#she does try and braid her hair sometimes even if it’s a bit hard from the sensitive/loose hair
jitteryjive · 3 months
Actually happy post for the first time in a while. i never see butches with receding hair so i gave esmeralda mild alopecia (im going to design it into her eyebrows in non canon human form as well) because i think she’s adorable and also we need it in the world
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Trial and Error (5.5) - Bonus
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Summary: Based on the request: "Azriel with single mom reader? I feel like being a single mom in ACOTAR would be tricky as hell… reader comes from autumn court and flees to night court because she got pregnant out of marriage? 😯 the shame"
Word count: ~700
Warnings: azriel's pov, fluff that will make you explode probably idk
a/n: Hi so I'm crazy and needed to write this after getting asks about it and getting inspo surrounding Az singing night court lullabies to Mel. Please enjoy and I'm sorry for two posts in one day 😅
read part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part 6
Main Masterlist ♡
Azriel was back in her room the moment he heard the call. 
He’d placed Melanie down in her bed only ten minutes prior, but her sleep had been fitful and disjointed over the past day and Azriel hadn’t expected her to stay down for long. It was strange—the way the bond connecting him to you burned with the same protectiveness for Melanie. 
“Hey, Melanie,” Azriel whispered, kneeling beside her bed with his fingers resting on the outer edge of her quilt. “What’s wrong? Can’t sleep?” 
Melanie sat up in her bed with a small groan, the braid you had put in her hair earlier in disarray. “Yeah. Don’t wanna sleep. Where’s mommy?” 
Azriel hummed and pushed a wild curl behind her ear. “Mommy’s sick, so she’s sleeping. Like you should be.” 
“You aren’t sick, Mr. Azriel?” 
“No, I can’t get sick like you. Not right now, anyway.” 
Melanie’s brow furrowed and her head swayed. “Can you hold me like mommy does?” 
Azriel’s heart shattered in his chest at her request. Her sleepy eyes blearily stared up at him as he let out a shaky breath and attempted to push down some of his joy at her request. 
Maybe you didn’t fully trust him yet, but Melanie did. 
“Sure, sweetheart,” he replied, reaching out beneath her arms to hoist her up. When her head immediately found a home in the juncture of his neck, Azriel melted. “Are you feeling any better?” 
Melanie fisted Azriel’s shirt as he situated her against his chest. “Little bit.” 
Sometimes, when she spoke, Azriel could hear you in Melanie’s voice. 
He wanted so badly to be part of that connection. 
The want often scared him. 
“Can we go to mommy’s room?” she asked, pulling her head up to send him a sleepy question. “Not to wake her up. Mommy’s room is just nice.” 
The two of you always sought each other out—always found safety in being near. 
Azriel rubbed Melanie’s back and nodded with a smile that was fueled both by adoration and melancholy. 
Your room was dark when he entered. Melanie had taken a glance at your sleeping figure and then rested her head back into the crook of Azriel’s neck. He could feel each breath she took and felt each clench of her fists into his shirt. 
“Is this better?” Azriel asked, voice so low and careful he wasn’t sure if the five-year-old would hear him. 
But Melanie nodded and whispered back a small confirmation that made Azriel’s chest hurt. He held her closer to his chest and watched the rise and fall of yours as you slept an arm’s length away. When Melanie’s breathing didn’t even out after a few minutes, he placed a hand behind her head and started lightly swaying. 
“You have to try and sleep, Mel. That’s how you get better,” he whispered into her ear. 
“I’m trying,” she whispered back, strained and trying to keep quiet for her mom. “It’s hard, Mr. Azriel. My head doesn’t feel good.” 
Azriel tutted and hated that there was very little he could do for this illness. “I know, Mel. I’m sorry, sweetheart.” 
Her only response was to bury her face further into his shoulder. 
Azriel thought back to his youth, to the perils and hardships he had endured, and he sought after the light—the good moments. His mother’s singing stood out, the melody of a Night Court lullaby gently lulling in his mind. 
Azriel didn’t have much experience with children other than Nyx, but, with Melanie, that didn’t seem to matter. With Melanie, everything came to him with a practiced ease that didn’t feel deserved. But he took from it anyway. 
So, Azriel began to hum the lullabies from his childhood, wrapping a wing around the child in his arms to block everything else out. 
And she was able to sleep. 
part 6
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teddybeartoji · 15 days
satoru as the guardian of an itty bitty six year old nobara... he spoils her so fucking much, and he lets her do anything and everything lmao nobara is so loud and lively and satoru fucking loves it like he adooores her so so so much<333333333
lets nobara climb all over him like he's her personal jungle gym whenever she's bored and lets nobara mess up his hair if she so desires. this is all very normal btw,, satoru doesn't even bat an eye when he feels her tugging at his arm as he's cooking, only smiling to himself when nobara grumbles that he's too heavy for her too pull on. satoru just ruffles her hair and tells her that he'll play mario cart with her after they've eaten and just fucking dies out of cuteness agression when nobara stomps her little foot while glaring at him. the hair thing is very casual too – sometimes satoru's just laying on the couch, watching tv, when nobara plops onto his back and just splays herself all over him like a puppy. yk how they sometimes lay on their backs with their paws up in the air – like that. it's very cute!!! she watches the tv with him for a while in silence but then she gets a little bored and goes to play with his hair instead. she styles it, she combs it; she makes fun of it being white, commenting that satoru's just so old already but he loves it.
they have spa days together, too. after a very, very bubbly bath, they're both clad in the cutest pyjamas with equally adorable headbands holding back their head. satoru's never been afraid to spend his money, meaning that the bathroom they share is as big as they come – they both have their own sides, seperate sinks and cupboard for the both of them (satoru really loves spoiling her). nobara has her own little stool to stand on as well, so she can see herself in the mirror perfectly as they wash their faces before applying face masks. sometimes nobara insists on putting on satoru's herself bc she thinks she can do it better. of course, he lets her.
after that, satoru carries her to the couch, so they can watch a movie while the mask dries. they eat popcorn and candy, and joke about whatever's playing on the screen. and when the twenty minutes are up, they both head back to the bathroom to wash their faces again. nobara does this for satoru, too – her eyebrows are furrowed, her eyes determined as she cleans him up. satoru pokes her cheek and laughs as she tells him off, as she tells him to stop messing around. satoru apologizes with a grin.
he blow dries her hair after all the skincare is done, his hands gentle as he combs through the strands. he's extra careful, knowing full well that he'll get reprimanded if he were to tug on her a bit too hard. satoru's rather good at it btw – doing her hair. he's learned how to braid it in different ways, so he's ready for whatever she could ever want. he's got hairties with him at all times, he's even got some hairclips in his pockets – in various shades, to match with the outfit she's wearing.
satoru likes to teasingly call her "little lady". it almost always ends up with her trying to shove him, the argument that 'she's not little' the saying she counters her guardian with. satoru thinks she's very adorable. nobara usually calls him by his name, sometimes by his last name but that's only when she's a little pissed off or when she's trying to be tough. she calls him 'toru' when she's tired though; when she's glued to him, her tiny hands circled around his neck as satoru's carrying her home from the park.
satoru's always there at her taekwondo practices, silently cheering her on as she kicks ass. he's so proud of her, so fucking proud. every once in a while, she turns to him with a big grin on her face, yelling out in excitement after yet another win. satoru is so incredibly proud.
satoru really adores nobara. she might not be his kid, but he still loves her like one. a father, a brother, a guardian - it doesn't matter. family. and nobara couldn't be any happier either – to have somebody that lets her have her fun, that doesn't even try to tone her down in any way. to have somebody that loves her unconditionally. it's everything a child could ever possibly want.
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cosmopretty · 1 month
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Basketball Love
Nika Mühl x Fem
Synopsis: Both you and Nika were well known basketball players but both playing for different teams her for UConn you for Iowa State.
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Dating a UConn basketball player while you play for Iowa state was not as hard as anyone expected. Just because the schools are rivals doesn’t mean that the teams hate one another. Both you and Nika met at a basketball game over a year ago, the two of you were up against each other, her guarding you most of the game pissing you off. She thought it was cute how mad you got when she got infront of you, and you thought it was annoying.
UConn ended up loosing that game and even thought Nika was disappointed she couldn’t help herself but to come up to you. After Paige told her what to say she came up to you, tapping you on the shoulder. Turning around you look up at the girl who was a few inches taller than you “Yeah? Nika right?” you ask her confused on what she wanted from you.
The Croatian girl nods “Yeah I’m Nika” she mentally slaps herself after saying that. You nod confused you look back at Kate for a moment your face covered in confusion. You couldn’t lie you thought at Nika was really pretty.
“Did you need something or? I mean your pretty hot so we can just stand here and stare at one another” you say sarcastically Kate trying to cover up her laugh with a cough before getting up and leaving the two of you alone. Nika blushes a bit, her cheeks turning a shade of pink “I just want to ask for your number, I think your really pretty and your very good on the court I was impressed” she admits subtly asking for your number, her heart beats way too fast her hands sweating.
Nodding you grab her phone that was in her hand and look at her expecting to unlock it, and when she does you put your number in and smile at her. She smiles back grabbing her phone “I’ll text you I promise” she says before smiling at you once more and walking back to her team who was waiting for her.
And that’s how your relationship started, it being a little over a year since you started dating the croation girl. The long distance was hard at times but you saw each other a lot through basketball, and the two of you sometimes visited each other taking the 3 hour plane ride to meet one another.
Today UConn and Iowa state had a game against one another, it being the beginning of the season. It was a home game for UConn meaning your team had to come to team. You sit in the locker room with Kate braiding her hair for her “Is it bad I’m nervous?” you ask your team captain tying the tie around the end of the braid. The blonde turns around and grabs the both of your shoulders “No it’s okay you haven’t seen her in person for two months. Now go meet her before the game, captain orders” she pushes you towards the door.
Walking down you find Nika sitting on the bench, the second she sees you she runs up to your wrapping her arms around you. Your arms wrap around her neck and she lifts you up off the ground twirling the both of your in circle. She puts your back on the fourth not letting go of your, her head in your neck “I missed you so much moja bebo” she whispers.
“I missed you more than you know Niks” you whisper pulling away from the hug. Both her hands come to cup your cheeks pulling you into a kiss. Before the kiss can last long Paige comes over “Ew pull away so I can hug my friend twin” she makes a disgusted face before smiling at you “Hey Girlypop” KK says running down the hallway. Nika groans “I can’t have one minute with my girl” she throws her arms up before slapping them down in her thighs. KK mean mugs her giving you a hug “You face time her all day the least you could do is let us say hi after having to listen to yall yap all day and night” KK says pulling away before grabbing Paige “Geno wants us in locker room game starts soon” KK says pulling Paige away before she could even hug you.
You laugh and hug Nika once more “Good luck baby but not too much I still wanna win” you pull her into a short and sweet kiss. Nika licks her lips pulling away from the kiss “Have a good game moja princezo” she whispers before rubbing your waist and walking to her team’s locker room. You watch her walk away and then turn back towards where your team was.
Kate’s eyes meet yours “You okay kid?” she asks you wanting you to be on your A game. You nod “Yeah I just hope this game goes by fast so I can hangout with her before we leave tomorrow night” Kate rubs your shoulder “After we win you guys have time to hangout don’t sweat it” she tries cheering you up.
Both UConn and Iowa State stand with their respective teams before getting on the court. Paige and Caitlin both jump for the ball, Caitlin hits the ball back and you catch it dribbling down the court before passing to Jada. You catch Nika’s eyes and she gets next to you guarding you. Following her movements you move left and Jada passes the ball back to you and you dribble down the court shooting a three. You high five Jada and run back to your side of the court.
The game goes on for a while a close call between UConn and Iowa, every time one team scores so does the other. Nika guarded you for most of the game along with Caroline. Now in the fourth quarter with Iowa State up by 2 points, you breath heavily before running down the court stealing the ball from Kamora, you jump up to shoot a layup and Paige follows trying to block the ball. The two of you hit each other in the air her elbow digging into your side, your leg hitting her ankle. Both you and Paige fall on top of one another the ball now long gone, Paige’s 6 foot frame on top of yours. You wimper “Fuck Paige your heavy get off” you tell her. Both teams come over to the two of you concerned, Nika bends down helping you sit up “što se dogodilo dušo?” she asks you in Croatian. You furrow your brows “I don’t understand” you state holding your ribs.
