#she meets up with mai (who she hasn’t seen in a long time) and very casually almost off-handedly confesses
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tragedykery · 2 years ago
this may feel sacrilegious coming from tuser maileesque but sometimes. I think about maizula
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randomgurl2326 · 1 year ago
Adam Relationship Headcannons
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You two met after the whole Lilith and Eve debacle
You were sent to be his Guardian Angel down in the Garden of Eden. Honestly, he couldn’t care less about Eve when he first saw you
He was in the middle of the garden, talking to Eve and then you show up… man’s whipped. Simp I tell you
(Actually wished that you were made to be his wife instead of the baddie Lilith or the goodie-two-shoes Eve)
Again. Whipped.
Now, tho is guy… whewww. He may seem incredibly misogynistic to practically everyone around him. But he can be a total sweetheart
He would—if you didn’t know how to already—teach you how to shred on the guitar
Speaking of guitars, that gold strat that he had during the battle in the last episode is only used during a special occasion (case and point, when you two have a date night or after sex)
He also serenades you every chance he gets
After dinner
After a meeting
After sex
After just walking the goddamn promenade
I also think he would be heavenly (ha! See what i did there? No? Okay…) in the kitchen. Especially for date night. Adam knows how to make the best prime rib in heaven
(Lute totally hasn’t tried to blackmail the recipe out of him)
Adam is also very insecure about how he looks under his mask
Especially after having two wives ditch him for Lucifer
He definitely needs to be praised on a daily basis, even if it seems like he’s an egotistical asshole
Every day you tell him how handsome he is and he doesn’t believe you (c’mon have you seen him fuckin’ hot)
You two sometimes don’t see each other days on end because you both work so much. You being a high-ranking Angel/seraphim and him being well… the first man on Earth
If you guys go especially long for not seeing each other, you guys hole up a few days in your shared home spending time with each other among other things…
By the way, you and Lute are best friends, probably more than her and Adam
Like, seriously, if you’re not with him, you’re with her. Gossiping or fucking around, it’s heaven, there’s infinite things to do
You two are also very lovey dovey with each other
One time Sera had cover Emily’s eyes with her wings because you two were making out and feeling each other up in the middle of the Heavenly Court Room
Despite all of his faults, he’s a good husband to you, a great one actually. And if you two were to ever have kids, he’d definitely be the dad who everyone loves
He would introduce them to rock, punk, metal.
Definitely plays his guitar to get them to sleep every night
Okay… he want lying about being the Dick Master. He can pleasure women, that is not a problem for him
Also, it might not seem like it, but he loves going down on you. Probably one of his favorite pass times actually
I swear, this man could make you scream his name within minutes. No joke
Don’t get me wrong, he loves receiving head
But just not as much as he loves eating pussy (Lilith and Eve missed out on that one for sure)
He also has a bigger dick than average
Probably 6-7.5 inches in length and hella girthy. Uncircumcised (duh), and a vein that runs up the bottom of it
Definitely knows how to use it
Every one within a five mile radius of your guys’ house… let’s just say I feel really bad for them
No joke, he is insane about pleasuring you
This probably also feeds into his insecurity about you leaving him (you won’t)
He for sure has a praise kink. Seriously, tell him he’s a good boy and he’s unraveling under your touch instantly
His favorite position is cowgirl (what can he say, he loves powerful women)
But he’s down for whatever position you want; missionary, warrior, against a wall, whatever
Speaking of wall sex, Lute has definitely caught you two more than once
The first time she did was when you two were in Adam’s office while he was supposed to be planning the next extermination. She came to ask him a question about it and there you two were. Goin’ at it like rabbits on the wall next to his desk
She couldn’t look you guys in the eye for three weeks. It was terrible
Adam also doesn’t seem like the type of guy to have sex toys or feel the need to use them
But, again, he’s whipped. So he’s willing to do whatever you want to do
Wont admit this to anyone but you, but he likes to sub every once in a while. Especially with all the ‘first man’ stuff weighing down on him he needs a way to get away from all that stress
Despite him making crude jokes about sex, he’s a very giving partner in bed
He had to make sure you cum at least twice before he gets his dick wet
Also, have I mentioned how good he is at eating pussy? Oh, I have? Yeah, well, he is (especially with that tiny bit of stubble on his chin… gahhh)
Just needed to get it out there
All in all, Adam is a very giving person in bed, can be selfish at times but will make up for it. He loves you too much for you to feel mad or upset (especially with him)
A/N: this was my first time writing for Adam and Hazbin in general. I hope you liked it. I love you all💚💜
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ghostofwriting · 5 months ago
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Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: allusions to sex, cheating,
Note: just something I had rattling around in my brain for the longest time.
Word Count: 2,215
No one warned her. She likes to pride herself on not being a complete idiot so how did she not see this coming? The hints were all there. 
Her father is one of the richest men on Kildare Island so naturally, ever since her birth, she has been told that she would marry a just as wealthy if not wealthier man. There was no room for her to experience real love. It was a waste of time as she wouldn’t get to choose who she dated or even married. 
Everything was arranged for her. Her dad would find an eligible suitor and she would marry him. 
She was fine with this. Of course she was, it was all she had ever known. 
She would be marrying Rafe Cameron. 
Her father had called her down to his study and broken the news to her right then and there. She had heard his name, seen him around at all the high-class events their families attended but she had never exchanged one word with him. 
Once the initial shock of finding out she’s getting married in less than a year wears off, she runs to her room where her best friend is reading a book on her bed. 
“It’s Rafe.” Her best friend jumps up and squeals. 
“No way!” She grabs her phone and looks him up immediately. Not knowing what she’s looking for, she’s sure that he won’t post his wedding announcement to someone he hasn’t even had a conversation with. 
“There’s this girl all over his feed.” She takes the phone from her friend and scrolls, pausing to look at one picture in particular where he’s giving the girl a piggyback.
“That’s his best friend, they’ve known each other since they were three, and their moms are best friends.”
She scrolls some more and blushes, seeing pictures of him shirtless at the beach. He’s attractive. He’s probably one of the most desirable men on the island. He’s never seen around with anyone though, and doesn’t take any of the ladies up on their offers. 
She would be okay with this. Not only because she has no choice but because it’s Rafe Cameron.
They meet on a Sunday afternoon, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and it couldn’t be more perfect. Except that the girl from his Instagram is here. Before his father steps in, they’re whispering to each other in the furthest corner away from her and her father. Her hand is on his bicep and he holds her like he’s afraid she’ll float away. 
“Thank you for coming,” Ward says walking into the room, extending a hand for her father and then her. 
“It is our pleasure.” Her father says. 
“Rafe, don’t be rude, come greet our guests.” Rafe hesitates but the girl nods, stepping away from him.  
Ward gives the girl a look and a half smile.
 “you may go.” Rafe looks at his father and then at the girl shaking his head. 
“Dad-” Ward puts up a hand to stop him. 
“Let y/n go and say hi to Sofia, she’ll be your future wife after all.”
The girl, y/n, Ward had called her, leaves the room and she can see how tense Rafe becomes. 
Sofia should have known. 
They start dating, or the courting process. He takes her to fancy restaurants, clubs, events, and theaters, but they are never alone. It's like he’s trying to avoid talking to her for too long. He’s always busy at work or having to travel. She hadn’t had a moment alone with him since their first meeting when both their fathers gave them some time to talk and even then Rafe kept checking his phone.
She thinks she could love him. He’s very kind, he thinks of her when he goes to get himself a drink, he brings her back presents from his travels, and introduces her as his girl to all his friends. 
All of them except for one. 
When she met Topper she was introduced as his girl, it was a casual party, with no real formalities. Topper had given him a strange look that she only noticed because she was directly looking at him. If she hadn’t she would have missed it because it was gone in a second.  
“Nice to meet you Sofia, welcome to his life. I’m excited to see where it goes.” She finds his words weird but she lets it go, smiling at him. 
When she met Sarah she was with John B and JJ. Rafe introduced her as his girlfriend, Sarah had a tight-lipped smile and JJ had tried to elbow John B discreetly but John B’s reaction had given him away. 
“Nice to meet all of you.” Sofia said.
“You too!” Sarah chimed in. 
“You should come around the house some time and meet the rest of the gang.” John B extends the invite to her, Rafe clears his throat and Sarah stiffens. She’s about to nod in approval when JJ’s voice breaks through the awkward silence John B’s words had created. 
“That’s not a good idea.” Her eyes snap to JJ. He’s not looking at her, his face is stoic and he’s looking at Rafe. She looks up at Rafe and he’s looking at JJ, head nodding. 
“Yeah, I’m sure you could meet them somewhere else.” The atmosphere is charged with something she doesn’t recognize. 
“Hey, will you give me a moment?” Rafe asks her, shuffling her over to the drinks table. 
“Yeah, sure, I’ll find Melanie and text you where I am.” He gives her a small smile and nods. 
“Is she here?” She hears him ask one of the three pogues as she walks away. Sarah is the one who responds. She hears her say something about the second floor and when she turns around to see Rafe’s reaction, he’s already walking in the direction of the stairs. 
He never comes to find her. 
He doesn’t introduce her to the girl until a month after they start dating. 
She gets introduced to her as Sofia. Not his girl, not his girlfriend. Just Sofia. Hey, this is Sofia. 
The girl introduces herself and she is so sickeningly sweet that Sofia feels they could be best friends too. 
She takes her hand and walks her around Tannyhill, showing her all the things that there are to do. She shows her where they keep the best snacks, where the movie room is, and where not to go and leads her up to Rafe’s room. She’s been in Rafe’s room before, he’s her boyfriend. The way that y/n walks in, it’s like she lives there. She’s so comfortable, going through all his stuff, showing her where he keeps anything she may need. She opens up a drawer and tells her that those things are hers but she should feel free to use them. 
She doesn’t think anything of it. They’re best friends, they have known each other since they were kids. Of course, she has things she keeps at his house. In his room. 
Rafe’s mother is home for once. She walks by his room and spots them. 
“Oh, my sweet angel!” She waltzes over to y/n and grabs her face in between her hands. “How I have missed you. You haven’t been around much, why is that?” She looks to Rafe and then back to the face, she’s holding. She gives Sofia a side glance. 
“I see, well. You are welcome anytime. And I have spoken to Ward about the situa-” She gets cut off by y/n and Rafe.
“It’s okay.” y/n says. 
“You did?” Rafe says with more urgency, walking up to his mom. 
“I have sweet boy. And I will keep trying.” Rafe mumbles a small thank you, she sees his hand hovering over y/n, like he wants to touch her but he pulls back, clearing his throat and looking at her like he just remembered she was there too. 
She doesn’t know what situation they are talking about and before she can gather the courage to ask, his mother is gone and y/n is saying something about getting food with Sarah and Louisa. 
“Your whole family loves her very much don’t they?” she asks Rafe, sitting at the edge of his bed. 
He longingly looks to where his best friend once was, sighing, “yeah.”
She’s at Tannyhill again for dinner this time. There are a few more people than usual. A few people she’s never met, one being Barry, and a few other of Rafe’s friends. 
She’s been mingling with all the guests, making her rounds as the new heiress of her father’s company and she’s exhausted. She walks into the study for a few minutes alone. She doesn’t fully close the door in case someone needs her, she can hear them call. 
She’s looking at all of Ward’s trinkets when she hears voices outside the study, whispers. 
“What do you think of her?” Topper, she thinks.
“She’s no Missus Country Club that’s for sure.” She doesn’t recognize the voice. 
“No one is ever going to be her. He's crazy for letting this go on. If I had what they had and someone was threatening it I would grab her and leave the country.” Topper adds. 
They aren’t mentioning names so she’s confused. So curious to know who they are talking about. 
“She’s a nice girl. I just hate that so many people are being hurt because of this.” Sarah. 
“Rafe is going to lose his mind when he finds out.” She thinks this must be Kelce. Recognizes him from phone calls with Rafe.
“I don’t blame her, if I were in her shoes, I couldn’t stand by and watch as the love of my life got married to someone else.” Who’s getting married? 
“Has anyone talked to her?” There’s silence. 
“My mom is trying to fight this so hard with my dad but he just won’t let up.”
“Your dad is such an asshole.” the voice she doesn’t recognize again. 
“Tell me about it. It’s the way he’s pretending everything is okay too? Like he doesn’t see him falling apart or having panic attacks.” Is Rafe having panic attacks? He’s been fine with her. He must be overworked. Her dad had told her it was a really busy season. 
“Bet it doesn’t help that she’s ignoring him.” She wants to scream ‘who!’ Who are they talking about? 
“Hey, we should go.” A new voice pops in, John B. 
“We’ll see you at the party later?” Topper asks, and she assumes the question is directed at Sarah and John B. 
“I wouldn’t want to miss the big blowout.” It must be Barry if he’s leaving with John B and Sarah. 
She waits a few minutes before leaving the study. She sees Rafe talking to his mother and Louisa who glares at her when they make eye contact. She smiles at her but Louisa stomps off. Rafe looks from his mother to his sister before following after her.
“This place is loaded. I can’t believe you’re marrying into this.” Melanie comes up beside her. 
“Do you think something weird is going on?”
“What do you mean?”
“There’s a lot of whispering, things being said without being said.”
“I think you’re just nervous and trying to find a way out of it.”
“There’s no way out of it even if I wanted one.” Melanie’s smile fades. 
“You really like him huh?” she nods 
“He’s everything I have dreamed of. This union will set both of us up forever. It is just what we need.”
“And he’s good in bed?” her friend jokes making her blush
“We haven’t.” Melanie frowns
“What do you mean you haven’t? The Rafe Cameron hasn’t fucked you yet?”
“Melanie!” She gasps
“Oh I’m sorry, you’ve been dating for more than a month. Is he waiting for the wedding night?”
“We’ve barely even kissed.”
“That’s concerning. A 20 year old isn’t trying to get his dick wet?”
“How are we friends?” She says, putting her face in her hands. 
“I’m the one that keeps you sane.”
Rafe takes her to Topper’s party after dinner. 
Everyone is there. His friends, her friends, and some tourons. 
The first thing she notices is y/n, who hasn’t been around for a while hanging off some guy’s neck. Her chest pressed up against his as he kissed her neck.
She spots Melanie and drags Rafe who has gone eerily quiet next to her. 
“Finally, I was starting to think you weren’t coming.” She grabs the drink that Melanie offers her and looks up at her boyfriend. He’s looking in the direction where they had come from, his ears red. He probably wanted to say hi to his friends and she didn’t let him. 
“Oh sorry, baby, go and say hi to everyone. I’ll be right here.”
He doesn’t say a word, just marches off. 
When he’s been gone for over thirty minutes, she goes and looks for him. 
“Have you seen Rafe?” She asks some random. The person points to the upstairs area and she makes her way. 
She comes up to Topper’s room and pauses. She has a weird feeling. Before she can open the door it flies open and she comes face to face with a tear streaked y/n. 
y/n tries to fix herself up and puts a fake smile on her face. She sees Rafe get up and make his way into the bathroom.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’ve gotta go.” She says moving past her and down the hall. 
“Rafe?” She calls for him, following where she had seen him go. The water that was running turned off. 
“Are you okay?” she parrots her earlier words. 
“Yeah.” He looks like he’s been crying too.  
“What’s wrong?” He moves around her and into Topper’s room. 
“Rafe, I can see you’ve been crying, wh-”
“Sofia. Drop it okay?” He grabs his jacket off Topper’s bed and goes to leave.
“Do you want to stay? I’m going home.” She follows him in a hurry, her legs barely keeping up with his long strides. 
“I’ll come with you.” She says finally catching him and looping her arm with his. 
“Fuck this.” Rafe says under his breath. y/n’s sitting on the guy’s lap. As if she hadn’t just been crying. 
She wants to press him more on what happened but he’s angry now and she doesn’t want to make it worse.”
When they get back to Tannyhill, Rafe is a little more handsy. More than he has ever been. He walks her to his room and pushes her down on his bed. 
“Do you want to?” He asks her. She nods eagerly. She does. She likes him so much. 
Everything’s normal for a few days. She’s dealing with her father’s company, going to school, she’s busy. Rafe hasn’t come around in a little bit so she decides to drop by Tannyhill unannounced. 
One of the maids lets her in and tells her that no one is home. She decides she’ll wait in Rafe’s room. His door is shut when she gets up there. His door is never closed when he isn’t home. She knocks but doesn’t hear anything so she walks in. When she does, she hears the shower running. There’s a lot of movement, she can hear something fall.
She tries the bathroom door but it’s locked. 
“Rafe?” The movement stops and everything goes silent. 
“Hey! I’ll be right out.” He sounds out of breath. 
“Can I join you?” She asks, they were only together that one time and she’s hoping for a repeat sometime soon. 
“I have to be somewhere in 10 I can’t. Just wait for me downstairs.” He’s been very busy too. He’s probably freshening up from golfing.
“Okay, see you in a bit.” 
She’s waiting for exactly 15 minutes before he comes downstairs. 
“There you are.” He’s flushed, probably from the rush of having to leave. 
She gets up and hugs him. The front door slams and he flinches. 
“What was that?”
“Probably one of the maids. Let’s get out of here, yeah?”
“Didn’t you have a meeting?”
“I’m already late, so I’ll them something came up and we can grab some food?” She likes that she does these things for her. 
