Since Thomas' outburst at the hospital, Rowan had been giving the other space, letting the other figure it out. Not like Rowan particularly was upset, his emotions were his own, and Thomas had his own, and if Thomas didn't actually love him back it was no big deal.
People were people and emotions were confusing, meaning sometimes you needed space to figure them out. Hence the lack of upset. He did wonder why Thomas seemed so distressed after the date with Nobu, it seemed like it had gone well? Not his business, and he wouldn't pry, Thomas or Nobu could tell him if they liked.
That being said, he did need to make for the festival, whether Thomas was still interested in him or not. And Valentine's Day seemed like the best choice to at least apologize in some way, and prove he did actually care. So, with Hera's help, Rowan planned to set up a nice, late, lunch. Including a few things he hoped would get his point across. Soon, valentine's rolled around, and it was time to get things rolling.
So late afternoon, early evening, Rowan showed up at Thomas' dorm, and for a moment felt his throat close up, what if Thomas still needed space? But swallowing it down, Rowan knocked. A few moments later, a surprised looking Thomas opened it. They stood there, awkward for a moment before Rowan spoke.
"I know things are awkward right now,"
"You could say that."
"But I'd like to at least treat you today."
Silence for a few moments, before Thomas broke it.
"You're asking me on a date."
"I. Uh. Sure I guess?"
Both stood there awkwardly for a few moments, before Thomas went to go get his stuff on.
Soon enough, they arrived at a very familiar clearing, making Thomas jolt a bit at the sight.
"Why the fuck did you bring me here? I'm not punching you in the face again."
The other just laughed a bit and motioned Thomas to stay there as he quickly retrieved the blanket, his guitar and a basket of snacks, before laying them out. And Thomas almost swore he saw a present box, a lighter, and sparklers in it before Rowan caught his attention again when the other spoke.
"I think I'd rather eat than fight if I'm honest."
"Honestly? Valid."
Thomas jokes and quickly joined Rowan on the blanket after it was set up. He was handed a container by the other teen, and upon opening it was met with fresh chocolate chip cookies, Making Thomas raise an eyebrow.
"Rowan, what is all this? This doesn't feel like you were intending on a normal date here."
"Correct, this is an apology."
"An apology? For what?"
"For forgetting a lot. Because I'll be real, I'm missing a lot from when Nyarlathotep was in my head, a lot of time that was just us. So I wanted to apologize for that."
He looked at Thomas, and those magenta, goat-like eyes almost seemed to paralyze Thomas.
"And, I want to make something clear. Even if I don't remember the festival or other things, I do remember our first date in its entirety, our brawls, and the conversations that followed."
Thomas swallowed hard, damn, this man knew just how to pray at his weak spots. All of this paired with his previous outburst and actions with Nobu made him feel worse.
"Why, what?"
"Why go through all this? Do this for me, when you know that I-"
"Went on a date with Orr'e? So what? You need time to sort yourself and your emotions out. It doesn't matter to me, I won't be hurt if you decide you'd rather be just friends, such is life."
Rowan shrugged.
"No, this is me apologizing for forgetting and causing you distress, showing that I do remember some other bits and value them, and most importantly, showing that I care about you Thomas regardless of your choices and feelings."
Rowan looked away, letting Thomas breathe. How. How did this person actually exist in Thomas' vicinity? The teen silently mulled over how his life had gotten to this point as the two of them munched on their snacks in silence. His thoughts were racing, and he only was jarred out of them when Rowan moved, pulling out the present Thomas thought he had spotted earlier.
"Here, open it."
It was handed over and Thomas hesitated a moment, not sure if he should. Eventually his curiosity won out and he popped the top off the box.
Resting inside on green cloth was a leather bracelet, a silver disk with a wolf engraved on it sitting proudly between the two straps. Carefully taking it out, Thomas put it on, the dying sun catching it in the right way to make the wolf almost wink at him.
"I don't… I don't know what to say."
"Don't say anything then. You don't need to."
Thomas looked to his partner, noting that the same dying light seemed to ignite the other's hair into a crimson blaze, as Rowan fiddled with the lighter and some of the sparklers. Soon enough he had a few of them going, letting him and Thomas trace shapes and such in the air, it was nice.
And when the last few fizzled out, Rowan grabbed the guitar. A few strums later and the music was flowing, reminding Thomas of that first time back in the JW dorms.
"By your hand is the only end I foresee
I have been dreaming, you've been dreaming about me
By your hand is the only end I foresee
I have been dreaming, you've been dreaming about me…"
This one was a bit different of a tone to Vegas Skies, yes, but it still had that feel to it. And being brought back to that, made Thomas' cheeks heat up again. He was sure his body was out to get him for whatever reason. Maybe because Nyarlathotep was a shit caretaker.
"I'm not sure if it's love anymore
But I've been thinking of you fondly for sure
Remember what your heart is for.."
