#she was having knee problems (old knee surgery)
I told myself I wasn't going to vent to the barista, but it was my fav so I unloaded
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vigilante-3073 · 8 months
Loss & Grief
James Wilson x Female Reader
Summary: The head of the Department of Pediatrics loses a young patient and Wilson helps her cope.
TW: Pre-established relationship, hurt/comfort, grief, patient death, mentions of heart problems.
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Doctor L/N sat silently on the couch in her office as tears rolled down her cheeks. Her lab coat had been abandoned on the cushion beside her and she was still wearing her pink surgical scrubs. L/N stared across her office blankly, feeling both devastated and guilty as she ran over the events in her head.
Doctor L/N had lost a patient during open heart surgery. Her name was Olivia and she had been diagnosed with a Complete Atrioventricular Canal heart defect at two weeks old. A large hole was present in the center of Olivia's heart that affected the area where all four chambers would normally be divided. A surgery was attempted when she was four weeks old, but the defect was too complex to repair in infancy. A temporary operation had been preformed to relieve her symptoms until they could re-attempt when she was older. Olivia had just turned two when Doctor L/N and the cardiac surgeon decided it was time to fix the defect. Doctor L/N had scrubbed in on the surgery and everything seemed to be going fine before the girl flatlined on the table.
The team worked to revive her for over an hour before time of death was called.
Doctor L/N notified the parents, watching them fall apart as their grief washed over them. She provided as much comfort as one possibly could to parents who had just lost their only child, sitting with them for as long as they needed her to. The mother had hugged her, thanking her for everything she had done for their daughter.
Doctor L/N had experienced the loss of a patient before, but it never got any easier. L/N barely managed to keep her own emotions in check as she made her way through the hallways towards her office. The sun had set and L/N hadn't even bothered to turn on the light before slumping down on the couch.
She broke down, completely dissolving into gut-wrenching sobs that left her breathless. Doctor L/N cried until her throat ached and her lungs burned, muscles trembling as she sniffled softly. A gentle knock sounded on the door, but L/N couldn't bring herself to speak without crying again.
The door opened, "Y/N, are you in here?" Wilson asked softly, peering into the dark room. He turned the light on, dark brown eyes quickly finding her on the couch. Wilson stepped into her office, closing the door and making his way over to her.
L/N felt her eyes gloss over with tears again as he sat down beside her, "I'm sorry... I know how hard it is to lose a patient," He said softly.
Her lip trembled, "She was so young," L/N mumbled as more tears rolled down her cheeks.
"You did everything that you could for her," Wilson said, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her into his chest gently. Her body shook as she sobbed, arms sliding around his waist as she curled into him.
Wilson pressed a kiss to the top of her head as his hand rubbed over her back reassuringly, "You're gonna be okay," He murmured.
Doctor L/N had the biggest heart of anyone Wilson had ever met. She treated her patients like family and took it incredibly hard when she lost someone. L/N would blame herself for months, overthinking every decision she'd made and wondering what she could have done to change the outcome.
Wilson slid his arm underneath her knees, pulling her body into his lap and holding her close. Her breath stuttered in her chest as she tucked her head into the crook of his neck.
"Shh, you're okay, I'm here," He said softly.
Wilson held L/N on the couch in her office until the sun had started to rise, the sky only just beginning to show the faintest bit of light. She was quiet, sniffling softly every few minutes. The soft sounds of Wilson's heartbeat and his even breathing calmed her down greatly.
Everything about James calmed her down.
"H-how did you know?" She mumbled.
"Know what?" Wilson asked with a confused frown.
"I-That I lost her," L/N said.
Wilson sighed, his hand rubbing over her back gently, "I knew about the operation and I was looking for you after. One of the nurses told me that she saw you, but you seemed upset... I put two and two together," He said.
"I should be better at handling it by now," She mumbled, fingers toying with the material of his tie.
"No, you're grieving a loss... You invest in your patients and care about their recovery. It makes you a good doctor, but it can also make loss difficult to cope with," He said.
She let out a defeated huff, snuggling closer to him. The smell of his cologne was comforting, it lingered on every piece of clothing he wore and had quickly become L/N's favorite scent.
"Do you want me to take you home? You can get some rest and I'll make you breakfast," Wilson offered.
"I've kept you up all night long," She said.
"What's a few more hours?" Wilson smiled, pressing his lips to her forehead gently.
Her eyes fluttered shut at the contact, letting out a soft exhale, "What would you make me for breakfast?" She asked, opening her eyes.
"Pancakes and bacon," He offered.
"With chocolate chips?" She asked, he smiled.
"If you'd like," Wilson said, his hand resting on her thigh and giving it a gentle squeeze.
Doctor L/N lifted her head from his shoulder, Wilson raised his hand and wiped the tears from her cheeks gently with the pad of his thumb.
"I love you," L/N said softly.
Wilson smiled, hand cradling her cheek as he brought his lips to her's in a gentle kiss, he pulled away and leaned his forehead against her's.
"I love you too," Wilson replied.
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coffeecat1983 · 1 year
Mario Bros one-shot “You Keep Him Strong” (MOVIE SPOILERS!)
   (Warning, scene at the end of the fic contains spoilers for the end of the movie!) 
The front door to the Brooklyn apartment burst open and 12-year-old Mario bounded into the front room, dropping his little gym bag by the coatrack and kicking off his shoes. In his hand, he was clutching a small bronze trophy. He was dressed in a white top and shorts with blue trim.     "Papa Sal, Papa Sal! Look what I got!" he went racing for the living room. Marianna meanwhile entered the apartment with Luigi close behind her. He was dressed identical to Mario. The only differences were their socks, Mario with red, Luigi in green, and wrapped around both of his knees were braces. He stayed by Marianna's side as she pulled her shoes off and straightened Mario's.     "Sweetheart?" Marianna said gently, pulling Luigi out of his thoughts.     "Huh?"     "You can take your shoes off and go change now if you want."     "O-Oh, right." he mumbled.     "Mario, remember to put your bag away and change your clothes!" she then called out as she headed for the kitchen. Mario popped around the living room corner.     "C'mon Weege!" he said, waving his trophy. Luigi slipped off his shoes and neatly set them beside his brother's before going into the living room. Their paternal grandfather, Salvatore, was seated in one of the chairs and he gave them a smile.     "Now what's all this? You boys look like you've been busy, aren't those your sports uniforms?"     "We had a race at school, look what I got!" Mario said breathlessly, holding up his trophy. The printing on it read '3rd place'. He grabbed Luigi's arm, pulling it. "Weege finished the race, too!"   Luigi shyly looked down, scuffing his foot.     "Well, well, I'm proud of both of you. Good job!" He rubbed at his mustache before picking up his cane. He pushed up, standing with a slight grunt. "That trophy deserve a top spot, let's go put it where everyone can see, eh?" Going into the main room, he went over to the China hutch and moving aside a few knick-knacks, motioned for Mario to hand over his prize. He placed it front and center.     "There we are, a winner on proud display. Now, you boys go get changed for dinner, then we can get some ice cream."     "Wahoooo!" Mario cheered and took off for their bedroom. Luigi lingered a moment, looking at the trophy.     "What's wrong, poco anima?" Salvatore asked, slipping in his Italian nickname for Luigi.     "N-Nothin'." Luigi gave him a quick hug before heading towards the kitchen. Salvatore could see he was limping slightly and kept rubbing at his braces. Luigi peered into the kitchen. Marianna was humming as she gathered ingredients to make dinner.     "Mom, can I take these off now? They itch..."   Marianna glanced at the clock. "All right, it's been long enough. Come on, we'll get them off."   He followed her into the boy's bedroom and sitting on the edge of the bottom bunk, stuck his legs out. Marianna unbuckled the straps, sliding the braces off. The skin underneath was red.     "Oh dear, were these too tight?"     "A little." he confessed. She stroked his cheek.     "Next time tell me, okay? Let me get something to help that."   As she stepped out, Mario looked over from the dresser where he had been changing. Getting one of Luigi's shirts, he brought it to him and sat beside him. As Luigi changed, Mario looked at his legs. His twin had always had trouble with running and his balance, his knees the source of the problem and as they grew older, it became more painful. The doctor they saw suggested the braces and if it came down to it, surgery. Mario hoped it wouldn't come to that. Marianna came back in, a small tube of cream in her hand.     "There we go, this will help heal that up." she said, applying the cream. "Now you boys can have some play time before dinner."   Hugging them both, she left. Mario grabbed the Nintendo controllers off of the dresser, tossing one to Luigi.     "What'cha wanna play?" he said, looking through their small collection of games.     "You don't want to play Kid Icarus?"   Mario shook his head. "Nah, I keep dying in it, and it's not two player. I wanna play with you."     "Um, Bubble Bobble. I like that one."
  The sound of their chatter and giggles traveled down the hallway, reaching Marianna in the kitchen as she prepared dinner. After a while, she heard footsteps and the light tap of a cane. She turned as her father-in-law came in and sat at the little table.     "So, what happened at the race?" he asked. "Poco anima is carrying a weight on his shoulders."   Marianna sighed. "The race was good; Mario was in first place, but Luigi fell. You know Mario, always there when his brother is hurt. He turned back and helped him up before taking off again, costing him first place."     "Better than that time he came home with a black eye," came a voice. Giovanni's youngest brother, Arthur, entered, hands in his pockets. "Door was unlocked so we came in," he added. Behind him, Marianna could see Arthur's wife, Marie, wave to her. The couple had been married for two years and were expecting their first child.     "Marie, sit down, sit down!" Marianna fussed; you don't need to be on your feet!" she indicated the open seat by her father-in-law. She then waved her wooden spoon towards Arthur. "And Mario only had that black eye from defending his brother from a bully. As I recall, Giovanni said you got a fair few bruises in school yourself." Arthur put his hands up playfully. "Okay, okay, point taken."     "Good, now I know it's not Sunday, but will you stay for dinner?"   Arthur raised an eyebrow. "As if I'd say 'no'." he replied.   As they talked, Salvatore hummed in thought, catching sight of a small shadow by the door that slipped back towards the hall. It was accompanied by familiar, soft limping footsteps. He hummed again.     "You're raising good boys, Marianna, very good boys." he said.     "Grazie, Papa."
  Mario looked up from his spot on the bedroom floor as Luigi came back in and plopped down hard on the bed.     "What'd mom say?" he asked. Luigi shook his head, picking up his controller again.     "She's still making dinner, and Uncle Arthur and Auntie Marie just got here. I think we can play more."   Mario pressed 'start' and their game resumed but after a while he noticed Luigi wasn't really into playing. Mario went to say something but was stopped as their mother's voice called down the hall.     "Boys, dinner's ready!"     "Okay!" Mario called back. Getting up, he turned off the console and TV. "C'mon Weege." he turned towards him. Luigi stood and gave out a small cry as his knees buckled. Mario shot forward and grabbed him before he could fall.    "You okay?"    "Y-Yeah, thanks."   Mario took his brother's hand and giving him a smile, walked hand in hand with him to the main room. Their father was home from work and seated at the head of the table. As the meal started, talk drifted from Marie and Arthur's ideas for baby names, to Giovanni's work, and eventually to sports.     "Speaking of," Marianna said, "Mario, don't you have something to tell your dad?"   Mario kicked his legs excitedly. "We had a race at school! I got a trophy!" He got up and grabbing the trophy, held it up. Giovanni took it and looked it over.     "Third place, not too bad." he commented. Salvatore noticed Luigi pushed his plate away at hearing the comment.     "Wonder how big the first-place trophy is-ow!" Arthur cringed, glancing at Marie. She had kicked him under the table and was giving him a look. She had seen Luigi trying to shrink into his seat and hide. Arthur finally caught on.     "I mean, third place! That's great!" he tried to cover.     "Oh, Marianna, Giovanni, I promised the boys ice cream tonight to celebrate," Salvatore said, quickly distracting from Arthur's comments. "I'd like to take them after dinner, that little place down the street."   Giovanni folded his arms. "You're going to spoil them. Celebrating first-place, sure, but-" he stopped as Salvatore raised his hand.     "They're my grandsons and I'll spoil them with a treat if I want." his tone put an end to the conversation. Giovanni just sighed and shook his head.     "All right boys, if you're done, get your shoes on and you can go with your papa." he said.   Mario nearly flew out of his seat to grab his shoes. He held up Luigi's shoes.     "C'mon Weege!"   Luigi wobbled a little as he stood from the table. Marianna stood as well.     "Luigi, don't put your shoes on just yet. Meet me in your room, please."   His face fell as he realized what she meant. "Okay."      "Aw mom, does he have to?" Mario pleaded.      "If you're walking all the way to get ice cream and back, yes. Now scoot." Marianna said.    As they disappeared down the hall, Arthur looked at Giovanni. "Just how long does he have to wear those braces, anyway?"      "Doctor says until he stops growing. And even if they work the way they should, he could have trouble the rest of his life."     "Oh, the poor dear," Marie said softly.   Salvatore got up. "And that, is just another reason to celebrate him finishing the race today." His tone dared his eldest son to argue back, but Giovanni stayed quiet.
