#she kept trying to steal/eat mine so I got her one
reggiemess · 2 years
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Basic squishmallow bitch.
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otomehonyaku · 7 days
DIABOLIK LOVERS Chaos Lineage Stellaworth Special Booklet Short Stories ☽ Orange ver.・A New Menu?! Ruki’s Got His Hands Full!
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Original title: メニュー開発!?ルキがてんてこ舞い! English translation by @otomehonyaku Click here for the scans (as always, kindly provided by @karleksmumskladdkaka!)
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It's been a little while since I translated a short story! This one's set in the Orange mansion in the Chaos Lineage timeline and written from Eve's─so, in a way, Yui's─perspective, before the regains her memories. It's a fun little story that contains some brotherly bickering and a LOT of innuendos (hello, yes, I'd like the soup please...) ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ Have fun reading!
Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
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Ever since I fled from the church and found refuge in the Orange mansion, I hadn’t been granted permission to return to the guest room. Instead, I quietly sat in a chair in the living area.
Ayato unceremoniously called out to me. “You. Hurry up ‘n become mine already.”
“What? Um…”
I was taken aback by the redhead’s sudden remark and found myself unable to reply right away. The small pause inadvertently gave his two brothers the time to say their piece as well.
“Become Ayato’s? Stop this nonsense. This girl will be mine. I’m sure that’s what will make her happiest as well. Isn’t that right?” 
“Ha. I told you—she doesn’t belong to either of you. Better not misunderstand, Ayato. Kanato. We brought Eve here to help Brother become the Demon King, y’know.”
“You with your ‘Brother this, Brother that.’ Shut the fuck up already.”
The three clearly had no intention to consider my opinion on the matter, and their bickering only intensified. I felt myself becoming nervous. It looked like they might even start punching one another if they kept going like this. 
That was when the living room door quietly opened.
Ruki let out an exasperated sigh. “Don’t tell me you’re fighting again.” 
Again? The eldest made it sound like his brothers had pestered him with similar fights before, many times over. 
“It’s been days since we acquired Eve, and yet you’re still being hostile towards one another.”
“What does it matter? That has nothing to do with you, Ruki.”
“Sorry, Brother. I’ve been trying to tell them the same thing. It seems both of them still think Eve is theirs.”
“You’re the delusional ones for assuming Eve belongs to Ruki. This chick belongs to Yours Truly. I won’t hand her over to anyone.”
“Enough. Remember that we’ve acquired Eve and that we’re on track to becoming King. If we don’t work together, our enemies will take it as an opening to steal Eve from us, and all our efforts will be for naught.” Ruki seemed worried about his brothers’ willingness to cooperate—that, if the brothers kept quarrelling amongst themselves, the enemy might come to steal me away. 
A sense of restlessness lingered in the air after Ruki spoke. I cast my eyes downwards. The prospect of being at the centre of such a violent dispute left me feeling melancholic. 
“I’m not telling you to get along. But I am telling you to reduce the friction at least a little. I urge you, as my younger brothers, to do what I say.”
“That’s my line! You’re getting in Yours Truly’s way.”
“I don’t like this either. This is ridiculous.”
“That’s exactly the reaction I expected from you. So, let me propose something as a countermeasure: a cooking contest.”
Ayato was speechless. And it wasn’t just Ayato: Kanato and Shin were looking at Ruki with equal suspicion. Even I stared at him, wondering why on Earth he would suggest something so strange. Ruki wanted his brothers to work together to come up with new dishes, apparently.
“It’s the perfect solution to work on your team spirit. Besides, you’ll join forces to expand our repertoire of things to eat for dinner. Don’t you think it’s a good idea?” Ruki said, his facial expression exuding confidence. 
After turning it over in my head for a moment, I supposed that… it might work?
“Got it. If you want us to, Brother, then I’ll do it. I’ll help you.”
“Great. Ayato, Kanato—I expect you to help, too, of course.”
“Like hell I would. Why’s Yours Truly gotta do it?”
“I agree. I have no desire to participate in such ridiculous activities. Whoever else wants to participate can go ahead.”
Shin’s immediate agreement stood in stark contrast with the reactions of his younger brothers, who were quick to complain. Ruki stressed that it would have no meaning this way, and proposed his plan on different terms. 
“...There’s no helping it. I’ll let you compile our new menu, then. You may suggest whatever dishes you’d like to eat. We’ll add whatever is picked to our regular dinner menu from now on.”
This idea clearly made Ayato and Kanato more willing to cooperate. The atmosphere in the room immediately became much lighter, and the brothers became a little restless as they thought about what foods they wanted to eat. 
It was decided that I would be the fair judge to taste each dish. I was happy to be afforded a role in Ruki’s plan as well—with my spirits lifted a little already, I joined the others’ conversation.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A few hours later…
“What? Why’d only this part turn green? …Ugh, smells fuckin’ rancid!”
“Don’t you think it’s lacking sweetness? Oh, well. I’ll share some of my cream with you, then.”
“Hey! Don’t mess with my cooking! Puttin’ cream in there’s no joke!”
I stayed in the living room while Ruki and the others were in the kitchen preparing their dishes for me to try. Things seemed to be progressing smoothly: Ruki seemed to be the one doing most of the cooking, but I could hear the relatively friendly conversation between the brothers all the way from the living room.
“Stop it, Kanato. We won’t get anywhere if you waste this much food. That’s why I told you not to add any more.”
“Kanato! Stop meddling in other people’s business and concentrate on your own cooking. Or, actually, your… cooking looks more like a mass of sugar.”
“Yes, of course. I suppose I should finish my dish. I’ll just have to add one more thing to finish it off…”
“Hold on, are you serious? Covering chocolate in more chocolate is ridiculous. What’re you even doing?”
While it was good that the brothers were engaging in lively conversation with one another, I still felt anxious after hearing that exchange. I was the one who’s supposed to taste-testing everything, after all. I contemplated going to the kitchen to help them before things went downhill, but they’d actually finished already—the four brothers came back into the living room, each carrying the dish they’d prepared.
“Ah, have you already finished cooking?”
“Yes, indeed. It seems like you’ve been waiting here in the living room like the good girl you are.”
“All of the sample dishes are here. Let’s start the taste test, shall we?”
“Right. So, which one should I try first?”
“Yours Truly’s should be first, of course!” Ayato said before setting down a huge plate on the table in front of me with a loud clang. “I’m calling this ‘Yours Truly’s Specially Made Super-Gigantic Takoyaki’! Be grateful ‘n eat up!”
“Wow! It’s so big! It’s bigger than my face, even.”
“Right? Bigger’s always better. It’s not very round, though. It’s lumpy. It probably kinda fucks with the taste.”
“You made me prepare it, so keep your complaints to yourself. Besides, it’s your fault for constantly butting in while I was cooking.” As there was no dedicated pan large enough to make takoyaki this big, it seemed that Ruki had used a single-handed frying pan to shape it somehow, and that’s likely why it looked a little sunken and uneven. 
According to Ayato, there wasn’t just octopus, but various other fillings in it as well—he himself didn’t quite seem to know for sure, either.
“A-Ayato, this is…”
“What’re you doin’?! Hurry up and eat it!” Ayato yelled when he saw my reluctance to take a bite. Even then, I couldn’t quite work up the courage to dig in. 
The redhead lost his patience and grabbed my chin with one hand. Then, he brought a spoon to my mouth with his other hand, ready to force-feed me. 
“Geez, it can’t be helped. C’mon, I’ll feed you. Hurry up ‘n open wide.”
“W-wait! Ah—Mm…!”
The spoon quickly came my way, holding a chunk of the giant takoyaki. I had no time to protest before the spoon was thrust into my mouth.
“Hehe, you’re gettin’ teary-eyed. That’s not such a bad sight, is it? Hey! No slackin’ off. Keep eatin’. I wanna watch your face while you struggle even more.”
“Ayato! At least do it gently… Mm!”
With enough force to make me choke, the spoon was mercilessly rammed deep into my mouth again. Even if I wanted to run, I couldn’t—Ayato had a tight grip on my chin. I had no choice but to eat the takoyaki that I was given. A cruel smile played on Ayato’s face as he watched me struggle.
“Ugh, mm… Ha...”
I somehow managed to swallow what was in my mouth. I didn’t risk asking what exactly I’d been eating so far to avoid ruining the experience—mostly because it had actually been quite tasty.
“This is so good, Ayato!”
“I know, right? Though it’s only natural, since I cooked all this up!”
Ayato seemed satisfied with my response. His chest swelled with pride, confident that his dish was going to win tonight.
“Eat mine next, please. I’ve made something much more delicious than Ayato’s takoyaki.” 
Unsurprisingly, Kanato had prepared a dessert. The base was a parfait, loaded with pudding, crêpes, cake, and ice cream on top, and covered in an unholy amount of chocolate. It looked almost sickeningly sweet.
“It looks delicious, but… It seems very sweet, doesn’t it?”
“But really, I’m gettin’ heartburn just by looking at it. You might as well call anything a dish if you load it with enough sweet stuff.”
“You’re hopelessly tasteless, Shin. This is obviously incredibly delicious.” As he spoke, Kanato stared at the sweets as though he were spellbound. “Ah… It doesn’t get any better than this. I’d love this to be added to the menu so that Ruki will prepare it for me every day.”
After having stared at his parfait for a while, Kanato picked up a spoon. 
“Since you’re nothing but a doll, you must be bad at feeding yourself, right? Just for today, I’ll feed you. Please be grateful.”
“It’s alright, Kanato. I can eat by myself… Mm!” 
I tried to move away, but Kanato forcefully grabbed my wrist to keep me in place and thrust a loaded spoon at me. Once again, food was forced into my mouth. I tried my best to chew and swallow each bite, but I couldn’t keep up with the speed with which Kanato was feeding me. Just when I thought I couldn’t take any more, Kanato’s hand stilled.
“Oh, you have some cream on your face.”
Kanato put down the spoon and his tongue darted out when he moved in, licking the cream off my cheek. My heartbeat jumped a little at the sensation. 
“Hehe… Very sweet. My cooking is the most delicious after all, isn’t it?” he asked expectantly, slowly leaning in further as he spoke. 
The strange atmosphere made me increasingly uncomfortable. Still, though… Kanato’s dish was particularly sweet but no less delicious—like he had said—and so I honestly shared my opinion.
“Right? I see you’re able to tell how great my cooking is. It’s quite admirable.”
Kanato left my side, clearly pleased with my answer.
“It’s my turn, then!”
Shin moved in and placed a small plate in front of me.
“...? Shin, what’s this brown, cream-like stuff?”
“It’s peanut butter. Can’t you tell?”
“The hell? How much of an idiot do you gotta be to consider that a dish?” Ayato sneered at Shin, clearly making fun of him.
“Hehe. Who’s the real idiot here? You know fuck-all about cooking,” Shin replied. Then, he went on to expertly spread the peanut butter on a piece of bread. “This peanut butter goes well with a lot of different kinds of cooking. It’s a great all-purpose condiment for bringing out the flavour of stuff like bread and cakes. I’d like you to use it in many different dishes.”
“I object. Won’t everything just start tasting like peanuts?”
“Right, right! My takoyaki’d taste like peanuts!”
“Ha! You can yap all you want, but it won’t matter. Eve’s the one who has to like it. So, here you go.”
I reached out to take the bread he held out to me, but Shin seized my hand in mid air. He pulled me in close with a sharp tug. 
“I’ll feed you.”
“Um… I already said it just now, but I can eat by myself, you know?”
“Just be good and eat. C’mon.”
My lips parted when the bread touched my mouth, and when I took a bite, the sweet flavour of the peanut butter (1) spread across my tongue.
“Good, isn’t it? Make sure to savour the taste.”
Contrary to Ayato and Kanato, Shin slowed his movements to match my eating speed and held the bread to my mouth for me to take bites. The peanut butter went well with the bread. It was really good.
“Hehe. You kinda look like a greedy little pet dog eating from your owner’s hand right now.”
I tried to argue that no, I wasn’t a dog, but I kept getting interrupted by Shin holding the bread to my mouth. Before long, I’d already swallowed the last bite.
“Thank you, Shin. It was delicious!”
“I told you! If you pick my peanut butter, you’ll be able to eat it whenever you like, so… You know what to do, right?” Shin’s mouth curved into a smile, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes.
There was clearly no safe way to answer that question. I forced a wavering smile in response.
“Well, then. Lastly, it’s my turn.” Ruki put his dish in front of me with more confidence than all his brothers before him.
“Is this… soup?”
The soup in front of me looked to contain a well-balanced mix of vegetables, meat, and beans, giving it a delicious-looking golden colour. However, it looked no different than what Ruki usually made for dinner.
“Soup? How boring. Couldn’t you come up with something else? This is not even a close contender compared to my dish.”
“Just take a sip and you’ll know. Eve, please turn your face my way.” 
Ruki took a spoonful of the soup and carefully raised it to my lips. 
“Drink it. It’s a rather fine soup to give to livestock, but I suppose I should feed you something nice every once in a while.”
I felt myself becoming curious how it tasted, too, considering Ruki was brimming with confidence. Still, it was a little embarrassing to have him feed it to me, so I tried to tell him I’d like to drink it by myself.
“No, drink it like this. You wouldn’t want to trouble your master, would you? Or… would you rather have me feed it to you mouth-to-mouth?”
He looked like he would seriously do it if I didn’t go along with him. Finding myself unable to resist, I obediently opened my mouth.
“Yes, that’s it. Savour it.”
Ruki slid the spoon between my lips. I tried to swallow it neatly, but my nerves got the better of me. A small drop of soup dribbled from my lower lip.
“Mm. Ah…”
“You spilled some of the soup. Good grief, what ill-mannered livestock you are.”
With a stroke of his thumb, Ruki wiped the soup from my lip. My face flushed.
“What’s that face for, staring at me like that? Was that not enough to satisfy you?”
Not wanting to go through something so embarrassing another time, I desperately shook my head. Still, Ruki’s soup tasted amazing. It may have looked no different from what he usually cooked, but I wondered if this was some kind of secret recipe of his. 
I couldn’t hold back my curiosity and asked him what was in the soup.
“It’s a secret. I’m not so kind a master as to teach you my recipe, Livestock,” Ruki said, dodging my question, and traced his thumb over my lips again.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
With all four dishes taste-tested, the cooking contest was over. Now, I had to choose which one I liked the most.
“It can’t be anything other than Yours Truly’s giant takoyaki, right?”
“That’s unthinkable. My dessert was clearly the most delicious.”
“Nah, you’re choosing my peanut butter that goes with any dish, right?”
“Judging from your reaction, Livestock, the answer is clear as day. My soup wins.”
Whatever I picked would be added to our dinner menu from now on, and everyone was passionately advocating for their respective dishes. 
I recalled the flavours of the dishes I’d tasted tonight. After a moment of deliberation, I opened my mouth to speak.
“All four dishes were delicious, so how about adding all four of them to the menu?”
My proposal made the room fall silent for a moment.
“Seriously? It’s a competition! You gotta pick a winner. There’s no way in hell I’m agreein’ to this!”
“What a fool you are. We’ve told you many times over that you can only pick one winner.”
“Besides, aren’t you trying to wriggle your way outta this by giving such a diplomatic answer?”
“That seems likely. Or did Livestock perhaps not understand the meaning of this from the beginning?”
After Ayato first broke the silence, the brothers aimed their discontent at me one after the other. Still, I stood my ground and once again explained to them that I’d truly enjoyed all four dishes. Even though it might put even more strain on Ruki, I insisted that we should add all dishes to the menu since everyone had put in so much effort. 
Ruki contemplated the idea for a little while before letting out a small sigh and agreeing with me. “...If that is Eve’s verdict, so be it. Let’s add all dishes to the menu from now on.”
“The fuck’re you sayin’?! I can’t accept this unless I’m crowned the winner.”
“B-but Ayato, if you kindly ask Ruki, he might make that gigantic takoyaki for you every day, you know?”
“...Heh, that’s true. Well, I’m just gonna make Ruki do it, then!”
“Hold on, please! If that’s the case, then I’d rather he make my parfait every day instead! I won’t lose to an inferior dish like takoyaki!” 
“I won’t put up with having either of your dishes every day. This peanut butter goes with anything, so you’d better use it every day, Brother.”
In the end, the brothers got into a heated argument about whose dish we should eat for the days to come. Even though this contest was intended to foster a cooperative spirit among his brothers, Ruki held his head in his hands as he watched them fight over the results.
Nevertheless, I found myself thinking that I couldn’t imagine this family any other way.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Look, I’m not trying to ignite a discussion but… is peanut butter really sweet? It’s considered more of a savoury thing where I live (or at least it rarely—if ever—contains sugar), though I do suppose it’s versatile in that it goes well with both sweet and savoury things. 
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halsteadlover · 1 year
Under Fire
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*Gif not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Paramedic!Reader.
• Requested by anon: Hey! Could you write an imagine where the reader is a paramedic and one day a person starts shooting at the ambo and Jay is called? Then he would be worried when he sees the reader there.
• Warnings: mention of sex, blood, gunshot, bad writing (yes it’s gonna be a warning from now on).
• Word count: 4289.
• A/N: this is by far one of the ugliest fics ever and honestly I’m even ashamed I posted it. It didn’t turn the way I wanted but I was too lazy and had no time to write it all again so here it is 💀 Sorry for the ppl who expected a good worried!Jay fic 😭 I’m sorry for any mistake too and of course I know all the ‘medical’ staff was probably inaccurate so pls bear with me lol
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“Baby, breakfast is ready!”.
Jay's voice muffled to your ears from the kitchen as you hurriedly got ready for work, super late. You tied your hair into a ponytail, not wanting to waste any more time trying to fix it before running to the kitchen where Jay had just set breakfast on the table.
“I'm late honey I can't eat,” you said frantically, leaning closer to him and kissing him on the lips before stealing a waffle which you popped into your mouth and began to eat as you looked for your car keys.
“Babe you can't go to work without having breakfast,” Jay retorted as he drank his cup of coffee and watched you amused.
“Yeah? And whose fault is it that I’m late?” you asked ironically “Have you seen my keys baby? Damn it… I can't find them anywhere.”
Jay chuckled and there was no need to say he found them as soon as he started to search for them. He was about to hand them to you but suddenly put his hands behind his back. “I want a kiss first.”
