#she got the sauce in there too btw
anonymocha · 6 months
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Imagine Angelica telling all her girlfriends about Johnny and them wanting to see him.
(Translated from Kkkkk.)
"So?" Tamara of the Hill inquires, her head tilted with curiosity but her mouth wide with knowing. "And how did you last meeting with Johnny of the Storm go?"
Angelica had never been so aware of her body until Johnny. The bodies of her people were simply that—bodies made for redundancy. Made for purpose. Tools. It does not feel practical the way that her face heats, but she enjoys it all the same. Because she is thinking of her Johnny, of the moon he gifted her, and of everything else that he gifted her, too, in the quiet of the evening that they spent together. (Though, with a thought, perhaps it was not that quiet.)
Jacqueline of the Wood gasps and then shrieks. Her clicks reach the peak of the highest mountains and she shakes with her excitement. "Angelica!" She laughs. "What did your Johnny do this time?"
Belonging is the way of her people. Although, perhaps one day they might be strangers, they have no intention of treating strangers in the way that the humans say strangers are sometimes treated. There is no fear of other nor scorn of different. There is sameness alongside the newness of their exploration. Of their knowledge. But they will always belong to Kkkkk and amongst her people.
That means that possession is not common amongst them. They belong, but not much belongs to them. It is their way to share freely, to share gladly. Angelica finds that, although she is no different, there are certain things that she would not share, now that there is Johnny.
Johnny of the Storm has a smile that must belong to everyone. That must be given freely. His laugh is a gift given without weight. Without effort. But the moon of his palm, that is Angelica's. The pressure of his...what was the word...fingertips? Those, too, are Angelica's.
"He gave me a moon," Angelica practices the click of her tongue. It is an odd, foreign word, but it had meant so much to Johnny when he spoke of it. It had meant so much to be gifted it.
"What's a moon?" Tamara inquires again, though this time the smile has softened and the curiosity has heightened.
Angelica hums for a moment in thought before her clicks resume. "It is romantic." This is a word that has a place in her tongue, but it has never had a place in her heart before.
"Can we see it?" Jacqueline attempts to peer behind Angelica, as if she is hiding it from sight.
"No," Angelica grins. "It comes from his hand."
Tamara's grin turns salacious. "I bet it's not the only thing that comes from his hand."
"Tamara!" Jacqueline shrieks again, though this time laughter has found its way into the excitement. "You're so terrible! Besides, Johnny of the Storm is a human. They have no kkkKkkk."
With a smile she must compress, Angelica shakes her head. "No, it is no kkkKkkk."
At once, Tamara and Jacqueline swivel their heads to meet Angelica's gaze. Their friendly bickering silenced. And although it was Angelica to initiate such talks about her intimacy with her Johnny, she feels all at once shy now. She clears her throat, but no clicks come out before Tamara and Jacqueline descend upon her.
"You mean you kkKKkkK before we've even met him?" Tamara gasps, though there is no offense in her tone. Only joy. It makes Angelica click in response, and Tamara laughs. "Angelica!"
"He is very sweet, and funny," Angelica says as she often has. "I am sorry that you haven't met him yet."
Jacqueline clicks in a tone that expresses humor. "You've been enjoying your time alone with him. We can't fault you that. But, can't we meet him now? It's been kkkkkk!"
"Months," Angelica clicks carefully. It's always been easy to learn new words from the humans. She treasures each one, sharing them with glee. This word is unique, in that its encounter is the only thing amongst the evening that Angelica is so willing to share. But, perhaps that is inaccurate, too, because Angelica wants everyone to know how her Johnny makes her feel. Even if she wants to be the only person to see him as he was. To kkKKkkK with.
"Months," Tamara repeats. "You talk just like them now! Shouldn't we see him, so we can kkkKK? Isn't that our right as your clutch without blood?"
Angelica hesitates for a moment. "I could ask him, if he would like to join us for dinner."
"If he is as you say he is, he wouldn't dare say no," Jacqueline pitches again, limbs jittering.
"No, I doubt that he would," Angelica jitters alongside her, and excitement is a new flavor on her tongue.
Tamara's smile dims as the dying lights do, and she tilts her head once again. "Have you spoken with him, about what will happen when he goes?"
There is a kindness to Tamara's words, even if they subdue the joy of the moment. Angelica understands her intent. "Not yet," Angelica answers with a click, "but that doesn't matter to me. I...think I love him."
Once more Jacqueline and Tamara giggle, clicking excitedly as Angelica's skin blooms with heat. And there is the future to think of, choices that must be made—but those are for the future. As for now, in the present, Angelica will experience joy. Laughter. Love. And, even if they are stars apart, those stars are Angelica's gift to Johnny. Just as his moon is to her.
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nomairuins · 2 months
i also had a funny dream. well i had SEVERAL dreams rly but i cant tell you guys abt most of them
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tired-needs-sleep · 2 years
natsasia telling nia that she has detailed reports on everyone in the gang and then nia asks what her favorite color, food, pokemon, and shape is
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nvuy · 4 months
im like itching for a boothill x single parent romance. LIKE WHAT IF they moved in next to boothill and everyones like "naww dont go near that guy hes scary and shit" but when kid sees boothill they get so intrigued by boothill they try to get close to him every time they see and hes just... scared? or paranoid, so he doesnt let them close. and then one time kid was still asking questions to boothill and stuff, parent was rushing looking for them, they see them, and then goes like "omf sir im so sorry my kid bothered you" and then boothill is like "nah its ok id do anyt- no what i mean we just met its cool btw lmao"
yk that one scene in a goofy movie where max get laughed at on the bleachers and then roxanne comes and picks him up and asks if he’s alright and then max starts babbling absolute gibberish yep
“So, how strong are you, mister?”
Boothill’s fingers are pressed against the girl’s tiny tiny hands. So small and little and squishy, and he seriously contemplated squishing her until she popped. His palm is cold against hers, and she giggles at the difference in size.
“Hmm…” He leans back on his heels in his squatting position in the front garden. He taps his chin in thought. “Don’t gotta clue. Anythin’ you need me to pick up?”
The girl gasps and there’s stars in her eyes. “Can you pick me up?” She stretches out her arms towards him.
He cracks a grin at her and ruffles her hair. “I dunno. You might be a bit heavy.” He’s teasing her, of course, but she pouts.
“At least try.”
“Alright, little lady.” He hooks his arms underneath hers and hoists her up easily, hands locked at her ribs. “How’s that? Good enough for ya?”
She hums thoughtfully, a cheeky smile on her face as she, too, taps her chin. “Now you gotta carry me for the entire day.”
It was his turn to pout. “N’aw. That’s no fair.”
“There you are!” There’s a rustle of footsteps and the jangling of keys to his left that made him stiffen for a moment, before your familiar face comes into view. Your eyes flit from him to your daughter. “I’ve been calling you for lunch.”
Oh, great Heavens.
“Hi, gorg– uh…” The ranger stumbles over his tongue and zips his lips shut when a small smile stretches into your lips. “We were– I was just– uh…”
Your daughter looks upset when Boothill gently places her back down in the grass.
“Just horsin’ ‘round,” he finishes. “I was just passin’ by, y’see? And your lil’ princess chased me down.”
You clear your throat, staring down at your shoes for a moment and trying to hide the heat rising from your neck to your face.
“I’m sorry about her,” you say to him. “She’s, um… hard to control.”
“That’s a good thing,” he whispers down to your daughter. “Means you got a free spirit.” He pokes her in the side and she giggles.
You give him another look and his eyes snap to the left, and a casual tune leaves his lips in the form of a whistle.
You offer a hand to the girl. “I made pasta.”
Your daughter practically barrels into your side, almost knocking you over with how her small arms wrap around your hips—she used to only be able to reach your knees. God, time flies.
Your eyes flit to the ranger once more. “Um… I made a lot so… if you’re hungry…” Your eyes trail down to his stomach before you swallow. “Do you get hungry?”
He studies your face for a moment with a pensive look.
Then, Boothill snorts. “Nah, sugar.”
Your face is burning. “Right. Well, you’re welcome to come in, anyway.”
“Oh, please have lunch with us!” your daughter all but begs. Her hands have now interlocked in front of her in a pleading gesture, and she’s offering him her most intense puppy eyes. “I can show you my room.”
He’s immediately swayed. “Well, it’s hard to say no to a cute thing like you.” He reaches down and pinches her cheek.
He watches you blink, perhaps taken aback for a moment.
He thinks you’re so beautiful, even if the apron you’re wearing is covered in sauce stains.
He almost starts cheering when you visibly perk up. “You’ll join us?”
“’Course! I’d do anythin’ for y–” He stops himself by digging his teeth into his tongue. “I mean… if ya insist.”
He can tell you’re biting the inside of your cheeks to keep yourself from smiling too wide. You pucker your lips and look elsewhere, face dark with blood.
Your daughter is strangely silent. He notices she’s enamoured with a bright blue butterfly floating along one of the bushes nearby.
“Cool.” You can’t think of anything else to really say. You rock on your heels absentmindedly. “I’d like that.”
His smile grows impossibly wider. “Would ya now?” He taps your nose once before he bends down to greet your daughter again. “Lead the way, little lady.”
“One sec,” you mumble, digging in your pockets.
You fumble for your ring of keys before you throw them quite badly at the cyborg. He manages to catch them well enough, fingers frozen over the steel.
“It’s, um… the purple key. For the front door.”
Sure enough, one of the keys was coated in a deep purple.
Your daughter has already begun sprinting towards the front door. You’re half keeping a close eye on her through your peripherals, but your gaze wanders from her to watch him closely.
“I have a spare so… you can have it,” you continue slowly. Was this… too forward?
Boothill eyes you for a moment. A hand moves to his hips.
Then, in a flash, he pulls the purple key off of the ring it’s attached to and gently tosses it back at you. You struggle to catch them, but you manage with shaky hands and stuff them back into your pocket.
