#she is very sexually active but that's a choice outside of her job at the casino p much
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When Roman almost jumped out of the chair, the woman couldn't help but snort to herself, before recovering her composure and standing straight again.
"Ya have a misconception of what people come for here. Sure, there are lots of places in Kabukicho to hire people for that...but we only offer company here, I can assure you."
There was a rule to not touch the girls unless the service to have her on the lap was hired, in fact! Not like she had anything against women who worked further into the business of pleasure.
When the other started to walk around her in circles, the bunny girl would rest a hand over her hip, eyes always following Roman's movements.
"But people STILL come here to see all those things about me, ya aren't wrong...if you came here for info, I recommend you hiring me to simply talk, or you can wait for my shift to be over."
Roman giggled by how close she got to her and how fast she was showing her services. The truth was that deep inside she was uncomfortable with that, but she was also very used to hide this.
She quickly get up from the chair and took a step back from the girl, putting her hands inside the pockets of the jacket, smiling.
"Not only my appearance is exotic but also my intentions, I'm not here for sexual desires, as most of people end up here..."
Calmly putting her hair behind to see the girl better, she started waling in a circle, going behind her.
"You know, all of those people come here for your body, your voice, your acting, and they would do anything to even be able to touch you, they may give you things that not even money can buy regularly... This is what I came here for, sweetie"
She stopped by her back, waiting for something from her. Information, rumors, testament of activities... anything that could bring her a north into a new exciting "career" into the crime, anything that could bring back her passion on living one day after another back. At least, that was her only hope since she get out of her house today.
#ic#c4ndl3 fl4m3 2#LMAO THE BUNNY GIRLS ARE JUST FOR COMPANY KJNGBKJNFJKB#she is very sexually active but that's a choice outside of her job at the casino p much
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that tweet Viv liked about Stolas having a life outside Via and it being fine for him to do so
obviously it's fine and healthy for Stolas to have a life of his own. I'd say that most parents should have lives of their own - it provides a healthy model for their child to emulate and avoids them getting too clingy and dependent on their child for emotional support when the child gets old enough to start trying to assert their independence. and it helps parents feel less alone and gives them a support network, something people of all ages need
the point is that life of Stolas' shouldn't come at Via's expense, which it very much has. if we assume she had an OK home life up to the age of 17 when the fallout happened (which is a stretch given how s2 Stella and Stolas don't at all seem like they'd be able to pretend for Via's sake given how self-centred they both are) that doesn't make it OK for Stolas to upend that life by cheating and neglecting her for his new obsession, Blitzo. then he supports her through all this turmoil that he caused by *checks notes* sexually harassing his affair partner right in front of her at a theme park she had no interest in going to, forgetting a promise he made to her while he was abusing his butler and calling her mother a bitch and not telling her they both might be in danger of assassination
and if fans want to play it like Via is legally an adult at 18 so Stolas' obligations are over, Stolas still had a responsibility to prepare her for adulthood and being his heir. which he obviously didn't since she apparently doesn't know magic and he was lending out the grimoire most of the month anyway. And if we assume he didn't want to have Via in the first place, he still chose to have her instead of abdicating. he could have run away if he didn't want a child of his own to care for.
that he didn't want it doesn't suddenly mean Via isn't a person who needs to be cared for.
more than that, though, Stolas could have been building a support system and life for himself while she was young. he wouldn't have to devote 100% of his time to raising Via, especially not when she was young enough to go to bed early. what was stopping him calling up friends on the phone or inviting people over? what was stopping him going out if Via was out shopping or busy on weekends? he has a phone, can teleport and has butlers like the one who raised him, it's not like he couldn't have been back in a blink for any problems that came up. are we just supposed to assume all of Hell prefers Stella even though she's supposed to be so terrible and bitchy so Stolas couldn't have made friends even if he tried? supposedly Vassago was one of the 'good ones' of the Goetia - he couldn't have been friends with him?
as it is it comes off like Via was following Stolas' example - she stays trapped in the palace most of the time, has no friends and would make a terrible heir because that's how Stolas is. he has no friends of his own and is terrible at both his jobs - magic and parenting. honestly it's super weird Via is a 17yr old and seemingly has no friends of her own before she met Loona. was she just isolated in the palace this whole time? even if she's royal she can still have security, though I guess if Stolas' invisible legions appeared onscreen fans would rightfully be asking why he keeps expecting Blitzo to bail him out all the time
Stolas can and should have a life outside of Via. The problem is that Stolas's life outside of Via is full of choices that actively harm Via, in addition to pretty much everyone else around him, including himself. The problem is that Stolas is a delusional manchild hellbent on getting his idea of a fairy tale romance, and it doesn't matter to him who has to suffer in the name of that.
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Can you talk more about Chase's moral stand in The Dictator and what made him do such a shift? While Chase did care about people outside of his immediate circle at times,it was (almost) always by the way of him relating to said experiences and/or bonding with the patients.
I really don't think it's that complicated. As fun as it is to joke about Chase's utter lack of morals and empathy, that's never actually been true. He reaches out to Foreman in Family with empathy and an offer to go drinking; he reaches out to Cameron in Cursed with offers to do work so she can go home and to… go drinking (Chase has one move). He is very upset when he loses patients in Maternity and Forever (both babies; still). He cries over House's "cancer" in Half Wit even before the hug. He falls very hard for Cameron; he reaches out to 13 in After Hours, his pro-euthanasia stance in Informed Consent is about easing pain. One of my favorite little moments is in Cane and Able: the child patient's parents are exasperated and unsupportive of their son's alien abduction delusions, and Chase makes a point in talking to them, telling them pretty frankly that they need to support their son, even if they think he's nuts. He didn't need to do that. He was absolutely right. When he finds out House lied to the transplant committee in Control, he does rat to Vogler… but he doesn't do anything to undermine the transplant, which proceeds. Generally speaking, he knows right from wrong and doesn't approve of "harming people" (in particular children) or "hurting people." Yes, we mostly see that with the people he does care about, but. He doesn't really like Foreman much. Foreman is often quite dismissive of Chase. Chase still offers to go drinking. Is he the nicest and sweetest guy ever? Nah. But he's not evil.
Where his "lack of morals" comes in is that Chase puts himself first. He's not selfish in the way we usually think of it; he does care for other people, and quite a lot at times. But he's a survivor, he looks out for himself first. The rare times he refuses an order from House, it's because he thinks the risk to his career or license is too high. If a task requires him to go out of his way when he doesn't care about it, he won't do it. If a task leads him into an uncomfortable situation, as in Safe — faced with the choice of revealing to the patient's overprotective parents that their daughter is sexually active, or just billing them for a test and letting them find out on their own time — he chooses the easier-for-him option. He doesn't really care that House is on drugs. He doesn't really care about all the shady things his job comes with, as long as he doesn't risk losing it, getting arrested, or the end result. Lying to a patient? Why not, if it gets the job done. That doesn't mean he's pro murder. It just means he's lazy and pragmatic. Again, the rare times he defies House, it's when House is asking him to do something that is too "high risk" for Chase.
So the thing about Dibala is that Chase actually feels that murder is still wrong. He has morals, and those morals are: don't kill people, it's wrong. He makes it pretty clear.
CHASE: You can't want to kill anyone, especially not your own patient. CAMERON: It's only natural to feel he should – CHASE: No, it's completely unnatural. Only psychopaths can kill other people without having some sort of breakdown. CAMERON: Not when it's justified. Look at soldiers. CHASE: Even when it's justified.
Except the entire episode, all Chase is hearing is the opposite. I'm not saying Cameron pushed him into it or anything: he made up his own mind. But Cameron keeps telling him he's evil and should die. Dibala's would-be assassin tells him, twice, that Dibala is evil and should die and here is what he witnessed and did.
So let's look at the scene where Chase decides to do a murder. Cameron has been going through her own Arc in this episode, passive-aggressively hinting someone should kill Dibala but not making any moves on her own. Dibala gets sick of this and grabs her, challenging her to act, not just talk, but Cameron can't do it and backs down, leaving Chase and Dibala alone.
CHASE: If you touch my wife again, I'll kick your ass out into the street. I don't care who you are. DIBALA: I did her a favor. I showed her her true character. CHASE: She's a better person than you are. DIBALA: She is too weak to act on her beliefs. That is not her fault. Most everyone is. Even my own advisors. My own colonel. All they do is negotiate and debate and sign treaties. They are appeasers. And all the while, we are beset by assassins and traitors, the scum – CHASE: Cockroaches? What are you going to do about them? DIBALA: What is an enemy to you? Some younger physician who covets your office? In my world, there are dangers and bloodshed and death. And that makes you a man. And men make choices. CHASE: And your choice is to send bands of drunk, crazed children to massacre an entire people? DIBALA: Don't ask me questions you don't want to know the answer to. CHASE: I saved your life. I deserve to know what you're planning to – DIBALA: Whatever it takes to protect my country.
