#she is gone now. but like Blondie said. she radiates
lacefuneral · 4 months
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noisydreamlandkoala · 8 months
The Queens Court
A little birdy told me it's going to be a very eventful week.
"Court is back in session you majesty," Chloe said causing the person on the other end of the line to immediately hang up. She huffed. "Well that was rude."
She looked at her watch. 2 hours she predicted as she continued contacting those who were relevant to their cause. You and the rest of the Akuma class are going down Rosi.
Luka spent a good 30 minutes cradling a crying Marinette in his arms. Her sadness worried him. She had not looked like this in class, in fact everything about her has radiated pure confidence. Now here she sat crying her eyes out.
Luka has ran after Marinette intending to make her feel better. Her melody felt off. It felt sad and distraughted. He had dragged her to the boat, discarding every single one of their belonging before pulling her to sit down next to him, allowing her to let out all the emotions she seemed to be holding in.
He would not rush, he would allow her to take all the time she needed. Plus she admittedly enjoyed having her in his arms. After another 15 minutes he was getting used to the sound of faint sobbing. So he was quite shocked when he heard her quite voice.
"Luka," she uttered causing him to freeze.
"Yes melody?"
"Do you think I'm a monster?"
"Why would I think you're a monster darling?" he asked genuinely concerned by the question.
"Because I'm cold_snort(from Luka), heartless..."
"Pretty sure you have a heart," Luka mumbled as she continued on with her list.
"Cruel _light chuckle_, unforgiving _" really?"_ and possessive"
"I actually liked that part of you," he replied causing a small blush to color her cheeks.
"Luka I'm being serious," she whined glaring at his with her red eyes and tear stained cheeks. He reached out to wipe her tears.
"Really now, I thought you were practicing your stand up comedy act," he replies causing her to huff. He gently cradles her cheek forcing her to look at him. "You are kind, you have the biggest heart with the sweetest melody, you are way to forgiving and I find that little display back tgere unbelievably hot"
Marinette blushed at the comment but she waa not going to give in that easily. She needed him ro see her as she was.
"What if it's all a just a mask Luka," Marinette say forcing her head to the size causing him to let go of her face. "What's if it's all a role I've been playing for all these years"
"It's not," he said forcing her to look at him once again.
"Yes it is," she says staring at him, willing him to disagree.
"Melody I know you, I know your character, I hear your song, I feel your spirit and I adore every bit of you," he says staring at her with a but load of love and adoration causing her heart to clench.
"I've not always been like this Luka," she says sighing. "Chloe, the rest of my friend group and I used to rule the school back in Ecole, cross us and gone with you, we were tge royal court, top of the schools social food chain, ruthless little savages
She goes on to tell him a summary about her past, leaving out a few details she wasn’t quite ready to share. She told him about how she used to run the school with an iron fust and icy heart. She told him about the people she targeted and the reasons behind them.
She told him about the rules and the court. About how how she had used her friends and her influence to get her way. How she had filtered out all the trash in the school earning her title as queen. She told him every single thing at the worst possible light.
"Well that's not the stories I heard," Luka says causing her eyes to widen.
"You've heard about me?"
"Of course though I did not quite know it was you, Juleka used to refer to you as the queen," Luka replies. "Ruthless but all in good cause, from what I've heard you had to be cold to earn respect"
"I ruined people's lives,"
"They ruined their own lives," he replies. "And if it makes you feel better I had something similar as well"
"Yeah bullies were relentless in my old school, so I found myself constantly pounding my point into someone's face," he admits causing her to laugh.
"It's not the same thing Lulu," she sighs.
"Of course it's not," she did not want to admit it but her heart broke a little at this remark despite the truth it held within it. "I fought for myself, you fought for those who couldn't fight for themsellf. In fact something tells me that the cold queen bit sas tge real facade"
"Luka..." she tried to argue but he cut her off by drawing her face closer towards his.
"They's nothing you can say to convince me otherwise," he whispered. His lips were almost touching her own. She closed her eyes wanting to draw him closer when an epp busted their little bubble.
"Sorry," a blushing Juleka whispered as the two sprang apart. "It's lunch and I thought I'd come back and update you, though I guess you're fully updated"
"Not quite fully," Marinette confessed causing the girl to look at the too in worry.
"Marinette," the girl says.
"Not yet."
"Don't break his heart."
"I'll try"
Luka looked between the two clearly confused. He knew they was something he was missing but he witheld his questions for the time being.
"I have to go call my brother to him that the court is back together." she says springing to her feet readying herself to leave.
"You have a brother? " the boy questioned as she gathered her things.
"I'll tell you about it after classes," she replied making her way towards the door. "for now I have buisness to take care of.
"Marinette," Luka called out as she was about to head out the door causing her to freeze.
"A queen has no need to hide her heart."
"Thanks Luka," she replied with a smile before ducking out the room.
Juleka turned towards her brother with a smirk dancing on her lips.
"You really are smitten aren't you,"
"-see you soon Dames." Marinette said as she opened the trap door leading to her room.
"You call the court in order and you don't bother personally calling your King to tell him about it," a voice said startling her.
"Felix?" the girl asked looking at the boy sitting on her chaise.
"Hello my queen did you miss me cause I sure did miss you." the guy said with a smirk.
The queen can only survive so long without her king.
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depressedacadamia · 3 years
Drunken Dares
Prompt + paring: Tattoo Parlour au, ‘night’ + Solangelo 
A/N:  Hellooo- i had the choice between a tattoo parlour au or a flowershop au but I'm already writing a pjo flowershop au so I thought I'd spice it up with a tattoo parlour au! I kinda wanted there to be a part two becuase I wanted a bit of bonding between the two so maybe if i remember, that may happen? Anyway- enjoy  <3 from phi phi!
Read on A03         Writersmonth 2021       Masterlist
“Do I really have to do this?” Will groaned slightly. It was late at night and here Meg was, pushing him in a tattoo parlour.
“Yep!” She hummed as she pushed him forward.He tripped over his own foot as he flung through the double doors. He was about to continue reluctantly before realising the short minion who had forced him here was no longer by his side.
He turned around and frowned. “ Meg? Why aren’t you coming in?”
“I’m underage,” She hummed.
“You know you can just stand to the side?” Will asked, a slightly desperate undettone to his statement which Meg noticed. He was begging her not to leave him in the scary dark tattoo parlour which was full of buff, scary people.
“Sorry- but I must not break the law!”
“Last week you happily started trying to drive my car!” Will yelled at the glass doors. Alas, his yells were ignored as Meg blissfully ignored him as she continued her walk home, leaving William Andrew Solace in a tattoo parlour.
What was he meant to do?Walk up to the guy at the counter and tell him that he wanted a tattoo? He should have never gotten drunk and played truth or dare- he should have known that the first thing Leo would dare him would be to taint his beautiful freckled skin. The worst part ultimately was the fact that he had to get it on his chest.
Perhaps the gods above saw Will’s freak out or perhaps Leo was simply being extra nice when he saw Will in the middle of the parlour looking so out of place it was painful but either way, the next thing Will knew, he was being taken by the wrist towards the counter by none other than Leonidas Valdez; the very bastard who had gotten him into this mess.
“I’m surprised you actually came,” Leo commented.
“Meg forced me,” Will grunted.
“So,” Leo sighed as he tapped at the cigarette in between his fingers, “ Do you know what you’re getting?”
“Uhh… no, not really., How does this work? You tell them what you want and then they stab at your body with a needle?”
Leo let out a small scoff which had smoke billowing out of his lips and nose as if he was a chimney. “ No, darling- they shave, sanitise and then they stab at your body with a needle.”
“That made me feel so much better.”
Ignoring the evident sarcasm, Leo simply smiled. “ You’re welcome, blondie.”
Wil, ruffling at his hair, mumbled, “Shut up.”
Leo, who was significantly enjoying teasing Will, was cut off by Piper- one of the last people Will expected to see at the tattoo parlor. But on a second look, the tattoos on her abdomen spiraling up to her breasts and arms made Will wonder why he never noticed them.
“Oh Will- you’re actually here?” Piper's surprised voice rang out.
“Well the artist is ready for you,” Piper ushered him towards the dark room, only illuminated by the UV lights.
Will visibly gulped. Leo and Piper couldn’t help but interlock eyes and snort a little- after all, it was simply adorable at how nervous this newbire was.
Will took small steps and the second he passed the door, it slammed shut.
What the fuck- do the doors here have a mind of their own?
“Come in- take a seat,” A voice commanded. Will, who didn’t really have any choice but to listen to what he was being told, fumbled around, trying to figure out where he was meant to be going. It seemed that Will, in his internal chaos, did not notice the tattoo artist's leg propped up to the side and therefore, when Will finally did notice the leg- it had been the hard way.
He tripped and the next thing he knew, his wrist had made a new best friend. Bruised and swollen, Will’s wrist heavily ached- forcing him to let out a small groan of pain.
“Fuck, are you okay?” the voice rang out. Will heard a relative amount of fumbling and heavy footsteps and suddenly the room was flooded with light.
The face that he was met with was not one he was expecting. The boy had mid length hair- while it wasn’t really long, it was flowing over the nape of his neck slightly and it looked like it really got in the way of his eyes. He watched as the boy seperated the pieces of hair covering his eyes, creating an effortless look.
His face radiated an emotion that Will couldn’t describe- sadness? Or was it simply the face of someone who was content with little?
“Are you okay?” The man asked. Will watched- he had never seen such dynamic expressions and the way this man's face morphed into an expression of concern had him wrapt with all.
Will could only nod stupidly, his hand still clutching at his bruised wrist.
“Dya mind if I have a look at that anyway?” The artist insisted as he grabbed a med kit and sat on his spinning chair before wheeling himself towards Will who now sat on the chair that he was originally appointed.
He gently cradled Will’s wrist between his fingers, turning it round and round. His face contorted between emotion of worry and concern.
“It’s okay,” Will re-assured . “ It’s not sprained or broken, just a bit of bruising and swelling. Should be gone by tomorrow morning.”
“You sure?”
“I’m a doctor.”
“Ah,” He smiled slightly. “ I shouldn’t question you, Dr..?”
“Solace- but Will is fine. How about you?”
“Nico- Now let's have a look at what you want huh?” He closed the notebook he had been creating designs in before Will walked in and pulled out a collection of the most popular designs so far.
“These are the trending ones currently but I can always pull out something else if you want. Or if you have your own design that you wanted, I can try with it,” Nico offered. He pulled out a cigarette and flicked his lighter.- once, twice and a third time before grunting and pulling out a different one. Will watched, hypnotized, as Nico lit the cigarette.
Nico looked up and caught Will staring and shyly asked. “ You don’t mind do you?”
“No… but you should try and refrain from smoking. It’s really, really bad for you and I say this as a doctor.”
“You’re the 4th person today who has said that.”
“I’m alarmed that you managed to smoke that many times today,” Will said with concern.
Ignoring what Will had said, Nico continued. “Anyway, have you chosen anything yet?”
Will let out a heavy breath. “ Ah, no. My friends kinda forced me here but nothing here really matches… me.”
“What about this flower? Or the skull? “
Will shrugged. “ I don't think I’d want those on my skin permanently”
Nico nodded and continued smoking, while Will flipped through the latest designs. Nothing seemed to catch his eye as much as something he could have sworn he saw earlier. It was a stylised sun tatoo- nothing necessarily special but it reminded him of his mum- and his home.
“Excuse me,” Wil started, causing Nico to put his cigarette down in the ashtray, “ I was just wondering if the designs in that were available?”
Will pointed to the notebook That Nico had closed earlier. He watched as Nico hesitated. His face seemed to be stuck between wanting to let Will sneak a peek but it also seemed to want to tell him to stop.
However, his hand simply made up his mind and shoved the book across the table in Will’s direction.
Daintily, with the utmost care, Will opened the first page and his eyes almost watered at the immense detail and beauty poured into these designs. It looked like the heart and soul of the artist had been etched into every little petal, every small ray and eventually after gaping at each page he found the design he had spotted earlier.
The sun wasn’t special but it held Will’s eyes so much that Nico told him, “ Close your mouth. You’re practically drooling.”
“This one,” Will pointed to the stylised sun, “ I want this one.”
Nico scanned his eyes over it before humming and nodding. He put out his cigarette and got up.
“Where d'ya want it?”
“Chest- left side,” Will blurted out. He didn’t know why he wanted it there- perhaps because he wanted the thing that reminded him of his mother to be as close to his heart as possible.
Nico nodded as he prepared everything. Then he turned to Will. “ You realise you’ll need to take off your shirt?”
Will blushed and looked away as he started unbuttoning the top of his shirt. Meg had dragged him out of the hospital as soon as his shift had ended and thrown him into the tattoo parlour and therefore he was still wearing a crisp white shirt.
“Do I need to take off the whole thing?”
Nico took a quick look at Will. The sight that met his eyes was surprising- he used to seeing the chest of his clients but for some reason the sight of a very attractive and intelligent young man before him was very different. He seemed to be looking away as a blush graced his cheeks and ears. His shirt was unbuttoned just enough for Nico to see Will’s muscled chest.
How did a doctor have enough time to work out like that?
“Uh... just a bit more, I don’t want the needle to catch on the side of your shirt.” Nico reiterated, even though he was lying.
“Okay, so now, I'm just going to clean the area and then I’ll trace the sketch before tattooing it on. Do you want red or black?”
“Uh- you can choose,” Will sighed, desperate to get it done and over with.
Nico nodded. He slipped on some gloves and wiped at Will’s chest with an antiseptic. Will flinched at the cold wipe and the soft touch of the artist before him .
“Sorry,” Will murmured, “ It’s cold.”
Nico simply nodded as he began sketching the outline of the tattoo. Will tipped his head back, unable to meet the eyes of Nico ro even look at what was happening. He could feel the tickly touch of the pen on his skin and the soft brush of Nico’s glove on his skin every once in a while.
“All done. Now for the painful part. You may feel like you’re getting stung by a bee a lot,” Nico warned. “Try not move a lot, it will make it harder for me.”
Will, who couldn’t formulate words at this point, simply nodded. “I’d let you squeeze my hand, but unfortunately- I need both,” Nico smiled as reassurance.
He heard the buzzing of the gun and braced himself. The needle poked and prodded as he expected and at times he did wish he had stolen some morphine from the hospital beforehand but all in all, he managed to get the tattoo without bursting into tears and without ruining hids tattoo.
“All done,'' Nico said as he covered the tattoo.
“When do I get to see it?” Will asked, curiously, happier that it was over.
“In a few days- it just needs to sink in.”
Wil sat there, unsure of what to do next. He had paid and was now just sitting in an empty room with his tattoo artist. Was he meant to just say goodbye? Wasn't that kind of harsh?
But Will realised, had this been anybody else or any other appointment- he wouldn't want to be staying for any extra time. Did he want to be friends with this guy? Maybe it was that- yes, it would be that. As someone who was socially awkward, Will knew that he liked hanging out with people; he simply wasn't very good at it
Just as he was going to ask for his number, Nico passed him a slip of paper. “ Here’s my number. Call me when you’re free.”
With that and a wink, Will was left in the empty tattoo room.
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kerosene-insomniac · 3 years
To Be So Lonely
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku
Warnings: Violence, mature language, homosexual behavior, alpha/beta/omega dynamics
Word Count for Chapter: 2,342 words
Summary: Midoriya Izuku has always wanted to be a musician. Something about the lyric working with a melody to convey his feeling just made his heart race. After his father died when he was three, Izuku has always relied on his mother. She worked two jobs to care for him and always supported his dreams. But when his mother is diagnosed with breast cancer just after he graduated high school, Izuku has to shift his focus. Now he’s working two jobs and takes care of his mother with the help of his gay neighbors. 
In an attempt to learn self-defense, Izuku takes a few classes at a local gym. It’s there that he meets Toshinori Yagi, an older beta who used to be a professional heavyweight boxer. Yagi notices Izuku’s potential and encourages the small omega to eventually go pro. So, in order to make more money, Izuku eventually agrees.
Bakugou Katsuki has only ever wanted to fight. Orphaned as the young age of four, Katsuki has been fighting to live for his entire life. Fighting is all he’s ever known. After fighting underground for a couple years, Katsuki is noticed by Todoroki Enji. The older alpha takes him in at 19 and names him the official successor of his legacy (especially since all of his actual kids hate him). 
Now, Katsuki is 25-years-old and the professional heavyweight champion.
In a whirlwind of events, Katsuki meets Izuku in the unlikeliest of places. He watches the small omega perform and can’t help it feel extremely protective and absolutely enamored with him. The older alpha gets to meet him and say goodbye without even learning the omega’s name. Katsuki isn’t sure that they’ll ever meet again. 
That is, until Katsuki officially meets Izuku at a professional lunch with his manager’s rival.
The one where Katsuki is a professional alpha boxer with arrogance issues and Izuku is a stubborn omega that’s way little too reckless with his well-being. 
With a wacky cast of characters (including three idiots, a manly best friend, a traumatized bastard with daddy-issues, and many more) absolutely hell-bent on getting them together, neither men can seem to catch a break
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{0.4} Ignorance and Cowardice
“Be careful not to mistake insecurity and inadequacy for humility! Humility has nothing to do with the insecure and inadequate! Just like arrogance has nothing to do with greatness!”
― C. JoyBell C.
How the fuck did I end up here?
Oh, right.
My manager is an arrogant, abusive piece of shit with a huge ego and an incomprehensible need to show off.
“Stop scowling, Katsuki.”
Katsuki huffed loudly, his scowl deepening as he glared at Enji Todoroki. “I told you to call me Bakugou. We’re not fucking friends.”
Shouto, who (for once) looked as uncomfortable as Katsuki felt, plastered a fake smile on his lips. They were stuck inside a limo with his father, moments away from meeting his ultimate rival.
Basically, Katsuki and Shouto were here to be shown off.
“Sulking doesn’t suit you, Katsuki.” Enji rumbled, not glancing up from his phone. “Even Shouto looks excited.”
Katsuki glanced at the young Todoroki, who was obviously not excited. “What’s the fucking point of bringing him again? He obviously hates you and doesn’t want to fucking be here.”
Enji’s eyes flickered up from his phone. “He’s working on an article about my rivalry with Toshinori.”
“Of-fucking-course he is.”
The limo came to a stop in front of the venue where the tournament would be held. Katsuki could already see fans and paparazzi crowding the front, but he wasn’t all that worried about the interaction.
They were heading to the restaurant across the street.
I fucking hate the press.
Katsuki froze at the serious tone in Enji’s voice. Even Shouto had gone completely rigid in his seat, which was more than concerning.
Enji placed his phone down and gave them a hard look. He looked incredibly intimidating. “Toshinori is bringing his successor to lunch. From what I can gather, the boy is a complete mystery.”
“So?’ Katsuki mumbled, earning a glare.
The older alpha took a deep breath, his expression full of untapped rage. “I don’t care how weak his successor may look. I wouldn’t be surprised if Toshinori has a few tricks up his sleeve.”
Katsuki swallowed, sharing a look with Shouto. “Both of them can fuck right off, honestly. The press alone is going to eat that successor alive.”
“Good response. Let’s head inside.”
Katsuki watched Shouto and Enji step out of the limo, his heart in his throat. Toshinori has always been his idol, so the idea of meeting was making his palms sweat. Even in his casual suit, Katsuki felt small.
With a racing heart, Katsuki exited the limo.
“I have to take a call, so you two head inside.”
Shouto, who had been silent the whole ride, simply nodded and kept his eyes on the ground. “Of course, father.”
Katsuki almost smirked at the sarcastic tone in Todoroki’s voice, but he knew better than to laugh. The last thing he wants is for a pissed off Enji to yell at them in front of potential press.
As soon as they were inside, both alphas visibly relaxed.
“What fucking airhead.”
Shouto chuckled at Katsuki’s words, adjusting his own suit. “I’m glad we can agree. Let’s just get this lunch over with.”
Katsuki nodded, scowling. “I just can’t fucking-“
The red-eyed alpha was cut off as a small body collided with his own. All at once, familiar omega pheromones (smelling heavily of chocolate and cherries) infiltrated Katsuki’s senses.
No fucking way.
“I-I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”
The small omega’s voice was soft and familiar as he stepped away from Katsuki. He was just as beautiful as the alpha remembered, with wild curls and dazzling green eyes.
After a few seconds , green eyes met his.
The small omega looked just as surprised as Katsuki, paling slightly as they stared at each other. He was wearing a professional olive-green dress with a jacket, which accented his curves a little too well for the alpha’s liking.
Compared to how he looked a few days ago, Katsuki could barely process it. If anything, his inner alpha went mad with excitement.
“Blondie.” Freckles murmured, turning a soft pink.
Dear god, he’s so fucking cute.
Shouto cleared his throat, effectively ruining the tense moment. Freckles looked away from Katsuki, making jealous rage rumble in his chest.
“Do you know each other?”
Katsuki glared at Shouto, who was shamelessly staring at the small omega. “Not exactly.”
Shouto noticed the glare and smirked before looking at the omega again. “My name is Todoroki Shouto. And you are?”
“Um, uh,” Freckles looked uncomfortable. “I don’t like sharing my name. I should probably get back to my table.”
And that was enough to make Katsuki go rigid.
Is he on a date?
Is that why he’s dressed so nice?
No, the fucking Troll Doll said that Freckles has high standards with courting. He doesn’t seem like the type to lie…
“Of course. Enjoy your date.”
Freckles nodded at Todoroki’s words, his pretty green eyes glancing to Katsuki’s red ones. “It was nice to see you again, Blondie. You clean up nice for an airhead.”
And just like that, he was gone.
Katsuki could feel a colorful mix of curse words on his tongue, but he was much too surprised to say any of them.
“Are you having a stroke?”
Katsuki snapped out of his daze and scowled in Shouto’s direction. “I’m not having a fucking stroke, Icy-Hot! Where the fuck did you get that idea?!”
Shouto grinned smugly, which looked more than odd on his usually blank face. “I was asking because you went completely silent in that omega’s presence. Plus, he insulted you and you didn’t throw a fit.”
“What’s your fucking point, fuckstick?”
The younger alpha shrugged, turning to walk away.
Katsuki’s eye twitched as he glared at Shouto’s retreating back. “Don’t walk away from me, you half-n-half bastard!”
“Don’t scream, Bakugo. We’re inside.”
“I’ll fucking show you screaming, shithead.”
Katsuki followed Todoroki inside the main area, where the latter alpha gave them the name of the reservation.
The smell of chocolate and cherries hung in the air, which more than fucked with Katsuki’s senses. Freckles, who has consistently been haunting his brain for two days, was so close.
It was driving Katsuki mad.
“I’ll take you to your table. Your guests are already here.”
Of-fucking-course they are.
Katsuki silently followed Shouto and the beta waitress towards the private part of the restaurant. Now that he was on edge, the red-eyed alpha was radiating enough pheromones to make anybody submit.
The omega’s pheromones were stronger now, haunting Katsuki like an unwanted memory.
“Oh! We meet again.”
Katsuki snapped out of his pity party and locked eyes with their lunch guests. A familiar blond beta grinned kindly at him, but that’s not what made his heart stop in his chest.
An all too familiar omega was seated next to him, anxiously avoiding Katsuki’s shocked gaze.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!”
Freckles was sitting next to All Might, anxiously stirring his tea as he avoided Katsuki’s gaze. Toshinori, who looked more than amused, chuckled loudly at the alpha’s words.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, young Bakugou.”
Shouto, who looked absolutely delighted, offered his hand to the beta. “Ignore him. My name is Todoroki Shouto. I’m Endeavor’s son.”
Toshinori shook his hand, smiling kindly. “Ah, yes! The last time I saw you, you were just starting primary school.”
“It’s hard to believe that it’s been that long.”
Katsuki ignored the friendly interaction in front of him and took a seat at the table. Freckles, who still said nothing, was seated right across from him.
The fucking audacity.
This better not be his fucking successor.
Toshinori watched as they both sat down at the table and glanced over at the omega next to him. “This is Midoriya Izuku, my successor. He’s a little anxious, so excuse his silence.”
“I understand.” Shouto spoke evenly, smiling at the omega. “We’ve already met, though.”
He’s an omega.
Omega’s aren’t supposed to be in this kind of work.
Katsuki clenched his jaw and studied the omega in front of him. “I hope that this is a fucking joke, nerd.”
Midoriya froze, finally meeting Katsuki’s gaze. The same fire that Katsuki saw the other night was blazing in his pretty green eyes. He no longer looked anxious, but annoyed.
“I’m not too sure what you mean, Blondie.”
Katsuki bristled, his hands clenched into fists in his lap. “Don’t call me that. Do you even fucking understand the risks of what’s you’re doing?”
Toshinori and Shouto shared a glance.
Midoriya glared, which looked so odd on his cute face. “I think it’s you who doesn’t understand, Bakugou. In fact, I don’t know why you’re so pissed off.”
“You’re a fucking omega, for one.”
The small omega huffed. “What does that have to do with anything? You didn’t have a problem with me when you were catering to your alpha ego.”
Toshinori cleared his throat, but both wolves ignored him.
“You’re fucking dumb if you think you stand a chance, Deku.”
For some reason, that name felt familiar on Katsuki’s tongue.
Midoriya’ s body went rigid and his eyes turned a dangerous shade of green. “Don’t call me that. You don’t have the right.”
Katsuki raised an eyebrow, smirking as he realized that he struck a nerve. “So this isn’t the first time you’ve been called that? I’ll keep that in mind, shitty Deku.”
“You arrogant, pretentious-“
Katsuki ignored him, focusing his gaze on Toshinori. “And what about you? You know better than anyone that boxing is a dangerous career. How do you expect an omega to stand a chance?”
A heavy silence hung in the air.
Shouto awkwardly looked at his menu, obviously wanting to stay out of the dangerous conversation.
Toshinori sighed, not even bothered by the tension. “Izuku has shown quite a bit of perseverance when it comes to boxing. He’s been training for a long time.”
Training is nothing like the real thing.
Before Katsuki could continue interrogating Toshinori and Deku, familiar footsteps made him shut his mouth. Enji sat down between Katsuki and Shouto, completely unaware of the tension.
Deku suddenly seemed more tense than before.
“Toshinori. It’s been awhile.”
The blond cleared his throat and nodded, shifting in his seat. “Call me Yagi, Enji. We’ve known each other a long time.”
Enji’s eyes narrowed. “Yagi, then. Where’s your successor?”
Dear god.
Deku hummed politely, plastering a fake smile on his lips as he studied the broad alpha. “My name is Izuku Midoriya, sir. I’m his successor.”
Katsuki stared shamelessly at the omega in front of him, studying every inch of his face. He was looking for something extraordinary or even remotely worthy enough to earn the title of successor.
The only thing he noticed, though, was the lack of bandages on the omega’s hands. His hands looked small and calloused, showing that he had obviously been experienced in working.
But Katsuki still couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that the same omega who sang like an angel was supposed to be a trained kick-boxer.
I thought that music was his passion…
How the fuck did he end up here?
“Are you joking?”
Deku’ s mouth immediately settled into an annoyed scowl. “Not in the slightest. Were you expecting a pea-brained alpha like yourself?”
Shouto fucking choked.
Enji, however, was not as amused by the insult. “I was expecting someone more qualified. You’re small and obviously ill-prepared in the strength department. There’s a reason omegas don’t fight.”
“Izuku is more than prepared, Enji.” Toshinori murmured, his tone serious.
“And what if he gets bitten, Yagi?”
Katsuki’s blood ran ice-cold.
For some reason, the idea of another alpha biting Deku filled Katsuki with rage. Not only is the act of biting an omega, without their consent, absolutely despicable; But the toxins from the bite itself could be life-threatening.
An alpha’s bite contained a number of toxins. Usually in a mating process, the alpha has to bite the omega on their scent gland. The scent gland is the only place that holds the correct anti-venom to combat the toxins.
Over my dead fucking body.
“They’d have to catch me first.”
Toshinori hummed in agreement at Deku’s words, keeping his gaze cool as he stared at Enji. “After today’s tournament, we were hoping to do more intense training at your gym.”
Enji raised an eyebrow. “So you’ve accepted?”
“Accepted what?” Katsuki growled, his jaw clenched.
Shouto, who was sipping water at this point, finally spoke. “Father extended an invitation for Toshinori to train Midoriya at our gym. We have better equipment, and Father wants to see you two spar.”
Katsuki’s chest rumbled with a growl. “I don’t fight omegas.”
“Why?” Deku muttered, his green eyes challenging. “Scared to lose?”
Why the fuck do those words make him look attractive?
Katsuki stiffened, glaring at the omega. “It wouldn’t be a fair fight. Omegas are supposed to be soft-spoken homemakers. Not fighters.”
Deku shrugged, sipping his own water. “Guess that means I get to prove you wrong. Ignorant alphas like yourself are exactly why I started fighting in the first place.”
“I’m not fucking ignorant.”
The omega smirked. “Then you’re a coward.”
I’ll show you coward, shitty Deku.
I’m not a fucking coward.
Shouto cleared his throat before Katsuki could release his wrath, obviously trying to keep the peace. “Why don’t we order some food and discuss specifics? I’m sure Father would like Bakugou to learn kick-boxing.”
Toshinori nodded, obviously glad to change the subject. “One of my other students is fully trained, and I’m sure she would be happy to help.”
“Excellent.” Enji murmured, also changing the subject.
Katsuki, however, angrily studied the omega in front of him.
