aradxan · 2 years
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Colorful old Hill Street Police Station by Thanathip Moolvong Chamonix 45N-2 ShenHao 6x17 holder Schneider 90mm f/9 Super-Angulon Kodak Ektar color negative film https://flic.kr/p/2nCSx7k
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russmorris · 2 years
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Big hand.
Ricoh GR Digital II
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abductionradiation · 10 months
Kaohsiung, Taiwan -- Elephant Gym 大象體操 will be releasing their 10 year anniversary album World on December 14 via Topshelf Records. Last week, the trio released two tracks from the upcoming record "Happy Prince ft. YILE LIN" and an orchestral rework of their 2013 song "夜洋風景 Ocean In The Night," featuring Hom Shenhao (of punk act Touming Magazine) on vocals.
Hearing the orchestra version of "夜洋風景 Ocean In The Night" left me breathless. Having listened to the band over the last 5 years, it's incredible to hear how they've developed their sound throughout the years. Both "Happy Prince" and "夜洋風景 Ocean In The Night" show an evolution in their style while still maintaining an unique vibe. The added brass and woodwind instruments add another dimension to Elephant Gym 大象體操 that is even more full-bodied and lush. Truly hoping they have more tracks like this in the future.
World by Elephant Gym
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Connect with Elephant Gym:
Official Site | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
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suiyoubis · 9 months
elephant gym — ocean in the night (feat. hom shenhao, kaohsiung city wind orchestra)
[ daxiang ticao — yeyang fengjing ]
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liberty-or-death · 2 years
Wei Wuxian's Spell - "Her shy charming eyes" (Beauty of Nanyuan 南苑逢美人”written by He Sicheng 何思澄)
Let’s talk about the first spell that Wei Wuxian uses in the Yi City. 
In Chapter 36, he choses to animate two female effigies.   The two female effigies seemed like identical twins - they had the same clothes, appearance and makeup.  The effigies appeared to be smiling and one could almost hear their laughter.  The doll’s hair was tied in a shuanghuan updo, wore red pearl earrings, a gold bracelet and embroidery shoes.  Wei Wuxian also thinks they look like servants of a rich household.
(Shuanghuan was a double bun updo favoured by unmarried ladies.  They were popular in the Warring States and are commonly described in Tang poetry.)
This poem has also appeared in both the donghua and CQL!
The spell’s from the poem “Beauty of Nanyuan 南苑逢美人” written by He Sicheng 何思澄 (502-557) in the Southern Dynasty.  南苑 Nanyuan is located just south of Beijing. It was an imperial hunting ground during the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. The current Beijing Nanyuan Airport is named after this and it’s the oldest airport in China.
洛浦疑回雪 巫山似旦云
Just like the Luo Shen (The Goddess of the River Luo) with skin as white as snow, and like the goddess of Mount Wu with skin as clear as the clouds. 
倾城今始见, 倾国昔曾闻
Her smile today destroys a city, and I heard it can even destroy a country. 
T/N: 倾城 and 倾国 are used in poetry to describe someone who’s incredibly beautiful
媚眼随羞合 丹唇逐笑分
her shy charming eyes, and her red lips are parted lightly
(This is the line used in the spell)
风卷蒲萄带 日照石榴裙
The wind blows the belt adorned with grapes, and the sun shies on the pomegranate skirt
T/N: 蒲萄带 is directly translated as belt with grapes, but it’s believed that the “grapes” refer to green jade and from a distance they look like shining ‘grapes.’   This is the pomegranate skirt.
自有狂夫在 空持劳使君
As long as the crazy husband’s around, emptiness awaits the gentleman.
T/N: There is a similar theme in another text 陌上桑 The Mulberry Tree field road, whereby a woman rejects the emperor’s advances because she’s already married.  The same idea applies here, that this beautiful woman is someone that the author cannot get. 
Personally, I think this is a very common poem used to describe a woman's beauty. I even find soft porn sites tagged with this line lol. 😂 So hmm, I don't think MXTX would have intended to mean too much?
Let’s talk about the second part.  This is split into the phrase “do not question goodness or evil,  (I) draw your eyes and summon thee.” So let’s break it down.
“不问善与恶 do not question goodness or evil” - There is a concept of goodness and evil 善与恶 in Buddhism. It's a complicated doctrine and I won't be going into it so y'all can read about it in the link.
"点睛召将来 (I) draw your eyes and summon thee" - This phrase comes from the the idiom “drawing a dragon and adding the eyes 画龙点睛”.  There is a famous story behind this idiom.  Zhang Shenhao was a famous painter during the Liang Dynasty.  He was known for his vivid drawing.  One day, he painted four dragons on the walls of a temple in Jinling and someone asked him why he didn’t paint the eyes.  He then remarked, “The eyes are the essence of the dragon.  If I paint the eyes, they’ll fly away.”  Everyone laughed at him when he said that.  Zhang Shenhao then added the eyes to two dragons and unexpectedly, they came to life and flew away.  Hence, this term was used to describe a situation whereby one’s finishing touch would bring a piece of art to come to life.  MXTX probably used it in this case as well, Wei Wuxian did draw the eyes of the dolls and made them come alive lol.
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scriptmaster101 · 2 years
Chapter 1: Reborn
Ryan thoroughly splashed water on his face. He still could not believe it. He had been reborn just like one of those novel protagonists, from a young adult with a heart problem into a handsome 13-year-old boy.
It all happened so suddenly. One moment he was sleeping on his bed, and next, he found himself in this school's washroom. Then as if he had a hangover, his head started hurting badly.
As it turned out, it wasn't a hangover. Instead, he acquired the memories of a 13-year-old boy also named Ryan. Then when he looked at the mirror in the washroom, he found himself occupying the kid's body.
Which led to the scene of him splashing water and pinching himself in hopes that he genuinely wasn't dreaming. After finding positive results that all of this was real, he couldn't help but thank god for giving him another shot at life.
"Are you done yet ?"
Hearing this, Ryan panicked and turned around to search for the voice. He found himself alone in the washroom and couldn't find the source of the voice, which led him to think he was hallucinating.
"No, I am very authentic, but it's just I am inside your head."
Ryan asked, "What are you?"
"I am a system sent to accompany you on your endeavors."
Ryan spoke quickly, "Oh, then what do you do? give me money every minute I breathe like a Shenhao system or give me news from the future so I can get rich through stocks?".
"No, I can't give you money directly, except for a minimum wage, depending on your net worth. My main function is to provide you with television and movie scripts which you could produce to make money."
Ryan spoke, "Oh, a script writing system that's not bad plus, I guess at least I won't starve with the minimum wage but come to think of it. I come from a wealthy family, so it is tasteless."
