#she doesnt want them for her btw she wants me to sell them at an upcoming sale thing
eyenaku · 2 years
my grandmother is lecturing me because i think my art is worth more than $5/hr? wtf
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Sometimes i just think about dragon age 2 maybe an abnormal amount but like. For years ive played it without dlc cause i had it on a disk for xbox. And when i finally played it with them I suddenly found out that in sebastians dlc you’re being told that the church was going to wipe out Kirkwall anyway, and the divine KNEW she just refused to leave. As nice of her as it is, fuck her, btw
Idk to this day it leaves me so insane that it was the info you needed the dlc for. Base game tells you that information post the big boom, like things went insane so we’re requesting a clean up. But the church was going to do that anyway, and templars would have probably killed everyone including the divine and then put it like one big tragedy and said mages did it
I am so not normal about this piece of information. Without knowing it you could still argue that what Anders did wasn’t necessary(not that i would, even without it hes right), but with it? Fuck everything, he was right. It may be wrong to kill civilians but in this case if he didnt do it then no info about what happened in the city would have leaked and people still would have died all the same. There would have been no rebellion. Everything would have turned back into church’s tyrannical regime until some other city would have been full with conflicts and maybe then something might have changed
Like. Is it horrible that so many people died? Yes. But the whole game very explicitly shows you that people are trying to make change peacefully. Anders has been trying for years. What he did was out of desperation — he knew it was wrong, he’s a healer, he doesnt want to kill. But otherwise the city would have been buried and started anew and nothing would have changed. Repeatedly we are being shown mages being abducted, killed, raped, denied freedom. We see them turn to blood magic because selling your soul to the devil is better than living your whole life as a slave or a fugitive just because you were born with funky powers. So mamy tragedies, meanwhile templars are getting paid for guarding the slaves in the name of the church. Its not even a question who’s the victim here, and unfortunately if not for Anders nothing would have changed. Its bloody but now its an issue no one can ignore and sweep under the rug
OHHH ohhh my god this fucking game i love it so much i need it carnally
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followingeggs · 2 years
kyle diabetes hcs!
first i would like to give a shoutout to the episode cherokee hair tampons (2000) <3
under a cut since I Have A Lot Of Thoughts
his mom makes him go to support groups at the hospital. i think sheila would go to parent ones too! but at first she totally drags him around to them and drops his ass off so she can go to hers and eventually he gets excited to go and see other diabetic kids. sometimes he and some kids sneak out of the room they’re being held in and they screw around in another random hospital room.
he also goes to diabetes camp and later he ends up volunteering at it when hes old enough :)
he’s the kind of diabetic that is constantly having low blood sugars. doesnt matter how much he changes his doses his ass will be going low if he doesnt follow the strict diabetic diet of three meals, morning snack, afternoon snack, bedtime snack.
not that it changes anything but i think he was diagnosed when he was around 3-4 and it was REALLY bad. he was in the hospital for a month or two. it took him even longer for him to bounce back. i say this because a) cherokee hair tampons. he needs a kidney transplant and while this isnt common for diabetics, kidney damage is a major known complication of uncontrolled diabetes, so in order for kyle to be dying of kidney failure at the ripe age of 8, it had to have been pretty bad. also b) it isnt really common for someone with type one diabetes to be born with it. it is totally possible but most people with type one (myself included) are diagnosed as small children-teenagers.
when he was diagnosed as a young kid, he decides that he also wants to be a doctor, specifically an endocrinologist. later on he probably decides on another path, either a different medical specialty if he does go into medicine, or a completely different career.
kids at school always think he’s going to die if he eats sugar. adults aren’t much better; when he comes to school he gets special low carb/sugar meals until his parents get a note signed by multiple doctors saying that yes actually, he can eat sugar and it won’t kill him, and if he is seen eating sugar it’s either because he can or because he actually needs to.
kids at school (and garrison) also think that they can catch diabetes, leading basically everyone to ostracize him and avoid him. it again takes sheila and a doctor to come into the class and explain that it’s literally just a genetic thing.
sort of an obvious one- he gets really good at being poked and prodded with all kinds of needles all the time. whenever ike needs a vaccine or bloodwork done, he holds his hand the whole time and helps him through it. (ike doesn’t get over his fear of needles until he’s like. at least ten)
cartman tries to get kyle to give him the emergency snacks he keeps with him at all times. (he carries around capri suns and starbursts btw) anyway one time he steals all of them to sell at school or something (probably around when all the schools started carrying “healthier” foods) without kyle finding out until they are out playing and he has one of the worst low blood sugars hes ever had. cartman never apologizes but it also never happens again
hes the first one in the group to get a cell phone so he can contact his parents better when hes out and about. he kind of hates it because both of his parents are kind of constantly on him for going low, high at school or when hes out in public (his parents have the app that lets them see his blood sugar all the time)
since ike is adopted by the time/after kyle is diagnosed, when he was really little he thought/wished he was diabetic too, so kyle gives him an old blood test kit and a little snack pack for him to carry around.
sheila does not let his ass fast for any holidays when he’s old enough are you kidding me!! but he doesnt eat at all, he just drinks juice in the morning/when he needs to.
when he’s nine or so, his parents incentivize him to start taking more responsibility for his diabetes so that he can start the insulin pump, even though i think he’s pretty independent and is good at doing his own shots and testing regularly, etc. he takes advantage though because the reward is something obscene like an xbox set up in his room or his Very Own Computer. (to be quite honest i think after the whole kidney episode he takes on himself to take care of himself because he doesnt want a repeat of miss information)
from when he’s diagnosed to about nine he uses needles and does manual blood tests but once he gets his insulin pump he also starts using a cgm. this is also when i think he would get his cell phone. anyway gerald sees this as an opportunity for him to actually be able to play organized sports (sports are hard for him before the pump since the physical activity would almost always make him go low and there was really no way to avoid it) and i think kyle would kind of like being able to play more sports at first but tbh.. he ends up missing reading books and other nerd stuff on his weekends so he quits a couple months in. also with his luck he gets hit with balls right where his cgm/infusion site is placed.
when he first gets his pump and cgm he becomes self conscious and tries not to wear clothes that show his infusion site and his cgm and/or scar tissue. as he gets older he gets more comfortable with it BUT. when he first starts using them he doesn’t want anyone at school seeing them, so he plays hooky for the first couple of days. eventually stan and kenny want him back at school so they wear some infusion sites as solidarity for a week or so until he’s more comfortable.
relating to the last one, i think he wears his cgm on his upper arm, and his pump site on his stomach. (tried and true spots tbh)
even though he hates telling people that he’s diabetic and tries not to make it a big deal for anyone, he uses that shit to his advantage! college admission essays, personal statements for grad schools, you name it. i think he hates having extra time on standardized tests though and thats the one thing that he doesnt take.
he does hang out with scott malkinson and sophie sometimes as well! i think that again, sheila makes him hang out with them, but he eventually does come around to them. tbh i also think that they get closer in high school, and they end up in some classes together or something like that, and they study/hang out together. i can see kyle third wheeling with them sometimes when stan/kenny are busy
once he has his kids, he is so, so worried that one or both of them will end up being diagnosed with it. he isn’t paranoid or anything, he does know that its not a huge risk, but he just doesn’t want his kids to have to go through that. so he does blood tests on them every time they’re sick, just to be sure. i also think that either none of his kids ends up being diagnosed, or both of them
stan is so in tune with his blood sugars. he can be annoying about it sometimes but mostly kyle likes that he cares so much. but yeah stan can tell when his blood sugar is crashing or when it’s high without actually checking it. hes like one of those diabetic aide dogs.
