#she is so important. i need to draw her more so badly. i love her so much. there is something there i wanna dissect so bad but.
trainingdummyrabbit · 2 months
white night angela
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PARADISELOST ILU PARADISELOST MY BESTFRIEND PARADISELOST. genuinely one of my very top favorites despite how little i ever bring her up Ever. she is like... Everything 2 Me in a way im not quite sure i can describe. ok.
Design- GENDER. ok. the way that she looks so weightless, the hair thats reminiscient of feathers, the fucking. bloody angel look. the little snake around her shoulders!!!! come ON! something about the fact that her eyes are just about always closed again; and further than that, the fact that they only open during Attacks, in which they are completely flat red. hashtag girl. girl just LOOK at her. ok? ok. something about the collar is fucking me up but im not sure i can detail it.
Theme- i have TALKED ABOUT THIS MOTHERFUCKER!!!! the religion floor realization kills me to death and im never over it. the tangle of shepherd and lamb, leader and that who wishes to follow, savior and the damned. like... listen. something about her desperate desire to not be alone manifesting as some split between Her and One Of The Most Feared Abnormalities, in such a stark difference to how she usually acts where you cant really tell the lines between one and the other until you snap her out of it. how she manifests that which she wishes to have As Herself in conjunction with how she is completely convinced nobody would dare to stand with her. the image of complete and utter calm in the face of the turbulence that she clings onto like a lifeline despite it all. its quite literally all of her struggles pushed to an Extreme. this motherfucker is the reason i can never talk about anyone about angela without it being an hours long thing how the FUCK do you summarize this even. speaking with words that arent hers, yearning for someone to lead her to a happier place where she would never be alone again, to lead, to follow, to have, to take, to give. and still, despite it all, she is still just... confused, lost, and afraid. its something so shockingly simple for what a grandiose image thats projected of herself, and the conversation beforehand really drives it home. i will literally be here for hours. anyway if you want that other post its [here]; i dont think i could say it any better or differently or more youre just gonna have to take it ok. thanks.
in conclusion uh, i think she might actually be one of if not The one thats the most important to me? like... personally. ithink she was the first one i drew something Completely for, the one that kicked me into thinking abt her for hours on end every time she came up... something about her just kills me to death. shrimply. she is so very important. and most importantly: She Should Be Allowed To Kill.
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Baby Sister
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Hi guys!
This one is from resquets, lot of them actually. I hope you will enjoy this ficlet :)
TW : Jealousy, secret relationship, Reader is Jenni Hermoso's little sister.
Being Jenni Hermoso’s little sister has always been a great pride for you. You wear your last name with great happiness and you have always attended all the matches you could see. You have never missed any of his important matches, whether with the Barça team or the Spanish national team. This summer, you even made the trip to attend each stage of the competition, until seeing her lift the trophy at the finale.
What happened after and around this victory, you’d rather not talk about. This story makes you green with rage and you sincerely believe that if you had faced these men at the end of the summer, things would have gone very badly.
Jenni now playing in Mexico, it’s obviously harder for you to go and see her play. You watch her evolve on the other side of the ocean thanks to VPN, what you find ridiculous, it’s your sister for God’s sake.
But you’ve been used to long distance relationships for a while now. Because your girlfriend doesn’t happen to live in Barcelona either. Leila has been playing for Manchester City since the summer of 2022, a few months after you two started dating. The long-distance relationship is clearly not something easy to manage, but your reunions are incredible every time. Now that Jenni is no longer in Barcelona, it’s easier for you to fly to Leila for a weekend in Manchester.
Yes, because Jenni obviously doesn’t know that you’re in a relationship with one of her friends. Former colleagues at Barça and in the Spanish national team, there is no need to draw a picture to know how you met. It took some time for you to get closer, you were long persuaded that Leila only saw you as Jenni’s little sister. Baby Hermoso, like most of Jenni’s teammates like to call you.
It’s not a nickname that bothers you, you know it’s affectionate and again it’s not something pejorative for you to be compared to your sister. You love her. Even though she tends to be very protective of you, scaring away all your girlfriends pretty quickly. No one is good enough for you in her eyes and even if you know that her goal is to protect you and to avoid the mistakes that she made herself, you must admit that it’s for this reason that Leila and you decided to remain hidden.
Lying or hiding things from Jenni is really not easy for you. You are used to telling her everything and you have sometimes picked yourself up at the last moment when you want to tell her an anecdote about something you saw or did with Leila. Luckily, you didn’t make any missteps in a year and a half, almost two years.
But the secret is starting to weigh you more and more. Being away from the two most important women in your life is difficult for you and you regularly find yourself with lower morale than usual. When Jenni asks you about it, you just tell her you miss her. Which is true, but not totally. It’s easier for you to talk about it with Leila, even if you don’t want to impose your moods on her.
With Christmas coming, Leila is back in Barcelona, just like your big sister. You managed to establish a schedule in the rules of the art, juggling between family meals and stolen moments with your girlfriend. You even managed to set up an afternoon with Ona, Leila and other friends you have in common. You even asked Alba Putellas to join you, but she already had something planned.
So, when Ona and her brother went back to their parents, Leila offered to take you home, which you obviously accepted. Except she stayed at your place to end the night between lovers, catching up on all the kisses, hugs and love whispers you’re late for. You could spend hours with Leila, hidden under your sheets, exchanging confessions between two kisses.
It was between Christmas and New Year’s that Jenni asked you to have lunch and an afternoon with her. If her proposal obviously excited you, you found yourself hesitating when she told you she wanted to invite Leila to join you. It’s been a while since they met again and Leila apparently misses her. And since you two are getting along, Jenni thought it was a good idea to bring people together.
If only she knew how well you two get along…
From the exchange of messages that you had with Leila to talk about this, you realized that the situation seems to amuse your girlfriend more than anything else. It helped you see things in a different light. Maybe there’s no reason to worry, after all?
You’re the last arrived in the restaurant Jenni picked, both brunettes already sitting at a table. You have no trouble spotting them, it would have been difficult to do it anyway with Jenni’s great gestures. You approach Leila to hug her, giving her a stern look when her hand is dangerously low on your hip. Then you put a kiss on your sister’s cheek, which makes you sit next to her before grabbing a lock of your hair.
"Since when do you have red streaks?" laughs your sister
You shrug your shoulders and get rid of your jacket to place it on the back of your chair. The facility is already pretty full and people don’t seem to pay too much attention to your table. A good thing for you.
"Since yesterday"
"It suits her well I think"
Jenni looks at you for a few more seconds before smiling and nodding. Just like her, you have very dark hair, but your eyes are more on gray than on brown like those of Jenni. When you turn your attention to Leila, she winks at you and you find yourself blushing slightly while smiling.
The discussion between the three of you goes rather well in the end and after you go to choose tapas, you relax completely. The laughter burst and you spend a pleasant moment with the two brunettes.
Between two tapas, you grab your phone to open whatsapp and show a message from your mother to Jenni to show that you are right about something. Honestly, you can’t even say why it was, as the subject is quickly forgot when another conversation seems to have caught your big sister’s eye.
"Who is the lion?"
You’re trying to quickly put your phone in your jacket pocket, because you know exactly what Jenni is talking about. Instead of saving Leila’s full name, you inserted a lion emoji and an emoji with a burning heart next to it. You find it cuter and it saves you a little today. But not as much as you would have liked.
No doubt thanks to her reflexes worked during training, Jenni managed to grab your phone before you put it away, hurrying to change her hand to get away from you.
"Jenni give it back to me" you half get up and try to take it back.
In front of you two, Leila looks at you with big eyes, without really knowing what to do. Luckily you never call yourself by your first names. And luckily too, you tend to send yourself photos through other apps.
"I miss you, I can’t wait to find you" starts reading Jenni out loud, frowning. "I count the days before I see you again… Who is this girl?"
When Jenni turns to you, you manage to take the phone out of her hands and put it away from her. Your cheeks are so red we could probably bake eggs on them.
"No one" you grunt carrying your glass to your lips.
"Well if that’s nobody, I don’t dare imagine what the messages with your girlfriend are" laughs Leila.
