#she has no idea who i am and i have been following her career like a hawk since i was nineteen. okay!!!!
random-knowone · 2 days
Hi! I'm glad you're posting so much about Harris. Almost no one I follow/am mutuals with has been talking about the election at all even though it's so close, even though they were doing so much back in 2020. Do you have any thoughts on that sort of situation? Maybe it's that they're tired of talking about it, but it's just really concerning. It's like the election doesn't even exist to them, and they stopped talking about it once they couldn't complain about it. (First they complained they didn't like Biden because of his support for Israel. Then he dropped out and Harris took over and they complained about her being a cop and supporting Israel. Then there were a few posts explaining that she was a prosecutor and actually did a lot to help people, and also that she also supports Palestine and wants a ceasefire. After that, it's been absolutely nothing from any of them for weeks. Many of them are Americans living in the US, too. (Though it's more understandable for someone outside the US to not want to bother, even mutuals and people I follow who live in other countries had been extremely vocal about US politics in the recent past, so it still feels strange for them to also be saying nothing about it now.)
Hey there, thanks for reaching out! I think it's a shame that I lot of folks aren't talking much about this election when so much is on the line.
I think a lot of people either don't realize how much is on the line, don't like Kamala for whatever reason they may have, or see it as "obvious" to vote for Kamala and don't bother talking about it because they assume that everyone already will.
My advice would be to talk about it yourself, make and reblog posts about it, be the change you wish to see. And hopefully, your mutuals will see those and reblog them, spreading the word. Especially posts about Kamala's plans for office, and her past record throughout her career, to help the folks who don't know enough about her to make up their minds.
A lot of people seem to have this idea that both parties are the same, or that Democrats never get anything done. I think a lot of this stems from people just not paying close attention to what goes on in politics, which is understandable. The main reason Democrats don't get as much done as they say they will is that they get blocked all the time by Republicans in the House and Senate, which the majority of people seem to forget about.
Many leftists on here don't like Kamala because she worked with Biden, or because of the ongoing issues with the war in Gaza, or because they just don't think she's left-wing enough. The best way to address these types is to remind them that even if they don't like Kamala, she's better than Trump. And one of them is going to be our next president, no matter what. An election isn't about picking the person who matches your values to a T, it's about choosing which of two options you prefer, even if neither are perfect.
In the case of people you're close with, you can talk to them about their views on this election, and answer any questions they might have, or address disinformation they heard.
The most important thing is to be kind and understanding, because at their hearts, everyone wants what's best for our country, and for their loved ones. We just don't always agree on what that looks like. The best way to convince people is to figure out what issues are important to them, and explain how Kamala is the best candidate for them.
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ephemeral-winter · 1 year
lmao so i signed up for a grad student mentorship scheme at the main professional org in my field of study, and who should i be matched with but the woman who has the amazing job that when it was posted a few years ago all my friends joked i should apply for despite being an undergrad, and also secondarily happens to be a book review editor for the journal published by the main professional org in my field of study, which also happens to be where i currently work
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arsenal16gunnerfc · 4 months
I just got scared away
You miss her. It’s all you can think about as you sit there nursing your drink watching her go around the room consoling your teammates. How her kindness and comfort which she is offering her friends even though this tournament must have been one of the toughest of her life is all you crave. How you wish you could bury yourself in her arms and get lost in her kind and loving blue eyes as you always did whenever you had a tough day. Instead, you down your drink and turn to get another. 
You know she has been keeping an eye on you throughout the night, along with some of your other teammates. You had been ignoring all their questioning gazes until Lucy takes pity on you and joins you at the bar. When you feel her approach, you can’t help but wonder what motivational speech you will receive this time. You had already been told by Millie that this wasn’t your fault and that she was proud of you or Sarina who pulled you aside shortly to tell you that you had played brilliantly and that sometimes football was tough, as if you didn’t know that already. Tough it did little to ease the self-hatred. You absolutely loathed losing, as did any footballer, but sitting there on the field watching your Barcelona teammates celebrate lifting the trophy you don’t think you ever hated anything as much as in that moment. Maybe she’ll tell you that you are young and that you will get another shot in 4 years’ time, probably without her by your side.
Instead of saying something though Lucy joins you in silence. It surprises you and you look at her confused. She catches your questioning gaze and offers a slight smile. “I know you. Whatever I have to say, you won’t be ready to hear it. Not from me at least.” You know she’s right. Lucy has been your friend and mentor for a long time. As one of the most decorated Lionesses you couldn’t help but be in awe of her and having played together at City for 2 seasons before joining her and Keira on a transfer to Barcelona she truly has become one of your most trusted friends. Maybe that is what prompts you to finally speak “I miss her, I miss her more than anything. Even though I am not allowed to.” “What happened between you two?” It’s not the brunette that asks the question but her ginger counterpart who you didn’t notice had joined you. “After the euros everyone was looking at us, at me. Lee captained us to greatness, and she fell in a world of praise. Fans had always speculated that we were together but after euros it just got too much. It felt like the whole world was judging me and it scared me.” 
Finally looking your ex’s best friend in her eyes, you tell her “She deserves better. I thought maybe I could be better. Maybe if we won the world cup it would be enough”. As you break eye contact to look at your teammates dancing, silence settles among you three. The other two seem to be in disbelieve at what they hear, they thought you had fallen out of love or wanted to focus on your career never did they think that you felt unworthy of their skipper’s love. Eventually it is Keira that breaks the silence “She misses you, you know. She still loves you”. Before you can respond you are dragged away by an already drunk Niamh “Stop moping and come do shots with me. I want to hang with my friend before you gallop off into the sunset again” You can’t help but laugh at your friend “If you’re so jealous of the Barcelonian sun, I’m sure I can put in a good word for you”. She just rolls her eyes and hands you two shots. When you raise your eyebrows at her, questioning whether this is a smart idea she just grins and down the shots with you following soon after. 
You had been dancing for a while when you suddenly feel the arms you have been craving for months snake around your waist. “I’m proud of you” she just murmurs in your ear along with a kiss placed softly on your neck. You don’t dare to turn around knowing that the blond has the ability to completely strip you bare and you don’t want to have a breakdown around the team. Instead, you find her hands om your stomach and grip them so hard you know it must hurt. In response her arms just tighten around you. “Come get me when you’re ready to go, I’m not letting you sleep alone tonight.” You give the blond a nod confirming you heard her before you are dragged away by Hempo to dance in the middle of her and Chloe. You look up to see Leah walk back over to Keira and can’t help but wonder if the ginger sent your ex to you.
After several more songs and a couple more drinks you are exhausted and absolutely ready to go back to the hotel. Searching for the blond you find her in deep conversation with Lucy. Not wanting to intrude on the conversation, but also getting closer to shutting down you contemplate what to do. You are however saved by Keira coming over to you with some water and dragging you to your respective (ex-)partners. Leah immediately pulls you into her lap seeing your exhaustion and finishes up her conversation. As you let their voices lull you into a sense of peace you are once again overcome with regret. When you and Leah were still together and the three of you played in Manchester it was a common occurrence to hang out in this formation. You had missed it more than you dared to admit. 
Leah saw you get emotional and pulled you up to take you back to the hotel. Once safely inside the room she helped herself to some of your clothes after giving you some sleep clothes to change into. It wasn’t until you were safe in her arms that you finally broke down. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I wasn’t enough and I’m sorry I couldn’t get you the world cup.” The rest of what you had planned to say went down the drain once you started sobbing uncontrollably. Leah just held you and shushed you. “I know love it’s okay, we’ll talk in the morning.” Eventually you fell asleep.
Waking up your head pounded, and your eyes were almost swollen shut due to all your crying last night, but you felt the most at peace then you had in months because of the blonde’s arms still wrapped around you. Leah had felt you wake up and decided to give you a moment, it wasn’t till you looked in her eyes that she spoke up “I love you, you are enough for me, you always have been. It’s okay if you want to be friends but I just want you back in my life.” Laying there in her arms you are looking into her eyes and all you see is kindness, love and understanding.  “I don’t know what Keira told you, but I am so sorry Lee. I should have spoken to you, but I was sure that I was doing what was best for both of us. You deserve the world Lee, so much more than I could ever give you. But I should have spoken to you instead of letting rumours and gossip get to me. I don’t want to just be friends. You’re in my head, always. I just got scared away.” With that I finally feel her soft lips press to mine and I know that we will be okay.
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4pfsukuna · 7 months
Awkward (N. Kento)
Theres just not enough fics of Nanami with black women outside of just smut..so here i am with smut but theres plot based on sza songs Awkward 
Time passing.
Nanami still has no idea how Gojo convinced him to attend his silly little holiday party. Knowing Gojo it would be loud, eccentric and lots of alcohol involved. Plus the fact that Gojo knew everybody and it looks like he’s invited everyone Nanami was ready to leave.
But Gojo made him promise to have one drink…just one. Plus he made some know it all comments about Nanami being a workaholic who was probably just going to go home look at stuff for work and do even more overtime spending the holidays alone. He always ragged on him about extra work but the alone part cut deep this time because it reminded him of his ex girlfriend the one he almost proposed to on the night of their anniversary, ring in pocket but he ended up getting stuck with over time, losing track of time and leaving her to sit alone at the restaurant for 2 hours. 
What was suppose to be a happy night was anything but and by 12:01am he was single. Bringing his cup to his lips he’s ready to take a sip but stops when he hears a laugh he’ll never forget.
The last thing Nanami kento expected to see at Gojo’s party (that he basically tricked him into going to) was his ex girl from 4 years ago in a black mini silk dress that if you just bent over a tad bit more—
“You alright man?” Gojo ask slapping his blonde hair friends back snapping him back to the reality where his cup of alcohol had been crushed completely in his hand.
He was sure of Two things in this moment. 1. His hand was wet and 2? He wasnt letting you get away again.
“Oh let me introduce you to my friend Miyoshi, shes an interior designer. Designed all my homes boring career so you two might actually have something in common since you like boring stuff” Gojo insults while placing a napkin in his friends hand basically dragging him over to the woman through the crowd.
What? This was not at all how he planned on talking to you, what was he suppose to say? Would you even acknowledge him? Your curly fro had been straightened so it was now mid back with a slight red tint and he vaguely remember you saying a girl dyes her hair red when she’s over a man and there’s no chance for him ever again. Oh god you hated him. Was the room always this hot?
You turn around finally setting your eyes on the two of them and downing whatever was left in your cup. 
“Miyoshi, meet my friend Nanami kento. Kento this is Miyoshi” Gojo introduces and the air becomes thick with tension as you two awkwardly smile at another Nanami unable to keep your gaze on him.
Time passing by.
“Yosh” Nanami breaks the silence at the same time she speaks “nami”. Old habits die hard, the nicknames from another pouring from their lips shocking Gojo.
“You two know each other?” The white hair man ask which only confuses him more when you say no but he says yes.
He goes to ask the question neither of you wanted to answer but luckily is stopped by hearing the pur of his name from Geto who he waste no time following forgetting all about you two. 
“Can i get you another drink? Im sorry about Gojo and bombarding you like that” Nanami ask nodding at your cup watching as you exhale glossed lips forming your usual slight pout.
You nod as he leads you by the small of your back to the bar his hand burning a imprint on your lower back and you're grateful when he moves it to toss the napkin in his other hand away.
“Strawberry Lemon drop and a whiskey on the rocks” he tells the bartender before quickly looking over at you dropping apologies.
“Sorry you probably dont even like that anymore, i shouldnt have assumed! Ill—“ he starts ranting only for you to laugh, placing a hand on his forearm sitting on the stool.
“Still as charming as ever, its still my favorite drink” you smile the nerves leaving your body but filling his to the brim. Why was he so nervous? Of course his stoic poker face never dropped once but that was how he was.
“Its nothing, just wanna make sure you’re taken care of” he speaks so easily before you could respond or even react The drinks are quickly placed in front of you.
You wanted to know what the hype was all about
“So how have you been?” He ask downing half of his drink in one gulp. You follow suit licking the sugar off the rim unaware of how his eyes watch  and his grip tightens slightly on his glass.
“Are we really going to play this game kento? Fine. Ive been traveling exploring growing healing i finally quit the company and started my own business finding rich men like Gojo who have more money than they know what to do with and creating clients out of them” you shrug sipping the drink watching him smile… somewhat proud.
“Congratulations. Sorry if im prying—“ Nanami finishes his drink only for you to cut him off.
“No!” You say a bit louder than expected before clearing your throat. “No i… i just dont understand how you can sit here like everything ended— like nothing happened and were just old friends catching up” you ask confused, of course you wanted to talk to him 3 and ½ years with someone over in one night and now 4 years later here both of you are.
The nerves were back.
Then we fucked a little bit and I was out, Did not say bye
“Kento i broke up with you, fucked you one last time for my own closure and ghosted you in the middle of the night with no way of ever contacting me. Not my best moment” you finally speak on the elephant in the room another round of drink places infront of you two.
“Compliments of master satorou” the bartender nods before attending to other guest leaving no time to protest.
“I wouldve atleast like to remain friends but i understand.  You left with a bang… quite literally” he jokes trying to ease the tension showing off that jokester part of him that only youve seen.
And now for the word vomit , you couldn’t even stop it if you wanted.
“Friends? Our love was different…too strong for that. It was worth it,I would do it again.I know you hurt me,This is more than a friendship” you speak running over your finger your rim collecting sugar along the sides of your fresh acrylic nails. 
When you don’t hear anything from him (honestly what are you expecting? You just admitted you loved him so much youd go through the heartbreak a second time just to experience that love again) you look up watching as he loosens his tie.
Fuck. “Sorry”
“I made it awkward” which he chuckles at taking your jaw in his large hand forcing your eyes to look up at him. Your heart racing in your chest at the familiar contact
“I miss you”he finally slips the stoic façade falling all his emotions on display for you to see and suddenly the room feels 10 degrees hotter.
“I— why did you let me do it?” You ask and for a simple sentence it was so loaded. You can tell by the way the tips of his ears burn red.
“This isnt the place for that conversation” he speaks finally letting go of your chin turning back towards his drink and you exhale he was right. The awkward tension was back and you despised it.
“My home is 10 minutes away… we can really talk there if youd like” he suggest looking over his watch and i glance around at the party in full swing before back at him.
When you two make it to his home you cant help the nostalgic grin. This was completely him, nothing out of place every color scheme matches because its all shades of white creme or beige. Everything looks super clean and super expensive.
“Would you like anything to drink? Or eat?” He ask heading to the kitchen after placing your coats on the rack.
“Wine… although ive probably drunk enough” you giggle taking a seat on the couch and he follows with two wine glasses and the bottle. But Nanami always had the best wine and knew the best pairings.
Downing the first cup you lick your lips until you feel his fingers brushing down hair with the rest. When you look over at him hes already stairing at you… admiring and its pure love. Everything starts to feel surreal and you really remember the last time you were with him— alone.
Can we still love on each other?
“Do you still love me?” You ask curiously before you have time to even realize what youre saying and he doesnt even look phased.
“Did you ever stop?” He questions looking at you over his wine glass setting it back on the coffee table next to the bottle looking away to hide the look in his eyes. Sighing you rest your cup next to his, lip gloss staining the glass.
Can we still touch on eachother.
Reaching up to play with his tie being unkept from him fiddling with it you only loosen it further unbuttoning the top 3 buttons just like you did when you two were still— fuck.  
You freeze but that doesnt discourage him feeling the coolness of your hands through the shirt bringing his full attention to you and youve completely taken over all of his senses. 
Can we still not judge  each other?
You still never answered the question just focused on his tie and froze. He curses at himself.
I make it awkward.
“I…im still inlove with you kento, never stopped” you finally say looking up at him glossy eyes and thats all he needs leaning forward placing his lips on yours the taste of alcohol and cherry lip gloss makes him melt. He kisses you delicately, scared to scare you off and even if you regret it the taste of your lips one last time would get him through a lifetime of over time.
Its when you sigh and pull his bottom lip in between your teeth is when he decides he needs you and he needs your weight on him. Pulling you so youre straddling his lap his hands slowly roaming your body still scared of sudden movements scaring you and wanting to map out every curve of your body missing the way you felt. Getting so lost in your brown skin he almost looses his thought. The one thing he promised hed tell you if he ever seen you again.
I can not love everybody
And hes confessing like a sinner in church or a man on judgement day because you are everything holy and he was ready to admit. 
“I could never be with anybody after you, no woman is you”
But you isn't anybody
“You took my heart with you when you left and only left a tiny piece left. And with that tiny piece all i could do is think about how much im in love with you. Want to be with you forever just us two” he breathes looking you dead in your eye so you know hes serious. Serious about you. Serious about this. Serious about yall.
You look at me different
You couldnt help but to see a different side of him. And not just the jokester side you seen earlier but a more mature Nanami Kento, a more considerate and loving Nanami kento. His lover boy era perhaps?! The heat pools inbetween your legs more than it had been all night as you two keep eye contact.
So I let you see my body
Pulling your dress over your head revealing the black lace matching panties and bra set he adjust in the seat.
“Proove it”
Body, body, body
“Youre going to be the absolute death of me, im sure of it” he admits his lips going to your neck trailing down the valley of your breast hands groping and squeezing them. His tongue licks over your cloth covered nipple pinching the other one causing a slight moan. Grabbing your hands to place on his shirt the signal to keep unbuttoning his hands go to your cheeks cupping as he begins kissing you harder tongue infiltrating your mouth.