“What happened? What hurt moje dijete?” she asks you calling you baby at the end. Kate looks down at you “Answer come on what wrong?” she rushes you her concern coming off as rude. Nika glares at her “Does my girl look okay?” she asks sarcastically, you grab her arm “I’m fine just help me up please” you bite your lip as she helps you up wincing slightly. Paige glares at the two of you “Wow twin I’m here too” she exclaims.
“You’re the one who elbowed her this your fault” she points between the two of you, Paige rolls her eyes getting up with the help of KK and Ice. Nika looks from you to Paige “What’s wrong with you?” she ask her teammate conceded for her as Kate helps you walk down to the bench. Paige nods “I’m good I landed on her though she’s like a pillow” she jokes to Nika who groans punching her shoulder and running toward you before she can catch Paige’s reaction.
Your coach comes over asking you questions you tell her about the pain in your stomach and a medic comes over. Nika sits next to you kissing your head “Please tell me you’re okay baby” she begs you looking at you with her big brown eyes. You nod “I’m fine Nika they just said I need ice now go play” you tell her holding an ice pack to your ribs. She makes no move to get up “Go Nika please I’ll be here I’m okay” you reassure her and she nods kissing your head once more and running back to her team looking back at you a few times.
The game goes on for a few more minutes but it was a close call UConn winning 68-66, you frown on the bench knowing if you just didn’t get hurt you would have had a better chance to win. You hug Caitlin who was the first to come over to you “I’m sorry Cait” you apologize to her. She shrugs “It was close but it’s not your fault. How you feeling?” she asks you. Kate comes over hugging you as well “I’m fine sore but fine” you tell them getting up wincing slighting causing both of them to shake their heads at you.
Walking back into the locker room you change into a pair of jean shorts and a black tube top. Most of the team has gone back to the hotel wanting to have some peace and quiet after the loss. Leaving the locker room you run into Nika who smiles at you “How are you baby?” she asks wrapping her arm around your shoulder as yours goes around her waist. She leads the both of you back to her dorm “I’m fine just sore proud of you though Niks it was a good game you really well” you complement her.
She shrugs “So did you, you’re the one who scored most of the points before Paige turned you into a pillow” she jokes laughing, her arm shaking around you. Shoving her you smack your lips “Shut up I’m gonna get Paige back” you demand your lips turning into a smile.
The two of you get to the dorms and see Paige and Azzi on the couch looking for something to watch. You look at Nika and she gives you a nod of approval all ready knowing how bad you wanted to get back at Paige. You grab a pillow and hit Paige with it over and over, Azzi moves out of the way grabbing her phone and filming the two of you. Paige screams covering her head with both her hands “Enough I’m sorry I’m sorry” she squeals as you hit her over and over.
“YOU MADE ME A PILLOW SO NOW I HIT YOU WITH ONE” You yell at her laughing before she uses her strength and pushing you off of her and into the couch. Sticking your tongue out at her, you get up following Nika to her dorm. She sits you down on her bed “I missed you so much” she admits grabbing your cheek and pulling you into a kiss.
Kissing back you pull away biting her lip slightly “Wanna go out somewhere?” you ask her licking your lips. She nods and pushes you down on her bed climbing on top of you “Where you wanna go?” she ask you looking down on you. Thinking for a moment you shrug “Ted’s? The bar you go with your teammates you always tell me about” you remember hearing the stories she tells you on FaceTime.
Nika nods and gets off of you going to look through her closet, she grabs a long black dress for herself before going through it more pulling out a box. She hands it to you sheepishly “I got this for you thought it would look great on you” she tells you. You blush cooing opening up the box seeing a beautiful dark burgundy dress “It’s beautiful Niks thank you” you get up hugging her on your tip toes swaying back and forth.
Both of you get ready together helping each other with their hair and makeup and messing around. You put on the dress and it goes up to your mid thigh and look around in the mirror at yourself. Nika comes up behind you “You look gorgeous princeza” she tells you grabbing your hand pulling you out of her dorm. Paige, Ice, Azzi and Kayla stand in the living room “Finally let’s go” Paige says opening the door for everyone. You look at Nika who was deadpanned at her friend “We never get alone time” she complains.
Getting to the bar you and Nika drift away from the girls and go to the bar. You both order shots taking them together before you grab her hand dragging her to the dance floor. Her hands grab your hips pulling you towards her as you sway your hips to the music. The two of you get lost in your own world embracing each other tuning everyone out. All you could feel was her hands moving up and down your body her breath fanning your neck, the music fades away as you turn around facing her. Nika looks down at you and bites her lip “Your so beautiful” she tells you leaning in and kissing your lips sweetly.
You kiss back her tongue pushing itself into your mouth, her hands traveling down your back grabbing your ass. Pulling away your moan “Not here Niks” you whisper grabbing her hand taking her over to the table where her friends were.
Sitting down Nika pulls you onto her lap wrapping her arms around your waist, her head on your shoulder. Both you enjoy each other company the rest of the night, just being comfortable in each other’s presence. Leaning back onto her chest you turn your head “I love you so much Nika” you whisper to her kissing her cheek lightly.
Nika nods “I know I love you more princeza much more than you know” she reply’s to you pulling you into a kiss.
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woso-dreamzzz · 9 months
Injured III
Alexia Putellas x Child!Reader
Summary: Now there is Mami and Olga
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After Jenni and after Mami's injury, there's Olga.
She didn't used to be around as often as she is now. You would see her once every few months but now it felt like she was in Barcelona all the time.
You sit in front of Mami one morning as she does your hair.
She seems a little nervous and you try to turn to look at her but she keeps reminding you that she's still doing your hair so you just look forward.
"Do you like Olga?" She asks.
You think for a moment. "Olga's cool," Is what you eventually settle on.
Mami ties off your braid and turns you so you can sit on her knee. "Would you like Olga to stay around a bit more?" She asks.
"Like in our house?"
"Yes, in our house."
"Will she play with me?" You ask.
"If you ask nicely."
Olga moves in properly within the week. She brings with her new decorations to hang on the walls and, most importantly, a lion toy to add to your collection.
There's something in the air that you don't quite understand nearly a year into living with Olga. You don't understand it at all until one day Tia Alba is hanging out with you all and Mami brings out the album with all of your baby photos.
Olga's got a weird look on her face as she traces over the picture of Mami in the hospital bed with the baby version of you bundled up on her chest. She reaches out a finger to trace over it.
"Feeling broody?" Tia Alba teases and Olga's face goes all red like it sometimes does when her face is shown on the big screen at Mami's games.
"There's nothing wrong with that," She says, looking from Mami to you," A baby would be nice."
You freeze suddenly, stopping playing with your toys. "Baby?" You echo," Like baby Mateo?"
Mami laughs. "You can't keep calling Mateo 'baby Mateo'," She scolds lightly," He's not a baby anymore."
"Younger than me," You reply in a huff," So's a baby."
"Well," Tia Alba says," You're younger than me. Does that make you a baby?"
That stumps you for a moment and you think about it for a little while. "Maybe," You say," Mami says I'm her only baby."
"Maybe not for long," Tia Alba teases and you freeze again.
You whip your head wildly between her and Mami. "Why? I'm Mami's baby! I am! I am!"
"You are," Mami says. You know she's trying to calm you down because she's got you sitting on her knee again and she only does that when she thinks you're going to cry. "But don't you want a little brother or sister to play with?"
Everyone's looking at you and that feeling in the air is thick again. Olga, in particular, is staring very hard at you, biting at her lip like she might start celebrating or crying at whatever your answer is.
"Like you had Tia Alba?"
Mami smiles. "Exactly like Tia Alba."
"No, thank you."
Olga's face falls and even Tia Alba looks away. Mami frowns at you, manoeuvring your body so you're fully facing her.
"Why don't you want a little brother or sister?" She asks.
You shrug. "Have to share my stuff," You say," Don't like sharing."
A hint of a smile appears on her face and her finger swipes at your cheek. "Just your stuff?"
You huff, blowing out all your air noisily because sometimes Tia Alba does that when she's been caught out. You fist Mami's shirt. "My Mami," You say," Not anyone else's. Mine."
"I can still be your Mami if Olga and I have another baby."
"But what if you like Olga's baby more than me?" You whole face scrunches up in disdain. "Because it's Olga's baby."
"Do you think your Abuela prefers me over Tia Alba? Or Tia Alba over me?"
"That's different."
"Why is it different?"
"Because your Abuelo and Abuela's babies. I'm your baby. And Olga's baby will be her baby. It's different."
Mami sighs and pulls you tight against her. "That's right, you are my baby. But Olga's baby will be my baby too just like that baby will be your little brother and sister."
"No," You insist," Because they'll be Olga's stomach baby and I was your stomach baby and you had to choose a daddy so you could have me so Olga will have to choose a daddy to have her baby too."
Olga's never really heard you rationalise how you were born before. Alexia probably didn't want to bore you with all the long, complicated details.
She moves from her spot next to Alexia to kneel down in front of you and take your hands in hers.
"It doesn't matter if this one is my stomach baby and your Alexia's," She says," And we can choose the same daddy as you so you and your little sibling can look alike. Would you like that?"
You think for a moment before nodding, looking a little teary. "And-And you'll love me and the baby the same?"
"Of course we will. Two special little babies for us," Olga says, still holding your hand as Alexia holds you from behind.
"You can be my favourite!" Alba says from across the room and Alexia groans.
"Not helping, Alba!"
It still takes you a few weeks to get used to the idea of Olga with a baby and Mami takes you both away for a little trip to a beach house for the week she has off from playing.
You know what it means as soon as Mami puts you to bed the first night and she slips a little box into the dresser in your room when she thinks that you're sleeping.
You'd gone to the jewellery store with Mami to pick it out a few months ago and forgot about it until you saw her put it in your dresser.
It takes a few more days of being there to be alone with Mami (Olga goes to the town to get you all ice cream), where she sits you on her lap and explains to you it would make her really, really happy if you helped her out with something.
By the time Olga comes back and puts the tubs of ice cream in the freezer so they won't melt, you're dressed up nicely in one of your special white dresses that Mami only lets you wear on special occasions.
"Where's Ale?" Olga asks when she spots you alone, kneeling down in front of you and whipping her head around like she expects someone to jump out and take you.
You don't answer her. Instead, you grasp her hand tight in yours and begin to pull her to the backdoor, which borders on the beach. At first, she tries to resist but when she notices you're getting a bit frustrated with her, she lets you pull her along.
You stop as soon as you get through the door. "You need to close your eyes," You tell her," It's very important."
You can tell she's a little amused by you but still on edge because Mami's nowhere to be seen. You have to badger her for a bit to get her to do what you say but, eventually, she relents.
You guide Olga down the beach to where Mami's waiting. She's got flower petals scattered on the ground in a heart shape and you think that she's lucky it's not windy today otherwise all of the petals would be in the sea.
You make sure Olga stands facing Mami before you release her hand to stand by Mami's legs.
Instantly, she's panicked. "y/n," She says, raising her voice slightly," Don't wander off."
"You can open your eyes now," Is what you say in reply.
Her eyes search for you quickly before her mouth falls open at the sight of Mami and her silly petals.
"Olga," Mami says, dropping to one knee and opening the little ring box," You want a baby and a future with me and y/n. We want that with you too. So...please, marry me?"
Olga looks like she's going to cry and she drops to her knees too, one hand reaching to cradle Mami's face while the other pulls you closer to them.
"What do you think?" She asks you," Will you let me marry your Mami?"
You shrug. "You want to have Mami's new baby," You say to her," You should want to be her wife too."
Olga gives you a wet kind of laugh before turning back to Mami. "Yes, Ale. I'll marry you."
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sevenofboop · 8 months
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Part 4 Reverse WereHeart AU:
She doesn't remember much of her life before. Hells, she's not even sure if the memories she does possess are real; they feel so distant from her, as if she were looking upon them from the outside. Her name was long lost to her.
The little she does remember is that of being trapped in the darkness and pain. Shadowy figures, sometimes drifting in and out of her cage as they try to break her. She snaps and snarls, but not once does she bend.
Someone during this time, though, had been kind and brought her scraps of food when they tried to starve her. During full moons, when she would revert, they’d keep her company and taught her how to braid her hair. She cannot recall their face or name, but she remembers purple hair, short horns, and the smell of night orchids.
How she came to be here now, she doesn’t know, and she’s not sure what to make of her travelling companion. She does not know much about the Githyanki people, but the little she has gleaned from texts she had found or overheard from hushed whispers amongst adventurers, Lae’zel is…not what she expected.