Izuku Midoriya was a fucking enigma. He somehow made stubbornness look attractive, all while maintaining a soft appearance. His size made him the perfect omega to cuddle and protect, but he made it obvious that he didn’t want that.
And for some odd fucking reason; Katsuki was becoming more and more obsessed with Izuku Midoriya.
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anna-justice · 4 years
Superman - Part 2
Summary: Jay and Hailey are a part of an officer involved shooting, the aftermath puts Hailey in a very dangerous situation, causing her and Jay’s lives to be at risk. (Pre-Established Upstead) 
Jay rolled over, groaning as he reached for his phone. He shut the alarm off quickly, turning back over to and reaching across the bed. His hand hit the cold mattress, waking him up. Jay laid flat on his back, running his hand over his face. He groaned again, the pit in his stomach growing at his own stupidity. It was the first time in a week that he had woken up alone, and for a minute he had forgotten that he was back to reality.
He reluctantly threw the covers off, immediately missing the warmth, but it wasn’t quite as warm as it had been the day before. The walk to the kitchen was dark and lonely, Jay squinting as he flipped on the lights as he went. When he reached his small kitchen he sighed, trying not to think about the empty coffee pot. Yesterday it would have been full. He filled the filter and turned it on before turning and heading back to his bedroom. 
He pushed the bathroom door open, ignoring his depressed look in the mirror. He turned on the water in his single stall shower, not taking notice of the lack of products on the rack. Jay ran a hand through his tousled hair, he needed to get himself together.
After the safehouse was broken into, he and Hailey were moved to a new one. They insisted Jay be put in protective custody as well, since he was now a (potential/connected) victim of the hit list. He insisted they be placed together and Hailey didn’t object, the lead detective on their case obliged and soon they were sitting together on a different uncomfortable couch. 
The entire experience was surreal to say the least, it felt like living in an alternate reality. They fell into a routine almost. There was an unspoken agreement between the two of them: they would sleep in the same bed, wake up in each other’s arms, Hailey would make coffee, Jay would make breakfast and neither of them said a word. Why would they? It was easy, it felt natural and it was perfect. 
So, for a week the two of them played house while their team worked on taking down the brotherhood, and most importantly the post that put a bounty on his partner’s head. The day before they had finally caught a break in the case, finding the chain that led to the Kingpin and the owner of the chat. After a long interrogation, they had enough to charge and enough to solve multiple other cold cases in the area, and the post was taken down. 
Once their lives were no longer in danger, Jay and Hailey were released from protective custody and sent home to their own separate houses. Jay drove her back to the bar where it all started, her car was still there. They bid goodbye in the parking lot, Hailey giving him a kind smile before climbing in her car. It felt so wrong after a week of living the way they were. 
The cold water pulled him out of his trance, Jay shivered, shutting it off and reaching for his towel. Soon he was all ready for work, grabbing his keys and high tailing it out of his lonely apartment. He cursed himself for getting so attached, for getting used to their new dynamic. Because nothing had changed, it wasn’t real and now, it was over.
Hailey was already awake when her alarm went off. She was sitting on her couch, a freshly brewed cup of coffee in her hand. She hadn’t slept well the night before. Her insomnia set in at around 3:00 that morning, and she had come to terms with the fact that a good amount of rest was a lost cause. 
She hit the button glowing on the screen, tossing her phone on the coffee table in front of her. For a second she waited for the familiar sound of shuffling feet, but then remembered her lack of sleep. She slept alone last night, or more like didn’t. Before the past week, it had been a long time since she woke up tangled with someone else, but she had no doubt that her return to a normal sleep schedule was a product of just that. 
Hailey stood, padding into her kitchen to get another cup of coffee…
“You good?” Jay asked from his perch on a barstool. If Hailey had a dime for everytime he had asked her that in the past few days, they’d be hiding out on a yacht. 
Hailey nodded, picking up the coffee pot and refilling her mug. “Yeah, why?” She asked, turning around to lean against the counter opposite of him. 
Jay grinned, gesturing to the cup in her hand. “That’s your third cup this morning.” 
“You keeping tabs on my coffee intake?” Hailey teased, cocking an eyebrow at him.
Jay stood, laughing. He made his way to the sink beside her, dropping it in. “Maybe. You don’t need it stunting your growth.”
Hailey’s jaw dropped, a laugh bellowing out of her. She slapped his bicep (taking note of how much her hand stung afterward: damn) as he lept away, he knew what was coming. “You better sleep with one eye open tonight.” Jay held up his hands in surrender, backing away slowly. “I’m serious.”
She leaned against the counter, smiling to herself. That was how the whole week had gone, jokes, banter and lots of cuddling. If there was a line before, it was now so blurred that it might be broken. They were inseparable, you would think that being stuck in a house with someone for a week would make you want to kill each other, but not them. The only time either of them were truly alone was when they were in the bathroom. And even then, the amount of times one of them snuck in to get something while the other one was showering was unreal. 
Hailey cautiously approached the bathroom door, grimacing to herself as she knocked. “Jay.” She called, hand on the handle.
“Yeah.” He shouted over the running water, it was much louder than it needed to be and Hailey chuckled to herself. 
“Can I come in? I need my meds, I left them on the counter.” She asked.
“Sure.” He said. Hailey felt flushed as she pushed the door open, steam filling the bedroom. It clicked behind her and even though there was a curtain covering him, Hailey avoided looking towards the shower at all. She made it to the vanity, rummaging through her toiletry bag and ignoring how red her face was in the mirror. 
There was a thud, the noise of lots of water hitting the shower floor. Hailey’s mind wandered to what could’ve made the noise, the image of him running his hands through his wet hair as water cascaded around him gracing her mind. Hailey wasn’t paying attention, causing her to knock her bag as well as his shaving cream to the floor. “Shit.” She muttered.
“Hailey.” He said, “You good?” He asked, she looked up from her crouching position on the floor to see him poking his head and one shoulder out. She froze, her eyes trained on the droplets of water sitting where freckles normally were.
“Yeah.” She said, jumping up clutching his shaving cream. “Uh, this fell.” 
Jay eyed her funny, “Okay.” Hailey didn’t move. “I’ll be out in a minute.” 
Hailey nodded, “See you then.” She turned and grabbed her medicine, booking it out of there.
She splashed some cold water on her face after brushing her teeth, she needed to snap out of it. Of course, the whole situation was disorienting. She had admitted a long time ago that she had feelings for her partner, or at least she admitted them to herself. And after the week they had, she thought maybe he felt the same way, but he never said anything. He said everything else, they talked so much, they both opened up so much, but he kept his mouth shut about that.
She even gave him a chance. It was a few days in and they were laying in bed. She was facing him, laying on her arm. There were several feet between them, but she could still feel the heat radiating off of him. 
Hailey watched Jay roll onto his back, running his hands over his face. “I’m sorry.” He groaned out, looking at her with a sad look. 
Hailey shifted, leaning on her elbow. “For what?”
Jay sighed, “Dumping all this on you. You didn’t sign up for me complaining about my ex for an hour.” They had both decided they were tired, even if it was only 9:00, but once their heads hit the pillow all they could do was laugh, and they were both wide awake. Teasing had turned to talking, which led to Hailey attentively listening to Jay finally open up about his relationship with Erin. 
She reached out, placing her hand over his as it rested on his stomach. Jay watched her cautiously, noticing as she moved closer to him. “Jay.” She said, “I am here for you. If you ever want to talk, I will always want to listen.” 
He smiled at her, “I know.” He squeezed her hand. “Me too.” 
Hailey rolled onto her back beside him, only turning her head to face them. “I didn’t know any of that.” She confessed, “About Lindsay, I mean. I knew you guys had broken up, but no one ever mentions it.” 
Jay nodded, “Yeah. It’s kind of one of those things we all ignore. It’s been so long.” He turned his head to face her. “You know, nothing good ever comes out of a workplace relationship.” 
Hailey faked a smile, turning away. A week ago she would have agreed with him, she would have just let it go. But laying next to him, feeling what she felt, she couldn’t. “Not always.” She said. “Maybe, if two people are just...right for each other, it doesn’t matter the circumstances.” She took a risk and looked over at him, surprised to find his gaze on her, a small smile on his lips.
“Yeah, maybe.”
Hailey shrugged on her jacket, grabbing her keys off the hook by the door. She gathered her things and headed out the door, and she felt like she was going back in time.
Hailey pulled into the parking lot, spotting Jay’s truck immediately (not that she was looking for it). It was odd that he ever beat her there, he must have been having a good morning. She headed inside, hoping to brush past their jem of a desk sergeant. “Hey blondie.” Mission failed.
“Hey serge.” Hailey said, stopping at the base of the stairs. She gave her a pointed look. 
Trudy shrugged, “Oh nothing. Just glad to see you survived a week trapped with chuckles.” She said, smirking. 
Hailey shook her head, before heading up the stairs. “Barely.” She said over her shoulder, which was bullshit, but Trudy didn’t know that. She buzzed herself up, climbing the stairs quickly. It felt good to be back, being off duty was never fun. Her eyes met Jay’s immediately and he gave her a bright smile that she quickly returned. 
“Good to see you Hailey.” Kim said, interrupting their wordless conversation. 
Hailey nodded, “You too, I’m glad to be back.” Kevin looked up from his desk, reaching out and fist bumping her she walked by, while Adam gave her a short wave from the breakroom. “Hey.” she said quietly as she reached her desk, taking a seat in front of her partner.
“Hey.” Jay said, lifting a cup of coffee over their monitors. “Here.” 
Nothing has changed.
Hailey smiled, taking the cup graciously. “Just so you know, this is only my fourth cup today.” 
“Hailey.” Jay said, shaking his head. “You have a problem.”
Hailey laughed, holding a finger to her lips and making a “shhh” sound. A second later, Voight exited his office. “Upton,” He said, “Glad to have you back.” 
“Glad to be back.” She said, settling in her seat. 
Jay watched her, back in her natural habitat. It was strange watching her walk in, it seemed to always be him that was the last one up, but he couldn’t complain. He loved watching her blonde ponytail swing as she walked, he loved watching how naturally she floated through the room. 
They spent the next ten minutes being caught up on the current take home case, this one being a series of drug overdoses. Jay had a CI he thought was connected and had gotten the go ahead from Voight to chase the lead. He was about to tell Hailey, but Adam beat him to it. 
“Hey Hailey.” He called across the room, approaching their desks. 
Hailey looked up, “Yeah.” 
“You remember that warehouse we searched once? Found the kilo of heroin? You called dispatch, do you remember the address?” He asked. 
Hailey nodded. “Yeah.” Adam started again, but Hailey held up a finger and grabbed a sticky note from the corner of her desk. She stood slightly, reaching over Jay’s monitor and grabbing a pen out of his holder. She scribbled down the address and handed it to him. “Go check it out with Kev.” She said. 
Jay smirked, watching Adam thank you and then retreat to his own desk. 
Nothing has changed.
“Wanna go meet a CI with me?” He asked, standing. 
Hailey jumped up immediately, “Of course.” 
It was a long day, they chased lead after lead that basically went nowhere. Finally, Voight decided they weren’t getting anywhere and sent everyone home. Hailey collapsed on her couch at almost eleven, debating just sleeping there. She was exhausted. 
The day had been emotionally draining as well, she spent the whole day convincing herself that her and Jay were fine, and while they most definitely were, there was a little voice in the back of her head that was telling her she had ruined everything. She had never felt more insecure in her life. 
Maybe hearing about Erin was part of it. Within’ Intelligence, the only time she was spoken of was when they were all reliving their greatest hits. Like the time they pulled off a drug bust and destroyed an OT pickup or the time she saved Jay from a heavy hitter with only a polypropylene switchblade, she was a total badass. That wasn’t a secret, and Hailey had never felt like she had to live up to her memory. 
But now she knew a different side of her, she knew how deeply Jay had loved her and how much it had destroyed him. How could she ever expect him to put himself on the line like that again, for his partner none-the-less. 
The doorbell rang, pulling her from her thoughts. She smiled as she pushed herself off the couch, there was only one person who would show up this late unannounced. She pulled the door open, immediately meeting his bright green eyes. He held up a pizza box, “I figured you hadn’t eaten.” 
“My hero.” She said, stepping back to let him in. 
Jay laughed, heading straight for the living room. Hailey stopped in the kitchen to grab plates and beers. She made it in time to watch him fall back onto the couch. He sighed dramatically, “I’ve missed you.” He said, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply. 
Hailey chuckled, settling in next to him. “Feels good to be home, doesn’t it?” She asked.
Jay flattened his cheek against the couch to look at her. “Yeah.” He wanted to say no, that it felt good to be there, because home was wherever she was, but he kept his mouth shut. He had thought back to their conversation a few nights before many times, he read between all the lines, replayed the words over and over again. And he was almost convinced she was talking about them, but here they were several days later and nothing had changed. 
Had it though? He caught himself today, smiling a little bigger, laughing a little louder, he felt lighter. Like he was riding a high, a Hailey high and he couldn’t complain. 
Hailey stood, grabbing her already empty beer bottle. “You want another?” She asked, heading towards the kitchen. 
“No.” Jay said, “thanks though.” He took a beat. “Actually,” He stood, following her into the other room. “I wanted to talk to you about something-'' He had barely gotten the words out and there was a loud pop, it sounded just like a gunshot.
Before she knew it, Hailey was on the ground on her back, Jay laying on top of her. “This feels familiar.” She said, trying to lighten the mood. Jay looked up at her, fear showing clearly in his eyes. Hailey immediately softened, reaching out on instinct to cup his face. “Jay, it was just a car backfiring.” 
She watched it click, his face contorting from fear to pure panic. Jay scrambled off her, “Sorry, habit.” He said shyly. He wanted to eat his own foot, he had just tackled her to the ground for no reason and she was being so understanding, it felt like his heart was being out of his chest. 
“It’s fine, really.” Hailey said, genuinely. “As far as bad habits go, instinctively saving people’s lives isn’t a terrible one.” 
Jay smirked, “We already established that I’m a superhero.” 
Hailey grimaced, “I was hoping I dreamt that.” 
Jay shook his head, “Nope, it happened.” He stood, holding out a hand for her. “Talk about an ego boost.” 
Hailey took his hand, “Happy to help.” When she was fully standing up, she couldn’t help but notice how close she was to him. She peered up at him, finding that he was already watching her, he squeezed her hand gently, showing he had no intention of letting it go. “What did you want to talk about?” She asked, trying to keep her cool.
Jay’s confident facade cracked and crumbled in front of her. “Uh, nothing. It wasn’t important.” He said, dropping her hand and taking a step backward. 
Hailey groaned internally, she was so sick of this. They always came so close and then one of them would get scared, she couldn’t take it anymore. “I’m right.” She said softly. “I know I am, if two people are right for each other-” She took a breath, no more games, no more riddles. “If two people are as good together as we are, then nothing else matters.” 
Jay looked at her in shock, she was saying everything he was waiting to hear and part of him was mad at himself making her say it first. “We’re really good together.” She sighed out.
“Yeah.” Hailey said, Jay closed the gap between them, capturing her lips with his. Hailey reacted by grabbing his neck and pulling him closer. Jay’s arm wrapped around her waist, lifting her onto the counter. Hailey wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer. 
Jay eventually pulled away, breathless. “Look, you're finally as tall as me.” He said. Hailey rolled her eyes, pushing on his chest, but Jay grabbed her waist, holding her firmly against him. He leaned again, this time kissing her so slow that it was almost painful. 
Hailey bit her lip, “I wish I would have said something a week ago, being trapped in a house together would have been much more interesting.” 
“Yeah.” Jay said, smirking. “You would have been gawking at me from inside the shower instead of outside of it.” 
Hailey blushed, looking down at their intertwined hands. “You’re terrible.” 
“You love it.” He said casually. Hailey’s head snapped up, waiting for him to apologize or back away, she was ready for such a strong word (no matter how much she felt it) to screw this up before it started. Jay caught on, cupping her cheek gently. “Not as much as I love you.” 
Hailey swore she stopped breathing. “Yeah?”
Hailey wasted no time smashing her lips to his, letting her fingers get tangled in his hair. She drug her lips from his to his ear. “I love you too.” Jay grinned against her cheek, pulling her back to his lips. “You wanna try tackling me to the floor again?” She asked, smirking.
“Yes.” He said immediately, pulling her off the counter. Hailey laughed as he lowered them, looks like she wasn’t waking up alone tomorrow and she couldn’t be happier. 
A/N: You ask and you shall receive! This one kinda got away from me to be honest, and I have no idea where it fits in the timeline (maybe post new york but pre season 8?), so there’s that. Thanks for reading! <3
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Galactica, Chapter 37 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Last Chapter: Things looked up for Violet as she finally settled into the new normal of working in design.
This Chapter: One of New York’s most illustrious editors-in-chief turns 40--in style.
It had been an absolute hell week, Courtney being run ragged all day, everyday. She’d missed more meals than not, barely slept, had gotten used to only using the bathroom when Fame was occupied.
It was really the first time that she and Miss Fame had to interact directly for more than a few words, and if Courtney thought she was high-maintenance before, she had no idea how weird it would get.
On Tuesday, Courtney had been torn a new one for ringing the doorbell when she had dropped off a package at Fame’s house, Fame looking at her like she was absolute vermin.
How was Courtney supposed to have known that it was a deathsin not to just let herself into her boss’ house, Fame explaining to her like she was a retarded toddler that she valued her family life and private time too much to be interrupted, not at all catching the irony of the fact that she was imposing on Courtney’s private time by forcing her to come to her house at 10 pm.
And now, a casual text from Adore that she’d be there around 7:30 reminded her about Bianca’s party and she was absolutely panicking. She had less than an hour to make herself presentable with literally nothing to wear.
She’d meant to ask Ivy about a dress, days ago, and then again yesterday when she was arranging the delivery of Miss Fame’s present to the Marie Claire offices, but it had slipped her mind amongst all the other things she had to remember.  
She jumped up and raced into Raja’s suite, a cramp in her side, relieved to find the redhead still at her desk.
“Courtney? Are you okay?” Ivy rose from her seat, a concerned look on her face, ever the empath.
“I just...I forgot…” Courtney tried to catch her breath.
“Okay, take a breath. Whatever it is, it’s fixable. I promise.”
Courtney gulped. “I forgot that I’m supposed to go to this party tonight at the Guggenheim and it’s super fancy and my ride will be here in 40 minutes and I don’t have anything to wear and I don’t even know what the dress code means and I was just wondering if I could borrow something and I promise I’ll have it cleaned and returned by Monday but-”
“Courtney, breathe. Okay?” Ivy took her hand, inhaling deeply and then blowing out dramatically.
Had this job really killed so many of her brain cells that she needed assistance breathing now? Regardless, Courtney followed Ivy’s lead, taking a few deep breaths to slow her racing heart.
“Now,” Ivy began. “What does the dress code say?”
“Creative black tie?”
“Ah. Okay. Follow me.”
Courtney nearly cried with gratitude as Ivy led her into the wardrobe closet.
“Luckily, you’re a sample size, so this shouldn’t be too much of a challenge,” Ivy said. “It’s Bianca Del Rio’s party, right?”
“Yeah,” Courtney said, watching her paw expertly through the racks.
“Are you going for anything in particular?”
“I guess I wanna look…” Courtney racked her brain, unsure of what to say, when the word, “older” slipped from her lips.
Ivy paused, clearly not expecting that answer, and gave Courtney a curious look before nodding.
“I can work with that. Now, Bianca likes bold colors and dramatic silhouettes with clean lines, so I think something like this…” Ivy pulled a stunning, beaded blue cocktail dress out off the rack. “This will look good on you.”
Ivy was truly a gift from god. Not only did they find a dress that fit perfectly (they settled on a short, fire-engine red silk number with a plunging neckline), along with shoes, accessories, and a glamorous faux-fur wrap, but she even stayed to help Courtney with her hair and makeup, giving her a chic updo and dramatic winged liner.
“Ivy, honestly, if you ever need anything. Someone to cover your desk...a kidney...whatever...you know who to ask.”
“Good to know.” Ivy laughed, checking her makeup one more time, adding a little more glimmering highlighter to her cheekbones, and then proclaiming, “Alright, I think you’re done.”
“Thank you so much,” Courtney said again, pulling out her phone. She hadn’t heard from Adore in awhile, and wondered if she was stuck in traffic or something. She seriously hoped that she hadn’t rushed like crazy, inconveniencing Ivy and nearly giving herself an ulcer worrying, just to sit around waiting for an hour.
ADORE: Soon, I think. I’m on my way to Pearl’s, then we’ll pick you up. Do you want a gyro?
ADORE: Oh yeah. Gross. I’ll text you when we’re close.
“Bianca! Darling!” Fame reached out her arms to pull Bianca in for a tight embrace.  “Happy Birthday!”
She and Patrick had just arrived at the stunning event space a few minutes earlier, and were immediately whisked off to a VIP area with a private bar, where Raja and Raven were already relaxing on sofas, Sutan and Violet standing at the bar chatting with Detox and Jujubee.
It was perfect, removed enough from the chaos of the dance floor, but with a perfect view over the railing. And the speed with which Bianca had arrived to greet her told her that she’s given special instructions for the staff to alert her to Fame’s presence--exactly the kind of preferential treatment that Fame expected.
“Thanks, blondie,” Bianca grinned, “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you,” Fame smiled widely, fluttering her lashes. “So do you. I love this dress!”
“Yeah, your tits look great!” Raja chimed in.
Bianca was wearing a sinfully tight black bandage dress, the neckline showing off her breasts and glowing skin, the hem just above her knees, her legs one of Bianca’s best assets.
“You can barely see that you’re turning 40.” Fame grinned, which earned her a pinch from Bianca, the other still keeping her in her arms.
“Please,” Fame squeezed Bianca’s forearm, “So, tell me the truth, do you like the ring?”
Bianca held up her hand, where it glittered on her index finger.
Yesterday, Fame had had Bianca’s birthday present delivered to her office at the exact time of her birth, 3:57 pm. Fame knew Bianca liked her statement pieces, so she had custom ordered a cocktail ring, but not just any cocktail ring. Instead of the usual single band, a stone in the middle, Fame had gone for a three part twist in gold, sparkling garnets adorning it.
“It’s perfect, I love it,” Bianca said.
“Wonderful!” Fame clasped her hands together. “You’re impossible to shop for.”
“No I’m not! I love stuff,” Bianca countered. “Plus, you know...I’ll never say no to a present that’s unavailable in stores…”
She grinned wickedly, dimples deep, hand drifting down to Fame’s ass. Fame swatted it away with a scolding look.
“Really, Bianca.”
“What, it’s my birthday!” Bianca said. “You gotta give me something.”
“Fine, a tiny something,” Fame laughed, leaning in and giving her a sweet kiss on the lips, then following up with a light smack to her cheek.
“That’s not where I like being spanked,” Bianca said.
“Oh my god, you’re impossible!” Fame exclaimed, breaking away and stepping over to the bar while Bianca laughed gleefully behind her. “Now come on, tell me about your presents.”
“And a drink for the lady.” Sutan smiled as he handed Violet a glass, his date taking it with a sweet smile and a thank you, Sutan putting his arm back around her waist as they walked around.
He had picked Violet up at her apartment, his heart almost skipping a beat as she had pushed the double doors open and walked down the steps, her dress of the night absolutely stunning, the back open and taunting with it’s promise of bare impossibly soft skin.
“So,” Sutan rubbed his thumb up and down, gently caressing Violet’s back, “are you having fun?”
Sutan was happy that she was there, enjoyed spending time with her, but as he got to know her more and more, he slowly realized how little she actually enjoyed big crowds.
“Okay.” Sutan bit his lip, hiding a smile at Violet’s quick but short reply.
Alaska giggled delightedly, letting Jinkx twirl her on the dance floor. If you’d told Alaska a few years ago that she’d have a friend who she could have this much fun with sober, she’d have laughed in your face. But, even though Jinkx didn’t mind it, Alaska really didn’t enjoy drinking around her. So when they were together, Alaska felt like it was the least she could do to hold off on the booze. What she did enjoy was being with her, sober or not, looking into her sparkling brown eyes as they tripped all over their feet.
“For a Broadway star, you’re really uncoordinated,” Alaska laughed, and Jinkx pretended to be offended, then giggled.
“It’s hard to be mad when you call me a Broadway star.”
“Well, you are!” Alaska said, wrapping her arms around Jinkx’s neck and gazing at her happily. She loved these moments, just the two of them having the time of their lives, dancing and laughing and ignoring every other person in the room. They always had fun, but tonight, Jinkx seemed to have an extra bounce in her step, radiating a kind of joy, and it made Alaska feel so grateful to be around her.
“Thanks Lasky...you’re the best.”
They whirled and stumbled around the dance floor some more, until they were both breathless and needed a break.
“What are we feeling like tonight? Ginger ale? Cranberry and soda?” Alaska asked.
“You choose,” Jinkx said, clinging to her arm.
Alaska ordered a couple of drinks for them and then turned back to Jinkx, who was looking at her with the cutest little dreamy half-smile. She couldn’t help the tingling rush that went down her spine as she lowered her eyes and asked, “So...what’s going on with you tonight?”
“What do you mean?” Jinkx asked, eyes widening innocently.
“I mean...you’re just very...I don’t know...” A smile tugged at Alaska’s lips. “...twinkly tonight.”
“Well...I wasn’t gonna say anything because...it’s kind of silly, but,” she lowered her voice, eyes shining. “I ran into her again. Ivy.”
Alaska felt her whole chest deflate, forcing a smile as Jinkx continued.
“At Zabar’s! It’s like the universe is just conspiring to help us get together, you know?” Jinkx giggled happily.
A lump rose in Alaska’s throat and she nodded, using all her willpower to keep the smile painted across her face. “Oh, wow. That’s...that’s cool. Did you talk?”
“Yes. You’d be so proud of me, I even got her number!”
“Wow. Awesome!” Alaska felt like she was going to throw up, shifting her gaze to the bartender, grateful for the distraction as he slid two ginger ales across the bar. She couldn’t help wishing that half the glass was Jack Daniels. She handed one of them to Jinkx and took her own. It tasted just dust.
“Yeah, but she was still a bit formal, you know? I think I need to see her in a more relaxed setting. Do you think she likes opera? Maybe I can ask her to Madame Butterfly?” Jinkx chattered, away, oblivious to Alaska’s shift in mood.
“You really think the Met is a relaxed setting?”
Jinkx threw back her head and laughed, squeezing Alaska’s arm. “Omigod, you’re right. I’m such a dingbat. What would I do without you, Lasky?”
“I don’t know…” Alaska stirred her drink.
“What do you think she likes?”
“Uh, I’m really not sure,” Alaska said. And it was true. She knew that Ivy was sweet, and professional, and did her job with a kind of calm efficiency. But she didn’t know her very well on a personal level, their professional paths rarely crossing directly.
“Hmm, maybe you can ask around? If that wouldn’t be too weird?” Jinkx looked so hopeful and earnest that Alaska couldn’t help but smile for real in spite of herself, immediately agreeing to help her on this quest to capture Ivy’s heart.
“Of course. I’ll ask around.”
Jinkx sighed happily, leaning on Alaska’s shoulder, eyes falling closed for a moment. “You really are my favorite person, Lask.”
“Back atcha, Jinxky.”
Adore walked into Bianca’s party, feeling like a million bucks. Everyone that was anyone and even some who were nothing were there, and Adore knew she looked better than all of them with her purple hair, her pouty red lips, her short black leather dress, fishnets, and best of all… Pearl, the sexiest fucking goddess she’d ever seen in her life at her side.
She hung on Pearl’s arm, enjoying the jealous looks she got; knowing that everyone at the party wanted to be in her place. She even got a nasty look from some models, who were clearly all in love with her girl, but Adore didn’t care.
Pearl was here with her and only her. Pearl glanced at her every few seconds with a smug grin on her face, like the cat that just ate the canary. Well, if the canary was Adore’s pussy. Which would mean the cat was… Well whatever, Adore wasn’t an English scholar. She was in love.
The only thing that sucked was that Courtney looked so fucking miserable. They’d been a little late picking her up, due to getting, well, sidetracked for a while at Pearl’s, and then stopping for food. She thought that Courtney would be a bit more understanding, but she’d barely spoken two words in the car, even Pearl picking up on her obvious anger.
And now, even though she was at the coolest party in Manhattan, she didn’t look happy at all. Adore caught her eye, offering a hopeful smile, but received only a resigned nod in return. She reached out to touch her hand.
“Have I told you how gorgeous you look?” Adore asked, hoping that a compliment and a charming grin would be enough to lighten her mood.
“You think?” Courtney asked, adjusting one of her straps nervously. “I don’t look out of place?”
“Bitch, you put all these other girls to shame,” Adore promised, and was rewarded, finally, with a pleased smile from Courtney.
Adore looked over at the group of giggling socialites who were approaching them, only slightly annoyed when they swept her girlfriend up. She pouted as Pearl dropped her hand, but smiled again when she doubled back to whisper into her ear, “I’m gonna try and squeeze some gossip out of these hoes, and then I’ll catch up with you later.”
“Okay, but don’t be too long!” Adore pulled her in, branding her cheek with a dark red kiss before taking Courtney’s arm and sauntering away, pleased with herself. She scanned the party, looking for her sister and finally spotting her holding court near the bar. She cupped her hands over her mouth to shout through the crowd. “Bianca! Happy birthday, you ancient whore!”
Bianca turned towards her sister’s voice, barking out, “You’re late!”