And now we don't speak at all Now I regret it all
4 years without this? How could you? You were still absolutely positively madly in love with him. Missing him so much your lips dont disconnect at all even when he stands to walk toward his bedroom your fingers running through his hair at the nape of his neck pulling a soft moan from him. You don’t register the movement until your back is being layed in the softness of his bed.
Still, it was worth it
I would do it again
His lips trail down the valley of your breast again making sure to savor the taste of your brown skin before his tongue swirls over your brown nipple listening to your soft pants. He switches over to the other one, your lace bra being unhooked in the front by his mouth… he always did have a talented mouth.  
His lips continue their assault until they reach your panties kissing your lips through the lace earning a shiver before his teeth are pulling your underwear off and damn what a sight.
You can feel him breathing over your core making you nervous wanting to close your legs unaware of the way hes using his photographic memory to remember how gorgeous you look right now.
“Ken— mmph” his tongue glides against your folds with ease and your sure hes thought about this often because the way his tongue is delicated over every spot that makes you tingle is driving you insane. 
“Missed the way you taste sweetheart” he indulges using his first two fingers to open up your slick folds giving him access to what he really wants. His tongue swirls around once, twice, three times before fully latching onto your clit pulling a loud whine from you. 
Music to his ears he wants to make you do it again, show you hes sorry, beg for another chance fuck he was on his knees face burried into your dripping cunt and nothing outside of the two of you mattered right now. Using those two fingers he presses into your core moaning as you squeeze your legs around his head the need to cum building up when he twist his fingers with a delicious curl.
“K-kento i… im fuck” you begin writhing under his mouth hands gripping at the sheets as he keeps a slow sensual pace making sure you feel the apology. But hes a selfish man, he thinks, because the minute you cum hes lapping up every drop yet still wont give you a second to recover. You deserved it.
His tongue replaces his fingers, fucking you as his thumb swirls around your clit watching every face of exstacy you make, the way the lights from the city shine through the room bouncing off the soft brown of your skin. 
He just wants one more only one and when your hands tangle in his blonde hair holding him in place forcing him to watch you fall apart on his tongue his dick twitches in his boxers precum spilling from the tip.
“NANAMI” you shout the highest pitch hes ever heard your voice before orgasming on his lips his movements never stopping as he pushes you into your third one of the night, he needed your taste engraved in his brain… and tongue. The sounds of your heavy breaths grabs his attention and he grins watching the heat of the room make your hair curl back up with a slight friz. Just the way he loved it.
Though hes shocked when you lurch forward pulling him by his cheeks to place an open mouth his tongue swirling around his mouth tasting yourself and a hint of alcohol.
Hes nervous when you pull back, afraid you may regret it and be ready to walk out until your trembling fingers push his unbuttoned shirt off over the planes of his muscles taking your time feeling them even when his shirt falls to the floor. 
Next is his belt buckle and he feels like hes shaking from anticipation watching you do this. He cant help himself and leans back in for another kiss your lipgloss long gone. Sliding everything off in one push your eyes widen at his length thats dripping precum in a way youve never seen before that makes you lick your lips wanting to get every drop but he leans forward pulling your chin up to him.
“Maybe later love,” and the nickname hurts. He always called you that after being away on a long business trip or extremely long nights at work when he strolled in after midnight.
He grabs his thick length pumping a few times before lining it up with your core and the air is thick again. With anticipation…
Unspoken apologies…
I know you hurt me, but
But this is deeper than friendship now
Nodding giving him the okay he slides in making you  gasp and he captures your lips in a groan the burn of him stretching you out as his dick slides in is welcomed. Its like your walls were made just for him. Though you dont expect the string of apologies he begins letting out and tears prick your eyes as you pull him close one hand on his spine the other tangled in his hair.
Let's keep it awkward
He doesnt move for a second and you understand the hesitation. You knew what this meant. He just needed a little motivation.
I think we're ready for it, yeah, mmh
Squeezing you core he groans sending a sharp thrust into you burrying his face in your shoulder. He slowly pulls back just to the tip sliding back in with the same sharp thrust releasing a grunt before picking up your thigh pressing it against your chest. The gasp leaves your mouth as you struggle to think straight nails digging into his back pulling him closer. It seems your claws in his back does nothing but turn him on more.
His lips begin kissing down your neck sucking and leaving a trail of hickeys because even if he couldnt have you past tonight he would leave his mark and let it be known you were his until they stop on your breast. His tongue laps at your perky nipples sucking until he pulls a delicious moan from you and your hands find his hair again. He loved when you pulled it and kept it long enough for you to get a grip but short enough so it wasnt always in his eyes.
“K-kento” you stutter breathlessly your legs shaking as the first orgasm from his dick rips through you yet he shows no signs of stopping or slowing down. Just keeps fucking you through it.
Well this was a different level of deepness.
“Fuck i love you” he grunts again with slow powerful strokes making sure his pelvis hits yours every time as his hands trace the outline of your body squeezing whereever he can. His lips meet yours once more in a sloppy kiss as he drops more weight on you to keep you in place. The only sounds are a combination of your moans and the wet slapping sounds. A particular thrust of his hips makes you feel like he’s digging you out and your back arches off the bed only for his body to press into you.
“Fuck, tell me how good it feels sweetheart” he practically begs but youre still trying to catch your breath from the first orgasm making him release your nipple and come back to your shoulder peppering it with kisses. “Tell me how much you missed this…us” he adds before snaking a arm down between the both of you and finding your clit.
“N-nan… shit… nami” your words are broken and you cant even keep your eyes focused on one spot and he grins into your neck at his name rolling off your tongue acknowledging where the nickname from earlier came from. His thumb goes at a sensualy slow place but the pressure hes applying has your legs locking up behind his back and he delivers the final blow.
Pulling your chin down to find your eyes and he smiles wholesomely with a wicked glint in his eyes making you give him complete eye contact unable to move. 
“Cum with me” he begs and demands all at once his thrust a bit sporadic and loosing rhythym as the speed on your clit pics up as well the coil building in you before finally snapping and your gushing all over him as ropes of his load shoot into you consequences be damned. He collapses next to you pulling your body ontop of his chest rapidly rising and falling. You two are silent, a comfortable one before he extends his arm rumaging in the drawer next to his bed and you close your eyes fighting the sleep. 
You open your eyes once more when you feel him wrapping a scarf around your hair that had completely curled back up due to the heat and sweat from your bodies. Your only response is to  smile and place a kiss on his chest which he chuckles at and places a kiss on your forehead tracing his fingers up and  down your spine
Let's keep it awkward
Waking up to the sound of the keyboard you yawn rubbing your eyes to see a glass of water and 2 tylenol on the night stand infront of you. The realization dawns on you of where your at but how could you forget you knew that scent of detergent, the cozyness of the sheets and the fact that this was your side of the bed because the vent was next to it meaning youd be getting all the heat first… this was your ex boyfriend Nanami kentos bedroom and you were completely naked except for the pale blue sheet covering your lower half.
It may seem silly but the sound of the keyboard brought tears to your eyes, all the hard work you did on healing. No amount of sza, jhene aiko nor beyonces lemonade album would get you through this one because you knew what it was and allowed it. Nanami was a workaholic— the exact reason for your split. Dates postponed with no exact date, romantic evenings cut short, sleeping alone for several nights as the computer held his attention… What hurt the most was being stood up on your anniversary.  
Slowly rising up you rub your eyes and begin looking for you clothes ready to make your great escape.
“Good morning sweetheart howd you sleep?” He ask the audacity to even call you sweetheart as if everything was back to when you two were still in a relationship makes your heart clench with pain. When you don’t respond the sound of the keyboard stops and you feel the bed shift flinching before he can touch you.
“No i know that look youre going to run, just like last time” he speaks in such a timbre that steals your breath knowing your causing him pain. “If all you wanted was a quick fuck you—“ he begins to say and you scoff finally looking at him eyes set ablaze.
“How fucking dare you?! Thats all i was to you Kento! A quick fuck to burn through your stress and then right back to your silly little papers and projects and work. You were always drowning yourself in work so deep that i had to convince myself you actually didnt hate me! All you do is work and when youre not working youre picking up overtime. You placed your job over me countless times! The only time you thought about me was to reschedule what we had planned…. 14 date nights and a anniversary kento! FOURTEEN!” You finally yell feeling a weight lift off your shoulders at the speach you rehearsed 3 dozen times in the mirror.
His shoulder slump as his lips form a line looking for the right words to say. What could he say he was over the moon waking up next to you in bed and now he felt disgusted with himself. Nothing was worse than the regret on your face.
You begin looking for your clothes again and that sets him into action he shuffles off the bed pulling you into his arms your head against his chest his heartbeat racing.
“Im sorry” released the flood gate of tears youd been holding back as if he knew he holds you tighter and sighs.
“Im sorry for neglecting you, im sorry for not putting you on the pedestal you deserve to be on, im sorry for anytime ive ever made you question my love for you, im sorry for all the dissapointments and most of all im sorry for waiting this long. Im an idiot and every day without you was hell i thought what i would do differently if i had the chance once more and i—“ he stops sitting down on the bed so he could pull your eyes to his covered by his thick framed glasses.
“Karma is beating my ass with cursed energy because for every day we werent together all i could think about was every time i canceled and how i wish i could just have 1 night, id make it all right” he confesses with wide eyes wiping your tears away with his thumbs. 
Your eyes flicker to his laptop and he follows before showing me the screen and there’s about 6 tabs open. His email, flights, hotels, car rentals and clothing stores.
I know I'm ready for it, you feel me?
“I was telling my boss im taking the next month off 14 dates is alot of time sweetheart… 14 too many and i know. We always talking about escaping to malaysia, trying all the foods, shopping breakfast on the beach and dancing under the moonlight until 2am. Everything’s booked and i know youd need time to pack and get your hair done i already messaged your hairstylist who can see you in 4 hours hopefully after we’ve had breakfast and agreed to the trip” he pleads with hopeful eyes revealing his hand to show you, not just tell you how apologetic he was but to show you.
Your heart begins racing, palms sweaty and damn did this man have you weak in the knees! He was doing everything right, saying everything right and he looked so fine the way his boxers hugged his muscular frame and okay maybe a man with a plan turned you on anybody could say words but to put action behind it… And like this? Oh baby he really thought about it, kinda like you factory reset him.
“Heres my card pay for whatever you need and a key… to my place” you never really heard him stumble over his words before until now and his nervousness is showing in a boyish way youd never seen before who wouldve thought stone wall one expression Nanami kento here stumbling over you? “So what do you say?”
Can we still love on each other?
Can we still touch on each other?
Can we still not judge each other?
So… what do you say?
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daceydeath · 2 months
A Work Proposal (Part 17)
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Pairing: Felix x Reader x Seungmin Word Count: 6.6K Genre: Smut 🔞 Warnings: 18+, MDNI, Swearing, Explicit Content, Not Edited
You had been working with Stray Kids for a while now and after a long day at work turns into a very unexpected but intriguing proposal. Will this change your world or end your career.
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Allowing Minho to take you back to his dorm knowing that you had made everyone worried about you for being fake sick made you feel pretty guilty but that evaporated when you were engulfed in an almost bone crushing hug from Felix, who also seemed determined to not let you go again ever, and soft forehead kisses and pecks from the young two boys.
"Chan said he and Han are on their way over with food and Changbin is finishing up at the gym" Seungmin spoke to Minho although you knew it was directed at you too.
"Chan said that he was just going to get everything he knew our Angel liked so we have no idea what he is actually bringing" Jeongin chimed in helping to lead you and your new attached Felix towards the couch after Minho helped you get your shoes off.
"You know Lix, she won't disappear if you let her go for like a second" Seungmin teased playfully, no doubt trying to keep the mood up.
"Not taking that chance" Felix replied, his voice muffled by your neck as he readjusted you both so you were sitting between his legs with his arms still locked around you.
"I'm alright Lixie" you whispered "I'm not going to break".
"Again not taking that chance Jagyi" he nuzzled against your neck making you giggle as his hair tickled your skin. A loud knock on the apartment door signaled that Chan and Han had arrived making you almost laugh at how many take out bags they collectively held in their arms. Leaving them on the dinner table haphazardly Han just about launched himself at you with a look of intense worry etched into his beautiful face.
"My pretty girl" he sighed forlornly pulling you slightly out of Felix's grip, as best he could, to cup your face and kiss it all over "why didn't you tell us we could have helped".
"How would you have helped?" Minho rolled his eyes playfully "her being in tears would have had you in tears".
"Shut up" Han huffed his cute little pout making you want to squish his cheeks as he continued stroking your cheek with his thumb.
"We probably need to talk all of this out" Chan bit his lip as he and Jeongin started setting up the food with Minho moving into the kitchen to grab plates.
"I don't really know what there is to talk about" you turned to look at Chan's furrowed brow "Hyunjin wants to leave the agreement and that is his choice, you told me when this started it might not be all of you and I understood that". He studied your face carefully for a moment before nodding.
"I know but I also didn't mean that it wouldn't be all of us because one of us is in love with you" Chan acknowledged putting some fried chicken on a plate for you and covering it in sauce.
"You all need to talk to Hyunjin, he's the one that you need to be concerned about, not me" you clarified not expecting Chan to almost drop the plate on his way over to you. The silence that followed was deafening and weightier than you anticipated.
"Of course we are worried about Hyunjin but you are just as important, doll" Seungmin scoffed, sounding almost offended by your suggestion.
"Hyunjin is your member, he's your brother. I am a manager and replaceable. Hannie let me finish" you held your hand up to stop him from starting the argument that was hiding just behind his wide eyed shocked expression "I can take time to get over things, you can't lose Hyunjin but you can lose me temporarily and there would be no adverse effects to Stray Kids, your tours, performances, recordings or fan meets".
"That isn't true pretty" Han pouted looking horrified.
"We couldn't function without you Jagi" Felix agreed, tightening his grip around your waist and his lips once again on your neck.
"Yes you could and you will if that's what has to happen" you sighed looking to Chan for back up.
"She's right" Chan exhaled "we can continue on like normal with or without her but not without Hyunjin and you all know that".
"Yeah but I don't want Angel to leave us" Jeongin frowned, his voice tinged with frustration.
"I'm not saying I would leave Jeongin, I'm saying that I might need a little bit of time off to deal with everything before I come back and we all went back to how this was before" you explained gently trying to get them to understand that you wouldn't just abandon them. Another loud knock interrupted the anxiety that seemed to be building in the room and Changbin arrived slipping off his shoes and making a bee line for you, easily pulling you from Felix's arms and into his own.
"I'm so sorry you got hurt again baby" he murmured into your hair "we are terrible at not causing you pain" he held you tightly against his chest his head cradling you against him.
"Give her back" Felix whined behind you making you smile again when you looked back at him you could see the red around his eyes indicating that he was on the verge of tears. You let go of Changbin and returned to Felix this time sitting on his lap so that he could smother you again.
"Where is Hyunjin? Have any of you spoken with him?" you paused not returning to the dinner that you were meant to be eating.
"I did" Chan smiled "He's at home painting tonight, he actually seemed alright after I asked him what had happened and told him Minho had gone to take care of you".
"Good, I'm glad we both were pretty emotional when he left. I didn't want him to feel guilty or that I blame him for anything" you smiled sadly.
"You need to eat, doll" Seungmin interrupted, holding out his chopsticks with some pork belly between them "We will feed you if we have to" he joked.
"Yes sir" you mumbled not registering the chuckles that followed your thoughts still swirling, you knew what needed to be done and you knew it would hurt them all but it would only be for a short time and then you could all go back to how it was before you had let them touch you that day in the dance studio. They kept talking, you nodding, smiling and cuddling into Felix as the evening went on until your yawns made them insist on sending you home for some proper rest.
Leaving the dorm after promising him that you would be fine and be back to work the following morning you know that the right thing to do would be to give them all space to decide what was best for not only Stray Kids but for each of them preparing themselves for the inevitable fallout that would come with it. You had gone into auto pilot after that, changing out of your clothes, getting your outfit for work the next day ready and making yourself something simple to snack on all while your brain tried to think up solutions for you of how to survive what you knew would be a trying time. Disconnecting your phone from its charging station you dialed the head of artist relations about perhaps taking some time away, you were thankful that she answered so you didn’t have to think up a sensical message to leave her.
“Hello Min Jee, how was everything today?” you smiled hoping you still didn’t sound like yourself.
“Stressful. Soo Yun, who took on your role with Itzy, had to leave for her maternity leave a whole month early so I am going to have to figure out how to cover that since they are four days off their comeback, I think I will have to let that new assistant that we got for her go too since I think she might be leaking things to the press” She ground out sounding more annoyed than stressed but you could understand her position.
“Do you have anyone to cover? Did we not have a new manager to cover her spot?” you frowned, sure that you had seen that there were new faces in the office since you returned from the tour.
“Yes and no” he groaned and you could see her standing with one hand pinching the bridge of her nose like she always did while stressed “We have had three new hires for artist managers and none of them worked out they didn’t gel with the artists or with upper management so we are in a tight spot”.
“I could return to Itzy in the short term if you like? The Skz team is not going to suffer without me, so they could share out anything between the others so that I could step over to Itzy for at least a few weeks” you thought out loud trying to find a solution to both the issue with giving some distance to the kids and to help out with the girls you already loved.
“I know you were just giving hypotheticals but that would solve me a world of headaches until I can sort something else out” you could hardly believe your ears it sounded like the unflappable boss that you could always ask anything of actually needed your help.
