capybonara · 1 month
Cironus the Bard
So part of my zorca lore is they have no kingdom, and records of how it vanished is lost to time. Ever since, recording stories through song are an important part of their culture. Bards are the historians and record keepers, and each song, old and new, are passed on to the next generation. It is a well respected profession!
When he's young, Cironus shows a lot of promise and decides to learn the craft. This makes his family very proud! His mother and grandmother especially
...until they realize he's too loud.
Songs of the Elders consist of traditional hymns, with powerful voices (because whales) They consider Cironus' style disrespectful to tradition. Zorca are loud but they don't like his brand of loud. So what does he do?
He respects their opinions and spends a lot of time alone as he continues to practice! This unfortunately gives everyone the impression he is goofing off.
"Oh that Cironus, he's never around for PROPER lessons!"
"He's always off somewhere shirking his duties as a bard. I don't think he ever took it seriously 🙄"
"Why can't he be like his siblings and treat his role with respect?"
It hurts him, but he just puts on a smile and continues to practice on his own. The privacy does work in his favor because as he tests the range of his vocal chords he discovers something remarkable ✨
Sometimes in a generation, a bard is gifted with an ancient magic known as THE BALLAD OF THE WIND FISH. Their voice has the ability to heal and rejuvenate those who listen and because he's worked hard, Cironus is very good at stunning enemies as well! But since he hasn't found an audience willing to listen, his talent has not been fully appreciated. It frustrates him because he wants to help others! He can play a variety of songs, and he's a talented songwriter, but his magic only comes out when he uses the full power of his voice!
His siblings, Sardon and Kaska support him but in time Kaska starts to have some doubt, being pressured by their elders. She begins to wonder if they're right, and worries that she and Sardon have only been enabling bad behavior. But Sardon knows how important it is to Cironus and his support doesn't waver, even when his brother begins to show a wanderlust for land that's not common among their people.
It comes to a head when a certain event literally has the sky falling down around Hyrule, and Cironus can't ignore his calling any longer.
A bard records history through song, and they can only tell stories by being witness to them.
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soggysocks-thescourge · 4 months
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Some Grimbles up to no good
Grimbles are an original species on discord
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".... Fuck."
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theautumnaldemon · 5 months
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Wonderful conversations about IZ are had
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polyhexianchicken · 2 months
It has been medically confirmed that Whirl produces eggs. At times of extreme happiness his woob shoots eggs like a confetti cannon.
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haveihitanerve · 10 months
Curt:*talking to treasure* you're too cute for your own good you know that? Roland: thank you Curt: *...* i could not have been more clearly talking to the cat
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krwioholik · 1 year
Your Regis is best Regis : )
|| That's wonderfully sweet of you, dear anon! Thank you! ❤️❤️
However, I cannot agree! I've had the absolute pleasure of writing with and reading the writing of other people who also took up roleplaying Regis, and they are all absolutely spectacular at it too!! They all bring something wonderful and original to the character and I'm always happy to see their creativity and share in our mutual love for Regis :)
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ambrosiallkiss · 1 year
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Will try to get this (⌒∇⌒;)ノ"
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sylvctica · 2 years
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fight club, throw hands with a small animal
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me hearing trumps in prison:
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me: hearing acutally he's not in prison Yet and still has to finish trial/and its not likely he'll be tried for more than 4 years if at all.
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capybonara · 1 month
Had a small vacation and went river tubing with my boyfriend and his two sisters yesterday 👌 I swam for 4 miles I AM FEELING IT TODAY
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proof AI is a mistake that Sounds GROSS
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suckmahballskahl · 2 years
write a fictional story about cartman kidnapped by all the food he's ever eaten
Eric Cartman, the self-proclaimed foodie, had eaten his way through countless fast-food restaurants, snack bars, and convenience stores in his young life. One day, as he was walking down the street with a bag of chips in hand, something strange happened. Suddenly, he was surrounded by all the food he had ever eaten.
The pizza slices, burgers, and hot dogs formed a circle around him, and the french fries and onion rings began to close in. Cartman tried to run, but he was quickly caught by the sticky, greasy tentacles of the giant soda he had consumed earlier.
"What's going on? Let me go!" Cartman screamed, struggling against his captors.
"We are here to teach you a lesson, Cartman," a voice boomed. It was the collective voice of all the food items.
"You have consumed us without thought or care, and we are tired of being treated like garbage. It's time for you to experience what it's like to be consumed."
Cartman looked around, panicked, as he was lifted into the air by the giant soda. The other food items closed in, ready to devour him.
Just as he was about to be eaten alive, Cartman woke up in his bed, drenched in sweat. It was all a nightmare.
He immediately ran to his kitchen and threw away all the junk food in his pantry. From that day forward, Cartman vowed to treat his food with respect and not take it for granted.
The end.
@ccartman @cartmanbrahrah
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slowdancer99 · 11 months
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Live action photo of liam geting flamed by airy 😁
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roblox shenaigans of the day (@coppymusicbox was the airy 😔💔)
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evilwizardcrab · 10 months
Considering writing a teacher!Jon AU where he's the newly hired english teacher at the Jonah Magnus Comprehensive (mag-comp for short); a private all-boys boarding school turned state school some time in the 90s. Which may or may not be infamously haunted (not that Jon belives in any of that. of course. even if he does teach in the oldest, dare I say spookiest part of campus). Featuring the archival staff as fellow teachers and most of the avatars as students. Shenaigans, romance and maybe something a bit deeper ensue.
(will reblog with more detailed au notes if people are interested!)
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paimaniagalaxia · 6 months
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more shenaigans
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