#shelby sister ofc
La Dolce Vita - New Series Alert!
Darlings, while finishing my other two WIP's, I have been bitten by the bug of a new idea. This series, entitled La Dolce Vita, will not be a chapter-by-chapter affair as usual, but a collection of one shots gradually chronicling the arranged marriage between John Shelby and Cosmia Changretta, my OFC. So, I thought I'd introduce her as well as the series! She's... spicy, to put it mildly.
First part coming soon. Until then, some visuals!
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And I couldn't resist giving you all a teeny little excerpt...
“Ain't you ever heard of smiling, Cosima?" He charged her with, eyeing her defiantly. 
She pulled the white fox fur warming her pale curves tighter around herself, taking one last drag upon her cigarette before flicking it away. “If you give me something to smile about, I might.” 
Oh, he had his work cut out for him, John scratching his jaw. “I’ll stick my fucking face between your legs for about half an hour, then you’ll be grinning like a loon, you miserable cow.” he muttered, but not nearly quietly enough.
“What the fuck did you just say to me?” 
“Nothing, bab,” he grinned, gritting his teeth behind that forced smile. “Nothing at-fucking-all.”  
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evita-shelby · 1 year
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Gif by @filmgifs
Thank you all of you who follow me, who lurk, who reblog and especially those who actually talk to me.
I love you all and to celebrate this milestone we have these
💋 WWED/What would Eva do? (Where you send a question and I answer as only our favorite witch would)
💋pick a prompt from the links at the bottom to send as a request
💋send a gif or pic as a prompt
💋take Eva or any of my OCs for a spin
💋 send any gift of your choice
💋 drop into my asks for anything you feel like doing
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Links for prompts:
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muneca-lemon-steppa · 3 months
hello!!! hope you’re doing great, I kinda wanna ask about Thomas x Sister Shelby if you do that ? And if you do I’m thinking she’d be smart, has a very quick tongue and she wants to get out of the Shelby business to marry the love of her life (alfie😝😍) so she fakes her death and ofc everyone is distraught and angry than after a few years Thomas sees alfie at his home and than comes his sister who he thought had died and he berates her than she says something like you’re a worse person than me always killing for money like he can’t live without a war. Also I am in the mood for a very angst ending
A/N: Hello my love! How are you doing? I am so so sorry that this has taken forever. Truthfully, I had no clue how to do this. I thought about this long an hard, and though some things I switched up, I hope you enjoy this. I feel like this got me to stretch my writing muscles, and it was really fun. Let me know what you think darling!
Run Away With Me Darling
Alfie Solomons x Fem! Reader; 3.8k words; fluff, angst
Warnings: language, contentious family relationships, arranged marriage???
It started innocently enough.
You bringing tea and biscuits to meeting rooms where the men started their schemes. Listening and taking notes alongside your ever watchful Aunt Polly. Sneaking glances at the big brute in the chair across from your big brothers.
“Thank you treacle. Yeah that’s real kind of you.”
That brute is the only man that would say thank you for the tea you bring by. And when you go to pour more for him, he’s the only man who says, “No need for that darling. Grown men can pour their own tea yeah?”
It wasn’t meant to be anything more than professional. But you should’ve known. Known from that first encounter outside those Shelby walls… you and Mr. Solomons shared a single soul… and heaven nor hell could keep you from each other’s grasp.
It was hot. London is not a tropical city by any means. But the sheer amount of bodies, activity, and warm rain, had transformed the city into a sauna. The wisps of your hair along your neck and forehead are plastered to your body. Rivulets of sweat sneak down your chest. The heat could only be described as oppressive. You were counting down the steps till you could go home.
On the one hand… it was strange having a home all to yourself. Truthfully, it was the Shelby homestead in London, where the family would stay when business needed attending to. However, when they all left, you stayed. Carrying delicate messages. Keeping a close pulse on the going’s on of the city. And perhaps most importantly… remaining a pretty show pony for the Shelby family.
You hated to admit it. But you were desperately jealous of Ada. She had the guts to sneak past Arthur, Tommy, and John. She had the foresight to marry her true love before Tommy could marry her off to the highest bidder. You had no such luck. No childhood love. No sweetheart to campaign for. The boys had made sure of it. Despite Ada and your protests, and Polly’s discrete ploys; Tommy had decided. The sweet, pure, and innocent youngest Shelby girl will be auctioned off to the richest and most lucrative partner for the Shelby Company. And she will remain pretty and docile. A prize.
The mere thought made your stomach twist and churn and burn.
You loved them. Your family. More than most love their family. But you could barely breathe under their watch. Even in another city you felt the reach of their eyes. Felt the whisperings of potential matches for your hand and womb. The sweat on your brow burned your eyes. Taking place of the unshed tears you long abandoned.
All you longed for was cold water. A cool bath. Anything to scrub off the sweat and dirt and exhaustion. However, shade covered your front door, casting a shadow over the threshold.
“Sweetheart! Been waiting a bit for you!”
No matter where you see Mr. Solomons, he seems to take up all the space. You don’t know how he is able to stand the heat, with his coat and hat and bushy beard. But he looks unfettered. Cool even. You finally felt the kiss of the breeze on your neck as you approached.
“Mr. Solomons. How can I help you?”
“You going to invite me in like a good girl?”
“I’m not in the business of inviting strange men into my home.”
“You think me strange?”
“Oh Mr. Solomons you are the strangest man I’ve ever met.”
“Makes you a little excited though don’t it? A hint of danger yeah? Big brute standing at your door.”
You stuck your chin out, staring directly into his stormy eyes. “I’m not afraid of you Mr. Solomons.”
His mouth quirks up in the corner. A twinkle in his eyes, and your breath hitched as he leaned into your space, “Oh I know sweet. You ain’t like the others ain’t ya? I saw it… the first time I laid eyes on you I knew you were different. Those boys… cold blooded little snakes… you… nah… there’s a flame in you treacle…and I look forward to see you set things aflame.”
Before you could respond in any way, he leaned away, smiling at your response. He pulled out an envelope from his coat and handed it to you, “Contract and information for your devious brother my sweet. Don’t worry, put a little something in there for you too for your trouble.”
You snatched the envelope from his hand. Unsure of how to respond to his… behavior. His rumbling laugh set a shiver down your spine, but you pushed it down as you appraised him, “This seems below your job description… don’t you have messenger boys?”
He further smirked, “I hope you’ll forgive me, that I want to keep you to myself.”
“I’m not a kept girl.”
“That you are not. Just have to inform your brothers of the fact don’t you?”
Hot shame rose in your cheeks. The envelope in your hands crinkling sharply. You felt the cool brush of gold rings on your cheek, “I have a standing dinner every Thursday evening. Let it be our little secret, hmm?”
Before you could react, a coarse kiss is pressed to your knuckles. As he started walking away, you called out, “And if I don’t show up? What then?”
He turned, with a boyish smile, “You’re not a kept woman treacle. Not my business. I’ll just send my messenger boys in my place.”
That was a year ago. Things were so simple then. Secret dinners. Secret mornings. Secret dalliances and outings around town. And when the family came to town, you placed that mask back on. Sweet, innocent, and docile Shelby girl. Ready at the beck and call of her family. And when they left, you ran right into the arms of Alfie. Because where it all started as something to feel disobedient, it grew into something deeper and more ancient. You felt your soul intertwine with his, as if it was always searching for him. In the evenings when he whispered his love for you and kept you close, you had never felt safer. Never felt more alive.
But dreams are not forever. Sooner or later the bubble must pop.
“You’ll need to come back to Birmingham dearest.”
“For how long?”
Everyone looked up at Tommy. Tommy didn’t even look up from his dinner plate, “Permanently. I’ve got a husband for you.”
Your fork dropped. Your heart stopped beating.
You faintly hear Aunt Polly call your name.
“Husband?” You whispered.
Tommy sighed, “That is what I said. High time you married, you’re old enough. Mr. Gorman has multiple factories both here and in the states, and his son is set to inherit them all. It’s a good match, it’ll be very beneficial to the company.”
“Tommy I don’t even know him.”
“You have your entire life to get to know him. Now finish your dinner.”
“So you just decided is that it? You just decided to that I’d belong to some man? Tell me Tommy… how much did you sell me off for? How much is my womb worth?”
“Watch your mouth!” Polly hissed, with Arthur wincing at the cutting words.
“I’m not going.” You stood from your chair. Preparing for battle.
“It’s not up for discussion.”
“I’m not going! You cannot make me!”
Tommy rose from his seat, John putting his head in his hands with Arthur knocking back a drink. Low. Deadly. Tommy always could command a room with his voice. Cold finger pointing at you like a deadly weapon. “You will do as you’re told. This is not about you. This is about the family. In a week, I will come fetch you. I will drag you back to Birmingham if I have to. And you will marry the young Mr. Gorman, and you will have as many of his fucking babies as he chooses. You will be rich. You will be safe. And you will be set. I am not about to argue with a child.”
You felt the tears well up in your eyes. Sorrow. Mourning. Hatred. “I hate you Thomas Shelby. I hate you.”
“You will get over it.”
You ran to your room. Weeping the rest of the night.
Because how can your body and name be given to a man, when your heart and soul belonged to another?
They left the next morning. Arthur knocking on your door to announce the departure, and trying to convince you, “He’s a good lad darling. Trust Tommy alright? Wouldn’t let nothing bad happen to ya, even though it seems like right shit. Don’t be too angry at us. We’ll all still be close. And anyway… it’s what’s good for the family.”
You didn’t look at him. Not even a hum of acknowledgment when he kissed your hair tenderly. A regretful sigh leaves his body as Arthur walked away, taking one last look at your quivering body on your maiden bed. Arthur always had a soft spot for you. Always defensive for you unlike your other siblings. He had tried in vain to get Tommy to rethink the arrangement. You didn't need to get married. The company didn't need such an alliance. They'd get by as they always have. But Tommy's sights were set much higher. He wanted that name of honor. And to get it, he was willing to play by the rules of old money. Tommy had convinced Arthur enough. Enough that you'd eventually forgive them all.
The orange sky illuminated your bedroom in a bloody hue. Your throat dry and head hot and pounding. The creaking and settling of the house had become a steady ring in your ears, you didn't even hear the bedroom door open.
"Treacle. What are you doing? Eden said you haven't left since last night. You ill?"
Maids hear everything, you think bitterly. But you couldn't be too cross with Eden. Not really.
"He's done it Alfie."
Alfie toed off his boots after the hat and coat. Sinking into the too ornate duvet. "Who treacle? What happened?"
You faced him, deep creases of the duvet threads divide your hot wet cheeks. Lashes clumped together and soaked. "Tommy... he... he finally did it. He's married me off. In a weeks time I'm to belong to some... Mr. Gorman. His father owns factories, and I suppose that's enough for my bride price."
You feel your body being gently tugged up and into Alfie’s embrace. Despite any protest from you about how it may affect his back, he shushes you instantly, “Now now my little dove. Nah you ain’t going back to Birmingham. You ain’t getting married to some prick. Nah you’re staying here with ol’ Alfie.”
You force your face under his chin, letting his unkempt beard absorb your sobs, “No Alfie it’s true! Tommy told me yesterday at dinner! He… he’s taking me away Alfie! I hate him. I hate him so much. I don’t want to marry some man I don’t even know!”
“I already told you darling, you’re not going to! It’s not happening.”
You push his shoulder, “You’re not listening to me! Tommy said-“
“I don’t give a shit what Tommy said! You’re not marrying the shit because you’re marrying me!”
Like an unpracticed magician, he pulled out a gorgeous diamond and sapphire ring. Its glimmer and fractals made it look as endless as the night sky. You felt the breath in your lungs catch, anger and fear simmering down and cooling. You dared not touch something to precious, “Alfie Solomons…”
“Was my mother’s. Gave it to me when I came back from the war. On her death bed. Made me swear that I wouldn’t give it up for any pretty girl on the street. Had to give it to the one.”
You struggled to meet his gaze, “And I-“
“The one treacle. If you’ll have me.”
