#she's the leaver
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xantchaslegacy · 10 months ago
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afditlodap · 9 months ago
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fagged out
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ciricegh0st · 1 year ago
this is yalls leader of a satanic band that's making you shit your pants and protesting???
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deus-ex-mona · 8 months ago
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when freedom is in sight!!!!!!!!
#(aka it’s my last day of work!!!!!!!!! i can see the light at the end of the tunnel!!!!!)#it’s like 2.30 in the am rn and i have to get up in less than 4 hours but. still!!!!!#im too happy to sleep lmao i feel like a kid on christmas eve again#this weirdass company culture says that we (the leavers) have to treat everyone to pizza or sth#isn’t it usually the other way round though? shouldn’t they be treating the leavers as a show of gratitude for their hard work?#but ​eh. the place is filled with cheapskates who only think about working us to the bone for the sake of their profits (i think)#so ✨s o r r y✨ dear managers no treats for you~~~~~ im giving ind*m*e (censored for copyright) to my immediate colleagues only~~~~~~#you can always feel free to treat me though~~~~~ :)))) my wallet is always open for donations dear managers o’ mine~~~#(this manager who expects me to treat everyone also outright refused when i asked her to treat me to beef wellington though :( sads :( )#(i worked sooooooooooo hard for you over the past couple o’ years and i dont even get free beef wellington~~~? :( )#but euuuugghhhhhhhhh since the team lead’s on leave today ig i’ll be the one in charge for the morning shift today too…#but it’s my last day~~~~ i wanna relaxxxxxxxxxx (<-same person who took a short nap on the clock earlier)#anyways!!!!!! i’ll finally have time for idol sengen after this aw yissssssssss wait for me asuna-chan im almost freeeeeeee#though. speaking of idol sengen… im still waffling about whether to have asuna drop swear words during the [spoiler] scene…#i mean. it’d make sense in terms of context/how abrasive she was being but. she’s an idol!!!!!!! choices man..#well. i guess that it’s retirement-me’s problem to think about lol. i need to get through just 1 day of work first!!!!!!#‘it’s starting to sound like you quit your job to tl idol sengen—’ n-noooooooo~~~? totally not i s w e a r!!!!
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thedreadvampy · 9 months ago
my therapist spent today's session making Faces at me about getting an ADHD diagnosis
I can honestly say I have never seriously considered the possibility of seeking an ADHD diagnosis but she might not be a billion miles off
I was describing how I get "fizzy bored" where I have no energy or ability to move and nothing holds my attention but I feel like my bones are trying to vibrate out of me with the desire to be Doing Things and she was like 🤔 and I got onto the fact that I often need to be doing 3-4 things at once to ease into focusing on one and she was like 🤨 and then I mentioned how I find it really difficult to start doing things but once I'm in it I'm super focused and she was like 😌 have you considered the possibility of an ADHD diagnosis?
and so I explained that I don't really see the point because even though, unlike EDS and autism, a diagnosis could suggest an actual treatment, I don't really feel like anything I've described is disabling me cause I have the tools to manage it now most of the time and I feel Fizzy Bored WAY less often these days. and she was like 🤨
and I was like yeah to be fair actually I did use to think that about chronic pain, trauma and having shit eyesight and doing something about them did really change my experience. and she was like 😌 and I was like and actually now we mention it the fact that I sometimes for NO REASON AT ALL simply put off doing things even though they would be really easy to do and I want to do them for LITERAL YEARS is maybe. A thing that it might be nice to change if I could. And she was like 🤔 and I was like OH FUCK I'M GOING TO HAVE TO GENUINELY CONSIDER THIS POSSIBILITY AREN'T I?
anyway after talking a mile a minute and overrunning by 15 minutes I then got a quarter of a mile away on foot and realised I'd left my glasses on her table. she opened the door I went HEY SPEAKING OF ADHD
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jmkho · 2 years ago
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thebreakfastgenie · 2 years ago
Insane to me that Carter asked Lawrence to a hockey game but why didn't they go!!
