#she's a literal goddess who'd likely do who knows what to him for saying no. And as for Circe? Consent under duress is not consent
0spookymoth0 · 13 hours
If I see one more person say Odysseus cheated on Penelope I'm gonna rip out your ligaments like Typhon did to Zeus that one time
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gareleia · 6 months
update: my co-writer friend FINALLY got a tumblr account, so I can tag them now!!
previously: part 1 part 2
next: part 4 part 5
lets talk about relationships, shall we. i'm gonna focus on Athena & Telemachus this time, but Hermes will have his turn later
let's be real, Athena is a hardass. sure, she cares, but she's so emotionally constipated that it really doesn't show that much. especially before she goes through that character development arc after her break up with Odysseus in My Goodbye
(and what a crisis that is)
(because her masterpiece??? failed her??? but she trusted him??? she made him much as in her image as possible??? he was supposed to be perfect???)
(and if he's not perfect, then she failed,,, and she can't fail, she doesn't fail,,, she's a goddess,,, war strategy is her domain, surely there is no way her plan could be flawed,,,)
(what even is the point of her if she's not perfect)
so yeah, she's a hardass. even on baby Telemachus who'd never held a sword before - especially on baby Telemachus, because he's the son of her favored Champion. he may be waaay younger than any of her previous pupils, but she's expecting him to shine just as bright.
Athena, on the first day: let's get down to business! make your father proud! you won't have a weakness! by the time we're done! you're the saddest pupil that I've had! and you haven't got a clue! but I will make a man outta you! Telemachus, a literal toddler, holding a wooden sword as big as himself: ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
and for years to come she trains him relentlessly. she's honestly trying to be nice about it, too. it's just that Athena doesn't do soft or gentle, her default is a neutral face of displeasure, and her idea of encouragement is saying 'you're not as bad as you used to be', or something along these lines.
Telemachus: *succeeds at something* Athena: *raises an eyebrow in a slightly different manner than usually* Telemachus: *le gasp* could it b-be? am I doing a good job??? Athena: it's… acceptable, for your age.
she never once tells him she is proud of him. because surely he already knows. he doesn't need to hear it. his father didn't, after all (ody so fucking did)
and this goes on until Telemachus reaches double digits. then My Goodbye happens, and Athena has Feelings™. she's having an existential crisis, and has to confront the fact that she had done something wrong while training Odysseus, and she can't understand what. which is terrifying, because what if she makes a mistake like that with Telemachus. will he fail her too?
will she have to leave him too, so she doesn't watch him die horribly in a tragedy that could've been prevented if only she had made him see-
so Athena doubles down and starts demanding more and more from Telemachus. the praise goes from sparse to non-existent, and nothing he does seems to be enough anymore. she goes from tough love to borderline verbal abuse, thinking that it's the only way to keep him safe and prepare him for the future.
and Telemachus endures. he has to, because he doesn't want his mother to worry. doesn't want to appear weak. Odysseus had done it, so it's only fair his son should too. and when his dad comes home, he'll be sooo impressed. he can do it!
except…. not really. it's been a losing battle since the beginning, and deep down he knows it. he can't win with Athena, not on his own.
???: if you want to impress her, you'll need the blessing of a certain god! divine intervention! someone who's not afraid to- telemachus: aeolus, what are doing in my closet?!
so anyway, Aeolus and the winions start helping him via winds and stuff, and Telemachus actually starts exceeding everyone's expectations. it's not that he'd been bad before, but he's soft, and not quite strong enough physically to make up for his gentle constitution
everyone is cheering him on. he's the talk of the palace! his mom is so proud! the suitors start sizing him up with consideration instead of dismissing him outright! (and tele, baby, that's not a good thing! ಠ_ಠ). Athena seems pleased for the first time in ages!! but he knows that it's all a lie, and it's killing him.
cause he's a good, honest boye, and he wants to succeed on his own merit, not because of cheating and lying to everyone he loves. that's vile and dishonorable.
que some very important island-wide competition that everyone is expecting him to join and win. maybe it's even his duty as a prince. like, a right of passage from complete boyhood to adolescence.
and there's,,, a lot of pressure on Telemachus to suceed. everyone and their mother are telling him that of course he's got this, he's a prodigy! def his father's son! nobody doubts his incoming victory! he's got this! he definitely won't disappoint them!
random noble: we'll be cheering you on, young prince! truly, we are blessed by the gods to have such a talented successor to the throne! we'll watch with keen eyes as you triumph over your foes and bring even more honor to your family! b( ̄▽ ̄*) telemachus, eye twitching: y-yeah… thank you… (ㆆ _ ㆆ)
so, the night before the competition Telemachus can barely sleep, he's so wrecked by guilt and nerves. he keeps thinking - what would his father do in this situation? all the stories he'd ever heard of Odysseus always painted him as some kind of invincible, righteous, all-capable genius. so the idea of his dad ever grappling with guilt and feelings of inadequacy is just laughable. (oh, if only he knew)
so, he goes to his mom for advice. because Penelope is awesome. but he can't bring himself to admit that's he's cheating - what if she's ashamed of him? he brought dishonor to his father's name, and if anyone knows - will he get exiled?
so yeah, he basically has a panic attack and cries for like, half an hour straight.
telemachus, bawling: if I lose tomorrow, will you hate me? will dad hate me? I can't do anything right and I'm a failure and a horrible person and- just- what do I do, mother? penelope, holding him: oh, love. sometimes you're so similar to your father I wonder if the gods haven't returned him to me in spirit through you.
because no matter what everyone else says, Penelope knows the truth - Odysseus always followed his heart. oh, how he may have tried to forget he had one, to only ever use his head. but a heart he did have - does have, they have to believe that - and it's a bright and gentle one. he may have been hardened by years of pain and struggle in a way that Telemachus hadn't been yet (and Penelope's heart breaks from knowledge that her son will be, one day). but deep down, at ther cores, Odysseus and Telemachus are strikingly similar. and she loves them all the more for it.
and so, with his mother's blessing, the young prince does just as she told him to: follows his heart. he thanks Aeolus for their help, and asks them to stop giving it from now on. either he'll suceed on his own merit, or he'll wear his failure as a badge of honor and an incentive to do better.
and he loses. badly.
and the world,,, doesn't end? sure, the suitors sneer and jeer, but there's a surprising lack of disowning and exile going around. and the nobles tone it down significantly with undeserved adoration, which is definitely a plus, as far as he's concerned.
the only thing is. Athena.
oh boy.
because she's not stupid. Telemachus may have gotten away with cheating so far, but now he'll have to answer to her why he had flunked so badly, and she won't buy his go-to excuse of 'I got nervous!'
athena, expression unreadable: so. care to explain yourself, my stupid pupil? telemachus: w-well, you see… ha-ha… it's, uh… a funny story… athena: you threw away your best advantage! you've had a god perfectly willing to assist you and yet you still somehow managed to lose! telemachus: wait, what-
so yeah, Athena knew all along.
athena, mildly insulted: how stupid do you think I am, boy? telemachus: but! but! but!.. you never said anything! didn't even scold me for cheating! athena, even more insulted: child, I am the goddess of war strategy, where did you get the idea that I ever play fair and straightforward? leave that to ares, the simple-minded fool!
to clarify, she's not upset at him for cheating. she's upset that he stopped doing so. so she throws some choice words at him, implying he lacks both talent and intelligence
and Telemachus defends himself by saying that he'd rather fail on his own merit, than abandon his principles and win by lying and dishonoring his family. in response, she calls him naive.
he tries to implore to her connection to his father by saying that he was just trying to do what's right. he was following his heart, just as Odysseus had always strived to. and he's training to fight for his loved ones, not for glory of being known.
it's a one hit K.O., because it reminds Athena of her recent break-up with Odysseus. of everything they spat at each other during My Goodbye. of anger, of hurt, of disappointment, of betrayal, of I loved you and you failed me, of I loved you and I failed you, of good riddance! and y̶͈̔o̴̘̖͆u̶̻̱͆͒'̸̫̩̌̉r̷̼͝e̴̩̒ ̴͎̻̈́̎ȧ̸̦l̵̗͙͌̐o̸͚͕̚n̷̟̯͠e̵̳̩͠
and is their whole line just cursed? is this their way of punishing her for something? why do they both hurt her so? is it her fault?
telemachus: athena? are… are you okay? (‘-’*) athena, coming off MG flashbacks: well, obviously, boy, why would you even ask that (ಥ﹏ಥ)
Telemachus just hugs her, because she obviously needs it. and she melts into it like never before.
because she wasn't made for empathy or kindness. she's been born to be ruthless and cold. she's not supposed to love and be loved care about anything but winning. it doesn't come natural to Athena, until recently she had truly thought herself unable to, and yet-
yet here, right in front of her, is a boy who loves for the both of them. loves the whole world - sincerely, selflessly. a truly kind and caring soul (the nobles even joke that his true father is Polites).
she can't love.
but maybe… maybe he will teach her.
maybe he already did.
or maybe she always could.
she forgets sometimes, that her fingers know not only the roughness of swords and spears, but also the gentle softness of weaved silk. creation goes hand in hand with destruction, and she can bind countless threads together without breaking them.
and what are humans, if not strings, waiting to be cut by the fates?
also, if Telemachus can teach the goddess of cold cynicism and detached cruelty kindness of all things, then she can teach him swordplay.
yes, it's a threat.
