#she just screamed out 'NO! NO!!!!!!!' so many times that i was worried the neighbors would think we were murdering her
goldsbitch · 6 months
You texted...
Y/N and Lando are going through a rough patch in their relationship. Not really on speaking terms. This bad streak ends when there is a massive spider in her bathroom.
angst, one shot
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The moment she spotted that creature sent from hell, everything else went out of the window. The dinner in the oven, the fact she was planning on doing a late night session in the gym, the fact her hair was still wet from the shower. The fact she and her boyfriend Lando were on "not speaking" terms.
Y/N was absolutely terrified of spiders her whole life and was never able to over come the fear by getting rid of them on her own. Lando was the one who always ever so kindly rescued her, he overtook this role her neighbor, who overtook it from her mom, who Y/N had trained to react immediately when she heard a very specific scream.
Now she was standing in her apartment, alone with nowhere to go, since her job was to stay frozen at one spot and stare at the creature, in case it moved, and not really sure who to call for help. Her best friend was the first option. Normally, it would have been her boyfriend, but something was stopping her from doing that.
"Come on, come on, come on," she whispered as she dialed her best friend living close by. "Pick up, dammit."
Finally, the tone she was praying for. "Hey, girl, what's up?"
No time for chit chat. "You have to come over now, immediately."
Her friend noticed the immediate distress and tuned herself in. "What's wrong?" she replied, sounding as she was ready to dial the police.
"There's a spider situation going on in my apartment."
"Uhm, I see," she said, more relaxed now, but still taking it seriously.
"It's huge, with like hairy legs and shit. You have to come over, now. We have a deal, remember?"
Her friend was equally terrified of mosquitoes, so they agreed that Y/N would deal with those while spider duty fell on the other lady. This has happened many many times before. Usually ended up with a nice girls evening. Ever since Lando appeared in Y/N life however, the emergency calls stopped.
"I thought Lando was around this week?" her friend asked curiously. "Not that I'm trying to get out of this, but I'm sort of like an hour away from you, so..."
Y/N let out a frustrated sigh. "Fucking hell...Yeah, we're not exactly speaking at the moment," she admitted.
"Wow, that's a first!?" her friend said, clearly surprised. "Why?"
"Look, I'd love to chat, but are you coming or not? There's no one else and I'm not calling Lando!"
"Yes, yes, I'm getting in the car, just let me say good bye to my friends here, we're having a picnic," she replied and muted voices of disapproval came from the background.
Y/N felt guilty about doing this, but she'd dropped everything she was oing for her friend many times, answered phone calls in the middle of the night even though she was an early bird. They just had this kind of friendship.
"Drive fast, please," she said, still stubborn and not about to call Lando.
Y/N sat there staring at the spider for good ten minuted before her friend called again.
"Ok, I'm in the car, you can talk about Lando now, keep me busy. I'm going to pass over the fact you and your boyfriend are fighting and I have no idea," she said unapologetically.
"Figured you'd be mad about that. Yeah, he's been acting like a bit of a dick..."
"But you're not broken up, right?" her friend asked, slightly worried about her favorite couple.
"No, I don't think so. I hope so," she realized, the spider in the corner becoming lesser of her problems.
"And what seems to be the problem? Did he cheat?"
"No, not that I'm aware," she replied without thinking.
"Did you cheat?" her friend asked, ready to support her in anything.
"Jesus, no. It's um...I dunno, we've just grown a bit distant. Lately it feels like I'm like at number 50 of his priorities list. It's always only racing, Quadrant, promo event this and that."
"That's shitty, yeah. Would you like to be included? I know you hate things like promo events and such."
"I do! But honestly, I miss him so much and frankly I'd like to be more included in his life somehow. Especially now that I have more time in my life."
"Does he know that?"
Her friend let out a deep sigh. "Hm. You have to untangle that. It would be stupid to break up over that."
"Yeah, I'd hate that," she said, panic setting in.
"Text him to come. To save you from the spider. It's a nice excuse and good test. To see if he cares."
"I'm scared. What if he does not respond?"
Few moments of dramatic silence. "Well, at least you'd know."
"Yeah. Ok. Sending it." Y/N quickly typed something up, trying not to overthink it.
"What did you text?"
"Can you come over asap? I need help with a spider. It's urgent."
"Nice. Now you'll see what he does."
They stayed on the phone together for good half an hour. Catching up and distracting Y/N from the fact there was no text from Lando coming her way.
A doorbell rang.
"You're here already?" Y/N asked her friend, surprised by her ability to drive this fast.
"Nope, still very much far away. Did I hear a bell? Do you think it's him?"
"I dunno. I'll mute you and if it's him I'll hang up, ok?"
She opened the door with a heavy heart. What if it was not him?
But it was. Flustered Lando stood there without saying hello. The two shared a pain-filled look, neither of them enjoying this no contact streak they had.
"You came..." she said finally, ending the phone call.
"You texted..." he said dryly and in full macho mode entered her apartment without being let it. "Can you point me where?"
"That corner," she simply pointed, flushed with emotions. Happy that he came to rescue her, sad about his loveless tone and scared of what was to come after. She watched him from afar, as he skillfully took the spider and threw it out of the balcony.
"Don't say anything about him knowing his way back, please," he said, hinting on the countless debates they'd had before about Lando not wanting to kill every spider they'd encounter.
The air suddenly went very heavy. Lando casually headed to the kitchen to get himself a glass of water while trying so hard to make eye contact with her. The last time they spoke was few days prior - and it was not a nice conversation. Lots of built up emotions got out, frustrated speeches made and confusing sentences jumping one after another. Ending with Lando slamming the door on his way out.
She had no clue where to start. "So, how have you been?" she asked, not sure she was ready for his answer. He finally looked at her, and then with an annoyed eye-roll went back into staring out of the window.
Y/N threw her hands up in the air as the familiar feeling from few days ago kicked back in. "Ok fine, sorry I asked. Thank you so much for your help, truly appreciated, but if you hate being around me, just say so that we can-"
"We can what?" he cut her off, not having any of that.
"I don't know, you tell me!...I'm getting lost at trying to read you," she admitted, not even trying to hide anything from him at this point.
"I'm sorry," he said slowly. "I don't think I listened to you," he sighed before continuing, "Or more like did not hear what you were saying."
The validation felt rewarding. But she feared what would come next.
"What I heard at that moment was you not respecting my lack of time and the fact that things I'm involved in are important to me."
She took a breath and planned on interrupting him, which he noticed and tried to stop.
"Let me finish, please. But thinking about it, I figured that's not the case, and you were simply pointing out that I've been putting off spending time with you. Which you're absolutely correct. I figured since we've been going to strong lately, this would be fine. But truth is I hate this distance it created. I feel lost, uneasy and unable to focus," he blabbered something, which felt like he might have even rehearsed on the way to her. "What I'm trying to say is - do you still care enough for us to fix it?"
It felt vulnerable, raw and maybe even uncomfortable to have these kinds of talks. But this is ultimately what cements a relationship.
Feeling like he managed to destroy some of the wall they'd put up, she took few steps towards him.
"Lando, of course I do. It's not a rare event that I imagine our future life together, as a couple and one day potentially as a family. Never had this feeling before in my life. Please, let's figure out a way how to prevent the distance from happening. Things have changed now, the relationship has too. We've been together for almost two years. And my love for you has only grown."
He finally smiled, relieved that they seemed to be on the same page.
"I came right from the tennis court, left everyone behind. Would you like to go there with me? Hang out with the Quadrant squad for a bit and then have a nice dinner somewhere? I just want to spend this evening with you."
"And the night hopefully," she teased, trying to ease the mood.
"Always the night, it was absolutely horrible, knowing you're so close to me, yet having to sleep without you."
She closed the distance between them, embracing him into a hug. They bodies were more than familiar with each and it felt right to be that close. Definitely better than each of them standing in a different corner of the room.
"We still have to talk about this. I don't want our love to slip through by our fingers," she said, letting her anxiety out.
"We will. Tonight, we'll come up with a plan. Can you join me on few races later this month?" he asked, hoping for a positive answer.
"Of course, my love. I have to buy new clothes though, the cameras are savage."
He chuckled, relaxed now that he did not have to worry about having lost her. "Yes, they are."
She later call her friend to thank her for dropping everything and driving to save her, even though it was not needed in the end. Her friend was more than happy that she and Lando seemingly found the way back to each other.
She also admitted that she turned back the moment Y/N sent her text to Lando, knowing that this guy would come running anytime his girlfriend asked for help.
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factual-fantasy · 25 days
29 Asks! :DD Thank you! :}}📦
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@holly-opal @tallchest13-blog
There was not a single thing I liked about the trailer. Not a single thing.
Not the visuals, not the hinted at Jumanji style story, not the casting, I hated all of it. The thing I hated the most was Jack Black being casted as Steve. 💀
I hated his voice for Bowser, I hate him playing as Steve. Sooooo much hatred and disappointment for this trailer 💀💀💀
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I have made my own version of Tarr! :D They are not intended to be cute 💀
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Soft? :0
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I haven't heard of it <:0 google seems to suggest its a Roblox game..?
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I'm pretty 50/50- I GOT THE 8 WINS IN FALL GUYS JUST HOURS BEFORE THE CHALLANGE ENDED SO THAT MADE ME HAPPYbut then my health came back to bite me and I had a very scary health day :x sooo.....
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Other than Barnaby's mom living out on a big farm away from the neighborhood- I don't actually have many ideas! <:D
And I had no plans for the neighbors to have cars.. but now I'm thinking of giving Eddie a cute little mail car :))
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Yeah I wouldn't use the word "miss"... miss makes me feel like home cares about Wally in a tender way and wants him to come back because it cares about him.. that's not quite the right vibe..
Home doesn't want Wally to leave, and it wants him to come back when he's gone.. but that's the only way I'd word it. Kind'a cold and with unknown intentions..
Also thank you so much!! :DDD
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The timing if this is quite humorous. (I spent the last week making 10+ frog plushies)
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I imagine out of all the neighbors, Poppy and Barnaby would have the most knowledge on basic first aid and home remedies. Considering they both grew up way out in the sticks, you're bound to get hurt or sick and not have anyone nearby to help you. So they learned from their parents how to take care of themselves or others when they're unwell :))
If someone is injured or sick though, I can imagine that it might stress Poppy out to come running to her screaming- so people probably turn to Barnaby for those sorts of things <XD
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I thought that Howdy gets up early and comes home late. So out of all the neighbors, Sally gets to spend the most time with him because he's almost always awake and out and about! :)
Howdy is also always on the move- doing things around the shop and working. Usually most neighbors cant follow him around from job to job fast enough- but Sally can! :)) She's been able to get to know him really well and they get along like two peas in a pod!
Howdy is witty and quick with his responses. He rarely stutters, so these two can just chatter away for hours and hours!
When it comes to worrying about him,, it is just the cold thing. But Howdy "not liking the cold" only scratches the surface of it. Howdy practically shuts down in the winter time, ALL the neighbors worry about him..
In the wintertime, Howdy is one lullaby away from collapsing on the floor and falling asleep 💀 the cold completely destroys his energy.. Also he's constantly hungry. He really slows down and starts running into things, forgetting things, sleeping in and being really hard to wake up.. <:/ and he gets sick pretty often in the winter so he's just not having a good time-
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Huh, I've never seen anyone take that direction with Ingo! :0
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HELOOOO!! :}}}}}}}
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And yeah, his hair probably take a few hours to braid and I bet bedhead is his worst yet more common nightmare 💀
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(Referencing this post)
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I feel like unless Home deliberately interacted with Barnaby and wanted him to know its alive, he would never suspect Home to be a living entity. Barnaby assumes that Wally has bad anxiety and its amplified when he's alone.. thus inviting him over to his house just to get out of his own home for a bit, or spending the night at Wally's house..
Barnaby has stayed over at Wally's house a lot and Home watches him too.. but in the end Barnaby chalks up the weird feelings he gets to just the worry over Wally..
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I've never played the game, but I love it :) the fandom can be a real pain sometimes..
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Currently I'm only really drawing/thinking of the base Unovan pokédex, not the pokédex from black 2 and white 2. (There are some select exceptions to this)
Mostly because the second dex is HUGE. And because Pokémon white was the game I grew up playing- so that's the one I wanna pull the Pokémon from. Ngl though, I might not be able to resist incorporating Metagross from the second dex.. 👀👀
Also my violet team wont make any canon cameos, but I did draw a doodle of Grim and V as slimes! :}}
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Meow meow! :))
(Thank you! I wish the same for you! :} )
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@minnesotamedic186 (Referencing this post)
AAAA THANKYIU!! :))) I have a couple ideas for them but I'm having a hard time writing them out 😔
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AAA I LUB YOU TOO! :))))))
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Hello! I've unfortunately not been doing well health wise.. this week has been a rough patch.. but I'm hangin in there as best I can! <:) The fam says hi! XDDD
As for your questions, the fam has been blessed with never being too cold or too hot. So they probably like the winter time because that's when I'm at my happiest :)) I've never given them snow- but I'm sure they'd love to play in it! And yes, Gerald absolutely desires to A-pose out on the garden XDDDD
I typically play as Pit or Metakight. As for the others, I wonder..
Maybe Bibi would play as Luigi, Cici as Bowser, Jangles as Peach and Gerald as Wario XD
Also thank you for the ask! :DD I look forward to your next one but no pressure! :)))))
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Its very rare that anyone from the crew hides their illness.. If someone hid an illness that's a big no no because they can infect other members of the crew. Plus it's really easy to tell if they're sick-
Also thankfully, (aside from Octo that one time-) no one really hides injuries. If the wound is in an embarrassing spot and need help, they'll probably just get the crewmate they are most comfortable with to help them..
I think Tuna only has that gnarly hook hand, he doesn't have anything else to put on in its place 💀
I can imagine when he first got his prosthetic arm he probably hurt himself on it once or twice <:( eventually he got used to it though and didn't hurt himself anymore-
Who made his prosthetic arm.. hmm.. I kind'a imagined he put it together himself.. Hence why it looks impractical and dangerous 💀
I didn't have plans for him to miss anyone... perhaps his mother but she's gone.. at least he doesn't miss anyone from his old crew.
After a battle/conflict on the ship, the very first thing Tuna does is go looking for Ellie..🥺
I imagine rolls are Tunas favorite food because he's kind of a picky eater. So some beautifully made plain bread rolls are hard to beat! :))
I didn't intend for Red to have any siblings,, his family was mostly his rotten mom and dad. :(
I think Coco and Cuttlefish get along better than you might think! :)) They're both rather sassy and have a lot of the same opinions. Other than Tuna, there isn't anyone that Coco butts-heads with :))
Due to the varying body types, the crew typically doesn't steal each others clothes 😅 but I can see Red stealing Coco's coats and boots from time to time 🥺
I haven't thought much about Ellies family.. perhaps she lived with her cruddy uncle before running off with Octo and Seafoam? :0
Thankfully like you said- other than Octo, nobody's gotten hurt so badly they thought they'd lose them. <:)
I'm afraid I don't Understand that question about Red.. D:> But Blue Beauty's favorite food is probably krill! :0
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While I have no plans to add E. Gadd to my AU, I have made my own version of King Boo! :))
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Aww! I still need to work on Julies sisters, but I can see this being the direction I lean towards! :))
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Wally would probably stay home and try to just recover.. but if Home his illness starts making his anxiety/paranoia way worse- I can see Barnaby staying over for a few nights to take care of him. Perhaps even bringing Wally to his house if he thinks it might help- :0
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imaginesmai · 1 year
Right around the corner (3) - Azriel
LISTEN I CAN EXPLAIN if you've been here for a while now, you can expect this part. If not, may I present myself - hi, I'm Mai and I'm an angst queen bitch. Fourth part already on the way, don't worry!
(1), (2), (3), (4), (5)
Plot: the turth comes out, but in a way Azriel didn't expect.
Warnings: prepare tissues.
Azriel had taken his time to process the words, and in the meanwhile, he had received so many notes from his family that he had his hands full of small paper balls.
There were notes from Feyre updating him of the screaming match between Cassian and Rhysand, long texts from Mor promising him the house was a safe place for you and that he better hurry to bring you out. Even Amren had written a brief ‘I knew it, boy’ that had him more worried than before.
It wasn’t as if he didn’t want you to meet them. He loved his family like nothing else, and knew they would only be supportive and kind to his new status. Him being mated or not didn’t change the way they saw him, but part of him – the part that had felt rejection from his mother and his blood-family, was scared.
Azriel ended up sitting in the kitchen counter in front of you with a frown and a growing headache. Even though it was late and you had had a long day, you instantly noticed his mood.
“What’s wrong?”
It wasn’t unusual for Azriel to go quiet in your presence. You had learned by then that it didn’t mean you did something wrong. Most of the times, it was his insecurities popping up randomly in his mind, the troubles of the day dragging him away from you.
And through the years, you had learned that there was nothing else to do but to stay close to him and remind him that he was there. Right with you, and that you loved him.
Still, as you stared at him that night, you noticed it wasn’t the usual frown. He snuck glances at you and moved from the couch, where he was banned, to the kitchen. You left the bowl aside and stood in front of him, one arm extended so he could hold your hand.
“How do you know Feyre?” he asked, not taking your hand.
“Feyre as… the high lady?”
“Yeah. You greeted her the other day. You two know each other?”
“Guess so. She has her art study right in front of my bakery, haven’t you noticed?” you answered, not understanding the nature of the question. “When she moved in, I baked her a welcome to the neighborhood pie and she has actually painted two of the pictures I hang on the wall”
“Feyre painted pictures for you?” Azriel raised an eyebrow. “Are you two friends?”
“Well, not friends per say, but we know each other. That’s what usually happens when you work in front of someone else’s work” you shrugged, you open hand still empty. “Why?”