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shark-chicken7 · 6 months ago
That shift was straight up abusive i hope this restaurant burns down 🫵🫶
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attractthecrows · 7 months ago
Yes im a bloodthirsty bitch Yes i wear tube tops if my Titties flop out and get covered in blood, well. that is simply beyond my control. BROADAXE TO THE FACE
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fazcinatingblog · 1 year ago
Oh yeah my boss says the receptionist ad will go up on the 3rd February. Isn't that lovely
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balrogballs · 4 months ago
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Or would they squeeze her into a perfunctory line in a thousand-page story, as a throwaway reference to the tragic life of Elrond Peredhel? When they write the histories of the Third Age, would they take her long, loving, beloved life, and shove it into three weeks in a cave on Caradhras?
Would that be her fate?
Four-thousand-year-old Celebrìan, the earwig-squasher, the snort-laugher, the breadcrumb-leaver, the beating heart of the valley, who lived as well as she could, until she couldn't. Brave, kind, beloved. A single footnote long.
A South Asian inspired take on the wonderful Celebrìan, gorgeous scars and all, who has a very special place in my heart and frankly is someone I Can Never Be Normal About. Art my own, words from my fic.
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poppiesandblood · 14 days ago
Poppy playtime scenario
The player gets ingured by Yarnaby trying to complete a puzzle and has to drag themselves back to the safe heaven which starts a fight between Poppy and Doey
Tw: blood, gore, inguries
Under the cut
Player uses she/her pronuns as it's how I interpreted them but everything is in second person so you can ignore it
Not proof read so might contain mistakes
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You let out a scream of pain, it was one of the few sounds you ever made, it felt weird hearing your voice only when you felt the most scared, for a second you shut down unmoving as tears welled up in the corners of your eyes, blood started to seap threw your white shirt, tainting it red as the creatures theeth dig deeper in your side and arm, breaking the skin beneath layer by layer.
You finally regain some sense of thought, as you use your free hand to free yourself from it's mouth however the creature didn't falther keeping itself unmoving, tears started falling down your face from the pain.
You where incredibly frustrated! Was this actually how you died? Pathetic, idiotic even a simple mistake if only you had paid more attention the creature was loud you should have seen it comming, why had you lowered your guard?! Did you think now that you had the leaver to complete the puzzle you where going to be fine?!
Your mind became hazy with pain, it's all his fault! Each second you used trying to throw blame on him for your own stupidity was time wasted, as your precious life seaped out of you in the form of a crimson liquid.
The lever... In a last ditch affort for your own survival, you pick the lever that you let fall on the ground. and dug it withing the two mouths of the creature, blocking it's air hole and it instinctively let go.
You groaned in pain, your arm almost unmoving as you step back trying to have as much space between the two of you as possible.
Ah shit you need that lever to escape.
You act quickly you use your functioning arm to ram out the object from the monster as it closed it lateral mouth and walks back blood falling out of it.
The rest is hazy you bearly are able to escape the doctors creature cursing him and his disturbed mind for creating such a thing.
You drag yourself along the wall your legs shake each time you take a step, you have to catch yourself from going in and out of consciousness.
Your where almost there! You just had to puss yourself a little longer.
Finally the yellow doors of the face heaven appeared to you, bearly recognizable for how blurry they looked.
It took the doors a couple of seconds to open up as you slowly slumpt yourself in it's frame trying to enter, you fall down on your side and the toys rally around you some worried others just curious.
"move! Let me pass threw!" a soft worried voice you recognized yelled at everyone, she made her way in the crowd her red pigtails almost resembling the color of your shirt.
She let out a gasp of Horry and horror "Doey! Come quick! help us bring her to the infermery" your eyes closed and you heard a jumble of words screams and gasps.
