#she would be a huge fan of carmilla
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theshuitsuki · 28 days ago
himejoshi shu is the most canon thing ever
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majorshatterandhare · 1 year ago
[ID: two screencaps of tags from dark mode
First Image: tags from ×-caliber reading “#guys it's called UNRELIABLE NARRATING all caps: unreliable narrating] # shes NOT [all caps: not] evil #jonny just views her in a certain light" Second Image: tags from ceaseless-ramblerand x-caliber.
Tags from ceaseless-rambler read "#this is such a hard fucking poll because do you love her or hate her' the answer is YES [all caps: yes] #she's great but the fucking morality switch destroys me every time i think about it because. morality switch. what the fuck. #but also. gestures wildly in her direction. you understand? #doctor carmilla #the mechanisms."
Tags from x-caliber read '#prev has a great elaboration actually #bevause i answered thinking only about the unreliable narration that made people think she's evil #but i didn't actually think as far about her ACTIONS [all caps: actions] #now i do think that she had good intentions with the morality switch #that doesn't make it any less fucked up however"
End ID]
Okay in regards to this poll I'm going to do some Doc Carmilla analysis because I don't like having back and forth conversations in tags. This is long, I couldn't really find a way to cut it down
The biggest thing that fucks me up about her is Brian's morality switch. The concept of a morality switch at all is horrifying to me, taking that control away from someone. Brian's about page on the mechanisms website says the reasoning was because Doctor Carmilla found it "amusing" which. Makes me hate it even more. @x-ca1iber pointed out the fact that Jonny is an unreliable narrator, which is a good point. However, I doubt Jonny wrote everyone's bio and I don't think either morality mode would really let Brian lie about it, lying is wrong and I can't come up with ends that would justify it. Brian could be wrong about reasoning, of course, but I'm not sure why he would be. Because a lot of that second half is speculation, *please* let me know if there's anything to agree or disagree with any of it.
The two other things that make me not willing to chalk all of anti-Doctor Carmilla sentiment up to unreliable narration and character misinterpretation are the end of this video and near the end of Lashings. The first video shows Jonny cut the music and, sounding somewhat frantic, ask Carmilla what she's going to do about being thrown out the airlock. When she doesn't respond, he backs away and accuses her of planning something. This is something that isn't attributable to unreliable narration because the premise there isn't that it's a retelling but an actual event occurring. Also, the way Jonny is on edge, expecting her to do something but not knowing what/when and having to just kind of act like it's fine really makes me read it as a bad relationship for him. The end of the Lashings performance shows Nastya stressed about various other things and Doctor Carmilla coming up behind her and hugging her. Nastya visibly tenses and remains as such for the entire interaction. I've seen people argue that this was due to the aforementioned various other things, and it could very much be that! This is definitely my least compelling piece of evidence. But it's worth noting that Doctor Carmilla doesn't back off from the hug and remains sort of in Nastya's face until Nastya steps away. The situation is either Nastya being generally uncomfortable with physical contact at that moment (or in general) and Carmilla not caring, or Nastya being distrustful of her in general. Either way doesn't reflect well on their relationship.
None of this is to say that I think she's trying to cause them harm. She does see them as her kids, in her own way. The only other close relationship she had that I'm aware of is Lorelai (please let me know if you have any more information on this! I'm always open to corrections) and that wasn't exactly healthy. She could very well not know any other way to treat them, and I really do think she meant well. The problem with meaning well is that is doesn't change the ramifications of your actions. The best of intentions don't change the fact that you hurt people. This is, in my opinion, especially prominent in parental figures, which she is.
That is all about her as a person, though. As a character? She's fantastic. Trans lesbian vampire scientist with dubious ethics? Great!!! And all of the things I just talked about that make me dislike her as a person make me love her as a character. That disparity is what makes it really hard to answer the poll I linked at the beginning, because holy fuck morality switch but I love her as a character
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#carmilla is an interesting character#she is not ‘good’ morally. carmilla for sure did things wrong#it REALLY bothers me when i see people claiming that fans who dont like carmilla dont like her because the mechs are lying about her and-#that she actually was a wonderful maternal figure.#she took autonomy away from brian. whether the intentions were good or not thats still hugely fucked up#i dont think its possible for any one to give informed consent to immortality. afaik she got consent from some of them. but the whole-#premise is kinda fucked to begin with.#plus the aspect of then creating an everlasting mother-child relationship where the child is not really able to grow.#she can have had times she was a good mother while still having times where she was a bad mother and overall removing a someones autonomy-#is bad. i dont have good words to describe how i think forcing someone to be your child for millenia is bad.#also like. brian cant evaluate morals correctly which means he cannot intentionally making good decisions effectively. so she has barred-#him from ever being able to be a ‘good’ person and that sucks.#the thing is like. im biased for certain about this. because i have my own life experiences that influence how i view things. but everyone-#is biased. the people who insist we hate her because we are uninformed about her and the mechs and lying are biased themselves.#im aware that if i didnt have a trauma-caused ‘bad person’ disorder then i may not feel so strongly about this.#i *like* carmilla. i think shes really interesting. but people REALLY need to learn that theh are allowed to like ‘bad’ and ‘grey’-#characters. i would think you could unddrstand that with the mechs but maybe its the tangibility of how it affected the mechs themselves?#they are all grey. they all do bad things. carmilla bothers me because of her specific actions.#i also really loathe brushing off jonnys distaste for her as lying. feels bad.#part of the reason its different for carmilla than how the mechs treat each other is because she has power over them. she made them-#immortal *and* proceeded to position herself as their mother. sorry but if you wanna be the mom im gonna judge you like i would a mom#i like her as a character. i hate her as a person.#the mechanisms#doctor carmilla#blogbot q#spumblr#i know achilles and i have already talked about this and iirc iv talked about it here too. i just really think her actions are fucked and i-#think completely brushing aside those who dont like her because of their experiences is really upsetting to see.#my opinion of carmilla has nothing to do with my opinion of maki. as well. maki is a real person. carmilla is a fictional character.#but then again maybe im taking what other say too seriously.