“I didn’t know you knew her”
“Should you know I know her? For any specific reason?”
“It would have been nice to know you know my high lady. My brother’s mate”
“Now you know. What’s with all this ‘you know I know’? Why does it matter?”
You didn’t understand why but there was an annoyed edge on his voice that you didn’t like. As a morning person, you usually went to bed early, and any minute past midnight was a minute you were supposed to be asleep. No matter how nice it was to spend time with Azriel and how good he had made you feel an hour ago, now you were annoyed.
The male stared at you, still not answering your silent call for his hand. One of his many shadows crossed the table and jumped at the chance of tangling between your fingers. That would have been enough to make you laugh any other day.
That night, you just stared at each other.
“Az, why are you so – “
“Because you should have told me, Y/N” he cut you off. “You know how important my family is to me, and I think it’s fair to ask that if you know any of them you should tell me. So I’m prepared for this”
“What’s this exactly? Late night discoveries about my neighbors?”
Azriel was quiet for a moment, frustration clear in his features. It was a stupid argument over a stupid situation, and Azriel being on his underwear and you only on his t-shirt without panties didn’t make it any less stupid. You rarely argued, and when you did, it was you who had the pointless argument and Azriel the calm one.
His shadows moved behind the couch and dumped in front of you a bunch of papers. They were all wrinkled and Azriel didn’t have time to hide them or think about how to approach the situation before a new one popped out of thin air. It landed next to your open hand, his shadow catching it and unfolding the content.
Does she eat cereal straight from the box? Is it why you’re hiding her?
You didn’t need to think hard to know it was talking about you, and who the note belonged to. In the past, Rhysand had sent notes to Azriel while you were having a shower together, in bed together, and one had even appeared inside your oven while he was helping you around.
“Feyre told them about you” Azriel explained, having read the note upside down. “And because I didn’t know you knew her, now they are deeply offended and want to meet you”
It took you a while to make sense to his words, because you couldn’t find the problem past you not telling him about Feyre. Quickly, you read some of the notes where Cassian threatened Azriel and Rhysand demanded his presence. They were friendly notes, no harm in them. Still, you couldn’t understand the utter sadness until you realized the meaning behind his annoyance.
Finally, you pulled your hand back to your side, not with little resistance from the shadow. You must have opened the bond channel because Azriel frowned, hit with sadness instead of the usual love.
The first note, where Rhysand explained that Feyre had told him, was what brought it all together.
“You haven’t told them you have a mate”
It occurred to you that you had believed it done with no proofs. You didn’t mind Azriel being at your house, living in your apartment. You didn’t mind having separate Starfall and lives. You didn’t mind either when he left for a family dinner and kissed you goodbye, because you understood his need of privacy, of having something that was just his.
What you didn’t understand until that moment that he hadn’t even told them you existed. And through all the reasons that ran to your mind at his silence, you couldn’t pick just one.
“It’s not that they don’t know me. They don’t know you’re mated”
“You agreed when I said I need to take things slowly. That I needed time” he blurted out suddenly, your sadness making space for his annoyance. “The bond was a surprise for me. I didn’t want to rush things”
“Azriel it’s been six years. Six! It’s not a casual fling or a one-night stand” you tried to voice your hurt, your sadness. “It’s not the same not meeting them that being a secret”
“It’s not like I keep you a secret. They haven’t asked and I haven’t – “
“Because you haven’t told them! What – How do you explain the days you spend here? And the… I – Azriel, we’ve been dating for six years and they haven’t asked?”
“They’re used to me sneaking around”
“For months?” you chuckled. “We were locked here for months after we mated. How did you explain that?”
His words were background noise because, above his absences, there was something you realized they should have noticed. Something anyone noticed from mated pairs as soon as they left the house. White noise filled your ears as he tried to excuse himself by talking about missions.
About your safety, about the worry of something happening to you if they discovered you were his mate.
Azriel blurred in front of you as realization hit you and tears filled your eyes. You could barely hold it together as you spoke.
“You’ve been hiding the mating bond” your breath hitched, because if there was something more important than your bakery, it was your bond. “They should have smelt it. But you’ve been hiding it”
“I didn’t hide it, please, don’t say it like that” his voice broke at the end, willing you to listen to him.
“Right. Because you can’t hide the bond from them unless you don’t accept it” you saw the moment your words hit him, the guilt in the way his shadows almost clouded your vision and his wings flared. “You didn’t accept the bond”
Azriel didn’t answer and, worse than any other betrayal or pain, it broke your heart. You remembered offering him the lemon pie, him tearing up and eating. Accepting the bond was an individual decision, one he should have made years ago – just like you did.
You still shared it; you still were mates. The only difference was that, while you proudly loved him and adored each part of his body and soul, he had rejected your smell on him, your imprint on his own.
An invisible hand cut off your air supply and your breath hitched. You covered your mouth with your hand and muffled the sob, but he felt the exact moment your heart broke. Even if he didn’t show it to the world, he could still feel you. Your feelings, your essence. His own eyes teared up and now he extended his hand forward.
A silent invitation, the same you had given him so many times when he was in need of comfort, of love.
But that time, you didn’t reach forward nor acknowledge the shadows that tried to pull you closer to him.
“Get out”
“Get out” you pointed a shaky finger towards the door.
“Y/N, please. It’s not what you’re thinking” he tried to explain, his voice broken by his sorrow. “I accepted the bond. I just – “
“Get the fuck out now!”
The bowl that you had been filling with lettuce, salmon and other vegetables flew from the desk to where he was standing. His shadows, by their own consciousness or his master’s, didn’t stop it as it crashed against his chest. It spilled all over his naked chest, and before he could clean it, there was another tray with grilled pork on your hand.
Azriel’s last look to you was of pure despair and sorrow. He winnowed away before the second tray could hit him, leaving you with his shadows already cleaning up the mess.
As soon as he was out of sight, you fell down to your knees and sobbed.
He didn’t have a plan, and when he winnowed away, the last thing on his mind was the sound of your heart breaking. There was no way he would go to his house and face his family, not when he wasn’t even sure what had happened in your apartment. Couldn’t start to comprehend the pain he had caused you and how much he hated himself for it.
So, without planning to, he ended up in the cabin.
The old wooden walls and ceiling greeted him, different from the ones he remembered from his past. Feyre had added drawings everywhere, there were clothes scattered around, and food that was still edible.
No matter how familiar the sight was, it offered him no comfort.
Azriel dragged his wings through the floor and sat on the couch. Propping his elbows on his knees, he hid his face as the first tear rolled down. Followed by many more.
He replayed your hurt voice once more, your face. It hadn’t been his intention to reject the bond, not really. But he hadn’t run away from it.
It took him two weeks of uncertainty to know that he hadn’t taken it the way you had. While you radiated with his scent, people didn’t ask him. He walked past Cassian during training and his friend just teased him for being disappeared for a month. Rhysand commented about having to report to him every now and then, and Amren didn’t even acknowledge his presence.
That was how he discovered that he had to accept his part of the mating process. He had to be proud, to want it, in order to complete it.
But you had been so happy, so full of joy and love, that Azriel had feared that telling you about it would make you sad. Eventually, he had learned how he should have done it – but at that moment, he didn’t know. Besides, he could still sneak whenever he wanted to without explanations. So he hadn’t said anything.
The first year rolled by, and he spent a good amount of days panicking about how to deal with the situation. The second year passed and you didn’t ask about it, neither did his family. By the fourth year, he had almost forgotten about it.
Azriel’s loud sob broke the silence of the cabin. His chest contracted and his body shock. It was different from any type of suffering, of pain, he had ever felt. He could still feel the echo of your own through the bond, could hear your cries in the distance.
In the lonely cabin, under the moon light, the shadowsinger sobbed and cried until his voice was raw. He was angry at himself, at his past and his traumas, even angry at you. Because now that he knew what it felt to be complete, to be happy and safe in someone’s love, he couldn’t bear the thought of not having it.
His body gravitated to the side and he curled himself in a ball, still in his underwear. It reminded him of when he was a kid and would try to hide himself in the dark cell, cowering in his fear and desperation.
As if he was a kid all over again, Azriel let his wings cover his body and cried. Cried until he couldn’t remember his name, until he was begging the Cauldron to turn back time and let him accept the bond. Carry you on his arm around Velaris and don’t let the fear take control of his life.
He felt like punching a hole through the wall. Like flying thousand feet up and letting go in free fall. Maybe get into a bar fight and let everything out. But his body was anchored to that couch, to that pain. Azriel pressed his closed fists into his chest, trying to relief some of the pressure.
While he wondered if that was what having his heart ripped from his chest fell, he forgot to keep his mental shields up.
Letting Rhysand in.
The house of wind had been chaos for a few hours.
Rhysand had tried to manage the situation by himself, wide awake in bed while processing Feyre’s words. He willed himself to sleep, to rest and leave the pondering for the morning. But when he tried to close his eyes, he could see Azriel covered in blood and killing an entire camp because an illegal wing clipping. He could notice the faint, new smell in the house that he hadn’t noticed.
If he had his eyes open, he couldn’t help but look at Nyx’s new toy.
So, Rhysand had woken up Cassian, after Azriel hadn’t answered his notes. And Cassian had been mad. Angry, furious, raging. The general had talked nonsense about berries for a while and then he begged Rhysand to wake up Feyre and find Azriel to interrogate them.
And, who was the high lord to deny a late-night gossiping session?
Feyre had been mad but she had told them that Azriel had a mate that worked in front of her art studio, in a bakery. That you were nice and cheerful, that you had been mated for six years.
That was when Cassian lost it and woke up the whole house.
Now, all the members of the inner circle had gathered in the council room with their pajamas on.
“Maybe it’s not true. Feyre, you might have had imagined it”
“Are you calling me a liar?” Feyre raised her eyebrows at Cassian.
“I’m just saying he would have told me! We’re brothers. And we don’t keep secrets in this house. Never.”
“You don’t keep secrets” Amren cut him off, not looking at him. “Your bean brain is too simple to keep any type of secrets from us, but that doesn’t mean all of us are exhibitionist”
“I’m not – “
“You are an exhibitionist. You announce everything, Cas. Even a fart” Mor corrected him before he could defend himself.
“Sorry for being kind enough to not keep secrets from my family” he frowned, turning to look at Rhys. “You keep secrets from me?”
“I don’t keep secrets from you” Rhys assured him, half a smile.
“He threw the sword you gifted Nyx for his birth and told you Bryaxis took it so you wouldn’t look for it”
Feyre looked at her mate with a raised eyebrow, daring him to say anything else. With a wide-awake Nyx in her arms, she looked at threatening as the Hybern army. She had yet to talk to him privately, but Rhysand knew he was up for a long talk. So he bit his lip and turned to Cassian. Who, of course, looked completely broken and defeated.
The rest of the group was silent, barely keeping their smiles to themselves. Even Nesta, who had a hand on his shoulder, was looking at Feyre with approval. Cassian stared at Rhysand for a long second before he talked.
“It was a nice sword”
“For a teenager, maybe. For a baby, not” Feyre answered again. “Weren’t you just talking about Azriel’s betrayal and secrets?”
“I, for one, knew he was hiding something” Amren commented for the third time. “Just saying I noticed. And you didn’t”
“Not all of us are creeps that stare and don’t talk. We have social lives to take care of” Mor said.
“Some of you do talk. Maybe too much”
Rhysand tuned out Amren and Mor argument when he felt a crack through Azriel’s mental barriers. He had been tugging at them softly to know where his brother was. Feyre had talked him out of the idea of barging in uninvited and demanding answers – at least, he had talked Amren and Mor out of it. Rhysand and Cassian were still unconvinced.
That was why he had kept a talon poking at his mental barriers since the argument started, thinking it wouldn’t be successful.
But then, Azriel opened it unconsciously and Rhysand brought a hand up to his chest.
Everyone fell quiet as the high lord scrunched his eyebrows and pressed his lips together, not ready for the wave of emotions and pain Azriel was feeling at the moment.
Feyre’s hand was instantly on him, Nyx looking up to his father with a pout that would surely turn into a crying session soon. Before the baby could start crying or any of his friends could ask him about it, Rhysand accepted Feyre’s help and got up from his chair.
“He’s at the cabin” he announced, already summoning his darkness to swallow Cassian and him there. “We’ll keep you updated”
Nyx’s loud cry was the last thing they heard as they winnowed away. And the first one they heard from the cabin, was Azriel’s broken one.
Want to read more? Check out my side blog @imaginesmaimasterlists, where I keep all the masterlists! Feedback is always appreciated
Right around the corner taglist:
@lesliemurillo @impossibelle @polli05927 @florencemtrash @going-through-shit @minakay @setayeshmohseni @torchbearerkyle @esposadomd @amysangel @kennedy-brooke @originalcrusadetrash @luvmoo @historygeekqueen @marriedtolike18fictionalmen @wallacewillow0773638 @tothestarsandwhateverend @kristalhi @knmendiola @nikt-wazny-y
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first-edition · 6 months
Can I pleeeeease 🙏 have a Duncan Vizla smut where he has a huge breeding kink and reader has a choking kink. So he's choking her while "breeding" her, and she completely blissed out when she orgasms. So she's like fucked dumb and Duncan gets worried. So he gives tooth rotting aftercare.
Your Wish is my command oh kind soul.
Chocking, pin v- unprotected, fem readerserious after care teehee
“elsker” danish word for love
SMUT SMUT SMUT AND NOTHING BUT! Minors do not fucking read this i will sue you
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The way Duncan devours you. Every inch ever minute detail of your body. His grunts in your ear as he fucks your life away only making you clench around his cock tighter.
How did you get here? You dont even remember not with your lover shoved in between your thighs and fucking the lights outta your head. The last thing you do rembering is his hands on yours in the kitchen. Now your half way off you bed as he rails you into the mattress.
Your breasts voice as he thrusts himself up into you. Each conflict forcing a pornographic moan out of your mouth. Your eyes roll back in your head as he grips your thighs, one leg strung over his shoulder the other wrapped around his waist keeping him close to you. You were long passed gripping onto him now you gripped the pillow under you head screaming both out and into the plush material that keeps you from banging your skull against the headboard.
“F-fu-u.. d-Duncan.. ah!” You moan out dribbling words barely being able to form half of one. Your pulsing puffy pussy dripping from his and your shared cum. The amount of stamina this man has for you is otherworldly. Most people down in town always give you looks from the age gap between you and your man. Wondering the most private things about you too.
‘How long would he last with you?’
‘How does he get it up?’
If only they could see you both right now you would answer those questions with out even speaking.
You scream out toes curling as you experience another orgasam a number you lost count of so many ago. Duncan grunts as you grip you walls around him only prompting him to fuck you harder, faster, better. If better is even possible. Every time you have sex he fucks you like he’s missing something trying to save a peice of you for later every time, like the pie he orders in the diner almost every night.
His hand wraps around your neck not to kill you like he would a job, but to satisfy you more.
“Ahh f-fuu” you trail off mouth opening agape as the pure over stimulation causing your legs to shake.
“Fuck yeah.” He speaks. Duncan isn’t usually one for verbalizing his pleausre but when it comes to letting him raw dog you until youre a babbling mess he will not shut up.
“Im gonna fill this tight little pussy, you want that? You want me to budge the fuck outta you- argh.” He moans out holding your neck.
“Ngh…y-ye..yesss. Ah- ah- Ngh-“ your fucked out words barley make it passed your bitten lips.
“Fuck cum again, elsker.” When he changes to his native language, danish. You know you’ve got him pussy whipped. He goes on and on in Danish and several neighbor languages about how much he wants to fill you. Make you swollen with his. Put many babies inside you and have you waddle around the town so then everyone knows what hes capable of.
Your eyes cross up ward tounge handing out as he continues to annihilate your cunt. Perfectly fucked into another realm and just wanting for more. Your legs seize up when his thumb presses to your clit circling and flicking. It dosnt take long for the stimulation to take effect and a gush of arousal spews from your cunt making you babble out his name and other profanities associated with the pleasures he’s causing you.
“Fuck! Yes baby! Make a mess.” He groans as he forces his hips flush with yours. The head of his cock pushing against your cervix and possibly even deeper as he releases his last load, of what he can tell you can bare, into your cunt.
He lets go of your throat after a few more rough thrusts and kisses your face and jaw. Gazing his lips over your neck the marks for the hickies he left previously.
Your legs shake and you light twitch as the pur and utter sensitivity between your things courses through you. Duncan carefully pulls out of you making sure to be carful of your state.
“So fucking full my love.” He chuckles gathering the dripping cum and shoving it back. Into you with his fingers.
“You alright elsker?” He asks lovingly as he pulls his fingers out and looks to you. You dont answer as you feel numb your vision clouded with tears and little silver sparks flying through your eyes.
“Y/n? My love?” He asks again you dont reply once more only to smile and lick your lips.
“Shit..” Duncan moves up to your face cupping your cheeks in his hands.
“elsker, answer me.” He demands you giggle lightly eyes wandering.
He curses to him self out of relief and worry before getting up and walking to the bathroom. He turns the water on waiting for it to heat up. He quickly cleans himself off before dousing a wash cloth in the hot water and then taking it back to you once rung out a bit.
“Can i clean you up?” He asks leaning over you to look you in the face. You nod slightly.
“Good. You coming back to me then?” He chuckles. He runs the cloth down your body to your thighs clean the inner then moving back to your crotch being carful to softly clean you up as he knows just how sensitive you are at the current moment.
When hes done he places the cloth on the side table and slips on his boxers. He picks you up carefully and walks you both to the guest bedroom so he can take the sheets off your bed to clean later.
“Duncan.” You ask him as he carefully sets you onto the bed.
“There she is..fucked you too hard huh?” He asks you shake your head. You hold out your arms for his wrapping them around his neck before you both share a kiss the same undertone that got you in the pervious situation. He places his knee on the bed unaware that it’s between your leg causing his lower thigh to brush against your core.