When you woke up you where hit by a stinging pain, slowly you lifted the cloth keeping you warm you button up shirt was open showing bandages on your stomach that where already soaking with blood.
You whipped your head hearing voices come from outside the infermery, it sounded like someone was arguing.
You got up pain flowing threw your whole body as you let a sigh out from your lips, using the wall to aid your walk.
"Don't you think we're straining her?"
"i.. This is for the best we need her! And we don't have forever"
"i get we need her help.. But it's not only her injuries from now, her head is pretty bad too probably a concussions"
Silence fell poppy shifted uncomfortable, trying to make up exscuse but she knew if she hadn't diverted the train right now you'd be free.
"we can't afford to lose time.. She's resting now but the moment she gets up I'll tell her what to do next, she always follows the objectives I give"
"your not serious? She's probably in all kind of pain! If you send her out there she might die and then what?"
A loud sigh could be heard, it's not she wanted to see you hurt she just had to go on to move the pace get it done quickly before Doey convinced her otherwise before she let her fellings overcome her.
Softly you open the door and the two turn to you, you look around and see your grabpack Bottoning your shirt, while walking towards it while ignoring your body pleads to just stay still.
You stop in front of it and swing it over your shoulders, feeling the weight of not only the object but also all the children turned into toys.
You'll make him pay back and cry for his life.
That was a promise.
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auspicioustidings · 1 year ago
Hmmmm I’m seeing so many x single mom readers and not sure if this is something you’re even interested in BUT
Simon meeting his pretty new neighbor while she’s moving I and realizes she is either a.) heavily pregnant or b.) has a very young baby so Simon goes “hmmmm mine now :)” and helps her out a little? (Alternatively, if you don’t wanna do Simon for this, then maybe Price?)
(Also if you haven’t read @peachesofteal’s Light On fic, Simon x single mom reader, I implore if you to do so!!! It’s so good)
Peaches Light On fics, and I am being so deadass serious, give me such a flood of serotonin any time I see a new one. Everyone get your butt over there because they are the standard for single mother content as far as I am concerned!
That being said, I've put a bit of a twist on this so it's not really what you requested at all, sorry :') I could not do a similar idea to Peaches because there is nothing I can do to improve perfection!
Tactical Action
Words: 1.1k
CWs: mentions of death
“It's not a shame Price, it's fucking ridiculous.”
Simon Riley was furious looking at the paperwork. It wasn't often that TF141 kept tabs on a promising rookie so when they did he expected nothing but excellence. What he did not expect was a large ‘Early Service Leaver’ stamp over an otherwise exemplary record.
“Their brother died in that warship collision, can't blame them for wanting out.”
“My brother was murdered, I kept fucking going.”
He had met you once when Johnny had dragged him. His Sergeant was both excited and annoyed that someone had gotten the new record for the 3rd selection phase. It made sense to get some feel for you then, if you were as good at escape, evasion and tactical questioning as the test scores suggested then the 141 needed to have you on their radar because the PMCs certainly would. 
You were a determined thing, shoulders back and addressing them with just the right amount of respect. Not arrogant, but not a pushover. Soap had been talking about how much he wanted to get his hands on you the whole drive back to base because he was a horny idiot and you were a challenge he found intriguing. Simon had just rolled his eyes and added your record to the small pile in Price's office. 
He knew a little of your background. Both parents gone, one sibling in the navy. Well one sibling now KIA. He could have understood taking leave, but to quit entirely? It made him angry, he thought it was a waste of potential. Price could see how it affected him and he sighed. 
“Go talk to them then. But do not get yourself reported for harassment and intimidation Simon, if they don't want back in then we make our peace with that.”
That was all the permission he needed. He probably should have taken Soap really, someone who could be comforting and coax you back. But fuck it, you were supposed to be good under pressure so he was going to give you some hard damn advice on not bloody giving up.