“‘Ppreciate it, pretty thing. You know just how to make a man swoon.”
He blows you a kiss with the steel to his lips and then tips his hat. He catches up with your daughter in no time, sweeping her off her feet and letting her slot the key in the lock to open the door.
You realise when he’s staring at you, one hand holding your own front door open expectantly, that you’re standing out in your front garden gawking at him like an idiot.
You quickly follow him inside, and he closes the door behind you. He’s quick to swing an arm around your waist when you guide him into the kitchen.
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abbyromanoff · 9 months
I have a request if you're taking them, I may also request this to a few other blogs, so don't mind that, I absolutely love your work btw!!
I was hoping for Wanda and reader
wanda recently invited her gf R to live with her, but R has a habit she doesn't know about. The previous person R lived with always made R do the laundry, make all the food, do all the cleaning, and do everything, and R doesn't realize how messed up that is, R thinks their ''lower'' than whoever they live with, therefore they should do everything.
wanda is heartbroken to see R waiting on her like that, making her meals and cleaning up after her, and doing it happily too, and is upset that her love thinks so low of themselves.
que Wanda reassuring R they will split the work evenly, and R doesn't need to do everything
thank u in advance!
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PAIRINGS: Wanda Maximoff x reader
WARNINGS: angst, fluff, past abusive relationships, sorry for anyone named Blake you’ll understand eventually, happy ending, that’s all :)
Your hands worked tirelessly with the cloth, the dish beginning to shine under the bright light coming from the ceiling. You were exhausted, but that didn’t mean you were allowed to stop just yet, not until all tasks were done for the day. It was only fair, after all, Wanda accepted you into her home when asking you to move in with her, so while she spent hours in the office you would be cleaning and tending to the house.
Your phone's alarm went off and you quickly headed towards the laundry room, grinning as the dryer's loud sounds came to a stop. You opened the door and placed the clothes into a laundry basket, carrying the heavy load into your shared room and placing it on your side of the bed, making a mental note to finish it once the dishes and dinner were done. It was her favorite meal that you made, your famous lasagna that always made her mouth water.
“Y/N? I’m home, baby!” You turned to greet the owner of the voice, smiling as you ran into her muscular arms and felt a kiss on your head.
“Mm, missed you s’ much, love.”
“‘Missed you too, Wands.” She leaned back, chuckling at the small red dot on your nose before wiping it away.
“Must be the pasta sauce.” Her eyes widened at this, a smirk growing on her face as she took a whiff of the air.
“Did you make lasagna?”
“You guessed it.” She rose up and down on her tiptoes, her arms wrapping around you once more as she swayed you back and forth quickly.
“Ugh, you are the best.” You helped her remove her coat but were stopped less than halfway through, causing you to furrow your brows.
“It’s okay, I got it.” She placed it on the coat rack and led you into the kitchen, huffing as she noticed there were still ten minutes left on the oven clock before her meal was ready.
“Ugh, I don’t think I can wait that long, I’m starving!” She exclaimed, and you could hear a small rumble coming from her stomach, proving her point.
“I’m sorry, I was a bit backed up. Uhm, did I not pack enough for your lunch?” She brushed you off, massaging her shoulders and letting her hair fall from the tight ponytail.
“Don’t apologize. And, you did, my coworker just forgot her lunch so I gave her some of mine.” You nodded, returning to the dishes that were left unattended. You continued to place them in the dishwasher, occasionally needing to scrape stains out of pots or pans.
“I can pack more for you next time if you’d like.” She found herself behind you, placing both hands on either side of your waist and humming as she rested her head on your shoulder, leaning in to leave a peck on your neck and sending shivers through your body.
“Don’t worry about it, your lunches are just enough. Besides, she never usually forgets her food, she was just in a hurry this morning, she said.” She took the cup from your hand once rolling up her sleeves, and you couldn’t help but lick your lips at the sight of her veiny hands and arms.
“I can do this for now, you just sit there and look pretty for me, yeah?” You hesitated to agree to her request, only giving in once she lightly took them from you while you were unable to speak your disagreement.
“No, really, it’s okay, you’ve been working hard all day, it’s only fair.” She didn’t listen, instead continuing the job you were supposed to be doing. That was your job, you had to do it.
“Uhm, I’ll go fold the laundry then.”
“Nonsense. C’mon, we both know you need a break. Why don’t you sit down and I’ll get dinner ready for you tonight, yeah? We can have a nice bath together later too, if you’d like.” A tear was threatening to escape, and while you were trying your hardest to hold it back, you couldn’t stop it. Wanda turned when she heard sniffling, seeing your gaze fallen to the floor while your hand came to your cheek and she guessed it was to wipe it dry.
“Honey? Hey, what’s wrong?” She dried her hands on the hand towel, her forehead crinkled together as she slowly stalked over to you who stood in the middle of the kitchen.
“Nothing. Nothing's wrong, these are happy tears.” This only caused her concern to grow, and the beeping of the oven became nonexistent in her mind, but not yours. You used it as your excuse to remove yourself from her hold, coughing to cover the waver in your voice as you used oven mittens to remove the large dish. You let it cool, grabbing the counter tightly in your hands before finally giving her the attention she wished for. She looked so defeated, so concerned, you felt horrible.
“Sorry, I- uh, I didn’t mean to worry you.” She stepped forward once again, this time cornering you between the furniture and herself so you wouldn’t escape. She grabbed both of your hands, kissing the backs of your palms before holding them in the air near her stomach and your chest. She used her thumb to run across your knuckles, and the soothing manner nearly caused further tears.
“What’s wrong, Y/N? Did I- did I do something?”
“No, of course not!” You quickly assured, but that heightened her confusion.
“It’s just, I don’t know, I don’t know how to handle this.”
“What do you have to handle? If you mean the cleaning and everything, I’ll- I’ll help, I promise-“
“No, I mean this- you! You’re so fucking good to me and I’m so scared I’m gonna lose that somehow, I don’t know.”
“I don’t understand.” The woman spoke, and you sighed as you recalled the previous endeavors you were forced to experience. She treated you horribly, and you didn’t deserve that, but Wanda didn’t exactly know this. Wanda only knew some of the horrors you chose to share.
“When I was with, uh, Blake, she- she would always be mad if I didn’t finish everything. I would come home from a double shift, and she’d be drunk on the couch, but she yelled at me for dinner, to finish the laundry, clean the dishes, sweep and mop- I had to do everything, Wanda. If I didn’t have the bed made for her I’d be forced to sleep on the couch, and if I didn’t make dinner I wasn’t allowed to eat for the night. She’d yell at me if I didn’t want to have sex, and then I wouldn’t be able to even apologize before I was being blamed and, once again, forced to sleep in the living room. Leaving her was the best choice I ever made, I just never thought I’d have someone so caring as you, I guess she made me believe I didn’t deserve that.” Wanda’s heart felt heavier the more your voice broke, and she never wanted to cry more. She hated hearing others' troubles, but yours felt as though they were hers.
“Baby…I don’t know what to say, I- I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize, and you know you don’t have to do all this, I’ve told you this before.”
“I know, I just fell into such a routine with her, I didn’t know how to stop. And I like doing it for you, you actually appreciate what I do.” You chuckled, but she didn’t return it. She brought you forward and blew out a deep breath, and you instantly returned her hug.
“I love you so much, sweetheart. Please don’t forget that.”
“You’re nothing like her, Wanda, and I really do love you. I’m sorry I freaked out.”
“You didn’t freak out, and I couldn’t blame you for that. You make me so happy, and I’m so grateful for everything you do for me. I want to change that for right now, okay? You’re going to sit down and I’m going to be setting the table tonight. We can have some ice cream on the couch, and I’ll give you a nice massage. Then we can have a bath and I’ll get to hold you all night in my arms, and I’ll never let you go. Does that sound alright?”
“That sounds perfect.”
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lukolabrainrot · 2 months
I am going to talk about some of my thoughts about why I believe N's behavior changed as the PR tour progressed. I am also going to talk about my thoughts on if L&N ever got "jiggy with it" 😂 I'll try to get to my thoughts on Toronto and Ireland tomorrow.
Before I start though, I want to mention that I am trying to come to my theories/opinions based off of things I have been able to observe, and verified information online. Obviously though, I don't actually know any of these people irl, so I am never going to understand the full story of what is going on between L/N. All of this is just my thoughts and theories on what is going on based on what has been put out to the public. There has been a lot of speculation online about everything, but I am going to try and not give that information too much weight when coming to my conclusions here. I am interested in hearing everyone's thoughts/opinions though, since this story has a lot of moving parts. Just wanted to put this disclaimer out before moving forward with more of my thoughts/theories.
Alright, on to the main course (this is going to be a LONG post btw)...
N on the PR Tour
I want to start off with the following that we know to be fact about N:
She is INCREDIBLY private about her personal life, especially her dating/romantic life (the same isn't/hasn't really been true about L). In fact, I don't believe N has ever publicly come out as being in a relationship with anyone since she entered the entertainment industry/been in the public eye (although I can't 100% confirm this, so please let me know if there are any articles/or something on her SM where she has publicly confirmed she was in a relationship at some point)
She is VERY online, and very careful about controlling her public narrative
She is a naturally touchy and affectionate person with people, but she seems to hold her true feelings a lot closer to her heart, and it seems to me, that she is kind of "on" in public (which is actually an important skillset to have as someone in the entertainment industry because you really need to know how to stay in control of your public narrative--your fans are your livelihood)
She LOVES photography/taking photos (it is one of her love languages I believe)
Now as I mentioned, L was always a lot more of an open book on the PR tour about his feelings for N (refer to my post here). N seemed to be a lot more reserved/gaurded during the tour when it first started in January, but everything shifted in like April when the world tour started. Below are my thoughts:
N started to become a LOT more obvious through her nonverbal cues about her genuine feelings for L as the tour unfolded. I will say that I believe PART of it probably had to do with getting a little "lost in the sauce" with the energy of the tour. However, I think the larger factor was that L & N were pushed together for many months (in close quarters), and were therefore forced to have conversations about their feelings for each other that I think they had been tiptoeing around for quite a while. From what we then saw from like the middle of Italy (I'm an Italy truther), there was more of a confidence, security, and contentment in how they interacted with each other that signaled to me feelings were shared and reciprocated.