Your nails dig into his shoulders as you pull back erking at the sensation. You curl up closing your legs an closing your eyes the sensitivity slowly disaperating from your nerves.
“Sorry.” He says. You shake your head signally it’s okay, not nessisarly his fault, it is.
“I’ll draw you a bath.” He says. Duncan get up and goes to the bathroom in the guest room and begins to fill up the tub once more waiting for the water to heat up. Once full he exits and goes back to you. Your nude frame sitting on the bed perfect to his veiw but he knows if he were to be tempted by your beauty once more you’d kill him.
“Come on.” He says helping you up. Your legs give out from under you only prompting him to easily pick you up in his arms and carry you the rest of the way.
He sets you gentally in the bath water exactly how you like it showering you in kisses and words of affirmation. He sits on the tiled floor running another cloth over your shoulders helping you.
Once done he helps you dry and dress before quickly leaving you to take a short shower dry and dress himself. He joins you in bed and pulls you close to him speaking to you about how much he loves you and how good you were for him. You eventually fall asleep holding him back. He watches you for a moment before sleep take him over as well.
I hope you liked this. Duncan vizla is daddy and will be the father of my children!! I swear to god. If anyone has any more requests feel free to leave them in the comment section or send a message like this one. I’ll write pretty much anything but i do have my boundaries.
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stars-tonight · 2 months
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oikawa tōru
word count: 410
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“are you sure you know how to babysit, tōru?” you ask suspiciously. “this isn’t going to be like babysitting takeru. she doesn’t know you like she knows me.” you had babysat for your neighbors multiple times before--their six year old was the cutest little girl--but oikawa had never met her, and for some reason you had a sinking feeling that he wouldn’t be the best babysitter.
“of course!” he assures you. “takeru says i’m the best babysitter he’s ever had. i’m practically a professional.”
“takeru always goes to sleep when i tell him to,” oikawa mutters.
you sigh, rubbing your temples. oikawa had spent the last fifteen minutes insisting he could get the little girl--akari--to fall asleep. out of curiosity and amusement, you decided to let him try.
his efforts had been wholly futile.
“tōru, let me do it,” you begin. he had originally tried singing akari to sleep, but he was wildly out of tune and actually started annoying her. that, paired with the fact that you always read akari her favorite story before bed, has resulted in a very unhappy six year old. now you’re starting to see the telltale signs of a meltdown--quivering lower lip, crossed arms, whiny tone of voice.
he huffs, pouting. “i thought bedtime was supposed to be quiet time,” he insists, as you push him out of the chair and onto the ground.
you clamp a hand over his mouth before he can say anything more. you sit down on the chair yourself, next to the bed. “hey, sweetie,” you say to akari. “how about a bedtime story?”
she perks up immediately. “beauty and the beast?” it’s her favorite one, partly due to all the colorful illustrations in the book, and partly because belle is pretty.
you grin. “you remember which part we’re on?”
within minutes, you have her quiet and sleepy. you end the story and close the book softly. oikawa is also quieting down. he’s sitting on the floor, resting his head in your lap and arms wrapped around your waist.
“[y/n]?” akari asks suddenly.
you brush some hair out of her eyes and smile at her. “what is it?”
“is this your boyfriend?” she asks curiously. she looks at oikawa, scrunching up her face. “you’re too cool for him. he’s an idiot. you should date my friend instead. he’s way cooler.”
oikawa’s jaw drops open. “so rude!” he whines.
great. now you have two children to take care of.
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sugawara kōshi
word count: 789
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“is it normal for him to climb the curtains?” suga frowns a little, studying the screaming toddler who’s clinging onto the window drapes.
“yeah,” you say. you had been at your wit’s end for the last thirty minutes, finally deciding to call your boyfriend for help dealing with your little cousin. suga is an only child like you, but with his personality you expect him to be great with kids. “normally i just wait him out, but i’m worried he’ll fall and hurt himself.”
he nods thoughtfully. “not a bad idea in this state. when kids get really upset, they can become physically inconsolable.”
“how do you know that?” you ask, surprised.
he shakes his head and chuckles. “remember what i want to do in the future? i’ve taken so many classes on early childhood and developmental psychology. . .”
whatever information he’s learned from those classes, it must have worked. suga asked your cousin why he was so upset--he had a paper cut--and promptly gave him a bandaid. now your cousin is sitting happily at the kitchen table, kicking his feet as he eats the mac and cheese you microwaved. you and suga were originally going to sit with him at the kitchen table, but he wanted independence, so you’ve been banished to the living room couch. at least you can still keep an eye on him this way.
you shake your head. “i don’t know how you do it. with how he’s acting, we might be able to get him into bed and asleep by seven. he normally doesn’t calm down until an hour after that.”
“kids get upset for a lot of reasons,” suga says. “and younger kids cry because they don’t know the words to express why they’re upset. it’s important to understand their feelings and empathize with them. the more you know about their situation, the more effectively you can deal with it.”
you nod in understanding. you realized pretty early on that you don’t have the patience to babysit your cousin by yourself. but suga is so gentle and patient with him, and he makes it look so easy. “hey, he’s almost done,” you say. “he’s usually pretty calm after dinner. i can get him to work on some coloring pages or a puzzle.”
suga nods approvingly. “good things to be doing,” he agrees. “i’ll wash the bowl if you get him started on that.”
you hug him. “what would i do without you?”
"die,” he says honestly. you roll your eyes, but don’t move away when he hugs you back and kisses your head.
your cousin can be extremely loud and obnoxious--you’ve never seen another kid climb the curtains like an actual cat before--but when he’s calm, he’s actually pretty good. he’s laying on the living room floor, calmly coloring some drawings you had made for him. he’s picking clashy colors and scribbling outside the lines, but he looks happy with himself, so you don’t have a problem with it.
suga comes into the living room with a mug full of warm milk. “you should drink this before bed,” he says to your cousin, and despite the fact that you have never successfully given him milk before, he drinks it without a peep.
you shake your head. “he likes you better than me,” you say. “you’ll make a great teacher, kōshi. kids love you.”
he smiles at this, but you see a proud little blush on his face. “can you help me get him to bed?” you ask, as he sits on the ground next to you.
he drums his fists on your back. “i think you’ve got this. he is your cousin.”
so you try to convince your cousin to go to bed. at first he doesn’t agree, and you’re starting to worry he’ll freak out and climb the curtains again, but then you remember some advice suga had given you. you offer a bedtime story, he asks for a simple story about a dump truck, and then you’ve convinced him to go brush his teeth.
bedtime is a breeze after that; he falls asleep soon after the story. you turn on the fan to circulate the air, leave the door cracked open with the hallway light on, and head back to the living room, where suga is calmly reading a book.
“he’s asleep!” you whisper-cheer, a big smile on your face. a quick look at the clock tells you it’s only seven fifteen--a record.
“there you go! proud of you.” suga gives you a quick peck on the lips. “i’ll make dinner. what do you want?”
you run a hand through your hair and shake your head. “what would i do without you?”
“die,” he says smoothly.
he’s not wrong though.
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kageyama tobio
word count: 562
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“why is there applesauce on the ceiling?”
“she likes to fling it,” you respond.
kageyama frowns a bit. “and she does this often?”
“any time i take my eyes off of her,” you respond.  “do you think you could distract her for a bit while i scrape it off?”
you’ve been babysitting this little girl--who is barely four years old--for almost a year at this point. you had invited your boyfriend, kageyama, to come visit you after his volleyball practice. to be honest, you liked to see him suffer just a bit, and the bewildered look on his face right now is completely worth the applesauce on the ceiling.
kageyama frowns. “how do i do that?”
you shrug. “i’m sure you can come up with something. she’s easily entertained.” you pull out a chair and get a spoon and a bowl.
he stares at the toddler, before stepping closer to her. “do you like to play volleyball?” he asks bluntly.
you stifle a laugh and take out your camera, taking a quick picture of the two. the camera prints the photo out, and you slip it into your pocket to save for later.
the toddler looks up to see him towering over her and bursts into tears. kageyama’s face scrunches up a little in confusion. he reaches his hand out like he wants to touch her, but hesitates at the last second. “get eye level with her,” you suggest. “so you don’t intimidate her as much.”
he takes your suggestion, bending over and resting his hands on his knees. “volleyball?” he repeats.
you shake your head and get onto the chair, scraping some of the applesauce off the ceiling and into the bowl. one problem at a time, you think to yourself. at least if she’s still crying it means he hasn’t accidentally killed her.
and then she’s not crying anymore. the silence strikes you as deafening. you jump off the chair and set the bowl of applesauce on the counter, staring in shock and horror at the empty chair where she had been sitting barely a minute ago. you’re alone in the kitchen.
then you hear laughter coming from the living room. curiously, you walk toward the sound.
kageyama is laying on the floor, calmly setting a volleyball to himself. plopped on the floor next to him, giggling and clapping happily, is the little girl. you doubt kageyama is even aware of her, but she’s fascinated by the volleyball going up and down in the air.
you sigh, shaking your head to yourself. that’s your boyfriend, unintentionally inspiring new volleyball players everywhere he goes because he’s too cool. you head back into the kitchen and clean up the rest of the applesauce.
the sight you set your eyes on upon reentering the living room is part hilarious, part awkward, and all wholesome. kageyama is sitting on the floor, eyebrows creased in confusion with the toddler in his lap. she tries to climb on him like a koala as he stays completely still. you quickly snap a picture of flustered kageyama, the toddler settled in his lap as she reaches up to pull at his hair. his face is pink, lips pushed into a subconscious pout as he holds her, unsure exactly of what to do.
the camera prints the photo. you take it and hold it up to the light.
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akaashi keiji
word count: 556
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“please stop putting spaghetti in your hair.” akaashi frowns as your little brother drapes long strands of pasta on his head, laughing wildly as he does so.
you fight back a smile. you’ve been wanting to see serious, calm akaashi with your brother for the longest time, so you offered to host a study date at your house as long as he agreed to help you babysit your brother. needless to say, he had agreed immediately, and now here you are.
“haruto,” akaashi says sternly. “i’ve asked you to stop doing that three times now. i’m going to count to three. if you don’t stop putting your food in your hair, you’re getting a timeout.”
whoa. how does akaashi know how to deal with your brother? it had taken you weeks to figure out that haruto understood actions, not words. timeouts and proper consequences were pretty much the only way to get him under control.
haruto obeys akaashi once he counts to two. akaashi thanks him for stopping and offers a trip to the playground to burn off some steam, to which your bother excitedly agrees. akaashi plays a game of i spy with haruto while he puts sunscreen on him. you don’t have to do anything as you walk to the playground together. akaashi quietly stands by the slide, watching your brother as he runs around the jungle gym. he agrees to push haruto on the swings and even offers to push you as well. (you agree happily, excited to be the one being pushed for once, which hasn’t happened since you were ten.) when it’s time to go, akaashi gives haruto a five-minute warning, and then a three-minute warning, and then a ten-push countdown. and your brother, who usually throws a fit when he has to leave the playground, agrees more smoothly than you’ve ever seen.
all in all, the day passes by extremely smoothly. when you get home, akaashi makes dinner--you didn’t even know he knew how to cook--and helps haruto with his shower. he gets haruto into bed and fast asleep by nine. throughout all of this, you only have to step in a couple of times, and you can tell by the smile on your brother’s face that akaashi has been a huge hit.
after haruto is asleep, you two settle down on the living room couch together. you brew some of akaashi’s favorite tea for him, and you finally have the chance to do some homework together. “i hope you don’t mind that haruto had so much energy,” you say. “i know you wanted to study.”
he shrugs. “i didn’t mind. he’s a pretty good kid. and i know this was just a test to see how well i would get along with him. so . . . how’d i do?”
you chuckle, surprised he saw through you. “i’m impressed, keiji,” you say truthfully. “haruto can be pretty wild. i didn’t expect him to listen to you that well. you did good.”
“did i?” he fidgets with his fingers. “i was worried he wouldn’t like me. last night i read a bunch of articles about how to interact with kids. i don’t have siblings, so i was worried he’d think i was mean, or not cool, or--”
“keiji.” you take his hands in yours and kiss him on the cheek. “you were perfect.”
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A/N: inspired by @saraswritingtipps, did some research and got information from the awesome @chloiyoomi (i've never babysat before so i needed help lol)
i don't know how much i like this tbh, i love the idea but because i have no babysitting experience i feel like it still came out a bit weird
shoutout to all the babysitters out there, you don't get enough appreciation 💪
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fuctacles · 7 months
for @steddieholidaydrabbles Spring pop-up | T | 1k | no cw | t4t w transfem Stevie and transmasc Eddie, pre relationship, mutual pining | read on Ao3 | part 2
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Eddie hates spring. 
It’s getting warmer and swarms of people are going outside to piss on his good mood. Kids are screaming, parents are showing publicly how terrible they are, the sun is glaring into his eyes, and birds are chirping. Literal hell. His last slivers of peace are the nights and early mornings when everyone is still sleeping.
Except her.
She’s new here, moved in around Thanksgiving last year, and has been running daily ever since. Eddie had noticed her passing his house now and then, her chestnut ponytail swinging with the movement. 
Every morning, in a very un-Munson fashion, he sits on his porch, the cold planks digging into his ass, with a thick sweater, and a coffee warming his body. All so that he can nod at one of the many joggers blemishing the neighborhood.
He always liked drinking his morning coffee in the crisp, chilly air, still foggy and void of people, still in their beds or getting ready for work. She is a great motivator to do it every morning, to wake up to his alarm and start his day early. 
She’s like clockwork, always on time and never out of breath. Barely missed a step the first time he nodded at her in a casual “good morning, neighbor” greeting, and now every time she passes his house she looks to the side, catches his eye, and smiles, raising her hand in a small wave. 
Eddie’s heart swells in his chest and he’s on the verge of weeping into his coffee every time.
It’s all the interaction they’ve had so far, and he’s not even sure what the woman’s last name is, though the rumors he’s heard say it’s Harrington. He likes to imagine she chose this route to see him just like he chooses to wake up early every morning to drink his coffee on the porch, even though no jogging type would go for a metalhead freak like him. He might just be conveniently on the way to her favorite bakery or something. 
He hates spring a little less when it’s warm enough for local joggers to dress down. It gets him swooning over some ankle like an ancient bachelor. A couple of days later the temperatures rise to sports bra levels which he learns the hard way while choking on his coffee.
It’s tight, obviously, but no amount of support can prevent the obvious bounce accompanying the movement of running. He tries his best not to be a creep and greets her with the same smile.
He thinks he’s prepared for the sports bra the next day, but he’s heavily mistaken when the transgender flag rounds the corner. He gets the coffee on his t-shirt this time as he recognizes the top she’s wearing from the same site he used to get binders from. 
She's a little hesitant with her greeting this time, and Eddie can’t stand it. So he opens his stupid mouth and yells:
“Me too!”
She looks at him quizically so he adds, albeit a tad more timid:
“I’m trans.”
And to his absolute horror, she starts walking up to him. 
He’s thinking the worst things: maybe the colors are just a coincidence, maybe she got it because she liked it and has no idea what it means, or maybe he’s about to get shunned by the local community that he already doesn’t feel welcome in.
But then there’s a megawatt smile directed at him and every bad thought evaporates from his brain.
“Really?” she asks, and he can only dumbly nod. 
“Thank god! I worried it would be like, a problem.”
Her hand is out and she’s right in front of him.
“I’m Stephanie,” she says. Her hand is warm against the morning chill. Enveloping and strong.
She smiles, warm and teasing, wreaking havoc across Eddie’s internal organs. 
“Is there a chance I’d get a glass of water?”
Eddie straightens up immediately.
“Yes! Of course! Come in, come in!” He opens the door and motions her inside, hoping the filtering jug is full. 
It is, so he pours a glass for the gorgeous creature in his kitchen.
“Thank you,” she says politely and it’s so simple, but Eddie’s melting inside as he watches her swallow the water and lick her bottom lip.
“Hey, listen…”
“Mhm?” he makes a questioning sound, eyes drawn to the way she crosses her arms, making the muscles flex and frame her cleavage.
“Would it be weird if I asked to borrow a sweater? I heavily overestimated the weather today.”
Eddie was nodding before she was even finished, head bopping so hard he was getting dizzy. 
“No! Just give me a moment!” he said before running up the stairs to his bedroom to grab the first clean hoodie he could find. “Here.”
“Thank you.” She smiles and he has the pleasure of watching her put on his clothing. “It’s stupid, but I’ve been dressing up, or dressing down rather, to…” She bites her lip as she zips up the hoodie. There’s a flaking-away Metallica logo across the chest. “There’s this metalhead on my route I wanted to impress, I guess.”
Eddie swallows down the lump in his throat.
“I’m pretty sure you’d impress him in a skiing suit.”
She chuckles. 
“You think so? Maybe I should just suck it up and ask him out then,” she wonders out loud, turning to leave, and Eddie’s stomach sinks. But then she’s turning back and laughing again.
“Eddie! Do you want to go out with me?”
The relief he feels melts his bones. 
“Of course I do! Why do you think I’ve been freezing my ass on the porch every morning?” He goes for the snark because he doesn’t know how to deal with having this beautiful woman’s full attention.
“Breakfast tomorrow? The usual time?” she asks. Because of course, she’d take him on an early morning date.
“Should I buy a tracksuit?” he jokes, but to his horror, her eyes sparkle.
“That would be perfect.”
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Stevie event interest check
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pbnbucks · 2 months
can i request uconn stewie x cheerleader gf smut?
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word count : 493
warnings : smut, cussing, clothes on sex
summary : breanna loves her cheerleader after a good game
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the after game ritual was very simple actually, it had you where ever stewie wanted you doing what she wanted to you.
this night you where straddled on breanna’s lap with you cheer uniform still on you as she teased you painfully slow.