You almost strangle yourself with your drink and Jenni doesn’t seem to blame you to the point of letting you die on the spot since she gives you little pats on the back. On the other hand, you shoot your girlfriend with the look by seeing her drive the nail.
"Do you have a girlfriend?" asks Jenni, eyebrows still frowned.
You sigh softly and hesitate a split second before answering. After all, she doesn’t need to know who it is, right?
"Yes" you simply answer, giving her a look of challenge.
Jenni supports your gaze, obviously, and you feel the questions swirling through her head. You don’t know what you’ll get first.
"Why didn’t you tell me?" your older sister asks.
"Because you drove away all the last ones I’ve been with" you answer, rolling your eyes.
"Oh right away the big words…" sighs Jenni, even if her amused smile proves her guilt.
A few seconds pass and you naively hope that this will be enough for Jenni as information for the moment. Maybe the fact that you’re with Leila will hold her back from pushing things too hard and getting other information out of you.
"How is she?"
It’s Leila’s voice which resounds however and you return once again a dismayed look in her direction. She’s supposed to help you, not the other way around. However, when you answer that it’s not her business, Jenni insists by asking you the question in turn.
"She is kind, she is attentive and understanding" you end up answering, a deeply upset look displayed on the face.
"Is she pretty?" asks Leila
"Obviously" you snort.
In front of you, Leila seems to be having a great time. And if you think that you may laugh about it later, currently you can’t help but think that you intend to make her pay for it later.
"Is she a good kisser?" continues Leila.
"Wow no, I don’t want to hear the answer to that question" Jenni steps in with one hand up. "I can’t believe it, you’re still a baby."
You roll your eyes sighing, hearing the moan in the voice of your big sister. You’re almost eight years apart, but she sometimes has a hard time forgetting that you’ve been fifteen almost ten years ago.
"I’m 25, Jenni" you point out, but this information seems to fall on deaf ears.
"Wait, is that the girl from your job here? Aida?"
"Who is Aida?" asks Leila
This time, the fun left your girlfriend’s voice and face. This makes you shudder from the inside, the main flaw of the brunette being undoubtedly her jealousy. This has already highlighted some tensions between you, but you have always been able to communicate in order to avoid too much conflict.
"It’s nobody" you respond quickly to Leila, to whom you have already mentioned her existence, you are almost sure of it. "And no, it’s not Aida. Can we change the subject now, please?"
Groaning in her beard, Jenni finally accepts your request, even if she specifies that you pay nothing to wait. You roll your eyes again and peck the last crumbs on your plate while Jenni apologizes to go to the toilet.
As soon as she has her heels turned, you feel Leila leaning in your direction.
"Who’s Aida?" asks the brunette again.
You sigh softly and shift your attention to Leila. You’re relieved that your sister went to the bathroom quickly after that, or you know that your girlfriend would have had her blood blown out until you two were alone.
"One of my colleagues Babe, I already told you about it" you answer in a low voice, leaning mechanically too in her direction.
Leila answers nothing, content to look at you at length with her black eyes, arms crossed on her chest. She’s too far away for you to catch her hand, so you try to keep eye contact with her.
"Leila stop, we already discussed it. You have no reason to be jealous"
A few seconds pass during which Leila seems to pass you to the X-ray using her eyes. Time seems to last you a little too long, you end up arching an eyebrow in her direction.
"And excuse me, but if one of them should be jealous, it’s me. You’re the one who’s tactile with all your friends and you’re the one who’s got edits of your person on TikTok. Not me."
You see Leila’s face relaxing under the effect of her surprise. You’ve never mentioned these two things until now and this may not be the best time to do so since your older sister was reappearing next to you two. She seems surprised by your two sulky faces and your similar position, your arms crossed on your chests.
"Uh… is everything okay?" she asks while sitting next to you.
You nod your head while Leila just grunts for a simple answer.
"I have to go." You suddenly decide "See you before you go, right?"
Jenni answers yes, probably a little surprised by your quick departure. She stands up in turn to put a kiss on your cheek and take you in her arms.
"Do you need a ride? Where are you going?"
You know perfectly well that Leila’s question is not innocent but on the other hand the kindness and helpfulness of the brunette alone could explain the proposal. But, on your side, if you had to describe yourself in one flaw, it’s impulsivity. You prefer to talk about spontaneity, but that’s why you find yourself answering her sarcastically
"Seeing Aida, what else?"
The flash of anger and jealousy passing through Leila’s face is very fast, but visible to you. And apparently to Jenni as well.
Still standing, Jenni lets go of a surprise exclamation before pointing at Leila.
"It’s you!"
"Huh?" Leila replies, turning to Jenni, having forgotten for a split second her presence.
"The lion and the burning heart! It’s you!"
"She puts a burning heart next to the lion?"
Leila’s question makes you hit your forehead with your hand. It’s a disaster. She could have responded positively to Jenni’s question that it would have come back to the same thing.
Your sister remains silent for a long time, her gaze passing from Leila to you many times. She opens her mouth several times before finally finding the words that dare to suit her. For your part, your heart rate is so high that you wonder if your heart is not trying to come out of your chest.
"Why didn’t you tell me before?"
You sigh softly, leaning against the bench on which Leila is installed.
"I told you. You traumatized all my last girlfriends Jenni, I’m sure some of them even changed countries after you finished talking to them. I didn’t want this to happen this time."
You feel Leila’s gaze rise on you, you have after all just confided that this relationship is important to you.
"Your ex-girlfriends were selfish first-league idiots" grumbled Jenni rolling her eyes at her turn. "I know Leila isn’t"
You pout a little before shrugging. You’re not sure that if she hadn’t faced the fact her reaction would have been the same. If you had told her about your relationship with Leila when it took place, you are convinced that things would have been different.
"How long has it been?" keeps asking Jenni.
"A year and a half" answers Leila for you.
The information seems to surprise your sister as she bows her eyebrows at you. You mumble an excuse and shrug.
"Well, it doesn’t look like I have a something to say anyway" sighs Jenni as Leila pulls you by the arm to make you sit next to her.
You let yourself be willingly, the revelations of the last minutes making you forget that you managed to argue while Jenni went to the toilet. Jenni sits down again, looking at you carefully, before pointing again at Leila.
"You’re my friend Leila. But I swear to God, if you hurt her, you’re still six feet under."
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starkeygirlposts · 8 days
Boyfriend turned Step-Bro Rafe Cameron x Reader
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Summary: You've been dating Rafe Cameron for 3 years, and one day Ward and your mom tell you they're getting married.
This is a snippet of a fic I'm going to see if I want to continue writing. Please let me know if you'd like it to be continued.
I'm not diving too deep on details or character traits in this, as it's just a blurb/idea for a full fic.
Trigger warnings: stepcest, underage, drugs, pregnancy
The Rafe Cameron who became your boyfriend when you were sixteen years old was not the Rafe Cameron who people referred to your step-brother at eighteen.
The complete opposite, really.
Your parents separated when you were in your sophomore year of high school, your dad moving across the country to California when he met his mistress on a business trip while you and your mom kept a tidy home. The affair nearly killed your mom, and she learned to lean on none other than your boyfriends dad.
Ward was the perfect fill-in for your mom for a while. She was just having a good time, she'd told you. "He occupies my mind Y/N, does that make me such a bad mom?" Like you being upset with your mother being however which way involved with your boyfriends dad was so out-of-this-world believable. Truth was, yes it made her a bad mom. Not just because it put you and Rafe in an uncomfortable position, but because you were struggling yourself after having your family as you knew it blown apart.
But she wasn't just "having a good time." Or rather, maybe she was having too good a time. Because on a Thursday evening at the Cameron's dinner table that you all had gathered for, Ward held your moms hand and told you all that they were getting married.
That day, your world fell apart, and Rafe started to become someone you soon would not recognize. Rafe's hand slipped from your thigh, gone the tender loving warm fingertips, drawing lazy hearts on your skin.
You looked over at Rafe before doing or saying anything to anyone else, and his eyes were higher than yours, connecting with his father's in an expression you could only imagine was pure hatred. Because Rafe could never live up to his father in any sense, and now he was taking away the one thing that kept his feet planted to the earth. Of course he was. You flinched when Rafe's chair scraped like nails on the tile flooring, as he darted from the table outside to his truck, leaving you to pick up the pieces. How badly you'd wanted to chase after him. But when your eyes connected with Ward's, the decision made for you.