He shifted you in his lap, fully facing him, “Now… I had a whole event planned out. Garden stroll. Drinks. Music playing. And I know I’m a sorry old monster and you have loads of suitor-“
“But I swear on my life treacle, you’ll never want for anything. You will have freedom to do whatever you would hope to do. We’ll go anywhere. I’ll love you till the stars go out-“
“Alfie! Yes! Yes yes yes! I’ll marry you! You silly old man!”
You pushed him back and kissed him fiercely. With all the passion you had been hiding from your family for years. Until the acidic burn of reality came down, “But what about Tommy? Alfie you hate each other, he’ll never let me go.”
Rough hands running up and down your thighs, gazing in awe at the fiery halo surrounding you. “I was willing to go in and threaten blessing or death.”
“I won’t have you put in danger for love. This isn’t Shakespeare.”
With a laugh and kiss to your fingertips he whispers, “You got any ideas? I’m all ears.”
You try to think, but kept coming across a wall. Any option you thought of ended in bloodshed. You fell into the bed next to Alfie, curling into his chest, “I wish we could just run away.”
His arms tighten around you, “What if we did?”
It would happen three days before Tommy would come to fetch you. You dismissed Eden with an oath to secrecy, and for four days you played the part of excited bride to be. Purchasing things for a new marital home, a wedding dress and new wardrobe. Who cares if the detail of the lucky husband was slightly off?
Whenever your family called, you lied happily through your smiling teeth. At first you felt a twinge of guilt. But in the end, they stood by as your brothers sold you off. They lost the right to the truth. They hated Alfie, said as much any time they came to the house. They would never understand. They would never allow it. But this was your life. And you would be damned before you were cleaved from your beloved.
The men from the distillery made regular visits to the house in the middle of the night, picking up your things to take to Margate, dropping off love letters and updates from Alfie. With each passing day, your heart became lighter. The binds lessening. Freedom was right on your tongue.
Three days before Tommy, Arthur, and John are to pick you up, the horrific news explodes through Birmingham. The Shelby home in London: set ablaze. No survivors. The beautiful bride, burned alongside her wedding dress hanging in the window. The youngest Shelby girl, an angel amongst demons, taken too soon from the earth from a horrific accident. The fire so destructive, not even a body is there for a proper burial. Just ash and a memory of that sweet face. The funeral is horrible. Wailing and weeping from all of Birmingham. Aunt Polly could barely keep it together, blaming Tommy for it all. Even business acquaintances from London and beyond come to pay their respects. The most shocking visitor, was Mr. Solomons, who paid for the funeral itself, “I’m sorry Tommy for your loss. I really am. She was a sweet girl. But… she’s in a better place I’m sure.”
And what a better place that is. White washed home right on the beach, windows open at all times, with the sea breeze billowing pristine gossamer curtains in the wind. You spend your days reading and writing to your heart’s content, strolling the beach, playing with Cyril like a child. As Alfie settles affairs in Camden during the week, he visits during the weekend, serving and worshipping you like a goddess. He never gave you information about the family. You didn’t want it. That was your old life. A you that you couldn’t recognize. Here, in this life, you were free. Free to speak. Free to argue and give your mind.
After a month, Alfie permanently moves to Margate. Home. Retired from the gangster life with enough money to live comfortably for the rest of his life, with more than enough to comfort when he’s gone.
And the years pass blissfully. Just how it was in the beginning. Kisses and dancing and laughter and arguing and love and joy. 3 years of absolute heaven, you had nearly forgotten how it all was almost taken from you.
But the past does have a way of rearing its ugly head doesn’t it?
It’s the dawn of summer. The final kisses of spring bringing crisp clean air through your marital home. Alfie had never felt better. The pain in his body had long left him, only flaring during the coldest evenings. The dark circles under his eyes have dissolved. His face and body, fuller, firmer with the glowing health of a man at peace who works for life not death. You were upstairs, searching for the a particular spool of thread you had been working with for a blanket you had spent days on. But it needed to be done soon. Alfie shifted through the records you both had been collecting. Symphonies had become his special interest in the recent months, and he was looking for a particular composition that he felt would make your heart sing.
The heavy knock on the door sent the hair on his neck stand at attention.
Only one demon knocked like that.
His eyes shifted to the stairs. He could still hear you moving things around. Searching tirelessly for that spool. You’d be missing for a couple minutes. Enough to rebuke the vile creature from the door without your discovery.
With a deep breath, Alfie tries to remember the armor of his past. The Mad Baker. Just as another round of knocks was about to come, Alfie opened roughly, “Tommy! What are you doing here? Gates of hell need their master don’t they?”
He looked thinner than normal. It’s been years since the men had seen each other, but the difference was still shocking. Those icey blue eyes even more haunting than they were at the funeral. Gaunt cheeks and pale skin made him look like a living corpse. A flicker of a flame winked behind those eyes. Hope for another fight. Something to set him aflame. “Hello Alfie. Enjoying retirement?”
“Yeah actually I am so whatever you have up your sleeve I want no part in it so if you’ll just fuck off.”
Before Alfie could slam the door, Tommy stuck his foot in the door, “Not that simple Alfie. Worlds gone to shit and it needs Solomons to set it to right.”
“Your world not mine. Now get out.”
“I’m not going to leave until you let me in Alfie.”
Your angelic voice danced on the breeze down to the front door, “I found it! Alfie you would not believe where it was! I swear I’m losing my mind.”
Tommy’s face some how went paler. As if he heard Satan’s whisper of condemnation. Alfie tried to push the door closed, but with the strength of a mad man Tommy pushed past the threshold.
Tommy almost fainted.
This must be hell.
He must have died.
It’s the only rational idea.
God chose to lock him in the home of his biggest agitation, with the ghost of his dead baby sister.
But this couldn’t be your ghost. Your swollen belly proves this.
“Holy shit.” You drop the tea cup in your hands when you see Tommy. Tommy who wasn’t supposed to be here. Tommy who saw you buried and dead.
Alfie rushes in, pulling you behind his broad frame. Through his linen shirt, you feel the ragged breath and hammering heart of your husband. You feel faint. “Tommy… you need to leave right now.”
“You paid for the funeral.”
“Tommy we can do this later but you need to get out right now. I’m asking nicely.”
“You knew she was alive… you knew.”
“She is very delicate right now she does not need any excitement.”
“You fucking made her delicate! You compromised her you fucking bastard!”
You cried out as Tommy lunged for your husband, “Stop it Tommy! Enough! Get out of my house!”
Tommy stumbled, pointing at you, “You… you’re fucking sick. You’re demented! You caused Polly a near heart attack. You are disgusting!”
You push past Alfie, who is left watching, “I’m disgusting! You sold me off to some man. And for what? To get people to see you as a big man? Guess what Tommy, you will NEVER be good enough for them! They’ll always see people like us as trash! But you don’t care. Anything to get ahead right?! You’ll stoop as low as you need to ahead.”
Tommy laughed bitterly, holding back the urge to spit, “And what about you yeah? So spoiled that you throw the biggest tantrum of the century. Whore yourself out to the Mad Baker, and get knocked up with his bastard.”
“I’d stop talking if I were you Tommy.”, Alfie snarled darkly. Fists curling in. Like a wolf ready to devour.
“I’d rather be his whore than be a part of any family of yours. You can’t leave well enough alone. Murdering and slaughtering for some honor so quick to tarnish and fade away. You tried to lock me away, never taking a care to what I wanted or thought. But you can’t do that to me anymore. I’m a Solomons, and I carry his child. You can’t touch me.”
Tommy settled, steel washed over his face. “They have a right to know.”
“You all have a right to nothing. I’ll see the family when I’m good and ready.”
His eyes shift to Alfie, “You are evil incarnate. You are cursed.”
No sign of mirth reaches Alfie’s eyes when he smirks, “Careful Tommy. You know what they say about curses. Especially when you curse family.”
Without another word, Tommy storms out. As soon as the door slams, shaking the lamps, you let out the breath in your heavy lungs, “Holy Shit”.
Your knees give out from under you, and cold shakes roll through your body. Alfie grabbed your body, helping you into a chair. “Settle my love it’s alright he’s gone. What do you need? Baby ok?”
“No I’m ok thank you my love. I just… I need air. I can’t believe he came here. He knows. They all know.”
“Hush darling, breathe for me, settle your nerves, you don’t need to worry. They know but they can’t touch you. You’re my wife and they can’t get to you. You are your own woman. You are safe.”
“But what are we going to do. What if they come?”
“Then we’ll deal with them. I’ll have some boys come in, set up a watch. We won’t be caught off guard ever again.”
You nodded. Trusting the words of your husband. You felt an affirming kick in your ribs. The rushing of your heart. You had paradise for three years. You couldn’t run forever, no matter how far you got. The bell had finally tolled, and it was time to face it.
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shelbydelrey · 5 months
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pairings: Tommy Shelby x OFC; May Carleton x OFC.
synopsys: With a Mrs. Shelby for a sister and heir to the Crawford Company Ltd., is up to Ethel to ensure that the family legacy won't be squashed under Tommy Shelby's foot. But enacting her plan isn't as easy as she expects and while trying to bring the brummie gangster down, she will uncover secrets that will challenge the truth of her own self.
warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Canon Typical Behaviour, Angst, Dysfunctional Family, Abuse, Alcohol Abuse Disorder, Sibling Incest, Hate Crimes, Grief, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Unhealthy Relationships, Enemies With Benefits, Infidelity, Love Triangle, Rivalry, (possible) Polyamory, Cannibalism As A Metaphor For Love, Smut
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thesupernaturalhouse · 6 months
Hi!! You can call me Supernatural, I'm aroace and agender(please use she/they), feel free to send in any asks/questions(please I beg you-), about my au, me, my opinions, etc, and here is my Ao3 and wattpad!
This is an au/fanfic master post thingy, hope I did it right lol
Before that though, the link to the previous pinned post because I don't want to forget it....Rocky
Now!! Onto the aus!! Oldest to newest if course
Mama witch au: An au where Shelby empires smp s2, adopts child Oli, False, and Tortoise. Along the way, she meets Katherine, which opens her life to act more drama to say the least
Og post and fanfic
Brothers and sisters alike: Mystreet au where Ein and Aphmau are raised together! Plus I fix some things and add ships that are non-canon or were supposed to be canon
Og post
Hazbins Fallen au: A hazbin hotel au where Emily follows the exorcists through a portal one year, she sees the carnage and what happens to vaggie and she runs, getting stranded in hell...going back to the ally way she finds Charlie and Vaggie....things go from there
Og post (fanfic to be added)
Hawk Feather Exorcists au: An au inspired by a dove emily post I made a while back, where Adam and Lillith were made from dirt and Eve from Adam's ribs, the Exorcists are made form Hawk feathers! Giving them more bird traits and well, things spiral like there
Dove Emily post, our convo, Sunsets og post, lore summary by me
Accidental overlord vaggie au: Vaggie rescues a sinner who accuses her of rescuing them for their souls. She offers to teach them self defense so this doesn't happen again. This keeps happening, most demons saying they owe her a favor, giving her their souls until the favor is asked upon. She is unaware of all of this...until Alastor drags her ass to the meeting in ep3
Og post and snippets: 1, 2, to be added
Other random aus: serith au, the polycule vision do you see it??
More aus to come!! Lemme know if I missed any! I'm not sure if I did this right tbh, cause I've seen au posts having every single post linked and stuff, but I figured it's be fine if I just linked the og post and fanfic if there is any
Also, aside note, feel free to use any of my ideas and stuff, just idk. Give me a heads uo and send me the link when you're done so I can read it! Oh, an ofc mention my tumblr XD
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MidnightsWithDearKatyTSPB’s Recommendation List: March PT. 2
Welcome to part 2 of March’s recommendation list. Down below, you can find the link to take you back to part 1 featuring Peaky Blinders, Frankie Morales from Triple Frontier, Frank Castle, and the works that I posted. I still have some specialists that I’m traveling to go see, so there might not be 32 links this time around, but we’ll have to wait and see. The goal for March is to write another chapter In This Heart and rewrite The Spark. If you are interested in having your writing challenges featured here, or your stories, or even just your blog, please feel free to tag me in your works, message me, or use the hashtag MidnightWithDearKatyTSPB. I hope you are having an amazing March and you didn’t have such a hard time springing ahead. 
