#she’s never done anything wrong in her life
miwkchii · 2 days
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She has never done anything wrong in her life ♡
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baby-tini · 3 days
May I ask for Mikey x fem oc or reader, in the last arc scenario when mikey goes back to the past with his memories intact and tries to find her but couldn't, and only finds her again when both of them are adults with their own jobs and everything...(Also just for it to be a little angsty maybe she died before the last time).... I'm sorry I'm so bad at this 😭
A/N- You're all good, sorry it took so long, hope you enjoy it nonetheless.\ TW- Readers death and Manjiros attempted suicide in the Bonten timeline. He looked for you, he looked everywhere for you, but you weren't anywhere too be found. He searched for you for days, then those days turned into weeks and unfortunately months. The last image he has of you, is when you died in his arms, during his Bonten days. He remembered he didn't eat or sleep for days. You were the only light in his dark life. The only thing that actually kept him going. The only reason he even thought about getting up in the morning, that's the main reason he tried too jump off that building in the first place, but then, Takemichi had saved him and promised everything would be better for him and everyone, including you. But as he went through his life, happy to have all of his friends and family alive he was grateful, don't get him wrong, but he missed you, deeply he missed you. He's never loved and cared about someone so deeply and intimately before. He never forgot about you, not even once, you were always stuck in his head as the same questions continuously ran through his mind. Where were you? Were you okay? Were you thinking about him too? If you were, were you thinking about him nearly as much as he thought of you every. single. day. It was a chance meeting in all honesty, your friend was really into motorcycles so, of course she wanted too watch the races, so when she bought tickets, and her boyfriend wasn't available, she asked you too go with her instead. You really didn't want too go at first, given motorcycles weren't really your thing, but in true bestfriend fashion, she had pleaded with you until gave in. Giving you the little puppy dog eyes as she clung to your arm with a multitude of pleas. Then demanding you get ready when you finally gave into her. When you did finally get to the racing stadium, she went crazy, telling you all about the racers and who they were. How skilled they were and what type of motorcycles they were driving. Again, being someone who really wasn't into motorcycles, you weren't really listening, just watching the bikes speed around the track until they were done and finally announced their winner, but you didn't really stay for that, instead quickly leaving too busy yourself at the taiyaki stand. You've always liked taiyaki, it being your favorite snack and all. Especially when you think about the memories you'd occasionally get, eating it with a man that you couldn't give a face or a name. "Hey, just make double and I'll pay for it." That voice... sounded so familiar, the deep rasp hitting your ears as it sent your brain into deja vu. A man, with a black undercut walked towards the stand as he pulled out his card, still dressed in a racing uniform. As he turned to look at you and your eyes locked on his, you both froze. There was a feeling of electricity that shot through the both you, as your eyes met his. The beautiful obsidian that felt so familiar yet so.. distant. "...Baby?" The mans eyes held a recognition in them as those lost memories of yours came back, clearer then before. Finally giving the man a face and a name, "Manjiro..?" The way his name fell from your lips sent a shiver up his back, as though he had been dunked in ice water. It was quick, more on instinct then anything really, as you both grabbed at each other. Clinging to the other as you ran your hands over the other. His hands running through your hair, then grabbing at your face and staring deep into your eyes while his watered.
Quickly pulling you away from the crowded area, he led you into a back alley. Quickly trapping you in his arms, chest-to-chest, he held you as he buried his face in your hair, inhaling deeply. Wrapping your arms around his waist you held him tightly, taking in the smell of his cologne, Hugo Boss, you'd never forget that smell, it would always drive you crazy whenever he wore. The smell nearly as comforting as his arms, the tan, muscular limbs wrapping around you in a vice. You both pulled back after long minutes of the tight embrace, before you could say anything though, his lips were already on yours as he buried his hands deep into your hair. Your hands coming up to run up under his shirt, feeling the hard muscle of his chest and abs, trying too recite everything to memory as he pulled closer. Only pulling back too catch his breath before diving back in and holding your face in his hands, rubbing his thumbs over your cheeks, as if, too also recite everything to memory. Reluctantly pulling away, he leaned his forehead against yours as he panted against your lips, your breath mixing with his as he stared you down with those wide black eyes, no longer empty and cold. Instead they were warm and loving, his pupils dilated as he took you in, the image of you dying in his arms coming back as he held you closer while he felt his eyes got wet, the salty liquid dripping down his cheeks. "Don't ever leave me again... I can't be without you baby, you're all I ever think about, I need you, I love you so much."