“I’ll do it, I’ll be there tomorrow and I will let the kids know before I head over to the girls to get my head around everything” you smiled.
“I'll send you the schedule and all the appearance info so you can look it over tonight, you have saved the day here, I will owe you for this” the relief bleeding into her voice helped you to know that you had offered the right thing even if you had offered it for purely selfish reasons. “I’ll see you tomorrow”.
You hung up and opened your work tablet to look at whatever was being sent through. You knew they had an Inkigayo appearance and one on M Countdown but you had no idea what else was in the works for them, and you needed to come up with how to break it to the kids you were leaving them temporarily. You kept repeating that they needed to talk about everything with Hyunjin and that this would give them time to do that and make sure they were all stable again and putting the arrangement on hold for the time you were with Itzy would make it easier to remove yourself completely if that's what the outcome was going to be.
The following morning came faster than you were hoping with still no good excuse outside of needing to help out the company and give them all some space. You walked to your desk to grab anything that was left for you before making your way to the studio realizing that no one had arrived yet you wandered to the Itzy room to see them. Yeji and Ryujin were sitting on the floor in the middle of the room looking at their phones while talking about their manager who had left for maternity leave.
“Replacement manager reporting for duty” you grinned watching the two of them whip their heads towards you like you had sprouted a second head.
“Unnie!” Ryujin yelled gracefully, getting off the floor and launching herself at you.
“You’re our manager now? What happened to your contract with Stray Kids? Is everything alright?” Yeji spat questions as though they were a rap verse making you giggle.
“I’m filling in for a few weeks at least until your comeback is finished and to give Min Jee a chance to get a long term contract in place to cover the maternity leave” you reassured them hugging them both tightly, your personal stress melting away with how excited they both were to have you with them. “I will go back to the kids when that happens”.
“It’s going to be so much more fun with you with us” Ryujin sighed, letting go of you to go back to her phone “I’m going to make a new group chat to surprise the others that you are back”.
“I've looked at the schedules for the comeback and it’s a bit messy, what do you need me to do and I’ll start getting it sorted out. But I will have to go and let the kids know what is happening in case they think I’ve died” you joked laughing at the utter relief that crossed Yeji’s face as you wanted to start immediately on the issues that were needing to be fixed as soon as physically possible.
“Shit there is so much stuff to sort out, we only have costuming done for one stage so far, the set has been organized for each show but we need another 3 outfits each, there is the clash between two different radio shows and interviews that needs sorting and then there is the not even half organized fan event that we need to fix before the end of next week so we can sort out the date” Yeji listed counting off on her fingers as she went “Oh and then there is the change to choreo that we still need to organize and there are so many things”.
“I can sort all of them out but let's start with costuming. I'll get the stylists in now and we can go from there. I don’t even know what concept you are doing this time around so I will have to catch up” You patted her shoulder softly watching her calm slightly “How about I get us coffee, tell the kids what's happening and we can go from there?”.
Leaving to get coffee you swung by the dance studio again where they kids should have been by now opening the door to utter chaos as the music pumped and some, not all, of the kids were practicing some small piece of choreography while the others fucked around chasing each other.
“Morning Jagi” Felix shouted over the noise, his eyes meeting yours in the mirror.
“Morning guys” you flinched, moving to turn off the track and get their attention.
“What’s up baby?” Changbin frowned as you stood with your arms crossed leaning against the cupboard.
“I need to tell you something and you all need to promise not to panic” you started trying to prevent any dramatics from anyone “I’m covering the Itzy manager role for at least a month, maybe more since their manager's baby is coming early” you continued to explain gently, watching them all for any sort of theatics.
“A month” Felix squeaked, looking concerned, his brows pinching together.
“Is this because of me?” Hyunjin asked tentatively, his eyes soft as he looked at you.
“No Hyunjin not at all, it’s just because they are about to do a comeback and they are up shit creek currently. I can fix it and I will fix it but you just need to know why I won't be around for a little while. I will be coming back after that unless you all decide you don’t want me as part of the team anymore” you smiled, lowering your arms and offering a half smile to Hyunjin. “Besides I think you all need some time to really think about what you need now and how we can fit that into the team”.
“Why wouldn’t we want you back?” Jeongin blurted eyes wide with worry, making you reach for his hand to squeeze it.
“Innie, sometimes things just don’t work out the way you expect that’s all” you sighed letting him pull you closer to him as he pouted.
“Thank you for telling us” Chan smiled, you had noticed them all watching the gentle gesture of care between you and Hyunjin and it seemed to help him see that you were telling them the truth.
“Just try not to cause too much chaos while I’m gone, I don’t need to deal with one of you going missing or anything when I come back , ok?” you joked before pointing at Seungmin and Minho as though you just knew that if there was some sort of crazy disaster it was going to be related to one of them.
“Can I have a cuddle before you leave?” Felix asked sweetly a moment before crashing into you.
“Like I could stop you If I wanted to” you giggled, muffled by his shoulder.
After the first four days of incredibly long days and then the three weeks of comeback that followed you were exhausted but thrilled with how much you and the girls had achieved, it was like going home to see family, it was fun, difficult and you didn’t want it to end but you were happy that you had managed to get them to a position where it didn’t matter when the next manager took over things were going to work smoothly, even if it had meant that your entire life outside of JYP had to stop existing until you could take a moment to breathe. The boys had texted you almost daily to check you were looking after yourself and had insisted on taking you for lunch and also one dinner during the time you were away and everything had seemed easier with them they had gotten over their awkwardness which meant they must have come to a decision about the agreement that they could all deal with.
“Princess, you got a second?” Hyunjin whispered as he walked up behind you in one of the many corridors of the JYP building.
“Sure Hyunjin” you smiled up at him following his lead to join him in Chan’s empty studio. He seemed nervous and you didn’t know why which in turn made your anxiety begin to swirl in your belly, you were almost certain he would never just casually drop their decision on you in the middle of your workday. 
“Can I take you out?” he blurted suddenly, appearing to even surprise himself.
“On a date or as in kill me?” you joked awkwardly not sure at all where this was going as you perched on the edge of the couch. You watch his face relax as he obviously remembered his initial train of thought.
“I want to take you on a real date, no agreement, no other members just you and me” he smiled looking at you hopefully “I need to see if my feelings will make it harder when you come back to the team” he added shyly.
“Alright Hyunjin, when?” you whispered your heart beating far too fast for you to really think about anything else except the exquisite man in front of you.
“Tonight? I haven’t told the guys I figured they would try to talk me out of it but I miss you princess, I need to figure out if we can make this work out as friends again” he almost pleaded, his eyes piercing you in place as you almost forgot how to breathe.
“I would like that” you smiled warmly, his whole face lit up with happiness before he carefully bent forward and placed a quick kiss on your cheek making your face heat up instantly. In truth you had missed him too, you had missed all of them but he had been more distant than the others which you had understood and expected but didn’t really like.
“I’ll pick you up at 8. Wear something pretty” he breathed almost dashing from the room as you stood in place for a good few minutes trying to calm yourself down. It was just Hyunjin, there was absolutely no need to feel odd about it, he had been inside you for god's sake. Now was not the time to be getting all shy and giddy.  
You returned to finish the last of the preparations for a magazine interview the girls would be attending the following afternoon needing to see that the designers had all sent over the outfits for the cover shoot so that everything would run seamlessly. Trying as hard as possible to not look distracted you began to finalize the arrangements for the following week which was going to be the beginning of the tour plans which would be just another set of late nights, early starts and odd hours to suit international promoters. Checking the time you decided that leaving a little early wouldn’t hurt since the girls were currently having a night off and wouldn’t need you anyway. 
Stepping into your apartment you pondered what exactly ‘dress pretty’ had meant, did Hyunjin intend to take you to a restaurant? A gallery? A picnic? There were just too many variables so with as much rational thinking as you could muster you made yourself a coffee and went and stood in front of your wardrobe. Taking it in in full you realized just how many things you had allowed the kids to buy you, too many designer things filled it making a distinct tendril of guilt unfurl in your stomach, you hadn’t realized just how much you had taken advantage of their feeling, or more likely, lust for you. Sighing you picked out a black dress that you judging from the label you knew that Jeongin had most likely gifted you and the black purse the Felix and Han had given you all those months ago when they had decided that they wanted to spoil you before the others had a chance. You could still see that moment in your head the way Han had gone bright red when you had kissed him in thanks, the way Felix had giggled and the way Changbin had cooed over you being cute when they all saw the tears in your eyes. It had all been so much easier then, it had all been so much simpler.  After you had fixed your hair and put on some makeup to hide the sleeplessness, the stress of the Itzy comeback had caused you.
When Hyunjin knocked on your apartment door you felt a jolt of excitement shoot through you, opening the door to see him looking incredibly handsome like he always did. You were pleased to see the short flash of surprise that flashed in his eyes as he took in your appearance.
“When I said dress pretty I didn’t mean look so breathtakingly gorgeous that all other women disappear” he breathed stepping towards you and placing a soft kiss on your cheek before handing you a beautiful bunch of roses.
“Hyune, don’t tease me” you flushed knowing that you probably looked as flustered as you felt. His laugh made you look back up at him, his eyes creasing the way you loved when he was happy.
“I’m telling the truth I swear princess” he grinned allowing you to take your flowers into your apartment before slipping your shoes on to leave. He took your hand carefully before escorting you towards the elevator, your mind still stuck on how different this felt to the other times you had been together hanging out or grabbing dinner, this felt far more romantic and intimate even by your standard for Hyunjin. Helping you into the back of the black town car that was driving you he smiled brilliantly.
“I’ve missed you Hyune” you admitted shyly watching him from through your lashes.
“I’ve missed you too princess, I thought we could have dinner together and talk if that’s alright” he swallowed hard looking at you with dark eyes.
“That sounds perfect” you nodded, linking your fingers with his again. The restaurant was full but you were escorted to a private dining area and served a glass of wine while you waited the twenty minutes that it would take to usher Hyunjin inside without it looking suspicious. You understood the lengths going on an actual date where he could be recognized were and to be honest you really didn’t mind not when you knew that being a non idol there was going to be very little interest when you walked in so no one would even notice you compared to the other idols that were probably going to be there. When Hyunjin entered you grinned having finished your glass of wine you were feeling much more relaxed 
“Shit, I’ve missed you looking at me like that princess” he muttered taking his seat across from you and allowing the waiter to enter to take another drinks order. “Did you want another drink princess?” you nodded as he ordered one for himself smiling the whole time.
“I’ve heard good things about this place” you quipped looking at the menu.
“Yeah Chan suggested it” he shrugged “although he didn’t know I would be bringing you here”.
“Wait, did you ask the others for date ideas without telling them it was me that you were taking on the date?” you giggled feeling scandalized.
“Sort of” he giggled back putting his glass to his plump lips and sipping slowly “I actually asked where each of them would take someone on a date, we all knew I meant you, and they each told me. I wasn’t sure if you would rather this or the whole movie and dessert date afterward which Felix suggested”.
“Cheeky Hyune” you rolled your eyes playfully “Will I have to pretend I’ve never been here if Chan ever asks me out?” 
“Well I’m hoping he doesn’t ask to be honest” Hyunjin smirked his eyes moving to the door as the waiter reappeared to take your meal orders which broke the short bout of flirting that seemed to be starting between you.
“How’s being back with Itzy?” he asked, reverting back to the safer side of your conversation topics.
“It’s fun, I love them to bits but I miss the chaotic nature that is the kids” you sighed, taking another sip of your own wine “I remember now why I was so excited to come work with you guys. There are so many more opportunities for experimenting with things when its Stray Kids”.
“So you aren’t tempted to stay with them?” he pushed a little ignoring the food as it arrived.
“No, I love the team I am on and I miss you all” you confessed, pouring yourself some water so that you wouldn’t get anymore alcohol loosening your tongue. “Although that’s assuming you all want me back”.
“Of course we do, even if we all had feelings for you we would put them aside to work together, you are by far the best manager we have had, you're so much more proactive on our safety and health than others have” Hyunjin explained bittersweetly. 
“I know you would but that isn’t really healthy to be willing to hurt yourself just so your members are happy” you scolded lightly hoping that he would understand that you were trying to get him to put himself first.
“I know what you are trying to stay and I will be fine, I think the bit that hurt was the physical relationship with you while also being so close with you. All the previous people involved were only physical, they were never people we knew well or cared about on a personal level like we did with you” he shrugged his gaze soft as the door opened and your dinner arrived which you were grateful for to prevent your tongue getting any looser. After another hour of laughing and talking Hyunjin asked you to leave through the kitchen a few minutes after he left out of the front so that he could have the driver scoop you straight up. The drive back to your apartment seemed to go both too slowly and too slowly as you wondered if you should ask him in or not but as the car pulled up and Hyunjin exited the car to walk you to your apartment door your phone rang making you sigh and roll your eyes.
“I guess work never ends does it?” Hyunjin laughed softly “I’ll see you at the company at some point” he grinned retreating back to the car and shutting the door behind him. Answering the call without checking the ID on your phone you were surprised by the voice that filled your ear.
“Jagi, are you home again now?” Felix asked with excitement bubbling in his voice “Has Hyunjin gone home?”.  
“Yes Lixie I just walked in the building doors, why?” you couldn’t help but smile at his tone.
“Turn around and come back out, I wanna take you out for dessert” he urged cheekily as another voice filtered through the phone.
“Just you hey?” Seungmin cut in teasingly “Do I not even exist anymore?”.
“So you and Seungmin want to take me out for dessert huh?” you laughed walking back out into the night air and towards the van that they were both sitting in, the light of the overhead light making them visible through the open door.
“Fucking hell Jagi, you look incredible” Felix looked you up and down greedily his voice going deeper than it had been moments ago, you flushed looking down as you got into the van and sat yourself beside him allowing him to intertwine your fingers.
“I’d say you look like you might be the dessert” Seungmin smirked, licking his lower lip appreciatively.
“Change of plan” Felix announced as soon as the van started moving “We will order dessert in and go back to the dorm where it’s a little more private?”.
“That sounds like a fucking excellent idea” Seungmin nodded his eyes already looking hungry.
“Oh you don’t want to take me out anymore?” you pouted playfully knowing Felix would break the moment he thought you might be upset.
“Oh we do doll, but first we better fill that tight little cunt so you remember who you are with” Seungmin purred leaning in towards you and kissing your cheek.
“We could make our own dessert” Felix grinned wickedly “One delicious Jagi with a cream filled center, what could be more delicious?”. You pressed your thighs together, their words already starting to get to you as you could feel your wetness begin to pool in your underwear. 
“Will you be a good girl doll? Let me and Lix have a sweet treat?” Seungmin added his eyes growing darker as Felix began running his hand higher up your thigh squeezing the soft flesh of your inner thigh as he went.
“I can be so good sir” you whispered, making both Seungmin and Felix silently groan as the car pulled into the parking garage of the dorm building. As soon as the elevator doors closed they were on you Felix kissing your lips desperately and Seungmin sliding his hand into the split of your dress to cup and knead your arse while kissing your neck. It had been weeks since you had been with any of them so you were almost embarrassed how wet they had gotten you by the time you got to the dorm’s front door. Slipping out of your shoes you allowed Felix to lead you to his room, his hand gripping yours firmly and Seungmin followed hands groping your arse as soon as the bedroom door closed Felix’s mouth was on yours his soft lips urgently pressing against yours as he licked the seam of your lips to deepen the kiss.
“We have missed you so much, doll” Seungmin murmured, his lips pressing against your neck and trailing to your bare shoulder.
“So fucking much” Felix hummed in agreement pulling you tighter against him bunching your dress up around your hips.
“First or second Felix?” Seungmin smirked, hooking his fingers into your lace underwear and tugging to the side so he could stroke his fingers across your folds making you shiver with need.
 “You first” Felix nodded, pulling your dress off of you completely before stepping back from you and moving to his gaming chair where he lounged casually. Seungmin wasted no time moving to strip you of your remaining underwear before claiming your mouth roughly, his tongue plunging between your lips as you gasped at his intensity.
“On your knees doll” he cooed, giving you room to lower yourself to the lush rug that sat beside Felix’s bed, your hands immediately moving to his fly as he watched you with hooded eyes.
“Please sir, can I have your cock?” you asked sweetly not daring to actually pull the zipper down without his permission.
“Good girl” Seungmin grinned while you undid the button of his jeans and tugged down the zipper before palming his already hard length through his boxers. “You are going to suck my dick until I tell you to stop understand, doll?”.
“Yes sir” you nodded, pulling his length from his boxers and pumping it slowly as you licked your lips in anticipation. Inching forward you licked a slow stripe from his balls along the underside of his thick cock enjoying the way his breath hitched as you circled the tip with your tongue. Flicking your tongue softly around the pink flushed tip you couldn’t help the swell to your ego at the way Seungmin threw his head back groaning as you finally took him into your mouth. 
“Such a pretty jagi” Felix whimpered from the right of you his hand palming himself through his pants while you took Seungmin as deep into your throat as you could, letting his hit against the back of your throat with head bob of your head swallowing around him to tighten your throat.
“So good doll” Seungmin groaned scraping his nails against your scalp to grab hold of your hard, you let him guide how fast he wanted you to move, letting him begin to roll his hips and fuck your mouth as he wanted. Moaning around his length you felt his hips stutter as he pulled away from you his cock leaving your mouth with a lewd pop. 
