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powcreations · 5 months ago
Here's every Rats SMP 2 (Rats in Paris) Member! All art hy @iamlevil!
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@/TubboLive & @/ItsKyleEff. Our local... Rebel & Rockstar!
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@/soupforeloise & @/bekyamon. Our local Artist & W I D E Rat
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@/Mogswamp & @/OwengeJuiceTV. Our local Station Master & Solo Climber!
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@/Mythicalsausage & @/apokuna_. Our local Vigilante & Bounty Hunter!
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@/snifferish & @/Roscumber. Our local Builder & Flower Picker!
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@/krowfangtv & @/ImaShepTTV. Our local Superstar & Astronaut!
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@/shelbygraces & @/watermunchh. Our local Sweet Talker & Postal Worker!
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@/TheOrionSound & @/willowmvp. Our local... Garbage Eater & Explorer!
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@/Smajor1995& @/ggacho_. Our local Alchemist & Theatrical Connoisseur!
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@/renthedog & @/InTheLittleWood. Our local Pi-RATS!
You can wacth them all live on Saturday, October 19th!
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mellozheist · 1 year ago
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Excited to meet new pirates
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lonksadventures · 1 year ago
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It’s time for some Shubble support!
Since I started making fanart for them a few years ago my art has greatly improved and I’ve met so many cool people! Her content is always so fun to watch and it was genuinely so fun to work with them on old commissions 💖
I hope that they’re doing ok and know what we're all here to support them <3
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lucky1013 · 6 months ago
For Shelby...
No idea if you'll find this, but just in case -
In my June blog post I questioned whether the word abuse is appropriate, and you responded to assure me that it is. OK. You are the only person to fully understand your own experience.  I get that.  Your suffering is accepted and acknowledged.
But I’m not being dismissive. I am sure what you experienced is real and that you have no reason to invent or distort it.   It is dismissive to ignore and minimize someone’s pain. It is not dismissive to evaluate an accusation when determining how you personally intend to treat and regard the accused person.  All abuse and all shitty behavior is not equivalent. All abuse is not the same and should not carry the same weight, in terms of determining punishment. 
You take issue with my assertion that Wilbur could have understood the situation differently.  "Knowledge and intent" are an important concepts in the justice system and I think they matter. If you are certain that there is no possibility that Wilbur’s perception of the conduct is different, OK.  We’re not there, we don’t know, and frankly we don’t need to know. 
Relationships can get seriously fucked up and abusive and unhealthy systems can develop. We all know women who have endured abuse of this kind, or as in your case, have endured it themselves.  I am not dismissing it as invalid.
I'm sure he was a shitty boyfriend swimming in a host of unresolved problems with his head so far up his own ass that he stopped caring about you.
My biggest issue is with the weight of the word abuse when levied in the public sphere. I believe the word has abuse has value in a therapy setting and when you are understanding and framing your own experiences.  I also believe the word abuse has a narrower and stronger meaning when we are talking about putting someone in jail, causing real financial and reputational consequences, labeling someone, costing someone their job. 
The public is calling Wilbur an abuser as if it is a species — as some thing that he IS, not something he has DONE.  Is that what you meant?  Do you think it is fitting? In your view, should Wilbur regarded in the same class as a rapist? A pedophile? A wife beater?  A shocking percentage of this particular fanbase cannot understand the difference.  I state this as a parent of one of them.  Is making Wilbur suffer the end goal? OK, get after it. Make him suffer.  Destroy his peace. But was destroying a fan community necessary?  Could there have been ways to disrupt his peace without disrupting the peace of all these teenagers?  Consequences for Wilbur are really a small piece of the fallout here.  It has spawned a heartbreaking wave of hatred and sadness.  (Have you been surprised by it? I have wondered whether you wish you had handled it differently, now that you have seen the effect of this weird/goofy/unusual fanbase. I'm wondering how you see it in hindsight. Don't even answer that.)
I believe there are not good and bad people.  I believe that all of us are more than the worst thing we have done. I believe YOU.  And yet I still believe in having understanding and compassion for you both.  