Like I mentioned, she is a PR queen and very, very private about this part of her life. Therefore, why would she decide to be so obvious about her feelings on such a public stage when she knows people analyze everything? Well... I believe this is her way of publicly acknowledging their romantic feelings for each other without ACTUALLY publicly acknowledging anything more than "work besties" is going on with them. Which totally makes sense when you think about it because 1) The fandom would LOSE IT rn 2) That would put a LOT of public pressure on them, and I think these feelings they have shared with each other are very new (but had been brewing for a long time), and I don't think they are confident enough to go public. There is also, of course, the A of the whole situation, which L needs to figure out how he wants to move forward with that. TLDR, the situation is very messy, and I think there is a lot that L/N need to process in private regarding each other out of the public eye. I am pretty confident though that this tour put them in a situation to confront, clarify, and establish what their romantic feelings are for each other outside of the show (and they were reciprocated), and they are taking the space right now to explore that privately.    
Lastly, because I really like analyzing photos and N loves taking pictures, let's talk about those "boyfriend pics" of L she posted since the world tour started. Yes, she was promoting the show, but a lot of those pictures (especially recently) have a very specific vibe. She wants the world to see him the way she sees him. She loves that man, clear and simple. He shines around her, and she knows that. I think it’s also especially telling that she posted the most recent boyfriend pic of her last day of filming (which was the most obvious one in my opinion) now that A is publicly connected to L. It was a statement in my opinion, that regardless of all the drama unfolding, her and L have a really deep and meaningful connection that is special to her. I think it also served as a message that we don’t know the full story, which I think is a positive thing for us Lukola fans. Now I can’t predict the future with these two, but I am fairly certain we wouldn’t have been seeing the type of behavior we saw from them on the PR tour, and the types of photos she has been posting of him lately, if they weren’t confident in moving forward with their romantic relationship in the near future (especially since A has been in the picture for quite some time). I think these pics serve as another crumb that they are a little more than just work besties.
One last note, I think the reason our PR queen started slipping up and changing her answers to certain questions on the tour is because SHE WAS REALLY HAPPY WITH HIM. This can be a whole separate post at some point if people are interested, but I am almost certain from everything I have observed regarding N, that she is quite jaded when it comes to finding a romantic partner, and has been hurt in romantic relationships in the past.  I feel like L is the more sweet, hopeless romantic between the two. I think he allowed her to heal some of her relationship wounds. I think there is something about L and the experiences they’ve shared together that has reignited something within N to make her feel more hopeful about having a deep romantic connection while she can still be very independent and successful in her field. And I think it specifically has something to do with who L is when he is with her and how he treats her. I get the impression he has really altered the way she sees certain things related to romantic relationships. My whole point is that I think they both know what they have, and they know that if they can get on the same page, this relationship would get serious pretty quickly. Therefore, even though N is really private with this part of her life, for L, I think she would publicly acknowledge their relationship, but only when/if they are able to get to a point where they feel confident enough that their relationship would be able to withstand the pressures from the public. They just aren't there currently because of all the other confounding factors, but I don't think that necessarily signals where they will be in like 6 to 8 months imo...
Have L/N ever gotten freaky deaky irl?
From before the PR tour, I just don't have enough information to confidently say yes or no. A lot of people have different opinions on this, and some people think they casually dated near the end of filming season 3/sometime last year (but we don't have any proof of that). This is what I will say:
N still follows J (and vice versa I believe, please lmk if I'm wrong?), so I don't think there is any bad blood there. This makes me pretty certain that L/N never acted on any physical feelings for each other until after that relationship was completely over. I do think though that L/N have had a spark for a while (and tbh, I think L has kind of had a thing for N since they met, and his feelings for her have always been stronger). Therefore, this likely played a part in him emotionally distancing from his relationship with J when season 3 started filming, but at the end of the day, we will never know the specicifics of why they decided to part ways. My guess is that there were a lot of reasons that relationship did not end up working out considering how serious that relationship was.
Considering how WILD L/N's sexual chemistry is, it wouldn't surprise me if they hooked up at some point before the PR tour. But considering L was on Raya by February/March 2023 (from my understanding?), and the fact that N was SUPER busy last year and traveling a bunch, I just don't think there was any time for them to have anything more than something super casual/no commitment (if anything). Even if they did maybe hook up some, I don't think they really directly addressed the depth of their feelings for each other, which is why we saw all that behavior between them on the tour, because I don't think any clear boundaries had been put up and their feelings came flooding back.
Now I feel a lot more confident that somethingggg intimate happened at least once between them on the PR tour. Here are my theories:
I don't think things were great between them at the beginning of the tour (like January) because feelings I think started popping up again for these two during the reshoots in December 2023, and then the NYE kiss comes out, and N and L are feeling disconnected and aren't really on the same page about the tour.
I think they had some conversations in private, because by the VDay event, they seemed a lot more on the same page (and L was giving N those total heart eyes). The extra layer is that (I believe?) A accompanied L to the city the event was in (I think NYC?), but even though A was staying with him, L was STILL looking at N like THAT during the event (which I think speaks VOLUMES).
I think though there were a lot of things they still weren't talking about, and everything came to a head when they got to Italy, which is why the vibes were off at first and it seemed like there was tension between them. This also occurred soon after the Instyle stunt, so I feel like N probably had some feelingssss about that.
I have recently been converted to an Italy truther, so I believe that Italy was where L/N finally addressed/readressed some of their feelings for each other, and N was trying to get some clarity on WTH was going on with A, and making sure it wasn't going to mess anything up with the tour. But I think they "kissed and made up" 😉 and got back on the same page. Which is why there was the shift in Italy, and why we saw what we saw for the rest of the tour.
Not sure exactly what happened of course, but I get the feeling something physical happened after they started having some BIG conversations about each other that they had needed to have for a long time (and I think they continued to have these conversations with each other as the tour progressed). Let's also remember that these are two very non-confrontational people, so I feel like there must have been a LOT of pent up feelings/emotions for them to publicly show that they weren't super happy with each other/beefing during the beginning of Italy.
I also definitely think they physically acted on their feelings in Brazil (like they just had the "glow" imo 😂). And the eff me eyes, c'mon. Like Brazil continually reminded me of that New Girl quote "The stench of filth and lust is all over this room." It just seemed pretty obvious to me 😂 Especially considering the events that transpired right after that with A, and between L/N for the rest of the tour.
Lastly, I know a lot of people believe that L/N didn't physically act on their feelings because the tension would go away. However, I actually think it's a good sign that tension is still there, because I think it shows that there is a pretty deep connection between these two, and they are still feeling that pull/sexual energy after having sex. They kind of remind me of like two friends in a friend group who just admitted their true feelings for each other but aren't ready to go public, but are also having crazy good sex, so they are super obvious and can't really hide it when they are together LOL Regardless if they had ever physically acted on their feelings before the tour, I think these experiences (IF they did indeed occur), helped L/N get clarity if their strong feelings and attraction for each other went past the show and their characters. And I personally think they got that clarity 😉
Wowww okay that turned into an essay LOL, but I think the TLDR is that the situation seems very complicated right now, and I think there is a lot that L/N are needing to figure out in private. But I don't think that negates or invalidates what we saw between them on the PR tour, or that they were "faking" their feelings. Human beings are messy and imperfect, and that is okay. I think the part that still really confuses me is the whole A of the situation, because I just can't wrap my head around it. I would love to hear other people's opinions though on how she factors into all this, so if you have theories/questions you would like to add to that discussion, drop them in my asks. Because I have thoughtssss 😂
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tarjapearce · 11 months
soccer family wife meeting Miguel’s family for the first time?
👀 Miguel has a potty mouth.
(This is before meeting her family btw)
"So... when you're gonna introduce your girl?"
"A Pitufina?"
Gabriel didn't hold back the ugly snort at the nickname
"God, that's such a terrible pet name."
Gabriel poured the coffee for the both as Miguel prepared breakfast. A bit of Huevos rancheros and fried red beans to pair it with.
"She might come later, she's been busy."
Gabriel put two of sugar to his mug as he handed Miguel his. The proceeded to heat up some day old tortillas.
"You're gonna tell mom about her?"
Miguel's voice monotone, but firm. Gabriel sighed and slanted over the counter, eyes on the tortillas as he crossed his arms in his chest.
"Look, I don't wanna be that guy, but... don't you think it's been years?"
"Yeah. Keep them coming."
"Just do it out of politeness. She'll find out one way or another And you know how mom gets."
He flipped the tortilla and Miguel served.
"I couldn't care less what she thinks. Pásame el chile. Besides that's precisely why I don't want them to meet." (Hand me the chili sauce)
"I just wanna know why you won't talk to her about this. Like... You've gotten a girlfriend!"
"Por Dios, you're so annoying at times. Get over it. Yeah, I'm dating. So?"
"I was worried, Miggy." Gabriel gave a dramatic sigh as he put the other tortilla to heat up, "Thought you'd end up as a true hermit living off caffeine and stress. "
"Tú el doble." (You're it double)
"En fín. Cállate y come." (Anyways, shut up and eat)
"I'm just happy for you. I... I know you don't believe me when I say stuff like this. But Im glad that... Pitufina or however bizarre pet name you wanna call her, is with you."
Gabriel sipped his coffee and sighed.