“On the bed doll, on your knees” Seungmin instructed in a rough voice making you scramble to comply you couldn’t help how much you could feel your cunt throb at the way that he sounded. Positioning yourself on your hands and knees you wiggled your bare arse at Felix being sure that he got a show from where he was watching. Seungmin slid his fingers through your folds as he kicked his pants off, licking them clean he chuckled darkly “You will be such a good dessert for Felix doll”.
Whining at his words you cried out as he sheathed himself completely inside you, your walls stretching deliciously as he bottomed out. Seungmin wasted no time fucking into you deep and hard making you mewl as the force of his hips against your arse bouncing you forward with each thrust until your arms began to wobble before you could drop to your elbows Seungmin wrapped one arm around your waist helping to pull you up against his chest his other hand moving to wrap around your throat making your whimper.
“Just a little longer doll” Seungmin grunted his speed picking up as he continued driving into you his high approaching as his rhythm began to falter you felt yourself following the knot in your belly tightening until you were practically vibrating, Seungmin moaned your name loudly as he came pushing his cock as deep as he could into you before painting your walls with ropes of his seed. Pulling himself from you he wasted no time swapping with Felix who grabbed your hips and flipped you on to your back pulling your legs over his shoulders he teasingly pumped into you a few times before bottoming out with a loud whine.
“Fuck still so tight jagi” he whimpered setting his own harsh pace as he snapped his hips into yours brutally bouncing you like a doll as he fucked into you with abandon, Seugmin’s cum making you so wet that he couldn’t help himself..
“Felix…Oh god…. Felix” you gasped trying to catch your breath as he pounded into you his desperation to fuck you obvious. 
“Good girl doll you just take what we give you and you can have your reward after” Seungmin smirked his dark eyes watching you while you gripped the sheets urgently trying to ground yourself. Your eyes rolled back in your head each time Felix’s cock kissed your cervix.
“Yes…Sir” you sobbed feeling your high rapidly approaching with each noise that fell from Felix’s pouty pink lips.
“Shit…Shit…Shit” Felix chanted as his snapped his hips even faster “Fuck Jagi” he moaned so loudly you were sure the whole building heard him as he too filled you with his hot sticky cum. Pushing his hair from his sweaty forehead he leant in and pecked your lips slowly pulling out of you and pushing your knees to your chest. 
“Wow doll, look at that a perfect cream filled dessert, just for us” Seongmin licked his bottom lip sexily as he continued to stare into your eyes.
“I want the first lick” Felix smirked, lowering himself to his knees at the edge of the bed and pulling you towards him, making you yelp as Seungmin got behind you to hold your knees up, keeping you spread wide for them.
“Knock yourself out Lix” Seungmin laughed, your stare moved to Felix, watching him just about salivating as he stared at your used and swollen cunt. Licking a slow stripe through your folds before giving your clit as few kitten licks to make you shiver under his touch trying to escape him while you were still so sensitive. Grabbing your hips firmly Felix pulled you back against his mouth a muffled low whine vibrating through you as he set about feasting on his dessert. Moans intermixed with the lewd sounds of Felix messily licking and sucking on your entrance.
“Felix” you sobbed, losing yourself to the fog of pleasure that was settling in your brain making you focus on the fire that was building in your core threatening to spill into your veins. You felt his lips curl into a smile against your slick folds, his tongue still plunging as deep into your cum filled walls as he could, then alternating to circle around your clit again. Somewhere in your periphery you felt the bed dip and Seungmin moved to hover over you, his lips crashing into yours as you desperately ground your core against Felix’s face, the younger man snaking his hand down your body teasing you further before pushing down against your abdomen causing another loud sob from you that he happily swallowed. The pleasure was almost too much as you felt your muscles tighten uncontrollably, Felix quickly pulled you clit between his lips and sucked hard helping you to finally fall over the edge, your whole body spasming beneath them as they held you in place. Your vision went white as your eyes rolled back in your head and you screamed.
“Fucking hell” Felix groaned roughly his face only inches from you his eyes widen and the lower half of his face almost dripping with your juices.
“Good work doll, always proving you are my best girl” Seungmin whispered in awe as you blinked rapidly to get yourself to calm back down, the feeling of your wetness now getting cool without Felix’s face so close to you.
“I’ve never made you squirt before” Felix almost giggled, licking his lips thoroughly.
“Huh?” you hummed still breathing heavily, as he began squeezing your thigh in a gentle massage to loosen your still fairly tight muscles.   
“I think we should give her a break before your turn Seung” Felix continued looking at the man still perched beside you.
“Yeah you massage her legs, I'll get doll a drink then we should swap places” Seungmin grinned crookedly leaning in to kiss you once again “Sound good doll”.
“Yes…Sir” you whimpered your sensitivity making itself known with an aching throb from your folds.
a/n: Thank you for reading and for your never ending support. The updates for this story won't be as often as I would like because it takes a lot of time for me to write each chapter but I am still writing it so it isn't finished yet. xx
Taglist (closed): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz @symptoms-of-moonlight @septicrebel @ayoitschannie @krishastumblernow @tangerminie @elizalabs3 @armystay89 @septemberkisses @stay-bi @seolarflare @damnyouficc @eastleighsblog @wohaku @bakedlilgoonie @roamingpolar @tara-skyhold @spacegirlstuff @queenmea604 @fawnpeaks @3rachasninja @mrsseals16 @leeknowinggg @hyunlixsbbygirl @obeythemasters @tanzen-ist-gold @freckleboilix @junebug032 @hellothisisprincesskitty @skzhoes @marked-unknown @rylea08 @bandolls @emossssss @juskz @galamxy @kypflyn @cotton-candycloudz @karitniki-blog @warren-thedarkangel @aalexyuuuhm @noerinspace @lovelyred2 @softkisshyunjin
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youmakethelight · 21 days
Dear AMC
Okay, so here's where I'm at following the David Zabel quotes released yesterday. I truly hate to be in this negative mindset and I wanted my tumblr to be a fun space only, but it's what I'm feeling, so I'm going to get it out. This is the most serious post I'll ever write (hopefully) so buckle up.
I'm not doing this because I don't want to continue to spread joy about caryl. I'm doing this because, if there's any chance, however small, that I can help to make a positive difference for the people I've come to care about, then I'm going to do that. This is because I care about female representation and empowerment. And because I care about what these stories mean to and for people, and especially people who relate to characters who have experienced abuse. Holding these characters' stories is a responsibility and those who do so need to be held accountable for how they do it.
I'm going to talk a lot now, but it's going to mainly be about Melissa, Isabelle's character, David Zabel, Greg Nicotero, and the idea of romantic caryl. I'm going to try to break it up into sections just because it's so long.
Melissa McBride snuck up on me. I started watching TWD a couple of years after it first aired and like many, I fell for Daryl as a character. I observed his chemistry with Carol and always thought their relationship was something special. But like many, I gave up on the show around season 6/7. When TWD was released on Now TV in the UK this year, I decided to catch up, and season 9 hooked me on #caryl. Specifically, I was mesmerised by Melissa McBride and I've only grown to love her more. It's been beautiful finding the fandom and realising that Melissa McBride is the beating heart of it. She might not have as many Twitter followers as Norman Reedus, but she is valued more than I have seen any actor and she honestly doesn't even have to try. Fans will support her for walking to a car. I like Norman but I love Melissa.
Melissa looks happier than I have ever seen her look and she is honestly the only thing that has been keeping me tethered to any hope that I will enjoy this spinoff. My hype has been 100% driven by Melissa and how she has spoken about being back. I've already paid for Carol merch, which is something I never do. And if it wasn't for the fact I knew she was coming back at the end of season 1, I honestly wouldn't have watched Daryl Dixon. After investing in their relationship over 12 years of TWD, I'm not interested in seeing Daryl solo travel the globe and find a girl in every port. I'd rather watch something else and pretend the spinoff doesn't exist. But since Melissa is here and she's happy, I've still been hooked.
Seeing Carol confront her trauma surrounding Sophia is something I have been wanting for years. Since I started watching TWD again this year, all you'd ever hear me say is "why does no one ever talk about Sophia?". So I am beyond happy that story is receiving a spotlight in season 2. And I sense this is what Melissa is happy about too.
Beyond that, I really feel like Melissa doesn't have much space for her own voice. At SDCC, she said that she's quiet on her EP notes because she's the new person. And David Zabel made a joke that she doesn't want to make him cry (hilarious). Of course, I have no idea what the reality is, but my gut feeling is that Melissa is happy that she finally had some control with her character's own story after 14 years. But I truly don't believe she has even been given the space to think about how she *personally* would like the caryl story to look, let alone what they choose to do with the other major female character's story. I think Melissa respects Norman and trusts him with that part of the story. She knows he's had more power with the other producers - he was there for all of season 1, it's his name on the title of the show, and he chose the showrunner and writers.
And as for everything else, Melissa has spent the majority of her career in a male-dominated genre, all of her most powerful coworkers are part of that demographic, and in response to caryl, she has been the target of misogyny and ageism that is ongoing today. If I were her, I'd feel I can only speak so loud for so long before someone feels I've stepped on their toes.
While I do believe Norman cares about her deeply, I don't have any reason so far to trust that he understands the nuances of sexism well enough to be able to make the calls I'd want him to make. I really feel that if he did, he would never have agreed to the half naked shipbait nun scene in season 1. On to my next section...
Isabelle, David Zabel and Greg Nicotero
I will die on the hill that Isabelle's story should never have been touched by any inkling of shipbait, because she is a dedicated nun. The idea of romance for her present day story (especially with the male lead) grossly over-simplifies the decisions that led her to become a nun.
I do personally feel that the isabelle-laurent-daryl surrogate family idea is *pretty much* just that. I think, personally, DZ is lying when he says that the idea of romance wasn't manufactured. I think he wants us to believe that what we see on screen is organic. Absolutely nothing about the half naked wound helping scene, the happy stares across rooms with a happy score, and the 'isabelle just woke up in hospital and oh look its daryl's crossbow he must have been looking over her' scene is organic. Those are manufactured. Until episode 6, I liked isabelle and I think clemence is great. But daryl and isabelle's chemistry is non existent. I honestly think calling it a friendship is a stretch. Maybe the god awful, problematic "are you going to do to laurent what your dad did to you" could have been forgiven if they'd genuinely had any compelling bond whatsoever, but they didn't, and at best, it came off as needy. At worst (and what it actually was) was emotionally abusive. The thing I have always loved about caryl is that they *never* guilt-tripped each other like that. I really hope Zabel knows that line was truly offensive.
So anyway, I don't know, I think DZ would have liked it to go romantic, but nobody liked it. And based on the way they talked about it at SDCC, I think Norman is set on the idea it's really all about Laurent, and Isabelle is just another adult who cares about the kid so he cares about her too. However, I do think Nicotero and Zabel are invested in the idea that Daryl is falling for her. Nicotero in particular is obsessed with the idea that Daryl's falling for her while he doesn't know Carol is on her way - I actually find him enjoying that idea repulsive. So, I think they've written some ship bait in there, but I think Norman's acting choices will be reluctant. So, as long as there isn't something physical between them, I think Norman and Melissa's chemistry can recover from it. But. Zabel (and Nicotero) are showing their true colours.
While we're on Nicotero. I recently discovered that he has spoken about supporting bethyl before. So, if that doesn't tell you everything you need to know about him and his idea of how women and romance should be presented on screen in 2024, I don't know what will.
Romantic Caryl
Finally, I want to address the idea of whether Carol and Daryl should or could add a romantic element to their relationship. Lots of people that I agree with have already written well articulated thoughts about this, including this by my-mt-heart. My personal feelings are these.
Carol and Daryl have built a layered, deep, and emotionally rich relationship over 11 seasons of TWD. Fans are aware of the romantic layers throughout the years, and even those who don't follow it closely can see the romantic potential. It would be a disservice to fans to let those years of layering and emotional depth fall flat. And frankly, so many fans simply won't follow. (And if you're worried about fans who don't like the idea not watching - well, honestly, I don't like Richonne. Love them both individually but I never saw the chemistry and it felt random to me. But I still watched them and cared about them and their story and I even watched The Ones Who Live despite cringing the whole time.)
The creative opportunities are huge. Carol and Daryl are not a stereotypical love story by any means. Their dynamic has been fuelling creative minds for over a decade. I would personally admire any showrunner/writer who steps up to the challenge. Alternatively, not bothering comes across as lazy and cowardly to me.
At this point, there's absolutely no doubt in the audience that Carol and Daryl are soulmates. Their happy ending has been an important theme for a while now. And they are the characters that fans care about. Even fans who don't care about whether they have a romantic relationship agree that their idea of a happy ending would be with each other (and Dog). This wouldn't have to be romantic, but since we know that they are both interested in romantic relationships and have some romantic foundations together - why not? No other romantic relationship either of them could have is ever going to match up against Daryl and Carol's relationship. And why should they both be deprived of romance if they are both interested in romantic relationships? Who does that serve?
The idea that two people can so selflessly love each other for over a decade and end up together romantically is the ultimate bond of love. Suggestions that romance would 'cheapen' or 'ruin' a bond make me question what those people think romance means. It isn't the same as Richonne's romance. It's quiet and calm and careful. It's two damaged souls uplifting each other. So many viewers are empowered by that sort of story.
It would show that AMC are progressive and not ageist or sexist.
Final thoughts
I can't express enough how much I wanted to ignore all of my doubts about this spinoff because of Melissa's involvement and because I genuinely do trust her creative imagination more than anyone. But the comments by Zabel that were released yesterday have brought back the pit I was feeling in my stomach. I trust Melissa and I will always trust Melissa. But I don't trust Zabel. I don't trust that Zabel is doing right by Melissa or by the characters of Carol and Daryl. That doesn't mean that I think he's evil and doing nothing at all right. I just truly believe that we deserve better and Melissa deserves better.
I will give all of my hard earned cash and time to Melissa projects, but I won't do the same for Zabel, or even Norman without Melissa.
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il-miele-che-scrive · 9 months
Drunken Mistakes
charles leclerc x reader x george russell summary: in the aftermath of a breakup, y/n and charles try to reconnect, but y/n makes a mistake, leading to a heartbreaking confession words count: 3k warnings: mentions of alcohol
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The argument that led to Y/n and Charles' breakup started innocently enough. Charles had noticed his girlfriend was focusing on her job so much that they barely had time for each other. He couldn't remember the last time she attended his race.
"You never have time for me anymore." The man said. "I feel like we're growing apart."
"Me?" The girl scoffed. "Let me remind you, during the season you're in a different country every weekend."
"That's my job, Y/n, I am a formula one driver in case you forgot. But now the season is over and I want to spend time with my girlfriend."
"You knew what you were getting into when we started dating." Y/n argued, her tone defensive.
"You used to come to the most of my races!"
"Work has been tough, there's a lot to do." Her eyes avoided his gaze.
"Why do you care about it so much? It's not like you need money, I could buy you anthing you want."
"This isn't about money, Charles. It's about my career, my ambitions. I have goals too, you know?"
"But what about us? I miss you, Y/n. I miss us."
The room fell into a heavy silence. Y/n could see the pain in Charles' eyes, mirroring her own sadness.
Charles spoke after a moment of silence. "Maybe we're just not right for each other."
Y/n felt a lump in her throat as she searched for the right words. At one point she questioned if she heard that right. Charles was breaking up with her.
Charles regretted his own words, but his pride wouldn't let him take them back. He knew breaking up wasn't the only solution
Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes, but she tried to hold them back. "I never thought it would come to this." She admitted, her voice cracking.
"Sometimes, people change. Maybe we're just not the same people we fell in love with." Charles' voice was tinted with with sorrow.
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In the following days, the space between Y/n and Charles grew wider, both emotionally and physically. They lived together, so the girl decided to pack her things and move out. It was hard, but not impossible to find a place in a matter of hours. And thanks to being hardworking, she didn't have to worry too much about the cost.
The problem was, she kept seeing Charles everywhere, in all social medias. Even after unfollowing each other, Y/n kept seeing news about him, pictures from events. The constant reminders made moving on way the more challenging.
In an attempt to break free from this loop, Y/n decided to put herself in a different kind of atmosphere. One night the idea of using alcohol as a temporary remedy for her heartache crossed her mind.
Dressed for the occasion, Y/n stepped into a bar. It was full of people, too many people for the possibility of being recognized by someone she could've known.
"What can I get you tonight?" The bartender asked as the girl sat down on a stool by the bar.
"Surprise me." She replied, a smile playing on her lips.
As the bartender began making a drink for her, Y/n allowed herself to look around the room. It was then that her eyes caught sight of someone familiar approaching her.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Y/n!"
George Russell. Not a close friend of Charles, but certainly an acquiantance of his. Y/n exchanged a word or two with him in the past, but didn't know him as well as she knew Carlos or Lando, who were closer with her ex-boyfriend.
"Nice to see you, George," Y/n sent the man a smile as he sat down on the stool next to her.
"What brings you here?" He asked, a curious glint in his eyes
"Needed to change my routine a little," she replied, accepting her drink from the bartender.
"How have you been holding up? Charles mentioned the breakup to me, but I didn't want to pry."
Not to mention it was all over the media, Y/n added in her thoughts.
Y/n sighed. "It's the reason why I'm here, what do you think?" She took a sip from her drink.
George leaned back, a sympathetic expression on his face. "Breakups are never easy. I can imagine it's been tough for you."
"It's the adjustment, you know?" Y/n continued, her fingers tracing the rim of her glass. "Getting used to the idea that the person you once shared everything with is now just a memory."
The man nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I've been through a few breakups myself. It's never easy."