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fruit-salad-ship · 1 year
Monster Rome AU
I woke up to an overwhelming amount of ideas from y'all, and i love it.
I think i really like the minotaur grey idea, i keep mulling over other options for him and it just doesnt suit as well, gives me Ferdinand vibes, a mean looking huge monster of a creature, who just wants to sit under a tree and feel the breeze and get pets and love. Also then we can branch into the whole 'someone goes to slay him' story, Grey tries not to fight, cant help it to survive and ends up becoming feared when hes actually very docile, rince and repeat story line.
This is where plum comes in, I 1000% cant see her as anything other than a full blown godess, her energy, her demeanour, everything about her point to a deity. She is kind and calm and finds humans fun little things to intervene with, perhaps a little mischevious, somewhat of a trickster but never with harmful things, more just little pranks. She sees Grey is lonely and sad, and feels for the creature, perhaps she made him, perhaps she knows who did, and they didnt accoutn for his gentle heart. But she does. She sees he's stuck in a loop of vioence and needs to be freed, but she cant do it, she's got to send a champion to meddle.
Enter demigod peach, a very tired, very well trained fighter, who simply wishes for the same thing, peace and quiet. I'd like to think years of fighting and a slow aging process make her wise but worn out, totally burnt to the very end of her wick from fighting endless battles, perhaps even other gods messed with her to make her a champion to battle things she never wanted to fight. Almost a puppet in some game, she doesnt have any control of her choices, and its made her very jittery and uncertain in social settings, kind of a massive nervous introvert, despite her skill level.
She's been crushing on plum for ages, but thats a literal god, and Peach is just some little fragment of one, not even someone who'd catch her attentions. She gives up that attempt to win a shred of plum's attention without even starting, its destined to fail, shes a tired, worn out scarred and nervous person with nothing to offer, she knows that Plum's out of hr league, so much so she's not even playing the same sport. But when the goddess she looks so fondly towards asks her for a favour, to go and free the minotaur trapped away, she does it for once with a bit more enthusiasm, Plum asked kindly, she wasnt pushy or bossy like the others, and that gentle touch was enough to make Peach (dare she say it) eager to help. At first theres a mix up, peach thinks "freed" meant kill, thats what shes known for, its why they ask her to perform such dangerous tasks so often, but she see's Grey sat somewhere quiet making something, he's intelligent, and kind, and curious, so she doesnt take out her sword. Grey's instinct after many years of being targeted is to lash out, but Peach doesnt retaliate, and he slowly realises this one is different. They become fast friends, he shows her all the things hes made in his isolation, he's actualy rather inventive, with a fine eye for craft.
The pair start to fight together, he swears his sword to her, and she's...a little taken back by this but fine, if he's sworn to help her he can leave his current location and prison, he's technically freed if her orders are to live and enjoy more. Besides, she too has travelled and worked alone for many years, maybe some company would be nice, especially company that likes the same stuff as she does. She finds he likes a good scratch on the neck, and doesn tmind her putting little briads in his hair. They have a petience for anything nature based, sitting and watching birds, or making cool carvings from wood, finding interesting rocks or spotting a deer out in the forests. It's like they were cut from the same cloth. Peach never got on with humans, and the gods were out of reach or if they did pay attention to her it was never for good reasons, always taking from her, and she only ever recieved trauma in return or a new scar, or a new level of fear and exhaustion. Other demigods like her often came off arrogant or entitled, they had more favour with the gods more often than not so they felt better than her. She never found her people, but maybe her person was a monster? A very kind one.
We also get to have some low key fun with a little monster fucking going on there. because why not, for the spicy side of this all. both of them are total outcasts, covered in battle damage, who find common ground in the soft touches and gentle moments. Things neither have much experince with.
plum becomes very fond of this little demigod whos done as shes asked and then some, how Peach had gone unseen for so long is a question she'll ask the other gods sometime, she cant even find out which god is her relative, its been redacted, no one will speak of her, as if Peach is taboo, and everything she came from is too. Perhaps she's some secret disgrace, or maybe an heir to something far bigger than she ever could have imagined. For a demigod she shows incredible strength and resilience, things that have killed others like her almost slide off her back. Whatever she is, wherever she came from, shes less human than others would like to say, and her lowley status despite this means theres certainly a secret to be found there, someones not telling the truth here. Plum would 100% dig for more on this strange little demigod, and start asking questions about her that get her called up by far more important gods who tell her to stop sniffing around, that Peach is a child of a disgraced match, nothing more, they do not speak of her. Plum doesnt believe it, shes too strong, holds no power amongst her own despite that, she should be high ranking, well renown, in a better position, and yet. Bottom of the pile, essentially thrown away. Plums got to know the truth.
Perhaps its a child of prophecy situation, but Peach is clueless, she just gets orders, and her and Grey go off to do the jobs. Plum gives them as much protection as she can, and at every point possible, spends time with them, theyre sweet and compelling, and she can sense Peach is totally nervous around her, its very sweet for someone so big and tough. Grey loves this god, he finds out she was the one that got him out, and becomes a big soft puppy of a monster with her, brings her little trinkets, makes her stuff, shares his stories which plum loves, all the while peach is quiet, more so than normal, polite and kind but very stoic, her personlaity reverts to how she behaves with all the other gods, theyre above her, she retreats in on herself, doesnt make eye contact, doesnt argue, doesnt express opinions, just shuts up and behaves. Plums nice but shes still a god, and peach has been subject to their wrath a few times too many to push her luck here. Shes simply happy that nothings gone wrong, and that Plums not quick to anger, her old crush on this woman gets shoved down and she just plays the part handed to her. Just some lowley half human who has no place to even look her way, that she gets to sit with someone so special is in itself a gift.
Grey doesnt seem to have the same fear peach does, nor the reserved behaviour, in fact he picks up when plum is around, gets excited and jolly, this is a kind lady and he likes her attention, wishes his dear friend would feel the same. Notices Peach just shuts down a lot, never brings it up, just tries to include her when this happens, not that it usually works.
Plum would get frustrtaed at her champions quiet behaviour, she's seen her without that mask on, when shes less tightly wound, and its so much nicer. she'd out right ask why she does that, peach dancing around the truth that she gets nervious around someone so pretty. Greys defo worked it out, hes not the best at social, but hes got a good eye for Peach now, teases her for it a lot.
this setup defo feels like it can retain that tired sad beaten down peach energy original Rome AU had, which i LOVED, shes always so emotionally durable, so like, i like to make her weaker, and more unnrved and unsettled, she'd not understand recieving affections, or kind gestures, or anythign other than orders.
i may toy with this a bit more if i get five!
Thank you everyone for the great ideas and notes and messages, its helped me feel like i can dip my toe back into this kind of an AU without being pooped on for it.
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
A hopeless confrontation with a hopeless demon.
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Quarble, he's too fast. I've tried to dodge and weave and watch for openings but he nails me every time. No matter what I do, it's like he's right there, waiting for me to do it. I can't get away from him.
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"Look, man. This is just a job. I'm not your therapist. Figure it out or don't."
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You really don't have any ideas? You don't know anything or... have any suggestions I can use here?
How am I supposed to beat this guy, Quarble? Eleven times. He's gutted me eleven times. Yeah, okay, lesson learned about underestimating people, but I've been trying really hard. Was I wrong to think I could actually do this?
Maybe he was right. Maybe I'm at my limit. Maybe... this is where my journey ends.
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"...push... through...."
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Did you say something, Quarble?
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"Yeah, I said 'If I don't get any Time Shards soon I'm bailing. Have fun getting dissected again.'
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No, there was something... like a flicker....
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"Hallucinations may be an occasional side effect of being gruesomely butchered, revived, and butchered again repeatedly in a short time period. I say 'may be' because most people give up and accept the sweet embrace of death well before it ever gets to this point."
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"It's a mistake to rely on speed alone; It's too easy to push through. I figured that out early in our training. Zale learned it shortly after."
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We go through.
I've been letting this job get in my head. Trying to be more cautious. Trying to be mindful. But the answer was right there in the fable. I need to stop running.