You giggled like a little girl and placed your free hand on his face, kissing him passionately, as if it was the first time you'd seen him in ages. No matter how much time passed, Jay managed to have on you the same effect as the first day, and for a moment, lost in your senses, you almost forgot you had to run away to work.
“Mmmh,” he murmured into the kiss, intensifying it as his arm went around your waist, pressing your body further against his.
“Stop…” you muttered between kisses as you giggled “No,” one kiss “That’s not…” another kiss “Fair…” and yet another one. “You’ve already made me late this morning.”
“Baby it's not my fault you're so stunning. You know I can't keep my hands to myself,” he kept kissing you, taking the opportunity to shamelessly squeeze your ass. “You were naked in our bed, you really expected me not to fuck the shit out of you?”.
“Stop, you're making me hot again,” you placed your hands on his chest to push him away, receiving a frown from him. In a moment of distraction you grabbed the keys from his hand and took your bag, before giving him one last sweet kiss and go to the door “See you tonight baby, I love you. Be careful okay?”.
“I love you too princess, text me when you can and be careful too. Don't you even dare come back with even a scratch!”.
But unfortunately, things don’t always go the way we want them to.
Your morning was going well, you were on shift with Sylvie who wasted no time teasing you, between calls, about being late that morning.
“If you're jealous because I'm having hot sex and you're not, just say it blondie,” you retorted laughing, getting from your co-worker a little slap on the back of your head as she kept her eyes on the road while driving the ambo.
“You’re really a bitch you know that? Of course I'm jealous! Do you know how long it's been since I've been with someone? I don't even know what a penis looks like anymore.”
You giggled. “If after every shift you literally fly home to go to sleep, don't complain if you can't find anyone. You need to go out Sylvie, Molly's is always crowded, you'll find someone who can't wait to rail you.”
She burst out laughing. “Rail me? Where did this come from?”.
“I mean… You know… I didn't know the meaning of these words before I met my boyfriend…” you answered and Sylvie let out a fake gag while you dreamily recalled your intense sexual life with Jay.
“You are disgusting,” the blonde replied even though she laughed. Before she could add anything though, there was a call of a shooting with victim and the joyful and playful air disappeared almost instantly.
You were about to text Jay, updating him on the progress of your shift but you mentally cursed as you noticed your cell phone was dead and that’s when you remembered you didn't charge it last night.
You put it back in your pocket, mental noting you’d charge it as soon as you got back to the station.
When you and Sylvie arrived with sirens blaring at the scene where the shooting had taken place, you couldn't help but notice the amount of people there looking on curiously and trying to figure out what was going on. That neighborhood was not the most idyllic and safe, given the unfortunate presence of criminals and drug addicts, and you mentally prayed you could finish as soon as possible since you didn't feel at all calm in that place.
A man in his fifties came running towards you, cell phone in hand and a terrified expression on his face.
“What happened sir? Where’s the victim?” Sylvie asked as you fetched the first aid kit bags.
“This way. There's been a shooting… There's a young man… I don't know if he's still alive.”
The man pointed to a person lying on the ground, immersed in his own blood and at a rough guess he didn't seem to be more than 16 years old. He was just a little boy.
“We'll take care of it from now sir. Thank you for calling us. Now go back in your house and stay safe,” you said and he nodded before storming off and locking himself inside his house along with his family.
You put on your gloves and leaned over the victim. You checked his carotid pulse and breathing. “He’s breathing and there is still a pulse. But it's too weak.”
Sylvie lifted the victim's shirt, revealing the shotgun at stomach level, and spun him on his side for a moment. “There is an exit wound.”
“I'm putting an IV,” you stated before taking the necessary kit while Sylvie controlled the bleeding by dabbing the wound with clean gauze which was soaked in blood in no time. After placing the tourniquet, it was difficult to find an accessible vein due to the copious blood loss but eventually you succeeded.
As you continued to do everything in your power to keep the still unconscious patient alive, you didn't realize all passers-by had left and that a suspicious car was approaching until the sound of a shot broke the silence.
Your heart stopped for an instant.
It all happened so fast and in just few seconds that you didn't even realize what was happening.
It was all so fast but so slow at the same time.
Everything seemed to stop around you, the world started spinning fast and slow at the same time which you didn't even believe was possible. The seconds seemed to have turned into minutes, hours, and in you kept wondering when it would end.
You and Sylvie threw yourselves to cover the victim, but not before a bullet went through your arm causing you to scream in pain. “Fuck!” you exclaimed as an excruciating pain made you bend to the ground for an instant.
“Y/N! Oh my god!” exclaimed Sylvie, rushing towards you regardless of the danger. Your hand covered your wound from where blood gushed and you tried to take a few breaths to try to regain control of yourself. You hadn't been shot at before by now, but damn it hurt like hell.
“I'm fine,” you murmured and when you opened your eyes you saw a woman lying on the ground not far from you. “Shit… Sylvie, go to that woman…”
Sylvie glanced between you and the poor woman lying on the asphalt, not sure what to do. “I am fine. Go! I'll take care of it here!”.
She nodded and grabbed a first aid bag before running to the woman, leaving you with the still unconscious victim. You checked him to make sure he wasn't hit and breathed a sigh of relief when you saw he wasn't.
You called for help on your radio before getting up with no small effort, dragging the victim behind a car, thus keeping you sheltered.
Your heart was pounding and you didn't know what to do, the fear they'd come back to kill you paralyzed you. You leaned against the car, bringing your eyes to the wound on your arm and noticing you were losing more blood than you would’ve expected.
“Shit,” you winched in pain even if the adrenaline rushed through your veins. You decided not to think about it and just treat the patient until help arrived, after all you weren't going to die from a shot in an arm.
You got up from the car and approached the patient, noticing the movement of his chest was no longer regular and that he was struggling to breathe. You took your stethoscope and listened to his chest, hearing crackles and a muffled sound in the right lung.
“Damn it,” you whispered to yourself, taking deep breaths as the pain became more intense and trying to focus solely on the victim and not on the excruciating pain you were feeling. The victim had a pneumothorax and you knew if you didn't treat it right away, you ran the risk of losing him before help even arrived.
You took all the kit needed to aspirate the air from his lung but your hand was shaking too much to be able to proceed. “Come on. You can do it,” you kept telling yourself and breathing deeply. With no little effort you managed to make a small incision and insert the small catheter to allow the air to escape. You listened to his lungs again after a bit with the stethoscope and breathed a sigh of relief when you realized the pulmonary sound was good and he was breathing properly. You fixed the catheter to his chest with a plaster and continued to treat the wound on the abdomen.
He was losing too much blood and if he hadn't gone to the hospital immediately he would’ve died there in front of you.
Your forehead was drenched in sweat, your arms and body were giving up as you noticed in the distance Sylvie giving a CPR to the woman who had presumably also been shot.
You heard the sound of sirens of the police and of another ambulance in the distance and for the first time in the last half hour your heart started properly beating again.
Jay, meanwhile, didn't have a clue what was going on, that you'd been shot, rushed to the hospital, or he’d completely lose his mind.
His day, unlike yours, was going on normally and no new cases had turned up so he spent the morning sorting through paperwork and old reports that were still incomplete.
He checked his cell phone to see if you'd answered him but still nothing. The last time he knew about you was when he saw you walk out the door of the apartment you shared and he couldn't stop the veil of anxiety that had passed through him. He knew he was exaggerating, as you were most likely having a busy morning and for this reason you hadn’t reached out to him.
He tried to keep his mind at bay, to stay calm and tell himself everything would be fine, that you were okay and he’d hear from you soon.
But when he saw Sylvie's name on the screen as his cell phone rang, he knew immediately that something wasn’t right and the slight feeling of anxiety was replaced by a real vice in his stomach.
“Sylvie? What happened? Is my girlfriend okay?” he asked as soon as he answered the call, without even giving her time to say anything. He knew something was up and didn’t want to waist time.
“Jay…” she breathed out, her voice clearly shaking but Jay couldn't care less.
“Sylvie tell me immediately what the hell happened. Where’s Y/N? Is she okay?” he ordered in a harsh and hostile tone, more than he ever wanted to.
“We are at Med's and…”
That was all it took for him to go crazy and not understand anything anymore.
Before she could finish her sentence he had already hung up the phone and, without even notifying his boss, he exited the unit at lightning speed, under the gaze of his worried and astonished teammates.
His mind kept repeating the last words spoken by Sylvie and never as in that moment did he feel like the world completely collapsed on him. He hadn't even asked what happened, whether you were okay or not, and as he drove like a madman through the streets of Chicago, he kept praying, praying and praying.
“God please let her be okay,” he kept muttering to himself, his heart pounding so hard in his chest he felt like it was going to stop at any moment. He tried to call you several times but each time it directed him to your voicemail. “Fuck!” he had exclaimed hitting the steering wheel in frustration and after throwing the cell phone on the passenger seat, without caring whether it broke or not.
You had to be okay, it couldn't have been otherwise. You had to be okay because you had to spend the rest of your life with him, he had to marry you, start a family with you, raise your children, maybe have pets, and to do that you had to feel good.
Jay knew that your job, as well as his, could be dangerous, but that didn't make the anxiety any less oppressive, the fear of losing you any less crippling.
It might seem like an exaggeration but he couldn't live without you, he couldn't imagine a life in which you weren't there, he couldn't imagine coming home and not finding you there preparing dinner with so much care and love, he couldn't imagine coming home and not finding you walking barefoot, the music blasting while you danced and sang as you cleaned the house, he couldn't imagine waking up in the morning and not feeling your body against his, the scent of your hair entering his nostrils, your arms holding him preventing him from getting up to go to work when you weren't on shift.
“No, no, no, no, no,” he babbled not wanting to even think about this possibility as he darted through the streets without even bothering to stop at red lights and risking causing accidents at least a couple of times.
When he got to the hospital he immediately ran towards the nurses' station, failing even to realize that Maggie was already talking to a patient.
“Maggie where is Y/N? Is she fine?” he asked frantically getting a glare from the gentleman who was previously talking to Maggie. She shot an apologetic look at the man and nodded to the room you were in before giving her attention back to the patient.
Jay ran towards the room and without even thinking twice pulled the curtain away, an expression of pure fear and concern on his face. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw you were lying on the crib, alive.
“Jay!” you exclaimed, not expecting to find your boyfriend in front of you in the hospital, lifting yourself up as if to reach him.
“Y/N stay still,” Connor admonished you, who was tending your wound.
“Oh thank God,” Jay finally managed to calm down and finally breathe again. He walked over to you and gently grabbed your face with his still trembling hands, leaving a kiss on your forehead. It lasted longer than it should’ve but Jay didn't care, he just wanted to savor the moment, smell the scent of your hair, your skin, and realize you were really there in front of him, that you hadn't left him.
��Halstead, you shouldn't be here,” Connor commented without looking up from the bullet hole in your arm.
“Shut up Rhodes, just focus about treating her,” Jay retorted and the serious tone in which he said it caused both you and Connor to chuckle but as soon as you looked at him you stopped immediately, noticing the expression of pain and concern with which he was looking at you.
“What happened baby? My God…” he stroked your face, your hair, “Why didn't you call me? What did they do to you?”. His eyes moved from your features to your arm and he immediately knew it was a bullet hole. He had assumed that you’d been pushed, maybe fallen somewhere, but he hadn't thought it was a shot at all.
Anxiety and worry were quickly replaced by anger and rage and in that precise moment he promised himself he’d make the bastard who had done this to you, who had dared to hurt you, pay.
“I told Sylvie not to call you…” you started talking, not answering Jay's questions but he cut you off, “Y/N please… I'm mad enough you didn't call me and I had to hear from your colleague you ended up in the hospital, don’t even think about making jokes right now.”
“Sorry Jay, it's just… You were at work and I didn't want to worry you. I'm fine as you can see and Connor will fix me.”
“You're not fine,” Connor intervened, glancing at you before continuing to treat the wound “If you hadn't continued to treat the victim your arm wouldn't be in so bad shape, the bullet had gone too deep. But luckily I'm very good at my job.”
If looks could kill, you should’ve been petrified after Jay's glare.
“Connor, you really don't know when to shut your mouth, do you?”.
“Y/N,” Jay spoke up “I'm not playing and I'm about to lose my mind. Tell me what the hell happened.”
You sighed, looking down at your belly as you recalled those moments of terror that seemed to have happened not long ago but at the same time, so long ago.
Jay noticed the way your free hand was shaking slightly and he felt guilty for raising his voice after the traumatic event you had suffered earlier that morning. “Sorry baby,” he said, caressing your cheeks and then giving you another soft kiss on your forehead. He held you as best he could, your head level with his stomach as he continued to stroke your hair, your cheeks, trying to calm you down. It was his way of saying he was there, that you were safe and never like then did you mentally thank Sylvie for calling him.
“It’s okay, I’m here now. Everything will be okay baby.”
God only knew how terrified you were, how afraid you were of dying, never seeing the love of your life again, never hugging him again and feeling him holding you, cradling and caressing you… Shit, this was one of the best feelings you ever had the pleasure of trying in your life.
You kept thinking over and over of those scary moments, the sound of those gunshots you knew would echo in your mind for far too long. No manual, no course would’ve ever prepared you for all this, you knew that being a paramedic would’ve taken you to places where danger was around the corner, but the adrenaline, the fear, that terror… No one would’ve ever been able to preparing for this.
You didn't even realize Connor had finished bandaging your wound until you saw with the corner of your eye he was getting up and collecting all the dirty gauze and other tools he had used. “I can't stress enough about the fact you don't have to exert yourself. You have to rest for at least a week, after that you can do some office work, but no work on the field until you’ll be able to move your arm.”
“Trust me she won’t. Thanks Rhodes,” Jay replied and Connor gave him a smile, then patted him on the shoulder with an ungloved hand.
“I'll leave you two alone.”
You tried to move you arm a bit but it was still numb from the local anesthetic. Jay sat on the edge of the bed, taking your free hand and intertwining his fingers with yours as his thumb stroked your back.
“You made me worry to death you know? I think I've died and risen a thousand times in the last hour.” He was the one who spoke first, but his tone was soft and reassuring. His free hand stroked your face, tucking a strand of hair that had escaped your ponytail, behind your ear.
“I'm so sorry Jay,” you mumbled back, feeling awfully guilty to see him like this, features contracted up with concern, eyes shining.
“You don't have to apologize, I'm just so happy you're okay,” he hugged you and you returned that hug, with your free arm. “God Y/N, I wouldn't have known what to do without you. I've never been so scared as today...” he kept talking “Don't ever do this to me again.”
“I was so scared Jay… I…” you stammered, trying to swallow the lump in your throat “I thought I'd never see you again…”
“Shh, it's okay. I'm here now and you're safe, I won't let anyone hurt you anymore,” he tried to calm you down even if he was feeling a storm inside. He was angry, furious, because he wasn't there to protect you, because if he had the person responsible in his hands he would’ve killed them with his bare hands, because he hated seeing you like that, scared, trembling in his arms. And he wanted to cry, cry so hard, because the fear he'd had of losing you was paralyzing.
Jay had never been in a situation where he’d even think you weren't next to him. To him it was like you were a superhero, immortal, that one way or another you'd always come back to him and he had taking all of this for granted. Reality had hit him full blown and left him breathless, making him lose the ground under his feet, the world collapsing around him and made him understand it wasn't like this, that fate was sometimes a bastard and that only event made him realize how important you were to him. Maybe even more than he could have ever imagined.
How much he loved you, for goodness sake, it was overwhelming. You were his whole world, and however absurd, ridiculous, cheesy, or over the top that might seem, Jay really couldn't live without you. It was a phrase he had told you so many times but in that particular absurd event it took on an even deeper and more real meaning and he really, really couldn't exist in a world where you weren't by his side.
And he didn't care how cheesy any of that sounded, it was the plain, simple, unequivocal truth.
“Baby you're choking me,” you muttered as he began to hold you so tight it literally blocked your breath. Your voice brought him back to reality, “Shit. Sorry, baby I didn't realize it,” he said giving you a kiss on the lips and you smiled at him, “It's okay.”
“Are you okay? Do you need something?”.
You shook your head, your lids suddenly feeling heavy. “No, just some rest.”
Jay smiled sweetly, looking at you with so much love and affection. “I know baby, I know. As soon as they prepare the discharge documents, I'll take you home and you can rest as long as you want.”
You nodded and the tender expression on your face made his heart explode. Had he already said how much he fucking loved you? “You'll stay with me right? I need you.”
“Do you really think I would’ve left you alone knowing what you've been through? I'll take the rest of the day off and, since I have a lot of accumulated vacation days, I’ll take the next few weeks as well.”
You smiled faintly. You didn’t want him to not go to work and felt selfish but God, you needed him so badly so you didn’t even complain. “Thank you love.”
“Do you feel like telling me what happened?” Jay asked, now impatient. You told him everything from how you were treating the victim, to the shooting and until help arrived. It goes without saying how furious Jay was when you finished speaking and how he looked ready to smash something against the walls.
“It's over baby, I'm really fine now, luckily they hit me on the arm and not elsewhere where it could’ve been so much worse. I'll get better soon, you know how these things go,” you tried to reassure him, placing your hand on his face and stroking his skin, a gesture that made him relax a little. “Please don’t be mad.”
“I’m not mad Y/N, I’m furious. You are the most precious thing in my life and I’d kill anyone for even touch a strand of your hair in the wrong way. Knowing you were there alone, that you couldn't defend yourself, someone dared to hurt you… I can’t even explain the rage I’m feeling right now,” he replied, the tone of low voice as your words kept echoing in his mind. “I'm so sorry my baby,” he caressed your face “My precious princess. I’m so sorry for not being there and failing to protect you. It shouldn't have happened, especially not to you. If something…”
“No love no,” you interrupted him, not letting him finish that sentence “Let's not think about that. I'm here now, you're here with me and that's all that matters, okay?”.
“I know, I know,” he replied. But they’ll still have to pay for what they did to you.
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foreverisntenough · 3 months
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Summary: You were his and he was yours but what would it be like adding one more? Thrust into a whirlwind romance you never could’ve imagined that became your forever love. You continue building a new life across the pond with a very beautiful Scouser. A sequel to the ‘You’re Mine’ fic.
