#she would make my anxiety disappear into nothingness
ruporas · 2 years
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cafe collab! 
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ya-zz · 1 year
There were two reasons you'd appear unannounced to her room. The first one was whenever you needed medical attention, usually a small cut or a strange pain you couldn't explain. Maybe it was more to do with the comfort she provided that you went to her instead of anyone else.
The second reason was to just sit silently in her room. That was when the thoughts and emotions that had been bottled up inside finally began spilling out.
This time, the bottles were cracking faster than ever and you feared that you were going to break entirely.
Sauntering into her room, you realise it is darker than usual. Maybe she isn't here...
That didn't matter though, the silence was comforting just being in her room. Knowing she would arrive at some point somewhat settled your nerves.
Falling onto her bed, you revel in the cosy sheets, the soft fabric against your cheek soothing some of the anxiety you had within you. It was no match for her hands, though. Just the way she would rub your back would almost instantly sate the darkness within. The way her words would echo around the room, vibrations of speech rattling words of courage, comfort, laughter into your ears.
Just being in her room was settling some of your concerns but also lulling you into a gentle rest. A state of sleep that was pulling you quicker than you had hoped.
You wanted to see her, no, needed to see her, however the depths of sleep dragged you further in until you eventually succumbed.
Wrapped up in her sheets, soft breathing being the only noise in the room, it was a sight for Ana to wander into an hour later, and she smiled, the creases of her eyes growing as she approached silently.
She sat on the edge of the bed, hand reaching for your shoulder. She tapped it once, twice, but there was no indication of you waking up. Ana chuckled to herself as she pulled the sheets further up, making sure you were safe and warm.
Her smile was warm as she left you on the bed, heading over to her desk to finalise some reports for the day. Every time she heard you shuffle, she'd turn to make sure you were okay. She wasn't going to disturb your sleep as she knew you must've needed it.
When some time had passed and you finally woke from the nap you had accidentally took, Ana was still sat working at her desk, hand scribbling some notes down before she turned to check on you.
Her eyes locked with yours, a soft smile appearing on her face and it felt like all your worries had just evaporated then and there. It was like she had this sort of power, one that makes those troubled thoughts disappear the moment she smiled.
"Did you sleep well?" She asks, tilting her head to the side as she turns her body to face you.
You hum in response, still heavily sleepy.
"You must've needed it." She stands up, making her way back to the bed and sitting next to you. "What's weighing on you?"
You shake your head, words catching in your throat.
Ana chuckles again, hand stroking your back. "Rest, my dear child. I am here."
It didn't take long for you to fall back asleep, the days issues fading into nothingness as dreams filled your mind.
I was doing this between our matches- I do have another in mind but you will have to wait a lil longer @colemorrison ♥
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pherelesytsia · 2 years
Overheard and Untold
Pairing: Spencer Reid x female/Pregnant/Reader
Summary: Spencer overhears when Y/N speaks to Hotch and confesses she is expecting a child with Spencer.
Warning: Pregnancy, fear, anxiety, Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 1.8k      
a/n:. Requests are open. PART 1/2Spencer Reid Masterlist
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Laughter roared, and the day was waning. The clouds were travelling, and the smoke was rising. Life ruled in the gleaming eyes and alcohol, wine as sweet as honey together with whiskey painted the lips. The mood was exuberant and worries were forgotten for a moment, slipping into nothingness.
Y/N had not touched the food on the plates and the vegetables in the colourful bowls. It tasted good, was delicious, but she could no longer smell the odour she once liked much and grimaced nearly in disgust as the wind carried the scent in her direction. She sipped and emptied the glass full of water. The ice cubes remained at the bottom and slowly faded away in the rays of the sun.
The long dress covered her lovely body, making it impossible to spot the barely noticeable bulge she could hide from curious gazes. The sun shone down on her but Y/N avoided the drinks and the food she knew she wasn’t allowed to consume, had been reading books she had secretly bought, still unsure how to break the news to her boyfriend. Y/N was delighted, but every time her lips tried to form to the words of all words, the strength she had gathered in her heart disappeared, couldn't look Spencer in the eyes and tell him what needed to be said. They had never talked about the subject of having children before, to have a family and it had never been necessary to speak of it, it was a subject not spoken of at the dinner table nor on long drives through the streets of the crowded city.
Doubts were clouding her mind. An icy shiver danced down her spine. Y/N had imagined it differently. She wanted to live in a small house and be a married woman, yet she had found the right partner for life long ago, but Y/N did not know how Spencer would react to the news.
Suddenly she felt a pair of eyes resting on her, studying her features closely. Y/N gave JJ a weak smile. She wanted to place her hands on her stomach in a protective gesture, a habit she loved too much, but before Y/N could do so, she curled her fingers into the flowing material of the dress she was wearing. Confusion spread through JJ´s eyes. She didn't have to be a detective to notice that something was wrong with the young woman, who seemed exceptionally calm and deep in thoughts. JJ turned to her friend and took her gaze from the others gathered around the barbecue in the tranquil garden, laughing and chatting with each other and witnessed Spencer in a dark suit standing next to Hotch dressed in a pair of jeans and an old shirt.
            "Is everything alright Y/N/N.", "Of course, what should be wrong with me?" Y/N answered, forcing a smile.
JJ strolled towards Y/N and left the richly set table behind. She knew her friend well and knew something was wrong with her, that something troubled her greatly and even a blind man would see at first glance that Y/N was unwell. The façade shielding her features was well built but her eyes betrayed her, let know she was deeply troubled.
            "I've known you for more than seven years Y/N/N, you can talk to me. Is it about Spencer? I'm worried about you, you've been acting unusual the last few days, the last few weeks to be accurate." said JJ in a worried tone.
            "I'm sorry you were worried about my wellbeing; I didn't mean to worry you JJ. I'm fine." Y/N laughed it off. "And Spencer is Spencer, he's not capable of hurting me. I probably need a few days off. That’s all, you don’t need to worry. It’s just too much, the stress, the last cases and the lack of sleep." added Y/N quickly and JJ nodded.
JJ halted next to Y/N, staring her straight in the eyes, trying to figure out what had happened, hoping she wasn't lying to her, but the answer she gave sounded plausible and reasonable.
            "If something was going on, would you let me know?" she huffed.
Y/N turned, faced her friend and flashed a faint smile. Her gaze was clouded and fear was evident.
            "Of course, I would tell you, but there's nothing I should tell you,” Y/N answered.
“Hotch has gone into the kitchen and you can ask him if you can get a day off, you work as much as Spencer and you deserve a day off more than any of us. You look really sickly and maybe you should ask for a week off instead of one day. Go to Hotch. I'm sure he'll understand." JJ said.
She gave Y/N´S shoulder a gentle squeeze. Y/N was about to protest but then nodded, knowing JJ was right and as Y/N imagined a day off she smiled peacefully, longing for a day when she could sit on the sofa and sleep or watch a movie with Spencer.
            "Okay. You're right, I'll go and see him in a minute or should I rather go tomorrow?", "Do it now." she interjected and Y/N nodded.
No goodbyes escaped as Y/N turned her back on her friend, walking away, not noticing the questioning looks her boyfriend was giving her, paying no longer any attention to the conversation between Morgan and Rossi chatting about the food on the grill.
The cold tile floor made her shiver. Y/N leaned against the frame of the door and clasped her hands in front of her body, shielding the precious treasure which didn’t need protection. The air turned colder. Questioningly, the tall man turned around and immediately knew that Y/N had not come to talk about the nice weather.
            "Is everything all right Y/N/N? Is there anything I can do for you?" Aaron asked, setting the jar he had filled with water down on the kitchen island.
Something incomprehensible came over her, didn't know how to start. Confidence left her body. Y/N let her eyes wander around the kitchen, speechless, seeing the expression in the man's eyes as he looked down at her kindly. To Hotch, Y/N was like a daughter and he felt his heart begin to ache and the worst thoughts try to overtake him as his thoughts travelled to the darkest corner of his mind.
Hotch took two steps and lowered his hands on her shoulders but he did not press her to his chest. Loving words assuring her that all was well again escaped him and when their eyes met the dams broke and the walls crumbled.
            "What happened Y/N? You know you can tell me anything.", "I'm sorry, I don't know. It's." stuttered Y/N, unable to form a clear sentence.
Soothing tones Hotch uttered and gently his hands travelled down her spine, trying to understand what had happened to Y/N who was no longer his co-worker or employee but his daughter. His keen eyes travelled swiftly across her body but he could see no open wounds, no aching healed injuries gracing her skin. Suddenly tears clouded her vision.
            "Y/N calm down, you can tell me everything. You are my child and if you have a problem, you can tell me, I will help you and I am convinced that all of us will help you, especially Spencer. We are your family." Hotch said.
            "I can't," Y/N spoke.
His hands rested on her shoulders and again he repeated the words he had said dozens of times. Urgently he looked into her eyes, trying to find the answer but nothing else but sadness and fear encountered him on his long journey. Slowly the walls she had built around herself began to crumble, no longer able to keep them alive as more warm tears travelled down her face, leaving marks she could no longer cover.
            "You have to promise me you won't tell anyone. I have told no one yet.", "Of course, I'll keep quiet," Hotch replied, gladdened she was speaking.
            "Not even Spence, especially him. I have to tell him myself," Y/N whispered in a broken voice.
            "I'm pregnant. I haven't told him yet." Y/N breathed boldly.
Suddenly she felt like an idiot.
            "I know I should have told him a long time ago but I just can't, I don't know if he even wants kids. What if he doesn't love me. You can't imagine how many of my friends have to raise children without a partner. I don't know how he will react to it. We'd have to find a new flat and I know I wouldn't be concentrating on my work for the next few months, maybe years, but on our child and what if we are expecting twins?" she bubbled away, unable to stop, needing to get the words off her chest she had kept to herself over the days and weeks.
            "I know I'm an idiot.", "How long have you and Reid been together?" Hotch interrupted Y/N.
A gentle smile graced his lips, but Y/N didn’t witness the happiness in his gaze.
"Almost five years," Y/N answered.
            "How long do you live together?", "Over three years," Y/N whispered.
            "Who took care of you when you were shot and on bedrest? Who washed you and took care of you?" Hotch huffed again, even though he knew the answer.
            "Spencer. He washed me, cooked and even carried me around the flat. Doctors’ orders. I made fun of him for that, and I know he would take care of me if I would have to stay in bed. I know him, yet I fear his reaction." Y/N cried quietly.
"My dove, you are overthinking. You have found the answer to your questions, you have answered it by yourself. Spencer loves you; he is always by your side and would never leave you. He will be delighted and will read all pregnancy related books he will get." Hotch replied in a gentle tone.
Carefully, Hotch brushed away the tears before they could fall. Reassuring words escaped and the heavy burden disappeared from her heart and a faint smile graced her lips, already looking forward to the unknown future, praying Spencer would stay by her side as Hotch said.
            "You should tell him today; he is not only the father of the child but also your boyfriend of more than seven years and we all know he loves you and would never leave you. You don't have to worry about it," he assured.
He witnessed the fear still rested in her gaze. Faintly, Y/N smiled. She shrugged her shoulders, unsure why she still hadn't found the strength to tell Spencer, her boyfriend, the man she trusted more than herself.
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arosesstorm · 2 years
fate -Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood 
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words count: >1k    
gender neutral reader! x Magnus Bane x Alec Lightwood
warning: I stan Malec to death but you know, it seemed more angst this way :)
summary: Alec Lightwood was your best friend, Magnus Bane was your lover, but if asked, who would have you chosen?
English is not my first language loves, trying my best, enjoy :)
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It didn’t happen in a night, or maybe it did. 
Being the closest thing Clary had of a sister was a thing, but being dragged in a world of monsters was another. 
You were the fist person Clary searched for when she found out about the hidden world, when her mother disappeared and with everyone’s shock they found out you had the sight too. 
It happened so suddenly; you were trying to call Clary again, in vain, your friend had disappeared into nothingness two days prior and you were starting to get anxious. 
As you heard the tone of the voicemail yet again, a mixture of anxiety and fear as you huffed: "just please let me know you’re fine". 
When someone collided with you, their eyes surprised as you looked at him pissed, the fear you were feeling suddenly becoming anger directed at him. 
His lips moving as he breathed "you can see me". 
Little did you know, you met Alec, someone who had so much in common with you it almost was scary. 
It was crazy really, but Alec could swore that the moment his eyes found yours in that busy street of New York, his heart stopped. 
He never saw someone as beautiful as you and he could only remain mesmerized by the way your eyes were strongly disapproving him. 
Funny, but your bravery was the first thing that stroke an impression to him. 
When you entered the institute, training alongside Clary, Alec could do nothing but keep on falling for you. 
Every time a peculiar thing of you emerged, he learned to adore it. 
But it wasn’t that easy, no, it was a nightmare, and only one was the culprit. 
The night you followed Clary in a mission to get her memories back, you met him.
Magnus Bane was the greatest warlock of Brooklyn and you couldn’t help but wonder if you were born to meet him. 
Magnus’ eyes shined the second you entered the room and his humor did not fail to catch you. 
Alec was burning with jealousy when you hold the warlock’s hand after your first mission together, seeking comfort and his eyes fell when he saw you rush to the man laying injured on the floor. 
You liked the warlock, it was obvious, yet Alexander couldn’t help but think that the two of you would have made just the perfect match. 
And he knew that when the two of you talked on the institute’s terrace till dawn you had to feel something. 
Your skin was warm and he knew he was causing it. 
But it didn’t seem to matter much since every time Magnus was around you had the tendency to walk on the clouds. 
It wasn’t until he saw you two training in the gym of the institute that he knew. 
Not only you broke the rules letting him in, but the two of you were fighting in a way Alec found ridiculous. 
His hands catching you by the waist when you made a sudden move, your legs moving swiftly to get to his back only to prove the point you were faster than him. 
His smile as he made a sarcastic comment about your naivety, grabbing you by the arm and carrying you on his shoulders as you laughed. 
When your feet met the ground again, Alec witnessed, heartbroken, as your eyes met while both of you took a step closer, lips touching, body wrapping. 
The rage that burned through-out his body was enough to give him the strength to confess, just as you were excitedly making your way to him, eyes shining as you were to announce your kiss with the warlock. 
Alec’s eyes looked determined as he approached, his stance stable as he reached you, hands clapping your cheeks as he kissed you briefly. 
You were too shocked to move as Alec parted from you a bit, his eyes gazing into yours "I love you" he said "I loved you since the first time I saw you".
He took a breath, and he was gone, leaving you with nothing but confusion as you turned to your left: Magnus was standing there, his eyes compassionate as he turned around too and left. 
He had told you, and you didn’t want to believe him, but you were forced to chose.
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© 2023 of Mia (arosesstorm). All Rights Reserved.
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
New Romantics | Part Three
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Summary: She needs help studying for her Case Exercises at the Academy, He needs a date for the annual Banquet... they just so happen to be neighbours who aren't afraid to lend a helping hand, or in this case, a helping kiss.
Categories: Fake dating, neighbours, strangers to lovers, mutual pining, Angst with a happy ending, Smut *as selected by my poll on what you wanted to read*
Warnings: Season 9 Spencer (no Maeve arc), Angst, kissing, drinking, police training mentions, case details, canon typical violence, self-doubt, autistic!spencer, age gaps (24/33), FWB relationships, period mentions, anxiety attacks, crying, misunderstandings,
Word Count: 4.7K
a/n: this chapter covers the whole week from Monday to Friday, thank you @awrfhi for making the gif I used here <3
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
Monday morning she’s in his arms still, and then again on Tuesday; he basically lives with her when he’s not on a case. They make dinner together at night and they drive in together every morning, and they have had sex all over her apartment… and he loves her but he was tired when he said it and in a post-orgasm haze and he’s her best friend.
But he loved her— just not the way she loved him. She was sure of it.
Tuesday morning at 10:53 am, she cracks her fake case. They’re apprehending the unsub by Noon and then she has the rest of the week off. So she heads to the main Quantico building, she gets a visitor's pass and she takes the elevator all the way up to the BAU.
She walks through the bullpen doors and Spencer is sitting at his little desk with his head buried in a book. Penelope sees her first, wrapping her up in a hug that gets everyone’s attention as she rocks her back and forth while telling her how much she likes her.
“You are so pretty, and nice and cute, and your hair smells so good?”
“Thank you, it’s Spencer's shampoo,” she laughs as she holds her back, “I just wanted to come and see him really quick?”
He’s standing beside her and she doesn’t even know until Penelope releases her from her grasp. He wraps her up next, “why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”
She kisses him right on the mouth, holding his face in her hands she has missed him too much to wait till they are alone again, “I caught the unsub.”
“No way?”
She nods feverishly, “yeah remember I found that stray hair on the crime scene? Everyone was fighting over why there wasn’t a sexual aspect and I was trying to convince them she was a women unsub when the hair came back matching our victims best friend, who also knew victim number 1.”
He’s so happy, his smile is the biggest any of his teammates have ever seen, he lifts her and twirls her around and no one can believe the sight. Spencer Reid the uptight, overly smart, always following proper procedure, Doctor at the FBI; was spinning his girlfriend around as he kissed her cheek.
“You are a genius,” he compliments her as he sets her back down and places another kiss on her lips.
“I know,” she laughs, “I beat your score by one day.”
“I hate you,” he kisses her again and by now they don’t realize they have an audience. It’s incredibly convincing to everyone except each other.
“No, you love me,” she whispers, kissing him again before they hear someone clear their throat.
“Do you want to help with ours?” Derek asks, jumping into the moment and reminding them that they’re in public. “We’re just doing non-urgent consults today.”
“Am I allowed?” She lights up.
Derek nods, “I don’t see why not, as long as you just tell your ideas to us and don’t file anything then I think it’s legal?”
So she helps and it’s the most exhilarating thing since having sex with Spencer. She’s in her element, looking at small details and making connections that even leave Spencer humming and ha-ing. She has a younger insight than the rest of the team, she’s exactly why they hired Spencer in the first place and now she was shining brighter than him.
But he loved it.
Every time she made a connection or she had a suggestion that helped one of them on their own train of thought, Spencer would smile at her like she hung the stars in the night sky. He was proud of her in a way she hasn’t seen in many people before, filling her heart with warmth and hope that maybe he can love her for real one day.
She was possibly the love of his life and the more he saw her work and the more he knew her mind; the more he fell. She walked around his office and talked to his friends as if she was always meant to be there, and a part of him really wanted her to be.
He snuck away to go talk to Hotch, closing his office door as he sat down, “what’s wrong?”
“Y/N isn’t really my girlfriend,” he whispers. “She’s pretending so I could get everyone to stop bothering me about dating, and I understand it looks like she’s using me to get close to the team but I really do think she would be an excellent asset to the unit even if she was just in the office—“
“Reid,” Hotch cuts him off and a smile builds. “I already sent her an offer to take Anderson's job while he’s out on paternity leave.”
“Oh,” he smiles to himself. “Pretend I never said anything.”
“It stays in these 4 walls, don’t worry,” Hotch smiles back, “but you should tell her.”
“Tell her what?”
“That you’re in love with her.”
“I’m not,” he lies, “really, I do love her but I’m not in love with her, there is a difference.”
“I know,” Hotch reminds him. “Did you know that I only joined the school musical to get close to Haley? I did whatever I could to get her to fall in love with me and didn’t even realize it when she did because I was so worried she didn’t.”
Hotch nods with another smile, “you don’t have to tell her until you’re ready, obviously, but you should tell her before it’s too late.”
“I will,” he whispers. “Thanks, Aaron.”
“Why don’t you guys head out early?” He offers, “we could all use a day off with the people we love.”
When he walks back down from Aaron's office, Y/N is with Emily and JJ discussing how she caught her fake unsub at school that morning. She doesn’t brag, she loves to mention her classmates by name and verbatim explains how they helped her. She is a team player, a genius, beautiful, kind… she really is the love of his life.
“Hey,” he places his hand on her lower back as he slides into the conversation. “Hotch said we can all leave early if we wanted?”
“Sure,” she smiles, “actually, did you want to come with me to buy a dress for your thing?”
“That would be fun,” he agrees, wrapping his other arm around her so he can rest his chin on her shoulder and hold her. “Remember I’m buying it so don’t stress about the price.”
“You’re too nice to me,” she replies.
“I just love you,” his voice is as low as he can make it but everyone still hears.
She holds him back tighter, in a silent ‘I love you, too’ and they hear JJ and Emily swoon.
They’re quick to get their things and head out, she hands Spencer her keys and lets him drive to the mall so she can relax, she’s done a lot today.
She’s so quiet on the drive, she holds his hand like she always does and she just looks out the window, she’s peaceful and content with the nothingness of spending alone time with Spencer. They were always just quiet together, sometimes they laughed till they cried and sometimes he could make her scream but most of the time they were quiet.
“Have you checked your email?”
She smiles as she turns to him and her grip on his hand tightened, “what did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything, I just told hotch the truth so that he could offer you a job, but he already had before I went in there but he’s a good secret keeper, believe me.”
“Oh,” her smile disappears. “So he knows we’re not really dating?”
He nods, “Is that okay?”
“Yeah, I guess we’re going to have to find a convincing way to break up for them and still be able to hang out all the time,” she worries aloud. “Because I don’t want to stop this any time soon, I hope you know that. I really like spending time with you.”
“I feel the same way,” he agrees. “I promise, we can just tell them we work better as friends and they might believe us?”
“I don’t think they will,” she frowns again. “JJ told me not to break your heart today, but I feel like if we break up I’m going to break all of theirs.”
“We could have a fake ugly breakup, and not talk to each other publicly for a bit and then be friends again?” He suggests, “Penelope and Kevin did that.”
She nods, still frowning. She interlocks their fingers this time and she holds his hand instead of just anxiously fiddling with his fingers. She really doesn’t want to let go, and he’s almost convinced she feels the same way.
The banquet is on Saturday, she has one last week of school before her graduation and then they’re done. He thinks about asking her, about what would be the best time to tell her he was in love with her and ask her to be his real girlfriend.
Maybe he’ll do it after the banquet? Maybe he’ll do it after her graduation? He just really wants to do it before she meets his mom. He wants his mom to meet her as the love of his life and his best friend.
He hated many things, but as he kept glancing at her as he drove he realized he hated one thing most of all. He hated that he couldn’t love her as much as she deserved, at least not yet. He wanted to shower her in love, he wanted to protect her and care for her, he wanted to show her off and make love to her and never leave her side.
It hurts, his heart physically aches as he thinks about that. If he had to feel like this to know his love was real, then the pain was worth it. She was always worth it, and he would hurt as long as possible, forever even, if it meant he could be around her just as long.
He held her hand tighter in the silence which made her turn to him, he had no idea he had been crying until she leans over and wipes his cheeks, “I love you, you know that?”
“I love you too,” he smiles but he can’t keep the conversation there, he’s feeling trapped and so he changes the topic. “What colour dress were you thinking?”
The quick-change makes her laugh, “probably black.”
“Are you sure?”
She nods, “I don’t need to stand out beside you any more than I already do.”
“What does that mean?”
She bits her lip, “some of the people in my class are saying that I’m only doing so well because you’re helping me cheat and that I’m just fucking you to get a job… just like I thought they would.”
“At the end of the day, we have a friendship they will never understand, we have great sex because we want to, you’re smarter than me, and the BAU wants you… so who is the real winner?” He’s always going to be her number one cheerleader.
“You’re right,” she smiles again finally, “as always.”
He convinces her to get a red dress.
She hasn’t had a pretty dress like this one since her prom and that was 6 years ago. She hasn’t been to a party or mingled with people in just as long, she didn’t realize how lonely she had been while chasing her dreams until Spencer came along.
He was one of the dreams. She saw him talk once, years ago on a school trip, and she fell in love with him a little, even back then. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to be him or be with him back then, doing everything in her power to get into the criminal psych degree at her local college, she just wanted to be like him.
Now she’s liked by him.
Every night he goes to his home across the hall and he does his own nightly routine before coming back to her apartment for the night. She’s too emotional to sleep with him today, she knows that if she has sex with him she’s going to say something stupid or cry after because being this close to him without being honest with him is killing her.
Something in him has changed too, he’s less scared to initiate contact, he doesn’t jump anymore when she hugs him or when she smacks his bum as she passes him. Now he’s wrapping his arms around her while she cooks dinner, and he kisses her cheek randomly when they’re in public.
He tells her that he loves her.
She’s confused and she has no one to talk to about it.
She lays back against her pillows and closes her eyes, she knows she’s going to cry soon, and she doesn’t know what to do because she doesn’t want to cry in front of him and he would be upset if she told him to not come back tonight.
