#she shared which tv shows she was in so i could probably find more stuff that way
moinsbienquekaworu · 6 months
It's really easy to find stuff out about people if they consistently post online
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strawbrygashez · 4 months
A few random Horrid Henry hcs :3
Warning tho I haven’t seen every single episode yet (I’m working on it) so maybe some don’t make sense or whatever 🤷‍♀️
•Henry and Ralph share new bands/music they find all the time. They trade cds or just listen to music they wanna share with the other, together! Music is one of the biggest things they bond over. Henry was particularly excited to find out someone liked the same type of music as him because alternative music is one of his special interests. He could talk about his favorite bands for hours!!!
•Henry has sensory issues. They even say two of them in the theme song, brushing his hair and washing his face. Yeah, yeah u can say it’s just cuz he’s a kid but whatever.
With the hair brushing thing in particular, I think that’s why his hair is always drawn as wavy/messy. His parents ended up just mostly giving up on trying to get him to brush his hair because it would usually end up with him getting overwhelmed and angry. So now they usually only ask him to when they are going somewhere ‘nice’. That or Henry barely brushes it every day and they just give up and say it’s good enough.
•The sweater Henry always wears is his favorite sensory wise. Yes, I know it’s just cartoon logic that he wears the same clothes everyday but again, I don’t care. I think he’d even learn how to sow a little to fix up any really bad rips in it. Knowing his mom, she probably would try to get rid of it and tell him he has other clothes he needs to wear but that causes like, the biggest breakdown ever with Henry so she gives in and lets him keep it.
•For some reason I see Henry liking to wear TONS of bracelets. Maybe to fidget with or just cuz he likes the look or feel of them. Some would be ones he made and others would be stuff like band or tv show merch. I also see him liking fingerless gloves.
•In his teen years I see him messing around with hair dye a lot. Some looks were better than others. Sometimes he would let his roots grow out for months or a year and other times would dye his hair like.. every other week. He dyed Ralph’s hair black a couple times. (💔rip book emo Ralph)
•The more fantasy type things that are shown in the show are just Henrys imagination (for the most part I guess). Like the cat controlling day and night and him turning into animals when he gets extremely frustrated.
•Can barely sit ‘right’ to save his life. I know this in particular wasn’t shown in the show from what I’ve seen but I feel like when he’s genuinely just upset and not angry, he curls up into a ball and hides somewhere small :,/
•He’s very smart! Not just when it comes to plans. I feel like once he gets older, I could see him expressing himself very poetically in writing. I think he has a lot he’s kept inside and would word it all very nicely in writing.
I mostly think this because of a clip I saw where he was trying to explain to Peter how nothing in life is fair. Like yes some of what he was complaining during it was ‘normal’ stuff kids don’t like but I think it’s much more impactful because he’s clearly undiagnosed with something. Things that are ‘little’ to most people like going to school, eating certain things, and etc are worse for him but almost no one will take him seriously. Life isn’t fair for him at all since no one will genuinely listen to him, he has to find his own ways to cope or get over whatever life throws at him which is a lot for a kid.
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defectivegembrain · 1 year
I mean it's not even just that Abed stops talking about Inspector Spacetime. He largely stops sharing his love of tv and movies in the same way he used to. I could be wrong but I think the Hickey incident is the last we hear of Kickpuncher. The posters stay up, but he doesn't really talk about his nerdier and more niche interests. He keeps up the treating life like it's a show on and off, but I mean he pretty much can't function without that. He focuses more on making his own stuff too.
But his specific references are like...tailored to the people around him more than ever. Like in Grifting 101, he jumps at the chance to show people con movies while everyone is briefly interested. In Analysis of Cork Based Networking, he talks about Bloodlines of Conquest, which is popular among the group. I mean, that's right after Troy left, so it's kinda like he's scrambling to find something he can share with others that doesn't remind him of Troy. That's probably in part why he reacts so strongly to Britta wanting to avoid spoilers. He is just holding so much inside and jumping at any chance to share his special interest that won't get him alienated.
It's just so rare for people to actually meet him where he is. Troy connected with him in a way nobody else did, but I think his presence also made others more patient with him. He acted as a sort of buffer I guess, people viewed dealing with Troy-and-Abed as different from just dealing with Abed. More whimsical and cute and palatable. Almost nobody has embraced Abed's undiluted self. Annie tries, she watches Portuguese Gremlins and does the missing lover footage and stuff, but I suppose it's hard to adapt their dynamic with a vital piece of it missing. People have their own issues yes, but it's just so sad to see him push so hard and tone himself down only to get very little in return.
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shallowseeker · 1 year
Their three-man kitchen huddle is more than a little conspicuous.
“He asks every weekend, though,” Jack is whispering. “It doesn’t seem very nice to keep ignoring him or hiding in the living room.”
“One, it’s the Dean-Cave. Two, no one’s makin’ you ignore him. I mean, didja even friggin like it?”
Jack straightens up, defensive. “I—a little bit.” Dean raises his eyebrows at him, and he feels caught out. “At first.”
Cas clears his throat, and then both turn their attention to him. “I find that the human ingenuity of pyramid schemes wears off after the first stroll around the market.”
Dean nods at Cas and snickers. Then, he turns his attention back to Jack. “See? You can be honest, Kiddo.”
Jack deflates. “I just—maybe Mary will go with him? She’s here.”
Dean and Cas share another significant look.
“Come’mon, kiddo. You spent how many months together?”
Jack flounders. “Bobby, then? Maybe Rowena.”
“Rowena does not like to sweat, nor does she enjoy badly homemade soap and overpriced vegetables.”
Jack huffs. “Someone has to go—”
“Jack!” Sam says, sparkly-eyed and excited as he enters the kitchen. “I’m about to head out to Smith Makers’ Market. Wanna tag along?”
Jack feels panic rise up in his throat. Sam looks so happy about it, but, “I—can’t,” he spits out awkwardly, to which Sam cants his head in confusion.
“Dean promised to take me to-oooo, uh,” he tracks his eyes over to where a commercial for a monster truck rally blares on the tiny kitchen TV, “a monster truck rally.”
Sam’s eyebrows go to his hairline and he makes a disgusted face, but Dean looks overjoyed.
Dean crows. “See? Look at that face. It’s a good thing we didn’t get you a ticket. Lookit that.”
Sam’s eyes track hopefully to Cas next, and Dean hooks an arm around Cas’s neck. “Cas’s idea, actually. He’s driving.”
Sam scowls.
Cas stares. “Yes, Sam. It’s in Salt Lake City, so we have to leave soon to make it in time for the show tomorrow. We can’t go to the Makers’ Market or the afternoon Smoothie Fest, I’m afraid.”
Dean balks at that, and Jack suspects that the lie has probably gotten too complex by this point.
Mary strolls into the kitchen next, and Sam’s eyes light up. “Morning, Mom!“
She freezes but can’t escape the full blast of his puppy eyes.
“I’m about to head out to the Makers’ market,” he prattles on. “Wanna go?”
“The one with the overpriced vegetables?” she squeaks. Her face falls, but she manages to zip up her horrified reaction. “Uh,” she says, sending Dean a mayday signal with her eyes. “Could we…do flea market instead? Hot dogs n’ funnel cakes are more my speed.”
Sam scrunches up his nose. “Really? Those are kinda—I mean—I don’t know any closeby.”
“Maybe Dean will go with you.” Her tone is strangely accusatory, and Dean laughs.
“Dean is taking Jack to Salt Lake City,” he crows, triumphant, and Mary’s eyes seem to beg, ‘Take me with you.’
“Well, we do have one extra ticket,” Cas says fiddling with his phone. “If Sam doesn’t want to come along…”
Dean almost gives the game away with a hushed, “You already bought tickets?!”
But Sam’s ears don’t seem to pick it up.
