#she is just facinating to watch and I want to see her get moments of rage and kindness and the subtle understanding of so much
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taurgo · 2 years ago
Now that Sandman has entered pop culture on Tumblr I can finally say Hannah Murray would make a great Delirium.
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art-but-only-sometimes · 10 months ago
Maru 12 - 20 headcannon Heart Events!
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🤖 12 heart event: (can only happen during summer) Maru sends you a letter and asks you to meet her at her house at midnight. She has planned out a date for the two of you to look at the stars and have dinner. She says she keeps thinking about that night she and you were looking at the stars before you started dating and wanted to have that moment with you again.
🤖 14 heart event: (can only get second option if alien event happens) maru stops by your farm at 11:30, she says she dropped by to see if any of the machines need any working on or may have broken down. You show her the machines that need a little tune up. After that she is getting ready to leave (Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it!) Maru says that she's glad she came too and gives you a kiss on the cheek before leaving. (actually I have something to show you.) She's curious about it and follows you. You show her the alien pod that's been on your farm for who knows how long. You explain to her that the pod just showed up one day. You really weren't sure what exactly to do about it. So you just left it there in hopes that it would just sort itself out. But one day you got up and it was completely empty. It had been ever since. Maru is just FACINATED by the alien tech that's just been sitting on your farm. She insists on taking back to her house and studying it as much as she can. (I'm not so sure that it's safe honestly I'm worried about what might happen if you take it. I don't want you to get hurt./ Sure I don't see anything wrong with that.) Picking option 1 will lead maru to be upset but she ends up siding with you. But asks if she could study it here with you watching for safety. You Agree. She thanks you. Picking option b maru is even more ecstatic that before, she gives you a hug and a kiss and you help her bring it up through her room the back way and down into her laboratory basement.
🤖 16 heart event: (the player would need to stop by while maru is working.) you head into the clinic and maru is at the front desk. She's glad to see you at first but then notices you're all scratched up. She looks worried and asks what happened. (I fell while I was working/ I was carrying some stuff and I tripped.) She's upset that you got hurt but is glad you're ok for the most part. She asks you to sit down and goes to the back to get some medical supplies. She explains since Dr. Harvey was in the back she would need to help you instead. She starts to bandage you up, telling you to be more careful next time and to take it easy. Talking about how there's only one of you and that she wants you to be as healthy as you can for as long as you can. She also says she wouldn't know what she'd do if you got really hurt. She gets a bit sad thinking about it. You hug maru, apologize, and say you'll be more careful next time. Dr. Harvey calls maru's name suddenly and she says she needs to get back to work. She says she'll see you later.
🤖 18 heart event: You stop by one day while maru is home. She is working on an invention in her room. She asks you if you could help her with something, she says she needs another pair of hands and promises you won't get shocked like last time. You agree and help her out. She tells you where to put your hands and guides you from behind. You can feel her hands on top of yours. You blush knowing that maru is so close to you. She asks you if you're all good. (I'm all good) If you say you're all good then maru goes and collects a wrench she forgot in a different part of her room (I'm good and you're really close.) If you say "I'm good and you're really close" she says she didn't think you were so shy. But she will try not to do it again if you don't like it. (no I'm good) you say back. She's glad and gets the wrench she needs to finish her invention. After she finishes she is behind you again. She tells you to let go and the device wurrs to life. She's super excited and is very glad it works. (That's amazing!) She's super happy that you came to help and that you are here to share this moment with her.(Kiss on the cheek I'm glad I came to help.) Maru blushes red. She's surprised you kissed her so suddenly but is glad you did and kisses you back. But on the lips this time.
🐚 ~ Marriage~ 🐚
🤖 20 Heart Event: same as maru's 14 heart event
Maru's 12 to 20 headcannon done! This is taking way longer than I thought it would, but I'm on my way to getting them all done, only 3 left! Penny will probably be next.
Elliott 🪶/ Sam 🎸/ Sebastian🎮 / Alex 🏈/ Shane 🍕/ Harvey✈️
Maru 🤖/ Haley 📷/ Leah 🎨/ Abigail ⚔️ / Penny 📖/ Emily 🧵
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loousir · 4 years ago
[Gorgon] Some Secrets Should be Said
Gorgon Male x Unaware/Oblivious Male Reader
Warnings: Tiniest ammout of homophobia/racisim, smoochin in a supply closet, YOU MAY BE IN HIGHSCHOOL BUT YOU ARE 18
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It was an early Monday morning. The usual early birds were arriving at school, you being one of them. Rumor was going around of a new student getting enrolled. There were only three high schools in this small town; One for monsters, one for humans, and one for both. You were enrolled in the one that shared with monsters. The overall relations in the school were good, other than the typical high school antics.
You had just been dropped off by your sibling and we're walking into the building. A few people smiled your way and you smiled back, heading to your first hour. The teacher was a Satyr and she was a bubbly as ever, happy to see you in the morning. "Good morning (Y/n), we have a new student coming today." Your ears perked up and you looked over to her.
"Ah, we do? So the rumor was true after all?" She laughed and said, "Yes! He's gonna make a bit of history here." You became confused at her statement as you walked over to your seat. "What do you mean by that?" You asked setting your bag on the table. "I might get in a bit of trouble for telling but..." She walked over, her hooves clacking on the floor as she did. She leaned in on the table, "He will be the first Gorgon to be enrolled into the school!"
She seemed overly excited about the new student but you smiled at her enthusiasm. "You seem awfully happy about that. Is he in our class?" You asked, sitting down in your chair. Her smiled seemed to get wider as she nodded. You paused for a moment and leaned back. "Does that mean he's gonna sit by me?" She nods again. "Yep! You are the only one without a table partner. I'm sure you'll be fine. He's a nice kid." She ruffeled your hair and you swatted her hands away. "Auntie, you know I'm taken right?" She isn't your biological aunt but she's very close with your mom so you call her it for fun.
She laughed and walked away saying, "He's a cute one." You sighed and rolled your eyes as you pulled out your phone. You opened Snapchat and sent a message to your boyfriend.
You took a cute selfie, looking down at the phone while your forehead rested on the table.
Aunties super excited about our new student.
Ngl, I kinda am too. She said he was a Gorgon and I think she's onto my facination with cute snakes xx
You sent the snap and put your phone face down on the table before resting your face on your bag. A minute or so passed before you got a message back.
It was a black screen but he usually sent one. Admittedly, you have never seen him but you respected that since you fell in love with his personality, which was charming as ever.
Don't go cheating on me now ;)
I might just have to show you I'm cuter xx
You smiled and took another selfie.
So that means I get to see you then??? Game on babe xx
You smiled as you sent it. Yeah, it was cheesy flirting but it made you happy none the less. A few seconds later he messaged back with another black screen.
Hmm, I just might lol
You sent that you love him too and put your phone in your pocket. Smiling slightly as you looked up to see that some other students were starting to show up. Soon enough, the first bell for class to start rings and students filter in, taking their seats. Five minutes later, you still haven't seen a certain Gorgon as the final bell rings, saying anyone who wasn't there was late.
Gotta get to class, message you when I can
Love you xx
Mrs. Hucksburry stood at the front of the class, writing some last minute things on the board. "Alright class," Most of the students quiet down at her words. "As you may have heard, we have a new student today! I want you to treat him with respect as he is one of us," She said referring to her fellow monsters. "He is the first of his kind to be enrolled into our schools system." Right as she finished speaking, the door opened to show a rather handsome face and a the obvious 'hair' that came in the shape of several small, darkly colored snakes that seemed to form some sort of style.
He wore rather nice and stylish clothes, very 90's -esk. Mrs. Hucksburry smiled more and looked over to him. "Good morning Mr. Lamollot, glad to see you made your way here." He smiles a cute and almost shy smile, making a pair of girls in class giggle. You watched and tuned out what they were saying before seeing he was looking at you.
You waved to him as he walked over to your table. "I'm guessing you're (Y/n)?" You smiled and nodded, "That'd be me." You put your bag on the floor next to the table and he quietly sat down next to you. "I'm Eros by the way." He was quiet when he spoke as class had officially started. You pulled out a notebook with a pen/pencil and made a message page.
You have the same name as my boyfriend!
You tore the paper out and slid it over to him while he was getting his own notebook and pen. Notes were handwritten on the board since the projector broke and hadn't been replaced yet but no one seemed to mind. The paper was slid back over to you.
Really? What are the chances of that?
His hand writing was nice for a boy and you looked out of the corner of your eye to see him smiling. You smiled too and wrote back.
Who knows but I think it's cool
You slid the paper back and he took a minute to slide it back but you patiently waited since you would have done the same. He didn't write anything on it.
You seem pretty chill Eros, wanna hang out at lunch? Also can I see your schedule? • 3 •
The paper was passed back for the fifth time during class and all it said was his schedule along with a "Sure!" underneath. You told him that the two of you share the same schedule. WhAt A cOiNcIdEnCe.
You looked over to him to see him looking at the paper. He looked up to you and you smiled. Eros smiled back and took the paper to ask.
Do you have early release too?
You read it as he wrote and he looked up to you. You nodded and he wrote again.
Wanna go chill at the park?
You shrugged and nodded again when he looked up to you. He smiled and nodded as the two of you went back to working on class work. You hadn't noticed it before but, his snakes seemed to be interested in you, which you thought was cute.
--- Skip to Break ---
An hour and a half had passed and the two of you had talked a bit throughout the time. The bell for break just rang and you got up with Eros. The two of you walked out to the hallway. "Let me make a stop by my locker real quick then we can go to next hour and chill there for break." He nodded and leaned against the locker next to you when two girls walked up to him. They were the same pair from first hour.
"Hey Eros, wanna hang with us at lunch?" The "leader" asked, standing in front of him. "Yeah that'd be like, totally cool if you did." Her buddy said, standing next to him. "Oh, sorry, me and (Y/n) al-" She cut him off with a scoff. "Oh you mean halfie? That kids got an imaginary boyfriend. How about you just ditch him and come eat with us." Eros looked over to you to see you had tensed and slowed your movements.
The girls focus turned on you, making you bite your lip. "Do you think you could not ruin this guy? He's like, super hot and doesn't need to be tainted by you." You looked away and felt a vibration come from your phone. You took the chance and opened it to see a message from your boyfriend. She smirked, "Did your 'boyfriend' text you? What'd he say?" She asked in a taunting tone.
You ignored her and opened the message. It was a new picture of the "super hot" guy standing next to you looking down to his phone.
Wanna dip babe?
These bitches are annoying the fuck outta me lol
The three of you looked up to him surprised as you closed your locker. He awkwardly smiled and said, "Guess I had to ruin that surprise cause some bimbos wanna fuck a gay guy." He laughed and walked over to you, grabbing your hand. You were speechless.
How did I not connect the dots earlier? Am I really that dense?
"It's a shame too. I was considering being friends, until you insulted my boyfriend, that is." He locked your fingers and looked back at the two. "Go suck a dildo, whore." Eros flipped them off and walked off with you around the corner, looking for a private spot. "Anywhere there won't be eavesdroppers?" He asked quietly. You nodded and lead him to a back room.
You opened the door with the key you had and let you go in first. The room was pretty nice considering it was useless. You turned on the light at set your bag down, Eros doing the same. "Are you really my boyfriend?" You asked stepping closer to him. He blushed and nodded, "I... I think so... I kind of ruined the supr-mm!" His eyes widened as you connected your lips to his. You pulled away and were about to speak when he connected them again, pressing his body into yours slightly.
He pulled away and you smiled, a blush was covering your face. "I've wanted to do that for so long." You said looking up to him slightly. "Me too." He said, hugging you close. "Why did you lie to me about being human?" You asked, resting your face on his chest. "I was... Scared of how you'd react if I told you the truth." You pulled away and looked up to him. "Are you kidding? Look what I was missing out on!" You said, making gestures to him.
Eros smiled and laughed. "I have a question for you though," You tilted your head slightly. "Why did they call you halfie?" You looked away and brushed back the hair around your ears. The tips of them were pointed much like an elf's but not as long. "My dads an elf. They like to use it as an insult since they're full and I'm not..."
Eros smiled again and nuzzled his nose to the crook of your neck. His snakes were gently booping their noses against your cheek as if giving you small kisses. You giggled at the sensation and he hummed to ask what was so funny. "Your snakes are cute." You said gently intertwining your fingers with them. He gently kissed your neck and rubbed your sides. "Well, they love you just as much as I love you." He said closing his eyes and hugging you.
You smiled and removed your hand to cup his cheek and make him look at you. His golden eyes were half lidded as he did. "Well," You said almost mocking him in away. "I love you and your snakes too." His eyes closed as he leaned in and yours did the same, both of your lips connecting again.
Eros pressed himself into you as both of you kissed. You pulled away first for air and he kissed your cheek and jaw lightly. You checked your phone when he pulled away he asked. "I'm curious how you got a key to a janitors closet." You leaned up to him and kissed his cheek. "My biological uncles the principal and he gave me the room to chill if I need to. It's usually where I would hang out for lunch but I dont really need to anymore since early release and all."
He "ooh'd" and nodded. "Makes sense. Wish I had a place like this at my old school." He looked back at you and his eyes went to your hair while you were checking something on your phone. Eros almost hesitantly brushed his fingers through your (h/c) hair. You jumped slightly at the sudden touch but enjoyed it none the less. "We have 4 minutes by the way." You said closing your eyes and leaning into his hand.
"Your hair is really nice. It's so soft." He smiled when you did and he gently kissed your nose while removing his hand from your hair. You tried your best to make it look like how it did before. "Sorry." He said gently with a small laugh. "Don't be, let's head to next hour so we can get this day done with and hang out." He nodded at your words and you grabbed his hand as the two of you grabbed your bags and quietly made it to the class you're meant to be in.
--- Skip to End of Day ---
The last two hours of school they had went by pretty quickly. The bell for lunch and early release seniors rang, making most people rush to leave or go to lunch. You and Eros lagged behind, waiting for the halls to clear a bit. He gently grabbed your hand as you finished putting your bag on. "Do you wanna go to the park or my house? I have a car so it doesn't matter too much on which you pick." He said with a small laugh.
You blushed and shrugged, "I would probably like your house since it's kinda cold out right now..." The two of you walked out of the class, hand in hand. The pair of girls from earlier watched with hatred/jealousy as the two of them walked out together. They were all going the same way so they got to see Eros walk you to his 1969 Blue Camaro.
Eros unlocked the car and opened the passenger door for you to get in to which you gladly accepted. You set your bag down by your feet and buckled as he set his bag in the back and got in. "I hope my dad isn't home." He said closing his door and starting the car. "Why do you say that?" You asked as he buckled his seat belt.
He sighed and leaned back on his seat. "He doesn't actually know we're... Y'know, dating. Or if he does he has no clue you're a guy..." You nodded and looked to him while he backed out from the parking lot. "We can still go to the park. I'll survive I'm sure." You said softly. "Plus I kinda wanna wear your jacket..." You mumbled the last part while looking away but he heard and smiled, acting as if he didn't hear.
"There's one close to my house we can go to. It's pretty cool if you wanna go there." Eros said while stopping at a light. "That sounds good." He smiled again and looked over to you before looking back at the light. Seeing it change to green, he stepped on the gas again and headed to the destination.
The ride was comfortably quiet other than the occasional comment about something in the passing scenery. "Ok, we're here." Eros said, parking his car in the relatively empty parking lot. "I've never seen this place before. It's really pretty." You said as the two of you stepped out.
"Yeah. It's pretty quiet here. I usually hang out here after school. I have never been home "on time" since I got a car 3-ish years ago." You smiled and held his hand as he locked the car and put the keys away. "I'll take you to my favorite spot. There's all kinds of secret areas thanks to the trees." He said with a slight child like glee. You giggled like the school boy that you are as he dragged you along through a beautiful walkway that was shaded by the trees. "Gods it's so pretty here." You said under your breath.
You walked for what felt like forever before he shifted to stand behind you, wrapping an arm around your waist. He removed his hand to show one of the few non blank pictures he sent. "Oh wow." The winter sun was shining over the neighboring town, giving a good idea of just how small it was. "We have a cliff?" You asked suddenly, making Eros laugh and hug you close to his body.
Eros smiled as he took a turn off the path and up a small hill. He stopped and gently let go of your hand, covering your eyes. You reached up to remove his hand but he stopped you. "W-what are you doing Eros?" He giggled and started walking, making you grab onto him afraid of running into something. "Eros?!"
"Don't worry babe. I promise it's nothing bad. I know you'll like it."
"Kinda crazy right?" He said before resting his chin on your shoulder. You nodded as his snakes gently booped you're temple and cheek again, making you smile. You reached up and gently placed a hand on Eros' cheek, rubbing your thumb against his jawline. "Wanna sit down? I have two and a half hours before I have to be home." You nodded again and he pulled away, leading you over to a fairly large tree.
He took off his jacket and tossed it up onto a branch before jumping into the tree himself. You were surprised before he reached down to help you up. "C'mon, it'll give us some privacy just incase anyone comes over here." You somewhat hesitantly took his hand and he helped pull you up onto the thick tree branch. He leaned back against the trees core, letting his legs hang down and inviting you to do the same against him.