"You've been less of an asshole lately. You have fun even, so I'm glad. Happy you can finally get some peace with yourself and she seems a good woman too. So... Congrats. "
"What if she asks to met mom?
Miguel shook his head.
"Doubt it. Mom is troublesome. Nothing is fucking good enough for her. Just like Pitufina's mother."
"Kinda understand why you got together now"
Miguel snapped his head towards him with a glare.
"Ya no te cuento ni vergas." (I'm telling you shit.)
"Okay, okay, terrible joke. Sorry. Just... How bad is it?"
"Bad. Strangers practically. Won't expose her to meet mom and throw at her face her own troubles. Mi niña has had enough as it is."
Gabriel's eyes widened upon his older brother's words.
"I think I might get used to this sappy version of you."
"Make fun all you want but even I know there are limits when it comes to being a dick. So don't mention this to mom." Miguel's eyes fixed him with a staid face as he waved his index finger as a warning to him, "And I mean it, Gabri. Don't want her to also ruin this for me."
"I won't, relax. Is not like we're really close or something."
Your knuckles held the wheel tighter as you approached Miguel's apartment. He wanted to introduce you to his family.
So you put yourself in an outfit appropriate for the occasion. A little blazer with a tank top underneath, some jeans and matching low platform espadrilles.
Miguel rarely to never mentioned his family to you, and the sparse times he did, only mentioned his brother.
You had seen Gabriel a couple of times but never interacted with him beyond a couple of words or pleasantries if the situation demanded for it.
You parked and let Miguel know that you were outside. He lived in the second floor of an apartment complex.
He came out after a couple of minutes dressed in his stay at home clothes. A stark contrast on your outfit. You bear hugged him and he kissed your temple.
"Uh... why are you wearing that?"
You gestured
"I feel so overdressed now"
"You're fine. You're meeting Gabriel."
His arm wrapped around your waist as you made your way towards his apartment.
"Just him?"
"You sound disappointed"
Shaking your head with a smile as you climbed up the stairs. He chuckled.
"I'm not. I was nervous at the thought of meeting your parents but... knowing it's only Gabriel is less nerve wrecking."
He sighed and stopped you as his apartment came in view.
"Long story short, I don't get along either with my mom and the sperm donnor is out of the picture. Gabriel is the only constant one in my life. "
You kissed his cheek and held his hand tightly as you held a little gift on the other one.
"Thanks for telling me. I was thinking in escaping while you distracted them. But glad it won't be necessary. "
He chuckled at your attempt of lightening the mood. His keys tinkered as they turned and opened the door.
The younger O'Hara looked up from his seat in the living room with a smile, turning the tv off
"Hey" He stood and approached you both. You gave him the little bottle of a collectible mezcal bottles.
"Miguel told me you liked this brand."
"You didn't have to, but highly appreciated." The nickname kind of made sense for Gabriel now that he saw you next to Miguel.
You introduced himself as you shook Gabriel's hand.
"A pleasure to meet you, thanks for tolerating my brother enough to date him."
You snorted as Miguel glared holes his way.
"He's not bad. Except when he runs out of coffee"
One of your arms wrapped around Miguel's waist as he held and entwined your fingers with his on the other.
"Ah you tell me. I'm the one that's sent to the store to replenish. Older brother privilege and stuff."
You couldn't help but giggle.
"Didn't know you bullied your brother like that."
"Can't believe you're in his side."
"Hey, I'm the youngest too. Totally relate on that"
"Anyways, a pleasure to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too, Gabriel.."
"Don't wanna sound rude but I gotta go meet a client. See you guys later."
"Ve con cuidado." (Careful out there)
"Have a nice day, Gabriel."
"You both too."
Gabriel retreated to his room to then leave the apartment with his laptop.
"You can breath now, Pitufina"
"Stop calling me that? Please?"
He shook his head and kissed you.
"Then it wouldn't be fun to do that"
"Ya pues. Dame otro." He kissed you again with a smile and you giggled. (Enough. Gimme another one)
"Wanna watch a movie or you want me to cook for you?"
"Both? Please?"
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zegrasdrysdale · 5 months
jamie and reader looking through baby names :((
[ what’s in a name ] j. drysdale
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paring : Jamie Drysdale x fem!reader
summary : Jamie and his girlfriend try to find the perfect baby name
warning(s) : none really
author’s note : this is very dialogue heavy btw. it’s very conversation based. also kinda short oops
Baby Drysdale is due in a month and they still don’t have a name. The nursery in their new house is Voorhees got done before they found a baby name.
There was a time where she knew what she wanted her baby's name to be. She was also ten. Now she’s an adult and is in charge of naming an actual human being.
Today is the day though. She and Jamie are going to sit down and pick out their baby’s name. Baby Drysdale will have a name before coming into the world if it’s the last thing they do.
Jamie sits at the kitchen island with a notebook while she runs around the kitchen to cook dinner. She’s been craving a baked dish so she’s making lasagna for them.
“Do we want a neutral gender name?” Jamie questions. “Since we don’t know if the baby’s a boy or a girl. We can come up with names for both a boy and a girl if you want too.”
She gently stirs the large pasta noodles as she thinks. “I think gender neutral is good,” she replies. “I do have one request though.”
“If we have a girl, her middle name is Marie for my mom.”
She looks up to look at her boyfriend and Jamie smiles at her. “Absolutely,” he says. “I won’t say no to that.”
Her mom died about three months before they found out they were expecting Baby Drysdale. It’s like she sent them the little angel growing in her daughter’s belly. That is why Baby Drysdale’s middle name will be Marie if they are a girl.
Jamie scribbles down the idea. “Okay, we have a middle name,” he comments. “If we have a girl. What about if we have a boy?”
She wracks her brain as she tries to think about a middle name if Baby Drysdale is a boy. “What about your brother or dad?” she asks. “Maybe a grandfather that meant a lot to you? Any of their names?”
Her boyfriend sighs behind her. “I mean, my dad’s name is Gary and my brother’s name is Charlie,” he replies. “I wasn’t super close to my grandfathers so I wouldn’t want to name our baby after one of them.”
“I like Charlie as a middle name,” she comments. “Would he mind if we stole his name?”
Jamie laughs. “I don’t think he’ll mind,” he tells her. “He would probably love it.”
“Then Charlie as a middle name if Baby Drysdale is a boy,” she says.
She pours the cooked pasta into a strainer in the sink so she can start layering the dish. “Now we need a first name,” Jamie says. “Especially a name that goes with both middle names we picked out.”
There’s movement behind her and she glances back. He is grabbing is laptop and bringing it back to the island. “What are you doing?” she questions.
“I am going to find a list of names and we are going to go through it until we find one we both like,” he says as he types something. “And the baby’s name isn’t going to be something basic and common either. We’re going all in.”
She laughs and layers the dish. “Alright,” she sighs. “Hit me with some names.”
“We got Avery first on the list,” Jamie tells her.
Avery Marie or Avery Charlie. “I’d like it better as a girl’s name,” she admits. “Avery Marie sounds very pretty.”
Jamie scribbles that done. “I agree,” he replies. “Next we have Taylor.”
She thinks about it as she licks some sauce off her finger. “I like it,” she says. “For both.”
More scribbling as she throws a layer of foil on top of the dish. “Next we have Wyatt,” Jamie says. “I will say that I am not a fan of this name. It doesn’t go well with either middle name.”
“Agreed. Next.”
There’s a moment of silence between them as she puts the dish in the oven and timer. She walks over to Jamie and wraps her arms around him from behind so she can see over his shoulder. “How about Silas if Baby D is a boy?” he asks. “It just popped up at a separate list at the end.”
Silas Charlie. “I love it,” she replies. She watches Jamie write it down.
“So I think we have our names,” Jamie comments. “Avery if Baby D is a girl and Silas if Baby D is a boy.” He looks up at her.
Without realizing it, tears well in her eyes. “We have our names,” she echoes. The tears spill onto her cheeks.
Jamie turns in the high stool and faces her. “Baby, you don’t have to cry,” he coos as he uses his thumbs to dry her tears. “This is supposed to be a happy moment.”
“I know,” she laughs. “I can’t help it. I’m a very emotional person right now.”
He pulls her into a hug and rests a hand on her belly to give the baby a hug. “I love you both,” Jamie says. “Emotions and all.”
She laughs and rests her cheek on her boyfriend’s head as he gently rubs her belly.
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taglist: @fanboysfangirl @dasiysthings @equallyshaw @dancerbailey3 @goldihocksrocks @love4lando @mangoluver @prettyinsatiable @ivy-34
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rpreaperperson · 9 months
Reader is a combat medic, a BIG sweeth tooth and a mother to 141 boys (dont forget can cook too) a waifu material
In case with ‘Captain’ John Price
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Remember when you said Price is like your grumpy bear dad? You took over your mother's duties after she passed away to take care of the men in your family. Of course, your brothers help one another when necessary.
But there’s a time when your father came home late tired, and grumpy, after took your brothers to sleep you took care of him he always insisted on sleeping in the bed without eating his dinner and bath
Annoyed you pulling his ear to take a shower first and eat his dinner , while eating his dinner he grumbled that you took after your mother too much
Still he is grateful for your patience and for taking care of the family, after hearing that you’re going to be a medic in the military...well you could say that he sulking and getting more grumpy at you..
“Captain? You inside?” you announce yourself then enter Price's office after he allows you to enter, a disheveled looking Captain welcomes you
A cigar scent fills your nose, let out a cough you wave the scent away from your nose
“Need something love?”
“Y-yeah I’ve done the report for today”
“Good good, just put it here...” he pats the space of his desk, cause his desk full of paperwork not looking up from his paperwork
“been sleeping these day Cap?”