“Whaddaya mean, we’re right on time for a grand entrance!” Adore countered, laughing.
“Well-” Bianca stopped, completely losing her train of thought when her eyes landed on Courtney. She was wearing a short red dress, the first time Bianca has seen her in a color other than pastels, and she looked absolutely fucking stunning--legs a mile long, one blonde curl falling into her eyes. Damn.
“You look cute, B. Very boobalicious,” Adore said, giving her a hug. “Not bad for an old lady.”
“Yeah, thank you,” Bianca said, eyes still locked on Courtney. “Hi, Courtney.”
“Hi. Happy birthday,” Courtney said, giving her a sweet smile. “Sorry we’re late.”
“Oh, that’s alright,” Bianca told her. “But here, uh...this’ll help you catch up.”
She took a couple of the signature drinks from a passing tray and handed them over. Adore immediately began to suck hers down, but Courtney hesitated.
“Um, what’s in this?”
“Courtney’s afraid of tequila. It makes her messy, right bae?” Adore bumped her hip.
“Something like that.”
“It’s called a Madras. Vodka, orange juice and cranberry. No tequila, but it will fuck you up. Be warned,” Bianca said with a wink.
“Well...cheers,” Courtney said, giving an adorable little laugh.
“Cheers.” Bianca took a sip of her own drink, then leaned in closer. “You look amazing, by the way.”
“Yeah?” Courtney’s eyes shone, her fingers twirling that stray lock of hair.
“Yeah.” Bianca tried unsuccessfully to wipe the stupid grin off her face, and instead broke the tension with, “I’m shocked that someone who’s friends with my sister has such good taste.”
“Hey!” Adore exclaimed.
“Don’t be too impressed. It’s a loaner,” Courtney replied drily, causing Bianca to throw back her head and laugh.
“Fair enough.” She downed the rest of her drink, waving off a couple of acquaintances who were trying to get her attention.
“Be right back,” Adore said, scampering away towards Pearl, of course jumping the second the blonde so much as crooked a little finger.
Courtney reached out for her, but she was already gone. She sighed slightly, looking a little bit dejected, and Bianca cleared her throat.
“So listen, I heard through the grapevine that you’re looking for a way to avoid your, uh, Galactica employers while you’re here?”
Courtney looked up, startled. She seemed shocked that Bianca was still talking to her, and she stammered uncomfortably. “Oh. Yeah, no, I just-”
“Listen, it’s understandable, you wanna have a good time. Can’t do that while your boss is breathing down your neck, right?” Bianca flashed her dimples.
“Well...yeah,” Courtney admitted, laughing a little.
Bianca stepped closer, slipping an arm around her shoulders and lowering her voice conspiratorially. “Fame and Raja are well contained, don’t worry. I made a VIP section since those two need a velvet rope to feel like they’re having a good time.”
Courtney giggled. “Like a rich person playpen?”
“It’s a prison of their own making,” Bianca affirmed,  giving her a wink. “Trust me, they’re looking down on everyone the way they prefer, and they ain’t leaving.”
“Well...thank you.” Courtney bit her lip. It was hard to tell in this light, but it looked like a slight blush had crept into her cheeks, and Bianca found herself even more enamored.
A second later, she felt someone tap on her arm: one of the Marie-Claire board members, who she sadly couldn’t ignore.
“Sorry, I have go...do hostess shit,” Bianca said, regret flooding her chest, and Courtney nodded.
“Of course.”
She turned towards the middle-aged man and his young wife, saying her cursory hellos and giving air kisses, making small talk with them both. As soon as she could manage, though, she spared a glance back at Courtney.
The plan, from the moment Adore told her that Courtney was coming, had been to seduce this smoking hot friend of her sister’s. And she figured that the “rough break-up” that Adore’d reported would make it a sure thing. An easy and fun little fling--a birthday present to herself.
But now, something about the wistful, faraway expression on her delicate face as she smoothed down her skirt made her look vulnerable, in a way that gave Bianca pause. As stunning as she was--and fuck, she was an absolute knock-out--it didn’t make Bianca want to seduce her. Instead, it made her want to protect her. Ugh, why did her fucking conscience have rear its ugly head tonight, on her birthday of all nights?
“Thank you so much. Be sure to check out the raw bar!” she said, finally escaping and ready to head back to Courtney--but Adore beat her to it.
She watched as her sister came bounding up, Pearl in tow, and grabbed Courtney’s hands to pull her onto the dance floor.
Well, good. She should have a good time. Lord knows, anyone who worked for Fame deserved to blow off some steam. Bianca snatched another drink from a passing tray, trying to redirect her attention to the Welsh model who’d been giving her bedroom eyes all night.
Violet was having a surprisingly good time, taking small sips of her champagne. She had hurried home from work, almost ready when Sutan had texted that he was downstairs, the smile on Sutan’s face when he had seen her dress almost, almost, almost worth it’s price tag.
She had never been to an event of this size without having to worry if catering ran out of ice, or if she’d need to get taxis for whoever got way too drunk. It was nice to just stand by Sutan’s side, nice to be allowed to just be, without having to entertain or constantly think about everything that could go wrong.
“Ah, yes, of course.” Sutan smiled, his thumb rubbing up and down the small of Violet’s back. He was talking to one of the models from Elite, Violet vaguely recognizing her from some of the headshots she had presented to Fame for the fall collection. “I’ll be sure to tell Marcel about that.”
“Excuse me,” Violet turned, her eyes falling on a man with a camera, the card around his neck instantly telling her that he was from OK! magazine. “I was wondering if I could take a few pictures?”
“Oh,” Violet didn’t know what to do, her stomach instantly tightening.
“Sure,” Sutan grinned, turning towards the camera. “Right girls?”
“I-” Violet didn’t want to be in the picture, didn’t want someone she didn’t know documenting where she was, didn’t want to risk it ending up online. “I don’t-”
“Oh of course,” Sutan took her glass, handing it off to someone. “There we go.”
“Come here,” Sutan put an arm around the model, posing both of them.
“Please-” Violet could feel Sutan’s hand on her hip, holding her tight, keeping her trapped, her throat closing up.
“Should we smile?”
“No,” The photographer looked out from behind his camera, “just be natural.”
Violet pushed away, forcing Sutan to let her go as the camera went off. She didn’t hear Sutan say her name, a quick flicker of a question on his face, didn’t see him smile apologetically to the photographer and pose with the model, didn’t notice any of it as she made her way outside, escaping the only thing she could think of.
Juju strolled through the crowd with Raven. She appreciated the whole VIP setup as much as anyone, but this was a massive party, and they’d decided to come spend a little time where the action was, maybe dance a bit -at least as much as her poor pregnant body would allow. They were stopped by a group of models, Raven proudly showing off her engagement ring and letting the other girls fawn all over her.
Juju put up with the schmoozing for a couple of minutes--after all, those girls were potential clients, until she spotted Bianca nearby and politely excused herself from the group, knowing that Raven would be perfectly content with her little fan club.
Bianca was chatting up some sweet young thing (typical), and Juju couldn’t resist messing with her a little. She wrapped her arms around Bianca’s waist from behind, asking in a low, husky voice, “Tell me I’m your favorite, Daddy.”
It was a joke between the two of them, something that had started years ago when Juju and Detox were first dating. They’d shown up at brunch one morning in the middle of a heated argument about whether it was appropriate for her to call him “Daddy” during sex--ironically, only a few months before she got preganant with their first child. It wasn’t a kink thing, exactly, it was just that she thought it was funny, and especially so when she saw his freaked out reaction. The group agreed that right or wrong, if it bothered him then she probably shouldn’t say it. But Bianca, ever the good sport, had pulled the smaller woman into her lap and declared that if she really needed to call someone Daddy, she was ‘willing to take one for the team.’
Juju accompanied her breathy greeting by biting gently on Bianca’s ear, adding, “Pwease?”
Bianca burst out laughing, pulling her close and introducing her to a very confused looking girl. “Tayce, you must know my friend Juju Sanderson. The brilliant hairstylist who owns Jujubee’s downtown?”
“Oh, yeah! It’s an honor!” Tayce said, her brown eyes lighting up as a dazzling smile spread across her face. “I’ve been trying to get an appointment with you, but you’re booked up for months!”
Juju had to bite back her laugh when she heard Tayce speak--Bianca always was a sucker for an accent.
“Well, play your luck with Daddy here, and you might jump the queue,” Juju said with a wink.
“Among other benefits,” Bianca cackled. “You know you’re the only one who I’d let get away with that Daddy shit, right?”
“Yes, thank you. You’re a lot more fun than my husband.”
“In so many ways,” Bianca said, turning to Tayce and giving her a playful smirk.
Violet took a deep breath, letting it out through her teeth as she could finally feel her heart slow down, though the knot in her stomach wasn’t going away.
She knew she couldn’t help it, but it was impossible not to feel an inkling of shame travel up her spine, the feeling that she was being ridiculous impossible to push down.
Sutan hadn’t meant anything by it, taking photos a part of his life, being in the public eye something that simply came natural for him.
Violet took a last breath, pushing away from the wall she had been leaning against to go back to the party, hoping that Sutan hadn’t noticed how strange she was acting.
It wasn’t that Violet liked acting this way, that she wanted to feel the panic rising in her body whenever she saw a camera in a stranger's hand, but she couldn’t help it.
She was an adult now, she had her own life, her own money and even her own job and her own apartment, but it was hard not to hide, impossible not to react to the instinctive fear that welled up in her at the risk of being found.
Violet walked back inside, the noise and the amount of people feeling so much more overwhelming when she wasn’t at Sutan’s side. She made her way through the crowd, easily spotting both Fame and Pearl, avoiding both of them.
She was starting to think Sutan had left, Raja nowhere to be found either, when she saw him sitting at a table, surrounded by models. He was laughing loudly, his arm around one of the girls, several of the models’ phones taking pictures of everything that was happening.
Violet’s stomach did a flip, the panic from earlier rushing through her body. She couldn’t go over there, couldn’t be a part of that part of Sutan’s world, so instead, Violet did what she always did.
Turned around, and walked away.
[Raja?] Sutan put a hand on Raja’s hip, turning her around. Sutan had been sitting with a group of models, doing shots and having fun right up until one of them had touched his legs under the table, and he had abandoned ship instantly.
[Have you seen Violet?]
He hadn’t seen her in over an hour, and while Sutan was more than sure that Violet could take care of herself, he had started to worry.
[Sutan!] Raja grinned, stepping into his space, looping her arms around his neck. [Hello brother dear.]
[Hello.] Sutan smiled, once again reminded of how much he truly loved Raja. She was tipsy, her eyes swimming slightly, which was probably why she hadn’t responded to his question. [Have you seen Violet?]
[Violet?] Raja tilted her head, her hand fiddling with the hairs at the nape of his neck. [No?]
[Shit.] Sutan bit his lip, his hands resting on Raja’s hips.
[Maybe she just left?] Raja smiled, running her fingers through his hair. [There’s no need to worry.]
[She can handle herself.]
[Mmmh.] Sutan knew that Raja was probably right, but it still felt weird that VIolet hadn’t said goodbye, and if he was honest, he was disappointed that they wouldn’t be going home together at the end of the night. [I’ll send her a text.]
Sutan was just about to reach into his pocket, was just about to get his phone out, when he saw a photographer to his left, just outside the VIP section. The paparazzi always loved to get photos of him and Raja together, and while he was sure Raja hadn’t noticed, he made sure to twist her slightly to the left, getting her good side as he smiled at the camera.
“Every guy here is drooling over you, bae,” Adore giggled, spinning Courtney on the dance floor before accepting another drink from Pearl.
“Not just the guys,” Pearl added with a wink.
Courtney laughed. In spite of her hesitation in tagging along, she’d been having a pretty good time. The attention was fun, of course, but Courtney’d barely noticed the alleged guys drooling over her. She couldn’t help thinking about the way she’d felt when Bianca put that arm around her, the way her brown eyes had sparkled in the dim light. The way goosebumps prickled her skin as Bianca’s fingers grazed her shoulder.
Her gaze kept being pulled in Bianca’s direction. Eyes drifting over her enticing curves in that tight dress. And occasionally, to her absolute thrill, Bianca would be looking back at her. Every time their eyes met, her stomach flipped around like crazy.
It was silly, she knew that. She knew that Bianca was only being nice to her because she was Adore’s friend. A nice kid. That it didn’t mean anything deep. This was, after all, a woman who dated supermodels and Oscar winners. Like the gorgeous girl by her side most of the evening, who had a face that Courtney instantly recognized from last month’s British Vogue cover.
The reality of the situation didn’t stop her from pretending, even just to herself, even just for the night, that maybe there was something there, that warranted all these confusing feelings swirling around inside her like a tornado.
And later, when they were saying goodbye, she allowed herself to enjoy the way Bianca’s palm pressed to the small of her back. She even let her lips linger for a few moments on Bianca’s warm cheek, kissing her goodnight.
SUTAN: Did you leave?
SUTAN: The party is still going.
SUTAN: Did you get home safe?
SUTAN: I can’t find you.
SUTAN: Violet??
VIOLET: I’m fine.
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strangest-hour · 4 years
Gallowdance (Steve x Reader)
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Chapter One: Hang the DJ
Synopsis: You and Steve had bonded over the trauma you two had endured during the Summer of ‘86 at Starcourt. Mere months later, everyone else had gone back to normal. However, you had a hunch that everything wasn’t quite as normal as it seemed. It was up to you and Steve to conquer whatever sinister evil was at play this time.
Word Count: 3,077
Warnings: swearing, alcohol, mentions of blood, gore, mentions of pizza
*Author’s Note* If you’re a Billy stan, I would highly suggest reading something else. He’s a serious asshole in this, so don’t say I didn’t warn you.
 The party was in full swing. You stood on the sidelines as you watched the crowd of sweaty bodies gyrating to ear splitting party music. Everyone else seemed to be having a good time, but you just wanted to go home. It was hard to enjoy yourself when you just felt so stiff. Even with the ungodly amount of alcohol polluting your bloodstream. You should’ve been as loose and happy as ever, ready to drag yourself onto the dance floor. But your mind held yourself back. It was difficult to act like everything was normal and to just let yourself go wild.
“Just act normal.” 
Steve had said,
“Act like nothing happened here and that everything is fine.”
Which is what you were doing. Just acting normal. Doing your normal thing. Going out late, hanging with friends, going out to parties. That was what you did. But that’s not what you do now. You now lived in a state of constant fear. All you could do was follow Steve’s advice and hope that one day, things would go back to feeling normal. God, how you yearned for normalcy again.
“Hey, wanna come play this round of beer pong with me?”
The sound of Tina’s voice snapped you back into the present. How long were you zoned out for?
“Oh, no thanks. I’m already pretty trashed. I think I might go home. I don’t feel so good”
It wasn’t a complete lie. You were pretty over trying to pretend. At least for the night. The room was spinning and you just wanted to get the fuck out of there.
Tina pouted her lip in disappointment at your answer.
“Pretty please? Tommy and Carol are kicking my ass out there. Quincy passed out, so I need a new partner.”
Ugh, you really didn’t want to. And you had a sneaking suspicion that she wasn’t going to give you much of a choice.
“I’ll let you borrow my new Blondie tape for a week?”
Suffice to say, you kicked Carol and Tommy’s ass at beer pong. You and Tina always did make a dynamite team. Tommy was being a sore loser about the whole debacle, drunkenly slurring about how the game was somehow rigged. All you could do was chuckle at the notion as you left the table. 
If you weren’t drunk before, you sure as hell were drunk now.
It was a challenge battling your way back through the mob of hammered people, trying to get to the other side. You could feel bile rising to the back of your throat as you quickly rushed outside to empty the contents of your stomach onto Tina’s lawn. It was going to rain tomorrow. Hopefully, mother nature was kind enough to clean it off the lawn for you.
You stumbled back inside to get your jacket and noticed that Cheryl’s jacket was gone. She was your ride home.
By some miracle, you were able to find Tina again and ask her where the hell Cheryl was.
“She asked you if you still needed a ride home during beer pong, and you said no. Don’t you remember?”
You vaguely remember her coming up to you, asking you about something during beer pong. But you were too focused on the game to pay attention to what Cheryl was saying. And that was almost an hour ago. Cheryl was definitely long gone by now.
The only other option was to walk home. As everyone else there was either too drunk, or too unconscious.
You slipped on your jacket and slid your purse on your arm, heading out the door.
The cool breeze of the fall air brushed across your face as you trudged through the lawn. Being extra careful not to step on your pile of bile on the lawn. Or anyone else’s for that matter.
It was only a couple blocks home, but god did you hate walking home by yourself. You had done it many times before when you were too wasted to drive yourself home, and hated it every single time.
This time felt different, though. Maybe witnessing the world quite literally almost ending before your eyes had something to do with it. Demogorgons, mindflayers, and who knows what the hell else was out there. Well, they were supposedly all taken care of. You just couldn’t shake the feeling that something else sinister was going on right under your nose. There was no real justification for your theory. It was probably just the trauma that was keeping you on edge.
You heard the roar of an engine pulling up beside you.
“Hey there, dollface. Need a ride?”
Speaking of sinister things. 
“No thanks, I’m fine.” You said, not even looking in his direction.
“Oh, come on. It’s cold as hell outside. I won’t bite.”
“Billy, I said no thank you.” You stated sternly.
You despised the guy. Why wouldn’t he just leave you alone?
“You live just down the road from me, so it’s not even out of the way. Just hop in.”
You just ignored him as you continued walking down the sidewalk, his car slowly following you as he was obnoxiously pleading for you to get in.
“I could just drive right alongside you the whole way home. Make sure you’re safe and all.”
All he needed was a windowless van and the promise of candy to finish off his incessant bothering for you to get in his car.
“Fuck off, man! I’m just fine all by myself. I don’t need your help.”
Something in your gut made you uneasy about his offer. Or rather him being so adamant about you getting in his car. You felt more uncomfortable than usual around him.
“Whatever.” He spat out as he zoomed off.
A breath of relief left your lips as he left your sight. You weren’t sure, but there was definitely something telling you that being near him was a very bad idea. Maybe it was the alcohol giving you false signals. 
More than likely, it was because of the events that unfolded mere months ago. At Starcourt, you literally saw the mindflayer rip a hole in his chest. He should’ve been dead. Somehow, he emerged through the woods a few weeks later, and he was just peachy keene. Apart from some cuts and bruises.
His family had held a god damn memorial for him. Figuring his body had burned with the rest of Starcourt. When he came back, he was unofficially proclaimed zombie boy number 2: electric boogaloo. You didn’t feel that he even deserved that title. Will had been through hell and back. Had been missing for weeks, stuck in the upside down. Left to fend for himself before he even hit puberty to earn his title. That’s not even counting the PTSD that was going to follow him for the rest of his life.
Billy just had dumb luck. Fortunate enough to not have any major arteries shredded.
You and the party had tried every test possible to ensure he wasn’t flayed again, or somehow a demogorgon in disguise. The tests checked out, and he was fine. That still didn’t excuse the fact that he should have been dead. He could explain his injuries away until he was blue in the face. That didn’t change the fact that you knew what you saw.
Thinking about all that shit was the last thing you needed running through your mind while you were walking home alone. At the end of the street, you hung a left and took a shortcut through a grassy field. Admittedly, you hadn’t gone this way many times, so you were a little fuzzy on where you were going. Especially since you still had a decent amount of booze in your system. 
After navigating yourself around a little bit, you emerged on the other side of the field. Ending up at the abandoned warehouse.
You trekked around the warehouse to get to the other side. It felt like miles getting around the damn thing. When you finally got to the other side of it, you wished you hadn’t.
“Hey there.” Billy said as he leaned up against his car with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. 
Had he been following you?
You were planning on simply walking right past him, ignoring him completely. Though upon getting closer to him, you noticed a smear of blood on his chest.
“What happened to you?” You said, pointing to his chest.
He shrugged “Oh, this? Eh, I just killed someone earlier. Didn’t quite get all cleaned up.”
You rolled your eyes. Though something about his joke didn’t sit right with you.
He shook his head “I’m not kidding.”
“Oh, ha-ha. Very funny.”
His words sent a chill down your spine, and your heart started beating rapidly.
You could tell by his cold gaze that he was dead serious.
You turned around, and immediately started running. All you could do was run. You ran until you felt like your lungs were ready to explode. His admission had you almost completely sobered up in an instant, having you dart away like a track star.
Suddenly, there was an exploding pain that radiated from the back of your skull. Slowly but surely, your vision became flooded with darkness as you began to drift into unconsciousness.
Your eyelids started to flutter as you began to regain consciousness. Wherever you were, it had a piercing brightness above you, making it hard for you to open your eyes.
If you hadn’t known any better, you would’ve suspected that you had died. The dull pain encompassing your body told you otherwise.
God, how your body ached. It felt like you had been put through a damn blender.
As you began to slowly open your eyes, you recognized your surroundings. You were in a hospital.
Steve turned around and his eyes met yours.
“Hey!” He shouted out to the nurse in the hall “She’s up! Get someone in here!”
He then turned his attention back to you.
“Hey, how are you?”
He was incredibly grateful to see you awake after worrying about you for hours.
“Uh, I don’t know.” You admitted. “I feel like I just got hit by a damn bus.”
You tried to sit up in the bed, and it hurt. Everything hurt. Your body screamed in pain any way you moved.
“What happened, y/n?” Steve inquired, worried as hell. “Did someone try to mug you?”
You shook your head “N-no. I mean, I don’t think so?”
To be honest, you were still a little fuzzy. Still coming to as you tried to shake off the last bit of grogginess that lingered in your body. You felt a sharp tear in your neck as you almost doubled over in staggering pain.
“Fucking hell!” You yelled out as you brought your hand to your neck. You felt mangled flesh against your palm. The sensation had you pull your hand away. Upon further inspection, you noted your palm was smeared with blood.
“Steve. Oh my god, Steve. What happened to me?” You were scared. Too afraid to even lift up your hospital blanket to see how bad the rest of your body was.
“Well, the Doctor said that you had a pretty serious gash on your neck. Bad enough that they gave you a few stitches. You also got busted up pretty bad on the back of your head. The rest of your body is just cuts and bruises.” He peeked out the door and then turned back to you as he lowered his voice “Oh, and if anyone asks, I’m your brother. That’s the only way I was able to even find that stuff out. Had to make sure you were okay and all.”
Your fingers trailed to the back of your head to feel how bad the injury actually was. A light press to the top of your skull was all it took for your head to explode in pain.
The familiar sensation had memories rushing back to you as you remembered bits and pieces from last night. At least, the last thing you saw before you felt that familiar pain. Or rather who you saw.
“Steve. Who found me?”
“There was some lady who found you this morning trying to find her dog. Stumbled across you and thought you were a mannequin. When she found out it was a body, she called the police. Thought you were dead.”
He sat on the edge of the bed, gently squeezing your knee.
“You-” He choked up a little “You almost were. Your body was almost completely drained of blood.”
“Steve, we need to get out of here. Now.”
His admission had shaken to your core. There was something in your heart that was desperately telling you that this wasn’t just some freak thing that happened. Darkness loomed over you after Starcourt. Following you wherever you went. You goddamn knew that everything wasn’t fixed and wrapped up in a neat little bow like everyone else had probably thought. You could feel it in your bones. You just needed to find a way to prove that you were right about all of this.
“Steve, I-”
A doctor came in and interrupted you.
“Hey there, y/n. How are we feeling today?”
You shrugged “I’ve definitely seen better days, Doc.” You took your lower lip into your mouth, debating in your mind what you should do.
“Can I leave?”
Your question took the Doctor by surprise.
“Well, I’m not so sure about that. We were having issues with some of our equipment earlier and weren’t able to get a clear read on all of your vitals.”
He cleared his throat.
“We can’t legally keep you here against your will. But, I would strongly advise you against leaving-”
“Then I want to leave.” You hated that you probably sounded rude, but you just needed to get the hell out of here. There were bigger things to worry about.
He sighed at your response. “Alright, then. Give me just a few moments, and I’ll write up your paperwork.”
The minute he exited the room, Steve glanced over at you.
“Are you sure you’re well enough to leave?”
“No. But I know I’m going to need to leave anyways. Some tylenol and hot coffee should get me back to better in no-time.” You said as you swung your legs to the side of the bed. Trying not to wince in pain at your injuries.
He was irritated at your total lack of care for yourself at that moment. But, he knew that all the begging in the world wouldn’t get you to stay in the hospital. You were stubborn like that. 
A few moments later, the doctor arrived with your paperwork.
“Here are your discharge papers. And I also wrote you a prescription for tramadol, for the pain. You should follow up with your primary care physician in 5 days.”
You took the papers. “Thank you.”
As soon as the doctor exited the room, you got up out of bed.
“Alright. Let's roll.”
When you finally got back to Steve’s house, you both plopped down on the couch. It felt nice to be at his home again.
He had been kind enough to help you work through your trauma after what happened at Starcourt. He would invite you over for pizza. The two of you would pop in whatever rental he was able to swipe from the video store, and you both would shoot the shit for hours. It was so nice to feel like things were normal. Even if it was just for a little bit.
The two of you became incredibly close. Before all that crazy shit happened, you and Steve hardly even talked to one another. Maybe it was just trauma bonding bringing you together. Either way, you were grateful to become his friend. There was even one night you were feeling particularly upset, so he made you your favorite treat to cheer you up. Vanilla milkshake. No whipped cream, extra cherries.
Now, here you were again. Those good times felt like a distant memory, now. Felt like you were back at square one with your progress. Only this time instead of dealing with otherworldly creatures trying to take over the world, it was a person. Who tried to murder you specifically. All the milkshakes in the world couldn’t help with that.
“So…” He trailed off as he fidgeted with his thumbs. Normally, he wouldn’t force you to talk about anything you didn’t want to talk about.
“Steve, it’s okay.” You reassured him. “I knew I was going to have to talk to you about this. That’s why I wanted to get the hell out of the hospital.” You sighed, not looking forward to recounting your traumatic events. “So, it all started at Tina’s party...”
You spent the next few minutes explaining everything. Making extra sure to not leave out the part where Billy admitted to literally killing a person.
His jaw hung open at what you were saying. He heard your words as clear as day, he just couldn’t believe it.
“I- So… you- I mean...” He ran his fingers through his hair. You had quite literally rendered him speechless.
He shook his head, trying to gather his words. “So, he tried to kill you, and he killed someone else? We should go to the police. He doesn’t sound like some ‘creature’, he sounds like a fucking murderer. ”
You shook your head. “No, Steve. You don’t understand. He walked and talked like him. But it just… wasn’t him. And when I ran away, he didn’t run immediately. It was like he just wanted to watch me run. Like he got some sick thrill from seeing me being scared. But then he caught up to me almost instantly. It was like he had some superhuman running power or something. ”
He shook his head, not sure about what to say.
“Look, if he turns out just to be some murderous psychopath, then we can go to the police, and i’ll tell them everything. Promise.” You scooted closer to him, resting your hand on his shoulder. “But I can’t do that until I’m positive that the bastard is just a human, and not some creature of the night. Steve, you’re going to have to trust me. Please.”
He took a long pause. Thinking about what he was getting himself into.
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lokisrare · 4 years
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pairings: ben hardy x ofc.
word count: 4.6k
a/n: i hate this but i love this, also, spoiler: i hate cassie. i don’t really know what it is, but let me know what you think and if you want to know what happens next lmao. oh, by the way this was heavily inspired by break my heart by dua lipa.
June 6th, 2010.
“Well damn, you look HOT.” I gushed when Sydney walked out of the changing room.
She sent a smile towards me while fixing her hair, it must’ve been freaking hard to get on that dress, I think to myself when I look up and down her body, the dress hugging her body just right, but still, the material looked incredibly uncomfortable and her face just confirmed that to me.
“I feel like someone’s pinching my nipples constantly, like here…, ugh it hitches so bad,” she says trying to fix the top of the dress and I laugh at her struggling to make the dress work.
“Syd, why don’t you try something else, you’re going to look good anyway,” all I receive is a death glare and I just know she’s telling me to fuck off while still trying to find a way to feel comfortable.
She huffs and gets into the changing room, closing the pink curtain a little too aggressively, I suppress a giggle knowing she’s having a hard time and I’d probably end up with my hair pulled if I keep making fun of her. “Everybody Talks” by Neon Trees is playing which makes me roll my eyes annoyed, it had become my young sister’s favorite song so it was on repeat almost every hour of the day, just listening to it gave me a horrid headache.
“Fine, I guess I’ll just go with the first one,” Sydney says finally getting out. I nod, a very genuine and happy smile plastered on my face, it was 6.30 pm and we had left my house at 4, to say I was hungry and tired was an understatement.
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 “I really hate you, Cass, you know that right?” Sydney says as we finally get to my house, most specifically: my room. I run straight to my bed, my back thanking me for finally having a moment to rest after being walking and standing still for three hours straight. “I don’t really know how you choose so easily; I just can’t decide when it comes to shopping.”
I smile with my eyes closed hearing Syd grabbing the make-up bag as she seats in front of the mirror, “I just go for black, that’s my secret, black’s the right decision. Always.”
“Your whole wardrobe is black, Cassie.” I don’t see her but I can tell she rolled her eyes, annoyed. “You could’ve at least gone for something red this time or maroon or grey.”
I prop on my elbows scanning my open (and messy) closet, well… maybe I owned a lot of black clothes but it is just a glorious color, or not actually a color but who cares, black just rocks and it was easily combined.
