#she plays football and is a great cook
dlartistanon · 2 months
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Why does Blaze routinely fall for the most emotionally unavailable women
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o-sachi · 2 months
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You're Just My Type pt. 1 ₊⊹ Blue Lock Chars.
ଳ What kind of person is the blue lock boys' ideal girl in terms of looks and personality?
ଳ characters; michael kaiser, sae itoshi, isagi yoichi, rin itoshi, bachira meguru, chigiri hyoma, nagi seishirou, reo mikage, kunigami rensuke, alexis ness
ଳ requested by; @itenesycc
[🐟]: I tried to include as many as possible. Hopefully this fulfills your request! I might make a part two with everyone else I missed.
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ᯓ Michael Kaiser - the domestic & doting type
Kaiser turns into the biggest baby around his s/o. How could he not? She spoils him rotten after all. And she hardly minds because she knows that he's just seeking out the care and affection he missed out in his childhood. In a way, he's healing his inner child. Don't get me wrong; he's not using her as some sort of replacement for a parent figure. But he's trying to feel what it's like to be truly loved.
He absolutely loves it when she cooks for him. His heart throbs like crazy whenever their s/o shows even the slightest bit of concern for him. And don't even get him started about the way she would take care of him before and after his practice. At the end of the day, he makes sure to reciprocate her efforts in his own little ways. Suddenly, he's the kindest, most gentle, and most loving man on Earth. And whenever his salary comes in, she's sure to be at a fancy restaurant that night and receiving the queen treatment she deserves.
I have a feeling that he's into nice looking hair. It doesn't matter if it's long or short as long as it's healthy and has volume to it. He's probably into dyed hair as well. He also finds that beautiful hair pairs up well with a pretty set of eyes. The more expressive they are, the better.
ᯓ Sae Itoshi - the shy & soft-spoken type
Sae might seem like a big b*tch to everyone else, but he's surprisingly nice to women (as long as they're not a crazy fanatic). Well... "nice" is a bold term, so let's just say he's aloof. He's not harsh towards them, but he's not going to smile at them either. But! Deep down he has a soft spot for the cute and shy kind of girl. He just can't find it in him to be cold to that kind of person; It almost feels wrong.
But, yes, he'll never admit that in a million years. However, the changeup is noticeable. It's subtle, but you can tell through how his voice softens ever so slightly when talking to his s/o. She might be cursing herself for failing to maintain eye contact with him or tripping over her sentences. But Sae finds all of this quite endearing. And trust me when I say that he becomes the biggest menace around her—making her flustered at every opportunity he comes across. He can't get enough of it.
In terms of looks, he likes it when a girl has soft features with short hair that frames her rounded face. Her plump cheeks make it more enjoyable for him to poke whenever he teases her. It's also canon that he's into ass... so, yeah. He says it's all about the shape and less about the size.
ᯓ Isagi Yoichi - the funny & carefree type
Isagi had the luxury of growing up in a healthy environment, so I think it's only natural for him to gravitate towards someone the same. If she has a great sense of humor with a relaxed demeanor, then he's pretty much sold. Frankly, he doesn't need anything more. Isagi finds beauty in simplicity. His s/o is someone akin to a hidden gem. She isn't flashy by any means, but she's incredibly sweet so she stands out that way.
He wonders why no one has gone after her before. But, oh well, more of her for him! She never fails to make him laugh even if the jokes are corny. They're the type of couple everyone's annoyed at because they're too sweet and now they feel jealous. Oh, but Isagi fell even harder once she witnessed his different side while playing football. He fully expected her to be repulsed, but she was amused. Apparently it was cool to see him so pumped up like that.
He's not that particular when it comes to looks. As long as she has a gentle expression and she takes care of herself, he'll be happy. When it comes to clothes... well, he has no clue about that so even a simple style impresses him. He's really a low maintenance guy and we love him for that. Canonically into thighs, so he doesn't care if it's plump or muscular—he's content as long as he can squeeze 'em.
ᯓ Rin Itoshi - the perfectionist & intelligent type
When you think of the title "Ice Queen"—whatever comes to mind, that's exactly his type. In other words, I have a STRONG feeling that Rin is essentially going for the female version of himself. He doesn't give a shit if she's worse than him. In fact, that makes it better in his opinion. Someone's gotta put him in place, right? He'll happily let her do that as long as he deems her on par with him. And I don't mean that she has to be a football freak; she just needs to be more or less well-rounded.
Apart from his standards being sky high, he just wants to make sure that his girl is better than his brother's girl. Toxic, I know. But what were you expecting? Regardless, he'll always make sure to let her know that she's the best in his eyes. Totally out of character, but he'll be praising her like crazy if he's truly in love with her. I can definitely see an enemies-to-lovers story happening to this guy.
He's probably into the clean girl aesthetic. He finds the look elegant and sleek. It makes her look like she has her shit together and he digs that. Perhaps he prefers dark medium length hair—so, brown and black hues.
ᯓ Bachira Meguru - the calm & laid-back type
When I say calm and laid-back, I don't necessarily mean someone who's the polar opposite of him. She's still going to be as hyper and energetic as him... just a bit more lowkey. Like if they were to go on an amusement park date and ride a rollercoaster—he'd be screaming his lungs out while she'd enjoy the ride quietly with a big smile plastered on her face. She'd gladly let him drag her to whatever crazy scheme he has planned. Spontaneous, but blends into the background kind of thing.
In a way, she's also responsible for mellowing him a little bit. Even though she's fully supportive of his antics, he'll unconsciously calm down at times to match her energy. He especially loves her because she accepts all of the overwhelming affection that he has to offer. Hugs that squeeze the air out of you? Sure, she'll take it. Kisses peppered relentlessly over her face? Great! Just another day for her.
I have this teensy feeling that Bachira might be into ponytails or pigtails. He thinks it makes any girl look cute regardless of the length of her hair. When it comes to height, he's the dude that does not care if she's taller than him. To be fair, he's pretty damn tall, so that should say something about him. Similar to Isagi, he cares more about personality.
ᯓ Chigiri Hyoma - the sassy & independent type
I'll just say it... but Chigiri likes his girls a bit b*tchy. Not rude, not mean—but just the right amount of sass. She's not a bitch. She's THE bitch. You get me? He just loves how witty and snarky she can be. It makes the relationship more fun knowing that she can keep up with the banter without taking any offense. They definitely have an inside joke—something something about who has better hair...
She thinks she's his biggest supporter, but it's actually the other way around. The way this man will support his girl is like no other. He can't help it when he's dating a girlboss. Chigiri admires that she's headstrong and knows what she wants. Like ask her where she wants to eat and she'll give you a place... and an order.
Long pretty hair. No ifs, no buts. He wants someone that can rival his hair routine. Chigiri would even be the one to tie a pretty pink ribbon in her locks. I see him digging the whole clean girl aesthetic as well. He's into the preppy style—old money or academia fits best.
ᯓ Nagi Seishirou - the patient & reliable type
I'll be real and say that Nagi probably wasn't the best person to be in a relationship with in the early stages. Of course, he needs some time to get used to having a whole other person constantly be around his space, requiring his attention. It's going to be a difficult ordeal, so it's totally valid to get exhausted. But once he realizes how patient and understanding she is, he'll try harder for her.
One day he'll just wake up on a random morning missing her warmth, then his mind will wander to what his life would be like without her. He'd be terrified to the point that he'll do a full 360 and become the most doting he's ever been. Well, he'll nowhere be near overbearing, but he'll at least show that he cares.
He prefers it when she has short hair or if she has longer hair—she would normally have it in an updo. He says long hair makes it itchy when he nuzzles his face into the crook of her neck when cuddling. And speaking of cuddling, Nagi would love it if she was built for warm cuddling. He falls asleep in seconds like a Minecraft character.
ᯓ Reo Mikage - the down-to-earth & responsible type
One of Reo's biggest considerations when it comes to finding love is his partner's perception of money. He's insanely rich, so it's understandable that he wants to find someone who isn't going to date him solely for his bank. He's going to be wary of everyone at first, but he'll fold once he finds someone who's genuinely practical and down-to-earth. Reo will be smitten knowing that she's staying with him because of... him.
With that being said, she needs to be responsible as well. I mean, responsible in the sense that she has her life together. She works hard towards her dreams which matches his goal-oriented persona. If she's financially responsible then, even better. Make those budget spreadsheets in front of him and he'll be impressed. In the end, he spoils her anyway.
Reo's probably into the unique kind of look. She dyed her hair a fun color and wears bold fashion pieces. Minimalist tattoos and piercings are her thing. He'll definitely take pictures of her and post her on his social media—practically bragging about her. He may or may not have paid for most of her tats and piercings because he thinks they're hot.
ᯓ Kunigami Rensuke - the tough & street smart type
Kunigami is a strong-willed person before and after the wildcard. So, of course, he'd be drawn to someone of the same air. His ideal girl is someone who can handle herself in tough situations—someone with a gritty, no-nonsense attitude and a street-smart edge. She knows how to navigate the challenges of life with a cool head and a confident stride. In other words, she can fight her own battles, but appreciates that Kunigami would always be there by her side regardless.
He's attracted to her because she isn't afraid to speak up for herself or for whatever she stands for, even if it means challenging him. They both believe that actions speak louder than words and they constantly express that belief towards each other in their relationship. Together, they're the power couple that everyone aspires to be.
In terms of appearance, he's not too fussy about it. He's more attracted to the fact that she's confident in her body. But he would definitely bark for her if she was a muscle mommy. Her fashion sense is practical yet stylish, reflecting her no-fuss attitude. Kunigami loves that she can effortlessly switch between tough and tender, and he's always in awe of her versatility.
ᯓ Alexis Ness - the creative & clingy type
Ness is into the artsy girls. Doesn't really matter if it's drawing, painting, theater, or writing—as long as she possesses the creative spirit. He believes that the creation of art is magical in and of itself. It's not supernatural by any means, but the fact that she can create something with her own hands that no one else can exactly replicate baffles him. He's the biggest fan of her works—that's for sure. It's practically praise galore when he's around.
He feels the most loved when his girl expresses the desire to be around him whenever she can. Quality time and physical affection are his non-negotiables in a relationship. And unlike most people, he'd find her clinginess endearing rather than annoying. He's going to be so generous with his affection—she better be prepared to take in ALL of it.
He's also very much into girls with tattoos. The regular black ink ones are nice, but the colorful tats are amazing. Bonus points if the tattoo has sentimental value to her. I think he's also similar to Bachira in that he doesn't mind if she's taller than him. She wants to wear heels on date night? By all means, go ahead. He'll compliment her anyway.
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ceesimz · 6 months
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Not my best work, but it was fun to write nonetheless. FYI: panna means nutmeg, but it's also a playground/street football game where it is either a 1v1 or basically a huge free-for-all and you had to get as many nutmegs/pannas as possible - great memories :)
Living with Leah was a much different experience than you thought it would be.
The first time you met her she was a little shy but the more you got to know her, the more enamouring she was and before long you had completely fallen for her, as had she for you. Each date, you peeled back another layer of each other's personality and you saw a side to her that was inexplicably softer than the sometimes rather grumpy, stoic demeanor she had for her career. It was easy to like her, adore her, and eventually love her, and you made sure to offer her a safe space for her to let go in when she was away from the view of the public. She did the same for you, allowing you to switch off when you needed to in her presence. Ultimately, the relationship was so rewarding and comforting, it seemed almost too good to be true. In moments of self-doubt and insecurity, you felt like you were just waiting for the shoe to drop.
And when you moved into your new house together, that shoe did indeed drop, but in a way you didn't expect.
As time went on of you sharing the same space, an extremely irritating side of Leah came out in full force. You had seen glimpses of it so far of course, and it never failed to make you laugh, but living with her? It was next level.
Leah seemed to embody the nature of that of an annoying younger sibling or a tiresome teenager who had a maddening addiction to just being absolutely infuriating. When she was in a certain type of giddy mood, this habit seemed to reach new heights. You loved it, but sometimes it felt like you were going to explode with the aggravation you felt towards her.
You know that saying of if you don't react, they'll get bored and stop? Yeah, that didn't apply to Leah.
"Leah, I'm trying to cook dinner, put the football away please." You started out by asking her politely as you manned the pasta in the pot on the hob, your girlfriend doing kick-ups by the fridge.
"I'm alright here, babe. I won't get in your way, swear. Just wanna be with you, and I am bored." That's kind of sweet, you guess.
Deciding that the pasta can survive without constant surveillance, you step away from it to unload the dishwasher but clearly Leah doesn't agree with that.
"Nah, forget that, I'll do it later. Come here, one versus one." She grins, quickly flicking the ball between each foot.
"And why would I do that as someone who doesn't even know which foot to use?" You raise an eyebrow and stand across from her with your hands on your hips.
"Bit of fun, babe, lighten up. Let's do a game of panna." She teases, passing the ball to you. "You first."
"What is panna?" You frown, confused.
"Just try to nutmeg me." Leah rolls her eyes, though she knows your knowledge of football lacks compared to her as someone who lives and breathes the sport and has done all her life.
You squint your eyes sceptically at her, before slowly inching towards her and attempting to dribble the ball the way you've seen her do it probably a million times. However, as soon as you get close, she removes any gap between her feet and instead stands like a penguin.
"How am I supposed to nutmeg you when you stand like that?" You scoff, but she just smirks smugly at you and shrugs.
"No one likes a quitter."
"No one likes a stubborn girlfriend that forces her girlfriend to play a game that's impossible to win." You hit back, and a smile tugs at your lips as you see Leah suppress a laugh.
"Fine, let me go against you." She steals the ball from your feet in the blink of an eye, and now the cards are stacked impossibly against you.
"Right, 'cause this is totally fair."
You roll your eyes but nevertheless prepare to defend your pride against the decorated footballer that stands before you. This little stand off lasts all of two minutes as Leah performs as many standing tricks as she can - it's hard not to laugh because, despite the talent she's portraying, it just looks like the result of a button-spamming FIFA player.
Finally though, you gain the confidence to lunge at her to get the ball back, but Leah of course spots this immediately, and flip-flaps the ball straight between your legs.
"Panna! You just got your shit rocked, baby." She celebrates as if her performance wasn't as easy as stealing candy from a baby. You watch as she cheers quietly to herself under her breath and dances like a fool. If the world could see her now, you think.
Feeling slightly humbled, you go back to your place at the stove, finding comfort in your cooking skills at least.
...This oddly felt like you were playing into some kind of stereotype.