The system replied, "It provided for you to become independent and to ensure that if the host ever ends up on the streets, he can at least have some help from the system."
Ryan answered, "I guess having some money of my own doesn't sound bad, and I am assuming that this is tax-free?".
The system replied, "Correct, all the money system provides is tax-free, and no one will find anything wrong with it."
Ryan asked, "Alright, how do I access these movie and tv scripts? I know how to produce them as my father in this life has connections in Hollywood. Also, does this world not have the works from my last life? Or is it like only future works will work?."
System answered, "Those are some good questions, so I will answer them one by one. First, to access the system scripts, you have to buy them with points. Second, all the works do not exist in this world."
Ryan spoke, "Cool, then I can produce all the classics from my world here and be a legend. Now that I know the basic setting, can you tell me how I earn these points required to buy scripts?."
System asked, "Have you heard of the modern family?"
Ryan spoke, "Of course, one of my favorite shows, but how does that answer my question?"
The system replied, "Well, you are currently in the show's universe. Except for time-space issues, all the works here differ from on earth."
Ryan said, "What, so I am in a modern family, but I still don't understand how this relates to your points."
The system, "You get points by appearing in the shows' plots and interacting with the show's family members."
Ryan asked, "Huh, why is the setting like that? I am not saying I would mind interacting with them, but I want to know how it gives me points. Like, what is the principle for this?"
The system replied, " As they are the universe's main characters, by you being around them and impacting their lives, I can harvest space-time energy."
Ryan said, "Okay, got it, a lot of space energy equals many points, which I can use to get scripts."
The system responded, "Yup, that's correct."
Ryan asked, "Then the next problem is how do I end up interacting with the cast, like how do I locate them."
The system, "I cannot answer that, but you can open the newbie package. Maybe it has your answers."
Ryan asked, "Why?"
The system replied, "To begin with, after the basic system introduction, it costs points to ask me for advice. So open the newbie package instead of constantly questioning everything. The readers would be unhappy if all the 1st chapter was just a Q and A."
Ryan spoke, "I didn't quite catch the last sentence."
The system answered, "Do you want to open the newbie pack or not?"
Ryan spoke, "Fine open the newbie pack."
[Newbie pack being open]
[1 hint for any doubts received.]
[Script for the movie "Friday the 13th" (1980) received]
[Custom Script for the TV show "Southland" (2009-2013) received]
Ryan saw the reward and smiled as receiving the newbie reward gave him famous works such as Friday the 13th and Southland.
Ryan spoke, "By the way, why do I feel something wrong with Southland? If I am correct, all the episode in my head is a combination of season 1 and 2."
The system replied, "Yes, that's correct. All the custom tv scripts have a quality control system which selects all episodes eight or above in IMDB rating if it does not hurt the show's continuity."
Ryan responded, "I see, so as Southland is episodic and each episode is independent, you gave me the best eight episodes of seasons 1 and 2."
The system replied, "Yup, that's correct. For example, if you buy a non-episodic series such as stranger things, where continuity is key, even if it is below 8, it will not be changed for the host. So as the flow is not disturbed."
Ryan asked, "Wait, does stranger things even have a below 8 episode?"
The system responded, "Yes, the starting two episodes of season 3."
Ryan spoke, "That makes sense. What about this Hint?"
The system answered, "Ah yes, you can now ask me a question and use this hint."
Ryan spoke, "Alright, how do I come into contact with modern family members?"
[Hint being used to solve the dilemma.]
[Solution: You are currently in the same class as Alex and the same school as the other kids from Dunphy's family. The pilot is yet to take place, so it is advised to hurry up.]
Ryan saw the Hint and found that the system had tricked him into wasting a hint for almost useless info he would have gotten by just going back to his class.
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sunaleisocial · 20 days
Study: EV charging stations boost spending at nearby businesses
New Post has been published on https://sunalei.org/news/study-ev-charging-stations-boost-spending-at-nearby-businesses/
Study: EV charging stations boost spending at nearby businesses
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Charging stations for electric vehicles are essential for cleaning up the transportation sector. A new study by MIT researchers suggests they’re good for business, too.
The study found that, in California, opening a charging station boosted annual spending at each nearby business by an average of about $1,500 in 2019 and about $400 between January 2021 and June 2023. The spending bump amounts to thousands of extra dollars annually for nearby businesses, with the increase particularly pronounced for businesses in underresourced areas.
The study’s authors hope the research paints a more holistic picture of the benefits of EV charging stations, beyond environmental factors.
“These increases are equal to a significant chunk of the cost of installing an EV charger, and I hope this study sheds light on these economic benefits,” says lead author Yunhan Zheng MCP ’21, SM ’21, PhD ’24, a postdoc at the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART). “The findings could also diversify the income stream for charger providers and site hosts, and lead to more informed business models for EV charging stations.”
Zheng’s co-authors on the paper, which was published today in Nature Communications, are David Keith, a senior lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management; Jinhua Zhao, an MIT professor of cities and transportation; and alumni Shenhao Wang MCP ’17, SM ’17, PhD ’20 and Mi Diao MCP ’06, PhD ’10.
Understanding the EV effect
Increasing the number of electric vehicle charging stations is seen as a key prerequisite for the transition to a cleaner, electrified transportation sector. As such, the 2021 U.S. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act committed $7.5 billion to build a national network of public electric vehicle chargers across the U.S.
But a large amount of private investment will also be needed to make charging stations ubiquitous.
“The U.S. is investing a lot in EV chargers and really encouraging EV adoption, but many EV charging providers can’t make enough money at this stage, and getting to profitability is a major challenge,” Zheng says.
EV advocates have long argued that the presence of charging stations brings economic benefits to surrounding communities, but Zheng says previous studies on their impact relied on surveys or were small-scale. Her team of collaborators wanted to make advocates’ claims more empirical.
For their study, the researchers collected data from over 4,000 charging stations in California and 140,000 businesses, relying on anonymized credit and debit card transactions to measure changes in consumer spending. The researchers used data from 2019 through June of 2023, skipping the year 2020 to minimize the impact of the pandemic.
To judge whether charging stations caused customer spending increases, the researchers compared data from businesses within 500 meters of new charging stations before and after their installation. They also analyzed transactions from similar businesses in the same time frame that weren’t near charging stations.
Supercharging nearby businesses
The researchers found that installing a charging station boosted annual spending at nearby establishments by an average of 1.4 percent in 2019 and 0.8 percent from January 2021 to June 2023.
While that might sound like a small amount per business, it amounts to thousands of dollars in overall consumer spending increases. Specifically, those percentages translate to almost $23,000 in cumulative spending increases in 2019 and about $3,400 per year from 2021 through June 2023.
