#she's my current obsession if u can't tell
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elitaswife666 · 5 months ago
older pics of elita
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kayhi808 · 2 months ago
Hey girly!
Another idea what if Abby’s parents take her to see wicked and she just sings popular and defying gravity ALL the time. I also feel like Bucky isn’t into musicals but he would like wicked because he can relate to Elphaba so he and Abby see it a couple times after.
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** spoilers**
You're gonna be pop-u-lar!
I'll teach you the proper ploys
When you talk to boys
Little ways to flirt and flounce
You and Abby have been singing this song for days. It's been stuck in her head. She hasn't seen "The Wizard of Oz," but your read her the story. She was always too young and with her imagination, the Wicked Witch and the Wizard scenes would give her nightmares. She'll be waking you up telling you she saw the witch in her eyeballs.
But once Abby saw the commercials, the billboards, the ads in the Metro, on the sides of buses and taxis she's been begging and pleading daily to go. Arianna Grande as Glinda became Abby's obsession. That's all she talked about. She'd only wear her pink clothes. You were worried that some of the scenes would be too scary for your toddler. You told her you'd think about it.
Then Abby switched her attack to Bucky. "Papa, you knows what?"
Putting down his book & getting comfortable, "What, Abby?"
"Cans you pweeeease comes with me and Mama to sees Wicked?"
Bucky had no interest in going to watch that movie. Musical? Witches? They aren't on the top of his list of things to watch. Bucky scrunches his nose & groans, "Why can't just you and your Mama go?"
"Oh pwease! You had to come." Abby climbs on the couch to stand beside him & squish his face between her palms, "Cos, what if I gets scared? Only my Papa can save me." She gives Bucky big doe-eyes. "You'd keep me safe."
Bucky in a drawn out sigh, "Fiiinnne." Sucker!
"Yay!! I go tells Mama!" She bounces down on her butt & then off the couch. "Mama! Where's you??" She turns back to Bucky, "tank you, Papa," and continues her search for you.
The following weekend, you took in a matinee of Wicked. Abby was decked out in her finest pinkery, sitting between you and Bucky at the theater. She was so excited. She's been listening to the soundtrack for her after dinner dance parties all week. Your little girl was ready to get this party started! Currently, she's doing a happy wiggle because Bucky gave her popcorn to eat. Bucky looks over at you and gives you a wink.
Abby knows she's not supposed to talk during the movie, but that doesn't stop her from keeping 2 inches away from your ear, yakking non-stop. Being courteous to theater patrons doesn't apply to her Mama.
"I wants to ride in a bubble & have her dress."
"Why Gwinda don't like her??"
"Ooh her so smart in magic!"
"Look Mama, the cuuuute mans!"
"I want to be like Elphie & do's magic, too."
"That twain is not like the Metro."
The first part of the movie she was stuck to you like glue, but as soon as she saw the Wizard's big head, she hopped over into Bucky's lap & stayed safe with him. She did not like what happened to the monkeys either.
Abby was too young to catch all the nuances of the film, but she understood that the 2 friends weren't going to be together and she felt that & started to cry. Then at the end of Defying Gravity, you were in your chair trying to get your crying under control and Abigail was sobbing into Bucky's neck. He's rubbing her back trying to console her.
The lights come up & you reach for your baby. Abby leans over to grab you. "It's ok baby. It's just a movie."
Bucky moves closer and pats your head, "It's okay, Doll. It's just a movie." You give him a sad frown & he kisses your forehead.
"Abigail?" You pull away, trying to wipe her tears.
"She didn't go with Elphie, Mama. She stayed with the bad teacher and fake wizard! How could she?!"
"I know, baby. Everything was happening so fast for her."
"She the bad witch. Not Elphie. Mama?"
"Elphie sing and I hear her with my ears & she sound so...the BEST! So pwetty. And then she sing loud and I hear her in my heart too..." Abby starts to cry again, "And it makes it like...too much, Mama." Abby places her palm against her heart and curls into you.
Bucky chuckles & kisses her head, "Lots of feelings?" He had to admit he enjoyed the movie so much more than he thought he would. "Too much feeling, huh?"
"Ya, too much."
"Well, you saw it. You don't have to see it again."
Abby's head whips up, "Oh, no! I wants to see it again!"
Confused, Bucky tries to reason with her, "Look how it made you cry."
Abby's chubby hands wipes away her tears, "Papa, it was the BESTEST!"
Girl Logic.
@waywardhunter95 @rebeccapineapple @ordelixx @onceithough @thezombieprostitute @ilovetaquitosmmmm @julvrs @unax @s-a-v-a-n-a-34 @winterslove1917 @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @mrsnikstan @hisredheadedgoddess28 @itsteambarnes @otterlycanadian @purplecolordeer @buckitostan @littleredwolf @mcucatlady @silas-aeiou @hzdhrtss @florie1 @thecubanator2 @enchantedbarnes @selella @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @cjand10 @pancake-05 @ozwriterchick @crazyunsexycool @baw1066 @nommingonfood @jvanilly
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wandering-pirate · 3 months ago
Headcanons on each of the crew members' music taste
(cause I've got nothing else to do during vacation, ig)
Capt. Curly
The Captain and his Wham!, A-ha and Westlife obsessions
Rooted from his childhood and teenage years idolizing his older brothers (and also him being a hopeless romantic)
Still not December nor winter, but has Last Christmas on a constant loop
Was forced to have earbuds on the Tulpar due to Jimmy's I-can't-take-all-those-lovey-dovey-lyrics, are-those-even-real-songs complaints
Definitely knows all the lyrics of his favorite bands' songs (he insists that a true fan must not only know the top hits, but also the more obscure songs... whatever he means by that)
Mechanic Swansea
You ain't gonna deny this gruff man's love for country songs
Definitely a fan of ACDC and Guns 'n Roses back in 'his golden days'
The older he got, the more he appreciated the Carpenters and Air Supply. Secretly memorized half of the bands' top hits.
Always playing slow country songs after their dinner date with his wife and slowdancing her (yeah, he a gentleman like that, unlike others *side eyeing u Jimboy*)
Co-pilot Jimmy
The type to always play Metallica, KISS, and Nirvana on speakers at max volume to cover up his one true music taste: emo--
Secretly has a playlist of My Chemical Romance and Backstreet Boys... and dozens of albums
Curly once heard Jimmy singing I Want it That Way in the showers. Ended with constant denial from the latter
"Come on Jimmy, there's nothing ba--"
"Tell me why! Ain't not--"
Intern Daisuke
When I say Pop music, I mean it
Whatever's trending and whoever the artist is, leave it up to him to make the crew suffer
Definitely suffers from last song syndrome
Definitely responsible for the Tulpar being full of 'No singing the same line for more than three times' signs
Introduced Anya to Japanese City pop songs, took pride after she loved them
Nurse Anya
Baby girl's got solid music taste
You can tell her current mood with whatever she's currently listening
Loves 70s and 80s soft rock bands, like the Beatles and Eagles, all by her uncle and dad's addiction to them
Influenced Daisuke's love for Queen, definitely contributed to his severe LSD of 'We Will Rock You and Don't Stop Me Now'
Hid from a raging Swansea for a week after that
Also listens to Aurora, Laufey and Imogen Heap whenever she wants an earbreak from a full-on band (told you. SOLID TASTE.)
Always switching between the two ends of the spectrum. No in-betweens
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sethsclearwater · 1 year ago
Drabble of Poly! paulxreaderxseth reacting to reader bringing home a kitten she found at the edge of the forest while on the way to their home on the res 😭😭 and maybe some timeskips to cute and funny moments between the boys, reader, and the kitty my heart is so full
🧼's first fluffy ask 🤗
"paul oh my god!" you yelled from your spot in the back seat of his car, nearly giving both him and your other imprinter a heart attack as paul quickly pulled over to the side of the road to figure out what was wrong.
before either boy could turn around, you had already opened the rear car door and were jumping out to run back a few feet to where you had seen a small bundle of orange and white fur.
