record scratch in his brain.
Sam gapes. “You mean your parents?”
Danny smiles, small, grim and humorless. “Jack and Maddie.”
Jesus Christ.
Sam glances over at Tucker and they exchange a look. Tucker knows they've been feeling a shared guilt for a long time, feeling like they didn't do enough. They had suspicions about something fucked going on in Danny's home life since the beginning of freshman year, but they never blew the whistle about it.
Rationally they know it wasn't their responsibility. All of Amity had suspicions - someone should have called CPS, and it shouldn't have been a couple of kids. A goddamn adult should have stepped up.
It doesn't keep either of them from feeling like they failed their childhood best friend.
“Considering I've spent the last four years suspecting they killed you and chucked your body into the portal to hide it? Hell fucking no, Danny,” Sam asserts.
The set of Danny's shoulders relaxes significantly. “Good,” he breathes. “Good. Please keep it that way.”
“What the fuck was going on in that house, man?” Tucker asks, a little sick to his stomach. He knows right away he shouldn't have asked.
Danny's expression shutters into something polite and pleasant to hide discomfort, and he immediately starts ‘casually’ gathering his papers and computer into his bag.
“Listen, I'm really happy to see you guys - seriously. I really should get going though, I-”
Sam reaches out and snatches him by the scruff of his shirt before he can even stand up all the way, yanking him back down into his chair.
His dumbfounded expression makes Tucker snort a laugh, so familiar and puppy-like. Danny is still all big blue eyes and nearly visible question marks when taken off guard. Tucker missed that face.
“You're not going anywhere until we get your phone number,” Sam argues, not a hint of wiggle room in her face or tone. “We'll get lunch or something, all three of us. Go to the mall. We're living in the same city, you know I'll hunt you down.”
When Danny hesitates, her face and tone melt into something softer.
“Please, Danny. We miss you.”
Danny melts a little, sighing and smiling. “...yeah. Yeah, I missed you too. I've missed you guys so much.”
“So?” Sam prompts, holding her hand out.
Danny huffs a little laughing breath and fishes around in his pocket, unlocking his phone and plopping it into her hand. 
His nails are black and green. Gradient.
Tucker doesn't know much about nails, but he knows there's a difference when Sam paints them and when she splurges for acrylics.
“Are those professionally done?” he asks, bemused. Danny had never expressed an interest in that kind of thing as a kid. It's kind of cool to see signs that he's, like…growing into himself.
Danny shrugs, and it feels good to see that he doesn't even seem to consider Tucker might give a shit in a bad way.
“I'm on my hot girl shit,” he deadpans, and Sam nearly drops his phone with the force of her startled laugh.
Tucker snorts. “Oh, well about time.”
“Hey!” Danny protests, offense fake and eyes dancing. “What's that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, nothing! You had a glow up is all.”
Danny snickers and kicks him gently under the table.
“Okay, dick.”
It's like they never parted at all for a moment.
“Here, Mr. Hot Girl Shit,” Sam says, handing Danny his phone back. “I put our numbers in and sent a text in a group chat so you can't forget to reach out. I'm serious, Danny. We missed you, don't disappear. It was scary enough the first time.”
Danny grimaces, at least looking genuinely apologetic. “I know. I'm sorry. I really do need to get going today, though. I've got an appointment.”
“What kind of appointment?” Tucker asks.
The grin Danny gives him is mischievous and has a few teeth sharper than he remembers there being. 
He breezes past them and out the door with an impish response of, “Hide and seek with furries.”
Part 4
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reminiscingtonight · 4 days ago
Just Friends
Jana Fernández x Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
[WOSO Masterlist]
The arms that wrap around your waist should shock you. They come out of nowhere, entrapping you in a mini-prison that smells like the perfect blend of vanilla and coffee. 
You’ve never been an overly touchy person, even the slightest brush from your national teammates often resulting in a hole being burned into their face. 
So yeah, the arms that wrap around you should shock you. 
But they don’t.
Jana’s grinning your way when you turn your head, the older girl giving you an affectionate squeeze that nearly lifts you off your feet before she lets go. 
“Are we still having dinner tonight?”
You nod, her smile infectious as the corner of your lips tick upwards. “Of course. You still dropping by like seven-ish?”
“Six. You said you were going to teach me how to play… what was it…” the Spanish girl falls silent as she thinks hard about a conversation the two of you had late after a game the other day. ��Ah yes! Play speed!” She blinks. “Whatever that means.”