Y/n found herself drawn to George's charm and the way he made her feel understood. His presence carried some kind of comfort that eased the ache in her heart.
George on the other hand, catching a glimpse of Y/n's eyes, found himself captivated by the vulnerability. The girl let herself be so open, talking about her breakup and the pain it brought.
"You know what, Y/n? Let me get you another drink." George said, a playful twinkle in his eyes.
Y/n smiled. "Sure, why not?"
George leaned against the counter, engaging in a brief exchange of words with the bartender, later turned his attention back to Y/n. "I've got this one," he declared with a charming grin.
The atmosphere between the two of them grew intimate as they continued the conversation with another drink. A subtle connection lingered between Y/n and George.
In a moment of unspoken tension, George's eyes met Y/n's with a hint of something more, longing for an intimacy that went beyond mere conversation.
Their faces drew closer, the anticipation building up. Y/n had come to the bar seeking a distraction and it seemed she was on the brink of finding it.
A moment of silence embraced them, a comfortable one. One in which drowned even the ambiance of the lively bar. The music, still loud, became a distant background.
Y/n closed her eyes, preparing to connect her lips with George's. But just as their breaths mingled, George hesitated, pulling back.
Instead of diving into a kiss, George surprised her by leaning back and asking, "How about we continue this conversation somewhere a bit more private?"
Y/n looked at him. "Like what?" She asked.
"My place is somewhat close."
Y/n's curiosity and the unspoken tension between them pushed her to agree. "Lead the way."
The city streets seemed to sway gently around Y/n and George as they made their way to his place. The night air carried a cold breeze, but the warmth of the alcohol kept them unaware of it.
Arriving at George's place, the quiet hum of the city outside was replaced by the comforting cosiness of his home. The dim lights embracing them in a romantic atmosphere.
George turned to Y/n after locking the door. Not moving from the hallway, they smiled at each other. George walked closed, causing Y/n to step back and eventually her back touched the wall.
Y/n's hands landed on George's shoulders, pulling the man even closer. Their eyes met and soon after that, their lips connected in a short kiss.
A quiet, tipsy giggle escaped from Y/n's mouth. George gently grabbed the girl by her wrist and led her into the living room. Sitting down on the sofa, he placed his hands on Y/n's hips, causing her to land in his lap.
As they embraced the tipsy intimacy, the living room became a sanctuary for yet another kiss. One that lasted way longer. One that had their clothes scattered around on the floor.
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Closed curtains successfully stopped the morning light from getting inside the room. Y/n opened her eyes. She slept wrapped up in George's arms, so she carefully detangled herself from his embrace to sit up. Of course she didn't drink enough to not remember what happened.
Although she wished she did. A mix of guilt and regret washed over Y/n as she looked around. The cosy atmosphere that felt so comforting the night before now seemed to emphasize the reality of the situation.
Her eyes landed on George who was still peacefully asleep. Y/n didn't know what to do, she's never been in such situation before.
Water. She needed water. Her throat felt like a desert.
The girl quietly walked to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of tap water. Somehow, her phone was on the countertop. She grabbed the device to check for any missed calls or messages left without a reply.
Her heart sunk when she saw missed calls and a few texts from Charles. What could he have wanted? Y/n hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to return the calls or respond to the texts. The weight of guilt intensified as she listened to Charles' voicemails.
Hey, Y/n, it's Charles. I know we're broken up and you probably hate me, but something kept telling me to call you. Call me back when you can, I miss you.
If you're not up for talking, just send me a text to let me know you're okay. I care about you and I want to make sure you're safe.
Y/n, it's Charles again. I'm not sure what's going on, but I've been trying to reach you all night. I just want to make sure you're safe
Y/n, it's Charles. I've left several messages, and I'm starting to think the worst. Please, just give me a sign that you're alright. I care about you a lot and not knowing is really getting to me
"What have I done?" Y/n whispered to herself. The guilt consumed her, overshadowing the moments of happiness she successfully looked for the night before.
Anxiety started to build up in her chest and her eyes were starting to get a bit watery. She hesitated, but eventually decided to return the calls, hoping George won't wake up to witness this.
"Y/n, where were you? I've been trying to reach you all night." Charles questioned.
"I needed some alone time." Y/n began, stammering a bit. "I don't have to explain my choices and actions to you, especially now."
There was a heavy silence on the other end of the line and Y/n could almost sense Charles processing her words.
"Y/n, we need to talk. This isn't fair to either of us," he finally said.
I don't wanna see you ever again, Y/n wished she said. Her words came out a bit differently however.However, her words came out a bit differently. "Fine, let's talk." Because no matter what she did, she missed Charles.
"Could you come over today? It's so, I don't know, weird to talk about it on the phone."
"Sure. When could I come over?"
"As soon as you can, maybe? If that's alright for you."
"Give me an hour or so, I'll be there." And with that, she hung up.
Just as the conversation was finished, George walked into the kitchen. He looked at Y/n with a warm smile that gradually faded as he sensed the tension.
"Morning," he said with a rasp in his voice, "are you okay?"
Y/n sighed, running a hand through her hair. She decided to be honest with George, he deserved it after all. "We need to talk about what happened yesterday."
"Yeah, about that..." he scratched his neck, "I don't want to give you any kind of hope or-"
"Wait, what? Was it meaningless to you?"
"Ah, here it comes. Well, I'm not looking for anything... romantic. Not now. We can do what we did last night more often, but no strings attached."
These words gave Y/n a sense of relief. "You don't know how glad I am that this didn't mean anything to you."
Y/n's confession hung in the air, creating an awkward pause between her and George.
"Are you being sarcastic?" He asked. "I don't want to complicate things further or lead you on."
"No, no sarcasm at all. Actually, I've just talked to Charles on the phone."
"Oh, and? What did he want?"
"He was worried, tried contacting me last night too many times. And... well, I'm meeting him today. He wants to talk."
"Ah, that's never good. Do you think he'll want to get back together?"
Y/n took a deep breath. The answer was yes, she did expect Charles to get back together. However, she didn't know if she should tell that to George.
Considering the silence on Y/n's side, George continued. "Do you wanna get back together with him? It didn't seem like it last night," a sly smile appeared on his face.
"I... I'm not sure, George. Charles and I have a history and there are feelings involved, but things have been complicated lately." Y/n replied, choosing her words carefully.
"Relationships are messy and figuring out what you want is important. Just be honest with yourself."
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With George's words echoing in her mind, Y/n gathered her thoughts and headed to meet Charles. She stopped by her own place beforehand to make herself look decent.
"Hey," he greeted her, as he opened his door to let her in. There was an expression of concern on his face.
Charles didn't look better than Y/n that morning. His hair was disheveled, he looked as if he wasn't able to get good sleep in the past few days nor did he shave his face.
"I was worried sick," he admitted, "what happened? Why didn't you answer earlier?"
"Jesus, Charles, I was busy. Besides it's not very ex-boyfriend of you to call me a thousand times in a row."
The air inside the apartment felt heavy. In an awkward silence, Y/n and Charles settled on the couch.
"I care about you, Y/n. Damn it, I love you." The man broke the silence. "I don't think the breakup was a good idea."
"Well, it was your idea..."
"I make mistakes, we all do, but it's nothing that cannot be fixed, right?"
You're gonna hate what I'm about to tell you, Y/n thought. She could see the sincerity in his eyes and it made her feel so much guilt.
"Charles, I... I appreciate your honesty and I care about you too," she began, "so I need to tell you what happened yesterday."
Charles ran a hand through his unkempt hair. "I know we had issues, but I still believe we can work through them. I love you, Y/n, and I can't just let go."
Y/n took a deep breath. "Don't say that."
"Why not? That's the truth, I love you and I've never regretted anything as much as I regret breaking up with you."
"Charles, stop." Her voice raised slightly, but then she lowered it back to normal. "I did... something last night and... It was a mistake, but it happened, I cannot hide it from you."
Charles nodded. "Then tell me, but I swear nothing can change my mind."
"Okay..." Y/n hesitated, looking for the words that would hurt the least. "Last night I went out, drank probably more than I should've and I... ended up spending the night with someone."
Charles didn't reply for a long time, a mix of shock and hurt crossed his face. The room seemed to close in on Charles and Y/n as the silence stretched.
"You... you what?" Charles finally said, his voice a fragile whisper.
Y/n felt her chest tighten as she faced the consequences of her actions. "Charles, I know this is difficult to hear and I'm so sorry. It was a drunken mistake, I didn't realize what I was doing."
"Do I know him?"
"Do I know him?" His voice raised. "If you told me you did it, you can tell me who you did it with."
Y/n hesitated, realizing the added layer of pain she brought. "It was someone you know," she admitted, "George."
"George? George Russell? Really?" Charles's voice carried a tint of anger and hurt. "You could choose any guy, but you decided to go for him?"
"I didn't plan it, it was a mistake and I regret it."
"And you have the audacity to come here, probably straight from his place?"
"You wanted to see me."
"I had no idea you fucked Russell!"
"You said we can work through our issues. It's not a mistake that cannot be fixed, right?" Y/n pleaded, her eyes starting to tear up. She was surprised she managed to keep herself from crying for so long.
"I don't know anymore, Y/n," Charles sighed. "I love you, but I don't think you realize the weight of what you've done."
"I understand, Charles. I truly am sorry," Y/n cried, her voice shaky with emotion.
"No, Y/n, just stop. I can't believe this is happening, I need time to process it. I think it's better if you leave."
Y/n felt her relationship with Charles crumbling beneath the weight of her mistake.
Charles's gaze was distant, the pain in his eyes echoing the depth of his hurt. "Y/n, I need time to figure out if we can move past this. Right now it's too much."
Tears started to slowly run down Y/n's cheeks as the reality started to sink it. "I never meant to hurt you like this, Charles. I love you and-"
"I need space, Y/n," Charles said with a heavy sigh. "I need to process everything. Please, just go."
It felt like a dagger through Y/n's heart, but she nodded. Deep down she understood it. With a heavy heart, she stood up, casting one last look at the man she still loved. She left Charles to deal with the aftermath of their mutual pain.
Each step away from Charles felt like a step into an uncertain future, leaving behind the comfort of what was familiar. Y/n couldn't shake the guilt and regret that devoured her, questioning if there was any way to fix what she had broken.
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agirlwithdemonblood · 2 months
Breaking Free: Chapter 1- Hearts & Tires
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Pairings: AU! Mechanic Dean x Reader
Chapter Summary: Y/N is navigating her new life, alone when she meets Dean, a mechanic who is too kind already.
Warnings: Mentions of physical abuse, threats, abusive ex fiance.
Series Masterlist here!! & Main masterlist here!
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Dean Winchester had seen her around for months now. The shy, reserved woman who always walked alone to the coffee shop every morning. Every morning around the same time, there she was, smiling polietly yet nervously as she walked by.
He didn't know much about her, except that she was engaged to Andrew Wilson, a well known reporter in town, and sometimes he swore he could see bruises peeking out from beneath her makeup, but he never asked. He just nodded politely back when she greeted him.
He wasn't sure why he felt drawn to her. Maybe it was the vulnerability in her eyes, or the way she seemed to be the most beautiful girl he's ever laid his eyes on.
Either way, every morning when she walked by, that little smile of hers made his heart beat faster in his chest, and it was something he was excited to see.
But for the past week, she didn't appear at the coffee shop and Dean couldn't stop his concern when he realized there was no sign of her. He asked around discreetly, but no one seemed to know where she had gone.
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I once saw a quote hanging on my therapist's wall "As long as you're still alive, you always have a chance to start again."
At the time, it seemed absurd. Why would anyone need to start over when they could just move on?
But now, here I am, needing that chance to start a new life. I barely escaped alive, and now I have the opportunity to make things better for myself. The problem is, I have no idea how to begin.
A few months ago, my life was completely different. I had everything-A fiance, a beautiful house, a life. It was supposed to be our fresh start together. But within days after our engagement, I discovered he was cheating on me.
Without thinking, I stayed, wanting my relationship to work so badly but it got worse and he showed his true colours.
Confronting him only made things worse. He denied everything, accessed me of lies and blamed me for his indiscretions. He turned the tables to make me seem like the one who was crazy and abusive.
I followed him to this new town because of his career, I gave up everything for him, and I endured his abuse because I believed i deserved no better.
A month ago, I knew I needed to leave. I stood up to him, telling him I deserved better, and he hit me-brutally, mercilessly. Not stopping until my blood was on his fists and I was laying there, broken and beaten down.
He told me he could continue, he could hurt me any time he wanted because nobody would ever believe me. He was a respected citizen and people knew him as so.
That's when I realized, I had to run. Because the moment he realized he could hurt me in such brutal ways and get away with it, that's when I knew if I didn't leave-he was going to kill me.
And nobody would do anything about it.
Now, I found myself homeless, with only a few bills and my car to my name. The money in my account, once shared, has been emptied by Andrew.
I was stranded, with no one to turn to except distant parents who have their own issues and blamed me for not making the relationship work. I was alone, and broken.
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The next morning, I woke in a motel room, drained and uncertain of my future. The weight of my situation laid down on me like a heavy blanket I couldn't shake off.
A loud thump on the door made me jump as I cautiously opened it. My heart skipped a beat when I found myself face-to-face with Andrew, wearing a mocking smile. All I wanted to do was slam the door in his face, but fear stopped me.
"Y/N, I was surprised you didn't come home last night." he taunted.
"Why would I come home after what you did?" I shot back, crossing my arms to hide the panic within.
He laughed sarcastically. "You still think you hold the cards here. I didn't do anything to you that you didn't deserve. Nobody would ever believe you. Half our neighbors already think you're the toxic one. Your story isn't going to match up. You have nobody on your side."
Swallowing hard, I dropped my arms. "I don't care if nobody believes me. I know what happened, and I'm going to tell my truth."
He stepped closer, and I froze, regretting pushing him. "He pressed his forehead against mine, his gaze intense and threatening. "You do that. I'm thrilled to see what happens when you start opening your mouth."
I backed away, turning from him, afraid he might strike again. He chuckled and left, his footsteps echoing down the hallway. As the door slammed shut behind him, I finally felt a moment of relief, like i could breath again. I didn't care about exposing him or proving anything to the world. All that mattered was being safe from him and finding a way forward.
Stepping outside to grab some breakfast, I halted in shock. All four of my tires were slashed, a knife laying on the ground nearby.
"Fucking Andrew," I muttered, realizing he wasn't done tormenting me. He wanted to see me broken, crawling back to him with nothing. But I refused to let him hurt me anymore-physically or emotionally.
There was an auto shop not far away, and I figured that was my best shot at getting help with my car.
Walking towards the shop, I spotted a mechanic underneath a car, engrossed in his work. "Um, excuse me, sir?" I called out shyly.
Startled, he cursed softly and slid out from beneath the car. My breath caught as I met his gaze. It was him, the man I said hi to every morning. I couldn't deny that I always found him cute, but up close he was more like a model out of a magazine-bright green eyes, a face streaked with grease that somehow looked good on him.
His eyes focused on mine, recognition on his features as his breathing hitched slightly, before a flirty smile appeared. "Ma'am? What can I help you with?"
I blushed and dropped my head, which only made him chuckle softly, causing my cheeks to burn even hotter. Quickly collecting myself, I explained, "I need new tires, all four are empty and I'm looking for the cheapest option."
He frowned but chuckled underneath his breath, leaning against his car and wiping his hands, eying me with a hint of curiosity.
"Is it here?" he asked, gesturing toward my car.
I shook my head, feeling suddenly self-conscious under his gaze. "No, it's at the motel I'm staying at."
"Okay, can you bring it in? I can give you a better estimate once I see the car," he suggested.
"I was just going to buy the tires, and bring them back." I admitted, feeling a bit embarrassed at my idea.
He raised an eyebrow, surprised. "No offense sweetheart, but how were you planning to bring four tires back to the motel? I'm not sure I could even manage that."
I sighed, realized he was right-it was a stupid plan.
"I can't afford a tow truck," I confessed quietly.
Understanding and pity crossed his face and he nodded sympathetically. "Well, if you want, I can get my truck and come with you-for free."
I blinked in surprise and stared back, unsure if i heard him correctly.
Grinning, he grabbed his keys and gestured for me to climb into the truck beside him. The ride was surprisingly comfortable, with occasional glances exchanged that sent my heart fluttering.
As we arrived back at the motel parking lot, I felt a strange sadness knowing our time together was ending. I barely knew him, yet I already missed him. It was crazy-I couldn't be developing feelings for someone new, especially fresh out of a toxic relationship.
He stepped out of the car and I quickly followed, standing a good distance away from him as he observed the mess from this morning. "Oh.. Wow." He muttered, eying the tires.
He cleared his throat and looked back towards me, "Nothing it's just... when you said your tires were empty I thought you meant they popped not this... You don't seem like the type of person who would have somebody slash all four of your tires."
I smiled to myself shyly, trying to keep the anxiety at bay. "I must have pissed somebody off, I guess."
He chuckled lightly and leaned down to check the wheels, focusing on what type I would need. I leaned against the truck and snuck a glance at hi; god, he was the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen.
He stood from his spot and nodded, "Luckily, we have the right type at the shop. I can bring it back with me and drop your car off tomorrow?"
I smiled gently and nodded in response. It's not like I could really speak right now while he was standing right there in front of me, his beautiful green eyes shining in the light.
He smirked in response and got to work hooking up my car, taking the keys and getting back into his truck. I was about to turn and leave when his voice called me back.
"Hey, wait!"