"oh you poor thing," you murmured as you knelt down in the dirt on the side of the road, watching as the kitten in front of you slowly lifted its head to look at you.
"y/n what the hell are you doing-" paul called as he got out of the car, both him and seth taking a few quick strides until they were towering over you.
you didn't bother looking at either boy, already knowing they'd be next to you in a few moments anyway, "a cat? you screamed over a cat?" paul asked exasperatedly, letting out a loud groan as he threaded his fingers through his hair dramatically before going back into the car to cool off for a few seconds.
seth let out a breathy laugh as he watched you gently call to the kitten who watched you and seth apprehensively before slowly taking a few steps over to you and seth, "oh you're so cute," you murmured, barely containing your excitement as she slowly lowered down in front of you until she was laying down, slowly nuzzling her little head against your sweatpants.
as you carefully wrapped your hands around her to pick her up, seth helped you up, both of you being extra cautious as you slowly cradled her in your arms.
"we have to keep her," you whispered, finally peeking up at seth only to see him watching you adoringly, "we can't leave her here," you added and he nodded, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to the crown of your head.
"obviously we have to keep her," seth added playfully, both of you letting out breathy laughs, "but you gotta be the one to tell paul, i am definitely not dealing with his wrath tonight," he added with another laugh, smiling when you giggled at his condition but nodded nonetheless.
with your nod, seth slid his hand down to your lower back to guide you back to the car and help you into the backseat before he was coming around to the front passenger seat, "a cat?" paul asked, turning in his seat to look over at you.
you knew he wasn't actually all that irritated with you given the fact that his lips were curling into the faintest smile but a smile nonetheless, "we have to keep her paul," you pleaded, peaking down at the kitten in your lap who seemed quite content with curling up on you and falling asleep.
"please?" you asked, missing the way seth was watching you with the biggest smile on his face as you tried to convince paul that the three of you needed an addition to your little family.
paul rolled his eyes but nodded none-the-less, letting out a playful sigh when you beamed at him, barely containing your squeal over your excitement. seth winked at you before both boys got situated again so they could finish the quick drive back to your apartment with your newest addition.
you giggled as you stepped back into the bedroom only to see both seth and paul talking to your now quite large orange cat, "oh gorgeous girl," you mused, smiling as you climbed back into the bed, giggling as seth tugged you down next to him so you and the cat were smushed between both boys.
after you'd brought her home, paul developed an interesting habit of vetoing any names you and seth came up with for the cat which resulted in her current situation where all of you lovingly referred to her as 'cat' thanks to paul's stubbornness.
"my baby," you cooed, gently stroking your fingers through her fur while paul scratched at her head and seth wrapped his arm around you to hold you close to him.
"isn't she just so perfect?" you asked, peeking up at paul who rolled his eyes but nodded and smiled nonetheless, "my perfect girl," you added with a giggle, smiling as cat purred and nuzzled her head against your palm.
"she's perfect," seth reassured, offering your hip a playful squeeze which had you giggling again, "are you still bringing her over to emily's today?" he asked softly after a moment, all three of you pausing for a moment as cat let out a rather big yawn which had all of you laughing at her antics.
you peeked over your shoulder to look at seth and nod, "'course i am! she goes everywhere with me," you teased, giggling when seth snuck in a quick kiss before allowing you to look over at cat and paul again.
"that leash you got her is perfect," you said to paul, giggling when he rolled his eyes but smiled at your compliment nonetheless. after sending paul out to get cat a new harness and leash for cat, he had come back with a hot pink leash that he knew you'd love but knew he'd hate which had all of you laughing.
"only got it cause it looks good on her," he grumbled, lips still curled into a small smile as he tried to explain himself to you and seth which had both you and seth laughing at his weak attempt at explaining his purchase.
"cat loves it," you reassured, "and so do i!" you added quickly, playfully kissing his bicep before sitting up so you and cat could get ready for your outing with emily this afternoon.
"whatever you say princess," paul grumbled, lighting up a bit when cat adjusted herself so she was curled up between the two boys again while you got up to get dressed.
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crazy-bxmbo-bxtch · 10 months ago
Yandere HUMAN! Hazbin Hotel X Popular reader
Summary: Separate Hazbin characters and their love and obsession for the school's popular girl
A/n: I'm very excited about this one, also College AU/ Modern
Characters: Alastor, Charlie, Vaggie, Lucifer
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I feel as if he would like to have an innocent or the mega bitch type of girl. An innocent to play into his love for corruption, a bitch so he can break her sprirts.
Now, if you're an innocent, he will be in awe of you. The reason you are popular is your kindness and beauty toward others, even the bad ones.
Alastor would constantly look at you during lectures, and it was noticeable to anyone who squinted, looking at you promptly.
One day, he will gain the door to be active in your life, getting close to you, by studying.
Imagine this, you are failing a class, and you ask your teacher after in private about it. After talking, you realize there is no fixing your current grade for the class, and the semester is almost over. Not to worry, Alastor will happily invite you over to study with him.
Now... a smart person, knew not to go into Alastor's home, as he is the school's sketchy phyco, as in, the whole university is pretty sure he kills people in private....and practiced black magic..
But in your position, you need the help, plus you're pretty sure he's not a killer, I mean, how could he? Based on the talk you had, he's a man who likes music, loves and respects his mother, and knows how to sing and dance. He's harmless. He was so sweet too, telling you things like "the color on your lips looked Devine on you doe." Or "such a pretty thing." He was even kind enough to make tea....
Once you were knocked out, his plan had set up into motion, then when u woke all you know is that alastor saved you from some rapists, he said "they wanted to take something precious from you." You believed him, now you were the new power couple on campus.
Now, if your a bitch, be in for some hardcore fi
Fuckary. Alasor is attracted to your spunk and your sass. He wants to be the only person who sees it.
As you beat up some pathetic girl who dared to question your delightful singing voice, Alastor was watching in awe from afar. You look so cute when you are upset. You can do no wrong in his eyes.
When it comes to courting, Alastor will be using a different approach and technique. You are not so trusting and lenient as you could have been.
I feel Alastor would show you the crazy he possesses. Let you know that, compared to him, you are weak and need protection, not independence.
Imagine you are running through your home, only in a T-shirt and panties, trying to escape the stranger who just burst into your home. As you run, you rush into the bathroom, locking the door and barricading it with anything you can find. You struggle to unlock your phone as you do so, the person says, "I wouldn't do that, my dearest." You recognized the voice, and all your fear was replaced with anger. "Alastor! What are you doing? I knew you seemed off but not this fucking unhinged!!"
As the house fell silent, Alastor let out a chuckle, "Now my dear, it's time for this attitude of yours to falter." You blacked out, now you can't leave his home, forced to drop out and become a housewife.
In either case Alastor will always
1. Obsess
2. Posses
3. And mf PROTECT
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I feel like she would also like someone coming from both mean and nice sides, a nice girl because AHHHHH HOW CUTE IS SHE, and a mean one because she wants to find your softer side and help bring it out of you.
An innocent angel that Charlie is good friends with! You both hang out all the time. You could practically be besties. Forever, and ever, and maybe even more? no, even more!
People around campus would notice how much she spends time with you and how much she touches you, she touches certain parts of your body for too long, you could be at Starbucks and she would just be practically hanging on your shoulder.
But don't be fooled, you never pay for your little "bestie dates" when you are with her, even if you offered to go and even offered to pay and she agrees to you paying, you will never be able to truly pay.