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☘️ March '23 Pt. 1
April '23 Pt. 1 🌸
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37 of 44 Years (Moodboard) ... Dedication to my parents.
All For You My Daisy (Moodboard) >> Garret Hedlund, Pedro Pascal, and Tommy Shelby
Begin Again (Moodboard) >> Ted Lasso x OFC!Penny Fletcher | Moodboard made for @teds-mustache-wrangler story Begin Again.
Innocence and Sadness (Moodboard) >> Arthur Shelby ... dedicated to @cillmequick
Peaky x Lana Challenge (Moodboard) >> Alfie Solomons x Reader x Tommy Shelby | “I’ve got a black limousine and two gentlemen who escort me through these halls.” 
Two Broken Souls (Moodboard) >> Tommy Shelby x OFC!Estella Holland | “Come, Josephine in my flying machine. Going up, she goes, up she goes.”
Update//Calm Down by All Time Low (Moodboard) >> Garrett Hedlund, Luke Grimes, and Pedro Pascal
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As His Daughter by @sneakyblinders >> Dad!Tommy Shelby x Reader ft. Daughter!Kate Shelby - Summery: As Kate Shelby becomes an older sister yet again, she realizes she doesn't really know her father. Her mother is on a mission to change that. | You'll go through the emotions with this one, I promise. For those who need the warning, there are mentions of childbirth!
Loving Girl by @valentine-in-my-quinjet >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: You've always known you would be a better partner for Tommy. After Grace died, you had to reassess your motivations for being close to Tommy because he needed a friend more than ever before. | You will need a tissue with this one. TW: Suicide Mentioned
Make Your Heart My Home by @look-at-the-soul >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summery: Y/N hasn't had the best life. In fact, she's physically running from it into the physical arms of one Tommy Shelby, who saves her. | Read this, get a little emotional, but fall in love with its ending.
Mr. Girraffe by @teenwolf-theoriginals >> Dad!Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Florence's giraffe gets lost in Johnny Dogs camp. | The family dynamic in this is quite adorable, and I love how sweet Tommy is as well.
The Perfect Team by @runnning-outof-time >> Arthur Shelby x Reader - Summary: Arthur's ability to reason with (Y/N)'s child has them realizing that they work rather well together. | This is absolutely adorable and light-hearted, definitely recommend reading it.
'Teach You a Lesson by @celticmelody >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: you’re soon to marry Thomas Shelby, the infamous horseman amongst the gangsters in Birmingham. however, when he finds out you’ve never ridden before, he makes it a task to teach you… amongst other lessons that unravel afterwards. | If all riding lessons with Tommy were to end this way, I would take them every day as well. 🥵
When One Heart Breaks The Other, Follows by @little-diable >> Tommy Shelby x Reader | Summary: Tommy has been at war for months, and the only thing the reader can cling to is the letters he kept writing. Until the day when he no longer writes to her, when she no longer knows if he's alive or not. All until one last letter finds its way to her. | I've been emotional lately, okay? So did I need tissues when I read this? Yes! But was I smiling by the end? YES!
*A Different Sort of Man Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 by @evita-shelby >> Tommy Shelby x OFC!Eva, Canon!Tommy x Grace Burgess - Summary: Or where Eva plays around with magic, and Tommy wakes up in a universe where Grace is his wife. While in that universe, Tommy discovers just how different his life would have been if he had pursued the pretty witch in 71 Watery Lane. | My mother always warned me growing up to never fiddle with magic, but this just makes me want to... Only two chapters in, and it's so good. The switching of points of view is everything I could have asked for.
The Photographer // Part 13 by @midnightmagpiemama >> Modern!Tommy Shelby x Photographer!Reader - Summary: Hired to take pictures of your boyfriend's cousin's wedding, you are excited to spend the night in the presence of your boyfriend doing what you love. The night, however, doesn't go as according to plans. Or, the one where Gina and Micheal get married, Gina sits Lizzy at Tommy's table. And people have opinions on your relationship with Tommy. | Erin is such a fantastic writer, and I truly love this series. In this chapter, she just captures Tommy and Polly so beautifully.
A Royal Wedding of Small Heath Part 1 // Part 2 by @sneakyblinders >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Tommy is getting married in what the newspaper is calling The Royal Wedding of Small Heath with the announcement of their engagement. It's fitting, as his wife is his Queen. | If I had to picture my wedding to Tommy, this is exactly how I would want it to go. I love how some parts came straight from the TV show. It was just perfect.
Welcome to Downtown, Mr. Shelby by @notyour-valentine >> Tommy Shelby x Crawley!OC - Summary: He was born on a boat, with neither of his parents sure of the date after the fact, unregistered and unlisted until he went to fight for his country. Her birth had been celebrated with the ringing of church bells, champagne toasts, and announcements in newspapers on both sides of the Atlantic. Their worlds could not have been more different, and perhaps that was why, when Thomas Shelby looked at Lady Charlotte Crawley, he saw more than her title, more than her looks- he saw an opportunity. | Enjoyed reading this and emerging myself into this little world, and look forward to what is to come for Charlotte and Tommy.
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*Push & Pull // Chapter 4: Coming Of Age by @milkymoon2483 >> Frank Castle X Plus Size Jewish OC Hannah Friedman - Summary: You’re going back to your small town for your father’s funeral and Shiva. You know you’re about to face family drama, but what worries you the most is that you’re going to see HIM, your dad’s long-time friend and probably the most attractive man you have ever met.  When Frank finally sees you and realizes that you're all grown up, he struggles with accepting his budding feelings for you. | This chapter had me feeling so many emotions. You start with a stomach drop, then you feel so sad, and then you end it on a great high, needing a tall glass of water to cool down. Anna knows how to make you feel every emotion that the main character is going through at every moment of the chapter. That is a true talent.
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Triple Frontier:
🍑 Appeteaser Benny Miller + Shower Sex by @dameronscopilo >> Benny Miller x Reader - Summary: Benny comes home after a long day and enjoys some time with his girl. | Let me just say this is really hot, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Here With Me by @pasukiyo >> Frankie Morales x f!reader - Summary: When your husband promises it will only be one week, your gut tells you it won't, you beg him to stay if not just for you, but for your family. (Horrible summary by me) | This starts off so sad and emotional, and it ends on a spicy note. It's perfect.
A Proposition by @dameronscopilot >> Santiago "Pope" Garcia x f!reader x Benjamin "Benny" Miller - Summary: Benny returns to Florida after six months of backpacking his way across Australia, and the surf and sun have treated him well. Very well. You can't help but notice. ...Santiago thinks that maybe it's time for the two of you to change things up in the bedroom. Because if he's going to share you with anyone, it's most certainly going to be Benjamin Miller | Is it just me, or is it really HOT in here right now? 🥵 I think I better go open the window after reading this one.
Untitled Sick!fic with Benny by @dameronscopilot >> Benny Miller x Reader - Summary: benny knows exactly what you need when you're sick—in more ways than one. | If Benny ever wants to come to take care of me like this when I'm sick, or now even, he's more than welcome.
"Wear whatever you want, I can fight." by @plaguedoctorsmistress >> Benny Miller x Reader - Summary: When your boyfriend can’t seem to do anything but whine about your outfit, Benny’s jealousy finally gets the best of him, and he takes matters into his own hand. | Benny can defend my honor any day and call me princess all he wants.
*The Wedding Party by @goodwithcheese >> Frankie Morales x f!reader - Summary: Series Summary: A combined bachelorette/bachelor party introduces you to a brown-eyed pilot. | I loved this series so much that I read it in one night on AO3 when I came across it. I'm so glad it came up on my dashboard so I could share it with you guys here. It's both fluffy and sexy!
You Again?! by @theunbearableweightofpedropascal >> Benny Miller x Reader - Summary: You keep running into the guy you had sex with in an airport bathroom. | If you looking for some good spiciness and a mixture of giggles, this one is for you.
Chances Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, & Part 4 by @creativepawsworld >> Cillian Murphy x OFC!Paige - Summary: A single mother meets an unlikely lover after a concert. Putting herself out of her comfort zone. Can she find herself a mate for life? | The story has everything in it, fluff, a little bit of angst, and some spiciness.
Quicky by @peakyscillian >> Cillian Murphy x Fem!Reader - Summary: Cillian just can't wait. | If you are looking for something romantic, hot, and with a dash of laughter, this is it.
Late Bloomer by @cherienymphe >> Alpha!Geralt x Omega!Reader - Summary: Geralt of Rivia saves you from more than just a werewolf attack. | Sometimes, a one-shot is so good you share it twice with your followers. I'm pretty sure I shared it when I first started doing recommendations, and I'm sharing it again.
Chokehold by @psychedelic-ink >> Joel Miller x Reader x Ezra - Summary: Joel’s frustrations run deep; to him, you were a twisted source of purity; touching you forced him to think, forced him to feel. But not Ezra. With him, he could do anything. A scary yet also exhilarating feeling. Or alternatively: You wake up to Joel and Ezra having sex. | The emotions you feel while reading this are just too good for me not to share.
I Forgot About Time and Space by @psychedelic-ink >> Ezra x Fem!Reader - Summary: You cook for Ezra's guests, and seeing the sight of you being so domestic awakens something in him. | The smut in this *chef's kiss* and the plot in general. Please read this when you are alone. You'll thank me later.
*The Infinity Cube by @littlemisspascal >> Marcus Pike x Reader ft. Various Pedro Characters - Summary: When you play with a strange cube, you’re transported out of your current reality with your boyfriend Marcus into brand new ones starring alternate versions of your boyfriend who look and act entirely different every time. With each encounter, you start to wonder if you’ll ever make it back to your real universe? | Such a good use of the Multiverse and it introduced me to characters that Pedro played that I haven't yet watched. Rae does an amazing job keeping you at the edge of your seat and passing off such deep emotions. It's a must read for Pedro Pascal fans.
*Meet The Millers by @musings-of-a-rose >> Joel Miller x Benny Miller x Will Miller x f!reader - Summary: Moving into the Boston Quarantine Zone after nearly 20 years on the outside takes some adjusting. A misdirection one night guides you to the 3 men who will change the course of your life. | This series has a little bit of everything from drama to love and spiciness. There isn't much more you could ask for out of this series other than wishing for more.
When You're Reading Me by @psychedelic-ink >> Joel Miller x Reader - Summary: If you had to make a list of things Joel Miller might buy you as a gift— nipple clamps would not be a part of it. | *Internally screams* This was really hot, and I think I'll go grab a cold shower now.  
The Grief of Losing Eddie Munson by @eufezco >> Steve Harrington x Reader - Summary: Best friends with Eddie Munson, the reader goes through the stages of grief of losing her best friend with her family at her side. | Someone pass me the box of tissues. This was so good. I cried through almost the whole thing.
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My Luck by @forgottenpeakywriter >> Tommy Shelby x Reader
My Sun, My Moon and All My Stars by @zablife >> Tommy Shelby x OFC!Aurora Sabini | Lee puts together a breathtakingly beautiful moodboard for a what-if scenario in the Peaky Blinders universe. It leaves you wanting to read more and more for the couple.
Your Bread by @forgottenpeakywriter >> Alfie Solomons x Reader
Your Eyes by @forgottenpeakywriter >> Tommy Shelby x Reader
You Like That by @dearshelby >> Tommy Shelby x Reader | Tall glass of cold water to cool down, please!
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@psychedelic-ink - SIL, is such an amazing writer, writing most recently for Pedro Pascal's characters and sharing her amazing works with us here. Her masterlist includes more than just Pedro's characters, having written for the MCU and Oscar Isaac, to name a couple. I love the emotions you feel through every piece of writing she puts out, and I have yet to find a piece I don't like. I think you'll find you like or perhaps love her writing just as much as I do.
@shelbydelrey - Isa is a Peaky Blinder writer whose work I enjoy reading and love seeing the moodboards she puts out as well. I would definitely give Isa a follow because she brings positivity to your dashboard with her reviews and welcoming spirit.
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HELLO FROM THE HALLOWOODS MY LOVE YOU HAVE RETURNED!!!!! Here’s my thoughts on the new ep: (spoilers ahead for 141, ofc)
nik, i also wish things had gone differently but. Could they have?
puck sounds like me. What.