Later that night, as the clock in the kitchen softly chimed midnight...   Luigi sighed as he sat up and holding back a whimper, he quietly got up and made his way to the door. Glancing back to make sure Mario was still asleep, he slipped out of the bedroom. Seeing a light coming from the living room along with the faint sound of the TV, he went that way.     "Mom?" he said, peeking around the corner. "Oh, hi Papa Sal."   Salvatore looked up from the news playing on the TV. "Luigi, why are you up so late? Come, sit down." he motioned towards the couch. He could see Luigi was limping a bit more than before as he walked in.     "What's wrong? Did you have bad dreams?"     "I can't sleep. My knees hurt." Reaching for his cane, Salvatore got up. "Let me get something for that. Mamma keeps your meds in the bathroom, right?"     "Yeah, the green case." After a few minutes Salvatore returned with the little case and a glass of water. Sitting on the couch, he gave Luigi the glass and opened the case. Giving Luigi a dose of the children's aspirin, he then measured out some of the warming muscle cream into the palm of his hand.     "All right, legs up, let's see if this helps." he said. Luigi turned and pulled his legs up onto the couch, wincing at the discomfort. He sighed with relief as his grandfather began to carefully rub the warming cream around his knees, the heat seeping in and easing away the pain.     "There we are, that help any?" Salvatore asked, wiping his hands on the edge of his bathrobe. Luigi nodded.     "Yeah, thanks Papa."     "Now, how about a little hot cocoa to help you sleep? I could use some, myself."   Following him to the kitchen, Luigi sat at the little table. As he warmed up milk and prepared their drinks, Salvatore could see Luigi looking out at the hutch where Mario's trophy was.     "Proud of you for finishing the race today, I know it wasn't easy." he said, stirring the cocoa. Luigi looked down at the floor, his shoulders slumping a bit.     "Thanks." he said softly. Salvatore sat down, pushing a small mug of cocoa towards him. He sipped at his own mug, the only sound that of the clock on the wall ticking gently.     "Papa Sal, am... am I bad?" Luigi finally spoke, still staring at the floor.     "Now what makes you think that?"   Luigi wrapped his arms around himself. "Mario would'a won the race, but I fell. And he got in a fight at school when I was being picked on." He sniffled, tears trickling down his face. "I mess things up."   Salvatore set down his mug and rested his arms on the table.     "Poco anima, look at me. Do you know why your brother is strong enough to win that race? Strong enough to fight a bully like that?"   Luigi sniffled again, shaking his head.     "He's strong enough, because he has you. He has a reason to run so fast, to fight the mean bambini. All because he has you. You make him strong, you keep him strong. Don't ever forget that. Your brother, he would be lost without you, just as you would be without him."   Luigi looked down again. Salvatore could see his words sink in as his grandson thought it over.     "Papa? Are you up still?" came Marianna's voice. Her light blue slippers made a soft shuffling as she entered the kitchen. "Luigi, sweetheart, why are you out of bed?"     "He needed a little hot cocoa," Salvatore said, "and some time with his Papa."     "All right, but it's time to get back to bed, young man."   Luigi got up and gave Salvatore a tight hug.     "Goodnight Papa, love you."     "Love you too, little soul. Remember what I said, okay?"     "I will!"
--------Place: Brooklyn. Time: The final showdown with Bowser. --------
  Luigi peered out from the dumpster; he could see that horrible monster was going after Mario. He ducked back down, shaking.     "What can I do?" he was near tears. "Mario can't fight that thing!" He felt it, that sickening sensation traveling up his spine that he'd get whenever his brother was hurt. It was then his grandfather's words came back to him.   You make him strong, you keep him strong. Don't ever forget that.     "He needs me... Nothing can hurt us..."   As long as we're together.
By "CC"
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rendy-a · 2 years
I saw the househusband au and thought of how Ruggie would be as a househusband. You can decline if you’d like to ^^
Of course, I’ll take it!  I hope you enjoy this househusband musing.  Thank you for requesting.
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Ruggie’s frugal nature follows him to your home life.  He knows how to scrape by on very little and he doesn’t see why you should live any differently.  He takes advantage of sales, which leads to very eclectic meals at home.  Some days, you’ll have pasta topped with things you swear pasta isn’t meant to be paired with.  Other times, you might have soup ten days in a row because it was such a good sale.  Ultimately, when he proudly shows you the growing savings account, you can only smile and continue to indulge him.  He is just so happy to have that safety net for once in his life!
You’ll never need to call a handy man when you’re married to Ruggie.  He is endlessly creative at solving problems around the home.  If things break, he is pulling out his phone to watch videos on how to repair it.  Don’t call someone, he can do it!  And finally, if he really can’t fix it, he will find a way to repurpose your old junk for new uses once you’ve replaced it.  He is the type to turn old TV’s into pet beds or aquariums like you see on Magicam.  Waste not, want not!
Don’t go to an expensive hair salon, manicurist or masseuse, Ruggie will gladly do those things for you!  Even if he didn’t know how to do those things before, you can bet he is going to learn how to!  Why pay for someone else to do these personal things for you when your loving spouse can instead?  Plus, he gets all warm and fuzzy inside when he gets to rub your head while washing your hair or hold your hand when filing your nails.  It’s also couple’s time!
Back in the old neighborhood, Ruggie used to take care of all the children like they were his siblings.  These days, he still seems to be well known by all the neighborhood children.  If you go for a walk, you are guaranteed to have at least one child run up and ask your spouse if he wants to come play.  “Sorry, I’m a little busy right now but maybe next time.  Shishishi.” 
After a long day of housework, he likes to lay his head in your lap and get his ears rubbed.  It’s pleasant to card your fingers through his hair and rub the velvet-soft ears.  He sighs with satisfaction and snuggles deeper into your lap.  It’s a task you don’t mind at all, but you still like to tease him about it.  You tell him he is getting as lazy as Leona, laying around all evening like this.  He responds that he certainly feels like a prince when you treat him like this.  You suppose a few extra minutes might be ok tonight.
You arrive home at the usual hour and open the door to your home.  Ruggie hears you enter and pokes his head out of the kitchen to tell you dinner is almost ready.  You take off your jacket and rub your aching shoulder, it was a long day!  Then you smile at the mouth-watering aromas coming from the kitchen and head to the dining room to await what promises to be a delicious dinner. 
You don’t have long to wait before Ruggie sets a plate down in front of you.  It does look delicious, but you can only frown at it.  Ruggie sees your expression and asks, “Something wrong?”  You look at him, “This is steak.”  He looks sheepish, “Yeah, so?”  You give it another look; it’s a good cut of meat.  “What did you do?”  He looks away and says, “What, a guy can’t make a nice meal for their spouse?”  You give him A LOOK.  “Ok, fine, fine,” he says with a sigh. 
“You know my Grannie,” he starts, “the most wonderful, amazing old lady that ever lived?  The one who single-handedly raised me without ever asking for anything in return?”  You narrow your eyes, “I do seem to recall such a woman, yes.  Go on.”  He swallows and smiles nervously before continuing.  “Well, she is going to have this surgery on her knee.  The doctors say she should get a nurse to help her out for a while after the surgery.  Only, I was thinking, nurses are expensive and I’m home all day anyway so…why doesn’t she just come stay here while she recovers?”  You raise an eyebrow, “How long is this recovery time?”  He rubs the back of his head while answering, “One month.”
Granny Bucchi is a firecracker of an old woman.  She tells the craziest stories, both about young Ruggie and her own life.  Your favorites are obviously about Ruggie and you ask for at least one embarrassing story each day.  You tell your spouse that you’ll have so much blackmail by the end of the visit, you’ll be feeling like Azul.  He does not seem amused by the idea, but you plan to make the most of this opportunity.  You’ll be getting foot massages for at least a year on this.
The biggest downside is that you are really feeling the lack of privacy.  Once or twice, you did slip away for some private time with your favorite guy but the mischievous smile and laugh that Granny gave you the next day always makes you feel like a misbehaving teenager.  So, when the month was up, you were rather eager to send Granny home to Sunset Savanah.  You drive her to the train station and wave from the platform as she gets on the train.  Right as the train starts pulling away, you see Granny look at Ruggie and give him a conspiratorial wink.  What was that about?
When you get home, Ruggie tells you Granny left a gift and tells you that he will bring it out.  He emerges from the kitchen with two flutes of champagne and an open bottle grasped between his fingers.  You smile and take a glass from him.  As you ‘cheers’ with your glasses, you ask your spouse, “What does Granny want to get us liquored up for?”  Ruggie gets a conspiratorial grin (obviously this is an inherited expression) and says, “Oh, she said now that we don’t have an old woman around the house, maybe we’d talk about getting some great grandchildren for her.  Shishishi.”  You were alone and had all night free; who knows, maybe Granny will get her wish.
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thebookewyrme · 2 years
Please help if you can!
So, I never do this, and I was reluctant to post this here because it has my wallet name attached, but I’ve so far only gotten about halfway to what I need and I’m desperate.
So anyway, about 3 months ago my old GSD Bella (9) started acting lame on her left hind leg. We tried treating it medically but her condition just kept getting worse, and finally I decided to take the vet’s suggestion to do surgery, despite the fact that I absolutely don’t have that kind of money. With being newly separated from my husband, recovering financially from cancer last year, my ongoing health problems, and trying to move out of ex’s house into my own place, I’m pretty tapped out. But I couldn’t let my girl continue to suffer, so I made a GoFundMe.
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So the surgery happened on Thursday, and it went pretty well. She came through it fine. Unfortunately, what the vets thought was wrong based on the x-rays (torn acl or torn meniscus) was not actually wrong. Her tendons were fine, so now the vets are baffled by the swelling, scarring, and lameness she was exhibiting, and I owe $2800 for a procedure that didn’t actually fix her lameness.
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So now I’m asking for help here too, because I suspect there will be further expenses down the line to try to fix whatever is actually wrong with her knee. I know times are tough for everyone, but every little bit helps. If nothing else, give this post a share!
Thank you for any support you can give!
