#meanwhile on CF they stagnate and become 1 dimensional versions of themselves so that Edelgard looks better
butwhatifidothis · 3 years
Am I the only one who genuinely struggles with coming up with reasons as to why the BEagles might follow Edelgard into war? Maybe it's just that everyone is at their most interesting in the routes where they're opposing the Empire, but I genuinely cant for the life of me see how these characters have more satisfying "arcs" (as far as their status as disposable side characters will let them, that is) in CF in contrast to other routes:
- Ferdinand gets to consolidate his role as Edelgard (and Hubert's) main opposition force, which is literally the whole point of his "rivalry" with Edelgard while theyre still on friendly terms. Why not push this idea to the extreme by making him willing to go to literal war against their ideals because he disagrees with the idea that the path theyre taking is in the best interest for the citizens of Adrestia—and Fódlan?
- Dorothea is a pacifist who would absolutely never condone sacrificing innocent (mainly commoner) lives as collateral damage. Her mental state is already fragile enough during the war phase in other routes and it's honestly astounding that CF didn't even address how GUILTY she must feel knowing that she's supporting the side that STARTED the war all because....... eh, something something Professor something Edelgard something.
- Linhardt has similar pacifist tendencies and hatred of war and violence as Dorothea, with the addition that he 100% knows (or at least suspects) the true origins of Flayn, Seteth and Rhea and would never condone Edelgard's racism and genocide against the last surviving children of the Goddess
- Caspar might be happy to throw himself into a fight, but he's no warmonger. A good chunk of his supports are TEXTUALLY about him learning what justice is and realizing what that means for him: which lives he would be willing to sacrifice in order to attain victory (he's 100% against hurting the innocent and the defenseless, as evidenced in his supports with Byleth and Catherine (interesting how Catherine's support you never get to see in CF hmmm I wonder why)) so I highly doubt he'd be at peace with the idea of starting a war for ideals he doesnt even understand or agree with himself (as evidenced by his supports with Edelgard). There's also the fact that opposing the Empire gives him a small personal arc where he gets to face his fear of betraying and fighting his family (btw can we talk about how we were robbed from seeing Count Bergliez as a map boss after how much they hyped him up) which is far more interesting for his character than anything he ever does in CF where he suffers from the worst case of "one-line syndrome"
- Petra's literal only reason to support the Empire is her current status as a political hostage, as well as her country being a colony of Adrestia. CF tries so hard to sell you the story that Edelgard is soooo benevolent because she promises to MAYBE negotiate Brigid's independence but ONLY after the war (after Brigid's support was already useful to her) like its some heartwarming tale. I know Petra wants to be a diplomatic ruler and is trying to avoid repercussions but how is licking their colonizers' boots a more satisfying story than the alternative—a story where a colonized state gets to fight for their independence taking advantage of the political turmoil in the mainland?
- Bernadetta is the only case where I don't think the game gives strong motivations either way. The only thing Edelgard has to offer to Bernie is that count Varley gets put into house arrest for not supporting her war, but Bernie's already cutting ties with the Empire (and by proxy, her father) by being recruited into another house anyway. Theres also no reason why CF is designed to be the only route where she overcomes her reclusive tendencies (I was so disappointed to see she doesn't leave her room when recruited outside of her house. like the game was so desperate to have CF give ONE positive aspect to at least ONE of the people who are supposed to be on this route, thats how bad it is)
Anyways, I know this is kind of a wall of text but I had to get this out of my chest. I cant be the only one who thinks the Black eagles are at the strongest in other routes so please let me know what you think. Your insights into this game are so on point and I greatly enjoy reading your posts
Oh, no problem about the wall of text, it was very nice to read through!! And thank you so much! <3
Nah, I basically Agree with everything you said here! CF is the route where everyone other than Hubert are at their worst (even Edelgard doesn't really escape this, CF is by far where her character is the weakest imo due to the pandering) and the BE are not only not an exception, they are exceptionally affected by it.
Ferdinand off of CF stands strong with his morals in putting down forces that are destructive to themselves and especially to the people. He says this about Dimitri in VW (probably SS too lol haven't checked) and Edelgard in both VW and AM, that it is his duty to stand against his leaders should they prove lacking and dangerous in their judgement. He mourns the loss of Adrestia, but he's able to become his own person and live by his own code diligently, even when it hurts him to do so (dialogue with Hubert when fighting him in Enbarr), as well as gives him a chance to experience the lives of the people he swore to protect (see his post ts profile) and get over his ignorance over the people of Hrym (his paralogue). CF!Ferdinand? Watches his leader throw Fodlan into horrendous violence, even those who literally tried to not fight her (Claude), and just gives lukewarm objectives to one of Edelgard's policies. After admitting that she was better than him in nearly every way in their supports.
Caspar, like you said, is someone who highly values justice but needs to learn what he finds to be just, and whether he was right or wrong. Very good point on the Catherine supports which showcase this the best and are simply not available on CF. We know that Caspar is deeply guilty for what the actions of his father did to the people of Brigid and Dagda, as shown in his supports with Petra and Shamir - he doesn't want to be like his father. He wants to be just. He wants to fight for those that can't. He just has to learn where and how to direct that sense of justice he has, which he cannot fully do on CF. And on CF? Wooooo, let's take on the Kingdom capital!! Let's fight Claude!! Let's fight these people for this cause I don't even really understand that well!! Let's fight these people who's only crime was stand up against my tyrannical, warmongering leader!
Linhardt and Dorothea... imma just show these:
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This... more than speaks for itself lmao, but look at Dorothea
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Using theatre to distance herself from the violence vs, on CF, after the violent conquer of the Alliance in Capturing Derdriu (that could potentially kill Claude):
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Using theatre to glorify violence (another interesting note, she uses this same set of dialogue for Saving Derdriu in AM, tweaked to fit Dimitri instead of Edelgard)
Petra. Poor fuckin' Petra man, she is in a fuckin' horrible situation. Like, she can be all nicey nice with Edelgard in their supports all she wants, those supports still say that Hubert was completely willing and ready to strike down Petra since she was following them. Hubert's supports with Petra still have him warn her not to stand against Edelgard or else she and Brigid will be crushed mercilessly. She still calls herself a hostage in post ts CF in her supports with Byleth. Her ending with Hubert still has her be married to him in the first place because of that being part of Edelgard's negotiations to give Brigid its rightful independence. Petra has a shit time on CF
And also like you said while Bernadetta might not have a reason to not be with Edelgard... she also has no reason to be with Edelgard. Might as well stick on the side that doesn't lead to tyranny if that's the case, especially since we know how little Burnadeada really means to Edelgard.
It also foils with the other houses extremely well - the other characters are at their best in their houses, the ones that don't have a tyrannical warmongering imperialist as their leader, meanwhile the BE are at their best outside of their house that does have a tyrannical warmongering imperialist. It was likely very intentional that this is how the characters behave in CF
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