#she's alfor's heir
Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 13: The Witch Gets a Facelift
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Man they really didn't pull punches with their titles huh I hope we can bring that back
Oh shit Haggar herself is on Arus this time?? Shit's about to get REAL
Hunk is reduced to a fat joke Pidge is an animal whisperer! He calls over a carrier (messenger?) hawk after the boys see it land inside a potted plant in the castle
Allura got so excited that another kingdom on Arus had survived and ran out in only a towel, to which the boys laughed about instead of gawking at her (except Keith I think) Once she has a robe on Coran tells her it's from her aunt Orla, her mother's sister maybe her mother was a half sibling? Still trying to make sense of why she was buried outside lol
I know Allura is excited to see a possible relative but Coran is right, it might not be good news or her at all
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She looks cute! She's getting to the castle by carriage Except Haggar jumps them and steals her identity
"Orla" is found unconscious by the team and Pidge is yelling about someone being no good for knocking her out, but his heart eyes say he thinks she's pretty
Haggar can't hide that she's cold-blooded so when Allura tells "Orla" she's freezing she lies and says it's from shock When Nanny tries to kiss her hand she rips it away making her fall and getting a laugh from the boys, as they should
Man Haggar can't even fake being nice, she takes one look at the mice and yells about them being disgusting They walk off pissed that she insulted them like that
Now her cat is at the castle to get rid of the mice, but they're seen by Pidge and now everyone is on high alert And Keith being Keith, he guesses the plot immediately after being told Haggar is nearby
Allura obviously is pissed that they even think that, so she dismisses it Once again I get why she's so defensive but there have been like 2 other times at least that someone has disguised themselves as an ally only to be the enemy
Hunk yells for the cat, and then get s face full of it's claws I feel bad that he's almost always the punching bag
The floor is waxed in prep for the mice to lead the cat to the team, except when they get there, Lance Pidge and Hunk are dumbasses and slip on the wax Keith is the only one smart enough to use a rope to catch the cat
Honestly I don't think it was the best idea to expose Haggar in front of a group of people because imagine who she could if it wasn't any of them or Allura But that's what they do, and she reveals herself before Keith can through a bowl of punch on her Classy commander
See I was right! Nanny comes in to serve more food, but Haggar uses that chance to get a hostage! Guys please plan better ffs
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omg Pidge is so cute hiding behind Hunk like that
Haggar is doing such a great job fighting the team omg, she has two of them captured already, and she's taken the lights out so nobody can see Ah shit alfor ex machina strikes again, he's the reason the team is saved and Haggar runs away for the team to bring out their lions
Allura chases after her and almost gets her ass before obviously a robeast gets thrown into the mix and throws Allura into a nearby lake I noticed they've been calling the robeasts claw-beasts, that's an interesting different
Robeast defeated, Allura finds her real aunt, and now they can actually celebrate that another royal family member survived the initial war
Episode end! I wonder if because Orla is alive and already a queen, then she'd take over ruling Arus for a bit until Allura is of age Especially because they don't know how many other royal houses survived the war, so they'd have control over the planet basically Or maybe Allura's mom married into like The Royal Family and Allura is forever going to be the ruler until she has an heir
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sketch scribble thing for the Altean-born-Olkari-raised Pidge and Princess Allura au
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lilflowerpot · 3 years
I read the play ask and now my brain is obsessing over a potential plot lines… I feel like because the Galra value honor they would probably respect their enemies more than humans tend to, so the Paladins are definitely still the villains of play but they aren’t demonized and are rather personable because of respect. This puts Lotor in the protagonists role for the play, and judging by how much the Galra seemed to enjoy his speech after defeating Throk, he’d probably be portrayed pretty heroically! Now I can’t decide if the general plot line should be about Lotor being coaxed over to the enemy side by Keith’s wiles in a sort of “fall from grace” tragedy storyline or if it should be the reverse where Keith is won over to the hero side by Lotor’s affections and charms, which would be funny considering how Lotor considered whisking away the Marmora’s littlest blade in the beginning of LB! Or maybe they just run away together semi-Romeo and Juliet style…
[[part 1]]
So long as their enemies are deemed to fight with honour, the galra definitely respect them as warriors! Rather than the paladins being villains per say, I think they’d be represented more as noble antagonists with the only true villain being King Alfor’s wicked spawn: Allura. After all, she knows the truth of the tragedy that was the Sa Tskept, and has concealed it from Voltron’s chosen paladins so as to manipulate them to her own ends. And I’m utterly obsessed with the idea of “Lotor being coaxed over to the enemy side by Keith’s wiles in a sort of ‘fall from grace’ tragedy storyline,” so why not combine that with the idea of the righteous yet exiled imperial prince as the hero:
Due to the wicked Altean Princess’ misdeeds, Emperor Zarkon was fed falsehoods about his son and heir, and so Prince Lotor is exiled. He goes to Voltron to confront her, but upon learning of how terribly she has mislead the noble Paladins of Voltron, Prince Lotor takes it upon himself to ingratiate himself to the enemy so that he might right their wrongs from the inside out. In doing this, he meets Keith; an honourable Blade of Marmora who once piloted both the red & black lions, but was ousted by Princess Allura when he began to question her orders and uncover the truth of the Sa Tsekpt... So though they are enemies at first- though it seems as if the Prince has been seduced by the Marmoran Paladin- though for a moment all seems lost-
It is revealed that both Keith and Lotor are in Voltron’s inner circle for the very same reason: to rid the universe of Alfor’s daughter, and return Voltron to Emperor Zarkon’s guiding hand for the betterment of the Empire.
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Rewriting Haggar/Honerva’s redemption arc
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One of the many things that bothered me about VLD S8 is Honerva’s redemption arc. While I was never fully against the idea of Honerva getting a redemption arc, I just didn’t want VLD to do it because I knew that they would fuck it up if they tried. And low and behold, I was right!
But yeah, I wasn’t against the idea of her being redeemed. And I don’t mean “redeemed” as in “all is forgiven and she’s just a good guy now,” but more like a Darth Vader, “the things she did were inexcusable and she would never be able to right all her wrongs but she goes out on one good act to show that there was still good in her deep down and she at least had the potential to change.”
I know a lot of people don’t like the whole, “redemption=death” thing, which I understand, but I personally never had a problem with it.
Ok, so why didn’t Honerva’s redemption work? Well there are a few reasons but the one that baffles me the most is that, instead of trying to make her more sympathetic, season 8 seemed to go out of its way to show her being more evil and vile than ever.
And because I have nothing better to do, I’m gonna go through Honerva’s story in VLD and explain what I would change to make her redemption more believable.
(Keep in mind I am not a writer, this is just me ranting about my favorite character and how I personally would’ve written her.)
1. Realizing she’s Altean
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I always thought it’s was weird that when Allura said “you’re...Altean!?” In the S2 finale, Haggar didn’t seem to react at all, she just kept attacking. It’s as if she didn’t care or already knew, which doesn’t make sense considering in the S3 finale and S8E2 it’s established that Haggar has no memory of who she was before she died. And in S4E3 she seems shocked by her Altean face (which also doesn’t make sense because her blue skin isn’t camouflage that’s just how she looks after the rift) so it seems like she didn’t know.
Wouldn’t it have made more sence if after Allura said “you’re...Altean!?” Honerva looked confused/shocked? If she became defensive and said Allura was lying/trying to insult her? There’s def anti-Altean propaganda in the empire so it would be considered an insult.
After that she starts questioning Zarkon. And when she looks into his mind, it’s out of genuine curiosity and desire to know the truth, not because, “the empire needs him” or whatever that meant.
And isn’t it a bit odd that she doesn’t seem betrayed at all when she finds out Zarkon has been keeping all this from her? She’s just like, “oh, you’re my husband? Cool.” Wtf???
2. Her past relationship with Zarkon
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Okay, I love Zonerva, but if we’re being honest, Zarkon was not the best husband. He enabled the shit out of Honerva, even when it was obvious that the rift was doing serious damage to her physical and mental health. To me, it seems like Zarkon was so blinded by the power the rift gave him that he didn’t realize/ignored the negative effect it was having on Honerva. In the same way he downplayed the negative impact the rift had on the planet.
I think that should’ve been explored more. Maybe Honerva notices that she’s been acting differently and is worried somethings wrong (think S5 Kuron). And Honerva tries to tell Zarkon that she feels strange and Zarkon just brushes it off.
And later, when Alfor visits Diaibazaal years later. Things are pretty much the same except when we sees Honerva, she is very obviously pregnant and Alfor’s there when Honerva falls and goes into labor (instead of a random quintessence seizure). Alfor and many Galran doctors try their best to save her and the baby but she dies in childbirth.
Zarkon goes ballistic. He’s yelling, throwing doctors across the room, and Alfor turns to the doctor holding Lotor and tells them to get the baby to safely, fearing Zarkon will take his grief out on the baby.
Zarkon turns on Alfor, blaming him for Honerva’s death and accusing him of letting her die so that he could get his way and close the rift. He lunges Alfor and roars at him to leave.
He spends the rest of the night grieving at Honerva’s bedside, when Kova jumps on the bed and starts gnawing on her finger trying to wake her up. This is what gives him the idea to bring her back with quintessence.
3. Her current relationship with Zarkon
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I think it’s pretty safe to say that they’re relationship didn’t get better after the war began. Zarkon hid her identity and her child from her for 10,000 years and essentially used her as a tool of war. It’s pretty fucked up.
I know it’s pretty well established that Zarkon treats Haggar with more respect than his other underlings, but I feel like it would be interesting to see that change overtime. We see that after Voltron comes back, Zarkon becomes very obsessed with Voltron/Black, and he and Haggar start disagreeing more and more.
Remember the moment where one of Haggar’s druids told Zarkon Haggar said he needed to rest and Zarkon hit them with his bayard and told them, “remember who your master is”? What if, instead of a random druid, it was Haggar who he hit?
I feel like that would be a good way to show Haggar and the audience just how much Zarkon’s obsession with Voltron is affecting him, and make the audience feel a tiny bit bad for her.
Then later in season 4, when Zarkon wakes up from his coma and finds out Haggar brought Lotor back to take his place he gets pissed. He puts a price on Lotor’s head and has Haggar arrested for treason. She steals a ship, escapes, and later on meets up with Lotor’s generals.
Her and Zarkon are officially broken up and her quest to reclaim her identity and get her son back begins.
4. Oriande
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I never liked the concept of chosen/sacred Alteans. The idea that some Alteans are just born more powerful than others just feels iffy. My idea of Oriande is that it’s an Altean holly land, any Altean can enter it just depends on whether or not you can pass the White Lion’s trial. Passing the trial proves that your intentions are pure and and the White Lion will bless you with power.
I didn’t like how Honerva seemed to force her way into Oriande, I think it would be more effective if she had gone through normally because, at this point, her intentions were pure. She was going there to purge herself of the dark magic corrupting her and reclaim her memories so she could go get her son back.
I also like the idea that Oriande is a sorta link to the Altean after life, and you can speak with people you’ve lost. Allura gets to speak with Alfor, and Honerva speaks with her mother.
You could also have her be confronted by the spirits of the Alteans she helped destroy. Have the weight of her past actions bear down on her. An important part of any redemption arc is acknowledging the terrible shit you’ve done in the past, and that was severely lacking in Honerva’s arc.
Another interesting thing you could do is have Honerva talk to her younger self. The one that died 10,000 years ago. This kinda thing actually happened in 80s Voltron, young Haggar appearing in Haggar’s head trying to convince her to be good again.
5. Her relationship with Lotor
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Now this is where the redemption arc really falls apart. I forget who, but one of the writers said after S5 that Haggar/Honerva was motivated purely by love for her son, but man did they do a bad job of showing that.
And it would’ve been so easy to fix that problem, just have her not be horrible to him. Have them have actual civil conversations, have her protect and defend him. Don’t have her reject him as a fucking baby!
Imagine if, after Zarkon destroys Lotor’s planet, instead of immediately deciding to
exile him, Zarkon says that this is the final straw and he’s going to have Lotor executed. But Haggar speaks up to defend Him. There’s actually a scene in DOTU where Zarkon tries to kill Lotor and Haggar gets on her knees and begs for him to be spared. (Though the scene was mostly played for laughs.)
she asks for mercy and justifies it by saying it would be unwise to kill his only heir. It’s a weak argument, Lotor’s a half breed and couldn’t realistically take the throne, but Zarkon does concede, he still loves her after all, and has Lotor exiled.
And Haggar isn’t spying on him because she doesn’t trust him, but because she’s concerned for him. When Lotor confronts Haggar about sending her cronies after him, she says she knows he’s hiding something. Lotor asks if she’s threatening him, thinking she’s going to rat him out, but she says no, she’s not threatening him, she’s just trying to warn him against doing anything stupid because, with Zarkon seemingly on his death bed, the empire needs Lotor’s leadership.
At this point in the story, Haggar is questioning her loyalty to Zarkon, so I feel like it would make sense for her to be silently supporting Lotor from the shadows.
Then at the Kral Zera in season 5, It was weird to me how she was helping Lotor through Kuron while also telling him he couldn’t be emperor and trying to put Sendak on the throne. I feel like it would’ve made more sense for Sendak to just show up on his own without Haggar.
Haggar wouldn’t even be at the Kral Zera, she would just watch through Kuron.
And then we get to S6 when she actually reveals to Lotor that she’s his mom. This scene was just so poorly done. She never actually apologizes to him, she’s just like “yeah I forgot you were my kid and I never loved you, but were cool now right?” I remember when I saw S8E2 and it shows her after Lotor rejects her and she looks like she’s about to cry, I was just thinking, “this would be very emotional and sad IF she had actually apologized and made it clear that she genuinely loved him.” But she didn’t and I don’t know why!
And then we get to season 8, and of course everything in S8 is bad but Honerva’s story is particularly bad. She’s supposed to be motivated by love for Lotor yet she doesn’t act like she actually cares about him at all.
She manipulates his corpse and when she sees his gross melted body, she doesn’t even react that much. When a mother sees her child’s mutilated corpse, how do you think she reacts? Screaming? Crying?? Hurling??? But no. She’s just like, “...”