"Put the ball away now, please." You tell her once more, but as ever her ego takes no prisoners.
"Aw, is someone's ego hurt?" Leah pouts pitifully at you, her hands falling to your waist when she stands behind you. You weren't having it though, not when she had humiliated you purely for her own ego.
"No, I just have many dangerous weapons in my arsenal here and I wouldn't want the leader of England to come to any harm." You return the patronising pout on her face, swatting away her hands and wagging the pasta ladle you had just pulled from the boiling pan in her face.
"Alright, message heard." She walks away with her hands surrendered.
For the next five minutes that the spaghetti spends boiling, you both exist civilly in the same area whilst doing different things. You're preparing for dinner as Leah is of course dilly-dallying with the football again. Each punt against the ball as she does kick-ups or ridiculous little tricks slowly grinds your gears, until she eventually begins occupying floor space in the kitchen that she obviously knows you'll use.
"Move, please, I need to drain this pasta." You say initially, a bit of bite to it but not as much as you easily could reach. However, she doesn't move, and instead gets in the way even more. "I have a pot full of boiling water here, move!"
You shoved past her where she was messing around with the ball near the sink, a shit-eating grin on her face which its only purpose is to infuriate you more. She does move out the way though, lifting the ball up into her arms with the foot, but she only steps so far away.
"What are we having?" She asked in an all too innocent voice, watching as you drained the pasta - the aggression you did this simple task with probably should have been a warning sign to her. But that had never stopped her before.
"Spaghetti, what does it look like?" You shake your head at her. "And you will eat it this time."
You were yet another unfortunate victim to Leah's limited and fussy palate.
"Not my fault you used a rank sauce last time. You better have gotten a new one." She grumbled like a picky toddler, starting her kick-ups again right in front of the next cupboard you need to get into.
"Put that fucking ball away before I stab a knife into it." You snap, pushing her out of the way with one hand and getting out the aforementioned new sauce. "See? Is this better for you, princess?"
"Oh, you're gonna pay for that, sweetheart." Leah smirks, referencing the sassy tone and mocking pet name you used for her as you shoved the jar into her face to prove a point.
"I'd like to see you try." You scoff, heading back over to the stove.
She falls suspiciously silent as you put the spaghetti and sauce into the pan. You try to pay no notice, watching out of your peripheral vision as she slowly makes her way back over with her hands behind her back.
"What are y-"
You're disrupted by her kicking the ball in between your legs, it clunking scarily loud against the glass door of the oven.
"Another one! Call me Ronal-fucking-dhino!" Leah laughs giddily, scampering away like a naughty child.
You took a deep breath, composing yourself so that you didn't chase after her with one of the multiple weapons within reach around you.
However, sticking true to your threat, you grabbed a knife from the draining board beside the sink and sunk it into the ball that had been the bane of your existence for the past however long it's been in Leah's possession. It wasn't a sentimental object, you wouldn't do that to her, thankfully it was just a ball she had picked up from the supermarket one day she had been determined to tag along as you did the grocery shop. The poor thing let out its final breath as the air puffed out of it, a sign you had won the battle. With a slightly manic grin, you went on making the rest of the meal as if nothing had happened.
Luckily you were able to cook the dinner without any further childish interruptions, though you did have half a mind to pour the whole shaker of salt onto her portion. But no, you can rise above this kind of behaviour. A household prank war against this woman-child could lead to an unfortunate break-up. Though you did just get an adrenaline rush from murdering a harmless football, so maybe it was already on.
"Leah, come here and sort your cheese out." You shout into the apartment, not a clue where she had gone off too.
Although, you forgot the scene she would walk into, only realising when a sharp gasp sounds through the room.
"What... the hell did you do?" Leah whispers in a dramatically heartbroken voice, kneeling to the ground and delicately picking up the punctured ball. You turned and rolled your eyes at the sight that met you, forever astonished at the theatrics this girl pulls off.
"Better a ball than your head." You mutter under your breath. "Sort your dinner out, I'm not being blamed for ruining it this time."
You took your bowl and walked past where she was still on the ground, nudging her shoulder with your knee as you went by to push her over. Okay, maybe you did have tendencies similar to hers.
Leah joins you on the couch a few moments later, an embarrassingly scarce amount of parmesan in her bowl as she slumps down next to you with a groan.
"I'm not watching this right now, I don't want to participate in a fucking reading lesson whilst I'm eating!" Leah complains at the choice of TV show you'd picked for this evening: Narcos.
"Tough, I cooked so I choose." You shrugged and pressed play, the characters immediately talking in thick and fast Spanish that, despite the English subtitles, is too much for your poor girlfriend to deal with right now.
"That's not fair, you always cook." She grumbles, stabbing her fork aggressively into her food. You pause the show at that statement, turning to look at her with a face that conveyed pure and unfiltered rage.
"Did you seriously just complain that I always cook?" You question in a frighteningly passive tone. Leah glances at you from the corner of her eye, not daring to turn away from her bowl. "Really, Leah?
She grimaces at the use of her name when you probe her for an answer. All day, she had been toeing a fine line, pressing all the wrong buttons, and pushing her luck with you. This time though, she'd really done it.
"Watch whatever you want, I'm not eating with you." You stand up from your seat on the sofa and storm away to the bedroom, leaving a glum and regretful Leah in the lounge who does in fact change the show on TV.
Was it an overreaction? In an hour, you'll probably think so. But right now you couldn't bear to look at the woman downstairs. You both eat, sad and alone, in your separate rooms to think over your actions.
In fact, no, you didn't overreact. You were entirely in your right to get angry over a throw-away statement that Leah had made just to win one back against you. Her immature attitude and competitive nature took over and she made an unnecessary comment about an action you not only enjoyed doing anyway, but enjoyed doing for her. So, whilst Leah thought back on how she should have behaved better, verbalised herself better, you were satisfied with your actions.
When there was a quiet knock at the bedroom door twenty minutes later as you lay in bed on your phone, bowl on the floor and meal happily consumed, you gave no answer. Leah came in anyway, a sheepish and guilty look on her face.
"May I come in?" She asks shyly, only her head in view.
"As long as you promise to not be a complete arsehole to me anymore." You grumble, not looking at her.
"I promise, love. I am sorry. I have things to make up for my utterly stupid behaviour." She says, and that does pique your interest.
You grunt in affirmation, and the door opens to reveal her holding a few items: your favourite candle from the lounge, a hot chocolate, your favourite cookies, and the oil you often used to massage Leah whenever her muscles were giving her some discomfort.
"Maybe I could give you a massage, babe? I am sorry. I appreciate all you do for me, I was just being an idiot before who didn't know when to stop. I love that you cook for me, and eating dinner with you at the end of a long day is one of my favourite things, genuinely. I'm really sorry for making that stupid comment, I am." Leah tells you softly, an air of desperation to her voice. Through all the times she loves to piss you off, nothing made her feel worse than when you truly got angry at her.
"You must really be sorry if you're letting me eat in bed." You comment quietly, referring to the pack of cookies in her arms. She smiles and nods, coming over to sit on the edge of the bed beside you.
"I am sorry. Get crumbs everywhere if you want, get your revenge." She replies and a weight lifts off her chest when you giggle slightly. "I love you, truly, madly, deeply. I'm so grateful for you and everything you do."
You reluctantly smile up at her from where you lay, then roll your eyes and hold your arms out for her.
"Come here, you massive idiot." You mutter, watching amused as she rushes to put her things on the bedside table before diving on top of you. "You're a wanker, number six."
Leah laughs into the pillow at the reference, nodding her head in agreement. She turns her face into your neck and places a few light, apologetic kisses there.
"I am." She murmurs, sighing a little and causing goosebumps to rise on your skin. "I wouldn't appreciate it if you started shouting that at my football games though."
"I don't appreciate you reciting a ninety's song in your apology though. Get some original material next time." You hit back, a smug grin on your face as she laughs again.
"I'll sing it for you if you want." Leah offers, voice slightly muffled by your neck as your body shakes with laughter.
"I think that would reverse all your efforts." You say, her humming in agreement. "Now, did you say something about a massage?"
The next morning, Leah believes all is forgiven from the previous night. But just to be sure, she hops out of bed since she's the first to wake up and decides to bring you a coffee in bed before you both were due to go out for breakfast with friends. It's a delight you welcome immediately, sighing contently when the hot mug is placed into your hands as you sit up against the headboard. Leah joins you in bed again, copying your position, and wraps an arm around you as well as kissing your forehead. She mumbles a few more words of apology into your ear as you drink, ensuring that you know how grateful she is for everything you do. You also welcome that with open arms, happy to hear her feelings towards you when she's not being an irritating little pest.
She watches you the whole time you get dressed for the day, and there's a soft smile on her face as she stood in the bathroom doorway whilst you put your earrings in, the finishing touch of your outfit. You mirror the smile she wears when she steps forward and wraps her arms around your waist, murmuring endless compliments into your ear that send shivers down your spine. It's a sickeningly sweet moment, it would rot any witnesses' teeth had they been there to see it, but it's perfect and it's the couple that you recognise rather than the bickering one from the previous night.
You exit the bathroom together, your fingers intertwined as Leah leads you down the stairs. Though, just as you're about to leave, you spot a smudge mark on your cheek from your mascara in the mirror by the door, so you stop to fix it. Leah, with the patience of a toddler, somehow finds yet another ball and it's one you can't stab this time since it's a Euros 2022 ball. Even though she has just done her hair, begging you to straighten it for her, she starts doing headers. And that's where the morning takes a turn for the worst.
When you'd finished fixing your makeup, you head to the downstairs bathroom to quickly wash your hands. Then you hear a panicked shout, followed by a loud bang, and lastly the sound of glass smashing. Instinctively, you rush out the room to see if Leah's okay, thinking the worst, but it seems that the only damage she has is to her ego. And, subsequently, to her relationship.
The sight that greets you fills you with more fury than you'd ever felt in your life. Your mirror, the antique one you had been adamant at buying when decorating the house, lay broken on the ground. The frame was cracked, it was surrounded by glass, and the ball laying next to it was very clearly the offending weapon. The culprit cowered in the corner of the hallway, looking at you and waiting for a reaction.
And boy did it come.
The walls of the house shook with the scale of your voice as Leah flinched like she was physically impacted by each punch that your words delivered. Nothing offensive or harmful was said of course, but your language was certainly colourful and impactful. Each word was spat with a lethal amount of venom, and Leah wasn't sure she would ever see the light of day again; living a life banished to her house, individually glueing each piece of the mirror back together as you endlessly lecture her. Eventually though, you did have to take a breath. Leah took one at the same time, though she was a shell of herself as you glared at her.
Composing yourself, you stepped over the mess and opened the front door before turning to Leah with an unnerving smile. She smiled anxiously back at you, and it took everything in you not to laugh at the nervous, apologetic look on her face. At least she knew she had messed up.
The next time you speak, it's like nothing had happened, and that fills Leah with more fear than she'd ever felt in her life. She knows she's in for it when you get back later.
"Come on, my love, we have a breakfast date to attend."
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barcaatthemoon · 7 months
te amo || ona batlle x reader ||
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ona gets something off of her chest.
you had not quite grown accustomed to what it meant for ona to be living with you again. there had been quite a bit of time from when you were in manchester together to your transfer to barcelona. once your girlfriend and your best friend both transferred to other teams, you decided that you didn't want to stay in manchester all alone.
barcelona didn't offer you a starting position in their lineup, but you were fine to work your way there. even just through the practices, you felt like you were playing the best football of your life. even some of your harder to impress national team coaches had commented on you being in top form at practice. everything was going great, except for the fact that you had a tendency to forget that wherever you were, ona tended to also be.
cooking had always felt like a sacred practice to you. there was a routine that you liked to follow for every meal you made yourself. it didn't have to be all strict or serious, however. if you were having a good time while you were cooking, you swore that the food tasted better.
"i think i like this little life," you sang to yourself as you moved around the kitchen. you continued on with the little song that had been stuck in your head for the past month. ona liked to tease you about all the time you spent on tiktok, whether that be making videos or watching them. however, you knew that you were doing the people a great service by showing them glimpses into your life at barcelona.
you had gotten so caught up in yourself and your song that you failed to notice ona coming into the kitchen. she quietly sat down at the island your back was facing. she watched as you moved around from one little station to the next. it was too much for her brain to wrap around, especially after the grueling practice the two of you had been through.
"shit! you scared me." you were clutching your chest as you tried to catch your break. ona's face fell as your song came to a stop. you were about to ask if she felt okay when ona spoke up instead.
"no, don't stop. i like the sound of your voice," ona told you. she gave you her best puppy dog eyes and pout, which worked almost instantly. you pressed play on your phone and continued to sing along to whatever songs came up that you knew the words to. ona stared at you dreamily, unable to take her eyes off of you.
"is everything okay?" you asked her. it wasn't like ona to sit there so quietly for so long. the woman was like a puppy, always full of energy and ready to race around whatever room she was in.
"te amo," ona said quietly. for a moment, you were pretty sure that you had misheard her. you had been around enough spanish speaking people to know that it held a higher meaning than just saying that she loved you. the words were impactful, and made to be even more so by the way that ona looked at you.
you had noticed it before, how she'd stare at you sometimes like you personally put the sun in the sky. it was weird to think that she loved you like that, but you were grateful for it. things hadn't always been so easy for the two of you, but now it was effortless to slot into each other's lives.
"can i say it back?" you asked her. ona perked up at it immediately. she moved from behind the island to where you were standing by the other counter. ona reached up to cup your cheeks and gently tugged your face down towards hers. she pressed a soft kiss to your lips. it managed to hold all of the love and passion she felt for you without becoming too raunchy or messy. "te amo."
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slaybestieslay946 · 8 months
omg I LOVED the dad!luke one you did!! I was wondering if you could do another future au with Poseidon daughter!reader? Maybe like Percy visiting is (half) nieces and nephews?
thanks sm for your request!! this is such a cute idea i hope i did it justice!
Blue Pasta
word count: 900
pairing: luke castellan x poseidon!reader
warnings: none!
a/n: down horrendous for luke cooking like OMFGG
“Luke, Y/N, we’re here!” A chirpy voice called out from the hall, and almost immediately you could hear the sounds of scurrying feet and paws rushing to meet the two demigods. 
You abandoned your spot on the sofa to walk down the hall, smiling as you watched your brother interact with his nephew. You  knew you should probably go and save Percy from the attack of your young son and a labrador, but the sight was just too adorable. 