“Nah..just...dont have the time” he grumbled
‘cause the paperwork...God he need some rest’ shaking your head, you snatch the paper away from him
“You need a rest Cap..you even got a bags under your eyes”
“Sorry Doc...just..a few more paper then Im done”
“....Captain..I have taking care of 5 little rascals boy and 1 grumpy bear Dad, and I know that a ‘few more’ means all of it...enough its enough you need rest” command you
“Doctor order Price” you sternly gaze at him as you take the paper away from his desk, then you walk out from his office to make him tea and food (if Soap didn’t chomp out the leftovers)
Fortunately there some leftover in the fridge, some raw minched meat, 2 egg and a carrots
‘hmm..there’s not enough vegetables here...I should make the boys buy more vegetables need to feed them more vitamins’ taking the ingredients out of the fridge you start to cook
Meanwhile, Price who waited in his office could not help but shut his eyes for a little while a memory of the first time you met when Laswell introduced you to team 141
Shy, timid, soflty spoken always shied away from men gaze
But after known you better they began to call you Doc...but there’s another code name for you that was made by the 141 Mom, not so often you called Mom but it was popular among the recruits because of the way you took care of the wounded one
One day after completing a mission you rushed into the kitchen and made all of them meal...he could remember clearly the savory flavor and the juicy black pepper Chicken, the warm and creamy cream mushroom soup and GOD you forbid them to drink cola or alcohol that kinda drink, so you made them berry smoothies instead, the sweetness its just...perfect
‘Bloody Hell...its just make me hungry if I think about her cooks...’
Then he heard a rushed footstep outside his office door slammed open, with you holding a plate like a dear life panting, sweat rolled down from your forehead locking the door with your one hand
“Sorry for the delay Cap...there’s 2 hungry beast trying to devour your meal when I done making it” you sigh
You shriek while Price snaps his head into the door
The Captain's eyebrows raised flabbergasted, as you put down the plate on his desk
The moment you were done making the meal those so-called hungry beasts came to devour the dish you made (btw it was Soap and Gaz, while Ghost was sneaking in your office snatching some sweets)
The scent of the meal made him sit properly looking at the appetizing meal
“new menu you make?”
“kinda ,a burger steak with BBQ sauce and egg...ah and make sure you eat those carrot Cap, anyways we need to buy groceries for the fridge...Soap is getting sneakier lately” crossing your arm against your chest a frown planted on your face, annoyed with Soap who always nomning the food down to his throat along with Gaz his partner in crime when it comes to food, particularly your cooking
“I want to put onions in the meat but alas there are no onions..luckily there is egg and milk luckily it has not expired yet, anyway put some salt and pepper in the meat and found some BBQ sauce in the cabinet” you rambled, again Price amazed that you could make such delightful meal with the remain ingredients in the kitchen
When he cut the burger with his fork the juices flowed down to the plate, then he took a bite of the burger
“hmm its good..no wonder the boys was chasing after this” Price humming in delight in a moment all of his fatigue gone
“Thanks Cap...oh God Im forgot about the tea –“
“Nah love I got water here”
“You sure?”
“Positive..” he smiled at you, his sincere smile making you blush
After finishing his food, Price took a sip of water from his glass, you saw that the plate was clean, not even a trace of the BBQ sauce.
Sighing in relief you took the plate, happy that Price enjoying his meal
“you know you dont have to do all of this” suddenly said Price gaze at you, then you snap your head at him
“you know what I mean love..” in moment you pursing your lips looking at the empty plate, sure you know being a 'care taker' is not part of the job...but
“...still..I kinda love doing it..cooking for you, the boys..even the recruits..taking care of all you makes me feel at home” you sheepishly grin  
“oh Doc...you’re gonna spoil them rotten” shaking his head, Price propping his head with his fist smirking
“heheh~ that’s why I called Mom no? Ah should make you some tea?”
“Im gonna take some rest...thanks for the meal...Mom”
“You’re very welcome...” as you open the door you sneak a glance at him
“Dad~ heheh” then you leave him flabergasted, a red blush covering his cheeks covering his mouth his his rough hand  Dad...he thought of a marriage life with you..
“God damnit woman..hrghh...she gonna give me a heart attack” moving out from his chair Price tidied up his paper and ready to take some rest in his room
‘Wouldn’t be so bad...be wed with Doc..’ then he saw 2 head pop out from the door
Soap and Gaz stare at him with disdain and jealousy, Price smirks at them giving them a smug face
“I am the Dad now boys” They growled as Ghost walked up from behind munching the sweets he stole from your office, wondering what he missed.
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #24
Growing Pains
Even the yams belong to the Dimmadomes...
Hazels' cute ladybug phone! I still like how we can't tell if it's a Dimmadome brand. Everyone else likes to flaunt logos, but Hazel's just there.
Aw, Hazel's gotten over her jealousy towards her brother's girlfriend taking up his time and thinks they're cute together. I'm so glad we get to see a sibling relationship like this.
"What's a good idea? Aging??" - Antony, unaware Hazel's about to age up with magic to see a PG-13 movie.
Okay, so... I'm gonna note down Wanda's comment that she and Cosmo were "teenagers in the 1590s." Obviously that's not true even in this show's canon since Cosmo and Wanda have been married for 10k, 20k years.
... Actually, did they say they'd been married that long in this show? They keep talking about their 10k-year vacation, not their marriage.
Point being, I'm going to try sussing out Peri's New Wish age at a later date using some information, though my 'fics will stick to my already established timeline.
There's a Dancing Tarantula movie AND a Crimson Chin movie? Dev's probably been in and out of this theater a lot lately, because those posters match the ones in his room. I wonder if he has a private theater and exclusive screening rights.
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Why do I get the feeling they're about to drop Fairy puberty info on Hazel and they probably gave this talk to Peri while posed in a similar way? oh no.
I don't think this is something I'll include in my canon because it doesn't fit my Fairy biology and I already have my own established puberty stuff in 'fic, but I admire the goofiness.
-> But I'm glad I got to hear them talk about pheromones / fairymones, because I definitely use those and it makes me laugh. Insect people...
Btw, "tons of red splashy sauce on body" is really bad on my hemophobia, so I'm censoring the screenshots.
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This is so funny to me. Concerned dad gives The Talk.
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They're cute. Very shape.
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slkdjf, Peri watching Hazel on the news. I love how he squirms his legs uncomfortably- "Oooh... Pasta puberty. I do not miss that."
Is he at his parents' place, avoiding Dev? Or is this his room?
I'm pretty sure he's at Cosmo and Wanda's. You can tell from the stars on the stairwell behind him, plus I remember a couch that made me think of Princess Peach, AND they had a window on that wall overlooking Fairy World.
Between this and "Multiverse" (the other of its pair)... Not sure I love the implication that after the Irep drama, Dev's not been taking Peri to school and Peri's not making the effort to be near him. Uh-oh...
They really are like exes who can't stand to be under the same roof, for real, for real.
Alternate explanation: Peri's on his lunch break.
Maybe he's tracking Dev's phone, waiting 'til he's needed.
?? Is that how everyone in this show holds forks? Because I seem to remember Poof flip-flopping through ambidexterity before settling in with right-handedness after left-handed Foop was born, and it's very funny to see Poof hold his fork with his presumed less dominant fist.
I get the purpose of making the item easy to draw by having it face us, but I laugh.
Now that I think about it (in retrospect after Peri bragged about how he'd been following Dev around even after he quit)... I like how Peri thinks his parents hover too much and then he also hovers too much.
Geez, fairy kids have it rough. Terrible Twos, pooferty, and now this? Apparently growing into your magic just wrecks you.
Also, I want a 'fic about Hazel's parents inviting Cosmo, Wanda, and their son over and everyone (especially Antony who probably thinks he's Peri's age) just asks Peri a bunch of questions about if he's doing school or a job or whatever and he's just /laughs nervously.
Hazel's parents are so good to her and they've clearly taught her to communicate well and politely set boundaries. The contrast between them and Clark and Connie Carmichael is hilarious.
I'm glad Cosmo and Wanda have no sense of things Hazel would find gross.
This and "Multiverse of Jenkins" were really fun filler episodes!
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call-me-a-simp · 1 year
Heal My Wounds
Your Savior (Part 2)
Rhea Ripley x Reader
Tw: physical and sexual abuse, toxic relationship
Summary: You are in a toxic relationship with an abusive man but manage to run away. A tall, black haired woman picks you up from the streets just in time so your ex doesn't get you. But who is she and why does she seem so familiar to you? As you get to know each other you start to notice weird feelings you never had before whenever she's around.
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You take a Deep Breath, trying to calm down, knowing he couldn't get you now. At least for some time. You knew he wouldn't stop there, he'd try to find you again and terrorize you until you gave in and come crawling back to him.
You take a look in the mirror outside and see him screaming and raging."Hey, are you okay? What happened out there?" the dark haired woman on the driver's side asked. You wince slightly, as you were so caught up in your thoughts, you completely forgot she was still there. "Hey hey, I didn't mean to scare you" she says, trying to sound somewhat comforting. "N-no.. it's okay.. I'm fine.." you say, your voice barely loud enough for her to hear.
"Who was that" the Woman asked again. You shook your head, not wanting to talk about it, everything was just too much. "Not now, sorry, it's just all too overwhelming right now. Thanks though for stopping, I don't even wanna imagine what would have happened if he got me." You give her a weak smile, and she just nods her head and continues driving.
About 20 minutes later you're still driving, the silence that surronded you during that time wasn't that unpleasant after all. The radio was playing quiet musik and all in all you were just glad you finally got some rest. "Where are we headed?" you decided to break the silence. "home" she replies. "I just came back from a buisness trip and the airport it quite far away from where i live." You nodded, silence filling the car once more.