And then when she goes to the alternate reality and meets baby Lotor and he rejects her, her reaction isn’t disappointment or sadness, it’s anger and entitlement. She immediately decides, “ok, fuck this kid. Let’s destroy this reality.”
It just doesn’t make sense! This is the season you’re trying to REDEEM her! Why are you going out of your way to make her so vile?
6. Her S7-S8 plan
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(Keep in mind I haven’t watched S7/S8 since they came out and barely even watched S8 to begin with, so I don’t remember some things and I can’t be bothered to rewatch them.)
Okay, starting with S7, she’s not in this season at all but in “The Ruins” the druid dude says that her final order was to hunt and destroy the Blade of Marmora. I guess it makes a certain amount of sense because she saw that it was Keith who brought Lotor’s actions to light, but that whole plot was really pointless in my opinion. (Was anybody really hoping for a rematch between Keith and that one random druid?)
If you want us to forgive Honerva for her crimes, you really shouldn’t keep adding more unnecessary crimes. It’s established that there were a lot of Galra war lords vying for power and pirates looking for money, just have it be that Kolivan got kidnapped by one of them.
Then you have her season 8 plan and I’m gonna be real with y’all, I have no idea how to fix this mess.
I feel like the basics of her plan could work. She tries to get Lotor and Sincline out of the rift but when she gets him he’s a melted corpse so the plan then becomes to use sincline to go to another reality to find a living Lotor, but opening all these rifts causes problems and the paladins have to stop her.
But all the shit with manipulating the colony Alteans, killing the White Lion, desecrating Oriande, and destroying Olkarion and entire realities, it was all so unnecessary.
Personally I would cut the colony Alteans from the story all together, there are other ways for Lotor to betray the team. It was a lazy way of making Lotor 100% evil and having Honerva manipulate them is unnecessarily cruel, especially in the season you’re trying to redeem her.
Here’s a very basic outline of how I would do this plot.
If we’re going by season 8’s logic that she needs a sacrifice to bring back Sincline, I would’ve had the Galra she killed at the Kral Zera be the sacrifice, not the White Lion. She stands on the pyramid and talks about how the empire stole her life from her and she wants revenge as she absorbs their quintessence into herself and then uses that to bring back Sincline.
Then when she finds Lotor dead she takes Sincline and uses it to go to another reality where she can be with her family.
The danger comes when she opens rifts to the other realities and rift creatures start coming out and causing damage. The paladins fight them and follow her into the rift to stop whatever evil plan she may have. Because the paladins don’t know that Haggar is now Honerva and all this is just to get Lotor back. They think this is all some plan for multiverse domination or some shit.
Meanwhile Honerva has just been rejected by little Lotor and seeing Voltron show up pushes her over the edge and they fight.
But when they find out the real reason she’s doing all this they start trying to appeal to her and convince her to give up and close the rift peacefully. And similarly to how the paladins had to sacrifice the castle to close the rifts created by the fight with Lotor, Honerva has to sacrifice herself to close the rifts.
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In the end, I feel like a Honerva redemption arc could’ve worked if the writers were actually competent and actually made an effort to have her be sympathetic, but In canon, her reasoning, “If I can’t indulge in the simple joys of life, why should anybody else?” just doesn’t cut it.
It’s disappointing. VLD had so much potential. I’m thinking of just rewriting the entire series from the beginning. Hopefully putting all my thoughts out into the universe will help me move on.
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braincoins · 4 years
Thinking back on it, Allura couldn’t recall if her parents kissed often. She had memories of them kissing each other briefly in her presence, but they were few and far between. And even knowing that they might have been more affectionate in private didn’t stop her from considering the question: 
Had her parents really loved each other? 
Politics would have to have played some part in their marriage; her father was heir to the throne, eventually the king. But that didn’t mean the marriage had to be entirely loveless, right? 
She finally stopped wracking her brain and asked Coran.
“Of course they loved each other!” he huffed. 
“I’m being serious,” she told him, “so don’t you trot out the ‘protecting King Alfor’s memory’ nonsense.”
He sniffed in disdain but did not try to defend himself on the charge. Especially since the loss of her father’s A.I., Coran had become defensive of the king’s legacy. And she understood that. But she wanted to discuss her father, not King Alfor of Altea.
“It was not a love match to begin with,” he allowed. “Your parents were betrothed when they were still very young. But they became friends, and by the time they were formally married, they were very much in love.”
“I don’t remember them kissing much around me.”
Coran shook his head. “Kissing wasn’t how they preferred to show love to each other, that’s all. And especially not in public.”
“Then... how did they prefer to show love to each other?”
“They held hands. They had certain smiles for each other. They were friends first, after all, and that was the foundation of their affection and love. They had inside jokes, little references that no one else would understand, things like that. Your mother was an excellent spy, you know; she preferred subtlety.”
“Oh.” She wasn’t sure what else to say.
“Why is this bothering you, Allura?”
“I honestly don’t even know. I mean, I know why I started wondering about it, but I don’t know why it bothers me. It shouldn’t bother me.”
Coran just waited, an air of expectation growing around him. She wasn’t going to give in at first, but then figured it was fair payment for her asking him about this in the first place. 
“It’s just that I don’t have another frame of reference. My relationship with Shiro...”
“Ahhh,” he said in understanding.
She continued anyway. “...is so unlike any other I’ve ever had. And I don’t know what to compare it to except my parents. I knew they were happy, at least, and... and they were my parents. It’s natural to want something like what they had, isn’t it?”
“Very natural. Natural-est thing, really,” he assured her.
“Shiro kisses me often, even in public. Light, short kisses, usually on the cheek, but he still does. It’s almost a reflex for him sometimes, and I...” she felt the blush come on, “...I like that. I like that he is so casual with showing me affection, even in front of the paladins, even knowing they’ll tease him about it. But then I started trying to picture Mother and Father kissing this often and I... couldn’t. Then I began to worry that my memories of them were fading already, and I got... scared, I guess.”
“But that’s not the ‘bothering you’ part, is it?”
“It bothers me a little that my relationship with Shiro isn’t like Mother’s and Father’s. Because I want what they had. But,” she sighed and, at her neural command, a chair rose up from the floor. She sank into it as it settled into place. “I can never have exactly what they had. I knew that even before I asked you. Because they had peace and love and... and Altea.”
“They also had betrothals and politics,” he reminded her. “And war. And you have love with Shiro, do you not?”
Her cheeks heated further. “I... believe so.”
“You’ll have peace one day, when we defeat Zarkon.” He laid a hand over hers. “And your parents would be very happy for you.”
She looked up at him, blinking away sudden tears. “Would they?”
He nodded. “Absolutely. Shiro’s a fine man, hideous ears or no. He’s good to you and he makes you happy. That’s what they’d want for you.”
And she smiled, feeling her heart warm with that knowledge.
Until Coran added, “But they probably would think he’s some sort of lech, kissing you in public all the time.”
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shadow-djinni · 3 years
Under Your Boot-Soles
Rating: T Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sendak/Allura, Allura & Alfor, Allura & Paladins Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Fairy Tale Elements, Fisher King Elements, Non-Endgame Allura/Lotor, Slow Burn, POV Allura, Present Tense
Summary: The power of the land is bound, always, to its ruler, who serves as protector and guardian. Allura has always known that she would inherit the Mantle of Altea from her father, King Alfor...and she has always known that, if disaster strikes, she can turn to their allies in the mountainous kingdom of Daibazaal— King Zarkon, or in his absence, his heir. When a curse falls upon Altea, killing her father and sealing her in slumber for three hundred years, she wakes to a world changed— her people are missing, their lands under threat by roving monsters. To learn the fate of her people, and set things to right in her kingdom, she sets off to the west in the company of a band of humans. But the heir of Daibazaal is not what she thinks, and her greatest help— or greatest hindrance— comes from unexpected quarters.
No, I don't know why I'm writing this either. Yes, this is karma for getting my dnd group back into Voltron. Stylistically speaking, this one is a bit different from my usual fare, and yes I know the ship is out of left field just roll with it.
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loveafterthefact · 4 years
Love After the Fact Chapter 76: Going Home? Question Mark?
Lance, Keith, and their ‘associates’ give their farewells and prepare to leave.
Sorry for my perpetual lateness :’(
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Keith sits across from his mother, sipping some tea. Krolia watches him. He’s very still, waiting patiently for her to speak. He's put his circlet back on, though not his Altean clothes, as they no longer fit. A part of her wonders if he has what it takes to be a leader. He always seems so gentle outside of combat.
Perhaps a little too gentle.
“Are you going to tell me, or are you two keeping it to yourselves for now?”
“Putting it like that sort of backs me into a corner,” Keith observes. He worries his lip. “We’re very excited, but I don’t feel ready to celebrate yet.”
“Because you don’t want to feel sad if you miscarry,” Krolia concludes.
Keith nods. Guilt stings at his hearts. “Lance is so happy. I don’t know what I’ll do if-”
“You’re allowed to be happy, kitten.” Krolia pushes some hair out of her son’s face. “Thace’s equipment only goes so far. A few movements ago, we weren’t certain you could get pregnant. Now, you know you can, and you will have every possible chance of bringing this kit into the world.”
"Right..." Gazing around his freshly cleaned den, Keith’s visibly saddened. The windchimes are gone from outside; BleepBloop’s climbing towers missing; the fireplace has been cleaned and scrubbed of soot. The den is empty, like it’s never been lived in. It feels wrong.
“Keith? What-”
“I don’t want to go,” he whispers, throat tight and ready to choke him. “I want to stay here with all of you. I want to see Lance be happy and feel like himself.” “Feel like himself?” Krolai’s ear cocks, trying to understand.
“When we return, Lance will become busy again, with no more excuses to delegate so much of his work. He’ll sort through it, and give me the easy tasks so that he finds time to eat and sleep, and we’ll be together, but apart all over again. He’ll be distant, and coy, and never touch me unless we’re alone and I’ll hate it!” The young man sighs, tugs on a lock of his hair. "I know he's trying, but I don't know how to help him break out of these habits. I don't think he can do it alone, either. I don't want him to."
Krolia fixates on her son, watching his frustration over the rim of her cup. “This is my fault. No one ever told you what being a bearer means on Altea, did they.”
“Obviously I know what it means-”
“No, you don’t.” Krolia’s stare is searing. “Pregnancy is power, Keith. A good man or not, the crown prince is no different than any other Altean sire. You carry his progeny, and he will worship at your feet. He will give you anything you ask for. If you want to be his fawned-over, spoiled pet, tell him. If you want power, tell him. If you want luxury, tell him. If you want to share in his duties, tell him. If you want him to hold you, keep you close all the days of his life, tell him. Whatever you want, he will give it to you.”
“Momma. That’s…”
“That’s survival, kitten. You have power over him. He’s desperate for heirs. After your first kit, hold out on him. You’ll have whatever you want.”
“Momma, what I want is my mate. By my side. Sharing my life.” Keith sips his tea. “I understand what you’re saying. And I understand that you still have concerns about me mated to an Altean, and living on Altea. But I promise, Momma. I promise I don’t have to manipulate Lance into giving me things that I need. I can just ask.”
He waits until his mother meets his gaze. When she does, her eyes are so very sad. Sad for everything they’re still struggling to build between them. He taps his fingers against the clay of his cup, tries to find a way to explain why he’s not worried about having to ask for things.
“You know, when I first arrived, I spent the first movement avoiding everyone, including Lance. I didn’t realize it at the time, but he was watching me. Asking the guards about me. He must have asked the gardeners, or was approached, because it’s the only way he found out about this flower I stole from a greenhouse.” Keith laughs. “The next thing I know this garden he built for me is full of orchids. I kept finding new blankets and pillows, uh. Puzzles. Random trinkets. Raw crystals. Snacks.
“We’re addressing his control issues, obviously, but… He was so desperate to make me comfortable, to make it easier. He cared about me even then. I don’t need to manipulate or use him to get what I need or want. Chances are he’ll give it to me before I even ask.”
“I hope you’re right. I do think better of him. But he wears the face of the species that slaughtered your father. My mate.”
“Are you sure we shouldn’t be blaming my uncle for that?” Keith asks, steady, completely serious.
“An excellent question, kitten. One I ask more every quintant.” The soldier woman gets to her feet. “We should go and meet your mate and your friends. It’s about time for you to leave and we need to stop by my den on our way to the Compound.”
Keith nods, reluctantly following his mother to her own den. BleepBloop is already on their ship, ready for Altea. It’s on the edge of the community. No one owns dens, or even has an ancestral den anymore. Too many people have left, or died. A den becomes empty, and whoever’s lived on the fringes the longest gets to move inward if they like.
“I have something for you,” Krolia tells him. “I suppose, in a way, you have your mate to thank for this. Perhaps you can educate him about it.”
“Wait here.” Krolia ducks inside her den, coming back out seconds later with a very small wolf cub. “So your mate decided to save an orphaned wolf cub, which was incredibly honorable and respectful of him, but his mother’s companion could not find a surrogate for him, and now he needs a home. The hunter decided that since your mate saved him, you two might like to have him.”
“I-” Keith gulps. Being offered a cub is an extreme honor, especially as an outsider. And the cub is cute. He takes the animal from his mother, rubbing his ears, looking him over. “I love him already. So much.”
Not that he could turn down a wolf cub even if he wanted to. Especially not this one, the one that carries not only a piece of his mother's life force, but Lance's as well. He strokes the wolf’s midnight fur, working a tangle out of the pale blue ruff circling around the animal’s neck and down his back. The cub stares up at him with brilliant, golden eyes.
“I knew you two didn’t have the time for him, so I told Lance I’d keep him here. It was his idea to give him to you today. I guess he thought it might make going home easier.”
“It doesn’t,” Keith whispers. “But it’s still something. Stupid idiot, he’s really toeing that line between secret and surprise.” He holds the cub up to his face, smiling. “You had a rough start, huh?” The cub licks his nose. “Me too. Don’t worry. It gets so much better.” Keith smirks. “Finally someone to take BleepBloop down a peg. He’s gonna be so jealous-”
Keith’s comms unit buzzes in his pocket, a message from Adam: It’s time to go. He takes a deep breath. “Well, little one. Wanna come with me to Altea?”