Zheng says the decline in spending increases over the two time periods might be due to a saturation of EV chargers, leading to lower utilization, as well as an overall decrease in spending per business after the Covid-19 pandemic and a reduced number of businesses served by each EV charging station in the second period. Despite this decline, the annual impact of a charging station on all its surrounding businesses would still cover approximately 11.2 percent of the average infrastructure and installation cost of a standard charging station.
Through both time frames, the spending increases were highest for businesses within about a football field’s distance from the new stations. They were also significant for businesses in disadvantaged and low-income areas, as designated by California and the Justice40 Initiative.
“The positive impacts of EV charging stations on businesses are not constrained solely to some high-income neighborhoods,” Wang says. “It highlights the importance for policymakers to develop EV charging stations in marginalized areas, because they not only foster a cleaner environment, but also serve as a catalyst for enhancing economic vitality.”
Zheng believes the findings hold a lesson for charging station developers seeking to improve the profitability of their projects.
“The joint gas station and convenience store business model could also be adopted to EV charging stations,” Zheng says. “Traditionally, many gas stations are affiliated with retail store chains, which enables owners to both sell fuel and attract customers to diversify their revenue stream. EV charging providers could consider a similar approach to internalize the positive impact of EV charging stations.”
Zheng also says the findings could support the creation of new funding models for charging stations, such as multiple businesses sharing the costs of construction so they can all benefit from the added spending.
Those changes could accelerate the creation of charging networks, but Zheng cautions that further research is needed to understand how much the study’s findings can be extrapolated to other areas. She encourages other researchers to study the economic effects of charging stations and hopes future research includes states beyond California and even other countries.
“A huge number of studies have focused on retail sales effects from traditional transportation infrastructure, such as rail and subway stations, bus stops, and street configurations,” Zhao says. “This research provides evidence for an important, emerging piece of transportation infrastructure and shows a consistently positive effect on local businesses, paving the way for future research in this area.”
The research was supported, in part, by the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) and the Singapore National Research Foundation. Diao was partially supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China.
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jcmarchi · 20 days
Study: EV charging stations boost spending at nearby businesses
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/study-ev-charging-stations-boost-spending-at-nearby-businesses/
Study: EV charging stations boost spending at nearby businesses
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Charging stations for electric vehicles are essential for cleaning up the transportation sector. A new study by MIT researchers suggests they’re good for business, too.
The study found that, in California, opening a charging station boosted annual spending at each nearby business by an average of about $1,500 in 2019 and about $400 between January 2021 and June 2023. The spending bump amounts to thousands of extra dollars annually for nearby businesses, with the increase particularly pronounced for businesses in underresourced areas.
The study’s authors hope the research paints a more holistic picture of the benefits of EV charging stations, beyond environmental factors.
“These increases are equal to a significant chunk of the cost of installing an EV charger, and I hope this study sheds light on these economic benefits,” says lead author Yunhan Zheng MCP ’21, SM ’21, PhD ’24, a postdoc at the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART). “The findings could also diversify the income stream for charger providers and site hosts, and lead to more informed business models for EV charging stations.”
Zheng’s co-authors on the paper, which was published today in Nature Communications, are David Keith, a senior lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management; Jinhua Zhao, an MIT professor of cities and transportation; and alumni Shenhao Wang MCP ’17, SM ’17, PhD ’20 and Mi Diao MCP ’06, PhD ’10.
Understanding the EV effect
Increasing the number of electric vehicle charging stations is seen as a key prerequisite for the transition to a cleaner, electrified transportation sector. As such, the 2021 U.S. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act committed $7.5 billion to build a national network of public electric vehicle chargers across the U.S.
But a large amount of private investment will also be needed to make charging stations ubiquitous.
“The U.S. is investing a lot in EV chargers and really encouraging EV adoption, but many EV charging providers can’t make enough money at this stage, and getting to profitability is a major challenge,” Zheng says.
EV advocates have long argued that the presence of charging stations brings economic benefits to surrounding communities, but Zheng says previous studies on their impact relied on surveys or were small-scale. Her team of collaborators wanted to make advocates’ claims more empirical.
For their study, the researchers collected data from over 4,000 charging stations in California and 140,000 businesses, relying on anonymized credit and debit card transactions to measure changes in consumer spending. The researchers used data from 2019 through June of 2023, skipping the year 2020 to minimize the impact of the pandemic.
To judge whether charging stations caused customer spending increases, the researchers compared data from businesses within 500 meters of new charging stations before and after their installation. They also analyzed transactions from similar businesses in the same time frame that weren’t near charging stations.
Supercharging nearby businesses
The researchers found that installing a charging station boosted annual spending at nearby establishments by an average of 1.4 percent in 2019 and 0.8 percent from January 2021 to June 2023.
While that might sound like a small amount per business, it amounts to thousands of dollars in overall consumer spending increases. Specifically, those percentages translate to almost $23,000 in cumulative spending increases in 2019 and about $3,400 per year from 2021 through June 2023.
Zheng says the decline in spending increases over the two time periods might be due to a saturation of EV chargers, leading to lower utilization, as well as an overall decrease in spending per business after the Covid-19 pandemic and a reduced number of businesses served by each EV charging station in the second period. Despite this decline, the annual impact of a charging station on all its surrounding businesses would still cover approximately 11.2 percent of the average infrastructure and installation cost of a standard charging station.
Through both time frames, the spending increases were highest for businesses within about a football field’s distance from the new stations. They were also significant for businesses in disadvantaged and low-income areas, as designated by California and the Justice40 Initiative.
“The positive impacts of EV charging stations on businesses are not constrained solely to some high-income neighborhoods,” Wang says. “It highlights the importance for policymakers to develop EV charging stations in marginalized areas, because they not only foster a cleaner environment, but also serve as a catalyst for enhancing economic vitality.”
Zheng believes the findings hold a lesson for charging station developers seeking to improve the profitability of their projects.
“The joint gas station and convenience store business model could also be adopted to EV charging stations,” Zheng says. “Traditionally, many gas stations are affiliated with retail store chains, which enables owners to both sell fuel and attract customers to diversify their revenue stream. EV charging providers could consider a similar approach to internalize the positive impact of EV charging stations.”
Zheng also says the findings could support the creation of new funding models for charging stations, such as multiple businesses sharing the costs of construction so they can all benefit from the added spending.
Those changes could accelerate the creation of charging networks, but Zheng cautions that further research is needed to understand how much the study’s findings can be extrapolated to other areas. She encourages other researchers to study the economic effects of charging stations and hopes future research includes states beyond California and even other countries.
“A huge number of studies have focused on retail sales effects from traditional transportation infrastructure, such as rail and subway stations, bus stops, and street configurations,” Zhao says. “This research provides evidence for an important, emerging piece of transportation infrastructure and shows a consistently positive effect on local businesses, paving the way for future research in this area.”