Some minutes later you decide to finally ask her who she was, she seemed so oddly familiar to you. "Can I ask you one more question?" "sure, as many as you'd like" she said. "Who are you and do we know each other by any chance? You seem so familiar"
She chuckled, "Well, you might know me under my ringname, Rhea Ripley, but you can just call me Demi". And that's when it hit you. Rhea. Ripley. The woman you always admired. for her strength and confidence. You just sit there, stunned at what had just happened. "You okay?" Demi asks with a chuckle. "Yeah, yes I- uh I just didn't expect that" you say. She laughs at your response.
"I- I'm y/n btw" you say, a smile tugging a the corner of your lips. How lucky could you be? The Rhea Ripley was the one so save you. "Nice to meet you y/n" Rhea grins. "Do you have anywhere to stay for now?". You shake your head "No, I don't have any friends around here and my parents live quite far away" you explain.
"Okay, you'll just come with me then, also good cause I know you're protected and don't need to blame myself in case anything happens to you tonight" Rhea says, as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
You arrive at her place a few minutes later and you both exit the car. Rhea grabs her suitcase from the trunk before opening the door to her apartment. She puts her suitcase next to a small shelf in the hallway before taking off her shoes. You notice just now that you don't have any shoes so you open your backpack to search for a new pair of socks as yours were dirty from running outside.
You quickly change them and follow Rhea inside. "Are you hungry? Do you want anything to drink?"she asks, as you step into the kitchen. "Some water would be good thanks" you say. She hands you a glass of water and Begins to rummage around the kitchen to gather some supplies for cooking.
"Can I help you with anything?" you ask, putting the now empty glass aside. "You can chop some onions and Tomatoes for the Sauce if you want. I'm gonna make Pasta for dinner." Demi says, handing you a cutting board and a knive. Both of you Standing next to each other, you cutting the veggies and her preparing the noodles.
"Mind telling me what happened?" Rhea asks in a comforting voice. You stop cutting mid way, putting the knive away, and start fidgeting with your hands. You turn around so you were leanig against the counter with your back. You take a deep Breath and exhale slowly before starting to speak.
This is part 2 on my Heal my Wounds series, hope you enjoy. I've already got plans for future parts but I still appreciate every comment on wishes or hopes etc :)
Taglist: @thatonepansexual2000
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ambrosialdesire · 1 year
Congrats on 30 followers! :) Since you’re requests are now officially open I have oneeee.
Canon verse yandere childhood best friend Eren :) Maybe reader starts dating someone and Eren won’t accept having the love of his life be taken away from him.
(I’m not really sure if this is how to write a request btw.)
pairing: s4 eren x fem!reader word count: 2k warnings + tags: general yandere and obsessive themes, unhealthy relationships, one-sided pining, childhood friends, kinda angsty at first ngl, implied non-con at the end, all characters are 18+ synopsis: you start dating and it's not the man that everyone had expected, the one who's been at your side since forever. love is a powerful emotion and eren has too much of it for you to ignore. a/n: thank you sm anon and this is a perfectly fine request! depending on how descriptive a request is somewhat affects the length of the fic :) btw this is pre-rumbling and pre-marley invasion (aka when eren was pretending to be a injured soldier). really bad and unreliable synopsis but hope this is a good read!! double posting today haha (mostly because i haven't posted in a bit lol) note: please keep in mind of the tags above and do not proceed if triggering or uncomfortable, especially if you are a minor!! do not read my or any other writers' dark content if you are underaged. this is a fictional work and does not reflect irl morals, do not believe this is how a real romance works or functions.
The sounds of cutlery hitting the plates and the wooden table caused your cheeks to flush more, a hand rubbing at your nape as you began to avert your gaze from the group. Wide eyes were staring at you, as if you said something that was a complete shocker. God, this had to be worse than actually fighting Titans.
"You're what!?" Sasha was the one that finally broke the silence, hands slamming on the table as she got up from her seat abruptly.
"And to who?!" Connie followed suit, slamming his hands down but instead hitting his dinner, gravy sauce going everywhere. His face cringed at the mess but he still stared at you with seeming horror.
"Guys, it's not that serious."
"Bullshit, it's not serious! You're dating—"
"—And it's not Eren?!"
Your body tensed up immediately, realizing that he was the only one that barely reacted to your confession, still focused on his dinner as his now long brown hair marred the side of his face. A part of you felt nervous not being able to really know what he was thinking, the other part of you felt worried. Jean slapped the back of both Sasha and Connie's heads, a scowl on his face.
"Knock it off you two! Of course she wouldn't date him, we're talking about Eren for God's sake."
They started bickering with each other and you tried to resolve it as always, but every single sound and word started to muddle together like his head was pushed underwater. His fist clenched around his spoon, to the point where he could feel the metal bend to the shape of his hand. You didn’t pick him. He wasn't as nearly surprised as the others, mostly because he had already seen it coming, but witnessing it come true was a pain that was utterly indescribable.
Out of everyone, they had to be some random civilian that caught your eye. Someone who doesn’t know the true horrors of the world out there, someone who never struggled the same way you and he did growing up. Maybe he'd be fine if you ended up with Armin or fuck, even Jean was a viable option but no. You went off and found yourself some guy who didn't come close to understanding you.
It didn't make sense, Eren's been with you since the two of you could walk. He was the one that saved you over and over again by those bullies that taunted you and Armin, never minding the fact that Mikasa had to save everyone at the end of it. He was your shoulder to cry on, especially after everything that happened back when everyone was still young scouts. He was the one who sacrificed everything for you. Everyone in the squadron knew that the two of you were inseparable, like two peas in a pod. No wonder everyone was surprised that you guys didn't end up together but the Paths denied him the end he sought out for years, even if he had only seen the flashing glimpses of the inescapable future.
"Er— Ere... Eren. Hey Eren!" You snapped your fingers in front of his face, his gaze latching onto yours immediately. You always had such a kind look in your eyes, he's glad that it never went away despite what you've gone through.
"Your spoon." He looked down and saw that he completely severed the metal utensil in half, the indentations of his fingers prominent in the silver handle. The others were looking at him, puzzled and confused expressions on their faces. He knew what they were thinking. Why didn't you take a chance?
There was no chance to begin with. Eren was on the losing side of the game no matter what.
"Must've forgot how to hold a spoon. Remember what happened the last time I held one like this?" He mused, placing the broken halves down on the table. The more they quietly stared at him, the more he wanted to run out of the room with his shattered heart pieces. He dismissed himself out of the mess hall, saying that he was exhausted. They knew that he wasn't but none of them mustered a word of any sorrowful condolences, his frame disappearing into the shadows of the hallway.
The pitter-patter of running came up from behind him and he felt the brush of a hand against his, heart pumping back to life as he recognized the familiar texture of your skin. Eren looked beside him and saw you, smiling at him like you had no clue what was running through his mind. Breathlessly, you asked him a simple question.
He nodded, letting you lead the way for him. Rooftop meant that you wanted to talk in the spot that you found for each other back when you two started in the Survey Corps, a flat area at the top of the building where the night sky was all that you could see. The rules were that you weren't allowed to bring anyone else up there besides each other and that you weren't allowed to go there without one another. Eren wouldn't admit it but he did sneak there every once in a while, basking in the memory of you and him being young and slightly naïve.
"You're upset." You finally stated as you settled yourself down on the floor, an old blanket covering the rough ground.
"I'm not."
"I know you are, you get all awkward about it instead of bursting out your feelings." He grimaced, was he really that predictable as a kid? Eren leaned himself back on the edge of the roof barrier, staring up at the sky.
"Are you... happy that I'm dating someone?" He could hear the hesitancy in your question, curiosity and fear intermingling. His hands clenched against the concrete, the texture scraping his skin. If he knew that this is what you wanted to talk about, he would've avoided you like the plague.
He took a slow inhale.
"What do you want to hear, the honest truth or an honest lie?" Eren heard you stand up and walk closer to him, cautious hands grabbing his and pulling him towards you.
"The truth."
You've always looked so pretty under the night sky, the way your eyes reflected the stars and the way the moon shone down on your form. He never told you because he was so scared of ruining what the two of you have. This was nothing like what he felt towards Mikasa or Armin. You were special, you were his. Now that he knew what lies beyond the future, he should've said something before. Would that have changed anything now?
"The truth is, I'm not happy. There's nothing you can say that will change my stance about it." You frowned and squeezed his hands before letting go of him, your warmth escaping him.
"Eren, you can't keep disapproving every man I'm interested in."
"Yes I can and I will. You've always had terrible taste, remember how you liked Bertolt back in training?" You gasped in horror, hitting his arm.
"Stop! I never want that to ever be brought up again and I only liked him because he helped me out that one time with the chores," There was a flush on your cheeks, embarrassed about how you once was ever interested in a traitor. "But I'm serious this time, this relationship is serious."
In all of his years of knowing you, serious was never a word that fit you. Eren rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and leaning towards you.
"How long?"
"How long, what?"
"How long have you been seeing this guy?"
You started fidgeting your hands, your tell-tale sign that it's been a while and you're figuring out how to lie about it. You could never lie to him though, he'd always figure you out.
You finally sighed and relented, giving up on trying to say anything but the truth. "2 years."
"Fuck, so it was right under all of our noses huh?" His hand gripped against his sleeve, his voice almost shaking as he spoke. He thought that you trusted him with everything, whatever you tell him would be confidential. He would never snitch on you, he thought you knew that. Eren had to turn away from you because if he didn't, you would've witnessed the tears roll down his cheeks. He felt your hand against his back, slowly rubbing circles on his back.
He hated you. He hated the way you made him feel like a pile of mush. He hated how you pretended not to know that he loved you, not as the childhood friend but as the man who pined after you the minute he was able to comprehend what he was feeling towards you.
He hated your smile, that annoyingly beaming grin directed at him whenever and for whatever reason.
He hated your affection, how you pretended to truly care about him when you were off loving another man.
He hated your warmth, radiating like an everlasting sun and cheering everyone up as if you were a carbon copy of Historia.
With all the love he had for you, there was the same amount of hatred that came along with it.