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isabelawritesthings · 5 months ago
My headcanons for EVERY (I think) Mortal Kombat 1 character
— Liu Kang is a big fan of Chinese food, because well, in the previous timelines he was Chinese, so he constantly goes to Madam Bo's restaurant to eat.
— Johnny Cage is a great dramatic actor, but unfortunately, Hollywood studios always cast him as comedic characters or male characters who are himbos, wasting his potential as a dramatic actor.
— Kenshi met Suchin after saving her from being attacked by thugs in Tokyo, and the two's connection was almost instantaneous, with Suchin agreeing to run away with him after Kenshi left the Yakuza.
— Raiden has a huge crush on Kitana, and constantly draws pictures of the two of them kissing (he's a cartoonist btw)
— Kung Lao loves Chinese and South Korean comedy dramas, his favorite South Korean comedy drama is "True Beauty".
— Kuai Liang is extremely protective of Harumi, like, if Harumi gets a scar, he won't rest until the person who did it pays dearly. When he was dating Cyrax, he was also quite protective of her as well (He's not a sexist who thinks women are too defenseless to protect themselves, he just wants to keep Harumi safe because he loves her so much).
— Bi-Han trusts women more than men, thanks to the complicated relationship he had with his father and the loving relationship he had with his mother (thanks to his daddy issues, he doesn't trust masculine nature very much, even though he is also a man).
— Shang Tsung is not a "victim of Liu Kang's intrigues", this guy is a sociopath to the core!
— Tanya is not Mileena's first lover, she had a girlfriend as a teenager, the daughter of an archduke, but was forced to end the relationship because the archduke's daughter had to marry a man, breaking Mileena's heart.
— Kitana is a voracious reader, she loves books, especially about the history of the Earthrealm and Seido, her favorite historical figure of Earthrealm is Queen Mary Stuart, a queen of Scotland, reflecting the thinking of some outworlders who think that she should be empress in place of Mileena, just as some 16th-century English Catholics wanted Mary to be Queen of England in place of her cousin, Queen Elizabeth I.
— I don't usually do SMUT headcanons, but I like to think that Sindel and Jerrod had an active sex life, and she never married any man after Jerrod because she only liked to have sex with him, she herself was impressed that she only had the twins and not like, three more children!
— The souls within Ermac have been in the living forest for so long that over time they have become one big family.
— Quan Chi was a thief when he was young and was sentenced to work in the gold mines as a way of paying for his crimes, which is why he hates Sindel so much.
— Tanya was not given to the Umgadi when she was a child, she was actually stolen from her mother's arms like several other Umgadi (a bit cruel, but I wanted to make it similar to Marvel's black widows).
— Li Mei has always been in love with Sindel, but she never had the courage to express her feelings.
— Takeda is destined to meet and fall in love with Jacqui, even though in this timeline she is not Jax's daughter.
— Sektor is a lesbian and has a fraternal relationship with Bi-Han.
— Cyrax can speak several African languages, including Zulu and Arabic.
— I'm going to join @rasta-bot AU that Nitara is also a lesbian, there's a 19th century irish lesbian book called "Carmilla" that I really like, it's about a sapphic vampire, just like Nitara.
— Reiko was a mommy's boy, just like Bi-Han.
— Shao suffers from narcissistic personality disorder.
— Syzoth and Ashrah's love language is physical caresses, such as kisses on the forehead and cheek.
— Ashrah is pansexual (yes, another wlw woman, it's "Mortal sapphic Kombat" for me) she has always felt lonely, so she would like any romantic companionship, no matter the gender.
— Baraka prays to Delia every day that a cure for Tarkat will be discovered (this is actually canon btw).
— Slavery is (unfortunately) legal in Seido, and Havik was enslaved (also canon), so he is an anarchist.
— Tomas is a polyglot, he can speak Czech, Chinese, English and Japanese.
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rattlebear25 · 5 months ago
Charlie and Roo Are the Same Person (and why i hate the Roo Mother Theory)
I am not a big fan of Roo being Charlie's real mom theory because many things don't work: first of all, many people said the theory is right because the two has similar design detail like the hand, eyes... In the Hellaverse there are characters with details in common that aren't related but ok (Rosie with Exorcist Angels, Carmilla and Velvette...Cherri Bomb and Vaggie...)
Now, if Roo was Corrupted Eve why Lucifer should make out with a individual who hates him for make her corrupted and out of control, with the Heaven banishing him? There were happening a lot of events in that moment of the story that make impossible to make a deal with Roo to have a child. Why Roo should make a child with Lucifer? The reason of that?
Then, there are no clues about Lucifer caring for Roo/Eve because he cares clearly only about his wife Lilith and that joke he made was just for piss off Adam (he's the Devil after all, he tricks humans)
Another "proof" that Lilith isn't Charlie's biological mom is "In the original story Lilith can't have kids" but Hazbin Hotel changed many characters from their original counterparts (like Adam, Lucifer, Andrealphus, Vassago, Beelzebub ect...) so why not also Lilith? So she can have kids.
Debunked the Charlie = Roo's Daughter i believe in a more possible theory: Roo is Charlie herself.
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A thing that i noticed about Charlie is that she is like containing herself: in many scenes she's starting to grow horns because she is losing her patience but then she returns quiet. In Ep. 5 she is on a mental breakdown for a second and change in her demon form. So her form in episode 8 isn't even her full demon form, she's not at her full potential, just balancing her kind side with her aggressive one. So Roo is a Corrupted form of Charlie who, while she's trying to make herself respected, master of the situation lose her sanity and becomes a freaking beast out of control. That explain also the chains symbolism in Roo design: finally she is at her full power and break the boundaries who made her weak, they can also mean Charlie's will to tame her dark side and momentarily loses control of it . It would be an interesting plot point for her starting naive, then try to balancing her menacing part of herself, being out of control of it and trying to dominate it once and for all, learning that you can deal with your negative side and not deleted it forever rather than the boring and senseless "You are the son of the villain!" moment.