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five times danny's english class learned that he was phantom (and one time he had to reveal it)
4- valerie gray
valerie was a smart girl but her rage and grudge often clouded her judgment. she knew phantom was doing so much help to humans but she still held a grudge since hes the one who ruined her dad's career and her life. after learning he was after the mayor she decided she was gonna do anything to capture phantom.
but everything changed when she saw him risking everything he had to save the little half ghost girl. he even risked his own life. valerie hated ghosts but she was not a monster. she could never hurt a human even if theyre half human. so she helped him save the little girl. maybe phantom wasnt too bad.
after they rescued the little girl and the mayor from that evil ghost plasmius both phantom and ghost girl went away. valerie was on her way before realizing she didnt check on the mayor and she went back to the lab.
she saw the mayor he was smiling like a crazy man. then she saw glowing rings on his waist. then he transformed..
no no no no.
there was no way that was possible. mayor masters tranformed into plasmius. was she helping him the whole time? the stories about phantom being evil and attacking the mayor, they were all lies. valerie felt betrayed, she felt stupid. the whole time she was being tricked into thinking phantom was the enemy while the real enemy was manipulating her.
maybe she was wrong. wrong about not hurting a human. all she felt was rage. she took a deep breath. she saw what plasmius could do if she attack him now there was no way she could win. she tried her best not to be impulsive as she left the lab.
that day she learnt so much. there were half ghosts some were evil and some were just trying to survive. she was so wrong about a lot of things. she always thought ghosts were all evil but now she sees theyre just like people and phantom was one of the good ones.
"shit" she said as she let herself fall to her bed. the she started to think if whether phantom was also a half ghost. he did look like he knew the little girl in her both forms.
next day in school everything was the same. between classes star walked with her.
"girl are you okay? you seem really tired." star asked worried. she was right valerie was looking like he hasnt slept like ages. it was partially right she couldnt get much sleep from overthinking.
"yeah i am, just have something on my mind. dont worry." she smiled reassuring star that she was telling the truth. but it wasnt really convincing for star.
"i dont want to push you but i hope you know that im here for you val." star gave a small smile.
when the bell rang they went to their classes. valerie was happy to have a friend like star. she might be the only reason why she was still sane. she wished that she could talk about ghost stuffs with her.
in the class valerie noticed danny looking tired more than usual. after class valerie wanted to ask danny if he was alright but right as she was approaching him a ghost attacked the school. valerie saw danny ran for the janitor closet. 'thats by far one of the worst place you could hide' valerie thought. she had to save him before something happened but first she had to become red huntress. before she could do anything she saw phantom flying towards the ghost attacker.
'huh' she thought. phantom was pretty early which gave her some time to get danny out of that terrible 'hiding space'. she opened the janitor closet only to find nothing. danny wasnt there.
valerie started to panic. where could he be? what if something happened to him? valerie was finally gaining friends that was really her friends and not some jock who drops her the moment shes not rich. she was not gonna lose her friends because of some lousy ghost. she found a place to transform into red huntress and searched the whole building but there was no trace of him.
it was only when the attack was done and phantom souped the ghost she could see danny again. she took her suit off somewhere safe and rushed to danny.
"danny where were you?" she asked worry apperant in her voice. danny was taken aback a little.
"i was hiding from the ghost." he said. that was a lie, she knew it but danny said it way too calmly.
"in the janitor closet?" valerie asked not believing the boy.
"yeah it was the closest place i could hide." he said absentmindedly. if valerie didnt check the janitor closet herself she might have believed him which irritated her more than anything. she sighed in an attempt to calm herself down or at least to seem calm.