Luana spent her whole life sparring with a Blade Dancer. It's a style eerily similar to Brugaves's new demon style. To the point that it almost seems like a cruel joke for Aephorul to forge him this way.
Nobody knew better than her how to counter that style. And she wrote it down. You don't run away from a Blade Dancer. You go through.
If he's too fast for you, then he may just as easily be too fast for himself. All you have to do is stand your ground and let him strike himself upon your weapon.
I've been getting in my own head. Worrying about stupid things like safety and protecting myself. When I should have been asking the obvious question from the start.
What would Luana do?
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Hey! Goat-licker. Imagine selling out the people who love you so you can be the Acolytes' gofer. I can't even be vindictive about it 'cause having to live like this is punishment enough.
Sure, you used to have respect, admiration, kids looking up to you with stars in their eyes, and a dedicated life-partner who'd do anything for you. But you're right, kissing the foot of a four-headed butt-chugger every morning is just as fucking good, isn't it?
You're a coward and a fool, Barma'thazel. You were barely any good as a Solstice Warrior. And now you're a bottom-feeding parasite living in a hellhole, clinging desperately to the one gift his master graced him with.
The goddess forgot about you long ago. She's over you. And I'm done running from you. Because I'm better than you.
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It's called crippling overspecialization, ass-weevil. You'd think a general of an armed forces would be able to grasp a concept as basic as that. But I guess you're just too slow.
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Hold up. Do you mean that in the figurative sense? Like, we are all pieces in a larger game that cares nothing for winners and losers, and so in the grand scheme of things we are all doo--
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YEEEEEEEEEES Holy shit, thank you prophesized Lifesaver. Wentworth, you are a sight for sore eyes.
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...wait, what?
Errors have been made. You know, I thought you looked a little small to be the colossal dragon that Luana wrote about but I just figured she'd embellished.
Let's blow this shithole and go home!
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*deep breath*
In your name.
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ampedupkaon · 1 month
August Writing Challenge Day 18: Ludociel/Nerobasta
AN: Take place during the Holy War. Pre-Stigma perhaps. Pre-events-of-the-series definitely, for obvious reasons!
“Did you see the Divine Lance Corporal this morning?”
“Yeah, she was sleeping on one of the benches. Was half tempted to pour water over her head to wake her up.”
“Bet she got worn out literally sucking up to Ludociel. God knows she does it enough.” Ludociel had been calmly listening to this conversation between, presumably young, goddesses from around the corner. He'd been a little concerned hearing that Nerobasta was asleep; he presumed it was her they were referring to. He'd got annoyed when they mentioned his name.
“Probably how she earned the rank. She's a coward!” In spite of what some might say about him, he did know a few euphemisms. And 'literally sucking up' was one he'd heard. Nerobasta earned her rank through battles. She only feared the Commandments, and rightly so, they were too strong for most goddesses. Of course, everyone recalled that particular battle; where she'd been startled by the Purity swapping places with one of her fellow goddesses all of a sudden and she'd scarpered. They were still trying to work out how that had happened; the Purity couldn't teleport, they'd have been aware of that by now. He'd made his way around that corner to tell off these insolent goddesses.
“Excuse me, what is this I hear about the Divine Lance Corporal?” The goddesses all jumped, quickly lowering their heads in a bow.
“She's... napping on one of the benches near the square, Lord Ludociel.” The goddess who'd accused her of literally sucking up to him told him.
“Ah, I'd best help her find her quarters then, hadn't I? Since none of you could do it.” He told them off, hoping to hear spluttered apologies. He heard none, so decided he'd best scold them properly.
“Instead of deciding to prank her like infants might.” That earned him apologies. He started to head towards the square, but had to fire a parting shot over his shoulder.
“Oh, and for reference, I do not reward people who want to literally suck up to me. I reward people on merit. Nerobasta was no exception.” Less of the rumours of her sucking me off for a promotion you heathens. He thought, heading towards the square. Sure enough, Nerobasta was asleep on a bench. As were a few other goddesses. It had been quite the celebration the night before. He carefully scooped Nerobasta up, before realising he had no idea where her quarters were. He mentally shrugged, before heading towards his own.
Nerobasta woke up with a pounding head. A quick cast of 'Be Well' got rid of that. She took in her surroundings, realising quite quickly that she didn't recognise where she was. And that she wasn't alone in bed. She nervously rolled, before seeing who she was in bed with. She screamed, quickly scrambling away from her bed mate.
“Must you?” Ludociel asked her. She'd woken him up it seemed. She couldn't recall last night and if she was in bed with him she really really wanted to. Did... did they kiss? Or... did it go further? She hoped so; she'd heard rumblings from a few of the male goddesses that Ludociel wasn't just blessed by the Supreme Deity, he was blessed by his creators as well! Her cheeks had gone crimson just from imagining what might have happened.
“I'm... I'm sorry for whatever I did last night.” He gave her a confused look.
“You have nothing to apologise for. Everyone makes mistakes when they've drank too much.”
“Not everyone's mistakes lead to them waking up in bed with the Leader of the Four Archangels!” She blurted, covering her mouth afterwards. Her cheeks returned to the red they'd been a moment ago.
“We didn't sleep together if that's what you're worrying about. I found you passed out on a bench in the square.” Nerobasta shivered. What if she'd been pranked?
“Well... we slept together in the literal sense. Both of us have clothes on. I only brought you to my bed because I don't know where your quarters are. I didn't think you'd mind sharing my bed.” She wished she'd been awake when he'd brought her to bed. She was lying in bed with him like he was her lover. And the idea very much appealed to her.
“I apologise for waking you up, Lord Ludociel.” She said, recalling she'd screamed when she'd saw she was in bed with him.
“Apology accepted.” He climbed out of bed and stretched. She admired it, not making a move.
“I'm sure you have things to be doing, Nerobasta.” His words made her jump. She scrambled out of his bed and made her way to the door.
“Thank you for looking after me.” She told him, a soft blush on her cheeks.
“Don't mention it. Maybe be a bit more careful where you go to sleep next time. Not everyone would be as kind as myself.” She shuddered. She knew all too well of the kind of pranks people would do if they thought they could get away with it. She headed off, thankful he didn't take advantage and a little sorrowful that she wasn't awake when he took her to bed.
AN: Derieri can't teleport. Monspeet can swap her location with another person of a similar size if he held her hand though. That's what happened in the battle I refer to here. I read on the wiki that Ludociel is aware of Nerobasta's feelings, hence the comment about her not minding sharing the bed with him.
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vikings-til-valhalla · 9 months
So I've talked here before about my D&D Dragonborn Oath of Vengeance Paladin, Hyrax, and his Devil boyfriend, Baeron, and how Hyrax once broke into Hell to save Baeron, freed a Devil from prison to be his guide, and disguised himself under the name "Nezerath". Succeeding in finding his lover, Hyrax and Baeron escaped to the mortal world, and continued adventuring.
In the end, I'd planned for Hyrax to, with his final dying breath during a dramatic battle, make a pact with Baeron saying, "I'll find you in the next life, my love." And with that, Hyrax would be cast into Hell and into the river Styx, where his memories would be erased, and he'd be reborn with just a vague feeling of longing for someone unknown. Someone gone. Someone he would never know. But that feeling would never leave.
And well, I had a dream that literally gave me the perfect story from beginning to end, just for Hyrax and Baeron.
So basically, when he went to Hell to find Baeron, he disguised himself under the name "Nezerath". So! Once Hyrax is plunged into Styx, he begins transforming. But... not into a Devil. No. Nothing even close. He is a white Dragonborn, and slowly, his body morphs. Wings sprout from his spine, he grows almost 10x his size, his legs crack and break as they shape themselves into the limbs of a four legged lizard, and his face contorts completely into that of a Dragon. A white Dragon. And he flies from the river, roars angrily, spewing a deadly cold breath, and hears a single voice:
"Nezerath, come to me. Serve your goddess faithfully, defending me until your final breath unleashed to freeze the Nine Hells over."
Nezerath flies toward the gigantic mountain where the servants of Tiamat live, and from there, goes to join them.
Tiamat wants revenge on the Devils, who trapped her there in Hell long ago. And now, she has found just the warrior to do this for her. A former Paladin of Vengeance, who'd always sought ruin upon the worlds of wrong, and whose fury and wrath and prowess knew absolutely no end.
So, with Nezerath and his kin, other Dragons of Hell who serve Tiamat, they all go by command of the Dragon goddess, and begin laying siege to Hell layer by layer. They murder Devils where they stand, eating them limb by limb sometimes, and causing absolute chaos and decimation.