Picture this, during a lecture you text Charlie. Her being the lovesick cinnamon roll she is, she texts back immediately, you ask if she wants to go out to a park or something, and she says, 'It's a date :)'. While you are preparing later that day to hang out with your friend, Charlie is getting ready to hang out with her lover....if you are not catching on.....Charlie is DELULU.
Your friends try to warn you that she's trouble, and a little off, but you ignore them because your friends are harsher than you, you are the sweet one of the group.
Charlie's obsession with you is, for the most part, completely unknown. She can hide her sinister intentions with a smile and a trip to Starbucks.
She writes you love songs that she hopes to be able to sing for you one day, she's a charmer like her father after all.
Her biggest fear is you not wanting to be with her anymore, friends or more, she does not care, she will always make sure that u will see her as one of the people most close to you.
Now, a meaner darling will require a more pushy Charlie, she gets all up in your business, stalks your schedule, and ultimately...BOTHERS THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF YOU.
She never leaves you alone, always trying to be overly friendly to you. She tries to get you to open up to her and look at her as someone you can trust, but hell no.
Eventually, she grows a little impatient and uses her advantage of being the principal's daughter to good use. Now you keep getting in trouble with a punishment of study hall and another punishment of having Charlie monitor you.
As you sit there under her watchful eye you can feel something peering through you, not her but a part of her. She smiles and goes back to talking about random nonsense, you got 10 more days of study hall.
...sucks to be u
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I feel like she would love a weaker kinder girl, who is also very talkative, one who is like Heather Macnemera, one who is popular because of peer pressure. She would notice and take note of it. All of it, even your life.
The fact that you love, jewelry, hair clips, and having your nails done every month. She would definitely be awkward as hell and would get flustered a little easily.
It also was not a shock...to me at least, that you seemed to pay her some attention, whether you asked her about homework, what she does in her free time, and what her favorite foods are.
She loves the fact that you like to yap because she loves to listen. I can imagine...
Vaggie was doing her work for her major. Blasting music in her earbuds and just vibeing, when she gets a tap on her shoulder. "Hey, you got the notes from earlier?" She freezes when she sees you, "oh...uh..what?" She fucked up her response..shit..."oh..I was asking if you got the notes from earlier? He was going a little too fast for me, I blanked." You were done asking.
You scooch over lean over her shoulder and start copying her notes. Vaggie was panicking, not only were you this close to her but, you spoke to her, with not a hint of malice. Your friends give anyone hell so she was luckey to get this treatment..or that's what she thought. You were always sweet to eveyone...
After you took down the notes you started asking her meaningless questions like, 'What's your favorite color or food?' She would answer, then all of a sudden, "Ms. L/s, do you mind carrying your conversation at another time!?" The professor shouted, but, you always clap back " Well damn, chill out I was just getting the notes your fast ass keeps speeding through, not my fault." That shut him up, now all Vaggie has to do is keep you focused on her just a little....ok maybe a lot more, now she has your attention and she would be damned if she stopped now.
You both became close, Vaggie was an amazing friend...she always protected you, and made sure you stayed by her side and out of harm's way, she was amazing at self-defense, and she would always take you to your favorite fast food places. You did not even know she was crazy....oh well, need to pay attention more.
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Now I know this man would be a class clown, it's giving Goofy short king, bro cracks jokes at the teacher that would low-key be insulting or straight rude, especially the teachers that gained some type of excessive liking of you.
He knows everything about you, your fave color, food, jewelry, car....license plate...what your car smells like.....adress....credit card number....all the numbers...anyway.
He is so lovestruck over you he would do anything to entertain you and make you laugh, even though you are two grown adults in college but eh, everyone needs to have fun once in a while.
Now, since in the show, his wife is an entertainer, I feel as though in this he would also have an entertainer darling, one that dances sings, or even acts. He always is there at your performance, he imagines that whatever you are doing is to make him happy, but he's already happy with you ..in his head at least, you do what you do because you love it, but let him be delulu.
He seems very touch starved so I know he would be clinging. Always 5 feet away from you, going off campus for food? He'll ride with you. Does YOUR class start soon? He will drop you off then go to his.
Lucifer, being Goofy, would have been already popular, so many thought you two were dating, lucifer would proudly smile and wall around like you two are together...he could only dream.
You noticed he had a thing for ducks, a little weird, but you can look past that because knows origami....and he makes duck origami for you.. which is hella random but oh well. He even made one that looks like you...he also has a secret one, well like two. They look like you both and are making a heart shape, you don't know about it.
~"Heyyy N/N, sooooo...whatcha doing..?" He asked mentally attacking himself for losing confidence halfway through his introduction. You tell him you want to head over to the park and eat sandwiches and feed the ducks, HIS WIFE, he just loves you. "YOU BETCHA, I'LL BE THERE IN 30". it's a date for him.
While you two sat and laughed, he was beaming at the fact his bad jokes were working, maybe he has a chance? You talk about majors and what you plan to do when you both leave, and he loved that you loved the arts, did he ever mention he sings?~
One thing I know is that this man likes to stare and make faces, he's jealous, what can he say? He won't admit it though, he's too prideful duh. If he attends one of your performances he watches so closely, and he almost forgets about the men making inappropriate comments about your body, they will be handled shorty though, whether he damages their dignity, or fucks them...up...he fucks them up.
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Not much thought, just vibes ✨️
Requests: OPEN
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sunasrin · 8 months ago
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Only If
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Finacè!suna rintarou x fem!reader
summary: Suna had done something that caused his lover to leave him behind along with the ring he proposed to her. Only if he could turn back in time to fix the situation to make it clear that he's sorry.
tw: slight swearing, triggering word being used (cunt). I think that all it was, tell me if there's anything that I had missed.
wc: 1.5k
a/n: I'm so sorry that this is in a rush, by the way this is my first writing on here. It is NOT PROOF READ. it currently late right now, sooooo.... enjoy this as you can!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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Loving Suna Rintarou is a treasure to appreciate. The love that is shared, the desire, the lust, everything in a topic of a relationships meaning. But, those everything was only taken for granted. Even if it means having to see the man 24/7. If he wanted something, he had it. If he desires something, his desires got it. Everything that accountable, he GOT IT. Just that, this time he got what he wanted it. The love that was incarnate into his body was only to be given as a betrayal afterwards. He made her suffer. He made her addicted to him. He made HER become the person she wasn't when she first met Rintarou. She knew from the beginning she can leave her love and trust towards the middle blocker. But, was only soon to be eaten with guilt and stupidity. Y/n herself, known as the middle blocker of the ejp Japan's men's volleyball team's girlfriend was only be thrown into the trash. Bye bye. Her visual, her body, is what every man would want. She couldn't deal with the amount of kindness that she would recieve from the team itself and the world wide supporters. She just couldn't deal with it. The love and the appreciation from everyone, she was happy to hear it all. But among those things, she hated the most was the amount of neglects from the man she loved. Y/n couldn't deal with the pain. So she decided to speak her mind. Telling Rintarou on how she felt about the situation. "Rin?" Her voice was soft, even softer than a female fan who's obsessed with Suna would speak. "What?" He groans in annoyance, he just got home from practice. He didn't want to hear another bother than herself. "I feel like you've been avoiding me lately. I don't feel enough love or either appreciation from you." She fiddles with her fingers, as she picks on her cuticles. "Why does it matter?" He cocked his head to the side looking at her in boredom. "It should, Rin. I don't want the communication that being built between us to fall. I don't want the relationship to be only me caring it on. I feel like I'm just dating a stranger who comes home and just sleeps in the bed all the time-" she was feeling frustrated. She just couldn't get the words out as she wanted too. Her ears were starring to reddened, as tears begin to be on the brick of existence.