"im glad youre safe." she left them without they get to say anything more. she had to think to make things make sense.
danny lied to her. which was annoying but all valerie could think was how natural he sounded. danny couldnt lie to save his life, she would know. when he doesnt have his homework he couldnt make up a single lie nor can he tell them without looking like hes gonna shit himself. no, danny fenton was a lot of things but being a good liar was not one of them. it only indicates that he told that lie before so many time. it was a practiced lie.
but why? why would he lie about a hiding place? what was he hiding from valerie? where did he go when he was not in the closet? and more importantly how did he go elsewhere?
valerie was sure she did not look at somewhere long enough and far enough for her to not to notice danny leaving the closet. if there wasnt a secret passage in the closet or danny didnt suddenly gain ghost powers it would be impossible for danny to go out without valerie seeing him.
no no it was stupid, there was no way.
there was no way that danny out of all people was a half ghost. everyone knew he always hid away the first when there was a ghost attack because he was scared and danny only knew ghost stuff because his parents were ghost hunters. no other reasons. it was just a coincidence that he looked like that half ghost girl. or that he was always close to the places that attacks happen. or that he only comes out when the attack is fully done. or that phantom uses a thermos that looks exactly like his thermos thats written 'fenton' on it.
oh ancients.
oh ancients.
danny was phantom. how could valerie be so blind. of course he was. it was as obvious as the sun in the sky. she couldnt believe she couldnt see it before. to be fair she didnt know half ghost existed. but still it was obvious.
she cursed herself in her mind she also cursed danny because danny phantom? really? he couldnt find a better name? at least to his credit it took valerie so much to figure it out but it was still a dead give away. but she also cursed danny because why didnt he tell her? she couldve hurt him real bad.
valerie sighed and tried to think how can she help him. and how to compensate all the times she hurt him.
1 2 3 4 5 +1
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rekino2114 · 2 days
Can you do Sae Niijima x Male Reader please?
Sae nijima proposing to you
A/n: since you didn't specify the scenario I went with this I hope you like it.
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Sae knew she loved you, she was incredibly happy with you as her boyfriend but lately she felt as if even that didn't convey the love she felt for you, she felt like she needed to do more to show you how happy and loved you made her.
After a lot of thinking and talking with makoto she decided to ask you to marry her, she knew you were the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with and while it wasn't traditional she didn't want to wait for you to do it.
She took on more cases than usual and the ones that paid more to have enough money to buy you a ring, even if she hated not being able to see you as much and having to work more, she knew it would be worth it.
She decided to propose to you in a very classic way, she invited you to an expensive restaurant recommending you to wear nice clothes.
And so you wore a suit and went to the place she told you where you saw her waiting for you on a table in a beautiful dress.
"You look stunning sae"
"Thank you, you look quite handsome yourself y/n"
"I'm glad you invited me here, it's been a while since we had a date"
"I apologize. I got caught up in work I hope this is enough to make it up"
"You don't need to. I know how overworked you can get, but still thank you. Now let's eat and have fun"
During the meal you noticed that sae seemed distracted about something but not wanting to pry waited until it was finished to ask. After eating and paying the bill ( which sae insisted to do) she asked you to take a walk in a park, you took this opportunity to hold her hand the whole time.
"The moonlight looks beautiful tonight, don't you think?"
"Y-yes it does"
"......Is something wrong babe?"
"N-no, why?"
"I don't know you looked distant and distracted today, if there's anything you want to tell me I'm here"
Your words made her face blush, and her heart beat faster, she remembered all of the reasons why she wanted to marry you and gained newfound determination to do it.
"Actually there is something I wanted to tell you"
"Go ahead and tell me then, that's why I'm here"
To your surprise, she got on one knee and pulled a small box out of her pocket that, when opened, revealed a beautiful ring.
"Meeting you has been one of the best things that happened to me, I have never felt more happiness than when I'm with you, I love you more than words could possibly express and want to spend the rest of my life with you, so will you marry me and become my husband?"
You felt like crying from joy at your girlfriend's proposal, but instead, you hugged her tightly and answered.
"Of course I will sae, I love you so much:
Sae looked at you with a huge smile on her face
"Thank you so much. I'm so happy, may I put the ring on you?"
"Of course"
And she did just that. Once done, she pressed a kiss onto your lips while hugging you. You, of course, kissed her back before pulling back.
"I love you my dear you truly are the best thing that happened to me"
"The same goes for me sae I love you too"
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missvelvetsstuff · 1 hour
No Benefits
Bucky x Reader
Summary: Reader and Bucky are best friends until a drunken hook up. Bucky wants a friends with benefits situation because he doesn't feel ready for a relationship but reader knows that will lead to a broken heart.
Then Sharon Carter comes to work with them.
