#shes darker than most fawns but shes not as dark as most reds
Im researching pitbull coat colors cuz the different ways different coat colors come about and present in cats and dogs is fascinating (clearly, considering how much I geek out about calico cats)
And apparently chewby had some rare puppies
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(This website didnt specifically say that blue brindles are rare but other places im looking do)
Like I knew boosie had an interesting coat but I didnt realize precious (a blue fawn) was also not common
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Also according to this boosie is technically a reverse blue brindle cuz blue is his primary color (he just looked blue as a puppy and developed brindling as he aged)
#precious could also be a champagne pitbull but since her dad was blue shes most likely blue fawn#i wonder if blue ever developed brindling like his brother#im not entirely sure what chewbys coat is called tho#shes darker than most fawns but shes not as dark as most reds#i would personally consider her red#but a lot of red are RED red#man for a guy that is an organized backyard breeder at best mike managed to end up with some interesting coat colors#even just champagne pits seem to be rare#i wish mike was the kind of guy to keep pictures of his dogs cuz i would LOVE to see what chewby and saints parents look like#like chewbys either a very dark fawn or a very light red#saint was blue#they had several blue puppies#at least one ended up being blue brindle#precious is blue fawn or champagne (only difference is apparently genetic makeup?)#she had at least one sister that had similar coloring (they were both runts and sunny unfortunately didnt make it)#i wish i knew what the rest of the puppies looked like#duckduckgo is unfortunately not immune to ai enshittification thi#several of these articles use ai generated pictures of pitbulls that are extremely unsettling#which makes me question the content of the article itself#but the ones in the screenshots appear to be written by real people#im doing digging too hard on that cuz this isnt like....important information or news or some shit but like#the ai articles are inescapable#the horrors are unending#and if i see one more ai generated pitbull im gonna throw my phone through a wall#its worse than the articles with pictures of real dogs that do NOT have the coat colors theyre describing#at least those pictures arent creepy
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okruchlodu · 11 months
 Yennefer is so accustomed to attending such lavish, extravagant balls at courts and noble houses, that she so rarely truly enjoys them. Already, she's had a lifetime's fill of them: of tiresome, trifling pleasantries and fake, fawning smiles and talks about things that mean nothing to the sorceress; already she's had a lifetime’s fill of watching little men puff themselves up with grand titles, putting on airs and displaying themselves in such excessively luxuriant ways, it makes her laugh. Tonight’s event had been much the same, as she spends the evening at Tissaia's side, entertaining diplomats and appealing to the tender, fragile egos of nobles.  While socializing is certainly something she genuinely enjoys, the practiced smiles and polite laughs do become more than tiresome. She cares little for such political games and schemes; she truly does not care for their agendas, their politics, the wars they mean to lead, thinking themselves somehow worthy of shaping the world around them to their liking. The very idea of it, makes the sorceress sick. It is only upon Tissaia's bidding that she is here tonight, at all. She feels her impatience begin to flare, sharp, frost-cold half smiles all she can summon forth as she reins in perfectly crafted politeness, selectively keeping a precautionary eye on Demavend when possible. It’s dangerous when too many men with the same title bestowed upon them, think they’re right and come together under one roof, she thinks as she watches the night unfold.
But as the hour grows later and later, and the night darker, the atmosphere in the banquet hall, too, gradually shifts into something less pretentious; the few that remain are laughing amidst themselves, breathless and flushed from all the dancing, the many entertainments all around them, the music flowing, soft and quieter, now— tolerable, almost.
Swathed in black silks and velvets, Yennefer leaves Tissaia's side for a breath of fresh air near an open window. Beneath the dimming light of candles nearly burnt to their wicks and the haunting glow of the moon off the ice of the Blue Mountains near which this castle is built, Yennefer finds the time to enjoy the aftermath of the evening’s festivities with a glass of sweet Beauclair White, black skirts flowing gracefully along the marble floors, with her fire-bright, violet eyes and breathless beauty. She casts her gaze all around her as she brings the cup to her lips, a sharp, distant glow in them; there's a frost-cold poise about her, too, evident in every last thing about her as she haughtily lifts her chin and continues to ration her gaze about the ball room. She is ravishingly beautiful in her black gown, encrusted with diamonds and silver embroidery upon its masses of silken frills. Perfectly nervous, lace-gloved hands toy with the obsidian star pendant hung about her fair throat, and she tosses masses of raven-black, luxuriant curls off her shoulders, pretends to smile as someone approaches, greets her cordially. She does not recognize them, but she swiftly recognizes their company. The celebrated painter, Iris von Everec. Ah. He must be her husband, then. Yennefer thinks with little interest towards him.
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Her dark, violet eyes meet hers, flashing. Her sharp, pale face is radiating dangerous, unnatural beauty. Narrow, red lips curl into a faint smile as she returns the greetings. Lord Olgierd says something, and she can hardly keep her lips from curling into a sneer of contempt. She musters up a faint half smile instead, violet eyes returning from him, to the lady at his side.  ❝ I can think of nothing less appealing than an evening of watching other people dance. ❞  she answers him tartly, hoping that he, soon, shall remove himself from her presence. The lady Everec, however, does interest the enchantress. She has been meaning, after all, to commission her, for she has newly purchased an estate at Vengerberg and means to renovate most (if not all) of its rooms.  ❝ and you, Lady Everec? How are you enjoying this most splendid of evenings? ❞ asks Yennefer sharply, a touch of humor in her voice at the very idea that such intolerable a night could be described as splendid, eyes still fixed on her.
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monstas1ut2 · 4 years
Hi just wanted to say I love your Diabolik Lovers scenarios, and I also wanted to ask if you would do “They see your beauty for the first time” for the Mukamis?
Diabolik Lovers x POC!Reader!
((Honestly, I have never wrote for them... I know this is not perfect, I hope you understand this won’t be perfect lmao uhm tho I tried, couldn’t say no to you~ because you said you liked my stuff~... thx btw💚 I also made random headers for them too, they aren’t that cute tho))
•Hints Of Steamy Acts
•May be terrible
"He Sees Your Beauty For The First Time" (Mukami Brothers Edition)
-Ruki Mukami
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This plan to him was quite odd and he honestly didn't see which route this man was going. Yes he chose to be in cahoots with this man but only to be free... Coming to America was probably the oddest thing he's ever done.. of course moving from home to here was simple, no commotion.. but he could tell his brothers were on edge.
Ruki, after the whole livestock-Yui- dying thing... He most definitely blamed it on the other brothers... I mean who wouldn't... Anyways, after that he didn't know what he was doing still following orders for Karlheinz. Did he have something planned or... did he just do this to cause some ruckus?
Ruki didn't see any issue with going to school here, especially since the blood smelt oddly amazing... but he doesn't have any interest in anyone here... he can say that the females here are quite expressive and they sort of have their own flow... though when his eyes gazed upon someone else.. his eyes widened..
The male didn't expect to see such beauty casted before his eyes. The sunlight was beaming off the darker skin of a girl. Her eyelashes long and her attire.. not so slutty, but enough to show off her curves. Ruki wasn't blind to American knowledge, and he knows you're a black woman obviously... Though he can't understand why he hasn't seen this in person.
"(Y/n) (L/n)... please answer question thirty five... just to see if you understand...?"
Ruki watched as your eyes glared the teacher, he could already tell from where he was sitting.. that you were a handful... though that only caused him to make up these scenarios in his mind... he wanted you to be his of course, he wanted to rip the attitude away from you... make you call him master... and in his way of thinking... he already knew of a way to get you hooked...
Let's just say, later on in the week... his body was in front of you... that nasty smirk casted on his face... listening to your loud beating heart.. he already had you under his control.. well.. mostly.
"A woman.. such as yourself would know how to properly cover that up..."
"Ruki you don't own me-..."
"Control your language when talking to your master, hm? Also, this..."
He hooked his finger under the tight collar that was around your neck. How did he get you to wear that you may ask? Because he's hot..
"This says otherwise..."
-Kou Mukami
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The only brother really taking it hard? Though not so much because he found out that he has actually more fans here than.... over at his old school. Reasons unknown... though he wasn't complaining.. especially with the millions of different toned females.. Kou had never seen such beauty...
Kou is used to the pale skin, he himself has pale skin... though seeing these other females who had brown skin, dark skin... his first thought was 'goddesses..?' But that wasn't the case. He also liked the different scents of blood. They were all oddly stronger than more paler people.. he just couldn't wait to sink his teeth into one of them... one of them would have to be fascinated with him.
The females in this school tend to be more on the sneaky side of things, Kou noticed that but his hearing is enhanced so he listens to conversations when he passes by... he may give the girl a flirty smile too... only to see her cover her mouth and look away in embarrassment.
Kou also noticed how many people had earbuds in, closing themselves from the outside world. But he was more interested in this one girl who was sitting alone at lunch. Her hair was so pretty to him, as well as the nails that happened to match her outfit.. he could tell people fawned over her.. considering the people staring at her.. though he couldn't help but realize that she didn't care... softly mumbling the most seductive words to a song with her glossy lips...
He wanted to see her under him, he wanted to see her moaning his name.. Let's just say he's pretty close to doing so... because it wasn't a week later until he had you interested in him.
"Kou, don't fuckin play with me..."
"If you'd like your phone back, kitty... you'll have to give me something in return~!"
"Damn Whatchu want? Not me because you... can't handle me..."
Kou loved your sass... to the point where he did things like this.. just to see you try to get rough with him..
"Kitty... that's where you're wrong.."
-Yuma Mukami
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Yuma wouldn't say... he didn't like this huge change.. he wouldn't say he liked it either.. he was in the firm middle. Obviously he has to plant new tomatoes in his new garden.. and he obviously has to get used to the new people.. they seemed aggressive like him so he actually found it funny...
He found himself being stared at most the time because well, he is tall.. but he also is quite fine. Yuma figured these girls were crazy, he wouldn't say he didn't have fangirls at his old school but they were mostly into his other brothers or the Sakamaki brothers.. but it seemed like he got the more attention now...
He even found himself being invited to watch a whole cheerleading practice.. in which Kou came along because he'd never seen a cheerleading team before.. their old school didn't allow it.
Anyways, Yuma figured he'd be bored about this whole thing but he ended up choking on a sugar cube when he saw one of the girls on the floor doing a dance routine that caused her thighs to jiggle like jello... and the way she moved... she did it fiercely... We all know Yuma likes rude females... so when he heard how loud you were, commanding the other girls to follow your lead... he felt his ears get red.
The dude was in such a trance, especially since your hair was in a cute puff/bun with braids/bun. He also couldn't help but stare at your skin, yeah everyone else had the same dark skin... different shade of course but yours mixed with your beauty was alluring.
He then noticed that the females stopped cheering and your (e/c) eyes were staring right at him when you walked up the bleachers... a smirk casting upon your face when you grabbed your bag that was right beside him...
Oh yeah, he wanted to see you in action... so to test your limit.. over the past weeks he's just been being such a child... but you were used to it at this point.
"Oi, get ya panties outta my Damn face"
You just rolled your eyes as you stood up straight from bending over, looking back at him.
"Shut the fuck up befo I chop yo Dick off... don't play with me..."
Yuma didn't know he loved aggressive girls until now.. like.. in his mind he was like 'please do'
"I wanna see ya try, dumbass..."
-Azusa Mukami
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Maybe this whole moving thing was a bit frustrating to him as well... but when arriving to America... he noticed a few things... there were people who didn't know how to stop staring but there were also people who tend to mind their business..
People would always criticize him but now it's like.. nobody was really bold enough to do so.. It made him feel more better about doing the things he does.. Though there was multiple teachers asking if he was alright.. and actually he couldn't really respond to them.. so they let him go most of the time.. right now he was in the nurses office... some teacher saw him with a deep cut...
Anyways, Azusa was sure his brothers were frantically looking for him.. considering when Azusa leaves a spot from them.. it's never alright or good..? They were also in a whole new area...
"I'll be with you in a moment (y/n).."
The deep and rich scent coming from around the corner made him slightly jolt. He wasn't expecting such a nice scent to burst into this room.. though when he saw your chocolate/caramel skin come through the door... he immediately forgotten that staring wasn't really something you shouldn't do in America. Though he couldn't stop, his eyes hazily looking up to the top of your head. He noticed that your eyelashes were pretty and long, your lips smelled like cherry, he could smell it from where he was sitting.. but he would compare you to a nice piece of chocolate.. even though he doesn't really.. eat.
Apparently you had a deep cut from a box... you were helping one of the teachers out and got punished for it? That was just rude of the box...
Anyways, your (e/c) eyes looked around before landing on Azusa. His eyes softly staring at you, and lord did he look sad.. his whole aura was depressing but also happy? You gave him a light smile and it made his stomach flutter... just smiling back slowly as he looked down at his hands in his lap... you were pretty to him.. and you had this sense of love coming from you... like a mother..
Over time, his brothers noticed him acting somewhat different? Eventually he'd gotten advice and now you were just so attached to him.
"Azusa, baby.. I know you can't help it but..." you couldn't say more, you just started wrapping up his wounds.
"I'm... sorry (y/n)....."
"I know... don't worry bout it.."
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Crow of hope
Hey @duneska​ I want to wish you a Happy and full of delight filled Birthday, you truly deserve it 😊.
You have become a wonderful friend over the little time I knew you and you just brightened up my whole day with even the littlest message. The conversations we had were always so bright and funny to me, and I just bonded with you over similarities I always believed no one would get.
But I am so glad I was wrong and I was able to form this friendship with you, you were after all one of the persons who brightened up my tumblr experience the most. 
And like I said, you brightened up my day with even the littlest message.
I hope I could also brighten your day a bit and wish you a lot of fun with this piece I’ve written.
It might not be your taste as it is rather angsty at the beginning, but I’ll promise there is a lot of fluff making up for it. Something I also want to apologise in advance for is that it turned out soo long, but when I tried to shorten it - I just wasn’t happy with it. So buckle up and enjoy this fic with a well deserved piece of cake 😊
However, I have brabbled enough - enjoy your Birthday present and your B-day😊
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Words: ~8.5k
„Alright, put the daffodils right there – yes, to the Dahlias.” Commanded Elain in a soft voice as fae of all kinds bustled around the grand hall – her voice a drowned-out whisper in all the other murmurs which echoed off the sleek white walls. Bustling skirts, hurried steps, exhausted breaths, and small conversations all around her lithe body, while everyone -female, male, old and young – worked together to make their High Lady proud.
No one knew that it wasn’t their priced High Lady who organized all this; the flowers, the decoration, the cluttery – it was all chosen by Elain, though the main idea really came from Feyre and perhaps that was all that mattered, but right now there was no time to frown at that.
Tables were still in the need to be placed by the walls, so everyone could dance to their hearts content in the middle of the great hall with tapered ceilings, the last bits of food needed preparation and mostly had the decoration to be finished -the colours a special order from Feyre herself when she had approached Elain two weeks ago. Telling her sister in a rushed afternoon, which the seer spent working in her greenhouse, that she would love to have an garland of flowers – rowed in the colours of the rainbow – stretching all over the room.
Considering the fact that the hall was at least thrice the size of the river Estates living room and mid-January – it was a miracle that there were even that many flowers available in Velaris. Many florists had given their last flowers to the charity event of the High Lady, once Elain’s begging voice whispered through their ears, having to close for the next couple of days as they had no other arrangements to put on display, but no one of the shop owners seemed to care.
And honestly, Elain didn’t either -having put the blooming part of her spacious greenhouse to good use – as the last flowers were braided into a river of poinsettias, orange Dahlias, daffodils, Jasmines, light blue Delphiniums and many, many more. If the seer was truly truthful, were it a bit too varying shades of colours to her, as they nearly seemed to jump into one’s eye, but who was she to care. Feyre was the artist who wished to paint this dull hall into a sea of happiness and surely knew what she was doing – hopefully.
Thought Elain while her delicate hands smoothed over the sea of flowers, a coughing fit crawling from her throat the moment all those different smells hit her flaring nose thrills – giving her already a headache – while she ordered for the garland to be pulled up.
“It’s just … magnificent.” Breathed Feyre next to Elain, a swirling cloud of dark chiffon skirts swaying to her feet, as she watched how the rainbow expanded over their heads in a bow, like a real rainbow. “It sure is.” Coughed Elain, while she tried to hide her coughing fit and tearing eyes behind the back of her hand – this was just too much for her nose!
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay till the party starts? You know, my students keep nagging me to bring my pretty sister back to the art lessons.” Mocked her carefree voice the tearing seer, who just shook her head – to more she wasn’t able anyway as Feyre already rushed off to Rhysand, who strode into the grand hall as if it was a catwalk, together with Nyx on his hip. Smiling sadly to herself did the seer shake her head and avoided to gaze at the happy family, safe, together and alive – unlike many other families who had fallen victim to the war.
The cold luring song of death pulling all those warriors and innocent fae away from their loved ones. This evening was for those loved ones, who stayed in the charts and rubble of a past life. This evening was supposed to be  giving them  hope – hope of a healed life as they were to laugh to their hearts content again. And Elain should have been happy for Feyre and Rhys – is happy for them – but somehow this was never all she felt, somehow there was this pinch. Twisting and stabbing her guts whenever she thought of all of the happiness, the freedom – all which she denied herself and did not dare to believe in anymore, as it was taken from her. Her freedom – her choice. Given to a male she nearly did not change a word with and did not even whish to have a bond with as her happiness vanished in the puff of a stary night as a ravenous voice declared to her: ‘It was a mistake.’
Never would she forget those words. Never would she ever be able to hear them from him again -whispered, yelled, breathed, or just told in a voice as cold as a grave – as no matter how, they would always be her end. Always send her heart bleeding in a flood of scarlet red while her eyes cried the river of a thousand seas binding together.
But it was no use- mourning after someone she was not supposed to be with. After all immortality awaited her and right now were the things on her mind far more important than a male – no matter how charming, generous, kind, patient and good looking he was. Elain tried to shake her head at those silly thoughts, her bleeding-heart wandering in a mine of salt with them, as her golden locks flew around her like a spinning skirt of the finest silk twirling under the glimmering lights of a chandelier. Sparkling and sprinkling as if a thousand stars lived in those heavy strands of hair. But those stars would not shine, would not rise as she hurried with silent steps away from the last preparations.
Past a happily laughing Rhys and Feyre as they listened to Nyx blabbering and let her pass without a second glance into the dull hallway.
‘She forgot!’
‘Of course, she forgot!’
Raged her mind while she waltzed over the marble in a barrel of sky blue chiffon skirts; ‘Why would she remember?’ , asked her heart her, this traitorous head of hers silently answering her ‘She has many things swirling in her head right now, she just forgot this year – there are millennia’s to come, don’t be too hard on her.’
Lie! Screamed her shattered heart, as tears dreaded to fall from her doe eyes, waiting like brave sailors at a plank end for the final push of the captain, while her delicate hands gathered the soft material of a dainty blue chiffon. But this last push never came.
The words in her head and memory those of a salt dipped dagger, but she did not cry, did not bend as her cruel heart sang to her, that her sister had not only forgotten this years Birthday, but the one of last year and the one before that and even before that.
Feyre forgot Elain’s birthday for the fourth time in a row and if things were going to continue like they were now, her younger sister would surely wonder in a century, if Elain was truly born or just popped out of a seed on some nameless day. Though Nesta was not of much difference, her number of rows only a three, while her pretendence of knowing her beloved gardener sister hurt just as much as Feyres.
Both seeming to know what was best for her.
Both seeming to know that a rainbow would wait to be spotted in her life – funny thing was just, that instead of letting her watch out for the numerous colours painted in her fate, did those two stand in front of her. Clouding her vision and senses with their good believed thoughts as they were ready to fight for this miraculous happiness of hers with a shield, dagger and sword, and bow and arrow. Never letting anyone past them, as they watched out for her, believing that this suffocating grip they had on her heart was something non-existent.
But they didn’t know that she felt about them this way, after all – Elain never really spoke a word of discomfort to them, never truly. All that spoke for her was her body – lithe a pale swaying from time to time under the glowing sun, whilst her last meal had been days ago. A peaceful sleep seemingly something which mocked her from a century long distance as it escaped her over and over again.
But no one noticed -except for Nuala and Cerridwen, who tried to nurse the delicate fawn silently back to health with heart sweetening friendship and occasional baking lessons, in which they all ate the results after wards.
Though did another name occur in her mind, as she raced through the long, sleek corridors and farther away from the shining stomach of the bustling manor. Grabbing her lilac cloak in a hurried way, while she repeated that same name over and over again in her head. The smile she wore stretching itself impossibly wider on her lips the more often she thought of him and his dazzling smile. Him and his gleaming eyes and sun lightening laughter.
And it were those thoughts which made her rushed walk to her home so much lighter, almost jumping from one step to the other as she hurried past chatting fae on the cobbled street. Only noticing with a distant consciousness that each house she passed grew darker and darker. Colour fading, whilst walls crumbled under the broken roofs.
Her nose didn’t even scrunch up at the rotten smell which wafted through the air, unlike she had done before, because she knew -just knew- that this was a familiar scent. One which would come without suffocating sisters, one which would come without an always smiling gardener but one which would come with a light sweet hearted boy, who lived among greys and browns.
Only a few houses stood crumbled, but proud, under the sinking sun of the night court. Rags and hastily put-up tents dominating the dark paths far in the outskirts of Velaris. Though some did not want to acknowledge that they were still part of this shining city, feeling out of place and unheard, whilst the high fae and lesser fae lived in glorious peace with their High Lord and Lady, who believed to have restored houses and families of their city. The healing of the peoples hearts a process which started long ago. The charity ball of Feyre was a part of this process too.
Her cheery and optimistic self, which also understood the pain and grief of the fae, made them all come together for those in need -mostly for those at the rainbow. Little did one of them know that those who needed the help the most, suffered in silence under ruins, and decayed bodies of their loved ones. Skeletons of delicate fae females, bulky males, Illyrians and even children resting in dreading ivory colour among crumbled walls and roofs.
Fortunately, he was not one of them, luckily, he was brave enough to get a hold of her skirt one fateful day on which she got lost. Mortified by the skeletons, ruins and death singing streets, did her heart nearly leap out of her chest once this little hand brought her to a halt. This traitorous muscle already readying her to meet the empty eye sockets of a dead being. But those eyes glittering and shimmering like a mountain lake at her were pretty much the liveliest she had ever seen. Specks of brown and green swimming in those eyes of his, that one could think they were fishes enjoying the warm presence of him.
Just like Elain would do now, as she reached a small house. A cracked door -rotten and hanging off on one hinge- was all which kept her from seeing him again. Eager to see his blinding smile, did she knock three times: one short and two long, just like she had told him.
“Elain!” squeaked his voice already from the inside, as he hurried to haul the door open. The seer could only smile at the little boy standing in front of her with this dazzling grin – one of his front incisors gone. “Hey Amel! Would you let me in?” “Of course!” beamed the boy and crushed the seer into a warm hug once she closed the door behind her. “What did I miss while I was gone?” spoke her voice softly, once she had picked him up and carried him towards the rag of a couch only a few steps away. His little wings twitching up for the shortest of moments, when she accidentally brushed the base of his wings with a slightly calloused hand. “Nothing much.”, mumbled Amels voice into her shoulder, “though I did miss you. Does that count?” Elain giggled at his hopeful eyes and could only plop his little nose; “Of course it does! I missed you too after all.”
Amel nuzzled into her at those sweet words and enjoyed her warmth like a giant cat, which curled up on the seers chest. Though he did not purr, but did the boy fold his wings neatly back in – almost as if he were ready to fall asleep.
“I have a surprise for you!” spoke up the little Illyrian in a rush, once Elain sat on the slightly mushy pillows of the couch, as if he had just remembered the surprise himself rather than to tell Elain. “And which one is that?” But she did not even receive an answer, as the little Illyrian had long scurried to the kitchenette in the back of the giant room, in which next to the sofa and a kitchenette stood an old table, with two chairs, accompanied by an old cask, which worked as a bathtub and an ancient fireplace. The in grey stone set cleft gaping at her, whilst the heavy stones crumbled, but the important parts of the old fireplace were still intact. The empty blackness reminding her that she had to feed it with wood and light them up in order to have some warmth in the perforated house.
Kneeling in front of the ancient fireplace did she fed log for log and lit the stack of wood with cold shaken fingers up, silently listening how Amel dragged a chair over to the kitchenette and climbed on top of it.
It were mere minutes which the seer had spend here, yet had the sun sunken that low already, that the stars begun their twinkling evening dance atop of their heads – bringing chilly January coldness with them, that let her breath fog. And that was the sign for Elain to start the nightly preparations with a whistling wind around her shaking shoulders, picking up various piles of blankets, while Amel still bustled around in the rotten kitchen cabins.
Blanket after blanket were strained atop of the clumsily, over the holes nailed wood. Blocking out any roaring sound of cold gusts and any light. And whilst the seer put the last blanket over the gaping slit of the broken door, did Amel sit down eagerly on the couch. “Come on, Elain! You are going to miss your surprise!” She smiled then, nailing the last blanket for today against the old wood and strode over towards the young boy with two thick wool blankets in her hand.
Once she sat down on the slightly warmed pillows, did Amel pull something to the front, from behind his back, the happiest smile he ever wore stretched on his thin lips: “Happy Birthday, Elain!” Exclaimed his cheery voice and let her gaze on a plain little muffin, which was topped with a half burned Birthday candle. “You shouldn’t have, Amel.” Whispered the seer as tears welled up in her eyes and hugged him with all her blazing heart.
She had only mentioned the day of her Birthday once, in a bedtime story she told him, and here he was – this young soul, full of happiness despite all his pain, who presented her a sweet little muffin as if it was a great Birthday cake. And it was, for her it was everything she ever asked for. Elain did not need any gowns or jewellery on her Birthday as presents, she just wanted a soul which remembered her.
And Amel was together with Nuala and Cerridwen the only souls which truly remembered her. Perhaps Azriel remembered the date too, but after the Solstice a few weeks ago it was probably clear that he would not wish to speak his congratulations to her, after all – she was a mistake. One he was likely to never do again, as he seemed to avoid her like the plague – only letting her catch one accidental glance at him while he admired the work in her Greenhouse from afar.
“You have to blow out the candle!” cheered Amel. Though did his eyebrows raise once Elain told with a slightly stern voice, that he was the one to eat the muffin. “I already ate lots of cake Amel, one more bite and I’ll explode!” joked the seer, but the Illyrians wings only lowered itself down on the brown pillows “I knew it is not good enough…” “It is, Amel. This is all I could ever ask for and I bet it tastes delicious,” Elain rested her cold hands over those of the little Illyrian, cupping the muffin together with him “but you need to eat more than me. You are still growing.” He nodded at that and let the seer blow out the striped candle.
She did not have a wish then, but after Amel devoured the baked good and went to take a bath with her, did he ask her sleepily “What did you wish for?” Elain tugged the blankets around them impossibly closer, a cocoon of warmth, “I can’t tell you; it won’t come true otherwise.” “Pleaseee…” “Alright.” Chuckled Elain at the Illyrian, whose wet black hair stuck out as if it were hedgehog spikes and leaned down to him: “I wished for your Mama and Papa to come home and that you three live in a cute little hut together.” “Without you?” “I’ll come by to visit – verry often.” spoke Elain once she saw his sad blue eyes, that lit up the moment she announced her regular visits.
It made her smile, when Amel cuddled closer into the pillows of the large couch and into her warm side, his arms and wings sleepily drabbed over her while he tried, even in his sleep, to protect her and hold her close to him. Elain could only draw calming circles over his wet hair, as she too pulled his little body closer. The sad awareness of her lie chuckling behind the sofa leans at her.
She knew that Amels parents were to never return. Their broken bodies one of the first she had found and buried, after she decided to come and help those who needed it. Fae of all kind had helped her burry those which did not survive the Hybern attack and had taken her advice on going into the starlight kissed city. Only this little boy stayed.
She had met him the week after she buried the winged female and in rind covered male, the descriptions he made to her sending chills down her spine as she realized that he was the child of those two lovers. An orphan now – though did he not know it, as he eagerly waited for his parents to come home after their grocery shopping and Elain did not have the heart to tell him of his parents passing. The only thing she had told him, was that they were asleep and that for a verry, verry long time – forever-she had told.
But Amel did not understand the meaning of those words and simply waited for his parents, in their house, to wake up and get him back. Elain couldn’t count the times she had asked the boy to come with her anymore. His reason of stay always the same – “Mama and Papa won’t find me, if I’ll leave.” And so, all she could do was visit him, as often as she could and if one considered that her presence at the river estate was barely acknowledged, did she spend almost all her time here. The only ones which knew about her whereabouts were Nuala and Cerridwen, who occasionally send her with a basket ‘into town’ to get something for them, if Feyre ever asked. Though did the basket never come back filled – it was always empty. The smuggled loaves of bread and wheels of cheese always staying at the little hut together with Amel, who had fallen soundly asleep next to her.
His little snores pulling her under too, whilst wind and darkness raged outside and slowly let the fire die down.
A heavy knock on the door was what pulled them awake. Sleep mused and dry did the Illyrian boy and Elain look at each other and waited for another knock, which followed soon. The seer already wanted to go and check the door herself as Amel only hurried past her, to haul the door open again. Letting her poke the dying ember glimmers in the ashes awake.
And then he just stood there at the door, wings dropped and mouth wide in amazement, did the boy not even shiver when coldness cloaked his in rags covered body. “Who is it, Amel?” shouted Elain from the fireplace, as her eyebrows furrowed together. At this time of day no one had any business to attend here. The worry she felt overtaking her once no one answered her. And as she saw the one standing on the other side of the threshold, did she nearly lose the black fire poker in her hands. Shock, delight, and pain all suddenly exploding and chasing around in her heart.
Amel only took her free hand, once he saw her frozen face – widened eyes and a slightly parted lips. “He looks like the one you always describe in my bedtime stories.” Stated his happy voice in a hushed tone, as if he feared the person at the threshold – chunky as a cupboard – was just a ghost. He was certainly not the only one believing that, as Elain herself could not process the picture in front of her.
Azriel stood there, in flesh and blood, with a heavy breath fogging the air as his murky coat and wind mussed mass of dark hair stood black against the stary night. At first glance one could believe he was one with the darkness, but at second glance one saw the broad shoulders, tugged in wings and tousled hair standing darker than the shadows against the sky. A silhouette painted in the depths of a night blooming sky in one of Feyres paintings.
And he was just that, a painting whose face lit it up in a golden hue with surprise once he saw the little Illyrian hauling the door open with his yet dainty fingers, now clutching to the seers hand. His breath halting the moment he saw her -just like hers had flogged itself away in her chest once she saw his eyes again. Dulled and almost entirely hazel, the specks of grey and green which she had spotted over a year ago, nearly gone as they seemed to hide away from pain and hurt.
“Elain.” Tore her his ravenous voice away from his empty eyes. She felt shocked, to say the least as they were always warm and seemed to sing of companionship and appreciation whenever her gaze wandered into them, but now there was nothing – just a murky sea of hazel, empty and without a feeling. “Can I come in?” “Of course!” chirped Amel before she could even lift her tongue for an answer. Sending the boy a stern look -accompanied by a suppressed smile – when he left her delicate hand and placed his little palm against Azriels large one, dragging a stumbling Shadowsinger into the little hut, as they left the seer to close the door.
Elain could only smile and shake her head, once she saw how the two took their seats on the coach, a strong wind- piercing and shivering- flickered through the rotten walls and send the fire dancing, whilst the seer merely shook at the gust. Hazily closing the door after this howling bite reminded her of the gaping opening in the wall.
“Are you really the Shadowsinger?” whispered Amel at the gigantic male by his side, as if he were afraid to accidently summon an ancient creature. “I am.” Azriel inclided his head, “At your service little lord … .” “Amel.” The Shadowsinger send a rare grin to the boy and repeated his name, which set the Illyrian giggling “But I am no Lord!”
“Really? But I thought you had the heart of one.” Mused Elain as she stepped back to the two again, her arms loaden with wood and those delicate shoulders covered in a sheet of wool. Amel watched her with raised eyebrows feed the fireplace. “How do you know one has the heart of a lord?”
“Well, that’s easy.” Smiled the seer to herself once she sat down with the two curious males. Amel a small curious bundle of wings between her and Azriel – watching her with the same curious stare as the Shadowsinger. “A lord is one of a noble kind, though I do not mean the kind of nobility you are born with. I mean a kind of nobility you grow over time, one which is not defined by money or jewels, but by the weight of the heart and one’s decisions.” Whispered her small voice at him and poked the spot above his heart with a teasing finger. “A lord is -for me- not someone born with the claim of a throne or a higher stance in society, only minding his own business and his alone. A Lord is someone who is kind and generous, with a heart as bright and pure as the sun.” And somehow her gaze wandered over the ash black locks on Amels head and into the curious eyes of the Shadowsinger.
Specks of life and colour returning to these irises in green streaks once her words had settled into his heart. A shy smile stretching on her lips after she had spotted the faint blush in his cheeks, under the glowing light of fire.  
Amel only hummed at the words. “So does that mean I am a Lord?” “To me, yes!” smiled Elain at the boy and wrapped him into the wool blanket beside him. Afraid that the wind which rattled at the planks and blankets would bite into his warmed body. Tucking him away with a careful hand and slowly pushing him down on the spacious couch. “Come on, Amel, it is time for bed.” “But I don’t wanna go to bed! We have a visitor!” Protested the young boy with an uprising of his wings and voice.
Making the Shadowsinger uncomfortable as he was brought into the argument. “I can go … if you need your rest little boy.” The little Illyrian jumped at that – not on the floor to have a temper tantrum – but to the Shadowsinger. His little fingers holding on tightly to Azriels’ neck as he sat in his lap, “No! Please don’t go! It’s nice to have you around!”
“You are certainly the only one who is thinking that.” Grinned Azriel at his head. Somehow laughter and sadness lacing those uplifted corners. Those twisted ties drawing in the seer so much, that she could not prevent those childish words from slipping; “That is not true. I like your company very much.” Only when his head snapped to her, those eyes widened and brimming with green and grey again, did she hear her own words pounding against her ear and nearly punching her heart out of her chest, as she got lost in the forest in his eyes.