The animal licks at his face again, tail wagging. Keith grins, cuddles the cub close. Yeah, he’s keeping this little guy.
Keith stalls on his way to the compound, stopping to talk to people, ask a few carefully worded questions about the political climate and what the villagers think of Lance, ask if those thoughts have spread. It’s good news. It means their kit will be a little safer.
“So… Lunch last quintant was a thing, huh?” Lance nibbles at his breakfast. He’s in Allura’s sitting room, one of the few rooms she and Lotor have deemed safe from prying eyes and ears. Meaning Lotor and Pidge searched the room from top to bottom.
Allura nods, eating as quickly and as much as her manners will allow. “It really was quite something.”
“What do you think?”
“I think…” Allura wipes her mouth with her napkin. “I think I should stay closer to Lotor and keep a closer eye on Romelle. I think you should keep an eye on yourself and keep closer to Keith.” She gives her brother a meaningful look.
“Was it that obvious?”
“No. The others wouldn’t have caught it. But I know you, and I know Keith. I could tell… Are you trying to keep it quiet?”
“For now. Keith may very well miscarry and feels too uncertain to make an announcement.” Lance sips his tea.
“And?” Allura gives her brother a pointed look. Lance sighs.
“And the longer we can hide this, the longer our child will be safe. The moment Alfor and Zarkon know, our baby’s future will be dictated to us.” Lance leans forward in his seat, expression tense. “Remember our cousin, Griffin? His son is four years old and rumor is Alfor’s already made an arrangement. Keeping it quiet means I have time to come up with something myself, or pass some legislation under the table to protect the rights of our children. We only have a few movements until the thaw, and I’ve just got ideas, nothing written.”
“Do you plan on including Nibling in that?” Allura asks, gesturing to her belly with her spoon. “Because frankly I don’t like the way Honerva’s been looking at me lately. Lotor doesn’t like it either.”
“Of course. Anyone possessing Altean blood, or under Altean rule.” Lance frowns. “How long do you have?”
It’s a more difficult question than it seems. Galra gestation is only five phoebs, their children born small-bodied, vulnerable and useless with eyes and ears still shut. Altean infants gestate for a decaphoeb and a half- three times as long. They’re born hearing and seeing, ready to learn how to walk and talk.
“Well, I’m about six phoebs along… We’re guessing six more, judging by their development.”
Lance nods. “I don’t know how long we have. I just- I want us to be safe and happy.”
“Lance…” Allura taps her finger on the table. “You don’t remember what Mother was like. She wasn’t at all how she’s described. I mean, she was kind and all that, but she was also wild and very strong. A powerful leader and presence. She didn’t die by accident, Lance. Her death was on purpose. When she was assassinated, they chose her for a reason.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Safe and happy are not available to us. Be respected instead. Be the type of leader that people will kill on purpose, because of who you are, not what you are. That’s how you can best protect our children. Be feared and respected.”
Lance nods, licks his lips. “I should visit Romelle before I go.”
Allura sighs. “I’d appreciate it if you would… I know father was lying about looking for more possible solutions. It was unusually kind of him.”
“I… had a screaming fit with him before we left Altea. I think I got through to him. Somewhat. He’s still Alfor, but he’s a slightly less frustrating Alfor.”
Allura laughs through her nose. “We must take what we can get.” She meets her brother’s gaze. “I am going to miss you, brother.”
“I’ll miss you, too.” Lance rises to his feet, giving his sister a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll come visit again when I can.”
“So… When I make you an uncle?”
Lance grimaces. “Or when Keith makes you an aunt.”
The princess nods, tucking a loose curl behind her ear. They stay like that for a long moment, Lance standing, Allura sitting, missing each other, still in the same room. This woman, his sister, raised him, loved him, supported every one of his choices, even if she disagreed.
Sometimes, he still feels lost without her.
“I love you, Lance.”
“Love you too, ‘Lura.” Lance kisses her cheek again, slips his hand from hers as he heads for the door. “I’ll see you again soon.”
Across the hall, in another room, Lance finds an even sadder affair. Romelle is sitting by a sunny window in yet another red stone room, eyes staring into some unfathomable distance. Despite her vacant expression, she’s visibly well cared for. Her hair is groomed and braided how she always wore it before and she’s clean. Her clothes are fresh, fingernails files short and round so she can’t hurt herself.
He wonders if she still knows how loved she is.
“Hey, Romelle. I just thought I’d come say goodbye. We’re leaving today, so…”
Lance sits in the chair opposite the frail woman, disrupting his sister’s imprinted shadow. Before he knows it, Lance’s eyes are stinging, welling with tears. He grew up playing with this woman, watching her and Allura fall in love. She was so, so young when she went on that final voyage with Alfor, and she won’t ever get better. Not hoping for conversation, Lance elects to sit quietly and keep his friend company for a while-
“Are you afraid of the water?”
“I-” Lance blinks, unsure of the proper response. He takes a chance on the truth. “No, I’m not afraid of the water. I love the water.”
Romelle hums, skeptical, quizzical. “No, I suppose you wouldn’t be. You would not even be aware.”
“Beg pardon?”
“What has come to pass will pass again... the love story theirs and yours are so very fond of. Only neither of you knows it.”
“Generations of flesh give way to the rebirth of souls… The guardian waits for the descendants.”
“...I understand,” Lance lies. It’s easy, like lying to a small child, promising that there are no monsters outside their door. He stands, having had as much as he can bear. He gently squeezes the woman’s hand.
“Do not fear the water,” Romelle whispers. “Even submerged, you will still burn.”
“Good, uh.” Lance clears his throat. “Good to know.”
As Lance leaves to gather Pidge and Adam and say goodbye to Lotor, Shiro, Thace, Ulaz, and a few other Blades, he can’t quite shake the anxiety. He struggles to convince himself that Romelle is unwell, just spouting random nonsense from her collapsing mind.
He doesn’t quite succeed.
Sooner or later, Keith finds himself in the courtyard where they arrived, the ship open, revealing a number of packages- gifts and other items they’ve accumulated since their arrival. Lance is talking with Thace and Kolivan, hands animated, eyes shining. Whatever they’re discussing, Lance is excited for it.
“Keith.” Krolia turns him to face her, grips his shoulder tight. “Listen to me carefully. Are you listening?”
Keith turns to his mother, nods, holds the wolf cub closer between them, petting his head.
“You train this animal well. You keep him close. Do not trust anyone except the crown prince… There is something in the stars. I have seen it. All we can do is brace ourselves and wait.”
“What do you mean?” Keith whispers, fear trickling like ice down his spine.
“I mean that the sociopolitical strain on Daibazaal is reaching a breaking point, and none of us are prepared. There are enemies in every corner, and fools behind and beside them. You are carrying the hopes and dreams of an entire civilization in your womb. Know your place, even if it is to run.”
“I-” Keith gulps, nods. “I will… I love you, Mom.”
“I love you too, kitten.” Krolia embraces her son, kisses his temple. “You tell that Altean of yours I’m allowed to visit, because I can and will.”
“Okay. Just let us know you’re coming. There’s an entry medical procedure.”
“Noted. I see your mate-”
“Ready to go, beloved?” Lance slips an arm around his waist.
“Not really,” Keith whispers.
The Altean’s smile is so, so sad and so very gentle. “Me neither. But we’ll come back soon; I promise.”
“I know.” Keith doesn’t want to ask for one more trip before their kit is born, but he imagines Lance is already trying to set up the same thing. Lifting his gaze, he spies Adam, holding both of Shiro’s hands. They’re talking quietly.
He’s not the only one breaking his heart today. As he watches, Pidge trots up to the Altean, tugs on his vest, gently whispers that it’s time to go. The look on Adam’s face is inscrutable as he nods, leans up, whispers something in Shiro’s ear before he slips away and onto the ship. The conflicted expression on Shiro's face tells Keith it was a tender confession. His heart breaks for his littermate and for Adam, who finally found each other only for them to be kept apart by duty and honor.
As the ship lifts off the ground, Lance catches Keith sniffling into his new pet’s fur, trying to hide it. The crown prince doesn’t question the cub’s presence, having known about it the whole time. Instead he just holds his husband close, lets him cry.
There’s not a whole lot else he can do. Pidge’s feelers creep over his hands, investigating them both. They hum, soft enough to barely register, sitting quiet for a moment before going to watch Altea loom larger and larger before them. They whisper quietly to Adam, who only shakes his head.
Leaving here is far harder than leaving Altea.
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otterknowbynow · 4 years
"L'homme que je suis" et Voltron
"Do you ever regret it? You didn't sign up for this." Alfor's voice breaks the comfortable silence, and Coran turns on the couch to face him, frowning. 
"What are you talking about? Of course I did." 
"Not truly. Melenor knew what she was getting into. We weren't coupled at all until after I was named heir, but you..." He trails off, searching Coran's eyes for something.
"I knew full well you'd be heir the moment I met you," Coran says, exasperated. "What were your parents going to do, choose Elra?" 
"They may have," Alfor murmurs, reaching up to brush Coran's hair back from where it's fallen over his forehead. "And my question remains unanswered, I notice."
"Do I regret it? It being what?" He has a pretty good idea of what Alfor means, but maybe making him say it will make him realize how ridiculous he sounds. But Alfor looks away before he replies, and when the words do come, they're incredibly quiet. 
"Saying yes. Being here, with me." 
"No," he says simply, reopening his book and leaning back against Alfor's chest again. "Next question." This earns him a chuckle that he can feel against his back, and he smiles softly. "Honestly," he can't resist adding, now that the king has brought it up. "If we did it all over again, I'd make all the same choices. They led me to you, and to Melenor, and soon enough to our daughter. How could I regret any of that? Besides, Aunt Ida says spending your time regretting only makes you forget to live the life you have." Alfor's arms tighten around him and he feels him settle his head onto his shoulder. 
"I suppose you have a point," he says.
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omegawizardposting · 4 years
ANOTHER thing about Allura--and keep in mind that this is just me remembering a show I watched two years ago, my information could be wrong or outdated re: seasons I haven’t rewatched yet.
It feels, to me, that Allura’s entire arc is about coming into her own as a leader, as her father’s heir. King Alfor mentions, on more than one occasion, that leaders must make sacrifices, and Allura is ready to do so at every opportunity. She risked her life to save the Balmera, and again to operate the giant Teledove in S2; she has never shied away from sacrificing herself.
Genuinely, I believed that her arc’s conclusion was going to be learning that, yes, leading means sacrifice, but it can also mean finding a better way. I believed that she would learn how to balance being a leader and being herself, valuing her own life, and that this, ultimately, would not end in her death, her sacrifice.
Because, I’ll be real, King Alfor sacrificed himself 10,000 years ago, and he even admits to her that it was a mistake. His choices led to the loss of thousands, millions of lives and the continued growth of the Galra Empire. I thought that this would be Allura’s first encounter with the concept of sacrificing oneself not always being the only, or even the best, option.
I’m not 100% on the events that led to her ultimate sacrifice in the final season. I’ll have to watch it myself to grasp why she made that choice. My gut feeling, though, judging by others’ reactions to her character arc’s conclusion, is that it wasn’t necessary, and the narrative would have simply been better had she survived.
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peachlover94 · 4 years
Lion Voltron I: ALR - concept movie treatment
written by Robert D.C. Barnes III (PeachLover94)
Inspired by Voltron: Defender of the Universe created for World Events Productions by Peter Keefe, John Teichmann and Toei Animation
Based on Beast King GoLion created for Toei Animation by Saburo Yatsude (Katsuhiko Taguchi, Itaru Orita and Susumu Takahisa)
30 East Trillium Circle
The Woodlands, TX 77381
TREATMENT: 07-22-2017                         [email protected]
NOTE: This proposal is the property of New Frontier Cinema (PeachLover94 's production company) produced in partnership with DreamWorks SKG (Storyteller Distribution Co., LLC), World Events Productions (WEP LLC) and Toei Company, Ltd. Any unlicensed exhibition, copying or redistribution without written consent of the mentioned parties is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.
Lion Voltron I: A Legend Reborn
Story Treatment
The Logline
In the Far Universe (Denubian Galaxy), five young space explorer cadets from the Galaxy Alliance of Earth are captured by the Galran Empire of the Drules over their destroyed space colony Olympus. Escaping with the help of a princess to the princess' home planet, they seek out the Lion Voltron to save the galaxy.
Main Characters
1) ALLURA ♀ - Age: 22. Full Title: Princess Allura Fala of Planet Arus (Altea in the ancient texts). Species: Arusian (Altean in ancient times). Homeworld: Arus (Altea). Physical Features: Relatively human-resembling phenotype of Medium-Tall body, Blue eyes, Light Olive skin tone, Round human ears, Yellow Blonde hair in a long feathered (Farrah Fawcett) style, and a medium register voice. The last surviving heir to the throne of planet Arus in the wake of the deaths of her father King Alfor Raimon and her mother Queen Melenor, Allura secretly took up training in the arts of war and espionage in the dead of night so to protect her people from encroachment by the Galran Empire of the Drules. The eventual paladin of Black Lion, her soft spot is for the Space Mice family of planet Arus.
2) KEITH ♂ - Age: 22. Full Name: Keith Akira Kogane. Species: Terran (with distant Arusian/Altean and Galran ancestry). Homeworld: New El Dorado, Planet Olympus (Earth colony in the Denubian Galaxy/Far Universe). Primary Physical Features: A Human phenotype of Medium-Tall body with a swimmer’s build, Brown eyes, Medium skin tone, Round human ears, Black hair in a long mullet style, and medium register voice. Having lived as a sullen orphan with little to lose as a lone wolf, Keith's outlook changes when he sees both the beauty of Allura and the depths of cruelty being committed across the Universe. Matching his drive in battle and earlier temperament, Keith is destined to become paladin of the Red Lion of Fire which is located in the ancient Arusian volcano of Pyros.