Annabeth quickly noticed your presence, grinning brightly as she stepped towards you, wrapping her arms around your middle for a hug, just like she had when she was a kid. Now she was just as tall as you, but still hugging you like she was ten. 
“How’ve you been?” She asked, stepping away. 
“Busy.” You laughed, “Apparently the second one’s supposed to be easier. Complete lie.” 
She laughed in return, and it appeared Percy only just noticed you were standing right there, letting go of James for a moment to greet you. 
“Is this really how you treat your only sister?” You remarked, looking sternly up at him. 
“Sorry, but we all know I prefer hanging out with James.” He shrugged, and the young boy giggled mischievously from beside him. 
“Yes, yes I know.” You then began to move back down the hallway, unable to tame your smile at the sound of your brother entertaining his nephew. He’d make a great dad someday, you were sure of it. 
As you entered the kitchen, you couldn’t help but break into an even wider smile at the sight of your husband, wearing a stupid apron you’d gotten him that said, “I love my wife.” 
When he caught sight of you all, he put down the bowl of cake mix he was holding and stepped around the kitchen counter, holding out his arms to embrace Annabeth, the girl he called his younger sister. 
You watched as he gave her a quick squeeze on the shoulder before moving onto Percy. 
“Hey Perce.” He said, tugging your brother in for a hug by his outstretched hand and clapping him on the back. 
“Good to see you man.” Percy responded, before looking down at his apron, “Damn, she’s got you whipped hasn’t she?” 
“Damn right.” Luke declared, moving over to pull you into his side and plant a kiss into your hair.
He then returned to his baking, and all the adults stood for a while in the kitchen, conversing about one thing or the next. Annabeth’s new job, James’ school, typical ‘adult stuff’ that your son didn’t find particularly enthusing. 
You spotted him whispering to Percy about how they should go out and play in the garden. The pair then turned to you for permission, to which you rolled your eyes before nodding. 
You decided to follow after them, leaving Annabeth and Luke to catch up in the kitchen. You then picked up Violet from her cot and slipped on your garden shoes and entered the warm spring air.
Your brother and his nephew were in the centre of the small garden, kicking around a football and playfully attempting to score against one another. Percy kept up a running commentary the whole time, his little jokes here and there never failing to make James laugh. He also peppered in bits of praise about the boy's skill, leading your son onto a long rant about what he had learned in soccer practice that week. 
Percy nodded along, asking questions animatedly, and you could tell he really did care. It warmed your heart to watch, and sometimes you wondered how you had all ended up here, able to carve out a space for yourselves after such troubled beginnings. 
You and Luke had started a family, Percy was training to become a teacher, and Annabeth was on her way to becoming a world-renowned architect. Somehow, everything had worked out the way it was supposed to. 
Eventually the two boys tired of their games, James slumping down on the grass to catch his breath, and Percy coming to sit beside you. 
“Hey.” He said quietly, looking down at Violet almost in awe. 
“You wanna hold her?” You offered, holding out the bundle in your arms. 
He nodded quickly, taking her off you and cradling her in his arms. 
“She looks so much like you.” He whispered, rocking the girl quietly, not taking his eyes off her tiny face.
You’d never really thought about it before, but he was right. You could tell James was Luke’s, that curly brown hair was almost unmistakeable, but looking at her now it was so clear that Violet was yours. She had the same eyes that you saw in the mirror everyday. 
You turned back to Percy, who had tears in his eyes, and from the look on his face you could tell it was from pride, pride that him and his sister had managed to carve out these lives for themselves. 
“Are you about to cry on me, Perce?” You asked, not unkindly. 
“Nope!” He laughed, shaking his head. 
You looked back at your little brother, the one you had welcomed into cabin 3 all those years ago, the one you would die for in a heartbeat, and the one that would do the same for his family, and you knew you also felt so much pride. 
“C’mon.” You nudged, brushing away the tears in your own eyes, “It’s time for dinner. I got Luke to make blue pasta for you specially.”
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corruptedcaps · 6 days
A Day at the Bitch
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“Ugh, can’t we get one day of peace from your bully? He always seems to be where we are!” Morgan said as she adjusted her glasses, frowning as she scanned the beach. Her usually animated face was drawn with frustration as the afternoon sun beat down on the sand.
Dexter, slightly taller than her and sporting a matching nerdy vibe with his worn-out geek T-shirt, squinted into the distance. “I don’t think he’s clocked us yet, so let’s just pitch up somewhere far from him so he doesn’t notice. It’s a big beach.” He mumbled, tugging Morgan toward the far end of the shore.
Morgan’s gaze lingered on the distant figure of her boyfriend’s relentless tormentor, Travis, who was tossing a football with his friends. “I swear, he has a radar for you.” She grumbled.
Dexter smiled weakly, trying to lighten the mood. “Maybe I’m just magnetic. People can’t help but notice me.”
Morgan rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at the corner of her lips.
They found a quiet spot and set up a big striped umbrella, both grateful for the shade. With their pale skin, the sun wasn’t exactly their friend. Morgan settled into her beach chair, nose buried in a book, while Dexter immediately pulled out his Nintendo Switch.
After a few minutes of play, Dexter sighed in frustration. “Ugh, I left my charger in the car. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
Morgan glanced up, squinting. “Don’t take too long.”
“I won’t.” Dexter smiled before heading off, leaving Morgan alone under the umbrella, completely absorbed in her book.
The wind suddenly picked up, and Morgan barely had time to react before the umbrella lifted off the sand, tumbling end over end toward the sea. She leaped from her chair, sprinting after it, but it quickly flew out of reach, landing in the water and drifting further out.
“Damn it!” She muttered, cursing herself for not securing it better. Out of breath, she stood on the shoreline, watching helplessly.
A voice behind her made her freeze. “With skin like yours, you’ll be a lobster in no time.”
She turned sharply to see Travis standing there, smirking.
“Buzz off, Travis.” Morgan snapped, turning on her heel and heading back toward her towel, her heart pounding from the chase and his sudden appearance.
He followed, unbothered by her hostility. “Hey, I’ve got some sunscreen if you want it.” He called after her, waving a bottle casually.
Morgan stopped in her tracks, biting her lip. As much as she hated him, she knew her pale skin was no match for the blazing sun, and with the umbrella gone, she’d be cooked in no time. She hesitated, glancing at him over her shoulder. “Fine! But make it quick.” She growled.
Travis squeezed some sunscreen into his hand, the cold lotion making a squelching noise as Morgan rolled her eyes and turned her back to him. "This is ridiculous." She muttered under her breath but resigned herself to the situation.
He spread the cream over his hands and gently began to rub it into her shoulders. The cool sensation was immediate relief from the heat, and despite her reluctance, Morgan couldn’t deny how good it felt. Travis’ hands were surprisingly gentle, massaging the sunscreen in with soft strokes.
“Y’know, you’ve got really nice skin, and a great body.” He said smoothly.
Morgan bristled at first, wanting to snap something sarcastic, but the compliment caught her off guard. She felt her usual disgust for him soften, if only slightly. Compliments from Travis were rare, and she couldn't remember the last time someone, including Dexter, had said something like that to her.
Her mind wandered, conflicted. She hated Travis, didn’t she? And yet, as his hands moved methodically down her back, she found herself enjoying the sensation far more than she wanted to admit. Guilt bubbled up in her, but her body betrayed her with a deep sigh of relief as he continued.
Travis’s hands moved to her sides, his fingers spreading the sunscreen in slow, deliberate strokes. Morgan’s waist began to subtly contract, growing slimmer with each pass, but she was too distracted by the tingling, almost electric sensation that pulsed through her body from the cream. It felt intoxicating, sending waves of pleasure through her muscles, and she leaned into it, sighing softly without even realizing.
“You know, you could be really popular, if you tried.” Travis said smoothly, his voice low as he massaged more sunscreen into her skin.
Morgan blinked, still half-lost in the blissful sensation. “Oh yeah? I’m sure I’d fit right in with the ‘in’ crowd.” She said jokingly.
Travis smirked, his hands continuing their work. “No I’m serious. Since Amber left there has been an opening for someone new. A little makeup here, some tighter clothes there, and you could own this place.”
Minutes ago, she would’ve been horrified at the suggestion, ready to spit back a retort about never being that shallow. But now, as the cream worked its magic and Travis’s hands moved with expert precision, she found herself surprisingly intrigued.
He rubbed the sunscreen into her shoulders and down her arms. Every inch of her that he touched became soft and tan. He ran his fingers onto her hands coating them in the sunscreen, the white cream running to the very tips of her fingers where they met her chipped and cracked nails. As the sunscreen covered them, her nails grew strong, long and sharp.
Morgan never noticed a thing, instead she found herself thinking of Amber. She had been Travis’ girlfriend, the queen bee of school and someone Morgan has been on the receiving end on more that one occasion. It was true that since she had left there had been a kind of power vacuum at school, all her friends fighting amongst each other for the throne.
Morgan closed her eyes, letting herself drift, and imagined what it would be like to be admired, powerful, and in control. To be like Amber. The idea made her pussy wet in a way she wasn’t expecting.
Morgan was completely lost in the fantasy, her mind drifting as Travis's words and hands worked together to pull her deeper into a haze of pleasure and temptation. She barely registered when his hands moved lower, spreading the sunscreen across her hips and down to her butt.
Only an hour ago she would have jumped or swatted him away, but now she didn't object, too entranced by the tingling warmth spreading through her skin. Instead she let a little moan escape her lips, approving of his venture. As his hands kneaded her, her butt grew plumper and rounder with each stroke.
The sensation only fueled her daydream, making her feel more powerful, more desirable than ever before. Travis’s voice broke through her dreamy haze. “Turn around.”
Morgan did as she was told without thinking, slowly facing him. Now, standing inches apart, she looked up into his eyes and, for the first time, noticed just how handsome he was. His sharp jawline, the way the sun reflected off his well-defined muscles, her previous disgust toward him seemed to erode even more, replaced by something she couldn’t quite explain.
Travis grinned, clearly aware of the shift in her demeanor. He squeezed more sunscreen into his hands and gently began rubbing it into her stomach. As his fingers worked their way across her skin, her stomach started to tighten, becoming toned and firm, as if sculpted.
She could have handled rubbing the sunscreen into the front of her body herself but she was getting a naughty thrill at having Travis do it for her. It made her feel dominant, something she had never felt.
“Of course if you were going to become popular, you couldn’t keep a name like Morgan. You would need a name that's hotter, meaner.” He murmured, his hands continuing their slow, deliberate movements.
Morgan blinked, her mind still foggy. A part of her was trying to rebel, telling her that she liked the name Morgan because it wasn't a bitchy girl name but she couldn't help but slowly nodding in agreement with Travis.
“Yes… a name that’s… luxurious.” She said in her daze.
“How about... Madison?” He suggested, his eyes locking onto hers. She looked into them, almost hypnotic. The name hung in the air, and echoed around her head. Yes Madison felt right, as if she were born to have it. She liked it. No! She loved it!
“Madison…?” She said with a purr.
In her mind, Morgan strutted through the crowded halls of her school, every eye glued to her as she moved with effortless grace. Behind her, a clique of girls, Amber's old friends in fact, followed in her wake. Each of them slutty and mean, but none could compare to her. She was radiant, flawless, the kind of girl everyone admired, envied, and feared. She wasn’t Morgan, she was Madison, The Queen Bee.
Heads turned as she passed by, students whispered in awe, and boys tripped over themselves just to get a second glance. The girls behind her kept their heads down, content to bask in her glow, but knowing they would never outshine her nor dare to do so.
Morgan’s smirk widened as she imagined her dominance over the social world. It felt so natural, so deserved. She could have anything, anyone, at the snap of her fingers.
Back in reality, she opened her eyes, the fantasy still vivid in her mind. "Madison is perfect." She purred, her voice dripping with bratty confidence. It would be the only name she’d answer to now.
Travis grinned back, satisfied. "Yes she is." He replied, his eyes dark with amusement. His hands finished their slow, deliberate movements over her skin and he took a step back to admire his work. Madison let out a soft, satisfied sigh and glanced up at him through half-lidded eyes.
But something didn’t feel quite right to her, she didn’t feel quite finished. She didn’t feel quite like the Madison she imagined but she knew what it was.
That’s when panic started to set in. She wasn’t some bitch called Madison, she was Morgan. She was a good and kind girl. Deep within her, her nerdy subconscious stirred, trying to claw its way back to the surface. She felt a wave of confusion crash over her, the weight of reality pushing through the fantasy.
“No... this is wrong. What are you doing to me?” She said taking a step away from Travis, her voice shaking as the fog in her mind began to clear.
“Relax Madison, just a little more sunscreen and you’ll feel better.” Travis said with a dark grin.
Morgan stumbled back, her breath quickening as she looked down at herself. Her hands, once short-nailed and unpolished, now sported long, manicured nails. Her stomach was toned and flat, her skin sun-kissed and flawless. She ran her fingers over her newly tanned arms, feeling the undeniable change.
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She looked amazing, like the girl she’d always secretly wanted to be, but something felt horribly wrong. This wasn’t her. This wasn’t who she was.
“Why are you doing this to me?” She said suddenly finding confidence in her voice.
Travis stepped closer, his grin widening as he watched her realization dawn. "Isn’t it obvious? I’m making you into the new alpha bitch, the new queen bee. You are smart, much smarter than Amber was. I’m just making you unstoppable. Giving you the killer edge." He admitted casually.
Morgan’s heart raced as his words sunk in. The perfect body, the power, the admiration. It could all be hers. But did she want it?
“But if you really want me to stop, just say the word, and it’ll all go away and you can go back to Dexter.” Travis continued, his eyes locking onto hers. She felt a sudden revulsion at the sound of Dexter’s name.
Morgan gazed down at her perfectly manicured nails, feeling the smoothness of her toned body, the strength in her muscles, the beauty radiating from her skin. The temptation had fully sunk in, and the part of her that once resisted was now silent, overwhelmed by the intoxicating sensation of power and beauty.
Travis watched her closely, a knowing smile on his lips. “So, what do you say?” He asked, stepping closer,
With a sultry smile, Madison took a step towards him, took Travis’s hands and guided them upward, placing them firmly on her tits. “You missed a spot.” She whispered, her voice low and teasing, eyes gleaming with lust.
Travis didn’t hesitate, his grin widening as he allowed his hands to settle where she had placed them. She moaned as her boobs started to grow larger in his hands, her nipples standing on end.
"Of course, a popular girl like me would need a strong and popular boyfriend by her side." She said, her voice silky and horny.
Travis chuckled, though there was a hint of challenge in his eyes. "What about Dexter?" He asked, his tone playful, but he already knew the answer.