You bite back a giggle and nod, waving the older girl goodbye when Vicky tugs at her arm for attention. Jana looks conflicted for a second but you give her a goodhearted shove, shooing her off to entertain Vicky's burning questions before training starts. 
You trail slightly behind, taking your time walking out onto the pitch. There’s a slight haze already settling in as you begin tying your hair up. It’s a slightly warmer than normal day, the sun up and blazing already. You’re not used to such temperatures, regular rainy skies plaguing the skies back home. But you’re not one to complain. Anything’s better than having to figure out the logistics of lugging water clogged tops, soggy shorts, and anything in between back home after training. 
Your brief period of solace is broken by the presence of another body sliding up next to you. 
“So you and Jana, huh?”
Lost in thought, it takes you a second to realize Patri’s talking to you, a soft smile breaking on your face when you finally do. “Jana? Oh yeah, she’s been great. I don’t think I’ve ever made a friend so quickly before.”
There’s a scoff before the older girl is nudging your shoulder. “Just a friend?”
You frown. “Yes? I mean, I hope she thinks of me as a friend. She’s so cool.”
There’s a second where Patri freezes. Then she’s looking at you strangely. She seems to ponder her choice of words before settling with a simple, “Chica, she likes you.”
Your face brightens. “Really?”
Patri has to bite back her groan at the clear misunderstanding painted all over your face. The pure joy that can only come when finding out your “coolness” status rather than romantic interest. 
“Si. She likes likes you.”
A beat passes. 
Patri watches as your eyebrows furrow together, trying to decipher her words.
“You know. Like more than a friend?”
“What?” Your head jerks up, eyes growing wide. “Jana doesn’t like me like that! She’s just being nice!”
You frantically turn your head, checking to see if Jana could hear your conversation. The last thing you’d want is Jana hearing Patri’s conspiracies and writing you off as a crazy follower.
The defender’s on the other side of the pitch, clearly nowhere close enough to hear a single thing Patri’s said to you. But almost as if she could sense your gaze on her, Jana raises her eyes to meet yours, shooting you a smile before turning back to her conversation with Vicky.
“See what?” You shove Patri’s arm off your shoulder, making a point to slap the teasing finger she raises to poke at your forehead. “Jana is being nice. Nice people smile when others look their way!”
Patri rolls her eyes. “Well you don’t see Jana offering to cook me dinner now do you?”
“You’re an adult. I sure hope Jana’s not offering to cook for you. You should know how to do that yourself.”
“You’re missing the point,” she groans, hands reaching out as if to shake some sense into you before quickly deciding against it. Instead, she sighs before giving your shoulder a couple awkward pats. “You know what, forget it. Just… never change.”
There’s a couple muttered words you fail to catch, words that sound suspiciously like ‘stupid’ and ‘idiot’, but Patri’s gone before you can question her. Shrugging, you don’t think much about it, chalking the conversation off to Patri being a weirdo. 
At least you don’t think too much about it until suddenly it’s night and Jana’s in your place and then it’s all you can think about it. 
The older girl hums, stirring the pot she’s been working on for a while. 
Whatever she’s making smells heavenly. Your card game has long been abandoned in favor of cooking dinner. And by cooking dinner you mean Jana doing absolutely everything and you just giving her moral support. 
It’s honestly quite impressive how you’ve managed to survive this long being a professional footballer. Cooking has never been your forte, jumping from teammate to teammate who were willing to feed you back at your last club. And in Spain? Yeah, that was all Jana.
“Do you like me?”
Jana laughs, eyes crinkling adorably when she tilts her head to meet your gaze. “Yes? Why? What have you heard?”
You shrug. “Patri was just being silly today.”
Jana rolls her eyes. “Whatever Patri said she was probably lying.”
Her response gets a frown, your feelings of elation quickly turning to confusion. “So you don’t like me?”
There’s a slight pause as Jana blinks, fixing you with a confused look. “What? No, I do.”
“But you just said Patri lies.”
“She told you I liked you?”
You nod timidly. 
Jana’s got that look on her face again, the one that tells you she’s thinking really hard about something. You’re not sure exactly what that means, but then Jana’s slowly nodding. “Okay. Well I… Yes. I like you.”
You let out a long breath. It feels like relief but at the same time it doesn’t. You’re not sure how to describe the icky feeling that starts to grow in your chest. 
“I told Patri she was being stupid.”
