#she really did not want to have four kids and you need two people to have a baby who kept CONVINCING her to do that
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I grew up in a very rich area of the US (Westchester County, NY) and went to a private Conservative Jewish school through 6th grade, then public school after (but a public school where a solid 50+ kids in my grade of 300 were Jewish). So I did see a lot of the "typical" rich kid bar/bat/b'nai mitzvahs.
But the truth is, a lot of it isn't necessarily as "fancy" as people think.
Like, my bat mitzvah party was in the gym of the synagogue, and that was extremely typical -- because you could do your party at your synagogue for *cheap*. Most of my friends and family had their parties in their synagogue gyms. And a lot of them weren't decorated at all other than the tablecloths.
*Everyone* knew who the one really rich family was, the one that spent way too much on each of the kids' b'nai mitzvah parties. It was too conspicuous consumption for most of us, though, and while people were somewhat jealous, it was also in a very "can you *believe* them?" sort of way.
On the opposite end, my friend Lindsay decided she didn't want the big party, so she had the service (including the Torah reading, etc.) and then...did something private with her parents, I forget the details (it was almost 30 years ago), instead of a party. She wasn't the only one either, just the one I remember best.
And as other people have said in the comments, pretty much all the money I got as gifts went straight into the savings account to pay for college, and then I spent two months writing thank you notes for all of them.
Also, the focus really is on the learning and on becoming a Jewish adult. I spent a solid year studying -- learning two aliyot of my Torah portion, my haftarah, a large portion of the service so I could lead it, and writing a speech. And that was on top of going to school.
And honestly, one of the most validating aspects of becoming bat mitzvah was that my dad's mother died four months after my bat mitzvah and I was able to go to synagogue with my father once a week and help make the minyan (quorum of ten Jewish adults needed in order to say certain prayers) because, even though I was 12, I counted as a Jewish adult. I have extremely fond memories of going to synagogue with my dad every Tuesday morning and then going to get bagels before he dropped me off at school.
The bat mitzvah ceremony and party were nice, but they didn't last. The other impacts did.
I'm just gonna say something, Bar/Bat/B'nai mitzvahs are a celebration, they often but not always come with an after party and depending on the means of the parents of the lucky 13 year old they can be over the top sometimes. Much like rich kids with sweet 16s or Quinceañera.
okay thats out of the way, what I wanted to say is, I'm SICK of every media depiction of a Bar/Bat Mitzvah as a 100 million dollar, biggest party on the planet celebration of conspicuous consumption. Almost ALWAYS missing the you know Bar Mitzvah itself, and again depicting Jews over and over again as INSANELY wealthy. Like not everyone, hell not MOST people's Bar Mitzvah was huge and expensive.
another thing, I know by definition no 13 year old is cool, by definition they are greasy and annoying and cringe. But EVERY depiction of a Bar/Bat Mitzvah where the boy or girl of the hour is both an awkward loser and (particularly the boys) sleazy little creeps who are trying WAY too hard to impressive with their garishly massive (and expensive) party (and how often they quote how much something costs as if a 13 year old would know or care) it just seem a little close to the old antisemitic stereotype of Jews as crass and uncouth social climbers desperately trying to use their money to buy their way into classy society and forever failing.
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time's never been on our side - chapter two
pairing: bucky barnes x fem!reader
summary: you and bucky happen to meet by chance one night, and it feels like there is a spark between the two of you - but he has to leave. was this destiny? or cruel fate?
word count: 3.9K
read the: previous chapter
you know that checking your phone every ten minutes for a text message is unhealthy. you know that opening the thread, and then closing it, and then opening it again is truly unhinged. but, being ignored by the man you met at the bar feels like some cruel joke, though most people would say that strangers are not obligated to respond to people they don’t know. sure, you agreed with them, but damn did this one sting.
you’ve met people in bars before, it’s not really a foreign concept, but there was something about him - about bucky - that felt different. sure, it was only one night, less than four hours actually. sure, you didn’t actually know him. and sure, he had said he never had a stable environment for more than a week, but maybe this was different? maybe the universe wanted the two of you to find each other?
who were you kidding?
this was delusion at its finest.
a way to numb out the loneliness you had been feeling.
a fleeting crush that would go away in a day’s time.
and, truthfully, as the days pass, and you continue not to hear from him, the easier it was to rationalize with yourself that whatever spark you thought you felt could never turn into a flame.
days turn into a week, and a week turns into two and suddenly you were pushed back into your life as if that night had never happened. work had picked up, your meetings felt longer, the silence in your apartment was deafening, life started to take on that gray-ish hue again. blah.
it wasn’t like you to get so hung up on someone, especially someone you didn’t know, but with bucky those few hours you had spent together felt nice. easy. and easy was something you needed right now.
your name is being called, but it’s not until someone taps you on the shoulder do you realize your boss is talking to you. you must have zoned out again. you had been doing that a lot lately.
“sorry,” you say sheepishly as you snap your head up, meeting their eyes. they continue speaking about whatever it was the meeting was about, but you couldn’t help but let your mind wander to him again, thoughts of bucky quickly drowning out whatever was needed from you at work.
all you knew about him and his absence is that he traveled, frequently, and was a soldier … “of sorts” is how he phrased it. you didn’t know what that meant, or what that could possibly entail. maybe he was a spy? maybe he worked with the avengers? maybe he was a part of the secret service? who could even begin to guess?
“ugh.” you say to yourself as you make your way into your apartment after work that night. the day feeling longer than it actually was. your keys clank against the door as you unlock it and push your way inside.
sure, it’s not the most lavish one bedroom in new york, but it was cozy. the location and price is what got you intrigued when you toured it all those years ago. the floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the east side is what sold you on it.
it was warm and inviting, decor filled with neutral tones, pops of dark greens and burnt oranges matching the dark wood is what helped you finally settle in. this was your home. the place you could unwind every night without anyone intruding in. the place you were about to open a bottle of wine, pop on a sitcom rerun and stare at the text thread over and over again until you eventually passed out.
what a riveting friday night.
as you changed out of your clothes and into a pair of pjs the mewing of a tiny animal made your heart swell a bit.
“alpy?” you called, making a small noise so the white kitten would make her way out. “come on, alp. it’s time to eat.”
ever the supermodel she was, alpine, your longhaired white cat, sauntered her way out of the living room and into the kitchen, rubbing up against your legs as she waited for you to feed her. to be fair, the building had a no pets policy, but alpine wasn’t just a pet, she was your little angel and no landlord was going to tell you differently. and … you gave the super an extra tip during the holiday season to not say anything.
after feeding alpine and pouring a glass of wine, you laid down on your couch. you take a sip and open your phone. your finger hovered over the text thread with bucky knowing it only contained two texts and that was it. your brain was telling you it wasn’t worth the stress, but something in your heart was telling you to open it.
you click on it. you see three dots appear and disappear. and suddenly you convince yourself that they were never there to begin with
it's me :)
that’s the text that bucky had been reading every single day since he left on his mission. the text that haunted him in his dreams, and he was sure he could never answer it. he had a great time with you … actually it was one of the best times he had in years. but, he couldn’t even begin to open that can of worms, not now … well … not ever.
it was easier this way.
he laid in on his bed at some janky hotel in the middle of budapest, waiting for the day steve could tell him it was all over. the mission was done and oh, actually bucky we don't need your help anymore.
that would be the day.
the phone screen was the only thing illuminating his face in the dark room. it was almost four in the morning, his body ached, there was definitely dried blood on his face but after a night of fighting all he could think about was you and that night in new york. the image of your smile and the sound of your laughter ran straight through his mind every night, and he was sure his brain was just trying to torture him.
“shit.” he mumbles out loud, suddenly feeling the overwhelming urge to respond.
his fingers work swiftly on the keyboard trying to type up something - anything - but it’s no use. everything he wants to say he can’t get out of his head, and everything he is typing up doesn’t sound nearly as good as it should for ignoring you for two weeks.
bucky deletes the words, sighing to himself as he locks his phone and places it on the bed next to him. his eyes adjust to the darkness as he stares at the ceiling, his hand scratching his stomach under his shirt as his other one runs through his hair.
why can’t he get you out of his head? why can’t he stop thinking about you? he hadn’t felt like this since … god he even couldn’t remember. had ever felt like this? it’s not like it meant anything, but having someone to talk to, someone who didn’t know him or his past or as steve’s friend. it was refreshing.
he grumbles to himself as he gets out of bed, making his way to the bathroom to shower and get the grime from the day off of him as quickly as possible. the steam does nothing but suffocate his thoughts, making him ultimately feel worse. but, it’s quick and he’s clean and soon he’s in bed wishing he could bang his head against a brick wall to forget all about you and that stupid text.
a sudden bang on the door wakes him hours later, though it’s not like he was completely asleep, his mind had him in a half sleep half-awake daze all night. a mix of nightmares and anxiety. what a fucking mess.
he groans as he stands, grabbing a random black t-shirt and throwing it over his bare torso as he groggily makes his way to the door.
“what?” bucky’s voice is flat and stern, knowing very well who it is before he even opens it.
“someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.” sam says a hint of a smirk on his voice.
bucky, still half asleep, grumbles before he turns around and walks away from the door, sam slipping inside his room after him. he grabs his metal prosthetic off the chair he left it on and puts it back into place, rotating his shoulder and arm to get it in perfectly.
“what do you want?” bucky finally asks, crossing both his arms over his chest as he looks back at sam.
“did you put your arm back on so you can scowl at me?”
“and so what if i did?”
“you’re such a dick, you know that?”
bucky manages a small smirk, shaking his head as he looked over at sam. they had gotten a lot closer recently. sometimes it felt easier to talk to him than steve. with sam, they were on the same playing field. with steve, disappointment was never truly far off.
“seriously, what do you want?” bucky asks again.
“wanted to check in on you.” sam finally says, sighing a bit as he leans against the entrance way facing the hotel bedroom. “you didn’t seem alright last night after we infiltrated that base.” he continues.
“i’m fine.” bucky tries to quickly retort, wanting to shut down any conversations about this.
“bucky, you’re tired.”
he hated that sam could see right through him.
“i’m … look, i’m not tired, okay?” he says, sighing as he runs a hand through his hair. “i just have a lot on my mind.”
“i know you’re tired. i know you have a lot on your mind. but, you came back from that one day off more refreshed than i’ve seen you in months, and now we’re on a new mission and you look worse than ever.” sam says, pushing off the wall and taking a step into the room. “talk to him.”
“and say what, sam?” bucky snaps back. “you know steve, you know that’s not going to go well. i love the guy, but he’s like mr. save-the-universe –...”
“actually, he’s captain america.” sam interrupts.
“you know what i mean.” he rolls his eyes at sam’s attempt at humor. “he’s the guy. he wants to save everyone, and he does. he never stops; he’s always looking for the next thing. he’s always been like this. i can’t say it’s not extremely charismatic but how am i supposed to tell him that his best friend wants to … what? wants to quit? wants to give up?” bucky frowns and shakes his head. “no, no way. not happening.”
“so what?” sam asks, scowling over at him. “you’re just going to be miserable because steve wants to keep going?”
“you don’t get it.” bucky retorts back, shaking his head. he was done with this conversation. done thinking about how exhausted he was.
“i’m just saying…” sam says softly, taking another step forward and clapping his hand on bucky’s shoulder. “it might be worth the conversation.”
bucky sighs, shaking his head, he can feel sam give his shoulder a squeeze and feels thankful in that moment for a friend who checks in. but, he knows that he can’t talk to steve. he can’t let him down. he can’t stop. so, he nods a bit, not able to really to voice how he was feeling in that moment. bucky wants to thank sam, wants to thank him for always understanding and trying to push him, but the words get caught in the back of his throat. sam can tell and can feel the words lingering in the air.
“don’t mention it.” he says, before dropping his hand from bucky’s shoulder, he starts to walk out of the room. “i’ll say one last thing, and then i won’t bring it up again.” sam’s hand is on the door now, looking over at bucky. “whatever you did while you were in new york made you more levelheaded and calm than i’ve seen you be in a long time.” he opens the door. “we’re out of here in two weeks, buck. maybe it’s worth paying new york another visit.”
and with that the door closes, and bucky barnes is left to rot with his own thoughts. great.
he tries not to think about sam’s haunting words for the next two weeks. tries being the key word there.
time feels incredibly slow while he’s working, but exceedingly fast when he looks at the days and realizes he’s getting closer and closer to having to make a decision. is he going back to new york? is he going to try and see you? these were not decisions that he ever had to make in his life. why now?
it’s the day before the end of the mission and they’re just tying up loose ends. most of the crew had gone home and left the skeletons, steve, bucky, sam and a few other key associates. he knew that sam was right, that he needed to talk to steve. your face comes into his mind one last time before he knocks on the door of the makeshift office that steve was using.
“come in.” the voice was strong and stern, it could only belong to steve rogers. bucky entered the room and saw his best friend standing, arms crossed over his chest, as he watched one of the crew members entering some information into their computer.
steve was always put together. during working hours on the mission, he was always in his captain america suit ready to spring into action at any moment, on days like today he was dressed in his usual jeans and t-shirt, still ready to spring into action.
“buck.” he says a gentle smile on his face that makes bucky immediately regret walking in. “what’s up?”
“uh…” he trails off for a moment, bringing his metal hand to his neck, rubbing it softly as he tries to wager if he should say what he wants to say. “listen, i think i’m going to be out of commission for the next few weeks.”
“weeks?” steve says almost immediately. his eyebrow is quirked and the look on his face is one of surprise. “where are you going?”
“not sure.” bucky says. it’s not really a lie, he hadn’t decided yet where he was going to go, although he couldn’t deny that new york was really the only place he wanted to be. “i just … i think i need some time off. it’s been a lot lately and i feel like my head wasn’t really in it this go around.”
the words are tumbling out of his mouth, he can’t seem to stop his brain lately. between the night at the bar with you and now this? what was going on with him? anyway, it wasn’t the conversation sam was trying to get bucky to talk about, but it was a start. a stepping stone. someone like steve needed to be eased into these sorts of bigger conversations.
steve studies bucky for a moment, trying to get a grasp on what could possibly be bothering the man. he had a knack for always wanting to figure things out, if he did then bucky wouldn’t have to explain himself. steve could just fix it, but, bucky, most of the time, didn’t want him to.
“that’s a long time, buck.” steve says, finally, dropping his arms to his side, his hands now on either side of his waist. “we have things to do. you know this life never stops. we gotta keep moving.”
that’s exactly that response that bucky was anticipating, steve was pretty predictable, but he’d be lying if he said it didn’t hurt to hear. how could he not understand that he needed some time off?
“i know.” bucky frowns, running his hand through his hair. it had gotten a bit longer than he liked to keep it, but that tended to happen when he was away on these trips. “i wouldn’t normally ask, you know this.”
he can tell steve hates this, that he’s already using the intel they got from this mission for the next one, that he’s already ready to go again. bucky shifted uncomfortably for a moment as the air turned a bit awkward between them, a palpable unease that could be felt throughout the room.
“two weeks.” steve finally speaks up, his gaze not meeting bucky’s, instead looking straight ahead at the computer again. “and if it needs to be cut short i’ll call you.”
bucky will take it, though he’s not exactly thrilled about the possibility of it being cut short, but he’ll take it. he mumbles something resembling a thanks as he turns to walk out of the room, needing to get away before he or steve said something they didn’t want to.
it’s a long plane ride back from budapest.
bucky makes do by staring out the window and ignoring all of sam’s attempts at conversation. he hadn’t talked to steve since he asked for time off, and bucky figured if he just ignored everyone around him that would make this break a lot easier
it’s when they land when the anxiety starts for bucky. your text creeps back into his mind again and he knows for a fact that he can’t just text you out of the blue a month later and ask to meet up. not only would it be incredibly rude, but also the fear of your possible rejection makes it basically a non-starter for him.
though something in the back of his mind wants him to see you, it’s how he ended up in the back of a cab on his way to the city. wishful thinking is that he’d run into you again, realism is that at least the idea of you two being in the same vicinity for a few weeks would ease his mind. it’s how he ends up at the same hotel that you dropped him off at. it’s how he ends up passing the pizzeria you two shared laughs at. it’s how he ends up outside that dive bar again, which looks even more depressing in the daytime, his hands in his pockets as he stares at the door.
there’s no way you frequented it more than once; it was a fluke you even ended up there to begin with, but these were the only places bucky could connect you to. even if they weren’t the best.
he takes a step forward and puts his head down as he finds himself walking away from the building, heading to the end of the block and waiting for the crosswalk sign. how stupid was he? there were millions of people in the city. how did he expect that he could even find a sign of you, let alone cross your path again?
it’s when the sign turns to walk that he begins to cross the street with the crowd of people, he doesn’t pay attention to where he’s going or look up to see anyone’s face, but soon there’s a hand on his arm that’s triggering his fight receptors.
bucky turns, his fists balled at his side, when he picks his head up, his gaze falls upon the most familiar eyes he’d seen in a while.
“bucky?” you say, your eyes wide as you take in his features. you’re pretty sure you hear your name cross his lips, but it’s like time had completely stopped for a moment and the two of you are stunned into a silent stare off, reading each other's emotions, memorizing each other's features. your heart is beating out of your chest, but anger is also coursing through your bones.
you had thought you saw him on the other side of the street, but your brain had been playing tricks on you since he had left, but when you both crossed and his face got closer, you knew deep in your bones exactly who it was.
it’s not until there’s a honk from some cars do you both realize you’re standing in the middle of the crosswalk still, without the right of way, blocking oncoming traffic. bucky gently guides you to the other side of the street, his hand on your elbow.
“what are you …” he trails off, his mind is fried, unable to think of any words. he couldn’t believe that you were here. you couldn’t believe that he was real.
“what am i?” you ask, a frown on your features as you pull away from him. “what are you doing here?”
“i … uh … i got back this morning.” bucky swallows, his adam's apple bobbing as he does. “i - uh … i’m sorry i didn’t …” what the fuck was he saying?
you knew exactly where this was going. he was going to apologize for not responding to you. you’d both have a few drinks and catch up again for the night and then he’d leave again tomorrow without ever contacting you again.
you’re aware that it’s unfair to feel angry that he didn’t reach out while he was gone, you know it’s definitely unfair to feel angry that he didn’t tell you he was back in the city. the rational part of your brain is trying to remind you that you didn’t know him and that he didn’t owe you anything. the irrational part is telling you that’s a load of bullshit.
“i get it.” you say, although there’s still a bit of bitterness in your voice. “i just wasn’t expecting to run into you. i definitely know i wasn’t going hear from you.”
he opens his mouth to say something, but the words get lost in the back of his throat. what was he even going to say? you stare at him for a few more moments, feeling like maybe the night at the bar was all in your head. the connection the two of you shared could not be further from what was happening right now.
“look, it was good to see you –...” you start, but he grabs your elbow again, cutting you off.
“i’m here for two weeks.” he says abruptly. “i was stupid for not responding to your text. i just didn’t think i could find the time to come back. i didn’t want to open a line of communication if it meant that we’d never hang out again.” him and this new found need to word vomit is making his brain feel very complicated. bucky tried not to psychoanalyze his feelings, but honestly, what he was saying was the truth. “i’d like to see you again.”
you consider his words for a moment, your hand resting on the tote bag on your shoulders, scanning his face for any hint of malice, when you finally detect none, you let out a sigh.
“you can call me and ask me again.” you finally say, your head held high. “i won’t be waiting around.”
bucky smirks at your words, he doesn’t even get a chance to respond before you walk past him, leaving him alone on the streets. oh, he would definitely be calling this time.
#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes fanfic#bucky barnes x you#bucky barnes reader#bucky x reader#bucky barnes fanfiction#marvel fanfic
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Why do I get the sneaking suspicion that at the end of Joseph's route in DD his "talk" with Mary amounted to him convincing her to keep things together for the kids and his social image (because we know how easy it is to get a divorce in conservative Christian communities esp if you're a woman amirite).
Like people are real quick to throw the book (and the rest of the library) at Mary when she's evidently depressed enough to resort to substance abuse and can't even summon the energy to take care of her kids. She's just so very clearly at the end of her rope with all this and it ruffles me that people get more enraged with her flirting with other men while her husband has been going out and actually fucking them (potentially more than once).
And idk. The lived in state of the boat and how convinient the 'oh no we ran out of gas and the radios out!' thing was made me think my guy. This has happened before, hasn't it? Like you really didn't think to grab a backup canister of gas?
And if they got divorced what would she even do, is the house hers? Who owns it??
Idk I don't hate Joseph but i don't trust him either. I'm #teamWomen
#idk what it is about this game that makes me get my tinfoil hat on#I'm also team Robert and I wonder if he got the same oh yeah man I'm totally gonna divorce my wife don't worry#speech and the reason he hates Joseph so much is cause he was in the players shoes#AND Also notice how people lay the entire blame on Mary for not watching the kids#Funny I thought they had TWO parents#but jo gets to be the fun dad who socialises while Mary does everything else ig#Jesse rants excessively about a dating sim no one gives a shit about anymore#old man yells at cloud#Also I'm not fond of kids but like yikes#she really did not want to have four kids and you need two people to have a baby who kept CONVINCING her to do that
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pick of the crop | logan sargeant social media au
pairing: logan sargeant x fem farmer!reader
sometimes opposites attract so much that a city boy is willing to get mud on his trainers
based on this request: Logan sargeant x reader smau, where she’s like a farmer in the country, and people are surprised that they’re so different? - @indesicivelyconfuzzled



liked by alexalbon, yourusername and 611,209 others
tagged: yourusername
logansargeant: never been so thankful for a two week break in the race calendar, farm time has been overdue.
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user1: did we just unlock the farmer version of logan
user2: real ones have known farmer logan since his f2 days
oscarpiastri: ugh... couple goals i guess
yourusername: you guess?
logansargeant: you wish you were us
yourusername: let's not pit two powerful women against each other
oscarpiastri: thank you y/n
yourusername: i was talking about me and lily, y'all can fight amongst yourselves
user3: you guys are fake as fuck cause why didn't you tell me logan has a gf
user4: a farmer gf ?!?!?!?
alexalbon: so i got heat from you for @albon_pets (follow me) but your gf has a whole ass farm?
logansargeant: and what? dodger would defo take otter in a fight
yourusername: stop the violence
alexalbon: see, this is why people are confused on how you guys got together
logansargeant: i'm just standing up for my dog child ?
yourusername: leave the children out of it
user5: idk how or when this happened but i am enjoying seeing another side of logan
user6: for real haven't seen his feral side since prema
user7: two weeks on a farm will do that to you



liked by danielricciardo, logansargeant and 3,199 others
tagged: logansargeant
yourusername: the y/ln farm takes the cota paddock, thanks @alexalbon for recommending fifi for the job of paddock drama queen
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user9: she brought a horse for her paddock debut ???
user10: idk about you guys but i am thoroughly enjoying whatever the fuck is going on right now
logansargeant: i think fifi did great (i think dan might be friends with us now)
yourusername: she's a gentle queen (omg we've made friends?)
danielricciardo: damn right you have a new friend what a STALLION
yourusername: you can ride her if you want :)
alexalbon: WE CAN?
landonorris: WE CAN?
maxverstappen1: i would like to ride the horsey
yukitsunoda0511: dan woke me up with his scream of joy so you're morally obligated to let me have a ride on fifi as well
logansargeant: well if i knew all i needed to do was bring y/n and fifi to the paddock to make friends they would've been at miami :(
user11: crying so the reports that logan was feeling really lonely were real?
user12: at least he has y/n?
oscarpiastri: cool kids have already ridden with fifi :)
logansargeant: you screamed the whole time?
oscarpiastri: semantics
danielricciardo: i'm outside williams hospitality let me in
yourusername: that was fast?
charles_leclerc: it's kinda in the job description (we're all here please let us in)
user13: the way all the teams are gonna be like where are all of our drivers and why are they all running away?