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spicedfink · 11 months
Break down of Lumpy Space Princess (or something? Idk)
LSP is one of the few characters we know the age of being listed as 15 when Finn was 12/13 so we know by the finale she's 19 or 20 years old
The basic time line is that she lived in lumpy space and only visited Ooo every now and then before getting into an arguments with her parents and running away to prove she can make it on her own
LSP then spends a good chunk of her teenaged years living out in the woods
LSP has complained about her parents through out the series and even gone as far as to compare them to monsters in her Fionna and Cake fanfic - the show frames these complaints as unreasonable. The problem with this is that children rarely act out for no reason and she continues to resent them even when she's had time and distance away from them
Her parents think she acts out on purpose - this sort of mentality made LSP feel like they saw her as a villain and was extremely frustrating since she didn't actually understand what she was doing wrong
Her parents are at the very least don't know how to meet her needs at worse are intentionally abusive towards her (there isn't really enough shown of them to determine a solid placement)
LSP has a hard time understanding how her actions effect others and is easily upset when people express displeasure with her - either from the delay between her actions and their reactions or she has a knee jerk stress from past experiences (probably from authority figures)
LSP is deeply insecure. Her insecurities can be seen in cases like risking life and limb for a plump lip potion, punching herself smooth for "the nice king" and when she asked Finn and Jake to preform plastic surgery on her to make her hot
Her confidents isn't faked however, her desire to change isn't based on how she actually feels about her body but instead based on wanting to be liked by others - a theme in LSP's story is wanting to be liked by others (especially romantically) Even though they don't really change how they draw the characters much it could also be implied that LSP's insecurities came from the changes her body had during puberty
But also Brad messed her up. They had an on again off again relationship where Brad would date her friends to make her jealous and ignore her boundaries and yet LSP spends years focusing on their relationship. He's a creep who tore LSP down and made her think she was somehow underserving of anything better
When LSP got with Johnnie it showed her as really supportive and loving, the second she was flirting with someone who actually liked her back it went smoothly things only went wrong when Johnnie said she couldn't go to the dinner because it's a private business dinner with PB. She immediately thinks PB is trying to steal him from her, this is a clear reflection of her trauma from having Brad betray her trust and playing with her feelings so much
Side note on "Bad Timing" PB threaten to go to war with lumpy space because LSP was being rude despite knowing full well LSP has very little if anything to do with lumpy space's politics at this point (girl is homeless and PB is treating her as if she's a spoiled brat with a sliver spoon in her mouth)
I'm going to have to mention "Breezy", I know we want to collectively ignore it but I want to make a point about what this suggest about LSP's character. Her actions are a reflection of her own boundaries having been crossed repeatedly through out her life and she was told by the people crossing them that they weren't doing anything wrong which leads to her thinking that's what normal people do. It doesn't make it right but it's insight towards her world view where she rather see it as normal behavior then accept that people she cared for didn't care about hurting her
On how LSP communicates with others, she knows that other people don't say what they mean and that she is suppose to read between the lines but she doesn't know how so that leads to misunderstandings as she fills in the blanks (alt she's filling in the blanks based on lumpy space's social norms and can't wrap her head around Ooo having different ones) I think the best example is in "Gatcha" when she assumes Finn is in love with her because he's being nice to her and ignoring the part where she's flirting with him (he isn't taking her too seriously and doesn't know what she's talking about) The problem is others don't try to talk to her in a way she can understand: they get annoyed, frustrated or feel it's pointless so they ignore her. They yell and lecture at her for doing things wrong (she can't understand what people are trying to tell her when they lecture). Or they walk on eggshells and treat her like she'll go off at any random little thing, they just go along with what she says to keep her happy or go out of their way to make sure she doesn't get frustrated because they don't want to deal with her
The exception is Marceline. In "Princess Day" Marceline compliment LSP showing an appreciation for her bad girl behavior, she doesn't tell her she was in the wrong and supports her actions. This leads to them taking things too far but at no point does Marceline shame LSP for it, Marceline also owns up to her own part in the escalation. When LSP expresses concern about if these actions mean they're bad people Marceline doesn't dismiss LSP's feelings on this, she instead explains her own view saying she doesn't think there's such a thing as a "bad person" and that people just make mistakes. This was the first time LSP was able to explore her own guilt without being shamed or told she hadn't done anything wrong. Marceline supported and validated LSP's feelings through out the episode. This was the kind of support LSP needed the entire time but this is the first time she actually got it
LSP wouldn't have been able to grow as a person without that connection. Up until that point LSP had been become more and more detached from others, lashing out with emotional fits. After becoming friends with Marceline however she seemed to regulate and truly mature
One thing that reflects her growth is in her date with Lemongrab, when he gets up to leave she says he's afraid of intimacy, which while this shows she's still putting words in other people's mouths at this point there is a key difference in the words she using and even the tone of voice she says them. She says it as if she feels genuine concern for him, it's not indigent or aggressive it's soft. And she isn't talking about how his actions reflect on her looks but instead she thinks it's an insecurity he's feeling. She wants him to be able to face this supposed fear not because she feels cheated out of her date but because she doesn't want him being personally held back by it (Lemongrab doesn't actually have this issue)
You can also see growth in the Elementals episodes where she's the calmest she's ever been towards Finn. She's still hitting on him (I'm assuming it's a reflection of the fact she thinks everyone else is stuck in these changed forms and is seeking comfort via romantic escapism)
The finale shows her growth the most. She went to war to aid PB compare that to when LSP barely helped Finn cure Jake and treated it like a huge inconvenience that she isn't responsible for (despite them needing a cure because she accidently bit Jake)
Marceline is LSP's closest friend but Turtle Princess is LSP's BFF Turtle Princess and LSP can talk for hours, they listen to the other info dump and love trashy books, romance and gossip. They have trouble talking about other things and both become uncomfortable if they try. Turtle Princess thinks LSP is really hot and cool and looks up to her a lot. LSP thinks Turtle Princess is also hot and cool and will hype Turtle Princess up all the time
In summary, I think she has a lot of trauma and made a lot of bad decisions but is able to grow once she has a support system with friends who actually care about her
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knifebun · 1 year
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hi! i'm doing this for my friend Magda, a fellow dog trainer and a forever foster home for many unadoptable dogs. please note english is not my first language, so my translation might be a little wonky.
Lusia is a 4 year old dog adopted from Pionkowskie Towarzystwo Opieki nad Zwierzętami after she was taken away from their previous owners. due to negligence, she was born with malformations due to malnutrition. the list of her problems is long: hypoplasia or lower jaw and teeth, lack of enamel on teeth, malformed urethra causing incontinence and recurrent infections, and allergy to pollens and mold. the most problematic are her hind legs.
long bones (femurs and tibias) in her legs are rotated, which caused shallow placement of left hip, patellar luxation (left leg 3rd degree, right leg 2nd degree, in both PL is to the inside, which is a rarity in dogs) and hock sprains; due to her cow-hocked gait, she developed osteoarthritis in her knees. she also has easty-westy front paws. as a pup she was barely moving, suffering from contractures and muscular dystrophy - due to rehabilitation this has been fixed, though she still has contractures in her hind legs.
1.12.2022 Lusia has undergone a tibial osteotomy and transposition of ACL in right knee. there were complications, but she has undergone two full cycles of physical therapy.
11.05.2023 Lusia has undergone tibial osteotomy, ACL transposition, and femoral trochleaplasty in left leg. since this leg's state was worse, this was much more complicated.
Right now Lusia needs physical therapy asap. contractures, stiffness, roached back as a compensatory posture appeared. the surgery costs have been covered by now, so it's a matter of paying for the physical therapy to make sure everything is healing right.
>link to the fundraising site<
>link to Psiosfera on instagram, where you can learn more about Lusia and Magda's other dogs<
unfortunately you can't pay with paypal, but there are other means available. you can only pay in zł, 1 USD is roughly 4 PLN. if you have any questions, feel free to ask, i'll try my best to answer.
if you send me proof of donating at least 15 zł (~3,70 USD), i'll draw a small thank-you doodle of your pet, or character of your choice :)
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theycallmequeenie · 2 years
Angel Reyes Request
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Master List
Part One
Part Two
Part Three:
A/N: Again, I just want to say that I am not Latinx and am completely winging this and in no way trying to disrespect anyone or anything in the Latinx culture. If I do get something wrong, please tell me and I will fix it right away. Now onto the next part of the story…
The doctor walked out to the waiting area asking for the family of Y/N Y/L/N only to be met with three bikers and an old man. Slightly shaken the doctor gave the four men the report of how the surgery went and that Y/N would be recovering in the ICU because she had ‘crashed’ on the table. Hearing those words Angel felt his knees buckle. Coco’s quick actions kept him upright as he caught Angel quick enough for Angel to right himself.
Bishop was the first to ask the big question that was looming on everyone’s mind, “Doc, is she out of the woods yet?” The doctor gave a nod in response before going into greater detail about her being sedated for the next couple of days as a precaution just in case any other complications were to arise with her.
Angel finally spoke up, his voice shakier than he’d have liked but it was understandable given the situation. “Can… can we see her doc?” The doctor nodded but mentioned that was ICU procedure that only one visitor at a time was allowed with the patient.
All four men nodded. Felipe told his son that he would see her later and Bishop mentioned that the rest of the club needed filled in on the days events and decide the course of action that would be taken. As he started to turn away, he tapped Coco on the shoulder and looked to Angel, “Be sure to tell our girl we were here for her, Angel.”
Angel nodded and followed the doctor as he led him to Y/N. As the doctor gave him the basics in protocol of the ICU and set a chair next to Y/N’s bed the doctor mentioned that as long as there were no complications or issues with visitation, Y/N would be weaned of the sedatives and there would be no problem with Angel staying with her.
Angel nodded again and sat in the chair not once taking his eyes off Y/N. Just the sight of her laying in that bed hooked up to all the tubes and wires was enough for him to lose all composure. He shakily reached for her hand and just sat there and let the tears flow. He needed to get this out of his system now before she woke up because the next part of this, he would need to be strong for both her and what was going to need to be done. Retaliation.
Bishop got back to the junkyard and the clubhouse and was met with a full table with the exception of Angel of course. Bishop explained what happened and was met with questions from everyone. He held up his hand to silence the men and gave what information he had and proceeded to ask the question that he knew the answer to but had to ask to make it officially a club matter. All agreed that the retaliation would be handled by the Mayans and they would back up Angel up completely. Now the hard part began. Finding the slimeball that was stupid enough to rob Felipe’s shop and shoot Y/N. Bishop decided to wait till morning to contact Felipe to ask for a description. It was getting late and at this juncture there really wasn’t any point in burning the midnight oil. With any luck Y/N would be awake the next day and Angel would be willing to ask her if she remembered anything.  With the meeting adjourned the men all went to their respective homes to attempt to rest all worried about Y/N and Angel, except Taza.
Taza had stayed behind to talk with Bishop one on one like he frequently did. He asked how Angel was taking the shooting and if Bishop thought that those two would finally make up and get back together. Bishop shook his head saying he didn’t know if this was Angel’s wake up call or not, but he honestly hoped it was because those two were perfect together and everyone, but Angel could see it. On that they both agreed.
At the hospital Angel had fallen asleep with his hand over Y/N’s and his head on the bed next to their hands, as a nurse that was taking care of Y/N came in to adjust Y/N’s medications to begin the process of waking her up. The nurse managed to slip in and out of the room multiple times over the span of the night and into the morning. What finally woke him was a doctor coming in to remove the breathing tube from Y/N’s throat as to prevent her from choking on it when she woke up. The doctor told Angel that once the meds were fully out of her system which could take a couple of hours, she would wake up and after being checked be moved to a regular room for a day or two to be monitored before being released to go home. Angel nodded in acknowledgement and the doctor left the room.
Hours went by and Angel had drifted off next to Y/N’s hand once again, this time he jumped awake from feeling movement on the bed and a hand being run through his hair. His instincts had taken over and he jumped looking around ready to fight if needed.  He heard a soft chuckle in response to his actions which made him look toward the bed. Upon seeing the soft smile on Y/N’s face his instantly lit up like a kid’s on Christmas morning. He rushed to the head of the bed and started babbling an apology to her, kissing her forehead and running his hand through her hair.
Y/N shook her head slightly. Trying to get him to stop apologizing she tried to speak but her voice came out weak and hoarse, “Angel. It’s okay. You came when I needed you most.” She was finally able to make eye contact with him and saw he had been crying. She raised her hand and rested it on his cheek. “Oh, my sweet Angel, I’m so sorry. I never meant to worry you like this…” Y/N trailed off as Angel took her hand from his face, kissed it, and sat down on the bed by her knees.
He shook his head and offered her a soft smile, “I’m just thankful you’re okay, Baby. I don’t know what I’d have done if…” He stopped himself not really being able to complete that thought out loud without losing control again and that was something he hated letting anyone see including Y/N. In his mind and his ‘world’ it was viewed as weakness, despite Y/N’s constant reassurances otherwise.
Y/N frowned and finished for him, “If history repeated itself…” Her voice was shaky, she didn’t want to leave Angel or this life like that. It would crush not only Angel but his Pop as well and she knew it. “Is your Pop okay? I know that bullet I took was meant for him…” Her brow furrowed slightly from concern.
Angel sighed, “Yeah, Pop’s okay. He’s a little concerned, you gave us all a good scare. Including Bish and the guys…” He gave her a playful side eye and offered a sad smile. Part of him wondered if they were going to reconcile and become them again, the other part of him was fighting off the need to seek out retaliation.
Y/N knew this was most like where at least part of his mind was and she couldn’t blame him, she kinda wanted that scumbags head on a pike herself. She was starting to feel groggy again, so she gave Angel’s hand a gentle squeeze before speaking, “Angel, why don’t you head to the club and give them the update and find out what they want to do and what they are going to need from me. I’m soon going to need some more rest anyway…”
Angel started to argue that he wasn’t going to leave her alone, that he was staying with her. To which she argued that she wouldn’t get any rest with him hovering over her and that he needed to check in with the guys. That she would be here when he got back. She wasn’t going anywhere.