Madison scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Dexter? Please. He's a weak, tiny dick loser. He doesn’t 'fit' with me anymore." Her words dripped with disdain, and the thought of being with Dexter seemed absurd to her now.
"Then who would be the right fit for you, Madison?" His voice was smooth, but there was a sharpness in his gaze, as if testing her.
Madison bit her lip flirtatiously and leaned closer, her eyes locking onto his. She slipped her hand into his shorts and grabbed his cock without hesitation. "Mmmm I think this would fit me perfectly." She whispered, her smile seductive and certain.
Satisfied at her new boob size, she sank to her knees and pulled down Travis’ shorts. His cock spring out eagerly and she licked her lips.
“Let’s see how you fit in here.” She said flashing him a cheeky smile and wrapping her pink lips around his cock. She had only given oral once and that was a pity blowjob she gave Dexter on his birthday. She had hated it. Travis on the other hand was different. The taste, the size, the smell. It was all cum inducing.
As her head bobbed in and out Travis put his strong hands on his head, guiding her softly. As he did the excess sunscreen on his hands started to drip off onto her hair. Each drop turned her hair platinum blonde, sleek and perfect.
The sunscreen seeped into her roots and made her head throb pleasurably. Sexy makeup appeared on her face and Travis felt her lips plump up around his cock making them both moan in unison.
She felt her corruption nearly complete. She was nearly rid of the weak loser she had been when she walked onto the beach. She just needed him to do one more thing that they would both enjoy…
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It had taken Dexter longer that he expected because when he got to the car he had found one of its tires slashed. Not much of a mechanic, Dexter barely managed to change the tire with the spare. He didn’t know how but he suspected it had been Travis.
Exhausted he walked back onto the beach to find his umbrella and his girlfriend missing. Her book was still there but she was gone. He looked around the beach but couldn’t find her. He didn’t dare go over to Travis and ask.
Not because he was scared of him though. Of course he was but finding Morgan was more important that his fear for his bully. No he didn’t want to go over because Travis was currently ’entertaining’ a blonde bombshell Dexter had never seen.
She bounced up and down on his cock as if no one was watching. But as she caught eyes with Dexter from afar her gyrations seemed more intense and her moans much louder. Dexter knew it was just his imagination but it was almost like she wanted him to see. At that moment he wished he had the umbrella to hide his pitiful erection behind.
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12woso12 · 2 months
The North Stand
Something a little different from my Dorothy in North London series, but don't worry, that's coming soon! If you have any requests for One Shots then just let me know!
You and your twin brother were referred to as Barca's wonder twins. He was a prolific striker for the men, and you a fearsome defender for the women's team. When your brother died tragically at an away game after colliding head first with a goal post, you leave Barcelona behind for the red and white of Arsenal.
When you have no choice but to return to the scene of the accident for a match, you insist it doesn't bother you. In reality, you're dying inside.
TW: Death, Mental Health
It was 6pm on a Friday when you first discovered you were needed at Anfield. Originally, the club had planned to leave you in London for the match despite your assurance to Jonas that you were completely fine.
It had been 14 months since he'd died.
14 months since your twin had been ripped from existence, stolen from you in one reckless moment of football. All for a stupid game.
A stupid goal.
A stupid league.
Football was so trivial now. Winning trophies would never outshine the feeling of sharing a drink with your brother. Playing in the Champions League would never live up to the memory of opening your stockings with him on Christmas morning.
Before his death, you would've given anything up for football. But now you'd give up football in a heartbeat just to speak to your brother once more. You were stuck in what had once been a dream career with only the memories of your brother to cling onto.
It seemed silly to ever think that you needed to give up everything for football. If anything, football owed you. It had taken away your other half. You couldn't even look at a Barca shirt, let alone watch a game without withdrawing into your bed for days at a time with the face of your brother fresh behind your eyes.
It had taken you a week to decide to leave Barcelona after his death. The noise around the entire situation was so loud. Fans had found your address and were leaving their condolences in the form of flowers and teddy bears at your doorstep, there was a televised tribute to him at Camp Nou where thousands of fans tuned in to grieve. Alexia had tried to convince you to attend but instead promised to attend for you after seeing your vulnerable state.
It was a touching tribute, not that you had watched it.
Within a month of the tribute at Camp Nou you had fled the country. Alexia had tried to understand, she really had, but her heart ached at your departure knowing that she'd failed in fixing your pain.
Arsenal was a good change. You already had friends there in the girls who played for England and you integrated well into the found family they'd developed at the club. At first, they'd tried to get you to speak about your brother, they tried to get you to show even an ounce of emotion surrounding his death but you had completely shut that part of yourself down. Instead you reverted to your old self. The person you were before the accident.
You cracked jokes with Beth and cooked tacos with Alessia in the evenings. You spent hours learning from Leah and took up pranking Kim and Steph in your free time. Kyra became one of your best friends and you moved in together after only a month.
Life at Arsenal was good, great even. It allowed you to breathe. You'd gone 14 months ignoring your grief and if you had it your way, you'd go the rest of your life without having to deal with it. But now, with Wubben-Moy and Codina out with injuries and Katie Reid away with England youth, Arsenal were asking the world of you: You would need to resume your usual role as a starting centre back alongside Leah.
Your brother had died in Anfield stadium. Now you'd be treading the very grass where'd he spent his last seconds alive.
'I'm so sorry to have to do this, Y/n' Jonas' voice rippled through the phone. You gripped it tightly, knuckles white to match the pale of your face. It was your own fault they were asking you really, you had just spent the last two weeks convincing that team that you'd be okay to play if needed.
'It's alright, Jonas. It's no biggie' You croak out. You could hear him sigh down the phone and you pictured his furrowed eyebrows lacing together in concern.
'Is Kyra home with you?' he asked. 'Do you need me to send Leah so you can have some company?'
'Jonas i'm okay, i promise'
'If you need someone to talk to you know our psychologists are fantastic...'
You shook your head furiously. 'I'm fine. I'll be at Colney first thing tomorrow to travel up with you guys'
'Okay.' he didn't sound convinced. 'Make sure you get some good sleep and i'll see you tomorrow'
As soon as Jonas ended the call you threw your phone across the room. It slammed into the wall opposite and clattered to the floor next to laundry that you were yet to put away. It wasn't usual that you got angry but sometimes it felt as though it were the only way to keep all your other emotions in check.
If you cried over your brother, you didn't think that you'd ever stop. You thought you'd be fine to play at Anfield but now it was actually happening, now that it was more than a distant horror, you'd never felt fear like it.
'Y/n?' You jumped at the sound of Kyra approaching your open bedroom door. You gave her a weak, unconvincing smile as her eyes flickered to the dent in your wall. It wasn't often that Kyra saw you as anything other than happy, sure she'd seen you upset after a loss or run down with illness but you'd always held her at arms length when it came to your brother.
It wasn't personal. You did it with everyone.
'Are you alright?' Kyra tiptoed into your room and hesitantly took a seat besides you on your bed.
'Jonas called' you tried to sound casual but the shake in your voice didn't go unnoticed by your best friend. 'I'm playing on Sunday, Codi got injured'
Kyra was silent for a moment before she gently placed a hand on your shoulder. 'You don't want to play?'
You shrug. 'Yes. No. I don't know.'
'That's alright, you don't need to be sure of anything right now' For someone known for her childish antics, Kyra had moments of maturity.
'I thought I'd be fine.' You cleared your throat. 'I will be fine'
Kyra slung her arm around your shoulder and pulled you in close. 'Just know that we'd all understand if you weren't'
You knew she was delicately skirting around the topic of your brother, not quite wanting to broach it but not wanting to let it go either. You felt vulnerable with Kyra, as though she saw straight through your closed facade.
'I just want this weekend to be over.' You squeeze her hand lightly 'Then everything will be okay again'
Kyra sucked in a deep breath. 'You never talk about him, you know.'
Black dots suddenly swarmed your vision. 'I can't Ky, I just can't'
'Okay' she said simply pressing a light kiss to your forehead. 'But if you ever have a moment, even a second, where you think you can then i'll be here'
You didn't get much sleep that night. Nor did you manage to eat anything. Time passed slowly as you tossed and turned in a patch of nervous sweat. You hated how emotional you were feeling, you didn't want it. You didn't need it. It was 3am when you eventually climbed out of bed to find Kyra in her own. As though sensing your presence, she opened her eyes slightly and shuffled over before pulling you down besides her.
It was a routine performed many times before.
Her quiet comfort let you sleep until dawn.
You were silent on the coach ride the following morning. You sat at a table of four with Kyra opposite Less and Vic who kept taking concerned glances at your abnormal state. You crossed your legs beneath you and tried to focus on the pile of cards you'd just been dealt. Normally, you were the champion of rummy but now you just couldn't focus enough to care. The only thing that had been running through your mind since you woke up was your brother's face.
His face on tv as he clattered into the post, ball flying well over his head. His face as blood poured from his hairline. His face as the life left his eyes. Just like that.
He'd died just like that.
Everything he'd ever loved and lived for gone. Just.Like.That.
You'd never felt pain like it.
That's why you had shut it out when you came to Arsenal. You threw yourself into your new life hoping that eventually the pain would dissipate but it hadn't, not even the tiniest bit. Instead it seemed to grow, every time you were reminded of your twin the lump in your throat evolved and the agony in your heart rattled loudly against your rib cage.
As you studied your cards, you locked eyes with Leah who sat besides Kim on the isle opposite. She had been keeping one eye on you since the beginning of the journey and you couldn't help but feel annoyed. Leah had taken you under her wing when you'd first moved to Arsenal having known you well from England but these past few days you'd withdrawn from her completely. You didn't want to give Leah the opportunity to ask if you were okay, because once she did you weren't sure you'd be able to hold yourself together.
It was late afternoon by the time the coach arrived in Liverpool and you were on an important hunt for food when Leah finally managed to corner you in the hotel reception.
'Hey' she grabbed your shoulder gently as you attempted to make a get-away. 'We need to talk'
'About what?' you said nonchalantly
Leah rolled her eyes. 'Don't, Y/n. I'm really worried about you. You shouldn't be here, why did you agree to play?'
'I'm fine Le. It's just another game.'
'No, it's not.' she bluntly reminded you 'At least not for you it isn't.'
Your heart was pounding so violently that you thought it might leap out from inside your chest. 'Can we please not do this?' You glance around the empty reception nervously, afraid of who might overhear the conversation.
'Go home, Y/n' Leah instructed as though she had any say in the matter.
You scoff at her brashness. 'No, who else is going to be able to play in place of Codi?'
'Steph would. We'd find answers' Leah said
'Steph hates playing Centre Back'
'It doesn't matter. She'd do it for you Y/n.'
You hated when Leah treated you like a kid. You weren't that shy seventeen year old on your first England camp anymore, you had outgrown the way she saw you.
'Leah stop. I don't need your help with this. I'm fine'
'You aren't fine' your captain argued 'You haven't been fine since moving to Arsenal and we all know it...you never talk about Ben'
At the mention of your brother's name, your brain seemed to short circuit. You stared incredulously at Leah, no one had dared to mention his name to your face in 14 months. Leah might've been the closest thing to family that you had but she had no right to bring up your brother in the way she had.
'Fuck you' You spat furiously and pulled away from Leah who gritted her teeth at your disrespect, looking slightly hurt. You strode away from Leah and into the lift, abandoning your hunt for food for the comforts of your hotel room where you'd remain for the remainder of the evening. You were glad to see that Leah made no attempt to follow you, although deep down a part of you ached for her comfort. But you didn't need her. Not really. As soon as the weekend was over you would apologise and things could go back to the way they were before where you weren't reminded of your brother's death at every waking moment.
Leah would understand. At least, that's what you hoped.
You sent Kyra a quick message to explain you were having a quiet evening and that you'd see her tomorrow and then locked your hotel door for the night.
You were fast asleep when you became vaguely conscious of a knocking at your door. Exhausted, you opened your eyes to glance at the time as the knocking persisted. It was only 10pm. Sighing you stumbled to your feet and dragged open the hotel door to see Kim staring you down, a stern look stretched upon her face.
'Good to know you're alive' she barged into your room before you had a chance to welcome her inside. She grimaced at the mess of clothes on your floor before turning to face you.
'I texted Kyra' You grumbled
'Sit down' Kim demanded
'What? Why?'
The Arsenal captain crossed her arms and waited for you to do as she said. Slowly, you lowered yourself back down onto the bed.
'Leah told me what happened'
You sighed 'It's not what it seems like'
'You need to let someone help you. You're struggling and you need help.' Kim watched as you shook her head and fixed your eyes on the ground.
'I'm fine'
'Don't bullshit me.'
'I'm not.'
Kim rolled her eyes. 'I don't know why you agreed to come, but you have nothing to prove Y/n. It's okay if you're still grieving, it's okay to be devastated, it's okay to feel these things. But what isn't okay is for you to push away the people that care about you.'
You said nothing.
'You don't need to speak to me about whatever is going on in your head but at least talk to Leah. Or Kyra or Less. Hell, the whole team is in your corner. You're going to end up in a dark place without paying into those relationships, okay kid?'
Kim put a finger beneath your chin and lifted your eyes to meet her own. You were beginning to crack under her harsh but ever caring gaze, a tear made its way down your cheek and Kim gently wiped it away.
'I'll apologise to Leah' you whispered 'After the game'
Kim hummed in disapproval. 'I'd rather you didn't play at all'
'Too late now'
'It's not' Kim countered 'But if you're really going to play then do it safely. Don't commit any dangerous fouls triggered by emotion and if you need to stop or get off the pitch then you tell me straight away, okay?'
You nodded compliantly. 'Got it'
Kim pulled you in for a hug before leaving you to your thoughts. You'd never get any sleep now.
The following day the match approached quickly. You spent the morning with Kyra, avoiding the older players as much as possible. Even on your team walk, as Kyra rushed off to prank Steph, you hung back with Vic as you watched Kyra drench Steph with a bottle of water - something that you would usually be involved in too.
And when you arrived at Anfield after lunch, you opted out of doing a pitch inspection with the rest of the girls who exchanged worried glances. Leah hung back in the changing rooms with you under the guise of needing to do a few exercise for her knee when in reality you knew she was only trying to keep an eye on you. As the team news was announced and the internet started buzzing at the knowledge that you'd be playing at the very pitch where your brother had died, you did nothing but sit and wait.