liked by yourusername, logansargeant and 610,994 others
tagged: logansargeant, alexalbon
williamsf1: austin you delivered !! logan and alex pick up three and four points each in logan's first points and our first double points finish of the season !!
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user14: someone tell y/n she's not allowed to go home, she's a williams employee now
liked by logansargeant
logansargeant: 🤨🤨🤨🤨
alexalbon: don't lie you love the bit
logansargeant: no i think YOU love the bit
alexalbon: today i love YOU 😘
yourusername: 🤨🤨🤨🤨
alexalbon: i guess i love you too
yourusername: i would like to think so. don't think i didn't see you swipe a jar of marmalade
alexalbon: GUILTY
user15: williams points, maybe america isn't all bad ...
yourusername: home race did pretty boy so good :))))
logansargeant: idk i think you might just be my lucky charm and can never leave my side again
yourusername: what about the children logan :(
logansargeant: fuck dem kids
logansargeant: JOKES
oscarpiastri: 📸 📸 📸 got ur ass
logansargeant: why are you here?
oscarpiastri: i want naming rights of the next babies 😬
yourusername: logan :((((((( they have feelings :(((((
logansargeant: i'm sorry :( i just love you :(
yourusername: awwwwww i love you too
oscarpiastri: so can i name the next babies PLEASE
yourusername: you wanna give logan a tow next race?
oscarpiastri: fuck no
yourusername: then there's your answer
user16: what the fuck is going on here?



liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant and 7,103 others
tagged: logansargeant
yourusername: there's no such thing as a snooze button here
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user18: farm logan makes me weak in the knees
oscarpiastri: why are there two pictures of logan?
logansargeant: choke.
oscarpiastri: woah i didn't know comedy was illegal in texas
yourusername: to perform comedy you kinda need to be funny oscar
oscarpiastri: i am funny?
yourusername: sure ...
oscarpiastri: stop trying to look like a nice gf on the internet you make fun of him just as much as i do
logansargeant: she did say that she prefers dermot over 'my ass'
yourusername: LOL sorry logan....
landonorris: am i dumb?
oscarpiastri: yes :)
yourusername: ass is another way to refer to a donkey lando
landonorris: ohhhh. in that case i am a massive donkey
yourusername: oh that's not...
user19: y/n having to deal with more than logan and oscar will kill her i fear
yourusername: you good?
alexalbon: i love sheep. sue me
yourusername: we actually host sheep cuddle session at the farm lol
logansargeant: can confirm they are very cuddly (not as much as you)
alexalbon: 1. why thank you logan 2. LILY CANCEL THE FLIGHTS
logansargeant: i was talking about y/n... but i knew you remembered our snuggle on the plane
alexalbon: i'm like an octopus in my sleep, just ask lily or george
user20: please santa bring me a cuddle session with the sheep at y/n's farm 🤞



liked by alexalbon, yourusername and 503,776 others
tagged: yourusername
logansargeant: 2024 williams? no. y/n's tractor? YES
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user21: country boy i love youuuuuuuuuuuu eh
user22: third pic is doing something to me that is irreversible
yourusername: lovely lovely cowboy, i might have to ban you from working on the farm cause you're too distracting
logansargeant: saying that as if you don't make collecting eggs look like the hottest thing in the world
yourusername: you looking mighty fine wrangling the cows
logansargeant: you riding a horse makes me go feral
yourusername: boooooo you're no fun 🍅 🍅🍅
logansargeant: as if you aren't posting up your feet all over the timeline 🤨
alexalbon: ffs it's just double trouble with you people
user23: only time that driving a tractor is attractive for f1 drivers
oscarpiastri: you guys look like you've jumped out of a trashy romance novel
yourusername: you read them enough to know that
oscarpiastri: what is on my kindle is between me and god
logansargeant: oscar jack piastri leave us out of your smut
oscarpiastri: oh stop being so dramatic, i don't want to know what you freaks do on that farm
logansargeant: and you'll never know. don't think of my girlfriend like that
yourusername: and don't think about my boyfriend like that
oscarpiastri: you people are infuriating
yourusername: we irritating 👯♀️
logansargeant: they hate to see bad bitches winning 💅
user24: this relationship is so precious to me



liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant and 31,503 others
tagged: logansargeant
yourusername: farm update: meet the formooooola one grid!!
yuki has eaten all of my shoes :(
alex has taken station in the chicken coup
charles thinks he's a dog?
max and daniel just snooze everyday under the orange trees
george is always right at the door every morning
oscar and logan are just obsessed with each other and the goats
yes i did name the one with the prettiest coat after lewis
fernando is always sat on some poor soul (usually one of the cats)
carlos and lando chase each other constantly
lance and esteban are chill and just like cuddles
valterri drags zhou to do dumb stuff (they got stuck in a window? don't ask)
pierre demands to be brushed everyday
checo, nico and kevin are the mother hens
view all commments
user27: stop the count!!! this IS the cutest moment of the year
yukitsunoda0511: i'm sure cow yuki has a very good excuse
yourusername: i don't have any leather shoes so at least he's not a cannibal?
logansargeant: he did eat my limited edition converse though 🤨
lewishamilton: i simply HAVE to meet cow lewis he sounds like a great dude
yourusername: he's very calm and does love affection
logansargeant: he let me give him belly rubs !!
lewishamilton: that is cute (do not try to touch my stomach)
logansargeant: ... noted
user28: i will never recover from this and need constant updates please
logansargeant: cow me might be obsessed with oscar but real me is still obsessed with you
yourusername: don't tell the others but both you and cow logan are my faves - i love you
logansargeant: awwww i love you too
alexalbon: OUTRAGE
oscarpiastri: ROBBERY
yourusername: oh please ....
logansargeant: you snooze you lose
danielricciardo: awww they can't even separate us as cows @maxverstappen1
maxverstappen1: we're bffs in every universe daniel
yourusername: this is very heartwarming
logansargeant: we're still better though, right?
yourusername: oh of course
danielricciardo: ???
maxverstappen1: ???
note: two in one day? i am on a roll - i hope you all enjoy with me finally writing for logan !! i for one am glad he's getting a second season!
#f1#f1 x you#f1 instagram au#f1 x reader#f1 imagine#f1 social media au#logan sargeant imagine#logan sargeant#logan sargeant x reader#logan sargeant social media au#logan sargeant x you
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SHES THE MAN [l.hc smau]