Ooooooohhhhh oh my god what is going on
I do NOT like the spores but okay!
Look I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to hear about Olivier or Diggory but. This is gonna be fun and I’m looking forward to it nonetheless!
Ooh puck is not fully human I don’t know why I’m surprised!!!
WHAT is going on
Puck, darling, you’re delightfully full of bad decisions.
Wait fr are we getting a big bad rn??
Shelby!!! Hello!!!!!!!
Oh no
Mr Greenstreak is so right to call cops pigs, but also the fact that they have a precinct? Running water?? When and where ARE we,,?
VIRGIL??? COLE???? HELLO???? So we’re not THAT far in the future but at least ten years
SCOUT CITY???????????
Fischer lane. Symphony of ghosts. Fuck you.
Okay who is the Boss? Violet? Bern?? Probably not… but??? It’s a scout. “Grey blue eyes like glass storm clouds” and a Scoutpost jacket!
Clem. It’s Clem.
I need a minute
Good god, girl. Jumpscare warning!! now WHERE IS YOUR SISTER.
OOH who are you??
God, I love love love puzzles….
?? Oh. Ain’t that horrific.
Mx. wellman, you have a uniquely beautiful way of peppering in world building in a way that obscures it from the audience without making it frustrating
Oh. Clem dearest… I’m happy to hear a familiar voice <3
Marolmaar reborn and reborn?
I wanna sub to the patreon so badddd but I have No Money to spare rn. One day….
I’m so happy. Literally ecstatic!!! You’re back!!! NEW PUZZLES!!!!! YEAHHHHH BOYYYY
That was a truly wonderful episode!! I can’t wait to see more of marolmar and also figure out how to spell his name!!
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I’m nosey can I ask what the current requests are that you’re working on 👀
ofc you can lol this is in order from oldest requests to newest and the order i am writing them in.
barmaid!reader x tommy noncon fic
shelby sister reader caught smoking by tommy
toxic jackson x reader
wade/logan/gender neutral reader
also a snippet of me writing when I get the chance lmao
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evie235x · 1 year
Peaky Blinders fic suggestions!
Most of these can be found on AO3, I will add if it can only be found on Wattpad. Most are NSFW and/or have some pretty mature/triggering themes so tread with caution.
❤️ = Favs
o❤️For The One Who Stayed by 0ldmoney23- Tommys daughter, ongoing, wattpad
o The Sapphire Lioness by kkmix- John/OFC, ww1, nurses
o Gangster Territory by furtherintofairytales- Alfie/OFC, boss Alfie, fluffy
o Little Lady Blinder Moments by hb_writes- OFC Shelby sister, one shots along with a chaptered story
o ❤️ alternate world by Kaiseriin- Alfie/OFC
o Savage by loopystitches- Alfie/OFC
I will continue to update!
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Blue Eyes Part 31
Summary: After the Garrison is shot up, the youngest Shelby daughter finds a new home in London. She strips herself of her last name and tries to live a peaceful life far away from her brothers’ chaos in Birmingham. But fate leads her right back into it after she runs into Alfie Solomons.
Part 31: An old conversation is brought back up again, allowing Ella and Alfie to realize something that had been stolen from them. 
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     When Alfie’s stitches were taken out, he requested to leave the hospital. Ella was a little unsure but couldn’t convince him otherwise. Besides, she’d gotten sick of spending nights alone and having to stay in the sterile environment all day. She didn’t like leaving Alfie on his own at night, knowing that if danger came their way, she would need to protect him. With Tommy’s help, they traveled to Margate to hide away.
           As Ella got Alfie settled, Tommy helped bring their things inside from the car. The siblings passed each other in the hall.
           “Have you considered what we spoke about a while back?” Tommy wondered.  
           Ella turned on a few lights in the entryway to brighten up the place again. It had been quite a while since they’d been to the beach home. “What did we speak about a while back?"
           “Adoption. I was just wondering if you’d talked to Alfie about it.” He explained and handed over her purse that was in the front seat of the car.
           “We did a bit before all of this.” She answered. “I think…” She sighed and shut the front door. Open entryways were starting to worry her. “It seemed like a good idea at the time. We agreed to it but now look at us, Tom.”
           “What do you mean?”
           “What do I mean?” She scoffed in disbelief. “Tommy, we’re basically hiding away. You want us to adopt while we’re in this state? I don’t want to put a child in danger, we don’t even know if we’re out of the woods yet.”
           “I didn’t mean right this second I just-” He frowned and reached into his inner coat pocket. “There was a delivery at the Grace Shelby Institute last night.” He reported and handed her the telegram that had been sent to him early that morning. “A box with two babies inside. They’re guessing they’re about three months old, at most. Twins. Boy and a girl.”
           Ella read over the brief note, tears brimming in her eyes. “I don’t understand…”
           “They were abandoned. The home took them in but I,” Tommy shrugged. “I wanted to know if you and Alfie would take them in.”
           His sister wiped at her eyes and let out a noise of confused happiness. It certainly wasn't the news she was expecting that day. “I don’t know what to say, Tom.” She gasped.
           “You can have time to think about it.” He assured her. “Ask Alfie. Maybe this is what you two need right now. Something good to wash out some of the bad, aye?”
           “Do they always tell you about abandoned children?” She asked, dabbing at her eyes.
           Tommy put his hands in his pockets and nodded. “Ever since you were shot, I asked them to report to me.” He answered honestly. “I just wanted you to have options.”
           Ella hugged her brother tightly. “Thank you, pral.” She whispered.
           It had been the first time she’d called him brother in years. Tommy hugged her back. “Just call me if you decide on it and I’ll have the paperwork along.”
           Alfie groaned and set down his Torah. Reading, as it so happened, gave him a nasty headache. It didn’t help that he was trying to adjust to reading with just one working eye. He muttered a few curses under his breath and leaned back in the comfortable armchair.
           The front door shut and Ella came into the sitting room. “How are you feeling?” She asked softly, considerably in a better mood after talking to Tommy. A rare occurrence.
           “Head hurts.” He mumbled and pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment to try and quell the pounding ache. “But I’m alright. Tommy leave?”
           She nodded and went to sit on the arm of his chair. “He told me something.”
           “’Bout what?” Alfie rested a hand on her knee, hoping it was good news.
           “A set of twins that were abandoned at the orphanage in Birmingham.” She spoke with shaky excitement. “Nearly newborns, only a few months old.”
           Alfie looked stunned at the news. They hadn’t spoken about children since he was shot. It didn’t seem to be a priority with everything else going on. “I uh…” He could see the hope in his wife’s eyes. Hope that he wouldn’t want to crush but they needed to be reasonable. Alfie had seen himself in the mirror. What Ella described as a noble injury, he described as positively ghastly. What child would look at him and smile? In fact, he’d venture to guess that he would frighten most children.
           He cleared his throat. “El…don't know if I’d be much of a good father after-” He gestured to his eye.
           “What does that have to do with parenting?” She asked, not seeing what he saw.  
           “Well, don’t ya think I’d sorta be a monster to them?”
           “Alfie!” She leaned forward and touched his cheek that wasn’t scarred. “I don’t want to hear you talk about yourself like that. You’re perfect in every way and I won’t hear otherwise.” She scolded. After hearing him ramble in his drugged-up state about all the things he loved about her, she felt like she needed to repay the favor. Even if he didn’t remember saying the things he did. “This wasn’t your fault and I hardly think appearance has anything to do with how perfect of a father you’d be. Once the pain gets easier to manage, you’ll be perfect. Doesn’t matter what you look like.”
           He wanted to trust and belief in her. But there was hesitation that was hard to get over. He could imagine the children getting older and wondering what happened to dad’s face. But when had he ever denied his wife? “You want to go through with this?” He placed a hand over hers.
           “I know it’s a big decision but I just want some good in our life. I don’t want everything to be hijacked by this psychopath. We deserve to have happiness, you deserve happiness, Alfie.” She said softly. “Please believe that.”
           No one deserved happiness more than his wife. “Alright, love. Figure we can convert the second bedroom into a nursery. The one that overlooks the ocean.”
           Tears fell down Ella’s cheeks as she embraced him, slipping from the arm of the chair and into his lap. “Oh, Alfie…”
           He smiled and kissed her temple as he held her close.
           Tommy was busy, but he put the adoption on the forefront. If he could do this one thing for his sister, maybe it would right the ship. Especially once the assassination at the rally went through. Things were stabilizing, they had to be.        
           Some documents had to be forged. Legally, Alfie was dead so he couldn’t be put on the adoption papers. And Ella herself couldn’t adopt them on her own, so Tommy doctored some of the paperwork. Not that anyone would question him. An MP that ran the orphanage, no one would dare tell him no, or inquire about little bits in the paperwork.
           Ella had to travel to London once for a signature. She arrived at the House of Commons as to not interrupt her brother’s work schedule too much.
           Tommy stood and smiled when she walked in. “How was the trip in?” He asked.
           “Not too bad.” She hugged him and kissed his cheek.
           The two silently agreed that Alfie wouldn’t be a topic of conversation anywhere outside of Margate. Neither of them knew how safe they were anymore. Any sliver of information could lead back to Alfie and could cause their world to fall apart.
           “Here’s the paperwork.” Tommy produced the papers and handed her a pen. “I’ve marked where I need your signature.”
           Ella stood over his desk, signing her name. Her hand wobbled a little when she signed Solomons. It had been tough leaving him on his own, but Alfie assured her he’d be alright. The maid was there to help if needed and he had a loaded gun nearby.
           “Shelby, excellent speech today.”
           Ella’s entire body locked up when she heard Mosley’s voice enter the office. The pen blotted as her hand tightened.
           “Ah, Miss Shelby, I wasn’t aware you were coming around. I did want to give you my condolences on the loss of your husband.” There was an obvious smugness to the MP’s voice. He knew exactly what he was doing to taunt her.
           She turned around and laid eyes on the man that attempted to murder her beloved husband. The man who had cost Alfie half of his eyesight and forced them into hiding. “I don’t want your fucking condolences.” She spat.
           He maintained his measure of steady arrogance and the confident belief that he had won. If it didn’t put Alfie at risk, Ella would’ve gladly told him how he hadn’t won.
           “I do say, Miss Shelby, you become ever-increasingly hostile towards me.” A faint smirk tugged on his lips. “Have I done something to upset you?”
           “My husband may be dead but I am still Mrs. Solomons, nothing will ever change that.” She dropped the pen on Tommy’s desk and gathered her things with a huff.
           “You poor dear, widowed at such a young age, unable to have children. Hardly the life of any respectable woman.”
           Ella lunged at the man, not afraid of the consequences of a punch to wipe that smug look off his face. But Tommy wasn’t about to allow his sister to be brought down by Mosley. He grabbed her by the forearms and held her back. “You slimy, arrogant, disgusting, pathetic bastard!” She shouted. There was no telling how Mosley acquired such a detailed report on everyone in the Shelby family. It could only speak volumes about the contacts he had stretched across the country. There was no telling how long it would be until he found out the truth about Alfie.
           And that only angered Ella more. But Tommy successfully reined her back in and began pushing her towards the door. “You’ll have to excuse my sister, she’s grieving. You must imagine.” He explained.
           Ella fought him but he managed to get her outside of the office, even if he had to nearly pick her up and drag her out. “Let go of me!” She demanded and wriggled out of Tommy’s grip. “How dare you stand there and let him speak to me in such a way!”
           “Do you want him dead or not?” He hissed back in reply.
           “Yes!” She exclaimed. “We all fucking do!”
           “Well I can’t do it in the House, now can I?” He sighed. “Patience, Ella, is what wins wars.”
           Her face scrunched up in disgust but didn’t argue any further. “Sometimes I think you like to drag things like this out just for the fun of it.” She mumbled and reached into her purse for a cigarette.
           “Trust me, he’d be cold in the ground by now if I got my way.” He replied under his breath. “Come on, I’ll walk you to your car.” He touched her shoulder and veered her off towards the stairs so she didn’t get a second wind and go back after Mosley.  