Chase is mad: he just hurt Cameron, and more than that, Chase is a little betrayed. He and Dibala kind of got along before this. I wouldn't say Chase liked him, but they bonded. Until this moment, Dibala was polite. He was complimentary. He offered Chase excuses, and Chase probably wanted to believe them. Not anymore! Dibala just hurt Cameron, called her weak, and told Chase blatantly "I'm planning another genocide."
Chase is angry: I saved your life, you need to be honest with me, you shouldn't be like this.
Until now, Dibala had polite excuses: it wasn't his fault, he had bad subordinates who killed people, he made mistakes. Weak excuses, but the kind of excuses Chase probably did believe, kind of wanted to believe. Not anymore! This nice old man has just revealed himself to be planning more murders!
That's what makes Chase act. What tips him past "I'm not getting involved" into "time to do a murder." He spends the entire episode hearing everyone talk about how someone should kill Dibala. And then Dibala betrays his (very misplaced) trust, reveals himself to be just as evil as everyone has said, and even gives Chase a nice little speech about how strength is to act, how to be a man is to make a choice, not just sit back and do what's easier.
It was never a matter of lol Chase is fine with murder, he doesn't care about anything. Chase cares about quite a lot of things. The trick was getting him to care enough to put himself at risk and act.
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Big thinker, attention blinker, and always down to tinker~
profile undercut~
Name: Inventor Pronouns: she/her Gender/sexuality: trans woman + lesbian Species: human Height: 5’3” Age: late 20s Occupation pre-dungeons: mechanic/repairman of many assorted machines (cars, factory equipment, household appliances, anything really), general tinkerer Dungeon wish: a complete understanding of everything in the universe!!! Fighting style: scrappy. In EVERY meaning of the word. She’s incredibly skilled at building her own weapons/equipment on the fly, and uses this to her advantage on the battlefield, able to use a “gadget” for free the entire fight- though she scraps it for a new one after each battle. Her lineups often seem slapdash and chaotic, but her experience as a mechanic, computer code geek, chemist, and holder of two science based PHDs mean that even when something backfires, the results help further her goals. Any advantage she can have she’ll take, though she tries not to fight unfairly with those weaker than her/equal to her in strength/prowess. She’s not experienced in a lot of weapon use, but she doesn’t have to be- she just has to know how to build em! She can make them pilot themselves if need be. All that being said, her stocky body is still PACKED full of muscle and energy, so even though she’s not a great fistfighter, she can and will fuck you up Strengths: high energy, curiosity that knows no bounds, her hunger for knowledge is never sated (and therefore her persistence of answers never wavers), will get up over and over again no matter how many failures she endures, works great off of spite, in all aspects of her life she’s highly inventive- no seriously! She’s resourceful, extremely good at troubleshooting, and always thinks outside the box. She absorbs information like a sponge, and even if some of it leaks out now and again, she’s never one to shy away from re-studying her topic of choice. She thrives in chaotic and fast paced environments, and has experience in mechanical/chemical/computer coding/a bit of biology all firmly under her belt. Weaknesses: absolutely cannot sit still, processing slower tasks is difficult and waiting is excruciating, so her patience with her own work is very low, working hard off of spite can make her run herself into the ground if she’s not careful, has trouble reaching out for help in her own personal life struggles, can get overly emotional, explosive when angry, her one track pursuit of knowledge often leaves her blind to the obvious (bad) stuff happening around her, getting her to fully drop something is really difficult unless you have a project that’s more exciting, sticking to just one thing is agony so she hops between projects a LOT- not that great for long term goals Personality: Inventor is always bright eyed and bushy tailed no matter how late of a night she had! She’s fast paced in how she works, how she talks, how she reaches for activities/knowledge, and how she exists day to day. She likes to keep herself busy all the time, and has a BLAST doing so- after all, you never work a day in your life if you love your job! And she LOVES being able to tinker with all sorts of gadgets, machines, and all manner of chemical reactions. Despite her avid love of finding and learning about new things, she can be timid around strangers, unsure how to present herself or conduct herself around them. She’ll shake it off and go back to her own bouncy eager self with enough time. While she often gets impatient with her own work, she does her best NOT to be impatient with people- especially those who are helping her in her work, and those she loves. Her patience when it comes to learning about new topics and/or people is vastly larger. She often wears her emotions on her sleeve, getting riled up easily (for better or for worse). Passionate is probably the best way to describe her overall. She is, however, terrified of being a failure. Being told you’re worth nothing growing up will do that- hence why she keeps moving all the time. Something’s bound to turn out eventually! There’s no way those screaming for her downfall are right. Right?
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Lmao I noticed that the critical thinking blog never responded to you when you ate their ass up in that reply. Your responses are always so eloquent and mature I wish I could write my thoughts out like you do💙
hahaha thank you anon you're very sweet💜
the thing is -- specifically about this issue -- the only reason i responded was because of the discussions about abuse that were being brought fourth. as you see on this blog (and if you follow me from my last blog), ive never responded under opposing posts.
but lately - i don't if its just me -- ive been seeing these uptick in concerning conversations about sexual assault and abuse. the problem often becomes that people are so hellbent on justifying their favorite character that they don't realize that their co-signing abuse. its our jobs as readers, as consumers of entertainment, to know when to cap it. when to say, "i love this character, but i don't think i like the actions taken by them." when to say - "i love this author, but i don't love the writing that went into these scenes"
and as a said, and easier way of engaging with criticism against a character you love is to acknowledge that the writing may not be very sound, but as a whole you love that character.
i also think a big part of literacy is knowing where the fiction should end. when we enjoy characters, we should enjoy their journey -- not co-sign every single behavior they commit. its one of the big reasons i very much dislike stan culture. even the most sweetest character is flawed, and its weird for people to never seriously engage with character flaws and to operate under the "this character has done nothing wrong" or the "how could you hate x"
how are we arguing a character like feyre and mor are "morally grey" and "morally ambiguous" but then shut down any serious conversation about what that means.
we can't argue that feyre deserves to have a choice, but then disregard that right to choice when we don't agree with her decision. we can't say that feyre deserves to be high lady and then actively agree with rhys's decision to not inform feyre. we can't say that mor is a good, flawed character and then constantly undermine valid criticisms for her character. we can't say that mor was a scared young girl and that every action she takes as a scared young girl is justified and then turn around and say lucien "knew what he was getting himself into." we can't be champions of consent and then disregard when cassian (and lucien) are deprived that choice, argue that "they knew what was going on"
because then not only are you shitting on the flimsy values of the actual books, you are proving that these issues mean nothing outside of how you can argue them.
and i think its concerning especially because people are seriously unwilling to actually look at the problems in this series -- to the point where they consciously (and unconsciously) refuse to engage with the issues acotar as serious.
#anti sjm#anti sjm: feyre archeron#anti sjm: morrigan#anti acosf#anti sjm: cassian#anti sjm: lucien vanserra
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meet 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚢 𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛, a 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 year old, who has been in cloyne for 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎. they are a 𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚘𝚘 𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚜𝚝 at 𝚋𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚒𝚗𝚔, known for being 𝚟𝚒𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚝 and 𝚊𝚌𝚎𝚛𝚋𝚒𝚌. they are often heard humming along to 𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚙 by 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚜. residents would describe them as 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚘𝚗.
FULL NAME. misty irene slater
NICKNAMES. mis, missy
BIRTHDATE. april 19th '97
AGE. 27
ZODIAC. aries
IDENTITY. cis woman , she / her
SEXUALITY. born again lesbian , demiromantic
OCCUPATION. tattoo artist at blackest ink & lowkey game streamer
HOMETOWN. cloyne, ontario
INSPIRATION. chloe price ( life is strange ) , jesse pinkman ( breaking bad ) , kaitlyn ka ( the quarry ) , kirby reed ( scream 4 ) .