“Let’s go.”
“It’s not easy for me either Rafe! It hurts.”
She’s on Rafe’s balcony, and she can’t see them but she hears them, they’re downstairs, underneath her. 
“I know. I know it does but if you could just wait.”
“For what? A miracle? No. I’m done. I can’t do this anymore. It hurts too much.”
“You said you would never leave me, we knew this would happen and you promised.”
“It’s so much harder living through it than I thought it could ever be.” Her voice is shaky. 
“I’m sorry. Please just tell me what to do.”
“There’s nothing to do. This is it.”
“Don’t say that.”
“I have to go. 
“y/n.” He calls after her a few more times and then goes silent. 
The door opens a little while later, Ward announcing his arrival and another screaming match ensues when Rafe corners him. She can’t hear what it’s about but Rafe sounds desperate. 
Ward says something about contracts and his hands being tied and wishing he had said something sooner. Rafe yells back about his mom trying to get him out of it and Ward not listening. She hears Ward apologize and tells him that something is over. To let go and that he has bigger responsibilities now. 
Rafe storms out of the house and doesn’t come back that night or the next. 
She hears from Melanie that y/n’s gone. That must have been what Rafe and her were fighting about. Her friendship is very important to him and he didn’t want her to leave. 
She tells Melanie about the blowout and about Rafe being MIA. 
“Maybe the whispers do mean something.” She says. 
“What do you mean?” She asks her friend. 
“Rafe and y/n.” She looks at Melanie, confused.
“Sof, come on.”
“No. Rafe would never. They’re just friends. She’s gone now anyway so what does it matter?”
“You were always trained for this weren’t you?”
“Excuse me?”
Rafe comes back after two days away but it’s not the same. His mother and Sarah are worried about him. He won’t leave his bed let alone his room. They have tried getting him to see doctors, but nothing seems to be working. Sofia even tries talking to him but gets nothing out of him. He just tells her to go away and leave him alone. 
A week goes by and she sees him out and about again. To anyone else, he looks normal. To her, he looks crazy. His pupils are blown, and his hair is messy and unkempt. Nothing like the Rafe she met. He was always so put together, and right now he looks like he could burst into tears at any moment.
They go back to his house and she lets him seek comfort in the only way he’ll accept it from her. When she wakes up he’s gone. 
Sarah calls her asking if she knows where he is. She tells her that no and that’s when Sarah tells her that they haven’t seen him in a week. They are scared and worried for him because he’s been doing drugs. Cocaine. 
She had never known Rafe to do any of that. He was always very proper, never stepping out of line. Sarah asked her to keep her posted. 
Her mother called her later that day, telling her to get to the hospital immediately. Rafe had been in an accident. 
She’s the last one to get there. His family, his friends, they are all there. Except for one. 
She walks in and a hysterical Sarah is being held back by John B. 
“This is your fault! You are so selfish all you care about is money! Look at where he is now Dad! If he dies it is on you!”
Dies? Rafe’s mother looks at her and walks over. 
“He’s unconscious, they had to pump his stomach. He overdosed.” Sofia can tell she’s trying to be strong but the tears in her eyes keep coming. 
“Why? How?” her words go unheard as the doctor walks into the waiting room. 
“You can go see him now. Immediate family only.” Sarah is the first one to go, followed by her mother and father. Louisa hangs back, looking at her. 
“You did this.” She spits at her, running after her family. 
She’s so confused, so stressed out and she just wants to know how her boyfriend got himself in this situation. 
Everyone falls quiet. 
“You aren’t the cause of this. You’re just another pawn.” Kiara speaks up, not looking up from where her hands are, tangled with JJ’s.
Later when everyone vacated the waiting room after hearing word that Rafe would be okay, she walked towards his room. Coming to a stop when she hears Ward’s voice. 
“I’m so sorry son. This is all my fault. I am so sorry.” Ward is speaking through tears. 
“I’m going to fix this, I’ll put an end to everything and you’ll be okay. You’ll be happy again. I promise.” An end to what? Why was Rafe sad?
“Did you call her?” Rafe’s voice comes out weak. 
“I did. She’s on her way home.” who? y/n? Why does Rafe want her?
“Thank you, dad.” 
“I’ll be better.”
She doesn’t get to visit him at the hospital. He didn’t want to see anyone. She hears from her mother that he’s finally out of the hospital and she jumps out of her bed, quickly changing. 
When she walks into Tannyhill, there are flowers, gift baskets, and balloons all with ‘get well soon’ messages littered across the tables and desks. 
“He’s just in his room miss.”
“Thank you.”
She hears laughter coming from his room, a girl. She knows that laugh even though the last time she heard that voice it was screaming at her boyfriend. 
She opens the door shyly and both their heads turn to her. y/n is sitting on the bed next to him, his head is on her shoulder as she scrolls through her phone. 
“Hi.” Rafe looks at Sofia and then the girl next to him, having a silent conversation in between them.
“I’ll be in Sarah’s room.” She hops out of his bed and through the doors, not without a small but sad smile directed at her. 
“We need to talk.” He says sitting up.
“My dad is going to put an end to this arrangement. We don’t have to pretend anymore.”
“I wasn’t pretending.”
“Look, Sofia. I’m sorry that you were put through this. I wish I could have convinced him earlier before you got dragged into this.”
“Convinced him of what?”
“To let me marry y/n.” He’s so blunt about it,  like it’s obvious like she’s stupid for not knowing. 
“y/n’s my girlfriend, Sof.” Her mouth drops in shock. 
“But you and I, we-” She’s at a loss for words.
“Yeah we took a break, she couldn’t do it.”
“Couldn’t do what? Cheat?”
“I didn’t cheat on her.”
“Not on her. On me.” She snaps back at him.
“None of that was real. This was an arrangement.”
“It was real to me, Rafe! You took me on dates and you slept with me! You told me we were getting married.”
“y/n had broken up with me, I wasn’t in a good headspace.”
“Fuck you. No.”
“No what?”
“No. This arrangement is not over. You are going to marry me because it’s what my family deserves and I don’t care if we have to pretend for the rest of our lives.” She can feel the lump in her throat getting bigger. Her eyes starting to water.
“My father is putting an end to the contract. It’s over. You can go.” She shakes her head. 
“How could you do this?”
“Sofia, you are not the only one who was brought up with the idea of never having true love, of having to settle. I knew my dad was going to do this to me. I was fully prepared to have to play nice and pretend. But I found the real thing and then I couldn’t do it. I won’t do it.”
“I loved you.”
“No, you didn’t. You love the idea of what your family made this out to be. You don’t know what real love is. I hope you find it.” He’s so calm. Everything in her life is falling apart and he doesn’t care. 
She sees them for the first time at the Country Club. She has never seen him as happy as he looks right now. With y/n hanging off his arm, his hands find her, not a moment goes by where he isn’t touching her. 
How could she not have seen it? She was so stupid. All his friends laugh around her, talk to her, and engage with the girl like they never did with her. She should have been able to tell. 
They all knew. They knew she was his everything and that Sofia was just some obstruction getting in the way of forever. 
The hints were all there. 
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thedovesaredying · 2 months ago
Co-Parenting | Ex-Husband!Nikto x F!Reader
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You're finally stepping back into the world of dating, with your first official date since divorcing your husband, Nikto. It seems simple enough in theory, but suddenly having the fur baby the two of you co-parent dumped on you causes some issues.
A/N: Okay, some of y'all wanted a continuation of this with ex-husband Nikto, so I have come to deliver you some more food. This one is more of a Sputnik centric chapter than a Nikto one, but he does make an appearance. Also RIP Nathan, you didn't deserve any of this lmao.
Warnings: Mild Gore, Nikto's Possessive Ass.
Masterlist: CoD Masterlist
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You have to admit it. 
You look damn good tonight.  
A light touch of makeup, some of your nicer jewellery, and a cute, flowy dress in one of your favourite prints. You give a quick twirl, feeling your confidence return with every passing second you view yourself in the mirror. It’s been a long time since your last date with someone other than your ex-husband, so nerves have been slowly eating you alive, pulling apart your confidence at the seams.  
Nathan is a sweet enough man, always kind and respectful toward you. Normally, you wouldn’t invite a man back to your home on a first date, but the two of you have been meeting for coffee for weeks now, so you’re willing to take the risk. He’s even agreed to pick up dinner and drinks for you so you don’t have to worry about getting anything yourself.  
It feels weird to be thinking about a man other than your previous husband in a romantic way, but you’re determined to push past that discomfort. You can’t just continue to be hung up on your ex-husband for the rest of your life, you need to learn to move on, regardless of how difficult that may be.  
A knock on the door startles you from your thoughts and you hurriedly rush toward the front door. A glance at the clock informs you that it’s almost an hour before Nathan in due to arrive, so you’re a little confused as to who could be disturbing you so early in the evening. You pull the door open without bothering to check through the peephole and are immediately pounced on by a massive creature.  
Two large paws rest upon your shoulder and there’s hot breath being puffed directly into your face. You only barely stop yourself from falling over backwards, but you can’t be mad, not when you see Sputnik grinning at you with her massive smile. She cries loudly at you, trying desperately to lick at your face, despite your futile attempts at saving your poor makeup from the impending slobber.  
A harshly snapped out “ЛЕЖАТЬ!” thankfully has the hyena dropping back down to the floor before too much damage can be inflicted and draws your eyes to the voice’s owner. It’s more than a little frustrating that you feel your nerves settle the moment you spot Nikto behind Sputnik, his eyes slowly dragging over every inch of your body with very little effort to hide his rather obvious interest.  
“You are going out?” The question snaps you out of your brief moment of contemplation and back into the present. You ignore the question since, technically it isn’t any of his business, and telling him that you’re about to spend the evening with another man just feels... strange.  
“What are you two doing here? I thought I was picking up this big baby on Sunday?” Normally, you and Nikto go half and half with the custody of Sputnik – she's Nikto’s pet, obviously, but you know she tends to get stressed if she hasn’t seen you for a while, and you’re more than happy to take her when your ex-husband is on a mission that doesn’t lend itself to having such an animal present – however, you’re more than certain it’s not your time to take over her care.  
“да,” he agrees with a firm nod, “but we are being deployed last minute, she requires care while we are away,” he goes on to explain. “We apologise for the last minute notice, but the kennels on base will no longer accommodate her.” 
That much you do know. Something about Sputnik trying to bite one too many of the canine handlers for the crime of merely existing in their own workplace. She’s allowed to be on base while Nikto is there to control her or left in his quarters, but no longer are they willing to risk the limbs of their poor operatives while Nikto is abroad.  
Although you would normally be up for hyena-sitting, there is one major issue. While Sputnik is tolerant of your female friends, any man other than her precious daddy is considered untrustworthy scum that need to be torn to pieces. Especially, men that get close to you. An unknown male touching you is a crime punishable by death in the hyena’s eyes and you’re not entirely certain if she’s always felt that way or if it’s a trait she’s picked up from her owner.   
Before you can argue, however, Nikto’s phone starts ringing. He presses it to his cloth covered ear and listens to whoever is mumbling on the other end. You can see the subtle shift of his mouth under his balaclava, frowning in clear annoyance at whatever message he’s just received. He covers the phone’s microphone, offering only a quick, “we will be back soon,” before he’s dumping Sputnik’s blanket in your arms and near enough jogging away from your front door.  
You watch, stunned, as he pulls himself into the driver’s side of the car and practically floors it out of the quiet street. Clearly, there’s some kind of emergency he needs to deal with personally. Unfortunately, that doesn’t help fix your current predicament. Sputnik might currently be grinning up at you with an excited giggle, but you know for certain that her demeanour will change the moment poor Nathan arrives.  
Taking a deep breath and letting it out in a loud sigh, you call Sputnik inside, allowing her to sprint around the house. She has her snout pressed to the ground, inspecting the entire perimeter of the building’s interior with the sound of wet sniffing. You let her reacquaint herself with your house then call her into your once shared bedroom.  
Her blanket is spread out across the foot of the bed and immediately Sputnik leaps up so she can roll on the soft material. It’s the same blanket Nikto tends to have on his bed, so it smells strongly of the other man and the hyena is more than happy to try and spread the scent all over your bed.  
It seems you won’t be getting up to anything fun in the bedroom tonight.  
You try to stealthily sneak out the bedroom door without Sputnik noticing, but the moment you’re away from her side she’s lifting her head and looking toward you. “Stay Sputnik,” you say, holding up a hand and backing out of the door, slowly closing it behind you, “be a good girl for mum Sputnik, stay!” She tilts her head to the side like a confused puppy, but stays put, even when you pull the door all the way closed.  
Luckily, you still have a few minutes to touch you the makeup that was slightly smudged by your beloved fur child, before someone knocks on the door for the second time that evening. Before you can even get to the door, you can hear Sputnik's panicked cackling and snarling, accompanied by the sound of sharp claws raking down the wood of your bedroom door.  
You mentally run through the list of commands Nikto has previously taught you, then shout out a firm, “Tiho!” The pronunciation isn’t quite perfect, but Sputnik seems to get the gist of the command and quiets with one final whine.  
When you open the door this time, you’re relieved to find it is in fact Nathan this time. He’s come supplied with the takeout the two of you had agreed on and a nice bottle of wine to share. He thankfully doesn’t seem to have heard Sputnik, for he greets you normally and is happy to come inside and relinquish the food to you at your insistence.  
Serving up the food and wine is a quick process and the two of you are seated on the couch in no time, both happily munching away while some sappy romance film plays in the background. You’re almost able to completely relax and enjoy the evening, chatting about nothing in particular and giggling whenever you’re complimented. You can hear an odd grinding sound in the background, but decide to ignore it since Sputnik hasn’t made a peep otherwise.  
It’s only after the two of you have finished eating that you realise your mistake. After just enough alcohol to get a light buzz and feeling rather relaxed, the night has progressed to you laying on your back on the couch with Nathan settled above you. He’s sat straddling your lap, leant over so the two of you can exchange slow, explorative kisses. Everything seems perfect... until you hear a familiar snarl.  
Your head whips around to see the massive hyena stood in your living room. Her lips are peeled back in an ugly snarl, displaying her huge teeth covered in drool. That’s all you get to see before she’s lunging, grabbing a hold of Nathan’s arm. His screams, filled with panic and pain are terrible, but what’s worse is the sound of bone splintering.  
Sputnik yanks her head back, easily pulling the man off of you and onto the floor. “Sputnik! Fu! Fu!” you quickly shout, shooting up to your feet. The hyena gives you a slightly confused look, tilting her head to the side again as if she doesn’t still have poor Nathan’s arm firmly held between her iron jaws.  
One final command of “drop it!” has her reluctantly releasing her hold. You grab her collar, heaving her muscular body away from Nathan, but the man is already on his feet, making his way for the door. He ignores it when you shout after him, not that you can blame the man. Nor can you blame him for slamming the door closed on his way out and not looking back.  
Sputnik looks up at you with a bright grin, clearly very pleased with herself for “saving you” from the big, nasty man. She leans her snout against your stomach with a self-satisfied huff, and you mourn your poor dress now covered in blood. You really need Nikto to teach you his release command.  
On further investigation, you’re unsurprised to find the large hole gnawed into the bottom of your bedroom door and the corner of the wall. You’re equally as unsurprised when you find Nathan has blocked your phone number.  
When Nikto appears the following day, you’re forced to explain what happened the previous evening. He assures you it won’t be an issue and that Nathan won’t be calling animal control on either of you. You try to ask him how he knows that so certainly, but he simply tells you to leave all the worrying to him. At least he offers to spend the day fixing your wall and door, perhaps the only good thing to come out of all this.
Back on base Nikto is greeted by Krueger in their shared rec room. The Austrian eyes Nikto and Sputnik for a moment before asking, “the operation went smoothly?” 
Nikto provides a snort, “да, our mission was a success, yes Sputnik?” he asks, watching as the hyena offers her own pleased snort. “She has protected our girl, just as planned, and that pathetic,” he spits the word, “excuse for a man will stay far away from what is ours.”  
Krueger simply rolls his eyes, “scary fucker.”  
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yerimbrit · 4 months ago
[flufftober day 28, wc: 804] - sleepover : 10 hour flight
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“HEY GUYS,” you wave, holding your bag full of your necessities and clothes for the night. that’s right, you’re staying over at your girlfriend’s place! which is also your cousin’s place. which is also minji, danielle, and haerin’s place. which also may or may not be the newjeans dorm. because your girlfriend is hanni from newjeans. 
wow, you still can’t believe that you’re dating hanni from newjeans, and you didn’t even meet as a fan—you met on some random day at the airport, strangers-to-lovers-trope type of shit. 
minji and hyein are the ones who answer the door for you, and minji immediately sighs, “you better not pull anything tonight.”