Only catching herself once a last crack of wood screamed in the flames, making the burning ember jump out of the chimney and onto the rotten wooden tiles. It had the seer nearly jumping to her feet – pushing the glowing ember back with the heavy fire poker, as if she were stabbing a chicken.
Or a king for that matter, as suddenly not the gleaming heat of the fire covered her hand, but the warmth of freshly spilled blood. Elain shrieked at the sight, eyes wide and mortified did she throw the iron poker in front of the fireplace. Wiping her ash covered hand at those chiffon layers of sky blue.
Azriel was there the moment her back hit the old couch. Setting Amel on the old cushions and picking up the slightly heated fire poker with a careful, scarred, hand.
He took the space beside her the moment his ears heard the Illyrian boy shuffle to lay down, trying to give them at least the imagination of privacy with his back turned to the two fae. “El, are you alright?”
Her heart jumped at her nickname on his tongue. Rolling off of it so easily, as if he had done it a hundred times. “I am fine.” Croaked this silent voice of hers at him. Making her laugh at her ruined try of steadiness. “It’s fine Az, really. Nothing to be worried about.”
He didn’t answer her.
Hearing the lie a mile away even if he were deaf.
But he gave her time to sort herself out and collect all the silent thoughts she did not share with him. The moment she wanted to, his words flowing into hers as they were to interrupt each other’s sentences; “What are you doing here Azriel?” “I wanted to wish you a happy Birthday.”
They looked at each other then, really and for the first time in weeks. Those brown swirls in the seers’ eyes drawing him in, as if he were a child yearning for chocolate. Whilst the seer wandered into those streaks of green in his irises as if they were a mystical forest, she long wished to discover, but never dared to.
It had them still, yet throwing their heads back as laughs, as sweet as the first flowers in spring bloomed from the seer’s mouth. Whilst those frail petals slithered down Azriels spine, had the rich ravenous sound of his laughter goosebumps emitting on the seer’s skin. Amel merely turned around, peeking at the two adults merely sitting inches away from each other. The Shadowsingers wings slightly extended to Elain’s side as content silence wrapped around them as a warming blanket.
Even after weeks of silence did not change a thing of their companionship.
Even after all this time, after all the mistakes, had nothing changed.
There was a bond, buzzing and glowing, as warm as a hearth between them. But something dimmed this radiant glow.
Though it was no shadow which touched this magnificent bond. Enthralled by this golden glow themselves did they sneak around it like curious snakes, watching and gazing, tracing and tickling.
But neither of the two fae acknowledged this bond, this tether between night and day.
And so Amel saw it upon himself to cut through this thick silence, once no one dared to utter a word, not even a heave of a silent breath. “Elain, I am tired. Can you tell me a story, please?” “Of course!” jumped the seer to answer immediately, as she turned to wrap him up. Snuggling onto the couch close to his fragile body, to prevent him from freezing, and put another blanket atop his frame.
It didn’t take long for the boy to nuzzle into the seers side, pressing his rounded ear next to her left ribcage -listening to the thundering sound of her heart. “Do you want to listen too, Shadowsinger?”
“Please, call me Azriel. And only will I stay if your mother is alright with it.” Elain stiffned at that, barely noticeable -at least for Amel- as the little boy merely answered him “Elain is not my Mama – but she is waiting, together with me, for her to come back.”
Dread immediately filled Azriels guts as he saw the almost invisible shake of her head. He was an orphan. Left in the rubble of Hyberns attack.
He had to chock down a small “I am sorry.” For the boy did not yet know of his parents passing. But even though this was a message as dark as a shadow, did he still feel a spark of light inside this black mist, when he remembered how long ago the attack was and Elain was still here to watch and guid him. “Before you ask, Azriel, I don’t want to go into the city. Mama and Papa won’t know where I am if I leave.” Yawned the boy tiredly, surprising the Shadowsinger ever more, as he seemed to have known his next question.
Elain merely smiled at the boy and caressed his back protectively, whispering to no one in particular “I have tried to convince him for months now to come with me into Velaris, or at least a little hut -not a ruin- but this stubborn Illyrian doesn’t even give me a chance to reason with him.” Her gaze shifted then, from a warm fire to a cold batch of earth “But I am already used to that.”
Azriel didn’t know if she meant the incident on solstice, or if she was talking about her lack of choice in general, but he did not dare to pry any further as the shadows whispered of her uneasiness to him.
Amel seemed almost fast asleep in her arms, lulled in by the beat of her heart -how he would have liked to switch places with the little boy – barely noticing anything around him as he carefully got up from the creaking floor. “I better get –“ “Stay.” Interrupted him Elain before his heavy booted feet could even make one tentative step towards the door.
The Shadowsinger was torn between leaving and staying. The High Lords words,as well as his own ringing in his rounded ears. ‘You are to stay away from her.’ ‘It was a mistake.’
Did these words hunt her just as much as they chased him?
Letting him grief and nearly cry out in anger at a love he was denied being with, as his brother -His High Lord- assumed him to be driven by the need of his lusts. But this was by far the furthest thing from reality. He had long admitted to himself, that the taste of the seer on his tongue would send him to heaven and hell all the same.
But what he carved more than any taste of her, was just the feeling of her. The warmth of her lithe body seeping into him, whenever she would hug him. The sound of her voice giggling at one of his dry jokes – whilst her smile brightened up his world. Her smell a perfume of Jasmin he wished to smell for the rest of eternity.
And driven by all that -his hearts carvings- did he give in to the temptation of her company and settled to rest at the other end of the brown couch. One of the woollen blankets Elain had carried before resting atop his massive frame with slight scratches, but they gave him warmth and something other to concentrate on than the seers smell.
„All right. You settled in, Amel?” “Uhmm.” Hummed his young voice at Elain, sleep already drenching from every little sound. It had the seer giggling, whilst the Illyrian only nuzzled into her. Merely peeking an eye open when he had heard nothing of the silent Shadowsinger. Only to see the picture of darkness at the wrong spot.
Elain was sure, that if Feyre, or any other artist was to capture this moment, it would not be the taunt reality with a shy Shadowsinger trying to hide at the other end of the couch. For anyone else it would be death peering down on his next victims. The shadows behind him seemingly lashing and wiping at those preys, whilst the truth was one of shyness. The shadows not knowing what to do with themselves as their master was fully at ease and their presence of needlessness. But the curiosity they harboured, for the story that was to come, made them stay. Shyly settling down by Azriels wings and shoulders as they waited patient as dogs for the seer to begin.
But apparently was Amel not happy with the arrangements. Huffing a loud puff of air at the seer when he had realized the uncomfortable shyness with which Azriel gazed at them. “Azriel, please come here too – I wanna cuddle with you too!” It had the Shadowsinger go stiff as a board, the calm shadows beside him suddenly twitching alive again. But instead of lashing out to protect this cupboard of a male, did they more seem to gather behind his back. As if trying to push him.
“Traitors!” muttered the Shadowsinger under his breath, making the seer giggle ever the softest at his stern gaze into the black void. Amel hadn’t heard this word, which echoed through the seers pointed ear, but was delighted when he saw the dark male standing and gathering his blanket. The fire beside them dancing and seemingly caressing the stern panels of his face and gigantic wings.
Every other kid would have trembled in fear at him. Afraid that those painful eyes would hide a volcano of rage and violence, but Amel knew it better. And Elain couldn’t help as to smile at herself, with the knowledge that this better knowledge of the boy was her fault – telling him every night a tale of the Shadowsinger, which she herself heard from Nuala and Cerridwen.
“Scoot over.” Ordered Amel with the try to push the seer at the sofa lean. Even though the seating was rather large considered to regular couches, it still was not enough to fit all three next to each other.
Azriel already wanted to see it as a cue to finally go. A sigh of relief, but also exhaustion flooding him, as his heart yearned for the company of the seer. But also was afraid to come too close to her. Hurting her perhaps. He didn’t wanted to do that.
To his relief or unluck, he wasn’t sure, grabbed the seven year old his tainted hand and pushed him into the space next to Elain.
The seer, as well as the Shadowsinger, gazed at each other in a moment of surprise. Their widened eyes searching the company of each other as Azriels wings twitched beneath him, adjusting ever the slightest to his new form of rest -trying to make them some space.
But as it turned out was the only option to let Elain slightly lean up and let the wing pass under her. Cradling this lithe body of hers, while Amel crawled on the males chest and snuggled between the two. His own wings a warm cocoon around him. “Comfortable?” asked Azriel the boy and had his heart leaping in his chest at the bright smile the boy offered him. Hugging him close as if he were not a monster, as if he were not covered in the blood of hundreds and hundreds, but as if he were a male like everyone else. With a heart and a life and a mind which could make generous decisions.
It was the case that he did, but right now, even this moment seemed too innocent to weigh against all the bad decisions he made. Sensing his discomfort snaked the seer an arm around the little Illyrian between them, and let her palm silently rest on his drumming heart. She felt every nervous pump of blood on her skin, yet she merely smiled and tugged the blankets -which were shortly discarded- up to cover all three of them.
The fire still crackling happily in its pit. Whilst those three souls lay in comfort there.
It was the physically closest they had ever been. Even with Amel between them could the seer not say were his heaving chest ended and her calming hand started, connecting them as if he were a vibrant tree sprouting out of her calming earth. Somehow this coaxed a smile out of her and using the situation shamelessly by snuggling even closer.
But it did not like as if Azriel minded, as his scarred hand grabbed a hold of her waist. Steadily keeping her against him.
“Ready for your story?” whispered Elain in the warmth before the fire. “Yes!” declared the boy and too, snuggled closer to the Shadowsinger. In whose chest seemed to bloom a flower of happiness, nurtured by the appreciation, patience and love of those two in his arms.
Elain merely smiled and started a tale which the quiet Shadowsinger was to remember even in the passage of centuries.
“Once upon a time, there lived a princess. She was of utter beauty and kindness, pure and entirely unstained. Something her two sisters wanted to prevent from ever happening, as they searched the truest, kindest and sweetest soul for her sister to marry. Promising her hand to him at a time she had not even met this mysterious man. The bubble of solitude and guarded safety her sisters kept her in, stifling her chances of ever getting to know him before their wedding was to happen. Promising her forever to the hand of a stranger, who did not even own her trust.” Azriel noticed, that during sometime at her telling – had slipped a sting of pain in those normally bright shining eyes. But Azriel assumed to know why this was the case, her fingers starting to rub unconscious circles over his heart – chanting searing circles through his burning skin as his heart thundered and pumped in response at them. At even the softest of flame rings did this beating muscle in his heart not miss a chance to capture this circle.
And then she whispered again -at the night, at Amel, at him or at the fire, he wasn’t sure. “But this marriage was a trap. Not for the lovely sister, but for the poor man -who would spend his entire life in the fear of losing his wife to a so believed demon inside of her. This creature inside of her -so it was told- capturing her and leaving her eyes in a mist of grey whenever he was to talk to her. “
“Her sisters had worried for their beloved, lovely sister ever more with the passing years, as this haze of grey seemingly hunted her day and night. Fearing that this beast might kill her, had they locked her up, far, far into a tower with barred windows. Her entire freedom taken away from her, when her sisters had sent a guard to watch over her.” Elain chuckled, and sneaked a glance at the Shadowsinger, who cradled the tired Illyrian, as if her were worth an entire court. “At first, she believed him to be a statue, one created without emotions displayed on his looming face. But over the time she got to spend with him – she saw it was actually a massive cauldron brewing beneath his bronze skin. Mixing happiness, kindness, gratitude, sadness, anger and so much more into one pot that he just didn’t know how to express them.”
“But over time -even when those hazy moments possessed her- did they grow to know each other. Finding more similarities in the other than it was ever believed of a guard and a princess to have. Her sisters however were blind to the obvious trust between the guard and their sister and kept the engagement to the other man. It was when she first saw the male, so in contrast to the guard who had her trust, that this demon overtook her. Not just her eyes, but also her mouth. Speaking of a riddle which was to occupy the entire Kingdome of the princess for years: ‘The one with the deepest of values, shall be able to set her free – the one of the greatest of powers. The one having fate at her hand, a two-sided blade -one old and one new- wielding at her will. A mist of grey laying ahead of her eyes, whilst the path behind her, shall be paved forever more. The stone to rest, one which she can’t move.’ “
Her eyes glazed over at that – when her voice talked almost sacredly about those prophecies – as if she were in a memory only months away. Absently starting to trace Amels ash black curls with a tentative finger. His deep snore vibrating through the Shadowsingers chest as both watched in trance the rise of his little body. When she realized that Amel had long gone into the depths of sleep, she withdrew her hand, closing her eyes for the rest of slumber. That was until the Shadowsinger asked, a careful edge lacing his voice, “Could you please continue? I wanna know the answer to the riddle.”
Her eyes snapped woken at that, a shy smile stretching her lips, before she used the hand to cradle the felty matt of Amels hair, to caress his lightly stubbled cheek “I assume you already know the answer, Shadowsinger.” “Still. Please.” He wanted to hear her voice just for a little longer. Wanted to enjoy her embrace as long as he could – savouring every searing fingerprint of her on his skin.
Elain did not argue father than that, simply letting her words lull him in again; “Her sisters believed, that the one who had the deepest of value, was the betrothed of their beloved sister. Claiming that her love was his. But to their disappointment had he no clue, no answer with could free the lovely princess from her haze. And so, she stayed locked up, in the tower and murky depths of grey, her hand free to take – as the sisters saw that the man they chose, was a choice for another princess. The riddle, which was spoken, carried near and far. Surprisingly, luring a lot of man into the trance of the cursed princess, so it was said. “
“Her beauty had man forget the oddity ,this curse seemed to be, and made them simply wish to take her hand with the freeing of her haze. And yet, determined they all were, no one had the ability to free her from those murky grey depths. The only soul loyal by her side -unafraid- was the devoted guard by her side. Watching and protecting her like the human she was before. “
“Year went by, beforethe guard got fed up with presenting the princess constantly as if she were an animal in the zoo. A mere attraction, not a living being. The guard had heard the riddle so many times, he himself was able to recite it as if it were his own words, yet it took time too, for him to realize the meanings of the words.”
Elains brown orbs gazed deep into his then, a bright smile seemingly lightening each freckle and trace of colour in her eyes, when she recited the words he once declared “A seer. That was what the guard had told. Freeing the princess from the grey murky depths of future and past with two simple words. Spoken as if they weighed nothing. But the world rose at that day, colour, smells and feelings returning to the princess. The cry of happiness was roaring through the entire castle, as the two sisters wanted to hug their beloved sister, though had she heard nothing of that. Running past her extended arms and down the pedestal on which they kept her. Jumping right into the guards’ arms and clinging to him, as if he were her air.”
“Is that what you would have liked to do?” grinned the Shadowsinger. The tenseness of his shoulders -of his entire being- seemingly vanished into thin air within this stolen moment. Elain blushed a little, but nodded nonetheless – snuggling a bit closer to his warmth and body – whilst his wings drew in tighter and tighter around the three. As if they were the boundary between the world and their peace. “If Lucien wouldn’t have been there -as well as my sisters- I would have done so. I would have weeped into your arms out of joy.” Admitted Elain with crimson cheeks. But Azriel merely pulled her tighter with the hand around her hip.
A silent understanding that he, too, would have liked to change this moment now. But the past is paved and set in stone – no matter how many mistakes one might have done, they could only change the future. And Azriel knew the moment a loud snore left Amels lungs, that he wanted a future where this was not a stolen moment – where this was their life. And one in which this would not be a ruin, but their home.
Their home.
How he liked that sound. Making him feel all fuzzy and warms as he imagined it, not even the cold reality of the story able to catch up to him. He was with Elain in her embrace he could dream – he always did. It should have been a warning- that his mentality had went from cautious and professional to this cotton candy sprinkled mind of happiness and without boundaries – but he would take the consequences for that on another day, in another setting.
“Where did you even know from where I was?” whispered Elain into the dimming light. “I didn’t. The shadows had guided me.” And as if on queue flickered a whisper of darkness over her cheek, caressing her, as if they were a ribbon of silk. Fluttering briefly over the snoring Illyrian between them too.
“They seem to like you and him.” “I like them too.” Smiled the seer. “They are you after all.”
Azriels heart nearly burst at this as blinked away the prickling sensation in his eyes. Never, not in 500 years, had one spoken of him and his shadows like this. Never had he felt those words more than now as he was on an emotionl edge.  Torn between his High Lords command and the calming presence of this beloved female. But as she hugged him impossibly closer, he knew that he no longer was torn – that he no longer had to fight against a wish he wanted fulfilled.
Azriel was sure that he wanted Elain, courts and everything be damned, as he only hugged her closer too. She and Amel, right now the only ones which counted to him. And he was ready to die for them – if Lucien or Beron insisted on the blood duel.
“I am sorry I haven’t gotten you a Birthday gift, El.” Exclaimed his strained voice suddenly, when he noticed the seers eyes glaze over with tiredness – believing that she could not answer him anymore.
“It’s alright Az, your company is gift enough.”
And it was in that moment, when silence and sleep rested on the wind’s breath, that he didn’t know if it was the seers Birthday or his. As this was the greatest present he ever received.
The wind sored loudly around them, as a curtain of honey whipped in front of his face -the seer having once again not listened into braiding her hair- clouding his vision on the small hut. “We are almost home!” yelled Amels voice next to the two. His yet delicate wings carrying him carefully on the gusts of wind, as if they were lifting him up into the arms.
Azriel and Elain merely smiled, once they saw the little hut. Hidden away into a garden of wildflowers and trees, as Elain had planted them there. Around their home. Around their secret.
It was yet a story to be told to their family, of how the crow -how Azriel translated Amels name to her- had connected death and the fawn. Letting them soar high into the sky in the arms of each other. Away from responsibilitys and fate.
They knew it would all come to an end eventually -spilling the secret – but until then they had this.
A life full of sunshine, yet covered in the shadows, as they flew further and further to the wooden hut. The sun guiding them their path with a shining smile.
Whilst the Seer and the Shadowsinger could only smile as bright as the rise of a new day, “Yes, Amel, we are almost home!”
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away-from-anthills · 3 years
chapter ten-
It was clear the russet-furred tom was hiding something.
Currantstar looked just as frantic as he was the prior night- darting around; breath light and shaky. Antstar and Stoatslink had to duck behind ferns and stones as they followed him to ensure he wouldn’t realize he was caught.
Usually, ShadowClan cats liked to keep their claws long- even Currantstar had had long, white claws the last time Antstar noticed them. But as the three cats went over the bridge, Antstar realized that Currantstar’s claws had all been chipped so they wouldn’t click as he went over the bridge’s pale wooden tiles. This was all planned in advance. Whatever Currantstar was doing here, it wasn’t something sudden.
The ruddy-colored tom took a sharp turn left, and the two WindClan cats scrambled to follow him.
“We’re on RiverClan territory,” sharply whispered Stoatslink.
“I know,” Antstar replied. “We can just tell them we’re following him.”
It became harder and harder to track Currantstar through the wetlands of RiverClan. The uneven, soft ground felt alien before Antstar’s feet. He turned towards camp as he and Stoatslink slipped between stones. Quite a few warriors were standing vigil for their fallen Clanmates, and the lights of their eyes looked like freckled, colorful stars from this distance.
“We have to be quiet,” he urged Stoatslink. “They’re all up.”
“You said they’ll go easy on us if we just tell them about Currantstar.”
“Does it look like I want to do that?”
Stoatslink looked suspicious at best. “You really like keeping secrets, don’t you.”
“I- never mind that, he’s getting away!”
They turned to see Currantstar make a sprint across a small, winding Thunderpath, just around where the little farm by RiverClan was. They followed him, picking up speed as they traveled parallel to the Thunderpath, carefully watching over their shoulders to avoid the fate that bad befallen the former deputy Rainleap a scant few moons prior.
Suddenly, the russet ShadowClan tom took a step right, into a little subdivision of Twoleg houses that lay just beyond the territory. He relaxed visibly as he did so, shoulders easing into his fur and his tail unfurling. Antstar and Stoatslink followed him from the shadows of the other side of the winding Thunderpath as he trod upon a little sidewalk. Currantstar’s head bobbed as he went, like he was counting each house he passed by- one green one, one pink one, one white one with a red door and a little birdbath in the front. Without looking at the ground, he leapt over an uneven crack in the sidewalk that could have easily tripped him.
“Does he get food here?” asked Stoatslink, his ears drawn back and the side of his lip curled in a look of disgust. “I guess that’s typical ShadowClan.”
But Antstar noted the excitement in Currantstar’s eyes was giddy, and boyish; far beyond the simple, gluttonous pleasures of Twoleg food.
Suddenly, Currantstar stopped in front of a small, periwinkle-covered house longer than it was tall. It had a garage next to it, where a small, plump olive-green monster slept. Two windows, each with a yellow glow, perched on either side of a darker blue door. Curiously, there was a little cat-sized flap on the base of the door. The house looked lived-in, but certainly much tamer, much more organized, far neater than the forests that greeted them only a short walk away, much more unsettlingly perfect than all Antstar had known.
The ShadowClan leader’s long, straight ears perked up. A small figure of a cat became visible in one of the windows. As soon as it was there, however, it disappeared. A few moments later, the flap on the bottom of the blue door began to shake.
One white foot emerged, then the other- out slid a beautiful dilute calico. She was small, but her short, cashmere fur was so neatly groomed it rounded out her features. Her face had a youthful quality to it- a small, curved nose, big teal-green eyes, and ears that seemed to just ever so slightly be rounded. Around her neck was a silvery collar with a stripe of white lace, decorated with a small, shiny jingle bell. She moved through the freshly-cut grass like water and thrust herself into Currantstar’s side, where he purred warmly and leaned into her.
“Why all the urgency, Calypso?” he teased in his smooth, crimson voice. “It’s only been a quarter moon.”
“It felt like a lifetime to me.” She had one of those voices that was light, but silky, with just enough of a darkness that she didn’t seem naïve. It had a unique accent to it- kittypet accent.
Kittypet accent was one of the things the Clan thought most terrifying about kittypets. Twolegs had a unique quality about them in that everything they were near seemed to turn into them. Kittypet accent didn’t have the gruff twang of ThunderClan, the smooth chirpiness of RiverClan, the dry snicker of ShadowClan, the harsh sharpness of WindClan, the nasally quality of SkyClan. No, kittypet accent sounded like Twolegs, and the more a kittypet was around them, they said, the more and more Twoleg they would sound until they were indistinguishable from the big, spider-pawed creatures.
But Calypso only had enough kittypet accent to be strange, foreign- and, therefore, desirable in the way only true mystery is.
“Currantstar, I must tell you something. About last night.”
Currantstar nodded, suddenly looking a touch uneasy. She stepped back, lifting up his scruffy chin with her tail to keep him interested, before she sat down, turning around gracefully.
“So, you know how last night I told you that I wasn’t sure if I was pregnant or not?”
Currantstar looked more and more uneasy. He already had looked to be in a disarray, but now he looked like an unravelling yarn sweater as he twitched and gripped the dewy earth.
“My Twoleg took me to the Cutter. Don’t worry - nothing happened. But I did learn that I am, indeed, pregnant.”
Currantstar looked to be a tad ill, his green eyes flickering with a mixture of emotions. Antstar turned to address Stoatslink, but Stoatslink’s eyes were too glued to the drama unfolding before them for him to notice.
“You look nervous, darling.”
Finally, Currantstar managed to speak something beyond a vague stutter. “The Warrior Code- my mate-“ “You told me your Clan wouldn’t mind. Isn’t ShadowClan quite accepting of it?” Clearly, the red tom had lied to her. But he couldn’t reveal the truth now- no, he had placed himself upon a house of cards, although Antstar could not tell which card was which.
“You’re right,” he said breathlessly. He fell into her shoulder and she curled around him. “You’re going to be a wonderful father. We can split the kits up both ways- half with me and half with you…”
“Doesn’t Currantstar already have a mate?” asked Stoatslink, his eyes still glued to the two cuddling cats in the same way one can’t look away from roadkill.
“He… he does,” said Antstar. “Sleekpetal, his deputy’s daughter. And she’s- expecting his kits.”
Suddenly, the booing that Currantstar had received at the previous Gathering made too much sense. And Antstar made a horrid realization- if not even Currantstar, the paragon, the one who he had wanted to be, was perfect, if even Currantstar was hated by his Clan, if even Currantstar could be two-faced and adulterous behind the calm, charming mask… what chances did that give him?
The two WindClan cats turned to leave, but as they did so, they caught sight of a pair of blue eyes, blue like hot fires, in the distance. Antstar and Stoatslink hid behind a big, boxy black monster as they watched the little tom approach.
Stoatslink seemed positively giddy with anticipation as the bile fascination twisted upon itself. “It’s Whitestone- his deputy!”
Whitestone was an old cat, definitely one of the older deputies. His deaf ears had been chipped at like weathered stones; lumps had began to develop on his hind legs. His tail had a kink in it and hung loosely behind him, the tip dragging against the pavement. He had a permanently-furrowed brow, and his blue eyes were so weary they had developed a tinge of reddish-purple.
“Currantstar,” he called. At once Currantstar seemed to shrivel inward, and he nudged Calypso’s shoulder, trying to get her to turn away. But the dilute calico simply looked puzzled as she backed away two steps, her ears turning lopsidedly as she stared at the white tom.
Whitestone marched onto the grass, and walked up until he was only a whisker’s length away from his leader. He leaned up; his face pinched with suspicion.
“Mind explaining who this is?” he signed.
“Friend of mine,” Currantstar signed back- although it was difficult for him to keep his paws from shaking so hard that they interrupted his attempts to sign.
“Friend?” Whitestone didn’t look like he’d believed a word of it. “Friend. When everyone knows you’ve been sneaking out nearly every other night. When everyone knows you always smell of one molly or another.” He stepped back, indignance boiling in every inch of his body. “And we both know she isn’t the only one you’re seeing.”
“I can explain!” Currantstar yelled out on instinct. Remembering that his deputy was deaf, however, he signed back: “I can explain! Listen-“
“Explain what?” asked Calypso, trying to understand the signing between the two. The sign language the Clans had developed was not a universal one; although certain gestures were universally understood by all cats; she had been left out of the conversation entirely. At least one thing had worked in Currantstar’s favor here.
“You’re too focused on yourself- how you look, how you act, what mollies are fawning over you- to even consider your own Clan. Half of us can’t even go to Gatherings. Why? Because to you, we’re too ugly! We’re a shame to the other Clans, in your eyes- and for why? Everything you do is a façade, Currantstar, and you damn well know it- including whatever you’re stringing this kittypet along for!”
Currantstar stood still.
“You have no reply? What about your mate- my daughter? What about your unborn kits?”
Currantstar shot Calypso a nervous look. She didn’t understand.
Whitestone stood very still, his furrowed brows pushing themselves together into one as he continued to think. Something began to dawn on him, and he stepped back.
“When you made me deputy,” he began to sign, “back when you first became leader. You were courting my daughter.”
Currantstar nodded, seemingly realizing Whitestone had dawned upon some horrid truth.
“You… you made me deputy because you thought it would make her like you more, didn’t you? That’s all?”
Currantstar, again, stood still. His eyes stared directly at the little white deputy, but his mind was somewhere else, like it had taken an exit to keep itself safe and leaving the body alone in its place.
“ANSWER ME!” signed Whitestone frantically. “Did you make me your deputy just because of that? Because it would make you look better?”
Currantstar stood still for what felt like an hour, and then- slowly, surely- he nodded.
Whitestone drew back with a hiss, winding himself, every muscle coiling, his teeth starting to bear as an adder’s did… The white tom sprang. Currantstar dodged the blur, but just barely, and the white tom dragged him back. The two became a red-and-white tangle as they traded blows, Currantstar clearly trying to disengage as Whitestone’s anger grew hotter and hotter.
“Stop! Stop!” yelled Calypso as she began to drag the white tom away- but as she did so, Whitestone raked his claws across Currantstar’s face, creating a massive, nasty gash that framed the underside of his face and went down across the lip to his chin. In panic, Currantstar tried to hold the wound, to stop it from wrecking his otherwise-perfect face- but a part of him had to already know it was too late.
“You’re telling them, when you get back. You’re telling them why you have that gash. Who you’ve been seeing. And why I’ve chosen to resign as your deputy.” Whitestone grimaced with a sort of parental disgrace. “I’m not going to be your deputy just so you can convince my daughter, when you get back home, that you’re the kind of fellow who cares about her. Fickle bastard, Currantstar, you fickle, fickle bastard…”
Whitestone left, his pelt still red in some places where Currantstar had dealt him blows. Currantstar turned to look at Calypso, the slash in his face beginning to swell as wounds tended to do.
“We have to get you cleaned up!” she said, running up to him and analyzing him to ensure no other big wounds had been cursed to him in the fight. “Who was that, though? You seemed to know him.”
“Just some useless rogue,” Currantstar fibbed. “Trust me, everything’s fine.”
“I think I’ve seen enough,” said Stoatslink. He turned to go home, and Antstar followed, down the winding path out the neighborhood into the distant, whispering forest that lay beyond them and yet was so familiar.
 They were silent on the way home, only breaking their contemplation once they crossed into WindClan.
“I mean, I guess Currantstar being like that makes sense,” Stoatslink admitted.
Antstar turned in his tracks. “Makes sense?”
“Yeah.” Stoatslink’s yellow eyes flickered with the light of the stars above them. They were slightly obscured by his large nose bridge, but Antstar could still see the suspicion that hung behind them. “He was too quiet. Too perfect. Too… well, I think all leaders have their dirty secrets. But I knew upon seeing him he had some particularly complicated sets of skeletons under his nest.”
“What do you mean, all leaders?”
“…Well, look! Tatteredstar has killed members of her own Clan, like she did with Rosefire. Tulipstar became leader without being decided on the prior leader or even her Clan; her medicine cat at the time lied to them all because he just happened to like her the most. Pigeonstar has definitely caused the deaths of several cats through needless, petty battle. Currantstar has… well, that. And you.”
Stoatslink’s eyes narrowed into two slits, like he was trying to put a name to something that never had one before.
“I’m sure you’ll have something. If you don’t already have something, that is.”
Antstar had to stop himself from jumping back. Did Stoatslink know? Had he figured it out? Or- even worse- was Antstar a suspect that he was trying to whittle away, slowly, inch-by-inch until he collapsed, like vultures scavenging the dead until the body falls apart entirely?
“Anyway, seeing that all unfold was pretty funny, I must say.” Stoatslink stopped at the entrance of the gorse-flower tunnel into camp. “Just remember what I told you about Sparkthistle.”
 It was silent again. Antstar looked up at the stars above him. On a clear night, like this, he could see very far- all the clusters, the entangled shapes the stars made, Silverpelt stretching herself across the sky…
He remembered being a kit, staring up into that deep, wide sky. What was out there? What lay beyond the forest, beyond all he’d ever known?
A part of that magic remained, still, so long as he didn’t think about it too hard, so long as he only looked at it for a short while.
Then, a voice. Pawsteps, light and soft- that of a kittypet’s.
He turned to see Nightblossom. Nightblossom had been one of the cats who were once rogues but had become respectable warriors when Antstar had allowed them in. Her velvety black coat had been disrupted by scratches from the fight earlier that day. Her right ear had been nicked; the notch was still getting torn open, indicating that one day the entire top half of her ear would fall off.
“Can I talk to you about something?”
It had been the first time in a while he had heard her voice. She was quite unlike the other rogues that had been let in: Shrike and Audrey were content in the elders’ den. Juniperfang was a coarse creature who had meshed into the battle perfectly. Lilystone was a strong, silent type, and her ThunderClan-like muscle and stature made her a great fit for the tunnelers. Birchshine was not particularly talented, or intelligent for that matter, but what he lacked in natural gift he made up for in effort and kindness.
But Nightblossom had sunk into the background, like the shadow of a wallflower…
Antstar nodded and let her speak.
“I know I was really excited about joining the Clan with my friends. And… I still think the Clan is great. What it stands for, how everyone works together. But…” She faltered. Her tail slunk to the ground and stood still. “I just… I can’t stand the fighting we did today. And it wasn’t even for us. I don’t want to fight. I… I felt so sick, watching the SkyClan leader and his son…”
Antstar opened his mouth to protest, but already he knew it was too late.
“I want to leave the Clan. I love my friends, and the place, but… I just can’t stand the idea of fighting, let alone for something we really don’t have any part in. I’m not Nightblossom anymore. I’m Stella, like I was before.”
She began to walk away into the black night that bore her former name, her fur peppered with light from the stars above. Already, it was like she was slipping away into nothing.
“I wish you all the best. My friends already know I’m leaving- don’t worry about telling them.”
She walked away, towards the barn, slowly picking up speed like a stone was sliding off her shoulders. She disappeared nearly as soon as she was a strong distance from camp because of her black pelt. A few minutes later, something in Antstar’s heart grew heavy, and that was when he knew she had winked out of the world of the Clans and was gone.
 But Antstar’s mind soon turned away from the black and into the white as another matter came to mind.
Horror gripped at him with its long, yellow talons. He couldn’t let Stoatslink die. Sparkthistle had nothing to her name, and was not missed- if she was, it was only her shadow and her what-could-have-beens that were mourned. But Stoatslink was a family man. Two daughters, both soon to take their final apprentice assessments, friends both in and outside WindClan…
But something had to be done. Stoatslink was, after all, practically snaking around the truth, around Antstar. And if Antstar was gone, the political implications for WindClan were dark ahead…
Stoatslink was a threat to the Clan. And he would continue to be a threat as long as he was aware, as long as he was on the trail near the gorge where Sparkthistle had been found. As long as he could nose through the lies- or at least as long as he attempted to.
After all, he was telling his Clanmates that he expected a murderer was on the loose. It was a matter of public security- a panicked Clan catches no prey…
Antstar felt his brain coil as it ran ten thousand tail-lengths a minute. Faster and faster it went, faster and faster he felt his paws go beneath him, until he stopped in the open doorway to the medicine den, breath shaky. As soon as he saw Whitetooth’s teal eyes greet him, he managed to gasp out breathlessly:
“We need to do something about Stoatslink!”