“I’d love to go!” Mary exclaims, not even knowing what the tickets to Salt Lake City are for.
She looks at Sam, “Unless…you want to go?”
Sam looks like Salt Lake City is about the last place he wants to go. “No, you guys go on ahead,” he sniffs, seeming put out. “That’s uh, no.” He trudges off in the direction of the library.
As soon as he leaves, Jack lets out a gush of air. “Oh, no. Was that mean? It seemed mean.”
“Dude,” Dean whispers, gleeful. “That was awesome.”
“So,” Mary coughs, checking to make sure Sam’s out of earshot. “Where’re we going exactly? It’s a good time for a hunting break, and I’ll go anywhere so long as it’s not the frou-frou farmers’ market.”
Cas punches some stuff on his phone. “If we leave soon, we’ll be there in 12 hours and can do a late hotel checkin. The monster truck rally is tomorrow evening.”
“Monster truck rally?” Mary sounds intrigued.
Dean, on the other hand, buzzes with nervous energy. “Wait, are we really going?”
Cas deadpans. “It’s likely they’ll have hotdogs and funnel cakes in the concessions area.”
Mary pumps a fist. “Sounds great. I’ll have a quick shower and be ready in forty-five. I’ll check one last time if Sam wants to come along.”
Two hours later, all four of them sweep up the bunker steps with duffel bags in tow, deciding to take Cas’s Dodge in case they stop by any stores on the way back. (Mary has been wanting an air fryer.)
Sometime between their huddle and getting ready, Bobby had wandered into the library and gotten cornered by a lonely Sam.
Jack hears Mary lean over to check with Cas, “Oops. I forgot Bobby was stopping by. Were there any seats left near us?”
Cas cringes, punching at his phone. “Unfortunately…no. Not anymore.”
“Too bad,” she whispers, before shooting a cheeky grin Bobby’s way. “We’ll see you later,” she calls. “Probably Monday.”
Bobby looks like a deer in headlights, or maybe a lamb offered up for slaughter.
“Have fun at the farmers’ market,” she adds. “Thanks for going with Sam.”
Then, she ushers them quickly out the door.
The look Bobby gives her is nothing short of murderous, but the one Dean gives her is utterly adoring.
The best part about it all is Cas makes Dean and Mary sit in the back seat. Jack always gets shotgun in the Dodge.
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bebx · 4 months
Hey there! I hope you are doing well. I don't mean to bother you again as you are gonna figure out I am the same person who asked about your unexpectedly but hopefully temporary drifting away from ST sub fandom hehe. So I decided to do my homework and see if you probably left some clues or hints regarding your hiatus from it before but unfortunately I couldn't find any unless my dumb@$$ missed it despite thorough research as if I was looking for easter eggs in a deeply layered show like ST. My search report :- It had been going well on your side even when there was a drought in HC contents but slowly it lost the 'momentum' which I feel you played a key role in wonderfully building up yourself, ironically right at the moment of D-day which honestly feels like if reality had tv drama like loopholes lol.
So all I have now is what you last said to me that you are busy with stuffs and other things like hyperfixation on a character from Harrow series { although I haven't watched it yet but based on your enthusiasm which mostly resonates with my own interest, I have added it in my watchlist :) Cuz Bingo I can't tell you how happy I was when I found you with the same sentiments as mine after watching Damsel! } plus point is you did mention how he is certainly still in your heart and you are planning to make more posts and fanfic about him in future. So I decided to wait, months passed with more tempting Henry Creel info pouring while I still kept up with *patiently waiting for my favorite Tumblr user's ST fandom era to resurface as well as coexist with her new obsession of Harrow series*, so that one hyperfixation won't have to be sacrificed for another still worthy subject of hyperfixation :) Hence it has been quite an introspective and empathetic time but now I am like "okay at least lemme just ask her how she has been and what exactly is the status", to stifle my other apprehensive thoughts forming with the passing time as well as disappearing silver lining( as there is no sign of either Henry or JCB these days at all lol apart from Jamie Bower World Domination post) out of overthinking.
I always felt your contribution to this fandom has been immensely valuable and even though others may or may not have been enough reminding you that as I can see I am probably the only anonymous seeker regarding digging this matter up, I miss you and your blogs about it. I have mostly been a lurker kind so I never interactively participated in any discussion or thread but I have always inwardly appreciated people with a good taste of art. So even if anonymously, this is a great deal to me, sharing my wish embedded in vulnerability. *nervously chuckles* Idk if this is a stretch but given how what Jamie manually allows to be displayed on his tagged section had most of your posts, tells me that he must have subconsciously felt your absence lately too. The fact that this is true tho, makes it a reasonable theory.
So now after hopefully doing a great job at explaining the deep context behind my "ask away" here are the main deal of questions xD;-
How are you, once again? (I don't want to pressurize you into rejoining it earlier than you planned according to your life and schedules uk. Besides I don't wanna interrupt your balancing of multifandom fascination.)
Is there any particular reason behind this seemingly complete "switch off mode" which you can share? ( because my Spidey senses keep feeling it's more than what it is, could be false alarm tho) Could it be potentially because Stranger Things is so addictive, it is not possible to keep a track of its updates while continuing with hyper fixating on other fandoms?
If the aforementioned fear is unfounded, then here are my other theories and questions, have you stumbled upon the TFS spoilers of any kind?
If no, are you planning to watch it LIVE soon or later? (as the canon play is gonna stick around for a long time) is this why have you been avoiding discussions as they would involve major spoiling of the experience?
Or are you planning of watching it whenever it streams on Netflix as technically it just has to one day?
Have you been weakly following any ST S5 leaks? ( as we finally got a very *greatest leak of all time* kind of leak not even exactly 24 hours ago lol) [to tell you the truth- this is exactly what triggered me to get some clarifications from you, as despite knowing that I would open your page only to be greeted by Harrow, deep down I felt maybe you would say something about it because it directly involves JCB and it's quite making waves already.]
Did you check out the VR Game released this February?
Or are you taking a complete long break for a while because once S5 release date inches closer, there is no going back from its fever for another 2-3 years anyways? haha ( ngl this is my most optimistic theory I am clinging onto)
(optional question xD) Am I seriously the only one approaching you by bringing this old buried fascination or others have felt the same way too and they express their perplexity in your inbox instead?
(anyways I will be very grateful if you respond to my plethora of mystified emotions even though I think it would secretly answer to many other lurkers like me who found a sense of kindred spirit through you but are too busy abiding by their lurking policy)
hi, I’ve been looking at this for…. a while, because… oh my 😅 I understand that it’s been so long since my Stranger Things era, and I know some of my followers follow me for my Henry / ST content. I just didn’t know my silly ST posts actually have this much impact that they stay in people’s memories even after it’s been a long time. so this ask actually brings back so many memories. and I really appreciate that you’re still sticking around. really. I had to take a moment to just sit here and stare at this ask in my inbox and go “whoa” — but it’s a good kind of whoa. I am touched that you still remember, because gosh how long has it been since my ST days!
to answer your questions, I am fine and I am doing well. thank you. I didn’t mean to “abandon” my interest. and I AM still interested in the show. I still love Henry, even though I don’t really talk about him on here anymore. it’s funny because a part of me is kind of sad that I don’t talk about him on here anymore? to tell you the truth, anon, I don’t exactly know why? I mean… sure, my blog currently focuses on something else, but I never really stop loving Henry as a character. this sounds extremely cliche, but it’s the truth. I still love him and I still think about him and those time I spent writing fics about him.
I don’t know if there’s any particular reason behind this, according to you, seemingly complete "switch off mode" on my blog. but there’s no conspiracy theory or anything, if that’s what you’re worried about? I just kind of focus my attention on something else, for the moment, but again, I still do love Henry. just because I don’t talk about him here like I used to does not mean I love him any less. rest assured. he’s still in my heart.
