#ragatha moans
spitinsideme · 4 months
Does Serial Killer Pomni actually have feelings for Ragatha? What’s her thoughts on the thirsty ragdoll?
i canr really exolain it so here is a picture of their dynamic in my head ...
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serial killer pokni has that "god shes so weird i HAVE to threaten her with my bare hands and also fuck her" .. its bsdically muyual just in thwir own fucked uo way ! super romantic
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whomstress · 4 months
Alright here's the spicy Bunnydoll candy au scene!
Also based of these glitch candy designs
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"So sweet," he hums against her neck.
Ragatha can't help but hear a whine that escapes her as his sticky but hot tongue explores her neck. She knows she should be grossed out by the fudge he's smearing on her, but there's something to the way that when she goes back to her room to clean it off, she can feel him on her skin all over again.
"Jax!" She gasps, feeling his teeth again. He had a weird taste for candy despite being a fudge bunny himself, and since they got together, he loved to lick and especially bite into her plush chocolate marshmallow skin.
She always told herself she didn't like how it'd leave so many marks, always teased and embarrassed the next day. But when she was underneath him like this, their bodies pressed impossibly close, with his lovely weight crushing her firmly into the mattress and his large hands. God, she loved his hands, roaming her body as he sunk his teeth in; she couldn't stop him if she tried.
A moan escapes her as she feels his lips suck with the bite, and he can feel the vibration against his mouth, causing a smile.
He pulls back to see her huffing, half-lidded, and flushed to perfection. He smiles at his handy work, looking at the pretty marks he's left. He should probably stop; it's already been a while, but she whimpers his name, and a smile stretches across his face wider than the cherrier cat's.
Jax brings his large hand, which he knows she loves so much, to cup her chin except for his thumb, which slides its way past her plump lips and on her tongue, goading her mouth open.
Ragatha has no resistance and complies with the movement like it's only natural between them. He puts some delicious presser further into her tongue as he decends to her mouth. "That's my girl; let me taste you."
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thescarletnargacuga · 2 months
shadow Pomni fic whe- *cough* *cough*
A/N: been a minute since I've done some buttonblossom
WARNING: mild angst, pining, making out, hurt/comfort?
"I'm sorry today's adventure went so poorly for you." Ragatha walked with Pomni to the jester's designated room. "Is there anything I can do?" She hoped Pomni would accept. Not only did she genuinely want to help, but she would look for any excuse to be close to Pomni.
Ragatha has had feelings for awhile, entirely unspoken. She'd express herself through encouragement and compliments and offers of help, but... Pomni never seemed readily accepting. They were friends, but it seemed they could never be more. She wished she had the courage to say something outright to get the rejection over with, but a part of her held out hope.
"No, thanks..." Pomni stared at the floor as she walked, processing the new emotional trauma from that day's activities. "I just want to be alone right now."
"Okay...but if you ever need anything, my door's open." Ragatha kindly offered, watching Pomni go into her room without looking back. Ragatha's shoulders drooped as soon as Pomni was out of sight. She held herself and slowly walked to her own room. "I'm so stupid...she's just a friend. Just friends. Get it through your thick head."
Ragatha flopped on her bed and stared at the ceiling. Thoughts of Pomni swam in her head. "I'll get over it... eventually. I can care about her platonically. Yeah...I can do that." She closed her eyes and tried to relax.
"You and I both know that's not true."
Ragatha bolted upright. "Who said that??" She looked around, no one was in her room. "Hello?"
A dark corner of her room shifted. The shadows on the wall converged and formed a three-dimensional silhouette with pale eyes that looked like Pomni. The shadow person approached Ragatha's bed, leaning a hand on it. "Hello, gorgeous."
Ragatha gaped, her solitary eye wide with confusion. "What- who are you?"
"The very person you wanted to see. The woman of your dreams." The shadow chuckled. "Literally."
Ragatha stammered, struggling to find words. Her face started to feel warm. "I don't know what you're talking about. Whatever you are, you're not Pomni." She scooted away from the shadow until her back was against the headboard of her bed. She curled her knees to her chest in a defensive ball.
"Oh, you know exactly what I'm talking about. The pining...the yearning..." The shadow crawled on the bed towards Ragatha. "...the fantasies." It grinned. "You're not subtle about how bad you want me."
Ragatha's face burned. "I....I...you're not real..."
The shadow leaned over Ragatha's curled form, hands on either side of Ragatha's head. "I'm whatever you want me to be. Indulge a little...I won't tell."
Ragatha could feel the shadow's cold breath on her lips. Her heart hammered in her chest. She longed for contact. "This is a dream..?"
The shadow whispered in Ragatha's ear. "The best kind." Then planted a soft kiss on Ragatha's neck.
Ragatha gasped, chills rippled through her body. Her breath caught when the shadow cupped her cheek and caressed her with it's thumb. Such tender touches were all she ever wanted. She gave in and lowered her knees.