           Despite her encounter with Mosley, the focus turned to the arrival of the twins and Alfie and Ella felt like they could heal better. Ella could put the anger she had for Mosley out of her mind. Because she simply didn’t have the time to worry anymore. In the end, she couldn’t stop the man. Tommy had the hands on the steering wheel and knew more than anyone else did at such a late stage. No matter how much she wanted to put a bullet in the fascist’s head, she had to leave it up to Tommy. Patience.
           Alfie mused about the concept the nights they spent together in Margate. Although he continued to have headaches, he made a point to read even just a little bit of the Torah every day. He mentioned the idea of giving power up to God.
           Ella remarked that Shelbys weren’t great at relinquishing power. Least of all, Tommy. Even though she knew that her husband was keen to be the one in control, he knew when to step back. Tommy had no concept of such a thing.
           “Why’d you think that is then?” Alfie inquired.
           Ella was curled up on the floor by the fireplace. She rested her head on Cyril’s stomach and had Anthea sprawled out over her feet. “Because none of us had any power when we were growing up.” She turned her head to look at Alfie. “Just poor gypsy children being raised by the streets. I always felt safest when I was on the road. Small Heath was home but…” She sighed and folded her hands over her stomach. “Being around the other Travelers was more comforting. People outside of the community always looked down on us. They were the ones in control, not us. But Tommy and Arthur, they always wanted to prove them wrong. They wanted to come out on top and then one day, they’d stand up and look down on the people who tried oppressing them. Then they’d say ‘who’d you think is in charge now, aye?’”
           Alfie seldom forgot how similar his childhood was to the Shelbys. Poor children of an oppressed people. The worst card to draw. “That’s the end goal then. Keep finding thrones to take until he dies by the sword.”
           The words were chilling and Ella swallowed fearfully. Family was a funny thing. No matter how many times Tommy raised hell, he was still her brother. Family was the key to their survival; it always had been. “I hope not. I hope he sees that there’s more to life.” She whispered.
           Alfie stood up with a grunt and went to sit beside her on the ground. “He’ll be alright, love.” He said softly. He hadn’t meant to make her fearful of Tommy’s future. Although, it was a rational concern.
           Ella sat up and went to cuddle up in his lap. Resting her cheek on his shoulder, she sighed softly. “I’ve probably spent my entire life worrying about him. And everyone else for that matter.”
           He gently stroked her hair back and kissed her forehead. “So maybe it’s time to worry ‘bout yourself.”
           She smiled weakly and shook her head. “Selfishness isn’t really a desired trait, Alfie.”
           “Nah, it ain’t selfishness.” He disagreed. “S’called priorities. Soon you’ll have two major priorities, aye?”
           Ella’s smile brightened. “That’s right.” She murmured. “It almost doesn’t feel real.”
           “Because it’s something good, yeah? Something you deserve.”
           “You deserve it too.” She looked up at him and traced her fingertips down the nape of his neck.
           Alfie gazed back adoringly at her. “Aw, love, you still look so fucking beautiful even when I only have one good eye left.”
           She laughed and tugged on the collar of his shirt to pull him in for a kiss.
           One morning, Tommy gathered the babies and birth certificates and drove them down to Margate.  
           Ella and Alfie were waiting outside when he pulled up. His sister had been crying on and off all day, waiting for the arrival of the twins. Alfie was leaning on his cane, a look of happiness mixed with apprehension on his face. It had been the first time in weeks he’d been able to focus on something other than the pain.
           Tommy got out of the car and opened the backdoor. “Congratulations, it’s a boy and a girl.” He announced with a smile.
           Ella ran up and burst into tears. “Oh, Alfie…” She carefully scooped up the little girl and handed her to her husband so she could pick up the boy.
           Alfie cradled the baby in his arms and felt his chest tighten. Blood-related or not, he instantly felt the fatherly connection that others spoke about. The undying commitment to protecting them and the unconditional love.
           “Both healthy.” Tommy continued. “I’ve got their birth certificates with Ella’s name. When the time comes, Alfie, we can add yours as well.” He explained. Ella was too busy crying over the tiny bundle in her arms, cradling him close and kissing the wisps of brown hair already growing on his head.
           Alfie swallowed and held his daughter in one arm so he could shake Tommy’s hand. “Thank you.”
           Tommy simply nodded. He figured it was the least he could do for his sister and brother-in-law. Even with the adoption, he still had a lot of things to make up for. But there would be more time for that. Once Mosley was dead, they would all have more time.
           Since they’d agreed to adopt the children, Ella and Alfie had been discussing names leading up to the arrival. They settled on names that meant a great deal to Alfie. Sofia Eliana, named after his mother. And Ezra Shai, after an uncle killed in Russia.
           With the names given and the nursery set up, Ella and Alfie found themselves immersed in parenthood. The experience that had been robbed from them once before. There was a peace that blanketed over their life. The outside noise of Mosley and the fascists were far in the distance and quiet compared to the ocean waves and heartbeat of two babies.
           The first night, Alfie found his wife sitting in the nursery. Ezra slept peacefully against her chest as she rocked back and forth in the rocking chair. Sofia was awake but merely quietly observing the world from her cot.
           Alfie walked over to the crib, reaching in so she could hold his index finger. The young child smiled up at him and yawned. Overwhelmed with all the emotions of a new parent, he could only smile back and gently wiggle her tiny toes.
           When Sofia let go of his finger, he went over to his wife and son. “Tired yet?” He asked quietly.
           Ella shook her head. “I’m too happy to be tired.” She whispered. She gently stroked back Ezra’s soft hair. Her eyes fondly watched him sleep. “I keep thinking they’re not real. They can’t possibly be real, they’re too perfect. I’m afraid that if I fall asleep, they’ll only be a dream when I wake up.”
           Alfie knelt down in front of her, touching her cheek. “They’re real, love, I promise ya.” He murmured softly. “I’m just happy, right, you can have what you deserved all along. This is a second chance for us.”
           His wife bit her lip and nodded, tears in her eyes. She kissed Ezra’s head and carefully stood up to put him in his cot.
           “Besides, love, I don’t think we’ll be getting much fucking sleep. They’re still gonna wake us up in the night.”
           “I can’t wait.” She giggled and embraced her husband tightly. “I’m so happy, Alfie, I can’t even explain it.”
           He knew what she was trying to grasp. The emotions that pressed right against his heart. The unbearable love and adoration he had for these little tiny beings. The worry that he wasn’t enough or that something bad would happen to them. The realization that time was passing right before their eyes. Soon enough these tiny babies would grow and grow. Soon they’d be walking and talking. Running around outside and going to school. It was tough to slow down his racing thoughts and hammering heart. It was a cocktail of feelings he’d never experienced before.
           “I know.” He kissed her forehead. “I am too.”
           Alfie was correct in his prediction that the twins would keep them up that night. Not that either of them slept very deeply. Ella dozed off in her husband’s arms but he merely stared up at the ceiling. The sound of the ocean rolling in from the ajar window beside them.
           Alfie waited, his arm around his wife, his other hand resting on his stomach. His ears were open, waiting for any sounds from the nursery. Eventually, about an hour of staring blankly at the bare ceiling, a soft whimper traveled down the hallway. He slipped away from Ella and stepped carefully over Cyril and Anthea sprawled out on the floor.
           He entered the nursery and discovered it was Ezra who was awake. “You up already, mate? Hungry?” He asked gently and scooped up the tiny baby. “We’ve got a bottle in the kitchen.” A tremor went through Alfie when he realized how utterly unprepared, he felt. How could he ever know what his children needed until they were able to voice their thoughts? “Maybe a nappy change?” He proposed too as if Ezra would answer him. “Erm…right.” For a moment, he stood in the center of the nursery, holding his crying son. “Let’s try…let’s try a bottle, aye?”
           Ezra wailed and thrashed about in Alfie’s arms as he carried him into the kitchen.
           “There, there, daddy’s got ya.” He did his best to balance the babe while he retrieved a bottle. He went to sit in the sitting room and offered the bottle to Ezra.
           The baby’s face was red from crying but settled down enough to touch his hand on the bottle curiously. He hiccuped a few times and began to suckle on the bottle.
           Alfie sighed in relief and relaxed his shoulders. “There ya go. Good, lad. We did it, huh? Figured this whole thing out. Scary as it is.” He chuckled weakly. Ezra’s eyes began to slide shut as he continued eating. “Not so bad, huh? Think I could actually be good at this thing? I dunno. Your mum seems to think so. I’ll certainly try me best, that’s all I can promise, I s’pose. One day at a time, yeah?" He hummed and rested his head back against the chair, letting his eyes rest for a moment. "'Ccording to your aunts and uncles you'll grow faster than a fucking weed. Will blink and you and your sister will be walking 'n talking 'fore your mum and I even realize. That's alright though. We'll just take things as they come."
           Father and son stayed up together a little longer. Alfie cradling Ezra close, talking softly to him as he fed. There was such a stillness to the night that it almost felt like time wasn't moving forward. They were stuck in some sort of pause in the Earth's rotation. A quiet haven in the universe for only them to bond and enjoy the peace.
Permanent Tag: @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @giftofdreams @biba3434 @kimmietea @karmezii @enrapturedbythemoon @vampgirl1997 @tarafaithe
Tag list: @deaflikehawkeye @octaviareina @mylovelykelsifer @doubletriplepowerbomb @ramblingbaby @fuseburner @kaetastic
PB Masterlist
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geekwritersworld · 3 years
Horses and Intrusions
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x OFC (Sylvie)
Warnings: none
summary: When Sylvia Shelby finally learns to ride a horse flawlessly, she can’t wait to tell her older brother. Except, maybe she should have waited a little bit before doing so.
A/n: you could ask me what this was and I wouldn’t be able to tell you. I haven’t written in months, and used this to get back into writing. It’s super short, and I’m not quite sure if Alfie actually even has a sister, I did try to search more into it but didn’t find anything.
P.s since I haven’t written in a while, this maybe more rubbish than usual
Feedback is always appreciated!
It was slight cool, for once instead of the raging cold. When the opportunity arose for Sylvie to run on outside and work on her horse riding, she didn’t hesitate.
She’d rode quite a distance, from Arrow house. Wanting to make it as far as possible from the house, so she’d have enough ground to practice a full run with her horse, and she really didn’t want to keep moving back and forth as she practiced just to make sure she had enough ground.
The large mansion looked quite small from she was. It almost didn’t look like a mansion, from where she sat on the horse and she knew if Tommy known how far out she’d rode, he’d chew her ear out.
But she still wanted to try and see if she was good enough yet to be able to make her horse run, and still be able to hold on and ride without giving up half way through out of fear.
She’d been struggling with speed, when it came to horse-riding, and today she decided to finally test it after a few months of practicing. Tommy would have objected and asked her to practice a little more, had he been there watching her. But he wasn’t.
So Sylvie gripped the Black beauty’s reigns in her hand, taking in a deep breath  looking ahead, she started out. The wind practically hit her ears, her hair flying behind her. She didn’t want to stop, she hoped she wouldn’t.  
Her toes curled, and only when the large house appeared as its proper size within her view did she finally pull the reigns and slow down. The house seemed to look even bigger than before, oddly
maybe it was because the idea of telling her big brother she’d finally perfected horse riding after months of trying and failing, made her giddy- tying her horse to the tree, her excitement getting  the best of her, Sylvie ran all the way into the house. Past the large yard and the veranda, and the maids who looked bewildered at her behavior.
She almost walked into the Bulldog; had she paid attention she would’ve waited before striding towards her brother’s office.
“sorry Frances” initially Frances smiled at Sylvie’s giddiness, but her eyes widened when she saw Sylvie rush towards Tommy’s study. Trying to stop the overly excited Shelby, she almost toppled over with how fast the young shelby skid past her.
Frances could only watch in horror as Sylvie barged into the office and then stopped short.
“TO- oh” Her eyes widening, as she took in the foreign figure sitting across Tommy.
“Bloody hell calm down li’ile one” Alfie turned to look at her. Anyone else intruding would’ve prompted Alfie to point his gun at them irrespective of it being Tommy’s household. But Sylvia Shelby had a way of making her way into the most coldest of hearts. 