The research was supported, in part, by the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) and the Singapore National Research Foundation. Diao was partially supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China.
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muyactual · 8 months
😮 17 Inventos muy Ingeniosos
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En el fascinante mundo de la creatividad y la innovación, veremos inventos muy Ingeniosos que desafían los límites de lo posible. Desde soluciones ingeniosas hasta tecnologías revolucionarias. Acompáñame hasta el final y se testigo de la creatividad en su máxima expresión. El vídeo: https://youtu.be/Lpc2XzosT8Y 17 Inventos muy Ingeniosos: AirPod: Cada año, más de 400 millones de viajeros aéreos se enfrentan al problema de encontrar un lugar para relajarse en el aeropuerto. La empresa eslovena AirPod ofrece una solución: cápsulas donde puedes revisar tu teléfono inteligente, disfrutar de un refrigerio tranquilo o tomar una siesta. Las cápsulas también pueden funcionar como oficinas, equipadas con muebles transformables, aire acondicionado y Wi-Fi gratuito. Uno de los prototipos exhibidos en una exposición en Dubái generó una gran atención, y los creadores están seguros de que podrían haber vendido fácilmente 10.000 cápsulas. Las pruebas de estas cápsulas se realizarán en los aeropuertos del Reino Unido, los Emiratos Árabes Unidos y Omán. Mecha-morphis: El estudiante británico Jasper Melanson creó una máquina CNC portátil que se asemeja a un exoesqueleto para un solo brazo. La máquina, que alberga ocho motores, se probó con éxito con una soldadora, como las máquinas CNC tradicionales. Una computadora controla la trayectoria de la herramienta y se coloca convenientemente en la espalda de Melanson. El objetivo es hacer que la máquina sea compatible con diversas herramientas, lo que permitirá a los artesanos enfrentar tareas complejas sin esfuerzo. Además, Melanson tiene la intención de incorporar tecnología de realidad virtual. Robot de Inspección Ferroviaria Shenhao: Las vías férreas chinas actualmente pueden alcanzar una velocidad de aproximadamente 350 kilómetros por hora, estableciendo un récord mundial, según informaron los medios. Sin embargo, los expertos chinos pretenden alcanzar una velocidad aún más impresionante de 400 kilómetros por hora. Dada la gran demanda de trenes y vías, estos expertos recurren a la ayuda de robots para realizar inspecciones. La plataforma robótica examina la curvatura del riel, identifica defectos en la superficie, mide las brechas, evalúa las condiciones de fijación y realiza otras tareas esenciales. Funcionando con una sola batería durante 4 horas, la plataforma mantiene una velocidad de inspección de 15 kilómetros por hora. Camilla de ambulancia iNX: La rutina diaria de paramédicos, primeros respondedores y diversos profesionales implica transportar a pacientes heridos en camillas. La camilla de ambulancia iNX ofrece una solución para aliviar la tensión en la espalda de estos profesionales. Estas camillas son eléctricas y pueden soportar cargas de hasta 3.177 kilogramos. La persona en esta camilla permanece en una posición de decúbito supino adecuada y hay guías ajustables para líneas intravenosas y otros dispositivos para facilitar el transporte. La camilla se puede ajustar con solo presionar un botón. La pantalla LCD integrada en la camilla de ambulancia iNX proporciona toda la información necesaria. BoxLED: El mercado publicitario global está lleno de sorpresas, exhibiendo tanto tecnología avanzada como inversiones importantes. En 2023, su volumen total alcanzó alrededor de 842 mil millones de dólares. Notablemente, la empresa polaca Screen LED, conocida por sus pantallas LED, ha introducido una forma única de generar ingresos: BoxLED, un dispositivo diseñado para mostrar anuncios. Los clientes pueden optar por un automóvil con BoxLED ya instalado o comprar la unidad por separado. Muestra videos publicitarios desde una PC o laptop con ajustes de brillo automáticos. Además, no hay que preocuparse por el clima, ya que las pantallas son resistentes a la lluvia y vientos de hasta 20 metros por segundo. sTetro: Estimaciones aproximadas indican que se vendieron robots limpiadores por valor de 25,2 millones de dólares en todo el mundo entre 2015 y 2018. Sin embargo, el problema común con estos robots es que tienen dificultades con las escaleras. Singapur abordó este desafío con sTetro, un robot diseñado para navegar por escaleras sin esfuerzo en ambas direcciones. Está compuesto por tres bloques que albergan seis motores y el robot tiene una excelente visión computacional gracias a una combinación de cámaras, sensores ultrasónicos y luces. sTetro ha mostrado un rendimiento prometedor en las pruebas, pero aún no está claro si entrará en producción en masa. Forward CarePod: ¿Sabías las bromas sobre los robots que nos quitarán el trabajo? En los Estados Unidos, ya existen clínicas sin médicos. Los pacientes pueden ir allí para hacerse análisis de sangre, escáneres corporales biométricos y exámenes para detectar enfermedades como la diabetes. El plan es ampliar la gama de servicios ofrecidos allí en el futuro, con algoritmos de inteligencia artificial a cargo del diagnóstico y la provisión de recomendaciones. Estas clínicas, conocidas como CarePods, son bastante compactas y pueden caber en centros comerciales. El acceso a las CarePods está disponible mediante una suscripción que cuesta 99 dólares al mes. SP80: Este singular trimarán que parece más una nave espacial se llama SP80. Sus creadores pretenden batir el récord mundial de velocidad de veleros. Si todo sale según lo planeado, el SP80 alcanzará una velocidad de 150 kilómetros por hora en 2024. El diseño y construcción de este vehículo de 7 metros tomó varios años e involucró el uso de tecnologías punta. Por ejemplo, el casco se tejió con fibra de carbono en una máquina especial y luego se esterilizó en un autoclave a 120°C. Cabe destacar que el presupuesto total del proyecto superó los 1,6 millones de dólares. Yeefung Ark AGV: El sector automotriz de China también ha logrado un éxito notable, convirtiéndose en el mayor exportador de automóviles del mundo según los resultados de 2023. Mientras tanto, las ventas en el mercado interno superaron los 21 millones de unidades. En este contexto, el producto de la empresa local Yeefung es digno de mención. Han desarrollado una plataforma que agiliza el estacionamiento de automóviles utilizando navegación láser con una precisión de mas menos 5 milímetros. Esta plataforma puede aumentar la capacidad de un garaje de estacionamiento típico hasta en un 40%. Además, el sistema de estacionamiento inteligente avanzado puede gestionar hasta 1.000 plataformas simultáneamente. Roadrunner: La empresa estadounidense Tanderil Industries reveló el dron interceptor Roadrunner a principios de diciembre. Si bien no se han revelado todas sus características, se conoce un detalle clave. El Roadrunner está equipado con dos motores turbojet que le permiten alcanzar velocidades de alrededor de 1.120 kilómetros por hora. Tanderil Industries afirma que este dron supera a sus competidores volando 10 veces más lejos y manejando tres veces mejor. El Roadrunner es versátil y encuentra aplicación en diversos escenarios. El modelo Roadrunner M está diseñado específicamente para