Exhausted didn't even begin to describe how you felt. This was the hardest thing you had ever done, but you were not going to just give up. You couldn't, not with this tiny thing relying on you. 
She had never even got to meet her parents. Your brother died just before the due date in that accident and then his girlfriend had died from complications in childbirth. You had promised her you would look after their baby if anything happened, made an oath that you'd not let her parents anywhere near such an innocent little thing. 
So you were on your own with nothing but grief and exhaustion and an ever dwindling death in service payment. They would pay part of your brother's pension out each month at least for the baby, but you were terrified that it wouldn't be enough to give her a life she deserved. She certainly deserved her parents and not her fathers ill equipped sibling, but you could only do your best even with the knowledge it would never be enough. 
You flinched when there was a hard knock at the door of your flat, freezing but taking a breath when the baby remained sleeping in your arms. You needed to move at one point you knew, a flat in a bit of a rough area was fine for a soldier (ex-soldier you reminded yourself) but not so much for a baby. 
The security you had upgraded as best you could at the moment and you checked the door camera to see Lieutenant Riley. Ghost. You had met him briefly once, but what was a legend like him doing here? Shit. You knew you looked a wreck but it wasn't like you could ignore him so you opened the door, bouncing baby girl gently to keep her sleeping. 
Simon's planned tirade died the moment he saw the situation. You had a baby. Oh that changed his tirade significantly. Your marital status had listed single, so he could only assume you had gotten yourself knocked up by some casual hookup. That was unacceptable in a soldier, so bloody stupid. 
“Shit” you cursed when she woke up, heading back inside and giving him a nod of invite.
You bounced her and tried to coo at her to go back to sleep. To please God go back to sleep. You never knew what she wanted, it felt like whatever you did was always wrong. And of course then she started wailing and the Lieutenant was in your flat closing the door behind him witnessing your absolute failure to take care of a baby. 
“Oh for Christ sake, give her here.”
Simon took the baby and hoisted the little thing up onto his shoulder, rubbing hard at her back. 
“When was the last time you fed her?”
“I- well, just before you got here. 10 minutes ago maybe? Just got her to sleep.”
“Did you burp her?”
“Oh. I…” you replied, straining yourself in an attempt not to cry. “No. I forgot.”
While his eyes were sharp on you his hands and voice were gentle and soothing for the baby. He was good at this. Did he have kids? Fuck was everyone just innately good at caring for babies but you? 
“Didn't stop to think if you could take care of her before having her?” 
“She's not mine. Well I suppose she is. I'm her only living relative, or only decent one at least. I, um… that warship accident from a few months back. My brother died during it and her mum passed during the birth. I'm her legal guardian now. I'm what she has sir, it was the best tactical action given the circumstance” you said, straightening up despite your exhaustion and prolonged terror at being responsible for such an innocent little thing. 
Simon cocked his head to the side as the baby on his shoulder burped and gurgled, now trying to get back to sleep. You were still a soldier he saw then, you were fighting back your emotions to give him a report on the situation. He reevaluated after the sitrep and took a moment to find the best course of action.
“Marry me then.”
“We can get it done tomorrow. Might take a bit of time to get a decent house but we'll stay in my flat until then, better area. Still going to be out on assignment a lot but any death benefit would go to you and the widows pension would set you up for life. I'm what you have rookie, it's the best tactical action.”
“Yes sir.”
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g3tj1nx3d14 · 2 months ago
even more caitvi / violyn because i’m bored !! fair warning i’m SO tired so these will be incoherent
warning, spoilers up to act three season two, NSFW after the big warning, and mentions of alc + w33d
• I see a lot of people saying Vi would smoke, but I fear Caitlyn could also be a bit of a stoner. She was insanely nervous when Vi got her to try smoking, but after her first time taking an edible and getting in a bubble bath with a book? She’s relaxed, that’s her new favorite little thing.