FINAL: 29 - you already do. wc: 1.4k
college esports fair — 7:29pm
somehow, ten had convinced you to watch the main stage tournament.
“ten, please, can we just watch 5 minutes and go. i really don’t want to bump into haechan right now, on valorant it was bareable but i wouldn’t even know what to say if i saw him in person…” you rant off to your bestfriend, stood next to you.
infront of you, ten and the crowd, was a stage with empty spaces for 12 contestants lined along the back, tbu’s esports coach, johnny suh, stood at the front with a microphone.
as johnny was beginning to explain the rules of game, ten whispers to you.
“sure. but it’ll be fine! trust me.”
you give him a suspicious glance but decide to go along with it anyways, finally tuning into the coaches speech after he had got the microphone to stop buffering.
“there will be two teams, team 1 and team 2.”
“creative.” you whisper to ten, who laughs.
johnny glances at you, somehow having heard you, before clearing his throat to continue. the people around you laugh.
“each team will be chosen by 2 of the college leagues finest captains. drumroll please?”
you roll your eyes before lazily drumming your palms against tens arm.
“ow!” ten yelps, but you only laugh as he brushes you off.
but your laughter is soon cut short as the two faces you wish would no longer exist, step out onto stage.
from the left, eric sohn.
and from the right,
“you’ve got to be fucking kidding.” you murmer, but tens smirking. why is he smirking??
“boys, please choose the 5 players you would like to contribute in your team, taking turns. a coin flip will decide first choice.”
your heart is pounding and you have no clue why.
eric yells heads, leaving haechan to be stuck with tails.
“tails, tails, tails, please, tails.” you hear ten chant from beside you, but you dont ask why, you make a mental note to ask him later. not that you’ll have to, of course. little did you know it’d all become evident, very soon.
johnny flips the coin. “and its heads!”
ten swears to himself and you want to question him as to why he cares so much, but there’s a pair of eyes looking right at you that pull you straight out of your thoughts.
or should you say, two pairs of eyes.
“ten, we have to leave. i have a bad feeling about this.”
but ten only laughs in reply.
as either teams first 4 contestants get decided and called onto stage, you’re still begging ten for you to leave but he ignores you.
johnny calls out to eric to decide his final team member. “do you care to choose your last player, eric?”
he’s looking directly at you and you hate it.
you need to get out of there.
“yes i do. i know exactly who i’d like to pick.”
his attention turns to haechan. and for some reason, haechan looks angry. it’s like there’s some secret between eric, haechan and for some reason ten, that you don’t know about.
you find out why, the second the next four words leave eric’s lips.
“i want yn zhong.”
you feel eyes turn to you. ten beside you, clenching his jaw in anger.
“what?” you whisper. you want to say no, you want to call out and disagree. but haechan beats you to it.
“not happening.” haechan says. eric laughs in spite.
johnny picks up his mic. “do we have a disagreement here, haechan lee?”
haechan turns from eric to face johnny before finally letting his eyes fall to yours.
“i want her.”
you know he means he wants you on the team, but you can’t help but wonder if there’s a double meaning in his words.
he’s supposed to hate you, he’s supposed to despise what you did to him, all that you lied about.
but he wants you?
“then i guess that leaves us with only one option. the chosen persons decision. yn? choose. team 1 or team 2?”
your heart is racing. johnny is making you choose between your ex boyfriend and haechan. so as you walk up to the stage, you spent those 6 seconds deciding exactly what team you want to join.
as you walk straight over to him, he smiles. haechan smiles.
— 9:48pm.
you won. you did it. you finally beat eric.
you could nearly drown in the look on his face as he stormed off that stage the moment you had wiped out his entire team.
but finally, after all that had happened. you got your revenge.
not as chenle, not as anyone else. but as you.
and my god did it feel amazing.
to celebrate, you had jumped up, throwing your arms around the nearest person to you.
but it’s only now that you’re realising who that person is.
slowly, he breaks the hug to look at you.
“should we take a walk? i don’t really wanna argue in front of all these people.” you interrupt.
“argue…?” haechan asks under his breath. but your already off the stage, waving bye to ten as you walk towards the empty, turned off carousel. leaving haechan no choice but to rush after you.
wow, that game must have lasted alot longer than you thought.
sitting on one of the faux carriage seats, haechan takes a seat next to you.
“you still hate me, don’t you?” haechan starts.
you look up at him. “what?”
“you know, i kicked you off the team. got mad at you for no reason then just refused to hear you out.”
you’re silent. but he continues.
“you know, i didn’t believe it at first. you pretending to be your brother, but it all makes perfect sense to me now.”
“what do you mean?”
“you helping me with somi, finishing my homework for me when i forgot deadlines, logging into my accounts to finish levels. you were just being a good friend, and i blew it off over jealousy.”
you wanted to cry. you never thought you’d feel so much guilt, but now he’s laying it all before you as his fault…you don’t think you can stand lying to him about anything, any longer.
“im not mad at you haechan.”
his attention on you peaks at this. you pause before continuing.
“in all honesty, i thought you hated me for, well, you know, lying to you about who i was.”
your suddenly very aware about how small this bench is, and how dark it is around you. but he’s right next to you. and that’s something you’ve unknowingly been wishing for, for weeks.
“really?” haechan asks, and your surprised at his confusion. “you thought i was mad at that?”
and now it’s your turn to be confused.
if he didn’t hate you, and you didn’t hate him. what was all this for? why had you been avoiding eachother ever since he kicked chenle out? why had you blatantly ignored every chance there was to see him, if neither of you hated eachother?
you both liked eachother instead.
“yn, im not mad at you for lying to me.”
your breath stops at his words. he carries on.
“im mad at myself for not realising you were here, directly infront of me, this entire. fucking. time.”
it takes a moment for you to register his words, so you stay silent as you let him continue.
“so give me a chance to know you. the person who stayed up with me all night, the person who fixed my busted cheek. i wanna know you.”
you smile.
because there’s something inbetween all this that he’s forgetting. something that makes all of this a whole lot easier.
“you already do.”
his eyes never cease to leave yours as his hand grazes your chin. and slowly, under the light of the stars and the distant rumble of voices and game music behind you, he kisses you.
and it’s perfect.
through all you’ve been through together, finally you don’t have to hide. this moment is everything you’ve ever wanted.
more than beating eric, more than making the team, more than jaemins limited edition pokémon cards.
for, from this moment on, being with haechan means one thing and one thing only.
you’ll never have to pretend again.
NOTES: and that’s it! thank you so much for following along w this story, i really appreciate every single like, reply and reblog you guys leave, it means the world to me that people enjoy what i put out! i really struggled with this ending and i sooo desperately wanted to give it a bad ending but @chenlesfavorite may have made me change my mind so you can thank her for saving that😓😓 again tysm for following along!!! i hope you all enjoyed reading and i look forward to starting my jaehyun smau tonight!! 🫶🫶
TAGLIST - CLOSED - @lostinneocity @aek1ra @haechansleftshoulder @sunghoonsgfreal @cyjzzl @nanaxwi @neocrashed @candied-czennie @alethea-moon @vantxx95 @nerdsungie @morkiee @sthwaaberry @sunnystarred @p-d1ddy @starfilledgaze @markeroolee @polarisjisung @222brainrot @grassbutneo @minsugahh @daegalfangirl @injunnie-lemon @therealbobbyshloby @flwrs4marklee @jirsungs @donghyucksslut @junviadinho @minkyuncutie @multifandomania @n0hyuck @yehet267 @nctrawberries @neogothyuckie @snoopyjimin @yewshi @theyluvfrankocean @nanamyh3art @i03jae @ckline35 @hyuoonp @galacticnct @haechology @lttlekomori @cutiebambi @tynlvr @sunflowerhae @joyzluvr @taeeflwrr
#nct#nct fanfic#nct dream#nct smau#nct college au#nct 127#haechan#haechan smau#lee haechan#haechan x reader#haechan fanfic
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three things
gojo satoru x fem!reader
summary: a fun trip to the grocery store (how do you raise children?)
warnings: a bit of anxiety, a bit too much of gojo
last part | next part
year one.
"no, satoru."
how many times have you said that today?
how many times has satoru pouted--like he's doing right now--and put back whatever he'd plucked off the shelf, grumbling something about how you hated him or you weren't his mom or how he was the one buying everything?
oh, too many times to count. you stopped after five.
megumi rolls his eyes with you, already familiar with this routine, looking at everything in the cart again with the same analytical eye he's had since you all walked into the store. you're pretty sure he's counting the total cost.
it might be cute--the way his frown deepens just a little bit after each new item is added--if it didn't worry you completely.
because it's the first time you've taken the two of them to the store, and the first time you're trying to recall everything their eyes trail over, the things they want but neither of them will say.
you're trying to remember yourself as a kid--if you begged your parents for anything you could possibly want, or if you stood there and stared longingly. but your childhood has always been a dull memory you keep hidden in the attic of your mind.
so you're not sure what to expect.
because neither of them has asked for much, since the first night. tsumiki requested a notebook she could draw in, and megumi asked if you could get gojo to stop talking to him.
the first which you did immediately, even letting gojo get her some expensive pencils to draw with, the second which you... tried.
it hasn't been easy, the past few days. settling two kids into a dysfunctional house didn't exactly fit into your schedule for the week.
"why not?" satoru demands, walking right along slide you, pushing the cart because you'd forced him to. "we need dessert."
"there are seven different types of dessert already in there. i'm hiding at least three of those, by the way."
"i'll find them," satoru grins mischievously, but waves a hand. "we've got two extra people in the house now. i'm not just shopping for me. do you want them to starve?"
you roll your eyes, again. then pull on his hair, which he squeaks at. "you're only shopping for you. i've seen your pantries, you know. and i lived with you for three years. we all saw your grocery lists."
satoru is about to say something, but tsumiki giggles. maybe at the stupid way his face looks.
the way he's almost smiling, even in denial. how his eyes show from just behind his glasses, his brows moving like a separate entity on his face.
you haven't really talked to him, the past couple of days. nothing beyond a question about megumi's technique, or where the two of them went to school.
how long will it take before you finally ask him--
you look over to tsumiki, shaking your head at satoru and smiling back.
"megumi doesn't like sweets much," she adds to you, easily.
you add it to the mental list of things you know about them.
you look at the little boy, and he nods, looking straight ahead. his shoes catch on the ground every couple of steps like they don't fit right.
satoru gasps like this is an outrage. because not drinking straight sugar is offensive to him.
"what?" he asks, stopping all three of you so he can grab megumi by the shoulders. "were you cursed?" he inspects the boy carefully, peering over the glasses on his face.
megumi seems to sink back with each glance of his eyes, his face turning red.
"cursed to deal with you, maybe," you tell him, pushing him away from megumi. the boy fixes his hair--which had been pushed over his eyes--and glares at satoru.
"he doesn't like sweets?" the man repeats, mouth open, glancing at all three of you like he's not sure that any of you are sane.
"you say that as if you don't eat enough for all four of us."
"i need the calories," satoru whines, fluttering his eyelashes at you. you ignore him--and the funny way you feel about the gesture.
you look at both of the kids, observing the two of you closely, and give them a look. a look as in, he's crazy.
megumi swallows. "i like dango."
"great!" you nudge satoru to keep walking. "we'll get some."
"that's it?" satoru prods. "what about--"
you pinch his hip and shake your head, glaring at him when he pouts at you again.
you step on his heels as you walk through the aisles, still watching the kids with sharp eyes, trying to figure out anything they might want.
tsumiki murmurs something to megumi every once and a while, but beyond that, they only walk alongside you and satoru, stepping out of the way of any other adults that pass by.
honestly, you might as well have taken them to the park. they don't even glance at any of the shelves--except when satoru pushes one of them away to grab something. at least at the park, they'd be getting some fresh air.
after you sigh in--what? frustration? disappointment?--for the fourth time, satoru gives you a look, raising his brows. you shake your head.
he nudges you with his shoulder but doesn't say anything. whistling while he sneaks more sugar into the cart.
after the fifteenth minute of this, megumi falls in stride beside you and you look down at him. his eyes evade yours, focusing on the necklace you're wearing instead.
"um, i have to use the restroom," he says to you, soft and embarrassed.
"okay," you place a hand on his back, gently turning him around, "i think it's just over here," you say, listening as satoru follows along idly.
"me too," tsumiki says, trailing on your other side.
the store is almost completely empty, so you tell the two of them that you'll wait right outside the door, and lean against the wall, watching the both of them disappear.
satoru is already looking at you.
"what?" you groan, glaring at the doors.
"what what?"
you sigh. his voice is annoying. "why are you looking at me?"
satoru is too close for comfort, his arm brushing against yours--uncomfortably of course because he is the worst--without a care in the world. "what's up?"
"what do you mean?"
"why are you acting weird?"
"i'm not acting weird," you look at him, frowning.
he's wiping his glasses on his shirt--like he can actually see out of them--and looking at you quizzically. "oh, so you staring at tsumiki and megumi like they're a science experiment isn't weird?"
you ignore him and his stupid blue eyes.
"if i was doing that you'd push me down a flight of stairs, but okay..."
you sigh again, rolling your eyes. and then again. and then you relent because satoru's silence will inevitably break you. "they haven't asked for anything," you say, almost whining to him. "you told them they could pick out whatever they want."
satoru shrugs. "so they don't want anything."
"everyone wants something, satoru. especially kids."
"yes. i'd expect you to know better than anyone," he laughs but you frown. "it's a human trait."
he smirks, leaning down towards you. "what do you want, then?"
you scoff, flicking his forehead. "i want them to feel comfortable. and i want you to stop bugging megumi."
"but he makes it so easy," satoru says, pretending to be innocent.
"you're the adult, here," you say, even though you don't really believe it--nor should you. "act like it."
"all the kid does is scowl," satoru complains. "i'm just trying to make him comfortable."
"by invading his space?"
"you stare from far away, i stare from up close."
"you antagonize."
satoru grins, crossing his arms, very pleased with himself. he's silent again.
the past year has almost made you forget that satoru knows you like this. he's always known how to keep you talking, how to read your face and your hesitant glances.
it's not like time could make him forget. it's not like you've forgotten anything about him.
"you aren't worried?" you ask, after a second.
"about the kids?"
"yes," you say, obviously, "that we're already messing something up."
he gives you a dubious look. "it's been four days."
and he's right. you can't expect to understand either one of them after seventy-two hours of merely knowing about their existence. but you don't know how to treat kids like these, because any mistake you make--anything you say--will inevitably come back to haunt you.
"it's--" you shake your head. satoru doesn't worry about anything, so you don't even know why you're bringing it up. "it's like when you play with someone else's kid and feel like you're breaking some unspoken rule. except this time we're the ones making the rules. there's no one to tell us if we mess up."
"i think megumi would tell us," satoru answers, almost sarcastically.
"he's the kid, idiot," you groan. "he doesn't know."
"rude," satoru is still grinning. "what could you have messed up, at this point? all you've been doing is asking them questions. that's pretty straightforward."
"maybe it's too much, too fast."
satoru snorts, shaking his head at you. "grocery shopping?"
satoru raises a brow at you, watching as you deflate. you feel like each move you make takes a little more air out of you, and who's to say when you'll finally run out?
how many mistakes do you have to make to finally get it right?
and you know--and you know that he knows--that it's not just about them, but about you. is this too fast? is this too much?
satoru rests a hand on your head. "you're too in your head about this."
"well, i have to do it for the both of us."
he ignores that. "if they need something, they'll ask," the words are soft, genuine. he's completely sure like he always is. "you made it clear that we're just here to help. it's been four days."
you sigh, nodding reluctantly.
"we'll figure it out," he says, simply. "you don't need to worry about anything. i mean, i'm here, so..."
you push his hand away, glaring. "megumi doesn't even talk to you."
"hey, yes he does."
"to call you a freak, maybe. or tell you to shut up."
"don't be jealous of my relationship with megumi. we're bonding."
you roll your eyes but find a laugh making its way out of you.
he's always been good at this, too. making everything seem easy.
when tsumiki comes out of the bathroom door, she smiles at the sight of the two of you still there--both talking animatedly, with similar glares in your eyes. she settles in beside satoru, copying him as she leans against the wall.
"you think i'm great, don't you tsumiki?" satoru asks her, goading.
she nods immediately.
you snort and look away while tsumiki giggles when satoru leans down to smack a kiss on her cheek.
something inside of you warms, just briefly.
and then megumi comes out, rubbing his hands together. unlike tsumiki, he glares at satoru and chooses to stand beside you.
"okay," satoru clasps his hands together. "are you both ready to go?"
"um," you turn to him. "satoru we haven't--"
megumi nods immediately, looking a bit brighter at the prospect, and tsumiki furrows her brows, questioning.
"great! both of you pick out three things that you want and then we'll leave."
megumi glowers.
"three things?" you clear your throat. "they need more--"
"three things," satoru repeats, looking right at megumi while he says it. some words pass non-verbally between the two of them. you might have to tell satoru not to talk to megumi about anything without you. "we'll get everything else we need."
tsumiki runs alongside megumi and grabs his arm, which he allows, though you watch his eyes roll.
"go on," satoru shoos them away, smiling all proudly. when they're gone, he turns to you again. "there. now you don't have to worry about picking something they like."
and he reaches his hand to grab yours, as a simple habit.
satoru has never tip-toed around the line of physical contact. even with shoko, even when she would push him off.
something passes between the two of you. holding his hand is familiar; egged on by four years of standing alongside him.
you try not to flinch away from the contact.
and, sure, satoru probably just lost both of them in the store, and you don't actually have everything else you need, or know what those things are, but he's smiling at you.
he's trying to be reassuring.
so you smile back and let him hold your hand.
"we'll figure it out," he whispers to you, and you push the cart this time while the two of you try to find the children he just lost.
later that night--after forcing satoru to put away the groceries with the rest of you--megumi lets you sneak into his room with a (third) bag of candy that satoru grabbed last second, acting like you wouldn't notice.
"where's the best hiding spot for this?" you ask him, looking around.
it's pretty doubtful that satoru would risk going into megumi's room just to look for it. and, you're sure, that megumi probably wouldn't let satoru open the door, nonetheless go through his things.
the boy points at his dresser and moves some clothes so you can hide it at the bottom of one of the drawers. he doesn't even question your motivations.
as you back out of the room again, you make him promise not to tell, and, for a single second, megumi smiles back at you, crossing his heart.
next part
#gojo satoru#jjk fanfic#jjk fluff#jjk#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu gojo#gojou satoru x reader#jjk gojo#gojo x reader#gojo smut#gojo satoru x reader#gojo satoru x you#gojo satoru x y/n#satoru gojo#satoru gojō x reader#satoru gojo x reader#satoru gojo x you#satoru gojo fluff#satoru gojo x y/n#a typical family
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✨Little Soldier✨
Summary: Ben’s approach to parenting is all grit and discipline, just like the way his own father raised him. But with a little nudge from you, he starts to see that being a good dad is more than just teaching strength—it’s about showing love too.
-Christmas Special-
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Reader
Warnings: Language, ANGST, Fluff, (Ben is mistreating your poor son)
Word Count: 9291
A/N: English isn’t my first language, please be lenient. ❤️
It was one of those crisp winter mornings where the air bit at your skin, but the sunlight danced across the snow, making everything shimmer like a dream. The backyard stretched wide, blanketed in white, untouched except for the paths Ben and your son, Logan, had carved into the snow as they trained. Ben stood tall and imposing in the center, the green jacket of his suit open just enough to let the cold sting his chest. He didn’t seem to feel it. Soldier Boy never did.
Logan, just eight years old, was across from him, his small fists raised in a stance that mimicked his father’s. His breath came out in quick, visible bursts, more from effort than the cold. He kept glancing toward his feet, unsure of himself, while Ben paced a tight circle around him.
“Come on, kid”, Ben said, his deep voice cutting through the stillness. “You think anyone’s gonna wait for you to figure it out? Eyes up. Watch your opponent. Always”.
You knelt nearby in the snow, your four-year-old daughter, Lila, bundled up in her puffy coat and mittens, happily building the base of a snowman. Her little hands moved clumsily, her giggles breaking the quiet each time the snow didn’t quite cooperate. You helped her pack the snow tighter, gently guiding her hands and brushing her hair away from her flushed cheeks as you did.
From the corner of your eye, you caught Logan glancing over. Logan’s gaze lingered on you and Lila for just a heartbeat longer than it should have, his eyes filled with something unspoken. He wanted that—building a snowman, laughing, playing without a care in the world. He wanted to feel the warmth of your praise, the way you smiled at Lila when she held up a misshapen clump of snow as if it were a masterpiece. But he couldn’t. Not right now. Not when his dad was watching.
He straightened his stance, forcing the longing down into the pit of his stomach. He was a man, or at least, he was supposed to be. That’s what Dad always said. “You’re not a little kid anymore, Logan. You’ve got to be strong, got to take care of the people you love”. So even though his arms ached and the cold bit at his cheeks, Logan clenched his fists and focused on his father.
Ben noticed the hesitation, his sharp eyes narrowing. “What’s with the looking around, huh? You think your enemies are gonna stop because you’re distracted?”. He stepped forward and lightly tapped Logan on the forehead with two fingers. “This? This is your weapon. If you don’t keep it sharp, you’re dead, kid. Now, eyes on me”.
“Yes, sir”, Logan muttered, his small voice barely audible. He squared his shoulders, his knuckles raw from the cold.
Ben circled him again, his boots crunching against the snow. “Better. Now, hit me like you mean it. Don’t pull your punches just because I’m your old man”.
Logan hesitated for a split second, stealing one more glance at you and Lila. Lila was giggling again, her tiny voice ringing out like a bell as she held up two sticks she’d found for the snowman’s arms. You caught Logan’s glance once more, and your heart clenched. He looked so torn, so much older than his eight years in that moment.
But Logan turned back to his dad, his small frame trembling as he stepped forward and threw another punch. It landed on Ben’s open palm with a dull thud. Ben caught his wrist, holding him in place.
“That all you got?”, Ben asked, his voice calm but challenging.
Logan sighed quietly, his breath visible in the cold air. He hesitated, lowering his gaze to the snow before muttering, “I’ve got my laser eyes, Dad… do I really need to learn how to fight? I could just… laser an enemy”.
Ben froze for a moment, his grip still on Logan’s wrist. A faint smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth, but it wasn’t amusement. It was that half-smile he wore when he was about to make a point, the kind that sent a chill down your spine as much as the cold air did.
“Your laser eyes?”, Ben repeated, letting go of Logan’s wrist. He straightened to his full height, towering over the boy like a general over a recruit. “That’s what you’re gonna rely on? Some flashy power you barely know how to control?”.
Logan’s shoulders sank slightly under the weight of his father’s words, but Ben wasn’t done.
“Let me tell you something, kid”, Ben continued, stepping closer. “You think some bad guy’s gonna just stand there and let you zap him? Powers don’t mean squat if you don’t know how to fight. If you don’t have the guts to stand your ground when things get real. You run outta juice, you get caught off guard, and guess what? You’re toast”.
Logan flinched, his face turning red, though whether from the cold or his father’s words, it was hard to tell. He looked down at his fists, the little tremor in his hands betraying the frustration he was trying to hide.
“But—”, Logan started, only for Ben to cut him off.
“No buts, Logan”. Ben’s voice softened slightly, though the steel remained. “You’re my son. You fight, and you fight smart. Lasers or not, you’ve got to learn how to handle yourself. You’ve got to be ready for the worst. Because trust me, one day, someone’s gonna come at you, and they’re gonna be faster, smarter, and meaner than you ever thought possible”.
Ben crouched down now, meeting Logan’s eyes. His tone shifted, quieter but no less intense. “And when that day comes, you don’t want to be the kid who only knows how to hide behind a fancy power. You want to be the kid who looks them in the eye and says, ‘Come on, give me your best shot’. You hear me?”.
Logan stared at him, his small frame trembling not just from the cold but from the weight of what his father was saying. After a moment, he nodded. “Yes, sir”, he whispered, his voice steadier this time.
Ben clapped a hand on Logan’s shoulder, a rare moment of affection. “Good. Now hit me again. Harder this time”.
You watched from where you knelt with Lila, your heart aching for your son. He was trying so hard, carrying a weight far too heavy for someone so young. But there was a flicker of something in his expression now—determination, maybe, or even pride.
Logan set his jaw, stepping forward again. His small fist swung upward, and this time, the impact against Ben’s hand was louder, sharper. Ben grinned, nodding approvingly.
“That’s my boy”, he said. “Now we’re getting somewhere".
From the corner of your eye, you noticed Lila tugging at your sleeve, her little hands holding a snowball. “Mommy, can we throw this at Daddy?”, she asked, her mischievous grin spreading wide across her face.
You watched for a few more minutes, letting Logan and Ben have their moment. Logan’s punches were getting stronger, his stance more confident. Ben’s rare but genuine nods of approval lit up Logan’s face, even as his small fists grew red and raw from the cold. It was a scene that tugged at your heart—intense, yes, but filled with love in its own complicated way.
But enough was enough. Everyone needed a break, even Soldier Boy.
You silently scooped up a handful of snow, packing it tightly in your gloved hands. Lila watched you with wide, sparkling eyes, her grin spreading as she realized what you were about to do. “Shh”, you whispered, pressing a finger to your lips. She mimicked the gesture, though her giggles threatened to give you away.
Ben’s back was turned as he adjusted Logan’s footing, his deep voice still carrying instructions. He had no idea what was coming. You took careful aim, pulled your arm back, and let the snowball fly.
It hit Ben squarely on the back of the head.
For a split second, the world froze. Logan’s mouth dropped open, his eyes darting to you in shock. Lila’s laughter erupted, high and bright, as she clapped her mittened hands together. Ben straightened slowly, turning to face you with an expression that was equal parts surprise and challenge. A few snowflakes clung to his hair, and you couldn’t help but smirk at the sight.
“Really?”, Ben said, his tone low and dangerous, though the twitch at the corner of his mouth betrayed his amusement. “You think you can take me on, sweetheart?”.
You shrugged innocently, already packing another snowball. “Well, someone had to remind you to have a little fun”.
Ben’s eyes narrowed playfully. “Oh, you’re gonna regret that”.
Before you could react, Ben scooped up a massive handful of snow and hurled it in your direction. You ducked, narrowly avoiding the incoming projectile, and tossed your snowball back, catching him on the shoulder. Logan burst into laughter, his previous tension melting away as he watched the two of you go at it.
“Oh, it’s on now!”, you shouted, grabbing another handful of snow.
“Logan!”, Ben called out, already forming another snowball. “You with me or her?”.
Logan hesitated for half a second before grinning mischievously. “Her!”, he declared, running toward you. Lila squealed with delight, abandoning the snowman to join your side, her tiny hands struggling to form a snowball of her own.
Ben feigned outrage, clutching his chest. “Fucking traitors! All of you!”.
What followed was pure chaos. Snowballs flew in every direction, laughter ringing out across the yard. Ben, true to form, didn’t hold back, though he made sure to go easy on the humans, meaning you. Logan and Lila worked together, pelting him relentlessly, while you managed to land a few well-aimed shots of your own.
By the time the battle ended, all of you were breathless and rosy-cheeked, the tension from earlier completely forgotten. Ben stood in the middle of the yard, dusting snow off his jacket, while Logan and Lila collapsed into the snow, giggling uncontrollably.
You started walking toward Ben, a triumphant smile on your face as you prepared to rub in the fact that you and the kids had clearly won the impromptu snowball fight. But before you could get too close, Ben’s grin shifted into something sly and mischievous—a look you recognized all too well.
“Don’t even think about it”, you warned, holding up your hands.
He didn’t say a word. Instead, with one quick, fluid motion Ben effortlessly pushed you backward into the towering pile of snow that had been stacked from the snow fort construction. You landed with a muffled thud in the cold, soft powder, your breath leaving you in a surprised gasp.
“Ben!”, you yelled, sitting up and brushing snow out of your hair, your cheeks flushing from the chill and the sheer audacity of the man. He stood over you, grinning like a smug teenager, his hands on his hips as he surveyed his handiwork.
“Never let your guard down. I thought I taught you better than that”, he drawled, shrugging one shoulder.
You narrowed your eyes, a mixture of irritation and amusement bubbling to the surface. “Oh, you’re gonna pay for that, Soldier Boy”.
“Big talk for someone sitting in a snowbank”, he teased, holding out a hand as if to help you up.
For a moment, you considered taking his offer. But then you saw the smirk on his face and knew better. Instead, you grabbed another handful of snow and flung it straight at his chest, catching him off guard. He stumbled back slightly, laughing as he brushed the snow off.
“That’s it”, Ben said, stepping forward with mock menace in his stride. “Now you´re done”.
Ben’s grin turned wicked as he shook the snow from his hair and stepped forward. Before you could even think to scramble away, he reached down, his strong hands gripping your waist with ease. “You started this”, he said, his voice low and teasing. “Now you’ve got to pay for it”.
“Ben, don’t you dare—”, you started, but the rest of your words were lost in a squeal as he hoisted you up and slung you over his shoulder like you weighed nothing. You pounded lightly on his back, laughter spilling out of you despite yourself.
“Too late for mercy now”, he said, his tone full of mock authority. “This is what happens when you challenge the champ”.
As you protested, he started toward the house, his boots crunching through the snow. Behind you, Logan and Lila dissolved into giggles, rolling in the snow as they started making snow angels, entirely unbothered by the fact that their parents were still in the middle of their antics.
“Ben, you’re getting me soaked!”, you protested, but your words were muffled by your laughter. Snow clung to your coat, melting quickly in the warmth of the house as he carried you through the door and kicked it shut behind him.
“That’s the least of your worries”, he shot back, his voice full of mischief.
He strode into the living room, his boots leaving a trail of melting snow, and without hesitation, he dropped you onto the couch. The plush cushions sank under your weight, and before you could react, he was hovering over you, bracing himself on his hands on either side of your head.
“See?”, he teased, his face close enough that you could feel the warmth of his breath despite the cold water dripping from both of you. “You can’t win against me. I’m unstoppable”.
You glared up at him, though the grin tugging at the corner of your mouth betrayed your true feelings. You reached up and grabbed his jacket, tugging him slightly forward. “You’re soaking the couch, genius”, you said, though the laughter in your voice was impossible to hide.
“So are you”, he shot back, leaning closer, droplets of melted snow falling from his collar and onto your skin.
The two of you were practically nose to nose now, water pooling under both of you.
Ben’s smirk softened into something more heated as his fingers toyed with the edge of your jacket. His voice dropped, rough and low, as he muttered, “You know, I fucking hate winter”.
You raised an eyebrow, still trying to catch your breath from laughing. “Oh yeah? Could’ve fooled me, the way you were having a field day out there”.
His hands slid to the edges of your jacket, slowly pushing it open as he hovered over you. “Nah”, he said, a big smirk on his face again. “I hate all these damn clothes. Hiding this”. His gaze raked over you as his fingers began to undo the buttons of your shirt, his touch confident and deliberate, yet surprisingly gentle. “Hiding your perfect little tits”.
Your breath caught, your cheeks flushing warmer than they already were from the snow. “Ben”, you started, half in protest, though your voice lacked conviction. His boldness always caught you off guard, even after all this time.
“What?”, he said, mock innocence dripping from his words as his hands worked their way lower. His green eyes locked with yours, full of mischief and intent. “You start a fight, sweetheart, you gotta be ready for the consequences”.