The shadow straddled Ragatha's lap and kissed her cheek. Then her nose. Then the corner of her lips. "Let me show you what it's like to get what you give."
"Please..." Ragatha felt too desperate to care about begging to an apparition of her desires. She wrapped her arms around the shadow's middle, almost surprised by how solid it felt.
The shadow cradled Ragatha's head, tilting her back, and kissing her full on the lips. It started small, kissing her tenderly, but it became hungry in a hurry. The shadow passionately deepened the kiss, earning a small moan from Ragatha.
Ragatha held tighter to the shadow, getting lost in the feeling of being so fervently wanted. To be kissed like this for real...she could only dream. So she may as well indulge while it lasts.
Their chests came together, bodies adding to the sensations clouding Ragatha's mind. She felt the shadows tongue slide into her mouth, twisting and dancing with hers.
The kiss ended so Ragatha could catch her breath. The shadow kissed down her chin and neck, kissing all exposed skin. Ragatha lulled her head back, reveling in the wonderful feelings. She winced a little when the shadow sucked at her neck a little too hard in one spot, but she didn't protest.
"You're beautiful." The shadow whispered against Ragatha's skin. "You're everything I could ever want." It said what it knew she wanted to hear. "Be mine..."
"Yours..." Ragatha said without a second thought.
The shadow moved to look Ragatha in the eye. "I love you."
The words hit Ragatha like a bag of hammers. Oh, how she wished to hear those words from Pomni. She was wrapped around the shadow's finger. "I love you, too."
The shadow smiled. "Let me lie with you. Rest. Cuddle me to sleep the way you've always wanted."
Ragatha's teared up a little. To have someone to hold at night. Even for just one night. It felt special. "Thank you..." She laid face to face with the shadow, exchanging small kisses every so often until Ragatha couldn't stay awake any longer.
When Ragatha woke, she was alone. Shame washed over her. If Pomni ever found out what she dreamed, what she thought, Pomni would never look at her again. "I'm pathetic..."
A knock at her door made her jump. "Uh! Um, yes?"
"Hey, Ragatha...it's me." Pomni's voice came through the door.
"Oh!" Ragatha hurried to her door, straightening her dress before answering. "Good morning, Pomni." She greeted with a smile.
"Hey, uh, I just wanted to apologize for yesterday. I was feeling pretty out of it and I know you were just being nice to me and... I brushed you off." Pomni rubbed her arm nervously.
"It's okay! Really, you don't have to worry about me. I'm just glad you're feeling a bit better." Ragatha smiled, hiding her thoughts of last night.
"Yeah, I was thinking...if you wanted to, we could spend the next adventure hanging out? I don't feel like going on an adventure today and would much rather spend the time with a friend." Pomni smiled sincerely.
There was that word again. Friend. Ragatha felt a punch to her gut but didn't show. "I'd love to spend time with you, Pomni. Anything you want to do, I'm down for."
"Cool, I was thinking maybe we could- wait, what's that on your neck?"
"Yeah, you got a mark or something right here?" Pomni pointed to her own neck to indicate where it was.
Ragatha rushed to her vanity mirror. Sure enough, there was a hickey at the base of her neck. "Oh god..." It wasn't a dream, was it?
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actuallyjustabiscuit · 5 months
Preview for Ch. 3 of Jealous Jester
*Drops this and runs away*
Ragatha turned around when she heard her girlfriend let out a small groan.
“What’s wrong, Sweetheart?” The doll asked as she made her way to where the jester was seated on the bed.
“Mmn, something got in my eye I think,” Pomni responded while still rubbing at her face with her head down.
“Does it hurt?” Ragatha’s voice was now laced with concern. She quickly kneeled down. “Can I take a look?”
As she got closer to inspect whatever was bothering the jester, Ragatha found some humor with the way their height difference had changed. With Pomni on her bed and the ragdoll’s knees on the ground, Ragatha now had to be the one to tilt her head up. 
She hovered her hands close to the younger woman’s face, careful not to touch her yet.
“May I, Pom-Pom?” She asked softly. 
Pomni nodded, her right eye nearly closed shut. Having been granted permission, Ragatha finally settled her hands gently on her girlfriend’s cheeks. The doll leaned herself even closer and used her thumb to delicately stroke the eyelid, encouraging it to open for her and show what was underneath. 
And what was underneath…
…was nothing. 
Nothing about the eye looked irritated at all. The sclera was white and clear of debris. There weren’t even any tears. 
Confused, Ragatha backed away a few inches and realized that Pomni’s pretty pinwheels had flickered forward to make direct eye contact. She caught a glimpse of the sly smile that had curled on the jester’s face before feeling hands come up to clutch the front of her dress and quickly pull her forward. The ragdoll let out a surprised squeak when she felt her lips suddenly collide with her girlfriend’s. 