“you bet, MJ,” you click your tongue playfully and shoot a finger-gun at her, “no shady business that was planned.”
hyein gives you a hug, and- “oh my god, you got taller again!”
the younger girl is about to make a height comparison with her hands until you spot danielle who pushes her out of the way to give you a hug. “y/n! i haven’t seen you in forever, you’re so busy with school!”
a slight headache invades your mind for a split second when she mentions ‘school’. “i’ve got deadlines, a painting to finish, and a thesis to write, dani. don’t remind me…”
the australian shoots you a pitying look, before making way for hanni, who strikes a pose before strutting over to you. “hello, guest.”
oh, another thing you learned is that hanni can be pretty unintentionally funny at times. like how she’s greeting you like some sci-fi bigshot. “hello, your highness,” you bow, hovering your hand over your chest. 
she brings you in for a short peck on the lips, causing haerin (who just walked into the living room) to cover hyein’s eyes, and for minji to cover haerin’s eyes. danielle smiles and walks to the kitchen. “i missed you, y/n.”
“i missed you too, han,” you smile fondly at her before she leads you into the apartment. everyone gathers in her room where you also put your bag of things in. 
it’s been a couple of weeks since you’ve been to the dorm, but it hasn’t been that long since you’ve seen the girls—danielle was exaggerating. you just stopped by their practice room two days ago to drop off some food that hyein’s mom made for them. not that your absence has changed anything, the dorm is pretty much the same save for a big banner featuring their ‘right now’ characters. 
in hanni’s room, she’s moved around some stuff, like the record player that’s playing a mac demarco vinyl right now. there’s also a whole section dedicated to organizing the various supplies that you’ve forgotten while you were over the few dozens (maybe even hundreds) of times over two years. you’re pretty sure there’s even stuff you left in hyein’s room, whoops.
you climb up on her loft bed (which she’s been saying she’s gonna replace, but she hasn’t yet) and hang your legs over the edge. minji sends you a warning look from her place on the floor. hanni looks concerned, but joins you criss-cross on the bed, holding her ‘fluffy’ plush (yes, the one from despicable me) to her chest.
a few conversations start, like danielle bringing up sylvanian families and getting haerin very invested in the discussion, which led to the topic shifting to cats, and then your sketch of a cat you saw on the way here, and somehow sparking your flame of inspiration.
you slowly lean forward, trying to get a view of the girls that are sitting on the floor (or bean bag, in haerin’s case) because just a little more and you’ll have a perfect bird’s eye view.
hanni notices your movements and widens her eyes, “y/n, you’re gonna fall!”
“it’s not that high,” you try to reassure her, still inching off of the bed, danielle, hyein, and minji scoot away just in case you actually fall, which you probably will, based on their previous experiences with you. come on, you mostly stopped doing those stunts a long time ago, because you knew hanni would worry! it’s not like you’re gonna—
…you fell. that kind of hurt. “uh, don’t worry guys. it’s just a sprain.”
haerin winces as she looks at your present state. “your arm is bent the other way.”
it is? you look at your arm and, oh. “i guess it is—oh shit.”
“i can’t believe i’m in the er with you. again,” hanni sighs heavily, poking at the cast wrapped around your arm.
you blow a strand of your bangs out of your face. “at least i didn’t break two of my ribs again. hey, wanna reenact our first kiss?”
your girlfriend stares blankly at you. you raise your unbroken arm in defense. “no? okay…”
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flufftober masterlist!
a/n : i miss u 10 hour flight
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fanfic-compass · 11 months ago
Human Alastor X Reader
Summary: The Reader is a Young Woman who recently started working as a dancer in a Jazz bar in New Orleans. There she quickly gets noticed by Alastor who needs to get to know her.
Word count: 1K
Warning: Mimzy
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(Picture is Not Mine)
It was something about the way she moved. Something about the way she swayed her hips to show off her magnificent body that had Alastor fascinated and intrigued. Usually he wasn’t someone who stared at a woman, he was classy and decent but as soon as he saw this young woman dancing he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. Not that he wanted to.
She was the new dancer in the bar, he hasn’t seen her before. She was new and interesting and Alastor absolutely wanted to know more about her. His eyes were fixed on her the entire time that she danced and whenever she even looked at one of the other men or winked at someone, he felt a wave of jealousy like he never felt before.
And then this young wonder left the stage. Alastor looked around the bar but he couldn’t find her anymore. That was when he was suddenly approached by someone. That person touched his shoulder which startled him for a moment and without even thinking about it he shoved the person off. Only then he turned around to see that it was actually one of his closest friends.
“Mimzy!” He said happily.
“Alastor, darling. You didn’t even tell you would come over today”
“Well, it was a spontaneous visit. And may I say I absolutely made the right decision. I just watched your newest dancer. She is an absolute jewel.”
“Yes she is, very young and very talented too. She brings in many men from the streets who all wanna take a look at her. Not the typical beauty but she definitely knows how to move.”
“Very intriguing indeed.” Alastor admits. “I would very much like to meet her in person.”
“She will start serving drinks in a short while. But darling, don’t you distract her too much, I still need her.” With that, Mimzy left Alastor alone.
And just like she said, the young dancer came back into the bar, wearing a nice satin robe and carrying a tray of drinks. Alastor walked towards her and gripped her arm, making her turn around and look up at him.
“Stunning performance, my dear. Now please be a good girl and bring me a glass of Whiskey, no ice.”
The young dancer was confused for a moment, asking herself if she should know who he was but then she nodded and left. A short moment later she came back to him with a large glass of Whiskey.
“Here you go, sir.”
“Thank you, my dear.” Alastor said as he took the glass from her and drinks its contents in one big gulp. Then he puts the glass on a nearby table and smirks at her. “Now, darling, how about a little dance?”
Without waiting for her to answer he pulls her into him and starts gently swaying from side to side with her. He holds her very tightly and makes sure that she couldn’t move away from him.
The young dancer didn’t know how to respond and in a weird way she was even intrigued by the man. She met many pushy men before but this one was different. He was rather charming actually. He looked deeply into her eyes and she looked into his. She was drawn to him, like he put a charm on her. They danced for a long while and she felt the sudden urge to just lean in and kiss him and she noticed that he must have felt it too. She noticed how his face got closer and closer as he slowly leaned down towards her. She closed her eyes but before she could feel what she wanted, no, needed to feel so badly, Alastor had to pull away.
The young dancer opened her eyes again and saw the reason: Mimzy.
“Alastor” Mimzy said. “Darling, don’t you wanna dance with me? You always do, I’m just waiting for you.”
“Mimzy, my dear…” Alastor said and gave her a sharp look. “Didn’t you just see me dance with this lovely young lady?” He took the hand of the younger woman.
“But you always dance with me.”
“But not tonight. And now, if you don’t mind I would like to keep dancing with my lovely darling over here.”
With that Alastor turned around and brought all his attention to the young dancer in front of him, making Mimzy go away in anger.
“I’m sorry about her, my darling.” He said softly.
“You must be very popular when she is fighting for your attention like that. But then again Mimzy is fighting for all the attention all the time.” The young lady giggled softly.
“Yes, well, she does enjoy attention a lot. But she is not getting mine tonight. Not when I have such a lovely young woman such as yourself right here in front of me.”
They continued dancing for a long time but once again Mimzy interrupted them by reminding the young lady that she had to serve drinks to the other guests and couldn’t dance with one man all night long. Alastor kept smiling at the whole situation but the young dancer managed to see a hint of annoyance in his smile. So she decided to be bold and gave him a gentle little peck on the cheek which put a more genuine smile on his lips.
“My dear, how about I wait for you until your shift is over and then we take a nice walk through the woods? Would you like that?”
“Oh that sounds lovely.”
“Then, let me give you something so that you won’t forget that I’m waiting for you.”
Alastor pulled her closer to him once again but this time without hesitation he pressed his lips onto hers in a firm kiss. His arms were wrapped around her waist and she brought her hands up to his neck and then into his hair.
The kiss they shared was full of passion and desire and when Alastor pulled away with a wide grin, the young girl knew she was in for a real treat.
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cherrykasugayama · 2 months ago
Fleeting Memories
Kenshin struggles to overcome his grief after the death of his wife, straining his relationship further with his children. He became detached and distant. (Part 1)
Warning: Heavy angst, bad daddy Kenshin, unnamed MC
Children: Uesugi Takeru, 13 years old, Uesugi Ken, 13 years old, Uesugi Sakura, 5 years old
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
The training grounds of the Kasugayama castle stretched beneath the pale light of dawn, dew glistening on the grass like a scattering of diamonds. In the center of the grounds stood the lord of the castle, Uesugi Kenshin, his imposing figure perfectly still. His light blonde hair shimmered in the morning light, flowing freely as a faint breeze carried it. His mismatched eyes, one a piercing green and the other an icy blue, were as cold and detached as a winter storm.
He gripped the hilt of his katana, its blade gleaming like a shard of the moon. With deliberate precision, Kenshin moved through a series of practiced strikes, his movements elegant yet deadly.
Hiding just beyond the training grounds, a small figure crouched behind a cluster of trees, clutching a wooden doll tightly to her chest. Her soft blonde hair fell in soft waves, catching the sunlight, and her large blue eyes, so strikingly similar to her father’s, peered nervously at the man she had longed to meet.
Uesugi Sakura, a child of only five, watched her father with wide, awe-filled blue eyes. She clutched a wooden doll to her chest, her tiny hands trembling as she peered at the man she had heard so much about but had never seen.
For as long as Sakura could remember, she had been confined to a secluded manor on the outskirts of the castle estate. Her life was one of quiet isolation, with only her maids and occasional visits from her elder brothers to break the monotony. The world beyond the manor was a mystery, and her father, her distant, powerful father, was the greatest mystery of all.
She had grown up on whispered tales, fragments of conversations she wasn’t supposed to hear.
“The lord hasn’t visited her once, has he?”
“Not since she was born. He blames her for the Lady’s death.”
“Poor child. She may have inherited his lordship's color, but she is sweet just like her mother. No wonder he can’t bear to look at her.”
Sakura didn’t understand why her father wouldn’t see her, why she wasn’t allowed to leave her manor. But she loved him anyway, in the way that only a child could. She had clung to every story about his strength, his victories, his unyielding will, and dreamed of the day he might hold her hand or smile at her.
That morning, when she overheard the maids talking about her father’s training session, she couldn’t resist. For the first time in her life, she slipped past the watchful eyes of her caretakers and ventured into the unknown. She didn't know how she made it to the training ground without getting caught, perhaps she was just lucky.
Now, as she watched him, her heart pounded with a mix of fear and longing.
Kenshin paused mid-swing, his mismatched eyes narrowing. He sensed a presence, a small, hesitant one.
“Who’s there?” he demanded, his voice sharp and commanding.
Sakura froze, her heart leaping into her throat. She hadn’t meant to be seen. Clutching her doll tighter, she stepped out from the shadows, her small frame trembling.
The training ground fell silent. The vassals, mid-drill, stopped and turned to see who had dared to interrupt. Their gazes landed on the child, and their expressions shifted from confusion to shock.
Kenshin stared at her, his expression unreadable. His eyes swept over her blonde hair and blue eyes, so much like his own, and the delicate shape of her face that mirrored someone he knew very well and would rather forget.
“Who are you?” he asked, his voice colder than the wind that brushed past them.
Sakura blinked, the question striking her like a physical blow. “I-I’m Sakura,” she stammered, her voice trembling. “Your daughter.”
For a moment, silence hung between them, heavy and suffocating. Then Kenshin’s gaze hardened.
“You have no place here,” he said flatly, his voice devoid of warmth.
Sakura flinched, but she forced herself to speak. “I… I just wanted to see you. I wanted to know you.”
Kenshin’s lip curled, not in anger, but in something colder, disdain. He sheathed his sword in a single, sharp motion, the sound echoing in the sudden silence.
“Then let this be your first lesson,” he said. He turned to one of the nearby vassals, “Who is responsible for this child?”
The soldier, visibly nervous, stammered, “L-Lord Kenshin… the nursery… the maids… we—”
Kenshin interrupted his words coldly.
“Find them. Tell them their incompetence will be punished.”
Sakura’s heart dropped into her stomach. She blinked rapidly, her tears threatening to spill.
“I… I didn’t mean to cause trouble,” she whispered, taking a small step back. “Please don't-"
“Return to your manor,” Kenshin interrupted coldly. Then he turned his back to her.
Sakura stood frozen, watching him walk away, her tiny figure trembling under the weight of his rejection.
When Sakura returned to the manor, her older brothers were searching for her. Unlike her, they were allowed to be raised in the main castle.
Despite their busy schedules with training and lessons, the twins always made time for their little sister by visiting her manor almost every day.
Takeru, the eldest and the heir of the clan, sighed in relief upon seeing his sister, his black hair falling over his forehead and his blue eyes filled with concern once he saw her visibly upset.
Beside him was Ken, the second son of Kenshin and Takeru's twin. His blonde hair glinting in the sunlight and his green eyes burning with barely contained anger when seeing the tears on his baby sister's face.
“Sakura,” Takeru said gently, kneeling to meet her eyes. “What happened?”
"Did one of the maids say something mean to you again?" Ken asked.
Sakura shook her head, her tears falling anew. “I... I went to see father but he...he doesn’t want me,” she choked out.
"So you went to see him," Ken’s jaw tightened, his fists clenching at his sides. “I’ll kill him,” he muttered, his voice low and dangerous.
“Ken,” Takeru said warningly.
Ken shrugged him off, his anger boiling over. “How can he call himself our father?” he snapped. “He’s a coward.”
“Ken,” Takeru said more firmly. “This isn’t about us. It’s about Sakura.”
Ken looked at his little sister, her tear-streaked face breaking what little restraint he had left. He sighed, running a hand through his hair before kneeling beside her.
“Sakura,” he said, his tone softer. “Listen to me. You don’t need that jerk's approval. You have us. You’ll always have us.”
Takeru nodded, his expression warm. “That’s right. You’re not alone, Sakura. We’re your family too.”
Sakura sniffled, her small hands clutching at their sleeves. “But why doesn’t he love me?” she whispered.
Takeru and Ken exchanged a look, the weight of her question hanging heavy between them.
Ken patted her head gently, and Takeru wiped the tears away from her chubby cheeks.
“Do you remember what Lord Yukimura said?", Ken tried to comfort her.
"Adults are mostly dummy, and father is the dummiest of all. It doesn't matter if he loves us or not. You have us. You’ll always have us.” Ken hugged her gently.
“And we will always protect you,” Takeru added with a reassuring smile.
Sakura nodded slowly, though the ache in her chest didn’t fade.
The twins skipped their lessons for the day and spent the whole day playing with her to cheer her up. However, they left her later that night, Takeru insisting she get some rest. But sleep didn’t come easily for Sakura. She hid in the blanket, clutching the wooden doll Takeru had carved for her after learning the craft from Shingen's son, its simple features worn smooth from her touch.
Her mind replayed the scene from the training grounds, the coldness in her father’s mismatched eyes, the finality in his voice as he told her to leave.
Tears pricked at her eyes and she cried again.
In the quiet solitude of his room, Kenshin stood by the balcony, staring out into the night. A few bottles of sake couldn't comfort him at all.
The memory of the small girl in the training grounds refused to leave him. Her innocent eyes, so much like her mother, haunted him. He thought he already forgot everything about her. Why did she need to appear in front of him again?
Kenshin clenched his fists, his eyes narrowing. He shook his head, trying to forget his daughter's face, as it came with the unbearable memories of someone he used to love with his whole heart.
The knock at his door broke his thoughts.
“Enter,” he said.
Takeru and Ken stepped inside. Kenshin’s gaze flicked to them, his eldest calm and composed, his second brimming with barely contained fury. Their contrasting tempers palpable in the air.
It was intense silence at first, but Ken was the first to speak, his face was twisted with barely restrained anger.
“What is wrong with you?” he spat.
Kenshin frowned. “Careful, boy,” he said coolly. "You have no manners."
"And you have no heart!" Ken took a step forward, his fists clenched at his sides. “I will not watch my tone. You don’t deserve it after what you did today."
Kenshin was indifferent, his expression a mask of icy control. “She has no place on the training grounds. I made that clear.”
“She has no place anywhere, according to you,” Ken snapped. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done to her? She ran back crying, thinking you hate her.”
“You dare to lecture me?” Kenshin said, his voice sharp.
“She’s five!” Ken shouted, his voice shaking with rage. “She’s your daughter! And you couldn’t even look at her without spitting venom. What kind of man are you?. You’ve made it clear you’re too much of a coward to face your own daughter!”
“Ken,” Takeru said warningly, placing a hand on his brother’s arm.
“No,” Ken snapped, his green eyes narrowing.
“I’m not done. Do you even care what you’ve done to her? You treat her like she’s a curse, like she’s the reason Mother is gone. She’s not. She’s just a little girl who wants you to love her. But you can’t even give her that.”
Kenshin’s expression darkened, the air in the room seeming to chill. His voice low and dangerous. "You know nothing."
“Oh, you think so? I know what it means to abandon someone who depends on you. It means turning into a coward who hides behind his grief and lashes out at anyone who gets too close.”
“Ken,” Takeru interjected, stepping between them. “Enough.”
“He needs to hear this. He needs to understand what he’s doing, to Sakura, to all of us. You’re breaking her, Father. She’s too young to understand why you hate her, but it’s killing her.” Ken said fiercely, his gaze never leaving their father’s.
Kenshin’s hands tightened into fists, his jaw clenching as he fought to maintain his composure. “I do not hate her,” he said, his voice quieter but no less firm.
“Then prove it,” Ken said, his voice trembling with emotion. “Because right now, all she knows is that her father won’t even look at her.”