3) LANCE ♂ - Age: 21. Full Name: Lance Charles Isamu Kurogane McClain. Species: Terran. Homeworld: New Havana, Planet Olympus (Earth colony in the Denubian Galaxy/Far Universe). Main Physical Features: A Human phenotype of Medium-Tall body with a swimmer build, Blue eyes, Olive skin tone, Round human ears, Brown hair in a bowl style, and a medium register voice. Confident and cocky, Lance is the class clown of the paladins and is something of a ladies' man. However, he is actually quite sensitive, reflective, and distant at the times when it comes down to it. It is said he is the only one who can break through Keith's shell. His laid back, easygoing nature makes him the perfect paladin to pilot the Blue Lion of Water which is located in the Arusian lake of Volturnus.
4) PIDGE I ♂ - Age: 11. Full Name: Darrell Hiroshi Suzuishi "Pidge" Stoker. Species: Terran. Homeworld: New Kerberos, Planet Olympus (Earth colony in the Denubian Galaxy/Far Universe). Physical Features: A Human phenotype with an age-appropriate height, Green eyes with glasses, Caucasian skin tone, Round human ears, Brown hair in a layered shag style, and age-appropriate register of voice. Pidge graduated from the Academy at a young age, and his specialty is science. He is well-trained in the ways of Ninjutsu, and uses his size and agility to his advantage. Pidge is not afraid to speak his mind, but his heart is often in his words. His deep connections to forests balancing with technology suit him as the paladin for the Green Lion of Forest kept in the forest of Arboria.
5) HUNK ♂ - Age: 21. Full Name: Tsuyoshi Seidou "Hunk" Garrett. Species: Terran. Homeworld: New Apia, Planet Olympus (Earth colony in the Denubian Galaxy/Far Universe). Primary Physical Features: A Human phenotype of Medium-Tall body with a muscular rotund build, Brown eyes, Dark Tan skin tone, Round human ears, Brown hair in a mullet with orange bandana, and a medium register voice. Hunk is an engineer in spare time - being a gentle guy with a large appetite, Hunk is the heart of the team, lifting them up and making peace between them. Seeing desolation and misery of Zarkon's conquests, Hunk is determined to free those enslaved. His connection to land will serve him as paladin for the Yellow Lion of Earth which is hidden in the canyon of Terrae.
6) SVEN ♂ - Age: 22. Full Name: Sven Takashi Shirogane Holgersson. Species: Terran. Homeworld: New Oslo, Planet Olympus (Earth colony in the Denubian Galaxy/Far Universe). Primary Physical Features: A Human phenotype of Tall body with a swimmer build, Grey eyes, Medium-Light skin tone, Round human ears, Black hair in a long shaggy style, and a low-medium register voice with a Norwegian accent. Sven or "Takashi" is the eldest of three triplet brothers who also go by Sven as well, and he is an ex-member of an elite Galaxy Alliance Navy trainee squad. With him being a natural, decisive leader as well as second-in-command in tandem with Keith, Sven is calm and always in control - originally intended to be the paladin for the Black Lion of Sky kept in the cliffs of Nephele.
7) CORAN ♂ - Age: 55. Full Title: Coran Hieronymus Wimbleton Smythe Raible. Chief Strategist of Arus (Altea in the ancient texts). Species: Arusian (Altean in ancient times). Homeworld: Arus (Altea). Primary Physical Features: Relatively human phenotype of Tall body, Blue eyes, Medium Tan skin tone, Round human ears, graying Red hair in a shag and mustache, and a lower-medium register voice. Coran is noted for being kinda foppish, goofy, and a little of a traditionalist who can be opinionated and overprotective at times, but is very wise and is a force to be reckoned with. He is the commander of the Castle of Lions, once it becomes battle-worthy, and especially if it needs to travel off planet. After Alfor and Melenor died, they entrusted Coran with the five bayard keys to Voltron.
8) NANNY ♀ - Age: 44. Full Title: Court Lady Nanette "Nanny" Hys - Assistant and Bodyguard to the Arusian Royal Family. Species: Arusian (Altean in ancient times). Homeworld: Arus (Altea). Primary Physical Features: Relatively human phenotype of Medium-Tall body with a supposedly chubby frame that is actually Amazonian muscle, Brown eyes, Light skin tone, Round human ears, graying Brown hair in a crowned and braided braid style, and a low-medium register voice with a Germano-Scottish accent. Nanny's first concern is for Allura's well-being. Despite her peaceful and demure/ladylike inclinations and preferences, "Nanny" is not one to be messed with - what with her fifteen years of service in the Arusian Special Forces. Leave it to Allura to show she must not be babied.
The Background
Long in the past of the Denubian Galaxy NGC 7610 (termed the Far Universe by the Galaxy Alliance), the five-piece fighting humanoid robot known as the Lion Voltron was known as GoLion (King of Five Lions) by the peoples of Altea and Heracles - now called Arus and Pollux. GoLion or Lion Voltron was a sentient being, renown across the galaxy for its feats of heroism and bravery. GoLion went by gender-neutral pronouns based on the gender of the pilot. Ultimately, this led to Lion Voltron developing something of an ego, as it challenged both the wicked witch Druid Haggar I and the goddess Denubia to battle. Denubia, having sensed the egotism brewing in Lion Voltron/GoLion out of simple ignorance of its own power and not out of sinister malice, defeated but spared the mighty robot.
In a rage, the Druid Haggar disguised herself as Denubia and tried to destroy Voltron while succeeding at murdering Denubia. With her last acts, Denubia managed to save Lion Voltron/GoLion by splitting the robot back up into its five component lion robots - Black of Sky, Red of Fire, Green of Forest, Yellow of Earth, and Blue of Water. They were flung through space until they crash-landed on Altea, there to spend a great deal of time defending it from the forces of evil in the Denubian Galaxy until some force caused it to go into dormancy until the time was right. Now the time has come for a rebirth of Lion Voltron with a return of the Galran Empire of Galra (Planet Doom) by the Drules, to threaten the Milky Way, Hyperion and Denubian galaxies. The bayard keys to Voltron are hidden.
The Premise
Historically, the Lion Voltron Force story arc of Voltron: Defender of the Universe was adapted from the 1981 anime series Beast King GoLion but was adapted to be part of a much bigger storyline. Here, the Voltron story takes on more of a mythical Greco-Roman/Medieval fantasy style with elements of space opera and regular science fiction thrown in. Taking the team of heroes premises that are found in the Japanese Super Sentai/Power Rangers series, the galaxy-spanning adventure of Star Wars, the epic mythic fantasies of Arthurian legend and J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium (Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Silmarillion), and the appeal of mecha and big robots found in both the Gundam and Transformers franchises, Voltron is ready to take to the stars for battle and saving the world.
In this four-quadrant five-act epic mecha space fantasy film, a team of five space explorers from Earth and an enchanted humanoid alien princess must break out and flee their alien captors à la The Great Escape, but end up crash-landing on the princess' home planet out of Arthurian legend. Meeting with her royal staff, the princess and the space explorers must trek across the many lands of her planet to reunite the bayard keys that activate the five lion robots that form Lion Voltron - Defender of the Far Universe. In a globetrotting quest out of Lord of the Rings, our heroes must get the people of the war-torn planet's help to overcome the obstacles so they can launch and form Voltron in time to stop a Star Wars-like attack by the enemy's space forces. Only with Voltron will Arus be saved...
The Nemeses
Aside from normal human squabbles and quandaries that face teams of people trying to survive, Lion Voltron and its team of pilots have to contend with the new horrible menace threatening the Denubian Galaxy. The Galrans of Planet Doom fit the tradition of the classic "empire of evil". Most of the Galrans in power are of a pathological diagnosis of needing control, physiologically depending others' misery for their survival. With fleets of starfighters and space battleships; as well as armies of tanks, Ultra Black Corps shock troops and Robeast mecha monsters, Galrans are the muscle of the Drule Empire in the Denubian Galaxy. Currently, only one planet dares to stand in the Galrans' way - Arus.
1) ZARKON ♂ - Age: Late 40s/Early 50s. Species: Galran Drule. Homeworld: Galra (Planet Doom). Eye Color: Yellow. His full royal title is Emperor Zarkon Daibazaal of Planet Galra. King Zarkon is an immensely powerful fighter, having killed Alfor in a climactic duel to the death. Zarkon is to be revealed as a skilled mecha pilot, having once been the paladin for the Black Lion of Sky as a young king who tried to corrupt and convert Lion Voltron to the side of the Drules and Galrans before being rejected by Voltron. The Galran King has little tolerance for failure among his subordinates, and often threatens them for failure. Though he appears to have a slightly higher tolerance for Haggar, she is not immune to being threatened for failures to claim Arus and other planets for the empire.
2) ROBEASTS - Wherever one goes in the Empires of the Drules, there will always be such mighty things as Robeasts to challenge the Voltron Forces and threaten the peace of the Near, Middle and Far Universes. Robeasts from Galra (Planet Doom) sent to battle the Lion Voltron are humanoid monsters created through an unholy combination of super-science and Haggar's magic, most often from the many prisoners of war that are reared in sadistic gladiatorial combat, though some of them are simply colossal robots piloted by Ultra Black Corps troopers. A platoon of fifteen robeasts is ready at a moments notice to travel with fighters, tanks, space battleships and Ultra Black Corps armies to lay siege to whatever may get in their way. They are tricky but not impossible to annihilate.
3) HAGGAR XIII ♀ - Age: Late 60s. Species: Galran Drule/Arusian Half-Breed. Homeworld: Arus (Altea). Eye Color: Yellow. Hair Color: White. Her full title is Court Sorceress Haggar Yoba Honerva. Haggar the Witch Queen is the one responsible for creating the Galran Beast Fighters or Robeasts that Voltron must destroy. She is notorious for her dark magic to cast hypnosis and control spells over people. Though she was once a good and beautiful, she is now evil and ugly by her corruption. It is implied throughout this first film that she is Zarkon's amnesia-stricken wife. Haggar has the power of quintessence at her fingertips, being able to shoot bolts of energy and manipulate it to her will for defense and levitate objects to battle enemies of the Empire. What other secrets lie with her?
4) ULTRA BLACK CORPS - Say hello to the mixed organic and cybernetic shock troopers of the Galran Empire. They serve as the backbone of Galran (Planet Doom's) military forces. Ultra Drones have no built in weapons, instead using the same weapons as their organic counterparts. Drones are capable of squad-level infantry tactics and understanding vocal commands These androids somewhat resemble Galrans and other Drules, appearing to wear charcoal-black armor. In fact, some of the living soldiers appear identical to the Ultra Drones. In addition, Ultra Drones can be used for scouting planetary environments full of every kind of hazards, are more durable, and have no fear of utter destruction to claim the victory. Many a senior soldier here relishes serving Supreme Commander Yurak.
5) YURAK ♂ - Age: 40s. Species: Galran Drule. Homeworld: Galra (Planet Doom). Eye Color: Yellow (Left) and Cybernetic Red (Right). His full title rank is Supreme Commander Yurak of the Galrans, who also travels under the aliases of Sendak and Sadak. He is quite a sadistic, leather-lunged and powerful fighter who is not to be underestimated. His loyalty to King Zarkon and adherence to military hierarchy is without question and only obeys the commands given to him. His fighting style relies primarily on the use of his cybernetic arms, his own energy sword and terrifying piercing claws. He is also athletic, able to dodge and move around quickly to evade attacks. This is despite his large size, topping at about eight feet. If he were a Parris Island drill instructor, he would fit right in.
The Heroes and the Twist
Each member of Lion Voltron's super force of space explorers is reflective of aspects of ourselves that we all have been at some point in our lives the class clown, the lone wolf, the young genius, the tough guy who is also a mediator, and that young person destined for life greater than their backyard. A major bend in the story comes when the original intended paladin to pilot Black Lion - Sven - is badly injured by Galran Drule Ultra Black Corps troopers and on the verge of dying. Princess Allura, who is traveling with him to find Black Lion, has to take his place and fly Black Lion so she can save Sven, his teammates and Arus. But ultimately, Black Lion intended for Allura to be the team's leader from the start. Can Allura rise to the occasion and lead her new team to free Arus?
The Story Breakdown
1) From days of long ago, from uncharted regions of the Universe, comes a legend. The legend of the Voltrons: Defenders of the Universe. Three mighty robots, loved by good, feared by evil. As the Voltrons' legend grew, peace settled across the galaxies. On Planet Earth, a Galaxy Alliance was formed. Together with the good planets of our Solar System, they maintained peace throughout the Universe until new, horrible menaces threatened the galaxies. The Voltrons are needed once more. This is the story of the super force of space explorers. Specially trained, entrusted and sent by the Alliance with the ancient secrets of how to assemble and bring back, Lion Voltron: Defender of the Far Universe. And the first chapter of a great saga begins with a faraway planet...
Act I
2) We open in orbit of planet Olympus, a human space colony of Earth's in the Denubian Galaxy - termed the Far Universe. A good-sized Galaxy Alliance light cruiser the Pioneer approaches it. Aboard her is a team of five bright and young space explorer cadets returning for summer leave from their senior year at the Galaxy Alliance Academy. In command is Sven Holgersson (black/navy blue) who leads Keith Kogane (red) , Hunk Garrett (yellow), Lance McClain (blue) and little eleven-year-old Pidge Stoker (green). What they are about to return to is a home destroyed - the dreaded King Zarkon Daibazaal of Galra (AKA. Planet Doom) has just ordered his space fleet to provoke war between the districts of Olympus. Zarkon's evil has left the people of Olympus to die via a thermonuclear war. These images of catastrophe echo the fears of Earth during World War III.
3) Keith, Lance, Hunk and Sven are devastated, while Pidge is disgusted by the petty nature of fear Zarkon uses to force his enemies to annihilate each other in one cascade. The leveled cities and irradiated corpses mean there are few to no survivors currently to be found, and a Galran slaver ship soon catches sight of the Pioneer - drawing her in by tractor beam. Under the leadership of the Galran Drules' Supreme Commander Yurak, the slave ship departs Olympus to return to Galra with fresh slaves to be delivered for Emperor Zarkon and the Witch Queen Haggar's approval. On Galra, the five human space explorers watch helplessly as hapless prisoners including Hunk’s older sister Lisa are sent to the arena for gladiatorial combat which either way will result in their potential eventual demise.