It took Ragatha a brief moment to register what was happening before she let her eye flutter close as Pomni leaned even further into the kiss with a slight tilt of her head. The doll melted against the jester with a quiet moan. She then felt Pomni’s hands move to her back, wrapping both arms around Ragatha’s shoulders to bring her even closer. 
The two savored the sweet moment they were sharing together, letting everything else around them disappear for a few minutes. Ragatha could feel Pomni smiling into the kiss, and it made her do the same. She could have stayed as they were forever with no complaints, but to her mild disappointment, Pomni’s face peeled away from hers. Ragatha was oh so tempted to pull her back in. It would have been easy with how her hands were cradling the jester’s face, but she knew better. 
Although the need for air was inconsequential, Ragatha couldn’t help but let out a series of small breaths to clear her head and cool her heated face. Pomni looked equally flushed but was wearing a triumphant smirk. Her mouth was now painted with the lipstick mark that always resulted from kissing the ragdoll, an obnoxious little feature of the Circus that the two were still getting used to. The jester appeared fully satisfied with herself, and the doll took notice of how her pupils had changed into hearts again.
With her mind still a little foggy after what just happened, Ragatha blinked questioningly up at Pomni before letting out an airy chuckle.
“Did you just steal a kiss by tricking me?” An amused smile of her own had made its way onto her face. 
The jester playfully stuck out her tongue and winked her perfectly unbothered eye, sending the doll into a fit of girlish giggles.
“Sorry~,” Pomni said while not looking apologetic at all. “I had to get you closer to my face somehow, Aggie.”
Ragatha recalled the strange way her girlfriend had been looking up at her during their embrace. If Pomni had tried being any less subtle about what she wanted from the taller woman, she would’ve stood on her toes. The doll blushed, embarrassed for not having picked up on the obvious hint.
“Silly,” Ragatha tittered, glancing away for just a moment while trying to tuck away some of her hair. “You could have just asked me to bend over.”
Something in the way Pomni’s eyes became slightly lidded as she bit down on her lower lip sent a small jolt up her spine that made her blush harder. But whatever it was that the jester was thinking in that half second was shaken away with a few blinks.
“I-I guess I just wanted to surprise you,” she said after clearing her throat, now looking a little bashful.
Ragatha was beyond charmed by these brief bursts of bravado that allowed her girlfriend to be more playful. She didn’t think it was possible to feel even more enamored for the woman she held in her hands. 
“Well color me surprised, Pom-Pom,” the doll whispered while lightly settling her forehead against the jester’s, noticing her shyness melting away.
“Good to know,” Pomni whispered back, then gave her a little wiggle of her brows. “But how about you color me instead?”
The doll felt her own brows shoot straight up at the unexpected comeback, before bursting out in laughter. The jester joined her, both leaning against each other and chortling away until they eventually came down from their moment of mirth. Ragatha leaned back to wipe away a tear and watched as Pomni rubbed the back of her cap n bells.
“Sorry,” she apologized after letting out a few stray chuckles, looking pink. “That was kind of a dumb thing to say, wasn’t it?”
Ragatha cupped Pomni’s face with both hands again. “Not at all.” She gave away the last of her giggles before gently turning her girlfriend’s head to lightly stamp another kiss on her cheek, smiling at the fresh mark and the jester’s blissed-out expression. “I actually think that’s a great idea.” She then eyed the girl carefully. “That is, of course, if you were serious.”
“[$#!%] yeah,” her girlfriend breathed out with a dopey grin.
That was all she needed. 
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alevicke · 10 months
I love the way you write for Jax —- I really would like to see Jax with a fem reader who is sort of like Jax- messes around with the others, sarcastic and feisty, but also reciprocates Jax’s minor flirting…so maybe Jax gets so confused, like thrown off- ‘does she like me does she not’ type beat, and ends up pushing farther and farther into his teasing and flirting, trying to figure out if she likes him back, but she ends up being the one to make a bold move…like just drops down on her knees pulling her hair into a ponytail like “ight…since you wanna talk all big lets get to it”… if that makes ANY sense at all 😭💀
I'm sorry I'm sorry! I know I'm super slow but I'm just awful writing NSFW ;; I love reading it sometimes but I'm so bad writing it XD So I hope this isn't too boring and you enjoy it! <3
Jax x F!Reader who teases and flirt back (NSFW)
TW: Blowjob, petnames, a bit of manhandling? NSFW obviously. Any other needed please let me know! I think there isn't much to say D:
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When you first joined the circus, Jax thought there would be a new sucker to annoy the hell out of them. Another person to joke with and use some pranks on.
He didn’t expect you to reply back as soon as he called you a pet name trying to annoy you. He usually called Ragatha dollface and he looked for another nickname for you to suit your digital appearance and annoy you. But he didn’t expect you to be calling him your silly bunny. Weird, huh. That sounded a bit like flirting. 