whenever kyle doesnt have his cgm and has to do manual blood tests, stan and kenny (and all the other guys if theyre around) all bet on what his blood sugar is going to be. stan usually wins (kyle isnt allowed to bet because he’s always on the money)
for the most part, he takes very good care of himself! he wants to get the fuck out of south park for college, so he makes sure that he has the most perfect A1C, no low/high blood sugar episodes, etc etc. basically, by his junior year of high school, he is managing everything by himself, including going to his appointments and getting his prescriptions.
he gets so annoyed when people bring up type two diabetes or “natural cures” when he tells them he’s diabetic. half the time he just bites his tongue (talking with older people) but other times he snaps and explains the biological differences and everything. usually this happens when he’s talking to someone at school.
he gets so good at explaining things though! at first because he has to explain his illness to a lot of people, specifically kids, from a young age, but as he gets older he gets more articulate, especially when talking about the biology behind it. He also loves kids, so his first job he gets is an after school tutor for elementary/junior high kids.
he also gets soo good at mental math due to carb counting and serving sizes, as well as dose calculating. like he is ridiculously fast with multiplying numbers and other crazy pemdas shit in his head even though math like algebra and calculus aren’t his best subjects.
he is so so careful when he drinks. i dont think he waits until he’s 21 but he definitely only drinks when it’s just him and a small group, or when kenny and/or stan is there and sober. miraculously he gets completely shitfaced one night and doesn’t end up with an insanely low blood sugar (even when he’s drunk he’s smart enough to keep an eye on it and turn his pump to a lower basal rate.) but yeah most of the time he’s designated driver, especially at bigger parties in high school/college.
stan carries around extra snacks for him in his car and his backpack and stuff <3 he always makes sure they are up to date with what he likes to treat his lows with (kyle is constantly changing up which candies/juices he uses. you could NEVER catch him with glucose tablets/gels. he isnt disgusting)
he’s one of the last kids to get his drivers license- i think his mom would be nervous to let her first kid to drive regardless, but the diabetes adds a whole other dimension. mf needs rides EVERYWHERE until he’s like 17 and his mom is finally convinced. (stan totally teaches him to drive at the farm when he learns though, so he actually learns when he’s like 15-16)
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heleizition · 9 months
DAMN not me being like whos cody and the plot post being like GODS FUCKING CLONE CHILD. tell me everything we love an apocalypse harbinger. also CAIN MY BOI poor baby needs that therapy. also the whole 'and god thought mh well i liked that lets try again'? chefs kiss. I Wish To Know The Past Lives by you categorised as kinda boring THING pls. does cain get a bestie? someone give this man a bigger support and luv system. also vik is a BABY? a former child. A BABY!! also W HA T is that fuckery with jasper tell me absolutely everything please
so in the plot post i mentionned there's a memory thing. everyone remembers bits here and there of their past life, and usually demons mostly remembers bad things they did bc thats how u manipulate people into doing more things that are . not good. cody and jasper are the only ones with no memories of past life bc they were created in this realm, and had no past life. she has no idea she's god's soldier, They sent her down there mostly for Their own entertainement and everything she does is her own choice and will, even if god can "feel it" (which is why . they end up sending the whole lil family back on earth . for a chance to be happy. bc they feel cody's happiness.)
for the rest :
past lives ! um ill put lil warnings before. each lives.
Nell & Belly : tw for child abuse, sexual abuse and exploitation, adults not helping like they should lol
Nell and Belly (btw their full names are Nathanel and Anabelle) are born twins, nell just a few minutes before his sister. their mother died at birth which sent their father (an already not . good guy) into deep constant rage and pain . once they grow up a bit . i mean like. 7 or so. theres sexual abuse happening . and beatings. selling out his kids for a night for money. nothing fun. nell and belly get through it together until at like 16 nell (who's like, underfed, short, no muscles) snaps and stabs their dad over and over again .
nell only remembers this, killing his dad, with absolutely no context behind (protecting himself, protecting his sister, freeing them) so he thinks he used to be a Bad person. after that they get placed in the system, ig theres a trial but its ruled as legitime defense, and once they're 18 belly just. vanishes. they both deal very differently with what their whole life was, nell cant go on, can barely support himself, thinks he should have died right then, and belly flees from nell to find . somewhere where she can forget. she regrets it but nell dies before she can reconnect (not sure how, his death isn't rly whats important here,,, im thinking . so numb he can't rly recognize whats around him . walk in front of a car. yeah). belly struggles to have a happy life after that and ... im not sure how she dies yet. im thinking drowning bc its a thing that almost happens in the farm au....
as an angel, she doesnt remember much, because there wasn't much happiness in her life. also these two as twins have a bond that still connect them in angel/demon realm ! so they know the other exist and they remember once they meet !!
eden : tw for transphobia, drugs, suicide, abusive family ?
i'll go short w him bc it's not pleasant and it makes me sad <==== guy who MADE this backstory
eden is trans, always feels out of place as a kid, as a teen. his parents kick him out at eighteen bc they "can" and bc even if eden never said anything, they Know and don't want him in here. he has a friend who helps for a while, until the rumors spread about him being a ~ freak ~ and his friend is like. im sorry my parents cant let u impose in the house. anymore. : /// . eden is lost and desperate and doesn't know what to do, sells himself, gets into drugs to get through the days, finds out the days aren't worht getting through, kills himself. yay
he's one of the few who's always remembered his past fully,,,
LENA lena my BABYGIRL um tw for war mostly
this happens in a fictif medieval era lmao she's the princess of a kingdom, daughter of a kind king and queen, destined to rule, fighting among the army already, everyone loves her, except her small kingdom gets torn apart by another kingdom, not that much bigger, but with much greater military strength. the country gets torn apart before the army, the king and queen can do anything. the enemies arrive to the capital and lena doesn't even ask and joins the vanguard. she uses a sword at this point, get through enemies after enemies, and it looks like there's hope, until one of the enemy's captain reach her. it's a bit of a eowyn versus the nazgul vibe in lotr except lena doesn't win. she's slain, and slowly dies on hte battlefield with her beloved country burning, and the people she swore to protect screaming and dying.
she's very loved. i care her so much. she's my default when idk what to draw :3 she remembers being a loved princess, and slowly remember the last fight. it haunts her, the weight of losing this fight, that she couldn't do more, even if it's from a time long gone.
titania ummmm well theres grooming. witch hunt and betrayal.
i have to research the exact period titania's past happens, but its between late 1400 and early 1600s i think !
she loses her parents very young and thus, is cared for by the local church. there's a priest here who teaches her to use her looks and innocence as a way to get things, information, food, anything. once she's 13/14, he starts showing her the more physical way to do so.
she starts using sex as a way to learn things. she's the person who knows the most about anyone in the village. she's an important figure, one who's gifted things to keep silent, who gives her body in exchange for things to hang up against someone. she hates the priest who made her who she is . she couldn't have been something else, happier, lighter, but she's this, and she's too deep in to just stop.
she's too powerful, she knows too much, and when there's word in the village of a witch inhabiting it, they all turn to her. they have a way to get rid of her and the power she holds over them. she screams what she knows when she's brought to the center of the village, screams her hate of the priest who made her who she is, destroys everyone's nice little life because it cost hers. she dies burning, and everyone chooses to act like they never heard her in her final day.
she's the wise calm one who's actually full of anger and wrath. i love her a lot. there's this french song i love ("a witch like any other") which talks abt . women. women and men treating women like they're granted. and like. its a titania song. if u wanna give it a listen this version is amazing altho it's more powerful if u know french....
