#shebly shubble
rottenr0ckets · 25 days
Debunking this post show casing "proof against wilbur"I will go into detail but first I must say most of this isn't proof it is word by mouth and just stories taken out of context or made out to sound malicious As I had referenced to in a previous post take this as a "tldr"As that's said let's begin
Important note that any response to this post that is aggressive, threatening, rude, immature, insulting, ect, will be blocked and ignored
1. Shebly shubble herself has gone back on her words and addmited to the biting being fully consented to. "I didn't consent to getting hurt" she did. She consented to the biting. After wilbur worked with her to get a safe word. If he worked to get a safe word it should of been made clear it would hurt. It never left bruises or cuts though. As you can see in pictures of her during that time there is none. It isn't easy to hide with makeup and if it broke skin as she said it would of gotten infected human mouths are full of bacteria and one bite breaking skin could cause serious infections (speaking as someone who used to violently bite themself) she agreed to the safe word and the biting with wilbur himself saying he had picture proof of it (not sharing out of respect for sheblys privacy which she didn't reciprocate obviously) she even sated she consented every time. So she did it many times knowing how hard he'd bite. "He ignored the safe word" no. He didn't. He only took a second to respond. Snap your fingers. That is a second. Maybe a bit more but never too much. With shebly admitting to not using the safe word properly and just instead screaming at him it's reasonable he'd take time or have a instinct reaction before letting go.
2. 3 reasons in two of them is not proof but relying on sheblys words. That is not proof. That is word by mouth. That is the reason people request proof (which shebly has been known to block people for asking) to use words as proof is to believe everything you see online which is by knowledge the #1 rule of the internet. People have their rights to belive by word of mouth or by proof. No one is obligated to trust her immediately. Not anyone. She has put a name to the person (said directly or not she had confirmed and put his name on the role of the abuser) which means no one is obligated to believe her. She has accused so there is permission to be skeptical as believing without proof can and has a long history of ruining innocent peoples lives. If everyone believed every accusation without proof we wouldn't have schlatt, will wood, tommy, tubbo, ranboo, philza, shebly herself ect All have long histories of being accused of things some lesser known than others. If we believed without proof when a name is connected to the accused it had been known to cause horrific things to happen to innocent people. Words aren't proof. History shows that. Her own actions show that. She's changed her story many times her words go against others stories and even her own.
3. The Disneyland video. Using how wilbur had stepped on tommys hand for untying his shoe as proof isn't really proof. "He never apologized" maybe not on camera. We never know what happens off camera. And even so he had done several other things in that video that could add up to an apology without words. Such as buying tommy all those candies to help his low blood sugar. As someone who used to have it that shit mean so fucking much I don't think many would understand. Also are we going to forget all the times tommy hit wilbur? How they play fight all the time how they laugh when they do it? Philza minecraft had witnessed it and played along treating them like as if they were rowdy brothers. Which is what their relationship is mainly about them being brotherly like genuine brothers. Philza conforming it saying they were like brothers off camrea as they were on maybe even a bit more. Do you think if it was wrong philza would stay so calm whenever they'd hit eachother? That they'd laugh and continue to hang out? Should we forget all the times tommy did equal stuff to wilbur that could be considered abusive by your standards if you feel this is proof of abuse? This goes along with your other yaps. Tommy hand begins *jokingly* bitten at a concert. It was a joke. And goes along with what I had said before. Now there was one you brought up that neither of us can speak on
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4. Technoblade apple incident. In personal belief. Neither of each side can use this as proof. Not you not I not anyone. This includes a dead man. Someone who can't speak on this. Someone who can't share their side. Someone who should be left to rest and not have his name dragged into a story that doesn't involve him. We weren't there. You weren't there. No one but wilbur and technoblade were there. It is a story wilbur shared in memory of him. A silly light hearted story about an accident that had happened. He showed remorse, regret and showed himself to admire how well technoblade had handled it. He explained it was an accident. He didn't mean to hit his shoulder. No one else was there. So no one but him can confirm it. He used that story to tell on how strong technoblade was how he looked up to him. There is no sign of abuse. No one can confirm or deny it. The other is dead. And the one who told the story is the accused. We may never know if it truly was meant to have ill intent or not. You can read his mind you can't pull apart his words to figure out some.secret thing about him being abusive or not. There's nothing. Don't drag techno into this. Let the man rest.
5. Song lyrics. Now with these this is tricky. He had confirmed he does this thing where he switches the pronouns referring to himself as "she" or the the girl in the song and sings through the pov of the other person pretending it to be him. He's done this with his song Warsaw. So with his others songs he hasn't confirmed he does this it's up for debate. And if we're to use his songs as evidence against him. What about msr. It came out after his rs with shebly and has lyrics that oddly fit her. From her personality to complaints she made about him. If you were to argue his lyrics could reference him being abusive what about msr that closely resembles shebly and talks about wilbur being harmed phycally and emotionally several lyrics hitting at him being physically harmed by his partner. What about how most songs that came out after their rs have themes of wilbur being harmed a lot more recent ones talking about physical abuse in some parts.