That was only the start of a weird forth and back between you both that no one actually understood. You sounded like an asshole with Jax, teasing him and annoying him, but you weren’t like that with the others, well, a bit but not as aggressive as Jax. For some it was double the torture now that you were there
They truly were praying you two didn’t teamed up or you could make the circus a living hell for everyone else but you two.
Jax had a lot of troubles understanding why you reciprocated his flirtations all the time. He wanted to believe you were into him, perhaps, but he wasn’t going to say anything
It didn’t matter that Zoobles told him that you looked like you were in love with him or at least interested, he wouldn’t listen. He still had his doubts
So the back and forth from you both kept being extended while he was so indecisive. You, however, seemed to be growing impatience. At this point you were honestly sure he wanted to do something with you. It was obvious by the whole flirting and how your conversations could get heated sometimes. But he always backed up at the last minute and you were already growing tired of it.
The last drop that spilled the glass was already getting closer, you could feel it. It was about to happen. 
Last few days you could feel yourself getting needier for physical contact and the silly bunny wasn’t making the step you needed. It was getting painful at this point. The desire every single day for nothing, to end up in your room touching yourself in drowned moans against the pillow. 
That day, however, didn’t look any different. Jax and you were talking alone in his room. Everyone was surprised you could get into his room, he didn’t want anyone there but you. Not even Zooble who was the closest to him after you was allowed there. And you truly thought it was a good sign, taking you to his room perhaps it could mean he would finally make the move. 
But NO. To your disbelief, it was happening again.
- Well, I didn’t expect you to make such a bold move, but I ain’t gonna complain if this is what you want toots. Could have said it before if you wanted it so badly” - You raised an eyebrow not even believing what you hear. After so many doubts and he backing up now he wanted to act brave?
Jax and you were already in the room for quite some time and the conversation was heating up as you both threw flirty punchlines to each other. You softly bit your lower lip hoping, craving for his touch. But you could see him making no movement. That was enough
- I’ve had enough of this Jax… Since you wanna talk all big let’s get to it. No more waiting” - you said as you got up from the bed. Jax, looked at you completely confused, not understanding your words. You pulling your hair up to tie it in a pony tail didn’ seem to give him enough hints. That was until you dropped on your knees pulling his legs apart.
- Oh… - it finally clicked on him what your words meant. His cheeks quickly grew red as a smirk appeared on your lips. But his smirk grew wider- He didn’t mind you taking the lead if this was the direction you were taking
- I was hoping you would make the first move, my bunny, but you left me no choice. Now shut for a bit and let me handle this. 
Jax raised an eyebrow, eyes locked on him as you fixed your ponytail. He could swear you were prettier than ever but perhaps it was lust on his eyes. He decided to stay quiet as you prepared yourself. Being honest, he didn’t want to miss the opportunity of what was going on so for once he had to hold back being an asshole. At least a tiny bit… But expecting him to stay quiet is impossible. You know he would be at least a bit annoying as always. 
You unbuttoned his overalls, letting these slip down his chest. You could feel the anticipation building on him. His eyes were following you like a predator hunting down a prey and his member already getting hard, the bulge noticeable for you. As your hand gently caressed this, a moan escaped between his teeth. A sweet sound filling your ears and raising every hair in you. 
You kept teasing him from outside his clothes, making him grow impatient. You were waiting so long for this, now he had to wait for it too, no matter if the desire was already wetting your panties. You caressed his length as you licked your lip, making him bite his lower lip in excitement. You could feel his breath become heavier as his desire grew but this was nothing but pleasure for you.
You took the overalls carefully and pulled them all the way down, finally releasing his erected cock, menacing to your eyes and to your lips. Taking it all the way down was going to be hard and he knew that just for the way you looked at it, eyes wide open.
- “What happened? Having second thoughts, sweetie?” - he teased you as he grinned, taking the member with his hand softly caressing it. 
- “Don't poke fun at me, Jax, you could end up with nothing” - you replied grinning as his disappeared a bit. He rolled his eyes and smirked 
- “Ok ok I'll be a good boy for you. Just for a bit, doll” - he finally replied while you leaned in closer to him between his legs. 
You stuck your tongue out, softly pressing this one against his twitching cock. You could see him biting his own lip again, repressing all pleasure sounds he could make just to keep his tough appearance in front of you but as soon as you moved your tongue along his length he couldn't repress a soft moan between closed teeth.
Your tongue left the dick all the way up to the top nice and wet until the very tip where you licked the precum, tracing circles on it while he grabbed the bedsheets to control humping his hips against your mouth, wanting more already.
You finally took the whole shaft inside your mouth as he let out a soft relieved moan feeling your lips stroke it while you started bobbing your head up and down on it. You felt his hand in your hair, petting it, but when you looked up he was eyes closed enjoying the feeling. 