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currently-exsisting · 3 years
Coins & Coffee Shop (Akaashi Keiji)
Pairing: Akaashi Keiji x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Pure Fluff, Second Hand Embarrassment
Word Count: ~1.5K
A/N: You can't tell me Akaashi's demeanor doesn't scream dark academia vibes and I'm totally here for it. Also, this is my first post here so I hope you guys like it and I'm always open for constructive criticism! (ꈍᴗꈍ)
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Everyone has little aspects about them that make them unique. No one has the same features as anyone else but people do share common traits among each other. (Y/N) was known to be many things. She was intellectual, indecisive, inquisitive, sometimes lazier than she would like to admit. But above all these things, (Y/N) was an honorary member of the klutz society. It’s not that she chose to constantly trip on her own feet or overlook the miscellaneous sock that somehow found its way out of the laundry basket, it was just that the universe had placed some unspoken curse on her that bound her to these actions in her everyday life. Some days seemed to consist of fewer misdemeanors than others. Today was seemingly one of those.
(Y/N) had just finished her second interview of the week and so she went to treat herself at a small coffee shop located in the quieter part of town. Although it is labeled as a coffee shop, the young woman was never a fan of the bitter drinks most adults fawn over. Her typical order consisted of a medium-sized hot, Darjeeling tea. She preferred to use honey as a sweetener because it added a unique flavor otherwise unattainable.
She entered the small coffee shop and made her way to the barista to place her order. She didn’t give her surroundings much thought, her mind was wandering, thinking about the latest article she wrote for the local newspaper.
“Hello miss, how may I help you today?” She placed her order with a lopsided smile, her mind still not completely present.
“That will be $3.25 please.” (Y/N)’s fingers fumbled around as she was reaching for the correct amount of change, causing a few dimes and pennies to fall on the haphazardly cleaned floor.
She muttered a small sorry as she scrambled around to gather the few coins, mentally cursing the mere existence of them. Just as her finger reached to pick up the last coin, a stranger’s long, skinny fingers brushed up against hers.
“Oh thank you!” (Y/N) pulled her hand away after the stranger gave her the discarded coin. She hadn’t looked at his eyes yet, far too embarrassed to even look at his face.
That was until her stranger let out his first few words. “It was no problem.” Quickly (Y/N) raised her head, causing a sharp pain to shoot up her neck. Her slight grimace faded into a nervous smile, completed with wide eyes. The boy- no, the man in front of her was nothing short of angelic. His face could easily be mistaken for that of a Greek god. His slightly shaggy, raven hair fell on his forehead, framing his face. His cerulean eyes looked like they were unintentionally piercing into (Y/N)’s thoughts. And, as if he was able to use those eyes to read her thoughts, a small smile gracing his lips. (Y/N) were in the presence of an angel, there was no doubt about it. However, her heavenly daydream quickly crash-landed back on earth when the barista let out a forced cough.
(Y/N)’s eyes widened even more- if that was possible- as she realized her situation. She quickly tore her eyes off the stranger without another acknowledgment and turned back to the counter. She grabbed her tea, nodding her head in both gratitude and apology. (Y/N)’s mind, still hazy from the multiple levels of embarrassment she caused herself, didn’t conceive the idea that the man standing behind her was also in line and didn’t, as she previously thought, move away after helping her.
She whipped her whole body around yet again, itching with the idea of escaping the immense tension she created and misplaced her feet. Her legs tangled together like a braid, causing her to lose what little balance and dignity she had left.
It’s not that she meant to trip and spill her tea all over him; it was just the way of her people. People that she never disliked more than in that singular moment. (Y/N) looked up at the stranger, who was now holding her shoulders back to keep from falling over, for the second time in the span of two minutes. Except, this time he was covered in a light yellow-brown drink, his face contorted due to the hot tea burning his skin.
“Oh my goodness! I’m so so sorry!” (Y/N) scrambled to grab some napkins that were placed on the counter. She pushed him down into a nearby chair as she dabbed the napkin over her shirt. Her hands came across his abdominal area and she felt the hardness of his abs. Her indecipherable tangent of apologies paused and her cheeks flushed to an even brighter red.
It seemed as if the tea had cooled off because the man let out a small chuckle. His hand reached down to grab her wrist but he didn’t pull it away. (Y/N)’s eyes were still stuck gazing at the light brown shirt, speckled with unorganized dots of darker brown. When he grabbed her hand she slowly lifted her face. And without meeting his eyes, she let out another meek apology.
“It’s alright, you won’t be able to remove the stains or the dampness with a napkin. I was on my way home anyway so don’t feel bad about it.” His face had returned to the relaxed, nonchalant expression he had on previously. His cheeks were tinted a faint light pink color but he attempted to force the color to seep back into its typical hue.
“But I have to make it up to you somehow.” Her eyes wandered around the small cafe, thinking of something she could do for the gorgeous man. “Oh! Let me pay for whatever you were about to buy! It’s the least I can do and I am not taking no for an answer.” (Y/N)’s expression lit up as she stood back up from her crouching position. Her cheeks that had just started to lose their pinkish tint flamed up again when she realized the man hadn’t let go of her hand.
He slowly, almost reluctantly, let go of her wrist as he let out a small nod and stood up alongside her. “What’s your order?”
“A medium Earl Grey tea” The man, as (Y/N) had picked up, didn’t say or do more than was necessary. It wasn’t that he was careless but rather extremely reserved. Noticing this, (Y/N) let out another smile.
“Do you prefer tea over coffee as well? My favorite is Darjeeling but Earl Grey is delicious as well, it has a sort of musky yet elegant taste.” The man shook his head in another slight nod but this time it seemed as if he was more intrigued by the conversation. His eyes were focused on her as she placed the order yet again, this time paying in full bills instead of reaching for change.
(Y/N) turned her head around, slowly this time, after she got both their drinks. Her eyes caught on his piercing blue ones yet again and she felt her heart skip a beat. She acknowledged the upward tilt of his lips but decided not to comment on it. “Do you mind if I join you?” Heading towards a pair of chairs set around a mini coffee table by the window. The man simply shook his head and sat across from her. They conversed about their lives for a bit until their drinks had cooled down and they seemed to be well acquainted with each other.
“Oh, where are my manners? My name is (Y/N) (L/N), and again, I'm so sorry for inconveniencing you.” She took a sip of her tea and placed it down on the table.
“Akaashi Keiji; and like I said, don't worry about it. You do have a way of attracting clumsiness though.” (Y/N) looked away, embarrassment creeping up on her again.
Nodding her head she let out a sigh, “I can’t help it. The more I think about fixing my klutzy nature, the more it becomes prominent.” She reaches her hand to grab her cup. “I need some sort of anti-klutz device.” Rolling her eyes, (Y/N) wasn’t exactly paying attention as to where her hand was headed. Just as her wrist knocked the edge of her cup, Akaashi’s hand jolted out to hold the drink steady. (Y/N)’s brows crinkled and she rested her head in her hands in frustration. “See!”
Akaashi’s smile grew larger.“I don’t know about an anti-klutz device but I’ve had my fair share of clumsy friends so I can be of some assistance.”
(Y/N) peaked out from between her fingers, “You mean you want to willingly spend time with a hazard such as myself.” She said that as a joke of course, but Akaashi still nodded in his nonchalant manner.
“ Did you know that it is a person’s nervous system that causes them to be more or less clumsy?” he hummed and continued, now looking at the young woman in front of him that had him infatuated in her, “I can’t change your clumsiness, but I can be there to catch you if it causes you to fall.”
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thejilyship · 4 years
Butterfly Garden
What is this? Another fem!jily one-shot? Yes. Of course it it. Happy NYE
wc: 3.5k
ff.net | ao3
Lily had to practically drag herself up every single staircase between the hospital wing and the Gryffindor common room. It was well past midnight, and while she had a note in her hand from Madam Pomfrey, excusing her for being out in the corridors at such a late hour, Lily had run into no one on her way up to the tower.
Her feet were sore, her back was sore, her head ached, and she was beat. She had spent the entire day volunteering in the hospital wing after there had been a bout of food poisoning that had left the entire hospital wing completely full. Lily hadn’t known just how many students could be housed there before today.
When she finally slipped into the seventh-year girl’s dormitory, as quietly as she could, she toed off her shoes by the door and mustered up all the strength that she had left, to take a shower. She needed to was off this day before she could truly rest.
She walked silently past a snoring Marlene, then her own bed and Jamie’s were empty in the middle, with Mary sleeping quietly at the end.
Lily looked at Jamie’s empty bed for a moment and then shook her head. It wasn’t Lily’s job to wonder where Jamie was, or why she wasn’t in bed. Of course, Jamie was supposed to be in bed, as it was after lights out, but still, Lily didn’t need to worry about it.
Luckily, she was too tired to think much on it. She dug through her trunk, casting a silent muffliato spell to contain the noise, and then went to take a quick shower.
When she came back out, the entire dorm seemed even darker. A cloud must have been covering the moon now. She almost cast lumos, but Mary never slept with her drapes drawn shut, and she didn’t want to wake her.
So, she dropped her dirty clothes at the foot of her bed and slowly shuffled along until she felt her pillow. She pulled the blankets back, crawled onto the bed, and then pulled the drapes shut.
She collapsed in a heap of exhaustion, thinking that her bed didn’t quite smell right, it smelled better. But before she could think about why that was or match the scent to anything, or anyone, in particular, she was asleep.
Jamie was dead on her feet.
By the time that she managed to drag herself up the staircase and open the door to the seventh-year girl’s dormitory, she thought that maybe she should have just slept on the couch in the common room.
She managed to keep quiet as she closed the door behind her and started toward her bed, the window between her bed and Lily’s, now glowing faintly as the sun started to make it’s slow climb over the mountains. It would still be as hour or so before it had truly risen.
She tripped over a pile of clothes she didn’t remember leaving near her trunk and managed to catch herself on the post of her bed.
That’s when she noticed that Lily’s bed was empty.
She narrowed her eyes and looked toward the bathroom. It was only four in the morning, no one was up now, but Lily’s bed wasn’t only empty, it was unslept in.
Lily wasn’t one to break the rules, that’s how she had become the Head Girl, but perhaps she had fallen ill with food poisoning as well. Or maybe she had crashed in the hospital wing after helping for so long yesterday.
Jamie had helped out for a few hours, but she needed to leave before the moon came up so she could help Remus. He had finally transformed back into himself about thirty minutes ago, and so Sirius, Peter and Jamie sneaked out of the Shrieking Shack before Madam Pomfrey came to collect him.
She sat on her trunk and pulled off her shoes, then stripped out of her clothes and dropped them onto the pile of clothes already at the foot of her bed. She pulled on an oversized tee-shirt and then walked around and pulled back the drapes. She didn’t remember closing them, but she was too tired to worry much about that.
She climbed in, tossed her glasses on her bedside table, along with her wand, closed the drapes around her and curled up in a ball. She pulled the warm comforter all the way up to her ears, took a deep breath and let it out.
Tonight hadn’t been the worst night. Remus had even seemed to have fun for a while.
And they had managed to prevent him from-
The blankets were tugged from Jamie’s hands, exposing her shoulder.
Jamie blinked into the dark and then noticed the sound of someone breathing next to her, on the other side of the bed.
She stuck her hand out of the drapes and pulled her wand in, casting lumos as she sat upright. A pile of red hair was sticking out over the top of Jamie’s comforter, though the rest of Lily was concealed.
Jamie blinked at the blurry shape of Lily Evans’ head for a moment and then panicked. Had she gotten into the wrong bed? She was about to jump out of the bed and hope that no one would ever find out about her mistake, but then she caught sight of the stuffed animals at the foot of her bed, the black dog and the fawn-colored deer that Sirius had gotten her for Christmas. A gift that Remus said was a bit too on the nose but had caused them to all laugh.
This was most definitely her own bed.
And Lily was in it.
Lily Evans was in her bed.
Why was Lily Evans in her bed?
Lily shifted, part of her face becoming visible as the blankets moved down a bit. Jamie flicked her wand, and the light went out.
She laid back down, though this time she made no movement to cover herself or get comfortable. She simply stared at the top of her bed, her lips pressed together, and her brow furrowed.
What was she meant to do in this situation? Should she wake Lily up and ask her what the bloody hell was going on? Should she get up and go sleep on the couch? Should she grab the mirror and beg Sirius to tell her what to do?
She looked back toward Lily, though she couldn’t see her in the dark.
Had Lily meant to climb into Jamie’s bed? She had noticed that Lily’s bed was untouched, and those clothes that Jamie had tripped over, they must have been Lily’s. Which meant that when Lily got back to the dorm, she had gotten in Jamie’s bed instead of her own.
Lily had never done that before, so it didn’t seem likely that it would be an accident. But it seemed even more unlikely that it would have been on purpose.
They were friends, very close friends even. It had taken them a long time to get to this point, and while Jamie was still very much in love with Lily, and likely always would be, she didn’t think that Lily felt the same way.
So she took a deep breath and tried to think about this in a different way.
Lily had slept in Mary’s bed before.
Actually, Lily had slept in Mary’s bed so many times that Jamie had to go and get her teeth looked at by Madam Pomfrey because she’d gone to bed clenching her jaw and grinding her teeth and woken up with a sore mouth.
But Lily and Mary were best friends, and it didn’t mean anything to them to share a bed.
Lily could have gotten into Jamie’s bed for the same reason that she normally went to Mary. But she’d found Jamie’s bed empty and then fallen asleep while waiting for her to come back to the dorm.
Jamie didn’t really want the reason that Lily was asleep in her bed to be because she thought of Jamie in the same way that she thought of Mary, but it seemed the most likely of options. She supposed she should be glad to have gotten so close with Lily this last year, but she didn’t think she would ever stop wanting more, not where Lily was involved.
Jamie relaxed a bit and turned toward Lily, carefully pulling the blankets up over her shoulder again. The room outside the bed was slowly getting lighter, and while the drapes kept out most of the light, Jamie could see the outline of Lily’s face now.
The redhead sighed, nestled against the pillow and then, made Jamie question whether or not she needed to get her ears checked.
Jamie was pretty sure that she was dead now.
There was no chance that in the land of the living, Lily Evans had just sighed her name while sleeping in her bed, so the only other option was that she was dead.
She supposed that she could have been dreaming, but this seemed a bit too real to be a dream.
Lily stirred and then her face screwed up before she was sitting bolt upright in bed, a hand on her chest as she looked around.
Jamie slowly sat up as well, not wanting to startle her anymore than she already seemed to be.
The dream she’d been having that caused her to say Jamie’s name, did not appear to be a good dream.
Lily’s gaze locked on Jamie, she could feel it more than she could see it.
“I’m in your bed,” Lily said quietly.
So maybe she hadn’t climbed in on purpose.
“S’okay.” Jamie shrugged, trying not to sound as disappointed as she was. “I’m guessing you thought it was your bed.”
Lily ran a hand through her hair, pushing it back away from her face, something that Jamie had noticed her doing more frequently. “Yeah,” She nodded, her voice quiet. She looked away from Jamie, and Jamie felt her stomach drop. Lily was going to leave now, she was going to go back to her own bed. “Yeah, I must have-“ She cut herself off and rubbed her hands over her eyes now. “Did I wake you?”
Jamie shook her head, “No. I just got in, actually. Almost fell asleep before I noticed you were in here. You’re kind of a cover hog.”
“Am I?” Lily was still covering her face, and it was still dark, so Jamie was at a loss as to how Lily was feeling about the situation.
“Yeah,” Jamie clenched and unclenched her fist before she laid back down.
“It’s alright, I don’t mind sharing with you.” Jamie squeezed her eyes shut and buried a hand in her hair.
But then Lily laid back down. “I’m still sorry. I didn’t even ask.”
“You didn’t realize it was my bed. It’s not a big deal.”
“Feels like it is,” Lily said so quietly that Jamie didn’t think she was meant to hear. “Why did you get in so late?”
Jamie sucked in a breath, glad that Lily didn’t appear to be about to leave. “You know how it goes.”
Lily turned her face toward her, and Jamie wished that there was a little more light. Jamie was already blind without her glasses. “What an informative answer.”
“I was with the lads,” Jamie shrugged. “Not one of us own a watch so time is easy to lose track of.”
“Fine, don’t tell me.” Lily looked back up, pulling the blankets back to her chin. Jamie hid her smile in the blankets.
“When did you get in? It had to have been late.”
“Nearly one? It was late. I didn’t realize that the hospital wing had all those extra rooms in the back. It’s completely full.”
Jamie nodded. “I wonder why the food went bad.”
“That is a mystery for someone else to figure out. Madam Pomfrey had me making tonics all evening.”
“I should have stayed to help longer.”
“I shouldn’t have stayed quite so long,” Lily laughed quietly.
Jamie wanted to reach out to her, but she kept her hands to herself. “We should get some sleep. You’ve only been asleep for a few hours and I’ve yet to get any sleep at all.”
Lily was quiet for so long that Jamie was starting to think that she had already fallen back asleep, but then Lily rolled on her side to face Jamie and sighed. “You’re right. G’night, Jamie.”
“G’night,” Jamie said quietly, her stomach rivaling any butterfly garden.
Lily didn’t fall back asleep, she laid awake with her eyes shut until Jamie’s breathing had slowed and evened out. When she was sure that the other girl was asleep, she opened her eyes. It was slightly lighter now, but Jamie’s face was still mostly in shadows.
She couldn’t believe that she’d gotten into the wrong bed. That she’d gotten into Jamie’s bed.
Lily had fancied Jamie for, well she wasn’t really sure. When she had told Mary a few weeks ago that she was pretty sure she fancied Jamie, Mary had laughed at her and said that she had been waiting for Lily to tell her that for years now. When Lily had looked rather confused about Mary’s response, Mary calmly and carefully explained to Lily that she had always known that Lily had fancied Jamie.
“You pay more attention to her than anyone else in the entire school,” Mary was sitting cross-legged on her bed, painting her nails a bright yellow. “You always have. You may have just realized that you fancy her, but this is not a new thing.”
Lily was then forced to think back on her rocky relationship with Jamie and she had to agree with Mary. Lily hadn’t known at the time that she sought out arguments with Jamie in the beginning of sixth year because she wanted the other girl’s attention and couldn’t think of another way to get it, but it made sense to Lily now.
She shouldn’t have stayed in her bed though. Mary had informed her on multiple occasions that she talked in her sleep, and after the dream that she’d had about Jamie that had woken her up, she didn’t think she needed to be taking this kind of risk.
She still felt a bit flushed from the dream, and then waking up and finding that Jamie was very much in bed with her for real, had only made her more flushed.
When she had seen Jamie sitting there beside her, her fingertips and lips had burned with phantom touches that hadn’t happened.
And now she was laying next to Jamie, staring at her as she slept.
She needed to pluck up the courage to do something about this crush she had, but she didn’t know what she was meant to do. Her and Jamie were finally friends. They were finally past the point where they had to argue about everything, they spent most of their time together laughing now instead of shouting. Jamie was one of Lily’s favorite people in the world, and she didn’t want to do or say anything that would jeopardize that.
As Lily watched Jamie and tried to come up with the words to a conversation, she wasn’t sure she would ever be brave enough to start, Jamie rolled onto her stomach and stretched out, one of her legs brushing up against Lily’s. Her entire person was closer to Lily now, her face at the edge of the pillow and Lily’s in the middle of her own.
It was four in the morning. She wasn’t going to find the words that had eluded her for the last month now.
And if she shifted closer to Jamie before she closed her eyes and fell back to sleep, well, she could hardly be blamed.
Jamie woke up with her face buried in dark red hair.
This was an excellent way to discover that last night had not been some kind of fever dream brought about by a lack of sleep. Lily really had gotten into Jamie’s bed, and then decided to stay there.
And at some point, the two of them had tangled themselves together.
Jamie didn’t think she could move any part of her body without waking Lily. Their legs were entwined, Jamie’s arms were wrapped around Lily’s middle, her nose in Lily’s hair. And Lily was just as wrapped up in Jamie.
One of her legs was bent, hitched up over Jamie’s hip, her head was tucked mostly under Jamie’s chin, and she had her arms between the two of them, but one of her hands was resting on Jamie’s arm, as if it might be keeping Jamie’s arm where it was.
Jamie could feel Lily’s breath against her chest, through her tee-shirt, and she slowly took a deep breath, trying to ground herself in this moment. She slowly reached up with the arm that Lily wasn’t holding and started playing with Lily’s hair. She didn’t want Lily to wake up like she had earlier and jump out of her arms. She couldn’t see Lily’s face from this angle, so she was a bit surprised when Lily spoke up.
“Are you awake?”
Jamie was confused, but she smiled, “Just woke up.” She said quietly, still twirling Lily’s hair around her fingers. “At least I think I’m awake.” She said this even quieter.
“It’s pretty late.” Lily’s grip on Jamie’s arm tighten slightly, but she didn’t move away. “Marlene and Mary both left, so I’m guessing it’s after ten.”
“It’s Saturday.” Jamie shrugged, “We can have a lie in.”
“I think we have.”
They were both so still, both talking so quietly, so afraid to shatter something.
“Right,” Jamie wrapped a strand of Lily’s hair around her index finger. Lily slowly shifted her leg off of Jamie’s hip and Jamie tried not to feel too disappointed. “Guess we should find something to eat.”
“Yeah,” Lily paused. “In a few minutes.”
James pressed her lips together and nudged her nose against the top of Lily’s head. “I’m sure we’ve missed breakfast already anyway.”
“Probably.” Lily agreed.
Jamie’s throat started to feel dry, as the only words she wanted to say now were a bit telling and she was not finding a reason that she shouldn’t say them. Not when Lily was tucked up against her like she was, not when she was staying put, when she was asking for just a few more minutes.
Her heart started beating faster and her grip on Lily tightened. Lily pulled her face away from Jamie’s chest and tiled her head so she could look at the other girl. Jamie gave her a small smile. “Alright, Evans?”
Lily gave her a small smile. “Your heart is racing. Are you alright?”
“Don’t call me out,” Jamie muttered, attempting to hide her face in Lily’s hair again.
“Sorry. I’m alright.” Jamie peeked back at Lily, her eyes clear from their current distance. They were sparkling. “Brilliant, actually.”
“Did you really not mean to get in my bed last night?” She asked softly.
Lily slowly reached out and brushed an errant curl away from Jamie’s face. “Happy accident.”
Jamie felt her smile growing. “Yeah?”
“I think so too.” Jamie looked over Lily’s face, emboldened by how close she was keeping to Jamie, how she was looking at her. “Won’t be an accident when I do it tonight though.”
Lily bit her lip, still grinning and Jamie felt her hoard of butterflies return in full force. “You’re gonna get into my bed tonight?”
Jamie nodded, twice and quickly. “If it means I get to wake up like this, you’ll have quite the time keeping me out.” Lily laughed and it had always been one of Jamie’s favorite sounds in the world, but there was something special and light about the sound now.
“Let’s go on picnic.” Lily said. “Before I go back to the hospital wing, let’s go on a picnic, just you and me.”
Jamie’s heart joined her stomach in it’s fluttering. “Yeah?”
“If you want.” Lily amended unnecessarily.
“Are you kidding? Of course I want to go out with you- not that you just asked me out, you asked me on a picnic-“
“Jamie, will you go out with me?” Lily interrupted, still laughing, her smile the widest that Jamie had ever seen it.
“Yes,” She nodded, leaning forward to bury her face in Lily’s shoulder. “Yes, yes, yes.” Lily’s arms wrapped around Jamie’s neck and she started combing her fingers through Jamie’s hair until she thought she might just melt.
35 notes · View notes
shnuggletea · 4 years
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Alright Lovelies, here's something a little dark and spooky for your Halloween cravings! As part of the Darker Oneshots: Halloween Challenge 2020 (hosted by Seiay's Kiss and NekoPantera!), I wrote this fic! Inspired by the 3 am Game: 11 Miles, I took my rules from 6 Paranormal Games That Could Ruin Your Entire Life If You Dare To Play by Jessica Calder. 
Click here for the playlist!!!!
This is the fic I accidentally wrote in first (when the rules said no first person) so I have two fics. They're the same in content, just different POVs! So, you get to choose! This one is for the event! The other is for my personal enjoyment lol. You can find the first person through my Tumblr page!
This fic was lovingly and painstakingly BOOTAED (get it?) by the fabulous @fawneyedgirl, @lavendertwilight89, @eringobroke, and @egosolivagant! And the cover art by the super talented @sapphirestarxx!
This is a long one (that’s what she said) guys so you probably wanna head over to one of the sites below. The full fic is on this post but... it’s a lot! And I can’t promise I caught all the formatting Tumblr lost when I pasted it here. You have been warned!!!
For the Third Person version!
For the First person!
Tag Wall!!
@underwater0phelia@lavendertwilight89 @mamabearcat @nartista @nopenname22 @echobows@superpixie42 @smmahamazing @redflamesofpassion @jme-chan@cstorm86 @cicleydark-light @ruddcatha @lavaffair @kirrtash @sistasecbhere@inusgirl @obsessandfangirl @britonell @lordofthechips @mcornilliac@faolenwolf @classyhumanathletepalace @keichanz @phoenix-before-the-flame @artisticloveexpressitsall @lamuertadehambre @noyourenotreal @mitty-san @thenoammonster @little-deeluna @royaltrashpanda @sailorbabydoll92@storyweaver2017 @malditamigs @adorabubblesblog @lilms-obsessed@petri808 @anniehcresta @fan-dumpp @itzatakahashi @utakuprincess@theschultinator @all-too-ale @little-inukag-obsessed @theseagullqueen@queenofthesquirps @inusgirl @jolinaaa00 @knowall7k @neutronstarchild@fawn-eyed-girl @eringobroke @sapphirestarxx @clearwillow @dangerouspompadour @anxietyaardvark @bluejay785 @arcprz @whoisresponsible @zelink-inukag @lady-dark-69 @littlestuffstohide @liz8080 @master-ray5 @sailorsilverladybug @egosolivagant @fandomartlover @sailorlolo @knowall7k @astraearose93
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Eleven Miles (First Person)
Is there something you desire more than anything else in the world? To obtain it, you don’t have to travel across the globe but you will have to go farther than you may be prepared. Although the distance might not be great, it is a place not all can venture, as not all can meet the requirements. If your desire is great enough, perhaps you will succeed… if you dare.
At the moment, I was calm and quiet. Even with the girl in my arms that was shaking harder than a leaf in a storm. The others in the car couldn’t smell it; I was the only demon if just half. But I was sure: the air was thick with it. 
And you never forget the smell of death once you’ve experienced it. 
“Alright, someone wanna tell me what the fuck is going on??!!”
Six hours earlier
Walking into the tea shop, I quickly caught sight of Miroku’s black locks even amongst the many others. He stood out in his own way, ratty ponytail down the back of his finely pressed school blazer. It matched mine, save for the pressed part but I didn’t have any fucking butlers to do my laundry. 
Miroku held up a hand to wave me down as if I didn’t see him. My ears pressed down to my skull on instinct, the loud and crowded store quickly pushing me to my ‘friendly’ limit. Sango sat right next to Miroku, trying and failing to keep his hand off her thigh. I wasn’t sure what the big deal was; everyone knew the two were fucking. 
I liked Sango. She was one of the few in the school who didn’t act like they shit rainbows cause their daddy had money. Miroku was another tolerable person there which was why we were friends. My ‘Daddy’ had money and was why I was in the stupid, preppy, bullshit school. As much as I hated it, I had to be thankful. Otherwise, I never would have met the people in my life I considered dear. 
Plopping to my seat to show annoyance, I wondered if any of them bought it? Sure, the place was loud and crowded but I wanted to be here. Needed to be. And my reason would be showing up any moment now…
“Hello, all.” She fell gracefully to the seat across from mine and let her eyes wander. I watched her, waiting for more as there always was. “What are you guys doing tonight?”
We all groaned, me the loudest, which got her attention. “What the fuck are you gonna force us into this time, Kikyo?”
She pursed her pouty red lips at me and my eyes lingered a little longer than I liked. “I never forced you to do anything, Inuyasha.”
Flicking black locks over her shoulder sent a small, but powerful, wave of perfume in my direction. I nearly gagged on it and she caught on, smirking. She couldn’t wear that shit when we dated for this reason alone so now that we were broken up, she was flaunting. 
Springing to her feet, I held my breath. 
“Going to the loo.” Kikyo ‘shared’ and I released my breath in a groan once she was out of earshot. 
“Hey, you dated her.” Sango quibbled. 
“Yeah, and it’s been almost a fucking year since she dumped me. So why the hell is she still hangin’ out with us?”
Another body fell to a seat, setting down a tray of drinks before us. “Okay, I got thirty minutes.”
Opening her mouth, Sango held up a sandwich that I had no clue where it came from. But Kagome took a huge bite and moaned, making me laugh. Taking the rest of her dinner from her friend, Kagome sat back and continued to pig out. Not that we blamed her, she had very little time to spare. Ever. 
The rest of us grabbed the free drinks she had brought us, one of the few benefits afforded her working here, while Sango narrowed her eyes at the overworked tea girl. “Your cousin will be back any second now.”
Kagome just nodded, her mouth still too full to speak. 
“She wants us to do something with her tonight,” Miroku added, his tone clear; he didn’t want to go. 
Kagome swallowed and I swear I hadn’t taken my eyes off her since she sat down. “She won’t invite me so I have no worries!”
God, I was jealous. The way Kagome could just turn anything into a positive? Although, not being invited to one of Kikyo’s ‘outings’ could definitely be seen as a good thing in my book. 
Leaning on my elbows, I moved a little closer to Kagome. Careful not to be too obvious, I breathed in her scent. She always smelled like tea leaves. The light kind like white tea and peaches. I found it intoxicating, even now, after years of knowing her. 
She looked over at me and just when I thought I’d been caught, she smiled so brightly I needed sunglasses. “I’m sure it’ll be a good time though, right?”
Optimistic as always, it irked me, but only because Kagome didn’t deserve any of the shit she went through. 
“That’s my seat.”
I glanced, Kikyo returned and looming over Kagome. She only had a quarter left of her sandwich, which she shoved into her mouth whole and stood. Without a word, mostly due to her full mouth, Kagome gave us a quick wave and disappeared. But she didn’t go far, getting behind the register just in my sight. 
“If you want free drinks, then you can just ask me.”
At some point, Kikyo had sat down in Kagome’s seat. I had been staring, watching the practiced ease Kagome had making tea. It was fascinating, the gentle way she held the glass and strained the tea leaves? Flicking her wrist to get the last of the floating herbs and sometimes adding in chilled milk. I liked watching her make milk teas the most. 
But now I had steely gray eyes glaring at me. “I ain’t here for the free tea.”
A leg over her knee, Kikyo stared at her nails instead. “So tonight? You guys coming?”
“You haven’t even told us what we are coming to?” 
Miroku didn’t hide his annoyance, another thing I liked about the guy. Most were scared to death of Kikyo and her prowess within the school. Maybe that was why she hung around us so much? Either she liked that we didn’t shine her ass or she wanted us to start? 
“Onigumo is taking us for a ride.”
I huffed, “why the fuck would we want to go ride around with you and your boy toy?”
Her lips slid to the side and I knew I wasn’t going to like whatever came out of her mouth next. “Because he just got a brand new Escalade.”
Kikyo didn’t know a damn thing about cars and I didn’t give a shit about them. It was about status and (a big expensive car like the one her new boyfriend had) spoke volumes. Like I needed another hint, she dumped me for someone richer. She didn’t care who, and Onigumo was right there with his big wallet in his pants. Cause no way in hell was that supposed to be his dick bulging in the front of his jeans. 
“I couldn’t care less,” Sango said with a sigh. 
Kikyo was losing us fast and for once, she looked nervous about it. “There’ll be booze?” Miroku and Sango hesitated. “And we’re going to play Eleven Miles.”
“What the hell is that?”
Kikyo rolled her eyes at me, “look it up?!”
She knew I wouldn’t. Instead, I glanced back at the register for Kagome. Who was wiping down the counter with no one in line waiting. “We’ll go… if your cousin comes too.”
Her mouth dropped but she quickly picked it back up. “She’s working tonight…”
“And with one call, you can fix that.”
Sango and Miroku both smirked, knowing I had won. Because either Kikyo failed and we got out of what sounded like the worst night of my life, or she came through and at least I’d have a good time with Kagome there. 
Rolling her eyes, she pulled out her phone and I got to my feet, shuffling up to the counter. Pretty brown eyes landed on me and she smiled brightly yet again. “Can I get you something, Inuyasha?”
Smirking, I didn’t take the bait. It would be too easy to tell her ‘yeah, give me you’. Watching her blush would have been fun but I had a purpose. I pushed my palms into the counter before me and leaned into my shoulders while she watched me intently. “You’re coming out with us tonight.”
Her smile faded a little into a sad one. “I can’t, I’m working…”
“No, you’re not. I got mom to let you off.” 
Kikyo appeared behind me, talking way too loud at the girl before me. With as much sass as humanly possible, Kikyo turned on her heel and swayed so her pleated uniform skirt swished with her hips. That used to drive me wild; now it just gave me a headache. 
I was brought back to the present when a gentle hand landed and squeezed my clawed one. Whipping my head back, Kagome had her sweet smile on. The one that made my palms sweat. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“Do what?”
“Get me invited. I don’t like going out with Kikyo at all.”
“Neither do I.”
She squeezed my hand again before pulling away. I liked that. How she would touch me without fear or hesitation. Even with my claws accidentally cutting a few times in the past. Kagome mostly, since she touched me the most. Yet she still held my hand when I needed it or she did because she was a good friend and person. A god damn angel surrounded by demons. 
“You could always say ‘no’ to her. It wouldn’t kill you?”
Her back to me, I listened to her heart and breathing to figure out her real meaning. Not that it was hard, given what I knew about her and her family already. “I could. But I didn’t. Not this time.” When she still didn’t look at me, I sighed loudly to get her attention. “You’re not going out with her, you’re going out with me, alright? You never get a night off and this was my in so I took it and I regret nothing.”
When I looked back up, staring at the different bags of kettle popped popcorn instead of her while I ranted, she had a caramel color to her eyes as she grinned. “Okay. I guess I don’t regret it either then.”