For a moment, silence filled the room. Kenshin’s mismatched eyes flickered with something, guilt, perhaps, or pain, but he quickly buried it beneath his cold exterior.
“This discussion is over,” he said, his tone final.
Ken let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head.
“You’re hopeless,” he said, his voice filled with disdain. He turned on his heel and stormed out of the room, slamming the shoji door behind him.
Takeru remained, unlike his brother, his expression calm.
“Father,” he said quietly, “we’re not trying to fight you. We’re trying to help. Sakura loves you, even after everything. She deserves to be loved in return.”
Kenshin didn’t respond, he turned around to continue watching the moon.
Takeru sighed, the weight of the moment heavy in his voice. “It’s not too late to fix this. But if you keep pushing her away, you’ll lose her. And us.”
He hesitated, then added softly, “She’s what’s left of Mother for us. If you let her slip away, you’ll lose everything.”
With that, Takeru turned and left, closing the door quietly behind him.
Ken was punching the poor dummy furiously in the training room, the warm glow of a lantern illuminating his restless form. His frustration evident in every punch.
Takeru leaned casually against the wall, his arms crossed and his expression calm, though the sadness in his blue eyes betrayed his thoughts.
“You were too harsh,” Takeru said, breaking the tense silence.
Ken whirled around to face his brother, his green eyes blazing. “Someone has to be,” he snapped. “He won’t change if we keep tiptoeing around him.”
Takeru sighed, his voice gentle yet firm. “Perhaps. But there’s a way to reach him without letting anger take over. Lashing out only makes him retreat further.”
Ken snorted, his tone dripping with bitterness. “Retreat is all he knows. He’s been running ever since Mother died, hiding behind his coldness. It’s pathetic.”
“Maybe it is,” Takeru admitted. “But Sakura doesn’t need more broken pieces. She needs us to stay strong, for her.”
Ken’s anger flickered, his shoulders slumping slightly. “I just want her to be happy,” he muttered, his voice quieter now. “She deserves better than him.”
Takeru smiled faintly. “She does. And we’ll make sure she has better. We’re her brothers. It’s our job to protect her, even from Father.”
Ken turned to the window, where the moonlight painted the garden in silver hues.
“I guess it’s our responsibility to knock some sense into that man’s head,” Ken said at last, his tone laced with determination. “I don’t mind breaking a few of his bones. He’s still young—he’ll recover.”
Takeru laughed softly. “Pfft, you couldn’t even land a hit on him last time.”
Ken’s ears turned red, a rare sign of embarrassment. “That was different,” he grumbled.
“Different because we are still thirteen?” Takeru teased, earning a glare from his brother.
Ken crossed his arms tighter, trying to brush off the jab. But his resolve didn’t waver. “Father’s tough, yeah. But maybe if someone else talked to him…”
“But who is strong enough to go against father?” Takeru asked, curious.
Ken hesitated, then muttered, “Maybe Lord Shingen could knock some sense into him.”
Takeru raised an eyebrow, a smirk forming on his lips. “Lord Shingen?”
"Yeah, I heard he was father's rival. But perhaps he is too old already... "
Takeru shot him a dry look. “He’s older, not ancient.”
After a few seconds, Takeru continued with a knowing grin, “Himeko would be sad if she heard her crush insulted her father.”
Takeda Himeko, the first daughter of Kenshin’s greatest rival, Takeda Shingen, was a spirited and confident girl around their age. Despite her father’s protests, she had taken a liking to Ken. Her determination to charm him had become the subject of many teasing between Takeru and Ken.
Ken stiffened, a faint blush creeping up his cheeks. “This doesn’t concern her,” he said quickly, his tone defensive.
“Doesn’t it?” Takeru teased, enjoying his brother’s rare flustered reaction.
Ken glared at him, his voice dropping into a dangerous growl. “You’re treading on thin ice, brother.”
Takeru chuckled but relented. “Alright, alright. But if you’re too afraid to ask Lord Shingen for help, maybe Himeko could talk to him instead. You should send her a letter since both of you were already exchanging love letters."
"No we're not! Perhaps I will break your bones instead." Ken said with a threatening tone.
Takeru raised his hands in mock surrender, laughing softly. “Alright, I’ll stop. But for now, let’s go check on Sakura. She’s probably having nightmares about this morning.”
Ken nodded reluctantly, his protective instincts taking over. “Yeah, let’s go. But don’t think I’ve forgotten about breaking your bones for that comment.”
Takeru chuckled again as they left the study together to check on their baby sister.
Sakura was curled up in her bed, clutching her wooden doll tightly. Her small form was barely visible beneath the blankets, and her sniffles were the only sound in the quiet room.
The twins entered softly, their presence immediately soothing the heavy atmosphere.
“Sakura,” Takeru said gently, sitting on the edge of her futon. “Are you awake?”
She peeked out from under the blankets, her tear-streaked face breaking their hearts. “Takeru… Ken…” she whispered, her voice shaky.
Her tear-streaked face still bearing traces of sadness but softening under their reassuring presence. Takeru glanced at Ken, who was clearly unsure of what to do next.
“You know, Ken,” Takeru said with a small smile, “maybe you should sing her a lullaby.”
Ken’s head shot up, his green eyes widening in horror. “What? No way.”
“Why not? You have a decent voice,” Takeru teased, his tone light.
Sakura, nestled under her blanket, managed a faint giggle. “Ken singing?” she asked, her voice still shaky but curious.
Ken sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Fine,” he muttered, “but don’t expect much.”
Takeru grinned, tucking Sakura comfortably as Ken cleared his throat.
“Twinkle, twinkle, little—”
“Ken!” Takeru interrupted, laughing. “Not like you’re giving orders to a troop!”
Ken glared at his brother, but even he couldn’t help the small smile tugging at his lips. “Alright, alright.” He softened his voice.
Ken cleared his throat, his voice low and uncertain at first, but as he began to sing, it grew steady. The melody was soft, hauntingly familiar, and steeped in nostalgia. It was the lullaby their mother used to sing to them:
"Nenneko yo, nenneko yo,
Yama no usagi wa, hora ne wo suru,
Kaze mo sasayaku, hoshi mo nemuru,
Ware no akanbo, nenneko yo."
(“Sleep, sleep, little one,
The mountain rabbits rest,
The wind whispers, the stars slumber,
My little baby, sleep peacefully.”)
The lullaby was a melody etched into their souls, a song their mother had sung on the nights they were too scared to sleep. Her voice had always been soft, full of warmth and love, wrapping around them like a protective embrace.
But now, it was Ken’s voice that filled the room, raw and tinged with pain. Each note seemed to crack under the weight of what was lost.
Takeru’s smile faded as he listened, the melody pulling at a long-buried ache. It had been years since they’d heard that song, and hearing it again now brought back memories of their mother.
As Ken reached the final verse, his green eyes shimmered, but he quickly turned his head to hide the emotion threatening to surface.
Sakura blinked sleepily, her small fingers clutching the wooden doll tightly. “That’s so pretty,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
Ken cleared his throat, his usual sharpness returning. “It’s just a song. Go to sleep now.”
Takeru swallowed hard, his blue eyes shimmering. “She used to sing that to us every night,” he murmured, his voice breaking.
“Did she?” Sakura’s voice was fading as sleep began to claim her.
“She did,” Takeru confirmed, his voice warm but tinged with sadness. “She had a beautiful voice, just like Ken’s.”
Ken shot him a glare but didn’t argue. Instead, he tucked the blanket closer around Sakura and muttered, “Sleep. We will be here until you fall asleep.”
Sakura yawned, her eyelids fluttering shut. The room fell into a hushed stillness as her breathing evened out, signaling that she’d finally drifted off.
The twins sat in silence for a long time, the weight of the lullaby still lingering.
“I haven’t thought about that song in years,” Takeru said softly, his gaze distant.
“Neither have I,” Ken admitted, his tone quieter than usual. The melody took him back to their mother’s warm embrace, her soft voice weaving a barrier of love and safety around them. Her hands had been gentle as they stroked their hair, her smile radiant even as her body grew frail.
The last time she sang it was the night before she died.
“She used to sing this to us,” Ken said abruptly, his voice rough and filled with suppressed emotion. He stared at the floor, his green eyes glistening. “Every night. Until she couldn’t anymore.”
Takeru nodded, his voice barely a whisper. “She always said the song would keep us safe. That as long as we had each other, we’d never be alone.”
Ken let out a shaky breath, his shoulders trembling. “But she left us. And now Sakura—” His voice cracked, and he buried his face in his hands.
“She didn’t want to leave us,” Takeru said softly, stepping closer. “She loved us. She loved Sakura. And she would hate seeing us like this.”
Ken looked up, his eyes red. “She deserved to see her grow up,” he said, his voice breaking. “She would’ve loved her so much. More than… more than he ever could.”
Takeru knelt beside him, his hand gripping Ken’s shoulder firmly. “We’ll love her enough for both of them. For Mother. For us. We’ll make sure she knows she’s not alone.”
Ken’s gaze shifted to Sakura, now sleeping peacefully. Her small face was still streaked with dried tears, but she looked calm, her breaths soft and steady.
“She’s all we have left of her,” Ken murmured, his voice heavy with grief. “How can he not see that?”
Takeru’s lips pressed into a thin line. “He’s blinded by his own pain. But we can’t let that stop us. We have to be stronger, for her.”
Ken nodded slowly, though his heart felt like it was being torn in two. He stood, brushing a hand through his blonde hair, and turned toward the door. “She’s asleep. Let’s leave her be.”
As they stepped into the hallway, the moonlight bathed their weary faces. Takeru paused, glancing back at the closed door. “That song…” he began, his voice unsteady. “It always worked, didn’t it?”
Ken exhaled, his green eyes shimmering with tears. “Yeah. Because she sang it. Because she was there.”
Takeru looked at him, his blue eyes filled with sorrow. “Do you think she’d be proud of us? Of how we’ve handled everything?”
Ken’s lips twisted into a bitter smile. “She’d probably comfort us and tell father to get his acts together.” His voice wavered. “But… I think she’d be proud we’ve kept our promise to her.”
Takeru nodded, his throat tight. “We’ll keep going. For her. For Sakura.”
*End of part 1*
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corrupte3d-mindz · 9 months ago
Uncharted Territory
Billy Kimber’s Daughter
Possessive! Thomas Shelby x Reader Kimber
Summary: Your first encounter with Thomas Shelby, and your relationship between the two of you a month later.
WordCount: 3.1k
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Stable, was all you could say about your relationship with Thomas Shelby. Relationships with him weren’t unknown but there were very few who stuck around for longer than just a night. Thomas was one who sought after you, after that faithful day at the Garrison; you shouldn’t have even been there but your father insisted. However he said to stay in the car and wait, after this little meeting with the man who fixed a race; you needed to get your dress for the derby the following evening. Remembering that day like it was the night before.
“Right, he’s the oldest, you’re the thickest. I’m told the boss is called Tommy and I’m guessing that’s you cos’ you’re looking me up and down like I’m a fucking tart”
The door behind your father creeks, and he turns his head before lowering it in disappointment. Thomas, Arthur, and John all move in their seats to look at the person, John put his hand on his gun belt along with Arthur.
“you’re just like your mother.”
Kimber notices their hands on their gun belts, clearing his throat and gently pulling you behind him he looks at them.
"I'm gonna have you shot against a pole if you don't take your fuckin' hands off the guns. She means no harm; just insanely impatient."
Thomas noted your small frame and waved for his brothers to stand down.
"Women ain't part of this deal, Kimber." pausing, looking back at you "You and I both know that all too well."
"So, why'd you bring her in the first place?"
"Well, I thought this bloody meeting would be over quick, didn’t I? Instead of wasting time going back home to fetch her for those measurements for the new dress for the derby tomorrow, I just brought her here. Told her to stay in the car, didn't I?”
“You said it would be over by 10, it’s 11 now!”
Gritting your teeth and biting your tongue before you said anything else, but Thomas stood up and asked Kimber to move so he could see you.
"Is this what you handle? All day long?" Thomas stares at you, eyes cold and calculating, before turning the Kimber, his voice low and dangerous."Is she with anyone?"
"Oh, bloody hell no, she's not dating unless the lad can offer her what I've given her growing up... and that ain't happened yet, has it?"
“No..no it hasn’t”
“Kimber I’ve never seen her at the races before, you hiding her?”
Kimber looked at him before smiling
"She stays put where I'm at, see? She don't get the choice to wander when I ain't around."
Clearing your throat, and standing in with your back facing your father. You spoke up about your feelings.
"‘E's fuckin' stupid, that's what it is."
"Another reason why she can’t walk around, she runs her mouth like a bloody sailor. It makes me look bad."
Kimber runs his fingers through your hair and fixed it to his liking
"Oi, what's her age, then? Legal, ain't she?"
Kimber thought about it for a second, before nodding and saying you’re nineteen.
"Aye, you reckon you can handle her, lad? I'm warning you, she may seem calm now, but she ain't one for stoppin' and listenin'. It's like there's no brain up there, I tell ya."
You bit your tongue before deciding it was worth it.
“I have a fuckin' brain, I was top of my math class”
"Sweetheart, I'm just givin' you a hard time about it. I know you're extremely smart with numbers, but actin' proper, is where ya’ struggle."
“Should I meet the description of what you want in a partner, then I shall court her to seal this deal. Sound like a plan?"
Thomas sat back down his chair and pulled out a cigarette and lighter then lighting it.
“It'd be a smart move, but it's her call. 'Cause this is for your gain, not mine."
His eyes fixed onto yours
"Tell me, love, what's your verdict?" Thomas exhales smoke slowly, his gaze unwavering, piercing through the veil of the Garrison.
And the rest was history, the derby ‘date’ went outstandingly well for us. Thomas was very kind and generous with you, your father even let you and him walk around alone instead of being cooped up in the box you normally sit in. The deal was agreed upon after that day and he could see I was delighted to have someone different to talk to besides him or the maids. The most memorable thing of that day was the kiss you shared after he said goodbye to you, it felt real and intimate and not like it was false. Thomas learned you really loved riding horses, painting, and of course cooking. Meeting him felt like putting the last piece of a puzzle together.
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Stopping by the Marquis Pub on your way home, well Thomas’s home. One of your favorite bartender Nicolas Tennant was in that pub and you loved talking to him about your relationship with Thomas and how it was going. You felt like celebrating for an odd reason but why ignore it.
“Ello’ Nicolas how’s the family doing?”
Nicolas looked up and stuck his head out from behind the bar top, with a great big smile that could cut through paper.
“Oh, miss Kimber how are you doing today?, and the family is doing well”
“I’m feeling really grand to the point where I feel like celebrating”
The both of you chatted and caught up with each other’s lives and then you asked;
“Do you happen to have a bottle of red wine and Irish whiskey?”
He smiled at you once again before nodding his head and turning around to head to the back of the pub. Suddenly, you felt a sense of despair and pain looming over you and you turn around to see a man who’s about a foot taller than you and drunk.
“I’ll pay you £10 to have you for the night, come on baby what’do ya say~”
“No, thank you. I’m not one of those”
“Every woman is if you pay them enough, come on..”
“I’ve said no! I’m seeing someone!”
"Oi, come on now… I'm tellin' ya, I'm taller than 'im, stronger, faster, and bigger, yeah? Jus' give me a chance, love. Why you wastin' time with 'im? I got the money. Don't be daft, let's 'ave a good time, eh? You won’t regret it, I swear!"
Taken aback by this statement you leaned into the bar top, but you couldn’t move any further. The man wrapped his hand around your waist and brought your hips against his. You put your hands up against his chest and pushing away from him.
Nicolas walked back to the bar top with the liquor in a brown paper bag. Shocked by the sudden change in the atmosphere he spoke up;
“Are you fuckin’ suicidal mate?, that’s a Kimber!”
The man pushed off of you and stepped back, beads of sweat started to roll down his face. He immediately looked at you and got on his knees to beg for his life. It was truly disgusting, you felt dirty. The man noticed your face and decided it would be better if he just left and he did, leaving the pub. Looking back at Nicolas he was sweating as well, he knew that his life was on the line since this happened in his presence. He puts the bag with the bottles on the counter and then says;
“Now, it’s on the house for your troubles..”
“Oh, you really don’t have too, but can I borrow your phone in the back?”
“Sure go right ahead”
The adrenaline rush of what just happened was still rushing through your veins, felt like an adaptation of a stroke mixed with a heart attack. The feeling of being in a state where you couldn’t defend yourself was playing on loop, reminding you that you’re weak. Picking up the phone and sitting down on the desk in the dark and dimly lit back room picking up the receiver and dialing Cheshire 9210. The phone rang twice before picking up and on the other end was Thomas.
“_______ where are you, e’s everythin’ alright?”
“….there was a problem with some guy and-“
You could hear Thomas’s breath exhale when he heard that, cutting you off he asked in a tone that was masking his true nature.
“_______ what’s the man’s name?..”
“I don’t know the man’s-“
You heard a door creek and looked in the sound’s direction, it was Nicolas; apparently he was leaning against the door and pushed it open. Red in the face he looked at you.
“His name’s Lenny Davis, he’s one of my regulars”
Smiling and mouthing the word thank you before waving your hand for him to go away.
“It’s Lenny Davis..”