FAMILY. leslie slater ( father ) , debbie slater ( mother ) , joey slater ( older brother ) , huey slater ( older brother ) , archie slater ( uncle ) , too many names ( several cousins ) , luna ( her roommate cat ) .
the slater lineage has resided in cloyne since the dawn of time, or so it seems, and their name has a reputation attached. her entire family is made up of drug chefs 🤌 their specialty? crystal meth. they had a whole lab built into the basement of their old farm home. out of her parents, siblings, and extended family, she was the only one who did not partake in these criminal activities ( or so the record shows ... the rumor mill still be buzzin' ) .
each member of her family has some sort of petty criminal record, mainly regarding the redneck-esque drug empire. she, however, has managed to keep a clean slate due to being perceived as an innocent when the whole operation went up in flames a decade prior. despite the tarnished name, she adores her family and frequently writes to each and every one of them ( most of whom are still serving their sentence ) .
since the farmhouse was obviously seized, she resides in a trailer which appears pretty ... wrecked on the outside, but the inside is like every goth girly's dream; decked out in everything she loves, which mainly includes spooky and black decor.
as a child, and all through her teen years, she loved to draw. every paper assignment she handed in at school had some extravagant collection of doodles, which only improved over the years. her creative talent molded with her love of artistic expression. first, she started doodling around town, which was frowned upon ( she sometimes still does out of spite ). but then she dabbled in her own risky stick and poke tattoos, before flourishing into more elaborate designs.
she's very much in love with her job. equally loves the creative minds who wander in with their own visions, and also those who give her complete freedom to design her own personal piece(s) for them.
while her expertise lies in art, she also games in her free time, survival horror being her genre of choice, despite being utterly terrified through the entire title. by no means is she a pro, but she has her own set up and will stream single and multiplayer alike.
when she's not being a homebody, she's being forcible social. like is riddled with anxiety leading up to said social event, to the point where she needs to either take a couple shots or hits ( or both ) before leaving. you wouldn't know it, though, based on her boisterous attitude and social butterfly-esque demeanor because by the time she rolls up to wherever she was initially fretting, she's perfectly fine.
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Name: Wiktoria Stephens. She started anglicising it to Victoria in high school, and legally changed it after graduation Age / D.O.B.: 43 / December 31, 1980 Gender, pronouns, sexuality: Cisgender woman, she/her, lesbian (an open secret) Hometown: Syracuse, New York Affiliation: Government, D Job position: Chief of Staff for Congresswoman Faye Hammond Education: Business & Global Affairs (B.S.), Public Policy (Master's), both from Georgetown Relationship status: Married to the job, otherwise single Children: None of her own, but she's had custody of her niece (now grown) since she was young
Religious affiliation: Born and raised Roman Catholic, from a devout family; lapsed now, though she considers herself to be culturally Catholic still Positive traits: Tenacious, forthright, efficient, protective, sincere Negative traits: Abrasive, merciless, guarded, uncompromising, truculent Myers-Briggs: ISTJ, the Logician Enneagram: 3w4, the Expert
Father: Patrick Joseph Stephens Mother: Milena Stephens, née Kanclerz Siblings: Peter, Catherine (d. 2007)
Hair: Dark brown. Cut into a bob, falls just below her chin. A natural curl to it. Not styled very often beyond a simple blow-dry Eyes: A vivid blue Height/Build: 5'6". Curvy, rounded figure. A little muscle, though not wholly noticeable Piercings: Two in each earlobe, a helix in one ear and a rook in the other. Had a navel piercing in college, but let it close up during her Master's studies Fashion: Dresses in quite dark colours, greys and navys and black. Trouser suits are a common feature, sometimes with a patterned blouse or cashmere sweater. Her style tends towards being understated, a little boring, and it's how she likes it. Accessories are minimal, usually simple gold chains or pearl drop earrings
Middle child of Patrick and Milena Stephens, but the eldest of two the daughters. Her mother is a first generation Polish-American, whilst her father's family have Irish roots.
Born and raised in the neighbourhood of Tipperary Hill in Syracuse. Quite a blue-collar background, they never wanted for anything per se, but there were some difficult times financially for the family.
Patrick toiled away as a electrician, and Milena worked long hours as a nurse midwife.
Vic was always the black sheep of her family, so to speak. Quiet and studious as a child, almost to the point of being asocial. She was close with her sister, envious of her brother, and always felt distant from her parents, for reasons she still isn't sure of.
[ It's resulted in her being uncompromisingly blunt, volatile, quick to anger, so on. ]
Her sister Catherine passed in 2007, after a long battle with illness. She left behind a 5 year old daughter, Grace, newly orphaned, who Vic – to the surprise of her brother and their parents and everybody that knew her, no doubt – endeavoured to take her in.
She met Congresswoman Faye Hammond long before she ever ran for Congress, back when they were both studying at Georgetown. Though it started off as an intense sort of rivalry, with Vic disliking Faye intensely for how she outwardly portrayed herself, they soon grew to be thick as thieves once Hammond's saccharine veneer started to chip away whilst in her company.
Vic very much benefitted from Faye's rise in the political world, being pulled up the ladder with her, all too happy to go along for the ride. Qualified for the role, certainly, but with that leg up in the political sphere. From being involved with her congressional campaign to being named her chief of staff once elected, she is the representative's right hand, enjoying all of the perks it allows, even if she doesn't act like it.
Has very little of a social life outside of work, which is a strategic choice. Grace is the only family that she is actively in contact with, seeing as how they still live together. She only hears from her brother during the holiday season, and the only reason she sees her parents still is for Grace's sake.
Quite guarded when it comes to both her past and her feelings, not liking to talk about either with anyone if she can help it, her boss being the closest thing to an exception to this rule.
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okay so I read Brave New World yesterday and I am going to be talking out of my ass for a minute because I got some stuff I want to say but also I am not willing to articulate it in a way that makes more sense so without further ado here is my bullshit analysis about Lenina Crowne thank you
The book takes place in a society that believes “everyone belongs to everyone else” ie there isn’t really anything like monogamy and having multiple partners is a societal expectation. Not only is it expected, but it is indoctrinated into the citizens during their youth so it’s not just an expectation, but something they feel practically compelled to do. One of the themes in the novel is about challenging the societal conditioning- actively vying for freedom and choice over psychological manipulation and an assigned fate.
Okay, you might be saying... what’s that have to do with Lenina?
Lenina, in the book, is described as a healthy and beautiful young woman. She is popular with the men at her job and she likes society how it is. Every inch of her appears to be the model citizen.
But she has one flaw...
When we meet Lenina, she has been going out exclusively with the same man for nearly four months. The man, Henry Foster, has been seen not participating in this exclusivity in the same way as Lenina as he is a healthy standard society male. Lenina doesn’t mind that he’s doing this, but she has to be coerced by a friend of hers to see other people aside from Henry. The person she ends up going out with aside from Henry is Bernard, who everyone deems undesirable because he is short and negative.
After her disastrous time with Bernard, there is a new man she is interested in. And once again, we see her falling into a monogamous mindset. John isn’t from the society, and thus was not indoctrinated in the same way as everyone else and doesn’t understand their world. Still, Lenina finds him attractive and tells her friend that she can’t stand being with anyone other than John to the point that it’s painful. Even taking drugs is pointless, because when they wear off she’s still only interested in John.
John likes her, too, but has a very negative attitude towards sex most likely stemming from his mother and how her many lovers impacted their lives when he was a kid. Lenina is sexually active, though, and offers herself to him only to be attacked by him. John’s attitude towards sex continues to be an issue as towards the end of the book, Lenina once again offers herself because despite everything she still likes him, and this time instead of just his hand against her it’s a whip. Her overall fate is unknown.
I’m sure it’s obvious where I’m going with this, but I will explain anyway.
Lenina plays the part of the average, healthy society citizen well. However, she desires just a single partner on multiple occasions. In fact, at the end of the book she is with Henry again. Throughout the book, Bernard tries to impress and shock her with his own radical thinking, and though it disturbs her greatly she doesn’t get him in trouble or anything when she so easily could.
Lenina herself is just the kind of individual that the society in the book should be afraid of. With her monogamous streak in her interest in both Henry and John, as well as the same romantic singular feelings she herself inspired in Bernard, a woman like her would be considered dangerous. Yes, Lenina enjoys sex and she enjoys the sports she is conditioned to enjoy, but she is also at heart a romantic which is the exact kind of thing they don’t want in their society. On top of that... Lenina is one of the 30% of women left naturally fertile. It is entirely possible, though highly unlikely, that she could become pregnant and give birth to a future generation of dissidents and thus be the very key to bringing the society down.
I’m probably overthinking it, though, because honestly they never bring up Lenina’s own oddness outside of the inciting incident where she accepts Bernard’s offer of a date to avoid getting in trouble for only showing interest in Henry. All in all, I think Lenina was an interesting character who I wish had more focus in the book.
#brave new world#lenina crowne#I know I shouldn't expect much because the book was written in the 30s but also#lenina deserved better I think#and that's all I have to say about that
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Name: Alice Huff Occupation: Chef Age: 25 Sexuality: Questioning, presumed straight Species: Vampire Clan/Pack/Coven?: Pretorius Hometown: Allagash, Maine Relationship Status: In a serious relationship Personality Traits: Clever / Insightful / Trustworthy / Perfectionist / Objective Uptight / Controlling / Compulsive / Irritable / Rigid
Alice Huff has planned every moment of her life since she was old enough to write a schedule.
That wasn't something she learned from anyone, mind you. Her parents gave her plenty of freedom for her and her brother to engage in almost any activity they want — ironically, it was the freedom that found stressful.