VIK UM OKAY not much tw here. it's just fucking sad. im a terrible oc parent. it's also heavily inspired by hell's girl season 3's protagonist past..................... it's basically that tbh SOEJFEFSJS
his mother and him are not allowed in the village. his mother is sick. he doesn't know it, he just follows his mother. she's kind and beautiful, gives him food and tells him stories. he's 4. they can't get in the village and he doesn't know why, so they find dry places in the woods to live. it's fun, it's everything he's ever known. one day his mother doesn't wake up, so he goes to try and find food by himself, to surprise her. when he's back, she's still not awake. she's stiff and cold, so he gives her his blanket and waits. days pass. he's hungry, he's thirsty, he's 5, he doesn't know anything, doesn't know how to go on, the usually places he finds bits of food are empty. it's colder and his mother hasn't moved since that day.
it's snowing. it's pretty. he wishes his mom could wake up and see it but he's starting to think that maybe she won't.
vik dies, age 5, in the forest, cold hungry and alone.
he doesn't remember anything, and his ignorance nd naivety makes him so much easier for noah to manipulate him. she doesn't mean to at first, she sees a child who could use some help, and she's always wanted a child. but they're at war, and sacrifices need to be made.
ABEL AND CAIN'S PAST ISNT CLEAR TO ME RN IM SORRYYYYY SOMETHING ABT ABEL BEIGN A RULER AND CAIN HIS SHADOW WHO KILLS FOR HIM YAGHHHHHH IDK MAN abel slowly remembering that he was a mercyless king who made his people suffer just like hte people he's trying to fight rn,,,,,,,,,,, honey
i don't have much planed for cain in tame of support rn im sowwy.................... i wanna work on it tho.......... i have a lot of secondary charactres that he could fit with...............
noah used to be a cool fearless pirate stealing rich people to give to the poor in her hometown mostly. finding strays and helping them. i love that for her . she was a good guy, a robin hood, and then her devotion to god fucked her up (aka hermit the frog by marina). she jst fights bc she thinks it will bring peace until she learns god was just Bored lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!
i don't think i forgot anyone ? if i did i am sorry (bows down to my kids)
jasper's thing......................... well. there's always been experiments. trying to find a being Higher. jasper was created in a lab. then he and another kid, angel this time, were fused. the scar is most likely due to this . for the longest time jasper just thought he had a strong inner voice but it's this other kid (no name yet sowwy!!!!!!! im coming up with this on the spot actually which is why i like being asked abt them it makes me THINK). he's the only saved experiment from this. abel and cain had been sent to investigate on a demon who's part of the high council, but who some people thought was shady. he indeed was. they destroyed eveything (u don't toy with life) and found jasper. omg . they both kind of raised him . ohhhhhhhhhhhhh OHHHHHHH
anyway later in the story, belly and him are fighting opponent, belly is cool and strong but she almost dies and well . those two are in love and it makes jasper's inner angel wake up along with some new powers. not sure exactly what!!!! im thinking !!!! ok i gotta go grocery show now BE BACK SOON BC I SEE MORE THINGS IN MY INBOX
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wozadogtor · 1 year
So, context, i work in boarding kennels, we look after peoples dogs when theyre on holiday/renovating/etc and such. Couple weeks ago i get this call from a very, very European accented woman who wants to board ten (10!) dogs in our kennels and needs it urgently, however this is a holiday period and i genuinely just cant do that. You know? Talk about it with my boss and theyre like. No. However this lady doesnt let up, shes calling us all god damn week until eventually my boss caves and tells me theyre figuring out a quote that will hopefully scare them off because, ten dogs, thats not gonna be cheap.
I tell them in that call ill call back at 12pm to give them a quote.
TEN MINUTES LATER, I get another call, this time from the local council who are trying to confirm im picking the dogs up at 12pm. And im like, fuck, fuck, this is a council job now, we aren't really in a position to be saying no to the council, need to like, suck up to them bigly if we want some upcoming things approved. You know how it is. Minor thing, the council lady insisted i confirm I wont sell the dogs (red flag) which is weird, but sure. So i quickly call my boss and inform them, we agree "fuck it 100/day 10 per dog" which is about break even for us, i call them back with that quote, arrange to pick the dogs up at 12pm. Now, i was just gonna go down in my car, since she had said they're puppies and I'm thinking, "alright her dogs had a litter and she doesn't know what to do about it, should be easy enough". But the evil spider that lives in my brain tips me off that you need help and backup and explicitly you need to bring a woman because you are so big+scary. So, i call my sister whos more than happy to do this for a 20. She brings her bf, and we go get the dogs.
The address they give us is a public beach. Red flag number 4 or something at this point. But we get there and these dogs are in fact puppies. 4 month old puppies. They're all fairly well grown kelpies (sheepdog). I am THANKING my lucky stars i brought backup, because these dogs are just, running around the place unrestrained on the beach. It takes us a good ten to fifteen minutes to wrangle the little bastards into the car and my help is playing wackamole in the back of my station wagon to keep them from jumping into the front and doing puppy things to my gearbox. The owners are living out a van and just, letting the dogs loose i guess. It's a short drive, easy enough, but we get her to sign the forms and that's that. We have the 9 puppies and their mom now. I told them their cutoff is the 28th of october and they agree. NONE of these dogs are vaccinated btw so we have to do isolation protocols on them.
NEXT DAY, she turns up. Wants to walk her dogs. Off leash, on the road. We pretty bluntly tell her no, and she's like. "but you said i could visit" and it's like. Yeah, i did say you could visit, not fucking kill them on a main road. So, while our backs are turned because as i said, holiday period being busy, there was another client there. She just, walks into the kennels, lets them out. Fucking, chaos. I can't have these UNVACCINATED dogs running around getting close and personal with the other clients dogs, so we shuffle her and the dogs into a little side alley we have and tell her to stay put. She can't really get anywhere from there anyway. We deal with our other clients, come back, and since its feeding time we thought we'd get the puppies back into their pens via food bribe. She wants to do it, and insists on feeding other dogs/doing the dishes. And its like. Lady, do you jump over the counter and make your own sandwich at the cafe. What the fuck ARE you DOING. We sort this out, an understanding of sorts, that she can't just do-that. So she turns up the next day and does it again.
At this point, I'm exasperated. I don't WANT to call the cops because fuck that and + also they'd deport her. So i work out that she can come during closing hours and walk her dogs, on the property, in the carpark/driveway, and i'll close the gate to the property so there's no danger. I also point out the dogs cannot go into the nearby grassy paddocks because it is a) lambing season, there's lambs, puppy dogs stupid and will hurt them or get hurt by the angry mother sheep. b) snake season, its been unseasonably warm and they're out there. Not likely, but if you find one you're down at least one dog. And c) Private property, fuck off. So, she turns up twenty minutes before we close and demands to do it there and then. I make her wait, so i go close the gate up front and let her have her dogs to play, give them a few toys/balls etc. Come back from locking the front gate and they're in the paddock. Fuck my entire life. Thankfully I had forseen this and moved the sheep prior (lol) but snakes are still a concern. It's, fine. It's fine. Nothing happens. But now i have to like, legitimately ban her from the premesis. She whines, but understands that she's fucked up.