She just wanted Rintarou to listen to her, to hear how she felt. Y/n couldn't handle the amount of bottling the emotions on top of each other. All she wanted was for Rintarou to hear her feelings. "Is that really how you see it, huh?" He was being cocky, Y/n knew that this would turn out in the wrong on how she would imagine it. "Why do you need my attention when u have the world and the entire ejp team hyping you up and supporting you?" Rintarou frustratingly yells. "All you ever wanted was me and me along. I don't want your affection, I don't want it at all. I'm tired of coming home and dealing with a woman who can't even appreciate the things I do for her." He screams, Y/n hands bundles up into a fist as she screams her heart, "you know rin! I'm tired of having to chase after you! I'm tired of feeling the way of having to keep my hopes that my boyfriend actually loves me. I'm sorry that I can't be like you. I'm sorry that I can't be the girl who is patient enough to hold their grounds and carry a relationship that two people at the same time should carry. I appreciate the love and encouragement from the team and your supporters. But at the same time, they aren't you, Rin. I want something out of you. It's not something that has to deal with a part of pro volleyball shit!" Y/n huffed and puffed. Everything that bubbles up in her finally explodes. She finally released her thoughts on the whole thing. "Well then, leave. The door is wide open for you to leave. If you're so sick and tired of being with me, then leave. Your just a stuck up cunt who goes around and fuck other dudes anyways. Oh right, you're everyone's type of girl. On the other hand, I'm going to sleep. Leave If you want. It's not my problem. Now piss off." Rintarou stood up and finally headed to the shared bedroom. Y/n was stunned, tears finally released from eye sockets. Tears are frustrated, angry, hurt, and sad all together. Her mouth trembled as she finally sat down with a big thud sound on the floor. She held her mouth as her whimpers were shut by the palms of her hands. Y/n couldn't do anything, whenever she wanted to voice her thought to Rintarou, it was always shut down with a painful throw back. So she decided she will exist herself out of Rintarou's life.
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The next morning came along, Rintarou woke up and left as usual. There is nothing to be surprised by Y/n herself. It was just a daily routine that so happened to be played every single day. Just Y/n and the house itself. Soon, 8:30 rolled around. She decided what was best. Her suitcase ready to leave the home she once called comfort. Soft footsteps sounds slowly came to the kitchen were she finally sighs waving goodbye to the once shared home she'll leave behind and move on from a new chapter. Closing the door behind her as she got into her vehicle and drove off to a home she can stay at.
After several hours since Y/n had left, Rintarou had arrived home. Waiting to be greeted by the women, but was only announced with silence and no utter trace of the women being home. Rin furrowed his eyebrows wondering where the he'll could she be at this time. It was currently midnight. It was always like this, coming home so late after practice again and again. His feet traveled around the house trying to find his lover, but was only recieve with the ring he proposed to her a few weeks ago and a note.
dear Rintarou,
Your probably shook at the moment, but I want you to understand that I couldn't bear the neglect that was happening in the household. I understand you were busy with the upcoming tournament that's just around the corner. But. Overall, you hurt me. You made me feel unappreciated, unaccepted, and unloved with the actions and words you've spoken to me. Last night, you opened my eyes and showed me that you no longer love me. You told me I was welcome to leave and said some real hurtful words that you knew deep down I was insecure about. I get that you're exhausted and not having the best time at the moment, but I want you to understand how I feel about the negativity that's being thrown at me. I love you, I really do. I appreciate the small interactions you showed and the love that's being given to me. Just that, I won't be in your life no longer. You won't have to suffer with my living in the home that causes you annoyance and exhaustion. I hope you're doing well while I'm gone. Please don't call or texts, you'll make things harder for both of us. I have already left as you can see. You'll see no existence of me in a home that we use to share. All my belongings will no longer leave any trace of me being there. You can have the ring back, and I hope you're happy enough that I won't intrude your life anymore. Once again. I love you, Suna Rintarou. Live a life that can make you proud, be healthy, take care, and don't think about me while you're alone.
Y/n Y/l/n
Rintarou was going through a panic mode. He knows he fucked up someway and somehow that include her to leave him and the relationship behind as if it never existed. Rintarou tears fell rapidly he couldn't deal with the amount of pressure and hurt that's being pained through his heart. He couldn't handle it. All thanks to his dumb self for losing someone who was even out to be by his side and marry him. To be able to comfort him while he had a hectic day of practice. Only if he could go back in time and fix the problem that he caused for his one and only finacè to leave him.
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@ sunasrin 2024 : Please don't copy, repost, or spam likes on any of my posts! Keep in mind not to credit yourself as if it's your own of any sorts of these warnings!
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strniohoeee · 1 year ago
im literally obsessed with ur writings❤️ can u do one where reader has social anxiety and matt tells her to be at somewhere for a date(a crowded place)but he forget to go and reader gets a panic attack and then they argue but the end is fluffy
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader 💌
Synopsis: Matt plans a date with Y/N, but he forgets a few days later. When Y/N shows up at the restaurant, and it’s packed she started to suffocate 🖤
Warnings⚠️: Talks of a panic attack, and that’s about it
Song for the imagine: I can’t handle change- Roar
I hated how anxious I was around people who I didn’t know, or how my throat felt like it was closing when the place became too crowded. I always struggled with social anxiety, but as I got older, and went out less it became even worse
Before I dated Matt, and we were all friends they would try and get me to go to a party, but I never ever went. I simply could not. But once Matt and I got closer, and we started dating he paved the way for me to feel more comfortable.
I didn’t go to every event, but I did show up at a lot more places, and many people were proud of how much I’ve accomplished. I was proud of myself too, I mean had you told me a year ago I’d be going to parties, and actually talking to people I would have laughed in your face. But this is all thanks to Matt. He never made me do anything I didn’t want to, and if I was uncomfortable he was always there for me.
Right now I was getting dressed because Matt asked me out on a date about three days ago. He was laying in my bed while we were dozing off.
“Let’s go out Friday night, like 8pm. I have a meeting with Laura, but after that meet me at Garden’s Kitchen” he said while snuggled into me
“Yeah sure I’ll meet you there” I told him, and we fell asleep
So that’s what I was currently getting dressed for, and I was about to head out, and meet him downtown. I was very anxious to travel downtown alone, but I knew the Uber would drop me off in front of the restaurant, and all I had to do was walk in , and meet with Matt.
I got to the restaurant at about 10 after 8, because of traffic, so that already made me anxious. I hopped out of the car, and walked inside…..immediately my heart sank. It was fucking PACKED
My heart started to race, and my palms got sweaty. I started to look around, and my eyes landed on a big sign that said $2 margaritas every Friday.
I was fucking mortified this place was so packed I kept getting bumped into. I shimmied my way to a corner, and pulled out my phone to text Matt
“Hey baby I’m here! It’s packed. Did you get a seat?” I texted him
“Hey babe, where are you?” He asked me
“I’m all the way at the front by the entrance” I texted back
“Wait what? No I mean like where are you?” He asked again
“Oh. I’m at Gardens Kitchen for our date, remember?” I texted back
“A date? I’m sorry baby I don’t remember” he said
My heart started racing even more, and I thought I was about to pass out
“The date you asked me on ... .3 days ago?” I texted back
“I’m really sorry, but I don’t remember” he said
I tried to text him, but my messages weren’t going through, so I tried to call him, but my calls weren’t going through as well….one of us had bad service.