Schedules were easy, safe. She had piano lessons on Wednesdays at 5. No mystery there. She would prepare herself for her lesson, practice how she would speak to her teacher, or any questions she might have, and rush upstairs to finish her homework once she was done. It was comfortable.
That rigidity extended to other aspects of her life; she'd study other kids at school to decide who was the best option to be her best friend that year; she'd plan out meals for the entire house a week in advance; she'd go over her teacher's lesson plans to organize study hours.
Unsurprisingly, that wasn't a very popular was to live her life. Alice grew up lonely — though she claimed it was by choice. Of the few friends she made, few could keep up with her demanding the personality and, unfortunately, Alice didn't react well to those who didn't.
Failure wasn't something she dealt with well.
Alice progressed with her life with relative success — her plan to find a boyfriend in her senior year went surprisingly well (David isn't ideal but he's traditionally attractive, and doesn't run when she's stressed), and her academic life was right on schedule (actually, she received her acceptance letter for her favorite out-of-state college 3 days before she figured she would, so she's actually ahead).
She had wanted to study culinary since she was 7 and took all the steps necessary to make sure she would be a great at it. It was natural, then, that she would exceed her professor's expectations from fairly early on. Socially, she still struggled, but at least now she had David with her keeping her company.
Life after graduation was scary at first, knowing she would no longer have the rigidity of a class schedule to keep her day-to-day organized, but she her initial success in her career was a good enough motivator. Alice worked as a chef de partie in a small but brilliant restaurant just outside of Boston to high praise of the guests.
Well, one guest in particular.
He was a regular who had taken a very particular interest in her work. To her surprise, when they finally met face to face, he not only complimented her abilities, but offered her a job.
She'd have to relocate to a city called Port Leiry, and she'd be second in command of an entire kitchen. She couldn't say no - although she did have a panic attack first... Things were simply moving much faster than she had planned.
She hadn't even made David propose to her yet.
Her new life in Port Leiry feels like a dream for the first two months; The restaurant is perfect, huge, beautiful, attracting the most important people in town... her staff respected and appreciated her, her guests seemed to love the food, and it barely felt like work. In fact, she couldn't remember most of what happened during work hours.
It was perfect... outside of the bugs who seemed to only attack her neck.
Alice thought she could live like that forever. Oh, the irony.
The dream snapped in an instant one night. The beautifully lit restaurant turned dark, the food had vanished, and the irony taste of blood in her mouth was overwhelming. She was awake just long enough to understand that she was dinner. And then... nothing.
She wakes up alone the following night with a note containing an address and a set of instructions (avoid sunlight, verbena, and find someone to invite you home). Garbage.
Obviously, she knew what it sounded like, but it couldn't be. More likely someone had drugged something at the restaurant, she couldn't be a ...v-word.
Except, sunlight did burn, and she couldn't walk into her own apartment without David welcoming her in.
Alice remained in denial for as long as she could until the evidence is overwhelming — she couldn't be undead but... she was. And she was terrified.
Still, there was only one thing she could do: she found the note she had woken up with to look for the address and the sender: Clan Pretorius.
Wanted Plots
DAVID HUFF (TO BE) - Alice's high school boyfriend whom she dragged along for years. One of the few people who can actually stand her perfectionism. Midgame only.
THE SIRE - The man who first lured her in and turned her, whether because he saw something in her, or simply because he wanted to torture her.
THE BROTHER - Alice's much more relaxed brother. He needed a place to stay and Alice had just invited him over before she was turned. Presumably still human.
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About the Devildom's Great Council #0
No. 0 of The Great Council-The fool/傻瓜/바보
Name: Shǎguā-Xiǎo Měirényú Birthday: March First- National Pig Day Race: Demon Gender: Female (mtf) Sexuality: Trans + Panromantic Age: 104,000 moons (about 8,000 human years) Spirit Animal: Hereford Pig Assigned fairytale: The little mermaid-Danish fairytale Likes: New ideas, Hard chalanges, Ambitious people, Freedom Dislikes: Hesitant people, Bad choices, Bad habits Power: High Hopes- She has wnough confidence to "move the fucking Celestial Realm off its hinges" (quote by No. 13)
Based on The Fool in Tarot cards, or rather the other way around, Shagua is a dreamer and a high achiever. She is a very sensitive person and will usually rather reflect on things than jump straight into a confrontation.
Speaking of wich, she was the first one to be chosen in the council by Mox exactly because of her rational and emotional intelligence. Shagua pays attention to every single detail when she needs to take a decision and will never forget the importance of her role. While others would most likely get corrupt by the power, she stays true to her nature and lets her inner wisdom guide her when her eyes are blinded by greed.
Taking all this into account, please don't think that she is some sophisticated, serious person. Quite the contrary. Shagua is carefree and sweet, with a personality of gold. "She is our little ray of sunshine" (quote by Barbatos). Yes indeed, she is like sunshine that comes by your window after a very cloudy day when you believed sunshine will never come again. And yet it did.
Her power is called High Hopes and works as a support spell that gives people around her a boost of confidence and reliability on her. People that are under the effect of HH can experience difficulty in physical jobs, but their mind and their inner self are healthier and stronger than ever.
"She has enough confidence to move the fucking mountains, but enough doubts that she will ponder on the consequences" (quote by Mox)/ While her power indeed is very helpful, especially to individuals who have a more mentally draining situation, when the effect wears off, you start to doubt everything you did while HH was in full strength. This makes you crave it more... then more... then again more, like a narcotic drug.
She is a very sociable person and an active member of Devilgram, unlike some of her colleagues. Oh if she had a grimm everytime No. 20 told her she is too old to spend so much time on social media... she'd be richer than the witches that hunt Mammon down for money. She has two accounts: @Shaguaa_pig in which she behaves like a foodie and posts whenever she is out eating something, everything that looks good and sometimes even short videos of her making some snacks for herself. She loves food, that's for sure. Maybe she'll try human cuisine too (yet she is afraid to ask Solomon for help); and @MeiMei which she uses to chat with close friends and very rarely post a picture of herself.
Speaking about appearances, she is a very comfortable character... she is known to wear colorfully and lively patterned sweaters in cold weather, and if it is warm outside, large and thin robes paired with a straw hat. To protect the precious baby from the sun. (No 8: what baby? No 0: Me... I'm the baby)
Her demon form, or how we know it from now, formal attire, is her wearing a more refined dress that has a bell shaped lower part and in which the upper part is backless to let her wings flutter as she wishes. Yes, she has wings, but they are too small to help her fly, they are more like a decoration of some sort. She loves them though, nd would never trade them for a tail if she had the possibility.
Because her spirit animal is a pig, her horns are small, thick, the tip pointing downward as a Hareford breed's ears. As accessories, many would notice the string that is tied in between her horns. If the sstrnig is not there... run. Run for your life bae, cus it means someone ate her food- no I'm kidding. She most likely found out someone's family is abusive and wants to just "have a little talk with those bastards".
She absolutely loves Turqoise stones as gifts, especially the raw form. This is a nice little gift to give her when you see her angry. Not when the string is broken though.... that thing cannot be represed with a gift; she needs that blood of those who dared to abuse her little baby-
She sees most humans as children, babies. She will want to protect their lives as long as none hurt others. Shagua would look at someone's grandma and go: "What a sweet, youthfully soul. I wish all the best to you child!" Being a demmon, she doesn't understand why the old person would probably cry because of happiness from her words or be crancky that she mocks them. And poor her would be so confused... "D-did I say something wrong...?"
her favourite colour is Chelsea Cucumber, because it reminds her of the grass in Cloud9.... so green and loucious. So fresh, yet a dull enough green to balance the perfection of life. She's shed a small tear seeing it almost everytime. People around her say she is too sentimential, but I beg to disagree.
She enjoys spring days, as they are the perfect time for a stroll in the heart of the devildom in late afternoon or early evenings. She'd probably drag Jumu there against his will. Poor Jumu... always get's dragged in her shenanigans.
#obey me#obey me shall we date#shall we date#swd#the demon king obey me#demon king#the great council#devildom#mc#oeby me mc#barbatos#barb#obey me barbatos#the celestial realms#angels#demons#imagines#ocs#shagua
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Rebecca Stoné
Why act when nobody says you can act?
Canon traits: expressive, outside-the-box thinker, proactive, confident while still conscious of what others think, intensely loyal, protective, a violent streak kept in check, a staunch feminist with much to learn, embracing her feminine side
Canon backstory:
Rebecca is a 23 year old aspiring actress that worked many different jobs trying to decide her course in life, one of which was in adult film. Her childhood was one of parental emotional neglect and casual criticisms which led to her being vulnerable to sexual abuse by her uncle, something that she still bears psychological scars from underneath her positive exterior. Following her time at an acting college she directed and performed two solo plays - Hamlet and Titanic - which served to channel her bodily autonomy and feminist beliefs into art. She recently lost her pet cat to an accident involving a washing machine.