“stop teasing B just fuck me already we both know where its going to end up” a big smile forms across her face as she wanted you right where you were
“thats no way to ask me for something babe, you know how that ended last time” you knew exactly where it ended last time, you endured 3 hours of teasing and edging from the competitive girl.
“please, please, please fuck me breanna, i need you so fucking bad” she slides her hands up your thighs finding there way under your cheer skirt as she worshiped that uniform, the way you screamed her name at games, the way after a game she had you bent over on her lap as she slid her fingers in and out of you.
“so pretty, don’t worry you’ll get your way soon” she coos removing your hair from your face so she can get a better view of you, as she finally flips you over onto your back sliding up the skirt removing your shorts from under as she aligns the strap up with your entrance teasingly pushing in causing a moan to escape your lips
“there you go baby” she smirks as her un needed comment was made picking on you for being needy, she continues her as you hear her headboard hit the wall repeatedly pissing off the neighbors around your dorm.
“so wet, all for me mama?” she coos as she sees your liquids begin to spill “yes bre all for you” you praise at her ability to hit your g spot so many times in a row knowing your body like the back of her hand.
“looked so good cheering for me tonight” breanna loved when she would look over to you after scoring a bucket, how you were always there cheering her on.
“mhm, did so good B” she places a kiss right under your ear that send shivers down your spine. “oh fuck- breanna im gonna cum” she hums in response, kisses your lips speeding up her pace
“go on baby, want you to cum right on my cock” she coos as your liquids where now spilling all over the silicone strap that never slowed down once, also spilling on breanna’s thighs as she moans at the warm feeling.
she helps you ride out your high as she removes the strap making you whimper at the empty feeling, she places a kiss on your forehead as she grabs a wet wipe from her side table cleaning you two up and throwing it away as she lays on your stomach when not long after her snores begin to surround the room as you place meaningful kisses on her head
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AITA for advising a woman to get married?
Maybe I'm digging my own grave because this website is very US centric but I'm hoping you see where I'm coming from. I (mid 20s M) come from a culture where arranged marriage is the norm. I have this friend Maya (early 20s F) who also comes from a similar culture, but the difference is that hers values consent more, whereas where I live, only the parents have a say in the matter. We also have a USAmerican friend Jade (late 20s F) who will make an appearance at the end.
Maya is a sex repulsed Ace, and she kept saying she will stay single forever. I know what the situation for women in her country is like, it would be very difficult to live without a husband. One day she made a vent post saying how her parents keep asking her to reconsider, that they are worried about her being alone for the rest of her life, and her father is worried about who will financially support her after he dies.
She didn't come out to her parents, no use of doing it since they won't even understand what Asexuality is. All she did say that she refused to marry a man she wasn't in love with, and implied she will never fall for one. She's trying too hard to prove she can be an independent woman.
Her family, out of concern, told her that marriage isn't about love. She can marry someone who she is compatible with and get along just fine. That many people don't end up married to the love of their lives and even if they do, they end up losing the spark anytime but stay because they built a loving home together.
I don't find this a bad thing. Stability is very important in marriage. I mean sure, I wish I could marry the love of my life, but if my parents decided that my next door neighbor would be my wife, I would go along with it because that's just how things are where I live.
I told Maya this and she got upset with me. She said my case was different because I'm a guy (??) And because I was hetero.
I told her to value her culture more, and she has the advantage over me because she can actually CHOOSE her spouse. She got angry and said I wasn't being considerate of her feelings, and she'd rather die than be touched by a man, which frankly is making me worried.
I told her she wasn't being realistic. She is fine for now, but she will suffer in the future. Being single in our cultures is very difficult and she needs to give up. She replied with long paragraphs about how she doesn't care. I say this because I care about her as a friend, and her parents from what she described are good people too and they care about her too. She doesn't appreciate it and thinks she can live alone for the rest of her life. Unlike the west, roommates arrangements aren't available here. If she loses her family, she becomes dependent on relatives who may or may not be available. Frankly I think she's very influenced by the western lifestyle which will get her nowhere in real life. And she's disabled and works a minimum wage too.
Maya stopped talking to me for days. The whole discussion was a on a public post so by the time our mutual friend Jade woke up (different time zones) she read the whole post and came to scream at me in DMs. Jade was Ace herself, she told me I was being sexist and acephobic. I told Jade that wasn't my intention but she should stay out of our business because she can't relate to our cultures and isn't being helpful to Maya, and she has it easy because she has the resources available that allow her to be independent.
AITA for wanting my friend to realize she's being unrealistic and things won't work for her in the future?
What are these acronyms?
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prythianpages · 10 months
Stuck On You | Part Three
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cassian x reader | Cassian can't seem to forget about you since the night you met seven years ago. he thought he would never see you again but when he does, he's determined to make you his. this time for good.
“Don’t worry. She likes your butt and fancy hair. I know, I read her diary.”
[series masterlist]
A/N: I debated on splitting this into two parts since it came out longer than intended but I wanted to leave the bulk of the angst in this part. Some more scenes and quotes from Lilo & Stitch since I couldn't help myself. just one more part! I have a rough outline of it so I probably won't be able to finish it tonight but definitely by some time this coming week.
Warnings: angst, some fluff if you squint, mentions of violence/abuse
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“Cassian said he would take me out for ice cream if you said yes!” Seraphine beamed, removing her boots at the foyer of your small, humble home. “I’ve never had ice cream before. Have you?”
“Sera,” you said with a sigh, concern laced into your tone over how attached she was to him. His month-long absence had given you a glimpse of the consequence of the effect he had on not just you but Seraphine as well and you didn’t want her to get hurt. She wouldn’t understand. 
“I think it’s best if we don’t see Cas anymore.”
She turned to you with a pout. “He’s our friend! You have to say yes.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not?” Seraphine’s lip quivered, her tired eyes brimming with tears.
You didn’t answer, couldn’t bring yourself to.
Instead, you threw your aching body onto the small loveseat in the living room. This week had taken both an emotional and physical toll on you, as you tirelessly kept Seraphine up to date with her studies, managed the tavern’s monthly expenses and wrestled with your inner turmoil concerning Cassian. The constant restlessness in Seraphine only added to the mountain of exhaustion, her unbridled excitement buzzing incessantly over everything.
You knew you should draw a bath for the both of you and then head to bed, considering your fatigue.
However, you were well aware of your little sister’s stubborn nature as it was one you also exhibited. It must run in the family. Once she was fixated on something, there was no distracting her and judging by the intensity of her little sister’s sobs, you braced yourself for a long and challenging night.
“You’re so mean!” She cried. “I hate you!”
“Please don’t be a pain tonight,” you groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“You should just sell me and buy a rabbit instead!” Sara shouted at you with her finger pointed at you, referring to your empty threat of replacing her with a rabbit every time she misbehaved. You hadn’t brought it up in months, years even, and were surprised she remembered.
“At least a rabbit would behave better than you,” you muttered. 
“Go ahead!” Seraphine exclaimed, making you wince at her sharp tone. You hoped your neighbors could not hear her, fearing what they’d do if they did. You heard her angry stomps as she made her way to her room. “Then you’ll be happy! It will be smarter than me too.”
“And quieter!”
“You’ll like it because it’s stinky like you!”
“Go to your room!”
“I’m already in my room!” Seraphine screamed as she opened her door just to slam it shut again, irritating you further.
You grabbed the nearest pillow and brought it to your face to muffle your scream.
Guilt began to settle as your initial anger faded away. You knew you had overreacted. For many years, it had just been you and the small family your mother had created. Neither you or Seraphine had made any friends in Ironcrest yet, unless you counted the friendly old male who you purchased spices and groceries from every Sunday. 
Your small family of four had unexpectedly and significantly reduced to half, leaving just you and Seraphine. Of course, she was excited when Cassian came along. You’d deny it if asked but a part of you was excited too.
He was sweet and kind but your worries crept in about what it meant to allow him into your tightly-knit world. What if things didn’t work out between you? What if the burdens you carried were too much for him to bear? You couldn’t allow him in further when your sister was already so attached to him, unable to bear the thought of having her witness another loved one disappear from her life.
You had to end this, whatever it was that you and Cassian had and you had to end it soon. Before any further damage could be provoked.
Throughout your life, stability had been a luxury, and the haunting fear of attachment loomed over you. The constant uprooting had instilled a deep seated fear of getting close to people. Every bond you had forged was inevitably followed by a painful goodbye. The walls safeguarding your heart, constructed since childhood, grew higher and stronger with every move. You had hoped that your mother’s marriage would bring a lasting change, a nice and needed break from moving, and for a while, it had.
However, the universe had a cruel way of reminding you that stability was a luxury you couldn’t afford. You would’ve never expected your one night stand with Cassian would lead to something more–to this. 
Cassian, with his unwavering determination, posed a threat to the walls you had carefully built around your heart. Love. It seemed like a beautiful risk but the fear of losing what was gained, overshadowed its allure for you. Your heart had never felt so heavy.
You took a deep breath before knocking on your sister’s door. The lack of response didn’t surprise you. She must still be upset. The soft glow of faelight seeping from beneath her door confirmed she was awake. Balancing the two mugs of hot cocoa in one arm, you opened the door and slipped inside.
Your stomach churned at the sight of your little sister, clutching the pegasus doll that Cassian had gifted her. Tears streaked her face as she gazed down solemnly.
“I brought you, your favorite. Hot cocoa,” you offered, hoping to bring a glimmer of cheer to her troubled expression.
“We’re a broken family, aren’t we?”
You frowned, setting the tray down on the nightstand, hesitating before answering. “Maybe but only a little…”
You settled yourself onto Seraphine’s bed, gently cradling her into your lap. “I’m sorry for earlier. I shouldn’t have raised my voice at you.”
“I like you better as a sister than a mother…” Seraphine sniffled.
“Yeah?” You tenderly brushed her long, dark hair away from her face in contemplation.
 A pang tugged at your heart–the weight of becoming a mother figure pressed on your shoulders. As a sister, you also played a nurturing and protective role in Seraphine’s upbringing, offering support when it was needed. You were the one Seraphine would run to for comfort after your mother's scolding or being stern with her, but now you were the one that had to be stern. It was a struggle finding the delicate balance between fulfilling the motherly duties Seraphine needed and preserving the sibling bond that meant the world to you.
“And you like me better as a sister than a rabbit, right?”
“Oh, my sweet Sera.” You replied, pressing a kiss to her forehead, your arms wrapping around her smaller form with a gentle squeeze. “Of course I do! I would not make my special hot cocoa for just anyone. Only you.”
You handed one of the mugs to her, smiling fondly as she inhaled the rich aroma of the hot cocoa.
“Cassian says ice cream is like frozen milk,” she mused softly. “I wonder what hot cocoa would taste like frozen but then it would no longer be hot cocoa, right? We would have to come up with a new name for it but I don’t think I like the sound of frozen cocoa…”
Her innocent dilemma made you laugh, finding it utterly endearing. You wanted her worries to always be like this. Small and trivial.
“Perhaps we should leave the cocoa out to freeze and find out for ourselves? We can decide on a name then.”
The night air was chilling, the cold wind biting at your cheeks. You hugged your coat closer to you, sparing at glance at Seraphine to make sure she still had hers on and the scarf you had bought her was snug to keep her neck warm. You couldn’t help but giggle when you caught Cassian, who had been persistent on walking you home, was constantly blowing his hair out of his face.
“Did you lose all your hair ties?” You quipped, digging into the pocket of your pants and offering a hair tie to him to alleviate his struggle. He reluctantly took the elastic from you and tied his hair up into his usual bun. You noticed he wore it down more recently. “You can keep it, too.”
“I just wanted to let it loose, try something different.” He replied with a casual shrug of his shoulders.
You let out a small hum, stuffing your hands back into your pockets to keep them hidden and fell into a thoughtful silence once more. There was a knot in your stomach as you three neared your house.
Seraphine, who once again had chosen to skip ahead of you two, paused. She turned around with a knowing gleam in her eye. Her lips curled up and she opened her mouth to speak and if you hadn’t been occupied in the tempest of your thoughts, you wouldn’t have missed Cassian bringing his finger to his lips to keep her from exposing him.
“Fancy hair,” she giggled, despite his plea.
“What was that?” You said, turning your head toward your sister.
Both Seraphine and Cassian exchanged a look before turning to you, responding in unison:
Your eyes narrowed at the two in suspicion but you decided not to question it.
When you three finally reached your home, Cassian was surprised at your invitation to come inside. You had never invited him inside, always bidding your farewells at your door. He walked in, overwhelmed by the sweet and delightful scent. It smelled just like you. His eyes darted around the living area curiously, taking in all the small touches you incorporated to make this place feel like a warm and inviting home.
 You instructed Seraphine to change and pick a book for you to read to her before bed. She politely said her goodbye and goodnight to Cassian, her movements slow as she was reluctant to follow your instructions. She had no desire to go to bed, not when Cassian was inside your home for the first time and you found the glare she sent you amusing.
Cassian was staring at the wilted and dead flowers resting in a small vase you had placed on the kitchen table, recognizing them as the ones he had gifted you so long ago. You never threw them away.
He loved the way you said his name. But it was different this time. He pulled his attention away from the kitchen table to look back at you. You leaned against the back of the loveseat in hesitation, your eyes revealing the weight of the decision you were about to make.
His throat tightened. “Yes?”
“I think it’s best if you stop coming here.” Your voice was laced with a vulnerability you hated and before Cassian could reply, you were speaking again. “I have to take care of my sister. I can’t risk her getting attached, more so than she already is and–and neither can I. We’ve lost so much already…”
A tear escaped your eye. You brushed it away with a trembling hand and then Cassian was bridging the distance between you both, his hand gently cupping your cheek and coaxing your gaze to his. 
“Y/n,” he gently whispered. “You’re not going to lose me.”
“How can you say that? What if something happens and–”
“Please don’t push me away.”
 “They call you the Lord of Bloodshed. You’re the commander of the High Lord’s armies. You made a name for yourself. And me? I am no one. I’m not worthy of love. Of you. You’ll soon realize it and grow tired of me–”
“Stop.” Cassian interrupted, bringing his other hand up to cup your face. His touch was both comforting and agonizing. “You are worthy of love and so much more and I want to prove it to you. There could be a room full of others but just like that night at the bonfire, I want you. I choose you.”
A heavy sigh escaped you as you gently removed his hands from your face. “But I can’t choose you. I have to choose Seraphine. I always will and right now, I can’t afford to have you both.”
The weight of your words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the responsibilities that anchored you, pulling you away from the love that beckoned.
Cassian grasped your hands in his, refusing to let them slip away. He did not want to let go of you. He understood the depth of your worries and the distress etched onto your features was breaking his heart. Why couldn’t you see yourself the way he saw you?
“I won’t force you into something that scares you, y/n.” He reassured you with a soft tone, his thumbs tracing soothing circles on the back of your hands. “I only want what’s best for you and Seraphine.”
Your lips trembled as you managed a small, strained smile.
“But you have to know that I love you–both of you. And this love, it’s not going anywhere. It’s a constant. A promise that will never waver.”
Cassian hadn’t returned and although you had asked for it, you couldn’t deny the lingering void in your heart. Seraphine sensed something was amiss when your voice wavered as you read her a bedtime story shortly after he left. Surprisingly, she refrained from asking about Cassian until a week later, almost as if she dreaded hearing the news that he wouldn’t be coming back. 
When she finally did, tears welled in her eyes and you comforted her, convincing yourself it was for the best. However, the attempt of reassurance was futile and did little to ease your own pain.
Seraphine sighed, absentmindedly nudging the green vegetable on her plate. Scrumps was propped on the table, facing her with its stitched eyes. “At least I still have you,” she murmured to the pegasus plush. “You’ll never leave me, right?”
You frowned at the sight, feeling helpless and unsure how to alleviate your sister’s sorrow. This was precisely what you had tried to shield her from and it stung to realize it was too late. The damage had already been done.
Your attention was then pulled away as the creaking door to the tavern swung open. The room fell into silence. The dining Illyrians, previously immersed in their conversations, cast furtive glances toward the entrance.
In stepped the formidable son of Ironcrest’s war-lord, Kallon. Another Illyrian stepped in behind him but he was overshadowed by Kallon’s commanding presence. His gaze swept over the room, eyes like steel, assessing every face, every corner of the establishment. The tension in the air was palpable. He was looking for someone.
The regulars exchanged subtle nods, acknowledging the unspoken command to show respect. Whispers died down, and the muted sound of footsteps echoed as he advanced further into the tavern. The atmosphere had shifted from one of amiability to one of quiet deference, all eyes now focused on the figure who seemed to hold the establishment in the palm of his hand.
Your eyes were wide and you felt your body tense. You almost forgot how to breathe when Kallon’s cold eyes found yours. Seraphine, who sensed your distress, hopped off her chair and ran to you. Her tiny hand found yours and you guided her to stand behind you as Kallon continued his approach.
“Kallon,” you managed to find your voice, forcing a smile onto your face as you bowed your head in respect. “Should I prepare a table for you and your companion?”
“There’s no need.” He replied. He then turned his head at the eavesdropping Illryians, his gaze a silent warning to them. It wasn’t until the menacing look on his face prompted a couple to abandon their tables and those that remained to resume their conversations that he turned his attention back to you. “I came here to speak to you.”
“Me?” You echoed, your voice daring to break. The male behind Kallon remained quiet but you caught the way his gaze had flickered to your little sister, who hid behind your skirts. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“It has come to my attention that you have been fraternizing with an Illyrian male from Windhaven–” Kallon’s lips curled up in disgust and you felt Seraphine’s grip on you tighten. “– who just so happens to also be the High Lord’s general.”
“His name is Cassian.” Seraphine said, peeking out from behind you to scowl at Kallon.