“Excuse me ma’am” I heard so I looked up
“Yes?” I asked
“Are you getting a table or not? Theres people waiting on you” she said rudely
I looked behind me, and a line had formed
“Oh no I’m sorry!” I said back in shock
“So then step off the line” the guy behind me said
“Oh I’m sorry” i said back
Then all of a sudden it just got so loud, and everyone was talking to me, and looking at me, and I swore my hearing was going out
I started to have a panic attack, my vision got blurry, my chest was heavy and I felt like I was going to die. Then all of a sudden the tears started streaming down my face
I ran out of the restaurant trying to ground myself, and with shaky fingers i ordered an Uber to go to the triplets house
It was about a 30 minute drive, my texts and calls still weren’t going through to Matt. I was trying to stay calm but I was so overstimulated I really thought I was going to die
I had gotten to the triplets house, using the pin pad to let myself in. I heard them laughing in the kitchen
I stomped up the stairs
“HOW COULD YOU” I said stomping towards the kitchen
“Baby! Baby! You’re okay” Matt said running up to me
“I didn’t do it on purpose I swear, my phone had no service” he said looking into my eyes
“Matt, you asked me out three days ago…how did you forget? And then you send me to a restaurant that serves $2 margaritas on a Friday night…. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE WERE THERE” I said starting to shake feeling another panic attack beginning to start
“I KNOW, and I’m sorry okay I really didn’t remember. I would never do anything to hurt you” he said pulling me in and rubbing my back
“Matt I felt like I was going to die” I said sobbing into his chest
“Baby it’s okay! You’re here with me. You’re okay. Don’t worry I got you my love. Breathe in and out” he said to me
I was shaking and sobbing and I couldn’t catch my breath
“Can you hear me? Can you hear my voice? Breathe in and out okay here give me your hands” he grabbed my hands and put them on his face
“You can feel me, you feel my jaw, and my nose, you can feel me talking when I put your hands here” he said as he placed my hands on his chest
“Look at me okay look at me” he said, and finally I opened my eyes while I was taking deep shallow breaths
“Look at my eyes, what color are they?” He asked me
“Bl- they’re blue” I said in broken sobs
“And my hair what color is my hair” he said bringing my hands to his hair
“It’s brown” I said taking deeper breaths
“My lips, how do they feel” he said rubbing my finger on his lips
“They feel soft” I said
He placed his hand on my heart
“Breathe in….and out. I got you! You’re okay follow me” he said and started to breathe in and out
I followed his orders, and slowly my heart rate started to go down
“Okay good, very good. You’re okay y/n I’m here with you” he said still having his hand on my heart
“I’m sorry Matt” I said pulling him in for a hug
“This is not your fault. This is all my fault. I sent my baby out to a place, and I wasn’t even there, and I let her down. I let her have a panic attack” he said placing his hand on the back of my head kissing the top of my head
“No Matt you forgot. I should have reminded you” I told him pulling away
“Don’t worry about it baby , okay. This will never ever happen ever again. I will never do some stupid shit like that again” he said walking me over to the kitchen table
Nick handed me water, and Chris gave me my comfort pillow that I had for when I would have a panic attack
“Are you okay?” Nick asked looking at me
“Yes I’m okay” I said nodding my head and taking a sip of water
“I love you so much y/n, and know that I would never do anything to hurt you” he said rubbing my cheek with the back of his hand
“I know Matt. I love you too” I said weakly as I gave in to his touch
That night Matt and I stood attached at the hip, and we ate pizza and watched movies, and honestly I forgot about my panic attacks. Nick and Chris also came in for a bit making sure I was okay and giving me hugs.
I loved Matt so much.
The End
I hope you guys liked this one, and whoever requested lmk how you liked it 🖤💋
A/N: I’m 21🧎🏽‍♀️
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changetheprophecy81 · 1 year ago
Unpopular opinion but......
Am I the only one who misses the og marauders? The marauders fandom isn't even about the marauders now, 99% of their canon personality traits hv been replaced with cliqued behaviour. For some reason there's a massive obsession with their sexuality and I just don't get it? Lyk can't u have a character with any sexual orientation with personality traits outside it anymore? Does there really need to be a complete erasure of their most defining traits? I just wish we could get the actual marauders era characters back
James Potter: Pureblood, rich, intelligent, arrogant, a bully, but extremely loyal; took Sirius in and turned into an animagus for his werewolf bestie when the whole world would have shunned him; he could have led a life of utmost comfort but chose to risk his life and fight for those he loved in a war that didn't even concern him personally. His last words were asking his wife and child to escape while he tried to hold voldy off without a wand
Sirius Black: Haughty, a bully, extremely good looking, cool, rich, blood traitor by 16, comes from a family of literal death eaters, very intelligent, loyal, will do anything for those he loves( especially james and later Harry), thick as hell (my boy really survived in a depression prison for 12yrs, tht too after all the horror he'd seen before that), dark, very traumatized and broken
Remus Lupin: Gentle (yup u read that right), kind, mischievous (ppl really overlook this), very insecure, let james and Sirius bully Snape coz he was too thankful for their acceptance and affection to tell them off, considered himself undeserving of love, his self loathing prevents him from being a responsible adult/ parent for Harry, lowkey manipulative. Very compassionate and empathetic even after everything he's been thru tho
Peter Pettigrew: Considered slow and stupid, insecure, tags along with the others for protection, but obviously cunning and manipulative, a disgusting rat tho
Regulus Black: Teenage Reggie worshipped death eaters, he had newspaper clippings of them on his wall, completely believed in those racist ideologies until he realised what the reality of being a death eater was. He tried to bring voldy down but there's no evidence of him completely changing his beliefs about everything else like muggle borns, muggles, werewolves etc. Very cunning and intelligent tho, he discovered voldemort's secret before Dumbledore did. Liked kreacher but kreacher was also brainwashed with pureblood ideology, so I ll only give him half the credit. Bravely sacrificed his life in the end, but he still chose to protect his racist family.
Lily Evans: muggleborn, good at portions, described as popular and vivacious, pretty, the favourite sibling, isn't afraid of standing up to ppl (tht smirk in swm tho?), very brave, and most importantly (ppl really choose to forget this nowadays) a mother who stood in front of her baby boy in hopes of saving him from the darkest wizard alive even tho she herself was only 21 at the time, tht too right after losing her husband. Tho I'd still say that lily is a badly written character
It's fun to explore characters but not one of these core characteristics r even present. They're turned into one dimensional social justice warriors who r always right in everything they do
Now I get it, ppl want them to fit with current day ideals, but y not just create different/new characters then? What's the point of holding on to that nostalgia if most of their character isn't even there anymore? Where's all the toxicity coming from? And anyone who doesn't agree is homophobic and whatever other -phobic u choose to employ in the most irrelevant context ever. It's all so stupid smh🙄
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frankendykez · 7 months ago
What r ur oc stories about?
OMG HIHI I NEVER HAD SOMEONE OUTSIDE OF MY CURRENT FRIENDS ACTUALLY ASK BEFORE UMMMM OKAY SO. i have 3! main oc stories that i Really care about at the moment but im Deeply fixated on mainly 1 of them but im gonna start with the one ive been liek "promoting" the most in a sense!! under read more cuz im gonna try to exlain all three of them bless. sorry if i seem overly passionate oops i was TRYING to summarise im sorry its so long u rlly dont Have to read All of it
Forgotten Man's Symphony
his (louis manoir) character is basically a spin off from a character mentioned in the novel frankensetin exactly (1) time by name in elizabeth's letter and by far he is the most organised oc of mine cuz we do actually have a clean, understandable summary doc (thought it is a tad bit outdated but its okay). shes like the most Normal narrative-wise i suppose so i'm not exactly sure on how to explain the plot of forgotten man's symphony it's just like??? him ruining his life in front of the reader and then #Healing?? i guess?? the story is an epistolary that starts with louis' Suicide Letter. so like. yeah. BUT!! i suppose i would say his story very much concerns the concept of like identity (including gender and such she would be considred either transfemme/bigender by the modern world but also idfk cuz i made her complicated and confusing on purpose) and also the lack thereof + the negative impact that comes with trying so hard to fit into the societal norms and what people Want you to be but you just Can't be, cutting away bits of yourself to fit through some sort of hole representing the perfect version of you until theres nothing left of Who You Are expect a palatable and small version yk?? and the the endless pursuit of wanting to be loved that leads yourself to changing and changing for people who just wont care or love you for realsies + @rosaniruby 's words "making it even like that so its not YOU who is loving and being loved but the dim visage of a version of you that fits the picture of what society loves; that it's not a love between individuals, it's the love for a society that cannot ever love anything because it was made to hate. and who believes that portrayal of love will not find it and forever be stuck. smth like society loves what it deems as perfect and hates the imperfect, since perfect doesn't exist it can only do the second one. and louis wanted to love perfect victor, hated his own imperfect self. but the perfect victor doesnt exists, and neither does any version of louis."