Reluctantly Angel finally agreed and stood up, kissed her on the temple and made sure to make eye contact, “Fine, but I am coming right back here as soon as I update, they guys and Pop. Okay, Babe?”
Y/N nodded and offered a weak smile in acknowledgement as her eyes started getting heavy. Angel stayed until she drifted off to sleep, kissing the back of her hand he finally reluctantly walked away from her bed and out of her hospital room and went to talk with his brothers.
To Be Continued…
Part Four
A/N: Y'all I am so sorry I honestly thought I already posted this. Must have been a bad brain day for me. Hope you all enjoyed this, much love. Queenie
@xnarca​   @withmyteeth​
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amplifyme · 5 months
15 Questions Tag Game
I was tagged by @randomfoggytiger. Thanks for always including me! ❤️
Were you named after anyone? My middle name is Beth. It was supposed to be Elizabeth, after my great-grandmother. But the OB/GYN who delivered me (and all 4 of my elder siblings) decided Lydia Beth rolled off the tongue more smoothly then Lydia Elizabeth, so that's what he put on the birth certificate. True story, hand to god. I think he was right. The original is quite a mouthful.
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Tonight. I just finished up the 1994 TV mini-series of Stephen King's "The Stand" - only my favorite book ever. Haven't watched it in probably 15 years and I cried like a baby several times. The cast is 99% pure perfection. The only thing I'd change would be the casting of Molly Ringwald as Frannie. Just... no. I understand why they chose her (she was pretty popular back then), but she was completely wrong for the part and very cringey throughout. OTOH, Gary Sinise will always be my perfect Stu Redman.
DO YOU HAVE KIDS? Nope. Though not by choice. I wanted to have children, once upon a time. It just never worked out. But I'm okay with that now. Everything happens for a reason.
WHAT SPORTS HAVE YOU PLAYED/DO YOU PLAY? I used to love playing volleyball and basketball when I was a kid. Then I got hit by a car at 12, jacked up my left knee almost beyond repair, and followed that up with 3 subsequent surgeries and arthritis by the time I hit 18. No more playing sports for this kid.
FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? Eyes. The windows to the soul, you know. Also body language. I don't think most folks realize how much they reveal simply by the way they hold their bodies.
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? I'm a sucker for a happy ending.
ANY TALENTS? I think I'm pretty good at stringing words together in a way some people enjoy. I can organize like nobody's business. I bake great bread - or at least I used to. Haven't done that for years. I can also whip together something tasty with not much effort.
WHERE WERE YOU BORN? About 12 miles south of where I live now. Out on the flatlands of Illinois, corn and soybean country. Mid-state, central region.
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES? Writing, when the muse is amenable, which isn't often enough for me. Going on 7 months of my most current writer's block. *sigh* Reading. Hanging out in parks and forests preserves with a book and a camera. Bingeing on new shows or old favorites. Solving all the world's problem as I fall asleep. You know, the usual. 🤷🏻‍♀️
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? Levon the Cat, who'll turn 18 this year. It's gonna be really hard to say good-bye. I think he'll probably be my last four-legged roommate. It's too hard to see them go, and I've done it too much now.
HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5' 1" and some small fraction over that. I'm shrinking as I get older.
FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? English, history, and composition.
DREAM JOB? Small animal rescue for a no-kill shelter. Gimme all the dogs and cats. That, or working to help women and men escape domestic abuse safely. Been there, done that. The hardest part is deciding to leave. I'd like to use my own experience to help others escape the cycle.
Tagging anyone who'd like to play 'cuz I'm up past my bedtime and really tired.
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sweetbillwriting · 1 year
Love Just Happens
A New Chapter - Part 8
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Characters: The future's Bill Skarsgård and others close to him. The rest is my own characters. 
Setting: This story is set in the future but because it's hard to say how the world is then (and it isn't that important for the story) the future is similar to our time now, even with fashion and so on.
Warnings: 18+, age difference, ageism, pregnancy, smut, kinks and fetishes, jealousy, sexism, family problems, parental problems, possessiveness, mention of underaged sex, mention of abuse, mentions about plastic surgery, bullying.
Bill sat on the bed and looked at Aurora pulling off her zebra patterned dress, then gathering her hair in a big messy bun on the way to the bathroom. He continued to sit and look at her when she came out just in her panties, without makeup.
"Is it something?" She asked, covering her chest, feeling self conscious of his stare. Bill dragged a hand over his face and smiled apologetic.
"Sorry… No…" he stood up to take off his watch and jewelry. Aurora pulled on an old promotional t-shirt of his, "Nosferatu" that hung like a dress from her shoulders. When he had taken off his watch he once again became stuck looking at Aurora while she braided her hair.
"Okay… Now you must stop being creepy," she said and looked at him through the vanity mirror. Bill smiled embarrassed and looked away. He rubbed his eyes and really tried to get in contact with reality and he got help with that when Aurora sat down on her knees in front of him and opened his belt. Bill looked down at his girlfriend with big eyes and smiled when she smiled. Slowly she dragged down both his pants and boxers and that prompted him to pull off his champagne colored shirt. Aurora smiled playfully while he kicked off his pants with his boxers and socks and smiled back with love.
He had been irritated at her that night. They had been at a beautiful sky bar, in the middle of Norrmalm. They had eaten the finest seafood in a secluded table and it had the potential to be a really great night. He had arranged everything, so they could sit by themselves, had the best, most professional waiter and even managed to reserve her own toilet to use. He thought he had planned everything to have her by himself but he had missed one thing, telling her how important it was for him to be alone with her. Aurora always got attention wherever she was, much more attention than him but that wasn't the only thing that caused her to have more fan encounters than him. She really invited it in and did even that night. Instead of them just walking to their table with determined steps she stopped and took a look at the people in the restaurant with a smile. He took her hand so he could lead her to the table but Aurora slowed down again because two girls her own age had gained the courage to walk up to them. There was nothing odd with them, two regular fans that wanted to take pictures with them both. Bill declined but felt a bit stupid when Aurora said yes and took several silly pictures with the women, pouting lips and tongue out. He hoped they could get some time alone after that but her playful ways with the women seemed to make others dare to approach her. Three, four times people came up to them by the table even if the waiter tried to stop them. Aurora just giggled and asked for their names. She said no to photos when they were eating and Bill was happy for that but he still was a bit annoyed over it all. He had planned this night and it was already destroyed. It was even she who destroyed it.
Bill had sat down on the edge of the bed again while Aurora sat between his legs, his cock sliding between her lips. She sucked hard and dragged her long nails over his thick thighs. Bill played with her braids between his fingers and looked at her with heavy eyes. Once again had she destroyed the night, or at least his plan. He thought he could get her in a soft romantic place in bed, instead she had started to whine for his cock.
Aurora took a break and looked up at him out of breath. She gave him a sweet blushing smile and pulled off the Nosferatu t-shirt so he could see her chest. Bill smirked and leaned back on his elbows. His cock stood hard and waiting.
"Is it something baby?" He asked teasingly when she pulled off her panties. "You didn't finish your work."
"I thought… I thought maybe we could be close instead?" She feigned shyness and straddled his thighs so his cock was just in front of her.
"You mean you will not finish your job? Making daddy please you and do all the hard lifting?" He dragged his hands over her waist, down to her bum where he gave her a bit of a spank. Aurora looked at him bashfully and took a grip around his cock. Instead of answering she just moved up higher over Bill's hips and tried to steer his hardness to her pussy. Bill laughed mockingly and moved her away from him, threw her down so she was laying on her back in bed. He straddled her waist on his knees and angled his hips forward so she could really look at his member, that big, blushing erection. Aurora blushed, not really by embarrassment, more out of hornyness and excitement. Bill smirked while he looked at her, looking at him. Her eyes wandered from his cock up to his chest, down to his thighs.
"You're so perfect…" she said sweetly. It came suddenly, so real and wasn't a part of their earlier little game. Bill smiled at her warmly and moved down a bit so he could drag her up in a sitting position. She sat between his naked legs while they kissed deeply. He had a steady grip of her face while she dragged her fingers over his lower back, back dimples and down to his ass. He looked at her for a while before standing up from bed.
"Where are you going?" Whined Aurora and shifted like she would follow him.
Bill looked at her amused, being so desperate and needy.
"Stay there," said he softly but sternly so she would know he was serious. She made a little whiny sound but stayed on the bed, layed down, with her face pressed down on his pillow.
She looked up again when she felt him lay down next to her. She gave his body a quick look, searching for the hardness and took a fast grip around his cock again. Bill made a sound by the sudden contact and laughed a little.
"You will get it, I will give it to you so good but first…" He chuckled a little and laid a black velvety box on the bed between them.
They had only been together for two months, not even that, this time. Three years ago they were together for a year but that was it. Bill who never really thought about marriage could suddenly not think about anything else. He didn't know why he would wait if the thought of Aurora as his wife felt like the only natural thing.
Aurora giggled with rosy cheeks and sat up to open the box. Bill sat up too and before she was able to open the box he pinched her nipple to tease her. She made a shocked sound and waved him away but the both of them laughed when she opened the box.
"I can get you something bigger. More pink. If you want that. I talked to Erica and she thought you would actually like something classic, and I thought the same thing be…" Bill rambled while the both of them looked at the princess cut diamond.
"It's perfect. Perfect," said she softly and looked up at Bill's face. "But I want to hear the question now," she teased, moving a bit from him so she could put out her hand in front of him. Bill laughed a little, he still looked nervous, like he wasn't completely sure she would say yes.
"Aurora… Aurora Lou Mary Isaac… Do you want to marry me, Bill Istvan Günther Skarsgård?"
He looked at her with a blushing smile while she smiled big and excitedly.
"Yes," she said with a nod and stretched her arm out even more. Bill put the ring on her but didn't even get to look at it before Aurora had crawled on top of him, kissed him hard and succeeded to make him do a weird primal sound of adrenaline, manly pride, happiness and strangled hornyness. Aurora laughed and looked at him with tears in her eyes.
"But now can you give me something bigger and more pink, please."
Aurora was most often in Stockholm city with someone, either with Bill, friends or some work contact. She didn't have a reason to be there otherwise, it was nice being on the island where people were used to her presence and she could keep a low pace. On a Thursday in May she was in town alone though, just with a security guard that kept his distance. She was forced to do her nails in Sweden, even if she hadn't been pleased with them earlier and she had found a studio that could give her some sort of privacy. They even let her walk in the backdoor and she took the same way out, it was there she suddenly stood eye to eye with Bill's ex. They had never met each other like this alone and now it would be even more stiff. Bill and Aurora just announced their engagement and Bill had just told his ex over the phone, this was the first time one of them had met his ex after they had started to wear their rings.
His ex was dressed in a simple black blouse and light jeans and looked like many of the Swedish women her age did. Aurora wore a short pink glittery skirt and a white t-shirt. It was much more modest than she usually was, especially because her hair was left in her own natural curls and she wore sneakers.
"Oh, hey," said Aurora and smiled nervously. She had her beige Prada bag on her arm and swayed with it.
"Aurora, hey, what are you doing here?" Bill's ex gave the black car and the security guy a fast look.
"Just doing my nails," she said and waved with her hand by reflex. It was the hand her engagement ring sat on. His ex just nodded a little, pretending to not have seen the diamond. Aurora didn't judge her for that. She could just imagine how the whole thing felt for her. Bill and her had been together twelve years and she hadn't got a ring.
Aurora stood a while with a thought in her head and when it felt like Bill's ex wanted to go she suddenly dared to say it.
"I heard yours and Bill's conversation when we left the girls with you."
His ex looked away uncomfortable and crossed her arms in defense.
"I don't know what you think, but I'm not some plastic girl," continued Aurora. His ex gave her a look. "Yes I have fake eyelashes sometimes, I have fixed my nose and I do my nails. But that's it. The girls see me most often without makeup, in comfortable clothes and a few weeks ago I even had a really bad break out. I promise you, they don't see me just dolled up."
His ex sighed and looked down.
"I'm sorry you heard that… I'm just worried for my girls. They've started to really think about such things."
"I get that, but I don't do much more than any other woman close to them."