Words are hard for her, voice hoarse from lack of use. She hasn’t spoken to another soul in what has to be years. Time feels different as a wolf, feeling no need to keep track of the cycles gone by. She tells Lae’zel what she remembers and how she came to be, which isn’t much to be sure, but it’s all she has. Lae’zel listens quietly, nods, and doesn’t press for any more than she can give.
The second full moon they spend together, Lae’zel throws a bunch of clothes she has stolen from somewhere at her. She raises an eyebrow in question.
“Is this really necessary? You know I spend most of the time covered in fur and on four legs.”
Lae’zel’s usual scowl deepens, “Chk, I know you istiks are soft and weak, and I did not want to hear you complain that it is cold.”
“Oh? The big bad Githyanki worried about me?” She coos, enjoying teasing the other woman.
"Kaincha! I do no such thing; I merely wished to avoid hearing the insufferable whining to come; now cease this senseless chatter"
Shadowheart hums in amusement, she doesn’t bother to mention that even in this form she runs warmer than most humanoids. Shrugging on the clothes Lae’zel brought for her, she begins to think, it’s almost pleasant travelling with company.
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Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Hope you enjoy this little bit from Shart’s perspective 🥲 I have no idea where I’m going with this in terms of plot. I just know I have thoughts and then have to vomit it out in this way 😅 hope it’s somewhat cohesive.
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You know like how much you wanna touch those non-human characteristics they have or maybe they are similar to an animal
EX; Gorou, Yae, Sucrose, Tignari, Diona, Itto, Ganyu, Kokomi, etc
I can just imagine the reader iseki to genshin and then gathers up everyone in the building that the people made just for them. And then they ask to meet (character with the characteristics of an animal or even an oni) and when they do, they litterally smother that person with all their love. And yes. I'm obsessed with SAGAU
Zhongli 🐉
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1st: Twitter artist: GARDENSVEIL
2nd: ??? You can see in the picture
3rd: Twitter artist: crycry84488
You asked him to transform into his dragon form. At first he politely declined until he saw your sad pitiful face :(
He couldn't resist so he gave in quickly. As you touch his horns, his tail unconsciously wraps around you, bringing you closer. He apologized with a flustered look on his face. But you, of course. Smothered him with more love than he had ever received. It's overwhelming in a good way. He feels comforted and relaxed by your warmth.
You couldn't wait to see his full form
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1st: don't know, but the user is in the picture
2nd: Danbooru artist: hozumi_rino
3rd: Twitter artist: Lontongs_
4th: Danbooru artist: nihellie
Was too lazy to do the images separately for each person. Also I picked 10/10 random.
Yae miko 🦊
She is a bit flirty though and she does tease you but immediately quiets down when you let yourself be within the warmth of her 5 fluffy Tails and ears too. But now to the flirty side. When she flirts with her teasing, one time you accidentally grip her tail too hard, and she yelped. (Definitely not because of the pain 😳)
Yeah, after that day, she made sure to be careful with the flirting and teasing. But she would gladly lets you do it again someday.
He tried to seem calm but inside his mind goes wild, he sat down with both knees on the floor and his knuckles turn white of how hard he was gripping his pants.
After that incident, he always felt the urge to go to you and be smothered by your love as you ruffled his hair, touching the right spots on his ears and tail.
It was truly blissful, he could ascend to the celestials. You told him the chocker on his neck looks nice.
He wonders how you react if he wears a collar around his neck
She's annoyed at first but finds warmth in your petting. She comes for you for comfort when all the drunken people are being mean to her. She hides behind you as you ruffled her hair and glared at the drunk person as they felt a chill upon their spine
Congratulations, you are seen her new parent figure!
At first when you pat his head for his hard work being a forest watcher. He's surprised at least but is happy for such praise from your Grace. He's used to you playing with his ears and hugging his tail. Though he feels embarrassed of how good it feels when you touch them.
If you don't praise or either pat his head for his good work at least once every day, he thought he made you mad and tears fall from his eyes. But you assured him, that you just forgot.
Praise him now
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Twitter artist:_ahblue_
He would only see himself as a tool. You know that, so when he hesitated. You told him he would be your comfort buddy. So he agrees. He would never admit that he liked it when you take care of his wings and stroke it so softly. He uses his wings as a pillow or blanket when you felt sleepy or cold.
His karma debt goes away whenever you come around him.
He feels at peace
Alhaitham & Dottore
I know both of them aren't exactly hybrids of animals but they are similar,
Dottore has a bird-like mask, sometimes when you try to hug his bird mask pokes you in the shoulder. But you just pat his hair and play with it. Sometimes you braid it and he doesn't even bother un-doing it. He even comes to you to braid it again and he will pout frown if you don't. He usually does this when he's stressed from work or when one worker who made him in a bad mood.
With Alhaitham, (alpha) oh come on, have you seen his eyes go red? So it counts...He feels unfamiliar with this feeling, as you let him lay on your lap while he reads a book. Your thighs are an excellent block of hearing and maybe chest tooOf course, he prefers to be it in private. Only you can see him like this.
[Yeah, Alhaitham was a joke though.]
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mushroomnoodles · 5 months
I think your content is wonderful! It's so wholesome, funny and angsty all at once in the best ways possible. Just wanted to spread some nice love in my ask! ^_^
Does Morrigan talk to any of their little siblings when they're in the womb? For example telling them about some butterflies they saw or just reminding them that they have the most radical big sibs (them and Marcy) ever. I'm not sure how you interpret this, but I like to imagine Morrigan as a very loving big-brother in the universes where he has little siblings. :D
thank you nonnie <3 this is a longer post about morri being a big sibling in multiple aus.
tw/cw for sfw and non kink mpreg
morri talks a LOT to their siblings in the womb, especially golbaby morris, who remember how painfully boring it was sometimes to hear everyone talking around them and not being able to join in. (wizardbetty's morri has... no concept of normal babies not having their level of consciousness.) different morris have different flavors of big-sibling energy.
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golbaby morris that get a sibling early on (wizardbetty) are initially concerned and a bit jealous, especially when simon can't carry them anymore and his belly gets in the way of them sitting on his lap. (they threw a little fit when simon first told them he couldn't carry them anymore until after the baby came) with ophelia especially (simon was always talking about how she would never stop moving) lil' morri would put their hands on his tummy and be like "not so hard, baby" because they remember simon telling them that when they would kick him. (side note, simon loves his golbspawn so much even if they bite him)
they're enamored by their tiny baby siblings, think they're stupid (wdym they don't have object permanence) and tries hard to "teach" literal 6 month olds how to read. gets cranky and wants attention when they feel their sibling is getting too much, but also gets fiercely protective of their "dummy" siblings, trying to prevent them from doing dumb things from experience "don't eat that stick, becca, it tastes like butt". as a teen they tend to be a little bit of a menace to their little siblings (who isn't?) but would still kill and die for them.
golbaby morris that get a sibling later on (plainvanilla) are absolutely STOKED to have a sibling, morrigan has always wanted one. much like early sibling morris, they make a point to talk to their unborn siblings often because of their own experience, but with a lot of added enthusiasm. entity pregnancies take longer than human ones, so they'd also be impatient ("girl, you are taking fivever. come out already") they also give me the vibe to poke their siblings back when they kick, partially to bug them but also to interact with them.
older morri's much more of a protective sibling than their younger variants, but with fellow golbspawn siblings morri at least is able to better relate to their baby sisters and brother. they are still the type to teach a 6 month old to read.
normal morris that get a sibling early on (vamparents, candyworld) are just 4 years old when they get their first sibling, and are very confused by their dad's bump (and extremely curious). these morris probably talk the least to their unborn siblings, but still do in part because of their parent's encouragement, mostly just "hi baby" or telling them about what they had for dinner. (vamp morri in particular was sooo excited to see ophelia, simon shared the enthusiasm to meet her but mostly because she was treating him like a punching bag)
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(it took sour taffy five months, but they finally figured out what baby meant and where it was!)
vamp morri, when they're older, is much more laidback and totally does their siblings' homework for them, while sour taffy is more likely to just talk their ears off and braid their hair.
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ynscrazylife · 11 months
Hey so could you do some domestic headcanons with Maria (like what she does in her free time, if she likes to get up early, etc.)
Domesticity With Maria Hill
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Being the Deputy Director of SHIELD, Maria is guaranteed to have a crazy schedule. She works long hours and oftentimes, when she gets home, you’re already asleep. You insist on trying to wait up for her, but 9/10 times, that doesn’t end up happening.
Maria usually comes home to find you on the couch, the TV flashing, remote in your limp hand. Her heart aches at the site. You’re adorable, but she wishes you would just go to bed.
Maria has a routine. First, she slips the remote out of your hand and turns off the TV. Next the tidies up a bit if things are messy. Then, she’ll fold the blanket you have wrapped around you. Lastly, she’ll carry you to bed. Sometimes you stir and curl into her, other times you’re completely out.
Also, side note: you love Maria’s arms. She definitely has muscles and they’re very hot.
“You could crush me with your arms and I’d thank you”
On the rare occasion that she is home by a reasonable hour, you’re very giddy and that always puts a smile on Maria’s face. She loves seeing you happy.
On the weekends, the two of you usually have a lazy Saturday morning. It’s very hard to get either of you out of bed. You’ll be curled up with one another (Maria as the big spoon). She’ll run her hand through your hair.
If it’s raining…..you’re not going anywhere on Saturday. Saturday is a cozy, indoors day.
I feel like you and Maria would have a dog. Maria usually takes the dog out on walks in the early mornings and the two of you will walk the dog together after dinner.
Walks around the neighborhood with Maria are the best :)
Also, even if not everyone at SHIELD has met you, they all adore you. Maria talks about you a lot. They especially love when you bake homemade cookies or brownies and Maria brings them in (you give extra sweets to Natasha, of course).
You and Maria will also go to the gym together. She’s always spotting you, making sure you don’t get hurt. She’s very protective.
You love practicing different hair styles on Maria and she’ll indulge you. Oftentimes she’s sitting at the kitchen table doing paperwork and you’re sitting behind her on a counter, braiding her hair.
Also, you always insist on decorating for the holidays. Every single one. Your house is decked out. You can usually convince Maria to put up the decorations with you.
She is so charming and good at sweet talk and flustering you.
Maria is also usually waking up earlier than you in the morning. Before she heads off to work, she gives you a kiss on the cheek and you grunt sleepily in return.
If you’re being too stubborn about getting up, Maria will get the dog to jump on you and lick you all over your face.
Whenever Maria gets vacation time, you’re dragging her to the prettiest places. You’d be the planner among the two of you.
And whenever Maria’s away on missions, she always gets you a souvenir from wherever she is.
You guys tried to keep a plant once — didn’t go so well. You also got emotionally attached to the plant, which Maria didn’t really get.
The two of you have a lot of scrapbooks which you guys love reminiscing over glasses of wine.
I fully believe your house is so cozy all the damn time. Tons of sweaters and blankets. Lights are usually dimmed. It’s so nice.
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haichihiro · 1 year
ghost n reader are sparring and they end up in awkward positions and simons always trying to pin her down so reader accidentally feels his hard on eventually leading to reader helping ghost out in the nearest room possible 🤭
A/N: what a beautiful idea anon! I like your way of thinking c: hope you enjoy it!! requests are always open <3
Sparring with Ghost is different than usual
warnings: profanity, dirty talk, unprotected p and v (wrap it before you tap it) man handling, derogatory names, and i think that’s it???
Being recruited into the 141 task force meant hours and hours of training. You were the crew's designated marksman, a sniper specialist that caused havoc in plain sight. You were great when it came to hand-to-hand combat but the crew was still hard on you about it. You were their little birdie that shit on people from the sky. Your size may be one of your disadvantages when it comes to hand-to-hand combat so being the smallest on the team there was some tough love when it came to training.
You often trained with the boys and got experience with the size difference in case an enemy crossed paths with you. Soap and Gaz would be the main two you sparred with. You'd train with them and learn their different techniques or signature moves. Most nights you'd spar with Soap, he was often gentle at times with you, which a certain someone made clear almost every time.
"She's never gonna learn with you foolin' about like that." Ghost grumbled as he watched the two of you spar. That particular day was a bit less serious, you and Soap sharing little giggles and lingering touches that seemed to only make Ghost grumpy.
"Loosen up L.t, we're just havin' a bit of fun." Soap would chuckle with a little smirk, standing up from the sparring mat to get a drink of water, you following up after him. Dusting your hands on your thighs you laughed with Soap breathlessly as you looked at your Lieutenant.