A few hours later
Miroku was grinning while we waited, standing off to the side of my building to lean on the half wall around the playground behind us. With my hands shoved in my pockets, I kept myself from punching him in the face but when he started to chuckle, I couldn’t stop myself from shoving him hard with my shoulder. It didn’t stop him from laughing and it didn’t make me feel any better, stuck waiting for my ex to show up with her new bf in a monster truck to take us all out to drink. 
But I told Kagome I didn’t regret it and I didn’t want to lie to her. 
The large monstrosity pulled up, rumbling as the driver revved the engine while leaving the doors locked. Gaining as much attention as possible and rubbing it in my face. It was a good thing I didn’t give a shit; otherwise, it might have worked and pissed me off. As it were, it just annoyed. 
The tinted windows hid the inside but I knew what I’d find when the door finally opened. This was why I wasn’t shocked nor did I hesitate, heading straight for the tiny back seat Kagome was undoubtedly shoved into by her cousin. With Kikyo in the front seat, this was where I wanted to be regardless, as far back as I could get.
Miroku took the middle seats. He and Sango would occupy them once we picked her up. It’s not like I was gonna share the fucking middle with those two anyway. I’d probably get a high heel in my face while they made out viciously. A few drinks and it was inevitable with those two. 
So why Kikyo was giving me the stink eye in her little mirror, I didn’t pretend to know or care. I had invited Kagome in the first place; of course, I would spend time with her. 
Taking my attention off others, I gave all of it to Kagome, who smiled softly to me in the dark back seat. She rocked a long sweater with tights and a pair of small sneakers. Another thing I liked about Kagome, she never tried hard but still managed to look adorable every time. Even in her uniform that was a hand-me-down and a size too small. A long braid over and down her shoulder and she was easy on the heart and eyes. 
“You made it.”
I grinned wide. “So did you.”
“Auntie about had a heart attack, Kikyo vouching for me and tugging me out the door with her.” 
She giggled and my heart thumped hard, happily. It felt fucking amazing making Kagome happy. “That made it worth it, didn’t it?”
Kagome shrugged and blushed heavily, making me wish I could read minds. 
“Kagome is going to be the DD if we get too wasted,” Kikyo called loud and clear from her throne. 
Glaring back at her, Kikyo smirked before slowly turning back to her boyfriend. The heavy linebacker and team captain of the football team didn’t intimidate me in the least. But Kikyo wanted me to be and I was sure I would never understand why. 
Kagome was staring, silently, out the window when I returned to ‘us’. No matter how many times I saw it, it still made my blood boil. And everyone knew about it; Kikyo had no shame in showing her disdain for her own blood. 
At first, it was all smiles and words under the breath. The girl with no family and no money showing up at our school? Kagome was the talk of the ‘first years’. And Kikyo enjoyed it until it got out they were related. That was when the cruelty started. Or, at least, the public cruelty. 
Sango never let Kagome’s background bother her, befriending her quickly just as she had me, another weirdo. At least I had my rich daddy to fall back on as well as a strong last name everyone knew. 
Kagome had nothing. 
I don’t think I’ll ever get over the guilt of shunning Kagome because her cousin told me to and I was a fucking lap puppy for Kikyo. The guilt or embarrassment. And it was all too easy for Kagome to forgive and forget, never letting anything get her down. Or stop her from caring about a person. I didn’t deserve her friendship but I still took it greedily. 
“I never got to tell you…” my attention was already on her and my ears perked up, finding her eyes in the reflection of the window, “I’m sorry.”
Confused, I shook my head a little to clear it. “What are you sorry for?”
Now she faced me but had her eyes on her hands in her lap. “I’m sorry for… showing up? That day, you were supposed to meet with Kikyo…”
I laughed and it caused her to jump up and look at me. “You mean the day she dumped me?” Kagome nodded slowly as if scared. “The day she dumped me and stood me up? When you came so I wasn’t alone? Are fucking shitting me? Why are you apologizing?!”
“I think…” her eyes flicked to the front but I didn’t dare take my eyes off of her, “I think she might have… gotten back with you if I hadn’t gone… but I didn’t want you to be alone, I didn’t… it wasn’t fair to you how she treated you and you deserve better…”
My hand on hers in her lap got her to stop. “You’re right, I do deserve better. And if she had offered to take me back, I might have been stupid enough to accept. So I’m glad you came.”
The softness of her face and eyes, it was palpable. “You’re sure?”
Oh god, was I. Kikyo dumping me was the best thing that ever happened to me. It woke me up, taking a long-ass nap in bitch land. I think it was sex. She was my first and I’ll never forget that. But it had me clinging to her because of some kind of made up attachment. 
Kikyo felt nothing for me. 
It was my last name that had attracted her. And I was attracted to her for her looks. The prettiest girl in school. Until freshman year started that is. 
But none of that mattered anymore; Kagome relaxing and giggling happily. My palms were sweating again at the sound. Add in the twinkle in her eyes and my heart was fucking doing laps. Maybe sitting in the back with her bitch of a cousin at the front was a bad idea?
We came to a stop and Sango bounced in. “The party’s here!”
“Where’s the booze you promised?” Miroku asked. 
Onigumo glanced at us in his rearview. “We have it all set up a few miles out of town.”
Miles outside of town? Where the fuck were we going tonight?
“Did Kikyo tell you? She says we’re playing something called Eleven Miles. Know what it is?”
I forgot about that and Kagome was already looking nervous. “No clue but I’m sure it’s fucking stupid.”
Kagome didn’t have a smartphone, so to reassure her, I got mine out and started searching. But then decided not to say anything after I got a look at what Kikyo had planned. 
“Yeah. It’s stupid.”
Kagome had short nerves. Something we all learned during the senior prank last year. They thought it would be funny to turn the school into a haunted house. I thought Kagome was going to pass out. Sango got her out of there unscathed but I was close to killing Hojo with his ghost costume, chasing Kagome around for a thrill. 
So no way in hell I was telling her what Eleven Miles was. Nothing was going to happen anyway; it would only freak her out to know. I still shot a glare Kikyo’s way. And she felt it, finding it and looking surprised. 
Instead, I scooted a little closer to Kagome and she passed me a smile before returning to watch the world outside her window. Miroku was already squeezing Sango tight to him but he spared a moment to look back and then throw me a wink. I spared a moment to punch the shit out of his shoulder. Little brat wined all the way to the ‘set up’. 
It was dark; the late fall sun setting an hour before we arrived. There was a table with drinks and a few lanterns burning. It looked like a cult ritual waiting to happen. We piled out of the car, I let Kagome go first for… my reasons and stood around awkwardly. All of this felt like it was a setup. Like there was more to this night than our ‘hosts’ were telling us. 
Sango looked about as at ease as me so she didn’t shy away from the booze. Miroku either. Kagome and I hung back; neither of us were ever drinkers. The few times I did, it was by force thanks to Kikyo. Kagome never got to go out so I assumed she would drink if given the chance. This wasn’t it though, Kikyo watching her cousin like a hawk, daring her to try for a drink. 
Kikyo and her boyfriend drank heavily and showed their bodies ’ resistance. Anyone else that drank as much as they did, in the short period we all stood there, would have at least struggled to walk. Kikyo had a small slur to her words but was otherwise fine. Onigumo acted like it was water.
Sneaking glances at Kagome beside me, I only gave a portion of my attention to the shit show before us. Sango started to get sloppy and Miroku got even more handsy. “You gonna drink?”
Wide and confused, Kagome’s beautiful browns crashed to me quickly. Then a flush spread on her cheeks as they wandered over my face. “I don’t think so. You?”
I had been slowly inching closer so now, taking my last inch, my shoulder touched hers. “Nah. So you’re safe if you want to.”
Shrugging rubbed our shoulders together. I liked it cause she didn’t pull away. “Yeah, I’ll keep watch, keep you safe from… others.”
“And who will keep you safe?”
Her eyes were full of honesty, genuinely worried. But her pink lips twisted to the side as if implying something. This time, I took the bait. “You gonna jump me, Kagome? Cause I think I’d like that.”
Watching the blood spread across her face? Priceless. There was something truly beautiful about it. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I loved it. Even if it caused her to point her face towards her shoes. 
A red cup, almost matching the color of Kagome’s cheeks, appeared before our faces. Kikyo had a wry look on her face. It was the one she made when she was faking a smile. “Drink up. Both of you.”
“I thought you said…”
Kikyo cut Kagome off by shoving the drink into her hand. “Oni would never let you drive his car, get your head out of your ass, Kagome.”
“Hey!” I shouted before I could think, but I would have said it anyway. “Kagome is my date so cut the shit!”
The corners of Kikyo’s mouth went down while Kagome’s went up. They were both fighting it but were failing. “I just gave her a drink, asshole…”
Gently taking Kagome’s arm, I led us away from the bitch and closer to Sango. Miroku was hanging on her so they were a packaged deal. The glare Sango was shooting Kikyo told me she heard what was said and was ready to pounce. “What is all this anyway? Why are we in the middle of nowhere drinking in the dark?!”
“We thought it would set the mood.” Onigumo sneered. 
“For what?” 
I caught the rolling Kikyo’s eyes did as she looked Miroku’s way. Damn bitch. “For the game.”
“About that, I don’t want any part of some stupid witch-hunting game,” Sango warned. 
“It’s not a witch hunt! It’s just a drive…”
“And you get your wish granted at the end.”
Onigumo and Kikyo looked like a couple of twelve-year-old boys getting promised to see tits for the first time. They weren’t seriously dumb enough to think this shit was real, did they? 
I groaned but said nothing more. If there was one thing I knew about Kikyo, it was that once her mind was set, there was no changing it. The worst part was that we were stuck in the middle of it, so to speak. It was getting harder and harder not to regret this. One glance at Kagome, a chill from her nerves going up her spine and making her dance for a second, and I was calming back down. 
Her fear was permeating the air and even though I was pissed she was dragged into this, by me and Kikyo, I was more worried about her losing it. 
The only good thing about it all was having an excuse for wrapping my arm around her. A hand on her hip and she was giving me a flushed and confused look. I squeezed her and chuckled at the little skip her heart did. This was far better than her fear and I felt no shame in doing it to her. 
“God. Can we just get this over with then? I’d rather be in bed than doing this stupid game.” Miroku bitched. 
I was inclined to agree. Except for the part where Sango was in bed with me as that was implied by Miroku’s hand on her ass as he pushed them back towards the car. I pulled Kagome as well, keeping an arm around her. Kikyo sneered at all of us as we passed. Why the hell did she want us around? She didn’t care what we wanted and didn’t seem to enjoy our company at all. 
None of this felt right but with us, already out in the middle of nowhere it was keep going… or a long walk home, even for a demon, in the dark. 
Mile One…
Don’t use a large car or an open one like a motorcycle. The cover of night is important, sticking out too much would be very bad….
Kagome was in the back with me again, watching out the window. I assumed it was her nerves. Either being so close to me or the weird-ass game we were about to play. Or possibly a combination of the two. I knew she was at least attracted to me but I wasn’t sure if she was into me as I was into her. My demon senses didn’t tell me the difference. I had always told myself I could work with attraction. But after months of flirting this was the first time we had gone on anything close to a date. How much of that was Kagome’s choice and how much of it was her Cousin and Aunt keeping her busy, I didn’t know. With her now close to me and still putting distance, it was hard to believe she felt anything more for me than friendly attraction. 
Turning my attention to the road before us, I caught Kikyo watching us. Her eyes flicked away as soon as I caught her, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Whatever thoughts I had on that were interrupted by Sango reaching across her seat and grabbing Kagome’s shoulder. 
“You alright?”
I didn’t hide my interest, watching as Kagome worked out her response. Her eyes darted between me and Sango but she offered a weak smile. “I’m a little freaked out but I’ll be alright.”
She wasn’t lying. Embarrassed but still telling the truth. And her eyes lingered on me longer and longer after her admission. The back and forth of Sango’s eyes were seen in my peripheral. Maybe she saw something? It would explain the grin that grew on her face but she did that every time Kagome and I had a moment that she was there to witness. 
“You don’t need to worry. Inuyasha will protect you.”
Sango winked at me before turning back to her seat with Miroku. I turned from the two of them when Miroku took Sango back greedily, whispering things I wished I didn’t hear. Thank you demon hearing for that one.
Kagome wasn’t returning to her window, smiling sweetly at me so my palms began to sweat. “Is that true, Inuyasha? Will you protect me?”
Jesus. When she said shit like that. I knew she was just kidding around but damn it was bad for my heart. “Feh. Of course. Not that there’s anything to protect you from.”
Her smile faded, looking back out the window and I thought I had lost her again until she started whispering. “There’s something not right about this road.”
“What do you mean?”
I leaned over, looking out with her. My eyes were far better than hers, what with her a pure human. As expected, she didn’t squirm or push me away. There was no discomfort. There was also nothing but trees outside as we sped down the street. Well, not sped, Onigumo had us at a solid thirty-five MPH for some ungodly reason. This night was already going to last long enough.
A hard shiver ran through Kagome and I didn’t kid myself that it was because of me. “Cold?” She nodded and I growled at the front seats. “Hey Onigumo, what kind of piece of shit car is this? You can’t even keep the back seats warm?!”
He caught my glare in his rearview and I caught his sneer just before he leaned over and turned up the heat. Kagome’s hand found mine and she was like ice. “Thank you, Yasha.”
Oh shit, I loved it when she called me that. “Anytime, Ka-go-me.”
She smirked and I hoped it was due to the reminder. The first time we met I consistently said her name wrong. In a brazen show, she told me, “It’s KAH-GO-MAY you asshat!” I couldn’t control my attachment to her after that, having absolutely no fear or revulsion of me in the slightest. Most people took whatever I gave them and were thankful I didn’t do worse. And that had nothing to do with me and my track record, they all assumed I would do more than name call because I was a half breed. 
“Alright everyone, this is it! This is the road!”
Sango shifted, sitting closer to Onigumo’s seat. “What do you mean this is the road? I thought we just drove for eleven miles or something?”
“It has to be a particular road and mileage,” Kikyo answered mockingly. 
Miroku huffed, “then how the hell do you know this is it?!”
“Just a… feeling.”
She answered softly but Kikyo’s eyes flicked back and not at me. I glanced at Kagome who was stiff and trembling slightly. I took my jacket off and wrapped it around her without hesitation. Kagome smiled but it wasn’t as strong as her usual one. Whatever was going on, it was affecting Kagome somehow. 
And Kikyo was exploiting whatever that was to the fullest. 
Mile Two
To find the road you need to go at night when it will be the least populated. And you must do this alone. It won’t be on the map. It must be surrounded by woods and if you look for it, it will appear, as there will be hints….
“Can’t we go any faster?!!”
Now that we were ‘on the road’ Onigumo has slowed to a crawl. We were going about twenty miles per hour now. Kagome had stopped shivering but refused to look out the window now. Her arms crossed over her chest, she stared at the seat in front of us while I rubbed her knee. The fact that she didn’t blush like crazy showed me that she was too upset or messed up to care. And I was taking advantage but I didn’t care either. 
“You should all be looking. That’s the point. If we don’t see anything then it didn’t work.” Onigumo yelled. 
“This is bullshit.” Miroku sighed. “Just go faster so we can be done with this.”
Mile Three
Don’t use your phone….
“Does anyone else have any service?” Sango suddenly asked. 
I pulled out my phone and had a few bars but not much. “Here.”
She took my phone without question but then didn’t make a call. I couldn’t tell what she was doing but she didn’t put it up to her ear or anything. “Ug, fucking data is being so god damn slow!!!”
“What the hell are you doing?”
I move to sit up and lean over but Kagome’s hand flew to mine.  Still on top of her knee, she squeezed it so hard, if I were human, it would have hurt. 
My mouth parted to speak but one look at her had me shutting my mouth tight. Her eyes were wide and still staring at the seat before us. And she was breathing hard, shuddering breaths that sounded painful, like her whole body was so tense it hurt to breathe. 
“Kagome? What’s wrong?”
She said nothing. She didn’t move. Kagome was thoroughly freaked out. 
Removing my hand from her clutch was no easy task. For a human, she was surprisingly strong when scared but I did it and her breathing only quickened until I wrapped an arm around her to pull her into me. Practically in my lap, I glared at the two asshats in the front seats. They were busy looking out the windows. Onigumo too and the car slowed even more from it. 
At the moment, I was calm and quiet. Even with the girl in my arms that was shaking harder than a leaf in a storm. The others in the car couldn’t smell it; I was the only demon if just half. But I was sure, the air was thick with it. 
And you never forget the smell of death once you���ve experienced it. 
There was movement outside. I don’t know how Kagome knew it because they were hard even for me to see. But she must have seen them or something and it was the cause of her petrified state.
And with the grins on Kikyo and Onigumo’s faces, glancing back at Kagome as some kind confirmation, I knew they were holding back on some important information. “Alright, someone wanna tell me what the fuck is going on??!!”
“SHHHHH!!” My glare went to Sango but then I saw the blood drain from her face. “Do you hear that?”
Everyone was silent. I flicked my ears around, trying to hear but I heard nothing. But Kagome. She began to claw at my shirt and dig into my arms. Now hiding, I covered her as much as possible with my arms and body. If hiding helped her then that’s what I would do. 
“Oh my god…”
I’d been focused on Kagome. Her heart at a dangerous speed. With Kikyo’s exclamation, all I wanted to do was throw my shoe at the back of her head. Because screaming out like that didn’t help at all. But pulling my focus caused me to notice what was around us. And what was around us, didn’t make sense. 
Because the woods were completely gone. 
Mile Five
Don’t turn open the windows or leave your car….
It was like we had missed the road and driven into the middle of a field, no trees around at all. Not even behind us. 
I was struggling to take a good look around while holding onto Kagome. She didn’t look; she was barely breathing. And then they stopped the goddamn car. 
“What the hell? Why are we stopping???!”
Onigumo already had his door open. “Gotta piss.”
The growl I released was ignored. But of course, Onigumo and Kikyo didn’t give a shit about how freaked Kagome was. Sango turned to help me with her while Miroku scooted to the door. “I gotta go too.”
Sango called after him but he ignored all her warnings. The call of nature was stronger than his fear. 
The three of us were quiet. So much, I forgot all about Kikyo until she spoke, remembering there were four in the car. “She’s just being overly dramatic as usual.”
The venom in Kikyo’s voice was more than enough to push me and Sango over the edge. And Sango beat me to a response. “The only one here that is overly anything is you, Kikyo, and you know it.”
It was so quiet, I could hear the roll of Kikyo’s eyes. Sango huffed but turned back to us, Kagome still in my hold. Her hot and slow breaths were fogging up my chest but I wasn’t bothered in the slightest. At least she was starting to calm, her heart at a much safer speed than before. 
Like a little bunny, Kagome slowly came out of hiding and stared out the window past Sango. “Kagome?”
The driver’s door opened and slammed shut, rocking the car. “Wooo it’s cold out there!”
At some point, Kikyo had turned on the radio, soft notes playing all around us. I wasn’t in the mood in the slightest. 
“Where’s Miroku?”
Sango turned and looked to Onigumo, who shrugged. “No clue. We didn’t cross streams!”
I looked out, searching. There were no trees. Not a fucking one. And the lake looked more like a mirror, reflecting the full moon and stars above. With plenty of light and nothing obscuring our sight, it should have been easy to spot anyone. Demon or not. 
But there was no one near or around the car at all.
I wasn’t paying attention to the radio but suddenly, it cut out and turned to static. Then increased in volume until deafening. The white noise was making my brain hurt, pressing my ears to my skull as hard as I could. When that didn’t work, I covered them, allowing myself to let go of Kagome to try and lessen the pain.
She held on tight to my shirt but didn’t seem to mind the overpowering sound. It had nothing to do with being a demon because everyone in the car was buckled over from the noise. But Kagome? She sat up straight and still… and listened.
I was too busy curling into a ball but Sango’s scream made it over the noise and Onigumo slapped his hand to the audio power button. The ringing in my ears was slow to diminish but once it did, I released my head and wrapped my arms around Kagome again. Her cheeks were red and chapped with tears and she was sobbing softly. It was hard to miss, the salt covering any other scent for me, even the smell of death that had yet to go away. 
Dragging her into me, I gave her a small shake to wake her out of the shocked mentality she was stuck in. “Kagome, what’s wrong?!”
A few pounding heartbeats and sobs later, her eyes finally met mine. I could see the fear within them, it was screaming back at me. “They took him…”
Sango was listening now, turning back to us again. “Who took who?!”
“They...they took Miroku.”
“Who the fuck is they?!” Sango screamed. She didn’t wait for an answer; her hand on the handle before I could clear my head of just what Kagome was saying. “Fuck this, I’m going to look for him.”
The sound of the locks clicking into place was deafening and we all looked to the front. Kikyo still had her hand on the control when she slowly turned to us. “No one is going anywhere. We need to finish this.”
“What? You want us to keep driving are you fucking mad??”
She turned her glare to me, looking at me like I was fucking stupid. “Miroku is fine. Once we finish, we’ll go back for him.”
It wasn’t up for debate as Onigumo began to pull away. Sango’s screams were ignored and with me in the back seat, there was little I could do as we got back up to speed. Other than keeping Kagome as close as possible to me. 
Her forehead touched my neck, skin on skin, and I would have been a fucking teenage virgin about it if she wasn’t ice cold. “Shit, Kagome, you’re freezing!!”
Wrapped up tight, my coat wasn’t doing a damn thing for her. My hot demon blood kept me toasty 24/7 but even pressed against my heat, she was still shivering. Sango leaned back over her seat to us, checking and feeling Kagome. It was a needed distraction; tears still rolling down her cheeks from losing Miroku. “This can’t be good for her. It’s the damn prank night all over again.”
“This is fucking worse than that!”
Sango looked over her shoulder to the front again. “We need to get Kagome to a hospital.”
“No, we need her to stay right here. She is our beacon.” Onigumo said in the creepiest voice I had ever heard come out of him.
“Your.. beacon? To what?”
Sango asked but none of us wanted the answer. We needed to know how deep this shit went but we didn’t want to know. Kikyo slapped Onigumo’s shoulder in reprimand but answered our question anyway. “Beacon to.. this! All of it! We would have had no clue what road to take if it wasn’t for her.”
“What the hell does that mean!!!” I growled. 
But then the light cut away casting us into complete darkness.
Mile Six
Don’t touch the radio….
The trees had returned but it took the moon and starlight with it. As soon as we entered it, I could feel it. My demon was draining away. 
We had entered a moonless night somehow and I was becoming human.  
Sango’s eyes were wide at the sight of it. I had told them all about my human nights but I had never told Kikyo or Onigumo. Kikyo’s gray eyes looked at me fiercely and a smile grew on her face, making my skin crawl. 
This night was darker than usual. No moon and no stars, it made it impossible to see around us with my weak human eyes. Onigumo had headlights but seeing past them was difficult at best. 
The goddamn radio turned back on and no one touched it this time. Kagome rocked against me until I rocked with her. With it at a lower level, I could focus on the sounds instead of the skull piercing noise.
“Give… sss…. tooo… her….” out of nowhere, the static cut out, and it was clear, “INUYASHA, GIVE HER TO US!!!!”
Kagome pushed against me hard, her palms against my ribs. If I hadn’t been holding her so tight, she might have actually gotten free. “What the fuck?!”
“This isn’t funny, guys. Cut it out!”
Onigumo and Kikyo ignored me and Sango, continuing slowly down the road. Kagome was still pushing against my hold but I refused to let her go. “Kagome stop, I’m not letting you go.”
“You need to stay away from me, Inuyasha.”
There was nothing but sadness in her tone and I really didn’t get it. She was sad and afraid; why would she want to push any friend away? Was it because I was a demon? Kagome had never said or done anything to make me think she felt that way, like so many others, did about me. 
Was it whatever was out there, messing with us? Did she think I had something to do with it? It was my name coming out of the radio, a trick that was easy to do with a Bluetooth connection and a recorder on your phone. I don’t know how they got the smell of death to fill the car but I guess they could have put a dead animal under the hood of the car. If Onigumo would allow it. With him flaunting his money all the time he probably just considered buying a new car after this trick. Especially if Kikyo talked him into all of this. 
And it wouldn’t be the first time she had talked me into something either, convincing me to be cruel to Kagome when we first met. 
I wasn’t sure I could blame her, thinking I was somehow involved. I did ask her here and Kikyo folded so easily. So I yanked her back the tiny distance she had gotten away from me while I considered her wishes. Her eyes went wide, a little bit of green in her honey irises that made my heart skip a beat. “Shut the fuck up. I’m exactly where I want to be. Where I need to be.”
Some of her color came back to her face for a moment, a few errant tears sliding slowly down her cheeks. “Yasha…. it’s… it’s not what you think. It’s not safe…”
I couldn’t stand it; she was terrified and yet speaking about my safety? Kissing the tip of her nose got her to shut up and a warm fever to take over my skin from it. 
Damn weak human emotions. 
This was all some stupid prank anyway and I was going to beat the shit out of those responsible once we got the hell out of this car. 
We were still rolling on, surrounded by black woods. I couldn’t explain the lack of moon and stars. That was the only thing I couldn’t understand, how the hell they pulled it off?! How the hell did they make me human??
I was still trying to look out and see something in the darkness and felt a small tugging on my hair. Searching out the source, I found Kagome, playing with a few of my black strands. She had never seen me like this. No one had. Then she pushed back my hair until she found my ear, now on the side of my head and human. Gripping it, she checked to see if it was real I guess, before looking up at me with a small smile. 
“I’m sorry, Yasha. I know you hate being like this.”
Like it was her fault? I pulled her into my side, wrapping an arm around her tight and turning us so we looked ahead. Because if she kept looking at me and speaking to me like that, I was liable to take advantage. Something told me, she wouldn’t push me away if I offered her comfort in the form of my tongue in her mouth. Even if she wasn’t that into me. 
Mile Seven
Ignore the figures you see outside your car….
It hadn’t been long, Kagome and I calm in the backseat together when it all went to hell. 
First, Kagome stiffened in my hold, her shoulders becoming ridged. I took my attention away from the road for a moment to calm her down and Sango screamed. Making us both jump. 
“Stop! Stop the car!!”
I didn’t let go of Kagome in the slightest but I still sat up and tried to pull Sango back down to her seat. “Are you crazy?! We need to get this over with!!”
“I saw him!” She cried. “I saw Miroku; stop the car!!”
Turning, I looked behind us, keeping my arm around Kagome so I was turned into her. No longer a demon, I couldn’t hear her heart. But with my face inches from hers, I could easily feel the shallow breaths she was taking. “Kagome?”
She shook her whole body but mostly her head, at me. “That’s not Miroku.” She whispered. 
A glance and I couldn’t see anything anyway. Cupping her cheek, I gently pulled Kagome’s face towards mine. “Who is it, Kagome?”
Her eyes danced around my face. The breaths that puffed across my cheeks were cold; it made my fear spike for the girl in my arms. “I don’t know. But it’s not Miroku.”
Something crawled up my back to my neck and whispered. “Let go…”
My neck popped I turned so hard and fast. But there was nothing. Kagome’s hand grabbed mine on her face and I turned back to her, already feeling her tears on my fingers. She said nothing though, silently crying. 
Sango was still fighting with Onigumo, trying to get him to stop. At least he wasn’t a complete idiot. Or so I thought, feeling the car being to slow. 
“What are you doing?! Don’t stop the car you fuckers!!”
Sango whipped around to glare at me and only softened a little at the sight of Kagome so broken. “We need to get Miroku…”
“That ain’t Miroku!!!!”
“It doesn’t matter. We’re stopping, like it or not.” Kikyo declared. 
I was ready to wail in both of them but Onigumo turned off the car. “It’s dead. The car is dead; we have no choice but to stop.”
Mile Eight
If the car stalls, just be patient and try again in a few minutes. Don’t leave the car and whatever you do, don’t listen to the voices you hear….
“This is bullshit. Start the damn car you assholes!”
Onigumo passed me a look, then showed me his hand as he tried to crank the car. It didn’t even turn over; not making a single sound as he twisted the key in the ignition. 
Sango went for her door again but Onigumo still had it locked. “Let me out; I’m going back for Miroku.”
I was shaking my head at her but soon heard the click of the locks. Kagome got up too, as soon as Sango opened her door. “We should go with her.”
My breath was caught somewhere between my chest and my throat. Kagome was a ball of anxiety but still wanted to face it all for the sake of her friends. I wanted to go look for Miroku too. And get out of this car as it slowly made its way to hell. 
Taking her hand firmly in mine, we crawled over the seat and out the door. I spared Kikyo a glance. Her lips set in a hard line, she was stoic and I didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing considering. 
Sango had a head start on us and we had lost her to the darkness. Kagome’s hand was in the death grip of mine and that brought me some comfort. While my palm was sweating, hers was ice cold. Made worse by the strange fridge temperature outside the damn car. It was late, checking my watch to see we were in the early hours of the morning now. That wasn’t the cause of the lack of stars or moon; sunrise was still hours away. 
The white puffs of hot air as they expelled from our mouths nearly glowed even without light reflecting on it. It made me wonder if the moon and stars were still there but, for some reason, we couldn’t see them? 
Kagome shook so hard, my arm was going numb from her shiver crawling up my shoulder. She still stepped up beside me and called out as if not terrified and freezing. “Miroku!!”
“We’re gonna have to walk a ways back for him to be in earshot, I think.”
I knew we had traveled a distance down the road but I had no clue just how far we had left Miroku behind. It was at least a mile. 
“Miroku!!!” Kagome still yelled.
Sango was probably doing the same thing. Wait…. “Where’s Sango?” 
Sure it was dark but she would be screaming her lungs off, looking for Miroku right now. No way in hell we wouldn’t hear her; the forest was dark and silent like a grave. 
Just as I pulled Kagome into my side, a loud pop came from behind. I spun us both, putting Kagome behind me simultaneously in a manner I could only explain as instinct. My body was screaming to protect Kagome and get her the hell out of here. 
Without my claws, I was left with my fists, holding them up at the ready and in defense. Crawling out of the darkness, Kikyo peered at the two of us and frowned. “You need to get back to the car. Now.”
“The car is a piece of shit! And we want to find Miroku. You know? Our friend that you and Onigumo left behind!!”
She waved a hand at me as if to wipe my words from the air. “Miroku is fine…”
“You don’t know that,” Kagome whispered.
As much as I liked her standing up to her cousin, I didn’t like the darkness in her tone. Because it wasn’t about Kikyo; it was about Miroku and whatever the hell happened to him. It had me grabbing Kagome and pulling her with me. “Fine, we’ll go back to the car.”
Kikyo stopped us, putting a hand on my chest as I tried to pass. “Not Kagome. Just you.”
“Excuse me?” I glared down at Kikyo but she kept her eyes locked on Kagome. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“She is! I want her gone!”
Shoving Kagome behind me again, I squared up to the bitch. “She has done nothing to you. You need to stop this, Kikyo. It’s just pathetic now.”
Now she tore her gaze from Kagome, tears covering her cheeks as she grimaced up at me. “Everything is her fault. She’s the one going to college and using my funds to do it!”
“What are you talking about?” Kagome whispered.
“I didn’t get in. Anywhere. So now Mom is going to take my college fund and add it to yours. All so you can go to your damn fancy as fuck university. And I’ll stay here to rot.”
This was what it had always been about. Jealousy. So I gently grabbed Kagome again and pulled her away. “That’s your own fault. Too busy parties and being a bitch when you should have been studying your ass off like Kagome. Nothing was handed to her and you know it so shut your fucking mouth and get out of our way.”
Pushing her ahead of me, I just wanted to get Kagome far away from her fucked up family. But Kikyo grabbed me and I couldn’t let Kagome walk in this dark and fucked up forest alone. “I want you back, Inuyasha.”
Ripping from her claws, I snarled at her. “You just want me because I want someone else!”
“HER??!! Why her?!! She’s nothing! A piece of shit orphan with nothing better to do than leech off me and my family. Even my boyfriend!”
“Ex! Ex-boyfriend. You dumped me, remember?”
“Because of the way you looked at HER!” My eyes went from Kikyo to Kagome and then to the leaf-covered ground. “You can’t even deny it. You’ve been into her ever since you met her. Even while you were fucking me…”
“Shut up!” I couldn’t take any more of this and I really didn’t want Kagome hearing anymore. “You don’t know shit about me and you never did.”
Kikyo sneered, her eyes dancing from me to the one behind me, Kagome tugging on my hold to get away. But I refused to let her go. “Inuyasha… we should go…”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
Spinning, I pushed Kagome along and held her elbow tight to keep her off the ground when she tripped. I couldn’t see shit but she was a walking shit storm when it came to NOT tripping on things. Kikyo released a strangled cry like she was shocked we were leaving and I had to force Kagome to keep moving forward. 
Shit, I hated it when Kikyo called me that. It made me so pissed, I didn’t think, I just glared back. But something was wrong, the angled position of Kikyo’s head? It was as if she was being pulled back by her chin. Looking down, I saw her feet were barely touching the ground, on her tiptoes with the tips of her shoes grazing the leaves. 
Her eyes were wide and on me, her mouth struggling to open. “Give them… her… now.”
My brain spun, glancing back at Kagome to find her horrified and shaking. And then she took a step.
A hand on her chest, I didn’t give a shit about the proximity to her breasts. She wasn’t going anywhere near Kikyo no matter what the hell was going on. “Fuck off!”
“Give them… Kagome… please!!!” Kikyo whined.
I had to hold Kagome back again, this time wrapping her up in my arms as she fought against me. “Stop it! This is stupid!!”
It wasn’t a scream, it was a gurgle, looking back to Kikyo as a red line appeared. It drew across her neck just below her apple. And then it grew, blood spilling from it while Kikyo sputtered. 
Her body fell to the ground and she didn’t move. Kagome wanted to move, but I wouldn’t allow it. Either this was a fucked up prank or something else. Either way, Kagome didn’t need to be anywhere near it.
This time, I picked her up, lifting her into my arms kicking and screaming. At first, she screamed to go back then she just wept. God damn Kikyo was going to scar Kagome for life with this bull shit.
No one was in the car and I prayed the keys were in the ignition. With Onigumo gone, no sign of Sango, and Miroku still missing, I had to assume they were all in on it. I had Kagome tossed into the back seat when a body flew into my back. Fucking human senses, not only did I not hear Sango walk up behind but I actually jumped when she touched me. 