You didn't even need to ask.
"Unless you want to live with your father in California, you and Rafe will stop whatever it is you two have going on." Ward had told you.
You looked to your mom as if she'd help you - feel some semblance of remorse for you. You'd met Rafe first. Three years ago. You'd been the only reason your mother even met Ward. But why should you be so surprised that what she wanted was more important than your happiness?
From that day, Rafe started slowly slipping from you. A hollow shell of the boy you loved so deeply and painfully. He'd drink himself to sleep every Friday and Saturday night, breathe cocaine on the other nights, and wave you off when you tried to ask him to slow down.
"Y/N, you want me to stop? To make you happy? What do you do anymore that makes me happy?" You'd touch his cheek and guide his head down to make his eyes meet yours, and you'd stare into them - hoping for a shimmer of your boyfriend to snap back and remember.
He'd shrug away from you, his hand brushing you off and leave you watching his back as he'd resume slowly killing not only himself, but you too. But his coldness didn't stop him from sneaking into your room past midnight to have sex with you. Not that you wish he'd stop, because you so badly craved his touch, eager for it any way he'd offer it. Mean, rough, kind, tender; you'd take any of him just to feel connected.
So when you'd texted Rafe to meet you in your room after dinner on Thursday night nearly one year after your world truly blew apart, hoping you'd get to him before the white powder did, he locked the door behind him and the black in his eyes told you he'd already gotten his fix. But your small hand came up to his chest as he approached you, seated cross legged on your pink floral bed spread, clutching the stick in your other hand. You looked up at him and when you locked eyes, he understood, because he took your hand from his chest and squeezed it in his own before leaning down to touch his lips to yours.
"I miss you, baby. My beautiful girl."
His breath was hot against your mouth, his scent so familiar and home to you. You couldn't stop the tears from falling from your eyes, your hand loosening from his hand to hold onto his forearm that connected to the fingers clutching your jaw tenderly but firmly in place, kissing you like he loved you again.
How badly you missed him, too.
"Rafe, please..."
Your hand falls and his breaks from your jaw, and you take this moment to capture his hand with your fingers and place the stick into his palm. His eyes break away from yours to look down at what you've given him, and you watch with tears streaming down your face as his brows furrow, his feet shuffling to back up and you brace yourself.
He doesn't do what you expect him to do, though. He stares so deeply down into his palm that when his eyes do reconnect with yours, confusion in his own eyes, his head tilting just the slightest and you're trembling, waiting for the shoe to drop.
"This...this is a -- you're..." His eyes screw up shut and he shakes his head like he's imagining things and he's crazy. "A baby?" He finally asks, looking up at you again and you can only nod.
"My baby?" He asks again, and you nearly scoff, because really? Was he kidding? Who else was sneaking into your room after midnight, invading your body and your thoughts?
"Yes, Rafe, I'm pregnant with your baby." You tell him, standing and he's still shaking his head, eyes bunching up as if he's being told the craziest thing in the world - because really, he is. But you've sat with this for the entire day and while your reaction wasn't as confused, you too felt the familiar disbelief.
You watch his chest rise and fall, deep breaths in and out before you're in a whirlwind and he closes the distance between you and pulls you to him, tucking your head underneath his chin, the back of your skull rested protectively in his large palm. His lips are at your forehead when he tells you
"I'm going to take care of it. They're not keeping me from my kid."
AH, what do you think? My ask box is open for feedback. Please feel free to use it to ask for what you'd like to see from this fic!
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voxmortuus · 1 year
Number 139. for Love Quinn xFem!reader please?
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✧*̥˚ PAIRING: *̥˚✧ Love Quinn x F!Reader ✧*̥˚ UNIVERSE: *̥˚✧ You ✧*̥˚ WORD COUNT: *̥˚✧ 495 ✧*̥˚ PROMPT: *̥˚✧ From THIS prompt list: 139. “take off your underwear” - “but, there’s other people here” - “they won’t see you, there’s an entire table here” ✧*̥˚ TRIGGER WARNINGS: *̥˚✧ Public smut | Fingering in public | Reader hinting to public oral | PLEASE TELL ME IF I FORGOT ANYTHING!!! I want to make sure readers are fully aware of what they are getting themselves into when they read this… ✧*̥˚ NOTES: *̥˚✧ I will literally write for any character you send me prompts for; I love branching out! So, thank you for sending me Love Quinn! This was a nice break from ATJ and others. ✧*̥˚ DIVIDER CREDIT: *̥˚✧ @nyxvuxoa ✧*̥˚ IMAGE CREDIT: *̥˚✧ @tvandfilm ✧*̥˚ My Master Masterlist *̥˚✧
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The restaurant was beautiful, but of course, it was, and with Love, you wouldn't expect anything less. This woman knew how to wow you, she knew what made you tick, she knew what got your gears going in a matter of words. She knew how to give you culture, she knew how to make you smile and laugh. She gave you butterflies and she very much knew she made you feel these things, but truthfully, you told her almost daily. Looking down at yourself you often wonder why she's with you, but she always reminds you that it's what's on the inside that matters more than anything. That is most important because you need to not think badly about yourself because she loves you for you, for all of you. For every curve bump and every imperfection, in her eyes, you are art.
Looking around you draw in a breath and bite on the bottom corner of your lip before you reach for your glass and take a small sip of your beverage you look over at her and smile. You admire her, the curve of her lips, the blue of her eyes, the soft feather-like strands of her hair. With a few blinks and a warm hand on your arm, you shake your head and smile.
"Shit, hi, yes, sorry… what?" you ask. "I was just admiring you. You're absolutely stunning tonight." you state softly.
"Oh please, you're the stunning one, but did you not hear what I said?" She asked.
You flush softly and shake your head. "No, sorry, I was too busy admiring you."
"I asked you to take off your underwear.” she smirks after stating so rather bluntly.
You bink a few times and look over her face and tilt your head, and you clear your throat and lean in… "Uhhhmmm… but, there’s other people here.” you give her a nervous chuckle.
Licking her lip she takes a sip from her glass and looks back at you. "They won’t see you, there’s an entire table here." she smirks.
You flush deeply and look around and you draw in a deep breath and look around again before you slip your dress up and you slip your panties off and put them in your purse. She watches you and smirks and she places her hand on your thigh and slides her hand up your thigh and smirks slipping her fingers between your legs to feel you.
You went to speak but she gave you a stern look and smirked as she started to play with your sensitive bud. You bite your lip and you let out a soft breath. To be honest, she wasn't going to care if the whole establishment heard you.
"After this, I'm getting under the table." You state boldly.
All she could do was chuckle and look over your face. "Good thing I never wear panties." She chuckled softly as she slipped her fingers into your warm dewy core.
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thosewildcharms · 4 months
Hi:) thanks to twol I fell in love with richonne and im watching twd and I couldn't tell when exactly they fell in love when do you think it was? When did they realize it? (I feel like rick knew it long before her in that 6x10ep he was like "finally" when they kissed)
hi! first of all let me just say I love the fact that you started watching because of richonne lol THEIR POWER. how are you enjoying both shows??
second of all, thank you so much for asking me this question, because it is one of my favorite things to think about.
I'm gonna start with michonne because I think it's way more clear cut for her. I have always personally believed that she fell in love with rick when he bit the shit out of that guy joe's throat in order to protect carl (and michonne and daryl for that matter). danai recently said this as well, - that while this was a subconscious turning point for michonne. I think this tracks, considering the show goes out of its way to use this moment to draw a direct comparison between rick and mike, michonne's ex/dead boyfriend. in her scene with carl in the immediate aftermath of the bite scene, she tells carl that it's important to know how her first son died: because his father gave up, got high and was too weak and neglectful to protect his child. she, essentially, tells carl that rick is the exact opposite of that, and that he shouldn't think badly of rick because of what he did (and in turn, shouldn't think badly of himself either, which is lovely), that instead of thinking of rick as a monster, he should know that what rick did was necessary. for michonne to lose her first child that way, only to see rick find a way to protect his family with both hands (literally) tied behind his back? of course she fell in love with him then. that moment on the tracks with rick right afterwards ("I'm okay"/"I know"/"how?/ "because I'm okay too") is also a direct comparison to lori. lori was horrified when she learned that rick killed shane. michonne, by contrast, is just grateful. she does not judge him or look at him any differently. she just loves him for it. and the way danai played it, I think you can see it on her face in that scene.