I dislike the Roo Mother theory because it doesn't bring anything to the plot and in Charlie's evolution arc: she is the daughter of Roo so? What brings in the show? Nothing.
Also Charlie is getting hate for being a not interesting protagonist so make her Roo (the villain of the whole story) would improve her reputation and make her more complex, also because the Charlie's plot is being more mature, not always diplomacy resolve problems and fighting doesn't mean regardless bad. That explains their similar traits too. Another thing that i noticed is that Charlie's big hand is right, same for Roo, she has a right huge hand. (I doubt this Roo artwork is canon but maybe it is)
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Another similarity to Roo and Charlie is the color palette and the fire (Roo's hair move like flames, Charlie has the power of fire).
"But Vivziepop respond to the question "Are Lucifer and Lilith Charlie's real parents?" that she can't answer that so Roo is her mother confirmed."
It doesn't mean anything.
That Vivziepop Live is old of years and she could have change the story realizing the plotholes it would have bring so it doesn't count as canon, we need recent informations about that.
That question place also Lucifer as possible adoptive father of Charlie while he's clearly her biological father so it doesn't work.
Like the "Adam not coming back"Interview, she couldn't answer that exactly because it would have mean spoilers for the final project. So talking about Lilith relationship with her family would have spoiled the interest.
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jeanie-in-a-bottle · 7 days ago
——(I haven’t heard people talking about these so idk how y’all feel but, psa if ur gonna be an asshole dni pls & ty, take care of yourself & have a nice day)——
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the idea that a lot of people have come to, of Callie having a crush on Lottie is so exciting to me, as I am a huge fan of problematic age gap lesbians! the biggest fan. I lowkey see a lot of tension, and crazy chemistry , and while i think that yj’s would neverrrr have Lottie reciprocate Callie’s feelings, if her feelings are canonical at all, in my heart they have something.
And for those depraved lesbians out there like me, here’s some other ships that scratch the same itch.
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1994 Interview with the Vampire’s Madeline & Claudia/ Book Claudia and Madeline
Now they are a minor part of the film, more prevalent in the book, but still not quite ever in the main spotlight much.
Regardless, they have a very interesting homoerotic tone to their relationship, as all Anne rice vampires do. Madeline lost her child, and Claudia needs someone to take care and protect her as she is an immortal child physically, while being an adult mentally. so she chooses Madeline as her companion, she cannot turn her though, she must enlist her father/lover/companion to turn her instead, but still Madeline is fully Claudia’s, even trying to protect her till their bitter end of ashes.
(canon/implied canon)
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now this is fully hc, as they quite literally never interact but! hear me out,
Bedelia Dy Maurier x Abigail Hobbs (Abidelia?)
this one came from a discussion I had with a friend, where I said that as Hannibal’ murder family was inspired by IWTV’s unholy family, that Abigail should’ve had a homoerotic mother/daughter relationship, and so this was born.
First of all, god knows Abigail needed a break from dads, and Alana, was kind and caring, but that’s not the kind of touchy-feely thing that Abigail wants or needs. I think Bedelia’s demeanor would be helpful to Abigail, and Bedelia would find fascination with Abigail.
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Carmilla x Her Lovers/ The Vampire Lovers
Now this one is less like in your face, but still it remains that Carmilla is a woman physically in early 20’s or so, around 300years old in actuality, and her lovers are teens, 16-19 range
I love her possessive nature/love before she brings them death, it’s quite beautiful to see. It’s from the 70’s and it’s such a well done film, I would go on but I already have in other posts, but it remains that Carmilla’s sly manipulation and seduction is a sight to behold.
I knowwww there’s more really good ones out there, but I can’t think of any right now, lmk if you have any haha. i love sick lesbians, I’m always open to suggestions! love ya <3
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otakusheep15 · 1 year ago
Ranking Hazbin Hotel Songs (S1)
I’m seeing people do this on TT, but I don’t like posting on there, so I’m posting my list here instead. Obvious warning, but these are my own personal opinions. I think all of the songs are absolute bangers, but there are some that are better than others, so keep that in mind.
16. Welcome to Heaven
Pretty much the general fandom consensus. It’s not a bad song, and I like Darren Criss as a singer, but it’s too short and doesn’t do a whole lot for the plot.
15. Finale
This might be a pretty hot take, but I’m not that big of a fan of the finale. There are some parts that I like individually, but as a whole song, it doesn’t do it for me. It’s still good though.
14. Hell’s Greatest Dad
I think this one is the one that’s gonna upset a lot of people, but I really don’t vibe with this one. No, it has nothing to do with Mimzy. In fact, I actually like her a lot, but that’s besides the point. I’m not a huge fan of talk singing, and that’s what both of Alestor’s songs are, so they aren’t going to be very high. Not even Jeremy Jordan can save this song.
13. Stayed Gone
Again, I’m just not big on talk singing. I like this one just a bit more because I like Christian Borle’s voice as a talk-singer just a bit more than Jeremy Jordan.
12. More Than Anything (Reprise)
This is a really cute song! I wish we had more Chaggie moments in the show, but I’m glad we got this. It would be much higher, but I don’t like how short it is.
11. It Starts With Sorry
Idk why so many people hate this song. It’s so cute! Charlie’s voice is so good, and I like the lesson Sir Pentious learns. It gives off children’s show song, but in a very good way.
10. Out for Love
Carmilla my beloved! I am obsessed with her. I like how she taught Vaggie in this song. Again, my only real problem with it is how short it is. Idk why they made some of their best songs so short, but I need a longer version.
9. Happy Day in Hell
I am a big fan of introduction songs in musicals, and this is a perfect example of why. It’s a nice way to see Hell, especially through the optimism of someone like Charlie. It’s silly and upbeat, and I like that a lot.
8. Poison
I love this song so much! Blake Roman did such a fantastic job with his performance as Angel. I’m not usually a big fan of this particular type of pop, which is why I have it a bit lower, but I think it fits well with what they were going for in writing this song. It’s absolutely perfect.