“I promise I’ll wear something else next time.”
Sydney looks at me with a sarcastic expression, raising an eyebrow.
“No, you won’t.” Nope, I won’t.
I grab the curling iron next to my night table: “Curls, straight or should I just go natural?” Sydney shrugs looking at me intently, her lips pressed together, after a few seconds she just clicks her tongue and turns around.
“Whatever you feel like doing today, babe, you’ll look pretty anyway,” she pauses. “And Ben will like it anyway.”
“What?” She says smirking at me through the mirror. “Oh, come on you can’t possibly think I don’t realize, the tension is obvious,” she smiles satisfied at my petrified expression. “Besides he’s a Capricorn, Capricorn and Scorpios have AMAZING SEX.”
“SYDNEY” I shout throwing a heart shaped pillow at her while she laughs uncontrollably, “He’s my brother’s friend, your step brother and almost 3 years older.”
“Your brother does not care at all, I don’t either and you didn’t say nothing about the sex thing so you little bastards have been really sneaky about it but I’m the devil and I found a condom on the bathroom trash the other day,” I set a mental reminder to slap Ben when I see him tonight, “It wasn’t mine so it was either from my parents or from Ben. And your face just told me it was from Ben,” she stops and then wrinkles her nose, “Ugh, disgusting. Let’s move on from this topic, please.”
“You started it.”
“I thought he was fooling around with Candace, she’s been after him the whole year, it looks like she knows he’s leaving soon. Besides I heard the rumor they slept together, I’m sure she started it.”
“Yeah, I think she knows, that’s why she’s been so clingy.” I cringe thinking of it. “Well if it’s true then her wish finally came true.”
The disgusted tone in my voice making me feel kind of angry at myself, just as much as the thought of Ben fooling around with Candace and I know Sydney can tell. I wasn’t very surprised when I first found out she’d been trying to get his attention the whole year, her obsession with Ben wasn’t new and she seemed a little too desperate, but she wasn’t a bad person, maybe too much of a bimbo girl but still, a nice person and Ben had always found a way to avoid her.
When Malik came up to me with rumor it made my stomach turn, giving the fact that two weeks ago he had me pinned against a wall at some random party while we had a (very steamy) make out session hoping my brother wouldn’t find us. Fucking. Ben.  
“I don’t think that’s true at all, I totally think she spread the rumor herself with some friend’s help.” I sighed at Sydney insistence, “besides the whole situation is so weird, he is constantly running away from her and just one day they, like, fuck? Uh-uh, that just not makes sense, maybe she’s blackmailing him.” I laugh at her occurrence. Only Sydney, of course. “I truly hope my theory is not true, that’d be, like, pyscho behavior.”
“Yeah, but still, it might be true, we don’t know” I say getting up and throwing the curling iron on top of my bed. Curls it is, I think. “I believe there’s pizza on the fridge, is that ok for you or what do you want?”
Sydney thinks for a few seconds, “yeah, pizza’s fine, I’ll just eat a tiny bit though because I want to get really wasted really fast today and that’s way easier if I have an empty stomach.”
“You’re going to die.”
“Oh well, but it’s not going to hurt if my drunk as hell.”
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The dress hugged my curves just fine but I still felt like I was trying very hard to convince myself I really liked the way I looked with this way too short dress and I hadn’t just bought it because I knew it would catch Ben’s attention; I was upset knowing I was just about to leave my house wearing something just not-me at all to impress a stupid boy.
He’s not stupid and you know it.
“You look gorgeous, breathtaking and completely uncomfortable.” I turned around, Syd was standing leaning against the door frame looking effortlessly beautiful, her blonde hair straight and the loose baby pink dress making her look absolutely angelic.
“I am terribly uncomfortable, and I hate the fact the I’m about to take it off because it costed me good money I could’ve used to buy something I actually liked.” I said raising my voice, feeling angry at myself again, for the same reason, “I hate myself sometimes.”
Sydney giggles as she looked through my closet, smiling triumphantly when she found what she was looking for: a short black skirt and a grey blouse.
“I love this outfit on you, please change, you’re radiating so much negativity wearing that outfit besides the look on your face makes it seems like it’s causing you actual pain to be wearing this.” She stated and then lowered her eyes to my feet, “Oh god, Cassie, take those heels off, those are not even your favorite ones, put on your white vans, do yourself a favor, please.” I groaned as I got up feeling defeated and absolutely ridiculous to say the least.
Once I was changed, I felt my confidence coming back again, I looked pretty and I looked like me, Sydney got up from the bed clapping happily.
“Yay! That’s my Cassie, you look gorgeous!” she grabbed my hand dragging me downstairs way too fast and excitedly, making my chest crash against her back when she stopped abruptly at the end of the stair, turning around violently, “It’s not like you didn’t look gorgeous before, it’s just… now you look gorgeous and your face doesn’t look like you’re in the middle of a funeral.” I scoffed punching her arm but a giggle escaped my mouth making both of us laugh, right before we saw the taxi parking outside.
“Ok, let’s do it giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl.” I opened the door as Syd put two little vodka bottles inside of her little purse. “All done, and just to re-clarify, you look amazing and Ben’s going to love how you look, you really don’t need to try so hard, he already likes you.”
“Oh my God, STOP, let’s go Syd.” I said pushing her outside the house.
“Just saying.”
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The house was packed, way too packed for a place so small, the air was filled with smoke from the cigarettes and the smoke machine placed on top of an old couch. I looked around trying to find my friends or at least my brother.
You’re looking for him.
I rolled my eyes annoyed at myself, once again. I wasn’t looking for him, or maybe a little, but it’s not like I was desperate. Or too desperate.
“My niñas, over here mis amores!” A curly haired boy calls from inside the little kitchen. Lucas. He had two girls clung to his sides, fighting for his attention, I smirk looking at him as he excuses himself with the girls and start making his way towards us. Poor girls, if they only knew.
“Ugh, I’m already hating this place and I’ve been here for just 20 minutes.” He states right after kissing Syd and I’s both cheeks.
Sydney takes the vodka bottles out of her purse making Lucas smile widely as he puts his hand on his chest. Oh my god. I already knew I was going to be tonight’s babysitter.
“Yas! You are my Blondie Number One angel, Syd.” Lucas grabbed her cheeks pecking her on the lips, looking behind them I saw the two girls from earlier, both with annoyed looks as they turned around to leave the place, Lucas hand grabbed my arm, catching my attention, “Why so distracted? Looking for Blondie Number Two?” He asked raising his eyebrows repeatedly. “He got in here right before you guys but since Candace the Crazy was looking for him since she got here, he completely disappeared.” He said looking around, his arms resting on Sydney’s shoulders, “Nope, Blondie Number Two’s not around. To be honest I’m kind of worried Candace is blackmailing him.” he stated clicking his tongue.
Sydney let out a very exaggerated high pitched scream, “I thought THE SAME and Cassie won’t believe it.”
“Guys, both of you are insane, completely insane, let the poor girl live.”
“Oh c’mon, two weeks ago you were ready to sneak into Daisy Clinton’s room to do the nasty with Benny-Boy for like the 100th time now you just don’t care? I don’t buy it baby, no no, not when you came in here looking like a lost puppy.” I opened my mouth ready to say something but Lucas spoke first also interrupting Sydney whom was about to complain since she was the last person to find out or to figure it out, actually, “And don’t tell me you were looking for your brother. I. Know. You. Cassidy. Peters.”
I just shrugged trying to not show him how fucking right he was, and also trying not to accept to myself I’ve been looking for him the entire time we stood in the middle of the tiny kitchen.  Sydney gave me the finger and then made her way towards the improvised dance floor carrying Lucas with her.
Now I was seated on the corner of the living room watching Logan Lawrence, our school’s quarter back make out with one of the shyest girls from our school. Poor girl. She’s so going to regret it tomorrow… and forever probably. Logan was just that disgusting. I kept looking around when I started cursing at myself, I’ve been sitting here for almost half on hour looking at Sydney and Lucas get wasted just because I was trying to find the boy I was desperately craving for and he was nowhere to be seen, which was bad, but I had seen Candace dance around looking absolutely drunk, which was good, but it also meant Ben could be with any other girl, which was bad. Really bad. For me, of course.
My phone buzzed, three messages from Jonas, also known as my brother.
Jo: bring me a whisky pleeeeeeeease
Jo: no one will realize, I’m on the roof with the boys
Jo: please cass, be a good sis
I huffed but still got up ready to do what he asked me to, I mean, it’s not like I was doing anything better. I grabbed the bottle of whisky and a very drunk boy stared at me, I was ready for him to say something but he just smiled and gave me the thumbs up, I laughed a little and waved him goodbye as I made my way upstairs.
How the fuck do I get to the roof?
Cass: how do I get there?
Jo: first floor, the room with the green door at the right, take the stairs
Jo: be fast, there’s like a lot of people getting at it
Well fuck. Once I got to the first floor the green door was the first one I saw, an AC/DC poster on it, I breathed in and opened it, trying to get used to the dark looking where the hell was the supposed way to the roof; not giving a single fuck I opened the door again learning a lot of lovely words from the people hiding in there, I was about to say something to them when I saw the hole on the corner of the bedroom’s ceiling and the wooden escalator right under it. Of course.
The relieve my ears felt when I reached the roof was glorious, I took a few second to enjoy the feeling when I felt a hand on my shoulders, grabbing harder the whisky bottle ready to snap at whatever drunk boy who was trying to annoy my little moment of peace I turned around but I was met with Blondie Number Two, or just Ben.
“Easy, Cassie.” He laughed grabbing the bottle from my hand and lending it to my brother who was right behind him with a knowing smirk, I sent him a death glare.
“Hi, Cass, having fun?” He said slurring his words, oh my God, obviously Jonas Peters was a lightweight and now I had just brought him a big ass bottle of whisky for him to keep getting drunk.
I looked to him and then to Ben who stood way too close for my liking, I was able to smell his perfume. My mind travelling back to Daisy’s room when I was pressed against a wall, his hands roaming trough my whole body while I left love bites all over his neck, getting drunk on his scent.
Stop it. Answer the question.
“Absolutely not.” Jonas pretended to cry and then blew a kiss towards me as he left to join his others friends, they were just as drunk as him, or even worst. Ben cleared his throat making me look his way taking in his appearance, black shirt, black jeans, black shoes, so good looking. Maybe that’s what I liked him so much, it seemed his closet was also full of black clothes.
He was effortlessly beautiful.
“Well, thank you. “He said, a smug expression plastered on his face just as the color drained from mine. WHY?
I sighed, putting on my best annoyed look trying desperately to make it seem I didn’t care at all. Liar. “Don’t flatter yourself, I did it on purpose.” He nodded, the little smirk still lingering on his face as he stepped closer to me, hooking his arm around my shoulder.
“Yeah, sure, Birdie.” I groaned at the nickname and Ben threw his head back laughing at my annoyance.
“Don’t call me that, Ben. I don’t go around calling you Blondie Number Two.” I tried to let loose from his arms but he just held my tighter, starting to walk and dragging me along with him to sit closer to the edge against a wall, the big tree in front of the house blocking the street lights making it hard to see clearly; once we both were sitting I was finally able to get off of his embrace, looking down trying to ignore the fact that Ben was so close to me, and we were alone in the –almost- dark.
“But I always call you like that, you should be used to it by now… Birdie” He said right after getting comfortable on the floor. I huffed. No. I would never get used to it because I felt embarrassed and angry, angry at myself (as always, of course) for being so obsessed with him since forever.
I saw him light a cigarette from the corner of my eye, before turning back his attention to me, blowing out the smoke, “it fits you, you’re so… free, I don’t know, so you,” I looked at him attentively, lost in the way he chewed on his bottom lip while he tried to find the words, “I mean…, ugh, you know what, nothing. It just fits you because you’re beautiful and birds are also beautiful and interesting and also fucking smart”
I really didn’t know how I managed to not throw myself to him right there. To everyone, Ben Jones was this incredibly confident good looking college boy every girl wanted but to me he was just Blondie Number Two: Ben Jones, the boy whom just had compared me to birds because I, apparently, am: pretty, interesting and intelligent and now just stared at his cigarette nervously waiting for my response.
He was trying to be romantic, cute or whatever about the nickname but we both knew really well why he called me that.
“You’re and idiot, Ben.” I punched his arm lightly, “you could’ve jus explained it that way ten years ago when you started calling me that. Seven-year-old Cassie would’ve have been happy with it.”
He shrugged, “I figured you hated me.”
“I threw myself from a homemade zip line to impress you, I surely did not hate you.” Ben choked on the cigarette smoke looking at me with a funny expression, “I just never talked to you because Jonas wouldn’t let me, it wasn’t cool if his little sister tried to be friends with his friends.”
“The whole zip line thing was just to impress me?” I nodded, “well fuck, Cass, I appreciate it, you almost broke a bone back then.”
“Good to know you do now, finally.”
He finished the cigarette, throwing the filter somewhere and got closer grabbing my legs and placing them on top of his, I felt drowned to sit completely on his lap but held back that need while looking intently into his eyes trying to figure what he wanted, his left hand travelled to my lower back as he stared at my lips, my breathing slowly becoming erratic I just wanted him to do something.
“W-what are you doing, Benjamin?” He smirked, his hand resting on my back pushing me up so now I was fully sitting on his lap, his right hand caressing my thigh making me look up and down, from where his hands were drawing circles on my leg and then back to his plumped lips.
“I’m just trying to show you some gratitude after all these years of you trying so hard to get my attention, Birdie” He said, his voice coming out really low making my insides tingle and my cheeks burn, thank God for all this darkness surrounding us.
“Can I kiss you?” I felt so desperate, our lips gracing as his hands kept caressing my thigh not letting me focus on his question completely.
“Why are you even asking?”
“Just being a gentleman.” He said gripping my waist harder, a whimper coming out of me provoking a smug smirk to creep on his face.
“Oh, shut up.”
I grabbed his face finally kissing him, smirking against his lips when Ben let out a throaty moan breaking the kiss for a few seconds but kissing me back hungrily as I fully straddled him, his hands going automatically to my hips gripping harder when I bit on his bottom lip, licking it with my tongue. Ben captured my lips with his again, I was so high lost in the moment as our lips moved in complete sync I wanted to stay like this forever. He pecked my lips before resting his head on the wall behind him while both of us tried to control our breathing.
“I fucking want you, Birdie.” He said getting closer to my face to peck my lips one more time, “but we are not doing this here, not with your brother and our drunk as hell friends just a few meters away.”
I groaned remembering the fact that I was in a roof and also in the middle of a party and as much I was wanted him, he was right.
“We can go to my house, my parents are gone for the weekend and they took Layla with them,” Ben’s eyes shot open, his right hand brushing the locks of hair falling on my face as he smiled satisfied, “besides Jonas is staying at Will’s today.”
“Then let’s fucking go.”
He grabbed my waist and got up with me still on top of him, I laughed against his shoulder as he settled me back on the floor and took my hand to guide us out of the roof. He walked towards the group of boys, two of them were already passed out on the floor while Jonas and Will vibed to Pursuit of Happiness, the bottle of whisky was empty.
“You two. We are leaving, don’t drive, walk or just take a cab.” Ben said, his voice firm as the two other boys glanced at each other and then started laughing.
“Yes, father!” Will saluted and I couldn’t help let out a laugh. Ben gripped my hand tighter and I looked at him, he was trying to suppress a laugh too.
“I’m serious, Will. Be safe.” Will just nodded as he laid on his back again.
“And I’m serious, Benjamin Jones.” Jonas said stepping into the conversation. If he was slurring words earlier now he was just a mess, I rolled my eyes at the drunk ass of a brother I had, “Don’t make me an uncle,” my mouth opened to say something but the words weren’t coming out, “at least not on my bed or on the couch, if you please, now leave, my children.” And that’s all he said before passing out on top of Will legs. Ben looked at my horrified and I just stood there.
“Does he know?” I asked right after he took my hand to lead us toward the hole on the floor.
“I mean it’s not like were not pretty obvious. You keep looking at me completely stunned every time.”
I scoffed. “Like you don’t do the same.”
“Never said I didn’t.” He winked at me and then started to go down the wooden stair.
Once we closed the green door after another round of cursing from the people inside the room, Ben asked me to wait for him as he went to the bathroom and just then, during my time alone I realized I left and never told Syd or Lucas, and I had been gone for -maybe- longer than thirty minutes and then so suddenly the name Candace came back to my mind; turning towards Ben who was coming out of the bathroom fixing his hair, I got to him and he looked down at me confused but smiling.
“Are you and Candace a thing and I’m just being that girl?” I was fuming, not really because I was being that girl but because of the fact that I hated the thought of him with someone else.
Is not like he wasn’t aloud, we’re nothing.
Ben rolled his eyes looking, to my surprise, annoyed. “That fucking girl. I was just being nice to her for once and now she goes around spreading bullshit. NO, Birdie, there’s nothing happening with Candace. That’s why we were on the roof, I was avoiding her, she’s a pain in the ass. In my ass.”
“Yeah, ‘oh’.” He said closing the distance between us and kissing me softly, this time was way different than before, and I was loving every second of it, “why can’t you see you’re the one I want, Birdie?” he said against my lips and I felt my legs trembling at his honesty.
“We should go.”
Why didn’t I say something back? Why didn’t I say I wanted him too? Because I did, I knew that. I was stupid. Well no, actually. I was afraid and I knew it deep down, back then, I just didn’t want to come to terms with it. I was afraid of getting too attached to him that when we had to take different paths it was going to hurt so much. That’s why I never said nothing.
After some promises from Syd and Lucas to find my brother and Will and take a cab the four of them together we left the house holding hands, my house was maybe ten blocks away, a little less maybe so we decided to walk, enjoying each other’s presence, none of us saying nothing. I felt Ben’s gaze from time to time but I was too submerged on my own thoughts, drowning in them and hating to be feeling that way when I should’ve been enjoying our little moment.
Both of us knew it probably was the last time we’d see each other but none of us said anything, or I didn’t say anything, Ben had made it clear a few minutes ago. And I wanted him, but I also didn’t want to hold him back and that’s exactly why what I really think and felt was never said.
And after ten years it still haunted me.
Now the same horrible feeling growing on my chest, I was feeling as nauseous as I felt back then when I said goodbye to him knowing I was escaping from what I really wanted out of fear, because I was a coward but I was also seventeen and experiencing a feeling so hard it numbed my thoughts.
Now I stood in the middle of the room, the glass of wine long forgotten on my hands as Sydney’s hand gripped on my arm sympathetically and I felt thankful because otherwise when I saw him entering the place, looking exactly the same just more mature; his cheeky behavior that made everybody love him still present, I felt so out of place, my knees shaking a little, or maybe it was just my imagination.
8 years after.
“Blondie Number Two has ARRIVED!” I heard Lucas yell in the distance.  
And I just had to get out of here. Fast. The world was literally spinning around me as I looked at everyone greeting Ben with a hug, the ones who didn’t know him just stared at the scene smiling. 
“Cass, we can leave, there’s no need for you to be doing this now. It’s fine.” Sydney whispered. 
“No. I’m ok, this doesn’t affect me, not really.” I shrugged and she just stared at me not saying anything but her expression showed concern and tiredness towards this whole situation. “It’s just, it’s been so long and I’m just shocked. That’s all.” 
Sydney opened her mouth to protest but closed it immediately looking behind me, right then, almost instantly, a very well known cologne filled my nose before I could ask her what was going on. 
Oh crap.
 And there he stood, in all his glory. Just as handsome, his confident aura captivating everyone around us, just like always. I extended my hand to him provoking Ben to just smile and roll his eyes taking my hand just to tug me into his arms, hugging me sweetly as my face was stamped against his chest, not reacting. 
Do something. I mentally shouted at my self.
My hands travelled to his sides, finally embracing him. This felt nice, I thought. It felt familiar; way too familiar for two people who hadn’t seen each other for so long. 
Ben moved his head, lowering it so now his mouth was right next to my ear, sending a shiver trought my whole body, the action being too intimate for the place we were in. 
“Long time no see.” He whispered really low for me to hear it properly thanks to the music playing in the background, but still managing to knock the air out me when he got even closer and simply said: “I’ve missed you… Birdie.”
Now I really wanted to leave. Again.
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typicalmidnightsoul · 4 years
𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒆 𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚 - Chapter 3
𝙱𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚍𝚛𝚞𝚗𝚔 𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚜𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚛
Chapter 1 2 <- here
This chapter was inspired by Marisa Maino’s song: Bored and brokenhearted. Hope you like it!
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Nesta’s desses (up above)
It had been 6 weeks since they’d seen Nesta in that pretty cliff top house.
Since he’d seen her. Since they exchanged words.
He didn’t know how to cope with the knowledge of her trying to… 12 times.
He was sure he’d see her today. Where would he see her?
At Cresseida’s engagement ceremony. The thought stabbed at him.
He still wanted to go, wanted to see her. To see if she was happy.  
As he fixed the sleeves of the tailored jacket he wondered if she would ever let him in.
He shook his head and made his way into the foyer, where the others were waiting for him.
 As they winnowed onto the sandy beach, Cassian cringed. There were so many people, but they did not look, well… posh. The jetty lead to a mansion in the middle of the sea where it looked like the food and alcohol came from. His eyes almost started searching for her out of habit until a light tap came from behind. He turned thinking it was-
 His eyes softened, “Hello Elain.”
She smirked at him, “Looking for someone Cassian?”
He tried to chuckle but it came out weak. Elain’s smirk grew as she pointed to the railing on the side. Where Nesta was nursing a bottle of tequila. He hesitated. Should he go?
He looked at Elain’s still amused face and said, “And you’re meant to be the innocent one.”
He walked over to her.
She was so stunning; the wind blew the strands of hair framing her face out of her face. She wore a nicoline off the shoulder dress. It reached her knees and was skin-tight the ruched material outlining her hour glass figure.  He just stared at her for a while. Until she turned her head and acknowledged him.
She looked him up and down then turned and looked at his entourage.
She looked back at him then raised a brow, “Blondie not here today?”
She gave a soft laugh at how easily she wound him up.
“One would think, Nesta that you’re jealous?” He retorted.
“One would also think Cassian that you thinking I’m jealous is just another way you exploit your own insecurities.”
He gaped at her, “Why do you bring her up in every conversation anyway.”
“Silly me! I never realized there’s one rule for you and a completely different one for me.”
She took another gulp of tequila. She took her eyes off him and towards the sea again.
“You make it so difficult, Nesta.”
“You have mistaken me for someone who gives a shit, Cassian.”
He eyed the bottle in her hand, “This isn’t you, Nesta, this is the alcohol talking.”
She took another swig, “You’re right, if I was sober then I wouldn’t even bother talking to you.”
His gaze flicked over to the half empty bottle, “How are you not fully drunk yet?”
She merely replied, “Alcohol tolerance.”
Heels clicked behind them,
“Cassian if you think you can just flirt with my maid of honour and ignore the huge ass line of other males wanting to do so, you are wrong.” He gave Cresseida a smile, which she returned until she saw Nesta. Cassian waited for the outburst but Cresseida just chuckled and grabbed it off her.
“Tarquin is going to scream.” She chuckled again and took huge sips of it herself.
She flicked a gaze back to Cassian, “If you excuse us commander, being my maid of honour Nesta and I need to go see the final preparations for my wedding.” Cassian nodded his head in farewell and watched as Nesta let herself be dragged along by Cresseida.
 They all retreated to the chambers that had been provided for them. Cassian flopped down on the armchair. Elain sat on the window ledge. Feyre looked up at her mate from beside Cassian.
“Why do we have to stay?”
“Because it’s a courtesy that needs to be maintained for all the courts of Prythian,” Rhys chuckled.
Amren scowled, “Well. We will all be sleep deprived if they keep partying like animals, all night.”
That was correct; because in that huge villa on the jetty there was a never ending party going on which somehow stretched out onto the beach as well. A party that Varian decided he wouldn’t go to for Amren.
“We could just put a shield around all of our chambers,” Rhys replied.
Amren who was walking to her room with Varian looked back at him and said, “You do that.”
Azriel had disappeared off to God knows where, which left only Elain and Cassian in the room. He went up to her. She was staring at the after party.
“Can you see her?” He knew who she was talking about and he did see her. Dancing in the middle of the crowd, long out of that white dress and now wearing a white skirt with a slit on the side and short white top with thin straps that showed off her middle. She wore gold hoops, a pendant and had let her hair down. Eris, Cresseida, two other girls he didn’t know and Cresseida’s fiancé Alec were all dancing around her laughing at their friend’s wild spirit. But he wouldn’t let Elain know that.
She tore her eyes away and those doe eyes looked at him and the lie he just told her, they were so cold, he could feel the icy rage radiating of her.
“Are you mad at me, Elain?” She looked away but replied,
He frowned, “Why?”
“You told Nesta that you don’t understand why Feyre and I love her.” Instead of denying it Cassian said, “How do you know?”
Her voice went hard, “Because Nesta requested we don’t love her so openly, she told me to let Feyre know that she no longer needs her and she gave me this.”
Elain showed Cassian a cheque. “She said it was to compensate for all the inconvenience she caused us.”
Cassian looked at her, “Don’t show it to Feyre-”
Elain stood up, “Even after all this time Cassian you are still thinking about Feyre?! What about Nesta?! What about what Nesta was going through?!” Her voice led Feyre and Rhys out of their room.
“Elain, Cassian what’s wrong?” Elain not taking her eyes off Cassian said,
“Nesta has compensated us for all our inconveniences Feyre.” She handed her the cheque. Feyre gaped at the paper in between her hands; Elain looked at Feyre at last,
“You exchange any words with her on this Feyre and you will see the worst of me.”
She left the room. Rhys led Feyre out as well leaving Cassian in the living room. He dropped down on the sofa, his hands in his head.
After his encounter with Elain, Cassian had decided he wanted to take a walk and clear his head. The laughter, music and shrieking had died down so he thought that everyone had probably gone to sleep. As he was walking down, he got a bit lost in thinking what life would’ve been like if Nesta had gone with him to the Illyrian mountains.
He hadn’t realized how far he’d come.
There were still people there but instead of dancing some were sleeping and some were drinking. He couldn’t see Nesta but he saw her friends sleeping on the sand. He turned to leave before he saw a lone figure lying down on the waves. Even from here he could recognize the outline of her figure. Maybe she’d fallen asleep… He hurried over going to pick her out of the waves.
He noticed that she’d changed again, as everyone else had, into a satin gown, that was probably meant for comfort at night
“Nesta.” No answer. He gave her a nudge. She mumbled something.
He pulled her up to a sitting position.
Her eyes were half open.
She smiled, her dimples piercing her cheeks “Cassian.”
“Is this how far your alcohol tolerance goes?” He looked towards the group and the bottles on the sand, “I count 10 bottles.”
She giggled, “I had 6.”
It was really hard to be mad at her when she was a giggling mess in his arms. He grabbed her arms and hauled her up. She tried to stand on her own but just fell deeper into Cassian’s arms.
He clenched his hand at the bare skin he found at her back.
“We need to get you-”
She put a hand on his cheek and pouted, “Are you upset?”
He raised a brow, “Why would I be?”
“Because I was mean to you this morning?” He ignored her question and instead asked,
“Why do you drink so much, Nes? Every time I see you, you either have a bottle in your hand or you’re already tipsy.”
She leaned into him and whispered in his ear, “I guess you could say… being drunk is my new sober.”
From their last encounters Cassian knew that getting Nesta to talk was easier when she was drunk,
“Why do you feel the need to do it though?”
She scrunched up her nose and considered, “Hm.”
“Is it because of me?”
She laughed, “Don’t give yourself so much credit,” He raised a brow, “I do it to myself, Cassian so no I can’t really blame anyone.”
“You?” Cassian asked.
She nodded, “I am bad for my health.”
He looked at her in amusement, “You really don’t give a shit what people think.”
She rolled her eyes, “Of course not, you should hear them, they call me young, wild, cold immature, they say I have got issues and honestly I think so too.”
She raised a brow at him, “Why? Do you care?”
“You could party all day and night and I’d still fall -” he stopped himself. She gave him a mischievous smile and shook his chin, “You’re cute.”
She stood on her tip toes and before he could object pressed her lips to his. His eyes remained closed for a long time. She pressed her head to his chest.
“Nesta, what room are you staying in?” He asked his voice low.
She pointed to the villa, “The third room upstairs.”
He flew them there placing her in her room. As he lay down in his own bed he could feel the kiss linger on his lips. He fell asleep to the memory of her.
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toxicxxmyth · 5 years
The Truth Untold; Sebastian Stan
Sebastian Stan
Summary: Y/n Y/l/n, born and raised in south side Chicago. Now raising her five younger siblings, she’s not even sure if some of them are actually related to her. But she takes care of them nonetheless, as best as she can. While her drunk father continues to make their life harder. And her drug addicted mother comes bursting through the door once every to years. Its a chaotic life for a 23 year old, but she made it work. Until one day, the most notorious mob leaders of the country  shows up to do some business in the south side.
Au: Shameless!Au, Mafia!Sebastian
Warning(s): Cussing, slight smut, poverty, drugs etc
Word Count: 3,047
A/N: This is literally a Shameless fanfic, if you’ve seen the show, AMAZING, if not than you should because its amazing. 
A/N 2: Plus this lowkey kinda sucks lol, so watching the show will make up for it.
A/N 3: I didn’t write the whole smut cause i suck at it, but i’ll try my best if you guys ask for it.