From the changing rooms, the fan chants could be heard loudly. It was clear that the Arsenal fans had eclipsed the turnout of those of Liverpool which came as no surprise. You sat in your cubby and tapped you foot to the tune of Lacasse's newest and, in your opinion, greatest fan chant yet. You felt strangely calm, at least calmer than you had done last night.
You were eager to get the match under way because as soon as it was over, you could get back to your North London bubble. The thought made everything a little easier and as you jogged onto the pitch for warm up you instinctively turned away from the end of the pitch where your brother had died. Luckily, Arsenal were warming up on the opposite side which you were almost certain Leah and Kim had planned. You breezed through your warm ups by keeping your head down and ignoring the pitiful gazes that staff members kept sending your way.
And no matter what, you didn't dare look toward the North stand.
Before you knew it, kick off was upon you. You stood besides Leah and took a knee at the first blow of the Ref's whistle. For the first half, Arsenal faced the pitch end that your brother had died at. You tensed each time the ball was crossed into the box and one of your teammates (namely Alessia) tried to put their head to it.
Ben had died trying to do the exact same thing. You felt as though you could throw up any second.
By the time half-time rolled around you were both mentally and physically exhausted which wasn't exactly a promising sign considering Arsenal were 3-0 up. You and Leah had worked seamlessly together to protect your goal but that didn't mean you hadn't given the occasional sloppy pass or let Kiernan slip by you one too many times.
You were playing well but everyone could tell that you were trapped inside your own head. Even the fans, who had been applauding you extra loudly all game, could be seen nervously watching you handle the ball with a lack of precision. And yet Jonas didn't take you off.
As you made your way out for the second half, Katie wrapped an arm around your shoulder and gave your hair a light ruffle.
'You're doing good, mate. Almost up. Then we can get the hell out of this shitty stadium' she gave you a smile of reassurance before running off into her position and you couldn't help but grin at the Irish woman's ability to always try and make light of a situation.
You kept your eyes away from the goalpost that had killed your brother as you stood less than 10 metres in front of it. Leah's eyes flickered nervously over to you as you fidgeted uncontrollably waiting for the whistle to blow. It was an artic day in Liverpool yet you felt as though you were sweating buckets, your legs felt like jelly as the second half finally got underway.
Deep in your chest, as Liverpool pressed high, you felt an overwhelming amount of grief. You were too close to the goal, too close to where Ben had taken his last breath. Everything was too close and you felt as though you were going to collapse from the weight of it all if you were made to take one more step toward the goal.
So, you did what you knew how to do best...You turned the grief into intense anger. As play progressed it was clear that your tackles were becoming riskier by the minute, you barrelled into poor Missy Bo Kearns around the 60th minute mark who fell to the floor clutching her leg in agony. You were fortunate to only receive a yellow card.
As the match drew to a close and you managed to keep a clean sheet, Liverpool took one last go at attacking in the 91st minute. The play was started by Taylor Hinds who managed to get the ball through Arsenal's experienced midfield and onto the foot of the striker. Without thinking, you swiped the ball out from under her legs and gained possession back to your own side. However, Liverpool's number 9 had fallen to the ground in the tackle and was dramatically flailing about.
'Get up, you're fine' You insisted at the girl. When she refused to move you grabbed her biceps and tried to forcefully remove her from the grass, much to her surprise. The girl pushed you away from her.
'What the hell y/n?' she yelled capturing the attention of the teammates around you. As the ref blew her final whistle and the stands erupted in celebration at Arsenal's win, you ignored it all and advanced on the girl.
It had all been too much. And this girl was providing you with the perfect opportunity to let your anger out properly. You shoved her backwards.
'What are you doing?' Leah's voice was suddenly in your ear, her arms wrapping around your torso in an attempt to restrict you access to the poor Liverpool player. Katie appeared by your side and began to shield you from the abuse the Liverpool team had now began to shout at you...but it wasn't as though you didn't deserve it.
Leah dragged you backwards as you thrashed around in her grip, still trying to get to the Liverpool player. Eventually, Leah got you into the tunnel and haphazardly shoved you into the nearest empty room that she could find.
'Are you out of your mind?' Leah exclaimed 'You can't be starting fights like that! You'll be lucky if the FA doesn't fine you!'
'I don't care about the goddamn FA, Leah! Fuck them.' you try to advance on the door but Leah blocks your way.
'You're not leaving this room until you calm down'
Your brain was running at a million miles per hour, all you could think about was how much you needed to punch something or else you were going to break. You lunged past Leah but she was too quick and way stronger than you. She grabbed your entire upper body in her arms and held you against her chest, your head beneath her chin.
'Stop Y/n' she breathed 'It's okay'
For a moment, time slowed. You tried to escaped Leah's grip, you really did. But there was something about the way she was holding you with so much care and concern that you suddenly went lip in her arms and finally let out a gut-wrenching sob. As your legs collapsed, Leah carefully lowered the two of you to the floor so you were positioned between her legs. Your sobs racked your entire body, the pain in your chest had broken out and had been set free after 14 long months.
Leah placed small kisses to the top of your head. She rubbed your arms in comfort and never stopped whispering words of reassurance. When you were still sobbing fifteen minutes later she only pulled you tighter into her chest and folded her legs over your own.
'I've got you' she assured you.
Part 2?
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lvnleah · 23 days
010. | Insomnia and cravings
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word count: 1.4k
find the masterlist here!
February 22nd 2024 | 34 weeks pregnant.
The clock on the bedside table glowed beside you. You looked over to see it read 2:00 AM. You tossed and turned, breaths coming in restless huffs. At thirty-four weeks pregnant, sleep had become a luxury.
After your sickness had calmed down at around week twenty-five, you thought that the rest of your pregnancy would be smooth sailing but it wasn’t.
You’d had a few weeks of bliss but they soon ended once you turned thirty weeks. Insomnia had kicked in a few weeks ago and ever since it has stopped you from sleeping.
Every time you tried to get comfy your body started to ache. You’d get comfy, your legs would then cramp meaning you’d have to roll over, then you’d start to sweat and then you’d need to get up for a wee and repeat the vicious process all over again.
You envied Leah for the amount of sleep she was managing to get.
Frustrated, you grabbed your phone from the nightstand, its light illuminating your face as you tapped at the screen. You opened Candy Crush, your new game that you were addicted to, to quiet the relentless nudging from your baby. The light from your phone, however, was not so discreet.
Leah stirred from her sleep. She blinked groggily at the bright screen, "Babe, what are you doing up?" she mumbled, her voice thick with sleep.
You sighed, laying your phone on your chest. "I can’t sleep. Finley just won’t stop kicking. It’s like he’s trying to play football against my bladder."
Leah propped herself up on one elbow, "Is there anything I can do to help?"
"I don’t know," you admitted. "I’ve tried everything. I think I need to rearrange these pillows again."
Leah nodded, her movements slow but deliberate as she adjusted the pillows. "Maybe if we angle these differently? Or try another wedge?"
After several attempts, Leah sighed and slumped back against the headboard. “It’s not perfect, but how’s that?”
You shifted, trying to find a more comfortable position. “It’s a little better, thank you. But now I’m really craving a Five Guys burger.”
Leah’s eyes widened in the dim light. She knew how intense your cravings could be, and when you mentioned something specific, it was often non-negotiable. Leah’s stomach grumbled in agreement; she hadn’t had Five Guys in ages and the idea seemed appealing, even at this hour.
“You’re serious about that burger, huh?” Leah asked with a half-smile, knowing you’d talked about five guys right before you’d fallen asleep.
You laughed softly, “I don’t know what it is. I’ve been thinking about it for hours.”
Leah sighed, as she got out of bed and slid her tracksuit bottoms on. “Okay, okay. I’ll go get you one. Besides, I’ve been craving their fries myself. They’re so addictive.”
“You’re the best, Le.” You smiled, leaning up to kiss her lips. “I really appreciate this. It’s just... I don’t know if I’d be able to sleep if I didn’t get that burger.”
“Do you want anything else with it? Maybe a milkshake or some extra fries?”
You considered it for a moment. “Actually, a milkshake sounds great. Maybe salted caramel?”
Leah grinned, already reaching for her jacket. “You’ve got it. I’ll be back as soon as I can. Try to get a little rest if you can, pretty girl.”
You nodded. “Thanks, Le. I’ll try to rest while you’re gone.”
Leah leaned over and kissed your forehead gently. “Don’t worry about it. Just relax. And if Finley starts kicking up a storm again, just think about that burger coming your way.”
With a final glance and a reassuring smile, Leah grabbed her keys from the dresser and stepped out into the cold night. The quiet streets of the neighbourhood were bathed in pale moonlight as she headed to the 24/7 Five Guys.
The trip was quicker than Leah anticipated. Soon she was back at your apartment, the scent of freshly cooked fries and a grilled burger wafting through the door before she even entered. She placed the warm bag on the nightstand with a flourish. “Mission accomplished.”
You sat up, eyes widening as you set your phone down. “You’re amazing. I don’t know how you do it.”
Leah chuckled as she sat beside you on the bed. “Just lucky, I guess. I didn’t even think about it until I was halfway there, but I actually wanted a burger too. I guess cravings are contagious.”
You took a bite of the burger, savouring the juicy flavour. “It’s perfect. Thank you. I didn’t realise how hungry I was until now.”
Leah laughed, “I’m sure you’ll be out like a light once you’re done.”
You nodded as you took a bite “I hope so. Finn seems a little calmer now too. Maybe he just needed a midnight snack as well.”
Leah laughed softly. “Maybe. You should try to get some sleep. I’ll be right here if you need anything.”
You nodded, settling back into your nest of pillows. Leah laid beside you, as you closed your eyes, and sleep came easily to both of you.
A few hours later, you were woken up by a little foot kicking you in the ribs. You groaned in frustration, growing uncomfortable once again, as you glanced over at the clock. This time it read 4:30 AM, meaning you hadn’t been asleep for very long.
You sighed as you looked over at Leah who was fast asleep on her stomach, jealousy fired up inside of you as you watched her sleep undisturbed.
She had it so perfect. She didn’t have two tiny feet trying to karate chop her insides keeping her up. She didn’t have the back pain and boob pain that you had. She could sleep perfectly fine.
You carefully shifted your weight, trying not to wake her, and reached for the phone you had set aside. As you tapped through your notifications, the gentle light from the screen made you wince.
Leah stirred again, her eyes fluttering open. “Pretty girl, what’re you doing awake again?”
You smiled tiredly at her. “Sorry, Finley’s just being very active. I’m trying to get comfortable, but it’s a bit of a struggle.”
Leah stretched and blinked at the faint glow from your phone. "Maybe you should try adjusting the pillows again to get comfy?"
You sighed and tried a new arrangement with the pillows, but it didn’t help much. You found yourself tossing and turning, unable to escape the discomfort. “It’s just not working! I’ve been trying for hours, and I’m so tired.”
Leah’s voice was soft. “I’m sorry that you can’t get comfy, pretty girl. I hate it when I can’t get comfy so I can’t imagine what it’s like for you while pregnant. I love being comfy and cosy”
You snapped, frustration boiling over. “Will you stop repeating the bloody word 'comfy!' It’s not working! I’m exhausted and nothing seems to help!”
Leah’s eyes widened, and she looked taken aback by your outburst. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make things worse. I just want you to be comfortable.”
You let out a shuddering breath, trying to calm down as a few stray tears slipped. “I know. I’m sorry. I’m just so tired and frustrated. Nothing seems to be working tonight. I’m aching all over, Finley’s kicking my ribs and I just want to sleep properly!”
Leah reached out and gently rubbed your back. “Okay, let’s try something different. How about I adjust the blankets and we’ll see if that helps?”
You nodded, feeling the tension slowly start to ease as Leah worked. Gradually, you found a more tolerable position. Leah settled in beside you, softly whispering, “Just breathe and relax. You’re doing great.”
“It’s just so annoying!” You groaned as you settled down into Leah’s side. “I just want to be comfortable! That’s all I want.”
“I know darling,” she whispered, pressing a kiss to your temple, “I so wish I could help somehow but I can’t. Only a few more weeks and then he’ll be here.”
You nodded, “I’m also banning you from the word comfy. You need a new word, woman!”
“Keira would agree,” the blonde laughed, “She hates when I use that word!”
With the new arrangement of pillows and blankets, you finally felt a sense of comfort. Exhaustion took over, and despite the restlessness, you found yourself drifting off to sleep, Leah’s arms wrapped and you and your bump.
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fcwoso · 10 months
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Personal tattoo artist · Mapi León
Summary: Mapi helps reader to overcome her fears but not without a cheeky proposal (fluffy)
María has always loved tattoos. It didn't matter if she was the one getting them or someone else, it was something she felt passionate about. She saw the body as a canvas, one that would tell it's own story as time passed by. The drawings and words each represented something, a thought or a feeling. Even if it referred to a miniscule moment. It wasn't a surprise when she announced that, that would be the career path she'd follow when her time as a soccer play would come to an end. On one side it was a scary thought, football is all she has been doing for most of her life.
"Amor (love), come on. You trust me, right?" María pouted as she put her sketchbook down. The book was filled with her creative ideas, she even dedicated a few pages to you. Sketches that reminded her of you, ones that she'd love you to get tatted. The Spanish woman pulled you closer and nuzzled her face in your neck. You could feel her sighing for the umpteenth time this evening, but not before she left a trail of kisses on your warm skin. She wasn't really frustrated, she just loved being a bit dramatic.
The evening started out relaxed. María had training in the morning which meant you two had the rest of the day to spent together. After Googling for a nice place to eat, you decided to go to a restaurant not far from your appartment. Unfortunately once arrived at the place, you stumbled upon a poster that said the place was under reconstruction.
The mood was pretty much killed after that but María came up with the brilliant idea to cook something at home. The muscles in her legs were still aching and all she wanted was to have a nice meal and watch a good show, was what she said. In reality she prefered cuddling on the couch with you. Her muscles were completely fine, she felt great even.
The now empty plates were placed on the glass table in front of the lovers while the tv was still on in the background. "Yes, cariño (honey). Ofcourse i do. It's just that i'm scared i'll regret it." You admitted. A few weeks ago you two went to visit an old friend of hers. That friend is a tattoo artist and offered you to get a tattoo of your choice. You actually had something in mind but backed out last minute. It was this intense fear of regret that kept your mind wondering if it was a good idea to continue, so you didn't.
María's hands found yours as she noticed you were actually worried. It really wasn't that big of a deal, but she didn't want to downplay your emotions. Your thumb grazed over the rose that was displayed on her palm. The rose was her own work, it was a piece she was proud of. And so were you, you were so proud of her courage. The exact courage you were currently missing.
