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blacksheepstuff · 1 year ago
Catfeine and Floppy belongs to @/Eggritos (X)
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blacksheepstuff · 1 year ago
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This cute turtle was created especially for the Smiling Critters AU of @blacksheepstuff
Is it a TMNT reference?
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the-determined-sparks-au · 1 year ago
Why can't Goosefeather be considered the other parent? Did he get in trouble for having the kits?
Oh no he is consider the parent! Unlike in Shadowmire Bishops are allowed to have kits, while not encouraged to like Windmoor’s Bishops are the only reason he isn’t on their parent info on the allegiance is because he’s dead
Sheepear is the one not consider their parent, offical yes? But in Sharpwhisker’s and Frostnip’s mind? No
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femalefirestarau · 3 years ago
Goosefeather and Sheepear (smallear) had a relationship and had Brindleface at a very late age….but sheepear is not only a bad partner but also a bad parent
He needs to stay away from kits
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soulreflectiontarot · 4 years ago
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Today’s Cards of The Day is a message of Renewal and Transformation through Trust. A change is on the horizon and you can feel it coming. It may be a difficult change initially, but it is a change for the better. Some of you may be trying to decide what to do or trying to figure out how to get things in motion. Spirit wants you to unconditional trust! Trust in your heart. Trust in your intuition. Trust in love. Trust in your faith. And trust in your fated destiny. For some, you will need to go within and heal some inner child wounds. Release and let go of those things that hurt you. They only do you harm. Sometimes they make you repeat your cycles cause they are buried within your psyche. To release the pain, you do not forget what happened But that is ok; after all, it’s part of your history, and what was the catalyst to make you who you are today. But releasing the hurt and pain will allow you to fill that part of you with new opportunities and new perspectives on life. You can fill your heart with love and happiness instead of holding onto the hurt and pain. Know that you are loved!! Know that the universe will send more love into your life when you're healed!! It’s that unconditional trust. For some, the blue Jellyfish represents transparency and the throat chakra. You will need to lower that guard and open up with communication. Keeping it bottled up will do you no good. You can open up in a gentle, kind, more innocent way that will still support your Soul. Once you start to be transparent and honest with your inner truth, things will begin to move forward! You just need to Trust! Cards used today are The Soul Reflection’s Animal Spirit Guide Oracle by Nadine Swiger. Also included in today’s reading is a look at our new Animal Spirit Guide Metaphysical Jewelry, based on the cards. Cards and Jewelry are available on our Etsy store. (Please see our links in bio). . . #cardsoftheday🔮 #animalspiritguides #messageoftheday #sheepearrings #butterflyearrings #sheepbracelet #oraclcardreading #oraclereadersofinstagram #animalspiritoracle #butterflyspirit #jellyfishspirit #sheepspiritanimal #loveanimal #soulreflectionsoracle #nadineswiger #cardoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CMsJCJvnm2p/?igshid=16g3xcbsqlkux
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alveariumart · 5 years ago
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Say hello so my lil sheep girl🤍🐑 She is called Milly and likes the smell of freshly mowed grass and buttercups🌼 (swipe for my reference pic🌼) . . . . . . . . . #sheep #sheeplove #sheepgirl #gosheepgirls #sheepears #portrait #animalgirl #digitalportrait #referenceart #drawingreference #referencephoto #portraitpainting #animalgirlportrait https://www.instagram.com/p/CAh57GNKNn5/?igshid=1pp84d1xijafu
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determined-blazeau · 2 years ago
Leader: Icestar (P.Bluestar)- messy silver bluish gray molly with silver scales across her muzzle and tabby markings on her legs; blue-green eyes and silver horns*
Sibling: Snowfang, Featherfall, Cricketsong
Child: Mossfreeze
Apprentice: Blazepaw
Heir: Mossfreeze (P.Mosskit)- dark gray tom with white splotches and a silver scale paws; bright blue eyes and white horns* Sentinal
Parent: Icestar
Protector: Cardinalspark- dark brown tabby tom with ginger tortie splotches and white scales on his face; yellow eyes and black horns*