The two of you sat in comfortable silence again while he hugged you close, resting his head against your shoulder. "I love you. A lot." He mumbled softly into your ear. You smiled and held onto the top of his hand that was holding onto your stomach. "I love you a lot too." You mumbled back. "Oh and, do you wanna wear my jacket now? I noticed you were shivering ever since we started walking."
You blushed and looked down to the tree branch and ground below it. "I didn't think you heard me say that..." He giggled and leaned forward a bit, grabbing the jacket off the branch it was hooked on to. You moved forward and he helped you put the slightly bigger jacket on. You snuggled into the lingering warmth, taking in his soft cologne.
"Your jacket smells good babe." Eros chuckles and pulls you against his chest again. "Well, it's got my favorite cologne on it so if course it smells good." You smile and let your head fall back against his shoulder and he kissed your temple.
"So. Do you wanna explain yourself a bit?"
Minimal spell/grammar checking, also set up for a part 2?
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dianagj-art · 4 years ago
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I tried to do more of the screenshot/cinematic kinds look but I gave up and just bullshited the backgrounds bc I didn't wanted to look so plain but I also didn't want to do a background
anyways Mipha is here! it's Mipha time!
(Friendly remainder that what's bellow is just copy paste from my draft and there's probably a lot of typos and gramar mistakes)
More of Yiga Link AU
<Previous / next>
A group of young Zoras finds Link's body sinking on the river, south of the Minish Woods. They take him out to land and check on him, he is barely alive and they quickly take him all the way to Zora's domain. They send the fastest of them first to inform the princess and she meets them halfway.
Link's wounds are bad, but she still can heal him, they take him to the domain to keep an eye on him, besides he is still uncouncious. They set him up on that little area for other species when they visit, and Mipha had other healers take a proper look at him.
The princess buys him clothes from a merchant since his are barely existent with so many cuts. The zora recognize those cuts, they know the boy was on a Yiga attack and unfortunately, they find his tattoo behind his neck.
They are not idiots and they fear the boy might be a spy and all was just a set up, the princess still wants to talk to him. Mipha was no fool and she wasn't as naive as most people outside the Domain may think, but she was curious, and there was a feeling in her chest that told her there was more to know about this boy.
Link wakes up in unknown clothes, he has no idea of where he is but soon finds out as he started to look around. He remembers what happened and a hand grips his chest. He knows he shouldn't be alive.
"That was terrible wound you had there," The voice startled him and he instantly stood up to go into combat mode. "Don't stand, you are not fully healed yet." he really didn't have another option, there wasn't a part of his body that did't hurt and the pain brough him down to the bed again.
He looked up to see 3 zoras, two tall ones dressed in armor flanquing a smaller one in shinny red scales and dressed in zora jewerly. The princess.
"Don't be sacred" she said and gestured to her guards to stay put as she walked to him, "I just came to look on your wounds"
Link frowned at that, the princess? Coming here to check on a stanger's wounds? Yeah sure. Link remembers his tattoo and quickly hides it with a simple illution spell that wouldn't take that much of his stenght.
"Dont you have healers for that?" he asked coldly.
The princess laughed lightly "Yes," she admitted and stood by his bed, her amrs behind her body, holding her spear "and they know more about hylian anathomy than I do, but they can't do what i can. Your wounds were bad enough to require my assistance."
Link frowned again, "what does that mean?"
Mipha smiled and gestured at the bed, "Can I?" Link recoiled his legs, leting her space to sit down, the princess did, leaving her spead resting on the bed besides her, she extended her hand to him, "give me your arm" she said softly.
Link hessitaded but he rested his arm on her hand. She carefully took off his bandages and let exposed a deep cut on his forearm, the boy winced at the sight.
The princess then put her other hand above the wound and closed her eyes. Her palm started to glow and link gasped loudly. His arm started to feel cold and a bit numb, but the pain was gone, and soon the same sensation washed over his body. It was nice.
Mipha was focused on the wound but she looked up for a moment to catch his expresion, she smiled lightly and looked down again.
The light coming from her palm dimmed until it was gone and his exposed wound wasn't there anymore. Slowly, the pain came back to the rest of his body. Mipha let go off his hand and he lifted his arm to his eye level, twisting it one way and another, trying to see the trick but no, the wound was really gone.
"You... You really have healing powers..." he had herd the rumors but no yiga had actually seen it, just heard things from other people.
Mipha hummed a laugh, catching link's atention, "Outsiders are always so surprissed to see it" she stood up, taking the spear again, "I have other things to attend, but i'll come back to heal the rest of your wounds latter."
She leaves with her guards, a few minutes latter another group of zoras show up. Two of them check on his wounds and tell him to rest while the other two just guarded the entrance. He had a bad feeling, whenever he peeked an eye to the other room he saw a guard. He didn't know if that was normal or if it was because of him.
He rests, too tired to try and transport, and fully knowing that in this state he wouldn't be able to fight. He starts trying to form a plan to get out of there. Taking a swim was not an option, anywhere near water he would be an at disadvantage. He had to make it to the montains that sorrounded Zora's Domain, he could take a run for it once he were back to his feet, he had no idea if zoras were fast runners but they had short legs, he was sure he could outrun them. Once close to the montains he could teletrasnport himself to a higher place and away from them.
Tho he didn't know where to go from there. It's not like he could go back to the Hideout.
Mipha comes back that evening and heals two more of his wounds before leaving. Link is starting to think that maybe her healing magic tires him as much as illutions and trasportation tires him. It takes a few days for him to be fully healed, all the time he is forced to stay on the rooms to "rest"
All the time he feels uncomfortable, he feels watched. It gets worse when he is fully healed and the princess wants to give him a little tour around the domain, everyone always stares at him, or maybe they are looking at their princess and he was just being paranoid.
He had never been to Zora's domain, to be honest, he hadn't seen that much of Hyrule, and he was intrigued to see and learn more.
As they start to walk around the Domain a little red-scaled Zora runs to her and hugs her leg "Sidon!"
"I'm sorry princess," another Zora runs to her, "he's been running away the whole day, he doesn't wan't to do the jump"
"If you don't jump how am I going to teach you to climb waterfalls?" Mipha asked him and he just hugged her tighter, hiding behind her from his instructor.
Link quickly put two and two together and figures out he must be the young Zora Prince, but he was most concerned with the idea forming on his mind. Would they follow him if he jumped? He eyed an opening on the level they were on, and without really thinking about the heigh he kneeled down
"If I jump would you jump?" he asked Siron, "I can't swim as well as a zora would, so if i can make that jump I guess a zora prince would have no trouble doing it, right?"
Siron thinks for a moment then nods. Link walks to the edge and looks down to the long drop. "Having second thoughts?" Sidon's instructor asked him. Link just frowns at him, and takes a few steps back, he took off his shirt and dropped it before sprinting and jumping.
He hits the water gracefully and as he sinks he prapares to transport, but sees a lot of Zoras around him. He sees that at the bottom of the lake there's a whole underwater town that probably outstretched fartest of what he could see. He goes out to the surface and finds it quite hard to not let the current take him away, even when he was under their castle as there were underwater walls shielding him from the strong current of the main water fall of the domain. A few zora heads pop out, looking at him curious. Some heads look younger, maybe teens? And look at him impressed and exited
"SIDON!" Link lifts his gaze and sees someone had jump and the tiny zora splashed in the water. He looks around but the zora prince doesnt come out.
"OW!" something bites his toes and a tiny shark head pops out, sidon smiles with sharp teeth and giggles until the current starts to drag him out. Link lets him, surely other people would help their prince. But they dont they just look, and as much as the tiny zora tried the current kept draging him.
Link reaches out a hand and takes him, wraping his scaly hands around his neck as he swims to the base of the castle structure. He leaves sidon on the rock and climbs up too.
Mipha's head pops out behind him, "you swim quite well for a hylian" Link jumps in surprise, when had she jump? he didnt even see or hear her splash, "You are bleeding," she said and he lifted his feet off the water to see quite a deep bite. "SIDON!" mipha screams distressed, "how many times do i have to tell you it's impropper to bite others!" she lifted herself to the place they were sitting and patted the space between link and her, he puts there his feet and she healed him. As always he stared at her hand facinated.
"I have to thank you, for not letting the curent carry Sidon" she said, "you shouldn't have to, he is 23, he should be strong enough to be able to withstand it." link looks at sidon as he jumps into the water again swiming closer to the rocks. 23? "but I would have done the same" "and thank you for jumping, her instructor had been trying to make him jump all week"
Link looks at his foot and thinks of all the other wounds he had, all the wounds the yiga had made. "I should thank you," he said, "I should be dead. You saved me."
"those wounds were no accident, were they?" she asked, "the yiga were sent to kill you" Link nods, "but why?" he sruggs.
"I have to leave," he said softly, "but i'll hate to leave without paying back what you have done for me,"
Mipha smiles, "I'm sure we'll think of somehting," she stands up, "I know a place you can stay meanwhile. Sidon! Lets go!" he swims to them, his little back fin braking the surface, he jumps towards Link, mouth open. Link backs up but Mipha catches him on the air and hums a laugh. "I'll meet you at the top," she said to link and pointed over his shoulder "you can use the leadder to climb up."
Mipha swims up the waterfall they just jumped from with sidon on her back. They meet at the top and Mipha leaves sidon with his instructor. He runs to link when he shows up and tries to bite his leg, "My prince, dont do that!" the instructor pulls him away before he can do damage and sidon smiles with his spiky teeth.
"I have to apologyze for his behavior," Mipha said tho she is trying not to laugh, "His new teeth just came out and he has a need to bite eveything."
They walk to a village at the top of the mountain overseeing zora's Domain. Mipha pays him a night to stay and tells him good bye. Link is bafled that she has so much trust in him, he plans on just leaving, but he has a chance. He now knew and gained the trust of two zora royals. He knew they were the only heirs of the zora domain and since the king didn't had a mate... He could make a move. And maybe, he could be allowed back with his people.
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Power Armor Punch Part Twenty Seven
Geneveve: *still procrastinating on talking to him* He seems busy... I shouldn't bother-
Lucille: For crissakes! *walks up to Andrew* Hey Andy, there's someone you should meet. They've been kind of nervous about taking to you because you're busy but if you can spare the time...
Andrew: *looks up from his work, dusting his hands* Oh? *looks over her shoulder and smiles when he sees a surprised Geneveve* I suppose my work can wait a moment to help my fellow synth. *walks over* Hello. name's Andrew.
Geneveve: Geneveve. *lowers her head shyly*
Andrew: *soft laugh* I don't bite!
Geneveve: *peers up at him from under the brim of her hat* I wouldn't know. We've only just met.
Andrew: When did you first attain sentience?
Geneveve: *crosses her arms* A few hours ago...
Andrew: Well then. You're still pretty new. Don't rush it- finding out what you want to be. It takes a bit of time.
Geneveve: How did you-?
Andrew: I've been where you are now. Didn't wake up saying "I want to be a tato farmer".
Geneveve: So where do I start?
Andrew: Find something you're good at. Something you want to expand on. For me, it's Tatoes and horticulture. For you, who knows! *pats her shoulder*
Jasmine: (Giggles a little bit when she beats the level, looking up at Nick with sparkling childlike eyes. She wishes that she could always feel like this, but she knows its just a small burst of peacefulness. With her luck, it will last an hour or so before her mind clouds back up, so she might as well enjoy it while she can)
Nick: *smiles* Proud of you...
Jasmine: (Tilts her head at him, her eyes still sparkling and her nose scrunches cutely) (Whispering, holding out the Pipboy) “Want to try? Its really fun.”
Nick: Of course... *adjusts a setting so it's more of a challenge for him. He takes the pipboy* Alright. Let's see how well I can hack it. *confident wink at his adopted daughter*
Geneveve: How long did it take you to figure it out?
Andrew: ... I'm not certain. A few months. Maybe a few years. I just knew I didn't want to kill people...
Geneveve: I see... *looks at her hands. She doesn't want to... anymore*
Jasmine: (Giggles sweetly again at her Dad, the soft smile still on her face. She shifts slightly so she can see the screen better, which ends up making her wince in pain)
Nick: *softly* I'm sorry, doll... *leans towards her so she can see better. He's trying his best to aim for as many missiles as he can*
Jasmine: (Hums softly, watching Nick play the game with lots of high interest in her childlike eyes. Back home, she was the good one at video games. In fact, she would have to purposely die so that Jie or her other siblings could get a turn. Its intresting to see someone play better than her, the only other person she could think of was her Mom, and she didn't get to play all that often)
Nick: *transfers himself to the bed so she can see better. He's missing one or two without the prediction software but he's giving it a good go*
Jasmine: (Scoots closer to Nick almost automatically, still watching him play the game with pure facination in her eyes. She starts humming along with the radio thats now playing “Anything Goes”, her voice being smooth and sweet)
Nick: *hums along with her as he clears another level. He's happy to hear her voice again*
Jasmine: (Has to smile even more through her humming, its just so sweet and comforting. She would hold Nicks hand, but he is using them to play the game so she clutches his trench coat instead, still watching the Pipboy)
Nick: Maybe I'm a little too good at this. *soft chuckle as he goes back to humming*
Lucille: Come to think of it. I need someone who knows how to make candy.
Geneveve: *raises an eyebrow* Not something I know how to do...
Lucille: Would you at least consider being a merchant?
Geneveve: ...Perhaps...
Jasmine: (Giggles cutely at that comment, going back to humming as well when she was done. Nick is very good at the game, and its really fun to watch. Its also somehow comforting, maybe because her Mom used to play…)
Nick: *purposely dies so she can have a turn* Oh- guess my luck ran out. *shrugs and smiles* Want another wack at it...?
Geneveve: *looks up what candy is in their built in dictionary* Hold on- where are you going to find a candy maker in THIS place?
Lucille: *shrugs* Might take a while, but I'll find them.
Geneveve: I'm going to try to learn how to make it. It requires sugar, yes?
Lucille: Uh-huh?
Geneveve: Get me a chemistry station, mutfruit, corn, and any sugary foods you can find. Especially cotton candy. *walks off to the candy shop* This synth is going to experiment.
Andrew: *shares a look between him and Lucille* Well that's one way to find something meaningful to do. *smirks as he shakes his head*
Lucille: You think she's found her purpose?
Andrew: Hard to tell. Could be something nice to do in the meantime until they figure themselves out. Could be what they do for the rest of their lives. *chuckles* Though if you ask me, that synth seems like they're suited for the stage.
Jasmine: (Gives him a suspicious look, taking the Pipboy in her hands and tilting her head) (Whispering) “Now you sound like me.” (Starts clicking at the game, switching back to an easier setting)
Nick: Hm. It was a very thinly veiled lie, if veiled at all... I just wanted to give you a chance at a turn. *smiles warmly at her*
Jasmine: (Chuckles softly, glancing up to smile back) (Whispering) “I did the same thing for them.” (Keeps playing the game, humming along with “Happy Times.” Some words being sung in a gentle whisper out loud)
Nick: *Goes back to assisting her with aiming for the missiles, smiling at her sweet voice*
Jasmine: (Snuggles herself closer to Nick as she clicks away. Her tongue slightly sticks out between her teeth in concentration when she is not singing, another habit she tries to break)
Nick: *thinks it's adorable. Really adds to how much of a kid she truly is*
Jasmine: (Lets out a delighted hum of joy when she passes another level, looking back up at Nick with sparkling glowing eyes. She knows that she probably looks very childish right now with her little giggles and wide eyes, but she cant help it. And its not like Nick is going to do anything to her, so she will let this side of her slip a bit)
Nick: *gentlest smile his old rubber face will allow* Did good.
Jasmine: (Smiles softly and looks back down at the Pipboy to continue to the next level. Her tongue starts sticking out a bit again as the its now even more difficult to keep up with the missiles. She makes adorable squeals of excitement whenever she manages to shoot one or more missiles)
Lucille: *brings what her daughter asked for*
Geneveve: Also I'm going to need a stove or fire... *arranging the food so she knows what's what*
Lucille: Coming right up!
Nick: *really starts helping her here. They're coming in fast before either of them have time to blink*
Jasmine: (Presses her lips together in hard concentration, barely managing to keep the missiles at bay. If it weren't for Nick helping her, she would have already lost long time ago. She purely laughs in delight when she finally clears the VERY hard level, looking up at Nick with joyful eyes and she holds out the Pipboy to offer him another turn)
Nick: Impressive...! *tousles her hair as he proudly takes the pipboy and adjusts it for a harder difficulty again*
Jasmine: (Snuggles sweetly into the blanket with a small yawn, blinking up at Nick and clutching his trench coat as she waits for the game to start. She loves this warm happy feeling in her… Makes everything in her feel normal, even if its only for a moment)
Nick: Sleepy? *already powering through the first level*
Jasmine: (Quickly shakes her head, blinking rapidly) (Mumbling with a childish tone) “No!” (Clutches Nicks coat a bit more as she watches him play the game. She has had enough of sleep for today! And she means it this time!)
Nick: *softly and playfully scoffs* Coulda fooled me...