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The whole club glowed with blue and green laser beams shooting out from the rotating lights on the ceiling. Smoke coming out of both ends of the dance floor, the bar area seemed to be the only calm part of the club. It was Friday night and the club was beyond packed with people dancing dirty in the middle of the club. The air was thick, a mixture of the fog machine and marihuana clouds. Making it slightly hard to breathe. Everyone seemed to be having a good time.
 Except you, apparently. Stress radiated off you as you sat, tensed at the bar. Watching as the bartender scrambled back and forth to take orders from everyone who crowded the bar. You couldn’t possibly have fun when your father arrived after months of his little rendezvous of drugs and alcohol. Causing even more chaos in your home.
“Y/n, I’m going to need you to get off your ass and start having some fun” Camille stutters over to you, making you lose your train of thoughts.
 “Nah, I think I’ll head home for the night” You shrugged, grabbing your purse and downing your drink.
 “What!? The whole point of taking you to the club was for you to loosen up, Y/n/n” She whines, bringing her hands up to rub your bare and tensed shoulders, a pout adorning her red lips. Making you shake your head with a slight smile at the drunken state of your best friend.
 “I have to get back to the kids. It’s kind of hard to have fun when all I can think about is Ethan blowing up the kitchen” You sigh, wincing at the thought of your little brother destroying your kitchen for one of his stupid experiments.
 “Fine, I’ll take you. It’s no fun without you” She huffs while turning around dramatically. Causing a giggle to rip from your throat. “Don’t move, I’m getting my stuff”
 “You don’t have to though, I can just take the bus. You should stay and have fun with your coworkers” You reassured her as she raised an eyebrow at you.
 “At 1:34am, Y/n, I think the fuck not” She gave you a look as if warning you to stay put.
 Your lip caught between your teeth as you watch your best friends stumble across the club, a smile on your lip as you thought how lucky you were to have such an amazing friend like her. Grabbing your purse to take a few dollars out to pay for your drink, your felt lips against the shell of your ear, and with a husky voice, he spoke.
 “I can feel your stress all the way across the room”
  You turned around quickly, eyebrows raised ready to tell the guy off, only to stop and gasp loudly. Your eyes wide and mouth agape, lucky for you, the music was booming loud so the chance of him hearing your deep gasp was slim to none.
 He’s beautiful, to say the least. The lights didn’t seem to bother you anymore as you analyzed every feature on the man. He had deep blue eyes, ones you could easily lose yourself into. Prominent cheekbones, his facial hair was growing out, causing your thoughts to wonder off to inappropriate scenarios. His lips where a light shade of pink, looking delicious as ever. He was older, maybe in his thirties, but you couldn’t tell. His whole body covered in black designer, he was expensive.
 “Um, I-” You stuttered, brows furrowed in confusion, you’ve never seen this man in your life.
 “What is it? Cat caught your tongue” He smirked, bringing his glass full of scotch to his lips. Cocky motherfucker.
 You scoffed at his attitude, biting your bottom lip to surpass a smile. You didn’t know if you wanted to punch him or ride his dick into the sunset.
 “And who the hell are you? My stalker?” You asked, raising an eyebrow as you gained your composer as you got a clue on what type of guy you may be dealing with.
 “No, no stalker here. I couldn’t help but notice your lack of interest of for being here tonight” He smiles kindly, catching you off guard.
 “Yeah, well clubs aren’t really my thing, feel like I have better things to do” You nod your head, turning away from him, looking at one of the bottles that was placed on the wall along the others as if it was the most interesting thing there. Anything to look away from the beautiful stranger.
“Yeah? Like what?” He asked, downing his drink while calling over the bartender to order a new one, you assumed.
“Finding a job without having to blow the manager” You simply stated. Causing him to chuckle. His smile was absolutely breathtaking.
“What’s you name” He asked, which felt more of a statement, actually.
 “Uh Y/n. Yours?” You looked up at him, only to be met face to face with his beautiful eyes.
 Sebastian, even his name is attractive.
 “So what brings you to south side Chicago?” You asked. Interested in why such a wealthy looking man would end up in this dump.
 “Business.” He shrugged, voice lowering as he said it. Eyebrows raised at you as if warning you not to ask anymore, which exactly what you did. You wouldn’t show it, but his demanding tone scared the shit out of you, but weirdly enough, it turned you the fuck on.
  “Let me buy you a drink” He offers.
 “I can’t, I uh have to get back to my kids” You shake your head and getting up from the stool. Ready for his surprised face a stuttering words at the mention of five kids. But to your surprise, he was unfazed.
  “Kids?” He asked, pulling out his wallet, taking out big cash as he dumped it on the counter for the barista to take. Making your eyes wind just a bit.
  “They’re actually my siblings, but they’re still kind of my kids” You confirmed while nodding your head. His eyes ranking your body, you felt small under his gaze, making you feel insecure.
  “Let me guess” He began, clearing his throat as he ripped his gaze away from yours.
 “First born, OD’d mom, alcoholic father. Leaving you to raise your siblings, you had to grow up at a young age, at maybe” He stops and raises his hands in defense “and this is just a guess, 13, maybe? Didn’t finish high school cause of your deadbeat parents and you’re currently jobless, stealing and scamming for food and clothes in the meantime” He finishes while looking at you with a small smile.
  You couldn’t help but scoff in disbelief. Wondering if you should be offended by the assumption or impress by how spot on he was.
  “Mom didn’t OD though, haven’t seen her in years. But I do know that she’s out living her best life. And I was actually 6 when I realized my parents didn’t give a shit. Ended up raising my two brothers. Then came the rest” You sigh, somewhat sadly at the situation you were in at such a young age, but you loved your siblings nonetheless.
“Must’ve been tough” He gave you a sad smile, taking a sip out of his drink.
“Yeah, but I got used to it pretty quick”
 “Well it seems like you know everything about me, so why don’t you tell me about yourself. I bet it’s much more interesting than my shitty life” You chuckled, hoping to get some kind of information about what kind of business he was running here.
 “It’s really crawdad in here, let’s go outside” He moved his head to point at the door.
 “No” You simply stated. Earning a look of shocked and surprised from the dominant male. Which boosted your ego just a little.
 “This is how things work. I walk out with you, you tell me your oh so tragic childhood which causes me to pity you. Soon, once I’m under your spell, you chloroform me and a white van appears out of nowhere and I’ll be part of a illegal sex and drug trafficking ring” You smiled innocently at him.
 “I’d actually be much more creative in kidnapping people”
 You didn’t know if he was being funny or serious, but it made you feel a mixture of fear and desire.
 “I’m from Romania, actually. Born and raised, came to America when I was 16, pretty hard to adapt to a new life. But I managed it” He offers a smile before continuing. “Dad took off with some young blondie, claiming he was in love with her” He used his fingers to quote on “in love”, “And mom got sick, and with dad gone, I couldn’t take care of her properly. So I dropped out of high school and got a job, one that paid extremely well. And I became good at it, really good, actually. So that’s me. A Businessman taking care of his family” He smiled at you, playing with the drink he had, one that you didn’t notice before.
 “Is your mother okay now” You asked, your ears on full display for him.
 “Yeah, she’s fine now”
 You nodded your head in understatement, but a question kept bugging you, so you asked hesitantly .
“And your dad?” And just like that, his whole body tensed up, eyes darkening at the mention of him. Mentally cursing yourself for being so damn nosy.
 “I’m so-”
 “No, its fine. He’s out of the picture, for good. Has been for years” He had a sinister look in his eyes, which caused an uneasy feeling to burst in your stomach.
    “I can take you home” He smiles, kindly, this time.
 This caused you to furrow your eyes in confusion, until you realized that you claimed to leave and go home when he first arrived.
  “I’m not going to hop in a strangers car and ditch my drunk best friend” You smirked, yet your hand didn’t dare move out of his grasp. And he noticed two due to the smirked that was placed on his lips. Before you knew it, you were pulled into his arms, making you gasp and pull away quickly. It felt incredibly nice feeling his lean fit body against yours, but pulling always was basic reflex.
  “Feisty” He chuckle, tongue swiping across his lips as his ring covered fingers traced your features. The whole mood went from a pity party to testing both your sexual desires. The softness of it all made you lean in while closing my eyes. It’s been a hell of a while since you’ve been touched, even slightly, especially by such an attractive man.
 “And you’re incredibly cocky”
 “I am, aren’t I?” He laughed, and actual laugh. Which left you slightly confused.
 Before you fucking knew it, your back was being pressed against the dirty walls of the most disgusting public bathroom you’ve probably ever been in while your neck was being devoured by a stranger you met 20 minutes ago. Your hands were firmly pressed against his chest, head tilted to the side giving him as much access to your neck as he needed.
 “Fuck, Sebastian” You couldn’t help but moan as you felt his growing dick press against your underwear. Your dress pulled up to your waist, making you feel like a cheap whore. But the feeling of Sebastian’s lips sucking roughly on your collarbone, his beard scratching against you and his growing dick rubbing against your slick underwear made you forget about your pride.
 His hands found their way to your exposed ass, squeezing them as hard as he could. His nails and cold rings digging into your skin made push your body harder against his. Your breathing was erratic, your hands couldn’t seem to find a place to rest upon. So you ran your fingers through his hair, tugging at it so you could look him in the eye, which were now a dark blue. Pupils slightly dilated, lips bruised and painted by your pink lipstick. The sight alone could’ve made you come undone.
Sebastian had other plans, while you were admiring his features, his hand pass your underwear, pressing harshly against your clit. You gasp loudly as you hold onto the back of his neck for some sort of support.
 Dragging his fingers down your slit, he collected some of your wetness and brought it back up to your clit, so it be easier to play with you. All while biting the shell of your ear.
“So wet, so delicious” He praised while slamming his lips on yours. The kiss was sloppy, but none of you minded it much.
His touch were soft, yet he had you rolling your eyes back as he rubbed you clit in circles.
You were so caught up in your own bubble of pleasure, you didn’t notice him using your thigh to rub his closed dick on. And smirked formed on your lips as your hand reached down to roughly palm him. But before you could do anything else. He grabbed your hand and turned you over the sink. Taking your hair into a makeshift pony tail, forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror, all while grinding his dick on your bare ass.
 “I promise, next time, I’ll fuck you somewhere less disgusting, and more expensive, but for now, you’ll have to deal with this” He growls against your cheek.
Next time...
 Staring at the blank walls of your room at 6:50 became some sort of tradition. Sleep was nowhere to be found as your thoughts kept you up every night. But lately, the only thought on your mind was Sebastian, and his beautiful blue eyes, his ring covered finger and his delicious lips. Fucking asshole.
  It’s been exactly a week since you your encounter, and to be honest, you were devastated, especially after he gave you the best fucking orgasm you’ve ever experience in a smelly bathroom than any guy in your bed.
  Sighing for the 20th time, you decide to get up from your pity party and head downstairs for a glass of water. A sleeping pill would be great if you didn’t have five kids to look after and figuring way to get. You only had 10 minutes before waking everyone up and cooking breakfast. And preparing their lunches for school. A headache already forming at just the thought of it, but you knew it was just lack of sleep.
 Half way down the stairs, you heard a loud knock on your door, causing you to stop and furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
  “Who the hell could that be?” You thought out loud as you reached the end of the stairs, grabbing the robe that was left on the couch and wrapping it over your semi naked body.
  “Delivery for Y/n Y/l/n” Was the first thing that came out of the man’s mouth as you opened the door half way.
 “Delivery? What do you mean delivery, from who?” you asked, opening the door wider and wrapping your arms around your freezing body. Today was Sunday, there are no deliveries on Sundays. Though, the fact that today wasn’t supposed to be mail day, it was the least your worries. What worried you most was the man delivering it. He was dressed in all black, hair slicked back and tattoos adorning his face. A cigarette handing from behind his ear, though it wasn’t enough to surprise or worry you.
  “Delivery from Mr. Stan” He coughs nervously, as if saying the name will cause a curse for all eternity.
 Confused, you take the heavy box into your arms. 
  “Have a good day, ma’am” He smiles and walks away, leaving you confused, and slightly scared of what might be in the mysterious box that looked to be more expensive than your whole house.
 “Ma’am? Who the hell are you trying to fool here” You questioned, mostly to yourself as you shut the door close.
 “What’s that?” Came the voice of the second oldest, Jeremy, as he slouched on the couch, lighting up a cigarette as he did so. Causing you to groan in annoyance while ripping it out of his mouth.
 “I have no fucking clue. Go make yourself useful make breakfast.”
“Like what?” He groans, not really paining attention to you.
Like cereal” You ordered as soon as you heard the alarm from one of the room upstairs, knowing everyone will be down soon.
 “There’s no milk”
 “Then use water”
 Once upstairs, you closed the door, locking it before throwing yourself on the bed with the box in your lap. Pretty stupid of you to accept a box from a drug dealing looking kid, but here you were. Half way opened, you noticed a card sticking out from the side. And saw a neat handwriting, one that you could’ve sworn you’ve seen before.
 “No legacy is as rich as honesty”
 I know you’ll probably think I’m an asshole for this. But here’s a little something for you to get by. I’ve been in the same situation, though, I took a dangerous root. So in the meantime, here’s a gift to help you and and your family. Don’t make a fuss, and burn, just enjoy it. And I’ll see you soon”
 Beyond confused, you opened the box only to find a shit load of money stacked on top of another. Maybe, 9, 10 grand? You didn’t know, but you panicked. Your eyes wide in shock, your hand covering you mouth as, your hand covering you mouth as our mind tried to process what was happening.
 “What the fuck, did you rob a bank or something?” Jeremy gasped as he busted into the room, staring at the money. You crumbled the note and placed it in between your legs so Jeremy didn’t notice. Once you were calm enough, you took a deep breath and closed the box calmly
“Count the money. We’re giving it back”
“Who the hell did you get involved with, Y/n?” Jeremy asked, sternly, this time. He closed the door and grabbed the box, making sure the other didn’t hear or see.
“I have no fucking clue, but that money is not staying”
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mocharoll · 5 years
Anders x F!Hawke Warm Fluff
You know the deal; d o r k s. 
I actually didn’t write this one in a disheveled chaotic state, but step by step in a way that resembles organized work. I’m pretty proud! 
Link to ao3. Hop on and say hi!💜 It’s not smol, but I hope it’ll lift your spirits.
(Heads up: brief sexual content)
Feast for Cheerful Hearts
Her father told, or rather showed, Marian long ago, that happiness was present in even the littlest of moments, and that one should cherish it whenever and wherever it was found. Don’t think about that lousy kid that kicked your shin any longer; he apologized, did he not? And you apologized to him and his mum for setting his hair on fire because you felt just as bad as him, didn’t you? Things like this can happen, Marian- moments like this can take a toll on us all regardless of your age, and it can make you feel really bad for some time, but time will pass and leave it all behind you, and when you look forward, you’ll find that everything’s just the way it was meant to be. It’s just up to you to see it, honey. The sun will still be warm and bright, the birds will still be singing, and.. the wind will still throw your hair right into your face. Oh, Maker. Let me help you with that, hm? There you go, dear. Well, at least you’re laughing now!
And she did, sighing at the memory that warmed her heart and burned gently at the corners of her eyes. She cancelled out the faint white noise of her waking thoughts to let her senses expand and cover the whole room. She felt the stillness of the crimson curtains covering the afternoon sun and how they fluttered with the occasional burst of wind, the warm red hue shining through, and the silence around them, interrupted only by their soft breathing. She felt Anders’ warm body beneath her, the trickle of hair between her fingertips, his heartbeat that matched hers and the rise and fall of her head with the force of his chest. She smiled, hugged his body closer to her, and closed her eyes. After a moment she felt his chest move with a deep breath and the arm that was wrapped around her waist stir.
“Hey.” She mumbled sleepily, untangled her legs from his and stretched them.
“Hey.” She could hear the smile in his whisper. She met his half-lidded gaze and his grin, warm and bright, brushing her wild hair out of her eyes and behind her ear.
“What time is it?”
Anders turned and looked at the window thoughtfully. “Well the sun’s not shining right into our faces anymore, so..”
“Afternoon.” They said in unison, their voices tinged with slight annoyance, but they were too sleepy and content to really mean it, and Marian continued tracing spirals down his chest after that short pause.
“How long have you been awake?”
He kissed the top of her head before laying his head back. “For a while,” he admitted, “but I’m not supposed to be in the clinic until the evening.” He opened one eye to peek at her. “Not that I would have dared to move, anyways.”
She laughed and pecked his cheek. “Appreciated.” He hummed happily. She found the deeper scars that haven’t yet healed despite his magic, fingertips wavering there with unvoiced concern. He sensed it, because of course he would and he always did, and he laid his other hand on hers, holding it reassuringly.
“I love you.” she whispered.
“I’m hungry.”
A second passed, then another, and then another as Marian froze, wide-eyed. She snapped her head up to look at Anders whose face was completely straight except for a raised an eyebrow, and the second she did she doubled over, burying her face in his chest and shaking with breathless laughter.
“See how that feels?!”
Hawke replied with a deep breath and a laugh that was more like a scream than anything else.
“Andraste’s ass Marian, my ears!” Anders’ yell was so desperate that it just made Hawke laugh harder, and it wasn’t long before they were both a laughing, silly mess. They held onto each other until they recovered, sneaking kisses where it would tickle the most to wring out just a little more laughter from the other. Anders caught the last bit of her chuckle with a kiss, feeling its vibration move from her mouth to his, and grinned into her lips when it trailed off into a moan. The kiss was sweet and slow, peppered with soft smiles and lazy pecks, at least until her hand travelled down further to the sharp dip of his navel, following the light trail of hair downwards. She felt Anders breathe sharply and deepen the kiss, their tongues brushing through their tangled lips and heavy breaths. Hawke wrapped her leg around him, waited for his hand to land on her hip to give her a little push and turned, straddling him. She felt the deep rumble of his groan when she lifted her hips and rolled them to brush against him. His hold on her tightened and he gently dragged his nails down her back, not too soft as to tickle, but sharp enough to make her need to break the kiss to moan. He caressed the light markings to soothe them, and looked at her with warm, darkened eyes.
“I love you, too,” he smirked, “but I am hungry.”
“Yeah,” Hawke nodded hazily.  “Me too.”
“It can wait?”
“It can wait.”
She lowered herself on her hands and he propped himself up with his elbows so their lips crushed back together, scorching heat rushing down to their groins from the pressure of their bodies and releasing a low groan from both. Hawke’s kisses travelled down from his lips, to his jaw, to the crook of his neck. She could feel his rising heartbeat ripple through, and she breathed in the earthy smell of rain and home radiating from his warmth. She gently squeezed the tender skin between her lips with a rough, wet kiss right as she’d rolled her hips that made him arch his back and make a desperate sound between a yelp and a moan. She couldn’t revel in the sound she so adored for long though, nor could he roll his hips from beneath her as his hand lingered on her breasts, because they heard a call from downstairs that made them jolt upright with instinct.
“Marie? Are you awake yet honey?”
“Uh,” she cleared her throat, trying so so hard not to laugh at Anders’ expression. “Yeah, mum! I’ll be down in.. just a minute.” At least she sounded like she wasn’t halfway up the stairs.
“Alright, dear, take your time,” Her mum said softly, but it did nothing to ease Anders’ worry. He just stared at the door, looking absolutely horrified before turning slowly to her and gesturing wildly at his ear and whispered “She bloody heard us!”
Marian snorted at him and whispered back. “Calm thine tits, blondie. It’s just mum.” Anders changed colour. Hawke suspected that her attempt to reassure him had exactly the opposite effect.
“Orana and I also prepared some lunch, if you’re interested. You must be starving.” Her mum inquired after a short pause.
“Yes to both of those.”
“That’s what I thought.” Marian couldn’t hear her sigh, but she didn’t need to, because she knew she had. “Well, let me know when you’re coming down so we can prepare the table.”
She glanced at Anders, who was covering his eyes behind his hands. “Gimme five minutes?” Anders sobbed.
“Alright, honey.” They listened to the sound of receeding footsteps echoing on stone stairs until they couldn’t hear them any longer.
Marian let out a relieved sigh and slumped back. “That could have gone way worse.”
“Worse?” Anders muttered from behind his hands. “How am I supposed to go outside in less than five minutes?”
“Marian rolled away from him, plopped on the edge of the bed and shrugged.
“You won’t.”
Anders snapped his head up with lightning speed, his blond hair wooshing back and sticking to his forehead unceremoniously. He narrowed his eyes. “No…”
“Anders, darling,” Hawke held his shoulder. “It’s time.”
He sighed, shoulders sagging.
[Wha- Did she just call me-.. No no no. No. Anders. Focus. You can freak out once you’re out of this mess. I swear, how you’re even still alive is beyond me.]  
“Oh come on. This was going to happen sooner or later,” she nudged the side of his chest with her elbow. “and I thought you wanted to meet her.”
Anders pouted and absently rubbed at where she’d poked him. “I do, just…” he gestured at himself, “Not like this, where there’s a high probability of her having heard the awfully charming noises I was making.”
Marian laughed, which made him smile as well. He noticed that he’d smiled more in the last few months than he had in almost ten years. Despite all that Justice stood for and the deepening lines around his mouth and eyes, he found himself not minding at all. Reminded him of life.
“To be honest, I think she’s already figured that you’ve been staying the night for the last couple of weeks.. And no I didn’t say anything,” she snorted when his face blanched again, “it’s just that she’s…” she lifted her arms and shrugged in amused defeat, “well, she’s my mum, Anders. She knows more about me than I probably ever will.”
“That… is fair.” Anders huffed, but his smile hadn’t gone away. Not that he ever wanted it to.
“So it’s better if we started getting ready, right about now.”
“Hm? Oh. Yeah.” Anders straightened and sat up on the bed when he heard the urgency and slight panic in Hawke’s voice that emerged none too often, except in moments of impending doom, when they were seconds away from certain death or… well, whatever this was. He grabbed Hawke’s outstretched hand and hauled himself out of the bed, a ball made up of his clothes following close behind him and hitting his ass with a soft thump. He caught it before it fell.
“Nice one.” Marian nodded appraisingly, pausing her struggle to put on a sock and her robe at the same time while hopping on one foot. Anders bowed, gesturing grandly with his rumpled robes before working to untangle it.
“Oh and, sweetie?” her mother called again.
They froze. Anders with his head halfway through his robe and Hawke with one foot up in the air.
“You might want to go and get some things at the market the next time you go there; we used everything left in storage so they wouldn’t go bad, so you might want to bring a friend or else we’ll hardly finish it all.”
Marian barely stifled her laugh. “Sure thing.”
“Love you!”
“Love you, too.” Her mum went away, and Marian finally set her foot down and Anders managed to pull his head through the robe. They shared a look.
“Told you.”
Anders held his hands up, grinning. “You did.”
“And however much I love your sex hair it’s… best if we don’t actively try and present it to my mother.” Anders had already begun to ruffle his hair to be as family friendly as possible halfway through the sentence. Hawke laughed and wrapped her arms around him when he finally looked up, kissing him. Anders held her back. This is what I’m fighting for, he realised.
“You alright?” Marian half-whispered, looking up at his eyes to get a glimpse of his thought process, because she’d felt his grip on her tighten like it did when he was nervous. The worry sneaking up in her chest slinked away when he smiled at her brightly, gentle* crow’s feet forming at the corners of his eyes.
“Definitely.” He nodded, then paused in mock-hesitation. “Maybe…” Marian raised an eyebrow.
He chuckled. “I’m fine, love. Really.” He held her shoulders and looked down into her eyes so she could see it. “I do want to meet your mother and I’m glad you think I’m worth introducing.”
“Anders, I…” she cupped his head with her hands. “You mean so much to me and…” her breath shook and she hugged him tight. “Maker, of course you are.”  
“As you do to me, love.” He kissed the top of her head and breathed deeply. “More than you could ever imagine.”
“Then you’re staying for lunch?”
He pulled back and flashed her a grin. “Of course.”
“Are you sure?” she raised her eyebrows comically. “Cause I’m pretty sure one of our dear friends will catch word of all that food and raid the house if we don’t go down there.”
“Point taken.” Anders gave her a final smooch then offered his arm. “Shall we?”
“Anders, I’m dying here. We’re running.”
“Wait what-!” He applauded himself for a moment for even managing to say and/or shriek that much before he got cut off by Marian rushing towards the door, half dragging him with her. He reached for the handle since he was closer, but before he could touch it Hawke kicked the doors open with her foot.
“Nice form, sweetheart.”
“You know it, blondie.”
“Ugh… You think that nickname would leave me when Varri-“
“Anders.” Hawke glared. “Food.”
And they marched off, their laughter echoing through the halls, spilling through the curtained windows and into the grey Kirkwall sky.
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nancywheelxr · 6 years
Kara and Brainy being captured together and realizing they have feelings for each other
Gosh this grew way bigger than I expected. Hope you enjoy it, anon!
Kara punches the glass doors again.
It’s useless, she knows. It didn’t work the first dozen times and it’s not going to work now, but going through the motions, burning through the adrenaline, the ache on her knuckles, it all makes her feel a little better, a little more in control.
“Supergirl?” his voice is cracking, but it’s there, and Kara rushes to the wall between cells, as close as she possibly can. “Where are– oh, no. We were captured.”
It’s not a question, she can see him remembering their fight this afternoon– the Children of Liberty surrounding them, so many of them, faceless with their masks, and she had gotten separated from Brainy, and she couldn’t see him in the sea of people, and then suddenly someone had dragged him forward, unconscious, pressed a gun to his head, and he had been so pale, blood trickling down his temple and disappearing on his black shirt, and his heartbeat had been so faint, so when the man yelled at her to give up, Kara had simply raised her arms behind her head and let them cuff her.
“How’s your head?” She asks gently, fingers itching to reach for him, “they hit you pretty bad there.”
His hands fly to the dry patch of blood, coming up thankfully clean. “It’s healed. But I’m afraid I might be slightly concussed,” he frowns, gingerly touching the back of his head, where Kara remembers he had hit his head on the bench when they carelessly tossed him in the cell. “What about you? Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she shakes her head, glancing at the walls, “but I still can’t get us out of here. I think they’ve got inhibitors like the ones in Shelley Island. Are you sure you’re okay? There was so much blood, I– just, I was so worried, you were out of it for so long, I thought–”
“I’ll be fine,” Brainy reassures her, standing up shakily. He needs a minute to steady himself, before shuffling to sit in front of her, leaning against the back wall. The glass between them is no more than four inches thin, but it feels terribly far from where she’s standing. “I heal faster than humans, the concussion will be gone soon. Do you know where we are?”
“No,” Kara sighs, mirroring his position and leaning back, hugging her knees to her chest. “The van was lined with lead. It’s like– they are scarily good at this.”
“Indeed,” he raises his hand to his forehead, closing his eyes. The crease on his brows deepens, “I cannot connect with anything either. These cells must be blocking any signals from coming in. It’s as if they had been prepared for me as well.”
“I don’t like this,” she shakes her head, “Lockwood is in jail, they should be scattering, not upping their game.”
Before any answer could be given, the door at the end of the hall is thrown open, three men stalking past it. They all look more or less the same– tall, burly, scowly. Their leader, the one with a scar above his right brow, steps closer to their cells, grinning, “now that’s a sight to see,” he crows, “not so super now, are we? But don’t worry, Blondie. We’re not here for you this time. We just wanna test a new toy our sponsor sent us.”
Dread pools on her stomach and Kara is on her feet before Scarface over there can finish pressing a button on a device he brought. She tries to run forward, but a high-pitched noise pierces the room. It seems to be too high for humans to hear, but even as she falls to her knees, Kara sees Brainy stumbling too, his image glitching and shimmering as his image inducer gives out.
And if this is hurting her ears, it looks so much more painful for Brainy, Kara has to– nothing. Like this, barely able to stand on her own, there’s nothing she can do.
“So it does work, uh?” Scarface laughs, turning on his heel to leave, his minions in tow.
She waits just until the ground feels steady under her feet, ignoring the ringing echoing on her head. “Brainy, oh my god, you’re bleeding again–”
“It’s– well, it’s not quite alright, but it does look worse than it is,” he’s breathing heavily, and when he coughs, she can see the blood on his palms. “There are more pressing things to worry about. Did you see the logo, on the device?”
Unfortunately. “Yeah. That’s not good, we need to tell Alex and the others.”
“They talked about a new sponsor, but why would L-Corp– why would Lena do this?”
Kara feels her own face hardening, “no, not L-Corp. Lexcorp.” This is really not good, they have to warn Lena, too. “But Brainy, they don’t seem to care what we hear. And they weren’t wearing masks this time. You know what that means, don’t you?”
He coughs again, wiping the blood from under his nose. “It means they’re planning to kill us.”
There’s a tiny window above her head, allowing natural light to spill inside their cells. Kara watches the sunlight move across the room as the hours pass, disappearing into pale moonlight by the end of the day. And then, she watches it again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
The days pass in a blur of awful helplessness. Without her powers and with little to no contact with their captors, Kara isn’t sure what she can do. There’s no one she can try to talk down, there’s no superpower to help her kick down doors. Their food comes only once a day, and the water too, only enough to keep them feebly alive.
One thing is for sure, these people are much better at kidnapping than the last crew.
“How long until Alex finds us, do you think?” She sighs, leaning against the wall between the cells, her legs stretched in front of her.
“No more than a day, I’d say,” Brainy guesses, the same guess he’s been answering her every time she asks. They’re sitting back-to-back, so Kara can’t see his face, but she imagines it must be as despondent as she feels.