Notes: Steve and Tony are around but retired, everything else is mostly canon
Chapter 11
Warnings: swearing, angst
Notes: this chapter came out shorter than I'd like but this updates only a few days late. Hope y'all enjoy.
Life at the compound went on but with the 'punishments' Fury and Hill assigned everyone was too busy to do much else. Training, chores, therapy and sleep were all Bucky had the time or energy for but he made sure to write to Cookie every day, even though some days there wasn't much to say.
Two weeks after the meeting with Fury, Bucky was eating lunch with Sam, who nagged him more than Steve, so he had learned to tune him out. One of the admins walked by with Avengers mail and Bucky was shocked to get something. He wasn't the most popular Avenger so rarely had any fan mail. He took the envelope from the admin and looked at it with wide eyes. He gasped when he saw who it was from and felt his heart racing. It was kinda lumpy, like there was more than just a letter. His stomach dropped when he assumed she was returning his dog tags and he set it down on the table, afraid to open it.
Sam looked over "You might as well tear off that bandaid and get it over with. How much worse could it be?"
Bucky looked at him with sad eyes. "She could be telling me she never wants anything to do with me. Not that I don't deserve it but right now I still have hope. Like Schroedingers cat, right now our friendship is alive and dead at the same time but once I open it, it'll be one or the other."
Sam chuckled "You're not wrong but you can't pretend forever. Maybe she's asking for something from you but if you don't read it you won't give it to her and she'll think you don't really care."
Bucky nodded "Yeah, I guess. I'll open it tonight."
Bucky spent the rest of the day acutely aware of the envelope in his back pocket, reaching back to touch it and make sure it was still there, like a talisman helping him through the day.
Once the work for the day was done he went to his room, locked the door and stripped down to his t-shirt and boxers to get comfortable on his bed. He picked up the envelope and examined it thoroughly, he could just barely catch the scent of her lavender hand lotion on it.
After 20 minutes he decided he had gleaned all the info he could without opening the envelope and with shaking hands, carefully opened it. He pulled the paper out and when he unfolded it, something fell into his lap. The special dog tags that Sam had given him as a joke and a picture.
He picked up the picture and felt like his heart stopped when he realized it was Cookie, smirking at him with his own dog tags nestled in her cleavage. Not a scrap of clothing in sight. His mouth went dry and he felt hot. He took a drink of water before looking at the paper.
Dear Bucky,
Let me know what you think of the picture. I think the enclosed tags would look good on you, if you want to wear them. I wouldn't mind a picture.
Bucky fumbled to take his shirt off and put the tags on before taking a blurry picture. He looked at his phone, dissatisfied with his selfie skills, or lack of, and spent an hour before he was happy with the results. Now he had to figure out how to print it without asking for help, or find someone who could help and keep a secret from Sam. Steve was worse with tech than he was and he knew Nat or Sharon would make a big deal. As he went down the list in his head he wondered if Cookie would mind if he attached it to an email.
Bucky sighed and opened up his laptop to search for directions on how to print something from his phone and looked at Starks intranet to find the closest color printer to his room.
It took half the night but he finally had a clear, color picture to send to Cookie.
The next few weeks rolled by quickly as Cookie whipped the Boston office into shape, much to Dylan's chagrin. She spent the days working closely with Annie, evaluating the rest of the team to see where there were weaknesses so they could work on training them all up to where they needed to be. The fact that Dylan resented her aside, he had enjoyed his "management" of this office by doing nothing but lording over the rest of the team and overusing his expense account, without paying attention to their skills or lack thereof.
Cookie made herself a note to bring up Dylan's uselessness with Nick Fury and recommend cutting him loose or transferring him to a position with less authority and responsibility. She planned to push for Annie to run this office when she left.
She was working on a full report on the office and was very glad she had moved here to see in person how things ran because she never would have known how badly Dylan was slacking off.
In her conclusions she pondered spending the next couple of years hopping from office to office, to do the same. It would take longer to get back to the compound than she wanted but she felt it would be the best for SHIELD/SWORD's intel apparatus, which was her job.
In the evenings she went back to her townhouse to eat alone, watch the news and read Bucky's letters. He was ever so slowly wearing her down. It wasn't hard, she missed her best friend and never stopped loving him.
Dear Cookie,
I hope you are good and haven't gotten tired of hearing from me. I haven't heard anything back so I don't know if you're reading them or just tossing them in the fire.