I haven’t stumbled upon any real TFS spoilers, but that’s probably because I don’t follow many blogs that talk about it so it rarely reaches my dashboard anyway.
and I don’t live near the place where the play takes place, so unfortunately I don’t see myself traveling there to watch it live, as life has been a little busy for me here to take that kind of vacations. but I would have loved to. if the time were right. I do look forward to streaming it when or if it becomes available on Netflix though.
I haven’t been following ST leaks much, I can’t see “weekly” because I kind of just look at them if they reach my dashboard here or my twitter’s/X’s timeline. but I don’t actively go search for it nor do I avoid it for fear of any potential spoilers either. but I did just see the leaks you talked about, and I’m actually very excited. it actually reminded me of my fic “Salvation” — I’m not sure if you’ve read it, but yeah. gosh I am genuinely very excited.
though I haven’t checked out the VR Game. I mean… I don’t really play video games so that might explain why.
and no. I’m not “taking a long break” because I think there is no going back from its fever for another 2-3 years after season 5 is released. I don’t even know why I’m “taking a break” except that my mind has just been focusing on something else, currently.
also, yes, some people have asked, and I haven’t had the chance to answer them (I’ve been meaning to, though), so this might be the answer they were looking for as well? there’s no “real reason” behind my lack of activity when it comes to ST fandom, except that I’ve been focusing my attention on something else lately, but that doesn’t mean I love the show — or especially Henry — any less. I still am a fan of the show and of Henry. and I still love Jamie with all my heart, obviously. I still keep up with him and his music and I am so incredibly proud of him as an artist and a person.
I am super excited to see Henry again when season 5 drops. I don’t know when or if my hyperfixation will come back, so I wouldn’t wish to make any promises. but what I can say for sure is that, even though it’s not exactly a hyperfixation, I still love Henry just the same. I hope I will start making lots of posts and writing fics about him again one day.
last but not least, I will always love and support Jamie in everything he does. and he will forever be my source of happiness that keeps me going when things are difficult.
I also want to thank you for reaching out. it means so very much to me. if there is any further matter you wish to talk or discuss with me about, you are very welcome to drop by my inbox anytime.
(and yes, I still love talking about Stranger Things and Henry here. anybody is more than welcome to drop by my inbox to talk to me about Henry — who knows, it might re-spark that hyperfixation within me…)
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sk8termikey · 4 months
Chapter 4 of 21 Questions
better interface on wattpad
Matt, Lily finally had a name to put instead of only texting the random digits that Alex had given to her a few days prior. Unable to resist and despite the late hour, Lily was eager to share this with her best friend who would definitely enjoy having the latest details regarding the mystery boy as she had called him.
As Lily got up from her bed and rushed to her friend’s room, she didn’t wait for a response when she knocked and immediately entered – Lily knew that Alex was still awake because of the light coming from the bedroom and the fact that Alex was a hundred percent a night owl. The look on Lily’s face and her tone were enough to draw Alex’s attention:
“Lily!” the blonde replied with the same excitement her best friend had despite not knowing yet what would follow.
“Guess who has a sort of new friend?” Lily asked with a tone that was pretty much giving the answer. 
“Ooh mystery boy is back? Tell me!” Alex was absolutely involved in whatever happened between her friend and the stranger.
“Okay sooo, I have a name: it’s Matt. we actually cleared the ghosting situation, he was just busy which is completely understandable like– we barely know each other so I didn’t need a whole explanation to be honest.” Lily shrugged as saying that – it was true, she wasn’t really bothered by it.
“What else have you learnt about him?”
Alex could see how genuine the smile on her best friend’s face was when talking about this potential new friendship of hers. By force of habit, Lily gave her unlocked phone to Alex for her to read the latest conversation while she replied to the question:
“I’m so happy because he is a huge Pokemon fan and I don’t know, I wasn’t expecting it like he’s not as into the DS games as I am but he seems to adore Pokemon like in general, the universe and everything as much as I do so it’s really exciting that we can bond on that! I hope we can find more stuff we have in common in the future like movies or TV shows, you know?”
While listening to Lily, Alex couldn’t help but think about the only Matt she knew: Matthew Sturniolo, one of the triplets she’s been following on YouTube. A bit far-stretched maybe, Alex thought as there were probably thousands of Matts on earth who love Pokemon, it's just a coincidence. 
For now, Alex was just enjoying her friend having someone else in her life apart from Jade and Lucas who also worked at the café. The blonde was thinking back to middle and high school when it had always been the two of them without anyone else. Obviously, they had had a few classmates they liked talking to at school, but never has Lily ever had other friends for she wasn’t very outgoing – Alex became more of an extroverted during high school and kept a couple of friends from that period but it was hard, even nowadays, for Lily to go up to people and get to know each other. Online friends was a concept that Alex always thought would correspond to Lily as speaking to people without meeting them was so much easier than being face to face with someone you absolutely don’t know. She was really hoping that this friendship would help Lily grow and appreciate new beginnings as well as changes.
For the following weeks, a new routine had started for Lily. On the one hand, she was spending more time knowing Matt – she had for instance learned that he loved hiking in the mountains, while she briefly talked about her wish to travel the world. On the other hand, Alex was successfully getting her deeper into the Sturniolo fandom and twice a week when Lily would come home from work, this was what she was welcomed with:
“NEW VIDEO!!” Alex shouted when hearing Lily close the door.
“Yayy, let me just take a shower and get changed, I’ll be here shortly”, Lily replied, eager to watch the new video.
“Okayyy, I'll wait for you! What’s twenty more minutes after an hour”, Alex laughed at herself.
Since Alex had managed to convert Lily into watching the triplets with her, she decided she would now wait for her best friend to come home so that they could watch the new videos together. Before that, Alex would simply watch the Sturniolo Triplets alone in her room, but as Lily had now found interest in watching them as well – Alex was glad the Wheel of Doom video had convinced Lily that the triplets might be funny, they actually started watching them on their TV in the living room.
After Lily returned from her well-deserved shower, the two girls sprawled out on the sofa and Alex gave a snack to Lily as she looked for the latest video on the boys’ channel – this had been their ritual for every Wednesday and Friday.
“I didn’t see the notif on my phone, what’s the title of today’s video?” Lily asked.
“It’s Triplets brothers lie detector test (Chris’s revenge), it’s gonna be so fun!” Alex replied, excited to see how it would turn out. “Remember last week it was only Chris who had to answer questions, so this time I guess he’s gonna ask Matt and Nick.”
“Yeah I remember, I’ll remind you that most of the time I’m the one with a better memory than you!” Lily argued – honestly it was half-true because there was one time when Lily forgot what Alex said to her only two seconds later. “Last week was really funny, I loved how Chris would just smile after every question for no reason.”
“Oh my god, yes he waaas”, Alex – a certified Chris girl – agreed with her best friend.
As they watched the video, the girls couldn’t stop laughing at the answers given by either Nick or Matt. For instance, when Nick denied that he would give a kidney to Matt – the reply being so quick but turning out to be a lie was always funny to see. Moreover, it simply ended up showing the special bond between the three brothers, something hard to understand but beautiful to look at.
Then, as Nick tried to cover the lie from John – the computer guy that somehow always does these tests, no matter the YouTuber, Lily couldn’t help but feel like she was missing a piece of information.
“Wait what– Chris has a brand? Of what?” she asked the girl sitting next to her.
“Oh, it's his clothing brand. I’ll show you after the video, it’s honestly sick!” Alex explained. “I’d die to have something from FreshLove”.
Unknown to Alex, this was something that Lily would definitely not forget as she was already planning on looking it up on her own – away from Alex’s eyes – so that she could maybe find a birthday present for her best friend. This was always a very special event for the both of them as they were both gift givers that loved trying to find or make the perfect gift for the other.