Lyrics for example;
Trying not to think abiut it: "Never been the one for romance
Never thought that I'd get married
Never been the kind to give a shared life a second glance
Selfish prose, a lifestyle of a stained-glass window"
The median: "Please don't ask what these words mean
Just please don't misinterpret me"
Amazon standing lamp: "hit me now before it gets to cute, don't make me beg in this hotel room"
Mine/yours: "you never liked me when drunk I'm starting to believe you never liked me at all"
"I stand just outside the reach of your fists And take myself away, a gangrenous limb And dance around the subject, a figure of eight Describe all the parts of me I'm yet to break Count all the parts of me I'm yet to break"
The list goes on. As well as more and more of their recent songs more more seemingly reflecting shebly and describing her. Just as you did. I used lyrics and songs to make theories. Is this proof? Or is it just an idea and rambling. Take mine as just that then you go back on your own word of providing proof. There is no proof. Only ideas and theories. To use lyrics of older songs most from before he dated shebly is to be just as valid as using songs from after their break up
6. Saying he doesn't know what his songs were about. He does. He wrote them. He's told us the meaning of them before. In the genius interview he was high. Obviously not sober😭😭😭 idk what else to say on this really he was just high he is a known weed smoker and had smoked before the interview most likely to calm his nerves since he's made it very clear is anxiety causes him lots of.issues and is the reason why he even took his mental health break in the first place.
7. "Pretty privilege" this is one I've heard people use a lot along with "he's white!" "He's cis!" "He's a man!!" That's means nothing. Most wss addmit to having used to support shebly before given a reason not to. We supported shebly until given reason to doubt her. She has holes in her story. History of lying not just with relationships but also her whole merch fall out that caused many issues and showed her to be not so innocent. There is no pretty privilege. Most people turned to support shebly there is no minority of supporting shebly wss don't support wilbur because he's pretty or white it's because they have reason be it proof, holes in stories, ect. Is shebly herself not pretty? Is she not at considerably a higher beauty standard than wilbur? People go based off proof not appearance. Wilbur being a man means nothing. Are men not able to be abused? It is always women being the damsels in distress and not the abuser? To go into this would go into deeper topic I wish not to yet cover in this since it much more severe. But pretty has nothing to do with this. It's proof. Shebly has said she has no proof wilbur has said he has proof shebly has gone on her word wilbur as referred to it as allegations that "deeply shocked him". Do not begin with pretty privilege because I can assure you it's not that.
8. "He only targeted women smaller than him so he could pin them down." That's uhm.. well first off shebly is a body builder and does weights and wilbur looks like a starving Victorian child. Also most women are smaller than him he's above the average height women are naturally shorter than men to so idk what is going on in that. That's just a wild thing to say.
9. I will be grouping Alice, minx and Nikki together in this. Minx, her story was saying how when they got drunk together she tried to do something nice yes but it triggered him and he screamed at her. He was drunk to the point he was throwing up. It's not a surprised it would be something small like that to trigger him and even after she even said he apologized profusely to her and she still left. Minx is not one to be trusted since she can't even beat her own allegations against her for abuse and racism. She's known to lie and put herself in others stories and just be a horrible person. Nikki, Nikki was the one to instigate their friendship having gone on a TV dating show to talk to wilbur. She was the one that started every interaction. Wilbur had no problem distancing himself from her when shipping made them uncomfortable, she was the one to mention him without being forced to she was the one who had his stickers she was the one who showed herself as a fan in moments where she didn't need to..she never once showed no signs of being afraid of him and in fact only ever trying to instigate a friendship. Alice. I could say a lot about her. From her story conflicting with sheblys, to times not adding up to picurte proof of her lying about things. It's a lot to say on her.
Here's a link proving debunking alice with evidence:
With that. There is no proof in this post, just opinions and theories. Thank you for reading. Avoid putting false proof in posts about serious matters. Options and theroies do not count as proof. What does count as proof is pictures, screenshots, videos, audio recordings, official documents, posts of addition, anything that shows abuse without having to make theories, or that isn't affected by personal beliefs and shows the actions. I apologize for any grammar mistakes I might have made writing this.
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rhapsoddity · 7 months
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I wanted to do some less common animal theming? So you have butterfly Saus, Piglin/Hog Oli,,, and I miss sunshine Shubble so I made her glow <3
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cindyvonotakuuwu · 2 years
Nature wives real
*sees Shubble put the flower Katherine gave he Rin her bedroom*
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monstersw1thv1bes · 6 months
Hey! I saw your post about shubble - people have died? How do we know this?
for my own mental health, I really don't wanna get into every single time it has happened so far or wade through all the posts about it to find one that explains it better than i can. but here's the first post I could find about it. I'm sure if you look into it deeper, you can find more yourself.