Jasmine: (Weakly laughs back, holding in another yawn. Her eyes blink rapidly at the game as she starts humming again with the radio playing “Way Back Home” She bet she could fool him if she really wanted to, but that was in a life or death situation)
Nick: *again finds himself humming songs of the old world, missing it a bit as he plays the game. Before he knows it he's on the level Jas just beat*
Jasmine: (Makes a happy sound of excitment, tilting her head eagerly to watch Nick play this one. She scoots in closer to see better, still holding onto his coat. Some words of the song slip out of her mouth in a melodic whisper, she seemingly not realizing it)
Nick: *eyes move almost jerkily as he tries to follow the trajectory of each missile, making the most of his shots if he can. If he were human he'd barely have time to breathe*
Jasmine: (Watches on with full interest in her big enchanted eyes, only looking away when she ends up yawning again)
Nick: *ends up losing the level cause he looked at her when she yawned* You sure you're not sleepy? You're yawning quite a bit.
Jasmine: (Shakes her head while blinking rapidly up at him) (Muttering in a childish tone) “Im not tired.” (She is a little upset at herself for yawing so much, it distracted Nick from winning the game)
Nick: *notices* Hey. It's alright. It's just a game- I can try again. *smiles down at her, waving the pipboy. To him, this isn't about the game. It's about keeping her entertained and happy. And if she needs to sleep, she should sleep*
Jasmine: (Nods her head, giving him a soft smile. She is doing her best to mask her sleepiness, as sleeping is not something she wants to do again)
Nick: Want another go at it? *hands her the pip boy*
Jasmine: (Shakes her head) (Whispering) “I am good for now-…” (Suddenly frowns and her eyes dull when “Sixty Minute Man” comes blaring on the radio. She looks down over at the keycard, gripping her wrists tightly over her chest and shifting so her legs are crossed) (Mumbling) “Dammit Travis…”
Nick: *notices the change in mood and switches it to Freedom Radio* That better, doll?
Jasmine: (Faintly nods her head, her eyes still on the thrown keycard in the corner while she still holds herself protectively. She just needed to wait this sudden phase out… Her heart starts to thump faster)
Nick: *starts up the game again...*
Jasmine: (Still staring at the card, her heart now racing. Fuck… She feels it boiling in her. She cant let a simple SONG out of all things ruin her good mood…)
Jasmine: (She feels it thumping in her, the looming fear and dread of memories weighing down on her. The only way she knows how to cope with it is by scratching and cutting herself… And thats whats she wants to do) (Whispering frantically as tears start at her eyes) “Dad… help…” (Her hands are already automatically starting to shakily but firmly scratch at her chest through the dress)
Nick: *takes her hands*
Jasmine: (Lightly nods her head, closing her teary eyes as her heart continues to thunder) “Just breathe… They cant hurt you anymore… Breathe.” (Gently wiggles her wrists)
Nick: *squeezes just a little tighter*
Jasmine: (Keeps wiggling her hands lightly while whimpering softly, not really wanting to break free but she cant help it. With this sudden mental break wearing her down, she starts to really feel the tiredness she was ignoring, and its making her eyes heavy…)
Nick: *softly* I'm not gonna hurt you, Rosie...
Jasmine: (Her eyes flutter open to look at Nick and she stops trying to wiggle free, but her breathing is picking up. Her lips tremble as she blinks rapidly at him with red teary eyes, tilting her head) (Quietly and shakily) “Daddy….”
Nick: I'm here, Rosie... I'm here.
Jasmine: (Hums, nodding her teary head. She shuffles so she is straightened out, her eyes growing heavier but she REALLY doesn't want to sleep. She slowly takes in a few deep breaths, feeling herself start to calm down a bit…)
Nick: That's it, doll...
Geneveve: *experimenting with the food using the chemistry station. At some point she does end up making candy*
Jasmine: (Her legs jerk a bit to shuffle off the blanket off her body, but she quickly stops her kicking with another round of deep breaths) (To herself) “Breathe…” (Slow tears dance down her face as she gives in, relaxing into the bed and pillow, but she is still determined not to fall asleep)
Nick: I'm not going anywhere... just relax. You're safe.
Jasmine: (Glances over at Nick with a choked breath) (Softly) “No…..” (She sighs deeply as she closes her eyes, letting the much needed sleep start nip at her even though she doesn't want it to…)
Nick: Ssh... I'll be right here when you wake up. *smiles*
Jasmine: (Lets out a small cry, her still tearful eyes flickering open for a brief moment in a attempt to stay awake. She carefully pulls back her hands and holds them out to Nick, indicating that she wants to be held by him. Again, she scolds herself for it, but she just wants that safe feeling to be around her while she sleeps…)
Nick: Okay... if it helps you sleep... *lays down next to her and pulls her close*
Jasmine: (Rests her head near where Nicks heart would be if he where human, clutching onto him. She closes her eyes, her breathing getting slower as she listens to his inner machinery, letting herself fall asleep)
Nick: *decides after she's asleep to go into sleep mode. He needs the rest*
Jasmine: (Snaps her thoughts to the peaceful moment just before that awful song came on, smiling a little at the warmth from the moment still in her. She wants it to stay. She sniffs and snuggles into Nicks coat, falling into a deep sleep)
Nick: *already entering sleep mode. Some of his systems start to quiet down a little since he's mostly powered down. It helps reset some things*
Jasmine: (Sleeping, her dreams and thoughts completely blank. She is still somewhat aware of Nicks comforting presence)
[Time Jump]
Nick: *stays in sleep mode for a good 6 or so hours. Pretty good considering*
Jasmine: (Sniffs in her sleep, shifting a little bit so she is closer to Nick with her arms still holding onto him. Somehow by some blind miracle, she slept through it all peacefully without a single nightmare. The thought of pie and food still thumped at her, but not as strong)
Nick: *does pop out if sleep mode but decides to do a quick diagnostic*
Geneveve: *trying to get the flavors down. Making sure her candy is safe for human consumption*
Jasmine: (Still sleeping, looking quite adorable while she thinks. Pie… She wants to have some again. She bet she could make some, even if its out of the mutated fruits of the Wasteland. But she wont be able to eat it… At all… Maybe she can make something else? Not even for herself, but everyone else. She could also try and make some of her other deserts and meals she knows- probably most of those recipes have died out and she’ll be the one to revive them)
Nick: *sighs, diagnostics taking the wind out of him every time... even after sleep mode. He looks down at his sleeping daughter*
Jasmine: (Sleepily coos cutely like a small child, snuggling sweetly into Nicks coat as she slowly starts to wake up from her blessed restful sleep)
Nick: Hey, kiddo…
Jasmine: (Drowsily hums in response, followed by a yawn. She opens her eyes and slightly moves her head to look at Nick, still holding onto him. Well that was a good rest for once… How long did she sleep for?)
Nick: That's a record... a good six or seven hours for you. *smiles softly at that* You feeling any better, doll?
Jasmine: (Slowly nods her head, cuddling closer back to his chest. She can move a little more without hurting so much, and she isn't feeling like she is going to vomit which is a good sign. Also her hellish headache is gone, she just needed to keep it this way)
Nick: Good... *pats her head*
Jasmine: (Blinks in confusion at herself, realizing that she is still being such a child) (Mumbling, not looking up) “I think you broke me…”
Nick: Now that's a bit concerning to hear. Care to elaborate?
Jasmine: (Mumbling, still not looking up) “I am acting like a kid holding onto you… I am sorry.” (If she was sorry, why wasn't she stopping?)
Nick: May I remind you that you are still a kid? There's no shame in it. *pets her hair*
Jasmine: (Bluntly muttering into his coat) “I was pregnant.” (She really means to say that she already walked through the fiery hells of life and that what makes her not a kid. And doesn't Nick remember all that she told him? Almost everyone else doesn't see or did see her like a kid based off how they treat her. Being a kid is her weakness….)
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slytherinwh0re · 4 years ago
Terrible Things
Dad!DracoMalfoy x Scorpius Malfoy x Female Reader AU
Warnings: some fluff, angst, death, swearing
Summary: *Draco’s POV* Based off the song Terrible Things by Mayday Parade.
A/N: the flashbacks are in italics and the song lyrics are smaller and bold, I use * to split up the different parts to make it a little easier to read. This is saddest thing I’ve ever written, sorry lol
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*Draco’s POV*
“What’s on your mind son, why’ve you been so quiet since you came home from school?” I look at the boy who’s face is almost an exact replica of the reflection I see in the mirror everyday, the only difference is that he has her eyes, her beautiful (y/e/c) eyes.
“Well, on the train back home my friends were telling stories about how their parents met and I wanted to ask how you met mum but I know it makes you sad sometimes when I bring her up.” I watch as he anxiously played with his fingers, something (y/n) used to do.
“Scorpius, if you ever have a question about your mum all you have to do is ask, never be scared to ask about her.” He nods his head in understanding, looking up at me with those innocent (y/e/c) eyes.
“That’s when I met your mother, the girl of my dreams.
The most beautiful woman that I’d ever seen.”
The great hall is practically empty, very few people ever woke up this early for breakfast on the weekends but (y/n) did and so I here I am at 7am, staring at her from across the room, once again.
I couldn’t help it, ever since I saw her under the sorting hat a few weeks ago I can’t get her off my mind, she’s too beautiful. I constantly catch myself looking at her but I couldn’t bring myself to talk to her, so instead I watch everything she does in facination.
Just as I was about to turn my gaze back to my cold eggs (y/n) looks up, catching me staring at her. She looks stunned for a second but the next thing I know the young witch is making a beeline straight for me.
“You’ve been staring at me.” She stands right in front of me, her eyes locked on mine. Merlin, she’s even prettier up close.
“No I wasn’t.” I don’t know why I bothered lying, it’s obvious I was.
“Yes you were, you have been for the past few weeks. My mum says that if a boy is staring at you it’s cause they’re gonna fall in love with you.” I feel my cheeks turn bright red, never expecting her to march over here and accuse me of such a thing, I have a mere crush on her if anything.
“Don’t be ridiculous, I just think you have nice hair is all.” That’s not a lie, I do think her hair is nice.
“Well, um, thank you.” The pretty girl blushes, taking a seat right next to me, she’s still facing me but this time she lifts her hand. “I’m (y/n) (y/l/n).”
“I know,” I say before I can stop myself, “I’m Draco Malfoy.” My ears are now pink to match my face as I shake her hand.
“I know.” She smiles.
“You met mum at Hogwarts?” He asks excitedly.
“Yes I did and I was just about your age too.” The memory makes me smile, remembering how inseparable we became after that day in the great hall.
“Wait, so did you start dating after that?” The question makes me chuckle.
“Unfortunately no, I didn’t ask her on a proper date until 5th year.” I tell the curious blonde.
“Dad, it took you 4 years to ask mum out on a date?” His eyebrows were raised high on his face as if to ask if I was serious.
“We were best friends, I didn’t want to ruin it, but once I did I had her wrapped around my finger for your information. Not that it mattered, I’d been in love with her for 4 years already.” I defend myself to the 11 year old.
“Now, most of the time, we’d have too much to drink.
And we’d laugh at the stars, and we’d share everything.”
“You’re hogging it again Draco.” I hold the bottle of firewhiskey over my head just so I could watch the small witch pout as she reached for it.
“Kiss me and I’ll think about it.” Immediately her lips found mine, I don’t know when I lowered the bottle but (y/n) had it out my hand as soon as she could reach it, using my moment of weakness against me. The sneaky girl was giggling over her shoulder as she walked over to the railing of the astronomy tower, looking up at the millions of stars.
I walk over so I’m beside her and take my time to really appreciate her beauty, the moonlight made her look more ethereal than usual. The girl could ask me to pitch myself off the tower and I’d ask which way she’d prefer me to dive.
This is our spot, we come up here as often as possible and talk for hours. I love it even more now that we’re dating, it’s the perfect place for a good snog after all and now that we’re older we bring up a bottle anytime we can get our hands on one.
“Draco.” She snaps me out of my thoughts by saying my name, my pretty girl is pointing at the cluster of stars that I’m named after, something she does every time we come here.
“You and mum used to get drunk on the astronomy tower?” Fuck, maybe I should’ve left that part out like I did with the snogging.
“Um, just that one time really.” I watch as my son rolls his eyes obviously not believing me.
“So you started dating 5th year and got married a couple of years after you graduated?” His eyes sparkle with the same curiosity she always had.
“You know that I love you will you marry me.”
“How did you do this Draco?” She questions as her eyes flit across the room in awe. I had set up the astronomy tower so it was illuminated with hundreds of small candles and a nice diner.
“I just asked Dumbledore, he said it isn’t a problem, it’s ours for the whole night. I know how much you love this place and I wanted to do something nice for you.” Her arms fling around my neck and her lips pepper kisses all over my face before finally landing on my lips.
“You’re the best, thank you Draco, I love it.” She smiles as she pulls away. We eat our dinner as we share all our memories in the school that brought us together. When we’re done she walks over to the railing and looks up at the stars, I already know what she’s searching for.
“Draco.” She whispers while pointing at the same stars from years ago but this time when she looks over I’m on one knee holding the ring that’s been burning a hole in my pocket for sometime now.
“(Y/n), I’ve loved you since we were 11 years old, I’ll never love another soul like I do yours, please do me the honor of becoming my wife. Will you marry me?” My heart pounds in my chest as I wait for her to answer, I watch as her eyes start to water, and her hand covers her mouth in shock before she finally starts nodding her head.
“Of course, of course, I’ll marry you.”
“I wish she was still here dad.” I squeeze my eyes shut for a second, willing myself not to cry as I think of the beautiful memory.
“So do I son but we have each other, and you’re the best gift she ever gave me.” I pull him in for a hug as he sniffles into my shirt.
“I love you dad.”
“I love you more Scorpius.” I kiss the top of his head just as he begins to yawn. “Alright that’s enough stories for tonight, time to go bed.”
With a final hug I watch as he heads to his room for the night, my sons questions haunting my mind as I lay in my own bed, on the left side, she always slept on the right.
“It seems that I’m sick, and I’ve only got week.
Please don’t be sad now, I really believe,
You were the greatest thing that ever happened to me.”
I hold (y/n)’s hand as she coughs into her handkerchief, her pale face a shadow of what it once was, even now she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. She looks at me with those eyes that are forever ingrained into my memory, the same ones she gave our son, she doesn’t have to say anything, I know this is it. Her time on this earth, my time with her, has run out.
“Draco,” her voice gravely as she lets out another horrible cough, “Draco, take care of him, love him enough for the both of us.” The tears fall from both our eyes as she struggles for breath, the incurable disease the doctors found weeks ago leaving her too weak.
“Of course my love, Scorpius is our greatest accomplishment, he’ll always love you like I do.” Her hand squeezes mine, our one year old son laying on her chest as she hugs him with her other arm.
“Don’t be sad Draco, the love you’ve given me is more than enough for me to die happy,” she catches her breath before putting her hand on my cheek, “you’re the greatest thing that ever happened to me my sweet boy.” Her eyes close, too tired to keep them open any longer.
That night I held her hand until it went limp in my hand, her final breath was the moment I lost a part of my soul. A single tear falls as I remember the beautiful girl that took my heart and held it in her hands since we were 11 years old, never once letting it go.
I fall asleep heart broken because life can do terrible things.
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deputybodecker · 3 years ago
A New Garden
Couple’a weeks ago, when you told me that Leroy had come by the house, I went to their diner they owned on the outskirts’a town. Told ‘em both that it didn’t matter what deals I had goin’ with ‘em, if they ever showed up on my property again and pissed off my bride to be, I’d put a bullet in both of ‘em. They laughed, spat in the money that was mine and handed it to me, the blow to my ego nearly enough to make me shoot ‘em then, but they have a direct line on my baby sister, so I don’t.
It’s a surprise when we’re sitting down to lunch one late winter day and we hear a knock on the front door. You’re wearin’ one of the dresses I got you for Christmas, that dark blue velvet huggin’ your ass makin’ it hard to talk myself into goin’ outside to get firewood for the furnace. I know damn well that the boys at the station know better than to come up the property, so that knock is either my baby sister leavin’ her shit-for-brains husband and comin’ to stay with us while she gets her shit sorted out like I begged her to weeks ago, or one of those fuckin’ fools I told not to come here again. We look from our plates to each other, and I can tell you’re already just as irritated as I am.
No one is supposed to come here.
“Why don’t you put on a pot of coffee, sweet pea. You grab these plates and I’ll grab the door.” I lean over the table and plant a quick kiss on your lips, liftin’ from my chair to stalk over to the front door. I look back to where you’re cleanin’ up the mess on the table, placin’ the plates in the sink and then gettin’ the kettle ready for coffee, facin’ away from me long enough for me to grab my pistol from my patrol belt and tuck it into the back of my pants. I swing the door open and standin’ in front of the screen is Leroy, smile plastered across big ugly face.
“Lee! I was drivin’ by and thought I’d chew your ear.”
I don’t tell him yet that I don’t want him here, my blood boilin’ just under the surface of my skin, so I fake my own smile, pushin’ the screen door open to let him step inside.
“Leroy, good to see ya. C’mon in, my Stephanie was just puttin’ on some coffee.” He steps in the door and stomps his boots free of snow on the mat, my jaw clenching because I know he’s going to expect you to clean that up later. I scrub my hand over my face as he waltzes toward the kitchen table.