But with each one of your movements your desire for touch was bigger. You traced your hand all the way down following your breasts and your tummy until finding all the way inside your own panties. This was nothing but a sweet addition to the moment for Jax. Not only were you pleasing him but he could also see you touching yourself between drowned moans and pants against his dick. 
You continued following the movements with your head, your lips stroking with each one as Jax kept his eyes locked on you. His breath kept getting heavier, quicker, while his fingers petted your hair. You could feel his temptation to pull it but he didn’t want to go too rough with you already, he wanted to go at your own pace, without rushing anything. 
But he wasn’t known for having too much patience… So it didn’t take too long for you to sense his hand grabbing your hair a bit more as he wanted to go faster and deeper. Seeing the saliva escape his lips was the clear sign that he was about to reach his climax and he was struggling to hold the moans in. A few words were being censored as he said them though. You however were already drowning moans against his cock as your fingers traced circles around your clit and sometimes moved down, all the way to your entrance almost pushing a finger inside.
You felt his hand finally grab your hair as he couldn’t hold any longer and humped his hips against your mouth, feeling it with each inch of his shaft to make you swallow all his cum. It was hard but you didn’t pull away from him after all, letting him ride your tongue in his ecstasis, his high wave of pleasure between louder moans filling the room even more with the steam of sex and the smell of gratification. 
- “You didn’t think we were already done, right toots…?”
It took him quite some seconds to go down from the wave, still heavily panting and releasing your hair from his grab. You pulled apart, cleaning the corners of your lips with the back part of your hand while looking at him. He was leaning back, cheeks and face completely red
- “*Bleep*, y-you really tried to milk me there, dollface…” - he said between pants.
You barely heard his words while your hand finally stopped teasing and you slipped two fingers inside your wet core, panties already soaking wet as you were the one now humping hips against yourself wanting more. Jax smiled widely, reaching a hand to your face, grabbing your jawline to make him look directly at his eyes. He licked his lips with desire, for you, for more…
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asterjennifer · 10 months
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Pomni asks Jax if he doesn't want to get out to see his loved ones again.
Jax hit the golf ball with momentum, it flew across the bright green filed that should've represented grass and close to the hole. A mile away it crashed back down. Looking so uncomfortably artificial when hitting the ground. He rolled his eyes by the fact it came so close — didn't go in though.
»Uughh... This game is so boring.« He moaned out annoyed.
The sun that was on the sky shone as long as they desired. The purple rabbit placed his hand on his forehead, gazing up into the false clouds and blue sky. The silence around had been accompanying him for about an hour now.
Pomni and Ragatha were the first to go spend time in their rooms. The redhead insisted that, sometime soon, the sun should be setting for the night to peek out. Zooble didn't feel like joining for a play of Minigolf in the first place. Therefore it left the other three to finish by themselves.
But once that game was over, with Kinger winning and nobody having an idea how, the two decided to leave as well. Gangle had complained because of her fatigue. It made Jax try to hit her with the Golf Club. However, the comedy mask was blessed with some luck that day and ended up dodging his subtle try by swinging out.
They made their way into their private walls afterwards. Leaving Jax to decide for another, smaller round of Golf with only his humble self. Sometimes you need a challenge on your level, he told himself with a grin rushing over his face.
Although the game's getting quite boring quickly, he somehow refused to go back to his own room. For a moment nothing seemed to move — no particular sound and no distant life to be found. It's really unsettling sometimes. Especially once everyone else left for their own business.
Jax threw the Golf Club to the side before sitting down. He placed his arms over his knees, taking a deep breath of whatever the hell it was that replaced the air. Maybe it's just the thought of taking a breath, he thought absent minded. For a while there wasn't any movement inside his body. Instead he stared at the empty things that made out these way too familiar surroundings.
At some point the sun nodded to the moon — giving the premission to change the time into nightly peace. The sky turned a dark blue with the clouds shrinking into million of stars. The moon now the only presence besides himself. Jax continued to watch whatever his eye managed to perceive, or rather make out in the darkness.
»Jax, why are you still here?«
A wavery, little voice asked behind him after who knows how many hours passed by. His long ears itched by the sound and moved accordingly. Then he lifted one hand to his chin, taking a second to answer.
»Admiring the beautiful sight.« He replied with obvious sarcasm.
»Can I sit with you?«
»I don't care. Just don't ruin the silence.«
She hesitated with her steps until she came to an hold next to him. Pomni pulled her hat a bit in anxious manner, she felt unsure how to approach anything else other than superficial conversations at this point. Once her panic wore off some more, replaced by fear bubbling under her suit, she started to try getting to know the others better.
Pomni sat down hesitantly. Both arms coming around her legs to hug herself — she did the opposite of Jax. No staring at the sky since it made her even more anxious. Therefore her eyes fixated on the green filed underneath them both. Nothing interesting to find, but at least that didn't make her feel all that pointless.