I do agree with danai that this was subconscious for michonne until the scene on the couch in 6x10. the look on her face is such a blatant "oh" moment straight out of fanfiction that it's pretty clear (to me, anyway) that while she was already in love with him this was the first time she allowed herself to see it.
rick I think is a bit harder to pin down. it's well documented by pretty much everyone and their mother (including but not limited to: the richonne fandom, yvette nicole brown, norman reedus, andrew's lincoln's mom, etc) that rick was, at the very least attracted to michonne and looking her up and down as early as the prison. but, I think he fell in love with her when they reunited after the prison fell, when he saw that she was able to reach carl in a way that he himself could not. a long standing concern for rick at that point was trying to preserve what was left of carl's innocence, and it was something rick struggled with due to his own mental health issues/his responsibilities as a leader. so to see michonne break through to carl, and even make him laugh on the train tracks and act like a kid again? I think that was everything to rick.
rick basically, quite literally actually, asks her to co-parent carl with him at that point (the "if you need a break/I'm done taking breaks" scene), and from then on treats her not just as his equal within the larger the group, but as a co-parent in the smaller family unit between himself, michonne, carl, and judith. he makes decisions for the entire group based on her opinion and her needs (such as walking to washington solely because she asks him to, and then agreeing with her decision to trust aaron and go to alexandria). it's where the shift starts for him.
but, I'm also inclined to think that this shift was subconscious for rick too, up until the moment on the couch, or maybe just before it. I say this mostly do the jessie arc when they first get to alexandria, which while sloppily done, basically boiled down to rick projecting all of his unresolved lori-shaped guilt onto a lori-shaped stand in. I don't think he could be consciously aware of being in love with michonne until all of those issues were resolved. notably, richonne get together the episode right after jessie dies, so I think that tracks. I agree though, that the way andy played that moment on the couch be seen as a finally moment. so my best guess is that he consciously realized he was in love with michonne during the (two month? is that right?) time gap betweeen 6x09 and 6x10. you can see in the opening of 6x10 that rick, michonne, and carl are really overtly domestic and settled with each other, so I think it's totally plausible he was aware of his own feelings by that episode before the couch scene. BUT I also think an argument can be made for him also having his own oh moment on the couch too, the minute he touched her hand. I think that's debatable.
anyway, I'm so sorry for writing this novel lmao. when do you think they fell in love with each other?
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averyistired-62 · 19 days
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I know, I know... everyone LOVES Ellie. Every time I get on tumblr there's a couple posts I see where someone is talking about Ellie going down on them, or needing Ellie so badly it's not even funny (Dina please, give me a chance). People like what they like, no hate here. I love Ellie, too. Obviously not in the way that I'm writing about above, but I respect Ellie a lot. Ellie reminds me of me quite often. But I'm DYING to find more Dina content. I know there are writers and artists out there that have done a bit of Dina content in the past (and now) that I frequently check out because this woman is just... amazing. And I get it, Ellie is one of the main character in Part 2. But Dina plays an important role throughout the entire game; she's obviously not just Ellie's girlfriend, but she also serves as Ellie's moral compass and whatnot. She's kind of like how Ellie was for Joel in the first game; always trying to be the lighthearted one, making sure the Joel she knows is still there. I'm begging anyone out there who's artistically talented (not just writing wise, but also drawing, or whatever you artistically talented beautiful people call it) to point me in the direction of more Dina content. Dina is just perfect in every single way (I know all the characters in the TLOU franchise have their good and bad, I know Dina isn't perfect, I'm just trying my best to adequately describe the love and respect I have for her), and I'd do anything for her. I'm begging anyone out there to point me in the direction of more Dina content. Hardcore Dina stan right here, despite the fact that I only found one decent screenshot of her from my PS5. (I do check the dina #s on here daily and sometimes I find gems, but I just need more.
Anyway, that is all.
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lookingfts · 1 month
One of my favorite stories of yours is a place to rest, amongst a multitude of yours that are really just fantastic reads.
How are those two doing today?
Thank you! I can’t believe I wrote that fic almost two years ago. Here’s a little glimpse into them now.
She always knew when Anthony had something on his mind. When he was tangled up in an issue at work, or one of his siblings was involved in drama (constantly), or his mum was going through a rough patch. That little dimple would pop in his forehead, his brows furrowed in concentration, his lips pressed together in a thin line.
“Everything okay?” Kate asked, running her hands through his thick hair. Anthony looked up, pressing his laptop closed, and flashed that warm smile that seemed exclusive to her.
Stretching out his hands, he tugged Kate into his lap, and she went willingly, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Yeah. I’m okay. Just thinking.” Drawing little circles on her hip, Anthony took a breath. “I’m glad you’re here, actually. There’s something I need to run by you.”
“Okay.” Even before they’d gotten married and officially merged their lives together, Anthony had sought her opinion on personal and business matters alike. He trusted her to tell him the truth, and even when they disagreed – sometimes passionately – they always managed to find a way forward.
“I’ve been thinking about this for a while,” Anthony said, deliberately as though he was searching for the right words. “And I want to buy Journey’s End from your mum when she’s ready to retire.”
The words soaked in slowly, and Kate blinked at him. “What?”
“I talked to Mary about it last weekend. She was thrilled. But I want you to be on board too.” His hand tightened on her hip, his expression so earnest that her heart skipped a beat. “I want it to stay in your family. Our family. Besides, it has sentimental value to me, too. It’s where I fell in love with my wife, you know.”
Kate laughed thickly, remembering the sad girl who hid behind her responsibilities to avoid living. Until a smug, rude viscount happened upon her corner of the world and turned everything upside down.
She didn’t even feel like the same person anymore. Maybe no one had it all, but Kate thought she was pretty close. A challenging but fulfilling career, a strong marriage, a solid relationship with her family. And even more incredible things on the way.
“We’ll hire people we trust to run it,” Anthony said quickly, mistaking her silence for hesitation. “We can be involved as much or as little as you want. Maybe one day our kids will want to be involved.” His hand rested on her stomach, only the smallest curve visible. None of their friends knew yet, and she could tell it was killing Anthony not to shout it from the rooftops. “It wasn’t your dream to run it. And I’m selfishly glad about that. But we could still keep your father’s legacy alive.”
Tears welled in her eyes, beading on her lashes. Kate had never faced a harder decision than walking away from the thing her father had worked so hard for. Accepting that following in his footsteps wasn’t the only way to honor his memory, especially if it was holding her back from what she was really meant to do.
But Anthony was offering her the chance to do both. To live her life in London, with him, while ensuring that her father’s dream wouldn’t fall into the hands of someone else. Someone who would never understand what it meant, would never see all the sweat and tears and love that lived within its walls.
There weren’t many men who would have known how important her father’s legacy was, but Anthony did. He knew better than anyone how badly Kate wanted to do right by him, even after he was gone. Especially after he was gone, and could only live on through her and Mary and Edwina. And, in six months or so, through their child.
“Are you sure?” she asked, tears spilling onto her cheeks now, and Anthony’s face softened as he brushed them away.
“Of course. I’ve already run the numbers on it. Plus, Mary could retire when she wants and not have to feel guilty. She’ll have the money to live off and know that it won’t just get torn down and turned into ugly flats.”
Taking her hand in both of his, Kate pressed a kiss to his knuckles, feeling almost incapable of containing the affection swelling inside her. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”
“You’re happy?”
“So happy.”
“Good.” He kissed her, soft and tender, and she knew he felt the same. “I’m dying for chai, want some?”
She chuckled, brushing her nose against his. “Definitely.”
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I will never understand people who are sympathetic to Emily Gilmore. She is constantly, unrepentantly, controlling, cruel, manipulative, emotionally abusive, and generally horrible, both to Lorelai and to anyone she considers socially beneath her.