“We need to come up with a plan of our own,” Kara suggests, awfully aware their time is running out. “Before they decide it’s not worth it to keep us here anymore.”
“They must need us for something,” he says, voice flat, “or we would not still be alive.”
At the very least, Brainy looks better, she concedes. His concussion did heal itself with time, and so did his cough, and his skin isn’t so pale anymore, but Kara hates to see the strain on his eyes. She absolutely loathes to see him hurting, and she hates even more that there’s nothing she can possibly do. He’s here, so close they would be touching if it weren’t for the glass, and she can feel the warmth radiating from him. Glass is a good heat conductor, she can almost hear him saying.
“That’s a smart one, uh?” Scarface is back, slamming a magazine against the glass door to her cell with a delighted smile and she hates herself for not hearing him approaching. It’s a Catco magazine, and Kara’s heart cracks at the cover. No more Age of Heroes? Supergirl MIA! “I can’t have you popping up dead, now can I? Oh no, then everyone would be crying their heart outs for you. I don’t need a martyr. No, I need you alive and breathing, so at the end of the week, you can tell all those nice people you could have stopped all these terrible, terrible fires. That shootout in City Hall? Shame you didn’t feel like stopping that one, uh? Yeah, wonder how your little fan club will feel after that.”
“Okay, look,” Kara sees the opportunity there, and scrambles up to snag it, “you want to discredit me right? You don’t need him here for that, he’s got nothing to do with this. Just let him go, and I’ll do it. I’ll say whatever you want me to say– just let him go.”
Scarface laughs a full-bodied laugh that echoes all around like nails scratching on a chalkboard. “You ever played poker, Blondie? Oh man, you’d be terrible at it. Rule Number One, never show your hand, man!” He shakes his head fondly, as if he had been dealing out real advice for her. “See, I already know you will do whatever I tell you to. Because pretty boy over here is my insurance. You think I’m gonna part with my insurance? Of course not, especially now that you just told me how much you care! I was banking on your whole self-righteous moral gig before, but boy, oh boy, did I hit the jackpot with this one– it’s personal for you!”
The magazine slides to the floor as he leaves, still chuckling.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” Brainy says as soon as the man is out of earshot. He’s standing now too, face scarily blank, and Kara wonders if it’s too late to gather back her cards, hide them back up her sleeve along with her heart. “What if he had accepted your offer? It would have jeopardized your work as Supergirl– my well-being is not worth it. When the time comes, you must promise you will not do as he asks.”
“Brainy, what–”
“Promise me.”
“What? No, I will not,” she shoots back, stalking to the glass wall, “what are you talking about? Brainy, my reputation, Supergirl’s reputation, I can rebuild. With time, the people will trust me again– I did it before, I can do it as many times as I need. You being safe– that’s all that matters right now.”
His eyes are wide, and she can almost see the gears turning behind them, parsing through her words. “I don’t– the man with the scar on his right brow said it was personal for you. What is that supposed to mean?”
“I’ve been calling him Scarface in my head, actually.”
“Oh, yes, that is a better one!”
Kara’s ticking clock just got a new deadline, and she supposes now that she’s aware of this thing herself, it wouldn’t take long until Brainy figures it out on his own. She never learned how not to wear her heart on her sleeve. And besides, if they don’t make it– she might not get another chance to say this. “Well, first of all, my decision on this would be the same no matter who was here with me. It could be a freaking stranger– any life is worth more than the public opinion,” she swallows, fidgeting with her cape, before taking a deep breath, steeling herself, “that being said. When he says personal, he means I’m in love with you.”
A whole minute goes by in silence. Kara wonders if she broke Brainy. Then, she wonders if he’s wishing he would have been kidnapped with somebody else, someone that isn’t stupidly making him more uncomfortable than those ratty, lumpy mattresses. Then, he speaks, “and is that what you mean?”
She smiles, relieved, “yeah, duh. Even out kidnappers can tell,” her heart is fluttering as she presses a hand to the glass, “it took me a while to realize it, and I kind of hate that I’m saying this for the first time in a prison cell, but Brainy. I’m in love with you.”
He raises his own hand, pressing against hers in answer, just a few inches away from touching. “I wish the circumstances were better,” he says, “I wish I had better words to offer you, but until then. Know this, my heart is yours, Kara Danvers. I love you as well.”
In a perfect world, this would be the moment they would kiss and fireworks would burst in the sky and everything would be alright. But in reality, Kara can only wish fiercely for a happy ending yet.
“Brainy,” she decides, “we are getting out of here. Scarface talked big game about not showing his cards, but he did give us something to work with.”
Brainy raises an eyebrow.
“He can’t kill either of us, not until after the weekend. When they come to move us, that’s when we escape,” a spark of hope is igniting a wildfire on her chest. Now that she has a plan of action, now that she knows this thing between them is real and possible and so, so close– Kara has never been more alive. Right now, she could reach for the stars.
“It will be difficult,” Brainy reminds her, but his voice sounds just as sure as hers, “they’ve defeated us before. But it could work.”
“It will work,” she states, no room for doubt. Then, because it still feels as if she’s melting inside, “but you know, I could really use seeing your smile right now.”
He huffs a quiet laugh, shaking his head, but his lips curl in the most beautiful smile in the whole wide world if you ask Kara.
“Now I know, everything is going to be okay.”
They never make it to the end of the week.
It couldn’t be more than a day when even Kara’s powerless hearing picks up on the commotion outside. She stands to the attention, nods at Brainy who is doing the same in his cell. “Looks like it will be sooner rather than later.”
“Good luck,” she bites her lips, “and be careful.”
The door at the end of the hall swings open and half a dozen agents of liberty fill the room, throwing their cells open. “Change of plans,” one of them says, dragging her out by the arm, “time to sing, roach.”
There are guns pointed at them, and somewhere there’s a dog that just won’t stop barking, and the commotion outside is still raging on, and in the middle of all the chaos, Kara looks away and meets Brainy’s gaze. He nods back. They spring into motion and she has to trust he can handle himself in the fight.
A bullet grazes her shoulder. She punches someone’s face. Her side hurts. A punch to the stomach. It goes by in a flurry of motion, her training kicking in automatically, muscle memory taking over. Kara makes a mental note to thank her sister for all that hand-to-hand in the Kryptonite room.
The agents of liberty might have been better equipped this time, but between the two of them, they still fall down one by one.
“We did it?” her voice echoes in the hall.
“We did it,” his arms wrap around her waist.
And the fireworks might just be an automatic gun emptying its clip somewhere upstairs, and her shoulder is aching where it bleeds, and Brainy has blood on his temple– and none of it matters, because they’re finally, finally, free and he’s kissing her and she’s kissing him and that’s all there is.
Until the cocking of gun, gunshot loud in the silent room.
“Well, well, well, sorry to interrupt,” Scarface says, not smiling for once, gun aimed steadily at them, “but I’m afraid there’s been a change of schedule. Let’s see how well you wear martyrdom, shall we?”
Seriously? is all Kara can think while staring down the barrel of his gun, hasn’t it been enough?
The safety is off. She sees his finger ready on the trigger. Time slows down. And–
“Supergirl,” Alex is suddenly there, throwing something high in the air, and the whole place burst with blinding light. 
Yellow sun grenade.
Kara grins, feeling the rush of power thrumming once again underneath her skin, and god, she puts herself in front of Brainy, the rain of bullets bouncing off harmlessly off her. “What took you guys so long?” She laughs, ridiculously relieved, “this place has the worst room service.”
“What? It’s not my fault, these idiots kept setting buildings on fire,” Alex shrugs, faking nonchalance even as she pulls her into a tight hug, “I was so worried.”
“Hey, it’s fine,” she reassures her sister, “we’re fine.”
“Thank you for the rescue, Director Danvers,” Brainy comes to stand beside them, wheezing when Alex hugs him just as tight, “but there is much that needs to be discussed. We have gathered quite a bit of intel.”
“Well, silver linings, I guess?” Alex makes a face, “I need to check on my team, but you two– stay here. It’ll take me two minutes, don’t you dare move, hear me?” She leaves, grumbling, “god knows I don’t want either of you out of my sight for the next ten years.”
Finally, Kara breathes.
“I think that cut might need stitches,” she says softly, fingers tracing gingerly along the edges, “how do you feel about needles?”
Brainy catches her hand, gently turning it around to kiss her inner wrist, just below her pulse point, and she shivers. “Terribly,” he says, eyes shining mischievously, “I guess you will have to hold my hand until it’s over.”
“Gladly,” she tells him, “and I’ll kiss it better after.”
He smiles.
And Kara thinks, yeah, everything will be okay.
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ranger-of-estel · 6 years
Finding Refuge
Day three of #CCWeek2018 by @writing-multifandom
This one is actually part of a project I’ve been toying with for a little while. Figured this was a good way to find out what you all think (That said, since it’s an early chapter this is a pre-relationship CC fic)
Alternate Universe
               Sara’s whole-body aches as consciousness slowly returns, but she finds her hip is the worst as she takes inventory. She remembers being chased by the pack, nips to her heals and calves as branches scratch her arms and face. But then one of them had lunged, caught her hip and… “Vampire!” she jerks up, crying out as the pain intensifies in her side.
               “Easy Sara, you’re safe.” A woman is at her side now, dark hair tumbling over her shoulders in waves and concern in her eyes. “You need to rest,”
               “Where am I?” she pushes down the panic that’s threatening to bubble up.
               “You’re in Refuge Manor,” she gives a gentle smile, “My name is Gideon, I’m one of the caretakers here.”
               Sara looks down to where the woman’s skin is touching her arm. “Your skin is cool.”
               The woman nods, “I am an android, I do not produce heat like most other beings.”
               Sara nods, though part of her is still processing the words. “What happened?”
“I appear to have ended your would-be execution last night.” A male voice drawls, looking up she finds the blue eyed vampire that had stepped in, throwing the wolf off of her and frightening the others.
“I suppose you’re expecting a thank you.” His keen eyes remain focused on her as her own gaze roams. He’s dressed entirely in black, the only skin she can see his face and where his long fingers hook into the pockets of his tight jeans.
“Hardly,” his smooth voice draws her attention back to his face, lips curved in a smirk as he pushes away from the wall. “Gideon sent me out to find you.”
Her attention turns curiously back to the woman at her side, “Let’s get you back on your feet, then we can answer whatever questions you may have.”
“I’m fine,” she swings her legs over the opposite side of the bed, absently noticing that she’s never seen the cargo pants and baggy shirt she’s wearing. The observation is short lived as her leg attempts to give out beneath her.
A cool hand catches her arm, waiting until she’s steady to release her. Part of her is unnerved at how quickly the man was able to move, the other part is too distracted by his eyes. His brow is furrows in something dangerously close to concern, and she quickly pulls away with a mumbled, “thanks.”
“Just didn’t want to have to pick you up off the floor.” He replies with an uninterested shrug. But still remains within arm’s reach of her.
“Leonard,” Gideon draws both of their attention. “Why don’t you take Sara for a walk on the grounds?” she motions out the door, “Then Rip and I can explain things in the study?” she turns her attention to Sara, “If you do not oppose?”
Sara shrugs, “Can’t see why not.” She glances back at Leonard, “he seems as safe as anyone right now.”
“Then it’s settled!” Gideon claps her hands together, smiling at them. “We’ll see you soon.”
Leonard motions toward the door and while having him behind her is not ideal, she wants out of the room. He moves to walk silently beside her, and she allows herself to admire the paintings and photos lining the walls. Footsteps pull her attention back up as a brunette approaches them.
“Lenny!” the girl grins, then turns her attention to Sara. “And Sara, right?”
As she gets closer Sara can see the small fangs in her smile. “That’s right…and you’re?”
“Lisa,” the woman offers her hand. “I’m Leonard’s sister.”
Sara accepts the gesture, again surprised at the difference in temperature. “It’s nice to meet you…I think.”
Lisa just laughs, eyes sparkling with a life Sara didn’t know was possible in her kind. She turns to her brother, “I’ll catch you later.” She presses a swift kiss to his cheek before dancing away.
They begin walking once more, and she glances up at her escort. “This isn’t what I pictured Coven’s looking like.”
She gets a short chuckle in return. “This is not a coven Miss Lance.” There’s a hint of real amusement in his features, “and most of the team here would take insult to being called such.” He indicates his head to a room on their right, and she follows him in.
It’s a gathering room, with couches and recliners spread around a large TV. As they enter a large man rises from one of the cushioned seats to approach them. He’s the opposite of the one beside her, his jeans and shirt loose fitting and crumpled. He radiates a heat and energy that Sara is familiar with, a slow anger building as light reflects off something around the man’s neck.
“Sara,” Leonard speaks from her side, “Meet Mick Rory, our-“
“Werewolf,” Sara finishes, looking up at the man who’s watching her curiously. “Collared like a family pet,” she growls.
“I like this one,” Mick grins, “She’s got fire.” He looks back down at her, “But the collar ain’t a form of ownership Blondie.”
“I made it,” a new woman, dark skin and jet black hair, steps up beside them. She only reaches his shoulders but has a powerful presence all the same. “It has properties to help keep his…hotter emotions…manageable.”
He smiles down at her, “Saves a bunch on clothes,”
The new figure turns back to her, “It is good to see you awake.” She rests a hand over her chest, “I’m Amaya,”
“You’re…not a wolf or a vampire.” Sara looks at her curiously.
“No, I’m a practitioner of the old arts.” She offers a wry smile, “Or a witch, by most people’s standards.” She shrugs, “But aside from a little magic, I’m quite human.”
“An android, two vampires, a werewolf and a witch co-existing…The more I see the less I understand,” she frowns.
“Refuge is a place for outcasts.” Mick shrugs, “all kinds of us ‘ere.”
“You hardly strike me as the type to be tossed aside by society,” she gives Leonard a side glance.
He’s smirking at her again, but there’s something self-depreciating this time. “You’d be surprised.” He motions back to the main hall, “Come, I’m sure Rip and Gideon are waiting.”
“Lead the way,” she motions, following him out.
She doesn’t realize she’s started to limp until he’s slowed to walk beside her. “Perhaps touring the grounds was not the best of ideas with your injuries.”
“I’ve managed with worse.” She glares, and he just watches her with a distant curiosity, but doesn’t move from his place alongside her.
The next room they enter appears to be a lab, a young man turning from one of the tables as they enter. “Snart! Good, I was hoping you could –” he trails off as Sara comes into view. “Ah, I see the newest guest is on the mend.”
“This is Sara,” Leonard replies.
“Oh!” he gives her a blinding grin. “I’m Raymond, but everyone calls me Ray.”
“Human,” Sara raises a brow.
“100%” he nods.
“So what’s your story?” she asks, looking around the room. “This seems like a strange place for a man of science.”
Before he can answer a new voice comes from a second doorway. “Ray, are you done with that plant yet? Amaya want’s it back.” Sara’s attention is caught as the light reflects off twin pairs of sheer wings on the woman’s back. They flutter impatiently as she stands with arms crossed, inky hair pulled back to reveal her dark eyes and features. She gives Sara a half-glare, “What are you looking at? Never seen a fairy before?”
“Zari, be nice!” Ray half sings as he turns, “Lily went to water it, I’ll take you to her.” He turns back to wave at Sara, “It was nice meeting you Sara!”
As Leonard leads her toward another doorway she looks back. “I’m not sure what I find more strange. The human size fairy, or the scientist in a hideaway for the supernatural.”
“Well, Dr. Frankenstein is the reason Zari is our size. She can also be small, and it’s far more irritating.” Len makes a distasteful face before shaking his head.
Sara stops, staring at Leonard’s back in surprise. “Wait, did you say Frankenstein…as in the Frankenstein?”
He turns, amusement in his eyes. “A descendent yes.” He frowns, “apparently attempting to conquer death runs in the family. It’s why he’s here.” Leonard motions forward, and they resume walking. “Raymond’s fiancé was killed, and so, struck with grief he decided to bring her back.” He shakes his head, “It failed, but was enough to catch Rip’s attention…which is a story I will let him tell.”
“Okay…so if there’s not a monster, then why is he still here?” Her body is beginning to ache, and she attempts to focus more fully on the conversation.
“The scientific community aren’t huge fans of his work. And, despite his painfully bright personality, he’s good to have around. In fact, he and the other resident science geek, Lily, are the ones who made Gideon’s current form,”
“And Lily, is she?” she cocks her head.
“Also human. Rip rescued her from a changeling nest, she’s grown up here.” He offers a half smile, “She’s some of the more tolerable company in this place.”
If he says anything else Sara misses it, her attention captured entirely by the immense library they’ve stepped into. Sunlight comes in from windows, many of which have reading nooks tucked neatly inside. Two figures rise from a table at the center of the room as they approach. One Sara recognizes as Gideon; the other, a thin man with sharp eyes and short hair in disarray, is unfamiliar.
“Hopefully Leonard was not to terrible of company,” the man has a distinctly British accent, brown duster shifting as he approaches.
Sara offers a half smile, “I’ve spent time with worse.”
“And with that,” he offers a half bow, “I have other matters to attend to.” He gives Sara one last look, “Miss Lance.” And then he’s gone.
“Vampires, they do enjoy their dramatic exits.” The other man shakes his head, making a sweeping motion toward the table. “I’m Rip, the head of this..”
“Household.” Gideon finishes as Sara sits across from her. “Dysfunctional as it may seem.” She has that little half smile again.
Rip nods, “And we’d like you to join us.” He settles next to Gideon once more, “But I’m sure you have questions, so please,” he makes an open gesture before him.
“Who are you?” she narrows her gaze, “How did you find me?”
He chuckles, “By trade I am a Hunter, one of Van Helsing’s line.” She tenses, and he waves a hand dismissively before them. “But I assure you I mean no harm.” He offers a depreciative laugh, “I have not been part of the order for many years.” He motions to the woman at his side, “As for locating you, it’s one of Gideon’s skills.”
“I am able to sense out non-human lifeforms using a vast array of information alongside my algorithms and probabilities.” Gideon picks up, “It is how I located you, and also how we knew you were not like the others of your pack.” She frowns, “I just wish we could have reached you sooner.”
Sara shakes her head, “I would not have come.” She gazes out one of the windows, “Even now there is a pull…to return to them, even though I know it would end poorly.” Her attention shifts back to Rip. “But why leave hunting?” her gaze narrows, “Why walk away from that to build this place?”
“Have you ever been in love Miss Lance?” he asks in return, sadness in his eyes.
“Yes…I think.” She frowns, “But that’s hardly an answer.”
“On the contrary, it is entirely the answer.” He runs a hand through his hair, leaving it in some disarray. “I fell in love with a woman, we were married, had a beautiful son.” He sighs, “But eventually the order learned she was not human,” there’s darkness in his eyes, “And they took my family from me.”
“I’m sorry,” she drops her head slightly, “I didn’t-“
“It’s quite alright,” he gives a small smile, and she notices how Gideon’s hand has moved to cover one of his on the table. “But that is why I made this place. Somewhere that others like Miranda; who are victims, not monsters, can live.”
She looks down to where her hands fidget against the table, and then back up to the pair before her. “You must understand, this is a lot to process.”
“Of course,” Rip nods, “Life in the Refuge is very much different than any home you have had.”
“We do not expect an answer now, only that you think on it.” Gideon offers her an encouraging smile, “Come, we have a room you can stay in while you decide.”
Sara takes the offered hand, allowing the woman to lead her up a set of stairs and down a door lined hall. “How many of you live here?”
Gideon shrugs, “It varies.” She motions to one of the doors, “Leonard likely introduced you to most of our full time residents. But there are a few that are in and out.” She motions to Sara’s clothes, “Kendra was kind enough to offer her clothing while she is away.” She shakes her heads, “Shifters do not settle anywhere very long, but she and Carter will be back I’m sure.”
Gideon stops, unlocking door and allowing it to swing open. “I must insist you remain with us until your wound has healed; but regardless of your final choice the manor is at your disposal for as long as you wish to stay.”
Sara nods, and Gideon leaves her with her thoughts. Rip is waiting when she reaches the main platform, his mouth set in a thin line. “Will she stay?”
“I cannot be sure,” Gideon shrugs, “But I do not believe she has many options.”
“I do not want to frighten her, but she is in a great deal of danger.” He sighs, “Phoenix are a rare breed, and their power is sought out by Hunters and creatures alike. The wolves already know of her existence, it is only a matter of time before others join.”
Gideon pats his arm, “Let’s not rush things, there is a good chance she will choose to remain with us for other reasons.” Her hand slides into his, fingers linking as she pulls him toward their own room. “One challenge at a time my love. One at a time.”
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saikostories · 4 years
FT - A Moment with You pt6
He glared down at her. His body radiated with his dragon slayer lightning magic. The static died down and soon his body was back to normal. Standing only a few inches from her, he could smell her fully. Vanilla… and cinnamon.. She smelt of a bakery.
"May I help you?" Lucy asked innocently, smiling.
"Why were you running from me Blondie?" Laxus said in a soft husky voice. He had his typical serious look.. and he looked down at her.
"I wasn't running. Were you looking for me?" Lucy asked politely, not showing any ounce of fear in her eyes, causing Laxus to raise an eyebrow at her audacity to lie to his face and her new-found boldness.
"Oh… you were running all right." Laxus leaned closer to her face.. Lucy continued to stare back into his eyes.. holding her ground.
"Hm.. I don't know what you're talking about. But if you don't mind Laxus.. I am very tired so I'll be leaving now." Lucy walked around Laxus and just as she thought she was in the clear, Laxus pushed her against the wall and caged her in with his arms.
He brought his face to her neck and inhaled deeply.. "You thought you were so clever.. hiding yourself in that bakery.. giving that girl your coat…" Lucy stood tall and her smiling expression never changed. People walking by whispering to each other as they watched Laxus and Lucy. She put a hand on his chest and pushed him back.. but he only let himself get so far so that he was staring right into her face. Then she started laughing. Giggling all by herself. It caused him to frown and be utterly confused. In his mind.. he thought this girl had lost her mind. Lucy couldn't help but giggle.. She knew she had been clever.. and Laxus Dreyar had fallen for her trick.. She was pretty darn smart when she wanted to be… Oh if only the men were here to have witnessed it… she was so proud of herself. Then she focused on the man in front of her.. the man from the future who had kissed her cheek.. the man who shed a tear for her… who wanted her to live so badly.. was so different from the man that stood before her now… How much would Laxus Dreyar have to change to become that man… how much of his pride and his values would be broken.. to become the romantic sweet man she had seen..
"What's so funny?" He seethed.
"Oh Laxus.. with all that effort you put into maintaining your tough bad boy image….." Lucy brought a hand up and gently put her gloved hand on his cheek..
"You should be the one running from me." Lucy gave Laxus the most genuine smile she could give.
Laxus stared wide-eyed at her.. he stepped back.. this girl.. this Lucy Heartfilia was different.. she wasn't scared.. she wasn't weak…. She was bold and confident.. what had happened to her?... and.. cute?
"Well.. what were you chasing after me for." Lucy said crossing her arms.
"Well?" Lucy said frowning.
"Jiji wanted me to bring you back to the guild."
Lucy's face paled… "uhm… okay.. I'll go to the guild tomorrow. I promise. I'm just so tired… I really want to take a bath and sleep." She rubbed her arm as if she was cold.
"Oh no blondie. You're coming with me now. Whether you like it or not." Laxus said as he quickly grabbed Lucy as she was trying to get away. He swung her over his shoulder and headed towards the guild.
"LAXXUUSS! PUT ME DOWN!" Lucy squirmed.
"Stop squirming or else everyone will see your underwear" Laxus said nonchalantly.
"EEEPPPP!" Lucy turned bright red. She put her hands on her skirt to keep them down..
"Though I am quite surprised Lucy… I do like black lace."
"LAXXUUSS! YOU PERVERT!" Lucy punched Laxus in the head.. he was taken by surprise at how much it had hurt.. Laxus glared ahead of him as his annoyance and rage skyrocketed. He smirked as he thought of a plan..
"You're gonna regret doing that…" Laxus smirked as he took a wide stance.
Lucy's eyes widened.. "LAXXUUSSS!"
Natsu was sitting at a table with happy.. he was frowning and in a terrible mood… had Lucy really replaced him? He had been worried that Lucy was going to be furious with him for forgetting about her.. but she had been having a fun time with some stupid looking boys without him.. she looked like she was having so much fun with them! Who were these guys and how dare they take her away from him..
Natsu growled…..
And to make it worse.. she went on an S-class mission.. WITHOUT HIM?! How could she do that! How could she! He was so angry.. his fists lit up on fire.. Happy just looked worriedly at Natsu and took steps away from him..
"Natsu…." Happy said softly..
At the bar.. Gray was drinking his iced alcoholic beverage.. he was so angry with Natsu… and so angry that he had let this happen.. if only he hadn't gone on that mission with Juvia.. he could've gone on a mission with Lucy alone.. he could have had a great chance…
"Ara ara…" Mira said setting down the beer mugs for Wakaba and Macao..
"Those boys sure look down.." Wakaba said taking his beer.
"Yea… well it is their fault.." Macao said holding his beer.
"What do you mean?" Mira asked confused.
"They wouldn't be in this mess if her team didn't all go on missions without her. It was a bit heartbreaking when she came in that day to find Natsu, Erza, and Gray all gone. Plus Wendy and Levy…"
"Yea.. I felt pretty bad…" Wakaba said as he looked towards Natsu and Gray.
"How could they… poor Lucy… I'm sure she must have felt terrible.. and that's why she took such a hard mission by herself.." Mira said frowning.. "but I'm glad she's found some cute boys on her mission. That girl really needs a boyfriend" Mira said as she walked away.
Natsu cringed as he heard their conversation.. he was still very angry with Lucy.. but now a little tinge of guilt was beginning to grow in his chest.. had it been his fault? No… she'd understand.. it was Igneel we were talking about… he had gone to find Igneel and Lisanna had just tagged along.. no big deal… how could she be upset at him for that?
Gray chugged his drink as he also heard their conversation.. guilt overwhelming guilt plagued him… and anger towards Natsu.. "screw this whole situation… Lucy… please come back soon…" he thought to himself.
Gajeel was in the corner of the guild with Lily.. he was snickering at how Natsu and Gray were being like babies… "Salamander… let's see what happens when bunnygirl gets back..." he smirked.
"Gajeel…" Lily eyed Gajeel. "What are you thinking of now…"
"Just how entertaining it will be when bunnygirl arrives.. maybe I'll take her on a mission."
"Are…you serious?" Lily asked shocked.. Gajeel Redfox.. asking someone to go on a mission with him? Other than Levy?!
"LIKE HELL YOU ARE!" Natsu yelled as he stood up from his seat. He was glaring right at Gajeel.
"Gihi…" Gajeel smirked back at Natsu.
Gray looked over at Natsu and saw Natsu glaring at Someone on the opposite side of the guild.. he looked over to find Gajeel in Natsu's line of sight.. Gray frowned at Gajeel.. sensing something was up to get Natsu riled up…
Gajeel saw Gray looking over at him.. and he smirked at Gray as well.. Gray glared back at him.
"Is it just me… or do Natsu, Gray, and Gajeel seem to be bit more… hostile towards each other?" Levy asked Mira, Lisanna, and Cana from a table to the side.
"I think they are just being boys…" Lisanna said sweatdropping.
"Maybe. I smell jealousy from them though" Cana said smirking as she leaned towards the rest of the girls.
"Jealousy? Like over a girl?!" Mira's eyes twinkled.
"Haha.. mira-nee…" Lisanna said trying to calm Mira's imagination.
"Oh so Lisanna… Levy… how did your missions go.. with your boys?" Cana said wiggling her eybrows up and down.
"Cana!" Both said turning red. Mira smiled at the them.
"Well?" Cana said nudging Lisanna.
"It was nice. We had fun and had dinner under the stars together.. we both fought together in sync against the blizzardvern.. Natsu was a bit sad that it wasn't Igneel.. but overall we had fun" Lisanna said smiling.
"Ohh.. sounds romantic" Cana teased Lisanna.. who laughed nervously.
"How about you Levy?" Mira said nudging her.
"Well.. we had a good time. Gajeel saved me from a couple of bandits in the town and I fought along side him as well.. Jet and Droy kept annoying me though and wouldn't leave me alone.. but they're always like that. Nothing special happened." Levy said rubbing her hands together.
"Well it's kind of hard to have some alone time with Gajeel with Jet and Droy following you around everywhere.. you're so popular Levy.. having three boys.. naughty girl" Cana teased.
"WHAT?! CANA!" Levy turned tomato red and was appalled at what Cana had said. All the girls were laughing.
Wendy was sitting with Carla and Romeo. She was looking at her hands as she focused on what was being said around the guild.. she didn't like eavesdropping on others but right now.. she needed information.
"Wendy… are you okay?"
"Oh! Yes Romeo-san… everything is fine." Wendy said smiling.
Carla was watching Wendy closely… ever since she had talked with Master Makarov, Wendy had been a little off.
The guild doors smashed open. And in the doorway stood Laxus..
"LAXUS!" the raijinshu shot from their table.
Everyone shot their gazes towards Laxus…
There he stood with a woman's butt draped over his shoulder.. there was a woman's hand that was trying to keep the skirt down.. a pink fairytail stamp on it..
Natsu, Gray, and Gajeel's eyes widened…so did Wendy's.