"I don't think Ghost does fun, Johnny." you'd tease, eyeing him with a certain glint in your eye. If your face wasn't already flushed, everyone would see you blushing like a fool from your lieutenant's harsh stare. His baby blue eyes contrasted with his dark and stoic demeanor as he gave his pointers on how you were improving. Most of his comments were harsh, and very little praise was given. When Price would watch over your matches he'd always pat you on the back, a gentle smile, with sweet praise that warmed your heart. Something like, "You've been doing well, Soldier. Keep up the good work." What can you say? You were a people pleaser, those words encouraged you and made you giddy all the same.
You'd often wish for those words to leave Ghost's mouth. Deep inside your heart, you yearned for his affection. You'd take anything, even if he criticized your sloppy form. It would be worth it just to hear that rough accented voice fill your ears.
It was just like any other day, ready for more combat practice, You made your way to the gym that was on base. Wearing your usual sports bra and spandex, hair braided back neatly, you walked inside the gym humming to yourself. You halted, where was Soap?
Ghost was sitting on one of the benches, black gym shorts and a hoodie on. Of course, with his balaclava. His posture perking up as you walked through the door. He could see the confusion on your face which prompted him to speak first.
“Soap said he thinks he might of sprained something last session. So it’s just us today, sergeant.”
You and Ghost had never sparred once with each other. He’d only watch, sometimes he would go behind you, maneuvering your body to perfect your form but he never stepped out on the mat with you. You never understood why but Soap would tell you it’s because Ghost doesn’t hold back. He’s vicious, mean, dirty, and outright dangerous when it comes to combat in the field and off. You felt butterflies in your stomach. You weren’t sure if it was because you were scared shitless or because you were alone with the man you fancied.
“Copy that, L.t.” You simply said, walking over to where he stood as you sent your gym bag down. It was quiet at first which was to be expected. The two of you were stretching for a bit before he made his way onto the sparring mat. Here we go.
“Alright, sergeant. Let’s get to work.”
You were nervous. Why wouldn’t you be? Ghost was fucking huge compared to you. He always intimidated you, he was your lieutenant, you wanted to impress him. You tried to channel your nerves away, change it into anger, it helped you. You thought of what Soap said about Ghost not wanting to spar with you and you felt something rise within’ you. You can do this. Don’t think just do.
“Don’t go easy on me, L.t. Im not made of glass.” You said, squaring your body towards him, trying to remember everything you learned, perfect your form.
“Wasn’t planning on it, love.”
And with that you lunged towards him. Going straight to his pressure points, he was a big man, have to throw him off somehow. This failed quickly as he swiftly pushed your arms away, the force moving you off balance which allowed him to sweep you off your feet. You grunted, body slamming right into the mat, but you recovered moving onto your back, ready to get back on your feet. Sadly, you were quick enough, Ghosts large body slotting between your legs, one of his hands pushing down on your sternum, trapping you.
You groaned in annoyance as you tried wriggling out of this position but you failed. His body was weighing you down, his other hand gripping one of your wrists and placing it above your head. Your chest heaved, still trying to wriggle out of this situation, something inside you started to simmer lowly. Ghost leaned in close, head tilting as he looked at you.
“Too easy, sergeant. You’re already dead. Gotta be quick on ya feet. Look at you. It’s pathetic.” He was mocking you, a small chuckle leaving his lips at your annoyed expression. He pushed up off of you, muttering a low ‘again’, as he got into position. You stood up, shaking your aching body out, rolling your neck back and forth before getting into position. His insults didn’t hurt but spurred you on.
“Shut. Up.” You hissed, jumping towards him once more, ready to clock him in his dumb handsome face but he blocked your move. Swiftly breaking your arms away and pushing against your chest, your feet stuttered back as you let out a small huff from the impact. You were stunned a bit by this move trying to catch your breath but that was your mistake. You were being too slow or maybe Ghost was just too fucking quick. He had knocked you down somehow, face first into the mat, arms twisted roughly behind your back. Fuck, he was pressed so close. Your mind was fogging up, you felt hazy just from his touch. Focus. God, you can't focus.
"Is that any way to speak to your superior?" He grunted out, pressing himself further into you, your face pressed harshly into the mat. You wriggled about, trying to escape from his grasp but it seemed futile. One of his hands moved to grip your head, leaning forward as he laughed at your struggle. Why did your body feel so hot? What is happening? This wasn't like your normal sparring sessions, something was different.
"Fu- Fuck. You." You breathed out, and a strangled moan of desperation to break free left your lips. He was just too big, too fucking strong.
"Yeah? This is what happens when you fuck around. Our Johnny boy was being too soft on you, wasn't he? You're practically at my disposal. Imagine if this was someone who wouldn't think twice about killing you." He hissed his words at you, his hot breath fanning across your flushed face. He was right and you hated it. He finally let go of you, stepping away from you, muttering 'again'. Your chest heaved, you were out of breath. You slowly collect yourself from the ground, wiping the hair away from yourself as you reposition yourself in your fighting stance. He looked at you with a shake of his head.
"What? Anything else to say? You've been a fucking chatterbox.." you trailed off with furrowed brows of annoyance. You weren't sure why you were so frustrated. Maybe, it's because you wanted him to keep you pinned there, 'at his disposal'.
He walked over to you and stood behind you.
"Forms all wrong. You'd remember you're talking to your lieutenant with that tone. Fix the fucking attitude." Which prompted you to roll your eyes, muttering a 'yes sir' before your breath hitched in your throat.
"Here. Just like that." He said as his hands gripped your shoulders straightening them out. Then they trailed down your body, unbelievably slow as they got to your hips. twisting them into a better stance which made you stumble back into him. You cleared your throat, your body felt like it was burning, you turned your head to look at him, his eyes already on you.
"Keep those eyes forward, sergeant." You obeyed, trying to keep your stance strong as he maneuvered you in a way he saw fit. He was so close, you could feel his chest against your back, you could feel his...
"Ghost, do you have your gun holstered?" Your voice was small, in the quiet space, just the soft breathing of the two of you could be heard. It was quiet for too long, his hands still holding onto your hips, they seemed to tighten their hold on you.
"Ghost?" You questioned again, going to turn to look at him only for his hand to shoot up and grip the nape of your neck, pushing your face forward once more. Which resulted in you gasping out loud, your hands falling down behind you, gripping the sides of his hoodie to steady yourself.
"Didn't I say to keep those eyes forward, sergeant?"
"Yes, yes sir." You whispered out into the thin air. Breathing in deeply as you felt him now shamelessly press into your backside. A strangled whimper caught in the back of your throat from the feeling. This one moment just confirmed all the tension that you felt every time you were near him. All that pent-up emotion was being released at this moment, you knew it and so did he. You pressed your ass back into him, a wanting whine leaving your lips. His breath hitched, his grip on you was so tight he could break you in two. A small laugh leaving him.
"You want this, darling?" The hand on your neck loosened it and letting it fall back to your hip, your head fell back against his chest. Your chest rises and falls heavily. That warm tingle between your thighs gets stronger and stronger as minutes pass. You nodded frantically.
"Please, please do something.." you whined.
He chuckled deeply before pushing you down onto the mat. Your hands flew forwards bracing yourself so you wouldn't fall face-first into the ground. One of his hands pressed into your back, forcing you down anyways, ass up high in the air for him.
"You were so being difficult earlier, baby... But look at you now, nothing to say, hm? You wanted this all along didn't you? I felt the way you wiggled your ass into me every time I pinned you down. Just. Like. This." He emphasized his words as he thrust into your ass, pressing his hard-on close, practically dry-humping you. You could barely muster any words, feeling hazy around, needy out of your mind.
"Because.. because you were being an asshole."
"Oh, was I? You poor little thing." His tone dripping with sarcasm. His other hand went towards his mask, lifting it up to the bridge of his nose, allowing him to lean down and press open-mouthed kisses to your neck. You gasped, his lips felt so soft, and although his words were harsh his kisses were gentle and precise. He hummed as he tasted you, trailing all the way down the middle of your back. You pushed your ass back into him once more needing some sort of friction. His groans from the action was like music to your ears.
"Fuuck, such a needy little slut. Don't worry, I'll take good fucking care of you."
"Just for you, Si--Simon." You whimpered out, turning your head to look at him. Big doe eyes pleading for him to hurry up and touch you where you needed him most. The use of his name made something inside of him snap. The way it rolled off your tongue was so sickly sweet. The way it warmed his cold heart. One hand pressing on the small of your back and the other wasting no time and pulling your shorts down your thighs. Your ass is on full display for him now, his hand going between your thighs to cup your cunt. You whined out, your thighs clenching around his hand.
"No, no. Be a good girl for me, yeah?" He whispered, his fingers teasing your clit, giving you soft circular motions. Your thighs were already shaking, trying to will yourself not to clamp down on his hand again. You haven't been touched like this in ages with work and all. Your body was so sensitive to everything Ghost was doing.
“Fuck, you’re dripping..” His fingers rubbing your clit softly, a finger now entering you slowly. A gruntled gasp left your lips from the feeling as he started pumping in and out of you. Your juices were dripping down his hand making such a mess of it. You whined as he added another, your eyes fluttering closed which earned you a tsk from Ghost.
“Keep those eyes on me, baby. Want you to see who’s making you feel so fucking good right now.” His lips curling up into a smirk, the sight making you clench around his fingers. God, the little scars that you could see only made you want to kiss them gently, you wanted to kiss him so bad.
“Understood, sergeant?” He questioned when you didn’t comply, your eyes fluttering still from the feeling, but he stopped his movements as he waited for you to obey his command. You whined as you felt him pull out of you. The dull ache inside you was there again as you clenched on nothing.
“Yes, sir. Just please— please.” You couldn’t even give him a coherent response. Already dumb for him. Your thoughts just filled with the man behind you with a shit eating grin on that handsome face.
“Well, since you asked so nicely.”
He swiftly flipped you over, pulling the rest of your bottoms off as he slowly pressed himself between your legs. Now you had now choice but to look at the man above you. You weren’t complaining though. He pulled his gym shorts down, his cock springing free. He sighed as stroked his cock a few times, your juices spreading across his length from the hand that he used on you before. One of his hands grasped your hip as he lined himself up, the tip of his cock teasingly pressing up and down your folds.
“Look so pretty right now…” His words almost a whisper like he was saying it more to himself than to you. Then he pressed into you, thrusting all the inside. You moaned loudly, throwing your head back from feeling so full. He started thrusting, not giving you any time to adjust to his size.
“Fuck, you’re so big..” You whimpered out, your hands outstretched forwards wanting to hold him, needing something to latch onto. He pressed one of his hands beside your head leaning over you, grinding into you slowly. He groaned as you clenched down on him hard. You hands instantly wrapped around to his back, slithering under his hoodie, next time you’re definitely gonna scold him for not stripping himself entirely of his clothes. For now, this would do because he was fucking you so well that you saw stars.
“Yeah, baby? You feel so good. Like you were made for me.” He grunted out as he started pistening inside you, making you whimper from the pace. The way he filled you to the brim made your stomach curl in way that you knew was bringing you to that familiar edge. He leaned down, giving you neck and collarbones open mouthed kisses that made your head spin.
“‘M gonna— ‘m gonna, hmf!” you moaned out, a babbling mess as he continued his assault on you. Your head was thrown back, your body arched into him, breasts flush with his chest.
“You want to cum, don’t you? Fucking hell— I feel you clenching down on me so fucking hard.” He snarled into your neck, giving it a small nip, which made you whimper out in bliss. You could only nod from his dirty words, eyes half lidded, cockdrunk.
You knew he was close too because his thrusting became sloppier as he was nearing the end. Your shaky hands went and grasped his face bringing it to yours for a rough kiss, nipping his bottom lip, a groan leaving his mouth.
“Cum with me, please, please cum inside me..” you whimpered, your arm going over you face to hide your flushed expression. Why were you embarrassed by the confession? Ghost was 9 inches deep inside you right now. He tsked grabbing that arm and pinning it above your head.
“Yeah? Want me to breed you? Gotta see that pretty face when I do it.” He grinned, his hips thrusting into your faster and harder now, one hand going to your clit to rub circles against it. You squealed from the feeling, it was almost overpowering, taking over your whole body when soon you whimpered out a small, ‘si!’ as you came all over his cock.