Sibling: Patchbelly
Apprentice: Tigerpaw
Meditator: Rosetail- gray tabby molly with a pink orange scaled tail; yellow eyes and brown horns
Sibling: Tigerpaw
Children: Spottedleaf, Racconrustle
Fairy: Spottedleaf- dark tortoiseshell molly with white on her paws and red feathers growing along her spine; amber eyes and black horns
Parent: Rosetail
Sibling: Racconrustle
Fuzzythorn (P.Fuzzypelt)- black tom with fur that stands on end with gray spines along his spine; yellow eyes and gray horns Crafter
Children: Buzzardpaw, Ravenpaw
Robinwing- small dusky brown molly with a ginger patch of scales on her chest; amber eyes and red horns
Mate: Specklescorch (Ex)
Children: Peachthorn, Wablerheart, Addertail
G.Children: Lynxkit, Hoodkit, Sunnykit
Dappletail- black and brown tortoiseshell molly with white scale patches; amber eyes Crafter
Children: Featherfall, Cricketsong
Patchbelly- black tom with white belly and white scale legs and face; amber eyes and gray horns
Sibling: Cardinalspark
Snowfang (P: Snowfur)- white molly with grey tabby points and black scaled ears; black horns and blue eyes
Sibling: Icestar, Featherfall, Cricketsong
Child: Blizzardstorm
Sweetfern (P.Sweetkit)- small white molly with tortoiseshell scale patches and tiny ears, green eyes and brown horns Blacksmith
Apprentice: Ravenpaw
Warblerheart (P.Lionheart)- long furred golden tabby tom with a white scaled belly; green eyes and golden horns
Parents: Specklescorch, Robinwing
Siblings: Peachthorn
Half-Sibling: Addertail
Apprentice: Drizzlepaw
Featherfall (P.Featherkit)- deaf white tom with a white scaled tail; blue eyes and white horns Blacksmith
Parent: Dappletail
Sibling: Cricketsong, Icestar, Snowfang
Blizzardstorm (P.Whitestorm)- snowy white tom with grey tabby points and a scaled tail; yellow eyes Sentinel
Parent: Snowfang
Mate: Willowheart
Child: Drizzlepaw
Apprentice: Sandpaw
Darkstripe- large gray tom with black scaled stripes; yellow eyes and silver horns
Mate: Brindleface
Willowheart (P.Willowpelt)- slender very pale silver-gray molly with dark gray scales along her spine; blue eyes and white horns
Mate: Blizzardhawk
Child: Drizzlepaw
Brindleface- silver dilute tortoiseshell molly with darker scaled flecks; green eyes and silver horns
Parent: Sheepear
Sibling: Frostshine
Mate: Darkstripe
Racoonrustle (P.Redtail)- small black tortoiseshell with a distinctive ginger tail and dark ginger scale patches; amber eyes and brown horns
Parent: Rosetail
Sibling: Spottedleaf
Mate: Wildrunner
Child: Sandpaw
Apprentice: Buzzardpaw
Wildrunner (P.Runningwind)- light brown tabby tom with black scales around his eyes and black scale hooves on his hind legs; green eyes and black horns, formery of Windclan
Parents: Mudclaw, Morningsong
Sibling: Lionwhisker
Mate: Racconrustle
Child: Sandpaw
Addertail (P.Longtail)- pale brown tabby tom with dark black scale stripes and a long tail; blue eyes and silver horns
Parent: Robinwing
Sibling: Lionheart, Peachthorn
Blazepaw (P.Fireheart)- dark ginger molly with black stripe scales on her legs, a white chin and chest along with a white tip tail; green eyes and black horns
Parents: Starlingstar, Garnett, Alexandrite, Quartz
Siblings: Spinel, Ruby, Jade, Opal, Obsidian, Topaz
Tigerpaw- large thick furred dark brown tabby tom with a patch of reddish scales on his throat and unusual long front claws; red eyes and white horns
Half-Sibling: Rosetail
Ravenpaw- skinny black tom with a white dash on his chest and tail along with an extra pair of scaly white paws; green eyes and white horns
Parent: Fuzzythorn
Sibling: Buzzardpaw
Drizzlepaw (P.Graystripe)- massive dark gray and white spotted tabby tom with a dark blue gray stripe along his spine, unusual white scales spotting his face; yellow eyes and white horns
Parents: Blizzardstorm, Willowheart
Sandpaw- light cream brown tabby molly with dark red scale stripes along her back and dark red scale hooves on her hind legs; green eyes and red horns*
Parents: Racconrustle, Wildrunner
Buzzardpaw (P.Dustpelt)- large dark brown tabby tom with dark black scale paws and an extra pair of scaly black paws; green eyes and black horns
Parent: Fuzzythorn
Sibling: Ravenpaw
Speacklescorch (P.Speckletail)- pale golden spotted tabby molly with white scale marking around her face; amber eyes and white horns; Head Caretaker
Mate: Robinwing (ex)
Children: Lionheart, Peachthorn
Peachthorn (P.Goldenflower)- long furred pretty golden spotted molly with pale pinkish scale stripes; yellow eyes and amber horns
Parents: Specklescorch, Robinwing
Siblings:Wablerheart, Addertail
Children: Lynxkit, Harpykit, Sunnykit