“Alright, that’s all I needed”
Thomas hung the phone up, you sat on the desk for a couple of minutes before hopping down and heading back into the public space. Nicolas looked like he was already writing his last will and testament. Bless his heart you thought, his pub was a lovely one; maybe you could have him spared since he had spoken up to the man.
“Stop, calm down..I won’t let Thomas go this far”
You said while pointing around the pub, the Marquis was a lovely pub and you loved talking to Nicolas.
“Your all too kind to be in this town”
“I know..”
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You stood in the front driveway, just standing there for a bit while look around at the cars to see whose missing. He was..great. But it wasn’t all bad at least you knew Ada was there. Oh how you loved talking to Ada, she could understand the feeling of being a Shelby and having eyes on you as soon as you left the home.
You still were getting used to the Arrow Head House, it was a bit bigger than your childhood home. You’d moved in a week after being with him. He wanted to be able to watch you more than anything. Possessive little fucker.
“_______, where on earth have you been?”
“Ada! Oh it’s so good to see you!”
Ada opened her arms and walked over to you, giving a big hug.
“Whatcha’ got in that bag?”
She asked while pointing to it.
“Whiskey and red wine”
“Did yah buy it?” Ada started to walk into the hallway making a signal to follow. “You know Thomas doesn’t like when his woman buys things for him that he can get for himself..”
Pausing and placing the brown bag with the bottles in it on one of the hallways side tables.
“That’s the fing’ i got ‘em on the house”
“How did ya’ fuckin’ do that?”
“Thomas didn’t say anything about my whereabouts?”
Ada rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
“That’s the fing’ you know they don’t tell me anythinf”
Sighing you picked up the bag and pulled out the wine bottle.
“We can mull it over with this, because yah gonna need it.”
“Alrigh’ I’ll be in the den waiting for you..”
Time passes by and eventually you come down the grand staircase in a set of nightwear that had been embroidered with little roses. Thomas got it for you. You joined Ada in the den.
How many of ‘em left?”
“Obviously, Thomas but John, Arthur, Finn, Micheal, Isaiah and Jonny Dogs..”
Ada took a sip of wine, letting it mull over in her mouth.
“What fuckin’ happened?”
You smiled and held I finger up while taking a sip of wine as well.
"I was at the Marquis, fetching the whiskey and wine, and while I was waiting, some drunkard named Lenny Davis started pestering me. I felt utterly disgusted with myself because I could have called out for help. But he took me for a prostitute and kept pushing, relentless. It wasn't until Nicholas returned and shouted that I was a Kimber and a Shelby associate, that Lenny finally backed off."
Ada’s eyes went wide for a moment, before she took another sip of wine.
“Yeah, he’s fucked..”
“You swear they didn’t say anything to you before they left?”
“_______, honey I love you a lot but I told you what I know..which is nothin’..”
Ada stood up and held her finger up before the wine glass down and disappearing into the hallway, you heard her rumbling footsteps as she came back to eyesight. She had a small pink little box with a ribbon tied in a bow around it and it was white.
"Oh, how could I forget. Your father paid a visit earlier to leave a gift for you. He stayed for a little while but then left with them once Tommy got off the phone wit’ yah.”
Ada handed you the box and you placed it by your side.
“He joined them…?”
“I know right, it felt odd seeing ‘em all, for one reason..it looked like a circus act watchin’ pile into the car”
Suddenly you heard the unique sound of an engine purring, Ada and you froze. Looking at eachother’s eyes, both standing up. Ada picked the bottle up and poured the rest of the wine into both glasses.
“I knew this bottle wasn’t going to last this night..”
You heard the car doors shutting.
“Please don’t let there be a lot of blood on their clothes”
Ada rolled her eyes while setting the glass down.
“_______, honey I love you but you always ask for the obvious to not happen.”
“Are you sayin’ I can’t have hope?”
“Hope isn’t a thing if you’re a Shelby”
The grand entrance doors opened with help from the maids. The footsteps only got louder and louder as they all made their way to the den. You looked down at the carpet, then where they would be coming from.
"Don’t you dare come into this room! I do not want blood on my carpets! You and your lot can clean yourselves up outside first!"
Thomas spoke up with a small laugh.
"We weren't planning on bringing him in there, love. Don't worry, we'll sort it out elsewhere."
"You brought him into our home?! Look at the state of you!” then it finally registered that this man was in your home "YOU BROUGHT HIM INTO OUR HOME?!" you hissed, your eyes wide with alarm as you glanced nervously at the bloodstained men entering the house.
This man was..roughened up while they were on their way to Arrow Head..he wasn’t dead but he just..there. The smell of iron started to fill the air causing you to cough a little. Alarm bells rang through your head when you looked at Thomas..his were shaking a bit, knuckles were bloodstained. Your father stepped through the group as his looked at your face, he could tell you were afraid. Kimber fixed his shirt collar. Drenched in sweat, god it looked disgusting. Thomas spoke up and a dry voice.
"My love... he hurt you. He chose death for doing so."
"Get him out of here, Thomas! I won't have you bringing that violence into our home!" You hissed at him , your voice trembling with anger and fear.
"I'm just protecting you. None of this would be possible without me by your side."
"That's not the point, Thomas! I can't bear to watch a man die in front of me, especially not like this!"
"Alright boys, take ‘em to the basement. turning to look at the empty wine bottle and then Ada. Ada, I recommend you leave me alone with _______”
Thomas stood in the dimly lit room, the weight of his actions hanging heavy in the air. His love, shaken and wide-eyed, had just seen the aftermath of his brutal world—a world he had always tried to shield them from. The tension was palpable, the room thick with the scent of blood and the echoes of violence. Seeing the fear and distress etched on their face, Thomas felt a pang of guilt. He stepped closer, his movements slow and deliberate, his eyes never leaving yours. “Hey,” he murmured, his voice low and soothing, a stark contrast to the chaos around them. “Look at me.”
"All I ever wanted was to protect you, love. Everything I do, it's for you."
"Thomas... you frightened me. You know I can't bear seeing what those men look like after you've dealt with them."
He gently reached out, his calloused fingers brushing a stray lock of hair away from your face. With a tenderness that seemed almost out of place for the ruthless leader of the Peaky Blinders, he guided you into his arms. “It’s alright,” he whispered, cradling their head against his chest, his hand moving to stroke your hair in a rhythmic, calming motion. Thomas took a deep breath, his own heartbeat steady and reassuring. “You’re safe,” he continued, his tone firm yet comforting. “I won’t let anything happen to you. Not ever.” He paused, letting the silence stretch for a moment as he gathered his thoughts.
“I know what you saw was…horrible,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “This life, it’s not what I wanted for you to see. But sometimes, it’s necessary.” He pulled back slightly, just enough to look into your eyes, his gaze intense and sincere. “I need you to trust me. To believe that I’m doing everything I can to protect us. To protect you.” His hand continued its soothing motion, petting your hair as he drew her even closer, creating a cocoon of intimacy amidst the chaos. “I would burn the world to the ground before I let anything happen to you,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper, yet each word resonated with fierce conviction.
In the embrace, he allowed you to lean into his strength, to find solace in the arms of a man who, despite his ruthlessness, loved you with an intensity that defied the darkness surrounding them. The world might be brutal, but in that moment, with Thomas holding you, you found a sanctuary where fear had no place. He cupped your face in his hands, his touch firm yet infinitely gentle. The roughness of his palms contrasted with the softness of your skin, a reminder of the harsh world he inhabited and the tenderness he reserved solely for you. His thumb brushed lightly over your cheek, wiping away the trace of a tear.
“Look at me,” he whispered, his voice low and steady. “I need you to know how much you mean to me. More than anything.”
With a final, reassuring stroke of your hair, he leaned in, his breath mingling with hers. The kiss was slow, deliberate, and filled with a thousand unspoken promises. His lips moved over yours with a tenderness that belied the brutal world outside, each kiss a silent vow of his love and his regret for the pain he had caused you. He poured everything into that kiss—his need to protect you, his sorrow for your distress, and the fierce love that drove him to such lengths. His hands slid to the nape of your neck, holding you gently yet securely, as if anchoring you to him in the midst of the turmoil.
When he finally pulled back, his forehead rested against yours, his breath coming in steady, calming waves. “I’m sorry you had to see that,” he murmured, his voice rough with sincerity. “But I swear to you, I’ll always be here. Always.” In that moment, surrounded by the echoes of what had happened, the kiss was a beacon of their connection, a testament to the strength of their bond amid the darkness.
Author Notes:
I made the little pictures and added smoke along with the little sparkles! Oh my gosh it’s so freaking cute!!
Please don’t harp on me for the phone number and yes it’s at the arrow house instead of the beginning of where they stay, Thomas just made bank after you became a couple.
Love yah!
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darling-answers · 7 months ago
Hi! Can I have a widowmaker angst about having a past best friend, remembering her and reuniting with her please? (It can be sfw or nsfw or both. also can you do pre Talon and currently?) THANK YOU SO MUCH <3
For this I will be sticking with Sfw as I do not see Amelia being a cheater to her husband pre-Talon and since her emotions got wiped I don’t think she could ever emotionally love someone. This may be somewhat short because I was asked by the person who requested this to make it into more of a headcanon and meeting someone who we are still a little mysterious about can be hard.
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Pre - Talon
“ Is that you.. copine? It been too long! I never expected to see you in France.”
• She found you wandering the streets of Marseille France, looking completely lost.
• coming into contact with you she almost didn’t recognize you if it weren’t for your certain eye structure and color that made you seem so familiar. She sought to help you out.
• She was delighted to see a friend that she hadn’t seen in a while Almost too excited. You guys had been friends at the time of her becoming a premature Ballerina.
• She brought you back to the chateau guillard with your permission to spend some time in her place wanting to catch up with you since she hasn’t seen you in so long.
• She explained what she did after you guys departure becoming a very much rising fame Ballerina in France, she expressed her happiness in meeting her Husband as they were both fell in love so quickly.
• She poured herself a bottle of wine taking sips as she gave you one as well. She even offered to let you stay at her house for your time being in France since it been lonely with her husband working his job.
• when asked what her husband does she stayed a little silent just giving a brief smile before it falls quickly. She explained her husband does some agent business and it has not been going the way she was promised that something had happened and he wouldn’t be back for some time as he works out the business.
• once you are done with your time at France she will give you a sweet wave as she helps you pack your stuff and takes you to the airport giving advice on the next time you ever want to come to France.
“ Truly I don’t mind helping just ask.. while I still do ballerina I feel lonely without my husband around so please stop on by when you can.”
“ you seem to quiver by my presence, are you afraid I might kill you?”
• if you have meet her in her talon era there only two possibility you could. Either you joined Talon willfully and meet her wandering the halls of the silent base, or you meet her when you were a civilian and just so happen to stumble upon her doing a mission
• either way you are either seemed as a threat or a Allies. Her eyes will glade and go all over you finding out your intentions before you could even blink. She had her gun raised already pointed at you the moment she could sense you.
• if you are a threat she will easily use her flexibility to her gain and kill you the moment you step foot in her den, not giving a damn no matter what your guy’s relationship was, Friends with benefit, your killed, Best friends for years, your killed, soul sister, your dead. She won’t barely even think on it. If you truly had an emotional impact on her she will feel somewhat guilty but straight take her ass to Moira and have Moira wipe all emotions of her again.
• now if your a Allies or not a threat with no weapons to truly protect yourself from her she will somewhat relax not fully but her intense gaze will turn into a more emotionless one. She still will be stiff but your presence won’t be as heavy as before. She won’t point her gun at you but will still keep the safety unlocked and ready to aim at you. She will give you an almost empty look as she questioned what you’re doing and do you truly know what you just walked into.
• if you ever wanted to leave talon or just not get involved in what you were exposed to she wouldn’t stop you, she might even encourage it if she feels even the most tiny pity for your friendship. But besides that she will ignore you if you even try to bring up your old friendship or the the Amelie you knew she will give you a mean look, and a sarcastic tone.
“ The Amelie you knew is Dead, you best not dwell on the past, your weak with those emotions of yours.”
Maybe in a different life you guys could be friends or even something more but you know what they say, not everyone gets there happy ending and sure as hell you or Amelie don’t get yours either.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 1 year ago
I have been falling for a long time
Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader
Request- The reader is the son of Dante from the devil may cry series but he hasn’t told the team or Wanda that he is a half devil because he’s scared who they will react and across it will scare Wanda. So on the rare occasion the team has a day off Dante and Vergil decide to drop by unannounced because Dante misses his kid and wants to meet the heroes (also because Vergil misses his nephew but he won’t say that and instead will say he’s testing your power)and Dante had the bright idea to just randomly start attacking without saying anything
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You and Wanda are at home, carving pumpkins together. You and Wanda have to take out the insides of the pumpkin.
“I always wanted to do this” Wanda smiled.
“I thought it would be boring but it's not,” You said.
“Are you going to carve a scary face?” Wanda asked.
“I will try” You smiled.
You and Wanda start to carve faces on the pumpkin.
“Babe, can I ask you something?” Wanda asked.
“Sure,” You said.
“How come, you don't want me to meet your family? We have been dating for a long time now. You know everything about me and met Pietro and my dad. Feels like I don't know everything about you” Wanda said.
You haven't told your girlfriend about your family and what you are. You don't want her to be scared of you or worse hate you. You always lie about why she can't meet the family and you are running out of excuses.
“Wanda… It's not a good time right now” You said.
“Why?” Wanda asked.
“Because my dad is sick and he has the flu. And I don't want us to get sick” You lied.
“Okay, I understand. How's the pumpkin coming along?” Wanda said.
“Not bad… I think” You said unsure.
Your pumpkin isn't scary and Wanda carved a happy face. Then you and Wanda put the pumpkins on the window. Later, you and Wanda cuddle on the couch and watch a movie.
Vergil and Dante are home.
“Brother, have you noticed everything is calm right now,” Vergil said.
“It is,” Dante said.
“We should take advantage of this and have some real fun,” Vergil said.
“We should go see, Y/n. I miss him and we haven't seen him since he left home” Dante said.
Vergil does miss his nephew but won't say it.
“Are you going to call him?” Vergil asked.
“No; how about we surprise him” Dante smiled.
“The element of attacking, good idea,” Vergil said.
“Let’s go before something ruins this moment,” Dante said.
“Okay,” Vergil said.
Before leaving they went to gather some clothes and weapons. Your father Dante, knows where you live because you told him before.
Nick Fury and Steve, are making everyone do bonding training exercises. Because lately, everyone hasn't been getting along and the last mission went terribly wrong. Everyone is outside near the shield building. You are standing next to Wanda, but you aren't paying attention to their speech on working together.
But Vergil and Dante spotted you standing next to Wanda. They don't know that she is your girlfriend and they are on the roof, looking at you. Dante takes out his gun and sword, then Vergil takes out his sword. The building isn't too far from where you are standing. Nick and Steve will make you and others train next to the woods. But you rather be in bed sleeping and wake up in the afternoon.
“Ready?” Vergil asked.
“Yeah, let's give him a big hug” Dante smirked.
Vergil and Dante started to walk backward, and then they started to run very fast and jumped off the roof. They managed to reach the distance from where you were standing. You didn't have time to fight back, suddenly you felt your head on the ground extremely hard. Your skull cracked open.
“Hello, nephew” Vergil yelled.
You start to heal fast then you sit up. Wanda is using her magic to fight your father and uncle. Natasha joins in and starts to fight them, then the guys start to fight Dante and Vergil. You stand up and you use your magic to summon your sword.
“This is one hell of a reunion” You smirked.
Your father starts to run towards you and you block his attack.
“Dad!?” You yelled.
“You forgot how your father looks?” Dante asked.
“Y/n, he is your father!?” Wanda yelled.
You and your father keep fighting.
“Yes! He is my father. Dad, what are you doing here? Why you didn't call?” You said.
“Why are you two fighting?” Steve asked.
“This is how we say hi,” Vergil said.
You have some blood on your face, due to hitting the ground. You and your dad stopped fighting then he hugged you.
“What the hell is going on?” Nick yelled.
“This is my father Dante and my uncle Vergil,” You said.
Wanda is waiting for you to tell them that she is your girlfriend.
“Dad, this is the team I'm part of the Avengers. We were supposed to do group training” You said.
Wanda cleared her throat.
“Oh! Sorry. Ummm, dad, this is my girlfriend Wanda Maximoff” You said.
“Nice to meet you,” Wanda said.
“Nice to meet you. Y/n, you didn't tell me that you have a girlfriend?” Dante asked.
“And you said no one would date you because you are a demon,” Vergil said.
“Demon?” Everyone said at the same time.
“What does he mean, that you are a demon?” Wanda asked.
“Yes, my son is a demon it runs in the family. That's why he can heal extremely fast during combat” Dante said.
“I didn't tell you or anyone because… because people will treat me differently and won't trust me because I'm half demon,” You said.
“Why did you lie to me, about everything?” Wanda asked.
You began to stutter then Wanda walked away, then you sighed. You run after her but she needs space and she keeps walking away.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Since finding out that you are half-demon, you and Wanda have been arguing for days. Your dad and uncle went to see you and Wanda, but they heard you two arguing from the bedroom.
“Do you think she will forgive him?” Vergil asked.