The show does a truly wonderful job of nailing the human aspects of it; how it's not done out of malice, how she's following the rules of the society she lives in and what she truly believes is best, and how Lorelai rebuilds a relationship with her despite everything because there's still love there and now that Lorelai has the power to draw boundaries and stand up for herself, she decides she'd rather deal with some of it than not have her mother in her life. The show is already very sympathetic and supportive of Emily without defending her. But I see so many people truly take her side? So many people who say that Lorelai should respect her more, who think that everything financial Emily does for Lorelai means she should be happy and just put up with the expectations and not be a brat (especially around the loan and the remortgage). I just... I don't know, I just passed the end of Rory's Dance, and I feel like that's such a perfect microcosm of their relationship.
Emily gets everything she wants, she gets Rory to go to the dance, she makes her act like Emily's idea of a lady, she invites herself to stay overnight, she gets to look after her daughter (including Lorelai actively going along with things that make Emily feel like she's helping even if they're not what Lorelai needs), and she gets to feel a closeness that she's felt as a gaping lack since she visited for the birthday party. Then they wake up, and Rory's not there, and Emily just panics and yells at Lorelai and makes everything worse. This situation is Lorelai's to deal with, and is much more important to her, but Emily makes it all about her and her fears. And then she goes off and attacks everyone. She's so cruel. So manipulative. So judgemental. So awful in every way. She hurts Lorelai very badly, dismisses her pain now and throughout her life, justifies her own controlling abuse and says Lorelai deserved more and clearly Emily was right to do it, and pushes Lorelai to the breaking point of throwing her out. And she's put Lorelai in such a bad state that when Rory comes in, she turns around and throws the same judgement and controlling abuse at Rory. It's a remarkable demonstration of a generational cycle of abuse, especially because we see that it doesn't land fully because Rory refuses to accept it because she knows it's not her fault, she knows Lorelai knows it, because her whole life has been an active effort to break that cycle, Lorelai has raised her exactly to be free of it.
I don't hate Emily, she's an excellent character and both Rory and Lorelai are ultimately glad to have her in their lives. But I will never be able to even slightly understand people who take her side.
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diazsdimples · 6 months
Several Sentence Sunday
Tagged by @steadfastsaturnsrings @hippolotamus @cal-daisies-and-briars @exhuastedpigeon @disasterbuckdiaz @wildlife4life @daffi-990 and @wikiangela thank you friends!!!
This snippet is still in the editing phases and is subject to change but have a tsunami! The timeline is jumping all over the show when I write this but I've been ITCHING to write the tsunami for so long so here goes! Snippet below the cut because she's a long one
Buck reaches the toy stall just as the wave breaches the front of the pier, engulfing the spot where they’d been sitting moments earlier. He all but throws Christopher and Lily into the stall and instructs them to hold tight to each other before turning to Carrie.
She’s fallen behind and he can see her chest heaving as she pants, her small body struggling to push itself the final few steps. There’s a loud roaring in his ears, from the approaching wave or from the insurmountable panic that’s threatening to overtake him as he watches his daughter try outrun a fucking tsunami, he's not sure.
“Carrie, run!!” Buck screams, reaching out his hand to her. He wants to run to her so badly, to scoop her into his arms and protect her forever but he can’t leave Lily and Christopher and she’s so close. Her little fingertips close around his hand and he yanks her towards him, depositing her on the floor next to her sister and Christopher. Buck vaults over the wall of the toy stall, capturing one final glimpse of the churning water rushing towards them. The wood of the pier splinters and cracks as it’s torn to shreds by the unrelenting current and Buck watches in horror as people, small enough to look like Lego figures, get consumed by the water.
“Daddy I’m scared!” Lily cries, reaching out and grasping onto Buck’s shirt as he tucks himself into the corner of the stall, back to the shelves. He draws all three children close, holding onto them for dear life. Carrie clings to Buck’s arm hard, her hold tight enough to leave a bruise. He hopes it does, it’ll be something to remind him of her if they don’t all make it out.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you, just hang on tight,” he reassures the kids, hoping he sounds a lot more confident than he feels. The rushing is getting louder and the floor beneath them is vibrating like mad. Buck kisses Lily’s head, then Carrie’s, the Christopher’s.
“It’s okay,” he repeats. “I’ve got you, I love you, it’s gonna be okay, we’re gonna be –“
All the air escapes Buck’s lungs as the wave slams into the stall, knocking into them like a freight train.
Everything around him is swirling, gloomy, water, the current tossing him from side to side. The only thing in his brain is “protect the kids, protect the kids” and he clings tight to the small bundles in his arms as he kicks madly, trying to reach the surface.
The water picks him up and tosses him against a solid object, a building maybe? His arms instinctively open as his back folds around the contours of the object and he whacks his head. Dazed and confused, Buck paddles hard, clawing and fighting his way to the shimmering light above him.
He’s focused purely on survival as his lungs scream at him that he needs air, now. There had been something so important he needed to do just before the wave hit but he can’t remember what it was. Had he been holding something? Everything is foggy. All he knows is if he doesn’t breathe now, he’s gonna pass out.
The first breath of oxygen as Buck’s head breaks the surface is like being reborn, the beautiful air flooding his lungs and he gasps it in over and over, like a starving man eating for the first time in years. He can dimly see a string of lights above him and he grabs onto them, gripping tightly as the water rushes around him, trying to pull him away. With each gasp of air, his brain slowly comes back online, synapses firing a million times a minute.
Buck tries to remember how he got here. The back of his head throbs hard and he realises he must have hit it, accounting for the sudden confusion. He wracks his brain, thinking back on the morning. Eddie had been at his house that morning, he can’t quite remember why, he remembers eating waffles for breakfast, and then he’d ended up here? It suddenly clicks. Lily had wanted to show Christopher the big stuffed bear she’d been wanting to win for ages, and it wasn’t until all 3 kids had turned to him, eyes big and pleading, that Buck had relented and driven the kids to the pier.
A thrill of fear shoots through Buck, his blood turning to ice, as he suddenly remembers. The kids. He looks around madly, trying to see anything through the white, bubbling foam of the water but it’s no use. He can’t see them.
They’re gone.
No pressure tagging @theotherbuckley @housewifebuck @thewolvesof1998 @fionaswhvre @eddie---diaz @fruitandbubbles @nmcggg @watchyourbuck @rainbow-nerdss @callmenewbie @evanbegins @fortheloveofbuddie @spagheddiediaz @bucksbackwardcap @smilingbuckley @spotsandsocks @buckbuckgoose @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming
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sincerely-sofie · 3 months
Have you ever wanted to draw something but you fought due to your skill level at the time you decide not to do it
Ohhh man. I’ve got so many projects that I want to make but haven’t because I view my current skill set as lacking— and they’re almost always drawing related, because I’m very insecure about my drawing skills— even moreso than my writing skills. To go on a tangent and paint a picture of how severe this visual art insecurity is, I will list off how many people I have directly permitted to read my major written pieces once I passed my mid-teens:
My older sister, because she was my co-writer for the project and not letting her read my work wasn’t an option
My mother on one occasion
My aunt, who has experience with writing and publishing, and I have only ever sent two pieces to
Look at that number of people. The number of pieces I shared with them, in total, was four out of the hundreds of projects I’ve made over the years. I was so precious about my writing because I’m insecure about it. I’m even more insecure about my art. I couldn’t list off all the drawing projects I hesitate to make because I think it’s impossible with my current skill level, not even in a thousand years, but I’ll give a few examples that are always in the back of my mind lately.
A semi-animated pilot to a fantasy-comedy cartoon parodying The Office, starring a goblin secretary who’s trying to assassinate her employer and take over as the final boss of an RPG-esque dungeon that operates like an office building, while her employer is a lich who misinterprets all her efforts to kill him as her being flirty, leading him to develop a very severe crush on the goblin. The project is titled “Boss Fight”, and I have all the resources I need to make it, but I drag my feet because of my art insecurity… also I would be doing all the voice acting myself, and I don’t find my voice very appealing even when I change it to fit different characters.