On the same subject, as Matt was now the one answering questions from his brother, a relationship as pure as the girls’ could be observed when Chris asked him if he ever felt jealous of his brothers. Matt’s no was agreed by John to be true; and while the three boys were smiling, Matt decided to add that he only felt proud of them, thus getting an aaww from both Chris and Nick – as well as Lily and Alex.
The video nearing to an end, Alex and Lily couldn’t help but burst out laughing when Chris mentioned his Pepsi addiction.
“It’s honestly a wonder how this guy even survives on Pepsi like– bro fully believes that it’s not crazy even when his brothers tell him it is.” Lily couldn’t comprehend this triplet.
“No yeah, I don’t know whether to cry or keep laughing right now because I know Chris is def not making it to forty years old”, Alex could only agree with the blonde.
After this simple exchange, Alex looked at her friend and couldn’t help but feel overjoyed with the feeling of knowing that the person she loves the most in her life was loving the same things as she does.
Thank you for reading. Votes and comments are always appreciated if you like this story :) The story is co-written w @/little_grapejuice
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mymistakewriting · 4 months
I love your headcannons for Sal and Tommy and was wondering if you had anymore. There isnt a lot of ppl interested in them and I find it so entertaining how they could mirrior Eddie and Buck.
Tbh rly i just like to imagine those few months before Bobby came where the 2 of them and hen and chimney were close and like their own little team. Spending slow days watching tv just hanging out. Hen and Sal playfully arguing over whos the hotter female lead in the latest movies, Tommy and Chimney talking about movies and sharing their opinions on the classics, Tommy and Sal inviting Hen and Chimney out for drinks, everyone just vibing together as captain after captain goes.
okay so first of all, I'm so sorry this took me so long to answer. It turned out that I didn't have nearly as much time as I would have hoped to answer stuff, but it's fine.
I have a lot of thoughts about Sal and Tommy and their friendship dynamic. I also have plenty of thoughts about the old dynamic with the 118 before Bobby showed up.
First of all, Lou's been very kind to us by telling us his thoughts about Tommy and his past and childhood - he's outright said that he was a pretty lonely kid. I think Sal was probably the first person to make Tommy feel like he had someone he could count on. And while their dynamic came with plenty of teasing that hurt Tommy's ability to feel comfortable in his own skin, I don't think most of it was meant to harm.
Second, I'm entirely sure those boys are protective over one another. Tommy getting pissed about Sal getting fired was proof enough for me, but I think it goes both ways. Sal is equally as in tune with Tommy as Tommy is with him. I also think a lot of that was Gerrard was far less likely to target one of them with his bullshit and mistreatment if they stuck together.
Which brings me to the 118 dynamic. I do think that the addition of Hen and Chimney into the friendship dynamic did wonders. It certainly helped Tommy start asking himself questions that led to him coming out when he got to the 217, to Harbor. Sal and Hen definitely debated constantly about hot actresses. Sal definitely made teasing remarks about Hen's "type" and she definitely fired back just as quickly. None of Sal's homophobic remarks were genuine once Gerrard was out of the way, he's just stupid and Hen kept him in check and I'm sure that now it's more of a test if Tommy brings someone around to meet him.
Chimney and Tommy are definitely the friends that quote movies back and forth to each other, for sure.
And honestly? I think they did dinners or they went to badge and ladder bars every time they outlasted another Captain. I think they still do meet up occasionally (maybe once every several months), to this day, to swap stories and catch up.
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tzyuki · 2 years
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009. purge | smau + written (591 wrds)
IN WHICH ?! — Y/n falls down a flight of stairs, breaking her leg. The first thing she does is blow up her friends phone hoping she’d come and find her but fails to notice she accidentally texts an old groupchat with Ahn Seongmin, Huh Yunjin, Hirota Maki, Wang Nicholas, Kim Minji and Park Sunghoon, her ex boyfriend. The friend group broke in half after the two had broken up, sides were made and promises were broken.
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“Minji, back at it again.” The receptionist said as she saw the girl walk in. “What’s up this time?” She asked, “Sunghoon’s being a bitch, again.” Minji sighed. “Okay well, same room?” Minji nodded her head. “There’s a group of friends in there, just three but you don’t mind sharing, no?”
“I don’t mind, we all got stuff to purge.” Minji said as she grabbed a pair of goggles, hard hat, and a bat.
Minji walked into the room, hardly recognizing the trio across from her. “You guys don’t mind if I like—scream, right?” Minji asked. “Not at all.” Yunjin said. Minji could hardly hear over the sounds of things being smashed.
“Great.” Minji smiled. She hit a tv on a desk, “You’re delusional! Park Sunghoon! Think you can take your anger out on me!” Minji sighed drastically as she smashed the tv continuously.
“Minji!” Seongmin gasped, “What are you doing here!” Seongmin’s hand flew up to cover his mouth. “Seongmin! Yunjin…Y/n?!” Minji said as she saw them more clearly.
“More importantly…why are you and Sunghoon fighting?” Yunjin asked. “Let’s…talk somewhere else. Somewhere quieter.”
So the four were now eating at a quiet cafe not too far from the dorms.
“So…” Y/n cleared her throat. “We probably all know why I was in the rage rooms…what about you?” She asked, slightly pointing to Minji. “It’s pretty obvious, me and Sunghoon got into an argument.”
“But you and Sunghoon are like—best friends of best friends! Like me and Yunjin.” Y/n paused. “Probably even closer than us.” Y/n continued.
“He’s been a bitch lately, he’s so passive aggressive these days.”
“I’m sorry that he interfered with you and Heeseung. Heeseung has nothing to do with this drama, I told him it was wrong and he thought it’d be fine to call me out about talking shit.”
“I’m sorry for that too, now that I put two and two together…the breakup was weird, extremely weird. Especially after Sunghoon said you said he cheated?”
“Because he did cheat on me, that’s why I dumped him. I can’t believe he tried to say I cheated on him.”
“Wait—what. Because Sunghoon was sent a photo of you kissing another guy.” Minji paused. “The text even said you were smiling and everything.”
“I never kissed a guy—and I was sent a photo of Sunghoon being all touchy with a girl—Like grabbing her waist and everything.”
“What party was it?” Minji asked, wanting to get to the bottom of this. “Uh—looks like that girl Eunju’s party, I couldn’t go so I assumed he went with you guys.” Y/n opened her phone, looking for the photo. “Here.” She handed the phone to Minji.
“Y/n…Sunghoon went to that party but was only there for ten minutes. He said it was boring without you, he seemed pretty upset leaving.”
“Check the time it taken.” Minji checked and it said 10:55. “Ten fifty-five, that’s five minutes before he left, he texted me and Nicho saying the party was lame.”
“So what are you saying?” Yunjin asked. “I’m saying this has to be framed…he was upset when he left, and plus—the fact that you both got a photo sent of you two looking like you’re cheating.” Minji chuckled lowly.
“Show me the photo Sunghoon got.” Y/n asked, Minji taking her phone out. “Here.”
“That—That was some random freshman who tried to kiss me! I pushed him away—it-it looks like someone framed us. Cause—I promise you I didn’t kiss that kid, and the angle is too perfect.”
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carmenized-onions · 3 months
Oh gods, I apologize for the long long rambling, but here it goes:
First of all, you are a genius! I can’t believe the way your words were converting to an actual TV scene in my mind d, with cut and editions, the whole thing!
I could see Carmy finding the file with Mike's writing and the pictures and I could feel and see his distress with every picture he saw! My friend you are a genius 🙌🏽
Ok on to the theories:
After reading it again, because the first got me too angry to process anything, it is clear that Tony was pretty involved in Mike’s recovery program, but how much? I didn’t connect the nickname “Chip” until I read in one of the comments that it was because of the chips the program gives to the person once they get to a certain goal, so this makes me think that she was in the program (being a first respondent puts a lot of stress, anxiety and trauma on those poor people) and that is how they met.