Anyway, next few days go smooth. She doesn't come by again. Dogs behave quite well when shes not around even. It's going well. A couple of the skinnier dogs even start gaining weight (red flag). I get another call from the council. This one is more uh, serious. It's just the ranger, not the cops, dog cop if you will, so I know this guy and am fine working with him. But apparently the people who own this dog are in some deep DEEP shit. The lady i've been talking to isn't the owner, but a friend of theirs. And apparently, the actual owner has been caught in Melbourne and is in the process of being deported for visa fraud charges. She has been bouncing between two different council areas for the better part of the year by now with alllll the dogs in tow for the latter part of it, to avoid getting caught. But she was so delinquent* in one of these council areas that she got her ass BANISHED from it, and suddenly she dumped the dogs on her friend and fled. And has just been caught. The council is very interested in where they're taking the dogs when she picks them up. We give them the date and time they're picking them up. They'll be there to offer a hand moving them to the property and gently tell them that if they don't surrender them there will be legal concequences. You know, trying not the fuck these people over with a 10k+ fine.
*breaking rental leases by subletting to 5-6 people (plus 10 dogs) in studio apartments zoned for 1-2 people. 10 or so times. Some of them informal charity agreements where she told them they were facing homlessness (more on this later) and needed somewhere to stay and please help etc etc.
Day of pickup comes, we've been doing some private digging ourselves. They've been going around on facebook community groups begging for a place to stay with their ten dogs. Surprising i know. Someones agreed to do it on their suburban lot, which, super illegal to have that many dogs on a property like that. Rangers are aware. So they get here, and aren't going straight to the property, they're going to the vet first. To get microchipped, not vaccinated. The rangers ask the obvious question, why no vax. Quote; "they're healthy dogs they don't need it". Rangers raise an eyebrow at this but go along with it assuming the vet will just vaccinate them anyway given how obvious it is they're being surrendered. They come into our office to pay the bill, happily do so, very thankful we took them in, etc. Pay on one of those platinum cards they only give incredibly rich people. Hello. What the fuck. Why do you have one of THOSE. Turns out, French nationals who have very rich parents and basically have no concept of repsonsibility or concequences. They want to keep the dogs because they think they can sell them to a farm for big bucks. They can't, these are untrained and they have no papers, basically any sheep station will laugh at them if they try.
So, after this, it's officially not our problem. But my boss is nosy and wants to be kept in the loop. We find out from the rangers that the vet visit didn't exactly go as planned. As the vet, believing their story about being nearly homeless and needing help soso bad, tells them quote; "If the council could sieze the dogs they already would have, you're safe". You. Fucking. Moron. So armed with this knowledge they go back to this suburban residential property, the rangers tail them an hour or two later and report them for having ten dogs on a property. Which, duh! Like, you can't do that. We can, but we live on a 4 acre lot. This is a tiny little surfies shack in a residential neighborhood. The owner of the property who very generously helped them out with their situation was the one that copped the 10k fine. The French nationals surrendered the dogs and have since vanished. The dogs have been vaccinated, desexed, etc. And as of writing half have been rehomed. Very in demand, kelpie puppies.
The end. The moral of the story is never work in this industry.
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penisliker-moved · 2 years
also isnt if crazy glasses are. the goasses being the crazy thing i mean. who thought of that.... how did they figure out the like.. thick glas thang.... insane. i need glasses rly bad and i have them. but wuy do they hurt my eyes thats so fucked! they should make a glaases that doesnt hurt your eyes. whatever i need to fucking drink more..i hate my job btw i fucking hate guests and theyre always like omg can i get towels. can you hand me a garbage bag Shutttt the fuck up go away idc..... my boss found a gun in a room the touer day !?!?!? it was in the closet on the shelf. so she ws like check the shelf in the closet OR ELSE! and we have to check all th drawers extra carefully. but she ws like. it could go off at ANY MOMENT and im very pro gun safety but i feel likee. probbaly not unless you pull th trigger right..but thats so scary eho would just leave their gun in the room.. bc tgeyre probably like
expensive right woaahhhh de javu. not how thats soelled probabkly. hut like guns r probably like..125$.... mijimum. bc they woudlnt just sell them for like 2dollars. and also why would you 1. bring yr gun on a trip 2. put it on the closet shelf ???? but shs ws like if u find a gun DONT TOUCH IT !Nwhich is a good true thang. but she told us t go gether which is likeee is she allowed to touch it.. or does she jurt fall th cops and go Gunt trigger warning. and the cops take it? and do i atill have to clean the room if i find a gun.. or is it like an ooo (out of order) bc th cops have to come like.look at it. also i was watching buzzfeed hnsolved Sorry but the compilatons are good to listen to at work. and they were like So many murders at hotels.. and well ive never found one... idek what id do like would i cry ??? no bc idk the cunt and also i hate guests. a lot of ppl r like I WS SO SCARED!!! but why be scared girlboss. persons already dead and rh killer isnt gonna just stand next to ir like yas 👍 i did that. laso i think a lot of rhe fear of like. dead bodies. is rly upsetting bc before we like. has wakes and we took carenof our dead n everything... before burial..and i miss that well i wasnt akive. bur i hate the funeral industry a lot and i think ab i need to do a paragrsph break ive been talking for so long.
so like i think abt the funerao indistry a lot bc its so sucks like. I get why some ppl would want the body prepared and stuff. but i think th like. mourning epriod is so important and totally ignored by society... when in olden times theyd like. Be with the body and stuff and i think thats rly important for like..coping with the death.... i miss my grannt so fucking much thats mostly unrelated but i think a lot abtike. i wonder how decomposed she is... idk if thats weird but i think that helps me rationalize it but there arent a lot pf sources on how decomposed shed be. since she ws prepared and everything. but its almost. 2 years now fuck..i rly rly miss her so bad i cant believe shes never comjng bacm. yk. when it happened i dont think it set in bc it ws so sudden and i ws like. like i knew she was dead and ik death is permanent but like. shes rly rly fucking gone. yk
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horrorsequel · 2 years
so bummed out that everyone in my family who knows about my sisters Nurse Memes Insta is cool with it because her memes are SO mean spirited and seeing so many other nurses enjoy/share/agree with her memes is not helping the image problem nurses have. like its some of the least compassionate stuff i have ever seen and its coming from a nurse and targeted directly at nurses and she makes money off this shit and sells merch and gets sponsored. i hate this. so far she hasnt shown her face or indicated who she is on the profile but i dont think its from shame or anything. initally she was pretending to be a pansexual male nurse (shes cishet btw and doesnt have a great track record with lgbt stuff so like u can see whats happening) but eventually she dropped that part. i guess when it started to take off. WELL she didnt so much drop it as take it out of her bio. i think shes still like, implying that with her content. idk. anyway it makes me so miserable and she's supposed to come over today and i know shes gonna make me look at her memes and explain the dismal stories behind them all and i juat dont want to hear that.
obviously, nurses are going to have complaints about work, because everyone does and nursing is a very hard job. but also do the complaints have to be so targeted at just hating everyone for even daring to be your patient? does every story i have to hear about her job have to be about her violating someone's privacy or being laissez-faire with people's health? it's ESPECIALLY concerning now that shes an anesthesiologist...
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fraugremlinreads · 3 months
These Hollow Vows by Lexi Ryan
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TW: Casual Mentions or discussions of Rape, Torture, Slavery and Dubcon sex work, especially in regards to women.
Not Recommended. My disappointment was immeasurable. With names like "Seelie" and "Unseelie", I already went into this with some relatively low expectations, but I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT IT NEEDED TO BE LOWER. The sins of this Book (and the series as I took the time to also read book 2 and my criticisms hold up but I wont cover it bc its not worth it) are these 3 things; The terribly bland yet übermensch FMC, The horrible exposition and info dumping to peddle the plot, and the constant plot holes created to try any form of "plot twist" because of both point 1 and 2.