A webcomic about a fantasy world populated by bipedal bug people that features a very brief “save the world” plot, then focuses the rest of the storyline on how the characters recover from the events of their backstories and the trauma the experienced while saving the world. It’s titled “The Creeping Chronicles”, and I love the project but am so insecure about being able to do the story justice with my art skills that I’ve tentatively pivoted to making it a book series instead. It’s got 21k+ words across 10-ish chapters because I’m too insecure about my art to draw it fully.
A slice of life comic titled “Welcome to Wayside” that’s basically Gravity Falls meets Stardew Valley where a young girl saves a cryptid’s life and now he’s stuck helping her until he repays the life debt he owes. The story features a vaguely men in black-style evil secret agency called G.L.O.O.M. (Gents for Ludicrous Oddity Organization and Management) who have various ranks are named after facets of fashion (khakis are their grunt labor and pocket squares are researchers) and they use a threat-ranking system based on dress codes (i.e. “WE HAVE A BLACK TIE DOWN ON SOUTH STREET, REPEAT: BLACK TIE DOWN ON SOUTH STREET”), and I adored G.L.O.O.M. along with the cast of characters featured in the story, but I don’t feel confident in my ability to design interesting-looking original cryptids.
I could leave this post at that, but I’ve got an important thing to say on this subject—
If you want to make something but are hesitating to because your skill levels are lackluster, make it anyways.
Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever can. Let yourself make the thing, and let yourself make the thing badly. Love it and how ugly it is. The perspective is all askew in this part, and that character is horribly off model there, and isn’t it all amazing? You made that! You made a thing! And you wouldn’t have this thing that you made if you waited until the conditions were perfect to make it and refused to create the thing before your skills were sufficient.
There’s this terrible thing about creative projects— one that is very noticeable in drawing projects especially, in my experience. As your artistic skills develop, your artistic vision also develops to become more and more detailed and masterful… and it’s always going to be outside of your grasp. If you wait until you’re ready to make the thing, you will never make the thing, because you’ll never feel ready no matter how much you build your skills. But if you make the thing before you feel totally prepared, you’ll learn and grow artistically as well as personally, and will be able to feel more confident in future thing-making efforts.
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lincolndjarin · 4 months
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i didnt realize we hit 1500 until just now :,)
thank you all so much, ily ily ily, i love sharing my writing with you all and im so excited for whats to come. i dont have anything special planned as a milestone celebration so instead of that i will post a section of the din series ive been planning lol
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me when its time to write another enemies to lovers slow burn forced proximity din djarin fic with religious undertones ^
just uhh for context btw im not gonna post many spoilers or other teasers for this but its important to the sneak peek that yall know that reader is a cyborg in this. a good chunk of the right side of her body has been replaced with robotics so yeah and din is a real dick about it lmao. enjoy !
“I don’t travel with droids.” His voice reminds you of Boba’s when he wears that ridiculous helmet of his. Cold and hollow, more metal than man.
Boba sounds almost defensive of you when he speaks again. You can picture him leaning forward in his chair, the way he does when someone snaps at him. “She’s not a droid.”
“How much of it is even human?” You can’t help but flinch at that, no ones ever spoken about you in such a manner before. No one with a brain would disrespect someone like “Lord Fett” like that.
“She’s not an it.” Fennec speaks for the first time since all of this started, her voice is a hiss you’ve never been on the receiving end of before but you’ve heard her snarl at others before, slavers and other scum who come seeking a boon. You always wondered why such monsters would dare show their faces here, of course Boba dealt in criminal activity but never with people that foul. They often came seeking a Lord Fortuna, and were instead met with the barrel of Fennec’s rifle.
You can’t help but wonder if this “friend of Boba’s” is going to meet the same end. Both of them said they knew him well when he arrived but now they speak to him like the stranger that you know him as. A rude stranger.
The silence that follows is long, you can’t help but wonder if Fennec really did draw her weapon, before you can bring yourself to sneak a look around the corner you hear the all too familiar throat clearing noise that Boba makes before coming to a verdict.
“Look, either she watches the kid here, or she watches the kid with you. Either way she’s going to be involved, you just need to decide if you want to be there to keep an eye on her.” He always says everything with an air of finality, no wonder no one ever debates his decisions. The stranger barely has a chance to sigh before Boba continues. “No one trustworthy on Tatooine is going to take a babysitting gig for what you’re willing to pay.”
“I can’t afford anything more.” He’s furious. Even through the voice modulator you can hear that he’s trying not to lose his cool, but there’s an edge of desperation hiding under his anger.
“She’ll work for free. I’ll even cover her expenses.” You know Boba would do anything for you but this just seems like a bit much. He’s negotiating as if this man didn’t come to him asking for help.
“You want to get rid of her that badly?” Ouch. Rude and presumptuous.
“The last thing I want to do is lose her. That’s why I’m sending her with you.” You don’t doubt that. He’s proven to you enough how much you mean to him, even when he had no reason to.
“Sounds like you’ve made the decision for me.” Sounds like he made the decision for you as well. Has he even considered that you don’t want to go with him? Your desire to see the galaxy is fizzling out the more you think about having to travel with someone who doesn’t even see you as a person.
Another beat of that silence, dripping with tension before Boba takes control of the conversation once more. “She can’t stay here forever. I promised her she’d get to see someplace other than this dusty floating rock. They need me here. They need Fennec here. There aren’t many I would trust to do this but I know she’ll be safest with you. So take her or don’t, but you aren’t going to find anyone else to watch the kid for what you’re offering.”
“Find someone else.”
“There isn’t anyone else.” His patience is wearing thin. You know him well enough to know that he’s likely to snap soon. “You’re not the only one who’s trying to keep their family safe.” The authority in his tone reminds you of the exact reason no one ever argues with Boba.
Not even rude strangers who come bearing absurd demands and who claim to be friends.
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eerna · 5 months
Omg I didn't think you would respond so quickly. Thank you! As a follow up, Jude was taken by the Undersea, right? Locke knew this would take place since the Ghost (who he was controlling) was involved in the kidnapping. I assume Locke and Nicasia (along with her mother) worked together to make this happen. This was way before Jude threatened him. So do you think Locke helped plan Jude's kidnapping as a way to get a reaction out of both Cardan and Taryn? Could it also be because Jude wasn't down for Locke's games which we see at the end of TCP when Locke tried to give a flimsy apology and make amends (I assume he wanted to continue his "story" with Jude)
P.S. This is my last question. I just love reading meta lol. I'm always trying to understand them better.
P.P.S. I think you're very good and skilled at analyzing characters' relationships. It's why I'm here lol. Also, I love your artwork <3
You timed it well for my morning tumblr scroll! And aaawwww thanks, glad you enjoy it~ Drawing and being opinionated are def two of my fav things to do, always happy to talk more about stuff I like!
Ok for this topic I am not the right person to ask because I subconsciously ignore it ever happened. Here's the thing about the Ghost. He's one of the shakiest parts of the series to me because there isn't much foreshadowing or a clear setup for any of his twists, so it feels like HB just throws him into the mix whenever she needs to stir something up out of the blue. And boy does his QoN reveal stir something up out of the blue, because suddenly Locke is no longer just a shit-stirrer antagonist (like Asha, Valerian, and Taryn) but an actual scheming power-grabbing one (like Madoc, Orlagh, and Balekin). Sorry HB, but if Locke REALLY helped plan the kidnapping, why the hell was he playing horror movies with Jude the night before??? What was he gonna do, axe her down in the middle of the woods hoping she wouldn't die or be too badly hurt when his plans hinged on her being alive and capable of visiting the Tower of Forgetting the next day???? And yeah, what does he get out of conspiring with the Undersea??? It's not like he can brag about his role in this situation, but in every other one of his schemes he NEEDS people to know what he did and how cool and important he is. It makes way more sense to me that he was bummed Jude rejected him and didn't allow him to bully her or Cardan anymore, so he decided to maim/kill her on impulse as his stag night activity, and he gave Taryn the earrings as a message to Jude to stay out of his marriage (and to brag). And so Locke's QoN betrayal seems to be written into the book because the Ghost needed a reason that would redeem him for the crazy stuff he did in TWK.
So yeah sorry that this answer is none of the "why" and all of the "why not".