Nezerath, he leads every attack on the Devils. He spearheads the assaults, freezing the world over literally with just his breath. The realm of fire and brimstone becomes a hellscape of frozen corpses and an endless ice age set in eternal night.
Once the first queen of the first layer is eaten by Nezerath, the other kings and queens go to attack.
One Devil, he hears the name of the one who murdered his queen. And immediately, he knows who this Dragon is. He was a Dragonborn Paladin, one who loved Baeron, and broke into Hell to rescue him. His name was disguised, hidden, never spoken in truth. And he'd set this knowledgeable Devil free from prison to be his guide to Baeron, under the name of Nezerath. This Devil, Karetath, goes immediately to the next level of Hell to warn the king there of what is happening.
The king knows of these attacks on the first layer, and now that he knows they're planning to come for all layers, he heeds the words of Karetath and says, "We need to find Baeron."
Baeron has been searching for Hyrax for ages, it seems. He heard Hyrax's promise to him, to find him again, but Baeron is so devoted to finding him first that he's abandoned all duties to the upper ranks to search for his former lover.
Nobody knows where Baeron is. No one has seen or heard from him in forever.
And all Baeron knows is, the Dragons of Tiamat are laying waste to his homeland, likely in the name of their goddess. But he's not sure. He hasn't spoken to anyone to ask what's going on.
Nezerath leads the Dragons across Styx, down to the second layer. There, everyone attacks in full force, and goes after the king.
The king, alongside Karetath, fights, and when they do, Nezerath appears before them both and tries taking them on. Both Devils realize it's a losing battle, and there is no hope. The king pushes Karetath aside and tells him to go, find Baeron, he is the only key to saving Hell. And Karetath does as he is ordered, flies off, and begins his search.
Nezerath freezes the king where he stands, as a statue before his throne, and the other Devils fall in battle against the Dragon army. They move on to the third layer next.
Karetath searches all layers calling out for Baeron, starting with the first. But never, there is no response. He flies across frozen wastelands and finds nothing. Almost nobody. The few survivors have huddled together in hiding from the Dragons who've begun to take over.
But Karetath, loyal as all Devils are, remains on his quest. He goes to the next several layers, with no response, and warns each queen or king of the incoming attacks by Nezerath. And Karetath goes on while all of Hell prepares for the war. Finally, he reaches the last layer of Hell, where he finds Lord Asmodeus, king of all Hell, speaking with Baeron.
Karetath flies over to them, and bows respectfully. He says his king sent him across the levels to warn others of the Dragons, and to find Baeron.
Baeron, confused, asks Karetath why him specifically.
And there, the Devil tells him, "Nezerath, he was the Dragonborn. Long ago. Who loved you. He broke into Hell and set me free to guide him to you, under the same name: Nezerath."
And Baeron is silent for a moment as, for the first time ever, he cries. "And I unleashed this attack..." he barely says.
Asmodeus asks Baeron what he means.
Baeron explains, before his lover died, he'd made a pact with him to be cast into Hell and into Styx, with the promise: he will find Baeron again in the next life. Baeron says this Dragon, he is Hyrax. Tiamat must have corrupted him, and transformed him into what he's become.
But, Baeron says, this is not the Hyrax he knows. Hyrax was a noble warrior, who, though he did awful things, he did them in the name of the greater good. Hyrax acted on the words of Meliki, defended his friends and his lover at all costs, including that of his own life. In the end, he even sacrificed his soul so that he could still be with the Devil he loved somehow, someway, someday.
Baeron knows now, he needs to go find Nezerath.
But Karetath warns him, it's no use. This Dragon has frozen and eaten most queens and kings of Hell by now, and turned the world into a frozen wasteland. None can stand up to Nezerath. Nobody is a match for him.
"But he promised he would find me again," says Baeron. "Whether he remembers or not, he's coming. For me. And I'm his only hope."
Baeron rushes off before anyone can stop him. He begins searching the layers alone, finding most every one frozen over. But, after a while of searching, he hears the unmistakable sound of Dragons roaring.
And Baeron braces himself.
An entire army of Devils comes, chasing after the Dragons, and surrounds them from below.
Sure enough, at the forefront of the onslaught, the white Dragon, Nezerath, is there, fighting, killing, eating, ripping apart Devils without mercy.
Baeron flies over and commands the army of Devils to stand down. This Dragon, Nezerath, he can be defeated. But not how anyone thinks.
Everyone is confused. They listen, desperate to survive, and back down.
And from the Dragons, Nezerath flies forth ahead of everyone. And he lands on the ground, walking toward none other than Baeron, who stands alone, arms and wings open wide.
Nezerath sneers. "You're foolish! Do you know how many of your kin I've slain to welcome forth my goddess in their paths?"
Baeron nods. "Many. And I must say, I'm impressed. You've grown. In power. I never fathomed what you'd become when you reached your strongest, but if I'd known this was it, I'd have never made the pact with you."
Nezerath scowls and roars. He presses his muzzle against Baeron, and chomps, as though trying to make the Devil flinch. But Baeron doesn't even move.
"I would NEVER make a pact with a lowly traitor like you!" Nezerath screams. "Tiamat is my master!! And it was you Devils who trapped her here!!"
"And it was I who sent you here, and her who took you in," Baeron tells him calmly. "Tiamat, she corrupted you. Long ago. The moment you landed in the river, and it wiped your mind, she saw a chance to use your strength for herself.
"You were loyal once, to another goddess. Meliki, of the Feywilds. You were her Paladin, and fought for her. But more importantly, to you, you'd fought for *me*."
Nezerath tires to attack Baeron, who evades, and then, he reaches up for Nezerath's face, and cups it with one hand.
"Hyrax. Sworn to vengeance. Holy beacon of the greater good, regardless of cost, I've searched for you throughout Hell. Come back to me, Hyrax. I know you're not a monster."
Nezerath unleashes his frozen breath, but Baeron matches it with a simple flame produced on site from his clawed hands. The ray of frost is nothing compared to this small burst of fire. It's clear, the Dragon is not using all his strength. In fact, he's far from it.
Baeron nods. "See? You can't even bring yourself to hurt me," he says. "And it's because you were good once. Still *are* good inside. Somewhere. Tiamat can corrupt your mind, but you have the heart of a Paladin. And the light inside can never burn out, no matter what deity tries to snuff it. So come, Hyrax. Return to me, and bring an end to this chaos. Seek revenge on the one who did this to you. I'll help you. I promise, my love. My Hyrax." Baeron goes in, and kisses the Dragon gently on the muzzle.
And there, Nezerath begins to glow. The glow overtakes him entirely, and morphs into a different shape. One familiar to Baeron and Karetath.
As the glow dissipates, there stands a tall, beefy Dragonborn Paladin, clad in thick plate armor, carrying a gigantic sword so large it acts as a pike. He falls to his knees crying, and in a soft, familiar voice, says, "Damnit, Baeron! How can anyone ever forgive me?! How can I forgive myself?!”
Baeron walks to Hyrax, and hugs him. "By doing the right thing," he says. "Just as you always do."
Hyrax nods. He stands up, smacking the tears away from his face, and looks. He sees the mountain, where Tiamat resides, and draws forth his weapon. "I'm afraid..."
"Everyone is," Baeron tells him, putting one arm around Hyrax. "But you're not alone. Together, we can kill Tiamat where she's bound, in her land, and end her once and for all. You're powerful, Hyrax. More than nearly any of us. And it's time to show the goddess of Dragons what it *means* to be a Dragon."
Hyrax nods. He turns his head, and kisses Baeron, and they both turn to the army of Devils.
Baeron speaks up. "All legions gather the remaining forces of Hell! Together, we will march upon Tiamat, and the Draconic Paladin, Hyrax, will lead the charge! We'll take her down where she stands, and set this land free of her wrath!!"
The Devils do as commanded. They flee past the Dragons, into the lower layers. And Baeron, he picks up Hyrax, and carries him down with everyone. They split off into groups who go to warn the remaining kings and queens, but Baeron takes Hyrax to the last layer. And there, they land before the biggest Devil of all, whose mere presence gives off an aura of damnation and sin, and Baeron bows to him.
Hyrax follows suit, and does the same.
"Lord Asmodeus," says Baeron.
Asmodeus crosses his arms and looks down upon the two. "You must be Hyrax," he says. "I hope you have a good idea of what to do. Tiamat neither takes betrayal, nor opposition."
Hyrax nods. "Your majesty, I swear, on my very dying breath, I will take her down. For Meliki. For Hell. For my honor. For... Baeron." He smiles a little, glancing toward his lover.
Baeron chuckles, and smiles back.
Asmodeus nods. "If it's your life on the line, we can't be losing much. Baeron, take him to the top. Defend him, but if you find yourself on the brink of death, leave him, and save yourself."