I wish you would walk this back. Do you think he should be hated, like a rapist or a pedophile? REALLY? Do you honestly believe he is irredeemable and deserving of public harassment? Do you believe the rest of Lovejoy deserves it? There are ways to say, people, you've blown this out of proportion. There are ways to say, I was right about my experience, but not about the way this went down. Messed up people can climb their way out. There are ways to heal this community. There are ways to lead these kids back to a sane, human, measured response to this. To him.
(I would be happy to share more about myself privately if you want to understand where I am coming from, what my biases are, etc.  Not comfortable sharing publicly.) 
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morallyrainyday · 1 year ago
all my love and support goes out to shelby. while i may have stepped away from the dream smp and most mcyt's in general, i have enjoyed shubble's content for almost a decade now. her videos have never failed to make me laugh on my best days and comfort me on my worst. they were one of the youtubers that helped me realize i'm asexual. i love that her community has always been a positive space with such an inspiring creator. shelby is one of the toughest people i know, and i'm so glad that she feels she's healed, moved on from her abuser, and understands her worth. as an sa victim myself, i cannot empathize with her enough. please don't put words in her mouth, and keep your speculations and accusations to yourself. all you need to do is stand with shelby.
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syn4k · 2 years ago
Evil Xisuma is fascinated by lizards.
There's some in the Nether, of course, bejewled in crimson and golden and black, but those types usually hide out near the lava pools, and EX isn't fireproof, not by a long shot. They tried to catch one once, but they burnt their hands and got told off gently by X when they came home and the lizard escaped. There's some in the trees, but they're venomous and lightning fast.
The ones in the Overworld are much friendlier, so whenever they can, they walk over there and find a mangrove swamp far out, where the Overworld lizards like to hide. They're skittish, but EX has found that if you're gentle, they'll let you hold them.
Why lizards and not like, frogs or something? They don't know. They just think they're neat.
One evening, EX found themself in a particularly foggy swamp, grumbling as they picked their way through sprawling tree roots and mud that pulled at their boots much like the soul sand did. They were getting lost. They didn't care. This server had respawn enabled, anyways. But as they trod deeper and deeper in, something felt a little... off.
"Where are these lizards?" they grumbled, loudly enough to get the attention of a nearby breeze, which ruffled the leaves. Wait.
You can't be noticed by the wind.
"Hello?" they asked, looking up.
Somewhere to the front and right of them and very much on the ground, a twig snapped. A light came out of the fog, and a figure wearing a very broad hat walked into view.
"I'm telling you, Joel," they sighed, "you can't be in here. Especially not after dark. It's dangerous, the ghosts might- who are you?" They stopped and leaned closer, confusion clear on their face.
"If you're asking for a name, I won't give it," said EX. "They're powerful things."
"Fair enough," shrugged the stranger. "There have been some weird things happening around here lately. I'm the swamp witch. What are you doing here?"
"I'm looking for lizards," said EX.
"In full body armor?"
"My lungs are shit. I have to wear this. Also, it's comfortable."
"Oh, so you're the swearing type," said the stranger with a frown. "Okay."
EX sighed. "I've never met you in my life, but you've already managed to sound exactly like my brother."
"Your brother??"
"Yes, my brother. People have them, idiot. I'm not giving my name away but I'll sure as hell give you his- Xisuma. I could pr-"
"Wait, wait, hold on," said the stranger, cutting them off with a wave of their hand. "Xisuma?"
"Weird name, I know."
"No, I mean I've met him. I never knew he had a brother."
"Sibling," corrected EX. "Also, what?"
"My bad," said the witch. They sighed. "Listen, whatever, I don't know how you got here, but you should probably go. There's some dangerous stuff in here, especially at night." They looked around warily as if to prove their point.
EX laughed. "You're tripping if you think that I'm scared of your stupid swamp. It's just a slightly damp forest. What could possibly live in here that I would be scared of?"
On cue, the wind picked up. The stranger looked around frantically. "You need to go." A bunch of blue lights appeared at the edges of the lamplight. "Now."
The wind blew a myriad of leaves into EX's face and they stumbled backwards as the yellow light receded rapidly, tripping over a tree root just as one of the blue lights came into focus. The last thing they thought before their head hit the ground was that it sorta looked like a face.