“Thaaats my good fucking girl. Creaming my cock, hm? God. You’re so fucking pretty like this. All mine to use. Fuck—“ he groaned, still circling his hips into you as your body laid limp in his hold, shaking a bit from the overstimulating feeling.
“Fuuckin’—“ hard thrust, “Hellll.” One more hard thrust before he emptied himself inside you. He moaned against your neck, as he leaned over your body, panting. You giggled, hands running up and down his back. He rolled over with a deep sigh, both of you laying there out of breath. Your moans were pretty but the sound of your laugh was the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard.
“You were right, L.t.” You said with more little giggles, making his head turn towards you with a lopsided grin. His elbow nudging your side, with a small laugh of his own.
“Right about what, sergeant?” He replied, his voice rough and hoarse, the sound warmed your hearth.
“You didn’t go easy on me— actually went pretty hard on me.” You laughed again, turning over to get a good look at him. Seeing him smile made this night all the more perfect.
“You’re an idiot.” He grumbled out with a grin.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
The next morning the two of you were already in the gym when Soap walked in. It would have seemed like a normal day to Soap but he noticed something. Ghost had been more talkative during this session, even to go as far as offering to spar which was not normal at all. He also noticed how the two of you gave each other lingering stares and even lingering touches. You almost giggled at everything the man was saying.
When the three of you took a break to catch your breathes, Soap raised a brow as you offered some of your water to Ghost. A bashful smile on your face, a rosy cheeks as he took it from you, giving you a small pat on the head.
“What the fuck did I miss?” The scot asked which in turn you and Ghost whipped your heads around in union.
“Nothing that concerns you, Johnny.” Ghost grumbled, which made you giggled more. Mouthing, ‘I’ll tell you later’ to Soap with a wink.
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iluvnewports · 9 months
Canary | Part II
part I here
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Tumblr hates posting my foremats!
18+, minors dni
You’ve been walking around with a head held high lately and it’s not hard to see why. 
It may or may not involve a certain driven English bastard turned wanted murderer. And the couch. And that one time in the car. Maybe also, possibly, a subway bathroom stall. 
You’ve both agreed to keep this whole situation to yourselves and while you think you’re acting completely nonchalant, you can’t deny there’s a certain pep in your step. Same for him. He’s been a little less brutish than normal. 
Things have been calm, as calm as things can be when you’re one of the most wanted criminals in the country, but you’re not sure what else you’d call it. Starlight—Annie—has been trying to get her hands on a sample of Compound V, per the plan that Butcher didn’t really care for. He doesn’t really like Annie on account of being a Supe, but you like her just fine. She’s funny and sweet, though she can act pretentious at times. But Butcher can’t see past the fact of what’s in her DNA.
Just another stark difference between the two of you, you suppose. 
Annie got a lead from Stormfront's laptop about the Sage Grove Center, explaining why you and the rest of the group are now standing about ninety yards away, half of you dressed in orderly scrubs. You, Butcher, Hughie, and Annie decide to hang back just in case while M.M, Frenchie, and Koniko go inside. 
You and Butcher sit atop the van’s roof, Butcher flat on his stomach looking down the scope of a rifle at the building as you sit criss-crossed beside him, eyes squinting as you look up to the sky, hair blowing back into your face. You two haven’t said much to each other but it’s okay. It’s a comfortable silence. 
You know he’s in a mood right now since Annie is here helping physically. He can do with her leads, sure, her undercover work, but he hates having to be around her. You’re hoping your presence can at least help some to put him at ease. You look over, watching Annie and Hughie awkwardly flirt. Their dynamic is so odd, but can you really say anything? Even if it’s odd, it’s sort of cute. 
“Are they in?” You ask, unable to see much because of the distance. 
“Yeah, looks like it.” He lowers the scope, poking up a bit. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” You know what’s bothering him and you don’t expect him to talk about it or share it with you first. Sometimes you have to poke the bear. 
“What about?” He asks as he looks back through the scope, surveying the area. You smile to yourself; yup, just as you expected. 
“Maybe the fact that you’re not too happy with Annie being here.” You poke at him. 
“Oh for fucks sake, are you all on a first-name basis now? Braiding friendship bracelets while you all suck off the Supe?” Butcher scoffs as he looks over his shoulder at you. 
“Yeah, I made mine in green.” You flash your wrist sarcastically as you prop your knees up more comfortably. “You know we wouldn’t have this lead without her.” 
Butcher purses his lips, lowering his scope as he furrows his brows in thought. You’re right and he knows it. He opens his mouth to talk, but just as he does, a loud boom sounds throughout the sky. Flying. Butcher quickly picks up his scope, waving his hand at you to get low and you comply. 
It’s Stormfront, landing just close enough that she doesn’t see the giant hole in the fence that Annie had made. You watch in horror, grabbing the walkie from near Butcher. 
“M.M, Stormfront is here, be careful.” You warn them quietly, not expecting a reply as you scoot towards the edge of the roof, Annie offering a hand before you jump. You gladly accept her help with a smile and a small ‘thanks’.
Butcher lowers his scope as he mutters a curse under his breath, shaking his head as he notices you standing down with Starlight which he doesn’t like. “Looks like Stormcunt is here.” Butcher huffs. Always a wrench in the plan, some way or another. 
“Oh God, what do we do?” Hughie panics slightly. 
“Nothing, that’s what we fuckin’ do.” Butcher stands up, rifle in hand as he nears the edge. Annie offers her hand to him which he ignores, jumping down as he leans into the open van door to grab his handgun just in case, cocking it and placing it in his belt behind him. 
You hear Annie sigh and you shoot her an apologetic look as Hughie looks more pitiful than anything.
Your walkie crackles and you pull it from your waistband, holding it up between the four of you. Butcher’s ears perk up as he turns, all waiting and looking at one another as the radio static continues. 
“They’re experimenting on… on the patients. Compound V. Against their will,” crkkkkkk, “this is so fucked.” M.M whispers as you hear a commotion on the other end. “They’re just… killing them.” Another radio crackle. 
Your brows furrow as you raise your head to look at Butcher with an equally worried—or angry—face. He goes to snatch the walkie from you but you jerk your hand back, slapping his hand away with a head shake. Anger bubbles within his chest, scoffing at your hand slap, as if he were some sort of child. 
You say nothing as the walkie-crackles cease, placing it back onto your pant’s waistband. You all stand in tense silence, looking at one another as Butcher fumes silently, ready to pop a vein as he looks at Annie. 
Butcher suddenly points his loaded rifle straight at Annie’s face, Annie gasping as Hughie immediately starts panicking, shouting, “Woah!” Your jaw drops.
“Real fuckin’ convenient that as soon as we get here Stormcunt shows up. But it’s just a coincidence, right?” Butcher looks down the line of the barrel, steadying it so it’s pointed directly center of her forehead. “And now they’re sayin’ they’re experimenting on people, killin’ em. You Supes, all the fucken same.”
“Butcher, she’s on our side!” You try and reason with him, shouting at him in hopes he’ll listen.
Annie’s eyes glow brightly as you can feel the electricity crackle within the air, your body hair standing up on end. “Get that thing out of my face.”
“Or what? You’ll kill me?” Butcher laughs coldly, shrugging. “I’d like to see you try.”
“Butcher—!” Hughie tries to interject.
“Oh shut the fuck up, Hughie.” Butcher spits venomously. “You’re just as bad seeing you’re banging the cunt. Sleeping with the enemy, eh?” 
“Billy!” You finally shout which causes him to lower his gun and look at you. You breathe in sharply, slicing your hand through the air firmly. “Put the goddamn gun down.” 
“Oh so you’ll only listen unless you’re fucking one of us, that’s great to know.” Hughie laughs bitterly.
“Hughie…” you trail off. 
“No.” He shrugs you off, shaking his head. “Just shut the fuck up.” Your heart aches in your chest at his sudden coldness, your brows furrowing as hurt morphs over your face. You’ve never had him snap on you like this, despite everything you two have been through. “You want to talk about sleeping with the enemy? How could you be with someone like him? He abandoned us!”
Butcher notices your silence, watching the way hurt paints across your features. He lowers his gun down by his side as he goes toe to toe with Hughie, towering over him. “Watch yourself Hughie.” He warns.
Hughie throws his hands in the air, laughing before stepping forward, seemingly not backing down. “Fuck you, Butcher.” 
It’s now you and Annie trying to talk both of them down, pull them apart, but they won’t budge. “Guys—!”
An alarm rings out loudly, causing everyone’s head to turn as you turn on your heels and grab the walkie. “M.M? Is everything okay?” 
No response, an explosion going off somewhere within the building. And that’s when Butcher clocks Hughie straight in the jaw who falls like a sack of potatoes, Annie diving down to comfort him as he holds his bleeding nose. Butcher points at him, his voice falling very low. “You don’t fuckin’ talk to her that way. Not around me.” 
You’re embarrassed by the encounter, watching the way your two friends look at you as they lay on the ground. Your face burns, too blindsided by rage and betrayal to fully comprehend what he had just said. You immediately snap your walkie off your hip and push it into his hands, tears welling in your eyes as you send a look of apology towards your hurt friends before climbing into the van without another word. All you want is to be alone right now. 
Butcher scowls at your action, calling back to M.M on your walkie, which you can’t really hear as it’s so muffled behind the closed door. You lean away from the door, looking in the other direction of the van so no one has to see the angry tears slipping down your face. God damn, he’s such a fucking brute. It’s a different conversation within the bedroom, but he should know better than anyone else that you don’t like to be submissive anywhere but. You’ve always hated the way he needs to assert himself, and now you’re directly involved.
The way Hughie looked at you… you can’t stop thinking about it. He looked so hurt, so betrayed. You two have always been like siblings, you always had each other’s backs. He took it so hard when Butcher seemingly disappeared off the face of the Earth. You were too, but you were strong, for him. If you’re Butcher’s canary, Hughie’s yours. 
The leather is sleek against your clothes and you can almost slip around in your seat as you try and pose yourself away from the door, knees dipping down towards the left. It’s silent outside the van and you can only assume that they’re all staring at each other intensely. It is Butcher’s specialty, after all. 
You’re brooding in silence, ready for it all to be over, hoping your friends are safe. 
Until it’s not. Until you hear shouting. And before you can look behind you, the van is suddenly flipping onto itself three times over, rolling about in the empty field. Your body thrashes around the metal van, throwing you into the back of the van as you’re thrown around, hitting all walls and corners as your body contorts and bends in ways you didn’t think were imaginable. It all happens so fast, it’s all such a blur, that you can’t comprehend it until you’re lying on your side as the van tilts and steadies right back up on its wheels. 
You slowly push yourself up, arms wobbling beneath your weight as you grunt out. Everything is so heavy, so blurred, so dizzy. You hear your name being called by three separate voices but the ringing in your ears is too loud to get past. You weakly push the doors open as they’re pulled, stumbling out onto the grass and almost falling to your knees as you look around. 
“Y/N…” Butcher looks as Annie gasps to herself, Hughie covering his mouth as you hold your hands out, trying your best to focus on what’s in front of you. Your torso is itchy, you feel itchy and you feel warm. 
You look down to your stomach, a large fragment sticking through the upper right of your stomach, your torn skin jagged and ripped apart as crimson clots around it slightly, thick crimson pouring down your frontside. You cough, your knees buckle. 
You collapse.
“Oh my god.” Annie gasps as Butcher jets down to scoop you up into your arms, carrying you bridal style as your head lulls back limply. All chaos and anger are put to the side, enemies become allies as they set aside their differences for the common goal of saving you.
Butcher looks down at your stomach, blood staining his clothes and palms as his worried eyes scan your colorless face. “Can you cauterize it?” He looks up to Starlight, who stutters over herself, gesturing to your wound. 
“Maybe—! I-It won’t last long!” 
“Do it, for god's sake, just do it.” He shakes his head, lifting you up at an angle so she can have access to your torso. She burns the wound with the fragment still inside, stopping the bleeding—for now.
“What about them?” Hughie asks, referring to M.M and them. Butcher shakes his head, immediately rushing forward towards the way of the road behind the thick woods. 
“Fuck them, they’re on their own.” He shakes his head as he looks down at you, the inner conflict of the situation settling across his features. You’re in between unconsciousness and reality at this point, slipping between the two gradually. Hughie and Annie follow closely behind Butcher, both unsure of his plan but following along anyway as they hold worry within their hearts. Hughie regrets snapping on you if only he could take it back. 
Then you wouldn’t have been in that fucking van. 