Kallon looked toward your sister with a scoff. You pressed Seraphine into your hip to keep her from speaking again, worried of the consequences that may unfold. “He’s just a friend.”
Kallon’s attention drifted back to you, his gaze burning into you. “It seems you and I have different understandings of a friend because friends don’t kiss each other now do they?”
Your breath hitched. The two of you seldom interacted with each other. The last time you did was to report your mother’s murder. You cursed yourself at that moment, disappointed with yourself. You had failed to recognize that Cassian was well known throughout Illyria and to make it worse, he was from Windhaven. A rival camp to Ironcrest. You wondered how long Kallon had been following you and why he waited to confront you about it now, several months later since Cassian’s first visit. 
“It’s not a good look for you, y/n.” Kallon shook his head in disapproval with a small tut. “You of all people should know the consequences of whoring yourself out. Finding a husband will be troublesome for you and if you continue down this path, it is not a good example for your dear little sister.”
Your blood grew cold at the insult and you forced yourself to look up to keep the tears that were threatening to spill at bay. “I’m s–”
“It seems I may have failed you in some aspects.” Kallon interrupted, raising a finger at you in warning. He turned his attention to the empty glasses lined at the counter. “It is my job, after all, to help my father run this camp and it seems that I have overlooked you. Poor little y/n. You have been running this business and raising your sister all on your own.”
His fingers danced along the counter, a wicked gleam in his eyes. The sound of breaking glass echoed through the air, a sharp and crystalline shatter that reverberated through your bones and had Seraphine wincing into your body. You stared at the shattered glass at your feet, heart pounding through your ears.
“But it is not your place to do so.” Kallon reprimanded, his voice seething with a barely contained intensity. “It is his.”
You lifted your gaze.
The Illyrian male that had been quietly observant finally stepped forward. His features held a strange familiarity you couldn’t quite place. His eyes were cold and distant, lips pressed into a taut line.
“This is Aerik. Seraphine’s uncle.”
The wind was knocked out of you as the day you had dreaded finally came. Kallon had tracked down your step father’s only living relative– his brother, Aerik. The illusion you had so carefully crafted was unraveling and you found yourself at the precipice, forced to surrender the tavern and Seraphine, as if she were a mere object, to him.
But you knew the future that laid ahead for Seraphine if she stayed with her uncle. To you, she was your precious little sister, the one you had devoted your life to. To him, she was disposable, reduced to nothing but a bargaining tool once she was of marrying age. 
She would not have the freedom to be a child as she did with you. She would be groomed to become a submissive wife and soon enough, her wings would be clipped. A tradition that had been banned but not enforced in Ironcrest. You could not allow any harm to fall to your sister, not when you were alive and capable of taking care of her. You wondered if this is how your mother had felt when she had you, cornered by the cruel world.
Kallon had left moments ago, along with the remaining customers, but now without a warning. A threat to harm you and Cassian in unimaginable ways if Kallon heard of Cassian meeting with you again.
"I don't give a fuck if he's the High Lord's pet. This is my father's camp and as his son, I have the authority to punish those who dare cross us as needed."
You had instructed Seraphine to go to the kitchens to help tidy up, leaving you and Aerik alone. Your eyebrows knitted together in an exasperated manner, bewildered by his demands. 
You were a half breed–half high fae, half Illyrian–and a bastard. You were of little significance to Aerik–to any male in this damned camp, if you were being honest–and his plans with Seraphine did not include you. He wanted to take her away from you. For good.
He shifted, directing himself toward the kitchen and you were stopping him. Your hand gripped his arm desperately. “Seraphine needs me.”
Aerik tore his arm from your grasp with a snarl, using it to grip yours instead in retribution. His grip was hard and bruising and had you grimacing. “Is this what she needs?” He seethed, vividly gesturing to the tavern and lack of order in Seraphine’s life.
 “It seems clear to me that you need her a lot more than she needs you.”
Cassian told himself he would give you space, as tortuous as it was for him. It’s what you had asked him for. He missed you dearly, often wondering if you were feeling that painful ache in your heart too. Despite the temptation, he resisted the urge to ask Azriel to check in on you with his shadows, not wanting to bring his friend into this tangled messy emotions he found himself grappling with. He couldn’t shake the desire to check up on you one more time, hoping that you might've change your mind.
A week later, when an overwhelming sense of unease gripped him, he set off for Ironcrest.
Cassian pushed open the door to the familiar tavern, his second home as Rhysand had teased him weeks ago. His eyes scanned the room in search of you like they always did, but he couldn't spot the one person he was hoping to see. His head was then turning to the table Seraphine often occupied only to find it empty. 
An unsettling feeling knotted in his stomach when he couldn’t spot either of you, not missing the glare the male behind the counter had sent his way. It confirmed his suspicion that you weren’t here. Growing concerned, he decided to look for you, hoping you were safe and sound at home.
The journey was swift as it was one he knew by heart, his footsteps echoing through the quiet streets. When he reached your door, he hesitated for a moment. He could see the subtle glow of a light, coming from the small window that he knew faced your living room. He heard a squeak come from inside, recognizing it as Seraphine’s, and then he was knocking on your door.
There was a faint rustling inside and then the door creaked open. Cassian’s confusion set in as he initially saw no one at the other side. It wasn’t until he heard a sharp gasp that his gaze shifted downward, relief washing over him as he spotted Seraphine.  
“Cas Cas!” Seraphine’s expression brightened, reveling in his presence and wrapping her tiny arms around him when he crouched down. “I thought I’d never see you again!”
“It’s good to see you too, munchkin.” Cassian smiled fondly, lifting her up with ease. He had missed her so much too.
“Sera, it’s time for your ba–Cassian?” You blinked, your grip on the towel in your hand tightening. “You shouldn’t be here.”
“Can I come in?”
You looked past his shoulders worriedly and hesitantly nodded.
Cassian stepped into the foyer, crouching down to let Seraphine down. She grasped at his hand, guiding him to the living room where you stood with a forced smile on your face.
His worry deepened as he looked at you. "You weren’t at the tavern so I came to–to see you.”
To make sure you’re alright, is what he wanted to say but within seconds of seeing you, he knew you weren’t. Yet, you still attempted to dismiss his concern with a casual shrug. “My step-uncle is taking over the tavern now.”
“Oh yeah, Cas! I have a step-uncle now and he’s so nice to me. He bought me a new coloring book and so many toys! Do you want to see?”
Cassian realized that the glaring male from the tavern must be Seraphine’s step-uncle. He caught the way you bit the inside of your cheek at your little sister’s words, sensing something more beneath the surface.
“Sure.” He replied to Seraphine.
He waited until she disappeared down the hallway to take a step closer to you. “Is everything okay?”
A fleeting moment of hesitation flickered in your eyes that you quickly concealed, hoping he didn’t notice. But he did.
 "I'm fine, really. Just a bit tired but thankfully Aerik offered to step in to help.”
Despite her attempt to reassure him, Cassian couldn't shake the feeling of unease. The lines of worry etched on his face as he spoke, "You can tell me anything, you know that, right?"
“Yeah,” you nodded your head nonchalantly at him.
“Y/n.” His voice was gentle but stern and he reached out for your hands.
His fingers accidentally brushed against the bruise Aerik had left the other night and you couldn’t mask the wince that followed. Cassian stilled, eyes glancing down and widening at the marking of your skin. “Y/n, Sweetheart–”
“It’s nothing.” You were pulling your arm from his grasp and out of his view, clasping them behind your back. “I tripped and hit my arm against the counter the other night.”
Cassian felt a burning feeling in his chest, his teeth clenching. Someone had touched you--hurt you.
“Does this have anything to do with the sudden appearance of Seraphine’s uncle?”
“No.” Your response was too quick to be anything but a lie. “Aerik has been kind to us. So kind that he offered to help me find a husband.”
More lies. Your fear and anxiety grew with every passing moment that Cassian remained in Ironcrest. Kallon’s menacing warnings echoed in your mind, threatening dire consequences for both you and Cassian, if he ever returned. Since he had gone to the tavern to look for you, you were sure Aerik had seen him. Cassian was not one to easily blend into the crowd with his imposing stature, striking features and seven siphons. It was only a matter of time before he would run off to go tell Kallon.
You knew Cassian was a formidable warrior from all the gossip and tales you'd heard at the bonfire. Still, you couldn't shake your fear. Cassian was in enemy territory. Vastly outnumbered. He had to leave.
Cassian shook his head in disbelief, swallowing hard. “What?”
Stepping forward, he closed the distance between you, his intense gaze burning into your skin as you actively avoided it. “Is this what you want?”
“It’s what is best,” you told him, sidestepping his question. “So please leave. I don’t want Aerik to get the wrong idea by having you here in the house alone with me.”
“I’m so sorry, Cassian.”
Walking away, you felt your heart begin to shatter, unaware that you had also shattered his. You wiped at your eyes once you knew you were out of his view, holding your breath as you moved down the hallway. Seraphine ran past you with her coloring book and you couldn’t bring yourself to stop her.
Seraphine paused, her chest heaving as she caught up with her breath. Her lips curved into a deep frown when she spotted Cassian heading for the door. “Cas Cas, where are you going? I was going to show you my coloring book…"
"I thought you were here to stay.”
Cassian couldn’t bring himself to answer her and as young as she was, she recognized the look in his eyes. It mirrored the expression on your face before you had to deliver bad news. 
“You can leave again if you want.” Seraphine said as realization dawned on her. She casted her head down.
“I’ll remember you though. I remember everyone that leaves.”
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[series masterlist]
A/N: don't hate me for breaking Cas's heart. I just live for the angst 🫠 if it's any consolation, this will have a happy ending 🩷
tagging: @kemillyfreitas
356 notes · View notes
cobaltperun · 9 months
Lost (16) - Night of the Hunter
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Tara Carpenter x female Reader
Summary: To anyone on the outside, and to Tara’s friends, you were Tara’s fierce protector, the MMA fighter who’d take anyone on for Tara. The Guard Dog, as Amber called you. You had no idea you’d have to protect her from people who claimed they loved her. It didn’t matter. As long as you and Tara had one another there was nothing you wouldn’t be able to survive.
Story warnings: Scream violence, family issues, trauma, angst, certain sensitive topics
Word count: 5.5k
Story Masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
-Whatever you do, don't be afraid of the dark-
You lost count of how many times you looked at your phone in the last couple of hours, so you basically lost all the patience you had. You leaned on the kitchen counter and waited. "Come on, it's not that hard to pick up," you muttered as you tapped the fingers of your free hand on the kitchen counter, but much like the other two times you called earlier, Susan didn't answer her phone. "Hey, please call me when you see this, I'm getting worried. Ghostface is back, and I don't think you're in danger, but I'd feel better if you spent a few days at a neighbor's house or something," you decided to leave a message this time. "Be safe, love you, bye," you had no idea why you said those words, you never said them to Susan before, but somehow you just had the need to say them.
You should have said those words sooner, you loved Susan like a mother, hell she was the one and only person in the world you could consider your parent. You never said those words because you struggled to say them to anyone other than Tara. Years of only having a deep, emotional bond with Tara made it difficult to express yourself to anyone else, though you cared for a lot of people now. Well, a lot compared to before. You loved Susan, and Sam, and Chad and Mindy, and even though you didn’t know her for long, you loved Anika as well. But saying it, even casually, felt almost impossible. Yet now it just slipped out.
Susan was going to get shocked when she hears that. She knew you loved her, even without you telling her, but you knew she’d be happy to hear it.
"Susan still isn't answering her phone?" Tara approached you and you just nodded as she took your hand. If you weren't worried, you'd think the situation was funny, since the roles reversed as the day went on. When Susan first failed to answer her phone, you brushed it off as a hectic day at work and Tara was the one who got worried right away.
Then, when Susan didn't answer her phone the second time you found yourself assuring Tara she was okay, even if you were getting worried yourself. And now Tara was the one comforting you. "She's on the other side of the country, I doubt Ghostface would travel all the way to Sacramento," you said, but you could see the look in Tara's eyes. She saw right through you, sure, you wanted to reassure Tara as well, but those words, they were meant more for you. And you were still a hundred percent certain no one figured out she had anything to do with you.
"I'm sure she'll call you soon," Tara placed her hand on your left forearm, gently tracing random patterns across your skin. You relaxed significantly, choosing to remain in here and now with Tara instead of in different what-ifs your mind was making up. Tara wasn't the only one who found comfort and safety in your touches, you craved it just as much, relied on it just as much, so you placed your right hand on her waist and tugged her body closer to you. You just weren’t as obvious as she was, or well, at least it took some time for your friends to figure out it wasn’t just Tara that was touchy with you, so you guessed you weren’t as obvious.
Tara smiled softly as she let you pull her in. Her left hand caressed your cheek, and it was so minute you doubted anyone but you or Sam could notice it, but there was the slightest tremor in her touch. It was getting a bit cold. You raised the hand that was previously resting on Tara's waist and placed it over her left hand to warm it up. “I’d be lost without you,” you whispered, kissing her palm as she smiled, she didn’t need to say anything, her eyes told you all you needed to know, her eyes told you the feeling was mutual.
The sound of gagging made both of you roll your eyes, though you didn’t separate from one another. "This is why I couldn't take living with you. It's either drama or sickly sweet with you and I could somewhat handle the drama," Mindy was being Mindy, teasing and complaining even if you and Tara knew she was, deep down, happy for you two.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, go cuddle with Anika," you smirked at Tara's words. Granted, Mindy and Anika weren't as touchy as you and Tara, but they were fairly sweet as well.
“Ha! Don’t even try to pull that one, T, Anika sitting on my lap, or me sitting on her lap is as rare as you not sitting on Y/N’s lap,” Mindy fired back, luckily Tara was getting fairly immune to Mindy’s teasing.
‘There’s not much point in denying it,’ she told you one time when you got worried Mindy’s teasing went too far. Tara just made sure you understood that she didn’t care about the teasing as much as she used to. She was touchy, and clingy, and she couldn’t and wouldn’t even try to deny it. “I’m clingy and I’m proud, besides, who wouldn’t be in my position!” Tara declared boldly, and took a step back to gesture toward you with her hands.
You went to pour yourself a glass of water. “Maybe you should try snuggling with Anika more often, it’s relaxing to snuggle with someone you love,” you smirked before drinking a few sips of the water.
"Sure, I was going to do that, but you two missed my monologue, again," Mindy said, and you nodded a few times, silently accepting that this was happening. "Also, you were spared from Ethan's weird overshare that he's a virgin, and if we have to know so do you two," at that you had to groan.
"Not our business, Mindy," come on, you did not need to know that. You absolutely did not care one bit about how experienced anyone was. You wouldn’t have even cared about Tara’s experience if she herself didn’t tell you about it, mostly because she needed to get it off her chest.
"It wasn't our business either," she just deadpanned, as if that was actually a good excuse to go and share Ethan’s private information, that you didn’t even ask for.
"So!" she ushered you and Tara to the table and from the corner of your eye you saw Chad giving you a thumbs up with an encouraging look on his face.
"Someone save us!" you whisper-shouted, mostly looking at Sam for help.
Tara chuckled and lightly elbowed your side. "Behave, it might be fun," she sat on your lap instead of the chair Mindy pulled out for her.
"Oh, come on, for once sit somewhere else!" Mindy huffed with her hands on her hips.
Tara just grinned and leaned back against you. "I'm doing you a favor, you know Y/N might escape if I don't do this."
You wrapped an arm around Tara's waist and leaned your head back, feeling just a tad bit annoyed. "Gee, sorry for not wanting to live by movie logic," a good movie to watch as a way to have fun? Sure, any time, especially with Tara. This was just going too far for your taste.
"Too bad, Y/N, this is your life now!" Mindy walked over to you and poked the side of your head. "The sooner you accept that, the better."
"Never!" you gave a defiant, and maybe a bit childish, refusal.
"You can't fight this, miss MMA! Besides, we are in a franchise, and characters aren't safe anymore, so you better listen, especially Sam and Tara," any fun you might have been having with this conversation was gone in an instant.
"No one is killing Tara or Sam," you felt Tara twitch slightly on your lap, you figured it was due to the tone of your voice, lower than usual and promising pain to whoever tried to hurt either of the two sisters. "No one is killing any of you, not you, not Chad, and not Anika, not while I'm breathing."
Mindy looked away from you, touched, but not really believing your words. "You can't promise that, Y/N, but thanks anyway."
Your eyes met hers, you understood, while you would do everything in you power and protect Tara you couldn’t be everywhere at once, you couldn’t claim no one would get killed as long as you were breathing, not after Wes and Liv being killed last year. You would still do your very best to keep them all safe.
"Okay, I'm sensing tension here, let's just relax and have a fun slumber party as the Core Five," Chad and Sam came into the kitchen while Anika stayed back in the living room watching news.
"Core what now?" you couldn't help but ask.
"Core Five?" Sam asked at basically the same time.
"Did you just give us a nickname?" Tara asked in utter disbelief.
"I sure did! I mean, we've been through a lot together and it's a pretty cool nickname," Chad explained and you honestly could go along with that logic.
"That's debatable," Sam wasn't quite on board yet.
"It's extremely debatable," Tara definitely wasn't in favor of it.
"You can't just give yourself a nickname, dingus," Mindy was probably just messing with Chad.
"Of course I can, dingus, because I just did," Chad raised his palm for a high five. "Core Five up top!" he exclaimed.
"No." Mindy immediately rejected him.
"Down low!" he tried with Tara.
"Get that away from me," Tara laughed.
"Please, for the love of God, Sam!" he might have been getting a bit desperate.
"Don't do it!" Mindy, perhaps seeing that Sam might actually do it, quickly interfered.
"Y/N!" he tried one last time.
"You know what, I feel sorry, here's to your Core Five staying alive five," you high-fived Chad, ignoring the incredulous look on Tara's face.