When they sat up, it was morning. The fog was gone. They looked around to see where it went, but there was none.
"Weird," they said.
Three unread messages from Worm Boy.
Dude, where are you? It's getting late.
EX? I'm going to bed now but please message me if you see this.
Just woke up. If you don't respond by lunchtime, I'm calling Xisuma.
"Hey. Sorry. I fell asleep while lizard hunting," they typed, then sent it with a sigh. What a mess.
A small blue wisp floated up where they had stepped as they walked out of the forest.
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distraughtfulsul · 2 years ago
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Corrupted Shrub AU fanart for @rose-lizzzy , give it a read if you can !! It's amazing :DD
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mcc-updates · 5 months ago
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From @MCChampionship_
👑 Announcing team Red Ravens 👑
@.Ph1LzA @.shelbygraces @.Smajor1995 @.TheOrionSound
Watch them in MCC on Saturday 26th October at 8pm BST!
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shut your bubble gum dumb dumb skin tone chicken bone google chrome no homo flip phone disowned ice cream cone garden gnome extra chromosome metronome dimmadome genome full blown monochrome student loan indiana jones over grown flint stone X and Y Chromosome friend zome sylvester stalone sierra leone auto zone friend zone professionally seen silver patrone big headed ASS UP You and your splotchy hair dye you can't ever choose what color you want, like make up your mind, lovejoys music is better then what you will ever make because you have made NOTHING against them you have been on YouTube for what over 10 years and almost 20 years? And your just now getting 100,00? Sad that just shows that your own 'supporters' aren't even supporting you and just sending absolute shit on us. For God's sakeI had a BLOODY TAMPON tell me to kms all because I had a Wilbur Soot costume you need to learn to control your subs everyone else can why can't you? With how far apart your eyes are I would be way to long to get from one eye to the other I would have to get a pit stop on your nose before anything, your fashion style is practically equivalent to a 7 year old girls closet. The only reason why they replace William with you in QSMP is because you would have never made it when everyone else got a invite, I'm surprised you even got the amount of support you have gotten because you weren't even known even after the relationship with Wilbur you only started getting your fame is because your a selfish little bitch that doesn't know when to stfu. On the selfishness side of you why didn't you give your fans the merch you absolutely promised them? Was it because you where too small of a creator even then to collaborate with someone? "I'd settle for a gun-" Yeah Wilbur we all would settle for the gun them having to hear her loud annoying voice, Shelby you wanted to say it's weird to be friends with minors because Wilbur was friends with tubbo and Tom when they were kids still but your in your early 30S AND FRIENDS WITH AIMSEY WHEN SHE WAS A MINOR you hypocrite "He had a ant infestation" Oh? Now did he? I would like proof on that. Or if I'm gonna be honest you probably don't even have proof like EVERYTHING ELSE and if you did have proof you would have showed it in the first stream. Wil said that he has many different pieces of proof showing you consented but he's not showing them for YOUR OWN PRIVACY AND SAFETY. " hello! My name is Shubble and welcome bsck to my channel" YOU SOUND LIKE STITCH IN YOUR INTROS WTF?? AND YOUR INTRO VOICE LITERALLY HASNT CHANGED IN THE PAST SIX DAMN YEARS? GET CREATIVE MAKE SOMETHING NEW. "I have alot of opinions about sounds in minecraft, what are the best sounds, what are the worst sounds" 1. Damn right you have opinions i think its obvious with the amount of time you have come out with almost every single popular ex of yours and there's suddenly something that went wrong in every damn one. 2 you are the worst sound not just on minecraft but in mankind. 3 William gold has the most iconic and funny ass minecraft sounds. "Just another thrift hall!" Why? Because you can't afford full priced clothing? "I will not be dying mu hair anymore" Then why the hell is your hair orange rn? Me and MULTIPLE people thought you weren't gonna say anything about ILGWIS because the song it literally directed towards how shitty you are/had been but NO you had the clout Shelby, you had to piss people off like me. "Stream my stream instead" Yeah that's all we can do because one again you have no music to stream. Fuck you Shelby, you clout chasing bitch.