Warnings: This series will contain fluff, suggestion, SMUT (unprotected sex,) pregnancy, parenting, mental health struggles, eating disorder, self doubt, body image issues, daddy kink, angst, alcohol consumption - not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: Thank you for reading! Please be sure to like, comment, or message me what you think of the series! Try not to nitpick with any real pregnant/ baby logistics it’s better if you just read along happily :)
Extra Extreme Warning! This chapter focus on mental health struggles and body image issues (depression and ed) It’s a little dark so if that is at all potentially triggering to you please be advised and do not interact.
Chapter 19 - Can't Do It Anymore | ‘Ours’
“I can’t do it anymore!” You screamed with tears running down your face. You were grown but you felt like a little girl. Your mum standing in front of you in your bedroom angry as she's ever been. 
“Stop! Stop it, We’re going.” She demanded. She was stern and not going to back down. It was the summer before you left for university. A fresh 18 year old eager to get away from the exact scene unfolding in front of you. Your mum was forcing you to attend a gala event she had every year. She was intimidatingly kind but often kept her feet firm in her way of tough love. You loved a good party, maybe a little too much but forcing a smile and talking about what your college courses would consist of next year to business men that stood too close and inappropriately inspected every inch of you. It was a secret to everyone but your mum and Winnie and even they pretended they didn’t know. The way the sheath dress hung off your body reflecting back at your mum in the mirror only amplified the skeletal arch of your spine.  
“Fine… you want me to go. I’ll fucking go.” You murmured brushing past her heading straight to the en-suite of your room. You chugged a liter of vodka you'd dashed under the sink and popped one too many of your prescribed xanax in an unprescribed way. You collapsed in the bathroom before you could make it out of the house, ruining your night, your mum's prized annual gala, and probably Winnie’s perception of you forever. She had gone to your bathroom initially to steal some of the new blush you had gotten. She was met with something entirely different; finding you laying on the floor. They rushed you to hospital in an ambulance.  
“She’s extremely malnourished.” The attending doctor spoke calmly to your parents outside the room in the corridor. Your dad’s gaze narrowing at you laying in the harshly lit room. Your mum’s face pulling into disgust and shock, offended the doctor could imply something like that.
“She’s just thin. Please.” She scoffed, taken aback that you could be anything but fabulously waift. She hated the way the doctor infered she had not taken care of you somehow. She had given you everything, look at you, you were gorgeous but the hospital gown wasn't exactly chic.
“Ann Marie… listen to them. She’s killing herself. Enough.” Your dad quipped. They loved you in their own ways; your dad thought of you like little girls, your mum as if you were her little dolls. Things slowed after the incident and there was a much closer eye on you. Your mum still pushed, your dad still pulled, and Winnie sat somewhere in the middle. You got relatively healthy, at least enough to pass on scales and keep the chaos at bay but things bubbled under the surface. Suppressing anything that may rock the boat of familial perfection. You and Lauren had just returned to Manhattan after a weekend out east at your parents when she found you in your own sick. Chase had come over the night you returned from the beach. You and Lauren lived together and she wasn’t keen opening the door to see him but he was handsome and a good fuck so she shrugged it off. It wasn’t really him exactly… it wasn’t him. Chase sucked no shadow of a doubt but you couldn’t blame him. It could’ve been any man.  It really could’ve been anyone but you just happened to fall into his terribly mean arms on one night you blacked out and found yourself waking up in his bed. The tectonic plates of the earth shifted, mentally handcuffing yourself to this awful person.
“Still the same for me?” He’d ask you ahead of coming over. He kept tabs on the size of your clothes, the condition of your skin, the way your hair fell. You didn’t eat all day and he fucked the daylights out of you that night after you confirmed you had kept the circumference of your waist just the same as he liked, anything to get him to like you. He shoved his cock down your throat until you were sobbing, he didn't like you, he liked the high of using you. “You want me to love you, Y/N? That’s all you want? Take my fucking cock and I’ll think about it.” He’d mock you, railing into you from behind. You hated that your body craved him. That’s all you thought about. How? How do you get someone like this to like you? Why did you want it so bad? You did it all for him with zero return except for the brutal fuck he'd deliver. Lauren called Winnie sobbing. She knocked on your door early the next day curious to see how the night went but you were there limp in your bed sick.
“Well she’s breathing right? Jesus Christ! What did you do last night?” Winnie screamed freaking out that Lauren had found you like this and yet simultaneously angry with you. This was the second time someone was finding you like this. 
“I don’t know I… I.. she was with fucking Chase last night… fuck!” Lauren cried. The problem wasn’t Chase, what you ate, or your mum, the problem was you. You did it on purpose but no one mentioned it to you. No one said it. Ignorance was bliss. You were discharged again and everything moved on. Texts from Chase still coming in oblivious to the state he walked out on you in despite Lauren’s barrage of messages to leave you alone. You just threw your phone off the bed feeling just the same as the days prior only now slightly  more weak. You curled on your bed just wanting it all to fade away until morning the broke, the annoyingly bright sun refusing to lend you the peace you so badly craved. Why did you want him to love you so badly? Did you really hate him or yourself for being with him. Either way, you just wanted to be loved, that was abundantly clear. You walked into your parent’s kitchen in an oversized t-shirt sleepily and groggy. They made you move back with them for a few months to rehabilitate. 
“Trent Alexander Arnold has pinned one in for Liverpool!” The echo from the TV in the connecting room blasting in the late morning as you reached up into a cupboard. 
“Get in! Come on” Your dad yelled cheering. His loud booming voice making you jump. He heard you fumble the glass of water you were trying to get yourself so he turned to you mid-celebration. “Y/N, you okay? Come watch with me. The kid I swear... He's amazing” He shook his head in disbelief at the goal just scored by the man who would eventually ask him to marry you. A glint flashed in your eyes. 
“He’s cute…” You mumbled to your dad coming over to sit with him analyzing the camera’s close zoom on Trent’s face. His lips curling into the same dimpled smile your daughter had now ricocheting around in your mind finding its permanent home to replay on a loop. 
“Talented.” Your dad corrected you as he looked on more impressed with the tactical skill than Trent’s looks.
“Sure” You rolled your eyes and pulled your legs up onto the couch. Wrapping your arms around your knees.
“About your age you know?” Your dad informed you. That was interesting. You wondered what Trent’s life was like? This stupidly attractive stranger on the TV. You were the same age crying over a pathetic Manhattan party boy last night. Your mind wandered and you began to wonder if Trent lived a life anything like Chase and all the other boys surrounding you; using looks and status to blow through girls and money on nights out. You cocked your head looking a bit closer at his eyes and you felt your heart involuntarily softening. Imagine if he was really really sweet. “How we feeling today?” Your dad intruded the delusions seeping into your brain. You hummed lost in your own thoughts. “Can’t even conjure up a lie for me today?” He laughed sympathetically and quietly turning to face you. 
“Nah.” You finally gave him half an answer. Your eyes fixated on the game now waiting for the camera to catch glimpses of the boy you might’ve just fallen in love with. What if he was nice?  What if he was nice to you? God, if he was nice to you you'd love him forever, and you did. He had a chock hold grip on your heart. 
“Want a beer?” Your dad cut your thoughts off once more. You furrowed your brow confused what he was asking you. 
“Dad?” You snapped out of your reverie about a person you didn’t know feeling stupid imagining a world you didn’t live in, you didn’t deserve that, and certainly the boy flashing across the tv wasn’t going to be the one to give it to you. 
“It’s 8 pm where I am right now.” Your dad laughed again dreaming he was back at Anfield’s stadium tonight instead of on your family’s couch. You hummed, finally wrapping your head around his sentiment. “Let’s go on your thanksgiving break.” He cooed. 
“To?” You turned your body towards him on the couch for the first time taking your eyes off the screen in minutes. You were interested in anything he was offering that might potentially whisk you out of your current place in the world. 
“To Anfield. You’ll love it” Your dad assured you. Loving anything right now felt like a cruel joke but of course you’d go.  8 pm under the floodlights of Anfield with the beer your dad wanted so desperately you watched admiring the boy who would end up being nicer to you than anyone ever had been. 
You changed for the match and you definitely didn’t look good. Winnie FaceTimed Teddy and Dianne for you as you rushed around your hotel room. You did the best you could to not burst right into tears looking back at the cutest face you’d ever seen in your life. The bright wide eyes gleaming mirroring Trent’s exactly seeing her mummy. It was wrong but you hadn’t even responded to any of Trent’s messages from last night yet this morning. You didn’t tell Winnie that. You couldn’t. You couldn’t answer all the questions he had and you didn’t want to answer any more of hers. Honestly, you didn’t know the answers to them. When you arrived at the stadium you prayed for some sort of invisibility shield. That wasn’t going to happen. You were radiating an energy that just reeked of misfortune, you felt eyes burning into you. Trent scanned the stadium for you before you had arrived. Seats left for you and Winnie empty while he warmed up. Marcel sitting there alone also awaiting your arrival. When the two teams lined up ahead of the anthem he finally clocked you. Trent looked fucking livid. You’d never seen him give that face to you. You started crying. You watched him shut his eyes in slow motion, his heart breaking in real time. Winnie squeezed your shoulder. You batted your eyes to try to clear the tears. Your view of Trent blurring then clearing then blurring again. Your heart aching painfully. Trent played incredible. It maybe was the best half of football you’d seen him play. It made you sick thinking maybe you had potentially been a cause for any dips in his form. That not having you around somehow made him better. The second half began. Only a few minutes passed before Trent rocketed home a shot from outside the box. The stadium erupted celebrating the goal and you never felt more silenced. He ran to the corner flag and swung at it with real fire. He screamed while his teammates engulfed him. Media and the crowd probably perceived the celebration as passion but you knew… Winnie and Marcel knew... Jadon who now walked himself into the middle of a horrible situation knew. You sat on your hands watching the game clock tick on. Jadon looked at Winnie and hinted for her to check her phone. No one was really talking between the four of you. It was so awkward. Winnie picked up her phone and nonchalantly tilted the screen away from you, leaning back in her seat reading Jadon's message.
‘Trent knows this is going on, right? He needs to help her, Win.’
Winnie sighed reading it trying to hold back the wave of emotion crashing over her. Of course, Trent knew. You were getting married. He knew everything, he just had never experienced such a low of yours in real time. It was easy to love someone when you only heard about their past. You can forgive them for something you weren’t even there for. Something you’d never had to have experienced. Trent loved you for all that you are but seeing you wither after the birth of your baby wasn’t on his bingo card. Liverpool won and Trent stood on the pitch hands on his hips staring up into the sky still while the team scattered around the pitch jumping in celebration. They won and yet he felt worse than ever.  Before the trophy presentation he ran down the tunnel. Marcel made you go with him down to meet him. God, there was nothing in the world you wanted to do less than face Trent right now. You made Winnie come with you for moral support. You saw him walk towards you. Full kit, sweaty, perfect, beautiful. You couldn’t believe he was at his very best when you weren’t with him, seeing him in all his glory at the very top and you at your very lowest. Producing a man of the match performance and you producing maybe the biggest fuck up or your life. You were in your own world of thought when his curt words cut you off.
“Where were you?” That was all he said. Cold, keeping his distance from you. 
“T…” you pleaded with your eyes falling into pools. Tears already gathering in your eyes. 
“No, where the fuck were you?” He snapped again. Winnie stood off to the side of the corridor. She didn’t know how to help. She felt horrible like somehow this was her fault. It wasn’t at all but she couldn’t help the guilt she felt having been at the club with you, having drank so much with you. She tried to help.  
“Trent, she was…” Winnie began to try to talk but that was not going to fly. Trent didn’t want to hear from anyone but you. This was for you and him to sort.
“Winnie, let her fucking answer. Where were you? Tell me.” You weren’t sure you’d ever heard this tone of voice. It scared you. You felt your bones shake. It was like you were being reprimanded in a principal's office except you weren’t. You were being reprimanded by your fiancé in front of your sister and friends, somehow making it all the worse. 
“The hotel, the hotel. I swear.” You started to hyperventilate. You were having a panic attack in the tunnels of Wembley. This was a fucking disaster. Trent believed you. He didn’t want to but he knew you. He’d know if you were lying. Your answer flooded out drenched in honesty and fear. You felt your chest start to contract and tighten. He couldn’t look at you anymore. It hurt too much.
“I have to go…” he sighed, running his hands over his head frustrated. He was almost annoyed  that nothing happened. He was wildly relieved you were safe and standing in front of him in one piece but annoyed he couldn’t pick one thing to harp on to decidedly be angry about. All this chaos for what? “I need to go be with my fucking team. Marce is taking you home.” He quipped pulling his jersey over his head revealing his stupidly hot body. You tried to distract yourself but it was hard, he looked really good. 
“What?” You asked utterly confused. What did he mean you were going home? Your mind couldn’t keep up with his. The visual stimulant of his naked torso, your blinding headache, and the noise from a rowdy stadium concocting into a right mess. 
“I don’t want you here.” He shut his eyes saying it. He hated saying it but he meant it. He had a hard time looking at you right now. He was so weak against you and right now he was pissed. He didn’t want to cave, he didn’t want to give himself any more time or opportunity to. The emotions rising in your chest swelled with the bile in your throat. It burned and it hurt. Your brain was completely scrambled. You couldn’t process that he just rejected you, turned you away. To be fair, everyone standing there was surprised.  Trent dapped up Marcel and Jadon and swiftly headed back out onto the pitch. Nothing more said, not even a goodbye. You were completely stunned and frozen in your place. Trent was determined to do anything to get you off his mind but everything reminded him of you. You were ubiquitous. Lifting the trophy was nothing but a burden. It was heavy, he was tired and disinterested. Proud of his team but disinterested. 
Marcel drove you home all the way back up towards Manchester and to say it was awkward was an understatement. You cried about 5 times. He’d just turn the music up a little more each time letting you fall apart. You didn’t want him to acknowledge it. He was doing it for both of you. No one really knew what happened, you included. It was one big blur but everyone knew in a way that you had gone awol last night so Marcel didn’t really have anything to say to you until you finally arrived to your house.
“Do you want me to stay? I don’t want to talk but I also don’t want you alone.” Marcel asked you as he pulled into your drive. It was quintessential Marce. He didn’t really want to deal with any of this but he was way too empathetic to just drop it all, no questions asked. He was still your friend, Trent aside. Although right now he felt more like Trent’s brother than your friend. 
“I’m fine. I promise. Thank you.” You lied blatantly getting out of the car and he knew it. You didn’t expect him to but he got out of his car to help you with your luggage. The bags you had filled with outfits you would no longer get to wear this weekend celebrating with Trent now. 
“It’ll be fine.” He gave you a hug and it was like his reassuring words broke the damn down. You began to sob heavily. He stepped back from you not surprised but he was upset that you were upset. He felt bad but he also was a little annoyed with you so he needed to let go. He dragged his hand over his face and pivoted without looking back at you. He turned around though when he opened the drivers side of his car. “I know whatever happened was a mistake, Y/N, but he does a fucking lot for you, ya know? I’m not saying you don’t but he really moves fucking mountains for you and sometimes… fuck.” He sighed looking at you defeated as you stood awkwardly at your garage door awaiting the dagger he was about to twist into you. “I don’t know, you just expect him to. Like you take it as a given, for granite.” You opened your mouth to respond. “I gotta go.” He shook his head and left before you could say anything. Cut to, Trent had finally returned home. It was tense and it was painfully uncomfortable for the fleeting moments before the highly anticipated fight erupted. The second he walked in the door you shuddered. You two stood a good 3 yards apart yelling in voices you never used in your kitchen. 
“You know what that would fucking look like if someone saw any of this?” Trent spat at you frustrated you didn’t understand the point he was trying to make. You had explained to him the extent of your night that you could remember. He was less than impressed but right now he sounded like your mum and it made you feel horrible. Thoughts of all of the times she scolded you telling you ‘what would people think.’ the image of her sat at the edge of a hospital bed appeared in your head. 
“Why do you care what it fucking would look like?” You snapped back at him more annoyed at the remembrance of your mum than him. The sting felt the same no matter whose mouth it was coming from.
“Because I care about you… Do you see yourself lately?  I know with the wedding and the baby it’s stressful but have you looked in the mirror lately? I know how often you’ve been weighing yourself.” The way he said his last sentence was almost threatening. Trent wasn’t dumb and you weren’t exactly trying to hide either. He saw the scale pulled out on your shared bathroom floor every morning. The measuring tape you kept tucked in your drawer just to make sure everything was ‘on track’ lingering after effects from Chase like scars. 
“I can’t fucking look in the mirror, Trent” You snapped and the flood gates opened. You started balling. It took everything in him not to just grab for you. Hold you. Fix this. Tell you it was fine except this time it wasn’t. Nothing was fine right now. 
“What the fuck honestly, I’m at a fucking boiling point. I can't do it anymore. You have a daughter, Y/N! Do you want her to grow up to be like you?” Trent shouted at you, really starting to lose his temper. 
“Do you? Do you want her to be like me?” You asked him incredibly, even more offended than his words echoing your mother’s. Your tears were blurring your vision entirely. You couldn’t make out the face you knew. The face you loved. The one that brought you so much comfort. Right now, your entire life looked to have a smudged haze over it all.
“Fucking hell, Y/N. Can you please not cry all the time?” He pleaded with you having a hard time keeping his distance from you. He was so angry with you but so conflicted with the affection he wanted to show you. You only stood on opposite sides of the kitchen island at the moment but you felt worlds apart.
“I can’t! I can’t do this anymore. It’s too much. This is all too much.” You were sobbing at this point clinging onto the lip of the marble slab countertop.
“No, I am not letting you do this.” He hated when you cried. Seeing you right now so upset made him sick to his stomach but pushed him past his normal point of concern into a state of rage. “Why do you fucking treat yourself like this!?! I don’t fucking understand it!” He continued to seethe with fury. He looked at you waiting for an answer. An incredibly deafening silence falling over the room. 