His ex looked at her with a skeptical smile that Aurora felt was condescending.
"My lips, my skin, my hair, my ass is real. I was just lucky in the genetic lottery," she said with a shoulder shrug. It maybe was childish to talk about herself like that but she was more than twenty years younger than her, couldn't she get to be a bit childish for once?
The older woman cleared her throat while she watched the younger woman straight her back and look at her own reflection in a window. It looked like Aurora was looking at her own ass and she was. She had a good ass.
"Congratulations, by the way," said his ex and smiled. She said it to just talk about something else but also because she knew it was the best in the long run.
"Oh, thank you," said Aurora with a big smile even if she felt awkward talking with Bill's ex about it.
"Do you know when you will have the wedding?"
"28th of July," said Aurora without doubting. They had already booked the location and a wedding officiant. It was just in little less than three months but with contacts you could fix anything.
"Oh… This year? That's in three months?"
Aurora just nodded with a smile, she didn't feel she needed to tell his ex more than that even if she in some way felt sorry for her. Things went fast between her and Bill, people probably thought so but their love was right in a way others couldn't understand. After the women had said goodbye they both thought about their meeting. Bill's ex felt bitter, sad and confused over Bill's behavior. He wasn't the man she had been together with. Aurora worried about what his ex actually thought about her but it had felt good to let her know her ass was real.
He looked at Aurora when she came back to the party in the vineyard garden. She had changed the long wedding dress to a short one. A tight and sexy dress that hugged her curves. She had taken off the tiara and now had a big white bow securing her half updo. Bill smiled at her and she smiled back like it was the first time they’ve seen each other. It was their party but people let them be while they continued to dance to the music. Some looked at them with smiles by seeing how in love they were but Bill and Aurora didn't notice that.
"Hello my husband," said Aurora and laid her arms around Bill's neck. Bill pulled on her skirt, by habit, knowing her short skirts often rode up when she leaned up that much.
"Hey, wife," he answered with a warm smile and leaned down to kiss her.
They joined some of their friends in a conversation but they never let each other go, like the marriage had glued them together by the hips. Bill's hand dragged over her hips and down to her bum and something caught his attention. He couldn't feel any panties. He expected to feel a thin band from a thong through the dress but it seemed to be totally smooth. Did she go commando under the short dress? On their wedding day? He looked down at her while she joked with one of his friends. When she looked up and he saw those playful eyes he knew, she actually walked around without panties. She was such a bad girl.
A light on the stage interrupted his thoughts and everyone turned towards it. His friend stood on the stage, a comedian he had known for many years. Aurora looked up at Bill and smiled a little nervously. They both knew they would get roasted.
They were right. Most of it was harmless, a bit mean towards the both of them but when his friend joked about Pennywise eating out one of the kids instead of eating her, it was a bit too far. Aurora was 11 when the movie came out but no one rarely made a deal of it. Bill didn't like the joke but smiled at his friend and applauded to not making a scene but it was obvious others were uncomfortable too. It came as a relief when Erica walked up to the stage for her maid of honor speech. She ditched the comedian completely and said she could have roasted him so easily if she had had the time. Her speech was cute but she also talked about how horny Aurora and Bill always were. Bill who stood next to his mother cringed a bit but she was used to so much with all men in her family. He thought then it would be time for the wedding cake but instead Erica invited Aurora up on stage. The audience cheered loudly by seeing the bride and even louder when she said:
"I want my husband up on stage," she smiled teasingly towards him and he got some pats on his back from his friends. Bill looked a bit nervous, he had stood on stage many times but he was awkward with it, not at all as comfortable with it as Aurora. He looked at one of the guys in the band, put a chair in the middle of the stage and he laughed nervously when Aurora pushed him down on the chair.
"Of course I have a song for my lovely, baby boy. My man. This will be so fucking sugar sweet so if you can't handle a real fucking love song it's your problem, okay?" Said Aurora and faked attitude and tossed her hair. Bill looked at her with big eyes then smiled at the cheering audience. Aurora bit her lip and turned to Bill when the music started. Bill looked at her with a beating chest but started to laugh and threw his head back in shock when the first words in the song was "your cock." The audience cheered even louder while Aurora sang the soft pop song with such explicit lyrics Bill blushed. She never let him go with her eyes and just came closer and closer until she more or less gave him a lap dance while singing. Bill looked at her with an embarrassed but proud smile and dragged his hands over her waist, and pulled down the hem of her dress. She smiled teasingly while he did it and turned so she could press her ass against his crotch. If they were alone he would have become rock hard by her dance but also hearing her sing how good she wanted to be fucked by him. Now he controlled that in front of the people but thought to himself that he was so glad his kids weren't there. He looked at Aurora rolling her hips in his lap and then he gave her a hard spank so the audience became wild. It was probably a bit much but they were a bit much. They were that hot fucking couple others just wished they could be.
Both of them were so excited after the performance that they walked into the big castle-like house to search for some privacy. They found a staff toilet and made out passionately against the wall to the booth. Aurora could feel Bill's hands caress her thighs, up under her dress so it rode up. Bill looked down on her nakedness and smirked evilly.
"You're so… so bad. No panties? A lap dance? You do everything to tease me." Bill pressed his hard on against her while with light fingers touched her sex. Aurora giggled excitedly, both from the light touch but also his words.
"I'm sorry daddy…"
Bill sighed and shook his head and with a swift motion he lifted her up and put her down in front of the big mirror.
"Undress for me."
He gave her a hooded gaze through the mirror and dragged his fingertips over her upper arms. Aurora looked at her tall husband in the mirror and swallowed hard.
"I'm a virgin…" she said and acted nervous and scared. Bill pressed his nose against her neck and breathed her in.
"Why do you think I married you? And now you're trying to make a fool out of me? Tease me with that pussy without giving it to me? Noo… Strip, " he said with a harsh voice and took a step away from her. Aurora swallowed hard but then let the the band of her dress fall so he could see her breasts. Bill just stood behind her and dragged a hand over his erection. With some struggle, Aurora opened the zipper in the side of the dress and let it fall to the floor so she just stood in just her high baby pink heels. Bill looked at her both from behind but also her front in the mirror. Aurora looked at him like she was fascinated over what effect she had on him and leaned down with her hands on the counter so he could see her glistening pussy. Bill made a sound in approval and squated down just behind her. With anyone else Aurora would have felt so exposed but she felt safe with Bill, even when he spread her cheeks to look at both her entrances. She moaned loudly when he licked her from her clit to her backbone and once more when he moved back but stopped to lick her entrances and make hard circles over her clit. He gave her a spank but then he stood up. Aurora turned around and looked at Bill, she gave him an irritated look, out of character.
"Continue," she whined. Bill shook his head and spanked her again.
"No, you teased me. It's payback." With determined steps he left the room smirking. Aurora made a sound of shock where she now stood naked and wet. He knew what he was doing because the rest of the night she grinded against him, touched his crotch or flashed her tits everytime she got him alone. Bill just continued to tease her with his conservative love while she acted like a horny virgin. He knew she would be wild that night. Their wedding night.
It was a mess in the archipelago house. Everything was upside down. They had the white grand piano in the bedroom, 50 pairs of Aurora's shoes in the gym and in the hallway upstairs there were several big boxes. Once again their living room was full of gifts for the baby and Aurora wanted to look through everything. If she could, she would have thanked everyone that had painted them a painting or made a little bracelet for their baby, especially because she also knew much of it would be thrown away. They couldn't save every crooked sock and children's drawing.
Bill was in the gym and worked out while his daughters occupied themselves. He didn't have any role to work out for but did it to feel strong, young and attractive. Working out became more important every year, because his 40+ body needed more to keep fit, but also because he had a 28 year old girlfriend. He didn't want to look like a tired old man next to her.
He had taken a break to drink some water and dry off some sweat but his eyes froze on Aurora's shoes, especially the baby pink ones in the left corner. He smiled just by seeing them. He recognized them well, he would never forget them. Aurora had worn them on their wedding day. When she performed, when they played in the bathroom. He still smiled with embarrassment and amusement when he thought about the song and Aurora grinding in his lap. His family had watched but also, every guy in the room could see his girl was perfect.
"Dad?" Said his middle daughter behind him. Bill took his attention off the shoes and turned around. She stood tall and thin next to a boy her own height. He looked at Bill with big eyes and a small smile. Bill was just dressed in a pair of running shorts and shoes and the sweat ran down his upper body to the lining of the shorts.
"This is Algot," said his daughter but looked at her father a bit embarrassed. Bill understood the wink and pulled on the loose tank top that laid on a bench by the window.
"Hello. Algot," said Bill tensely and put his hand out to shake the boy's hand. He knew Algot was his twelve year old daughter's boyfriend. She was way too young to have a boyfriend but also, he was obviously there for the wrong reason.
"Amazing house. Beautiful. We also have a house in the archipelago, on another island but not this big. It was a hospital right?" Algot licked his ass with a snobby accent and starlit eyes.
Bill smiled strained and gave him a nod. His daughter looked annoyed next to her boyfriend. Bill wondered if she was irritated with him or Algot.
"But Auro… Your wife isn't home now?" Algot swallowed hard, he lost his mature mask and looked nervous.
"No, she's in L.A. doing some promo for a designer thing."
Bill didn't say it was lingerie, maybe the boy would pass out then. Algot smiled wide again and Bill faked a smile back. He knew who his father was, a TV personality without integrity. The man had tried to befriend him several times but now had his son sneaking into his home instead.
"Of course they aren't doing anything! She would never dare and I think Algot is gay!" Bill sat alone with his oldest daughter by the kitchen table and had asked about his middle daughter's boyfriend. His other daughters sat in front of the tv.
"Is he?" Bill asked, taking a sip of his red wine. His daughter drank Coke and ate peanuts.
"I don't know. Maybe bi? But they don't do anything."
Bill nodded and sighed.
"She talks so little nowadays…"
His daughter took a deep breath while she looked at her dad who looked sad and confused. She wanted to tell him that her sister looked at him and his wife strangely, that she didn't like seeing them together but didn't dare. It was her sister's problem and their father was so happy with his wife.
"Why did you take the round room instead of the gym for the nursery?"
Bill looked up and gave her a confused look. It was so off topic.
The upstairs was messy because they had taken out all the things from the round room. It had just been storage for Aurora's grande piano, her clothes and shoes after his kids moved in. There was no room for the things in the closet on the first floor so it had been placed in the round room. Now the round room's things were in the gym and their bedroom while they tried to find space for it.
"Because of the sun? In the gym it's morning sun so it would be quite hot there and Aurora was nervous so, the tower room was better. There’s not as many sun hours there."
"Oh." Said his daughter and nodded understandingly. She didn't believe the answer would be that good. Maybe her sister could understand that too.
She really wanted her father to tell this to her little sister but without telling him about her little sister's feelings. That would be hard and it became even harder when they came the next time and their dad and Aurora worked on the nursery every free moment. Aurora wanted them to have it as a project and welcomed his daughters to help but it was just the youngest who wanted to help. She just thought it was fun to look at all the pink things and imagine a baby in the room. She didn't care at all what room the baby got, she liked her room. His oldest daughter walked by sometimes mostly to laugh at Aurora who looked like a walrus when she walked around on all fours on the floor with her big belly. Aurora just joked back. They acted like friends. The middle girl stood sometimes and watched them and Bill tried to joke with her but she just shrugged her shoulders.
"You look funny like that," said the girl to Aurora who looked up at her with a smile. She wore white dungarees and just a pink crop top so her stomach was bare under the dungarees. Bill also looked up at his daughter but got another feeling. She almost looked mockingly towards Aurora. He hoped Aurora didn't notice it. What was happening? Had his ex told their twelve year old daughter something that made her hostile towards Aurora?
"Do you want to help me fold towels?" Aurora smiled towards the girl and showed her a towel with small ladybugs. She just shook her head and walked away. Bill looked at Aurora who watched her go. He could see she was hurt and he stood up from where he had been sitting on the floor framing pictures.
"Lou? Babe?" He said with a low voice and stroked her cheek. Aurora looked up at him and tried to smile but her eyes were shiny.
"Sorry I just…" she pulled in the door so it was almost closed but still so much open they could hear the kids.
"I'm just too sensitive… Hormones maybe? I don't know. It just feels like she looks at me differently." A tear slipped out from her eye but she wiped it away fast.