And I think they were so close because either she was his sponsor, buuuut, those photos give me the tingles because if he was the one getting the goals then Chip would have made him carry the cupcake. After all, it’s his celebration, so maybe he was his sponsor? And she being in recovery could be the reason she is no longer a paramedic, maybe she got busted and could no longer be one? And would be also the reason she disappeared when Mickey died because she didn’t realize how bad was it for him because he focused on her recovery. Not to mention the hero complex Chip probably has, there is a reason Chip was a paramedic and now is a fix-it-all all 🤷🏽‍♀️
Oh god the next but is going to be so hard and painful… ok last comments:
-Love Richie and his “ I’m trying to be Zen, moment during the almost dinner with Fak”
-RIP the most delicious dish created-never tasted, and F that idiot ex-boss!
-Bless be the "Ratatouille moment”
-“Tina don’t shout at us because we cry 🙈”
-Tony screams at seeing Carmy's hair, we want those beautiful curls back!”
And so much more but this has been long enough, thank you for sharing your story!
And thank you for coming to this TEDTalk ❤️
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You will literally never need to apologize for giving critical thought to a silly little thing i wrote and then TELLING IT TO ME THANK YOU MY LOVE!!!
I'm so so happy to hear that you see it as the show, it's exactly what I'm aimin for every time, and I think the stress of this chapter hit that head quite heavy this time.
Incredible line of thought, this ted talk. There's so many little caveats to it, which, I think Phoenix Wright taught me how to bury leads like this. THAT BEING HOW THEY MET WOULD BE WOWOJEFIwoo WOO! Pain. It's been a reoccurring query simply not trusting that Tony really did just quit being a paramedic for her dad and you know what-- good, i've sewed the seeds of mistrust in you all. And that's wonderful. But it would make sense! Can't always fix people, but you can always fix stuff.
The amount of restraint it took Rich, you've gotta respect it
I'm almost certain I wrote that cherry lamb section while hungry and i do think that made me make it even more painful. FUCK THAT BOSS!!!
chip and carms first real date will be ratatouille. if they live through this next one.
It's important to be vulnerable with your kitchen and let them know if they raise their voices even slightly you will! have! a meltdown!
There's a reason Jeremy with the slick back is a meme. I know he's also standing like that but he also just looks insane. It's terrible.
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sempsimps · 1 month
toga head cannons + dating bits
so mha what a show i have been violently thrown back into it and currently re watching it along with another 4 animes anyway here i am ready to make this since I have like *checks notes * 16- nope 19- nope hold on 24! drafts and I can see more on the horizon so I'm finally letting my bisexual self get some crazy girls on my list
She likes Hello Kitty. I think she would love Kuromi (I don't know for sure, as I've never watched it. I'm not really into Sanrio stuff.)
she has some skills with drawing but nothing too major. maybe a really good sketch once in a while, on some important documents (definitely got into a lot of trouble for doodling on her school books or anything like that. ik i did)
She chews on pens or pencils. possibly hoodie drawstrings, just anything, to be honest.
I feel like she loves dinosaurs, like at least knowing some random facts from like stolen picture books or remembering an interesting thing from a museum, and I guess the Internet exists
Dating stage
she has been rejected a few times, which is obvious, so when she finds you, she is nervous about falling fast yet again and getting left. again. but she can't help it, and when you say you feel the same, she could happily fight and die for you x10 more than she already felt like she would
Blood jewelry absolutely 100% like a pretty heart-shaped pendent that's suspiciously liquidy and a beautiful red like take all my money (I will for the precious bean)
She is a criminal, so getting more domestic dates is kind of difficult. so there's options 1 she drinks someone else's blood to disguise and just dresses different from them, so it's less obvious and go to a coffee shop or something. OR 2 screw the domestic stuff! and go out to steal sweets or candy and idk steal a shopping cart, go spray paint some rich guys house, and do stupid shit like getting arrested only to call dabi or shigaraki for help as you both laugh at how stupid that was.
She would love it if you knew how to style hair or let her style yours and be matching
Speaking of matching toga would absolutely have pj's/ onesies for the both of you. examples I can think of would be the night and light furry ones (I think they neat) also those two peice ones so sharing two sets like, skull top and pink short and then having pink tank top and skull trousers.
Love language is physical touch, words of affirmation, and gift giving all the way. Holding hands? "Ah! We're holding hands haha, suck it, dabi your bitchless!". she needs soothing words during a cuddle session like fr tell her she's an amazing girlfriend. Anything you get her stuff like that is definitely her new bragging right, new hair clip? It's on, and she refuses to take it out until you do it yourself. A little pin it's going on her skirt, a keyring? She's putting at least two of those on the handle of her favourite knife. You made her a painting/ printed a photo/ wrote a poem or anything? It's getting framed and hung above her bed
She probably had lots of photos before you dated, but now she definitely has. 2 folders one is a digital file on her phone, and the other is stashed away, filled with secretly taken ones that she looks at when she misses you
If you're a hero, she'll make it a point to watch you and look at all your fan base online. "It's my turn on the TV my adorable partner is on." She would also want to go on every mission close to where your agency would be. If you have any merchandise, she has it already. If she sees other people wearing your clothing line, she would either compliment it or want to stab them (I can't decide)
That's all i can think of, and i want to do more, so anything else in the comments would be nice. im trying to ease my way into writing female characters. i might be bi, but i can't talk to women, so this was fun and a little difficult for me
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sunoooism · 2 years
📜ADMIT IT!— six.
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❝just out here living vicariously through my novel!❞
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I rushed this a bit sorry 💀💀, this update was delayed bcs I've been really busy with school and stuff. hopefully I'll be back to updating once or twice a week now!!
Day 2 of Yokohama
your second day in Yokohama was spent relaxing in the hotel, watching whatever shitty film or TV show was available. the best thing you could find at the moment was 'Kubo and the Two Strings' which you remembered Kuina recommending to you years ago. she kept pestering you about it until you got fed up and lied about watching it, saying 'oh, yeah! I loved it!' if there was any time to actually watch it, it would be now you supposed.
as Chishiya showered and carried on with his night routine you were sprawled out across your bed in an oversized sleep shirt and shorts you borrowed stole from Ann. the movie had been good so far but it made you wonder why all children in kids films always have such sad backstories.
by the time Shuntaro had emerged from the bathroom you had fallen asleep atop his pillow that you had also borrowed stolen. usually this would irritate the life out of him even if it was Kuina, but staring down at you and the little bit of drool smeared across your lip, he couldn't really find it in himself to be annoyed with you.
Day 3 of Yokohama
Chishiya had suggested a walk through the streets of Yokohama, and since you couldn't think of anything else to do instead you agreed. unfortunately you ended up on a busy pavement with people bumping into you two left and right. and even more unfortunate for you there were countless couples everywhere you looked. this left you only slightly upset and dejected by your love life, or more specially the lack-thereof.
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Day 4 of Yokohama
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Day 5 of Yokohama
your day was spent with another outing into town accompanied by Chishiya, and along the way desperate texts to your multiple friends asking for advice on what to do about your Chishiya Shuntaro issue.
you had just finished harassing Kyuma for advice when the man on your right pulled you into a movie theater. apparently his favourite film was playing. who knew he was into thrillers?
well to be completely honest you didn't know if it was a thriller, as cliché as it sounds you were too busy admiring Chishiya to pay attention and or care. to say you thought of him as ugly would be a lie, and while you had never thought too hard on the subject you were now questioning whether or not he had always been this enticing.
you had no doubt he knew you were staring, if he didn't you would be astonished to no end, but what confused you was the fact that he wasn't calling you out for it. usually if something like this happened he would mercilessly taunt and tease whoever he caught. but he seemed to be content, pleased, even with this outcome. you could see the small smirk itching to pass over his features.
your big question was, why?