“Goddammit, Sango!!”
She was shaking, hard, and her hands were covered in blood. “I’m sorry, I… I… I saw… that is I found… Kikyo, it was Kikyo…”
I grabbed her. In part cause, she was about to pass out but also to shut her up before she freaked Kagome out even more. “We know, we saw.” Sango tried to climb in the car but I stopped her, pushing her back. “Tell me you had nothing to do with this?!”
Her mouth cracked in a sob. “How.. how could you think that?!”
Shoving on my hold, I felt more guilt than usual. Fucking human emotions! “Miroku is conveniently missing and Kikyo is off playing fucking ghosts. I don’t even know what the fuck Onigumo is doing right now and I don’t care.” Now the tears, Sango was pissed and crying. I sighed heavily and released my hold on her. “Just tell me you have nothing to do with this and I’ll believe you.”
She released a shuddering breath right into my face. “I have nothing to do with this.” I released her and she shuddered, “how could I be. Look at yourself? How could someone make you human?!”
I shrugged, “to be honest, there’s a lot about being a half-demon that even I don’t understand yet. And maybe tonight is a new moon and I forgot…”
“We already had a new moon. Two weeks ago…”
“I remember but maybe it’s like a blue moon or something?! I don’t know! All I know is Kikyo and Onigumo are fucking around and I’m pissed!”
Sango rolled her eyes at me but then hopped in the car, going straight to Kagome. I watched for a moment as Sango wrapped herself around Kagome. I wasn’t sure if she did it to comfort herself, Kagome, or both, but Kagome looked like she wanted nothing to do with it. That was odd in itself; Kagome was always open to affection from her friends. Even from me. 
Something to figure out later; Going to the driver seat so we could get the fuck out of here. “What are you doing?”
I glanced at Sango in the rearview, her eyes wild with fear. “Getting out of here.”
“We can’t leave Miroku and Onigumo.”
I could tell, even without my demon senses, Sango felt more worried about Miroku than Onigumo. And I had to agree, I really didn’t want to leave Miroku either. “Fine. Then let’s go back and look for Miroku.” My hand went to the ignition and found it empty. “Shit, fucking, asshole!!!”
Now both Kagome and Sango were staring back at me in the reflection of the mirror, eyes impossibly wide with fear. “Nothing… the keys are missing.”
“Dammit, Onigumo must have them that prick.”
I started searching the darkness, looking for signs of the bastard. He was out there, I could see things moving. Looks like he brought some friends with him. Although who would be crazy enough to stand out in the cold dark woods for hours just to fuck with us, I didn’t know. Onigumo must have hired people or something. He was dumb enough to spend his money on something like that. 
Whoever it was, it was more than just Onigumo. He couldn’t move that fast or be in two places at once. And I was sure I was seeing more than one person as three figures moved simultaneously in different spots. 
Now, more than ever, I was sure this was a damn prank.
Which meant Miroku was being held by them somewhere. Against his will probably; Mirkou was stupid, but not crazy. He knew better than to mess with Kagome like this and he hated the woods at night. 
Something slammed into my door and the girls screamed. I jumped as well (fucking human body) and turned to find hands and a face pressed against the glass, covered in blood. 
“LET ME IN!!!”
It took me a second to clear my head and unlock the doors. Onigumo climbed in the back seat, panting and groaning. “What the hell man?!”
Sango was weeping and Kagome pushed her back, climbing over the seat to sit near Onigumo. She was propping him up, trying to get a look at whatever wounds he had. While Onigumo looked around wildly. “We need to go.”
“Go?! We can’t just leave… what about Kikyo? Miroku?!” Sango screamed.
“She’s dead. Miroku is probably dead too.”
Turning I glared back at him, “that’s not fucking funny.”
“I’m not kidding!!” He shoved the keys into my face, “just fucking drive asshole!!”
Onigumo was still playing the game hard. If I wanted to get all of us out of this stupid night, I would have to drive. Miroku and Kikyo would be waiting at the end of this so the sooner I got us there, the better.
The car started without issue and I caught Sango’s stare in the rearview mirror again. Some of her fear depleted, starting to see the con that was going on. Kagome was still shaking. But then again, she was currently getting her hands covered in blood. 
“Just forget about him, Kagome.” I put the car in drive and hit the gas hard. “This is all bullshit anyway.”
Mile Ten
Don’t drive too fast, or you’ll miss all the fun...
I wasn’t sure but we had to be getting to the end of this soon. It was only supposed to be eleven miles! I was going fifty but we were still in the endless night of the forest. No stars, no moon, and no end.
“What the fuck, is this a loop or something?!”
We had been in a straight line the entire time, no turns at all, but it felt like we were going in circles. Kagome was still messing with Onigumo, pulling carefully at his coat and then going for his shirt, trying to find his wounds. 
“I told you not to worry about the fucker, Kagome.”
The jealousy I had was unjustified but as a human, I had little to no control over it. I was pretty sure it was clear on my face and tone but Kagome ignored it. “There’s… there’s a lot of… blood. We need to… stop it and get to a… hospital.”
Even terrified to the point of witless, Kagome thought of others first. It made my heart swell and hurt a lot. 
But also it had me not watching the road.
Sango was screaming from the back and I looked to the front; a person standing in the middle of the road. Braking was pointless but I tried, slamming hard into the body of the bystander. The sickening thud of them hitting the hood and then the roof as their body went over us made us all pale. It felt like a lifetime passed before the car finally stopped, not thinking about anything else as I ripped open the door and ran around the car. 
But I didn’t understand, staring at the now dirt road, and trying to get my mind wrapped around what it was seeing. Sango managed to join me while I tumbled my brain around. She gasped and looked really hard too.
The road was empty, no body or blood.
There was no doubt, we had hit someone. I felt the car jerk from the hit. But there was no body! Running around, I went to the front of the car. Sure enough, there was a dent in the front that was easily body size. Something moved to my left, hidden by darkness and trees. I was tired of all this shit so I went after it. “Alright assholes. Come out here and face me!”
The pussies remained hidden and silent but I knew they were there. 
“I know Onigumo put you up to this. If you come out now and cut the shit, I’ll go easy on you.”
That is until some screams came from behind. They were coming from where I left the car. “Kagome.”
I breathed out her name out of fear. Now I had it in spades. I had left her alone and I had promised to protect her in all of this. It might be a prank but these fuckers didn’t know when to quit. They were going to scar Kagome for life and mess her up good. 
God damn Onigumo and Kikyo. I was going to tear them both to PIECES for this!!!
The car was empty when I got back to it. I’d been gone maybe five minutes; they couldn’t have gotten far. But I had no clue which way to go!
There was movement on the ground, something in the tall grass of the abandoned road. The early morning dew was freezing, seeping through my jeans. But I still rushed to the movement, finding Sango rolling and coiling in pain. She let me help her to her feet, staggering and struggling on her feet while her face began to swell. I knew what happened without a word from her, standing her up as straight as I could to look her in the eyes.
“Which way did he take her?”
She pointed then sobbed. “She was checking him over and couldn’t find a wound. Then he said, it wasn’t his blood. Who’s blood is it, Inuyasha??!!”
I knew what she was thinking and I was thinking about it too. That it was Miroku’s and that he wasn’t with us because Onigumo and Kikyo had done something very bad to him. “It’s fake, Sango. None of this is real…”
“But you’re a human?!”
I didn’t have time for this; I had to get Kagome away from these freaks. “Get in the car and don’t move. Sango? Don’t fucking leave the car for anything, understand?”
“Nothing! I will be back with Kagome and we’ll get out of here. Try calling the cops or something.”
She pulled out her phone as she ran. I did the same and had no signal. So instead, I used the flashlight and ran towards the blackness. It was where Kagome was so I had no choice.
Mile Eleven
Don’t leave your car!!!!
I was out of breath; my lungs screaming at me. If I wasn’t a fucking human… but I couldn’t stop, I still hadn’t caught so much as a glance of Kagome yet. The flashlight of my phone wasn’t helping either. I was far too used to my demon sight; this flashlight was bull shit.
But I had nothing else so I kept using it like a dick and searching the woods. They were endless. We had to be close to a house or a town. This place wasn’t that big or remote!!! 
Nearly tripping on a root, I growled and cursed as loudly as possible, “Onigumo, where are you, you fucker?! I’m going to rip you in half!!!”
I heard her. She was cut off and that made my blood boil but Kagome and called out to me. The amount of panic in her voice pained my heart. Kagome had been scared when we went through the Senior prank. Her face was ashen and she was close to tears. 
This was nothing like that.
It no longer mattered that I was tired or blind, I ran, pushing my legs so hard into the dirt, it flew up behind me. I could hear it falling back to the leaf-covered ground like ice from a tree, crashing over the sound of my hard breaths. Nothing was going to keep me from Kagome, not the endless night or the cramp in my side. 
I saw it just in time to know what it was, a fist aimed for my nose and hitting right on the mark. It had been a while since I’d been hit like this while human. It still stung when I was a demon but at least it didn’t break my fucking nose. 
I pinched my bridge and glared up at Onigumo, Kagome weeping in his hold. “Let her go, fuck face.”
“We need her.”
No longer caring about the blood dripping down my face, I dropped my hand and stepped closer to the hostage situation. “Wrong. I need her. And I will be leaving with her now.”
Kagome was trying to speak but the mother fucker cut her off, squeezing her neck a little tighter with the arm around his neck. “Let her go dammit! This isn’t funny!!”
“We were supposed… we were supposed to do this together,” Onigumo muttered.
“What the fuck are you talking about?! I never wanted to do shit with you!”
“Not you!” He roared, swinging Kagome around and making my knuckles pop with how hard I clenched them. “Kikyo. We were supposed to take Kagome out here together… but she’s dead.”
“Cut the shit!!”
“I’m not lying! She’s dead Inuyasha!!”
“Then you killed her! We didn’t do anything to any of you assholes!”
Onigumo’s face slowly went slack as the truth bled through his thick skull. “You’re right… I killed her… it’s my fault.”
His hold loosened on Kagome so I lurched for her, wrenching her free and shoving him back hard. He fell on his ass and did not attempt to get up. “Kikyo said, it would work if we brought her.”
“What the hell?!” I spat, rolling Kagome up in my hold. 
She grabbed onto me hard, shaking, and sobbing. I was trying to decide if I could manage to set her aside for a moment to stomp the shit out of Onigumo but I was pretty sure that wasn’t going to happen. Kagome was far too freaked. 
“Kagome… we needed her for this to work. Kikyo promised me it would work…”
Onigumo got to his feet and Kagome pushed on my hold. Hard. “Inuyasha, run.”
She was still pushing like she wanted me to let go and run without her. “What?!”
“Leave me and go. Now!!”
Kagome had stopped pushing and started hitting, going for my shoulders, arms, hands, sides, and then my face, smacking my nose gently but with the hit it took moments ago, she might as well have punched me. “FUCK!”
She choked on a sob and I managed to keep one hand on her. Even with her clawing at it. “Let go!!”
“Fuck that!!”
Suddenly, I was very aware of Onigumo, standing on his own two feet but just not quite right. “Please...please…”
We were silent, Onigumo begging us when we weren’t anywhere near him. “Dude.. what’s your problem?”
Kagome gripped my wrist with her nails and tried again to get free. I was too invested in Onigumo now, watching his every move. A tear fell down his cheek and my stomach dropped to my toes. I couldn’t smell, taste, or hear it but I knew there was someone else here. Something else. 
Stiffening, Onigumo got unnaturally straight, like he was trying not to be touched. “I gave you Miroku! And you took Kikyo!!”
“What the hell does that mean?” I growled. “You gave them Miroku?!”
He ignored me and continued to whimper to the air. “She’s… she’s right there, just take her.”
“Please, don’t hurt anyone else! I’ll go with you!!” Kagome shouted and tried to step closer to Onigumo.
I shut it down, yanking her kicking and screaming back into my arms. “Stop it!”
Focused on Kagome and lifting her to carry her away, I was confused by the whimper that came from Onigumo. I ignored it until I heard a strange gurgle come from him. It was stupid, blame the human half, but I turned back to look only slap a hand over Kagome’s eyes far too late. 
Just like Kikyo, a long red line was being drawn on Onigumo, starting at his belly button. I had Kagome’s sight covered tight but not my own; I was only able to sew my eyes shut just as Onigumo’s intestines hit the ground. 
I forced my eyes back open, needing to know just what the fuck we were up against, only to find Onigumo still standing with his guts on the dirt. Steam rose gently from them and blood dripped out of Onigumo’s lips but he remained standing like it was any other day. 
It had to be some kind of trick? Something I was less sure of when Onigumo bent over and started shoveling his inners back inside himself. His bones cracked and his muscles shook when he moved, looking forced. He got himself back together and closed up his jacket. 
Then smiled.
At some point, I had dropped the ball, no longer covering Kagome’s eyes. And now those eyes were staring straight into mine, blocking all of the world out with honey-colored irises. “Inuyasha… they want me, not you.”
“Wha… what are you talking about?”
“If you go now and leave me behind, they’ll let you live.”
Anger swelled in me so fast, it made my head spin. I grabbed her hard, harder than I should have but I was losing control. “Leave you behind? For who and what, Kagome?!”
A sad smile was on her face, a tear slipping silently down her cheek. “Demons. They’ve been after me for a while now. Ever since they killed my family. I ran then but I’m not going to run this time. It’s… it’s my fate, Inuyasha.”
Pulling from her magnet eyes, I glanced at the man formerly known as Onigumo. He was a suit now; something else wearing him and smiling back at us. Then I looked back at Kagome, who was calm and resigned. She was a girl I knew, one I liked. A lot. I liked Kagome a lot and the main reason for that was shit like this. She was sacrificing herself for me and Sango. Her friends, people she cared about. We were nothing, just two kids, the same age as Kagome, and yet here she was acting beyond her years.
Accepting death.
It was what she wanted. Kagome wanted me to leave and let her face her demons alone. That was the smart thing to do. The right thing in her mind. So I would do the right thing for her. “No.” She looked surprised and I tried not to be offended by that, “I’m not fucking going anywhere. Not without you.”
We were probably going to die so what difference would it make, grabbing her face and crushing her mouth to mine. It felt right, especially when she grabbed my elbow tight and didn’t push me away. If I was a demon, I could have kissed her for a lot longer. Forever maybe. But I needed air so I pulled back, resting my forehead against hers while we caught our breath. It was the clapping that had me returning to reality, spinning Kagome so she was behind me. 
The Onigumo suit was giving us a slow clap, his arms jerking apart only to slap his hands back together in a sickening show. “We are surprised by you, Inuyasha.”
The thought that I was talking to a corpse flashed in my brain but seemed pointless to worry about now. “Yeeeessss, WE.” I was looking around and pulling Kagome closer, looking for the ‘we’ it was speaking of when it laughed. “We are right here, Inuyasha.”
The suit gestured to itself and I just had to ask. “Who the hell are you?!”
“We are many… we took this form just for her…” it pointed and Kagome whimpered, “we have many names as there are so many of us… but you may call us… Naraku.”
“Naraku? What the fuck kind of name is that?!” 
I was pissed. Pissed that I was still fucking human and that Kagome was seconds from giving herself over to this creature. She kept pulling on me and trying to go around me but I wasn’t having it. 
Naraku laughed, “It is just our name; take it or leave it. But you will be leaving Kagome with us.”
“Fuck off.”
“Onigumo and Kikyo thought they could control us, the fools,” it smirked and Kagome shivered hard, “even tainted, we ate them anyway just like Kagome’s mother, father, and little brother…”
“You’re a monster!” Kagome screamed.
Now I had her in my arms again, this time to keep her from… I’m not sure what she was going to do, run at the monster or fall to pieces. I never heard what happened to Kagome’s family, only that Kikyo and her mom took her in after they were gone. Shit, I didn’t even know she had a brother!
Naraku now looked pissed, Kagome in my arms instead of theirs. It only made me hold her tighter. “You can’t have her. She’s mine.”
Its head went back in a laugh, howling at the moonless sky above. “What can you do, Hanyou? You are nothing compared to us!!”
Roaring, Naraku rushed us. I spun, curling around Kagome to protect her. I felt the claws in my skin, digging in deep, and fuck did it hurt. This was by far the most damage my human body had ever received and I wasn’t used to the pain from it. I was close to passing out which wasn’t good, not at all. 
Blood was trickling down my sides and pain radiated all over to the point, I wasn’t sure if my back or my ribs were what was cut. Either way, life was draining from me and I struggled to breathe.
Kagome was sobbing, clutching my face in her hands. I had my eyes clenched shut against the pain but I could hear and feel her, shaking under me. She pulled me, pressing her forehead to mine like we had moments ago and whispered. “Please… don’t die for me. Inuyasha I couldn’t take losing you too.”
I was dying. The girl beneath would die right after me. And there was a demon fucking laughing behind us while we cowered in our mortality. 
Fucking pissed me the hell off.
I could feel it and I couldn’t stop it. It was for the best anyway. No part of me liked Kagome seeing this side of me but it was either this or death.
Grabbing her close, I yanked her off the ground and stood tall. I could feel my wounds slowly knitting together as my demon blood took over completely. My fangs grew, pushing against my lips and hanging out of my mouth and the tips of my fingers ached from the fast growth of my claws. 
“About time you showed up,” I told the damn demon.
“Of course, like I’d let us die.” He barked back in my head.
“Listen, we need to save Kagome. So no stupid shit, alright?”
He scoffed, “I’m not going to do anything but save both your asses.”
It was weird, the demon agreeing with me, but I would take what I could get. He must like Kagome too.
“Yes, I like her too, idiot. We’re one and the same; no matter how much you refuse to believe it.”
That was a topic for another day. A day I had been pushing off for years but it wasn’t important now. Trying to relax, I let the demon take over my body completely. He would save Kagome. There was still no moon that I could see so it was a trick of some kind created by this demon. I had never heard of that being possible but it wasn’t like I knew much about demons in general.
It laughed again, dark and sinister like the piece of shit it was. “You would hurt this body? Hurt your friend?”
Now I laughed cause all of me, demon, human, and hanyou, found that funny. Kagome clawed at me in fear and I didn’t know if it was the situation in general or she didn’t want me to hurt the sack of skin that was once Onigumo. “Even if Onigumo was ever my friend, you killed him already. I’m not a fucking idiot.”
“Could have fooled us. You brought her here like a gift and yet, you won’t even share?”
“He doesn’t know anything about you. He’s not a part of this at all.” Kagome screamed, pushing on my hold yet again.
Not only was I fighting a gaggle of demons, but I was also fighting Kagome as well. I couldn’t do both so one had to be stopped. And one was easy enough, grabbing Kagome by her shoulders and holding her off the ground so we were face to face. “Get this straight, Kagome, I’m not giving you up so this is my fight. I’m the demon and you’re the human. My human. So shut up and let me handle this!”
I kissed her again, not giving a shit because I wanted her and only her. My longer fangs pressed against her lips and I didn’t dare deepen it in this form. I agreed with the Hanyou, I really liked Kagome too, and I didn’t want to hurt her. Being gentle with her as I pulled her from my mouth and set her back on the ground. 
I didn’t grab her or wrap her up in my hold again. I didn’t need to; she came to me, willingly. That fight was over and so I faced the real one right before us. Naraku wasn’t happy and that made me crow, pissing him off. 
“We will give you one last chance, Hanyou. We don’t want to harm another of our kind…”
“Funny didn’t stop you a minute ago…”
Naraku grimaced, “GIVE HER TO US!”
“Go to hell!”
The suit rushed us again but this time I was ready, grabbing Kagome by the waist and jumping over the bag of bones. Or a bag of demons. 
I twisted in the air and ran my claws down the back of the body. It was already ripped open in the front and now I ripped open the back of what was once Onigumo’s body. Once on the ground, I shoved Kagome behind me and she grabbed tight to my shirt, ripping it more while it was already shredded and covered in blood. I ignored the small tugs to my hair she did as well, grabbing and pulling in her worry. But she no longer had anything to fear.
The body shifted, shaking and quaking in a sickening manner as the demons shed their skin. The real battle was about to begin. But there was nothing; Onigumo falling to the ground, empty, and nothing to show for it. They were still there, their stink permeating the forest air. I could smell it as they got closer, circling Kagome and me to taunt. 
“We have always had her, you know.” The voice echoed around us, all of them speaking as one as they surrounded us. “Even as a child. Even before this life, she has had now.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” I screamed, feeling stupid talking to air.
The air chuckled and the trees shook with a breeze. Kagome grabbed onto my shoulders as if she could hold onto me tighter. “This life. Any life. We find her and we take her. This is the first time she has had another demon stand between us. It is annoying and only delaying the inevitable.”
I glanced back at Kagome and her eyes were wide with shock and terror. She had no clue what the bastards were talking about. “She is just smarter than before.”
Her eyes darted to mine and I turned away, focusing on the task at hand instead of what Naraku was hinting at. It didn’t matter if Kagome was using me. Not right now it didn’t. I wasn’t sure I cared at all, she could use me as much as she wanted and I would use her right back. 
“The fuck you will!” The Hanyou roared in my head. 
I shook him out and ignored anything and everything else. Naraku was what was important right now. Sight was useless, so I relied on my other senses. Like smell. The scent of rot was strongest behind us, edging closer to Kagome. I didn’t like that, not at all. 
Spinning us around, I kept Kagome behind me and faced the demon head-on. The air shifted in front of me, the shadows bending ever so slightly as the demon moved to stand right in front of me. Either Naraku was dumb, cocky, or didn’t think I could see it but I didn’t hesitate to slash him with my claws. 
Naraku reared back, squealing, but I was sure I hadn’t really hurt him. He was playing me, trying to get me to lower my guard. But Kagome’s grip still slipped from my shoulders and she whimpered loudly.
It was all just a distraction.
She was already in the air, flailing her legs while trying to rip an invisible hand from her mouth. I caught a foot and yanked on her. It probably hurt but it was the only choice I had; getting a hold of her calf after that. It released her mouth then to grab onto her shoulders instead. It didn’t have a good hold and I was far stronger than it. 
Claws ripped through my coat and to Kagome’s skin, deep scratches to her shoulders, but I got her free and back in my arms. Cradling her to my chest, I let my heart settle. That had been way too close. 
Fear had my chest in a vice. Because I wasn’t sure how to get us out of this. They were dead set on taking Kagome and not fighting me. It made it all so much harder than if they would just fight me for her. Then I could rip them to shreds and keep their hands off her. 
As it was now, she was just a distraction for me. 
I couldn’t tell her to run; they would follow and catch her. So as much as it pained me, I did the only thing I could, keeping Kagome in my arms and taking off back out of the woods. 
“GET BACK HERE!!!” The monster growled. 
Kagome folded her face into my chest as I ran far beyond human speed. It was hard on a human, going this fast, but I had no choice. Naraku was on our heels and the car was still a good distance away. Which wasn’t right; we hadn’t walked that far from it. Onigumo and I were both human when we left it behind. Even running, a demon could make up the distance in no time. And yet, the car still sat in the ever stretching distance.
It was a trap.
When I stopped, Naraku’s laughter filled the air again, bouncing off the tall dark trees that loomed like skinny giants. It sounded like a hundred demons all laughing at once. It made Kagome shiver in my arms, despair, horror, pain, and cold making her body dance. I could smell all of it off her skin even with the rot surrounding us and nearly choking me with it. 
Naraku was shifting around us in a circle and I was livid. “ENOUGH! Face me now, Naraku. Fight me like a demon instead of a scared little pup. Fight me and whoever wins gets Kagome!”
I set Kagome down but she grabbed onto me tight, pulling my attention from the swirling mass that surrounded us. “Don’t do this, Inuyasha. I’m not worth it.”
A grin pulled at the corner of my mouth and I carefully brushed her tears away with my claw. “Yes, you are.”
This time, she tipped up on her toes, grabbing my forelocks to pull me down and her up as she kissed me. A growl rumbled in my chest and I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her into me hard. The Hanyou wanted me to be gentle but when she kissed me instead of me kissed her? Yeah, fuck gentle, I squeezed her to me and pressed my tongue to her lips so she would open them. And she did, letting my tongue flick across hers a few times then she ran her tongue along my fangs. I was ready to throw her to the ground with that. But it would have to wait; pulling back to handle Naraku first. Then I would handle Kagome. 
The Hanyou was silent with that, telling me he agreed with me again.
My mouth still touched hers and I knew Naraku would hear me, but I didn’t have a choice. “As soon as he’s distracted, run.”
“I won’t…”
“You’re a problem for me here. With you gone, I’ll do better. So just run. I’ll be right behind you.”
I was cursing my claws, wanting to wrap my fingers in her hair. But I didn’t want to cut so I settled for cupping her cheek, the pads on my fingers dancing on her ear. I mean it, that I would be right behind her, but Kagome’s sobs told me she didn’t believe me. “He has taken… everyone I had ever cared about… I don’t want him to take you too.”
Pushing her back a small distance, I sneered down at her. “Have a little faith in me, would ya?!”
She choked on her laugh, sounding painful as it mixed with her tears. But she still smiled softly up at me. She trusted me and that was worth more than anything else in this world to me. Naraku was growling around us like a caged tiger but I felt no fear of him towards me. Just towards Kagome. Once she left, everything would be easier. 
“Your cousin was tasty. She had a little of you in her blood but not enough.”
Kagome tensed and I pushed her the rest of the way behind me. “What is it you want from Kagome anyway?”
That’s right, start monologuing. Then I can rip your throat out while you talk about yourself. 
“She is a rarity. Every time she is reborn, we search her out. We found her once already as a child but she got away. Her family didn’t; her mother sacrificing herself for Kagome.” Kagome cried loudly. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea after all. “But then her Cousin wanted something and came to us.”
I slowly moved towards the smell, gently leaving Kagome behind, but stopped at that. “Kikyo came to you? She’s not a demon worshipper!”
“No, she isn’t. Which made tricking her so much easier. So gullible. She even brought along others for us to snack on.” Miroku’s face flashed in my mind but pushed it back; the Hanyou wanted to ask but I knew better. “All she wanted was Kagome gone, to take her place in life. Kikyo wanted to become Kagome. Envy is such a nasty sin.”
“That’s not true! Kikyo would never want to be me!”
Kagome was a short distance from me now but I still didn’t like it. She was drawing attention away from me and I could get closer but I never wanted to use her as bait. 
“She did! Oh did she ever. With you going off to college and the Hanyou falling in love with you, she wanted to be you so bad she risked her soul for it, dragging you all out here to play a game.” Naraku laughed, “so many people fall for that stupid ritual. None of you followed the rules though, not even Kikyo. If she had, maybe she would still be alive. But she was far too eager and naïve.”
This was going to scar Kagome for life, I needed to hurry up and cut this bastard off. I was close, I could smell it, close to vomiting from the stench. The last foot, I jumped and glowing red eyes flashed to me, telling me instantly that I was right. And that I had the upper hand, the eyes wide with agitation and I overtook them. I wasted no time slashing what was otherwise air to most. It was the host, the main demon, and the one that the others were attached to. If I killed it, the others would die or return to hell with it. 
It looked like a shadow as if the tiny bits of light from an unknown source bent around the space out of coincidence. But my claws still caught on something, pulling against it as I dragged them down. It was a deep cut multiplied by four. If it was human, it would be dead in seconds. As a demon, I needed to do more. 
So I windmilled my other paw around, catching what I had to guess was Naraku’s shoulder. A matching mark to the two it put on Kagome. She would already struggle to forget this night without the physical scars she was going to have. 
This son of a bitch was going to fucking pay.
Naraku jumped back and I followed him, getting my claws around his neck and squeezing. “How..dare.. you...Mutt!”
I chuckled darkly in his ‘face’, imagining it turning red with anger then purple from my squeezing. “Breeding doesn’t matter in life or death. I will kill you for harming a hair on Kagome’s head.”
Just barely, I could make out his grin and craned my neck to look behind. Kagome had her hands out as if holding back someone, keeping them from getting close. She could see these fuckers better than I could somehow and, based on her body language, they had her surrounded. 
“Kagome?!” She took a step back, not looking at me, and spun, keeping her hands out and the invisible force at a distance. I glared back at the bastard in my hold. “This is between you and me, asshole.”
I could feel his throat jump under my palm as he laughed. “It never had anything to do with you.”
Kagome screamed and I dropped the demon I held, racing back to Kagome. Her arms collapsed as her hands met my chest, pulling her into my arms and swiping blindly at the air around us. “Back off!! You can’t have her!!!!”
“She belongs to us!!!” One of them hissed.
I swiped in the direction of the voice but came up empty. “The FUCK she does!!!”
“Is this what you want, Kagome? Trading one demon for another?” Another one spat and I swiped again.
“He’s not a demon! Not like you!! You’re a monster!!!” Kagome screamed.
“Inuyasha’s the monster. Half breed and disgusting monster.” The one I slashed seethed, struggling to speak from his wounds.
Kagome shook her head against my chest, still hiding. “You’re wrong!” I didn’t understand what was going on but clearly, Kagome was now fighting for me. There was no need, my ego was fine. But she persisted, pulling away to yell at them some more. “Inuyasha may only be half but that makes him a hundred times more than you’ll ever be!!!”
She was pissing them all off, getting closer until I could feel their touch stinging my skin. It was a horde of demons and something was off about them. Because their touch hurt. I had been touched by other demons before and it didn’t feel anything like this. Even my half brother, who was a dick, didn’t hurt when he just touched me. 
These guys were more than demons, they were cursed.
I contained my pain as much as possible, bending over Kagome to spare her from it and groaning when it became too much. Kagome wrapped her arms around me, her hands pressing into the back of my ribs. I pressed my face into her neck to fight the overwhelming agony that was filling my body. The pain went away suddenly so I pulled away from Kagome’s skin only to be blinded by light. Kagome’s eyes were scrunched shut in concentration but as the light dissipated, she dared to look flustered. The heat of her skin was on her cheeks and in my nose, smelling her embarrassment without really knowing why.
Something for later, looking around us now and sniffing the air. Only one remained, his stench the strongest because he was the one I slashed. Naraku had survived whatever the hell Kagome had done. The light had moved but hadn’t left, circling the edge of the trees and lighting up the middle where we stood. So now, Naraku stood out greatly in the now lit woods.
He was an ugly bastard; his body riddled with decay. It was why he hadn’t healed from the hits I gave him moments ago. Mine healed instantly with my demon form. He was weak and now it showed. This bastard, giving me shit about being weaker as a hanyou when he could barely keep his lungs inside his body.
“What have you done?!”
“Evened the odds.”
I was never more attracted to a person than I was Kagome right now. Her fear still scented the air, sweeter than the nasty demon before us, but she stood tall. Pushing away from me, she gave me silent permission to finish the fight. Smirking at Naraku caused him to shiver, a chuckled rumbling from my throat at his fear. 
But then he stepped back and glared right at Kagome. “This isn’t over.”
He was gone but Kagome still ran, trying to catch him. “NO!!!” She fell to the ground and dug with her hands like she could pull Naraku back up from hell. Her hands were muddy and bloody when I pulled her away, cradling her again in my arms. “It will never be over.” She whimpered.
I held her tight and walked us back to the car. Kagome had seen enough demons tonight so I released mine, returning to my usual form of half and half, hoping that was enough. Not once did Kagome pull away from me tonight in fear of me. For me, sure. But she had also kissed me in my full demon form. 
I would never forget that but now was not the time.
As it was, I didn’t know if there would ever be a time, Kagome wasn’t shaking and sobbing in my hold. I was in awe when she didn’t take the entire length it took to get to the car to calm down. I expected it to take months but she soon pulled her face from her hands and leaned against my chest. Where her head sat, I was sure she was listening to my heart. Whatever she was doing it helped, listening to her heart, as well, as it calmed down, finally.
“The first time I saw him… he was my grandfather.” It was slow but Kagome was going to tell me all and I needed to be patient. “None of us were prepared or understood when Grandpa slit my father’s throat in front of us. We were in shock and that’s how he got my baby brother Souta.” She stopped to sob a little at the memory and I held her a little tighter. “Mother grabbed me and we ran deeper into the house. She shoved me under a bed and told me to stay there no matter what. And I did until the cops pulled me out from under it. They told me my grandpa had lost his mind and killed everyone, himself last. No one believed me when I told them he wasn’t my Gramps.”
“Why would they? You were a scared kid and they had nothing more than a body for proof.”
“You believe me? Don’t you?”
She was watching me, looking up at me begging. “Of course I do. I just met the bastard myself!”
“Not just that,” she said, shaking her head, “I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t call a demon looking for something…”
“No, that was your damn cousin.”
Kagome whimpered, “poor Kikyo.” I huffed but she didn’t say more. “Inuyasha… are you in love with me?”
I almost dropped her. Out of everything that happened tonight not only did she catch that but she wanted to talk about it so soon. “Um… yeah, I think I am.” The nod she gave me was far from satisfying. And I was ashamed. Not only was I outed by a damn demon, Kikyo had seen it as well. “This is… tonight was my fault.”
“Stop it.”
“If I hadn’t made you come…”
“You didn’t make me do anything!”
“Or if I wasn’t so fucking obvious…”
“It wasn’t obvious to me!”
“All this proves that you being with me is bad. It would only bring you pain.”
Kagome was silent with that because she knew I was right. It would never work with us. 
The car was now in her sight, close enough for human eyes to see. There was no scent of rot or death anymore and she was no longer shaking so I set her down on her feet to walk the rest of the way on her own. Setting boundaries right away was what I needed with the memory of her kissing me playing over and over in my head thanks to the demon jackass. 
Sango flung open the door and ran to us. She was searching us for wounds, Kagome’s shoulders still bleeding. But she was also searching us for answers, reminding me of the news we had to deliver. “Where’s Miroku? Is he not with you??”
Clearly, he wasn’t but her freaked out brain still needed answers. Kagome grabbed her tight and the words failed me. Sango sobbed and fell completely into Kagome’s hold. I broke the window to the trunk with my fist.
We were all shattered.