The stress of the situation just makes her cry more as she stresses herself into another anxiety attack, much like the first night she talked to him. She just lets it happen, the anxiety in her stomach builds and the tears slip past her eyes and suddenly she’s sobbing into her pillow hard enough that she doesn’t hear him come back.
She jumps at the feeling of his hand on her back as he sits on the edge of the bed, “what’s wrong?”
She just sits up and hugs him, and he hugs her back and they stay there like that for a while. When she calms down, she pulls back from him and wipes her eyes, “my period is coming.” She’s not really lying, and he believes her.
“Does it normally make you this emotional?”
He’s never really experienced her mood swings, he has no idea what he’s in for, she nods. “Yeah, and I have really bad anxiety which just gets worse around this time.”
“And you’re not on anything?”
She shakes her head, “I’m waiting to get onto the good healthcare when I get a job with the bureau, I can’t afford to work and go to school, I’m glad I had enough scholarship money left to rent this place long enough to go to the academy.”
She just nods, “I’ve never had much money like my parents have been saving for 2 years to buy plane tickets to Virginia so that they can see me graduate. They started saving before I even got in. I went to community college on a scholarship and I get a lot of money from applying for bursaries.”
“Are you going to take the CARD job or the BAU offer?”
She shrugs, “I’m not sure yet, but probably CARD.”
“I can’t work with you,” she whispers. “It makes me feel like I don’t deserve to be there like I’m using you and that all my work isn’t that great. I’m just Doctor Spencer Reids girlfriend.”
“I’m sorry you feel that way, imposter syndrome is a leading factor in depression among child prodigies, once you reach a certain age and you stop receiving awards for your work, it’s hard to believe that you’re still doing a good job.”
She knows he gets it, he has probably said the same fact to himself to calm down before. “Thank you.”
“Do you want me to stay?”
She nods, pulling back the covers and moving over so he can snuggle in beside her. She holds him, resting her head on his chest and taking a deep inhale of his cologne, this was the love of her life and if this was as close as she was ever going to be to him, she was going to take it.
He kisses the top of her head and holds her in his arms at just the right pressure to calm her down. She feels so comfortable with him but she still feels like shit, she doesn’t stop crying, and he just holds her through it.
“Do you want to tell me what’s really wrong?” He whispers after a while, he sounds worried.
“No,” she whispers. “I can’t.”
“Is it about me?”
“Yeah,” she cries again, “and I don’t have any other friends to talk to about us and now you’ve told hotch and I have no one to talk to about how this is kinda stressing me out.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” his voice is still scared and she knows he’s going to panic regardless and just send them around in a circle of constant anxiety. But his tone is more apologetic than one fuck up.
“Who else did you tell?” She sits up, “I thought this was just between us?”
“I needed advice, the same reason you are reacting right now, you’re stressing me out,” Spencer finally talks back with passion and she knows they’re about to fight for no reason.
“I never said you were stressing me out. I said our situation was, but I think I need to sleep alone now, Spencer” she’s confident and stern even though she’s crying.
“We can’t go to bed mad at each other. You even said the mornings are the worst, we can’t hate each other for no reason tomorrow,” he starts to cry, not knowing where he went wrong and she can see it on his face.
“I just don’t have what you have, and I’ve always been trying to copy you…”
She sighs and wipes her tears, “I have had a big fat, fan-girly, crush on you since I was 18, I came here with my class to watch you do a talk on philias and phobias and then I knew I wanted to get into the academy and I wanted to beat your record and join the BAU, and I just thought; one day I’m going to be friends with this guy and catch bad guys with him and now I am and I’m so alone.”
“You have me?”
“I know,” she tries to smile, “but I only have you and I can tell you almost everything. Like my biggest stressor right now is that if just looking at fake crime scenes for 3 weeks has made me this anxious; what if I’m not cut out for this? What if I get to a real crime scene and I pass out or—“
“That’s only human,” he presses his lips together, awkwardly, and very Spencerly. “If you didn’t feel like this job makes you hate the world and untrusting of everyone around you; then I would think you’re crazy.”
“How do you do it?”
“I open up and let people in, but I typically wait till I’m at my lowest; crying in my friend's arms because I don’t know what to do anymore,” he smiles again, wider and toothy as she smiles back.
“Thank you,” she can’t help but tilt her head and smile as her heart settles and her brain calms down a bit, “I love you.”
“Can I kiss you or is that too much right now?”
She gets in closer to him, laying back down on the pillow and looking at him. They’re closer enough to kiss, and she just takes a moment to look at him, resting her hand on his cheek as he wraps around her waist and pulls her in closer.
“We’re okay?” He asks with his lips right against her, his breath is hot and he smells like toothpaste.
“We’re okay, but no more talking tonight, okay?” She whispers.
He nods, leaning in and kissing her finally. She knows she shouldn’t be kissing him, she knows that she should be mad at herself, but she also knew that even just pretending that he loved her back was good enough.
He gets called away to a case on Wednesday morning, he’s too busy to really call her and he doesn’t text back. He feels bad about it but he knows she wanted space to think anyway, what he didn’t expect was for her to reach out to Penelope.
She’s in the office with her on Friday, tired of Spencer ignoring her so she went to the one place he couldn’t avoid her; Penelope’s office.
“How can I help you today, my fine furry friends?” Y/N answers the phone with a smirk, copying Penelope’s line perfectly, they can hear them high five through the line.
“Y/N?” Spencer is the first to catch it, “what are you doing there?”
“I came to meet Anderson and see if I’d like to take his job or not,” she teases, pretending she wasn’t there just to bother him.
Hotch cuts in, asking the question he needed to ask before hanging up, “not sure what’s going on at home but we’re too close to cracking this case for schoolyard games.”
“Yes sir,” he nods and looks away, retreating to the other side of the room to stare at the map and pretend to find connections.
“Crack this and you can go home to her,” Derek whispers with a smile, thinking he’s helping the situation.
“That’s not where I want to be right now.”
“Woah,” Derek catches it, “what happened?”
“Nothing,” he’s quick to get him to stop it but he really wants advice, “she’s stressed out and she took it out on me and I wasn’t very nice back.”
“You said sorry and you pretended you were over it, didn’t you?”
He turns away from Derek with a nod, he wants to come out with it and get it over with and he’s so mad and embarrassed he just starts to cry a little, “I don’t want to lose her.”
“How could you?”
“You have no idea,” he rolls his eyes lightly and scoffs, confusing Derek.
“And I won't unless you want to talk to someone about what’s really bothering you, but you’ve been happier since you met her and I like seeing you happy, and Savannah likes double dates,” he scolds him with a smile, patting his shoulder lightly. “now let's crack this and maybe on the plane you will tell me what’s up?”
“Sure,” he says, but he doesn’t want to.
However, Derek Morgan is good at a lot of things, and one of those things is getting Spencer to calm down enough to tell him anything. Everyone is asleep on the plane, it’s just the two of them at the back together when Spencer finally feels confident enough to say it.
“I lied to you, a long time ago… and it’s just the first one.”
Derek doesn’t look angry, “okay, explain your thought process. I need to know how this pretty brain of yours works.”
He smiles a bit, “I slept with Elle the night before she shot that rapist in Ohio.”
“You did not?” Derek's voice gets a little too loud and they stop to make sure no one woke up.
“I did, but you still always made jokes about finally getting me some lovin’ and it bothered me for a while and I never told you, instead I offered to help my neighbour with her homework if she pretended to date me,” his voice lowers as the words continue and he only stares at the table between them.
“Spencer, I’m sorry,” Derek apologizes first. “I didn’t know I was upsetting you, is there anything else I do that upsets you?”
He shakes his head in a silent no, still not looking at him, he can't.
“What happened between you and Y/N?” He jumps to the main issue, fine with what happened because he feels bad for causing the issue in the first place.
“We started sleeping together.”
Derek sighs, “you have such a big brain, you can remember everything she’s ever said to you and yet you can’t see that she’s in love with you.”
“She’s good at pretending,” he pushes it away.
“No she’s not, because she’s pretending she doesn’t love you right now; the same way you are and you’re both fucking it up for each other,” Derek gives it to him straight. “You have always been loveable, but you have a very hard time accepting it, Spencer.”
“Yeah,” he starts to cry a little more.
“Go home and talk to her and tell her the truth,” it’s the best advice he can give and Spencer knows it. “What’s the worst that can go wrong?”
“She does love me back but in a few years, she realizes I’m too much and she leaves me,” his voice is the saddest Derek has ever heard it.
He gets up from his seat and hugs Spencer, sliding into the seat beside him and wrapping his arms around him, “you have never been too much. You just surround yourself with people who aren’t good enough to love you for who you are.”
“She’s better than me.”
“Which is exactly what I mean, she’s not going to leave you, believe me, once you love Spencer Reid for who he really is, it’s hard to stop,” he speaks from experience, thinking of what could have been between them if either of them had tried harder in the past.
“She’s the love of my life,” he confirms, “I’m never going to love anyone else the way I love her.”
They get the word that they’re going to be landing soon, Spencer wipes his tears and buckles in for the descent, avoiding everyone’s stares and questions on the ride back to headquarters. He’s nervous to see her, he knows his face is puffy and she’ll be there waiting for him with Penelope, but he has to do it.
“Would you wait here, I need to tell her now and she might not give me a ride home if it doesn’t go well,” he asks Derek before heading to Penelope, “she was already mad at me for telling Hotch the truth.”
“Okay, sure,” Derek smiles, reaching out a hand for Spencer, “come to me when you need me next time, okay?”
“Okay,” he agrees with a small smile, heading out to find his fake girlfriend.
She’s not with Penelope, no she’s in the filing room with Anderson and the other temps all talking and laughing, and it sounds far too interesting to interrupt. He waits outside the door and smiles at her laughter until he hears it.
“So be honest,” Agent Camden asks, “are you sleeping with Reid for this job?”
“If I was sleeping my way to the top, don’t you think I would have picked Morgan? Or Prentiss even?” She laughs and it’s like someone stabs a knife through his heart.
He turns around and heads back to Derek, “take me home.”
“Okay,” he doesn’t pry, he just grabs his coat and keys and follows Spencer to the garage.
He’s really ignoring her.
She finds out from Emily that Spencer left with Derek, and that he looked rather pissed off when he asked for a ride. It breaks her heart a little and she doesn’t know what to do next, she just drives home and finds herself knocking on his door.
“Let me in, please, Spencer!” She begs from behind his door.
He opens it and looks at her with a puffy red face, tear-stained cheeks and swollen lips, he’s been crying for a while. “What?”
“What did I do?”
“You slept with me,” he whispers, “and I told you I wouldn’t react well.”
“Is it my fault you’re crying?” She asks softly and he nods, “do you want to tell me?”
He closes his eyes and shakes his head, “are we still going to the banquet together tomorrow?”
“I really fucked up,” is all he can muster, crying again as he closes the door and goes to cry in his room.
She just opens the door again and follows him inside. Kicking off her shoes she crawls into bed beside him and wraps herself around him, “you don’t have to tell me but I am here for you, always.”
“I love you,” he says it like it’s the problem before he rests his head in the crook of her neck and holds her back for the first time in days.
“I love you, too, Spencer,” she cries along with him. They cry until he’s asleep and she’s just there holding him in her jeans and she’s really uncomfortable but she loves him too much to let go.
“More than you will ever know.”
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simplylupin · 3 years
Pope saves JJ
What if Pope was the one who saved JJ from drowning in e10??
For the first time in his life, Pope didn't hesitate once - didn't think twice - as he swung over the railing of the ship and jumped into the water below. Somewhere, in the very back of his mind, he knew that launching himself at highspeed into the ocean wasn't the smartest of moves, but as he let go off the metal bar and let himself fall, he found he didn't care much. He was only focussed on JJ and the way he'd looked when Pope had peered over the edge: face down, his body limp and lifeless. All he cared about was making sure JJ stayed alive.
He impacted with the water hard, momentarily shocked by the cold, his muscles seizing up at the sudden change in temperature. A waved slapped against his face and shook him out of his daze, and he gritted his teeth, searching desperately for a sign of JJ. Panic flooded through him when he couldn't spot the boy anywhere, but then another wave broke and there, a flash of blonde hair against the dark water. Pushing past the ache in his limbs, Pope swam over frantically, gasping for breath by the time he'd reached JJ. He grabbed his arm, careful not to weigh him down but enough to keep him up, and slung it over his own shoulder, holding JJ up. He didn't give the slightest of movements at Pope's touch, nothing but shallow breaths and the scarily small rise and fall of his chest. Pope felt his panic rise again as he shook JJ as best as he could, trying to get a get a reaction, any reaction, out of him.
"JJ," he managed to gasp out, "J, stay with me."
Pressure in his chest began building up, and it didn't take him long to realise that it wasn't a result of lack of oxygen, but rather his anxiety slowly stirring inside of him. Not now, he pleaded silently, JJ. I need to help JJ. He gripped his hands tighter around the fabric of JJ's tank top, his fingers digging into his arms.
"Please," he said, not sure if he was talking to himself or JJ.
He closed his eyes and tried to take a deep breath to calm himself but received a mouthful of seawater instead. Now he was panicking, and he couldn't breathe properly, his breaths coming in short gasps and splutters. JJ's going to die and it's going to be your fault, a voice taunted from deep in his head. He's going to die because you were too useless and weak to do anything about it. Somehow, that small voice gave him enough motivation to kick his throbbing legs, lifting both of them above the surface a good few inches.
"JJ please, please. Stay with me, J," he begged, smoothing wet hair out of JJ's eyes.
Pope wasn't sure he could live a life without JJ. When he tried to imagine it, all he saw was an empty, dark place of nothingness. Like an endless void of heartbreak. He'd known the boy since they were eleven, skipping stones together in the school pond. Well, Pope had been skipping stones. JJ had been throwing them and seeing which made the biggest splash. Thinking back to it, he reckons he might have fallen in love with JJ a bit that day. Even if he hadn't realised what it meant until years after. Even if he was still grasping at the concept now; still confused on when along the way JJ's smiles and touches began to mean more than anyone else’s. Every moment just merged into JJ and so it only made sense to Pope that it had been love at first sight for him. And so, a life without JJ meant a life without loving. And Pope had been loving JJ his whole life. He wasn't ready to let that go.
He kicked hard again, pushing them back up, but he could feel himself begin to tire, his grasp beginning to slip. Faintly, in the distance, he thought he could the start of an engine, and for a moment he let himself believe.
"John B's coming, okay?" he said, reassuring himself as much as the boy in his arms. "Please, J, just hold on. Just a little longer."
Pope could feel himself slipping away. The cold was beginning to get to him, and he knew he wouldn't be able to keep them both up much longer. He was tired and freezing and all he wanted was for JJ to be alright.
"You fucking idiot," he murmured, half whisper, half sob. He managed to lift his hand and cradle JJ's face. "Making me fall in love with you was the stupidest thing you've ever done."
They were both slowly sinking as Pope's kicks got weaker and sloppy, their faces barely above the surface. He tried to keep JJ up and in front of him, determined to keep him out of the water as much as possible, but it was a feeble attempt.
"I'm sorry." His voice was sluggish, and his vision was going hazy. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
As his fingers started to uncurl from around JJ's forearm, Pope knew that if JJ was going down, so would he. They'd done everything together, for as long as he could remember. Why not this too? And then, just as Pope was about to give up entirely, there were arms grabbing onto him, hauling him up out of the water. His hold on JJ broke and he struggled before realising that hands were on JJ as well, saving him. He collapsed onto the lifeboat and Kiara immediately crouched down next to him, helping him up into a sitting position.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" she pressed, concern etched in her face.
Pope almost felt bad as he pushed her out of the way, scrambling to where John B had hauled JJ on-board. John B moved back as Pope knelt, hands on JJ's shoulders, shaking him. He was dimly aware that he was crying.
"Wake up! Please. Please, JJ. Just wake up."
There was an excruciating long silence where no one moved, no one said anything, and then JJ made a spluttering noise, cracking open his eyes as he started coughing up seawater. Pope was pretty sure the tears were coming down heavier now. He didn't move away as JJ scanned his surroundings through lidded eyes, finally settling on Pope's hand on his shoulder. When he finally looked up at Pope, it felt like a weight was being lifted off his chest, the heavy pressure disappearing from where it had built up in his lungs.
"Hi," he said, voice coming out in a whisper.
JJ continued to stare at him, unmoving and silent, until, "'Sup."
Pope let out a watery, somewhat hysterical laugh, and he heard the others behind him do the same as he pushed JJ lightly. And then his body was betraying him, and he was reaching out, drawing JJ in and cradling him in his arms. He rested his chin on top of his head and held him tight, not sure he would ever let go again.
"Pope," JJ said after a moment, "You're going to break my ribs in a minute, man."
Loosening his hold, Pope felt a sudden rush of anger flood through him, and he shoved JJ again, harder this time. The blonde made a noise of surprise and he looked up with a confused expression.
"You almost drowned, you asshole!" Pope said, voice cracking - unable to keep out the emotion.
"I'm okay, Pope."
Pope let out a hysterical laugh. "No, you're not! You probably still have water in your lungs which means you could be dying from secondary drowning right now and we don't know it, you're lips are turning blue from the cold, you're shaking and coughing," he shrugged away from JJ's hand that had been reaching to him, continuing, "You've been hit in the head which could mean serious brain trauma, and you most definitely have a concussion. You're bleeding and cold and trembling and--"
JJ's sudden exclamation startled him, and Pope quickly stopped his rambling. JJ lifted his hand again and this time Pope let it settle on his cheek, cupping his face gently.
"I'm okay," JJ reiterated, smiling reassuringly. "I promise."
And Pope believed him.
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aromanticchair · 3 years
Glimbow x Consent
Glimmer took so long to understand that her feelings for Bow were mutual mainly because he never acted on them. He never tried to kiss her, never cuddled her when they slept next to each other, never asked to hold hands, anything!
Which would have been fine if she didn't know that Bow's main love language was physical affection. He loved giving hugs and comforting others, no matter who it was, horde soldier or rebellion member. He was kind and seemed to have no boundaries for his own personal space, most of the time.
Glimmer, on the other hand, tried to act on her feelings, but she doesn't know how to show love in the normal way. For her, love is about freedom, quality time, that sort of thing. And she does that a lot with Bow already so it's not like she didn't try to tell him about her feelings. She was just afraid of being rejected and winding up alone, all over again.
And after the battle, when they were finally letting out all they had been thinking about each other, Bow asked "Can I kiss you?"
Glimmer was too flustered at the moment to think straight. Her thoughts were all on Bow, Bow's face, Bow's lips, Bow's hair, Bow's eyes, Bow's blushed cheek, Bow's lips. Oh, Bow's lips got her attention the most, and so, she whispered "Yes" back to him and they kissed.
Only after a few days did Glimmer start being weirded out by Bow. They kissed a lot. A lot. A lot a lot, like, making up for all the years they knew each other and didn't kiss.
And yet, before every kiss, every single kiss, Bow asked if he could kiss Glimmer. He didn't miss one chance to ask her permission, and while at first it seemed sweet it just got old. Boring. Glimmer wanted to be taken by surprise with a big kiss from behind, or in the middle of a conversation, perhaps in between meetings so she could feel some adrenaline.
But Bow wasn't like that. He always had to ask, taking away that element. So she tried to make it happen for herself.
Bow was making his bed when he saw her walk in and his face lit up "Hey, Glimmer! I didn't know you were up already."
Glimmer's hands suddenly got sweaty, and so did her forehead. Her knees were wobbly and she felt her heart thumping harder while she walked up to him. There was no reason to be nervous, he was her boyfriend after all. He loved her, she knew that.
It just felt weird taking the first step. Admitting you want affection, committing to that action with the likely reality that you could be turned down, or seen as needy. It was scary to show what you cared about enough to work for it and make it happen.
She got on her toes, nonetheless, and went to kiss Bow, closing her eyes shut, trying to get rid of the nerves going through her mind once and for all. If she did it quickly enough, she'd feel more comfortable, and then she could kiss him again and again and again.
But his lips never crashed into hers. Instead, his hands went up to her arms, a little above the elbow and slightly pushed her back onto her heels. Glimmer didn't understand what was happening, but it felt like her heart was fracturing in pieces, yet still tumping on her ribcage. She opened her eyes and saw Bow's face, equal parts flustered, worried, and confused. He was leaning back, leaning away from Glimmer. Her head spun with shame, and a little flame lit up inside of her.
"Glimmer, what was that? Are you ok?"
"Yes! Of course it is! I just wanted to kiss my boyfriend" Glimmer said, a little harshly while getting up on her tiptoes again.
Bow pushed her back once again "You seem upset. You walked in here with a serious face, barely smiled." he cocked his head to the side, raising one of his eyebrows.
Glimmer rolled her eyes "It's nothing, I just wanted to kiss you" her voice was steady, her eyes were determined, but her cheeks were heavily blushed and burning hot. Her face was probably the same shade of pink of her hair right there and then.
Bow laughed "Well, if that's all you wanted you could've just asked."
You could've just asked.
Glimmer's inner fire went out of control "But what if I don't want to ask?!"
Bow's hands shot away from her arms and his light aura changed to a worried one. It seemed like his natural state, always worrying about others.
"What do you mean?"
"I just wanted to surprise you with a kiss! I don't need to ask everytime if I can kiss you just like you don't have to ask me! We're boyfriend and girlfriend, that's part of being in a relationship!"
"But what's wrong with having consent?"
Glimmer groaned "Sometimes, it's sweet. Other times I just want to be surprised, ok? And asking if I want it ruins that."
Bow furrowed his eyebrows "I'm not going to stop asking for consent, Glimmer. Just because we're dating doesn't mean we're entitled to each other. Just because I'm your boyfriend doesn't mean I get to kiss you whenever I want. It's when we both want it."
"Yes I- I'm sorry I didn't mean to say I was entitled to your kisses or anything but- I always want to kiss you, so just stop asking."
Bow glared at her "I'm not sure."
Glimmer was a step away from him and still felt far from him, she didn't understand how he was thinking, which was crazy because she knew him for so long she practically lived inside his mind. She knew how he worked, thought, and acted. But this was destroying her thought process, so she just stayed quiet, awkwardly rubbing her elbow.
"I have that meeting in a few minutes, I guess... I guess I'm gonna go."
Bow looked at her with sympathy "Have a good meeting" and went right back to making his bed.
Glimmer's meeting was not exactly a meeting. It was more of a therapy session thing. Adora and Bow insisted she started attending those after all that had happened, since Angela died and her dad came back. She tried to act happy and upbeat like before but sometimes she couldn't. It weighed her down, and filled her with nothingness. Yes, she had her friends to support her, but it would never replace her mother.
Some sessions were harder than others. And this one was harsh. She left the room trying to hold it all in, thanking the therapist for their time and going back to her room so she could cry, hug her pillow and go to sleep.
She opened her door and Bow was sitting on the edge of her bed. He looked up, saying immediately "I've been thinking about what you said and... Oh." he looked at her face, with her red shot eyes and trembling lips "That bad?"
"Bow, not right now, I just want to be in bed." her voice cracked and Bow's throat went dry as he stood up. He couldn't stand to see other people cry, much less Glimmer.
"Can I give you a hug?"
"No, Bow, I just want to lie down!"
He looked more pained than hurt by her words "Is there anything you want me to do?"
"No!" she screamed out. He stared at her and then started walking towards the door and her mind started racing.
She didn't want Bow to hold her, she couldn't stand it when people touched her when she was in that state. She needed to feel like she was in control of her surroundings and herself. Being touched felt incredibly offsetting and confusing, and she didn't need that then. But she did need Bow.
"Wait. Don't leave." she didn't think he'd just leave the room. Just because she said she didn't want to hug him.
"Do you want me to stay here by your side?"
"But I can't hug you."
"Kiss you?"
"Hold your hand?"
Glimmer hesitated. She remembered how her father would hold her hand when she was little and was going through anxiety attacks. How her mother did it after Micah disappeared. Even though touch felt wrong to her in that situation, somehow, someone holding her hand always felt like an anchor to reality. So, she said "Yes."
They said nothing more as Glimmer got in her bed and was covered by the comforter by her loving partner. She held her hand out across the mattress where Bow layed down on, facing the ceiling so Glimmer didn't feel pressured by his eyes on her. He held her hand on his chest, and she felt it in her hand his steady heartbeat and rising and falling chest.
She started to weep, gripping Bow's shirt tightly. She tried to calm down but her thoughts were running through her head so fast she couldn't stop them. So her tears just kept coming out.
Bow looked at her, worried, and reached a hand for her shoulder, slowly pulling her against him. He was trying to hold her, but that was too much touching, too much for the already overloaded system that was Glimmer's body and mind. She shook against it and whispered "No."