It’s clear Jana’s completely lost the direction of the conversation, the older girl now looking the most perplexed you’ve seen in a while. “Why was she stupid?”
“Well she, er--” your brain grinds to a halt, not having thought this well ahead. All you wanted to do was prove Patri was just pulling your leg, but you didn’t actually want to bring to Jana’s attention the contents of your conversation. Really walked yourself straight down a hole it seems. “Well Patri thought that you might like me. Like, romantically.”
Jana doesn’t say anything, hands coming to a still on the stove. The longer the silence drags on the more antsy you become.
“But she was just being stupid. You know Patri, always a joker.”
Jana’s frown deepens. “What? No. She’s right. I like you. A lot.” Her eyes widen suddenly, everything clicking all at once. “Wait, you didn’t know that?”
Your mouth drops open. “What-- what do you mean you like me?”
“What do you mean you don’t know?”
“What-- How was I supposed to know?”
Jana gives you a look. 
You feel like you’re on a different planet, thoughts getting all jumbled up in your brain. 
Jana likes you? 
She likes you. 
She likes you a lot. 
Oh god, Jana likes you and you’re pretty sure you like her too. 
You must have been quiet for too long because Jana’s grabbing your hands to pull your attention back to her. 
“Hey, where’s that head of yours at?”
You shrug, trying to fight the blush that’s threatening to rise to your cheeks. Because now that you’re thinking about it, Jana actually likes you and you like her and she’s really, really, really pretty. 
“So I’m going to assume you didn’t realize those three dates we’ve been on were actually dates?
You look at Jana. 
She looks right back. 
You blink. 
She blinks. 
“I’m sorry, we’ve what?!”
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vibrantshoyo · 5 months ago
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SCKAP AU Part 4!!
The S stands for Sora
Switching gears to another blonde who deserved some happiness with their family!
Sora’s illness is still quite debilitating but she pulls through. I’m not sure what her symptoms were in canon so I’m just giving her a weaker body (like loss of bone mass) and a weaker immune system. So she can walk but it takes a lot out of her.
Since she lives, Judge decides to “kill” off Sanji a bit sooner, thinking that he absolutely needs to get rid of any weakness. Sora is of course devastated until Reiju comes by and tells her the truth. Then, she’s angry. Angry enough to plan to leave.
She decides to take Reiju and Sanji with her when she does. Constantly telling herself that she’s too weak to grab unwilling children, that Judge would keep too close an eye on the other boys…but she still feels guilt. Guilt that she doesn’t feel a huge hole in her heart at the thought of leaving Ichiji, Niji and Yonji behind. (It’s why she has photos only of them as babies…the last time she really felt connected to them)
Still escape towards the East Blue. At this point Sora’s not faring too well health wise and they have to stay in one place for her. That is until Reiju hears of a ship hiring for their kitchen crew. She convinces Sanji to go and learn how to cook from professionals - to learn about the All Blue. Lots of fighting to get him to go but once Sora joins in on Reiju’s side, he’s off.
They constantly write to one another while they’re apart until suddenly it’s been radio silence on Sanji’s end for far too long. Sora and Reiju hear of the ship he was on sinking and fear the worst. Just as they’ve reluctantly decided to declare him as dead, he shows up again with an older man with only one leg.
I’ve basically got Zeff taking them in and having him and Sora fall in love 🤭
Reiju and Zeff butt heads on his idea of women and not fighting them a lot as she grows up. Her skill and much more durable body do make him budge some on his ideals. So Sanji grows up not wanting to fight women still (because they’re not all as strong as Reiju) but once he’s on the crew he prioritizes Nami’s, Vivi’s and Robin’s safety over what he was taught.
Reiju doesn’t cook but she is the Baratie’s most popular waitress. Especially amongst the ladies (rip Sanji) while Sora is more of a business type that stays in the back (mostly due to health).
Enter Gin. The real difference here is that Reiju can join Luffy and Sanji in the fight. And once the poison gas comes out? Reiju really shines.
I’ve made her into a sort of Poison Vampire. Thought it’d be cool if she sucked out poison through a bite.
So Gin isn’t on his deathbed and I’ve decided to have him join the Straw Hats. Also think it’d be funny if he had personal beef with Smoker.