But it wasn’t Alfie Sylvie was hesitant of in that moment, it was Tommy. Who did nothing to hide the irritation on his face. Glaring at her, barely blinking, Tommy said “I’m busy Sylvie” tapping the edge of his cigarette against the ash bowl.
“Sorry, really” she began to slowly back out, until Alfie spoke up
“now none of that Sylvie, you got some news?” Tommy raised his brows at the man who just brushed over Tommy’s words in his own house.
“Oh it’s nothing important, I’ll just come back later”
“Nah you won’t do no thing like that, tell us” he prompted 
“Bloody hell Tommy let the girl speak will ya, you ain’t the only one who can talk now are ye’h” 
“I was just going to say - really i can come back later”
“fuck sake Sylvie what is it”? it was Tommy this time, loosing his patience
“I uh- I can ride perfectly now, speed and all” she mumbled, looking everywhere but at the men. Her victory seemed small and stupid now, standing in front of those two men who’d survived the war.
Though Tommy was proud, he knew his little sister was terrified of riding fast, but now wasn’t the time. Before his sister had barged into his office he’d been discussing the plan to bring down a rival gang with Alfie. 
One that he knew posed a bigger threat than any of the others, and Tommy knew it would take more than him and his men to bring them down.
“right, well that’s great-” Tommy stood up, walking to Sylvie who leaned on her heels, nervous.
“yeah that’s bloody fucking brilliant ain’t it” Alfie stood up as well, ushering Tommy aside with his stick “mind moving mate?” Alfie walked to the where the drinks were on the table.
Tommy once again raised his brows, more at the fact that he was being pushed aside in his own fucking house and apparently whoever did push him aside was still very much alive and breathing.
Sylvie herself stood watching, looking between Alfie and Tommy; watching for signs she should be running. 
“Now, you’re 18 aren’t ya?” pouring out a lighter drink, Tommy noticed, in two glasses Alfie turned.
“thought you weren’t drinking Alfie” Tommy interjected.
“fuck off ” was all Alfie had to say to Tommy. 
“right now tell me all about this horse of yours. Just out of curiosity, this horse of yours ever throw Tommy off his back?” handing Sylvie a drink, he ushered her to sit down, and took a seat on the chair next to her.
Holding back a chuckle, Sylvie responded with a quiet “no”.
“did he almost though- take a seat, will ya Tommy- he almost ever?” Alfie turned right back to Sylvie. 
“well I suppose he almost did this once, Tommy did-”
“He was fucking scared!” Tommy rolled his eyes from his seat behind his desk.
Well Tommy could discuss the plan with Alfie in a bit. Undeniably he didn’t like even the mere sight of Alfie anywhere near his sister, but looking at the pure joy in her face; that he hadn’t seen in a while, Tommy let her gush about her horse to Alfie while Alfie took every opportunity he could to insult him.
“ didn’t stop once while riding a galloping horse?” Alfie questioned, taking a sip of his drink.
“no, been practicing for months now” Sylvia beamed.
Tommy let them go on for a few more minutes before finally standing up “ alright, Sylvie you need to go now. Alfie, business” 
Sylvie got up content, and walked out, Tommy followed her to the door and before Alfie could interrupt once more, closed the door behind him leaving Alfie in his study, turned to his sister.
“We’ll drink a proper one at dinner eh” he kissed her forehead, much to her relief and turned to go back into his office.
“oh well this is fucking disappointing ain’t it, was hoping it wasn’t you coming in” Alfie looked out the window.
“enough Alfie, back to the plan”
“right mate, I’ll have a headcount for you tomorrow”
Tommy narrowed his eyes at Alfie. Knowing he hadn’t even discussed the plan and there was going to be a catch to Alfie letting him use his men without a bargain.
“ in return for what?” Tommy lit a cigarette, watching Alfie carefully.
“in return for you making sure that girl yeah, doesn’t get caught in the middle of your fucking world.” 
Tommy’s shoulders eased just a little bit. Tommy knew of Alfie’s own sister having got caught in the crossfires between Alfie and a rival after the war. He’d heard of how gruesome her death was; how much it had shaken up all of Camden. 
Tommy nodded in slow understanding. He’d discuss the business further on a later day. A few minutes of silence passed before Alfie spoke up again.
“Fuck off, you’ve been thrown off a horse before aven’t ya?”
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slytherin-jennie · 3 years
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As a Shelby.........
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Can we have some more dark king Tommy Shelby roo? if you want to ofc- you are the writer after all
The Victor's March
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Continuation to Seeds of Rebellion
You watch your sister squirm as she sits side saddle against the Lord Gray, his lips moving with unheard words as her face shows her chagrin and horror. He's not shy as his gauntlet rests on her thigh as if to keep her astride, an excuse to touch her openly.
The world rocks with the motion of the horse beneath you as it follows the kings. You have your own steed but not for any privilege, the king cannot have a disgraced daughter of a traitor riding in his saddle. No, but he may have her in his bed. That was his promise.
He pays no heed to your silent derision as the grey clouds reflect your mood. Your cheek and jaw still ache from the careless strikes of the king's men and your neck burns from the chafe of the cloak nearly strangled from you. You look up from the horse's dark fur and your dirty bound hands. The Prince, Arthur, eyes you as he rides just beside you, holding the other end of the rope that ties your wrists.
The sky turns grim, grey clouds meeting in a tapestry of gloom, the damp of a storm in the air. Celeste sobs as you see her slapping Lord Gray's hand away from her chest. He laughs and keeps the horse from panicking.
"Gray," the king canters up to meet his cousin, "we come upon the crossroads ahead…"
You catch only the beginning as the winds whistle in your ears. Lord Gray pushes his fingers into Celeste's mouth and kisses her cheek harshly. She whimpers and you lower your gaze, you can do nothing. At least she will wear a title for her shame.
You come up to a fork in the road, the king claps Lord Gray on the shoulder and they part. Celeste cries out at the realisation you are to part. You frown but make no outward display. It's to be expected even if you didn't expect it.
Your eyes burn. You hear Celeste’s sobs slowly disappear beneath the bluster and hooves. You sway with the horse and stare at the dirt dusting beneath its steps. You don't know if you will see her again.
"No wise king would keep traitorous blood together," Thomas gives you a start as he slows to meet the pace of your borrowed horse, "those in grief tend towards conspiracy."
"Your majesty," you answer thinly, "no, it wouldn't be wise at all."
"Arthur," he tugs on the rope and takes it into his own hand, riding close as he sets his attention back on you, "you ride well."
"Thank you, your majesty," you speak quietly to hide the malice from your voice. Unlike Celeste, you see safety in tempering your emotion.
"It heartens me to see it," he plays with the rope, yanking so you must catch yourself, barely, and you yelp, "that you keep astride so well. That you have able hips."
You raise your eyes to look him in the face. He provokes you. Your lip quivers and you turn your face to the wind defiantly.
"You would do well to withhold your pride. If you can swallow it well enough, I may allow you to lay sights on your sister one day," he goads, "if not…"
"Your majesty, I have surrendered, you have my parents' estate, you have taken my sister from me, and I do not fight any of it. I am obedient, I am loyal," you declare, jaw clenched to keep from chattering, "I give you no cause to be cruel."
"Mm," he hums thoughtfully, "and did you ever consider that some men do not require reason to be cruel?"
"I have and I know that many men pleasure in it without cause," you admit, "but you are a king," you face him again and gird your nerves, "and you are unlike any other man, your majesty."
He scoffs and runs his tongue along his lower lip, slightly chapped from the cold. A dimple dips in his cheek as he turns his eyes back to the road. He shifts in his saddle.
"Arthur," he calls to his brother, "how long until the hold?"
"Not much longer, Orchan isn't far at all."
"Pray it isn't," the king exhales in a hot cloud and arches a brow in your direction, "I am in need of a warm bed and soon."
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zodiyack · 3 years
Niffler’s New Discovery
Requested by anon: May I request a the youngest Shelby sister x Newt Scamander story? The Shelby sister is nothing like her siblings. She’s shy, reads books like they’re oxygen, loves animals, and doesn’t drink, smoke, or anything like that. She doesn’t even swear, she’s so pure. She also loves his animals. And Tommy acts like her father but she loves her brother very much. Same as her other brothers. They find out she’s dating him and get all overprotective. Sorry if this is too specific. I just love the idea of a Shelby sister who’s nothing like her siblings. Because most of the Shelby reader fics always have them smoking and all that. Which they are fun to read, but it’s nice to see something different. Feel free to pick the Scenario. :)
Pairing: Newt Scamander x Female!Shelby!Innocent!Reader
Warnings: Swearing (not from reader ofc :)) slight suggestiveness (also not from reader), fluff, ✨m a g i c✨
Words: 1,303
Summary: (See Request...also I thought the gif was cute, so anon, I based it off the gif kinda)
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Taglist: @matth1w, @redspaceace-writes, @fandom-puff, @darling-i-read-it, @simonsbluee, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow, @marquelapage, @stuckysslag, @psychkunox​, @i-love-superhero​
Masterlist | Fantastic Beasts (AWTFT) Masterlist | Peaky Blinders Masterlist
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At first, they had no problem keeping their relationship hidden from her overly protective family, but the troublemaker Newt constantly had to chase down and return to his case was the thing that exposed them. The bloody Niffler just loved things that shined. Who could blame it though? It was it’s nature.
Just as it was the Shelby brothers nature to react the way they did. Violent, perhaps, but of their nature. Their possessive, over the top protective, shitty, big brother, nature.
And it all started, one late afternoon...
The older Shelby trio, not counting Ada with her age advance over John, returned home after a nice night out at the pub. Sure, the sun hadn’t set yet, but Pol wanted them to return home a little earlier today for a family meeting. The meeting included everyone, minus the innocent angel whom the Shelbys called their sister.
It was the perfect time to have Newt over. The perfect time to explore the secret world hidden inside his little brief case. If only they knew the pesky Niffler had been waiting.
“Are you sure they won’t suspect anything of my presence?” Newt hesitated, one foot hovering above the wooden flooring of Y/n’s bedroom, the other resting on the rooftop outside her window.
She ushered him in the rest of the way, making sure to lock her door after checking that no one was around. “Positive. Family meetings take a while, so we’re good on time. How about you? Are you sure this is good with the council?”
He had a guilt-ridden look across his face as he looked around. “There are some things the council doesn’t have to know.” A nervous laugh rumbled in his throat before he cleared it and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Uh huh... Well, just promise me that you won’t get into any serious trouble for this, alright Newton?” The blushing hufflepuff gave his lover a quick nod, as well as a smile in return for the little peck she placed upon his cheek, pinkening his skin further down his neck- it was no surprise that Newt was terribly new to receiving affection from anything other than his beasts that resided in his case.
“S-shall we be going?” He broke the tension, gesturing to the case in front of them.
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“Boys.” Polly stopped the bickering that had started up between John and Tommy, her eyes drifting toward the ceiling, the trios’ following. “Your sister’s been awfully quiet.”
John cackled, “Oh no, maybe she snuck out, went to have a quick fuck with some guy off the streets, didn’t she Pol?” His rather sarcastic tone suggested his knowledge that the referenced behavior was most certainly unlike his little sister, but the immaturity of John Shelby simply couldn’t resist making a joke.
Polly, however, was in no mood for John’s incessant kidding. Her hand met the back of his head, a disapproving furrow of her brows telling him to stop talking. “I’m being serious, you idiot. It’s more quiet than usual.”
“And what about it, Pol?” Tommy spoke after taking a drag from his cigarette, an eyebrow quirked.
“If she really does have a boy up there, he better pray he’s out the window by the time we get up there.”
Tommy’s brow, lowered after asking Polly how she’d respond, lifted back once again. “There’s no God for him to pray to, Arthur. The boy is fucked, plain and simple.”
“In more ways than one.”
John’s childish cackles were hushed into silence, a slap sounding throughout the room prior to their ceasing. A hand rubbing the back of his head, John glared at his aunt, yet continued the discussion of what to do with Y/n nonetheless.