Laxus dropped Lucy onto the floor.. his nose scrunched up in disgust… his eyes closed and fists clenched.. the raijinshuu took a step back from Laxus… fear in their eyes… so did everyone else.. except Wendy.. who actually took a step forward..
Lucy threw up on his coat. His favorite coat….
Having heard the roar of thunder, Master Makarov exited his office and stood onto the railing.. his eyes widened at the sight of Lucy splayed on the floor while Laxus stood tall above her..
Natsu, Gray, and Gajeel looked up towards Master Makarov with wide-eyes and then quickly back to Laxus and Lucy.
Laxus' veins were popping from how mad he was at Lucy.. he took his coat off and threw it onto a nearby table.. he hovering over Lucy with anger seething.. everyone in the guild was fearing for Lucy's life.
"LUCY-SAN!" Wendy ran towards Lucy.
Lucy was on the floor… struggling to get up.. she leaned onto one hand.. the other clenching her chest.. her bangs were covering her eyes..
Wendy dropped beside Lucy and began to heal her.. hoping to heal her from whatever was afflicting her. "Lucy-san.. are you okay?"
"LAXXUUSSS! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" Natsu yelled before he ran towards her. "LUCY!" Gray lunged forward towards Lucy.
The two boys kneeled next to her and Gray was the one that got to Lucy first. He gently let Lucy fall back on his chest… Wendy began to heal her.
Her eyes fluttered.. she saw Gray's worried eyes staring at her.. she smiled.. then she saw Wendy who was as smiling in relief now.. Natsu was watching her with worried eyes.. examining her whole..
Lucy turned her gaze towards the man towering over her..
"Laxus….." she said softly..
Gray and Natsu were startled to hear her first call out to Laxus.. they turned their heads towards Laxus and glared..
"Laxus… you jerk!..." Lucy struggled to get up now.. but Gray held her down.. trying to prevent her from getting killed..
Laxus glared down at Lucy.. "You.. owe me big time Blondie.. that smell ain't ever going away… and I intend to make you pay for it.. in the most tortuous way possible.." he said venomously as he turned to leave towards the Raijinshuu.
"Lucy.. you okay?" Gray said worried as he helped her up. "Lucy-san? Are you okay? You don't seem to have any wounds or injuries…" Wendy said.
"I'm fine Wendy.. thank you.. I wasn't feeling too good to begin with and Laxus thought it would be a good idea to use his lightning body to scare me.." Lucy glared at Laxus.. who kept his back to her while speaking with the Raijinshuu.
"oh... I'm glad you're feeling better... but I really hope you'll be okay.. Laxus-san looked really angry.." Wendy looked over at Laxus..
"He won't hurt me. He won't dare." Lucy said to Wendy.. causing Wendy, Natsu, and Gray to look at her funny.. it was Laxus they were talking about.. the one who attacked the guild.. thunder palace? Did she forget?
Laxus turned his head to the side... "Tch..."
She brushed herself off and felt the sting of her stomach acid in her throat.. she then stared at Gray and Natsu, making them nervous.
"Gray…. Natsu…." Lucy said softly.. the boys listened intently to her.. "ugh Lucy… your breath stinks.. can you take a mint or brush your teeth?" Natsu said trying to cover his nose.. but then he was greeted with a Lucy-Kick.
Then she punched wide-eyed Gray in the face but in the process.. Gray caught a glance of something from her wrist… something shiny… a cross…
Both boys went sailing backwards and crashed onto the floor. Everyone stared in shock at Lucy… even Laxus watched from the corner of his eye. Gajeel leaned forward from his seat.. grinning… "What is this…."
"Ouch Luce! That really hurt!" Natsu said getting up. "Yea Lucy!" Gray said getting up as well. His eyes scanning her face.. her body.. "YOU IDIOTS! YOU BOTH LEFT ON MISSIONS WITHOUT TELLING ME!" Lucy clenched her fists.. "Wait.. wait.. Lucy I can explain…" Gray said with his palms up in front of him.. trying to appease a very mad Lucy. "WelL…WELL WHAT ABOUT YOU! YOU WENT ON A S-CLASS MISSION WITHOUT ME!" Natsu yelled back at Lucy.
"YOU!..." Lucy seethed… Natsu was sweatdropping mad… so was Gray…. a mad Lucy.. was just as evil and scary as a mad Erza…
Taking a deep breath… Lucy glared at Gray and Natsu…
"You have no right to be mad at me for going on a mission without you.. I thought we were a team…" She looked towards Gray.. he looked away guiltily.. "I thought we were partners.. " She looked towards Natsu.. he froze and felt a deep panic…
"You left me first…" Lucy said firmly.. and she walked between the two of them towards Master Makarov.
Natsu and Gray watched her walk away… deep guilt rising.. head hurting… they were in big trouble… they had never seen Lucy this mad before… not particularly mad…. But hurt..
Gray couldn't help but wonder… what was that shiny object he saw earlier.. could he have been imagining things?…
Wendy watched Lucy walk away.. her face dark.. Wendy was certain.. Lucy had no injuries on her body at all… but why did she need such healing to recover.. Lucy had used up a lot more of her magic than she had anticipated…. Or was it that she herself was getting weaker in her healing magic…
"Well well… that was a lot more entertaining than I thought it would be.." Gajeel said to himself. "Lucy-san sure looks mad.." Lily said to Gajeel. "Hmph… bunnygirl seems to have grown some claws…" Gajeel said crossing his arms… smirking widely.. he stared at her.. and something caught his eye.. she wore gloves… that had metal infused into them.. he looked at his gloves.. then back at hers..
"Lucy my child…. You know how dangerous your choice was to take that mission…" "Yes Master… I understand…" "For the crime of taking an S-class mission… I give you two choices…."
"But master! It wasn't classified as an S-class mission until right after she took it!" Mira stood up for Lucy.. but Master just glared at Mira.. causing her to back off..
Lucy stood before Master Makarov, who was standing on top of the bar counter.. announcing aloud for everyone in the guild to hear.
"That mission file was sorted away from the bulletin board as a potential S-Class mission.. and Lucy had taken the mission without either my or any S-class Mage's consent. Therefore it must be made clear to the rest of the guild.. that no one in any circumstance will try and take an S-class mission or any filed away mission request without prior authorization."
Lucy stood firmly ready for whatever was to happen.. Natsu and Gray stayed silent from where they were standing.
"Lucy Heartfilia.. you are temporarily suspended from Team Natsu…."
"WHHATTTT?!" Natsu and Gray yelled aloud. Laxus and Gajeel raised their eyebrows.. "QUIEETT! No one will interrupt me from here on!" Master Makarov transformed into his titan mode. "JIJI!-" Natsu yelled and Master smacked him with his fists.
"Lucy Heartfilia.. you are temporarily suspended from Team Natsu and from taking any job requests… you will work in the guild and work as an assistant to either me or Mira.. When I have decided that you had repented enough for your crime, you will be allowed to take missions once again."
Lucy just looked up to Master Makarov and remained silent.
"If you do not want to comply with these terms.. or if anyone else aids in the breaking of these terms… you will be expelled from FairyTail"
Gasppp** all around was heard in the guild hall.
"What do you say Lucy my child.." Master Makarov said with his booming voice.
"I accept.." Lucy said aloud.
"LUCE!" Natsu said running towards her. "LUCY!" Gray yelled as she ran towards her.
She turned around and greeted them with smiles. "It's okay guys.. everything is fine."
"But Luce…. It's fun to go on missions with you.. I want to go on missions with you.." Natsu whined.. "Lucy… it wouldn't be the same without you.. let's try and ask Master to-" "No Gray… Natsu.. it's fine… I've been meaning to take a break." "What?" Gray asked. "What do you mean break… you don't like us anymore? It's cuz we left you right? It's all Gray's fault.." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS ALL MY FAULT!" Gray yelled at Natsu. "YOU KNEW I LEFT ON A MISSION WITH LISANNA.. IT WAS YOU WHO SHOULD'VE TAKEN CARE OF HER! YOU LEFT HER." Natsu yelled.
Gray just looked at Natsu like he was crazy… how dare he… HOW DARE HE..
"HA… you're right natsu… I should have taken care of her.. you weren't the one who should've.. even though she's your "partner"… you can't even take care of yourself… and you know what…"
Gray clenched onto Natsu's vest… "From now on… I will take care of her.." he growled.. Natsu's eyes widened.. "So don't get in my way…" Natsu glared at Gray and let out a low angry growl…
"Your way huh?" Natsu pulled Gray's hold of his vest off. He death-glared Gray. "My way." Gray said standing firm.
The guild was silent now…. No one knew what to say… they all had the question in their minds… had Gray just confessed his interest in Lucy?
Loud crying was heard from somewhere in the guild hall.. and a loud slamming of the back door.. "LOVE-RIVALLLL!" was heard faintly.
All the girls were holding their breaths as they watched Gray and Natsu.. the tension so thick…
Gajeel scowled at the two boys.. he clenched his fists…. Laxus was frowning at the two idiots as well.. his gaze fell on the back of Lucy's head.. her body.. those curves.. that smile from earlier.. he shook his head trying to ignore her.
"And who said I needed taking care of?" Lucy said angrily.
All eyes went to Lucy. Gray and Natsu looked towards her…
"WHO said I needed taking care of?" Lucy said taking a step closer to them.
"Luce…."Natsu said scared that he might have pissed her off even more. "Lucy.. I didn't mean-…" Gray started..
"Let me tell you both something.." Lucy said taking a stomp towards them.. "I.. can take care of myself perfectly fine.. I am not weak.. and if anyone needs taking care of… IT'S BOTH OF YOU!"
Lucy looked at the two boys… they looked so hurt… and she was dying inside..
"We didn't call you weak Lucy.." Natsu said frowning as he showed his hurt that Lucy just accused him of calling her weak.
"C'mon Luce.. you know we didn't mean it like that.. we are partners.. we are a team.. we have each other's backs.. and that means we need to look after yours." Gray tried to reason with her… "Lucy..?"
She glared at them.. then she looked around the guild, looking for a certain white haired mage… and found her sitting with Cana.. she walked over to their table..
"Lisanna…" "Hi Lucy…. I'm sorry-" "There's nothing to be sorry for. I have a favor to ask of you." "hmm? What is it?" "Will you join team Natsu in my absence?"
Everyone looked towards Lucy in shock..
"What?!" Natsu and Gray said together.
"But.. Lucy…." "Please Lisanna… I need someone to watch over them.. and help stop them from destroying everything… and I know you get along with them well enough to be able to manage them." "Lucy… I can't take your spot… it's.." "It's okay… I'm asking you aren't I?"
"Luce…" Natsu whispered.. this was all going so wrong.. he was so confused.. and hurt.. "Lucy….." Gray thought to himself… "what are you doing?!"
"Please Lisanna?" Lucy took Lisanna's hands into hers. "O…okay…" "Thank you.." Lucy smiled. "You don't know how much it means to me." "But its only till you aren't suspended anymore. Then you can go right back to Team Natsu." Lisanna said smiling. "Deal. Ah now I can finally work on my novel in peace.. and possibly finish it for Levy to read." "KYAAHHH! REALLY?!" Levy stood up from her seat.
"Hahaha. Yes really." Lucy said smiling at Levy.
Master Makarov turned back to his normal self and sat on top of the bar top. Sigh*
Natsu and Gray tried to talk to Lucy again.. but she just ignored them… Mira shielded her from them.. and she shook her head at the two boys.. implying to them that they needed to give Lucy time and leave her alone for now.. they sulked away..
Soon, everything in the guild went back to normal.. Natsu and Gray were sulking at opposite sides of the guild hall.. both eyeing Lucy who was laughing and smiling as she sat at the bar with the girls..
Gray eyed Lucy's left wrist… and the dangling bracelet… his eyes widened.. he gently grabbed a hold of his necklace..
Natsu couldn't believe what Lucy had done… Lisanna go on missions with Team Natsu.. missions without Lucy? It would be so weird… but then again.. he did just go on a mission without her.. and with Lisanna instead.. he watched Lucy be happy with the girls.. "How can you be so happy right now Luce…." He thought to himself.. he noticed her smiles… what odd looking smiles she had… Natsu sulked from his seat..
"Natsu…" Happy said sitting next to him.. "Lushy is really mad isn't she?" "I think so Happy…" "I told you she would be…. Now she's not going to give me any fish!" Happy cried. "It's okay happy…. Lucy won't be mad at us for too long…"Natsu said consoling Happy. "I don't know Natsu… I have a bad feeling this time.." Happy said wiping his tears away.
"Me too…" Natsu whispered to himself.
"That was very surprising of Lucy-san.." Freed said to his group. "Yea.. who would've thought cosplayer queen to do that." Bixlow said. "Hmph.. I don't know how she even managed to complete an S-class mission.. I don't remember her magic being that strong." Ever said fanning herself.
Laxus just closed his eyes… he tried to stop thinking about her.. but the vomit smell on this coat kept bringing his mind back to her.. and when he thought of her.. he thought of earlier.. how she had eluded him so well.. and how he never would have thought that she would be capable of tricking him.. Laxus Dreyar.. and make him actually try and hunt her… and the surprising part of it.. was that he enjoyed hunting her… and when he did find her.. she wasn't surprised at all.. or scared…
"You should be the one running from me."
He opened his eyes… he eyed her from his seat…
"Tch.. stupid blondie.. I'll make sure you pay for what you did.." Laxus tried to ignore her again… and focus on something else.
"What an interesting turn of events.." Lily said sitting next to Gajeel. "Hm… there go my plans to take her on a mission…" Gajeel sighed. "That's what you're thinking of right now?! Sigh… but Gajeel…I think Lucy-san has changed… she seems… different" Lily said eyeing Lucy from his seat. "I noticed too." Gajeel said munching on his iron. "Wonder what happened…" "S-class missions change ya…." Gajeel munched on some more iron.
Gray Gajeel Laxus and Natsu all froze when they heard Mira speak..
"So Lucy… who were those men you met?" "What men?" "The men… in Sorcerer Magazine?" Mira said smirking. "Aah…. My admirers of course." "Eh?! Really?!" Levy said with a face lit up with excitement. "Haha… yup" "How did you meet them?" Cana said smirking. "They came to visit me and offered to take me on a mission." Lucy just said nonchalantly. "Wait.. strangers came to visit you and asked you on a mission. And you just accepted.. just like that?" Levy asked surprised. "Lucy!" Mira said frowning… in a disapproving manner. "No no of course not.. I've met them before" Lucy said smiling. "Wait I don't understand.. just tell us how you met them from the beginning." Cana said drinking her beer. "Well.. one of them I met at Hargeon a long time ago.. the other I met-"
"Wait wait.. here.. point them out.. names and history.." Mira demanded as she put out the sorcerer magazine.
"Haha…." Lucy sweatdropped… "uhm.. okay…" "This is… Hail… I met him here in Magnolia when I first came to the guild." Lucy pointed to Gray's picture. Gray was disguised in his blonde hair and aged look.
"Oh really? I've never seen him around before… but then again.. I don't know everyone in town." Mira said staring at his picture. "Does he still live here?!" her eyes sparkled. "No.. haha.. no he doesn't." Lucy said. Moving on…
"This…. Is Namnori..." "Namnori? That's… a unique name.." Wendy said to Lucy.
"Yea.. it is isn't it? haha… well I met him through my father when he was alive.. he was sort of a business associate." Lucy said pointing at Gajeel's picture. Gajeel was luckily all wrapped and cloaked up.. so no one could notice his piercings… although one piercing seemed to show.. she just hoped no one noticed it..
"Why is he all wrapped up? He reminds me of Mystogan.. like he's trying to hide something.." Cana said with a frown. "He's just like that.. I think he has a lot of bodily scars he wants to cover.. not really sure… he's really nice though.." Lucy replied back.
"And this here… is Asher… I met him in Hargeon.." Lucy said pointing to black haired Natsu. "Wow.. he's handsome.." Lisanna said smiling at Lucy. Lucy smiled gently back… "Oh! Is that around the same time you met Natsu?" Levy asked. "Clever Levy…. Can't get anything past you…" Lucy thought to herself..
"Yea actually.. I think it was about the same time." She replied to Levy.
"And who is this handsome man…. Wow.. he's gorgeous." Cana said drooling over… Laxus picture. His bluish silver hair and the bandana covering his scarred eye helped to mask his identity greatly.
"HAHA… him…" Lucy sighed. "Ooohhhh?! Who is he?! Did something happen between you two?" Cana said wiggling her eyebrows at Lucy.
Lucy giggled… "He's… " Lucy reflected back on that night… his chest.. his kiss.. his mesmerizing eyes.. and the younger version of him present in the very room…
The girls all looked at Lucy with sparkling eyes.. urging her to tell them everything.
"He's an admirer." Lucy smiled. "His name is… Cell" "mmmmm Cell…" Cana said to herself. "So Lucy.. when will you introduce us to them?" Mira asked.. in a demanding tone.
The whole time the boys had been eavesdropping… Gray and Natsu were clenching their fists… they had decided that they were going to beat those guys up for taking Lucy away from them…. Gajeel was scowling.. having learned that there were so many guys after her… Laxus was trying to get information about the men because he was curious…
"I can't" Lucy said looking at hands.. "they're gone."
Flinching, the boys tried their bests not to show their happiness.. Gajeel was happy because now he could easily get to Lucy… Natsu and Gray were out of the game since they ditched her.. or so he thought.. Natsu and Gray were happy because there weren't men to take her away from them anymore.. and Laxus.. was confused as to why he was happy hearing that they weren't going to be around anymore… he was confused.. so irritated at all the emotions he was feeling… he just wanted to not care.
"What do you mean they're gone?" Levy asked carefully. "They went home.. they live far away... I'm not going to see them anymore." Lucy said smiling.. "It just didn't work out for any of us." "Oh.. it's ok Lucy… I'm sure you'll find someone nice soon." Mira said smiling. "If not, I'm sure I can help you." "Heh… thanks Mira….I'm okay…" Lucy sweatdropped..
"Well… I'm going to go home now.. I'm still very exhausted from today." Lucy said patting her knees. "Okay Lucy.. you get some rest okay? Come in tomorrow morning and we'll get you set up to do work in the guild." "Okay Mira. Bye girls see you tomorrow" Lucy said getting over her stool. "Bye Lucy!" the girls said to her.
She walked through the guild hall.. she passed Gray and Natsu without looking at them.. they sulked even more as she didn't look at them.. Gajeel watched her go silently.
Just as she was about to open the guild doors..
"And where do you think you're going?" Laxus' voice boomed.
She looked towards him.. He stood up from his seat and walked over to her. Natsu and Gray stood up in case they needed to jump in to Lucy's rescue. Freed, Bixlow, and Ever stood up and glared at Natsu and Gray.. warning them to try and even interfere with Laxus…
Laxus walked up to her and glared down.. "I said where do you think you're going?"
"I'm going home… I already told you I was tired and I am not fully recovered from my mission. I'm sorry I threw up on you Laxus.. I-" "You better be. And you…. Ain't going nowhere till I get my pay back." He said in a low voice. "What.. what could you possibly want from me?" Lucy said annoyed now..
"You're.. gonna handwash my jacket.. until I can't smell your disgusting vomit from it any more.. I don't care if it takes 5 times or 50 times that you have to wash it.. you will return it to me in the condition I had it before your mistake."
"UGH! FINE! Now will you let me go?" Lucy said trying to walk around him. "Nope.. I'm not done… you're going to cook, clean, and wash all my laundry for me UNTIL I get my coat back."
Gajeel raised an eyebrow in confusion at Laxus' choice of punishment. The punishment seemed too….. intimate.. It went against his personality. What was Laxus doing?
"Lucy would never agree to that" Gray thought to himself. "Be his personal maid/slave? No way…. Laxus is being a brute and she'll fight back.. find another way Lucy!"
"Please say no Luce.. please just say no! We don't know what he'll do to you!" Natsu thought to himself. He feared for Lucy… knowing full well that she was the type of person to visit your house and clean it for you… he could imagine her doing everything for Laxus in his home… while he just watched her.. the two of them.. alone.. together… NEVER!
"Fine." Lucy said glaring back at Laxus.
"WHAT?!" Natsu yelled from his seat. Gray just stared in shock.. Gajeel was frowning now at Laxus…
Laxus smirked… let the punishment begin he thought to himself.. he enjoyed seeing the looks of their faces.. Natsu and Gajeel…Lucy walked up closer to him… she looked into his chest and said softly..
"I warned you that you should be running from me Laxus… you're gonna regret this."
"Ha…" Laxus replied back.. "You should be worrying about yourself blondie. You're going to wish you never messed with me." He took a hold of her wrist.
"And you're going to wish you never found me." Lucy said seriously.
Laxus picked up his cloak and pulled Lucy along.. out of the guild… towards his house.
"What just happened?" Wendy asked to the older women. "What's going on between them?" Lisanna asked. "I can't even comprehend." Levy said mouth gaping.. "Hm.. Lucy and Laxus… is that the start of a spark I see?" Cana said smirking. "Lucy and Laxus…." Mira said smiling darkly... "You can't hide anything from me.."
"Love rival…. And Laxus-san?" Juvia said excited from behind a pillar. "Yes.. yes….. Love-rival… stay away from MY Gray-sama… for the sake of my love… I will help you Love-rival with Laxus-san." Juvia smiled mischievously.
Crackle Boom*
"Mmmmmmmfffff!" "No way. NOT AGAIN Blondie." Laxus made Lucy lean away from him as she heaved onto the forest floor.
After she was done, he lifted Lucy up by the waist.. she dangled at his side like he was carrying a potato bag. He walked up to his house, a cabin in the woods.
"you….. JERK…" Lucy seethed.. "I can't have you knowing where I live can I?" "Then how am I supposed to know how to get back home genius." "I don't care Blondie. Deal with it." "UGH!"
Finally getting to the door, he unlocked it and walked inside. He walked through the living room and into a large bathroom. Dropping her on the floor, Laxus turned on the lights and turned to leave.
"Get yourself cleaned up. You stink." Laxus said with his back to her. Then he left the bathroom with the slamming of the door.
She slowly pushed herself up with her hands.. she looked towards the closed door.. her eyebrows frowning and lips forming a tight line. She was appalled.
"And to think that he used to be that stupid senseless jerk." Lucy shook her head in horror. "It's like he's a completely different person." growled softly to herself.
She got up from the floor and dusted herself off. She rubbed her neck as she found it stinging again from her stomach acid. Looking around, she couldn't help but be impressed at how awesome the bathroom was. There was a huge bathtub and a waterfall shower in the corner. A separate mini room had a toilet and a sink.
Reaching for her keys, Lucy decided she should get some help.
"Open the Gate of the Maiden, Virgo!" "Hime, I brought you some toothpaste and a toothbrush. Punishment time?" "No. But thank you. I really needed it."
Lucy took the toothbrush and began brushing her teeth.
"I'm..mmmmm assuming.. you've.. talked.. to Loke…" she muttered. "Yes. And we all your spirits know about the visitors." Virgo said standing by Lucy. "Then you must know that you must never speak of it." Lucy said looking at Virgo through the mirror. "Yes Hime…" "Thank you Virgo." Lucy rinsed her mouth.
"Hime?' "hmm..?" "Your magic.." "Virgo. I promise we'll talk about it soon.. but not right now…" Lucy said looking down at the sink.. "Yes Hime. Is there anything else you need?" "Yes actually.. I need your help." "Anything you wish Hime." Virgo bowed.
Laxus was sitting in the living room. His arms were crossed and he sat with a serious face. He heard Lucy mutter "stupid senseless jerk" when he was walking away from the bathroom.. he was so ready to make her suffer.. then he felt a rise in her magic power and it wavering a little.. he just dismissed it as she was being sick from whatever she had…
Realizing that Lucy might actually be sick and that he had touched her.. Laxus stood up to go to the kitchen and went to wash his hands. He dried his hands with the hand towel draped over a hanger.. then he realized that he should probably take off his shirt.. it could have gotten the bug Lucy through her vomit.. He took his shirt off and threw it onto the soiled cloak that was in a laundry basket.
At that moment, the door of the bathroom opened and Lucy came out. She turned towards Laxus and looked up at him. He was standing there half-naked. Close to him was a laundry basket and she noticed that his shirt was in there along with his cloak.
She walked up to the basket and picked it up, not even giving Laxus another look. Turning around, she walked right back into the bathroom and turned to close the door. When she did, she saw Laxus stare at her with a blank face.. his eyes showing his confusion.. she smirked and raised an eyebrow at him before she closed the door and locked it.
Laxus stood there completely confounded. Did his half-naked body really just have no effect on a girl for once? WHAT?! And that smirk! Was she… LAUGHING AT HIM?! HIM! LAXUS DREYAR!?
Lucy tried her best to muffle her giggles. The look on his face was priceless. After calming herself down.. she thought back to the hot spring night.. Future Laxus and his hot steaming body under the starry night sky.… the steam rolling and hot water dripping off his skin…
"Sorry Laxus… but after what happened that night.. I think I can handle pretty much anything you dish out." Lucy thought to herself. Just like how she can handle Gray's stripping habit better now than before with all that repetitive exposure… she sighed.. her eyes were being tainted too easily from the males of Fairy Tail.
"Hime?" Virgo stood waiting for Lucy.
"Ah Sorry Virgo. I was thinking about something." Lucy smiled. "Here. Can you please get this cloak cleaned with Aries and Aquarius? I threw up on it and it is Laxus' favorite cloak. He wants it stainless and stinkless…" Lucy sweatdropped.
"Yes Hime. It will be done soon." Virgo said as she took the cloak from the basket Lucy was holding. With a flash, Virgo left for the celestial world.
"Okay… well.. I guess let the cleaning begin." Lucy said sighing to herself.
After cleaning the bathroom and even hand-washing Laxus' dirty laundry.. which Lucy found it very awkward to do since she was washing his boxers.. his silk black, white, and animal print boxers.. she went out of the bathroom to clean the rest of his home. Luckily, Laxus went to shower and Lucy was left to clean in privacy.
Lucy was surprised at how clean his apartment was. There was a fur rug in the living room with a fireplace.. a wooden beautifully carved dining table. His kitchen was HUGE. And fully stocked with all the cooking ware you would ever need… but absolutely no food. She crept upstairs and found a study room.. and…
A beautiful library… with a huge window that overlooked a meadow with wildflowers growing everywhere. It was breath-taking. She walked up to the window and looked out admiring the view. It was sunset.. and everything looked golden.. but then she noticed some dark cloud looming over the house.
"Hm… I better hurry up and finish before a storm hits.." Lucy said frowning slightly.
But then she smiled gently… Lucy thought of how Laxus lived in such a house.. furnished with beautiful furniture.. a study room for meditating.. a library with a beautiful view… he wasn't so cold and heartless as he led others to believe.. he wasn't the bad dragon boy who lived in a dungeon..
"So you really are in there.. somewhere… underneath it all." Lucy whispered to herself.
Dusting everything down and organizing some little things here and there, she left the library and closed the door.
Laxus finally got out of the shower and had a towel wrapped around his waist and another on his head to dry his hair. He quickly put on his boxers and shorts… and left his bedroom with a towel around his neck. Still shirtless, Laxus wanted to test if Lucy really was unaffected by him. His pride as a man was at stake. The smell of food hit his nose making him wonder where Lucy had even gotten food to cook with. He hadn't gone shopping for food in months.
He went downstairs and looked around the livingroom and the bathroom.. he couldn't find her. Going into the kitchen, Laxus found the source of the delicious smell.. Lucy had cooked a pot of tomato basil soup. And next to it was a note..
"Sorry for everything. Found some tomatoes and basil outside in your small garden. Didn't know you liked to garden. Hope you like the soup. Your cloak is in your closet."
Laxus did a double take.. she put what where? The cloak? Wasn't it still stinky and gunky with vomit?! How dare she leave without cleaning it properly and cleaning his house as he demanded. He looked around angrily but was shocked to find everything….CLEAN.
Walking into the living room, everything was orderly and dusted… he ran upstairs and opened the room to his study.. all the files neatly piled.. the library.. all the books stacked on the shelves.. his bedroom closet…
Opening the closet.. he found the cloak and he quickly took it out. He check it inside and out.. no vomit.. he brought it up to his face.. it smelled.. of Lucy…not vomit.. but of vanilla and peach…. he took it away from his face and stared.. bringing it back to his face he smelled it again.. Lucy… and not only that… he rubbed the cloak with his thumbs..
The cloak was soft… so very soft… like baby soft.
Confounded.. Laxus took the cloak with him downstairs to the kitchen… he put the cloak on a dining chair.. he paused… trying to process everything… but it was so frustrating.. going into the kitchen.. he took a bowl out of the cupboard and poured some of the soup Lucy made into the bowl. Taking a spoon, he went back to the dining table and sat himself down.
It smelled good.. but did he really want to eat it… I mean.. Lucy was sick.. and what if he got sick from whatever she had.. he lifted a spoonful of the soup up to eye-level.. sighing… he slowly and hesitantly brought the spoon to his slightly open mouth..
His eyes opened wide… he took another spoonful of the soup.. his eyes still wide.. he stared down at the soup.. then to the cloak.. then to the rest of his house….
"I'm going to keep her."
Quickly downing his soup.. he got up from his seat and went to open his front door… he was greeted with pouring rain…a crackle of thunder was heard.
Then it dawned him…. "She doesn't know how to get back."
"Sorry Pyxis…. Once I get to a familiar area you can go back." "Pikuu!" Pyxis chirped happily.