“We need a car,” Butcher says thickly, pulling you closer to him as fingers hook from beneath and wrap around your body. Your cheek rests against his inner forearm, groaning with furrowed brows. You’re so beyond frazzled that the pain is instead a dull, uncomfortable throbbing throughout your body. Tame, yet enough to drive you mad.
The three of them eventually flag down—or really, carjack—someone’s car on the road, leaving them behind with a card for Susan Raynor with him as Annie speeds down the road, Butcher holding you close in the backseat.
“Please let me do this. You gotta’ let me do this one fucking thing for ya’.” Butcher whispers to you, rubbing at your cheek as he holds your face. Your legs lay across his lap as you lean against the car door, Butcher leaning forward just enough so he wasn’t putting any weight on you. “You’re going to be okay.” It’s more of a plea to God himself than reassurance. 
He tucks a stray hair behind your ear, somehow bloodied deep red. Your face is so pale, so drained of life and color as he holds your face, wiping his thumb over your cheek again just to feel you. He repeats his soothing mantra to not go insane. 
“You’re going to be okay.”
You’re somewhere calm, in a serene field that stretches for miles, perfectly cut grass with small flowers. You look down; you’re barefoot, wearing a flowing dress that cuts off just above your knees, loose sleeves comfortably falling down your arm until it elopes around your wrist. You’re clean, comfortable, calm. 
You place two hands on your stomach, smoothing down your dress as you lift your head. There he is, in all his glory. Butcher, standing about six feet away from you, same beach shirt with the two buttons popped open, glistening chest expose with chest hair poking through. 
“‘Ello gorgeous.” He walks towards you, grabbing your two hands as he gives you a once-over. Everything is perfect; you don’t feel nervous, embarrassed. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” 
You smile, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. You don’t need to question why you’re here or where you are. Everything is perfect.
The scene changes and suddenly you’re laying on your back, plush grass pillowing your back as the collar of your dress is pulled down beneath your chest, wetness coating your nipple as Butcher’s tongue swirls around your left breast, sucking slightly as you sweetly moan into the air around you, fingers tangling within his thick black hair. Your leg is exposed as he pulls your leg up against his side, fingers gripping and digging into the flesh of your thigh as he grinds against your cotton underwear. 
He kisses your neck, lapping his tongue upwards and suckling on your ear. His heavy breath sends chills down your spine and your skin ignites in chills when he whispers in your ear in response to your moans, “I know sweetheart, I know.” 
Everything changes again and you’re now on top of him, dress hiked up your legs as you grind on his cock. His hands grip your hips, pulling you back and forth, cock wedged up your cunt as you bounce slightly, head lolled backward as your pants are met with the breeze of the open sky above you. Butcher sits upright, pulling you into his chest as you gyrate back and forth, cock plunging deep within you and causing that amazing friction you know all too well. His tongue finds its way back to your breast, suckling on it as you moan out. 
You’ll never get used to how big he is, it’s as if he breaks you in every time, stretching you out for his liking. He bites down on your breast, causing you to wince as you grab both sides of his face, forcing him to look at you. 
“Sorry love,” he smiles, lips parting as he watches you ride him with such intensity, such need. Your back arches against him, his arms wrapped around you as he pushes into the arch of your back further against him. The light-headed feeling is slowly making its appearance, the burning between your legs becoming more intense as your lower stomach bubbles, your panting picking up and you moan out into the air. Your ears ring as you’re pushed over the edge, straight into the arms of your climax, Butcher gripping a fist full of hair as your eyes fall shut. He nips at your throat, giving you the perfect balance of pleasure and pain as you cry out, cock rubbing into you and hitting the spot as you feel his cock twitch inside of you, spilling his seed as you clench around him, tip repeatedly hitting your cervix with a dull pain that can only be described as feeling right. 
Eyes shoot open and you’re faced with a white ceiling, the feeling of IVs stuck in your arms making you cringe as you lay up in a hospital bed fit with a gown. You’re disoriented, bright light blinding you as you sit up with a wince, your hand flying to your stomach as you collapse back down. You can feel the rough stitches beneath your gown’s thin fabric. 
Looking around, you notice Butcher facing the window, his back to you as he stares silently, lost deep in thought. The sun is setting. It’s nice to see it from this height instead of being stuck in some dark, wet basement. 
“Are you okay?” You ask him, knowing what sort of things he can get into when he’s left in that mind of his. As soon as he hears your voice he immediately turns, his features relaxing as he gives you a once-over. 
“You get impaled and almost die and ask if I’m okay?” Butcher chuckles as he walks over to your bed, placing two hands on either side of your cheeks and planting a lasting kiss on your lips. 
“How’re you feeling?” He asks in a whisper as if you’ll break apart into his hands if he’s too loud, allowing your face to relax as he sits down across from you. 
You shrug nonchalantly with a hum. “Little sore.” 
His hands still haven’t let go of your face, eyes flickering between both of your own. “Yeah?” He humors as if to say no shit. 
“Kind of stupid to bring me to a hospital.” You wrap your hand around Butcher’s forearm as you rub against the rough skin, his arm hair soft against the pads of your fingers. “It’s a miracle I didn’t wake up handcuffed to the bed.” 
You watch Butcher’s face contort into a smirk, just watching the dirty thoughts run across his mind. You tsk, and when he opens his mouth, you put your finger up and press it down to the pad of your thumb, signing “no,” as you hum with a brow raised. He releases a breath in humor, smiling as he tilts his head. Hands slide down your face, one resting on your shoulder as the other rests within the crane of your neck. His face suddenly falls, now looking at you solemnly. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.” He shakes his head, brows furrowing and he can’t even look into your eyes, instead looking down between you. “This should’ve never happened. None of this was supposed to happen.” 
“Butcher…” You trail off with a small sigh, shaking your head as you place your hands atop his in comfort. “It isn’t your fault. Shit like this is just inevitable, in our position, our line of work. The way we live. It’s our hand dealt.” 
“I know that.” Butcher turns stern. “Jesus fucking Christ, you don’t think I know that?”
“It’s too dangerous.” He shakes his head. “I don’t—I can’t—“
He can’t even speak. He almost lost you today and he honestly can’t handle it. You shake your head again, placing your hands on his face as you force him to look at you. “Billy,” you say gently. His empty eyes look at yours. He’s already lost so much, you know that. “I know. But we’re in this together, yeah?” You shake your head to encourage him.
“We’ve been through a lot these past couple years, and even before we…” He swallows. Hearing him speak so gently isn’t something you’re used to. “I’ve always cared for you, you know that. With everything we’ve been through the past year, these past couple years, this is the first time I’ve ever considered quitting.” Butcher’s eyes switch between yours as your thumb strokes his beard, your eyes heavy with sadness as your heart aches. 
His hands fall from you as he recoils, regressing away so he can collapse in on himself. He looks away again. “I don’t want to lose you.” 
“Hey, hey,” you whisper, grabbing his rough hands and pulling him closer. “You won’t lose me. I’m here, I’m still here.”
He nods, though you’re not really convinced. You decide to take a different approach.
You lay back into your bed, patting beside you. Your bed is just big enough to allow it and all you want to do is use this moment to reassure him. Fuck Homelander, fuck Vought, fuck everything right now. All you have right now is each other. Butcher complies, crawling up and collapsing next to you. You both face forward, your head falling to rest on his shoulder as you take his hand in yours. It’s silent, but that’s okay. 
Everything is falling apart, but amid the chaos, you want to ground yourself in a moment to appreciate what you have. You don’t have a lot, but you do have people who care for you. And honestly, for the moment, that’s okay. It’s worth it to have moments like these. 
“I had a dream, just before I woke up.” Everything’s so heavy, so you decide to turn to something else. 
“Oh yeah?” He leans his head down onto yours. 
“It was you and me in a field. It was beautiful. I was wearing a dress and you were in your stupid beach shirt.” You giggle to yourself as he scoffs. 
“What’s wrong with my shirt?” He’s offended. You snort. 
“Yeah, I’ve heard beach shirts are all the rave in England.” Butcher rolls his eyes. 
“We were in the field, it was nice. Calm.” You smile with a shrug, remembering how it made you feel. “Then we were fucking.” 
Butcher’s eyebrows lift as he turns his head so you can see him, pleasantly surprised. “We were banging? In a field?”
You nod with a smile. “Better than a car, hm?” 
“I’ll say. Maybe after all of this is over we can go there, yeah?” 
You turn back to face the door as you lean back into him, eyes closing gently as you daydream of it all. “As long as it’s far away.”
“Wouldn’t want it any other way.”
You smile with a hum, stroking against the back of his hand, catching some hair beneath your thumb. You don’t want to bring up what he said earlier in fear of him shutting down; you know how he is. You hope you can talk about it later, if later ever comes. 
Despite his need to constantly be strong for others, you want to be strong for him. And that’s why you can’t admit, you won’t admit, that you’re scared too. The two of you constantly tiptoe around death every day. But today was too close of a call. You’re scared, even more than you were before. You’ve always known you could die; That’s not the issue. The issue is that if you do, you’re finally realizing what you’d be leaving behind. 
And upon that realization, you’re scared. Butcher has already lost so much that maybe you take into consideration that your loss may be too much. And you don’t know what to do with that fact. 
You pack it away for later. Because for right now, all you want to do is absorb what is now. Who knows how much of it you even have left? You take a deep breath as you memorize the way his hand feels beneath yours right now or the way his soft breaths feel against your temple. The way his beard scratches your skin slightly. 
“Me neither.”
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bizlybebo · 4 months
VIXENNNNNN!!! Before I return to the dishwasher I have a question. What are your PD boys + Ashe headcanons. Appearances? Idiosyncrasies? Anything? Please 🙏
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okok here’s some off the top of my head:
-Dakota’s got a lisp + a bit of a hard time speaking overall. However, it also means he places a lot of importance on what people have to say since those willing to listen to him even if he takes a second are ones he wants to hear from the most, if that makes sense
-Ashe is naturally blonde. She’s got the exact same hair color as Mark, but she bleaches it. She also has green eyes like her dad, but she inherited her mother’s complexion and facial features (also her mom was hispanic. trust i’m bizlybebo).
-Vyncent’s not a huge fan of haircuts on Prime (loud environment + the icky thing where all the hairs get caught on your shirt), so for most of season 1, Tide took care of his hair. Without Tide to really take care of it during season 2, it grew out significantly. William and Dakota take turns trying to braid it now.
-Since Fauna’s pretty cloudy (as far as I remember), Vyncent’s not used to a lot of direct sunlight. He goes to the beach once on Prime and gets sooo sunburnt cause he Doesn’t Get the concept of sunscreen entirely.
-Dakota’s the shortest. This one’s literally canon but I personally like to think that PD in order from tallest to shortest is: Vyncent, Ashe, William, then Dakota. Will’s still like a good head or so taller than Dakota
-Vyncent is scared of multiple household appliances. He has beef with ceiling fans and toasters especially.
-William gets the tetris effect but for like solving mysteries. Whenever he’s really sleepy he starts rattling off random criteria or a synopsis of his general surroundings/anything he notices under his breath.
-Ashe, oddly enough, is the member of PD who goes the most all out for Christmas/holiday season. She loves decorating and making cookies and everything, since it’s her first opportunity to do it with friends and family again in a long time.
-It feels like everyone on here is saying this which makes me so happy cause it’s so real but: Southern William. ouugigohiifih it’s so real to me.
and then some rapid fire ones:
-William has ehlers-danlos. trust
-Dakota Cole freckles. you agree
-Scenemo Ashe and emo William. You agree
-Dakota is terrified of spiders (scooby doo jumps into Ashe’s arms), Ashe is the kind of person to take the spider outside, William just kinda freezes and decides it’s the spiders house now, and Vyncent probably fucking eats spiders
-William does specific makeup to make himself look more alive/masculine (tboy William real. trust)
-William and Ashe are both the kind of person to have one (1) hoodie they constantly wear and basically nothing else.
-Ashe makes kandi and made PD matching bracelets during s1 (smiles. don’t think about Dakota accidentally breaking it during s2 and how bad he’d feel)
-Vyncent collects jewelry (elf brain likes shiny shit or something) but doesn’t wear it often. He just. Keeps it on him and pulls it out to look at it sometimes all proud of it
-Dakota “accidentally” leaves his flannels in Ashe’s dorm all the time when he visits her so he has an excuse to come back. Ashe gives him one back and suddenly two more appear
-Williams actually very beautiful/handsome he literally just gets no bitches because he’s Like That.