I turned and came back to his truck, leaning on the window to face him. He swallowed hard, and he looked... nervous?"
"I uh... Your name.. I need your name for the... papers."
I bit my lip to hold back a laugh, "The bill?"
He laughed to himself and dropped his head, "Yeah, that would have sounded better."
He blushed and lifted his head, "Nothing, sorry. Um, your name is?"
My cheeks burned red, and for a split second I felt like I couldn't breathe. The way he was staring at me was different than before; it was intimidating and filled me with desire for this random man.
"Y/N.. My name is Y/N."
He breathed in as a relaxed smile erupted on his face. "That's a gorgeous name."
I could feel the heat spreading all down my body; the nerves were kicking in. Why was he flirting with me of all people? Did he know about me?
"And your name?"
"Oh right." he laughed, sticking his hand out to shake mine. "I'm Dean."
I smirked as his name left his lips. Dean-now there's a name I wouldn't mind screaming out. No, wait, stop.
"Dean.. What a unique name, I like it."
This time his cheeks burned red, and god, he was so cute when he blushed. He cleared his throat and nodded before starting the car, a small wink sent my way making my stomach do backflips.
"I'll see you tomorrow Y/N."
I smiled in response, "Thanks for everything. See you tomorrow, Dean."
I watched the truck leave the parking lot, and strangely enough, I felt sad. I didn't even really know Dean, yet my heart missed him. It was crazy-really frigging crazy.
Is the universe messing with me? Is he?
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Dean couldn't quite understand it, but he found himself strangely drawn to her. Everything about her seemed to captivate him; the way she looked at him, the effortless way her hair fell across her shoulders in the truck, her attitude, her infectious laugh and her smile that could light up a room.
As he parked the truck and began to unhook the car, his father appeared, wearing his usual grumpy expression.
"What are you doing?" his father questioned with a hint of disapproval.
"Changing the tires," Dean replied, glancing at the car and then back at his father.
His father scoffed, visibly annoyed. "With her. Haven't you heard the rumours about her and Andrew?"
"Yeah, but she seems alright. They are rumours, Dad."
"You do realize that by helping her out, Winchester Mechanics could lose our opportunity to go on the news? Andrew promised us some TV time, but that could change once he finds out you're getting cozy with his ex."
Dean rolled his eyes, frustrated by his father's stubbornness and self-centeredness. Despite his good intentions, his father often looked down on his choices.
"Dad, I'm just fixing her car. We just met, it's not that big of a deal."
"Sure," his father muttered skeptically. "I saw how you looked at her. Just... be smart, Dean."
After his father left, Dean leaned against her car and couldn't help but smile to himself. He knew he had lied to his dad—it was a bigger deal than he let on. There was something about her that had taken hold of him, something he couldn't quite explain. Deep down, he knew this was just the beginning. Maybe he was crazy, or maybe, just maybe, she felt it too.
He would find out tomorrow for sure.
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Chapter  coming soon stay tuned!
Like, comment, and reblog, feedback is my fuel 💕
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jamneuromain · 5 months
Congrates again Sweetie, you really deserves it ❤️
I don't know how many asks we can send and I had so many ideas of combinations
I am sending two of them depending on what's inspiring you. If both of them inspire you, it's even better. 🤭
🥳😶❤️ Steve Rogers
👇🕯😈 Jake Jensen
Good luck 😘
Okay this is definitely a brain teaser
but still, I'm going to go with 🥳😶❤️ Steve Rogers, because this reminded me of an idea I once had...
Captain America!Steve Rogers x You
Warning: A little cursing but that's all.
Summary: It's your first mission, and Captain America has told you to disguise yourself. You've followed that order to a "T".
A/N: Hiya! Sorry it took so long to get it out :( I have to say, originally I wanted to write a short drabble where Steve was teaching her a lesson, but then I wondered, why is she on this mission in the first place? and I can't control this drabble which turned into a ~2k one-shot....
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"... and the last item on our agenda," Maria took a brief stop from her briefing and looked around the room like a hawk, scanning everyone with her sharp eyes until they landed on the selected few, "congratulations on our fellow analysts who have applied for the field agent assistant position and passed the final test."
With a few claps from the fellow analysts, she paused again, waiting until the claps died down before quickly gathering her thoughts and assigned a few missions to three other analyst/field agent assistant, "And Y/N, I will brief you for your next mission, please stay for a few more minutes after this meeting. The rest of you, keep up the good work. You are dismissed."
It had been an eventful six months with all of your trainings - basically starting up from the ground up, no previous experience being an agent whatsoever - but you made it till the end, even though barely passing all the bars that are required for a field agent assistant. You felt very lucky as field agent assistant only requires 60% of what full-time agents can achieve, and watching your once muscle-lacking arms and legs, now turned out to be somewhat of an amateur wrestler, half of a professional boxer, and a sprinkle of assassin (thanks to Clint for his dart training).
You felt good about yourself. Truly, good.
Maria handed you a slim brown folder with a few pages in it. Opening it with sheer curiosity, you hear Maria picking out a few important points to brief: "There is rumored to be a highly dangerous neurotoxin in the black-market with more than a dozen buyers interested. This mission would be an undercover job in Venice, where the said toxin would be sold to the highest bidder."
The first page had a few sentences of what the said toxin could do. It evaporates soon but kills just as quickly. Victim's skin turned purple in contact with this chemical, looking as if they had suffocated to death. Word on the street? It was responsible for the terrorist attack in Paris last month.
"You would be posing as Mrs. Anna Dashevsky, wife of Mr. Vlad Dashevsky, the notorious couple of wreaking havoc: the train accident in Germany, the bombing in L.A., and a few other dozen of suspected murders and attacks. We have apprehended them both from their Belarus safe house twenty-four hours ago, safe to say that your cover would not be blown since the auction is fully anonymous." Maria had her skeptical look on you, her cold voice brought chills to your spine, "Unless of course, you got made."
"No, I won't, Ma'am." You replied on instinct, knowing fully well that the danger of arms dealers and terrorists gathering in such an auction could possibly be the end of your career - and your life as well, which was why you took a glance at the page of Mr. and Mrs. Dashevsky, making a mental note of the couple's information.
"Good. I shall hope not." Maria gestured you to turn the file to the next page, "You would be working with an Avenger for this mission. Your task is to provide tactical analytic support on the ground. Locate the position of the toxin, get it out, our team would be picking you up two miles south of the venue -" She pointed to a red cross marked on the map, "which is this bridge. If you missed the rendezvous, retreat to the safehouse." Her fingers tapped the red circle on the corner of the map, "Proceed as Protocol 4-12 Agent in Distress."
You scanned over the map to remember the extraction routes, noticing that these are the only pages in the thin folder, "There's no teammate information - am I going in there as Anna alone, or ...?"
Maria shook her head lightly, "You would be greeted by your teammate once you land in Venice, and your teammate would be posing as Vlad, your husband - I noticed you've got a B+ in Russian?" Seeing that you've nodded in confidence, Maria continued, "Good. Practice your Russian, might be handy. Your flight takes off at Runway Charlie in thirty minutes, I'd suggest you head off to the equipment room right now for the gadgets."
"Yes, Ma'am." You dared not linger a second more and headed straight to the equipment room.
First mission on the ground. You could not be more excited.
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Turned out, you could. When the famous Captain America greeted you once your plane had landed on a small airstrip in the outskirt of Padova. Where he was leaning by a smooth silver sedan with a fake nose and a fake moustache.
You almost did not recognise him until he spoke.
"Steve." He introduced himself briefly, extending his hand for you to shake. Didn't take much to know the only one named "Steve" existing in the Avengers team was Steve Frigging Rogers, Captain America himself, the golden boy of the States, and the man with the plan.
"Hi! I'm Anna." You put down your briefcase of trinkery, took his hand and shook with a firmer grip than you had imagined. "Well, my name isn't Anna," You smiled apologetically, "It's ..."
"I know, Y/N." He chuckled, opening the car door for you, gesturing for you to sit, "I've got the files Maria sent. We'll talk on the way."
Yeesh, such gentleman. You bit back the grin and sat in the passenger's seat, while he put the case into the backseat.
The drive from Padova to Venice took about forty minutes, during which he briefed you the latter half of the information required. You switched to one of those little boats - which Italian name you still couldn't pronounce - on entering Venice, by that time you were picking up something casual to talk about, just in case the toxin seller had eyes and ears around the potential buyers.
"First time leaving the office, huh?" He teased you lightly, rubbing small circles around your shoulder blade, pretending to be intimate as he spoke softly.
"Yeah." You murmured, clasping and un-clasping your hand due to obvious nervousness, "It's the first time, well ... ever."
"It's okay." Steve smiled warming, practically glowing kindness when he offered to soothe your nerves, "I'd say you would forget about it ..." He shrugged, "But then I would be lying. Truth is, it's always frightening for the first time, but you will be fine." Steve beamed at you, scratching his fake nose, which you thought must be some kind of silicone that created authentic skin-like appearance, "Just give it time."
Your destination was the safehouse marked on the map. After Steve tipped the boat guy generously, he made sure no one was lurking before tugging a key out of his pocket and opened the door.
Maybe it was your expression that betrayed you, because Steve read something from your looks and grinned, "You want to ask me something? Go ahead."
You're that obvious? But you decided it was best to follow orders.
"This safe house doesn't look so ... safe." You commented, "How are we supposed to defend ourselves, if it comes to ... you know," you chuckled drily, "shooting and stuff?"
Steve seemed stunned for a moment, before really taking a good look at the plain wooden floor and the almost ancient decor in the kitchen, the rusty oven, the missing cabinet door, the whole lot suggesting this place hadn't been set foot in years.
"What, this?" His brows furrowed into a knot, as if seeing completely different things.
You nervously waited for his reply.
"Oh..." Realization hit him as he slapped himself on the forehead, pressing a button below the kitchen table, "You mean ... this."
The noise of machine operating out of nowhere startled you, almost immediately sent you into a defensive position. But as the old crappy oven flipped to the other side and showed an array of guns, bullets, knives, and tasers, the dusty kitchen table pulled the planks to its side and revealed a huge tactical screen, and the fireplace tugged a secret passageway open for an escape route, your jaw fell on the floor.
"I might have told Tony about the whole disguise idea for the safe houses and uh," Steve chuckled, "He and Bruce took it way too seriously. Probably got a bit carried away too."
"One little problem, though," You raised your index finger and swiped a line along the greasy stove, making a face, "I don't think there's anything we can find here to eat ...?"
"Don't worry about that." Steve waved his hand dismissively, "We won't be here more than an hour before heading to the auction place. There's a full wardrobe and weaponry upstairs, first door on the right - but I'm sure you have already got plenty in your case - But by all means, take half an hour to adjust, rest, grab what you need, and I want us out of here by an hour. That sounds good?"
"Good. Okay. Thumbs up." You confirmed and headed upstairs with your suitcase, only to close the bedroom door and squeal into your palms.
Captain America. In the living flesh!
On your first-ever mission!
Three soft knocks came through the thin wooden door.
"You alright in there?"
"I'm okay Cap - I mean, Vlad!" You called out, realizing as soon as you spoke that your voice was hoarse than usual.
"Careful there. The wardrobe door is on the left-hand side. Give me a shout if you need anything."
After that, small trotting noises, probably from the footsteps of Steve Rogers going downstairs.
Left-hand side? You eyed the dusty place curiously, poking and prodding the moldy wallpaper. You didn't see any wardrobe, other than -
Your nail bore contact with a piece of metal, from which a grey-ish camera leapt out of the wall, and nearly hit your hand.
It scanned your face, before emitting that rumbling Transformer noise again, revealing a wall full of weapons, money, and of course, clothes and wigs for disguises.
You gasped at the brand-new Magnums on the wall. You took your word back. This was the safest house in the fucking galaxy.
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"Ta-da-" You walked down the stairs, "What do you think, Ca - Vlad?"
Steve had his gaze pinned on you for a moment. His expression was close to blank, which was giving you a hard time figuring out what he was thinking.
"Am I overdoing it?" You clenched the collar of your coat nervously, "Anna - I mean, I came from a Slavic root, so this is ... alright? No?"
Steve pinched the bridge of his nose, fighting the corner of his lips from the uncontrollable grin. "I would say, that this outfit is ... " He tried hard not to laugh, "It's good, great. Could use a few ... improvements, though."
You were wearing a thick fur coat and a fur hat, sunglasses too, dressing up like a polar bear rolled over in red and brown paint.
"Just because the Dashevsky's are from Slavic roots doesn't mean we have to dress up as good-ole fashioned Russian villains." Steve helped you take off the thick fur coat, smiling to himself, "We still have some time. Care to go through Disguise 101 with me?"
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lurkingshan · 3 months
Japanese QL Corner
One of my favorite shows of the year comes to an end, and we continue to be blessed with another great Japanese drama with queer themes. This first show is on Gaga and the second is available via fan sub, and I highly recommend watching both! And in case you haven't heard, a full series version of I Hear the Sunspot is taking over this timeslot, so we'll be kicking that off next week!
At 25:00 in Akasaka
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gif by @my-rose-tinted-glasses
We come to the end with Hayama and Shirasaki, and what a sweet ending it was. This is officially my favorite jbl of 2024, and I am so happy it stuck the landing. Also fascinated that counter trope and genre expectations, there was not actually a classic jbl run in this show! Hayama technically ran after Shirasaki when he tried to slink out in the morning, but it happened mostly offscreen and was not in the usual mode of the big realization followed by the frantic run. Hayama thought he had already made himself quite clear, but our Shirasaki needs to be told things several times and with no ambiguity before they will sink in, god bless him. I loved seeing the instant relief in every line of Hayama's body when he finally realized the misunderstanding that was getting in the way, and immediately cleared it up. I also love the way the show faked us out on the show within a show ending, and we saw today that it was definitely a happy one. I do have one real critique: we are missing a beat or two that would have more clearly landed the arc on Shirasaki's lack of confidence both in love and his career. But that is a minor complaint. This is a great drama and everyone should watch it!
Bonus: Ossan no pantsu ga nandatte ii janai ka
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Episodes 5 - 7 have been made available on @isaksbestpillow's blog, and I got to watch 5 and 6 before posting this. I still love this show to pieces. I continue to love that this show makes time for all its characters and their struggles. In episode 5, we got to spend more time with Daichi and Madoka and see the origin of their love story, as well as see Makoto learn that being an ally is a bit more complicated than he realized when he accidentally outed them at a family BBQ. I loved this conflict because it made perfect sense for Makoto to think he was doing the right thing by welcoming Madoka and explicitly acknowledging who he is to Daichi--he was trying to express his interest and make it clear they were safe with him. But Madoka is not out and this immediately put him into a state of fear and anxiety. Makoto has much more to learn!
In episode 6 we got to see him process and sincerely apologize for that, and I loved that he asked Daichi not to give up on him. He really is trying his best, but he is simply not equipped for some of the nuances around these issues yet. We also got to see more about Mika in this episode and explore the ways her family takes her for granted. All she wanted was a couple minutes of acknowledgment of her hard work, but they were all too wrapped up in their own stuff to notice. Her thoughts on how women are often expected to give up on their dreams to be caretakers were heartbreaking and resonant, and I really liked that Makoto figured out on his own how they had fucked up and came up with an idea for making her feel seen. The family banding together to get her those kpop tickets was just adorable.
Tagging @bengiyo for a manga update.
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ingravinoveritas · 6 months
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I personally think its disgusting of what she posted yet again its all about her and she the reason why micheal keeps trending 4th day oh please he was trending for days before she came in the picture. And for someone who has no career and basically living off her parter who works so hard and been ill with virus the last few days and haven't been able to perform and she post this. Taking the credit for something that has nothing to do with her. He very grateful that she keep him grounded what that suppose to mean ? He was doing better before she came in the picture since he been with her his career have been slowed a little and she probably the reason for it
What do u say ?
Oh, boy. I saw this a little while ago, and all I could think was that the bar is so low at this point--like halfway between the fourth and fifth circles of Hell--and this still somehow falls short.
I know there has been a lot of talk about the t-shirt Anna is wearing (which was a gift from a fan at the stage door of Nye), but for me, the t-shirt is the least concerning part of all this. It's a reference to a quote from Staged (it's the title of a season 1 episode, in fact), and I am sure Michael found it funny. The only problem is that without the context of why it's a joke, it actually just isn't that funny. And it sets the stage for everything else that is happening.
Which brings me to the caption she wrote, which was what primarily caught my attention. The reason Michael is currently trending on Twitter (X, whatever we're calling it) is because of the overwhelmingly positive response to The Assembly, which aired last Friday night. He is receiving a tremendous amount of praise for being on the show, how he spoke to the interviewers, and the respectful and joyous atmosphere that was cultivated on the show. And rather than allude to any of that--not to mention Michael being sick recently, or the trip they went on to Disneyland Paris--Anna made Michael trending on Twitter about her.
That is what stands out to me the most. The idea of "keeping him grounded" that is coming across more like kicking someone when he is already down. That he somehow needs that, and that she would have us believe he is "grateful" to her for, what...comparing him to a loud bird? Repeatedly making fun of his looks and interests without a shred of respect or affection behind it? I'm also confused by the implication (and the irony) that Michael somehow has a large ego that needs to be kept in check when she is the one coming across as self-involved in this Insta story. So, yes. I'm at a bit of loss here.
I just keep thinking of the things she could have said instead. How she could have uplifted Michael, wished him well on returning to the stage tonight after several days' absence, said how she was glad to have spent time with him or taken care of him while he was ill. Just something that would give him a reason to hold his head high. But I guess it might just be easier to convince herself/everyone else that he is smiling if his head is hanging down instead.