The rain was pouring and Lucy and Pyxis trudged along the forest. She was hoping to get close enough to town before Laxus noticed she was gone. And she was hoping that he wouldn't come after her. Seeing him face to face.. so soon after she had pushed them away.. she felt horribly guilty and…. She missed them… terribly…
It felt so strange… to miss someone who was right in front of you.. but it's not them…
"Pikuu Pikuu!" Pyxis chirped, he pointed towards something ahead.
Lucy looked up and saw the town's entrance.
"You did it Pyxis! Thank you!" Lucy said hugging her compass bird. "Pikuuu!" "You can go back now. I'll be fine." Lucy smiled. "Pikuuu" Pyxis shook his head in disapproval. "I promise. I don't want you to get sick." Lucy said patting the bird's compass head.
Pyxis smiled and bowed gently before flashing away.
Lucy started into a run. Running through the town, she smiled as she felt the raindrops on her skin. People walking in the streets with umbrellas watched her run by.. wondering if she was okay… but she was more than okay…
She felt alive.
The rain drenched her completely… her hair and clothes were dripping wet… but it was beautiful… the water droplets forming rings on the floor.. the hard pouring rain made a beautiful stage for her..
"BOOOM!" lightning roared.
She twirled around as she went through the streets.. she was almost home.. just around the corner.. but in front of her was the river… she stood on the edge as she normally does.. lifting her palms up she watched the rain drops splash off her hands.. she looked up towards the sky.. the gray clouds.. water streaming down from the heavens..
"Clouds.. will you cry for me.. I don't have the time to cry… so cry on… behalf of me." Lucy smiled..
Juvia was walking through the forest with her umbrella… she tried so hard… so hard to keep Lucy at Laxus' house hoping that something would happen between them.. she didn't think that Lucy would finish so soon and run away so quickly.. hopefully Laxus would confess soon of his undying love for her… oh how Juvia wished.
She was now thinking of other ways to get them together. She wasn't going to give up. She was going to need help and a certain white haired mage who would always be willing to help. Actually.. if it was regarding Lucy, there were two. Juvia smiled in determination… a plan already waiting to unfold.
Natsu was pacing in front of her house… happy was on his shoulder… he held an umbrella in his hand…
"What's taking her so long.. where is she? Laxus better not hurt her or I'll beat him to a pulp." "Natsu… I think she's really mad this time…" "I know Happy… that's why we're going to make it up to her! By keeping her company tonight!" Natsu said smiling. "We'll have a blast and talk about our missions and catch up." "But Natsu…. You don't think Lucy will get jealous do you?" "Why would Lucy get jealous? Of what?" Natsu said confused. "Not of what. Of who. Lisanna.. because we took Lisanna instead of her. And kind of forgot about her…." Happy said guiltily. "Nah.. Lucy doesn't get jealous. She knows we go back way before she came around. She'll understand." Natsu said nonchalantly. "Oh Natsu… you don't understand… she's going to get jealous because she lliiiiiikkeeeeess you." Happy rolled his tongue. "What? No." Natsu quickly said as he looked away. "Oh.. or you liiiiiikkeeee her" Happy said raising his eyebrows at Natsu. "I DO NOT!" Natsu said trying to grab Happy.. who flew off his shoulder. Natsu was swatting at Happy. "GET BACK HERE!" "Oh look its Lushyy!" Happy said pointing ahead. "Really? Where?" Natsu turned his head quickly up towards the road. Then he saw her..
She twirled in the rain… and ran up to the edge of the river. Natsu was about to yell for her to stop.. worried that she might fall in.. but she stopped right at the edge.. she lifted her hands up and watched the rain hit her hands… she smiled..
Natsu felt his chest tighten.. a smile grew on his face.. Happy landed on Natsu's shoulder….
She looked up towards the sky and whispered something…
"Luce…" Natsu said softly. He watched her enjoy the rain… he began to run towards her… "LUCE!"
He landed on the roof of a nearby building.. he searched around below.. looking for the blonde mage… the rain was making it hard for him to smell her out.. people with umbrellas were walking around… and then he saw her…
She was running… twirling here and here… smiling as she enjoyed the rain.. it was mesmerizing.. she was getting awfully close to the edge of the river… he was about to jump towards her when she stopped right at the edge… she lifted her palms up and watched the rain drops splash off her hands..
He lifted his own hand.. and watched the raindrops hit his palm… he looked over at her again and found her looking up towards the sky… he did the same.. watching the raindrops fall.. he closed his eyes and enjoyed the raindrops falling on his face… his hands.. his skin.. it was soothing…
But his calm was shattered when he heard..
Laxus' eyes opened instantly and he searched for the owner of the voice.. he watched a person with an umbrella run up towards her.. she looked over at him and smiled warmly.
"Hey Natsu"
Natsu ran up and held the umbrella out over Lucy… preventing her from getting hit more by the rain.
"What are you doing out here alone in the rain? Did Laxus hurt you? Did he do anything to you? Cuz I'll go beat him up if he did. He did didn't he?" "No no.. Calm down Natsu. He didn't do anything to me. I just wanted to go for a run and so here I am." "Don't lie to me Luce.. I know you weren't home since you left the guild with him. If I find out that he did anything to you-" "Natsu.. I promise. He didn't do anything to me. And how do you know I wasn't home?" Lucy crossed her arms. "Cuz… " Natsu stuttered. "Cuz we waited for you in front of you house since you left." Happy said happily. "What?" Lucy looked surprised. "Well…. I wanted to say sorry again.. and was hoping you'd want to have a sleep over. To you know.. talk about our missions.." "Okay.. but wait a second.. you waited outside my house? Are you sure you guys didn't go in and break anything?" "Of course not.. We wouldn't do that Lucy" Natsu said frowning. "Well we couldn't get in without breaking your window.. it was locked." "Ha.. I see." Lucy said looking at them with a gotcha look. "HAPPY….." Natsu said groaning… "What Natsu. I'm not going to lie to Lushy anymore.. otherwise she's never going to give me any fish." Happy said pouting. "What a partner you are." Natsu said pouting looking the other direction. "Hahaha… well.. then Happy.. I guess I could give you one fish for telling me the truth." Lucy winked at Happy.
"YAY! Then… Natsu forgot about you during the mission. Do I get another fish for telling you that?" Happy asked with sparkling eyes and then realization hit him. Happy quickly covered his mouth with his paws.. his wide-eyes looking at Natsu with fear..
"HAPPY!" Natsu stared in shock at his neko partner. He hesitantly looked towards Lucy.
Lucy continued to smile…
"Luce… it's not.. it's not like that at all.. Happy's just–"
"It's okay Natsu.. I understand.. I forgot about you too."
Natsu and happy froze. "What?" Natsu said.
"Yea… so we're even. Don't worry about it." Lucy said "It's a relief really. I was feeling guilty myself."
"Luce.. you don't mean that…. You didn't forget about me." Natsu said his eyes showing his hurt. Happy looked at Lucy with wide hurt eyes too. "Lushy…. You didn't forget about me right?"
"Of course I didn't." Lucy smiled at the two.
"Phew.. for a second there I thought you were telling the truth." Natsu said relieved. "Yea Lushy.. that wasn't funny." Happy said
"Or was I?" Lucy said smiling.. she walked past them and began to run to her apartment.
Natsu and Happy stared wide-eyed at her.
"LUCE!" "LUSHYY!" "That's not funny Luce! I'm sorry okay! I'm sorry!" Natsu ran after Lucy with the umbrella in his hand. "Yea Lushy! Natsu's sorry!" "YOU TRAITOR!" Natsu tried to grab Happy. "LUCY! NATSU'S TRYING TO KILL ME!" Happy flew off towards Lucy. "GET BACK HERE! LUCE! Wait up!" Natsu ran after the two of them.
Laxus watched Lucy enter her apartment and Natsu and happy follow soon after. He heard their ruffling about in the apartment and Lucy laughing. Natsu and happy screaming and yelling.. laughing..
Crackle Booom!
A nearby lightning strike lit up Laxus' face.. he was death-glaring towards the very spot he saw Lucy was standing at on the edge of the river with Natsu.. he still had his hand out catching the raindrops in his palm… he closed his fist and clenched…
BOOOM! He flashed away.
In a nearby alleyway.. Gray stood with his umbrella.. he went out into the street and looked up at Lucy's window… he saw the shadows of Lucy, Natsu, and Happy on the wall… he had watched the whole thing.. mesmerized by her bubbly and lively personality… he was always interested in her… Lucy Heartfilia.
But the presence of his rival.. getting to her first.. as always.. was going to end now..
"Natsu… you best stay out of my way." Gray thought to himself.
Cracking his neck… Gray smirked.
"Time to crash the party." He slowly walked up to the apartment and went up the stairs.
On the opposite side of the river.. there was a dark alley… He was watching from the shadows with Lily.. he had watched Gray and Natsu leave the guild and so he followed them.. and found Natsu waiting in front of her house.. Gray waiting in an alleyway…
Right when he was about to give up and leave.. she came prancing around… oblivious to those around her… and to his surprise… he saw Laxus show up.. standing on top of a roof of the building behind her.. When Lucy finally went home.. Natsu and Happy followed after… Laxus flashed away.. and Gray went to enter Lucy's home…
"Did you see that? I expected Natsu and Gray… but when did Laxus?" Lily said in a low voice.
Gajeel's eyes narrowed.. he smirked… "This… is a hunt…"
Lily's eyes widened… "This is dangerous.. you dragon-slayers all chose the same girl? I hope Lucy-san will be okay…no.. survive..." Gajeel grinned widely.. showing his white teeth… tilting his head slightly so that he was looking towards Lucy's apartment at the corner of his eye..
"Im gonna get me some luck… bunnygirl you better save those feet for me.. I intend to have both of them."
0 notes
how about 13 meeting Sarah-Jane (and the rest of the family)
FINALLY finished this!!!Here is your fanfic, sort of following the prompt:"Watch out!" Barely thinking, Sarah jane grabs on to the arm of the blonde haired woman that has somehow gotten herself stuck in the middle of a Judoon battlefield. Though Sarah Jane try to keep her out of the crossfire, she's already injured, a wound to the side of her head spilling blood down the side of her face and staining her clothes, and while she suspect  it needs medical attention, there is little to do about it as Sarah Jane tries to get them to safety.Luke, Rani and Clyde is waiting for them not too far away, hiding behind a wall as the Judoon kept trying to blow themselves up. Clyde was talking with K-9, Mr.Smith and Sky on his phone, and Sarah Jane had never been more happy for the advancement of technology from her UNIT days. When the three teenager see Sarah Jane and her rescue coming, they're up on their feet in a second. While Clyde stay on the phone, updating the attic team on the situation and no doubt describing their new member, Luke and Rani help support Sarah Jane's companion by grabbing on to an arm each.And it's a good thing, apparently, because less than a minute later the blonde woman's feet give up under her, and as her etes close she crash towards the concrete ground, barely caught by the two teenagers holding on to her."Who is she?" Luke asks, propping up the unconscious humanoid against the wall. All Sarah Jane can do is shrug, trying to ignore how it hurt her injured shoulder, a Judoon laser having skimmed it earlier. She didn't know, and was unlikely to find out anytime soon."She was caught in the middle of the fight, all gone because something obviously got her head." She gestures towards the head wound and the big red stain on the women's light blue coat. Obviously, she wasn't planning of acquiring a head wound when she chose her outfit that day. "I couldn't leave her. Not only was she in direct danger, but UNIT'll be here any minute, and goodness knows what they'll do if we leave her for them to find." Sarah Jane is not quite sure when she decided that the woman was an alien - and not just a civilian caught in alien fire- but by now she has and she's ademant to keep the alien out of UNIT's grasp. "But she's bleeding, Sarah Jane. It's bad, she'll need help!" Rani pointed out, worridly examining the wound at the side of the woman's head. It didn't look big, but like all head wounds it bled plenty."We'll have to ask for some help about that." Sarah Jane frowned, she too taking a closer look at the injury. The woman was completely passed out, not even stirring as Sarah Jane touched the area around the wound, trying to decide how much was actual injury and how much was just generous amounts of coagulated blood. UNIT training kicking in, she recognized that it might be dangerous to not try to rouse the woman, but on the other hand it could be dangerous to wake her up and then have to handle an uncooperative alien while still trying to escape the Judoon. "Sarah Jane, some UNIT Doctor is coming to pick up blondie" Removing the phone from his ear, Clyde gestured to the passed out woman leaning against the wall. "Mr Smith picked her out and she'll drive blondie to your house, if you get the rest of us back there while UNIT clean up here."Sarah Jane nodded. "Is it Martha Jones that's coming?" She asked, and when Clyde nodded, she smiled slightly. "Good. Then we're set."---"Thanks for coming, Martha..." From somewhere far away in the darkness, a  voice crept into The Doctor's awareness. It was strong and sweet and like a moth to a flame, The Doctor was pulled to it. Though she wasn't quite able to process the words it spoke, she could tell that it was good. It was safe, and kind, and The Doctor wanted to reachout to the person who owned it.Slowly, The Doctor began to fight against the inky darkness surrounding her. Trying to claim control of her body, she first moved her limbs. Though she was caught in inky darkness and could not see, she kicked and moved her limbs, the feeling of the returning to her and she fought for consciousness and to return to the world.The guidning voice had been quiet for a while, but as she started to move it spoke once more. A warm hand squeezed on her arm, and this time The Doctor could process the word she was hearing.“I see you’re awake. Why don’t you try open your eyes?” Her voice was gentle and slowly, The Doctor obeyed.  Her eyelids rose and her eyes open, staring up into an unfamiliar ceiling. It's pretty dark in the room, but it’s rustic and wooden and The Doctor thinks it might be one of her favourite ceiling she’s encountered so far, because it tells with suddenly clarity where she is.“Sarah Jane.” The woman beside her tense, freezing mid-movement as she reacted to hearing her name being spoken by a stranger. A stranger that Sarah Jane had learned to know four, five six times over by now. For them, each new beginning meant that they started over. Sarah Jane would whisper his name and he’d smile and they’d be standing there, doors wide open to a new beginning.But this time there is no soft recognition in Sarah Jane’s eyes. She starred, cold and calculating at the stranger lying on the sofa. The Doctor swallowed, trying to move away.“I’m sorry” She says. “I’m sorry Sarah Jane I just…” She doesn’t get to say anything  further, because  her whole head fills with spiking pain, and she very nearly fall of the couch as her attempt to sit up is aborted nid-way.“Doctor!” Reaching out, Sarah Jane barely manages to catch The Doctor, holding her suspended about a millimeter off the floor, before softly guiding her down upon the rug.Their eyes lock, and The Doctor sees it. She sees the little spark, the recognition and understanding that followed her unintentional words.“Hello Sarah” She speak, smiling a loopy grin, and she hears Sarah Jane laughing in disbelief.“You stupid, stupid man.” Pausing, Sarah Jane gives her a once over, eyes widening as though she just realized that The Doctor is not a man anymore. “Woman, it seem. God, if only some of that female brain power came along with it.” Slowly, she helps The Doctor sit up. It hurts worse than her latest regeneration, and it goes slow as she try not to throw up  on Sarah Jane’s rug.“What happened?” As soon as she can,, she asks. She feels god awful and though she could not recall it something had obviously happened to her. Hopefully Sarah Jane could shed some light on the matter.“You got caught between a few fighting Judoons and a laser nicked a bit of your head.” Slowly carefully, Sarah reached out to touch the side of The Doctor’s head. With a hiss, The Doctor drew back, a burning pain radiating from the side of her head. “Oh, Doctor. I didn’t know it was you. When Martha said you had two hearts I...I was scared.”“Martha was here?” She asked, surprised. Martha worked for UNIT and Torchwood, she knew, and she found it surprising to think she’d appear just to care for a random alien that Sarah Jane had happened to get her hands on. “Yes, of course. You were bleeding! She had to glue together the wound to stop the bleeding. She also gave you a once over, just in case…” Something dark appeared in Sarah Jane’s eyes, and The Doctor almost thought it looked like she was about to cry, biting her lip and holding The Doctor’s hand. “When she said you had two hearts, I thought they'd come for you. The Time Lords. I didn’t...I should have realized it was you.” Tears are rolling down Sarah Jane’s cheeks, quietly, and The Doctor’s heart ache as she watch her so horribly sad. “It’s okay. Come here.” Careful, mindful of her head, The Doctor pulls Sarah Jane in for a hug. She holds her tight, rocking the both of them slightly as she tries to comfort one of her oldest friends. “I’m fine, Sarah Jane. No Time Lords coming for me.” She smiled bitterly. “One of the perks of being friends with the President.”Pulling back, Sarah Jane looked at The Doctor in surprise. “You...you know the President? Of Gallifrey?”The Doctor nodded seriously. “She traveled with me. I think it was a while after you, but before Tegan.” Another frown, but then she lightened up considerably. “Now, what do you think of my new look?” She gestured down her body, vaguely aware that there was blood splatter on the clothes, and she probably looked a lot less appealing than she’d done that morning.Nonetheless, Sarah Jane smiled. “Oh, I like it! Some girl power in that old body of yours!” She laughed, and the Doctor winces.“So I’m still your Doctor?” She asks, her voice full of doubt. Being a woman was a big change, and she wasn’t expecting everyone to like it. “Yes! Of course!” Leaning in, she gave The Doctor a big hug. “You’ll always be my Doctor!”
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maeday-gae · 7 years
The Sun is not your Enemy
BayoJeanne Week Day 1| Prompt: Beach Day Pairing: Bayonetta/Jeanne
Summery: Cereza enjoys long warm days out on the shore, but she enjoys Jeanne’s company far more.
The shiny white sand of the shore reflected almost as much sunlight as the ocean. Tiny granules like little coals against the feet of the many, many beach goers that swarmed in fluctuation all around them. Off in the distance, the ocean pulsed on and ever on, hissing and sighing with each wave. It was perhaps the most textbook example of a beach day one could ever dream of.
“I thought the point of laying on the beach was to tan, Cereza?”
Including the occasional irritated tone of her present company.
Opening one eyelid by a sliver, Cereza looked up to see Jeanne staring across the open expanse of the ocean. Or at least, that’s where Cereza guessed she was looking, it was a bit hard to tell with the broad sunglasses Jeanne wore.
“And what does it look like I’m doing?” she replied as she luxuriously stretched her arms to the side and then brought them forward to prop her chin up on her hands, the warm fabric of the beach towel softly tickling her palms.
Jeanne titled her head to look down, her white hair spilling over her shoulder in pretty waves. “You look like you’re enjoying yourself, though as you know, it will take you hours before the sun will have any effect on your skin,” Jeanne reached up and shifted her sunglasses up to rest on her head, her gun-metal grey eyes shining with amusement, “one of the many side effects of our contracts that might be more of a hindrance than a help, at least in this situation.”
Shrugging one shoulder with minimal effort, Cereza grinned. “Who says I can’t enjoy a little sunbath anyway? Just because I gain power from moonlight doesn't mean I can’t enjoy a bit of sun,” Jeanne opened her mouth to reply- “I am half Lumen after all.”
Whatever Jeanne was going to say was lost as she snorted in amusement and rolled her eyes, leaning back in her reclining beach chair. “Oh yes, the prime example of Lumen techniques, absorbing the deadly rays of ultraviolet radiation to cosmetically alter one’s appearance.”
Cereza reached over and prodded Jeanne’s thigh just hard enough to make her jump. Jeanne replied by swatting her hand away.  
“Besides that, I wasn’t asking about your current position, I was asking about mine,” Jeanne gestured at the broad umbrella over her head, which cast a comfortable shadow across the length of her relaxed body, “while it’s lovely you set this up, I’m a bit confused as to why I’m sitting in the shade.”
Pushing herself up to sit on her knees, Cereza stretched her shoulders and was pleased at the way Jeanne’s eyes momentarily unfocused as she flexed. “Because dearest, while we may be guarded from most of the sun’s deadly rays, I recall a certain someone being a bit more susceptible than she would let on.”
“That was centuries ago!” Jeanne snapped up, her spine rigid with indignity, “I haven’t been sunburned since I was a teenager, Cereza!”
“Oh?” Cereza leaned closer, “Then what happened last month when you came home from that ‘Professors Party’ out on that lake boat?”
The smallest hint of red bloomed on Jeanne’s checks and she glanced away. “It was… a minor burn. But it was because I was both in the sun and on the water, the rays reflected off the surface and magnified the effect. And it was gone within an hour after I got home!”
“You,” Cereza raised her hand, “were” she reached forward towards Jeanne who eyed her with suspicion “sunburnt!” she shot her arm out and gently ‘booped’ Jeanne on the nose.
Jeanne grunted and swatted at her hand for a second time, but missed. “I already agreed to wear sunscreen!” she said with a deepening frown as Cereza giggled, “I hardly think the umbrella is necessary! And what about you? You’re not wearing any and you’re sunbathing!”
“I’m of more Iberian stock than you, Jeanne of Arc,” Jeanne rolled her eyes so far skyward that Cereza mildly concerned she might lose them in the back of her head, “I can take quite a bit more sun than your fair French skin.”
With a huff, Jeanne turned away and sank back in her chair, dropping her sunglasses back over her eyes and crossing her arms, her pretty pink lips still frowning
“If you’re just going to coddle me Cereza, why bother coming here at all?”
Cereza leaned in under the shade of the umbrella and rested her arms atop Jeanne’s silky legs, her fingers lightly rubbing small circles along the inside of her thighs. “Because it is a beautiful day, because we haven’t had time for just the two of us in far too long, and because you look absolutely wonderful in that bikini of yours.” she took a very long look up and down Jeanne’s perfect body, her slim ruby bikini leaving little to the imagining, something she was definitely appreciating.
“Well I hardly think-”
Jeanne froze for a split second, and then surged forward. Curving her upper body over Cereza’s, and flicking her arm out faster than the eye could see.
Cereza only heard a ringing SMACK before she was twisting herself from under Jeanne’s guard and turning to face the threat-
That of the blurred form of a volleyball slapping into the chest  of a running man so hard that there was an audible encoring SMACK. He flailed backwards with a shrill yelp, feet kicking up grains of white sand as went down. Their fellow beach goers (whom they had been successfully ignoring up to this point) all jumping at the commotion.
“Whoa hey! Wicked arm there!” A second man jog over to his downed friend. Both were shirtless and probably the prime ideal for deodorant commercials filmed on the beach, chiseled tan bodies and sun bleached hair.
Cereza relaxed against the chair again, Jeanne’s calves tense against her back, likely both from fending off the ‘attack’ and from a touch of irritation. She never was very patient with the males of the species.
“You alright there bro? That looked like it hurt.” The second man was bent over his ‘bro’, who just gave a very loud groan in response, he straightened and grinned in a way he must have thought charming, “Damn, you put him out for the count, what do you do for a living, blondie, cage fight?”
“You wish that was the extent of my abilities,” Jeanne muttered darkly, then raised her voice, though her tone lost none of the hostility, “you ought to be more careful with your toys, you could have seriously hurt someone.”
“There are lots of children here, boys, best to be more cautious.” Cereza added, her tone much more breezy and playful.
The upright offender had the decency to look abashed. “Ah right, I’m so sorry about that, guess the last rebound was a bit too intense.”  at his feet, his friend groaned in a small voice.
“Todd, man, get me to a doc I think I collapsed a lung.”
“That’s a distinct possibility,” Jeanne shifted back with a dismissive air, “the lifeguard over there should have enough medical training to be able to tell.”
‘Todd’ looked a bit confused (perhaps he wasn’t used to such a quick disinterest in his entire being), but bent down to help his friend sit up.
“Hold on,” Cereza got to her feet and placed her hands on her hips, her own sapphire colored bikini sparking in the sunlight as she moved, “while you’re off making sure nothing is broken, why don’t you let you let the two of us tag into your game?” She heard Jeanne groan in displeasure, but ignored it.
Todd half flinched, “Well I guess... I mean it shouldn’t take us long to get back and our friends...” he glanced over his shoulder.
“I’m sure they’ll be glad to have someone to play with while you’re out, and really it’s the least you can do after almost striking us with your ball.”
The dubious look on Todd's face was priceless, but he was smacked in the ribs before he could protest further. “Dude just let them have it, take me to a doc already, and then get me a beer, Jesus.”
“Wonderful!” Cereza said before Todd could reply to anything else, “off you get now boys, we’ll keep your friends busy.” She strutted over and retrieved the volleyball from where it had been half imbedded in the sand (Jeanne had struck it so hard she was slightly surprised it hadn’t lost any air) and airily waved at the two as they limped off to the lifeguard stand.
“No.” Jeanne said before she had even managed to fully turn and face her.
“I’m not asking dear,” Cereza trotted forward, leaned down to snag Jeanne’s wrist with the hand not cradling the ball and then deftly tugged Jeanne up and out of her chair, “you were just complaining about how bored you were with sitting around.”
“I was complaining about the unnecessary umbrella, I was enjoying the sitting around aspect.”
Cereza ignored that for the sake of her argument. “Now we can go have some traditional beach fun, and if the friends of those two are anything like them, you’ll probably enjoy putting them in their place.”
Jeanne fell into step beside her without further protest, her fingers deftly pulling all her long white locks of hair back into a loose ponytail that swayed tantalizingly against her back. “At least I will get some time in the sun this way, since you seem keen on keeping me out of it.”
“That’s the spirit!”
The volleyball net was not very far from their spot, but it was mercifully somewhat less crowded around the area, likely to avoid such incidents that had nearly just occurred to them. However, rather than two more brawny beach boys on the other side of the net, Cereza was pleasantly surprised to see a pair of women who were as equally chiseled as their former game rivals.
One of them laughed and put her hands on her hips. “Did those two chicken out already? I thought they would have stuck around until we at least lead them by ten points.”
“Oh your friends had a little bit of an... incident, and had to sit down for a while, so we offered to tag in for them.” Cereza could tell she was going to like this game.
The two women exchanged a glance, both of them grinning. “Well, if you’re sure, but I’ll tell you the same as the dudes who fostered the game on you, we’re pros at this game.”
“I can’t say that I’ve spent much time playing the game,” Jeanne called back, flexing her arms and smirking challengingly across the court, “but Cereza and I are nothing to sneeze at when it comes to athletic endeavors.”
“No witch time.” Cereza murmured in an aside to Jeanne, who faintly scoffed but tipped her head in acknowledgement.
With another conspiratorial glance between them, the women stepped back to the court. “Alright, let’s see what you’ve got!”
What they had was a vicious dynamic of unspoken cues and tells that let them work as if they were one being in two bodies, inhuman speed and agility, and fundamentally competitive natures. What they lacked was knowledge about the rules of the game. So for every brutal serve and each swift return, there was a mishap or out of bounds shot that cost them a point in someway.
Not too mention that their opponents were extremely good. For humans lacking any extra abilities gleaned from a contracted with a demon, they kept both Jeanne and Cereza on their best game.
A final slip and subsequent grounding of the ball was the last point they needed to win the game, after nearly an hour of rough and blistering play.
“Damn,” the taller of the two women (who’s name they’d learned was Diana) picked up the ball and walked to the net, reaching one hand under to offer in a shake, “You sure you two haven’t played before? You’re monsters on the court!”
Cereza chuckled as she took the hand. “Beginners luck I’m sure, you played beautifully out there and it was an absolute pleasure to have a game with you.”
“You should pair up and come back next week for the tournament,” Carrie was the shorter of the two and she firmly shook Jeanne’s hand, “You would spice things right up.”
Was that a wink she had just thrown Jeanne’s way? And was that a spike of protective jealousy Cereza had just felt? My the new things she was being exposed to this day.
“Oh believe me,” Jeanne said airily, before turning at giving Cereza a wicked grin, “for us, ‘pairing up’ isn’t an issue in the slightest.”
Not many things could stun Cereza’s smart attitude silent, but that was certainly one of them.
Diana laughed. “With the way you two move together out there, I do not doubt it. Thank you for the game, that was a lot more enjoyable that our last challengers, and hey, if you decide to join us next week, the tournament is open to same day sign ups. Hope to see you there!”
“You just might.” Jeanne smirked and gave a little wave, then gently captured Cereza’s hand in her own and led them back to their own little island on the beach with their finger intertwined.
“Oh ho, what’s gotten into you?” Cereza let her voice dip into lower sultry tones, her eyes wandering up and down Jeanne’s body, now lightly shimmering with faint sweat.
“Well Cereza,” Jeanne stopped just short of her chair and turned to her, smug little grin across her lips, “it seems as if you got what you wanted, I’m actually enjoying myself, out on a very crowded and very sunny beach.”
“Perish the thought.” Cereza smiled.
“Oh hush, enjoy your victory and let me enjoy my fun.” Jeanne dropped back into her chair and brushed her hair over one shoulder, looking very pleased with herself.
Cereza moved forward and down, slinking herself over Jeanne’s reclined body with practiced ease, “Thank you for indulging me, Jeanne.” She said softly, her eyes locked on Jeanne’s. “It has been so long since we have had a day like today, and I have missed them so.”
Jeanne’s smile gentled, and she reached up to stroke her fingers through Cereza’s short hair. “Thank you for insisting we come, I really needed a day like today, you always did know how to bring me the most joy.”
They smiled at eachother for a moment more, and then in unison, came together for a long kiss.
The sun was hot against the white sand, the beach was crowded with all sorts of milling people, the ocean hissed in and out against the earth from off in the distance, but for that moment, all they knew was each other and their love for one another.
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