Cricketsong- dark blue gray tom with white patches and black scaled back; blue eyes and black horns; Caretaker
Parent: Dappletail
Siblings: Icestar, Snowfang, Featherfall
Mousebite (P.Mousefur)- dusty brown molly with black scales spotting on her right side and belly; orange eyes and brown horns
Parents: Waspeye, Sparrowsong
Kits: Expecting
Frostshine- sleek speckled gray cat with scaled white legs and tail; blue eyes and white horns (they/them)
Parent: Sheepear
Sibling: Brindleface
Mate: Wablerheart
Children: Preparing
Lynxkit- dark golden molly with patches of brown tabby splotches and a black scaled tail; yellow eyes and black horns
Parent: Peachthorn
Siblings: Harpykit, Sunnykit
Harpykit- huge black molly with silver scales on her throat and belly; green eyes and silver horns
Parent: Peachthorn
Siblings: Lynxkit, Sunnykit
Sunnykit- long furred golden spotted tom with white scale ears and paws; white horns and green eyes
Parent: Peachthorn
Siblings: Harpykit, Sunnykit
Sparrowsong (P.Halftail)- dark brown tabby tom with patch fur and black scales poking through; yellow eyes and black horns
Mate: Waspeye
Child: Mousebite
Sheepear(P.Smallear)- gray tom with dark brown scale belly and folded ears; yellow eyes and brown horns
Children: Frostshine, Brindleface
Waspeye (P.One-eye)- pale gray molly with scars across her face and a patch of silver scales along her back: virtually blind and dead with one yellow eye and one broken black horn
Mate: Sparrowsong
Child: Mousebite
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jennsheelen-blog · 7 years ago
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Best Rhinebeck purchase! #sudanfarm sheep ears!! #rhinebeck2017 #jennsheelen #jennsheelenpodcast #sheepears
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blacksheepstuff · 1 year ago
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In the life, I'm Kickin 🧑‍🦯
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healingbeastmaster · 3 years ago
[ KISS ]:     after having been saved from immediate danger by the receiver, the sender, in a state of intense emotion and relief, kisses them to express these feelings.
Viney panted, breaths coming out fast as she got Skara out of danger. The other was in her arms, picked up out of the line of fire from a Sheepear.
Sheepears weren't normally so attack happy, normally didn't shoot their lasers the moment they set eyes on someone. But this one did. What was happening to the isles?
Viney fell to her knees, glancing to Skara. "Are you-"
Hands on her face caused the words to drop away. The next moment, lips pressed against hers, and Viney froze, eyes widening. The next, she melted into it, kissing back and cupping Skara's cheek.
Viney pulled away. She attempted to speak, but her voice seemed to give out every time she tried. Her cheeks were burning red. Instead, she settled for leaning forward and giving Skara a forehead kiss.
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the-determined-sparks-au · 1 year ago
What's Sheepear's deal with the bishop?
Sheepear (smallear) was best friends with Hedgehogtail (Stormtail) and like him didn’t exactly like how Goosefeather kept Loonflower away from Hedgehogtail.
He also didn’t like how Goosefeather was the only one to tell him no. He was a bit of a player, and being in Hedgehogtail’s inner circle was a very popular warrior especially with other toms. But Goosefeather never gave him the time of day and that… fascinated him, kept his gaze to the one day Bishop.
So when Loonflower died, and Pineheart being…distracted, and his annoyance at Goosefeather and wanting to knock him down… Sheepear decided to use that as an opportunity. He flirted, gave goosefeather prey and gifts and was just… there… soon they had… well a bit of fun which led to a litter.
Though Sheepear, after getting what he wanted lost interest. He had no plans on being a father or being tied down with a mate and he told that to Goosefeather. It well… cause his popularity to crash big time, especially after Featherwhisker attacked him. He had no one, not even Hedgehogtail who was already on thin ice after how he treated Pigeonfrost and tried to hook up with Jaygrowl. And the only reason he is still consider the father of Frostnip and Sharpwhisker is so the caretakers and Soothepurr will make sure the bloodlines wont get tangle up. He has never even spent a single moment with his kits.
Nowadays he has recency retired to the Elders den, and the most time he ever spends with any of his Clowdermates is when he is complaining about something. Other than that he is curled in his nest, staring coldly at the world and asks himself why was everyone so cruel to him, what did he do wrong?