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rottenr0ckets · 2 months
Credits to Viv on twt
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rottenr0ckets · 27 days
hi! im a sss, but i think other sss can learn a thing or two.
first of all, dont fucking send death threats or wishes of death, sss. its fucking weird??? second, dont be such a stuck up bitch if people support wilbur. there has literally been no proof yet (im supporting shelby because i go by support victims until proven wrong, but you guys do you!:3) third, dont post nsfw of TEEN WILBUR or wilbur at all?? thats fucking gross. dehumanizing a man for alleged abuse is gross and makes you just as bad if hes guilty. fourth, sending hate and rape threats is also gross. what the fuck?? so apparently its okay if you do it but not when wss do it back? hows that make any sense. fifth, and i know this one is hard to understand guys, BUT PEOPLE HAVE THEIR OWN DECISIONS. crazee ik. sixth, if you are mad about someone listening to lovejoy and saying "their music sucks" save it. because didnt you like it not even a year ago? are you admitting you were a fake ass fan? like, im a shelby supporter but even i still listen to lovejoy because their music is good. just because i dont particularly like the guy who is the lead singer for his actions, A; theyre in the past and hes getting therapy. B; i still like the music. and C; as much as i dont like to admit it, their music and his streams saved my fucking life. so quit being stuck up assholes about this. the sss is honestly looking worse than wss because of how blatantly toxic it is here. if you have even the slightest doubt for even one fragment of shelbys story youre told you are a fake supporter and told to kys. if you believe it all, youre told you are so easily gaslighted and told that you shouldnt trust everything on the internet. if you dont believe any of her story, youre told to kys, support victims, and that they wish you were raped.
anyways, i hope you guys (wss) have long and happy lives even if i dont agree with supporting him:) btw can i be 🍊🦢 anon?:3
They need to be sat down and told this in loop so they understand this shit. Most wss I've seen also used to support shebly or be sss until they were given reason to turn to wss (which is our case) I wish they'd realize as a fandom they represent shebly and her as a CC and that their actions can have effects on shebly. From how people view her to how in some places its by law, ccs gave to take responsibility for their fans' behavior if it gets out of hand and they haven't done anything to try and stop it. I barely see any sss actually supporting her. Barely any veiws, no happy birthday wishes no nothing. They just either made caput edits then tell tell wss to kys
It's always nice to have nice sss come on every now and then feels refreshing^^
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rottenr0ckets · 1 month
"Subble support squad!!"
Where is the support😭 she has one million subscribers
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rottenr0ckets · 22 days
Sss being sss
Not tagging the person or showing username to avoid harassment
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Its clear this person has not watched a single shebly stream but I digress.
To begin with. While it can be a issue and is quite one in the myct community. It doesn't apply with wss all that much. Most wss used to support shebly until given a reason not to..never because he was their pretty white boy but because they were given a reason not to trust her. To say this is to say she isn't in beauty standards herself. She is considerably at them maybe even above with many wss addmiting to admire how pretty she is and being quite gentle with compliments.
Wss knows about how "filthy" he is. They know he doesn't clean after himself They know bugs lived in his home. They're mad at shebly for insulting that. For airing it out when it wasn't needed. Many many people live like that in their daily lives. This was the same time wilbur was at his lowest. It has been explained by him and the situation as a whole to have been caused by depression this isn't some ground shocking new thing he's been open about this for years. Shebly referred to it as being lazy she went on to rant insult the hell that is most peoples lives. And imm gonna shock you. In Europe bugs in homes is actually quite common. In my home as a someone living there it is riddles with bugs old home will have that issue especially in city areas. He didn't wait for her to clean it. She did it on her own when he didn't ask he didn't have the energy or anything to do anything about it. Saying he "waited for her to clean it" is frainky just odd to say. As well as said by many who refer to depression as just being lazy. He didn't have the energy to do it himself. At the time his best friend was dead. Imagine losing someone you love. Could you clean? Could you take care of yourself at all? Not everyone can. But shebly didn't look at that. She blamed him. She insulted him. She spread this around to shame him.
Also to say "bite her until she needed to say the safe word" isn't all that like.. the safe word was there made BY HIM so she could let him know when it was too much. That was how he could know. Otherwise if she didn't say it he wouldn't of known. And he didn't ignore it..shebly herself said he stopped seconds after she said it and addmited to not actually knowing how to use a safe word and that the biting was never an issue.
He doesn't only care about fame. If you look at his history he's spent money out his own pocket for his fans for them he's done many selfless thing because he genuinely cared about his fans..he doesn't just do stuff for fame.where is the proof of that? Going back TO HIS JOB because by his own words "things said about him online" and again referred to by his own words "allegations that deeply shocked him"
You and people who say this have not done an inch of research into why wss supports wilbur. You assume without research you make guesses without looking at the other side and wondering "why do they support him" instead you claim your mind is in no wrong and that they must be the scums of the earth.