Spoilers and Vicious n depth review that I beg you to read ↓↓
Female MC is your average pretty ugly not like other girls who is constantly agonizing over how any MALE can be attracted to her while also asking for pants every five seconds because "UWU I DOWNT WIKE DWESSES." When she isnt complaining about how boring and bland she is (rightfully so, i mean she is basically a plank of wood with a red wig) everyone in the world is obsessed with her and how important she is.
ALSO SHE HAS MAGIC POWERS BECAUSE SHE IS THE CHOSEN ONE OF DESTINY. this is also clarified very early btw even if our FMC was too dumb to understand because we basically get lore dump info in the first 6 chapters that clarify this so painfully obvious that I genuinely think you would need to be lacking a brain to not realize this is the case. Every single plot twist is disclosed to you via chapter 1-6 btw. you basically have everything you really need. From there you get a random child who info dumps on future plot things for FMC because they have mysterious visions!!!!!
Perhaps the reason there is so many characters who basically hand deliver the entire plot that FMC is too dumb to make the connections to herself is because. heaven forbid she actually have to think about anything other than which of the two princes she wants to f*ck first! Her sister has been sold into slavery and she is more preoccupied with which spoiled brat prince who is fighting over her like children she should give herself to first, all the while saying "teehee nobody could ever want lil ol pants wearing me UWU".
An example of a plot hole is in the first 5 chapters where FMC Sister gets sold into slavery. this is on the back summary of the book btw so we know it happens. in Chapter 1 she finds a contract with her sisters name on it when robbing some guy, yada yada it expires tomorrow and shes like oh no i cant think about this. she goes home and oh no one of her friends, whom we will never see again, daughter also made a contract and will be taken away and become a slave and so our heroine, with her big kind heart, gives her money away to her friend. She goes home to reveal she is basically CINDERELLAxROBIN HOOD LMFAO WITH AN EVIL AUNT AND TWO EVIL COUSINS (because female characters can only be good if everyone in their life hates them and wants to abuse them, amiright fellas!) and she also has a contract to pay off with them in debt, and also her sister has not one, but two contracts of debt i guess. but its ok that she is late on her payments bc she always is. Next day comes and the aunt sells her sister into slavery for being late on payments.... why? WE HAD A VERY CLEAR POTENTIAL CANIDATE WITH THE GUY SHE ROBBED. which is never brought up again. It was a pointless GASP PLOT TWIST when we already knew it was going to happen, its just the aunt did it first?????? bc she was bored??????????????? This literally only happens to make sure the aunt, whom will also never be seen again, is painted as comedically evil as possible to make us think bohoo poor Ariebella (why the fuck does she have such a stupid UWU SPECIAL name anyways. at leaast its not Violet or Raven but still. It doesnt really flow off the tongue nicely.)
And then there is a whole portion of the book where FMC is basically drugged and it exists for no reason other than to make her flirt with love interest #2 because there is nothing that comes of it. she just acts drunk and tries to sleep with him and hes like "No sry ur drugged" AT LEAST THE AUTHOR HAD THE DECENCY TO DO THAT I GUESS???? NOT HAVE HER BE DRUG RAPED. My expectations are so fucking low that i am proud of Lexi for this.
If anyone ever tells me again that Male authors cant write women as well as Women, I will show them a long list of incompetent female authors who use romantacy as a power self insert fantasy to have studs fawn over them and ill make sure Lexi Ryan is in the top 10 of this list. Though i am not surprised considering the cringe of her other works.
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hopcrow · 11 months
my poor mom came back from houston and now her lupus is flaring up from the stress over there. long family drama after the cut lol
she’s a real one for going…my stupid ass brother is presenting with what is so obviously bipolar disorder, but he’s in denial about it (despite me and our other sibling being diagnosed with it + having the exact same symptoms + telling him he needs to look into it)
so he’s fully being a terrible husband/dad between being depressed and then manic. not abusive or anything but Bad. he’s rapid cycling like me, too
he got fired from his job because brain stuff, found a new job far away, and moved ahead of his wife and kids so he can start working and find a house while his wife gets the old house ready to sell
but that means my poor sister in law is working full time, raising two kids, AND trying to clean/repair/sell a house totally by herself with zero support
mom and i are worried that she’s going to (understandably) leave his stupid ass if she continues to be under extreme pressure while he lets her drown and refuses to even try to deal with his mental illness
so mom went down for a few weeks to help my sister get the house ready, set them up with food in the freezer etc
we all love my sister in law just like she’s our blood relative, she would still be part of our family if they got divorced. mom and i are closer with her than with my blood brother.
but we also agree that he’s just never going to find a better match for himself than her. when he’s acting like a responsible adult they’re a strong and well balanced couple
and they do love each other. she has been incredibly supportive of him in his mental illness.
but he’s refusing to get help and just sort of ignoring the responsibility he has to his wife and sons. i wouldnt blame her for leaving
plus tbh im pretty insulted that the concept of being bipolar is so repulsive to him he’d rather nuke his own life than consider trying a mood stabilizer
like what does that say about how he sees our sib and i? who are both happy and stable on lithium btw. i mean he’s already taking antidepressants. so its not some psychiatrist/meds aversion. its bipolar in particular :/
he’s always been low key judgemental of me and our sibling about when we were struggling to get a handle on our bipolar so that may be coloring my perception too.
that stupid ass. i hope he doesnt succeed in ruining his own life before he figures shit out. he’s a dick but he always valued being a good husband and father more than anything else. i dont want him to throw away something so important to him
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diah-the-demon · 11 months
yeah this really feels like we're somewhere on stage talking into a microphone as people pass by and can listen, but yeah agreed, it feels weird when it's not tumblr skljdlsk
ooh I hope you can go there then!! I've had one in my area for a few years that was star wars, star trek and doctor who focused and it was so much fun,, unfortunately with covid coming around it has ended </3 missing it greatly
and oh no D: yeah unfortunately the kids toys break so easily which surprises me ngl,,, you'd expect kids toys to be a bit more sturdy given that kids will play around with it wildly and ksljdslk omg that sounds adorable ngl!! I think I know which masks you mean, I still see kids wearing them every now and then around halloween or carnival
yeah,,, I've gottten a tiny bit better by now (and by that I mean: I will get it but feel bad about it instead of not getting it and feeling sad about that klsjdlsk) I hope you'll eventually get better with it as well! it's so sad how much stuff like this can linger on your brain TT-TT
yeah I think it said 7 more days, so I hope I'll have enough time bcs her shedule changed and now she's at work so I can't ask her TT-TT hopefully it'll last til the weekend when we could order it (if she says yes skldjslk I doubt she wouldn't but still skjdlsk)
okay, yeah, your bookshelf is definitely already cool! But yeah the helmets are going to make it even better, no matter where exactly they will be placed klsdjl
yeah you coudl probably figure it out on your own once you get the basics, even if it is for another set of armor at first! With the basic understanding that should definitely be doable!!
and hmm, I've not build armor yet myself (will have to do so eventually tho,,, I wanna cosplay one of HI3 Himekos battlesuits after all ksjdsl) but it does already sound like a solid idea!! but yeah until you know if it works or not you have an idea at least so that's a good start!