She grazed his expression with her stare for a short second, trying to see anything on the rabbit's face. But like usually — there's not much to find. Only difference was the fact his smile died down into a normal, rather neutral line.
The air thickened, or perhaps the tension did when it came to her. Although she couldn't speak for the guy next to her, the odd feeling lingered on her weird skin until it crawled down her back. She hugged herself tighter and cleared her throat.
»Jax? Did you ever... Look for the exit before?«
Her voice quavered more than needed, she almost accidentally cursed herself. Jax sighed deep, his facial features staying immobile as if he expected something like this to happen eventually.
»Never. This is a beautiful dream to live.« He then looked at her from the corner of his eye.
She met them, brows frowning considering she couldn't really tell if she started to become upset by these rude answers or if she found it sympathetic. He appeared to be the kind of person to naturally have sass. He must've held onto it in some way. Jax shrugged his shoulders.
»Give it up, Kid. This is your home now and better accept it if you don't wanna end up like Kaufmo.«
His finger pointed over his shoulder at the big tent. A shiver ran down Pomni's body at the memory of her first day. Not that long ago — yet way too much time she already spend in here aimlessly. Her lip twitched after the rabbit looked back into the sky. Pomni shook her head unconsciously.
Her tone close to a whisper. »Did you never see the exit door?«
»No, but after what you said you found there, I don't think I need to.«
Frustration began to find its way inside her digital veins, burning in the depths of her chest wider than a wildfire. Time passing by, nobody knowing how quickly time moved in this place, but none caring about finding the way out back into their real lives. She gritted her teeth when pulling at her jester hat. Voice mumbling albeit hard.
»You don't care seeing the people in your real life..?«
Immediate regret consumed her after he suddenly scared her. Jax stood up pretty fast and kept both hands into tight fists. His narrowed eyes judging her.
»You clown have no right to say that...« He growled. »When you're clueless, you better keep your whiny mouth shut.«
The conversation found its unwell end as Jax turned around and left Pomni sitting by herself and the slight feeling of guilt she now had to deal with.
She watched him leave for a second. His walk's stubborn in the sound of his steps, turning her head back in order to hide the face behind her arms. She didn't mean to snap at him, it just happened due to all these helpless emotions suffocating her soul and mind.
The shame died down enough for her to go back to her room, brushing off the nonexistent dust off her legs as she closed her eyes for a long second. Her head titled back — she finally found the courage for her eyes to meet the sky above her head. It lightly contracted her heart. Pomni's lips pressed against each other when the faces of the others flashed into her mind.
Realizing that even the mosh distant figure of the group missed home.
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sneakyboycream · 13 days
Caine prepared an special occasion for the peformers.
An fancy party where he gave all the members their own romantic partner NPC created to specifically appeal to them so they can have fun and blow some very necessary steam off
Jax was in his own corner having a drink, silently looking at the others having their moment and getting frisky with their partners.
But ...apparently he dint get a one? wich dint surprised him at all, It was probally an form of punishment for being such a dickhead to everyone, So he dint care, He would simply have his drinks and masturbate after, he dint need anyone
When he looked to the left side, he saw a very cute and small NPC girl that seemed to be coded to look 12/13 Year old. She was an ragdoll like ragatha but with black long hair, very big beautiful eyes and she was using an rabbit-like onesie with tigh-highs
He got nervous fast
"..is this....kid?? ...supposed to be my partner????""
He started to feel his face getting very-very warm out of nowhere, trying his best to focus on his drink, even thought his hands started to shake a litte.
"hi, youre Jax ..right?"
The girl said after a while with awkward silence, her voice almost made Jax spit his drink, It was so... beautiful...so sweet....so... young
"huh...y-yeah..why do you ask?"
The girl looked at him with her big eyes and got closer to him
"i have Heard of you from Caine and youre just so cool, i really wish i could dance with such an cool older guy like you..."
Jax felt petrificated, sweating bulliets "what the fuck Caine??" He thought to himself, did Caine really make a child partner for him?? What makes Caine think that Jax likes-...
His thoughts got interrupted by the feeling of very soft and small hands touching his chest.
"please Jax...just one dance, i promised i will not embarass you..." She got on tip toes to look at him closer.
Jax heart was beating fast, his breath was heavy and his face almost looking like a tomato. he couldnt believe this was really happening, what kinda of sick and twisted joke is this?
"listen- litte girl i-.. you got the wrong guy!..."
Jax said that to try to get her away from him, but he knew damn well that was not possible, and that she was in fact, made for him.
"but Jax-..." Said the girl, her eyes and soft voice almost hurting his soul from how hypynotizing they were
To avoid looking, he looked to the other sides, and for his surprise, he saw that everyone, ragatha, gangle etc, were alredy almost naked, having the biggest fun of their lifes.