“This’a cute little place you got here, Lee. I thought you’d’a upgraded by now with the type’a money you’re makin’.” Leroy turns back to shoot me a glance, bringin’ up our deal without statin’ it plainly, right in fuckin’ front of you. You look from him to me. It’s not a secret that I got money, I’m just grateful you don’t know how much a small-town deputy earns yearly.
“It was my parents place,” – I reply, followin’ him to the kitchen table where we pull chairs out opposite each other, “I figure I’ll give it to Sandy after the election.”
“Bit far from the club, ain’t it?” He asks, his brows knitted together.
“Yeah, that’s what I like about it.”
“I thought I told you to stay away from Sandy?”
There’s a tense moment, one where he looks from me to you, his eyes starting at your feet and make their way up to your face. I can tell it’s a threat, he knows where you are now. Where he can find you later. You’re finishin’ up the dishes just in time, dryin’ your hands off with one of the kitchen towels. You turn to catch his eyes just as they reach yours and I watch you shrink back, the last thread of my resolve snappin’. I don’t answer his question about my sister.
“Baby, why don’t you go grab a couple’a towels out of the bathroom? Y’know the ones that’re startin’ to fray at the ends? The ones you don’t like? Bring those out here for me, our friend is gonna need ‘em.” I tear your gaze away from him, giving you an excuse to leave the room for a few seconds.
You nod, crossin’ the livin’ room into our bedroom and as soon as I hear the click of your heels on the tile of the bathroom floor I reach for my pistol. My movement startles Leroy but he doesn’t reach for his gun fast enough before I’ve got mine trained on him.
“Set it down real slow, Leroy. Your brother know you’re here?” He nods, his jaw set in a defiant rage. “Good, I hope he swings by lookin’ for you.”
You re-enter the dinin’ room to the sight of me holdin’ a gun on our guest. Timidly, you set the towels down on the table on my right, and then pause, like you’re wonderin' what to do next.
“Slide that gun across the table, honey.”
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dafukdidiwatch · 4 years ago
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018)
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Not a musical no matter what the first 15 minutes tell you.
This was a pretty interesting movie. It is told as a series of vignettes who’s common theme was that they were all set in the old west. Well that and death. There’s 6 in total and each one of them has a different but interesting vibe to them. There were a lot of quiet silent moments in the movie, hardly any background music to it unless it was a beginning or end of a segment. But it definitely allowed for the scene to just breathe and revel in the moment. It also had some beautifully done cinematography showing the landscape and vastness that is the old west. It’s hard to generalize it because like I said before, each story has it’s own vibe to it that is different from one another.
With that, I’m just going to give my basic feelings of each of the stories shown. So yeah, Spoilers.
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs: Wow this guy. I deadass thought the whole movie was a musical because the first story was this guy singing constantly. And when I looked it up on youtube all that popped up was the songs. My sister put it right with saying he is a violent Bard in a D&D campaign. I was getting the vibe if Mr. Rogers had a dark underbelly of being psychotic. He is smarmy, oddly charismatic, and the more I watched him the more I hope someone killed him. And they did, which made me very happy. The song numbers were fun, and damn the deaths were brutal. But a very good start.
Near Algodones: I call this story “Pan Man” because holy crap the greatest character ever was in this movie. This nutcase banker who, deadass told the bank robber he shot a man’s legs off and kept him in the bank vault for 3 weeks, comes running out covered in pans screaming “PAN SHOT” every time a bullet gets deflected. Truly the highlight of the story, which is sad that he doesn’t really show up for the rest of the story. Which follows a bank robber going from one horrible situation to the next from trying to rob a bank. Which, if the guy was telling a whimsical story of how he kept a man locked legless in a vault, maybe you shouldn’t rob him to begin with. I also found out where the “First Time?” picture set came from. Good to know.
Meal Ticket: This one is probably my least favorite just because it was so sad. This wandering troupe of an old man and the limbless storyteller traveling around trying to make a buck via entertaining stories. It was very quiet, hardly anyone talked outside the stories being told. It made me feel...pity I think. Mostly because I didn’t know if the old man actually cared for the kid as a person, or just used him as a means to an end to make a living. It doesn’t help that the kid never speaks outside of the act, so I don’t know whether that’s an artistic choice or the kid doesn’t really know what he’s saying. Audience interpretation I guess. Then when we get to the chicken, and yeah all doubts are thrown out the window over how the old man saw the kid. It’s sad and tragic. Not every story has to be a happy one, but not a lot of happy endings so far.
All Gold Canyon: This is probably my second favorite. All it is is just a lone man panning for gold in a beautiful valley. The landscape is gorgeous. You see this old man, coughing from illness or old age you don’t know, just meticulously panning and trying to find that vein of gold. Facinating really. This is definitely the most silent out of all the films because it is him by himself, but it really sucks you in just watching if he will be successful or not. And then when the shadow passes over him...well....even though I said spoilers, I don’t want to give too much away.
The Gal Who Got Rattled: This is pretty much a 20 minute romance novel. Sister and brother travels out west, but sister finds herself in dire straits after her brother dies. She turns to the man heading the wagon train for help and they slowly but surely fall in love. Well...I don’t know if it is love exactly. More like, a gentle comfort. Where they can confide in each other for a pleasant life and simple pleasures. I was watching this with my sister and we were both trying to sus out why we felt “off” throughout. Like, if the wagon boy had killed the brother to steal the money, trying to sus out the criminal. Lol we watch way too many crime shows. The end is a tragedy, we can’t all have nice things. Which if we are keeping count there is really only 1 happy end in this movie.
The Mortal Remains:  I actually really like this story. It’s just 5 people sitting in a carriage just talking about things. Life. I could listen to the Trapper guy for hours he has very interesting stories. And seeing how they just bounce off of the purity woman, the french guy, and the two polite yet terrifying bounty hunters. It also had this more terrifying feeling as the sun sets and that the carriage driver doesn’t stop. This is probably my favorite.
Overall: This was a very enjoyable movie. There was some funny moments, heartfelt moments, sad moments, quiet moments, action moments, basically emotions all over the place. It was a fun watch but since their vignettes you can probably watch them separately in chunks instead of as a whole movie. I would recommend it, it’s a cool take to see on the 1800s West.
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clementineesotsm · 4 years ago
THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH EP 4, My Appreciation and How It Made Me Feel
Little cool detail about the series was the glitch in the matrix or here it refer as deja vu (as what Nari says later in eps 14/15). It happens when someone crossed the portal, the two world colided, makes Eun Seob could feel the heat of Jo Yeong’s coffee even when they came from a different universe
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The beginning of this eps also is my favorite scenes, where JTE keep thinking of Gon because now he is gone, and her trying to figure out whether he is telling the truth or not, somehow its like a lie, somehow its kind of true, she kind of believe it but kind of think it did not makes any sense. Then she flashback to the moment they spend in bamboo forest. Eventhough the conversation they share here was just normal chit chat like when you wants to know more about the person you have interest with, it shows me development in both feelings. Gon ask JTE why she wants to become a police then she says “not everyone can be brave, so i decided to be” Gon thinks she is cool, probably because she knows exactly why she choose the life she is. While watching this i also facinated and thinks that this girl is, cool. Then JTE ask Gon what kind of a King he is, he said “he is a rower, a mathematician, well grown orphan, the owner of four tiger swords, a king who has never been asked such question and try his best not to panic” because as he said he is born to be what he is, not having option to choose other thing. I dont know why but this scene and their conversation made me shed a tear. Especially the last part of Gon’s answer. It was like both shares honesty, its very raw. Loved it.
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Back to present, King is back to the palace. What i like about this scene is when PM says that she cannot do math and that her answer was always 0 or minus 1, and that her answer was always wrong. I interpret it as she was wrong again this time and cannot prove the King is running away. That is why she said the result is always wrong (thank god Gon come home in time). Another think i hate from her is she crossed the line many times and being fake. Here we can see her fake laugh and also crossing the lines by saying that King was indebted to her. I love how Gon clapback to her 👏🏼 and damn Gon facial expression was great, kudos to the actor for acting it good.
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We got some subtle clue that Gon’s was actually doing “bad” in military 🤓 and that he has some sort of trauma because of the strangled on the neck he received back in 1994. A glimpse of KSJ. I love this kind of detail. Something that i dont think was important is the scene where both detective helping to catch the thief. I mean i get it, they probably wants to show the normal life of the detective, but they can just stick to Lee Sang Do’s case. I hope that we can just cut that scene and change it into something that could made progress to the story? 😬 just my 2 cents.
Anyhow, back to PM Koo. After she get rid of that rude congressman, she dare to come to Prince Buyeong and offer him a position. For me Prince Buyeong was portraying a royal character very well. I can feel that He is classy, well mannered and educated. He says he stay loyal to the King. But here i got an impression that probably many people other than PM trying to shaken his loyalty to the King all the time. Because he has many reason to hate the King to be honest. And upon watching it, i am also afraid he will someday will become a foe. After this intense conversation with PM the scene moves to conversation with King. Which i love a lot because it is added the tension to the viewers of how much burden that Prince Buyeong need to bear on his shoulders.
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I felt such a bittersweet feeling of this conversation, they started with a joke about marriage but then Gon seriously asking whether his uncle never once hating him for separating him from his family. I assume because of the treason, the royal family made many restrictions to prevent possibilities of another treason happen. And Gon saying it with a really guilty voice, which made me feel his sadness. He is just a victim but he is forever feeling guilty for everything. Poor boy. But apparently he is asking his uncle to be honest and not to hide anything about this:
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Seeing the conversation between Gon snd uncle makes me realize that Gon is having insecurity problem. Because of the trauma that we saw earlier, it affected his character. Not only a ptsd but i bet he always feels scared and cant sleep well everynight. What cruel life, also his love life, coming from a different universe. I seriously cried watching them longing for each other in the library, damn you Gon, JTE and Maze ! Preach to the genius behind the idea to make this scene. Plus we could see JTE finally try to find out about the parallel universe. Its indicates that she wanted to try to understand him and actually cant get Gon out of her mind. Distance really do make the heart grow fonder.
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You know, i love KSJ much right? This episode shows a sad life he is living. His mom cannot stop gambling, he is a police. This eps shows us him coming to this gambling place where his mom got a lot of money and catch the ajjosi who owns the place. I love this line of him “mom please look carefully. Taking money from a jerk like this makes me a joke, i cant work as a detective anymore and have to quit” then he let the police also take his mom to prison and he cried downstair. Damn i love him. Great characterc great acting. Made my heart hurt. And also now we finally got to see KSJ mom doppelgänger.
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Then we get to see why JTE need to issued a new id card. Destiny is playing or shall i say the flute 🤓 Then the wicked evil uncle finally realize time stopped was the effect of his nephew crossing the portal. I should have said it earlier but the cinematography and the music everytime Lee Rim shows up was great and probably my favorite in the series. And this bad guy who plays Lee Rim was born to play it. He is so good and act his character well. Same as what i describe Prince Buyeong. Damn i love royal villain.
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To be continue..
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serararku · 4 years ago
The Addict’s Edict Finale
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Era slowed her breath and flattened her ears against her head, with her bright blue eyes twinkling in the shadows. She crawled on all fours through the foliage and beneath the cover of the bushes. Her heart pounded against her chest and temples as she scanned the area; her prey was as cunning as he was quick, and she couldn't afford the luxury of underestimating his reflexes. So she stalked him from the dark like a ghost in the fog. The time to strike was close. She could sense it.
"Scurryin' about ain’t gonna help you none!" Thalen called out, stepping into view. He balanced his magitech rifle on his shoulder as he searched for her, with pupils so dilated she could barely see the yellow of his eyes. Era lowered herself when his gaze swept across her hiding place, but she released her bated breath when he turned to the side. "Is Isenhart's youngest pupil scared a lil'ol me? You ready to yield and drop this farce?" He jerked his head in the opposite direction. "Can't hide forever, lass. Alls you gotta do is knock me on my ass with that stick. Easy peasy, aye? Come on out n'get your ass-whoopin' while it's hot!" His back was turned and his guard was lowered -- it was now or never!
Era dashed out from the foliage and raced across the pond, as silent as a shadow and as quick as a coeurl. She held her bokuto with one hand, letting the tip of the wooden blade brush against the surface of the water. She saw Thalen’s ears point in her direction just as she almost made it to the other side. The Gunslinger whipped around to fire off a shot, but was blinded by a spray of water when she flicked the sword at him. Thoomp! The burst of aether cut through mist and smoke before diving under the surface of the water.
Era reappeared from above, aiming to give this loudmouth a concussion with a downward swing. Like lightning he whipped his revolver up and pointed it over his shoulder! Thoomp! The bokuto bounced backward in Era's grasp when the aether burst ricocheted! Off balance and airborne, she grit her teeth as she tried to correct herself, but he had already stepped out of harm's way.
Her heart was pounding in her head when she landed, bringing the blade across to bounce his rifle away before he could aim at her! She whipped the bokuto back to smash against the side of his head, but he ducked and leaned back! Era stayed kept on the pressure, swinging high when she tried to knock him out, and low when she tried to throw him off balance; but the bastard was quick -- far quicker than she's ever seen him move in her life! When he spun on his heel to avoid another swing, he scraped his cupped fingers along the ground and threw a handful of dirt at her face. She closed her eyes and sputtered for a full second, and that was enough.
Thalen swung the back of his hand as hard as he could, smacking the bokuto out of her grip. Then he lunged forward, driving the butt of his rifle up and slamming her right in the stomach with a weighty thud!
"Haaugh!" Era buckled over and dropped into the dirt, gasping for air and in the fetal position. Reluctantly she opened her eyes and saw her weapon just a couple yalms away; Thalen once again had his back turned, slinging his rifle over his shoulder and basking in his victory. He was talking but she couldn’t really hear him -- she had one last trick up her sleeve. Clutching her stomach as she crawled, she hurried as fast but as quietly as she could to reach her discarded wooden blade. If she could get to her weapon before he had a chance to noti- BLAM BLAM BLAM!
Dust kicked up by her hand, stopping her dead in her tracks. Dust picked up by live rounds. She turned around to see Thalen pointing his hand cannon at her. She completely forgot about his 'pride n'joy'. "I win, princess." He sneered, spinning the sidearm on his finger before sliding it back into his holster. "I told you a swordsman ain't no match for a bastard with a clear shot."
“Woohoo! Yeah! Way to go Thalen!” Coroh cheered and clapped once it was perfectly clear victory of this duel was going to him. Mizuna on the other hand, who was here purely to ensure no one got seriously hurt, finally let out a breath she had been holding for what felt like forever.
Era rubbed dirt from her face as she sat upright, wallowing in her crushing defeat; eight moons of training under Hadriel and she still couldn’t defeat some drunkard with a spare pistol. “You cheated...”
"Cheated? Heh heh heh..." Thalen repeated, chuckling. "You think honor'll protect you when the chips are down? It won't. How did facin' your foes head on go back in Mor Dhona again? You got shot to hell, aye?"
“A real swordsman wouldn’t be beaten so easily…”
“Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong, Era.” He offered his hand to help her to her feet, his eyes still dilated with attentive excitement. “How’d you think Garlemald conquered Doma and wiped out most of them swordmasters in the first place? With bullets, that’s how. Lots n’lots a bullets.”
She was reluctant to accept his offered hand, but she didn’t want to look like a sore loser; she was definitely sore though. “Hadriel can deflect bullets… I’m sure he can.”
“Aye, I’m sure he can too.” Thalen saw the frown on her lips and heard the subtle pout in her voice -- he felt good about today despite his crippling thirst, as it was always a treat to knock a blademonger down a peg or two. A grunt and a heave later and Era was back on her feet. “But that takes a lotta focus n’strain on the body to move that fast. Even the greatest Samurai can only move so fast for so long. They’ll run outta stamina long before I run outta ammunition, I can assure you of that.”
She dusted off her backside and nodded -- she couldn’t argue with that logic. “You think you can take on Hadriel with that peashooter?” Almost immediately he threw his head back and laughed in an exaggerated fashion.
“Of course I could!” Thalen chortled, pretending to wipe a tear from his eye. “And for the record… this is a ceruleum powered magitech mini railgun revolver. I could blow a squirrel’s brains out from twelve-hundred yalms with a clean shot, and at max power I could punch a hole as large as a hrothgar’s head in Garlean black steel. Course… the knockback would shatter my arm. But that’s besides the point! It’s deadly accurate and packs a wallop!”
“All that jargon is worthless against a katana wielded by a real master.” Era yawned, plucking her sword. “If you fought Hadriel, you’d be dead before you could draw your pistol…”
“Say it with me: railgun revolver.” Thalen turned to wave at Mizuna and Coroh, who were at a healthy distance. “Sure, if’n he could get me within swingin’ distance of that blade I’d be minced meat. But gunslingers like me fight at a distance, lass. And I’d be able to know where he’s at long before he can get near me.”
Coroh ran up first, still excited at that display of marksmanship. “Wow! That was really, really cool…! Can you teach me how to shoot like that?”