I am just glad Michael is out performing again tonight and getting to be on stage and do the thing he truly loves to do. But those are my thoughts, and I'd be glad to hear from my followers about what you think, regardless of whether you agree or disagree...
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variousqueerthings · 24 days
i will say -- and this isn't news to anyone who watches elementary -- but there's such a cognitive dissonance between the episodes where sherlock and/or joan are doing things blatantly outside of the law in order to protect A Victim (for example the episode where Sherlock knows the killer is the teenage boy who was abused by his father, or when Sherlock went to see Kitty as she was considering murder and kinda went "you may not like being a murderer, have you considered acid?") and episodes that are like. super pro-cops
and yeah yeah any show related to crimes will have copaganda, it's not an indictment of anything more than what happens on a million other shows however I do think it's more whiplash in this one, because those episodes are like. "Cops. we look out for each other. Cops who narc on corrupt Cops are more the enemy than the corrupt Cops themselves. I will literally begin a harassment campaign against this civilian (Joan) for looking into whether a Cop was corrupt even though her findings cleared her. this is not A Bad Person Thing To Do. because I am A Cop. and if you try to complain about harassment I'll know you're not To Be Trusted around Cops. who put their Lives on the Line. Brothers In Arms who can never ever be questioned because of The Sacrifice. that episode where Gregson's daughter had been assaulted by her partner and she was begging him not to do anything about it, because it would tank her career." and none of this ever has real follow-through in any way, because then the show would have to be about how there are a lot of corrupt cops and even the ones who aren't are bound by an immoral system, which would defeat the point of crime-of-the-week format (although I note they could've solved this issue by just not going so hard on the weird pro-cop episodes in the first place and just left it at an ambient amount of expected copaganda)
it's an interesting insight into the tension that exists between some of what the show is sort of trying to do with Sherlock Holmes and Joan Watson as the main protagonists (acting outside The System), but someone on that writing team has the most cognitive dissonance about what that means in a show that's also about policing. maybe everyone on there.
but it introduces a whole different set of ideas than intended (if you're the kind of audience that isn't super unquestioning about police) which is, "hey this is like. really messed up. cops really think like this? that's kind of culty. anyone else think this is culty? and this is pro-policing??"
I think a different show that had a similarish remit in characters, that is "protagonist is investigating crimes but is operating outside of the system, and there are also cops" could do something with this attitude by having the protagonists go "huh. that. is messed up. get a different job if you all have PTSD? also how many people have you manhandled who were innocent, just... curious. and uh... how many internal crimes have you covered up for the Good Of The Team?"
alas, this iteration -- while certainly getting us some of the way -- will not have Sherlock sincerely questioning the American prison system. but it will have Joan challenging a cop to an Honours boxing match and winning, which sort of nudged on the above ideas so, will take it and play with it in my mind
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currentlylovingyou · 2 years
genshin streamer x reader
general genshin streamer! au headcanons
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before you read!♡ ~ many writers have already covered this idea, so in no way am i claiming that i came up with this topic! the writer areislol have really inspired me with her streamer au. in no way am i trying to copy her work, but i must admit that reading her fics a while ago has inspired me, and sparked more ideas with this au.
♡ at first, he never really had any dreams of becoming a streamer himself. although his two close family friends, ayato and ayaka, had tried to persuade him into trying it, he honestly thought that he wouldn't be very entertaining.
♡ it kinda changed for him when he was vcing with ayaka during her own stream- ayaka being a vtuber and gaining a quick following after ayatos quick sucess after debuting his model months prior.
♡ when chatters aked about the mysterious, yet warm and friendly friend, who joined and chatted regularly, she was more than happy to introduce him. ayaka, being protective about her private life, of course aked thoma beforehand.
♡ he had gained fans from hyjacking his friend's stream- and that's when it really hit him that.. i could also do this. in honest, he loved being with ayaka while she streams. never getting enough of chatters- whether trolling or doting.
♡ asking ayato where to even begin.. a second twitch channel on ayaka's reccomended popped up.
♡ although he chose not to be a vtuber, fans still adored him. his quick humored yet warm and caring personality drew thousands of fans just within a few months of starting. a small community growing and growing until it's more than a few thousand- and slowly climbing upwards.
♡ thoma hadn't really branched out from the community of ayaka and ayato. he still felt new to the career, and nervous that he wouldn't be able to branch out to others. that all changed however, when a new friendly face raided one of his streams, hundreds of views sending variations of: "y/n raid!!" or, "y/n sent us!!"
♡ he had seen your name before- he recognized you as another smallish channel that started around the same time that he did. reacting quick, a warm smile spread onto his face, waving a sheepish hand to welcome you and your overly excited followers.
♡ "thank you so much for the raid, y/n! yes-yes, we're playing minecraft today! how was your stream?"
♡ he found that you're channel was entertaining- deciding to stlak (all) your socials once his own stream ended. something about your personality and voice seemed to pull him into a trance, deciding to follow you immediately. and smiling when he noticed a few moments later, you followed him back.
♡ it was rare for another streamer to attract him as much as you did, and you felt the same. the funny horned-headset he wore on top of the messiest blond hair made you feel helpless. the witty remarks to his two close friends making you fall harder.
♡ you two hit it off pretty closely, both of you making similar content, it was almost too easy to become close friends with you. he found streaming with you more fun than the ones he did alone, without ayaka or ayato.
♡ speaking of his friends, ayato and ayaka both seemed to love your content. if you were a face cam streamer like thoma, they would laugh about how out of the four of us, only two have faces. if you preffered to stay faceless, or become a vtuber, they would welcome you with open arms to their community, adding small hints of your character to their streams aswell.
♡ days turning into months spent with you, it was obvious that you both had fallen. thoma knew that he liked you- no, loved you. confiding in ayaka, she smiled and pressed him for information. only when he told her did he realize how much he wanted to tell you. ♡ one day while on a valorant stream, it was all too much. ayaka had been pestering him about it earlier, and e took a second to really think about it.. ♡ the only outcome was ruining your entire relationship... haha... wow.. ♡ clearing his throat, a blush spread on his cheeks. he pressed to voice chat in valorant. ♡ chat started spamming like crazy, telling everyone to start clipping..!!! ♡ "(um ur val main)- no.. y/n? i um.. i.." " i think i like you"
♡ ayato, as mentioned before, had started streaming before thoma. his cool persona reflected his little blue haired vtuber. with a complex design, his vtuber avatar was single handedly fueling artists artblock world wide.
♡ he charmed every person withim a hundred mile radius, and the idea of even meeting The Ayato felt impossible. more than impossible actually.
♡ similar to thoma, you probably met him when you befriended thoma or his sister ayaka. of course you didnt intend to meet ayato through them, not even thinking about doing any malicious things to the two, but you’d be lying if you hadn’t dreamt about meeting him one day.
♡ if youre a streamer yourself, best be prepared to be constantly raided and included in ayatos community. it would take a while for him to open up to you, having previous encounters similar to this end poorly, but he cant deny that he found himself attracted to you.
♡ if your a vtuber, again, he would do literally everything to include your model. going as far as commisioning a little plush of your character to go alongside his avatar during chatting streams.
♡ facecam streamer? its basically all the same! he feels smitted whenever he hops onto your stream, losing that poised and cool attitude when he even glances at your face.
♡ even though he doesnt enjoy showing his face, preffering to stay hidden, he loves yours. hes one of the busiest streamers you think, yet youd never expect him raving about you to his sister, smiling at how absurd he sounds. an opposite to his mature outlook and personality.
♡ months after meeting you does he realize that he likes you. he actually likes you..
♡ “ haha, greetings chat. how have you all been today? oh? it seems that plenty of you are mentioning… y/n? hehe.. what about.. them?”
♡ he'd console thoma immediatley, with a cute blush on his face he'd call him. only when he starts to talk about you, thoma would yelp, yelling that "AYATO IM STREAMING!!!" ♡ if ayato didn't dc almost immediatley, he would awkwardly stay silent in the vc. clicking to thomas stream, where thoms himself has a blush on his face as the chat goes crazy.
♡ the next stream he does, chatters would basically interrogate him. poor mods would have to go to sub only- or even emote only for half of the entire stream.
♡ his voice would be shaky in that stream, on the verge of stuttering but seemingly composed to the naked eye.
♡ he doesn't confess early on. although he thought about having a spurratic impulsive decision to sputter out his feelings, it was always just too embarrassing to do in real life. this isn;t some manga fanfiction.. right? 
♡ if you don’t confess to him first, there may be a period of awkward mutual pining!! the tooth rotting-just-tell-each other-before-i-vomit kind of period!! ♡ always subbing to your twitch the day it expires, as you do the same. subscribing to your pateron if you have on, and generally being the most generous almost-boyfriend-but-just-friend ever.
♡ falling asleep on call with eachother, he’d do a face reveal to you early on. he trusts you with everything at this point.
♡ he somehow gets your address, and sends you plushies. always telling you beforehand of course- he doesn't want to seem creepy!
♡ when he confesses- it would be in person. he’d buy you a ticket and fly you out to his and ayakas place, letting you sleep on his bed while he takes the couch- or falling asleep with you by accident. who can really tell if this was an accident, or an attempt to  cuddle? lolol
♡ he’d buy ayaka and himself face masks and ridiculous sunglasses- the stupid reflctive kind just to get a laugh out of you and thoma. 
♡ inviting thoma over, you would all do a sort of baking stream- failed baking at least..
♡ “ayaka- did you add the tapioca starch or the corn starch?”  “oops…” ♡ it would be okay, though! all laughs and giggles, the stream eat it up.
♡ down time, while the almost brownies cooled (they gave up on making boba) thoma and ayaka cleaned up while you and ayato brought the computer to entertain the stream. you trying on ayakas sunglasses because she wasnt in frame.
♡ talking to chat, he couldn't keep his eyes off of you. you’d only been in his house for almost a few days, but he wished it was like this forever.
♡ you smiled, answering a peculiar question, when he cracked. you were going to go home soon, and he couldn't miss this chance! ♡ pulling down his mask, you looked at him before he pulled you into a hug. you un-stiffened and hugged him back, asking if he was alright. 
♡ pulling away, you sat a bit closer, worried about your (obvious) crush..
“y/n. i want to be your boyfriend, right now.”
♡ you know those like vtubers that duet those singing tiktoks and sing along to popular songs? HE IS ONE OF THEM.
♡ probably would stream genshin- but also party games that are super hyper like jackbox(!) mercy main KING and i like to imagine he plays yoru JUST BECAUSE chat simps so much for him.
♡ started making videos when he was a teenager but it wasnt anything special. like those minecraft videos almost every kid made with bandicam and like a macbook lol ♡ and because he started so early, he A. has gotten cancelled almost every other year and B. really took advantage of the algorithm!!
♡ his intuition really also helped with channel growth- though his voice and personality was the real deal!!
♡ although he does do facecam from time to time, he really prefers his little vtuber icon. mostly because he splurged thousands of dollars on it..
♡ he is totally one of those aforementioned vtuber tiktokers who post clips of their streams, or doing silly trends. on tiktok he blew up, which made it easier to continue growth because he'd been at it for a while before.
♡ probably would stream genshin- but also party games that are super hyper like jackbox(!) mercy main KING and i like to imagine he plays yoru JUST BECAUSE chat simps so much for him.
♡ and because he started so early, (he has gotten cancelled for being mischevious on the internet...) he was able to really study the algorithm. and when tiktok started getting popular his intuition told him to Buy a Vtuber Model.
♡ (definietly jumped on the amoung us train. hes literally a detective in canon dudes)
♡ because his main type of game is party games, you would probably meet him through a mutual streamer friend who recently gained popularity.
♡ probably really connected through scary games like phasmophobia or overwatch2!!
♡ because of his really sudden upward climb in popularity, ot wuld take a while to get closer. he's been through those people trying to be friend with him for the sake of popularity, and it really made me consious of who he hangs out with.
♡ so when he realized how swagger you REALLY are- and not because he's there- he falls hard and he falls fast.
♡ his mind going NONOONONONOONONONONO and heart going AWhAHWhAWhAIOFKDFIGJJKMHNhlgf iykykikyk
♡ if youre also a streamer- be prepared for countless spammy comments in your chat- or honestly weird tweets pinging you.
♡ vtuber? he'd include you in all his tiktoks! duet him with christmas carols!!
♡ facecam? he is reposting those silly capcut edits of you! (or thirsty if youre comfortable..)
♡ he likes you a lot. a lot a lot. because he has so many streaemr friends, he doesnt really connect with anyone of them on a deep level like thoma and ayato. hes been so focused on working at the algorithm and posting and everything that now he wants you- it's toubling lol
♡ would confess to you off stream for sure. he's smart- like really smart- and doesnt want anyone to figure out! he's a detective- he knows this stuff
♡ although he's wary of edating- like i said before he knows himself and he has clues!!
♡ wouldn't need a wingman to dig for information. he is his own wingman.
♡ so when the day he planned for this comes he is Frantic. streams a whole hour late than he announced, and is everywhere. his cool, lively and excited persona GONe!!!!!!!!
♡ you two had liked to do little sleep calls- i mean this has to all be a year into your friendship for him to really be confidient. he may be a rusher but he has brains!
♡ you call with him during his stream randomly- just waked up. groggily responding with his bits and his jokes- and even with chat !!
♡ when he wraps up, he takes a really long look at you. usually these looks are inquisitive and endearing- a smirk or a raised eyebrow scanning your features like he's trying to get clues for some big grand theme- but this time he just looks. nothing reading into you.
" hey y/n- can you like date me or something?"
♡ he is another one of the tiktoker streamers but in a different way. although he thinks that the vtubing thing is alright for the branding, he finds that it's easier to just use a plain old facecam.
♡ right off the bat- this man has imposter syndrome. although he knows people like him because of his well crafted and imbreakable persona he's slowly sculpted around himself- he still feels like he doesnt deserve it.
♡ his persona is like a giant, multilayered wall and mask. a disguise that people like more than the real him- and he gets lost in it. all these identities- famous streamer "scaramouche"- his mothers "kunikuzushi"- or himself. a wanderer that everyone likes to label.
♡ on top of this, he didn't have many friends. people were turned off by his abrasive attitude, and although he was popular bordering famous, it felt so lonely.
♡ probably plays competitive games like valorant and overwatch and rust- and prefers it. another distraction to get petty in these lobbies, and somehow hidding radiant in valo...
♡ he's a total god at almost any pvp/competitive game- but he is also the pettiest and most spiteful gamer-rage fueled player to exist
♡ you probably arent a big fan of his, actually. i feel like if you were a watcher before meeting him, you would also be sucked into this dark humored- petty little character he built for himself. for a non vtuber- he has lore alright!!
♡ of course you'd heard of the name scaramouche mentioned somewhere, but you hadn't actually seen of his content- or any clips for that matter
♡ you were a fairly new streamer, garnering around 10k followers on twitch with a nice 13k subscribers on youtube! good job, y/n!
♡ you two met at a local gaming cafe. the town you two lived in was fairly small, and the main attraction for people who don;t touch grass was this place. you had came hoping the vlog the expirience, as you'd only come here once or twice with kunikuzushi when it first opened while in your highschool years.
♡ you two were buddies throughout middleschool and highschool- kunikuzushi being severly bullied throughout those younger years, and you trying to stop it.
♡ he got teased relentlessly throughout for having a "weird family", or the fact that he had two moms. it also didn't help that all throughout this he was struggling within himself.
♡ so he was more than suprised when you- a not-too-popular but generally well liked individual- invited yourself to the seat next to him almost every shared block you had.
♡ after three or four years, you started to just join him on things like walking home, or on fieldtrips. of course at first he thought you were the most annoying person ever- or even suspicious this was all a ploy- but after you'd stuck aroundwith him to freshman year- he started to appreciate your company
♡ after highschool, you two had lost touch, and he felt the presence of your company vanish like almost all of his other friends
♡ so when he heard the giggle of your voice sit down on the chair next to his, he felt his eyebrow twitch almost involuntary. what was this loud, annoying noise that felt a little too farmilliar doing here?-
♡ "oops- sorry i was being loud! i hope i didn't both-"
♡ yk that awkward moment when you make eyecontact with someone who was staring at you, but you know exactly who that person is? it's a very niche expirience, but BOY IS IT EMBARRASSING
♡ "hey... you are.."
♡ he braced himself for all the weird and uncomfortable fan expiriences coming his way, and started prematurley praying for there not to be a weird photo request..
♡ "hey- kunikuzushi! how have you been dude- it's been like forever!"
♡ his eyed widened and he really looked at you again- "y/n??"
♡ after that first interaction, you two had started talking. at first he felt uncomfortable in his own skin- like maybe it had been a little too long since he had a real friend. but soon, he started melting for your personality.
♡ insanely protective of you- but not like in a weird way. at this stage he values your friendship, and like everything about his personal life, he really wanted to keep it under wraps for the prying eyes.
♡ if you’re a streamer, he defienetly gives you streaming tips and will help- but don’t expect him to carry you to fame. he actually doesn’t want to taint your own career with his crazy and weird fans, so you and him stay quiet about your growing relationship.