contrarrestar vehículos aéreos no tripulados, pero también puede manejar tareas como reconocimiento y seguimiento. Tanderil Industries ha asegurado su primer cliente y se prepara para la producción en masa. Ottobock Shoulder: La empresa alemana Ottobock tiene como objetivo facilitar la vida de los profesionales con sus exoesqueletos. Un éxito notable es el Pexo Thumb, reconocido como el exoesqueleto más pequeño del mundo. Otra oferta intrigante es el Pexo Shoulder, que funciona sin electricidad, utilizando palancas, resortes y cables. Este exoesqueleto facilita el trabajo con los brazos levantados y es adecuado para una amplia gama de personas, desde mecánicos hasta trabajadores de la construcción. WIM: Ya hay exoesqueletos para uso diario disponibles para el público en general. Uno llamado WIM pesa solo 1,4 kilogramos. No solo ayuda a una persona a conservar hasta un 20% de su energía al caminar, sino que también reduce el esfuerzo necesario para transportar cargas en un 14%. Ideal para senderismo o entrenamiento, WIM viene con un programa de entrenamiento que utiliza algoritmos de inteligencia artificial para crear un plan personalizado. Conexión universal tipo Lego: En Singapur se ha dado otro paso en el avance de la electrónica. Un equipo de científicos de la Universidad Tecnológica Nanyang ha desarrollado una interfaz de conexión única que se puede instalar en solo 10 segundos. Es increíblemente flexible, se estira siete veces sin problemas. Además, esta conexión es 60 veces más fuerte que cuando se usa pegamento y funciona incluso bajo el agua. Esta ventaja facilita mucho la creación de dispositivos flexibles, lo que será útil para los expertos en robótica en el futuro. Topes antirrobo Pitbull: Es de conocimiento común que la señal prohibitiva más efectiva para muchos conductores es un bloque de hormigón en medio de la carretera. Para una opción más impactante, considere los topes antirrobo Pitbull con rayas y púas. Ambas son muy visibles y duraderas. Solo tardan 6 segundos en elevarse a una altura de 60 centímetros y están hechas de acero de 16 milímetros de espesor. Estos topes funcionan sin problemas en temperaturas que van de -25 a 75 °C. Según el fabricante, este tipo de protección es adecuada para aeropuertos, oficinas de aduanas, embajadas e incluso prisiones. Zapatos conceptuales mullidos: ¿Se imagina un zapato con M&M's escondidos en la suela? Bueno, el ilustrador y diseñador 3D chino UV Su no solo lo ha imaginado, sino que lo ha hecho realidad. UV Su ve los zapatos como obras de arte y combina sin miedo elementos clásicos con inserciones inflables, púas y otras características únicas. Zapatos WOW: Mientras tanto, estos zapatos, acertadamente llamados WOW, ya están disponibles en las tiendas. Un par de WOW tiene un precio de 980 dólares. Si bien puede parecer caro, ¿dónde más puede encontrar zapatos diseñados para caminar sobre el agua? WOW funciona tan bien en la piscina como en el océano. Inventados en los Estados Unidos, estos zapatos no se limitan a caminar, sino que también son adecuados para entrenamientos. BOYA LIGERA: Nuestra línea de productos concluye con la empresa italiana Flotex, reconocida mundialmente por sus BOYAS barreras flotantes y productos similares. Por ejemplo, tome el BOYA de 3.017 ft fd. Tiene un diámetro impresionante de 3 metros y consta de cuatro flotadores con paredes de más de 20 milímetros de espesor. Hay espacio suficiente para paneles solares y diversos sistemas de señalización. Además, relleno de espuma de poliuretano de celda cerrada, la boya demuestra una mayor resistencia a las condiciones climáticas adversas. Te puede interesar: - 🪐 De Viaje por los Planetas - 😟 El Fin de la Era Humana     Read the full article
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prozesa · 8 months
😮 17 Inventos muy Ingeniosos
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En el fascinante mundo de la creatividad y la innovación, veremos inventos muy Ingeniosos que desafían los límites de lo posible. Desde soluciones ingeniosas hasta tecnologías revolucionarias. Acompáñame hasta el final y se testigo de la creatividad en su máxima expresión. El vídeo: https://youtu.be/Lpc2XzosT8Y 17 Inventos muy Ingeniosos: AirPod: Cada año, más de 400 millones de viajeros aéreos se enfrentan al problema de encontrar un lugar para relajarse en el aeropuerto. La empresa eslovena AirPod ofrece una solución: cápsulas donde puedes revisar tu teléfono inteligente, disfrutar de un refrigerio tranquilo o tomar una siesta. Las cápsulas también pueden funcionar como oficinas, equipadas con muebles transformables, aire acondicionado y Wi-Fi gratuito. Uno de los prototipos exhibidos en una exposición en Dubái generó una gran atención, y los creadores están seguros de que podrían haber vendido fácilmente 10.000 cápsulas. Las pruebas de estas cápsulas se realizarán en los aeropuertos del Reino Unido, los Emiratos Árabes Unidos y Omán. Mecha-morphis: El estudiante británico Jasper Melanson creó una máquina CNC portátil que se asemeja a un exoesqueleto para un solo brazo. La máquina, que alberga ocho motores, se probó con éxito con una soldadora, como las máquinas CNC tradicionales. Una computadora controla la trayectoria de la herramienta y se coloca convenientemente en la espalda de Melanson. El objetivo es hacer que la máquina sea compatible con diversas herramientas, lo que permitirá a los artesanos enfrentar tareas complejas sin esfuerzo. Además, Melanson tiene la intención de incorporar tecnología de realidad virtual. Robot de Inspección Ferroviaria Shenhao: Las vías férreas chinas actualmente pueden alcanzar una velocidad de aproximadamente 350 kilómetros por hora, estableciendo un récord mundial, según informaron los medios. Sin embargo, los expertos chinos pretenden alcanzar una velocidad aún más impresionante de 400 kilómetros por hora. Dada la gran demanda de trenes y vías, estos expertos recurren a la ayuda de robots para realizar inspecciones. La plataforma robótica examina la curvatura del riel, identifica defectos en la superficie, mide las brechas, evalúa las condiciones de fijación y realiza otras tareas esenciales. Funcionando con una sola batería durante 4 horas, la plataforma mantiene una velocidad de inspección de 15 kilómetros por hora. Camilla de ambulancia iNX: La rutina diaria de paramédicos, primeros respondedores y diversos profesionales implica transportar a pacientes heridos en camillas. La camilla de ambulancia iNX ofrece una solución para aliviar la tensión en la espalda de estos profesionales. Estas camillas son eléctricas y pueden soportar cargas de hasta 3.177 kilogramos. La persona en esta camilla permanece en una posición de decúbito supino adecuada y hay guías ajustables para líneas intravenosas y otros dispositivos para facilitar el transporte. La camilla se puede ajustar con solo presionar un botón. La pantalla LCD integrada en la camilla de ambulancia iNX proporciona toda la información necesaria. BoxLED: El mercado publicitario global está lleno de sorpresas, exhibiendo tanto tecnología avanzada como inversiones importantes. En 2023, su volumen total alcanzó alrededor de 842 mil millones de dólares. Notablemente, la empresa polaca Screen LED, conocida por sus pantallas LED, ha introducido una forma única de generar ingresos: BoxLED, un dispositivo diseñado para mostrar anuncios. Los clientes pueden optar por un