“Baby steps, darlin’.” He smiled, ruffling her hair. “Learn the bow n’I’ll teach you how to shoot a sidearm, aye. Plenty of folks at the estate are handy with precision guns too, so you’ll never be short a teacher.” He gestured to Era before grinning wickedly. “But show’s over. Let’s go ahead n’get outta here. I got jobs to do, gil to make, n’a thirst to quench.”
“Why don’t you take Coco along with you, S’era?” Mizuna chimed in, casually approaching the group with her hands deep in her lab coat pockets. “I need to speak with K’thalen alone.” Thalen and Era exchanged looks before the Samurai tentatively nodded, gesturing for the gushing Miqo’te girl to follow her to her chocobo Kwehzimoto.
With a lift and a plop, Coroh was in the saddle with the reins in her hands before Era climbed up to sit behind her. “Goodbyyyeee!” Coroh hollered, waving at them both as the two girls took off toward Ul’dah in a cloud of dust.
Mizuna watched them disappear along the horizon, waiting for them to be long gone before she turned to look up at him. “You can see aether.”
“Eh?” Thalen snorted, crossing his arms. “What’s this now?”
“You knew Ms. Rarku was hiding in those bushes. You knew where she would reappear when she vanished in that puff of smoke, and you dodged all of her swings perfectly.” Mizuna dressed him down with her gaze. “Half of those dodges happened when you weren’t even looking at her.”
“That’s just instinct, Doc.” He waved his hand dismissively, turning to make his way to his fenrir motorcycle. “Been sparrin’ with the hothead for moons now. She’s as predictable as the sunrise.”
Mizuna slowly blinked, before pulling a rubber stress ball from her pocket. She said nothing as she watched him wander away, halfway to his bike, before she lifted her arm and chucked it as hard as she could at him; Thalen ducked as soon as it was released from her hand, letting it soar clean over his head to bounce off into the dust and haze of the desert wastes. “I’ve made no indication I would do that. How can you call that instinct?”
He dusted off his hat before sliding it back onto his head. “Pfeh… I never let my guard down ‘round women, that’s why.”
“You can see aether. The only reason you dodged that ball is because it was in my pocket for bells. My aether had rubbed off on it, and you felt it leave my hand.” Mizuna took long strides to reach his side again. “I’ll need to run more tests to be sure you can help me with my problem…”
“A problem?” Never before had Thalen been so confused, and that’s saying something. “What kinda problem?”
“It’s confidential.” Mizuna tucked her hands back into her pockets and quickly changed the subject. “I also wanted to talk to you about your… addiction. If you have a moment to talk with me?”
“Doc, you ain’t comin’ on to me, are you?” He furrowed his brow and straightened his back. “Cause I got this rule where I nev-”
“I’m not hitting on you.” Her tone was curt and annoyed. “I’m referring to your drinking problem.”
Thalen relaxed a bit, his hand reaching up to rub the back of his neck. “I ain’t got no drinkin’ problem. Can’t a man enjoy a drink or two at his leisure?”
“If it was just ‘a drink or two’ we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” Mizuna eyed him up and down before continuing. “You’re a grown man. I can’t force you to change your ways… I don’t know why you drink exactly, but I know you don’t drink because you like to have fun. You’re killing yourself trying to escape something… or someone. But you can’t run from whatever is haunting you forever, K’thalen. Trust me… I’ve seen what trying to drown your sorrows in alcohol can do to a man.”
Thalen wasn’t in the mood for another addiction lecture. He’s suffered through interventions before, from ‘friends’ who wouldn’t or couldn’t understand. The fact that this scaled wannabe mother of his could even suggest she has any idea of what it’s like to deal with his inner demons made his tail bristle, his face scrunch up into a snarl, and words laced with poison leap from the back of his throat. “Like who… you’re husband?”
Her faint smile vanished and she slowly blinked at him. The stone mask slipped onto her face as she slowly inhaled, but Thalen knew better than to trust a blank expression. “Yes. Like my husband.”
“Ah…” He sputtered, still more angry and irritable than embarrassed. “Sorry, Doc. I… didn’t mean it.”
“My husband tried to drown himself in liquor trying to forget the agony of losing not one, not two, but all three of our children. He became an angry, violent drunk, and although he never hit me… I could tell he wanted to. Alcohol has that effect on grief. But the pain can never stop until you face it head on.” She slowly inhaled as her gaze drifted to Ul’dah in the distance. “You’re one of the greatest shots I’ve ever seen. Maybe the fastest quickdraw in Eorzea. Alcohol is not your buddy. If you won’t cut back for your sake, think about the people around you who are concerned for your wellbeing. Their lives are affected too.”
Thalen gulped dryly, the familiar stinging thirst stabbing him in the back of the throat. Mizuna brushed past him and sat down on the backseat of the motorcycle, with the slightest scowl on her face.
“Take me home.”
Mentions: @hadriel-ffxiv​
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lu-undy · 4 years ago
Chapter 84 - SBT
Here it is!
Mundy's voice was muffled as he was still curled on himself on the sofa, using his lover's lap as a pillow while burying his head against Lucien's stomach.
"We argued." 
"My dad and I… Eleven years I've been thinking they were dead, and the first thing we do is get mad at each other…" Mundy's eyes were closed, he couldn't face Lucien. He was ashamed of himself. 
"What did you argue about?" 
"The same thing we always did." Mundy sighed. "The same bloody thing… Me huntin' and not havin' a proper job and…" 
"But you do. You threw your rifles away and you help the poor now."
"I know…!"
"Do they?" 
Mundy shook his head against Lucien's belly. 
"Ah, I see. I guess you didn't have the chance to tell them…?"
Mundy nodded. 
"Do you… Forgive me?"
Lucien saw his lover frown. 
"Have long have you known for?" 
"A few weeks. I must admit that I did delay because with my taking the teaching position, I was focusing more on that than on telling you about it. My intention never was to lie to you." Lucien paused. "In fact, a bit like you today, I argued with Maurice when he told me."
Mundy turned his head and looked up at Lucien's eyes. 
"Because I hated that he confided it in me. I felt as if I was lying to you for something that was not even my concern! Maurice had trusted me with a burden…!"
"Did you ask him to tell me then?" 
"Why not?"
"Because whatever would happen after you knew the truth would fall on me and not him." Lucien answered. "Such news is life changing, I knew you would collapse at least as you did when I saw you at the lake. And I knew that I would be there for you. When you fainted, did you not wonder how I made it to you when you woke up?" 
Mundy's eyebrows jumped. 
"I never really left you at that door. I drove sufficiently far for you to think I was gone and I hid somewhere where I could still watch you, mon amour." 
"And I saw you hesitate, turn your back, pace the pavement." 
"I nearly didn't go." Mundy said. 
"Cause you scared me, Lu'. You said you thought I'd leave you for this. But nothin' in the world would make me leave." Mundy held him tighter. "You're too important." 
Lucien smiled, albeit with a hint of distress. 
"So are you, Mundy." 
"But yeah, at some point I thought that opening that door was asking for trouble and I could just walk away and not knock. No one would arrest me if I did. Now I realise I probably should have done what I thought and gone back home."
"But look at me now! I find out my parents aren't dead and just go and have an argument with my Dad! It's bloody ridiculous…"
"Mundy, stop seeing the glass half-empty." 
Mundy's eyebrows jumped. 
"Since when are you an optimist?"
"Since I have met you, mon loup." Lucien answered. "Look, you still have a lot to tell your parents. You have to tell them about the ten years you spent alone in the desert for most part, you have to tell them for Duchemin, although I'm pretty confident that Maurice must have told them. This is why you may now see your parents." 
"Since Duchemin is dead, there is nothing to fear. I am even told that the French secret services have destroyed an impressive part of his network. No one will run after you or parents; as for me, the spy is dead and buried."
"So that's what Maurice was waiting for to tell me the truth? He was waiting for Duchemin to die?"
Lucien nodded.
"Bloody hell…" Mundy went on. "It took ten years!"
"To Duchemin's credit, he knew how to hide. One of the few big criminals of the past decade at least, he was. His name will be remembered in the secret services at least."
"Ten bloody years…"
"That is how long it took for him to make a mistake and reveal his position, and that is how long it took for you to get your rifles back, and for me to put on a suit and tie again." Lucien went on, still playing with Mundy's hair between his fingers.
"You make it sound like stars are aligning, eh?" 
"Didn't they?" Lucien asked. "In the grand scheme of things, what were the odds of us meeting, hm? What were the odds of you going to the Queen Victoria of all places? What were the odds of me flying to the other end of the world?" 
"Guess you're right." 
"And what are the odds of your parents being still alive?" Lucien added and Mundy sighed. 
"What should I do?" 
"Mon amour, if I were you and my parents were still alive and walking this Earth, I would go and make the most of it. First, I would be honest with them, completely honest. I wouldn't leave them until I know all of their story and they know all of mine. Only then can you judge anything, even though, one might argue that you can always judge but not always understand." 
Mundy turned to lie on his back, his head still on Lucien's lap. The cats lay on his chest and stomach. 
"What d'you mean?"
"You can always judge. Judging doesn't need anything but a piece of information and your own moral compass. But understanding… To understand your parents and your father in particular, you need to know absolutely everything he did, minus what you knew but he didn't. You also need to be in the same… hm… state of the soul, if that makes sense." 
Mundy raised an eyebrow. 
"By which I mean that you need to feel the same feelings as he did back then, have the same thoughts that crossed his mind."
"It's impossible, isn't it?" Mundy asked. 
"Not completely. Even with fragments of what he knew and felt back then, you can understand him."
"Using this…" Lucien poked Mundy's chest. "And this…" He poked his forehead. "You know your parents, you know how they think, what they like and what they fear, you know their characters. You need to use this…" He poked Mundy's heart. "To understand them."
"Lu'... He blamed me." 
Lucien's eyebrows jumped. 
"He blamed me and said that I should've been home with them… He… He still thinks it's my fault." 
The Frenchman frowned and pulled his lover up. He hugged him dearly and sighed. 
"And what do you think, Mundy?" 
"I don't even know anymore, Lu', I don't know…" 
"Mundy!" Lucien's voice slashed through Mundy's ears. "Of course you do know! You are not responsible for anything! How could you let yourself believe that you bear any shred of guilt in your conscience for what happened to your parents' farm?!" 
"Lu'... I don't know… I just… My dad, he said that-"
"Don't trust him blindly!" Lucien stuck his hands on Mundy's cheeks left and right. "With all the respect that I owe to the man who raised you, please, do not believe something until you have proof enough to let yourself buy it." 
"What should I do then…?" 
"Tomorrow, we shall go and visit Maurice again. You ask him whatever is on your heart."
"Why him?" 
"Because if your parents know anything about you, it is through him and him only. And before facing them again, you need answers from Maurice." 
"Before facin' them again…?"
"Mundy, your parents are alive, there is no way on Earth you are not going to talk to them ever again."
"I… I want to see them and talk to them and…. Y'know… Been missin' them." Mundy buried his head in the crook of Lucien's neck. "I wish we could get along, y'know, I saw my mum with the same look, it-it killed me…!" Mundy clawed in his lover and Lucien heard him sniffle shyly, he was breathing more heavily and not regularly. The poor Mundy was crying. 
"Yeah, sorry… I'm uh, I'm gonna calm down." 
"What?" Mundy raised his eyes to Lucien and saw cold eyes.
"Put on your shoes and follow me." 
Not a minute later, they were both on Lucien's motorcycle and the Frenchman was flying through the streets. It was night time now and the sky was dark. Even the stars didn't shine as much. They too were half afraid of what Lucien had in mind. 
He drove and only stopped in front of one of those old and abandoned houses through which one could access Maurice's hideout. 
"I thought you said we'd come back tomorrow?" Mundy asked as he followed Lucien in. The Frenchman didn't answer and headed straight inside and underground. He didn't have to talk to the bodyguard at the door who prudently stepped out of the way and even took the liberty of opening the door for them.
"Oh, L and M, good evening, I didn't expect to see you…?" 
"Send everyone away." Lucien answered and the few beggars around Maurice stopped what they were doing. They looked at their boss, then at Lucien who didn't have to do more than give a twitch of his eyebrow for the room to vacate. 
"What do you want, to apologise maybe?" Maurice asked disdainfully. 
"Non, you will." Lucien answered when the door was shut behind them.
"To Mundy, and now." Lucien added. 
Mundy's eyes went left and right, following the conversation like a tennis match. But it stopped there and silence fell in the room. Yet, the tension was tangible, and the air was thick and electric. 
It was a staring contest, no words were added as the ice blue eyes with long eyelashes clashed with dark brown irises hidden in bushy eyebrows. 
"I…" Maurice started. "I apologise, Mundy." 
The Aussie's eyebrows jumped. Like that? Lucien just had to tell him and that was it? 
"I presume you are here for answers." Maurice took a seat on his throne at the end of the wooden oval table. "Ask away." 
Lucien and Mundy took a seat and the Aussie frowned, trying to collect his thoughts. 
"How… I mean when… Uh… When…" 
Lucien laced his fingers with Mundy under the table and clenched gently, he stroked the back of his hand with his thumb. 
"Look up, Mundy, and don't be afraid." He softly said. 
There was a moment of hesitation before the right words finally came in the right order. 
"Tell me everythin'." He simply asked. 
"Very well, here goes everything…" Maurice answered. "I rescued your parents, sheltered them and fed them. I hoped they would go back to farming, hopefully somewhere else. The first few weeks were the hardest, especially for your mother. Her health was worrying and the Doc' said that she might have to go to the hospital. Of course, that only made me speed up the process to get them a new identity. Unfortunately, a lot of that is administrative and I have no hand on it. The best I can do is make phone calls to the right people and ask them favours, or sometimes, I ask it as a way to repay a debt." 
Maurice put his forearms on the table and linked his fingers together. 
"She spent her days with your father and the children here, while at night, your father would take her to the Doc'. Panic attack, anxiety, insomnia. You name it, she was suffering from it. It eventually affected your father as well."
"My dad…?" 
"Yes. Seeing how deeply your mother's health had changed, his started to deteriorate too. We did all we could with the Doc' to relieve their fear. They never slept alone, I would always make sure that my men were spread at every corner of every street for a few miles around at least. If danger was coming, we would deal with it before they even knew about it." 
"Did it ever happen?" 
"No," Maurice shook his head. "In the end, it never did. We had successfully tricked Duchemin and his goons into thinking that your parents were dead for good. Shortly after, the fake papers arrived. They kept their first names but their last one changed."
"What are they called now?" 
"Ask them." Maurice answered with the hint of a smile. 
"Maurice-!" Mundy protested but Lucien clenched his hand on him. 
"He will." The Frenchman added. "Go ahead, Maurice." 
"With their names changed, the process was greatly simplified. At least now, I could manage to get their money back, and when that was solved, they could exist again. They could walk out in the streets and buy themselves anything they liked. Yet…."
"Yet what?" Mundy asked, drinking Maurice's words. 
"Yet they were still afraid, which was probably my fault. I told them about Duchemin, about what kind of man he was. Bathing in bills of money from any currency you could think of, money that he got from any and all illegal trade: arms trafficking, diverting money, human trafficking, poaching, anything! As a result, they just feared, which is not unreasonable, but they feared too much, especially when your father saw in which state your mother was." 
"Hm… I see…" 
"Mundy, there were days where you father stayed up all night by her side just to make sure that the beep would blink, and not ever drop into a continuous heart-tearing, high-pitched signal… It was a nightmare. But he still helped the community here and kept the smile up, for the sake of your mother." 
"Why didn't they contact me? Why didn't they tell me that they were alive and well?" 
"Because, and I believe Lucien will not disagree with me, a lie is best believed when there is no alternative truth to it." 
"If you were convinced that your parents were dead, then you would never compromise their hiding. Besides, I promised to them that I would keep an eye on you and make sure that you wouldn't go after Duchemin. That is the reason I sent L after you the day you went to Duchemin on your own and almost ended up a corpse in his sewers."
"Did you tell them that we got him in the end?" 
"No, they don't know that you have anything to do with it. I told them that justice had been served and the man died." 
"So they don't know what I did to…? Ugh…" Mundy put a hand on his face and let it sink down.
"This is not my story to tell." Maurice answered. 
"Have they ever asked about me in all that time?" 
Maurice nodded. 
"Your mother always did, especially when she was ill, in the early days. Since they moved to their new home, I have been sending them some news from time to time."
"You didn't answer properly." Mundy repeated and Lucien looked at him. He felt his fingers trembling in his hand. "Did they ever ask how I was in all that time?" 
Maurice sighed and looked away for an instant. 
"Yes, they did. And each time they did, they would ask if they could send you a message and I would refuse."
"Did my dad want that too?" 
"It was your mother who insisted. But I assume your father agreed to it." 
Lucien wrapped an arm around his lover's back. 
"I would always tell her that as long as Duchemin was alive, it would only lead them and lead you to your deaths. So your mother sacrificed you to save you, in a way. She accepted to not see you if only she could hear that you were alive, from time to time." 
"That's all you told them about me? That I was alive?" 
"Your father objected to my saying more. You might think it is cold-hearted of him, but I think he genuinely feared for your life and theirs. You should ask him what he thought, I am merely guessing here. In the end, whatever his motivation was, the news that I gave them was that you were alive and in good health."
"That's all?" 