“Because I fucking hate everything about me. What don’t you fucking understand about that. You expect me to be this perfect version 24/7 but I’m not. I’m not!” You kept crying. “I’m sorry. Fuck! I’m sorry, I’m trying but I can’t be like you, okay?” You whimpered, feeling defeated and broken. It felt like you could never measure up to the golden boy that was in the room with you. No matter where you went or what you did he was always going to look sparkly and new, fantastical and interesting and you couldn’t feel more opposite. Having a baby completely ransacked you. You were far from new. You had been stripped of a sense of individualisation and identity. You were Teddy’s mum and Trent’s fiance. Y/N didn’t matter, anyone could fill in the blank of your name. The icing on the cake was the image you were trying to uphold all the while.
“Why do you always have to guilt me? I didn’t do anything here, Y/N, you did! You did this.” He snapped at you once more, moving to be a bit more accusatory. In a more mindful state you probably would’ve understood his reasoning but it just felt like a personal attack at the moment. 
“I step out of line once and it…” you tried to rebuttal but he wasn’t having it. He cut you off before you could even think of what your next word was going to be. 
“Out of line? Out of line? No, baby.” You heard him use the pet name out of habit and it sent a shiver running down your spine. That was not the way you liked to hear that word. After that, you had an even harder time keeping up with his words so transfixed on the snippy way he had said ‘baby.’ “You went missing and said fuck all untill I saw you in the stadium… you were in London alone. The mother of my fucking child, my baby.” Trent felt like he was about to start crying so he turned away from you dropping his head in his hands. ”My baby, my beautiful girl just fucking gone and you didn’t care! You didn’t care one bit” He whimpered a bit quieter than you’d heard him talk all day. You couldn’t get a word in fast enough before his anger rushed back. “God fuck… why do you not care!?! You not caring hurts me! It hurts our daughter! You can’t fucking do this!” He cried out. You were shaking. Your one hand pressed onto your sinuses attempting to relieve the pressure you thought was going to make your head explode. Your other hand’s nails were digging so painfully deep into your palm you were sure you were about to break the skin. 
“I’m not trying to hurt you! It’s me okay? I know it’s me. I’m shit. I get it. You’ve made that so fucking clear... that I’m not allowed to make mistakes. That I’m not allowed to falter from the caliber of excellence you live in everyday.” Your words fell into a slightly sassier sarcastic tone that made Trent twitch with anger but  then sadness crashed back over you dripping onto your next words. “I can’t handle the pressure T, I really can't. I know that you deserve more than this. You deserve to have someone so much better fit for you. and it's not me” You sniffled out. Your lip quivering, your mascara running. 
“I am done with this. If you fucking still think that I moved you to another country to be with me, I made a home for us here, had a child with you, that I want to fucking marry you is not enough. That's on you. Honestly, I’m fucking done. Have a good fucking time in New York tomorrow.  Don't stay out too late and maybe fucking try to take care of yourself because I’m done doing it for you.” He quipped storming out of the room.  You ran to the kitchen sink and threw up nausea hitting you instantly. Leaning over the deep farmhouse sink. He heard you and shut his eyes. He couldn’t turn back. If he did, he knew he’d cave.  You had originally planned to fly to New York again tomorrow but right now running the fuck away from all of this never felt like such a perfectly yet equally terrible idea. You already had your packed bags by the door the next day when Trent came down early, Teddy still asleep. You had slept in the guest room. Although ‘sleeping’ was probably a stretch. You just lied awake staring at the ceiling wavering in out of fits of tears. You couldn't say bye to Teddy, you didn’t want to say bye to him. You wanted to disappear and leave them so things would be better for them. It was for them you told yourself. Trent looked at you from a distance with a blank face. You bite your bottom lip trying so hard not to fall apart. He let out a deep sigh. He walked towards you and your whole body tensed. He wrapped one of his arms around your shoulder blades high on your back and pressed his lips to your forehead. The embrace felt so foreign. Tears began streaming down your face. “I hate how much I love you and I hate how much you don’t.” The way his lips felt on your skin almost stung. It was one of the most harrowing out of body experiences. It truly felt like that was going to be the last time he’d ever kiss you. That would be your last memory of his lips on you. He could feel how limp you were to his touch. He pulled away with his eyes shut and just let you walk out the door. His face fell. You couldn’t get any words to come out of your mouth. You couldn’t pick your eyes up to see him. He couldn’t understand but the pain you were in was palpable, thick in the room. It destroyed him to see you walking out of your house, your home. He tried so hard to hold it together. He tried absolutely everything he could but he fell to the ground. Crouching with his head in his hands. He began to cry. He felt weak and stupid but in the same way you felt that that may have been the last time together, he felt just the same. Suddenly it all scared him terribly that he had lost you, he had pushed you too far. You were his whole world but he had told you he didn’t want you around, he told you he didn’t want to take care of you. The feelings were still prevalent but it was like his heart was bleeding. He felt like he couldn’t breathe. He told you he hated that he loved you. You couldn’t wrap your head around it. A part of you yearned pathetically for him to try to stop you from leaving for this pointless trip. You felt your heartbeat slow to a point where you weren’t sure it was beating anymore.  Your chest hurt so bad it felt like your body might have begun to shut down entirely and with this emotional feeling you thought that it might be the only way out of it. Everything had drained of its color watching the door close to your home, your family, your baby, the love of your life shutting you out as your uber pulled away. 
Trent didn’t tell anyone how bad things really had gotten between you two. He was always private but he couldn’t talk about this. He didn’t tell anyone that his Hollywood film romance was crumbling before you two had even got to the altar. He knew if he told George, Marcel, Tyler, or Jude they’d try to fix it and he wasn’t sure he wanted to. He was so angry. He didn’t love you any less but he just felt helpless. When he went to bed that night he found himself staring at your Van Cleef necklace he’d given you all those years ago. The one. He got so angry seeing it, seeing you left it behind. It felt like a part of you was leaving him, like you had given up. He held it in his hands imagining your warm skin and delicate décolletage it was supposed to be laid over. He was so indignant. Emotionally charged he yanked the necklace apart, splitting it into two pieces. He felt sick. It hit him like a ton of bricks. He couldn't believe he just did that. That necklace was your relationship and he just destroyed it. He sat with the two pieces of chain, one in each hand. You two separated. 
You were terrified about leaving Teddy but you couldn’t do anything but leave. You couldn’t move. She would be better off with the loving stable Alexander-Arnold family not the disaster you felt you were at the moment. Dianne had her, well Trent did, but when he was at training she would make sure she was okay. You got to New York and didn’t tell a soul you were there. Not your parents, Winnie, or Lauren. You wanted to be alone. You laid in your new apartment on the king sized bed you’d never even had a chance to sleep in with Trent yet. It was the most chilling depressing way to be reminded he wasn’t with you and that he didn’t want you with him. Did he want it all to really end? You were replaying your last conversations over and over analyzing every word he said and inflection of his voice when a Daily Mail article notification dropped down from the top of your phone screen. 
‘Trent Alexander-Arnold seen out on a date in Manchester with a mystery women ahead of his previously planned summer wedding. Has the American dream come to an end?’
Your face fell. You were pretty sure all the air had left your lungs, your brain short circuited. You zoomed in on the photo only inflicting more pain on yourself. You’d never seen the women in the photo in your life. She had curves and a full figure but still slender in all the right places. She looked like if Instagram was a person. You looked… not like that. A confirmation published globally echoing every thought you’ve ever had. You were not what he really wanted. This was all too good to be true and you were never going to measure up. The thought of him with someone else made you sick. The thought of another woman making him smile was somehow worse than anything else you could’ve possibly seen. He was holding the door for her, dimples deepened in his cheeks, his glowing smile mocking you. He hadn’t smiled at you in days now but that face from the tv was burned into your memory. You were a mess. You couldn’t cope without him. You felt completely lost. You felt like you were a missing person when you weren’t with him. You thought you were going to be sick the longer you stared at the images. You ran to the bathroom. You slipped on a rug and smacked your face on the porcelain toilet. You leaned over the toilet and vomited but you simultaneously could make out the drops of blood dripping off your face onto the seat through your hazy vision. ‘Fuck’ you cursed under your breath. The tears falling from your face dropping down to join the rest of the releases.
You sank into the warm water filled to the brim of the bathtub in your apartment. For some reason that had become your place of habit during whatever chaotic episode you currently were inhabiting. You slipped down into the water, letting the full bath completely cover and engulf your body. You closed your eyes. You could feel yourself crying but you couldn’t tell submerged in the water. You couldn’t believe what just happened, what you had lost in days time. Bubbles rose to the surface of the bath as you opened your mouth and screamed repeatedly underwater. When you emerged from the bath you were gasping and coughing excessively, somehow getting air to your lungs even more difficult now than when you were under the bath water. The tears returned now racing down your cheeks as you sobbed. You wanted out. This is what was best. Just get out, that's what was on your mind. You slid back under the water once more. A rage filled scream muffled by the water filling your mouth. Words repeating in your brain ‘please just get me out of here’ ‘give my baby a better mum than this’ ‘let Trent find someone perfectly matched for him.’
“Hey, you good? What’s up?” Lauren answered a call from Marcel. It was a little odd for him to call her. Naturally her curiosity peaked. Was he in New York? She felt like you would’ve said something if he was. They were on good terms but he was also well aware that she was with Jude now so she didn’t think he’d try to push to hang out now. Her intrigue only growing. 
“Hey, you’re in Manhattan?” He asked hesitantly, also feeling fairly weird about this call but he needed someone to check on you. His anxiety had been piling up over the last day or so. Lauren didn’t even know you had come to New York. She was shocked to even hear that let alone the next things about to come out of his mouth. Again, you just wanted to get out of Liverpool. You’d told no one. It had been a little over a day since you had arrived. You didn’t reach out and you hadn’t heard from anyone back at home either. Well, maybe from Marcel and Dianne but you had selfishly and unfairly chosen not to respond to either. Really, you were fixated on the fact that most noticeably you hadn’t heard from Trent. You canceled any of the appointments you had planned to attend for wedding planning opting to rot in your bed in hopes of achieving escapism. 
“I need you to go and check on Y/N. Trent said she flew to go over some wedding stuff but she hasn’t responded to me. He hasn’t either to any messages. Something is going on with them. There was this big mess before the match this past weekend.” He rambled on frantically trying to explain best he could but really emphasize that he just needed Lauren to find you and make sure you were fine, why didn’t really matter. She was confused to say the least. Even when you and Trent had stupid bickering fights she’d still hear about it. Yet this? This.. she didn’t hear a peep and this was far different from bickering over who forgot to unload a dishwasher. Lauren agreed, remembering that she had a key to your new apartment in Manhattan in case someone needed to get in when you weren’t there. You might’ve been there physically at the moment, but you were far from being there mentally that’s for sure. Lauren hurried the fastest she possibly could up to your apartment, the urgency in Marcel’s voice making her incredibly nervous. Her worst fears fueling her speed. She unlocked the door and walked inside only adding more confusion and fear to her scrambling brain because your phone's location had said you were there but the apartment was empty. It was quiet until she heard water in the bathroom. You opened your eyes beneath the surface of the water in a moment of desperation trying to stop overthinking what you were doing only for you to find yourself gasping and in taking a ton of water when you saw Lauren’s figure blurred above the water beside the bathtub.You didn’t have a moment of time to even react before Lauren frenziedly reached into the full tub and yanked you out aggressively immediately wrapping you in her arms over the ledge. Your soaking wet naked body drenching her dry clothes. She dragged your very limp body out. 
“Y/N, what the fuck is going on!?!?!” Lauren screamed, starting to uncontrollably cry. It didn’t look good. You felt so young again saved by Lauren once more. You blinked your swollen eyes trying to clear them of the water blurring them. You slumped back onto the cold side of the tub on the bathroom floor. She shook your shoulders trying to get you to come to and answer her. She was absolutely terrified and rightfully so. “Okay, okay. Jesus!” She ran her hands over her head in panic and shock. “You’re gonna be fine. I’ll… erm… I’ll call T.” She rattled off trying to think what to do. She knew that’s what this was about.  
“You can’t!” You attempted to scream at her but you didn’t even have any strength left shaking from the shock and from the cold air hitting your wet skin. 
“Shit…” She cursed. Laurens chest started heaving. She was trying her very hardest not to fall into her own panic attack finding you like this. “Why, Y/N? Why?” She tried to be sensitive but she was angry for finding you like this.
“He ended it. He’s done…” You whimpered out devastated hearing each word fall out of your mouth. You felt like you were going to throw up imagining life without him.
“What do you mean he's done? You’re getting married so soon. Just try to relax here.” Lauren asked, perplexed because Marcel said things were off, not that you and Trent had split. 
“No… we’re not, okay? Just shut up, please!” You wailed. Heartbroken by the reality of what was all setting in now. Not only what was going on between you and Trent but the situation you had just put Lauren in, the way you left your daughter, the state you were currently in. Tears cascading down your face with no sign of stopping any time soon. 
“Hey! Enough. You’re not doing this.” Lauren scolded you demanding you cut this shit out immediately. She stood up stoic as ever just staring at you.
“You sound just fucking like him.” You screamed back at her dropping your head back behind you feeling incredibly dizzy. You wiped at your face, unable to stop the emotions flooding out of you.
“Y/N… no. We’ve done this. You’ve done this over really shitty things. This is and will not be one of them. You’re not doing it. Get up!” She continued to yell at you sternly commanding you with a scowl on her face. You looked at her confused that she was angry at you. Everyone was angry at you and the only thing that could possibly make it better was rewind time to go be back in your bed at home with your daughter and Trent but that was miles and miles away and probably not likely to happen again. Lauren made you stand up with her help on shaky legs, forcing you under freezing cold water for a moment in an effort to practice some sort of distress tolerance. She sat on the edge of the sink as you stood with tears falling at the same rate the water did from the shower head. She didn’t trust you right now to leave the room. You got out and wrapped yourself in a towel and sat yourself on your bed shaking. Yes, you were cold but also just riddled with so much anxiety. You couldn’t believe you had ruined everything. You had everything you could ever want. You sat there for a long while trying to explain the situation to Lauren through several breaks unable to calm your breath. Although your story probably was a little one sided as you really only relayed the more harsh things Trent had said. ‘I don’t want you here,’ ‘I’m done with this,’ ‘I’m done taking care of you.’ And then of course, you had to show her the Daily Mail article that only ignited another panic attack to crash over you. You were having heart palpitations. There was a laundry list of reasons you probably should’ve gone to the hospital but at the moment you couldn’t move your body and sadly, you didn’t want the help. “He’s not done with you…” Lauren whispered softly, helping you lay down in the big bed taking your phone from you, clicking the power button and watching the screen illuminated with the photo of Trent and the women go black. “He’s really upset, Y/N, He’s allowed to be. I’m sure a lot of it was said heat of the moment but you fucked up and he’s concerned but he’s not done. He loves you more than frankly I ever knew people could love each other. I know he isn't done.” She cooed with a sad sympathetic smile. She looked next to your bed on the bedside table and saw your engagement ring in a little jewelry dish. “Please put this back on, please.” She put the ring back on your finger where it belonged for you and kissed the back of your hand before wiping a falling tear. You took it off because it was making you nauseous that he had promised you a life and you accepted it only to destroy it all. “He’s not going anywhere, I am not going anywhere, and Y/N, you…you are not going anywhere. You are here and we want you here.” You could hear a tremor in her voice as she sat next to you rubbing your back. You weren’t sure when the last time you slept was so you passed out finally feeling her warm comforting touch on you. You were fast asleep when Lauren got up and called Jude from another room. She roughly explained the situation, she didn’t speak too much about you and Trent’s kick off because she didn’t think she had the full story yet. She began to cry when she relayed the terrifying situation she had just gone through arriving at your apartment. Jude was shocked, gobsmacked, massively concerned but more so helpless listening to Lauren sob over the phone. He didn’t know how to help from where he was. 
Back in Liverpool, Tyler had come over to your house to talk to Trent about some end of the season things they needed to get squared away. He sat with Teddy bouncing her on his knee as they had a unnecessarily tense conversation. 
“Yo, what’s with you?” Tyler quipped looking at Trent confused. He was being particularly snippy with him and all his brother was trying to do was his job. Trent didn’t need to be such an asshole to him. 
“Ty, I’m losing her.” Trent sighed scrolling on his phone zooming in on your location to make sure he knew you were at the apartment he had gotten for you at least. He didn’t have the courage to text or call you yet but he needed to know where you were. 
“What are you on about mate?” Tyler asked, incredibly confused. Marcel had mentioned a tiff at the game but like everyone else around you two there never were any really big squabbles so this was definitely a bit of a surprise. 
“I can feel it, bro. Since we had Teddy all this stuff she warned me about, things she had dealt with when she was younger all started flooding back. I always knew like from the day I met her, she wasn’t like the most confident person in the world but since she had the baby she’s just not the same. I hear her get up in the middle of the night, I see her not eating as much, she’s sleeping way more and I can’t do anything. There’s nothing to say even. She’s like a shell of herself, bro. I’m terrified.” Trent expatiated at length but vaguely touching on the slow decline you had been on postpartum. 
“I haven’t seen it to be honest.” Tyler responded hesitantly tilting his head slowly trying to rack his brain to think if he had noticed any shifts in your behavior. 
“That’s the fucking problem. She’s fooling everyone. It’s fucked. Like I get it she looks good. She always looks good, she’s perfect but it’s not right. Something's not right and I’m getting worried. I was absolutely fuming after the final and I just didn’t want to talk to her to be honest but then she left for New York… and…” Trent rambled half ass explaining the situation at hand but leaving out the part that you two hadn’t spoken since you walked out of the house. 
“Well you love her, you can’t just dip because it got hard.” Tyler was very quick with his response. He wanted to make sure Trent wasn’t trying to jump ship considering at the very moment he was holding the child you shared.
“I’m not dipping. I’m never fucking leaving her. It’s just such a mess. It felt like it went 0 to 60.” Trent dropped his head back onto the couch cushion in despair so confused and conflicted on what he was supposed to do next.
“Well, first off, good. If you’re gonna marry her, you’re buying into all of it, mate. It’s not your responsibility to heal her of something but it’s your responsibility if you really love her to get her to the people that can if she’s not willing to do it herself. You love her and she’s the mother of your child and if she can’t see that… you need to make sure you do everything you can to show her there’s no other possible feeling there but your support.” He looked at Trent with a lot of sympathy but Tyler really was starting to worry about you. His brain switching gears from the assistance to his younger brother to a growing anxiety about the girl he picked up from the airport and never left all those years ago. He started to remember little things here and there, comments made or small actions that felt like nothing at the time but maybe cumulatively he should’ve caught on. 