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you, even as you felt his calloused fingers graze your skin beneath your shirt. “Is this how you settle scores now?”.
Ben leaned closer, his lips brushing against your jawline, his breath warm against your chilled skin. “When it’s with you? Damn right it is”.
Before either of you could go further, the sound of the kids’ muffled giggles echoed through the window. Ben froze, glancing toward the frost-covered glass, then back at you, his grin faltering for just a moment before it returned full force.
“Saved by the brats”, he murmured, though there was no real annoyance in his tone. He leaned back, giving you space to sit up as he ran a hand through his damp hair. “Guess you get a pass this time”.
You laughed, buttoning your shirt back up as you pushed his chest playfully. “You’re impossible”.
Lila, hands pressed to the glass. “Eww, Mommy and Daddy you´re gross!”, she teased, sticking her tongue out dramatically, while Logan laughed and shook his head, clearly trying to act like he wasn’t entertained but failing miserably.
You couldn’t help but laugh at Lila’s exaggerated expression, her hands still pressed against the window as she made a show of grossing herself out. Logan, on the other hand, was doing his best to look serious, though the laughter that bubbled up from his chest betrayed his attempt to remain mature.
“Eww, Mommy and Daddy always kissing!”, Lila mumbled with a playful scrunch of her nose, her voice full of mock disgust. She stuck her tongue out again, clearly enjoying the attention.
Logan, trying his best to be the older, wiser sibling, crossed his arms and shook his head, a grin tugging at his lips. “You guys are so embarrassing”, he said, though the way his eyes sparkled showed he didn’t actually mind one bit.
Ben, standing beside you, glanced at you and then back at the kids. His grin softened, and he leaned down toward you, speaking in a voice only you could hear. “They don’t have a clue, do they?”, he said with a quiet chuckle.
You smiled, rolling your eyes playfully at the scene unfolding in front of you. “Not a single one”.
Lila, clearly not done yet, leaned closer to the window, still giving you both the dramatic “eww” face. “You’re gonna make us barf!”, she announced loudly, her face scrunching as though it was all just too much to bear.
Ben couldn’t help but laugh at his daughter’s antics. “What are you two up to, huh?”, he called through the window. “Making fun of your parents? You should be building that snowman”.
Lila, always the instigator, puffed out her chest proudly. “We already did!”, she declared. “But now we’re watching you guys because it’s funny!”.
As Lila stood there, still making faces at you and Ben, Logan saw the perfect opportunity to sneak away. Without warning, he grabbed his younger sister by the hand, pulling her away from the window with a quick tug.
“C’mon, Lila!”, Logan urged, his voice filled with excitement. “Let’s finish the snowman! Dad and Mom are being all gross again!”.
Lila let out a reluctant giggle but quickly followed, her mittens flapping as she tried to keep up with her brother. “Okay, okay, but only if we can give him a crown!”; she shouted, already planning the next addition to their snow creation.
Ben watched them go with a fond smile before his gaze shifted back to you. His grin softened as he stood beside you, his arms crossing in that familiar, relaxed way. “You okay?”, he asked, his voice quieter now, with an undercurrent of concern.
You sighed, keeping your eyes on the kids as they ran back into the snow, their laughter a welcome distraction from the heaviness of the moment. “I think you need to ease up with him, Ben”, you mumbled, your voice soft but steady. “You’re demanding too much from him. He’s just 8”.
Ben didn’t respond right away. His gaze followed Logan and Lila for a moment, his jaw working as though weighing your words. You could see him considering it, but you knew how hard it was for him to let go of the lessons, the expectations he had for Logan. It had been instilled in him—toughness, strength, independence. But Logan was still a child, and there was only so much he could handle before it became too much.
Ben turned to you, his expression slightly guarded but not entirely dismissive. “I’m not asking him to be something he’s not”, he said, his voice calm but firm. “I’m just trying to make sure he doesn’t get soft. The world isn’t gonna treat him like a kid forever”.
You crossed your arms, feeling a knot form in your stomach as you looked at him. “He is a kid, Ben”, you said, your voice rising a little, frustration creeping in. “Let him be one. You can’t push him to grow up this fast. You can’t always expect him to be your mini-me, a smaller version of you. He’s Logan, not Soldier Boy”.
“I’m just trying to prepare him. If he’s not tough enough, the world will eat him alive. You know that as well as I do”.
You shook your head, exhaling slowly, trying to rein in your emotions. “I know, but there’s a balance. You can teach him those things, Ben, but not at the cost of his childhood. He’s just 8”. You softened your tone, meeting his gaze directly. “I just… I just don’t want him to resent you. I don’t want him to think he has to be something he’s not to earn your approval”.
Ben was quiet for a moment, and you could see the internal battle in his eyes. He opened his mouth to respond but hesitated, chewing on the words for a second before letting out a long breath.
Ben’s silence lingered, his jaw tightening as your words sank in. You could see the tension ripple through him, the way his shoulders stiffened and his gaze faltered. You hesitated, carefully choosing your next words, not wanting to push him too far but needing him to understand.
“You should know it best, Ben”, you mumbled softly, almost afraid of how he’d react. Your voice wavered, but you held his gaze. “You know what it’s like to feel like you’re never enough, no matter how hard you try. You’ve told me… how your dad was with you”.
The words hit him like a physical blow, and you saw it immediately. His confident, almost cocky exterior faltered, replaced by a flicker of vulnerability that he rarely let anyone see. His mouth opened as if to respond, but no words came. Instead, he looked away, his eyes drifting toward the snow-covered yard where Logan and Lila were playing.
“Don’t”, he finally muttered, his voice rough, strained. “Don’t bring him into this”.
“I’m not trying to hurt you, Ben”, you said gently, stepping closer and placing a hand on his arm. “I’m just saying… you know how it feels to grow up under that kind of pressure. Always trying to live up to someone else’s expectations, never feeling like you’re enough. You’ve told me you hated it. And I know you never want Logan to feel that way”.
Ben’s jaw tightened, and he exhaled sharply through his nose, the sound filled with frustration—but not at you. At himself. His shoulders sagged slightly, and he finally looked back at you, his green eyes clouded with something between regret and resolve.
“I don’t”, he said quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. “I don’t want him to feel like that. Ever”.
“Then let him breathe, Ben”, you urged, your voice soft but steady. “He’s just a kid. He needs to know he’s enough as he is. That he doesn’t have to be the toughest or the strongest to make you proud. He just has to be Logan”.
Ben rubbed a hand over his face, his fingers dragging down to rest at his chin. He let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders rising and falling as he processed your words. “You think I’m turning into him, don’t you?”, he asked quietly, almost to himself.
You shook your head firmly. “No, I don’t. You’re not your dad, Ben. You’re already so much more than he ever was. But sometimes… sometimes I think you’re carrying his shadow. And it’s time to let it go. For Logan. For you”.
Ben let out a slow exhale, his shoulders relaxing just slightly as your words settled between you. You leaned up and kissed his cheek gently, the warmth of the moment cutting through the tension that had lingered in the air. His eyes softened as he looked down at you, though he didn’t say anything. He didn’t need to. You could tell he was listening, really listening, and that was enough for now.
“I’m going to get the kids”, you said softly, brushing your hand along his arm before stepping toward the door.
He nodded once, his gaze following you for a moment before shifting back to the snowy yard, where Logan and Lila were laughing together as they finished up their snowman.
“Alright, you two!”, you called, standing in the door, your voice cutting through their laughter. “Time to come inside! Wash your hands, and then we’re going to bake some cookies”.
Lila’s face lit up, and she immediately clapped her mittened hands together. “Cookies!”, she squealed, already abandoning the snowman and running toward you with excitement. “Can we make the ones with the sprinkles?”.
“Of course, sweetheart”, you said, catching her as she barreled into you. “But first, upstairs. Wash up”.
Logan, however, lingered behind, his small figure standing just a few feet from the snowman. His expression shifted slightly, the bright enthusiasm dimming as he avoided your eyes. You could tell something was on his mind.
“Logan”, you called gently, holding the door open as Lila darted inside. “Come on, sweetie. Time to wash up”.
He trudged toward you slowly, his hands shoved deep into his jacket pockets. When he finally reached you, he hesitated once more, his small boots crunching in the snow, but he kept his gaze low, his face unreadable. You crouched down to his level, brushing some of the snow off his coat. You tilted your head slightly, trying to meet his eyes.
“Logan, sweetie”, you said gently, “Do you not want to bake cookies? It’s okay if you don’t feel like it”.
His eyes flicked up to meet yours briefly before darting away again. This time, they landed where Ben still stood, his broad figure shadowed by the light from the living room. Ben had turned slightly, his gaze now fixed on the two of you at the door, his expression unreadable but clearly focused.
Logan shifted uncomfortably, his small hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.
Then, he shook his head firmly. “It’s… it’s women’s stuff”, he muttered, his tone wavering. Without waiting for your response, he turned abruptly, his small boots stomping against the hardwood floor as he headed for the stairs.
“Logan”, you called after him gently, but he didn’t stop. You caught a glimpse of his face before he disappeared up the staircase—the tight set of his jaw, the way his lips pressed together like he was fighting something back. And then you saw it: the tears gathering in his eyes.
Your heart sank as you realized what was really going on. Logan usually loved baking cookies, that much you knew. He had always lit up at the chance to mix dough, sprinkle sugar, and get his hands messy in the process. But he wouldn’t admit that in front of Ben, not after what he thought his dad believed about “women’s stuff”. And Logan sure as hell wasn’t going to let Ben see him cry.
You sighed, glancing back at Ben, his expression unreadable. He had been watching the entire exchange, his arms crossed, his jaw tight. For a moment, you thought he might come, might say something, but he stayed frozen in place, his eyes following Logan’s retreat.
Without saying a word, you stepped inside, closing the door softly behind you and heading upstairs. As much as you wanted to comfort Logan, you also knew that Ben needed to face this moment, to see the impact of his words—not just through your eyes, but his own.
You found Logan in his room, curled up on the edge of his bed, his back to the door. His small shoulders trembled slightly, though he tried to keep quiet. It broke your heart to see him like that, trying so hard to hold everything in.
“Logan?”, you said softly, stepping into the room. You sat down on the edge of the bed, careful to give him space. “It’s okay to be upset. You don’t have to hide it from me”.
“I’m not upset”, he muttered, his voice muffled. “I don’t care. I hate baking cookies”.
You reached out gently, placing a hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay if you do care. And it’s okay if you love baking cookies, Logan. That doesn’t make you less of anything”.
He didn’t respond at first, but after a long pause, he whispered, “Dad thinks it does”.
Those words hit you hard, and you had to take a moment to steady yourself. “Your dad doesn’t think that, sweetie. He just… sometimes he says things without thinking. But that doesn’t mean he’s right”.
Logan finally turned to look at you, his tear-streaked face breaking your heart all over again. “He’ll think I’m weak”, he said, his voice trembling. “I don’t want him to think I’m weak”.
You pulled him into a gentle hug, holding him close as his small frame shook against you. “Logan, you’re not weak”, you said firmly. “You’re one of the strongest people I know. And being strong doesn’t mean hiding the things you love. It means being brave enough to be yourself”.
At that moment, you heard footsteps approaching. The door creaked open slightly, and you looked up to see Ben standing in the doorway. He hesitated, his expression soft but conflicted as his eyes landed on Logan. He didn’t say anything right away, but the regret on his face was clear.
“Logan”, Ben finally said, his voice quieter than usual. He stepped into the room, his broad figure filling the small space as he crouched down next to the bed.
Logan’s reaction was immediate and almost frantic. He pulled away from your embrace, turning his back to both you and Ben as he roughly wiped at his face with his small fists. His movements were sharp and deliberate, as though he was trying to erase the evidence of his tears before anyone could say a word.
“I’m fine”, he muttered, his voice tight and trembling. “I wasn’t crying”.
You glanced at Ben, whose face tightened at the sight. You could see the regret and guilt pooling in his eyes, the weight of his own words and lessons crashing down on him as he watched his son fight so hard to suppress his emotions.
Ben cleared his throat, his voice softer than usual. “Logan, you don’t have to do that. It’s okay—”.
“I said I’m fine!”, Logan snapped, spinning around to glare at him. His eyes were red and glassy, but his jaw was set in defiance. “Women cry. That’s what you always say. So I’m not crying”.
Ben froze, visibly taken aback by the raw honesty in Logan’s voice. For a moment, he just stared, his mouth opening slightly as if to respond but no words coming out. It was like he was looking into a mirror of himself, the echoes of his father’s harsh lessons staring back at him in his own son’s tear-streaked face.
You saw the way Ben’s shoulders sagged, his defenses crumbling as Logan’s words hit him harder than any punch ever could. He finally sat down on the floor next to the bed, his movements slow and deliberate, making sure he was on Logan’s level.
Your heart aching as you watched Logan’s small figure tremble with frustration, hurt, and confusion. You couldn’t take it anymore. Turning to Ben, your voice came sharp and firm, cutting through the heavy silence like a blade.
“Fix this, Ben”, you said, your tone leaving no room for argument. Your eyes locked on his, stern and unwavering. “That’s my baby boy, and I will not let him feel like this because of something you’ve said”.
Ben’s jaw tightened, but he didn’t argue. He knew you were right, and the weight of the situation was already pressing down on him. You took a deep breath, your own emotions threatening to spill over, and with one last look at both of them, you turned on your heel and left the room. Your own eyes were glassy, tears threatening to fall as you closed the door softly behind you.
In the quiet of the hallway, you leaned against the wall, pressing a hand to your chest as you tried to steady your breathing. Hearing Logan say those words, seeing the pain etched on his small face—it was almost too much to bear. But you trusted Ben to handle it. He had to handle it.
Inside the room, Ben remained seated on the floor, his gaze fixed on Logan, who was still turned away from him. The boy’s small hands clenched into fists at his sides, his head bowed low as he tried to mask the occasional sniffle that escaped him.
“Logan”, Ben started softly, his voice steady but carrying a rare gentleness that was almost foreign. “Can I tell you something? Something about me?”.
Logan didn’t respond, but Ben noticed the slight twitch of his shoulders, the way his posture stiffened just enough to show he was listening. Ben took that as his cue to continue.
“When I was your age”, Ben began, leaning forward slightly, “My dad used to say the same things to me. He’d tell me that crying made me weak. That showing how I felt was… wrong. And I believed him. I thought if I ever let myself cry, or feel scared, or be anything other than ‘tough’, I was a failure”.
Logan shifted slightly but still didn’t turn around. Ben kept going, his voice growing heavier with emotion.
“And you know what? For a long time, I didn’t cry. I didn’t let myself feel anything, really. I just kept it all inside, like I was supposed to. But it didn’t make me stronger, Logan. It made me angry. It made me feel alone. Like I had to handle everything by myself, and no one else could ever understand”.
Finally, Logan turned, his tear-streaked face filled with a mix of confusion and curiosity. “You?”, he asked, his voice cracking. “You felt like that?”.
Ben nodded, his eyes meeting Logan’s with an honesty that he rarely let anyone see. “Yeah, kid. I did. And it wasn’t until I met your mom—until I had you and Lila—that I realized how wrong my dad was. Being tough doesn’t mean keeping everything inside. It doesn’t mean pretending you don’t care or don’t hurt. Being tough means letting yourself feel all of it and still finding the strength to keep going”.
Logan sniffled, his fists unclenching as he wiped at his eyes again. “But you said—”.
Ben let out a heavy sigh, running a hand through his hair, his frustration with himself evident. “I know what I said”, he repeated, his voice carrying that gruff edge that always came with vulnerability. “And yeah, I messed up. I say a lot of dumb shit, Logan. Your mom would probably tell you I’ve got a talent for it”.
That earned a small, almost involuntary laugh from Logan, his shoulders relaxing slightly as he wiped his nose on his sleeve. Ben’s lips twitched into a faint smirk, the faintest hint of relief flickering in his eyes.
“But here’s the thing”, Ben continued, his voice softening again as he leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees. “I don’t want you to grow up thinking you’ve got to be me. Hell, I don’t even like half the crap I’ve done. You’re better than that. Better than me”.
Logan stared at him, his tear-streaked face a mix of surprise and confusion. “But you’re… you’re, like, the strongest guy ever. You’re not scared of anything”.
Ben chuckled, the sound low and rough as he leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. “Not scared of anything, huh?”. He smirked, shaking his head. “Kid, I’m scared as shit of your mom”.
Logan blinked, caught off guard by the sudden confession. “What? Mom?”.
“Yeah, your mom”, Ben said, his tone a mix of humor and honesty. “You think I’m out there facing down bad guys like it’s no big deal? That’s nothing compared to when she gives me the look”. He mimicked an exaggerated version of your stern glare, crossing his arms and tapping his foot, his lips pressed into a thin line.
Logan giggled, the tension melting further as he watched his dad pretend to shrink under an invisible scolding. “Really?”.
“Oh yeah”, Ben said, nodding seriously. “One time I forgot to take the trash out. She didn’t even yell—she just stood there, arms crossed, staring me down like I’d committed a fucking war crime”. He mock-shuddered. “I’d rather face supervillains".
Logan laughed harder this time, wiping his face again, though the tears were gone now, replaced by a small, genuine smile.
Ben leaned closer, his expression softening. “Look, kid, being scared isn’t a bad thing. It just means you care about something—or someone. Like how I’m scared of messing up with you and your sister. And yeah, I’m scared of your mom sometimes, but only because she’s got this way of making me want to be better, even when I screw up”.
Logan tilted his head, considering his dad’s words. “So… it’s okay to be scared?”.
Ben nodded firmly. “Scared, nervous, happy, mad—it’s all part of being human. What matters is what you do with it. And right now?”. He gave Logan a lopsided grin. “We’re gonna take those feelings, roll up our sleeves, and bake the best cookies this house has ever seen. You in?”.
Logan hesitated for a second before nodding, his smile growing. “I’m in”.
Ben stood, holding out a hand to help Logan up. “Good. But fair warning—your mom’s probably waiting outside that door to see if I fixed this. And if she’s still mad at me, I might need you to tell her I did a good job. Deal?”.
Logan laughed, taking his dad’s hand and standing up. “Deal”.
When the door opened, you were standing there in the hallway, arms crossed but a soft smile on your face. Ben gave you a sheepish grin, raising his hands in surrender. “Alright, boss. Mission accomplished”.
You shook your head, stepping aside to let them pass. “For now”, you said teasingly, though the gratitude in your eyes said everything you didn’t.
As the three of you headed downstairs, Logan walked between you and Ben, his small hand brushing against yours.
An hour later, the kitchen was alive with laughter and the sweet smell of freshly baked cookies. Logan and Lila sat at the table, surrounded by bowls of frosting and sprinkles, each focused on decorating their creations. Logan was surprisingly precise, carefully piping designs onto a gingerbread man, while Lila was happily dumping an entire handful of rainbow sprinkles onto one cookie, creating a chaotic masterpiece.
You leaned against Ben, his warmth a steady comfort as you watched the kids. His arm slid lazily around your shoulders, and he let out a soft sigh, one that carried a mixture of exhaustion and relief.
“You did good today, Soldier Boy”, you murmured, grinning up at him. Standing on your tiptoes, you reached up and pressed a soft kiss to his jaw, your lips brushing the faint stubble there.
Ben smirked, a small chuckle rumbling in his chest. “Yeah, well”, he started, clearly about to respond with one of his usual witty comebacks, when—
“Ewww!”, Lila groaned dramatically from the table, dragging out the word as she scrunched her nose and waved her hands like she was fending off a swarm of bees. “Mommy and Daddy are being gross again!”.
Logan snickered, not looking up from his cookie but clearly amused by his sister’s reaction. “Told you they do that all the time”, he said with a teasing grin. “It’s so embarrassing”.
Ben raised an eyebrow, glancing down at you with an exaggerated look of mock offense. “Didn’t realize we were raising such critics”, he said, his voice dripping with playful sarcasm.
Ben shook his head, smirking as he turned toward the kids. “Alright, listen up, you two. You keep calling us gross, and I’m eating all these cookies myself. No sprinkles, no frosting, just plain cookies. How’s that for embarrassing?”.
“Daddy, nooo!”, Lila shrieked, clutching one of her sprinkle-covered cookies protectively to her chest. “You can’t! These are mine!”.
Ben’s smirk deepened as he took a deliberate step toward the table, his eyes locked on one of Lila’s chaotic sprinkle-covered cookies. “Oh, really?”, he drawled, his tone teasing and slow. “You think you can stop me, little miss sprinkle queen?”.
Lila gasped dramatically. “Daddy, no!”, she squealed, scooting back in her chair and holding up a hand to block him. “You can’t take this one! It’s perfect!”.
“Perfect, huh?”, Ben quirked an eyebrow, inching closer, his large frame towering over the table. “Let me see. Gotta make sure it’s up to regulation”.
“It’s mine!”, Lila shouted, jumping out of her chair and running around to the other side of the table, her plate wobbling in her hands. “Go eat Logan’s cookies instead!”.
“Hey!”, Logan said, finally looking up from his carefully decorated gingerbread man. “Don’t drag me into this! My cookies are art”.
Ben burst out laughing, glancing over at Logan with mock offense. “Art, huh? Let me be the judge of that”. He reached out as if to grab one of Logan’s cookies, but Logan quickly pulled his plate away, holding it up high.
“Back off, Dad!”, Logan said with a grin, using his other hand to block him. “These are for Mom!”.
Ben stopped, placing his hands on his hips, his grin turning into a smirk. “Oh, for Mom, huh? Well, in that case…”. He lunged toward Lila, pretending to swipe for her plate.
Lila let out a delighted shriek, ducking under the table and crawling to the other side. “You’ll never catch me!”, she declared, her giggles filling the kitchen.
You leaned against the counter, watching the chaos unfold with an amused smile. “Ben”, you said, crossing your arms and giving him a mock stern look, “if you don’t leave their cookies alone, you’re not getting any of… mine”.
Ben froze mid-step, his hand still outstretched toward Lila’s plate, as your words hung in the air. Slowly, he turned his head toward you, one eyebrow raised, a knowing smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Oh, is that right?”, he drawled, his voice low and teasing. “Not getting any of… yours, huh?”.
You tilted your head, meeting his gaze with a sly smile. “That’s exactly what I said”, you replied, the double meaning clear in your tone.
Before Ben could respond with one of his usual cheeky comebacks, Logan groaned loudly from his seat, his hands slapping the table. “I know you guys aren’t talking about cookies”, he muttered, rolling his eyes dramatically. “And for the record, I don’t want another baby sister, okay? One is enough”.
Ben blinked, taken completely off guard by Logan’s blunt statement. He let out a bark of laughter, leaning against the table for support as he pointed at Logan. “Kid, what the hell—where did that even come from?”.
“Logan!”, you gasped, though you couldn’t help the laughter bubbling up in your chest. “What are you talking about?”.
Logan leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms as if he’d just solved a great mystery. “You guys are always giving each other those looks, and Dad’s always making those weird jokes”. He waved his hand in Ben’s direction. “It’s not rocket science”.
Ben, still chuckling, wiped a hand over his face as he shook his head. “The kid’s too smart for his own good”, he muttered, grinning at you. “He’s onto us”.
“Logan”, you said, trying to suppress your laughter and keep a straight face, “You are way too young to be worrying about this kind of thing”.
Logan kept his arms crossed, his gaze shifting between you and Ben as his face took on that serious, almost grown-up expression he liked to wear when he was deep in thought. “I’m just saying”, he said slowly, his voice losing some of its teasing edge, “you don’t need another kid. We’re good like this”,
You tilted your head, narrowing your eyes slightly. There was something unspoken in his words, a flicker of uncertainty behind the bravado. He wasn’t just teasing—this was something else. But you knew better than to press him here, not in front of Ben, not when Logan was so guarded.
“Of course we’re good like this”, you said gently, leaning forward and resting your arms on the table. “But would another sibling be that bad?”.
Logan shrugged, his lips pressing together in that tight, nervous way he had when he didn’t want to say what he was really thinking. “I don’t know”m he mumbled, his eyes dropping to his cookie. “I just think… things are fine the way they are”.
Ben, still standing beside you, raised an eyebrow. He glanced down at you, clearly noticing the shift in Logan’s tone, but didn’t push either. Instead, he crossed his arms and leaned casually against the counter.
Logan’s words struck a chord, and you could see the layers of concern in his small face—concerns he didn’t know how to voice yet. You gave Logan a warm smile, reaching over to ruffle his hair gently.
“You’re right, buddy”, you said softly. “Things are perfect just the way they are”.
Logan relaxed slightly at your reassurance, nodding as he returned his attention to his cookie. Ben gave you a questioning look, his eyebrow raised as if he were silently asking, What’s that about? You shook your head slightly, a silent later passing between you.
Because there was something you hadn’t told him yet—something that had been tugging at the back of your mind. You were late. Only a few days, but still. You were never late.
You hadn’t said anything to Ben yet because you weren’t ready to make it real, not until you were sure. But as Logan’s words played over in your head, you felt a swirl of emotions: uncertainty, anticipation, and a hint of fear.
Ben’s voice broke into your thoughts. “Alright, Logan”, he said, his tone light but laced with curiosity. “You better not be hogging all the good cookies over there. I need to taste-test those”.
Logan rolled his eyes, his small smirk returning as he pushed one of his neatly decorated cookies toward his dad. “Here, take one. But don’t mess up my frosting”.
Ben grinned, plucking the cookie off the plate with exaggerated care. “Wouldn’t dream of it, champ”.
When the kitchen filled with laughter again, you let yourself lean into the moment, deciding to hold off on the conversation for now.
As the evening wore on, the warmth of the kitchen turned into the quiet hum of nighttime. Lila had curled up on the couch under a blanket, clutching a small stuffed animal in one hand and a half-eaten cookie in the other. Her eyelids had grown heavy, and eventually, she’d surrendered to sleep, her soft snores filling the cozy space.
Ben glanced over from where he was tidying up the counter, his face softening as he took in the sight of his little girl. “Looks like the Sprinkle Queen’s out for the count”, he said, his voice low.
You smiled, drying your hands on a towel. “She had a big day. All those sprinkles wore her out”.
Ben crossed the room, scooping Lila into his arms with the ease of someone who’d done it a thousand times before. She stirred slightly, mumbling something incoherent, but settled quickly against his chest, her tiny hand clutching at his shirt.
“I’ll take her up”, he said, his voice quiet but firm, as though it wasn’t up for discussion. You nodded, watching as he carried her out of the room, the sight of his broad figure cradling her so gently always tugging at your heart.
Logan appeared in the doorway then, his steps hesitant as he glanced between you and the direction his dad had gone. He crossed his arms over his chest, standing a little taller as if to remind you—and himself—that he didn’t need the same kind of care his little sister did.
“I don’t need anyone to bring me to bed”, Logan said, his voice firm but lacking the usual bite of defiance. “I can do it myself”.
You gave him a small smile, stepping closer. “I know you can, sweetheart”, you said softly. “You’ve been doing great. But you let me help when Dad’s not here. Maybe you can let him help tonight?”.
Logan hesitated, his eyes darting to the floor before looking back up at you. “Dad’s never… he doesn’t usually…”. He trailed off, unsure how to finish the thought.
You crouched down, resting a hand gently on his shoulder. “Sometimes he doesn’t know how to ask”, you said gently. “But he’d love to, Logan. If you’re okay with it”.
Logan frowned, his small brows furrowing as he thought it over. Then he gave a small, almost reluctant nod. “Okay”, he mumbled, glancing toward the stairs. “But only if he doesn’t make a big deal about it”.
You smiled, brushing a hand through his hair. “Deal”.
By the time Ben returned, Logan was waiting at the foot of the stairs, his arms still crossed but his posture less tense.
Ben appeared at the top of the stairs, his heavy steps softening as he noticed Logan standing there, arms crossed in that telltale way that meant he was trying to appear tougher than he felt. Ben paused for a moment, taking in the sight of his son waiting for him, and his face softened in a way that only you seemed to notice.
“Looks like someone’s still up”, Ben said, his tone light but without the teasing edge he sometimes used. He walked down the last few steps, his movements slower, less hurried, as though giving Logan time to decide what he wanted.
Logan glanced at you briefly, then back at his dad. “I’m ready for bed”, he said, his voice neutral, but there was a flicker of hesitation in his eyes.
Ben nodded, his hands settling on his hips as he studied his son for a moment. “Alright”, he said, his tone casual. “Let’s get you tucked in, then”.
Logan didn’t move at first, glancing at the floor like he was waiting for Ben to say more. When nothing else came, he gave a small nod and started up the stairs, his pace slower than usual. Ben followed closely behind, casting a quick glance at you as he passed. You gave him an encouraging smile, silently urging him to let this moment be what Logan needed.
When they reached Logan’s room, Ben paused in the doorway, watching as Logan climbed into bed and pulled the blanket up to his chest. Logan fidgeted with the edge of the fabric, his small hands gripping it tightly.
Ben stood in the doorway for a moment, watching as Logan burrowed into his bed, the blanket clutched tightly to his chest. He let out a quiet sigh, stepping forward and crouching down beside the bed, his movements uncharacteristically gentle.
“You all set, champ?”, Ben asked, his voice low and steady.
Logan nodded, but his hands still fidgeted with the edge of the blanket. There was a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes, the kind that Ben hadn’t seen in a while. Without thinking too much about it, Ben reached out and grabbed the blanket, pulling it up snugly around Logan’s shoulders.
“Gotta make sure you’re tucked in properly”, Ben said, his tone shifting to something lighter, almost teasing. “Don’t want you freezing in the middle of the night”.
Logan giggled softly, his small voice breaking the quiet of the room. “Dad, I’m not gonna freeze”.
“Oh, you think so?”, Ben said, raising an eyebrow as he tugged the blanket even tighter around Logan, practically swaddling him. “What if a snowstorm hits? What if you wake up and there’s frost on your nose? Gotta be prepared”.
Logan laughed harder now, his small hands pushing at the blanket as he squirmed. “Dad! Stop, it’s too tight!”.
“Nope”, Ben said with mock seriousness, sitting back to admire his handiwork. “Perfect. You’re like a little burrito now. Nothing’s getting to you”.
“Dad!”, Logan squealed, his laughter breaking through the last of his earlier hesitation. He wiggled under the tightly tucked blanket, his face lighting up with a joy that reminded Ben of when he was younger, back before Ben had decided he was too big for things like this.
Ben grinned, leaning forward and ruffling Logan’s hair. “There we go”, he said softly. “That’s better. Haven’t heard you laugh like that in a while”.
Logan’s giggles faded into a warm smile, his eyes meeting his dad’s with a rare openness. “Thanks, Dad”.
Ben’s expression softened, and he reached out to brush a stray lock of hair off Logan’s forehead. “Anytime, kiddo. You know that”.
He stood slowly and glanced toward the door before he turned back to Logan, his voice low and serious now.
“Alright, get some sleep. Sweet dreams, champ”.
“Goodnight, Dad”, Logan murmured, his voice already heavy with sleep.
Ben hesitated for a moment, then leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to Logan’s head, something he hadn’t done in years. Logan didn’t pull away, instead letting his eyes flutter closed as he sank deeper into his blankets.
A/N: Not that much of Christmas, but it’s snowy and cold. So let’s just count it, lol. Please let me know what you think.🥰
Taglist: @blackcherrywhiskey @baby19sthings @suckitands33 @spnfamily-j2 @lyarr24 @deans-baby-momma @reignsboy19 @kawaii-arfid-memes @mekkencspony @lovziy @artemys-ackles @fitxgrld @libby99hb @lovelyvirtualperson @a-lil-pr1ncess @nancymcl @the-last-ry @spndeanwinchesterlvr @hobby27 @themarebarroww @kr804573 @impala67rollingthroughtown @deans-queen @deadlymistletoe @selfdestructionandrhum @utyblyn @winchesterwild78 @jackles010378 @chirazsstuff @foxyjwls007 @smoothdogsgirl @woooonau @whimsyfinny @freyabear @laaadygisbooornex3 @quietgirll75 @perpetualabsurdity @pughsexual @berryblues46 @deanwinchestersgirl8734 @kr804573 @iloveeveryoneyoureamazing @iloveeveryoneyoureamazing @barnes70stark @roseblue373
#jensen ackles#soldier boy#soldier boy x reader#the boys#soldier boy x y/n#soldier boy x female reader#soldier boy x you#soldier boy fanfiction#the boys soldier boy#the boys fanart
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“slut!” | tom blyth