7. Whatever it Takes
I need these two to have another duet at some point. Their voices fit so well together. Both of their individual parts are also very solid. All around just a good song.
6. You Didn’t Know
I blast this song at least once a day. My fave part is Lute, and I wish we got more of her singing voice this season. Jessica Vosk is so talented, so I hope we get more in season two. Obviously, Charlie and Emily’s part is also amazing, and I like Sera’s parts as well.
5. Hell is Forever
Ah yes, my favorite Christian rock song. Seriously though, this song is so good. It’s most similar to the actual kind of music I listen to, so of course it’d be pretty high on this list. It’s a good intro to Adam and the angels in general, and it slaps.
4. Respectless
Velvette might actually be one of my favorite characters. She, for sure, has my favorite design of any character, and she might have my favorite female voice as well (tied with Lute). Also, she was so real for what she said to Carmilla. Her voice is just very fun to listen to.
3. More than Anything
Jeremy Jordan is the reason I live and breathe. His voice is literal honey. He and Erika Henningsen harmonizing has brought new meaning into my life. I may not have daddy issues, but I think this song healed them anyway. It’s so cute.
2. Ready for This
I’m a sucker for a good rally song, and this is exactly that. Cannibal Town is also my favorite location of any place we’ve seen, both in Hazbin and Hellava Boss, and I adore Rosie. The cannibals were very funny in this number, and I like that Charlie was able to gain some confidence.
1. Loser, Baby
I’m officially changing my brand to the #1 Huskerdust shipper ever. I’m so obsessed with them. This episode is tied for my favorite with Hello, Rosie! Keith David needs another song immediately, and so does Blake Roman. They sound so good together, and I can’t wait to hear more of them!
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ash-and-books · 21 days ago
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Rating: 4.5/5
Book Blurb:
Ten years into their marriage, Lenore’s relationship with her husband Henry has soured, and no child has arrived to fill the distance between them. Lenore’s frustration grows when Henry’s ambitions, both work and societal, take them out of London and into the countryside, to the imposing Nethershaw manor, where he is planning to host a hunt. Lenore keeps a terrible secret from the last time her husband hunted, and though they never speak of it, it haunts their marriage to this day.
A carriage accident near their home soon brings the mysterious Carmilla into Lenore’s life. Carmilla, who is weak and pale during the day but vibrant at night; Carmilla who will not eat meals with the family; Carmilla who stirs up a hunger deep within Lenore.
Torn between regaining her husband’s affection and the desire Carmilla’s presence awakens in her, Lenore begins to unravel her past. Her search leads her to uncover a darkness in her household that’s set on destroying her.
Hungerstone is a mesmerizing reclamation of the lesbian vampire trope, set against the backdrop of the voracious appetite of the Industrial Revolution.
A woman trapped in a passive marriage finds her appetites awakened when a new house guest arrives... and now she hungers for more... and what a beautiful retelling of Carmilla this is. Lenore is content with her life... or at least she tells herself she is. She's ten years into a loveless marriage with a man who wants her to be nothing but his puppet. Lenore only goes more frustrated when her husband Henry's ambition for more takes them out from London and into the countryside Nethershaw manor where he plans to host a hunt. Yet when a carriage accident happens near there home and Lenore welcomes the beautiful injured woman into her life... something is awakened. Said woman is named Carmilla, she is odd and Henry takes an instant dislike to her.... yet she awakens something in Lenore. Torn between the controlled passive life Lenore has created for herself and the wild freedom that Carmilla offers... Lenore begins to unravel herself and discover the dark secrets in her own home as she considers which of her appetites she will give into. I love the classic story of Carmilla and I am a huge fan of female rage stories, and this one was such a fun twist. It's a historical sapphic story with touches of magic and touches of romance, but overall we get to see Lenore finally take the reigns in on her own life and reclaim herself from everything that has been tempered down and hidden. I loved the way the story ended and would absolutely recommend this! It's a novel that will have you frustrated for Lenore but cheering for her as she deals with doubt, pain, and most of all, finding the courage within herself to free herself.
Release Date: February 18, 2025
Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (ash-and-books.tumblr.com)
*Thanks Netgalley and Zando for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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grayintogreen · 3 months ago
Hi! Obviously I’m a huge fan of all your stuff but the thing I keep thinking about it’s actually the backstory you gave Carmilla Carmine. I love it so much. Also!
My main takeaway was “live your life in such a way that when you end up in hell you will have no regrets” and I think about that every day. It’s inspirational. Thanks 💙
AWWW. That’s always the best thing to hear- that anything I write stays with people like that.
Also not to ramble but… Listen I love Carmilla’s backstory. She’s such a random amalgam of things that I had to really sit down and go “what circumstances would lead to a woman who has clear ballerina training to have turned to weapons” and that’s what fell out.
Honestly, I think that’s the theme of a lot of characters in my series because as someone who doesn’t like the idea that the end goal is “achieving a certain quota of redemption points in order to get into Heaven.” And it’s fine if people WANT that, but I think it’s important to remember that not everyone does. Maybe there was a time when Carmilla wished she could go to Heaven and see her biological children but she knew she was damning herself when she chose to kill her husband. She would never stand down and be pure and good and noble just so he hands stayed clean. Better to die a Sinner quickly than die a slow death as a suffering martyr.
a theme i really, really cannot stay away from is "suffering doesn't make you worthy." sometimes it's better to be a someone's monster than someone's victim.
My other favorite theme is marginalized people refusing to be perfect victims. Carmilla is 100% to me a woman who took one look at the possibility of becoming someone’s little tragedy and stomped on it with her knife feet.
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multi-muse-transect · 1 year ago
Hazbin 2077 AU
Basically an AU where Cyberpunk and Hazbin are in the same universe and how the characters would look like if they were sinners.
V: Basically a grey anthropomorphic wolf and if they defeat and kill enough sinners they would most likely be like Alastor.
Jackie Welles: A Minotaur since he was bulked in life and in death. He was mad at first but like what Padre said-he left satisfied.
Johnny: Anthropomorphic goat in reference to the goat tattoo he ordered from that fixer. He still rocks with Kerry.