i like her he's great. sorry if that was less telling u WHAT his story is and more like Explaining the "themes" as theyre called of the story but idrk how to describe nromal stuff so TAKE WHAT U CAN GET!!! anyways,
Domus Carnis: The Transmutation of Guinevere Manor
idk if you're aware but i have a hyperfix on architectural horror and i DON'T MEAN SCARY GHOSTS AND SERIAL ILLERS IN AN ABANDONED HOUSE I MEAN HAUNTED HOUSES THAT ARE ALIVE THAT IS A METAPHOR FOR PTSD FROM CHILDHOOD TRAUMA ETC ETC!! this story By making it started my whole obsession with the House it's crazy... scary even.. (i recommend you watch jacob geller's video essay about houses) i really do like domus carnis but it's. Messy to say the least. i do feel as if i ought to change the time period it's set in to avoid talking about the wars going on in the time period i accidentally set it in without realising but im procrastinating on that rn. it was Suppose to be late 1800s to early 1900s..
in a few simple words: flesh-and-bone made lesbian sex house. does that get your attention yet. bless
domus carnis (which literally means flesh house in latin or something) will be written in the POV of a 40ish year old widowed woman by the name of harriet wren's diary entries, occasionally switching to the POV of her 20-something year old godson percival who is like old timey jake paul and hes like either a journalistt or a radio host depending if i choose to change the time period or not. we follow them after harriet's husband dies of whatever and they find out he has a large property in a foreign country of which they had not known of prior
somewhere in germany there is a house of ex-aristocrats that no longer live there that is Alive. the House becomes alive because it is in a sense "possesed" (not haunted) the ghost of kathryna von guinevere who was the last one to die in the house, who, in life, was incredibly obsessed with The House for reasons that i fear are too long to explain without boring you and going into info pre-story?? anyways, when she "posseses" the house, the materials of the house shift to flesh, blood and bone because it Materially becomes her body. now, it would be hard to accurately label what represents what body part, because it's all strangely jumbled up and isn't like really human anatomy either cuz kathryna Can in fact see inside herself?? anyways whatever. now, the house is now both her body AND her mind. i have taken the phrase "haunted by memories/trauma" and turned it literal. the house IS haunted, but most of the ghosts aren't ghosts, theyre mostly all manifestation of Memory from her life because she actively is replaying the speech and actions of other people IN her mind to process the (typically traumatic) events of which she's seen or experienced. the ghosts CANNOT do as they please because they only exist at all Due to kathryna remembering them in these specific scenes. the hauntings include scenes of people, sounds, and shadows. unless the "scene" has a mirror, you cannot see kathy directly because you are witnessin things through HER eyes, which makes memories from wee childhood interesting because im wondering if i should make the "people" seem wayy bigger than the viewer if stuff is replayed from childhood..
i really like the fact that a lot of this is based on memory because it opens a lot of doors to me when it comes to the appearance of hauntings. my friend showed me this video depicting neurons forgetting how a face looks like, and i feel as if i could use that in the story because well, realistically kathy isnt going to have a Pristine memory cuz she Was just a human before, not to mention the fact shes already suppose to have issues on facial recognition/rememberance (my friend with these sisues suggetsed htis). the alteration of the ghosts' bodies could be fucked with even more if i try to make use and research into the way that people (mostly children) can in fact like.... change the image of something traumatic in their brain and make it less scary bc the brain is trying to protect them? yeah. AND ALSO the fact that a lot of people forgets certain aspects of their trauma due to their brain trying to protect them as well but still have this feeling of Unease when it comes o specific things that they cant explain, i could incorporate this feeling in certain areas of the House, the strange uneasiness. i experience that myself so i hope ill portray it right!!
i Think that's it?? at least that should be the bare bones of the story... i have a pin board tho if u want to check it out!!
The Epinicium
THIS is the stupid fucking thnag thats ruining my entire life rn. i love it i hate it whagever man. THIS ONE ill keep short and simple because im too fucking mentally ill about it to explain in depth without being asked questions
so basically its fantasy world but not like. Completely new high fantasy i very loosely based the countries off of like real countries and stuff bc lazy as shite so its like mid fantasy maybe HOWEVER
basically its set in this world where theres a shit ton of religions and gods and shit and theres three categories of religions (the world is veyr uhnm. Categorical idk): earth, science and the arts. basically the arts religions are the majority and the gods of those religions are called the muses so thats what i'll be calling them from now on. the basic plot of epinicium is about the muses of the music religion declaring that humanity doesnt treat music as "holy enough" anymore and taking it away as a whole (songbirds go extinct as well which is importnat) which also fucks up the other arts religionsdue to the fact that artforms are very connected but they still exist yk and centuries later our main cast attempts to bring it back!!! we have this server with a channel that has the "summary" but its not a real summary its just an already outdated infodump but we are Trying to fill this doc but we're failing really hard but friendship is magic idk.
anyways thats. pretty much it i think im sorry its too long once again 😭😭 feel free to ask question esp on the epinicium!! id love to hear abt ur ocs btw ive yapped so much oops
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aurorialwolf · 14 days ago
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i have a few for Aria
I was muttering to myself (random roleplay thoughts) when I saw the notif for this ask pop up and went "goodness gracious" pffft
Hold on lemme parse these
is the first one just fantasy!Aria or is it also a metaphor for the other Arias? either way holy shit. :( poor lil gal allllll alone,,
Also yes that second one does perfectly describe Aria's general childhood(s) even across universes,, she really does believe that there's something wrong with her, and she can't get it out. So she bottles up that insane desperation for control that she has, in hopes that she'll never slip up and become obsessive again over her current friends (notably, she did almost slip up during that roadtrip with Allan)
And yeah. Aria has majorrrrr issues with approval. Someone telling her they trust her makes her nearly explode (with joy or anguish, who knows?) and it gets way worse when it comes to authority figures and also. men? somewhat? Her dad is good, but there might be either some issues there or general society has affected her perception of being valued (genuinely positively instead of being objectified) by men,, hm.
Also if Pidge ever expressed true disappointment in her (in prime) it would absolutely shatter her and she'd have a horrible time, and probably the same with Allan
She does indeed feel very undeserving of some things. I mentioned this a while back, but in my OC love languages post, I noted that prime!Aria is usually incapable of receiving gifts unless it's for a special occasion. Because of her autism, she finds it excruciatingly difficult to "seem grateful" and has been conditioned to believe she doesn't deserve something if she can't express sincere thanks. (not by her parents but by other people). So, she "hates" getting random surprise gifts because the feels as though people will be disappointed in her when she can only say "thank you I love it" with a deadpan expression.
Also I'm assuming this last one is referring to imp!Aria, although prime!Aria being an ex-convict could fit in some sense as well.. this def fits for prime!Aria because she has to step away from that idea of being just another criminal that cannot be trusted and doesn't deserve anything good anymore because of how badly she's hurt people. Same with imp!Aria being an ex-slicer, she's hurt too many people and not been punished for it, so she feels unable to climb out of the hole she's dug herself into (if I said her getting injured would be a catalyst for her forgiving herself finally do u think someone would do it? :3c half kidding bc this "learning to be a healer" arc will probably slightly accomplish that too)
jesus christ I yap far too much guys I'm sorrrryyyyy there's just so much to say !!!!