Day 6 of Yokohama
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day six in the city was spent exploring small, aesthetically pleasing shops. so far you had gotten a couple books, a new sage green scarf and snacks for you and Chishiya to share while you were out.
your final destination was Yokohama park. you had once told your friend group you adored a view of flowers and trees to pass the day. that was years ago though, apparently Chishiya had remembered. so you both sat on a wall watching people pass by and cracking jokes, by your opinions it might have been the best day there.
Last day of Yokohama
although Chishiya had been strangely tolerable this past week, in no way were you complaining. but you knew he would probably revert back to normal when you were around your other friends again and for some reason that didn't bother you. you had gotten used to his snarky remarks after a while and it felt strange now that he was softer.
for your last day in Yokohama you had agreed to go to a restaurant for dinner, it wasn't too fancy but at the same time wasn't completely horrible either. It had good reviews so you both thought, why not right?
you were both sat in a booth tucked in at the very back of the room. the tables surrounding you mainly consisted of young couples having a romantic night out, a lady squealed as her partner brought out a bouquet and leapt up to smother him in affection. was the world just out to make fun of your non existent love life this week?
"I've enjoyed our time together, Y/n. I hope we can plan things like this more often, it's quieter without Arisu complaining all the time" his statement caught you off guard, and with your new found feelings for the man it made your stomach flutter a bit at the thought of spending more time with him. "I liked this week too. thank you for sacrificing your back account to make me happy this week, I really appreciate it.
next time it's my turn"
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dollarbin · 3 months
Nickel Bin #14:
Jerry Jeff Walker's Fading Lady
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My famous brother is a show off. He sent me the text yesterday for his recent interview with one of the greatest humans still currently on the planet, Linda Thompson. Watch for it soon, probably on Aquarium Drunkard... And he returned from the Big Apple recently bragging about how he yanked Jerry Jeff Walker's Five Years Gone on vinyl outta of a dollar bin during the trip. That's a big find, folks: just take a listen to a single blissed-out track from that nearly impossible to track down record:
It's no fair: My biggest interview of late was with my cat. She said nothing and demanded heavy petting. And my last foray into the Dollar Bin turned up a Steve Cropper solo record form the early 80's that looks terrible.
(As a quick aside, it kinda looks like Walker invented the selfie on the cover of Five Years Gone; Jerry Jeff: visionary.)
Still, I'm a competitive dude by nature so I rode my bike 14 miles midday late last week in 90 degree weather to test my luck once again in the bin; surely, I figured, the dollar gods would reward such selfless dedication with my own copy of Five Years Gone.
Yeah, no. All I did was drop a few too many dollars on a copy of Circus Maximus's debut album. Turns out Jerry was in a Moby Grape style psychedelic boy band for about 15 minutes in 1967. He shared the lead with a jazz pianist who sang like Neil Diamond and played lead guitar like Sterling Morrison would after they'd each had botched lobotomies; the drummer clearly attended Joe Freakin' Lala's School of Percussion, an offshoot of Trump University; their motto, "just wack the hell out of whatever you can as fast as possible, white boy, and then call it Latin jazz," is more famous than any of their alumni. Today the band has just one claim to fame other than Jerry Jeff's presence: the bass player would soon write Linda Ronstadt one of the greatest torch songs of all time before disappearing altogether from history:
I've loved this song for a long, long - you get the idea. I see it recently was featured in some zombie apocalypse TV show and therefore enjoyed a brief renaissance; that's fitting: Linda is clearly singing about a zombie apocalypse.
Suffice it to say that my famous brother wins this latest round in the Dollar Bin: I'd trade him my copy of Circus Maximus for his copy of Five Years Gone in a hot second. And, come The Revolution, I will head immediately to his house, hatchet in hand and dodging zombies as I go, so as to lay claim to his entire record collection.
While we're at it, check this out:
Isn't it crazy how Linda Ronstadt can make even Jerry Jeff Walker sound like an average dude by comparison? Still, it's nice to hear this song sung by a fellow mortal.
But let's get to the point: happily, Circus Maximus, which, coincidentally, has a cover photo collage dedicated to that very same zombie apocalypse, does feature one track worthy of our nickel: Fading Lady. Take a listen; Jerry Jeff is starting to find his voice.
I don't know about you, but I am mesmerized pretty quickly. My wife just asked me what the hell I was doing under our bed. I told her I was counting our shoes, and I requested space to do so.
Even so, you can hear that the song could be even better. Jerry needs no boy band echo behind him; and, like Danger Bird, slower here would be even better. Happily he soon ditched the mustache and the whole 60's scene and headed for the ditch a few years before Neil Young. They'd wind up wallowing in it magnificently together until Jerry got married and cleaned himself up for good around 73; from that point forward he just sounded drunk all the time.
But he wasn't drunk enough to know that Fading Lady deserved a second pass. Listen to him truly nail the song on 69's Drifting Way of Life:
Aw yeah: that's the stuff right there folks. The great David Bromberg does his New Morning/Self Portrait Dylan thing alongside Jerry on guitar; Kenny Buttrey makes almost no sounds whatsoever on the drums and does so perfectly. And all the while Jerry Jeff effortlessly instructs us to tally up our jewels. And our shoes.
I'm on it Jerry!
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eldritch-nightmare · 1 year
Hiya :D! My name’s Sotheby! I wanna request a matchup if you have time! Uhm, I’m a female, age 19, and i’m 5’2 in height. I have long black hair that I usually put into two pigtails! Uhh, my MBTI type is INTP-T and my enneagram is 4w5
When it comes to interests, I’m into a bunch of games and tv shows, but I also draw a lot! Sometimes I do digital art, but I can’t draw on paper for shit :(. I like taking occasional walks on random days, just to be able to get out of the house and do something. One of those “something”’s being socializing! I’m an ambivert, so to me, socialization is a bit of an off/on thing. But on the days I feel like talking to people, I love meeting new people! Preferably someone with a lot of the same interests as me! The one thing I love the most though, is music! I like listening to Lumi Athena, Cade Clair, Luci4, D3r, and surprisingly, Doja Cat. Hyperpop, pop, and breakcore music are my favs(i.e. Various Types of Ads, Smoke it off, On the floor). I also really like physical touch, though! Which is actually my love language; physical touch.
Extra that I forgot to include: I talk a lot, but I’ll definitely be quiet if asked! Sometimes i’ll just ramble on about whatever I’m talking about nonstop, but once it gets to be to much for someone, i’m fine with sitting in silence!
Thanks a bunch :D
your matchup is... nina the killer!
i think nina would be able to match your energy really well! she's definitely a bit more on the extroverted end of things, but she does have her days where she would rather have limited to no contact with people unless she's really comfortable with someone. that someone being you! she could never grow tired of your company. honestly, she's actually worried that you'll grow tired of her sooner or later.
and you two share similar interests!
she plays video games, typically games like mass effect and bg3. she likes getting attached to characters and really enjoys being able to romance her faves as well. honestly, you'll probably catch her at five in the morning bawling her eyes out after seeing garrus and shepard say their final goodbyes in me3.
she also draws too, and she's pretty damn good at it. she draws mostly on paper since that's what she's best at, but she's pretty decent with a tablet as well. you may even catch her drawing with her finger on her phone, because she's also good at that. she doesn't take drawing too seriously though, most of it consists of doodles and random things that come to mind. she just has so many abandoned wips.
as for music, you two are definitely similar in that aspect as well. nina adores hyperpop and breakcore. she also dabbles a bit in alt/indie and rock. she's a major fan of poppy! big fan of nightcore as well. nightcore songs are her jam and she has an entire playlist on youtube dedicated to all of her favorites. and she'll totally make you a playlist! two, actually. a sappy love playlist for expressing her feelings, and a playlist full of songs she thinks you would enjoy.
she can listen to you talk all day, no joke. she also has a habit of rambling, so you two could somehow hold a conversation with each other about two vastly different topics. there is rarely a time when she'll ask you to be quiet, though she does enjoy the quiet moments she spends with you as well.
will 100% ask to do your hair and makeup if you're comfortable with that type of stuff. might even take you out shopping for cute outfits as well if that's your jam. shopping is a fun pass time for her, and she'd love to include you in it.
and she'll always remind you that she cares about you, and she says the sweetest things to you because she finds that she can best express her feelings through her own words, and the words in songs.