summary: in a word full of boys, tom is a gentleman.
an: takes place before filming billy the kid
warnings: mean names hence the title also if you care, reader is the same age as tom lol

“so keep your boyfriends hidden because y/n is newly single!”
“how many boyfriends has she had in the last four years?”
“clearly she’s the problem if she can’t keep a boyfriend.”
you heard it all. the names people called you, the headlines, news reports. it was always the same. people would rather shame you for your love life than be quiet. in the past you did joke that you went on many dates, clearly the media didn’t care if you were joking or not.
your manager had even banned you from looking at the really negative comments on your phone. twitter was having a field day with your love life.
“slut!” was the phrase often directed towards you. while your loyal fans defend you, you could still see all the hurtful things people said about you.
“do you want to cancel tomorrow’s interview?” lisa, your manager, asked one day. you hadn’t answered your phone at all and she was concerned so she drove to your new york apartment and let herself in with the spare key she had. she had found you in the darkness of your room curled up with your plethora of blankets.
“cancel everything. i just want to rest for a while.” you managed to say. lisa was like your second mom. she cared about you more than anything.
“we can do that.” lisa assured.
“lisa?” you turned to face her.
“thanks for checking on me.”
after that conversation, lisa made some calls and any movie or tv show deal you had were quickly cancelled. over the next few days, the media found out that you pulled out of many movies from big franchises like marvel and star wars. it was always a dream of yours to be in anything marvel or star wars related, but for now, those projects had to continue without you.
many friends and colleagues reached out to you, but all you could do was send a simple ‘thank you’ and be done with it.
days passed and you were still in your apartment. you didn’t mind being alone, you liked it better that way. sometimes lisa or your parents would drop by or even your upstairs neighbor, mrs. davis, a nice old lady who knew that your favorite cupcakes were red velvet so she made you some to cheer you up.
it was a tuesday afternoon when you heard someone cursing multiple out in the hallway. you figured someone got locked out so you ignored it. pretty much everyone in the entire building got locked out at least once. you were ignoring the cursing as you continued reading your book and ate your red velvet cupcake that your kind neighbor had made you. a few seconds later, you heard a knock on your door.
“no.” you groaned as you stood up to answer the door. you opened it to find tom. you had only known him because you had a mutual friend so you were surprised to see him at your door.
“hi,” he spoke. “i called and texted . . a lot. i just wanted to see how you were.”
“i’m alive as you can see.” you said.
“i know you’ve been asked this question a lot lately but are you okay?”
that’s when you broke down. you couldn’t keep it together in front of tom, but he didn’t mind comforting you. somehow he knew exactly what you needed to hear.
he would often come over to keep you company when lisa or your parents couldn’t. he understood you didn’t want to step foot outside so he didn’t force you. instead, you two would go up to the terrace of your apartment building and hang out. tom would bring lunch or dinner depending on the time that he decided to visit. during that time, you two would talk about whatever would come to mind. tom did his best to avoid talking about work, but you always asked how his filming was going or if he had auditioned for anything new.
“i got the part,” he admitted. “i’m playing billy the kid.” he smiled brightly.
“I’m so happy for you, tom! you deserve it!” you hugged him.
“it’ll be announced next week. you’re the first to know, well apart from my manager.” he chuckled.
“you deserve that and more.” you smiled.
“you do too. other people should see that,” tom said. “you’re so talented and amazing and everything about you is so. . . incredible. i wish people see you the way i do.”
you were speechless.
“are you okay?” tom asked when he noticed you were quiet.
fuck. fuck. fuck FUCK he thought to himself
“you mean it?” you managed to say. you could feel yourself start to blush.
“every bit and more. i enjoy being with you and if i could be with you for the rest of my life then i would die a happy man.”
#tom blyth#tom blyth x reader#tom blyth imagine#actress!reader#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#tom blyth fanfic#tom blyth one shot
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—𓆩[something worse]𓆪—

𓆩[main masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[request/ask me something!]𓆪 𓆩[updated bingo card!]𓆪 𓆩[bingo masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[join the bingo taglist!]𓆪

𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Tobias Eaton (Four) x Fem! Dauntless Born! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - smut, fluff
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - You and Four had been together since he chose Dauntless, especially because you were one of the Dauntless born pulled into training. You both had never put a label on your relationship because it never seemed right, but everyone knew that you both were a couple, except the newest tributes you both were training, no matter how obvious you both made it. It seems you both have to make it a little more obvious.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - so sorry I was writing this during a final and it might suck I’m sorry 😭 || cursing || unprotected sex || creampie || oral || fingering

You were used to wandering eyes, you really were, your partner was literally the hottest man in Dauntless. It didn’t really matter about wandering eyes though when they knew you both were together, label or not, but it seemed to be difficult to get through the mind of one of the new initiates.
You weren’t born Abnegation like either of them, you were a bitch and you made sure everyone knew it. You were a lovable bitch though, that’s why you were being fucked every night by the hottest man in all of the factions.
It passed through your mind to just show her, get Four to tell her something is going on in a certain area just to pull him there to fuck you. You passed it through Tori just to make sure, and she said no though, so you decided not to go through with it.
Maybe that’s why you were watching Four fix Tris’ position because she wouldn’t stick with it when Eric did it. It made your skin crawl, staring at the two of them. Maybe it did feel right that he was with someone from his home faction, didn’t he like selfless people? You were selfless in your own way, right? He knew that.
“Hey, you okay?” Uriah asks you, a smile quickly making its way to your face.
“Oh, yeah. Yeah, I’m okay, thank you. I’m going to go see how some of the kids are doing, you mind telling Four?” You start collecting your stuff, inhaling deeply as Uriah follows you.
“He’s coming over here.”
You shoot up as Four stands in front of you, his brow raised. “Where are you going?”
“I’m going to go do my time at the school,” you say, smiling slightly. “I just… haven’t seen King in a while.”
Four sighs. “Well… I can go with you in a minute, okay? King likes me, right?”
You laugh, slowly lifting your arms to wrap your arms around his neck before pausing. Public displays of affection were never really your thing, but you really wanted to.
Four saw you pause, leaning down to wrap his arms around your waist as you smiled and wrapped yours around his neck. “Everyone likes you, Four,” you teased, giggling. “But I love you.”
He smiles back, leaning down for a soft kiss as you tugged on his hair. “I love you too.”
You pulled his hands closer to your form, pulling his face into your neck as you looked over his shoulder just enough to wink at Tris before pulling away. “Let’s go see King.”
He nods, letting you lead him out of the training area and to the school. Dauntless didn’t teach like Erudite did, but they made sure that the children of the faction learned things needed to survive in the faction. King was a child of two Dauntless soldiers who had died exploring beyond the wall, and as a result, you both took him in sort of like your own.
Seeing you with a child really made Four want to give you a child, especially with how good you were with kids, but it never really seemed to be the right time.
That was until he saw you twirling another boy in your eyes, King cleaning one of Four’s guns while the older man oiled up one of the other ones. The younger boy was named Chris, someone whose parents got caught up in a mission and you both took him home just for a while.
“She looks good with a baby, right?” King asks, smiling. “Y/N was always good with kids. She was good with me,” he mumbles now, smiling. “I’m doing well in my training. She said that.”
“You are,” Four said with a smile. “You’re doing really well. Ranked third, kid, you’re doing good,” he leaned forward and ruffled his hair with a laugh. “Want you to get that first spot, though.”
King grins. “I will.”
Someone knocks making you fix Chris on your hip, quickly walking toward the door as Four stands. “Stay there,” he orders to King as you open the door, raising a brow when you see Tris. “Who is it?”
“Uhm… can I help you?”
She inhaled. “I just… I’m here to see Four.”
“Four, honey!” You yell out, the tall man coming behind you and settling a hand on your hip. “One of the trainees wants to speak with you.”
Four raised a brow. “Everything alright?”
Oh, the Abnegation was coming out.
“Y-Yeah, everything’s fine-”
“Perfect,” Four smiles, taking Chris from your arms and setting him on the ground. “King, come here!”
The older boy quickly walks over, standing just like Four. “Yeah?”
“Why don’t you take Chris down to eat? Tris will join you both,” Four says making King’s nose scrunch. “What?”
“Don’t forget I sleep here too.” King takes Chris’ hand, looking back just a bit. “Don’t forget I have a bed! That’s my bed!”
“Bye, King!” You laughed as Four grinned, closing the door as his other hand held your waist.
You couldn’t stop smiling, giggling as you stared up at him. “You did that, didn’t you?”
His smile grows, just a bit. “Yeah, I did. Uriah kind of… hinted it to me.”
You hummed. “Good, because I would've done something worse,” you said, slowly stepping back and pushing your hands into his tight black shirt. “I was this close.”
“Oh yeah? What did you have in mind?” He asked, smiling as the back of your knees bumps against the bed. His rough hands slip under your shirt, rubbing against your back as though he could feel the black ink you had gotten tattooed.
“Was gonna make her catch us fucking in the corridor,” you giggled as Four slipped off your shirt, humming as he leaned down. “Who said we always have to fuck on the bed? You like that idea?”
He nodded into your shoulder, lips pressing soft kisses to your skin as you started to lean back, his hands securely catching you before you could fall back fully. Carefully, he sets you down, his mouth pressing hot kisses to your neck down your chest. “I fucking love that idea,” he mumbled, his hand slowly rubbing circles against your thigh. “You want to go do that now?”
It was a tempting offer, but you shake your head. “No,” you say, tugging on the hem of his shirt. “You already got me here. Why move?”
He smiled even wider, leaning down as his hands moved to your hips to slowly tug at the tactile pants you wore. “I was thinking,” he whispers as you pull him down to press kisses to his neck. You could see the black peeking out from his shirt, pulling it off of him easily as he pulled away just to slip it off before pulling off your own. “You looked good with Chris on your hip.”
You paused, looking up at him. “You think so?”
He nodded, his hands tugging at your sports bra as your hands dragged down his back. He kneels over your body, pressing kisses down your neck to your chest. “I know so. You’re a natural with kids, angel, you’re fucking perfect.”
The slight husk in his voice made a shiver run up your back, your stomach twisting and heat flooding into your underwear as he lets his hot mouth suck at your lower stomach. “D-Does that mean something?”
He smiled, looking up at you. “Did I just get a Dauntless-born to stutter?”
You blushed madly, looking away. “Don’t let it get to your head, Four.”
He laughs, pressing a kiss to your pelvic bone before he slowly starts to pull your underwear off, his fingers dancing along your thighs as you squirmed, gasping as he pressed a firm kiss to your clit. It makes you squirm, his fingers replacing his lips as he kisses lower and lower.
“F-Fuck,” you whimper as the tip of his fingers slowly prod against your cunt, his mouth sucking and licking around his fingers as your hands push into his hair. “F-Four, you’re being too nice.”
He laughs, pulling away just for a minute as he slowly pushes a thick finger into you, watching as your hips buck into the air and your back arches. “Maybe it’s the Abnegation?”
You shook your head, reaching a hand down to push his fingers deeper into your pussy. It makes you whine, a gasp coming from your lips as he pulls them out just for a second to add another finger. “Abnegation is selfless, my darling, maybe it’s the Amity? J-Just, don’t stop.”
He laughs, popping a kiss to your cunt before pushing his fingers deeper into you, watching as you squirmed. Moans fall from your lips as he pressed firm circles against your clit, the sensitive bud making you whine loudly, hips bucking.
His fingers curl inside of you, pushing his tongue into you with his fingers as you tug on his hair and your other hand finds his cheek.
You felt your stomach twisting, hips bucking uncontrollably as you attempted to ride his fingers. You gasped as his fingers curled inside of you, attempting to find that one soft spot inside of you that made your eyes roll back. It didn’t take him long to find, especially because he’s memorized your body over the years and he groaned as you clenched around him.
“Come on honey, cum for me. Want to watch you cum.”
Your eyes rolled back, whimpering as he pushed his fingers knuckle deep into you to watch your pussy flutter. Your stomach twists, loud groaning falling from your lips as your stomach twists. Your hips buck, eyes rolling back as he sucked on your cunt, swallowing loudly as he pulled out his fingers.
He pulled away, sitting up as he pulled down his pants just enough to pull out his cock, hissing as you raised your legs to wrap around his waist. He grunts as he slowly pushes into you, eyes rolling back as he leaned down to hold himself up with his elbows, pulling you in for a kiss. “Fucking hell, I want to see you with my kids so bad,” he groaned, gasping as you pulled him down for a kiss. “Want to see you pregnant over and over again.”
You whined, his hips moving quickly as the bed pounded into the wall, your nails dragging down his back. His cock rammed into your pussy, strong thrusts making your eyes roll back as he pressed his lips to your neck. “You want that honey? Want to be fucked, round and full with my kids?”
You nodded, whining loudly. “Yes! Yes, I do!”
He grunts loudly, slamming into you just to feel your pussy clench along his entire shaft, a broken moan leaving his lips as you cum again around him. “Fuck.”
“Fuck, fuck! Four!” You yelled out as he reaches down to rub firm circles into your clit, rutting his hips just a few more times as he came inside you for the first time without protection.
It was an odd feeling, but filling as he groaned loudly, your cunt continued to clench around him to milk him of everything he had. It was warm, and if you could feel sticky-ness inside of you, it would be this. You whimper as he starts to pull out, trying to reach forward to pull him back in before he grabs your legs, pushing them back so your knees were on your shoulders.
“You don’t think we’re done yet, do you? Gotta make sure this sticks.”

omg, I love fulfilling requests ♡ keep them coming for Bingo!!

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Bingo taglist:

© asterias-record-shop
#asterias-record-shop#requests open#divergent#four#tobias eaton#insurgent#allegiant#tobias eaton x reader#tobias eaton x fem! reader#tobias eaton x fem! reader smut#tobias eaton smut#bingo card#bingo#bingo event#shuffle play || asterias record shop#asterias record shop bingo#fanfic bingo
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Hello Jade! I have a request for hotch if that’s okay, I was thinking something like he’s dating sunshine!reader who goes to a police precinct with the team and the sheriff/deputy insults Hotch in front of her (maybe she’s not part of the BAU so he doesn’t realise she knows Hotch?) and she snaps and punches him/pushes him to the ground and afterwards she’s really quiet and refusing to tell anyone what happened cause she doesn’t want Hotch to hear that people were bad mouthing him. Everyone is confused cause she’s usually so bubbly and it’s disconcerting to see her so stern but she has to protect her man damnit 😤
(Ps I’m the anon who got confused about rules n you’re right I was looking under guidelines not requests 🤦🏼♀️ sorry!)
hi babe, thank you for your request! (and no worries at all, no sorry necessary!!)
—hotch is dumbfounded when you slap a deputy sheriff, but you have your heartfelt reasons. fem, 2k
You're not specifically BAU, but when Hotch calls, you answer. You don't look BAU either in your skirt with your blue laptop carry case; twice you're asked what you're doing in the precinct and if you need assistance, but eventually you get to the centre of the action upstairs, meandering through the detective's desks toward a conference room with a sticky-taped sign that says to knock before entering.
"Hey, Spencer," you say, shouldering open the door. "They leave you behind?"
Spencer turns away from his white board. "I'm more useful here right now. Did you bring the ethernet cable for Garcia?"
You put your laptop case on the table and pull out her desired cable. "Where is she?" It's hard-pressed for Penelope to be found anywhere away from her computer during case times. You must get twenty or more rejection emails a month from your fellow tech analysist. Sorry, working a case :'(
"Bathroom. There's a kitchen if you need coffee. You have a badge?"
You flash your visitor's badge at him. "Get you one?"
"Four sugars. Thanks, L/N."
You flash him a smile. The kitchen is back the way you came and to the right. It's nowhere near big enough for the workforce, three tables and one microwave next to a sink full of mugs. You smile at anyone who looks at you and beeline for a coffee pot. No one questions you. They must be used to outsiders invading their space this week.
"Mean fucking guy."
You tilt your head to the side, hand paused in their cup cabinet above the sink. You shouldn't be nosy, but they're not being very quiet, either.
"He has to be mean, I guess. That's a tight ship to run," says a second voice.
"I'd understand it if I thought they were getting somewhere. It's been four days, and between the string bean and his pushpin map and that tech girl who won't shut up? They're doomed. The boss is either too stubborn or too damn stupid to realise."
You close the cabinet and turn around.
"I fucking hate this shit. Ties in their suit jackets coming into our investigation and chasing the wrong leads. We could've had Miller in cuffs two days ago if Hotchner hadn't shut us down, two days ago! And now another kid is dead, and there's not a drop of remorse on him. He doesn't care about doing his job, he–"
"He what?" you ask. Your heart is beating hard before you've so much as parted your lips, your hands trembling. You screw them into tight balls.
"Excuse me?"
Your opposition is a rough hewn man in a deputies badge, a cup of coffee held between two paws. He narrows thick salt and pepper brows at your question, his mouth screwed into a telling snarl.
"You think Agent Hotchner doesn't care about his job? So why is he here? Why did he agree to take the case?"
"Who the fuck are you?"
You shake your head in annoyance and take the FBI badge from your little cross body bag. You toss it on the table, your beaming face looking up at him a juxtaposition to the glare you wear now.
He stands up from his table. The lunch room hushes but the riot of precinct cacophony stays strong just outside of the door, a thrum that battles your roaring heart. You're so angry you can barely speak, and it'll only get worse.
"I'm sorry you have to hear it from me, darling, I am, but your boss out there? Agent Hotchner?" The deputy scoffs. "He's a fool running blind. He turned away from the real issue here. He's a prideful, narcissistic idiot who's let the power of his paycheck get to his head, and as far as I'm concerned? So long as he stops us from arresting Jaden Miller? He's a murderer, too. The blood is on his hands."
You know you're going to slap him from the moment he says 'murderer', but the knee to his crotch straight after is a surprise even to yourself. All you're thinking for one horrible white-hot moment is How can I hurt him? It's shameful, and you slam your knee up a second time anyhow.
"You can tell me what happened now or later, but it's going to be much easier on you if you tell me now."
Hotch hates this part. What he wouldn't give to have someone else here to reprimand you. He understands why Gideon left and he wouldn't want him back unwillingly, but Hotch thinks your nightly phone call may go over smoother tonight if it were Gideon standing in his place. Half the time Hotch finds he's uninterested in scolding you. It's why you stay firmly in your department and away from his bias in the BAU. He can't be optimal at his job while you're around.
It's not limited to telling you off, of course. When you're near, he wants to act like it. He wants to take your hand, hold your arm, rub a palm between your shoulders. He wants to pull you into his lap, or pinch the soft lobe of your ear between his fingers to watch you shiver, blow warm air at the back of your neck to hear your laugh. This cold silence is his worst nightmare, but he can't cross the line.
Well, he can't cross the line too much.
In the privacy of a cordoned, borrowed office, Hotch can sit beside you. The blinds are closed, and his intimidation act wasn't getting him anywhere anyways. More flies with honey than vinegar.
"I can't show favouritism here, do you understand? Especially when you're being physically violent against the deputy sheriff." Hotch watches the soft pillow of your bottom lip tremble in a private terror. "I know you wouldn't do this for no reason. I know. Give me a reason to take your side and I will."
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Did he say something inappropriate?"
You don't answer.
"Did he?" Hotch can feel the anger he's been pushing down start to rise. When a woman like you, happy-go-lucky, pretty, and always smiling, turns to violence, it's not hard to picture why. He knows full well the horrible things a man can say to a woman. "Please, trust me to take care of this."
"Hotch, I really don't want to talk about this. You can reprimand me, send me home."
"No. Tell me what he said."
You glare at him. Hotch finds with a heart-skipping hurt that it's the first time he's been on the receiving end of your disdain. "No. I don't want to."
"And I don't want to send you home." He knows how he looks, stony-eyed and furrowed brow. He has to try hard to relax into a more neutral expression. "I won't. Not when I know you'd never hurt someone."
"Well, I did."
"We all do things we don't mean to in anger."
In the quiet, he can hear Emily asking loud questions about what happened, and her almost comedic gasp as someone informs her of the situation. Morgan couldn't find the words to tell Hotch over the phone what happened, just told him to hurry back, and it was doubly difficult to get the story out of Spencer, who'd been the one responsible for standing in your way.
"He called her a bitch," Spencer told him. "I didn't want to hold her back after that."
The sheriff deputy has a good hundred pounds on you, so no matter what he called you, Hotch is glad you were pulled away.
Hearing that you'd been called a bitch set his nerves aflame. When Spencer explained that this was said by a man on his knees after a swift jab to the crotch, Hotch was more confused.
He follows a whim. He's biassed for sure, but he knows you're the most beautiful woman in any room that you walk into. It doesn't shock him that a high-ranking authority figure would take advantage of his position to make a pass at you.
"You have nothing to be ashamed of," he says softly. "Whatever he said to you, I– I'm not supposed to support violence, but I understand if it got too much. Sexual harassment is unjustifiable, and I'll stand with you and your actions completely."
"He didn't harass me, Aaron," you say, looking down at your knees. You're wearing dark stockings, pinching at the fabric distractedly.
"Did he touch you?"
"No, Aaron–" You sigh frustratedly. "I don't want to tell you what he said because it's not true."
"He insulted you?"
"He insulted you." You glance at him and then away. "I couldn't stand it."
If there weren't cameras in the room he'd bundle you into his arms and kiss the slope of your cheek, because how is he supposed to handle this? You're hitting people when they talk bad about him now?
Hotch doesn't need to ask to know it was bad. You're a well-meaning, well-adjusted person. You'd hardly hit somebody for calling Hotch a jerk. Something severe would've been said to have pushed you over the edge, but, to his detriment, Hotch has heard a thousand awful things about himself from a thousand different mouths, and he doesn't worry about what it was.
"Alright. Listen to me carefully." Your shoulders stiffen. "I don't want you hurting people over me. I don't need you to defend me. I don't want you to fight my battles for me, and I certainly don't want you assaulting people on my behalf."
Your lip again begins to tremble. "I'm sorry."
"No. Don't be sorry." He covers your knee in his hand gently, ducking his head to meet your glassy eyes. He's gone about this the wrong way, upsetting you unnecessarily. He rushes to correct it. "I love that you want to defend me, I love that you did, and it isn't lost on me how much it means to have you at my side, but… You could have been seriously injured. Honey, picking on someone your own size is a double-sided coin. What if the deputy hit you back?"
"I'm not afraid of getting hurt."
He leans down more, imploring, desperate to be heard. "I'm afraid of you getting hurt. Me. I'm worried someone's going to hurt you when I'm not around."
"He was saying all this stuff about you and it wasn't true–"
"It's okay," he says, shaking his head slowly from one side to another. "It doesn't matter. I know what people like him think of me, and he's not in an easy position." He drops his voice to a murmur for your ears alone. "I'm not saying you should agree with him, I can't tell you that I like him much."
You laugh weakly, the sound quickly melding to a sniffle. "I'm sorry, Aaron. I shouldn't have hit him. I don't know what came over me."
"We get angry for the people we care about."
He can't kiss you, really, not at work, but he can show you some heavy affection. It's a boundary crossed. Luckily, Hotch knows you won't report him.
"Thank you for defending me. You can stay on the case if you promise not to do it again," he says, squeezing your smaller hand in his, drawing a lopsided heart with his thumb into the back of it.
"I'll promise not to do it again if he promises to keep his stupid mouth closed," you mutter.
"Is it wrong of me to like this version of you?" he says.
You look him straight in the eye, your usual lightness restored, if dimmed just a touch. "I like all your versions, Agent Hotchner."
"Good. Remind the version that's your boyfriend to treat you accordingly tonight. Okay?"
You nod emphatically, both relieved and chastened. "Okay. Thanks, handsome."
You look tired. Tonight, he'll kiss you like he means it, maybe a touch too rough but apparently you're a hard ass now who can handle it, and he'll hold you close even if he can't give you the attention you deserve until the case is done. He'll make sure you know how much he appreciates your protection, rub your back for hours just the way you like it while sleep fails.
"You're welcome," he says. He has more to say but there's no more time to waste. There's still work to be done.
It'll come easier with you at his side, he's sure.
#aaron hotchner x reader#aaron hotchner x you#aaron hotchner x y/n#aaron hotchner#aaron hotchner fic#aaron hotchner blurb#aaron hotchner drabble#aaron hotchner imagine#aaron hotchner fanfic#aaron hotchner fanfiction#hotch x reader#hotch#hotch x you#hotch blurb#hotch drabble
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I apologize if you're not taking requests at this time. I just have to get it down before I forget lol.
What if Kang Dae-Ho and reader meet during the games and somehow survive and get married and have a kid who one day comes home from school wanting to play these children games they learned from their classmates/teachers (the games they played) and maybe it brings up the bad memories. Like kinda angsty but with a comforting ending something.
childhood dreams, adult nightmares
kang dae-ho x wife!mother!reader
seo-ah does not understand the effect of a childhood game on you
I am adding this to my, "kang family" series since this is such a good concept! thank you for requesting <3
warning: PTSD mentions, yes dae-ho and y/n were in the games in this AU before seo-ah and byeol came along :(
there is a link to see seo-ah's little cute sneakers to make your day <3
four years ago, you never thought you would live to see this life.
the quiet suburban home in the countryside in korea.
the warm smell of baby lotion and freshly brewed tea lingering in the air. the sound of your three-year-old daughter, seo-ah, giggling as she kicks off her tiny pink strawberry sneakers by the door.
the little girl's excitement was bubbling over after a long day at daycare.
you never thought you would survive at all to see this life,
or any life outside of comfort,
or any life outside of poverty,
yet here you are.
your hands tighten slightly on the baby carrier strapped to your chest, where byeol is sleeping peacefully, her tiny face nestled against your sternum, breaths warm and steady.
byeol's weight is small but grounding, a reminder that she is real. that this life is real, and you did survive the worst.
you and dae-ho had spent the day running errands, taking turns carrying byeol, rocking her, feeding her, going through the motions of parenthood with the quiet ease of two people who had built a home out of the wreckage of their past.
when you talked to dae-ho's oldest sister, and your sister-in-law, hana, a few months back, she suggested that seo-ah is at an age where she needs more social interaction with kids her own age.
so, dae-ho and you put seo-ah in morning daycare so she can play, start her learning, and make some new mini friends.
today had been a good day.
until seo-ah says something that freezes you in place.
"eomma, we played a new game today at recess!"
seo-ah announces, pulling her backpack off and tossing it onto the floor. the girl's cheeks are flushed with excitement as she bounces on her toes.
you smile, adjusting the strap of the baby carrier, watching as she pulls out a small piece of construction paper with crayon scribbles all over it.
"oh yeah? what game, baby?"
she grins, bright and carefree, completely unaware of the way your world is about to tilt on its axis.
"I think it was called... hm? wait! red light, green light! it was red light, green light!"
your breath catches in your throat.
your hands go still.
your entire body stiffens, as if your muscles are locking up, as if your nervous system is throwing every alarm at once, a tidal wave of ice-cold fear crashing down on you.
red light. green light.
you can't.
your ears ring.
your vision blurs at the edges.
your heartbeat thunders in your chest, loud and panicked, drowning out the warmth of the home around you.
seo-ah tilts her head, blinking up at you with wide, innocent eyes.
she doesn't know.
seo-ah doesn't know.
act normal, y/n.
you force a smile, swallowing the lump in your throat.
"o-oh, yeah? who taught you that game?"
your voice feels distant, wrong, like it doesn’t belong to you.
"seonsaengnim said it’s really fun! we played it outside, and i won once!"
she beams, clearly proud of herself.
your stomach churns. nausea twists inside you like a knot pulled too tight.
images flash behind your eyes, unwelcome and cruel.
you remember when you won once, too.
except, you would have died if you didn't.
the sun beating down on your skin. the crack of gunfire. bodies collapsing around you, limp and lifeless. the screams. the silence.
stop. stop. stop.
you snap back to the present, your nails digging into your palms as you force yourself to focus on your daughter.
on her soft voice, her curious eyes she got from you, the way she’s still waiting for your response.
before you can say anything, dae-ho’s voice calls out from down the hall.
"seo-ah, baby, use your inside voice! your sister's sleeping."
your head turns instinctively.
dae-ho is in byeol’s nursery, gently rocking her bassinet as he hums under his breath, soothing her. t
he sight of him...tall, strong, always steady...should bring you comfort.
right now, you don’t want him to see you like this.
you don’t want to trigger him, too.
"w-why don’t you go wash your hands before dinner, hm?"
you tell seo-ah, ruffling her hair.
she pouts but obeys, skipping off toward the bathroom, humming a song to herself.
as soon as she’s gone, you let out a shaky breath and press a hand to your chest, as if that will somehow slow the frantic beating of your heart.
you close your eyes. try to shake it off. try to remind yourself that this is not then.
this is not the games.
however, your body doesn’t understand the difference.
its been a while since you remembered those games. your brain tries to block that memory all of the time.
today, the memories were clear as day.
your legs feel weak as you make your way to the bedroom, setting the empty baby carrier down carefully before you sit on the edge of the bed.
your hands are still trembling, your lungs still tight.
you need to pull yourself together. you can’t let dae-ho see you like this.
you can’t—
your husband's voice is soft, but it startles you anyway.
you snap your head up, meeting his gaze.
dae-ho is standing in the doorway, brows furrowed slightly, his expression unreadable.
your stomach twists.
he noticed.
of course he did.
you try to muster a small smile.
he studies you for a long moment before stepping forward.
“what’s wrong?”
don’t tell him.
don’t tell him.
you don’t want to see that look in his eyes.
the same look he had the night you both finally got out, the night you collapsed in his arms, covered in blood that wasn’t your own, shaking so violently he had to hold you together.
the night before that when the rebellion happened. when you had to comfort a shaking dae-ho since the gunshots reminded him of his time in the marines.
he had worser PTSD symptoms than you did, if you had to compare.
however, dae-ho is patient.
he crouches in front of you, resting a warm hand on your knee.
"talk to me, baby."
you let out a slow breath, your throat tight.
“seo-ah told me that she--um--played… red light, green light today at daycare.”
he stills.
"it reminded me of.."
for a long moment, neither of you say anything.
dae-ho's fingers flex against your knee, his jaw tightens, his own breathing uneven. the ex-marine's eyes darken in a way that makes your stomach drop.
you nod.
a heavy silence falls between you, thick with memories neither of you want to relive.
“i didn’t want to tell you,”
you admit quietly.
“i didn’t want to make you—”
“it’s okay,”
he cuts in gently.
“you can tell me anything.”
you can see it.
the tension in his shoulders, the way his fingers curl into fists before he slowly unclenches them.
he’s not okay either. but he’s trying.
just like you.
he takes a deep breath, then reaches for your hands, lacing his fingers through yours.
“she’s safe,”
he says, and you can’t tell if he’s reminding you or himself.
“she’s here. alive. she’s okay.”
you nod, squeezing his hands.
"i know. i just—" you swallow hard.
"it still gets to me."
"i know, sweetheart."
his voice is so soft it almost breaks you.
he moves to sit beside you, pulling you into his arms. the warmth of him, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, is the only thing keeping you from spiraling again.
"breathe with me,"
he murmurs against your hair.
so you do.
his chest rises with yours.
dae-ho's arms tighten around you.
the two of you sit like that for a long time, breathing together, grounding each other.
you don’t know how much time passes before you finally whisper,
“do you think it’ll ever go away?”
he doesn’t answer right away. then, he sighs, pressing a kiss to your temple.
"maybe not completely but we have each other, right?"
you close your eyes, nodding.
"and seo-ah. and byeol."
his voice is steadier now.
"we survived, baby. we made it. no one is taking anything from us ever again."
dae-ho's words settle into your bones, solid and warm, and you believe him.
you press your face against his chest, soaking in the quiet comfort of him.
the past will always be there, unfortunately, waiting for moments like this to creep in.
you are here alive with dae-ho. together.
kang family masterlist here
#kang dae ho#squid game#squid game s2#squid game fanfic#squid game season 2#squid game x reader#squid game x y/n#squid game x you#park jung bae#seong gi hun#dae ho x reader#dae ho squid game#kang dae ho x reader#dae ho#dae ho imagine#player 388#kang daeho#player 388 x reader#kang ha neul#meadowfics#multifandom account
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Ben’s Big BL Blurb 5: Let’s Talk About Sex
I was mostly planning to check in again after the current Japanese shows ended, but after three out of four sex scenes left me wanting this week, I want to write down my ideas. I maintain that bed scenes, like action scenes, need to tell us more about the characters. Many sex scenes serve as a release of tension or confirmation of existing feelings. As usual, MAME seems to understand this, and others should probably take notes.
Call Me By No Name is Doing Nothing For Me (5/8)
I have just about given up on this show. I don’t get Megumi’s whole deal, why she’s so in love with Kohata, or Kohata’s reticence. I was really hoping that an intimate scene would open up some space for vulnerability and truth with them to give us some answers about why these two weirdos are drawn to each other, but that’s not what we got. I was hoping that when we saw these two go at it we’d learn how much Megumi has felt for women before, or how she responded to Kohata’s experience. Instead, I’m left feeling cold by the whole affair, and generally baffled by the conflicting themes around going somewhere she did cutesy girl nights before, and ordering the cute food. This one is a chop.
Impression of Youth is Wasting My Time (5/9)
I have my own squicks as a former teacher with stories where a teacher messes around with their student. However, I don’t see the point of doing a teacher-student story if we’re not going to explore any of the lines being crossed here. We also didn’t get a good arc about the student helping the teacher properly reconnect with a feeling, or discover something, that helped him get back to his art. We simply had him start painting on the beach again, the kid confessed, and then they fucked with awkward kissing. I was a bit let down by the brother’s fast encouragement of the whole thing. It felt like they were reaching for the same energy we had in Call Me By Your Name (2017) with Oliver and Elio, but it’s missing the component where Oliver knew what he was doing the whole time for me. The overall alignment feels off, and I’m getting so little emotion from this show as a result. On top of all that, they showed us the kid’s boxers before implying he was nude in the shower! Ridiculous!
When It Rains It Pours is Being Shy About Sex in a Show About Cheating (5/7)
This is the biggest offender of the week for me. This show is all about how the leads cannot have sex from the people they love, and find someone they can commiserate with in each other. When the dam finally breaks and they both need the release in each other, I was so dismayed that the show tried to gloss over as much of the sex as possible. It’s so fucking annoying for me when the shows about sex get precious about it and won’t show it. I was thankful that they tried to capture all the emotions happening around the weekend they spent together, but I think we lost a lot in not having Hagiwara blow Sei, because you just know that man has a people pleasing streak that would require him to give pleasure back. The lack of sex also means that there is no gap time between the infidelity and the discovery. We don’t give enough time for the shift in their relationship to breathe before the crisis (@respectthepetty). I’ve lamented before about Japanese shows only showing toxic or breakup sex, and so it’s damned annoying that they’re doing that in the cheating show because they probably want these guys to be together by the end. I was really hoping Mood Indigo would have some company finally (especially after Love in the Air Koi), but I clearly need to stay patient. Cannot overstate how lame it is for the show about two guys cheating because their partners won’t fuck them being shy about the sex effectively sides with the partners who won’t fuck them. Finally, I am not over them getting the insertion angle wrong while making points about it!!
Your Sky Could Have Been A Good Follow-Up on 2gether
I’ve been sitting on this one for a bit because I don’t know what I want to say about this one. I was really into it in the beginning, but it felt like this show didn’t really know what it wanted to do after resolving the issues with Oh. I personally liked the dad being confronted by his wife and father about the way his homophobia was hurting his son, but I didn’t really enjoy it as a Very Special Episode. I would have also liked to see Teerak’s newfound assertiveness in this period beyond is refusal to cave. I think this show also deeply underutilized its own supporting characters, especially the side couples. Still, I thought Thomas was probably the most beautiful newest BL boy we’ve gotten, and I liked the way he and Kong worked together. I also really enjoyed Teerak being allowed to want sex, ask for it, and take charge of it. That’s so important for a cute character. Letting us know that Teerak has also become protective of the private moments he has with Fah, and is growing into his desire for Fah really is a great way to finish a show.
Final Verdict: 7, Recommended With Reservations. I find it hard to give this a stronger recommendation. I just think the show ends up being overall inessential from how much of it ends up being fluff that doesn’t connect much to each other. The biggest things I liked were Fah and Teerak, especially in the early episodes, and I liked the family dynamics. Still, I feel like this show didn’t know what to do without Tine’s internalized homophobia, and what to do with Fah’s ex that was mentioned. There’s just too much hanging off this to recommend it as a strong drama. Everyone is very pretty, and the performances are earnest. It’s a show that means well, even if it’s a bit indulgent.
The Boy Next World Understands that Phu Has a Dick (5/10)
MAME, as usual, understands the assignment. There’s no way that their first encounter is going to be Cir showing up to stick is dick in Phu’s ass. He’s been obsessed with this boy for years in a way that prioritizes Phu’s wellbeing. It was absolutely correct to payoff that Cir keeps making Phu hard by having Cir take care of him, let us see that Phu enjoyed it. Like @babyangelsky I think it’s important that we let go of the notion that cute characters cannot want and enjoy sex. We got so much from this. We know that Cir likes to give pleasure, and that he’s not going to ask for it from Phu. We also know that Phu cares about Cir, too, because he asked about his time in the bathroom (Cir clearly jerked off and rinsed his mouth, y’all). What’s so excellent about putting a sex scene at this point is it means we’ll see their sex change after Phu learns that Cir has been stalking him for years. MAME is consistently the best storyteller at using the kisses and sex to help inform the arc of the relationship. Most importantly, she gets what the angles are supposed to be.
Ossan’s Love Thailand Is…Fine (5/12)
I’m not really into this one much right now, despite what I think is a pretty solid performance from Krit Shahkrit. I understand the choice to go back to making Kongdech a widower, but I don’t think giving him a daughter who initially opposed the romance added much to this for me. I’m hoping activating Thor’s character next week will add some energy to this for me, because I’m feeling a bit flat with it at this point. I’m glad they’re letting Earth and Mix continue to play adult characters, but it doesn’t feel like they knew what they wanted to do with office romance dynamics here.
Gelboys is a Welcome Return from Boss Kuno (1/7)
Started this today and I am seated. I really love how much it feels like we get to actually be inside of Bangkok. I love that we opened with an ad for the Bangkok rail system as a mechanism for freedom. I love how filming on iphones has enhanced the naturalistic feeling of the production. I also love how we completed the major arc of the het angst of Make It Right in the first like five minutes. Incredible stuff. I’m so excited to see the mess Fou4Mod is going to make of everything, and I’m excited to see Chian dickmatize that boy. Curious to see how much this feels like a bubble show. Shout out to Boss for showing us a naked teen at the start of this show to scare off the pearl clutchers.
This is not BL, but it’s got enough BL boys rolling on the floor and sweating on top of each other that I’m saying here loudly that I LOVE IT. Kimura Keito is fantastic in this, and I loved his fight with Okura Takato in episode 6. I almost didn’t recognize my boy from his role as Amane in If It’s With You with the change in his hair. I did not know I needed a wrestling show with BL boys…who am I kidding? We’ve been asking for this every year. This is hitting all the notes I want from a sports shonen show. It’s fantastic.
Please Use the Sex Well in Romance
I think there’s a real place for clean romance in the BL genre. Some of our favorites don’t involve sex being a major component of their romance narrative, but that often requires significantly more drama and better storytelling and plots. What I cannot abide is when I find myself bargaining about how a show that wants to talk about sex every episode seemingly doesn’t want to deal with sex. Romances about sex that don’t use the sex well in their stories are as bad as comedies with terrible jokes, or action flicks with no suspense and satisfying fight sequences.
Other than that, I dropped I'll Turn Back This Time. It’s just too stupid and incoherent for me to put up with it’s nonsense. Seeya next time.
#Ben watches#call me by no name#impression of youth#when it rains it pours#futtara doshaburi#gelboys the series#the boy next world#your sky#red blue the series#ossan's love thailand#thai bl#japanese bl#taiwanese bl#chinese bl#bl series#i'll turn back this time#japanese gl#gl series#bl blurb
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Cry Baby
Pairing: Matt x crybaby!popular!reader
Wordcount : 3.3K+
Summary: you were popular. The jester of the group. But atleast it was something. Nobody knew just how much you’d been struggling, until your secrets were exposed in the school cafeteria.
Warnings: swearing, angst, crying, mentioned of depression, Matt’s PoV, sensitive!reader, mentions of SH, SH mocking, humiliation, exposing secrets, fake friends, hurt/comfort, pet names (baby), use of y/n
(A/N: I wrote this based of this song. Bcs I was listening to it and had this scenario in my head, so I wrote it down.)