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jackshiccup · 9 months ago
hey! i'm completely obsessed with your bound copy of otnwas and I'm currently planning to bind a copy of a different hijack fic for my dearest friend! (it is her favorite and she is the hiccup to my jack, lol). I've been picking my way slowly through the wonderful bookbinding sources you piled together in some of your posts and I was wondering if you could elaborate on how you created the beautiful cover? (the gorgeous title, the spine, design, corner covers). Thank you so much for sharing btw, you've blown me away with how beautiful it is!
aw hi, thanks so much !! :) truly there is no greater joy and love than gifting a friend a hand bound book of their favorite fic huh.. that's so sweet of u !!!! (i relate, am binding another one rn for some dear friends of mine 🥹) and yes i can totally explain, or try my best to!
for the cover design, i edit/make all my stuff in adobe illustrator but i drew the corner filigree (the fancy swirly things) on procreate first before transferring it to illustrator to do the rest of the cover design, playing around with resizing etc. (title + spine). i made sure that the canvas size (in mm) is the same as the cover so that the proportions were accurate. if you don't have illustrator i think canva might also work well? i've seen a lot of people use it!
for the foiling, i basically followed the simple but most time-consuming way which is to use a foil quill pen. i bought the standard tip (0.5) but i honestly should've bought the fine tip (0.38) bc there was so much detail i lost you just can't tell from the pics aksjdhaskj. i printed out the cover and spine true-to-size and just traced over it with the foil pen. i taped down the silver foil underneath and the printed cover on top so that nothing moves. don't lift up your foil or your paper until you've finished everything - things get really wonky because they tend to misalign if you do that (TAKE IT FROM MEEEE) you just have to trust that the foil transferred. the pen gets hot enough to transfer through the paper layer, though you do just have to press a little harder than you might usually have to or else it might not come through (the hand cramps i got from it... though it was worth it to me)
for the last step, once you've attached the cover to the text block and all that jazz - the silver book corners you can buy from amazon! make sure that it's in the same thickness as your cover board. mine was 0.3mm, so that's what i bought! you just attach it to the corner and press.
i wish i was one of those people who have those silly fancy machines that do all the foiling work for you but alas i don't have the money for that rn.. maybe in the future kjashdkjh if you don't mind me asking, i'd love to know which hijack fic ur friends loves ;u; anyway i hope your binding goes well, i'm glad i could help !! <3
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kitsmittens · 2 months ago
Intro 4.0 (oops)
K, it's fine. Just doing this again. (tw down the bottom)
Helloooooo! You can call me Kit (cause y not?). I go by she/they, but I generally don't mind he/she/they pronouns/I can't be bothered. I'm 16 therefore a minor an am armed with the block/report button at the slightest hint of anything iffy. I am a raging queer (of the lesbian sort) and will not take any homophobia of any sort (try it and I will come after you with my words).
Currently I'm obsessed with the marauders (literally my personality at this point), dead poets society (cause I'm not depressed), House M.D. (because they are gay and you can't tell me otherwise), Doctor Who and Arcane
I listen to My Chemical Romance (religiously), Bowie (because he's god), The Who, Chappell Roan, and a bit of The Rolling Stones, Journey and T.Rex
I write fanfictions to get me through life. Ao3: messr_kit please go check them out, my recent work born of a fixation is actually one of my favourite fics I've written ever so.... yeah.
DNI: homophobes/transpobes, racists, Trump-ists, & haters
If you follow me I will follow u back <3 (t's & c's apply)
I do not, am not, and will never support JK Rowling. She is a bigot and a disgrace.
Ugh, yeah, this is me. Welcome to my corner of the internet I guess.
TW: sometimes something goes wrong in my head and I'll put up a shitty post. I don't remember doing this last time and I'm convinced it's happened before, but usually it involves self-hate and shit. if that's not okay for you, dni, I don't want to hurt you. I delete the posts as soon as I'm back, but just be careful, please <3
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apersononearth011 · 1 year ago
I haven’t done an intro post yet so I thought I’d avoid my history homework by doing this :)
my name used to be lola but i hated it, it did NOT feel like me and it has been used against me too many times, so my new one is (very unoriginally from my favourite character) Tori, short for Victoria.
pronouns she/they
idk if i'm bi or ace or aro or what, i never know what i am feeling so it's hard to tell.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
(but a lot of them overlap so i probably only have a couple of them)
An0rex1a Nervosa
Anxiety Disorder (generalised/social)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (inattentive)
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder (quiet)
Complex-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Depersonalisation Derealisation Disorder
Major Depressive Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (checking/pure O)
Selective Mutism
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome
i am currently a glass child and have been my whole childhood, so do not tell me to get therapy/medical help bc i CAN'T (also camhs is shit and wouldn't do anything anyway)
special interests:
osemanverse (specifically solitaire)
tv shows (bbc ghosts, stranger things, brooklyn nine-nine, superstore, cobra kai, derry girls, sex education.)
youtubers (sturniolo triplets (mainly matt), jake webber, johnnie guilbert, tarayummy, sam and colby, kallmekris, larray, quenlin blackwell, madeline argy, kurtis conner, daniel gonzales, drew gooden, chad chad, jarvis johnson, funkyfrogbait, matt rose.)
films (matilda, the addams family, heathers, enola holmes, the karate kid, back to the future, clueless, mean girls, beetlejuice, coraline, girl interrupted, the craft.)
my music taste:
radiohead, arctic monkeys, nirvana, chase atlantic, madison beer, taylor swift, the neighbourhood, cigarettes after sex, conan gray, lana del rey, metallica, alex g, the cure, the smiths, baby queen, girl in red, the beatles, clairo, beabadoobee, mother mother, marina, melanie martinez, johnnie guilbert
Dni: transphobes, homophobes, ableists, racists, sexists, basically any form of discrimination, ppl who think age regression is the same thing as age play, nsfw blogs
I talk about very depressing things here! if that triggers u or u js don't want to see it do not follow me
Also you can buy my sisters chainsaw man stickers at https://hikikomoripaints.etsy.com (i'm giving her free advertisement lol)
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silusvesuius · 6 months ago
i trust ur opinions the most out of any skaighrhim fan i know of, you just never miss
i wanna know your sexuality headcanons
exactly.. speak! i truly never miss; but thank you 🤗💗💛 here i go precursor i think most skajrimlian males hate women so that will be explaining most thoughts here so just put a pin in that OK?