"Thank you!" and Chad looked happy, so win-win.
"I can't believe you," Tara shook her head.
"What? It's kinda cool," you shrugged, but before an argument could be made for or against the nickname your phone rang. Tara nearly jumped off your lap, but you kept a firm hold on her. "Yes?" you picked up without even looking at the caller ID. Maybe you should change that habit…
"Y/N L/N?" that didn't sound like the way a Ghostface would start the conversation.
"That's me," you replied, keeping caution at bay.
"We received a report of alarms going off at the gym you work at. Thomas Laurent called us and said he was out of state and that you'd come to handle the situation. We just need you to come by and make sure everything is still here," the woman spoke over the phone, and you nodded, making up your mind in a second.
"Not the best moment, but sure, I'll be there as soon as I can," you hung up and realized Tara wasn't budging. "Love, I know it's not ideal, but I'd like to keep my job," you pressed soft kisses to the back of her neck. "I promise I'll be careful."
"I'm going with you," Tara decided still not moving from your lap.
"Tara, no you're not," Sam didn't waste a moment, she just outright put her foot down.
"Listen to Sam, please, you'll be safer here," you pleaded for Tara to just listen to you this once. Ater all, if this was the trap you were guessing it was, this was your best bet. There were two options, either Ghostface was waiting for you at the gym, or he was trying to separate you from the group and attack them.
"You're not going anywhere either, Y/N," and it looked like both sisters were about to give you trouble.
"Sam," you tried to argue, a plan already forming in your head, and you didn’t feel like letting this opportunity get away.
"Thank you!" Tara looked so happy Sam was on her side in this. She then turned to you. "You're either not going, or I'm going with you, the same way we agreed on me going to parties."
You and Sam both groaned at that, Tara really shouldn’t have mentioned that agreement when she broke it twice.
"You were beaten! You're not going alone!" Tara argued, before either of you could respond to her previous argument.
"T, if this Ghostface that attacked you really is stronger than Y/N, and she really has to go, then she'll be safer on her own, or, if someone has to go with her, it should be Chad," no one quite liked the idea of you going anywhere, and you were sure Mindy didn't exactly like the idea of Chad leaving either, even if she did suggest it.
"I'm definitely going with you. We'll beat this chucklefuck up together," Chad seemed confident, and the way Sam was nodding at that had Tara reluctantly getting up.
You got up and grabbed your car keys and wallet. "No one is going with me. I'll be in and out," you sighed when Tara wrapped her arms around your waist. "Tara, Love," as gently as you could you got her to let go of you. As hard as she tried there was pretty much nothing Tara could do to you unless you let her, and you sometimes wondered if she got so used to you giving in to her wishes and demands that she forgot that fact. "Please, don't make this harder than it should be," you understood, you really did, but the sooner you left the better.
Tara looked you in the eyes. "Please, don't leave," it nearly made you change your mind.
"Trust me, I'm not about to walk into a trap," you assured her, you reached up and touched her cheek. "We need to be rational about this," even if it did hurt to leave Tara like this you turned to Sam. "I know this isn't the smartest option, but I made up my mind."
You didn't exactly leave a lot of space for arguing and by now they all knew how stubborn you were. And so, you left the group, taking your spare keys with you.
You left the apartment. You actually left Tara and she… she was frightened, not for herself, the apartment was fairly safe as far as she was concerned. She was there, Sam was there, Chad, Mindy and Anika were there, with five on one even the Ghostface that fought against you would have troubles. So, no, she wasn’t afraid for her life, she was afraid for you, you reckless, asshole. You left when Tara all but begged you not to, you were knowingly putting your life in danger when you knew one moment of carelessness could mean death. And you just wanted Tara to accept it and wait helplessly for you to come back home.
And it made Tara angry. It was a similar feeling to the one she’d get when she had mood swings back in Woodsboro, only even stronger this time, and her emotions were out of control. She needed you here, both to feel safe and to complain to you about your behavior.
"Hey, she'll be fine," surprisingly, the one who reassured Tara was Anika.
Tara looked to the side. "How can you be so sure?" a part of her wanted to say something along the lines of 'easy for you to say', but she knew better. Maybe it was because you and Anika didn't have siblings in the friend group, or maybe it was because Anika was the one who helped four months ago when Tara first disappeared, but somehow the two of you bonded a bit more than Tara expected. You definitely bonded more with Anika than with Ethan. Granted, that was true for the entire group, not just you. Except maybe Chad since Ethan was his roommate.
"Come on, T, she's strong and smart, she's either sure she can handle whatever trap someone could be setting up for her, or she has a plan of her own," and if you had a plan you weren't about to say it.
Perhaps you just didn't trust Anika enough to openly say what you were going to do.
It didn't stop Tara from worrying about you, but she couldn't do anything but believe in you. So, she felt better. You'd come back to her. You always did. "Thanks, Anika," she smiled, and then they heard the news that Sam was the suspect.
You needed to be quick about this. Luckily, there was a gas station near your apartment, so you approached the first younger driver you saw. "Hey, would you like to earn three hundred bucks, with absolutely no effort?" the moment those words left your mouth you wondered if your morals completely abandoned you.
"Huh?" the kid you approached probably wasn't even out of high school.
"Look," you showed him a police tracker. "You drive away with this in your car, in the opposite direction of your home. Then, a couple of miles away from here just chuck this somewhere. No matter what, don't keep it," as long as he kept driving and went far enough you genuinely hoped nothing bad would happen, but you needed to get rid of the bloody tracker.
You should probably thank Sidney for making you paranoid about trackers on your car.
"Uh, sure," quick and easy money, coupled with the kid being young and likely naive did the job.
"Thanks," you said and handed the tracker and the money over to him. "Throw it away, and don't stop, just throw it, you hear me," you really hoped you wouldn't see the kid got stabbed in the news tomorrow morning. "Don't ever do this again though, you never know who you're dealing with!" you hollered as you ran back to your car.
You were suspicious the moment that call came, guessing Ghostface would be trying to separate you from the group. Either to jump you or attack the others, you weren't sure. But you weren't about to take the bait. You drove like a maniac, parking the car in the back alley less than a minute from the building you lived in. Even less if you ran. And then you hid in the shadows, watching the entrance, thankful you chose to wear a black hoodie today.
Your phone rang and you picked up, once again without looking at the caller ID.
"Hello, Y/N," oh, you recognized that voice. "What are you doing so far from your workplace?"
"Ruining your plans," you were relieved the kid listened to you.
"Hardly. I got you exactly where I want you. Away from home," that would have been chilling to hear if you weren't looking at the entrance and noticing the figure approaching.
"If you even try to touch them," you warned, stepping away from the shadows, and as silently as you could you went after the Ghostface.
"What are you going to do about it?" you didn't respond, seeing as you were already about a dozen feet behind the killer. "Silent, huh? Will you be that silent when I carve up your little whore," you grabbed Ghostface from behind and slammed him into the ground.
"Sorry, whore really doesn't fit any of my loved ones," you picked up the knife he dropped and quickly stabbed him several times, but just as you were about to slit his throat you heard tires screeching, horns blaring, and looked up to see a car heading right toward you and the Ghostface.
You jumped up to your feet and headed for the stairs, you got inside just as another Ghostface emerged from the car and went to his fallen accomplice in crime.
You felt your blood run cold when you took a good look at the two. They weren't nearly as big as the one you fought at the bodega.
Would this one run after you or get the other one out of the way? You didn't know. It didn't matter.
Tara couldn't remember the last time fifteen minutes made her go through such a rollercoaster of emotions. First, she was worried about you, then reassured, then she had to completely shift focus on comforting Sam, and then, finally, she even allowed herself to be excited and happy for Sam because she was sleeping with Danny, or Cute Boy, as Tara dubbed him, mostly to see if you'd get jealous. You didn't even react, but the nickname kinda stuck around.
And then they all heard Anika scream.
Tara jumped to her feet and ran into the living room to see Ghostface standing over Anika with a knife in her stomach.
"Anika!" Mindy cried out as Tara, before anyone could grab her lunged at Ghostface and tried to push him off Anika.
He wouldn't budge, Tara was trying with everything she had, pushing the forearm, but nothing worked.
"Feisty," Ghostface chuckled, entirely unbothered by her efforts.
Tara suddenly remembered all those times she watched you fight, pulled her fist back, and with all her weight put behind the punch she hit him right where his liver was.
He flinched, probably more surprised than anything, and pushed Anika aside. Before Tara could react, he grabbed her left forearm and pulled her closer. "You should have left the fighting to your girlfriend," he taunted and raised his knife. And she screamed, for a moment feeling like she was back in Woodsboro, with Amber, in her robes above her on the night she was attacked for the first time.
Everything turned hectic from that moment. Sam grabbed the arm holding the knife and pushed, desperately trying to keep the knife from reaching Tara as Chad jumped in and punched Ghostface in the face. Tara did her best to push as well and they managed to topple him over.
"Help Anika!" Chad got on top of him, hitting him with all he had several times and for a moment Tara thought they would be safe. She thought Chad's hits were enough to defeat the man, because while he wasn’t as skilled as you were, Chad wasn’t weak by any means.
"Chad get back!" Sam, however, saw something else and went to pull Chad back. Only then did Tara see the man had his forearms raised and was blocking each and every hit Chad made. And it looked a lot like how you would fight in the cage. There was no doubt in Tara’s mind now, this man was an MMA fighter and she felt her blood run cold, because she knew exactly how dangerous that made him.
There was no mistaking it. This was the Ghostface that attacked the three of you at the bodega. Sam wasn't strong or fast enough to pull Chad away in time and Ghostface stabbed Chad right below his chest.
He violently yanked the knife out, making the wound even worse as blood splattered on the floor and Chad cried out as he and Sam fell back. Tara watched in horror as Sam managed to get back on her feet only to just barely avoid the knife.
"Run!" Sam yelled and Tara went to help Anika to her feet. There was no way they could reach the front doors, but maybe they could lock the bedroom doors and call for help from there. Mindy, trusting Tara to handle helping Anika went to get Chad, only to get sliced across her left biceps.
Sam grabbed a lamp and threw it at Ghostface, slowing him down just enough for all five of them to flee into the guest bedroom.
They had no idea what to do now, though. They didn't bring their phones. They barely managed to block both of the doors and Ghostface kept trying to break through.
"Sam!" they heard Danny yelling from his apartment and Sam went to the window.
"Shit," she cursed, and Tara realized they really had no way out. Ghostface would break in sooner rather than later.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Tara looked at Sam, not knowing what was happening, all she was focusing on was trying to slow down Anika's bleeding. "Fuck, I don't," Sam grabbed onto something and Tara realized it was a ladder.
"Tara! Tara, go!" Sam ushered her to the ladder.
"Sam! Wait!" Tara tried to argue, but Sam just grabbed her shoulders and made her look into her sister's eyes.
"Listen to me, we'll send Anika next, but I need you to get out of here," the frantic, frightened look in Sam's eyes made Tara give up on fighting.
Tara pulled Sam into a hug. "Please don't die," she begged and, not having any more time to waste, went to the ladder. She looked Danny in the eyes and swallowed down her fear. The last thing anyone needed right now was for her asthma to kick in. Slow, deep breaths. She thought about you, about how you'd be encouraging her right now, but she was moving too slowly. The lack of strength in her left hand made her uncertain.
"Come on, Tara, I got you, Sam will be right behind you, you can do it," Danny encouraged her, reaching out for her to grab onto his hands. And she did, she grabbed on and with his help made her way to the safety of his apartment.
"Sam!" she immediately cried out, now feeling even more anxious since she had no idea what was happening in the apartment. She could still hear Ghostface trying to break into the apartment, she flinched when she heard wood cracking but managed to keep her breathing under control when she saw Sam climb onto the ladder.
Sam began making her way over, but the ladder shook slightly. "It won't hold me," Sam spoke what Tara feared the most at the moment.
"It ain't going anywhere, it's gonna hold you, I promise," Danny kept a firm hold on the ladder and Sam nodded slightly.
"Eyes on me, Sam, come on, I got you," just like he did with Tara he reached out for Sam and pulled her inside.
Sam immediately hugged Tara, trembling slightly, and then looking at Danny. "Thank you," she whispered. "Okay, she turned back toward their apartment. "Come on!" she yelled for the others to get across.
"Mindy! Chad! Anika!" Tara yelled, hoping any of them would just get to the ladder and get out of there before it was too late. She saw Mindy and Anika getting close to the window. Her heart shattered when she saw Anika and Mindy kissing, possibly for the last time, and Mindy climbing on the ladder.
"Anika and Chad are coming right behind you! They're right behind you!" Sam kept yelling, keeping Mindy from panicking. She made it to the other side of the ladder much faster than either Tara or Sam. It wasn't fast enough though.
Just as Anika climbed onto the ladder they heard the doors slamming open.
"Chad!" Mindy screamed. They didn't see it, but they heard a loud thud and what sounded like a body dropping.
And then Ghostface was at the window, stabbing the knife next to the ladder.
"What?" Anika asked, afraid and in pain and there was nothing they could do to help.
"Anika you have to move now!" Mindy cried out as the man slowly, as if taunting them reached down for the ladder.
"No!" Tara cried out, and then she felt like her heart stopped beating for a moment when she saw a fist colliding with the side of Ghostface's head.
You came back.
You could hear the screams as you were running down the hall toward the doors. You could see blood from the moment you burst into the apartment. You saw red when you realized Chad was struggling to get up and Ghostface was reaching down for the ladder.
Why was there a ladder? You had no idea. It didn't matter. You rushed into the guest bedroom crashing your fist against the side of his head and for good measure slamming your entire body into Ghostface.
Both of you dropped to the floor and you placed him in a hold, wrapping your arms around his neck and right arm as you pressed his left forearm down with your knee.
"Y/N," Chad stumbled to his feet and you could see how unsteady he was.
"Get out of here! Get across the ladder!" you yelled, still not sure what that other Ghostface was going to do. "I've got him, just go!" you could feel Ghostface trying to get on his knees, but you kicked his leg and added pressure to the forearm at the same time.
You could hear Chad climbing onto the ladder as you tried to choke Ghostface. Even with as much strength as you were putting behind your hold, he managed to grab your forearm and pull just enough to prevent you from choking him.
You were stuck in a different dilemma though. Should you fight him right now? Just try to end the biggest threat? You were vaguely aware of the knife next to the ladder, you could reach it before Ghostface, but you weren't sure you could be quick enough to end it all before he got back to his feet.
"Y/N!" hearing Tara crying out for you made you consider just running away. Just getting across the ladder as quickly as you can instead of fighting. Leaving the fight for another day and just hoping you’d get a better chance to finish him off.
Hearing footsteps closing in made the decision for you and you jumped to your feet and went for the window just as the other Ghostface came in, knife twirling between his fingers.
You didn't have time to do it carefully. "Out of the way!" you yelled and jumped out of the window, just barely keeping your balance as you lunged forward and tumbled into Danny's apartment. The ladder fell as you stumbled into someone and tripped over your own feet.
You knew who you stumbled into before you even opened your eyes. You felt her trembling arms clinging to the back of your hoodie. When you opened your eyes you saw Tara beneath you, tears falling from her eyes as she pulled you down to kiss you.
"Are you okay?" you asked, looking her over when she allowed you to pull away.
Tara nodded frantically. "I am, I'm okay, Y/N," she whispered, and you relaxed just for a moment before looking around you. You weren't too late, everyone was still alive. Everyone but Tara and Sam were injured, but they were all alive and you hugged Tara tightly, kissing the side of her head and muttering a soft thank you into her ear.
You were all, aside from Anika, more or less, fine. Chad had a concussion and a deep stab wound, but he could still move around and Mindy's cut, while painful, wasn't deep enough to cause permanent damage. Tara, Sam and you were, for the most part, just a bit shaken.
Anika was the one you were all the most worried about. Her wound was serious, and while she survived, and the surgery went well none of you knew when she would wake up or if there would be any lasting issues caused by what she went through.
You folded your arms and squeezed at your biceps, barely keeping yourself from biting your lip. You thought you could outsmart the killers and it nearly cost Anika, and everyone else, their lives.
You stepped back and leaned your back against the wall. Events of last year came to mind as you watched Mindy watching over Anika while Tara was comforting her to the best of her abilities. You guessed you had a similar expression back when you were waiting for Tara to wake up.
Chad walked over to you, leaned against the wall, and placed a hand on your shoulder. "What now?" he asked.
"You stay here, protect Mindy and Anika, and leave the rest to us," in any other circumstances you were sure he would argue. That he would demand to be there for Tara, Sam, and you, so he could help you fight. But this was his sister and not only was she injured she wouldn't leave her girlfriend here.
"Y/N is right, Chad, you're needed here," Sam understood. Everyone understood what the only option was for Chad.
So, he nodded. "You better come back. We are Core Five," you could see in his eyes that he felt bad about his choice, but this was one of those situations, where you just had to choose the one most important to you. The pair of siblings would choose one another, no matter who was on the other side, and no matter how much it would hurt them if they had to choose.
"Yeah, you might want to change the nickname, use six instead of five," you said, firmly believing that Anika would make it out of this completely fine.
Story Masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
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paigehughes28 · 5 months
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Warnings: talks of a toxic relationship, fighting(screaming)
“She deserves better, but I can’t see her with anyone else, so I became better.” -Hardin Scott
Jack Hughes sat on the couch ready to get interviewed. It was most likely going to be about hockey or him getting back with his now girlfriend y/n. They were toxic in the beginning and throughout their first relationship but Jack had changed for her. He had known she deserved better but he didn’t want her with anyone else but him so, he became better for her and only her. He then smiled to Y/n who was behind the cameras watching as the interview started and so far there was only questions about hockey not y/n. “So, Jack, everyone’s been wanting to know.” The interviewer started and he internally groaned. “Why did you and y/n get back together? Weren’t you guys super toxic?” She asked and Jack grimaced thinking back to how their relationship used to be.