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The past ten minutes had been spent trying to block off any and all exists for the pesky little Niffler. Each time it attempted to escape the bedroom, Y/n or Newt were quick to block it off. It amazed Y/n how many places the little creature could scurry off through. Unfortunately, with their wild-goose-chase, footsteps turned to stomps...well, really running, but downstairs it was more likely to sound aggressive, such as the hard thud of a Blinder’s boot on the floor of the Garrison.
It was inevitable; the possibility of being caught, but the fact seemed to slip their minds as they both tried to corner the Niffler, as well as capture it once more. Every shiny thing, ranging from jewelry to bullet casings, or things that caught her eye, made into décor (gifted from her brothers, as she would never touch a gun unless need be) were being stolen as the creature evaded capture.
Newt shot Y/n a sorry look each time one of her belongings were snatched up by the Niffler. It touched her heart, truly, it did, but now was not the time to swoon. Y/n froze as the Niffler wandered over to a bottle. Wine? Champagne? She didn’t know; Y/n never drank- the bottle was a gift from her sister in law, which she couldn’t turn down without upsetting her, so it soon became another...decoration.
Atop the bottle was shimmery, gold-like, wrapping. Of course it caught the mischievous little shine-thief’s eye. It pulled and pulled, Y/n and Newt made eye contact as the uneasy feeling in their guts mirrored, until POP!
The door broke open with a loud bang, Arthur standing confused before getting both a Niffler and a cork to the space between his brows. While Y/n flinched, Newt only looked away in shame.
“What. The. Literal. Fuck. Was. That?” John gapped. His usual remark would be to poke fun, but he too was in great shock, he couldn’t even think of anything humorous.
“A- ...A Niffler.” Newt stuttered. His rather shy demeanor was rarely common around Y/n, so she new he was slightly uncomfortable the second his hand lifted to itch the back of his neck as his eyes found interest in the floorboards.
“Did I fuckin’ ask you?” John narrowed his eyes at the timid wizard.
It was unusual for Y/n to get angry, but the unjustness of John’s attitude toward her lover didn’t sit well with her. “Leave him alone!”
Now there was more to be shocked about. “I- what?”
“You heard me, John. You, Arthur, and Thomas. Leave Newt alone. He didn’t mean for this to happen, so he shouldn’t be harassed by you three. Want to question him? Have Pol do it, but the second you come to my room and bully my lover is the second you cross the line.”
Tommy, amused, let out a little chuckle as he raised his eyebrows.
“Something funny to you, Thomas? ‘Cause I don’t think any of us are laughing.”
 “No, sister, nothing is of humor to me.” He muttered despite dawning a lopsided smirk. Tommy looked at his brothers and nodded his head toward the stairs before walking away. Although he was leaving, he never said he wouldn’t poke at the boy some more. Now just wasn’t worth it; he was already shaking in his boots as it is.
“Tommy- where- where’re you goin’?” John did a double take, following shortly after.
Arthur rubbed the red spot where he’d been nailed by the creature and it’s new favorite possession, proved by it cuddling the cork close to it’s body on the floor where it had landed after hitting Arthur. He excused himself politely before walking in the same direction as his brothers, still rubbing at his soon-to-be-bruising injury all the way down.
Newt took the opportunity to grab the niffler and tickle Y/n’s possessions from his tummy before running over and tucking him in the case. The anger faded from Y/n’s eyes as she watched her lover. “It looks as though the Niffler has discovered something new.” Newt chuckled lightly, easing up slowly.
“New indeed.”
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solomons-finest-rum · 2 years
800 Followers Celebration — Film Noir Theme
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Update: there is a masterlist
First and foremost, I wanted to thank each and every one of my followers, friends and moots who have supported me on this crazy Peaky Blinders journey and continue to support my fanfics, especially: @retromafia @altheadarling @christinasyellowflowers @rikki-b-lake @alfie-darling  @potter-solomons @quarterpastmidnight @queenofthefaceless @alikaheroes @bruxasolta @zablife @meri47 @theshelbyclan @theshelbyslimited @tatianapetrovna @fortunetellingnonesense @wandawiccan60@madame-wilsonn @twvstedsouls @tommydoesntpayforsuits @thelightnessofthebeing @sweetandsours-world @tomhardysforeheadlines @jarvisrocks @lizyshores @disasterofastory @hecatemoon87 @acourtofsnakes @tomhardyspinkyfinger @ninja-potato-shelby-solomons @darklydeliciousdesires I cannot believe there is now over EIGHT hundred of you here!!! I want you to know how much I appreciate the love and the support!
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To celebrate this impossibly exciting milestone, I thought we could have a theme 🥰 namely, cinema noir/film noir. I think it's a little bit connected with Peaky Blinders, though perhaps a decade or so ahead, but... let's have fun with it!
I'll be re-opening my requests for Alfie & other Tom Hardy characters very soon separately, I promise, probably in a matter of two weeks,
but! in the meantime:
Since this party is supposed to be a themed party, I would love it if this time I wouldn't be the only one writing. I have prepared the following list of prompts and I would like to invite all of my fellow writers to take part in the event and prepare their own fics.
All characters, plots and ships are welcome – canon, non-canon, OC, OFC, Reader, Shelby!Sister, whichever you like because I love them all! As long as you choose the prompt and follow the theme. Let's play with the genre and I hope you'll have fun 💞💞💞 Please send me a message with your chosen prompt and I'll create a masterlist for the event💗💗💗
(Prompts will be reserved, one per writer.)
“You seem like a nice girl so I’ll be honest with you, darling…”
“There ain’t no chance in hell we’ll both get out of this alive.”
“Listen lady, I’m no stray dog you can just pick up from the curb and nurse back to health!” reserved for @jarvisrocks
“Has anyone ever told you how sexy you look when pointing a gun to my head?”
“You’ll only make this tougher for the both of us, sugar.”
“You’re a tough guy, I get it, but can you level with me here just for a second?”
“You kiss your mother with that mouth?”
“The moment she entered my pub I knew she was trouble.”
“I wanted to see you again.” reserved for @zablife
“Now, I ain’t gonna tell you twice, sweetheart – get out of my bloody office!” reserved for @queenofthefaceless
“You know my brothers will kick your teeth in when they see you again, right?” reserved for @dreamlandcreations
“Are you decent?” “Are you kidding?!”
“With my brains and your looks we’ll be lucky to see the sunrise.”
“What are your plans?” “For what?” “The rest of your life.” reserved for @runnning-outof-time
“Maybe if you live long enough, you’ll manage to forget her.”
“Please… Don’t make this harder than it already is.”
“Because no one else matters, baby.”
“I love money, I’m woman enough to admit it.” reserved for @meri47
“Darling, there’s two kinds of men in this world and two kinds only – those who can handle a woman like me or die trying.” reserved for @tommydoesntpayforsuits
“How could I have known he was the one pulling the trigger?!”
“Double-cross me again and you’ll end up six feet under.”
“Leave death to the professionals.”
“Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”
“Criminal or not, you sure know how to kiss.” reserved for @wandawiccan60
“In my defence, people usually don’t survive a bullet to the head!”reserved for @margaret-morriss-secrethideout
 “He was bad. Dangerous. Exactly my type.”
“You know he’s trouble, right?” “Oh, I’m counting on it.”
“It takes a certain type of woman to talk to a man the way you do.” reserved for @retromafia
“What is it? Afraid your little wife will find out about us?” reserved for @tomhardyspinkyfinger
“Talk to me like that again and you won’t live until morning.”
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americancowgirl19 · 3 years
The Birmingham Thief
Summary: A thief dressed in black wrecks havoc in Birmingham. He steals from the rich and gives to the poor in an impersonation of the book character Robin Hood. Nobody knows who he is and nobody can catch him. No one other than Thomas Shelby that is.
Warnings: violence, cursing, angst, fluff
Reader: Male Reader
Pairings: Tommy Shelby x Male Reader, Male Reader x OFC (Sister, Platonic)
Word Count: 3,564
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“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Joslyn wonders, standing beside you on the upper level of the club. You were both dressed to the nines and blended in perfectly with the other attendees. 
“Aren’t all my ideas good?” You tease with a light smirk while your eyes continue to survey the main floor below you. 
“All of your ideas end with us getting shot at,” She mutters, sending a side glance your way. You turn your head toward her and frown your eyebrows.
“Us?” You ask. “If I remember correctly I’m the one getting shot at,”
“Oh, really?” She turns her body to the side and rests her hand on her hip.
“Alright, I’m the one getting shot at the most,” You correct yourself as you remember the last job the both of you attempted. You were robbing a Lord uptown and you got stranded forcing Joslyn to step in. You would have either died or been thrown in jail (then hung) if it weren’t for her.
“This is the biggest job either of us have done,” Joslyn reminds you for the millionth time. “The most daring, dangerous, and idiotic,”
“But the most rewarding and satisfying,” You smirk as your eyes land on your target. 
Billy Kimber.
Billy fucking Kimber. The richest and most powerful man around. Nobody went against him because nobody was that suicidal.
You weren’t suicidal, you were just crazy. According to your sister you were bat shit insane. Insane yet smart, crazy yet clever. If there was anybody daring and crazy enough to go against Billy Kimber it was you.
You were tired of going against Lords, Ladies, and other rich schmuck. This was a major step up and it had your heart racing. You stayed composed despite the adrenaline pumping through your veins. 
“Don’t worry little sister,” You whisper, grabbing two classes of champagne from a passing waiter. “I’ve planned everything out and calculated all possibilities,” You assured her. “It’ll be difficult but we’ll help a lot of people,” You promise, handing her a glass. She gives you a smile. You wink and lift the glass to your lips.
“So, you’ve calculated all possibilities?” She asks, tilting her head. You hum confidently. Your eyes return to Billy Kimber and his associates. “What about the possibility of Tommy Shelby and the Peaky Blinders showing up? Hmm?” You tense. “Main floor, three o’clock,” Your eyes scan the area until they fall on the familiar dark haired man dancing with a pretty blonde.
“Bloody hell,” You grumble. You finish your drink in a single gulp and set it on a nearby table.
“Have you seen him since the war?” Joslyn asks, eyeing you cautiously.
“No,” You answer.
When you were seven you were roaming the streets of Birmingham. You didn’t go to school. Nobody forced you to go and you had no wish to attend. You weren’t the only one not in class.
That day you met Thomas Shelby. The two of you clicked instantly. You became best friends. When he introduced you to his family it wasn’t long until you were considered one of them. You spent more time with the Shelby’s than your own family.
As you got older your relationship with Tommy shifted. You don’t remember when it began but the two of you became touchier, flirtier and even more inseparable. You usually spent the night with the Shelby’s and around the time your relationship began to change you started spending nights in his bed. You didn’t fuck, you just slept together. On the nights that you were actually at your family home Tommy would sneak into your room.
It was in your bedroom where the two of you finally shared your first kiss which quickly lead to more. It had been a long day and you were both relaxing together. He was reading to you when you turned his face and kissed his lips.
Tommy had been shocked but the book was quickly discarded. He straddled your lap his hips instantly rocking against yours. You moaned in his mouth. Your fingers gripped his thighs before moving up to take his shirt off.
When you both finished you laid under the covers facing each other. A soft smile was on both of your lips. His hand slowly grazed your bare side while your fingers traced his smooth chest.
It was perfect until one of the maids barged in to grab your dirty laundry. She didn’t think you were home but when she saw you with Tommy she ran out. You and Tommy quickly got dressed. Luckily, by the time your father raced into the room the two of you were sneaking out the window. 
That was the last time you saw your parents. You figured you weren’t welcome back after your father fired his rifle in your direction. You and Tommy ran all the way back to Small Heath. Neither of you stopped until you were back in his room.
Tommy had been nervous about your reaction at getting caught but you just smiled, laughed and pulled him into another dizzyingly passionate kiss. You were finally completely free of your parents and had the man of your dreams in your arms.
The rest of the Shelby’s weren’t surprised when you got together. They had made bets with each other on when it would happen and who would crack first. John had been the ultimate winner. Arthur had almost won but he thought Tommy would make the first move.
Despite the fact that your love was looked down upon and illegal nobody stopped you two. You were known as the man that only Tommy could tame and Tommy was quickly gaining power with the Peaky Blinders. Nobody had the balls to look at you two differently nor say a thing against you.