yeah im still not used to it but i think its quite nice to have smth like a constant conversation like this thats lasted almost a full day now jdsljkds, i think its a nice change of pace jdsklkjds
hopefully i can get there when its being held! im not sure when it happens each year but il look that up later and see if i can find dates (hopefully im not gonna be busy when it happens dsjlkkdsj) and awww that sucks, i hope they come back eventually it would suck if it died off forever </3
yeah idk why they were so fragile, they weren't big so i think they were probably childrens sized ones that we had, it doesnt make much sense to expect kids to not hit 2 lightsabers together in a duel like come on
IT WAS! i dont think i have any pictures of it sadly </3 i wouldnt have even had a phone yet probably i think so pictures would probably be on my mums phone
the mask was so cool, it even had a voice changer in it! it was fucking awesome, when you breathed it would replace it with the darth vader breathing sound AND it would even make you sound like vader when you spoke!! idk how something from when i was a kid was able to do something like that but it was awesome. sadly the voice changer in it died a while ago, it still slightly worked but not consistently last time i put it on D:
yeah hopefully we both fully get over it eventually, i probably start to until either her or i move out, but yeah its so weird how it stick in your head so long, i need to refresh my brain so i can get it out lkdsjdjsl
dont want to make you feel like you need to do it sooner but it said 7 days yesterday and also today.. i didnt check how long it was when i bought my stuff (i bought the stuff on the 5th) but it might've been 7 days still.. altho i guess by the weekend it would still be 7 days after that.. hopefully it is still on by the time you talk to her!! (just checked and it might be going on until they completely sell out?? its a clearance sale so maybe? idk id probably do it sooner rather than later just incase tho)
Oh btw when you do place your order they will email you to verify the card (send a picture of the last 4 digits to confirm. It is a little bit sus but ive seen no one say this one is a scam so i dont think it is, plus they cant rlly do much with only the last 4 digits)
thank you!! it will def look so much cooler when i get the helmets in! still need to figure out where i can put the 2 extras apart from ontop of the bookshelf cause too many on there doesnt seem too good idk
yeah that sounds like the plan il do for this, try the basics, might try doing clone trooper armour to begin with if its not harder than mandalorian cause il have captain rex's helmet! imagine a female clone trooper tho that'd be so cool (totally not so i can check out her tits shush jdskls, i mean there was a female clone of jango but she isnt a trooper, and is a child since i dont think she had the accelerated growth the others did? idk not that caught up in that bit of lore)
i think its probably what they are going to say to do, i doubt they would stitch/pin it right to the bodysuit cause that would be a pain to take off (imagine having to go to the toilet after putting it on that would be so annoying to take off skdjdslkj) if it all goes well il share the progress so you can take some tips on building the armour for himeko jlsdkdjs!!
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demadogs · 2 years
what do you think differentiates mike from being gay as opposed to bi? i love all ur analysis posts btw
ok so one thing that convinced me is the scene of them kissing at the beginning of s3. its pretty subtle, i didnt notice it until someone else here pointed it out, but el tries to touch mike while kissing him and he doesnt let her. her hands are on his face and he moves them and then she goes for his chest and he moves them again. its hard to show it in just screenshots but you can see it in the very first few seconds of this clip.
another one is the fact that el was mistaken for a boy multiple times in s1. even i thought she was a boy before i watched the show bc the first thing i saw of stranger things was a gifset on here of the reveal of el in the rain a couple weeks after it came out. i knew it was about some missing boy and i thought el was him and only realized shes a girl once i watched it. anyways i wouldnt consider this substantial evidence if it werent for the fact that two characters say she looks like a boy and one mistakes her for a boy. mike might have subconsciously thought she would be a socially acceptable romantic partner that would satisfy him more than a really feminine girl would. and once el does look more feminine in s3 thats when you see how unhealthy their relationship is.
another thing is mikes reaction to max in s2. lucas and dustin are immediately attracted to her and mike’s just pissed off about it. you can argue that its bc he doesnt have el, but it could also be bc he doesnt see why lucas and dustin would be attracted to her at all and hes mad that theyre thinking so much about her when hes concerned about will.
i am SO annoying about this one. this is like the fifth time ive brought it up in an ask but listen its the answer to so many asks ive gotten. this frame:
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this sells me on him being gay instead of bi bc he’s framed in the closet while el kisses him and the door perfectly divides their kiss. they could show a frame of him in a closet any time to hint at him being queer but they chose to do it specifically when el kisses him. also the fact that the closet divides their kiss perfectly indicates that the closet is the reason he’s not kissing her or saying he loves her back. that wouldnt be the case if he were bi. he may not love her but it wouldnt have anything to do with his sexuality bc he’d still like girls so framing him like this wouldnt be necessary.
lastly, i dont think mike would have a problem breaking up with her if it was simply bc he doesnt love her, not bc he doesnt like girls in general. it’s clear that mike isnt in love with el right? especially after that one-sided kiss and him having no emotional or happy response to her saying she loves him. then why is he hanging onto the relationship for so long if theres nothing there? at the very least i would think we’d see him talking to one of the guys about him not loving her or wanting to break up with her and not knowing how but instead he just stays in the relationship bc he doesnt want to accept the fact that hes gay. i think this was represented well with that one recent finn and millie interview. i forget which one of them said it but they said “its like theyre married and theres no option for divorce”. milevens threw a party when they read that line but honestly its just sad and fits this point really well.
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fuck-customers · 3 years
all of these green fabric hell submissions are reminding me of my time there lmao
i dont know if other stores do this but we did NOT sell to customers we let them shop and do their business and only helped when asked questions i never saw anyone else interrupt customers on their own and ive never had another green fabric worker do it to me when i was at their store even though i remember in the training videos it was apart of it. it was a big deal in training to help them get everything they needed for their project but not everyone working there knows every craft tip and trick so its just easier to wait for them to ask you
this all and all made for a pretty okay first job because i was just a cashier and would recover and do go backs in my free time so it was easy peasy. i know how to sew so helping customers on basic things wasnt too bad and most had a “i know more than you” attitude anyways which i didnt mind because theyre right lol
but i remember this one customer came in near closing and it was me at register, the youngest pot smoking manager doing his thing and my friend who was also young at the cut counter. i sew, the manager doesnt really do crafts but he knows basics from working there and the girl at the cut counter uses those insect machines (censored the name obviously but biggest waste of money btw) and this lady came in asking about a question involving crocheting or knitting i can’t remember
i told her i didnt crochet and i didnt knit but i could ask my manager if he had any knowledge and he came to the front gave her the most basic info he could and she got so pissed off. he left and she stood there telling me that no one who works here knows anything and SHE could work there if she wanted and it’s ridiculous that the staff is incompetent and doesnt have answers to her questions
had to really resist the urge to say yeah then fucking submit an application lmfao like no one is graded or required to know every fucking craft fact in the universe here wtf is wrong with u its goddamn retail we’re just here because theres no self checkout and you need someone to cut the fucking fabric go to google and youtube if you want help not some person making minimum wage
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skelemira · 3 years
hello bestie i am requesting some fluffy platonic headcanons for what the Sweet Cap'n Cakes gang gets up to in their spare time pls !<3333 if that doesnt work out thats fine!!! 💖💖💖
Oh bestie you have no idea man my friends and I have an entire SERVER dedicated to our sonas as the SCC and everything about them you have asked the right gal
Fluffy Platonic SCC hcs here we come:
Based on an earlier Tumblr post I saw they love to do raves, K_K will work super hard to give them all really cool glow in the dark makeup and bake some glow in the dark cakes and cookies (there's edible glow in the dark food colouring and stuff I looked it up)
Yeah along that line K_K bakes like a frick ton, gets really good at decorating cookies, makes cookies of the SCC members like all the time
Sweet falls asleep like anywhere and anytime, they just like doze off randomly. K_K and Cap'n make sure that Sweet stays on the turntables as much as possible when they're out bc then they'll faceplant into the turntables instead of the ground (which still isn't great but it's preferable)
Sweet also really loves rhythm games like DDR and stuff like that.
Sweet and Cap'n have a playful rivalry (usually more like banter between friends than any true rivalry)
Sweet does patrols around Cyber World, they like to have a bird's eye view of things, it makes them breathe a bit easier, plus they can watch Cap'n and K_K to make sure they're safe.