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angel122sthings · 4 months ago
(yes I'm putting her @ yes I'm putting #sss specifically for people to see)
@shelbygraces I'm done with your community I'm a 13 year old girl already struggling with the loss of her mom. guess what I woke up to on Twitter this morning. 24 dms from your supporter each and everyone either telling me kms or giving me a graphic way that they were going to MURDER me. this is too far you have gone too far. How many people does it take to send paragraphs of words to you for you to understand that we saw through your story we found the holes in your statements. Why didn't you go to court for abuse you could have made thousands off of Wilbur. You know why you didn't because you LIED and now your lies have caused hundreds of people to get hurt in the process. I'm usually calm about death threats but when I get a graphic one it scares the shit out of me shelby. Your community has done too much. They have gone to far my best friend who just got twitter and Instagram immediately go rape threats and death threats over her having in her description that she was a Wilbur supporter. I was told on Twitch to "get fucked" when i was 12. All because of you I'm done with YOU I'm done with your "I'm the victim" shit when we have pictures we have audio we have so much fucking proof that if you went to court you know you would lose so you still add more. That story isn't helping you in life. You've played this "victim shit before. I can't do this I'm already in a bad place with my mom dying and with me having to talk to CPS constantly. I'm done with YOU and your stuck up fans who think that's okay to do. Yes some of your fans are sweet and deserve no hate but some are just monsters.
To: @shelbygraces
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powcreations · 1 year ago
Please welcome our new Pirates SMP members!
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What faction will they join? Watch them navigate The Faction Isles...
Tuesday, Sept 19th @ 1pm EDT | 6pm BST!
That's all... for TODAY!
Tune in tomorrow same time same place for the last 3 pirate announcements 🫡
(Art credit to @iamlevil!!)
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All praise to the queen @shelbygraces
We stan a beautiful, talented, funny, and all around perfect gamer<3
By far one of my favorites to draw(:
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nihachu-soot-forever · 7 months ago
coining some stuff!!!
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TransPermaDizzy - Someone who feels like they should or should have had permanent and incurable dizziness
TransDreamStan - a transid where someone thinks they should or should have been a dream stan
TransWilburStan - a transid where someone thinks they should or should have been a wilbur stan
TransShelbyStan - a transid where someone thinks they should or should have been a stan of shelby/shelbygraces
TransNihachuStan - a transid where somebody thinks that they should or should have been a stan of niki nihachu
TransDiscDuoStan - a transid where somebody thinks that they should or should have been a stan of discduo (Dream and TommyInnit)
TransRanbooStan - a transid where somebody thinks that they should or should have been a stan of Ranboo
TransTommyStan - a transid where somebody thinks that they should or should have been a stan of TommyInnit
TransTubboStan - a transid where somebody thinks that they should or should have been a stan of Tubbo
TransAimseyStan - a transid where somebody thinks that they should or should have been a stan of Aimsey
TransTechnoStan - a transid where somebody thinks that they should or should have been a stan of Technoblade
TransGeorgeStan - a transid where somebody thinks that they should or should have been a stan of GeorgeNotFound/Gogy
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wassup-its-e · 2 years ago
Commission i did for @shelbygraces !!!
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thank you so much Shelby, it was a pleasure !!!
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cheetahdash · 2 years ago
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'MCYT (MCC) Pride poll (8)!
Happy pride month! I'm hoping to get plenty of pride themed drawings done this year! Starting off with Shelby who you guys voted on during the poll, love to start this with ace rep <3333
So enjoy !! <33
@shelbygraces !!!
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ghost-town-dwellers · 1 year ago
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its shubble support day! ive been watchin shubble since i was.. 11 or 12? its been a while. i also have a quick story:
back in 2021, before esmp got popular, i did some shubble fanart and posted it on twitter. she ended up seeing it and retweeted it saying how much she loved it. it honestly made my week and i still think about it.
this is a redraw of sorts- not the same photo, but the same style of drawing. i like to think ive improved in those 3 years! many things have changed, but im still a shubble fan through and through
@shelbygraces you are so incredibly wonderful and brave and kind and lovely, and im so happy you’re here in this community!
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