Baeron reaches a hand and grabs Hyrax's in his own. Looking up at Asmodeus, he says, "Your majesty, I follow your command until the end. But Hyrax gave his first life for mine, and for all of us Devils. So if I fall doing the same for him, it will be the greatest honor I could ever achieve. More honorable than living to serve you one more day." Baeron jumps and begins flying, carrying Hyrax again away from this layer, and through all the others, to the first.
Many Devils follow the couple, flying nearby them as all head for the top of Tiamat's mountain. Some break off, and take on the Dragons who try to stop them on the way. But Baeron and Hyrax continue forth.
Minutes later, they rise up only to meet five Dragon heads staring them both down with sheer rage.
"You served me well, Nezerath, and led your kin to victory," the heads say in unison. "Whether you're ready to die trying, or surrender in submission, your unholy actions will rebirth this realm into a haven for Dragonkind, and all will thank a wholely evil but loyal brother who served his goddess's wishes to the very end."
Baeron and Hyrax land on the ground, and Hyrax steps forth, weapon drawn and pointed for Tiamat. "You created Nezerath, and I watched him die in the name of the greater good. Now, only I remain. Hyrax Mythos. And it's time for you to face the wrath of Heaven and Hell!!”
Hyrax strikes Tiamat with all his might, and Baeron join in, unleashing every ounce of power he has. Both lovers fight as hard as they can, and, just as they believe themselves to land the killing blow, Tiamat screams through all five heads at once, and a hellish fire surrounds her. She glows, and stands, angry, the fire never waning, and she unleashes a breath weapon.
Hyrax dodges, and, tired, realizes the goddess is nowhere near done fighting. She's back to full. And stronger than ever before.
As Tiamat goes in to strike, a portal ripping open in the sky, someone flies up behind her and strikes her harshly. Tiamat stumbles, the portal closing and her strike missing as she screams.
Asmodeus has join in, and he is not taking this.
Baeron takes the opportunity to strike, but one head takes notice, and grapples him within her teeth. Another portal opens, and Hyrax screams as he watches his lover be thrown into another dimension, and the portal closes.
Asmodeus calls out. "Hyrax!! He'll find his way back!! Keep fighting for him as he will for you!!"
Hyrax, tears in his eyes, nods, and turns back to Tiamat. With a fury he never knew he had, he strikes and attacks with holy light guiding every hit. Alongside Asmodeus, he battles to the bitter end.
And finally, Hyrax jumps, drives his sword pike back, and charging it with the most powerful smite he can muster, he strikes, chopping off all five heads of the Dragon goddess at once, then lands and drives his weapon through her heart.
Tiamat falls, dead, limp, lifeless. Her body turns to shadow, and the shadows rise to the sky, and spreads out, dissipating entirely until it becomes nothing.
And a single portal opens, and out flings Baeron, more bloody and battered than before. He seems unconscious, and is falling. To his death.
Asmodeus flies forth and catches the Devil, then rushes him to Hyrax, and sets him down gently.
Baeron isn't moving, is barely breathing.
Hyrax begins to sob. "Baeron, my love..." he musters, voice breaking.
"You're a Paladin," says Asmodeus. "Can't you heal him?"
Hyrax trembles. "I... I don't know. I'm so spent. I'm not sure what's left that I can do..."
"He believed you were the key to saving everyone in Hell. All Devils. That means saving him, too."
Hyrax throws his arms around the limp Baeron, and hugs him tight. "Meliki, please. I have been used. Manipulated. Wronged. I've sought revenge to free the world from wrath, but I swore to do it for one man I love and all his people. They made it because of me... Please... Let me save him, too..."
A golden light of healing surrounds Hyrax, and stretches to encompass Baeron. It glows brighter, to the point everyone has to look away, and when they notice through their eyelids that the light has faded, they all open to look upon the Dragonborn and his Devil lover.
Baeron twitches, and opens his eyes. "Hyrax... Did... we do it?" he asks.
Hyrax sobs into him, and hugs him close. "Yes, my love!! All of us!! We did it!! Tiamat is dead!!"
And slowly, the frozen lands begin to melt, revealing the brimstone and lava, and flames burst to life throughout once more, across all the layers of the realm.
Asmodeus walks to Hyrax, and places a hand upon him.
Every Devil join in, placing one on him, and when he's covered, they place hands on each other, all leading back to the single Dragonborn who freed them all.
Baeron kisses Hyrax, and smiles. "I'm proud to know who you are. And I'm even more proud to know that you do everything to save everyone. Even if you lose yourself, the debt will be repaid, and those you stood for, will stand for you and guide you home again.”
As Hell comes back to life, the remaining Devils return to their rightful places, and new kings and queens are appointed to the levels which lost theirs.
And Hyrax and Baeron, they go on to marry. Asmodeus ordains the wedding, in (un)holy matrimony, and binds the two together in love.
Neither Hyrax nor Baeron serve just their leaders anymore, but rather, they serve each other as well. To the end. In life, death, and everything in between, they are together, defending one another, and they are free to go as far as they must to do this.
And in Hell, all throughout, a single name is hailed on the breaths of all as they rebuild.
Hyrax Mythos.
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mythvoiced · 2 years
" Pucker up. " It was not a suggestion. One hand gently held him in place by his chin, her other finger moving softly over his bottom lip and then his top. There was a sweet smelling balm on her fingertip. " That must be uncomfortable. " She said in regards to his slightly chapped lips, " This is Laneige, it's from Sephora. It's the best, trust me. " Of course, her finger was still moving against his lips, her own face close only to make sure it was well applied. That was what she would say anyway.
@astremourante | i need one of those medieval european paintings of queen & knight with them
You slam a bat long enough onto something and even strong metal starts to bend. So why is it that after having been bludgeoned times and times over it's the gentleness of her touch and her lungs mixing with his that start having the blade of his soul come undone?
He could equal it to the fire of a furnace, melting his ancient iron into a puddle of something perhaps meant to shape a kinder tool, rather than the axe lodged into his chest.
But he has no words, no imagery, none of the poetry of the ancients, so readily describing love in a while gods would hear envious to hear.
He's not a very eloquent man. A wordy man, a man who'd have the guts to open his own to the world.
He knows of all the ugly within him, the chapped insides, but it's not fear of rejection that stops him from opening his chest for her to take what she's slowly been claiming.
It's the terror he might flood her if he allows himself a droplet to spill.
He trembles only slightly beneath her touch, so very innocent if only he could stop thinking about all the ways it isn't. He doesn't equal it to anything beyond salvation he doesn't deserve, but that thought alone feels so tainted that innocence has no place near it.
This isn't the place for baptisms but Ajay feels baptised all the same, his head drowning in the struggle of keeping still, his lips parted as she demands, his gaze glued to her features as though he's counting the rays fracturing a cathedral's glass plates.
He barely breaths, soft puffs of air caressing her fingers. He tries not to swallow, tries not to move, almost perfectly still in her palms, under her ministrations, he's a wounded soldier welcomed back by the Goddess he'd fought in the name of, he's a soul of the damned whisked out of hell for having repented enough, he's the pomegranate seed to Persephone's stained fingers after she'd decided why not be Queen of the Dead as well.
She's his Persephone, beautiful and deadly and more than he deserves; she's Medea and he's the fool who would have never been her Jason but perhaps someone kinder, better, if only he didn't smell so much like blood and rot.
He's nothing whole, nothing heroic, nothing beautiful, but under her fingers, he becomes something real.
He could be her wrath if she wanted him to.
He could see it in her eyes, in the tightness of her snarl, in the fear she transforms into rage. All the scars that become strings who steer her according to the puppeteer her pain had become. He's not blind to the white-knuckles that come with all the times she'd gripped onto something to keep herself just sane enough to become the vengeance she deserves.
And she hates what she sees, he knows that look as well. Clothes her being literally and metaphorically as her best asset, but growls and screeches when someone tries to add an identity to her being, when someone tries to ask her where exactly she is behind the knives she'd glued to her tongue and hands to be never hurt again.
He could be her gun.
He opens his eyes again, unaware of when he'd closed them.
He could be her gun.
If he were to sin again, wouldn't it be better to do it against worse sinners? In the name of a Joan of Arc reclaiming herself and her life?
If he were to be a knight, shouldn't it be to a queen like her? A queen born out of her own mangled corpse?
His hands are only somewhat calloused when he gently rests his palm over her hand, callouses from before he'd stopped gained them, from before he'd become an immortal.
He doesn't tremble for once as he gently halts her movement and moves her hand to free her palm.
The kiss he places there is an oath, reverent and shattering.
When he looks at her, he does it with a shaky smile.
"Are they... better now?"