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stardust-sunset · 1 month
maybe i’ll draw this later but i thought i’d share some mythical being au with yall (keep in mind this is a mythical au so i don’t really bother with realism lmfao)
I think Mrs Curtis would be a nymph-I head anon she was a nature lover who was soft but had a bit of a bite to her. Maybe a forest nymph-I have an idea in mind where she kinda has a “true form” that was really big (think greek god?) since she was kind of a forest protector in a way? It’ll make more sense when I draw it tbh
Mr Curtis was a gargoyle. In my headcanon I think Mr Curtis was this huge, scary looking guy but he was absolutely just a goofy sweetheart under all of that-he was pretty big too but not in the same way-he was bat like in a way? He had huge bat wings and claws and such but underneath all that he’s just a silly guy
Darry is kind of like a centaur but instead of a horse it’s a gryphon-I think gryphons were fairly big so I think he’d be quite big too (weren’t there stories of gryphons being destroyers of cities? He’s that kind of big but he doesn’t destroy shit lmao-he uses his size to his advantage and it also helps him clear ways for new construction. Mr Curtis taught him how to fly too, also lions and eagles remind me of Darry so-he also has sharp teeths. Also instead of smacking Pony, simply because of his size I feel like he just…recklessly picked up Pony and squeezed him a bit too hard and only realized when he saw Pony struggling to breathe and that was when Pony ran away
Sodapop is a centaur. Pong said it himself that Soda reminds him of a palomino colt so of course Soda is a palomino-sometimes when he laughs he falls onto his back and just kicks his hooves lmao-also horses know how to walk as soon as they’re born so Soda was pretty much running around from the moment he was born. He takes great pride in his tail and hair and lets people brush it-girls flock to the DX just to brush his tail-sometimes he lets little kids braid it if they want too!
Pony is a cervitaur-basically a deee centaur. He’s an axis deer-they’re known for their speed and agility (they can run up to 45 mph and jump up to 6 feet high so this obviously helps him in track)-he likes to style his hair so his little antler nubs are showing but when his antlers actually grow he’s so prideful about it it’s not even funny. He’s kinda like bambi in a way, when he was a baby he had such a hard time walking and when he goes through growth spurts he does too-it’s also just funny because his name is Ponyboy and he ended up being half deer
I really like kraken Johnny-just Johnny being some gigantic creature but being the most quiet and nervous is just funny to me. His scales are valuable too so maybe that’s why he gets jumped a lot. I know Oklahoma isn’t known for its water sources but just pretend with me that there’s a huge lake somewhere that he just chills in-when him and Pony run away he swims in the river. He’s always dreamed of going to the ocean but he’s kinda just stuck in Tulsa. He’s fairly huge though so it can be tough, but he swims through rivers to get to where he’s going. Darry being the size he is even made a sort of moat leading to a lake by the Curtis place. (I know it’s not realistic but bear with me)
Dally’s a dragon for sure. He’s a shifter in a way? Like Mrs Curtis he has a true form and a semi human form, he’s a huge dragon though when he is in his true form and he’s definitely caused…a number of things (jails) to be burnt down. It got to the point that the west side had to haul in fireproof things because Dally would just try to escape. Johnnyme the only one who can stop him from burning things down and just spits water at him to make him stop (another reason Johnny is a kraken because opposites attract I guess-) but Darry also has to wrestle him sometimes because he’s sick of having to rebuild things Dally burnt down even if he does get paid. Darry’s basically Tulsa’s version of Fix It Felix lmao
Two Bit is an imp. I don’t know how to describe my thought process but he’s just an imp. He’s silly. He’s goofy. He does reckless shit-he’s just this little, nimble imp with dragon wings and horns-Imps aren’t evil, they’re just mischevious and like to play pranks. Just like Two Bit. He can be smooth when. he wants to be though. He likes to jab people with his horns. He’s just goofy like that. I feel like when he’s mad his voice kinda gets deeper since they technically are devils in a way-his teeth also get sharper and he has claws. His eyes kinda glow too and his pupils slit. It’s scary. Think do when he snapped at Johnny’s mom when he was in the hospital.
Steve is a werewolf. He’s got that dog in him 😔 I think he’s always have sort of wolfish features, like sharp teeth, kinda slit pupils, maybe he even keeps the ears and/or tail (this is a stretch but idk lol) but whenever it’s a full moon you’ll know it evacsue he’s gorging on all kinds of meats and his shifts can be rough. Especially the first few. I feel like if he’s really really REALLY emotional he’ll shift a little bit too? Like it’s not confined to just full moons but he can’t will himself to do it either if that makes sense. I just think this is cool
I dunno; what do you guys think?
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vanillafalvoredcoffee · 9 months
Can I please ask for some clothes head cannons for kianna
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I like experimenting with different styles with her so I'd like to know your interpretation
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♡Kianna Komori clothes Headcannons♡
She doesn't really care about how she looks until she got to elementary school
At that time, she started to notice how her sister Yui began to wear pinkish clothes and dresses to school so Kianna wanted to try doing that too!
When Kianna tries to find any pink clothes in her closet, she only find a few so she mostly borrowed the clothes from Yui
Kianna found out that pink actually looks good on her so she kept wearing Yui's clothes even when they don't have to go to school on that day
Since then, they often dress eachother up and sometimes switch clothes
One day, Her dad got a lot of money from his job and decided to brought both Kianna and Yui some expensive clothes...(how strange...he never does such nice things to them since they're born...I wonder why he did that)
Both Kianna and Yui were a bit surprised when he decided to do all of that for them but both of them were very grateful for the clothes he gave them anyway
The clothes he gave were all high quality and most importantly...both Kianna and Yui liked it because the clothes looks cute on them
(Unrelated but...)Yui likes to braid Kianna's hair and likes to put bows and ribbons on her hair
They kept wearing eachothers clothes until they're in middle school
Kianna found that kinda embarrassing so she stopped borrowing Yui's clothes for a while
Yui got a little worried because she hasn't been talking to her but she didn't confront Kianna about it
At that time Kianna began to focus on her studies more than her own sister because Seiji gotten a lot Lot stricter
They started to talk less and less to each other and they eventually stopped sharing clothes with eachother anymore
At that time Kianna started to hate her dad for over working both her and her sister and for not giving them any time for them to even interact with eachother
Luckily Middle school ended quite quickly and soon they were about to go to high school....something...happened
Kianna got a call from her dad that he'll be working over seas so he have to sent her and Yui to live somewhere else...didn't he know that they can live on their own now?
When both Kianna and Yui got to the place, Kianna thought it would be quite nice to live in such a big mansion...but Yui seems a little anxious about it though...
Kianna reassures her before going inside the mansion thinking that it would be fine....she couldn't have been more wrong
When Yui dies, Kianna blames it on herself and wishes she should've have died instead
She copes by wearing what reminded Kianna of her sister and sometimes she steals her sister's clothes if she had a hard day
(I accidentally described her whole time line again-)
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iivantablackii · 4 months
Chapter 3 - Fire
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Adam x Eve Story (Hazbin Hotel)
A/N: I just finished finals a few days ago and after some other shenanigans finally got this out, hopefully you all enjoy soon we will kickstart the story most of us are all familiar with between these two...but I'll try to push more updates out so it's not just one post every month anymore since I should have more time to write since I am doing online schooling this summer.
Eve continued to wander around the meadow, picking random flowers off the ground, taking just a moment to admire them before moving them to be with the others she had gathered. Unknowingly building a bouquet with an array of colors to choose from but mostly pink as she seemed to favor that color over the rest, humming to herself- it was much more reliable now that her hair was tied back to move around. She did miss how the cool breeze would blow wildly through her locks, but she also liked how pretty her hair looked this way.
She felt as if she needed to move, most of the time just trying to find something new, she loved how wonderful this world was. It made her think, that she did not have that many answers but she felt comfort in what she was certain about, and one fact she knew is that she was happy. Just enjoying the evening and the company she had here in the garden.
“What are you doing?”
Looking back, she noticed the first man sitting with his back leaning against a nearby rock. His hand holding his head, propped against his knee. His gaze was curious, just his presence seemed to make her want to discover more. He was her only companion in the garden, her mind constantly on the move she felt as if he was her center point. Always wandering she was, but she always would make her way back to him.
“I am collecting flowers, I had the most wonderful idea!” She smiled, standing tall she pushed her arms forward to present the flowers to him, “You say I am beautiful with my hair braided, I was wondering if these flowers would look pretty braided as well.”
Adam laughed a bit, raising an eyebrow, his blue eyes challenging her own, “That’s so weird, what do you mean braid them?”
Eve did not respond, choosing to quickly make her way to him as she excitedly bounced, unable to contain her delight at the idea she had come up with. Laying the flowers out in front of the two of them, she began to scan the choices she had in front of her. Looking at the yellow flowers, she seemed to light up as she picked up gleefully.
She did not know how to put her thoughts into words, moving the stems of the flowers along. Calling back to what Adam had taught her when it came to braiding, taking the stems of the flowers, she began to try and focus. Failing a few times as the flowers occasionally would pop out of their place, she would take a moment to ponder how she would fix it, before getting into the grove until she slowly began to make a band out of the flowers. 
It was quite rough when she was done with the circle, but he began to see what she meant by how it could be pretty. Eve’s eyebrows furrowed as she began to fix her mistakes, pulling away at stray leaves or strengthening their structure so it wasn’t so fragile.
Adam watched her focus with great interest before he had a ring of blossoms shoved in front of his face. The woman was proud of her final product, “I call this a flower crown!”
“Oh dang,” Adam said, grabbing onto the flower crown, he did his best to make sure he wasn’t too rough with it. He seemed to be much stronger than her in physical strength, so he had a tendency to break things sometimes like large sticks or smashing fruits in his hands when he gripped them too hard. Eve was always curious, coming up with crazy ideas but this was the first time she made anything, “What does this thing do?”
Humming to herself, she tilted her head to the side, “I am not sure, I guess I did not think about it that far…”
“So, it’s useless?” He jabbed, dragging out the ‘o’ as he spoke, “Not going to lie I thought there would be more to it than just being pretty.”
“Oh shut it-” She sent him a playful glare, rolling her eyes at his tease at her. But his comment did get her to think a little more, before gesturing somewhat urgently for him to do something, “Maybe it could be more, go on, try something-”
Sending her a confused glance, she just threw her hands up and gave him a ‘just try anything’ kind of look. He just fixated back to the flower crown confused, before he moved one of his arms through the hole of the band, wearing it and looking at Eve silently asking her what she thought of this use of her creation.
Staring for a few moments, she shook her head in disapproval, that did not seem right.
She watched as Adam shrugged, moving his arm outside of the flower crown, gazing down at the flowers as his brain racked for more ideas of what he could do. Before he just settled on looking through its center at Eve as maybe it could be some sort of frame for himself.
But she shook her head too, that did not feel right either.
He looked at the crown again, slowly he moved his hands up, placing it above his head before letting it rest on the top of his hair. And for a moment she felt as if he seemed to light up with the golden ring around his head.
Adam always seemed to be nice in his appearance, but right now he seemed more radiant than ever to her. The way streaks of his dark brown hair shined even more golden at the shift of the light with the flowers atop his head, his eyes holding the same azure blue of the sky above, how his pale skin would be dusted a slight rosy tint whenever her eyes held onto his for long. 
“Perfect.” Was all she could say to describe what she saw.
Adam blushed, rubbing the back of his neck nervously at her comment, “Really? Are you sure it isn’t stupid-looking?”
“I can assure you it looks anything but stupid.” Perfect was just the word that captured her thoughts, there was no other way. She could not hide how she admired him, how he inspired her. How she wished to share every thought, no matter how foolish, just to hear his laugh. How she wandered the garden always holding his hand, just to bask in the comfort of his company. How she loved to discover more, just to see how his eyes lit up at every new thing she showed him. “You are truly my muse, Adam.”
“You always have a funny way of flattering me.” Adam smiled as he let out a light laugh, but he couldn’t go another moment without teasing her again, “Or maybe you're just a funny little lady-”
“Oh hush it, you always ruin these moments.” The warmth of her smile clearly showed she felt the opposite of what she said. They spent most of their time when they weren’t exploring teasing another like this, playfully bickering, but there was always this undertone of just security. Eve knew nothing of discomfort, but with him, everything seemed okay.