You had always been a bit of a crybaby.
You’re the oldest sibling. Your mother thought she couldn’t have any children, but she had. You were a blessing to her.
So after you were born you were never put down. Someone was always with you. To keep you from crying, entertaining you. Caving to your needs.
But once you got to kindergarten, it seemed that all those times your parents hushed you and made sure you didn’t cry had bottled up.
You didn’t speak a lot. You didn’t like socializing with people. You kept to yourself and that’s how you liked it.
You had severe attachment issues to your mom though. Because of her always being with you to soothe you, her not being there seemed like a nightmare.
So when she dropped you off at kindergarden, every day, you would cry, begging your mom to stay.
Eventually you got used to it, but you quickly found a friend to cling to.
Emma, was your one and only friend. The only person you talked to.
It was pretty much the same in elementary school. You’d trod around and talk to people. You were a bubbly social kid.
But you were also easy to break.
You didn’t have a lot of friends. All friends you had were only people you’d hang around in recess.
Emma stuck with you though.
Until, middle school.
In middle school you’d, for some reason, fallen into a depressive mindset.
Emma and you were in your awkward middle school phases. And in that time she’d become really rude.
And one day during a fight she told you how much she hated listening to your sobs.
You’d been vulnerable around her. You had trusted her.
And she’d broken that trust. By telling you that every time you had seeked her comfort she actually didn’t want to give it to you.
Your heart’s too big for your body.
You two stopped talking after that day. Until four months later Emma apologized for her words. You, being an empath, excepted the apology and went back to being friends with her.
Little did she know that her words rang through your head while you cut yourself.
A few months after you became friend again, she moved. She moved out of the country. You never saw her again.
So for high school you had taken it spoon yourself to mask your depression and ‘get over yourself’.
You started to dress more basic, learning to do your make up, hair, skincare. And basically everything to hide your miserable state the best you could.
Somehow it worked.
You had good facial proportions, and just a little bit of work you looked like a basic mean girl who is full of herself. But that was exactly the point.
Somehow, once High school started, you managed to get into the clique of the popular girls.
You were always so upbeat, cheery and talkative. No one could ever guess that you’re the most depressive mother fucker in a 50 mile radius.
Though as much as you would like the power of being the leader of the group, you were not. You were more like the jester of the group than anything.
You had held your mental breakdowns to a minimum. Holding back as much as you could. You only had Few panic attacks nowadays. And if you had one in school, you always had a touch up make up bag there.
Now it was senior year. You got ready like usual, not knowing that today would alter your life and the way people perceive you.
Matt’s PoV
I watch in horror.
Y/n is one of the popular girls in our school.
I’m not too popular. But I’m well known, all due to the fact that I’m a triplet. And due to the fact that Nick and Chris are really extroverted people.
Both of them are currently not with me.
Chris is sick at home. While Nick is in the library with some of our female friends.
I sit at my table with the lacrosse team around Me.
The entire cafeteria has their eyes focused on y/n.
She was arguably the prettiest out of all the popular girls.
But right now she was crying, Biting her lip. Her head tilted forward in shame at the claims her group was throwing at her.
The leader of the popular girls, Kelly, was accusing y/n of stealing her boyfriend at first, yelling right in her face. She yelled right back at Kelly though, not scared to stand up for herself.
But Kelly being the leader of the group, all the other girls sided with her.
I never understood why people would talk, or would argue, about stuff like this in public places. It was humiliating.
I was getting second hand embarrassment just watching.
The insults were getting more and more personal by the second.
Nobody was doing anything, captivated by the scene unfolding in front of them. Some people have their phones out filming for, ..who knows what reason.
I drown out most of the insults-
“IS THAT WHY YOU FUCKING CUT YOURSELF?” Kelly yells right back in y/n’s face.
The cafeteria had already been quiet. But with those words even the quiet conversations stopped. It seemed like everyone’s attention snapped back to the scene.
It was the passerby effect in full force. No one was doing anything, too shocked. Not even the teachers that were present said anything.
It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
My ear start ringing, my eyes staying glued on y/n.
To me, it was obvious that something about y/n was off. She was polished to perfection. To a concerning degree. Nobody was that perfect.
So the revelation didn’t necessarily shock me. But the fact that Kelly was heartless enough to air y/n’s business out like that.
“I don’t.” Y/n’s words cut harshly through the quiet cafeteria. Her words are insistent like she was telling the truth.
She was a great liar, yet everyone would believe Kelly over her. Even if it was a lie.
“Oh but you do.” Kelly scoffs looking at the people y/n used to call friends. They all nod at Kelly’s statement.
“You have those scars all over your wrists.” Kelly points out nodding down to y/n’s wrists.
It’s like everyone takes a collective look down at her arms to see if something is actually there.
Me being so far away from their table I can’t see it clearly. But I really don’t want to anyway.
I watch as Y/n lets her head fall forward letting out a small laugh, shocking everyone in the cafeteria including me.
Y/n’s hands are trembling and shaking. She purses her lips looking back up at Kelly who looks at her with superiority.
Y/n picks her head back up and leans her head up to readjust her hair. Her hands ball into fists before she crosses her arms, trying to keep her composure.
Even from being a few tables away from the scene i can clearly see the tears running down her cheeks.
She huffs a laugh through a sob.
“Some friends you fucking are” she says harshly her glare focused on the girls around Kelly that she used to call friends.
The cafeteria is silent again for a moment the only thing heard being y/n’s soft sniffles
“Crybaby” one of the girls huffs under her breath, but its loud and clear in the silent cafeteria.
“Fuck you Rebecca.” I hear y/n’s voice snap at the girl. Despite crying her tone was still sharp.
“What’re you gonna do about it, gonna go home and cut yourself some more?” Another one of the girls in the group scoffs.
Y/n lets out another miserable chuckle hearing the comment.
I purse my lips remaining seated. I probably look miserable right now. I don’t want to be watching this. Hell I would like to stop this, but I can’t.
Before y/n can fire back though more and more comments from all the girls pore out. And the more: “you gonna kill yourself?” “you gonna cut yourself?” remarks they make the more humiliated y/n looks.
By the end of their relentless comments and bullying y/n is crying sobbing. And as someone with anxiety I can see the inevitable anxiety attack, in the way her entire body shakes.
With a strong “fuck you all” to her former friends y/n turns in her heels and leaves.
The cafeteria is quiet for a moment before the room breaks out in conversation, everyone gossiping about the scene they just witnessed. Debating how much of what was said was true.
I feel sick to my stomach knowing I had watched a girl just get torn down by her own, so called friends, like that, and didn’t do anything.
I mumble an excuse to my friends leaving the table. They don’t even seem to care emerged in their own conversations about the ‘gossip’.
I speed walk out of the cafeteria to find y/n.
There are only two places I can think of her being at. The girls bathroom, wich is probably not the case since she looked like she wanted to get as far away as possible,
Or her car.
She’d parked next to my van today. So I run out of the school to my car, to see hers still parked next to mine. I glance into it and she’s not in the drivers seat.
I get closer, catching my breath. I look through the window of the backseat seeing her sitting there curled up in on herself.
I knock on the car window catching her attention. Y/n’s beautiful teary eyes meet mine through the tinted glass.
She presses on a button on her car keys, the car unlocking.
Immediately I open the car door and slide in. My gaze soft as I look at the hyperventilating girl in front of me.
I close the door behind me. I gently take the car keys out of her hands. She was clinging to it like her life depended on it. I lock the car again and then lean to the front of the car and toss her keys on the drivers seat.
I turn back to y/n, she had her legs up to her chest hugging them while she continues to sob.
“Matt” she breaths out my name so tenderly.
We weren’t friends. But we shared one class in which we partnered up sometimes.
“Sh, you’re okay y/n” I breathe out. In an instant, my arms wrap around her smaller frame pulling her into me. I hug her from the side, her sobs wracking her body.
“No, no it’s not okay.” She lets out an irritated sigh, her breath hitching as a sobs Tores through her body again. “I just lost all my friends.”
I purse my lips holding her head. I cradle her into my chest. She didn’t deserve to have her stuff aired out like that, but all she was worried about was loosing her fake ass friends?
“Oh baby.” I sigh out. The nickname slips through my lips so effortlessly I didn’t even notice.
I keep her head cradled into my chest while I feel tears start to form in my own eyes.
“They ruined it.” She chokes out again, her voice shaky.
I breathe in heavily. “They ruined what?” I ask gently.
“My reputation”
I pause. My lips quiver at the sound of her cries. I try to blink away my own tears.
“That’s all you care about?” The words leave my lips before they register. I know she cares about all the things others say to her. She just seems like the type to.
“Matt, I spend so much time,” she sobs through the few words she said. Pausing to cry some more at the thought of it. “So, so much time, perfecting myself.”
I hear her pause again, and by this point I can’t hold back my own tears. I let out a soft sob crying with her as I hold her even closer to myself.
“I didn’t want anyone to know. It’s none of their business” her words are soft. But the more she talks the more quiet she gets.
In a way she was like me. Masking her sorrow like that. She always just seemed too perfect to be true.
Perfect hair, perfect makeup, perfect face. Great humor, nice, kind, popular.
But nobody ever questioned it. She had everyone fooled. She was a great liar. And even though I had my suspicions she never gave me a reason to believe I was right.
I just thought I was delusional for reading into things.
But I was right.
As much as I wish I wasn’t.
“I’m so sorry.” I whisper. I try to breathe hard as to not sob like she was. I wanted to comfort her not cry with her.
She pulls away slightly. I look at her. She still has tears running down her cheeks, not looking like it’d stop soon. She looks up at me through her tear stained lashes, her mascara only slightly smudged.
Her lips quivers as I see another wave of sadness wash over her. “Why are you crying?” She asks her voice shaky. She lets out another choked sob.
Her hands cup my cheeks as we both cry looking at the other. “Please don’t cry,” the sight of my tears only seems to make her more sad.
But seeing the way she looked crying, I only wanted to cry harder.
She still looked perfect. Though her makeup was smudged slightly, her hair messy, her perfect features stained with her tears.
I gently grab her wrists slowly pulling her hands off of my face. I pull up the sleeve of her longs sleeved shirt and flip her arm to look at her wrist.
My gut clenches at the sight of the tiny white healed marks. They were barely noticeable anymore.
I had noticed them before when we had partnered up for some project. But out of respect I didn’t say anything. Besides they weren’t that bad, thin, white stripes messily across her wrist.
For all I knew it could’ve been her cat. I don’t have a cat, and neither have I seen self harm cuts before, so I wouldn’t know the difference.
I purse my lips. I let my head fall forward slightly my eyes closed. I feel sick to my stomach knowing someone as perfect as y/n was, or had been cutting herself at some point.
I hear a choked sob fall from her lips. I feel her intense stare burn through my scalp.
I pick up my head again, my eyes immediately looking to hers. She was crying again. Making me also shed a few tears again.
I bring her wrist up to my face leaving a gentle peck on it.
She watches me. The sight only making her cry more. She closes her eyes briefly.
It wasn’t like she’d expected me out of all people to shame her for her scars. But she also hadn’t expected him to just kiss them.
“You didn’t deserve that sweetheart.” I whisper under my breath. I pull her back in leaving a firm kiss on her forehead before cradling her head back into my chest.
She breaks out into sobs again her arms going under mine and hugging me tightly.
She was clinging to me tightly, her sobs wrecking her body, and also making me cry.
I gently pat down her hair,as she keeps crying, trying to soothe both of us.
“Y/n.” She pulls back slightly, her arm still wrapped around me. “Do you still..” I trail off not wanting to say it. Because if I say it, it’ll be too true.
Her lip quivers as I see her glossy eyes shed tears again. She lets out a gut wrenching sob again pressing her face into my chest again, mumbling “I’m sorry”s over and over again.
I sigh sympathetically, rubbing her scalp. I knew from experience, that after crying so much, your head would hurt so bad. And even though she was still crying I wanted to soothe her.
“Honey.” I say gently pulling her away from me. Our eyes meet briefly before she looks down in shame. I gently grab her cheek again making her look back up at me.
“Where do you cut?” I ask softly. I grimace at the words leaving my lips. I calmed down not crying anymore, but my eyes staying glassy.
Her eyebrows are scrunched together as she slightly pouts. Her eyes were still glassy, threatening to break out in sobs again.
“I don’t do it often..” she whispers under her breath, trying to over herself. Her eyes close briefly shame written all other her face.
“Where.” My tone is still low, but more firm, demanding an answer.
“My thigh.” She lets one of her Chanda fall from around me resting her hand on her very upper right thigh.
My eyes soften even further. My tears had dried in my face by now, but I felt just about ready to cry again.
I shift slightly. Her hand that had still been around me going to the bottom of my shirt and keeping a firm grip on the fabric.
I put my hand on her waist my touch featherlight, not wanting to overstep. “Is this okay?”
She purses her lips. Her eyes stay locked on mine as she tries to read what I’m trying to do. But she ultimately nods.
I put both my hands on her waist and pick her up from next to me putting her on my lap. She lets out a shaky breath her eyes going wide.
“Is this okay?” I enquirer my tone staying low.
Her bottom lip wobbles again. She closes her eyes briefly. “I don’t wanna go anything.” She breaths out her voice small and almost afraid.
My own eyes widen for a second looking back at her. I just realized how bad this looked without context. But I’m not a dick. I want to comfort her, not get in her pants.
I take my hands from her waist putting them on my thighs. Yet she doesn’t make a move off of me. Her hand stayed bunched up on my shirt.
“God, I don’t mean it like that.” I breathe out. “Just, me comforting you would be easier like this?” I says slowly.
Her gaze goes up to meet mine again, her lip quivering holding herself back from crying again.
She leans forward resting her face on my collarbone. She puts her other hand on my chest too as she starts to sob again. my right hand goes to her back rubbing it gently. While my left hand goes to her thigh massaging where her scars presumably were.
Her crying makes me tear up again. So we just cry together. My hand rubbing soothing motions into her back, and my other hand finally going up to cradle her head into me further.
I whisper encouraging words. Until eventually her cries die down, and so do mine.
She pulls back slightly, her eyes red rimmed and puffy. The tip of her nose and her cheeks red. And her lips as puffy as her eyes. She is a pretty crier, but the sight still makes me feel remorseful.
I put my hand back on her right thigh gently rubbing circles on it. My other hand going to cup her cheek. She leans into my touch relaxing more. She looked more tired than anything now.
“You can always talk to me, you know that.” I breath out, finally feeling like the lump in my throat was gone.
Her hand cups my wrist keeping my hand in her face. I start to rub her cheek gently looking at her pretty face.
“You can stay with me, Nick and Chris. Alright?” She nods slightly in answer.
I move my hand from her cheek to her hair rubbing at her scalp slightly. “You want me to take you home pretty girl?” I ask softly.
After all we were still in the school parking lot.
A/N: I actually cried writing this. the first part was actually literally me. and i also used to cry a lot, and cut, so this just made me cry while writing, bcs i relate to it so much. i love you all, stay safe & clean <3
‼️please don’t copy my work/idea‼️
Taglist: @muwapsturniolo , @sturnad , @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 , @evie-sturns , @me09love , @fratbrochrisgf , @spideylovin , @chrissgirlsstuff , @stunza , @whicked-hazlatwhore , @sturniooolos , @ecliphttlunar , @orangeypepsi , @klaus223492 , @char112244 , @sst7niolo , @slut4chriss , @mattsturniololoverr , @th3-3d3n-g4rd3n , @st7rnioioss , @t1llysblogs , @nonat-111 , @blahbel668 , @rockstarchr1s , @sturnsintrouble , @nayveetbhh
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Talks & Tantrums
Relationship(s): Garrick Tavis/fem!Riorson!reader, Xaden Riorson & sister!reader, Bodhi Durran & reader
Summary: Time to tell Xaden that you're dating his best friend.
Warnings: Just some swearing and bickering
(Sequel to Kisses & Confessions, but can be read on its own)
Garrick gets up extra early to meet you in your room before breakfast and kiss you good morning. Addicted to the taste of his mouth as you are, one kiss turns to two turns to ten, until you force yourselves to pull away. It's time to get going. As much as you don't want to, you still need to have a talk with your brother, and the sooner you get it over with, the better.
"Maybe we should meet Xaden in the gym to tell him, in case he wants to beat the shit out of me for this," your boyfriend jokes as you leave your room.
Being able to think of him as that — your boyfriend, all yours! — still makes you giddy. A few days ago, you would have never believed you'd ever get to call Garrick yours outside of your wildest dreams. And yet now he is, and you will not let the looming threat of still having to tell your brother about it ruin your good mood.
"Nah. He might not be happy about it, but it's not going to be that bad."
Garrick sighs. "Let's hope so."
"It'll be fine. You know he's incapable of staying mad at me for more than five minutes."
"I think that time you put chili in his birthday cake he actually managed ten minutes. Who knows, maybe this will lead to a new record."
"The chili thing doesn't count," you say. "Xay knew I only did that because Bodhi dared me to, he was more mad at him than me. And even if he really is seriously mad at us, we'll just bribe him with chocolate cake. But he won't be, trust me."
Reaching the stairs leading away from the dorms, you find Xaden already waiting in the usual spot. The four of you — counting Bodhi, who isn't here yet — have made a habit of walking to breakfast together whenever possible. Technically you shouldn't, because of the whole more than three marked ones assembling is illegal-thing, but so far you haven't gotten in trouble. And really — being in the hallway at the same time on the way to breakfast can hardly be called assembling. It could be complete coincidence, not to mention that there's usually more than enough other people around. It's not like they can forbid marked ones from being in a room together. You're just not allowed to be alone in a room together.
Xaden doesn't seem surprised that Garrick picked you up from your room, but he does stare at your entwined hands, his expression darkening.
"Garrick and me are dating now," you say before he can start questioning you.
Xaden's frown deepens, and he crosses his arms over his chest. "Excuse you?"
You roll your eyes, and warn, "Don't throw a tantrum now, Xaden."
"If you want to avoid starting a fight, maybe you should try to be a little more diplomatic," your dragon points out.
She's right, you don't want to fight with Xaden, but that doesn't mean you'll be all nice and docile. You want to make sure he's aware you're serious about this right from the start so he doesn't get the idea he could talk you out of dating Garrick.
"Hush. I know what I'm doing."
Srian sends the mental equivalent of a shrug, apparently deciding that this isn't her problem. All the better. You know how to deal with your brother just fine; you don't need smartass advice from a dragon who's never even interacted with any human other than yourself.
Meanwhile, Xaden clearly deems a tantrum necessary. "Are you fucking kidding me? You can't just date my best friend!" he complains, glaring daggers at you.
Why it's you he's pissed at and not Garrick is beyond you — you'd been almost certain he would put the blame on his best friend —, but you're glad for it. You hate the idea of them fighting because of you.
"Oh, but I can. I can do whatever the fuck I want. And I definitely don't need your permission to get a boyfriend."
"I'm not saying you need my permission. But—"
"But what? Sorry, Xay, but you don't get a say in this."
Xaden clenches his jaw so hard you see the muscles straining as he takes in the way Garrick has his arm protectively wrapped around your waist, holding you close, the way you're leaning into him, hands fidgeting with his. Something in your posture or expression seems to convince him that no, you're not just doing this to irritate him. "Gods, you're actually fucking serious about this, aren't you?"
"Yes," you and Garrick say in unison.
"Ugh. Fine."
Xaden's tone and expression make it clear he's not very happy about it, but, just as you predicted, he accepts that there's nothing he can do about it. You're sure that once he's had some time to really think about it, he'll realize that it's not such a bad scenario. After all, who could he trust more to treat his little sister right than his own best friend? Of course the downside is, that, should there ever be any trouble in your relationship, Xaden would be caught in the middle — but you're not going to worry about that just now. It's never going to come to that.
"But you better stay focused on the important things. If this relationship becomes a distraction—"
"It won't. We're perfectly capable of being in love while still staying professional. Right, Garrick?"
"I really fucking hope so," Xaden says, still sulking. He shakes his head. "Gods, I can't believe this shit. Couldn't you have picked someone else?!"
You're not sure if he's talking to you or to Garrick, since he's leaning against the wall with his head leaned back, glaring at the ceiling. Neither of you feels like continuing the argument — and luckily, Bodhi spares you an answer.
"If you ask me, it was about damn time they get together," he grins, instantly guessing what you're talking about as he joins you in the hallway.
"Wait, you knew she likes me?" Garrick asks.
"Of course I knew. I had to listen to her drool over you day in, day out for the last year."
"Bodhi! Shut up!" you whine, jabbing your elbow in his side. It's embarrassing when he puts it like that, and it's made even worse by your dragon's very enthusiastic agreement. You never drooled over Garrick! And while you realize that you do talk about him a lot, Bodhi is definitely exaggerating. He's making it sound as if Garrick is the only topic you ever talk about, for fucks sake!