The apartment was filled with screaming so loud you’d be shocked if the neighbors didn’t call the cops. “Why, Jack?! Why?!” Y/n screamed angrily with tears pricking her eyes but not falling. Jack had gone out drinking with his team and had been flirting with other girls from what Luke and Nico had told her. He didn’t directly cheat but still. They were in a relationship and he shouldn’t have been doing that. “It was only flirting! I didn’t actually cheat!” He screamed back as they were now getting into each others faces. “That doesn’t matter! You’re in a fucking relationship with ME Jack! This has happened so many times before!” Y/n yelled getting more pissed off at the fact that Jack was trying to play it off. “Well maybe I don’t want to be tied down to you!” Jack yelled and Y/n stood there in shock tears now falling. Jack regretted what he said instantly. He didn’t mean it. He loved her with all his heart he just had anger issues. That wasn’t any good excuse though.“You know it’s bad when Nico tells me but worst when Luke, your own brother tells me. So, I’m done Jack.” She whispered crying but Jack could hear her all too well. He wish he couldn’t hear what she had said. The girl then left to their shared room packing the absolute essentials and calling her best friend to pick her up. Once her friend got there she got up to leave. “Please, y/n. Don’t leave. I need you.” Jack had begged her almost crying which she ignored walking out the door. She didn’t need him. Atleast that’s what she was trying to convince herself. From that day Jack tried and tried to make himself better for her and she would decline him asking her out again every time until she didn’t and saw he actually had changed.
“Jack? The question?” The interviewer asked grabbing his attention again. He must’ve been thinking for too long cause he looked over and saw Y/n’s worried face. “Oh, sorry about that.” He apologized to which the interviewer said it was fine. “I know she deserves better, but I can’t see her with anyone else.” Jack started then looked over to Y/n again and smiled. “So I became better. Now we’re not toxic anymore.” Jack said and Y/n mouthed an ‘I love you’ to him. “I love you too.” Jack mouthed back then looked to the interviewer. “That’s sweet. Well, we’re glad the power couple is back together despite the past. But that’s our interview today. Thank you for coming!” The interviewer said to Jack and he nodded saying you’re welcome. Once the cameras stopped recording he went over to Y/n hugging her. “That was real sweet what you said Rowdy.” She told him and he smiled pecking her lips. He would never treat her how they used to be ever again.
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void-wolfie · 1 year
I Love You. I Support You.
summary: jenna finds you on the bathroom floor puking. [request]
pairing: Jenna Ortega x gn!Reader
tw: eating disorders, bulimia, terrible writing lol
words: 1.08k
a/n: I don't have any experience with eating disorders so this may not be an accurate description. I know bulimia affects people in different ways and I did my best to research and depict this disorder in an authentic manner. if you have an eating disorder you should definitely seek help. it took me a while to find the right words to write this but hopefully this is what you were asking for anon :)
*if mentions of eating disorders (i.e.; anorexia, bulimia, etc.) trigger you please refrain from reading
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Jenna was sitting across the dinner table from you, her plate almost empty, unlike yours, which you'd barely made a dent in. You'd eaten a little bit, but you didn't feel like eating anymore, you just kept pushing the rest of your food around with your fork.
Jenna watched you mindlessly push the food around on your plate, completely unaware of her eyes on you. She was worried. You'd been acting strange for a while now, and that bubbly, carefree demeanor you carried proudly seemed to be fading away.
She chalked it up to stress at first, work was rough for you and she hadn't been able to spend as much time with you due to her own projects. But it felt like there was something else going on as well, she just couldn't figure out what.
Your head shot up, finally noticing her worried expression. It sent a wave of guilt through you; you hadn't meant to make her worry...
"Is everything okay?" She seemed wary of asking like you were some ticking time bomb waiting to go off.
"Yeah, fine," you forced a small smile, trying your best to ease your girlfriend's worries, "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go to the bathroom."
You got up from the table as fast as humanly possible while trying not to look suspicious, a task easier said than done. Especially when your girlfriend is great at reading body language.
You made sure to shut the bathroom door behind you, instantly turning on the sink to drown out any noise.
Your stupid thoughts, they were at it again. You often felt safe in Jenna's presence, like your own insecurities couldn't touch you. But right now, there was a war raging inside your mind and you were quickly losing.
You knew looking in the mirror right now would be a death sentence, so you avoided that, instead, focusing on the way your hands gripped the white countertop.
It's just in your head. It's all in your head. You kept telling yourself. You can control it. Don't listen to it.
But the other little voice in your head was screaming, begging, clawing its way through the caverns of your mind. If it were any louder you wouldn't be surprised if the neighbors down the street could hear it. Fat. Fat. Fat. Too many calories.
Fat. Need to purge.
Ignore it. It can't control you.
Shut up!
It started to dawn on you that maybe you were fighting a losing battle. Destined to lose no matter how long you fought.
Jenna was worried. You ran to the bathroom fairly quickly. Something wasn't right, she could feel it. She could hear the sink running, drowning out any noise.
Tired of the uncertainties rolling around in the back of her mind, she made her way to the bathroom, pressing her ear up to the door to listen in. Yes, it was an invasion of privacy, but she needed to make sure you were okay.
For a moment, all she could hear was the sound of the sink running. Then she heard it, it practically echoed against the bathroom walls. The sound of puking.
She gently pushed open the bathroom door, just to confirm if her suspicions were true. Through the crack of the door, she could see you slumped over the toilet, your knees digging into the tile floor as you gripped the bowl and emptied the contents of your stomach.
Jenna pushed open the door the rest of the way. She sat down on the floor next to you, trying to give you space while still being close enough to rub your back soothingly.
She didn't say anything, just sat there, doing her best to provide you with comfort.
It had been quiet for a few minutes now. You were silently waiting for the next wave of vomit, but there didn't seem to be one coming. The tears had stopped flowing long ago, but the salty tracks were still wet against your cheeks trailing down to your chin. Your throat ached and you could feel the shame of the situation beginning to seep in.
"It's back, isn't it?" It was Jenna who'd broken the silence, barely even whispering in the quiet of the bathroom. The only noise was the sink still softly running in the background. Part of you was glad she left the sink running, the sound of the water was better than having to listen to your puking echo in dead silence.
You nodded, silently answering Jenna's question.
You told Jenna about your eating disorder long ago, when the two of you first started dating. You didn't give her many details, and she didn't push you to tell her. She knew the basics, and she was glad you trusted her enough to tell her anything at all. You were in recovery; you were doing well. At least you were till a few weeks ago. All it took was a bad fight with a close friend and a few comments about your past to send you spiraling. You relapsed that day and have been struggling to manage it since.
Jenna's hand still rested on your back, doing her best to try and comfort you, "How can I help?"
"I don't know..." You answered truthfully.
"We're going to get through this together, okay? I love you. I support you."
If it weren't for the conflicting tide of emotions washing over you, you'd probably be smiling like a love-sick fool. I love you. I support you. You said that to Jenna every time she had to go away for filming or movie premieres or whatever else her busy schedule had planned. It had become routine between the two of you, one that had become a source of comfort for both of you. Now it was her turn to support you.
"Let's get you cleaned up, okay."
You let Jenna help clean you up. She made sure you brushed your teeth extra well, making you use mouthwash twice just to be safe. She helped you into the shower and helped your tired form get dressed after. And when it was all said and done, she made sure you were cozy in bed before putting on your favorite movie to fall asleep to. The talk of figuring out a plan was promised to be done tomorrow, for now, all you wanted was comfort and your girlfriend, and Jenna was more than happy to help with both of those things.
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chronicbeans · 2 years
Wally and a Puppeteer Reader (part 11)
Looks like we are getting close to the end. Idk how many more parts there will be but I, for once, gotta plan in mind! Yippee!
TW: Obsessive Behavior, Idol Worshipping, Interrogation, Derealization, Scopophobia/Eye Imagery, Threats
🎥 You have waited a couple days for this. You wanted to make sure that Henry was alright after what happened. Currently, he and his uncle are out, picking Angela up from the hospital. No one is home, so it is the perfect time for this.
🎥 You place Wally down on your bed, before placing two heavy books on the extra blanket hanging off of the ends of the knot you tied to heep him down. He squirms, looking up at you with the most fearful eyes you have ever seen... on a puppet, at least. Nothing could ever beat the fear you saw in the eyes of Eddie's puppeteer when they handed you the box holding this cursed puppet.
🎥 Speaking of, the puppet opens its mouth, crying out "Let me go! I'm sorry! I didn't hurt her! I think I just spooked her... she tripped on her own!" You shake your head "I don't really care about whether or not you did or didn't do that... Because, even if you didn't, you still hurt people! What about the person YOU filled with staples? Or the one you dropped a bucket of paint on, cracking their head open?! Or these cursed notes and drawings you kept sending me?! You still did damage to people, including me! I have been going insane from fear because of you!"
🎥 His eyes widen more so than they already were. He grows silent, looking around. He begins to mutter "No... no no no... I never meant to... I never meant to hurt YOU!" He then looks you straight in the eyes, the most intense stare held within his own. His pupils seem to expand until they overtake the entirety of his large eyes. "I NEED YOU. I would never hurt you willingly! I thought the notes were lovely! The drawings, too! Isn't it nice to know that your most faithful puppet is watching over you? The paint guy was being mean to you! He deserved it! I even warned him before I did it. I always saw the other guy with Eddie, so I thought it would be fitting if he delivered mail to you! See? I put so much thought into it all so it would be perfect! I love you! I am so sorry you didn't see what I meant to get across..."
🎥 You take a step back, placing your hands on your hips "Oh, you got your message across, alright. I know you love me. You love me too much. You love me to a dangerous degree and you clearly are willing to harm people for the smallest of reasons. I know the boss will probably fire me for this, but I think it would be best if I just burned you-"
🎥"NO! NO, DON'T DO THAT! I mean-!" He looks over to the clock in your room, before saying "I mean... can we... can we have one last round on set? Whatever story you want, you can tell! You can make me do anything you like! I don't care... I can clearly see that I deserve it... I caused so much damage. If you want me burned, I can't stop you. I am your puppet. You are in control, right? Just one more little story. For me? For your good, friendly neighbor?"
🎥 You feel... uncomfortable. However, you think about it for a bit. The studio is far from most other people and since Wally can talk, he can probably scream. It would be... concerning, to say the least, if your neighbors saw you burning a screaming, flailing thing that looked vaguely like a person. So, it might be for the best that you go through with his wishes. "Alright. You want one more story? You will get one more story. You better not double-cross me, though."
🎥 Wally nods, a his permanent grin widening. "Don't worry. I won't. As I said, I would never hurt you intentionally. Let's go! Now! I wanna go now!" You untie him, before slinging him over your shoulder and placing him in your car. You drive to the studio, listening to Wally talking about how much he can't wait to see Barnaby, Julie, and all the others. You tune him out, focusing entirely on the road and your destination.
🎥 You arrive, parking your car and hopping out. You grab Wally, before reaching into the glove box and taking out your emergency key to the studio. You really don't understand why the boss gives everyone a key. Apparently it is so they can have someone open the door if they lose their own? You don't really care, though. All you care about is finishing whatever this puppet has started.
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silvamyman · 7 months
𝗣-P𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗿𝗲𝗻 !
𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀 !: A day off from Blue Lock, finally determined to make peace between all the boys, forget the misunderstandings, a new one is born, With youthful hormones
𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀 !: Blue lock x FemY/N ¡!
Warning!: Harassment, Minors, Hormonal children, Stalkers, desecration, wet dreams, Milf
Please do not translate my work, do not upload it to any platform, Consult me ​​to give you authorization for my work, I would appreciate it if you would show me the talent you have after reading my stories ! 🫶
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Finally, after so much effort, all the boys who participated in the Blue lock project had their well-deserved rest, after so many tears, sweat and frustration, They were definitely making the most of those vacations now. And what could be better than making peace?
Isagi was the one who had the idea, to bring all the boys together, leave the rivalries, envy and meaningless senses of superiority, recognize the abilities of each one and unite them with the others, Everyone accepted, some went reluctantly (Like barou)
To improve the moment, Reo decided to contribute to Isagi's good cause, he invited them to spend a day at his house, it was impolite to reject his offer after having made peace. Why not?
This is how all the boys ventured to the reo's house, making small talks about any topic, remembering embarrassing moments, comical moments, various emotions that they felt as soon as they knew each other
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As soon as they arrived, they realized the rich neighborhood in which reo lived with his family, living the life of any boy, Reo gave them a small tour of his house, just the basics, kitchen, bathroom, and his room, where they would be most of the day
Everyone took some kind of seat, getting comfortable, they spent some time like that, making jokes, games, Taking small snacks and drinks
Everything was laughter, except for Nagi, his gaze lost in the window, looking at the house from the side
"—Reo! Reo!"
Nagi's scream full of happiness alarmed the others, everyone stayed in their places while reo got up from his bed, to see what was happening, He looked out the window, barely knowing what was happening, he took his binoculars to see better*
"—is something wrong guys?"
Isagi asked with a small confused tone as if scared by the attitude of both friends
Everyone approached the window, burying themselves and fixing their gaze on the neighbor's room
They were surprised to see a curvy figure, a woman so beautiful, so delicate, her skin looks so soft.
She was so beautiful in every aspect, breaking the Japanese stereotype, the standards they had of a woman, were tiny to what she was
"—And... What are we seeing?"
Bachira commented, without understanding much, seeing a woman behind one of his windows, he didn't see why, at that moment Otoya placed a finger on his lips letting him know that he would shut up
"—Don't worry, we'll explain later"
He spoke reo, while he adjusted his binoculars to better appreciate the moment, His childhood love until now, who disturbs his dreams with such elegance, who treated him like a little child, His beloved neighbor
Reo remembers his neighbor from childhood, his beloved neighbor always came on important holidays, doing a singing performance
A talented woman, doing small performances in dressing rooms, Their work was mysterious to the entire neighborhood, they only knew very little about acting
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"—Just enjoy the view, we'll talk in a moment"
Nagi spoke without taking his eyes off the window, as enthusiastic as a dog waiting for a treat, all the boys looked at each other, they decided to listen to Nagi
Everyone turned their gaze to the window again
As soon as I turned around, that long-awaited and mysterious show began
The girl was behind them, not knowing that some hormonal children were watching her through her uncovered window
The sensual and charming neighbor began to take off her heels, leaving them in their usual place, She took her stockings in her hands showing her meaty and juicy butt as soon as she bent down to take her stockings off the floor
All the boys immediately blushed at the sight, everyone was stunned, Some swallowed in surprise as an emotion, they never expected those attitudes of nagi and reo
They never took their gaze off the backside of such a beautiful neighbor, her dress tight to her flesh, She left her stockings on the edge of the bed, at that moment she began to lift her dress from the butt up, showing her panties to the boys while she passed her dress over her head, Throwing it on the edge of your bed
The boys could barely contain a scream, they stayed frozen in place, no matter how much they tried to look away, they always returned to the same point
The beautiful and distracted neighbor continued with her show, She pushed her hair aside, showing her bra, she untied it in the back, letting it fall to the floor, she grabbed the edges of her panties, letting them fall to the floor
I take his clothes, underwear as well as upper, leaving them in his dirty clothes basket, She returned her body to her closet, revealing her breasts and butt, Her beautiful face so fragile and soft, so innocent
He took his bath towel, a towel for his hair and another for his body, placed them between his hips while he closed his closet
He headed to his bathroom, he never noticed the lustful looks of brats as soon as they understood that his small cock didn't let go, it was to go to the bathroom
Her heard the bathroom shower turn on, at that moment his beautiful neighbor began to hum a little song
Definitely, they should go to the reo's house more often, to "talk among friends"
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Hello hello! Thank you very much for continuing to support my content at all times!
part 2?
I have many ideas that would never be expected, if this blog is supported I will do the second part right away !
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okwonyo · 7 months
moot game! ship your moots with an idol and give them a trope!
hihi! ^^ i didn’t put everyone because i don’t know everyone’s bias.. so mea culpa ><
@byhees with jungwon | rivals to lovers.
yizu and jungwon would both be the top of their classes, constantly competing over which one is going to be on the top of the whole school at a given semester. it’d obviously be the reason they wouldn’t stand each other— well, maybe just yizu because if you ask jungwon, he is quite fond of her actually and this is why he loves, and emphasizes on that word, to come sit next to her during her studying time. claiming that he needs to distract her (he can’t let her surpass him, can he?) but really, teasing her might be his favorite thing in the world.
@okwons with sunghoon | middle school crush (and still going strong)
and don’t get it wrong; if you ask vi about sunghoon, she’d say that she doesn’t really mind his presence and that he is a funny guy. if you ask sunghoon about vi, he’d go on a whole rant about how beautiful she keeps on getting and how he wishes he could give her the moon, and far, far beyond. he’d be so enamored by her that he’d look so stupid whenever she is near— stumbling over his every words and blushing when her shoulder slightly brushes his.. and the worst part about this is that: she doesn’t even notice! and it makes everyone go crazy.
@isoobie with heeseung | fake dating.
heeseung and ri wouldn’t that much of friends.. just seeing each others then and there at parties or at the cafeteria. he’d give her a little smile and a charming wave when he sees there, even if they don’t talk that much. and one day, when they find themselves alone in the school’s library, he’d ask her to date him and she’d go ‘huh?’ and he’d explain whatever his raison may be.. but at a moment during the whole fake dating thing, the line between reality and fake would get blurry— little unnecessary kisses there and there, a tad bit jealousy when ri talks with a guy.. i’ll let you imagine the rest.
