I post whatever random bits of writing I do that I feel comfortable sharing, otherwise I share other people's stuff.
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“I always intended for Azula to have a redemption arc in the story of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Longer and far more complicated than Zuko’s. She had not bottomed out in the end of season three, she had further to go. At the deepest moment in her own abyss, she would have found: Zuko.
“Despite it all, her brother Zuko would be there for her. Believing in her, sticking by her, doing his best to understand and help her hold her pain that she can no longer hold alone. Zuko – patient, forgiving, and unconditionally loving – all strengths he gained from Uncle Iroh.
“That’s how she would have gotten out, and changed. With the faith and love of someone she had hurt, but who stuck by her anyway. Just as he had been saved by faith and love from someone he had hurt, who stuck by him.
“And I always imagined that after coming out the other side, she would be one of those people who hilariously over-shares her own feelings all the time, and that she would be a bit over-apologetic. Like a Canadian version of Azula.”
– Aaron Ehasz, head writer and co-executive producer of AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER
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What do you mean you hatched an egg you bought at the SUPER MARKET
So there's this company in the UK, right. They brand themselves on producing fancy free range eggs and as part of that they have breed information written on the carton.
I did some snooping and found that every miracle news story of a supermarket egg hatching in the UK traced back to duck eggs, specifically the Braddock White duck eggs produced by this one company for the supermarket Waitrose.
And one day my mum brings them home and says "I bought these to eat but aren't they the ones that hatch?"
And it's spring and I'm hatching a ton this year so in they went.
On candling we had three fertile eggs! That's a fertility of 50% - the same as shipped eggs from a breeder!
Hatch day comes and we get 2 ducklings, Curie and Becquerel. Sadly, Curie contracts duck septicaemia from an infected navel and doesn't make it, but Becquerel is a healthy bird and growing like a weed.
I had put 4 breeder eggs in a week after them in case just one hatched, so Becque now has two Khaki Campbell cross friends called Tsuki and Hoshi so she isn't lonely.
And as of today's 7am Quacking - Becque is a female! Which means she's capable of laying eggs and therefore I have pirated a duck.

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Disclaimer: Do NOT try this on your actual dog!
If you want more dogs and can afford them, Shelter dogs are in need of loving, sensible homes… Also the cleaning bill would be immense.
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Pink Prison, a comic I did for my color theory class this semester! we had to pick a color, research it, and do a piece related to it somehow. i chose pink :)
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Angst fics can help people come to terms with their own grief, begin healing, or give people that good cry that they need.
Smut fics can help people affirm and accept their sexuality. It can help them explore their sexuality in a safe way. They can also just be fun, and having fun is a drastically undervalued way to improve your mental health.
Dark fics can help people face their fears or process their trauma. It can make them feel safer and more secure. It can help them find their courage.
Fluff fics can give people rest and respite and comfort. It can give them hope that soft places exist and that maybe there is one out there for them. It can bring up their mood, which, if they have depression, can be a life saver.
And every fic people write makes someone feel less alone.
Point being, just because a particular thing doesn’t serve you, doesn’t mean it lacks value.
This is not to say that we have to consume all fic uncritically. Of course not. It is just to say that entire “genres” aren’t trash or lacking value just because they don’t serve you.
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surely this is a good idea that doesn't have the capacity to end real fuckin badly
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