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galaxies-and-gore · 4 days
Twst Ocs: Stims and fidgets
Discussing the stims and fidgets that my ocs do! Inspired by a headcanon post by @twistedwonderlandshenanigans talking about the stims that the twst cast do!
ADHD icon. Their brain is usually all over the place so they have a LOT of trouble focusing and keeping his energy down. Especially if she's expected to "behave well". If he needs to keep it more subtle, he'll stretch a lot. It's definitely not the same as how she normally stims, but stretching helps a little at least. If he's free to stim as he needs to, then oh boy he's not holding back. Most notably, making weird noises. Xenio does chirps and trills in her normal speech pattern regardless, but that gets turned up to 11 when he's especially happy. When they really need to focus on something that they aren't interested in, he might pull at his hair or have a fidget cube on hand.
Because they work as a waiter at the lounge and get important information for Azul, they do have an act to keep up. But considering that persona is someone cute and ditzy, there's definitely room to fidget. Lumi doesn't really stim much. More so they can be very restless and find it hard to not do as they please. Lumi sways a lot and frequently changes which foot they put most of their weight on. Someone please give this mer a weighted blanket. They don't know that they exist, but they could really use one.
This boy recklessly puts things in his mouth. If it's a small object with a potentially good or interesting texture, then he's chewing on it. Marbles, rocks, bottle caps, pen caps, straws . . . the list goes on and on. He accidentally ate part of a straw once and gave Jack a heart attack. He also just leaves to go jog for a minute. Desmond will literally be in the middle of a conversation, then the Need to Move feeling will kick in, and he'll just say "Brb I need to jog down the hall a few times and then I'll feel better." Another thing is that he always has his bandana on his neck, he loves it because it mimics feeling in a smaller space. If he doesn't have it, he'll start rubbing and squeezing his neck.
He doesn't like stims that draw too much attention, so he might do several subtle stims at the same time. He also bites his tongue a lot, and has made it bleed because of his fangs before. He also bounces his leg a lot. He likes pop boards and fidget rings, but he doesn't like using them in public because of the noises they make. Corvus wants to stim so badly, but normally he won't allow himself to do much unless things are Bad.
He doesn't stim too much when he's happy, just mostly when something's wrong or Bad. He picks at the skin around his nails or scabs a lot. He knows that he shouldn't, but he just can't stop himself. If his intrusive thoughts get really upsetting, he might hit the heel of his hand against his forehead.
Mallory's stims usually have a lot to do with his face. They'll make popping noises or clicks a lot. A common one is that he'll scrunch up his nose or blink a lot. When Mallory stims, he frequently gets stuck doing it and finds it hard to stop. They might pull at their lips a lot as well.
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gilbirda · 2 years
Hello again! I've actually written the down some of my "Jason and the Spraypaint 'Thief'" idea tho its mostly scaffolding and i dont feel ready to share it just yet, but progress is being made!
If I may ask for your advice once more, the story has begun leaning towards Anger Management vibes (thanks for that brainrot too (affectionate)), but i dont feel great that the genesis of Jason and Jazz meeting is after Jason basically stalks Jazz in his hunt for whoever is buying his spraypaint before he can. Like, she is the one buying the paint, but the dynamic feels too onesided atm in terms of agency, but idk what Jazz would be doing that could parallel Jason.
The best Ive got is she tried to find out who bought out the yarn she was knitting with (it was Jason being petty), but I dont think she'd care as much as Jason does with the paint and it also feels too samey.
...Just had this thought while writing this, would it vibe with Jazz's character if she kept tabs on the Batfam for Danny? Like in terms of location. Ive got it that Danny dosnt want anything to do with the Batfam atm, Gothem is their turf fighting-wise and he dosnt want to encroach on that (tho he does help people in need when he comes across them), he just wants to make cool art in weird places (and maybe some ghost king stuff, not sure on that just yet) (maybe as a coping mechanism bc I do like the angst that comes from 'Danny leaves Amity bc the Fentons reactly badly to him being a halfa', tho still not sure how he gets into spraypaint yet, that feels like an important detail), so Jazz keeps tabs on their patrols for Danny so he can spraypaint without drawing their attention, and then Jazz notices Red Hood acting a bit odd and does her own investigating to make sure its not ghost business (she would know that RH has ghost vibes from Danny and his current spraypaint investigating behaviour maybe looks like a ghost obsession without context), and maybe she ends up pulling a Tim and figures out Red Hood is Jason, just due to ghost vibes instead of acrobatics.
I havent even gotten to them actually meeting in my planning yey, its just discovery eachother from afar and general thoughts of 'thats the person Im looking for, they're kinda cute' so far. Current vauge idea is they meet in a fight, tho i might be biased bc i did recently reread 'cant help falling (in love with you)' (i think i said this before, but amazing story btw, eagerly waiting for the next chapter!)
I hope this makes sense. This is the first time I've had an idea I've wanted to share with other fandom people and felt comfy enough to do so.
(your ask got sent twice so im gonna answer one and delete the other. Just Tumblr things I guess)
I see Anger Management and go feral
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I see what you mean about there being a power imbalance in their meeting situation - but we have to be aware that the source material is like that. Jason is a crime fighter and a vigilante and also a very extra boy. He is petty and arrogant and sometimes he is not above using his skills for personal use.
You can make it so she knows what's going on and leads him in a wild goose chase just for funsies. Make Jazz petty as well. Make her highly competent. Make her win in his own game and boom, no more power imbalance. (Also that can be a cool "I need to know more of this woman" kind of situation.)
Another alternative, is making her think he is stalking her for unsavory purposes and beat the shit out of him.
I like what you said about Jazz being the one that keep tabs on all the vigilantes. She could have profiled them all, studied their patterns, and Tim Drake her way into memorizing their patrol routes so Danny can paint in peace.
So that's why when her new stalker starts bothering her, she is so Done(tm) that she is not afraid to gatekeep, gaslight, girlboss her way into making him stop.
How she does it? Dealer's choice.
(I'm weak to the fight approach, if it wasn't obvious (✿◡‿◡) )
(But outsmarting him could work as well.)
(Jason is into women that can kick his ass, be it physically or in smarts)
So in conclusion I think if you want to not fall into icky power imbalances and not fall into highly competent Mary Sues tropes, the sweet spot would be Jazz making the choice to take act or not, and base it on actual conflict: If she can't just beat the shit out of him, explain why. If she is not going to make a deal out of it, explain why. Make the character have agency and a choice in the matter, even if that choice is inaction.
Thank you for showing me your progress!!!! I'm so happy when people make content for the crossover and my favorite ship!!!
Also thanks for reading my fics!
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spyroforlife · 9 months
I finally retrieved the ancient texts from my storage unit
aka the "books" I made from the ages of like 9-12(??) by writing and drawing on printer paper (or just notebook paper!!) and then stapling them together, I'd do a lil cover and everything, I'd write a summary on the back like Real Books Have, and I was so proud of them
and I have kept them all. and now. I decided to look at them once more. the relics from as early as 2005..
so. You guys wanna see an unfinished dragon comic written by a 10-year-old?? haha yeah you do c'mere
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Super Dragons #1. Rhynoc Trouble With Powder
Written and illustrated by (full name redacted for privacy reasons)
This is labeled #1 but I never did more lmaoo let's dive into this mess
(rest will be under the cut, along with transcriptions of the writing because it didn't scan very well but also I just had terrible handwriting and the crayons smudged like hell. I WILL preserve any spelling or grammar mistakes in my transcription so you can really get an idea of my skill level back then)
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So first off can I just say. I am. OBSESSED with how I would consistently draw dragon wings backwards, ignoring my older brother who constantly pointed it out to me and I was like "no they're not", until I eventually paid more attention and tried following some tutorials on how to draw Spyro-style dragons and I was just like ohh. Okay. Yeah. I'll fix that.
Also I like that while Deserae is a "sun dragon" she has no features that would make you think that, she's just a magenta and pink dragon. Though in retrospect I'd suppose that'd make for a fun subversion of expectations. My thinking was clearly next level. So, the text:
Once upon a time, there was a brave dragon. Her name was Deserae. She controls the Sun. When awake, the Sun is bright. When asleep, the Moon comes out. But one day, Deserae overheard a group of Rhinocs talking about keeping her asleep, so that the Sun will never come out. Deserae was devastated! She saw Permanate Sleeping Powder. That's what they were going to use!