Xaden looks from Bodhi to you, then back to Bodhi, narrowing his eyes at him like a dragon staring down its prey. "Why am I getting the impression that you knew they're dating before me?"
"Because Y/N already told me yesterday, right after they got together," Bodhi says, chuckling as he adds, "You should have seen the lovestruck look on her face when she came running into class ten minutes late."
Xaden gives you an indignant look. "Seriously? Not enough that you start dating my best friend behind my back, you're also telling everyone else first?"
"I'm not telling everyone else first! Just Bodhi. Because he is my best friend. And I would have told you sooner, too, if I'd had time to talk to you between classes yesterday. Which I didn't. So..." You shrug. "Besides, I don't have to tell you shit."
"Yes, you do."
"Why don't we just go have breakfast," Garrick interrupts.
"Good idea," you agree and lean up to peck his lips — or at least you try. Xaden's shadows hold you back.
"Oh no. Absolutely not. No kissing in front of me," he growls.
"Just look away then!"
"Save it for when you're alone."
"You're not the boss of me."
"No, but I'm the boss of him," Xaden says, pointing at Garrick, then at the leadership patch on his own uniform. "Wingleader, remember?"
Garrick groans in annoyance, but he knows better than to argue.
You, on the other hand, can't stop yourself from meeting your brother's glare with one of your own. "I'm pretty sure what you're doing right now is called abusing your power."
While you often find yourself wishing you were in the same wing as the boys, it's moments like this when you're glad you aren't. Not that you generally have a problem with taking orders from your brother — when it comes to rebellion stuff, you're glad to follow his lead. But constantly having him breathing down your neck and being in charge of you? No, thanks.
He merely shrugs at your accusation. "Don't care."
"You're being childish, Xaden!"
"Terribly sorry for not wanting to see my sister and best friend be all over each other right in front of me."
"Nobody is forcing you to watch!"
"That's not the point! I don't want this kind of thing happening anywhere near me, no matter if I'm watching or not."
You look to Bodhi for help. "Tell him he's being ridiculous," you demand.
"Sorry Y/N, but he kind of has a point..."
"Oh come on! We're talking about one tiny kiss! It's not like I want to start a full-blown makeout session in front of you!"
"I sure fucking hope you don't," Xaden says, and pushes off the wall he was leaning against. "I'm going to have breakfast now. If you can't keep your hands off of each other, then please don't join me."
With that he walks away. Bodhi shrugs and follows him. So do you and Garrick, but not before using the chance to steal a kiss while their backs are turned.
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A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 2) Chapter Nine
Saiki Kusuo x Reader
Chapter Nine: Misinformation and Memories
Summary: Saiki and (Y/N) deal with terrible journalists and homework.
The following day, the newspaper had worse articles. Clearly, they intended to irritate and discredit the castaways until they got the interviews and information they wanted.
“Two Castaways ignored our Requests—Who are these Two? Could They be more than Friends? We Caught Them Hugging.”
“Seven Mysteries about the Shipwreck.”
“The Saws that Mysteriously Appeared.”
“The Definitive Proof.”
“Takahashi Spills the Truth.”
(Y/N) looked at Saiki. The first title was an issue—if their relationships status got out to the students, the amount of drama in their friend group could be astronomical. “What do we do, Kusuo?”
“This is ridiculous,” said Saiki. It was just the newspaper club running a giant gossip column, and it was silly. Unfortunately, people were already whispering and glancing at the pair. (Y/N) grimaced, and Saiki narrowed his eyes. (Y/N) disliked the looks they were getting, and that meant Saiki disliked them.
“Are you ready for that interview now?” said Jouten, smirking and standing behind Saiki and (Y/N). Her hands were on her hips, and she looked down on them triumphantly. “This is what happens when you don’t cooperate, Kusuo Saiki, (Y/N) (L/N).”
You’ve gone too far. Involving his relationship with (Y/N) in the gossip was too much. It was rude, disrespectful, and could hurt (Y/N)’s friendships (he insisted he didn’t have friends, so what did he care?)
“You shouldn’t underestimate us,” continued Jouten. “Now tell us everything!”
Saiki projected his thoughts directly into (Y/N)’s mind. “We need to get them off our backs. If they’re going to public fake news, let’s tell them everything.”
(Y/N) shrugged. It wasn’t like anything really interesting happened on the island other than Mera going feral for a day. They could talk about that.
“That’s a weak story,” said Jouten, frowning after (Y/N) and Saiki finished their story.
“It’s the truth,” said (Y/N), shrugging.
Jouten waved a hand carelessly. “I can’t make an article from that. It would be over in three lines. Kaidou’s story was better.”
“Because he was lying,” said Saiki.
“Anything is fine if it’s interesting,” said Jouten.
“I thought reporters were supposed to tell the truth,” said (Y/N), confused.
“Whatever,” said Jouten. “Just hand them over, then.”
“Hand what over?” said Saiki.
“Pictures of Kokomi Teruhashi changing,” said Jouten. “You were with her for four days, after all.”
“Why would we take photos of someone changing?”
“No thanks.”
(Y/N) and Saiki’s respective asexuality reared its head.
Jouten stared at them. “Are you stupid?! You didn’t take any?! No way, you must have one.”
“I think it would be rude to take a photo of someone like that,” said (Y/N).
“Nobody even had a camera,” said Saiki. They covered the ethical and logical arguments against the idea in a single moment.
“How could you miss that?” exclaimed Jouten indignantly. “You’re telling me you don’t even have a photo of her pooping?”
“Ew?” said (Y/N).
“Are you stupid?” retorted Saiki.
“Are you kidding me right now? You didn’t take any?!” said Jouten.
“Why would we?” said Saiki.
“Weird…” said (Y/N), eyeing Jouten.
“You’re failures as journalists!” said Jouten.
“What about you?”
“I’m not a journalist?”
“I would have taken the shot,” said the cameraman.
“Are you stupid, too?”
“I’m telling Kokomi to avoid you,” said (Y/N) cheerfully.
Jouten groaned and sat down in her chair again. “Whatever. Just go.”
I hope they get shut down.
I really hope they get shut down. Saiki looked at the articles up, once more full of gossip and misinformation.
“Breaking News! Kokomi Teruhashi’s Island Nudes!”
“Poop Photos Leaked. Naughty Photos, Too.”
“Photos will be Exclusive Next Week.”
“Other People in Photos include (Y/N) (L/N)—”
Saiki didn’t bother reading the rest. He was already fuming. Beside him, (Y/N) made sure their uniform top was tightly buttoned. They were extremely uncomfortable with the idea of such photos of themself—especially since there was no way they existed.
“Kusuo?” said (Y/N), looking at him. “Can you…stop this?”
Saiki looked into (Y/N)’s eyes, so nervous and hesitant, so different from their usual cheer. Now you’ve done it. Jouten would face his wrath.
“Saiki! Is it true? There are photos of Teruhashi?” Several boys turned towards him.
“How could you?”
“Give them to me so I can get rid of them!”
“No, give them to me!”
“I’ll take the pictures of the others!”
“I’ll pay!”
“Kusuo?” said (Y/N), back away. Saiki moved slightly in front and glowered at the boys, who flinched back.
Paying for photos of my—! Saiki had not been this angry for a long, long time.
“Stop this!” Everyone turned in surprise. Teruhashi stood in the hall, hands on her hips. “Saiki wouldn’t do that. No one on that island would. The newspaper article is a lie.”
“But they said there were photos,” said a boy in confusion.
“There can’t be,” said Teruhashi. “Because I didn’t.”
“What? You didn’t—?” Poop?
“I didn’t.”
“It was four days. You would have to—”
“I didn’t.” Teruhashi’s smile didn’t break, and she shone brighter than ever.
“Even you have to—”
“I didn’t.” Her brightness was blinding.
“She didn’t!” cried the crowd. “She didn’t!” As unbelievable as her claim was, they refused to believe anything the newspaper said about her—she was infallible.
“At least that means they won’t believe anything else they read about us,” said (Y/N), laughing slightly at how easily everyone listened to Teruhashi.
“Good,” said Saiki. Still, he would deal with the newspaper club directly. They were spreading rumors about (Y/N) in addition to the girls on the island. Saiki wouldn’t stand for that.
Tomorrow, the newspaper club would find a rather unexpected article on their board—an expose.
“Is this for real?”
“I can’t believe her!”
“The newspaper club is the worst!”
“They photographed themselves pooping in their room?”
Jouten and her cameraman stared in shock at the photographic evidence of their plans to lie about Teruhashi, (Y/N), and everyone else who was shipwrecked.
“They’re perverts.”
The pair of “reporters” deflated and collapsed to the ground. Saiki smiled slightly in satisfaction.
“Maybe that will teach them a lesson on honesty,” said (Y/N) optimistically.
“Or stop them from being reporters,” said Saiki.
(Y/N) smiled and took Saiki’s hand. “Thank you, Kusuo.”
Saiki glanced down at them and squeezed their hand. “Of course.” Always for you.
“Okay, I’ve finished math,” said (Y/N). “And so have you. Should we take a break?”
Saiki nodded and closed his notebook. They had been working all morning to complete their homework before their break, so they deserved a small break (and a snack to go along with it).
A knock at the door. (Y/N) looked out the window and smiled.
“It’s Kuboyasu, Kaidou, and Nendou,” said (Y/N).
“Pretend we’re not here,” said Saiki.
“Kusuo, they’re your friends,” scolded (Y/N), though they were laughing.
“Sure,” said (Y/N), opening Saiki’s front door. “Hi, guys.”
“Oh, (L/N),” said Kuboyasu in surprise. “Hello. What are you doing here?”
“Homework,” said (Y/N).
“Will you help us with ours?” said Kaidou.
Saiki reached around (Y/N) to close the door.
“Wait, hear us out!” said Nendou.
“We brought these to share,” said Kaidou, holding out coffee jelly.
(Y/N) smothered a laugh as their boyfriend’s eyes zeroed in on the sweets like a hawk.
“Get in,” said Saiki.
“Thank you!” chorused Kaidou, Kuboyasu, and Nendou.
And so, (Y/N) and Saiki, happily finished with their work, sat back and ate the free coffee jelly while the other three copied their work.
“I’m copying everything,” said Nendou, smiling brightly.
“Don’t make it too obvious!” said Kuboyasu. “Copy around eighty percent of it at most.”
“You should keep it under ten percent,” said Saiki.
“Just compare your answers to see if it’s right or not,” said (Y/N) helpfully.
“It’s too hard to do that with the picture diary,” complained Kaidou. “That took so long.”
Saiki froze. “Picture diary?” He opened his schoolbag and dug around until he pulled out a diary. He flipped through it. Empty. All empty.
“It’s thirty-one days! You can’t finish that in a day!” said Kuboyasu.
“I guess this is more important than our homework,” said Kaidou.
“We don’t have a choice,” said Nendou.
“Yes, go home.” Saiki could just use his powers.
“We’ll help!” said everyone, and (Y/N) started laughing in the background.
“No, go home!”
“But we want to help!”
“Guys,” said (Y/N), still laughing. “You weren’t around for his summer. Come on, finish your work and head home. Kusuo will figure things out.”
“I have plenty of photos from things we did all together, so I’ll give them to him,” said (Y/N), smiling.
“Oh, good idea!” said Nendou. He pulled out his phone and began to send pictures to (Y/N). “Here, more!”
“I have some, too!” said Kuboyasu.
“Me, too!” said Kaidou.
(Y/N)’s phone dinged like it was the end of the world as all the photographs came in. They smiled. “Thanks, everyone! Now, we should let Kusuo focus on putting everything together.”
“Alright!” Now that they had helped, the boys were more willing to be pushed out of the room and the house, happy that their homework was handled and their friend’s would be, too.
“How do you do that?” (Y/N) easily controlled the annoyances around Saiki.
“They wanted to help, so I let them,” said (Y/N), a smile on their face. “Come on, let’s see what photos we can use.” They sat down on the couch, and Saiki sat down next to them.
“Look at what Nendou sent—pictures of some of the ramen places we all went,” said (Y/N). “That was fun.”
“When they followed health codes,” said Saiki.
(Y/N) laughed. “Right.”
Saiki held out his hand to the phone, then to the pages of his diary, and the correct dates filled in with photographs of ramen restaurants.
“Kaidou sent us photos from when he dragged us to comicon the day-of,” said (Y/N). They chuckled. “I remember that I really wanted to cosplay but had no time, so you helped me put together an outfit.” Indeed, in the photo of Kaidou—dressed as Sasuke, the only “right” character for his tough and tortured soul—(Y/N) and Saiki stood with him. Saiki had no costume, but (Y/N)—dressed as Luffy—was putting a straw hat on his head playfully.
“That wasn’t so bad,” said Saiki. He was a bit of a nerd when he could avoid spoilers, so buying themed snacks and a poster or two was fun.
“And Kuboyasu sent pictures of you and him on your bikes,” said (Y/N). They laughed sheepishly. “I think that was the day I tried to be your backpack and we almost crashed.”
“We’re not trying that again,” said Saiki.
“Not for a long time,” agreed (Y/N).
Saiki transferred the photos over again and glanced over at (Y/N) and their phone. “What photos did you take?”
“I, uh, took some from our dates,” said (Y/N). Quickly, they waved their hadns in front of their face. “I didn’t post any anywhere. Our privacy is secure.”
“…Would you show me?”
(Y/N) brightened, and Saiki could melt from the warmth of their grin.
“Sure!” said (Y/N), scotting closer to Saiki. They held up their phone between them and opened their photos. “See, that one was when we went to Shibuya to take that baking class.” Saiki was covered in flour, and (Y/N) was pointing at him as they laughed behind the camera.
“The cupcakes tasted good after,” said Saiki.
“They did!” agreed (Y/N). They flipped to the next photo. “This is when we picked out outfits for each other.” They smiled at him and leaned on his shoulder slightly. “We look so cute.”
Saiki smiled slightly. “You did.”
“And this is one of my favorite photos,” laughed (Y/N), showing one of Saiki’s blissed-out face eating coffee jelly. “I think it captures you.” Another photo. “And this one is the one I sent to you when Kokomi, Chiyo, and I went to a festival and did face-painting.” They had tiny strawberries painted like freckles across their cheeks. “And you let me try to paint you after.” Saiki’s face was in the next photo—a coffee jelly painted on his cheek. The next picture was a selfie—(Y/N) kissing Saiki’s cheek, the one without the face paint. “I really like this one.”
Saiki’s hand subconsciously lifted and went around (Y/N)’s shoulders. With their head leaning on his shoulder, they were really looking like a couple, cuddling and everything.
Saiki looked down at them and smiled to himself as (Y/N) continued to ramble about all the memories they’d made together. He really didn’t deserve them. But he was glad to have them.
Saiki was head-over-heels for (Y/N).
#a not so disastrous romance#x reader#gn reader#nb reader#x gn reader#x nb reader#the disaster of psi kusuo saiki#saiki kusou no psi nan#kusuo saiki#saiki k#saiki no psi nan#saiki x reader#saiki#saiki kusuo#kusuo saiki x reader#saiki kusuo x reader#kusuo x reader#tdlosk#the disastrous life of saiki k.#the disastrous life of saiki k
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Corroded Coffin ransoms Steve Part 1/?
From this post
Steve couldn't really see who was attacking him. But that didn't matter.
"Grab him! GRAB HIM!"
"Shit! AH! Fuck!"
He wasn't gonna let a bunch of random guys get the best of him. Who cared that it was four on one? They had the element of surprise, sure. Steve hadn't expected to get jumped in the space between the Hawkins gym and his car. Serves him right for trying to get extra basketball practice, he supposed.
Steve felt pretty good about holding his own. Two of them were holding themselves where he'd landed a good blow. He could finish this. There was only one guy left (the other must've bolted) and his car was in sight. Steve threw one more punch and booked it, reaching for his keys in his jacket pocket when pain bloomed on his entire left side. Then his right decided to match it when he hit the ground.
'Did I just get hit by a fucking car?'
There was screaming coming from above him but it was cut off as Steve's world went black.
Eddie took a deep drag, holding it in before releasing his breath.
"You don't like it", Gareth said, half finished beer in hand.
"Didn't say I didn't like it", Eddie said.
"Dude, we can tell when you approve and when you don't", Jeff pushed up from the crate of whatever Doug's dad kept in the garage.
Doug was nursing a beer too. His second one. "What don't you like about a battle of the bands? We've got the sound."
"And the personality!", Gareth added.
Eddie nodded. "All solid points. But we're missing the money."
"Entry fee's only fifty bucks, man", Jeff said. "I know you got that much."
"$50 to get it", Eddie began to list off his fingers. "Gas money to get us all the way to Chicago-"
"It's like three hours away, Eds", Doug griped.
"Not done! Plus food, plus hotels, plus fixing up our equipment. Jeff and I both need new strings if we're gonna have any chance of winning."
"Well fuck me, I guess", Doug rolled his eyes.
"Dude, the bass guy always gets the most puss at these things. You don't need new strings", Gareth said. "If anything, my drums-"
"If I don't need new strings, why should you get new drums?", Doug argued.
"Ladies, ladies, you're both beautiful", Jeff came between them. "And need I remind you, we're trying to get Eddie on board? Not double our expenses?"
"We're already over budget", Eddie said. "'Sides, we'd be taking my van to get there and old Bessie needs some work done too. 'Specially if she's gonna be hauling our stuff."
It wasn't that Eddie didn't want to go. He just wasn't particularly keen on following pipe dreams. Chicago wasn't far-far. But what were the odds of them going all the way there and hitting it big? It wasn't strictly a metal competition. There'd be rock and probably pop, maybe even country too, who knew. The point was, metal wasn't much of a crowd-pleaser unless the crowd was already primed for it.
He snuffed the joint in his hand and then lit up another one that they all passed around while coming up with get rich quick schemes. It started innocent enough with the suggestions. Blood donations (Doug hated needles, Eddie hated hospitals), garage sale ("Nobody wants our shit."), and even if they all somehow got like three part time jobs by tomorrow, they wouldn't earn enough to get Eddie on board with this whole idea.
The more they talked about it, the more Eddie got riled up. Why should they be left out of something just because they didn't have the money for it? That was bullshit! There were people out there drowning in money and between the four of them they couldn't scrounge up enough just to get them over the state line?
"Blame whoever you want, but the fact is, money's been in the wrong hands for too damn long!", Eddie said, jumping to his feet. "They tell us all the goddamn time that kids are starvin' in Africa but are they doing anything about it?"
"Not a damn thing", Gareth shook his head.
"Meanwhile, there's kids over here that are starving! And they're still not liftin' a finger to help", Eddie gestured with the joint in his hand, half finished between him and Jeff. "No, the rich fucks of the world don't give, they only take. So we've gotta take it back somehow."
"What? Rob a bank?", Jeff snickered.
The others snickered in return at the absurdity of the idea but Eddie was thinking. Of course not a bank heist. But there were people in Hawkins with money...yeah...for sure there was.
"Not a bank", Eddie said, starting to pace around. But there's a couple of rich bastards in town who could stand to part with their cash."
"You wanna rob the mayor's house or something?", Doug offered. He was on his third beer.
"Eddie's got the stealth of a newborn deer", Gareth said.
"Bad analogy, Gare-bear. Prey animals are notoriously stealthy, even from birth", Eddie grinned.
"Still though. If it's really valuable, we wouldn't be able to pawn it without painting a target on our backs", Gareth sighed.
"Wait, what if we did a ransom?", Doug said.
"Yeah, yeah", Jeff nodded. "We get somethin' valuable and basically sell it back to 'em."
Eddie grinned. "A ransom, huh? Now, stay with me boys, but what if-what IF we took someone. Someone important enough that his folks would go through hell or high water to get him back?"
The other three were silent as the realization dawned on them. Eddie could only be talking about one person.
"You're crazy man...", Jeff said, taking the joint from his hand to use it for himself.
"Like a fox", Eddie smirked.
When they talked about it after sobering up, it still sounded like a good idea. The target: Steve Harrington. Rich enough to have a big house, a nice car, and always have the newest things. Dumb enough that he should be easy to get. Sure, he probably had some muscle, being a jock and all, but Harrington notoriously didn't get into fights. Which probably meant he couldn't. But Eddie and his friends had been in scraps before. The perks of being an outcast, he supposed.
Getting him alone was probably going to be the hardest part of all of this. But Eddie happened to know that sometimes Harrington would come to the school's gym early to practice. It was the perfect opportunity.
It meant they had to wake up early on break and take Bessie and sit in the lot without the heat on, freezing their tits while they waited on Harrington to come out of the gym.
"Why are we w-waiting?", Gareth asked, shivering.
"Need him fatigued and all that", Eddie said. Despite the layers, his teeth were clacking. But if the motor was on, Harrington would hear and they'd lose the element of surprise. He reminded himself that this had to be the hardest part - waiting in the cold, especially when they left the van to be closer to the door of the gym. The masks they were provided only minimal warmth.
But after grabbing and bagging Harrington, they'd leave the note, his parents would get it and they'd have their money and return their hostage by Christmas. Easy peasy.
They didn't count on Steve actually being able to hold his own against all four of them. Maybe it was the fact that they'd been out in the cold, maybe it was the lack of muscle mass between them or general lack of coordination. Whatever it was, somehow, Harrington was wrecking their shit single handedly.
Eddie wasn't the best thinker when he panicked. But right now Gareth was holding his nose and Jeff and Doug wouldn't be far behind. So he ran. To his van.
He saw Harrington making a break for it and stomped down on the gas.
Eddie didn't really register what he'd done until he heard Gareth screaming.
"Shut up! Shut up man!", Jeff shouted back.
"Get him in the van!", Doug screamed.
"The note! Shit, the note! Put it in his windshield!", Eddie reminded him.
It was chaos until they were a good distance away from the school. Nothing could be heard but their panting. Steve Harrington was limp and unconscious in the back of his van. Eddie didn't stop until they were at Gareth's.
"How long are your parents gone for?", he asked as they tied Steve down to a chair in the basement.
"They won't be back until New Year's. My aunt just had a new baby." He was holding his nose again now that Steve was secure.
"How long until he wakes up, do you think?", Doug asked.
Steve's gasp as he suddenly sat up straight and struggled against his ropes answered that question. Thankfully, they all still had their masks on.
"Well, fuck, these things don't work for shit", Gareth said as he pulled his mask off.
"Who the hell are you?", Steve raised a brow.
Eddie just barely held back the bark of laughter. This was stupid, this was so stupid! But they were in it now. And apparently Steve Harrington knew him by...by some defining characteristic.
"How'd you know it was me?", he asked as he took the mask off.
"Your hair's pretty distinct", Steve said. "What the hell is this? What's going on?"
Eddie grinned and bent over, getting into Steve's face. "Well, Stevie dearest, all you need to know is that you're going to make us very rich."
Part 2
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