My ideas:
As mentioned in the tags of my childhood vs adulthood picrew, I venture that her family, alongside its other flaws, was one based on traditional ideas of just about everything - this is due to the presence of her grandmother, Margaret, in the Stone household. She was the one looking after Rebecca as a young child when her parents were working, instilling the same values she was taught as part of her role as matriarch (well, taking over from the now dead patriarch aka her late husband). As much as this was damaging, the strong women in Rebecca's family gave her something to work with.
As for said parents, Eric and Dawn, they are art/antique dealers that sometimes travelled abroad to facilitate auctions or value something. When they were home, they'd bring back beautiful gifts and clothes for her as apologies, as well as take her to the theatre on special occasions. Having a child was more of an expectation than an active choice, that and they wanted a more sedate child.
Their love of the vintage and outdated added to the generally old-world atmosphere of the house, with crockery and porcelain figurines all over the place that Rebecca played with. This environment when combined with her energetic, active personality made her the target of jokes at school. She was neither a full tomboy nor a girly girl nor super geeky - she didn't fit in much of anywhere outside the drama studio or after school clubs. Very awkward if and when anyone came over and had to stare at a bunch of taxidermies and dolls.
When it comes to her uncle and what he did, she was initially not aware of the wrongness of it all, but nevertheless felt intensely detached from her body. She became more withdrawn, easily irritated, skipping school - this was around the age of eleven to fourteen, so it impacted her grades and choice of boyfriends as well. At sixteen, she gave a boy two black eyes and a broken nose for trying to touch her and for harassing one of her friends - finally Eric and Dawn paid attention.
What she said in the caffeine high is vebatim what she said to them that evening, but no one believed her about Frank, especially not Margaret. They basically forgot the next day and enrolled her on anger management courses and extra lessons to hike up her grades, which she passed almost purely out of a need to escape.
Like Tacoma, college was a chance to grow into herself - she shifted from complete repulsion over touch to craving it, a continuous back and forth she struggles to predict even now. This was likely when she discovered her attraction to women as well as men.
Stoné was a typo Donnie made in the credits one time and it stuck as an inside joke ever since.
#{reel rewound}#reel rewound: rebecca stoné#eye contact#csa mention#incest cw#animal death#(somewhat inspired by what I've gleaned about vc andrews books - e.g. Dawn being the name of one of the protags/series - one with an uncle)
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my dialtown ocs !! click for better quality, info on them + extra flavor doodles under cut (its long be warned)
Michy Knight | she/her + pansexual, will date you regardless of head choice
- full name is michelle knight, but she usually goes by her nickname, michy (funfact: i named her michelle before finding out that was mingus' previous name lmao)
- she decorates her head with stickers but takes them off for work, so they change often
- she works at the post office and delivers telegrams on the side
- shes a very bubbly hopeless romantic, and likes to pretend she's a cupid delivering love letters
- she's incredibly social and knows a number of people in town, but does not actively have anyone she really considers a close friend
- she focuses heavily on her jobs, she adores mingus and (pre chapter 3) wants to be part of mingus' "perfect dialtown", believing doing her jobs well will guarantee that for her
- she loves to write, most specifically she writes fanfiction, and publishes them online. occasionally people she knows are featured in these under code names, most prominently of which is mingus
- she technically is aware of norm, but doesnt actually know anything about him. she found the shack while travelling in search of writing inspiration, and now she thinks hes just a hermit who needs some company, so she often sits outside his door and reads her fanfics to him
- the player meets her as a passer-by on the street in downtown while shes headed to her job, and after explaining the situation she gets excited and offers to help find a date. when her offer is accepted she becomes part of your 'party' and goes to the park with you to talk about who she thinks would be a good fit with you (this is determined by the head you have + a few dialogue options with her that show her your personality). after that she tags along with you for other character interactions
- her route is hard to get, as it only "unlocks" after the player loses all other routes she's aware of (namely: olivers, randys, karens, jacksons, and lilliths) while she is with you, after which she apologizes for being a bad cupid and offers to take you to the funfair herself instead
- in her route, you try to help her learn that it's unhealthy to hold herself to certain standards that she does all for the praise of someone she wont achieve, and help her learn that the over-glorified version of love she has in her head isnt something to prioritize over true love; that true love is mutual, and can be messy and imperfect but is just as worth pursuing
- the only other route she appears in is bigfoots (she runs into you while you're outside town hall before the mingus encounter, and asks if youre going inside. if you say you are, she offers you a package and asks that you leave it with tango at the front desk as its a gift for mingus and she's too shy to do it herself. the player instead leaves the package on the office desk after picking up the rug. ("here, i'll put this on the desk, that way it's like a trade! we're even now.")
- her route's hatchling has a lovebird for a head
Jackson Coxx | he/him + gay, will only date you with a phone head
- works at an arcade located in uptown, hes close friends with a coworker of his named exie
- he's a gym bro whos in extreme denial about his sexuality
- he has a lot of false confidence and often remarks on how strong / attractive he is
- hes pretty tall (like 6'2" when he isnt slouching)
- he has very bad fashion sense and often wears the same thing multiple days in a row
- he likes to play with the plastic bit of the case around his head's charging port when hes bored, and this as resulted in it becoming misshapen and sticking out at the bottom (his head is based on my phone irl that i do this with so ngfdkjbgk)
- the player encounters him in the apartments after approaching his door. you catch him as hes leaving his apartment and headed to the gym to work out some. a dialogue scene follows where you can ask him out; asking him out as a typewriter will result in the route-lost pop up ("Yeah, uh... You're.. okay, i guess, but not my type, sorry, haha.") and asking him out as a phone, he will quickly state that he isnt gay, and a bit of a back and forth scene will take place, by the end of which he will agree to take you to the funfair as long as its 'just as homies'
- during chapter two while looking for jackson the player heads to his place of work and meets exie, who says that he's on a smoke break out back but that she'll keep you company while you wait for him. theres a scene between the two where the player makes a comment that he must be homophobic for how much he hates the idea of being gay, and he will defend himself by saying exie is wlw and the two are very close, after which she makes the comment that jackson is also gay, and he gets annoyed with her and tells her not to lie to strangers
- in his route, the player will be teaching him to accept himself, and that its okay to be true to who you are regardless of what people around you might think or say about it, that its important to be who you are and not let the pressures of those around you change that, no matter how scary that may be
- his hatchling has a wolf for a head
Charlie Steiner | he/him + aroace, doesnt have a route
- owns a morgue on the outskirts of town (the morgue is also legally registered as a church)
- he is very full of himself and over the top (think classic funky cartoon villain), hes also incredibly good with people and loves to socialize
- he's very 'animated' when it comes to behavior, he talks with his hands a lot and constantly overexaggerates words/movement
- his head is a phone with a coffin case on it, he almost never opens it though
- he loves dressing fancy and often with a religious aesthetic, usually with big boots and long coats. hes always wearing his gloves, even when outside of the morgue
- he doesnt have a route of his own but is very very present in lilliths, so much so that his interactions even determine what endings you get. he is very protective of and close with them.
- he is the first person you meet during the morgue encounter. if you ask him out as a phone, he will say he isn't interested and that you should look elsewhere for love. when you ask him out as a typewriter, he will state he himself cannot help you, but that he has an assistant down the hall who may be able to help you
- there are two times talking with him changes your route. the first is after lillith accepts your offer for a date. while they are getting ready, the player returns to the main room in the morgue and he asks how the talk went, and after being told they accepted he requests that you allow him to secretly tag along and help him make sure lillith doesnt know, offering to give you tips during the date. telling him no results in the good end being closed off, after which you can only get one of the three 'bad' ends. the second time is during chapter two before a second date with lillith, he will again ask that you let him secretly tag along, and telling him no will set you up for the shit yourself and die end.