@boyfhee with jay | neighbors to lovers.
they’d meet in such chaotic circumstances, there would be absolutely no way that they just go back to normal after that. it’d be the kind of situation where jay hears cael screaming her lungs out because of a small bugs in her apartment, she’d run out of it so hurriedly and end up in jay’s arms, who lives just infront of her and was worried sick about these screams. he’d help her, of course. and ever since then, they see each other everywhere; at the grocery store, at the gym, somehow even at work! they’d even get kissy at the club... hehe.
@hoonvrs with sung hanbin | girlboss x malewife.
saint is that strong, independent, smart, funny, cool and many more, woman that works in a office, where she is very important in and hanbin is her silly husband who makes sure to prepare dinner before she comes back home. i can see them being that one side couple in a kdrama everyone would watch just for them; because they are just so cute and funny— the audience would love to see how scared hanbin would be whenever saint is a little irritated, but at the same how soft she is with him when she annoyed.. she has a soft spot for her cutie husband.
@tyunni with riki | annoyance to lovers.
mj would not be able to stand riki in the slightest, rolling her eyes whenever he talks and scoffing when something unfortunate happens to him. her hate would be justified; he tends to get so annoying with her, pulling a strand of her hair when he sits behind her, stealing her food and holding it really high so she can’t reach it, etc.. poor girl doesn’t even know why he is all over like that but it’s just that he wants her attention, you know! of course, he’d have his redemption arc where he follows her like a puppy and obeys to her every word. the treatment she deserves!
@wonryllis with jungkook | situation (seven ver.)
jungkook would be so obsessed with her, she’d have wrapped around her finger.. for her, jungkook is a just a guy she likes to spend her time with and sometimes, okay, they kiss, but so what? for jungkook, yeonie is the only woman ever on this godforsaken planet— he’d even tend to get a bit clingy and obsessive. following her in the rain after an argument, forgetting his initial destination to follow her whenever she goes whereupon he sees her in the train. he just doesn’t know how to show her that he likes her a lot and she doesn’t make it easy either..
@alaezasmystery235 with sunoo | coworkers to lovers.
alaeza would be that cute girl at the cafe next to the faculty, and sunoo would be the new worker to this cafe— who also happens to be head over heels for her. as nice as she is, she’d help him with all his work, given the fact that he is new and doesn’t really know what he is doing, showing him how things should be done but, the thing is, sunoo wouldn’t even learn anything at all, staring at her hand as she shows him where the glasses are and watching her hair fall beautifully as she leans to look at the exposed donuts..
@euncsace with mingyu | meet cute.
they’d meet each other at the bus stop, where rim goes back home after going to the library and mingyu comes back from the gym. he’d ask her if she knows when the bus is coming and she’d say that she was about to ask him the same question. then, they’d have a little conversation about their day and what they are planning to do next. these cuties would exchange numbers before rim gets out of the bus and never leave each other alone again..
@soov with yeonjun | gym crush.
yeonjun would be that attractive man at the gym who works his biceps and and in a tank shirt and rei would be that new girl who doesn’t really know what she’d doing.. as the gentleman as he is, when he sees a damsel in distress, he’d come to her rescue and help her.. moving her by the waist so he can see the machine she’s using clearly, that only move would send butterflies in her stomach. and, yeonjun, even when he doesn’t need to, would always come help her about something— just to talk to her. let’s hope that the gym crush makes it to the outside!!
@atrirose with wonbin | tutoring au.
seiu, as smart as she is, would offer her help to wonbin, who is clearly failing is tutoring classes. they’d meet at the library or at the cafe, and have some studying sessions together. wonbin, would be far too focused on seiu’s features to even listen to what she’s saying, always answering wrong when she asks him a question but swearing that he is focused.. well, he is, but more on her lips than what is coming out of her mouth.
@seongclb with jeno | grumpy fast food employee au.
jeno would be the type of employee that says that the ice cream machine doesn’t work just because he is too lazy to use it, he’d be so unhappy to be there that it’d be written all over his face. kat would be that nice and breathtakingly beautiful girl who comes regularly and for who, jeno as a tender spot for. he’d always have a wide smile when she comes that his coworkers would make fun of... and she’d be so oblivious about it because as far as she knows, he is the nicest guy she has ever met.
end! ♡
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haileybeehappy · 1 year
Between The Pages
Harry Styles AU
Summary : You are a temp that gets a job as a personal assistant for a semi-reclusive author named Harry Styles. While his regular assistant gives birth and going on maternity leave.
Word Count : 3k
Warnings : I have no idea what being a temp is like so im winging it, older harry, idk, just the starter chapter
Series Masterlist
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Being a temp was not where you thought you would be at twenty three years old but here you were in a small office that smelled of copier toner and stale coffee. In an office chair with springs that dug into the backs of your thighs and a cubical neighbor who hummed the most annoying songs very out of tune. So when an email comes across your laptop for a personal assistant position for six weeks you apply immediately. You daydream of getting coffees for fashion designers and picking up celebrities dry cleaning.
So when you get a call to come in for an interview for a semi reclusive writer who was going to need an assistant while his went on maternity leave. Your dreams were a bit crushed, but you went anyways. Anything has to be better than this busy work hell. The interview is at some big office building packed full of important people.
You pulled down the skirt you were wearing to conceal your knees. Feeling cold in the A/C pumped white walled room. The walls lined with old chairs, the fabric sagging and wrinkled. Ancient faded magazines sat on dented coffee tables. The door connected to the room opens and out steps a very pregnant woman. Your name falling from her mouth. You stand and she motions for you to follow.
“So I’m going to be honest,” she says nervously. “You are the only one that has responded to the application that is qualified for it and I don’t have much time,” she tells you as you follow her waddling form down the hallway. “The job is yours if you want it,” she pauses and looks down the left and right sides of the hallways. Contemplating for an second before going right. “We can up it 200 more a week on salary,” she then stops at a door and opens it. You trail her and sit down at a table that is stacked with papers. You sit for a moment and the two of you look at each other. “So?” She asks. Slightly out of breath.
“Oh um,” you ramble. “Do I have to answer now?”
“No but if you do,” she pauses and looks down. Taking a deep breath. “We can do fifteen hundred a week on salary,” she then lets out a small groan and covers it with a cough. “I know it’s a big waving glowing red flag to hire on the spot but not much I can do from here,” her hands grasping at the handles of her chair. The skin on her knuckles stretched white.
“That’s a lot more than advertised,” is all you can think to say.
“Yeah well circumstances have changed and you would need to start tomorrow, maybe today?” She then slowly stands up. Your eyes snap open as she begins to breath heavily.
“Are you in labor?” You pop to a standing position and dash to her side. She shakes her head, pauses then shrugs.
“I don’t know I’ve never been in labor,” she groans. “And I can’t be in labor because I’m not due for another,” a scream like noise escapes her lips as she grasps onto your arm. “Two weeks. And I still have to train youuuu..” her words stretch out to a wail.
“Okay, okay, okay, well I think you are most definitely in labor. We are gonna get you to the hospital and then we can worry about this job stuff okay?” You speak calmly and she nods her head along with your words. The two of you make your way down the lobby passing many New Yorkers who don’t even then to look at the woman groaning and borderline screaming. You hail a cab and clamber into the germ infested back seat. Your hand used as her squeeze toy, your fingers pinched blue and purple and loosing feeling at the ends. “You got this,” we got this, you think. As the cab comes to a stop in front of a hospital you get out and she’s on the phone. Quickly giving you instructions and tasks and rules and people and numbers and emails and everything. Not catching all the information between the contractions. The cab driver seemingly unfazed as you tuck thirty dollars into his hand.
“And I will email you all this stuff once this is over, if it’s ever over,” she groans as she lays in the hospital bed. You are awaiting the arrival of her husband, not wanting to leave her alone. Even if she’s a stranger. “And it’s, it’s a lot. But you can do it. Hell you’re helping me through this. Which you will be paid for,” she laughs. “He is really a nice guy. Just. A little reclusive. He leaves his building, he just doesn’t leave the block. He goes to the Chinese food place and corner store on his block. And occasionally the hot dog stand on the other side of the street. But he needs help with the other stuff. Picking up dry cleaning. Running copies to the office and things like that,” she lets out quickly in two long breaths.
“Okay, okay, okay,” you nod your head. Her hands squeezing yours.
“And if you need anything. Text me. Call me. Um, i probably won’t be getting much sleep anyways,” she chuckles. You nod. “And, and, um, I need you to bring him that envelope in my bag once my husband gets here. He needs that today!” She yells out. And as she lets out a scream the door bursts open and in comes a tall man, long hair tied back into a pony tail.
“Sarah oh my god I’m so sorry,” he rushes to her side. “Baby, I promise I was as fast I could,” she grasps onto him as he comes close enough. You take a step back and wait while they hold each other for a moment. She then turns to you and points the the envelope.
“Take that to the address for Harry Styles, that’s who you will be assisting. I guess you should know that,” she smiles. “It’s in the email I sent you. He knows your coming. Take then red key ring from my bag. Those are for the building and the door. I think that’s it for now. I will call you in the morning okay?” She asks. You nod. You turn and grab the envelope before looking back at her and speak.
“Good luck,” she smiles at you.
“Thank you,” and you turn and leave. You take a long breath and stand for a moment. Processing as much of the information that you can remember. Then scrolling through your phone and find the address for Mr. Styles building. Once you find it in the Email you travel back to the lobby and hail a cab. You fidget with the envelope the entire ride. You pay the fare with the card sara gave you right before you left the hospital room, the name ‘H Styles’ written in gold letters across the black card. You hop out the cab and slowly make your way to the door. Sifting through keys as you go to open the lock. Finally finding the key it clicks open the door. Once on the elevator you take it to the top floor, it opens to a hallway and you step out with uneven footsteps. Nerves flooding your veins. No ideas how this is going to go. You have the key to open the door but you don’t know if you should use it. So you stand there a second, thinking. You raise your hand and knock three times. One Mississippi. Two Mississippi. Three Mississippi. Four Mississippi. Five Mississippi. Then a tumble and a crash. Footsteps towards the door. A lock slides and the door opens.
“Hello,” an accented voice speaks as the man comes into view.
“Hey,” you introduce yourself and hold out the envelope. “Sarah said that you needed this today and um so yeah,” you say as you wave around the yellow paper.
“Thank you,” he smiles as he takes the envelope from your hand. “Come in, come in,” he opens the door and moves out of the way so you could come into the apartment. You nod awkwardly and shuffle past him, “I’m Harry it’s nice to meet you,” his hand reaches out to shake yours. His hand grips around yours, large fingers cover your smaller ones. Rings cold against your skin, tattoos speckled on his hands and for arms as far as you can see.
“Nice to meet you,” an uncomfortable smile on your face.
“How is Sarah doing?” He asks as he walks further into his apartment. You follow meekly behind him.
“As okay as she can be I guess,” you shrug. “She’s gonna call me in the morning to talk more,” another awkward shrug. You don’t know what to do with your body. Your arms curled towards yourself oddly. Shifting on your feet back and forth.
“Good, good, would you like some tea? Coffee? Water?” He asks while he floats through his kitchen. You shake your head.
“No thanks I’m okay,” he looks at you blankly, thinking for a second.
“Well Sarah said that she had some stuff to give you if you could wait here just a minute,” he then disappears into the hallways behind him. You stand awkwardly and wait. Something brushes against your leg and you let out a yelp. Looking down there was a small orange cat.
“Oh hey,” you whisper down to the small feline. “You scared me little one,” you said as you reached down to let him smell you. Your hands running through his fur as he purred at you. Harry came around the corner with a large binder amount other books and papers.
“Hey honey,” you look at him, eyebrow crooked. “The cat,” he smirks at you. You nod. A smile playing at your lips. Cute.
“Hey honey,” you whimper to the cat as he rubs against your leg. “How are you? Huh?” He continues to purr while rubbing against your leg.
“He’s a grumpy old man,” Harry says dropping the large pile of papers on the counter before lowering himself to the ground and scooping Honey onto his folded legs. “Sixteen years old,” his large frame wraps around the cat like a shield as he babbles to the cat. His curly hair is lightly speckled with grays, his green eyes sparkle as he talks to the cat. Fingers scratching under his chin. “My little old man, so stink huh? Such a stink man huh?” he talks the the cat. You feel as if you’re invading their space.
“So I’m gonna take these then?” You ask as you bring yourself back to your feet. Plopping your hand on top of the stack. “What do I do with them?”
“Read them,” he looks up at you. “I’m honestly not all sure what’s all in there. That’s just what she’s been gathering up these last few weeks?” His hands still petting Honey. He looks so meek and small curled up on the floor with the large orange cat.
“Oh..” the stack seems to grow. “I guess I should get on that,” you slip your fingers under the stack before trying to lift up the papers but they are too heavy. “Oh shit,” you gasp as you fling the binders and papers and books over the edge. He is up and standing. Hands overtop yours and brings it back up to the counter.
“Let me get some bags,” he whispers into your ear as he catches you. You just nod.
“Oh. Okay,” you freeze. His disconnect from your frame sends goosebumps over your arms. Feeling cold without his contact. He walks back into the area he got the books from. You suspect it’s the hall that leads to the bedrooms of the very spacious apartment. When you heard reclusive writer you were expecting an much older man who had books stacked to the ceiling and smelled of coffee and whiskey. Not an attractive British man who baby talks to his cat. Your eyes skim the kitchen and the small sitting room attached. Picture frames covered the walls of the apartment. All the frames different shades of gold, brown and random accents of color. The photos in them range from people to places and animals. Quite a few pictures of the beautiful orange cat that has now perched himself on the counter next you and is purring as your hands mindlessly scratch at his head.
“I’ll help you carry them down yeah?” He asks, startling you. A squeak like noise leaves your throat. Your hand flying over your chest. Like you’re trying to capture the heart that seems to be beating out of your chest. “Sorry love,” he smiles. “Didn’t mean to scare you,” you shake you’re head in response.
“It’s okay I just scare easy,” you reach to grab the two reusable bags from him. “And I can carry them it’s okay,” he shrugs.
“I have to go down to get some new pens from the corner store so it’s okay,” you shrug.
“I guess I won’t fight you on it,” a light smile etched onto your features.
“You wouldn’t have won anyways,” he then guides you out of the apartment. You opening doors for him and pressing elevator buttons as he holds the two very heavy bags. For you they would have been anyways. But he carry’s them with ease, the muscles under is sage green cardigan slightly bulging. “Um,” he starts. Pulling his lips into his mouth quickly as if to think of what to say. “Thank you so much for taking this on,” his fingers fidgeting with the steps on the bag. “I really appreciate it and hope that we can make this run smoothly until sara is ready to come back,” he rambles as you finally make it to the ground floor
“Of course it’s hopefully going to be a little bit more exciting than data entry and customer service,” he lets out a small laugh.
“I hope so,” he guides you out the door and a black SUV pulls up to the curb. “Here’s your ride,” you look at him with wide eyes.
“Huh?” You ask and a small older lady comes around the side and walks in front of you. Reaching out and grasping your hand in hers.
“Hi I’m Elaine and I am Mr.Styles driver,” she says with a large smile. “Though he doesn’t go anywhere so I am your driver,” her voice is airy and happy.
“Oh um,” you can’t seem to get nah words out. Shocked. Harry introduces you to her as your brain is still running behind. A driver for a personal assistant is kind of a lot.
“There’s lots of driving in this position and cabs can get expensive,” he moves to put the binders and folders in the back seat. Leaving you room to sit behind the passenger seat. “And there’s some things that I’ll need to bring to the office and back that I just don’t trust to be transported by subway or bus,” he says nervously. Sarah has mentioned he is a very paranoid man who hides it easily, until it comes to his writing. Along with other things, hence why he doesn’t venture more than a street from his apartment building.
“Oh okay,” you then nod at him. “I will see you tomorrow?” You ask trying not to sound too nervous.
“You know where to find me,” he lets out a shy laugh. You just smile at him and pull the door closed. You give Elaine your address and she sits in thought for a second. Before signaling to merge onto the road.
“Isn’t he handsome?” Elaine speaks as she pulls out into traffic. The question startling you. Her small frame is placed atop a cushion that gives her a few inches to see past the steering wheel.
“Oh yeah I guess,” you shrug.
“It’s okay honey you can tell me the truth,” she smiles mischievously through the rear view mirror. Why is she asking you this. It seems unprofessional considering you two are basically co-workers.
“He is a little too old for me,” you tell her click open your phone. Finding the email again and trying to read through and memorize as much information as you can.
“Not at all! You seem like a mature young lady. And very beautiful,”
“Thank you Elaine but Mr.Styles is my boss and I’m a little uncomfortable with this conversation to be honest,” your voice trailing off quietly. Hoping not to offend the older woman.
“Oh of course I’m so sorry,” she shakes her head. “I won’t ask again,” she waits a few seconds before looking back to me again. “So what made you take the job?” She ask’s curiously.
“The money pays well. Sarah seemed really nice and it’s definitely better than the dead end office jobs I’ve been finding,” you shrug. “Even though it’s a temporary thing it’ll be nice to get some experience,” she nods along with your words.
“Oh good reasons,” she laughs as you pull into a spot in front of your apartment building. “Here we are,” she sighs. Turning to look at you face to face. “Right?”
“Yes ma’am,” you respond opening the door and shuffling off the seat and pulling the bags with you. Your arms straining to carry the large heavy bags. ‘Wow I really need to go back to the gym,’ you think to yourself as you make your way to the door.
“Just call me Elaine,” she smiles at you from her now open window. “And I will be here tomorrow at seven so that we can do Mr.Styles morning errands,” you Jude nod and wave. Quickly making your way into the building.
"What did I just get myself into?" you whisper to yourself as you stop onto your elevator. Elaines words running through your head. Did you think he was attractive? I mean he wasn't unattracrive? Why was that her question about him for you? Was she trying to play cupid? Weird way to start out her first day at work. "Whatever he has in store for me tomorrow better not be nearly as exciting. Today was too much,"
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