4) Those prisoners ruthlessly slaughtered in the arena are to become food for Robeasts, and those prisoners who managed to survive are themselves turned into the bio-mechanical Robeasts for Zarkon to sic upon the galaxy. In their cell, Lance is about to go stir crazy when a female voice tells the five she may just be able to help them escape if they help her escape back to her home planet. Keith and Sven ask her who she is, and the voice is revealed to be that of the divinely beautiful Princess Allura Fala (pink) of planet Arus - now conquered and facing enslavement by the Galrans' imperial forces in this galaxy. Pidge, having been trained in the ways of ninjas, is able to jump with his agile and nimble body up to the bars over the cell windows to the outside. If they free others, they can flee.
5) On the night before Allura and the space explorers are to be sent into the arena, Pidge takes their rope made from rags, blankets and scraps of clothing up to the bars on the windows. Hunk is the first to climb up so he can bend and breaks the bars of the jail cell. After him, the others free a swarm of many other prisoners and climb up and out before the guards can report of a break. Sighting the Galran Vultures, the six escapees each grab on to the legs of a vulture and steer them down and away from the prison castle. Allura is the first to jump, and she makes a perfect landing in the dumping ground of dead prisoner skeletons stripped clean to the bone by the Robeasts. The five space explorers along with the escaping prisoners soon follow, and declare Zarkon will pay for his cruelty.
6) Allura, Keith, Sven, Lance, Hunk and Pidge; having made their escape, scurry across the dead plains of Galra to the airfield where a fleet of skull ships (Galran space battleships able to carry Stinger fighters) await to be launched. Knocking out a night guard guarding an armory, Allura takes a sword while the others grab guns and start shooting up the Ultra Black Corps troopers guarding the airfield and the skull ships. They manage to launch a skull ship and fire its heavy laser cannons at both Zarkon's castle and the remaining skull ships on the pad before lifting off into the sky. News of the prison break reaches Zarkon, who orders all capable ships to retrieve the missing skull ship, or failing that, blast it and its crew out of the stars. Yurak attempts to follow in his ship, but our heroes escape.
Act II
7) Making the jump to hyperskip, our heroes' skull ship comes under attack upon exiting hyperskip by a few remaining Stinger starfighters left behind to blockade any escaping space traffic from the planet below them. Allura plows the skull ship through the Stingers, but the ship is damaged and begins to fall out of the sky towards the surface of her home planet Arus - known in the ancient texts as Altea. In the moments before bailing out, Allura has Pidge send a coded signal to what she calls Castle Control on frequency 198.1 MHz - that the Princess is on her way home in a crashing Galran skull ship. Allura and the space explorers bail out and float down to land on the ground. Safe in a clearing, the six watch as the giant skull ship falls from the sky towards the bluest oceans of planet Arus.
8) The night soon begins to fall as Keith, Sven, Lance, Hunk and Pidge are led by Allura back to the source of Castle Control - the Castle of the Lions. Allura had been taken prisoner by the Galran Drules just one Earth week earlier by her own calculations, but the princess' safe return brings joy to her strategist Coran and handmaiden Nanny's hearts. Grateful to the five space explorers who aided Allura in her escape from Galra, Coran is the first to pledge whatever services he, Nanny and the people of Arus can provide. After the team introduces each member by their full names, Keith speaks up that he and his team would like to use the Castle and Arus as a base until they can find a way to defeat Zarkon. Upon hearing this, Coran leads them all into the lower chambers of the Castle.
9) Low yet eerie sounds echo and illuminate the lower chambers of the Castle of Lions as Nanny and Coran lead our six heroes down to the Royal Tomb. Trailing behind is a royal family of Arusian Space Mice with the father Chitter Platt, the mother Cheddar Chuchule, and their children made up of Cheeser, Cheesy, Pip, Squeak, Mousie, Prince, Toady, Inky and Suki watch as the humanoids uncover the sarcophagi of Allura's father King Alfor Ramon and his wife Queen Melenor. Chitter and Cheddar come up to sit on Allura's shoulders for comfort as Coran sadly recounts how Zarkon had betrayed her father Alfor, fought him in a sword fight for Lion Voltron, and murdered him and his wife Melenor. Zarkon, however, did not obtain his prize - Lion Voltron as the keys to the lions had disappeared.
10) Back on Galra, Yurak reports to Zarkon and Haggar that the stolen skull ship was ditched into the oceans of Arus and that its crew and passengers both have managed to survive bailing out. Instead of lashing out at his underling, Zarkon is lost in thought. He remembers that Arus is home to the one force in this galaxy that could defeat them - Lion Voltron. Haggar reveals to Yurak that Zarkon is an accomplished mecha pilot who in his days of youth tried to become the paladin to pilot the Black Lion of Sky and convert Lion Voltron to the Galran Drules' side. In a flash of inspiration, Zarkon has a new mission - let the escaped prisoners on Arus lead them to Lion Voltron, defeat them in battle, and claim Voltron for use by the Drule Empire. Yurak promises to bring the empire victory or die trying.
   11) Nanny continues on with telling the story that Coran had started down in the Royal Tomb of Arus to our heroes. When King Alfor died, he took the secret bayard keys to forming Lion Voltron with him and his wife Melenor to the grave so the Galran Drules could not get their hands on them. Alfor's last testament he gave to Nanny was that Allura and a team of space explorers would inherit and hopefully use the keys to the five lion robots that make up the Lion Voltron to battle the forces of evil threatening Arus when the princess came of age. Now that Allura is of age, she must lead Keith and his team across the lands of Arus to the five locations where a component lion of Voltron may be found. There are five keys that must reach their lion located in a distinct landmark of the planet.
12) Each member of the newly created Lion Voltron Force must bring a key to a certain cavern in which a lion resides, deliver the key to the lion, and pilot it back to the Castle of Lions. Keith is given the Key of Fire in which he must journey to the Volcano of Pyros to reactivate the Red Lion of Fire. Pidge is given the Key of Forest, so he must journey to the Forest of Arboria to recover the Green Lion of Forest. Hunk is given the Key of Earth and will need it to access the Canyon of Terrae to retrieve the Yellow Lion of Earth. Lance is entrusted with the Key of Water, so he must find the Lake of Volturnus and awaken the Blue Lion of Water. Allura will have to accompany Sven with the Key of Sky to recover the Black Lion of Sky from the Cliffs of Nephele as the Black Lion is the overall leader.
13) In front of legions of Ultra Black Corps shock troopers, companies of laser tanks, and fourteen Robeasts waiting to board the mighty fleet of skull ships, Yurak addresses his forces from his self-modeled Robeast. The mighty platoon of Robeasts known as the Batbeast, Dieklops, Exospike, Mogyula, Bokar Snake, Poison Bugblade, the Loathsome Lion, Buffaloon, twins Beyel and Zebub, the Deathsail, Mammoth, Armordillo and Evilroots lead all the assembled forces of the Galran Drules in cheering for Yurak and their battle. Proudly, Yurak proclaims that their victory shall be a day long remembered through history. With that, the Galran forces begin to load onto the skull ships to prepare for blastoff on the campaign to conquer Arus once and for all. Little do they know it is a death trap.
14) Coran dispatches teams of soldiers to head for the ocean where the skull ship was ditched as a distraction to any incoming forces of the Galran Drules who may try to stop the Lion Voltron Force from reaching the Lions in time. In the meantime, our heroes have suited and packed up their stuff to begin heading out on foot to journey across the ruins of the once proud, innocent and peaceful planet of Arus. Being armed only with a sidearm laser pistol and their keys that can turn into energy bayards which form weapons suited to the fighting style of the Lion Voltron paladins, our six heroes are really taking their chances. For you see, the Galran Drule space fleet has jumped through hyperskip to arrive on Arus' far side. The time to put the bayard keys to the test will soon be coming.
15) The air temperature is climbing rapidly as Keith braves the heat of lava flows and gulfs between cliff faces to navigate the area of the Volcano of Pyros to find the Red Lion. To keep from going crazy, he takes his friend Lance's advice and starts talking out loud to himself. Just then, the Loathsome Lion arrives and tries to trick Keith into coming towards it, but Keith activates some hidden power from within and sees through this attempt at deception and uses his bayard's energy sword to battle the Robeast and slay it. The blast flings Keith up and away into the volcano, but he is saved by Red Lion. In triumph, Keith boards the Red Lion and they together launch out of the volcano back for the Castle of Lions to find Dieklops leading a charge of soldiers and tanks towards it to launch an attack.
   16) Hunk, meanwhile, is getting a wonderful workout running and jumping from clifftop to clifftop across the Canyon of Terrae which reminds him of once going up and down El Capitan back on Earth. The lovable lug is already planning on cooking up a feast to celebrate the victory of his team against Zarkon's forces, but he still thinks of all the prisoners on Galra sent to die or become Robeasts, remembering their names and faces by heart. A break in his concentration comes with the arrival of the Deathsail ready to fight. In a jolt of speed, Hunk starts his bayard's energy cannon and fires off salvos at the Robeast to keep him away from the cavern where Yellow Lion is sleeping. With a mighty roar, Hunk arrives and uses Yellow Lion to destroy Deathsail before escaping.
Act IV
17) Seeing Red and Yellow Lions finish off their Robeasts and start back for the Castle now that Poison Bugblade is leading its charges in the surge forces Allura and Sven to hurry towards the Cliffs of Nephele where the Black Lion cavern is located. As they approach the Cliffs, a legion of Ultra Black Corps shock troops led by Exospike lands and attempts to shoot them down off the cliffs. Sven soon activates his bayard's energy sword to cut away at the shock troops while Allura lays down cover fire with her laser pistol. This is all they can do to safeguard the Black Lion. A flung spike from the Robeast injures Sven and Allura rushes to duel Exospike with the sword and kill the Robeast. Allura forces herself to carry the critically injured Sven over her shoulders towards the cavern of Black Lion.
18) In the meantime, the Arusian Special Forces have succeeded in reaching the ditched Galran skull ship, floating on the ocean near the castle. Aboard the ship, they manage to activate its defense turrets and torpedo launchers to keep the Galran Drule Stinger fighters from doing bombing runs on the Castle. A few more launch the downed skull ship's own Stingers to conduct a Trojan horse attack on Yurak's leading skull ship to assist the Lion Voltron Force. The attack costs them their lives, but it does manage to cripple the skull ship and force Yurak to board his Robeast and lead four others in abandoning ship for their attack on the surface. He sees Red and Yellow Lions attacking his Robeasts as he charges forward. Seeing the Lions return makes Yurak lose his composure.
19) Volturnus Lake is a welcome sight as Lance makes a mad dash for it as he sees shock troops being dropped along with Bokar Snake to fight it out. In a fit of retribution-seeking adrenaline for all those Zarkon has made suffer in the arena, Lance lays down the law with his bayard's energy rifle on the swarm of the shock troops before giving a face full of fire right into Bokar Snake. He spots Blue Lion resting in the lake and makes a dive for it just before things can get even more out of control than they have already. During the swim down towards the cockpit of the Blue Lion, Lance tries to calm himself and telepathically bond with the lion before boarding and reactivating it. With that, they see Buffaloon and his forces on the move and they shoot to the rescue in order to protect the Castle of Lions.
20) At least Pidge is grateful for the cover that the dense brush of trees in the Forest of Arboria is providing as he scurries his way for the cavern of the Green Lion. Evilroots barely manages to cut through the treeline before Pidge activates his bayard's angular katar to go one on one with the toxic Robeast and become a true eco-warrior and tree hugger. In a burst of natural inspiration, Pidge uses the bayard katar's shock prod ability to set the Evilroots on fire when he reaches a safe clearing before darting away into the cavern. Here, he and Green Lion finally get acquainted before he boards the Lion. Pidge and Green Lion see the Mammoth charging for the Castle of Lions as they attempt to race back and head off the opposing forces. Now all they need is the Black Lion to help them.
21) The Castle of Lions fights back against Armordillo, but tanks and soldiers are moving in for the attack. Inside the cavern of Black Lion, Allura holds the key up to the lion-shaped robot. The Black Lion welcomes her and tells the princess it has been awaiting the day she would come of age and be ready to pilot it and lead the Lion Voltron Force to victory over evil once again. Seeing the fleet of Galran starships approaching orbit of Arus and the four other lions in need of help fighting the Robeast army, Allura rushes Sven into Black Lion. With Sven safely aboard in the passenger compartment, Allura scurries to the cockpit and inputs the key to launch Black Lion out and into the skies of Arus to join the others in battle. With a mighty roar, the Black Lion shoots out into the skies.
Act V
22) Keith and the other space explorers are surprised by Allura showing up in Black Lion to rescue them. Coran has to prevent Nanny from losing it. Now it becomes a real battle as the five lions fly up to cripple Yurak's space fleet and crash it down to Arus. Swooping back down to the planet, they see only four Robeasts left along with Yurak and the self-modeled Robeast he pilots. This is the signal Allura takes so to call for the paladins to form Lion Voltron. Activating interlocks, connecting their dynotherms, bringing up their infracells, and setting their mega-thrusters to go; the Lion Voltron Force is go to form and battle evil. Allura's Black Lion forms the body and head, Keith's Red and Pidge's Green form the arms, and Lance's Blue and Hunk's Yellow form the feet and legs.
23) The sight of the Lions coming together to form Lion Voltron both stuns and horrifies Yurak and his few surviving Robeasts. Over subspace radio, Allura offers one last chance for Yurak to surrender and receive a fair and public trial for his crimes. Yurak denounces this compassion as a deathly weakness and instead charges with his Robeasts towards our heroes, forcing a combined Eye Beam and Lion Torch attack on Beyel. Zebub locks in a struggle with Voltron so he can avenge his brother, but gets a mouthful of Sting Ray Missiles. Batbeast goes for a bite of Voltron, but a combined Electro-Force Cross and Ion Darts blows him to kingdom come. A Lion Head Attack takes out Mogyula while a flung Spinning Space Blade hits the Galran Drule ships still in orbit with no air cover.  