The next day after Trent had a big think, he remembered that one of George’s cousins ran a clinic in Liverpool so he figured he could start there. He asked George for her number and she agreed to meet him happily willing to help. He at least wanted to learn what options he even had. He wanted to know a simple answer of what he was supposed to do but he knew that wasn’t the reality.  The photos of their meeting hit you like a ton of bricks. You thought he was seeing someone else, taking your night out and spitting it back at you. Showing you he could disappear just the same and rub it your face simultaneously. That wasn’t the case at all though. He wasn’t thinking about her in that regard in the slightest; the only thing he could think about was you, you 24/7. Unfortunately, he wasn’t aware of what was happening in your apartment at the moment which probably wouldn’t have given him much peace of mind. Ignorance was currently a mild form of bliss until he got home seeing he had a missed call.
After Lauren spoke to Jude she texted Marcel updating him in a fuzzy but still transparent way. She didn’t think she could handle another call after the emotional one she had with Jude. Eventually, Lauren mustered up the courage to call the one person she knew she had to… Trent. Her legs bounced in anxious anticipation but he didn’t answer her call. She felt her stomach drop. Maybe things were that bad. Maybe he really was done. He couldn’t be, she’d kill him, so she told herself she’d call once more but after that if he didn’t pick up, if he didn’t want to talk then she would resort to getting Dianne’s number from Marcel. This couldn’t go on any longer. She didn’t want to press but this needed to be sorted. Trent picked up the second time she rang but didn’t say anything once he answered for a little while so Lauren didn’t say a thing either. The line was silent until Trent's desperation outweighed any anger he had been harboring.
Thank you for reading! Please like, comment, or message what you think of the chapter 🤍
Next part - Chapter 20 xx
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lovinbarzal · 2 years
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jack hughes x fem! zegras sister! reader
summary: in which jack and y/n break the only rule that trevor gave them.
a/n i love hockey. and the players. also ava doesn't exsist in this </3 sorry ava ily i swear!
masterlist part two
I found a love, for me. Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
"Jack's gonna be here so I need you to be gone." Trevor blurted. The three Zegras siblings were watching a movie in their living room.
"What the hell?" The girl exclaimed.
"I can't have you here, you're so embarrassing!" Trevor was quick to defend himself but was doing a shit job at it.
"Trevor, I live here. Where the hell would I go, you stupid fuckhead?" Y/n looked to her twin brother with her arms crossed.
"Anywhere but here." Trevor shrugged.
"Trev, you can't kick her out." Griffin stated making Trevor let out a groan. He, as well as Y/n, knew better than to argue with Griffin.
"Fine but you better not make goo-goo eyes at him." He turned to Y/n, "I'm serious."
Y/n scoffed before they all turned their focus back to the movie. What the hell was supposed to be so special about this Jack?
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet. Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
"I'm apologizing in advanced for my weird-ass sister." Trevor turned to Jack. The two teenage boys sat in the back of the 'Zegras Mobile'.
"Trevor Zegras, do not call your sister weird and don't say ass." His Mom scolded.
He held his hands up in defeat before turning back to Jack.
"And if you don't find her weird, you can't have her. She is off-limits to my friends." He said as Jack nodded.
"Trust me, Trev. This week is supposed to be about us not about your sister." Jack reassured.
"Good but I'm still serious. Do not fall for my sister." Trevor said seriously before Wildest Dreams came on. Trevor sang along...loudly.
If Trevor was weird like this than his TWIN sister would have to be way worse? Right? Jack thought to himself.
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Y/n rubbed the sleep from her eys as she walked down the stairs. She was wearing one of Griffin's old shirts that fit oversized as well as a pair of Trevor's pj pants.
She didn't notice the extra boy sitting at the table until she went to sit in her spot that had been taken by the mysterious boy.
The two made eye contact and it was almost instantly that they felt something. The moment was quickly interrupted by Trevor.
"Jack meet my gross and weird sister, Y/n. Y/n/n meet Jack." Trevor introduced as he poured himself more cereal.
"Hi." Jack said as Y/n stood awkwardly.
"Are you just gonna stand there like a loser all day or...?" Trevor questioned with a mouth full of cereal in his mouth.
"He's in my spot." The girl said looking at Trevor in disgust.
"Go sit next to Griffin." Trevor dismissed.
"Oh no. I can move." Jack said trying to move from his spot.
"No!" She exclaimed a little too loud, "I mean, it's ok. I can just go eat my breakfast in the living room."
She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before stealing the box of Fruit Loops from in front of Trevor. Who tried to snatch them back only to be to slow. Jack watched the whole thing go down but he kept his gaze on her.
Maybe not falling for his brother's sister was gonna be harder than he thought.
But darling, just kiss me slow. Your heart is all I own and in your eyes, you're holding mine
Y/n was currently in the living room watching TV when Jack came in to the room.
"Hi." He breathed out with a smile which she returned.
"Hey. Uh, where's Trevor?" She looked up at him from the couch.
"He's taking a shower and I got bored in his room." Jack answered honestly. Trevor was showering and he was bored but he was also hyping himself up to make a move. He told Trevor and himself that he wouldn't but his stay was coming to an end and he needed to get it off his chest.
The two stayed silent. Not an awkward silence but more of a who was gonna make the first move silence. It was Jack.
"Look, I'm gonna be honest. You're so beautiful and perfect. I've only known you like 6 days but they've been the 6 days of my life just because you've been in them. I know Trevor told me and probably you that we weren't supposed to fall for each other but what the hel-" He was cut off by Y/n standing from the couch and placing her lips on his.
I have faith in what I see. Now I know I have met an angel in person and she looks perfect
She looked perfect was the only thing going through his head when they pulled away.
"I like you too." She said with a sly smile before yet another moment was interrupted by the one and only, Trevor.
"Jack?" Trevor called from up the stairs. The two stood with wide eyes as they were brought back into reality.
They kissed. How were they gonna tell Trevor? They won't right?
They can't.
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tomblythismyhusband · 9 months
hoax [ coriolanus snow x fem!district!reader ] P.2
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[summary]: coriolanus snow x fem!district!reader | part 2 | after your meeting with Coriolanus the previous day you try to live your life, moving on from it.
[warnings]: this series is 18+, smut will be in future parts, this chapter is pretty tame, kissing (not with coriolanus), alcohol
[wc]: 1.6k
[note]: coriolanus is barely in this chapter but i’m just trying to set up the story ok?!?!? this fic will definitely ramp up to 1000% in the next chapter
**Part One Here**
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Your stomach still twisted with anxiety when you woke up the next day.
“You're safe y/n. You're safe.” You thought to yourself.
Your gaze flicked to your sixteen year old sister, Rosemary, who slept peacefully. Thank god she was safe too.
You got up slowly, pulling the covers off of your drowsy body. The cold air hit you and you shivered. November as always a reminder that the worst was to come in December. Months with no food, no warmth, only pain.
You sighed as you got up, massaging your neck gently. You could still feel Coriolanus’ grasp on you. It was unbearable.
You walked over to the window of yours and Rosemary’s tiny bedroom. You pulled open the curtains and let out a sharp gasp.
Snow had fallen?
You heard Rosemary stir from across the room. “What is it y/n?” She mumbled, rubbing her eyes.
“It… snowed last night.” You said, still in awe at its earliness.
At hearing your words Rosemary jumped up and was instantly by your side peering out the window with you. Her eyes were wide, her lips pulling into a smile.
“I love the snow! We should go out today.” She said excitedly, grabbing your hand, turning to you.
You sighed. “I can’t Mary.” Her hand felt warm in yours, comforting even. “I have to work in the bakery today.”
You worked as a pastry maker at a local bakery in the district.
The job was torturous.
Every day you slaved away making bread that you couldn’t eat. It was painful, the hunger clawing your stomach as you worked made it tempting to steal just a single loaf. You knew that you’d probably be beaten, or worse, fired if you did so. Sometimes you could take the scraps of moldy or stale bread but the opportunity was rare. Your boss hated you for whatever reason. He seemed to like making your life a living hell.
Rosemary nodded when you spoke. She had expected this answer. “I hate that you have to work, you don’t deserve to.” she said sadly.
You gave her a small smile. Your grandfather was way too old to work in the mines and you were only 20. You took the task of caring for your family upon yourself. It was your duty.
“It’s ok Mary.. I don’t mind.” You said quietly. You hoped that your sadness didn’t shine through your expression.
She nodded looking down. “Well let’s go get breakfast then.” She said in a sigh. Neither of you knew if there would even be anything to eat.
You both made your way out of the bedroom, down the hall to the small kitchen. Rosemary perched herself onto one of the rickety wooden chairs as you looked in the ice box.
There wasn’t a lot. There were a few moldy pieces of fruit. You had to go shopping soon. You sighed. It seemed as if the list of things you had to worry about just kept getting longer and longer.
Food, snow in November, work, and that damn peacekeeper Coriolanus.
You slammed the icebox shut and turned to Rosemary.
You were about to tell her that you would have to bring food back later when someone burst through the back door.
Your heart swelled when you saw Ben’s smiling face holding a brown paper bag in his arms. Oh how you loved him.
“Ben, Hi!” You said rushing over to him to throw your arms around his neck in a hug. With seeing him you couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt for your interaction with Coriolanus yesterday. He wrapped his arms around you, quickly melting your worries away.
“Hello y/n.” He smiled as he tried to hug you and hold the bag in his hands. You pulled away, grinning.
“What are you doing here? It’s so early.”
Ben walked over to the kitchen table, placing the food on it gently. Rosemary’s interest peaked as she stood to peer inside.
“Brought you guys food. I know you’ve been so busy lately, love.” He grinned watching Rosemary dig through the bag, excitedly gasping as she started to pull out its contents. Dried fruit, jerky, bread, and a small amount of sweets.
You watched in awe. “Ben.. Oh my god you didn’t.” You rushed over beside your sister, looking at all the loot. If you played the cards right this food could last you a week.
You turned to Ben, giving him a kiss. “I love you.” You smiled as he pulled you closer.
“How did you afford all this?” You whispered into his ear.
“By working my ass off in the mines, taking any job I could...” His brown eyes met yours. “I want to be there for you. You and your family are my number one priority.”
You felt giddy at this. You kissed him again, earning an annoyed “get a room” from Rosemary.
Once you broke apart you started to put all the items away in their respective places in the kitchen. You listened to Ben happily chatting with Rosemary about little things like school and whatnot. You enjoyed the sight of them sitting at the table conversating, it made you feel like he was family.
You felt good. You felt cared for.
Your eyes flicked to the clock. It was 9AM, the time Coriolanus had directed you to meet him. You felt a pang of anxiety shoot through your nerves. He wouldn’t do anything. He can’t.
You glanced at Ben’s face watching him chat away with your sister. The sight made you feel more comfortable.
Coriolanus couldn’t touch you, you were protected.
Once you finished putting away all the items in the bag you strode over to Ben, sliding your hands around his neck from behind him as he sat. He turned his head to look up at you, smiling.
“I can’t thank you enough honey.” You sighed, placing a kiss on his cheek.
“Anything for you.” He sighed looking up at you.
“Ugh you guys seriously are the worst.” Rosemary giggled, causing you to pull your gaze from him.
“You're just jealous.” You teased, letting out a chuckle.
Ben let out a long sigh and started to get up from the chair. “Well… I should probably get onto work.” He stretched his arms over his head.
“Here let me walk you outside.” You said, smiling. He said goodbye to Rosemary, adding that he hoped to talk to her soon and grabbed your hand as you led him outside.
The cool air burned your skin as you stepped out. You stood with Ben on the porch, pulling him into another kiss. “You made my week, I hope you know that.” You whispered.
Ben flashed another charming smile, brushing the brown curls from his face. “I’m glad.”
He then pulled you closer. “Also… I was thinking..”
“Oh?” You said, holding back a giggle at his sudden seriousness.
“How would you like to go to the Hob with me tonight? A good band is playing, there will be dancing, drinking… you deserve a break. It should be lots of fun.” He seemed eager to hear your response.
I let out a puff of air. “I don’t know…” You sighed. You hadn’t been out in a while. Maybe it would be nice.
“Please?” Ben said in an urging tone.
With one look at his brown eyes you folded. “Fine.. see you there at 6?” You smiled.
His face lit up and he kissed you again. “Six sounds perfect.. until then.”
With that he walked off into the cold, leaving footprints in the fresh snow. You felt warm inside.
Coriolanus could never take care of you like this, not like you wanted him too.
He was a man full of empty promises, he probably had forgotten about you.
You really hoped he did.
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Six rolled around sooner than you anticipated. You had rushed home from work, to try to make yourself look at least a little special for the night. You found an old red lipstick that you swiped across your lips. Rosemary commented that it made you look sophisticated which made you laugh.
You fluffed out your hair while gazing into the mirror. Your grandfather laid asleep on the couch like usual as Rosemary grabbed your coat.
“He’ll love it.” She smiled, helping you into the thick garment.
“I haven’t gone out to have fun in so long.” You sighed. The only places you would ever go were work, home, and your forest spot. It would be nice to really get out, to have fun.
You kissed and hugged Rosemary goodbye, leaving her under the watch of your Grandfather. Not that he would actually watch her… his days consisted of drunkenly sleeping all day. But you know Rosemary could take care of herself.
The icy wind whipped around your face as you exited your home and trudged down the road to the Hob. Thankfully it wasn’t far from where you lived.
You came upon the entrance, pushing through the doors into the loud, and dim atmosphere.
You pulled off your coat, searching around for Ben. Finally your eyes spotted him in a booth in the corner of the venue. You weaved through the crowds of people to reach him.
“Hey!” You said loudly over the music, as you approached the booth. He looked up at you and flashed you a grin. It made your heart melt knowing how excited he was for tonight. You scooted into the seat opposite of him, placing your coat on the table.
“You look beautiful y/n.” He said, leaning in closer. You blushed, your red lips pulled into a smile. “Thank you..”
He kissed you from across the table, you enjoyed the taste of him. You then pulled back, blushing.
You were in the mood for a drink. Your eyes searched around the venue and landed on the bar. You smiled at Ben. “Want me to get us drinks? My treat.”
He nodded, grinning. “A beer for me.” You nodded and got up, telling him you would be right back.
You went back through the crowds of people and reached the bar. Little did you know that a pair of eyes were watching your every move.
Blue, cold eyes.
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Did you get a request for fluffy Baron? Cause if not... May I request something just really cute and fluffy? Like maybe reader and Baron all cosy on his couch (like we see him in the movie) and they are eating ice cream, and drinking soda and just giggling about silly things, and he keeps stealing kisses from you?
hi hi! I did not and i’m so happy you did 🥹 ugh i love baron so much bye.
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Cooldown Kisses
“I done watched all of these before, there’s a guy with a funny hat and he takes the kids up the mountain. I don’t know what he does with ‘em up there but -“
He rambled on, ice cream coating the entire lower half of his face as he looked at the tv screen. As he spoke, the cartoon played a rickety old man in a cowboy hat taking a mining cart of wailing children up to the top of a canyon. I’d tuned out a while ago, more fascinated by the man cross-legged on the couch next to me. The curtains were drawn, but there was still a hazy orange glow around the room from the sunset outside, paired with a dim glow of the table lamp.
It had been a long day, I’d been doing voluntary work around town; crocheting with some of the old ladies on the street and keeping them company. On my way to the next residents home, I felt somebody poke my shoulder. Spinning round to see who it was, I saw Baron smiling widely on his bicycle as he held out a small package. “It’s for 5175, know you’re going there next.”
I took the package from him, his hand gripping my wrist and pulling me towards the handlebars. He’d leant over them to kiss me, almost falling off as he put one leg out to balance himself. “That’s better, I can work harder now.” He’d said with a grin as he pedalled away.
It was boiling hot, sweat forming on my brow as the crochet hook kept slipping from everyone’s clammy palms. But I’d made some kind of small crocheted coaster regardless, little lady Pat complimenting me on the needlework. I’d given her a sticky hug before telling her I’d see her tomorrow, desperate to get home to the goofy postal boy I’d only seen for a minute.
Here we were, a junky metal fan doing reverse psychology on the two of us as it blew hot air around the room, sitting on either end of the couch to try and get cool as the sun set. Ice cream was the only suggestion left as we gathered scoops and scoops into bowls, but mine had melted.
“You just wasted a good four dollars o’ strawberry swirl, hon.” Baron said suddenly, drawing me out of the trance I’d had on him. I looked down at the pink soup I’d unintentionally made in my bowl before looking up at him with a smile.
“Could say the same for you, darlin’, you’re wearing about two dollars of vanilla around your face.” His tongue darted out around his mouth, searching for any leftovers. But he was missing tragically. I shuffled over on my knees, sitting back on them next to him on the couch as he looked up at me with his silly big brown eyes.
“Want me to help you save money?” I giggled down at him, stroking his hair away behind his ears. He nodded, his mouth dropping open in that cute, dumbfounded way. Eda coughed a little, drawing both of our attention until she sighed and stopped. Turning back to each other, Baron’s hands gripped my hips, pulling me onto his lap before very quickly pecking my lips and taking me by surprise.
“You done got a pink nose now. Like ice-cream Rudolph.” He mumbled, looking over my face and then back up to my eyes. I giggled at his comment, my thumbs running over his sticky cheeks gently. I pulled his face closer to mine, but just as his eyes fluttered closed I stuck my tongue out, messily licking ice cream from across his chin and nose. He fought me off, chuckling and trying to hide his face from the attack.
“Problem solved, no more wasting that strawberry swirl.” I said proudly, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. Those twinkling eyes looked at me with awe, though I didn’t know what was so entrancing about the blob of strawberry ice cream sitting on the tip of my nose.
With gentle hands, he pulled my face down closer to his before kissing the strawberry ice cream off softly. “See. Don’t have to be so goddamn violent about it.” He grinned, pressing his lips to mine.
“I was not violent. I’m just trying to get cool and save dollars, Baron.” I chuckled against his mouth, as his arms wrapped around my waist. The humidity of the room suddenly didn’t exist, just the taste of strawberry and the feeling of him. Minutes of kisses passed by, before he pulled away and looked me in the eyes.