Eren looked at you, turning his body towards yours and you looked at him. As if he was under a spell, he felt himself mouthing the words that he longed to tell you for years. Your reaction was unexpected, perhaps even completely expected. His cheek stung from your strike, your eyes big and wide as if a Titan just walked up in front of you.
"Eren, y-you don't mean that do you?" His hand rested on his cheek, his fingers digging into his skin.
"I meant every word," He uttered softly, suddenly grabbing your hands and pulling them close to his chest. "Do you feel it? I love you. I'll love you until my bones are nothing but dust, I'll love you until my lungs stop taking in air, I'll love you until the world falls apart. Please Y/N, I'm already forever yours. Will you be mine?"
There was only silence that came from you after his confession, the pounding reverb of his heart being the only thing he could hear. You pushed him away, a stunned and confused look reflecting in your moonlit eyes. He felt wounded, like you stabbed a blade even deeper into his chest.
"N-No, no. Eren, I'm already dating someone. You can't just say all of this now." Your hands gripped your uniform pants tightly, the fabric scrunching together. "You're too late."
He shakily sighed, pushing his hair out of his face. What he hated most about you was your ability to constantly deny anything that you didn't want to hear.
"I thought you might say that."
He was instantaneous, quick. You never reached the level of ability of being fast on your feet in sparring and you wouldn't ever beat him in it now. He pinned you down onto the old blanket, his hand gripping both of your wrists tightly together above your head as he rested himself in-between your legs. You fought back but he didn't budge, only pressing you harder into the ground. His other hand made quick work in removing your pants and undergarments, shoving your panties in your mouth to keep you silent. No one needs to know about the rooftop after all.
Eren's selfish, you've always known that he was. You just didn't know how deep it went, how his selfishness of what he had deemed was love for you dug in and rotted into his heart. You tried begging through the cloth, muffled and incoherent cries being the only thing that was heard. He clicked his tongue, dragging his thumb across your spit-slicked lips before giving you a light kiss on the side of your face.
"If I can't change your mind with words," Eren pulled back and drank in your partially nude body, admiring you as he watched tears form at the corners of your eyes. He placed his free hand over your mound, fingers barely inserting themselves into your folds, your body reactively shivering from his touch. "I'll fuck you over and over until you can think about nothing but me."
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myboxofcookies · 3 months
Cherry Sauce Cookie, a seamstress from the Hollyberry Kingdom!
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an easy-going seamstress locally known in the kingdom, and performs at her job with mostly ease
an animal lover, owns a cherry cakehound named Charmie and a (formerly wild) blueberry cakehound named Bumble
a very kind and caring person overall, and that shows through her designs to provide a fashionable appearance and comfortable wear (does custom designs too)
not too keen on being under the spotlight, and rather watch at the sides
being part of the cherry family, she's the oldest cousin of Cherry Blossom Cookie and Cherry Cookie
despite her sweet demeaner, she can actually take down some opponents when she needs to (or if one of her cakes gets hurts then rip to that person-)
Some backstory
As a child:
Cherry Sauce was the shyest and timid member as the first child in the Cherry family’s 3rd generation, despite most of her family being chaotic and eccentric nature; she was loved just as much as her siblings and cousins that were born after her
usually held on to her parents and other family members for safety
a kind sweetheart overall despite her nature, and was willing to help out
one time, she got scared away by some mean kids so much that she ran into a forest and got lost, she was scared until she met some wild cakehounds who decided to befriend and comfort until she got rescued
she defended the hounds from her own father and the search party that looked for her (they thought the monsters attacked her)
since then, her father helped build her confidence by putting her through some training in order to be able to defend herself and others she loves in the future
Fashion school era:
as she grew, Sauce began fascinated with the fashion of the Hollyberry kingdom and decided to pursue for a degree outside her home in a far off city
in her course, she began to experiment with her craft and socialize outside of her usual comfort zone, even meeting someone she thought understood her the best and dated (her first girlfriend) (C.Sauce is Pan btw)
however, despite all efforts, it seems the cottagecore aesthetic she was giving off in her work wasn’t as popular among her peers, teachers, and other critics back then, even her own partner was losing faith in her work
she graduated but wasn’t able to land a job in the same city, and few months later she broke up with her first gf and moved back to the kingdom
since then, she realized she found more happiness as a local seamstress than she’d ever thought of if she ever became a famous designer
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gradient-jeremy-asks · 4 months
Does Unpleasant have any interesting lore or is bro just there🙏ALSO OR HOW DID THEY MEET
Aight this gonna be a LONG RANT I actually spent the past days working on this just to answer this ask Lol
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Unplez facts -
Uhm I genuinely have NOTHING for bro at this moment so i’d say bro just appeared out of nowhere and just genuinely bugs Infected because bro thinks it’s hella funny. (NO I DON’T SHIP THEM DON’T ASK ME.)
BUT I have some Headcanons for my Unpleasant☝️🗿 NOTE: PLEASE CREDIT ME IF YOU USE THESE
Uno- Unpleasant is legit. Just a goofy guy, that’s it, bro. He just exists to channel his inner goofy.
Dos- The cat headphones are actually attached to bro, like bro's ears, twitch, and stuff, and bro's just cat-like (I can’t remember what post, but I did state that bro only has cat features due to the consumption of Poptart).
Tres- Unplez can shapeshift into objects but doesn’t do it that often due to how much energy and time it takes, and he's too busy gaming to have the energy.
Cuatro- (Idk how to describe this one 😭🙏.) They can make themselves 2D and move across the floors and walls THINK PRISMO FROM ADVENTURE TIME (Bro usually does this to tease Infected.)
Cinco- Bro’s body is like a big building block; he can just pop his arm off with no problem; it doesn’t hurt; however, Infected teases him back with this and rearranges his body. Basically, Mangle from Fnaf minus all the robotic stuff (Unpleasant hates this a lot).
How they met-
I’d say for Jeremy and Unpleasant meeting it was quite distasteful (I wrote this at like 3 am mind you.)
So basically, what happened is that Unpleasant got kicked out of Infected’s apartment, so with no place to really go, he just stayed on the elevator for quite some time until Jeremy’s floor came up. (Btw, this is after Jeremy’s got that vampirism.) and of course, bro would get picked, and no NPC saved him because they all hated him. This meant that Jeremy was going to snack on Unplez’s blood. However, Unpleasant, rather than accept their fate and respawn, begs Jeremy into letting them live, and Jeremy thinks this is genuinely funny; she has a very sick and twisted personality (a genuine sweetheart when you get to know her.), so she tells Unpleasant that she will let them go at the cost of bringing her NPC's, and with that, Unpleasant is basically putting themselves through even more torture but doesn't really care how the others feel because no one really likes them until eventually Jerm and Unplez eventually get along really well, and later on, Mozelle joins the trio because she’s awesome sauce.
The end 🫶
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kstaki · 5 months
FLT Niigata Report
Actually wanted to just say some stuff I notice and thought when watching. No spoiler for the basic story plot just some stuff that caught my eye & opinion.Plus what I roughly remember from the Act 2 their talk and concert.
Btw Himeno & Rita are wearing Heels and Platform compare to G-Rosso.
I feel like in this story Rita seems to stand out (express themselves) a lot I love every moment they appear. (They do have their screaming moment 🫣) maybe I am bias but I did watch everyone looking out at things.
Yanma was wearing glasses 🤓 at one point lol
There is definitely the sibling moments in the story between Gira & Racles 😊 (Can I just spoil Gira call Racles Onii-Chan?)
There are some really good pairing moments 🫣
Also the props were amazing and I like how they make use of the stage to hide their OhgerCalibur and Kumonoslayer.
First show there were mishaps 😂
Like Rita was supposed to take out their OhgerCalibur from their back but was struggling to do so. There is an extra who usually helps them take it out.
Then Racles in Suit apparently had his cape caught in his horn while fighting 😂
Probably still have somemore but these two are one I remember 😆
(I can’t remember everything so I would say basically what I remember could be wrong i apologize but it a long day…)
Act 2 for first show
They first performed Chikyuu Dance ( Zenryoku King) yes Racles is also inside
Then they announce their guest.
Shiokara introduced himself normally while Morfonia introduced herself in Rita manner.
King solve problem
I think they took a question from audience, then they let Morfonia choose and she wanted someone with glasses.
I think they ask Racles do something but I forgot what it was 😅
Then there is another question like what to do about children like and dislike.
They all were discussing but we could still hear them talk can’t remember what they say in the end. I only just remember the guys admitting they have stuff they don’t like then Yanma saying he doesn’t like tomato but tomato sauce he can?
King Swap (I think that what it was?)
They are supposed to pull out a paper and act similar to the character that is currently on stage.
Gira was up and he acted like Racles but also in a silly way (if i remember correctly is like the Yano side)
Yanma act like Gira but somehow he sort of added himself inside. Since there was a part he acted like ‘Gira’ had to do this part but he couldn’t do it. So he ask Yanma for help who show it to him.
Matsumoto-San (MC) then ask audience who they wanted to do it hot fav was of course Jeramie.
He drew himself out but change then end up with Kaguragi. It was apparently about his muscles
Apparently Jeramie said something before hand (I forgot what it was) before saying like melon and showing off his muscles left and right before repeating the movement again but this time with the word watermelon.
At first beginning Kaguragi look slightly embarrassed like he didn’t believe he did that but soon join in doing same movement last word after watermelon which was pumpkin?
Matsumoto-San asked if Kaguragi if Jeramie got him right which of course being Kaguragi say it perfect.
They still had time so Matsumoto-San ask who they (audience) wanted do next everyone scream Racles.
Racles end up picking Shiokara, who infamous line is Yanma-Kun!!!
Once he was done Matsumoto-San ask Shiokara who deny ever doing that sort of run that Racles did. That happen to be like the Naruto run 🤣
Afterward it was the character song
When everyone was taking their penlight. Rita had wander behind I thought they were going to take a sip or something.