24) Now trapped on Arus and without much fuel to make it out of the Arusian system, Yurak draws his Robeast's energy sword as he alone is in a position to take down Lion Voltron mano-a-mano. Allura and the team then draw out Lion Voltron's Blazing Sword, ready to fend off an attack. Changing tactics, Yurak calms his Robeast down and contacts Lion Voltron over subspace radio in order to use his enemies’ weakness against them. Speaking softly but firmly, Yurak orders the Lion Voltron Force to set the Blazing Sword down, step away from it, and he may show clemency if they surrender. Allura is not buying it, as she and the team still have the images of the cruelty of Zarkon and his followers fresh in their minds, causing Lion Voltron to charge their foe with the Blazing Sword.
25) Yurak holds out as long as he can, loudly berating our heroes for their acts of cowardice and betrayal of the empire, but he is no match for Voltron. Lion Voltron and its pilots escape the blast radius just in time before Yurak and his Robeast explode in a mighty conflagration as he curses their names for eternity. With the destruction of both the Galran space forces in orbit and the Galran land forces under Yurak's command, cheers of the grateful survivors of Arus echo across the planet for Voltron. Meanwhile, Sven is still badly wounded and close to the point of dying, so Allura then orders Coran to send for a transport to carry Sven back to Galaxy Garrison on Earth for critical treatment before it is too late. (In the Japanese version, Sven or Takashi actually dies and is laid to rest).
   26) With how wonderfully Allura led the Lion Voltron Force to victory over Yurak, Nanny reluctantly allows Allura to become the leader of the Lion Voltron Force with Keith and the others' blessings. But Nanny still wishes to be able to protect the Princess if need be, which means Allura is forced into the unenviable position of reactivating Nanny's commission with the Arusian Special Forces - effectively drafting her Nanny back into service! With a little time to celebrate, the people of Arus gather in the Castle of Lions in salute of their heroes. Allura leads Keith, Lance, Hunk and Pidge down in a procession to where they are awarded medals for their heroism. With her royal sword, Allura knights herself and her teammates as the paladins of Lion Voltron Force as the gathered masses cheer.
Epilogue (Preview Summary for Lion Voltron II: Prince Lotor Unleashed)
27) And with the final defeat of the dreaded Supreme Commander Yurak; the names of Voltron, Lion Voltron and planet Arus would again strike fear in the hearts of the Drule Empire and its Denubian Galaxy vassals the Galrans. Even so, Zarkon's enigmatic son Prince Lotor Sincline is determined to make a name for himself and claim Princess Allura as his bride. Taking a platoon of Robeasts with him to throw Voltron off the scent and secretly hold planets Balto and Arus' sister world of Pollux (Heracles in ancient times) in captivity, the Lion Voltron Force departs Arus and sets out into space to free the planets and the Galrans' hostages, among them Sven. In the midst of a fierce battle of wills and swords, Allura carries a terrifying truth about Lotor and the Galran Royal Family...
4 notes · View notes
Ranting anon. I have a lot. I’ll try and split this into pieces. I wouldn’t say that Lotor was my absolute favorite character, but he was an enjoyable and interesting one. He was a more refined antagonist (not necessarily a villain) who had every capacity of being a great ally and friend. I won’t lie, I liked the idea of Allura and Lotor together, (1/?)
As a parallel to Zarkon and Honerva by being a Galra/Altean power couple that fought for good instead of evil. Lotor is clever and diplomatic and poised, so I honestly thought that he could help Allura cool down her impulsive nature and rash temper and help her become a good leader through example. (2/?)
But in the end, all we got was Lotor giving her an ego boost that in the end didn’t even matter because she dropped him like a hot potato in what feels like a forced “girl power!!” Moment. And I feel like that’s a big problem with how Allura’s character was handled. (3/?)
She’s meant to be this wise, kind, but fierce leader lady, but unlike say, Zelda (another warrior princess,) she doesn’t display the patience or level-headedness that Zelda does, despite people making numerous comparisons between the two. The argument that she’s inexperienced falls through halfway through the series at the very least. Allura never takes any steps to curb her temper or his pushy nature. (4/?)
And somehow no one calls her out on it! A big red flag for me was her reaction when Keith was revealed to be half galra and she just…turned fucking mean for no reason. And while Keith felt guilty for something he shouldn’t have felt guilty for, everyone else was…taking her side? (6/?)
And basically the matter is resolved by him mostly apologizing and her kind of mumbling a half-assed sorry. She was literally being racist to someone she called a friend right until she found out about his heritage. Despite him having done absolutely nothing to her. And no one called her out on it. That pissed me off. It feels like the paladins personalities suffered in order to make Allura look good. Like their moralities and personalities got tossed out the window to revolve around her. (8/8)
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A forewarning to Lotura shippers, I never liked the ship in the first place, so if you are looking for validation about Lotura or even Allura herself, this rant is not for you. Allow me to pitch in my own two cents about myself, Allura, the Paladins, and the comparison referring to Zelda.
Anon, let me just say this first, I adore reading the asks you sent because all of it was basically the biggest problem I had with Allura the second she was revealed in Voltron. And the main reason for that? Was how she introduced herself by being a glaringly-obvious Princess-brat trope that does not think before she decides to speak. This was her first rash and impulsive act as a “royal” Princess.
This is why I have a hard time believing those who say Allura’s racism towards the Galra is valid because, I do not know about you, but being cryogenically frozen during the heat of war then waking up and thinking the main important thing to do is call someone’s ears hideous? What happened to “the war is still fresh in her mind”? And no, suddenly opening up a journal to remember “Oh, yeah, the war! Zarkon evil! I should be angry!” does not fly with me. 
I am not saying her trauma is not real, only her reaction to it is slightly misplaced. 
In any case, let us move on to the comparison of Allura and I being similar to Honerva and Zarkon. Oddly enough, I did not see this clicking at all in the show. Mostly because, in terms of what happened between them story-wise, Allura and I are more like Alfor and Zarkon. And this is just based off their relationship. Maybe I am a man who strives more for platonic relationships in shows aimed towards children, but I really did not feel the romance at all in Lotura. 
Not even with the sickening way she suddenly started pining after me at the realization that I am half-Altean.
And this is the big point in the show. Zarkon and Honerva loved each other not because of their race, but because they just do. Alfor and Zarkon? They both use their power as royals to achieve a greater good. Except, in the case of Allura, she chose to commit unspeakable acts of betrayal based on feelings. Sounds oddly familiar to Alfor, no? Sacrificing all of Altea to ensure she lives? Because he is such a good father, pure of heart who must protect his daughter at the expense of not one, but two entire planets. 
He loves her so much, he sacrificed his own people for her. That is why Allura is more like her father in that aspect. Both rulers let their feelings control their actions. Throughout the entire 8 seasons of Voltron, Allura has constantly gone either completely irrational or completely poised for the public, never in between. She does her self-sacrificing bit way too many times and, when she coincidentally lives afterwards, she puts herself on a pedestal as if she was right in her self-indulgent martyr actions.
Which she most certainly is not, because it is common knowledge that if you want to help people, you should be actively staying alive to do so. It is as though once she believed all “her” people died, she has no real purpose to stay around after her grand plan of eradicating all the “evil” Galra from space gets completed. I am sorry to say, or perhaps not, but she really does remind me of a terrible Mary Sue who can do no wrong. Alive or dead. 
And this shit? Gets brushed aside or ignored by a majority of the Paladins. I will go ahead and blame it that most of them are all very, very young and lack the experience to speak out against those in charge. In fact, the only two who spoke against her in any sense were Shiro and Keith, even Pidge for family reasons. Shiro when he wanted to support putting myself on the throne and Keith? Well, that is a bit more complicated. 
Anyone remember the scene where Keith kept telling Allura that he does not want to hear a lecture from her, and she does it anyways because she is just looking out for Voltron and emotionally guilting him is the best way to go about it? No? Oh, right, maybe it was because she acted like a mother admonishing him for “shirking” his responsibilities. I do not even need to go on about how much I heavily dislike one of the two female members mothering her teammates.
You know what would have been a great development here? If she supported him instead of “disciplining” him as if he stayed out past midnight. Maybe not even support him! Just be like “Okay, I know this is important for you, so tell us what we need to do to help you. We’re a team and as a team we will help you however we can.” 
In this sense, Shiro was trusting Keith and doing the right thing by giving him the space he needed to find himself. Allura, on the other hand, was pushy and ultimately did not care at all for him as a person, but him as a useful Paladin tool. If he was so revered as the Black Paladin, then should she not be, I do not know, following his orders by the T? Or is her role as a royal, Altean Princess whose spirit is connected to Voltron more important?
And even before all this, she believes her and Keith are supposedly buddies now since she gave a half-assed apology for being a racist cunt to him. No one, I guarantee you, no one forgets racist comments, regardless of repaired friendships. Especially when her cold-shoulder and outright blatant ignorance is being seen as “Oh, it’s okay for her to feel like this! What do we know, we’re just humans from Earth who have apparently never read a history book.”
Before I get into the nitty-gritty details about why comparing Zelda and Allura are the same people, let me just say this concerning Allura’s hot-headed temper and unchecked racism involving a relationship with myself. That shit does not work and Allura should have taken the time to sort herself out before mixing in a “loving” relationship with an Altean and Galran man. I am all for equal support in a couple, but she did nothing to support myself as a person because she never saw both sides of my heritage. 
Allura only saw Altean blood and hyperfixated on that alone. Which, do I even need to spell out how terrible it is to judge someone based on their appearance? Based on their race? Whether in a good or bad light, she once again goes from “I will not have some quiznaking Galra on my ship” to “Your mother was Honerva? You’re Altean!” mode. It is fine to be prideful, but she should have already known the dangers of being too prideful of one’s race. 
Considering she is a royal, considering she was raised with political knowledge, considering her father and the Emperor of the Galra Empire worked together, Allura should have been aware of her Achilles Heel and understand her responsibilities. 
Okay, now, Allura being like Zelda? 
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Alright, I only played a handful of LoZ games, but even I know that Allura is absolutely nothing like Zelda, even with both of them having the Princess title. 
We already established that Allura is way too rash and irrational when under any duress. Even when shit is not going down, her way of thinking is very straight forward and linear, disregarding the bigger picture as a whole for her own closeted judgements. Allura has even ignored her royal advisor’s advice too many times to count, excusing her reasoning as “It’s the only way, Coran. I must do this.”
Zelda? Zelda does not, at all, follow Allura’s way of thinking. In fact, OoT has a similar plot to Allura and myself. Link skips 7 years of his life, wakes up to Hyrule being controlled by Ganondorf, and the Princess is MIA. Though, if any of you have played the game, then you know that the Princess was actively trying to save the kingdom. Not just Hylians, but Zoras and Gorons as well. 
And the way she accomplished this was by disguising herself as Sheik. Not because she was a coward, but because she knew the importance that came with being a Princess, the next heir to rule, and the one who has the Triforce of Wisdom under her control. Key word here: WISDOM. Something Allura did not display at all in the show. 
If we are comparing Zelda to any character, she is more like the exiled Prince than Allura herself. Both Zelda and myself have the wisdom and first-hand experience of suffering under active war. Both actively saved, or tried to save, those they came across. And both understood the political discourse that hurt everyone, not just one specific race. Everyone.
But if that is the case, then Link would be similar to Allura in the sense that they both woke up to disaster. The big difference between Link and Allura? Link would not have killed Sheik once he revealed himself to be Zelda. Not even because Sheik was being deceiving. Link would understand why Zelda had to hide for her own safety, because she was vital to the plan to restore balance to Hyrule. 
Even if Link was miffed about Zelda not being truthful? He knows that, under no circumstances, can they chance the risk to kill her over his own personal feelings.
“But that doesn’t mean Zelda never curbed her temper!”
In Twilight Princess, when the kingdom was already starting to fall under evil clutches, Zelda teams up with Midna, an exiled Princess of the Twilight world. I can not imagine how helpless Zelda felt in the face of Zant overthrowing the kingdom, but did she go off and leave the citizens to suffer for all of eternity? No. She accepted aid from those who were willing, even the Princess of the other world. 
And, on top of that, Zelda understood that Midna’s world and her own were like two sides of a coin. They must coexist with each other to achieve peace. In fact, I vaguely remember Zelda sacrificing herself to help Midna. Imagine that. Using your powers to help the “enemy” for the greater good. Tell me when Allura helped the Galra out of her own free will? Her own understanding that the Galra need her help just like every other race in the universe?
No, the BoM does not count. Not with her attitude shining through after her “Zarkon is in power because you guys are cowards!” spiel. Not when she begrudgingly helped save Warlord Lahn while simultaneously profiling him out of spite with “Did you buy those weapons or steal them?” And no, not when she built Sincline with myself with the intention to harvest unlimited quintessence then immediately turn around and aid in murdering me, the Emperor of the Galra Empire, over a weak accusation. 
Overall, Allura really is the type of person to barge into other people’s problems, claim “I am here to help you all!”, then throw a hissy fit when people ask for specific aid rather than follow her “My way or the highway” attitude. Terrible writing or not, she was always like this since the very beginning. It is kind of like…she had many chances to improve, but she just made her own situation worse and refused to stop to reflect upon herself.
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voltronshorts · 5 years
“Veni, Sancte Leonis”
MC, nun of St. Quinta’s Basilica. FATHER SHIRO, archbishop. KEITH, a motherless chimney sweep caring for his ailing father. LANCE MCCLAIN, student at Académie de Galaxie. HUNK GARRETT, student at Académie de Galaxie. KATIE HOLT, student at Académie de Galaxie and daughter of Samuel and Colleen Holt. SAMUEL HOLT, physicist. COLLEEN HOLT, wife to Holt. ADAM, gardener. LOTOR VON SINCLINE, an esteemed businessman and the heir to his father’s company; engaged to Allura Althaea. ALLURA ALTHAEA, daughter of Mr. Alfor, CEO of Althaea Corp.; engaged to Lotor von Sincline. SLAV, dog.