Maurice nodded. 
"At the beginning, your mother would drown me in questions, most of which I didn't have the answer to. But with time, either she understood, or she learnt to live with the fact that as long as Duchemin breathed, that was all she could get, 'He is alive and well.'".
"So, if I get it, you told them that Duchemin died and then told Lu' about my parents?" 
"Not exactly." Maurice admitted. "First, I told your parents, yes, but that wasn't straight after Duchemin passed, it was much later. I needed to be absolutely sure that the corpse we found belonged to him. It took quite a bit of time to ascertain, but when the French government was positive it was him that we found there, I let your parents know. Your mother cried happy tears about it. Well, not exactly for Duchemin's death, but rather because it meant that she would now be able to see you again."
"And my dad?" 
Lucien's eyes went from Mundy to Maurice. 
"Your father keeps his emotion to himself almost as well as L here. I don't know what he thought. He shared your mother's joy but I don't know if it was more by empathy to your mother, or because he was genuinely happy about it, if that is what you asked."
Mundy sighed and shook his head slowly. 
"You more or less know the rest." Maurice continued. "I then told Lucien about it, and he took you to them." 
"Right… I see." Mundy looked Maurice in the eye. "Thanks, for telling me and for what you did for my parents." He stood up, closely followed by Lucien and they headed back to the door. "Oh, and Maurice?" 
"Sorry about earlier." 
Maurice smiled. 
"No problem, I understand. Good luck." 
When they resurfaced, out of Maurice's hideout, the night was pitch black and only the lamp posts were their guides. 
"I think-mh?" Mundy started but Lucien put an index on his lips.
"Let us go back home." He answered before they both hopped on their motorcycle. 
When they reached their bed, Mundy laid his head on Lucien's shoulder.
"Why didn't you let me speak when we got out of Maurice's?" 
"Because there are ears and eyes everywhere, especially so close to Maurice. I like to keep my privacy and I think you do too. Maurice has done enough for you and your parents. No need for him to know what your next moves will be." Lucien explained. 
"You don't trust him?" 
"Non, I used to work with him. I trust him for some things, but others are too close to my heart and I try to keep those as far away as I possibly can from spying business." 
"Fair…" Mundy closed his eyes. "Can I tell you now?" 
"Please, do." 
"I don't know what to think, Lu'... Tell me what I need to do…" Mundy's voice was sleepy. 
"Of course you know what to think. Mute your heart for an instant and think with your head." 
"Cause of my dad… He… He never really asked how I was…?" 
"That is what Maurice said, and it does sound quite heartless. But don't listen to your heart, what does your head tell you, be honest with yourself, don't shush that voice." Lucien guided him. 
"Head says I should ask dad first…" 
"Exactement, mon loup. You need to ask your father first. You don't know what happened in his head and heart. I know that you never got along with him but he is still your father, and chances are he meant no harm. You know, perilous situations like the one your parents went through, make you think completely differently."
[Exactly, my wolf.]
"What d'you mean?" 
"Situations of great stress will change a man." 
Mundy opened his eyes and raised his head off of Lucien's chest. The Frenchman looked away.
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xsecretblastsx · 5 years ago
1x08 - Seventeen Candles
It took me longer than intended (again) but here’s the recap for this episode, which is another of my all time faves. 
Once again posting under a break because this got way too long. 
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Thoughts I had while watching the episode:
The start of this episode is hilarious. There’s being melodramatic, and then there’s Blair Waldorf, guess that’s what happens when one surrenders their virtue to a self absorbed ass. 
Seriously the way she describes the whole thing to the priest is so funny. Also 20 minutes? wow girl. Thank god he’s a total pig who will act as if it never happened... yeah
Vanessa? Serena. To be honest I wouldn’t put it past him
One wants to be open minded and be kinder and objective with characters I hated the first time around, but God Vanessa is so annoying
Blair coming out of the church, exchanging her little facinator for those glasses, “one week of danger” playing in the background is just one of those scenes that really got stuck in my mind, girl’s killing it
“Would you consider avoiding me over breakfast?” this is so one of my fave scenes of them, it sets the mood so much. 
Nate’s parents are so patronizing 
Remember when mp3 players were a thing?... somethings never change though, like parents having to deal with teens isolating themselves via earphones.
I still don’t like the Vanderbilt Ring, also llike “im not asking you to get engaged son, but please give your girlfriend this engament ring” and the way Anne say’s it, Nate’s mom is such a pro at emotional blackmail.
Blair jumping around in her room, thanking God because her boyfriend bought the diamond necklace, aww. Also this is so relatable, the jumping around obviously, not the diamonds.
I sort of have a soft spot for Chuck standing akwardly behind the door not knowing how to deal with his best friend..,this is such a disaster waiting to happen and I’m loving it
Smooth Chuc, hiding the little gift back before Nate notices it (gotta confess I didn’t notice he did this the first time around, oh the pleasures of a rewatch)
Typical, your best friend that never pays attention for once is catching up on the little facts, like you shouldn’t know he broke up with his girlfriend
Though... If the town car was waiting for Nate to take him to Victrola, and it’s Blair the one that ends up using, shouldn’t have Nate realized that Blair and Chuck saw each other last ninght
The good old days when Chuck cared only about three things “Money, the pleasures money gave him, and Nate”, and even then when he’s saying it, is already kind of a lie.
He may have his own agenda, but yeah regardless Nate did needed to put a stop with his parents 
She’s been in like three episodes and she already has invated herself to like two UES parties already, wow Vanessa.
“you wish, no you wish” and then the butterflies!!!!! This is a scene that admitedly I’ve seen more than once already and I love it every time. Chuck’s a delight here.
The real first of one of those shared moments of Jenny and Nate... the fist tase I would said.
“Blair about Vanessa being like This is such a problem” you don’t know the half of it.
That little wage was so pointless, as if Chuck would have left Blair alone.
Watching them play guitar hero is making me so nostalgic.
“You didn’t tell her?” she may say it wiht a smile and innocent eyes, but no Vanessa, I don’t buy it, and it was bitchy.
You get grosser by the minute, and you get older” :’) also, that’s a really pretty cake.
Happy Birthday B! What a bitch
Nate finally growing some spine and putting a stop to his parents manipulations.
Seriously how pretty is that necklace. Also I’ve never really thought it but Blair probably wore that dress (which I love) and her hair up because her previous call to the jeweler.
Serena’s face in the end is prceless is just like “oh god no, what a mess”
I missed Lily
Honestly 1x07&1x08 are some of my favorite episodes in the whole series. And this rewatch hasn’t changed that. While 1x07 is in some ways the turning point of the show, this is the first episode that Chuck and Blair are one of the main plots, and since the start it doesn’t dissapoints.
One of the things I love about this episode is how teenage-ry it feels. The focus of the episode is typical teenage drama: break ups, hook ups, a bit of jelousy between the girlfriend and the best friend. Made me a tad nostalgic, and much more interested in the storylines involving the young cast. In part because I honestly don’t care about the Humphrey family drama, and by this point is obvious how shitty Nate’s parents are. Also there was no rufly which I’ve enjoyed a lot the past few episodes.
So, this episode is the one where the little animosity between Serena and Vanessa comes to an end, and it just shows that in the end Serena is very understanding and also really friendly, I do like that it never actually evolves into a catfight, seriously is a shame to see girls fight for a guy, worse if the guy is Dan Humphrey. There was also Nate and Jenny, which I enjoyed because this was the first real tease of what could be between them... it’s also the moment where Nate finally decides that the best for him and Blait is to break up, so far my main issue with Nate is that he lacked the nerve to really do what he needed to do, from breaking up with Blair to standing up to his parents, he does both this episode. Finally
Obviously Chuck and Blair were my favorite part or the episode. Lowkey is a very telling episode about how they see each other, and their eventual dynamic.
One side there’s Blair. Beyond how hilarious it is to see her confessing at church after sleeping with Chuck Bass, one line in her tirade is quite interesting: “he’s a pig who will act like it never happened”. If one thinks about what we been showed of Chuck so far this is in many ways a very logical conclussion. To Blair’s surprise he does no such thing: he seeks her out for breakfest and it’s clearly no interested in pretending it never happened, he’s actually embracing it, Blair wants to go back to how things were before; the only life she knows
Sure last night she realized that her relationship with Nate had reached it’s end, and that there was much relief in that because in many ways her failing relationship with Nate was a constant reminder of all her insecurities, and that relief led her to just be and do whatever, and what she did well that wasn’t on the plan at all. “No one of my friends would understand” and I guess in a way she doesn’t understand her impulses either, and Blair doesn’t deal well with change, and so she goes into denial mode, and that means gaining her boyfriend back.
And so the episode goes and we see her on and on trying to grasp to her Nate once more, and Chuck is constantly there telling her basically two things: 1) let’s do it again because what happened yesterday won’t leave my mind, and that’s weird and 2) accept reality, in this case you and Nate are done. She stubornly holds to her ideas until everything crashes around her, and once it does Chuck’s still there, and she finally sees him, listens and gives in. And just like the song last episode in retrospective is almost a preview of how their relationship is going to play out, their behavior this episode is also a preview of what ends up being a predominant dynamic their whole relationship, the details and circunstances are going to vary, but Blair’s going to hold with eveything she has to what she believes her life should be, the script she wants that it’s probably best without Chuck and him trying to prove her wrong and that best option is them.
Whereas Blair’s actions are consisten to what we know of her so far, Chuck’s actions doesn’t. So far he’s been a giant asshole to all the female population, a self absorbed womanizer who once he got wanted is like “thank u, next”. Sure he and Blair are close friends but still, to him sex is just sex and she knows how he is, that’s why he asked her if she was sure. That’s what we know and what we could have expected of him. Instead he seeks her out, and when he rejects him, he still doesn’t hesitate her and he goes out a buy hers the gift she’s expecting from her boyfriend. Who happens to be his best friend
From the episode where Nate gets tricked by Carter we learned how loyal Chuck is to Nate and that their friendship is really important to him. And yet he doesn’t hesite to try to stir him far far away from Blair, sure the advices he gives him is good for Nate but he says more in the vain of keeping Blair single rather than in Nate’s best interest. Chuck schemes,we know but up until now it was hard to picture him scheming against him.
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The more interesting bit for me is however the first scene between him and Blair at the balcony; not only because it points to the fact that these characters are equals “you forget who you’re talking to, so do you” but mainly because of the answer he gives when Blair ask him if he likes her, he doesn’t denies it he even admits to having butterfies and sure he claims he is ashamed and suprised by it even bactracks a little but it’s a very quick admission anyway, and it makes me wonder the why of it. Why is he so eager to explore this? It’s not his style and if he wanted only sex he knows he could achieved that easily some where else
It’s obvious they had chemistry between them, and that in itself may be a good reason, but to me it’s probably because on some subconcious level he liked her even before this. It’s not that I picture him pining for her in the background for her waiting sadly for the day she dumped Nate, more like he was lowkey always fascinated by her, on the earlier episodes there is more than one shot of him in the background watching her closesly, with a knowing smirk and amused by whatever she did.
So there’s this girl he finds interesting, extremely atractive, and also a close friend that he gets along really well to the point of being the one he takes to see his first business venture, and know she’s unattached and he also enjoyed quite a lot having sex with her, and for the first time he really stops to think about it and it’s quite obvious there was something there, fluttering, he’s just noticing it now because he can.
That scene where he gaves her the necklace he has being somewhat in smarmy mode before but when he see she’s hurt he tries to make her happy and as honest as he can be, last episode when it was just a dare between friends he tells her she’s ten times hotter than the dances, this episode he says “something this beautiful deserves to be seen on someone worthy of it’s beauty” the diference in sentiment is amazing because now there’s feeling behind it, and it’s such an honest and tender moment, this is the moment when the posibilty of Chuck and Blair finally takes root in both their minds (also that shoulder kiss is one of my favorite details ever through the show)
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For the longest time I didn’t believe he felt something for her pre limo, but the more I think about it especially the way things happen later, for him to be that into her since the first moment and how it hit him when things went wrong it had to be because it was something he had felt in some way for a time, he’s not surprised because he felt something for the first time, I think he’s surprised by how much and because he quite can’t believe it’s a possibilty, this something he never dared to really think about.
Random bits:
Silas was the creepy monk in the Da Vinci Code right?
They actually used the demo version of “one week of danger” in this episode, I’ve heard the actual finished one, but I’m ruined and prefer the demo one.
Search TM, because we can’t use google’s name
Falling like Britney at the VMA’s, it’s hard to think that was so long ago.
I love Serena’s dress, chic and comfy. 
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darklingichor · 5 years ago
Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
Buckle in kids, this one has my analytical muscles flexing!
I always said that I absorbed some of this epic through osmosis. GWTW is my mom's favorite book and one of her favorite movies. I remember wandering in and out of the living room at least once a year while she watched it. I would listen with half an ear as I played in the other room. A movie so long as to have an intermission just couldn't keep my attention as a kid. Of course I knew the story, just like I knew the story of a lot of fairy tales that I'd never actually had read to me. I didn't actually sit down and watch the movie in it's entirety until I was in my 20's. I liked it. It was well made, the acting was great and the story for all it's wince worthy moments and the surface polishing of such an ugly period in american history, was compelling.
I've never been able to get through the actual book. The reasons are going to sound a little silly. When I was younger, I thought : Why read it? I know the story. Tara is a plantation pre civil war, Scarlett lives at Tara, she's spoiled, she marries out of spite, gets widowed, Atlanta burns, she and her family become poor after the war, "As God is my witness, I shall never be hungry again" she works hard, almost loses Tara, she marries for money, saves Tara, works hard, is widowed again, marries again, rocky relationship, a child passes, "Frankly my dear, I don't give damn", end credits. In between she pines over a guy she can't have, and manages to be all around an unpleasant person in general. Done and done.  I was probably too young to read it then anyway.
When I got older and realized that a book could be complex with horrible things in it. I thought I should read it. But, every copy of the book I seemed to find had tiny tiny print and no paragraph breaks (the later being a a typical writing characteristic in the past). Even with my glasses I have a hard time reading a book in that format. I skip lines, reread lines, I always end up,with a,pounding headache. No matter how good the story it's hard to get into when you can't physically read it. I had the same problem with Little Women. I eventually got through it but it was difficult.
Well, now there's audible. For once, I didn't have a book I was chomping at the bit to listen to and I thought: Why not? I listened to other books I couldn't get into for whatever reason. So, one credit and 48 hours (spread out over the last three weeks) later. I made it through.
Let me say, this novel is rich in language, as in it is well written and has much to analyze. But every time the n-word was said I flinched. Every time a black person was infatlized, or threatened, I felt angry, I was pissed off by the caricatures and happy slave narritive. Everything I have read about the author points to her evolving her views on black people after her novel, which is good. However, it doesn't make the characterization of black people any easier to read. There are racist things in the book, writing about a bunch of well to do people in the antebellum south, I'm not sure how an author could avoid it without Clorox-ing history, which honestly, she did enough of with her mythical view of the way enslaved people were treated and felt. It was a narrative I often heard in school, in the PNW, in the 90's.
The story went that depending on where someone fit into the hierarchy of slaves, some were well treated and loved. Because of this, when emancipation came, some slaves were afraid to be, or didn't want to be free. This of course served the purpose of making an awful period in US history seem softer than it was. "Sure it was bad, but it wasn't that bad."
As I studied more, this viewpoint was replaced with a "Nope, this was just bad, as in monumentally criminally bad."
I think Mitchell, when she wrote the book, thought she was being accurate, but considering she learned her history from veterens of The Confederacy, it is not surprising that she was wrong.
Because of the one dimensional way that black people were written, it's hard for me to really dig into the symbolism of their characters. I'm only marganially good at this, as you will soon see.
I will say this: I liked the book for many of the same reasons my mom gave me for loving it. For it's descriptions and it's style, for it's symbolism. I like it for it's depiction of a culture in flux, of the impact of war for those on the home front, of the all too human condition that one never sees one's self as the bad guy. I do not like it for the characters. Rhett is an asshole, Ashley has a lot in common with a wet towel, only less interesting. Melanie is okay but can at times, give one a toothache. Scarlett is a brat. The glorifying of a time when people owned other people is disturbing, full stop.
It was those parts that made me profoundly uncomfortable and I had to remind myself over and over that this was a novel about civil war Georgia and the rich people that inhabited it before, during, and directly after. This was how those people would think, talk and behave. It was wrong then, it's wrong now.
Now, I'm going to look at the symbolism in this book because I found it facinating.
Gone with the wind is far more complex than I thought when I was a kid or after I watched the movie. The collective consciousness holds Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara's romance to be the heart of the story... But it's not. Scarlett herself is the heart of the story. Honestly, Rhett driffs in and out when Scarlett needs either a dose of levity, a hard dose of truth, or a leg up on a hard fight. He doesn't rescue her, he helps her get the tools, and shows her the path to rescue herself.
Scarlett is an odd character. She has so many good points and bad points that she is nearly neutral. She's self-centered, but will fiercely care for and look after those she considers family, or as she calls them "my own". She will, on the surface ( for as the book says, it was all surface with her) resent every step taken, dollar spent, or moment given but she will keep doing it. She's opportunistic and ruthless with it, but she doesn't do it for the hell of it, she does it when backed into a corner. She's inpatient with her children, but her actions show that she loves them. She wants to do right by the social customs she was raised with and that the South cling to even after the war, but she's far too practical to pay them any more than lip service unless they fit her purposes.