(Being the only grown ass adult, he almost cries tears of joy when Robin joins)
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sailf1sh · 11 days ago
It's time...welcome to sailfish ranting about his Grandline University au. (Plus a lil wip teehee)
Thanku to @rougherduckling for helping me with the ideas 😌
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- Set somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico
- A university and aquarium with a heavy focus on marine preservation and study
- Early childhood education major
- Works at a youth center
- roommates with Sanji
- Likes kids, and wants to teach kendo and give kids good opportunities he didn't have growing up (perhaps relating to Kuina's death)
- Semi-adopted by Mihawk (runs the youth center or kendo place) and Perona (sister figure, Mihawk is her adoptive dad, and fashion/textile major)
- Doing it for the kids ™️
- Culinary major
- Comes from California (Zeff owns the Baratie there)
- Very preppy (stark contrast to Zeff) and thinks he's hot shit
- Delayed Bi-panic over his roommate Zoro
- Very confused by Zoro and definitely hates him ™️
- French??? Idk he got really mad one time and started yelling french
- Claims to be from California, but is DEFINITELY French
- Witness protection????? His ass will not tell you anything
- Undeclared
- Came to Grandline because Ace and Sabo went there (Ace is a dropout who started traveling the world, Sabo got his degree and became a politician/equal rights activist)
- No idea what he wants to be, but he's gonna have fun doing it!
- His village pitched in to send him to school (Garp could have done it, but tbh he forgot about this kid, Dragon supplies money behind the scenes)
- The one who dragged everybody together
- Shanks is his father figure (Shanks is a cool marine life rescuer that works with the Aquarium)
- Meteorology major, Architecture/cartography minor
- Seen the bad side of poaching and hates it
- Came to Grandline because it has the best to offer in the way of Meteorology
- Meets Vivi in an English class
- Best friends with Zoro WLW and MLM solidarity
- Photography major, journalism minor
- Childhood best friends with Kaya (medical art)
- Tired of Sanji's shit ™️
- Keeper of friend group secrets (release him)
- Someone takes pictures on campus sneakily and puts it in the university newspaper/newsletter and nobody knows who (Sogeking)
- Med student
- Child prodigy ™️
- Got in on a really good scholarship
- Knows Law (surgeon), VERY intimidated by him
- Just a lil guy :3
- Friends with Kaya
- Teacher of all, and works on archeology digs with the university
- Kind of just knows everything
- Outwardly innocent, FREAK on the inside
- Likes that slutty mechanic
- Her students think she's nice, but are low-key scared of her
- Mechanic, and Engineering teacher
- Biggest "be who you are, for your pride~" man on campus
- Will stop class to rant about it ^
- DOWN BAD for Robin
- His students think he's weird at first, then become his wingman (group chats will be made)
- Exclusively wears shorts (he would wear nothing but the university won't let him)
- Just...a guy? Who is this guy actually
- Luffy's friend
- OLD. He changes his answer every time someone asks
- Kinda just shows up on campus and plays music
- People like him, but are very confused by him
- Only Luffy knows the truth
- Marine Biology teacher, and works at the aquarium
- Chill dude ™️
- The adult of the adults
- I'm sorry Jimbe I still don't know enough about you
- Political science Major
- Works for equal rights and change within her country
- A Princess????
- Pretty woman..... - Nami probably
- Science classes with Nami
- Sends Luffy to bother Buggy
- 'ahaha...come get slushies with me and I'll call Luffy off.'
- Lost his arm to a shark saving Luffy
- Marine life rescuer
- Works with the aquarium
- Goes out with Mihawk on occasion, Buggy gets way too pissed about it
- Theater teacher
- Luffy fails his class and keeps retaking it
- Shanks' ex
- Students egg Luffy's dumb shit on
This au is very much the silly one of my aus, with a big Y2K/2000s vibe XD
We have a few silly plotlines (and angsty ones teehee) drafted up, but who knows perchance I will make a post on those too! I'll probably make a post about Hellfire au soon too (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
Also the playlist for this au if you're interested 😏
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teddybeartoji · 1 year ago
☆. contains: satoru gojo x gn!reader; fluff!!!, non-curse au, idk what this timeline is but both reader and satoru are adults and gumi is tiny + reader is his kindergarten teacher wc: 3k
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you love you job.
you love taking care of the kids, teaching them, caring for them. and that of course applies for megumi, too. he's a pretty quiet kid, very straightforward and doesn't seem too affected by his guardian being away on a work trip when you ask him about it. you've never met the guy but it always makes you snicker whenever megumi's nose scrunches when he's brought up. or the little pout that tugs on his lips – the grumpiest and the fakest one to ever be conjured in the history of the world. you know it's fake; you've seen the care and devotion the little boy puts into the cards and the art he makes, always promising to show them to his keeper in a hushed voice.
but then one day... he's a quieter than usual, stares at you a little more than usual (he's so sure you don't see him)(or the way he's fiddling with the hem of his shirt). it's playtime and you're comfortably sitting in a bean bag, laughing with some other kids, eyeing the little sea urchin from the corner of your eye. after giving the other kids an impossible mission to complete outside, you usher the boy closer.