automóvil con BoxLED ya instalado o comprar la unidad por separado. Muestra videos publicitarios desde una PC o laptop con ajustes de brillo automáticos. Además, no hay que preocuparse por el clima, ya que las pantallas son resistentes a la lluvia y vientos de hasta 20 metros por segundo. sTetro: Estimaciones aproximadas indican que se vendieron robots limpiadores por valor de 25,2 millones de dólares en todo el mundo entre 2015 y 2018. Sin embargo, el problema común con estos robots es que tienen dificultades con las escaleras. Singapur abordó este desafío con sTetro, un robot diseñado para navegar por escaleras sin esfuerzo en ambas direcciones. Está compuesto por tres bloques que albergan seis motores y el robot tiene una excelente visión computacional gracias a una combinación de cámaras, sensores ultrasónicos y luces. sTetro ha mostrado un rendimiento prometedor en las pruebas, pero aún no está claro si entrará en producción en masa. Forward CarePod: ¿Sabías las bromas sobre los robots que nos quitarán el trabajo? En los Estados Unidos, ya existen clínicas sin médicos. Los pacientes pueden ir allí para hacerse análisis de sangre, escáneres corporales biométricos y exámenes para detectar enfermedades como la diabetes. El plan es ampliar la gama de servicios ofrecidos allí en el futuro, con algoritmos de inteligencia artificial a cargo del diagnóstico y la provisión de recomendaciones. Estas clínicas, conocidas como CarePods, son bastante compactas y pueden caber en centros comerciales. El acceso a las CarePods está disponible mediante una suscripción que cuesta 99 dólares al mes. SP80: Este singular trimarán que parece más una nave espacial se llama SP80. Sus creadores pretenden batir el récord mundial de velocidad de veleros. Si todo sale según lo planeado, el SP80 alcanzará una velocidad de 150 kilómetros por hora en 2024. El diseño y construcción de este vehículo de 7 metros tomó varios años e involucró el uso de tecnologías punta. Por ejemplo, el casco se tejió con fibra de carbono en una máquina especial y luego se esterilizó en un autoclave a 120°C. Cabe destacar que el presupuesto total del proyecto superó los 1,6 millones de dólares. Yeefung Ark AGV: El sector automotriz de China también ha logrado un éxito notable, convirtiéndose en el mayor exportador de automóviles del mundo según los resultados de 2023. Mientras tanto, las ventas en el mercado interno superaron los 21 millones de unidades. En este contexto, el producto de la empresa local Yeefung es digno de mención. Han desarrollado una plataforma que agiliza el estacionamiento de automóviles utilizando navegación láser con una precisión de mas menos 5 milímetros. Esta plataforma puede aumentar la capacidad de un garaje de estacionamiento típico hasta en un 40%. Además, el sistema de estacionamiento inteligente avanzado puede gestionar hasta 1.000 plataformas simultáneamente. Roadrunner: La empresa estadounidense Tanderil Industries reveló el dron interceptor Roadrunner a principios de diciembre. Si bien no se han revelado todas sus características, se conoce un detalle clave. El Roadrunner está equipado con dos motores turbojet que le permiten alcanzar velocidades de alrededor de 1.120 kilómetros por hora. Tanderil Industries afirma que este dron supera a sus competidores volando 10 veces más lejos y manejando tres veces mejor. El Roadrunner es versátil y encuentra aplicación en diversos escenarios. El modelo Roadrunner M está diseñado específicamente para contrarrestar vehículos aéreos no tripulados, pero también puede manejar tareas como reconocimiento y seguimiento. Tanderil Industries ha asegurado su primer cliente y se prepara para la producción en masa. Ottobock Shoulder: La empresa alemana Ottobock tiene como objetivo facilitar la vida de los profesionales con sus exoesqueletos. Un éxito notable es el Pexo Thumb, reconocido como el exoesqueleto más pequeño del mundo. Otra oferta intrigante es el Pexo Shoulder, que funciona sin electricidad, utilizando palancas, resortes y cables. Este exoesqueleto facilita el trabajo con los brazos levantados y es adecuado para una amplia gama de personas, desde mecánicos hasta trabajadores de la construcción. WIM: Ya hay exoesqueletos para uso diario disponibles para el público en general. Uno llamado WIM pesa solo 1,4 kilogramos. No solo ayuda a una persona a conservar hasta un 20% de su energía al caminar, sino que también reduce el esfuerzo necesario para transportar cargas en un 14%. Ideal para senderismo o entrenamiento, WIM viene con un programa de entrenamiento que utiliza algoritmos de inteligencia artificial para crear un plan personalizado. Conexión universal tipo Lego: En Singapur se ha dado otro paso en el avance de la electrónica. Un equipo de científicos de la Universidad Tecnológica Nanyang ha desarrollado una interfaz de conexión única que se puede instalar en solo 10 segundos. Es increíblemente flexible, se estira siete veces sin problemas. Además, esta conexión es 60 veces más fuerte que cuando se usa pegamento y funciona incluso bajo el agua. Esta ventaja facilita mucho la creación de dispositivos flexibles, lo que será útil para los expertos en robótica en el futuro. Topes antirrobo Pitbull: Es de conocimiento común que la señal prohibitiva más efectiva para muchos conductores es un bloque de hormigón en medio de la carretera. Para una opción más impactante, considere los topes antirrobo Pitbull con rayas y púas. Ambas son muy visibles y duraderas. Solo tardan 6 segundos en elevarse a una altura de 60 centímetros y están hechas de acero de 16 milímetros de espesor. Estos topes funcionan sin problemas en temperaturas que van de -25 a 75 °C. Según el fabricante, este tipo de protección es adecuada para aeropuertos, oficinas de aduanas, embajadas e incluso prisiones. Zapatos conceptuales mullidos: ¿Se imagina un zapato con M&M's escondidos en la suela? Bueno, el ilustrador y diseñador 3D chino UV Su no solo lo ha imaginado, sino que lo ha hecho realidad. UV Su ve los zapatos como obras de arte y combina sin miedo elementos clásicos con inserciones inflables, púas y otras características únicas. Zapatos WOW: Mientras tanto, estos zapatos, acertadamente llamados WOW, ya están disponibles en las tiendas. Un par de WOW tiene un precio de 980 dólares. Si bien puede parecer caro, ¿dónde más puede encontrar zapatos diseñados para caminar sobre el agua? WOW funciona tan bien en la piscina como en el océano. Inventados en los Estados Unidos, estos zapatos no se limitan a caminar, sino que también son adecuados para entrenamientos. BOYA LIGERA: Nuestra línea de productos concluye con la empresa italiana Flotex, reconocida mundialmente por sus BOYAS barreras flotantes y productos similares. Por ejemplo, tome el BOYA de 3.017 ft fd. Tiene un diámetro impresionante de 3 metros y consta de cuatro flotadores con paredes de más de 20 milímetros de espesor. Hay espacio suficiente para paneles solares y diversos sistemas de señalización. Además, relleno de espuma de poliuretano de celda cerrada, la boya demuestra una mayor resistencia a las condiciones climáticas adversas. Te puede interesar: - 🪐 De Viaje por los Planetas - 😟 El Fin de la Era Humana     Read the full article
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forgottenyear · 9 months
No, really. Not just pictures, but more than can be healthy to know about old film photography.