Katie Scarlett O'Hara *is* rural Georgia. The colors that are always used to describe the land and Tara are red, green, black and white. In Scarlett we have described, red lips, green eyes ("without a hint of hazel"), white skin and black hair. She often wears these colors as well. Scarlett grows and changes along with Georgia and in fact, the reader is treated to the change of Georgia in a way that makes it more important than the changes of the characters. There are long stretches of discription of Georgia, especially Clayton County where Tara is. Long passages of the feelings of Georgia's people, before, during and after the war. Scarlett's life story from age 16 to age 28 are placed in between, and I have to think that the composition of the book was deliberate (I've never read any literary analysis GWTW, this is just me rambling). 
Scarlett is told by her father, early in the book, that an Irishman's land is like his mother. Gerald O'Hara, an Irish immigrant, goes on to tell her that this kinship to the land is the same for anyone with a drop of Irish blood. In Scarlett, this goes further, for not only is the land her mother, she is,truly it's daughter.
Since she only swims in the shallow depths of her mind, she is unaware of her deeper waters. She does have them, she just pays no attention to what lives there. Weirdly, what lives there is what truly moves her. Early in the book the reader is told that although she didn't know it, she loved Tara, she was at peace there.
Nature is neutral,nature doesn't care about wars, politics or customs. At her core Scarlett doesn't care about these things either. Throughout the book the reader is told, that Scarlett doesn't care about anything that didn't directly affect her. This is true, and she is called out  fairly often by other characters for being self-centered. However, her selfishness has a different feel than say, Bella Swan, Veruca Salt, or various other literary brats.
Scarlett feels less like one only,out to further her own interests and more like one who is trying to maintain her niche in her environment. For a living thing to thrive, their environment must support them. When an environment changes, the living thing either adapts or dies. Scarlett adapted.
Unable to convince Ashley Wilkes to break his engagement to Melanie Hamilton, being more obvious about her feelings for him than she thought, facing shame and questions to her reputation that would devastate her social standing and also possibly damage her family, she took swift action. She married Charles Hamilton, Melanie's brother. Why? It would shut up those who thought her in love with Ashley, thus saving her reputation. Plus, she figured it would hurt those she saw,as a threat to her. Like a river wearing a path around a tree, she avoided the obstical and continued on.
So if Scarlett is Georgia what about our other big characters?
Rhett is change, and time, like Scarlett he's nearly morally neutral.
Ashley is the past, he's the southern gentleman that the culture out grew.
Melanie a sheltering force. She reads as sweet and proper, but is always supporting Scarlett, even when her choices do not line up with the social system.
So, let's look at each of these characters in relation to our green-eyed force of nature.
I’m going to start with Ashley. Scarlett is fixated on him from the beginning. One can make many arguments as to why. He’s the only man not falling all over himself to get her attention, he very much represents the white knight to her, having “fallen in love” with him when he rode up to Tara after being away from Twelve Oaks, the reason as old as time, because she can’t have him, and her father says he’s not a good match for her. All of these are true, but to look at it from the symbolism angle:
Scarlett is Georgia,. The land and the plantation culture, she’s comfortable in her world at the start of the book. She doesn’t care at all about the war. It’s something that’s happening around her, something she is dreadfully bored by. Ashley represents that comfort, being with him means keeping things the same, staying the girl who only has to worry herself with parties, and being a plantation wife. Life would be slow and easy.
Time goes on, when everything goes wrong and Tara falls into poverty, Scarlett adapts. This girl who only a few years before married a man to save face, had never expected to work, now has to bust her tail trying to keep everyone fed. She wants Ashley, still, because she desperately wants to go back to that past, to where things were simple, to where hunger was not an issue.
The problem is that, Scarlett views Ashley through a haze of sentimentality, and Ashley is, himself, the embodiment of rose tinted nostalgia. He is not like Scarlett, longing for that time, but functioning in reality. He cannot exist outside of it; he’s not wishing for a time when all he had to do was talk books and philosophy with Melanie, he is of that time and he can do nothing when its gone.
Ashley Wilkes is an embroidered cloth of the antebellum south. He's the neat picture that faces outward, the pleasent part that the one weilding the needle wanted people to see. What is hidden is the web of threads criss-crossing each other, the nests of string, the knots and the things those messy parts tell of. The pricked fingers, the broken threads, the bent needles, stitches that were undone, tangles. The work and the pain that went into making that pretty picture look effortless. In short, he's what Scarlett and others at the start of the book thought of their culture and society. The work of the slaves was just simply there, what mattered was the result. Scarlett, like the society at large, had to let that go, face what it was. Not a shining example to return to, but an impractical relic of the past.
Rhett on the other hand sort of drifts in and out of the awareness of the main characters, He is always sort of there. He sees the writing on the wall, knows that many of the social conventions are on their way out and nudges Scarlett in the direction she wants to go in anyway.
After Charles dies, and Scarlett is in mourning, tradition dictating that she wear black, Rhett buys her a green hat and tells her he will take it away if she has it dyed.
When Tara is about to be lost, and Rhett refuses to give her money, Scarlett, without shame and with ruthless practicality, steals and marries her sister Suellen's suitor.
Why? Because she knew that Suellen would not have used any of the money she might have come into to save Tara.
Scarlett then takes over her new husband's business. She has a talent for it, and does well. Rhett encourages this unconventional behavior by lending her money to buy a sawmill which she runs.
This loan is interesting because it has a condition. He loans her the money as long as it isn't used to help Ashley.
This could be seen as an opportunity that would only really work if not given over to the conventions of the past. This plays out some what when it turns out that Ashley really sucks at doing... Well anything useful, really.
When Rhett and Scarlett eventually marry, he is proud to have a smart wife.
Rhett, as change, sees that Scarlett can and should break free from the social expectations that hem her in, when she does, she tends to do well. They are prosperous. What gets her in trouble is her constent looking back, pineing for Ashley, for the past that never was what it seemed, and the lost future that never would have been what she thought. Case in point, Scarlett and Rhett have Bonnie, who Rhett adores, Scarlett seems contented in her marriage. Then what happens? Ashley tells Scarlett that he is jealous of Rhett. And Scarlett promptly demands that she and Rhett sleep in separate rooms.
Later, we continue to go all soap opera when Scarlett and Ashley share an embrace and Ashley's sister, India, spreads a rumour of an affair. Melanie kicks her out of her house, but Rhett has heard. Enticements of the past impeding the progress to the future.
Rhett is near his breaking point with Scarlett and her focus on Ashley. He forces himself on her. Change trying to force itself on the culture through a vile and violent act. That is not a way to move forward, however.
Scarlett becomes pregnant, argues with a fed up Rhett, and falls down the stairs, losing the baby. Scarlett doesn't want anything to do with Rhett after this happens, understandably.  A lot of change made in violence is resented and rejected. This leaves Rhett at a loss.
When Bonnie dies (it could be argued that she represents a new south, one that is not held back by convention, but is ultimately killed by the strong hold that those conventions had on the culture) Rhett is broken. And just when Scarlett is willing to embrace change, Rhett decides to leave, to find his own version of south that Ashley had been clinging to. This could be interpreted a couple of different ways. It could be seen as, that change  is brought about by time and acceptence, and that the lack of the latter means that the former will not be effective and pass you by. Or, and this is the interpretation that I prefer, the fact that time, in regards to culture, repeats. Every generation has experienced this. You spend your youth laughing at the way things were done “back in the day” maybe even proclaiming that when you’re older, you won’t talk about “Kids these days…” but then one day you find that everything that was familiar to you has become outdated and you don’t understand, and therefore don’t like what is happening now and you find yourself wishing for the time when you were so sure and you understood everything. Ashley represents a past after a major upheavel, Rhett, is simply the march of time that every now and again will turn around and walk backwards to see where he’s been. Now, one could argue that Rhett is going to end up like Ashley, afterall, he’s looking for his past again. But I feel that Rhett is retreating into the past because of the trauma he experience in losing Bonnie and giving up on Scarlett. It’s a respite, rather than a permanate state of mind, like it is with Ashley. Ashley’s mind was always in the more idealized place, no matter the circumstsnce. It was the war that rattled his viewpoint of the world. Rhett is grounded in reality, he just wants to go home. Ashley is a rerun of an old tv show, Rhett is a nostaligia inspired reboot.
And Melanie. Ahh, Melly, silk wrapped iron, she is.
If this book has one "good guy" it's Melanie. If Ashley is pulling Scarlett (Georgia) back and Rhett is marching her forward, Melanie is a sheltering force, and  Scarlett's counter point. Melanie has a streanth of her own and it is a perfect compainon to Scarlett's straightforward determination. While listening to this book, the phrase "speak softly and carry a big stick" kept coming to mind when it came to Melly. There are times that a soft spoken assurance, a politely worded insistence can be more powerful than anything else and Melanie shows that. The two prop each other up. When Scarlett kills the Yankee that invaded Tara, she helped bury the body. When Scarlett is demanding and short-tempered in regards to work being done around Tara during the lean times, Melly backs her up, but sweetens the tone. It takes a quiet fortitude to keep the peace in a way that still allows for getting things done and  Melanie enables Scarlett to do just that. She knows the ins and outs of society rules and can weave her way through them with more ease than Scarlett. As such, she recognizes when Scarlett has to bend or break those rules to ensure the family's survival and knows just the right way to phrase it to give her sister in law enough wiggle room to keep her on society's good graces.
She Dances with Rhett for the cause even while in mourning? Melly insists she's doing it out of memory of Charlie. She does more than sit and home and be a widow? Melly points out that Scarlett is young and should be allowed some leeway.
Ashley's sister spreads a roumor about Scarlett and Ashley while the former is married to Rhett? Melly banishes her from the house.
When Melanie dies, Scarlett realizes how much she has meant to her and I would argue that it is her sisterhood and partnership with Melanie that is central to the story, rather than Scarlett's relationship with Rhett.
Each of these main characters are either rejected or leave just as Scarlett's deeper motives and thoughts float to the surface where she pays attention to them.
Melly dies when Scarlett is finally ready to stand on her own, because the social rules are being phased out, she doesn't need Melanie's gentle protection any more. With the phasing out of those rules, Ashley  is outdated and unappealing and finally, Rhett and time move on, now that they have had their effect. And what is left standing is a changed Scarlett O'Hara in a changed world.
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peggydoodles · 5 years ago
The First Adventure ~ DT Drabble
Scrooge takes Donald and Della on their first adventure. Whatever hijinks will ensue?
Words: 1415
My half for my art trade with @domiinon​ / @domiinyq​, hope y’all enjoy it!
“Alright, jus’ how close are we?” Scrooge sat up as best he could in the small tunnel, pulling an old and torn piece of parchment out of his pocket and held it out in front of him.
Beside him, two little heads peered over his arms. Donald held onto the flashlight, illuminating the map before them and Della clung excitedly to her uncle’s arms.
“We’re here.” Donald, always the navigator, stated as he placed one finger along the illustration of a tunnel system. “Which means if we follow this tunnel system, we’ll make it to the burial chambers.” 
There was a small pause as Scrooge looked over at his young nephew, then coughed, he turned to Della with a familiar look of ‘what does that mean?’
“He says we’re close to the treasure.” Della translated. 
“Good work, kids! We’re close. We may be facin’ extreme danger; booby traps, creatures of th’ unknown, eldritch horror that we cannot even begin to comprehend!” Scrooge declared to his kids, fist shaking in the air. “Ah need tae’ know right nao if ye two think ye can handle it.”
“We can!” Donald declared clearly.
“Yeah! We eat danger for breakfast!” His sister replied.
“Then let’s go.” Scrooge took the flashlight from Donald’s hands, shining it through the tunnel as the trio crawled their way through. It was dark, the only source of light was the torch in Scrooge’s hands, as well as a few little holes in the tunnel’s ceiling. 
“Keep yer eyes open.” Scrooge warned as they rounded a tight corner. “Who know what traps these ancient bein’s may have left for-”
“Oh, no! Lasers!” Della gasped, pointing a finger further into the tunnel. Before them lied a room illuminated by red light with strings of red crossing from wall to wall in all kinds of different directions. 
“Careful, Della. Ye remember th’ pattern th’ map tells us, right?” Scrooge said placing a hand on her shoulder.
“Do you even need to ask? I’ll go first just to show you.” Della, being only half the height of her uncle, was able to fully stand up in the small tunnel. The little girl bounced from foot to foot for a moment before rushing into the corridor of bright lasers. With a few quick steps, a jump and rolling tumble, Della was through in no time.
“Uh, Uncle Scrooge?” Donald piped up, nervously tugging on his uncle’s sleeve. When Scrooge turned, it was obvious that the boy was a bit less confident than his sister in the situation. 
“Donnae’ worry, Donald.” His guardian smiled, placing an encouraging hand on his shoulder. “Ah know ye can get through it. If ye’re nervous, take it slow. After all, slow an’ steady wins th’ treasure.”
“That’s not the saying.”
“It is in yer uncle’s book. Nao’ hop to it.” With a firm pat on the back, Donald scrambled forward.
It took him more time than his sister, with him carefully avoiding each bright red line, making sure not even one touched his tailfeathers. With careful precision, Donald finally reached the end and stood next to his sister, impatiently tapping her webbed foot.
“Okay, Uncle Scrooge!” “Your turn!” They called back to him. Scrooge smiled proudly, tucking away the map and the flashlight into his adventure pack and standing slightly up in the tunnel. It was a tight fit, especially with his top hat, but Scrooge wouldn’t go anywhere without that, nor would he leave it behind just because it brushed the ceiling.
Quickly, and maybe less than carefully, Scrooge ducked around and crept under the lasers of the tunnel. However, as he neared the end, he failed to lift his foot higher than needed and caught it on one of the “laser beams”. Scrooge’s gasp caught in his throat as he stumbled forward and fell right on his chin.
“Ow.” The old man grumbled, picking himself off the floor and turning to untangle the homemade string from his ankle.
“OH NO!” Della gasped, rushing over to his foot. “Uncle Scrooge has been lasered! Donald, look how bad his foot has been burned!” She grabbed his foot, holding it up for her brother to see.
“Oh, gee, Della. You’re right. Uncle Scrooge, you’ll have to limp through the rest of the temple!” Donald gasped dramatically.
“What? No Ah won’t, that’s ridiculous!” Scrooge protested, crossing his arms over his chest.
“No, it’s realistic. You got hit with a laser, Unc. You don’t just get to walk it off.” But Della scrunched up her beak, cementing that she wouldn’t let this go if her uncle didn’t do as the twins said.
“Uuugh. Fine. Oh, no. Ah’ve been lasered.” Scrooge flopped down on his back for a moment, letting the fumes of rising anger slowly put themselves out. He took a deep breath before sitting back up and gesturing for the kids to lead the rest of the way down the handmade, cardboard tunnel.
It was only a little ways forward before they entered a much bigger and circular room and Della declared. “The treasure! We found it!” 
“Careful, Della! Don’t just grab it-!” Donald tried to warn, but the little girl already had run up to the cardboard box in the middle of the room and yanked the treasure (which happened to be Uncle Scrooge’s pocket watch) off it’s podium. The chain of the watch pulled hard on a small black thread; rattling dozens of cans strung over their heads. 
“Great work, Dumbella! The cave’s collapsing! Don’t you think anything through?” Donald yelled over the noise. 
“How was I supposed to know it was rigged!?”
“It’s a treasure, Della! Not only that, it’s a treasure Uncle Scrooge set up. Of course, it’s rigged!” 
“No time for that, kids! We’ve got tae’ get out of here!” Scrooge rushed forward, scooping up Donald under one arm and taking Della in the other. The adventurer ran towards what appeared to be an exit on the other side of the chamber wall. He jumped through it, but the floor gave a sudden dip and the three of them were caught in a makeshift cardboard slide. 
Scrooge laughed with excitement, Donald screamed and covered his eyes, and Della yelped in surprise as the trio slid down as a rather fast speed. They quickly turned a sharp corner sending the three of them barreling through the air and into a soft landing of pillows littered about the foyer. 
Scrooge held his children in his arms, laughing a genuine kind of laugh that burst from his chest. Della and Donald soon joined in, flopping onto his chest in an awkward kind of hug.
“Sir?” A monotone voice caused the adventure trio to look up. An eyes half-lidded, slightly amused smile dog leaned down to meet his boss’s eyes, looking a bit silly as seen from upside down. 
“Oh, Duckworth!” Scrooge smiled nervously. “Ye’re back early. Th’ shops weren’t too crowded then?”
“Indeed.” Duckworth stood back up, looking at the state of the grand staircase and only imagining what it looked like upstairs. “I hope you don’t expect me to clean all this up.”
“But Duckworth!” Della protested. “Uncle Scrooge got hit with a laser! And then he ran to help us escape! He needs to rest!” 
“Yeah, yeah! We’ll help you clean it up!” Donald added as they helped their uncle to his feet. 