Bow let go of her and sighed, still holding onto her hand. So that's what they did for the next half hour. Glimmer cried and Bow cradled her hand in his chest.
After a while, she started to calm down. Her eyes and nose were red, but she could finally breathe easily without thoughts intruding into her mind with no control. She started to get up, slipping her sweaty hand away from Bow as she settled against the head of the bed, crossing her legs and hanging her head down. Bow sat crossed-leg too, in front of her.
"I'm sorr-"
They tried to speak at the same time and chuckled. Glimmer nodded her head for him to go first and he exhaled loudly.
"I'm sorry, for trying to hug you in bed after you said no. Sometimes I don't know what you need, and I don't want to do something wrong, so that's why I usually ask. But you were so keen on me surprising you and not asking so I thought I'd give it a try because I thought that's what you needed." shame started to seep into his voice, making it crack" I though you'd want a hug in that moment, but you didn't and I'm sorry" his lip trembled and he started rubbing his eyes, who seemed to barely be holding in some tears.
"No, Bow. You were right, you should ask, so I'm sorry. I should be more like you, respect your boundaries and tell you about mine."
"But you were right too" Bow said "sometimes you just want to be surprised, not asked. But how can I do that if I don't ask to know what you need from me?"
"I don't know," Glimmer sighed "but we can figure that out together. Maybe we could have a code for when we're in the mood." Bow chuckled "Or one of those stuffed animals that are reversible and represent your mood."
"You literally have magic powers and you're talking about a reversible stuffie" Bow laughed while sniffing and running his wrist under his nose.
"Well, at least I'm having ideas! I don't hear you making any suggestions" Bow laughed out loud, making Glimmer follow his example. It felt freeing, after all the crying she had done.
Bow looked at her intently and then at their hands. She nodded and they held each other's hand, scooting closer, staring into each other's eyes.
"May I kiss you, Bow?"
He smiled from ear to ear "You may"
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reidgraygubler · 4 years
a different type of high (spencer reid/reader) pt 4
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Title: A Different Type of High (part four)
Request: no
Couple: spencer reid/gender-neutral!reader
Category: angst in the first half, some fluff in the second half
Content Warning: mentions of death, talks about parent death, relapse scare, suicidal ideation, talks about drug usage and drugs, anxiety/panic attacks, explanations of nightmares/night terrors, swearing, intrusive thoughts,
Word Count: 4,514
Summary: Reader nearly relapses because of the anniversary of her mother’s passing. 
A/N: this one does deal with some heavier topics (see CW's), so please proceed with caution. I originally had t his as on big long part, but, uh, it was too long. So it’s two parts… anyways, thank you all for the love and support! check out my masterlist!
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I sat in the living room with my eyes on the coffee table. Several orange pill bottles sat lined up on the edge. The way the light caught the plastic caught my attention, mostly in a bad way. I was already on edge, and my day was already ruined. Any number of things could have made my day bad, but we can easily put the blame on my mother. And, I’m not just saying that because she’s an easy target. No, I’m blaming her because she died a year ago on this very day.
I was hungry, and not for the food in my fridge. No, I was hungry for the high and the nothingness. The high that was dangerous and could likely kill me. Maybe that’s what I wanted. I mean, the only person I have in life to keep me grounded was Spencer… And we’ve only known each other for a short time. What if he’s faking it all? He doesn’t really care about me. He just says he does. Saying stuff I want to hear.
My body was on autopilot as my hand moved towards the bottles. The grip I had on the lid was tight like my life depended on it. Mostly because, in that moment, my life did depend on it. That was until a slip of paper caught my eyes. An unfamiliar handwriting was scribbled across the paper, but a more familiar name was at the bottom. 
Just because I’m at work doesn’t mean I’m not thinking about you! Please call me if you need help with anything! 
I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at the note. I have no idea when he would have written it and put it there. But it was the exact sort of pick-me-up I needed to stop me from making a stupid mistake. 
I stood up and shoved the paper and bottle of pills in my pocket before making my way to the door. My keys and a small stack of quarters sat on the side table beside the door, they ended up in my pocket. 
My feet moved themselves, and I soon appeared at the laundromat down the street. There were a few people there, and I could tell they 
hadn’t been there for very long. I just hope my phone call to Spencer wasn’t too long and they didn’t listen. Although, why would they listen to a random girl’s phone call? They don’t care, they won’t care. 
I quickly made my way towards the payphones, going to the furthest one to ensure my own privacy (again, they won’t care). I fished out the quarters as I sat down. It was kind of amazing how quickly I dialed Spencer’s number, and more impressive how fast I remembered it. It was the next number I remembered after my address.
The phone only dialed for a few seconds before he answered. I would have assumed he was busy with work or something. But, I guess, like his note said, even if he was busy, he was thinking about me. I’m pretty sure he was just saying that though.
“Hello, this is Doctor Spencer Reid,” he spoke calmly like he didn’t know what was happening. Well, that was probably because he had no idea I was on the verge of a breakdown. “Hello?”
“It’s… It’s me… Spencer, Spencer, I…” I swallowed roughly as I stared blankly at the wall in front of me. I could feel my heart beating a million miles an hour and hear the beating in my head. It was nearly deafening to me. Being alone didn’t help the anxious feeling. “Are you home?” My voice was a light whisper, and I wondered if he even heard me ask. I don’t even know why I asked if he was at home. I knew he was at work. It’s only 3 pm. Maybe I was just hoping he’d be home, and he could come over and save the day, make me feel better somehow. How though? I’m not sure. Spencer’s a fix-it type of guy, I’m sure he’ll figure something out.
“I’m still at work. But I should be home soon. Why? Is everything okay? Are you okay?” He asked, his voice heavily laced with concern. It was that moment that I realized he did care about me. 
I closed my eyes and brought my hand to rest over my mouth to muffle any sobs. “Are you okay? I need you to talk to me. Tell me what’s going on.” He asked again when I stayed silent. I let out a deep sigh and shook my head, even though he couldn’t see me.
“I, uh, I… I want…” I let out another deep sigh, hoping he’d know what I was getting at. “Please don’t make me say it,” I whispered and looked at the counter. My fingers rapidly tapped against the smooth surface. We both knew I had to say it and admit my defeat and the fact that I was sitting in the laundromat, with a bottle of whatever drug I had hidden in my bathroom. “Fuck,” I shouted before slamming the phone down on the hook. The other few people in the laundromat looked at me with caution in their eyes. 
“What?!” I looked at them before I tightly tugged my sweater around my body before storming out of the laundromat. The pill bottle in my pocket rattled with each step I took, and it was getting very difficult to move without wanting to take anything. Tears sprung from my eyes, blurring my vision the longer I was outside.
When I finally made it back to my apartment, I stormed to the bathroom. My reflection scared me. I almost didn’t recognize myself. It was a little horrifying, seeing myself as so unrecognizable. So, I stared at myself, my hand in my pocket, rattling the contents inside.
I scoffed before shaking my head. My hand came out with the bottle, and my eyes looked down at it. My thumb fidgeted with the lid, wanting to pop it off and pour the contents into my mouth. But, instead, I chucked it to the sink, the lid popping off and pills flying everywhere, before I ran to my bedroom.
I pulled the blankets over my body to hide from the world. Tears were rolling down my cheeks and face and I knew there was nothing I could do to stop it. That’s a shame too… Nearly two months clean and all I wanted to do was not exist and ruin everything.
I jumped awake when a very loud banging came on the front door. I looked around my room before swinging my legs off my bed and leaving the room. I dragged my body across my apartment and to the front door, where the banging hadn’t stopped.
I pulled the door open and looked up. Spencer was standing there, looking at me with a frantic expression on his face. I stared at him with wide eyes, my earlier fears and anxieties quickly returning. I had nearly forgotten about calling him too. Damn it.
“You didn’t do anything, did you? You didn’t take anything?” He asked, looking down at me. I took a deep breath and shook my head. I stepped to the side and silently invited him inside. He stepped inside and looked back at me, before looking around my home. He was probably looking for any signs of current drug use. The only real sign was in the bathroom… Where the bathroom had a grenade of pills explode all over the place. We’ll just keep him out of there… For now...
“No, no, I didn’t. I swear I didn’t. I, uh... I took a nap and cried it out,”  I rubbed the underside of my nose. I pressed the door shut before turning around to look at him. He was looking at me, he still wore a panicky expression in his eyes and it made me feel sick. He doesn’t believe that I didn’t do anything. I wouldn’t believe me either.
“What happened?” Spencer finally asked as I walked up to him. He opened his arms up and allowed me to hug him. I honestly didn’t want to answer him. Everything about today was already awful, and I just wanted it to be over. “Can you tell me what happened?” He asked after a moment of silence. I let out a deep sigh after he pulled his arms away from me. He noted my deep breath and wrapped his arms back around me. 
I turned my head away from his chest so I could have a coherent sentence. Er, well, as coherent as it could get. “My… It’s the anniversary of… Of my mom's death,” I swallowed roughly. Spencer looked down at me before squeezing me harder. I pressed my face into his chest and shook my head. “And, I just…. Wanted to disappear. I don’t know…” I spoke, my words being muffled into his shirt. One of Spencer’s hands cradled the back of my head while the other held me closer to him. “I didn’t want to be alive at the moment,” I whispered. 
“Don’t say that,” he returned the whisper. His voice vibrated in his chest, and it felt good against my head. The way he squeezed me made me feel safer in the moment. “Please don’t ever say that again,” his voice cracked at the end. I bit my lips together as I started to cry. “Don’t even think like that,” his voice got even lower, probably because he was also crying and he was just trying to mask that fact.
“You don’t get to think that way either,” I looked up at him and furrowed my eyebrows. He looked at me as he remembered when he was gone for a week and how he stood in front of several people with loaded weapons. 
“This isn’t about me… It’s about you,” he whispered, bringing a hand to my face. His thumb brushed away the tears that were rolling down my cheeks, but that was basically useless because I couldn’t stop crying. But it felt good to cry, to be honest. “You’re still young and have so much to live for. Someone has to save you,” he looked down at me, his hand still holding my face. I feared that he was only doing it to make sure I was still here and alive. Which was a weird fear for me to have, and I suppose for him to have. 
“So are you, Spencer,” I whispered as I leaned into his touch more. He swallowed roughly as he kept his eyes on me. His eyes grew glossy the longer he stared at me. “You save everyone… But who saves you from yourself?” I furrowed my eyebrows. Spencer sighed deeply before hugging me again. 
“You do,” his whisper was hardly audible, so I was happy I heard his words. I wasn’t so sure what he meant by that. I mean, obviously, I was the thing that kept him sane while he was home. But, I don’t exactly know how I save him though. So, I was unsure as to why he told me that.  “It’s just been difficult for me recently. But, I’m working on getting better,” he spoke softly. And, I swear he said ‘for you’, but it was so quiet I couldn’t be sure. Even if he did say it, I’m sure I wasn’t supposed to hear it.
We stayed silent for a while, and we just stood in each other’s arms for even longer. Being in his embrace made me feel safe, and I know I said that earlier. But it’s true. I wonder if he felt the same.
“You alright?” Spencer looked up at me. I looked down at our hands and nodded. “You look like you haven’t slept in a couple of days,” he spoke, his tone was soft and gentle. I could tell that he really cared and was trying really hard not to sound mean. I didn’t mean to take it to heart the way I did, but I did.
“Not really,” I grumbled and looked down at the ground. I shrugged and quickly glanced at him. He was looking at me with an apologetic look on his face, silently telling me that he was sorry for suddenly offending me. I shrugged it off like it was nothing. It wouldn’t be the first or last time someone offended me over something so… small and unimportant. He shouldn’t be sorry, it’s my own fault. He was just asking if I was alright.
 “The last few days have been rough for me, ya know? Especially with this whole thing,” I sighed deeply and shrugged again.
“If I stay here, will you promise to get some rest,” Spencer offered, grasping both my hands. I looked at our hands with a dullness in my eyes. I was beginning to zone out because of how tired I was getting. Spencer lifted a hand and gently rubbed my shoulder. I sighed and looked down before looking up at his face.
“I’m having nightmares, and they’re really realistic… That’s why I’m losing sleep,” I whispered. Spencer looked at me before pulling me into a hug. “And they’re about everything. Me, my mom, you, drugs, dying, death… I don’t know,” I mumbled into his chest. I pressed my chin into his chest and looked up at him. Spencer looked down at me with a smile on his lips. We were really close to each other’s face, and I know he noticed that too. “I like when you spend the night,” I noted, changing the subject to something lighter, even though it was that much lighter. 
“Really,” he asked, raising an eyebrow and smiling lightly. I nodded and returned the smile. “Why’s that,”
“Because then I’m not lonely, and left with my thoughts,” I whispered as I stared at him. I’ve never noticed how pretty his eyes are, with their golden and greeny color. He looked at me like he saw something, but I was clueless about what he saw. “And, whenever I’m with you, I feel safe and at home, in some weird way. I’m sorry. I don’t know. The exhaustion is starting to hit me now that you pointed it out,” I sat back away from him. I pressed my hands into my face and shook my head. “I just never sleep anymore and I’m honestly used to it at this point. But I’m tired all the damn time,” 
“I’ll be here, you can rest. You don’t have to worry about anything hurting you,” he whispered before wrapping an arm around my body. I looked up at him and nodded. “Let’s lie down?” he asked softly. I nodded before going to walk to my bedroom. Before I even got the chance to step a foot away from him, Spencer picked me up and carried me. I looked at his face and furrowed my eyebrows. “I’m fully capable of walking, you know,” 
“I know,” Spencer smiled as he readjusted his hold on me. He was carrying me like a backpack, but on his front instead of his back. “But you’re tired,” he hummed as he held me tightly.
“Yeah, I am,” I looked at him with a smile. Spencer laughed at me and shook his head. Our faces were close again, closer than before. And, for some reason, I really wanted to kiss him. Which, again, is weird. He’s my best friend… And I want to fucking kiss him. It just felt like the perfect moment for us to kiss. But, I don’t want to ruin our friendship. I can’t lose the one thing that’s keeping me grounded. And he can’t lose the thing keeping him grounded.
Spencer carefully kicked my bedroom door open and walked in. He laid me down on one side of the bed before going to the other side. The blanket was pulled over both our bodies and Spencer was close to me.
“Please get some sleep,” he whispered, brushing hair away from my face. I looked up at him and nodded. “Do you want me to rub your back?” 
“I knew there was a reason I kept you around,” I laughed before rolling onto my stomach. “My bestest friend ever,” I hummed as he started running his hand along my back.
“Aren’t I your only friend?” Spencer joked lightly.
“Ah, not only that. My bestest friend,” I looked up at him and smiled. Spencer shook his head before brushing his fingers across my eyelids, somehow getting me to close my eyes. 
“Go to sleep,” he whispered. I giggled and nodded before moving closer to him. Spencer returned the laughter before wrapping an arm over me. 
I wrinkled my nose as I noticed a weight across my body. It wasn’t like an emotional weight like I’ve been so used to waking up to recently. No, there was something actually on top of me while I was asleep. So, when I opened my eyes, I wasn’t too surprised when I saw something on me. However, I was more surprised that it was another person. That’s right, Spencer stayed the night.
His arm was strewn across my torso, and his legs were entwined with mine. His head was resting on the same pillow as me. The way he slept so soundly and restfully made me mildly jealous. How come he gets to sleep so peacefully and I don’t?
I hope he was as peaceful as I thought. There was probably not a bad thing he was dreaming about. Unfortunately for me, I was freaking out because I dreamt that I watched my best friend being killed.
I laid back, pressing my head into the pillow before turning to look at Spencer. His nose twitched as he stirred lightly before hugging me tighter. I held my breath, worried that my breathing would wake up. But, it did. There was no need for worry. He must be having a good dream with all the humming and hugging he was doing. 
I looked at his face, mesmerized by the way he slept so soundly. The way his eyelashes pressed against his cheeks, and freckles dotted the bridge of his nose. His lips pouty and slightly parted. I didn’t even realize he was awake and I was staring till he said something.
“Hey,” he murmured, pulling me closer before nuzzling into me more. I smiled softly as I looked up at him again. “You don’t have to go to the bathroom, do you?” he hummed as he closed his eyes again. 
“No, I don’t,” I replied back, giving up on any chances of getting up. We might be here for a while, so there’s probably no point in getting out of bed with Spencer holding me hostage. 
“Mmm, good,” he opened his eyes and looked down at me. The tired smile on his lips made me feel warm and safe as I looked at him. “How long have you been awake?” he asked, his thumb rubbing circles on my shoulder.
“Not long,” I whispered, looking right at his eyes. He looked back at me and nodded. “How did you sleep,”
“I think that was the best sleep I’ve had in a very long time,” he closed his eyes again, “Something about your bed is very comfortable,” he looked down at me and smiled. 
“Is it the bed or is it because you’re sleeping with someone to cuddle with?” I asked myself as I stared at him. “I’m happy you find my bed comfortable,” I laughed lightly. My bed is not comfortable. So I know he didn’t find it that comfortable.
“How did you sleep?” he asked, placing a hand on my cheek. I swallowed roughly as I stared at him.   
“Better than the previous night,” I shrugged a little bit. Spencer frowned as he readjusted his hold on me. “Let’s make breakfast,” I spoke out loud before sitting up, pushing his arms off me. 
“Yeah,” I smiled as I slipped out of bed and grasped his hand to pull him out of bed. He grumbled before standing out of the bed. I smiled at him before practically skipping out of the bedroom. “I’m sure I have something!” I spoke out loud, knowing I have nothing much for breakfast.
 I went right to the kitchen, instantly eyeing up the loaf of bread that was probably a little stale. I grabbed it and opened the fridge, happy to see a carton of eggs. And with that, I made eggs in a basket. I hope that Spencer would enjoy that. Considering it was one of the only things I knew how to make.
“Coffee?” Spencer asked as he slowly walked into the kitchen. I turned around and pulled open a cabinet. A can of Folgers was sitting on the top shelf. I pouted as I stared at the can.
“I don’t think it’s good,” I muttered as I pulled the can from the shelf. “I probably had this stupid can of grounds for an embarrassingly long time,” I spoke as I looked into the can and noted that the grounds were kinda gross and kinda clumpy, causing me to pout. “No coffee,” I muttered, tossing the can to the garbage, only to miss and go over. The can landed with a clang on the ground. 
“We can always get some later,” Spencer smiled as he bent over to pick up the can. I raised my eyebrow at him as he tossed the can to the trash, without failing.
“We?” I asked, turning to watch him lean against the counter. He shrugged and smiled.
“Why not,” he shrugged again. I smiled as I looked at him. It was only then that I realized I was burning the food.
“Oh no!” I jumped around to the stove to remove the pan from the stove. “I hope you’re okay with burnt eggs and toast,” I pouted as I looked back at Spencer. He had stepped closer to the stovetop to watch me. He looked very amused with my laughter and urgency with cooking. “Don’t laugh!” I looked up at his face.
“I just don’t think I’ve ever seen you panic over food before,” he pointed out with a smile. I looked down at the burnt food as I carefully moved it to a plate.
“I’m hungry,” I muttered before shrugging. I looked back up at Spencer and shrugged.
“That’s a good thing…” 
“Being hungry? How is that a good thing?” I scoffed and raised an eyebrow.
“You have your appetite back,” Spencer pointed out before he lifted me up to set me back down on the counter. It was so effortless as he moved me. I was impressed that he barely strained to lift me (unless, he did and I was just oblivious to it).  We were at the same level now, and I was able to look him in the eye instead of at his chest. 
“Why’d you do that?” I looked at him before looking at the counter beside me. 
“So we can have an eye to eye conversation,” he smiled at me. I rolled my eyes and looked down at the plate of two burnt eggs in a basket. “Can I ask you a question?” he asked, watching as I started picking at the food. He smiled as he stood between my legs. 
“You just did,” I smiled, trying to pretend like I wasn’t suddenly anxious. Why ask someone if you can ask a question? Why not just ask the question? That’s like #1 reason why people get anxious. 
“I want to take you to the office, so you can meet everyone,” he whispered as he grabbed some food too. I looked up at him with wide eyes.
“You want to take me… To the FBI…” I stared at Spencer. I almost relapsed yesterday and had the worst day of the year yesterday... And, he wants to take me to… The FBI to meet his friends… I could feel bile rising from my stomach. It honestly took everything in me to hold back the sick. So, I slowly lowered my hand and food back to the counter.
“Yeah, they’re my family, and you’re my family… So, that also makes them yours,” Spencer smiled at me. I dropped my shoulders as I stared at him. I really didn’t want to argue his logic there, but I understand why he said that. 
“Won’t… They’ll… Spencer, that’s… I don’t think that's a good… They’ll ask how you know me,” I whispered as I looked away from him. He rested a hand on my knee and looked at my face.
“We won’t worry about that right now,” he whispered in a reassuring tone. I stared at him and shrugged.
“What’ll we tell them? When they ask, ya know?” I looked up at him. Spencer stayed silent as he looked around my kitchen. I could only assume he was thinking really hard about what we would say and how we would lie to his family. 
“I’m not sure,” Spencer shrugged as he grasped my hands. I looked down at our hands and felt a frown forming. “I don’t know,” he whispered and shook his head. It was obvious for both of us that we would have a hard time being around his friends. Everything about telling a bunch of FBI agents that you’re addicted/was addicted to drugs can be a little (alright, a lot) intimidating. What are they going to do? The worst thing is they arrest me and fire Spencer. “Don’t overthink it,” he looked up at me. I nodded.
“I just won’t think about it,” I forced a smile before shrugging. Spencer gave me a knowing smile. “If they’re your family, Spencer, then they’re my family,” I sighed deeply as I looked down at my legs. I pulled my hands from his before rubbing my hands up and down my thighs. “And, I’d love to meet your family,” I sighed even deeper as I looked up at him. His face lit up a little bit with my words, and it genuinely made me feel happy. 
“You’ll love them,” he whispered before pulling me off the counter. I wrinkled my nose before looking up at him.
“I mean, I’ve already met Emily. And, she seemed definitely cool,” I laughed as I grabbed the plate. I looked at the two burnt pieces of bread. I tossed them into the trash and looked up at him. “I just hope everyone else is just as cool as she is, and even as cool as you,” I cocked my head as I looked up at him. He stayed silent before pulling me into a hug. “When would you even want me to go?” I asked once he released me. My stomach felt upside-down as I asked my stupid question. “Whenever you want,” he spoke softly. I looked down at the ground and nodded.
 “I should let you get to work. I know you don’t like being late,” I pouted, “I’ll see you later?” 
“Of course,” Spencer smiled before hugging me again.
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series taglist: @shameleswhorehourstm, @itsametaphorbriansblog, @bxtchboy69, @sammypotato67, @seninjakitey, @thebluetint​
didn’t work: thatsonezesty13,  mediocrehamiltrash
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beewolfwrites · 4 years
And When I am Formulated, Sprawling on a Pin - Chapter Ten: A Train Whistle
A slightly shorter chapter this time, but hopefully short means sweet, maybe? 
You can find the full chapter (along with all the others) on AO3 here :)
Thanks for reading!!
I couldn’t keep my eyes from the red stain on Chishiya’s hoodie as we entered the deserted shopping mall. He was walking and behaving just as usual, and his expression gave nothing away. Even when we had backed back to the park gates to collect the Two of Spades card, he hadn’t complained. But I knew he was in pain. He had to be.
‘We don’t have to do this,’ I repeated for the umpteenth time. My voice echoed through the empty mall. ‘I’ll go with someone else in my next game.’
He was strolling beside me, regarding the stores around us with boredom. ‘It doesn’t matter, since we’re already here.’  
‘There might be a pharmacy in here somewhere.’ I chewed on my lip, struggling not to let my anxiety get the best of me. ‘Maybe if I find some medical supplies, I could bandage it up.’
‘I wouldn’t trust you to bandage up anything,’ he replied. ‘I’ve seen the state of your arm.’
Any offence I felt at that comment was pushed aside, as I chalked it up to him being irritable. My arm wasn’t too bad, was it? No matter. I had to find some way of keeping him from moving too much and aggravating his wound.
Spotting a bench between two large artificial flower beds, I suggested, ‘why don’t you sit over there? I’ll be super-duper quick.’
His eyes slid over to mine, with a look that told me he knew exactly what I was thinking. ‘Fine, but there’s no point in rushing.’ Then pulling out his headphones, he took a seat on the bench, leaned back and closed his eyes.
Leaving him there, I nervously flitted about between stores. Most of them had been plundered and looted by players, and others had been turned into hideouts, soon abandoned after their owners had died. But some were untouched, and it was these stores that I visited first. I snagged two hoodies for myself, one pale purple and the other a sea green, along with several t-shirts, socks, jean shorts, and a new pair of trainers, as mine were stained with algae and squelched with every step.