It has been an obsessive hobby for a while. (*excessive)
[a very long text, but with pictures this time]
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A photo taken under a dining room table in 2004.
Hyperfocal and in low light, on sheet film (using a Shenhao HZX45-iia camera, Kodak TMY / 400 ISO film, developed in HC-110 with minimal agitation), large format (mine is 4x5 inches).
The technical challenge was to take a hyperfocal photograph (both foreground and background are in focus, although my scanner could not capture this as well), but under low light.
Hyperfocal photographs require the aperture to be small, but low light usually demands the aperture be wide open (to capture as much light as possible).
It took about a day to research and to make the spreadsheet to calculate for failure of reciprocity (film exposes exponentially [I think exponentially] more slowly over the time of the exposure). It took four and a half hours to take the photograph (cats and people walked through, but not slowly enough to be captured). I placed the camera, then increased the light until the needle on the light meter just twitched, and I had to calculate from there, since it was not even on the dial when it twitched.
Developing with minimal agitation is a trick I picked up from reading about Ansel Adams, and it is not supposed to work well with modern film, but it takes a little longer to develop. Minimal agitation takes advantage of the developer to widen the tonal range - kind of like HDR, except in the development of a single negative. The developer exhausts itself in bright (or is it dark, I forget) areas of the film, but continues to work on the less exhausted areas.
(I do not have the space or the money for a large format enlarger, so my prints are either direct contact, or digitally scanned.)
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Hemlock tree trunks (2003)
This is an abumen print, from a 100 ISO negative (Kodak TMX as marked on the right edge, also using the Shenhao HZX-iia), also developed using HC-110 (it is safe around cats) (and incompetent amatures like me) and minimal agitation.
I snagged a boxful of premade abumen printing paper from Chicago Abumen Works before they stopped selling. I could make my own, but that will not be needed for a while. I have used Van Dyke solution, but the results are less impressive than this. Most of the photos I print are on albumen or cyanotype (using the premade kind that they sell for sun prints in craft stores).
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The same hemlock trunks, printed using a different method.
This was printed, over a month, on a green file folder that I noticed would fade in the sun. The actual folder does not appear to have printed, but I was able to "find" it in photoshop. It did print, but the contrast is so minimal that "developing" also drew out the individual grains of the file folder. I direct copied the original negative, because I did not want to expose the original to the abuse of sitting in a sunny window for a month (which is why the notching is different - in the upper end of the right edge, there are notches to help identify the film and its orientation in a darkroom).
Albumen and cyanotype also use sunlight for printing, so this was not far removed from my usual alt-photography methods.
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A side-street at night (January 2004).
This does not appear to be a great technical challenge, until I add that it was shot on black and white film (Kodak TMX / 100 ISO).
This process involves shooting three sheets of film, each with a different color filter. When the process was originally developed, it would probably have been gum printed, but I was unsuccessful with this process. My "printing" process was to assemble the three images as color channels in Photoshop.
Being a night photo, but less hyperfocal than the one under the table, the film had to be exposed for about five minutes. In January. I was keeping the unexposed film carriers in my jacket to keep them warm, but this meant opening my jacket to the stiff wind that was blowing up the street at me. I was approaching hypothermic before I was done, but a shady looking man started talking with me and saying that my camera looked expensive, so I walked toward the center of town when I finished, to be sure I was not being followed (the shortest route home is the one in the photograph, but the streets are more darker much quickly).
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Yet another color photo taken on black and white film. In this one, if you can zoom in on individual buildings, you can see where lights were turned on or off over the twenty minutes or so it took to take the three sheets of film with different color filters. You can also see where the tide was going out, by the color changes. The cyan color reflected nearer the far shore corresponds to the red filter (I always go RGB, so I will be less likely to get confused about which filter comes next in the middle - which is the only reason I know the tide was going out). RGB is the inverse of CMY(K is usually included in the set, but BW film answers for that), so a red filter produces a cyan negative, green produces magenta, and blue produces yellow. (If you have wondered, the red-yellow-blue set is reflective color, red-green-blue is additive, and cymk is subtractive - color is way too complicated.)
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An ant war (2004)
My pictures were horrendously shuffled about by a backup program, so I cannot locate the companion image for this one. Because they are unwilling to sit for a long exposure, I had to throw enough light onto the scene to capture this one quickly. Fortunately, it was in my back yard, so I brought out a large mirror to reflect the sun.
Understand that these are tiny ants, only a few millimeters long. If I could find the companion detail, I could show that the TMX (100 ISO) negative captures the rectangular mirror reflected off the gaster (the ants butt) of several ants.
I originally started with large format, and low-speed, film because I intended to write a plant identification guide for a local hiking trail. The photographs in the guides I had were not very good - they would describe hairs on a stem that the photographs did not capture.