"gumi, come here."
and he does the cutest little eye roll known to mankind but nevertheless makes his way over to you. not pressuring him, you let him stand while you ask about the new comic book that came out (you heard him mention it once or twice) and oh, how his eyes widen. you surpress a giggle at the boy, and when you see his eyes flick between you and the bean bag you're sitting on, you finally motion for him to take a seat next to you. and he does.
he still feels a little unsure; like he wants to keep the information threathing to spill inside, despite the want to tell you all about it. seeing this, you decide to start talking about your own little hobby, doing big gestures as to try and crack a smile (it works)(he tries to hide it but you know better). and in the end he does relax and subconciously leans toward you when he starts introducing the comic.
digging out your phone, you let him show you the characters, the powers they have and how cool they all are. the smile on your face is making your cheeks hurt; glad that the boy feels secure and safe around you to tell you all this. some other kids bump in a few times, showing you the worms they dug up or beg for a napkin to wipe their face after they sneezed so hard that snot flew out. megumi's little scrunched up face only made you laugh more.
after a while you can feel him melt into you, his talk almost slurring, his eyes growing heavy. deciding to put away the phone, you move in your spot but a pair of hands clutch onto your arm. "'m not going anywhere." you assure him with a gentle smile as your hand finds its way into his hair, pushing through the unruly strands. he doesn't look at you, hiding his face into your shoulder.
"if i tell you something, do you promise you won't tell anyone?"
it's a ghost of a whisper, buried into the sleeve of your shirt. vulnerable.
"never. i would never."
it takes him another second to gather up the last pieces of confidence. the last pieces of strenght to open up his little tiny heart.
"i-i miss him." his little hands stay clutching onto your sleeve, not enough to stretch the material but just enough to let you know how hard this is for him. how he's taking the big step, how he's inviting you in with a shaky voice.
the hand in his dark hair never stops its movements, staying combing through it, feeling him nuzzle deeper into you. "oh, sweetheart. i'm sure you do." you hum quietly. "he's gonna be back really soon though. i promise."
you feel him nod against you. when another kid emerges from the outside, you quietly ask for her to whisper and swallow another giggle when she starts dramatically tiptoeing closer to you, ready to tie a newly made bracelet over your wrist. it's beautiful.
you stay like that for almost two hours – sitting in the bean bag with your arm locked securely in megumi's hold as he's letting out small little snores. you don't mind. you don't mind at all.
most of the kids have already left, their parents having come after them. they always greet you with a smile and thank you for keeping their kids happy and safe and it always warms your heart. there's nothing else you'd love more than this. and how the kids say bye... some of them hug you, some of them land a fat smooch on your cheek, one of them always shakes your hand (very firmly)(a lot of people could learn a thing from him). and all of them always wave with the brightest smiles on their faces.
you're eyeing the warm late afternoon sun from your spot on the bean bag when you hear the door open and close, a pair of loud footsteps approaching. megumi's guardian, surely.
tearing your eyes from the sun, you turn to meet the man and oh... his mouth is ajar as if he was about to yell out for megumi in the most dramatic way possible (he was). his crystal blue eyes shine in the very same light you were just basking in, taking in the sight before him. his lips close and reform into the warmest smile before he's whispers a small hi.
"hi." you answer with a smile of your own. nobody told you that he was gonna like that. sure, you've seen megumi's drawings but no offense to the boy – they do not do him justice. this has to be to most handsome guy you've ever seen. and he's your age, too. "you're here for megumi, right?"
he nods, leaning on the doorframe. "satoru."
after you introduce yourself, he repeats your name, tasting it on his tongue - and you're now stuck with the memory of one of the older faculty members saying something about how it's always very unprofessional to have crushes on the parents and whatnot. and whatnot.
he makes his way over – keeping his eyes on his beloved boy, sleeping oh, so comfortably in your arms. the way his chest is rising and falling steadyly, his fingers digging into your shirt. his heart swells.
kneeling in front of you, he smiles at the boy before turning his focus to his keeper. the golden sunlight is making your eyes shine and when you give him a shy little smile, he knows megumi is in safe hands.