It was strange. In the previous world, I had never been able to justify spending money on branded clothes. In fact, I never would have even touched the sportswear section. But now, I never knew who or what I might have to outrun, and it seemed like the obvious choice.
I was on my way to leave, when I drifted past the menswear section and suddenly remembered that the soggy hoodie I was wearing was tinged brown by the pond water.
‘I want that one back.’
‘Sorry, Chishiya,’ I muttered, picturing his disapproval. ‘I’ll get you a new one anyway.’
I began sifting through the men’s clothing section, searching for one just like what I was wearing. Only I couldn’t find it.
Come on, there has to be something he would wear in here.
Then I spied a flash of white hidden in the rails and picked out a clean white hoodie, very similar to the one he usually wore. He didn’t strike me as someone who would go for bright colours.
Something like this would do, right?
Swiping two bags from behind the till, I tipped the clothes into them, taking care that Chishiya’s new hoodie was folded up neatly.
And then there was the question of swimwear. Hatter’s rule was both disgusting and ridiculous, but I couldn’t exactly refuse.
Slipping into another sportswear shop, I managed to find a few one-piece swimsuits that could function as a t-shirt if I wore them with shorts. But for good measure, I grabbed a bikini, too. One that wasn’t quite as stringy as some of the options at the Beach.
Right, that’s it! I was finally done. He’s probably wondering where I’ve gotten to.
I left the store and started back to where I had left Chishiya. As I passed by the deadened shopfronts and frozen mannequins, my mind drifted back to his behavior in the park. I understood that he followed me because he was an executive, and he was technically supposed to keep an eye on my performance. But the way he had grabbed me when we encountered the hunter… the way his arms had squeezed me painfully close. I just couldn’t figure him out. The man was like a closed book, with front and back covers that looked the same, even upside down. I didn’t even know where to begin reading him.
Yet my skin still tingled where it had been pressed against his own. I could still feel the ghost of his body heat, and every shudder that passed through him in the cold. It was disconcerting. Chishiya almost seemed like a god, but he was so very, very human.
Don’t think too hard about it, I told myself. He was probably just toying with me back there.
As I walked past a window, something caught my eye. A sparkle from a jewellery store. It was only small, but it was like a treasure trove filled with gems, gold and silver.
I glanced down the mall. A few minutes is fine, right? Just a few minutes.
This wasn’t just any jewellery store; it was the expensive kind. The kind I used to covet in the real world for all its gemstones and silverwork. Exploring the glass cabinets, I peered at the spectrum of crystals until one ring caught my eye. A pear-shaped drop of labradorite, set on either side by sterling silver flowers.
‘I see you’re enjoying your freedom away from the Beach.’
Chishiya’s voice sounded from the entrance. He was eyeing the jewellery around him with skepticism.
‘Sorry,’ I said, sheepish. ‘I got a bit distracted.’
He shrugged. ‘I don’t care. Get whatever you want.’ He nodded at the ring. ‘Even that.’
‘I… I couldn’t.’
‘Suit yourself,’ he said, leaning against the wall, ‘though I didn’t take you for the materialistic type.’
Scowling at him, I mumbled, ‘it’s not like that at all.’
‘If it’s the idea of stealing that’s bothering you, it doesn’t make a difference. People murder each other every day.’
I felt the drip of blood tapping against my cheeks, and briefly closed my eyes. When I opened them again, the sensation had disappeared. ‘Has it ever occurred to you that jewellery isn’t just about the sparkly stuff?’
His eyes were focused on me with a quiet curiosity, although it no longer made me squirm.
When did I stop being bothered by it?
Looking at the labradorite ring, I tried to find the words to explain to him.
‘Back in the old world, I knew all about gemstones, the meanings of them, their histories, the legends,’ I told him, knowing he probably didn’t care. ‘Obviously, I’ve never really believed they cure illness or bring luck. I know it’s not possible, but they still felt pretty magical. I always hated diamonds though, since they just seem kind of soulless. But I always imagined…’ I trailed off, embarrassed. ‘It’s stupid, I know, but I always had this idea that if someone ever wanted to marry me, they’d choose a ring like this one, with a stone that has a meaning.’
I thought back to the teenage girl. Perhaps she had similar dreams. Maybe she had wanted to meet someone, get married, have children, grow old. And there was me, the murderer who wanted to fall in love. It was pathetic. When I glanced back to Chishiya, his eyes were closed as he rested against the wall.
But just when I thought he hadn’t been listening to a word of what I’d said, he cracked an eye open. ‘It’s that level of naivety that’ll get you killed. I suppose you’ve got even more romantic ideas running around too.’
His words left me exposed. Vulnerable. But then I knew he was wrong about some things. I wasn’t completely naive, at least not in the way he was imagining.
‘Romance isn’t the same as love. Love is different.’
‘Love is for idiots with too much time on their hands,’ he said lazily.
‘No, romance is for idiots with too much time on their hands. Love isn’t nearly as obvious.’ I paused, thinking hard. ‘Have you read much by Haruki Murakami?’
‘He’s called Murakami Haruki over here, but no,’ he replied. ‘I haven’t. He’s not considered much of a literary figure in Japan. At least not by the critics.’
I smiled. ‘Perhaps not here, but the rest of the world thinks so.’
Thinking back over what I had read, I fished around for a specific title, but the name escaped me. ‘There’s a short story of his,’ I explained. ‘He compares the feeling of being in love to a train whistle.’
Chishiya looked at me with disinterest, but I could see something in his gaze. He was following along.
Even though it had been years since I first read it, I recalled the story vividly. ‘Imagine at night, you wake up and you have this sudden, horrible feeling that you could disappear at any moment. But at the same time, you feel you could explode. It’s that kind of emptiness that swallows you up. There’s no meaning to anything, and you no longer care whether you live or die. In fact, you don’t even know whether you’re really alive or dead at all. You’re just suffocating in nothingness.’
Chishiya turned fully toward me. ‘And?’
I gave him a smile. ‘And then you hear a train whistle. It’s far away, and the sound is so tiny you can hardly hear it. But it cuts through the isolation. You’re no longer floating as long as you can hear that whistle.’ I nodded to myself. ‘That’s love, at least to me. It sort of creeps up behind you, and by the time you realise it’s there, it’s too late. You’re already trapped.’
There was a moment of silence where he didn’t respond. Then he said, in the quietest voice possible, ‘how unpleasant.’
Things became awkward after that, and every attempt I made to strike up conversation was met with stiffness on Chishiya’s part. Slowly and silently, we began to head back to the Beach. The bags were uncomfortable to carry, but I didn’t want to ask Chishiya for a hand. Not with his injury. Even now, the blood stain on his clothes had grown bigger.
I suggested again that he should see An, but he dismissed the comment entirely. It was as if his mood had flipped, the amusement having drained out of him, leaving nothing but the cold.
We passed through derelict streets decorated with unlit signs and empty windows, until the Beach finally came into view in a cacophony of music, screams and spotlights. As I shuffled through a back entrance to avoid the crowds, I found that Chishiya had disappeared without a word, probably to his room, or perhaps even to find An. I still had the replacement hoodie I’d found for him, but it could wait until after he’d received medical aid.
I passed through the hotel halls, and turned a corner, almost bumping into Kuina. She was holding a drink in one hand, and her mouth stretched into a wide smile when she saw me.
‘I see you made it! How did it go?’ Leaning back, she assessed me from head to toe. ‘You look like you’ve been thrown into a swamp.’
‘Two of Spades, and you’re close. Chishiya made me swim in a pond.’ I said, stifling a yawn. ‘Where are you heading?’
She shook her glass, the ice tinkling. ‘The pool. Thought I’d live a little. Why don’t you join me? You look like you could use a drink.’
I shivered in my still-damp clothes. ‘Ah, it’s okay. I’ll pass for tonight,’ I said. ‘I’m really tired after the game. Plus, these clothes are icky.’
Kuina snickered. ‘You don’t say. Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me.’ With that, she disappeared down the hall, waving to me as she went.
Ducking away from the chaotic drunks in the hallways, I crawled all the way up to my room, before realising I had forgotten to ask Kuina about the hoodie, about why she never told me it belonged to Chishiya.
I’ll do it next time I see her. I’m too tired now.
Sighing, I didn’t even bother to turn on the lights as I dumped the bags of clothes onto the floor. After being drenched in pond water, I definitely needed a shower. But the combination of the Hunting Season game and the walk back through Tokyo had sapped all my energy.
Tomorrow, I can take a shower and wash the bed linen and Chishiya’s hoodie tomorrow. For now…
I curled up, still in my clothes, and slipped away into a quiet sleep. And for the first time since the Hearts game, I dreamt of nothing. Not the businessman’s starched collar… nor the cool twinge of gunmetal… or even the drip of blood against my eyelids; just blackness.
Outside, the shadows of hollow buildings blurred together into a vacant grey space. A cool wind blew through the alleyways, catching the edges of roof tiles, and slipping into a gentle whistle that rang through Tokyo at midnight.
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kitkat1003 · 4 years
Everything is Blue
Chapter 1:  His pills, his hands, his jeans
MK just wants everyone in his life to be safe and happy, to never leave him.  He'll do whatever it takes to make that happen.
And, luckily for him, the voice in his head has the perfect plan to make that happen.
(Or, the author contemplates how slow the possession was for DBK in episode 10 and considers how MK would fall)
Ao3 link
This is a 13k monolith of a first chapter, but I'm very proud of how it turned out!  I threw it together in 4 days with the help of my beta reader @imnotcameraready on tumblr, famous for the Chivalry is Dead sanders sides au.  Give it a read, it's on Ao3 and tumbr!  It even has a sequel!  Seriously, she’s a great writer and edited this thing in like 2-3 hrs after I threw it at her.  A godsend.
Anyway, happy reading!
When MK knocks the canisters off of DBK’s back, he thinks that’s the end of it.  He wasn’t exactly given the rundown on how the cannisters worked, nor does he know why whatever was in them caused DBK to go crazy, but at the very least he only had to fight the one guy instead of the entire family. It was weird to fight with Red Son and Princess Iron Fan (shouldn't she be Queen, at this point?  She's married to Demon Bull King, after all. Do they not have the paperwork?) but not unwelcome. He wishes they could be on the same side all of the time.
Because he was raised on stories of Monkey King’s adventures, which frequently discuss the Demon Bull Family, and he’s always thought they were interesting in those stories.  He thinks Princess Iron Fan is super cool, even though she’s scary and actively wants him dead.  Red Son is...well, he wasn’t what MK expected, but that isn’t exactly a bad thing.  If anything, MK thought he’d be older.  He doesn’t understand how demon aging works.
Tangents aside, he watches them disappear in a gust of wind and groans, flopping forward as he bemoans the fact that they left again, when he’d just beat them.  Well, he hadn’t actually fought all three of them, this time.  DBK had fought more people than he had.
He jumps as the cave begins to crumble from all the damage that it took from the fight, scrambling to find a way out, when—
A New Vessel?
A voice curls into his ear, a soft whisper.
Young.  Powerful.  Weak.  Freedom.
He looks down, and he sees a white light sink into his skin.  Cold seeps into his every pore, bone, and nerve, his muscles tensing as the temperature drops.  His teeth chatter, and when he lets out a startled breath he sees white air drift in front of his face.  The warmth of his powers—his Monkey King powers—is smothered, and soon all MK feels is the cold that keeps him in place, rooting him to the spot.  It’s a miracle he’s even standing.  
What is this?  
What’s happening?
His eyes dart to the cannisters.  The empty canisters.  There was something in there, earlier, right? Where did it go?  
Is this?  Wher e it w  e n    t?  
Wha t   i  s  . .   .  ?
It’s hard to think.  His thoughts are newly cracked ice upon a lake, pieces crashing slowly against each other and fracturing further, splintering into nothingness.
New Vessel.  Rest.
His eyes slide shut, out of his control, as his consciousness, like everything else, is smothered by the chill.
He wakes up on the shoulder of the Monkey Mech, as the last rays of sun are streaking across the steadily darkening sky, like a lighthouse beam against the dark sea.  He sits up, staring far into the horizon, as confusion pulls him out of the just woken up daze.  How did he get here?
“MK?” He jumps, startled, and turns to realize that Mei is right next to him, a concerned smile on her face.  He stares at her, trying to figure out why she’s here, how she got here.  Then again, he doesn’t even  know how he got here.  He feels dizzy just trying to remember. 
“You alright, kid?” Pigsy’s voice comes from his other side, and he forces himself not to jump, turning to look at his boss.  Tang and Sandy are there too, and Sandy waves while Tang smiles in greeting mid slurp, bowl of noodles in hand.
“What happened?” he’s missing time.  He defeated DBK, and then...then nothing.  There’s a feeling of coldness, at the thought, but the memories don’t come.
“I found you on the ground after the Bull Clones all sort of fell apart. I figured you passed out after trouncing DBK, so I picked you up and got you out of there.” Mei doesn’t seem concerned, but MK is, just a little.  He’s never passed out after using his powers; rather, using them often results in him getting an energy boost.  He thinks back on it, trying to remember any time this has happened before.  Macaque comes to mind but even then he wasn’t tired once his powers returned.
His ruminating on the ordeal is cut off by a bowl of noodles being shoved unceremoniously into his hands.  He blinks down at it, and then turns to Pigsy  
“Here, kid.  Eat. You look pale, and skinny as ever.  Can’t have my employee lookin’ half starved.” He smiles at Pigsy’s attempt to hide his soft side, picking up his chopsticks with a grin.
He eats, and the loud conversations of what they’d just accomplished arrests MK’s attention so that the questions about DBK, the cannisters, the voice that he swears he can hear in the back of his mind, fall away like sand in an hourglass, time never able to be reclaimed.
The sun finally vanishes and stars dot the sky like sequins on a gown.  MK curls in on himself, hunched over the bowl a little, missing the sun's rays and the finished soup’s warmth.
He shivers, but there’s no breeze.
The bonus of living in such a technologically advanced age is that city reconstruction is pretty fast. Hospitals are rebuilt first, people are brought in en masse. MK spends his time volunteering there, because noodle shops are low on the list of things to be rebuilt and he needs to be useful.
MK tries not to be too guilty about the wreckage, though most of it had occurred because he was late to stop DBK. He'd been kept at Flower Fruit Mountain for a few weeks because Monkey King was worried after the incident with Macaque. Wanted to be sure MK's training ethic wasn't too messed up, wanted to be certain Macaque hadn't left any lasting effects or impressions.
It was a punishment, MK knows, for being a two timing student and for making Monkey King have to deal with a demon enemy when he’s made it clear that he’s retired. Doesn't matter that they only ever trained in the morning and early afternoon, then spent the rest of the day hanging out. MK has watched Monkey King: The Animated Series fifty-three times now, most recently with Monkey King during the duration of his solitary confinement at Flower Fruit Mountain. They'd both piped up with commentary, MK about the production and animation, and Monkey King about the inaccuracies that MK filed away for his sketchbook.
But even so, it was a punishment for MK’s failings. Why else would Monkey King keep MK close, keep him away from his family and friends, keep MK away from the outside world?
It takes two and a half weeks after the battle with DBK for MK to go back to work delivering noodles. He'll sometimes buy extra and drop it off at a random hospital nearby, for the medical staff. They're overworked because of him, because he was away for so long.
He has to be better next time. He doesn't know when DBK will be back, doesn’t know how to sense him. Is he able to do that? Can he learn to sense when his enemies are nearby? That would solve a lot of problems, near rid him of worry. Maybe Monkey King knows?
That thought has him swinging by Flower Fruit Mountain on the weekend, with a promise to Pigsy to be home before midnight.  MK is an adult only by age, after all; Pigsy still treats him like the 16 year old he found half dead outside his shop.
When he steps onto the mountain’s sand, though, he feels unwelcome.
The mystic energy that had beckoned him in the first time he’d arrived has shut its doors, like a silent way of saying 
Not a single monkey comes to greet him, but he can see their eyes, hidden in the trees. They regard him with suspicion. He frowns at them in confusion.
He hears a hiss in the back of his head and winces at the ensuing headache, stepping forward in hopes of pushing past the pain. Every step he takes makes the pounding in his head louder and more painful, and MK closes his eyes and focuses, reaching for the well of power he knows he has, the power that makes the staff feel lighter than air. 
It’s like sticking his hand through a well of ice, and his wrist is paralyzed by the time his fingers brush that warmth, the light curling around his palm.  Gold sparkles in his vision, and the unwelcome air starts to recede, as if the island recognizes him again.  He heads in deeper, and lets out a breath as the headache ceases.
He doesn’t have to head in too deep, because Monkey King comes through the waterfall in a rare moment of MK’s mentor leaving the inner sanctum of the mountain.  The waterfall itself moves like a curtain out of Monkey King’s way and the sight has MK focusing on that rather than the expression on Monkey King’s face, until he looks up.  
Monkey King’s eyes are sharp, darting around, an expression MK only recognizes from the suspicion and distrust Monkey King gave Macaque.  MK fidgets beneath that gaze, though it isn’t directed at him, uncomfortable.  He hasn’t done anything wrong, has he?  He wracks his brain for any new missteps, but finds very little.  Still, his anxiety skyrockets by the second. 
The look vanishes, though not completely, when Monkey King’s eyes catch on the sight of MK.
“Hey bud!  Impromptu visit?” Monkey King greets.
MK tries not to shy away from the air of suspicion that colors Monkey King’s tone.  Is MK really that untrustworthy? He did mess up badly by trusting Macaque, and Monkey King is right to distrust him.  He bites his lip and tries to ignore the swell of guilt that sets like a stone in his stomach at the memory.
“Yeah, just-uh-just wanted to train, y’know?  Don’t know when DBK is coming back.” He shrugs, and Monkey King nods, only half listening.
He still looks on edge. “Cool.  You uh...you bring anyone with you?” 
Now that’s concerning. MK scrambles to find a supposed intruder, hands gripping his staff tight in preparation for battle. “No?  Unless-Oh no, is there someone here?  Is it a demon guy?”  What if he led a bad guy here?  What if he messed up again?
He jumps as a monkey lands on his head, picking through MK’s hair in typical grooming fashion, and then Monkey King laughs, loud and almost relieved.  MK turns back around to face him.
“Nah, must be my nerves.  Maybe DBK left something on you, messed with my senses.” Monkey King waves a hand, nonchalant, and MK perks up in ease at the reminder.
“Oh!  That’s actually why I’m here!” He takes careful steps forward, trying not to jostle the monkey on his head.  “I was thinking-I didn’t know DBK was in the city and destroying stuff, and a lot of people got hurt.  But!  If I could sense him, like you can, I could stop him quicker!  Right?” He’s bouncing on his toes, nervous and excited all at once, and Monkey King smiles down at him fondly.  
“Sure, why not?  If you’re up for some meditation, that is,” Monkey King turns, waving at MK to follow. 
The monkey on MK’s head hops away, and MK sprints after his mentor with a wide grin.  “Totally!  I’m, like, the best at meditation.  I’m like a meditation wizard!”
Monkey King laughs all the way to the training grounds.
Training actually is easier than he expects.  MK blusters a lot, but he isn’t dumb or unaware of his limits.  Sitting still isn’t his strong suit, so sitting still while not being able to talk, tap, fidget, or do anything else other than think is basically torture.
But, when he gets into the meditative position with Monkey King, something clicks.  A cool blanket settles on his shoulders, eases out the desire to move.  It’s so easy to be still, and quiet.
“You weren’t kidding,” Monkey King tells him, and MK grins a little, face warmed by the praise.  “Now, when you’re like this, you have to let every other sound and feeling fade out.  Nothing else matters but the energies around you.  Mine’s pretty easy to see cause, yknow,” 
MK can practically see Monkey King scratching his chin and grinning with barely hidden pride.  “I’m a pretty powerful guy.  DBK would be similar, he’s got a pretty loud aura too.  Now, just try it, kay?”
MK nods, and takes a deep breath.  The sounds around him-bugs, monkeys jumping around and talking to one another, the wind, the ever present sound of something in his head—those all start to fade away.
Wait, what was that last one?
He lets them all go, and then forgets the feeling of the cold, the grass, the fabric touching his skin.  Nothing exists except his own mind, and then.
He gets to see the bright light that is Monkey King.  Golden and red and royal in its feel, it’s near blinding.  He has to blink a few times to get used to its light.
“Woah,” he murmurs, and Monkey King opens one eye, before blinking both in surprise.
“Woah, already?  You sure you haven’t done this before?” Monkey King crosses his arms over his chest, almost offended, and MK is reminded of how betrayed Monkey King looked when MK had shown off the skills he’d learned from Macaque.
“Nope!  Maybe defeating DBK gave me a confidence boost?”  He shrugs, and then stands, looking around.  Monkey King’s expression sits in the back of his mind, and MK bites his lip.  “Did I, uh, did I do something wrong?  I didn’t…,” he trials off, worried.
“Maybe,” Monkey King mumbles in response to his first reply, mostly to himself.  “Oh-no, no, you’re fine, bud.  I think I’m just a little paranoid,” he laughs it off.  MK is too busy glancing back towards town to process Monkey King’s pensive expression.
“I can see Mei!  She’s...very green.  Did she always have a dragon?” It’s curled around her, like a protective barrier, snarling and poised to strike.
Monkey King chuckles. “You’ve got yourself some powerful friends, kid.  Not surprising.  Like knows like, even when they don’t know what like is.” He puts a hand on MK’s shoulder, and then starts.  “You’re freezing.  It’s not that cold, is it?”
MK blinks a few times, and everything comes back, the colors and sounds and feelings of the world returning to normal.  Monkey King keeps looking at him, as if MK is a puzzle he’s yet to solve.
“I don’t know, maybe?  I’ve been feeling a bit chilly, lately.  Maybe I’m coming down with something?” He’s been a bit stressed out, between Macaque and DBK and the reconstruction, and he’s heard stress can cause illnesses.
Monkey King sighs, after a moment, and scratches his head.
“I think I’m becoming an adult,” he says, like it’s a crime, and he shrugs again.  “You’re probably fine.  Just, take it easy the next few days, alright?  Practice meditating at home, or when you’re on the job.  When you’re as good as me, you can turn it on whenever you need to,” Monkey King puffs up with pride, and his tail swings back and forth leisurely.  MK watches his tail more than he listens to what Monkey King is saying.
“Okay.  Anything else for today?” It’s only been an hour or two, they have plenty of time.  
Monkey King deliberates.  Then, he grins, stepping back to position for MK’s inevitable first attack. “Tell you what.  We’ll spar for a bit, and then you can bring up that new show you kept ranting about a few weeks ago.  Kay?” 
MK’s eyes sparkle.
“Heck yeah!”
MK’s muscles aren’t sore when he gets home.  He actually lasted a couple minutes sparring this time around, and Monkey King had rewarded him with peach chips and an arm around MK’s shoulder as he eagerly pulled up the show he had dove into during his free time on the TV.
Pigsy sent him upstairs with a bowl of noodles and a stern reminder to sleep early so he wouldn’t be late for work. He finishes the noodles in record time and, once he has showered and put on his warmest pajamas, pulls out all of the blankets he can find.  He just wants to be warm, just a little, even though it doesn’t make sense that he’s feeling this cold.  He’s not tired, he doesn’t feel achy, his sinuses are clogged—none of the other symptoms of being sick are popping up, so why is he so cold?!
He’s practically buried in blankets by the time he feels comfortable enough to rest.  For the first time in a long while, he doesn’t dream.
Things go back to normal, somewhat.  There’s a niggling something in the back of his head, and there’s guilt and the ever present chill that has MK wearing long sleeved shirts, but otherwise MK falls back into his typical routine, which is nice.  He missed his friends, between Macaque and DBK and training.  It’s good to see them again.
The first time he starts hearing the voice in his head, he’s getting yelled at by Pigsy.
It doesn’t happen as often, anymore.  MK is scatterbrained, but he genuinely tries to do his best at work.  Sometimes, he gets mixed up, because he’s only one kid and he’s never been good at focusing, no matter how hard he tries.  It’s hard for his stressed out and ADHD ridden brain to remember whose order is whose, especially when it’s the dinner rush and he’s running behind.
Today was a particularly bad day.  He’d accidentally given a customer an order with peanut oil in it, when they had an order specifically without peanuts due to their severe allergy.  Pigsy had gotten a very angry phone call, and he passed that rage at MK, rightfully so. 
MK can only apologize so much, so eventually he quiets and lets Pigsy let off steam.  Luckily the customer hadn’t tried to sue, but MK knows the review Pigsy likely got was scathing.  He deserves a bit of a tongue lashing for that, he thinks.