Bill didn't want to see Aurora cry and dragged his hands down her back and across her waist to their bump.
"She's just at that age… It had nothing to do with you. Okay?" He smiled at her and kissed her when he had made her smile. To his surprise she deepened the kiss and slid her hands under his t-shirt to drag her finger tips over his abs and Adonis belt. Bill kissed her neck but as usual she was too short and he got an ache in his back. He lifted her up on the closest flat surface, it was the nursing table and both of them giggled when they realized how weird it was he put her there. They looked at each other while laughing softly. They only had eyes for each other and didn't notice Bill's middle daughter looking at them through the crack in the door.
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jmrothwell · 10 months
spotify wrapped: 29 :D please!
Thanks for the ask!! You picked a good one!
29 is as Good as it Gets by Little Hurt, which, is actually the vibe/inspiration song I've been using for the Reggie POV tie in to A Matter of Time. (Also I just decided I'm gonna include snippets, if it's fics I am already working on because why not)
((honestly I just feel this is a song that screams Reggie and there are a few different fic potentials for it. BUt I will stick to the A Matter of Time timeline below the cut))
Right now I am debating between two starting points, either the last big fight his parents had with his grandparents. Where it is heavily implied his grandparents planned on suing his parents for custody, and then his parents move to California.
The clearest earliest memory Reggie has was of his parents yelling at his grandparents. He knew there were earlier fights, they just weren’t as memorable. A monotonous daily occurrence that blended together to the point where it became a fact.  Parents fought. They hid their fighting as best as they could around others but no matter what, they fought.  It wasn’t until that fight with his grandparents that he’d even thought to question that fact. And only because of the one thing he’d heard his Pop bellow. Not a full blown yell but the first and only time Reggie’d ever heard him raise his voice like that.
The other starting point would be high school, when he actually first sees Julie. Then from there the story would follow Reggie during high school for a bit. Where we see Julie hanging out with them out of the periphery, the potential 'break up moment' between Luke and Julie. Which honestly can be it's own fic potential (Luke has dropped out, ran away from his parents, and he did not tell Julie. Julie's been worried, doesn't understand why Luke would abandon his parents that way, and is not ready to jump back into music)
Reggie sat waiting for Mr. Deckard to get in for the day. Personally he didn’t get along all that well with the guidance counselor. None of his friends did, really. The man had a set idea in his head of the proper path any upstanding youth should take in life, and pursuing a career as rock musicians did not fit in the mold. 
Unfortunately, Reggie was in the wretched position of needing Mr. Deckard's help. So he sat waiting in the uncomfortable chairs they used for the front office, fingers drumming on his thighs. Then they walked in, drowning in a plum colored flannel and a pair of loose fitting jeans ripped around the knees. He tried to not stare at the giant sun decorating the thigh of their pants leg, though he wondered where they even found pants like that. Maybe they made them themself, that’d be cool.
Then there'd be some of the build up of Sunset Curve's big break, going on tour, his health problems and then it's a matter of picking which scenes and moments from A Matter of Time get the Reggie focus.
Some other things revealed:
-Part of why he bought his own house was so he could move his grandma in with him, since she was having all the medical problems. She died before he even got the chance, other distant relatives argued he didn't have the right since he wasn't involved in her life...which not his fault.
-In the moments Reggie's alone on the bench before Julie shows up he has been spiraling. Been spiraling since he got the news about his heart. Hasn't even told the guys yet what the doctor has said. He's seriously contemplating just not getting the surgery. Plenty of rock stars die young. Some old insecurities flare up, and then Julie shows up and turns his night around.
-The food cabinet moment from A Matter of Time from Reggie's POV is different. Mostly because during high school years you learn that he had to do something similar out of necessity otherwise he didn't always have food to eat. So learning Julie has her own secret cabinet for her own food, he does not register it as Julie setting boundaries. He's thinking despite everything he went and somehow turned into his Dad. Which is part of what drives him to get so pushy about suddenly helping her. Dad never helped. hen she yells at him, and it's just all the alarm bells screaming.
Which is also part of why he goes to avoiding her. HE doesn't know how to fix this. Is this just the way relationships are?? Does everyone immediately turn into the worst versions of themselves when you get married?? Then you have the pizza apology and it's the first time Reggie's ever had even a glimmer of hope in a romantic relationship. Which doubles as a 'when did I start having romantic feelings here?"
-The post surgery almost fight when Reggie is getting annoyed at Julie for acting like his nurse is when he realizes he is like seriously in love with her. But figures he can't openly admit that. Especially when she keeps insisting how they're friends.
-He does have a bit of a panic attack when Julie gets sick. A combination of can't even take care of her and more irrational the universe doesn't want him happy. Willie talks him down from that one over the phone. (Also Willie def suspects something after Reggie has to think about the bedroom thing, and also sees that Reggie's bedroom is very Reggie with no Julie anything in there. Willie chooses to keep quiet)
-Then towards the end is the main reason I ever started considering making this Reggie POV fic in the first place. Sunset Curve are having a songwriting or Jam session at Alex, Luke, and Willie's place when Carrie just won't stop calling Bobby. No one knows what to expect when they hear Carrie and another voice very animatedly talk on the phone. No one expects Bobby to turn around look Reggie dead in the eye and says "Julie's moving out?"
Everyone sort of panic as Reggie tries to keep brushing it off and avoiding the whole story. At least until it's Willie who ask "Does she even know you love her?" or something. Which of course throws everyone else off because why wouldn't she know that.
Then the whole story comes tumbling out and everyone is like you two are morons. Flynn and Carrie (having been put on speakerphone by this point) insist Julie doesn't want to leave and the two of them need to ACTUALLY talk.
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tsukidrama · 2 years
please like this post if you read the rant because im literally just screaming into rhe void and i need literally anyone to listen to me right now
the family member i was closest to for most of my life and who basically guided me through being a teenager and coming out just verbally degraded me for 10 minutes using the exact same trigger words that my abusive dad always did.
i typed out what happeneed 3 times in 3 different ways and it only makes me feel worse. there was a point in my life where she was my safe person. she was the person that i could go to whenever i didn't have anyone else to talk to or i felt like no one would listen to me. she has always gone out of her way to offer her home as a safe space for me no matter what has been going on in my life.
very very long story short, my grandma's health is declining because she has heart failure. my aunt does not take care of her own health and has had to undergo emergency surgery 3 times in the past year (2022). she is getting a knee replacement on Monday.
i don't want to give out too much information because of privacy reasons but basically my grandma is in heart failure. she's 79 years old and has a lot of other medical problems that generally make her very high risk in general.
basically my grandma has convinced herself that she absolutely needs to accompany my aunt to her knee surgery. and my aunt is just, letting it happen? even though my aunt has told me multiple times that having grandma in a car for long periods of time is very dangerous for her health. it's the reason i take an 8 hour fucking road trip to see her as often as i can.
all i said was "i gotta say that i'm really worried about grandma coming along with you when you have used the words 'very dangerous' to describe car trips for her."
these are the exact words that i used.
immediately it's like a flip switched. i didn't even have time to breathe before she started shrieking like a banshee telling me that i'm disrespecting her by saying that she can't take care of my grandma and disrespecting my grandma by saying that she can't do what she wants. she kept saying "well i'm sorry that you feel that way" a lot more shit that i'm not going to sit here and upset myself by typing out.
i've been crying on and off for almost 6 hours now. i don't know what i did wrong. i don't know what to do. i want my grandma to be a part of my life but my access to her is entirely through my aunt. i want to talk to my grandma about all of this but my aunt won't let me talk to her. i'm so fucking scared for her and i feel really helpless and triggered about things that happened with my dad.
i dont want to get into it fully but basically my dad lied to my face for years about the status of his health and instructed his doctors to reiterate those lies so i wouldn't find out. two days after my 18th birthday he signed me up as his new medical proxy and continued to lie to me about his health despite forcing me to sign legal documents that would give me power of attorney if he were to go unconscious and i had to make choices for him. i only found out that he was dying when he screamed "you need to do [whatever he was yelling about] because i'm dying!" in my face. he was.
cut to a few years later and i have now developed crippling anxiety when people tell me they're having issues with their health. there will always be a part of me that feels like i'm being lied to, or that someone is either overexaggerating or underexaggerating how bad their illness is to manipulate me. most of the time when i feel like this i can recognize it as anxiety. i really do feel like i've made a lot of progress regarding that, because i know that nobody besides my dad would lie to me like that.
she understood how i felt like the choices that my father made took that relationship away from both of us. everyone else tried to convince me to show my dad sympathy, but my aunt made a point to validate my feelings in that his "out of sight out of mind" mindset was extremely damaging and traumatic for me and my brother.
except for my aunt, now, apparently??? which really fucks me up because she knows how much it damaged me emotionally. our relationship began to deteriorate when i hit my early 20s and it became clear to me that she doesn't even try to take care of HERSELF. she knew her knees were bad but she didn't go to the doctor until she couldn't walk. she knew she had kidney and gall bladder problems but she didn't go to the doctor or attempt to change her diet until she literally went into organ failure and almost died from sepsis. sinks, bathtubs, countertops, lights, the oven. all have broken and she just, did not fix it! she and my grandma washed their hands in the bathtub for months until my brother came to visit and fixed it for her. instead of saying thank you she yelled at him that she didnt need help . just including this to help paint the picture of how bad at managing literally everything is. oh, and there was a week in the Louisiana summer heat where the AC broke and she waited a week before calling someone to fix it. A WEEK. IN THE LOUISIANA SUMMER TIME. A 79 YEAR OLD WOMAN.
now i just feel like. well who the hell is this cunt and what did she do with my aunt? why the fuck is she talking to me like this???? i haven't felt like this since i was a teenager. i'm angry that she feels comfortable putting my grandma's health at risk. i'm horrified by the way that she spoke to me. i'm disgusted that i ever thought it could emotionally connect with someone who is related to my dad.
there are more reasons that we have grown apart (including a recent interest in alt-right conspiracy theories) but overall it was important to me to have a relationship with the people in that house because they're the only one left on that side of the family. so i would bite my tongue because i knew she wasn't actually going to change. she would just brush it off. but it's different when you're letting my grandma put herself at risk. and why? "because grandma wants to come"
well personally i would rather grandma be mad than dead. but apparently expressing this is extremely rude and i am a "nasty little girl that needs to learn her place"
if it wasn't for grandma i would have already gone no contact. it would hurt me a lot to cut them off but i feel the red flags popping up more than ever. aunt won't let my grandma talk to me for more than a minute or two and when i see her in person she won't let me back into her bedroom. i have caught aunt in multiple lies concerning covid safety, hanging around meth users, and an abusive ex-husband of the woman who lives with her (don't even get me started).
it doesn't seem like a possibility for me to stay in my grandma's life when i've gone no contact with her caretaker. all i want to do is talk to her. i don't know what to do. i don't want her to die. she's the only grandparent i have left and i already rarely see her because she lives so far away. all my other family is dead.
it genuinely shocks me how well people can hide their true colors. if this bitch kills my grandma i will never let her forget about it until the day she dies.
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robinruns · 11 months
Blah blah blah
My mom has a medical issue that I will henceforth be referring to as her Old Lady Plumbing Problem, or OLPP. She's gonna be calling the doctor in the morning, and she's certain she'll have to get a referral to a specialist and have surgery. Naturally she is spiraling despite not even knowing how bad it is. She's already declared Christmas is ruined, claiming my day off this Friday for her potential appointment with the specialist (again, she has not yet seen a general practice doctor, let alone gotten an appointment). I did tell her if they weren't gonna get her in with the general physician for the referral, I'd cancel my appointment for my knee and she could take that opening.
It's not that my knee isn't bothering me, it is, but it isn't as bad as it has been. Probably because I haven't been doing anything. At this point I'm not terribly worried about my 10k in a few weeks, but like, I dunno, maybe I should be?
I was looking forward to doing it because it's the first in a new medal series, so if I miss it, I miss the first medal and then what's the point in doing the following years?
And like that's sorta the problem I face with regard to my fitness in general. In 2015 when I started this blog and I was really getting going on losing weight, it was all in preparation of running a marathon before I was 30. I had it all set up: 10k in 2015, half marathon in 2016, marathon in 2017. But now it's like ok I did that, twice, and I don't want to do it again, so what am I working toward? What is that goal in the distance? A specific time for the 10k? I sorta feel like that's gotta be it, but like... I dunno. 55:21 is my current PR from 2018 (8:54 pace), and my most recent 10k was a 1:18:05 (12:33 pace). Obviously there is a huge amount of room for improvement there, but time goals are sorta amorphous.