The butler sighed, shaking his head. “Very well, children. Sir, the least you can do is go put these away.” Before waiting for an answer, Duckworth dropped paper bags full of groceries into Scrooge’s arms, which seemed much heavier than the servant made them look. 
“Mmh. Alright, kids. Ah’ll put these away an’ come back tae’ help clean anythin’ ye haven’t.” Scrooge lifted a free hand and gently ruffled the feathers on their heads. Donald and Della exchanged a quick look and gave their uncle a big hug, squeezing him tight for extra measure. 
They went to go their separate ways, but Della stopped in her tracks. “Oh! Uncle Scrooge! Do you want your watch?” 
“Nae’ tae’ worry, Della.” Scrooge smiled with a hint of mischief. “Ah’ve already got it back.” With a wink, the old man lifted the watch by the chain and laughed.
Della patted down her pants, realizing that, indeed, the watch wasn’t on her person anymore. She exchanged another look with her brother. It looks like there was still a lot for them to learn before they could go out on a real adventure.
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princehec-tor-kur · 5 years ago
Vampire x Vampire Hunter
Entrapta hoped the door bell wouldn't have been drowned out by the loud roaring of thunder in the completely blackened skies. She tried the door knocker the next time. Maybe it faired better that the bell or maybe the bell was heard, but the response to the door was delayed. In any case the short woman heard the components of the rusty lock turn and twist with clicks and clanks. The huge wooden door, with the stature of a tree, slowly swang open.
In the door way was a woman, tall, thin. Her skin grey and tarnished by the elements. Her hair black and untaimed, Entrapta could relate. The woman's lower face was covered by a cloth, her eyes white like marble. She quirked her brow at the abnormally small woman and asked, "Well?"
The shorter lady responded with a bounch in her step, "Oh! Hey, I'm Entrapta. Entrapta Vesselak," the other woman stares with a blank expression on her face waiting for anything significant, "I-eh, I'm the world famous vampire hunter: En-trap-ta... rings a bell?"
That got the servent woman to change her expression, it worpped to an expression of surprise and confusion. Her eyes narrowed and her head leaned forward. "What?"
Entrapta wasn't sure if the woman didn't understand so she continued, "I was invited here. For a dinner feast to discuss funding for further projects." Entrapta began gesturing with her hands hopeing it would set some alarms off in the womans head. She hoped she didn't take a wrong turn and entered up at the wrong haunted looking castle.
"Invited by wh-"
"Shadow Weaver."
The woman, Shadow Weaver, was cut off by a deeper, smoother voice. It imerged from the shadows, accompanied with the sound of heels clacking against the floor. Weaver's head snapped back, her posture folding up in fear.
"Why is the quest in the cold?" A figure stood half cloacked in shadows, maybe Entrapta was going crazy, but she could swear his eyes were glowing. Weaver stumbled and mummbled, the tall man dismissed her with a single gesture.
Entrapta happily hopped in, "You must be, Lord Hordak. Neat castle."
"And you must be the infamious Dr. Entrapta Vesselak... you're smaller than I expected." A smirk playing across his face. Entrapta didn't know what it was, but she liked it.
The two walked and talked for what felt like hours, Hordak showing the hunter around the castle, which he dubbed The Fright Zone. How it ran. And all the occupents taking residence in it. Entrapta found out that the Lord didn't live in the castle alone. With their was his adopted daughter Catra and her wife Baroness Scorpia. His servent Shadow Weaver who was the care taker of the children. And his son, Imperium. Strangely enough, Hordak always talked about Imp, as he nicknamed him, as if he was with them at all times, but Entrapta didn't see a living soul except a lone bat fluttering over the chandellier. Following them.
They finally made their way into the dinning hall, which was a blessing, because Entrapta was starving. The table was massive in length, the two opposite seats seemed like they were carved out of gold. Much to his surprise Entrapta chose the regular seat next to his.
That shocked him more was to learn that the young woman was a scientist, focusing on study, observation and research, but she didn't mind getting her gloves dirty if need be. The dinner was grand and feast rich with variety of flavour like no other. But Entrapta barely touched her plate, her mouth was too occupied with riddling the lord with questions. She was intrigued. Nothing stopped Entrapta when she was intrigued.
Hordak himself had to admite he was inthralled with the woman. A first glance she seemed nothing more than childish, but the more she opened up the more she revealed herself as an intellectual and quite the amoral type. She had a dark sense of humour, he noted. She passively joked about how she ran out of subjects from her home town of Dryl so she resorted to running after squirels.
She, in fact, was quite the joker, dry humour that clearly was made to make herself laugh. Very much what a person would consider dad humour.
Hordak was guilty himself of chuckling at some of the aweful punchlines. Against his better judgement he smiled, revealing his sharp canines. His nose scrunched up and a snort came out of his giggle.
That seemed to have caught the woman's attention, because a brief moment of silence ingulfed them. Hordak swore her eyes darted to his lips at least twice before she restablished direct eye contact with him. This time the look was different. Not just intrigue now, something else, something that made Hordak gag on clean air.
The dinner was cut short the moment Entrapta manifested a mischiefious grin, this time Hordak saw her teeth. He ubruptly stood up in a hurry, wished her good rest and waltzed upstairs to, presumably, his bedroom.
She was quite confused by the action, but followed suite and found her way towards her own guest room. She set her things up in her room in record time. All her traps and hunting apparatus was laided out around the floor in rows in alphabetical order.
Entrapta stared up at the ceiling from her queen sized bed and it's strong wooden arcs. She smiled and sounded a victorious 'yes' to herself. She was bad at using or understanding social ques, but from what she could gather, the dinner went well. She had the funding garanteed. A squeal of excitement escaped her, some proper money for research and materials would be a nice change from scavenging scarps around Dryl for weapons. After the Church of BrightMoon pulled their support, the whole hunting vampires business went slightly stail. But now with THE Lord Hordak and his wealth, the research could continue. So much studing to be done.
She had a good feeling. This time maybe she could actually capture one instead of burning them like usual. Vampires, such facinating creatures. So much to learn. It is unfortunet that some fear knowledge, like BrightMoon, they just wanted the creatures gone. Entrapta would've done anything to get to cut one open and take a peek inside.
A strange feeling crept up on her. Like someone was watching. She turned her head to the giant open window, white curtains bellowing inward. The window framed a perfect picture of the moon, not a single cloud in the sky. No stars either strangely enough. A thin, croocked, withered tree stood infront of the moon. It's trunk swaying from side to side as if about to snap in half anytime. It's branchs like claws reaching for the moon as if to grasp it.
On one of the blackened branches, Entrapta noted, was the same bat that was following her and Lord Hordak in the halls earlier. It starred at the woman with judgemental annoyance. As if examining her for something, in puzzlement.
Suddenly, there was a knock on her door. She hesitently dragged her eyes away from the curious bat and stepped to the wooden door. Entrapta swung the doors open, her head skimmed the hallway, left to right. No one was on the outside of the door. She scratched her scalp.
She heart almost jumped out her throat when she turned around to see two new faces in her room. How did they get in? From the descriptions give to her by Lord Hordak earlier, she could presume these were Catra and Scorpia.
The skinner girl, the one with heterocromic eyes, Catra, reminder her a lot of Hordak. The slightly pointed ears, the sharp nails, the teeth, very similar. Curious. The lord specified the girl was not of blood, yet she seemed like a perfect mirror image of him.
The other was much taller, more muscular, platinum hair and firm hands. The taller woman was humbly sitting on a stool, her knees inward, her left hand giving a slight wave. The shorter one was looking away, out the window, at the bat. She asked without turning to the visitor.
"So... you're the new chew toy the boss has been so wind up about?" Her heterocromic eyes sized her up with a judgemental expression. "She don't seem like much."
"Hey!" Entrapta pouted.
"I think she's nice. So does Lord Hordak. It might be a nice change. Lord Hordak is rarely nice and often so grumpy."
"I'm in the room you know... so... hi. I'm Entrapta, you probably know that already." The scientist scratched her head at the awkward introduction. She wasn't good at social interactions. Not good with people. She was always more of an outcast, a weirdo. An outsider looking in. She observed people, analysed how they interacted, how they acted in particular situations. Then, she copied them. Put a mask on. Surprisingly enough, she hadn't found a need to put one up today, infront of Lord Hordak. He didn't seem repulsed by her morbid sense of curiousity and sense of humour. He actually seemed to gravitate towards her because of her quirks.
She enjoyed that. Having someone locked into her own pull. She enjoyed being in the presence of another intellictual and being able to converse with one. Their session of bouncing ideas off of each other was refreshing, no one ever took interest in her line of work. Not a surprise. Not many people want to be vampire hunters. It was tidious work.
"You must be Catra and Scorpia, right? Cool beans."
The scientist extended her hand to the slightly hairy woman, she looked like she just woke up to a bad hair day. Entrapta could painfully relate. The cat-like figure starred at the forwarded hand and back at Entrapta. And back and forth a couple of times.
"I don't see it. 'Dak must be getting desparate."
"Yeah, what's that supposed to mean?!" Entrapta replied with a slightly angered face now.
Catra scoffed, slowly making her way to the scientist, circling around her. Her heterochromic eyes wondered up and down seemingly unimpressed by the woman. Entrapta didn't pay much attention her her and tried to ease back into the conversation.
"Soooo. You guys live here right? How long? How long have you been married? Did you guys see that little bat followin' me around? Do you know if the castle walls are made from hellstone or brickdwell? Are there any secret doors or passageways? 'Cause I definetly spotted a couple on my way here. Do you think Lord Hordak is more of a milk chocolate guy or dark chocolate? ...Too many questions?"
"Yeah, kind of." Scorpia jestured a tipping shake with her hand. "But definetly milk chocolate." The taller woman stood up and slowly made her way to the scientist and extended her hand to her with a proper greeting. "So yes, I'm Baroness Scorpia and my wild cat over here tring to pull off an intimidating Hordak impressions is my lovely Lady Catra."
At that remark, a slight blush crept on Catra's face. She attempted to hide the rising red by looking away. Entrapta smiled at that.
Scorpia questioned the hunter one more time, "Umm, Professor Entrapta. If we may ask you a question... why are you here? Your arrival here, was not announced to us. What does Lord Hordak wish to gain from you?"
"A one night stand."
"What?! You know he's a freak! And a vampire hunter, dude's a weirdo."
"That's not true. And you know it. Lord Hordak will faint faster keeping direct I contact with a woman than standing in the sun."
"Again. Still in the room you guys... also what was that thing about the sun?"
The two of them looked back at her, Scorpia with an expression of guilt and worry and Catra of confusion and annoyance. "She doesn't- he didn't- *sighs*. Of course he didn't."
Once again there was an unannounced knock on the door. All of the three heads shot to the dark wood. Everything in the room became colder and quieter. Catra gave off a 'pfft' and waved her hand dismissably, while Scorpia posed up right more honorably and seriously. Entrapta decided she would be the one to open the door, since the other two just stood back silently. After the turn of the nob, the other side of the wood revealed Lord Hordak himself.
The lord opened his mouth to say something, a sensire expression on his face, however he stopped. His brow quirked up, he looked back at the room behind Entrapta. She herself turned around to bring the other two into the conversation, but to Entrapta's surprise no one was there. The bedroom was empty. However the frown on the man's face suggested he was aware of the self-invited guests.
Lord Hordak looked back down to the woman, shifting gears, he opened his mouth again. There were those canines again. Real sharp... really... really sharp. Almost... abnormally. "I must apologise doctor."
"For what?" Entrapta tilted her head to the side.
"Well, rather someone else is to apologise for there actions," just then Entrapta noticed a smaller figure step around from behind the lord's black cape. A young boy stepped out, hands figiting together at his tummy, eyes looking down at his feet. A look of embarasement was on his face. "This is Imp and the boy had the audacity to spy on you, and I also see other unwelcomed guests have violated your priva-"
Entrapta immiediately knelt down to the boy and flashed a wide grin, she extended to pat the young child on head and ruffle through his white turf of hair. Which prompted the child to show a rosey blush across the cheeks. The little kid's enjoyment was interupted by a forced koff from the lord. Imp immiediately straightened himself out and signed with his two hands 'I'm sorry.'
"Sorry? I did-"
"It means 'I'm sorry'."
"Oh, that's alright." Entrapta waved it off with a hand gesture, she turned back to Hordak. Their eyes locked, the hunter finding the red glow of them quite aluring. "I thought you said you were going to sleep mister." Her lips curved upward. Hordak's eyes grew twice the size with nervousness, he could feel himself start to sweat.
"I- eh- couldn't sleep... I wished to speak with you about uhmmm any possible future projects."
"Uh huh."
"Perhaps projects to involve us both."
"You specialise in traps my lord?" Entrapta asked curiously.
"I tinker. Idle hands are the devil's workshop."
"So you're a man of God?"
"I'm half the man I used to be. But what is left of me is of science... shall we talk later? I must escort the young fella to his quarters." Hordak felt the little boy clench closer to his leg. The man picked the child up in his arms and pulled him closer to his chest.
"It's a date."
Hordak did his best to ignore the remark and turned around to leave with the boy. He turned back briefly, "Oh and if anyone else bothers you during the night. Let me know." He continued off.
"Okky dokki! Sweet dreams!" Entrapta waved them off.
Imp signed with his hands to Hordak as they decended the staircase, 'I like her.'
"Me too. But let's not get too cozy. She IS the enemy and it's good to keep your enemies close."
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dafukdidiwatch · 4 years ago
Eraserhead (1977)
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Krusty best summed it up
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There are a lot of feeling si have about this movie. Most of them are dread and foreboding. And a HELL of a lot of confusion. I barely understood anything and it was mostly the feeling of cringe to get through.
Ok, to sum up the movie.
Overview: Henry gets scammed into marrying his old-flame to take care of his pencil next Jar Jar Binks child. Then has weird dreams and I think dies. Look this movie is weird.
Like the first scene idk fucking Henry was sideways in space and a laserman from the moon made him shoot a worm out his mouth and we jump back down to normalacy. We don’t actually get any lines of dialogue until 10 minutes into the film where the first line is “Are you Henry?” from the hot person next door.
Like, ok so lets first establish that there is a while ass wense of foreboding and uncanny valley throughout this film. Very bold black&white, distinct shadows covering everything. The music has this constant noise of construction or buzz or something that I can’t quite name but just makes scenes more eerie. Then we get super tight shots to people’s face as the scene plays out. And the scene can linger which adds to the dread of whatever fucked up thing was going on, just because you don’t know when it’s going to end. THIS is the baseline of how uncomfortable the movie is.
NOW! All the scenes that occur IN this context, makes it More Creepy. Ex-flame’s mother is weird as shit being judgemental, odd, then just aggressively necking her Daughter’s BF. (whatthefuck). They cut a mini chicken that was still moving and just aggressively bleeding at diner so. Yeah. And I’m pretty sure Grandma’s dread but she’s only here twice so not like anyone actually cares.
Fucked up baby is fucked up baby. Like it’s decent effects, it does look like a mini pencil necked dinosaur, moving and crying like anything else.Good effects. NO IDEA what it’s problem was. I actually felt bad for it because no matter how fucking gross or weird it was, I didn’t really want it to die. It’s a baby. I was actually afraid that the ex-flame would kill it a few times instead of running away like she did. So minor sympathies there.
BUT YET IT’S FUCKING WEIRD. I have NOOOOOO idea what this plot is supposed to be. Because at this point it was weird scenes of his fucking dreams. And him dealing with more worm sperm things just flying everywhere out of his mouth, out of his wife’s body. Some weird facination with the dirt by the side of his bed. There’s just...a pile of dirt there! That might have a ring or Something??
Then, I guess Henry cheats on his wife in a dream with the neighbor next door where they just...fucking sink in the bed like it’s a fucking swamp portal to Zuzu! And, More Weird Shit. Some lady dancing singing and stepping on worms in the worst possible way. She was singing about Heaven or something hat’s all I remember. Look I’m just going off on what I can remember.
This movie feels like it has a concept, but then like weird things are being associated to said concept. “Man Cares For Fucked Up Baby.” Ok well, Man sees weird worms that look sort of like baby. Man’s Wife hates baby. Wife’s family is as weird as baby. Man keeps just exploding into space. It was weird. This whole movie was weird. Weird and fucking boring. Like, damn son! There is only so much of weird worm shit I can see before my mind goes elsewhere. Can’t you come up with other interesting visuals to show besides foreboding directly into the camera? We watch Henry watch a murder happen on the street. That was something different.
The ONLY moment that actually got a decent laugh from me was in the middle of his dream death scene where a child brings in a head to this store. The clerk just keeps buzzing the intercom over and over again. And the big burly owner comes in yelling “OKAY PAUL!” That was a decent joke.
But I don’t get this movie. I don’t know why it’s a cultural film. Why the fuck is this movie part of the library film of congress. It was nothing! NOTHING! The only thing that I could see is just, the weirdness was so THERE that it had to be included. It inspired a whole generation of weirdness. Only this time the next generation was good.
Overall: I hate this film. It boring and weird, in the worst combination to me. How can I get bored while feeling dread!? These emotions should have never mixed!! If you like weird black&white films, go try it, but I am done/ Goodbye and good night you weird sexual worms.
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