#shes bleeding
waggle100 · 4 months
McChicken keep your stick away from our chaotic bi triad faces
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ferryoven · 2 years
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AH! Kore r you okay?
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pangur-and-grim · 3 months
Belphie is such an interesting kitten, compared to the other two.
baby Grim presented some challenges, because she loved to destroy property (mostly climbing various shelves and mantles and knocking everything she could to the floor), she was mildly aggressive toward Marmaduke the family cat (she felt that at the ripe age of 4 months, she deserved to be king), and she was fairly aloof for a kitten, more into running about than cuddling. in most ways, she was like a tiny mafia boss.
Pangur I instantly soul-bonded with, because she was so sickly and pathetic. and neurotic, too - everything was scary to her, people, places and animals. she’d explore the house and play, but there was always an ‘expecting an eagle to swoop down and grab her’ energy.
now Belphie! he’s a healthy active boy with zero fear, and zero aggression, but (fortunately or unfortunately) someone cranked his Play button to maximum and then broke off the handle. he is either fast asleep, and the cutest kitten on earth, or racing about and flailing and climbing and pouncing. which means that he can’t be let outside the kitten room unsupervised yet, because his baby willpower is only so strong, and he will eventually break and start jumping on Pangur and Grim. so in a way, he’s the healthiest happiest cat I’ve ever had, but he’s also the most complicated, because he still has to spend most of his time jailed in the kitten room.
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tiffanyachings · 11 months
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she's the funniest person alive actually
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podcastwizard · 1 month
got off the bus and was immediately hit by a woman on a bicycle and then mere minutes later i walked past two tiny dogs who attacked my leg so i think i'm in some kind of karmic groundhog day cycle, ill let you know tomorrow
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kelocitta · 8 months
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What if we were both girlthings and slugthings
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
vaggie, miss "im not used to fighting with long hair" who's out of practice actually battling someone or really stabbing ppl...
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...still had the arm and hand strength, the REFLEXES, to do a bare handed blade catch on a SWORD, who's user had been doing an aerial dive with it aimed at vaggie's FACE
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then sling around and THROW her opponent with it
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i know she wants a peaceful-ish life with charlie, but i really wouldn't mind seeing her getting into just a FEW more fights >:D
also also side note: carmilla was able to eff her up earlier so easily bc vaggie fought like an exorcist, no thought to getting hurt or personal defense, the headspace of 'i can't get killed! wheee! DIE DIE DIE' that got that other exorcist killed
and the main advice vaggie got from carmilla was take advantage of that sure, but first and more importantly, defend yourself better
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which kinda plays into the whole "be out for love thing" too
aka the fight isn't important, it's what you're fighting to still have Afterwards that matters- the people you love, having a life with them
(the hotel, the hazbins, charlie)
carmilla doesn't send vaggie off with a 'you're ready to go kill angels'. she's only satisfied and ends their little lesson / sparring match when she can say "you might just survive this"
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feels like she wasn't teaching vaggie to take out angels. she was reminding her and showing her how NOT to get KILLED
so it's just so nice seeing vaggie blocking, dodging, and grappling lute later. how good she is at focusing on avoiding or neutralizing those attacks aimed at her. how Seriously she takes them
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binding lute's both lute's arms and wedging them into her own body so lute's sword CAN'T be angled towards her
the way this shot emphasis's the THREAT of the sword hanging over vaggie
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and how her flash-fast recovery and block shows she's READY for it
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dodging, not attacking
she's not in this for blood or vengeance, this lady is trying to stay the fuck alive. she's got things and people to live for
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things like the idea of mercy. that thing both her and charlie show their enemies, people who came down to hell for murder and spent this fight trying to kill them and got damn close to doing it.
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and sure there's a pretty big tone difference between charlie's "Whoa whoa dad. He's had enough" and vaggie's "No, live. Live knowing that you only do because I let you" but both end at the same place, with someone who hates them still getting a second chance
and vaggie wants that second chance too. she wants a life with charlie, and fights hard so she can stick around for it
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epic fail, lute... have you considered getting a hobby...?
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starrforge · 27 days
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Oh little mouse……
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spitinsideme · 4 months
Does Serial Killer Pomni actually have feelings for Ragatha? What’s her thoughts on the thirsty ragdoll?
i canr really exolain it so here is a picture of their dynamic in my head ...
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serial killer pokni has that "god shes so weird i HAVE to threaten her with my bare hands and also fuck her" .. its bsdically muyual just in thwir own fucked uo way ! super romantic
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bonkalore · 1 month
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This is when they're finally kind of saying the quiet parts out loud of being into each other and Jayce is the first to step up on it, even tho he was the most adamantly against them being in a relationship initially. 😂 lol Idiot. Now he's gone and gotten all smitten...
I don't get to draw Jayce non-demon as much, but have been getting more used to it! He's just wearing a glamour here when he gave her a ride home. They end up finally kissing and all that shortly after lol
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sbd-laytall · 3 months
She's definitely BatFam material (she's literally a martyr and such a badass at the same time).
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Batgirl (2009) #13
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thatneoncrisis · 11 days
would harrow baby trap Gideon
i cannot stress enough that there isnt a power in the known universe that would get harrow to make a baby with her fucking body let alone to keep some broad in her life. shed lock gideon in a bathroom saw style before it came to that
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canisalbus · 1 month
I've worked at a couple kennels, and one place I worked there was this english cream retriever whose owners wanted us to somehow keep her spotlessly clean while she played outside all day, which is obviously a ludicrous demand if you've ever met one of these dogs. Anyway one day at work this dog was playing with one of her best friends, and they never fought, so I glanced at my phone, and when I looked back this angelic white dog was DRENCHED IN BLOOD. Horror movie shit. She's obviously having a good time still but I'm freaking out, turned out she got a little cut on her ear while wrestling. Dogs bleed a shitton from their ears apparently
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frownyalfred · 2 months
I just want to see baby reporter Clark Kent’s first time seeing Lois sit down at her desk after a long day, kick off her heels, and peel off the 10-12 bandaids from her shredded feet (taking some of the blisters with them) without her expression ever changing.
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fusionsprunt · 3 months
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Hunter, Year 4036
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musubiki · 3 months
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