Life is mostly back to normal. Fury yelled at us for 3 hours about you this morning, he's not happy you're gone. Everyone misses you. Maybe not Nat and Sharon but at least they are finally leaving me alone.
Tony keeps bitching about his favorite cookies but I know he misses you.
Steve is in his element, being the disapproving dad to all us difficult kids. If he doesn't get over himself I might have to kick his ass.
Sam misses you. I know he talks to you on the phone a lot and he's irritating as hell, making sure to let me know it's my fault you left, like I didn't already know that. I wish I knew how to fix things and make you want to come home but I'm not that bright, obviously, so I'll keep writing until you tell me to stop.
Fury is being even more of an impossible prick than usual. He cancelled all leave and has us doing extra training and chores around the compound like we're grounded teenagers. It's exhausting but it keeps me busy between missions. Doesn't stop me from thinking about you every day.
I understand that you might not want to wear my dog tags but if you don't want them could you send them back? They're all I have left of my past.
I hope to hear from you soon.
All my love,
Like every night since she started reading Bucky's letters, Cookie fell asleep clutching his dog tags and that nights letter to her chest.
@erelierraceala @capswife @ozwriterchick @cjand10 @wintrsoldrluvr @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @browneyedgrli @greatenthusiasttidalwave @hhiggs @dontworryboutitsweetheart-blog @behindmygreyeyes @pattiemac1 @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @calwitch @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @ordelixx @blackhawkfanatic @casey1-2007 @scott-loki-barnes @selella @hiireadstuff @winterschildren8
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richeeduvie · 1 day
ok so i’m in a super deep angst hole and i wondered what would happen if baby jr or baby were to be kidnapped, like how would roman react or the whole family and like how would the reunion would be like
Okay, Baby Jr being kidnapped is kinda funny to me
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been a hot minute since I wrote something a lil long for Roman and Baby, and of course it has to be angst to get me in the mood <3
I know it'd actually be so traumatic and sad when it comes to Roman and Baby's little girl because you know she'd be so scared. All she knows is her Mommy and Daddy and the world they made for themselves. Even if nothing's done to her.
But I remember seeing this siblingroyoc headcanon tiktok where they were kidnapped as a child but Logan didn't do anything about it so the kidnappers felt bad and sent them back. Like, the Succession fandom is filled with geniuses. Anyways, I feel like this is what would happen to Baby Jr in the sense that she's kidnapped by people who don't want to hurt her.
Maybe they realize that along the way, Baby Jr was the wrong choice? She's the baby of the guy who got the fuck out of Waystar and is now doing...nothing but being wealthy? Who knows, I just know that what makes it funny is that Baby Jr would eventually calm down and try to be nice to her kidnappers. She asks if they can play Encanto while Roman and Baby are just panicking.
Just imagine that, Roman about to kill himself while Baby Jr's out there having a good time with her kidnappingbabysitters.
It would happen when Baby Jr's at school. Out of the week, after a hesitant Roman allowed it, Baby Jr gets to go to kindergarten for three days. There's the weekend and then one special day saved for the family. But with all the events of wealthy life going on? Roman takes her out of school so much.
So much so that the school staff thinks the person signing her out of class is just one of the Roy family assistants. You'd think private schooling would have a lot more security.
Baby Jr's happy to get taken out of school by Mommy and Daddy, but she slows with her little legs when she sees it's this...person. She's never seen them before. She puts her thumb near her mouth.
"Daddy told me to come pick you up."
Now, she's learned about stranger danger. Just not in the sense the stranger could get into her school and pretend it's one of the many people whose existence benefit minor activities of the Roy family. She's a bit nervous, but okay. If Daddy said so.
Okay. So they go. It takes the little girl to see another person waiting for them in the car. They talk, they look intense on the face. All scrunched lines.
Baby Jr wants her Mommy. She'll see her soon, but she wants her now.
"Don't be scared, sweetie. You'll just be with us for a little while."
"She still thinks were taking her to them."
"...What she thinks isn't going to change anything."
What gets Roman, in the all of all it, is how long it takes him to find out his daughter is missing.
He's picking her up, picking at his coat jacket. Baby's at home, making brownie bars. He thumps his hands on the office desk.
"Mr. Roy."
"Hi, Ms. school office lady. Here to pick up my kid."