Morfonia was all set to just cheer until Rita told her they had work.
Morfonia upsetting put down the light stick just as Rita turn around to show they had zip down their collar. They straight went into Rittan mode.
Both of them started to dance and not so sure if Rita was singing while dancing 😅 (I like to believe they are) I really like them both dancing to the song especially how previously Rita had ask Morfonia to learn the dance the day before Sapporo FLT 😂 so I guess if Morfonia is around and Rita is singing she has to wor-I mean dance.
After Rita was done they announced next one was Gira-Chi! In which Gira had announced himself as Gira-Chi. They run off stage (now that I think about it maybe they went to change their shoes? Because I think it was difficult to dance in platform?) they came back when the song already start with their collar zip up.
Gira had a microphone instead in his hand to sing and in middle of performance Racles went up to him. Like a proud big brother cheering beside him while he sing (I can’t remember if he put his arm around his shoulder or not but I think so)
Then it ended they say their thanks to the audience. (I don’t recall first one but the next two is epic)
Second show time
Act 2
During the Chikyuu Dance (Zenryoku King) apparently Himeno accidentally turn wrong side but quickly turns. However Racles notice because he was beside her he was apparently sort of teasing her about it by his facial expression.
Basically it was like this left to right Yanma, Himeno, Racles, Gira, Jeramie, Rita and Kaguragi.
Then they introduced the guest Shiokara the same, Morfonia this time did it in Rita-Mofu voice.
They did a bit of small talk apparently if I remember correctly Matsumoto-San was asking Himeno about Niigata especially like she had like a friend or acquaintance. Then somehow Himeno refer she know from Murakami Erica (So yeah they are still them (character) in this show😂)
This time it wqs Skapon Tanuki game
Basically it was where you are given 2 different scenario & you just say ‘Skapon Tanuki’ to it. The rest have to guess which one so the scenario they are acting out.
(I don’t remember the scenario sorry)
Himeno was up first so she did her Skapon Tanuki. While the rest were discussing.
Himeno interacted with the fans to do penlight wave.
When they decided on their answer apparently Racles did an A pose which was like hand against his side and he did almost like a small split. They were all comment and laughing at him. Then Rackes was saying that the can do A clap for him which was two finger like ✌🏽 victory pose and then one finger on the other hand. Then clap the victory pose onto to the other one.
They got Himeno correct
Next was Gira who did a bit of wave but later just played with the audience. Like he move either left or right we had to copy him so like he was testing us.
Once they decided, I think they said B. Once again Racles did a B pose. I think it was like his arm curve to his side and one leg curve against the other. I forgot how they did the B hand 😅 but Gira said it was wrong.
They all question him and somehow Gira was figuring out how to explain so he took out a snack hidden him. He open it and start eating which everyone was questioning him what was he doing. He said he needed the snacks to explains. Yet while he was explaining they were all saying it didn’t seem like it. I can’t remember if he admit he might does it wrong or not (The Kings & aides refuse to be wrong lol)
Afterward Kaguragi turns who after he did his Skapon-Tanuki. He immediately ask the audience if they know his colour 😆 then Kaguragi just did whatever he can with the audience with the penlight while the rest discuss.
They guess it correctly and yes Racles still did his body pose answer 😂
Afterward it was like Niigata sort of promoting their prefecture, it was voluntarily. Yanma went up first then follow by Rita. Apparently both of them did food & in their roll call sort of momentum. (I don’t recall what they said 😭 but it sound & felt like that)
Yet Yanma was so impressed with Rita that he went up to sort of give their approval which is like fist bump. (Considering they always don’t get along lol)
Then Matsumoto-San said they can do one more. Somehow the audience sabotaged Racles to do it who was taken back. He really couldn’t think what to say and even if he did. It was sort of short which confused the rest. Only Yanma & Rita had the guts to sort of well applauded him but by doing the A applauded like I mention earlier. (I THINK THEY WERE TEASING HIM)
Racles was like stop itttttt he was like embarrassed.
Next was character song.
Himeno performed first while I can’t say much it a normal performance but I always notice everyone always trying to figure out the penlight colour 😂 (they always help out each other)
Next was Jeramie who performed
There was one part while he was performing Racles was being…playful and was like swaying side to side behind him.
Apparently if I remember correctly Kaguragi was still figuring out the colour with Rita then once he got it. He went over to Racles and then they started doing swaying side to side even while Jeramie was performing 😂
After that was final word so Racles wanted to do a call & response. So he did two one was
Call: Tami wa
Response: Dogu
Call: Watashi ga
Response: Kuni da
Basically it is infamous line. People are tool and he is country.
Jeramie was next I think drawing of heart. He did it before asking us to be silent before say aishiteru and with a bang? (I honestly cannot remember but I remember he did a bang)
As afterward I think Kaguragi also did a bang but I complete forgot because of the next part…
Rita was like I promise everyone we will be together forever. Then pause…does anyone want to be shot by me?
Rita did the shooting pose and Bang!
(I nearly die…)
THAT I COMPLETELY FORGOT YANMA AND HIMENO but if I am correct Yanma was just saying Skapon Tanuki to us and Himeno call response.
Morfonia did call and respond but approval from Rita.
So she did
Call: Gokkan
Response: Fudo
Also the reason Yanma doesn’t do call & response if Shiokara is around since he do it for him so it.
Call: Yanma-Kun
Response: Kakkoi!
(Yanma-Kun is cool)
Gira had one too but I don’t remember 😅
Third show Act 2
Morfonia intro herself normally
It was like what does a King do on their off day.
Rita and Morfonia was up first apparently they both disappeared into the backstage. They had reappear on stage with Moffun fan and a big Moffun. Apparently they went shopping for Moffun.
I read somewhere the fan said Moffun hardcore fan? Then behind was 同担拒否 i am not sure how to translate that 😅
Morfonia was showing off her big Moffun while Rita was saying they got a small one given to them by their fav idol Iko Marina. Then they started calling out for them.
(In episode 38 Rittan idol, the idol that appear who thought she was in Sentai production)
And yeah Ikoma Rina was in the room (I read she show off her Rita’s towel I was on second floor so didn’t see)
Yanma and Shiokara were saying they weren’t sure how to top that…
They sort of did like a fishing trip 😂 where they haven’t caught anything until finally they did.
Only to be disappointed the reason they caught nothing because hook was stuck on Yanma’s shoes?
Then they did like janga? Almost like it a comedy skit
Then they had time for one more Matsumoto-San was asking? I think or he already decide. Since yeah Racles name got call again. (apparently he can’t take a break)
So it Gira & Racles
Apparently they choose scenario where Racles was waiting for Gira while queuing for food.
Gira finally arrive and Racles wanted to pull him to where he was waiting. However someone stop him saying it not good to cut line.
Racles was very persistent since he say Gira wanted to eat while Gira was trying not make a scene. It ended when they realize the person stopping them is Douga 🤣
Then they did janga also which Yanma and Shiokara were protesting 😂
Next is
Is Himeno selfish?
To honest I think all these moment is just when she not ahem in character ahem.
Matsumoto-San was asking everyone scenario.
Apparently Rita & Kaguragj kept raising their hand and trying to get attention only to get scolded by Matsumoto-San.
I know Kaguragi Rita and Racles? Yanma a bit also got give their input that she is not selfish.
I don’t recall much but I remember one being the pizza.
Kaguragi was saying like she would order pizza and sharing it with the rest.
Himeno just responded she wouldn’t be able to finished it that why.
Basically even scenario Himeno was just denying being not selfish.
Of course the audience had to decide if she was being selfish or not with the clap. Himeno was trying to get us to show she is selfish but of course 😆 she couldn’t.
So it concluded she isn’t selfish.
Finally the last part…
Apparently everyone decide to do call & response.
Racles was the same as 2nd show. Then Jeramie wanted to try it out and (he was being a bit mean lol)
Call: Jeramie Suki Kai?
Response: Daisuke!
He kept doing it but in between he was like about to say Kaguragi name but stop. (Usually he like to ask if they like Kaguragi too sometimes)
So yeah this is where the Kings start to get petty since like Jeramie was getting TOOO much attention.
Kaguragi was next.
Call: Tofu min wa!
Response: Chikyuichi
Kaguragi then like smirks to Jeramie
Rita was next who wanted to do cal and response also.
Call: Zutto
Response: Issho
Rita also smirks at Jeramie
Himeno was next
Call: Watashi ga tsuyokutte ittara
Response: Utsukushi
Himeno turn to smirks at Jeramie who wasn’t sure what to say but was just smiling about it.
(I love when they just want to out do one another like in G-Rosso the penlight! Sadly I don’t think Racles has a colour 🥲)
Of course Yanma didn’t bother since Shiokara did his call and response again like 2nd show.
Morfonia was like since Rita did already call and response she like never mind. Rita say she can still do like before
Apparently Morfonia got too excited and say can it be Gokkan & Rita? Rita probably a bit puzzle say ok
Call: Gokkan to Rita
Response: Fudo
Morton is joke that Rita cannot move from their spot then Rita was like then they cannot leave Niigata 😂😅
I save the best for last of course
Gira say he really thought long and hard for it his call & response since his last one was that good.
Call: Red Panda
Response: Gira Hasty
IT WAS SO FUNNY AND GOOD HAHAHA I will just like to say Gira won this ‘unofficial’ contest hahaha 🤣
Oh yeah at the end of the show Gira will always do call & response with us. His infamous line.
Call: Sekai O
Response: Shihai Suru!
Wahhh I don’t know how the people who go watch show remember so well. I don’t remember much but like bit and pieces…so yeah. Well I doubt my next event I have to remember much I think 🤣
Anyway thanks for anyone who read until the end and sorry if it messy hahaha I tried…
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