Scene: London, England in 1891 PROLOGUE
A young girl sitting in the pews blinks blearily as she watches the archbishop step up to the podium and deliver the first reading.
He clears his throat. “A reading from the letter of St. Quinta… Protect those who cannot protect themselves, give voices to those who cannot speak. Truly I tell you, St. Voltres the Legendary Defender rode into battle on a white lion. He brandished a blood red shield and a blazing sword, defeated the spawn from the Rift and closed the gate. God sent St. Voltres to protect us, and we lived to have God smile upon us another day. 
Sacrifice the White Lion and the whole world will be plunged into darkness. Sacrifice the White Lion and cometh the end of days. All shall perish, and all shall burn. The power can make man of god, and god of man. Truly I tell you, those who show me kindness shall live, but those who cast stones shall burn in the fires of Hell.”
The little girl yawns, and her voice is lost in the replying chorus as it fills the cavernous basilica.  “Thanks be to God.”
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thebiscuiteternal · 5 years
Oh I like Zarkon’s heir Allura; how kind conrrolled are we talking in relation to Coran? Are we talking glassy eyed silent Coran who does the work and seems just normal enough to be alright to frazzled Allura or are we talking uncanny Coran, or Coran that has his mind shifted just far enough to the left that he believes in Zarkon and Haggar as wonderful people he is loyal to just like he is loyal to Allura (and was to Alfor) and Illyere))
A bit of a mix, really. 
- He’s not nearly as talkative or expressive as he used to be, but he does still communicate when necessary.- He still loves Allura like his own and is very attentive and helpful for her. Even after her extensive re-education, she is very affectionate to him in turn and often protects him from abuse by Galra staff.- He is terrified of Haggar because of what she put him through to fudge his brain, but he only shows it by giving her a very wide berth whenever she’s around.- The biggest sign that he is not who he used to be is the fact that he basically bluescreens and goes blank whenever the topics of Alfor, Illyere, or the Old Paladins come up. Haggar couldn’t change his loyalty over to Zarkon, so she basically just took a hammer to his feelings for his old friends, not caring if it broke other parts of his mind as well.- He’s much scruffier than he would be normally. While his care of Allura’s appearance is impeccable so that she looks the proper Galran Princess, he can’t always remember to look after himself. His hair and beard almost give him a Viking look and he doesn’t hide his scars anymore. If it gets to the point it starts to unnerve Allura, she trims him up herself as a sort of thanks for his care of her.
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tybalt-tisk · 6 years
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Its a few days late, but here it is! Happy Birthday, @breezycheezyart (Art above is also my Breezy!)
We talked about this Au {BikerBoy!Shiro and his PreppyGirlfriend!Allura} some time ago and I finally decided to write it for you since you liked it so much! You are a blessing to the Shallura community and i’m so happy to call you my friend!
.kitten mittens
Allura took another sip of her hibiscus tea and she couldn’t help but close her eyes in delight as the hot drink coated her tongue in liquid gold. She didn’t often dine at this cafe because it was ridiculously overpriced and the clientele was always so pretentious. However, today she made an exception because it was her father’s turn to choose their destination for their weekly lunch date. As much as she disliked this cafe’s uptight demeanor, she had to give them credit for having one of the best tea selections in the city.
She listened eagerly to her father’s weekly report of their family company, Voltron Tech, and asked questions whenever she saw fit. Even though she gave her father the attention she knew he deserved, she couldn’t stop her mind from wandering off. Her perfectly manicured nails danced on the edge of the porcelain cup, creating a song only she knew the lyrics to and her eyes constantly shifted to her watch to check the time.
It had only been 5 minutes that went by after their agreed meeting time but, “Where is he?” she asked herself. She wasn’t annoyed by his tardiness but it was unlike Shiro to run late without telling her first. Out of the two of them, he was always the punctual one.
“Is there something on your mind, Allura?” her father asked her suddenly. When she came back to reality, her father had already received his second cup of coffee. He watched her through his thin-rimmed glasses as he poured in his milk then stirred in just the right amount of sugar.
She felt embarrassment rush over her because she was caught daydreaming. “No, it’s nothing, Father,” she assured him and she looked over the lunch menu in a useless attempt to distract him. Allura herself was extremely observant but she was nothing compared to her father. He sees the things in people they don’t see themselves and Allura was no exception. She was his daughter, heir to a tech empire, and trained from birth. He definitely knew that something was up with her.
Nevertheless, he gave her the chance to speak up before he did. He took a sip of his coffee before he responded. “Are you sure?” he pushed.
She gave a short nod, something she always did when she told him a lie. “Positive.” She read through the expensive French dishes with little to no effort, but at the moment, she wanted nothing more than to enjoy a burger from the shady restaurant on the corner of Richmond and Kirby.
He made an undecipherable sound, one that walked the line between contentment and amusement. He ordered another coffee – black, from the waiter, and told him to make it to-go. He looked over the menu as if it were a newspaper. “It’s unusual for Shiro to be the one running late, is it not?” he said casually without looking up at her.
She was a fool for thinking she could mislead her father. She rolled her eyes and sat back with her arms folded over her chest. “It would seem so,” she responded dryly and Alfor laughed at her display. She always hated it when he told her exactly what was wrong with her before she could admit it herself.
The waiter came back his requested coffee in a fancy to-go cup. Alfor thanked the young server and took the coffee away.
With her arms still folded, Allura raised a brow in confusion. “Why do you need two cups of coffee?”
As soon as she asked the question, she heard the familiar rev of a Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Classic. Her eyes lit up and a smile split her face at the sound. She whipped her head around just in time to see her boyfriend turn the corner before he pulled up in front of the posh cafe.
Allura turned her head towards her father and eyed the coffee that was packaged for travel. She narrowed her eyes at him. “You knew.”
He grinned. “He texted me about 15 minutes ago and informed me that he wasn’t going to be able to stay for lunch.”
“He texted you but not me?” she said in disbelief. “I’m his girlfriend!”
“Maybe he wanted to tell you personally?” He hinted towards Shiro who stood just outside the cafe and gestured for her to come to talk to him outside. “Or maybe, here’s a suggestion, maybe he likes me more than he likes you?” He chuckled when she stuck her tongue out at him.
“You’re insufferable,” she said through a smile as she stood from the table.
She took the hot coffee from the table and walked out to meet her boyfriend. She couldn’t help but feel the thrill of the attention. All eyes were on her as she approached Shiro. By no means did they look like they were from the same social circle. She was an heiress, practically a princess. She attended all of the parties hosted by only the city’s wealthiest and, to her disdain, also the snootiest.
And he was...he was her exact opposite. Clad in all black and full of piercings, he was made of muscle and he stood 6’2”. A scar stood proudly over the bridge of his nose and he wore boots that haven’t been cleaned in days.
And he was hers. Just as much as she was his.
She suppressed a giggle when she heard whispers as she walked towards the door. She absolutely loved the attention she got when she defied society’s expectations of what it took to live like the upper class.
She walked out of the cafe where she came face to face with Shiro. She wanted so badly to be mad at him for not telling her he wasn’t going to stay for lunch, but as soon as she looked into his kind, steely eyes, the words died on her tongue. Instead, she offered him his coffee with a smile. “You’re late, Shirogane.”
He gave her a boyish grin. The same one that she fell in love with the first time she met him and one that will forever be her favorite part of him. He took a step forward and gave her a chaste kiss to lips as a greeting. Deep down, Allura hoped the woman who sent her food back three times fainted at the sight.
“I know I’m late and I’m sorry babe, but…” he paused when he licked his lips and gave her a surprised look. “You taste like flowers. What is that? A new lipgloss?” He was genuinely curious and it made her giggle.
“I was drinking hibiscus tea,” she said. “Do you want some?”
He licked his lips again before he answered. “No thanks. I’m sure it doesn’t taste the same in a cup as it does on your lips.” He gave her a sly wink. She really hoped that bitch was on the floor now. “Anyway, I’m sorry that I’m late and I’m sorry that I can’t stay for lunch.” He paused for the sole reason of dramatic effect. “But I have a good excuse.”
She raised a brow at the look he gave her. “Try me.”
“I got a little distracted,” he told her playfully. “because something else caught my eye.” He rocked on his heels because he found great joy in teasing her. He actually laughed at the look of jealousy in her eyes. “Don’t worry babe, you know no one could ever replace you, buuuut you might have a little competition.”
Before she could speak, he brought out a tiny, black kitten that he somehow had hidden under his leather jacket. It was as big as his hand and it had his purple bandana tied around its tiny neck. Allura held back a squeal of excitement so she wouldn’t startle tiny creature and Shiro knew exactly what she wanted.
Carefully, he rearranged the kitten so he could hand it over to her. “Careful now, I think it’s back leg is hurt,” he warned. The kitten let out a tiny mewl at the new arrangement but quickly found gratification in her warm arms. It purred up against her chest and Allura heart melted at the sight.
Allura ran her hand over its slightly dirty fur. “Shiro where did you find it? It’s absolutely adorable!” She cood.
He reached out a hand rub behind the kitten’s ears. “I found her wandering around in the middle of a busy street. And I couldn’t just leave the little thing there. So I got off my bike so I could stop traffic and get her.”
“Aw, my brave little hero,” she said as she stroked the kittens tail.
“Only the bravest,” he replied. “So I pick her up and she immediately nuzzles into my chest and it’s probably the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. I was thinking of dropping her off to that shelter down the street but if you want to keep her…” His voice trailed off with a smirk.
Allura held the kitten closer to her chest and it’s little paw lashed out to play with her silver curls. “Don’t you dare drop of this...this angel to that shelter. Of course, we’re keeping her!”
He chuckled a rich laugh. “I’d thought you’d say that. I’m going to take her to the vet, which is why I have to miss lunch with you and your dad.” He looked behind Allura and into the cafe before he waved boldly at Alfor who smiled warmly and tipped his mug towards Shiro in a greeting.
She nodded, understanding exactly why he couldn’t join them. “That’s fine,” she told him as she held the kitten above her head and giggled at the way it swatted at a passing butterfly. “I don’t think this is your crowd anyway. But I do love seeing their reactions when they see you.”
“Don’t worry, their reaction was amazing. I made sure to wear my best footwear.” He wiggled his dirty shoes for extra measure.
“Those aren’t even yours, those are Keith’s,” she said when she realized.
“Hey, I stuffed my feet in these just for you since you have this weird obsession with wanting people to faint when they see us together.” Oh yes, she loved this man.
“Your effort to encourage my behavior is appreciated. I’ll make sure reward you later.”
“Remember to bring that flower tea,” he said lowly as he snaked an arm around her to bring her closer.
She giggled when she heard glass break from within the cafe. “It’s like music to my ears.” When the kitten mewled again, she shifted her attention back to the black fur ball in her arms. “What are we going to name her, Shiro?”
“I was thinking Black. Because you know, she’s black.”
Allura frowned in disgust at his suggestion. “Shiro, I swear if you name this precious ball of miracles ‘Black’, I’m going to divorce you.”
Shiro laughed at her words but it quickly died down before he said seriously, “You gotta marry me first, Princess.”
Her eyes searched his and when she found not an ounce of sarcasm, she replied. “I suppose I do, huh?”
He smirked. “We’ll see if that can be arranged.” He was back to his teasing ways but Allura knew he was serious. It was only a matter of time before he asked the big question and she had a lifetime to give.
She gave the kitten back to Shiro so he could take their new family member to the vet for a checkup. He got on his bike so he could start it up and the engine roared to life. She leaned over the bike to give him a kiss goodbye.
He returned the kiss chastely, but not as much as he would have liked. He couldn’t care less about the crowd that watched them, but he would rather not make out with Allura in front of her Dad. Reluctantly, he pulled away from her lips. “I’m taking you out to dinner later tonight, okay?”
Her eyes lit up with excitement. “Ooh! Can we go to that burger place?”
“The one on Richmond and Kirby?” She nodded her head enthusiastically. “You got it, baby.” He placed the kitten back under his jacket before backed up his bike carefully onto the road.
She waved to him goodbye before she returned to sit with her father. He let her settle down before he spoke. “Allura, dear, I love this restaurant and I would love it if you didn’t try to burn it down with chaos because you love to prove a point.”
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some-cookie-crumbz · 5 years
Hoist the Colours
Hoist the Colours - Kidge Month Day 18 Prompt Fill Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Pairing: Kidge Summary: AU featuring Galra!Keith and AlteanSpacePirate!Pidge. Standard Disclaimer: If you read and enjoy this, please give it a like/ reblog so I know if I should write more. TW: Minor Racist Implications, Electrocution, Terrorist Acts/ Attacks
When he awoke, his head was pounding.
It took him a moment to remember what, exactly, had led him to where he was, or why the world felt like it was rocking slightly, before it hit him full force. When he shot up, he glanced around to see he was trapped in some kind of holding cell, his body deposited on an old cot hoisted upright by two electrical currents. When he glanced across from himself, there were bars made of a similar matter all around him. The bars, however, shifted and buzzed, quiet and ominous, meaning there was most likely some kind of current running through them to further deter escape plans.
It was clearly a holding cell on a ship.
He slumped back against the wall, pulling himself into a sitting position on the cot, staring out through the bars. Even though the whole place was dimly lit with a pale, green glow, he could see much of the surrounding outside his cell. Through the faint glow he could make out the shape of a door across the room from his cell. He pinched the bridge of his nose as his mind replayed the events of the last few hours in his mind again.
It was the fifteen year anniversary gala of the day Emperor Zarkon brought about the end of King Alfor and the Alteans after decades of war and strife. He himself had been assigned the task of posing as Prince Lotor that night, in case of an attempted kidnapping or assassination; a great honor, to be sure. Commander Sendak had been clear in his orders that he stay quiet and composed, no matter what. There had been whispers of rebellion echoing through the city for weeks. The people were scared and confused as rumors spread of Galran ships laid siege by an unknown enemy. Emperor Zarkon labelled them to be nothing more than a bunch of filthy pirates looking to stir the pot.
Commander Sendak said their opponents weren’t even fit to be called pirates; they were just a bunch of hapless children throwing tantrums that they couldn’t get their way.