He looked at the girl again, thinking about how gross It would be If he gave in, but at the same time, he knew Caine had a reason to do this, His porn maganizes dint all had young looking girls for nothing
Jax sighned
He grabed her hand and put her in a good position to slow dance, exploring all her tiny body with his big hands during it, his heavy breathing getting mixed with hers, looking at her eyes.
After a while, the others could see Jax fucking a Very small looking girl against the wall, they were really confused but too distracted to care much, but his moans were certainly the loudest
"fuck fuuuuck, yessss, stupid litte girl, t-take It all!!!!!"
He said during the "plaps" sounds of his dick hiting the litte girl's womb, making a bulge on her belly. Jax using his hands to block the sound of her moans
Jax was biting his lips really hard drolling saliva all over the place, his pupils going really high with all the insane pleasure, looking like a dog in heat.
He said one second before filling that litte pussy with his warm, and perverted cum. Making an entire mess on the floor
When he finished, he took his hands off to give her a hot and wet tongue kiss with his dick still inside her, doing small gentle thrusts with all the cum still on place, finally making himself cum a litte more.
On the next day, after the post-nut clarity. Jax couldnt eat his food, still in disbelief with what happened, It was really good, but that day made him realize what type of pevert he really is, and somehow, Caine knew about It.
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maguro13-2 · 10 months
Andy X Fuuko is a thing.
*Here's a sequel of my previous post*
Fuuko : Now I've seen a picture of my naked self with what else is there for me in the horrors of the internet? I mean you guys felt the way of looking into the horrors of seeing things! What about you guys?
Pomni : I felt nervous they made gay pictures of me and Ragatha getting kisses from her and I'm totally cringed about it. And they started to making sweets
Kobeni : I felt the other way and I had any panic attacks of getting lewd baited, (shows body that has abs) look at this! I lost weight when I had the chance of stop eating meat and sweets! They gave me fruit and salad to have the guts to make me look hot again!
Fuuko : At least, I've seen some lewd art enough, I don't know how is Japan keep on happening on making pornography on fictional characters that does stuff? The whole net is really something to have the dark side written all over it! Who does that to the whole wide world. And if I ever see one of these nimrods making lewd art out of me, I swear to f**king god I will mercifully stab anyone in the neck with a knife, or I will use my strength with brute force!
Andy : Hey, Fuuko. Have you seen my pants and undies for today or tonight's episode? I totally forgot that I needed to keep my privates hanging out.
Fuuko : Then what are the fusses about you and your--OH MY GOD!!! Your d*ck and Balls are showing to my face!
Gina : And I do believe that his cake is tanning in my face right now!
Shen : Dude! Put some clothes on! There's men, women, and lolis in here! No one can see your penis and your balls!
Andy : Oh that? Oh that's okay! Cause casual nudity will do just fine! But speaking of causal nudity, Me and Fuuko will do something privately in the room. With some literal privacy.
Fuuko : Really? Then what kind of privacy did we attend to?
Andy : Oh I don't know. Maybe it's just some wacky stuff in Japan I guess.
Fuuko : Sounds great to me! I'd like having privacy with you alone! What do you say that we get together later and give ourselves a nice treat. Perhaps, that we could do it in a fashionable way of how take good care ourselves. My first wish that is I am decided that I wanted spend the night all the way.
Andy : Cool. I'll be going to the same room that we were at.
Fuuko : With pleasure!
(we later show the JJBA group using drinking glasses to hear something from inside the room, Andy and Fuuko are heard while having sex with each other)
[Freek N You by Jodeci plays in the background]
Fuuko : (Sexually) Oh, Andy...you're such a naughty lucky guy!
Andy : (sexually) Oh, Fuuko! You're so cute and hot! I'm giving you this kind of good luck charm! And it's all for you!
Fuuko : (sexually moans) Please, be gentle with me, Andy! It feels so good!
(Andy and Fuuko Sexually moans)
Fuuko : (sexually screams) Motto! Motto!
Jolyne : What in the world are those two doing in there?
Josuke : This is not how it looks from what I hear about those Newcomers to David.
Dio : This is getting out of hand. Do I ever make up the minds from how do we fictional characters work things in Real World AU?
Giorno : It's best that we give them a little free time of their own.
Andy : Hold on tight, Fuuko! Here comes your lucky wish! And it's going to be a wild one!
Fuuko : (sexually) Andy-san...Iku...Iku...IKUUUUUUU! *panting* Wow, you're quite the man I that i'm really looking for. Thanks for giving me "lucky wish", my unlucky guy.
Andy : The pleasures of you is all mine, Fuuko-chan.
Fuuko : Oh, Andy-san. Andy-san, daisuki de!
Jotaro : That does it, I'm going to get to the bottom of this!