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spottyissleepy · 3 years ago
Also one eye is now know as waspeye and while she just recently retired because of her failing sight sheepear is terrified of her
“Waspeye” sounds so badass and absolutely fitting. Also YES he should be afraid of the badass grandma with the awesome name ✨
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searching-flicker · 3 years ago
Ok for anyone's knowledge if their interested or wanna talk to me here are my oc's (mostly wings of fire)
Owl - Skywing
Mahogany - Skywing
Pyrrhuloxia - Skywing
Bronze Aka 'Sabertooth' - Mudwing
Bayou - Mudwing
Bark - Mudwing
Locust - Mudwing
Fox - Mudwing
Daybreak - Nightwing
SilentTomb - Nightwing
Necromancer - Nightwing
Swordfish - Seawing
Rivulet - Seawing
Maelstrom - Seawing
Sage - Sandwing
Calor - Sandwing
Taipan - Sandwing
Paradise - Rainwing
Eminence - Rain-Sky Hybrid
Spectral - Rain-Hive Hybrid
Shimo - Icewing
Hoarfrost - Icewing
Northern Lights Aka 'North' - Icewing
Blizzard - Icewing
Black Widow - Hivewing
Executioner - Hivewing
Click - Hivewing
Violet - Silkwing
Midge - Silkwing
Glass Wing - Silkwing
Sycamore Aka 'Mushroom' or 'Envy' - Leafwing
Pistachio - Leafwing
Nutmeg - Leafwing
Parsnip - Leafwing
Lioncatch - Loner
Wrencoat - Thunderclan
Ghostwish - Windclan
Ebonyrose - Riverclan
Duskmind - Shadowclan
Florence - Kittypet
Blossomswift - Windclan
Ironsky - Thunderclan
Turtledawn - Windclan
Brindledart - Shadowclan
Lostsnout - Riverclan
Sheepears - Skyclan
Freckleface - Loner
Firecloud - Rogue
Leafshine - Riverclan
Cryingmask - Rogue
Celine - Dark Matter
Kuroshima - Sword Spirit
Amearashi Yukireisu
Yokomichi Kizawa
Kono - Bulbasaur
Désiré - Meowth
Cui - Absol
(Ill add more if I forgot any or make new ones)
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melspridejewellery-blog · 6 years ago
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#etsybuyersandseller #etsy #etsybuyers #etsybuyersarethebest #etsyshop #etsyseller #etsysellersofinstagram #etsylove #etsyuk #etsystore #melspridejewellery #etsyjewelry #etsyfinds #etsygifts #etsyusa #etsyshopowner #etsyalternative #sheep #sheepearrings #farmanimals #woolysheep #animaljewellery #farmersdaughter #farmerswife #sheeplover #sheeplife https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx_0NCoHsxb/?igshid=x4eqe8q6ntjl
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nicolai-schafi-viktor · 3 years ago
Usually I don't like reboots but if the original creator is involved my sheepears are twitching in curiousity.
New Powerpuff/Foster’s Reboot Watch 7/29/2022
Ever since the announcement of the new reboots, Craig McCracken has answered a few questions about them on his Twitter. He’s not going to break any NDAs, and none of this should be considered set in stone. I would not put any of this on a wiki.
In response to someone asking if PPG 202X is going to be a revival or a reboot, McCracken joked that it may be a rebovial.
In response to someone saying Cartoon Network should have continued PPG 2016, Craig McCracken responded that he’s not going to continue something he wasn’t involved in, and that he’s going to continue where he stopped.
PPG 202X has yet to start development, and hasn’t been picked up by Cartoon Network yet. Expect to wait more than a year for them. The same is true with the Foster’s reboot.
The Powerpuff Girls will not be teenagers in the new show.
He intends on bringing back all of the original cast. (He would have to recast the retired Tom Kane and the late Chuck McCann, though it’s still way too early to consider who will be their replacements.)
The Foster’s reboot will be focused on stories that happen within Foster’s Home while Mac is still at school, so McCracken doesn’t expect Mac to appear.
As implied by not even being picked up by Cartoon Network yet, Foster’s being a preschool show focused on younger and new imaginary friends is McCracken’s idea, and not an idea foisted on him by execs. He adds that becoming a parent made him want quality animation for the little ones.
He hasn’t shown Cartoon Network any of his new ideas.
We’re definitely in the very, very early stage of both of these reboots despite that big announcement from Variety. There’s more news to come, so stay tuned.
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determined-blazeau · 2 years ago
Sweet asks, how about Willowheart?
Willowheart aka Willowpelt is a Foundlet, found at the edge of the border she was taken in. She was never fully adopted but raised by the Caretakers. She became Poppydawn’s apprentice and was trained beside Blizzardpaw, Fostpaw, Brindlepaw and Darkpaw.
She was very close to both Blizzardpaw and Darkpaw and was grateful for them never judging her even if Darkpaw had some remarks that she bop him on the head for. She was nervous being around Frostpaw and Brindlepaw for them being the kits of the Fairy Goosefeather and Sheepear. She’s friendly with them as their her Clanmates but doesn’t become true friends until their Warrior years as afraid that being their friend would put more judging eyes on her than she already has for being a Foundlet.
Her and Blizzardstorm are the best couple beside Warbleheart and Frostshine. Absolutely loves her son Drizzlepaw and while she is happy to be able to hunt and do some patrols, her gaze goes back to the nursery a lot. The others of the clan are just waiting for her to ask Icestar if she can be trained as a Caretaker
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