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ackerfics · 3 years
oh oh oh I just know Altair and Caelum would force levi, who bregrudgingly puts on something and reader, who happily puts on something and levi, Caelum and Altair just stare for a whole minute because she's beautiful, not that she's not usually beautiful but you know what I mean
what do you think they would all dress up as?
omg the twins roping levi in with their shenanigans hsajhsjw
i just know that levi will just throw whatever suit he can find in his closet to appease caelum's expectant gaze and altair's insisting nature. the twins then proceed to act like critics as levi presents himself with a random suit he used for a meeting with potential business partners (def not maman). istg, levi's eye is twitching at every jab altair throws his way, with caelum reminding his twin that it doesn't look that bad.
it just so happens that the twins also see their mother coming out of her studio in the ackerman mansion, face contemplative on who'd be the right person to try her new dress. she's thinking mikasa but altair comes up to her, telling her that levi needs someone to match with him. levi is about to scold altair since reader has some work to do but she brushes it off, deciding that she'll just try her new dress on. what the three don't expect is seeing a literal goddess coming towards them. the dress is absolutely breathtaking but reader enhances it with her innate elegance. even though her hair is still in a mess from pulling an all-nighter, it suits her as it frames her face perfectly. levi, caelum, and altair stare at her for a whole minute (as you say, anon, wink), all three of them thinking of different things. altair is astonished to say the least, this being the first time he sees his mother in a wedding dress and he can't believe that this woman right here birthed him (just imagine this is before levi and reader's wedding). caelum is vibrating with pride at the new masterpiece his mother created, awe visible in his eyes because this is also the first time he sees reader trying on her own designs. levi ... damn, this man is speechless --- no thoughts, head empty: just reader 25/8. he's practically burning the image of her in a wedding dress in his head because it's been that long.
at the attention, reader becomes embarrassed and plans to turn around but the gentle hand on her wrist pulls her in a little twirl, levi's starstruck face greeting her. the twins are telling him to dance with her. levi whispers close to her as a reply to their sons, "i'm already planning on it."
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ratherbefangirling · 3 years
Hi there! My name is Janai and I’m from Australia :)
I’m introverted but I do like interacting with people sometimes, not always I can usually handle a few people at a time
I don’t really have a partner type I suppose someone who’s kind and doesn’t mind if I have a disability and just likes me for me!
If I didn’t have a disability I’d be doing something medical I think?
I like dying my hair very colourful colours, right now it’s green and blue. I love watching movies and shows. Currently addicted to supernatural. I’m addicted to coffee and iced coffee! Should break the habit but I won’t 😂.
I have 2 doggos, Bruce and Gabby. Unfortunately Gabby got diagnosed with cancer so we are keeping her comfortable at the moment.
My bias is JK
I’m fine with any trope
Ship type any also
Thankyou so much by the way! Hope you have a good day
Hi Janai,
To be fair I think most of the population relies on that extra dose of caffeine to function and I really hope you have/find people in your life who like you for you.
The person I ship you with is Jungkook.
Tbh this is literally a full fic but I didn't wanna half-ass this. So here you go. I will say tho wanting to turn this into a yandere fanfic was a tempting still I'm glad I didn't. Hope you like that.
Warnings ⚠️ : mentions of disability (I tried research and imagined it so please correct me if I'm wrong and forgive me for my mistakes) , insecurities.
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Jungkook had always been a bit different from his pack while he knew they were fond of him his words of tattoos and piercings were first dismissed as childish and later his actions were concerns he'd stumbled his packmates talked about in hushed voices. Even the kind and openminded Luna held some reservations. The society they lived in promoted what they called natural living so things like dying your hair in 'unnatural colors' and piercings were looked down upon and tattoos that was simply unacceptable.
Many a times Jungkook had wondered what if his mate ended up hating them and him because of it.
Jungkook had been sitting with his pack luna who though younger than him was wise beyond her years and suited Namjoon hyung his pack leader wonderfully. Except now they'd fought probably about her age. He knew the alpha felt guilty that she was so young and he'd made her pack luna and deprived her of her chance to live her life.
"I am living my I do not know how to explain it to him. Its so frustrating Kookie. This is what I've wanted. He keeps talking about ideas and goals but for the love of the moon goddess its about freedom to choose. I attended university for 6 months and got sick of it but I couldn't tell anyone not when it's what my pack wanted for me, to be strong and independent but that's ridiculous you know we are pack animals. I want to be me but also belong somewhere."
Jungkook nodded. He understood how thick headed their alpha could be sometimes.
"It's ok hyung will come around you know he loves you." He says.
Before he can say more the alpha's scent enters the clearing.
"Baby... I'm sorry. I promise I hadn't meant to be like that." There is a apology on his lips and wild flowers in his hands. He sees the Luna's eyes softening and its Jungkook's cue to leave. He wonders what his soulmate is doing.
By dinner time everyone is gathered to eat together and the atmosphere has improved the other members feel relieved that the alpha and Luna are no longer ignoring each other.
"I almost forgot, they found your mate." Namjoon declares. There is silence before the table erupts in cheers.
Jungkook chokes on his food.
"Wah, I'm jealous I'm the oldest and the ultimate husband material and I have yet to find mine." Jin complains jokingly.
"All in good time." Yoongi says.
The rest of the days Jungkook under the guidance of his Luna clears his room and makes space for his mate. Jimin and Taehyung who'd decided to help are coveting Jungkook's stuff which he had bought but never used. Sometimes the other members would drop in and do the same.
Jungkook focused on cleaning his room so that his mate could see the best of him, the remaining time was spent in the gym. He wanted to look good for his mate, prove it to her that he was worthy of her and could protect and support her.
The night before his first video call with you. He was pretty nervous but overhearing the pack alpha and luna shout at each other regarding you made him stop in his tracks.
"You need to tell him. Namjoon."
"I know but this is her thing to tell. He needs to know from his mate."
"No you need to warn him because if he reacts badly his mate's wolf might be scarred forever." The luna insisted.
"What is it?" He interrupts.
The luna's eyes soften with pity.
"Namjoon." The luna chided.
"Fine. Your mate has cerebral palsy." Namjoon tells him.
"...what's that?"
"She has difficulty in walking and uses crutches. We just got to know when we talked to their pack representative about how we could help her in her new home."
Jungkook's brain stopped working for a moment and the pack alpha and luna shared a look with each other.
"Did you see her?"
" I saw her picture and I think you're going to love her."
"She's my mate ofcourse I'm going to love her." Jungkook says.
The luna shakes her head.
"No its not because she's your mate it's because she's her."
Jungkook didn't understand the Luna's words until the video call.
Your hair matched his. Your smiles had him bewitched and so did the dog who sat on your lap. You both talked for hours and not even realising the time that had passed. Until your mother knocked on your door and told you it was time for your medicines.
The rest of the evening the pack teased him for the lovestruck look he had on his eyes but he didn't care he found his mate and he loved her.
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Yoongi has turned the house wheelchair safe, it was already baby proof because of Namjoon. The biggest project was installing a passage to their roof which had the greenhouse and they often had barbecue parties on. While Jungkook proudly claimed he could carry you. The older ones acknowledged the need for space and independence.
"You're her mate but you're still a stranger and sometimes people just need space."
When you'd arrived at the pack house you were concerned what if they didn't like you, what if he decided he was better off alone. Your mom and the pack Luna's elder daughter your best friend had accompanied you.
Jungkook on the other hand had been on edge all day waiting for you. When he'd seen the big van car he had rushed to the gate. Your mom helped you down to the ground. Pushing your wheelchair closer to where the house entrance was located.
Jungkook had waved as he saw you and despite everything you couldn't help but smile at him.
"Can I?" He asked your mother and when she looked at you for confirmation you nodded.
This wasn't something you could hide no matter how much you may want to sometimes.
Your wolf preened at being taken care by your mate.
Namjoon came out to meet them and they started talking but you, you couldn't take your eyes of your handsome mate, wondering what you'd done to get him as your mate.
"Do you want to go to the green house while they talk about the boring stuff?" Jungkook asks. You nod.
The ride is a bit dangerous because you're scared of slopes. Suddenly your wheelchair stopped. You wondered if it was because you were too heavy. You looked back at Jungkook. He had his finger over his lips, motioning you to be quiet and pointed towards the trees. You followed the line of sight and saw two parrots nuzzling each other. After a while they spread their wings and went off to the sky.
"The luna brought the parrots here, they were babies so they rarely like getting out of their cage but sometimes they do so we try not to startle them." He informs you.
You were about to reply when Taehyung's voice interrupted asking you both to come down.
After that you guys talked often even hung out at every opportunity, within three months Jungkook asked you to marry him.