Sweet loves taking Cap'n and K_K for joyrides on the turntables, especially to go to carnivals and watch fireworks and (since Cap'n and K_K have an insatiable sweet (heh sweet) tooth, they get cotton candy and watch the fireworks all together).
They're all pretty serious about the rebellion, but Sweet has a bit of a mischievous side about it.
Cap'n kind of blurts things out at random times without thinking sometimes, sometimes it has good results, sometimes maybe not but they're all meant with good intentions. (Usually~)
Gonna quote my beloved Saph here bc she worded it much better than I can lol: "The nickname Cap’n is totally an inside joke. They don’t consider themself the actual “leader,” but they joke about it a lot. Sweets and K_K probably (playfully) agree that it’s because they’re bossy, not because they’re leader material. All in good fun ofc."
Cap'n is absolutely hopeless in being flirted with. Flirting with someone else? Got it no problem. BEING flirted with????? Ahaaaaaaa flustered Cap'n~
Again gonna quote Saph bc man I cannot rephrase this lol it is perfect: "Probably considers himself a bit of a business tycoon. No-one can resist the extra seedy CD bagels, so why not sell em $400 a pop? It’s genius! Shame K_K misunderstood them xDDD"
Aaaaaand one more time lol: "Probably just likes vibing and seeing his friends happy tbh. He strikes me as the type to go above and beyond to see them happy"
So K_K gives piggyback rides to Sweet and Cap'n all the time (when Sweet falls asleep K_K puts them in a baby carrier bought specifically for this purpose)
And final one!!! K_K would do anything to see Sweet and Cap'n happy, even if it means being a little goofier than normal or working a bit harder to really perfect their likenesses on those cookies.
Thank you so much for requesting hon!!!!
With that I'm about to go to bed btw so I won't be very fast at responding to requests if y'all still want them, but feel free to keep sending them in, or just send an ask to say hi!
ALSO omg how did I almost forget for the Sweet hcs I wanna thank Lemon my beloved (she doesn't have a tumblr but her art insta is @lemon_lucid if you would like to go follow!) And for the Cap'n hcs I wanna thank @saphirathedragon my beloved wifeyyyyyy srsly I love both of their hcs for the SCC and imma end it there cuz man I'm tired XDDDD
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butwhatifidothis · 3 years
Am I the only one who genuinely struggles with coming up with reasons as to why the BEagles might follow Edelgard into war? Maybe it's just that everyone is at their most interesting in the routes where they're opposing the Empire, but I genuinely cant for the life of me see how these characters have more satisfying "arcs" (as far as their status as disposable side characters will let them, that is) in CF in contrast to other routes:
- Ferdinand gets to consolidate his role as Edelgard (and Hubert's) main opposition force, which is literally the whole point of his "rivalry" with Edelgard while theyre still on friendly terms. Why not push this idea to the extreme by making him willing to go to literal war against their ideals because he disagrees with the idea that the path theyre taking is in the best interest for the citizens of Adrestia—and Fódlan?
- Dorothea is a pacifist who would absolutely never condone sacrificing innocent (mainly commoner) lives as collateral damage. Her mental state is already fragile enough during the war phase in other routes and it's honestly astounding that CF didn't even address how GUILTY she must feel knowing that she's supporting the side that STARTED the war all because....... eh, something something Professor something Edelgard something.
- Linhardt has similar pacifist tendencies and hatred of war and violence as Dorothea, with the addition that he 100% knows (or at least suspects) the true origins of Flayn, Seteth and Rhea and would never condone Edelgard's racism and genocide against the last surviving children of the Goddess
- Caspar might be happy to throw himself into a fight, but he's no warmonger. A good chunk of his supports are TEXTUALLY about him learning what justice is and realizing what that means for him: which lives he would be willing to sacrifice in order to attain victory (he's 100% against hurting the innocent and the defenseless, as evidenced in his supports with Byleth and Catherine (interesting how Catherine's support you never get to see in CF hmmm I wonder why)) so I highly doubt he'd be at peace with the idea of starting a war for ideals he doesnt even understand or agree with himself (as evidenced by his supports with Edelgard). There's also the fact that opposing the Empire gives him a small personal arc where he gets to face his fear of betraying and fighting his family (btw can we talk about how we were robbed from seeing Count Bergliez as a map boss after how much they hyped him up) which is far more interesting for his character than anything he ever does in CF where he suffers from the worst case of "one-line syndrome"
- Petra's literal only reason to support the Empire is her current status as a political hostage, as well as her country being a colony of Adrestia. CF tries so hard to sell you the story that Edelgard is soooo benevolent because she promises to MAYBE negotiate Brigid's independence but ONLY after the war (after Brigid's support was already useful to her) like its some heartwarming tale. I know Petra wants to be a diplomatic ruler and is trying to avoid repercussions but how is licking their colonizers' boots a more satisfying story than the alternative—a story where a colonized state gets to fight for their independence taking advantage of the political turmoil in the mainland?
- Bernadetta is the only case where I don't think the game gives strong motivations either way. The only thing Edelgard has to offer to Bernie is that count Varley gets put into house arrest for not supporting her war, but Bernie's already cutting ties with the Empire (and by proxy, her father) by being recruited into another house anyway. Theres also no reason why CF is designed to be the only route where she overcomes her reclusive tendencies (I was so disappointed to see she doesn't leave her room when recruited outside of her house. like the game was so desperate to have CF give ONE positive aspect to at least ONE of the people who are supposed to be on this route, thats how bad it is)
Anyways, I know this is kind of a wall of text but I had to get this out of my chest. I cant be the only one who thinks the Black eagles are at the strongest in other routes so please let me know what you think. Your insights into this game are so on point and I greatly enjoy reading your posts
Oh, no problem about the wall of text, it was very nice to read through!! And thank you so much! <3
Nah, I basically Agree with everything you said here! CF is the route where everyone other than Hubert are at their worst (even Edelgard doesn't really escape this, CF is by far where her character is the weakest imo due to the pandering) and the BE are not only not an exception, they are exceptionally affected by it.
Ferdinand off of CF stands strong with his morals in putting down forces that are destructive to themselves and especially to the people. He says this about Dimitri in VW (probably SS too lol haven't checked) and Edelgard in both VW and AM, that it is his duty to stand against his leaders should they prove lacking and dangerous in their judgement. He mourns the loss of Adrestia, but he's able to become his own person and live by his own code diligently, even when it hurts him to do so (dialogue with Hubert when fighting him in Enbarr), as well as gives him a chance to experience the lives of the people he swore to protect (see his post ts profile) and get over his ignorance over the people of Hrym (his paralogue). CF!Ferdinand? Watches his leader throw Fodlan into horrendous violence, even those who literally tried to not fight her (Claude), and just gives lukewarm objectives to one of Edelgard's policies. After admitting that she was better than him in nearly every way in their supports.
Caspar, like you said, is someone who highly values justice but needs to learn what he finds to be just, and whether he was right or wrong. Very good point on the Catherine supports which showcase this the best and are simply not available on CF. We know that Caspar is deeply guilty for what the actions of his father did to the people of Brigid and Dagda, as shown in his supports with Petra and Shamir - he doesn't want to be like his father. He wants to be just. He wants to fight for those that can't. He just has to learn where and how to direct that sense of justice he has, which he cannot fully do on CF. And on CF? Wooooo, let's take on the Kingdom capital!! Let's fight Claude!! Let's fight these people for this cause I don't even really understand that well!! Let's fight these people who's only crime was stand up against my tyrannical, warmongering leader!