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andrevasims · 1 year
Sims Tag
Tagged by @ho3sferatu​! Thanks ^_^
Readmore’d cause it gets a bit long :P
1. What’s your favourite sims death?
Probably fright, cause the animation is so funny like they have time to pause and check their pulse before dropping dead
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
I can tell this is aimed at TS4 haha I had to google Alpha CC to check I knew what it meant - So semi-realistic? I mean obviously I lean towards Maxis Match, but if I like how something looks I’ll use it even if it’s not from the same style.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
No, that actually happened to Klothilde because she kept eating fish and it takes so long for them to eat fish that she got fat after eating it once lol - But TS2 fat meshes aren’t even really fat, so it doesn’t make much difference to me heh
4. Do you use move objects?
Only for placing deco things, cause I don’t want to end up placing a chair or something that’s actually inaccessible and not find out until after I’ve built everything else around where I placed it
5. Favorite mod?
No Red Pause Lines, cause it’s 500x more annoying if I have to crop that out every time I take a screenshot
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
University, I pretty much got all the TS2 stuff as it came out heh
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
aLIVE, but I think about it more like how a TV show says “We’re live” or something since that’s where the game actually progresses in time
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Cirrus! There’s some close seconds, but Cirrus actually has history in my game versus just being a face I liked, and the way her parents’ genetics created the little side smirk she has that I don’t think I could recreate in CAS
9. Have you made a simself?
I did when I was 13 - I was exactly at that age where child sims felt too young to represent myself, but teen sims felt too old. I went with a child sim just for the proportions lol but yeah that was the last time I was interested in making a simself.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
Well to keep it TS2 themed, I think it’d be something like this:
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11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Um black? That’s always the default color I pick when doing any sort of dress up game
12. Favorite EA hair?
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It’s the only hair I’ve never fully replaced with a default, I just do a texture default
13. Favorite life stage?
Adult I guess, they just have the most stuff available to do
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
Both, I like building but I like to play the lots I build. And when I’m playing, I think of what kind of builds would be fun to play, and so the gameplay also inspires my building.
15. Are you a CC creator?
Kind of? I’ve made clothing recolors, makeup, hair recolors, etc. but I haven’t done anything besides sharing lots/sims in a while.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
Not particularly, I have mutuals that I always like seeing on my dash/activity but I’m not the most talkative person on tumblr lol
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
2 of course ^_^
18. Do you have any sims merch?
No? lol
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
Technically yeah, it’s my “personal” YT account but 90% of my videos are of The Sims.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I used to do more semi-realistic CC, just based on what I’d accumulated and liked the look of at the time. I still have a lot of that CC in my Downloads, I just don’t use it as often anymore as more recently downloaded Maxis match stuff.
21. What’s your Origin ID?
idk, I think I have one but I’ve never shared anything for TS4 so it’s kinda useless lol
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Ooh that’s a tough one, @platinumaspiration​ comes to mind cause I really love how bright/colorful a lot of their CC is and I like a lot of the clothing/hair styles :)
23. How long have you had a simblr?
2012.............. lol
Here is the 1st post I ever made on here, it’s for TS3 and has way more straightness than my game has had in years lmao
24. How do you edit your pictures?
I explained it here sort of a few years ago, but I have a newer version of Photoscape and I don’t have access to Photoshop anymore. I still do the highlight/shadow tweaking stuff, but I use Photoscape to do that now.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
Well obviously that’s not a question for TS2 lol but something that both TS3 and TS4 have that would’ve been cool in TS2 is careers that you can actually play/interact with instead of the sim disappearing for 8 hours.
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
Nightlife, I love everything about the themes/aesthetic/gameplay, it has objects/features I use more than any other EP to this day, it’s just exactly my style.
Tagging: @krabbysims​​ @potentialfate-sims​​ @aondaneedles​​ @simmer-until-tender​​! Feel free to ignore if you’ve done it already haha
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cordeliawhohung · 10 months
could i ask how you find the inspiration and motivation and ability to write more than 2k~ per chapter/piece? i’ve never really been able to crack past that except for maybe twice and that was only to 5k and i’m so curious and in awe of writers who can do that consistently. i absolutely know it takes a lot of time and dedication but sometimes i worry that i’ll be boring with too much backstory or exposition or xyz but it’s like i want to share so much but then i try and get absolutely fuck all written ): thank you so much in advance for even reading this, i absolutely adore you and your writing. you make me want to be a better writer.
!!!! i am certainly the WORST person to ask this because you're about to get a whole twenty million paragraphs of shit that just probably doesn't make sense but i'm gonna do my best to answer!! <3 (also i'm going to use a lot of examples from soft spot ((because it's my baby)) so... beware if you haven't read that series there will be spoilers lmao)
first off! i'd like to make it clear that having chapters/works/pieces that are like 2k words is totally fine! your work doesn't at all have to be long to be "good." there are tons of works both irl and on tumblr that i read that hit that mark for chapters and honestly it works just as well, if not better, than a long 5-10k word chapter. (i'm pretty sure most publishers recommend keeping chapters between 3-5k words anyway but this is tumblr and we're lawless) ((if i ever get published my editors WILL hate me))
now, as for me personally, and i know this... probably isn't a good thing to do (lmao) but when i'm thinking of my stories in my head, i think of it like i'm watching a tv show. my chapters are episodes. which is why most of them are so fucking long. how does the episode start, what happens in between, how does it end? for example, let's take a look at blood soaked cotton. what all happens in that?
simon is at the bank
simon and spook talk
simon chills at his apartment for a bit
back at the bank (spook is injured) and they talk about her injuries
simon back at the apartment but no handkerchief ):
simon realizes spook is lying about how she got injured
spook invites simon to the bar
they kinda sorta talk at the bar
eric comes in and harasses spook
simon punches the fuck outta him
simon walks spook home and she patches him up
i wanna say that was about like 6k words long. someone could turn that into a tv show and that could honestly easily be like fucking a 30 min episode i crammed so much SHIT into that. i guess what i'm trying to say is that, if you're wanting a higher word count, you've got to have a lot planned. i'd recommend not trying to draw one scene out into 6k words. remember, this isn't an essay you're trying to meet word count on, you're writing for the sake of writing. so throw some stuff in. change up the scene and day and whatnot. helps keeps things feeling fresh and flowing (:
now, if you're worried about backstory/exposition, i GET you. i struggled with that for a long time. it's so easy to just start a story and just dump everything on your reader because you want them to know!!! everyone says "show don't tell" but holy fuck is that a lot harder than it sounds. honestly i still struggle with that a lot, which is why i try and limit myself to like, no more than 3 or 4 paragraphs of exposition at the beginning of my chapters, IF that.
now, as for actually incorporating it into your story, something that i'd recommend is not revealing everything all at once. when you walk into a room, you notice the big things right? the color of the walls, the furniture, is the window open, the scent. but you actually have to spend some more time in that room to find the slight crack in the wall, or notice there's a draft. make sure when you bring your readers into the room, they see things at the same pace. if that makes sense?