And wasn't that the crux of the issue. Let it go on record that Rowan knew his audience. That audience being Thomas, and Thomas alone. Because thinking about it, the expression on Rowan's face? He had only ever seen it when they were alone. When in the hospital with Nobu and Aurora, he hadn't seen that look when Rowan played for the group.
"And it's a good night
For a fist, a fist fight
Because the dew will temper your fall
You'll sing me lullabies in the form of your cat-calls…"
Maybe… maybe the emotions they felt, maybe they were real. Why would Nyarlathotep let them have moments like this? It didn't help his plan, it wasted time. Maybe he really did love the man beside him.
"By your hand is the only end I foresee
I have been dreaming, you've been dreaming about me
By your hand is the only end I foresee
I have been dreaming, you've been dreaming about me…"
As the song faded, Thomas realized he had started to lean on Rowan, and now? He didn't want to move. So they didn't. Other songs were played, and when it was time to part, it was reluctant.
Standing in front of Val Prep, Thomas made his decision, grabbing Rowan's wrist, he pulled the other into a kiss. It was slow, and while there weren't any fireworks, it felt right.
Pulling apart, they lingered a moment longer before Rowan had to return to JW, and the song was right, the two definitely dreamt of the other that night.
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Following Thomas through the streets of Poppy Valley, it genuinely surprised Rowan how many people actually came to the small town for school. This was only intensified when they entered Galaxy ramen, as most of the patrons were their age. Odd. Eventually the two settled in a quiet corner, Rowan having elected to leave his back to the door for Thomas' comfort. He had seen enough on entering.
The space and alien themes were everywhere, not that Rowan minded, and the food smelt good at least. That was confirmed once they ordered and got their meals, it was pretty good ramen. They ate in silence for a moment, before Rowan elected to keep up with the illusion that was scoping the place out for Thomas and his future date.
"I think this place would work, nice atmosphere and good food, little fear of being overheard with everyone chatting."
"Uh, yeah, good to know."
Rowan hummed, pretending to not notice Thomas' awkwardness.
"Don't stress Thomas, I'm sure that they'll be more interested in you than anything else."
"That's the point of the date, to learn more about the other person? Like, it's the same as hanging out with a new friend but with romantic undertones."
"You know more than I thought about this."
Rowan let out a mock offended noise.
"Excuse me? I'll have you know I've had two partners in the past."
"Yeah, girlfriend in the first half of 9th grade, before we broke up and I dated a guy through all of 10th."
"Yeah. What about you?"
"Never dated anyone, never had the desire too. I preferred teasing everyone."
"Fair enough."
The two chatted for a bit, enjoying the company the other provided. This carried on as they headed to the grocery store after their ramen, grabbing the needed ingredients for a baking extravaganza. A few bribes to the Valerian cooking staff and the Kitchen was all theirs.
"Have you ever baked with any of your family Thomas?"
"Nah, they were more focused on the investigations and cryptid hunting."
"Yeah, my family has always been into the weird and mysterious."
"What about you?"
"I was…"
Thomas paused his whisking of the batter for what Rowan thought was a chocolate cake, they had bought several types of mix, and looked like he was debating telling the other something.
"I used to go on hunts with my grandpa, but on our last hunt… Well, whatever it was we were hunting? It killed my grandpa. I came back alone, and I haven't been hunting since."
He looked off to the side, not wanting to meet Rowan's eyes. Could only make a noise of sympathy, understanding that feeling of why did I survive but not the person I cared about? Why did it have to be me? They lapsed into silence after that.
Eventually the conversation started back up, hesitant at first, and soon the two were laughing along like nothing ever happened. Soon enough they had a whole pile of goodies in containers, the equipment was cleaned and put away, and the garbage thrown away. The two sat there for a moment enjoying their treats, before Rowan couldn't help but look over and snort.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing, just you have a little something."
Rowan reached up and quickly wiped away a smear of chocolate from Thomas' cheek without thinking, making the two pause, Rowan not quite pulling away and Thomas not saying anything as colour began to appear on both their faces. Clearing his throat awkwardly, Rowan pulled away and turned back to the containers of sweets.
"So, uh, feel like delivering these to your friends that are here?"
"You doubt my power to eat all these Beránek?"
"No, but sharing would be more fun, and reasonable."
"... Fiiiiine. But we'll have to stop by Jimsonweed and give some to Nobu."
And so they wandered the dorms of Val Prep, handing out cookies and slices of cake to the other students, with more than enough to head over to Jimson Weed and Morning Glory. By the end they were left with a single container, and soon found themselves on one of the flat rooftops of Val Prep, the sun sinking below the horizon. Rowan's guitar and a blanket were spread out on the snow free section, giving them a nice view of the whole of Poppy Valley.
"This… this was fun. Thanks Rowan."
"Not a problem Thomas."
Nearby the flock pecked at the cookies Rowan had offered in payment for them unlocking the door. They really were smart little birds.
Now that the two of them were truly alone, Rowan felt his mouth go dry. How the hell was he going to say this? He was only more sure that he was the target of Thomas' affections after watching the other today, and the kitchen incident
cemented that fact for him. So grabbing the guitar he figured he'd let the music speak for him.