"You know, it's okay to feel that way." María engulfed one hand of yours in hers while the other one travelled to your chin. "I just don't want you to regret not getting it". She softly placed a kiss on your lips and smoothed out the frown between your eyebrows. It's true, it's been a couple of months since you've started talking about this tattoo. Your lips found hers again right after she pulled away, missing her reassuring touch. Her eyes twinkled as she stared at your face, a child-like smile growing on hers.
"Just a reminder, i can do the job as well." María said with raised eyebrows. She wrapped her arms around your waist, you could feel her getting excited at the idea because of the way she was almost restricting your blood flow. "I mean..." You wondered. It's María. Mapi. Your partner in crime. How would you ever be able to regret this tattoo?
She did have the equipment for it, she had the skills as well. "Princesa." María stood up firmly and placed her hands on her sides. "I believe in you." You started giggling, not being able to take her seriously because of the look on her face. "You're lucky you're cute." You said. Eyes following her frame when she made her way out of the living room. She came back with another book, a smaller book than the one she was drawing in earlier.
"What's that?" You asked, curiosity growing bigger by the second. "Oh, this old thing?" Maria huffed and laughed nervously. A few strands of hair were covering her face, she started to scan the pages of the mysterious book. "Escúchame (listen), i have this theory." You couldn't help but laugh at her behaviour, your fingers stroking her short hair back behind her pierced ears. "You should go for something totally different, you don't want to get a tattoo you've had major doubts about."
"Okay, but what does this book have to do with it?" You asked, still not fully understanding the purpose of it. The book was quickly placed in your hands by your lover. The woman next to you started to grow shy under your stare, which is unusual for her, feeling as if she had just exposed one of her biggest secrets. "These are sketches i've never shared with anyone. I'm sure you'll find one that perfectly suits you." María admitted with a soft smile on her face. You couldn't help but pull her closer in your arms, leaving a couple of kisses to the side of her face and on her now slightly red cheeks.
"Thank you." The sincere words were very much appreciated by the footballer. "I'd love to share some other ideas, though." The Spanish woman gained her confidence back in a matter of time. You suddenly found yourself sitting on her lap, legs on each side of her strong body. Her hands wandered around your waist and eventually rested on your thighs that were covered by one of her joggers. "There's this really cool name, something along the lines of Mani, Mapi?" She began. One of her hands moved and rested on your lower back, you quickly understood what she was proposing. "Yeah, there's no way i'm getting a tramp stamp."
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greynatomy · 11 months
same name
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alessia russo x reader
based on this request.
It was a normal Tuesday afternoon. You were standing on the grass field, watching all your children play a bit of football.
You teach the fourth years. Every Friday, you like to give your students to do what they want to do, and most of the time, they choose to play football.
“Miss! Miss!” You turn to your right to see one of the girls in your class running towards you.
“Hey, Ellie. D’you need something?”
“My mum bought me a Lioness jersey and I’ve just noticed it’s got your name on it.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah, do you play for the Lionesses?”
The question made you laugh, but covered it up with a cough, not wanting to embarrass your student.
“No, I don’t Ellie. That’s Alessia Russo’s jersey. Do you know who that is?”
Henry, another one of your students, heard you as he was running past, quickly changing directions towards you.
“I know! I know!” This caught the attention of the rest of your class, everyone now formed a group around you. “My mum loves to watch football and told me she’s her favorite!”
“That’s amazing, Henry. Who here knows who the Lionesses are?” Most of the class raised their hands. “Wow, a lot more than I thought.”
“The girls are more interesting to watch than the boys.”
“Why is that?”
“Well, my dad said it’s because there’s less flopping, whatever that means.” A bit shrugs his shoulders, making you giggle.
Before you could say another word, the bell had rung.
“School’s over. Grab your bags, it’s time to head home.”
“Have a great weekend Miss.”
“You as well.”
Walking through the front door of your house, you were met with silence. It wasn’t a surprise as you didn’t see the white Mercedes in your driveway.
You decided to get started on dinner, so you’ve got dressed into something comfy and made your way to the kitchen. As you’ve placed the food in the oven to cook, you heard the front door open.
“Honey? I’m home!”
“In the kitchen!” You called out, washing the dishes.
Footsteps got louder as they walked closer, arms wrapping themselves around your waist, a head tucking themselves in the crook of your neck.
“Hi, Amore.”
“Hi, Lessi baby. How was training?”
“Same as always. How was your day?”
“Watched the kids play football, like every Friday.”
Alessia almost sounded like she was purring, trying to somehow find a way to be closer to you than she already is.
“That reminds me. One of my students brought you up, how her mum bought her your Lioness jersey then asking if I was a footballer cause we’ve got the same name.”
“That’s hilarious, really.”
“Then everyone gathered ‘round and we spent a few minutes just before the bell just talking about the team. Almost all of them are big fans of you lot.”
“You never told them who you were married to?” Alessia asks, not put off by you not telling her students, just curious.
“I just wanted to get situated with them for a bit. It’s only the second month of me being there. But if they ask, I won’t deny it.”
“Mmm. Okay. I love you.”
“I love you more.”
On Monday, Alessia arrived at the Emirates training grounds for another day of training. She greeted everyone she saw walking by, sleep still present on her face.
“Morning, Lessi. How was the weekend with the missus?” The morning was no longer peaceful. Katie’s loud voice cutting through the silence.
“Very relaxing. How was yours?”
“Very energetic.” She stated, wiggling her eyes brows suggestively.
“Stop that.” Caitlin slaps the back of her girlfriend’s head.
After training, the gunners crowd around each other, calming themselves down.
“Uh, could I ask you guys for a favor?” Alesia speaks up after catching her breath, pointing her attention to her Lioness teammates.
“What’s up?”
“Well, Y/NN’s class are really big Lioness fans and I was wondering if Leah, Lotte, Beth, you’d want to join me in surprising my wife’s class on Friday?”
“Oh, we’d love to!”
Friday comes around quickly. You were leading your class out to the field, bag of footballs over your shoulder. Getting closer, you see four figures standing on the field.
“Miss! It’s the England captain!”
Leah Williamson is indeed standing in front of you, as well as Lotte, Beth, and Alessia.
“What are you guys doing here?” You ask, giving them all a hug, Alessia’s lasting longer than the rest.
“Thought we’d surprise the kids. Play some football.”
“Hey! You’re the one with the same name as Miss.” Ellie points a finger at Alessia.
Alessia crouches down to her height, the other kids getting closer.
“She actually stole my name.” All your students gasped.
“What? No, I didn’t. She’s lying to you all. I got her permission.” You send your wife a look that she knows means ‘stop or you’ll sleep in the couch’ making her lift her arms in surrender.
“Lying is bad. Shame on you.” Alessia now has a look of embarrassment on her face, getting told off by a child.
“My mum has a crush on you.” The statement was directed at Leah. “I don’t know what that means. Why does she want to crush you?” Leah’s face goes bright red.
“Okay!” You get everyone’s attention. “Let’s play some football!”
They all split themselves into teams while you and Leah stay on the sidelines. Watching your wife with all the children is making you feel lots of emotions.
“She’s so good with kids.”
“Am I gonna get any godbabies soon?”
You snap your head towards Leah. “Who said you’d be the godmother?”
“I’m just manifesting. Don’t make me wait too long.” Leah walks away, seeing Alessia walking towards you.
“Hi, love.”
“Hey, baby.”
“What were you two talking about?”
“How my ovaries are bursting watching you with kids.” She wraps an arm around your waist, you looking up at her, chin on her chest. “You’d be such a great mum.”
“You would too.”
“You think it’s time?”
“I mean…” She’s looking down at you suggestively, a smirk on her face. “We can start trying once we get home.”
“Hate to break it to you, but none of us have the right parts for that.”
“Doesn’t mean that we can’t practice.”
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totaly-obsessed · 10 months
Could you write for Ella where reader is also a footballer but reader tears her ACL
Jersey Dispute
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Ella Toone x reader request
-> Reader tears her ACL - sending Ella into panic - fluffy
-> probably not the correct timeline of a healing ACL
-> Combined with this request!
-> I hope this is okay, @ anon's!
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Ella hated knees. She really did.
Your girlfriend had been on the pitch, not too far away from you when you had gone down in a Manchester derby. Forgotten was the color of your shirt as Ella rushed to you. To her surprise you weren’t crying, you just sat there, waiting for the medics. “I tore it.” Those words still haunt her in her sleep.
You had waited for her outside of the changing room and together you slowly walked to the car. The ride was tense, the brunette not too sure how to approach the situation, but you cracked joke after joke, trying to loosen her up.
Sure this was bad, you knew it meant nearly a year of no football for you but in the end, there was nothing that you could do right now – you were just glad that the World Cup was just over, giving you a slim chance of getting ft for the Olympics.
Waiting for the surgery was the worst but Ella gave it her best to fill the house with laughter. And she did it fabulously. Quite a few of you and her teammates showed up, wanting to see how you were doing, which led to many fun evenings playing Mario Cart and watching movies.
After a month, it finally came; the surgery to make everything worse so that you could get better again. Your girlfriend was nervous, much more than you were, running around in circles in your hospital room. She had taken the week off from training and everyone understood that she wanted to be with you.
“Ella, please baby sit down. You’re driving me nuts!” With a shamed look, she sat down in a chair next to your bed, hands pressed between her knees but she couldn’t hold it, jumping up again, going back to pacing. 
“Ells, please…” You patted the space next to you, scooching over so that she fit. Now wrapped in your arms, tucked under a blanket she was finally able to breathe. “I’ll go into surgery in two hours when no emergency comes in. Mary will be here so-“ You could see her trying to defend herself, that she didn’t need a babysitter, but you put your hand over her mouth. “Shhh. Mary will come and you will go eat something. Then I‘ll come out of surgery and everything will be absolutely fine.”
Mary had arrived just in time when they took you for surgery so that she could take your frantic girlfriend out.
Just as you had predicted, everything had been fine.
Now, nearly a month later you had started physio-therapy and rehab at the Manchester City facility, leaving Ella to worry at Manchester United – so you called her every time you could to reassure her.
In the evenings it was hard for your girlfriend to let you help her cook. “Love, no! Sit back down, hmm?” Most of the time she just kidnapped you to the living room, sat you down on the couch, and went back to cook.
It was great, being able to spend so much time with your girlfriend and being able to catch up on Uni work – you loved it, Ella loved it, everybody loved it. The bickering was kept to a minimum with evenings spent curled up in each other’s arms. It was perfect, almost too perfect…
Nearly two months of pure bliss were interrupted by the first disagreement.
Manchester derbies were ferocious and the atmosphere electric, they were great. Ella saw your inability to play the match, as her opportunity to get you to wear her very red ‘Toone’ jersey. “Babe – pleaseee! You’ll look so good in it!” She had flung open the bedroom door, where you were currently sorting through the huge closet for clothes to donate. In her hands was a huge box, containing a whole stack of her shirts. “Ells we’ve been over this. I will not wear a Man United jersey.”
The brunette was whining and pouting letting the box fall to the ground, eventually flinging herself on the bed – desperate to get your attention. But you prevailed, having your back towards your girlfriend helping with that. You couldn’t cave – no way. “Quit it, Ella.”
Oof. That first name hit.
“But Baby-“ She was quickly shut up with a deep kiss after you had finally turned around, gracing the stunned midfielder with your attention. “I’ll wear your England jersey, yeah?” and with a pat to her cheek, you were gone again, leaving a stunned Ella behind.
Gameday came and Ella played her best game of the season – a hat trick and an assist, beating Manchester City four to one. Her motivation? You. Sat in the family section wearing an England jersey that had her name on the back.
And while you were sad that your team lost, there was just no way you could be mad when a grinning Ella came out of the changing room, match ball in hand, falling into your open and waiting arms, littering your face in tiny kisses.
“Ya’ gonna have to wear this every game day now – would’ve been better in a United shirt though.” With a disgusted groan, you shoved her off, but there was no chance to get the teasing smirk off her face for the whole day.
Five months later it was Ellas' turn to sit in the family section, wearing an England jersey with your name. Her legs bounced up and down, nervously waiting for you to get subbed on.
When you did, she couldn’t do anything else but grin – seeing you back on the pitch, knowing how hard you worked for this made her prouder than she had ever been.
She blissfully ignored Alessia taking a video of you coming on for Alanna Kennedy, and then turning the camera to a teary-eyed Tooney, clutching your jersey in her hands.
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joeys-babe · 5 months
Joey B Blurbs: Angel Eyes
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Summary: You attempt to prank Joe, but his angel-like eyes and all-convincing pout have your prank backfiring.
Warnings: Fluff, pranks!
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine Universe: Into the Mystic
A/N: Part 5 of blurb night!
No particular date for this blurb!
“Dinner time!” - you
Grinning as I paused the music playing over my speaker, I couldn't help but feel nothing but happiness watching my three boys run into the kitchen from the living room.
“Looks great, baby.” - Joe smiled
“Thanks, but I'm sure it won't look too good when you're cleaning it off plates later.” - you
“I don't care, that's our rule. If someone fixes it, the other cleans it. If we both cook, we both clean.” - Joe
I stood on my tiptoes and gave him a big kiss.
“Crap, I forgot drinks.” - you mumble, sighing
“You sit down, I’ll get ‘em.” - Joe
Before doing as Joe said, I got the twins into their booster seats and then sat down myself.
Joe walked back into the dining room just a moment later, his big hands allowing him to hold all four cups.
“Thanks.” - you
“Of course.” - Joe
Joe then put food onto all our plates, taking one of my hands in his when we started eating.
“Love you.” - Joe
“Love you too.” - you
After dinner, it was bath time for Tyson and Miles.
“We seriously need to order wet suits.” - Joe
“Why?” - you laughed
“They splash!” - Joe
“Oh, suck it up. Let's go.” - you
The tub was filled moments later, and Tyson and Miles climbed in. They were still young enough to bathe together - not like they would agree to do it separately anyway.
“Look!” - Tyson
Ty held up one of the plastic bath toys in Joe’s face, showing off his little tiger toy.
“That’s cool buddy. It’s like the mascot for the Bengals.” - Joe
“Yup!” - Tyson
Joe grabbed their mini basketball hoop out of the bath toy drawer and suction-cupped it to the shower wall.
“Can you make a basket, bubs?” - you
I handed Miles a mini-basketball, and he nodded and launched the ball across the shower.
Somehow making it in, Joe looked at me shocked.