Maybe goal 1 is getting back to a 1 hour 10k. That obviously won't be at the race in a couple weeks, but it's something to work toward. I just wish I could get something more defined to work toward.
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hardtchill · 2 years
Can you breakdown for me what exactly Tobin’s problem is with playing 90 minutes? Does she just run out of breath or does she basically cramp up? I remember she started against Wolfsburg but came out at half time I believe. Then Tim Stillman said he believed it to be a fitness issue. Tobin looks so in shape so I just don’t get how she can’t play for full 90s. Or at least 70s. Christen, Alex, and Pinoe can all do it so I don’t get why she can’t. I get why it makes more sense to not have her play 90s so that her chances of injury are decreased a bit but why can’t she physically do it is what I’m asking
It's hard to break this down without knowing all the details of her medical situation, but i am willing to try.
I think for Tobin it's more about the lack of consistency and build up than her overall health. Think of it as running a marathon. Even a really fit person would still need to train and build slowly. They won't run the best time in their first race, they would need to train and slowly they get better and better.
For Tobin that build up happens in practices and games. In a perfect world she would build slowly towards being a player who can handle 70-90 minutes. The problem is that the past 2 or so years she keeps getting injured before she gets there. She will be able to play 50 or so minutes and then boom, injury and she is dropped way back down again and has to start over.
The game against Wolfsburg wasn't typical tbh. It was extremely high paced and intense which caused Tobin to burn up quickly. I'm pretty sure they had planned 60 minutes for her that game but after 45 she was empty. That wasn't her not being able to play 60 minutes in a normal game, it was simply an abnormal game.
If Tobin can stay healthy and actually build up to 70-90 minutes i think she can stay there. It's just that getting her there has been proven very difficult. That's where the medical part kicks in because her constantly getting injured isn't a product of overplaying (obviously) it's old injuries constantly recurring. The knee surgery she had should help her, but there's no saying if she will actually be able to ward off injuries this season and become a 70-90 minute player again.
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sarasa-cat · 1 year
A minor update on vagueblogged crisis-at-home mentioned last week:
One of my two cats has a habit of fucking around.
He has never been the most athletic creature but he likes to climb on things which is sometimes a cause for concern especially now as he grows older.
A week ago he climbed on top of some stuff that toppled over and he injured one of his back legs and was NOT willing to place weight on it which made it very difficult for him to walk or do much of anything.
(Note: neither of us saw the accident happen -- just the aftermath)
There was a long wait to get him seen at his vet (much less at any emergency hospital for animals) but I had assessed the best I could (sometimes my anatomy knowledge is useful) and felt no obvious breaks or dislocations, no joint destabilization (nothing was wobbly when manipulated or moved incorrectly -- he just didn't want to move any of it on his own), no severe swelling (requiring immediate ER attention), etc. My guess was that he had seriously pulled one or more muscles in his upper leg.
So we waited out the wait while physically carrying him to and from the litterbox, his food area, etc., every few hours.
Doc finally saw him 20 hours later (ugh, I know) and she came to all of the same conclusions I had come to but with far more medical certainty/knowledge. She him sent for x-rays on his leg and gave him pain meds. Radiologist took a day to get back to doc to confirm zero fractures but arthritis in knees (which we were already aware of but now had confirmed on x-rays).
Muscle strains and pulled muscles take a few days to calm down and then a few weeks or a month to heal. Torn ligaments are a different matter and take longer to heal (or require surgery).
Last week we needed to carry this cranky cat around for a few days while slowly coaxing him to try a few steps. Each day he got a little more confident and pain meds definitely helped.
Over the weekend we worked on stairs with him. Up was good. Down was .... nervous. Not sure if that was a physiological issue or psychological issue.
Yesterday he walked down an entire flight of stairs without prompting -- all on his own time for his own reasons -- which makes me further suspect this was only a muscular injury.
He had a ... constipation problem ... for a few days thanks to the sedative used during the x-rays but that finally cleared up yesterday.
Throughout all of this, he has been extremely affectionate and attention-wanting. He required a bit of baby-sitting for five days/nights.
Right now he's getting closer to normal but he still limits (for good reasons) what he will attempt to jump onto. That said, he has NEVER been a good jumper -- that just isn't who he is. He's never been the most agile of cats. But he likes to climb. Thus, it's a bad combination felt destined for an eventual injury. :(
Meanwhile, I have been a bit grumpy for the past 3 weeks dealing with an old (and once extremely severe/serious) injury that has flared up. Life has been ...uncomfortable...
So, given all of this, I am more exhausted than usual despite wanting to be outside enjoying late spring weather.
(limps off to make more tea)
I'm tired.
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sassycheesecake · 1 year
“Make Me Lose Control” (doctor!Kiyoomi Sakusa x nurse!Atsumu Miya) +18 MDNI
A/N: Based on a fanart, I decided to write something for it❤️
Warnings: Cursing, making out, Tsumu in scrubs
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Atsumu Miya arrives right on time at 6 AM to his day shift on Monday morning at the Osaka hospital.
With his coffee in one hand and his bag on his other shoulder, he arrives at the CPU, tired as hell.
When he walks into the break room, his two coworkers Tomas and Inunaki from the night shift, are sitting at the table. The latter with his head resting on his arms, appears to be sleeping.
The black-haired giant smiles at Atsumu as he rounds the table to put his food from the bag into the fridge.
“Hey Miya, how was your vacation?” Tomas asks friendly.
“Short. Way too short.” The blonde yawns as he sits down across from his coworkers.
Inunaki is snoring slightly but neither of the men dare wake him up. Inunaki is a sunshine on day shifts but he is a nightmare to work with on night shifts, his mood worse than a pregnant woman with mood swings. The poor nursing student Hinata, once made the mistake of waking Inunaki up to ask a question and just two minutes later, Hinata was crying to Atsumu about him.
Shuddering at the memory, Atsumu sips his coffee in silence, not really waking up from the caffeine in it.
Crossing his leg sideways over his knee, the tired blonde is scanning over the newly printed papers from the station, which shows that they have 5 patients in total.
Still drinking his coffee, he notices the sleeping beauty beginning to wake up.
Groaning and rubbing his face, Inunaki stretches through his wrinkly Mickey Mouse printed scrubs.
Hearing a few joints pop, he sighs out in satisfaction.
Finally opening his eyes, he notices Atsumu sitting across from him.
“Hey Miya, long time no see. How was your vacation?” Inunaki asks in a groggy voice.
Drinking some water from his bottle Atsumu brought with him as well, he answers the same way like he did with Tomas.
“Ah well, we can be lucky to get any vacation at all.” Tomas nods in affirmation.
“Before I forget, Hinata called and said he overslept, he should be here shortly though.” Tomas says.
Speak of the devil, the orange-haired nursing student has arrived.
Panting he apologizes frantically, saying his boyfriend had a Volleyball game the prior night and they celebrated their win.
Waving him off, Atsumu states it’s alright because a certain white-black-haired nurse hasn’t shown up yet.
The clock strikes 6:15 am and still no sign of the hyperactive guy.
“Can we just please do reports? I want to go home!” Inunaki grumbles.
They all agree and grab their pens to start reports.
Tomas grabs his paper and begins to read out.
“In room 506, a 58 year old male, came in two days ago with acute chest pain and syncope, got an angiogram, where they found a thrombosis that burst and clogged everything up. He got surgery and is doing fine now. In room 510, 19 year old female, got a pacemaker, diabetic. She threw up twice last night and Inunaki gave her some Metoclopramide and fluids, she’s doing okay now. Gave her some tea as well to calm down her stomach. Uhhh in room 511, we have a 40 year old guy, dude has had a burst aneurysm, had surgery and is currently in the ICU, they want to transfer him here after he stabilizes.”
“Yeah sure why not. Give me more problems.” Atsumu mumbles under his breath.
“Atsumu, can I take care of him if he comes over today?” Hinata asks with excitement.
“Sure, knock yerself out kiddo.”
As Inunaki is about to start with his patients, Bokuto struts in, not a care in the world for being 20 minutes late.
Whistling a happy tune, he sits down and takes a small sip of his Starbucks coffee.
Noticing the glances from his coworkers, he looks confused at their irritated faces.
“What?“ He asks cluelessly.
“You’re 20 minutes late Bo. We already started reports.“ Tomas scolds him.
Rubbing his hand behind his neck, Bokuto grins nervously.
“Sorry about that hehe. I saw Akaashi at the entrance. He just came out of his night shift from the lab.“
“Did you ask him out yet?“ Inunaki leans forward to watch Bokuto.
Pouting, his hair begins to deflate a little bit.
“No, I always chicken out when he stares at me with his gorgeous smile and his mesmerizing blue eyes. Makes me forget everything at that moment.“ Bokuto sighs dreamily.
“Yeah I know what you mean, every time I look into Oliver’s eyes, I could get lost into them. Aw man, now that I think about it, I haven’t had a good fuck in forever, he’s always in surgery and way too tired when he comes home.” Inunaki whines.
“Speaking of a good fuck, you guys never guess who got Syphilis from sleeping with the chief of neurosurgery! I heard that Hoshiumi from the Stroke Unit is the victim. Serves him right though.” Tomas gossips .
“I haven’t been intimate with Kageyama for a while now, is that bad? Does that mean he wants to break up?” Hinata worriedly asks into the round.
“Okay, can we focus back on the reports please? I don’t need ta know about y’all’s relationship problems.” Atsumu complains.
“Alright. Moving on then.” Inunaki accepts his request.
“So in room 505, a 89 year old guy, annoying as fuck as always, his wife is even worse. Weighs 300 pounds and had a heart attack. Doesn’t surprise me to be honest. Got an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator 4 days ago and rings the call light like every 6 minutes. Did I mention that he is incontinent?” The light-haired nurse smiles in pain.
“Bokuto you can have him. I’m not in the mood for this shit today.” Atsumu says without looking at Bokuto.
“Got it Tsum-Tsum.” Bokuto salutes in his cartoon owl scrubs.
“Why did they give him an implant anyway? He’s probably staying alive for like a year max and then dies anyway.” Atsumu scratches his head in frustration.
“Because everyone deserves a chance to live Miya, regardless of their personality, age, sex or culture.” The station doctor Meian Shūgo arrives.
Making himself a coffee at the espresso machine, he turns to the nurses, as he crosses his arms over his chest.
“We’re getting a new resident today. He transferred here after he graduated from Itachiyama. Please welcome him warmly when he arrives. We haven’t had a graduate from a private university in forever. And he was the top medical student in his class.” Meian orders.
“Great. A snobby bastard is just what we need.” Atsumu has a sick-sweet smile on his face.
“Maybe he won’t be so bad Tsum-Tsum.” The black and white haired man encourages.
“Well tough luck Miya, he’s going to work here, whether you like it or not.” Meian blandly states while walking out with his freshly brewed coffee to his office.
“Uhhh anyway, patient in room 509 died last night from cardiac arrest, so yeah that’s it. Bye.” Inunaki crumbles his report papers into the data trash and rushes to grab his bag to leave.
“See ya losers tonight. Have a great shift.” Inunaki calls over his shoulder, as he heads out.
“Bye Inunaki!” Hinata chirps after him.
Tomas walks over to Atsumu and Bokuto and pats them encouragely on the shoulder, taking his leave as well.
Atsumu places his face into his hands and groans in frustration.
At 7:30 after Bokuto and Atsumu finish their rounds, the blonde writes his reports on the patient chart. Writing down the vitals and the skin condition from patient in room 506, he feels strange all of sudden. Like a dark cloud that is nearing towards him.
As Atsumu turns around, his fears are confirmed as he sees a young 6’3” man with pitch black curly hair and a medical mask partially covering his scowling face. His coat fits his figure perfectly.
Upon further glance, Atsumu notices that the stranger’s sparkling white coat and black scrubs are completely free of wrinkles, hair perfectly done, like he comes fresh out of a model magazine.
His stature is proud and Atsumu can already tell, he is a very arrogant guy.
Just what Atsumu needs on the station.
He turns back to the papers and the stranger is stopping right next to him, staring at Atsumu without a word.