I had to hope we could get a signal now. What with the moon and stars back out from wherever they were hiding. It had a little, quickly putting in my address to get us the fuck out of there. The girls sat just behind me. Sango was still sobbing, laying in Kagome’s lap who looked back at me in the reflection. I offered her the best smile I could manage right now and started the car. 
Breathing a sigh of relief when it rumbled with life, I had just put it into drive and began to move when something hit the side hard. “Goddammit!!”
Kagome and Sango squealed in the back as blood was smeared across the window. I was fucking done with this night. Demons, dumbasses, and pranksters. I didn’t care which one was currently outside the car, cause I was going to tear them apart regardless. 
Slamming the car into park, I wrenched open the door, only to have my breath catch in my throat. “Miroku?!”
He had his hand cradled against his chest and was favoring his left side, but it was definitely Miroku, back from the dead. Sango nearly knocked him over, leaping on him and wrapping herself around him. Then she helped into the car, laying him out across the seat. Kagome had jumped up to the front to sit next to me. They barely had their door shut when I took off. I wanted no more surprises tonight. 
“What happened??” Sango wailed, still half in shock. 
Miroku moaned like a dying man from her lap. The smell of his blood was strong; he very well could be dying. “Onigumo. When we went to piss, he came up from behind, stabbed my right side below my ribs, and pinned my hand to a tree with the same fucking knife. He went on and on about a sacrifice, I figured he’d lost his damn mind!”
“He did,” I stated and everyone was quiet.
Kagome took my hand, the one I rested on the shifter. It was the same as any other day and she showed no fear of me as usual. It didn’t matter what I showed her, my inner demon, or my secret feelings. She didn’t fear me when she really should.
One Week Later...
We got our story straight before Miroku got all his stitches. Nothing important was hit but he would have limited feeling and use of his hand for a long time. Maybe forever. 
The story was, we went for a drive, Kikyo and Onigumo left for some alone time, and never came back. A week later and the cops still hadn’t found their bodies. I was pretty sure that was because we were never on the road we told them we were on. The one we traveled didn’t exist. Not in this dimension. 
The rumors were running wild around the school. Some said Kikyo ran away with Onigumo while others said they were murdered by a serial killer. A few said I killed Onigumo and Kikyo out of jealousy and a small handful thought Kagome did it. But they were small and quiet about it because it was the craziest of all the damn theories. 
Kagome would never hurt a fly.
Finally, it was fucking Friday. I was tired. Tired of all the bullshit and school. Mostly I was tired from avoiding Kagome all week long. Miroku was blowing up my phone, trying to get me to go out with him when my doorbell rang. I wouldn’t put it past Miroku to just show up and force me to hang out. He’d done it before. 
When I ignored the bell, they knocked. Miroku wasn’t going away. I made sure to stomp loud enough for him to hear as I went to the door and flung it open. “I’m not doing shit tonight…”
“If I’m being honest, I’m not in the mood to do anything either.”
It was Kagome, standing at my door like it was any other day. Still in her school uniform, she had a duffle in one arm and her backpack in the other. Without a thought, I grabbed them both from her. Manners aside, she hadn’t had a thing on her shoulders all week thanks to the gashes she received on them. “What are you doing here?”
She walked past me, no hesitation, entering my home. Kagome had never been to my place before, slowly taking it all in. I lived alone, wasn’t sure she knew that and had minimal furniture. A couch with a tv before it, a decently stocked kitchen, a tiny bathroom, and a bed that was all one large room. I didn’t even have a divider between my couch and my bed. So I could watch tv from it if I wanted to.
“You live alone?” I nodded. “What about your mother?”
Kagome knew about my father and that we were… estranged. I hadn’t told her about my mother and if others had, she still wanted to hear it from me. “Cancer. Five years ago.”
“I’m sorry.”
Somehow, Kagome managed to say it without it sounding like pity. Maybe that was in my head, knowing about her family as well? Knowing she could truly empathize and understand my pain as she had felt it herself. But she hadn’t answered my question and I had hers like a puppy. “Kagome, what are you doing here? And what’s with the bag??”
“I’m sorry, I would have called first but you wouldn’t have answered anyway….”
“I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about….”
“You’ve been avoiding me all week.”
With no place better to sit, I flopped to the edge of my bed and grimaced back at her. “So? I have no reason to spend time with you. I thought I made that clear last week? Remember?! Demon summoned to take you all because of my feelings for you?!”
Hands on her lovely hips, she popped one out and smirked at me from my living room, “well aren’t we full of ourselves?!”
“Kikyo was jealous of you because I’m in love with you.”
Goddammit, I didn’t mean to just admit it like that. Or ever. But Kagome already knew. She still looked aghast, like I hadn’t said it to her before. I told her that night, that fucked up night that I was in love with her, why did she look so shocked?!
Shaking her head, my demon growled at me to make her submit. I let him out one time and he thought he owned the place. “No, because she kissed us.”
“Shut up,” I screamed in my head.
“I thought… I didn’t think you would just come out with it like that. Not now.” She responded, reading my mind.
“It’s not like you didn’t already know.”
“Yeah, but… I don’t know, it’s different this time.”
We got quiet and it got awkward. I watched as she looked at her fingers that she twisted at her belly. This was getting us nowhere and things were only getting worse between us. “I’m sorry I avoided you. It wasn’t… I’m not mad or anything. I just think it’s for the best.”
“I told you… I’m no good for you. Even as a friend. Bad things happened to you because of me….”
“Bad things happened to me regardless. They have nothing to do with you,” she spat, getting angry.
“I’d rather be safe than sorry.”
“Safe than sorry?!” She shook her head at the floor but I could still smell the salt of her tears from my perch. “I am sorry for putting you out with my near-death experience!”
“That’s not what I…”
Wrapping her arms around herself as best she could, I watched her fidget all the more, wincing a little from her sore shoulders. “If you don’t want to be with me then just say so, Inuyasha. I wouldn’t blame you, it’s not like my life is anything great! It’s a mess, a dangerous, mess.”
I could feel the heat on my cheeks but I still couldn’t look away from her. “I do want to be with you….”
“But don’t spin some bullshit lie about it being better for me! I would have been dead if it wasn’t for you!” Her frustrated words brought her closer to me, pacing over to me on the bed. 
I shook my head but kept my eyes on her. “You also wouldn’t have been in the situation if it wasn’t for me….”
“I was in that situation because a crazy demon has a hard-on for me,” she countered.
I chuckled. “I’m a demon with a hard-on for you. What’s the difference?”
It was like she was in a trance, reaching over and picking up one of my hands. I wasn’t even sure she was aware she was doing it, playing with my fingers dangerously close to my claws and watching her work. “The difference is, I want you to have a hard-on for me.”
I was tugging her, using the hand she held to pull her closer until she stood between my knees. “I’m not the brightest guy, Kagome. You’re going to have to tell me what you mean by that.”
She was looking at me through her bangs, either trying to hide or be sneaky about it. “It means… the feelings are mutual. How could it not be?” When I cocked a brow up at her, she released a shuddering breath while her face began to glow. “I’m in love with you, Inuyasha.” She refused to look at me while I refused to look anywhere other than right at her. “What are we going to do about this?”
Her finger danced between us, showing me her ‘this’ was our relationship. “Nothing, right? We do nothing about it.”
The smile she wore was fake but she finally looked up at me to nod. “Nothing.”
She was still between my knees and yet, she was getting closer and I wasn’t sure if I was pulling or if she was leaning. “Yeah, nothing. Knowing how we feel... it’s enough, isn’t it?”
Slowly, she nodded her nose inches from mine. “Yeah, it’s enough.”
I tilted my head to the side just in time, Kagome barely missing my nose and forehead when her mouth met mine. Hard. A heartbeat later and she was on my lap, straddling me. My hands were on her bare thighs, moving upward across the soft, warm skin. It wasn’t long before I had her ass in my hands, kneading the flesh. She was still in her uniform but I wasn’t, opting for my usual ‘need to do laundry’ attire of ratty sweat pants and a stained t-shirt. I looked rough but it had her panties against my thin pants. Fuck, I didn’t even have on briefs, free-balling so I didn’t have to do laundry today.
She removed my shirt, getting her fingers around the hem at my back and pulling up hard. I didn’t stop her. I encouraged her, raising my hands towards the ceiling like a child that needed help. 
Shirt gone, she fell back to my mouth and we nipped and sucked at each other like there was no tomorrow. Her fingers threaded my hair and my fingers worked on her buttons, stopping halfway to run my hands across the flat plane of her belly. It caused her to giggle against my lips and I slipped my tongue inside her mouth. 
She helped me take her shirt off the rest of the way after I unbuttoned, all while keeping our mouths planted to one another. Just like when I was full demon, she ran her tongue along my fangs, daring to press it against the sharp tip of one of them. I didn’t move, afraid I’d pierce her tongue. As hot as that sounded, doing it now would definitely kill the mood and I was pretty sure Kagome didn’t want a tongue ring. 
But then again, there was still so much we didn’t know about each other.
With her tongue safe and playing with mine again, I left her mouth and trailed down her chin to her neck. The hand I had on her back, holding her steady on my lap, went to the clasp of her bra. It fell on our crotches, the two of them pressed together, as soon as I flicked it open. With her shoulder wounds, she was wearing something strapless. I found myself kissing along the bandages, wishing I could heal her like I could myself. 
Now I had her nipples before my eyes. No wonder she had to wear strapless; the weight of these puppies had to hurt on her sore shoulders. I had my hands wrapped around her shoulder blades, running a gentle thumb over her bandages, reminding myself to be gentle while my demon was screaming for me to take her hard and fast.
“Yeah like those delicious titties against our fangs.”
“Shut the fuck UP!” I yelled in my head.
Letting my demon out once had him all in a tizzy to get out again, but I was used to it and knew how to control him… mostly. Having Kagome naked on my lap so soon after releasing him probably wasn’t a good idea. But none of me wanted to turn back, touching my tongue to the bottom of her nipple and licking upwards. She moaned softly and I decided then and there that it wasn’t enough. I needed her to moan much louder until it hurt my sensitive hearing.
So I sucked her nipple in, shoving half of her heavy breast into my mouth and pressed my fangs gently into her flesh. 
The lift of her moan made it sound as if she was confused or surprised. She didn’t understand the pull she had on me or the desire she had for me in return. And no one had made her feel like this before. 
And no one had made me feel like she did, little fingers stroking my ears while her hips twitched on mine. I was going to come in my pants at this rate, flicking her nipple inside my mouth with my tongue. She whined when I took her out of my mouth, but it was only so I could do the same to the other breast. That she appreciated greatly, rubbing my ears harder and fully thrusting on my lap.
We still had bottoms on when I flipped us, tossing us behind to the bed and placing Kagome under me. Her dark, beautiful browns eyes stared up at me with wide fascination. But not fear. Never fear. And we took a moment to appreciate the gravity of the situation. I was letting her catch her breath and her senses, allowing her a chance to tell me no or to stop. She was brushing her fingers through my hair, watching her fingers as they disappeared in the white.
Time was up and nothing was said. When I sat back and pulled down my sweats, she sat up and unzipped her skirt. Moving quickly, I stopped her from doing the rest. I wanted to be the one to remove her panties.
Her scent was all over them, smelling of hot spices from the tea on her skin and a sweetness that had been coming from her pussy since she straddled me. I had never smelled anyone like her; it was intoxicating, making me drunk as I licked up the inside of her thigh to the scent. Kagome made the cutest sound when I split her thighs and kept licking. Like a gasp mixed with a moan coming out like a hiccup. I looked up at her through my fringe while I lapped up her flavor, rolling my tongue around in her folds first. Her eyes were wide on me for a moment but when I found her clit, they closed and her mouth opened. She fell back to the bed when I stuck my tongue inside her, twisting it against her walls to taste her fully.
She tasted just as sweet as she smelled and fuck it tasted good. I did feel drunk, sucking and lapping at her without reserve until she came. Even then I didn’t stop, more of her sweet scent and flavor flowing out with her orgasm. Now she was being very loud and even though my ears pressed back from the sound, I loved it.
Releasing her from my tongue, I slowly crawled over her. Resting on top of her, in between her legs, I watched her return from her high. She was so fucking beautiful on a regular basis but when she was flush and panting from me making her feel good? It made her glow in a manner I wasn’t prepared for, my heart going fucking nuts in my chest. It had my ‘drunk’ ass saying things I probably should have kept to myself.
“Goddammit, I’m so in love with you.”
This time, she wasn’t shocked, her eyes and mouth didn’t widen. Instead, she fucking purred. “I love you too.”
I hoped she was ready because she was looking more beautiful than ever with the smile she wore, her eyes warm and deep. There was no stopping me now, I was going to make love to her. With my tip pressed to her entrance, she knew what was going to happen too and she showed no hesitation, leaning into me with her hips. 
Her arms went around my neck and I sunk into her. It was all I could do to not think about her hot sweetness coating my cock because if I did, I was sure to come right away. Kagome was panting beneath me and I could smell a little blood. I was hurting her. 
I tried to pull away but she held me tight, wrapping her legs around me to join her arms. “Please… don’t stop…”
It was all the encouragement I needed, sinking back in the rest of the way only to slowly pull out of her again. A few pulses at a quarter of my speed and Kagome had her arms wrapped around my back, her nails digging into my ass cheeks. 
“Faster…” She moaned and I obliged.
Up on my arms, I hovered over her and watched her bounce from my thrusts. As a much-needed distraction, I sniffed the air and concentrated. Because half of me expected Naraku to show up when I took Kagome’s virginity. I was hoping that was all he wanted her for, a pure and powerful girl? But as my tip pressed to her womb hard the room filled with her scent alone, I knew it was more than that, more than this. 
Kagome was something else, something more. But I already knew that.
When her walls began to quiver, pulsing around me, I fell back to her. My face in the crook of her neck, I smelled her, breathing her and her spicy scent in deeply. Her mouth was right next to my ears, her head pressed back into my pillows. She was loud and I didn’t care; Kagome was crying as she came again. I was busy enjoying the pooling of her sweetness around my shaft, throbbing and warming me down to my bones until I came so hard my head spun.
I rested, feeling more winded than when I was chasing after her and Onigumo. It had felt like my own life was at stake while she was in his clutches and I never wanted to feel like that again, feel that fear for her life. 
Pressing my lips hard and deep into the side of her neck, I pulled out of her and her sticky sweetness clung to me tightly. It felt so damn good, almost as good as mid-coital. Almost.
There wasn’t a thought in my head to wash her off of me; rolling onto my back, happily sticky from sweat too. Kagome didn’t mind, rolling into me and resting her head on my chest. I pulled the rest of her body flush to my side and kissed the top of her head, breathing in her hair as I rested. 
My hand found its way to her shoulder and grazed the bandage again, brushing it over and over in a circle of want. Because I wanted to make it go away. 
“It doesn’t hurt anymore,” Kagome whispered. 
But I had seen her strain from time to time with stiffness. “Doctor said it would scar.”
“My penance for all the people that lost their lives because of me.”
The injuries to her shoulders were more than that; they were a mark from another demon and as much as it pissed me off, it was far from being Kagome’s fault. “None of that was ever your fault and I will spend the rest of our lives reminding you of that if I have to.”
I could feel a smile on her lips as they pressed against my skin. “The rest of our lives?”
It was stupid of me, talking about forever when we hadn’t even gotten out of high school yet. But together or not, I would protect her and I would love her. 
“You don’t have to be with me, you know? You don’t have to feel obligated to protect me and stay by my side forever,” she said to my chest. 
I dug under her chin to push her head back; brown eyes that swirled with honey looked up at me. “Are you stupid?”
She was still frowning, tears at the edge of her eyes. “I’m not using you. Not for protection or comfort.”
“Oh, so I’m the one that’s stupid?”
“Are you going to twist everything I say?”
“Only when you say something stupid!”
She giggled at that and fell deeper into me. Holding her close, I listened to the gentle beating of her heart. “He’ll come back for me. Someday.”
“And I’ll stop him then too.” I’d been wanting to talk to her about something but didn’t know where to begin. Especially with avoiding her. “That thing you did in the woods?” She tensed at that. “It was… pretty amazing.”
“You’re not scared of me?”
I was a demon; so I probably should be. “No. Not even a little bit.”
“Good. I’m not scared of you either.”
“How often have you done that?”
I wasn’t sure what she had done but I was pretty sure, what with him a no-show and Kagome good and fucked by me now, that it was why Naraku wanted her so badly. “That was… a first. I’ve never… done something… that big before.”
“But you did it in the past? Against your Gramps?”
Her heart picked up at that and I knew I had hit the mark with that one. My mother had wasted away in front of my eyes. I had to tell them to pull the plug. Thirteen and as the only family she had that gave a shit, it was up to me. I still didn’t think that measured up to Kagome having to kill her possessed grandfather. Not even close.
She let me hold her tight for a few moments, then pushed off me and the bed, finding and digging into the duffle she had brought until she had a long nightshirt over her naked body. I propped myself up on an elbow and watched her. “Oh you were so cocky, you brought a change of clothes?”
“No. I was on my way to Sango’s.”
I looked closer at the bag, the size of it catching my attention now. “You staying the whole weekend or something? That’s more than any girl needs for one night.”
Kagome froze for a second, then turned away to mess with her bag again. “My aunt kicked me out.”
“What?!” I was off the bed and pulling my sweats back on. It didn’t feel right to be naked for this conversation. “She can’t do that!!”
“Why not? I’m eighteen and she never wanted me anyway.”
“She wanted you,” I spat without thinking as I paced, “wanted you as a slave.”
“That reminds me, I’m out of a job too.”
“This is bullshit!” I roared.
Kagome sat on the floor before her bag, as if beaten and I didn’t like it one bit. “When… I came home and Kikyo didn’t… Auntie never believed me either when I told her it was a demon that killed my family. I didn’t think Kikyo believed me either until we were in those woods. She took me because she thought she could make a deal with Naraku. And with Auntie promising me Kikyo’s college money…”
“You still have that, you still have college!”
I thought that would make her come around but it only made her droop more. “I have some money saved thanks to Sango getting me a bank account my aunt knew nothing about. And I have the money my family left me that she didn’t have access to. But… Auntie never intended to give me that money. She just said that to try and motivate Kikyo. Guess it worked in a way.”
I flopped to the floor next to her, looking at her face while she stared at her bag. “It’s not right, Kagome. You deserve more. You always have.”
She shrugged; “I’m the girl whose family died because of her. I don’t think I deserve anything less. And now I have Kikyo’s and Onigumo’s death on my track record…”
“That wasn’t you!! They gave themselves to Naraku!”
“Auntie blames me and is now using all of her money to find Kikyo. So even if she had planned to pay for my college, she isn’t now for sure. And she should look for Kikyo. I wish I could tell her the truth…”
I shook my head hard and it got her eyes to mine. “No. I don’t want anyone else looking at you like that, thinking you’re responsible in any way. Naraku isn’t your fault and they went into those woods on their own. Dragging us along under false pretenses. I looked up that stupid game, they didn’t even follow any of the rules! They were never going to get what they wanted, they just wanted to kill people!”
After a few heartbeats, Kagome nodded. “You’re right. If anyone believed us, it would only make the two of them look bad. I’ve caused Auntie enough pain.”
At that, I scooped her off the floor and back into my lap. Only this time, I was cradling her to me. It wasn’t sexual in the least. It was comforting. “Stay with me.”
She nodded again against my chest. “For tonight, sure…”
“No. Move in with me. Stay with me. I’ll take care of you..”
She pushed back, already a rebuttal on her lips. “I can’t do that…”
“Yes, you can!”
“We just started… whatever! I can’t move in with you!”
I pulled her back to me, kissing her as hard and as deep as I could for the short seconds she allowed me to. “I want you here. It’ll bring me peace, knowing you’re safe. And it’ll make it easier when we bang.”
She smiled through her blush and I kissed her again. Kagome pushed me back gently before I could get my tongue in her mouth but I was sure I was weakening her resolve. “Aren’t you worried? Scared that I might use you for protection? Or for a home in general?”
I was already scoffing at her hard before she finished. “You would never do that to anyone. And you sure as shit wouldn’t do it to me.”
“I feel like…” she tapered off and I thought for a moment, that she wouldn’t finish, “like you know me. Better than anyone. Is that possible?”
It had to be because I felt the same way. That I knew her and she knew me. “Yeah. But maybe it’s the sex talking.”
She slapped me playfully on the chest. “Would you stop that?!”
“Not until you agree to live with me!”
I had her, the flush of her cheeks and the smile on her face told me so. She was fighting it hard, her smile and giving me what I wanted, but I was going to win. “Oh...okay. BUT if Naraku shows up again I’m not getting you involved. You will stay out of it!”
She was dead serious and there was no way I was agreeing to that. If Naraku ever showed his ugly fucking face again I was going to rip his spine out. If he had one. 
Kagome was waiting for my answer. She would split out my door if I didn’t agree, that much was clear. So I would lie to her just this once. “Alright. I’ll stay out of it.”
With that, I lifted her and took us to the bed where we celebrated our new living arrangement and relationship late into the evening.
You have reached the end. Now think of your desire, the thing you want most in this world. See it in your mind. Taste it on your tongue. Now turn back and you will find your life changed. The love of your life has appeared or even your bank account is now flush with cash. What is the price? Is your car now haunted? No, you proved your worth. The Eleven Mile, however, will stay in your mind in the form of nightmares or pleasant dreams. But this is nothing to what you’ve gained, right?
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Celebrities Need Milk Too: Haikyuu Coffee Shop AU
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My favorite time of the day was walking to work. It didn’t matter the shift, daytime, or who my co-workers were. All that mattered was the music playing through my headphones as I would walk down the cracked sidewalk. I found myself staring at my reflection in window shop glass more than I looked where I was going. I trusted my feet to go where they needed because of the amount of time I’d walked this path. 
My hands mess with a misplaced hair before being covered up by a new poster in the window of a macaroon shop. My feet stop as I look at the volleyball players that littered the paper. It was for a big match up tonight against the Schweiden Adlers and MSBY Black Jackals. This particular poster seemed to be dedicated to the Adlers with their star players lit up by a golden light. 
If I was being honest, I hadn’t been paying too much attention to the recent volleyball tournament that plagued the city. All the hubbub has done is make the shop a busier than normal. 
A small buzz takes me away from the poster. I curse under my breath as I see that I was slightly late for work. My feet pick up the pace in hopes of getting there in a time that my boss would deem acceptable. 
As I got to the shop, a group of people had gathered around one person. He was taking pictures outside as if he were a celebrity. This struck me as odd because we don’t get a lot of famous people that visit this particular coffee shop. 
The so-assumed celebrity seemed to not be a fan of pictures or autographs. He had yet to figure out the perfect hand placement so that it was not awkward for the girls or himself. His smile had yet to meet his eyes and even looked like a painful experience. I couldn’t help but chuckle as the girls fawned over him. 
In-between photos, I caught the eyes of this strange man. His dark turquoise eyes seemed to be filled with a mixture of please help along with disinterest and an intensity unmatched by anyone I’d ever met. I had seen them somewhere before but I couldn’t put my finger on where. 
I, however, did not have time to ponder who this celebrity could be. No Doze Cafe was bustling with people. Almost all the tables were filled with patrons either waiting on coffee orders, studying for an upcoming test, or laughing with their group of friends. A few people were crammed at the window in hopes of getting the celebrities attention. 
“You’re late again,” called Carrie as she walked out from the back room. Her apron was covered in old stains. 
“I know,” I say while putting on my own apron. “I promise it won’t happen again.”
“I really should keep a tally of how many times you’ve told me you won’t be late again.” Her voice may have been teasing but I could feel her pressing me about my tardiness. 
“Or you could just dock my pay like you keep saying you will,” I comment while picking up the closest cup. I read the marking scribbled on the side. White Peppermint Mocha: Our most popular seller around the holiday seasons. 
I quickly mixed this drink while preparing for the rush of customers that would likely enter the shop if the guy ever was given a break. “Akashi,” I call while placing the drink on the counter. 
My fears became a reality as the swarm of people followed right behind the guy from outside. I found myself cursing his very own existence. Instead of immediately stepping into line, he decides to take a seat, pull out his phone, and start watching some video.
Rather than comment on his strange behavior, Carrie shouted at me to get back to work. She can sometimes get grouchy if enough people have pissed her off today. Sadly, I was one of them. 
As the day grew later and later, people became less interested in the celebrity and more interested in getting their coffee to go. The after school rush had simmered to a slow boil. There were a few people still seated at tables watching the man. 
Carrie decided to take a small smoke break to clear her head from the rush. I was left taking and filling orders. 
“See you later Ms,” called one of the regular high school students. I waved goodbye to him before walking back to the cash register. To my surprise, it was the man from outside. 
“Oh it’s you,” I say. 
His eyes narrow to the same intense expression-filled scowl he had earlier in the day. “Would you want a picture or something?” he asked. His voice was filled with annoyance and a little disappointment. 
“No,” I commented. “I wasn’t expecting you to actually get anything after you didn’t get in line at the start.”
He paused. It was the same pause that I had given him earlier when we locked eyes. It was the feeling of confusion mixed with a little wonder. “You were watching me?”
A heat flushed along my  cheeks. “I-I was watching you because of the crowd. We normally don’t get celebrities in the cafe.”
I could’ve sworn that the same blush on my cheeks mirrored on his. “I wouldn’t say that I’m a celebrity,” he said. “I’m just well known.”
“Well, sorry for calling you a celebrity,” I say, trying to make up for my misstep. “What could I get for you?”
He looked around as if to spy on anyone that would listen to his order. “That’s actually what I would need help with. I haven’t visited a coffee shop before. A friend of mine said that you made good hot chocolate with real milk. He said it was the best he’s ever had.”
“Oh would you like to try the hot chocolate?” I ask. “We import some of the cocoa from a shop in Paris.”
“Is there anything else with a lot of milk? I’m not a huge fan of chocolate.” His face flushed harder. It was a cute look to break up the angry intensity of his normal face. 
I giggle before responding, “Yes we have plenty of items made with milk. Would you want something cold or hot?”
“I guess cold,” he mumbled. “Also could you add coffee?”
“Yes we can,” I say with my typical retail smile. “I would recommend a Macchiato. It has two shots of espresso with a base of milk. I enjoy the drink a lot. I would get a shot of some flavor in it though.”
“I’m fine without the flavor,” he said. “But make it a large.”
“And can I get a name for that order?”
Suddenly, the names of the teammates on the poster flash before my eyes. His name was highlighted under one of the players. That was where I remember seeing his eyes before. “You’re the setter for the big game tonight.”
The comment must’ve caught him off guard. The already pink cheeks became an even darker shade of red. “Y-yes I am,” he commented before pulling out the money to pay. “You can keep the change. Think of it as a tip.”
He handed me six extra dollars about the cost of his drink. “I can’t take this,” I say while pushing the money back into his hands. “That’s too much as a tip.”
“N-no. I insist.” He pushed the money back into my hands. “You helped me a lot.”
“If you’re sure.” I make the change before placing the rest of the money into the tip jar. “That was very nice of you.”
“No problem.” Embarrassment must’ve been too much for him because Kageyama walked towards the end of the bar. I quickly make his drink before handing it over to him. 
“Here you go sir. One Macchiato.” I turn away before he stutters out “W-wait.”
I turn back to see that he is looking at the drink. “W-would you be at the game tonight?”
“Oh, I don’t get off work until really late. I doubt my boss will allow me to go.”
Kageyama scoffed before looking back up at me. “I-I would really appreciate it if you could be there. I don’t have lots of pull but I could pay a little extra if you can get off.”
“Are you asking me on a date?”
“No,” he stammers. “I was just asking because you’ve really helped me and I want to see you more.”
A smile crossed my face before I picked up a napkin off the counter and my pen. I wrote down my number and placed the napkin on top of his cup. “I don’t think I can come tonight,” I comment. “However, I’d love to see you again too, Kageyama.”
“O-oh,” he stutters before locking eyes with me. The faint blush had faded. “I’ll give you a call after my game. Maybe we can meet up and I can show you the video.”
“I’d love that,” I say. The black-haired man seemed confused that his confession had worked. He bid me a farewell before walking out the door. 
“What was that guy’s deal?” asked Carrie. She must’ve finished up her cigarette in the time we were talking. 
“That- my dear Carrie- is the celebrity that was outside.”
Haikyuu Masterlist
(This series is a choose your own adventure. Pick your favorite man or all of them. I will try to make as many of them as possible with continuations. So far, there is Oikawa, Sugawara, Tuskishima, and Kageyama. If you have a suggestion or comment, please message me!!)
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sohin-ace · 4 years
Jonathan - Sick
This is cross-posted from Wattpad and available on AO3.
F/N means father's name awright.
It's been quite some days since you have seen your friend Jonathan. You two would usually hang out after school and during the week ends to talk about your day, joke and play around, or even share some snacks together sometimes, as friends do.
But these past days, you've been waiting for him at your usual spot, but he hasn't been showing up. This worried you a lot since he never ever dumped you or made you wait as he was really serious about acting like a real gentleman and treating a lady properly.
You knew he also had some problems with his adoptive brother Dio and you got scared that maybe they got into a fight again, or something bad happened to him. You decided to go visit the Joestar Mansion and see for yourself what was happening.
You came to the huge wooden doors of your best friend's home and knocked. You dusted off your dress a little bit and made yourself presentable, waiting for an answer. A moment later, the locks clanked and the door opened. You were then greeted by a nice-looking maid who smiled politely at you.
"Hello, my name is Y/N L/N, daughter of F/N L/N. I came to visit Jonathan, is he here?" The maid's face brightened visibly.
"Aah! You are milady Y/N that young master always talks about! Please be welcomed!" She stepped aside, gesturing you to come in and you complied, thanking her.
The maid then closed the door behind you and, as she asked you to follow her, a tall blonde figure came elegantly descending from the stairs.
"Don't fret, Sakuya. I will take our guest to Jojo's room." He said in his deep, smooth voice while looking down at you. You stared back, unfazed.
"Ah! How considerate of you, young master Dio, thank you very much!" the maid bowed to him and walked away, getting back to her own business and leaving you both alone.
You stared at him as he approached you. You didn't know much about Dio, you only met him a couple times, but you already knew from what Jonathan told you, and from your small encounters with him, that Dio was not the person to be trusted. You were very wary of him.
Although charming and handsome, the guy radiated an eery aura and had this intimidating scarlet gaze that always put you on edge.
You understood how girls would fawn over him and how guys would want to be his friend, but you personally, would rather keep your distance. Everything about him screamed 'danger'. Overall you always kept your guards up around him.
"Oh please Y/N dear, don't show me that face, I don't bite." The blonde smirked as he got closer and closer.
Your eyes darted away from him and you tensed up, not saying anything. You had nothing to tell him, you weren't here to deal with his shenanigans anyway.
He stood next to you and kindly offered his arm out. "Now, shall we go?"
You reluctantly slid your hand around his arm and walked with him to Jonathan's room, never making eye contact.
"You're awfully silent Y/N, I'm hurt." Dio feigned. "Don't you want to know why Jojo has been absent as of late?"
"Don't bother. I'm here to figure it out." you huffed and he chuckled at your defiance.
You detached yourself from him as soon as you reached the front of Jonathan's bedroom. You knocked gently on the door when Dio continued.
"You being stone cold won't stop me, Y/N you know it." You paused, glaring at the door until you heard the faint sound of Jonathan's voice.
"...Have a nice day, Dio." You then entered the bedroom and you swore you could feel the blonde smirk behind you.
You closed the door a bit harder than you intended and sighed. Upon entering, you immediately noticed your friend laying in his bed, a wet cloth resting over his forehead. His face was flushed and he breathed in slight pants. He tiredly looked over at you and smiled weakly.
"Ah, Y/N it's you!" He tried to sit up but you rushed towards him and pushed him back down.
"No no no, Jojo don't get up. Are you okay? What happened to you?" His eyes softened at your worried self.
"It's nothing really, I'm just a little sick. I think I must have eaten something I shouldn't have, but I'm fine." He chuckled sheepishly and you sighed in relief, sitting down at the edge of his bed.
You always imagined the worst case scenarios, especially with Dio around the corner ready to trouble him and make his life a mess.
"Anyway, what a surprise!" he started, his voice hoarse, "It's so good to see you!" He smiled weakly which melted your heart.
"Of course, Jojo. I missed you." you softly spoke and and he couldn't help but stare at you, taking in your beautiful form. He missed you too.
You took a moment to observe his features as well. This boy scared you so much sometimes with his foolishness. You brought your hand to the side of his face and caressed his warm cheek gently and he let you do as you pleased.
"What will I do if you don't even take care of yourself." you laughed then paused. "I was worried you know, when you stopped showing up..."
Jonathan felt a pang in his heart. He felt bad. First of all, his pride as a gentleman was hurt for abandonning and letting down a lady, but most importantly, he felt horrible as a friend, for making you worry about him and leaving you alone.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I wanted to tell you, but I knew that if I sent Dio to let you know, he probably wouldn't have done it..." He looked away, as disappointed as you were.
'Of course.' you thought to yourself, annoyed but not surprised.
As a comfortable and relaxing silence fell upon the room, you let your hand glide from his cheek to his neck in a feathery light touch. He blushed an even darker shade of red than he already was and his mouth was agape as a silent gasp escaped from it.
Your hand was so soft and gentle on him, like the touch of a caring mother. Something that he never experienced.
His skin almost burned you with his fever. "Jojo, you're very hot. You should rest for a bit."
He then grabbed your wrist and widened his eyes. "You're leaving already? I'm not sleepy, you can stay!"
You chuckled at the boy. For a strong, big guy, he sure acted cute and childish sometimes. You pulled the blanket higher over his body and patted him, effectively soothing him. His heart was beating hard in his chest, but he was relaxed. Being with you was the only medecine he needed.
"Okay then, I'll stay. If you need anything, tell me and I'll go bring it to you, okay?" he nodded.
There was another moment of silence where only his breathing and you patting his covered chest could be heard. You looked around a bit and noticed small rags, medecine and a water bowl on his bedside table with a little bit of unfinished bread. You would make sure he ate that bread later.
You took the wet cloth on his forehead and dipped it in the water to cool it down. You squeezed the exceeding water out, and gently laid it back on his forehead.
You then pressed your now cold and wet hands over his burning cheeks and the dark haired male smiled in delight.