Roman wants to flick her nose. Why the fuck is she staring at him like that? He'll feel bad that he does when him and Baby Jr past the office and waves her little, chubby hand like she always does.
"I know. School's done in ten minutes, but my wife has brownies that are best when they're fresh, which - can somehow be insanely sexual? But yeah...sorry to be a dickfuck and pick her up but I sorta need her now."
"...But you checked your daughter out at eleven."
Roman doesn't blink.
"No. I didn't."
"Not you. I'm sorry, not you - but your assistant. One of them came in and signed her out."
Roman scratches his neck with his middle finger. It digs in at the end, a sharp pain against the way blood rushes through his ears. He blinks fast.
"Yeah...no, I didn't send any fucking...assistant you're saying? No, no one would've came to pick up my daughter but me today."
"Did your wife send anyone to pick he-"
"She's the one at home, baking. Like I told you a minute ago, I would tell her that I'm leaving to pick up our daughter. Which...I'm here to do so did you make a mistake? Someone pick up their own fucking kid and not mines and it's just her name in the system or whatever?"
The office lady watches Roman's finger shake, tapping quickly on the counter, like he's pressing a key over and over and over again. She swallows.
"Sh-she left. She was sent to the office and she went with him."
The tapping stops.
"...Isn't there a list?"
"A list?"
"A list of people who parents put down as people that can pick their child up. Only those people, which...you're Ms. school Office lady so I'm hoping you fucking know about the list. Ours has...has - we have Connor Roy, Frank Vernon, Shiv Roy. Her son is in the building right now. Unless you're telling me you let him walk the fuck out with a stranger? Right? Is that what you're telling me?"
"...I'm...I'm new. It's only my third day."
Roman stares. The office lady watches his chest begin to rise and deepen.
He closes his eyes.
"Did you say eleven?"
"Yes, Mr. Roy. I am so-it's most likely-"
"It's two. It's going to be two."
"Mr. Roy....Mr. Roy-"
The room and it's walls watches the way Roman pressing the heels of his palm into his eyes, stepping back and out into the hall.
"Oh, fuck."
The walls hear this high, cracking pain in his voice. Something panicked with angry coating his throat. Roman bends at his knees to the floor.
"God. Fuck, fuck - fuck! Oh, God. God. You-"
He gets up suddenly, every line twisted in his face with his hair messy. He jabs a finger to the office lady.
"Call fucking 911! You fucking bitch-you're-you're nothing! Call fucking 911!"
It's the sounds of shuffles and buttons, then ringing. Then cursing.
The brownies are done just in time when there's ringing on Baby's end.
"You need to come down here. You need to-I um...I'm sorry. I don't fucking know. I don't fucking know but you need to come down here and...fuck."
It's a cracking, soft cry. Baby can imagine Roman rubbing his eyes, or the bridge of his nose.
"What happened? Is she okay? Are you okay?"
Roman and her don't know that he feels like a child caught in the act of something bad. He needs to tell her something. He has to tell her something's wrong, and being the barer feels like a crime. It feels like he's going to kill her, and Roman doesn't think he's ever wanted to hurt her in his life.
"Someone fucking took her. They don't know who. The uh, the brainless bitch who gets fed off the tuition money said that it was someone who said they were one of our assistants."
Baby Jr turns to the cat paw oven mitts she got for Baby Jr. She looks to the tile floor.
"No. No."
She says it like saying no will change things. It's simple.
"Can you come down here, please? Please? I'm sorry, I should've picked her up earlier or...or shot the office staff in the head."
"When did h-he he...when did...was it a he?"
"Apparently. But I need that to not...not matter. Please, come down here."
It's all a plea where Baby doesn't know if Roman's on the verge of crying or he's just finished crying.
"I need that to not matter to you. But when? Are you asking when?"
Baby takes a breath that shakes with her body. She holds her palm against her stomach. If she presses in, she can feel her c-section scar.
Tears come as quickly as the panic.
"It's been two hours since they took her."
Baby's head tilts up, face twisting and quivering and her spine curves. She cries harshly.
Roman closes his eyes at the sound. He lowers his head.
"Can you come down? Please, I've sent someone to get you but fuck that if you just wanna come down here by yourself. But please, come down. Please."