“Tough to say. From what I heard, they have been dating for two years and he never told her” Dante said.
“Is he ashamed?” Vergil asked.
“Remember the last girl he dated? He told her and we had to fight the hunters” Dante said.
“Well, they deserved to die,” Vergil said.
Dante nods. They stopped talking because they started to hear what you and Wanda were yelling about.
“Why did you lie to me?!” Wanda yelled.
“I didn't lie to you!” You yelled.
“I told you everything about myself and you didn't! How do you think, I felt when I found out that you were half-demon by your dad attacking you? I don't know if I can trust you, Y/n” Wanda said.
“I’m sorry I didn't tell you. But you can trust me, Wanda. I have been there for you through everything” You yelled.
“But you lied to me about you who are! That is a huge part of you!” Wanda yelled.
You and Wanda kept going back and forth yelling at each other. Then Dante and Vergil, watched Wanda storm out of the apartment. She slammed the door extremely hard then you came out of the bedroom.
“Everything better?” Vergil asked.
You glared at your uncle.
“We live together and she kicked me out,” You said.
“Why you didn't tell her?” Dante asked.
“Because what happened with my last ex-girlfriend, remember? I was scared, Wanda would be like that” You said.
“Give her space then talk to her,” Dante asked.
“If that doesn't work out, then dump her and find someone else,” Vergil said.
“I have to pack,” You said.
You went back to the bedroom, then you started to pack your clothes. Then you went to a hotel with your father and uncle.
For days you have been moping around and didn't go on missions. Steve would call but you ignore his calls, then Natasha would call or send you emails but she would threaten you to answer her back. But you don't care if she gets mad at you for not answering, then Scott tried to cheer you but it didn't work.
“Are you in love with her?” Dante asked.
“Yeah, but I haven't told her. Do you think she would forgive me?” You said.
You are sitting on the bed and your dad sits next to you.
“She will forgive you, just give it time. How did you meet her?” Dante asked.
“When I first joined the Avengers, I met her there and it was love at first sight for me,” You said.
“She will come around and when she does, tell her the truth,” Dante said.
He smacked the back of your head, then you started to rub your head.
“What was that for!?” You yelled.
“For being an idiot and not telling her that you are a demon!” Dante yelled.
You glared at your father.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
You found out that the team had to pick sides Steve or Tony. Also, you and Wanda are not talking to each other at all. You went to the airport with your dad and uncle.
“What's the plan?” Dante asked
“I don't want them to fight and I don't want anyone to hurt Wanda,” You said.
“That’s it?” Vergil asked.
“Yes! Yeah, that's it. What else did you expect?” You said
“Looks like someone woke up grumpy,” Vergil said.
“Whatever” You mumbled.
You made it to the airport in time. They were about to fight, then you stood in the middle.
“Come on, guys we don't have to fight,” You said.
“You don't know what is going on, kid. So step aside” Tony said.
“You have to pick a side,” Steve said.
“No!” You yelled.
Everyone watched you transform into your true form as a devil. Your eyes become red, and you are tall and have wings, a long tail, and massive claws.
“Y/n?” Wanda said.
“That’s his true form as a demon,” Vergil said.
You used your claws to break the ground.
“No one will fight!” You yelled.
Wanda moved closer to you.
“Fight him then we will fight against all of you,” Vergil said then he took out his sword.
“My brother is right,” Dante said.
The fight was about to start, but Wanda used her magic to stop everyone. Then you look at Tony and Steve, and you summon your sword with your magic.
“Fine, we won't fight,” Steve said.
“Tony?” Wanda said.
“Okay, okay, we won't fight,” Tony said.
Wanda forgave you and you told her why you didn't tell her. You are happy that she let you move back in with her.
“So, happy that we are here alone” Wanda smiled.
You took your girlfriend to the park for a picnic date. You and Wanda start to kiss each other then the date gets ruined because your uncle and father arrive.
“This is a private date,” You said.
“We just want to get to know, Wanda that's all,” Vergil said.
“Uncle V, you hate fun and people,” You said.
“Y/n, I don't mind they are here,” Wanda said.
“Listen to your girlfriend, punk,” Vergil said.
He puts you in a headlock then he starts to mess up your hair.
“Uncle Vergil!” You yelled.
Wanda starts to laugh. You punched your uncle in the stomach then he pushed you to the ground. Wanda moved away and watched you wrestle with your uncle.
“Is everyone like this all the time?” Wanda asked.
“Yes. Welcome to the family, Wanda” Dante said.
“Oh…” Wanda said.
“Wanda, please keep an eye on my son even when you are apart,” Dante said.
“I promise,” Wanda said.
“If you ever need anything, just call me or my brother Vergil,” Dante said.
“I will keep that in mind. Are you going to stop them?” Wanda said.
“Will try” Dante said.
Your father did try to stop you and Vergil, but then he joined the fight.
“Kids” Wanda sighed
She used her magic to stop you three from fighting.
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emry-stars-art · 2 years ago
tell us about the royals au!!! (im on my knees. please.)
Ohhhhh my friend you have started me on a RANT I hope you’re ready!!!
I don’t know that I’ll ever actually write it so I’m not too worried about spoilers, and the wonderful people in my dms (which are still open btw) bouncing ideas with me are always going to come up with great ideas so I’m putting WIP in big red letters, things are subject to change! But for now, some ideas. Most of what I have will be under the cut, but if you want to know more about a specific part/have any questions please I’d love to chat :D will link to the art/posts I have so far!
(In this au I’ve been referring to Neil as Nathaniel at first and then Abram (hello names as a plot device), and everyone else right now is some version of their name)
Kevin and Nathaniel were raised at Evermore castle, Kevin to be in direct competition to Riko/see which of them might claim the throne (not thought out yet), and Nathaniel as the Moriyama’s attack dog, born and raised to take his father’s place as such. The two never met in person, but Nathaniel knows and recognizes Day because of course he does, and Day knows the name Wesninski means a very, very dangerous person. Essentially the top assassin on the continent.
But as we do, Day decides he can’t/won’t handle the treatment anymore, whatever the last straw may be, and runs off to Palmetto in a kind of desperate chase of the stories his mother used to tell him when he was little. He knew she loved that kingdom. Somehow he finds Wymack - the twin’s royal advisor - or Wymack finds him, and once Wymack realizes who this kid is and has reason to believe he’s not here on Evermore business, he puts Day’s incredible talent and training as a tactician/commander to work as his pupil.
Meanwhile Nathaniel is still at Evermore, mistreated and learning from his own failures and mistakes until he’s nearly as good as his father at the family business.
I don’t know how long Nathaniel plans it, but he either plays the part for long enough or his skill is so undeniable that when the Moriyamas have plans for the Palmetto Kingdom, they send him and one other accomplished fighter to kill the king. Nathaniel goes quietly and decides he’s not coming back if he can help it.
So instead of killing the young king, Nathaniel’s panic has him turn on his partner at the very last second, stopping them just before they can get to the king. He takes them somewhere far away and does what he does best, leaving no one to report back to the Moriyamas. From then on it’s a waiting game to see how long the family will wait before they send someone after him.
Day’s followed them, and Nathaniel turns around from the body and sees this man he hasn’t seen in years, alive and safe away from Evermore. It’s as elating as it is crushing - because Day heard his partner call him by name, and there is no way Day will ever let a Wesninski walk away alive. Not if he knows what’s good for all of them.
Except Day doesn’t kill him, even when Nathaniel asks him to. (Better Day than Riko, Nathaniel knew that even when they were all stuck at Evermore). Instead, he takes Nathaniel back to the twins/Wymack, gives him a little bread, and they sit until he can pry out an explanation. (See the comic of this first meeting here.)
Day and Nathaniel spend most of their time together because Day refuses to let Nathaniel out of his or Wymack’s sight until he proves not a threat to the royal family, which proves an issue because between Andrew’s rotation of personal guards (he never gets along with them well enough that they stay/aren’t fired) Day is Andrew’s guard, which sometimes means Nathaniel is stuck a lot closer than Day would like. But after a long, long time, Day and Wymack decide Nathaniel was serious about the whole “runaway” thing and isn’t playing spy (maybe there’s some dramatic event/Nathaniel protecting a twin that convinces them or maybe it’s just a lot of little things over time). Andrew, after a rough spat with the latest guard, is again in need of a new one. Finally Day just asks “is there ANYONE you could possibly pretend to get along with that can do the job” and Andrew knows Nathaniel is dangerous he just doesn’t know exactly how or why (but oh he is curious) so maybe he just straight up says. “Wesninski.” And Day has to go “…. Fine.”
So boom. They knew each other superficially before, but now Andrew and Nathaniel are spending most of their time together and miraculously - no arguments. No spats. Day thanks the gods there’s no physical altercations (that’s probably what got the last guard fired so quick). Nathaniel is just a mystery with shady ability to tell the truth and Andrew can’t help his curiosity. Good old fashioned andreil :D
From here the timeline becomes essentially nonexistent, I have no idea when these things happen in relation to each other but so far they’re all things I like and want to include!
1) there’s plenty of games and competitions at Palmetto, we love a good tussle, and Nathaniel usually does quite well - he’s not good at playing fair, but his underhanded methods are not technically illegal and usually he can use his preferred weapon - dagger rather than sword. He does well except for the one time an opponent accidentally says/does something that was constantly said or done to Nathaniel while “training” at Evermore, and he comes back to Andrew and the tent he watched from in the beginning of a panic attack. Andrew doesn’t know anything about Nathaniel’s past at this point, but he knows a panic attack when he sees one. In trying to talk him through it, Andrew realizes that yes Nathaniel is scared of being hurt, but he’s more afraid of hurting others. Nathaniel won’t let Andrew call him by name, he flinches every time Andrew says it. After, Andrew asks what he should call him instead, and Nathaniel finally asks to be called Abram.
2) Balls! Masquerades! Abram doesn’t have many outfits, he wears the regular issued uniform to every event. Andrew will not stand for this. Abram always wears clothes that cover him fully, which is fine, Andrew can work with that. He’s still seen Abram in a tight shirt or two. So he commissions one of the most knowledgeable people in the court (we’re thinking it might be Allison, she’s a noble but she’s great with textiles/embroidery/etc) and gets Abram a new outfit. It still covers him, its still protective material, but it looks better. (Find Abram in a corset here). Andrew handles it totally normal and rational in his head when he sees Abram actually wearing it of course.
3) Day probably assumes for a little while that Andrew and Abram have got a more or less normal guard/charge relationship, even thinking it’s slightly antagonistic considering this is Andrew we’re talking about. (This doesn’t fit the timeline, but here’s a mini comic of one of Day’s misunderstandings hehe)
4) king Aaron! He became king at 18/20/whatever age we decide this universe deems old enough because he is in fact the elder twin here. I imagine their parents have both been dead and gone for at least a few years at this point. Dan is Aaron’s guard and she and Abram hit it off great as coworkers and friends. More on the uncertainty of the twins backstory later. (Drawings of Aaron and his queen Katelyn here!)
5) the angst. The Moriyamas should have heard from the Wesninski boy months ago - something somewhere went wrong. So, naturally, they go to collect their property. If they get away with it, we can imagine how it goes. What I don’t know is if the twins, Day, and Wymack know for sure he was kidnapped or if they have a little nagging in the back of their head that wonders if he’s only run away from the castle or if he’s run back to Evermore with everything he’s learned.
When he’s recovered, Day doesn’t let Andrew too close too often for a while. If Abram forgets where is for even a second too long - waking up from a nightmare, having a flashback - it’s long enough for it to be fatal to whoever might get too close to Abram. It’s already almost proved fatal for Andrew, after Abram played normal so well that Andrew let it slip - he forgot Abram was taken back to Evermore for them to finish making him into a thoughtless weapon, and they’d nearly succeed. He wakes Abram too quickly and ends up extremely lucky Abram recognizes both his voice and the way Andrew didn’t call him ‘Nathaniel’ or ‘Wesninski’. There’s really a huge amount to possibly be covered about this point so I won’t go into detail here - but if you like hurt/comfort you know where to find me 👀
6) the biggest thing we haven’t figured out is Andrew. Either he was kidnapped at a young age and only recovered in his teens, or the elder King Minyard didn’t much care for his second son. Though I’ve always liked the idea of Mr. Minyard being a good man who died shortly before the twins’ birth and their mother just couldn’t handle the grief or knowing that the twins look like him. Anyway a lot of the twins’ issues after both of their parents are dead are the advisors or other people around them that try to take advantage of their youth and inexperience for their own gain, without realizing that both Aaron and Andrew have had to grow up much too fast, each for their own reasons. They can usually see right past the tricks. It’s why they both trust Wymack so much - he’s one of the few adults that are truly there to help them, and not make decisions for them.
Im sure there’s more I missed, but this is long enough as it is lol. People have asked about the Trojans/Jean in this au, and I’d love to include them! My brain’s instinctive response is that Jeremy is some sort of high end noble/royal of a faraway kingdom, and Jean (always last to leave the nest, im so sorry baby) somehow gets over there, but I don’t have an idea of his or anyone else’s roles yet. Renee could even still have a hand in him getting there if we really want.
So I’m still writing snippets and drawing over here lol but i promise I don’t bite if you want to talk :D
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quietwings-fics · 26 days ago
showed me what my heart was worth
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom: Assassin's Creed Ship: EzioLeo Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Gender Changes, Female Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Female Leonardo da Vinci, First Kiss, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Making Out, Sappy Wordcount: 2,210 Summary:
There's nothing in the world that would stop Leona from meeting with Ezio, and nothing that could keep Ezio from making sure no harm comes to her because of it.
Ezio is where Leona expects to find her, waiting on their chosen bench with her head bowed low. They always meet before twilight settles, when Leona feels as though wandering in search of her friend is unlikely to draw as much attention. The setting sun casts a deep shadow from Ezio’s hood and hides all of her face except the concentrated set of her mouth. If Leona had not know her for so long, she’d have assumed Ezio to be a man from the ambiguity of her figure beneath her robes and the way she sits. She knows Ezio prefers the rest of the world see exactly that; she draws enough attention in an Assassin’s bold white.
Leona often thought of taking a similar risk when she was younger, under the hopes that she’d find better prospects as a young man, but she’d never done so. It’s far too late and without purpose now, when her name and work are so widely known. She doesn’t need to live in the shadow of the world like Ezio does, only visit now and again to arm her so that she will keep herself alive.
Paranoid—and justified in it, she has been followed before—she doubles back again upon confirming Ezio’s presence. She dawdles; she admires the amber sun falling across the houses of Roma; she watches the people mill about and listens for any whispers that might betray the two of them. When she’s satisfied that she will have dissuaded any potential tails (which Ezio has taught her to spot, besides, and she hasn’t seen anyone who might report her activity back to the Borgia,) she finally walks back to the bench at a leisurely pace. She keeps her eyes away from it; instead, on an alley as she passes it, on a sparrow as it dusts itself in the street, on the clouds overhead.
Ezio is still waiting. When Leona sits, she can see her from the corner of her vision. She moves to press their legs together in greeting.
Ezio sits up. It takes all of Leona’s will not to look at her.
“You seem troubled,” she says, her voice low so it will carry no farther than Leona’s ears. “Has something happened?” She asks the question lightly, but Leona has known her too long not to hear the promised retribution in it.
“No,” Leona says. Ezio relaxes subtly. Her hand slides out to her own knee, and then, casually, drifts onto Leona’s instead. Leona tries not to react, but she can’t help the way her eyes are pulled towards Ezio’s touch. No one is watching them in this hidden alcove, this bench tucked away from the busier street or prying eyes. Still, every meeting is a risk, and every glance and touch amplify it a hundredfold.
“Not yet,” she clarifies, “but… It has not gone unnoticed—my machines being destroyed and their plans going up in smoke.” Despite herself, a smile pulls on her lips, both out of relief that her work is not in the wrong hands and for the simple fact that, “You have never been very subtle, Ezio.”
“How could I resist a chance to test them myself?” Ezio says. Leona had assumed each weapon had been destroyed before they had ever been used. She turns to Ezio, eyes wide with interest. 
“And did they work?” she asks. “They had me make the plans, but I never got to see-” She realizes suddenly that she’s leaning too close into Ezio’s space. Ezio hasn’t pulled back, either. There are shallow lines that crease around her eyes with her smile, but already, Leona can tell that they will be the deepest on her face one day.
It lightens her heart to know that it’s joy that will mark Ezio more than anger or grief. There was a time those scales may have tipped, but it has passed, and Ezio has chosen what matters to her—to build a better world, for herself, for her Brotherhood, for the people of Roma.
For Leona. Her life wouldn’t be the same without this woman. Safer, perhaps, but lonelier.
“They did,” Ezio says. “Better than anyone could have hoped. All the more reason they could not continue to exist.” Leona flushes with embarrassment. She can’t help her pride. They were still hers, terrible as they might have been. Ezio tilts her head. Her hair is long enough to fall in her eyes. Her smile fades, and she looks so much older without it, so much more like the Brotherhood mentor she has grown into. She squeezes Leona’s knee. “You think they might suspect that you told me about them?”
”It’s possible you might have discovered them on your own, but…” Leona shakes her head. “A rumor is all it would take.” *The Assassino hides in Leona’s workshop. I’ve seen him.* It was only the odd whisper when she still lived in Venezia, but they had been more reckless with their friendship then. 