“Do you mind if I give this a try?” Adam asked, looking down at the flowers she had left, and the normally cocky or playful smile disappeared to something a little more sheepish as he couldn’t meet her eyes when he admitted this last part, “And I might need some help on how to make one…”
“I’d be happy to show you if it helps?” Eve offered, to which her companion gave a slow bashful nod, which got a chuckle out of her. Moving back to the flowers, she began to pick out an assortment of more random colors she thought would look nice together rather than sticking into one color family.
But Adam went straight for specific flowers, they were like roses, but wilder in the number of petals they had and how it seemed to almost be frilly, they were pink but seemed to grow paler at the outer edges. He liked them a lot, they looked like her eyes.
At first, it started with her carefully explaining how to begin making the flower crown, as she began to move her hands along to visually show him how to do what she was saying. At first, it was slow but steady, but he began to fumble and grow frustrated at how difficult it seemed, followed by Eve showing him small tricks she had picked up and taught herself minutes earlier.
But it didn’t seem to be working, Adam muttering swears under his breath as he struggled with his flower crown, while Eve scolded him lightly for being too stubborn to ask for help from her to fix it.
“Come on let me help!” Eve had already finished two more larger crowns that she began to wear one around her neck and the other around Adams. She had been trying to grab onto the crown he was working on to help him fix it but he was being hard-headed about it.
“No- fuck you, I got this.” Adam turned his body away so she couldn’t grab onto it, shielding her from seeing what he was doing.
Eve persisted, trying to grab at it so she didn’t have to hear his whining, because as funny as it was she didn’t want him to be this upset. Enough was enough, she just wanted to help him.
Adam just decided it was done, before placing his half-finished flower crown onto Eve's head. He couldn’t get the shape just right, instead of the crown being a full circle it was shaped more like a crescent, framing the sides of her face as she looked up at him confused about what just happened.
His eyes darted away, his cheeks flushed as red as roses when he muttered, “I wanted it to be a gift for you, I thought it would be easier since I know how to braid your hair…and it’s not so much a gift since it’s kind of…broken.” Not finished, but he didn’t know how to fix it. And yet it still looked wonderful on her, like a laurel wreath but rather made from these special roses, that looked like they belonged with her. Adam could not continue to be frustrated with his creation when Eve’s smile suddenly became that much more dazzling. 
“I love it!” And those words seemed to make Adam more relieved, his gift weighed nothing atop the woman's head, it didn’t seem to move from her hair.
But a twist of sadness seemed to pool in Adam’s chest, not much but it did frustrate him that discovering new things came so easy for his companion. She was the more curious of the two, always pulling them along to the next thing, and while Adam had no qualms about being the only thing to keep the woman down to earth, he wanted to discover too.
The man looked to the side, grabbing a nearby rock and fiddling with it in his hand, his brows furrowed into a look as he pondered what he could do. Curiosity wasn’t something he strongly felt, on his own he was content with what he had, but with her? 
“I want to find something new for us.”
Eve looked up at him, before chuckling softly, “Why? Are you already growing bored?”
“Shut it, you’re getting too cocky from all these little discovers I swear.” 
“Wins are wins, who is to say my wins are not yours too?”
“Well, it’s not that I’m not happy that you're smart or anything but…” Adam let out a frustrated groan, he wished he knew how to convey his thoughts and feelings in words, but he drew a blank. Just staring at the stone in his hands, wiping at it with no real reason or intention for it. Just wished to do something with himself as he thought of what to do or say, how could he put it into words, how he wanted to leave her breathless just as he did with everything small miracle or joy she would carefully discover just to bring back to him. He knew of some already, but by her side, everything seemed so much more vivid, he just wanted to bring that same light into her eye as she did for him.
Instead of continuing to be her usual witty self, Eve just waited patiently for him to sort out what he meant, before the man just sighed and tiredly threw his hand to his side, the stone in his hand hitting the boulder he was leaning his back again.
But that’s when they both saw it, a spark from the stone he was holding, it seemed that much more bright thanks to the sun almost fully being down. The two sat there with their mouths slightly agape at what had just happened, just dumbly staring at the rock and then at another as they began to process what had happened. “How did you- do that again! Do that again!!” Eve quickly moved closer, wishing for the first man to make the light again. It was incredible, how he had created momentary beautiful despite his temporary vexation, it was quite funny how he managed to effortlessly catch her constant wandering attention. Even when he had never exactly meant to.
Adam didn’t exactly know how or really why it happened, he wasn’t paying all that much attention but he just decided to recreate the move again, but this time putting more force behind the swing, the spark was larger this time, as they both got a better look at how the small light seemed to almost jump around for a moment before disappearing.
Humming in confusion, Eve looked at Adam with a puzzled look, “Maybe the light needs something to land on?”
Looking to her side, she picked up the flower left and held it out to Adam, who took the flower by its stem from her. Holding the flower by the rock the two eagerly peered down at the spot, but not too close as to give the light more space to jump around. Adam struck the flint down at the rock once more, then quickly pushed the blossom closer to cushion the lights fall back down.
And this time, the blaze stayed, burning brightly as its flame began to slowly line the flower's petals. The two humans were fascinated with how it seemed to eat away so gently at the rose, holding the flower between the two, Eve’s hands slowly encased around the first man as she curiously looked down at the small sun Adam seemed to have brought down to share between them.
“You- You’re like magic…” Eve decided, looking around the two as she began to collect blades of grass and sticks to make a bed for the flames. Assuming it needed to lay on something to stay around longer, she placed it on a small dirt patch, before guiding Adam to place the flower among the collection of dry leaves and scraps of wood.
The fire only grew once it had something new to set upon, it danced happily at the two, and it illuminated the section of the meadow the two stayed at. Embers slowly rose through the air, glittering around the two, and now they had noticed how it warmed up the space around them, which normally was always cool at this time. 
Adam quite liked it, he always seemed to prefer the day overnight, as he found the warmth of the sun more comfortable than the crisp breezes of the night. Moving closer, he brought a hand closer to the flames, wanting to see if it would like to properly be held in his palm. But when the blaze licked his hand, he made a small yelp back, shaking his hand slightly while the woman beside him only seemed to laugh at the sudden noise he made.
It barely hurt, as it only touched him for a brief moment, but the more prideful side of him couldn’t help but be slightly upset at how she laughed at him when all he wanted was for his hands to hold warmth. But his frustration only made her giggle more, shutting her eyes as she held her stomach slightly.
But then she felt two hands encase her face, holding her in a soft but firm grip, the way Adam held her she was forced to look up at him when she opened her eyes once more. The light from the fire shone beautifully against his light skin, it made the flowers atop his head made it as if it was glowing above his head, creating a sort of spotlight for her to admire him under. A glimpse of gold in his eyes as he looked down at her.
It set something in her chest ablaze when she noticed how his lips stretched into a smirk, as he laughed a little feeling how her face seemed to grow hotter, under his touch, “Who’s laughing now?”
Bringing her hands up, holding his face in her soft touch. With the fire Adam had discovered beside them keeping the two toasty at night for once. She only could admire how he seemed to bring the sun to them, adoring the light not because of how brightly it shined but for how it illuminated him perfectly.
She brought him down to her height, placing her lips against his temple, before touching her forehead against his, laughing as she looked deeply into his eyes. Uncaring of how she got lost in the blue and comfort of his touch, as with Adam she had no clue what he had set ablaze in her heart. But with him perhaps it was okay not to know all the answers, just that in this moment how he made her feel like the happiest being in all of the universe,
“It’s still me…”
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anathemafiction · 2 years
Helloooo! I was wondering how do the ROs measure up self esteem wise? Like how do they see themselves? Do they think they’re attractive? Ugly? Why? What’s their favorite and least favorite quality about themselves? Please answer as much or as little as you want! Thank you <3333
Hadrian is close to oblivious to his own good looks. He doesn't suffer from any self-esteem issue, nor is he self-conscious about any part of himself — he just doesn't feel any sense of pride about it either. He's never really thought about it. He didn't have a reason to for most of his life. 
Now that he's a mercenary and experiencing more of the world... he's starting to become more aware of his appearance, but so far, Hadrian is still pretty clueless. He's a conventionally attractive man, but I don't think he'd called himself so. He wouldn't call himself ugly, either. To him, he's just... he's Hadrian. 
Alessa isn't so oblivious. She knows she can attract eyes, and that's something she has used to her advantage before. She doesn't like it very much, though. Alessa would rather not be noticed a all, and she does a pretty good job of it. As what she thinks of herself? Alessa likes her eyes and she likes her body — because it's healthy and able, and she can run fast, jump or duck, or do whatever she needs to stay alive. 
She... tolerates her hair. She's seen women with long, midnight locks of silky hair, and jealousy is for fools, but Alessa felt something akin to it. Sometimes, while she's brushing her hair, she wishes it could be longer and darker and softer too. She wishes her hands, scarred and wounded, could be as delicate as those noblewomen. She wishes...
But wishing is for fools, and Alessa wishes nothing at all. 
Alain thinks himself extremely handsome. It's not even a front, the man really believes it. And, to be fair to him, he is. He looks good, he feels good, Alain has no self-esteem issues — not when it comes to his looks. 
Ysabella is very much like Alain, although she wasn't always so. As a young girl, she wished she could have freckles — she wished it so hard for months on end. But then freckles weren't half as important as having a bottom nose, all delicate and full and so unlike hers. She prayed every night by her window, with her eyes shut tight, but alas, the Lord never granted her a different nose. It didn't matter though, because young Bella saw a beautiful, beautiful girl with braided golden hair, and oh! She suddenly wanted hair the color of gold too. 
With time, Ysabella stopped wishing for any other body than hers. Which wasn't very hard to do when you look like her. She likes what she sees in the mirror, although, I wouldn't say Ysbaella considers herself beautiful. Charming, yes. Lovely, even, but not beautiful. But there's no one part of herself that she'd change. 
The Pirate King doesn't think he's particularly good-looking, but that doesn't matter a bit because attractiveness, he's found, comes from how one carries himself. And there are few things women answer as strongly as confidence. He's scarred, his hair is wind battered, his skin rough from the sun, his teeth crooked in places — and even so, the Pirate walks with a swagger, hands firm on the handles of his axes, and he doesn't feel a little bit ashamed. 
Plus, he thinks he's got a great sense of style. He isn't ugly, and if there's one thing he likes about himself is his muscles. He knows he looks good naked. Other than that... if fate had granted him just a little bit of extra height, he wouldn't have opposed it. 
Neia is an interesting one. On one hand, she's very aware of the effect she has on women. She doesn't need to try very hard to win someone to warm her bed, it usually just entails a sharp look, a slow smile, and a nudge of the head. On the other hand, Neia barely looks in the mirror. She just doesn't care. She has a deep scar on her cheek, twisting her lip in a perpetual snarl, and she couldn't care less. She has broad shoulders, thick thighs, and harsh hands, so unlike what's expected of women — and again, she thinks nothing of it. 
Has she been called ugly? No, but who would call the head of the Inquisitor anything but "Your Excellency"? But if some suicidal fool did call her ugly, Neia would think nothing of it. She wouldn't call herself that, though. 
Lance will tell you he has no balms about his appearance. Look at him, he'd say, with his arms opened wide. Look at his vest, his hair, and the gold on his tooth. He wants to be seen, and why would one want to be seen if one didn't think one was worth seeing? His smile is wide and pleasant, his eyes amused, and you wouldn't think for a moment that the spy was lying. 
But lying he would be because Lance has parts of himself that he doesn't like. Or maybe like isn't the right word. There are parts of himself that Lance can't even look at. Is he ashamed of them? He is. Would he change them? In a heartbeat. 
Does he consider himself handsome? He does not. But, then again, what do looks matter when compared with talent? And if there's one thing Lance knows he has, is talent. 
Rafael thinks he's... Rafael doesn't like to think about himself much. To be honest, the bastard doesn't think he's very good-looking, no, but in the grand scheme of things, that doesn't matter much. His character flaws — his choices — are the things Rafael is truly ashamed of. So what if people don't like his hair or insult his goatee, or say his cloak needs replacement? He'll sneer at them, maybe throw an insult or two, and put them off his mind. 
He doesn't care. He doesn't care at all. But he flinches every time, and when he's talking to someone he finds attractive, Rafael will sometimes have trouble holding their gaze. And he avoids smiling too, because there's a gap in his teeth, and when he takes off his shirt, he's aware he's too scrawny. He's too goddamn—
Doesn't matter though. To hell with them all. Rafael doesn't care.
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