It's an long, almost-gentle begging from Roman. He needs her body, he needs her for any sort of reality. He needs to cling onto her and he can't listen to her cry without wanting to touch her, bring her down. But he fucking can't right now because she's there and he's here and their daughter is gone.
Not gone. He'll do a lot of things if she's gone.
It's a big news story even before Baby manages to make it down to the school. It's a Waystar kid kidnapped midday. It's press, parents, people all over. It's a sea she has to cross. She can't cross it without notice, not when she's the mother.
But the flashes and callings fog out at the right of Roman. He's pale and brightly red all at once.
Baby Jr would giggle.
Her feet pick up. His don't even when he sees her. He knows he'll fall into the ground and he won't be able to get back up. But his face against her chest and his arms wrap like suffocation around his crying wife. Hers do too around his.
"Shiv's called about five times. And Karolina, for some reason, as if our daughter's on the company deed. I'm not even on anything anymo-"
"Did they find anything yet?"
Roman can't avoid that question because he's been asking it every thirty seconds. He gets more into a pale rage when the answer doesn't change.
"No. No, because they can't fucking do anything right. They can't find her. They can't-"
Baby pulls his hand away from his shoulder across. He was digging. She thinks he's colored a bit of his shirt red. She sees his coat on the steps of the school.
"Can we do something? Like fucking-they keep telling me I can't do anything and I get the feeling like I could rip their jaw apart but she wouldn't want me to do that."
Baby looks at the small of Roman's body, but the bigness of his rage and panic. It the fidgeting and shifting. For her, it's tears and questions where she can't afford kindness. As a mother, she can't afford cordialness to anyone at the moment.
"Mr. Roy, we got the security footage of them leaving the building. And...are you Mrs. Roy?"
Baby nods. The officer pulls out a phone, makes them watch the footage of a man dressed casually hold their daughter's hand.
Baby breathes so unevenly watching it, she wouldn't give anything to that man in the grained video if she could afford it. Roman keeps his mouth covered by his knuckles.
"Do you recognize this man at all?"
"No. I don't. Roman?" They both wait for Roman. His vein pops out and pumps. Pulses. His brow is raised under it. It's all harsh, it's nerves and it makes Baby even more nervous. She didn't know that was possible. "Roman?"
He presses play on the video again. It's a short feature, ten seconds of bare information but Roman winds it out to forty seconds.
He presses pause.
It's a soft scolding as Baby licks and bites her lips, as Roman slaps the phone to the ground. He walks away, hands grabbing at the back of his head to pull at his hair.
"Roman, not this. We don't have to talk about everything, about how this happened, but we need to listen to them - we need to think about what's happened? Maybe? To figure out any information?"
She waits half as long in his silence.
"Do you think she's asking for us right now?"
Baby closes her eyes. "Don't think of these things, baby. It's not going to help-"
She thought of every question she could on the ride here. Roman turns to her but looks to the ground.
"She's asking for us and wondering why we're not there? Our daughter's out there with people who will be dead come time and she's wondering why Daddy hasn't come to get her? Because I don't mean to think that highly of myself as a father but she wants her Dad to come save her and she doesn't know why he can't."
"She knows we're looking for her, Roman."
"She's five. She knows Mommy and Daddy, she doesn't know that things can come in between Mommy and Daddy. She's wondering where we are, isn't she?"
"Why aren't we there?"
The way he asks the question, it sounds like years ago.
Baby cries silently, into Roman's shoulder when she tries to comfort him. It's this way until a phone rings.
"Mr. Roy. Mrs. Roy. The kidnappers have called, we have them on the phone. They've managed to get the chief's office personal number. With the information they've given, it appears to be a standard ransom case. They have said your daughter is unharmed-"
Roman's dragging Baby, both in the aftermath of their tears to the Chief officer.
"Give me the phone."
"Mr. Roy-"
"Give me the phone."
And like a child, Roman snatches the phone out of their hand. It would be humorous if not for the situation. Baby Jr would've giggled.
How quickly Roman's hands find the need to pinch and peel at the sound of their voice would be funny too. His nose flares.
"I'm going to take the skin off your feet. Where is my daughter?"
"...She's fine. I said she's unharmed. This is not a political act, this is not a personal one against Waystar or the Roy family, although you can say we picked you due to your politics and what Waystar has done, but this is where we ask for ten million dollars in exchange for your daughter's safety."