Do research, watch her streams, she gets 500 on average out of one million subs, and be less hateful. Your post goes against sheblys own words<3
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rottenr0ckets · 19 days
Shaking in my boots I'm so excited chat
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rottenr0ckets · 22 days
Can we all agree that doxing and breaking into someone home is wrong and extremely fucked?
Because your home is essentially your safe space, it is your escape from the rest of the world. It's where you eat, sleep, relax and to have that violated and broken into is just awful.
I don't care how much you hate or dislike somebody, DON'T DOX OR BREAK INTO THEIR HOUSE!!! Can we all agree with that?
I've had to deal with people who doxxed her before but BREAKING IN TO HER FUCKING HOUSE??? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE. LIKE YEA SHES A FUCKED UP PERSON BUT JESUS CHRIST SOME PEOPLE ARE ANIMALS ISTG WHAT THW FUCK I genuinely hope she's okay though. I hate her sure but she doesn't deserve something like this
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rottenr0ckets · 2 months
Sss: "Omg wss is so mean to shebly they call her a bitch!!"
Sss: draws sh on wilbur, first to put him in muzzles, draws him being killed, dehumanizes him, uses death/r4p3 threats as a way of "supporting victims", harasses fictives and fickin for being wilbur related, mentions him so much people who don't even make content related to him ask to not be compared to him, compare every video about bed rotting/biting to wilbur, taken pictures of someone's depression hole and used it to make jokes about wilbur, driven kids to suicide, ect
How is this shit gonna make people like shebly? She's losing followers at a rapid pace going down by the hundreds to thousands. How does this support her? You're just being weird and a bitch by acting so immature to a serious topic. If she was truly a victim not only have you BROKEN HER OWN BOUNDARIES you made HER SITUATION ABOUT WILBUR
She asked for him not to be identified, she asked you to block and ignore wss, she asked for this to not be about wilbur she doesn't want to be known as wilburs "victim" but that's all you do making this about him. Stfu about wilbur, go support whoever you think is a victim, and let people be. The world still spins tomorrow if someone likes him or not.
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rottenr0ckets · 21 days
Please go look at this. It is wonderful and holds a lot of information about the situation
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rottenr0ckets · 1 month
Happy birthday shebly i felt bad since I've seen no one (besides wss) wishing you a happy birthday
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rottenr0ckets · 2 months
You can also use https://socialblade.com/twitter/user/shelbygraces
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Things ain't looking good for shebly shubble
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rottenr0ckets · 1 month
Hi, this is Rin. I don't want to hide under anon today, I want to tell you something. Yesterday, in the vastness of tumblr, Shelby crossed paths with me in the comments of some author. She tried to convince me that she was a victim, and I provided my arguments. It got to the point where she said that I don't support victims and spread bad messages instead of support. It made me angry because I know what abuse is and my mom went through it. I told this story, and instead of sympathizing with me, the author of the post… She called me shit(to put it mildly) and blocked access to comments. I feel terrible because the story of the victim, the story of my mother, which I gave as an example of real abuse and that even a shitty relationship can be got out, was just poured over with shit. They support the victims so much, huh?.. I'm sorry to write this to you, it's just… It hurts so much right now, I wanted to share it with someone.
What the actual fuck is their problem:(( I thought their whole thing was to support victims yet when it comes it others stories she seems to ignore them. This whole thing really proves how immature she is. Do you know which post this was? I'd like to see it /nf ofc but it feels important. She's proving herself to be nothing but a child
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rottenr0ckets · 1 month
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It was a response to the fact that I told the story of my mother's abuse. (Translation: everyone handles abuse differently, you fucking asshole. Abuse is not limited to one scenario, it manifests itself in all forms and people deal with this violence in different ways. You're a fucking brute to use your mother's abuse to downplay another woman's story.) The person's nickname is mioakem. His account can't be found right now, if I'm not mistaken. There are not all the screenshots with Shelby's answers, but, first of all, I really set her ass on fire:
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And the second thing is why I freaked out:
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(Translation: If you are going to blame the victim for staying with her abuser for some time, you are not able to have an informed conversation on this topic. You just want to spread misinformation and ideas that harm ALL victims, not just me. It's not cool.) It seems that she judges by herself, because she doesn't know anything about me, but at the same time thinks that I am "spreading misinformation" here, although I only said what she told people herself. There are more screenshots, but there she is just trying to refute everything I say when I was talking not even to her, but to another person (with whom we did not quarrel, but just peacefully dispersed after discussion).
I do not even know what to say at this point. From the immaturity to taking shit the wrong way to everything they really don't listen.
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