It was an honest mistake.  Cruel, to yell at one so young.  Why is he so mean?
The voice in the back of his head, new and different, nearly makes MK jump.  Pigsy notices the change in MK’s expression and mistakes it for fear, and that gets him to quiet down.  He dismisses MK with a sigh and a wave of his hand, and MK heads upstairs, feeling guilty and confused.
 That voice….it didn’t sound like him, did it?  When he tries to recall the sound, it mirrors his internal voice, but in the moment it seemed different.
 It’s probably nothing.  After all, if something was wrong with him, wouldn’t someone else have noticed by now? Wouldn’t he have noticed by now?
The voice keeps popping up at random intervals, random moments.  When Mei gets annoyed at his ramblings.  When Tang pushes him away when he’s begging for a story, because Tang is busy eating.  When Pigsy yells at him for being late for work, for messing up.  When Sandy awkwardly pushes him to leave because MK can’t take a hint, some days.  When Monkey King looks at him with something akin to disappointment, exasperation.
They’re tired of you.  They want you gone.  They’re plotting against you.  They’re going to betray you!
And, see, that would bother MK if he didn’t already know that.  He knows people don’t like him, find him annoying.  He knows he pushes too much, messes up a lot, misses social cues.  He knows that he’s not a good enough successor.  And that just makes him want to do better.  
As for the whole betrayal thing, plotting against him, it makes sense.  He isn’t offended or anything if they are, in fact he’d be more surprised if they weren’t, you know?  He’s the Monkey King’s successor.  He has all of the powers, has all of the strength and invincibility, with a caveat or two, but he’s also still just a teenager.  If they aren’t worried that he could go rogue, mess up and decide to be selfish, then that’s stupidity on their part.  Trusting him with anything is never a good idea, so knowing that, should he mess up, his family will be able to enact swift justice is a comfort rather than a worry.
And yeah, it’s a bit embarrassing, knowing just how annoying and useless he can be.  He flinches more often at their glares, gets quieter.  He doesn’t want to make them mad at him, he doesn’t want to lose them because he isn’t good enough.  He just needs to focus, be better, help out more often.  If he does that, hopefully they won’t leave.
The voice, after a few months or so, had backed off for a week.  He’d felt a weight lift from his shoulders, and smiling was easier.  Pigsy had seemingly relaxed at his good mood, and Mei seemed cheerier when they’d gone out to the arcades.  He hadn’t realized he’d been worrying them.  
Are you so sure they’ll stay?
A single phrase that pulls the rug out beneath MK’s feet.  He knows he isn’t good enough, but everyone knows that he at least tries, right?  That should endear them to him enough for him to prove he’s worth their time, right?  He can be good enough, he can do better, he just needs time!
Not fast enough.  They’ll get tired of you, and then they’ll leave.
The cold feeling in his chest feels so much heavier, as he panics in his room.  He’s supposed to be asleep, but the blankets don’t do much anymore.  He’s losing feeling in his fingers.  He keeps fumbling with things, even the staff, and everyone is getting annoyed at him.  And he’s so tired, all the time, and yet it’s so hard to sleep.  He doesn’t understand what’s happening to him, but he knows that whatever it is, it’s going to ruin the equilibrium he has between being a failure and being good enough to keep around.
What happens when he loses it all?
You can be better.
Can he?
Wouldn’t everyone love you if they were safe?
Well, he can imagine not having to worry about DBK would make them far less stressed out.  If he can do that, then maybe they won’t get so easily annoyed at him.  He knows stress can make people snappy, and there’s a lot to be stressed about, like the economy and death by demons.
You can make them safe.
Listen to me. 
And MK knows it’s weird to make a pact with your own mind, but he thinks he’s pretty good at following directions, so he nods, and doesn’t sleep at all.
The plan isn’t an easy one, and MK doesn’t know if he really wants to follow it.  The words turn over and over in his head. He doesn’t know if they’re right or not.
Maybe it would be better, if he wasn’t so nice.  He beats the bad guys, sure, but he isn’t that violent with them.  They try to kill him, but it’s never personal.  He’s the successor to Monkey King, it just makes sense that they’d go after him.  He’s not upset, really!
Even though the calabash has him looking over his shoulder.  They have earthquakes a lot, they live near a ring of active volcanoes, and each one puts him on edge, expecting a lie to turn his whole world apart. And the spider lady tried to eat his friends, tried to kill him.  And Macaque nearly hurt Monkey King because MK let him get close.  And DBK and Princess Iron Fan won’t stop, not until they get revenge or something.
Red Son is...he’s MK’s age.  And MK has noticed just how much DBK and Princess Iron Fan belittle Red Son, and he’s their son.  It’s too familiar for MK’s liking, and it makes the desire to bring Red Son to justice lessen.  Maybe, if he got Red Son’s parents out of the way…
You could have anything you wanted.
All MK wants is for his friends and family to be happy.
This is how you’ll do it.
MK doesn’t give in.  Not yet.
MK considers it when he goes over to see Sandy, one afternoon.  They’re just doing some leisurely painting practice, nothing like painting the whole boat.  After the whole clones thing, Sandy had learned that he should probably figure out which color he wants to stick with in the long run before asking for help in such a task.  So, he asks MK to come over and brainstorm.  You know, sketch out some ideas, test paint samples on different areas of the boat, see how it looks in light and dark.
MK also helps with the many litter boxes around the ship, as well as top up the water and food bowls all around.  He gets appreciative nuzzles from the myriad cats around the barge, so it isn’t so bad.  Then, he and Sandy will have tea, and Sandy will listen to MK ramble on about anything and everything until either Monkey King or Pigsy or Mei calls him to go do something (he gave Monkey King his number.  Occasionally he will get an incomprehensible text.  He’s pretty sure Monkey King has a Nokia phone).
Today, when they’re having tea, MK considers.
“Hey, Sandy?” He starts, more hesitant than when he’s ever asked the man a question before. 
Sandy notices, and MK sees him soften his pose even more, looking warm and welcoming. “Yeah, MK?”
“Do you think I’m too soft on villains?”
Because he beats them, but he always lets them leave, lets them escape.  They get to heal, recoup, and come back stronger every time, and people get hurt.  MK doesn’t want to be the type to attack first, to never ask questions, but at this point there aren’t too many questions to ask.
“You’ve got a good heart, MK.  You don’t have it in ya to go at ‘em too hard,” MK clenches his fist, his other hand gentle against the teacup lest he break it.  He did that a few times when he first got his powers, unused to the extra strength.
“That kinda doesn’t answer my question,” MK tries not to say it through gritted teeth.  He can feel his tea getting frigid, and bites back the burst of white air that would make Sandy ask questions.
He wouldn’t know how to answer questions about that, which is why he can’t deal with them.  That’s the reason.
He’s saying you’re weak.
MK hides a grimace, and lets his heart ache silently.  He sips the tea.  It’s ice cold.
“What brought this on?” Sandy asks, instead of answering the question, which grates on MK’s nerves more than it should.
“I let DBK get too powerful,” he says.  “He destroyed the city again, and people got hurt.  If I’d just got rid of him before, those people would be okay.”
Sandy sighs, taking a sip of his tea.  A cat hops into MK’s lap, curling up, but after a few frigid moments hops away.  Apparently MK is too cold for its liking.  He tries not to get offended by that, but the hot well of shame and longing persists. At least the feeling is warm.
“MK, you’re still learning.  Mistakes are bound to happen.  Those who got hurt will get better, and the city is rebuilt better than ever!  You don’t have to carry everything on your shoulders.  And,” Sandy looks away, and suddenly he looks a lot older than MK thinks he is.  “Honestly, being too harsh to make an enemy stop can feel good in the moment, but it does more harm than good, especially to the person who does the fighting.”
And MK leaves it at that, but thinks he doesn’t mind if it harms him, if it keeps everyone else safe.
“Another story!” MK begs, spinning on the barstool.  Pigsy always tells him not to, something about wearing down the seat joint, but at the same time Pigsy never really stops MK when he does it either, because MK only does it when he’s very excited and hyper.
Tang finishes his bowl of noodles with a chuckle, pushing up his glasses on the bridge of his nose in a practiced motion that MK is oh so familiar with.  MK taps the front of his sketchbook with his pencil impatiently.
“Alright, alright.  Tell you what, I’ll tell you the story of the Baigujing, or White Bone Spirit,” Tang’s voice falls into storyteller mode, and MK is immediately entranced.  Pigsy, from the kitchen, slams down a pan and groans.
“Not that one, Tang.  I hate that one, you know that,” MK turns to his boss and is surprised to see an embarrassed flush on his cheeks.  What in this story would Pigsy have to be embarrassed about?
“Hey, MK wants to know all the Monkey King stories.  I’m not going to rob him of knowledge,” Tang argues back.  He leans close to MK and whispers “Pigsy couldn’t sleep for a week after I told him this one.”
“That is not true!” Pigsy barks, indignant, and MK laughs.
Tang chuckles to himself, and Pigsy turns back to his work with a grumble.  Right now is a lull in business, right after the lunch rush and before early dinners get called in, so MK is taking his break and Pigsy isn’t too upset by it.  It’s just enough time for a story.
“Okay.  The Baigujing was a shapeshifting demon, who saw Monkey King and his group of traveling companions as they passed by.  Her eyes caught on the human monk, Tang Sanzang,” MK perks up.
“Hey, that’s like your name!” he points out, and both Tang and Pigsy look startled.  Tang coughs, awkward.
“Yes-well-uh, it’s a family name,” he amends quickly.  MK tilts his head to the side.  “Anyway, she decided she wanted to taste the monk’s flesh.  So, she disguised herself as a little girl, coming up to the group and offering them poisoned fruits.  Because she was so powerful, only Monkey King could sense her treachery, and he hit her with his staff, seemingly killing her.”
MK gasps, doesn’t understand the fury that builds behind his eyes.
Tang glances at him, for a moment, and then jumps.
“MK?  You okay?” He asks, and MK blinks.
“What-yeah!  What happened next?” Tang looks him over, gaze catching on MK’s eyes, before he sighs and continues.
“The Monkey King’s companions were shocked and appalled.  They thought he had killed an innocent girl!  He tried to explain, but they didn’t believe him.  The Monk buried the girl, who turned back into the spirit.  She tried again, once as the supposed mother of the little girl, and then the grandfather.  Monkey King managed to show her as a skeleton spirit during their last encounter, clearing his name, but then his companion, Bajie, told Sanzang that Monkey King made it up.  Thus, Monkey King was abandoned, at least until the Monk was captured by a demon Wujing and Baijie couldn’t defeat, and Bajie had to apologize to bring him back,” Tang finishes, and MK’s face settles into a pout.
“Bajie’s a jerk!” He crosses his arms.
“He apologized,” Pigsy mumbles, from his place in the kitchen, where he slices scallions violently.  “More than once.  Not that it matters.” 
“Monkey King didn’t exactly endear himself to his peers,” Tang amends.  “Perhaps if he had been less full of himself at the time, they all could have gotten along better.  But, all four grew to be better people by the end of their journey.”
MK finishes a sketch of the scenes Tang had described with a flourish, and he tilts his head to one side.  “Kind of rude to just attack the lady, though, couldn’t he have tried to talk it out?” He doesn’t know why he feels the need to defend the demon, but she doesn’t seem too bad.  
Tang makes a face.
“She wanted to eat a person, MK,” he says, and MK makes a face that mirror’s Tang’s expression.
“Right.  Eugh, gross.  Anyway, thanks Mr. Tang!” he hops off the barstool and puts back on his collared shirt, making sure his headband doesn’t slip down.  “Any orders, Pigsy?”
Pigsy jerks his thumb to the few on the counter.  MK picks them up, and continues on to work, the story sitting in the back of his mind.  He stumbles a bit while walking.  He doesn’t feel the key in his hand, his fingers numbed over time.  He should be concerned, but everything else seems fine.
He kind of wishes he could have met the Baigujing.  She doesn’t seem too bad, besides the people eating.  Maybe they could have worked it out.
Who does Sun Wukong think he is, deciding to serve justice anyway he sees fit?
MK frowns and buttons up his shirt.  His chest feels like ice.
He’s so, so tired.
MK looks at himself in the mirror when he wakes up and his skin looks paler, his lips a little blue.  He has bags under his eyes that vanish by the time he leaves the bathroom, a bottle of concealer and a tube of lipstick on the bathroom sink that he doesn’t remember buying.
His memory’s been growing spottier, too, missing minutes, hours.  Mei talks to him about a high score he beat at the arcade and he nods along, no clue what she’s talking about but not wanting to worry her.  He hasn’t gone to see Sandy in what feels like years, but gets a text from him thanking MK for taking care of the cats one afternoon.  There are sketches in his sketchbook he doesn’t remember drawing, from stories Tang told him that he can’t remember hearing.
He’s lost feeling in his hands and feet.  He’s dropped enough bowls of soup for Pigsy to go from mad to worried, and he shoves MK off to Flower Fruit Mountain because it’s warmer there, and MK always looks cold.  
He stumbles when he hits sand, nearly bowls over with how much the island rejects him, how much it wants him not to be there.  This is supposed to be a safe place, but the sand feels like needles and the wind slices at his face.  Monkey King comes rushing out like a bat out of hell, teeth bared, but he sees MK, kneeling on the beach, and runs over.
“You okay, bud?  You look…,” he doesn’t say awful, but MK knows he’s thinking it.  MK looks awful, feels awful, is awful.  And the solution to that is right there, waiting for him, but he doesn’t want to take it because he’s a coward.  The voice in his head gave him an ironclad idea, a perfect plan, and he’s been ignoring it because he’s scared.
Weak little vessel.
The hiss in his ear makes him wince, and he trembles as Monkey King helps him up.
“Tired,” he manages, leaning against Monkey King because he hardly has the strength to stand.  
“I can see that.” The try at levity has MK chuckling, but Monkey King is soft and warm and all MK wants to do is suck that warmth into himself, so he can stop being cold for one second.  “Why don’t we head to my place and watch something.  There’s always my show, right?”
MK nods, blinking slowly, and Monkey King takes a step forward.  Suddenly, they’re at Monkey King’s house.  When did they get there?  Why are they here again?
He’s set on the couch.
“There’s something off about your aura, kid.  Touch anything mystic or weird back at home?” Monkey King runs his fingers through MK’s hair, and MK leans into the touch.  Warm.  Safe.  
He shakes his head, a full minute after the question is asked.  Monkey King hums in thought.
“How do you even see auras?” MK mumbles, words slurring a bit as he talks.  “Teach me?”
Monkey King’s hand stills, and MK whines a little, prompting his mentor to continue the motions.
“I already have, bud,” Monkey King whispers, more to himself than to MK.  MK blinks in confusion.  He doesn’t remember that.
Rest, Vessel.
The voice whispers so sweetly in his ear.  It’s nice, sometimes.  Mean other times.  MK wonders if that’s his fault.  Is he so bad that even his own head is mad at him?  How can he be better?  He’s trying so hard.
The TV is turned on.  MK doesn’t register the sound, but the light makes him turn his head away.  Monkey King turns down the brightness with his remote.  Another monkey rests on top of MK for a moment, before jumping off.  It shivers at the temperature of MK’s jacket, his skin, and moves over to Monkey King’s shoulder.
MK rests his head on Monkey King’s lap, and closes his eyes.
He wakes up in a dream.  He stands on ice.  Each step he takes is careful, lest he slip, and even still he stumbles and fumbles.  He can see something in the distance.
“Hello?” he calls out, but the person doesn’t answer.  The closer he gets, the more he can make them out.  “Mei?”
It is her, but then her head drops, straight off of her neck.
“NO!” MK screams, running to her, and he stumbles and falls.  His knees hit ice and they burn with the chill that sinks through his pants.  He slides to her body, cradling it and her head as if he could put her back together with hope.
He turns, looking for a reason for this, and when he looks up, all of the adults in his life are standing around him, their faces covered in shadow.  Tang, Pigsy, Sandy, Monkey King—they’re all looking down on him.
“Look what you let happen,” Pigsy growls out.
“She’s dead,” Tang continues.
“You didn’t save her,” Sandy drones on.
“You let her die,” Monkey King spits.
“No…” MK breathes, and the tears build in his eyes and down his cheeks, freezing on his face.  It burns.
You have a choice, vessel.
The figures of his friends vanish into mist, and MK curls his arms around himself.  He misses the contact.  He hates to be alone.
A woman wreathed in white kneels down in front of him.  It hurts to look at her, and MK averts his gaze until she tilts up his chin so he can look nowhere else.  Her face is ice cold, yet inviting.  He can’t look away from her eyes.
Don’t you want them to stay?  Don’t you want them to be safe?
MK nods, quickly.  Of course that’s what he wants.  More than anything, he wants that love, that adoration.  He wants his family to be safe, to never leave.
You know what to do.
It feels like ice is creeping up his skin, encasing him in frigidity.  She holds out his hand, and he can do nothing else but take it.  The cold reaches its peak, and suddenly it’s warm.  It burns, and yet the warmth is inviting, a relief after months of being so, so cold and confused and tired.  He is past the point of cold, of freezing, of sub zero.  He is warm.  He is ready.  
He is hers.
He wakes up well rested, and the cold that had settled into him still feels like the burn that is a welcome respite from before.  Monkey King is still asleep, and MK leaves him there, leaving the house and walking slowly out of the inner mountain.  
He leaves footprints of ice where he steps.  The monkeys watch, from the trees, trembling as their eyes gaze upon something inhuman, sitting in MK’s skin.  MK has never felt better.  He knows what to do now.  He knows how to make things right.
The staff in his hands feels heavier, for a moment, but MK grips it tight and bends it to his will.  He pogos out of the island with ease, letting the wind whip his hair back.
He hasn’t blinked in a while.  He forgot he had to.  He blinks because the wind makes his eyes sting, and touches the ground with a gentleness he didn’t know he could master.
He lets his eyes glow gold, searching.  He remembers, now, how to look at auras.  He remembers a lot of things now.  It’s like the pressing weight of being weak for the sake of niceties has vanished, and now he is sharp and ready.
The only question is which of his enemies does he go after first?  He needs to get all of them, keep them secure.  It’s the only way the town, the city, will be safe.
The small fry first.  We’ll work our way up to the demon king.
Right, that makes sense.  MK grins to himself.  It’s so nice to have someone constantly helping, constantly making sure he’s doing the right thing.  He’s useless on his own, but give him a direction and he’ll follow it to the letter.
He can see gold and silver, in the distance.  He forgets their names, at first, but their auras jog his memory.  Yin and Jin.
They put him in the calabash.  They weren’t good at it, but they were good enough.  They’re demons.  Dangerous.  He needs to make sure they don’t hurt anyone else.  
He heads to their home, not in a hurry.  There’s no rush to the inevitable.  Is this what self confidence is?  The feeling of knowing you can do it, that you will do it, that no one can stop you?  It feels very gratifying.  He lets the glow in his eyes vanish, because he doesn’t want to startle everyone around him.  
His phone buzzes.  A text from Pigsy, demanding to know where he is.  He responds with ‘Dealing with Monkie Kid stuff.  Be back soon!’ and a string of emojis that Pigsy will find incomprehensible, before continuing on his trek.
He reaches the door, and hears a conversation.
“So, our plan has three steps.  That’s an improvement,” Yin seems to be pacing, from what MK can hear.
“Step one, capture the monkie kid,” Jin pipes up, and MK fights back a laugh.  “Step two, take the staff from him.” 
As if they could.  MK almost has to admire their tenacity.
“Step three, take over the world!” Yin finishes, and MK takes that as his cue to step in.
He knocks in the door.  Polite.  He still has manners, after all.
“Huh?  Jin, did you order out for dinner again?” Yin barks out.
“We don’t have the money for that!” Is the response.
“Hasn’t stopped you before,” Yin grumbles, moving to the door.
Here they come!
MK counts the steps Yin takes to the door, itching with anticipation.
“Hello?” Yin opens the door, and then jumps in surprise.
“Hi!” MK waves, and taps his staff on the ground.
There’s a thunk; not a thud of a body, but a thunk of a block of ice.  MK pats the statue with a fond look.  He’ll chip away the extra pieces later.  This is his first attempt, it’s normal for it to be less precise.  He can get better at it with practice.  Jin turns, from his place at the desk, and his eyes widen when he sees his brother, frozen on the floor.
“Yin—what did you do?” Red eyes glow dangerously, and MK wonders if they would be more ferocious if he threatened one over the other.  Jin gets up, teeth bared.
“This,” MK replies, tapping his staff on the ground.
Jin takes a step forward and freezes in place. Or, is frozen, MK supposes.  He looks at the brothers, safely imprisoned, and wonders.  Where is he going to put them?  There’s not enough room here for all of his enemies to be placed.  What’s a good place to set everything up?
The cave?  The old villain hideout?  
That’s perfect!  After all, it would be the funniest form of irony, right?  Turning a villain hideout to his base for his world saving plan.  Gosh, he’s so smart.  Because this is him, all him.  He finally is smart enough to know what to do.  He has to clear out the cave, first.  It’s not far away, hidden beneath the sewers.  There’s a path to it from the area where the staff used to lie.
He sets Yin and Jin next to each other, considering their poses.  He thinks they look a little off, but he can fix that, right?  He can fix anything, given enough time.  That’s what all this is, fixing the problem of demons who’ve escaped because of DBK’s release.  He nods to himself, and heads off.  He has rocks to clear out, he has a cave to excavate.
But, he promised Pigsy that he’d be back soon.  That stops him short.  He can’t skip work!
This will make him far happier in the long run.
Still, what’s a few hours of work to make Pigsy happy now?  He shakes off the one track mind and puts his staff away.  The ice won’t melt fast (or at all) and he’s got time.  The flash of cold he gets in response to that thought doesn’t inspire comfort, and he second guesses himself a few times, but he heads to the shop anyway.
“Hey Pigsy!” he waves, and Pigsy glances at him and jerks a thumb over to the pile of orders on the counter.  “On it!” 
MK swoops them up and sets them all on the delivery cart.  Pigsy glances at him again, and then freezes.
“MK?” he asks.
MK turns, blinking a few times.  “Yeah?” he responds, and Pigsy peers at him, almost suspicious.
MK tilts his head to the side in confusion.  A part of him is glad that he has concealer on, because they don’t have the time to chat about MK’s new skin tone, not with all these orders.  He watches Pigsy shiver, muttering something about the A/C acting up, before Pigsy shakes himself off and sets his hands on his hips.
“I thought-your eyes-nevermind.  Get those orders out!” Pigsy barks, and MK stands at attention, giving Pigsy a salute.
“On it!” He promises, sliding out of the shop and hopping onto the delivery cart.
It only takes an hour, which is much faster than he usually is, but focus comes easy when he’s driven.  The faster he gets this done they faster he gets to get back to his real work.  The work that will make things better for everyone.
Right. Of course.
His shift ends when the store closes, and he’s gone before Pigsy can say anything about his work ethic or ask where MK has been or is going.  He rushes to the construction site, dives below, rushing past the decaying plants where there once were flowers and a growing tree.  Without Monkey King’s staff, there’s nothing making sure the plants live.  MK frowns at the sight but stays focused on the task at hand.
Aim.  The staff can be as large as a mountain if it needs to be.  Crush what’s in your way.
He nods to himself, breaking through the rubble that has blocked off the tunnel.  The ground shakes, the whole underground rumbles with power, and he hopes he’s not keeping anyone up.  Then again, it’s not too bad if it’s just for a night, considering how many nights later he’s going to keep quiet.  Everyone will be able to rest easy once he’s done.  
He huffs a breath, and it comes out white.  He should be concerned, but honestly it looks cool.  He remembers to blink, because his eyes are starting to burn.  He doesn’t know why he keeps forgetting.
He makes his way to the cavern, and uses ice to keep the ceiling up.  Pillars rise, frost fills the spaces between rocks that would have cracked and splintered eventually.  The floor remains untouched, save for when he fills in the cracks that could trip someone up.
He doesn’t remember when he got these ice powers.  They seem new?  Why hasn’t he used them before?  How come Monkey King never told him about them?
Monkey King’s always had ice powers.
Has he?  MK isn’t so sure about that.
You’re his successor, not a carbon copy.  It makes sense you would have different powers than him.
Right.  MK nods to himself.  Now, time to get Yin and Jin!  Carrying them is going to be a challenge.
It takes him an hour to get them both there, and another half hour to figure out where to put them.  He has to consider DBK’s size.  Wait, does he have to go and get the spider demon lady?  He shivers at the thought, a deep well of terror sinking in his gut.  Even as self assured as he is now, spiders still terrify him.
