#she seems happy
ask-duchess · 8 months
[ Doll @ Duchess ]
The long-furred blue mew drew close, hovering nearby before approaching, her eyes lidded tiredly as she gave a smile.
"Sister, it's been too long. How have you been faring?" Doll purrs, unable to keep herself from doing so. It was always a delight to see her. "I see you've made a few new friends ... I hope they've not been bothering you at all."
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"Look!! Look! Here's one now! It's one of my sisters...! The ones from other worlds! Isn't she so pretty?"
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caffichai · 8 months
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More Aurora!
Hey, if you're here, check this out!
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remxedmoon · 2 months
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boo! old woman jumpscare
greyscale vers below!
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newdruid · 2 months
I understand the controversies around the change in Robin and her animation style, however,
Have we considered - her face softly rounds out as the show progresses. Have we considered this may be because the strawhats made her comfortable enough to eat more? Maybe the personalities and the friendships and the food Sanji makes are all so good for her that she allows herself to have a better relationship with food?
I don't know, I'm imagining her sitting across from Franky, who is CHOWING on a burger, kay? And Robin has been munching gently on the fries, her burger has one bite out of it. It was such a good bite. Until tonight she honestly couldn't tell you the last time she had a burger. Crocodile didn't like burgers.
So she reaches down and picks up the burger, and then she takes a big ol' chomp outta that burger. Franky looks at Robin over his sun glasses as she picks up a napkin to dab the ketchup on the side of her mouth.
"that was a decent bite lil lady."
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theminecraftbee · 10 months
Etho and Grian are back at base, hysterically laughing over their achievement. Cleo sits inside, staring, as the two of them talk about getting a wither and a warden to fight, and tries to figure out what she feels about it.
In some ways it's not their fault. Task made them do it and all that. Plus--
Well, it's not like she and Etho are losing hearts anytime soon. They've both done a damn good job keeping themselves from dying. A benefit, Cleo thinks, of deciding to team with Etho this time. Between the two of them, they'll largely only do chaos they can recover from. Maybe this is their game. Maybe this time, Cleo manages to stick with someone until the very end. It looks like it. It looks like...
Grian, of course, is the confounding factor.
She wasn't going to turn him away. He needed allies. They needed someone a bit better at actually doing damage than herself or Etho. It's mutually beneficial. And, besides, he's weirdly lovable, in an inherently kind of dangerous way. A little like loving a bobcat someone had accidentally raised as a pet cat until it got a bit too big and stinky and murdery for them. Like, yeah, he shouldn't be domesticated and he's not, really, in any sense of the word, but it's a bit sad to watch him try to survive on his own now, right?
Hah. Maybe that's what Scar managed to do to him. Would explain a lot, really.
Anyway, he's her bobcat now, which is the problem.
See the thing is: Cleo understands Etho. It's why finally deciding to be partners for once felt... right. They're similar flavors of people. Scared, mostly. Survivors, but not in the 'will stab anyone' way that like, Martyn is. Loyal, although Cleo has no delusions that Etho is as loyal as she. And scared. Has she already said that? Scared. It's important to the kinds of things she and Etho are. Like... mountain lions, maybe. Mountain lions that have been around just enough people to know how dangerous they are. Like that.
God, she's only doing cat metaphors. Bdubs really is turning them all into furries.
Anyway, the point is, Grian isn't scared.
And that... terrifies her.
That's scarier than anything else. Because, see, Cleo wants to survive. But more than that, she wants her partners to survive. And she and Etho, the two of them are doing well. Better than most people. They're green and they have so many hearts.
But Grian? Grian's yellow and not afraid and goading Etho into not being afraid too. It's not their fault, exactly, Cleo thinks. They both had hard tasks. They didn't have a choice, Cleo thinks.
But. But.
She doesn't know what to do, if Etho gets convinced the humans down the mountain aren't scary. She doesn't know what to do if he gets too close. She doesn't know what to do if he gets hurt.