Lillith Morozov | they/them + lesbian, will only date you with a typewriter head
- charlie's assistant in the morgue
- unlike him, theyre very antisocial and much prefer to avoid people, spending most of their time at the morgue. they struggle to process and display emotions in a 'proper' way, and when they get over stimulated will either shut down or have a physical outburst depending on the type of emotion that caused it
- theyre mute and communicate through sign language (which shows in the dialogue box like {this}), they even taught charlie sign language and he translates it for people when needed
- their favorite hobby is preserving bugs/flowers/bones through taxidermy/pinning/jars/etc
- their head is a folding clipboard, though they usually keep the font part clipped back. whenever they get upset/feel a strong emotion in general, they 'close' their head, as it makes them feel more secure
- charlie will occasionally use their head like a normal clipboard when the two work together (they do not mind this dont worry)
- theyre technically 'petite' but are incredibly strong, usually taking the more physical jobs around the morgue
- during chapter 2, there is a little date scene with them (that you can only reach if you told charlie yes, after which he will give you a tip that you use to get the good end) where the player makes a remark that the waitress serving the two of you is cute. lillith will become closed off after this remark and once this is noticed the player will be presented with 3 options: you can continue to make comments about the waitress and pick at lillith over it (this will lead to bad end 1 where lillith essentially snaps and pickles the player lmao), you can tell lillith that theyre the only one that matters and put them on a bit of a pedestal; becoming cold/mean toward the waitress to prove it (this will lead to bad end 2 where the player tries to preserve lillith 'like a delicate flower') , or you can assure lillith that you remarking that you thought the waitress was pretty wasnt a sign they were being replaced and that you thinking someone else looked nice does not lower their value (here is where charlies tip plays in as he tells you that way of thinking is smth lillith has trouble with, and will lead to the good end)
- as you can probably tell, lillith's route is about teaching them that the opinions of those theyre close with do not immediately raise or lower their value as a person, and that its okay to struggle and be imperfect - that they and their actions have value regardless and do not need others to actively/constantly see it for it to exist
- the hatchling for lilliths route has a lamb for a head
congrats !!! u made it to the end have some doodles i made of them all
#dialtown#oc#original character#dialtown oc#fanart#phonegingi dialtown#typegingi dialtown#jerry dialtown#<- PUTTING THOSE BC THEY R IN THE EXTRA DOODLES shhh dont come for me#best routes#hobos creations#norm is technically also there but behind his door so i wont count him#did anyone ask for this? no of course not. am i gonna give it to yall anyway? yes of course i am.#jack dlc#dlc wiki
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I'm so happy! You gave a thoughtful answer about the republic commando books!!! It's been awhile since I read them but I remember disliking Etain because of her keeping the kid a secret, even though of all people she should know they weren't going to take the kid. And it was good to get more into the realities of clones but I wish they had given them more variation in character, especially the nulls. Vau in the ice is fav part!
Thank you, even more since I too didn’t read the whole series in a long time so I ranted about what stuck in my head the most (and Force knows these issues are thorns in my side for years lol)
Oh, I totally love Vau in the ice and the robbing bank scene. That man is so precious bastard that always is there to make fun of Skirata even when just saved from death :D
Personally I feel sorry for Etain for she was placed in a difficult position with little real support. Her not telling Darman the truth sucked but as much as her choice was frustrating at times, I somehow understand why she did that. I mean, she was pretty young woman who never had up to this moment any serious romantic and sexual relationship nor any knowledge about raising a child. Etain at first did not tell Darman the truth because she wasn’t sure how to do so, uncertain of his reaction and worried how it will affect him during war and later keep it secret because of Skirata’s threats that literally limited her autonomy - it was Kal who choose the child’s name, who kept constant check and oversaw her activities through people either allied or loyal to him (like Jinart's people on Qiilura or the clones like Ordo who took care of Etain when her pregnancy was in danger), who decided that Darman’s son will be a Mandalorian and when tell him the truth.
And yes, Etain still could tell her lover the truth despite the consequences but there was no quarance that Skirata would not do anything drastic. Like taking her child away from her to raise Darman’s son somewhere alone or by some of his friends/family. And in contrast to Etain, he had money, contacts and means to make that happen while Etain had no such resources. Even if she could hide her pregnancy all by herself, she wouldn’t be able to be a Jedi and raise her own child at the same time. But even if she decided to quit Order, she still wasn’t economically independent to be on her own with a small baby. Clones and Jedi weren’t paid money for their service, so neither Etain nor Darman were in position to provide needed things for their child. Etain didn’t have a job (and most likely wouldn’t be able to get one stable job as a pregnant woman or a single mother with a just born baby when she didn’t have anyone to rely on), didn’t have a home nor friends outside the Temple / army and Jedi do not financially support those who left the Order as far as we know. Then there is a matter of Darman’s lack of legal status who, as a Republic property couldn’t just leave GAR and there could be some more complicated consequences for affair between Jedi General and clone trooper that could haunt them if the wrong people would find out the truth (Kaminoans, Palpatine, any crazy genetic scientist working for CIS or independent factions).
Even if Jedi didn’t insist on taking her son into Order, Skirata was a different matter to worry about and he gave her very strict conditions in return for his help. So I’m gonna defend Etain on this one, because she was a young woman with no real relationship experiences, no real family to rely on, no money and her biggest “crime” was being A)Jedi and B) naive to think that Skirata’s kindness should be taken for granted. And the thing that kills me the most about her telling the news first to Kal, was because she wanted to share her happiness with him and because “Skirata was Kal'buir. He was everyone's father” only to be called selfish, insulted and threatened.
(Her presumed selfishness is a topic for another time, but in the end, she hasn't raped Darman or used him under the influence of mind trick, so it's unfair to put all blame on the woman, whether she wanted to have a child or not.)
I do not like that she kept doing what Skirata demanded in that matter but I can see how the “lie” trapped her and it was harder and harder to tell Darman what was going on. Especially the older I am and have more experience with small kids (thankfully not mine, just my sister’s) to actually see how important family is to help the young mother, the more angry I am at the whole situation and Skirata’s shitty behavior. Seriously, I regret that Etain didn’t tell Walon Vau the big news first, it would save us all three books of family drama since from the start he seemed to be like the only(?) person opting for telling Darman the truth.
As for Nulls, I’m kinda happy they weren’t the main heroes and were kept more in the background. They weren’t bad characters I guess, but I was tired of all the paragraphs about how wonderful and genius the little Skirata’s boys were. Or maybe I should say, less Ordo, more of his brothers would feel better? Dunno. I agree that clones didn’t feel that unique, like yes, everyone had his own personality and all, but the Omegas (and Nulls) kinda blurred one with another? Albeit I suspect it is the fault of the Republic Commando game and the very individual take on Delta Squad who raised the bar high. At least for me. To the point I have theory of mine, that Omegas came from “normal batch” while Vau got the most faulty one and I’m not kidding, the five clones we know were trained by him are either recognised as the most stubborn (Atin), most frightening/efficient cold killer (Sev), most likely pyromaniac (Scorch), gruff, by-the-book tech nerd (Fixer) and one the most balanced Boss who is badass on his own while Omegas are, well, great soldiers and nice men, but beside crack-wise Fi (and Atin) no one really stands out that much? Or I’m just biased. Yeah, I'm.
#star wars#republic commando#republic commando book series#republic commando critically#etain tur mukan#walon vau#my replies#sorry for the rant#just the etain situation and skirata's shitty behavior always makes me so angry#seriously the older i am the more angry this plot makes me#like i look at my family and how me my mom and sister's mother in law made sure to be there for my sister when she was pregnant#and when kids were born to help because raising a child is difficult and stressful and all#i'm literally taking most of my free days at work to fly aboard to her when she needs babysitting for whatever reason#and to know that etain did not have anyone to rely on#only kal with his demands and conditions#and then her kid was passed between laseema or kal or who the fuck had time at that moment#and did not have much control about the boy's future#piss me so much#this is not how family works#and the books are pretty much about it aren't they? the found family when biological parents either did not care or failed badly#and she is the black sheep the bad one cause skirata says so? the father of year ha!#i wish the book give us more#walon and etain#as the two black sheeps of skirata clan to bond over and be awesome#anon sorry for the rant and rant in tags#the rep com books are just a minefield when it comes to my feelings#you never know when you land on the wrong topic#one wrong step and i will rant all my frustrations LOL#okay i'm gonna shut up now
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Kakegurui character headcanons that are canon in my eyes (Part 2)
Doesn’t take hard drugs but can if so desired
Excels in all her courses, but school work bores her
Cottage core lesbian vibes tbh
But is actually bisexual... So cottage core bisexual? Is that a thing??
Actually drinks coffee because she likes the taste
Wears cherry scented perfume
Loves surprises
Is a Gryffindor, but everyone assumes she is a Hufflepuff
Looks like a cinnamon roll but can actually kill you
Listens to Girl In Red
Very physically affectionate and loves cuddles
Is fluent in Japanese, English, and French
Her favorite animal is a snake. You cannot convince me otherwise
She owns a pet king snake and named it: エース (Ace)
Prefers to wear dresses but will not decline wearing a suit
Often mistaken for athletic, but starts panting when climbing up the stairs
Enjoys reading to pass time when she isn’t gambling
Learned to play and mastered poker at like nine years old
Favorite card game is Indian blackjack
Favorite color is either maroon or gold
Gets cold easily
Often reads Yuri manga
Does not kill the spider in the relationship, but instead captures it in a cup and sets it free outside
Is great with kids
Weapon of choice is a katana
ENFP-A personality type
A horrible driver and cannot drive her friends places without almost crashing the car
Forced to learn how to play the piano as a child
Not a morning person, but doesn’t let it show
Gets her “gambling freak” on even when playing something simple like uno
Will take hard drugs if they are offered for free
Excellent in all school courses (she wasn’t offered a scholarship for her good looks after all)
Hated gambling at first, but soon became addicted to it like everyone else at Hyakkaou
Quite athletically inclined, but chooses not to do sports
Is a tsundere around everyone except for Ririka
Is a lesbian
Has a whole ass harem (this is actually canon)
Wears Chapstick or occasionally lip gloss
If you simp for her, say it with me... Daddy issues
One hundred percent would be that girl at a bar to fight a guy sexually harassing herself or someone else
I’ve heard people say she’s a Gryffindor, but I gotta be honest with you, she’s a Slytherin. Sorry, I make the rules.