4x5 (four inches by five inches) cameras are about a large as I would care to carry into the wilderness with me, and low-speed film has the smallest grain, which produces higher resolution images. Unsurprisingly, the film I use (or did use, I have not done much with it for years, as the dates on these pictures may show) was still used for scientific images until recently.
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Little white flowers (2004)
Another color image taken on black and white film. But this one shows the strength of large format 100 ISO film that captured my interest. Look at the detail in the detail photo at the bottom. I would not call this stem hairy, but look at the individual hairs.
Also, notice that the stamen were wilting over the course of three photographs, through the color changes as they drooped. This was taken on an overcast day, but still bright enough that it was within the film's speed. It does take time to change the film cartridges, however.
Insert the film cartridge. Remove the dark slide. Snap the photograph. Return the dark slide. Remove the film cartridge. Then repeat this twice more for one color image. Each individual photograph is on its own sheet of film, each in its own film cartridge (although I do use double sided cartridges, the process is the same for each side).
And finally, my baby (or the same model, HZX45-iia, since I cannot find my pictures anymore):
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The description I first read of this camera said that "it folds up neatly, like a Hello Kitty lunchbox." It does fold down into a nice little box, but I keep it in a rugged case just to be safe. The perspective of this photo is misleading - the front is smaller than the back and the bellows taper accordingly (or accordianingly).
If you have ever wondered, the bellows allow the focal length, and the focal circle, to be changed. Every photograph in this post was taken with the same lens, which came with my first LF camera (a studio camera that does not fold up neatly, and bears no resemblance to a Hello Kitty lunchbox). I think it is a 150mm, but do not quote me on that. It is the standard for 4x5, whatever it is. I grew so attached to the versatility of a bellows that I got one for my DSLR (also no valid Hello Kitty lunchbox comparison, disappointingly).
A friend was in China on business in 2004, so was able to get the camera for half-price, or I would never have been able to afford this foolish hobby. It took much longer to assemble the darkroom equipment, and even that relied on close-out stock from camera stores that were going out of business.
2004 was also when I first had ocular migraines. Which is why my photography fell off. I hope to start up again, now that the medication is helping.
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flotrust · 2 years
Vnc connect to gnome ubuntu
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Now start the VNC server by running the vncserver command as a normal user.
sudo apt install tigervnc-standalone-server tigervnc-common tigervnc-xorg-extension tigervnc-viewer. From the Screen Sharing window, click on the toggle button as marked in the. To install TigerVNC server and other associated packages in Ubuntu, run the following command. Once Sharin g is enabled, click on Screen Sharing as marked in the screenshot below. Navigate to Sharing section and click on the toggle button as marked in the screenshot below to enable Sharing. Install VNC server 2.1 System updateīefore proceeding with the installation, please make sure that your server has been updated to the latest version. Open the Settings app from the Application Menu of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. and I can connect to it using Tight vnc viewer from windows but the UI looks like But, I want to use the default desktop that ships with Ubuntu 18. In this experiment, we used a server with the Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) operating system, which uses SSH to access the local connection. For the VNC client on your computer, you can use the VNC Viewer application, such as Royal TSX. Internet connection is required to download software. Preparationįirst prepare an Ubuntu 18.04 server, which can remotely or directly operate the terminal on the screen via SSH.
VNC server has a lot of software, here is how to use TigerVNC to install VNC server. Different from the Windows operating system, you only need to activate the remote desktop on Linux, you must install VNC Server to be able to remote desktop in real time. VNC Server is the software used to execute VNC (Virtual Network Computing) desktop in Linux environment. Use your favorite VNC Viewer to connect to your localhost port 5900. Essentially, it is a remote display system that not only allows you to view the desktop environment on the currently running computer, but also view the remote "desktop" environment from computers with different architectures anywhere on the Internet. Since the key components arent bound to Ubuntu or GNOME, you can use your favorite. Install VNC server 2.1 System update 2.2 Install TigerVNC 2.3 Install Gnome 3 Desktop 2.4 VNC password setting 3. vnc directory and create a new file named xstartup containing the following: /bin/sh Start Gnome 3 Desktop -x /etc/vnc/xstartup & exec /etc/vnc/xstartup -r HOME/.Xresources & xrdb HOME/. vnc directory of the user’s home directory. VNC stands for Virtual Network Computing. The above command will create a file named passwd in the. Welcome to Shenhao's AI + Big Data Technology Tour blog-VNC remote graphical desktop configuration of Ubuntu 18.04 Gnome implementation You will see a text area where you can enter the server hostname (IP address). Welcome to Shenhao's AI + Big Data Technology Tour blog-VNC remote graphical desktop configuration of Ubuntu 18.04 Gnome implementation.
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jrphotographybc · 2 years
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Got my scans of the 6x12 done from a few weeks ago, and I have to say, they turned out beautiful.
Shen-Hao 45A II, Nikkor-W 135/5.6, Horseman 6x12 back, using ILFORD XP2 rated at ISO 100 and developed normally.
#BelieveInFilm #ShootFilmBeNice #NorthernFilmCollective #CanadianFilmPhotographers #VancouverFilmPhotographer #TsimshianPhotographer #Tsmsyen #Katzie #KatzieNation #KatzieTerritory #FraserRiver #FishingBoat #6x12 #6x12Format #LargeFormatPhotography #ShenHao4x5 #ShenHao #Horseman6x12Back #ILFORD #ILFORDXP2 #ilfordxp2super400
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dogbonesoup · 3 years
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Torri's Roses
Shen-Hao HZX4x5-II, 150mm Rodenstock Geronar 1:6.3, Copal 0, Lomograflok back + Fujifilm Instax Wide film
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vphill1979 · 4 years
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I passed this on my morning run and thought it would make a nice pano. I had about four walkers stop and ask what I was up to. #shenhao #shenhao617 #617 #6x17 #pano #panoramic #hp5 #ilford #shootlocal (at Denton, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMXRg8OHEba/?igshid=5lpvgv26wukf
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lacamararoja-blog · 2 years
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Los Punchosos desde Cala Flores De mi serie El mar y el Infinito, fotografía con amor sobre película analogica 📷Shen Hao 45 TZ 🎞️Kodak #Portra160 *** Pictures From The Last Century *** @lacamararoja #silvid #daviddeflores #unviajealucinante #4x5film #filmisnotdead #MadeWithKodak #kodak #shenhao #shootitwithfilm #film #believeinfilm #analogue ##analogueforeverzine #analogphotography #filmfeed #ishootfilm #shootfilm #filmisalive #theanalogclub #analoguepeople #thefilmcommunity #photography #artesvisuales #photographyart #analogphotography #cabodepalos #turismoregiondemurcia (en Cabo De Palos, Murcia, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch5Sz4YN5X1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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