Funnily enough Jungkook broke his leg a month before the wedding because he was too overexcited rushing to get the wedding gift he'd gotten you and fell from the stairs. The gift was a travel bag which could be converted to a seat so that you don't feel forced to stand up more than you need to for the honeymoon.
You couldn't be happier.
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*should have ended here but I live for Angst* *it's a problem ..* this is your warning ⚠️ *
You and the Luna had a lot of fun together but when two of the pack Jin and Taehyung found mates close to each other, the house was thrown into a frenzy. Meaning your best friend was busy and somehow you felt pushed to the side.
To top it off Taehyung's mate was colorblind and that was the talk of the town. A lot of things were removed from the common area of the house so that she would feel comfortable, while you weren't going to fuss you ended up maybe slightly overreacting over the removal of one of the pieces. It had been a pack portrait Jungkook had painted and gifted you after mating, it was close to your heart and precious.
It's removal felt like the removal of you which was absurd but still a lot of old insecurities which you thought you were over came rushing in.
Jungkook knocked the door before entering, you wiped your tears and turned away from the door.
"Janai.... love."
You really didn't want to talk to your husband, you couldn't listen to him take their side.
"Come on baby look at me."
"Jungkook not right now."
" Do you want to get iced coffee."
"That's such a bad idea."
"That's not what I asked baby?"
"Yes." You huff.
You stand up to take out clothes from your closet but almost fall luckily Jungkook is right there to catch you still he stumbles on the floor. Instead of trying to get up you lay your head on his chest hearing his heartbeat. On his part Jungkook just strokes your head.
"As much as I like this cuddling session we need to get that coffee before the shop closes."
You get up and manage to sit on the bed. Jungkook takes out clothes both for himself and you. He goes to take a shower since he had come from the gym, luckily that gives you enough time to get ready without feeling too embarrassed.
When Jungkook comes out you're wearing shoes. He helps you tie it and fondness surges in your heart. In one of the conversations you had with Jimin because you'd been feeling low and avoiding Jungkook because you didn't want to depend on him too much. Jimin had told you about Jungkook's fantasy of tying shoes and carrying people, though the latter was mostly to show that he might be their youngest but he was stronger than any of them. You'd laughed when Jimin had recollected how drunk Jungkook had carried him bridal style and spun him and Jimin had to bite Jungkook to make him stop and the other's hadn't let him forget especially Taehyung who threatened him with the video.
Jungkook takes out the wheelchair and you sit on it. On your way out your relieved when none of the pack is in site.
Jungkook drives you to your favourite coffee shop. You order coffee and he orders chocolate milk. The milk addict.
After a while, he says if you want a walk now having a walk is key word for talking about your feelings and you don't want to because you want to feel angry not sad because you might have lashed out but it was only because you felt unsafe.
You sigh and agree.
Jungkook offers you his back and you get on it. Walking by the Riverside. The night is charming.
"Its so good."
"Do you feel better?"
".. mm yes."
"I'm glad now do you want to tell me what happened."
"I .. just .. you're going to hate me."
" Never. I promise you that there's nothing you can do that'll make me hate you."
You feel some of the tension leave you.
"Like Jin's and Tae's mates are coming which is great and I'm happy for them but I don't ... I mean.. at first the Luna removed the plates my mom gave me and those have been in my family from generations.. but its fine the others also need space I understood then last week remember the sapling I'd planted so that finally started growing but Alpha removed it because apparently that part of the garden Jin wanted to give to his mate .... I know I know you probably think I'm childish and anyway I barely interact with plants so it was no big deal but today Luna removed our mating gift, you'd worked so hard for it Kookie I couldn't just let it happen and now the pack hates me."
You bury your face in his back.
"They don't hate you we just need to make some modifications is all remember when you came the pack spent weeks to make sure every space in the house was accessible that's just how they are."
"I know but I was so scared that I was going to be replaced that they no longer care about me, I don't know what I will do if they hate me."
"No baby, that's not how it is."
"I'm just I'm so sorry."
"Dont stress it love do you want to get an apology cake."
"Yes please."
When you reach the house Luna is already waiting for you.
"I'm so sorry Janai , I shouldn't have gotten angry at you. I'm sorry we fought."
"I'm sorry I over reacted."
"Then friends again." She asks.
You feel Jungkook's supportive squeeze where your hands are buried in his pocket. His other hand holding the cake. He gives the cake to the Luna and who calls the others members to the table.
Jungkook guides your wheelchair into the house.
And if you ask me there's no need to worry as long as Jungkook has your back.
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Two Gods, One Braincell Ch.2 Banquet of the Gods
You have acquired heavenly pastries.
What is that godly smell!? Kagami was already salivating as she flew towards a veritable buffet of fragrances. Wait, no, it was a literal buffet!
In the middle of a meadow, the feast of heaven's food laid surrounded by wildflowers. Pastries of all kinds made with grain from the Field of Reeds (they carried the distinctive sweet scent of the afterlife). Flesh of divine fruits and monstrous animals steamed the air.
Adrien's stomach growled and Kagami's joined it.
Shifting into a form with hands Kagami sat properly before the table loaded with different plates. She reached for a golden, crispy, mouthwatering-
"I thought that would get your attention!"
Snatching her hand back Kagami turned to see a goddess with dark, shoulder length hair, clear blue eyes and red, spotted armor. Her arms were crossed as she narrowed her eyes at both of them. Adrien, having already stuffed his mouth with one of her honey cakes, coughed in surprise.
"Well?" Marinette asked, tapping her foot. "What do you have to say for yourselves?"
Swallowing thickly, Adrien asked. "How'd you catch up to us?"
"I asked Max," Marinette replied with a roll of her eyes. Implying that anyone with common sense should've asked Max too.
Deliberately keeping eye contact Kagami reached for Marinette's food again. Ignoring her raised eyebrow Kagami took a bite and chewed savoringly. Taking advantage of Marinette's attention being off him Adrien shoveled food into his mouth and swallowed.
Eyebrow twitching, Marinette kept glaring for a moment more before she sighed and sat across from them. "Did neither of you bring proper food when you decided to run away?"
"That is an exaggeration." Kagami took another bite.
"Yeah, yeah. Did you?"
"We brought some golden apples!" Adrien supplied. It came out more defensively than he meant it to.
"Oh, really! Then I guess you don't need any of this then do you?" Marinette threateningly pretended to reach for their plates.
Kagami swallowed quickly. "Uh, I wouldn't-"
Shifting, Adrien snapped his jaws onto an entire meat pie of erymanthian boar. Swallowing it whole, Adrien shifted back in the middle of licking his lips. At least having the decency to look sheepish. "Sorry. Hungry."
Marinette sagged in resignation. "I can't believe I have to clean up your mess." She grabbed a piece of ambrosia and popped it into her mouth.
"... Well, you don't have to," Kagami pointed out.
"No, I'm gonna."
Adrien nodded, embarrassment already forgotten. "Besides. You know how boring everything would be without us!"
"Ah," Marinette sighed wistfully, "Sweet peace."
A marble of shadow flicked another piece of ambrosia out of Marinette's fingers. Turning into a mushroom were it landed among the grass.
Sticking his tongue out, Adrien grabbed a pitcher of nectar and began downing it by himself.
Kagami almost choked on her peach dumpling as laughter bubbled up. "We- ahem, We're grateful for the chance to eat your cooking again, Marinette."
"Uh-huh, I'm sure." She side eyed Adrien who merely smirked past a full mouth. "He was supposed to bring you back, not go running off with you."
"I'm guessing the council didn't take it well?" It would be lying to herself if Kagami didn't admit that the council's floundering filled her with pleased satisfaction.
Marinette shrugged. She didn't have warm, fuzzy feelings for them either. "They're upset you keep messing with their holy hit list."
"Pfft!" Nope, Kagami needed to focus. No giggling!
Adrien beamed. "You used my joke!"
"It was a joke?" Marinette looked genuinely surprised.
"Did they explain the circumstances?" Kagami asked.
"You know they're not big on explaining." Marinette wrinkled her nose in annoyance.
"Right. Adrien cursed a city-"
"Thrown into the hell pit just like that. Harsh."
"-and it was a bit too effective. I'm going to end their drought."
Marinette raised her eyebrows skeptically, gaze going from one to the other. "Adrien. You cursed a mortal city? What'd they do, kick kittens?"
Adrien rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Ah, you know..."
"That's not important," Kagami said too quickly. Suddenly realizing that Marinette was probably the one who'd take the most offense to... certain transgressions.
"Alright keep your secrets." Marinette's brow furrowed, as though suddenly realizing. "Did you both seriously start eating without checking whose food this was? What if it was cursed!"
"I'm immune to curses." Adrien reminded her, nonchalantly reaching for Kagami's peach dumplings.