♡ it doesn;t take him long to fall, and he defienetly fell first, but boy did he try to ignore everything. this connection fuels him, but it feels like it’s eating him aswell. he’s kinda scared on the hold you have on him lol
♡ he doesn’t fold though, even after three or four months of reckless platonic flirting and sleepovers and weird romantic tension, until his coord breaks
♡ his chat had found your channel in an open tab- a mistake of his- and after weird speculation tiktoks they had raided you essentially
♡ some had good intent! but others left a nasty trail on your quaint little community that he wanted to desperatley to avoid. he actually found out with you when you two were hanging out at his place and a mod had dmed him
♡ you were none the wiser, but apparently your name was trending on twitter with kuni’s aswell...
♡ he kinda liked seeing your names together
♡ he really liked seeing your names together
♡ for how he confesses- i think that it was private and clumsy and messy but the most loveable
♡ he asks you to sleepover- which you oblige after mentions of snacks and games and drinks- and when you arrive you see him sitting pensivley on the couch
“y/n? i like you.”
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tinydeskwriter · 2 years
Dirty Tricks
A/n: Just something I had in my drafts… it’s kinda of angsty…
word count: 974
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After what felt like a lifetime she raised her eyes from the dark wood table, eyeing the people around before her eyes landed on the man sitting next to her boyfriend of two years—fiancés, she remembered looking at the emerald ring on her finger— she never had na kind of feelings against him… until now. She couldn’t even look at the other woman siting at the table with them. She felt… ambushed in that position, all by herself, with no one on her side—this wasn’t about her career after all, she was there only as Harry’s significant other—not even the man with whom she shared a private life.
She narrowed her eyes, the big eyes the world seemed to love so much, and looked at the member of the team who had voiced the idea with disdain—which everyone seemed to have been previously briefed about, but her— she scoffed before giving them a predatory grin.
“So… the movie is so shitty that it has to resort to dirty tricks to sell?” She asked no one in particular.
“Y/n…” She held up two fingers at her boyfriend’s manager, fixing him a medusa glare.
“I’am talking, Jeffrey, wait your turn.” She said with bite, her eyes finally going to Harry, she was furious with him for being put in such a position. “Let’s talk H, is this what you think is best for your career?”
“Maybe this is not the place…”Jeff tried to say.
“He’s a grow ass man, Jeff, let him talk for himself.” Her eyes didn’t move from her uncomfortable boyfriend. Harry hated confrontation, worst of all a public one. “I am going to repeat myself: Is THIS what YOU think is the best? Pushing ME to the background of your life, for a bullshit stunt you don’t need? Is it what you honestly believe is the best your career?”
“Jeff believes…” Harry started, finally looking at her.
Y/n rolled her eyes scoffing at his answer.
“I am not asking for Jeff’s opinion Harry.” His face fell as he looked at her, his usually calm fiancee looking livid, properly furious, in a way he only had seen her while acting. 
“Babe, this isn’t what I want, you know that, but the team believe is going to be good for the movie and for my image, and I trust my team.” He tried to appease her, placing his hand over hers, only for her to take it away. “It’s fake, Y/n, not that different from you flirting with your co-stars in interviews.”
She looked at him shocked. “It’s very different Harry, and if you can’t see it…” She was done being there, it wasn’t her career, it wasn’t her choice, she had a photoshoot to attend and a interview to give.
She git up from her chair and gave them all a diplomatic smile, she took the emerald from her finger, placing it in front of Harry on the table, ignoring his shocked expression, “I have the shoot for my Vanity Fair cover, and later I am going to a meeting with Mark, I will either stay at his guest house or the Marmont.” She said looking exclusively at Harry. “You have till tomorrow to make a decision, if you want to go forward with this, fine, as I said, it is your career, but I don’t want your stuff at my place when I get back, Jeff can help you finding a new place.”
She adjusted her jacket over her shoulders and placed her Dior sunglasses on her face. “Jeffrey, it was good seeing you.” she said sarcastically, before turning her back and leaving. 
She was followed out of the room by Harry. He grabbed her arm, preventing her from entering the elevator.
“Lovie, let’s talk about this…” He tried, his hand going up and down her arm. In her heels they are almost the same height.
“There is nothing to talk about Harry, you know where I stand, I won’t stand by and watch my fiancé acting like he’s in love with some other woman,” She looked him in the eyes. “it is hurtful that you’re okay with keeping me a secret like I am a embarrassment to you,” Y/n let out a sarcastic laugh, “honestly, I am a critical acclaimed actress, and your management treat me like I don’t matter, she’s a B-list actress no one cares about, and they are dealing with her like she’s gold, and you agree! Because you’re willing to keep me as your hidden dirty little secret, and show her off to the world pretending that you love her, and you know that we won’t be able to be seen together in public while it is going on, and I will be the man-stealer no matter what when this shit ends.” Y/n refused to cry in front of him. “And you knew this is what was going to be talked about, and you let me come in blind, you let them ambush me.”
Harry was at loss of words.
“It hurts when the man you’re planning to get married to, treat’s you like second best…” She paused for a minute to control o sob that threatened to come out. “You really showed me were I stand in your list of priorities.”
She pulled away from him and pressed the elevator button.
“Treat me like and option and I will leave you like a choice.” She told him with a bitter smile. “I love you H, but I don’t need you, it will hurt like fucking hell, but in a month I’ll have moved on.” She said getting into the elevator, feeling sad that that may be the last time she sees him. 
Harry always let himself be controlled by his management, he wasn’t a push over but he didn’t enjoy confrontations and ‘Jeff knows best’.
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jaded-jezz · 1 year
Shutter Speed (Part 2)
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Jack Champion x Photographer!Reader
Part 2/3
☁︎ Fluff
Summary: y/n is a photographer for the new scream promo and Jack thinks she belongs in front of the camera rather than behind.
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"Look who decided to show up!" I hear Jenna say but I am too occupied in taping marks on the floor to turn around. Leah goes over to introduce herself, welcome the late cast to the shoot and explain the plan and rules.
"You must be Y/N?" I hear my name and stand up to correct the voice. "I'm Leah, she's Y/N." Leah turns to me as I appear next to them.
“Woah…I mean Jack, I’m hi.” The boy in front of me stutters. “No! I mean Hi, I am Jack. Sorry for being late.” I hold back a small laugh and smile. “Are you sure you’re Jack? I mean the name ‘hi’ might suit you more.” I jest. “I’m Y/N, did Leah go over all the rules? Are there any questions?” My voice moves back into professional mode as we have a lot of work to do today.
"You totally played that off man" Mason chuckles behind me, pulling me out of the trance that this Y/N has put me in. I feel my face heating up and I can't tell if its the multitude of lights in here or her stare that burned through my heart. God snap out of it, Jack, you have to do your job today.
I watch Y/N fall into her element and do what, I can tell that, she loves. She is mesmerizing.
"Stop drooling, she may run away" I hear Jenna whisper to me and before I can defend myself, "Umm... next I need Jack Champion over here on the blue mark please" You need me? Ok say less, I joke to myself to calm my nerves. I keep my eyes on the floor to ensure I don't trip but also so that I won't turn into a blushing mess if she looks at me. God, this is the first time I've been glad these lights are this bright.
I follow her instructions, her voice is music to my ears. It's like I am under a spell. A love spell? No lets not get ahead of ourselves. Wait, she's staring at me.
"Jack? Do you wanna see one of the photos?" Leah suggests from the side of the room, trying to break the awkward silence between the two of us. "Oh sure!" I stumble over wires to stand next to her. "No, go over to Y/N, she'll show you how everything works and how the images will be edited after the shoot."
I give Leah a panicked look before Jack turns to walk over. His curls bounce as he hops over the leg of the tripod. "Oh you are tall." I say without thinking. "Oh yeah, but so are you." He answers looking down at me. "It's probably my shoes." I laugh, "Did you wanna see the photos?" I bring up the subject to make sure I don't say anything I may regret.
"Do you enjoy being a photographer?" Jack inquires. That sets me off. I could talk for hours about photography.
"I have loved it since I was 10 and I could not imagine persuading any other career. I am constantly thinking of photo shoots whenever I leave my house. Wall of graffiti? Photo shoot idea. Aesthetic shampoo bottle? Photo shoot idea. I am constantly inspired by everything around me which means my job can be difficult when I am given a strict brief but luckily, whoever hired us, gave us full creative freedom." I wave my arms around for emphasis. But too much emphasism as I almost hit Jack. He swerves and giggles, luckily.
"Oh shit, I am so sorry." I cringe and look back to the camera screen. "It's ok, Y/N" The way he says my name makes a swarm of butterflies flutter in me. I look up into his eyes. Brown eyes used to freak me out because it is more difficult to see the pupil, but maybe I like them a bit more now. Maybe he can help me like other things too. Ew, don't get carried away or you will scare him off.
After our stares last a beat too long, Leah clears her throat and alerts the group that we will now be moving to an outside shoot. She tells them to go back to the changing rooms to get out of their costumes and into the brand we are shooting with for the second part of the day. While they leave, Leah and I start to collect the equipment we are bringing. I grab my notebook for the checklist.
"You are doing great Y/N, especially with a certain someone." Leah raises her eyebrows and winks at me. I roll my eyes and walk over to turn off some of the bigger lights.
As the group walks to change, I see Jenna and Mason standing by the doors. They are sharing a similar look towards me, it's kinda freaking me out. "He totally does!" "Yep, I can see it in his eyes." I roll my eyes at their odd behavior and attempt to walk past them. "Oh no Mister."
They drag me out of the studio and into the hallway. "Man, when I said charm them with your good looks, I sorta hoped you would also charm her with the rest of you." Mason starts. "Yeah, we knew you were awkward, but not this bad. I wanted to claw my eyes out!" Jenna exclaims rather loudly.
"Could you be any louder? And it wasn't that bad, and I am not flirting!" I shout in a whisper. "No one said you were flirting, except you." Jenna retorts. "We've exposed you without even trying" Mason shouts to annoy me again. "Fine, she's really beautiful and she is really passionate about her job which is kinda cute and-"
"Ok lover boy relax, you don't need to go into detail." Jenna cuts me off with a look of both disgust and happiness, so I know she is just being sarcastic. "We will help you get this girl of your dreams" Mason adds. I can't tell if this is a bad idea but I nod and walk to the changing rooms to make sure I am not late again.
When we are all re-dressed, the cast starts to follow Leah out but I look for Y/N. I see her pacing back and forth, looking rather stressed. I don't know if me going over will make it worse. But I don't have time to decide as two pairs of hands push me towards her.
"Y/N, are you ok? Have you lost something?" "Yes! My notebok. It has all my plans and lists inside. I really need it. Like right now. Is it hot in here? Or is it just me?" She panics. "Ok, you need to sit down before you faint or something goes wrong."
I reach for her hand and gently guide her to sit next to me. I scan the room for a notebook before asking her any questions. She keeps a hold of my hand and I have to pretend not to notice or I might be the one to faint. "Is it that green thing over there?"
"Oh my god! Yes it is!" I jump up and grab it. When I turn around, I am again faced with Jack's chest. I look up at him and smile. I feel weirdly calm after that whole anxiety filled fiasco, maybe it's because of Jack?
"Thank you Jack, I think I would've died without this." I try to laugh. "That's ok, I think we need to go now though, I know you have quite a strict schedule for today." He responds.
Jack offers to hold some equipment to make sure I can see where I am going over the pile of objects. When we leave the building I see the other cast members grabbing or putting away stuff in their cars so I take my kit back from Jack to allow him to do the same. I walk over to Leah to let her know I found the notebook.
"I was going to come back to help you but I heard a certain someone calming you down." She says as I stand next to her. "He is definitely your type, isn't he? Tall, lanky-" I cut her off "Yes Leah you don't need to continue. I can't let a silly crush get in the way of today though. It's not even a crush! I've not even known him for five minuets! All I know is his name." I say so fast I almost run out of breath.
"Let's get going while the sun is still out." I shout to the group.
(This is the photoshoot that inspired this series so you can vision this location and photoshoot style)
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We have been talking photos outside in both groups and alone. It's so sunny outside that no lights are needed, just portable reflectors. Which are big circles of materials that bounce the sun in a chosen direction. Leah and I split up for the last half an hour as we have different ideas due to the location and lighting right now. Some of the cast have moved away to film TikToks and to stand in the shade but some are continuing to model for us if they have less photos than others.
I noticed Jack had finished talking to Mason and Jenna before he started walking over to me.
"Hey Y/N! Is there any last ideas in your notebook?" He asks.
"Oh just this one." I start. "Because of the harsh sun I am are able to play around with different filters on my camera. One of my favorite makes stars in light reflections, would you try out over here?" My hands are shaking as I hand him a small square of mirrored glass.
We mess around for a while, me running back and forth to show him how to pose, how to angle the mirror to reflect light and to show him the results. After a while I am so out of breath that Jack finds it funny.
As the sun starts to go down, the cast all joins up for the last photo including Leah and I for our Instagram. We all start walking back slightly delirious due to the amount of running around some of us had been doing. Jack is walking next to me, at the back of the group, continuing one of our random conversations from earlier.
"You are really talented Y/N, I know you have probably been told that a lot today, but you really are." Jack says in a slight hushed tone. I can't control the big smile on my face. He is such a genuine human being. "Thank you for being a wonderful model." I laugh.
I notice him glance ahead at the group before slowing down and truing to me. "I don't know if i have read this situation wrong but I think you are beautiful and I get feel like we get along so well even though we haven't known each other that long and I am rambling aren't I?" He looks down at his feet and rakes a deep breath.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date with me?" He finally looks me in the eye as he says this. "Wow Jack, of course I will. I don't think someone has made me laugh this much, apart from myself obviously" I jest. We trade numbers as we catch up with the group.
After the cast all go their separate ways, Leah and I burst out into screams of happiness. "MY BEST FRIEND IS GOING ON A DATE WITH A HOT, FAMOUS PERSON WHOOOOOP" Leah shouts as we skip around the car park, arms linked.
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Who wants a Part Three? It will be about pre-date, during and maybe even their reactions with friends after too?
As always, requests are currently open!
Please do not repost this, reblogs are appreciated.
Also some people asked me to Tag them so here you go:
@gwenlore @multi-simp-page @daffodil-darlings @mummatiri
I’m quite new to tagging people so lemme know if you want to be tagged for all my Jack Champion Posts or just this series?
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Stop it, that fic was everything! My favourite one so far! I'm the one who did the back and forth with you over that scenario so this is gonna be a long ramble 😂
'Go and sleep with your kid' ARE YOU KIDDING ME 💔😭😭 broke my heart just picturing Leah and Jordan in bed clinging to Bug who's none the wiser, that night is definitely filled with the two of them constantly reassuring each other that Bug is safe
Why did Bug crying for her blankie make me tear up?! Baby girl had no clue just how terrifying that situation was 💔
Leah losing it and getting physical was heartbreaking but satisfying because whoever that was deserved it and she's protecting her baby but you know just how much fear is driving her in that moment
Jordan being aware but not completely aware, just constantly saying 'you're okay, mummy's here' is so gut wrenching 😭
Them both going into the instinctive mama bear modes, Jordan with comfort and Leah with confront and protect! Both different styles that kinda reflect their parenting styles (Jordan giving hugs no matter what and Leah being a bit more firm and to the point)
Millie being the one to try and pull Leah away (LOVE the implication of try in the fic, nothing can stop an angry and scared mama when it comes to protecting their baby) and the fact that not even the reminder of potentially being banned is moving Leah, nothing gets through to her until Jordan speaks 😭
Leah holding Bug AND Jordan close is such a perfect touch, sounds like Leah is trying to keep her whole family in her arms 💔 wanting to protect both of them because someone has just done something she hadn't even thought about potentially happening
Heartbreaking how this happened (I'm assuming) at Meadow Park, the home of the Arsenal women. The place where Leah and Jordan met, where they went from friends to girlfriends. Where they've been raising their baby girl but also where the scariest thing has happened. Such a bittersweet taste left in my mouth at the thought
Love how quickly everyone sprung into action, Jordan clocking it straight away and darting over, Leah barely having time to realise what's happening before she's following Jordan and everyone at Arsenal AND Chelsea darting over
The check up on Bug, logically they know the time between Bug being picked up and Jordan getting there would have had slim chances of anything happening to her but the reassurance was what they needed to finally feel like they can retract their claws in a sense
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Bug slept in Jordan's arms after, I feel like in that moment Jordan needed to hold and know that Bug was okay but Leah needed to know that both of her girls were okay hence her holding them both earlier and watching over them later
Leah's little watery eyes and trembling voice once it finally sinks in what's happened, love that it was Kim's pep talk that let her put her guard down a bit to fully feel what's just happened
Once again, I love Kim's little reminder at the end to them that Bug is safe and for them to just forget about any football training, diets or balanced meals for their careers and anything outside of the four walls of their house. Just to hold their little one and soak in the moment of their little family being safe and together 😭❤️
Truly loved what you did with our ideas and am so glad I rambled with you that day because its given me this fic 😭😭 thank you so much!!
I'm so glad you enjoyed everything!
Bug has no idea what's just happened to her while Jordan and Leah have been stressed since it happened. She has no idea why she's being let into their bed or why they're holding her so much but she doesn't mind at all
Jordan absolutely couldn't make sense of what had just happened, not truly so she clung to the only thing she could, which was Bug and tried to settle her own feelings as she settled Bug.
It absolutely happened at Meadow Park as well which is meant to be a safe space for Bug but ended up not being is the most bittersweet part of it all because Bug has no reason to fear anything there which is part of the reason she just went up to the fans.
Bug has no reason to fear anyone and Leah and Jordan didn't think she had to fear anyone too.
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