“Gah-lee! Draft him to the league.” - Joe
“He’s got a cannon of an arm like his daddy does.” - you winked
Joe smiled and playfully rolled his eyes, handing Tyson a ball in the process.
“Let's start actually washing.” - you laughed
After getting the twins completely washed off and dried Joe and I headed to their room to get them dressed and ready for bed.
They wore matching pajamas, of course.
Miles and Tyson climbed into Tyson’s bed like they did every night for Joe to tell them a story. I laid down next to them and buckled up for the story Joe was about to tell.
“What kind of story do you guys want to hear tonight?” - Joe
“Lo- ve.” - Tyson
“A love story?” - you
Tyson nodded, so Joe continued.
“Okay. I’ll tell you my favorite one.” - Joe
He grinned, and not only did I know his devious smile was directed towards me, but I knew it meant he was up to something.
“One day, this boy, we’ll name him Joe, went to school.” - Joe
“That's your name!” - Miles
I immediately knew where this was headed, and I felt butterflies swarm my stomach.
“Yup. It was the first day of his senior year of high school. Not thinking much, he went to his first-period class. His teacher always made a boy and a girl sit together, and Joe thought he’d hate it, but it ended up being the best thing to ever happen to him.” - Joe
Both of the boys gasped, making Joe chuckle before he continued.
“Joe found his seat and saw that a girl he'd never seen before was sitting there. He thought she was beautiful, but Joe was focusing on football. Joe would soon find out that her name was y/n.” - Joe
“Like Mommy!” - Miles
“Yup, like Mommy. Joe and y/n talked the entire class, and they did that every day. They quickly realized that they had a lot in common and became best friends. Fast forward a bit, y/n wins homecoming queen, and Joe escorts her on the field. There, y/n called Joe her best friend… and told him that he was cute.” - Joe
There was another gasp from the twins, and I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face.
“Woah!” - Tyson
“I know, right? Not too long before that, Joe realized that he had a crush on her, but he just didn't know how to drop hints. After a little brainstorming, Joe asked y/n to the dance at school, but she already had a date.” - Joe
“Oh no!” - Tyson
“That's what Joe thought too, but the dance ended up being the best day of Joe’s life. The guy y/n went to the dance with ditched her, and Joe went alone. Y/n found Joe walking around in the hallways by himself, and she asked if he wanted to go see which teachers left their classroom doors open. Joe said yes, and y/n held his hand as they walked through the hallways. The chemistry door was open, which was the class they met in. They sat down at their table, and Joe realized it would be the perfect time to tell her how he felt. Joe told y/n he liked her, and y/n liked Joe too.” - Joe
Another gasp from Miles and Tyson, and I giggled at the look on their faces as Joe told the story of him and I getting together.
“Joe then asked y/n to be his girlfriend, and she said yes. Guess what happened next.” - Joe
“What?” - Miles
“They kissed.” - Joe
“Ew!!” - Miles
“Aww!” - Tyson
I laughed at their differing opinions, which were stated at the same time, and Joe did too, before giving me a wink.
“They live happily ever after?” - Tyson
“Yup. They got married and are still together to this day. They love each other very much. They're parents too, to twin boys.” - Joe
“Like me and Ty?” - Miles
“Mhm, and y/n is pregnant with a baby girl.” - Joe
“Like Mommy!” - Tyson
“Wait… is it about you and Mommy?” - Miles
Joe looked at me with a tiny smile on his face, the bling in his eyes making my heart flutter.
“Yes. That's how we met. The best day of my life.” - Joe grinned
“That was super sweet, Joey.” - you
“The story?” - Joe smiled
We had just walked into our bedroom from putting the twins to sleep, and my mind was stuck on Joe retelling the story of how we met.
“Yeah. I'm glad I got it right the first time.” - you
“Get what right?” - Joe
“Picking a boyfriend. We really said one and done.” - you laughed
“For real, but I’m glad too. Thank god for boy-girl seating chart teachers.” - Joe
Joe plopped onto the bed onto his stomach after pulling his shirt off, asking without words for me to lay down and scratch his back.
I walked over and leaned down, pressing a kiss between his shoulder blades before waking over to the bathroom.
In our usual routine, Joe and I would shower together. We took the time to share some non-sexual intimacy while spending our uncommon alone time exclusively together.
But today, Joe’s getting pranked.
Walking into the bathroom, I shut the door and locked it behind me.
I rushed to set my phone up to start videoing, then turned the shower on.
Almost instantaneously, Joe was knocking on the bathroom door.
Looking at the camera and laughing, I let him knock a couple of times before opening the door.
“Baby? Are you showering without me?” - Joe
He had his bottom lip stuck out in a pout, giving me his classic pleading angel eyes. Joe knew that combo got him anything.
“I just felt like having some alone time.” - you
Joe’s mouth fell open as he stared at me, honestly looking offended.
“What?” - Joe
“I wanted some alone time.” - you chuckle
“You seriously don't want me to shower with you?” - Joe
I stepped up on my tiptoes and pecked Joe’s lips, patting his chest when I pulled away.
“Maybe next time, babe.” - you
Making sure I was off-camera, I started undressing and the look on Joe’s face made me feel sad.
Once I was fully undressed, I hopped in the glass shower and shut the door behind me.
I looked over at Joe only to find him staring right at me with the same pout on his face.
“Aww, c’mere. I was just joking. You can shower with me, baby.” - you
“That's what I thought.” - Joe mumbled
When Joe undressed and hopped into the shower, I pulled him into my arms and pressed kisses all over his neck and face.
“You were videoing that entire thing weren't you?” - Joe
“Of course.” - you grinned
“You’re going to be the death of me.” - Joe
“Good way to go out though, right?” - you
“The best.” - Joe smiled
Authors note: Next fic at 9:25!!!
Requests for this fic;
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janeyseymour · 7 months
Dancing On My Own (Tiesto Remix)
Summary: You're a Cowboys fan in Eagles territory. Melissa finds out.
WC: ~2.05k
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You have a secret- a deep, dark secret that you never ever want your fiery, die hard Eagles fan girlfriend to find out. You’re terrified of what will happen if she does. You’re a Dallas Cowboys fan. Okay, so maybe you were a second-hand Cowboys fan, but your dad bought you one of the jerseys because he absolutely adores them. And when you go home to Texas (how you ended up in the one state, one city that hates Dallas more than anything, you’ll never know), your dad always drags you to a game.
Upon moving to Philly, you took down every indication that you would ever associate yourself with the team that the Eagles love to hate. You couldn’t risk becoming an outcast before you even start your new life here.
And it did you good. You somehow land in the heart of the city, and you work for a school that absolutely bleeds Philadelphia. The principal adores the Eagles, Mr. Johnson is constantly yelling ‘Go Birds!’, Janine has a few trinkets in her room for each of the Philly Sports teams… even Gregory has come around to love Gritty. And then there’s Melissa Schemmenti. She’s had to go to court for throwing a corn cob at Ben Simmons when he pissed her off, she has ins with those who worked the demolition at the Linc,  she’s a season ticket holder for the Phillies and the Eagles… and she absolutely detests the Cowboys- more than most Eagles fans too. She’s gotten into more trouble for heckling the Dallas team than she’s willing to admit- knocking over portapotties when Cowboys fans are in them, throwing Philly cheesesteaks, hurling eggs and Molotov cocktails at the bus. 
And yet, she’s your girlfriend. How? You’re nearly perfect. You’re smart, you’re funny, you can sing and play instruments to make her swoon, you’re a wonderful teacher and great with the kids, and you’re more than easy on the eyes. And that was what she knew of you before she fell madly in love with you. 
With the season coming up, your girlfriend is more than excited. She’s been waiting for the season tickets to go on sale, but even then… if she doesn’t get them the legal way, she knows a guy.
She does end up getting them. Of course she does. And as soon as she does, she’s coming into the teachers lounge doing her happy dance and making her way over to you. She kisses you soundly before proclaiming that she is 100% taking you to an Eagles game.
“And,” she notes. “I’m gonna make sure it’s a good one… Eagles versus the fuckin’ Cowgirls! Go birds!”
She’s met with a chorus of ‘Go birds!’ right back, but you stay quiet.
She turns to you with a curious look, amused grin now gone. “Babe, aren’t you excited?!”
You shrug. “I just… haven’t ever really been into football?” you offer weakly.
“Well, I’m gonna make sure that you have a great time there. I’m gonna get you an Eagles jersey, a Jalen Hurts one, and you’re gonna have the damn time of your life!”
Again, you shrug your shoulders, looking unsure.
“Aye, if she ain’t gonna use the ticket for good, I’m right here!” Mr. Johnson points to himself. “You know we’ll have a good time.”
“Nah, Mr. J,” your girlfriend rolls her eyes. “I’m taking Y/N, and she’s gonna leave the Linc a die hard Eagles fan, right?” She looks at you in a way that tells you there’s no convincing her otherwise unless you want to out yourself right now as a fan of the Cowboys.
You just nod, knowing you can’t have this conversation in public- you do not want to be shunned by the rest of your coworkers. You could potentially lose this job; Ava has fired people for less despite the fact that she really couldn’t afford to fire them and that’s why both you and Melissa are teaching two different grades at a time.
That’s the end of that conversation.
Until she comes over to your apartment that night, ready to cook dinner for you and stay over. 
“You gonna tell me why you got so weird about going to a football game with me? Is it because we might see our students at the game?” she asks. “Because if it is, I promise you… you know Philly is pretty cool about LGBT stuff.”
“I know, I know,” you say softly. “I’ve just… could we go to a baseball game instead?” You never pledged your allegiance to any baseball team, so you would be willing to wear a Harper or Nola jersey.
“I mean, I could get us tickets to a game,” she tells you as she puts the meat into the pan to start cooking. “But I really love football and the Eagles, and that’s something I want to share with you.”
“Does it have to be a game with the Cowboys?” you ask.
She turns to you at that. “Those are the best games.”
“I-” you sigh. Deciding to just rip off the bandaid, you take off the Abbott sweatshirt that you’re wearing to reveal the Day Prescott jersey your dad had given you the last time you visited your hometown. 
Her jaw drops, and her eyes fill with a fire. “When the fuck were you gonna tell me that you were the enemy?” she seethes.
“Mel,” you say softly, trying to calm her down.
“Don’t ‘Mel’ me right now,” the redhead hisses. “What the fuck?! What the actual fuck?!”
“Melissa, honey,” you continue. “Please-”
“I- no,” she stops you from getting any closer to her when you attempt. “Don’t. Don’t you even fucking dare.”
She’s out of your house before you can say anything else, and the only thing that you can hear is the flank steak sizzling quietly in the pan on the stove.
When you get to school the next day, you head straight for her room to try to talk to her again.
“Melissa,” you knock on the door, a cup of her favorite coffee in your hands as a peace offering.
You set the warm drink on her desk, which she promptly smacks into the garbage can under her desk. She stands hastily and storms out of the room in the direction of the staff room.
“Melissa, please!” you beg as you chase after her. “Please!”
“I have nothing to say to you,” she hisses as she rips her arm away from you when you catch her gently. She storms into the break room and heads right for the coffee mugs.
“Please!” your voice cracks, and everyone that is already gathered there turns at the commotion.
“Ooh,” Ava says. “Trouble in paradise. Spill.”
“This one-” your girlfriend, if she even still is after your reveal last night, points to you and looks at you with disgust. “-is a Cowgirls fan, and decided not to let me know until last night!”
“Boo!” Mr. Johnson heckles you. You give him a nearly murderous look.
“Just let me explain!” you plead.
“You have nothin’ to explain! You’re a traitor!” the redhead barks at you before turning back to the mugs. She slams the door as she closes it, slams her coffee mug down on the counter, and storms her way to her seat next to Barbara. She makes it so that there is absolutely no way you could sit next to her.
All eyes are on you, and you hate it. So you do what you know how to do: run.
You avoid the second grade teacher at all possible costs for the next few days, giving her the chance to cool down. Finally, at the end of the week, you attempt to talk to her.
“I don’t know what you want me to say,” she huffs. She doesn’t even bother looking up from her nails. She doesn’t even give you the chance to explain yourself. “I ain’t dating no Cowgirl.”
You cry the entire way home. You lost your girlfriend, and all because of some stupid football team.
You call your father that night, a sobbing mess.
“You were dating an Eagles fan?!”
“Dad,” you cry. “Please. I don’t- I just need you to tell me that it’s all going to be okay.”
“It is,” he promises you. “But, seriously?”
You hang up on him.
He calls back a few minutes later, apologizing for his words. You forgive him of course. You love your father more than anything. 
“If you really love her, you’ll get her back… even if it means you betray our team,” he tells you.
“R-really?” you whisper.
“You’re in Philly now,” your dad sighs softly. “If you can’t beat ‘em, and the lord knows you can’t because no one can beat Philly fans, join ‘em.”
That’s all you need to hear to know what you’re going to do. “Thank you, Dad.”
“Of course, kiddo. Just know that when you come home to visit, you are back on my team.”
“I know,” you chuckle through your tears. “But if I bring Mel back home, there is to be absolutely no football talk.”
“Deal,” he laughs. “I’m not trying to get our house lit on fire.”
You thank him again, tell him you love him and hang up. 
That weekend, you go out and buy a bunch of Philadelphia sports apparel; your credit card statement this month is going to be a doozy. But if it means you’ll get Melissa back, it’ll be worth it.
On Monday, you show up in your baseball gear, rooting for the Phillies as they play against the Cincinnati Twins. It gets the redhead’s attention, just slightly. But she turns her head when you look in her direction.
You wear your Flyers gear the next day. That gets Gregory’s attention.
The Sixers are the next. Janine grins.
You had even bought a Philadelphia Union jersey that you wear on Thursday. Jacob tells you how massively underrated they are and that he thinks they deserve to have a bigger following.
When you come in on Friday, not clad in Eagles gear like Melissa thought you would be, that is the final straw for her. She has you backed into a corner telling you that you can pretend to bleed Philly all you want, but at the end of the day you’re just a traitor.
You let her get up in your face, red with anger. You know that you didn’t wear it because you’re saving it for Monday- when they play.
You actually managed to get a ticket to the game, one next to hers- not that she knows it. You thank Barbara profusely when she’s able to get you the name of Melissa’s guy and where her tickets for this game are. Your plan is to show up in your new Jalen Hurts jersey that you spent a fortune on and win her back. You don’t want to lose her. Never. 
You race home after school to change out of your green shirt that you wore to school and into your Hurts jersey and a pair of leggings. You grab the baseball cap that you bought and pop it on your head before heading out to your car.