Jotaro : Would you two just shut the hell up!? Some of us are trying to get some sleep! (We show Andy and Fuuko in bed, Andy comforting the sleeping Fuuko while he reads a book with glasses)
(Record Scratch!)
Andy : Oh, Hello, Mr. Kujo! Good evening and, uhh, sorry about the loud noises we made. Yep that was our First time of me and Fuuko together. Yep, we're not doing so aggressive to anyone would we. She's just sleeping and I'm reading a book.
Jotaro : Y-Yeah, you are a reading book and comforting your...well, not to be eavesdropping by the way, a thousand apologies.
Andy : So that's why me and Fuuko are spending time together and do lots of for us to Handle. Totally great, and no big whoop. I'm sure that's a friendly suggestion of duo being a...great couple. Yep, duo of boys and girls being a cute couple.
Jotaro : Good grief, save all the hugs and kisses. Remember don't make any noises around the place next time. Remember, we are making new episodes every day and you need some rest. So please, no more interruptions. I really need my beauty sleep. (Closes door)
Fuuko : So, now that's done by the way, you wanted to go make me giving you a good luck kiss?
Andy : That's exactly that I would want to hear, Fuuko.
Fuuko : Well, then. Coming to bed while finishing reading, Honey?
Andy : Yes dear.
"The Next Day..."
*Door Banging*
Andy : I'll get it! (Opens door)
Fuuko : Hi, Andy. I just got back from the hospital and my doctor told me one thing about my lucky wish that you given me.
Andy : Really, like what is your doctor telling you?
Fuuko : Well...He told me that something important to you of giving me my lucky wish. Well to come clean and to tell it for you. I have something in common for you. (Starting blushing) Andy-san...I...
Andy : Fuuko....
Fuuko : (blushing)A...Andy-san...I am...I am pregnant... pregnant with your child.
Andy : Oh...Okay, and how did I even get you pregnant?
Gina : It's because of you just gave her with a lucky wish!
Andy : Oh, I actually understand that and I have one common thing that I have to say...(realizing) I forgot that people are shipping between me and Fuuko? WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FU-
Tomska : THE END.
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spitinsideme · 10 months
Kinger, Zooble and Jax make an intervention to Pomni and Raghata because they’re too horny and they’re tired of them making out everywhere. Like during the intervention.
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zooble has just given uo at this point
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spitinsideme · 5 months
you NEED to watch the new take episode I COULDN'T STOP SHIPPING RAGATHA N POMNI
before i talk about it i know it jusr came out so some people havent watched ir yet so spoilrrs for ir !! warning i will be talking anout it and spoilers and stuff !!
i watxhed it and halfway through i realised wow ... i really do not lime thos ... this is boring to me ... but then ragatha started speaking and i moaned a bit and also i want to know more about her and only her so yeah i guess i will watch it .. shes so pretyy .. zhes so besutlful .. i love her .. also ragapon !! yay !! i CANNOT wait for ragapin artosrs to draw those two sharong those scenes together !!! they are so adorable actially i love rhem somuch i love how ragayna was taking care of pomni and pomni needs to steo the FUCK up actually !! pomni needs to grt her shit TOGETHER !!! she better fucking APOLOFISE for wht she did !!! she better have a LONG TALK with ragatha !! i think that scene whrre sjes talking to the dinosaur guy and shes all like " idonr want people to feel like bad or small" or whateve rher monologue was about is like .. foreshadowing that ragatha and pomni will have a talk .. and ir will be sooo heated and sooo emotional and ragatha will cry and brealdown and pomi will not know what to do so she will awakwadly stand there and it will be sofucking bad and their relarionshio wil be awkward for a bir and then pomni brings it up and ragathas all like noo im okay we are fine and pomni gwrs all pissed and is lime no !! stop pretending !!! and then they make oir sloppy style .. or sowmthinf like that .. pretyy good i guess 👍 lots of potential for ragapim shippera actuallu
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spitinsideme · 3 months
Fuck marry kill
Pumpkin patch
Your oc
unfortunately i feel like pumpkin patch wpuldnt be a sort of commitment person but i kind of want to get murdered so yeah im marrying pumpkin patch im getting murdered in love she will literally tame my breath away
fucking ragatba thats my babygirl i want her sk badly but i want tk do rhings to her i nees ro hear her moan and groan and squirm ithinm she deserves ir for bekng a loser i lkve older women ... wow ..
killing my oc because i will never be atteattced tl my own ocs rheyre all just lime .. silly billies tl me .. thwyre all just silly fellas
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spitinsideme · 8 months
Do you know you’ve made everyone absolutely feral for your Ragatha? What do you drink to give you this talent? I need some too 🥺
all i do to draw what i draw is love womej honesrly, my love for women is so strong it has helped me draw better. with every new drawing i make i become better lesboans and women fuel me and make me moan annd cry tears osf joy because i love women ... all you need in life is love for something or someone ❤️❤️❤️
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