"Aah it feels good Y/N~ Thank you! When I get better I'll make it up to you."
"There's nothing to make up for, Jojo. It's only natural." You reassured him.
"Still... You always take care of me, without asking anything in return... " He took one of your hands in both his and turned his head slightly to kiss the palm of it. His soft lips tickled you and your heart beat hastened.
Still kissing you, his eyes fluttered open and he glanced at you through hooded lids and you blushed madly at his enticing expression. Even sick, he was still handsome as ever, and his actions never failed to make your heart skip a beat.
You could never get enough of the Joestar heir and it drove you crazy sometimes. Your train of thoughts was interrupted by his voice.
"This is why I fell in love with you..." He breathed, nuzzling your soft hand like it was a treasure and your own breath hitched at his confession.
"J-jojo...! You are sick right now, you're not thinking straight. Please, go to sleep." you reasoned, utterly flustered.
You didn't know how to react yet. You knew you loved him to death too, but you wanted to make sure he was in good condition to talk about feelings. Also, you wouldn't take advantage of a sick man like this for your own interest, so you decided to wait before answering any kind of confession.
"But I'm sincere, Y/N." He gazed at you intensely with blue glossy eyes. "You are so beautiful..."
Your eyes widened and you gasped, fighting back a squeal. This was too much for you, you had to stop his madness, now.
You released your hand from his grasp and tucked his own under the blanket. You caressed his hair gently to try and lull him to sleep.
"The fever is making you talk nonsense, Jojo. Please now, rest. I'm here so you can close your eyes."
"Aah... Maybe you're right... I'm a little bit... tired... I... slee...p..." he slurred his words more and more until he finally let out soft snores, signaling he fell into dreamland.
You sighed heavily. Your heart was still pounding hard and fast inside your ribcage and you buried your face in his chest, embarrassed and shaken by his earlier words. This boy will kill you one day.
"Please, please God, let his words be his actual feelings, don't make me hope and hurt me like this..."
You couldn't see it, but Jonathan's lips broke into a secret smile.
Did you see that Touhou reference I made there? Except it totally doesn't match Sakuya's character lol she would stab Dio in the face with no warning.
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lady-oceana9518 · 5 years
Let’s Misbehave! (A Charlastor Holiday Fic)
A/N: This fic was inspired by one of my current favorite songs, “Let’s Misbehave” (the Swing Republic version)! I’ll admit that this is a little self-indulgent; Charlie’s outfit is inspired by a dress that I actually just bought myself (I’ll put a link in a separate post of anyone wants a visual of it), and I just started teaching myself how to dance, 1920s style! :)
It was a warm afternoon in mid-December (because when wasn’t it warm in Hell?) and the staff of the Hazbin Hotel were preparing for their first annual holiday gala! Being the theatrical folks that they were, the event was, of course, Charlie and Alastor’s idea originally. The hotel staff had spent the better part of the day cleaning and decorating the as-of-yet underused ballroom with gorgeous crystal chandeliers, garlands of fairy lights in a variety of colors, and wreaths and swags made of fresh-cut pine branches that would have been common decor on Earth around this time of year. Charlie had even found several decorations that consisted of strings of lights shaped into various animals that she insisted on purchasing for the event. Alastor wasn’t strong enough to refuse his mate’s puppy-dog eyes, which is how they ended up buying a few lighted swans, a unicorn, a shark (whose permanent toothy grin reminded her of a certain Radio Demon she loved), and (of course) a reindeer. The latter amused Charlie to no end.
Now that cleaning and decorating were out of the way, the hotel staff and tenants were busy getting dressed and ready for the event. Charlie wanted to surprise Alastor with her outfit, which is why she was currently all but skipping down the hall to Vaggie’s room with a dazzling flapper-style dress in hand.
“Vags, I found the most perfect dress for tonight!!” Charlie sang, sweeping dramatically into her best friend’s room and presenting said dress with a flourish as soon as she closed the door behind her. “Do you think Al will like it?” she asked with a giggle as she imagined her mate’s reaction.
Vaggie smiled fondly at her friend, stepping over to place her hand on Charlie’s shoulder. “I’m sure he’d be happy with whatever you decided to wear. But yes, he’s going to love it. No question!” Charlie grinned in response to Vaggie’s encouragement. “Now, come on; we’d better get ready before the gala starts!”
With that said, both women donned their dresses, chatting about the night to come as they worked on their hair and makeup. Vaggie had braided her hair earlier that morning so when she loosened it, it cascaded in waves down her back. Charlie on the other hand, wanting to commit to the flapper look that she was excited to surprise Alastor with, used her magic to curl and shorten her flowing blond hair to shoulder length. The style was reminiscent of the first dance she and her Radio Demon shared when he originally came to the hotel. After securing the final touch to her outfit in the form of a shimmering black lace headband adorned with a large red feather, she decided she was ready. Arm-in-arm, the two best friends headed downstairs, where the other attendees began to gather.
Meanwhile, the party had begun in earnest down in the ballroom. Alastor and his shadow minions provided the music which some of the guests had already begun to dance to, while others chatted, mingled with one another, munched on appetizers that the staff had prepared together, and enjoyed the festive atmosphere.
The Radio Demon busied himself while he waited for Charlie by talking with Husk and nursing a glass of red wine. He was beginning to grow impatient, as he usually did when they were apart for too long, especially because she refused to tell him anything about the outfit she’d planned. All she told him was to make sure he dressed in red and black which, he thought to himself with a chuckle, was what the majority of his wardrobe consisted of. He had decided to wear a formal black suit with a red tie, wanting to change things up and reverse his usual color scheme for the evening.
He was laughing heartily at some comment that Husk made when the feline demon suddenly glanced at a point behind Alastor. He raised his eyebrows and nudged Alastor’s arm with his own to get the Radio Demon’s attention.
“Hey man, you might want to turn around...looks like a certain someone is here to see you,” Husk chuckled with a knowing smirk on his face.
No sooner had Husk spoken than Alastor turned to face the most breathtaking sight he’d seen in the entirety of his life and afterlife. There, at the entrance of the ballroom stood Charlie. His Charlie. She was dressed like so many of the gals he remembered seeing on Earth during the 1920s, but none of them held a candle to the way his beloved mate looked tonight. Her flapper dress, which was adorned with intricate red beadwork and hemmed with asymmetrical black fringes, flattered her long and lean body. She wore a black and red feathered headband to match, and her hair was short and curled, just the way he styled it with his own magic on the day they met.
He felt his normally calm, collected and confident composure slip when the two of them locked eyes from across the ballroom and Charlie offered him a wave and a shy smile. His crimson eyes widened and the glass of wine he was holding nearly slipped from his claws. Not trusting the steadiness of his hands, he hastily handed the half-full glass to Husk.
“Husk, be a dear and take this for me, won’t you? Thank you ever so much!” Without sparing a second glance toward the feline demon, Alastor strode briskly across the ballroom toward his charming demon belle. She had the same idea and met him halfway, a darker blush than usual painting her cheeks as she gazed at him.
“Al, you look so handsome! And look, you finally tied your hair back! I love it!!” Charlie fawned over him, raising her hand to touch the short ponytail he’d fastened his hair into. She couldn’t resist brushing one of his ears with her finger, giggling at the way it twitched automatically beneath her touch. Alastor growled and grabbed her hand before she could lower it.
“Careful, dear...” he warned, trying and failing to be intimidating. He gently nipped at the inside of her wrist with his razor-sharp teeth, at which she snorted and rolled her eyes before fixing him with an affectionate look.
Alastor couldn’t help but return her fond gaze, and kissed the palm of her hand that was still within his grasp. He began to feel uncharacteristically self-conscious, as he wanted to express just how beautiful he thought she looked. He had improved at expressing his emotions since he met Charlie, but was still a bit out of practice. He decided to give it his best shot anyway. “Charlie, I...you...you look incredible, my dear. Truly, the most stunning woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on.”
Charlie was taken aback by his admission and could only stare at him, wide-eyed and blushing, for several moments. Finally, she grinned and wrapped one of her arms around his waist, nestling herself close to him. “Aw Al, you charmer!” she giggled, gazing up at him from beneath her long, dark lashes. “Come on, let’s go dance!”
“Sweetheart, I thought you’d never ask!” Alastor replied with his usual grin in place as he wrapped one of his arms around her shoulders and led her toward the dance floor.
They arrived just in time for a couple of slow songs, which the pair used as an excuse to stay as close to one another as they could as they swayed rhythmically back and forth. Several minutes later, Alastor decided that it was time to pick up the pace a bit. With a snap of his fingers, the jazzy notes of a trumpet began to play one of his favorite songs, and he couldn’t help but sing along as he led Charlie through the steps of the Charleston. They were in perfect sync, one stepping forward while the other stepped back, both of them nimble on their feet as they seemed to fly across the hardwood floor. At one point Charlie broke away from him for a few moments, pivoting on one foot and shaking her hips in a way that set the tassels on her dress to flying. Alastor was entranced by the movement and reclaimed her hand moments later with a grin.
As the two of them neared the bar set up in one corner of the ballroom, Charlie cocked an eyebrow questioningly. “Al, where are you taking me?” she inquired with a breathless giggle. In response, Alastor’s grin widened as he stepped daintily onto a barstool and then leaped onto the top of the bar itself, pulling Charlie along with him.
“The fuck...? What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Husk yelled, to no avail, as he gathered a couple of liquor bottles into his arms to prevent them from being kicked over by the over-zealous deer demon.
Alastor and Charlie laughed at their own ridiculousness as they danced across the bar. Many of the other guests stopped their own dancing and mingling, amazed to see the infamous Radio Demon letting loose and having fun. Neither Alastor nor Charlie had done such a thing before but when the two theatrical souls were together and in their element, there was no telling what would happen.
As the song reached its conclusion, Alastor wrapped his arms around Charlie’s waist, dipping her while simultaneously pulling her into a searing kiss. Charlie gasped, pleasantly surprised, before cupping his face between her hands and returning the kiss in earnest.
“There’s something wild about you child
That’s so contagious
Let’s be outrageous
Let’s misbehave!
They say that spring means just one thing
To little lovebirds
We’re not above birds
Let’s misbehave!!”
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evoedbd · 5 years
Queer Advice
Summer -  Emily Collins is terrified that Dracula's Brides will need a virgin sacrifice, and she knows exactly who that person would be. Havenfalls finest are LESS than helpful with their brilliant plan to protect their virgin huntress. ((Meshed in Mac having a version of her MC, because she’s the only character who truly NEEDS her MC to reach her full potential.)) *******
“Alright. This is serious business. We’ve found out more of Dracula’s plan and i- SERIOUSLY?” Emily started out seriously, striding into the closed bowling alley with purpose. Once the door swung shut, however, the party lights revealed something that nearly made Emily blow a gasket. A cuddle pile! An honest to whatever god may exist cuddle pile! During what was meant to be a meeting to save lives. Not just A life, but multiple. On a potentially world dominating scale. This was serious business and yet four bodies remained tangled together; a series of semi naked limbs and plaid that became indistinguishable from each other.
 Mackenzie Hunt was the easiest to distinguish amidst the chaos. The Alpha was an absolute beast of a woman, in no uncertain terms. A copper skinned goddess standing at 5.11ft high, with muscles that appeared to be forged from literal copper by an artist of ancient times. Forest green eyes kept careful watch over the bowling alley, even though the gentle smile on her lips betrayed her affection for the others. Her duty as pack leader and town sheriff seemed to weigh her brows down ever so slightly, a fact emphasised by lighter hair against darker skin. Her short, choppy hair was ruffled, suggesting she had been running a little earlier. Or perhaps fingers had been running through her hair, like she now ran her own fingers through Aisha’s chocolate dust locks. Just as Atlas allegedly held the world, Mac supported the tangled individuals on her lap. Even then, she positioned herself so that she could break away and spring up at the first sign of trouble.
 Aisha Collins appeared content enough with her head resting on the arm of the couch. Aisha looked so similar to Emily one might mistake them for twins, with their high angled jaws and blazing blue eyes. Aisha had grown into her grace, keeping her head held a little higher than Emily, which made her features seem finer. Her sharp edges were softened, as if the world around her was constantly caressing them into tranquillity. The cargo pants she wore hid her lanky legs, even as they tangled with another pair of fine legs clad in designer jeans.
 Annabelle Shepard lay facing the other direction; legs tangled through Aisha’s. Her chest rose and fell with the gentle contentment of peaceful slumber. It was easy to forget how fierce the young woman could be when one looked at her soft face. From gentle curves to large, expressive eyes, Annabelle was disarming. When awake, her cheer was almost infectious, yet she held a certain bite to her. An unnameable quality that exposed the truth of the hardships she had faced. That made you respect her without even knowing her. Her lithe arms remained folded against her chest. As always, her arms were covered by long sleeves with buttoned cuffs. The few times Emily had seen Annabelle’s bare arms, she had been greeted with thick, unsightly scars. They were vicious and deep, as if she had been savagely attacked by a rabid animal.
 Damien Ryder took the weight of the cuddle pile. He supported Annabelle’s sleeping form, with his nose tucked into her hair. His arms wrapped around Anabelle, with one of his hands holding Aisha’s legs. The tussles of his signature jacket tickled over plaid and denim, offering something for Aisha to twist around her fingers in her half-conscious state. Looking at Damien, the most striking thing about him was the pain. It darkened his ginger ale brown eyes; dragged on his broody brows. Even in a relaxed setting, his squared jaw seemed hardened and his lips downturned. That along with his shoulder length fawn hair gave Emily the impressions of a western outlaw. All that was missing was the twig of barley for him to chew on.
 “Pack thing.” Aisha sleepily explained, waving her free hand in a dismissive manner. It seemed as if she believed that nobody would understand it, so she did not bother explaining. There was a gentle cheekiness to her tone; a happiness which Emily couldn’t bring herself to attack. It was with a long-suffering sigh she directed her attention towards the literal devil in the room.
 “You just want time off work.” JD accused, a smirk touching their lips as they leaned back against the bar. Jordan Davies was the epitome of teenage angst turned into professional anarchy. Lanky and long, JD was only a smidgen taller than Emily, yet appeared to be half the weight. Beneath the biker’s leather jacket and baggy red singlet, Emily was positive she’d find nothing but a ribcage. That leanness was matched in JD’s youthful face. Mischief twinkled in ember coloured eyes, as always. Nobody could look at JD’s troublemaker getup; numerous piercings, and flame orange hair without feeling as sinful as if they were sneaking out after curfew. Something about the Jersey Devil invited chaos and trouble of the best kind. The kind where you’d wake up hungover, married to a goat and wondering where your trousers were.
 “It would mean you’d have to actually do your job, Jordan.” Razi commented, an amused smile forming beneath his elegantly groomed facial hair. Razi was a picture, with only one stylish lock out of place. With his broad, defined features and luscious dark hair bound into ponytail, it was amazing he settled for a bowling alley in a backwater town. Mythical blue eyes shone; sapphires gleaming against his bronzed skin. As usual, the hunky Djinn wore a silken button up shirt, with the sleeves folded up to his elbows and dark suspenders. The half-popped buttons showed off his defined chest, along with the many hairs curling across his skin. When the light caught those hairs the right way, Razi appeared to glow, adding to his calm mystique. This, along with his dazzling smile, was truly what made Emily think the only way to describe Razi was “An exotic gentleman.” ... yet Razi’s sister called him the ugly duckling. If that was true, Emily doubted the world was ready for the Nassar family.
 “Come on, Razi. Hikari has that locked down.” Aisha called teasingly, her lips peeling into a troublemaker’s grin to match JD’s. Emily could only wince in sympathy as she looked over to the poor demon, who was struggling to rearrange the bowling balls without breaking them.
 Hikari barely passed for human, being half Fae and half, well, Satan. Her soft, youthful features were only hardened by the copious amount of eyeliner surrounding her neon pink eyes. Darkness was a theme for Hikari, with her full, blackened lips and tiny black horns which sprouted from her coloured hair. Her long hair was perhaps the most colourful thing about her, fading from pink to purple the lower one went from her scalp. Two tiny buns sat on top of her head, little spirals of colour that were almost disarming... almost. Nothing could disarm Hikari’s attitude or sharp tongue.
 “Look! This is serious! I was doing my homework on potential rituals which the Brides may preform to resurrect Dracula and it turns out that, aside from me, they may ne-“
 “Wait... don’t tell me. A virgin sacrifice.” Aisha snipped in, appearing awfully amused when she spoke. When the entire group remained silent, powerful blue eyes widened in absolute alarm.
 “Seriously? I thought that was bogus... talk about cliché.”
 “Well, Van tried to correct things apparently, but nobody took him very seriously. If he were around, Vanessa is convinced he’d have a lot to say about the current state of things.” Emily informed, her own brows pinching as she went to speak again.
 “Of all the things to get right, eh?” JD laughed, only to grow silent at the look on their friend’s face. For all JD’s chaos, they knew when someone was hurting, and they knew when their common brand of humour wasn’t going to add to the situation.
 “Not any virgin. The closer to the intended, the better. We already know I’m the intended, with that kidnapping proposal and me being the only human Collin’s woman in town. The virgin sacrifice, well I think I know who that is. I assume it can’t be any of you. Or Diego. I already know it can’t be Grace-“
 “Definitely not Grace. We can both confidently confirm that.” Aisha agreed, causing both her and Emily’s faces to flush furiously. Grace’s prom night had not ended with her date dropping her off, rather with Emily and Aisha chasing a teenage boy out of her room with a mixing spoon and a coffee mug. It was an uncomfortable enough moment that all the Collins women did their best to avoid discussing it, yet none of them could ever bleach it from mind. Aisha had seriously considered trying it once she became a wolf. Thankfully, Mac had convinced her not to test out her new powers. JD also refused to erase the memory, finding it too hilarious to see Emily and Aisha squirming.
 “I don’t get along with any other family members. Don’t have any friends outside of Havenfall. The only other person I am close to is Vanessa. What do I do? She’s already in the crosshairs, if they catch onto this...” Emily appeared to dissolve into panic, her brows contorting. All the way from her shoulders to her hands appeared to vibrate, blurring subtly due to her trembling.
 “If you don’t want her to be the virgin sacrifice, just have her lose it.” JD suggested rather casually before they took a swig of their drink. Emily could only gape, her eyes almost bulging out of their sockets as she did her best impression of a guppy fish. Mouth agape, lips flapping as she tried to find the words.
 “Wow. Just wow. Is sex literally the only solution you can offer, JD?” Emily demanded, almost on autopilot. She was in shock. The idea was ludicrous! Insane! Utterly bonkers! She couldn’t just go up and offer to sleep with Vanessa! The huntress was already so shy about most interactions, given that she had never even had friends, let alone a boyfriend or girlfriend. If a compliment left her utterly flustered, and proximity took her breath away, then what would suggesting making love do? No, it wouldn’t be making love. Vanessa couldn’t be in love with her. It’d be sex. A physical convenience. It’d rob the hopeless romantic Vanessa of her first experience with love if she agreed to it.
 “I’m just saying. A good shag would solve several problems for her.” JD pointed out, once more grinning like a cat who had gotten the cream via nefarious methods. Emily was ready to burst. To smack the demon over the head with a bowling ball. Better yet, ask Hikari to do it. The Scene Demon would probably love to dish out some payback to JD.
 “And who would you suggest we get her into bed with? You? Diego? Razi?” Emily demanded harshly, bringing a hand up to pinch at the of her nose. Her thumb rubbed over the small scar beneath her glasses, which bounced over her knuckles as Emily attempted to purge the images from her mind by rubbing at her eyes. Picturing Vanessa with JD did not bring images of love, only an image of the Huntress kicking a demon’s flaming backside out of her van. For Diego, she could only picture a holy sword shooting out the van to decapitate the vampire, or a stake plunged into his heart. Hardly romantic. Razi... might at least be allowed to speak, but he’d wind up with the door slammed in his face.
 Emily was so caught up in her musings that she missed the look shared between Aisha and Mac, yet she did not miss the words her cousin spoke.
 “Actually... you’re the best candidate.”
 “What? Why me?” She almost shrieked, feeling as if she’d been sucker punched in the gut. Was it because Vanessa was her bodyguard? Did they just assume that it’d be acceptable? Was this how boys felt when paired with their female friends? Pressure? A touch of violation? Great. First it was a girl and boy couldn’t be friends, now it was automatically that if two women were close, they had to be lesbians. Would the clichés and stereotypes ever truly die?
 “You’re the only single human woman here.” Mac pointed out. Ok. Emily could concede to that logic.
 “Huge flaw in that, guys. You’re all just assuming Vanessa is gay!” Emily stated the obvious. Instantly, she was met with various looks of amusement and pity, all of which made her brows feel heavy and her lips ache with the urge to tip into a scowl. Honestly, for a group of outcasts and Queers, their lack of consideration was astonishing.
 “Or kinky. Come on. The leather? The whip?” JD unhelpfully added, miming a whip with their left hand when Emily fixed her glare upon them. The human felt her brow twitch even as she opened her mouth to snap back at the overly satisfied demon. Before she could even utter a single sound, a snort from her cousin cut her off.
 “It’s true. No Straight woman would wear that much leather.” Aisha added, smoothing out the moment with logic.
 “That’s a value judgement!” Emily scolded on instinct. A rather calm, deadpan stare was the only response. It only got worse as Emily felt her cheeks flush a brilliant cherry tomato. A flush which she was convinced spread to her collar given her spike in body temperature. She wasn’t stupid enough to blame it on the room heating up, not when she was the only one suffering. Okay, so maybe Aisha had a point... slash the maybe. Emily had to concede. She’d never met a woman who kept her nails short and wore so much leather who wasn’t somewhat inclined towards women. Thinking back over their interactions, Emily remembered when she had raised the question about dating history. Boyfriends? Girlfriends? Vanessa had stated explicitly she had no time for girlfriends... ok. So that had to be a hint, right? Vanessa had been so flustered even saying it. As if she expected backlash. So maybe she was a little bit gay? A little. But that was only one half of the sexuality equation.
 “She stares at your ass when you walk away. Seriously, she wants a piece. The biggest piece. I can see the gay from across the bowling alley.” Hikari’s voice rung out, drawing Emily’s focus to the approaching Fae daughter of Satan. Hikari had a look of utter condescending disbelief on her face, as if she was utterly flabbergasted that Emily could be so stupid. The intensity of that look sure made Emily feel more foolish than she had ever felt in her entire life, even if she was unsure why.
 “She looks at you like you’re chocolate cake, but she forgot to bring a spoon to eat you with.” Razi continued Hikari’s logic in a much gentler fashion.
 “Are we forgetting the little issue my last partner had? It’s called a penis!” Emily strained the word “little” with her voice and her fingers, thumb and forefinger held apart to depict the size.
 Mark had started out a wonderful partner. A caring man who was decent looking. He had a good job, solid family and had been involved with his church. Early on, Emily had thought he could be the one. Or rather, the best she would ever land with her background. When she had brought him to the bowling alley to meet her friends, however, things had gone south. Fast. Mark had torched his pristine image within minutes by his relentless attack on JD’s lifestyle. Mark exposed a traditionalist streak; which Emily couldn’t overcome. At the time, she hadn’t understood why everyone found Mark’s shouts that JD was going to hell so funny. She’d been busy dumping the tool.
 “Ahha! So you admit it was small.” JD cheered, leaping on the chance to have another dig at Mark. The Demon’s grin was victorious; so full of malicious glee that Emily couldn’t even bring herself to defend her ex. Not that she would ever feel inclined to.
 “So not the point.” Emily groaned, dropping her face into her hands. Maybe if she pinched the bridge of her nose hard enough, she could repel the building shitstorm which was her massive headache.
 “Does it matter?” Hikari demanded in an almost aggressive manner. Shocked, Emily removed her hand and stared at the Fae daughter of Satan. The Faemon appeared impassioned, her neon pink eyes blazing with such intensity it could be compared to a blast of heat straight to Emily’s face. As if she’d stepped from an air-conditioned building into 116 degrees.
 “Like, seriously. Who cares if you’ve only been with men in the past, they ain’t the shit.” The Faemon continued, earning an almost amused snort from Emily. JD smirked, Razi coughed. An actual laugh came from Aisha, whilst the rumble of a chuckle echoed softly from Mac.
 Emily had always known she found both men and women attractive, yet no woman had ever fit the bill of Girlfriend material. Usually because they were straight. Men had always been easier when it came to dating, thus Emily had learned how to handle her foolish crushes and attraction to men. Women not so much. They still left her tongue tied, overwhelmed her thoughts when she found one she deemed attractive. She still couldn’t flirt in any capacity, and she absolutely could not contain her thirst.
 “If you actually connect with Vanessa, go for it. She’s cute, she’s single as fuck and into you. Are you seriously telling me a vagina is getting in the way?” The Fae continued, driving her words home with several firm pokes to Emily’s shoulder. The human could only blink. Hikari had an excellent point.
 Vanessa was gorgeous. There was no getting around that. All lithe muscle in a highly feminine frame. Dark hair spilling down her back; hair which seemed to absorb the light in a lilac black cascade. Breathtaking violet eyes, which shone with every single emotion Vanessa ever felt. Yes, Vanessa was physically stunning, yet there was more beauty to her than just her appearance.
 Vanessa was just so earnest. Everything about her was so sincere and true that is knocked Emily off her feet. Vanessa’s bravery; her capacity to make Emily believe in the impossible with her blistering passion and steadfast loyalty. It was inexplicable. Emily was forever awed by Vanessa as a Huntress, as well as a person. Whilst Vanessa’s heroism was undeniable, so was the woman beneath the legend. The tender concern in Vanessa’s eyes was almost blanketing; a warm comfort in the night. Vanessa’s genuine smiles transformed Emily’s heart into a prism of light, reflecting the warm glow of happiness throughout her entire chest. Watching Vanessa’s wonder as she was exposed to new things was addictive. To Emily, it felt like watching a whole new world birthed from nothingness. The gentle warmth and pride Emily was a constant undertone for her excitement to engage Vanessa. To learn more. Every scrap of information given by Vanessa was a treasure; a clue leading Emily deeper into a labyrinth. The journey alone was worth more than any treasure. Each moment a glistening point of connection that Emily felt content to exist in. Vanessa’s laughter... melodic. An angel’s song. The sound alone made the world fade away and infused Emily with a sense of unequalled joy. Such a pure, sincere sound as a happy Vanessa gave Emily’s heart wings.
 “They sell solutions for that.”
 And with Aisha’s comment, Emily’s joy came crashing down. She plummeted, feathers falling from her metaphoric wings with every flap of logic and confusion tangling around her. One moment there was an argument that just because Vanessa was a woman it didn’t mean Emily couldn’t like her, or even, lord forbid, LOVE her. Then, the next moment Aisha was starting to talk about changing Vanessa? It was in jest, clearly, yet that didn’t stop the violent impulse to shout surging within Emily’s veins. Vanessa was PERFECT the way she was. Why would Emily need a silicone attachment to try to deceive her when... Ok, so maybe she was completely into Vanessa. But with angels song and happiness, why would Emily want to ever leave? Or violate that trust?
 “I wouldn’t tolerate the townsfolk bothering you two, you have my word.” Mac chimed in, noticing the increasing furrow in Emily’s brow. That was enough to break Emily out of her outrage. Mackenzie was being sincere. Worrying for Emily as if she were one of the pack. That was enough to draw a soft smile to her lips, a gesture of gratitude to the Sheriff.
 “Seriously. Humans are so hung up on this shit.” Hikari huffed in annoyance, pausing to blow on her bubble-gum. The bubble grew for a second, then the pronounced pop rung through the silent air. A gunshot before Hikari delivered her perfected opinion on humanity.
 “Gods, are all supernaturals Queer?” Emily didn’t even realise her question had been out loud before she noticed the group pause.
 Razi appeared to have been stuck by lightning. His utter shock at the question was reflected by his parted lips when he went to speak. Instead, no words escaped, and his elegant jaw snapped shut. Hikari simply resumed blowing bubbles, evidently indifferent to the question. JD let forth a bark of surprised laughter, followed by a series of eyebrow wiggles at their shocked boss. The Djinn took it in good humour, simply sighing. Meanwhile, Mac and Aisha shared a knowing look; a secret amongst the pack perhaps. Annabelle appeared rather amused as she cast her sight on Damien, who coughed subtly when faced with the weight of his pack’s stare.
 “Most are open. Even the ones in typical relationships.” He strategically answered, his eyes lingering anywhere save the almost smug grins of his pack.
 “Its a small community, we don’t judge.” JD chipped in. If the devil was burdened by the focused attention of the room, they didn’t show it as they leaned against the bar. In response to the silence which followed, they gave an all too casual shrug. That irritating silence was broken by Emily, who let out an unspeakably pained groan as her head to fall forwards into her waiting hands with a rather pronounced thud.
 “This conversation has veered so far off track it’s stuck in the gutter.” Emily’s voice was muffled by the palms of her clammy hands, which were shielding her face. In another universe, the one flashing behind her closed eyes, this conversation had not taken such a turn. They had remained logical and avoided all embarrassment as they came up with the perfect plan to protect Vanessa. There wouldn’t be a literal pile of attractive Supernaturals snuggling on the beaten down old couch. No devilish devils or sexy, well dressed Djinns making jokes. This wouldn’t have dissolved into a discussion about sexuality... and Emily’s temples wouldn’t be throbbing in time with her marching band for a heart.
 “I get it, this topic is uncomfortable. That doesn’t change the fact it would reduce Vanessa’s eligibility to practically zero.”
 Whether Aisha was genuinely trying to help, or was teasing was uncertain. Her deep eyes held the gentle understanding of a mother; matured and nurturing with a underlying protectiveness that was enough to knock an elephant off track. However, the subtle tilt of her lips betrayed amusement. Restraint. The entire wolf pack seemed to somehow snuggle closer together.
 “Look, I’m not about to go up to my friend and be like Hey, so you’re a virgin. Let’s change that so Dracula won’t sacrifice you. That is so tacky, even a porn film would reject that script!” Emily practically exploded, turning to make endless gestures to emphasise her points. Hands and hips became a second language, crudely mimicking out points in a manner equally as explosive as her booming voice. Honestly, the AUDACITY of these people! If Emily had cared a little less or was just a little braver, she’d have already bitch slapped all of them.
 She paused, taking a moment to breathe. Deep breaths. In through her nose. Out through her mouth. Her thumb sought out the small scar across the bridge of her nose when she pinched it, almost as if the gesture could contain the storm about to explode from within her.
 “She deserves someone she wants to share her life with, not just some convenient exchange.” Emily concluded, pouring every ounce of sincerity into her words. It was true. Vanessa was a romantic, behind everything. For such a vulnerable thing as physical intimacy, Emily wanted Vanessa to have the dream. The perfect first time. Candles and romance with the person she was in love with. The person she wanted to spend eternity with. Emily couldn’t even imagine a world where she took that away from Vanessa. A world where duty claimed the last piece of Vanessa; the piece only protected by lack of time. It was Vanessa’s ONE true freedom. The only part of her life that the Order hadn’t dictated or infected. How could anybody ask Emily to take that away from Vanessa? How could they even THINK it?
 “It’s clear you care about her. That must count for something.” Mac’s gentle tones drew Emily out of her internal raging. When Emily turned her gaze to the Alpha Werewolf, she met kind forest green eyes. Mackenzie Hunt understood, at least enough to sympathise with the Collins girl. Mac bore the weight of her power so well that it was all too easy to forget Mac was only a couple of years older than Emily. As far as werewolves went, Mackenzie Hunt was a young Alpha. Barely more than a pup. Yet, she saw Emily’s struggle. Even without a word of it, she offered her full support. Her approval. Even without being a wolf, Emily could feel the power in it. The warmth that emanated from the Alpha’s care.
 “Yeah. A better time.” JD added in a remarkably sincere tone. For a split second, Emily almost believed it. Then, the devil’s lips curled. Moment ruined.
 “I’m not listening. La La La.” Emily announced, lifting her hands in a weak effort to cover her ears. Still, she couldn’t help letting her mind wander. What if they didn’t have a choice? Would Vanessa be willing to accept her? Could she even live up to even a single dream or fantasy Vanessa had? Vanessa’s lavender tinged grey eyes were so expressive. Would those purples tinges darken to black with lust? Could Emily hold her gaze, or would Vanessa’s gaze devour her soul? How would Vanessa’s soft skin feel beneath her lips? Would hardened abs twitch underneath loving a kiss? Would Vanessa even want that? Could she have the patience to allow Emily to truly make her feel divine with gentle explorations and sincerely sweetened words? Or would she be inclined to take the reins? How would those battle forged hands explore if given freedom to do so? What would she want? Maybe the whip...
 “You’re blushing.” Aisha’s amused tones dragged Emily’s mind from such a salacious place. She had to get out of the bowling alley, before things became even more awkward. Before she started imagining things more explicitly. She lowered her hand to her pocket, wiping clammy palms against the coarse material before she pulled out her phone. A lifeline to save her from humiliation.
 “Oh look, I got a text! Gotta go!” She stumbled over her blatant lie in a rush to get the words out. Her phone had not chimed. Without waiting, she broke into a brisk walk towards the door.
 “To ensure Helsing’s safety!” Came a quip from behind her. Emily didn’t hesitate in raising her middle finger over her shoulder, shouting out to the chorus of laughter chasing her into the streets.
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couldn’t lose you. still can’t.
in which her beauty is ten times more illuminated by the twinkling lights of their bedroom, rather than her phone screen.
there was something there.
music, maybe.
quiet music of some sort playing in the background; harry could just barely distinguish melodies and notes from the soft silence encasing the room.
oh, it was that duo his lovie talked about, with stars in her eyes and an awed gasp between her lips.
oh wonder, he thinks that they're called.
but it really didn't matter anyway; the true wonder in this room in this moment in time was her, and her only. the scene was truly gorgeous— how her soft skin pressed against his own and how he could feel the warmth of her body enveloping his.
it was sort of dark—his love had an appreciation for gentle glittering lights that subtly illuminated the room and caressed her cheeks with a glow—and harry could still make out her figure but not the smallest of details he'd always fawn over in the broad sunlight in the mornings. their heads were fuzzy and blurry; they were both a bit tipsy off of the entire bottle of wine they had with dinner. harry could still feel the gentle sway of her hips against his as they danced—more so stumbled—around their living room, harry’s red stained lips murmuring compliments in between their kisses and giggles.
but now he was watching as she traced small shapes on his chest from where she was straddling his hips, fingertips dragging gently against his skin. at this point, harry wasn't even focused on trying to decipher the pictures that she was drawing with the pads of her soft fingertips, no, he was focusing on the breathtaking woman on his lap who had made a home in his heart. he was absolutely taken aback at how alluring she always looked, eyes glowing and eyelashes fanning down at her cheekbones, lips parted slightly in concentration, the soft white lights casting a dim glow across her skin.
she was utterly, absolutely, beautiful—
“you're cheating.”
the voice came from in between pouted lips that were plump and pink, her tone of voice accusatory and peeved.