Adam Smasher: Literally the Dark Lord from Doom Eternal and is Vox’s enforcer. Borged up maniac in life and borged up maniac in death.
Panam: Maybe an anthropomorphic coyote or Jackalope cause she’s a Nomad and Nomad’s stick to the desert most of the time.
Judy: An anthropomorphic rabbit girl. The reason why rabbit cause they’re a symbol of innocence and while Judy was kind and followed the rules, it was all for nothing and she made the workers of Clouds’s lives worse.
Evelyn Parker: I can’t help but imagine she’d look like Catra from She Ra.
River: I’m thinking maybe an anthropomorphic German Shepherd or Bloodhound cause detective.
Kerry: I feel it would be like Mrs. Mayberry as in he looks like himself but just demonic looking and is a huge fan of Fizzaroli.
Song So Mi: Anthropomorphic bird with red eyes and can manipulate technology around her with powers that can give Vox a seizure. She also can summon wings made of rogue AI’s beyond the Blackwall and can create stuff from said rogue AI’s similar to the main character from Infamous Second Sun.
Takemura: I’m thinking perhaps he’s an anthropomorphic cat as a reference to the Bakaneko. Also he probably still has his cyberware.
Rogue: Anthropomorphic fox since she’s clever and cunning. She wasn’t surprised she went to Hell but still continued being a fixer.
Solomon Reed: Anthropomorphic wolf like V or jackal for that matter. Is most likely working for Lucifer now as his eyes when it comes to Hell or is now an assassin for hire.
Alex: Anthropomorphic chameleon and is an actress thanks to Vox but she hates working for him.
Kurt Hansen: Looks similar to Asmodeus or anthropomorphic dragon wearing his old outfit when he died and is a rival arms dealer to Carmilla.
Maine: Maybe looking like his old self and his cyberware but now has gray skin that has ash on it in reference to the explosion. He wasn’t surprised that he went to Hell after going cyber psycho and getting Dorio killed while endangering others.
Rebecca: Anthropomorphic raccoon ecause they tend to be sassy most of the time. She was beyond pissed that she went to Hell.
David: A cheetah since they run very fast in reference to his Sandevistan. Most likely built his pre chromed self or looks like his chromed self.
Pilar: Looks like himself but demonic.
Dorio: Anthropomorphic bear or looks like herself but with gunshot wounds now. Like Maine, she wasn’t surprised that she ended up in Hell.
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deadly-espresso · 1 year ago
Update with watching hazbin hotel #4
While i did kind of forget about episode 5 (I watched episodes 5 and 6 about a week ago), I do have some thoughts about episodes 6 and 7 to share!
WARNING: This post contains spoilers for Hazbin Hotel's episodes 6 and 7.
- I did end up getting spoiled about the plot twist of Vaggie being a (possibly fallen) angel and a former Exorcist, but I suppose the twist was effective in its execution.
- I did quite enjoy the introduction to Sera and Emily, and also I was happy to get re-introduced to Cherri Bomb in this episode. It's funny that Cherri Bomb did have a notable role in the series' pilot, but was largely absent from the main serious until the 6th episode. Also, seeing how Sera doesn't even know why a soul ends up in Heaven, only when, does make me curious about how the episode will progress (pls don't leak any spoilers for episode 8 for me, I'm saving watching episode eight for tomorrow)
- I loved finally getting introduced to Rosie in episode 7! Rosie and her Cannibal Town was definitely something that people were waiting to see! Her voice didn't quite sound how I think she would've sounded in my head (I thought her voice would be softer and lower pitched).
- Getting to see Carmilla in episode 7 was fun too, and I also really loved her musical number in the episode!
- Oh wait, I almost forgot this, but I loved seeing Carmilla with her hair down in episode 7 as well! I get the updo she usually has is more practical, but damn does she look elegant with her hair down! - Also, this is more of a fanon thing than an episode review thing, but I do think I'm a fan of Rosie x Alastor. I get Alastor x Charlie was a huge thing back in the pilot days, but Rosie and Alastor just feel more... on the same page, you know?
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lucius-morningstar · 8 months ago
Decided to share some information about her, took the time to write it out and figure I'd share more on our lovely little chaotic bean.
Name: Esperanza Serena Carmine-Morningstar
Gender: Female
Parents: Lucius Morningstar x Clara Carmine
Siblings: ? (Unknown as of yet)
Other Family:
Grandparents: Lucifer (Grandpa Luci), Lilith (Grandma/Grandmother), Carmilla (Abuela/Grandma) Zestiel (Abuelito/Papa Zesty).
Aunts/Uncles: Odette (Tía Oddie/Auntie Oddie), Charlie (Auntie Char), Vaggie (Aunt Vags), Angel Dust (Uncle/Auntie Angie. It changes like the wind) Husk (Uncle Husk), Niffty (Auntie Nif), Cherri. She is also a huge fan of Great Uncle Ozzie and Great Uncle Fizz. (A lot of the nicknames started off super young and many just stuck)
Cousins: Eris (Eri), Liam (Lee)
Friends: Eris (Though they're more family than friends), Liam (Though again more friends than family) Diazepam (Dee Dee), Matillda (Tilly), Mellariat (Mel), Molly (Molls), Erasmus (Ras), Pandora (Panny, though Esperanza sometimes calls her Dora to annoy her), and last but not least Sloane (Sloane is not big on nicknames but Espe tends to call her Lannie because Sloane is just too complicated or she's too lazy to try, hard to say)
Crush: If she has one she sure as hell won't say who.
Sexuality: Uncertain.
Personality: If you we're to put Esperanza in one category it would be chaotic. From the moment she knew how to craw she probably caused the most mischief out of most of the kids she knows. As she gets older she doesn't exactly improve her behavior, she truly upholds as a child of hell, she is crafty, underhanded, and has probably the most unhealthy sense of humor. That isn't to say she's a bad kid, she just loves causing chaos but of course her actions due often have some consequences.
History: TBC
Fun Facts: - Her inspiration is basically Louise from Bob's Burgers but somehow far more chaotic.