Linhardt and Dorothea... imma just show these:
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This... more than speaks for itself lmao, but look at Dorothea
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Using theatre to distance herself from the violence vs, on CF, after the violent conquer of the Alliance in Capturing Derdriu (that could potentially kill Claude):
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Using theatre to glorify violence (another interesting note, she uses this same set of dialogue for Saving Derdriu in AM, tweaked to fit Dimitri instead of Edelgard)
Petra. Poor fuckin' Petra man, she is in a fuckin' horrible situation. Like, she can be all nicey nice with Edelgard in their supports all she wants, those supports still say that Hubert was completely willing and ready to strike down Petra since she was following them. Hubert's supports with Petra still have him warn her not to stand against Edelgard or else she and Brigid will be crushed mercilessly. She still calls herself a hostage in post ts CF in her supports with Byleth. Her ending with Hubert still has her be married to him in the first place because of that being part of Edelgard's negotiations to give Brigid its rightful independence. Petra has a shit time on CF
And also like you said while Bernadetta might not have a reason to not be with Edelgard... she also has no reason to be with Edelgard. Might as well stick on the side that doesn't lead to tyranny if that's the case, especially since we know how little Burnadeada really means to Edelgard.
It also foils with the other houses extremely well - the other characters are at their best in their houses, the ones that don't have a tyrannical warmongering imperialist as their leader, meanwhile the BE are at their best outside of their house that does have a tyrannical warmongering imperialist. It was likely very intentional that this is how the characters behave in CF
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heleizition · 4 years
Hello, can I please get some steph or cass or duke headcanons because all the others' backstories have been kind of covered? It's totally fine if you don't wanna, just wanted to say I love your au :) have a good day!!!
IM SORRY AA im not really sure how to integrate duke yet into the family (like he’s here and Adopted and hs parents are alive and Not Ok i think but idk HOW yk ????) and cass’s backstory doesnt change much, she just doesnt keep on Fighting,,, steph is a bit more complicated i think ? ill get into it at some point i swear ;_; !!!!!! but here are a few shifter au hc on duke, steph and cass !!!!
• steph is the one who taught tim how to skateboard !!!! and also rollers, later
• steph : id sell bruce for two cornflakes
also steph : bruce maybe ur not my dad but ur also kind of the only father figure i have rn and i rly need to be told im doing good and to get a hug but ur annoying and i dont like u but ur also kind of my dad anyway give me a fucking hug or ill bite u • cass sometimes goes out shifted into a bat to follow bruce bc a) she wants to make sure her dad is fine b) its fucking funny that the batman is followed by a bat dont u think • duke has his light powers and they’re slowly developping and he’s getting help from the league and sometimes everything is too much and he gets big headaches,,,, there is always a sibling to cuddle with to make the pain Go tho
• STEPH BECOMES A VETERINARIAN which also takes care of shifters when shifted btw
• duke gets his shifting from his dad who was also a komodo dragon
• duke is pretty close to jason they are book nerds together, but they also have widely different opinions on books which ends up with loud book debates at 2 in the morning (dont ask me about those specific opinions i havent read a book in my life thanks)
• cass is mostly verbal after two to three years after being adopted, but they all learned sign language for her. she uses it with tim and jason the most bc the three of them have non verbal days.
• steph’s favorite cuddle buddy is dick (as coyote steph and panther dick)
• cass isn’t sure what she wants to do yet but she got into a lot of different activities. one of her favorite is scuba diving.
• im still not sure what duke will do in the future sobs he’s still confused bc he got a Lot on his mind between his parents and his meta abilities and his shifting that gets to be a bit of a pain in the winter bc winter takes up a lot of energy for him
• cass is the second best at finding tim when he’s hiding (second only to selina who is also Cat and she may or may have not mom instinct when it comes to tim)
• one of cass’s favorite place to doze off is shifted, into an apron’s pocket, while jay or alfred cook. it smell nice and they both either sing or talk to her or hum,, its nice
• steph’s mom isnt a shifter ! it comes from arthur brown sadly >:( sometimes it makes steph upset 
• steph’s mom loves when steph is shifted and worked out muscles to be able to carry her coyote daughter and thats so very nice
• duke voice hey u think u could be pal with killer croc ???? we are scally buddies idk man
dick voice duke . duke no . duke .
• duke is the best imposter in among us
• duke blushed everytime dick, cass, jay and tim have called him little brother or an equivalent for the first few months  after hes been adopted.
• damian always goes to cass when he’s angry or needs to let off some steam bc they have both been Trained to kill and can handle each other
mmmm thats all my brain can muster rn i simply Love Them
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apocalypsegay · 5 years
Why Lore Olympus shouldn’t exist, let alone be getting an animated series
because it’s terrible and unhealthy
discussions about #rape, #sexual assault #incest and #pedophilia in both Ancient Greek canon and Lore Olympus
the tl;dr:
hades and persephone’s myth is about grown men passing a young girl around like she’s property. that’s already awful.
lore olympus is about a 19yo Persephone being lusted after by 2000/say 40-something Hades. did woody allen write this?
the story uses kidnapping and rape for cheap drama without any concern about how to portray it.
the only character that might be a PoC can’t read lmfao
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let’s go
EDIT to add: yes i am aware there are MANY versions to this myth, but lore olympus is very much based on the one where hades and persephone are related (the author herself has gone out of her way to clarify there isnt incest in this one if you’re wondering), and have an overbearing age gap (which still exists in lore olympus). no you absolutely don’t have to tell me child brides are okay because the culture accepted them.
i’ve heard conflicting statements that no, it was never a story where persephone had any sort of agency to yes, in some stories hades isn’t even present (which then, id say, isn’t anywhere near the same story then?).
the long, i’m reading:
1. Hades and Persephones’s story isn’t a love story. It doesn’t matter how many modern reimaginings talk about introducing “female empowerment” into it: the basic story is literally about Zeus agreeing to gift his young daughter (say she was 15-16yo since that was the traditional age of marriage for girls back then) to his brother as a bride.
To put it less mildly: it’s about Hades wanting to rape his teenage niece, and succeeding. Greek myths are awful and nightmarish, and i understand wanting to make them less awful, but you don’t make a story about kidnapping, abuse and rape not awful by saying “actually, it was true love all along.”
this is what Lore Olympus is based on. A myth about an older man wanting a young, defenseless girl to own.
so how did Lore Olympus spin it?
2. Lore Olympus is about an older man wanting a young, defenseless girl to own... but he loves her! :)
incest is gross, i guess, but grown-ass bastards wanting to fuck barely-legal girls is Romantic.
in the story Persephone is 19 and extremely sheltered. She doesn’t know that “sleeping with” is a euphemism for sex. Her naïveté is one of her selling points (bc you know grown men aren’t gonna go after a woman who knows her boundaries).
Hades is like a 40-something CEO who could literally have Persephone mistreated, battered and killed and thrown in a ditch w/o anyone batting an eye but i guess those power imbalances really get the author going
like. listen. think about any 19yos you know. would you want a 40-something or even OLDER talking about her like this
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(btw hades literally doesnt have much to say about her other than she’s hot? wow true love)
3. the “kidnapping of persephone” is two other gods getting persephone drunk and shoving her into Hades’s car. we’re supposed to find this fun and kooky instead of a set up for a rape. 
Apollo rapes Persephone. the trauma is not addressed other than Persephone yelling at him Once, maybe, but still being super ready to be sexually available to Hades. that’s how trauma works (i know about hypersexuality, this is obviously not that lmfao).
4. psyche... the only brown woman in the cast... can’t read
the only character who isn’t bright neon... and she! is! illiterate!
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