Kagami lightly smacked Adrien's hand away. Get your own. "And I'm a dragon."
"Oh, that's right! Because that decade you spent in your creature forms totally didn't happen," Marinette deadpanned.
"Th- That's different!" Adrien spluttered.
Pink dusted Kagami's cheeks but she wasn't going to let that stop her. "Fascinating. And how would you describe what happened after?"
Marinette turned beet red.
"How did it go Adrien?" Kagami asked, not quite able to mask her predatory glee. "It appears I've forgotten."
Making no such effort himself, Adrien cleared his throat. " 'Don't be silly, Adrien! I'm a goddess of creation! There's no way I could fall under a curse like that!' "
"I don't sound like that!" Marinette's indignation making her pitch practically identical to Adrien's imitation.
Dragon and cat burst into laughter.
"I could've convinced the other creator deities to let chaos continue," Marinette mumbled to herself. "Nice, empty, swirling clouds of proto-matter. No cheeky dragons making me suffer this humiliation."
Adrien smirked. "The destroyers would never have let you. We're easily bored, you know."
Kagami nodded sagely. "Yes, and how much poorer the world would be if my kind wasn't around to promote humility by saying: Ah, but are you a dragon?"
Raising her fist in the manner she'd seen mortals doing, Kagami met Adrien's knuckles with her own.
Marinette pouted. "I hate both of you."
"We love you too, Marinette," Kagami grinned.
"And we love your cooking!" Adrien raised another pitcher of nectar to wash down his seventh helping.
"Speaking of food," Kagami said, eyeing the self refilling plates. "You could come with us?"
"Tempting, but someone has to report back because someone else didn't." Marinette narrowed her eyes at Adrien in an unmistakable accusation.
Adrien straightened, eyes going wide he pointed at himself and mouthed Moi? If Kagami didn't know better she wouldn't bought his innocent act.
"Yes, you!" Muttering under her breath about chaotic cats Marinette pulled out a large tablecloth. Red with black spots she threw it over the table, covering it entirely. With a swish she revealed nothing but flattened grass.
"Here," Marinette offered Kagami a spotted, red cloth. Small enough to fit in a pocket. "I don't want to resurrect you two this century. The paperwork is killer."
"Thank you, Marinette." Kagami took the gift and placed it in her robes before she- Er, Adrien could start drooling over it.
Glancing between the two goddesses Adrien rose. "Well, it was fun catching up!" Bowing with a flourish, he grinned. "Hate to eat and run but we have a rainy season to jump start." Stepping forward, Adrien kissed Marinette on both cheeks.
Color tinted Kagami's cheeks a shade darker. Stupid platonic kisses. 
Shifting, Adrien leapt into the sky.
Kagami wrapped Marinette in a hug. "Don't strain yourself too much on our account."
Marinette returned the embrace. "Stop charging in fangs first then."
Chuckling, Kagami looked her in the eyes. "Too late for that. Maybe next time."
Stepping back, Marinette wagged her finger. "I'll hold you to that."
With a grin Kagami blasted skyward. Wind blowing across the meadow. She slithered on the air. Quickly catching up to Adrien who strolled leisurely across the clouds, waiting for her to catch up.
With full bellies and high spirits they sailed closer to completing Kagami's quest.
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hjazysol · 4 years
The Bench
Pit was sitting on a bench, sighing. He had a sad look on his face when heard footsteps approaching.
???: Room on that bench for one more?
Pit looked up and saw Mechanica, wearing the similar sad look on her face. He scooted over.
Pit: Yeah. There's always space on the "Bummed Bench".
Mechanica walked over and sat down the exact same way Pit was sitting. She sighed. Then Pit sighed.
Mechanica: ....
Pit: ....
Mechanica: So, why're you bummed out? You seem like a guy who'd be happy a lot.
Pit: You'll laugh....
Mechanica: After the day I had, I won't. 
Pit: ...I tried flying and I face planted again. My whole life, I've been trying to fly on my own. Every single angel, even the ones younger than me, were able to, but I just couldn't. Even when all of the other angels were able to do it, I just couldn't....what about you?
Mechanica: Everyone in the ARMS league has the ability to extend their arms and stuff. Everyone except for me. Like, you can literally get them when you wake up randomly. So, everyday I hope I wake up with them...and I still don't have them. I try stretching my arms and everything, but still nothing. So...I can relate a bit.
Pit, sighs: Everyone kept calling me, and still call me Flightless...
Mechanica: People online kept calling me, and still call me Shrimp Arms...
Pit: It's like I'm....
Mechanica: I'm basically....
Pit and Mechanica: An outcast....
Pit and Mechanica pause and look at each other. Then they both hugged and began crying.
Pit, sobbing: Why do we have to be the social outcasts? We just want to be like everyone else!
Mechanica, sobbing: I know! We put in work and still get made fun of for not being like everyone else! I just wanna be like Ribbon Girl!
Pit: (sniff) Wait...you like Ribbon Girl too?
Mechanica: Yeah. I have a bunch of her merchandise. All I need is her autograph. (Shows him a picture of all her Ribbon Girl merch)
Pit, eyes sparkling: Woah! You have all of that?! That's so cool!
Mechanica: You don't think it's embarrassing that I have all of that?
Pit: Course not. It just means that you're really passionate when it comes to her. I've been trying to save up to by at least one of those collectibles! How'd you get the money for it?
Mechanica, rubbing her nose with her finger with a grin: Heh heh heh. When you're as smart as I am, you figure out how to get it all at a lower price.
Both laugh.
Mechanica: Hey, you said you're a social outcast in terms of all of the other angels, right?
Pit: Well, not anymore.
Mechanica: Really? How'd you get out of the outcast zone?
Pit: I kinda didn't? It's just really hard to be an outcast through all of the angels when your the only one left.
Mechanica: Oh.
Pit: What about you?
Mechanica: Well, I made a giant robot suit. It can use ARMS like everyone else's, and if anyone wants to say anything, I can just say I'll sick my mech on them.
Pit: Woah. Well, I never gained the ability to fly, but Lady Palutena gives me the Power of Flight that lets me fly for 5 minutes.
Mechanica: Lady Palutena? Who's that?
Pit: She's the Goddess of Light, and the person I'm honored to serve! Though, a lot of people say she's like my mom.
Mechanica: You too? People say Twintelle is like my mom.
Pit: Really?
Mechanica: Yeah. I mean, you call her mom ONCE every two days, and everyone thinks she's your mom!
Pit: I know, right? It's like, you call her that once, she makes you breakfast, pats your head, and for some reason, people wanna say that stuff! Not that I have a problem with it though, I actually don't mind the whole mom thing. I'm just saying.
Mechanica: Dude, same.
They both laugh.
Pit: ...You know, we're both pretty hardcore when you think about it.
Mechanica: Elaborate.
Pit: Well, we both have shortcomings that make us different from most other people that are like us. I can't fly, and you don't have have ARMS. But we both still make up for it!
Mechanica: Yeah! You have Lady Palutena's Power of Flight thing, and I have my mech!
Pit: And we fight a whole bunch of people, mostly adults, and usually win!
Mechanica: Plus, just because we can't do that stuff now, doesn't mean we won't be able to do it in the future! We just have to keep working at it! And even if those changes never happen, we're doing pretty good for ourselves right now!
Pit: Yeah!
Mechanica: You know what? Forget what people who insult us say! We are super hardcore! .....Uh, we never got each other's names, did we?
Pit: Oh, right. We didn't. Well, let me start. Ahem....
Pit: I am Pit, servant of the Goddess of Light, Vanquisher of all things Evil, and totally incapable of reading! Nice to meet you! (Does a peace sign)
Mechanica: Pfft. That's your intro? You're pretty open about yourself. Okay, let me try....
Mechanica: I am Mechanica, battler in the ARMS tournament, creator of this mech suit, and...uh....very huge fan of Ribbon Girl! It's a pleasure to meet you! (strikes a pose)
Pit: That was perfect!
After a while, the two soon leave. Despite being originally saddened about their shortcomings when they first arrived, both had left in a much happier state. It didn't matter that they weren't like everyone else. As long as they accepted themselves, they would be happy. And thus, the "Bummed Bench" transformed into the "Buddy Bench".
Palutena: (cute sneeze)
Twintelle: Bless you.
Palutena: Thank you. Wonder why I did that all of a sudden.
Twintelle: Hm. Sneezing out of the blue like that sometimes means someone is thinking of you. Or at the very least mentioned you.
Palutena: Who'd be doing that, though?
Twintelle: Not sure. But back to the conversation. Would you like some more tea?
Palutena: Yes, please.
Twintelle: (cute sneeze)
Palutena: Goddess bless you.
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