I can take care of that.
Yes.  But first, rest.
Right.  He needs to head back to his house.  Pigsy will be worried if he doesn’t come home soon.  He heads out of the construction site, skipping all the way home.
He barely sleeps.
The week is certainly a busy one.  MK spends any time not with his friends searching, and he spends far less time with his friends, nowadays.  The spider demon isn’t easy to find.  He does manage to get some small fry lesser demons he hadn’t met before and now never will.  He doesn’t need to meet people who will inevitably try to kill him and those around him.  Far better to prevent the attack than deal with the aftermath thereof.
His collection of ice sculptures is growing.  MK likes to spend time chipping away at the blocks to them more polished.  It’s like sketching, in a way, or cleaning up a sketch.  It also gives him an opportunity to practice a more precise use of his ice powers.  He can make a mean ice chisel now, and he’s learned how to force the limbs of those frozen into the position he likes.  Yin and Jin stand on top of each other, like they did in their introduction.  The expressions on their faces aren’t what he likes, but he can cover it with frost and it’s like it was never there.
He meets up with Mei, one afternoon.
“Hey, MK!” She barrels into him, and immediately jumps back.
He reaches out, missing the contact, but she shakes out a shiver.  “Dang, you’re cold!” She slugs him on the shoulder, and he laughs.
“I feel fine.  Maybe you’re just being dramatic,” he shoots back, and she laughs with him, before her eyes glance at his face and she freezes.  “What?”
“Your eyes,” she murmurs, all joking replaced with concern.  He tilts his head to a side in confusion.  “They’re blue?” She adds.
“Oh!” he says, and the words that come out of his mouth don’t sound like him at all.  He doesn’t think he thought of them, and he doesn’t feel his lips move but the sound comes out anyway.  “I’m trying out some contacts.  Do you like them?” He bats his eyelashes at her, all in jest.
Her confusion melts into a smile. “I like your regular eye color better,” She admits.  “But those look cool!”  
She grabs him by his wrist, using his jacket as a buffer, and drags him to an arcade.  Every machine he touches sticks a little, the joystick and button a tad frozen by his touch, and he doesn’t win a match by any means, but he doesn’t mind.  Every time Mei leans close to him it feels like a victory.  Even though he feels warm, at least a sort of freezer burn warmth, the people around him have pulled away.  He’s too cold for them.  
He needs contact.  
Someone trips Mei as they’re running around the arcade.  Her nose bleeds, and MK feels his hackles rising.  Someone hurt his friend.  A demon?  A scan of the area reveals no such thing.  Just a mean person.  He can hear them snickering as they walk away.
Mei is more important than MK’s anger, so he takes her outside and finds some tissues, cleans her up.  He takes her out to her favorite restaurant (not Pigsy’s, though they’ll never tell him that) and they end the night with a race around town.  Her bike is an electric green streak, and he’ll never catch up, but he gives it his all before they finish outside his place.
“See ya later!” Mei still sounds a bit stuffed up from the nosebleed, and MK waves until she’s out of sight.  When she disappears, his expression shutters, anger against her unrecognizable assailant returning in a flash.
He’s been getting rid of demons, but that’s not enough!  Mei still got hurt, because people are unpredictable.  He heads to his room and paces.  How can he fix it, how can he make it better?
Maybe more than demons should be frozen.
MK stops in his tracks.  Now, there’s an idea.  But to freeze them forever, that seems like too much.
Not forever.  Just until they know how to behave.  Think of it as a pause button.
It would be nice if things just stopped for a moment.  Then he could have all the time in the world to fix it.  Once he gets the demons out of the way, he can do that.  Then, once everyone learns to behave, they can come out.  However long that takes.
He can be patient, for his friends.  This is all for them, after all.
A day after that, and he’s found the Spider Demon’s lair.  Every step he takes inside makes him shake, and he doesn’t think he’ll be able to take her.  He’s so nervous, so scared.
I can help, remember?  Just take a deep breath.
He takes a deep breath.
Close your eyes.
He closes his eyes.  
He doesn’t open them, but they open anyway.  Everything is washed in a soft layer of white, like frost, and his body moves but he doesn’t tell it to.  The fear he felt is muted, and he settles into the comfort of its absence.  He asked for this, right?
The spider demon—she wanted to be a Queen, right?  MK hadn’t been really paying attention when she went on her rant, too petrified to listen—skitters out, and when she locks eyes with him, she smiles.
“Aww, is the little monkie boy back to play?” She giggles, and MK’s body throws the staff at her.  She ducks with a yelp, and scrambles back.  “Ooo, we’re rough, now?  Seems you’re not so scared anymore,” She purrs, but he can hear the nervousness in her voice as the staff comes back to his hand.
“Iͥ ʷgͣˢoᶰtͤ ͮoͤvͬeˢrͨ ͣiͬtͤᵈ.” The sound comes out of his mouth, and it doesn’t sound much like MK at all.  Huh.  His body takes a step forward, and ice spreads out from beneath his foot.  “Tͭuͧrͬᶰnˢs ͦoͧuͭtʸ,ͦ ͧyˢoͪuͦ'ͧˡrͩe ͪnͣoͮtͤ ᵇtͤhͤᶰeʷ ͦsͬcͬaͥrͤiͩesͣᵇtͦ ͧdͭemͫoͤn ͥoͫuᶠtͬ ͤtͤhere.” 
The Spider Queen’s expression shifts, and she tries to run, but MK’s legs are faster. He watches himself move, jumping over stones and cliffs and any obstacle.  The webs she tries to trap him in freeze, and he slides across them as if his feet were skates.
Eventually, he corners her.  MK watches his body close in, and suddenly he’s back in control, staring her down.  Satisfaction crawls up his back, a cold grin splitting his face in two.
“ʷWͪhͦˢoˢ'ͨsͣ ͬsͤcͩaᶰrͦʷed now?” He grins, and she screams.
Ice, it turns out, is a great muffler.
Finding DBK’s hiding place is harder.  MK locates it just outside the city limits, in an abandoned scrapyard.  The perfect place to get parts for new bull clones and other random things Red Son can come up with.
He decides to go on the weekend, but as he prepares the night before Monkey King makes an appearance in his room.
“Hey, bud,” MK jumps at his arrival.
He must have been hiding as a bug or something, like when MK first found the staff.
“Monkey King!” He grins at his arrival, hopping up.  “What’s the occasion?  Is there something new you wanted to teach me?  Is there a demon we have to fight?”  We, not as in MK and Monkey King, but MK and himself.  Because he’s not one, not really, and that’s fun!  He hates being alone, after all.
“No, no,” Monkey King chuckles, overly fond.  Right, MK hasn’t been to Flower Fruit Mountain for a week.  “It’s just-you left pretty early, and, uh, you didn’t say anything about our next training sesh, you know?  And, uhh, pretty sure you shouldn’t be slacking off on that.”
The half hearted scolding aside, MK almost thinks that Monkey King missed him.  But that’s ridiculous.
“Well, you were sleeping when I got up, and I had to go to work,” The lie slips easily off of his tongue.  “I didn’t want to wake you, so I left!  Um, we’re busy tomorrow, but Sunday works for training, if that’s cool?” He rocks back and forth on his feet, ever excited.
“We’re?  Who’s cooler than me to hang out with?” Monkey King reaches out to ruffle his hair, and MK can feel the shiver that jolts through the monkey’s body at the touch.  Monkey King doesn’t comment on it, though.
“I promised Mei we’d hang out.  It’s been a busy week at the shop, so I haven’t been able to party with her,” He doesn’t know where these lies are coming from.
Sometimes he talks and it’s not him at all.  He should be concerned, but honestly he doesn’t mind if his other self takes the reigns.  He fumbles over his words way too often to be annoyed that someone is smoothing him out.
Polished like an ice sculpture; MK thinks he could be beautiful if he was like that.
“Alright, fine.  You and your friend can….do whatever it is kids do these days.  Am I an adult—oh my god I’m an adult,” Monkey King flops back onto his nimbus cloud with a groan while MK giggles.  
“Anyway, get some rest, bud.  You look tired,” is the last thing Monkey King says to him.
“On it!” MK salutes, and Monkey King floats through the window and then rockets off.  The papers in MK’s room all swirl from the blowback, and MK grabs one of the sketches that floats back down.
He doesn’t remember the last time he asked Tang for a story. The last time he sketched anything else at all.  But, a hero doesn’t need hobbies so trivial.
He plans.  Plans for how the city is going to look like, when he’s finished with it all.  He doesn’t need to write down the steps to get there, he has his head voice for that, but the city.  How it will look, when he’s done.  He has to figure it out, draw it out, and pin it to the wall so he can look at it every morning and evening and remember why he’s doing this.  So he sketches.  Pins the piece to the wall.  
Squints.  He doesn’t like it.  
Back to the drawing board.
His wall is covered by the time the sun rises, and MK still isn’t satisfied.  But there is no time to waste.  So, he picks up the outfit that feels all the more new—blue isn’t a color he expected to like, but blue is cold is safe is good is the burning warmth he needs, so he leaves the orange jacket and red headband hanging off of his desk chair.
Looking at himself in the mirror, he can barely tell the difference!
He is gone before Pigsy comes up with breakfast, before Pigsy calls for Tang to look at the mess MK left behind, enough drawings of the same thing for anyone to get the picture.  He is gone before Pigsy and Tang investigate, speak in hushed tones, and call for Sandy, Mei, and eventually Monkey King.
Getting to the outskirts of town is the easy part.  Infiltrating DBK’s base is a bit harder.  It’s not heavily fortified, but MK thinks that’s more because he has never tried to infiltrate such a place.  He doesn’t really attack first, he just protects.  But that’s not good enough anymore, clearly.  He can’t just be protective, he needs to be proactive.
He slides past the guards, freezes them for good measure.  After all, they’re going to be made useless once he takes their leader down, so it’s not as if he’s wasting anything.  There’s also always the chance they get wise, and MK doesn’t want his entrance ruined.
The inner sanctum of the base looks more like a house, made large to accommodate DBK’s figure.  There are pictures on the wall, from painted portraits to black and white to color photos.  MK supposes that the Demon Bull Family has been around long enough to have portraits taken in all sorts of mediums.  He wonders if they have statues, a shrine?  He bites back a giggle at the thought.
The booming sound of cloven footsteps alerts MK to DBK’s arrival, though by the sounds of two voices approaching, Princess Iron Fan must be with him.
“Red Son has been pulling away from us,” the gravel in DBK’s voice is soft, somehow.  MK listens in with interest.  What is it they are doing to their son now?
“You tried to kill him.  He can’t help but take it personally,” is Princess Iron Fan’s reply.  “He barely knows you, and he’s young.  He’ll grow out of it,” she waves a hand, unconcerned.
MK glares at them.  The temperature in the hallway drops, until Princess Iron Fan shivers.
“Darling, I thought this house had a heating function?” Princess Iron fan curls her arms around herself, and DBK picks her up and sets her on his shoulder, suddenly on guard.
“It does, the boy made it so,” he growls, sniffing around for intruders.  MK decides to let himself be known.
“Hi!” he says as he pops out from around the corner.
“Noodle boy?” Princess Iron Fan questions.
“Little Thief,” DBK growls.
“Actually, I go by MK,” he corrects cheerily.  “But, anyway, could you hold still?  This will be harder if you move,” He twirls his staff casually.  DBK growls, and Princess Iron Fan places a hand on the side of his face to silence him.
“MK,” Princess Iron Fan starts, with a forced air of politeness.  “We are in your debt for helping save my husband.  However, if you attack us, we will have no choice but to fight back, and we will not be kind.”
She grins, self assured, and continues  “And you know what happened the last time you tried to fight me.”
Fire.  Volcanoes.  She had tried to kill him and, more importantly, she had made his friends cry.  But things have changed, haven’t they?
MK giggles.  The sound echoes, and the hallway gets colder.  Frost crawls over the walls, and MK looks up with eyes that glow.
“Aͣcͨtͭuͧaͣˡlˡlʸy,ͥ Iͭ ͪtͥᶰhᵏiʸnͦkͧ ˢyͪoͦuͧˡ'ͩllͬ ͧᶰfiͥᶠnʸdͦ ͧmᵏeᶰ ͦʷtʷoͪ ͣbͭˢeᵍ ͦhͦaͩrᶠdͦeͬrʸ ͦtͧo ᶰbͦeͭatͭ ͪtͣhͭaʸnͦ ͧbeͨfͣᶰorͤˢeͨᵃᵖᵉ,” He jumps up with a smile, and sprints forward.
Something dawns on her face, and Princess Iron Fan stands.
“Darling, we need to run,” She says, quickly, but MK jumps and bounces off of the walls and is eye to eye with her before she can explain.
She doesn’t even have time to grab her fan.
DBK jumps back as the block of ice slides off his shoulder and he roars.
“Father?!” MK hears Red Son’s voice from afar and ignores that for now.
“I will tear you to pieces you ingrate!” DBK shouts, and MK laughs.
“��Yͦoͧu ͨcͦoͧˡuͩᶰlͭdnͤ'ͮtͤᶰ ˢeͭvͦᵖenͫ ͤbʷeͪaͤᶰt ͥmʷeͣˢ wͥᶰhʸeͦnͧ ͬI ͪwͤaͣsͩnʸ'ͦtͧ ᶠtͦrͦˡying!” he shouts back, dodging a blow that sinks DBK’s fist in the wall.
The frost slides from the wall to DBK’s arm, gluing him there.  He fires the gun on his other arm, and MK dodges. 
“Nͥiͩcͥeͦ ͭshot!” He dances around the room.
DBK takes a step in the wrong direction, and slips on the ice cube that is his wife, dropping to the ground.  MK wastes no time, and DBK’s roar is silenced abruptly.
“Noodle Boy!  What on earth are you doing?!” Red Son looks rather steamed, if the smoke coming off of him is any indication.
“Hi, Red Son!  I was just taking care of your parents,” MK gestures to the popsicles on the floor.  Red Son stares, face a mixture of confusion and horror, and MK barrels toward him.  “Now they can’t be mean to you anymore.  You can make fun inventions and not have to be a mean guy all the time!” Honestly, if anything, Red Son should be thanking MK, but MK doesn’t do this for thanks.  He takes a few hairs and blows on them, and his clones start to work on moving the new additions to his cave.
“You—” Red Son is at a loss for words before landing on “Give me back my parents!”
See, MK was worried about that.  He would likely have responded the same, when he first left his parents.
“But I worked hard to get them out of the way!” MK pouts.  “But, I get it.  You don’t understand.  You just need to ᵍcͤoͭolͦ ͧdͭowͦᶠn,ͦ ͧoͬkʷaͣʸy?” MK reaches out, places a hand on Red Son’s shoulder before he can be stopped, and Red Son is going to freeze too, when—
Red Son explodes, and MK burns.
It’s not enough to melt the ice, no, but MK is thrown back against the wall, eyes wide.
The chill in his bones vanishes with a screech, and all he can hear is screaming.  For a moment, something rises within him.  
This is wrong.
He shouldn’t be doing this, he can’t be.
He isn’t a bad person, he isn’t cruel. He wouldn’t do this.  
He needs to stop, he needs to—
And then the flames vanish, and so does Red Son, and the cold slips back into place with brutal efficiency.  MK blinks, tries to remember where he is.  Right, DBK and Princess Iron Fan.  He got them!  Great.
His clones have been destroyed in the blaze, so he makes some new ones, and heads back to base.  
A shame he couldn’t get Red Son to understand, but they all will soon enough.
Good job, vessel.
MK feels warm.  It burns.
He’s deliberating back at his hideout about where his newest statues should go when he hears a sharp gasp from behind him.  He turns, and Mei is looking at him with something that looks like horror, but that can’t be right.  Why would she be horrified by something so beautiful?
“MK?” she starts, cautiously.  “What…happened to you?  You look really bad, why are you wearing blue?”
“I like the color!” he asserts.  “And I’m fine!”
She purses her lips, and then tries again.
“Um...MK.  What is this?” She points to the frozen menagerie behind him.
MK does not pout, even though he feels like he should.
“You ruined the surprise,” he grumbles, arms crossed over his chest.  “I stopped all the bad guys!  See?” he gestures to them.  “Now they can’t hurt anyone.”
There’s a pause, before Mei can catch up, where MK asks, “Hey, do you think people would want to put them in a museum?” He taps his chin with his index finger, deliberating.
“How did you...does Monkey King have powers like this?” she tries, a third time.
“No, I don’t,” MK jumps at the sound of Monkey King’s voice.  Monkey King floats down on his cloud, hopping off and looking at MK with an air of suspicion.  “Kid, how are you doing this?  Why are you doing this?”
“‘Cause they hurt you guys,” MK has been itching for a chance to explain, to get someone to understand.  “And the-my head voice gave me the idea.  Once these guys are all gone, everyone can be safe, and no one will leave!”
“Head voice?” Pigsy comes from behind a pillar.  “MK, what are you talking about?”
“You know, the voice in your head that sounds like you?” He explains.  “It-it told me how to do it.  And I’m not a carbon copy of Monkey King, it makes sense that I’d have a few new powers, you know?”
“No,” Tang appears, from somewhere.
When did all of his friends get here?  He can see Sandy, Mo in tow on his shoulder, peeking in. 
“You shouldn’t have any deviations.  Maybe your transformations would be different, but to go so far as to have ice powers?” Tang pushes his glasses up on the bridge of his nose, and his glasses flash.  “That shouldn’t be possible, given Monkey King’s power set.”
“What’s going on, kid?” Sandy’s voice is very soft, as he approaches, just like when they were on the boat.  
“Nothing!” MK’s voice is cheery as ever.  “I’m just fixing things, okay?  I think you need to ˢcͪhͧiͭllͧᵖ ʷoͧʲuͥᶰtᵍ,” he reaches forward, and Sandy and Mo are ice.
Mei screams.
“What?” MK looks on, bewildered, as his friends stare at him in horror.  “He’ll be fine!  It doesn’t hurt.  I’ve been freezing for ages!  It gets warm after a while.”
His eyes glow, and Tang pales.
“Baigujing,” he breathes, and MK turns to him.
“What about her?” he asks, and Tang puts a hand to his mouth, biting his lip and glancing between the rest of the group and MK, unsure.
“Bud,” Monkey King takes a few cautious steps toward MK, as if MK were a cornered animal.  His feet slip a little on the ice, but not enough to stop his careful approach.  His tail is poised and very still, not so much as a twitch from it.  “I think you’re feeling a bit...um, scrambled right now.  Why don’t you hand me the staff, and we can talk about this?” He gives MK a soft smile, but MK frowns.
If he takes the staff you can’t finish your work! Does he think you don’t deserve it anymore?
“But I need it,” he responds, simple and to the point.  “It’s mine.”  Right?  Because Monkey King gave it to him.  Gifts can’t be taken back, right?  MK’s still worthy, right?
Monkey King takes a deep breath, like he’s biting back a retort.
“Preeeeetty sure I let you borrow it.  ‘S called ‘Monkey King’s Staff’ for a reason, bud.  C’mon.” 
Another step forward.  MK grips the staff tighter.  
“MK, please,” Tang calls from his other side.
Don’t let him take it!
“We need you to let go!” Mei’s voice hits his ears.
They’re all lying to you!  
“Kid-I-c’mon, just let ‘em have it and we can go home,” Pigsy’s voice breaks, and MK feels like he’s going to break with it.
Is he even going to let you keep your home?!
Monkey King is close enough that MK can feel the heat of his power emanating off of him, of the great Sun Wukong.  His paws are soft and somehow even warmer than his power as he curls them around MK’s grip on the staff.
They don’t understand! They’re going to abandon you!
“That’s it, easy does it,” Relief colors Monkey King’s tone, and he smiles at MK as if MK were the sun.  It’s too soft to be true.  “Just hand it over, and we’ll make sure everything’s okay, alright?”
He starts to tug, pulling the staff out of MK’s grip ever so gently, and MK flinches as the voice rings loud in his ear.
“It’s MͫIͥᶰNͤE!” MK shouts, and he slams the side of it into Monkey King’s stomach and launches his mentor across the room.
Monkey King crashes into the wall, groaning as he pushes away the falling rubble.  MK’s eyes are wild.  
“It’s mine, and you can’t have it!  I need it!” Ice crawls over his right hand, cementing his grip.  
Tang sees it, takes a step back, and turns to the two horrified bystanders.
“Run!” he shouts, and Mei bolts.  Pigsy stares, motioning for Tang to run, but Tang is too close to MK to do anything.
“What’d you do that for?” MK frowns, lowering a hand onto Tang’s shoulder.  Pigsy makes a choked sound.
“Go!  Bajie, get out of here!” Tang shouts, far more desperate than MK expected.  Why is everyone so terrified?  This is just a misunderstanding.
“Okay, tͭiͦmͦeˡ ͣoͭuͤt ͭfͦorͬ ͧᶰyˢoͣᶰuᶻᵃᶰᵍ,” MK pats Tang’s shoulder once, and Tang is rooted to the spot.  MK freezes him slower, because Tang isn’t strong, merely smart.  And if he does it slow, then he doesn’t have to chisel away the extra later.
Mei comes roaring in on her bike, and she picks up Pigsy by the back of his chef’s coat, throws him on the back of her bike, and zooms off.
“Tang!” Pigsy screams, but his voice gets farther and farther away.
“What’s wrong?” MK is so confused.  He looks to Monkey King, who is just sitting there on his cloud, horrified.
“Sun Wukong,” Tang says, voice hard.  The ice is up to his chest.  “Get out of here.  Bajie is going to be a wreck after this.”
“Can you make sense!” MK throws his hands up, tired of being ignored, talked over, walked over.  “Or at least ˢsͪtͧoͭp ͧᵖtalking!” And Tang goes silent, frozen.
MK turns back to Monkey King, and finds that his mentor has vanished.
Well, that won’t do.
After them!
MK jumps onto a disk of ice and slides across stone, feet still as the ice barrels over any obstacle, leading him past the dead sliver of a great mountain and up onto the streets.  Mei just has made her way to ground level, aided up by Monkey King, and MK zeroes in on them.
They pass by cars, and MK ignores the blaring horns as he slides over city streets.  The ice trailing behind him makes cars swerve out of control, but he needs to get to his friends.  They have to understand.  This is all for them!
The ice shoots forward, and he gets closer and closer, until Mei’s back wheel hits frost and the back of the bike jerks one way, the front the other.  The bike slips onto its side with immediacy, and Pigsy and Mei go sprawling as Mei’s bike falls apart, skidding across the ice.
Oh no.
“Mei!” he runs to her side.  
She groans, her bike suit torn.  He doesn’t even think about Pigsy at the moment, too worried about his best friend to think of the other person he hurt.  Plus, Pigsy’s a full grown adult, and MK has never seen Pigsy hurt like Mei is, so it doesn’t even register that Pigsy could be as injured as she is.  Her left arm has a large patch of skin that’s been burnt off by the road, and her legs are bleeding from various places.  Thankfully, she was wearing a helmet, so MK doesn’t have to worry about something so serious.  
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry.  Are you alright?  Where does it hurt?  I’m sorry!”
Some ice might help with the pain.
Right, right, icing the wound always helps.  He goes to make some, the power swirling in his hand, when a horn from a car blares, making him wince.  
Gosh, humans.  They’re so annoying!  If they could just stay out of the way, because he needs to fix this, that’d be great.
Remember the pause button?
It seems very inviting.  MK nods.  
Right.  A pause button.
“Just a sec, Mei,” he leaves her groaning on the ground, turning to face the city.
He slams his staff into the ground.
Ice shoots out in a wild dash.  It crawls over and into everything.  Cars, buildings, people—everything freezes.  He hears some screams, and watches people try and run for the hills, but the cold is faster. It billows down the streets, kicking up a white haze that is almost impossible to see through, that the pedestrians tripping on ice and solidifying get lost in, but it’s a snowy sheen that MK sees through perfectly. He can see the polished figures of buildings, glistening beneath their ice, the little mounds that must be people beneath the thick layer of ice. 
It’s all so pristine. So perfect.
MK is glad for the quiet.  With him and himself in his head, it’s hard to deal with outside noise. He just needed a moment of calm, to get to the task at hand.
The task at hand...Mei!
“Mei, are you—” he stops.  Mei and Pigsy aren’t there.  
His eyes search for them, and he can see Monkey King hurriedly pulling them up onto his cloud.  “Wait!”
Monkey King looks at him, and MK’s face is pleading.  He just wants to do right.  Why don’t they understand?  Once he fixes it all, everyone will be happy.  Can’t they wait?
“Sorry, bud,” Monkey King says.  