"you're new?" he whispers.
"mhmm. and you don't actually have to whisper." satoru's eyes flick to megumi and you understand his question without him asking it. "oh, he's out. like a light. we've been sitting here for what?" you look at the clock before continuing. "two hours?"
satoru's smile widens at that. "he's kept you locked up for two hours?"
raising your hand from megumi's hair, you cover your mouth, hiding a grin. "he's cute, no harm done."
satoru hums. "he is. pretty sure you're the first teacher to see him like this."
"yeah." lowering your hand back down, you brush a few strands from his eyes, making his nose scrunch up and making the two of you swoon over the pouty kid. "i'm very honored."
satoru's eyes flick back to you. there's a certain softness in them, despite the deep dark purple peeking out from underneath the skin under them. you don't know what kind of a job he has but you know it sometimes requires him to be away for a while. it must be hard for him too; hard to leave his boy in some stranger's hands. but satoru is already convinced that you're no stranger.
"i'm glad he has you."
you feel a tint of blush making its way over your cheeks because of the sincerity in his tone. he really means it.
"but seriously, though? you've been sitting in the same spot for two hours? you're telling me your feet aren't dead?" he deadpans with a smirk.
lowering your head, you confess: "i have to go to the bathroom so badly."
he almost doubles over, holding a palm over his mouth, hiding the laughter ready to burst out. you try to glare at him but it's useless – you're holding your laughter with him a second after.
your body shakes with the giddyness, making megumi stir and you still. caressing his cheek, you try to make sure he ignores the two giggling adults next to him and stays asleep.
"and yes, my arm is dead but c'mon, how was i supposed to say no to this?" as if on cue, megumi lets out a content breath, his lips molding into his usual little pout, which in return makes the two of you look at him fondly. again.
"no, don't worry. i understand – he's a real charmer." he whispered. "what got him in this mood, anyway? nothing happened, right?" his eyes widen as the words leave his mouth, concern painting his face in a second.
trying to soothe his worry, you immediately shake your head. "no, no. he's okay. nothing happened." satoru exhales deeply, hand covering his heart. you don't think he even knows how worried he looked just now.
"but?" his voice breaks the small silence. "i feel like there's a 'but' here."
giving him a smile, you look the sleeping boy locked onto your arm. "i promised i wouldn't tell, though..."
"wha-?" the grown man's lip pull into a pout and you realize that the boy really does take after him. "but i need to know..."
deciding to make sure that megumi is still in fact, sleeping, you check his breathing – steady as ever, so you beckon the man a little closer.
"he missed you that's all."
it's so quiet. not even a whisper but satoru hears the words loud and clear. his eyes fall to his boy once more, something so tender in them – making your own heart beat a little louder. "but don't tell him i told you. i promised i wouldn't."
"never. i'd never take this from you." he rests his one hand beside your thigh on the bean bag, while the other goes to smooth over his cheek. the poor boy would die of embarrassment if he were to witness all this affection bestowed upon him. "thank you for telling me."
your gazes meet again, the love in them mixing together into a warm goo, filling the room and connecting the three of you forever.
"of course."
there's a comfortable silence between you and the man. a man you met mere minutes ago but when he bends over to pick up the bracelet made out of red string and continues to tie it back on your wrist without a word, you're certain you know him. or maybe knew him in another life; whatever the case, you were meant to meet again.
you thank him but he casually brushes it off as if it wasn't a big deal, as if he did it on instict, his fingers already itching to do things for you.
"is your bladder about to explode, by the way?" teasing. his tone is teasing and you can't help but reward him with another smile. his favourite pay.
"yes– yes, it fucking is." it takes you a second to realize what just slipped from between your lips. eyes growing twice their size as you stare back at satoru, who's, of course, already silently laughing, the corners of his lips reaching his ears. "you heard nothing."
"this is who's been taking care of the kids? wow, does the faculty know of the foul mouth you're sporting?"
"hey!" you whisper shout at him and before you can even register your own movements, your free hand lands a soft punch against his strong chest. it's always very unprofessional to have crushes on the parents. this time real heat paints your cheeks and the tips of your ears.