The Voltron Elites, as they liked to call themselves, made their intentions known to any they encountered. They were a group comprised of the scattered remnants of races that had betrayed their respective alliances with the Galra during the war, leaking information to the Alteans about Galran plans and such. Once Altea was disposed of, Zarkon had set his sights on ridding himself of those that had brought about countless Galran casualties, treating them the same as he had the Alteans.
“What with the example we made of Altea,” Commander Sendak had drawled out, tone clearly amused, “the rest of Alfor’s little rats knew what to expect. They launched evacuation efforts to save some of their pitiful, cowardly masses; apparently this is what the survivors have chosen to do with their stolen mercy.”
Even with their limited resources, though, Voltron Elites were still causing trouble and making mischief. Due to their name gaining traction and the public up in arms about their behaviors, it was decided that they would up the amount of security for the gala. They couldn’t very well cancel the gathering due to the pirates actions because that would be implying what they did was a threat, as well as saying the Galra would yield at the first shows of resistance.
That was so far removed from the truth it was laughable.
And so, with great pride, he’d been dressed in the customary blacks and purples of a royal heir, and placed by Lotor’s side to do a final comparison. The prince was only a few years older than he himself and seemed rather put-off by the whole situation.  “I should think I could handle myself just fine,” he had said, staring at a point on the wall opposite them. It was not the first time Lotor had been hidden away from the anniversary, from what he recalled, but this was the first time they had gone to this extreme.
“It may seem like overkill, Your Highness,” he commented evenly, “but you are far too important to put at risk.”
Lotor had let out a mirthless chuckle at that. “What is your name, solider?”
“My family name is Yorak,”
“Your personal name, then,”
“Keith,” he repeated, staring him down for a moment. He then chuckled and shook his head. “That certainly isn’t a very Galran name. You should know much better than I how our people treat those of us without the purest lineages. This is all a rather charming front that is being put up; nothing more.”
Keith had wanted to argue the point with him, but instead was whisked away once it was determined he would pass.
Most of the night after that was uneventful and dull, filled with people drinking and laughing and enjoying themselves. He was allowed to take the floor with a few interested parties and he could eel eyes on them at every turn. Around the room, he spotted the faces of Lotor’s generals, all stationed about to help in keeping the illusion alive. Anyone who was tracking typical Galran movements – such as their enemies must be – would be looking out for the quartet. He found it strange that on this, such a remarkable night for the Galra Empire, their new enemy would stand off to the side. Then again, perhaps it was a sense of fear. He supposed nothing could be more frightening to a small rebellion just finding its footing than running right into the belly of the beast.
The night was nearly over when a petite young woman approached for a dance, her eyes a startling shade of orange-brown. They matched the hue of her hair but stood out rather prominently against the pale lavender tint of her skin. He wasn’t able to place what her heritage was, but she clearly wasn’t purely Galra. “Hello, Your Highness,” she said politely, bowing at him.
He tipped his head at her. “And you are?”
“Lady Varek of the Turuzi Plains,” she said, offering her hand to him as was customary when requesting a dance. He recognized that name from the ranking of soldiers within the castle, almost certain that her brother was from the graduating class before him.
“The Turuzi Plains are quite a way off. That must have been quite the trip,” he commented, taking her hand and allowing her to lead him to the floor.
“It certainly was, but well worth it. The city is always an interesting, exciting experience; even more so before the gala,” Lady Varek said softly, a shy smile on her lips. They settled out with the other couples and began dancing. She let him take the lead as they settled in, as was customary, and he was rather grateful at how easily she followed along with him. A few of his other dance partners that night had been too nervous by the thought of dancing with royalty to focus on their movements and stomped right on his feet. It was nice that she seemed to be more aware.
“So your trip finds you well, I take it?” he asked. While Keith himself wasn’t typically a fan of conversation, he knew Lotor was typically a good sort at it.
“Indeed. Though I wish I had more time to explore the city proper,” she said with a small sigh.
“Your parents are against you having some time to take in the sights?”
“My parents are not here, I’m afraid. I was chaperoned here by an associate of my father’s instead,” she said as they twirled, pausing as he extended her out. She looked a bit bashful as he pulled her back in to him, a flash of warmth creeping up his neck at how close she was. “My mother has been sick and father was uncomfortable with the idea of leaving her alone. My brother would have accompanied me, but he is preoccupied with his station as a member of the royal guard.”
He blinked in surprise before humming softly, a thought coming to him. “I will speak with Commander Sendak, if you would like. While I cannot get him away from his duties tonight, perhaps I can have him given some free time tomorrow, so that he can escort you through the city streets,” he offered. So long as his assignment that night went well, he was sure Sendak would be willing to fill a simple request like that. Keith figured that, if push came to shove, he himself could cover for the young soldier so he could have time with dear sister.
Her eyes lit up and the smile she rewarded his offer with made the warmth on the back of his neck spread up to his ears. “That would be incredibly kind of you, Prince Lotor. Thank you so much!” she said excitedly.
There was a bit more casual chatter between them following that, with their conversations being cut off when there was the distinct rumble of explosion somewhere nearby, fierce enough to send the building rumbling. Lady Varek bumped against him from the force, looking up with wide, frightened eyes. He took a firm hold of her, instinctively pulling her closer. “W-What is happening?” she asked softly, clutching at his arms.
“I’m not sure, but I intend to find out,” he mumbled, moving to head over to the balcony. Even from where he was, he could see a flicker outside and it filled him with panic. He grabbed Ezor’s arm as she rushed past him. “What’s going on?”
“It’s those damned pirates! They launched an attack!”
He muttered a small swear before perking up, noticing that Lady Varek had followed him. “You need to go with the others, to the bunker. It will be safe there,” he insisted.
“Please, I cannot go alone,” she whispered, voice warbling in fear.
“Your brother?”
“He was stationed on patrol by the port where the ships come in, I believe. I… I suppose I could try to go to him,” she said, clearly anxious, eye roving around to and fro.
Keith’s stomach lurched at the thought. A young lady like she would easily be overcome by the crowds, or swept up by any filthy renegades, should they have made it into the city. “I’ll take you to the bunker, then,” he said, offering his arm to her again.
She looked up at him with wide eyes before eagerly taking his arm. “Thank you, Your Highness,” she said, pressing in closer. Poor girl probably wasn’t used to this kind of strife. From what he understood, the Turuzi Plains were an asset when it came to supplying food and medicinal herbs but that they hadn’t seen a particularly large amount of backlash from the war.
He pulled her closer to him as they made their way through the crowd, trying to keep her from getting jostled too much. The bunker was actually just a reinforced building for situations such as this. The Galra had learned long ago to be prepared for betrayals and the awful fallout that always came with it. It felt like an eternity to get them out of the grand ballroom and down the stairs to enter the streets proper. Lady Varek clung to him so tightly that it almost hurt.
“Prince Lotor!” One of the other guards called as they walked out, grabbing Keith’s available arm. He stopped short and looked up at them. He couldn’t recognize their face but he wasn’t too terribly worried about it; every member of the Galran Empire’s forces were shuffled around due to the heightened security. “Follow me, Sir; special arrangements have been made to assure you make it to the bunker.”
“Very well. I have promised this young woman that I will see to it she arrives to the shelter. I assume that I will be allowed to bring her with?” he prompted, trying to put a bit of Lotor’s usual calm confidence in his voice at the question. The prince, from what little he’d seen, tended to ask questions for the sake of being polite, even though he knew the answer awaiting him.
The guard looked a touch surprised before nodding. “Of course, Your Highness,” they agreed before nodding their head, indicating they follow. He was led through a small door under a few shrubs alongside the castle. He had seen it before but never taken it, as he’d never had a need. The tunnel was dimly lit by a few oil lamps here and there, the space incredibly tight. He guided Lady Varek to walk in front of him, the guard leading them through. As far as he was concerned, she would be safer with the two of them on either side of her.
When they reached the other end, the guard turned to help Lady Varek out. She whispered something to him as he did, which Keith chalked up to being a quiet thanks. She walked out further, just out of his sight, as he headed out himself, taking the offered hand of the guard.
Only to realize that they were at the darbor, an unfamiliar green tinted ship poised in the nearest spot, with a crowd surrounding him.
He prepared to start barking orders at the guard and Lady Varek, but was stopped when the muzzle of a gun was pressed against his temple. “I suggest you don’t move,” the guard drawled out, voice tight with frustration. He then glanced over his shoulder at Lady Varek. “You’re sure this guy isn’t the prince?”
“I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t know for certain,” she quipped back, taking a few more steps forward. She pulled at the strands of beads used to pull her hair back, letting out a pleased sigh as her hair fell loose. Her hands shifted hue from purple to a light peach hue as she reached up to shake her hair out. “This means that Commander Sendak knew what to expect from us. I suspect that we may be able to turn this to work in our favor, regardless.”
Keith shifted his hand, moving to grab the knife he always kept tucked away on his person, but was stopped when something connected with his temple hard. The world went black and, in the brief second of thought he had, he was certain they had shot him dead.
He looked around his cell again. Evidently, that assumption had been incorrect.
“Ah, good,” Lady Varek’s voice chimed suddenly, “you’ve finally woken up.”
He whipped around just as a light flashed across from him, lighting up his attacker for him. She was poised at a desk, her feet propped up on the edge and a small tablet in her hands. She had exchanged the elaborate gown from the gala for a pair of tan trousers, button up blouse with a dark green vest over it. He could see a blaster resting in its holster on her hip as she dropped her heavy boots of the desk and hoisted herself upright. “Altean scum!” he snarled lowly.
She perked up at that and giggled a bit. “Aw, you were so chivalrous before! Though, I suppose that is simply how you Galra are; smiling to ones face while determining where to stick the knife later,” she tsked calmly.
“Alteans are the ones known for their lack of morality, not us!” he snapped back.
Her gaze whipped up from the screen before her to glare at him. “I suppose we’ll simply have to agree to disagree on that front,” she said with a wave of one hand. She then reached up and began shifting through something on her tablet.
“If you think I will leak any secrets to you,” he said warningly, “you are mistaken. You will be better off killing me now than wasting your time.”
She laughed and shook her head. “Oh, my, we aren’t going to do that. We know how stubborn you Galra are when it comes to your precious little secrets,” she said, clicking one final thing on her screen before turning her attention back to him. Her grin had become gleefully cruel as typed something into the keypad of the door, causing a small rectangular shape to appear. She placed the tablet into it carefully, grin widening when it let out a small click to signify it was clicked into place properly. The bars suddenly seemed to snap into an erect, full position, the space between them flickering. “No, I’m just leaving you with this while we finish up. You’ll have a front row seat to watching the capital city burn to cinders, knowing you are unable to do anything to stop it.”
He sucked in a sharp breath as the walls of his cell suddenly became alive with holoprojection screens, showing various points across Daibazaal’s capital. Buildings were burning, there were brawls taking place between the Galran soldiers and more of these monstrous pirates, and innocent civilians scrambled to and fro. He could hear the screams of his people and his chest ached. “No,” he breathed, hand twitching towards where his belt had been before on instinct. He let out a furious shout before charging at the door, trying to tear his way to her through the electrical current. Instead, it surged through him, a searing pain the likes of which he’d never felt before. It was so powerful it sent him shooting across the cell, crashing into the ground hard and tumbling a bit.
The Altean pirate let out a long, amused whistle at the display. He laid still for a moment, body still twitching with the aftershocks. All around him, he could hear and see the pirates, destroying and attacking and looting. He tried to push himself upright again, to try and figure out some kind of plan of attack to get her. His arms, however, shuddered and gave under his weight. So many innocent people were getting hurt, being forced to suffer. And what was he doing about it? Laying there like a lump because he’d been captured!
He should be out there! He should be helping people!
“Enjoy the show! You’ll have to offer me your review once we’re done,” she hummed, offering him a playful wave before heading towards the door.
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blayzez · 6 years
You know the Taylor Swift song, Love Story? Imagine a Klance royalty/childhood friends au to that.
Prince Lance of Altea first meets Prince Keith of Gaia at a royal ball when they're children
They become fast friends and grow up together, meeting often at royal balls and dancing together once they're old enough
Once they reach teenagerhood, they find out that Lance's older sister, Allura, is to be Keith's betrothed
This upsetting to both boys as they had fallen for each other
They rally against the betrothal, admitting that they're in love
Lance's father King Alfor disapproves and when Keith argues against it, Alfor bans Keith from ever seeing Lance again
Lance cries on the staircase of his palace, begging Keith to stay as Keith is escorted away
Allura, still betrothed to Keith, secretly takes letters back and forth between the boys as she supports their love
The two boys arrange to meet each other in secret at Lance's personal garden
They meet privately multiple times a week, always at night to keep Keith hidden in the cover of darkness
Keith signals his presence by throwing pebbles at Lance's window, then Lance heads to his garden where they talk, kiss, hold each other, and dream of a future for the two of them
They frequently talk of running away together, but Keith is the sole heir to Gaia and both boys are worried about where that would leave Keith's kingdom
Lance is introduced to Prince Lotor of Daibazaal and is told that the two are now betrothed
Allura shows instant attraction
Alfor tells Lance that he will fall in love Lotor in time
That night, Lance vents about the situation and begs Keith to run away with him
Keith is still reluctant, but is also becoming desperate to save his love
He tells Lance he has an idea then leaves
Lance doesn't see Keith again for a while
In the meantime, he helps Allura sneak off with Lotor, as the two have fallen in love
Weeks after last seeing Keith, Allura passes Lance a letter from Keith, telling him to meet at the outskirts of town
Allura looks oddly pleased but won't say why
At the edge of town, Lance begs Keith to tell him where he's been, saying how lonely he's been
Keith's reply is to smile fondly and drop to one knee, pulling out a ring
"You'll never have to be alone again, my love. I got your father's approval."
Lance bursts into happy tears
Apparently, Keith had shown Alfor how much pain his children were in because they couldn't be with the ones they love
Alfor caved, allowing Keith to marry Lance and Lotor to marry Allura
Lance calls it a love story for the ages
Keith, feeling romantic and fond, agrees
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