MK doesn’t know what he’s apologizing for. A rush of panic tries to grip his brain, something that was once so familiar, something that was once so him, but it disappears in MK’s desperation to act.
The cloud zooms off. He throws a hand out, running after it.
This is just like his dream.  At the edge of the city, a wall of ice rises.  It sparkles in the light of the setting sun, and MK raises it higher, and higher, as Monkey King and Mei and Pigsy and everyone he cares about most gets farther and farther away.
Monkey King punches through the ice, and they disappear into the horizon.
MK drops to his knees. They land hard on the frozen ground.
“You said they wouldn’t leave,” he whimpers out, crying because it hurts and he doesn’t know exactly why.
It’s more than just regular pain.  Something warm and different and yet familiar stings.  Something knows this isn’t right, this isn’t how it’s supposed to go!  If this was the right thing to do, why would everyone leave?
“I have to stop!” The words are forced out of his mouth.  
MK doesn’t know when the words are him and when the words are something else.  He doesn’t know who he is.  What’s right?  What’s wrong?  How can he tell?  
He’s just been listening to his own head, but his own head is arguing with itself.  
He slams his free fist into his temple, to try and make things settle.
Chains drag him to the ground, leaving him stuck.
You are doing everything just right.
The voice is soft in one ear, but on the other side MK hears No! On repeat.  No, this isn’t right.  You froze good people.  Innocent people!  You froze Tang and Sandy!  You made Pigsy cry!  You hurt Mei!
They don’t understand yet.  Monkey King is notoriously stubborn.  He isn’t ready for his successor to pass him yet.  All you have to do is wait for them to come back.  And they will.
It’s harder and harder to hear the argument against this.  
The voice sounds so self assured.  The warmth that doesn’t burn gets weaker and weaker, like a fire out of kindling.  
He wheezes, and tears turn to snowflakes on his skin.  He chokes on his own breath.  It comes out white and fogs his vision, but he can’t find it in himself to care.  
Everyone’s gone.  
He’s alone.  
This can’t be right.
It is.  You just haven’t done enough yet.
That, MK understands.  The need to do more, be more.  It makes far more sense that he hasn’t done enough, than anything else.
“They’ll come back?” He asks, and his voice sounds so loud in the quiet.  He feels a hand brush his hair back.  He leans into the touch, but it’s gone.
Of course.  
MK stands.  The chains vanish, and he smiles.
“Okay then!  Let’s get to work!”  
He hasn’t let go of the staff in ages.  He doesn’t think he can.  He turns to the mess he’d made in his rush job, the frozen city’s statue.  He has to fix that, it’s unsightly!  Mei and Pigsy and Monkey King won’t like a mess.
As he plans, as he hopes, he feels a smile in the back of his head.  It feels like a snowball to his skull, chilling and yet a comfort, somehow.
Wonderful work, Vessel.  We’re going to do great things together.
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honestsycrets · 5 years
It’s Not A Choice || [Kylo Ren x Reader]
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❛ pairing | kylo ren x reader
❛ type | oneshot
❛ summary | reliant on suppressants, the reader doesn’t exactly know how to handle a heat.
❛  warnings | nsfw, abo dynamics, newbie writing
❛ sy’s notes | all my works include fem!reader unless indicated or requested otherwise. uhhh, new to this! i’ve seen TFA, but I do need to catch up on the other movies. I just get such anxiety when I watch anything that it takes me a damn eon to get through a thing at a time.
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The scratchy baying from the other beds is enough to make your ears pop. Since you arrived to the medbay, your ears had bled. “Get her a knot already,” you cup your hands over your ears, shooting a frown down at the woman between your legs. Her bottom lip is caught between her teeth as she lightly shakes her head.
“She won’t be here long,” the doctor says. “Not screaming like that.”
“Seriously,” you drop your head back. “It can’t be that bad.”
“You say that now.”
You sharpen your gaze down at her, almost challenging as you engage her, although-- if you were being honest, no beta could understand the fine struggles of an omega. An alpha even less so. They reap the benefits of an omega’s heat. What do you know, you suppress the words.
Fingers clanging around your insides is not your picture-perfect weekday. As uncanny as it might be, you are a worker through and through. Your work gives you a sense of purpose. A sense that… you were needed. Rather you pointlessly lay on your back, pretending like you could tolerate a woman seemingly fishing in your body for your cervix.
“Seems you’re long overdue for a heat,” Doctor Moira spoke, still squishing her fingers about. “When was your last?”
“A few seasons ago,” you admit. “I take suppressants. Never been an issue.”
“Well, Officer (L/N) you’re about to have one. You’ve built up a resistance.”
Her fingers pull free. She taps her fingers against one another, drawing a long sticky strand between thumb and middle finger. Your head drops back with a wobbly half-smile. “And that means…?”
“It means you must take time off. Ride out the heat in quarantine.”
You shift your feet off of the stirrups of the chair. “Time off?” you grate out as if her order had barbs attached to them. “I don’t take time off.”
“You do now. Resolve any loose ends and report here tonight.”
“Yes, doctor,” you resolve, hissing under your breath.
Fuck, fuck-- and fuck. You never take time off.
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The sterile click of boots down the blank hall rang in your ear like the ringing of a high pitched squeal. At the end of the corridor, you stood clutching your datapad for life. In its reflection, you might have seen yourself-- sweat beading your forehead, a stray few pieces of hair falling from your slicked back bun. Heat radiating from within your core, then out, exploding like a star into the universe. Your sharp eyes shift up from the pad’s reflective surface as the steps still to nothing.
Hovering in front of you was a wall of black encasing what might be a human. The soft breathing behind the vocoder of his mask gives you something to focus on other than your clammy hands which have slicked the datapad. Not that it helped much. It slides free of your hands and cracks on the floor by his sturdy black boots.
His helmet downcasts as you pluck it up, swallowing a dry bolus of nothingness as you did. Behind the blankness of his helmet, it’s almost as if you can feel him watching you. So unimpressed. Under the weight of his intense stare, you feel the push to speak past his annoyance which fills you over like a fully filled cup.
“Commander,” you bow your head. The quicker you give him what he needed, the quicker you could rush back to the medbay.
“It belongs to you,” he states.
You stop, garbling nonsensical words, “I-- what… what belongs to me?” As if any of those noises were intelligible.
“The scent. Control it.”
A moment passes-- battling with words as you were-- and Kylo moves forward. Your knuckles tighten over the pad. The sheer energy that radiates off of him could bring you to your knees, but more than that, the richness of his scent manifesting like something tangibly overwhelming on your tongue. Smooth, deep… comforting. You could get drunk on it. If you weren’t drunk on his unctuous scent already. Your tongue moistens your lower lips, and you quickly realize, he’s turned away from you.
“It’s not a choice,” you bite out, sharper than you intended. “Commander.”
He turns, taking a rough stomp forward. You keep steady.
“You mean to make me believe it’s impossible to control your biological inadequacy?” he states. “Suppressants, heard of them?”
“Yes, Commander Ren.” You chew on your lower lip, bursting it apart. Blood soaks your lower lip, and you bring it into your mouth to hold your peace.
“See to it.”
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It’s just a few days, you thought. A week at least. Ten days, maybe twelve at most. Your bare toes knock into the cold metal of the door-- you whip around, chasing the black tile to the other wall. It’s only isolation. The room isn’t as small as you make it out to be. Sleep is a great way to pass the time. You’ve not slept so much in years.
“At least you aren’t sanitation,” thoughts manifest to words at some point between day one and three. “You’re home free, almost. Almost.”
Day four or five might have been when wheels came off the bus, so to speak. The little room was too little. You counted the steps it took to get from one wall to another. Exactly twenty-seven medium steps. Thirteen big ones.
The air is stagnant with your own hormones to avoid cycling such a scent through the rest of the ship, which in the grand scheme of it all, fucked you. It’s stuffy. Hot. Which was how your dress ended up over there somewhere in a crumpled puddle of the generic cloth. If you could just focus on one thing other than the hot pulse of your overly fucked clit, nearly chafing with your fingers reliant upon it for relief as you slouched against the door.
Control it, he told you. The Commander didn’t understand this-- not this. He understood things like The Force, his training, but never-- an Omega’s need. If what you felt a few days ago was a star exploding in the universe, the depths of heat was burning with the heat of a supernova, burning through you like the molten heat of a hot, red lightsaber bursting the door--
“Fuck!” you shout, jerking your hand from the phantom crackling door. It fails to register that the red, blistering light is crashing through the door at first. You fail to realize the door curling in on itself with wretched screams that so aren’t yours, no, not at all. Not even as you crawled desperately away from the decimated door, cleaved seemingly in half, singes your nose with melted metal. Inevitably, because that wasn’t enough to top your week, footsteps slide in.
You shrill, catching yourself baying when the scent slams into your nostrils head first. Your hand shoots out toward the strewn remains of your dress, draping it over your naked breasts, inching across the floor on your naked ass as if you got far enough, maybe he would disappear altogether. Instead it was your gown, flicked off your near-naked body that disappeared. “What are you doing?!”
“That’s enough.” You curl in upon yourself, your sweaty body pressing against your knees. The lips of your sex exposed to him-- not escaping his notice by far. Kylo presses the tip of his boot up against your moist sex, nudging your smooth lips in amusement. His musk swells in the room, mingling with your own pheromones, the pressure of his boot giving a relief you’ve not had in some time. It wasn’t simply because it was another inanimate object to rut upon-- you’ve had plenty of those in the past few days. Your hips glide on their own accord, sending pings of pleasure up your spine.
“Disgusting,” the Commander says, nudging your cunt more forcefully now. You fall back, catching yourself on your elbows, knees tucked up as if in offering. “You’ve given in within only days.”
Doctor Moira had been right-- this searing heat, which coursed your body, was too much for you to even resist. Your tongue, warm and wet, flicks over your lower lip. “So have you,” you say, mistakenly. The Commander kneels before you, tilting his helmet just so.
“No, officer,” Ren says allows his leather encased fingers so gently graze over your kneecap. “I only came to see what I already knew.”
Which was? you lift your head. But you don’t need to ask. Not really, not within your cunt pulsing and throbbing. A low, long keening noise works free from your lip. You feel his hand shift over your knee and toward your core, stopping just short of it at the junction of your thigh and sex. His thumb so briefly skims your lips, barely a flick.
“You’re inadequate.” Ren chuckles, drowning you in the richness of his voice, fuzzy as it was through his vocoder. “Unfit for your rank.”
“That’s… not true,” you whisper, finding his gamy, leather clad fingers would flick your clit. The ache soars between your legs, blossoming out across your lips and clenching core. “You’re an alpha. What… what would you know about this?”
“Control,” he insists, his fingers shift-- then dip inside your core. If only on instinct, they clench him tightly, walls undulating. “Something you clearly lack.”
“That’s not...” you say, glancing down to his fingers, delving deep, until they hilt. Your teeth clench down on your lower lip, bursting it open. He grasps your nipple in his other palm, tugging it with emphasis. “...why you’re here. It’s the scent, isn’t it? You can’t control your instinct.”
No answer. Not at first. Only the swift twirl of his fingers, massaging your walls, a small thumb padding your clit over and over again. Your breath is effectively eviscerated, slipping out of your lips without pause. His fingers follow suit in his defiance. He brings the heavy leather to your face; he wipes the creamy fluid over one side of your face, then the other to clean them off on your face. Then, Kylo Ren stands.��
“Not likely.”
Behind him, the door screams as it peels effortlessly, making a way for his quick exit. In his absence, you glance to the door, your own walls spasming around the phantom sensation of where his fingers once were. It would be a feat to explain this to Doctor Moira-- or any alpha with a hint of restraint who might follow your sweet and fertile scent. You drop your head back onto the black tile. Maybe heat really was just that bad.
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halfrest · 4 years
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* camila mendes, cis woman + she/her  | you know juliana “jules” paes, right? they’re twenty-four, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, almost one year? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to god must be doing cocaine by charlotte lawrence like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole playlist curated specifically for making boxed mac and cheese at 3 am, the ‘are you still watching?’ screen on your ex’s netflix that you continue to use, and equating the one-time purchase of a zucchini to getting your life together thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is june 9th, so they’re a gemini, which is unsurprising, all things considered. 
not the eldest child, but the eldest daughter, juliana (who purely goes by jules) was born third followed by five younger siblings for a total of eight. it was a packed house, especially since both parents had their siblings nearby (they all lived in one borough of new york city or another). not a bad arrangement in terms of the company kept. her best friends were her cousins. her family was close enough. the only thing was that jules was everybody’s second mother. when it came to the final three kids, she raised them as much as her parents did. oldest brother was the obvious favorite, got married young (now nieces and nephews piled in), went off to become a doctor and second son went off the rails a bit, although he was doted over and eventually ended up working with dad at a very exciting insurance company. jules doesn’t remember much of her childhood, but she remembers changing diapers, making lunches, going to soccer games and driving a car full of children as soon as she got her license. that didn’t mean jules was exempt from other responsibility because her parents wanted to see her succeed too and since they had a doctor in the family, why not a lawyer or engineer. girl was expected to juggle everything with ease but ofc that’s impossible unless you have superpowers and i’m afraid to report that juliana did not.
anxiety tw / anxiety initially kept her on track, needing to get assignments done before due dates, having her schedule perfectly coordinated and it worked throughout high school, somewhat throughout college, although panic attacks became more prevalent and then into her first year at law school, it just didn’t work for her anymore. total breakdown. she chose herself over expectations she couldn’t meet, although that didn’t mean she was going to show up back home as a failure. jules withdrew from school and went out to irving where her best friend from the city (shoutout willa) had ended up at and lied to her family all about it. / end tw
it’s hard to know where to go in life when you swerve off the road in front of you and realize that you had been living for other people. basically jules doesn’t rly know what the fuck it means to live for yourself. the only thing she’s settled is that she will continue to lie to her family and say that she’s still at law school even though she hasn’t been in months. she tries not to think about that too much tho bc that would just lead to another spiral. has no direction, no plan, no money atm but in the same vein of things, jules has never been so relieved in her life. she’s managing. there are days when she just stays in her room (terrible roommate btw, never pays rents on time, has elaborate excuses, who will tolerate her?) in her dark just not wanting to do anything (depression<3) but don’t worry by friday night she’s shaking her ass at scuba to some nelly song. duality of (wo)man. 
other facts and things include being an avid fan of watching bad movies and leaving letterboxd reviews, giving apologies in the form of any item off the mcdonalds value menu, buying a ridiculous piece of clothing or whatever bc it’s what makes her happy at the moment (maybe a cow patterned bikini is what she truly needs to reach inner peace — a small price for some serotonin), alternating between periods of great productivity and well nothingness (meaning tons of unfinished projects and plans), ability to sleep anywhere, giving unsolicited opinions, coming up with the Perfect Plan which ends up not being perfect, talking too much and last but not least.......having fun.<3
holds ur hand if u got to the end of this. i might come up w some wc but we know who i am as a person so let’s cut thru the bs. if u would like a plot w jules 1st of all i love u 2nd of all jst message me and i’ll come up w a silly little plot for us. it’ll be beautiful n sexy. that also applies to my other characters. suddenly disappears in a cloud of smoke.
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charlieism · 5 years
Only My Ashes Will See The Sea
Ethan, Lex and Hannah reunite in death.
Read on ao3!
Ethan was surrounded by darkness. Infinite, endless blackness; he’d say it stretched on as far as he could see, but as it was, it was so dark he didn’t even know if he was seeing, if his eyes were even truly open.
He couldn’t say how long he floated there for, searching for any glimpse of light. He didn’t know where he was, or where everyone else was, or what was happening. The last thing he remembered was Hannah, terrified and teary-eyed; he’d told her to run, his last coherent memory was just the panicked desperation with which he tried to get her to safety. He wondered if she was okay, if she’d gotten away from those psychos who—Jesus. Did they stab him? He remembered being punched in the face by the feral-looking man, and then a blinding pain in his stomach, sharper than anything he’d ever felt before. He told Hannah to run, then he was thrown to the floor and then it was a blur of pain and thuds and kicks, and then… then… then what?
It was hard to think about. It made his head hurt. He stopped thinking about the moments leading up to now, and focused instead on the chilling situation he was currently in.
The Blackness encompassed him, smothering him, drowning him, its emptiness beginning to drive any rational thoughts from his mind. There was just nothing here, this place felt like the total absence of everything. His mind began to fall into a spiral, panic and fear eating away at what felt like his very sanity. Ethan began to question if he was even alive, and the thought made him freak out even harder than before, despite a hidden part of him instinctively knowing the truth: he was dead. Ethan felt like he was hyperventilating, but there was no air in this empty space, and though he thrashed around he had no way of knowing if he was even actually moving. He couldn’t even see his hands. A scream built up in his chest, clawing its way up through his throat and swelling in his mouth. He could barely keep the shriek in; pure terror, anxiety and panic were working their way through his veins to make his voice louder, but a split second before he snapped and let it out a wisp of a voice floated through his mind.
Calm, it said.
The shock of it, of hearing sound after what felt like eons trapped in nothingness made Ethan swallow compulsively and blink hard. The darkness that came from squeezing his eyelids shut was indiscernible from the Black surrounding him.
“What?” he rasped, alert, ears practically pricked like a dog’s while he searched for another break in the maddening monotony of the void. There was no reply, no strange, other-worldly voice, but a memory pushed its way into the front of his mind. It was a happy memory, one of his happiest, really, and it was so recent it was a crystal clear picture in his mind. 
Hannah, putting on his old cap, her big brown eyes full of trust and awe when he swore to her it’d protect her from anything. He’d been so elated and amazed when she’d listened to him. Then Lex, posing on the steps out the back of Toy Zone, belting her dreams of being an actor in California while he pretended to roll a camera on her. She’d looked so happy up there, so hopeful that it had infected Ethan, made him believe they’d really make it out. The way Lex had smiled into their kiss afterwards, bubbling over with the sheer joy he so rarely saw from her, had made his heart skip a beat. Then there was Hannah, acting like a doofus and copying his smoking dance afterwards; it’d made him laugh on the inside, though he didn’t dare show it in front of Lex. God, he loved them. He loved them more than anybody else in the world; Lex made his heart feel warm and full and whole like nobody else he’d ever met. Ethan was completely and utterly devoted to her. And he loved Hannah, too. He had the urge to protect her like he was her own brother, or her dad, or whatever the hell that kid needed him to be. He’d do anything for her. He just wanted to look after them, his girls, so that Lex wouldn’t have to cry so much anymore and Hannah wouldn’t have to be scared all the time. California was going to fix all of that. They were all so excited to get there. They’d all been so hopeful.
The happy memories felt tinged with bittersweetness now, but they were still effective. The lingering excitement, joy and love he’d felt no-so-long ago (was it hours? Or days? The amount of time he felt he’d been kept in the Black seemed to be shrinking now that his mind wasn’t running on animalistic terror), was beating back the overwhelming anxiety he’d been feeling a minute ago. He focused on the memory of Lex’s laugh, of Hannah’s shy smile, of the happy glimmer in both of their eyes, and his panic retreated, shoved back by the memory of their joy. He’d done that. He’d made them hopeful, made them happy, promised them that things would get better until they believed it. Ethan thought he could feel tears building in his eyes, his sinuses burning, but he wasn’t sure. He thought about the way Lex laughed at him when he did something dumb, exactly the reaction he was always trying to provoke from her, and let out a small, wet laugh himself.
Black and White, the voice whispered eerily, and Ethan startled. Were his eyes closed now? He realised they were, and he cracked them open slowly. At first he could barely tell the difference between his eyes being open and shut, the Black around him as absolute as it had a few hysteric minutes ago. But then, as his eyes flickered around the infinite darkness, it began to lighten.
The change was hardly noticeable at first, the pitch-black void only lightening by a few degrees to a deep, dark grey, but it was enough. He gasped, shakily, and tears filled his eyes again, this time with relief. He didn’t know what was happening, but he knew that the penetrating darkness was becoming lighter and that was good enough for him. He focused on the memory of how tightly Lex had clung to him, wrapping her legs around his waist and laughing into his neck when he told them how much money they were going to make, when she realised they were really going to make it California, and the dim grey lightened even further. He thought of Hannah on a good day, how she smiled when he called her Banana and talked back to him in her own stilted way, and the world got brighter. He let himself feel how much he loved his girls, his family, the sheer force of his emotion overwhelming him even as tinged with worry, concern and grief as it was, and soon the Black turned completely to White. 
He was still floating, it was still infinite and all-encompassing and terrifying, but it was… safer, than the Black. It wasn’t driving him insane, it wasn’t smothering him, it wasn’t trapping him, it was just holding him in place. He was kind of... resting there, clinging to the thoughts of his family. At least here he could see, though the bright White of it all threatened to hurt his eyes with how it shone. His dark, worn leather jacket contrasted sharply with the colourless background, and he took comfort in its familiarity, hugging his arms around himself. Ethan simply stood and breathed for God-knows how long, readjusting to his setting. Well, standing didn’t seem entirely accurate (nothing felt solid here, not even the space beneath his feet), but nevertheless, it was an improvement to the Black.
It still wasn’t great, though
It was silent again, that strange, ethereal voice having disappeared. And he was still alone, lingering isolated in a boundless void. He tried to focus on the memories of Lex and Hannah again, and they came surprisingly easy in this place. Far easier than they had in the Black, at least. He was beginning to feel sane again, his mind less tortured.
And then, after an indeterminate amount of time, there was the faintest boom-crash noise that shook him from his stupor. He looked up, glancing around for the source of the noise, but the White remained as unfathomably blank as it had always been. And then, from behind him moments later, there was a voice. It was trembling and wavering, choked-up and terrified. It was heart-wrenchingly, achingly familiar.
“Ethan?” Lex’s voice warbled.
Ethan spun around so fast he was surprised he didn’t get whiplash, his plaid shirt twisting about his legs. Lex and Hannah stood a way away from him, holding each other, staring at him in shock. Their very presence made the White seem more solid, more like a real place, and the relief at seeing their figures there made him slump in on himself, a sharp exhale tearing its way out of him. Tears rose in his eyes, but this time he knew for sure he was almost crying because Lex and Hannah blurred and doubled in his vision.
“Lex! Hannah!” he yelled, and bolted towards them, feet hitting the White ground solidly and taking him swiftly towards his girls.
They stood in place, looking shocked until he got close enough to see the tears glimmering in their eyes. He stopped jarringly once he got that close, suddenly afraid they’d disappear like mist in the wind if he touched them.
“Are you guys really here?” he asked, voice shaking. The girls stared at him, Lex’s eyes roving up and down his body in panic while Hannah stared directly at his face, eyes wide and shiny. Then, all of a sudden Lex broke down, her face crumpling with gut-wrenching tears. Ethan inadvertently let out a wounded noise, reaching out for her.
“Ethan, you fucking died?” she sobbed.
“What?” he asked stupidly, then blinked and shook his head slightly, his worry about Lex overtaking his fear and current existential crisis. “I mean, yeah, I guess so, I think I got stabbed a while ago. But does that mean the two of you are dead?! Oh my God, are you two okay? How did you die?!” he asked rapid-fire, frantic. He finally got the guts to rest his hand on Lex’s arm and, to his staggering relief, she remained solid under his palm. Lex sobbed again, and released Hannah in order to wrap her arms tightly around Ethan’s waist and mash him into her, her face pressing into his chest and her tears soaking through his shirt. 
“I don’t know, dude, I think we got fucking nuked? Or hit by a meteor? I don’t know,” she cried. Ethan didn’t really know how to process the idea of fucking Hatchetfield getting nuked, so he shoved it to the back of his mind and focused instead on comforting his girlfriend. Hannah took a step back from them when Ethan curled around Lex, but neither of them noticed. Ethan wrapped an arm around his girlfriend’s back and brushed one hand gently through her hair, making soft, helpless noises at her.
“Hey, hey, babe, it’s okay!” he soothed, pressing a kiss onto the top of her head. Her grip tightened around him. “Shh, you’re alright. I’m alright. We’re all alright, okay? We’re all here together now. It’s alright,” he rambled, ducking his face down next to hers until she blinked her eyes open and sniffled, bringing her arm up to wipe away her tears with her sleeve. Unfortunately, Ethan had experience dealing with a crying Lex, though every time it occurred he fervently wished he’d never have to see her cry again, that she’d never be so sad again.
“You okay?” he murmured, rubbing his palms soothingly up and down her back, and she nodded shakily, taking a tiny step back and clinging onto his hand.
“Yeah,” she croaked. “Good as I can be considering I’m dead, I ‘spose. What about you?”
“I’m, well… I’m a lot better now that you two are here,” he admitted, before turning to the other girl. 
Ethan tried to summon up a brave smile for Hannah, not wanting to alarm her any more than what had already been done.