"sorry– i'm sorry." the only thing you can do is to mutter a quick apology - you're embarrassing yourself and you can't even run from it, the sleeping boy keeping you in your place and you're honestly ready to spiral because you just kind of hit (punched, even) him - this is definitely you crossing a line. and what if he really gets mad now and actually tells the faculty—
another wave of laughter breaks you from your thoughts. and then his own hand makes contact – landing firmly on your thigh; not to far up to make it like that but it's there to reassure that he's not a snitch of any kind and that's he's truly happy to have you as megumi's teacher. nothing better than having a real person looking after your boy.
but it is satoru gojo – it wouldn't be him if he didn't tease you properly at least once. "you're so cute like this. curses and hits being thrown here and there, whew! a great rolemodel for the kids, for sure."
you're burning up, almost afraid that you'll wake gumi with the heat emitting from your body. satisfied with the result, satoru gives your thigh a squeeze. "i'm kidding, i'm kidding. no harm done, right?"
he's gazing at you, borderline burning his eyes into yours with a sly smirk and now you also understand why megumi keeps calling his guardian very annoying every chance he gets.
"yeah." you quirp. "anyway, my ass is getting really sore now, so i think it's best to-" in attempt to escape the stealth attack on your heart, you try to change the topic, even when the weight of satoru's eyes stays on you for a second longer.
you shift your gaze to megumi, raising your hand to his face, gently tracing down his nose and booping it. you brush more of his hair from his face, trying to pull him from his dreamland as softly as you can. "megumi, look, who's here...."
his lips press into another pout as you land a second boop on his nose, finally making him stir. his eyes open ever so slowly, gazing up at you as he raises his fist to rub out the sleep.
"hey, gumi."
satoru's voice stills the boy. his body doesn't move, his eyes alone turning from you to the source of the voice. and the second his green eyes meet the blue ones – he's burying his face into the crook of satoru's neck. you observe their little reunion; megumi's hands are so tight around his neck, most certainly choking the man but he doesn't mind. he doesn't mind at all. satoru's arms wrap around the boy, holding him safe and sound right to his chest, to his heartbeat.
"missed me?"
megumi grumbles something into him, something unintelligible but most definitely something that resembles a kid's insult. satoru's mischievous eyes meet yours and you bite your lip, trying to look as stern as possible when the both of you know that you're just holding back another beautiful smile.
"let's go home, yeah?"
megumi nods as satoru stands with the boy in his arms. when you start pushing yourself up, he lends you a hand - his warm fingers easily engulfing yours in a quick motion. the touch lingers, skin on skin longer than needed. neither of you say comment on it – the butterflies in your stomach would gladly do all of the talking for you. you walk them to the door, staring at the sleepy little megumi, who's glancing at you over satoru's shoulder every two seconds.
you hand satoru megumi's pack and then gently place his jacket over his shoulders before giving one final rub on his back. "be good, yeah?"
he hums back, green eyes finding safe haven in yours. another smile is threathing to show when you wink at him, so he buries himself back into satoru's neck, making the man laugh loudly. this is the first time you hear it for real. it ripples through his whole body, his chest –shaking megumi as it does, it bounces off the walls of the room and finds its way to you and your ears. it's irresistible – you can't not respond with the same when he does it, the current just pulling you along. and it'll keep you for a long time.
"it was nice to meet you. finally."
"oh, you've been waiting for this?"
yeah, you walked right into that one, you admit your unfortune, but luckily megumi is there to save you by giving him a hard nudge on the back.
"okay, okay, little guy.... can't even hit on his teachers in peace..." he sighs, earning a way stronger hit and a way darker blush on your cheeks. "it was really nice meeting you too. finally."
you give him a small nod, fingers playing with the bracelet. you watch him carry the boy toward the door, ready to go home and calm your heart.
"wait-" satoru turns just as he steps outside into the sunlight. his eyes shine now even more than they did inside, almost blinding you. "how come you're not running to the bathroom? i thought you were dying."
"well, i was trying to be polite and wait until you leave, so you know..." lowering your voice, you tell him: "fuck off already." flashing him one final smile, the one he's gonna think about for the rest of the night (for the rest of many many nights), you motion for him to move along.
a quick little bye is all he gets before you close the door after him, leaving him standing in from of the house with a stupid smitten grin on his face. if it weren't for megumi, he'd probably stay standing there. "they said fuck." the boy whispers.
"fuck yeah." he laughs before he ruffles megumi's hair, finally making their way over to his car. "by the way, you're an awful wingman, buddy..."
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