Your love lasted from your late teens all the way to the end of the war. Five months before the war ended you got word that your parents were dead leaving you with their business, riches and contacts. You had to return to the rich, posh life that Tommy didn’t fit into. 
You tried to make things work but he pushed you away. Neither of you were the same after the war and you both dealt with things differently. You wanted to keep those you loved close while he wanted to be on his own and lift the business with his blood family.
You had only planned on staying uptown for a few months. That’s as long as it would take to help your sister sort things out and get everything in her name. A few months and you could return to him. Only he didn’t want you. So, you stayed uptown.
As the months passed Joslyn noticed your slow spiral. The horrors of the war, losing not only Tommy but the rest of the Shelby’s, and then being forced into a life you never wanted was taking its toll on you.
Joslyn came to you one night with an idea. Throughout the war she had watched your parents take advantage of good people. Now that they’re dead and your home she sees an opportunity to help those less fortunate. She recalls a story you used to read to her before you were run out of the house. A story about Robin Hood.
Joslyn wants to hurt those who hurt others during the war. The rich had taken advantage of so many when the war was going on when they were in the perfect position to help. So, it was time for them to feel fear and poverty.
You used all your anger and frustration as well as your cleverness and strategic skills to get the jobs done. Joslyn picked the targets and distributed the earnings amongst the poor. It was a good system. One that was making you famous.
Things were starting to look up for you. You were finally getting into a better state of mind. You knew in order to keep this going you had to avoid Small Heath, avoid the Blinders, and avoid Thomas Shelby. That’s why Joslyn was in charge of distribution instead of you.
You had been so careful yet there he fucking is.
“Do you still want to go through with this?” Joslyn asks. “It’s already risky enough and now the Peaky Blinder are here. I think we should pull out,”
“Now’s not the time to loose our nerve, little sister,” You state, grabbing her hand. “We continue as planned.”
“Y/n,” Joslyn tries to regain your attention but you continue to pull her to the main floor. You notice Tommy leading his date to the door. You want to follow but continue toward Billy Kimber.
Joslyn, realizing you were going through with the plan, gets back on board. She hooks her arm around yours and plasters a smile on her face. The two of you stop right in front of the table.
“Y/n Y/l/n,” Billy recognizes. Your parents were business partners with Billy Kimber. A partnership you continued to keep up with appearances. 
“Billy Kimber,” You nod your head to him, his wife and associates. “You remember my sister, Joslyn,”
“Of course,” Billy nods. “Join us,” You smirk and pull out the seat for Joslyn. You sit beside her and engage in casual conversation for a few moments. It isn’t long until Tommy and his date show back up throwing down bags you intent to steal.
“Your money, Mr. Kimber,” Tommy states, dumping a bag on the table. You rest your arm on the back of Joslyn’s chair. “Rescued from the Lee brothers and returned to you with a request for a fair hearing,” Tommy sits to your right, avoiding looking at you completely. “Your own protection is failing, Mr. Kimber. Your boys are taking cuts. I want to suggest that from now on you contract out your racetrack security to the Peaky Blinders. We would be saving you a lot of money, Mr. Kimber. A lot of money. In return, you give us 5% of the take and three legal betting pitches at every race meeting north of the River Severn, rising to six after one year if we are all satisfied with the service. What do you say, Mr. Kimber?”
Tommy and Billy stare each other down. Neither of them say a thing for a moment. Joslyn sends you a subtle look but you ignore it opting to continue staring at Tommy. He looked great. Sexy as ever and it pissed you off he seemed to be doing so well without you. 
It’d been over a year since you saw him. You still thought about him, still dreamed about him. You wondered if he still thought about you.
“I say you talk business with my accountant. I want to dance,” Billy states. He stands up and walks to Tommy’s date. Roberts, the accountant, looks at Tommy and then at you. There’s a silent question in his eyes. For the first time, Tommy sets his eyes on you but your looking at Roberts.
“I wouldn’t trust a gypsy to protect my dogs food bowl,” You lie to Roberts. “Protecting the track from the Lees from your own men, that’s one thing. Protecting your riches from this infamous thief I keep seeing in the papers is quite another,” You force yourself to look Tommy in the eyes. You almost drown in the beautiful blue irises.
“The Birmingham Thief that keeps showing up in the papers is nothing but an amateur who preys on easy targets,” Tommy tells you without missing a beat. You try to control the offensive look threatening to take over your face.
“An amateur?” You raise your eyebrows. “Dozens of families have fallen victim to his antics,”
“Dozens of families with minimal or no security,” Tommy explains. “He’s never gone up against my people before and he won’t because he knows that it’s not possible,” He warns. You laugh.
“You act like you’re untouchable,” You scoff. “You shouldn’t underestimate this thief. I’ve spoken to some of the families he’s targeted and they say that he’s like a ghost. He’s there one minute and gone the next with their valuables,”
“As I said, those families don’t have out security,” Tommy said. “If we had been protecting them, he wouldn’t have made it through the front door,” You hum but don’t say anything else. As you fall silent Roberts begins to question Tommy.
“Looks like you two are making a deal,” Billy says, coming back.
“We are making progress,” Roberts tells him.
“Then let me throw a small condition into the mix,” Billy says, moving closer to Tommy. You watch them while Joslyn watches some men collect the money and take it away.
“Will you men excuse me, I need to freshen up,” Joslyn announces. Everyone stands for her departure before sitting back down.
Billy and Tommy finish their deal. You watch as your business partner leaves with Tommy’s date. Roberts grabs his things and leaves. Tommy comes over for Billy’s wife and you stand to leave.
You go to the bar and order yourself a drink. You have a few minutes before Joslyn’s done with her part of the job. Your ordering your second one when Tommy appears beside you.
“Already done with Mrs. Kimber?” You ask.
“She left with Mrs. Roberts,” Tommy states. You hum accepting the glass from the bartender.
“And your date?” You wonder. Tommy doesn’t respond. You turn to him and lean against the bar. He doesn’t look at you. “Look, I know it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other but I know you Thomas,” He looks at you when you use his full name. “You haven’t changed that much so why don’t you go after that pretty girl you care about whether you’ll admit it or not,” Tommy looks down at the bar. “You know what Billy wants and I know from one look at that girl she isn’t going to give, that’s going to get bloody if you don’t stop it,”
“What are you doing here?” Tommy asks, lifting his head. You send him a sly smirk. 
“My sister loves horses, thought I’d take her for a day at the races,”
“Hmm,” Tommy grunts, looking at you. “Enjoy the races and then go home,” Tommy warns. You stare at him for a moment.
“Go get your date and go back to Small Heath,” You tell him. “Stay in your territory where you’re comfortable and stay the fuck out of my way,” You snap. You see your sister in the corner of your eye and go to walk away but Tommy grabs your arm.
“Go home,” Tommy demands.
“It’s been good seeing you Thomas,” You pat his shoulder before ripping your arm from his grip. Tommy sighs but doesn’t grab for you again. You meet up with your sister and leave the club.
“How much?” You ask her.
“More than we’ve ever taken, I don’t think you can carry it all,” Joslyn warns.
“I’m not, you’re helping,” You state, pulling her toward the area you hid your outfit and weapons. “Why do you think I insisted you wear the loose dress and the large bag?” You send her a smirk.
“This place is crawling with Blinders,” Joslyn whispers.
“They won’t be a problem,” You reassure her. She huffs but continues to follow you. She turns her back as you quickly get changed. “Alright, let’s go,” You say, following her through the hidden doorways and passages.
You slip past her and take out any guards, Blinder or not, that’s in your way. You don’t bother restraining yourself with non-Blinders but the Peaky boys are only knocked out. Call yourself sentimental as you remember your Peaky days.
“Here it is,” Joslyn takes the lead. You watch the door as she gets into the safe. You look back and your eyes widen at the amount of money your eyes land on.
“Fucking hell,” You whisper. Joslyn hums. “Start packing, someone’s going to come eventually,”
“Who the fuck are you?!” Your head snaps to the door. Before he could do anything you put a bullet between his eyes.
“You had one job! Watch the fucking door,” Joslyn grumbles.
“And you have one job, pack the fucking money,” You snap, peaking your head out the door. You curse when you see men rushing your way. “Hurry the fuck up,”
“I wouldn’t have to hurry if you used a knife instead of a fucking gun,” Joslyn grumbles. “Now the whole damn track knows we’re here,”
You don’t respond. You shoot the incomers before slamming the door shut. You block the door and go toward the window. You curse again when you see how high you are.
“So, much for calculating every possibility,” Joslyn comments. You don’t disagree. The instant Tommy Shelby is thrown into the mix you’re thrown off your game. “Alright, done,” You sling the bags over your shoulder.
“Hide behind the desk and start screaming for help,” You order. “Leave and go straight home,”
“Be careful,” You wink at Joslyn before opening the window. Joslyn starts screaming as the door begins to get broken down. You groan knowing this was going to hurt. You open the window and jump out.
You land in the crowd. People start screaming as they recognize you. You groan in pain as your ankle twists. You see Billy’s guards and Blinders rushing to you. Ignoring the pain you stand up and start running.
You shove people out of your way. Somehow you manage to get to the warm up circle. You smirk when you see one of Tommy’s Horses, Monaghan Boy.
You shove the jockey away and pull yourself onto the horse. He rears a bit but you get him under control. You smirk as he takes off. The crowd instantly parts as people continue to try and shoot you.
You look behind you and see cars and hoses following you. You urge Monaghan Boy faster. You return fire hoping to get some of them off your ass. You duck close to the horse as some shots get too close for comfort.
You clench your jaw when one of the bags is shot open spilling money but you continue. You turn Monaghan Boy toward rougher terrain to knock out the cars.
Slowly, you begin to loose those hunting you. When you’re alone you slow the horse down and rub his neck. You straighten your back and hiss painfully.
“Jos will never let me live this down,” You whisper, looking down at twin bullet holes. Looking around you turn Monaghan Boy towards a distant house. By the time you get there your eyes are starting to droop.
You leave the horse outside as you break into the empty house. You drop the bags at the door and stumble around looking for the bathroom. When you find it you peal off your shirt and face covering.
“Damn,” You whisper, looking for something to patch yourself up with knowing you couldn’t wait to get back to Joslyn. She would do a better job but you would bleed out before reaching her.
You patch yourself up as best as you can. You’re cleaning up your mess when you hear a car pull up. Grabbing your gun, you slowly make your way toward the door. You peak out the window beside you.
“Son of a bitch,” You whisper. You sigh, making your way to the couch. When you sit down the door opens. A few seconds later Tommy appears in front of you.
“You stole my horse,” Tommy states. You smirk.
“I couldn’t help myself, he’s pretty,” 
“I told you to go home,” Tommy says.
“In all the years you’ve known me, when have I ever listened to you?” You tilt your head. “How did you know it was me?”
“You’ve never been able to hide anything from me, I know you too well,” Tommy says. You hum. “I see you haven’t gotten any better at patching up,”
“I’ll survive,” You tell him. “Your date?” 
“Home,” Tommy says. You smile a bit.
“Still a good man,” You mutter.
“I’m not,” Tommy shakes his head. “Not after all the hell I’ve put you through,”
“Don’t give yourself that much credit,” You murmur. “The war’s still the worst hell I’ve been through,” Tommy doesn’t respond to you. “I’ve missed you,” You whisper against your better judgement. Tommy slowly sits beside you.
“If I asked you to come back to Small Heath, would you?” Tommy asks.
“Depends,” You say, looking at him tiredly. “What’s waiting for me there?” Tommy looks into your eyes.
“Your family,”
“Joslyn’s my family,”
“Not the only family you have,” Tommy shakes his head. “I shouldn’t have pushed you away, shouldn’t have kept you out of Small Heath. You as much of a Shelby as the rest of us. You grew up with us. Bled and cried with us. You are one of us. Come home,”
“Is that all that’s there?” You whisper. Tommy leans back beside you. His head turns to you.
“I’m yours,” He whispers. “I always have been and I always will be,” He tells you. “Are you mine?” You smirk a bit.
“As long as you’ll have me,” 
Tommy sends you a small, lopsided smile. You return it before lifting your hand to gently grab his chin. He lets you pull him close enough to kiss his lips.
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