“What?” Atsumu asks him with an arched eyebrow.
“I need the charts for room 510 and 506.” The hot doctor demands.
“And yer are …?”
“The new medical resident. Dr. Kiyoomi Sakusa.” He introduces himself.
“Well I ain’t done charting yet, so ya hafta wait ‘til I am finished.” Atsumu continues to write.
Sakusa peaks over Atsumu’s shoulder.
“I can’t read your handwriting. It’s chaotic and messy.” Sakusa bluntly states.
“Tough shit buddy, not my problem.” Atsumu replies back without looking at him.
Just by that comment, Sakusa feels a vein bursting from that comment.
“Why aren’t you wearing a mask on the floor? Do you know how many viruses, bacteria and whatnot are in the air?”
“Is the word nagger yer middle name? Sheesh. I can’t breathe right if I wear a mask the whole 12 damn hours. Also, cannot hide this beautiful face from the world.”
Sakusa doesn’t say anything, just stares angrily at the blonde.
Hinata comes out of room 509, noticing the new worker giving Atsumu glares that could have him burst into flames.
Deciding to save his ass from a possible intervention, he moves to room 505, where Bokuto currently is.
“Bokuto! I think the new resident is here! Looks like him and Atsumu don’t get along.”
The buff golden-eyed man finishes putting a new plaster on the surgery wound on the patient’s chest, before taking off his gloves and throwing them into the nearby trash.
Disinfecting his hands, he grabs the new IV bottle and hooks it up to the patient.
“What do you mean? Are they already fighting? Is it as bad as when Dr. Oikawa was here for his residency?” Bokuto asks intrigued.
Hinata thinks for a few moments and follows Bokuto out of the room.
Stopping right in front of the patient’s door, Bokuto and Hinata can see Atsumu and the stranger giving each other deadly glares while talking to each other.
Before the fight can escalate into something physical, Bokuto steps in.
“Hey hey hey! Are you the new resident that Meian told us about?” The over friendly man asks.
The dark-haired doctor glances at Bokuto with a scowl so deep, it sends shivers down his spine.
“Yes. And your awful excuse of a station boss is being very unprofessional.” He growls while looking back at Atsumu.
Atsumu glares right back at him, puffing his chest up a bit.
“It ain’t my fault this fucking idiot doesn’t speak manners. I told him that I wasn’t done writin’ the charts and he keeps demandin’ them like the spoiled brat he is.”
“Do you want me to report you Miya? Give me the damn charts.” Sakusa warns him.
“No.” He stubbornly replies.
Bokuto observes the banter with curious eyes, Hinata watching the scene while hiding behind his coworker’s broad back.
“Haha okay, I think we should all calm down. It’s Monday and it’s…”- Bokuto squints his eyes at Sakusa’s ID - “Sakusa’s first day here. Tsum just give him the charts, I am sure he’ll bring them right back.”
It’s an uncomfortable silence for a while.
Suddenly, the door to Meian’s office opens.
“Sakusa, I really need the charts now. What’s taking so lo-“ Meian interrupts his sentence as he watches his new resident and the nurse have a glare battle of death.
“What’s going on?” The chief asks with a deep sigh.
“He’s being a scrub-“
“He’s being a difficult -“
Both start, making Meian’s annoyance level rise rapidly.
“You’re BOTH being difficult. Atsumu just give him one chart at least, so he can learn about the patient’s diseases and medications. Just switch out after you are done. You’re both full grown adults, I expect high-skilled professionalism on my floors. Are we clear?” Meian scolds in a dark tone.
Atsumu looks away in shame, mumbles a quiet ‘yes sir’.
The other medical professional just nods, also keeping his head down.
Grabbing the file from room 510, Atsumu holds it out for Sakusa to grab, only to quickly snatch it back, as soon as Sakusa tries to grab it.
The cardiologist is about to lose his shit and is just mere seconds away from strangling the smirking good-looking nurse in his dark blue scrubs.
“Miya.” Meian warns in a threatening tone.
“Sorry. Couldn’t help myself.” Atsumu cackles.
Sakusa forcefully grabs the papers from Atsumu and walks into his own office that he‘s been assigned.
Without saying anything, the angry ravenette goes inside and closes the door for some peace and quiet.
Atsumu still can’t wipe off his smirk, kind of feeling proud for making the new resident so angry.
Meian returns to his office as well after having a quick chat with Bokuto about the patient that is currently in the ICU.
‘Well Sakusa Kiyoomi, you‘ll learn soon enough that things won’t go your way like they did in medical school‘ , Atsumu hums in his head, before preparing the patient that has passed away for inquest.
3 Months later ~
Not much has changed at the CPU in the Osaka hospital.
Well to be honest, Sakusa and Miya are on a warpath.
Whenever those two would cross each other on their path, it always ends up in a mix between spitting curses and insults at each other.
Atsumu is currently on his break while Inunaki is on watch out for call lights or questions from doctors or family members from patients.
Eating the bento box of fried egg and fried rice with steamed vegetables that his twin brother and roommate Osamu has prepared for him the other day, he scrolls through TikTok to watch some stupid shit that pops up on his feed.
Sakusa enters the break room, not saying a word to Atsumu.
Grabbing his own food out of the fridge, Sakusa puts his broccoli-beef dish into the microwave, after inspecting it for stains and remaining leftovers.
“You know, eating so many carbs is not good. And… are you washing that down with an over-sweetened beverage from an overpriced food chain?“
“I don‘ fink I ashked for yer opinion Omi.“
Sakusa twists his face in disgust, as he listens to Atsumu talk with food in his mouth.
“Your manners are atrocious, Miya. I feel sorry for your partner.“
Atsumu swallows, collecting the rest of the vegetables onto his chopsticks.
“Good thing I don’t have one then.“ The blonde replies without looking at his coworker.
To be honest, it was unexpected for Sakusa to hear that Atsumu doesn’t have a partner.
The blonde is fit, he is jaw-dropping gorgeous, his smile could cure cancer but then again, his shitty personality ruins the looks.
The distracting noise of the microwave beeping snaps Sakusa out of his shock, taking the hot bowl out of it. Starting to walk out of the break room, Atsumu asks him a question that makes him stop.
“What about you?” Atsumu asks while he stares at Sakusa with a spark of interest in his eyes.
Sakusa has his back turned to Atsumu but answers nonetheless.
“What about me?”
“Do ya have a partner?” He clarifies.
Sakusa waits a few seconds, wondering if this kind of information is okay to share with someone he doesn’t particularly like.
“No. I don’t.” Sakusa leaves after that.
Atsumu has a small smile on his face after receiving the information, packing away his bento box to get back to work.
A few months later during the night shift, Atsumu is watching a Volleyball game with Inunaki. Well more like Atsumu watching it, while Inunaki is snoring in the comfy chair in the corner of the room, while a thick warm blanket covers his body up to his face.
Rubbing his tired hazel eyes, Atsumu sips another gulp of his energy drink, trying to stay awake.
All of sudden, the annoying beeping noise of a call light startles the blonde nurse.
Inunaki jolts up at the noise but Atsumu tells him he‘ll take care of it.
Mumbling a incoherent sentence, Inunaki falls back into the chair with a huff and moves onto his side and pulls the blanket closer to his body.
Lowering the volume of the game, Atsumu stands up to see who hit the call light.
It’s room 510, an elderly man who has an infection in his pacemaker is currently hospitalized in that room.
As Atsumu enters the room, he warns the patient of turning on the light before turning off the call light.
Before the blonde nurse can even ask, he immediately sees that the bedside next to the patient‘s arm is wet, which indicates that the IV is not good anymore.
With a tired sigh, Atsumu stops the fluid from dripping any further and takes out the IV.
After changing the bedsheets and hospital gown, Atsumu disinfects his hands and makes his way to the doctor on duty tonight, which is Dr.Pain-In-My-Ass-Kiyoomi Sakusa.
Without knocking on the door, Atsumu enters Sakusa’s office.
The curly-haired ravenette is currently typing away with a concentrated look on his MacBook, not even looking up at Atsumu.
“Can you maybe bother knocking next time before you disgrace me with your presence Miya?”
Scowling at what Sakusa said, Atsumu crosses his arms and tells the cardiologist what he came for originally.
“Patient in room 510 needs a new IV.”
“Fine. I’ll get to it later when I have time.”
“Can ya maybe do it now? So the guy can get his antibiotics before he dies? And so I don’t have ta wake up the poor guy again at-“ Atsumu glances at his Apple Watch- “fucking 2 AM.”
“I said I will get to it when I get to it Miya. Get out.” Sakusa hisses behind his screen.
Scoffing at his answer, Atsumu turns around to walk out and mumbles “prick” under his breath and that was the final straw for Sakusa.
“Miya you have something to say to me?” Sakusa asks in an aggressive undertone, closing his MacBook.
Stopping in his tracks, Atsumu keeps his back facing towards Sakusa.
“Ya know what? Yeah I do have somethin‘ ta say.“ Turning on his heel, he whips around to face the pissed-off resident.
“Yer actin’ all mighty-highly like ya found a cure for cancer. I bet they kissed yer ass in med school because they think they found the eighth wonder of the world. Well I got newsflash for ya buddy! Just because ya came from an expensive as shit private medical school, doesn’t make ya better than any of us! And also, just ‘cus Meian thinks yer a special snowflake, don’t mean I think you are! Yer a rude, entitled little sea urchin!” Atsumu vents as he glances down at Sakusa.
Sakusa still has his death glare resting on his face, slowly getting up from his desk chair, around his table.
Atsumu can now see Sakusa’s dark bags under his eyes much clearer, his black curls messy and unkempt, with dark red wrinkly scrubs hanging loosely on him.
The nurse doesn’t like that his opponent is a few inches taller than him but as he stares into his dark eyes, he feels like he is being pulled into the eternal darkness of them.
"Get. Out. Of. My. Office.” Sakusa speaks slowly in a very dangerous tone as he takes a step closer to the nurse with each word. Normally Atsumu would punch a guy like Sakusa but for some strange reason, it ingnites a fierce fire inside of Atsumu’s heart. The blonde hasn’t felt like this in a very long time and it seems like Sakusa feels that wildfire spread to him because the next thing Atsumu feels, are fierce yet soft lips on his own.
The action makes Atsumu’s breath hitch in his mouth but it’s like his body is not listening to him and he automatically kisses the ravenette back with as much force.
The physician grabs a hand full of soft sandy-blond hair and pulls on it harshly. The action makes Atsumu want to moan loudly but it’s muffled by slightly chapped lips against his own.
Sakusa uses the chance to sneak his mouth into the blonde’s mouth and tastes strawberry flavor of the energy drink and skittles that Atsumu has previously consumed.
Sighing in bliss, their tongues fight for dominance, with the cardiologist easily winning it.
But all of sudden, as if Sakusa put his hands into a fire, he retracts so quickly from Atsumu in just a blink and stumbles back into his desk.
Both of them breathing heavily, the blonde is in daze whereas the ravenette looks as pale as a sheet of paper.
"Kiyoomi? Ya okay?” Atsumu takes careful steps towards him only to be stopped by Sakusa.
"S-Stop. Don’t come near me. T-This was a mistake. Please get out. I’ll put an IV in the patient, just please get out.” He manages to stutter out in like an almost panicking manner.
The words feel like a punch to the gut to the cardio nurse but he follows the request and leaves without another word or glance at him.
Walking back into the break room, Atsumu slowly sits down, still trying to process what just happened.
Inunaki wakes up at the sound of his coworker sitting down.
Seeing his flustered face while still having a shocked expression, the light-haired nurse worries for Atsumu.
“Tsumu? You okay?”
Barely registering his words, Atsumu nods without saying anything first, like he is in trance.
“Yeah, uh… yeah, I am fine.” The blonde assures him.
Shrugging it off, Inunaki immediately falls back asleep, while Atsumu is still trying to process in his brain what the fuck just happened.
Slowly raising his fingers to his lips, he can still feel Sakusa’s warm and soft lips against his own, as if they left a trace on him.
Atsumu can’t help but smile slightly at the fact that the grumpy and stiff Dr. Kiyoomi Sakusa kissed him back.
\(^-^)/ stay tuned for part 2 ❤️
@darthferbert @rukia-uchiha-98 @nerd-of-karasuno @wake-uptoreality
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