• Vi quit drinking after her underground fighting time. She doesn’t like how it makes her feel, especially as she’s been trying to develop more healthy coping mechanisms for stress.
• Caitlyn gets jealous. It’s harder to tell, as when Vi gets jealous— which is much rarer than Caitlyn— she tends to be very obvious. Grabbing Caitlyn’s waist, the obvious comments of “MY girlfriend”, maybe even straight up PDA. But Caitlyn? Oh, you looked at Vi the right way and all of the sudden Caitlyn is plotting your downfall. She doesn’t share well, at all.
• Random less wholesome one because I like hurting people emotionally; when Caitlyn got out of surgery for her eye— considering she lost it, there must’ve been some sort of surgical process post stabbing— she didn’t call for Vi or Jayce like expected. She called for her mom.
• Vander used to just yank his kids around, so the kids did it to each other too. Not in any bad way, just scruffing them or pulling them over his shoulder with no hesitation. Vi didn’t notice most families didn’t do this until the first time she wanted to show Caitlyn something in the other room and decided to just yank her out of her seat and carry her into the other room.
• Vi and Caitlyn would SO have a dog. 100%. There’s no disagreements there, but on the name? A huge disagreement. Caitlyn wants to name it a cute person name, while Vi wants to name it something stupid. They both train it to respond to their name. This dog ends up named like, Florence but also replies to Microwave.
• Given the amount of explosions they’ve both been in proximity to, they both have wonky hearing. They’re either always super close to hear each other properly or kind of shouting and not realizing it.
• Vi gets more piercings. 100% would.
okay freaky time, warning we’re lowk getting nasty in a good way
• I need to elaborate on the Vi bites thing because I’m so sure it’s true to me. She’s biting Caitlyn’s shoulder anytime it’s exposed. Biting her fingers whenever they’re near her mouth. Biting down on her thighs. Everything. She grins like a smug idiot whenever she sees Caitlyn with teeth marks.
• Similarly, Vi is a hickey leaver. She takes it as a challenge whenever she sees Caitlyn try to cover up a love bite.
• Caitlyn tried to do a similar thing, leaving lipstick marks all over her face to embarrass her, but she was proven to be an idiot for that when Vi proudly showed everyone what her girlfriend did.
• Vi would SO be a strap user I fear, and she treats it like it’s her own. I know a lot of people hc the hex strap as feeling like it’s an actual appendage for the user, but if she’s using that or not, Vi is 100% using that shit like she can. Now I can’t stop imagining Cait giving her strap head SORRY IM A FREAK
• Vi tried to tease a few times, but Caitlyn was somehow even more patient than her and cracked before she did.
• Caitlyn used to think she’d always be solely into very pre-planned sex— think candles, already having a plan of what she’d do beforehand, never spur of the moment— but Vi quickly changed her mind. Before Vi, she usually had to spend a bit of time before any hook up trying to make herself get worked up, but with Vi? She could see her in her pajamas, half brushed hair, just grinning at her in a certain way, and she’s jumping on her.
• Vi lowkey seems like the type to lick her fingers after ✌️.
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emsdevs · 26 days ago
Overflowing Love
Oh Darling AU (formerly Noah and Mateo)
a/n: i'm sorry this part is so short :( i hope y'all still like it ps: my girl Rory helped with the idea♥️
masterlist | NHL Masterlists | Nico Hischier Masterlist | Oh Darling AU Masterlist
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Elena was officially two months old, but that doesn’t mean your boys have let up on doting on you. Throughout your whole pregnancy, all three of them began to take care of you in a whole new way. Nico was doing everything for you, barely giving you the chance to even stand up on your own. The twins had been attached to your hip, already taking on the protective big brother roles. 