for example, in the first part of everything you touch, simon returns home to the apartment and of course things are different. i mention a little bit about the plane ride, then the cops being there, the markers, anything broken and the blood in the living room. these are very glaringly obvious things anyone would instantly recognize if their home was trashed, ya know? but then as the 141 are talking and planning and whatnot, little things get brought up over like 2k words worth of shit. kyle asking what the beads are on the floor, and boo dashing in at the last second with a broken paw. there's tons of dialogue throughout, and i think you just gotta find a way to weave them together so that it meshes well! that way you can share all the little details, but it's not all at the beginning. i think it's really easy to compartmentalize things so that dialogue is all together, and then back story is all together and separate them, when really that's not quite how things end up working irl. they coexist and weave together and it's how you form the whole picture!
as for the inspiration/motivation/ability to write chapters as long as i do: autism. i'm only half joking. i hyperfixate on what i want to show my readers and i do not stop writing until i get to the end of the episode. i honestly try so hard to make my chapters shorter, but i literally cannot. idk if it's a gift or a curse. there's a few parts i've written that could have easily been split up more, but i just wanted to show everything that i had planned out. if i show everything i wanted to for my "episode" and it's 4k words then it stays that way. i don't try and write more or add something. if it's 10k words then it stays that way too. i don't know how else to explain it i know it's such a weird thought process i'm sorry ;-;
i think something that also sorta ups my word count is that i am a... very emotional writer. i have not been very secretive about using soft spot specifically as a trauma fic haha. while i am happy and appreciate that some people enjoy my work, or even find comfort in it, a lot of what i put in there is just me coping with a lot of personal shit, and so when i'm writing i put a lot of effort into the emotions. like i'll write a line or two of dialogue and there will be a paragraph or two just explaining how the character felt about it. or i'm turning the exposition into terrible foreshadowing or something like that. honestly, i think there's tons of writers out there who could take my work, say the same shit, and have half the word count just by taking all the extra fancy feely words out haha. (one day i will look at my dialogue to exposition ratio and SOB)
all in all, word count doesn't really matter. i think it's really easy to get lost in the "but it's only Xk words!" or compare yourself to another writer who writes more words/longer works, but that has no bearing on the story at all! never once have i heard anyone complain about a story being too short. i'm thinking like ray bradbury's short stories or something like that. short works that people RAVE about. i have, however, heard people complain about books being too long! (think the stand by stephen king ((fucking 500k words)) or les mis which is reaching close to 550k lmao) and you know what? all of these books are still popular. even the ones people bitch about for being too xyz, because it's not really the length they care about, it's the content.
write until you feel like it's finished. that's honestly the best advice i could give, because it's honestly exactly what i do. be it 2k words, or 10k; don't try to morph your beautiful words and your story around silly numbers, trying to confine them into chapters. shape your chapters around your words instead. because i promise you, your readers probably don't care all that much about word count anyway if they're too busy enjoying the story (:
i hoped this helped, if even a little! thank you so much for your kind words, and i wish you luck on your writing! <3
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shopcat · 2 years
bear with me for a sec let’s leave the inconsistent writing room aside and take it all in. kinda crazy to Me that steve in s1 is just regular douchy (at least for time period?) . he said a slur without putting his heart into it he liked a girl and lashed out and went to apologize and his friends are also douchy because hes handsome and lives in a big house and his parents are also douchy. BUT THEN in s2 steve is revealed to apparently be “king steve”?? like yeah u could say billy is exaggerating for the drama but like. s2 says steve wasnt just regular douchy he was Popular and Liked and everything. king steve. and s3 has him so completely removed from that in his striking out with girls and being friends with kids behaviour but robin is like yeah i had so much angst about you because the girl i liked liked You. and it’s like yeah he was king steve and girls liked him and he was regular douchy but also apparently what was most annoying about him to robin was the way he ate bagels in the morning. and s4 steve interacts with eddie and eddie says it blows my mind that youre an actual good dude. and he jumped him with a bottle but as a reflex and let go of him and jumped after him in a lake and wasn’t even mean to him the whole time. like robin was arguably meaner than him when he was clearly more of a target for the Jocks. and even then she wasn’t even mean to him either. like that’s crazy a little bit that he’s like a douchy dude but he just liked his girl but also actually hes The douchy dude but they dont actually ever mention anything douchy hes done that’s worse than what he did on screen. and the whole time he’s just a little bitchy as a treat. as a character trait. it’s like the writers keep adding stuff to his character season after season which yeah thats how character works in media but instead of unlayering an onion it’s like they’re adding rooms to a house. without ever entering the house btw tangent line but it’s so funny to Me a little bit that we’ve never even seen steve’s parents or heard their voices or anything like do we even know their names. like for all we know they’re both redheads and tall and wear glasses or whatever. that’s crazy. and like i may not remember everything that’s ever been said or shown on screen so all of what ive just said might be incorrect but like !!! still. this is so funny steve was Ultimate Mean Girl of high school hierarchy and he just Ate Bagels and Vandalized A Theater Then Lost A Fight that one time. what’s wrong with him !!!! i love him.
i think one time i said he was so popular bc he looks so much like a little dog with big brown eyes and everyone's just like Awwww ... Steve... and lets him get away with murder for it but the murder ends up being like throwing something at the garbage can and it doesn't make it in and so he doesn't pick it up and that's a metaphor. no it isn't.
i do think this is just a natural byproduct of them admitting they have no idea what to do with steve so they just keep adding and adding to this character they're building that's somehow seperate from the one we've actually seen ourselves and they do have this habit of trying to establish things through ... someone just SAYING it alone as if that at the end of the day amounts to anything. like how we're supposed to just be like eddie and dustin are sooo close because they Said So but we never actually SEE that and it ends up falling a little flat if you don't have this like pre-established fondness and leniency for the character which you shouldn't probably have to have... in a tv show... Show Don't Tell and all.
and honestly at this point i just find it funny that robin hated him for petty reasons and decided to tell him when they thought they were gonna die and eddie thought he was a douchebag from a distance or something after sharing one whole school year with him. i think it might be accidentally realistic to depict these silly highschool dramas of GOD you SUCKED so much because you got food everywhere and hung out with annoying people, because in highschool everything is amped up to 300 like that!! but the thing is they're not IN highschool or at least HE'S not in highschool they're not shithead teenagers anymore they should be moving on from this but it's like a stuck record atp. the gap between hs/graduating/being a teenager -> getting a job/college prospects ig and becoming a young adult and independent is one of the most difficult times of someone's LIFE and it's like they're TRYING to show this with steve but keep failing bc they're not actually going for "20 year old trying to find his place in the world" they're going for "peaked in highschool ex-popular jock boy who keeps #failing and is getting a #reality check" and it ends up coming off like. i don't know. ill formed i guess. he is being constantly punished for a past so heinous such as "was sort of mean with two significant spikes in meanness that he immediately apologised for, got comeuppance for in the form of getting his shit rocked and has spent at this point years apologising to random bystanders for" but now he's atoning for the act of just Being a teenager and will do so for the next 5 years of his life for some reason because all the complexity they give him is entirely accidental on their part and they don't know how to live up to it </3 in season 5 someone's going to come up to him and be like "you know... my daughter saw your little stunt at the movie theatre... she's traumatised now. you're fine now but you were a real DOUCHEBAG!!!" and he'll have to be like :( i'm sorry sir :(
like they're trying to show genuine grounded reactions that someone would have to hanging with someone who's not who you thought they were and realising they're actually their own complex individuals beyond their reputation whatever it may be and i see it i get it i'm clocking in to it but at this point we have had 3 entire seasons of people coming to the Stunning Realisation that he is not a massive douchebag anymore over and over again and it is ended up sort of tired. the steve harrington apology tour will never end </3. and once again i find it disappointing that the show that celebrates a certain kind of diversity of individual expression and passion that is what you are ostracised for does not mean you are condemned for and that like it's cool to be a nerd and an outcast and not fit in for whatever reason but then with steve they're just like. oh no he sucked and will be punished for it forever actually and also he's dumb and that's funny because he deserves to be made fun of Nerds can't be bullies no way!!!!
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