Roman sniffs.
"Okay. I'll paypal it to you. Let me speak to her, though."
Baby's more than willing to give up anything for their daughter. She never expected anything less than Roman giving up ten million like it's nothing. Everything is nothing in the face of their baby.
"Put her on the fucking phone."
There's shuffling. Roman and Baby wait as they barely blink.
Roman exhales something heavy. It's almost a laugh, but Baby cries fully again. Her forehead presses into the side of his head. Their breathing is unevenly, but somehow aligned with the other's lungs.
"Are you okay? This is Daddy. Daddy's sorry, honey. Did they hurt you?"
"No. We're watching Coco. I was super fear. It was crazy! Cause I didn't know anyone here, but they like Coco like I like coco. And they have Candyland! So it's okay. It is almost done. Where is Mommy?"
"I'm here, baby."
"Hi, Mommy."
It's so sweet and soft. Baby Jr hums.
"Daddy's sorry. We're-" Roman chokes on his own spit. "We'll be with you soon."
"Why are you sorry, Daddy? I go now, so you can say later."
Roman's stomach eats itself at the idea of her going. There's ten to eighty thoughts of how these people could be lying, how this could be the last time he hears her. It could be false, fake. He twitches. They could be doing everything his nightmares are made of. The things that are why he keeps her and Baby to himself.
This could be something that kills him. It drinks his blood and cuts off the air to his head and muscles.
But trusting these fuckers is believing she'll be in his arms soon, to never leave the penthouse or Mommy and Daddy. So, Roman lets her off the phone.
"We will text you the instructions on how we want the money delivered to us."
"Yeah, fuck you. Fucking bitch. You're so fucking ugly too. An ugly little nothing. You go ahead and do that."
Roman shoves the phone into the officers chest.
"Just, do whatever you want with my bank account."
It's a bit of time in trying to get ten million suddenly ready to deliver, but it's done. They wait. Roman can stop twitching and Baby can't stop wringing her hands. They both think of Baby Jr's room. They don't know the other thinks of the same thing.
"They've dropped her off at Waymond park."
They're at Waymond park way too quickly for the ride there to have been legally possible.
"Go fucking faster! Jesus fuck."
Baby wishes she could say that's not what she wanted to say to the driver.
Car doors slam when they see the little girl in the coat they made her wear to school on the swings. Always a bit too warm, that's how Roman likes it.
Baby Jr kicks her little legs. She lifts her head when she hears her named yelled out. She smiles brightly. Those little legs don't run sharply, and they can't catch her when Roman and Baby engulf her.
But they can catch her. They'll always be there to catch her.
Baby Jr giggles at how funny her parents are. They're hugging her like it's a competition to see who can hug the tightest and longest. So, she tries to join in. But she won't win.
Roman kisses her head as tears wet her hair, Baby's tears wet his. He kisses her. They kiss each other.
"I'm going to ask Kendall if we can borrow Colin."
Baby's not against that, not when she's a mother and her daughter's back in her arms.
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Certified cutie patootie (she is very violent 😌)
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fuel-prices · 8 months
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POV you’re a Cairhienin peasant just trying to go about your day but some dude needs help attempting a prison break
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sevikasenby · 2 months
you’re telling me she tries to kill people? yeah ok.
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secretstartrekblog · 2 years
If Michael Burnham has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Michael Burnham has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Michael Burnham has only one fan then that is me. If Michael Burnham has no fans, then I am dead. If the world is against Michael Burnham, then I am against the world
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harbingerofsoup · 2 years
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lisamar1exo · 11 months
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harlivy 🌱❤️
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claudiajessies · 1 year
imagine having the audacity to call Claudia Jessie a bitch in the tags of my gifset. automatic block.
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electric-beaugaloo · 4 months
I see your “Alice and Celia are anagrams” post and raise you a “Alice and s1 Jon are wearing the same hat”
S1 Jon is desperately skeptic bc he’s scared & doesn’t feel in control so he’s bluffing in a way that comes across as unlikable. I think Alice is also haunted by the job but faking her way through it by bullishly insisting others don’t think about it… also in a way that can come across as unlikable.
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Police: Madame, we need you to come pick up your child? Jessica: Which child? Police: The unholy crime against nature. Jessica: Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?
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sluttyhenley · 8 months
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Pom Klementieff as Paris
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