Deserae: (thinking) That one Rhinoc has a fat head
Unnamed Rhynoc: We'll put her to sleep with Powder!
Now here's a fun thing of note, young me insisted on trying to fit characters fully into the panel instead of just letting parts go past the borders, so. Keep an eye on parts like tails going forward because it's ridiculous what I did with them sometimes. I also would have characters like, think about random stuff I personally thought was funny while drawing, or they'd explain things unnecessarily. idk why, it's just what I did
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Spyro jumpscare! Deserae makes a badly done flier trying to find a bodyguard (if she has such an important role why does she not already have one? who knows) and surprise, Spyro answers the call. Because he's a heroic guy and that's what he does <3 And bigger surprise, he and Deserae immediately fall in love. He was a boy, she was a girl, can I make it anymore obvious?
Deserae started to make posters to get protection. She isn't a good drawer, but it worked!
The poster reads "WANTED BODY GUARD. FOR INFO CALL 111-2531"
In just 1 hour Spyro called. He did it for free! (An arrow points at Spyro, labeling him as Spyro) Deserae accepted him. Spyro got to Deserae as fast as possible. Spyro and Deserae fell in love with each other as soon as they met.
Spyro: (thinking) She's the girl for me.
Deserae: You're handsome.
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Spyro said, "So... What is it you need to be protected from?" Deserae told him all about the Rhynocs and the Permanate Sleeping Powder. They went off to find the Rhynocs.
Spyro: (thinking) Great! Tracks!
Spyro and Deserae headed to the lake. There wasn't anything there. The volcano did not have anything either. Finally they came to a forest.
Spyro: They might be in the forest!
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They found a bag of the Sleeping Powder. Spyro destroyed it, but little did they know, it was a fake!
Unnamed Rhynoc 1: Where did I put that Sleeping Powder?
Unnamed Rhynoc 2: How should I know!? (while thinking 'It's in the safe.')
Back to the dragons...
Spyro: At least we got rid of the Sleeping Powder.
So he thought. The real Powder was in the metal safe.
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Spyro had to use the bathroom, so he ran off and left Deserae.
Deserae: Hurry up!
Unfortunately, the Rhynocs heard that Spyro had stopped protecting her. They headed her way.
Unnamed Rhynoc: Sun dragon! You're mine!
The Rhynocs found Deserae and shot a net on her. Then they carried her away.
Deserae: No!
Deserae got bored in the room they put her in. So she decided to work on her fire power. Suddenly, Deserae changed color to confuse the Rhinoc!
Unnamed Rhynoc: WHAT IS THAT NOISE!?
Note: I love how I keep switching between spelling it as Rhinoc and Rhynoc. For the record, they're a classic Spyro enemy and Rhynoc is the correct spelling, I believe. Meanwhile, Deserae's color swap was done entirely because I was using a different set of crayons from the usual ones and had to use different pinks for her, so I just decided to make the color switch a part of the story. Lmaoo
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The Rhinoc opened the door and Deserae flamed him accidently. Another Rhinoc came running and saw her. But he was so stupid he let her out because he thought she was another dragon.
Desarae: I must find Spyro! (while thinking 'Idiot')
Rhynoc: Beat it!
Deserae got back to the forest's entrance. Spyro was laying down, sleeping. Deserae shot a flame at him to wake him up.
This is what happened...
Spyro: What the... Deserae! Is that you?
Deserae: Duh. Oh wait, I'm still a different color.
I adore how my sequence of events here is Spyro going off to use the bathroom, Deserae gets taken in the meantime, and apparently when he gets back and can't find her, he just... lays down to take a nap?? Okay man. Sure
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Spyro went to find some sleep. Deserae turned back to shades of red-violet.
Deserae: My horn bent! (While thinking 'I'll have to fix it...')
Deserae headed to the lake for a drink and some fish. It's very dark water.
Suddenly, and trust me when I say I don't know how it happened, Snape from Harry Potter walked up.
Deserae: Snape! I like your daring! I do stupid things too!
Deserae: (thinking) Is that a dress or robe? His skin is pale.
Snape: Do I know you? (While thinking 'Dragons are big...')
Snape ran away for unknown reasons. Deserae found Spyro.
Spyro: Stop doing that!
Deserae: It does work. (While thinking 'I'm good at talking while flaming')
aand that's it. I never got further than that. The goddamn Snape cameo hit me like a truck, god. I forgot I just threw him into this for no reason. He's there for one entire panel and just runs off again. Good riddance.
So yeah, that's Super Dragons. Again, I love Spyro walking away from the person he agreed to protect to go sleep, and she again just went and found him and flamed him to wake him up. That probably would have been a running joke if I kept writing this. There's also how they fell in love at first sight, only for that to proceed to just not be relevant for the rest of it. Spyro/Deserae I guess
But yeah looking back at this was SO fun, yeah there's very little artistic talent but nonetheless, I had an idea and I followed it, and ya gotta respect that. Everyone starts somewhere, and that's where I started with learning to write and draw. With silly lil dragon stories like this, many of which didn't get finished or shared, but any practice was still valuable. For anyone who decided to read through this whole post, I hope you've enjoyed taking a look at my oldest creative works. I might scan and share more of my old "books", I'll use the tag 'my old writing' for any of it, lemme know if you're interested in seeing more! :D
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mollfie · 3 months
And 1, 2, 4 and 5 for Jet
1. What would your Tav’s greetings be (at different levels of approval)?
Negative (<0):
“Ugh. What?"
"What do you want?"
*looks you up and down* "Yes?"
Neutral (0 - 29):
"Hey, what do you need?"
“What's happening?"
Medium and up (30+):
"Hey, you okay?"
"I'm listening."
"I'm all yours."
When spoken to by someone other than the player character:
*laughs* "What makes you think I would talk to you?"
"Hey baby, what can I do for you?"
"Like what you see?"
"Do you need me, beautiful?"
Broken up:
"Hey, what do you need?"
“What's happening?"
Jet isn't one to have long-lasting relationships so breaking things off wouldn't hugely bother her. She would go back to being neutral toward you. She would actually be more weirded out if you said you loved her, wanted to be together forever, wanted her to commit to only you etc. She's just not that kind of girl. Or at least, she doesn't think she deserved that sort of thing and the few times someone has loved her, it's ended badly. But! That would all be part of her romance route :p
2. Describe their tent setup! What’s on the outside? The inside? I'm planning on drawing everyone's tents at some point but for now, the key points would be that it's a mess with lots of blankets, pillows and discarded clothing. She also has a jewellery box where she keeps her important stuff.
4. What would your Tav’s romance scenes look like? How many would they have? Jet is a really easy character to romance because she has a very relaxed attitude about sex and relationships. Be nice, compliment her etc. She's pretty chaotic so most of her approval can be won by doing whatever is most entertaining. You can also romance Jet and anyone else.
Bathing in the river. Nothing explicit. Just chatting but heavy with implication. (Act One)
Catch Jet limbering up (she was a dancer and entertaining pre-tadpole) and she helps you stretch. What a tease.
Jet will invite you to sleep with her if you save the tieflings. If you side with the goblins all is not lost, you just have to wait longer to win her over. She also would have a line or two explaining that she isn't into monogamy and is looking to keep things casual.
As a travelling entertainer Jet is a talented singer, musician and dancer. She'll talk a little about her life before meeting you and you can choose to have her teach you one a little of one of these skills.
In Baldur's Gate Jet will meet you in the park and finally divulge her past. If you react badly she'll leave you. If you accept her then she'll finally soften up enough to really trust you and even entertain the idea that maybe she is loveable. She'll also promise to not set your bed on fire with you in it like she did the last person who thought they could break her trust.
If you break up with Jet after point 5 she will be very accepting but then you wake up one night to find her crouched beside your bed with a spark of fire at her finger tips. She did warn you. Telling her to cut it out will stop her. But in the morning you find that Jet and all her stuff is gone without a word.
5. Describe their idle animations!
Admiring herself
Looking around at what her neighbours are doing
Flicking through her tome
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