Because she--she doesn't think she can learn to stop being scared, anymore.
But she also doesn't know how many times her heart can stand to lose someone.
Did you know--wild cats are social? They have a reputation for being loners, but mountain lions, they're social. They don't do well being alone. They don't actually hunt solely alone. That's the important bit here. They seem independent, sure, but actually...
Anyway. This is Bdubs's fault. For making her a furry, apparently.
She watches Grian and Etho scheme together and sits back and breathes and tells herself that Etho isn't going to stop being afraid anytime soon. That if push came to shove, he, at least, would retreat back, and that maybe the two of them could convince Grian to retreat too. Safe from hunters. Safe from red.
Maybe safe from hurting each other, too.
(She's not so sure about that part.)
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cametotheshowinsd · 1 year
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a sensory issues-friendly miku i designed a while ago…
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juniper-clan · 7 months
I'm not saying you need to have a favorite, but which kit do you feel more attached to Heronstar?
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fujunfuren · 6 months
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There was a time when we slept together on a single bed. How did we even sleep on that bed? We cuddled.
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ladystoneboobs · 7 months
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such a shame that edmure hasn't yet gotten to meet the only member of his family truly proud of his great victory of the stone mill. so proud she even believed he could destroy tywin on an open battlefield too! ofc if she knew robb/catelyn/brynden blackfish's opinion on all that, she'd no doubt be influenced by her mother's and big brother's thoughts of the uncle she hadn't met before, but it's not like either is in any position to tell her now. maybe that's the one silver lining of the rw, if/when edmure and arya there's nothing to stop her congratulating him on his defeat of tywin lannister.
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livingdeadhorse · 9 months
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Happy birthday to the despair sisters oml almost forgot
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tippenfunkaport · 11 days
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Happy Birthday, Bow!
Catra and Adora surprised him with a pooka plushie so he wouldn't be tempted to go to Beast Island and hug a real one.
(for @glimbowweek prompt Surprise!)
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benevolenterrancy · 21 days
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this description made me realise what one of my favourite MXTX character tropes is: Over-Worked, Under-Appreciated Employee Who Is Not Above Becoming Somewhat Evil About It
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twicetheheartx2 · 3 months
“… But baby, can’t you see? There’s nothing left for me to do, I’m hopelessly devoted to you…”
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For @barb-l based off a scene from their fic The First Guest.
I distinctly remember you saying something about how you love when (wish for) people make art off of your fics. So I figured why not, since we’re friends and I’m enjoying all your Chaggie stuff (despite not developing a hyper fixation after watching it a while ago).
Decided to take a page from your own book and do it traditionally. Honestly, I think it was so much easier doing it this way than if I did it digitally tbh.
Bonus: Head shots I drew of them before I started the full piece, to figure out how to draw them in my style.
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polin-erospsyche · 4 months
I will jump onto the train of “in this house we thank Violet Bridgerton” because that woman has so much patience and strength. I love the scene where we get Colin completely lost and confused asking her whether friendship is a strong foundation for great love while unable to look away from Pen completely enamoured. Violet sees it immediately, she knows, she understands and there’s not an ounce of surprise on her face just pure happiness for her son because she knows he has found his home and it is just so evident. Yet despite nearly telling him to work up the courage to ask (which I will admit he tried very hard), she will have to see her son pace around, drive himself sick with love, before using reverse psychology on him because it might be the only thing that will get him out of his feelings and spur him into action. And for that I have so much admiration for Violet Bridgerton because if he had been my son I would have shook him, told him to quit moping and go get his girl.
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Thinking about how much Taylor probably wanted her partner to experience the show that she spent so much time creating and rehearsing, that included music they made together and he saw her write about their life and she was probably so excited for him to see it and then he just never went…And now she sings “and if you wanted me you really should’ve showed” every night and is now talking to someone that went to that show, has been gushing about it and her and it’s making me feel a lot of things.
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