"Sleep on me, Feel the rhythm in my chest, just breathe..."
He sang, feeling Thomas look at him,
"And if you have nightmares, we'll dance on the bed
I know that you love me, love me
Even when I lose my head…"
He gave Thomas a pointed look at that part, causing the others face to turn a brighter red than Rowan's school colours. The colour only intensified as the song went on and Thomas got what Rowan was saying.
"So. Did I get it right?"
Despite how sure of it he was, there was the chance he was wrong, and it almost seemed like that was the case as Thomas sat in silence. But then;
"Yeah, you did."
He looked defeated.
"Let me guess, you don't want me around?"
"The exact opposite Thomas. I was hoping this would get it through to you, but since you sometimes aren't able to see it, I'll spell it out. I feel the same, and I'd like to pursue this if you're willing."
The two had gotten up and were standing close, letting rowan see the thoughts racing behind the taller teen's eyes.
"But I-"
"If you're about to quote Sullivan's dry, piece of shit writing he calls a journalism piece, don't. You know I'm not scared of you and can punch you back just as hard."
Rowan cupped Thomas' cheek, and the other closed his eyes, leaning into it.
"Alright. But promise me you'll get away from me if I get too violent?"
"We'll see."
"That's as good as I'm getting from you isn't it?"
They stood there for a moment, before from over by the flock;
Don't stop now
Don't try to hide it how
You want to kiss the girl
Both looked to the birds, who all looked particularly smug as "Kiss the Girl" from the little mermaid played from their phone. Rowan couldn't help but bust out laughing as Thomas followed suit.
"Think we should give them what they want?"
"Why not?"
And that kiss was something else. Awkward, but genuine, and that made it special to Rowan in so many ways.
The birds pecked at their device as a slow dance came on.
"Care to dance sir?"
Rowan grinned at Thomas as the other looked back at the birds.
"I didn't really get a chance to at the masquerade, so y'know what? Why not."
And that's what they did, as the sun set and the stars appeared, the only thing that mattered was the two of them.
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It was starting to get late, and while he should head back to Val prep, Thomas couldn't get himself to leave just yet. It was nice, sitting there and chatting with Rowan, not beating the shit out of one another. Even if Thomas felt like he was the most awkward person to be talking to at the moment and like his face hadn't stopped being red, was this how Matt and Myne felt around one another all the time? If so, he hated it.
He nearly jumped out of his skin when Rowan moved. The other teen had gone over to his closet, and dug around in it, emerging with a lovely acoustic guitar. Returning to his seat at his desk, Rowan looked over at Thomas, almost nervously. That was a new expression. Figuring he should relieve some of the tension, he cleared his throat.
"You can play?"
"A little bit, I stopped after dad died, and that was like a year or two ago."
"Knowing you, you're underselling yourself again. I'm sure you're good at it."
"Let me kill your ears and we'll still see if you're saying that."
Rolling his eyes, Rowan adjusted his position, grabbed a pick from the desk behind him, and set his fingers to play. He walked through scales, seemingly warming up and jogging his memory. After, he turned to his laptop and quickly searched up something, likely sheet music if Thomas had to guess. Finding what he was looking for, Rowan adjusted once more, and began to play.
It started hesitantly, but that hesitation quickly burned away as Rowan seemed to narrow in on what he was doing, and Thomas had to wonder if this is what Rowan was like on a stage. Focused and entirely immersed in the art. And while Rowan wasn't the best, he definitely was better than mediocre.
"It's 12 o'clock and I need your attention
It's like the alcohol making my head spin…"
It didn't surprise Thomas Rowan could sing well, the other had done several musicals, but it was still a bit startling at how good he actually was.
"If tonight ever makes a difference
The way that I feel
The way that I'll remember it…"
Oh shit. Is this a fucking love song? Thomas had to beat down the gay panic, lest Rowan notice and ask about why his face had gone the same shade as a tomato, and elected to just focus on the music. And while it wasn't particularly Thomas' cup of tea, he did like it somewhat.
"...They won't let me in, but I'm stronger than that
'Cause you stole my eyes and I've never looked back
Boy, last night I forgot to mention…"
He really could relate to the narrator, the pinning and wanting to say more would likely be a staple in his life going forward. Eventually the song faded out and they locked eyes for a moment before Rowan looked over at the laptop, his expression becoming startled.
"Shit Thomas, you may wanna get going if you wanna get back to valerian."
Thomas let out a startled curse, and the two scrambled to get Thomas' things together, and bid a hasty farewell. That didn't stop Rowan from giving Thomas a quick hug and a merry christmas as the other teen left. At least he could use the cold as an excuse as to why his face was red when he got back to Valerian.
Later in the night, Thomas couldn't help but mull over the hug and the song choice. Did that mean something? Or was he just overthinking it? Letting out a groan, he buried his face in his pillow, he would not be getting any sleep tonight.
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