“If you ever think that you’re in danger, I will hide you,” Ezio says with hushed seriousness, and Leona sucks in a breath that’s half-composed of Ezio’s words, they are so close together.
Ezio looks as though she will leave it there. Her assurance releases a knot Leona hadn’t even known existed in her chest. Logically, she knew the Brotherhood would not leave her to her fate should the Borgia learn of her continued loyalty to the Assassins… to Ezio. But-
Ezio lets go of her knee. Leona has no time to react before Ezio’s hand rises to cup her face. Her palm is warm and rough-worn from the handles of blades and scraping over the edges of rooftops.
“I will keep you safe,” Ezio promises.
Leona’s lips are half-parted with surprise when Ezio first tastes them. Ezio’s other hand joins the first, caressing Leona’s cheek before running through her hair and cradling the back of her head. Leona’s eyes shut when her shock wears off, and suddenly, all that remains to her senses is Ezio. She forgets about being seen, being followed, being found. Her friend is holding her like she has, for the first time, confronted the idea of losing Leona and refuses to believe it possible.
She understands now why Ezio has left broken hearts in every city she’s ever set foot in. There’s strength in her hands, enough to break a man, but when she turns Leona’s head, she does it with such tenderness that the idea Leona could be bruised by her, even by accident, becomes laughable. She grows ever more intense in her affection as the seconds pass, her tongue begging entrance into Leona’s mouth and their bodies pressing together as much as their positions will allow. Leona reaches back for her, trailing her hands up Ezio’s chest and searching for her face.
Her hood slips back because of Leona’s clumsy grasping. Ezio’s dark hair tangles between her fingers. She moans quietly into Leona’s mouth when she pulls too hard.
The kiss breaks. Leona, light-headed, tries to catch her breath with shallow gasps. Ezio pants. Her lips are wet, and her tongue glides over them in search of the taste of Leona, as if even a moment parted from her mouth is a grave injustice.
“Would you believe me,” Ezio murmurs, “if I said I didn’t mean to do that?”
“No,” Leona answers, “and if you don’t do it again, I won’t believe you enjoyed it either.”
This time, Ezio kisses her because Leona pulls her forward again. Ezio licks her way into her mouth, playful and needy all at once. All Leona can think about is the hot plunge of her tongue.
Her hand falls to Ezio’s chest. Broadly armored, there’s nothing at all of her body for Leona to feel. Ezio parts their lips to chuckle at her before Leona reaches up to what she can grab, the soft curls of Ezio’s hair. Ezio moans louder, and heat rushes up Leona’s spine as she remembers they are still in public. It’s hard to have the sense to stop when Ezio tips her head back with Leona’s grip and allows Leona to guide the kiss.
It’s been such a long time since Leona’s been kissed, and dreams of Ezio—which she will never say she had aloud but the contents of her sketches may betray her—are nothing compared to being gifted the real thing.
Ezio delights in touching her. Her fingers drift over the curl of Leona’s ear. She smiles as she cups the side of Leona’s chest.
When Ezio presses down, the fabric of her dress gives easily. She can find the curve of Leona’s breast and squeeze. Leona turns further into Ezio’s touch, shifting her entire body to be angled towards her on the bench. Ezio’s other hand wraps around her side, tugging Leona closer and helping her keep her balance.
It must be Ezio herself that makes Leona prone to this youthful foolishness. Every touch reminds her that they might be discovered.
How much Ezio wants her is clear in the way she  lifts Leona’s dress. Fabric folds above her arm as the heat of her hand sneaks its way up over Leona’s stockings. Ezio is smiling too much to kiss her right anymore, but her mouth still follows Leona’s with affectionate pecks. 
Leona shuts her eyes. Ezio’s hand on her thigh. Ezio’s head cradled in her palm. Ezio’s lips passing downwards to seek Leona’s jaw. 
She pulls back to look at Ezio. 
For a moment, Ezio’s face is full of worry. Leona strokes her cheek, and Ezio turns to press a kiss over her thumb, concern put to rest. She is much more reluctant to pull her hand from under Leona’s dress, and her playful whine of, “So soon?” makes Leona laugh.
It’s always so much easier to laugh in Ezio’s presence.
She cups Ezio’s face. Ezio looks pleased, like she thinks she’s won more kissing with her complaints. Instead, Leona leans forward to rest her forehead against her friend’s. She lingers long enough to find Ezio’s hood for her and raise it up over her head as Leona pulls back. The shadow of it falls across her soft eyes and hides them from the view of anyone too far to look into them. Anyone but Leona.
“Not in the street,” Leona says, soft and playful, as though she wasn’t about to climb into Ezio’s lap herself. It’s easy to pretend to be the more restrained party when Ezio is still trying to sneakily touch her. “Not yet.” She slides back to her spot on the bench, her heart racing faster than before. She can still feel the warmth of Ezio’s hands lingering on her skin. Her lips tingle.
”There are places we could go. Places we would be safe,” Ezio says. 
“I know.” 
Ezio lets out a breath.
”And if I killed Cesare tomorrow, then would you let me love you as you deserve?” She sounds at ease, more so than Leona has heard in her voice in a few of these clandestine meetings. To so effortlessly have that effect on her makes Leona wish she’d throw her rational mind out and take Ezio’s offer.
“Is that the motivation you need to get rid of despots?” she teases instead. There’s never been any doubt in her mind that Ezio will succeed, but that time may be a long ways off.
Leona would choose to spend it with her anyway.
“It helps,” Ezio says. Leona knows she’s still looking at her. Her gaze trails over the side of Leona’s face.
Ezio refuses to let good things go. She leans close and presses another kiss to Leona’s cheek. 
“I will see you again,” she says. 
“You will,” Leona says, and this time, she makes the promise. She doesn’t intend to be one of the people in Ezio’s life who has been forced to break it.
“And next time, you might let yourself be lured into a brothel with me.” Ezio stands. “Most of them reserve a room for me.” 
“I’m not surprised.” She imagines those rooms see most of their use in resting, or hiding, or healing. But this is still Ezio. Their intended use has definitely also been a part of their history. 
“Next time, Leona,” Ezio says around a smile.
”We’ll see,” Leona responds, which Ezio must know is as good as ‘yes’ from the spring in her step. It carries her away from Leona in moments and right up the side of a building. Ezio turns one last time to look down at her again, too far for Leona to make out her expression beneath her hood anymore. 
She knows Ezio is still smiling.
She’s gone after that. Leona falls back against the wall the bench is seated against. She touches her cheek, her lips, the curve of her thigh over her dress. A giddy, beautiful thing has blossomed inside her, and its roots already run so deep in her soul. 
She gives herself ample time before she leaves, and she tells herself its to keep anyone from wondering if they saw an Assassin run from the same direction as she’s come from and not because she needs that long to calm herself down again.
(Enjoyed it? Any interaction is welcomed. You can even support me on Ko-Fi <3)
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gravehags · 3 months ago
i am the heart that you call home - the natalie edit
Pairing: Cardinal Copia x f!OC (Curator!OC)
Rating: Teen
Tags: natalie has depression, copia once again to the rescue, two awkward fucking nerds miscommunicating, RATS OHWHOOOOOAOA
Words: 2,295
Summary: Natalie's having a rough go of it. The Cardinal brings her a small guest.
a/n: i've had five (5) alcoholic beverages today so editing this took me an embarrassingly long time lmao please clap
Natalie is a downright mess.
Curled up on her side on the couch, she clutches a throw pillow to her chest and sobs into it quietly. She hasn’t left her quarters since Friday and it is currently Sunday evening. It’s been a week since she had her lovely conversation in the dining hall with Cardinal Copia and the thought makes her eyes well with tears again. She had felt so hopeful after that night, after spending time with Copia who comforted her about her loneliness. She thought that was the end of it, as if a flip was switched and her brain would suddenly be okay.
She sniffles into her pillow. If only.
The week passed and Natalie saw no familiar faces to help support her through the week. The siblings continue to largely ignore her beyond terse, but polite smiles. She’s thrown herself into her new duties - going through the late cardinal’s paperwork, trying to make sense of the rudimentary cataloging system he created - but once her work week came to an end, so did her strength. And not only was she feeling alone, but anxious and miserable. She constantly questioned whether she belonged here, whether she’s good enough to do her job and meet Sister Imperator’s exacting standards. She feels inadequate, and moreover, lost. She’s been huddled on her couch ever since, crying into the quiet room and feeling desperately lonely. Texts from faraway friends soothe her but ultimately don’t help her current problem.
And speaking of texts, Natalie’s phone buzzes from its spot on the coffee table. Throwing the pillow to the other end of the couch she reaches out to grab the device. The screen illuminates showing one text, from an unfamiliar number.
Signorina, are you well? No one has seen you for the past two days and we are worried.
Her brow furrows. Signorina…it could be anyone in the abbey in all honesty. She’s about to inquire as to who the text is from when her screen lights up again.
It is Copia.
Heart swelling, she regards the name with a deep surge of affection. Opening the message box to type, she falters for a moment. Does she tell him the truth or just brush him off? Then she remembers his earnest words from a week ago.
I want to be someone you come to when you are feeling like this, sì?
No, she thinks. It wouldn’t do to be dishonest with the one person who has truly made her feel welcome at the abbey. He deserves the truth, as embarrassing as it may be.
Hi Cardinal, thank you for checking in. Honestly, I’m actually not doing very well - having a rough time mentally and emotionally.
Natalie chews her bottom lip as she considers what she wants to type out next. What she really wants right now is company, and his nervous yet warm presence would be a balm to her soul. At the same time though…he’s a cardinal. She knows exactly how much work he has on his plate at all times - between seminars, sermons, budgeting, helping her with her task - and she finds it very unlikely he wants to spend time listening to her cry about her own simple woes. Fingers to the screen, she pecks out the next line.
Would you mind coming over? I don’t really want to be alone right now
Her thumb hovers over the send button and her stomach twists but she ultimately taps it. A horrid sense of dread settles in her belly as she watches the Seen 7:24 PM message pop up. Her phone stays painfully silent for over a minute and she holds her head in her hands, absolutely mortified. Asking a grown ass Satanic cardinal if he’ll come babysit you, she sneers at herself, how fucking embarrassing. What a silly little girl you are.
Natalie’s lip trembles pathetically and fat tears begin to roll down her cheeks when her phone lights up again.
I will be there right away. Un momento, per favore.
A horrible sound somewhere between a sigh and a loud sob escapes her when she sees his message. He’s so kind to her - too kind - and she’s so thankful for him. Brushing away the tears, she texts him back with the floor her quarters are on and sets the phone down next to her on the couch. Picking up the pillow she discarded earlier she hugs it to her chest again, resting her chin on the edge. Her breathing, ragged from crying, begins to even out as she sits there and waits.
She’s not sure how much time has passed, ten minutes maybe, when she hears a tentative knock on her door. When she stands, joints aching from being so folded up, she remembers that she looks awful. She’s wearing an oversized black t-shirt with a large graphic of Nosferatu and her plaid sleep shorts, long dark hair greasy and hanging in her face. Furtively she gives herself a sniff and recoils slightly.
“One minute!” Natalie calls as she runs to her bedroom. She hears a muffled “okie-dokie” in response and nods to herself. Grabbing her perfume bottle off the dresser she sprays herself liberally and after a quick inspection, calls it good. There’s nothing she can do further than that, she thinks as she eyes her reflection in the mirror. Deep, dark circles cast shadows under her eyes and her lips are dry and cracked. She smoothes her hair a little, trying to distract from the fact that she clearly hasn't washed it in several days, but ends up making the oiliness more pronounced. 
“Fuck it,” she murmurs as she shuts her bedroom light off and closes the door. “He’s getting warts and all.”
When she finally answers the door her heart grows three sizes upon seeing her cardinal. He’s wearing the red cassock - her favorite of the two colors - and his biretta sits slightly askew on his swept back brown hair. The dreamy smile on her face, simply pleased to see this dear man for the first time in a week, is no doubt making him uncomfortable so she clears her throat and speaks.
“Thank you,” she says quietly, “please come in.”
To Natalie’s confusion he holds up a hand and leans down to the ground behind him for something. Perplexed, she watches him as he picks up a small cage bearing a single, fat, white rat.
“Oh!” she exclaims, hands flying to her mouth. “Come in, come in, bring them in!”
Shutting the door behind the three of them, she escorts him over to her depression lair and he delicately sits down. Copia places the rat cage on her coffee table, and she sees his eyes dance over the different books she has scattered on its surface. His gaze lingers particularly on a book entitled The Origin of Satan, which makes his mustache twitch as he smiles.
“Thought I’d, you know,” she says, scratching the back of her neck, “do some cultural research.”
The two of them are silent for a moment as he looks up at her with a fond expression that makes her fidget.
“Will you not sit as well, signorina?”
“Oh!” Natalie feels stupid as she scuttles around to the other side of the couch and inelegantly plops down. Hands on his knees he angles his body to face her.
“Now please, tell me what is wrong,” he asks as the rat scratches at the cage grates in front of him.
“Oh, well,” she begins with a huff, trying to play her mood off as casual, “the usual bullshit. Feeling inadequate, like I’m not qualified or capable of doing this job. Still no one to talk to, no one to spend time with, no one even fucking acknowledges me–”
“Mi scusi,” he interrupts, “do you not speak to me? Do we not spend time together, signorina?” He sounds so put-out, so genuinely hurt, it instantly brings tears to her eyes.
“No, no, no that’s not what I meant!” she cries, “I value your companionship so much - more than I can say - but I just…I don’t want to bother you.”
The words come out in a rush and she looks away as she swipes at her tear-stained cheeks. This was a mistake.
“Natalia, may I tell you something?” he asks quietly as he toys with the cuff of his cassock. “Before you came to the abbey I had very little in the way of friends. The papas are like fratelli to me, sì, and Papa Primo practically raised me but that’s it. I was…a very lonely man until you came along, signorina. Your presence…is a breath of fresh air for this old cardinale and I…I hope I am able to call you a friend.”
Tears are slowly and steadily sliding down Natalie’s face as she reaches out to grab his hand, as he did with hers in the dining hall all those days ago. His own eyes look a little watery as he regards her and she takes a deep breath.
“I want to apologize to you, Copia,” her voice is clear and strong, these words the most sure thing she’s spoken in many days, “I want to apologize for giving you the impression that your time is not valuable to me. The evening we spent together in the dining hall was so lovely and I am so very thankful for your presence at the abbey and in my life. I would be honored to consider you a friend.”
She looks away when she sees an errant tear slip out of his green eye, still squeezing his hand. What a pair the two of them make, crying on her couch about miscommunications. The rat thinks so too and lets out a loud squeak to put its point across. For the first time in a week Natalie bursts out in loud laughter and Copia joins her.
“Eh, always must be the center of attention, huh?” he says, picking up the cage and bringing the rat eye level to his face. “I think it is about time the two of you are introduced.”
“Please,” Natalie says, using the neckline of her t-shirt to clear her face of moisture.
Gently setting it back down on the table, he opens the little cage door and the rat crawls obediently into his hands.
“This,” Copia says, bringing the creature in front of Natalie, “is Stelline.”
“Stelline,” she breathes, looking at Stelline intently as she peers back at her, nose in the air. “You’re beautiful.”
“Sì,” the cardinal laughs, “and she knows it too. Don’t you, piccola bellezza.”
Natalie swears the rat preens at his endearment, making her giggle.
“Do you want to hold her?” he asks, lifting her towards her.
She’s taken aback, but excited. “Can I?”
"Sì, naturalmente! She’s heavier than you might think so take care to cup your hands firmly, eh?”
When Copia deposits Stelline in Natalie’s outstretched hands, she slowly draws her to her chest to cradle her. She’s talking to her, complimenting her whiskers and inquisitive little nose, when Stelline puts a paw on her belly.
“She’s so sweet,” Natalie coos, “aren’t you bambino piccolo?”
Out of the corner of her eye she sees Copia smile at her use of Italian. Natalie’s picked up a few things from Terzo.
When Stelline lets out a little squeak and curls up in her palms, her heart melts and she gives Copia a gooey-eyed expression. He looks just as enamored as Natalie is.
“Now,” he says, leaning back into the couch cushions, “tell me about your week. I want to hear everything. And then I will tell you exactly why you are perfect for this job and how you belong here.”
The three of them sit like this for one hour, two hours until Copia briefly looks at his phone and nearly jumps out of his skin.
“Merda,” he hisses, “I’m on confession duty tonight,”
“Oh! I’m sorry I took up so much of your time I–”
“Do not apologize, Natalia,” Copia says sternly, making her blush. “It was time well spent. I do, eh, have to be going though.”
Gently, Natalie hands Stelline back to her father, who delicately places her in the cage and stands. Natalie follows suit and before he can say anything, before she can second-guess the action, she throws her arms around him. He’s stunned for a moment, stiff as a board as she holds her arms around his waist and presses her forehead against the red wool of his vestments. She can practically feel the deep sigh he releases as he wraps his own arms around her and embraces her in turn. Nothing is said - nothing needs to be said - as she lets the metal of his pectoral grucifix press into her. Briefly, he reaches up to caress her hair and she hums deep in her chest.