Looks like a cinnamon roll, is actually a cinnamon roll that can kill you
Favorite food is melon bread
Listens to Megan Thee Stallion
Half American Half Japanese
She is actually naturally blonde
Can speak English and Japanese, but prefers Japanese
Drinks tea or juice instead of coffee
Practices future arguments with people in the shower
Is okay with children unless they’re being brats
Favorite animal is a lion
Weapon of choice is a baseball bat
Watches American cartoons and has no interest in anime
Fairly good at video games
Does not like being touched (unless by someone she loves)
Insecure about her height and bust size
Is indifferent about wearing a dress, but likes wearing a suit
Has mild OCD and hates when people touch or move around her stuff
Only asks people if they listen to Girl In Red to see if they’re gay, but doesn’t really listen to them that much
Actively listens to Billie Eilish
Can play the bass guitar
ENFJ-A personality type
Wears Doc Martens outside of school
Probably growled or hissed at kids in preschool

Has definitely done hard drugs and would do it again
Pays students/housepets to do her school work and homework
For some reason, strikes me as someone who drinks Starbucks refreshers and will refuse to drink anything else in the morning
Is terrible at gambling hence why she constantly cheats
Has a new set of nail polish for each week
Two-faced towards everyone except her close friends
A closeted bisexual. No I will not take criticism on that
Has a thing for milfs
Indulges in both Yuri and Yaoi manga
Favorite combination is sweet and salty
This bitch absolutely puts pineapple on her pizza. “It’s exotic!”
Lactose intolerant?? Don’t ask why because I don’t have an answer, she just seems like she would and hides it by trying to act bougie for purchasing almond/coconut milk instead of regular milk. Still consumes dairy anyway
Has an Instagram account with 1000+ followers
Smells like a bath and body works and would probably work there too if she wasn’t rich and needed a job
Actually has shitty vision but wears contacts so she doesn’t look “nerdy”
Is a Hufflepuff
Weapon of choice is either her nails or pepper spray tbh
I’m not saying she’s a bimbo... however-
Probably has attended at least twelve Ariana Grande concerts
First car would be something extra like a pink Lexus or Mercedes Benz
Develops a very close friendship with Mary, Yumeko, and Ryota
Canonly short
Hates the rain and the cold
Can’t play any instruments but claims her voice is her instrument
Can’t reach the top shelf :(
ESFP-A personality type
Will most definitely have an affair with Miroslava Honebami at some point
Hates insects
Idk why, but I can see her still sleeping with a night light
Guilty pleasure is going to the spa
Has likely traveled all around the world
Favorite color is pink or green
#kakegurui#kakegurui headcanons#Yumeko Jabami#mary saotome#itsuki sumeragi#mary x ririka#Meariri#miroslava x itsuki#JAY HAS SPOKEN
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Headcanon Stuff
I realized I have a lot of headcanons how hero licenses work and I wanted to share them. Note: Some of this is based on Canada’s driving licenses. As well this includes what I call Quirk Permits.
Quirk Permit
We see multiple cases of people using their Quirk in public- Inko one of them when she pulls her son’s toy to her. As such, I have thought up what I call a Quirk Permit.
A Quirk Permit is a permit that lets you use your Quirk in specific areas. For example: A learning permit allows children to use their Quirk in training areas to learn how to control them.
The system goes like this:
Learning Permit: All kids get this. It lets kids learn to use their Quirk in specific areas and also at home.
Training Permit: Kids with unstable or dangerous Quirks or kids who want to be heroes get these. These permits allow the children to train their Quirk in specific areas or in their own home and backyard.
In Home Use Permit: Inko has one of these. It allows her to use her permit while inside her home. In fact most of the population has these.
Job Specific Permit: Uraraka and Midoriya discuss this briefly. He mentions she can get permission to use her Quirk at her parents’ company which is what this would do. So if you can use your Quirk at your job you get this one.
Public Use Permit: A permit for the usage of Quirk in public. Now, these permits only go to people like Hagakure and Tokoyami- Quirks that are on all the time or those who have Sentient Quirks because they can’t help what their Quirks do.
Hero Licenses
Now we get to the licenses.
Provisional License: I honestly think this is like a learner’s for a driving exam. You only can use it with permission and while under the watch of an older mentor.
Intern License: Like a class 5 GDL (For Americans and others who don’t know- Graduated. Not an actual license yet, but close enough most of us stick with this for a few years or forever), this license is used for Interns who aren’t sidekicks but no longer need the supervision of someone more experienced. (Also, side note- I then headcanon part of the reason Mirio doesn’t take Eri with them is because technically he isn’t allowed to be the mentor for Izuku while he only has a provisional. Like everyone sends interns the first few days of casual patrols but otherwise no.)
Sidekick License: Like a Class 5 license, non GDL, they are a sidekick who doesn’t need to be supervised, and can mentor Provisional and Intern.
Now this is where I kinda step away from what I’m used to.
Rescue Hero License: Self-explanatory, the licenses that a rescue-based hero uses.
Capture Hero License: A license that a hero based in capture uses (Meaning they restrain villains.)
Intelligence Hero License: A license an information gatherer would use as a hero. Also is known as ‘undercover hero license’ as heroes who work undercover also use this.
Combat Hero License: A hero who engages in combat would have this as a license.
All Rounder License: A license that lets someone work as rescue, capture, intelligence and combat. You can work your way up to this one- you just need to pass each license exam.
Underground License: Just the All Rounder license but you HAVE to get it to work underground. All Rounder License holders enter into the official records for heroes, but underground heroes don’t. This is also the hardest license to get as you MUST take all of the exams at once, as underground heroes have to often do all four at once.
Now- you can have two or more licenses. Most people have combat no matter what. It’s rare that a hero doesn’t.
Thirteen for example has Rescue and Combat listed on their license. However, they aren’t a good fit for Capture as part of their duties, So when participating in raids they aren’t allowed to work with the capture squad.
Mt. Lady has Capture, Combat and Rescue on her license.
Kamui Woods has the Same
Now, then, we get into it more.
Someone can only have an Underground License but also work partly as a limelight hero. This is Sir Nighteye.
Most students who graduate from a Hero High School only have a Provisional or Intern license. It is very rare that people graduate with a Sidekick or Hero license. You can, it’s just rare.
Some don’t even have a license at all.
So then, this is where I play with the school system.
Hero School System
You have hero schools and then Hero Universities.
But this is where I really have fun.
Rescue Hero Schools: Schools that are based solely on training rescue heroes.
Combat Hero Schools: Schools that are based solely on training combat heroes.
Intelligence Hero Schools: Schools that are based solely on training intelligence heroes.
Capture Hero Schools: Schools that are based solely on training capture heroes
Now- there are a hundred at least EACH of these schools. They’re not rare.
But then we have the rare type.
All Rounder Hero Schools: Schools that do not focus on only training one type. This is what UA is. As well, typically underground heroes come from these schools and each school has at least one or two on staff to train potential underground heroes.
UA has Eraserhead and actually another who is a Math teacher for Gen Ed.
Now, when someone graduates from one of the above but does NOT have a license yet, or only has an Intern or Provisional license, they then typically go to a Hero University where they continue their education.
This is where I really mess with canon.
As we know, a stat offered about UA is that only 0.2% of people who take the exam actually get in. I in turn call that statistic taken out of context.
0.2% is the over all amount of graduates per year FROM UA that come from the hero course Meaning- out of 20,000 graduates, only 40 come from the UA.
And before anyone goes that’s too high, it really isn’t. Japan in 2019 had 126.3 million people.
UA is actually the only hero school that almost always has students graduate who do become heroes. Shiketsu usually is about 50/50.
Hero Universities are places students continue learning or actually start their journeys. You don’t need to have come from a hero course to enter a Hero University. In fact, some purposely focus on other things first because they A) need more time to work with their Quirk or B) had other reasons they couldn’t enter a hero based course in highschool.