“Yeah so, now the funny old man pushes the cart back down the mountain but the kids ain’t in there no more. Somethin’ ‘bout the silence used to give me the jeebies.” He spoke out of nowhere. I looked over my shoulder to see exactly what he was describing on the TV, rolling my eyes as I pulled his attention back to the cooldown kisses again.
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lightmelodyva · 5 months
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-Haruka's Takeda Route-
Later that day, it was time for dinner. They were all in the common room. Chizuru was sitting next to Harada, Nagakura, and Heisuke. Haruka was sitting opposite of her with Saito and Okita. Of course things can’t be quiet at all. Nagakura was trying to steal Heisuke’s food.
“Hey! Shin! That’s mine back off!” Heisuke yelled as he tried to keep Nagakura from reaching in.
“Well, I need it! I’m a big guy! I need more food!”
“And I’m still growing so find some food somewhere else!”
The two stared at each other intensely. Chizuru just gave a small strained laugh at the sight. Haruka just sighed. “Seriously you two…Can’t you just eat your own food?”
“You’ve been here three months and you still aren’t use to it, Haruka?” Okita grinned.
“Shut up, Souji.” Haruka stared at him, but he kept grinning. She then turned back to the scene in Front of her. “Shinpachi! Leave Heisuke’s food alone and eat your own damn food! Do it again and I’ll make your portions smaller.”
“Eh!? Haruka! How can you be so mean!” Nagakura said.
“Then stop going after food.” Haruka said deadpanned.
Heisuke just grinned. “You heard, Ka-san~ Stop taking my food.”
Chizuru couldn't help but smile at their interactions, the Shinsengumi basically felt like a huge family. Harada, noticing her smile, leaned over and grinned.
"Sorry, they are this way."
Chizuru shook her head. "I'm slowly getting used to it."
Haruka glanced at Chizuru. "Just don't let them influence you too much, Chizuru."
Okita decided to add some chaos by teasing Chizuru. "You know, you should smile more, Chizuru-chan."
"H-Huh?" Chizuru was caught off guard.
Okita just leaned a bit forward. "You kinda got this mopey vibe about you lately. But when you smile it's kinda uplifting." He then grinned a big smile. "I don't mind if you smiled all the time in this place. Get's boring with all the serious stuff Hijikata and Haruka do all day."
Haruka sighed. "Souji, leave her be. Not everyone needs to smile like a maniac." She then proceeded to look pissed off as she held her cup in one hand and hugged her knees. "Seriously, Hijikata-san and Sanan-san left me in charge of you idiots like I'm some babysitter."
Saito took a sip of his tea. "That's because we listen to you."
Haruka's eye twitched. "Saito...That includes you too! Don't make me count how many times you get distracted by a sword shop on rounds!" Saito just looked stunned for a minute as a faint blush appeared on his face before clearing his throat.
"T-there's no need for that, Shinomi-san..."
Chizuru couldn't help but giggle at the exchange during this eventful dinner. Haruka noticed Okita and Harada were just drinking and not eating. She took a bite of her food before speaking again. “Sano, Souji, can you please eat tonight and not just drink sake?”
“But I’m alright with just a little Sake..” Okita said.
“Yeah, I’m alright with just this, Haru.” Harada added on.
Haruka sighed. “I didn’t want to do this..” She looked over at Nagakura. “Shinpachi, if you’re really that hungry, I’m offering those two plates since they don’t wanna eat. Just leave Heisuke’s food alone.”
Okita and Harada were both stunned at her words. Nagakura's eyes lit up. "Really, Haruka!?"
Haruka just looked done with everything. "It's better than wasting the food. Go ahead." Nagakura then quickly took both of their trays over to his side. Usually, they would fight over the food protectively but Haruka was already at her limit with their antics.
“Damn..Your a different kind of scary than Hijikata..” Okita said.
Haruka just moved her eyes to Okita. “What was that, Souji?”
“Nothing~” Okita grinned. "Just enjoying this sake." Haruka just shook her head before picking up a piece of fish and eating it.
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Westopolis Dystopia part 1
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Intro Post | Next | AO3 Link And so it begins. Project Shadow, our protagonist, is over at Amelia Rose's place. All of a sudden Amy's cousin, Rob, runs in with interesting news he heard about some new changes the Eggman Empire is doing and it kick starts a new adventure.
Shadow thought he knew a lot of things, his mind wanders constantly as he walks down the smoke filled streets of Westopolis. Yet no matter where he goes, it senses a heavy feeling down his spine.
He’s never seen a calm day in his life and even less so in a world like this, recalling the days it all went down and the few months that came afterwards is rather difficult for him. All he knows is that he’s painted as a threat, a misfit. The question to be asked is.. Does he even care?
No. No he doesn’t.
Until… recently…
“Guys, everyone! gather 'round. Pardon the rapid intrusion yet I hast important tidings that I gathered from when I was out and about!” Called out a green hedgehog in a hood with a cybernetic bow and arrows on his back as he quickly opened the door, setting down his weapons and pouch by the same door he came through.
“Huh? What’s going on, cuz?” Spoke a pink hedgehog named Amy who had been sitting on the couch of the small home, cleaning her hammer.
“HEY! Pipe down, you don’t have to scream about it!” Said a semi frustrated echidna named Knuckles who had been eating in the kitchen while listening to music.
“Oh calm down dear, what Rob has to say is probably better than your aspiring rap career.” Those words came from a bat in heels named Rouge with very nice clothes and makeup who walked up to the echidna to just mock him.
The only quiet one of the crowd that were present in the room, was a black hedgehog, our lovely Shadow who was mentioned before, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, pointy claws and a long tail to accompany it. All it did was lift up his head and look in the direction in which the chatter and yelling came from. He was only there because the bat had forced it to tag along. Something about ‘Not being an emo loner’, whatever that means.
“I be sorry if my intrusion made ye all argue. I but doth say that this is actually revolutionary information I hast gathered and it’d be best if I could tall ye as soon as possible.” Rob said as he adjusted his hood once he walked to the center of the living room.
“Eeh, don’t be sorry. You know that this is a very normal and calm reaction from everyone” The pink hedgehog giggled a little after saying that. “Especially from Knuckles” She also pointed out as she made a small sign to the echidna in the kitchen. Causing him to push out his chair and stomp his way over to where the two hedgehogs were.
“I’m not deaf you know, you could have just told me to come over here and not be a dick about it” He complained as he looked over at the pink hedgehog who made the snarky comment prior, who’s reaction to this was just to laugh a little.
As the pink hedgehog and the equidna bickered, the bat swooped in and sat on the couch with grace as she laid down slightly leaning against the arm rest of the couch with her legs crossed on the ground, one boot in the air as she got comfy.
“Settle down now you two, you’ve kept the poor boy waiting. If this is as dire as he says it is, then we probably should listen instead of picking on one another.”
The equidna and the hedgehog looked at Rouge and nodded. The equidna lifting up to fingers and making the typical ‘I have my eyes on you’ signal to the hedgehog, who just rolled her eyes and sat beside Rouge.
“Thank you kindly m’lady. As I was trying to say ere. Wherein I was out and returning from mine time of stealing riches, I befell to hast overheard some talk towards the outskirts of the Empire’s base…”
“Ooh this just got interesting, hmm~” Said the bat as she was listening to Rob speak.
“What the hell is he yappin’ abo-” Interrupted the equidna before being bonked on the head by the pink hedgehog.
“ 'Twere a couple of guards speaking about how there shall be some supposed changes 'i this land. I couldn't hark much details, yet I didst understand that there shall be some kind of alliance going on 'twixt the Empire and another group of not so pleasant people. Whom they are? I hast  not a clue. Yet I doth wot that they are not from hither”
When the green hedgehog got done talking about what he saw, Shadow got up from leaning against the wall and walked over to where everyone was gathered around.
“Alliance? And no names?”
“Ah! Yes that is correct. And I be not allowed to up and ask 'em for further details.”
“AN ALLIANCE? You have to be kiddin’ me! Those dirtbags are up to no good and the situation has already been hard recently” Shouted the pink hedgehog as she wasn’t pleased with this news.
“Calm down sugar, we can’t do anythin’ if you’re all riled up”. A sudden voice responded as a cyborg bunny wearing a cowgirl hat walked in. Everyone turned around upon hearing the lady speak.
“BUNNIE!” Amy cheered as she got up and hugged the person who just walked in.
“Hey hey, careful there little lady” replied the cyborg bunny as she hugged the pink hedgehog. She then patted her on the back and started walking to Rob.
“I couldn’t help but overhear some of your conversation, so you know about this hidden alliance that’s going on behind the scenes?”
Rob was caught off guard by the fact that Bunnie understood that so clearly, mostly because Bunnie never understands him, so she must know something. “Correct, I overheard a conversation today as I was fleeing the place where I got today's riches. We hast no names of whom the alliance is with though”.
“Funny thing ya say that bucko… Because I actually heard that it may be the Black Arms alien race.”
As soon as everyone heard those last words come out of Bunnie’s mouth, everyone was left shocked but the one who was the most stunned by it was Shadow.
“You’re telling me that..”
“Mhm. I ain’t sugarcoatin’ it one bit. Your species has returned to make our life even more of a livin’ hell.”
Shadow clenched it’s fist after hearing Bunnie say that, as much as he wanted to just go and punch her in the face, he knew that it shouldn’t because it would make the situation worse.
“Thank you for your brutal honesty and damned opinions, but I have nothing to do with them and I thought I had disposed of them.”
Bunnie crossed her arms and tapped her robotic foot on the ground as she stood there staring at Shadow. “Well, if ya did then why are they back? Answer that.”
The mood in the room started to sway as the conversation started to get heated. Everyone but Bunnie and Shadow were left sitting there in silence.
“I’ll be real, I don’t fucking know! I killed off their leader, they should be all dead and burning in the pits of hell, they can’t function without a leader!” Shadow yelled as he raised his fist a little, his claws starting to tear his gloves slightly, other than anger, he felt something more profound in it’s heart as he said that.
This is now when the bat got up and decided to intervene, walking up behind Shadow and resting her hands on his tense shoulders.
“Hey…” She said as she looked towards Bunnie. “Cut the bullcrap, I understand your frustration, I feel the same way, we all feel the same way, even Shadow. If he says he isn’t on the side of the Black Arms, then he is not. Alright? We’re not getting anywhere with stupid fights.”
Bunnie put down her arms and sighed as she faced down, before looking back up at the bat and alien hedgehog. “Right, I apologize for gettin’ myself carried away. I don’t trust you, but that doesn’t mean I get to be mean about it. It’s just stressful.”
Shadow just groaned and moved Rouge off of him before turning around and heading towards the door.
“Shadow-” Rouge said as she reached out for him after seeing it’s sudden actions. Shadow just looked at Rouge and walked out the door, slamming it from behind. Bunnie sighed and put her hands on her hips as she shook her head with disappointment. “What troublesome times. He’s gonna throw an adult temper tantrum while we sit here and suffer knowin’ that those aliens are gonna use us for food.”
“That’s enough Bunnie.” Said Rouge as she turned back to look at the cyborg bunny. “If all you’re going to do is stand there and be an adult bully, then I’m leaving too. If this is all true, I am better off spending my time preparing than having to teach you a lesson about bullying.”
Bunnie looked up at Rouge with a face of annoyance as she watched her also walk out the door and then fly away.
Everyone else who was gathered around the living room was just sitting there blinking.
“Wow. That was something.” Said the pink hedgehog as she pushed herself upwards on the couch. “Say.. How did you even get that information anyways?”
Bunnie turned to face Amy after hearing that, lifting a hand up with a finger out to poke her own cheek as she spoke. “Uhh… I know a few folks who gather information about the government’s plans and stuff.”
Rob, the hedgehog in the hood, who had been sitting there quietly for a while now took a minute to look at Bunnie and then back at Amy. He then lifted up a hand and spoke. “But dear cousin, lady Bunnie hath mentioned ere about these groups of people. I also associate with 'em from time to time, one of 'em is a lady by the name of Relic Lapis”
Amy sat there thinking for a moment, she hadn’t known of the existence of such a group before hand, probably because nobody wants to associate with her, she then lifted up her head and answered. “Huh… Interesting.”
Once again, Shadow was left wandering the streets of the city, left alone with his thoughts that taunted him every minute and the heavy emotional pain falling down his spine.
“AAUUURGHH” A ‘schkhrouching’ noise was heard as the alien hedgehog scrapped his claws against metallic jugs in the alleyway, only to then kick said metallic jugs that were scratched.
He stood there, breathing so heavily you could see his chest moving and his eyes glow slightly, like an enraged monster. But he then calmed down and just stared at his dark reflection in the now banged up metal. Shadow lifted one of it’s hands and face palmed himself as the hand moved down from his face.
“I have to get myself together…
Nobody can stop them but me….
But why are they back…? How… How are they back…?”
Shadow said to himself as he looked out from the entrance of the alleyway, looking up to see the huge building from afar that was the Empire’s main building, where the leader of everything resided. “Whoever you are… I will find you. That’s my mission.”
And just like that, the alien hedgehog walked back into the alleyway, returning to the place in which he stays to plan out how it will proceed with the new objective he has in mind.
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Would you mind doing a one shot there Annie has a rough day like really rough 🥺 and andy does everything in his will power to make her comfortable including waking up in the middle of the night from back pain from the baby so he gives her a massage and the one thing leads to another and things get spicy 🥵 please 🥺🥹
I love this series please don’t ever stop! I’ll still support and read. Btw I’m a silent follower never really done this hope this message gets to you 👉🏼👈🏼
I can do that! I took me a while to answer cuz I had work to do.
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: Annie is having a rough day and she take out her frustration with Andy.
Warnings: crying, cursing words, pregnancy syntoms, sex, Andy.
A/N: none.
Word count: 2109
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
GIFS not mine, you can find the credits in each gif :)
One of the things Andy never liked about Annie, (yes, believe it or not he doesn’t like things about her), was when she shut down because something bother her. She got moody and in general just stop talking. And no matter how many times Andy has told her he was there for her, she kept doing it.
Today was one of those days. Her maternity leave began 2 weeks ago and Annie woke up only to realize her belly had grown more. She had an early doctor’s appointment, she changed, stood in front of the mirror and she looked huge; she couldn’t even see her feet.
“Good morning, honey!” Andy said cheerfully as he walked in to get changed for the day. He had just showered, so a towel was the only thing on his body. Of course he looked good, Annie could see his abs because he was not carrying a child on his belly. Annie turned to see him with hate in her eyes. “Ok, no good morning then.” He got closer willing to give her a kiss but she just dodged him. “Alright… so, you want me to come with you to your doctor’s appointment?”
“But what if the baby show us if it a girl or a boy?”
“Argh! That’s not gonna happen! If it hasn’t happened yet, it’s not going to happen now!”
“Hey, I haven’t done anything to you, I just asked a simple question there’s no need to be so bitchy!”
“Fuck you!”
Annie left the room, went downstairs and left. Jake walked into the room carrying his lunchbox and his backpack. Andy was sitting on the bed already putting his socks on.
“Mommy leave me.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll take you to school.”
“She upset again?”
“It’s gonna be a long day, buddy.”
And it was. Lunch wasn’t any different. Annie didn’t cook and when Andy asked why she yelled at him and told him he had hands and he could cook himself. After that she went straight to their room and stayed there for the rest of the day.
Andy didn’t get near her until it was time for him to sleep. He walked into the room and saw his wife drifting off hugging her pregnancy pillow.
“Wanna talk?” Andy said cautiously but Annie ignored him completely and closed her eyes. “Good night.” He sighed, got himself comfortable and went to sleep.
It has been 3 hours since Andy turned off the tv and began snoring. Annie was fully awake, she was hungry and in so much pain. In fact she has been in pain from the moment she woke up. It was a small sting on her waist but now it was full pain. She turned and sat on the edge of the bed trying her best not to wake Andy up. She stood up, only to realize she couldn’t stand up straight.
“Jesus.” She put both her hands on the back of her waist and went downstairs to the kitchen to make something to eat and at least calm her hunger.
She grabbed everything to make a sandwich, sat on one of the stools and prepare her food. Once she was done she proceed to eat it. After she finished of course she got thirsty, but when she tried to reach for a glass a sharp pain hit right in her waist, sending some sort of electricity through her spine, her knees buckled and the scream that came out of her mouth was loud enough to wake up the entire neighborhood. She was in all fours on the floor when she heard the footsteps of Andy running down the stairs.
“Honey!” He rushed to the floor, “You ok?” Annie shook her head avoiding his sight, “Is it time?” She shook her head again, “Baby, talk to me.”
Annie turned to see him, cheeks covered in her tears, “My back hurts so bad.”
“Do you think you can sit on the floor?” She nodded and move to be sited against the counter. She took a deep breath and turned to see a very worried Andy. “I’ll help you get up. You think you can do that?”
“I don’t know.”
“Ok, I’m gonna sit behind you and help you stand.” He put himself between the counter and her. Put his arms under her armpits and made her stand.
“FUCK!” Annie yelled as she felt the pain again.
“I’m sorry.”
“It hurts real bad.”
“On my waist.” She lifted her top and pointed the area. “I’m too tired.”
Andy moved his hands under her very prominent belly and lifted it. Annie sighed in relief when she felt the weight being lifted off of her.
“That feels so good.”
“Yeah?” She nodded as she leaned against her husband’s chest. “Can you try to walk to the living room? I won’t let you go, I promise.”
“Yeah.” She gave two steps as Andy kept lifting her belly from behind her.
“Good, you’re doing so good, baby girl.” Annie waddled to the couch; her little penguin walk, as Andy called it, was heavier than the days before. Andy moved to be in front of her, took her hands and help her sat down on the couch. “Be right back, ok?”
Andy came back a couple of minutes later, carrying a warm towel and some baby oil. She noticed how Annie was drifting off again.
“Honey?” She opened her eyes, “How long have you not been sleeping properly?”
“A week.”
“What? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Cuz you’re tired too! You still have to go to work!”
“Honey,” He sat next to her, “We are in this together, if you are not sleeping you need to tell me.” Annie didn’t say anything, “I hate when you don’t tell me what’s wrong. When did the pain start?” Andy move her shirt up and placed the warm towel on her waist. The heat began to bring comfort to her muscles.