She knows that her name is kind of a big deal and uses it to her advantage, even more so as she ages.
Her hat was originally a little different, it was a gift her dad got from a gift shop in heaven and he gave it to her super young, (Yeah apparently they have gift shops, who knew) and it is her favorite possession. She's loved it ever since. She has never taken it off and anyone else touching it or taking it is a death sentence that her petty ass will drag out till she sees fit.
She is indeed daddy's little girl and also tends to use that to her advantage. It doesn't always work but she'd be a fool to not keep trying.
Her tail is a neat little add on, she had a tail similar to her auntie Char but due to an accident with an angelic weapon and her not being careful, she lost a good chunk of it. With time however her aunt Oddie helps build an equally as cool one. She may or may not use it to intimidate other demons cause why not.
Her hooves we're given a bit of angelic steel as well, similar to horse shoes and they pack a punch in a dangerous situation. No her dad was not huge on the idea of her having weapons but he'd sooner her be safe than not so it was shut down quick.
Esperanza lives more with her mother then her father, they're not divorced, her dad just tends to stay where he's comfortable and her mother where she's comfortable. It's an odd situation but Espe doesn't mind. At least not all the time, it gets a bit frustrating but she adjusts.
Most of Esperanza's friends are demons her dad trusts, just in case things go array, he still isn't big on sinners but that doesn't entirely stop Espe from venturing outside her friends. It hasn't always ended well.
Next Next Gen: She's here!
I have been looking forward to sharing this girl with all of you, the artist BijutsuYoukai has finally gotten back to me on the design of Clara & Lucius's child. Let me just say she looks even better then I expected. While this did happen yesterday, I opted to post today because I wanted help in her name. I had a shit ton of name ideas for this girl and managed to narrow it down. So without further ado, I'd love for everyone to meet the Mischievous Daughter of Clara Carmine and Lucius Morningstar, everyone say hello to Esperanza Carmine-Morningstar.
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She is going to be the most chaotic out of the next gen group. (Who will only be encouraged by Molly from time to time) However she will be the one creating most if not all the mischief. This includes harassing many she just doesn't like for reasons that truly don't matter. If you get on her bad side, her spiteful nature will make sure you regret ever so much as looking at her in a negative way. Her biggest rule is never touch the hat.
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iluvrobinbuckley · 3 years ago
Random R.B. Headcannons
Yet again, throwing out hc’s that no one asked for cuz I’m absolute trash for one (1) Robin Buckley 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Robin is a book nerd and will always recommend something no matter what genre you throw out there
Has a deep love for gothic lit and Mary Shelley and anyone who Shelley was associated with
Has tried to find as many queer wlw stories as possible for the 80s (Annie on my Mind by Nancy Garden, The Color Purple by Alice Walker, The Hunger by Whitley Strieber, and Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu to name a few)
Robin is a HUGE Stephen King fan - loves The Stand the most and read all 1152 pages in 3 days because it was “just too good to put down”
Identifies a lot with the character of Carrie in King’s novel due to feeling like an outcast
Absolutely ADORES the 1976 movie with Sissy Spacek - will always recommend it when on shift at Family Video
On the topic of family video, Robin will 100% play the same movie over and over again for a week and just quote the entire thing while Steve just looks like “you’re ridiculous” to which Rob just keeps quoting even louder to prove a point
Nights where she’s working, you come in and sit on the counter until she and Steve are done cleaning and closing - you help out a little too especially with organization
After her shifts over, you drive her home and you rock out to whatever new playlist she made
You spend the night at least twice a week and have your own section of stuff in her room
Her room would be slightly scattered but everything would be in an organized mess ya know?
Like her desk would be messy, but everything has its *specific* space
Has a comfort hoodie she always wears and will let you borrow on days where you don’t feel well emotionally or physically.
Absolutely fuckin loves the Twilight Zone and could watch it for hours
Oh god the amount of times she can just quote the intro out of nowhere would be just so cute and endearing that you’d join in and just laugh and kiss her cheek after
Friday nights were nights for you and Robin (and sometimes Steve) to watch movies and just relax from the week. snacks, candy, pizza, popcorn - I mean they get a discount on it at work after all
Robin LOVES the fair. She will honestly act like such a kid when she sees that it’s in town. Low key she is good at EVERY game they have there and knows all of the ways to win. Balloon darts are her favorite and she will always win you as many stuffed animals as possible and you win her one that she cherishes and just holds the entire night
Has a deep deep love for funnel cakes for no reason
Will only go on rides if you go with her - packaged deal
Will deny it, but she gets really bad motion sickness and will have to play it off - maybe one too many slices of pizza before the Zipper ride 😬
Absolutely LOVES taking Polaroids because “the lighting is pretty” and that it “brings out the color in your eyes”
Secretly scared of the Ferris wheel because of someone rocking the seat when she was younger, but will gladly go on it with you if you hold her hand the entire time
Now I really want to write a fair fic because that just sounds adorable tbh
a/n: all of these are just my opinion and you don’t have to agree with any of them! I’d love to know some of your hc’s for Robin - throw em my way :)
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syyskirjat · 2 years ago
I'm late for the end of Carmilla Weekly but here we have it, Carmilla's ending is even more anticlimatic than Dracula's.
At least in Dracula the heroine gets to be present for the vampire slaying, and she gets to narrate it even though Dracula had a bunch of other POV characters Stoker COULD have used there.
Laura becomes extremely sidelined from the actual narrative in the last few chapters to the point that there's a huge temptation to read into it. Also since she struggles so much seeing Carmilla as a monster, even after hearing the general's story, that she's just asking for Carmilla even right before the end.
From her point of view the men in her life just went off and came back, telling her they killed her friend because the friend was a demon. And she accepts it but doesn't describe her reaction to it, doesn't really describe much of anything after Carmilla is gone, except the lingering trauma.
And the last sentence... I don't know if it was intended as such but I always thought there might have been a hint there about Carmilla maybe coming back... she IS a vampire after all. And this is the last thing we hear from Laura, and according to the preface she died young. (It's probably just more trauma and she's just having flashbacks or hallucinations, but my version would be more interesting.)