no asteriks in this post because it looks annoying 2 me ; brace yourselves
ulfric is definitely gay but only with relation to galmar (mutualism), he hasn't really ever liked anyone since enough to pursue. he is also gay only because he detests women and finds them disgusting after spending some time with elenwen in the torture dungeons, the events shuffling his neurons. same as ulfric, galmar is also light in the loafers, except out of choice. i just don't think he'd find the same 'excitement' in women. he sticks with ulfric atm because 1. of duty and 2. he's very much obsessed with the security ulfric's mental illness and need for reassurance brings him. He just makes him feel good! and ulfric's not even necessarily trying to. iykyk rikke is straight only cause she hasn't had the chance to experiment (always surrounded by men). she likes a responsible manly man. currently likes tullius and is failing at life Hard bc of it. probably used to like ulfric and/or galmar back when they were bffs but never got to join their men-only pond bathing sessions tullius is bis😁exual! and it drives him nuts, cause he's not allowing himself to get into male-on-male action fully. imagine that paired with his blossoming altmer fetish. it's a hard life to live let me tell U that ....... likes women when they're interesting enough and is more 'attracted' to men. he's more likely to Like an altmer woman. for men it's just a bonus. a big bonus. if he's an altmer. elenwen My daisy flower rose petal Goddess is straight but also i think she's above having a sexuality. i think she likes others based on how interesting she thinks they are, similar to tullius. don't waste her time elisif is bisexual but not in a way she's ready to comprehend with her frail mind (concussion after ulfric's shout that evaporated her boo boo hubby into slop also threw her against a wall), she just kinda searches for literal crumbs of Anything from anyone, will start liking someone if they're nice to her in many ways. bonus if you see her as a snelf like me: she tends to fall for th*lmor very easily cus she sees them often and likes being in their presence due to feeling some sort of familial elf-tie with them (tired of being around humans all the time) hmmmm.... these are most important so i'll talk about anyone else under the cut
fasendil my cuteums is the straightest man(mer) aliiive i think it's cus of the empire's influence. as i mentioned before tullius would have an eye on him but fasendil would swiftly reject him and lose any respect for him completely. he and rikke would be cute and have a very lukewarm Milk boiled water unsalted soup relationship, saying this nicely, i like them talvas my sweety ugly butterfly Apple fairy (sorry i didn't mean to call you that) is gay but he's not registering that information yet in 'canon' events; he's not really interested in love and isn't seeking it out. can't you see he's preoccupied.. with learning.. unlike you lowlifes.! probably never been attracted to a girl, doesn't think about them. he feels happier when praised by men, too. neloth is .... it's hard to tell tbh, but first and foremost i'd say he likes them YYYYOUNG (around 20-30 in human years) and prefers guys over women, just cus he thinks women are harder to deal with, annoying and r fussier. he probably isn't a fan of the usual affection that comes from women, makes him cringe really hard. prefers more of a hesitant type. why not say smth about this bozo: morgul is defffo gay. Bruh you left orc society to hang with ugly twink elves in some ashy stranded island?? 😂😂 bye maybe slitter lets him hit sometimes (is the pay that good?) lleril is an interesting case to me actually, i just remembered when i was reading up on adril it was mentioned he doesn't sleep in the same bed as his wife and it made me laugh really loud; Wow........ explains it all rly. lleril probably thinks nobody can tell he's gay even tho everyone.....can.......... and adril is literally walking around that dinky town doing backflips for him so.. Hm ancano is gay and likes the younger impressionable ones because nobody cares about his ugly ass ever. those always tend to be altmer, or just thalmor subordinates savos is also a blooming pansy with No experience. i think he's pretty good at making his feelings not known (and generally tends to not interact with a bunch of people) so yeah....... nothing LMFAOO this is why he needs some talvas twink action stat i think i ran out of thoughts for now but if anything else comes 2 mind i'll add it later😝
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quinnnfabrgay-writes · 3 months ago
wip wednesday
thank you so much for the tag @almostfoxglove 🥰
my period came a week early and has drained me of all my energy, but i am slowly and painstakingly making progress on a few things
since my mood swings have been all over the place, here are a few different pieces that are also all over the place lol (you can all blame @sp00kymulderr for the dieter obsession 🫣 he has quite literally taken over all my thots)
what it means to burn - dieter x actress!reader
“You deserve it more than anyone I know.” He drops one of your hands to softly cup your chin, his thumb brushing across your skin. “Mi estrella brillante.”
Your stomach drops as you try to remind yourself it’s nothing more than a friendly gesture. But Dieter apparently wasn't finished tormenting your lovesick soul. Before you have time to comprehend what's happening, he leans forward and drops his lips to your forehead, your chin still in his hand.
It had to have been only a brief few seconds, but to you that moment was frozen in time.
untitled dieter non-con piece - dieter x f!reader
you notice the corners of his mouth tick up slightly, a low chuckle vibrating from his throat, before he grabs a couple of pills from a bag in the pile. he stands, making his way to the mini fridge, grabbing a cold bottle of water before turning and heading towards you. he holds out both the pills and water for you to take, confusion getting the better of you
“oh, that's sweet of you, but i was just going to take them at my place”
Dieter shakes his head slightly, “‘fraid i can't let you do that, can't take this shit unsupervised, i wouldn't feel right letting you go off on your own.”
“oh, u-um, do you have anything i could just take home with me then?” it's not that you don't trust him, but you can't ignore this feeling starting to take form in the pit of your stomach, a heavy weight triggering your fight or flight - unfortunately you were always one to freeze and fawn
no misbehavin' - sub!dieter x mommy domme!reader
He has a strong feeling that it's just you trying to respect that he's had a very grueling couple of weeks full of non-stop interviews, photo shoots, table reads, costume fittings, the list goes on. At first he was grateful you were more gentle with him, more sensual and comforting without him having to ask. But now there's this irritating, itchy feeling burning beneath his skin, begging to be scratched– or bit, or paddled, or whipped, or flogged– soothing his nerves in the way only you can.
He has a feeling you could tell he needed more from you tonight, that had to be why you finally started toying with him again– making him wear a cock ring and a plug, edging him all night, bringing him up to the precipice of pleasure with your hands, your tits, your mouth only to pull back at the last second, bringing him back down.
The Last Five Years - dieter x ofc Sawyer
This is it. It’s actually over. He finally took deliberate action in their relationship, and this is what he’s decided on. Sawyer sits at the dining table, slouched back in her seat, eyes glazed over with unshed tears as she stares at the current source of her despair: divorce papers already signed and initialed by her husband, soon-to-be ex-husband, Dieter Bravo. The blank spot left for her signature taunts her every time her eyes scan the papers. Dieter’s decided it’s time to move on; he’s got new dreams he’s building upon.
And I’m still hurting.
(any "the last 5 year" fans in the pedro fandom??? i won't be posting this series until i have it at least half written, but surprise!)
npt: @perotovar @sp00kymulderr @guiltyasdave @bitchesuntitled @syd-djarin @djarins-cyare @covetyou @chronically-ghosted @ozarkthedog @for-a-longlongtime @sizzlingcloudmentality @whocaresstillthelouvre @crowandmousewritingco @ghostofaboy @max--phillips @yopossum
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nokaru · 7 months ago
obsessed w the gravedigger called shovel can u answer any of the character design questions from that ask game for her
omg haii okay I was thinking a lot about the design questions for Shovel cause girlie is pretty much plain and so are her clothes/or they change a lot BUT I'll try to pick somethings that stand out okayyy let's go
i wanted to draw her for better explanation/visuals but my pc is being currently torn apart so no Shovel reveal yet :((
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
like I said – pretty much nothing necessary stands out, her whole color palette is mostly black-brown-gray with gold accents and that's about it. One distinguishing feature is her hairstyle tho. Basically long black sleek hair pulled up into a long ponytail. The actual special feature are the two thin strands of hair that she pulls out of her slicked back pony. Yes, she's that cool. Besides that...maybe her gold hoop earrings which she wears when she's not working. Oh also cat eyes. (not as catty as Obi's but similar)
stature: What's your OC's body type? How tall are they? Do they wear clothing to accentuate their look or do they try to mask it?
Tall and fit, muscle mostly gathered in her upper body esp arms from working with shovels all day uknow gravedigging and stuff. Not necessarily as buff as her other companions but her shoulders + back muscles are definitely toned. Unless she just has her tank top on you can't really tell tho.
I don't have a specific height in mind for her but she's around the same height (maybe bit shorter) as Rita so smt like 175-177cm.
footwear: What does your OC wear on their feet?
one thing I'm sure about her design is her shoes- well not sure sure but the general idea is thick(ish), tough, high combat boots. The shoes are held together by numerous straps and sheer willpower.
always covered in mud is a must!
bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
the golden hoops 🔥🔥🔥🔥 she only wears them when she's not working so they don't get in the way, the earrings are one of the things she likes to keep clean at all times. No real meaning behind them besides being gifted by Anna Marie with love.
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