“This morning. I thought it’ll go away. I thought it was because I slept in a wrong position, but then the doctor said it was because of the baby weight. To be honest I’m so uncomfortable lately, I want this to be over and it makes me feels like I’m a horrible woman because everyone says I should enjoy my pregnancy but I feel so fucked up!”
“Well, all of those people can go fuck themselves, ok?” Annie smiled to that, “If you are miserable, it’s fine!” Andy moved on the couch to be behind her, “Now, you think if I give you a massage the pain will go away?”
“I honestly don’t know.”
“Let’s figure it out,” Andy put some baby oil on the pal of his hand, “lift the back of your shirt and hold it there.” Andy’s finger began to rub gently above the towel. His long fingers went from her waist, across her spine and to her ribs.
“I’m sorry I was a bitch today to you.”
“It’s ok, you were in pain.” He removed the towel and began rubbing on the waist.
“Oh god! That feels so good!” She leaned to the front as Andy kept rubbing.
It wasn’t long before Andy fingers went under her sleeping shorts touching her butt cheeks.
“You have like a bump here.” Andy pressed one of his fingers on her left butt cheek.
“I think is your sciatic.” Andy rubbed harder and Annie winced, “Maybe if you take your short off I could…”
“How convenient.” Annie said and Andy laughed.
“I mean it, you want the pain go away or no?”
“Fine!” Annie stood up and pulled her shorts down, she was not wearing underwear. Andy put the towel on the couch and she sat on it. “hehe my ass is gonna be warm now.”
The massage continue for about 5 minutes and it helped a lot. She felt sore but not in pain anymore. Andy’s fingers were still rubbing softly on her back when she let herself fall against his chest, she turned to the side and smile at him.
“Thank you.” She leaned in and gave him a peck.
“You’re most welcome.” Andy kissed her back, softly at first, but then Annie put her hand on the nape of his head, mouths open and their tongues dancing. Andy’s oily fingers got under her shirt and to her breast.
“Mmmm.” Annie moaned against his lips when Andy pinched her nipples. Andy broke the kiss and move his lips to her neck.
“You need another kind of massage?” Andy asked her in a husky voice.
“Yes, please.”
“Ok, relaxed and open your legs.” Andy rested her back on his chest, bend her knees and opened her legs. Andy’s hand went south and using his middles and index finger rubbed softly her slit. “My, my, you already wet.” Andy moved his fingers up and down her slid without touching her clit. “What were you thinking while I was massaging you, naughty girl?”
“Liar.” Andy nip her ear and his fingers rubbed her little button.
“Oh! Yes, there.” Andy moved his fingers to her entrance rubbing it as well making her whimper.
Andy couldn’t see her pussy but he could fell her.
“I bet she looks all pretty right now, wet and raw just for me.”
“Andy, please!”
“What’s wrong baby?”
“Can you put your fingers in me?”
“So polite, of course I can, but I won’t, not yet.”
“What? Why not?!”
“I wanna keep playing with her.”
“No, please, don’t tease me.”     
“No?” Andy rubbed her clit faster and then stopped. “Ok.”
“No! I was about to cum!”
“You say no teasing.”
“Andy, please!”
Andy stood up and kneel in front of the couch, dark lustful eyes staring down at her pussy.
“See, all pretty!” Andy didn’t give her a warning before he latch to her pussy like a starve man.
“FUCK!” Annie throw her head back. She could feel his lips sucking her clit and lapping at her hole. “Oh god! Yes!” He began to tongue fuck her. His warm tongue getting in and out of her wet entrance. Annie touched her boobs feeling her orgasm approached, “Yes! Just like that! Please, don’t stop!” Andy could feel her pulsing hole on his mouth. “ANDY!” her hands took a hold of his head and keept him on her pussy. A gush of liquid came out of her and directly to Andy’s face. “FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!”
Andy’s tongue kept licking her pussy as Annie came down form her height. When he turned to see Annie his beard was drench.
“Oh my god. Andy, I’m sorry, I ‘ve never…”
“I know!” He kissed the top of her clit, “It was amazing.”
“Oh, yeah.” He stood up and throw his boxer briefs across the room. He stroke a couple of times, “you think you can do that again?”
“I… I don’t know.”
Andy climbed on the couch and help Annie to get on her side. He lifted her leg and position himself in her entrance.
“Let’s find out.” She was so wet Andy slid in easily. “Fuck, you feel so fucking good.”
 He gave no warning and he wasn’t in the mood of been soft with her. He pounded hard into her, his balls hitting on her ass. Annie’s moaned filled the silence, “You like that?”
“Whose pussy is this, huh?”
“Damn right is mine.” Andy’s hand went to her clit and as he thrusted into her and rubbed it fast, “oh I can feel you squeezing me, baby.”
“Andy!” He didn’t stop, in fact he moved faster, “Please!”
“One more, baby. I know you can. Come on!” As soon as Andy said that she came again, her pussy contracted against his dick. “FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!” She milked her cock and he spilled his seed inside her. Andy took a deep breath and kissed the back of Annie’s head. “Do you think you can sleep now?”
But Annie didn’t answer. Andy moved to see her sleeping already, H laughed a bit but couldn’t blame her because he also felt exhausted. He stood, put his boxers back on, and took Annie in his arms to bring her back to their room.
By the time he walked into the room and placed Annie next to her pregnancy pillow the clock on his bed side table was marking 5:20 a.m.
“Maybe I should shower already.” He said softly.
“Don’t go to work.” Annie said in a sleepy voice. “Stay.”
Andy smiled, slid on his side of the bed and kissed Annie on the forehead “good night, honey.” One more kiss, “I’ll be here when you wake up.”
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pbandjesse · 4 months
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I had a really nice day off. I got to hang out with Jess and then hang out with James. This was a good day.
I got home last night and was up for a while. I took a shower and hung out on the bedroom floor for a bit. I would get in bed and put on a video and eventually fell asleep.
I woke up at 9 to a text from Jess that she woke up late. But she still thought she would be able to get to the meeting point at 1030. I wasnt in a rush so I told her not to worry and to just let me know.
I would get washed and dressed and felt so cute today. A good feeling. I had a little time and would vacuum the frog tank. It's fun to see the new froggies personalities come out. The one is so inquisitive and has a sweet little face. The other is a little more nervous but is quick to come out for food. It's very cute to see. Plus seeing omelet being way more active. It makes me happy.
I would switch purses. Which was my downfall. Because I forgot my entire wallet in my backpack purse. Oops. Jess would just pay for everything today and I had James venmo her. I felt so dumb when I realized when we were in the cafe. Not the worst mistake but still! Felt silly.
I wouldn't notice that for a while though. I left the house and put on a podcast and enjoyed the 45 minute drive. I would get stuck behind a truck and would change my ETA by a few minutes. But I still arrived at the meeting spot at 1030.
I parked right next to Jess! Who had just pulled in. I was so excited to see her. Big hugs and immediately talking talking talking.
We walked to the vintage cafe and it was a little busy but we sat down right away. The food wasn't the best. But the waitress was really nice. She wanted to know all about my tattoos. Me and Jess ordered egg dishes. And we talked about all our work dramas and stuff in our lives. It was great.
Jess went to sue the bathroom after we finished eating and this is where I realized I forgot my wallet and felt so bad. I apologized and she was like. It's fine! I still felt bad because it is so not like me. I did have my id and my emergency $20 bill in my phone case. So I wasn't completely without but man. It stressed me out.
We would leave there after paying and walked to the antique mall. This little town has so many antique stores. We would stop in a more curated vintage shop first but mostly just to look. We talked. I told her about some things that have been weighing on me lately. And we talked about our upcoming cruise. It was a lot of fun.
We got to the antique mall soon though and we had way to much luck. Jess would get a lot of really amazing pieces. Strawberry jars and a ceiling lamp, baskets, gifts, a blanket rack. So many more things! I was a little more particular and choosey. I did love finding things I already own. I just think that it is a really fun to see. We would even find two of my exact duck lid baking dish and so Jess would get one that matches mine! Amazing.
I would end up getting a wicker/ratton sconce for the stairwell, a solitaire diamond (fake) pendant necklace, a textured accordion wall rack, a glass lion, and a basket purse. And specifically the necklace and the purse are things I have been looking for online for a while now! So this was a lot of fun and I felt super good about my purchases.
I also just had a lot of fun looking at weird stuff. Joking with Jess. Having fun. Being silly. She kept finding bird stuff that she loved. I would tease her about spending to much money. It was all very silly and fun.
We would cut two of her choices to bring the total down a bit. But we still spent a good amount. But a steal for what we got. I was proud of us.
They would pack everything in boxes for us. And we would make two trips to get everything in the car. I gave Jess some clothes I had brought for her to try. And once we had gotten everything in the car we decided to go get drinks and go sit by the water.
We did get drinks. But we did not sit by the water. Jess got an iced mocha, I got an iced chai. And we walked towards the bay but the bench we found was right in the sun and it smelled like a dead animal down there. So instead we just walked around the block and back to the cars. We decided that we would go home now. A nice few hours together. It's never enough time but I'm just really glad we did this. Hopefully we will be able to do things more this summer.
I was pretty tired on my drive home. The sun and heat did take it out of me. But I got home safely. And brought my things inside.
I opened the backdoor for Sweetp and did some cleaning. I would take some breaks to lay around. But mostly I was just taking care of stuff around the house. I hung up the accordion rack in the bathroom. I put things away. I cleaned a little. I had the Roomba going. Ruby continues to try and clean the patio. I would go outside to fix the catio because the screen had come off a little. It was nice hair doing little chores.
I was going to start making jam but we didn't have enough sugar. So once James would get home we would go get more.
I would chill on the couch for a while. James would come home around 5. They would go take a shower. And I would gather myself. And soon we were out the door for our evening plans.
Our first stop was to go to Michael's. To buy beads that match each other's eyes. It's a trend on TikTok and I just think it's so sweet. Yesterday was our 6 year anniversary (we don't actually remember what day we officially decided we were dating so we just sat it's the first) so this was our small celebration. It was fun holding up different beads to try and match eachother. Getting the correct shade for James was tough. They have a little more green in their blue then you would think. But I am happy with the tones we chose for each other. We got stretchy string, paid, and we were off.
We went to target next. And absolutely should have gotten a cart but we just did our best to carry all of our things. We did a really good job sticking to the mental list we made. We absolutely should have written the list down. But I don't think we got anything but we could have more efficient.
We paid and went to the car. I had seen a broken chair in the parking lot and James would pick it up for me to add to sweetp's enclosure for climbing purposes. And then it was dinner time.
We went to five guys. The cashier complimented my hair. And we had our little dinner. It was nice. I was just really enjoying being with my James.
We went home and brought everything inside. I played with sweetp for a little bit pretty soon we were building our bracelets. We did struggle with the beads being a little small for the stretchy string. But we worked together to make our very cute bracelets. James had to restring mine when I didn't make it long enough to tie. And I would go find super glue to finish them. And I am just really happy with how they turned out.
I would make a little TikTok and James would finish some podcast editing. And once we were both finished our little tasks we would jump into making jam.
I crushed up all the berries and James would work on the adding in of sugars and mixing once it boiled. I hope it sets up well. We ended up with 7 jars!! I am hoping we can make thumbprint cookies this week. Maybe some other things like hand pies. The house smells really nice.
We have been hanging out in the couch since then. Just a little cuddling and watching videos. But James was getting really sleepy and they just went upstairs. I am going to join them soon.
We have the day off tomorrow. And no real plans. So James is going to make us crepes for breakfast and we are going to do house tasks. I'm excited to just have a nice day.
And I hope you do too. I love you all. Goodnight!!
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broadswordandpistol · 4 months
A Tale Once Told
[Context: Alvin owes Aeris, the maskmaker, a story for crafting a mask that he gave to Chilion, the Lake Entity, to enable Chilion to manifest on his own. This story is his payment. Edited slightly so that it's only the story.]
Something personal, huh? That was tricky; so much of Alvin’s life required context. He folded his arms and mulled over the request for a long moment, then found himself a seat on the same wall Aeris was seated on.
“When I was a kid, my mom was sick,” he began. “Not the easy stuff like a cold or a fever. There’s a degenerative disease that runs on her side of the family, and after too many twists of fate, she ended up bedridden. I was only about twelve, and my dad had passed away six years earlier.
“She and I were living with my uncle at the time. He … took advantage of her, let’s leave it at that. Her doc at the time came up with an idea for getting her mobile, and I’d have done anything he wanted to get her away from my uncle. So when he said he needed the biggest spirit fossil anyone could find, I told him I’d come up with it.”
“Her doc had moved to Leronde not too long before — wanted to get away from —“ He paused. “It’s complicated. Luckily for him, and for me, Leronde’s renowned for its mines, and the spirit fossils in the depths of them. They’re not the safest places — full of monsters. I don’t know if he thought I’d try to buy one or something, but I was saving every coin I could get my hands on. If I got Mom away from my uncle, I’d have to support her on my own.
“So I went in on my own. It’s not too hard to sneak when you’re a pint-sized kid. I followed some miners and hid whenever they looked like they were gonna turn around. It was dark down there, and creepy from the tap-tap-tap of pickaxes somewhere in the distance. I kept close on ‘em as best I could. They had the light. Even if I’d wanted to steal one of my own from the supply area, I couldn’t use spirit artes to light it.
“It was going okay until one of those giant worm monsters shot out of the ground and tried to eat me. I say giant — not the big one that Leia told me about that she and Jude and Milla fought. One of the regular ones, but to a kid, they feel enormous.”
Alvin shook his head. This was a story he’d never told anyone — not even Jude. Especially not Jude. If it got back to him later, he might piece together the extra parts of the subtext Alvin wasn’t sharing. It might be all right if he did, at this point.
“I’m pretty sure I yelled. Definitely took a potshot at it before it knocked me down. Don’t ask why a kid my age had a gun. You don’t want to know. The miners heard me — either the yell or the bullet or both, and managed to scrape it off me before it did any permanent damage.
“Then they had to decide what to do with me. They couldn’t ship me back in the minecart on my own — no guarantee I’d stay there, and for all they knew someone else would dump their ore on top of me. They settled on keeping me around until they were done for the day, though they weren’t too happy that I couldn’t keep their lanterns lit or send the orecart off on my own. One of ‘em was certain I was lying about that, and he made it pretty clear more than once.
“At the end of the day, he was the one I pickpocketed for the biggest spirit fossil I could get my hands on."
Alvin dragged a hand through his hair. “You can imagine I went pelting into the doc’s office as fast as twelve-year-old legs after a day of hauling buckets of ore could go. The doc seemed impressed enough with the fossil, at least, but he refused to do the procedure until morning. Looking back at it now, I get it, but I sure didn’t then. I spent the entire night awake, imagining what it’d be like — being able to take my mom somewhere else, having her able to get around on her own.
“I sat outside the waiting room tied up in knots the next morning, after the doc took her in. Waited, waited, jiggled around, waited some more.
“And then … “ His voice caught; his eyes closed, and he swallowed. “And then she screamed."
“The silence after that was deafening. I threw myself at the door. Locked. Rattled the doorknob and yelled. It was a minute before the doc let me in — didn’t realize it at the time, but he must have been stabilizing her. “She didn’t look good. The doc told me she didn’t take the aspyrixis well — the device that would help her walk. It caused so much pain that she’d passed out almost instantly. He’d already taken it off her, and it was sitting in a box nearby.
“He told me — there was nothing else he could do for her, or for me. And in no uncertain terms that it’d be best if we went as soon as I could move her. My uncle wouldn’t take lightly to her being missing.
“She woke, then, and called me over to the bed. Mom was still sane back then, most of the time. She told me, “You tried your best, Alfred. We’ll find another way,” and kissed my forehead.
“I think that’s the last time I cried.”
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lumine-no-hikari · 5 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #116
I'm sleep deprived again. It's been a lot of consecutive nights now. I'm sorry about that. I know I keep asking you to take care of yourself, meanwhile, I'm dropping the ball on myself. I'm not sure when I'm going to be able to get it together though, given all the things that have been happening lately. It's hard to string a coherent thought together, but I'm gonna try to write to you anyway; we all deserve someone who thinks about us enough to reach out, and it doesn't look like you have anyone like that, so… I might as well try. Even if I don't feel well, I'm still gonna try. Hopefully it'll do.
Br made breakfast for us today! She cooked us some eggs! She brought ones that came from a local farm. In my world, eggs come in all sorts of colors; these ones were white, brown, and greenish-blue:
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I showed her how to check if the oil in the pan is hot enough to cook scrambled eggs without them sticking to the bottom; they turned out really well! They were so good that I wolfed them down before I even thought to take a picture for you; sorry about that.
I wonder if you like eggs. And if you do like eggs, I wonder how you like them cooked. I like it best if the white is cooked but the yolks are still runny. And they're even better if they're soft boiled, or soft boiled, peeled, and marinated! Maybe sometime I'll make you some marinated eggs and show you how it's done...
Anyway! Br also suggested that we make tea, so that's what we did! Br made me a cup of the maple black tea, and I sweetened it with creamed honey and heavy cream; I'll show you how that turned out:
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...I wish you were here.
After that, I visited my friend B today because it's her birthday! She had a reservation at a place that serves really good Italian food! But before that, she, her fiancé, her sister, and I all decided to hang out to watch hilarious things on the internet! We spent a lot of time talking and laughing, and it was beautiful.
...I wish you were here.
Then we went to the Italian place! I got a soft drink made of pureed strawberries and whipped cream! I wonder if you would have liked it. I can't give you a sip though, so I took a picture:
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I got steak and a side of pasta and mushrooms! This, too, was really, REALLY good. I can't give you a bite. But I can show you a picture...
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There's a lot of pasta at this place; I'm sure you would have been able to find something you would have liked. Here are the things the others got:
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...I wish you were here.
We returned to B's house, and we watched some really funny videos about a guy who trolls scammers. I dunno how it is in your world, but in mine, we have unscrupulous people who call vulnerable folks (mostly old people) in order to steal their personally identifying information so that they can then steal their money. This guy keeps these kinds of scammers busy long enough to get them caught!