The other thing that gets to me is the bleak notion that vampires face an even worse fate after their destruction. This is something Stoker was clearly not a fan of since so much of Dracula is about the characters convincing themselves that destroying the vampire leads to their soul being at peace. The narrative in Carmilla is much more tragic, there is just no hope for you once you become a vampire, apparently. Either you become a killer for eternity or you suffer an even worse fate.
And that brings me to Bertha: did she become one too, or did they deal with her body in time to prevent it? Is she also doomed for eternity despite never having the chance to kill anyone? Or was she saved by an early intervention?
I guess you can always hope that Vordenburg was just wrong, but that's not how it's presented. It seems that at least Mircalla will have to go through whatever "horrible life" he talked about.
It's basically a trolley problem ending, right? You have to doom Mircalla or she will keep killing others forever, even though she herself was originally an innocent victim too.
(Was the mother character the one who turned her, I wonder? Her vampiric "mother"?)
It's also obviously easy to read this as a metaphor for "predatory homosexuals". It's not that Mircalla is a vampire, it's that she's gay because she was turned gay and now she in her turn is turning other innocent young women gay and she must be killed and she will go to hell for her sins.
At least that's how I assume it's supposed to be read. There are definitely other ways to read it though. And even if we do accept that as the intended reading, that just encourages alternative readings: the men killed Carmilla and told Laura it was because Carmilla was a monster and that she was doomed to suffer for eternity. But that's only if you take their word for it. They say she's doomed, but is she? They say she was a monster but was she? If the men represent homophobia, should we believe them?
Idk, this has been a lot of incoherent rambling, I'm sorry. This story has a way of driving me mad. It's bad in exactly the kind of ways that make me obsess over it. I can't let it go. There're so many interesting threads here that seem to go nowhere or that end in an unsatisfying way and I can't leave it alone. (It's the same except even more so with Christabel which literally was left unfinished, and there's a lot to say about the similarities and differences between the two stories.) I could keep rambling, but I'm gonna call it here for now.
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cirque-dhomosexual · 2 years ago
Random Cindy headcanons (ft. Some others) I plan on touching on in my upcoming fic:
Cind is a raging hopeless romantic!
her fave movie was casablanca
Tommy loved 2001: space odyssey
She loves the Beatles, ABBA, and Queen (But wouldn't say it out loud) She would, however, talk about Barry Manilow, Olivia Newton-John, and Captain and Tennille
She had a huge alien/space phase
Her + Alice broke into their school to use a telescope
SHE IS PUERTO RICAN/ BRAZILIAN ON HER MOM'S SIDE!!!! LATINA CINDY FOR THE WIN! (lDC If this me projecting as a Lesbian Latina. In my heart and soul this is a canon/factual statement.)
She's a horror buff! She was the one to talk to get Ziggy into it. She would have read ziggy horror books as a bedtime story and let her sleep in her bed if she ever got scared. But since her dad left, she hasn't had the time to read.
She prefers books but loves movies too
She loved reading select Stephan King books, Frankenstein by Mary Shelly, Anything by Shirley Jackson, Dracula by Bram Stoker, and the exorcist by William Peter Blatty. Even Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu!
She's not a huge fan of zombies
On Carmilla, she read it in her library but found out about it by listenining to the CBC radio novella. She didn't check out the book (for obvious reasons) but after fighting herself for ages she reads it and she does so like she's trying to smuggle in contraband. She was so jumpy and for no reason bc literally no one else around her knew about it or it being queer.
Outside of horror, she loved reading romance
She cannot skate. Not at all. She tries and she went on a skate date with Tommy but she can't stay up longer than 2 whole seconds
Alice was the one that introduced her to comics. She pretends she's never read a comic but she's quite the fan of the x-men and wonder woman. She has tried to enter the comic shop in a disguise but people do recognize her.
She's a closeted trekkie
She does end up shoving these interests to the side so she can have her "perfect life" that a girl her age should have but I doubt she stops loving her nerdy shit.
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gatorkid509 · 3 years ago
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Finally got a chance to enter @far-side-skies Bird Month Challenge, I’ve attempted to participate before, but usually stopped either due to art block, not finishing on time and work. But this month I was determined to actually do the art challenge, and now I have and I defiantly want participate in future Bird Moth Challenges( Assuming I don’t quit half way through -_-; ) And yes, I did color it traditionally with my markers since I’m still figuring out my new drawing tablet and a new art program. So I had to be really careful when I was coloring, as well as trying to find the right colors to fit this months Sea Hawk theme.
So allow me to introduce the famous Atmosian film star Calliope Pandion.
Age: Reported to be around her late 30s( She doesn’t like sharing her real age)
Home Terra: Terra Atmosia
Beautiful and very talented, Calliope actually had a pretty rough start to her acting career, taking bit roles and rarely getting a speaking part. But her big break came when a then unknown movie director Carmilla de Luna chose Calliope for her then upcoming movie Desert Heat, a romantic film that needed a beautiful actress to star along side the male Raptor lead. When they finished filming and the film was released, it was a huge hit with audiences( Mainly with human women) and propelled Calliope to stardom. Since then she had starred in multiple films, and has continued to act in more of Carmilla’s films since they both wouldn’t have gotten famous without one another. And with Carmilla, she has been dubbed as “ The Woman Mates With Monsters” by her fans( Her mainly human fans) due to a lot of her films having other species as her love interests. Their are however rumors that she actually hates working with actors and directors of a different species and treats her co stars badly behind the camera and Carmilla’s back, but they have yet to be proven.
- She has starred in about 42 movies in her 10+ years as an actress. - While she does have many fans, she does have her haters, may of which are of the different species of Atmos that criticize how their species are depicted in her films( One Blizzarian hater stated that the film Eternal Snow had depicted Blizzarians saying “Hoser” to many times.)