“Thank you,” Natalie whispers against him, “thank you for everything, always.”
“Naturalmente,” he says in a hushed tone, gloved hand rubbing her back softly. “Grazie mille, Natalia.”
She could stay like this forever, she thinks, locked in his embrace. When Stelline lets out another urgent squeak she reluctantly pulls back and they give each other sheepish smiles. Picking up the rat cage, she escorts him to her door and bids him goodnight. After the door snaps shut, she feels as if she’s floating. As if she’s filled with the most radiant, pure light that spreads from the top of her head to the tip of her toes. Natalie knows what it is but she doesn’t want to say it. She can’t bring her lips to form the words - not just yet anyway. It’s been years since she’s felt like this - had anything to feel like this about.
But she knows a crush when she feels one.
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ohwhataniight · 2 months ago
I'm stuck on your heart - Chapter 8
They spend Christmas day getting full with the sumptuous meal cooked by Sherlock’s mother. There is a pang in John’s chest as he remembers the Christmas of two years ago, making up with Mary in front of the fireplace, promising to be by her side, no matter what. He’s starting to heal. He’s found a way to cherish her memory while moving on. And Sherlock isn't exactly what moving on means, because it feels like there was no life before him, like there can be no life without him.
The thing is, he’s hungered for this - for them - for so long, he’s forgotten what it is like not to pine, not to ache, not to have his heart broken again and again. He remembers the times he almost lost Sherlock, the fall, his crater-hollow life the years that followed, Sherlock flatlining, Sherlock. He’s craved this for so long he doesn’t know how to approach it now that it’s finally here, how to give in.
After Rosie falls asleep, exhausted, on the lap of a very bewildered Mycroft, John excuses himself and heads to the bathroom. He can feel Sherlock’s eyes following him as he exits the living room.
John stares at his own reflection in the mirror. He looks positively knackered, a middle-aged father of a hyperactive toddler who’s certainly not getting any younger. He's spent a sleepless night, tossing and turning in his bed, replaying the brief moments he shared with Sherlock in the kitchen, dreading the fact that in a mayhem of Christmas carols, gifts exchanged, Rosie, phone calls and getting ready to visit the Holmses, they never got the chance to discuss anything.
He half-expects to meet Sherlock waiting for him outside the bathroom, but instead he’s met with the just as imposing although more frail figure of his father. “Mr. Holmes,” he grins. “Thank you for this wonderful day. Rosie really enjoys being with you.”
“And we love having her around,” Mr. Holmes returns the gentle smile. “May I have a word with you, John?”
“Oh, uh... ‘course”.
He follows the older man in a room of the mansion he hasn’t seen before. It is decorated with twinkling Christmas lights although obviously nobody lives here. The single bed is meticulously made, and the shelves are full of books - The Velveteen Rabbit, Dickens’ Complete Works, Chemistry textbooks, A Brief Introduction to Taxidermy - and trinkets - toy dinosaurs, stones of various colours and shapes, the plastic miniature of a human skeleton.
Sherlock’s childhood room.
Mr. Holmes motions at the chair in front of the desk, for John to take a seat. Sherlock’s father seems to prefer standing up. His long fingers (so similar to Sherlock’s) brush over the spines of the books. “You should take those, for Rosie,” he hums softly.
“Thanks. Although maybe not the Introduction to Taxidermy,” John chuckles.
Mr. Holmes laughs and shakes his head. “No. Not this one.” He turns to face John. “I know you’re her father, but she does remind me of Sherlock too, when he was younger.”
John huffs. “What do you mean? She’s his spitting image, inside and out, apart from the blond bit of course. You should see her when he plays Frozen on the violin."
“She’s the granddaughter we’ve always dreamed of. And you,” he moves to Sherlock’s bed, smoothens the duvet and sits on it. “You’re the family we’d always hoped he’d find.”
John swallows. “Thank you. I really appreciate that.”
“He’s a sensitive kid. Our Mycroft too. They somehow decided they had to play it tough at some point, each in his own way. But I know my Sherlock, John. He’s loyal, doting.”
“I know, Mr. Holmes,” John exhales. “I see him with Rosie every day, he’s incredible...”
“And with you?”
John opens his mouth, then closes it again. “He’s the best friend I’ve ever had,” he says eventually, and then mutters, “he’s my best”.
“He’s yours alright,” the older man smiles and nods. “I know that look on his face. I used to go around with that look when I met Violet. I know he’s found everything he’s been looking for. He’s whole, he’s happy. You’re the only one who can make him happy, John.”
For the first time in forever, John finds himself agreeing. Not only that, but also opening up about his feelings. To Sherlock’s father, of all people. “But... will it work?”
“If this doesn’t work, then nothing else will. You both went through hell, apart and together, and life has led you to this... this everything. You have everything,” he extends his hand and John gives his own. He’s surprised when it’s wrapped into both of Mr. Holmes’ hands, in a fatherly manner. “I know Mary is still so fresh, but please know that you are already part of this family, John, and if it happens, whenever it happens, it’ll make us the happiest people on earth to call you our son”.
Fresh tears prickle out of nowhere on the edge of John’s eyes (God he’s gotten soft). He swallows hard, and nods.
They stand up and walk to the door, but when they open it Sherlock is already waiting for them there.
“I’ll give you two a moment,” Mr. Holmes says, and slides quickly between them and down the stairs.
Sherlock is smiling at John. “Did he call you his son?” he asks.
“He did.”
“He ships it so hard, as the cool kids tend to say.”
“Sorry, what?”
“Nothing.” He extends his arm, taking John’s hand into his own and leading him back into his childhood room. They both sit on Sherlock’s bed this time, side by side.
“Do you think she enjoyed her second Christmas?”
John chuckles. “Sherlock, she loved it, especially her View Master and your mother and all the amount of sugar we let her consume”.
“I want her to experience everything, and I want her to remember it”.
“You know memories are created anyway. You don’t have to micromanage them. As long as we try our best as parents, she’ll remember everything very fondly.”
Their fingers are still entwined, Sherlock’s thumb rubbing soft circles on John’s knuckles. Their eyes meet, the lights are twinkling inside Sherlock’s irises.
“We are good, aren’t we?”
John’s smile widens. “I’m good,” he corrects him. “You’re the best.”
The kiss is chaste and tastes of alcohol and hot chocolate. John also tastes Sherlock, the dew in his mouth, his heavy breath, gently at first, then with more urgency. He wraps his arms around Sherlock, throwing his fingers into the taller man’s hair. The detective moans softly, parting his lips and letting John in, pulling him back against the mattress, hands exploring, cheeks flushed, hearts thrumming like drums as they feel their hunger grow and spread like warm lava in the pits of their stomach.
They are interrupted by Mycroft, who excuses himself and mutters something about going to bleach his eyes.
Needless to say, the universe decides to tease them for a little bit longer.
John is willing to wait, even though a lifetime of this doesn't seem anywhere near long enough.
Chapter 9
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scriptlgbt · 3 months ago
How should I go about a trans man character meeting someone with his deadname who doesn’t use the same nickname he did but almost always goes by her full name cause she likes it more?
The story is told from multiple perspectives but the girls is the main focus and the trans man’s being the second most important so her full name will be said a lot but only the trans man and the reader would have knowledge of this
Is their certain way to go about? Also would is be weird to kinda have him be enamored by her since she’s very different from what he was like and it’s the first time in a very long while where he’s actually know a person with his deadname and hasn’t just heard it in passing 
On the surface, there is nothing overtly wrong with this, but it does seem a bit weird to me.
Personally, I grew up with one of the most common names for my birth year, in the place where I was born and grew up. (In the top 15-30 names, depending how far you want to zoom out in terms of region, with it being more popular in my region.) Even now I know many people who have this name, either by choice or by gift at birth. Personally, I can't escape my given name, so I've had to process that probably more than people who have a rarer given name. But: a name is genuinely just a name.
It's not some kind of implication of any sort of alter ego. These two are different characters who, in their world, would happen to have the same name by mere coincidence. It feels like you might be writing/reading more into this than there is normally, but I guess there can be some creative poetry in that too. But I also wouldn't write a character's dead name to the reader unless it was necessary. (I'd say that an openly* trans author doing so would be an exception.)
With regards to a trans person's relationship to people who have our deadname, it can be a bit jarring at first but mostly it's just kind of normal, and not something super fixated on. However, I know so, so many people who just on principle will not date anyone with their deadname. (Out of the sample size of 6 people who I have been in a relationship with, 1 has shared my deadname, but did not generally go by it.) I also met someone who would block everyone they came across online who had their deadname, but they were very newly self-recognized as trans at the time. I find it gets more benign feeling with time.
I think maybe having a sort of meetcute where the trans man who maybe recently changed his legal name looks up when he's called for something paperwork-adjacent (maybe for Americans that would be the DMV or something?) and thus notices this other person. But I don't think this would really benefit from being emphasized beyond that.
I encourage other trans folks to reply with your thoughts though!
-mod nat
*I specify "openly" because I understand that sometimes closeted people do things that would only be socially acceptable to the wider trans community if it were known that this person was trans. While any trans person should theoretically be comfortable with this kind of thing, there are many instances of closeted writers feeling coerced out of the closet because someone tried to call them on cis privilege. If a closeted author isn't ready to come out, I'd advise against doing things which may only be seen as acceptable if it is known that you are trans. In cases where you're representing or portraying the community in some public way, it matters that the audience knows who is getting amplified. It's also true that being out (by choice or not) comes with unique danger, and we need to ensure safety of people who are out in order to ensure safety for people who are closeted.
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i-mybrunettelady · 10 months ago
a gravitational pull
Summary: Renira goes on a date with a very singular woman. Content warnings: sensuality/making out (M) Spoilers: None Note: Happy Lesbian visibility week! I may not be a lesbian but Ren is and I wanted to write this for ages now but just.. didn't, so here's one for a ship that could've been, but never was. Ft Babymander Nyra.
Renira doesn’t ordinarily meddle with targets that don’t concern her current mission. The Vigil, as far as her orders go, are allies and not people whose secrets she should be focused on. A secret here and there is fine, but there is a line that the agents can’t cross. Not when there’s General Soulkeeper and Warmaster Kernsson on sight as two high ranking officers. The Warmaster, maybe, if she were daring enough to attempt to spy on him again at such a time, but the General? 
She cannot risk it; not as a Lightbringer. Not when her squad relies on her in this way. 
Yet when Kernsson’s pretty apprentice starts chatting her up and asks her for a date, Renira is all too quick to agree. There is no shortage of pretty women, but there is a shortage of time. Now, after that whole business with Ajax Anvilburn is done with, she can take a break for one evening. It’s nothing serious, after all.
Then again, Renira does wonder if digging up info on your date before you even go out is standard practice for anyone who isn’t of the Whispers. Probably not. Alysannyra Ainsaph’s name has popped up here and there - starting with a file in bold, red letters called the Hero of Shaemoor. She has family here in Ebonhawke. And now, apparently, she has joined the Vigil and bears the title of Crusader. 
That’s where she makes herself stop. There need to be conversation topics. She cannot know everything in advance. 
“Nice dress, by the way,” Alysannyra says with a slight curve to the ends of her lips. “I see you’re taking cues from the locals.” She then pauses and joins her hands before her. Her lips, full and pink, are slightly parted. “I think it suits you, personally. We’d wear it belted in Rurikton, for the waist emphasis, but it looks good like this, I think. And I think the flower I chose works well with it? As if I’d known!”
Renira takes a deep breath. “Thank you,” she says and accepts the flowers - a vibrant yellow to match the pink of her dress, just as Alysannyra said - and gently holds them in her hand. Then Alysannyra offers her a hand and off on the streets of Ebonhawke they go. 
She looks good tonight. They look quite the pair, unintentionally so. The thought makes Renira smile. Nyra looks rather good in the traditional Ascalonian embroidered shirt and a jelek. The shirt is open enough to reveal her collarbones and the tightness of the vest makes her chest look pronounced. Her hair is long and loose, brushed but only barely, alternating between brown, red and blonde in the dying light of day. Her face is bare. 
Renira hasn’t seen eyes as blue in a while. Or maybe the lack of romantic attention in recent times finally reared its ugly head. While not that common, blue eyes aren’t exactly a rarity either. 
“Your hair changes color in the sunlight,” Renira says, by way of observation. Their footsteps fall in rhythm.
“Only the wisest of men know what my actual hair color is,” Nyra supplies, and lifts her eyebrows. “It has been foretold, certainly, that one who guesses it right will win my hand in marriage.” 
“Should I keep looking then?” Renira laughs. She likes the way Nyra talks. The dryness of her humor is refreshing. 
“If you like. I like to be looked at. If you guess right, you might get me to pop the question, Ascalonian style.” 
“Oh? I assume your heritage allows you for more insight on that particular topic than my few months of living here does?” Renira leans in - rather, down. Nyra’s hair smells of fresh herbs. 
Nyra lifts her head to meet her eyes. She holds her gaze. “I could show you, if you’d like,” she says. 
Renira hums. “There is time, Nyra.” She masks the extent of the excitement the response leaves in her. Nyra is a woman of the court, and she knows the art of conversation just as well as Renira does, yet not everyone acquires the charm needed to get to be as good as it can be. 
No, it’s not charm, not really. It feels like she has something of a gravitational pull that makes Renira unable to look away. The steadiness of her gaze, the warmth of her hand, scent of herbs and a hint of perfume, all coupled with her head held high, tempts Renira to bend down and kiss her then and there. When has she grown attracted to muscle on a woman? That is a new development. 
Not that she minds. 
Nyra’s smile is lopsided. “Enough time to squeeze a second date in?” 
Renira laughs. “Maybe. If I don’t make up my mind by the end of this one.” She pulls her closer. The eye contact breaks when she snakes their fingers tighter together and runs her nails over Nyra’s knuckles. “We aren’t even at the date location yet. The night is young.” 
And indeed, the sun has just set. The moon is just peeking through, an invited, observant figure to  the chatter of people and their joint hands. By the end of this, Renira thinks, she could have Nyra in her bed if she wanted to. And where would the harm be, if she has a willing participant? 
Nyra nods, pink in the face. “That is for you to decide, but in the meantime, I think a delicious meal awaits us.” 
And the food is good, admittedly, the kind both humans and charr would enjoy. Well done meat with kajmak, chopped onion that neither of them are touching, reflections of the bright yellow flower in the little rakija bottles. Turns out Nyra isn’t a fan of it. She takes one sip, swallows like a battleworn hero she is, and places it down with all the grace of a woman of the court. Renira downs hers in one chug. Nyra lifts a brow, as if impressed. 
And maybe alcohol did lower their inhibitions, but they’re kissing in a dimly lit street later, with Nyra on the tips of her toes and her hands around Renira’s shoulders. She’s a good kisser, it turns out. 
“Billiard rooms,” Nyra explains in between kisses. It’s a rather silly high society excuse to stare at people’s asses and steal a kiss. 
Renira slides her hands down and squeezes Nyra’s ass. She doesn’t need any overpriced rooms. “Were there any bets?” she asks, curiously. A part of her laughs, almost; is she as cocky as someone like Nyra can afford to be, to place a bet to be the best she’s ever kissed? She doesn’t voice it. 
There are many things she hasn’t been able to afford herself. There’s something so very aristocratic about the way Nyra carries herself, the way she grabs attention and stamps her seal all over it. Even now, red in the face, with lips darkened by kissing and lipstick, she knows she looks good, she knows the world should be watching her. 
Arrogance, Renira thinks. Arrogance that’s hardly ever faced a pushback. Arrogance that makes her want to fuck her against that very wall, in this very street. What a luxurious thing. 
“Nothing that went beyond tongues,” Nyra replies after a thought. “My parents have always been of the old, Ascalonian cut.” 
Renira tilts her head and licks at Nyra’s lower lip. “And you?” 
Nyra looks visibly distracted for a moment. “I’ve never been to Ebonhawke before,” she says. “Is that good enough?” 
“More than enough.” Enough to write in your file later. Tastes divine, is hardly in touch with where her parents came from. Looking to reconnect. Doesn’t care about the way things are done here. She places a kiss on her jaw. Nyra’s nails dig into Renira’s skin. She then kisses lower, to her exposed neck. 
Then, she then feels Nyra’s hands pushing her face away from her neck. Just as Renira was about to ask to leave her a little bite. Rude, she thinks and smiles. You arrogant, rude, sexy aristocrat. You just need to be in charge. Did the world see that? Or do you keep these things to yourself?
“I know a place where we can have more privacy,” Nyra says in a voice that doesn’t invite questioning. A command wrapped in a statement, and the quietness of the tone doesn’t take anything away from its force. She slides her hand down so it rests on Renira’s hip. “It’s not that far away. Come.” 
She then takes Renira’s hand and goes down the street, lipstick stains on her face and neck be damned. She walks like it all belongs to her, like she’s the queen of the fucking world, with her head held high. Without shame. Arrogant. 
Not arrogant. Proud. 
It takes Renira a lot to fall in love, but maybe this is a closer thing. Or maybe it’s the rakija, and the kissing, and the moon whispering in her ear, and the Ebonhawke and its pressing history and its proud descendant that’s holding her hand. 
Whatever it is, Renira slides into the night with her. 
It is, after all, a call she can’t say no to. 
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