firerose · 10 months
imagine creating a show to inform people about the problems with your country ( south Korea )
About poverty and exploitation from the rich, what happens when those rich people get to powerful and how poor people are ready to endure horrible things just for the tiny chance for a better life …..
Just for the company who produced your Show to make a fucking reality out of it !
Because haha those games where so fun right?
That in the Show were used by rich people to get enjoyment out of poor peoples suffering
But hey who cares about that !
Is that what people mean when they say capitalism is horrible ?
because yea I agree
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thebestbooksaround · 1 year
Can all the apps please stop updating their layouts. I am begging. It is too much change all at once. Change I dodnt want :(
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"companies are seeking to pay for scans, but not their use or re-use" Studios still insisting they have the right to actor's bodies forever more after paltry fee. Incredible.
Do they not understand, or not believe, or not care that we do not want to watch familiar faces acted out by computers? Because it's clear they do not wish to understand actors desire to....actually fucking act and -have the audacity- to expect to be paid for it.
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comepollinatemehey · 1 year
Have a few little edits to share. I apologize in advance for this one :’<
Also want to update that I’m working on another fanfic that will hopefully be published soon!
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bendgineer · 7 months
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I hope Barbie is so good and successful it makes every executive that’s turned everything bright and fun made for young girls into edgy boring teen dramas for the last ten years spontaneously combust into flames
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New Show is released. New Show is loved by many viewers. New Show is not yet renewed. social media campaigns for renewal of New Show. PSAs to play episodes of New Show on loop in the background to get viewership up for New Show. urgency to binge New Show so they see good views for New Show. pleading and begging and tagging special media accounts to get another season of New Show. New Show is cancelled. social media outcry and petitions to save New Show trend for a week. New Show is not picked up. New Show says cancelled. they start making a New New Show and it all starts the fuck over again. I gotta be honest I'm really fucking tired of this shit
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aangarchy · 8 months
Alright now this pissed me off
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What do you MEAN you're going to remove one of the most important aspects of Sokka's character arc in the first season? What do you MEAN you're going to remove Sokka unlearning misogyny, accepting change and embracing his role as a fighter and protector of the Avatar in order to end the war? What do you MEAN???
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mytimetooutshine · 4 months
Married Anthony is lowkey the funniest character in Bridgerton. His rage is still slowly burning under the surface but his wife waltzes in and goes “don’t worry dear it’ll be fine” and he’s just like “yeah you’re soooo right and soooo hot.” As he should
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memingursa · 1 year
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Wait hold on Tumblr girlies have been carrying that show on netflix for well over 10 years now and even the guy responsible for it hasn’t gotten a GOD DAMN DIME?????
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dyscomancer · 1 year
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lest we forget
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wayward-delver · 7 months
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A Grown Ass Man, Married, and a Father of three.
*Pets and kisses his head*
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timeofdeathnote · 7 months
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stop that's so funny 💀
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kat-rose-griffith · 7 months
I liked it better when Katara released Aang from his 100 year slumber through the pure unfiltered rage of a feminist rant at her brother
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Go watch it!
Edit: It isn't a rickroll guys 😭 idk why some of you think that 😭
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you're laughing. The umbrella academy's final season destroyed every character's personal growth and semi-healed traumas, left huge plot-holes, completely abandoned some of it's most beloved side characters that were crucial in previous seasons and you're laugh-oh. You're crying. My bad. Go ahead. Let it out. Understandable.
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