There hadn’t really even been any complications with your pregnancy, other than it being a little longer than expected. When you were pregnant with the twins, you had gone into labor at around 35 weeks, and you’d been able to have them both completely naturally. Lena, however, stayed the full term, and you weren’t able to have her naturally. She was a little bigger than the average baby, weighing in at 8 pounds and 14 ounces, and she was about 21 inches long. Because of her size, she was pushing down on your cervix, causing it to swell, and forcing you to have a c-section. Overall though, the pregnancy had went really well, and you both did wonderfully during the birth. 
That didn’t stop your boys, though. They were waiting on you hand and foot, and they weren’t scared to show baby Lena love either. Any time you were holding or feeding her, Noah and Mateo were on either side of you. If you were just holding her, their curious eyes wouldn’t leaver her face. Both you and Nico could see how much the twins already loved Lena. They were always either trying to be near her or talking about her.
“Mama, why does Lena sleep so much?” Noah quietly questions one afternoon while Elena was asleep in her bassinet a few feet away.
“All babies sleep that much, honey. You did when you were that little,” you speak gently.
“Did Mateo?”
“Yep, Mateo, too.”
Just a few days later, Elena was laying in her bassinet again with you and Nico both close by. Noah and Mateo stood right beside her, watching over her as slept.
“They love her so much, Neeks,” you sigh, leaning your head on your husband’s shoulder.
“What’s not to love, Änglei? She’s you made over,” Nico drops a kiss to the top of your head, moving his hand to grab yours. If he thought his life was complete when you had the twins, it was overflowing now. He adores baby Lena, and he loves having one more symbol of the love you two share. Nothing means more to him than the life the two of you have together, and there’s nothing that would make him give this up.
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taglist: @heartsforjh @devilinpradaheels @puckmedude @dancerbailey3 @books-hlmc
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lanai1 · 2 months ago
-> Something in your eyes reminding me,
Of somebody I used to know.
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au! Touya x reader
Touya always thought, you have the prettiest eyes, he couldn't bear stop looking at them. He couldn't start his day without take a moment looking at them.
You didn't mind though, looking at his Turquoise wasn't that bad, you felt like you could drown in them, he once told you "your eyes feel familiar somehow, in a comfortable way- i love looking at them."
☆He didn't help but feel selfish, he didn't want anyone to look at them but him, he didn't want anyone to look at you all, but especially your eyes. He wanted to owns you all for himself.
He wonder why he feel this way?
In a world full with quirks, heroes and villains.
In a war,
It had destroyed the people,
Started by villains wanting to show themselves off, their opinions, desires,
It have Destroyed pure love between two villains.
After the war ended, While they were cleaning the battlefields, they found them, the son of the first hero, and in his arms he wrapped her, his beloved.
☆As the two destroyed lover ended up alone, they finally found peace alone. They don't understand what's happening around them, they only focused on each others- they knew there were no escape from death, and it was finally their turn to die.
Dabi, who was known by the world touya now, was holding his girl between his arms, sitting her on his lap. He held her cheek, looking into her eyes , he wished she won't close them yet, he wanted to drown more into them. As the tears blood fell off from his face to her's, she tried to wipe away the tears blood off his face. She tried to stay keeps her eyes open, she smiled a bit, knowing it's the end for them.
He spoke "don't leave me yet, Let me contemplate you more" he said with a shaky voice. He couldn't bear your leaver before him. He leaned forward and gave you a last-salty kiss on the lips. He whispered
"in another wold, i won't let you die like that, I will look into your eyes and drown more, I will protect you, better than what I have did"
she whispered back, and a salty tear fell from her eye
"I will be waiting for you in every world"
☆her eyes slowly blur, he held her tightly, before he leave with her...
In one of the Thursday night, they were walking next to each other silently, when he stopped, and she did so too. He looked into her eyes, and start talking:
"I think i love you, so much I feel like I will find you in every world just to look into your eyes and love you more."
Her cheeks turned pink, she smiled, looking into his Turquoise eyes:
"I think i love you too, so much I won't reject drown into your eyes in every world"
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-☆6:06pm- Tuesday-14/1/2025
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