There was this particularly funny video about this fake password resetting thing that keeps asking for stranger and stranger input, and the scammers, not understanding that it was fake, kept trying to meet the demands to create a "valid" password, and... goodness, I laughed so hard that tears came streaming from my face!
...I really, REALLY wish you were here. I'd give just about anything if it could mean that you'd have opportunities to eat delicious things and to laugh at hilarious stuff and to spend time with wonderful people. There's so much I wish I could give you. There's so much I wish you could see. I can only imagine how beautiful a genuine, wholesome smile and laugh coming from you must be. I can only imagine...
Hey, Sephiroth? Please. Please make good choices. Please turn yourself around so that you can have a chance to really live. Please don't keep walking the path that will lead to you disappearing; after everything you've been through, you deserve to heal, so that you can find so many wholesome reasons to laugh and sing and dance and smile. All humans deserve to heal. All of them. And... no matter what anyone says to you... no matter how you were made... you're still human. You're still a person. You're still a man.
I am falling asleep as I write this. So I'm gonna stop writing now.I
I love you. Please stay safe. Please make good choices. I'll write again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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dragonmuse · 2 years
(So this will post together on AO3 with yesterday's excerpt. I was curious about Lucius and Charlie being older, so when AsIsHerRight followed up with that request, it was set in stone. Charlie is 23.)
Charlie only had a wait a few second after knocking before Izzy opened the door. 
“Hi! I’m here to steal your boyfriend. 
“Take him,” Izzy held the door open for him. “He’s being a fucking pill anyway.” 
“I can hear you!” Lucius yelled from the bedroom. 
“I know you can!” Izzy yelled back, a faint smile on his lips.  
“Problem?” Charlie laughed, going straight into a squat, hand held out for Sweeney, who had come to investigate. “Hey, little man, how’s it going?” 
Sweeney purred like a chainsaw, butting at his fingers. 
“Luc found a gray hair and he’s trying to get me to be sympathetic,” Izzy said dryly. 
Considering Izzy didn’t have a single black one left by now, it wasn’t hard to figure that it had gone over like a lead balloon. 
“Don’t tell my secrets,” Lucius chided, walking into the living room. “Now he’s going to be looking for it.” 
“I can’t think of anything I’d care less to do,” Charlie assured him. “Anyway, aren’t you like fifty already? Totally normal to be gray.” 
Lucius made an inhumane screech and Charlie giggled manically. 
“Forty-three! Stop prematurely aging me,” Lucius aimed a kick at him and Charlie hopped back. Sweeney ambled away, apparently done with them both. “I’m not going anywhere with you.” 
“That’s your call, but the tickets are pretty good.” 
“Fine. But only because I want to see this monstrosity of performance art,” Lucius grumbled. 
He didn’t look forty-anything to Charlie. It was something about Lucius’ face, still gently rounded that kept him looking younger. Or maybe Charlie just had him preserved in amber in his head like he did with many of the older people in his life. Just captured in a timeless ‘older than me’ void where little noticeably changed. 
“You sure you don’t want in?” Charlie offered to Izzy. “Pretty sure we could still get another seat.” 
“Rather stick pins in my eyes.” 
“Sounds like a fun night you have planned,” Lucius kissed Izzy’s cheek. “Try not to bleed on the rug.” 
“Have fun, Pup,” Izzy touched his back lightly.  
“Will do. Ready?” 
“Yep, let’s go.” 
They set out into a balmy evening, heading down the block to the station. 
“So how’d you find out about this?” Lucius asked. 
“Alma found it actually,” he admitted. “She sent me the listing since she knew I’d be around. I think she wanted to go and wants a report.” 
“When is she getting back from Ireland?” 
“Next month, I think. Have to double check. Apparently the dig is going well. Mom and Pop went out to visit her a few weeks ago and said she was all fired up. I’ll be proofing drafts for years probably.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Oh, I proof her shit and she proofs mine. Started last year. Our fields are different enough that we don’t get hung up on the facts or anything, just look for grammar and spelling stuff. I bet she’s going to publish like a fiend when she gets back.” 
“That’s sweet,” Lucius grinned. “Good to hear you guys found a way to pick on each other that’s actually helpful.” 
“Ugh, I know right? She gets to be annoyed by my commas and I get to shoot down all her purple prose. And neither of us are allowed to get mad about it.”  
“So the master’s is going all right?”
“Good enough. It’s comfortably uncomfortable,” Charlie allowed. “You’re good?” 
“Got a pretty large commission recently. Can’t complain.” 
“Except about the grays.” 
“Fuck off,” Lucius groaned. “I know it’s ridiculous. I don’t even mind getting older, just snuck up on me. I had such a good streak going.”  
“What was the commission?” Charlie said soothingly. “Tell me about your successes, old man.” 
“I will eat your heart in the marketplace and gain internal irritating youth,” Lucius said without heat. “It was a mural for another gay club, if you can believe it. I did the eye so long ago, but I had to retouch it over the summer and apparently that caught someone’s attention.” 
“So what’re you doing with it?” 
“Got a few sketches over to them earlier in the week, waiting to hear back. Club has a retro vibe, kind of 70s, so I went with a shattering disco ball effect.  Maybe use cement and embed bits of real mirror in it for effect.  We’ll see.” 
“Disappointingly non-phallic,” Charlie judged as they went down the steps. 
“They specifically requested no dicks. Customer is sometimes wrong, but I like money, so here we are.” 
“Has your dick well run dry?” 
“Never,” Lucius grinned. “Just smaller jobs. Nothing worth special attention recently. How’s your man?” 
“He’s good. Keeps texting me because he’s bored out of his mind. Apparently he’s already done everything worth doing in the city they’re playing in,” he shook his head. “He needs a portable hobby.” 
“I’ve suggested it. I think he just prefers asking me the most random things that come into his skull.” 
“Yeah,” Lucius said dryly. “You sound really annoyed by that.” 
“Ugh, shut up,  I love him so much it’s kind of stupid,” he groaned. “Like I should not find this endearing. He’s being ridiculous.” 
“He’s trying to connect with you when you’re apart,” Lucius shrugged. “That’s not ridiculous.” 
“No I mean-” Charlie started then stopped. “You think so?” 
“For fuck’s sake, what’d you think he was doing? Playing Jeopardy?” 
“Sometimes that’s literally what he’s doing,” Charlie mumbled. “We watch it together sometimes and he doesn’t get the literature questions.” 
“Of course you do,” Lucius rolled his eyes. “Sounds like a hot date night.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry, are you painting the town red these days?” Charlie scoffed. 
“Frequently. What about you? Roll all your door mats back in?” 
“Nah, still says welcome on most of my underwear,”  he stopped on the platform, rocking back on his heels. “We’ve got an agreement. Technically, I could be on the make right now.”
“And instead you’re slumming it with me?” Lucius pressed a hand to his chest. “I’m flattered.” 
“Yeah, I am,” Charlie looked at him seriously. “I missed you.” 
There was a beat and then Lucius visibly melted, “Charlie.” 
“Don’t,” he held up a warning finger. “That’s as far as I go. We are not getting mushy.” 
“Aw, he likes me! He really likes me!”  
“Less and less right at this moment.” 
Their train arrived and they picked a pole, Charlie wrapped his elbow around it, taking out his phone and firing off a text to Felix. 
Charlie: it’s Faulkner and I love you. 
Felix: thanks! Have fun tonight, love you too! 
“I thought we weren’t doing mushy,” Lucius taunted. 
“We as in you and I. We as in me and Felix can be as mushy as we like. You owe me for like a decade of PDA in front of me at least.” 
“Were you terribly scarred by all the wholesome homosexual affectionate behavior? Do I need to pay some of your copays?” 
“Please,” Charlie snored. “Dad pays those. It’s like watching the guilt trickle into my bank account.” 
“What’s that look like?” 
“Better mental health apparently.” 
With a tilt to his head, Lucius gave him a one over. “Yeah. You seem pretty good to me. You feel good?” 
“Yeah, most days,” Charlie sighed. “Who’s perfect with this shit? There’s low times, but at least I know what’s up now. I can watch out for it.” 
“Tell your brain not to be an asshole,” Lucius said sagely. 
“Try to anyway. The meds help with that.” 
“Good. Whatever it takes.” 
“Serious check in time over now?” 
“Cool, okay, so I hooked up with this guy last month and he’d lost a nipple in a skiing accident.” 
“....you have my attention.” 
They traded stories back and forth, nothing actually graphic, just toeing the line a little. By the time they go to the theater, they were both laughing and it was a good thing because the show itself was fairly dry. There was a lot of yelling and the performer did shave off their eyebrows as a part of it, but it wasn’t very compelling. 
“I have regrets,” Charlie decided as the thing sputtered to a close with a malfunctioning curtain call. 
“Mm. Could’ve been worse. Dinner?” 
“There’s a place around here...” Lucius got his phone out. “Does killer gnocchi and I have such a craving.” 
“Who gets a craving for gnocchi? It’s potato with pasta confusion.” 
“Bite your tongue.” 
Lucius did get his gnocchi and Charlie got a massive eggplant parm. Along with drinks, whiskey sour for Lucius and a Tom Collins for Charlie.
“I didn’t think of you as a gin guy,” Lucius admitted. 
“I dunno. I like it. Plus I never vomited it up in college, so no bad sensory memories.” 
“Gross and relatable,” Lucius raised his glass. “Here’s to many more years of that.” 
“To being gross and relatable,” Charlie laughed. 
Their glasses rang quietly together, lost in the dinner rush of the restaurant, but not lost on them in the least.
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funtimelolmix · 2 years
The backstory a Veldigun OC of mine :]
[ ] kept on getting punched in the face while living on the streets, this certainly wasn't life at its peak for him. He'd used to be so popular back in school when everybody was dumb and unaware, he'd scam the ever living shit out of them until he was sure all of their money were in his pockets as they were still begging for more items made by him which were obviously scams. He was swimming in money, almost literally, when one unfortunate day came for him;
He was roaming the streets of El Salvador during an early morning, a bit too early though since it was still dark enough for criminals to come out and grab him off the streets and nobody would notice, but he didn't care. He'd just been walking home from winning the lottery, now his entire life savings of scamming people adding up to a whole million dollars. He was a millionaire, nothing mattered anymore, he would go eat at expensive restaurants, move to the USA, and play frickin golf, tennis, or whatever rich people do. Or at least that's what he thought he'd do. But that's not what fate had planned for him, as he was about to have a completely new life in
And then the robber came.
So there he was, on the streets, sitting down outside of some random building. He'd lost his house when he couldn't pay rent anymore, he'd been miserable ever since the robbery happened! Getting a job was just impossible, since he's never learned responsibility, and he'd been too busy working on his scams to ever get anywhere in school. If only a miracle happened.
And surprisingly, it did. While he was searching a trashcan for food, his good 'ol friend Lawrence found him and let him stay in his apartment.
He and Lawrence had a history together; it was back in his glory days, aka grade school. Lawrence was in two grades above him, and he'd loved having someone around to help him, so they always split the money. Lawrence knew exactly who was rich and dumb enough to target.
And now he wanted to bring the magic of scamming back, so he asked Lawrence if he also felt the same as back in the days. And Lawrence was all in.
Lawrence recommended to him that he should get a fake new name first, because, no offense, his current name "[ ]" won't get him anywhere in a scamming career this advanced if he'd want to make it, so being "hip" and "cool," he chose his new name:
Morbius. Named after the fucking dead meme of a movie. At first, Lawrence chuckled at Morbius' new name, so he just called him "Morb," for short.
So now, having two deadnames, Morbius/Morb decided to buy a new outfit to go with his new identity, and by "buying," he meant "stealing."
Obviously he couldn't go selling products with the dirty clothes he had on, plus, stealing was easy for him because sometimes back in his glory days, he'd make people buy stuff back from him. Although the person he'd be stealing his new suit from was someone he didn't personally know, but he remembered their face very well.
The person was walking with a suitcase to the airport, unaware she was being followed by Morbius, as he was getting what he called "revenge" for the years he spent alone and afraid in the city. Morb was able to get a glimpse at a name on the person's suitcase: "Riley Blanco." (I know, shitty made-up name) The name of the person who changed his life forever by stealing all his money that one night.
Getting that suit wasn't east, but he got out alive in the end, and it only costed him getting choked almost to the point of passing out, and a large scar spreading from one of his ears to the other, damaging his eyes but not poking them out.
Riley swore this revenge as he ran away from her, clutching the green suit while trying his best not to let the blood on his face fall onto his brand new suit.
So, he arrived back at Lawrence's apartment and showed him his new suit. They both agreed it would fit Morb perfectly and had a great time that night drinking and talking about all the times they've ever scammed someone. Although, that night, them being humans would be a distant memory.
Morbius and Lawrence might've not been humans anymore, but Morb wouldn't let that stop him from becoming rich. While Lawrence was questioning how the fuck Veldiguns got into his house, Morb took advantage of his new form and came up with the idea to just threaten people into buying his fake products instead of going through all the effort of the entire scamming process. The only problem was however, that he already consumed the fake TV that he had made, giving him a plug tail that he noticed soon after he ate it. He only noticed the TV head when Lawrence pointed it out.
Some hours later, they both agreed on taking advantage of what they had become and headed right to the doors. While looking for some random things to sell, Morb and Lawrence split up and agreed to meet up again behind a casino.
Too many hours had passed, and Morbius had found absolutely nothing. He was about to just give up and tell Lawrence the bad news, when right there he spotted something: The Milkwalker, from the myth well known in the parts of El Salvador that Morb grew up in, but originated in a small town in Brazil.
Morbius ran away from the furious milk carton, clutching its bloody nose in his palm. He ran and ran until he finally reached the back of the casino and, to his surprise, saw Riley and Lawrence battling it out; Deltarune style. (/hj) Both Morb and eLawrence tell Riley to lay off, but she won't budge. When she told Morb that she'd get her revenge, she meant it. The battle ended only when Morbius offered her the nose, that's when Riley took her leave and left with the valuable nose. (And then she proceeded to sell it to some other random person that definitely isn't important to the story in the slightest)
Now, with no nose at his disposal anymore, Morbius just sat down next to the trash bin next to him and hid his TV face in his arms and just. Sat there. Lawrence assured him that they would steal more valuable stuff the next day, so they walked back to Lawrence’s apartment with empty pockets.
While Lawrence was sleeping, Morb was having trouble resting. Each time he’d almost fallen asleep during the night, a figure would appear in his dream and force him back awake. The figure appeared as long as lanky, its kneecaps completely twisting into absurd shapes that Morbius didn’t understand. Its smile just didn’t work properly into correct anatomy, looking more like an actual alien’s smile than anything else. Its fingers were too split, as if they were forks sticked onto the body of the beast. Speaking of its body, (if you could even call it that,) it wasn’t a body at all, but a milk carton. This was the creature that was keeping Morb awake, as it felt like it was right next to him, just staring into his soul. Again, Morbius tried falling asleep, but then he heard a crack.
The entire wall fell apart, scattering pieces sprawled out across the floor! And the cause of all this? The milk carton. The exact one from the Brazilian legend, from his dream, was standing right in his presence, even waking Lawrence up.
That’s when the milk creature reached out towards Morb, and…
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zestyderg · 2 years
So Zesty you are bored huh? Well I came to the rescue! Hmm…. maybe for a doodle you could do a Human! Don Boneyard since we now have a Human! ZZ in our lives now. I always have wondered how we would have looked as a normal human. If no doodle then can you please tell me the origin of Swap! Joe? I feel like he’s gonna be tons darker than canon ZZ! Thanks! 💜
I've been brainstorming stuff for Swap! Joe for a while now. What I've got so far is as follows:
Joe is a cowboy from the 19th Century. Well... he disguised himself as a cowboy, because those are the humans he was around! He's a Midwestern Monster who's only real goal is to munch on humans, and he's terrifyingly good at it. Most people who are near him are relatively safe, granted that they're not alone. Joe still acts like his friendly canon self, so others actually like him, and he earns himself a pretty good reputation with the towns he visits as he wanders the countryside. He actually has helped people, but often times those people end up "returning the favor", and those are the people that magically end up missing. Speaking of magic, Joe does have magic like canon ZZ, but he doesn't really use it unless necessary. He's fine with going around meeting (and then eating) people.
Until one day someone witnesses him have a "late night snack". A kid who lives in the town Joe currently stays in, nicknamed "Pipsqueak", sees him kill and eat someone, and she flees, catching the attention of Joe, and when she runs back into town and tries to tell someone, they don't believe her, and Joe shows up, clean of blood and gore, acts innocent and confused, and offers to take her home, noting that what she saw was probably an animal. He's allowed to take Pipsqueak home (very much against her will), but when they're both out of sight Joe lifts her chin up so she's forced to look at him, but he doesn't harm her. He doesn't see her as a threat at all, in fact. He tells her everything he's done, and that he's going to let her live, because he thinks there's nothing Pipsqueak could do to stop him (and because he's not hungry). He also says that while he is quite patient, if she doesn't stay out of his business she may annoy him enough to reconsider the whole "letting her live" thing. He drops her off at her house and leaves.
He's gonna regret not killing her, because she actually works up the nerve to kill him herself. After constantly being watched like a hawk by Joe, being forced to act friendly with him (and him acting almost sickeningly nice in return), and dreading over her being next, she finally steals a pickaxe and impales him with it, fatally wounding him, and she flees before he can grab her and get revenge. Joe casts a spell as a last ditch effort to save himself, and when his body dies, out pops a magical skull.
So now he has to steal bodies to survive, and he can't exactly eat people anymore (technically he CAN but humans are not built for eating raw flesh like he is). So he just goes around body snatching and committing even more murders, angry that the human child he thought of as harmless actually had the gall to try to kill him (and nearly succeeded!). This time people catch on after Pipsqueak exposes him (fueling Joe's rage), and Joe is eventually defeated by the child and her brand new anti-magic hammer. The local cowboys seal Joe away in a custom made chest, lock it, and then bury the chest in a mine, hoping Joe will never rise again. Pipsqueak kept the hammer, and the hammer was passed down through her family as a sort of heirloom. It was also eventually named the "Pipsqueak Hammer" too!
Everything is fine for a while.
Then one day, Zongazonga explores an abandoned mine in the search for rare fossils, and stumbles upon an old, locked chest...
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