And that’s Calliope, the idea of a famous actress in Atmos that’s secretly against other species  has actually been on my mind for months, as well as @uncertainty5​‘s BMC OC AVADA also giving me inspiration as well.( And no, I don’t think Calliope would work in one of AVADA’s movies since not only she’s heard he mainly makes propaganda films for Cyclonia, but also because he’s a Merb.
And Carmilla de Luna is a female parody of actual director Guillermo del Toro.
I hope you guys like( or hate) Calliope, I had fun drawing her and again, I’m so glad to finally have a chance to enter @far-side-skies​ Bird Month Challenge.
And good luck to all the other artist who are participating 
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lucky-sevens · 4 years ago
on doctor carmilla and her relationship to the mechanisms
welcome to my carmilla analysis post! all her lore is too big a subject to handle in one post, so i’m starting with this more specific one and seeing where it goes!
the main thing i’m going to be talking about here is the fan interpretation of her. i’ve collected all the evidence that supports fanon carmilla*, and i’m going to use it to discuss why fandom interpretation, while it has a basis, could be better done/more accurate to the character. i’m collecting evidence here both to support the fan interpretation and criticize it; this is very much not a discourse post, it’s an analysis post!
*i’m defining this as unnecessary experiments on and/or further abuse of the mechanisms.
(that being said, please don’t make her racist/ableist/homophobic; i’ve seen far too much of that, and it makes me incredibly uncomfortable as she is a disabled japanese lesbian and is also most likely trans. i mostly see this in modern aus, but it’s in ‘canon compliant’ works as well- the largest offender here is the popular headcanon that she forced jonny to change his accent to a british one, which for what i hope are obvious reasons given this section doesn’t sit right with me.)
rest under the cut! warnings for medical trauma, including non-consensual drugging and mind alteration, and discussions of abuse (both from a parental figure and from a significant other). it gets heavy; please stay safe!
first off: this isn’t really on the lore of her backstory, but i will touch upon that occasionally as it’s important to understanding her character! i would really suggest to listening to exhumed and (un)plugged (bandcamp / youtube) and ageha (prototype edition) (bandcamp / youtube) and reading her wiki page to get a grasp of the deeper lore; not necessarily before reading this, but definitely if you’re planning to make her a major character in your work.  
we only have two first-hand sources into carmilla’s interactions with the mechanisms; lashings (part one / part two / transcript) and homesick (video / transcript). in both of those, we see that the mechanisms- or at least jonny and nastya- are very uncomfortable with and/or afraid of her. lashings has a few examples of this, regarding nastya; her tone is noticeably quiet and cold whenever she speaks to carmilla and near the end of the show, carmilla hugs her from behind without warning, making her freeze up. 
homesick is even clearer in this regard- after the song is performed, carmilla and jonny have this exchange, which i’ve copied from the transcript in its entirety as it’s all potentially relevant.
[JONNY] (very, legitimately afraid) ALRIGHT ALRIGHT- Stop stop stop stop stop, whoa whoa whoa okay okay okay- I can’t take it anymore! Are you going to kill us or not? Cause I’m (stuttering)- It’s lovely when we’re playing songs, and it's great. But we shot- well, one of us, shot you out of an airlock, and I wanna know. What are you going to do to us? Other than killing me?
[DOC C] Now is not the time, Jonny, I’m feeling a bit tetchy.
[JONNY] Watch it. You’re- you’re planning something. Something. 
[DOC C] Medication time.
[JONNY] Yes-- (cutoff)
the video ends here. the lines at the end are most likely a leadup to the song welcome to medi bay co, but given carmilla’s tone in the recording, it could also be a threat towards him. this implies she has non-consensually drugged him in the past. his conviction that she was going to kill him also suggests that that has happened as well.
from this, we can conclude carmilla’s actions in the common fanon are not out of character, but her motives and thoughts towards the mechanisms could often be considered so. the default motivation for her seems to be to experiment- she’s driven out of boredom or curiosity, and is simply using the mechanisms as test subjects. there are a few cases to directly cite in canon of her experimenting on someone (out of something other than necessity so that they survived)- the first one is from exhumed, and is not in reference to the mechanisms, but instead a clone of herself (x). (i won’t elaborate too much on the post i linked as a source here, but it’s very interesting and i’d suggest giving it a read!)
doesn’t fit too much here, but you know what does?
Highly amused by the moral ambiguity of the events leading to his supposed demise – where both Brian and the priest believed themselves to have the moral high ground, she rebuilt Brian with a slight modification – an inbuilt morality core, with two settings.
brian’s switch. the bio straight-up says she made it out of amusement, which is a huge issue as anyone can flip it (except brian himself; don’t have the source on hand, but there was a post a while back that mentioned it was on the small of his back, which he can’t reach) and it changes his entire mindset!
however! this is the only case of something like this happening!
maki has said that carmilla cared for the mechanisms, and considered them her adopted children. while the evidence i’ve noted earlier almost becomes worse with that knowledge, it’s a different mindset than test subjects.
this is getting into a bit more of personal thoughts/headcanons, but we know carmilla had a lot of trouble with healthy relationships, including familial ones. she could wholeheartedly care about the mechanisms, and just not know how to form an actually positive relationship with them. in addition, if you view my personal headcanon that carmilla made loreli into a vampire instead of the other way round, she sure does have a problem with people she’s attached to dying, doesn’t she? she’s more sympathetic in general than she tends to be painted, and she has had good interactions with the mechanisms. (mostly drawing on what maki has said on the mechscord for this- sadly, invites are currently closed).
not elaborating on it too much here, as there’s a lot to unpack vis a vis lore and red stringing, but it’s also likely that carmilla does grow and change and get better as a person- she left the mechanisms most likely of her own volition, as maki has said she ‘didn’t leave via the airlock’, and made an active effort to fix her past mistakes. this is in contrast to the other mechanisms (except possibly brian) who never make any kind of effort to stop being terrible people. (may write a meta/lore explanation on this eventually, but it’s too large a topic to cover here!)
tl;dr: carmilla was abusive towards the mechanisms, but she was more likely to be well-meaning, rather than bored or curious.
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