“What about you, then?” he inquired, grasping for some sense of familiarity. “What’s shakin’, Banana?” He stepped forward slightly and raised his arms for a hug.
Hannah took a step back.
Ethan froze.
“Hannah?” he asked quietly, surprised.
“Bad,” Hannah whispered after a beat, watching him warily, though she sounded confused. Ethan’s arms lowered, hurt. He exchanged a wide-eyed glance with Lex, who looked startled.
“What do you mean, Banana?” he asked, going for a cheerful tone, though it sounded shaky even to his own ears.
“Saw you, on the balcony. Wanted Wiggly. Bad double,” Hannah said, arms wrapping around herself. Ethan frowned.
“What? I haven’t seen you since, uh, the Cineplex, bud,” he replied, frowning slightly. “Are you sure it was me?” Hannah paused at that, assessing him, her eyes flickering up and down him and a crease furrowing her brow.
“...No?” she said stiltedly, sounding more confused than ever. Then she tilted her head as though she was listening to someone, and refocused on Ethan. “Not you, not Ethan... a double? You are... the real Ethan?” she asked. Ethan cocked his head, frowning in concern, but slowly nodded;
“Yeah, Banana,” he assured. “I’m the real Ethan, you know me.” He hesitantly made to step forward, but when Hannah leaned away he immediately stopped and retreated. Lex was staring at them both, but Ethan kept his gaze on Hannah. “It’s alright, Hannah. You’re safe,” he soothed. 
He didn’t know what she’d seen after he died, but it had obviously scared her and it obviously had something to do with him. Maybe she’d seen his body or something? He didn’t know, maybe he’d ask later, but right now he just wanted to reassure her. He hated seeing that scared look in her eyes. He waited patiently for a minute, tense silence falling over the three of them. Then very, very slowly, Hannah reached out and snagged his leather jacket between his fingers. She rubbed the material for a moment then looked him directly in the eyes, something she rarely did. Her brown eyes searched his blue ones intently, looking for something like a lie or a hint of mania, but when she found nothing her expression crumpled, much like Lex’s had minutes before.
“Ethan,” she cried, and barreled into him with a fierce hug. He froze, stunned, but his shock barely lasted a moment and he wrapped his arms around her in return, squeezing her softly.
““Hey, Banana,” he smiled. “Good to see you.”
“Missed you,” she sniffed.
“Yeah, I’m sorry, kiddo. I missed you too,” he sighed. Lex made an aw sound next to them, then wormed her way into the embrace. Ethan lifted an arm to box her in and pressed a kiss to her damp cheek. They stayed like that for a while, swaying together in their little group, and even though he was still surrounded by the vast White Ethan almost felt alive again.
“I love you guys,” he said softly, and they all separated slightly. It was an easy thing to say, in the face of death itself. He did love them, why bother hiding it? They already knew he loved them, of course, but he wanted to reiterate it. Lex smiled at him and leaned in for a soft kiss.
“We love you too, babe,” she said. He wrapped her in a side-hug and entwined his fingers with hers, while Hannah clung to Lex’s other hand, and they all stood in sombre, companionable silence for a bit. 
“What now?” Lex eventually asked. . “I don’t know,” Ethan admitted. “I don’t even know where we are. When I pictured death, I never really imagined this.”
“We’re in the White,” Hannah informed them. When Ethan focused on her he noticed she looked remarkably well-adjusted for a 10-year old girl who’d just died and found herself in some kind of alternate dimension.
“Yeah?” Lex encouraged, and Ethan realised she didn’t seem to be questioning it all that much either.
God, he was so fucking confused.
“I wish we were in California,” he sighed mournfully. Lex squeezed his hand, and when he looked at her she mustered a small, forlorn smile.
“It was a good dream,” she said. He nodded, but didn’t know how to reply.
“California has beaches,” Hannah said. Ethan raised an eyebrow at her.
“It sure does,” Lex agreed. Hannah frowned.
“Webby says…” she paused, frowning, and then looked up at them, big eyes bright. “California,” she said, and her eyelids fluttered shut. Lex and Ethan shared a bewildered look, but after a moment of silent conversation something else caught Ethan’s eye.
A way in front of them, the White was steadily turning blue. A picturesque, postcard perfect blue. And it was moving, swelling, gently rising and falling. And then the ground directly beneath them began to shift and crunch under their feet, turning golden and grainy. The space above them turned periwinkle blue and fluffy, cottony clouds appeared out of thin air to dot the sky, perfectly shaped as though they were born straight from a child’s imagination. Far, far above them the sun slipped out from behind one of those clouds, yellow and warm in the most delicious way.
Lex tilted her face upwards and closed her eyes, letting the light play upon her skin, a delighted smile lifting her the corners of her mouth. Ethan admired his girlfriend for a moment, taking in how peaceful she looked before following her lead and tilting his face to the sky, letting his eyes slide shut.
A cool, gentle wind began to ruffle its way through his dark curls, bringing with it the tang of salt and the joyous cry of seabirds. The crash of waves gently pounding against the sand had him open his eyes again, and he looked out at the paradise that had just been created. The ocean stretched for miles, as far as his eye could see, before disappearing into the horizon where its cool blue blended seamlessly with the sky. He’d never seen the ocean in real life before. He shifted, looking down, and watched soft golden sand spill over the toes of his black boots. He blinked against the sea breeze and watched the sunlight glitter off the crystalline water, and without truly intending to, he smiled. 
Ethan looked down at Hannah, who was only just reopening her eyes, and watched the astonishment and delight fill her features as she took in the view. 
“It’s heaven,” Lex breathed to his left.
“California,” Hannah agreed, and Ethan laughed, tipping his head back.
“No,” he said sincerely, “It’s something even better.” He squeezed their hands happily, and they squeezed back. The three of them stood in a line, holding hands on the paradisaical beach made just for them, and watched the ocean sparkle cheerily for the first time in their lives. And, Ethan realised, it finally felt like a happy ending.
I hope you enjoyed! Reblogs are very appreciated <3
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taran-wanderer · 3 years
[spams n sunflowers into your ask box]
my friend you’ve no idea what you’ve wrought :3c
so I have a lot of OCs, and most of them live in a fictional town in Indiana named Silver Lake (in the universe that I’ve given the same name) In this universe one can be born with some sort of mutation, and mutations usually can be categorized into three categories: weird body thing, weird power thing, and innate magical ability Mutants make up roughly 40-50% of the population globally, and mutations aren’t hereditary so it’s ultimately just random whether any given person will be a mutant (two human parents can have a mutant child, and conversely two mutant parents can have a human child) As for OCs that live in this universe, let’s start with my self insert! she has two heads. there’s still only one of her, which means that usually she talks in unison with herself which can be A Little Bit Unsettling if you’re not used to it (as a fair few mutations tend to be). this is, if it wasn’t obvious, an example of Weird Body Thing An example of Weird Power Thing would be my older/younger sibling J, who has superhuman healing abilities: they heal from injuries faster than any given human, but also they can regenerate missing body parts (up to and excluding the brain). I say older/younger sibling because they’re a year or so older than me but they were adopted after me, so I consider them my younger sibling even though they are per se older Oops Speaking of adoption! the main story here follows Becky and Victoria Newton, who run a lil cafe type place and is a lawyer/case worker/someone in the legal system, respectively. I, don’t actually know if victoria took becky’s last name when they got married but i can’t think of a better one atm so that is how it is for now! Becky is a super butch mutant with six arms and she is very good at using her six arms to make milkshakes and hug her children, and Victoria has Innate Magical Ability of hieromancy (law magic) which she uses to her advantage at her workplace. everything all started when Victoria was assigned the case of this like six year old mutant girl whose parents thought she was freaky and didn’t want her, and Victoria went home and was like “beck we can’t just leave her there we have to take care of her!” and they ended up adopting her and then after that at least like....seven more kids? at various points. OH no eight I forgot about leigh but only because she shows up like, during the story? ANyway that first girl is paisley and she is now in her 30s just doin paisley things. she has a mutation of she can take herself apart at the joints and also just kinda rearrange herself? she has a nervous habit of switching around the index and middle fingers of one hand and she’s reached a point where she has no idea if they’re in the correct places or not which is fun man I could talk about the newtons for 80 years but let’s move on to some other characters elise! elise is good she has a siren voice mutation and to that end she Does Not Speak Like Ever, instead electing to use ASL so that she doesn’t make people do things. she and j are a couple and they’re very cute J works at the library with a few folks, Lucas has a mutation of straight up just moves like peter gabriel in the sledgehammer music video which is Fun And Funky, and sophie is actually! a human, she’s bewheelchaired and synesthetic and works in the children’s department which is great because she loves hearing about what kids are excited about and also getting kids excited about exciting things I think sophie and penelope might be a couple or at least headed there. penelope has a mutation of she just vanishes sometimes? like she’ll disappear into nothingness and then reappear at some point later. there’s a lot of caveats to this ofc that i’m not going to get into right now but. she’s doing her best. she and sophie live in a house with jack and mona who are Not a couple. mona has a mutation of like. two pupils and irises per eye, which makes sight Incredibly Inconvenient for her so i think she’s like. legally blind? i need to do a bit more research and thinkin about her. jack is excellent they have DID and they’re very autistic in the quiet sort of way so they’re gonna be fun to write about if i ever get around to actually writing the things i have in my head Oops ooo speaking of humans! jace and leaf are great they’re just. doin their best jace has no legs and plays the bass and is full of anxiety and doesn’t make friends for fear of losing friends, and leaf changes that about her because leaf befriends her over being mutually leg disabled (leaf has a pretty intense fatigue disorder) and makes jace realize that Hey Friends Are Good Actually, and then they end up as a couple with a lot of friends and it’s good :) hey let’s talk about vi and hazel! they’re part of Sign Language Gang along with elise (and by necessity J even though they don’t strictly Have to use it), on account of hazel does not have a mouth and vi is deaf! the former is a mutation (she has a spooky monster mouth on her stomach and that’s how she like. eats, and things) and the latter is just. she’s just deaf. her mutation is that she’s a plant! technically a carnivorous plant by definition--er no wait an omnivorous plant? somethin. she’s good they’re good. i think that’s everyone i can relate to one another and I think this is probably enough sunflowers but! thank you for the sunflowers i enjoy thinking about ocs :)
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musical-shit-show · 4 years
Two Sides: Chapter 1
Characters: Musical!Beetlejuice, Female!OC, Lydia Deetz, Barbara Maitland, Adam Maitland
Warnings: anxiety, alcohol mention, brief mention of death
Word Count: 1282
Author’s Note: Okay so I’m honestly really nervous about posting this fic, but I’ve been working on it for a few months now and have really been wanting to get back into writing, so here goes nothing. Please like and/or reblog if you like it, as well as send a message in my ask box if you have any comments! I really want to make some more friends in the Beetlejuice fandom, and seeing as I follow a fair number of blogs on here, I thought this would be a good way to do that! 
As for this chapter, it really is just setting up the relationship between my OC (Cassandra) and Lydia. It really only features these two characters, but I’ll be sure to post the next chapter in a few days. Also just a note that now that I’ve figured out a bit of how Tumblr works, I’ll be posting what kind of requests I will and will not take, as well as some writing prompts. Anyways, here’s my first chapter, I hope you enjoy!
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Chapter 1
Being invisible can be great. Anonymity in this day and age is a rare commodity, and one must seize it when presented. There’s something about sticking in headphones and disappearing into a crowd that can be so…liberating. Avoiding a random classmate from school year’s past can almost feel like a high, a small victory in the chaos of life.
Other times, being invisible was a curse. It sucked all of the life out of you until you were left with anger and sadness. Sometimes, you don’t feel anything. Invisibility meant no one saw you, the real you, and that left a sickening, empty void. Nothingness.
Cassandra Burke almost always experienced the latter feeling of invisibility. Aloneness, emptiness were sensations she felt on an almost daily basis. No matter how comfortable of a situation she found herself in, more often than not she would retreat from the spotlight. It was just easier to more dominant personalities take hold of the conversation, whether that be at work, a bar, or other social gatherings. Her anxiety often got the best of her, the fear of making one wrong remark blocking her from making very many real connections in this world.
Her best friend, Lydia Deetz, was the only one who ever saw her for who she was. In turn, Lydia felt the same way about Cassandra. Ever since they became roommates their sophomore year of college, the two became joined at the hip, able to understand and appreciate the differences between one another. Both girls had felt that level of isolation in their lives, (though through completely different circumstances), and they bonded instantly. The two fit together seamlessly, like pieces in a perfectly assembled puzzle.
Cassandra can still perfectly remember the night she met Lydia. It was her freshman year, and she had somehow managed to wind up at a disgustingly overpacked frat house on a chilly October evening. Not knowing a soul on campus, she was desperate to make new friends. However, what 18-year-old, fresh-out-of-high-school Cassandra had not realized is that a party filled to the brim with drunk college kids isn’t the best way to make lifelong friends to share all your hopes and dreams with.
Only fifteen minutes after arriving, she found herself pinned up against the wall, being crushed by a sea of people migrating slowly across the faux-wood flooring, which had grown sticky with spilled jungle juice. Cassandra felt a pang in her chest, a telltale sign that her anxiety was about to get the best of her. She clutched her small bag to her side, scanning the room for an exit strategy. If anyone even looked at her, she swore she’d die of embarrassment—
“Hey,” there was a sudden tap on her shoulder, “You wanna get the fuck out of here?”
Cassandra spun around, coming face-to-face with another girl. She stood a few inches taller than her, a short black dress clinging to her thin frame. The taller girl also sported a short black bob, heavy eye makeup, and a camera that hung around her neck. Cassandra leaned in closer, unable to fully make out what the girl was saying over the thumping bass of the indistinct techno song that was blaring from the speakers.
“Sorry, uh, what?”
“You look miserable,” the girl said louder, “I am too. Wanna leave?”
Cassandra felt a wave of relief crash over her. She nodded, and within five minutes, the two girls were hastily walking down the sidewalk, their breath visible in the cool evening air.
“So, wanna go downtown and people watch all the drunk idiots out tonight?” the dark-haired girl said, her eyes shining mischievously in the moonlight, “Sometimes if they’re being particularly obnoxious, I like to pretend to hex them so they get all freaked out and leave me alone.” Cassandra stared blankly at the other girl, deciding if she was serious or just messing with her. She extended her arm, “I’m Lydia, by the way. Lydia Deetz.”
“Cassandra,” she responded, gripping Lydia’s hand, “My friends back home called me Cassie. Or Cass.” She smiled sadly, suddenly remembering how lonely she was. Lydia nudged her out of her reverie, a small grin etched upon her face.
“Well, I like all three of those names,” Lydia remarked, strutting confidently down the sidewalk farther towards the edge of campus, “So, you down to scare some inebriated assholes?” After a moment, Cassandra nodded, and the two girls spent the entire night laughing and talking about their lives. Not soon after, they became practically inseparable.
That was five years ago. Now, they were still living together, trading their dorm room for a shoebox apartment in New York City, from which Lydia originally hailed. It was nice. Cassandra was lucky to have Lydia, especially given that her black-haired friend was far more popular than her in their college years. Sure, she was a bit strange, but people at school really took to her. Meanwhile, Cassandra struggled to open up to her schoolmates, leaving her to fade in the background over the past few years.
“Hey Cass!” Lydia called from their shared bedroom, “Have you seen my camera?” Having gained a bachelor’s degree in photography, Lydia had taken thousands of pictures in Cassandra’s presence. Now, she had a desk job at an editorial magazine, and shot photos in her spare time to expand her portfolio.
Cassandra furrowed her brow, searching her memory. “Uh, I think I saw it underneath your bed?” she called back, uncertain of the whereabouts of one of her roommate’s prized possessions. For all the wit she had, Lydia could be incredibly forgetful at times. Seconds later, she heard a triumphant cry from the other room. Cassandra let a small smile flicker across her face.
“Found it!” Lydia said, emerging from their room. She slung the strap of the expensive Nikon around her small frame, “I don’t know what I’d do without this over the weekend.”
Lydia frequented her old house in Connecticut every few weekends. Though she lived there during her high school years, her dad and stepmom had moved back to the city, leaving the house to her aunt and uncle. Cassandra didn’t know much about them, except their names – Barbara and Adam – and that they were incredibly kindhearted people.
Cassandra’s eyes flickered between the grad school application she was finishing and her best friend fiddling with her camera. What she’d give to have a weekend out of the city. She was certain Connecticut in the fall was spectacularly beautiful, but there was work to be done, and more importantly, Lydia had never offered an invitation.
She found this odd, but Cassandra knew how secretive she was about her family. The only relative she ever talked about at length was her mom, who had died when Lydia was in her early teenage years. Why she never really talked about anyone else was beyond Cassandra, but she had just shrugged it off. If Lydia wanted to be private about that aspect of her life, who was she to pry?
She had been so lost in thought that she didn’t notice Lydia staring at her. “What?” Cassandra asked innocently, blinking a few times in confusion. Lydia crossed her arms across her black top, smirking. Lydia was incredibly perceptive when it came to her best friend, and could almost read her mind at times.
“What are you doing this weekend?” she asked, quirking an eyebrow upward. Cassandra exhaled, wracking her brain for any plans she had potentially made. Of course, there were none.
“Good, you’re coming with me,” Lydia replied, a playful smile dancing across her lips, “I think it’s finally time for you to meet Adam and Barbara.”
And that’s the end of Chapter 1! Like I said, I’ve been terrified about posting this, so if you liked the first chapter, like and/or reblog! Thanks!
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acequeenking · 4 years
Hadestober #7
6) It Ain't Right, It' Aint Natural! _Eurydice has never met a man like Orpheus. Not once. (T)
Orpheus treats her nice. Nicer than anyone ever has. Nicer than she deserves.
"Hey," he says, every time he sees her coming. Always gives her a smile. Never asks her for money, for food, for shelter. Never beats her. Never once gave her a single thing expecting something in return.
She doesn't know how to deal with it. She keeps waiting for the rug to disappear under her feet, the sky rising up to meet her. He is like no one she has ever met, and she can't shake the idea that it's somehow just some big joke at her expense that she doesn’t get.
But she doesn't want it to be.
She goes over to the little cafe they met at every day, hoping to see him.
"Eurydice!" He says, with a big grin. He pulls out one of those red flowers he seemingly always i sable to pull from somewhere. She laughs. "A flower," he says. "for the...for the prettiest flower I've seen!"
The line is clearly rehearsed though he says it too fast; she sees Hermes shake his head in the background, his shoulders shaking, too, all from the effort not to laugh. Orpheus puts the flower in her hair and beams at her.
"Why don't you go kids go out?" Mr. Hermes says, turned away from them so, she thinks, he won't look at Orpheus and give away how amusing he thinks this all is. "It's a sunny day, afternoons are always slow...I can manage all my own."
She has to admit, she doesn't know who would be coming to this little, dusty bar in the afternoon.
"Really?" Orpheus' face is boyish, sweet; she's never been this happy. "Thank you, Mr. Hermes!"
"Anytime." Hermes smiles at her, gives her a little wink. "Go on, kids. The day is young, and so, it seems, are you."
"Thanks," she says, softly. He smiles at her, but there's something at the edges of it - a sort of pity, she thinks. It's in the way his eyes crinkle when they look at her, a sort of tired grace that suggests he knows her all too well.  It's a sort of enjoy the good times while they last, kids sort of look. She can't decide if it unnerves her because it looks like Hermes might know the good times are soon about to end, or if he's got some information about Orpheus he isn't telling her, or... Well, or a million other things.
"Anytime," Mr. Hermes says, and turns to open his window, letting some sun in. It's been a long time since he's had opportunity to, seems like; the window spills forth in a small puff of dust that flies into the air, looking like nothing so much as fireflies. Orpheus has been slacking on the windows she supposes. Occupied. With her.
But Hermes doesn't seem to mind.
"Come on!" Orpheus takes her hand, and takes her out the door. Doesn't tell her not to hold his hand in public because someone might walk by and see it; doesn't slap her hand away if she tries to go for a closeness he doesn’t feel like she’s earned. Doesn't even hesitate in trying to touch her. Just holds her hand.
There has to be something wrong with him. She's never met a guy like this.
"Let's go to the park!" Orpheus says. "While the weather is nice."
Weather isn't gonna be nice forever. Eurydice knows this. Knows it in her bones, knows no matter how far she runs and no matter how matter long she goes, sooner or later the weather will grow cold, and lately, it's been a lot colder a lot faster. Seems like there's only a few weeks of summer anymore, but its so nice to not have to bundle up in her coat right now. And it certainly isn't as if she's got anywhere else to be.
She's dropped off resumes just about everywhere.  And no one here is hiring.
"Look at the grass!" Orpheus grins and runs into the park, and she grins as he pulls her down onto the grass with him.
"It's so soft," he says, softly. "This is my favorite season, you know? You feel the grass just growing under your feet."
"Yeah," she says with a soft sigh. Eurydice has slept outside, and she'll take summer over any other season any day.
Her stomach rumbles, but Orpheus doesn't quite seem to hear it. He never does seem hungry much; she wishes she could ask him to give her a bite to eat.
But he is so, so nice, and she doesn't want to do anything to jeopardize her chances with him. He's like no one she's ever met, and she'll sacrifice a few days worth of begging to hang out with him. At least his arms keep her warm.
And when he smiles at her, it's like nothing else on earth. Tomorrow, she'll look again, and surely she'll find something quick. After all, it's summer now; not a hint of clouds in the sky. Got to be farmers hiring. Got to be someone hiring. Ain't summer the time for creating new things?
"I've got a new part of the song." Orpheus says this with a certain shyness, so humble of his talents, and again Eurydice is reminded how different he is from any other man she's ever seen. His  cheeks blush, his eyes are soft and sweet. "You inspired it, Eurydice. I think you're my — my muse."  And he smiles, and his smile is the sun, and it warms her, and it is not food but it it is something nearly as potent.
And the word is so sweet and so kind, what choice does she have but to kiss him? She does, and oh it is a good kiss; right and sweet and true, and more gentle than any man whose ever had a hand on her. "Sing it for me," she whispers, but it takes quite some time before he is able to, for first she must kiss him, again and again and again.
"Songbird." Eurydice shivers; the world spins underneath her feet as Mr. Hades closes the door to his office. "So glad you've decided to fly south."
She gives Mr. Hades a smile she does not feel, and he gives her the same in return. It's a horrible thing, that smile. Not moonlight, nor sunlight, but a great mass of nothingness, that smile, simply nothingness. He feels like a void, and she feels like she is being sent through it.
But he promises work. Food. And she doe snot have to say here indefinitely; a year here, a bit more cash saved up, and well she might be able to dash back up to the old town, to Orpheus. He'll forgive her plenty when he sees what she's saved working in the mines, she's sure. She's sure.
Except looking at him, she doesn't feel rather sure at all.
"I'm here," she says. He nods, seems distracted. "For work," she adds.
"Of course," he says, but his eyes have a wicked glint to them, eyes that suggest, as they did above, that such is not the case. "A hard days work for a bone to gnaw on." He sighs, does not elect to offer which bone he feels she should set her teeth to. "We all have such burdens."
And it feels like he will make hers so much heavier.
Still, her stomach is hungry. "Food included?"
"Food and board," he confirms; he is rooting through papers at his desk. He doesn't make eye contact with her, and that's fine, she does not want to look into those eyes, know if they are as much gravity wells as his horrible, rot-gut smile. "Much as you'll need," he says, a beat later. 
And that's got to be enough, she thinks. That's got to be enough. It doesn't matter that nothing about the man is right or natural, and the gnawing feeling to scream or run that runs through her belly — that doesn't matter either.
She just has to think of the promised suppers in his promised land — meat on the bone, bread softer than hardtack — and Eurydice signs the second he drops the papers in her lap. Doesn't feel the need to deliberate. She needs to eat.
Besides, it's only temporary, she thinks, dotting the i of her name and trying to ignore the ever-growing feeling that she's made a mistake.
"It's a good choice, songbird," he says; his hand lands on her shoulder and she can't remember him turning to stand behind her. Can’t remember him getting up at all. But She feels - cold. So cold.
"Why do you...?" She says, but stops, because there is no way to say "why do you have my hand on my shoulder?" to her boss who she realizes, suddenly, controls not only her wages but her food and her bed as well. She swallows the words, and anxiety churns in her soul. This was a mistake. This was a mistake. This was a mistake.
"Don't worry, songbird," he says, his voice sounding strange and thick and wrong. "You won't feel a thing, transferring over."
And she doesn't even the time to ask what he means before she's gone.
And the last thing she thinks, of course, is how much she wishes she was back with Orpheus, on that warm summer day.
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