"i can see your eyes are open; they're supposed to be closed."
the feel of her soft fingertips disappeared from his skin like a spirit, lifting away as his eyes fluttered completely open, lips quirked into a small smirk. despite her pouting, she had quite the fond look on her face— as her arms crossed over her bare breasts and her stomach rolled into itself as she sat back on his hips.
“you’re ruining my game.”
his smirked deepened, finding enough energy to lean up on his elbows and to pucker his lips against her unmoving ones. he snickered when she didn’t kiss back, upper body flopping back down as his arms folded under his head.
"keep on goin', angel. i won't cheat."
“yes, i promise.”
she smiled accordingly and, giddy, adjusted herself on his hip bones. she sighed happily and continued her faux drawing, humming gently to the song still spinning in the background. she liked these moments. when they were home, all alone, away from screaming fans and producers and managers and sold out arenas and everyone else—of course harry loved it, and she admired it, but—
she liked how they could lie together and let all that fade away, even for just a moment.
she liked when harry grew out his hair and it turned darker, and longer, and even curlier, tendrils framing at his temples and forehead; and when his jaw was sharper and covered in stubble and his lips were smiling gently, genuinely; no trace of a false, clean-cut appearance for the cameras.
she loved when he allowed himself to look and think so freely.
older—he looked older—and she doesn't know if it's the wine rambling in her brain in search of an interpretation, but yet he looked so much younger at the same time.
his appearance seemed older—that was a fact: broader shoulders and longer hair—but his smile came back to crinkle by his eyes more often, and his lips weren't wrapped around coffee cups or pressed against microphones and despite how weak she especially felt during those moments—
she loved harry styles every moment of every day, but she preferred the harry that was underneath her: youthful, stress-free, smoother, and more gentle and deeper, eyelashes fanning his cheek bones and skin glowing with the twinkling lights.
harry spoke out when she traced the letter between his pecs.
she smiled.
he smiled too.
she giggled, humming in approval.
“i love you too, angel.”
she grinned wider, leaning down on top of his upper body, her breasts grazing his chest. she smeared her lips against his own, harry humming into her mouth and moaning softly.
their bed and their bedroom was a sanctuary. harry loved when he could coop himself in there and tug his girlfriend along, tackling her to the sheets and into a world of their own. it wasn’t only about the sex—he had to admit that that was a pure bonus—but the fact that he could hold her closely and privately, both of them sighing in bliss at the feeling of the other.
she pulled away from his lips. "do you want to know something?"
harry couldn't help the grin that broke out at her velvety voice and his eyes that fluttered open once again, his irises still a bit tipsy and her smile a bit giggly.
"sure, lovie, what is it?"
his love hummed and traced a heart on his shoulder, her hair coming down on her forehead and framing the sides of her face.
"you're really fucking breathtaking. inside ’n out."
he smirked wryly and closed his eyes again, gently shaking his head side to side. "think that's just your merlot talking, baby. you're still a bit pink, as am i."
she frowned, her nose nuzzling against her boyfriend’s. "no 's not. i think about it like, all the time. morning, night, sober, tipsy, drunk— oh, especially when i'm drunk—"
harry opened one eye and smiled small, his head lifting a bit to kiss her again. his teeth barely nibbled on her bottom lip before pulling away, allowing his breath to sigh and his eyes to refocus back on his girlfriend. "you're the breathtaking one, baby, you take up enough for the both of us." his eyes were half lidded and her face was so close to his, nose brushing his cheek and eyelashes fluttering gently. harry’s hand came to her bare back, massaging the base of her spine as she leant further over his body.
"you're such a beautiful man, harry styles." she whispered against his lips, her hands coming up to hold his cheeks and for her thumbs to stroke his skin. harry sighed, smiling, pushing up and slowly rolling his girl over, her hands still on his face as he rolled on top of her.
"you, my love, are the most beautiful and sweet thing this world has ever gifted me.”
she smiled when he kissed her again, his hands roaming her body freely. their tongues were dancing but their laughs were increasing, the evidence of their slight inebriation dancing on their breaths.
harry pulled away to gaze at her face, his face tilting into one of her hands.
"i think that of you, just as much. but— you don’t of yourself?”
he smirked a bit wryly. "it’s nothing, love. you'll find all the beauty in the world if you look at yourself."
"i'd rather look at you." she whispered quietly.
harry’s lip was trapped between his top teeth.
"you never feel beautiful?"
“baby love.” he exhaled. “the media makes you think differently of yourself. points out your flaws and all that.”
“but you always say the media is bullshit!”
“it’s hard to not believe photos and visuals, sweet.” he kissed her nose. “it’s okay.”
“you... you read those types of things, h?”
“no. not anymore.”
“when, then, did you—”
“younger days.” he mumbled. “point in time where that’s all i’d do. made me sad ’n insecure. now i just— have grown to be self conscious.”
she frowned, caressing his skin.
“i wish it never happened. i wish that—” she sighed. “you could see what i see, and what everyone else sees.”
“why do you think i have certain article sites blocked on your phone, love? for the same reason.”
“you blocked articles on my phone?”
“yeah.” he murmured, cheeks flushing with hints of hesitation in his words. “all the ones that point out even the tiniest flaw of you. i don’t want you to read, or see, or hear of that shit.”
he rubbed her cheek.
“you’re the most beautiful thing to me. and i admire your confidence more than anything; i’d hate to see it dissipate.” he murmured.
her hand moved to card through the front of his hair.
in that moment the twinkling reflections in her eyes tripled tenfold, a bittersweet smile gracing her lips. “i can’t believe that— that you wanna...protect me that much.”
“selfish, i know.” he chuckled and looked away.
“no, it’s—” he returned his gaze to her. “it’s incredibly caring.” her heart was pulsing rapidly, her heart desperately trying to get closer to him.
“i know that— my job isn’t the simplest.” his hand grazed her forehead as he looked down. “i can barely take you on proper dates or anything. not many want the status of my name attached to theirs.” his voice was low and monotonous.
“i-i’ve lost lots many people to it— to this life.”
harry’s eyes flicked back up to meet hers.
“couldn’t lose you. still can’t. i can’t let you go, so i’m selfish and i-i… i’ll do...anything to keep you with me.”
then there was silence. the faint music seemed to have increased in volume, and her hands slid off his face and down to caress his collarbones. “harry styles.” she grinned. “you are truly so beautiful.” she smiled brightly. “and i am truly never spending one moment in my life away from your side.” she whispered. “i’m always here— through the good, the bad, the best, the worst.”
his lips quirked upwards. “all i need.”
“and i’m gonna spend each and every moment showing you how beautiful you are, h.” she kissed him again, her arms going over his shoulders to pull him further down. he moaned again, blissed out as they kissed again and again, until he pulled away to rest his forehead on hers.
“i’m so in love with you.”
“i fall more and more for you each day, harry.”
he grinned.
his body shifted, moving to lay his head down on her shoulder, his body half on top of hers with his arm around her waist. “’s okay if i’m the little spoon?”
harry’s voice was soft and innocent-sounding, a coo in her voice as she responded quietly. “of course.”
he smiled sleepily and nuzzled into her sweet skin, her hands running through his hair and massaging at his scalp.
this is where he wanted to be for the rest of his existence: in his bed with her arms around him, the taste of wine on his tongue, and her gentle humming of another oh wonder song lulling him to sleep.
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samantha-coline · 5 years
Crushing on Aizawa ( Collection of interrelated oneshots)
1. Smile
Head held high,she sprinted across the room with the fabric of her gown slapping lightly with each step forward. A formal event was never her thing, so she found it hard to be poised and elegant. But dare she say, she was a sight to behold in her long black gown.
Emi's eyes wandered across the room to spot her date making small talk with a group of people she barely knew. Small talk hardly being his forte, he still looked composed getting away with one word replies. However, what bothered her were the women flirting away with him.
His eyes meet hers and they shared a smile across a crowded room. Her smile soon faded away, as a woman attempted to link arms with him while pressing her chest into him.
Her face grew red in envy and she glared daggers at the back of his head.
He had already drawn is his attention away from her to said the woman, speaking to her softly as her cheeks grew pink.
Tears brimmed in anger in Emi's eyes, and let out a soft sight of relief as she watched the duo part away from eachother. She had hoped, the man in question would make his way to her and stick close together as a date was supposed to. However, he made no such attempt but instead choose to stay in his spot by the bar, leaning against the counter lightly taking slow sips of his drink.
If she was stunning today, he was screaming badboy sexy with his coat off, loosened tie and rolled up sleeves. Aizawa Shouta, looked dangerously handsome with his hair swept back in a man bun and clean shaven look. She found him enticing even in his messy look but to learn that other women felt the same so strongly, made her insecure.
She joined him, grabbing a drink of her own while leaning closely against him, soaking in his warmth. He casually glaced over his shoulder to find Emi nuzzling into his side with affection and he let her. He continued to sip his drink but raised an eyebrow at the sudden loss of warmth as Emi pulled away from him.
As if questioning her move, he turned his torso facing towards his partner to find her looking away from him with a grim look on her face. His forehead creased in anticipation of her voice, which never came as she gave him a bored look.
Few seconds ago, she was cuddling against him but now stood a few inches in an awkard  silence as though they were strangers.
Shrugging his shoulders, he downed the last of his drink at once and attempted to close the distance between them.
One hand grabbed his coat and the other made way to her lower back guiding her away to the empty corner, as he whispered into the shell of her ear making her shiver.
"Let's talk over there."
His hand never left the small of her back, as his thumb drew small circles on her exposed flesh. He smiled as her breath hitched at his small ministrations but restorted back to his poker face.  They reached a dark corner of the room, with Shouta trapping Emi with her back against the wall, hands now in his pockets.
"What's wong?"
"Nothing! Why do you ask?" She said now with a hopeful look, wiping away the frown on her face.
"I don't know. If you say it's nothing, then it's fine." Shouta said casually, shrugging his shoulders since she was the acting weird a few minutes ago.
He caught her slipping into another trance, flicking her forehead with a finger and she winced in pain, swatting away his hand. He grinned as she gave him a look of annoyance rubbing the sore spot, soon followed by a bout of giggles. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding as she beamed brightly at him, one hand resting on her hip.
"Hey, Shouta want to hear some party jokes?" Emi held up a finger in excitement.
"How do you throw a space party?"
"You Planet!!! Hahaha!" Her laughter roared loudly catching the attention of the people around them.
"Wait.I got another one. How do poets say hello? "
He gave no answer, but people soon gathered around them as they soon as they recoginzed the beloved smile hero, Ms. Joke.
"Hey,have'nt we metaphor?". She doubled over in laughter and the others joined in as well.
Shouta soon felt out of place and his headache returned for the second time that day. Social gatherings were never his thing, but Emi on the other hand was a social magnet who drew attention from the people around her. The mood was merry whenever she was around, with the contant jokes and her quirk as  well.
Despite her bright smile, she was a demon  behind her laughter quirk who could punch the guts out of villians in combat. Never mess with the pro hero, he learned that the hard way.
"You enjoy the party. I'll be right by the bar. " He informed her and left before she could  say a word.
Soon, she was pre-occupied as known faces engaged her in conversations as she had a lot catching up to do. When she finally caught her breath, Shouta was no where to be found. They really  needed to be together right now, as romantic music filled the rooms and couples came together for a slow dance.
She danced a few rounds before this, but the one that really mattered was nowhere in sight. Dejected, she slowly made her way out of the room through the intimate couples dancing in each other's embrace .Oh, how she envied them.
Emi found herself in the quietness of balcony with the muffled music of the party still resonating in her ears. She bit her lip in frustration inorder to fight back her tears for the second time that day, and wrapped her arms around herself as the chilly air of the night hit her.
Her long black figure-hugging gown was such a waste of money. The sleevless attire showed off her slender but strong arms with her back completely exposed just stopping a little shy from her bottom and her pale right leg peeking through the slit of her dress. Here she was wearing the most bold and revealing attire of her life in his favorite color-black but she recieved no extra attention from him.No compliments,nothing.
It was supposed to be the one of the best nights of her life with her deepest hidden fantascies being fulfilled. It was the first formal event they attented, since they officially got together. After years of her shameless flirting and pinning after him, she could proudly confirm the status of their relationship.
According to her fantasy, they were supposed to be stuck to the hip and him fawning all over her in her dress. They would be swaying  in eachother's arms to the music sharing kisses as he whispered sweet nothings into her ears. But alas! Here she was all alone outside weeping, while other women fawned over her man.
"So did that idiot leave you all alone to yourself?" A familiar voice approached her from behind.
Emi swiftly wiped away her tears with the back of her hand, as Nemuri leanded against the railing beside her. The older woman, a pro hero-Midnight has been Shouta's friend for as long as she remember. She's one of the few people who knew him intimately, as well as how the relationship of the couple progressed.
Even, when they worked as Pro-Heros of neighbouring agnecies, Emi often found her visiting him which peaked her curousity in the R-rated Pro hero.
It was a relief to learn then that they were nothing more than friends. Inorder to learn more about the messy haired man, she invited the older woman out for coffee but instead got her own secrets caught.
"You are in love with Aizawa, are'nt you?" Nemuri had questioned her with a bemused glint in her eyes, which had left her 21yr old self blushing, with her face in her hands. She was one of the few who realized how deeply she loved the pro hero-Eraserhead.
"What's wrong, Ms.Joke? Tears don't suit our beloved smile hero."
"It's nothing. It's just me being silly."
Nemuri hummed in response as she helped Emi wipe off her smudged makeup.
"You know, woman have been throwing themselves at Aizawa for as long as I can remember."
"How is that supposed to make me feel better?" Emi fretted while waving her arms.
"It was'nt supposed to.Maybe, the next part will."
"That dork is just to lazy or dense to realize that and do something about it. Besides,yours is the only goods I have seen him sneaking glances at."
She emphasized her point by smacking Emi on the butt, recieving a small shriek in return followed by a nervous giggle.
"Now that you are finally smiling, go back to the party and find that moron. Let elder sis here go back to her date and see what special he has planned."
Feeling slightly better, she composed herself and rejoined the room admist the dancing bodies. The room suddendlly felt stuffier and darker than she could remember as she struggled maneuvering across the room trying to find her beloved.
In her vain struggle, she ended up with twisting an ankle and breaking one of her heels. She was a woman on a mission and so she chucked away the useless pair and limped on one feet wobbling her way, grace long gone.
A sudden crash and yelp was heard causing everyone to panic and move about franatically. One of them ended up bumping into an already unbalanced Emi, as she lost her control and braced herself for the impact of the fall.
However, she found herself cradled into a strong chest with one arm on the back of her head and the other arm wrapped firmly across her waist. Breathing in the familiar scent, she looked up to find Shouta staring down at her with a concerned look as she gave him a victorious smirk over finally finding him.
The commotion caused the party to come to sudden halt as the room was fully lit and music stopped. Apparently, one of the guests had slipped and bumped into one of the decorative vase that caused the crashing sound.
Swooning over the fact that Shouta still held her protectively in his arms, she glanced over shoulder to the area of the commotion. Her faced paled in color, when she realized her thrown heels lying there was cause of the fall, burying her face back into his chest from embaraasement.
It did not take long for Shouta to put two and two together, as he breathed a long sigh before parting away from her still holding her arm to keep her steady. He casually walked across the room with everyone confused, watching him as he slowly picked up the abandoned pair of heels and walked back to his green haired woman.
"Kill me already." He could hear her mumble and as he bent on one knee and helped her wear her heels again as Emi resisted in vain.
Emi was red in the face as he stood up and he took off his coat and wrapped it around her waist grumbling about the damned dress, finally whispering into her ear.
"Be prepared to run when I give the cue."
Interwining his fingers into hers,he guided her across the crowded room, while she looked at thr ground not daring to meet the gazes on the door. As they reached the exit, he began sprinting and dragged her along. In a moment, he realized that she was struggling to keep up with her broken heel and therefore tossed her over his shoulder without a warning running as fast as he could.
Emi wrapped her arms around his neck and held tightly as he manouevered skillfully down the stairs into an empty deep corner of the grounds of the building. As he struggled to catch his breath, he heard her giggling like a silly teen. He roughly adjusted her to his eyelevel, hoisted up with his arms wrapped around her mid thigh, mindful of her wobbly situation.
She was staring down at him with a silly smile and arms resting on his shoulder, he gave her an annoyed look.
"I can't believe what just happened. We wrecked a formal event and actually fled the scene."  She laughed more heartily now.
"You did the wreckage."
"Well, you were my partner in crime when you fled away with me.My hero."
She grabbed his face affectionately with both palms, rewarding him a chaste kiss which suprised him immensely and caused the latter to blush. Despite, being bold with her jokes and flirting and several kisses that they shared, not a single one was ever intiated by Emi, this being the first.
Shouta suddenly became very aware of their proximity, with their faces just inches away and their bodies flushed against eachother. He slowly dropped her down with his palms resting on her hips, both unable to tear away from eachother. Staring down on her small form, his eyes railed across her facial features-eyes, nose and lips. Going further down, he noticed her bare neck and exposed collarbone; just for a moment he lingered on the form of her chest that was slightly pressed against him.
Realizing thay he had been caught staring, he let go off her completely while taking a step back and rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. Mirroring his own state of embarrassment, she took a moment to ponder and suddenly pointed an accusing finger at him.
"Midnight was right about you. However, you had a woman throw her chest in your full view, you never batted at eye.Why are you embarrased with me? "
''What woman? What are you talking about?"
"You know who. The one with the big doe eyes, who was holding your arm and you were whispering with?"
"Ah! That one. I don't know her at all. Wait, were you jealous? Was that why you were grumpy? " He asked with a cocky grin.
"That's not the point. If you don't know her at all, what were you whispering about?" She demanded embarrased as well as annoyed.
"I told her to let my arm go and that I was not interested. "
"Just like that?"
"Yeah, what else?" He answered her as if it the most obvious thing ever.
"Shouta, you are hilarious. I can't believe I was such an Idiot.Midnight was right all along." She beamed happily, arms held wide as she tipped to the side again while moving forward.
Shouta bent down once again on his knee, placing her arm on his right shoulder for support and helped her take off both heels as they no longer served any purpose. The moment he stood up, he saw her unwrapping his coat and prompting him to wear it again, which he obidiently complied. She spread her arms wide in anticipation at him with a soft smile.
"You owe me a dance!!"
"You know I don't dance Emi."
"Then just hold me." She bekoned him into her arms and he complied.
Wrapping her arms tighly around his neck, he bent down to embrace her tighly against him, relishing her warmth. She slightly swayed them both humming to herself with no music, but is just felt right.
"You know it's your fault for not being there. I would'nt have broken my heel if I were not searching for you. We could have been dancing to real music."
Shouta gave no response as he just hummed back in a low voice enjoying holding her close to him.
"You know I wore this black dress for you but you paid no attention at all.Don't you like it?"
"I don't."
She snapped back with a 'why' breaking the embrace resting her hands on his shoulders shaking him accusingly as he still held her.
"It's not your style and it's too revealing.I would rather have you wear something like this,when its just the two of us."
"Is that why you have'nt been paying any attention to me the whole night."
"Wrong. I paid attention, but it was rather difficult for me being around you wearing that. And as for being away, I went to get these thinking you were not well."
He pulled out a few caramel toffees from his pocket; she always felt better with some sugar in her system when she felt drained out. Emi picked a toffee out of his hand and ate it, while he put the rest back into his pocket.  Contemplating in her mind, she looked around to find no one around them and boldly pulled at his tie.
"You can still pay attention to me and it does not have to be difficult now."
This invitation was enough for him to turn her around, pushing her back against the wall and diving in for a hard kiss. His one arm grabbed her chin, while the other layed on the wall behind her as he leaned in for a deeper kiss. She kissed him back with the same fervour and passion, causing him to break the kiss and stare at her through half lidded eyes. Her lips lingered with the taste of caramel and desire in her eyes sent shivers down his spine.
He swooped in for another kiss, engaging her mouth and body in another bout of frenzy passion. The arm on the wall moved to her bare back rubbing every part of her exposed flesh. The fingers holding her chin skimmed through her bare shoulders to her hips pressing hard into them.They slowly moves south to graze the skin of her bare thigh peeking through the slit of her dress.
Emi felt a shiver down her spine at the touch as she  let out a satisfied sigh through her lips and he parted away before he lost more control. She missed the feeling of the tingling sensation that his stubble left after his kisses, as he was clean shaven today for the event.
She was wrong, this was one of the best nights of her life. They danced in eachother's embrace and kissed her senseless a minute before. Now he looking down at her with such loving eyes and that were meant only for her.
She was happy that she has lost the count of the times they've kissed since it didn't matter anymore.
"C'mon. Lets go home.Eri has probably already fallen asleep."
He said as slipped his coat on her bare arms and carried her on his back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and showered his cheeks with small kisses for being such a gentleman which he did not mind at all.
"Say Emi, do you want to sleep in my room instead of Eri. We should'nt disturb her this late."
"Yeah.Just sleeping.Nothing else."
"Just the two of us?" Emi blushed brightly at the thought.
"Sure that would be nice." said Emi as she hid her shy smile in the crook of his neck and Shouta held back his soft smile as they made their way to the U.A. teacher's quarter.
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after years of getting random intense urges to design the cast of firebringer and draw up scenes from the book i’m finally getting around to it, starting with color palettes. the first six are the main cast, two after are the main character’s bio parents, then the four does are the first four guys’ moms, and finally the two villains and a nice old dude who dies on page two. i forgot the old doe who’s really chill and i love her, but otherwise this is the main red deer cast.
ranach i pictured his father (brechin) being the gold star standard for a red deer, with a very deep red coat and high contrast, like a real stunner. ranach resembles him, and is certainly handsome, but he’s darker, more ruddy, and has that real bold white on his forehead. i wanted his brow to be darker so the leaf would stand out more, and i just like the idea of giving him a more furrowed, concerned look, even though he’s a bit of a bimbo.
thistle i always thought of thistle being high contrast and sharp, so he’s more tawny than red with a real good dorsal stripe. thistles’ one of my favorite characters so it was hard not to just make a really sick design and have him look like a protagonist.
bankfoot the thing that stands out about bankfoot is that he’s a little chubby as far as deer go, however i picture him kind of one step behind sort, that you don’t really notice most of the time, so i made him a bit more muddled and less noticeable next to ranoch.
tain i feel as tain would be a real gentle looking sort, not as harsh or vibrant as the others, but not entirely dull either.
willow and peppa bright and vibrant, i associate them with being very gingery because of peppa = pepper, although i guess willow might suggest something a bit more subdued. they’re identical twins except peppa has dark tips to her ears.
eloin she’s described as being very delicate and slender, but i liked the idea that she was very distinctive and easy to spot in a crowd, and i saw a picture of a very dark doe that i liked, so that’s that.
brechin he’s a chad, what can i say.
mom squad i tried to make all of the does look related but distinct from their fawns, bracken i always pictured like a dense underbrush, so she’s pretty dark, and can easily pass for ranoch’s mother.
sgorr i think i remember him being described as darker in coloration? idk, i wanted his pearly whites to stand out.
blindweed he’s just fucking old as dirt, super desaturated, i don’t know if deer really grey, but he sure has. like a living ghost, although not living for very long.
drail he’s pretty old, but nowhere near blindweed’s age, so not quite as greyed out, although he’s looking pretty shabby next to brechin, that’s why he had to go.
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komorebirei · 5 years
The Water Was Never Afraid - Chapter 9: Promise
“Please, Kagami? You promised.”
Kagami lunged at Adrien; he parried and riposted.
She lifted her mask. “Street festivals are for commoners.”
Adrien lifted his. “That’s the whole point!”
Kagami pursed her lips.
They both closed their masks in tandem and returned to en guarde position, ready for the next bout in their friendly face-off.
“Besides,” Adrien continued, his voice slightly distorted by the mask, “It’s the twenty-first century. There’s no distinction between ‘commoners’ and ‘nobility’ anymore. Why shouldn’t we do something fun?”
“You know that isn’t really true.” Kagami tapped Adrien’s sabre, provoking him to attack.
They clashed again, letting their conversation rest.
Yes, Adrien had to admit that a social hierarchy existed, and he was high on the ladder, but the distinction didn’t have to be so rigid. He didn’t want to consciously hold himself on a higher tier than his friends. Couldn’t he choose to do away with the gap between him and others? He’d managed to befriend fans in the past, like Wayem, and he counted that as a victory.
“You promised we’d go out and do something fun, like normal people,” Adrien pleaded. “Le Goût du Japon only lasts a week and then it’s over until next year. Today is the last day. I’ve always wanted to go!”
Kagami lunged, spearing the tip of her sabre squarely in Adrien’s chest. Her point.
“Your skills have far exceeded mine, Kagami,” Adrien said, accepting defeat. He lifted his mask.
“No, we’re still equal, you’re just unfocused today.”
“I’m at your mercy,” Adrien said with a dramatic flourish and bow.
Kagami lifted her mask and examined his face as she considered. “… Fine.”
“We can go.”
“Yes! You’re the best!” Adrien cheered and, to her delighted bewilderment, tackled her in a hug.
“The yukata looks lovely on you,” Adrien complimented Kagami, leading her down the street that was lined with wooden food and game booths, illuminated with colored paper lanterns.
“Thank you—you don’t look bad, yourself,” she returned.
“Didn’t think I’d ever get a chance to wear this.”
Kagami was wearing a red yukata with an off-white obi, decorated with a colorful floral pattern in fresh greens, pinks, and whites that was simple at the torso and grew increasingly clustered toward the hems. The sleeves flowed gracefully to the level of her knees, and her clipped-up hair was adorned with dangling floral ornaments that echoed the flowers on her garment. Adrien’s yukata was a textured but patternless dark grey-blue with a red obi, a shade darker than the red of Kagami’s.
Her hand was hooked into the crook of Adrien’s elbow, but she hung back, as if embarrassed and loath to be caught participating in the festival.
They hadn’t taken ten paces down the street when Adrien felt a tug at his sleeve. He turned around to see two young girls beaming up at him, clutching twin magazines. They were both opened to the same page which, on closer inspection, was his interview from the previous month’s La Mode magazine. “Adrien Agreste! May we have your autograph?”
He was surprised that these young girls recognized him in such an unlikely setting. Part of him had been thinking optimistically that, ever since he had moved onto managerial pursuits and left the modeling scene, teenage girls had stopped fawning over him. Either these girls were really into fashion, or he was wrong.
Adrien frowned. “I don’t normally give autographs, but…” He looked between the girls, whose faces had begun to fall in disappointment, and his resolve crumbled. “All right.”
Kagami jabbed him subtly in the side.
The girls squealed, and one of them handed him a pen.
Adrien signed his name, finding it vaguely depressing that these girls were so excited to receive his inked name. What was the meaning in it? 
He handed the magazines back and smiled at the girls, who ran off shyly, waving over their shoulders.
“Adrien, your lack of a backbone is starting to scare me,” Kagami remarked, only half joking.
“I mean, it’s not like I had any real reason to refuse,” Adrien countered. “It would only be cruel and unnecessary.”
“That is the problem,” Kagami stressed, holding up a finger, “You’re too empathetic. People get to your head, and you agree with whatever they’re asking of you.”
“I thought empathy was a good thing.”
“It is, but when taken to the extreme, it can become Stockholm Syndrome.”
Adrien rolled his eyes. “Let me make people happy! It makes me happy.”
“Fine, fine.” Kagami let it slide. “So, what does one do at a street festival?”
Adrien shrugged, scanning the surroundings for what seemed the most interesting. He spotted a ring toss booth down the street and pulled Kagami toward it. “C’mon, let’s play a game!”
When she saw it, she shook her head. “This is so childish. Why don’t we just buy some taiyaki and go home?”
“Go home? But we just got here!” Adrien pulled out his wallet and paid the young man running the booth, who handed him three rings. “I’m not opposed to taiyaki, though.” He handed her a ring, which she took with the tips of her fingers, as if it were a dead animal.
Adrien tossed his ring first. It knocked over the toy he had been aiming for, but failed to capture it. When Kagami didn’t step up, he threw the second ring, which completely missed the target and rolled away.
“Really, Adrien? You’re embarrassing me,” Kagami teased.
“As if you could do any better, Miss Too-Good-To-Try,” Adrien teased back.
“Okay, you asked for it.” Kagami took her position and tossed the ring, effortlessly snagging a prize.
“You’re inhuman!” Adrien gasped as Kagami accepted her prize with a smug smile.
“Excuse me!”
Adrien spun around at the sound of the unfamiliar voice directed his way, and a camera flashed in his face.
Kagami held up her arms. “No pictures, please,” she pleaded, ducking behind Adrien.
“You heard her,” Adrien asserted, holding a hand in front of his face. “We’re on a date—please, no pictures. We’re on our private time.”
“All right, Monsieur Agreste. Sorry.” The paparazzo hung his head and retreated, but five minutes later Adrien noticed another flash from the bushes. That sneaky little—!
“Let’s go,” Kagami urged. “I can’t get caught out here. Mother will be furious.”
“Hmm… I have a better idea.” Adrien grabbed her hand and dragged her to a booth with a wall of cartoon character masks footed by a gaggle of children jumping and pointing. “Which one do you like?”
“No,” Kagami said, shaking her head emphatically. “Those are for kids, Adrien.”
“C’mon, Tiger, you’re no fun!” Adrien unhooked a Hello Kitty mask and tried it on. It was a little small for his face, being made for toddlers, but it concealed his features well enough. “Perfect,” he declared. “What about you?”
Grimacing, Kagami reluctantly picked a Pikachu mask. “See how much I love you?” she muttered, slipping the elastic band over her head.
“Very cute,” Adrien approved, lifting Kagami’s chin to inspect her masked face. He could barely see her amber irises through the punched-out eye holes. “Suitable character, too. You would be too stubborn to stay in your Pokéball.”
Kagami hit Adrien’s chest playfully with a backhand. “You, on the other hand… Hello Kitty? Seriously?”
Adrien lifted his mask just to grin and wink at her. “You still have a lot to learn about me, Tiger.” He slipped the mask back on and held out his hand. “Now, you mentioned taiyaki? Shall we look for some sweet fish to eat?”
The masks afforded Adrien and Kagami a few minutes of anonymity, but the news that Adrien Agreste had been spotted with his girlfriend at the street festival had spread like wildfire, and the masks started to act as more of identifying features than invisibility cloaks. Before long, they ditched the masks.
While Adrien was used to the attention, Kagami was starting to get paranoid.
“Even if they don’t get my face, Mother will recognize the yukata. And you’re too recognizable from any angle,” she murmured, moving to Adrien’s other side when a group of teenagers leveled smartphones at them, squealing. When Adrien snorted in amusement at her skittishness, she protested, “You don’t understand, Adrien, if she saw me at a festival like this—it would be like your father catching you at a club.”
“All right.” Adrien sighed. He did understand, all too well. He wished he could transform into Chat Noir and just whisk Kagami away somewhere they could hang out and have fun in peace. “We can go somewhere else, if you want.”
Suddenly, a realization hit Adrien.
Growing up, he had always felt isolated and trapped in his room, and by extension, his house—being alone or indoors for too long made him feel antsy. Like a caged lion, he always wanted to go out.
But as soon as he was out among people, so often, he found himself wanting to run away to somewhere private.
So, the problem was not being alone, or being in public. He —Adrien Agreste—was the prison.
“Adrien? What’s wrong?”
Adrien realized he had stopped dead in his tracks. Returning to the present, he swallowed and refocused his eyes on Kagami. “Nothing. You wanted to go home? Let’s go.”
“Really?” Kagami leaned closer, her brows scrunched in concern. She could clearly sense that his mood had changed. “Are you okay? What happened?”
Adrien shrugged slightly, his heart heavy, as if it had been filled with stones and was slowly sinking to his feet. “We’ve pretty much seen everything. Let’s just go.”
Kagami put a hand on his cheek, looking heartbroken that he was upset. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring down your mood. We can stay—I’ll just tell Mother it was a one-time thing.”
Adrien shook his head and started walking back up the road, toward where he had parked his car. Kagami, still holding his arm, followed a pace behind him, dragging slightly.
“Oh look! Dango! Have you ever had it?” Kagami exclaimed with affected chipperness, pulling on his arm and pointing at a booth.
“You don’t have to try so hard,” Adrien said in a monotone. “You didn’t even want to come with me.”
“Don’t be sullen, Adrien!” Kagami chided. “It’s not that I didn’t want to come! It’s just—In Japan, our family is well-known, and it would have brought down our image to indulge in festivals like these, so I was never allowed to go.”
“Doesn’t that make you enjoy this even more? We’re in France, not Japan.” Some feeling had returned to Adrien’s countenance, though he still felt depressed.
Kagami guided him to the dango booth. “It’s my Mother. You know she’s been getting stomach-aches lately, and if she saw me doing something she disapproved of…” she frowned.
They heard the sounds of cameras clicking again, and Adrien’s heart sank further when he saw how Kagami tensed involuntarily. This wasn’t fun anymore. This was why he liked visiting other countries, where he wasn’t recognized as easily.
“Dango, then we’re going home,” he sighed, resigned. It wasn’t Kagami’s fault. It was stupid to think they could spend a carefree night out. “Wanna watch Coffee Prince?”
“Sure.” Kagami smiled sadly. “I’m sorry this didn’t go as planned, Adrien.”
Adrien shrugged. This was his life.
He should listen to Kagami’s advice and just accept it.
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