There is also another school. It’s made for students who have the potential to be heroes but have serious attitude issues that cause plenty of problems for others, or they have criminal records (Nothing to serious is allowed, but theft, minor assault cases and the such is allowed. Drug dealer, sexual assault and murder no). This school is special as you are required to go to a hero university before being allowed to get any sort of license at all.
Hero Licensing Exam Rules and Laws
I made this it’s own section because I wanted to include the Hero University stuff to.
Provisional Licenses are good for fifteen years. After that, you’re done. You don’t get to take the exam again. This is done because you then take the other licenses while you still have it. Let’s say you take the Provisional at age 18- you then have until you are 33 to try and get another. Provisional licenses are ONLY offered if you are part of a Hero Course High School or attending a Hero University. You MUST be either one. Or you must have attended one.
Intern Licenses are good for five years each, and you can retake the licenses four times- make it twenty years you can remain as an intern. You cannot renew, but can retake. You also NEED to have at least three months with a provisional under your belt. If you do not retake before the five years (plus a month in case of time issues), you drop back to a provisional. Intern licenses are handed through agencies or by a mentor hero. You must either have a mentor or an agency vouch for you.
Sidekick Licenses are good for five years, and you can renew. Failure to renew means you drop back to intern. There is NO limit to this. You can remain a sidekick for your entire career- in fact a lot of people do because they can’t get a hero license. To get a hero license is extremely difficult. Sidekick licenses are only offered once you have had an Intern License for a year.
Hero Licenses are good for five, and you can renew. Failure to do so means dropping back to sidekick. There are no limits to hero licenses, however the test itself can ONLY be taken ten times. After that no more. You can’t take it again. If you can’t pass the test in ten times, they don’t want you to be a hero. You must have had a Sidekick License for two years before taking the test.
Exceptions to hero licensing are if a student is getting more experience then normal. For example: Class 1A students have villains targeting them, so they might be allowed to get intern licenses early with the potential to land sidekick ones early to, and All Might received a Hero License early due to a lot more experience.
Hope this all made sense for how I have things set up in my fics!
Heroic Law
AKA Random Laws that might be references (created mostly by @anastasian-dreamer but I use them to)
Hero’s Right To Privacy: Any hero, when not on duty, has the right to stay out of the public eye without consequence or being pressured to otherwise. The following law is the only exception.
Public’s Right To Knowledge: If someone is suspicious that a hero is performing poorly outside of duty, be it illegal activity or societal indecency (?), the public has the right to demand a publicist investigation. This law can not be abused due to the previous law.
Hero Executioner: In extreme situations, and only by no other choice, a hero has the right to kill a villain.
Note1: the hero must be ready for an intense, publicized inquiry into their actions
Note2: If the hero uses this law 3 times at any point in their careers, they will be investigated for abuse of the law.
Addendum: Due to the Paralisa Inquiry1 in France, the Hero in question will be tested for unknown quirk developments before being investigated for law abuse.
1: the Paralisa Inquiry refers to when the French hero Paralisa was investigated for Abuse of the Law. An unrelated quirk check revealed that her quirk, a paralysing neurotoxin gas, had increased potency over time and had become deadly. Paralisa was compensated for the trauma caused by the quirk development and the investigation.
Hero’s Right Of Public Care: If a hero has reason to suspect that someone is being abused, the hero has the right to start an investigation and remove that person from the situation.
Note1: The hero must be ready to defend their logic.
Hero’s Right To Defense: if a hero is attacked, verbally or physically, the hero in question has the right to defend themselves accordingly.
Public Right of Dismissal: If enough of the public decides that a hero’s actions are sufficiently unforgivable, the public has the right to demand that hero be dismissed from duty immediately as long as the public has not relied on prejudice or gossip for their demand of dismissal.
Hero’s Right To Family: A hero has the right to have a family. A hero cannot be denied the adoption of a child due to their job. A hero has the right to retain custody of their child unless they have proven to be unfit, not because of a dangerous job.
Note 1: A hero also has the right to marry who they wish.
Note 2: A hero’s family has the right to remain private unless permission is given to the media to report on the family.
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can you please tell me how you interpret otis' relationship with jean?
mm, so, while i don’t always find it enjoyable on a minute-by-minute basis because jean’s boundary issues touch a nerve and because i’ve imprinted so completely on my boy otis and hate to watch his autonomy challenged, there can be no denying that otis and jean’s relationship is incredibly rich and complex. there’s So Much to talk about, it’s kind of hard to pick a starting point.
but the aspect of their relationship i find most fascinating, i think, is the way both jean and otis’ number one priority is to mold otis into/become a man who doesn’t at all resemble remy. jean tries to accomplish this by constantly reframing otis’ reactions to her in the female point of view. like, think of the moment in 1.02 where otis says something to the effect of “you're stalking your son” and jean responds “that word carries a lot of weight, young man, don’t misuse it” or even the scene in the pilot that establishes their relationship for the audience, where otis takes jean’s latest sexual conquest to task and jean points out the sexism inherent in the argument otis is making.
and i like how years of this kind of guidance, this encouragement to see the broader cultural consequences of the worldview you’re imposing on others, has both helped otis flourish as a compassionate person and given him a crippling self-consciousness. he can both offer useful and mature sexual education to his peers, and fail to step outside his preoccupation with his insecurities in order to forge sexual relationships of his own.
also, one of the compelling consequences of the fracturing of their family and their subsequent preoccupation with remy’s part in it is the way jean’s unwillingness to be emotionally available to a partner affects otis. he’s watched her hedonistic approach to sex and leaned that sexual intimacy can - and perhaps even should - be developed only with people you don’t care about on a deeper level. it’s a way to invite intimacy into your life while maintaining steady boundaries around your heart. even remy’s absence, and the reason for remy’s absence, reinforces this for otis. having sex with someone you care about, with someone you’d willingly adopt as a life partner, gives them the power to hurt you beyond repair.
we see this guiding life principle take its toll on otis throughout season two, where he struggles with the idea of jean dating jakob and chooses ola over maeve again and again because he sees her as the safer alternative to being with someone he cares for deeply and in a way that’s already painful without it being as intimate as it has the potential to be. otis’ lashing out during the season comes from the fact that he’s unprepared to deal with his mom changing the foundation upon which she’s built their lives. that foundation being suddenly called into question by jean willingly becoming emotionally intimate with another person post-remy only makes otis’ latent anger more pronounced. now that he actually has a sexual life of which to speak, he’s building it in jean’s own image. so if she changes her mind about what makes physical vs. emotional intimacy worthwhile, that means otis has to deal with the fact that he could have followed his heart all along instead of choosing the closed-off and pragmatic option. what he’s missing, of course, is the way emotional intimacy after all this time doesn’t come naturally to jean. she’s working very hard to go against her nature in order to maintain - or fail to maintain, as it were - her relationship with jakob and that, in point of fact, the effort is what speaks to the relationship’s worth. relationships are the work of two people, they don’t magically spring into being by nature of intense chemistry and they aren’t time bombs that blow up in your face at random. for all jean’s preoccupation with keeping her dynamic with otis open and communicative, she certainly fails to pass along the idea that, above all else, passivity is the worst thing you can bring into any relationship.
which brings us to the other aspect of otis and jean’s relationship that’s of most interest to me: the aforementioned boundary issues. both otis and jean are very internal and largely private people. for otis, we see it manifest mostly in his relationship with jean. he doesn’t want to tell her about maeve, or the sex clinic, or his fight with eric. for jean, it’s in her consistent shutting down of anything more than sex with her various suitors and, most notably, in the 1.06 scene about otis’ thrashed wardrobe with jakob - “do you always avoid questions like this?”
but even while jean shares otis’ preference toward self-reliance and contemplativeness, she battles against his every assertion of privacy, wandering into his room to look through his stuff both when he specifically asks her not to and at random. the kid doesn’t get a lock for his bedroom door until he’s sixteen for crying out loud and, when he finally does, jean kicks open the door in a violation of what the lock symbolizes - namely, otis’ ability to choose when and what he shares with her.
so while this parent-child dynamic is far too close to home for me to make me particularly warm toward jean or identify with her, i do appreciate the way it brings endless complexity to the character. her whole persona is built on respectful and direct communication. it’s her greatest tool as a therapist, and it’s her greatest pitfall as a mother. because for every spoken “let the negative energy dissipate” and ‘let’s have a calm and rational discussion about this,” there’s a choice she makes to actively violate otis’ spoken and unspoken requests for stronger boundaries.
aside from her practice, otis is jean’s whole life. and you can clearly see the ways she’s done an exceptional job at raising a compassionate and thoughtful human being with all the energy and time she’s focused on doing just that. on the other hand, otis is jean’s whole life and you can clearly see the ways him behaving similarly to her both reinforces jean’s perception that she’s entitled to his life on her terms and creates tension around the fact that all otis wants is to assert the self-reliance she’s instilled in him.
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