You park your car for the ridiculous amount of money they’re charging before going to find your seat. 
As you approach though, you see someone new with Melissa- someone you’ve never seen before. She has an arm around the woman’s waist like the way she used to hold you. You convince yourself it’s just a friend and continue on your way to your seat. But then she plants a kiss to the new woman’s lips, and your world shatters.
You might be at a football game, but you should be at a Phillies game with their unofficial anthem playing.
I'm in the corner, watching you kiss her, oh no
And I'm right over here, why can't you see me? Oh no
And I'm giving it my all
But I'm not the guy you're taking home, ooh
I keep dancing on my own
So far away, but still so near
The lights come on, the music dies
But you don't see me standing here
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kurogxrix · 2 years
Sully!family with your children HEADCANONS (1)
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⇀ When The Time Comes AU!
Jake and Neytiri:
They would both be oh so happy to see their first grandchild for the first time.
Jake would feel himself getting a little old at the news of your bearing, but he would be happy nevertheless.
He can feel his forehead creases triple in amount each him he’s on babysitting duty. He’s had too many children to care for and it’s taking a toll on our poor man.
Neytiri’s the best grandma bye.
She will feed that baby until it gets a chubby lil stomach.
Jake wanted to murder mo’rata, your mate after hearing that you were pregnant.
Like he accepts that the both of you are adults and adults just can’t keep their hands off of each other but nuh uh not with his daughter.
Neytiri understands what it’s like to be a tired mom, so now that nearly all of her children have left her tent to their own, she offers to take care of your baby once in a while.
Jake carves new toys for them because their hand-down ones are lowkey crusty.
He WILL tell your children about the great Toruk Makto.
it feeds his pride as a parent to see your children so engrossed in his stories.
Your children loves Neytiri’s cooking, probably more than yours.
Eywa, please fear leaving your child with him for even one day.
Your child probably thinks he’s the most fun out of all of their aunts and uncles.
Brings your kid out on adventures.
Probs tells your child to never listen to their father because he didn’t and look at how amazingly he turned out.
Most probably will get in deep shit with your mate afterwards😭
Your children love him so much it’s insane.
Doesn’t teach your kids to be reckless like him tho, that shit nearly killed him too many times.
Ngl he’ll probably have beef with children that your children have beef with. 
Like full on arguing in public and all.
Winds up your children so much like they’re fucking dogs with pent up energy💀.
When he brings them back at the end of the day, one of hanging halfway on his shoulder and the other has their body dangling off his arms.
You’re happy though because sleepy children=calm evening.
Would call you and Mo’rata rabbits if you have many children.
If you all move to Awa’atlu together, your kids are the ones to tease him and tsireya. She loves your children bye.
Your kids are probably lo’aks wingmen or wingwomen.
they all practiced this cool ass walk-in intro thing to do when tsireya walks in the room.
He tries to play the cool guy act by swinging your children each at the same time on his shoulders just to impress her.
It fails though because he underestimated how fast they grew and how heavy they are now.
They all fall face first in the sand but it’s ok because it entertained tsireya.
mission accomplished.
She loves taking your child in the forest with her.
Don’t think she’s interested in having children of her own for now, but she’ll spoil and love the hell outta yours.
Shows your children her Pandora jesus powers and they’re lowkey so entranced.
She probably charms wild animals that won’t harm your children into playing with them. Like a yerik.
Now that Tuk is too big to appreciate spending time with her sister (angsty teenager era who?), she loves spending it with your children like she used to with Tuk.
Doesnt mean that they replaced her little sister’s place in her heart, never.
She teaches your kids about nature and that they need to respect it.
She always reassures them that it’s ok to have 5 fingers and a pair of eyebrows <3
Best uncle (in yours and mo’rata’s opinion)
Most reliable babysitter that’s always up to the job.
He’ll probably be mated too at this point, so him and his mate always have some entertainment in watching your children while you and your mate escape on a date.
He’ll be happy if you don’t have a whole football team of babies for him to babysit.
He had to take care of his 3 siblings (plus you even tho you were older) growing up, and he still has nightmares about it.
Your youngest child is a troublemaker like lo’ak, and it gives poor Neteyam ptsd.
Teaches your eldest how to wield a bow just so they can be a badass older sibling like him.
mo’rata would be so mad when he heard that Neteyam was the one that had taught his child how to shoot an arrow. That’s his job as a hunter and a father and he might as well go and murder your little brother.
She’s not a kid anymore but she’s probably still young.
You refuse to give her any babysitting duties because you want her to live her youth without having to take care of little ones like you had to with your siblings.
She never grew up with little siblings given that she was the youngest. So she adores your children.
Will give them her old toys. Toys that have been carved for you at first, then passed down to neteyam, kiri, Lo’ak and then herself.
Tuk is sorta traumatized after everything that went on with quaritch so she relives the years that she’s closed off as a kid with her nieces and nephews.
Takes your children on her Ikran only for you to scold her when she comes back. She’s still your baby sister after all so you’re allowed
probs dead atp i’m not even gon’ lie to y’all.
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katelynnwrites · 10 months
Girl Put Your Records On (Tell Me Your Favourite Song) | Sydney Lohmann
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warnings: syd’s injury 😔
word count: 2077
summary: requested, domestic fluff with sydney
a/n: syd’s back! syd’s back! syd’s back!
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It’s no secret that Sydney loves cooking. She has even said that if she wasn’t playing football professionally, she would be a chef.
And maybe you’re a little biased as her girlfriend and frequent beneficiary of her cooking but you are sure that she would have made an amazing one.
The German woman cooks a large variety of things and she is always down to experiment but her favourite is pasta.
Sydney’s homemade pasta is one of your favourite things to eat and you would even go so far as to call it your comfort food.
Your girlfriend makes the entire dish from scratch and you swear you can feel the love and care she puts into it.
The extent of your fondness for it and for any of Syd’s cooking really, is well known. There has been more than one occasion where your fellow Bayern teammates have teased you that you’re only with Sydney for her skills in the kitchen.
That couldn’t be further from the truth though.
You love everything about your girlfriend, from her every perfection down to her littlest flaw.
If it were up to you, you would say that a certain Sydney Matilda Lohmann is complete perfection.
There is so much you adore about her and that includes each moment that you spend with her.
Making pasta together with your girl is one of your favourite moments.
You and your girlfriend frequently have teammates over for meals. Sydney’s cooking tends to have that effect on people and while making pasta with friends is nice, you love making pasta with Syd much more.
When it is just you and her, the Bayern Munich midfielder putting her vintage record player on to as she put it, set the vibe.
Your girlfriend spins you around the kitchen when any of her favourite records come on and you’d ask her, her favourite song in between fits of laughter.
Sydney’s favourite song changes all the time based on how she’s been feeling so you like to ask her what it is. It gives you an idea of her current mood and state of mind.
Her hazel eyes are always bright when she answers you and you cherish all of her answers and the way she looks as she gives them.
More often than not, she has flour on her clothes and hair. She leaves streaks of it behind on you, a visible reminder of her hands on your body.
You love these smudges of white, left on your hips, shoulders and stomach, sometimes on your cheek if Sydney’s feeling mischievous enough to swipe her flour covered finger across your cheek.
It’s especially heartwarming after tough games and it goes like this.
Sydney makes her pasta dough and you hand her the ingredients in the right order, reading out the recipe from one of her cookbooks. Her scribbled handwriting in the margins of said cookbooks mark them as hers.
You continue leafing through the recipes, giggling at some of the notes and comments she has left while your girlfriend wraps the dough up before putting it to chill in the fridge.
The German woman then proceeds to make the sauce, tomato or cream based, depending on her mood.
She lets it simmer over the stove and it always smells so damn good. Syd stirs it and lets you taste test it as she cooks. The Bayern player feeds you those spoonfuls of little tastes with anxious smiles and hopeful looks, always waiting for your feedback.
You don’t know what she’s worried about because her pasta sauce is constantly amazing.
It gives you great joy to watch her face light up whenever you tell her so.
Sitting on the kitchen counter, most of the time in Syd’s clothes as you swing your legs back and forth, you fall even more head over heels in love with her.
You love watching her hum along to the song playing as she does little dance moves whenever inspiration strikes her.
Every now and then, she turns around to check on you and you have no shame in showing her just how captivated you are.
You’re starstruck because of her.
The way you look at her makes her blush and your girlfriend often ducks her head, looking back down at her pot of sauce to hide it. It really is cute of her.
When the sauce is done, Sydney washes her hands before pulling you off the kitchen counter. The German woman always takes the opportunity to kindly suggest that she can help pass the remaining time more quickly.
And you always take her up on it because who would say no to what she has in mind?
Making out with your girlfriend is like something out of a dream. With her lips on yours and whispered sighs, her hands skimming your bare skin, well you’re in love with the feeling and her.
The last minutes of chilling time for the pasta dough go by fast and then Sydney is waltzing you back into the kitchen.
You stand beside her, the only place you ever want to be, even if you are given the whole world to choose from and roll out the pasta dough with her.
The both of you take turns to run the pasta wheel over the rolled sheets and Syd never fails to make fun of you for how much neater hers turns out.
It is quick work after that, for the meal to be ready.
You set the plates out and your girlfriend finishes off her dish.
It is almost sacred to be able to curl up with the hazel eyed woman, with whatever show the two of you are binge watching playing on the television while you eat together.
Moments like that give you the much needed break from football. It’s lovely to be able to chase a dream you’ve had since you were a little girl but it’s also lovely for you to be able to spend time with your girlfriend.
Since Syd cooked, you pick up the plates and take them to the kitchen to wash.
It is everything to you, to be able to share this domestic bliss with Sydney.
Now that she is injured, things have to change.
Not by much but rather, a simple reversal of roles.
You make the pasta and let your girlfriend taste the sauce. The German player directs you from your usual perch atop the kitchen counter.
As much as she insists that she wants to help, you simply shake your head, giving her a firm no.
You just want her to rest her ankle.
The injury had been a devastating blow to your girl who had been so excited to start the season. Prior to the injury, her form had been brilliant and she’d just come off a solid win against Iceland.
Your girlfriend was just getting back the sparkle in her eyes every time she steps onto the pitch. It had been missing since Germany’s exit from the World Cup and now you feared it would be a while more before you saw it in its full beauty.
You hate how injury prone Sydney is, hate the way the world is so unkind to her. Her bad luck has it that she is always getting into a really good flow right before it is cut short. Fate is cruel sometimes.
There’s nothing you can do about that but you can make her dinner. It is the least you can do for the hazel eyed woman you are so in love with.
You’ve only finished simmering the pasta sauce and turned off the stove for a moment before Sydney is making grabby hands at you.
It’s tomato tonight because that is what the midfielder had been wanting.
You laugh at her gestures and scoop out a spoonful of sauce as she’d asked.
Carefully, you feed it to her but not before you make a show of blowing on it, to cool it down.
‘Good?’ You ask, taking a step back expectantly.
‘It’s really good.’ Your girl replies.
‘Yeah? Why do you sound so surprised?’ You tease.
‘I’m not! I-’ Sydney backtracks defensively, her eyes widening rapidly.
It’s adorable how easy it is to fluster her.
‘I’m just kidding sonnenschein.’ You admit and she scowls, crossing her arms and huffing, ‘I knew that.’
‘You sure?’ You mock and the taller woman deigns to reply you by dramatically rolling her eyes.
‘I’m sure. I am also sure that your tomato sauce isn’t as good as mine though.’
‘I know. Yours will always be better.’ You shrug easily, stepping back in between Syd’s legs and planting a gentle kiss onto her lips.
Your girlfriend chuckles and your heart lightens.
Eating dinner with the German player sitting next to you has your heart fluttering in all kinds of good ways.
You are never going to stop cherishing these moments with her.
Syd notices you staring at her and she blushes, mumbling, ‘Why are you looking at me like that?’
‘Because you are so incredibly beautiful and I love you.’
It is a simple, effortless confession but your girlfriend’s face lights up.
‘I love you too.’
She sets her plate down on the coffee table and smiles, ‘I fall more and more in love with you with each and every day that I spend with you.’
Sydney’s words give you the warmest of feelings inside and when she smoothly straddles you, despite the walking boot she has on, you know the feeling is mutual.
‘Syd…’ You groan, torn between wanting to make sure she is being cautious about her injury and wanting her to kiss you.
‘I’m being careful.’ She insists before leaning down to connect her lips to yours.
She tastes like tomato sauce and cheese but you don’t care because it’s Sydney.
Sydney who is the living definition of sunshine. Sydney who for reasons you can’t fathom is as in love with you as you are with her.
You have a lot of reasons to be thankful but your girlfriend is the biggest one.
It’s with kiss swollen lips and messy hair that you take yours and Syd’s dinner plates into the kitchen.
Your girlfriend trails behind you with her crutches, her lips and hair in a similar state.
There is no mistaking the satisfied smirk on her face though.
‘Here.’ You breathe, lifting her up onto the kitchen counter after depositing both your plates into the sink. Her crutches are propped next to her.
Sydney wiggles comically as she gets comfortable and you giggle.
You put her record player on and start on the dirty dishes.
‘Let me help please?’ The hazel eyed woman implores.
You’re going to refuse and assure her that you manage but remember how helpless the rehab has been making her feel despite her best attempts to hide it.
Ever selfless, you know that Syd would never do anything she deems might harm the team dynamic, even if it really wouldn’t.
You want to spoil her but know that that is not what she needs right now.
So as a compromise, you offer her a dish towel and ask, ‘You can dry if you like?’
The Bayern midfielder gratefully takes the towel from you. She knows you know and the soft look of adoration in her gorgeous hazel eyes makes you melt.
It’s quick work, made enjoyable by the music playing and Syd’s humming along.
Normally you brush your teeth together and your girl links her little finger with yours but now you support her with an arm gently wrapped around her waist.
Syd has taken her walking boot off for the night so she needs to be careful not to put any sort of weight on her injured ankle.
Before she’d taken it off though, she had affectionately touched the yellow smiley face sticker you had put on it.
She hopes you know how much you and all your little gestures mean to her.
Her injury is hurting her but you make it all bearable.
So she leans into you and soaks in your touch, giggling through the toothpaste foam in her mouth.
Your gaze meets hers and you know that you want this to last the rest of your life.
With the way Syd whispers about how much she loves you as she settles down to sleep with her head on your chest, you know in your heart that she wants the same.
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German Translation:
sonnenschein - sunshine
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alasarys · 11 months
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